#distracted couple clip art
printabledesignrf · 3 months
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Funny distracted partners🤣
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 2 months
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I support feral girls and their slightly repressed feral mentors who enjoy naps
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dizzyisdizzy · 29 days
Hi! I was just curious, how much time do you take to draw a standard piece? Since your art is always so beautiful and well done haha.
Clip Studio 3.0 now tracks how long a canvas is open, so I can give you actual numbers here.
I aim for 3 hours of drawing every day, and complete a thing within two sessions, and looking at the numbers it seems accurate?
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I locked in pretty well for 2Biku, so 3.3333~ hours for a full body at my best? I get distracted a lot sadly (Im working on it). Though seeing the numbers here is strangely motivating (think about my potential Rate of Mikus!).
If you're mind's on optimizations, I recently posted about using my switch joycon for keyboard shortcuts, so consider that. I've also been moving away from super clean lineart and letting lineweight be jumpy, messy, or not connect fully. It adds a fun vibe that is hard to replicate otherwise and saves you time. I don't bother naming or organizing layers either (just make a new one it'll be fiiine).
I've been told by a couple artist friends that my sketches are pretty clean, which can save time in fixing them up for final lineart. I couldn't tell you how I achieve this though; it's just how I draw.
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vhstown · 6 months
gwen stacy ★ general headcanons
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content/warnings: mentions of underage drinking, implied & mentions of death
a/n: hey 😁 a levels beating my arse. thx 2 @qiupachups 4 helping w these 🫡 give it up for gwendy ‼️ (unedited)
Gwen is a collector — but not of collectibles. She has a secret empire of the most random things, and is thoroughly embarrassed when anyone finds it: tickets, pins, soda can tabs, cool-looking clothing tags, mismatched hair clips, paper clips, little things stolen from school, etc. Anything she things is remotely interesting has a place in a very specifically organised box under her bed, tucked away from the world and taken out occasionally to be adjusted or stared at. It's essentially the same as being a collector, right...?
She had a fashion hobby she grew out of, but it re-kindles when she has to design a suit for herself. Initially, it's made up of thermal sportswear but she comes up with actual designs at some point, modifying it overtime to include the hood and to integrate it with her ballet slippers.
When it comes to art, Gwen's style would be a lot like a fashion student's. I headcanon her to have aphantasia so her main strength is drawing clothing, and a lot of her drawings are based on herself as a reference (she can literally only draw herself well...) Rather than a sketchbook, she has a journal that's also full of photographs and writing as well as her drawings, and the occasional crumpled up drum score.
Has a knack for sewing and customises some of her clothes, though it's more personal touches and the occasional crop rather than completely overhauling a piece of clothing. Everyday items of hers have at least a little embroidery or design on them and she likes doing patterns on like bags and converse for her friends. Wants to make plushies and things but always manages to get distracted so there's a bunch of unfinished projects in her closet. (I would totally buy from her on Etsy though 😁)
Gwen did ballet as a kid and developed the enraging habit of cracking EVERY joint in her body. She's the mf that twists in the chair in front of you and stares deep into your soul while cracking her back. Cracks things you don't even know you could crack without shame my girl is a whole instrument 😭
Ballet is something her dad pushed her towards, alongside music (though he preferred she did something more traditional). Initially Gwen did feel out of place in her classes. A lot of the other children at her classes were already well-versed in it, and a lot of times she found she wanted to quit. Only after learning that her mom Helen did ballet did she willingly pick it up again at an older age, incorporating the technique into her fighting style.
Gwen used to play a few different instruments as a kid but none of them really stuck. For a while, she thought she hated music when she did piano and the recorder, but when she got her hands on a drumkit at her school and a couple lessons, she knew it was the one.
Her drumming is definitely more freestyle, and even though she's good she has a lot of problems with her high energy, spontaneous and emotive style. That means she breaks her drumsticks ALL the time. There's no way she's banging all that out on the drums without an unfortunate snap or two, so she always keeps another pair handy. She's broken her drumsticks so much that there's a collection of them torn up at the bottom of her bag (she never bothers to throw them out, and might've given herself a splinter reaching in to find something 💀)
Speaking of drumsticks, she has one lucky pair she uses for important performances, carrying them practically everywhere. They've essentially rotted in their fancy little fabric case since she'd gottem them, the custom "GWENDOLYN MAXINE STACY" imprinted on it having almost completely eroded away.
Though, she's only ever used them once; her dad had bought them for her for a school performance, which she had to bail last minute when her Spider-sense suddenly activated. Running off to fight a villain not a street away, Peter Parker follows her, and he realises just who Spider-Woman really is.
While she was planning to use them at her prom performance with her band... that never happened. After that, everything reminded her of that night, and her relationship with The Mary Janes dwindled until she quit altogether. The band only lasted a few months prior, and since they never got to perform at prom, Gwen found herself playing for no reason at all, other than to get rid of her pent-up energy and forget about the fact that she's basically a wanted criminal.
When she's living in Hobie's universe, she ends up breaking her "lucky" drumsticks and is, understandably, a little shattered by it, but Hobie gets her another pair, "GWENDY" written in mismatched letters on the side. That "G" was definitely a last-minute addition, though. He also teaches her how to stop breaking them so often. "Bit of advice — use the wrists, not just the arms."
Gwen's definitely not meant to drink, so whenever Hobie goes to the pub he makes sure not to, suggesting his friends don't get pissed out of their minds either (though she might steal a sip of something fruity now and again.)
Hobie takes her to gigs all the time, and sometimes she drums for his ones. The first time she does it, she's nervous of course, but her sound immediately gets the crowd going and it's the talk of the town for a week straight (and her drumsticks didn't break!)
There's no shortage of junk food, of course. Just like all the takeout she'd have back at home, Hobie would make sure to take her around all the local spots. Although it's not exactly the same, anything beats the plasticky cafeteria food in 2099. Stopping for a kebab or two in the middle of anomaly-hunting isn't really against the rules anyway.
Gwen is friendly with pretty much everyone in the Spider-society because everyone knows who "Gwen Stacy" is, but she never really wants to meet another version of herself (given how unsettling it is with context). Also very awkward around any MJs — or Peters. Peter B essentially being an older 65!Peter definitely freaks her out a little at first.
Misses Miles, obviously, and probably had something she wanted to make for him back in her universe that she could never retrieve. Maybe when she gets Hobie's watch she'll bring it along with her — would Miles like a knitted neckwarmer?
SO best friends with Margo. Her tech lets Gwen see into her universe sometimes (Miguel wouldn't let her 😞) and Margo is super keen on learning about her universe. They both hang out with Peni and it's a fun little girl trio (Peni totally takes them to her universe to see all the giant mechs 😁 "Girls night!" BOOM!)
Number 1 girlfail. She hasn't broken those new drumsticks yet! But drumming can wait — and all those projects at the back of her closet, and her unresolved dispute with MJ and the band, and her dad at home. Going from her small world to having an entire multiverse against her and her friends, Gwen's got one hell of a show to put on, right?
“I never found the right band to join, so I started my own, with a few old friends.”
“You want in?”
@phoenixinthefiles (it's cause of you im always writing hcs 😭😭😭 /pos)
hi bunklies 😁 ive been averaging like 4h of sleep cuz of skl but ill fix up soon trust... hope you are all doing okay ! ive never written anything for gwen before so i hope this is an okay start lol
atsv masterlist here! reblogs always appreciated :) see u around <3
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angellayercake · 5 months
He is
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Vampire Terzo x FReader | NSFW
Art by the wonderful @tasty-ribz
For @ghostchems on her birthday! To be a little bit soppy as much as I love ghost for being ghost it has also brought me some incredible friends. We bonded over loving terzo and love island and now you are my favourite person to scream about awful men with every day. I hope everyone is making you feel a special as Terzo would today because as far as we are concerned yours is the only important birthday happening this month 💜
Now a best selling author thanks to your experience at Crowley Manor you find yourself struggling to muster up inspiration for the sequel. Will returning to the place it all began help you? Or just confirm the none of it was real? A sequel to Cirice Warnings: blood, rough sex, hints of mind control, pinv sex, cunnilingus, lots of dust hehe
With a huff of frustration you scratch out the poor excuse for a sentence and drop your pen. There were more scribbles across the page then there were words and you needed a break or you might end up throwing your note pad across the room. Abandoning your desk you wander over to the window for a distraction from your writer's block. The evening was drawing in, street lights flickering on one by one as people hurried home from their day whether it be work or leisure it was still an unwelcome reminder of your lack of productivity. Turning from the view you scan across the room, your home office, hoping for something to spark your inspiration but your mind remains unhelpfully blank. You ponder just giving up for the day, shutting the door and giving yourself over to your evening but deadlines are approaching and there is still so much to do. With a reluctant determination, you turn to your inspiration board and will it to do its job. 
When you had decided to write a follow up to your best selling debut novel, you had carefully gathered all the things you knew you would need to refer to to build the story. There were your photographs from Crowley Manor, newspaper clippings about the house and the area, quotes and key plot points from the original story,  a couple of photos of bela lugosi, the closest you can find to how you remember him looking - although you have sketched what you recall of the facepaint he wore over the top with a marker - and in the centre, the note; the only thing you have that proves that it was real. Well, that and the two small scars on your neck. You rub your fingers over them absentmindedly as you try to remember anything more but even as the scars faded, so did your memories to the point where you are not entirely sure any of it was real. Reading over the words again. 
 A candle casting a faint glow
You and I see eye to eye
Can you hear the thunder?
How can you hear the thunder that's breaking?
Now there is nothing between us
From now our merge is eternal
Can't you see that you're lost?
Can't you see that you're lost without me?
You hum the tune to yourself, the melody you had only heard once and yet it plays through your dreams so frequently you have never been able to forget it, always accompanied by a dark shadow and the sense that you are being watched. Your experience at Crowley Manor - whether a true encounter with a dashing vampire or a figment of your imagination - had changed your life. You were a writer now; a successful published writer. Your vampire romance novel had been an instant best seller, ‘the mysterious vampire luring in unsuspecting victims until one stole his heart’ earned a loyal fanbase and quickly. In interview after interview you were asked if you had based him on someone real, probably assuming he was an older man you had a crush on, but you always answered no because how could you explain that he was a man you had most likely conjured up in a dream. 
But that had all brought you to where you were now; attempting to write the much anticipated sequel. The heroine of your story had left the manor in a similar way to you but after having spent much longer with her vampire lover, and as much as you wanted to see them reunited you were struggling to find the narrative. Unlike you she had been offered forever with him and had chosen to return to her normal life, so without a justified reason, why would she return? Your thought process hits a brick wall once again as you rub your tired eyes. There is only one thing left to try before you may be forced to give up. The familiar pull in your gut that you had been resisting since the day you left was finally winning. You had to go back. 
The gate is rusted and stiff, so you have to push hard to create enough space for you to slip through and even then you almost trip on the piles of rubbish littering the driveway. You step over the buckled historical society sign with a sigh - even they had given up on the place and for some time by the looks of things. Tall weeds were growing through the now sparse gravel, even more windows had been boarded up and there were layers of faded graffiti covering the front door. It is already ajar but you have to shove it open, pushing it past the built up leaves and dust trying to wedge it closed. Although the state of the outside had saddened you, it is the interior that makes your heart sink -  it was never nice to see a beautiful old house fall into ruin.
The floorboards still gave their familiar creak under your soft footsteps, but that was about the only similarity. The sconces, once filled with dripping candles were now empty and shrouded in cobwebs, and dust motes thick enough to choke you floated in what little beams of light that made it through the windows. Without the soft piano luring you further into the house you took your time to properly look around, cautiously walking through room after room. What little furniture that hadn’t been stolen or vandalised was covered in dust sheets. The shelving sits almost empty in every room; you pass only a few odd books and trinkets still in place but almost unrecognisable underneath all the grime. 
Towards the back of the house you come to what looks like a music room and a feeling of deja vu washes over you. The grand piano still dominates the room, but when you run your fingers across what little keys are left it only lets out reluctant, discordant notes as neglected and decaying as the rest of your surroundings. The fireplace is a yawning chasm on the back wall without the welcoming fire filling it, but you remember laying on the soft rug before it where he had given and taken unimaginable pleasure from you, well at least you thought. Because it was seeming more and more likely you had imagined it. You pull yourself from your thoughts and that is when the portrait catches your eye. How you never noticed it before you don’t understand, but it hangs perfectly above the mantel and crushes the last shreds of hope you were clinging onto. 
It is him. His distinctive face paint, his perfectly styled hair and his intense mismatched eyes. At least now you know what really happened on your last visit to this place. Before you had fallen asleep you must have seen this portrait on your last visit, striking as he was and then your mind had concocted the whole fantasy. You are not sure exactly what you had been expecting returning to Crowley Manor, but you couldn’t avoid the cutting disappointment that was slicing through you. All that was here was an empty old house and a painting of a man. With one last longing look you take your leave as you fight the knot of feelings solidifying in your chest. There was nothing else for you here. You reach the foyer where the light of dusk shines around the edges of the open door, illuminating your exit from this house and your return to reality, when you hear it… 
We're standing here by the abyss…
That voice. The words were different and even the tune was different, but that voice. There was nothing else it could be but him. The alluring sound drifts down from the upper floor to where you stand and you don’t even try to resist his siren call as your feet carry you towards the grand staircase.
And the world is in flames…
Your footprints disturb the thick layers of dust covering the once grand carpet that leads the way up, but you continue unconcerned by the trail you are leaving in your wake, your only thought finding your way to the source of that beautiful sound. 
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out…
It gets clearer as you reach the upper level, but you still haven't quite found him yet. Along the landing are multiple doors that you consider as you walk, but once your eyes land on the ornate double doors at the furthest end you know inherently; that is your destination.
To the beast with many names…
The floorboards creak as you get closer and closer even as you attempt to keep your steps measured and even, but if that didn’t give you away then you are sure your laboured breathing and thundering heartbeat would. 
He is. He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see…
The singing stops when you reach the doors and with barely a brush of your fingertips,they swing open revealing only a dark room within. Your eyes struggle to adjust to the gloom, but even that doesn’t make you hesitate to enter. It is as abandoned as the rest of this cursed house. All the anticipation you had felt soured inside you and tears pricked at your eyes as you circled in the centre of the room taking in the dusty bed and empty fireplace. Your back is turned when a sudden bang startles you, the doors slamming shut. You cry out in fear, turning in an instant and rushing towards them. Pushing and pulling is futile and they will not budge. The knowledge that you are trapped fills you with a shiver as a chill falls over the room.   
“My little lamb returns,” he growls in your ear, appearing as if from nowhere. His arms box you in against the door, his white gloves the only part of him you can see. You try to turn, to see him but his body presses close, cold and unyielding as stone behind you. You should do something, anything but fear and lust paralyse you as they tear through you in equal measure.
“You are real,” you barely whisper before his fangs sink into your neck, the sharp shock of pain stealing your consciousness.
When your eyes flutter open you find it hard to believe you are even in the same room. You are lying in the centre of a four poster bed, propped up against a mountain of airy pillows and as you shift the sheets feel unbelievably soft against your fingers. The heavy drapes are tied to the frame on one side giving you a clear view of the fireplace and the figure silhouetted against it. His back is to you, seemingly unaware that you are now awake so you take your time admiring him.
It is undoubtedly him. His hair is slicked back, familiar in both your memory and in his portrait you had not long discovered. This time he wears a white suit with gold trim that glimmers in the firelight and it is certainly one you have never seen before. He turns in your direction giving you a glimpse of his striking profile still covered in his unusual skull-like face paint. He clears his throat glancing at you and you realise he is also holding a book up to the fire light. Not just any book. That is your book. The one you had written about him. You sit bolt upright but a wave of dizziness stops you from acting any further. 
“His touch feels like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. It scares you how much you crave it; how much you want him to keep touching you and to never stop. Your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest, despite the overwhelming feeling of comfort that has fallen over you.” He smirks as he reads your words back to you with an arrogance that can only come from knowing it was written about him. 
“How did you get that?” you hiss at him, the mortification you are experiencing seems to break some of the spell he has over you. He chuckles darkly in response, snapping the book shut and placing it on the nightstand so you can see the very suggestive illustration you had commissioned for the cover clearly.
“You have a way with words, agnellino.” He leans against the bedpost, running his eyes over you and watching how you react just to his presence. “Do you still crave my touch as much as you wrote?” His elongated teeth peek out of his mouth with how wide his smile is, clearly enjoying having this additional power over you. You almost miss not so long ago when you believed he had been a figment of your imagination. 
“It’s called creative licence,” you snap back breathlessly, trying your damnedest to keep your composure but you make the mistake of meeting his mismatched eyes and you are pulled under all over again. It’s like he can worm his way into your very soul and convince you of anything he desires.
“Why did you come back?” He looms over you at the end of the bed as he waits for you to answer him. As subtly as you can, you try to sit yourself up to make yourself feel less vulnerable but your limbs are weak and uncooperative.
“I’m writing again,” you start. It is the truth - or at least part of the truth - but you can tell he doesn't believe you, fixing you with his intense stare, waiting for you to be more forthcoming. “Last time I was here it was very… inspiring.”
“I see, I see.” He starts to pace next to the bed, giving you a reprieve and a chance to breathe but you sense it is by no means the end of your interrogation.  “Just ‘professional interest’ then?”
“Yes, that is all. I should go.” You try again to sit up and ease yourself off the bed but before your feet can touch the ground he kneels in front of you, blocking you from moving any further.
“Ah ah ah,” he scolds, wagging his finger at you like he was disciplining a wayward child. “You come into my home uninvited - again, I might add.” He leans close enough you can feel the cold radiating from him, his teeth bared threateningly. “I need the truth.” Fear makes you tense but somehow you know he would never really hurt you - at least not in a way you wouldn't enjoy. You start to think his irritation is more directed at your refusal to admit how much you want him rather than the fact you broke into his house. Again. 
“You lured me up here! You could have just let me leave.” That thought boosts your confidence just enough to push back. Just a little. He didn't have to reveal himself to you everytime you were here, and yet he did.
“No I couldn't, little lamb,” he whispers, a softness falling over his face. “I could never resist a chance to taste you again.” His attention drops to your feet, helping you out of your shoes before he stands again before you. “Tell me why you are really here.”  He had given you your chance to tell him of your own volition, but now you could feel his will influencing you and bringing forth the truth. He eases his jacket from his shoulders, leaving it on the floor where it falls. He makes quick work of his bow tie adding it to the pile of clothes at his feet. 
His cuff links go next, freeing him to turn up his sleeves and then his collar sliding one button free at a time until it hangs open. His toned chest is covered in thick dark hair and it's all you can do not to reach out and bury your fingers in it. Even without his vampiric lure, you would struggle to resist him. He crawls over you, forcing you to scoot back onto the bed to make room for him and you find yourself unable to speak as you get lost in his eyes.
“Tell me…” He is intoxicating and you find you no longer have the willpower to resist him. You had forgotten how powerful he was, his presence alone narrowing your mind until all you can think of is him. The words are on the tip of your tongue, but somehow they still won't come. 
“Why are you here agnellino, eh?” He holds himself over you, the only thing touching you are the open tails of his shirt, denying you any more until you obey him. “Did you miss me?”
“I wasn’t sure if you were real any more,” you admit reluctantly and his eyes alight at your delayed admission.
“Shall I remind you how real I am?” There is a voice in your mind somewhere telling you to say no, but with every other part of you screaming a resounding yes it is easy to tune out - though you still can’t quite bring yourself to say it. So you nod and he wastes no more time. His dexterous fingers make quick work of your trousers and your underwear, pulling them off you in one swift motion and then he is on you. His strong hand grasps your ankle, pulling you even closer so he can press his lips to your bare skin. 
He starts at the sole of your foot, lavishing you with open mouthed kisses and grazes of his dangerous teeth. He seeks out parts of your body you had never even known were sensitive before, whether it was his plush mouth sucking at them or tracing them with his tongue. The curve of your calf, the dip behind your knee and the crease of your inner thigh. His cool breath raises goosebumps across your skin and he chases them with his mouth, only pausing to suck on the beads of blood that bloom where he allows his fangs to nick your skin. The contrasts make you needy for more of his touch, the warm and the cold, the pleasure and the pain. When he eventually reaches your core he ceases all his teasing and devours you, his groans of pleasure vibrating through you as he laps at your entrance and sucks on your clit. 
“Every part of you tastes exquisite,” he moans again at your skin as he pulls at the hem of your shirt, allowing himself access to even more of your skin. Your bra is pulled roughly aside so he can latch onto your nipples one after the other. Losing himself in his lust, he pinches them roughly as his teeth make deliberate shallow slices in your cleavage. He suckles at them harshly, milking all the blood he can from such a surface cut. 
Eventually he reaches your neck pressing a deceptively gentle kiss to your scar from your last encounter before seeking out the fresher puncture wounds from earlier in the evening. He probes them harshly with his tongue disturbing the newly formed clots enabling him to drink freely from you until he is positively drunk on you. 
“You are so warm agnellino,” he moans, reluctantly pulling away from you only to tear off his loose shirt and rip off his trousers. He fits himself back on top of you, desperate to be as close as possible and ruts his aching length against your hip, his mouth latching back onto your neck. He rears back giving you the opportunity to see him for the hunger ridden monster he is, but it only makes you want him more. His face paint is smudged across his face, the once precise lines blurring and blending with what remains of your blood and your juices, and his eyes sparkle with something dangerous that you can't resist. With a snarl he forces your legs wide so he can see all of you, his fingers digging a bruising grip into your soft thighs.
“After tonight you will never again doubt my existence,” he growls as he fucks into you in one long, hard stroke. There is no waiting for you to grow accustomed to him filling you; he just takes you hard, pushing the air from your lungs every time he fills you. He is rough and demanding and you crave every part of this more animalistic side to him. Your blood loss and his body worship have pushed you outside your own body, the pleasure and the pain meeting and blending and pushing you into a euphoria you had never experienced before. 
Even as his control was slipping even further away, his cock aimed perfectly, fucking into you in exactly the right place over and over while the drag of him inside your tight heat forced sobs and gasps from both of you. In the state he had you, you knew you would do anything and everything he wanted and if you hadn’t been so light headed, you might have realised that that was exactly what he wanted. He grunts as he pulls you closer, angling your hips just so that he can fuck into you even deeper, your moans of satisfaction harmonising as somehow your pleasure grows stronger than you ever thought possible. 
“Has anyone fucked you like this since me, little lamb?” He is panting, hardly able to get his words out, somehow seeming more human even in the midst of his monstrous lust. 
“No,” you whine. There is no use denying it, because who could possibly compare to him?
“Bene,” he snarls, a possessive sneer crossing his face. “No one will ever, ever fuck you like me.’ You sob in agreement as the burn in your core grows, bringing you so close. Babbled nonsense falls from your lips. You can only hope he understands how little you need to push you over the edge. 
Thankfully something you said must have made sense, because in the next moment his thumb is stroking your clit in time with his ever more frantic thrusts and the wave of your climax begins to crash, sweeping you along in its powerful tide. Your vision greys at the edges and vaguely, somewhere amidst the buzz, you feel him reach his peak just behind you as his thrusts stutter before stilling as he fills you.
Inelegantly he pulls away, landing beside you on the bed. He pulls you to him stroking your hair and dotting your forehead with sweet kisses. Contentment surges through you as you rest against his chest, his lack of heartbeat barely registering. 
“You are so very sleepy, little lamb,” he breathes into your hair, and you can only spare a thought to agree as you succumb to the overwhelming pull of sleep. 
The cold and stale morning air lures you from your sleep this time, a much less pleasant awakening than your last. Your whole body aches as you shift and try to take in your surroundings. You are alone. The dawn light spilling through the drapes allows you to see, and the bedroom appears dusty and abandoned, not the cosy boudoir you had experienced last night. 
The dusty sheets cling to your clothes as you try to stand but every movement reveals a new bite mark or bruise until you are on your feet. The worst pain though, is the ache in your heart. This should have been expected and yet the fact that he isn't here hurts. Rather than satisfying you, this second encounter only made you yearn more for this terrible, mysterious man. Your only consolation was that now at least, you will have plenty more to write about. 
You don't try to call out to him, already knowing how futile that would be, so you look once more around the room, trying hard to commit it all to memory when the night stand catches your attention. A single white rose sits atop a folded piece of paper. You pick them both up, carefully making sure to avoid the sharp thorns and unfold the paper to see that unmistakable handwriting. 
We’re standing here by the abyss
And the world is in flames
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out
To the beast with many names 
He is
He’s the shining and the light without whom I cannot see
His words were cryptic as ever but you let it fill you with uncertain hope. Maybe you were the star-crossed lovers? Or maybe not. All you knew for now at least, was that you felt you were still at the very beginning of this story…
…and you couldn't wait to see where it would take you. 
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alienace · 2 months
yk what to all those people who think the manga panels hit harder for the ep 12 of the dunmeshi anime here's my theory DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT WANT AN IN DEPTH ANALYSIS:
1) manga panels do not repeat that means that they have to be concentrated and well thought out to make the moment as gut wrenching as possible as can be, i have been rereading the resurrection scene to freshen up my memory and uh, look at that! no backgrounds! (the anime has those)
2) the grayscale does not distract from the moment that's a well known fact that's why older films seem sentimental, they had to put meaning in the actions not in the background (this is amplified in mute films where body language was the most important asset of an actor. as i previously stated there are no backgrounds or minimal anyways in the manga while the anime does have them here's a lil comparison (i took the anime clips from a reaction video)
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the grayscale gave us not only a full focus on their faces but also a more *just cried* look from marcille that was replicated in the anime but they went too soft on that shade of red so she doesn't look as devastated, notice how the manga encapsulated the feelings of determination and doubt with the backgrounds
3) line weight is an important part of art as a medium, everyone can tell what a couple of lines can do visually for a scene now compare the marcille from the anime screen above with this one
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i took a scene where she wasn't as gloomy for this to show the difference, the line weight of the anime doesn't compare even with a simpler scene.
4) the framing of the scenes is also quite different. As i said im watching the episode from a reaction video so im sorry if im missing pieces but the hair letting down scene might have disrupted the pacing of the scene, i do get why people wanted it in, in the manga it was an in-between scene, the kind of panel that readies to the seriousness of the next panels while in the anime we don't. What we have in the anime is a shot from behind (panoramic of the whole set up from a middle level, not quite eye level + marcille steps into the circle, we can see failin) then a quick one from the front (hair already loose and ambrosia framing her face) then the ritual starts.
in the manga we get 4 kinds of shots: front full body (hair shot), panoramic from high up, panoramic from down low and close up of the face (doubtful expression); so while it might have looked extra cool it wouldn't have fit, they have time slots and all they even have less shots before the ritual! also the vibes are different in the anime she looks more confident in the result even though her voice betrays her more than once. something obviously impossible in a manga.
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robotsandramblings · 10 months
Bad Batch + napping headcanons
(i'm sure this has been discussed many times before, it's nothing new rly, but i wanted to get my thoughts out bc i was rambling on about this in the tags of another post lmao)
this got so long wtf??? so, short version here, full version under the readmore :P
Crosshair -- frequent, instant, power naps in the daytime
(often has trouble sleeping due to enhanced night vision)
Hunter -- "close my eyes and try to relax" type 'napping'
(also has trouble sleeping, sometimes, due to enhanced senses)
(also, y'know when your friends/relatives can tell you're PMSing because of your particular/unusual emotional & physical symptoms? the boys can tell when "it's time" for Hunter to have a proper nap in much the same way lmao)
(cue an unspoken group effort to give him quiet time)
Tech -- can power nap but hates taking naps; often ends up falling asleep in the middle of doing stuff while "resting his eyes"
Wrecker -- can nap anywhere&time, but his naps are long and deep and he's hard to wake up sometimes
Echo -- can't nap (and even if he could, he wouldn't); but will "shut his eyes and try to relax" nap, if need be
bonus #1: Rex -- can only nap if he's physically in contact with someone he trusts
bonus #2: Gregor -- unintentionally "fake" naps, ie. looks so relaxed that people think he's asleep but he's actually awake and just has his eyes closed; prefers to be touching or cuddling someone when 'napping', doesn't matter who lol
((detailed version below!))
as i said in another post, i believe Crosshair has perfected the art of the instant power nap in the daytime
as part of his dna tampering, the kaminoans gave Crosshair excellent night vision
however since he wasn't born naturally with it, it still bothers him at night when he's trying to sleep. hence daytime power napping.
Hunter also has some degree of night vision; coupled with his enhanced senses and related headaches, he also has trouble sleeping sometimes.
like, i figure by now, he's taught himself how to tune out most distractions so he can sleep. but he still struggles, esp in unfamiliar/new areas (unlike their bunk room on Kamino or on the Marauder, where i'm sure he has no problem falling asleep, even when the boys are all still up and talking)
anyways, i think that Hunter struggles to take proper naps. he usually does the "close my eyes and relax" type of 'napping'
but when Hunter does need a nap? like really truly needs a proper sleepytime nap? the boys know it. oh boy do they ever.
it's like when a friend/relative realizes you're PMSing because you're overly/unusually emotional or cranky hgfghgfdfghjkl
that's what over-tired Hunter is like - he just gets a very specific way emotionally (i'm thinking shorter temper, thinner patience, clipped tone of voice; on the flip side, if he sees something that makes him sad, his eyes will immediately glisten with tears, and he's ultra quiet and reserved the whole day)...
...and the boys have learned to recognize all the mental and physical signs, in Hunter's body language and tone of voice and reactions to things
and once they internally realize "ahhh it's Hunter Naptime," there's an immediate unspoken group effort to go into Naptime Mode: collect supplies (blankets, water, snacks, outerspace-Advil), leave Hunter the hell alone, and make as little noise as possible for the next few hours.
like, Hunter literally does not have to ask them for quiet time anymore, they already know. (sometimes even before Hunter himself does!)
on that note, Hunter himself does usually recognize his own physical warning signs. like, he feels fatigued in a specific way, or his eyes or head aches in a particular way that's only from overtiredness.
like Crosshair, Tech can power nap anywhere at anytime. he just choses not to because he hates napping - he'd rather be working on something
so it usually ends up being that Tech falls asleep in the middle of something while he was just "resting his eyes for a minute"
Wrecker, as we've basically already seen, can and will nap anywhere at anytime.
but not quick power naps - he tends to fall into a deep and long nap, and it can be hard to wake him up
like if he falls asleep whilst on you in any way, you're screwed bc you ain't movin' for a while lol
Echo can't nap; and even if he could, he wouldn't. mostly bc he likes to be alert and/or ready at all times. but even when he's at ease, he's just not a napper.
when rest is needed, he's like more like Hunter, preferring the "close my eyes and try to relax" type of 'napping'
and hey, how about a couple fun bonuses? :P
Rex can only nap if he's physically in contact with someone he trusts (back-to-back sitting upright or laying down, lean on shoulder, using their stomach/thigh/leg as a pillow, etc.)
Gregor has unintentionally perfected the art of "fake napping." similar to Hunter and Echo, he can't fall asleep during a nap, but he will shut his eyes and relax. however, unlike the others, he's very calm and relaxed when he 'naps', so much that it always looks like he's sleeping.
(Gregor hears a lot of gossip and shit this way; people always assume he's really asleep, so they talk about whatever around him, but he's actually hearing everything lol)
Gregor also prefers to be physically in contact with someone when he 'naps'. even more than Rex. if Gregor can wrap himself around a limb or do a full body cuddle up, he will!! and it doesn't matter who lol
(for Rex it's a feeling of safety thing; for Gregor it's just because he's naturally a 'touchy-feely' type person)
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM Wlive 10 Feb 2023
cr./ to the creators of the media used by me in this post.
Where do we start?
Maybe with JM starting his live at 19:01 or 7:01 pm.
If numbers are your thing, well we get them here with the 1 and 9 and by using both 19:01 and 7:01 we can get the 11/8.
Just a little fun. Intentional or not.
So, what did we have in the 1:40 hr. live?
JM came to us with another arts and crafts live. I think that having that distraction, literally doing something with his hands, puts him at ease, which makes it easier for him to navigate the live without a constant need to look into the camera or even the comments.
JM starts off by telling us his album is on it's way, probably to be released in March.
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This out today:
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JM also hinted to look forward to something coming today, and et voila, we had his TikTok dance clip drop.
JM gave us something to not only dream about but also, just maybe, to actually look forward to:
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..."wait a little..."
Just how little, is the question that comes to mind. Lol.
Is it something new, the dating requests? Or is it just a JK and JM new thing not only answering the question but also answering it similarly?
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JM was asked about his fighting with Tae.
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Nothing or no one to fight over. Disappointing to some?
JM was also asked about Jin, whom he referred to as cool, and like JK, he confirmed that Jin is doing ok and at times is in touch with them in their group chat.
JM being the usual sweetheart that he is:
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JM talked a bit about Sachwita and Yoongi, how well he's doing and how he hopes he will appear on the show when his album comes out.
Someone asked JM if he can motivate them:
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We got a lot of JM mentioning JK, telling us stories involving JK, starting with thinking he saw JK's name in the comments.
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JK didn't comment, but I can just imagine him sitting at home watching JM's live:
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going all:
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Same here JK. Same here.
Some of the songs we got during the live:
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And we know how JM looked out for JK during his Euphoria rehearsals and performances.
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And we were lucky to get JM singing Euphoria too.
JM was watching the Euphoria MV
and talked about how well everyone did and how cold it was while filming.
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That that
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So, this was the cute/teasing version JM's talking about?
Ok, so we all know they love Lauv's songs. Past and present. JK was singing Never not going to the loo in his live, lol. While JM had Better than this going in his live.
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Flower works
Both JK and JM had Flower works going during their lives (respecting their hyungs doing their songs during their lives).
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JM mentioned JK once more while talking about multitasking. I tell you, this man has JK on his brain.
JM made a couple of flowers to add to his previous lego flowers and then moved on to create a Valentine's teddy.
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End product - Valentine's bear minus a nose, lol. Funny pick for someone who doesn't think much or care for that day.
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I want to almost end my post with Sam Smith's Unholy.
Cause peeps, all claims that Jikook don't know the actual song (well, it was a claim made about JK, but same same to me), they don't hold water. Unholy clearly on JM's playlist. When it came on I was rofl. Literally.
What did we have there?
We had Unholy on JM's playlist.
We had JM's giggle as it came on, and then knowing that Jungkookie sang it in his live.
We had JM turning it off perhaps, so Jiminie-like, but then also continuing to hum it, lol.
So either he watched the live, either live or after, or he's on sm and saw posts about it or he heard about it from the horse's mouth?
And talking about Jungkookie...kind of felt JM had a hard case of Jungkookie on the brain during this live, the amount of times he mentions him, the way his whole face lights up, and the smile on his face... beautiful.
Finally, just for fun and giggles, but also a warm fuzzy feeling, let's end this post with just under 30 seconds of JK and JM mentioning the other in their lives:
I'm finalising my post after JK's boxing workout Wlive we are all gushing about.
Now I need to go count how many times JM's name was mentioned in that one and we need someone with good editing skills (not me) to go add those to this clip, which at just under 30 seconds doesn't even start to come close to the amount of times these two have mentioned each other in their last lives, all while the other isn't even there in the room with them, even when the other isn't even commenting in their live either (JM).
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Some other BF&GF headcanons bc they are rotating in my brain rn
-Boyfriend's beeping is a vocal stim for him when he isn't singing. He also sometimes goes semi-nonverbal, where he'll substitute normal words for it, leading a few to believe that's just how he talks normally. Girlfriend is pretty much the only person who understands him when he's like this as well. She picked up a couple meanings behind the beeping. "Beep Bo Baaah" means 'I'm hungry', for example.
-Girlfriend's stim is chewing on stuff. Blankets, shirts, her phone, you name it. The biggest victim of this, though, are pens and other art supply. It's not uncommon to see a splotch of ink on her teeth after biting just a little bit too hard on one of her drawing pens. Boyfriend's solution was to get her some stainless steel pens...but she ends biting through those too.
-GF spoils BF rotten whenever she can. Mostly with food and weird thrift store finds. Boyfriend's bedroom and basement contain a whole assortment of funny little trinkets and clothes that GF picked out and went, "Hm, yes, he will like this." and he always does.
-BF, of course, doesn't get along with either of GF's parents, with one exception; MM during her poker games. Mainly because he's a good way to distract everyone from the nineteen cards she has up her sleeves at any given moment. She invites him and GF over, they distract and annoy the other participants so she can cheat, then she buys them both one of those big soft pretzels with cheese dipping sauce.
-BF's parents, on the other hand, are actually on very good terms with GF and support the relationship. They don't visit together very often, because their a little too eager, and really want them to start planning out a wedding already. GF is very adamant that they somehow get their parents approval before they even mutter the W-word, lest her folks' wrath be upon several thousand innocent people.
-GF, when bored, will sometimes watch those Family Guy clips with Subway Surfer gameplay underneath for an hour or so. She knows it's garbage but, hey, it keeps her brain occupied.
-Despite not being able to cook anything that isn't a PB&J, GF is a huge fan of Cooking Shows, Hell's Kitchen being her favorite. Whenever she binges the show, she thinks 'ha, I can do better than these chumps'. Then proceeds to cause a kitchen fire. Every single time.
-if BF was ever sent to court, he'd immediately ask for the aid of Phoenix Wright, the video game character...then GF would suddenly make him real using her powers. Yep, that's a thing she can do. If he refuses to take the case, then they'll settle on Saul Goodman. Neither have seen the show, mind you, but they saw a lot of memes about it.
-Another power of GF is access to a personal pocket dimension. How do you think she gets those speakers anywhere she needs them? This is the same place she keeps her phone, her wallet and, on occasion, a few minions to back her up in a fight. It's more convenient than a wallet and she doesn't need to splurge on a dress with pockets. If someone really irritates her, she can also someone her speakers mid air to drop on someone as an attack.
-Both BF and GF are also very clingy and touch-starved. The two spend a lot of time cuddling. This is also why hand holding is so effective on helping him recover from an L.
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fukae-flwr · 3 months
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They weren't Friends
*Reminder! This scene came before the fic was written, and I dont wanna change it, so keep that in mind.*
“And finally, this is the study. Everything pertaining to Anne is here.” Edith led the two men into the small room filled with books and loose pieces of paper. It was spacious for how occupied it was. She had clippings from the daily prophet that made mention of dark wizard activities, letters received by Anne, and some from those claiming to be allies to the Masked Wizard. Anything that could give her any idea who took Anne and where.
 She made sure anything to do with her side "projects” were relocated to her private quarters. She was still unsure if getting them involved was wise and much less trusting that they wouldn't just turn her in once she let her guard down. The days of being inseparable were long since past. Now they were just reunited strangers.
“And you thought I was messy, Ominis.” Sebastian knelt to pick up a few letters closest to him. She watched him study it intently. One was an old letter from Anne, simply talking about how she was faring at the time along with mentioning the boys being accepted as auroras. The other was a response to a letter from an overly familiar dark wizard known for dealing in information. One of the few who was aware of the Masked Wizard’s identity.
“I stand by that sentiment. Edith must've picked up your nasty habits from years back,” Ominis carefully avoided stepping on any letters. He was more focused on paper clippings on the desk—those focused on Sebastian and Ominis, the infamous Aurora Duo. 
“I like to think..”
“I seriously doubt that.” Ominis quipped
“...of it as chaotically organized.” Sebastian finished shooting Ominis a pointed glance.
“Call it whatever you'd like, it's still a mess.”
Edith had to turn to an old letter from Anne as a distraction. Never had Edith fought so hard to prevent herself from laughing. Unfortunately, she was failing that battle pitifully, as a soft breathy chuckle slipped out from her. Unknowingly, her quiet laughter did not fall on deaf ears.
“You two haven't changed,” Edith mumbled once she felt confident enough to talk without laughing. Though she couldn't help the grin from forming.
“Still fighting like an old married couple per usual.”
“I’m beginning to see a pattern with these over here. A fan?” Ominis grinned in her direction. Edith just crossed her arms as she returned his smug smirk with one of her own.
“Hilarious. Just keeping tabs on the fools dumb enough to think they can catch the Masked Wizard.” Edith stated as she crossed the threshold to pick up the latest Daily Prophet paper on the desk. Leaning on the desk next to Ominis, she turned the folded paper toward them to emphasize her point.
“The papers just can’t seem to get enough of you two. Makes staying two steps ahead quite easy.” Her wicked smile plastered proudly on her face, as she noticed Sebastian glancing at the bolded headline reading “Ministry’s Deadly Duo”. They had made quite the name for themselves recently, and the papers ate it up. Clearly not much was happening in Wizarding World if they were so focused on the two of them. She even found the Masked Wizard making an appearance in the papers, much to her dislike.
“And yet we still managed to catch you, didn’t we?” Sebastian rose from the ground and moved towards Edith confidently. Before he could get too close, she jabbed him in the chest with the paper, keeping him away.
“Please. If my attention hadn’t been so divided due to Anne’s disappearance, you would’ve never caught me off guard. Even back then, you couldn’t beat me in a duel in Defence Against the Dark Arts class.” Edith reminded him.
“Sebastian, perhaps, but I recall you having quite a difficult time against me, Edith,” Ominis recalled as he towered over her. Both of them exceeded her height dramatically. They were close enough for her senses to be filled with just them. It was so familiar and yet so much different than before. It tightened her chest as it reminded her how they were no longer boys, and very much fully grown men now. They could so easily physically overpower her and it terrified her how much that appealed to her. Suddenly feeling trapped with a pounding heart and heated in the face, she pushed through the both of them to escape.
“Right… well I’ve improved my skills since Hogwarts,” Now a safe distance away, she felt her composure return to her, though the heat in her face lingered. Taking the exact spot she once stood in, Sebastian turned towards her arms crossed and leaning on the desk as well, mimicking the pose she once had.
“As have I,” He challenged.
“We shall see.” She glanced at the brunette. She couldn’t deny how much she missed their banter. It was much more tense now, for obvious reasons, but it was nice to have them back, even if it was only temporary. Once Anne was secured, things would have to go back to the way they were right? She still had unfinished business and they would have to return to hunting her for their precious Ministry. This peace wasn’t going to last, but she could enjoy it at least.
“So for sleeping arrangements, there’s only one extra spare guestroom for now. But I can conjure up a second…” Edith started but was quickly interrupted by Sebastian.
“No need. Ominis and I share a room anyway. The one room will be fine.” He said so casually as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Of course, they’d share a room; she doubted they’d risk being separated in an alleged criminal’s house, no matter who she was.
“...I guess I can conjure another bed then?” Edith raised a brow in Ominis’s direction confused by his sudden modest demeanor. Was..he embarrassed? What for?
“By all means but chances are I’ll just end up in bed with Ominis.”
“Sebastian! For Merlin’s sake do you have no decency?!” Ominis sighed, dropping the papers he had to cover his burning face. She could see the tips of his ears were bright red.
“You two are…courting?” Edith questioned. Part of her wasn’t surprised. Not with the way they used to treat each other. When Edith went to Hogwarts, before everything, she saw how inseparable they were. Wherever Ominis was, there was Sebastian, and vice versa. But the key word there is “before everything”. After their fifth year, Ominis refused to talk to Sebastian for almost their whole 6th year. When their 7th year came about, Ominis finally began to forgive Sebastian and started talking to him once more, after much convincing on Edith’s part.
“Yea. Problem?” Sebastian eyed her, studying her a little too cautiously for comfort. She wasn’t a bigot. Love was love. She had seen it time before. That wasn’t it.
“No. Just surprised is all.” Edith stated. There was another part of her that tightened with hearing it. A disgusting part of her that reared its ugly head inside. She was jealous and she hated it. She should’ve just been happy for him. Sebastian finally found something good, and Ominis hadn’t lost the one he feared he would. She did what she did to protect them and the price was she wasn’t there, so there was no point in her feeling jealous.
“I’m glad to see you two worked out your issues in my absence. I feared you’d stopped talking to each other just like 6th year all over again,” Edith sighed, looking at the letters Anne had sent about them. She never mentioned this, then again Edith feared to ask.
“Well, he stayed around so we could work through it. Didn’t take off and disappear out of nowhere.” Sebastian commented pointedly. Edith froze, feeling the sharpness of his words stabbing her. The fact it hurt so much alerted her how relaxed she had unintentionally gotten with them. As if cold water had just been splashed on her, she felt awake. Taking in a quiet yet deep breath, she straightened her posture to meet Sebastian's dark glare with her own practiced blank stare. 
They weren’t friends. They were just temporary allies. Nothing more.
“Sebastian..” Ominis warned darkly, but Edith cut him off. Her tone must’ve caught his attention because now he was focused on her, those beautiful blue eyes staring in her direction but she refused to back down from Sebatian’s stare.
 “It’s alright, Ominis. He’s not wrong.” Edith smirked at him, despite baring no merit to it. It seemed to tick him off even more, as his eyes narrowed at her.
“Choose whoever you’d like to seek companionship in, the only thing that matters is finding Anne.” Edith didn’t mean for her words to come out with so much venom, but what did it matter anyway? There was no point in attempting to be anything more. 
Edith quickly turned on her heels and marched to the door. As she reached for the door she heard Ominis beginning to call to her name but she once again cut him off. Too afraid to stay any longer, not when Sebatian’s eyes held so much anger and hatred towards her. She couldn’t bear to see or hear it from Ominis too. Not at this moment.
“If you need anything else, Penny will assist you. Goodnight.” And with that she exited the room, making sure to close the door behind her.
HEHEHEHEEHEEHEHE Originally I was just making a sketch to show off Edith's new look cus i absolutely love that hair style for her but then I got some angsty short fic and well, here you go! I already have a really nice steamy art piece drawn for you guys Im just writing the fic to go with it now sooo keep a look out. Im very proud of both pieces so I hope you like it!! Try not to hate Edith too much. I promise Im working hard to not make her unbearable but she did make some choices that upset the boys like disappearing
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m-jelly · 2 years
Sweet inspiration - Chapter 5
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@kenkopanda-art <3
AO3 link
Pairing: CEO!Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: romance, fluff, modern AU, fluff, falling in love, cute, tattooed reader, self-doubt, sweet, relationship development, smut, first time as a couple, Levi body worshipping, aftercare.
Concept: You talk to Levi about your fears that you don't think he sees you sexually due to always wearing underwear in front of him for modelling. Levi reassures you and showers you in love. The two of you then share your first time together as a couple.
Part1 Part 2 Part3 Part4 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 The end
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You’d been living with Levi for three weeks and you had this urge, this need, build up inside of you. You wanted Levi more than anything, but he was distracted by many things. First, it was moving you in, then it was starting his new line of things inspired by you called Bouncing Bunny because of your legs, he was trying to keep an eye on Layla as well and he was having an issue with a rival company.
You wanted Levi to relax, and you had a few ideas on how to do it. You pulled on sexy underwear made by him and was for you only, no one else had this set. You wiggled your bra a little and checked the clips were in place on your thighs. You smiled at yourself in the mirror and did your hair and makeup a little. You pulled on your dressing gown to match and felt pretty.
You put on your heels and walked through the penthouse to Levi’s office. You peeked at Levi working hard with a mannequin of your body in the middle of the room. You admired the pretty underwear set he was in the middle of making. You walked in and hummed a little. You walked up behind Levi and massaged his shoulders.
Levi sighed as he felt his body relax in your touch. “Hey, my little bunny. Are you okay?”
You pushed a hand down his chest. “I’m a bit lonely.”
He turned his head and kissed your arm. “I’m sorry, I’ve been working a lot, haven’t I?”
You kissed the top of his head. “You should relax a little. Let me help you.”
He blushed a little. “That’s sweet of you, but I really should keep working.” He squeezed your arms. “Give me twenty more minutes. “
You let him go and walked around to face him in his office chair. “What about now?”
He took you in and smiled. “You look fantastic.”
You slowly dropped the dressing gown to the floor. “What else?”
He rolled his chair close and touched your thighs. “Straps aren’t too tight.” He hummed and touched your panties. “No marks and it’s very fitting.” He ran his hands up your waist and moved your bra a little. “Same here.” He touched your right breast through the thin lacy fabric. “Delicate too.”
You moaned a little. “Levi, more.”
Levi locked eyes with you and blushed hard when it dawned on him what was happening. “O-Oh.”
You stepped back from him. “Sorry, I’m being very thirsty.”
You knelt and sighed. “I love you and I wanted to wear something sexy for you to make you, I dunno, horny?” You nibbled your lip. “But you see me in underwear so much that maybe you don’t see me in a sexual way.”
Levi gasped in horror. “Are you kidding me!?” He stood up and grabbed your hips. “I have to shut off everything inside me when I’m dressing you and measuring you for underwear. Every single fibre of my being wants to make love to you passionately all day and night long.”
You stumbled on your feet after Levi yanked you to them. “Y-You do?”
He nodded. “I have to turn off that part of me otherwise I’d never get any work done.”
You lowered your head. “I’m sorry I brought it up. I don’t want it to sound bad. I love you and I love being with you. It’s not about sex.” You blushed and tapped your head against Levi. “I just…I want to be with you so I can make you feel good. N-Not that I’m saying you don’t feel good by just being with me without sex.” You groaned. “This is not coming out well.”
Levi lifted you up and sat you on his office chair. He knelt in front of you and smiled. “I know exactly what you mean.” He smiled and gripped the back of your knees and lifted your legs. “I have desired this for a while, but I’ve been holding back and turning off that part of me, so you feel comfortable. I fell for you hard and fast, we got together quickly because I craved you so desperately.” He put your legs over the arms of his chair. “If you say yes to allowing our love to be sexual, you better prepare yourself.” He slowly dragged his lips along the inside of your thigh. “I will be unstoppable sometimes.”
You squealed when he pulled on your thigh strap with his teeth and released it making it snap on your thigh. “Levi.”
He smiled at you. “You look delicious.” He looped his arms under your legs and grabbed your hips. “So divine.” He leaned closer and ran his tongue up slowly on your underwear. “This is your first time wearing these and you are soaked. You must really want me.”
You whimpered and nodded. “I do.”
He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against your underwear and inhaled deeply. “You are heavenly.” He turned his head and bit your thigh. “Mine. I want you to wear my bites with pride.”
“I will.”
He took the clasps off slowly. “Good girl.” He held your underwear. “Legs up.” He smiled when you did as he asked. He dragged your underwear off. “That’s it, now put your legs back for me.”
You opened your legs and hooked them over the arms. “Levi.”
He locked eyes with you as he held your underwear. He smiled at your cute blush and blown pupils. “Adorable and sexy, you’re the total package, aren’t you?” He dragged his gaze down and smiled. “Darling, you are dripping.” He ran his thumb up from your opening and up causing him to flick you. He smiled at your moan. “That was very lovely.” He put his thumb in his mouth and sucked it dry. “Mm, delicious.”
You blushed. “Levi, please.”
He sighed. “Sorry, I’m just marvelling at your body and beauty. I get lost in the moment.” He leaned down and kissed your clit before speaking softly. “Forgive me.”
You covered your mouth with your hand and hummed a little. “Le-Levi.”
He kissed you over and over again. “So plump, so cute, so delicious, so cute.”
You whimpered and shivered at his delicate touch. “Bear.”
He smiled against you. “I like that little pet name.” He looked up at you. “Why don’t you tangle your pretty fingers in my hair? Ride your bear’s face like a good bunny.”
You squeaked a little. “Levi.”
He popped your clit into his mouth and sucked a little before pulling away. “Go ahead, little bunny, pull my hair.”
You pushed your fingers into his soft raven hair and tugged a little. “I love you.”
Levi smiled up at you. “I love you too.”
He moved closer and took you into his mouth. He closed his eyes and held your thighs. He moaned against you as his tongue lazily rolled against you. He sucked a little and felt you raise your hips towards his face. He smiled knowing he was doing the right thing. All he ever wanted was to make you feel good and do the right thing for you. He wanted you to feel loved and worshipped.
You leaned your head back. “Levi, you feel so good.” You rolled your hips a little. “Ah! Y-your tongue.” You cried out as Levi moved his tongue a little faster. You clenched your toes tightly as he sucked. “Shit!” You gasped as you felt your coil tighten. “I’m close. Don’t stop.”
Levi pulled you closer to his face and kept his actions up. He massaged your plump thighs and felt like he was in pure heaven. You tasted like perfection to him, your thighs were so soft and warm around his head. He wanted you to feel bliss as many times as possible. He wanted you to be shaking from your nerve endings burning with desire.
He pulled back when you cried out in pleasure. He smiled as he watched your cheeks become flushed from your orgasm. “Mm, so inspiring. I might make a little piece inspired by your orgasmic blush.”
You blushed hard. “R-Really?”
He knelt up and kissed you. “Really.” He ran his fingers up and down you before slowly pushing two deep within you. He smiled as he watched you gasp in delight. “I just have to prepare you, my love. I have been told I’m on the thicker side.”
You gripped his shoulder. “I-I can’t w-wait to mm feel you i-inside me.”
He tapped his forehead against yours as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. He smiled against your lips as his thumb rubbed your clit. “I want to be buried deep within you. I want to be one with my goddess.” He lightly kissed you and spoke against your lips. “I want to worship you. I want to feel you. I want to make you cum as many times as possible.”
You panted against Levi. “I need you.” You shivered a little as you felt the tighten. “I love you.”
He kissed your neck and nibbled your soft skin. He sucked a mark on you. “Mine. I want people to know you’re mine, all mine.” He yanked down your bra and released your right breast. He flicked your nipple with his tongue. “Such a delight and so responsive.” He wrapped his mouth around your nipple and sucked. He moved his tongue on you and sucked lightly like he was trying to get something from you. He pulled back and panted. “Such a delicacy for me.”
You cupped the back of his head. “I love you.”
Levi smiled against your breast at your words of adoration. “I love you too.” He blew air on your breasts making you shiver. “My goddess.”
You panted and leaned your head back. You wiggled under his touch as you felt your coil tighten even more. You closed your eyes and hummed. You hugged Levi’s head tightly against you as you shook from your pleasure bubbling away in your body. You felt a delicious prickle of delight go through you.
Levi pulled his fingers from you and licked his fingers in delight. “I want to eat you more.”
You moved your legs off the arms of the chair. “N-No.” You panted and cupped his face. “I want you, please?”
Levi blushed hard. “My goddess is letting me be one with her…I’d love to.” He stood up and pulled you against his chest. “Bedroom. My condoms are there. Plus, our first time must be precious.”
You wrapped your legs around him and giggled. “Yes.”
He smiled and carried you to the bedroom. He lay you down and laughed a little. “Sorry, you’re just so cute.”
You sat up and smiled as you watched him go to his bedside drawer. “Says my wonderful and handsome man.”
Levi stood at the end of the bed as he slowly took off his smart shirt. “How do you want me? We go at your pace. I want to worship, and I will do anything you ask of me.”
You blushed. “Well, I would like to see you first.”
He nodded and whipped his belt off. “Of course.” He smiled as he looked at you with one breast free and half of your underwear set on. “You really are so beautiful.”
You looked down and giggled. “My boob.” You put your boob back in your bra. “There, all hidden.”
He smiled and took his trousers and boxers off, so he was nude in front of you. “Still want me?”
“Yes.” You stare at his nice thick member. You reached out. “May I?”
He nodded. “Of course.”
You held him lightly and guessed he was about six maybe six and a half, but it was the nice thickness that you were impressed by. “I can understand why you said you needed to prepare me.” You took the condom from him. “I want to put it on you.”
“S-Sure.” He blushed as you tore open the wrapper carefully. “You’re very delicate.”
You looked up at him and smiled. “I don’t want to break it.” You rolled it slowly onto him. “That on right?”
He nodded. “Yeah, feels good. So, what would you like?”
You hummed a little in thought. “Could you sit against the headboard?”
“Sure.” He moved up the bed and sat down. “Now what?”
You shuffled over on your knees and sat on his thighs. You moved your hand up and down on him before holding him against your pelvis. “Wow. It’s going to go so deep.”
Levi moaned. “Yeah. Do you want extra help? I have lube.”
You hovered above him. “I can take you.”
“You sure?”
You nodded. “I am.” You took Levi in your hand and slowly lowered down onto him. You shivered at the stretch. “Fuck.” You moved slowly. “Ah!”
Levi grabbed your hips and stopped you. “Stop. Don’t keep going if it hurts.”
You nibbled your lip. “But I want you.”
“I don’t want you to be in pain.”
“I’m not.” You cupped his face. “It feels incredible.” You sank down on him fully as you locked eyes with Levi. You moaned and clenched him as you went. You sat fully on him and hummed. “Amazing.”
Levi grunted. “Tight.”
You blushed. “Sorry for clenching you.”
“It’s okay, it’s not too tight. I’m just worried about you and your comfort.”
You kissed him and smiled against his lips. “You feel good, really good.” You tangled your fingers in his hair and smiled. “You’re incredible.” You giggled making Levi smile and laugh a little. “I can’t believe it. We’re together.”
Levi unclipped your bra and tossed it. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me.” He panted as you moved slowly on him. “I love you so much.”
You moved a little faster on him. You hummed in happiness as you felt all of this thick hard cock drag out of you before plunging deep into you. Your lover reached the deepest parts of you that made you cry out in ecstasy. His soft hands dragged all over your body and caressed you in ways that you never thought were possible for someone like you. You felt loved and adored in the bedroom for once in your life. It wasn’t a matter of size, but merely the actions of Levi that sent you into love-filled heaven.
You tapped your forehead against Levi’s soft forehead as you moved with him. Your bodies were entwined in a loving embrace. Your mouths open as you softly panted together, the heat of your breath igniting your skin and the passions inside yourselves. Soft lips met each other as you slipped and fell into adoration and love. You drifted into an eternity of bliss as you both discovered each other for the first time.
Levi released your plump lips to speak softly against them. “I love you.” He lightly captured them as his hips moved with him. He smiled at you making a sweet smile spread on your lips. “I love you.”
Tears formed in your eyes as you felt Levi’s passion and devotion for you. He rendered you breathless at his tenderness with your body. Not a single moment went by where you felt used. You meant something to this talented man. You were more than an inspiration for his work. You knew that you were forever tethered to his heart.
Fingers pressed into thighs forming crevasses of passion. Nails dragged across a broad back as the pleasure intensified. Two souls moving as one in search of the other’s sweet release. Two people working to please the other in a loving battle to seek the blinding end of heavenly euphoria. Your spine tingled as you lost the battle. Levi moved with you and sent your body into your body melting end.
You gasped as your hips ground against your lover. You kept your eyes locked upon his blown pupils with a shimmer of steel blue around them. You wanted him to see what he did to you. You wanted him to see your orgasm was over you like a tidal wave.
You stilled your hips and sweetly chuckled against Levi’s bruised lips. “I love you, Levi. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He lifted you up and turned with you. He gently lay you down with your head on the pillows. He took a spare pillow and slipped it under your hips to elevate them. “Is this okay?”
You nodded. “I feel good.”
He crawled up your body as he held your waist and his other hand tangled so possessively in your hair. He dragged his hips against you moving your pelvis up and down with each thrust. He shifted your head to the side as he worshipped you. His plump lips connected with the soft skin on your neck. He praised your body, not with words, but with delicate and lingering kisses. He stilled his lips against your neck as your beating heart mesmerised him.
Your hand drifted down his back and caressed every bump and crease upon his back. Your hands travelled further until they reached their destination. You firmly gripped his pudgy behind. You guided him and moved him to a pacing you craved. You parted your legs and allowed Levi to be as close to you as possible.
You turned your head to Levi. “Faster, please.”
He nodded at your pleas. He shifted his legs and grounded himself. He bucked up into you and plunged his cock as far as he could into your wet pussy. He grunted as he felt something kissing his tip as if he’d reached the wall inside you that was not ready for his filling, but it would be soon. Even though this was the first time coming together, his head filled with thoughts of filling you and having children with you.
He grunted when the soft slapping of his hips against yours filled the room, along with the plunging of his dick into your wet pussy. He sighed softly as he enjoyed the noises coming from where you were joined together and your delicate lips. The noises reminded him and confirmed to him that he was with you, that you were together, that he was tasting you and experiencing the joys of your body.
You ran your hand over Levi’s cheek bringing his attention back to you. “Levi.”
His blown pupils locked with your own. He smiled and moaned your name to you. He smirked when it made you blush to hear your name with such passion. He shifted a little and snapped his hips as fast as possible. He grunted when you clenched him so tight it was almost difficult to move. He growled when your nails dragged across his back.
He sighed against your lips and roughly kissed you. “My Queen, my love, my eternal.”
You shivered and clenched tightly. “Levi.”
“Good girl.” He kissed down your chin and down your neck over your voice box. He licked right where your moans vibrated against your neck. “So beautiful and perfect.”
You cried out as you felt a snap inside you. A bliss ran through every inch of you and set your body free. You relaxed against the bed and smiled as you melted into the feeling. “Yes.”
Levi stopped his hips and looked down at you. “Are you all right?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
“Do you still want me? Do you still want to keep going?”
You smiled softly. “More than anything. I want you to cum.” You giggled. “Normally I’m begging for a man to make me cum, but instead I’m begging you to cum.”
Levi chuckled. “I have great stamina and I’m driven by giving you pleasure.” He rolled onto his side and pulled you with him. You lay side by side facing each other. “Now, we move together.”
You nodded and pulled your hips back when Levi did before moving them towards him when he moved. You pulled away before uniting with each other over and over. Levi held your face as he gazed into your perfect eyes. You pressed your hands on his pecs and gripped them a little. You wrapped your leg around him opening yourself up more to him.
You tangled your fingers in Levi’s hair and smiled at him. You locked lips with your lover and felt at peace with yourself and with the feelings between you and Levi. You nuzzled the crook of his neck and whimpered as your body wound up a little. You bit the crook of his neck and whined against his skin. You felt the tingle up your spine as the pleasure inside your increased. You were reading to embrace your next ride into bliss.
Levi cupped the back of your head and held you against him. He ran a hand down your back to clasp your bum. He moved with you as he chased the end for you both. “My love, my bunny, my goddess, I’m close.”
You whimpered. “Me too.”
He kissed you roughly. “I love you.”
“I love you too. I love you so much.”
Levi grabbed your hips and pumped himself into you. He felt his urge to fill you take over. “Ugh, hmm, I’m gonna cum.”
You reached between you and Levi. You rolled your clit against your fingers. “A-ah! Levi!” You gasped as you felt the pop and a rush of pleasure go through you. You smiled as it went up your spine and into your skull. “Yes!”
Levi grunted as he slapped his hips against yours. He gritted his teeth and moaned as your pussy walls clenched him tightly. He gasped. “Fuck.” He held you tightly as he came hard. He whimpered your name and panted. “Incredible.”
You rubbed Levi’s chest and kissed him. “No, you were.”
Levi rubbed your cheek. “You were.”
“We both were?”
You sighed and nuzzled against him. “That was incredible for our first time.”
Levi looked down at you. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, was it not for you?” You welled up. “I can do better!”
Levi pulled his dick out of you and sat up. “My love, you were amazing. I meant it when I said incredible. You really were. I love you so much.”
You sat up and blushed. “So, no regrets or running away?”
He pulled you into his arms. “I would never regret us or run away.” He kissed you. “Tell me who made you feel this way and I will murder them.”
You giggled. “It’s okay, you don’t need to.”
He kissed you. “Shower?”
“I’d love one.”
Levi picked you up making you giggle. He carried you to the bathroom and sat you on the sink counter. “Wait there.”
You hugged your legs. “Levi?”
He smiled. “I’m just taking my condom off, okay?”
You nodded and watched him. “Your dick is still big when you’re not hard.”
Levi blushed. “Thanks.” He eyed you. “And you are just beyond sexy.”
You giggled. “Thank you.” You slipped off the counter and pulled off the last of your things. You walked over to the shower and turned it on. “Ready?”
He nodded and tackled you into the shower making you laugh. “My cute sweet bunny.”
You smiled at Levi. “You’re wonderful, you really are.”
He kissed you. “Thank you.”
You blushed a little as Levi cleaned you. “So, I’ve been thinking.”
“Can I maybe design you something?”
Levi blushed. “You…you want to design something for me?”
You nodded. “I do. I make to make you a cute cardigan.”
Levi stared at you for a moment because he thought you meant something sexy, but you actually meant something so sweet. “Sure.” He smiled as he blushed hard. “I’d love that. Do you want to work together?”
“I wanted it to surprise you. Is there someone I can work with?”
He hummed in thought. “Yeah, I have one guy in design who could help you.”
You clapped your hands. “Yay!”
Levi chuckled as he cleaned you up. “I’m looking forward to seeing the final piece.”
“I hope you like it.”
“Oh, I’ll love it because it’ll be made by you.” He winked at you and started cleaning himself. “So, you know the new fashion line is doing well?”
You nodded. “Bouncing bunny.”
He hummed. “Well, I was thinking of making more things. Maybe more umm…couple things.”
You frowned a little. “Like couple outfits?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well…”
You thought a bit more and assessed the man you loved before you. “Oh! You mean like sexy outfits? That’d be so cool!”
“You think so?”
You nodded and pressed yourself against your lover. “I know so.”
Levi held you close. “Well, it’s a long way away, but I’ll give it a try.”
You kissed the end of his nose. “You’re right.”
Levi whined when you left his arms and wandered out of the shower. He watched you dry off and wrap up. “Darling, you are so divine.”
You smiled a little at Levi. “Thank you.”
“Just looking at you now and I can think of so many ways to dress you up.”
You walked over to him and kissed him. “If you hurry up, you can dress me up.”
Levi gasped as your words drifted around in his head. He stumbled out of the shower and dried himself off before joining you in the bedroom. “Can I dress you in anything?”
You pulled on your underwear and nodded. “Yes.”
He looked through your walk-in closet and looked around at all the things he could dress you up in. He eyed the pretty outfits, the sexy ones, the smart ones and the cute ones. In the end, he picked up the comfy stuff. He walked over to you and showed you. “Comfort for my little bunny.”
You giggled. “Bear?”
He hummed. “What’s the matter?”
“You’re naked.”
He looked down at himself. “Oh, I’ll be right back. You changed into these, okay?”
You giggled as he ran back into the walk-in. “You got it.” You pulled on your comfy bottoms and top. “Ready.”
Levi came back out in similar things. “Ready to snuggle?”
You nodded and opened your arms. “Please.”
Levi picked you up and held you. “I love you so much. You truly are my everything.” He said your name softly and gave you a squeeze. “I’ll never leave you. I’ll always be with you, no matter what. I care for you too much to let you go.”
You smiled as you felt the tears in the corner of your eyes. “Same, Levi. I’ll never ever let you go. I’ll always be here for you, forever and always. My everything.”
He moved you and him up the bed and cuddled you. He played with your hair and smiled at you. “So wonderful and all mine.” He hummed a laugh and nuzzled his nose against yours. He felt at peace as he allowed himself to love and be loved.
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monmuses · 1 month
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OKAY with that post out of the way, i might reblog a couple of art prompts to get some sketches done after i pack up and clean. i might do some prompts for a couple of OCs bc i really gotta do some drawing after that mess. i might even post a clip i got while playing or some other doodles, but right now, distraction time.
ill pop in in a couple of hours but my Discord is open! please let me know who you are when you add me!
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llycaons · 6 months
selected excerpts from that pool AU that made me laugh
I don't really love how that art depicted lxc but writing him as a foolish, infatuated teenager who constantly puts his foot in his mouth is a new one. and we never really saw lxc in canon younger than his late teens/early 20s, at which point he was already the leader of the sect. so it was kind of fun to imagine. lxc and nmj here are the dramatic couple in the forefront and wx are the subtler one in the background, which is very different. usually wx takes up all the space and drama available lol
"You can share my lane," Mingjue says. "Really? You don't mind?" Mingjue shrugs. "It's a public pool." Frankly, it's not an inspiring sign, but Lan Huan still shoots Lan Zhan a secret thumbs up before clomping down the pool ladder.
Lan Zhan startles and checks to make sure Lan Huan isn't drowning. (He isn't, although not by much.)
Lan Zhan has half a mind to march over and explain aquatic safety to them. ("Wow, you're so familiar with the pool rules," the lifeguard would swoon. "Let's run away together!")
"Wei Ying. Nice to meet you.…are you auditing me right now?" "Auditing?" "Yeah. Like, get me distracted while my boss throws in a baby doll or something for me to save." Lan Zhan is horrified by the implication. He is loyal to Wei Ying in all respects!
in canon they butted heads a bit but in this one lwj sees wwx and literally speaks to him once and wwx immediately has his undying devotion, which doesn't hit as well as the journey they took in canon but it IS funny
Mian Mian is waiting behind him, readjusting one of her lamb hair clips,
mm is literally here to be A Woman lwj is suspected to harbor feelings for and she doesn't even get any lines, but it's cute that the author put in this little detail about her name and its relation to lambs. I don't think I've seen that too much
Part of Lan Zhan's lost hope. Wei Ying's far too lovely for Lan Zhan to just ask for his number. There'd need to be flowers, a helicopter ride, a big heart dug into the sand with "Would you marry me?" written in big letters. Lan Zhan doesn't have the money or connections to accomplish any of that, so he tells himself it's enough to have the chlorine smell permeating half his closet.
also i really love when authors capture lwj's teenage dramatics
That's where they still are, Mingjue rehydrating while Lan Huan looks two laps away from an ER visit. "Yes," Lan Zhan says. “That’s my brother.” "Does he know about the rec swim hours? That might be…uh, more his speed." At this point, Lan Zhan questions if pools in general are Lan Huan's speed. "He's aware.”
most of the comedy comes from lxc being absolutely shit at swimming, but it works for me. I love incompetence comedy. usually.
He must have people asking him out every week with his droplet-laced lashes
his what
He'll never leave here, never take his AP exams or graduate high school. The restroom is his home now.
what did I say about charmingly dramatic teenage lwj
Mingjue plays sax in an improv jazz group.
of course he does...sexiest most powerful instrument for the sexiest most powerful character
They're from rival schools...and school spirit must mean a lot to him. Why did Lan Zhan ever think this could work out?
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sam-glade · 1 year
Happy STS! I hope you've had a great week 💙
A bit of a fun one this time because I have had a long week. Your OCs get locked in Ikea overnight; what do they do?
Hi Nopal! Thank you for the question💜
Wow, this took me a while to figure out. A large part of it is implied 'time travel into the future' element - there aren't any department stores around yet.
Let's go with the Days of Dusk crowd. And since portal travel is in-setting, let's assume they're just dropped inside an IKEA without any explanation for why or how. An anomaly? A portal was set up badly? Doesn't matter, they're inside an IKEA locked up for the night now, and the dimension travel fried the alarms and cameras. They have a whole night of peace.
Varre takes a nap.
Anthea quickly notices that the place is clean, so people must come here regularly, and finds a comfortable place to wait until morning. She doesn't often get a chance to spend time, not bothered by people wanting things from her.
Erya's first instinct is to find a way of unlocking the door. There's no lock. No handle. She isn't happy about it. She will be torn between exploring the ground floor in search for another exit and staying with Anthea. Anthea might convince her to stay and wait with her.
By this point, Lissan is in the second or third room, wondering out loud what the hell is this place. It's not a factory, because there aren't any tools. All the arrangements seem deliberate, but it's not exactly art, just everyday items. Gullin will join him on the exploration soon, equally intrigued.
Ianim will be a bit more scared of the unknown and spooked by the sudden change, but he'll much rather go with them than stay around his sister or on his own.
They might consider playing hide and seek. They soon realise that with the first two guys having magically honed senses, Ianim's at too much of a disadvantage.
Anyway, so they're now following the arrows. Gullin gets distracted by every clever solution - how tightly the plastic boxes are clipped shut, how cleverly the corner cabinets open, how smooth the rails in the drawers move, everything. Literally he's going 'ooh, that's cool' all the time. Lissan is most amused and watches him for now. He might even toss over some items he believes Gullin should see. They drop a glass. They sweep it out of sight.
Ianim appreciates the more artistically arranged rooms. He compares it to how rooms are depicted on paintings - deliberately cluttered, but not in a way people do it naturally. He'll basically treat it as a gallery or museum. I don't think the idea of a museum of craft is that strange to him? He'll utterly overlook the huge boxes full of the same item, and pallets of jars and such.
And finally Lissan finds the canteen, decides he's bored-hungry, realises he's the only one in their group who can cook, and spends the next couple of hours making them a hearty and not too adventurous meal.
Erya convinces Anthea that the prince should eat something. She probably forgot about supper.
Varre is still asleep.
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starlyte-writes · 2 years
Little update that no one cares about but I feel like rambling so-
I feel kinda better today? Ish? Yesterday was good cause I was busy doing things all day so I didn’t have time to think about it.
Today I woke up really late (probably cause I stayed up til 5 playing Simulacra 2) and right as I was about to take a shower I saw Wilbur had gone live so I just sat in the bathroom watching it.
I cried quite a bit to be honest. A lot of points I got teary eyed but they were y’know happy tears cause they were nice memories, some of which I remembered them talking about before or witnessing myself.
It’s so weird not knowing them personally but grieving anyway. I know it’s not parasocial but I still get moments where I feel like I’m being so gross for feeling this way. Like I can’t even tell my family why I’m so tired and bummed out because as soon as I say “he was a Youtuber” they’ll be like “so??? you didn’t know him???”
Especially when Wilbur mentioned how Tommy had been at that one point. That really wrecked me and I don’t really know why. I just felt so bad and like wished I could’ve given him a hug but that thought feels really parasocial so I don’t know. I just feel so bad for all of them.
I feel okay though. The day I found out I couldn’t stop crying for hours, a lot of in and out. Like I said yesterday I was pretty distracted so I sorta would just zone out a lot at most.
And today? It was okay. I think it’s gonna be okay. I did cry a bit, and a couple of TikToks/pieces of art/memorials have nearly pushed me to crying more, but none of it is sad tears. It’s bittersweet, sure, but Techno still makes me laugh and smile so much when I’m watching clips of him or being told stories about him.
It’s really nice. And I think things are gonna get better because of that.
Hope you’re all okay. Remember to be kind to yourselves and that he’s resting easy. Or kicking God’s ass. Both are very likely.
I’m rooting for you, king. <3
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kudosmyhero · 7 days
Batman (vol. 1) #402:There's Nothing So Savage--As a Man Destroying Himself!
Read Date: June 29, 2023 Cover Date: December 1986 ● Writer: Max Allan Collins ● Penciler: Jim Starlin ● Inker: Jim Starlin ● Colorist: Daina Graziunas ● Letterer: John Costanza ● Editor: Dennis O'Neil ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● o_o …broke his neck?
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● I haven’t read a lot of Jason Todd yet, but I know what becomes of him. I appreciate that there are pretty palpable differences between Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake. Damian Wayne, too, but I’m not a fan of his. ● sneaky bastard! that disguise of Batman got me good ● wow those bat-ears are LONG ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Two muggers named Roach and Spider brutalize a couple named Dick and Jane. Batman arrives and snaps both of their necks, killing them. He rides a motorcycle back to his garage, where it's revealed that this Batman is someone other than Bruce Wayne.
The real Batman responds to the Bat-Signal and swings over to GCPD Headquarters. Deputy Commissioner Barnes is waiting to arrest him for the murders, and the GCPD shoot at him as he escapes. Batman goes to visit the home of Jim Gordon, who explains that Barnes is trying to take over the department. A news report reveals that the two muggers killed were both murderers, previously released on a technicality. Batman tells Gordon to pretend to help with the manhunt so he can keep an eye on Barnes.
The next day, Bruce Wayne eats breakfast at Wayne Manor with Alfred Pennyworth and Jason Todd. Alfred investigates companies that sell Batman costumes, and finds that every one in the area has been stolen. Jason asks Bruce what's so wrong about killing criminals. Bruce tells him murder is a line they must not cross. Jason reminds him that he's killed before, and Bruce says this was in self-defense. "If we're no better than the lice who snuff out human life like it's worth nothing at all, then, well -- then it's time I hung up my cowl." Jason responds that he's still glad the crooks are dead, and Bruce says he is also but he's not proud of that.
Bruce Wayne visits a man named Howard Despond whose wife was killed by the muggers who died fighting Batman. He pretends to be there on Wayne Foundation business. Despond says nobody cared about his wife's death except the detective who took the muggers in.
More criminals are found dead the next night. This time it's an armed robber, who also previously escaped murder charges on a technicality. Batman poses as a reporter named Mr. Davis to ask Gordon questions about the murder right in front of Barnes. Gordon explains that all of the crooks who got off on technicality were arrested by a detective named Tommy Carma. Carma was once the youngest detective in the city, but his constant police brutality allowed many arrested criminals to go free. He snapped after his wife and daughter were killed by a hitman.
Batman goes out to pursue Carma, and tells Robin he must stay at home. He finds Carma's home address and meets his mother. She assumes that Batman is her son because he's wearing the same costume, and it's revealed that Tommy thinks he really is Batman. Tommy's mother tries to convince him that he's not Batman and what he's doing is wrong. Further inside, Batman finds a crime lab and a wall of newspaper clippings about Batman. Some of these clippings are about a man called the "Snuffer" who he believes was responsible for the death of Tommy's family. Gordon tells Batman where to find the Snuffer, who is currently about to go into witness protection.
Tommy Carma finds the Snuffer first and drops him out of a window. Batman arrives just in time to save the Snuffer. When the Snuffer thanks him he says "saving your life is the most disgusting thing I've done in a long time. Tommy hits Batman from behind and insists that the Snuffer does not deserve to live. They fight, and Tommy accuses Batman of being an imposter. Robin arrives and distracts Tommy, allowing Batman to knock Tommy out with a clean punch. Batman says he should be angry at Robin for disobeying orders, but he's glad they stopped Tommy before anyone else got hurt. The police arrive, and Batman decides to stay so he can clear his name. Robin asks why Batman didn't punch the guy out sooner, and Batman replies "It was hard to swing at him. After all, who am I but just another guy who thinks he's the Batman?"
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Fan Art: Batman on Gargoyle by ardian-syaf
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batman Knightcast - episode 04
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