#ed gain
nigthbreed · 2 years
The Wrong Gun
The Raildoading of Richard Ramirez
There’s something about the Night Stalker: the Hunt for a Killer documentary that isn’t right. Well, there’s a lot of things about it that aren’t right, like the inclusion of crimes Richard was never charged with, much less convicted of, for example child abductions and the murder of Patty Higgins.
Then there are the contradictions, such as the claim the killer loved to look the victim in the eyes, yet also gouged them out if they dared to look at him, or he screamed at them to look away as he raped them.
Documentary makers, the media and even detectives Salerno and Carrillo don’t care about truth; they care about sensation. But to lie, there needs to be an element of truth to make it believable and that means, if you’re going to accuse someone of using a certain firearm, you need to show viewers the correct firearm, even if you cannot find the original. That is where a major failure in the documentary occurs and is also linked to the actual trial: the .22 calibre Jennings pistol.
In episode 3, Frank Salerno tells us how a witness, fuelled by his conscience, informs the police that ‘Rick’ had told him he killed a couple in Monterey Park with a .22 automatic pistol – up flashes a smiling image of the victims William and Lillie Doi – and that this witness had obtained the firearm from ‘Rick’ and taken it into Tijuana, Mexico and given it to someone else. At this point, a dramatic noise plays and up pops the exhibit – a .22 Jennings pistol – only, that is not a .22 Jennings pistol.
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A Jennings pistol (now called a Jimenez pistol) is semi-automatic. The photo above, shown in this part of the documentary, is a double-action revolver, more specifically, if you look at the logo and the serial number on the barrel, a Colt Police Positive. Below is a .22 Jennings/Jimenez pistol. They are tiny.
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As you can see, these are totally different weapons. The Colt revolver has a cylinder, whereas the Jennings uses a magazine clip in the handle.
This begs two questions: Richard was mentally ill, but would he really flippantly confess to a man that he murdered two people with the very gun he was flogging him? Why would the witness even take a weapon that had been used in a murder at a time when the attacks were gaining news coverage? A normal person would not touch this weapon for fear of being implicated. A normal person would immediately go to the police.
Who was this witness?
Jesse Perez was a man in his 60s who had previously been imprisoned for manslaughter following a bar fight in the 1940s and also for burglary. Perez was an unlicenced taxi driver who would transport Mexicans back and forth over the border and as with so many people who were never properly questioned in this case, he was connected to the fence, Felipe Solano. At trial, Jesse testified that Richard had been introduced to him by his eldest brother Julian Ramirez and that he often saw Richard at the Greyhound Bus Station. He stated that he had given Richard a ride to Tijuana and also taxied him around Los Angeles, on one occasion to meet Felipe Solano at a barbershop and another time to Solano’s home. Jesse alleged that Richard paid for these lifts by buying him lunch.
Jesse Perez claimed that Richard, whom he only knew as ‘Rick Moreno’ or Greñas (a nickname regarding his uncombed, messy hair) had told him he liked to burgle yellow houses for jewellery because “Orientals live in yellow houses and don’t retaliate”. This testimony is a slightly different confession from the one Detective Salerno gives, which involves an admission of a double murder – incorrect anyway, for Lillie Doi survived. Seeing as Jesse Perez never stated in court that Richard confessed to murder, Salerno is possibly embellishing the story now that neither party is alive to dispute him. Besides, if you go on Google Maps and drop the little Street View man on any part of LA County, you will find that most people live in yellow or cream houses, not just Asians.
Anyway, the gun
Jesse Perez said he obtained the gun, then gave it to his girlfriend, Esperanza Contreras Gonzales in Tijuana. How romantic, to hand your special person a gun that is potentially a high-profile murder weapon.Jesse was granted immunity which is very odd, given that he had handled a ‘murder weapon’, allegedly knew details about a murder that Detective Salerno said was not known to the public and is a convicted burglar and killer. Surely this should have made him a suspect?Esperanza said the Jennings did not contain ammunition, but five bullets were found in the magazine when it arrived at customs… or were they in the revolver cylinder – because that gun on the documentary was not a Jennings! Esperanza was also given immunity at the1986 Preliminary Hearing.
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If ‘Rick’ was still in possession of this guna month beforeEsperanza received it from Jesse, as stated there in the petition, then why did he not use it to kill Lela and Maxon Kneiding and Chainarong Khovananth on 20thJuly? As was discussed inthis post, Richard was accused of usingtwo completely different gunson the same night for those murders.
There is more. The documentary claims a stereo was found during this Tijuana excursion and was the very one stolen from the Bell and Lang murder scene, thus tying the perpetrator to the Doi attack. But seeing as Jesse Perez was connected to the fence Felipe Solano, how do we know that he wasn’t stealing, selling and exchanging goods with him? Surely this also makes Jesse Perez a suspect? We will never know, for all three were given immunity and they cannot be investigated as they’re all deceased. As always, Richard’s defence team failed to challenge these aspects.
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The above is unclear: does this mean Perez retrieved the weapon from a different friend in Tijuana or does ‘friend’ refer to his girlfriend Esperanza? If only the defence had asked.
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What we have here is one criminal admitting to asking another criminal for a gun in early 1985, denying it and somehow still not becoming a suspect himself.
The revolver versus semi-automatic conundrum becomes more confusing when witnesses took the stand: they were all seeing something different.
Victim Sophie Dickman identified the Jennings, but she was not a reliable witness – she told officers on two occasions that her attacker was 5’8” before changing him to Richard’s height. Furthermore, the gun is reported to have been lost by the time of trial and the documentary shows the wrong gun, so what gun was Sophie actually looking at?
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An associate of Richard’s, Earl Gregg asserted that Richard had attempted to sell him a black Jennings revolver… revolver?
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The Jennings company (subsequently Bryco, then Jimenez) has never produced revolvers. This ‘black revolver’ does not match the silver Jennings gun that Sophie Dickman identified either.
So, what is the ‘evidence’ that Richard ever possessed this Jennings pistol? All we have is the following:
The testimony of a manslaughter and burglary convict, and friend of the infamous Solano.
A gun that did NOT have Richard’s fingerprints on.
Witnesses who cannot tell what gun they saw.
A missing Jennings gun at trial that apparently did not matter.
A Colt revolver shown on the documentary passed off as the Jennings.
When it comes to the bullet found in the Doi house, it was distorted and should have been challenged, but the defence failed.
Richard should not have been convicted of the Doi murder on the basis of this weapon. The more one looks, the more it appears that he was framed.But why? Why would Jesse Perez have pointed the finger at Richard? Perhaps he was one of the ‘Night Stalker’ attackers himself? Perhaps there was a financial motive? Actually, there’s no ‘perhaps’ about the financial motive – he was awarded ten thousand dollars. See LA Times, 25th October 1989, (Document 19-9, page 15) and also Breeze Newspaper (same date, Document 19-10, page 106).
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Also in the same article, it states that Earl Gregg, Richard’s associate named above and his wife Deleen, also received $2,500 and that Gregg’s sister Laurie Ochoa also received the same sum, just for recognising Richard from that really bad composite sketch. She stated that they were looking forward to a nice Christmas.
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It must have been like winning the lottery for these people, a bunch of (now deceased) drug addicts and handlers of stolen goods; meanwhile, Richard Ramirez was sentenced to death, when there was no concrete proof he ever had that Jennings pistol. The wrong gun? Well, it might also have been the wrong man.
Read full article Here
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spalonyszlug · 6 days
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ja i ana gdy uda mi sie przetrwac caly dzien nic n jedzac💞💞
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sleepyhighslvt · 2 months
Self love, not self loathe
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theemployees · 3 months
Can Misa be a customer
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Of course you can be a customer! Everyone’s welcome in run of the mill!
Disclaimer: not everyone is welcome at ROTM due to our policy against assholes, trauma givers, and people fighting in the restaurant; the only exceptions are arsonists because if we removed them we wouldn’t have staff.
Art by @coyotecam
Featuring Characters by
@littlemissartemisia, @bambiraptorx, @iobsesswaytoomuch, @koolaidashley, @midnightcreator12, @star-sparkler, @quirkycorgianimations, and @disgracedghostprincess
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
i don't want to hear about your diet i don't want to hear about your weight loss "journey" i don't want to hear about your clothing size i don't want to hear about your "healthy alternatives" recipes i don't want to hear about your fucking nutrient dense protein pancakes or your green juice super smoothie metabolic booster lemon water cayenne honey tea i don't want to hear about your workout routine i don't wanna hear about your slimming shapewear i don't want to hear about how much you hate your arms or legs or stomach or hips i don't want to hear about how "bad" you've been for eating too much dessert i don't want to hear about the number on your scale i don't want to hear your casual fatphobia dressed up in the language of "wellness" or the excuse of self-hatred!!!!
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c0ca1nekatee · 3 months
here’s how i managed to lose 9kg/20lbs in a month (august-september)
literally just cut out everything but yogurt and water. not even kidding. all i ate in a day was a 90g cup of yogurt, aka 72 calories (80cal per 100g).
went from 51kg/112lbs to 42kg/92lbs from august 2nd to september 4th. got down to 39kg/86lbs in less than three weeks. 37kg/81lbs in november. just for clarity, i’m 168cm/5’6.
absolutely fcked up my life, though. had to get 10 iv fluids transferred in a row when 3 are considered dangerous. my blood pressure was 78 when the norm is 90-120 for my age. lost count of the amount of medications i have taken and the amount of money my parents had to spend on them. became the cause of my moms menopause, literally. my family was terrified that one night, when i’d go to sleep, i would never wake up again. made absolutely everybody hate me because i was a completely different person. went through 3 therapists, 2 psychotherapists and 1 psychiatrist. neither of them helped. tears, breakdowns and crazy panic attacks and family conflicts every single fcking day.
am i ready to do this all again? yes. shouldn’t have been a cow and gained all the weight back.
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ana9053 · 2 months
Why can’t I stop eating??
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alonetogether · 2 years
need more people to understand that the stede v izzy duel wasnt stede just luckily winning whilst fumbling around. (and that stede is a better pirate than izzy) it is literally an encore Fuckery(tm) thought up on the spot. stede literally doesn’t just win, he outsmarts izzy at his own game and im SICK that people still think stede is a fumbling plot armour fool 24/7 like stede has been obsessed with reading and studying piracy his whole life of course he knows about the rule of rendering the other pirates sword inoperable and finds the one possible loophole to cause no bloodshed nor have him be violent in anyway (i am certain this is due to him being 100% conscious towards what ed had told him in the bathtub scene prior). why else do you think he has no surprise on his face when he’s stabbed to the mast? hell he immediately looks smug cause he knows he’s won before izzy even has the thought, immediately he just: did i do it right?
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spalonyszlug · 5 days
„I wołają mnie
I wołają mnie
Te wspomnienia w moje głowie nie przestają tańczyć
I wołają mnie
I wołają mnie
Mówią, że ja nigdy nigdy nic nie będę znaczyć”
(sanah-no sory)
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wellfedfemme · 1 year
chugged a malted strawberry milkshake to finish off lunch (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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i weighed in today and i put on like five pounds over the past few weeks ;))))
the wg->horny->wg cycle has had my brain in a fucking chokehold lmfao, i can legit feel my clothes getting tighter by the day and it just makes me want more, faster >:3
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sickfaerie · 2 years
Me being in a good mood for 5 minutes 💗☺️🌸🥰💓
Me remembering I hate myself and trying to calculate how to lose 30 lbs in a month somehow 🫠💀🔪🤬🥹
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thesewingmachine · 3 months
whumpee feeling self conscious throughout their eating disorder recovery due to weight gain and their caretaker comforting them.
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dionysianchub · 6 months
Did your family comment on your weight? Or how much you were stuffing yourself?
I've actually cut ties with the members of my family that would make me feel bad about my weight, and actually the family I'm with is all on the larger side as well so they'd never judge me. The only comment my aunt has made was actually to my partner when we visited a few months ago. She noticed I was getting chubby and eating a lot more freely and... Plentifully 😂 So she pulled him aside and asked how I felt about my weight, if I was down on myself at all - since she knows I used to struggle with EDs and self esteem - and she was apparently really happy to hear that I was happy with my body. I think she's happy to see me have a good relationship with food and enjoying myself since I spent most of my life counting calories (or worse) and tearing myself down. It's really nice to feel supported in just being me. 🥰
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chocolatepot · 1 year
A while back, when there was concurrent ship discourse on Twitter and Tumblr, I started looking at the AO3 statistics for OFMD to get a sense of what the actual proportions are of different ships. The basic stats are pretty clear from the sorting sidebar:
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (12321)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands (2269)
Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs (1561)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (1411)
Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez (1394)
Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (976)
Israel Hands/Lucius Spriggs (839)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Israel Hands (677)
Israel Hands/"Calico" Jack Rackham (474)
Minor or Background Relationships (283) (label not appearing in pie chart)
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However! There's a significant amount of overlap with some of these. Pete/Lucius and Jim/Olu are common side ships to Ed/Stede, for instance - 327 fics are tagged with only Ed/Stede and Pete/Lucius (23% of the Pete/Lucius tag), 195 fics are tagged with only Ed/Stede and Olu/Jim (14% of the Olu/Jim tag), and 749 fics are tagged with Ed/Stede, Pete/Lucius, and Olu/Jim (48% of the Pete/Lucius tag and 54% of the Olu/Jim tag).
It's also common for fics with Ed/Stede/Izzy to tag one or more of the two-person ships that make up the triad - 378 (27% of the Steddyhands total) include all four ships, and each of the side ships have 600-700 fics that overlap with Steddyhands in some way. As best as I can tell from careful inclusions and exclusions in the filters, there are 11,106 fics that are just Ed/Stede and not the other three, 1,113 that are just Ed/Izzy, 456 that are just Ed/Stede/Izzy, and 248 that are just Stede/Izzy.
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So then I went in and tried to find the data for fics with each of the ships as the only pairing out of the group (italics indicate that the label wouldn't generate because the slice was so small, but this is the order they appear in in the chart):
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (9294)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands (898)
Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs (214)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (426)
Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez (320)
Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (236)
Israel Hands/Lucius Spriggs (411)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Israel Hands (160)
Israel Hands/"Calico" Jack Rackham (279)
Minor or Background Relationships (31)
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This isn't perfect - there's no way to filter main vs. background ships, so there's no way for me to differentiate between an Ed/Stede fic with Lucius/Pete and Olu/Jim tagged for background mentions and an Olu/Jim fic with Lucius Pete and Ed/Stede tagged for background mentions; there are also even smaller ships that come into play once I cropped out the heavy hitters. However, I think this data gives a clearer picture of authorial priorities on AO3.
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arsenicflame · 9 months
since we all appear to be talking about izzy 'calling the police' on stede id like to offer my silly little two cents:
its not like the navy wasn't actively looking for him anyway??????
at most, izzys actions sped up badminton catching up with stede, but its made very clear that badminton wanted Stede dead well before this, and was willing to use whatever he could to find him- whos to say jackie wouldnt have cut a deal on her own? that any other pirate thats seen them being unsubtle in a port wouldn't take the opportunity to make a quick buck over a guy who is Nobody and holds no influence that could lead to any consequences for them?
in reality izzy is probably the only person who would receive negative repercussions to selling out stede, given his personal connection with ed- any other pirate would probably have gotten away unscathed, anonymous. they likely wouldnt have even been present like izzy was. izzy had personal stakes, anyone else would have taken the money and ran
the way i see it, with or without izzy the events of episode 10 probably would have happened in some degree, izzy just expedited the timeline
#like ok. i dont exactly support izzys actions but i honestly dont see it as that big of a deal??? to our characters i mean#idk i just. its a dick move!! but i struggle to see it as any more than that#its the actions of a desperate man who made a stupid decision to get his.... ed. out of what he saw as a bad situation#whether it is or not i cant say! but you cant deny ed drastically changed in the time he was on the revenge#in a way that could be concerning from the outside#(i saw a good post kinda comparing it to your friend ending up in a cult and. yeah. excellent description from an outside perspective)#idk theres a lot of. undertones in the way people say 'calling the police' and also they always say ed too and its like. no! izzy tried to#get ed out of there! he set the navy on everyone BUT ed. and its not like the navy really cared about the crew. only stede#i am not the person to talk about why 'calling the cops' is a bad take but the posts are out there. ive seen them.#izzy did what hundreds of pirates did to save their own hide- including hornigold himself (but honestly that was worse because he actively#turned hunter. not just a guy with a tip)#also side historic note that uhh. the navy was casually in Nassau. what exactly was the situation there??? was shit occurring. w#we know it did in history#idk#nyxtalks#ofmd#izzy hands#israel hands#spanish jackie 🤝 izzy: girlbosses for selling stede out to the British/Spanish for their own gain#idk i think thats the one thing he did 'wrong' but ita still very sympathetic to me#its not like izzy dibbed in a guy nobody cared about#'hey hey ill sell you information about this pirate please let me sell you information' ' i mean i guess we are supposed to be doing that'#badminton had an active vendetta against stede and kinda seemed like. he would stop at nothing to get him???#given. the whole 'id rather let blackbeard go and kill Stede than take a huge pirate into custody' thing
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spalonyszlug · 6 days
jedz by zaspokoic glod a nie emocje.
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