#did you hear her say gay pride makes her who she is?
it-was-maroon · 5 months
I know it won’t happen, but I need a rep prologue that just says “I’m a girl kisser, xoxo Taylor”
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fryingpan1234567 · 10 months
some CHB headcanons
every cabin has LEDs around the inside, but there’s a constant battle over what color they are
Percy has his rippling back and forth from teal to blue and it looks like light dancing through water all over his walls and floor
the Apollo cabin can usually settle for orange and yellow as a common ground
the Aphrodite kids have a different color for each time of day and sleep with pink on the lowest brightness setting
the Hermes cabin has like ten different strips and they’re all constantly shifting
Demeter cabin’s shifts with the seasons
they have movie nights, which I will talk about in a different post
before everybody goes back to school, the Aphrodite and Hecate cabins have a massive salon at the end of the summer with new haircuts and magic hair dye and outfit recommendations and fake but enchanted sturdy nails and a whole bunch of other stuff and basically it’s a week straight of spilling hot tea between everyone in camp
if someone asks where a camper got their hair done when they get back to school they just go “oh, um… summer camp.” and their friends will snort and be like bro isn’t summer camp the opposite of a makeover?? but they get no argument, just a shrug and a half smile
when I tell you pride month over there is a fucking riot
because Mr. D is in on it, right?? because he’s the god of gender?? and Chiron is aroace and has been raising dumbass gay heroes for literal centuries?? PLUS the sheer fucking amount of queer peeps up in there?? dude yeah
cabins competing for who shows the most pride
Demeter’s roof is covered in rainbow flowers
Hecate’s is enchanted to emit actual light in whatever flag colors of whoever uses the front door, even when they’re straight (it’s just a rainbow)
Percy collects a bunch of shed scales from the hippocampi at the bottom of the lake and then puts them all over his cabin
I could make a whole post about CHB pride but
every single Apollo kid is also a theater kid fight me
Rachel Elizabeth Dare painted a skateboard for Percy’s birthday and he brings it everywhere now, it even sits in his backpack at school
Leo, Annabeth, Percy, and Piper fucking love horror movies. Frank, Hazel, and Jason fucking hate them. They watch through their fingers, if at all
Piper loves the band Surfaces with all her heart, but she also is a die hard Green Day and P!ATD fan
Jake Mason is covered in burn scars up to his neck, just like Deadpool, just not bald lol
Hephaestus and Apollo kids faintly radiate warmth (like more so than a normal person)
the Stolls sometimes stay at camp year-round because their mom is off on international missions that are too high-risk for them to help with
the seven are AVID Smash Bros players
really everyone but
not as many people go to the Athena campers for help with homework as you might think, but whenever anyone does, they’re happy to help
the sun chariot blasts music at a frequency only the Apollo kids can hear, so their life kind of has a shitty soundtrack that consists of a mix of Broadway, Queen, modern stuff, and random bits of Beethoven every now and then
the Romans swear on few occasions
the Greeks know when to swear and when to be polite
the Valhalla peeps swear unbridled and all the time
the Egyptians never swear (in English)
for the longest time, Will Solace thinks the only gift from his dad is his healing prowess— which is obviously great, but he expresses being upset over the fact that he’s not very good at archery
well, considering this is the dumbass who didn’t bring a weapon to actual fucking Tartarus, Nico drags him to the weapon shack thing immediately afterwards and made him pick something out
he's immediately drawn to the Celestial Bronze shotgun.
Nico’s just like “what in the redneck shit did you just pick up” and Will jokingly aims it at his chest and grins and says “you know I’m from Texas, right?”
that’s how they find out Will is one of the damn best marksmen in Greek demigod history
some of the Disney nerds in the Apollo cabin sing What Once Was Mine to the little ones who need bandaids for knee scrapes and give them lollipops afterwards
Percy Jackson absolutely used to make poverty and struggle meal jokes all the time, but he got weird and concerned looks for it at CHB, so he kind of just stopped. But one day, aboard the Argo II, the PERFECT opportunity came up and he just HAD TO and as per usual— everyone else looked at him like he’s crazy— but Leo laughed so hard chocolate milk came out of his nose and that’s the story of how the two of them became Best Friends
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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besaya-glantaya · 7 months
In an attempt to exorcise these thoughts from my brain (this movie has taken up residence in my soul), here is an incomplete list of the things I notice and love in Red White and Royal Blue.
1. Henry staring in utter disbelief at the frosting-covered whiskey tumbler Alex plops distractedly into his hand whilst pawing ineffectually at the mess all over Henry's shoulder. Comedy gold.
2. Nora pretending she doesn't know either of them and hiding her face as they scuffle in front the cake.
3. How Alex has Henry literally in his pocket while talking turkey.
4. During Henry's "what does it mean" crisis talk over The Kiss, the entire scene is dressed in bi flag colours. Nora is in pink, Alex in blue, with a purple poster in the background.
5. The soft "whoa" of the white house staffer, who walks into Nora's office just in time to hear her ask Alex: "How many guys have you been with?" She hesitates, stunned, and then looks as if she'd like the ground to open up and swallow her now, thank you very much.
6. His Royal Hardness making flustered small talk with the UK Prime Minister and the US President, while the FSOTUS goes in for a cheeky squeeze. You ridiculous, giddy, fools.
7. Ellen's exasperated "my son thinks he's a fucking comedian" look in reply to Alex's "The night is young, Ma" and his shit eating grin, before diplomatically, and very sensibly, removing the British PM from the vicinity of these two horny idiots.
8. Alex's warm and teasing delivery of "Are they known for their homosexual tendencies?" after Henry says he's "as gay as a maypole." Boy is smitten.
9. When Henry invites Alex to the charity polo match, his initial awkward nerves transition to fond derision when Alex's tells him, crestfallen, that he doesn't know how to play polo. Bless.
10. Henry on a horse. Very much in agreement with Alex on this one.
11. The interleaved editing of the polo match and tack room shenanigans. It reminds me strongly of the interlaced 'what if' scene in Steven Sodenburg's Out of Sight, which is executed at a far slower pace but delivers that same feel of two people being inexorably drawn to each other, almost as if events are fated to happen.
12. The lighting in the Paris cafe scene. God damn those are two beautiful men.
13. Henry's gleefuly bashful admission of innuendo in the Paris cafe. He's just given Alex his full Royal name, but its Henry Fox that's in control here and he's revelling in bringing every moment of his inner fantasies to life.
14. The heartbreaking disconnect between their two perspectives in the Paris walk scene.
That's some bullshit
It's my life
Doesn't mean you have to accept it
Alex has spent his life pushing defiantly against societal expectations. Henry has spent his life weighed down by them, isolated in a way that Alex only barely grasps.
15. I wish, with all my heart, that the fairytale political landscape of this movie was real.
16. The entirety of the morning after scene in the hotel room during the DNC is perfection and Zahra is the MVP. Matthew Lopez said he had no idea he was going to get that mini panic attack from Sarah Shahi and kudos to Sarah for that perfomance. Inspired.
17. How quickly and assertively Alex say "No" to Zarah's "would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?"
18. The way Zarah says "Everytime I see you, it takes another year off my life." This phrase plays on loop in my brain during shitty work meetings.
19. The coming out scene with Alex and his Mom. A joyous balm for those of us who never got to experience that with our own parents.
20. Forehead touches. Ugh.
21. My brother in Christ, sharpen your knives Oscar, what did that pepper do to deserve that?
22. The catatonic state of sadness that Henry exists in after swimming away from Alex. My heart hurts.
23. The pride flags in the crowd outside Buckingham Palace. Again, can we all have this universe, pretty please?
24. The way Henry takes Alex's hand with such ease in public after the election win. If only Paris Henry could see you now.
[Exorcism sequel here]
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mythsandheather · 6 months
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Inspired by @raedshadowlegends post on which characters would be pro or anti vax I did one on who I think is and is not for the gays. Shitty image quality, explanations as follows:
Persephone: Hades hates it so she does too. Also she’s attack all manner of marginalised people already in thinly veiled hate crimes, so this isn’t surprising for her.
Hades: uses slurs on a regular basis and named gay marriage in the underworld, micro-aggressions Morpheus all the time
Hera: same as Hades, just not as open about it. Trying to get gay marriage banned on Olympus. It’s not working.
Apollo: sometimes whispers slurs when he thinks no one will hear him and kick his ass
Kronos/Rhea: Hades inherited it from them
Daphne: friends with Persephone, toxic to Thanatos, you do the math.
Eros: gay coded but in a Shane Dawson way
Hecate: is a lesbian and trying to convince herself she’s not in case Hades fires her or Persephone turns her into a basket
Hermes: cool with everyone. Remembers pronouns the best.
Amphitrite: her and Poseidon have a gay bar
Hypnos: queer and a supportive dad
Artemis: lesbian. Calls Apollo out on his shit. Hasn’t told Persephone for good reason.
Poseidon: him and amphitrite have a gay bar
Minthe: railed Demeter at a pride parade
Athena: goes to pride alone
Psyche: new to the concept of pride but loves it so far
Demeter: got railed by Minthe at a pride parade
Thanatos: does drag to cope
Morpheus: does her best to educate others
Ares: bi but hasn’t told Hera cuz she’ll disown him
Zeus: king of the gays. Gay marriage is legal because of him.
Eris: owns many many many queer sexy nightclubs
Dionysus: only a baby now but will one day be a holy queer terror to his shitty adopted parents
Hephaestus: not bothered by what anyone does, will just say “hey, good for you”.
Leuce: doesn’t get the concept of pride but wants everyone to be happy equally
Thetis: wants everyone to be miserable equally
Chiron: doesn’t support pride as much as you’d think a mental health professional would, but she also says a lot of things you wouldn’t think a good mental health professional would say.
Aphrodite: in her own business but as the goddess of love, sees no reason to object to pride.
Hebe: wants to be just like her mom but also thinks she might be pan and nonbinary and isn’t sure what to do
Hestia: makes Athena go to pride alone bc she’s busy sucking up to H+P.
Should I do more graphs like this with my undeniably correct opinions?
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wraitingtoyou · 1 year
Sumeru characters as classmates
Includes: Collei, Tighnari, Dehya, Alhaitham, Cyno, Candace, Nilou, Kaveh, Nahida, Dori.
• a neat friend ngl
• would say she didn't do her homework to be punished together with you wow what a homie.
• But damn does she not chew off the tip of all pens and pencils because of her anxiety. Mm woi is it spoicy.
• He's a material girl
• no seriously he has all the stationary and shit, a cut on your finger? Pulls out the whole first aid kit. Hungry? Pulls out the whole kitchen he cookin like w 5* michelin
•Too smart you get irritated sometimes like he NEVER forgets his work and always right too wtf
• Does not understand anything in class literally.
•Asks for your notes everytime and feels bad for it so she runs errands for you she calls it a fair trade bahahaha
•She has the whole basketball bros on the tip of her fingers that now they look at you and go "BOYS BOW DOWN ITS THE ALLY OF MASTER DEHYA"
•smarty pants
•honestly just throw him out of the window already.
•Talks back to the teachers wow
• "You want ice cream?" "no, thank you according to the weather today if you eat ice cream you will gai-" BITCH STFU ILL EAT IT BY MYSELF THEN
• as much as he's annoying it sure is fun to hear him spill tea about the teachers and school.
• Dilligent student #2
• for some reason there's rumours that he has a gang in the school like leave the bb aloneeeee.
• You didn't have well thoughts about him being your seat partner at first because he seemed the type who thinks he's all cool n shi
•you literally planned a whole argument in your head on how you'd demolish him if he ever picked one with you
• you came to realise he's just nice and silly
• makes chemistry jokes sometimes and you pretend to get it
• ass is weak at chemistry sorry
• Your grades when she's your classmate 📈📈📈
• She teaches better than the teachers istg
• She brings you snacks so you bring her small gifts too like charms and all 😞
• you two have matching school bag keychains. She has a moon and you have sun one she say it's because you're bright like a sun. Oof your heart and pride.
• Popular girl wth
• You assumed she'd be one of those try to be nice and kind for favour type but you were wrong you felt dissapointed in yourself naur
•You two go out in café dates often she insists she wants to pay but how could let a sweetie like her do that?
•She loves you so much omg she even has your wedding venue ideas planned 💀
• He's really fun to be around not gonna lie.
• stressed bean comes to you to rant about Haitham everyday 😭
• Sends you capybaras memes during class hours like bitch??? Study you failing physics 😾
• Dayumn this kid too smart for her age maybe that's why
• she's cute though so you won't bully her you guess.
•you holding back the urge to pinch her cheeks every 10 seconds.
•How tf did this kid here again
•tries to sell you premium student stationary for vip only with 20% discount
• yeah you're not falling for that
•kid tops every math class wtf
•send this kid to business pls
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smeddiemunson · 1 year
I know this has been done to death now but Eddie, Steve, Chrissy and Robin all in a band together.
Eddie plays lead guitar obviously. Chrissy is the singer and plays a little rhythm guitar. Robin plays the bass and Steve is the drummer. They all write songs but it’s mainly Eddie and Robin on the music and Steve and Chrissy on the lyrics. They share all the royalties equally.
Chrissy is the perfect front woman for the band, she’s cute and charming and not quite as abrasive as Eddie or Robin tend to be when asked the more rude questions. She has patch work tattoos that stand out from her pale skin. While her guitar is featured on every song on the recorded version, when she’s playing live she’d much rather just have a microphone and the ability to dance around and have fun with her friends.
Steve never talks in interviews. He’s happy to sit back and let his friends talk about what they’re passionate about. Eddie and Robin know so much about the technical side of music and will go on and on about it for hours, and Chrissy just loves performing. When Steve does speak it’s to wax poetic about his love for everyone else in the band. He develops a little bit of a cult following and doesn’t really know how to handle the outpouring of love from the fans; he doesn’t want to let it go to his head like popularity did in high school. But he knows Robin would never let that happen.
Eddie was made to perform. He was going to anyway, with corroded coffin or otherwise. But Robin and Chrissy came to him with the idea and he can’t say no to his favourite girls. He’s a little more what people expect from their band’s sound. He looks like he would be the creator behind heavy guitar riffs and aggressive drums. No one really expects him to be as fun as he is, always joking around on stage and always hanging out by the stage door just a bit longer than his band mates to talk to the fans that stayed.
Robin looks effortlessly cool. She’s still neurotic as hell and worries a lot but as soon as her bass is in her hand she goes to a different place. They all like to joke about who has the most fans, but it’s Robin by a mile. She oozes sex appeal and mystery while she’s on stage, and she’s such a dork off it that people can’t help but be endeared. There’s even a Twitter account dedicated to finding the clothes she wears because she has the best style in the band and is definitely responsible for making sure they’re cohesive. She’s the glue that keeps everyone together.
When they win their first Grammy for Best New Artist, Robin gives an impassioned speech about finding your people, always being yourself and doing what you love. She shares the message for anyone that’s struggling that it does get better and she’s proof of that, all four of them are proof of that. They preform at pride every year and regularly do stuff for queer charities. Each piece of their merch has a different charity that a percentage of the proceeds go to. The badge set donates to helping homeless teens and the key ring donates to an eating disorder charity.
Their shows are Gay™️. Someone from the crowd will throw a pride flag on stage every show without fail and Chrissy will dance around the stage with it, wrap it around her shoulders and make sure everyone hears her when she sings about wanting to fuck hot girls.
She dances with Robin while she sings and Robin gets on her knees while she’s playing and looks like she absolutely worships Chrissy (which she does) and the only thing stopping her from getting her head under Chrissy’s tiny skirt right then and there is the looming threat of indecent exposure charge. But she doesn’t wait long to satiate her need when they get back onto the tour bus after the show and meet and greats are done.
Eddie is so active on stage. He really gets into the music, so it’s no surprise that he has to take his shirt off after the first song. He always drapes it around Steve’s shoulders and pinches his cheeks in between his fingers so Steve’s lips pucker and he can kiss him. Steve blushes bright red but goes straight into the opening of the next song.
Steve and Eddie like to tease one another. Everything they do on stage is to entice each other. Steve being on the drums means he’s at the back of the stage but the band knows the fans are obsessed with him and make sure to have a camera on him at all times that feeds into a livestream that hangs over the stage. Sometimes Eddie will get distracted between songs when he’s supposed to be bantering with Chrissy because Steve’s getting too hot and just poured a whole bottle of water over his head to cool him down, and all he can think about is licking up every droplet of water dripping from his hair onto the slope of his neck.
They like to change up the set list a lot so the fans are always surprised by what they get to hear. It’s the best part of touring when they hear the screams when a favourite is played.
There’s one song that Eddie and Steve wrote together that’s only played once a tour. Those shows get an adult content warning. Because they can’t help themselves. They wrote it in bed after spending all day wrapped up in one another, taking turns to write notes or lyrics on each others skin. When they finish, Eddie gently places his guitar on a stand and climbs up the dais the drums are on so he can straddle Steve’s legs, wait for him to open his mouth so he can spit in it then lick it up from his tongue, and filthily make out with him to the sounds of their fans screaming. It’s all caught on Steve Cam.
At all times, Steve and Eddie, and Robin and Chrissy are seconds away from fucking on stage. All the endorphins and energy just get to them.
They’ve had multiple articles published about them being vulgar, degenerate etc etc by religious groups. There was even a short time where a petition for them to be banned from performing went around. But that only seemed to get more people to check them out.
They put out a Rumours style record and the fans get so worried that their favourite band is breaking up, but actually no they were all arguing about stupid stuff and channeling their feelings into music. They’ll never break up, they’ve been through too much together.
They take a break after their fourth album in as many years. They’re still making music, always making music, but they need some time just for them. Robin and Chrissy road trip around Europe so Robin can flex her language skills and Chrissy can take Robin to every cool historical monument she’s ever wanted to see. They try new foods and every local beer they can get their hands on, document it all on their instagrams. Chrissy’s pictures are super artful and captioned with really deep thoughts, how grateful she is to be alive and thriving. (Their good friend and journalist Nancy Wheeler wrote an interview where Chrissy was able to speak candidly about her mental health troubles, eating disorder and how finding music and love helped her, continues to help her get through it). Robin’s pictures are always of Chrissy, complete candid, laughing or pointing at something with a caption in the local language saying how in love she is or how beautiful Chrissy is.
Eddie and Steve spend all their time in the fishing cabin Eddie got for Wayne with their first big paycheque. They don’t need to see anywhere else, they just want the quiet. They spend their mornings cooking together and their afternoons writing songs or reading books. In the evening they’ll dress up fancy and have candlelit dates inside the house, speak softly and tell each other how much they love each other.
Fans speculate what Eddie and Steve are doing. They haven’t been seen since the last show, haven’t posted anything on Instagram, and there are rumours that Eddie’s been checked into rehab (his drug use is wildly over reported. He smokes a joint after a show and nothing else. He’d seen what meth did to his parents and he wants no part of it, no matter how “rock ‘n’ roll” it may be.)
It’s not until Chrissy and Robin get back to the states that Eddie and Steve come out of hiding. Robin posts a video of them doing karaoke together, clearly a well practice routine where they do ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’ by Elton John and Kiki Dee. And after the freak out by the fans over Eddie knowing a song like that, how in love they are, and how glad everyone is to know that Steve and Eddie are alive and apparently thriving, the fans notice something.
Steve’s wearing a ring, which is strange because Steve never wears rings. The only piece of jewellery Steve has ever worn is a gold chain with a guitar pick hanging off it that matches a silver chain around Eddie’s neck.
Steve waits three weeks after that video to post on Instagram (which he never does) to tell everyone that he and Eddie got married the day Robin took that video. It was a small ceremony, just their friends and family in attendance. Claudia Henderson (a surrogate mother to both of them) officiated. He posts a picture of his and Eddie’s hands entwined, Eddie still has rings on every finger but the single band on his left ring finger matches the one on Steve’s exactly. Steve has an extra ring under his wedding band, something simple and almost cheap looking. It’s not until years later that it’s revealed that Eddie bought the ring three months after he and Steve started dating; way before they had internationally famous band money to spend.
The other pictures that come out were all taken by Jonathan, another close family friend who is usually seen doing pictures for art houses in New York, or occasionally photo reporting for his wife because no one else is able to capture her vision the way he does.
Steve and Robin are pictured crying as they slow dance, captioned ‘father-son dance’. Eddie is captured crying at what looks like a speech from Chrissy. Robin stands up for Steve and Chrissy stands up for Eddie, but Eddie also has his old band mates with him (who still fly the corroded coffin flag and let him record the guitar on their albums) and Steve has a group of 20-somethings stand up for him that someone points out are all people who are making waves in various scientific endeavours, and how the hell does Steve know them?
They come back for their fifth album bigger and better than ever, and their fans don’t even know why they worried. There’s clearly nothing in this world that the four of them would rather do.
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jamiesfootball · 5 months
lol TL gang goes to Pride lol
Roy - immediately breaks off from the pack and finds a group of drag queens. “RHONDA! How the hell are you, mate? You look incredible”
Keeley - has beef with 18 different lesbians who she KNOWS will be there and has enlisted Rebecca’s help as a human shield to hide behind
Rebecca- is flattered. Wore matching outfits with Keeley. Spends all of pride making a variety of women and men say, ‘god I’m gay’
Isaac - announced himself as the czar of outfits for the whole team. Did a very good job, which in this case means they are sadly understyled. He also won’t admit to anyone that he is wildly uncomfortable and nervous (they all know). Colin is patient and loves him anyways
Colin - also won’t admit to anyone that he is wildly uncomfortable and nervous (Isaac and Michael know. They are patient and love him anyways)
Jamie - planned to spend the day helping Isaac talk up Colin. Has been optimistically offered every Pride flag sticker under the sun by every gay, bi, trans, ace, aro, queer person under the sun. Is wearing them all to be ‘a good ally’
Beard - “RHONDA! Your wig looks better- did my guy help you?"
Moe - is trying to hand out new genders to the team like a drug dealer
Richard - ”this would be better if we had gone to pride in Paris”
Jan - has been to pride before. Dressed in normal t-shirt and shorts. Blends in. They have lost Jan Maas in the crowd.
Dani - shirtless! having the time of his life!
Thierry - also shirtless! Partying with Dani!
Jamie - is hiding from Moe’s very convincing argument that he try new genders ('this is like the astro-teleportation all over again') and has gone to hide behind Keeley. Joins Rebecca as art of The Wall because yeah, he knows who this Mariah is and Keeley is honor bound to fight her if she sees her. Yeah, it’s non-negotiable, they’ll just have to make sure Keeley doesn’t see her.
Rebecca- is speaking to jamie for the third time ever but an airhorn goes off before we can hear anything. Together, the three of them win some sort of couple’s prize. They are all flattered but not surprised
Later on Jamie finds Roy and says, ‘I think one of these stickers apply to me.’
Roy, who has been drinking with drag queens since 11am and is on the sort of level of ascension that only absinthe brings on, says, "Yeah that makes sense"
Jamie: ???????
Roy, condemning himself to 6 months of confusing text messages and non sequiturs because he will not remember this tomorrow: I mean it’s kind of obvious
Jamie: Huh. Well, don't tell anybody yet, yeah? I'm still figuring it out.
Roy, unsure of where the sun is and seeing in the fourth dimension: Yeah, sure.
Trent: "Rhonda! Hello, it's so good to see you. How are things at The Independent?"
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abbysbraids · 16 days
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never thought I Would meet you
you had never been with a woman before having homophobic parents didn’t help either there snarky comments made you feel like shit like you weren’t normal it took a couple of years to comfortable with your sexuality seeing all the homophobia in the world people getting killed for liking some of the same gender hearing all the slurs and getting thrown around make you almost defend them but you stopped yourself there never gonna know about you it’s would ruin your and your mother’s reputation she takes pride in have a perfect daughter smart pretty and straight little does she know your not anything like that’s you can’t talk to her about it , it feels wrong to have a heart to heart with her she’ll tell you it’s all in your head your fine “it’s the damn phone you can’t talk your eyes off it “ with your father being out of the town most of you life you don’t get to see him too much just on holiday or school brakes your father is more homophobic then your mother he will curse under his breath if he sees a gay couple it’s fucking sucks because you love them they would love you if they knew who you love
that’s until you were out with some friends and you saw a auburn hair girl with a half up half down hairstyle she was wearing a tv girl band shirt your eyes lit up when you saw her you had butterflies in your stomach, your friend notice you staring at someone’s they look to see who it it
“ looks like someone want to get laid”
“ what no I don’t shut up “
“ it’s okay babe you deserve to dare someone “
“ but my parents are shit there not gonna let me date a woman “ you say with a pout on your face
“ that’s why I’ll have to keepit a secret we’ll help you okay girl “
“ I don’t know what if they find out there gonna kick me out I’m only 17 I need them
“ you’ll always have a place in my house love please just have fun for know come on for me “ dina says with puppy dog eyes
“ okay but I’m doing this for you “
“ yayyy your the best I love you girl “ she says as she pulling in for a hug
“ love you too Dino “
you eyes trail back to the auburn hair girl that’s going into the same coffee shop you were planing on going it’s fait you thought your already imagining your life together
“ so should we go to the coffee shop?, i heard they have great drink “ you try to be slick about it but dina sees through you
“ are you just for her “ smerk appearing on her face
“ would you believe me if I said no “ dina chuckled at this
“ not for minute your have a easy tell ,it’s kind cute “
“ what I don’t have a tell what do you mean?l”
Your cheeks are bright red and you zone out come on I know you so well by now “
“ fuck i really am a loser how will any girl like me “
“ calm down babe your a cute loser , let’s go in and just talk to get her number see were it goes you’ll do amazing I promise “
“ okay let’s go then I’m really for a ice coffee “
you walk into the cafe to see her siting alone with headphones over her ears you see she’s playing Frank ocean she’s cute and she has a amazing music taste oh she just got ten times hotter , finding a table close to hers you and dina sit and order , you order an ice coffee you feel her eyes on you your hips rolling into the seat you all did it to tease her an hour later you and dina get up to leave when you get up to pay you feel a hand on your shoulder
“ it’s okay I got this pretty girl “ she goes to swipe her card but you stop her she holders your waist to stop you “ no you don’t have you I got “ you try to insist but she doesn’t let you “ how can I every repay you ?” A date does sound so bad especially with her “ how about a date tomorrow 7 here’s my number “ she winked at you you feel your heart rate ride rise you talk her number and thanks her as she walks you look at your friend dina she’s practically jumping up and down “ you fucking did it I’m so proud of you” she pulls you in for a hug “ let’s hope I don’t fuck up the date “
A couple hours past you text ellie to let her know you got home safe
r: hii make it home thank for everything again:)
e: no problem princess you looked so good couldnt keep my eyes off you today
r: could say the same about you willams
e: has someone been stalking me ?
r: maybe you know you love babe
e: its really hot makes me want to take you on a date so bad rn
r: I’m free rn how about we meet in a cafe I can pick you
e: see you in 15 darling
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cursed-man-prayers · 1 year
In my experience, Gaylors are often misunderstood as being solely concerned with Taylor's potential past relationships. Someone, swifitie or not, will see a post about VS fashion shows, Dianna's tattoo, or kissgate, and then assume that that's what being a gaylor is: making inferences based solely on photos, PR, and vibes. But there's so much more to it than that.
Being a gaylor is about appreciating Taylor Swift's lyricism, her ability to wrap the truth in layers of poeticism, the way she hides in plain sight. Being a gaylor has taught me so much about sapphic history. Because of Taylor, I've learned more about Emily Dickinson, Sappho, and queer literature in general. I've heard my experiences as a sapphic represented in songs like gold rush, illicit affairs, Call It What You Want, Out of the Woods, and in so many of her songs.
There's also the overt way Taylor has aligned herself with Pride and queer artists. From singing Delicate at every Pride event she's performed at, to choosing openers for tour who are known for being queer, Taylor has intentionally positioned herself as someone who cares about LGBTQ+ people and rights. She used the YNTCD music video to promote the Equality Act. She wore a bracelet with bi flag colors that said "proud." She said "gay pride...makes me, me." Regardless of how she identifies, it's clear that she doesn't mind people saying she is or might be queer. If she did, there would be more than vague post combating the rumors. She said Lavender Haze was about dodging "weird rumors," and those rumors were the ones fueled by heteronormativity and misogyny, not queer people seeing ourselves and our history represented in her music.
When I learned about gaylorism a couple of years ago, I thought "wow, this is a really interesting way to look at her music." Listening to Taylor Swift and hearing queerness isn't invasive speculation. It's the natural outcome of what Taylor herself writes, what she willingly puts out into the public to be listened to and dissected and pulled apart for the sake of finding meaning.
Taylor Swift has never said the words "I'm straight." Despite many opportunities, especially during the Lover Era, to say "as a straight woman, I support...(the Equality Act, LGBTQ rights, etc)," she never did. She has been vague, and she has been vague on purpose.
I've been feeling weird about being in this community the last few days. With the YouTube video that's been making the rounds (which, as I've said, is by a Youtuber whose videos I enjoy and recommend to people frequently. I'm literally subscribed to her Patreon), and with GlitterGate and stupid shit happening on Twitter, I've wondered if it's worth it to keep writing and talking about Taylor Swift Fruity(TM). But I listen to Taylor's music constantly, and I can't stop hearing the queerness. I can't stop forming thoughts about the way she writes and the narrative of her last several albums.
tl;dr: Aside from incriminating photos, interview comments, and what we've been told about Taylor, her lyrics are full of queer themes and symbolism and history. I can't listen to Taylor Swift without hearing how sapphic her lyrics are, and I shouldn't have to.
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ghostcombustion · 2 years
Harrington's Little Sister
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Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Construction criticism is always appreciated. I do take requests :D Also, it's the last day of pride month so why not do something gay?
Summary : Scared to come out of the closet because of what the outside world might think, Y/n falls in a deep whole until she unexpectedly runs into someone.
Mentions : slight suicidal thoughts, homophobia
Word Count : 1,079
Ever since you were younger, you always wondered why you couldn't be normal. Sure, your brother was practically the most popular guy in school but that didn't make you feel any more normal.
When it came to your brother, you were slightly scared of him. Of course, you knew Steve was a good guy, but you didn't know whether or not he would be accepting of you. And you didn't want to risk your relationship with him.
Stuck. You were absolutely stuck in a role you hated. One of the most thought-after girls in Hawkins. Pretending that you want to kiss him but rather, you wished it could be her.
The first day you passed her in the halls, it was love at first sight. Something about her was so enticing, but you knew you didn't have a chance. Even if there was the slimmest chance of Robin Buckely being gay, why would she go after you? You hung out with all the douchebags anyway so who would want to date you?
You watched her from the shadows. Hell, you were tempted to join band just to talk to her. Instead, Carol got you on the cheer team making the two of you live in two different worlds.
What made everything worse was Steve trying to find you a good man. You wished every night he would understand that's not what you want and never would.
Sometimes you thought life would be easier if you just didn't exist. Maybe in your next life, you would be normal.
Slowly, you began to resent your older brother. You were mad that he was an asshole to anyone who wasn't like him. You were angry that he chose to hang out with even bigger assholes. You were upset that he kept trying to control your life. And you were jealous he was able to love who he wanted to love.
You had seen the protest on Tv. Everyone has! Where they say it's not acceptable and is downright wrong. And you've seen your dad sit on the couch and nod his head. Big man's proud his kids are 'normal'; you guys aren't freaks. You were far from everything the world thought you were. You were basically an actor.
"Steve!" You exclaimed as he proceeded to break Jonathan Byer's camera.
It was wrong of him to do. The pictures were so wrong but in a way, photography was his escape. That camera didn't look cheap either. Yes, he deserved it, but a part of you felt wrong.
"Yeah! Get the hell out of here, queer." He mumbles while swinging back around to face you, Tommy, and Carol. "He deserved it."
You scoffed, "Yeah, maybe he did but did you have to call him that?"
Steve casually shrugged and rolled his eyes, "Why does it matter Y/n? If he did that to you, I would have beat his ass."
"That's not what I'm talking about!" You exclaimed before walking in the other direction.
"Where are you going?" He shouted out with a confused expression.
"Fuck off Steve!"
You could faintly hear Carol and Tommy start laughing, but you didn't care. Once you knew they couldn't see you, you ran. Where to? You didn't know. You just couldn't bear to see your brother's asshole behavior.
As much as you tried not to think about it, Steve's words bounced around in your head. He really would hate you if he found out, wouldn't he? Then he would tell dad and--- you didn't even want to think about it.
You could feel your heart wanting to jump out of your chest and your eyes beginning to sting with tears. So you shut them and kept running. That's what you did until you ran face-first into something and slammed into the ground.
"Why the hell....." You could feel your face beginning to turn bright red with embarrassment. You quickly jumped up and dusted off your pants before reaching your hand out. "here, let me help you."
The freckled girl scoffed and got up on her own before beginning to walk away.
A pain in your heart made your mouth start speaking, "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."
She turned around with her arms crossed. An annoyed expression was present on her face. "Yeah, sure. Apology accepted."
Her raspy voice made your heart just utterly melt. As she began to walk away, you took a few steps forward.
"Robin!" You called out without a single thought in your head.
The brunette swung around with a confused face, "You know my name?"
You rapidly nodded your head, "Yeah. Robin Buckley. A sophomore who's in band and plays the trumpet. Usually eats lunch in the hallways and always, always has an apple with her."
She lets out a little chuckle, "Observant, aren't you, Harrington?" She looked behind you and then behind her. "So, where are they?"
This time, you let out an awkward laugh, "What?"
Robin scoffed, "This has to be some sort of prank because there is no other reason why one of the most popular girls at this school is talking to me."
Nervously, you begin to fiddle with a piece of your hair, "Yeah, no prank. Just me. I was actually trying to get away from my brother and his friends. Sometimes, they're way too douchey."
"No not just sometimes, all the time."
You let out a hearty laugh, "You can say that again. It's called having no brain cells."
Robin raised a brow, "The asshole gene didn't get passed down to you, did it?" A sly smile is present on her face.
"Steve took all of it. Absorbed it like nutrients."
A soft sigh leaves your lips as the brunette lets out a loud chuckle. Your eyes can't help but scan her body as she continues on with her chuckling. Soon enough, you can feel a heat rush up to your head making you snap your head in a different direction.
"if you're so different from him, how about we hang out?"
Your eyes open wide. You smile as a happy dog would. "Yeah! No, yeah! I would totally be up to it. I'm like free every day besides cheer practice, but I'm 100% willing to skip for you." You slap a hand against your head and turn away embarrassed. Too obvious. God, you really need to learn how to talk to girls.
"you're weird. I like that "
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joyboyish · 11 months
ok im going to do my straw hats sexualities and gender post now so.
luffy - aroace! he doesnt experience any romantic or sexual attraction, but he does make/laugh at sex jokes like a 12 year old boy would. he also doesnt really understand gender so he identifies as a man cuz thats what every one refers to him as but if you used any other pronouns with him he wouldnt correct you. when ivankov was talking about destroying gender norms he thought gender norms was like a really strong pirate tbh. or when bon clay said he was gay and bigender he thought that was like an ethnicity or some shit. if you came out to him he'd be like "oh really? im from dawn island wheres lesbian?"
zoro - unlabled! he has attraction to all genders but hes too lazy to figure out an exact gender its an "i might be bisexual but im too busy sword training to care" kind of thing, he doesnt really care for gender very much, hes amab and identifies as a man but if you used they/them on him he'd be fine. do NOT use she/her though he doesnt like that. hes also demisexual tho! (doesnt experience romantic or sexual attraction with out forming a strong emotional bond)
nami - a lesbian among lesbians. a women lover above all things. she doesnt try to hide it either. she doesnt really care for gender and is very happy with her identity as a women, but she also uses they/them sometimes when shes feeling silly
usopp - gay man. gay as hell. so fucking gay. him and nami are wlw mlm HOSTILITY. he uses all pronouns though, he couldnt really care less honestly
sanji - BISEXUAL. he had a talk w ivankov post time skip and kind of had internalized homophobia/transphobia and was like "all men get attracted to other men but that doesnt make you gay bro." and ivankov had to sit him down and bring the news to him like telling a child santa isnt real. he uses all pronouns.
chopper - likes other reindeer no matter the gender. ask him for his pronouns tho and he'd be like "oh im cis! if you are trans i can get you some testosterone or estrogen shots though!" good doctor
robin - bisexual, couldn't care less about the gender of her partner, she'd love them regardless. shes a trans women! chopper is always delicate with her estrogen shots and gives her fun bandaids in silly shapes and ALWAYS at the same time because one time she mentioned how before she joined the strawhats she would have to go without estrogen for long periods of time and when she did get to use it, it was rushed and she put it in at weird angles
franky - another trans bisexual, round of applause everyone! trans male, when he got hit by that train and started making himself a robot it was his OPPORTUNITY!!!!! his robot body automatically gives him t shots whenever hes due so he doesnt need choppers help until he needs to refill it.
brook - hes bisexual with a fem lean, no care for gender. hes one of those elder gay guys whos like "omg im so happy you get to do this now, we didnt have that when i was young"
jinbe - cishet but SUPER aggresive ally. one of those gay dads that wear rainbow socks around all the time and whenever he sees like pride merch he points to whichever crew member is next to him and is like "do we get this". the answer is always no. hes like a proud dad tbh. if someone said something homophobic around him he'd sit them down and educate them. alternatively if luffy hears someone say something about fishmen he'd just beat them up
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evsstolenhearts · 6 months
I don't think this would be NSFW because it's not mentioning anything graphic or weird like that. But if it is inappropriate I apologize.
The OC pack Teenagers are goofing off at the end of a Pack meeting. They playfully rush over to grab their stuff out of the pile they threw it to in the corner when they got there.
However, as they are leaving they hear "FREEZE!" coming from their Alpha. The group turns to see David picking something up off the floor and when the holds it up the room goes silent....
(It's a Pregnancy test. Still in the Box. Unused.)
What Chaos does this cause? Who done it?
It's clickbate, thank fucking God it's clickbate
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Word count: 933
Proofread by: @frog-0n-a-l0g
A/n: this took wayyy longer than it should have man :/
"No! No!” Felix is aggressively shaking Sammy as they walk to grab their bags after the pack meeting, “Yoda is gay!!! It all adds up!” While talking, Alex and Shayfer look at him with disgusted looks.
“Dude, no, what the actual fuck?” Sammy turns to Felix like he's grown three heads, “what fucking information adds up?”
“HE'S GREEN!” Felix all but yells as he moves his hands around to prove his point.
“How does being green make you gay?” Alex has a quizzical look as Lorelai nods in agreement.
“What colors are in the pride flag?” Felix moves from Sammy to Alex, tightly holding his shoulder and staring deep into his fiery brown eyes, “red, orange, yellow and GREEN!”
All the other teenagers look at Felix like he's a f’cking ‘diot. “How the fuck did you come up with this?” Willow stops looking at her phone to look at Felix.
“IT'S CALLED BEING SMART,” Felix lets go of Alex and dramatically falls into Alex, sighing pathetically.
“I think we can all question how smart you are.” Shayfer chuckles and grabs his backpack, laying on the ground by the door. As they gather their stuff to leave so they can walk to 7-11, a very distraught David comes into view.
“All of you, stop, now, come sit back down.” David's voice is, as usual, gruff and stupid, but now has an undertone of concern and panic. Everyone side eye each other as they slowly walk back to the table.
“Did one of you do something?” Lorelai panically whispers to them, arms crossed as she fidgets with her jacket zipper.
“For once, I can confidently say no, shits been busy for all of us I think.” Sammy whispers back as the other hum in agreement. Coming back inside, Felix and Shayfer sit on the table as Willow and Lorelai stand next to one another, Sammy takes an actual seat at the table with Alex.
“I want to start off by saying this,” David shifts, clearly slightly uncomfortable, “I’m not mad, no one is mad, but we are concerned.” He pauses, trying to word his question. Sighing, he pulls out a box, and slides it forward, “Asher found this.”
Everyone takes in a sharp breath at the label of the box, a box of pregnancy tests.
Felix’s eyebrows raise and he adjusts how he sits, putting his legs on Alex's lap. Shayfer takes a sharp breath and looks around. Willow shifts her weight and glances at Lorelai. While Lorelais eyes widen and she stands up straighter, continuing to fidget with her jacket.
David looks between all of them, while no one speaks. “If it doesn't belong to you guys it's okay, I just need to know to make sure everything is okay.” His voice is abnormally calm.
“It's mine.” Lorelai's voice is soft as she walks forward and grabs the box to return it to her backpack. They all glance at her, before looking somewhere else, not knowing how to go about this.
Everyone stays quiet before David takes the initiative, “So… are you…?” He speaks carefully.
“No! No, oh my god, no!” Lorelai quickly answers, starting to talk quieter and look at the ground, “My period was late, and I was um… a little drunk- I'm not, I'm not pregnant, I haven't even done that in a while.”
There's a beat of silence before David speaks, “just… no one, especially you five,” he gestures to the minors in the room, “don't get pregnant right now, and use a damn condom.” He sighs as he looks at them, all eyes looking back at this like ducklings look at their mother, “You can go now.” David waves his hand dismissively.
The group leaves and begins to walk out in an awkward silence, that willow finally breaks. “You planned on taking a pregnancy test and didn’t ask if I would be the godmother?”
Lorelai laughs and looks at her, “In my defense, I didn’t think that far ahead.”
“I think we need a bridal shower.” Sammy looks at Shayfer and wacks them.
“Idiot, it's a baby shower, not a damn bridal shower, that's for people that are gonna get married.” Shayfer wacks Sammy in return, telling him to shut up.
“We should have a bridal shower for Alex.” Willow opens the door to 7-11 as she talks.
“Hold on, why Alex and not me?” Felix looks up at Willow like she just said she was gonna throw a baby out a window.
“Why do you deserve one? What have you done for me to make you deserve a bridal shower?” Willow, Felix, and Shayfer walk to the slurpee machine.
“What has Alex done to deserve a bridal shower?” Shayfer grabs a big gulp cup as they talk.
Willo pauses as she fills up her cup, “He has a good vibe.”
“AND I FUCKING DON’T?” Felix says a bit too loud as he looks at Willow, appalled.
“You have a bitch boy vibe.” She shrugs and sips her drink, walking away to find a snack.
“What's the guy equivalent of a bridal shower?” Sammy interjects as he grabs a bag of chips.
Everyone pauses what they're doing to think for a second. Shayfer quickly wips out their phone and aggressively types as Felix looks over his shoulder. There is a beat of silence before the sound of mild disgust comes from Shayfer as he answers, “A groom roast.”
“Oh my god, yall are gonna roast me.” Alex says in bewilderment, snacks and drinks in hand.
“Damn right we are.” Sammy nods as they go to check out.
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simpingcowboy · 10 months
Love Will Abide
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Pairing: Bill x Frank (TLOU) ft. brief interlude of Tess and bisexual!Joel
Word Count: 4K (exactly!!)
Warning: mix of fluff and heavy Angst! Discussions of homophobia, AIDs epidemic, coming out, being in the closet, toxic masculinity, losing loved ones and passing reference to sex
Summary: The story of Lincoln, Massachusetts's first pride 🌈
A/N: Happy Pride!!! These two deserve to celebrate Pride most of all, so they're getting it here. RIP Bill and Frank, they would've loved "Padam Padam" by Kylie Minogue
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The two men sat together on the old wooden porch. The sun sets slowly before them. The summertime brings with it extended days together. Frank's head rests against Bill's shoulder as he gleams in the light of dusk.
"Bill? What day is it?" He asks curiously, knowing they must be nearing the summer solstice.
"June thirtenth." Bill answers, remembering the day from the wooden calendar on his bedside table. "About eight days from the solstice."
Frank smiles, "June huh?"
"Peak of summer. Some of our crops should be ready soon. Rhubarb…oh the snap peas…"
Bill continues on, excitedly rambling about their crops and what kinds of dishes he can make with them. Frank is only half listening. Memories of June returning to him. He recalls floats and parades. Bodies filling the streets. Pride flags waving in the air. He remembers his elders, telling him of the first Prides before there were ever more "official" ones. Of riots. Of protests. He was just a kid then, but he remembers.
Remembers the look of horror on his mother's face when two men beside them kissed in the grocery store. The way she covered his eyes as if the sight alone would have turned him gay; though of course it was much too late for that. Then to his first pride out, with his mother by his side. The same woman who nearly fainted when she caught her only son with a boy was proudly standing beside him, a sign reading "Silence=Death" in hand. As they marched together at Pride, standing up against the AIDS epidemic. Walking in memory of all his friends that had come and gone. Frank thinks of how many more friends he'd lost before the worst was over…and how many more were likely gone now.
"Frank? Are you even listening to me?" Bill huffs, breaking Frank's train of thought.
"Hmm? No- I'm sorry I-"
"Strawberry rhubarb pie! We can make it this year!" Bill exclaims excitedly.
"Bill…have you ever celebrated Pride?" The older man interrupts.
"What- did you even hear what I just said? The pie-" Bill responses offended.
"Yes, strawberry rhubarb pie like your mother used to make, I would absolutely adore making it with you! Now-" his hand finds his lovers, encasing his around Bill's "have you ever celebrated Pride?"
The younger man's face softens, an eyebrow ticked up in a quiet curiosity. "What like…the rainbows and parades and stuff?"
Frank can't help but chuckle, "A bit more than that but yeah more or less."
Bill fidgets with his hands, tucking them into his lap. "...No." Blue eyes falling to his feet. "We didn't do any of that out here."
"And you never did anything?" Frank asks, his voice as soft as the hand that touches Bill's cheek. "Not even for yourself?"
"Didn't know…it was anything to be proud of."
"I don't mean-"
"No." Frank stops him, fingers brushing over the other man's beard. "I know what you mean." He says with a soft smile. "You know…we could celebrate now?"
Bill's eyebrows pinch together, a small pout on his face. He's tailoring his excitement. "Yeah?"
Frank can't hide the smile at his partner's interest. "Yeah, of course we can!" He chuckles, leaning in to deliver a soft kiss to the other man's cheek. "Town's ours isn't it?"
"Sure is…" Bill smiles back.
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Frank had lots to do. It was decided that he would do the entirety of the set up, allowing Bill to enjoy the element of surprise, and granting Frank freedom from his beloved's "resource management" lectures. Perhaps it was some long lost vigor in him, or excitement to be a part of Bill's first pride, but Frank finished it at an ungodly pace. It took all of ten days for him to pull it together. It was all perfect.
The morning of Frank rises before dawn. Sneaking out of bed to open air where he prepares everything needed for Pride. Heading back inside, he works on making the perfect breakfast for his love. Like magic, Frank appears in the doorway of their shared bedroom just as Bill's alarm rings.
"Happy Pride!" He shouts happily, breakfast tray in hand.
Bill is not as quick to pick up on the enthusiasm. His blue eyes are still straining against the morning light. "Hmm- Frank what?"
"It's Pride!" The older man plops himself down on the bed, setting the tray down on the bedside table. "Today’s the day! We're having our first Pride!"
Bill's brain slowly comes together, "Yeah…our first Pride." He offers his lover a soft sleepy smile.
"Gonna be the best Pride you've ever seen! Now eat up, we've got a big day ahead of us!"
The morning passes easily, the seasoned couple going through their usual routine. Wake, eat, feed the chickens, shower, get dressed. As they approach the front door to begin their day, Frank pauses. “Wait! I’ve got something.” With a big smile he pulls from his pocket two small wooden rainbow flag pins. “Tada!” A goofy grin on his face as he fixes one to Bill’s flannel shirt. The other flag taking its place on his own shirt. “Now we’re ready.” Clearing his throat, Frank readies to make his announcement. “Fair citizens of Lincoln, Massachusetts! It is my honor and privilege to welcome you to Lincoln’s first ever Pride!”
With that, the door swings open. The smile on Bill’s face is morphed into one of pure awe. The sight before him fulfilling something he never knew he wanted. Wooden pallets painted rainbow stand in for flags. Covering the yard, and even visible along the street. Looking out he sees a banner, stretched between the missing neighbor’s house and shed that reads “Lincoln Pride!” Hearts in the pride flag colors surrounding the letters. Bill’s eyes are bright. A smile lingering on his face far longer than usual.
“Frank- how did you? I mean-”
“Step outside.” Frank smiles in admiration, suddenly wondering why he didn’t do this sooner.
Bill hesitates, just a moment his heart beating in his chest. As he steps through the non-lethal tripwire, a sudden burst of music greets his ears.
Bill doesn’t know whether to laugh or to cry as Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out” plays over a set of speakers. Frank decides for him, a hearty laugh escaping from his lips.
“I couldn’t help myself!”
"How did you- Where did you get that?" Bill joins in the laughter.
"From the neighbors!" Frank smiles back, rolling his eyes when Bill's expression changes to one of disapproval. "I'm borrowing it!" He says defensively. "Come on!" He continues on, pulling Bill out to the front yard.
Bill feels his heart beat like it's never beat before. The multitude of bright colors infiltrating his perfectly union town, brings about an unprecedented feeling. Something that feels a lot like love. He finds himself running in circles, admiring the decorations. Looking down the street to get a glimpse of what lies ahead of him. His heart erupts with joy at the display. A hand traces up his shirt to find the homemade pin, caressing it in one hand, holding Frank's hand in the other. And for the first time in his forty-some years of life, he feels so entirely seen.
"Frank- it's I- you did all this?" Bill beans up at his boyfriend.
"It's not much, but-"
For Frank it's simple, just the pallets and banners that he managed to put along the town. A couple of hand picked songs, courtesy of Bill's old neighbors. The ancient relics of Madonna, Tina Turner, George Micheal, ABBA, Kylie Minogue, and Linda Ronstadt being dug up for the big day. Far from the extravagant afars he once experienced before the outbreak.
Bill cuts him off with a kiss, "Frank. It's perfect."
His cheeks go warm, every internal critique disappears in an instant. "I love you."
Bill just responds with a chuckle, "Sap." Before running off to get a closer look at the banner.
Frank rolls his eyes at the light-hearted insult, trying to pull himself together.
A part of him wishes Bill could have seen it. The grand displays of love and acceptance. Could have seen just how many people would have loved him, just the way he is. There's little doubt in Frank's mind that Bill would have been quite popular in a lot of circles. The thought makes him glow with pride, thinking about how this beautiful man was all his. Even through the end of the world, he managed to be the luckiest man alive.
"The whole town done up like this?" Bill asks, snapping Frank from his train of thought.
"Most of it." He responds proudly.
Bill shuffles excitedly, looking like he's about to bound off towards the town center. "Can we?"
"Not yet-" Frank smiles, inching over towards the garage. "I have one more tiny surprise."
"Well! what is it?" Bill asks in an excited impatience.
"Close your eyes."
"But-" Bill pouts.
"Not buts! Just do it. Please?" Frank asks with a pout of his own.
The younger man huffs but does what he's asked, closing his eyes. The faint sound of a garage opening is heard. Then something- the rumble of wheels on pavement. The soft creak of wood. Hands come up over his from behind, slowly pulling them away from his eyes.
"You can look now…" Frank whispers.
Like magic, a float appears. Six feet long, four feet wide. A white covering, with “Lincoln Pride 2013” painted along the sides. A small blue ottoman propped in the middle for sitting. In the front, a boombox is attached, as well as a pulley. The back of the float is Frank’s most impressive creation. A rainbow arch of chicken wire and tissue paper standing proudly on the back; easily standing six feet tall.
Bill’s eyes are wide as he takes it in just as awestruck as when he first left the house this morning. “Frank- you?” His head snaps, spinning to look at his lover. Eyes cutting between Frank and the float. “You made this?” Bill finishes his question nearly toppling over with excitement.
Frank is beaming with joy at Bill’s reaction. “I’ve made a float or two in my day.” He says with a shrug trying to play it cool. “Do you like it?”
“I…I-” Bill bursts into a fit of giggles. Hands flying up to his chest in excitement. Wordlessly he scuttles over to it. Staring at the float with admiration. Looking back at Frank he asks, "Can I?"
Frank nodding is all it takes for Bill to hop on. Though he's just a few inches off the ground, he feels on top of the world. While he's busy exploring, Frank takes the opportunity to circle to the front and turn on the boombox. One of Bill's favorite albums is already set to play, Kylie Minogue's Fever. The crescendoing music grabs Bill's attention. His expression going all soft as "Love At First Sight '' begins playing over the boombox.
"Oh Frank-" he pouts.
With the pulley in hand ready to kick off the parade, Frank asks, "You ready for the rest of it?"
Bill smiles back, "Yes." He says sitting upon the blue ottoman. "I'm ready!"
They set off, Frank pulling the float behind him. Bill can't help but dance in his place on the float. Frank spins around to watch his lover, looking more carefree than he's been in the past 5 years together. Big smiles plastered on each of their faces as they began to sing along.
"Then there was you!" Frank sings first, horribly off-key
Bill takes the next line bashfully, "And everything went from wrong to right…"
"And the stars came up and filled up the sky!" Frank continued, encouraging him.
"The music you were playing really blew my mind!"
"It was love-"
"At first sight!" They finish the line together, laughing at each other. Embracing the joy they found together, and relishing in the absurdity of their position. How somehow, in this abandoned town, amidst a life-altering outbreak, they'd found everything they ever needed.
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There's silence at the gate. Joel and Tess standing, a bit oblivious to the sight set before them. Unsure what to make of the unusual display of joy on Bill's behalf. Both uncertain if they've ever even seen the man smile before. Let alone what to make of the grandiose decorations covering the town.
“Do you think they forgot?” Joel asks.
“No…Bill’s never forgotten our drop-off dates.” Tess replies, squinting so as to ensure she wasn't imagining things. “I think…they just had other priorities.” They watch, for a moment as Frank pulls Bill in the makeshift float. Their joy radiating through the distance between them. A pang of jealousy hitting Tess at the obvious love the two men hold for each other. “Come on Joel, let’s head back to QZ.”
Joel scoffs, hands coming up on his hips. “Came all this way for nothing…”
“It’s fine, Joel. They’ve always been good to us. We can let it slide.”
“Easy for you to say, you didn’t carry the wire all this way.” He huffs, looking at Tess and back at Bill and Frank. As he steps forward towards the gate, Tess stops him.
“Joel…” she says lowly, “This isn’t for us.”
He pauses, an eyebrow quirked up as he looks at her. “Not for you maybe.”
Tess just stares at him, eyes going a little wide. Obviously not having expected him to say that. “I- you? We?”
To her confusion, he just shrugs. “I’ve been around.” Joel rolls his eyes at Tess’s continued silence. “Hey” he says, nudging her on the shoulder, “never stopped me from being into you.”
"Well, no but-"
The gruff man hikes the heavy backpack up higher on his back. “Come on. Let’s go.” He says, turning on his heels back to QZ.
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The day was pure magic. Bill running around his hometown totally enamored, as if it were someplace totally new. Frank reaping the brilliant reward of his labor, getting to see his boyfriend glimmer with joy. The parade marches through the day, stopping for lunch at home. Where Bill improvises a "pride-themed lunch" by making the most colorful salads he could manage. The sun sets slowly, light stretching long over the small Massucheuttes town. As night encroaches on their celebration Frank decides it’s time to bring Bill to his final surprise.
Frank pulls his love behind him on the float. Though it was technically his turn to be pulled, Frank insisted that the location be a secret! The ride is slow, the parade taking a leisurely pace. Bill anxiously twiddles his thumbs from his seat on the float; his mind racing with ideas of what the surprise would be. Eventually they stop, Bill turns his head to see the wine shop. He notes how much better it looks since Frank had been fixing it up. The old barn color was replaced with a fine burgundy color, deep and rich like wine.
“We’re here!” Frank exclaims, practically pulling Bill through the doors of the winery.
Passing through the doors, is a set table. Unlit candles that Frank quickly works to light. Dinner bowls set for two. Cloth napkins and fine silverware. A red tablecloth covered the circular table. Bill’s eyes linger over the display, before landing on Frank’s. A big smile plastered on Frank’s face.
“I know you’re more of a cook than I am but…” Frank begins, rounding the table to Bill’s side. “I thought I’d let you try some of my famous New England chowder.”
Bill just smiles softly, the romantic gesture giving him butterflies. “I’d like that.” He says simply.
“Perfect. Just give me a couple minutes to warm it up and we’ll be set!”
With that Frank bounds off to the small kitchen, making quick work of the dinner he’d prepped the night before. Bill sits eagerly at the table, shuffling in his seat unable to contain his joy. Eventually, Frank returns with the food in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. The pair are quick to dig in, having grown an appetite through the day’s activities. The soup is delicious, and the wine maybe even a little better. Their conversation is light and playful. Frank recounts his fun stories of Pride. His tales grow in exaggeration with each passing minute.
Bill laughs along, intrigued by the experience of his beloved. His face goes soft thinking about just how different it is from his own life and then- a question comes to mind.“Frank?” He asks.
“Yeah?” Frank replies, slurping on his chowder.
“When did you…know? How did you-” Bill gestures outwards with his hands, “You know!”
Frank smiles. “How did I come out?”
The younger man nods.
“Hmm…” He pauses to think, taking a swig of his wine. “I always knew.” He says with a shrug. “There was really never any question. That’s just the way I was.”
“And how did you come out?” Bill asks with the tilt of his head.
The older man laughs, “Well when my mom caught me kissing my ‘study buddy’ that conversation kind of had itself!”
A tinge of red creeps across Bill’s face at the prospect of being caught by his parents in such a way. “Oh…and your dad too?”
Frank grimaces, but then chuckles. “My dad…well my mom thought he’d freak so she told me we’d tell him together. When we finally did, this man had the audacity to look up at me from over his newspaper and then over at my mother and say ‘Was I not supposed to know?” He finishes with a laugh. “So much build up for that! It was ridiculous!”
Bill laughs along, trying not to choke on his wine. As hilarious as the anecdote was, it does bring about some unpleasant memories of his own.
The shift of mood catches Frank’s attention. “Hey…” he says softly, a hand coming over Bill’s to soothe him. “We can change the subject.”
A soft sniffle comes from Bill as he shakes his head. “No. I- I’m happy they accepted you.” He says with a bittersweet smile. “Who wouldn’t love you?”
“Alot of people actually.” He chuckles. “But you love me. And I love you. And we’re still here.” Frank says with a smirk, lifting his wine glass up to toast.
Bill smirks back, feeling boastful about his survival skills. “Yes. Yes, we are.” He raises his wine glass to cheer with Frank’s.
They cheer, each relishing in the taste of fine wine that coats their tongue. Smiling at their shared survival. Both silently thanking the universing for gifting them to each other. Finishing off their glasses- Bill starts again, a certain vigor finding it’s way to his lips. “My dad…he was a big military guy. Air force…and when I was thirteen I tried-” He inhales, his tongue getting tied. “He stopped me. Said that I’d never be a real man if I went down that path. That it was wrong…dirty.” Bill exhales, the memory suddenly feeling a bit lighter, “ So I just…didn’t. Kissed a girl- once. She uhh turns out there were two gay people in town.” An awkward laugh escapes his lips, as he uncomfortably picks at his soup.
"And your mom? Did you ever?"
Bill freezes, his voice quivering slightly. “No…I wanted to I just didn’t know how she’d take it and-”
“I understand Bill.” Frank reassures him.
“She always wanted me to settle down…find someone to love.” His clear blue eyes look up at Frank’s. “I just don’t think this is how she imagined it…”
“Oh Bill…” Frank says softly, rushing over to pull him into a hug.
“I’m sorry.” Bill sniffles, trying and failing to hold back the tears. “Ruining the day-”
Frank continues to comfort him. Delivering soft kisses to his tear stained cheek. “Don’t be sorry.” A soft smile on his face as he says, “This is part of pride.” Pressing a kiss to his lover’s lips. “Being who we are…” his hands wrap around Bill’s “Loving who we love despite all the things that say we shouldn’t. Adversity is part of it.” Frank offers him a soft smile. “It’s why we celebrate!”
Bill returns the expression with a pouty smile of his own. “And we’re still here.” He says repeating Frank’s words from earlier.
“And we’re still here.” He repeats, pressing another soft kiss against Bill’s lips. A chuckle spilling from his lips as he takes ahold of the bottle of wine, “Old. Gay. And still here!” he says drinking straight from the bottle.
That’s enough to break Bill from his guilt. A full hearty laugh erupting from him. “Alright that’s enough!” he says grabbing the bottle from his boyfriend, just to steal a swig himself.
“Hey! You need to share!” Frank chastises.
Bill shakes his head, maneuvering out of Frank’s reach. Laughing at the half-hearted fight. They continue on, chasing one another through the winery. Though the store had stood for many years, these would be the first sounds of its kind to be heard here. The thump of footsteps rumbling along the old wooden floors. The heavy boots of the men fall like feathers, light and airy. Laughter echoing through the abandoned hallways. Bill swapping between his high toned giggles and heavy pants. Frank’s laughter is more subdued, but no less heartful; his weak taunts doing little to threaten his opponent. Despite Bill’s steady hand, small droplets of wine escape the bottle, seeping into the wood. Their mark being made. Frank is quick to catch up; his slender arms catching Bill’s waist.
“Oh no you don’t!” Frank says, holding onto Bill tighter as he attempts to make an escape.
Bill just laughs. His resilience rapidly deteriorates when he’s in Frank’s arms. “You win!” He proclaims, letting his head rest back on his lover’s shoulder. “You win…” he repeats, feeling on top of the world.
Frank’s face relaxes as he eases his grip on Bill; eyes tracing his partner’s tranquil expression. “Yeah…I did win.” He smiles, taking his trophy of the wine bottle and hydrating himself from the short run. They rest momentarily, recovering from the physical excursion. Their hearts pounding in time. “The pie.” Frank says abruptly, the day’s itinerary forcing its way to the front of his mind.
“Hmm?” Bill says, only half paying attention to anything being said. He is dealing with something else at the moment.
“I made the pie. Strawberry rhubarb pie-” He is cut off with a kiss by Bill.
“Pie can wait.” Bill insists, leaning deeper into the passionate embrace. Giving himself over to all the desires he wanted, but thought he could never have.
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The sun sets over the small town of Lincoln. Bill and Frank wander back home on unsteady feet, holding hands the whole way home. Walking up the public streets, so hopelessly in love with each other. That same love that currently covered the town in rainbow flags and banners. A love strong enough to survive in a world where little did. At home they eat cold pie and carry on light conversation about days past. Reminiscing on their youths and follies. Quick to turn in early, both men exhausted by the day’s events.
As they tuck into bed, Bill feels a tear strike at his eye. He watches dutifully as Frank falls asleep. Observing the way his chest rises and falls with each breath. Admiring just how beautiful of a man Frank really was. That perfectly sculpted nose. Fully shapely beard. Soft age lines etched into his soft skin. And had his eyes been open, sparkling blue eyes. Bill thinks back to what his mother had told him time again. To find someone nice. Kind. Someone he could take care of. Someone who would take care of him. Someone to love. To grow old with. Someone to make the living worthwhile. And as Bill looks over at Frank, he can’t help but remember that his mother never did specify it had to be a woman.
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pinkyjulien · 10 months
🌈 Queerness in CyberPunk 2077
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I wanted to make this post earlier this month but got caught up in modding shenanigans, as per usual~
BUT! It's still June, still pride, so here it is :>
All of this is my analyses, headcanons, of different characters, some of them not confirmed at all in anyway or form! I'm a queer man myself, but I do not claim to know everything about queerness and being queer, everyone experience the game and interpret the characters differently 🤲 This is only my opinions, based off canon game events, clues, hints, as well as developpers's tweets, streams, files datamining etc etc Please do not see this thread as an attack, or as something invalidating! I'm more than curious to heard what you think about my personal analyses, if you agree, if you don't, and why! If you think other characters also display hints of queerness I'd love to hear it too! 💙
This picture is an update I did in 2022 of lil collage I did back in 2021~
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I posted the first version on Reddit back in 2021 and it created this whole "what do mean JOHNNY is GAY?" (because a rainbow behind a man automatically means he's Gay and nothing else right) and a lot of biphobia over his character in particular (gasp- THE rockerboy?! Biseggsual?? In my viddy game??)
▶ You can look at the thread here and have a lil laugh
SO, NATURALLY, after doing the 2022 collage, I went and uploaded it to reddit once again! Because triggering bigots and seeing them stumble over their own tongues trying to debunk everything is really funny ✨
However, I instantly muted the thread and let it rot in its own sauce for some days, weeks, only coming back to it later and Oh Boy 👀
I did a thread on Twitter last year exploring everything that was said on the thread and explaining why I put certain characters on it
Thought it'd be cool and fun to re-explore that and share my thoughts with y'all here SO LETS GET BACK TO IT 😌🤙
I'll mainly paste screenshots of what I already said on my twitter thread, but I might add some things there and there!
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Damn I was kinda pissed off back then HGHFHGF but yeah, this is also the reason I won't ever make any straight or super straight flags I do not headcanon Delamain as Asexual, as there isn't any confirmation anywhere that he's interest in that kind of interaction or not, but I'll come back to him later!
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Goro being canonly Queer is often missed, and this surprises me, considering he's one of the popular character! He is interested (or not) equally in both Fem and Masc V, giving he's replying to them the exact same ways! This isn't something done randomly by the devs :)
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As said in the tweet, there isn't any direct and clear evidence of Mitch and Scorpion being a couple! Their relationship is heavily queer coded and queer people are more easily picking up on it than non-queer peoeple (and that's normal) Gay men have called their male partner Friend, Best friend and Brother through history maaaany many time, and that's part of my interpretation of their relationship too, especially giving they're both veterans who fought in the same war. The poem Mitch wrotes during "I'll Fly Away" (heavily implied) is romantic and gay coded, the gay novel in Mitch's tent (confirmed to be on purpose) is what we call environnemental story telling, it's subtle but adds to a character's backstory and lore! As for the datamining, I found a Mitch awkwardly explaining to V that no, Saul doesn't have any say in whatever he's doing with Scorpion stuff "because.... because... eh, that's just family stuff"
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Note on Delamain here because I've heard it even caused some drama here on Tumblr that I said that? He uses He/Him to describe himself, the Main Entity, but multiples of his splites entities uses She/Her, meaning he's literally Non-Binary in how his entity is formed (I find it really cool for an AI ngl ngl) However if my headcanon offended anyone, I apologize! and I'd love to hear others interpretation :3
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There isn't any open and visible MLM gay couple in Cyberpunk 2077! Bouncing off ElvenBeard's amazing analyses and thoughts on Kerry's sexuality, he can be seen as Bisexual (confirmed by RTAL themselves) and Homosexual (confirmed by the devs before and after the game released) he can be Both and Both are correct depending on how you view his character and how he grew from his past relationship (Bisexual with a masc preference, Bisexual who have to heal from his marriage, Gay man who realized his sexuality later after a wonky marriage, etc)
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The whole "Responsability=Wife" Takemura take angers me to no end, taking its roots in heteronormativity- We see Goro care for his job above all else, to me that's what his "responsability" is and always was; his job
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Nothing more to add here- Jackie's only relationship we see in game is with Misty, this doesn't confirm nor deny anything! (However with how he react to V pushing him, lip-bitting and all regardless of gender, I can totally see him as being queer)
AND That's about it!
It was interesting to dig into that thread last year and thought I'd share that here, as a refresher that Johnny is Bi, Takemura too, and smaller characters like Mitch and Evelynn still have clear hints of queerness to them ✨
I really like how CP77 touches on queerness, it feels realistic, it doesn't feel forced; which, sadly, create this problem of "UH?? This is pure LIES" if a character's sexuality is not splattered in your face, which then create the "Ugh why does it have to be forced down our throat" complains
Something something, lesson here is that people will always complain about queerness, be it loud, be it subtle, so fuck it! Scream it, go apeshit over small details, over-analyse everything cause chances are: this is intentional!
More Characters
I later noticed that Regina have a naked lady tattooed on her forearm, and since we know nothing is done randomly in CDPR's video games, makes me think that she might be sapphic in some way ✨
Mateo is also one of my fav "potential queer", how he could be a trans man, but there isn't anything really to support that other than that one interaction with V
▶ Link to the updated collage Reddit Thread
▶ Link to my Twitter breakdown
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alwaysteveswife · 9 months
All to well with robin like something happened and like let’s say reader was the jake in this.
A/n: Seriously, seriously, sorry for the delay, I was really sick this week and couldn't make any progress, I just got over the cold and got it done as soon as I could. I hope you like it 🥺.
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When you and Robin started your relationship you knew it wouldn't be easy. Homosexual relationships were frowned upon, indeed, it was almost a crime to have feelings for someone of the same sex. They made you feel like a freak, like a mistake, they told you over and over again that you were disgusting, that it was just a phase, that it wouldn't be permanent, but they didn't know anything, they couldn't understand.
They couldn't see the sparkle in Robin's eyes, they couldn't see the smiles, the notes, the silent "I love you's" that were sent in whispers that no one could hear. They would never understand what real love was. Or at least that's how Robin felt.
She knew how difficult it was to be openly gay, especially in a town as small as Hawkins, which is why she never suspected anything. She ignored all of Steve's comments, all of his warnings with concern behind every one of them. And why would you go out with her if you didn't really love her? It was stupid, kind of pointless.
Robin remembered like it was yesterday that fall of '86. The leaves were falling from the trees and resting on the streets of Hawkins. They were both in Steve's car, occupying the back seats like armchairs at karaoke, asking Steve to turn the music up loud. She could remember their voices together chanting a cheesy Madonna song, their fingers brushing over the leather of the seats, the tension in the air, the knowing looks contrasting with Steve's, who was looking at them through the rearview mirror with a smile full of relief and pride that her best friend was finally reciprocated. Robin was sure that this would be the best fall of her life, because you were in it, because you were everything she wanted, and she was so sure you felt the same way.
It all started to fall the day Robin came to your house for the first time. You were living with your older sister, who had moved to Hawkins a few years ago, you had come over the summer of last year to be in a quieter environment.
She could remember the smell of hot chocolate, the cold air inside the cottage, she also remembered leaving her colorful scarf on the stair handle, the one she could never get back because she was too absent-minded to remember where she had left it. She remembered the laughter, the secret glances and the touches under the table; the way your sister told jokes just as bad as yours, she even remembered the sound of your landline ringing, of your light footsteps walking to it and picking it up, the way your eyes lit up and a smile that she had never seen before appeared on your face.
"You should ask her" Steve said when Robin told him about that call, "You'll gain nothing by keeping this to yourself, I'm sure it's a misunderstanding, I can tell she loves you."
And, with all her regrets, Robin went to confront you, to ask you who this other person was that you had never told her about. Maybe, if you hadn't lied to her saying that he was just a friend, if you hadn't blatantly told her that it didn't mean anything, then maybe now things would be much different, much more... right. But no, you decided to lie to her, you decided to ignore her concern and calm her down with lies, lies that you both knew were meaningless, but that, anyway, Robin would believe them, because she wanted to believe in you, in a future together, where other people's opinions didn't matter.
The second time was at her house. You had stayed for a "girls' night out," an innocent thing all teenage girls did. She remembered wearing her most decent pajamas, her blushing at the sight of yours, the taste of your lips, of her skin against yours, how right it felt to be there, with you, loving each other until dawn without anyone knowing. For her it had been an incredible night, but for you, it had only been one last time, an experiment, something that would define how you truly felt about her.
You didn't think about it too much, of course you didn't, even before you could, you were already avoiding her by any means, ignoring her and Steve's calls, going out with your friends to distract yourself, going out with a guy so you could get rid of that little nagging feeling that told you over and over again that this wasn't right.
Robin didn't know what she had done wrong, even when Steve told her over and over again that she had done nothing wrong, that you were to blame, but she just couldn't believe it. You were perfect in Robin's eyes, you were her ideal type, someone she thought of as the person she would spend the rest of her life with, and God, how wrong she was.
You weren't there when she found out the truth, but you could get a picture of how she reacted. It was Nancy who, with no ill intent, came with the news that you had started dating a guy who had moved to Hawkins a while back, the same guy you talked to that time on the phone, who was supposed to mean nothing to you. That day, Robin stayed at Steve's house until the wee hours of the morning, crying, screaming and punching a pillow, asking Steve why you had done it to her, even though he didn't have the answer to anything.
He was upset, too upset, he even went to face you, to try to get a clear answer because, how could you play with Robin's heart in such a horrible way? It almost hit you in the face when all you said was "I wanted to experiment, to know what it felt like to be with a girl, but apparently it wasn't my thing. Nothing against Robin, she's a great girl, but she helped me understand that she's not what I want in my life."
He never told Robin your answer, he wouldn't be able to break her heart even more. All he did was be there for her, be her shoulder to cry on, comfort her, make her laugh, put her back together until she was back to the same Robin she knew, until she believed in love again, until she could open up again with another girl who did love her and treat her like she deserved.
The last time Robin saw you was in the middle of the city, on one of those days when she accompanied his girlfriend to buy some records. You were laughing, holding hands with a guy who looked nice, a guy who looked curiously very much like her. She felt her world move completely when your gazes met, when you shyly waved your hand at her and went on your way, barely staying to watch her until she lowered her own hand.
As she watched you leave, Robin couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn't been so naive back then. Maybe she wouldn't have been here, seeing you holding hands with that boy, wearing that scarf she had left at your house, laughing the same way you had laughed with her, looking at him the same way you looked at her, lying to him the same way you lied to her, because Robin knew too well that you weren't happy, that that smile was fake, that "love" was fake, and she wouldn't do anything about it, not this time, because, despite the pain she felt, despite the immense desire she had to run to you and kiss you like she did in the past, she knew that you weren't enough for her, that she deserved someone much better, someone who would love her, who would show her off, someone who really cared, and that, definitely, wouldn't be you, not again.
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