the-dying-sun7 · 8 months
I hate how so many therians/otherkins of tumblr often say stuff like 'those weird tiktok therians' . It's damaging for the community. Dam it, I'm on tumblr. Just because a therian/otherkin is on tt doesn't instantly mean they're faking, and think that therianthropy/ Otherkinity is just quads and having a connection to an animal. I get that tt is a problem, with quadrobists calling themselves therians, and not even bothering to explain what therianthropy is, if they even know. But it's ridiculous how divided we are. I've even seen this sort of stuff on reddit. I don't like it. Idrk if anyone disagrees, I know my own opinions, and I know that I have a point. I don't care if my opinions unpopular, but it needs to be said.
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nedlittle · 2 years
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nothing i can add will be funnier than the reality of seriously trying to cancel shakespeare for being classist
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54625 · 2 months
I'm not sure if this is the end for the QSMP, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were shut down soon after this.
The eggs have been the lifeblood of the server since they were introduced, and having some of them permanently gone from the server is devastating for so many reasons, and bodes terribly for the future of this project. My optimism has run out. I will still wait for updates but I have no hope.
However, I wanted to write a piece for the community here on Tumblr. I know we're all very emotional right now, because while we have no confirmation that the QSMP will permanently close, we now have good reason to assume there might just be no other clear path out of this.
To the community:
Do not feel like you have to stop loving the server and everything it created. Do not stop creating art. Do not stop sharing why you loved the characters and the story and the world.
To completely boycott everything QSMP, you are discrediting the incredible work that the admins put into the server purely out of passion and the kindness of their hearts. Do not waste their sacrifices. Talk about the server and everything they did for it, give them recognition, let them know we love and appreciate all the time and care they poured into this project. Thank them by caring about their work that they put so much of themselves into.
To completely boycott everything QSMP, you are ignoring the beautiful friendships it created between content creators who otherwise would never have met, and the way it ignited such a fierce determination to learn about others' cultures in them. You are forgetting how much these streamers strived to tell engaging, relatable, fun stories, by themselves or with each other, and to have their fans talk about how much they liked their newest lore. You are refusing to acknowledge the effort put in by everyone on the project to tell amazing stories through the language barrier.
And to completely boycott the QSMP, you are denying yourself the fact that you loved this server; the eggs, the streamers, the stories, the cultural events, the laughter, the sadness, the friendships, the ship ships, the builds, the mods, the languages. You are part of this server for enjoying it's wonderful vitality and beauty and hilarity. As a community, we all are.
I have had my gripes with the QSMP fanbase, as anyone has gripes with the dysfunctional mad household they live in, but at the end of the day, I love it so much. This has been my first time actually being part of a fandom; interacting with people and sharing my art and my ideas, getting into silly debates and arguments, running my mouth off more than I should. I love this bizarre toxic fandom for all of it's worth; I love the fanfic writers (even if I think their characterisation is terrible), I love the fanartists (even if they give Pac those yellow scleras that always make me think of jaundice), I love the live bloggers (even if they clog up the main tag), I love the people who write analysis, the people who make animations and animatics, the people who webweave, and all the other things people in this fandom do to interact with the media we all collectively love and bond over.
We do not need to let this be the end of our community, as we can still share our admiration for the hard work put into this project, lift each other up, express praise where it is warranted.
And we can talk to each other, we can vent about how this has negatively effected us (provided we tag it appropriately 👁️👁️) and respond in kind to those seeking someone to speak to who relates.
The QSMP taught us the value of communication. While behind the scenes, it itself did not abide by it's own rules, we can. The QSMP itself is not the figurehead of communication; the content creators and the fans it sent this message to are. We can be an example of what the QSMP should have stood for.
I do not love the deeply flawed execution of the QSMP, but with my whole heart I love the idea; the ambition, the goal. It was noble. It, to some extent, worked.
It united communities.
Let it unite ours.
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gregrulzok · 9 months
Look, I get it, Punk has a very vast culture of music and fashion and really anyone who identifies as Punk would be smart to delve into those things and at least research them, if not adopt them to a certain degree (Punk fashion especially as it's mostly based on reducing consumption and upcycling, which any self-respecting Punk should try to do)
But at the end of the day if there were two rooms full of self-identifying Punks, who'd you rather spend time with?
The ones dressed in Khakis and Button-Ups that listen to indie or pop or whatever, but would gladly break a chair over a Nazi's skull and rip Bezos' nails out one by one
Or the ones dressed in Spikes and Leather that listen to the Clash and Sex Pistols, but think trans people are pedophiles in disguise and homeless people don't deserve human rights
By using "Music Based Subculture" as the End-All-Be-All of what Punk is, you're literally holding the door wide open for a bunch of mouth-breathing capitalist republican conservative Nazi assholes who just happen to like loud music to invade our space. I don't give a flying fuck what someone wears or what they listen to cause at the end of the day it literally doesn't affect me even a tiny little bit. Their ideology and worldview, on the other hand, does.
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callmebrutus · 2 months
and we're back to this discussion again.
you can do whatever you want to your comfort cubitos, but i can't not notice the trend hideduouers/fitpac nation started.
stop making mlm couples Straight. stop drawing them into heteronormative frames. it's Weird.
at first we were fighting for the fact that qpac is Not a Twink. we established the fact that he's a grown strong man, an ex convict, dangerous person who can stand for himself.
now we're again making him twink.
we established that fitpac is such a fresh sight of both adult gay men in media. now we are making one of them a woman.
i just don't understand. don't we have enough straight couples in media? isn't it enough?
why is it suddenly Different?
imo, if you want one character's gender, esp in homosexual relationships, change them BOTH then.
i'm actually tired of this conversation. I'm tired of erasing the representation cc's built for us. we were crying for more of this and now we just ignore it.
am i missing something?
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nesonkin · 3 months
My perspective on shipping characters that are canonically aroace (romance and/or/xor sex repulsive) as someone who identifies as aroace is simple. It's totally OK, but it's glaringly obvious when you do it without any regard to a character's orientation.
Because to me, it's just infinitely more interesting to explore one's struggles and desires when it comes to relationships with respect to their position on the aroace spectrum, than if I were to read yet another story where someone is magically okay being in a relationship with that one person.
To me aspec characters are primed for some interesting introspection on what a relationship is, what attraction is, what it means to love someone (all the different kinds of love) and how you choose to express it because those are the things that aro/ace people often have to think about in this amatonormative world we live in. For clarity's sake, I do not mean to suggest that non-aspec stories can't have those questions and themes too. Just that in my experience, I could not live a day without having to debate these topics with allos.
And that's not even going into non-partnering and loveless aces that are just as important part of the community as those that may seek companionship.
I hope all of this makes sense because I totally understand if this may come off wrong somehow. In short, if you're aspec, then you probably already get it, and you're off the hook. But if you're not my advice would be to pay attention to aspec experiences and learn to incorporate that into your stories, headcanons, or whatever. It always helps to learn something new.
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i-exist-for-spleen · 24 days
As somebody who joined Tumblr in the current decade, I am stoked to be able to read recent Black Butler discourse firsthand. To my internet drama-obsessed self, it's like being able to see a concert from a band I love that broke up before I was born.
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wintersmitth · 5 months
Actually, I am a big fan of celebrities not being informed about stuff and being aware of that, and thus not commenting on things. Those are entertainment people and just some guys. Personally, I am tired of googling a celebrity name and their stance on things. I wish they never spoke outside of their lane.
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thenexuscollective · 4 months
I'm actually flabbergasted to realise that there is blogs and people actively participating in syscourse since ALMOST A DECADE./NEG SRS/
I'm not a "both sides are right" guy/DEAD SRS I'm pragmatic and will support endogenic systems and tulpas because unlike everyone in this community I actually grew up wildly disconnected to said community and labels and had the time to look at things unbiased, but seeing someone(s) being willing to fight the same arguments thrown at them again and again is stupid. not stupid, my bad, but it looks tiring.
even with the best interest at heart I find this useless. I would fight for trans rights and any other minority's rights as long as a fight needs to be done and more. but I would NOT do so by damaging my mental health to debate with people that are either not set on changing their mind by choice, or doing so just for the sake of hurting people. I would just throw some links and resources back and forth and that's it.
my point being.
are you guys ok.
my point being.
how fucked up are you to engage in meaningless fights in an emotional way again and again.
my point being.
I know you're fighting to help people. but I don't trust you./srs
seeing someone, not enjoying, but being able to live through such an emotionally challenging and low-key traumatising/damaging moment(s) normally and seek it again and again is making me feel unsafe.
are you doing this to help people or are you just enjoying fighting for the sake of fighting?
I don't trust you.
I don't enjoy infighting.
to be perfectly clear, we are NOT saying that we are not thankful for the resources brought by these people to the community. we are saying that we low-key wish to disconnect from the entire plural community as a whole. yet again.
-sincerely, a traumagenic, endogenic, spirigenic, willogenic, and protogenic, system with mild dissociation.
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nicollekidman · 10 months
Apropos hating ms gerwig. Did people forget how badly edited (& directed) little women was?
i don’t think it’s like. useful or interesting to debate her skill as a director, i personally love all her films and find her to have an empathetic and interesting eye. it’s more like. the american “auteur” doesn’t exist anymore bc they’re all too busy schilling for IP and literal children’s toys as if they’re championing a new artistic vision instead of like….. running a charm offensive to make us all amenable to the idea that original storytelling and independent features are no longer worth it and we should celebrate formerly indie adjacent directors for “getting their bag” or whatever.
and we’re all supposed to be like This Is Great For Hollywood bc she has made good films before. scorsese and spielberg are out here using their last years to try and safeguard TCM and soon mainstream american film is going to be filled with directors who give interviews like “superhero movies can be subversive and important and when EYE do one it will be different and beautiful because the hero will be the toy my mom gave me when i was eight (available for purchase on amazon now)”
idk like i’m generally an optimistic person and there will always be beautiful films and there is a RICH dearth of incredible films not made by hollywood but it’s more distressing to me in a general sense that people seemingly don’t know how to recognize that these sorts of situations are expressly indicative of an industry that is no longer profitable looking for ways to continue long term, and what they’ve apparently decided to push is Commercial (literally) films that can make money for the studios in the brand deals and products and have little to nothing invested in the films themselves as quality cultural artifacts. yknow. like it’s not about greta.
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addlepater · 2 months
ok not to get involved in this mess but from what I saw on the surface level the apology seems pretty decent? I may well just be shit at picking up on passive aggression or gaslighting or whatever but aside from like a few minor things it really seemed genuine. ive seen people are mad at him for using "therapy speak" but in that situation what else is he meant to do? I think if theres a time to speak formally about this stuff, it's now.
I mean in an ideal situation, with the facts we've got, what would the ideal apology look like? to me, this seems pretty good. if I were in his shoes, and I had already fucked up that massively, I cant really think of anything id do differently in terms of the apology. I think that while yes, we should belive victims we should also remember that people can change and personally, I like to assume the best as a rule of thumb.
once again, I dont know if theres something im not picking up on in it or some underlying evidence to him not being sorry. I dont mean to come off as a prick, I just thought id share my two cents which as im writing this im realising thats kinda unnessacary but you get the point. thanks.
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tldr: I think the apology was decent, and im confused as to what people want him to say.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 1 month
This is a vent post probably no one's going to care about and i haven't slept all night (it's 4 am now) so there's prolly typos. but like.... I like Angel Dust and I Like Poison from Hazbin Hotel, but SO MANY COMMENTS on YouTube refer to the general idea of prostitution (or even "sleeping around" without pay!!! Like just being dtf!!!) as self-harm and it's pissing me off.
There's nothing wrong with having lots of sex, yes even with people you don't know very well or people who are paying you- when you CONSENT.
Angel Dust is being ABUSED by a guy who literally owns him, and on top of that has no way to screen or refuse clients. This isn't "just sex work"- nothing about this is inherent to the premise of him having sex or shooting porn for money- it's abuse WITHIN his line of work, it's RAPE because he can't say no and can't call the shots and can't even refuse to see a client again. Angel Dust has no autonomy in this situation- after he signed he was kept like a pet.
Sex work isn't bad inherently, it's bad when you as a worker have no legal rights or protections to help you stay safe (which sex workers in many parts of the world don't since sex work being criminalized prevents them from doing things like persecuting someone who crossed boundaries, or even just being able to have legal "protections" outside of just getting arrested for their field of work even if it's what they want to do. And of course they get killed and abused by cops too because they're criminals and cops are SHIT), when you're working under a pimp like angel works under Valentino, or when you are forced into it due to poverty or other circumstances and don't want to be there.
As for sleeping around being self harm...first of all, cut off the goddamn slut shaming. Second of all, yes maybe some people lie about wanting sex (NOT in CNC, that's just actual consent with noncon roleplay) as a way of self harming. But nothing about liking to fuck is self harm in itself. Those specific people might need help but not every neighborhood whore needs a redemption arc- maybe they actually love themselves and just like to fuck??!!!!!
At this rate a part of me hopes that after Angel fucking murders Valentino or otherwise gets freed, he still does sex work in some capacity but in a healthy way where he's happy and able to negotiate for what he's willing to do and when- just so people will stop acting like "sex work is always bad and all sex workers want to be freed" is the only takeaway here. If he doesn't I'm not going to be mad or anything of course, and if that's not the vision for his character then that's not the vision. But it'd certainly help make comment threads less....victim blamey and awful.
There's a good philosophy tube video on Sex Work as well, with interviews included- and there's probably sex workers here on Tumblr you can talk to. But just please stop acting like being a prostitute is self harm inherently.
If I see one more post like "I love Angel Dust because people don't talk about how being slutty is just self destructive" or "Poison is such a good rep of why sex work is so disgusting and shouldnt be allowed" I'M GOING TO FUCKING BREAK SOMETHING.
If you want to protect sex workers, listen to them and help them campaign for legalization (because again they need it for safety and to ensure they can protect themselves from clients) and other things they might need. But for the love of GOD don't act like it's some inherent evil that's always abusive because, ironically, that's the shit that makes it so easy for abuse to happen in that field in the first fucking place.
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xx-slug-xx · 6 months
//cw-pedophilia, abuse, Dream
Sorry guys, but y’all can’t convince me that Dream is cool and innocent. Not when there’a proof that he quite literally told a minor that her tits are nice, and he technically backed it up himself. Not to mention the anti-semitism, racism, using his toxic fan base to harass anyone he doesn’t like, and the fact that he took advantage of a 20yo by getting him drunk and filming him during a manic episode and holding onto that footage for blackmail instead of telling the authorities if he was so concerned with the fact he got his shit absolutely rocked, as he should have if it was that much of a concern to him (the only reason he didn’t was to post it when his next drama came up and he needed the attention to be drawn somewhere else) (Gumball Waterson did not say very nice things, and they shouldn’t be ignored, not excusing his actions but it’s kinda funny and I’ve heard worse in my high school locker room. Also, considering the fact he was having a manic episode can’t be ignored either and mania can cause people to say and do really hurtful things that they would not otherwise do. Plus being under the influence of alcohol also does that and can cause it to be worse). There’s probably more that I’m missing, but I don’t absorb myself in Dream’s content and personality so much that I would know about everything, just the basics lol.
Point being. Dream is not innocent, he’s a an abuser and uses everyone in his life to his advantage because he doesn’t think his actions have consequences. I see it every time I’ve seen him tweet, say something, and interact with his fans. He doesn’t care. Stop worshiping him like some god that he’s not. I could care less if you like his content, or if his influence made a positive influence on your life (both are valid and shouldn’t be ignored). But sometimes, you have to come to terms with the fact that your favorite Internet personalities can be horrible people when they’re not being filmed during streams or for YouTube. You aren’t a bad person for enjoying a YouTubers content, or for having them influence your life positively. However, it turns into a really toxic mindset when the fact that you like them means that they can do no wrong. This goes for more than just Dream. Enjoy media critically, especially when influencers aren’t exactly perfect. We are all human. Including them. Dream and other influencers are not above being terrible people. Dream has shown his true colors time and time again, and his stans need to see him for what he really is and come to terms with that fact
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retr0stati0n · 4 months
im tired of ppl fighting over wriolette and furillette bc they're both just ships yall one of ems gay one of ems straight Neuvillette loves both of them, they're the two people he trusts the most, so BOTH ships are good when put into perspective Stop fighting over ships if they make SENSE
Dont argue ppl are homophobic for not liking wriolette, dont hate wriolette just because the people that ship it suck, everybody just like the ships you like and respect other people
except for toxic, incesty, or underage ships, but like, that's a given
Go beat those ppl up but dont beat each other up when (IN CANON) they're *fine*. Sure u can hc furina and nova as a family but they arent in canon
its not homophobic to not ship smth, but its also not nice to be an asshole to ppl that ship that thing and *dont* do that
Yours truly, a multishipper that likes Wriolette and Furiallette
(I am ofc slightly biased, our Neuvillette alter likes both, but yeah)
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callmebrutus · 2 months
and FUCK Wilbur Soot
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veikkoalen · 4 months
screaming crying kesä means summer in finnish. how summer was turned into case and all the associated feelings just got thrown out the window. kesä's car scenes happen during summer. casey's life is spent in the rainy city
so, the thought of the day: proper nouns and their adaptation. you either adapt them but lose their original pronunciation in the process, or transliterate and lose the meaning of them in the process, or, well, both
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