#david tennan
tricoufamily · 7 months
i find that white haired man from the gate baldur so so unattractive. but it's ok. because one day when the penguin show comes out i will have my revenge
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sinegard · 5 months
Donna literally scheduled her wedding on Christmas 😭😭😭😭she's so funny lsjflksjdfsaf
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We Go Together by David Tennant and Catherine Tate!!!! Please tell me I'm not crazy!!!
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I cannot believe this is how i found out about this cursed song anyway you have severe brainrot with severe tennanitis and i say that very lovingly but they are literally in character as different characters idk what to tell you 😭😭😭
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heresmyfiddlestick · 2 years
funny enough i've seen more people hate comments on david tennant than people "disrepecting Jodie or Ncuti" The same people who talked about how Jodie received so much hate during her season are now calling names on David (the one who always speaks great about the new doctors and who even recommended Jodie). This is no news tbh it comes from Smith stans being upset DT is still popular enough to move people. One of the reasons I stopped watching DoctorWho wasn't the doctors but the fandom it got worse with Jodie because there were the mysoginistic trashbags and then the homophobic ones but let's also mention the "Social Justice" ones who have always annoy me since I walked through this hellsite. People want to highlight someone so bad that they need to bring down others for no reason. Jodie being a fantastic first woman doctor can exists in the same plane of David Tennan being a popular doctor. That doesn't erase Jodie's great work. People saying David overshadowed Ncuti when he isn't the doctor yet is another one, Ncuti is gonna bring this shit down in his season I have no doubts and I've been excited since his announcemente, HE IS THE FIRST DOCTOR coming from a special situation we're not getting crumbs, we're getting a wole new experience, why would people want him to be just like the other when he's definetely bringing something better and new. Why people want change and similitaries at the same time? Lasty, we haven't seen anything from the new season yet people are already complaining about things that can be easily explained during next season. Sorry for the long rant but I swear fandom becomes more annoying as the years pasts.
personally my take on how to deal with elements of this and any other fandom that you find annoying is to ignore them, there's more than enough to go around. frankly i was disengaged from The Fandom from 2016 until i returned to tumblr last fall, but i was still A Fan and had a great time
but also hell yeah i agree on the latter points! it's a special situation, as you point out, it's A NEW THING!! and that's super exciting!!
fundamentally that last point is what it's all about: we haven't seen anything from the new season as it stands. gotta hold out hope and not pre-judge as much as possible
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mournstera · 2 years
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— Where will you go now?  — Good question.
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saturnsjam · 5 years
i find it funny that crowley is such a queen fan
because uh
“beelzebub has a devil put aside for me”
crowley like,, personally knows beelzebub
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loui-tries · 3 years
o apocalipse já chegou.
good omens (belas maldições) é uma mini série da amazon que estreiou e foi finalizada em 2019. baseada no livro de mesmo nome de terry pratched e do consagrado neil gaiman (coraline, guia do mochileiro das galáxias, deuses americanos...), a história tem início logo nos primórdios da humanidade, com adão e eva. é nessa epoca que nossos protagonistas, o anjo aziraphale e o demônio crawley, se conhecem. séculos e séculos se passam e os dois mal sabiam o quanto se tornariam amigos; afinal, por que um anjo gostaria de um demônio? enquanto aziraphale protege pessoas e faz de tudo para os eventos acontecerem como devem, crawley faz o caos e cria, por exemplo, rodovias que servem apenas para piorar o trânsito.
em 2007, depois de muitos encontros e desecontros, o anjo e o demônio (que agora se auto intitula crowley, por dizer que crawley lembra demais o verbo “to craw/rastejar”) se esbarram de novo quando o último leva o anti-cristo para um convento satânico, onde o bebê deve ser dado para uma família de diplomatas americanos. mas, o que ocorre na verdade, é uma troca acidental de recém nascidos. o anti-cristo, então, acaba indo para uma família de classe média do interior da inglaterra.
crowley e aziraphale não tem ideia disso, e ambos cuidam do filho do diplomata como se fosse o anti-cristo, fazendo de tudo segundo a escrita de deus para o apocalipse acontecer em 2018 (sim, anjos também querem o apocalipse.).
mas será que os dois querem mesmo esse fim dos tempos? a vida na terra era tão boa: música, diversas bebidas, livros...
se eles quiserem continuar aproveitando a vida como fizeram por séculos, terão que ir contra seus aliados e batalhar contra o acontecimento do apocalipse.
questionando a moral do bom e do mau, good omens traz, de forma icônica e cômica, uma versão imperdível de anjos, demônios, fim do mundo e dos 7 cavaleiros. a atuação de david tennant como crowley e michael sheen como aziraphale é simplesmente impecável, ambos atores já conhecidos por dar vida a diversos tipos de personagem.
rápida, divertida e muito bem executada, good omens agrada o público jovem e adulto em mais uma ótima produção da amazon.
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elliemillah · 5 years
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Whenever this world is cruel to me ...
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
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Good Omens: Secrets from Set
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virtuesmh · 5 years
She Knows (ten & rose)
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an AU where Rose had foretold the ending of their story.
P.S. this is set after that scene at the beach, in which neither Rose nor the doctor said those three words.
In thousands of years, nothing could reach his far buried heart. Pity might slip into its stream at the sight of injustice or children facing the reality just a little bit too early. Then genuineness would accompany his kindness, but regret wouldn't stand close to any lie he told.
He thought he'd be numb till death. If so, then he had been in such false position to be falling face first to her bed, tears on cold sheet and muffled lament to both hearts being ripped apart.
Her faint fragrance struck his nostrils and memories resurfaced. The first time he noticed the sudden change of perfume, rose on rose. He was tracing kisses up from the back of her palm to her wrist. There was no telling but a smug smile.
Then he reached the crook of her neck, where it was too evident to not divulge. She broke into a laugh and never changed it since.
He might even start hearing the same laugh echoing through the hallways, in just a bit more waiting.
He rolled over, face now to the ceiling, painted in various shades. That day, they weren't in the mood for adventures in various time and space. Still, they were bored and the world knows boredom could spark stupidly brilliant ideas between the two.
So he switched off gravity. Took some coloring. And up they floated and painted the ceiling, she drew the planets she learnt at primary school and he drew the planets he learnt by experience.
The day ended with both of them, resting on the same bed. No distance between, face and shirts covered in various tint. That was one of the rare moments he'd smile without any realization, impulse, or reasons. Just pure happiness.
The same paintings were up there, the same memories played and surrounded him. But the warm comfort and company he needed the most was not.
A breeze came through the door. It sent only meaningless shivers, accompanied with a faint flutter. He didn't know his body could make such sound.
He frowned his eyebrows and looked around thoroughly. His back slightly jerked, ready for any sudden movement.
But the realization came late. His eyes stopped at the wall above the headboard. There, she kept all memo, lists, photos, and letters from loved ones, glued next to each other.
But one pink post-it stood out, in the center and top of it all.
A familiar handwriting; ... -Rose
His eyes blurred and stung from rising tears. Started with one falling down to her pillow, the others racing down his cheeks.
"I love you too," it read.
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liinchaan · 5 years
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I should be studying for exams but here i am trying to find a way that fits my drawing style to draw Aziraphale with
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takeru-echy · 5 years
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"Sometimes I'm fine and then I remember the scene from Good Omens in the destroyed church in 1941 when Crowley saved Aziraphale's books and the violins started playing in the background and I need a moment to collect myself."
So this thing happened and I had to remember how to breathe.
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ghost-of-diogenes · 5 years
Welcome to the end times
Have a nice doomsday
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This is the most beautiful thing I've ever created.
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strangeparticles · 7 years
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linda-with-an-i · 2 years
Well, shit....
I saw a post about St. Trinians and it was all it took for me to spend the whole afternoon re-watching the movies...
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