#dont worry about her tail nothing happened it is okay
chamskies · 8 months
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I need you here with me, strawberry probably Obtuse obviously, you are my heart
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fluffypandabun · 1 year
Tickly Body positivity
AN: This wasnt a request persay! This was just an idea I had randomly and I just had to write! I hope u enjoy! (Please dont tag as ship!)
Summary: During a sleepover with two of his pals, Barnaby gets a bit self conscious of his looks. Leave it too his two pals to cheer him up!
Barnaby stared at his own reflection in the mirror, his normal happy smile morphed into a grimace as he took in his own apprence. Has he always been this....plump?
He gave a poke to his plush tummy, frown deepening at the way it squished gently at the touch. His tail tucked between his legs and he tugged down at his vest, now suddenly self consious on how it did little to cover his round tum.
Voices outside the door startled him out of his spiraling self consious thoughts, which got more audible the closer to the door they got. "Barnieee~!" Came Julies bubbly voice, the monster puppet gave a quirkly little five tapped knock, "Are you almost ready for our sleepover?"
Ah right the sleepover, in his spiral Barnaby had almost forgotten Wally and Julie was over at his home for a planned annuel sleepover, which he was supposed to be getting ready for before he had caught himself in his mirror.
He cleared his throat, "Nearly! Give me just another moment!"
There was silience at the door for a few moments and Barnaby thought the two other puppets had left, when suddenly.
"Barnie? Are you okay? You sound upset."
'Ah drats' he thought at the concern sounding tone of his little monster puppets friends voice through the door, clearly he hadnt done a good enough job at masking his unhappiness. Now he was out here worrying his friends over nothing, classic Barnaby B. Beagle.
"Barnaby?" There was Wallys cool even tone, afflicted with the same tint of concern that Julies had been. "Is something wrong?
"Nope!" Barnaby chirped, though it sounded forced even to him "Everythings A-Okay!"
Silience and then;
"Barnie...? Can we come in..?"
Oh of course Julie had to bring out her sad voice, the blue beagle could already imagine the sad big eyes she would be given him if he could see her. The neighborhoods greatest collective weakness.
"Aw, alright." he sighed. "You can come in."
There were a few whispers outside the door for a brief second before the door opened, the two smaller puppets stepping inside.
Wally wore his signature blue robe, while Julie wore a soft looking pink nightgown with a pair of butterfly socks that she most likely had "Borrowed" from Frank. Both of them wore matching looks of concern, thought Wallys was more well hiddened behind his calm half lidded eyes.
Julie didnt waste a second, hurrying over to wrap her arms around the much bigger puppets middle to the best of her abilites, tiliting her head up to rest her chin on his stomach so she could peer up at him.
"Awww Barnie! You look so dad? Whats wrong?
Barnaby couldnt tell if he really was just bad at hidding his emotions or if his friends simply knew him well enough by now to be able to read him like an open book. He assumed the latter.
He chuckled softly, reaching up a hand to gently pat the monster puppet a top her head, being mindful of her horns.
"Aww Jules, dont worry bout lil ole me, I'll be alright."
Jules gave him a pout while Wally hummed thoughtfully.
"What made you sad in the first place? Did something happen?"
There was a hint of...something...to the painters tone, something that threatned very un-nice words being spoken to whoever might have made the beagle upset.
Barnaby felt one of his fluffy ears twitch abit nervously. "Aw it was nuthin! I just caught a look in the mirror and realized that I probably needed to cut back on the hotdogs!"
He chuckled the same way he usually did when telling on of his jokes, now usually self depraicating jokes werent his style, and in fact were something he would call his friends out on, but when in doubt of what to do, tell a joke about it!
Instead of laughing like Barnaby had hoped his friends would do, they simply gave him confused looks.
"Why?" Julie asked, cocked her head to the side. "Dont you love hotdogs?"
Barnaby akwardly cleared his throat. "Well of course I do! Its just dont you think ive been looking a bit 'Overstuffed' lately?"
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, as he only seem to dig his grave further based on the looks his two friends gave him.
"Whats wrong with that?" Julie asked, voice taking on a more thoughtful tone as she looks up at him in concern.
Barnaby quickly held up his paws, shaking his head. "Oh nothin at all of course! Its just," He sighed, "Well kid you know how it can be gettin stuck inside your own head is all."
"Aw well I dont think theres anything wrong with being plump!" Julie declared firmly, she gave Barnaby a squeeze and nuzzled her face in his fur.
"Sides!" She giggled, "It just means theres more to hug!"
"Plus" Wally hummed, appearing suddenly on Barnabys other side, the beagle had no idea how he even got there so quietly.
The yellow puppet wrapped his own arms around the blue dog puppets other side, nuzziling his cheek against his fur in the same way.
"I think it makes you very comfortable to snuggle."
Julie giggled, "Yeah! Youre friend shaped!"
"Like a teddy bear." Wally hummed thoughtfully, Julie grinned.
"A teddy beagle!"
Barnaby let out a huff of amusement, he could feel his face getting warmer and his tail begining to wag a mile a mintuie behind him at all of the genuine compliments he was recciving from his friends.
"Yeah Yeah alright you two I get it, now stop with the mushy stuff before I turn into a puddle."
Julie, however, shook her head. "Nuh uh mister! We'll stop once you admit just how adorable you are!"
Barnaby felt his face go even wamer at the thought of activly calling himself adorable out loud, he may be in the middle of getting cuddled by his two clingy friends, but he still had a reputaion to uphold people!
"N-Now I dont know about that-"
"Hey Julie." Wally suddenly spoke up nonchantly from Barnabys other side.
"You know another good thing about Barnaby being plump?" He purred, voice suddenly taking on a mischvious lift that made Barnaby suddenly very suspicuous.
"Oh? And whats that?" The monster puppet asked with a smile, picking up on Wallys tone. The puppet lifted up his hands and wiggled his fingers.
"Why it means theres more to tickle of course!"
In an instant the wiggling fingers decended down upon the poor unexpecting beagle, skittering and pinching at his belly.
The comedian let out a very uncharartistic squeal at the sudden sparking ticklish sensations, flapping his hands and he tried to twist his way away from Wallys ticklish grasp"
Meanwhile Julies eyes lit up with a happy squeak. "Of course how could I forget!" She giggled, her own hands beginign to tweak gently at Barnabys belly. Causing him to snort loudly.
"HehehehEHEHy!" Y-You twohohoho cut it ouhohohoht!"
The Beagle squrimed twisting frantcially between the two mischvious puppets, stumbling backwards his legs suddenly hit the foot of his bed, sending him tumbling backwards onto it. His two little attackers quickly followed, climbing up onto the bed to sit on either side of him they began to poke, prod, and wiggle their fingers across his belly at every opening they could find.
Barnaby cackled like a madman, or well, maddog. Twisting partways onto his side in hopes of escaping the tickling fingers but it was to no avail. Those hands seemed to follow him no matter where he twisted or squirmed.
Julie giggled, "Aww, look at this belly~!" she cooed, skittering her fingers across it, giggiling harder at the silly sounds it produced from the beagle puppet.
"So full of love!"
"And giggles" Wally added in with a mischevious grin, gently kneading into the blue beagles plush tummy. Julie grinned right back at him.
"Oh of course! Lots of giggles!"
"Think we can tickle them all out?"
Julie giggled. "Oooo great idea! Lets find out!"
Barnaby was in stiches, howling with snort filled laughter. His leg kicked out like a puppies, and his tail was wagging so fast it thumped the bed loudly in a steady rythme. Not wanting to hurt his little friends he tried to keep his squirming to a minimum, his hands coming up to cover his warm beet red face.
"Guhuhuhuhys pleahehehehse! I-Im begin' yahahahahaha!"
"All you have to do is admit how adorable you are~" Julie sing songed, poking his belly with each word, causing him to squeak eachtime.
"Come on Barnie, its not that hard!" Wally chirped, "All you gotta do is say; 'I, Barnaby B. Beagle, am very adorable and sweet no matter how plump I may get!', See? Easy!"
If the beagles face could somehow get any warmer it did right then in there, he curled up further into a little ball, hiccuping now in between his silly cackles. Not one to be defeated by two puppets half his size he managed to squeak out in between hiccups.
"Never?" Julie gasped, "Did you hear that Walls? He said never!"
"Oh I heard him alright!"
"Do you know what this means?" She giggled. "I think it means he doesnt want us to ever stop! I think he's just having too much fun!"
Wallys eyes lit up happily. "Oh! But of course! I mean just look at how much his tail is wagging!"
Julie giggled, looking down at the beagle. "Aww do you like the tickles Barnie? Do you just love em soooo much?"
Barnabys tail felt like it was gonna wag off from how fast it was going, which really didnt help prove his point as he squealed out protests in reponse, hiding his face in his hands.
Suddenly, after a few moments, the tickling stopped completly, leaving Barnaby confused and out of breath, shaking with left over giggles. Cautiously he began to remove his arm from his face when suddenly-
"Ready Walls? 1....2....3-!"
There were two twin intakes of air followed by the worrst ticklish sensations the poor beagle had ever felt spreading acorss his entire belly, he quite literally, let out a howl followed by peals of full blown belly laughter. Desperatly he banged his fist on the bed.
Instantly the sensations came to a stop, and this time nothing else followed. Barnaby was left a giggly pile of goo, gasping for breath he struggled to control his left over titters. After a moment of composing himself he finally moved his arm from his face, he was met by two fond pairs of smiles looking down at him.
"Well~?" Wally hummed, Julie crossed her arms as if waiting expectantly. Barnaby let out a long drawn out groan, giving the two lighthearted glares. "Fiihihihne, Fine! Im...." He muttered the last part far too quiet for the two of them too hear, Jullie raised a brow, lifting up her hands to wiggle her fingers threateningly.
"What was that Barnie?"
Barnaby squeaked, holding up his paws.
"Okay okay! Take it easy! I....I said that I am....adorable.."
"And sweet?"
".....And sweet..."
"Annnnd the most ticklish puppet in the neighborhood?"
"Wha-Hey!" Barnaby spluttered, fully sitting up on the bed.
"Im not saying that! Its not even true and you know that!" He gave Julie a playful poke in her side, causing her to jump and squeak out a giggle.
Wally snorted softly at that, until Barnaby also gave him a poke to the ribs, or where ribs would be, causing him to yelp and nearly tumble off the bed.
"Wha- Hey!"
Barnaby chuckled, wrapping an arm around each of the smaller puppets and tugging them down to lay beside him, earing him twin yelps of suprise. The two puppets squirmed a bit, but after realizing that the beagle wasnt going to do anything they quickly relaxed and snuggled against his side. Barnaby opened and eye to peer at them and chuckled.
"Dont think you two are off the hook, I'm too tired to get you back now but there will be no mercy come morning."
Wallys face went red while Julie giggled excitedly, she rested her head on the beagles chest.
"Did you really mean it when you said you were adorable?"
Barnaby gave her a fond smile, "Yeah yeah I meant it."
The beagle found himself suprised that what came out of his mouth was actually true, he did belive he was adorable. So what if he was plump in the tum? It just made him more comfortable to hug!
Julie positivly beamed at him, nuzziling her face against his chest.
"Good! Now hush. im tired, its sleepy time."
Barnaby rose a brow. "Oh youre tired?"
The beagle chuckled softly, closing his eyes and letting out a content sigh as he friends snuggled closer to him.
"....Wait guys i never did actually get to change into my pjs...guys?....Guys?....Nevermind..."
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How Gabriella met Pauline (Naughty GF x Purity GF love story/My AU)
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Landlord: I have you so many chances to pay your rent and I gave the deadline and you still haven’t paid for it!
Gabriella: Look, I just need a little more time, I have my job to deal with and I’ll ask my boss to increase my-
Landlord: I don’t care, you haven’t paid me for the this weeks rent and the last other month’s rent
Gabriella: But it’s cold outside, please at least let me go inside and sleep and I’ll just leave first thing tomorrow morning
Landlord: No! That is the last straw, I want you to take your stuff and leave this place now or else I’m gonna call the police!
Gabriella: Alright Alright fine, I hated living here anyway. *gives the landlord the middle finger and leaves*
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Gabriella left the place, she went to the park and try to find another place to live. It was dark out and plus it was cold.
Gabriella:(mind) Grrrr stupid landlord, who does he think he is, I told him I was gonna pay the rent soon, he didn’t have to throw me out of the apartment, now I have to find another place to stay.
Gabriella was pissed off that she had to get thrown out of the apartment by her landlord. She went to the apartment to search for a bench to sleep on when all of a sudden she saw a female angel with white horns and tail on the bench crying
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Gabriella: (mind) Huh? Is that an Angel? She has white demon horns and her wings are gray and she’s crying?! I best go talk to her.
Gabriella approached to the bench where the crying angel was sitting.
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Gabriella: Hey, are you okay?
???: H-Huh?
Gabriella: It looks like you’re crying, here *pulls out a handkerchief and gives it to the angel*
???: Oh *sniff* thank you….
Gabriella: Uh mind if I sit next to you?
???: I don’t mind at all
Gabriella sat on the bench next to the angel with a worried and concerned face.
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Gabriella: Hey, are you okay Ms…uh…
???: Pauline.
Gabriella: Huh?
Pauline: My name is Pauline but some people call me Purity Girlfriend
Gabriella: Oh that’s a nice name, I’m Gabriella Hidden it’s nice to meet you!
Pauline gave Gabriella a warm smile. Gabriella blushed a little.
Gabriella: (mind) Woah, she’s really pretty, wait what am I saying, I just met her.
Pauline: Is there something wrong?
Gabriella: Huh? No no no it’s nothing, hey can I ask you a question?
Pauline: Sure go ahead.
Gabriella: What’s an Angel you doing in Parodies town, weren’t angels supposed to be in heaven?
Pauline: *looks on the ground with tears in her eyes* *sigh* Well the reason why I’m here is because My current boyfriend cheated on me with a succubus and have been verbally abusing me, and today he kicked me out of heaven for 1 hour so I had to come here.
Gabriella: Oh my god, I’m sorry that happened to you! That boyfriend of yours is completely jerk to you! But why would he hurt you like that?
Pauline: You see the white horns on my head and the tail? I’m cursed! I have been cursed by my father who did it by accident. I have been ridiculed by some demons and fallen angels because of this, I’m a monster!
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Gabriella: I don’t think you’re a monster.
Pauline: Huh?
Gabriella: I don’t think you’re a monster. From what I see is a beautiful Angel was just misunderstood by some people in heaven
Pauline: B-But Purity Senpai said-
Gabriella: Fuck what he said, you’re are not a ugly monster, he is the ugly monster
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Pauline: Wow! That’s the nicest thing you have said to me, thank you!
Gabriella: No problem, I always here to help and you know what else I think about you?
Pauline: No what is it?
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Gabriella grabs Pauline’s hand and whispers in her ear:
Gabriella: I think I want to have intercourse with a beautiful Angel like you~
Pauline: 0_O
Gabriella chuckled
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Gabriella: Hehehehe Sorry Pauly, I was just teasing you!😊
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Pauline: Hmph! Well it’s not funny plus having intercourse with a demon is a sin and I can get in a lot of trouble.
Gabriella: Oh come on, nobody has to know about it~
Pauline: What do you mean by that?
Gabriella stroached Pauline’s chin and gave Pauline a flirty grin.
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bridgyrose · 11 months
Now for something a little more on the fantasy side of things...
Summer wasn't dead. She has been a mermaid all along, and simply went back to her home in the seas.
(Probably not what you were thinking, but enjoy)
Ruby froze in shock as she felt seawater splash across her body after being thrown off the boat. As she sank beneath the waves, she wasnt sure when she had quit holding her breath. Maybe it was a few seconds after being pushed far enough into the water that she couldnt swim back, maybe it was when she first went under. Either way, all she could do was watch as her friends and the grimm they were fighting drifted away. All she could do was close her eyes and relax her body as she felt the currents pull her deeper into the sea. 
“Its not your time yet, Petal. You still have your friends you need to go home to. Please, swim back to them.” 
Ruby opened her eyes as she felt a few fingers run through her hair, the flick of a tail against her legs, and words as clear as if they were being carried through the water. She slowly turned herself to try to catch a glimpse of who was around, only to see shadows around her. Without another thought, she started to swim to the surface. Once again, she felt a pair of hands on her, helping her as she caught a glimpse of her mother’s eyes behind her. 
“I know you’ll come back home to me again, Ruby.” 
Ruby paused as she turned around and watched as her mother swam down into the depths of the sea, her eyes watching as her mother’s red and black scaled tail started to disappear into the shadows. She took a breath, feeling the water flow through her lungs without pain and started to swim to the surface once more. Once she broke the surface of the water, she coughed as she felt the salty air rush into her with a deep, gasping breath. 
“Yang!” Weiss called out. “She’s over there!” 
Ruby watched as the boat started to turn around as her own body started to succumb to exhaustion and she leaned back in the water to float. It wasnt long until she heard a splash near her and felt Yang pull her close while holding onto a rope. 
Yang pulled on the rope and called out to the rest of the team. “I’ve got her! Pull us up!” 
“I know we shouldnt have fought that grimm-” 
“We can talk about that later. Right now, we need to get you back onto the boat and checked out.” 
Ruby sighed and nodded, her eyes catching one more glimpse of her mother as she felt herself getting pulled out of the water and hauled up onto the boat. Once she felt the damp deck of the boat, she sat up to catch her breath. “Thanks.” 
“Please dont scare us like that again,” Weiss said as she knelt down to help support Ruby. “We thought we lost you after the sea feilong was driven away.” 
“It wasnt intentional. Just… lost my footing when it rammed into us.” 
“We know and we’re glad you’re okay. Though, we should get you looked at. Your skin feels dry.” 
Ruby paused for a moment and glanced at her arm, watching a few silver scales reflect the light from the sunset. She quickly pulled a towel to her and started to dry off, standing up and wobbling as she regained her footing. “I’m fine, saltwater just makes my skin feel irritated is all. Nothing to worry about.” 
Weiss sighed and followed Ruby, helping keep her supported as she walked below deck to her quarters. “Then at least rest for a bit before we get back to shore. You were missing for hours and we dont know how long you were underwater or what happened after you fell off the boat. That sea feilong might not have been the only grimm out there and we’ll still want to get you checked out so we can make sure that you’re not hurt-” 
“And I told you I’m fine.” Ruby smiled a bit and leaned into Weiss with a content sigh. “I’ll take it easy, but I dont need to get checked out yet. Nothing’s broken, nothing hurts, I only need to get a few thoughts together about what I saw down there.” 
“What you saw?” Weiss asked.
“I… I saw my mom. I think she saved me, but… I need some time to clear my head to make sure I wasnt seeing things.” 
“And if you were?” 
Ruby shrugged and sat down on her cot. “Then its nothing to worry about, right? Everyone sees something at sea, its why we have stories of creatures besides grimm that live in the depths.” 
“Alright. I’ll haveBlake and Yang write up the mission report for Ozpin while you rest.” Weiss started to make her way back up top and paused on the stairs. “And you’re sure this is nothing, right?” 
“Of course I’m sure,” Ruby answered as she looked over her arm once more, gently running a finger over the scales as they disappeared once they dried. “Give me some time to figure out what happened, then I’ll get looked at. I… I think some rest will do me good. And maybe a break from huntressing.” She sighed and leaned back as she listened to Weiss walk up the stairs, staring at the ceiling above her. “And I’ll need to get some answers from dad.” 
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q-gorgeous · 2 years
coup de foudre chapter 7
do fics not do as good on tumblr anymore or is it because i dont write them as much anymore idk
Danny was walking up the steps to the school the next day. When he walked through the doors his eyes traveled over the crowd of students until he found Sam and Tucker waiting by his locker. 
He waved at them as he walked up. 
“Hey, Danny, Sam called.
“Hey bro.” Tucker gave him a peace sign.
“I gotta talk to you guys about something.” Danny said as he put in the combination to his locker. “Something happened last night.”
“What happened?” Tucker asked, his brows furrowing. 
“Not here.” Danny took some notebooks out of his backpack and replaced them with some other stuff from his locker. He shut the locker door, spun his combination dial around a few times, and waved Sam and Tucker forward when he started walking away from them. 
They walked down the hallway and turned a corner. He opened the door to a janitor’s closet and walked in, shutting it behind Sam and Tucker. 
“I had another run in with that ghost hunter,” Danny whispered. “He was tailing Dash on his way home last night.”
“What?” Sam’s eyes widened. “Why was he following Dash?” 
“The ghost hunter thinks that because Dash just happened to be in the woods the night he saved me that he must know where to find me. He was trying to get information out of Dash.”
“This is bad.” Tucker frowned. “We’ve never had ghost hunters who have tried to go after humans for information before. We need to figure out how to stop this guy.”
“What if Dash just goes to the police?” Sam asked. “It’s hard to charge a guy for assaulting a ghost but now he’s going after human teenagers. Isn’t it even more illegal if someone crosses state lines to commit a crime?”
“I’m not sure, but write that down,” Tucker sasaidys, pointing at Sam. “We should look into that.”
“What if he gets hurt because of this?” Danny asked softly. “It’d be my fault.”
“Danny, this isn’t your fault.” Sam placed her hands on his shoulders. 
“Yeah. It’s the ghost hunters fault. He should be able to determine what actions are appropriate in different situations. Like, your parents aren’t very good at that but they have good intentions. Their weapons at least can’t harm people.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Danny’s brows furrowed. “This guy had an ecto-gun pointed at Dash. I think whatever kinds of weapons he has can hurt humans, just because he was pointing it at Dash like that.”
Sam frowned. “Don’t worry Danny, we’ll figure this out.”
The first warning bell rang and Tucker looked up at the ceiling. “We should get to class.”
Tucker opened the closet door to a hallway full of moving students. Danny followed out after him, closely followed by Sam, and when he looked up he was meeting Dash’s eyes.
Dash looked quickly between him and Sam and then took off at a brisk walk. Danny watched him walk away, confused, while Sam waved goodbye to him and Tucker before heading to her first period class.
Danny and Tucker started heading towards their own classroom. They shared their first period together.  He was lost in thought and couldn’t feel Tucker staring at him until Tucker cleared his throat loudly, causing Danny to glance over at him. “What?”
“Are we gonna talk about it?” Tucker asked him.
“Talk about what?” Danny gave him a confused expression.
“Whatever it is you and Dash have going on.”
“What?” Danny blushed. “There’s nothing going on. He’s just friends with Phantom. That’s it.”
“I’m not talking about him and Phantom. I’m talking about him and Fenton.”
Danny furrowed his brows at Tucker as they turned the corner before looking away. “What do you mean about him and Fenton? There’s nothing going on between us. He beat me up last week, don’t you remember?”
“I’m not as oblivious as you and Sam are, dude. I can see these things. Didn’t you see the way he was looking at you when you and Sam walked out of the janitor’s closet together?”
Tucker groaned. “Okay, fine, but what about whatever you have going on for–”
“It doesn’t matter what I have going on,” Danny snapped. “It’s not like Dash would feel the same way. It doesn’t matter.”
Tucker sighed. “Look–”
“No.” Danny shrugs his backpack higher up on his shoulders. “Let’s just get to class.” 
Danny walked ahead of Tucker to avoid any more probing questions. It didn’t matter. He would get it to go away. 
He made his way to the classroom and sat down before Tucker could get another word in. Tucker tried to say something else but was cut off by the bell ringing and their teacher starting class. Danny just had to get through this class, him and Tucker didn’t share the next one. Hopefully Tucker would forget it by the next class they shared together. It wasn’t likely though. 
Danny tried to pay attention during class, he really did. He was trying to take advantage of this seemingly ghost-free period Amity Park was going through right now. But his thoughts were being haunted by Tucker’s words and a certain blond’s face. 
The next time Danny looked up from his math textbook, the teacher was at the head of the classroom assigning the homework and then the bell was ringing again. He got up out of his seat and hurried out the door. 
“Danny! Wait!” Tucker called to him.
“Sorry, Tuck. Don’t wanna be late!” Danny said, waving at Tucker as he walked backwards through the door. He turned around in the hallway and started heading towards his physics class. 
Glad to be away from Tucker’s invasion of privacy, Danny walked into his next classroom only to see Dash already sitting in his own seat. Danny cursed. In his rush to get away from Tucker he forgot Dash would be in his next class. 
Groaning, Danny walked over to his seat and sat down. 
The rest of his class trickled in through the doors and everyone makmadees their way to their seats. Once the bell rang, the teacher clapped her hands to start class.
“Hello everyone!” she said cheerily. “Today we have a new seating arrangement. Take a look at the board and move to your new seats.”
Danny studied the seating chart for a few moments before groaning again. As luck would have it, his new seat was right in front of Dash’s. At least it was at the back of the classroom instead of at the front this time. 
They all shuffled around and moved to their new seats. Danny sat down heavily at his new desk. He was pulling out his materials for this class when a piece of paper flew over his shoulder. 
I’m sorry, it read. 
Danny knew by now that Dash was really sorry, that he was trying to become better and change. But part of himself still wanted to be upset about it. Which was reasonable. Sam clearly thought so.
Are you really? he wrote back and threw it over his shoulder without looking. 
He could hear the scratches of pencil on paper and the paper was being thrown back onto his desk. 
I am. I’m trying to be better. I actually think you’re really cool. I'd like another chance if you’re willing to give me one.
Danny paused, staring at the note. Little did Dash know, Danny already was. Dash was already worming his way into one half of his life, why not the other half too.
Danny started writing his reply on the piece of paper. 
Maybe. I think you should be more worried about Sam though. I think she wants to kill you for beating me up again. 
After Danny threw the paper over his shoulder again he could hear a thunk as Dash’s head landed on his desk. 
I’d deserve it. I feel awful for doing that. 
You should. It really sucked.
Danny could hear Dash ripping another piece of paper to write on and could see his hand out of the corner of his eye but they were interrupted by their teacher clearing her throat.
“Is there something you’d like to share with the class, Dash?”
“Oh, uh, no. Just going over a project for another class.”
She shook her head. “Save that for later, we’re going over material that’s going to be on the next test.”
“Yes, sorry.”
Their teacher went back to talking about the lesson. Danny felt a tap on his side and he looked down to see Dash holding another piece of paper in his hand. Danny took it, his fingertips grazing Dash’s. 
What can I do to make it up to you?
Just be a better person.
Danny passed the note back to Dash, his heart jumping a little bit when Dash’s fingers enclosed around his just enough to grab the note. His heart was still racing when he felt the piece of paper being pressed into his hand that was dangling at his side.
That I can try to do.
All Danny wrote back was a smiley face. Once he passed it back to Dash, he leaned back in his seat and watched the teacher gesture to the notes she had written on the whiteboard. 
Maybe Tucker was wrong, but maybe he and Dash could still be friends.
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kokocharm · 2 years
I would LOVE to hear you talk about it
This is an rp with my partner that we called "Ghost is an Evil Henchman" as a placeholder name, before it stuck. (Henchman in a gender neutral type of way, all the vessels are genderless)
The RP mainly follows Quirrel and Hornet after they crashland on the beach. The rp is set in strictly the Sonic Boom universe, since thats the only one i watched and i think at the time the one my partner liked the most. This rp is based around a LOT of my fanon so if you want an explanation on that, you know where to ask ^_^ !
Sonic and Sticks finds the two of them. Quirrel and Tails IMMEDIATELY become bffs and make silly inventions together i love them. Meanwhile Hornet is having a lot of anger issues, especially directed at Quirrel. Shes pissed because shes crazily worried about her only living siblings (which will be Ghost, the mc of the game, Hollow, and Lost, whos been reanimated by lifeblood). But her anger at Quirrel also runs way deeper, from a LOONg time ago
(Hornet and Quirrel had an argument about the Dreamers. Quirrel told her that the sacrifices are for nothing, that even Monomon agreed, and Hornet has been furious about it ever since. She doesnt want to think that her mothers death was for nothing.)
Eggman attacks and they have to stop Hornet from literally beheading him which i think its rlly funny
Anyways, wheres Ghost??
Freaking the fuck out. Because they are in a cage. Instead of appearing with their sister and Quirrel, they instead popped into Eggmans lair
Now. I dont think me or mel ever talked about HOW they got there. Quirrel and Tails tried to question it, but never got rlly far and were just focused on how to get back.
So anyways. Ghost has a lot of issues that they cover up because they are "the Savior of Hallownest" and their sister needs help as the new queen with the survivors of the infection to build from the ground up again
Eggman, unintentionally, pushes on Ghosts insecurities that their sister doesnt truly like them. So they work for Eggman. And that almost spells out Sonics fate because its nearly canon that there is no enemy too powerful for Ghost. They are literally a God.
From what I remember, a bit happens after that. Quirrel finally breaks after Hornet yells at him again, calling her out because "You're not the only one who lost everything. You're not the only one who has had to kill your family. You are not the only survivor of the infection." My Quirrel fanon (aka, singed!quirrel) is one of my favorite side stories of mine. It has to do with his antennas, getting burned, almost assassinated.. yeah theres a lot
We kind of faded out of this rp, the last response to it was a hell of a while ago. We had plans such as meeting Hollow and Lost, and even having a fight between Shadow and Ghost where Shadow gets his ass handed to him and is like "okay, this is a problem." We had a scene planned where Ghost actually managed to stab Sonic, which finally made him realize Ghost was a genuine threat. I even secretly had an idea where Quirrel and Tails get kidnapped and Quirrel is trying to convince Ghost that Hornet still does love them and will not, in fact, murder them on sight (he is not successful)
In a new rp called Reflecting the Light, where both Hollow Knight and Sonic characters are present, we do occasionally get a conversation between Shadow and some of the vessels. Im pretty sure Shadow and The Hollow Knight talked at one point, but im not entirely sure.
All in all, Hollow Knight is a beautiful yet heartbreaking game. It's really hard, I still havent done the Path of Pain vecause i spent 5 hours on the White Palace and i am not emotionally ready to suffer through PoP. I havent even beaten NKG. But i hope this helps ^_^ if you like hollow knight and/or sonic PLEASE let me know and ill talk about them in reflecting the light!!! I love that rp from the bottom of my heart
Anyways. Its 11pm, I have school tomorrow. Leo, out (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)💛🌙
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red-tintedglasses · 2 years
Flirting During Life-Saving Surgery 101
(TW for: general TW, masochism (implied), flirty murder, surgery)
Chapter 7/?
A large, clean-cut house is their destination. Jimmy leans his head against the headrest with a sigh. Usually, he would rather die than see Madeline, but this time, it's a life-or-death where the death isn't particularly glamorous or eye-catching. And who would want to die like that? He opens the car door and gets out and lurches towards the hard pavement. He stretches out his arms to balance himself, and he starts swaying, vomit rising in his mouth.
"Je$u$ chr*st..." Gregg slams the car door on his way out and leans Jimmy on his shoulder. "How the fuck did you even survive this long!?"
“I was doing just fine! I don't need your help!" Jimmy uses Gregg as his human crutch as they hobble to the front door. 
Jimmy raps on the metal, missing a few times. Then again, fist hitting nothing but air. And now Gregg pounds his fist on the door. It swings open and a small, 15 year old opens the door. She has her black hair up in a pony tail with two strands left in the front, like shes always prepared to be looking down at a mess of human gore. Madeline looks down at Jimmy’s leg and she moves aside to let them enter. “When did that happen?” she asks. Jimmy hums. “Maybe an hour ago?”
Madelime rolls her eyes and she leads them inside, to the tiled kitchen. "Please sit down on the dining chairs. I'll bring my medical kit shortly." She leabes the kitchen and disappears around the corner.
Gregg guides Jimmy to the chair and sits him down which Jimmy does with a loud, relieved sigh. Gregg leans on the counter as they wait.
Gregg ignores the phone's vibrating.
Gregg moves off the counter, the vibration reverbing throughout the room.
Jimmy doesn't seem to notice his phone buzzing with message after message.
"Jimmy," Gregg spits out through gritted teeth. "Your phone has been vibrating non-stop. Fix it before I fucking crush it."
“I didn’t notice, being shot in the leg is kind of more important don’t you think?” Jimmy sighs. He takes his phone out to find new messages from a contact freshly saved as Cyrus (tall killer ♡).
>Did you die? 
>I mean you wont respond if you are dead >But i wouldnt know if you were dead or just not a texter! @_@
>are you still bleeding? 
>if you still are at this point thats actually kinda embarrasing >:/
>ok your iced coffee thing from that cafe is okay
> …
>no its bad im sorry >~<
>that was mean i apologize :(
>ok im definitely rambling 
>ugghhhhh sorry 
>ARE you dead tho 
>if you arent then text me 
>or not if you dont want to 
>if you are dead then like 
>fuck i dont know
>Ouija me ig
Jimmy blinks in surprise at the long, rambly string of texts.
<bury me with my garfield collection 
>oh nooooooo!!!!!!
>cant believe you diiiiied!!!!
>collection of what tho
>like books or toys 
>what about your worms?
>WAIT WAIT sorry uh 
>are you still dying and being shot at
<nah i shot the cop, he was like right next to us and killed him and shit
<hes so dead and not alive
Jimmy doesn’t bother telling them how badly he had fumbled the bag, or in this case, gun.
>what thats it? 
>well thats no fun >:/
>expected more from Star Glasses Jimmy >wait wait omg! 
>so theres this girl right and she got 
>well lets just say she got punished >;) 
(Somewhere in the distance, Cyrus cringes at the winky face they sent) 
>and now shes all broken and shaking and had a panic attack
>all because of havng a bit of fun with her! >:/
>sorry rambling again 
>most people dont find the human psyche as interesting as i do
<mc fucking excuse me? 
<tell me more about this girl 
<is she alright? 
<and dont worry about rambling, im a fucking hot mess also.
>no she is not! :D 
>and dont worry abt her being okay, she can do her job just fine! 
>ooo you want to heat my silly rants about the mind and atuff? 
>yay! >w<
Jimmy smiles at the emoticon.
>okay, so
One long rant about hypervigilance and heart rates later, Jimmy understands nothing.
 >and next time you see a cop, we can meet up and put that pig through some hellish torture!! >:) I have many ideas for convienent torture methods as well! 
>Much more fun than a plain old panic attack like that girl decided to do, hehehe
>that is, if you dont get shot again •-•
<well hey give me the benefit of the doubt, i was bleeding out and the car was moving. 
<damn, you really fucked up that girl didn’t you?
>i did fuck her up! It was really fun too! 
>I got punched by her though :( 
>but it was worth it! 
>i hope your text was meant to sound proud of me!
>if not then your not as fun as i thought youd be~ >:3
>and here i was, offering to show you Cyrus's Convienient Torture Hacks for Instant Euphoria!
<have you seen my murders, id say im the opposite of fun ;)
>no, i havent seen your murders :(... 
>but judging by your tone i can safely say >that i'd love to watch you go to flesh-ripping town on some victims 
>we have very similar definitions of fun, >Darling ;)
>Look up ‘the artist chicago' if you like blood baths~
>why bother with googling? Theyll just be censored, at best just blurred 
>the public are a bunch of pussies! Like its just a bit of guts and blood! Ò_Ó
>and cmon, i could just whip up my own blood bath! 
>bet i could do better than you >:)
Gregg is reading over Jimmy's shoulder. He rolls his eyes with an infuriated sigh.
<gregg stop reading over my shoulder, i can see you dumbass 
<mr. Can’t Even Get the Cops off His Ass
<anyway, CYRUS you could never beat my murders darling
>id love to see you tryyy~
>who is gregg :?
>call me darling again and maybe I'll try harder,
>Sweetheart! hehehe…
Gregg groans out, "Oh my fucking god, Jimmy. What did I just tell you about oversharing?" He means it rhetorically only because he knows Jimmy forgot already.
“Why do you care so much, anyway? You're no fun…” Jimmy pouts. 
<gregg is just the guy who like saved my ass
<but hes so boring and hes yelling at me 
He sees the last text Cyrus sent
<call me sweetheart and i’ll rip out your eye balls and feed it to your neighbors dog
Jimmy corrects himself
<darling ;)
>well what would you prefer? 
>^^you called me that at one point i think
>perhaps even Darling! 
Jimmy holds down a giggle.
>But i am intrigued in seeing you again, even if you will rip out my eyeballs right after
>want me to go on?
Madeline comes back with a red duffel bag. She kneels in front of Jimmy and begins cleaning the wound.
<if you call me kitten, i will torture you in ways you could never even think of, honey ;)
<i am also 'intrigued' to see you again, maybe when my leg isnt bleeding out? 
<you never know, you might even find my address and just show up 
<i do that alot! The shock value is unmatched
>why not make it a fun game of leaving behind breadcrumbs and leaving me to pick them up and investigate them, huh?
>drag me around on a chain of red tape until i finally win? 
>lets see if you can make good on your winky-faced threats, kitten
(In their apartment, Cyrus is currently burying their face into a pillow and grinning like an idio).
<i hope you dont use your eyeballs much, love ;) 
<but im more into real bloodbaths and not boring old investigations
<if it makes you happy, i can add a couple of extra special hearts in my crime scenes for you~
>youll dedicate some of your bloodbaths to me? :0 
>thats not as scary as your trying to make it sound :)
>i do take it back though! Youre very fun. As a killer. 
>and im fun! As a torturer! 
>we should show each other the ropes sometimes
>and i mean that genuinely, kitten~ ;) 
>^^see that? Triple threat. Tilde, winky face, and calling you kitten
>try and beat that >:)!
>(i am being genuine tho)
Madeline starts removing the bullet with a pair of tweezers, her hand as steady as a senior surgeons. Jimmy winces in pain.
<im better at delivering my threats than giving them, darling, no matter now many winky faces i have
<and who said it was supposed to be scary? <i think theres a better use to your body when its dead
<your intestines could be some pretty nice party streamers, my ray of sunshine ;)
>anything for you sweetheart! 
(Cyrus whimpers, flustered and pleasantly shocked by Jimmy's 'threats'). 
>bet i could show you how great it feels to feel somebody writhe and scream and cry as you inflict agonizing pain upon them! 
>you can show me a thing or two as well, kitten 
>if you do then you can do whatever you please with my intestines. 
>just make sure im alive and aware for it :)
>Wouldn't mind my organs being taken if it was you~ ;)
Gregg sighs. "Oh my god, stop fucking flirting. Even Madeline can tell you want this guy in your pants, and she's dealing with the sinkhole in your leg!"
Jimmy’s face goes through the five stages of grief. “Gregg, please don't bring me into this,” Madeline says, not looking up from her work. “Oh, come on!" He huffs. "We'ree not /flirting/, that's how I /always/ talk!” He beams at Gregg innocently.
"Either way, /they're/ flirting with /you/. A lot. They literally want you to take their guts out. And /watch/ you do it." Gregg sighs and looks away from Jimmy's phone. "Can't fucking deal with this anymore..." he grumbles. However he clearly decides to continue dealing with it, because he doesn't move from his optimal phone-seeking position.
“I can't blame them! Did you see my gut dress? I'm practically an expert in that by now!” Jimmy laughs.
"God, no. I dont want to see whatever paraphilia this is in action while you two flirt like there's no tomorrow." 
Cyrus continues texting. 
>i am being serious about the delights of torture! >w<
>invite me the next time you get that itch in your brain for a good bloody hunt. >:)
Jimmy grins and Gregg groans again.
>i think i can make the euphoria last longer, kitten, in ways you cant imagine
>just like your fun little plans for me~
“But /Gregg/," he moves his head to wink at Gregg. "there /could/ be no tomorrow!” Madeline places the still dripping bullet onto a towel, which she wraps up and puts into a paper bag. She takes a needle and threads to sew up the wound with. “Jimmy, they are really flirting with you,” She comments before she starts.
"Yeah, exactly!" Gregg huffa. "And /she/ can't even see the fucking screen! And I /would/ say you're flirting back, too, if you werent such a hot mess of flambuoyancy! I cant even tell when you mean the things you say!"
“I am /not/ a hot mess of flambuoyancy!” He turns off his phone. Madeline cuts the final thread and admires her finished handiwork. She remains silent and watches the argument play out.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just dont fucking meet up with that guy, okay? For all we know, they're going to plunge a knife 8 inches deep into you!"
Jimmy goes silent and swings his legs on the chair.  “So… bad news. Its a little late for that!”
Gregg slams his palm against the back of the chair. Then he paces in a tight circle, once. Then he yells loudly into the ceiling. 
"C'mon Gregg, I already /told/ you how I met them!'
"Well, fuck me! You wanna be cremated or buried, Jimmy?"
“Why are you so worried!” Jimmy yells back
"Because even if it hasn't been hammered into /your/ thick skull, I know that /outsiders/ can't be trusted! Especially when they want you to vivisect them!" That last bit isn't actual proof, it just irks him.
“I'm sure they weren’t serious about it!” He’s pretty sure they are serious about it.
"God, you're a fucking idiot." He pinches his forehead like he's having a migraine. He can feel one coming on already. "How much longer 'til he's done, Madeline?"
“Oh, I've been done for a while now,” she says from across the room making tea. She had gotten bored of the arguing. "Tea, Gregg?" Gregg looks down where he last saw her. Then up at where she is now. "Oh. Uh. Sure. Jimmy?"
Jimmy giggles knowingly. “I'm good, but thanks, Madeline!"
Gregg makes his way over to Madeline. "I'll take some." She gets out two tea cups and pours in the deep brown liquid. “Do you want sugar or cream?”
"None. I take it straight." No he does not. Gregg is a coffee person and has never tried tea. •But how different can it be?• He grasps the cup like it's a mug. "Look, Jimmy," he takes a sip and turns to Jimmy. "Just stop flirting with them. Or at least don't let them entertain the notion that you'll go on some passionate killing spree for them."
“But I would go on a mass killing spree for them?” Jimmy looks confused. "I already promised!" 
Madeline grabs her cup of tea and pretty much fades into the background.
"Yeah, sure, okay! But don't!" Gregg takes another sip and grimaces from the taste. "See this look on my fucking face?" He points a finger at myself. That's because this whole thing with this Cyrus character reeks of backstabbing!"
“But why not? Murder sprees are fun!” He says offended “And you should meet Cyrus! They are a perfectly fine person!”
"Uh-huh, yeah" he slowly puts down the teacup and tries to lick the taste off from inside his mouth. "Go and murder, whatever. Just not for /them/. And I don't want that fucker's grubby paws in my life the same way they've got you sending winky faces and pet names and flirty threats every other text."
"Gregg." Madelike pipes up.
“/What/, Madeline?" He snaps, frustrated. 
"How does your tea taste?"
"Uh.." Gregg looks down at his tea. "Like shit." He grabs the counter, suddenly unbalanced.
"Please be more specific."
"It stings and has an aftertaste."
Madeline sighs. "Thank you. The solution is meant to be tasteless." She takes out a small cup of lightly-greened fluid. “Please drink this.”
"Uhh..." he squint and reaches for it. He misses the first time, and at the second try he grabs hold. He ingests the antidote. "What... was that?" He asks.
“A poison I'm working on. It still needs some work."
Now recovering, Gregg glares at Madeline. "You poisoned this and didn't tell me?"
“Yes, my apologies.” She has always spoken like she was before her time. “Don’t worry, it wouldn't have killed you, especially if you were my victim and you tasted it and understood your drink had been tampered with.” Gregg sighs and rolls his eyes. "Dammit, Madeline, you could have just asked!" He looks back at Jimmy. "Did you know she was going to do that?"
“She does that sometimes~" Jimmy smiles and shrugs.
"You should've poisoned Jimmy instead. It would knock some sense into him." Gregg huffs and goes back to leaning on Jimmy's chair. "And him being passed out on the floor would save us the misery of hearing some more shit flirting."
“If he asked for tea, it would have been him," Madeline says in an attempt to be comforting.
Gregg scoffs. "If we get him sober, maybe the collective hangover can kill him." He looks at Madeline. "Do you have coffee? Without poison." “I don’t think I've ever seen Jimmy sober. It /could/ kill him.” She prepares a cup of coffee and waits beside the coffee maker.
"That guy you were talking to would probably be digging medical instruments into you if they wanted." He says to Jimmy, continuing their argument. "Considering how excited they got over some traumatized girl."
“Well everyone has their quirks! And it was interesting! Even if I didn't really understand it…” He mumbles in Cyrus's defense.
"I think wanting to have their organs used as party streamers and traumatizing a little girl with practically /no/ violence goes well beyond a quirk! And- god, why do i bother?" He asks Madeline, "Can we leave now, or are there /more/ poisons you want to try on me?" He drawls  sarcastically.
“You can leave," she gives Gregg a disposable cup of black coffee. She leads them to the front door.
"Call me if you start coughing up blood," she deadpans her joke. "Or if Jimmy sobers up.'
“Thanks Madeline.” Jimmys says while Gregg rolls his eyes.
They walk to the car as Madeline retreats back into the house.
"I'll drop you off. I can go home, /finally/. Unless you want to do something /else/ stupid and get shot again? Cyrus was right about that, at least."
“Me being shot was not a part of the plan! And stop bringing Cyrus up. They're nice and you're just being paranoid.”
"Yeah, yeah. I drive, you give directions. And tell that prick on your phone to tear out their /own/ intestines! And die! In the middle of bumfuck nowhere!" He opens the driver's side and gets in.
“Why do you hate them so much? Jimmy continues the moment he gets in the car. “Are you jealous?” He giggles.
"I am old enough to be your father. The only thing I could be jealous of is a corpse so I wouldn't have to listen to you and Cyrus fawn over each other." Gregg starts the car. "The fact that youre all-too trusting of them gives me a horrible feeling that you'll fuck the Crows over."
“Gregg, why would I do that? The crows where the only people who treated me normal! They saved my fucking life!” Jimmy exclaims, now serious.
"I'm not saying you'll do it intentionally! Just for the love of God, keep your damn wits around you! You've never interacted with outsiders unless you were about to kill, so just try to /not/ share club secrets with strangers!" Gregg starts driving, heading towards town.
“Yeah, whatever.” Jimmy ignores him and stares out the window.
"Don't do that. What are you, fucking nine years old?"
"I'm not talking to you."
"You can't be mad at me! I'm looking out for the Crows! And so should /you/, by not revealing our entire foundation a guy you picked off the streets!"
Jimmy rolls his eyes. "I won't, Gregg, geez!"
"You /just/ were! What if they're reporting yoi to the cops because you confessed to beimg The Artist, huh? And they track down your messages to your precise location? What, then?"
"That won't happen!" Jimmy sighs, a dreamy smile plasteres on his face. "Cyrus is a very nice person. They sais I'm 'intriguing'!"
"God, fucking-" Gregg scoffs. "Fine."
Jimmy swerves around to face him, hands clasped over his mouth and stars in his eyes. "Really?"
"Thanks, darling! Now I can do whatecer I want without any conseauemces."
"Uh-huh, sure."
"Did Madeline poisom your coffee or something?"
"No," Gregg smiles, "it just tastes like shit. Besides, you'll never change your mind."
“Hey, darling," Jimmy giggles, "at least it wasn't poison again!” He checks his phone for messages, eager at the new string of texts from Cyrus.
>honestly i wouldnt mind popping up at your place unannounced ^w^
>would be fun to see that confident grin wiped off your face :)
>but a fun mystery game where i find you while you give me clues? 
>or getting to surprise you? 
>choices, choices! :/
Jimmy grins and texts back. 
<why can’t we we do both? 
<ill leave little clues at the crime scenes for you to find me ;)
>we shouldnt do both
Jimmy's smile falls.
>Id like to see again as soon as possible
>so why not just drop the theatrics, kitten?
<this ‘kitten’ stuff is adding up how many of your bones im going to break, hun. ;)
>i better rack up my numbers then, kitten!
>suffering violence under your hand would be a privledge~
>how many points do i get for other nicknames? :0 
>and you better live up to your own praise about your delightful crimes! I'll be on the lookout for any of your tricky lil clues~
>maybe i should do something to YOU every time you call me one of your sweet little pet names. Suggestions? ;)
Jimmy rolls his eyes and smiles at the text message.
<i promise. I live up to my self-praise.
<I hope you will get creative with your ‘punishments’ for me ♡
Gregg rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw to avoid saying something snarky. 
(Cyrus is almost sickeningly giddy and squeaks in delight at Jimmys response).
>I'll plan something special for you. 
>and dont worry, i'll save my most lavish punishments just for you, kitten
>'Sweetie pie' is strike one, i'll be keeping count
<dont disappoint me darlin~
Jimmy puts his phone away, but his thoughts still leech scarlet blush.
Gregg holds back venomous bile because he can't go back on what he just said. "Directions," he strains through grit teeth. “Oh," Jimmy's voice is distant, "I can find my way home, if you can just drop me off here,” he points at a random street corner, not even looking where it is and most certainly not close to his apartment.
"Jimmy, you just got shot, I'm not making you walk!" Gregg sighs, long and dramatic. "And I'm not going to drag you back to Madeline's if you collapse or something!"
“I'm fine! And besides how do /you/k now i dont live by here?”
"Directions. To your house. I dont care if its just a block away from here. I'll drive you up your front porch if I have to."
“Why do you care so much?” He goes to open the car door to hop out.
"Because I don't get points if a Crow dies on my watch."
"Wow," Jimmy rolls his eyes. "So noble."
"You're not walking with an injured leg."
Jimmy opens the door. “It's not /that/ bad, Gregg!” He sighs “I don’t understand why you care so much!”
"Because-!" He stops himself. Feelings were never his forte. •And I'd probably fuck up that conversation• "Holy shit, fine! If you're going to be such a pussy about it, you can limo home!"
Jimmy gets out of the car and shuts the door. He quickly disappears from sight, down the block and into an alleyway. A thick trail of glitter follows, fallen from some part of Jimmy's flashy getup. Gregg's eyes follow him until he disappears, then he starts the car and drives off. •Fucking idiot. God, I hope he doesn't get killed. He'd deserve it with all that recklessness. But, fuck, he better get home safe.• The city flashes by, bright neons and dark shadows. Gregg only seems to see the dark, obstructing his vision and bathing the car in pitch black. •Besides. I don't get points for a Crow death.•
The night air and the sudden calm beings out the intoxication that seems ro oermanently reside in Jimmy. The wall's texture screeches if he touches it, the night sky presses lile a blanket. But he recognizes the sky. And thw walls. He stops when he reaches telhe ens of the alleyway, where it opena up to a freeway in a plain. In the mid-distance, a flash of pink indicates where his dropped worm-on-a-string had been all this time. Like a perfect loop, he's back at the scene of the chase. And the cops are none the wiser. Through nighttime delirium, intoxication, and pain, he grins. He's won the battle. And he hopes he doesn't survive the war. •It wouldn't be as dramatic.•
0 notes
jennrypan · 3 years
Ok this wont happen but imagine--
During the dumbass wedding-
While its happening. Bens staring out at the crowd, staring at the decorations..just staring. He looks happy, he supposes he feel..happy but then he looks at Mal and he doesnt feel as happy as he should..because hes realizing somethings..missing or something isnt right.
The decorations look too much like Mal, this is suppose to be a union of two people- hes fantasized about his wedding since he was a kid and yeah thinga change but this isnt anything like he thought, he felt like a guest in his own wedding, and he finds himself hesitating.
Theres a lot more he wants to do, yeah his parents got married young and so did almost everyone elses parents in Auradon but why does..he??
He knows he asked her but it feels..strange, because he felt he had to marry her but..hes recalling the events that led to this..he shouldve thought this through, all the problems he had to experience because Mal couldnt..talk it out, because Mal was..selfish, she put her needs before everyones and hes looking out in the crowd again..just a quick glance..
Audreys not there..neither is Uma, Harry or Gil..and he couldnt blame them- they had nothing against him but Mal..they had every right to not wish to attend..to stay away from the event, because even if Mal assumed they would forgive and forget they didnt and he understood why- he wanted so bad to unite everyone but...they had let the major villains in Auradon and all he wanted to do was let in the kids who didnt deserve to suffer for their crimes..sure some villains changed but not all of them, and he tried to explain this..tried to make his concerns known but it was brushed off.
What he wanted was always brushed off by his supposed wife--
So Ben takes a breath..its shakey and hes hesitating again, he looks worried almost as if hes about to be sick and he steps away from the alter as Fairy Godmother begins to speak.
Everyones eyes are on him and hes use to this but for some reason this makes him queasy, makes the pits of his stomach turn, Mals staring at him- visibly confused..everyones confused.
"Ben is something wrong?"
Mal asks, and he just nods.
"I..cant do this." He utters.
And theres surprised gasps from the peanut gallery, shocked murmurs and exclamations.
"What? What do you mean?"
F.G questions and Ben repeats himself..this time firmer,
"I cant do this, I thought I was ready to be married..because thats how we all grew up but..I cant..I dont think Im ready to be king, Im not ready to make decisions that'll just be ignored."
He cant stop that slight tone of bitterness from making its way in his voice..and he sees the way his parents shift..they had been the ones to so readily take Mals side, to turn to her for decision making.
Mals just staring at him as if hes grown two heads.
"Are you under a spell? Ben did Uma-"
She asks and he almost scoffs, almost..the irony wasnt lost on him, but he quickly cuts her off before she could even begin to accuse the young woman that wasnt even here of doing what shes done to him for so long.
"No..Im not under a spell, I can make choices out of the norm without being spelled."
He points out, maybe hes being rude..but hes tired..tired of the expectations and tired of no one ever asking what he thought and how he felt, it was all about Mal and the green and purple of his wedding was a clear sign of that.
Mal had the gall to appear affronted but he continued before he lost the nerve;
"I jumped into this..and I was thinking about this, about us..and we arent good together, I thought we were, I wanted us to be so bad because I loved you, but..I cant tell if that was actually me or just a spell anymore."
Theres more gasps and Mal looks offended,
"I thought you forgave me!"
She exclaims, and he just blinks for minute
"I never said I didnt, look- this right now..All of this! I dont want to do this, I dont want to be forced into something I have no experience in, we're young! Im sorry for all of this..sorry for all the work Evie and Jane put into this..and everyone else, Its very..Mal."
He speaks with a sad smile, and he just steps away, bowing his head- he doesnt know what else to do but he doesnt stick around to be yelled and glared at, the silence is deafening..Ben just leaves.
Goes to be in peace for a while..where no one bothers him..no ones trying to spell him, no ones invalidating his feelings and talking over him..he doesnt realize hes crying until he finds himself wiping away a tear with his sleeve.. All the anxiety finally crashing over him.
He doesnt notice a small group of people slowly approaching him until he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder and he tenses up.
"Hey Ben..its okay."
Evies voice is surprisingly gentle and he quickly snaps his attention towards her-surprised to see her here instead of comforting Mal..though he noticed Jay and Carlos were with her as well..along with Audrey, Uma..Harry and Gil- the sea trio didnt get too close but they were close enough to show they cared and they were in deed worried about him, Audrey gave him a comforting smile which he hesitantly returned.
"What about Mal?"
He asked lowly, even still he was worried about her.
"She stormed off..but I know she'll be fine..we're worried about you now." Evie replies, kneeling down besides him.
"More worried than his parents are."
Uma comments seeming annoyed at Adam and Belles incompetence but Audrey simply nudges her as if to signal now wasnt the time so Uma simply rolls her eyes.
Ben couldnt help but snort at the exchange..decidedly ignoring the jab at his parents..one problem at a time..and he looks back at Evie, then at Carlos and Jay who give him small smiles and without warning Dude wiggled from Carlos grasp, plopping to the floor before immediately walking towards Ben and nuzzling his small head against his arm, tail wagging.
And for once..Ben actually feels at peace..he could tell this wasnt some trick from Mal- they genuinely cared for him..and he found himself sniffling again but this time because he was overwhelming happy.
And they just hug him because he needs to be held and comforted for once with no expectations and no spells.
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trustmeifyoudare · 2 years
A New Song
thank you to @to-be-frank-i-dont-care for beta reading!!!
“Paris, my name is Forte.” The akuma tugged on the collar of their suit. “For too long people have been listening to modern music rather than the classics. People prefer to listen to songs that are completely electronic than to works done by Hayden and Mozart. This shall happen no longer. I am-”
Ladybug jumped down on the rooftop where Chat Noir was already waiting. He was barely visible in the dark, but she could always find her kitty. Because he was a very good friend. Not that there was another reason. 
Ladybug looked over at the villain who was still monologuing and then over at Chat Noir. “How long has he-”
“Ten minutes. Ten minutes listening to him say modern music is crap.” Chat Noir subtly rolled his eyes.
“Well, he must be fun at parties.”
Chat Noir laughed. “He hasn’t even attacked anyone yet. He should be easy to defeat.”
Ladybug smirked. “Let’s get this over with.”
The two of them jumped to the street below. Parisians sat in their cars, honking their horns because the roads were blocked. No one was fazed that there was a supervillain.
“Oi, Falsetto,” Chat Noir called out. “Shows over. It’s time to pack your bags.”
Forte looked over at them. His mouth twisted into a sneer. “My name is Forte. For too long-”
“Yes, we get the picture. Modern society has destroyed music. No one cares for the classics. Oh no!”
Ladybug stifled a laugh. Chat Noir always looked so cute whenever he got annoyed. CURIOUS. She meant curious. It was always curious to see a different side of him.
Yeah, that was exactly what she meant… Totally… Because she was in love with someone else and that person happened to be Adrien Agreste who was in no way Chat Noir.
Ladybug was glad that Chat Noir couldn’t read minds because he might have gotten the wrong idea. In no way of the word did she find him cute. He was anything but. 
Ladybug caught her gaze traveling down to his butt.
She forced herself to look back at the akuma. It was not appropriate for her to be looking there. Though she had to admit that his butt was cute. But nothing else. Not his face or anything. Nope. 
He just wasn’t. Yep. It was just a fact.
Ladybug lightly shook her head when she realized that she had tuned out of the conversation. She started to listen again right when Forte was saying “What? You think you can beat me in a piano playing competition?”
Chat Noir leaned against a car and casually started to swing his tail around. “I don’t think so. I know so. In order to truly understand music you must be able to embrace all types whether you like the style or not.”
Ladybug bit her lip. Dang he was cute. NO. CUTE WAS THE WRONG WORD. He was…somewhat good looking for a guy, but no. Adrien was the only one who had her heart.
She zoned out again.
“Then the battle is on!” Forte yelled. “We shall see who is triumphant! I shall see you on the dueling ground!”
“You’re on.”
Ladybug scrunched up her eyebrows as the supervillain started to walk away. “What’s happening?”
Chat Noir looked at her, surprised. “You weren’t paying attention? Okay, well, he and I are going to be competing in a piano duel. First one to make a mistake loses. If we win we get his akuma but if he wins he gets my miraculous.”
Ladybug resisted the urge to smack him on the side of the head. “You’re joking.”
Chat Noir smirked. “Relax. Only my miraculous is part of the deal. There is nothing to worry about.”
“Okay. Where is this duel taking place?”
“Wow, you were really tuned out. There are two pianos in the Place de Vosges that were recently donated. We are going to be fighting there.” He held out his arm to her. “Shall we?”
Ladybug rolled her eyes. “I’d love to.”
A crowd had gathered to watch the fight. People had their phones out, waiting to record the thing. Alya was at the very front, already streaming live to the Ladyblog about the fight and the important details needed before watching.
Ladybug looked over at the pianos. Donated by Gabriel Agreste for those lacking style. She smiled. Adrien…Radiant…Carefree…Dreamy… 
Forte cracked his knuckles. “We might as well get this over with. Shadowmoth is already on my back for taking so long.”
The two sat down in front of their pianos. Chat Noir’s hands hovered slightly over the keys before he placed his hands down. 
Forte started a split second before Chat Noir. The crowd went silent as music filled the air. Each of them played wildly different songs, but somehow the notes blended together. Instead of the notes combining to make noise, a new song was born. 
Ladybug’s jaw dropped as Chat Noir’s fingers danced across the keys. Since when could he do this? She kept expecting his claws to get in the way, but it never happened. 
Snow started falling. Ladybug resisted the urge to brush it out of his hair.
She sat down on the ground, letting the music draw her in. The street lights fell on Chat Noir and Forte, focusing on them even with the crowds of people. 
And that was when Ladybug realized that Chat was hot.
A blush crept up her cheeks. The smirk on his face. The casual glances up to the villain just to say that he wasn’t intimidated. His foot tapping along with the beat.
Somehow, somehow, Chat was hotter than a literal model. 
Ladybug drew her legs to her chest. The song grew faster and more upbeat. Chat Noir smiled, his teeth showing.
Ladybug bit her lip. It wasn’t fair that he could be this cute. There, she admitted it. Chat Noir was cute.
The song lasted for several hours, but eventually Forte stopped playing and grabbed his wrist. He realized his mistake a second too late.
“No, wait, it was just a cramp. That doesn’t count.”
Chat Noir stopped playing and looked up at him. “The rules were clear. You lose.”
“What? No.” Forte paused before hanging his head. “Fine. You win.” He handed his glasses to Chat Noir.
“We should play together again sometime. And you should give modern music a chance.” Chat handed the glasses to Ladybug who snapped it in half and caught the akuma.
“Bye bye, little butterfly.”
Chat Noir sat down by Ladybug as the crowd slowly disappeared. “Are you cold?” He asked after everyone was gone. “Your cheeks are red.”
Ladybug stood up laughing. “Maybe a bit.” She pulled him up so they were standing together. She bit her tongue, unsure about whether or not she was making a mistake, but this might be the only chance she got.
Before she could second guess herself she kissed him. It was a small thing, barely a peck, but warmth flooded her face. “I guess you were okay.” She left before he could say anything, leaving him in the park with a smile on his face.
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fandom-monium · 3 years
AN: thank you, anon! i dont plan to make a sequel to KC. But if i did:
For Valentine’s Day
Summary: In which you throw a wrench in Spencer’s plans: you don’t like Valentine’s Day. “If it’s with you, I guess it’s not so bad.”
WC: 2.9k (whoops)
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fluff, cussing, semi anti-valentines day, Spencer tears up but dont worry were there to fix that, established relationships (blegh), Garvez if you squint, post-For the Holidays
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Fuck cooking, Spencer thinks one day.
It's an irrational thought. The kind that strikes through his mind in a flash of irritation like a scrape of the knee as he is perusing the internet. Yes, he is using a computer willingly. He has to because he's desperate.
Cooking is stupid. Who really needs it, right?
He needs it. God, he needs it so bad.
His need to learn cooking wasn't as incessant until recently. Until you came along.
Spencer is a meticulous person and a romantic if you'd ever met one. Makes sense considering how he grew up, reading the classics and all that. He's read all the gooey literary shit old people write and while he never understood those meanings it all dawned on him one day. Quotes written like 'the stars in their eyes' and 'sunshine glowing off them like a halo', suddenly makes sense once he meets you. Or at least, after coming to know you, months into your newfound friendship.
It's because of this he plans accordingly the weeks leading up to Valentine's day! Because again he's meticulous and a romantic and a genius so he plans every step and makes a back up plan in case A, B, and C fall through.
Is he going overboard? 
… Nah. No way. Not when it comes to you.
But fuck with a capital F, man.
It's your third date. Or what is supposed to be your third date if you would just stop being you for a second.
Then again, he loves you a lot and he wouldn't love you if you weren't, well, you.
Although—pardon his french—what the fuck. 
Spencer knows he needs to learn to cook. You've tried plenty of times to teach him and he loves learning and he especially loves it when you are the teacher (wait, does he have a teacher/student fantasy? Maybe. That’s something he'll look into later. Preferably with you). 
Unfortunately, he's terrible at it.
He's made progress and he knows it's true because you said so but the miniscule progress he's made is. Not. Enough. And it's all your fault! Because he gets so distracted by you during your lessons, like when you put your hands over his to show him proper slicing techniques—holy fuck, he wanted to combust right there—or just watching your deft hands at work, lips and brow scrunched in concentration in that adorable way. And you smell like cooking oil or whatever you're making and you're hot.
He's so into you it physically hurts. Ugh. How is he so lucky? 
You're also the first person he's been this into since Maeve. And everyone knows how well that turned out.
So he tries to dial it down for Valentine’s Day. Morgan told him once he tends to throw himself into everything he does, including love. And when you two got together, he promised the universe he will not fuck this up. He ends up combining Morgan’s advice with Luke’s, trying to be casual like Luke says because apparently you're just as into him as he is of you. 
The thought makes him grin uncontrollably. Luke says it makes him look like a clown but a lovesick clown. A lovefool, Luke hehs.
Spencer doesn’t get the joke, but it does nothing to deter him.
As Luke advised, Spencer does “not” make a dozen back up plans and does “not" plan weeks in advance. Because that wouldn't be casual, would it?
But now the day’s come and as Valentine’s Day turns to Valentine’s Night, Spencer wants to pull his hair, rub his frustratedly stinging eyes but he can't because he's in the middle of work, in the middle of the bullpen, in the middle of his desk and he refuses to be that guy. Not again.
Why does he feel like sobbing? Like a loser? 
Because you don't like Valentine’s Day. No, you abhor it.
It happens in the middle of the work day. It's like he tried to open a door only for a bucket of ice water to be dumped on him and now he looks like a drowned rat. He definitely feels like one.
You're talking with Garcia about her Valentine’s Day plans as you multitask, switching between putting together packets and stacking them aside. Then taking them under the hole-puncher and stapling them together because the BAU isn't all kicking down doors and catching freaks. 
It makes sense that you’re chatting with Garcia during your break. The two of you have become two peas in a pod after you came out of your shell. Now you're inseparable. Only you make Garcia leave her batcave as much as she does now.
Out of sight, he catches tidbits of your conversation when he hears distinctively: Fuck Valentine’s Day.
Okay, you didn't say that verbatim but you might as well have, grimacing as you three hole-punch a packet and his heart. Then a nail on his coffin only it’s with a stapler. 
Thump. Chick.
Spencer winces; there goes your his Valentine’s Day plans. 
It shouldn't sting as much as it does. You've been dating for over a month and Valentine’s Day is definitely not his favorite holiday either. It's not even top 3. And as you rant he can’t help but silently nod in agreement, all the facts straight: yes, it's an eyesore. Yes, it's a capitalistic holiday. Yes, people should do nice things for their significant others no matter the time and not because it's expected on a specific day. Yes, it doesn't compare to Halloween—
The thing is, you two aren't that “couple-y”, at least in a traditional sense. Not like Will and JJ who got a babysitter so they could go out or like Luke and Garcia as they plan to go to a special Valentine’s Day event she wants to check out (she vehemently denies anything going on between them but he doesn't need to be a genius to see the affection they have for one another. Just kiss already, damn).
So yeah, Spencer hoped to spend the romantic holiday with you. For once, he'd have Valentine’s Day plans, aside from exchanging cards with the team and his mother.
But apparently you hate Valentine’s Day! So there goes plan A, B, C, and D!
Spencer feels the tears spring at the corner of his eyes. He sniffs as subtly as he can, raising an open case file to his face. Of all the plans he hadn't thought through this was not one of them. IQ 187, his ass.
He should've known. Or at least ask your thoughts on Valentine’s Day. That was inconsiderate on his part. He blinks back tears, withdrawing into himself despite his hurt because he is a lovefool and only for you. He just wants to impress you, make you happy even if that means canceling your first Valentine’s Day together.
Now if you'll excuse him, he has to call off a few reservations and make some returns. Several actually.
Can you return a dozen donuts in the shape of hearts?
… Yeah, he better ask Emily for the rest of the day off.
"Hey Newb, have you seen Spencer? I haven't seen him since his break," You ask, resting your chin in your hand as you squint at another form. Your eyes are beginning to tire. 
Spencer asked you several times over the course of the last week, checking to see if you were free today. You are, so you planned to hang with him after work, but he hasn't returned from his break and he wasn't answering your calls or texts. Not unusual but still odd for your boyfriend (you still can’t believe you get to say that).
Luke sighs, his smooth voice reaching over your shared divider, "You know at some point I'm just not going to respond. You guys can’t call me Newbie forever."
"Keep telling yourself that," You snort without looking up.
Another sigh and you smirk: you win.
"For your information," Luke grumbles, words punctuated with sass, "Doc went home."
You pause. "Home?" He didn't tell you.
"Yeah, probably to get ready for your date."
"Our date?" You frown and stand up, leaning over the divider to see if Luke’s fucking with you.
He isn't. Luke shrugs, humming wistfully as he rests his cheek in his hand, "You should've seen how excited he was, being it your first Valentine's Day and all. I told him to chill out because you'll love whatever it is no matter what but I'm sure he ignored that and planned something spectacular for you guys." Sitting back, he twirls around in his chair.
You grimace, recalling your earlier conversation with Garcia. 
"Meanwhile, I have to spend Galentine's Day with Garcia because all the ladies of the BAU are taken and I have nothing better to do—" Luke comes to a full 720, catching the tail end of your coat as you whip it on and make for the door. "—um, excuse you?"
"If Emily asks, I had an emergency!" You manage to call back, throwing open the glass door.
"Thanks, Newb!"
As the elevator door dings shut with you inside, leg jumping because you have a sneaking suspicion you fucked up, Luke slouches in his chair and grumbles.
He's not a newb. Or a newbie.
You rush over to Spencer's, catching your breath as you stumble to his front door. There's shuffling from inside, the faint sound of clanking and crashing and your heart swells because this is the man you’ve fallen for, the first one you've ever felt this way for. Here he is, being all considerate and romantic. And here you are, fucking it up when your relationship’s barely even started.
God, you're an asshole, you berate yourself as you turn the doorknob and push open the door. You're an asshole you're an asshole you’re an asshole—
Then your eyes widen and your jaw goes slack. 
Immediately, you slap a hand over your mouth and nose as your favorite scented candles hit you like someone shoved a bouquet in your face. The description isn't too far off considering there's a lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers still in its wrapping, haphazardly set next to a dozen donuts on the coffee table like no one's business. Its petals are strewn across the floor, a few in tiny piles like they were hastily swept to the side. Red and pink and dark green fill your vision.
Who gutted Cupid and tossed his organs around, holy fu-
"(Your name)?"
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Startled, you crane your head to find Spencer, beautiful hair askew and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. His sleeves are pushed up to his elbows as he clutches flowers to his chest. In his other hand, he grips the colored strings of several shiny red and pink balloons in the shape of hearts and—fuck—your heart might actually float up from your chest and into your eyes.
This is your man. Your partner. Your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend panics, fumbling for a second before stuffing the balloons and trimmed flowers back into the room behind him and slamming the door shut. He turns back to you, eyes wide.
"What-what are you doing here?" Spencer stammers, wringing his hands together.
You blink at him, dumbly holding up your phone. "You-uh-you left early and didn't return my calls."
"I'm sorry. I think I left my phone at work," Probably because he left in such a rush, Spencer groans, looking anywhere but you. The petals scattered over his floor are quite pretty in this light. "And I was a bit busy."
"I'm sure you were," You gawk openly at the strings of fairy lights hung around his living room. It's a clash of aesthetics. Spencer always rocked dark academia, but despite how ugly the combination of red and pink decorations with his nature green walls and dark wood is, it leaves his apartment a little brighter, a little cozier, and you love it.
You love everything about this.
But as you take in the ugly beauty of it all, Spencer fidgets at the doorway, mistaking your awe as shock and disgust. Wiping sweaty palms on his trousers, his eyes dart around, trying to focus on something, but every place he lays his eyes on makes him cringe. He catches all the things he couldn't clean up or put away in time. No doubt you do too. All the leftover flower petals, the donuts he can’t return, candles that haven’t blown out because he has the lungs of an 8-year old asthmatic. 
Spencer can't imagine how appalled you are.
And the longer your silence stretches on, the more nervous he gets so he blurts out, "I'm so sorry, (Your Name)!"
Your brow shoots up as he begins to ramble.
"You must hate this. I'll put everything away."
"You really don't have to—" You stop him, and your heart nearly crumbles as Spencer's does when he finally meets your worried gaze. 
His eyes gleam with unshed tears. He swallows, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"
"At least not without asking you—"
"I understand if you want to break up—" His voice cracks, as if the idea itself will destroy him (it definitely will). 
"Spencer—" His voice, wobbly and dripping with unnecessary guilt, draws you to him.
"But I want you to know that I—"
With an exasperated sigh, you grab his hand as yours finds the nape of his neck, pulling him into a soft kiss. 
For a second, Spencer doesn't respond because who kisses the person they're about to break up with? Strange, really. But then he kisses you back. His hands remain frozen, unsure of where he stands, but he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. He figures this is a new social cue he has yet to learn. And if this is the last time you kiss him, he'll treasure every second of it, take whatever you'll give him because again he's a lovefool for you. 
And when you pull back, he's too dazed he nearly misses the look you give him. Suddenly, he can’t breathe.
You look at him like he hung the stars instead of cheap fairy lights around his apartment. 
Spencer’s confused. "I-I... Wha—"
"I'm not breaking up with you," You chuckle, and you nearly burst out laughing as genuine puzzlement takes over his face. You tug him behind you, plopping yourselves on his couch. You smile, appreciating the way he organized the cushions and throw-pillows; there's now space for two people to lay down.
You take a breath. "You wanna know why I don't like Valentine’s Day?"
Spencer slouches, though his body is angled towards you so you suppose that's good. He sighs, "Because it's a capitalistic holiday that reinforces the idea of doing the bare minimum…"
He begins listing your reasons, and your eyes soften. Of course he listened and remembered even if you mentioned it offhandedly.
You nod once he finishes. "Yes but before that—and I can't believe I'm telling you this—back when I was a little kid, I didn’t get any Valentines."
Spencer's brow furrows at the newfound information. You continue, "I'd get some from my friends and stuff but that's not what Valentine's Day is about. At least not when you're a kid. When you’re a dumb kid, it’s about couples and romantic shit, and I didn't really have any of that growing up." You purse your lips and glance away, face flushed with embarrassment. It's really not that big a deal, but putting it into words makes the idea seem more intimate and personal.
It takes a moment for your words to sink in as Spencer can't believe his ears. How could you not have been showered with love and affection and presents on Valentines Day? It's like water doesn't make things wet or fire doesn't produce heat; it just doesn't make sense. Because you deserve that much and more.
"So every Valentine's Day, I lowered my expectations and eventually I stopped caring. I'd tell myself those things and I started to believe them," You bite your lip, eyes crinkling as you give Spencer a sheepish smile. "But now I have you."
At that, Spencer returns your smile, letting you take his hand. Any tears he had seem to evaporate instantly.
“So, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I stand by what I said before, Valentine’s Day sucks. But if it’s with you,” Blushing deeply, you play with Spencer's hand, large and veins defined compared to yours, shrugging, “I guess it’s not so bad.”
Spencer’s smile broadens, and he intertwines your fingers together. "So what you’re saying is, you don’t hate this?” He looks around his living room.
You shake your head, unable to stop the grin crossing your lips. “No. In fact, very much the opposite. Honestly, thank you for this, it’s beautiful. I have no words.” You breathe it all in; the candles, the flowers, the— Your nose wrinkles and you snort, “Did you burn something?”
Bashfully looking down, he scratches his chin. “I-uh-tried to make your favorite dishes. Though, I was hoping the candles and flowers would mask it.”
You giggle and pull him into you, snuggling into his side. “That’s okay. I’d much rather have you anyway.”
With Spencer a blushing, stuttering mess in your arms, head resting on your chest, you press a kiss to his hair and conclude; yeah, you don’t like Valentine’s Day. 
But you sure as hell love Spencer more.
AN:  FtH status: finished - 7/5. yes 7.
I realize this was not what anon requested but oh well i wrote this at 2 am 
I’m not that anti v day but i stand by the capitalistic aspect.
yes this takes place after For the Holidays.
also included luke bc hes my bro and i honestly think he deserves so much more than what the show gave also garvez ftw
happy post valentine’s day!!
Song: Lovefool by The Cardigans
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sloppykyuu · 3 years
Kitten stuff incoming
Issei is in uni and sometimes he brings home some classmates and some of them r woman and his kitten really doesnt mind but it happens frequently and they get along so well and they can move so freely while she has to hide her tail and her hears and whenever they're all out shes embarrassing him and whenever she does embarrasse him his classmates laugh a bit and it makes her so sad so whenever they come around she hides in the closet knowing she'll be alone cos Issei has to focus on his work and waits for them to leave but it's been so many months that his study group is coming over or them going out that it takes a heavy toll on his kitten and he dont really notice her change - neither does she but after being free for a few days he thought it would be nice to go out with his kitten and they do and hes enjoying it the entire time until he realizes that it's going too good cos normally she would've done something embarrassing but she hasn't all she did was check if her tail is still in the big sweater and if her ears look fake enough and right after gripping the bottom of her sweater trying to make sure she doesnt give herself the chance to touch anything and Issei is just confused to why nothing has happend yet and he keeps an eye out for her and hes confused to why she didn't start jumping when they saw the big help kitty statue she loves and why she isnt trying to steal the fish at the market and why she isnt asking him to buy cute pillows and plushies and when he asks her why she isnt as cheerful as usual all she says it that this it the new kitten and hes like "ah okay" but hes still suspicious but that was only the beginning even home she started to act rather strange she stopped running around naked, stopped trying to kill the birds and doesnt hump everything and whenever the study group is there is sits somewhere really quietly not saying a word and everyone thinks its weird which upsets her even more cos they already thought she was weird which embarrasses Issei but now that she thinks shes like them they still think shes weird and now Issei is even more embarrassed so from then kn his kitten spends more and more time in the closet and at one point he felt really helpless cos the "new" kitten is very different so he calls his three friends and asks them to bring their pet gf so she can talk to some friends and then they lock themself in the bedroom while Issei and the others sit in the living room talking about the problem and hours later when they have to leave again he asks them what she told them and they're left to tell him she barely said nothing only that shes a new kitten and Issei is so stressed now not understanding anything (◍•ᴗ•) I'll make another part about this so u dont need to come up with an ending lol also I didnf mean for making this so long im sorry but please write this forgive me
He doesn’t know when the ‘new kitten’ started but he’s not too sure he’s liking her or not. You don’t beg for a photo at every stop, or pick up the fish in the market and walk off, or pull him into stores and ask for the cute pillows. You just clutch onto his hand, and stop at any reflective surface to check your ears and tail. There’s just a glint of disappointment in your eyes and he’s not sure why, why you aren’t acting like yourself or laughing at his jokes like you used to but it makes his chest ache.
“You okay, kitten?” He asks when you stop for something to eat, sitting down on the benches in the park. He watches you nod, eating the food that sits in your lap. “You sure? You’ve been acting different.”
“This is the new me, new kitten.” You mumble the last part, scratching your nose. He gives a breathy huff before returning to his food, maybe you’re just sleepy.
But even after a long nap, that he had to pin your body to his so you’d cuddle with him, this ‘new kitten’ is still around. You sit cuddled on the couch in his big shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He can see you from where he sits at the table with his classmates, can see the almost empty look on your face. He can’t even bring himself to study because all he can do is watch you.
He’s brought out of his thoughts by a snicker next to him, “why she acting so weird today, like, weirder than normal?” He can tell you heard it, a slight droop in your ears and the way you slowly walk off to his room indicting so. He doesn’t see you for the rest of the night. Doesn’t even hear sniffles or whines from the bedroom, you’re just silent.
Even after the group left he’s still sitting on his couch alone, with his favorite show playing. There’s no naked kitten jumping around his apartment or humming sounds following loud purrs and moans. There’s nothing. Just him, the tv, and his worries. “Is everything okay, baby?” He tries when he goes to bed that night, but there’s nothing still, he’s almost thinks you’re not there but he can hear the slight shuffle.
He wakes up the next day to his closet still locked and bed empty. You’re not trying to kill the birds outside or playing with the toys in the living room, you’re still in the closet, doing god knows what.
He’s utterly helpless.
He called his friends in hope for some guidance, maybe their girlfriends can help his precious kitten because all he wants is to see her again. When they do show up, he feels relief flood him because if there’s anyone you trust taht jsnt him it’s these three.
But the moment they step out of the bedroom, he can feel his heart breaking, because no, you’re not even talking to them. There’s sadness laced in their features because you didn’t even respond to them poking your cheeks, didn’t hiss or swipe your claws at their attempts to annoy you, you just sat there back facing them.
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“How Did All This Happen?”- A Memoire by one Marinette Dupain-Cheng 2
wow. okay. so first off i dont have an update schedule but im on winter break starting next monday so i just have a lot of time on my hands. if this progresses into next year updates wont be as frequent. hell updates probably wont be as frequent next week either. who knows not me. Also i have a few spots left open on the tag list for those who were wondering.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
without further ado 
People Fucked Up and Now It’s All Marinette’s Mess to Clean Up II
Marinette knew how she ruined the eastern coastline, but for all that is magical she could not fathom how that team of hero proteges managed to completely decimate the western side. She knew they were capable of it though, Constantine had warned her that they had an interesting habit of bending, if not outright breaking, the rules and legislation of the UN. He had also warned her that the group of Justice League mini-me’s had a unique calling card. The symphony of everything going to total shit in the background was the declaration of their presence on the island. She hasn’t even seen them from her new cliffside perch but she knew they were there by the distinct sounds of explosions. God, she hoped that super son wasn’t there. And she really hoped he didn’t get his indestructible hands on the magical dagger and destroyed it. It was one thing to return from this mission empty handed. It was an entirely different kettle of fish to return and join her grandfather in having “Broken a magical artifact” added to her list of crimes against the universe. Adrien would never let her live it down. No, Chloe would never let her live that down. She probably would put it on her headstone or something. 
Deciding she has wasted enough time, Marinette began enacting one of her contingency plans in hopes of salvaging this night. She had brought the Tiger, the Horse and the Cat miraculouses for this mission, fearing that a Ladybug Cure would bring too much attention to her and her family. She was right in that fear because reconstructing two coastlines would not fly under international radar.
She called upon the magic of the Tiger, camouflaging with the scenery as she made her descent back to where Kobra himself hopefully still was. 
She found him making his escape from the hellfest that was once their base of operation, followed by two other members. Marinette begrudgingly gives her thanks for the intruding hero team who distracted the cult from her presence and created enough wreckage that forced the cult members into separating. Sneaking up from behind, she jumped on the shoulders of the one furthest back. A swift jab to his throat, and Marinette was using his falling body as a springboard to kick the second cultist. At this point Kobra was aware of her presence and tried to attack her. Keeping the magical dagger on his person, he moved to grab Marinette by her hair. Extending the claws from her panja bracelet, Marinette slashed Kobra by his outstretched hands and used her semi-sentient tiger’s tail to retrieve the dagger. Before Kobra could regain his bearings, Marinette merged the Tiger and the Horse and made a hasty escape to her hideout.
She was greeted to the sight of her grandfather who Marinette believed was entirely too relaxed, enjoying some mint tea as he watched the night sky be curtained by smoke mushrooms from the nearby island. He was reclined in one of the couches in their AirBnB back in Trinidad. She dropped her transformations, Roaar and Kaalki flying to the kitchenette. Plagg slowly came out of Marinette’s purse and pointedly avoided her gaze. So the hellcat did have a guilty conscience, she lamented. Who knew? Apparently accidentally sneezing from the sand on the beach of Santa Prisca, and leaving behind a new cliff, was not one of the Destruction god’s finer moments. If he had any. 
“Don’t tell Tikki,” he began. And look, actual names, he must have been really embarrassed if that’s how he’s referring to his counterpart. 
“Don’t tell me what?” The answering scream Plagg released was actually comical and Marinette decided to be merciful. “Don’t worry Tiks, just a hiccup in the mission but all is well now.” Plagg looked at Marinette like he was about to lay worship to her for not selling him out. He took it in stride and joined the other Kwamis on the counter, already with a cheese wedge in hand.
“You did well, Mei,” her grandfather began. “I will report to Constantine and we will discuss further in the morning. For now get some sleep.” That was a dismissal if Marinette ever heard one so she placed the panja bracelet and the glasses, the tiger and horse miraculouses, back in the box and retreated to her room. A quick shower and a call to her parents later, Marinette was left awake in her room. Bored.
Plagg soon joined her, and despite his earlier reservations, he was brimming with chaotic energy. He had an idea and nothing spelt trouble faster than Plagg’s ideas. Apparently Plagg was curious about what the other young heroes were even doing on the island and wanted to know more. Now Marinette had half a mind to tell him to go by himself and leave her out of it. But she was kind of curious too. They weren’t after the dagger, that much she figured, or else Constantine would have had them go for it instead. So why were they there? A voice that sounded painfully like Kagami in her head told her not to be bullheaded and leave well enough alone.
Ignoring that advice, Marinette went to the den to retrieve the Tiger and the Horse again, the two most suitable for reconnaissance missions. Plagg, of course, would still be accompanying her for it was his shitty idea anyways. 
“Going somewhere?”
The two turned to come face to face with Wayzz, Tikki and Master Fu, all wearing matching faces of disappointment but not surprise.
“We were just going to stake out the island again, figure out what the other hero team were up to.” Marinette was not going to quiver under their gazes. No. Nope. Her maman may not have been an assassin, but she still didn’t raise a weak bitch. Hell, she shadowed one of the most feared assassins for her more formative years. She. Would. Not. Break.
“It was Plagg’s idea.” She broke. 
“HEY!” No offense to Plagg, but he was the only one out of the two of them that was immortal, he could survive Tikki’s ire. 
“It’s not a bad idea, Master,” bless Kaalki and all their endeavors. “If the hero team were not after the dagger, but still after the Cult of the Kobra, investigating would provide valuable insight to what plans the cult had for the dagger in the first place. And perhaps, allow us to put in cautionary measures to prevent the cult from finding other magical means to meet their ends.”
“Yeah, what they said.” Marinette wasn’t all in favor of extending the mission if they did find anything concerning, but she committed to this idea and she’s going to see it through. Logical rational and self-preservation be damned. 
@deathwishy @neakco @ virtualreading @f-rget-lt @your-resident-chicken-nugget @nathleigh @toodaloo-kangaroo @irontimetravelflower @trippingovermyfeet @t1dwarrior-of-earth @tip-tap-tired @fidget-eep @thenillabean @officiallydarkgeek 
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idkcantthinkofaname · 4 years
It takes time/7
Pairing: BTS x Reader
Gene: angst, eventual smut
Warning: none that I can think of for this chapter
Summary: after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
   y/n slowly blinked her eyes open., the lights above were extremely bright.
“Careful now ms. l/n.” Said a gentle female voice to the left. I barely peaked the best I could to look at a nurse.
“It’s good to see you awake.” The nurse, she smiled.
“Wh..what happened?” I asked but was shocked at how much effort it took to actually speak.
“Try not to speak to much, your throat was severely damaged along with your left leg. Let me go get your doctor and let him know you are finally awake.” She smiled at left the room. I closed my eyes because the light still made my head throb.
“Y/n?” Jin’s light voice drifted into the room. I slowly turned my head towards him and smiled. I went to go talk but Jim rushed over
“No talking for you, missy. Not until your throat is healed.” He smiled and ran his fingers along my cheek.
“I’m glad it wasn’t as worse as it could have been” he frowned and there was sadness in his eyes. I placed my hand on his, removing it from My face and place it on my other hand. I looked at his eyes while Rubbing my thumb over his hand. Trying to to tell him with my eyes that it was okay.
The doctor eventually came In and informed me about the concussion that I had along with the damage to my throat and leg. The next day, police came in to question about the attack, but I told them it was to dark to really tell who it was. I did tell them a little of what I could remember of it. I didn’t want them out there looking for jungkook. I understood why he acted that way, and if they did catch him they would put him to sleep...and I didn’t want that. As I was recalling some of the events I  could remember....there was something that I wasn’t sure if I was remembering correctly or not...but I had to wait to ask.
  It wasn’t until I was finally released and Jin had loaded me Into my car that I finally asked “hey jin?”
He hummed. “That night that everything happened...where...” oh god I was blushing really hard “did y’all come To my house in animals form?”
Jin snickered “if you are asking if you remember seeing all of us naked? Then yes”
I covered my face. Oh god.  I knew I didn’t actually look at anything...but I think subconsciously I knew they were naked. Jin patted my Good knee “don’t worry, we won’t hold it against you.” He started to laugh as I sunk more in my chair.
“By the way...I’m Sorry.” Jin said softly
I looked up. At him...
“I’m Sorry for what jungkook did, and I’m sorry I couldn’t get there fast enough.” His knuckles tighten on the steering wheel.
“It’s not your fault...I understand why he was so upset..he...was just doing what he thought was right.” Jin’s head whipped towards me
“No, he should not have acted without any evidence or even talking to you.”
I leaned my head against the window. I Could still see and feel the hatred he had. “He doesn’t like humans at all I take It.”
Jin sighed “him and Yoongi, the panther that was beside namjoon, dont like them at all.”
I shut my eyes after that and tried to sleep.
I felt the car pull to a stop and open my eyes.
“Y/N!” Yelled Taehyung who came running out to the car. He swung the door open and scooped me up.
“You finally get to be home!” He smiled a bright boxy smile. “We have been keeping an eye on the house while you were away.”
He was walking with a bounce in his step, the closer he got to the door, I stiffen, them?? All of them? But wait
“ why are y’all not out looking for Jimin?” I looked up at him from his arms.
“Because I’m here.” I whipped my head towards Jimin as we walked through the door. He smiled so brightly and took me from Taehyung arms.
“If she wasn’t so worried about you I wouldn’t let you have her.” Smirked Taehyung. He ruffled my hair and walked towards the kitchen.
“You are here! Safe! What happened?” I question as he sat down on the couch.....I was still in his arms. “Uh, Jimin you can let go now.”
Jimin smirked and placed me on the left of him, but kept my legs a crossed his.
“Well after I was ambushed by the guys from H.C” he was smirking “they thought they could take me, but obviously they couldn’t.” He puffed his chest out in pride, making me Giggle.
His ears pointed towards me. “I have missed that sound.” He snuggled into me. I blushed really hard. Calm down, this is normal behavior for them. Nothing special.
“So,” I cleared my throat and tried to scoot away. Jimin frowned but let me go “when did you get back? And...where are the others?” I honestly didn’t want to see..jungkook just yet.
“If you are worried about jungkook, Yoongi and namjoon, they are gone.” Taehyung said. I raised my eyebrow in question but another hybrid walked into the room.
He was a golden retriever, and his face lit up when we locked eyes! “Hi” he smiled and sat by me.
“I’m Hoseok, you can call me Hobi!” His smile was contagious. He looked some what familiar.
“Hi Hobi.” His tail started to wag.
“So...when did you Get back?” I turned my head back to Jimin.
“The night jungkook attacked you..” he looked down “ I should have come back sooner..it just took longer then I thought.” Tae patted his shoulder
“Don’t take it so hard Jimin, we know jungkook doesn’t think his actions threw.”
“Yes, but if Jimin had come back to the pack before he....” Jin looked at me the back at Jimin. “Took care of the guys himself, we would have known he was fine.”
I looked at all of them “what am I missing?”
Jimin and Taehyung looked down.
“These two idiots had planned for all of us to come here.” Said Hobi. I looked at him then back towards the foxes
“You planned this?”
“No, not like this. I was supposed to come Back with the food you made for us. So the others would...get curious about where it was coming from.” Jimin looked up slightly, his ears were pinned back.
“But after they attacked him, instead of coming back he thought it would be smart to make us sweat and worry.” Jin said with a stern voice.
“Look, I didn’t think he would automatically know about her.” Jimin jumped up and paced. “I thought Tae would be like ‘let’s go check this way’ and lead y’all to here. I thought I would be back before then.”
“Um...why here?” I said in a small voice. Not that I didn’t mind them be here...but why here? Didn’t they like being on their own? All the hybrids look at each other.
“Because you are nice..”Taehyung said in a small voice.
Hobi took hold of my hand “you took care of Jin when you didn’t have too, and then you feed these two knuckleheads with out asking for anything else. Even though we love the wild, we miss certain companionship.” I was about to question him. He just smiled
“Yes we miss human companionship, even after all that was done.” I get that.
“So where are the other three?” I asked
“Well after Jimin walked in..saw you. He kinda punched jungkook. Namjoon and Yoongi tried to defend him. But when hobi raised his voice and told them to leave if they didn’t want to stay. They left.” Said Taehyung.
I looked back towards Hobi “how come You stood up for Me? Not that I don’t appreciate it.”
Hobi looked down “we have meet before..” he looked up at me “back when I was with old owners before...I was the hybrid you tried to help.”
My eyes went wide “you were the hybrid they were dragging out?!” He nodded.
“Wait, so Hobi saw y/n first?” Asked Taehyung
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 5 (final part)
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
This is the finale of this way too long "one shot". Find the prior parts here!
Story continues under the cut. You´re almost finished!!
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Continuing to work at the bar for a while, Violet found a surprising guest on the other side of the counter.
“Clover! What are you doing here?"
Clover sank down on one of the chairs.
"A double shot, please" Clover joked, but probably wouldn't say no to a little refresher either.
"Tired?" Violet laughed, handing her a glass of water instead.
"Mhm..." Clover rubbed her face. "I´m slowly running out of energy... Well, how are your squeeze-points doing?"
They exchanged their data. While Violet was doing pretty well with a total of 17 points, Clover had (still) only gathered five points so far.
"Meh... I knew I'd loose" Clover mumbled.
"It's still not too late" Violet tried cheering her up. There's still plenty of time to touch Solom-"
"DONT." Clover shot her giggling friend a glare. "Look, it's not even anything personal, I just... Feel very weird inside when I imagine me walking up to Solomon like this."
Violet's smirk widened.
"You mean like... The fluttery feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Clover, could it be...?! That you lov-"
"I will eliminate you if you end this sentence."
She couldn't hide a smile at the joke, but soon Clover had to realise that her persistence to not squeeze Solomon's tail would have drastic consequences.
"You know...” Violet thought out loud at some point. "We never thought of a price for the winner of our challenge, did we?"
"... Nope."
The ideas kept processing in Violet's head. Then it hit her.
"Or maybe... Rather than thinking of a price, let's do a penalty for the loser."
Clover's eyes wandered up to meet hers, her face curling into a "I don't like where this is going" expression.
"How abooouut... The loser..." Violet began.
"... Has toooo..."
"Please don't."
"Why do you hate me."
"... Solomon's tail?" Violet grinned proudly.
"... You really hate me, don't you?"
"Come on, Clover" Violet cheered. "There's still time for you to score some points~!"
Clover wanted to reply something when a weird round of girly giggles caught their attention.
Around the dining tables, a group of female succubi where currently being served by Beel.
But they didn't seem to be interested in the drinks in his hand, but much rather in the man holding them. Even from the bar, the human girls could hear their excited squeals as they kept batting their eyes at the demon.
Clover's head landed on the bar counter in a depressed sigh.
"Whatever... I don't really care about the game anyway..."
In an instant, Violet's whole tone had changed.
"Clover..." She mumbled, voice soft as the patted her friend's head.
"It's been like this the whole evening" Clover grumbled, eyes pointing to the group of succubi. "I can't blame them, but... When I hear them thirsting over Beel, I…"
"Just go up to him" Violet said. "You know Beel, it's not like he'd be interested in some random demons."
The frown on Clover's face deepened. "... And in no random human, either..."
"Stop saying that. You know he likes your company. Likes you."
Clover shook her head.
"Just... Leave me, okay. Thank you, but... I'm just a little angry at myself. I also had so many chances to squeeze his tail but... Yeah..."
Violet clearly remained bothered, but Clover was quick to change the topic.
"Did you get that Luci-butt already?"
"... No" Violet cried. "He dashed away to grab Mammon, and they vanished in the staff room."
"... That's why Mammon was tied to the ceiling fan!" Clover called out. "Explains a lot."
Violet gave a nod, however continuing with her trail of thought.
"It's been quite a while, though... He should have been around the casino area, but wasn't there... And now he's on break, but, again, I have no idea where he is."
"Go search for him" Clover said. "I'll back you up here. I need something to do anyway, so... Go get your man. There's still his tail in need to be squished, right?"
They argued a little, but in the end, Violet accepted Clover's offer and excused herself into an early break. Violet was searching through the whole club. Asking some of the brothers, too, but none could give her a clue. She wasn't able to find him anywhere, so in her desperation, she went up to Simeon.
"Hey, Simeon? Have you seen Lucifer anywhere?"
The angel turned to greet her as well.
"Hello", he smiled. "Does he have a shift right now? If not, maybe he is using the restroom."
"Hm... I've been looking for him for a while now, though..."
Simeon mustered her for a moment.
"He might also be outside to catch some fresh air" he continued his trail of thought. "But I fear he might get a cold if he stays out for too long. Would you mind taking care of him?"
"Huh?" Violet's eyes widened in surprise.
"Lucy always had a bad habit of taking too little care of himself. So, could you check on him? I am sure he would be delighted to see you."
When Violet pulled open the heavy doors of the bar's back entrance, a head turned towards her immediately.
"Lucifer...!" she called out, looking down on the demon sitting on the stairs.
"Violet... Did something happen?"
He was already in the movement of standing up, worry spreading in his face.
"No no, everything's fine!" Violet quickly assured him. "I just came looking for you."
He stopped mid-motion, but in the end sat down again.
Violet bit her lip. She decided to plonk down beside him.
"I'm also on break now. I thought we could spend it together and relax a little."
She felt his gaze on her, but as soon as she turned to face him, he was looking off into the distance.
"I am pleased to hear you decided to grand me your free time" he smiled. Then, he gave a sigh.
"However... I should probably head back in soon. Someone might need my help-"
Violet impulsively grabbed Lucifer's arm before he could escape.
They stared at each other. Until Lucifer let out a breathy laugh.
"Well, if you demand my presence that much... I fear I cannot turn down a request from you."
A little silence came over them. From the side glances Violet threw him, the demon looked kind of... Odd.
"Ah... Is there something you need from me, perhaps?" Lucifer asked. "Or why is it that you want me to stay so badly?"
And from how he looked at her, his perfect attire not shattered, but shreds of exhaustion glistening in his eyes, Violet knew that he wasn't okay.
"I'm good", she replied. "I simply... Wanted to check if you're doing good, too."
Surprise crossed Lucifer's face.
"Of course" he replied. "I am used to working until late."
However, Violet kept inspecting him.
"... Are you worried about me?" he asked. She did not really answer with more than a guilty glance off to the side. "Your worry is misplaced. I am nothing out of the usual."
Violet almost gave a grumbly noise. So he wasn't going to break through his perfect face so easily, huh?
"Okay", she said, tone almost as if she didn't really care. "You know, because I feel kind of exhausted."
Lucifer was hesitating. "... Explain."
"We've been running around for hours" Violet began to list. "The music inside is rather loud, especially near the dance hall. Mammon keeps causing trouble... Well, not only him. It's always tricky dealing with an angry Satan, too, or Beel when he's hungry, or with Asmo when he's... horny..."
The demon interrupted her by giving a huff. He had seen through her plan.
"... So you've come to pity me? Do I seem that weak to you?"
"What? No!" she exclaimed. "I would never think of you as weak!"
She made a little pause. A little nervous, she stretched out her hand to link her pinky finger with his.
"But I... Also don't think it's a sign of weakness to share your exhaustion with others... Let alone to be exhausted in the first place."
His crimson eyes met hers.
"... Why would I be exhausted?" he mumbled. "Dealing with this scumbag of a brother, keeping Beel from illegally eating food supplies without paying for them... Asmo groping strangers, Satan mocking me on purpose... Levi clinging to my side, whining that he wants to go home like some toddler... Oh, did you know Belphie locked himself in one of the toilet stalls to sleep? For two whole hours?" he was waiting for her to laugh, but had to endure her worried expression. "And then there's Lord Diavolo... Mixing his own sparks of crazy into this chaos..."
Mumbling the last part, he looked down on his clothing... Or rather the places where he normally would wear some.
Then his head perked up again.
"Why should I be exhausted?" he asked again. "All that is... Nothing out of the usual..."
Violet's lips curled into a sad smile.
Now she placed his whole hand into her palms.
"You work really hard, Lucifer."
He tried a cheeky smirk. "Words of flattery won't be enough to convince..."
But Lucifer's voice trailed off.
One could even debate that his mouth fell open just a slight bit, seeing the look Violet gave him.
So warm that it truly caught him off guard...
As if admitting his defeat, Lucifer went silent.
He enjoyed how her thumb gently brushed over his hand for a while as he was taking breaths of the fresh midnight air.
Violet was patiently waiting for him until eventually, he would speak up again.
"Aren't you cold?" Lucifer asked. "Your human body surely isn't used to the temperatures of Devildom nights..."
"Huh? No, I'm fine, don't worry about me."
"Oh, surely you are..." The teasing tone in his voice was back. "And I'm sure your outfit is only helping, isn't it~?"
He shot Violet some obvious glances, leading her to instinctively cover her body in a blush.
"Like you're one to talk...!" she mumbled.
"You got me there..." he chuckled. "I would lend you a jacket if I had one, but..."
Lucifer silently gestured at the arm sleeves, shrugging in a manner of "nothin doin".
He got a laugh out of her, and his relief immediately showed on his face.
"Your smiling face will have to keep me warm, then" he said.
Violet's smile turned into a blush immediately.
"Oh~?", he smirked. "A blush is fine as well, thank you~"
Struggling, Violet turned away slightly, trying not to embarrass herself even more.
Then, she felt arms being wrapped around her.
"However, I fear I have to take responsibility for keeping you warm as well..." he murmured close to her ear. "After all, it is my fault you have to sit here..."
The girl turned, and wrapping her arms around him as well, nuzzled her face into his warm skin.
"It's not your fault", she replied softly. "I chose to come and find you."
"... I still don't understand why."
"I told you" Violet smiled. "There's nothing wrong with taking a break from time to time. And if I, in any way, can help you with that, I'd love to do so."
She heard him breathe softly as he was searching for a response.
"... Thank you", he decided to say.
She squeezed him tightly. "You're welcome."
"...Stay like this for a little longer" Lucifer asked of her when it felt as if Violet was trying to pull away.
Of course, she agreed, and so they relaxed into each other’s embrace for a little longer.
Without meaning to, over time Violet's arms were sliding down his body a little, just enough to accidentally brush over something fluffy with her fingertip.
But, oh well, who would even mind gathering points for some silly game when there was something -- or rather, someone else to focus on...
They only parted after Lucifer's phone pulled them back into reality.
Sighing, he announced the end of their break.
"I'm glad we are closing soon..." he mumbled and helped Violet stand up. "Although, cleaning the place will probably leave us with another hour of work until we finally get to head home..."
"It will be exhausting… But we'll power through it" Violet assured, squishing his hand in encouragement.
"Yes..." Lucifer nodded.
Then, he pulled her closer one last time, wrapping one arm around her waist while looking down into her eyes.
"However... I would much appreciate it if we could keep our break a secret."
"Uhm..." the girl blinked, confused. "Sure, but may I ask why?"
"No reason in particular... I would simply ask that as a personal favour."
Then, he leaned in closer. Resting his chin on her shoulder, his hand reached to her lower back.
And Violet gave a gasp as she felt how he provocatively played with her bunny tail.
"In return, I will keep your secrets safe, too."
He pulled back, responding to her dazzled expression with a sly smirk, before passing her to open the door.
Being the gentleman he was, Lucifer held the door open, smiling at the lady as he gestured her to step inside.
"Thank y..." Violet was about to say,
Then both of them looked inside the kitchen.
Beel stood there, together with Clover, both giggling as they snacked on some sweets.
Violet wanted to smile at the sight… But the "shit, we got caught" expression on both of their faces, paired with Lucifer's tangible anger, made her frown instead.
"... Oops" Clover and Beel pressed out, simultaneously letting go of the meringues they had in their hands.
To understand how that situation came to existence, we should go back in time to take a look at Clover's side of the story.
She was cleaning the tables when yet another giggle pulled her out of her thoughts.
The girl felt tired, and had started to count down the minutes left until she could finally go home.
She was really done with life. And those certain giggles made it only worse. She would admit that she wasn't good with things like jealousy.
She just couldn't deal with it.
Not in a way like Mammon, for example, was expressing his tsundere feelings.
No, her way of coping was more... Self hating (like Levi I guess),
And hearing for yet another time how some hot demon girls called a certain waiter over to them drove her insane.
"Do you want to try my cake, Beel~?"
Clover flinched.
She peeked up to see how a demon caressed Beel's arm as she waited for his answer to her question.
Clover couldn't see his face, but, judging from his tone, he was wearing his usual frown.
"... I'm not allowed to eat the food we serve..."
"Oh, don't be like that..." The demon responded, loading some cake onto her fork. "It's my cake now, so I decide who gets to eat it. And I really want yooouuuu..."
She stopped, then one of her friends giggled.
"Are you going to finish that sentence?"
"It's already finished", she purred, seductively winking at Beel before leading the fork up to his face.
Beel was hesitating, for two whole seconds, before chomping down on both, cake and fork.
"Oh... Not again..." He mumbled.
The girls gave a giggle.
"Beel, you're such a beast!" The main (bitch) demon hummed. "That's no good, though... I wanted to feed you another bite, but how, without fork...?"
"Guess you´ll have to do mouth to mouth feeding...", Another chick chuckled.
And as the demon girl stood up to do exactly that, Clover stomped away impulsively.
In her fury, she didn't notice how someone was calling for her. She targeted the table in the most opposite corner possible as someone pulled her arm.
Belphie was staring at her, holding her by her wrist.
"... You're pathetic" he said.
"Thank you, tell me something I don't know yet." Clover pulled her arm out of his grip. "And, what, you've got nothing better to do then watch me be pathetic?"
Belphie blinked in surprise. “I would usually agree that it´s pretty funny to watch you get angry, but I´ve seen you be like this all night. What´s getting you this agitated?”
A deep frown spread on her face, but Clover didn´t answer. So Belphie looked back to Beel.
“Is it because of the succubi? Because of Beel?”
“… Please, leave me alone…”
She didn’t see his worried expression as Belphie was trying to figure the answer to his question.
“… Are you really this insecure?” He finally decided to ask.
As her only response was a short side glare with wet eyes, Belphie understood she wouldn´t talk about it.
“Really… Both of you can be such a pain to deal with…” Belphie breathed before leaving Clover alone.
And Clover felt even worse now.
Not only being so horrible inside, but Belphie tried to help her and she rejected it.
She fought tears as she furiously wiped the already clean table.
Pathetic. Yes, she was so pathetic. Honestly, Beel was probably in better company with those succubi than with an idiotic, childish human like her-
Clover got lifted off of the ground.
Squealing, she noticed too late how arms had wrapped around her thighs, leading her to now flail in the air in panic.
"Wh-what?!" Clover panicked.
"It's time for a break" She felt the culprit cheering into her back.
"... Beel?"
Beelzebub began to head through the local, the girl still in his arms.
"Let's go to the kitchen" he said. "Belphie just told you need a break, and I need your help with something..."
Clover gave some more confused noises, but it was impossible to move in the demon's grip anyway.
"O-okay, but... You don't have to carry me, I'm probably heavy..."
She felt him chuckle. "Heavy? I can carry you with one arm. Look!"
He stretched out his right arm to demonstrate. Beel led them into the kitchen.
The local wasn't serving any food at this late hour, so they appeared to be alone here.
"U-uhm... Beel, are you going to put me down somewhen soon, or...?"
"Yeah, soon..." he mumbled, then walked up to one of the shelves hanging on the wall. "Do you perhaps see anything on top of the shelf?"
Clover tilted her head.
"Yeah, there's a box of... What's that...? Meringues?"
Absolutely delicious meringues!"
Clover gave a little chuckle at the excitement in his voice, but her expression did a full turn when she saw the note attached to the box:
"Could you get them for me?" Beel smiled innocently.
The girl hesitated, so Beel asked again. "Please, I can't reach them alone. The shelf is up too high."
"Well... I'm guessing someone hid them there on purpose..."
"Please, Clover... I'm so hungry..."
But as he realised she wasn't going to hand him the box that easily, he let her down to rest on the counter they had been standing in front of.
"Beel, I know you're hungry, but..." she began, however halted as she noticed how terribly tired he looked.“... Are you okay?"
The demon gave a little sigh. "No... I'm exhausted... Not like after training, but just... drained." He leaned against the counter next to her. "What about you? Aren't you tired? Have the customers been nice to you?"
"Huh? Yeah, they have."
"Good" he nodded. "We were afraid that some of the guests might harass you or Violet, but I guess Lucifer's official warning was enough to scare them off..."
Clover fiddled with her fingers.
"There was no need to worry, though. I don't think anyone would have approached us… or me, at least" she said, laughing awkwardly. "I don't have a fair share of people crushing on me like you, hahaha..."
Beel looked at her. "Good. You don't need any demons trying to seduce you. I wouldn't want you to go through a hassle like this..."
"... You don't like the attention?"
He shrugged. "Not really... But I have to be nice to them, so I tend to just ignore what they say. I won't say no to free food or extra money, but... I don't really see why they behave like this."
Clover chuckled, feeling relief at his words.
"Diavolo already said it... Good-looking staff makes more profit."
Beel blinked at her, processing her words. "... Thank you."
"Nothing to thank me for" Clover smiled shyly.
He went silent.
"No... No, there is", Beel then suddenly said, pushing himself off the counter to stand in front of her again. "I've been hit on the whole evening, but... somehow, it feels nice if you're the one to compliment me... You always make me feel nice inside. And for that, I should thank you."
He blessed her with a smile that, obviously, was directly followed by the girls' heart exploding in the love she felt for this man.
However, he still gave off odd vibes.
"...Beel?" Clover called out, seeing how he was deeply contemplating something.
"I was thinking of thanking you with some... Meringues" his smile widened.
"... Beel."
"They're supposed to be delicious! I could feed them to you... If I manage to contain myself. But I'd try really hard, because it´s for you.”
"Beel..." Clover sighed, watching as his puppy grin spread on his face more and more.
"Wouldn't that be nice to feed each other a nice treat...?" he changed into begging puppy eyes.
They stared at each other.
"We both know you have wings, or could have simply climbed onto the counter if you wanted to get those sweets."
"... But I wanted to share them with you...?"
"We also both know how Lucifer tends to cast spells on the things that you are absolutely not allowed to eat. But those tend to apply to demons only most of the time."
Beelzebub went silent.
"What was that earlier?” Clover continued. “About you not wanting me to be lured by demons? And now, I find myself sweet-talked like this?"
His face had ultimately changed into sulking puppy mode.
"... But I... I'm... I really mean what I said…"
Clover crossed her arms.
"You're a sly demon, mister" she scolded. "And to think you'd take advantage of me like this...!" She fake cried in disbelief.
"I'm sorry..." he pouted.
Silence came over them, in which Clover fully knew that he was thinking of both, how to make it up to her AND how to achieve his goal anyway.
His idea surprised her, though.
"... Want to touch my bunny tail?"
"... Huh?"
"I've seen you and Violet do this to the others" Beel said. "I don't why, but you seemed to have fun, so..." He turned around to expose his tail. "AND I'll treat you with some of the meringues, of course", he added as he noticed Clover was seriously considering his offer.
Clover was grunting something. "Lucifer will kill us", she said.
"He doesn't have to find out."
"... You're evil..."
"Well, I AM a demon, after all" Beel laughed.
And as he teasingly wiggled his tail at her, Clover gave in to the temptation...
"Beel... Clover... Would you care to explain what I have to look at right now...?"
Lucifer crossed his arms as he spoke.
Yeah, they were SO screwed.
"... Uhm..." Beel started to mumble while Clover felt her stomach turn in guilt.
"Beel" Lucifer called out again. "Could those be the meringues that I have personally bought and reserved for me to enjoy after work?"
"... There was no name written on it" the avatar of Gluttony said.
Lucifer pierced him with an angry stare. Then he turned towards Clover.
"And you" his tone had the girl shiver visibly. "Demons were unable to touch that box. Hence, I assume it was you who got them? AND ate them, as well?"
"I forced her to do it" Beel immediately chimed in.
"Huh?” Clover blinked in surprise. "Beel, no... I got them! And asked Beel to try them with me. It's my f-fault" she lied.
Now Beel was the one to look confused, and the two kind of drowned in a spiral of trying to protect the other one. But the ruckus only fueled Lucifer's displease.
Already stressed out, he felt like he was about to explode.
If not for Violet who kept him steady.
"Lucifer" she mumbled in a mellow voice, stroking over his arm in a calming gesture. "Don't stress yourself. They will buy you a new package."
Lucifer shot her about the same angered glare as he had done with the others, but softened as he mustered her comforting smile.
With a sigh, Lucifer stepped closer to Beel and Clover.
"... You are lucky to have Violet standing up for you..." he mumbled. "As compensation, I order three boxes of those meringues. Oh, and when we close the bar, do not expect to leave until everything is as tidy as can be."
"Y-yes, sir...!"
Slowly (very slowly I know) but steadily, the evening came to an end...
A lot has happened, way too much to fit into this... One shot... Story... * glances at the total approximate reading time of one hour*
...Well. Let's not talk about that...
A little after 4 AM, every last customer had left the bar/ had been carried out of the dancing hall (like, a few of the most drunk ones literally had to be yeeted out of the local.)
Now everything that was left was cleaning up the local.
Lucifer took it upon himself to punish all of his brothers - and Clover - for annoying him at some point during this event. So those appeared to have an extra load of work, while he pulled Violet aside with him for some more leisure cleaning.
Around five in the morning, it seemed like the bunny crew was finally finished.
"Alright..." Barbatos mumbled, stepping out of the last hall he needed to check. "It seems we are done. All that is left is to take out the trash as we go."
"... How are we supposed to take out the trash? Mammon is still tied to the ceiling" Belphie mumbled casually.
"WHO DID YOU JUST CALL TRASH?!" Some Mammon screamed from the staff's room.
Clover mustered them in amusement, when Violet walked up to her.
"Ooooh, Clooveerrrr...." the girl hummed in a rather... Scary tone.
"... I don't like the look on your face" Clover stated in growing fear.
"You know... We still need to see who's won the challenge" Violet grinned.
Clover crossed her arms. "... Do we really need to compare?"
"Uggghhh..." Clover frowned. She pulled out her phone:
Clover: Lord Diavolo? May we ask how many points you have?
Diavolo: I managed to gather 12 points, fair and square. How many do you two have?
Violet: I have 20 points in total... Although I'm not 100% sure if Lucifer noticed me earlier...
Clover: ...
* Clover has left the chatroom *
"Violet, I don't want to do this."
Clover's friend mustered her with a smirk.
"Well..." Violet hummed. "I'm not forcing you, but... You did loose, after all..."
"And look" she pointed at the hall in front of the dressing rooms. "He's standing there, alone, for some reason... It's fate, Clover."
Clover gave the ugliest growl.
But in the end she walked up to Solomon.
She didn't even know how to approach this. Should she try to make it sneaky, or just awkwardly ask?
Legs wobbly, Clover came to a stop behind the sorcerer, reaching out her hand in the same moment that he turned around to face her.
"Oh, hello", Solomon cheered. "Can I help you?"
She flinched backwards.
Solomon gave her a confused look, but didn't get to say anything.
Coincidentally, Levi happened to walk up to them as well, wanting something from Solomon.
The human turned around as the two talked.
And finally…
Solomon's bunny tail got touched.
Clover escaped immediately. Avoiding any kind of interaction, at all costs.
The last thing to do before everyone could return home was getting dressed normally again.
And everyone felt so tired that they really just wanted to hit the hay, when...
A panicked scream rang out of the stall Clover was changing in.
"... Clover?" Violet called out, already dressed normally again.
The girl gave continuous panicked noises, pressed out random “What is happening-?!”´s.
Then, all of a sudden, silence came over them.
“Cl… Clover…?” Visibly concerned, Violet was standing in front of the stall´s door, unsure what to do. As she didn´t get an answer, she was trying to open the door, but it was locked.
She had to hurry to get someone to help, and as her face screamed “we have trouble”, most of her friends came to look what was going on.
Barbatos had to help open the stalls door, and when Violet carefully pushed it open…
They saw a small, brown bunny sitting on the floor.
Its green eyes were staring up into the countless pairs of puzzled eyes as they tried to understand the situation.
Violet was the first one to move again. She slowly lowered herself, reaching out to the animal.
“Is that you… Clover?”
Half of the people there stared at the girl in disbelief.
“You´re telling me THIS is CLOVER??” Mammon asked with big eyes. Violet had picked the bunny up and stepped out of the stall to get a better look at Clover.
“What happened to her?” Beel asked, worry spread over his face.
Bunny Clover seemed to understand their words. Or at least, she suddenly turned her fluffy head, staring directly at Solomon.
And, well, the sorcerer stared back, an amused smile on his face.
"Ah... So Clover DID touch my tail, after all!"
"... What."
The whole group was now demanding answers.
Solomon chuckled, placing his gaze on Violet now. "I was waiting until one of you would finally approach me and touch my tail... But oddly, none of you seemed to have interest in touching it... I thought I had made myself an easy target, but I must have made it too obvious..."
Violet´s mouth fell open a tad bit.
"... So you really knew of our challenge?" She dared to ask.
But Solomon would only continue to laugh.
"I honestly thought my efforts would go to waste..." He mustered the bunny in her arms. "Don't worry though, the spell will wear off eventually."
"Eventually??" Levi repeated.
"Yes, in a few days or so."
The whole way back to the house of Lamentation, Violet had to deal with this grumpy, pissed, simply angwy bunny in her arms. Clover couldn´t speak, but the little facial expression she could give said it all.
“Hey, Cloverrr…” Violet attempted to cheer her up. “Don´t look at me like that… It was fun, wasn´t it?”
Bunny Clover snuffled grumpily.
Yeah, yeah, she thought. It´s all fun and games until it´s about Solomon.
Meanwhile, Bunny Clover had to endure how the brothers kept poking her fluffy fur or took pictures of her.
If she could, Clover would have given a big sigh.
THIS is exactly why I don't trust Solomon... Never did, never will...
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mudwingprince · 3 years
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (here)
two things
1. Please dont ship us, everything that happens in these are completely platonic :)
2. Everything thought or said about certain characters (*cough* isol) is not meant or actually thought, i love all of my friends dearly and would never say anything bad about them in a malicious manner
and onto the story we goooooo
tw: symptoms of clinical anxiety, illness (poison)
Even after a couple hours, the rain hadn’t subdued at all. My fur was wet. Gross. At least when we leave the tree there will be mud. I’ve always liked mud, that’s probably why my parents named me that. Where were my parents, anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before… Did my parents even name me themselves?
I stared out into the forest, the soft sound of rain pattering down on the leaves kept me calm, but alert. Isol could be out there, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I flicked my tail. It was heavy due to the rain. I blinked. It was a while since I saw rain. It was kind of nice. I glanced at Radi0, making sure he was still there. Yep. Still sleeping. I put my claw to my forehead and brushed my fur tuft to the side. Still there. We’re safe. Why am I afraid? I shouldn’t be. As soon as Radi0 wakes up we’d leave. We need to get as far away from here as possible. I need to find a way to hide our scents. Radi0’s is most important. He was human. He would have the strongest scent. The rain would make it harder for Isol to find us though, and it will wash away our trail. But we were here for so long, there’s no way that the scent wouldn’t stay. I picked up a nearby stick and started scratching at the dirt. It was like that for a while, the harsh crackle from the on-going fire and the soft pitter-patter of the rain. I started poking at a rock, I just needed to wait.
It felt like hours despite only being a couple minutes before Radi0 stirred in his sleep. He pushed himself up with a small grunt, his normally spiky hair had deflated. He rubbed at his eyes and blinked. And then rubbed at his eyes again, tense.
“Did you forget we left?” I asked, my voice low as I kept poking the rock. He let out a nervous laugh.
“Kind of,” He muttered. A pause.
“I grabbed berries?” I said, pushing the berries towards him. He hesitantly took them.
“Are… they poisonous?” Radi0 asked.
“Oh yeah, I would definitely poison you,” I said jokingly, “It’s not like we just saved each other from our homicidal friend.” Radi0 blinked at me. “What? I tried them first, they’re safe. We haven’t eaten in a couple days, I could survive without food but you can’t, so I thought you might like them.” Radi0 looked at the berries suspiciously, as if they would magically grow legs and walk away. Then he carefully put one in his mouth.
“How… long has it been since we last ate?” Radi0 asked, handing a berry to me. I tossed it and caught it between my teeth.
“A couple days?” I replied, and then shrugged. “It's kind of hard to tell when we were in that other place.”
“We should probably give it a name…” Radi0 said, eating another berry. “‘That Other Place’ doesn’t really seem fitting, and it might get confusing, there’s no way we’re going back there any time soon and we’re probably not going to stay here, so there’s bound to be a lot more ‘other places.’”
“Yeah, I was hoping we could get moving soon, I don’t want Isol to find our trail,” I muttered, picking the stick up again and fidgeting with it. “Do you have any names in mind?”
“N-No…” He said. A pause. “Were you really scared by a leaf?”
“Oh my god,” I said, covering my face. “I thought it was a giant bug that landed on me! No one will leave me alone because of it!” I laughed and started ripping the bark off of the stick. “It was really embarrassing.” I looked out to the forest again, picking at the bark. Then I looked at Radi0. He was holding two berries, looking at them in a somewhat disgusted way.
“Are you going to eat those?” I asked, he blinked at me.
“Yeah,” he replied hesitantly. “Why? Do you want one?”
“It doesn’t matter to me, honestly, I just didn’t want them to go to waste,” I shrugged, and directed my gaze back out to the forest. A droplet of rain fell onto my nose and I shook my head.
“Did you get any more sleep?”
“Huh?” I asked, tilting my head.
“You said you had a nightmare,” Radi0 said, putting another berry in his mouth. It seemed forced.
“Oh, uh, I just… wasn’t tired,” I lied. “We should, uh, get going.” I pushed myself up, reaching my talon down to help Radi0 up. He grabbed my talon and I pulled him off of the ground. We started walking through the rain in the opposite direction that we came from. We walked in silence for a while. I made sure to step in every puddle that we found, while Radi0 trudged along, slightly behind me. It didn’t ease the growing worry that Isol was out there somewhere, trying to find us, trying to kill us. She was our friend. They were my friend. I placed a claw on my forehead again. I’m safe with this. We’re safe with this. I can’t let Radi0 get hurt. If he dies, that’s it. There’s no coming back for him, unlike me. I need to protect him. I’ll be fine if I die. I’ll always come back as long as I have the c-
“Are you okay?”
I blinked, confused, then I nodded. Of course I was fine. I couldn’t not be fine. I had to protect him, and if I wasn’t okay, I wouldn’t be able to.
“Yeah, why?”
“You seem worried,” Radi0 said. “Do you want to talk about anything?”
“Nah,” I replied, dragging my hand away from my face. “I’m always worried anyway.” That only seemed to get Radi0 even more concerned. Ah, here you go again, Mud, fucking things up like always. “I-It’s not a bad thing though, I just need to keep everything in check, it’s nothing!” Radi0 looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I sighed. “It’s fine, really. Sure it can be stressful at times, but I’ve done it my entire life and I’m used to it,” I smiled at Radi0, then actually looked at him. He was pale and he had heavy bags under his eyes, his normally proud stance was huddled over. His hair was still deflated from earlier and he was clutching his stomach tightly.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” I asked, putting a talon on his shoulder. He looked at me, and hesitated before shaking his head. “W-What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I don’t really know…” He muttered, rubbing his temples, “I think I’m just tired…?” I blinked at him. This didn’t really look like ‘just tired,’ it looked like a lot more than that. He looked… ill…
“Uh, how bad do you feel though?” I asked, lifting my talon from his shoulder. He let out a small, hoarse laugh.
“R-Really bad,” Radi0 sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “I just want to sleep and forget about all of this…” I knew how it felt to want to sleep everything off. I want to forget about all of this. Forget about Isol, forget about running away, forget about dying again, forget about it all. A bright flash lit the sky followed by a loud crash. I jumped at the sudden strike of light and loud boom frantically looking around, just in case Isol was preparing to pounce at the distraction.
“Do you think that you could make it a little longer?” I asked. “Just until the rain dies down a little?” He blinked at me and thought about it for a second, then nodded. I gave him a small smile, trying to be comforting, but probably failing. He was just fine yesterday, how could he have caught something already? Did the stress really lower his immune system that much?
“Okay,” I said, flicking my heavy, rain drenched tail, “But if you feel anything different then say something, okay?” He nodded and we continued walking at a slower pace. The rain dripped through the leaves of the thick forest, falling onto our heads and dampening our hair and fur even more. I tried not to think of much as we walked but I’ve never been one to be able to clear my mind. It was always racing, thinking about all of the bad things that have happened and all of the bad things to come. Isol is here. They’re looking for us. She’s looking for me. I was the one who managed to trick her. They thought I was dead. They really want me dead. She’s in the bushes. I know she is. She’s going to kill me. I’m dead. I’m going to die. At thirteen. I have so much to live for, this can’t happen. No, I have the c-
“H-Hey Mud?” I blinked and turned towards Radi0. “Is it okay if we stop, just for a little while?” I nodded at him and then looked around, searching for a good place to rest, just for the rest of the day… or until Radi0 was feeling a bit better…
All that I could see for miles were trees. Radi0 wouldn’t be able to climb them in the state that he’s in. The trees were tall and had large, sturdy leaves, leaves that hardly budged when the rain fell down on them. I thought for a moment, the vines that decorated the trees also seemed pretty sturdy, along with the thick branches. I started to walk towards one of the trees and grabbed a vine that was hanging down. Radi0 looked at me, confused and scared. I gave him a thumbs up as I tried hopping onto the vine. I slipped off easily and fell to the ground with a surprised squeak, soaked in mud and rain water. I stood up and shook myself off. Yeah, this would work!
“I’m going to climb this tree,” I said, pointing to the closest one. “Please don’t go anywhere, I’m not really up for searching for a sick teen right now.”
“I’m not-” Radi0 began to protest, his voice raspy, but before he could say anything else, I started climbing up the tree. The branches were slippery, so it was hard to get a foothold, and I stumbled trying to get to a somewhat-dry branch. There was finally a thick enough branch to hold the both of us, so I started working. First step, find a sturdy (and big) enough leaf.
This shouldn’t be that tricky, I thought as I looked around, standing on the branch. I reached up to grab a large leaf that hung above my head and I tried to pull it off of the tree. I let out a small, frustrated laugh as the leaf didn’t budge. I tried pulling it off again, this time with more force. Still nothing.
Really? I thought to myself, aggravated at the stubbornness of the leaf. It was kind of like me, frustrating and stubborn. Then I had an idea. I had claws, sharp claws nonetheless, why didn’t I think of that before? I walked towards the stem of the leaf and started sawing away at it. After five minutes of frustrated scratching, the leaf finally fell off.
“Yes,” I muttered, holding out the ‘s’. I grabbed the leaf and held it over the edge of the branch to show Radi0. “I GOT A LEAF!” I called down to him. He stood up from where he was leaning on the tree and looked at me.
“What the hell are you doing?” He asked.
“SOMETHING!” I called back, and then returned to working on my strange contraption. Second step, find a vine that wouldn’t snap under the weight of two people. Maybe this one would be easier to find. I looked around again, there was a vine hanging from a nearby tree. I reached for it and tugged. It was good that it was sturdy, but it was also bad that it was that sturdy. Why did everything in this forest have to be so needlessly sturdy? I tugged on it again, trying not to fall off the tree in the process. If only there was a closer vine… I tugged again, this time harder, and the vine came loose, wrapping me up as I fell back onto the branch. I untangled myself and grabbed the leaf. Finally, step three, figure out how to make an ‘elevator’ out of this.
I had literally no clue how.
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nade2308 · 3 years
First Lines of Last 20....
Guidelines: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20,  just list them all.) Choose your favorite opening line, tag some friends!
Tagged by @impossiblepluto. Thanks friend!
(And just as always, I deviate from the mold and I give you more than just the first lines and/or my favorite lines 😈)
1. You don't know you are beautiful
Jack was so pissed. He was thrumming with nervous energy and was itching for a fight. Especially with that good for nothing, piece of shit, pretentious and pompous guy they were sent to retrieve because he had valuable intel the Phoenix stumbled upon by chance.
2. Catch you when you fall
Scott was always ready to push himself further, just that one step towards the tipping point. He thought if he went harder, and longer, that it will yield better results, but it wasn't always the case. That frustrated him even more and then he was angry at himself for doing that to himself and his friends. And to his dad. His dad who bent himself forwards and backwards to make sure Scott had everything he needed and more.
3. Coming home to you
You know that feeling when you want something so bad, but you have to wait for it? Yeah, Mac was feeling like that now. He was this close to losing it after the op ended. He couldn't wait to get back to Jack. Well, get back to Jack and get laid in the process.
4. "There's still time to change the road you're on"
Jack was in Texas for the birthday of his nephew and it just happened that his nephew was best friends with the kid of one of Jack's old flames. Well, more like a summer relationship, but seventeen year old Jack thought she was it. They had a thing that was actually cute and sweet. He took her out on dates at the local pizza place, and she took him to community events.
5. 98.Separated
Alina Chernyshevsky was a Russian scientist working at a lab in LA, on a scholarship who was kidnapped by a rogue crime group almost a week ago. The Phoenix was tasked with recovering her and capturing any of the members of the group they could find. It turned out that the son of a banker, the daughter of a businessman and the brother and sister, the kids of one of the most powerful Romanian crime groups had one thing in common. They wanted to get out from under the shadow that their parents put them in. So they formed their own union, and thanks to the ties Andrei Bogdan, their leader, had from his father's world, they quickly made their way up in the underground dark world. Climbing up the ladders, they did the odd jobs here and there, hits on important people for hire, and it was based on their combined knowledge of the finances, the system and the law, that they stayed undetected and under the radar for so long. Until Alina discovered some sample or another in the lab that was brought for testing and she made herself a target and was kidnapped in broad daylight.
6. Dye Hard
It wasn't like it was something he was dying to try. He was just looking at pictures of people with wonderfully done hair. Which happened to also be dyed in all the colors of the rainbow and more. It was just research. For an experiment. He was sure he was going to be told off again for experimenting so he kept it just to himself.
7. Sweet child o' mine
Riley woke up to the persistent ringing of her phone. She was having a very nice dream, drinking mai-tai's, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, and now she was brought back to reality by the shrill tone of her phone.
8. Mac and Jack + softness
They had experienced bad missions before. It wasn't that uncommon, since almost every mission they worked on turned bad real fast. But there were some missions that took bad to the next level.
9. Jack + migraine + birthday
Mac was shivering even with the blanket wrapped around him. They were on their exfil flight, and the heat was on for his sake, but Mac's worry wasn't for himself, but for Jack. Jack, who was squinting at the bright sky and had his head tilted in an awkward angle because apparently he was hurting. And Mac had a pretty good idea what was the cause.
10. 9.Helpless
The drive back to Mac's place was a blur. Jack focused on the road and tried not to think of what they were told or the treatment that might have reversed all of their hard work on making Mac's hands heal and be okay.
11. 72.Painless
When Mac first noticed the car that was tailing him, he was several blocks away from Jack's place. They were supposed to have a movie night with the team, Jack already texted him to tell Mac that Riley was there with him.
12. 26.Flinch
Mac jerked away from the hand that was shaking his shoulder and immediately backed up to the corner of the bed. Someone was talking in a low voice, but Mac was still a bit disoriented and couldn't place the voice. Or the words.
13. 12.Confusion & 26. flinch
When Mac woke up, he could tell that something was different. There wasn't a creepy stare to watch over him, nor the blinking dot on the camera in the corner.
14. 5.Bruised
Jack let his kid take his fill by looking him up and down. Jack knew that he looked a little bit worse for wear, but that was normal in their line of work. This time however, it was from something else. And judging by the way Mac was eyeing him, he didn't manage to hide it well.
15. 56. Begging
Mac wanted to scream. It was hurting him to just breathe, but the pain was unbearable. He didn't know if the lash that caught his side, or the one that split the skin above the small of his back, hurt more.
16. Jack Sr. + Wrist Cuff
It takes all his willpower not to go back to the room he just vacated. He promised Riley and Mac that he'll take a break. It was nonnegotiable. Mac went so far as to tell him to go and take a good sleep. That Mac wasn't going to vanish again. He promised.
17. Fire Pit + Nightmares
Mac didn't know what woke him up. He's sure it was something and not a sound he made up in his dream. Mac turned around in bed and for a moment he was a bit disoriented. He blinked a few times and then looked at the digital watch on his nightstand. It was a little after 2am.
18. "Whenever your world starts crashing down, that's when you'll find me"
"Hours later (Jack's not sure about the time, he left his watch at home) the party is dying down. He is watching the night lights twinkling in the distance, mixed with lights from building windows, and homes and offices. LA is alive as always, traffic present even in this late hour. Everyone knows that NYC is the city that never sleeps, but Jack wants to argue how LA doesn't fall far behind the Big Apple. Especially since Jack has watched this city in all the times of day and night and can attest to that."
19. Si te doy mi corazón, lo tratarás con ternura
1. Tickling
Mac was studying for an exam and Jack was bored. It was one of those days. Really, there was a lot to be done in the house, and Jack barely had a time for himself and Mac these days, but on a rare night where he had absolutely nothing of importance to do… and Jack was bored. 
20. The Center of Their World
Mac was writhing in Jack's lap, and Jack moaned at the drag of Mac's cock against his hip as Jack had Mac's ass spread and a finger inside him already.  He instinctively backed up against the headboard of their ridiculously big bed, and threw his head out because the contact between him and Mac was explosive in the least.
Tagging: @sabbystarlight @82tweeder @dixons-mama @improvidus @panchostokes @erinsworld @nativestarwrites @kerkerian @starryhc @thesammykinz @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine @demonicsoulmates @rai-knightshade @telltaleclerk and whoever sees this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged.
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