#ana tip
fuck-that-imstarving · 8 months
Girls and boys hear me out, if you're having stomach aches and been bloated everytime you eat, i recommend you to get a digestive tea (it got me a flat stomach in just a night (ive been very bloated lately)). Mine consists of mint, chamomile, licorice, fennel and rooibos. 100% natural. I drink one everytime i start to have stomach aches or if i've eaten something spicy.
It works everytime.
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petaldoze · 2 months
having a cold and st*rving at the same time isn't fun brothers
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lovee-lorii · 8 months
as someone who gained 20lbs in less than a year, i'd rather feel dizzy and sick than feel suffocated by fat. the extra calories are NOT worth it. do your future self a favor and be consistent <3
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slttd · 2 months
habits to pick up that'll help u lose weight ♡
・using smaller plates and teaspoons : helps u eat less bc it changes how u see portion sizes . small cutlery helps u savor ur food for longer .
・drinking green tea : green tea suppresses hunger & appetite + contains fat burning compounds . "these compounds are believed to suppress appetite by regulating hunger hormones and increasing the feeling of fullness" .
・walk in lunch break / taking the stairs / getting off the bus a few stops earlier : increase output, gets heartrate up + boosts step count , burns more calories / fat burn in gen .
・ eating berries and greens as much as possible : very filling plus low in calories , expands tummy , tricks brain into thinking ur full . berries are packed with antioxidants , are high in fiber , and can satisfy a sweet tooth with very few calories . not only are blueberries considered a superfood but they may also reduce abdominal fat . greens ;  stave off hunger and help you feel full longer, thanks to digestive enzymes .
stay safe + skinny xoxo
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c0ca1nekatee · 24 days
here’s how i managed to lose 9kg/20lbs in a month (august-september)
literally just cut out everything but yogurt and water. not even kidding. all i ate in a day was a 90g cup of yogurt, aka 72 calories (80cal per 100g).
went from 51kg/112lbs to 42kg/92lbs from august 2nd to september 4th. got down to 39kg/86lbs in less than three weeks. 37kg/81lbs in november. just for clarity, i’m 168cm/5’6.
absolutely fcked up my life, though. had to get 10 iv fluids transferred in a row when 3 are considered dangerous. my blood pressure was 78 when the norm is 90-120 for my age. lost count of the amount of medications i have taken and the amount of money my parents had to spend on them. became the cause of my moms menopause, literally. my family was terrified that one night, when i’d go to sleep, i would never wake up again. made absolutely everybody hate me because i was a completely different person. went through 3 therapists, 2 psychotherapists and 1 psychiatrist. neither of them helped. tears, breakdowns and crazy panic attacks and family conflicts every single fcking day.
am i ready to do this all again? yes. shouldn’t have been a cow and gained all the weight back.
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diorlx · 6 months
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f1n3sk3l3t0n · 22 days
you’re not hungry you’re just bored
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kamidakillz · 5 months
so, idk if this will help anybody else; but after eating, drink as much water as possible then go to sleep. It'll help digest the food, plus you burn cals in your sleep. I usually lose most of the weight I gained after using the bathroom.
also, when ordering fast food, get water as a drink so you don't add unnecessary cals
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katehasanxiety · 8 months
the inventor of rice cakes deserves some head
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analanaisdying · 1 month
Fun fact if you like the look of bruises and want some all you have to do is scratch where u want a bruise over clothes. That causes bruises if u do it enough
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zerokcaldreams · 1 year
I was craving some egg and mayo, so I ate just that on a rice cake 🥰
I never binge bcuz I eat everything I crave, but in MODERATION.
If you need to go over your cal limit, DO IT. If it stops a binge DO IT.
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petaldoze · 2 months
i feel like im slipping away from my honeymoon phase,,,
i need some serious motivation pls
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lovee-lorii · 8 months
anyone else like to pretend that food has bugs in it or is contaminated just to lose your appetite. it works but makes me feel crazy sometimes lol.
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stupidlyskinnyy · 6 months
i would kill to go back to my honeymoon era
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c0ca1nekatee · 15 days
if i managed to lose an alarming amount of weight in august, i can do it in april, too. and so can you. The only things stopping us are ourselves.
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diorlx · 6 months
need strict ana coach💌
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