#danger scale soulmates
jinx-jade · 2 years
On a Scale of 0-100, you’re an Angel four times over: ch 4
Training with the Amazons was far more intense than any of the basic martial art classes her mother had once enrolled her into. The differences between the two were laid out in plain sight as her body became every bit the weapon she was learning to wield under the Amazonian’s teaching.
Sadly, Adrien couldn’t join the training as often as she wished. He did join whenever there was a break between his civilian and alter ego’s lives, but that wasn’t very often, between photo shoots and their alternating patrol schedule. They have been using online communication to stay in contact through enchanted communicators that acted the same as any regular phone. The only real difference was its ability to appear and disappear at will.
The guardian, while Adrien is away, learns a great many things during her time on Themyscira. She learns not only from the Amazons but also from a former miraculous holder who had once been a part of the order. With Hippolyta able to teach the guardian about the old order, as well as lending the bluenette what few grimoires the amazons had in their possession, the current wielder of the ladybug miraculous learned much more than she ever had under the previous guardian.
Still, some things couldn't be taught to the young guardian. Some things had to be learned from trial by fire, and what a great fire it was.
The world was lit a flame as ash rained down through the air. An army of creatures, no, magically corrupted humans, Akumas, stood amongst it all. Death and destruction spread much farther than the eye could see. The black cat falls and soon so does the ladybug. The universal balance weighs too far one way as a figure, a man, dressed in purple, glowing a bright white while floating above it all. A single poster falls before her feet, having been carried by the wind. The only thing she could make out on the poster before it too burst into flames was a date printed on the paper.
The guardian gasped awake, heart pounding as blood rushed through her body. A sharp ringing pierced her ears, as her eyes burned from the overflow of tears.
"-... you're okay! It's okay- everything is okay. Shhh… you're safe here." Tikki cooed, rubbing a gentle paw up and down her wielder’s cheek in a calming motion.
The other kwamis were flitting about nervously as their guardian attempted to calm herself, despite the pearly silver tears that continued to fall in place of clear watery liquid. She pushed herself up off of her bed in a clumsy hurry, running out of her current living quarters towards the pull of creation’s faint magic residue. The path she followed led her to one of the meeting halls the amazons had just off the shore of Themyscira, which allowed their male allies to come to meet with them without breaking the laws placed upon the island.
It was a short trip when you use portals as your method of travel. She arrived at the hall's large doors in mere moments, pushing them open with a simple wave of her hand. Strong winds move the heavy stone with ease, drawing the attention of all those present in the hall.
“I need to speak with Hippolyta.” The Guardian states, her sharp sapphire eyes cutting across the room, landing on the amazonian queen.
“Of course.” The Queen agreed before any of the people present could object. She walks over to the guardian, gesturing for them to step out of the meeting hall.
They only just get out of sight from any peering eyes when the guardian explains her reasoning behind urgently needing to speak with the amazonian queen.
“I’m pretty sure the way things are going doesn’t change, then the world is going to be destroyed on September first when the only two active miraculi on the side of good fall into the hands of the corrupt butterfly.”
“All right. How do we prevent this tragedy from coming to pass, little miracle?” Hippolyta inquires while gently wiping away the guardian’s tears.
“...You aren’t going to ask how I know this?” The bluenette asks in place of an answer, causing the amazonian woman to chuckle.
“Child, you are not only the last guardian but have also wielded and been blessed by the majority of the kwamis. There are simply some things that the gods in play have deemed worth your knowledge.” Hippolyta explained. “It is how you will use this knowledge that is the real question.”
The bluenette nodded her head in understanding, thinking over every detail she had seen. Her eyes widened as the answer revealed itself.
“There had only been two miraculi in play. What if I add more?” The guardian suggested, biting nervously at the dead skin of her lower lip.
“Do you have people you trust to aid you in battle?” Hippolyta questioned, reserving a somber shake of the guardian’s head. “Then how would you add more mircauli if you have no one to wield them?”
The bluenette was quiet for a few moments. Her hands fisted into the many layers of silk her nightgown was made of, causing her knuckles to turn a shade of white not unlike the cloth.
“Be gentle with yourself child.” The amazonian queen scolds gently, taking the young guardian’s hands into her own.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” The bluenette whispers into the air as a new round of tears began to fall. The sound, carried by the wind, makes it just far enough for the older woman to hear.
Hippolyta kneels at the young guardian’s level, with her hands still held in the amazonian’s own.
“There is only so much one can do on their own, and you, little miracle, have been tasked with so much more than any person ever should be tasked with,” Hippolyta informs the bluenette with a sad smile.
“If it’s strength, of both the body and the mind, that you desire, we can teach that here on Themyscira, but if you wish to learn more about the magic that is seeping into your very being, I’m afraid you will have to learn that else were.” The woman explains, looking back over at the meeting hall’s entrance.
"My daughter, Diana, has befriended a fair number of magicians over the years." The amazonian queen begins hesitantly. "I had called them here to ask for assistance in how to teach you, but perhaps what you need isn't more second-hand knowledge, but for someone to help you shape your magic."
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theendisneat · 4 months
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Pairing: Tighnari x gn!reader
Warnings: None
It stretched from the tip of your right middle finger to your left ear. Across your arm and chest and neck, a dark swirling tattoo of intricate patterns that indicated you your fated one was to be. When you were little, you’d like to imagine them, the person attached to the matching pattern. You’d think of the hair they’d have or how they dressed. You’d think of how they smiled or how they fidget.
Truly, you were a romantic child. Imagining eyes and nose and wispy bangs, staring off into space with what your parents had told was the most intense look they’d ever seen.
Soon though, you had to grow out of your fantasies and accept your patterns as simply part of your body. Rigorous studying did not leave time for daydreaming, working did not give you enough of a break to sleep let alone dream (it was a luxury at this point). You figured the time would come.
Soulmates always meet. If they didn’t, what was the point of two people being perfect matches if they never collided? It’s never confirmed when you and your soulmate would meet. Some meet when they’re children and others have met on their last day alive. It was a worrying prospect, but the fact that you’d get to meet them at all comforted you as you put your mark out of sight and out of mind.
And after hours and hours of hard work over the years, you finally made it to the Akademiya in Sumeru.
It was a struggle to get in, with your family not being particularly wealthy, well known, or even from Sumeru, so you had to overcompensate greatly purely through your academic prowess. You spent days writing till your hand felt like it would fall off, detailing your research and studies of the fauna of your country. Not simply limiting yourself to the animals, you studied the monsters as well. It was those studies that pushed you through, that willingness to put yourself on the line for important research.
Perhaps it wasn’t the healthiest mindset to have, forcing yourself into such dangerous situations, but you did genuinely love your studies, loved the creatures you followed and learned about, and now you could learn more, have access to more. It was a shining opportunity that had you burying your face in your hands to cover the blinding grin.
The years at the Akademiya were hard, harder than you were expecting. The classes on top of your personal studies were ruthless and oftentimes you went without sleeping for a couple nights in a row.
But you made it. You passed your classes, your work was recognized, you were a contender for funding. It was that funding that brought you to the Avidiya Forest.
Lush and green and beautiful, the forest surrounded you. The towering trees protected you from the sun, their branches and vibrant leaves stretching so far and so long shadows danced across the ground, only slivers of light shining through. The air was thick with heat, dirt, and a light, sweet ting of Sumeru’s natural flora.
You were crouched behind a bush, dirt staining your clothes and face. Tracking this particular monster was not the easiest. It liked to move, and prowl close to the ground, climb to the highest tree and soak in the sun.
You hand darted across the page, writing down every molecule of information about the beast in front of you. Its body was covered in shimmering, silver scales, giving in the appearance of an automaton. Its claw scratched deeply into the soft dirt of the forest.
You were so entranced by the being you didn’t hear the loud ‘move!’ before you were being pushed to the dirt. Your head was held down, and from the corner of your eye you could only just see the skittish creature skitter away.
With all your strength, you pushed the person off of you, hearing a faint ‘oomph’ as you sat up, glaring. “What the hell?!”
Anything else you had to say died immediately in your throat. Sitting in front of you, with hard, not cold, eyes and an almost pout to his lips, was a man your age. Choppy black and green hair framed his sharp face, a complicated outfit littered with bottles and what looked like first aid. Ears like that of a fennec fox stood straight up on his head, only slightly tilted back to signal growing aggression. But the thing that drew your eye the most, was the twirling, complicated tattoo that peaked out just by his neck.
The man couldn’t see the shock that captured your mind. “I’m sorry, did you just want me to let you get yourself decapitated by a carnivorous plant?”
“A what?” You murmured absentmindedly. Turning your head up you saw a wiggling vine connected to a head similar to that of a venus fly trap, a head whose teeth were now buried into the bark of the tree it rammed into when you had been moved out of the way. “Woah.”
“Woah.” The man mocked, his face set in an unimpressed frown. “Have you no awareness?”
“I was focused.” You defend hotly, an embarrassed heat on your cheeks.
He rolls his eyes and you feel your own twitch. “Really, you couldn't have been more unprepared.”
“I’m sorry.” You ground out. “I was unaware that this area was infested by people eating plants.”
“Perhaps you should look into that.”
You shot up, brushing the dirt from your clothes. “I’ll be on my way then, I have research to conduct and if I have to deal with your insufferable attitude, I might just pop a blood vessel.”
“My insufferable attitude? At least I’m not so ignorant as to not notice a giant plant about to strike!”
You were about to yell at him some more when your eyes once again caught the patterns peeking from his shirt. You knew it was your pattern. With the days you spent sitting in front of the mirror, gliding your fingers over the swirls and tangles and dots, how could you not recognize that which you knew so intimately?
You stepped closer to him and caught his suspicious gaze. You noticed his ears flick, for irritation, anxiety, you didn’t know, and chuckled, which only made his eyes narrow.
“Hey, I didn’t think to mention it because you were so irritating-” a scoff, “-but we have matching patterns.”
“What?” His ears when stock still, pointed straight up, and the tail you just saw froze, the fur bristling.
“Your pattern.” You repeat. “I know it like the back of my hand. We match.” You moved your hair and the scarf tucked tightly around your neck to reveal your own whorls over your skin.
Emotions you couldn’t name flashed through his eyes like bolts, his ears twitching only slightly.
You waved your hand in front of his face. “Hey, you in there? I know this isn’t how soulmate meetings typically go but you could try and look like this isn’t the end of the world.”
His blank face had snapped back to awareness, lips turning down. “I hope you don’t expect this to develop into some kind of romantic-”
“Excuse me?” You raised your eyebrow. “When did I ever imply-”
“It has been said that on multiple occasions that soulmates are expected to be romantic-”
“How long have you been in this forest?”
His ears bristled and puffed. He frowned further. “I don’t think my assumption is wrong, and the forest is much more welcome company than any ‘intelligence’ back in the academy.”
“Hey, at least we agree on one thing. Though I prefer the creatures of the forest to the forest itself.”
He scoffs again but this time it sounds more like a laugh, something that brings a bit of a smile to your face.
“Hey,” you stuck your hand out. “Acquaintances? Tenuous colleagues? Hate to break it to you, but I’m staying in Avidiya Forest for a while for research purposes.”
The man sighed but stuck his hand out, grasping yours. “Tenuous colleagues it is then. I’m Tighnari.”
“[Y/n].” You responded.
The months passed by quickly.
Soon after that conversation with Tighnari, you had bought a small little hut in Gandharva Ville. It became an immediate mess, covered from floor to ceiling in pages, diagrams of creature anatomy from all across Teyvat, paragraphs upon paragraphs of analysis and theorizing. The only place that was safe was your bed, but even with that the blankets were crumpled, the pillow nearly falling off the side.
Despite your mess, your research was going along perfectly. The opportunity to stalk so many gorgeous creatures, to communicate with them and study them was like a dream come true to you. Long days were spent out in the wild, more often than not, you came home covered in dirt.
During these months, you and Tighnari had grown closer. You ran into each other on multiple occasions, him sometimes following you out on your excursions when he had the time to make sure you didn’t get your head bit off by another carnivorous plant (you didn’t want to count how many close calls there had been already), and you sometimes crashing into him while running from a particularly aggressive creature you accidently startled.
Sometimes those encounters ended with you getting scratched and Tighnari pulling you back to your home, where he would then berate you for your horrible living state, and sit you down on the edge of your bed. He’d manhandle you, though you noticed he was never violent. His ears would go down with worry, pupils contracting every time he caught sight of a cut.
It was a bad cut. A truly terrible cut that went from the left side of your hip to your right shoulder. It was deep, flowing red so quickly your white shirt couldn’t even be called white any more. It came from an animal you weren’t expecting, one that had been stalking you as you quietly followed another.
The slash had left you disoriented, stumbling as you ran. You were lucky to find that the creature didn’t care to follow you, seeming to like the idea of playing with you. The blood gushed, sticking uncomfortable to your skin as you trudged back to Gandharva Ville, doing your best not to pass out.
In your delirium, you could only be glad that the slash missed the majority of your pattern, only getting the part on your chest. You held a worthless hand to the wound, pressing down with the fleeting thoughts of ‘pressure, pressure’.
You didn’t even notice when the sun caught your eye as you finally broke through the dense foliage of the forest. Screams went in one ear and out the other, sweat pouring from your forehead and into your eyes, the heat making your shirt stick horribly to your aching body.
Hands gripped your shoulders. Hands were the only thing you could think of, them wrapping around your waist and legs, pulling you into a bridal carry. Your head resting against a shoulder, the scent of earth and berries and blood invading your nostrils. Your head felt fuzzy and your breathing shallow.
It wasn’t long before you passed out.
You woke up in bed, aching, torso tightly wound with itchy gauze turning pink. A groan was caught in the back of your dry throat and your limbs flopped uselessly when you tried to sit up.
A door slammed open. “Honestly, this is why I track them. Can’t keep themselves safe and want to prance around a deadly forest. All this gauze…” You hear the muttering and couldn't stop a fond sigh.
“You complain,” your voice is rough, ugly in every sense of the word. “But I’m still alive now.”
“Yes, because of my expertise.” There was no ‘you’re awake’ no ‘thank goodness you’re alright’ no ‘don’t sass me while you’re at my mercy’. There was just a quiet relief in his sigh, the fond quirk of his lips, the with which he shot back at your words. It was comfortable and comfortable must’ve felt good after such a scare.
He sat on the edge of the bed, gently pulling you up so you’re sitting straight. “Come on, let me change your bandages.”
“Can I have some water afterwards?”
“So high maintenance,” he grumbled, and with the serious look on his face, it took you a moment to realize he was teasing. “First I use all this gauze, then I have to spare my water?”
“Oh please ‘humble one’. Let me have just a sip?” The back of your hand delicately touched your forehead in a dramatic swoon and you would’ve fallen back onto the bed for a little extra if Tighnari’s hands weren’t keeping you upright.
He huffed. “Alright, alright. I’ll get you some water, just be still.”
The rest of his care was spent in silence. Sometimes his hands would brush your skin and you would shiver, or his eyes would linger on your shared pattern and you felt this primal instinct to puff out your chest, to show it off with pride.
When he made to leave, probably to get the water you were oh so desperate for, you caught his risk. Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you smiled nervously at his inquisitive gaze. “After all these months, can we finally upgrade from tenuous colleagues to friendly acquaintances?”
His hand grasped your own wrist, squeezing gently. He rolled his eyes. “Friendly acquaintances then.”
Two years had passed from the time you and Tighnari first laid eyes on each other, a year and a half from when you became acquaintances, and now it had been two days since you’d upgraded to friends.
Just thinking about it, as you lie in the crumpled sheets of your messy bed, makes your heart thump wildly.
Two days ago, you and Tighnari had run into a researcher from the Akademiya. Haughty and aggravating, the two of you listened as he leveled thinly veiled insults at Gandharva Ville’s less than elite beauty, at Tighnari’s work ethic (because how can the forest still be so over run with withering zones if he was doing his job correctly?), and sneered at your choice of research, not so subtly referring to you as ‘one who likes to walk among their own kind’.
It was a hit to the heart, one you hadn’t heard in a while, but nothing new. Insults towards you have always followed a certain path. You were beastly as you like to roll in the mud just like the very beasts you followed. You were just so disoriented with the world of the elite Akademiya because you couldn’t possibly fathom such glamor from the hick town you grew up in. You didn’t belong in Sumeru itself, not even among the common folk, because did you really know how things worked over here? After all, you were from so far away.
But Tighnari had never treated you as anyone lesser. Not less knowledgeable or intelligent. Not less adaptable or sincere. Through working with him, you grew to respect him, not only his work ethics, but his aloof compassion and charm, something that made your heart sting every day, and you knew he felt that same respect for you.
Now, you couldn’t be more happy. The scowl that pulled back Tighnari’s lips was so fierce, the researcher had taken a step back, a thin sheen of sweat lining his forehead. “Are you always so obvious with your insinuations?”
“Mr. Tighnari-”
“Actually, with how obvious they are, I’d say they’re blatant insults.”
“Mr. Tighnari, please!” The researcher chuckled nervously. “It's not like it's personal, only jokes. Everyone made them back in our Akademiya days.”
The ease with which these statements against you were brushed off had Tighnari bristling. “Everyone? Who is everyone?”
“Sir,” you say, finally deciding to step in. “While I don't appreciate the familiar words, I do enjoy the fact that because you're so disgustingly arrogant and rude, you will never find yourself free to stay in Gandharva Ville.”
The researcher's face had gone from blanched to colored an angry, splotchy red that was particularly unattractive if you said so yourself. “What?! That can't be! I've got permission from the Akademiya to conduct my research here!”
“But I have final say if you stay here.” Tighnari’s smile was sharp and uncomfortable to look at. “So please, find your way back out of the Avidiya Forest. Your stench is creating more withering zones than I can handle.”
The researcher had run, tail between his legs and face that ugly crimson. You couldn't stop yourself from laughing and in all honesty, you didn't try to. From the corner of your eye, you saw the self-satisfied smirk on Tighnari’s face.
“What a minx you are. Did you have fun watching the blood drain from his face?” You teased.
He scoffed, ears twitching. “Of course I did.”
You hummed, smiling softly. After a moment’s hesitation, you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him close and resting your head on his shoulder. “Thank you for being such a good friend.”
Tighnari was stiff in your hold, at first, but he soon relaxed, returning your embrace with a little smile you could see as he buried his face in your hair. “We’re friends now?”
“Yeah, sorry. I’m not asking for this upgrade. We’re friends.”
With those words it seemed Tighnari hugged you tighter. “Alright.”
When you and Tighnari became lovers, it was a year later.
There was nothing special about the morning it happened. The sun rose the way it did everyday, shimmering through your too thin curtains to shine directly on your face, you groaning in defeat as you failed to fall back asleep, and the not so quiet slam of the door as Tighnari let himself in, as you told him he could.
While you loved your job and did the work you had to, needed to, you also enjoyed being horrifically lazy. Laying in bed and sleeping the day away every once in a while sounded like a dream (no pun intended), and like every morning before, you lounged for far longer than you should’ve just to think if today could be one of those days. But alas, it was not, and Tighnari entered your bedroom unceremoniously, his lips pressed into a fine line.
“Get up. I let you sleep longer today because you stayed up late last night, but you have work to do today.” He pulled the covers from your sleepy form and you let out a petulant whine.
“Tighnariiiiiii nooooo,” you groaned into your pillow, not moving from your spot.
He grabbed your hands and tried to pull you out, rolling his eyes at your stubbornness while you rag-dolled. “Come on.”
He yelped when your hands shot out to catch his own. “Tighnari, cuddle with me.”
“No.” He deadpanned.
“You have to get out of bed.”
“Fine!” He ground out, much to your delight. “Five minutes.”
He moved a blanket so he wasn’t directly on the covers and laid down, letting out a small grunt when you flopped on top of him.
“You're always so warm. It's very nice.” You mumbled, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
Tighnari’s breath hitched and you pulled back, confused. “Tighnari?” His eyes were wide, lips pressed tight. The one arm that had been around your shoulder, holding you close now laid limp on the bed, his other hand clenched over his stomach. “Hey, Tighnari, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine.” But some part of him looked far away, eyes glazed. His limp hand went to cup the side of his neck and it was then you realized you had nuzzled into your shared pattern.
“Oh, Tighnari, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I know you don't… really… we’ve never brought up the whole soulmates thing… I shouldn't have done that… I know touching your soulmate's pattern is really intimate… I'm sorry.” The more you spoke the quieter you got, overcome with embarrassment. You sat up and turned away from him, pulling your knees close to your chest and hiding your face.
The truth was that the past three years had hit your romanticism hard. Tighnari was wonderful. A strong and caring person, passionate in everything he does, snarky is just the way that made you laugh. Every little thing he did endeared you, from the way the fur of his ears stood up when he was annoyed to the way his nose scrunched when he tried not to laugh at something you did that truly amused him (he never wanted to give you the satisfaction).
You fell fast and hard. Really, how could anyone blame you? Your heart burned every time you thought about the day the two of you met, remembering the words he spoke.
“I hope you don't expect this to develop into some kind of romantic-”
He never wanted romance. It was just your traitorous heart that couldn't help loving him. So you didn't mention it. Your friendship was wonderful enough for you. And sometimes soulmates stayed friends! You reasoned. You were lucky enough to see him so young, now your friendship can last the rest of your life!
But now you messed it all up.
While it wasn't taboo to show off your pattern, it was taboo to touch other's patterns or let people who are not family or your soulmate touch yours. Some of the most conservative families don't even allow family members to touch the pattern after the child is a certain age.
Now, it wasn't uncommon or anything for soulmates who remained platonic to touch each other's patterns, as really the idea was more to show the depth of the bond, how much the other means to you. It wasn't inherently romantic or platonic or familial, though some could definitely make it that way, but you had always known of Tighnari’s prickly nature so you avoided doing anything too much. Occasionally your arms would brush the pattern with hugs and whatnot, but nothing ever so intimate as cuddling and nuzzling, laying in your bed like you were more than what you were.
A large part of you wanted this, this casual domesticity with him. Tender brushes of his fingers against your skin, tracing the loops and swirls, little kisses from your ear to your neck to your chest, down your arm until he reached your right middle finger. The whole thought brought tears to your eyes, and now your knees were pressed into your sockets, trying desperately to stop any of those tears from falling.
Skin, bare skin, shocked you from your sadness. The back of Tighnari’s right hand was brushing against the left side of your neck. Ever so gently, his hand twisted and cold fingertips were gliding across your skin. The fingers followed the pattern down your arm till they intertwined with your own.
A little tug had you looking into Tighnari’s eyes, wide and hazel and worried. “[Y/n]... I know we have not discussed the soulmate… thing, but I was not unaccepting of your affection. Just surprised.”
You sniffle. “Really?”
He nods, a small smile on his thin lips. “Would you like to touch patterns again?”
You were about to say yes before biting your lip and shaking your head. It was different for you and you didn’t want to indulge your little romantic fantasies or take advantage of the intimacy Tighnari was granting you.
He tried to brush his hand along your neck once again but you leaned back. The hurt in his eyes stabbed into your heart.
“It’s different for me ‘Nari. I just don’t feel the same way about this as you do.” You mutter.
Tighnari’s eyebrow raised in question, a challenging look in his eyes. “How do I feel then?”
“Tell me how I feel, that's so different from you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous ‘Nari! We’re friends and that’s all we are!” Your voice breaks as you cry and a heat crawls over your cheeks. “This is too much, it’s…” You took a deep breath. “You said when we first met, you did want me to think of this relationship ever turning romantic, but I just can’t help it! I love you, I love you so much and the thought of doing this with you with us thinking different things… it hurts.”
“I said that three years ago.” He deadpanned.
You only shrugged.
“Don’t you think, in the past few years we’ve known one another, my feelings could have changed?”
You stared at him till he sighed with annoyance.
“Stupid…” He rolled his eyes and practically fell on top of you in a hug, his face pressed directly into the junction of your neck where he nuzzled a beautiful little loop in your pattern.
Your whole body shuddered at such a display of affection, but as much as you wanted to lean into it, you stayed stiff in his arms. “What is this?” You whispered tearfully.
“Reciprocation of romantic affection.”
Was it really so simple?
“You love me… the way I love you?” You were almost scared to ask, terrified that this was some kind of joke, his sarcasm taken too far.
Tighnari pulled back and cupped your face within his chilly hands. His eyes were the most intense you’ve ever seen them, wide and dilated, bright and covered in a soft sheen of tears that made them shine. “Yes.”
You finally smiled, leaning into his hands. “Then, can we upgrade again?”
You hummed in thought. “Soulmates?”
“We’ve been soulmates since we were born.” He denied.
“Too cliche.”
“Are we four hundred?”
“I don’t know then.”
Tighnari was quiet for a moment. “Life companions.”
You perked up. “Life and death companions!”
“Why death?”
You leaned over so you were draped over his body. “Do you really think when we die, I’m going to let you go? We’ll reincarnate together and be soulmates all over again!”
“Oh great, I can have you for multiple lifetimes. Yayyyyy…” His voice petered out slowly as he looked at you with dead eyes.
“Don’t sound so enthused ‘Nari, maybe we’ll be reincarnated as flowers right next to each other, or maybe as lovebirds, or or we could be giant trees that reach the sun, but below the dirt our roots are intertwined so we’re forever holding hands!” You giggled.
“I cannot believe we are still so young and you are already thinking about our deaths.” He chuckles fondly. “Besides that fact, why do you think we’ll die with so little good karma that we won’t become human again?”
“It’s not that, but don’t you think being a big tree, basking in the sunlight, entangled with me and me with you is such a more romantic concept?”
“Your mind runs away from you sometimes.”
“Then I hope you’ll always be there to ground me, hm?” You meant it to be only teasing but you noticed Tighnari’s eyes darken, the way his sight flickered down to your lips. “Tighnari?”
His hands led you to lay back on the bed and he hovered over you. His gaze was heavy, never drifting from your eyes, you were locked into his heated stare. “May I kiss you?”
“If you kiss me, I won’t be able to stay on the ground.” Your voice was breathy, you felt like you couldn’t breathe, stifled by his earthy scent. “My head will go up to the clouds.”
“I’ll pull you back down, just as I always have.” He was resolute, his tone rough and husky. He leaned closer, his lips brushing against yours in the slightest touch. “May I kiss you?”
How could you say anything but- “Yes.”
His smile was tender as he finally caught your lips in a gentle dance. He was warm, warmth that you felt creeped from your head to your toes. A hand to the back of your neck, a thumb brushing your shared pattern as his insistent lips kissed fervently.
The love you never thought you’d get was here, in your arms, sucking your soul out and pressing you to your mattress. It couldn’t have been any better.
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mxtantrights · 9 months
Hi. Can you do a Fem! Reader x Batfamilie Soulmates? Where they find the reader hurt and the reader is pretty terrified. Mainly fluff, still insisted that reader should move in and get lessons from them
this turned into a behemoth but here we are! I hope you like it. It was fun to kind of do this all as a one-shot and not worry about plot holes and stuff. as always thanks for sending something in, this was fun to make <3333
You weren't in your right state of mind. How could you be? With a busted lip and slash marks littered all over your body. If that wasn't enough the three miles you ran to get away from danger really took all of your energy.
So when you end up at the front steps of a very lush looking house you collapse completely. If the people chasing you didn't catch you then surely the people who live in the old manor could ask you to run around while they hunt you for sport.
When your eyes shut, there is only one thing on your mind. This is it.
Damian Wayne hears a noise outside while he's walking back to the manor. He shouldn't have been outside anyways, but batcow needed some nurturing with the long day she had. He was walking back when he heard a thud from the front. Usually, he just scales the walls and gets back into his room.
But tonight, he decides to investigate. He keeps a weapon on him at all times, even when he's home. He's thankful for it and places his knife in his hand as he ventures closer to the front door. The thought doesn't cross his mind to call for anyone else. He is fully capable of handling a threat by himself.
When he gets close enough to see the tips of your shoes sprawled on the floor he grunts to himself, ready for fight.
"Get off the floor now!" he shouts.
There is no response, seeing as you're knocked out. He shouts again and you don't move an inch. Damian takes this as hostile behavior and inches closer and closer. It isn't long before he puts together that you are lying on the ground for a reason.
He puts it together when he sees your whole body laid out on the front steps. Damian puts the knife away and rushes over to you. His fingers check your pulse, slow but steady, he then checks your eyes. He doesn't miss the busted lip, or the tiny slashes on your face.
Before he can even begin to get you up, the front door opens. Bruce Wayne in his nighttime attire stands at the door with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Damian?" he asks.
"I didn't do it." Damian answers.
Bruce looks over at your body and realization dawns on him. The Owl court used to play tricks on people like this before. The scars on your face and all over your body, they were after you.
The older man doesn't hesitate to grab you off the floor, holding you in his arms. He turns to Damian.
"Please get Alfred." he says.
And then Bruce Wayne is bringing you inside. Damian runs in after him and ducks and weaves into the rooms to get Alfred. Bruce carries you all the way to the living room, where he sets you down on the couch. He's concluded that your injuries aren't bad, but the adrenaline crash is what knocked you out.
Alfred and Damian come into the room at once.
"Master Bruce?" Alfred asks.
"She'll need stitches. And a change of clothes." Bruce says.
Alfred nods, "Right away, sir."
Damian stands next to his father and watches over you with him. The both of them seem to be looking over you for anything else they might've missed. A tracker? A wire? A camera?
"Father, what if-" Damian starts.
"I know, but first we need her to wake up." Bruce cuts him off.
"We should keep her down in the cave."
"No, she didn't run to the cave. She ran here. If we bring her down there, she'll know who we are." Bruce answers.
Damian nods, "Okay Father, so what do we do now?"
"We wait."
It's a long wait. You sleep a total of thirteen uninterrupted hours. Which isn't unusual for someone in your position. Your body needs rest.
When you do open your eyes, you find yourself on a bed under warm covers. Something is sticking into your arm, and you look over to see what it is. An IV. Your eyes go wide.
Immediately you start to unplug the needle from your arm. Your breathing goes rigid. You pull the covers off you. They found you. They found you and they want to keep torturing you. They want to keep playing their sick games.
You shoot out of bed and look around the room for something, anything to help you out. There is nothing. No knives. No sharp objects. Thats when you realize you weren't tied up.
A knock on the door makes you flinch. You back up so that the bed will be in-between you and the person trying to come inside.
"May I come in?" a gentle voice asks.
You aren't sure how to answer that. You are still unclear if this is a trap. What if you answer wrong? What if this is another game, something new?
You clear your throat, now realizing how scratchy it feels.
"Yes." you answer.
The door opens and reveals a tall young man. He can't be any older than you. He has green eyes and jet black hair, a white streak in it.
"Who are you?" you ask him.
"My name is Jason," he starts.
You notice that he leaves the door open. You can see outside the room. Your first instinct is to run, your feet shift back and forth. But you think against it. With the way the man, Jason, is standing there more than six feet and ready to stop you if need be.
"Do you remember anything about how you came here?" he asks.
You shake your head, "I don't even know where here is."
He smiles, it's soft and it would have gone unnoticed if you weren't trying to gauge who he is.
"This is my childhood home." he says.
"I don't understand, how did I get here?" you ask him now.
Jason crosses his arms against his chest, "We don't know."
"We?" you ask quickly.
Jason puts his hands up in surrender.
"I'm not trying to scare you, it's me and my family in this house. Thats it." he says.
You take a step back, "Are you the ones who did this to me? Please just be honest, I can't do this anymore."
"Woah, we're not the ones who hurt you. I promise." Jason answers.
"And I'm just supposed to take you at your word?" you ask credulously.
"It's all we've got right now, unless you want to give me your name."
That's when it hit you. The people who had you before, they never asked for your name. Never. It was the one thing that unnerved you. They prodded and poked you, twisted your mind and everything in between. But they never asked for your name.
You take a tiny step forward, a bit shaky. You can feel just a small amount of relief in your chest. You tell him your name and he nods. Just as you're about to ask him why he helped you, your eyes roll back, and you can't feel the solid ground beneath you anymore.
"They did a number on her that's for sure." Babs says from the computer.
Dick walks into the cave with a quick step. There surrounding Babs is Jason, Damian, Tim, Steph, Duke and Bruce.
"Sorry I'm late. care to fill me in?" Dick asks.
"Yeah, a girl ran here and blacked out at the front door some time last night. Cuts and bruises, can't remember how it happened." Jason answers.
"Is this a trap?" Dick asks.
"I asked that too, but father doesn't seem to think so." Damian answers.
"It's the owl court." Bruce says.
Dick looks over at Bruce then. The expression clear on his face, this was personal. His eyebrows knitted together and his arms crossed over his chest.
"A long time ago, I lost a case. A young girl, about the same age. The court was using her as leverage against one of the mob bosses. It went on for weeks until..." Bruce trails off.
"I don't get it, why is this happening now?" Dick asks.
"I've never seen her before, but this isn't a coincidence." Bruce answers.
"No the more important question is did she know where she was going?" Tim says.
The group falls into silence. None of them can really answer the question. Not even Jason who just talked to you an hour ago and caught you before you fell on the ground.
Jason pipes up with his own words at the memory.
"She told me her name," he walks closer to the monitor and Babs, "No surname though."
"She can't stay here father. This is dangerous." Damian says.
"I know but I need to speak to her." Bruce replies.
"Can't. She knocked out again. I spoke to her for all of about five minutes." Jason speaks.
"Are you sure?" Tim asks.
"Well seeing as I saw her eyes roll back and her body almost collapse to the floor, I'm pretty sure Tim." Jason sasses.
"I'm just saying, we have a stranger in our house." Tim raises his hands.
"She's not a stranger. She's here for a reason." Bruce puts simply.
Then Bruce is walking out of the cave, leaving all the kids to watch him as he goes. He can't shake the feeling that he's more involved than he knows. Sure you showed up on his front doorstep and looked eerily familiar to an old case. But there is something else that he can't quite place.
Alfred, as he called himself, finishes the last stitch on your back. You wince as he pulls the thread tight to keep the wound from opening. You shake as he cuts the thread and tells you that it's over.
"No it's not. It's really not." you mumble.
"Excuse me, miss?" he asks.
You slowly turn around to look at him, "Once I leave here they'll find me again."
Alfred looks around for a moment and then back at you. He had a face you felt you could trust. You haven't been in the position to trust anyone lately but him, right now in front of you, you knew you could.
"What if I taught you how to defend yourself?" he asks.
You're confused for a moment. The thought of an old butler teaching you how to keep yourself alive wasn't on your mind. Surely, you think to yourself, he doesn't know much about combat and trying to stay alive.
"How will you do that?" you ask.
Alfred smiles, "First we start small."
Alfred reaches into his pocket and pulls out a steak knife. You confusedly look between him and the sharp object. Giving this to you when it hasn't even been proven who you are is an unwise decision for him to make.
As if reading your mind, Alfred walks over to the door.
"Don't make me regret it." he says.
You could hear them talking about you through the door. There were a lot of voices, only one of which you recognized as Jason's. Everyone else wasn't familiar at all.
You lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling.
It's not like you could remember either. If you could you would've told Jason all that you knew so that you could be out of here. But even then, you have a feeling that he and Alfred would have insisted you stayed.
"Just get in there and ask her if she's okay!" Jason shouts.
Then there is some shushing. All of a sudden you can hear the door handle being turned. Your ears didn't pick up on keys, so you weren't locked in this room.
The door opens and you turn your head to see who it is. In comes a man twice you age but still younger than Alfred. When he gets closer you realize that you've seen him before.
"Do-do I know you?" you ask.
He closes the door behind him, "We've never met."
"You look familiar though." you say.
"Maybe you've seen my face in the paper, my name is Bruce Wayne." he answers.
A lightbulb goes off in your head. Bruce Wayne. The orphan. They talked about him once or twice when they had you captured. But it was always in passing, like they couldn't care less about him.
"They talked about you." you say.
"Who?" he asks.
He then takes the chair that sits in the corner and brings it over to your bedside. As he does, you decide to sit up on the bed.
"The people who did this to me." you answer.
"You don't know what they are called?" he asks.
You shake your head, "No they were good at keeping this a secret. Like why they had me there, and who they were."
"Do you have somewhere safe to go?" he asks.
You shake your head once more. The feeling of anxiety washing over you. Yes you would like to be no ones responsibility but you know you're on the run and no one is really looking out for you anyways.
"You may stay here, if you let me help you find out who's hunting you." he says.
And then you're looking at him like he just said the sky is purple. You can't believe he would offer to help you, a random person.
"It's not everyday an unconscious women lands on my doorstep." he pips up.
"I thought this was Jason's house." you say out loud.
"He comes by from time to time, but this is my home." he answers your unspoken question.
"Okay, I'll stay here."
They all watch as you pour yourself a glass of orange juice. It's weird to be watched, but you know it's not in a bad way. You can't really tell which way it is, but you know they won't do to you what the owl court did to you. That's what they were called.
Bruce told you everything a couple of nights ago. How they were torturing you in the same way they tortured another person years ago. It didn't make sense to you why it was happening though, neither did it make sense to Bruce.
But he offered for you to stay at the manor until he could get it cleared up for you.
In the span of a week you have learned a lot. Like how to hold a knife for maximum impact, how to run and not get tired, how to turn common things into a weapon. And that Bruce Wayne is batman.
It came up after you asked him how he knew all of this stuff. You weren't expecting him to up and tell you, but he did. And it made you trust him even more.
As for his kids, they came around fairly quickly. Damian being the last one, even though he was the first one to find you. You heard from the others that he is slow to trust, so the fact that he lets you roam around the manor freely is good.
Steph, Duke and Cass were the first three to be friendly with you outside training. You think it's because they are younger. They are quick to include you in their conversations.
The last three boys are all so different from each other. They teach you defense in different ways. Jason is all about striking first and hard. Tim teaches you when to hit for the best chances. Dick teaches you when to stay down.
"I'm not going to break from pouring a glass of juice." you say.
"We know, we're just looking over you." Dick says.
You turn back, juice in hand, and make a face.
"Don't you do enough of that when you all train me? I'm better than before." you explain.
"You had no training before." Jason says.
"Thanks Jason."
"We just wanna make sure that you know staying here is a choice."
"I know."
You flip Dick over on his back and he lands with a grunt. Everyone in the training room lets out a noise of their own. Bruce and Jason let out winces. Damian claps. Cass and Tim tumble over in laughter. And Duke and Steph instigate the whole thing. Alfred is standing silently, a smile on his face.
"I told you I got better."
"Yeah, I can see that. Feel it too." Dick grunts.
You hold out your hand for him. He takes it and helps himself up with help from you. You smile when he stands on his own two feet.
"I guess you learned from the best"
Jason watches you carefully as you unload then take apart the firearm and then put it together again, and load it. You don't even seem to be phased by the timer he set.
Actually you beat it by four seconds, which is one second better than him. When you finish you look up at Jason.
"How was that?" you ask.
"You beat my record." he answers.
"Yeah, fuckin' woah."
"Can you watch your language? I'm right here." Damian says.
Both of you look at the boy who is standing at the door. You hadn't noticed he even opened the door. You were so in the zone.
"I beat him." you say.
"I know I saw. Could be more efficient though to know when a door is opening." Damian sasses.
"Oh shut up, she did good."
Tim shuts the computer screen off. You had just completed a practice off-site hacking of a hard drive. Tim said that you did well for a beginner and even liked how you added your own style to it.
When you walk out the door you see Cass on the top of the steps. She nods for you to follow. You do without another word. The two of you go down the steps and outside. Cass is five steps ahead of you.
In the darkness, you turn around once at the sound of a twig breaking. When you turn back you don't see Cass anymore. You stop walking.
You feel the need to turn around the other way, facing the door, and when you do you see her. She's waiting at the door, a smile on her face.
"I'm taking it you're gonna teach me about stealth?" you ask.
She nods once.
Damian tells you to meet him in the barn. And you decide to put your new found stealth skills to the test. You don't take the usual way there. You go out a bedroom window. And you scale the wall down to the ground.
Then you duck and weave between trees.
When you arrive at the barn you see Damian inside. You know you can come in thought the roof so you decide to do that. You are as quick as a cat. You scale the barn wall and get up on the roof.
You slowly open the hatch and crawl inside to the attic space. Being sure to not move anything around so that he might catch you. You watch from above as Damian talks to Batcow.
"I hate to say it, but I think I want her to stay." he says.
Your heart feels heavy. You found out not too long ago that he was the first one to find you. It made you sad beyond your years but also really grateful to Damian.
"I just, don't like a lot of people. But I like her." he adds.
You can't come out now. He would know that you were listening and would deny everything he said. You don't want to embarrass him either.
"She should learn some time management though, she's very late. Doesn't she know your bed time is in twenty minutes?" he says.
Then he's walking out of the barn, not doubt to find you. You wait until he's out of the barn to descend to the bottom level. When you do Batcow turns around to look at you.
"Maybe I will stay."
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Do you think you could do like a characterization of the Familers?
Everytime I try to think about their personalities and how they would interact with each other, or M6, or Mc I just feel like I don't get it right. Like I've got like the very basics but that's like it
Malak is a crazy
Chandra is spoiled
Faust is a wildcard
Ianna is protective
Pepi is energetic
Idk Lucio’s familars ( i cant spell one of their names) but they are kinda like wild dogs, they do whatever they want
EVEN THEN, I still feel like some of these are wrong or don't cover most of their character or I'm mischaracterizing them on accident.
Could you maybe do some more Familers mini headcannons?
Like what do the Familers do when M6 is sad?
What do they do when Mc is sad?
How do they interact with each other on a day to day bases?
( I think you might have done one of these actually )
But I have more
What do they do when M6 or/and MC gets hurt?
What do they typically do during the day and/or What do they do when they aren't with M6?
How would they respond if M6/Mc was in a dangerous situation/attacked | How are they when M6/Mc is ill?
Some of these are probably answers in their routes but it's hard to remember/recall. I do wish they were in their respective routes just a little bit more than they are so I could get a could grasp of their personalities.
What I really want is just like a written out basis of what they are like? I don't even need the Mini headcannons ( but I do like them) Their personalities is just what I have a hard time grasping because it not like right in front of me or I'm not constantly reminded of it like the Li’s that I just forget or mischaracterize them.
So if you ever have the time and or patience, I would love if you could just write about their personalities or just more about them in general. They are right hand to the Li’s and I love them so much and I tried using the wiki but I don't trust it because apparently some of the info is just flat-out wrong. I love reading you headcannons and mini headcannons because I feel like you do the Li’s justice and this account is keeping the Arcana fandom alive. I'm very sorry that this is a really long ask and my grammar my be wrong in some areas.
I'd like to thank you if you've read through everything. I hope you keep making Arcana content in the future as me and many others really do enjoy your content and takes on the characters.
Hi friend!! I hope you're ready for the full scale essay under the cut XD
(also, you are more than welcome to request some mini-hcs with the M6's familiars - please feel free to submit them individually so I can sort and try to answer them ^.^)
The devs don't go hugely into detail about how familiars work, exactly, but here's what we know: First, how in-tune to magic you are does affect how involved your bond is, but people still have familiars whether or not they have a lot of magical ability. Second, the bond makes the most sense if you think of it as being similar to a "soulmates AU" setup. The person and animal involved have a natural connection with the potential for a full-fledged familiar bond, but how that manifests changes depending on the effort and type of bonding that happens.
There's also a consistent pattern when it comes to vibes and personality, with the familiars being very similar to their respective humans. I'll go familiar by familiar from here ^.^
Julian and Malak are (unfortunately) not very in touch with each other. Julian doesn't speak of him much beyond referring to him as "the raven", and while it's clear that they're more in sync than the average human and animal would be, Julian tends to find it more uncanny than comforting. Malak, in turn, tends to get quickly annoyed by this when his genuine attempts to help and protect and connect get consistently thwarted. He shares Julian's values and habits, constantly keeping watch (anxiously or otherwise) over his person and the people important to him, and often flying beak-first into situations that seem out of control with little regard for his own well being. Malak and Julian have the capacity to cover each other's blind spots. Julian is quicker at analyzing and navigating social situations that sometimes send the bird into a frenzy, while Malak is aware of magical happenings that Julian is completely blind to.
The two of them share an anxiety about the world being a constantly dangerous place and noble mindset focused around doing the right thing and protecting the people they love. The big difference is that Malak doesn't doubt his own abilities - as generally anxious as he acts with all his ruffling feathers and screeches, the raven doesn't hold himself back because he thinks someone else could do better. If anything, he's often pushing Julian to get over the self-deprecation and join him already. Unfortunately, neither of them has figured out how to listen to each other yet, which means more often than not they just get on each other's nerves. Given MC's ability to help Julian navigate things of a magical nature, they could very easily become the communication bridge between the two.
It's pretty heavily implied (if not canon) that Faust is the child of Asra's parents' familiars, Chimes and Flamel. She was given to Asra as an egg and hatched on one of their birthdays, and the two have been inseparable ever since. They have an incredibly strong bond, enough for them to send memories to each other, have conversations, communicate across long distances, and even share emotions. Faust loves Asra, herself, and MC almost equally, and in Asra's route she happily becomes MC's companion when Asra isn't around to do so. She also appears to have her own capacity for magic, frequently blipping from one realm to another as she pleases.
The best way (in my head) of describing her vibes are that one honorary younger sibling who is also the instigator best friend. While she's borne witness to Asra's toughest moments, she's received such excellent care and attention that she doesn't seem to have nearly the same levels of trauma - or maturity. Reading about her feels a lot like what I imagine reading about a teenaged Asra with a much kinder life would feel like - whimsical, mischievous, creative, impulsive, unpredictable, and carefree to the point of recklessness. She's still learning what it means to have limits (re: going off on an unannounced adventure, only to be caught and held hostage by the Devil) but when push comes to shove she's suprisingly dependable (re: sabotaging the ritual, right under the Devil's nose).
Due to her being so accessible to MC's character, she has a level of plot influence and general content that comes closer to a main character than the other familiars. It gives fan work more content to work with, but also less space to take its own creative liberty.
Chandra is always hovering, and yet rarely directly involved. We know that Nadia used to be able to speak with her similarly to how Asra speaks with Faust, but she doesn't remember how. There's a wall between the two of them that they both seem to want to breach, but given the circumstances, they just haven't found the time and resources to do it yet. However, it's clear that they know how important they are to each other - Chandra seems to live at Nadia's beck and call, despite seeming so distant, and Nadia dedicates much of her personal time and interests to caring for her. They rely heavily on each other as allies in uncertain times (re: Nadia trusting Chandra in multiple routes to be her eyes and ears and carry her most important messages).
Chandra certainly has Nadia's independence, initiative, and desire for companionship. She's often seen on alert on the fringes and ready to step in and help take control of chaotic situations. However, where Nadia responds to a desire for companionship by initiating connection, Chandra is more reserved. She's present, she's paying attention, but she's not actively connecting until she's invited. She, like Nadia, has become accustomed to living in a Palace filled with with intrigue and uncertain loyalties, and it plays out in her reticence. She's much more likely to communicate interest by watching intently from a distance than by approaching and interacting. Over time, if MC is able to help Nadia find the way to communicate with Chandra again, they'll likely become her confidante in her efforts to be a good familiar.
The best way to describe her and Muriel is trauma bonded. (Which, given Muriel's past, is arguably the bond that lets him receive the support he needs from her best.) They're both loners, both uninterested in connection until it's proven to be worthwhile, and both deeply distrusting of other people's motives. Inanna is Muriel's breaking point twice. First, when he's expected to kill her in the Coliseum (how they met), and second, when she's horribly injured trying to protect the heart of the forest. Both of those moments with her push Muriel to recognize his priorities and actually act on them. As a result, they have a deep mutual respect for each other - and a stubborn emphasis on still being their own people (or wolf). Muriel refers to her as his friend more easily than as his familiar.
Inanna as a character, however, seems to hold onto some of the traits that Muriel has buried under his trauma. She's more adaptable than he is, quicker to accept change, and considerably more hopeful and optimistic. She's faster to act (often the one prompting Muriel to follow through, when he'd rather continue thinking), and she's nosier. Where Muriel analyzes and then quietly judges while respecting someone's decision, Inanna analyzes and then does her best to assist any kind of good change. Whether that's leading MC to Muriel when he's injured and would rather be left alone, or expressing the affection towards them that he's still trying to hide, she acts like a big sister. Independent, a bit of a bully, fiercely protective, and loyal beyond measurement. She doesn't need to bond with MC through Muriel, she can do that herself.
Portia met Pepi on Mazelinka's ship, as she was on her way to hunt down her older brother and beat some sense into him. The two of them bonded instantly, and when the time came for Portia and Mazelinka to part ways, Pepi gave up the life of a ship cat to stay by Portia's side. Portia doesn't seem to be fully aware of Pepi being her familiar and sees her as more of an uncannily well-bonded pet. At least, until her own route, where Pepi learns how to speak. Up until that point Portia just seems to see Pepi more as an unusually intelligent cat that she likes to talk to. The two of them are each other's family, Pepi always ready to lend a helping paw with unruly birds, and Portia always happy to spoil her with snuggles and treats.
Pepi has Portia's optimism, love of mischief, and dauntless attitude. However, they differ somewhat in how they view themselves. While Portia struggles to see herself as the main character of her own story, often fading into the background in order to support someone else, Pepi is more than happy to take center stage. This cat can and will prioritize her own needs and preferences if she thinks nobody else is going to do it, and it often lands her in trouble (re: stealing your heartsong festival gift, seeking out nap places that give her access to forbidden fishies, etc). She's quick to make her own friendships, and when you and Portia start your new life together, she'll consider you one of her family as well. Thanks to her retained ability to speak (upright ending) you'll never have to go without a conversation partner again.
Mercedes & Melchior
Lucio, unfortunately, didn't realize these two were his familiars until after he'd met you. While a large part of his menagerie building was his search for a familiar, he failed to notice how those two in particular were so attached to them. Thankfully, they're never on their own given how closely they stick to each other. Their lack of a strongly developed magical connection with Lucio doesn't really stop them from being able to communicate. They vibe with him on a similar act-first-think-later wavelength, having such little interest in impulse control that it's impossible not to know what they want. All you know is that they're hellbent on accomplishing it and on getting out of whatever consequences they invite with a pair of large, shining puppy eyes.
Besides their impulsiveness and chaotic nature, Mercedes and Melchior share Lucio's tendency to live in the moment and focus on life's pleasures. However, they also have the emotional intelligence and undying loyalty all good dogs do. When Lucio was "dead" they spent three years guarding his wing and trying to find help for him, and when you join him in his search for answers, they'll remain with you and empathize with you regardless of the dangers involved (re: one of them going with Lucio to get help, the other staying next to you and whining when Valdemar has you strapped to a gurney). They instinctively track your emotional state and are often the reason Lucio notices how you're doing as quickly as he does. For all their bratty behavior, their doggy bodies are overflowing with love for the people they care about and nothing makes them happier than being with them. Don't mistake love for respect, though - they take orders from nobody.
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jetkast · 2 months
The discourse around "Wei Wuxian was oblivious" or "Lan Wangji was mean and didn't show his feelings" makes me so tired.
Clearly, many people have not loved someone so much it terrified them, loved a person in such imminent danger that every interaction became tense and difficult. The desire to remove that person from danger, control the situation (or even the person themselves), see them safe makes you yourself a different person entirely.
And on the flipside, the sense of belonging and care so absent and broken that you cannot see what is in front of you. Trust so destroyed (in yourself and others) that you no longer do the work (as you were trained to) to see beyond the cruelty and control as a facade for love and care. To see yourself as a sore and soft creature, encased in a hard weaponized shell that has to fight everything every second to survive, until it no longer seems worth it.
There is no nuance in either perspective, just a profound amount of fear and a drive for survival. MDZS is about war, class disparity, violence on a massive scale that also impacts every single relationship. One of the many reasons I love the story so deeply is that, yes, we see the connection between the two and the potential for so much, but the very reasons they are soulmates -- their values, sense of justice, intensity, dedication, sincerity, etc -- are also the exact reasons there was no option for them to be together under the onslaught of systemic violence.
They both understood that in their own distorted ways, and did not have the time or space to discover what they could make together instead. I think if they had even an iota of a chance to do so -- so close, teased at in LWJ's visit to Yiling with A-Yuan -- they would have tried. But they didn't.
It's all painfully human and real and I love mxtx for that.
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Top 10 Most “Kudos-ed” (Completed) Fics on AO3 of 2022:
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare - E, 36 chapters, Words: 199,644 - Hermione straddles the Muggle and Magical worlds as a medical researcher and Healer about to make a big discovery. Draco is an Auror assigned to protect her from forces unknown – to both of their displeasure.Features hyper-competent, fiery Hermione and lazy, yet dangerous, Draco. Slow burn.
Measure Of A Man by inadaze22 - E, 42 chapters, Words: 590,655 - To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man.
Season Pass (To This Ass) by mightbewriting - E, 6 chapters, Words: 16,390 - “What do you mean you didn’t get me a ticket?”Ron’s hand flew to the back of his neck, massaging a red splotch just above his collar, flushing out his freckles. “I mean, I—well, it’s not like you enjoy Quidditch all that much.”“I went to every match you or Harry played in at school.”“Quidditch is my hobby, not yours.” [In which Hermione dumps a Quidditch fan and dates a Quidditch player instead. Spite is a beautiful motivator.]
A Season For Setting Fires by mightbewriting - E, 31 chapters, Words: 95,640 - Torture smells like spring.Like daffodils and tulips and snowdrops. Like the bouquets brought inside from the manor gardens to lend their life to cold stone walls that house criminals. Easter mixed with madness makes sense in this twisted landscape; Draco’s only chance at survival is to endure it. He knows this. But that doesn’t quell the twitching in his calves, the flexing in his fingers.Granger lifts her hand off the floor and Draco nearly loses his lunch, stomach churning as he watches her extend her arm, reaching through the translucent cord, reaching towards him. He tries to blink it away, blink blink blink, but both she and the cord are stubborn, persistent things. [In which a soulmate bond appears while Hermione is tortured at Malfoy Manor. Canon divergent from that moment onward.]
Anthology by senlinyu - M - Assorted prompted ficlets of varying lengths. All Dramione. Ratings and any relevant warnings are listed in the chapter summary of the particular ficlet.
Meet Your Match by morriganmercy - E, 26 chapters, Words: 121,611 - After the war, Draco Malfoy seeks refuge from infamy in the Muggle world. A friendly Muggle couple takes him under their wing, but there’s a problem: they are intent on setting him up with their best friend, Hermione Granger. Or, in which the Muggle friends Hermione Granger undoubtedly would have had will not take no for an answer.
Ten out of Ten by morriganmercy - E, 16 chapters, Words: 61,559 - "On a scale of one to ten, how comfortable would you say you are with me physically?" she asked. "Zero." Hermione's lips pursed in annoyance because she really should have seen that coming. How charming that the extent of his arseholery could still surprise her.In which Hermione is determined to find a loophole to free her from a forced marriage with Draco Malfoy. But with only two weeks until they are legally required to consummate, it would be irresponsible not to prepare for every contingency.
Nothing Good Happens After 2AM by LovesBitca8, nikitajobson - E, 2 chapters, Words: 8,574 - And in the heartbeat that he didn't return the kiss, Hermione saw the rest of her school year flash before her eyes. The embarrassment, the teasing. Her chest constricted at this terribly awful thing she just did — kissing Draco Malfoy.*Fic / Art Collab with NikitaJobson. Two-Shot
Happy Pills by malf0y101 - E, 41 chapters, Words: 285,587 - A few years after the Second Wizarding War, a group of Slytherins is drafted into a rehabilitation program created by the Ministry of Magic and one of its determined interns--one of their former classmates and the familiar Golden Girl of Gryffindor. As their marks continue to cause physical and mental pain, the Slytherins undergo intense treatment in order to relearn everything about the Wizarding World and tackle the trauma of their Dark Marks.And although they are apprehensive, they are also desperate for someone to simply care about them.
for the best by HawthorneWhisperer - M, 19 chapters, Words: 49,105 - She wore that Granger expression, the one that said she was going to bully someone into something. Draco had a bad feeling it was about to be him. “I’ll marry you,” Hermione said. “Don’t be ridiculous.” “I’m not doing it for free. I marry you, then after a year we divorce and you agree to fund S.P.E.A.M.B. In perpetuity.” “Out of the question.” “It’s just one year. We would both get what we want.” “Contracted marriages require consummation,” he said, adding a leer for good measure. Granger had gotten more attractive since their Hogwarts days, he would give her that much. Her jumper was atrocious, though. He had half a mind to burn it. To his everlasting shock, she merely shrugged. “It’s just sex. I’ve had it before and I presume you have too.” She was utterly serious. Draco stared at her and contemplated being married to her. She was irritating and he might make her promise to never wear that jumper again, but it was better than the alternative. Draco would do just about anything to avoid being poor. “You’re serious?” “Completely.” “Then congratulations, Granger. You've got yourself a husband.”
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willowser · 11 months
For the fanfic trope game: maybe Neighbour Touya and awful first meeting ?
I loved reading what you wrote for Bakugou Soulmate first time mashup ❤️
LOL OKAY THIS SOUNDS CUTE ! and tysm !!! i'm so glad you enjoyed it !!! 🥺✨💕
so you move in next door to the todoroki's and the first one you meet is fuyumi !!! she's getting out of her little cute car, bringing some groceries inside as you're hauling boxes up to your room from the moving van. and she's very nice ! very sweet ! about your age and you're excited about the possibility of having a friend already !
she tells you a little bit about her family later, when you two go walking around the neighborhood after the sun has started to set and the evening has begun to cool things down. her parents are divorced and she and her brothers live with her mother ! though she and the two younger ones still see their father for certain holidays and in small stints in the summer. she doesn't say much about her other brother, and you don't ask, trying to soak it all up like a sponge.
over the course of the first week, you meet all of them. all of them. little shouto who seems wholly uninterested in you — you can't tell if he's shy or just more interested in the little gaming system he keeps in his hands at all times — and natuso, who blushes when you introduce yourself. rei, who is so sweet ! and invites you to stay for dinner, which you do, and you and fuyumi help her in the kitchen and have a good time ! you meet enji for just a moment, near the end of the week when he comes to visit rei, a serious, withdrawn look on his face that sends you and the kiddos outside. you only barely catch him saying something about touya, but then yumi is rolling her eyes and natsuo is asking you something about having a boyfriend.
it's not until a little later that you're trying to sleep that you hear something OBNOXIOUS outside, like a fist against a window and some ridiculous noise that could be scary if you think too much about it. when you take a peek, there's some dark-haired guy trying to climb the side of the todoroki house, wobbling dangerously and barely hanging on. you spend a moment watching him, wondering if you should maybe call the police, but then the window opens and natsuo sticks his little head out — and plants a hand on his face and pushes him off the house afhahfahf
all the floodlights come on and he's stumbling to his feet just to face plant in the grass, and he looks up when you accidentally laugh out loud. even in the dark, you can see the face he makes at you, before he's getting to his feet and scaling the side of your house, too. you should probably be afraid, but natsuo is still looking out his own window, watching with his mouth open as this guy starts knocking and hissing to be let in.
you don't know why you do. maybe because he's a little cute up close and both natsuo and now shouto don't seem afraid as they watch you from across the yard. just as you yank open your window and he forces himself in, you catch rei coming around the side of the house with a flashlight, arms crossed as she calls out, "touya!" all exasperated. he just face plants into your room and groans into the carpet.
he doesn't move for a minute and when you lightly kick him in the arm, he sits up and is sort of drooling. the bitter smell of alcohol hits you terribly, looking at his handsome, scuffed up face, and he just blinks his bright blue eyes up at you slowly.
he slurs, "you th'neighbor?"
"uh, yeah," you raise an eyebrow, "that's why i'm in the house next door."
it makes him — touya — huff. "cute," he grins enough that his dimples show; the same ones shouto has, the one fuyumi has in her right cheek. and then he groans again, slumping back on your floor as he covers his mouth. "much as 'm enjoyin' this, 'm 'boutta hurl all over your rug."
you barely manage to drag him down the hall to your bathroom.
✨ trope game ! ✨
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mothrianna · 3 months
Love and War
[fem!human oc x male!dragon oc]
A huntress agrees to help the neighborhood drake find a mate for the upcoming breeding season as a part of a deal, but the drake figures that the huntress can serve the same purpose just as well as a dragonness.
(Bathing/Washing, Scenting, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Breeding, Breastfeeding, Pregnancy, Mating, Mating Bites, Soulmates, Mate for Life, Romance, Transformation)
(Brought over from my Ao3)
Ch. 1
“Have you lost your way?” She’d felt the presence before she’d even heard the voice, the hairs of her neck raising on end as the distinct feeling of being watched forced her on guard. She nearly cursed under her breath, realizing at that moment that the wind had shifted. A green mistake to make when hunting something that was just as likely to hunt. 
    Yet, despite the tension in the air upon finally crossing paths with her charge, she knows better than to allow her body language to betray her caution. The first rule of any encounter with any Kin: keep calm and mask your fear. 
    The young huntress had been trained in the ways of the trade, primed for it far before even that. She’s far from green, despite her youth, and far from allowing some common Kin to strike fear into her heart. But still she’s prone to the apprehension when one of the beasts are so fearless and forward to outwardly speak to her. Most try to stay hidden. They stay far from the human villages and shy away from human contact, but on the rare occasion that one decided meet her head on, it was certain that it was either a seasoned individual with power enough to render fear of humans obsolete, or an individual too stupid or crazy to care about danger. 
    So she stilled her nerves and faced the creature head on. 
    Facing her had been a rather imposing male just at the treeline’s edge, his height already seeming more than several heads taller than she. Taller than any man she’d seen. His hide, even under the shade of the dancing treetops had shone from the residual light, his scales a deep, royal shade of violet that she’d rarely seen in nature. Had she not been geared for a fight, she’d dare to say that he’d been beautiful in his coloration, underbelly-scutes being a dark umber bark to pleasantly contrast the deep color. 
    The voice had been obviously male, low and dangerous despite the question coming as a teasing sing-song tone. She was trespassing in his book, she was sure. Which meant that he’d be a little less receptive to negotiation. But she’d rather solve the issue of the rampaging male drake that had been blighting these woods with as little bloodshed as possible. 
“Not at all,” She answered. “It appears that I’m just where I ought to be.”
    The smile that stretched along his maw had been pearl-white and razor-sharp, and there’d been a crooked glint to his eye as he emerged from the tree-line to get a closer look at the little female human. Her gentle scent had been what drew him to her first, soft and familiar, though he couldn’t quite place where he’d smelled it before. 
    He couldn’t help but be lightly confused. He was far from one to make assumptions based on looks alone, yet the female before him seemed far too small to even efficiently wield the blade at her side, let alone dispatch him. He found it hard to believe that this would be what the humans would send his way, and wondered if they’d finally resorted to their ancient ways of ritual sacrifice. The thought, though absurd, nearly drove him to chuckle as he considered her; an unknowing lamb to slaughter. 
    “Tell me, little thing. What brings you to my woods?” He asked. He finally takes a step from the trees, allowing her to see him beyond the shade. His imposing claws shimmered like wet ink, black and as long as daggers. He sported a mane of wild scarlet, and bore a crest the same color as his umber scutes just above his eyes. Upon his move, he noticed the slightest movement of her own, hand just meeting the hilt of her blade at her hip. She’d done well not to falter before him, however, her lapse in composure going no further than that. Not even in her eyes did she betray any concern in his nearing proximity. 
    “You’ve been giving the people grief, drake. Either share this forest or make yourself scarce.” 
    He replied with an incredulous chuckle in his throat. “I do not share what I’ve rightfully claimed. These woods are mine. They will always be mine, human.” 
    Her brown eyes fell on him with the promise of a challenge, and he was forced to walk back on his previous assumptions of the woman. Rarely had he been met with a human with such stern conviction. She is confident enough to draw her blades before him, one to each hand. A final warning. Yet, all the look seemed to do for him was send electric anticipation coursing just under his hide. His claws involuntarily flexed under the gaze. The little human wanted to fight, and he would be forced to answer her in full. 
    He darted for the human and she moved in time with his advance, her reaction just a hair faster than he. He’d lunged at her with teeth and claws aimed for whatever of her body he could manage, but she dropped and rolled just out of his reach. He redirected his own momentum, hoping to lunge for her before she managed to right herself, but she’d already been prepared, opting to redirect him with a swift strike with the butt of her blade rather than overtly dodging him. 
    Only after a few more failed attempts of him being redirected with firm strikes, the woman seemingly dancing around him like water, that he began to grow irritated with the realization that not once had she attempted to use her blades. The strength she possessed to be capable of sending him sprawling and warding him away had been impressive, yet the thought of his opponent holding back had struck something deep rooted within him. 
    “Kindness will get you killed, little woman.” 
    “I’ve survived this far.” 
    Her slight arrogance would be met with a growl. “What is this? A hunter too afraid to draw blood?” 
    “I prefer to avoid killing my quarry especially when they can be conversed with. You are capable of sense, therefore some sense can be beaten into you yet.”
    A low growl of warning rumbled in his throat as he glared daggers, and the woman took the short stalemate as a moment to shed her cape, revealing the form hidden underneath. No heavy armor, save for the leather guards on her elbows and knees. His lip curled as if insulted, considering her lack of protection as a mockery of his own strength. 
    Yet, despite his own mild annoyance, he couldn’t help but take note of how shapely the woman seemed in comparison to other female iterations of her kind he’d seen throughout his life. Most women of the village wore garish, cloth-heavy garb that hid their frames, but this woman’s dress had been form fitting, of course to allow free movement. He could see her frame almost intimately, more soft but lean, and this only served to stoke his latent curiosity of females beyond his race even further. 
    He would begin to pace slow circles around the woman, looking for an opening. Yet, he could tell just by her stance that she wouldn’t offer him one so easily. 
    “These humans owe me this wood.” He remarked ruefully. “After all the trouble they’ve caused, my actions are what they deserved.” 
    “Eye for an eye makes the world blind. And it’s only serving to further exacerbate the situation. You’ve stolen their food for the winter, drake.” 
    “They’ll lose more should they decide to test me any further.” 
    “It’s not right and you know it. You’ll not be satisfied until one manages to drive a pitchfork into your chest, will you?” 
    “Let them try.” 
    She threw him a bone, hoping to get to the root of the issue and play the role of mediator before having to resort to violence. “Why all of this, drake? What have they done to slight you? Normally, your kind tries to steer clear of us humans.”
    He would stop just before her, regarded her closely and decided to respond once he realized that the question had been sincere. The little thing sought to make peace between he and the village, a noble pursuit on her behalf. 
    “This stretch of wood is relatively peaceful, barring the meddling humans. The lake and the hills that flank it make it easier to guard from others of my kind. There’s plenty of game, and multiple quiet den sites to choose from. One such as I can ask for no more. Naturally, this equates to an optimal location for nesting and rearing young.” 
    “I see,” the woman answered, already catching on to the tide of the conversation. “The humans interfere with this…” 
    “Their meddling is enough to ward away most potential mates. I do not fear man, but most of my kind do when hatchlings are involved. With them, it’s almost impossible to find a mate willing to settle here.” 
    She immediately understood the irony for what it was, humans pushing back against nature beyond their control only for it to push back even harder. She sighed, seeing something like this dispute happen time and time again. “Silly folks,” She’d groan. “Had they minded their own business…” This would mark the fifth case in a row of territorial disputes that could’ve been easily avoided. 
    “So if you find a mate, you’d have no reason to further attack the humans, yes?” 
    “Only if provoked. But it is unlikely. Most females in the area have learned to steer clear of these woods. This one is likely to go another season without a mate.” 
    “ But- ” She reiterated. “If you did find one, you’d stop attacking the humans.” 
    “Yes.” He finally grumbled. “I’d have no further reason to.” 
    She would stop to think. It wasn’t ideal. Of course the humans truly wanted his hide in turn for what they lost, but she didn’t believe in eye for an eye. She’d already made it abundantly clear that she’d try her best for a solution without bloodshed. If he simply stopped, the aggression would fade. Especially when it was just a small village against a creature like himself.
    So she would finally lower her blades. “Then I shall do my best to assist you.” She promised. 
    “You? Help me?” He laughed. “And however would you do that, little thing?” He wasn’t aware that humans could play matchmaker for kin, amazed by the sheer naivety of her words. If she were smarter, she would’ve never stopped the fight, for there’d been no way he could see her be successful in convincing another of his kind to pair with him. Already, the notion of allowing some small human female act as a speaker for him seemed like a massive mark of unworthiness. What mate would want a male that needs a human to be his voice? 
    But she seemed convinced that she could. “I’ll help you find a mate of course. And convince her to stay. I could possibly talk to the town. They wouldn’t care for it, but there’s little they could do but follow my advice.”
    He would take a step towards her, sensing that her guard was finally lowering itself. “And if they don’t listen?”
    “Then it is beyond me. It will be in your hands. I am called a huntress, but I’m only here to be the bridge between your kind and my own. I pride fairness, you aren’t the villain in this case, and the one thing I hate just as much as senseless slaughter are those who welcome it by being too stupid to follow directions.”
    “And if I break my end of the bargain?” He asked out of curiosity.
    “Then my hand would be forced. You’d make yourself the villain and I would be forced to act.” in her eyes had been a flicker beat of violence: a punctuated threat to avoid the circumstance. As if unafraid to hurl the promise at a being several times her size, and her superior many times over. How could she flash eyes like that at him and expect no consequences? How could he resist the urge to conquer her when she challenged him in ways most wouldn’t even dare to? He was so intrigued that he couldn’t hold back as she turned to get her cape. He lunged for her one last time. This time, like before, she dodged right. So he would swipe his tail where her feet would’ve been. The woman didn’t expect it and fell, allowing him just enough of an opening to pin her to the ground. As a precaution, he knocked both swords from her grasp, far from her reach. 
    “Kindness will get you killed.” He reminded her. 
     She didn't  respond, eyes darting around as she searched for her lost blades. But he'd retake her attention in full, mighty paw pressing into her belly as he applied only a mere fraction of pressure with his weight. She immediately balked, feeling the points of his sharp claws press through her thin blouse. He's certain that she wished for heavier armor now, with the wide eyes she gave him then. 
    But under the closer scrutiny, he was allowed to observe her just that more intimately. Not native to these woods, the dissimilarities between her and the women he'd seen in the human villages outnumbered the similarities. From her warm colored skin and shorter stature, down to her ovular face framed by wild dark hair poorly restrained with a tie. And while he found the natives of the wood far from homely, he couldn’t deny that the woman had been beautiful in contrast. 
    Only once he took her face into his claws, angling her gaze for him and only him did he catch a glimpse at where the true root of her allure had been, sweet eyes giving him such a hard glare that almost totally convinced him. 
    He found her to be quite cute. 
    “I can think of an even more productive way you may be able to help, human.” he mused. She could catch the mischief in his eyes, something that curiously managed to bridge species enough for her to understand the implications. Just as if he were a human male, there’d been a sudden hunger in his eyes as he intently scrutinized her, sizing her up as a meal, though the rumble in his growl made it all too obvious that he wouldn’t be devouring her in the conventional way. She wanted to believe that she’d been imagining it, but granted the context and the curious claw just between her breasts, dipping far enough to hook at the neckline of her blouse, she had no choice but to see the advance for what it was. The smug smirk stretching across his maw didn’t bode well for her. 
Read more here! And if you're into stuff like this, feel free to look at my other works and stay in tune for more!
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clover-hoe · 4 months
Imagine, for a moment, you are Kote.
You are mer, killed by the humans from up above hundreds of years ago, your ancestors working to find peace deep within the sea. The humans rarely go this far out to sea.
You are bored, your father had, once again, out looking to find your soulmate. You leave the golden castle, looking for your favorite fish and shipwreck.
You are searching the area around your childhood home, the place, and see a wreck, new and broken. No more than a month down.
And something is floating above it.
Rays of light never seem to make their way this far down, but its not even that fr down.
Yet the body is fully illuminated.
What is that Kote? your fish friend asks
I think, Holy shit Flo. I think its a human
Imagine, for a moment, you are Kote.
You just found a human. Dead, but you found one! They never come out this far now, and you have never seen one before. And, if you use enough of your majic, you might be able to bring them back.
You just need to go to land.
It would not be your first time. Your father forbid anyone from going near the surface, yet you felt drawn to see the stars.
You swim to the human, your golden tail shimmering in the rare rays of sunlight. The human is pale, little dots running all over the face.
They look peaceful, long red hair flowing around the face and eyes closed.
You can practically feel your body flush, because the only thing you knew about humans where that they where bloodthirsty monsters, and this one is nothing like that.
Their cute.
Ignoring the feeling, you grab the human, and, much to Flo's distaste, head up to the surface. It is night now, so no-one will see the golden head of a mer and the human you are carrying.
It takes nearly all night to find the human kingdom, but you find it.
Imagine, for a moment, you are Obi-Wan.
Your father is, once again, displeased of the fact that his only son, you, has a soulmate. And, no mater how hard he searches, no one can find the other half.
All his life, the little blob on your head has caused you trouble. The only child and sole heir of the kingdom should not have a soulmate.
So you do the only thing that calms you down these days. You braid your hair back, and head for the docks.
Sailing helps.
But your have a mission today. Find your soulmate. No mater what.
Then your ship is hit.
You didn't tell your father where you where going. You didn't know where you where going.
The waives crash into the sail, and your ship is overturned.
Darkness takes you only after you let it.
Imagine, for a moment, you are Kote.
You took the human to the shore. Its almost morning, and its to dangerous to be the first mer seen in hundred of year because of a human, no matter how cute.
You place your hand on their chest, trying to remember how to heal someone.
Father had always boasted that humans where weak, easy to kill because they had soft skin and not scales.
You can use this. Scales are hard to heal, but not fish-skin.
The human's chest rises. Their eyes flutter open. You didn't know they did that. Is that bad? Fuck.
You lift your hand, ignoring the slime-like goo your tail made.
You jump back into the water, and swim home. Hopefully father wont mind you being gone for so long.
Imagine, for a moment, you are Obi-Wan.
Death took you.
Now you are laying on the beach, shimmering gold blob in front of your face.
Then it is gone. The sun shines hard and bright on your face. The glass beach under your skin is cool, yet burns.
You need to get back to the castle. your father will not be happy.
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jinx-jade · 1 year
On a Scale of 0-100, You’re an Angel four times over
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
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jai’s ao3 recommendations: supernatural/fantasy
#jai’s recs ○ all fic recs
Disclaimer: This masterlist excludes A/B/O fics because I have a masterlist for those here.
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Updated December 15, 2023
Sick Sentiment by rix
explicit, cowboy bebop universe, outer space, bounty hunters, long-lost love, violence, even if this doesn't sound like your thing istg you should give it a chance i am begging you
↳ Six years later, Kim Taehyung looks just as good cocking a pistol.
Twilight Zone by Bandit4Life
explicit, strangers to lovers, violence, possessive behavior, morally ambiguous, taehyung is a (literal) monster that lives in mirrors, this shit is CRAZY!!
↳ Sometimes monsters don't hide under the bed, sometimes they hide behind mirrors - watching, waiting for the moment to strike, to kill. But Taehyung's goal has changed over time. It was pure curiosity at first. He only wanted to observe, wanted to find the flaw in the seemingly perfect human. He didn't expect Yoongi to hide a dark secret. "I've always known there was something off about you. But I didn't expect it to be like this."
no disguise by sports
explicit, friends to lovers, "taehyung is a vampire and yoongi is a real bella swan about it", i truly adore this fic and a big part of it is cuz jin's character is hilarious
↳ after the events of one rainy, bloodsoaked night, kim taehyung is now a vampire. yoongi doesn't really care.
Just Imago by SUGAohYoongiYoongi
explicit, guardian angels, studio ghibli & tim burton vibes, hurt/comfort, taehyung doesn't know how to use doors lmfao, IT'S SO CUTE OK
↳ Park Jimin finds out his 6-year-old daughter's imaginary friend 'Tae-Tae' is not that… imaginary, but actually an ancient creature with unimaginable superpowers and no understanding of doors.
Foolish by ChrossxXxRodes
explicit, jimin has hanahaki disease and it's taehyung's fault, soulmates, friends to lovers, slow burn, college au, spoiler: no one dies jhdkfs
↳ the one where Jimin's dying of unrequited love and Taehyung is unaware.
Carmen by sailoryooons
explicit, vampires, strangers to lovers, obsessive themes, once again hali writes smut that is a little bit terrifying and a lot sexy
↳ Taehyung gets lured to an exclusive club by a strange, enchanting woman. What finds him there is much more intoxicating and dangerous.
Anything Lovely by deepslowpanic
explicit, soulmates, college au, this is so cute !!!!!!!, i would fall in love with this yoongi too
↳ Yoongi feels like spring, and then he feels like summer. And sometimes he feels almost like home.
The Sweet Taste of Orange by 2019_0201
explicit, vampires, yoongi is the maknae and that's really fucking cute
↳ On a scale of 1 to 10, Jeon Jungkook would rank his coven's inability to treat him like a fully functional adult vampire a 20. At 300, he was well past the age where it made sense to be babied. Even before he died, he'd been an adult with responsibilities, even if his coven didn't see it that way. Min Yoongi didn't look at him that way though. As a human pushing 30, Yoongi was fascinated with Jungkook and everything he was. He thought he was, dare Jungkook say, cool, and honestly, he couldn't get enough of it. And his blood. And his scent. But that was a whole other thing.
Sea la víe by ryuks
explicit, mermaid jimin, very soft and awkward and cute, "yoongi is a disaster gay"
↳ Yoongi finds a strand of pearls caught on his fishing hook, but when he tries making off with them as goods to sell he’s not prepared to find an annoyed mermaid glaring at him over the edge of his boat, demanding he give them back or else.
lost and (never) found by carameLIZed_suga
explicit, urban fantasy, magical realism, addiction, morally ambiguous, people consume liquid dreams (or nightmares) and there are dealers who sell them almost like drugs
↳ Nightmares taste of bubblegum and machine oil, of sticky sweetness and bitter metal. It’s a weird mix that lingers at the back of Jimin’s throat for days, reminding him of the taste of blood, but richer and a lot darker. Nightmares are addicting. He can’t get enough of them. And his favorite nightmare is Jeon Jungkook.
coax the cold right out of me by vmantics
explicit, strangers to lovers, vampires, hurt/comfort, lots of angst
↳ Jimin looks back down towards the ground and scrunches his eyes shut, trying to get rid of the blue—but it’s burnt behind his eyelids. Seared into his brain. He can’t seem to stop seeing it no matter how hard he tries, and he doesn’t understand because if he hallucinated the whole thing then why does he remember it so vividly all these weeks later? Why is it back to haunt him after he thought he’d finally moved on? (Or: There's a stranger on the train, and Jimin takes notice.)
NIGHTSHADE BLAZE by carameLIZed_suga
explicit, urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, dragons and other mythical creatures, violence, jungkook is so fucking insane and terrifying jshkdfs
↳ For as long as Jimin can remember, his father has been keeping dark creatures in their basement to auction them off for large sums of money. One has been there for years: Jungkook. Unpredictable, violent, deadly… And Jimin is lured in by him.
crimson and extremely sweet by schoon
explicit, modern fantasy, vampire jungkook, the first fantasy mxm fic i ever read!
↳ Jungkook is a newborn vampire with a strange allergy to blood. His doctor, Park Jimin, is convinced that they are making progress and they will soon find a cure, although Jungkook is starting to lose hope. Blood doesn’t even smell good to him after all. Or that’s what he thought until he smelled Jimin’s.
The Doorman by bluevalo
explicit, urban fantasy, mythical creatures, horror, strangers to lovers, violence, slow burn, great worldbuilding, hurt/comfort, i swear to god i think about this fic every fucking day, it should be a movie or a tv show
↳ The Doorman is favored and recommended by many. Located within walking distance from both the university and the corporate district, it’s the public house where happy hour is always busy. The bartender is young and handsome, friendly though quiet, and mixes a wild Old Fashioned. He often leans on the counter, chatting with a customer, with a full sleeve of ink on display. It’s for his sake that Taehyung has been frequenting the bar, every Friday, for almost two years. Not knowing that the bartender is the doorman — to a much darker world.
00:00:00 by vminsbuns
explicit, greek mythology, strangers to lovers, taehyung is the god chronos, hurt/comfort, taehyung is so weird and clever
↳ Immortality is boringly long, and Chronos travels time, travels the Universe, travels Earth in the hopes of finding some exciting occupation. When he meets Jeongguk, he wishes he could be the one he claims to be—Kim Taehyung, a mortal who won't have to live for another eternity without Jeongguk.
cherry cola by dagusts (raplinesvevo)
explicit, urban fantasy, vampire taehyung, roommates to lovers, this fic made me wanna write a vampire roommate tae SO BADLY
↳ Jungkook is dead set on starting a new life when he moves to Seoul. A life with adventure, adrenaline, and even enigma. What he doesn't factor into his plans is a painfully attractive roommate, who has taken it upon himself to give Jungkook the most confused, love-struck butterflies of his life.
in your arms I hide away by nightmaremode (metalgr3ymon)
explicit, demons, this is mostly just porn but i love the worldbuilding around it, and also it's so soft
↳ as a pleasure demon, taehyung has seen and done many things in the name of satisfaction. but cuddling? warm kisses? holding someone close? that was new. or, the one where jeongguk is a lil' touch starved, and he seeks comfort on demon taehyung's touch
anoesis by honeybeams
explicit, strangers to lovers, this is really just very hot and bloody vampire sex tbh
↳ As a new fledgling, Jeongguk doesn't know to keep his own feelings in check, sure his sire can feel everything across the bond they share: the desire, the affection, how flustered he gets when they spend time together. What he doesn't realize is how badly Taehyung wants him back.
detail of the woods by honeybeams
explicit, horror, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort, i honestly don't know how to explain this, taehyung calls jungkook "fireheart" and idk that makes me soft for some reason
↳ Enigmatic young writer Jeon Jeongguk is shuffled off into the woods by his editor who insists he needs a break. Without the fear of burnout and looming deadlines, Jeongguk gets a month to himself to think things through. It's all well and good, if he disregards the nightmares and the rustling of black feathers that lurk out of his periphery.
We'll Meet Again by zerorequiem
explicit, college au, jungkook is the moon and taehyung is the sun - like literally, magical realism, friends to lovers, soulmates, it makes my heart ache in a good way
↳ The Sun and the Moon meet at age twenty.
sucker for you by taecheeks
explicit, vampires, humor, strangers to lovers, jungkook is a little shit
↳ the summary for this is really long on AO3 but basically jungkook is an abandoned vampire that taehyung takes in to care for him and figure out who killed him
Sunsets of Sanguine by Kakostel and Kibb (Pembrooke330)
explicit, vampires, violence, strangers to lovers, humor, moral ambiguity, angst
↳ the summary for this one is also really long so just trust me hsdkfjs
time or place (i’ll come back to you) by taecheeks
explicit, vampires and other mythological creatures, soulmates, strangers to lovers, angst
↳ For hundreds of years, Jungkook has made it so his weaknesses could not be touched, could not be used against him. Hundreds of years, a small dent in his eternal life, and its snapped and tugged away from him in one night. When Yoongi had freed him all of those years ago, he swore to never let another person put a hold on him. He swore to never let himself bind to anyone, let them use him as they please. It only took him five hundred and fifty six years to fuck it up.
Boys of Cold by bluevalo
explicit, enemies to lovers, small town, so much angst, hurt/comfort, it gets worse before it gets better, christmas, modern fantasy, it's technically set in high school but i swear it's good
↳ There is something eerie in the snow. Jeongguk can see it. And Kim knows.
Doll Parts by elisabeta
explicit, strangers to lovers, violence, cyberpunk, mystery, sci-fi, great worldbuilding
↳ Taehyung, a street savvy biomechanic, is a prisoner to his high-tech, neon-lit melancholy. A lone pixel in the chrome jungle of Seoul’s undercity. Jungkook is a runaway with blades in his arms and hope written in his genetic code. (Or a gritty cyberpunk taekook au.)
Ballad of the Fallen Angel by Always_Somewhere
explicit, demon taehyung, angel jungkook, reincarnation, strangers to lovers
↳ Truly, Jungkook would always be his sweetest sin.
Psychic 10-12 Club by Ghoulie_cruz
explicit, clairvoyant taehyung, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, everyone's a lil weird
↳ All it takes is a phone call for Kim Taehyung, self-proclaimed psychic, to tell you your future—at least that’s what they say. Failing school, miserable in his job and fast running out of money, Jeon Jungkook could really do with some clairvoyance; someone to tell him it’s all going to be ok. Even if it’s a pile of optimistic horse shit, he’ll take it. Probably cling to it for dear life. But nothing—nothing—could prepare him for the cosmic shift that occurs when he drunk-dials into Taehyung’s cult radio show. Nothing tangible, anyway.
The Holly & the Ivy by TheInklings
explicit, edward scissorhands au, SO COOL and SAD, first love, self-acceptance
↳ Jungkook is a lonesome myth-come-to-life, a man-made boy with scissors for hands. Taehyung is a frustrated son itching to stretch the bounds of his pastel-painted town. They meet on Halloween. They’re enamored by Christmas.
Pearl by pocketggukie
explicit, siren taehyung, violence, soulmates, enemies to lovers, taehyung is like the world's only vegan siren jhdskfs
↳ During a calm night on the ocean, Jungkook found a beautiful man sitting on the railing of his ship, a man with icy eyes and dark scales running down his body. Taehyung had just found his next meal - one that looked exceptionally delicious.
Dreamy by paperwetwithink
explicit, psychological horror, incubus taehyung, the author used the tag "what exactly did i just write" and i felt that in my soul tbh
↳ When Jeongguk gets sleepy these days, it kind of feels like there's something watching.
Realms Between Us by JKDoYouLoveMe
explicit, incubus taehyung, self-discovery, strangers to lovers, college au, it's sad but also funny?? kinda crack
↳ Jeongguk doesn’t know how spirit magic or Ouija boards work. He assumes it takes something a lot more complicated than a drunk man asking for a sex demon to show up for it to actually happen. Something like cutting your hand and letting your blood drip onto the petals of a rare flower. Or saying something religious into a mirror while doing the Macarena. That's how Jeongguk knows that this is a prank. That's how he knows that the boy sitting on his bed claiming to be an incubus is lying.
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widowshill · 5 months
scientific ranking of all of vicki's boyfriends and girlfriends
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1. roger collins canon status: 6/10 they are the moment. collinsport's own jane eyre reenactment in a 1960's feudal sardine empire, complete with lovely arsonist wife. they're soulmates. he might be her uncle (?). it's true love. it's workplace harassment. they're fated to be together. they're doomed. they're entwined but never joined. they're marrying other people. they're mimicking each other's dialogue. they went on two dates and they both sucked. she's the adoptive mother to his (?) child. he tried to fire her 2 million times. they never even kissed once. they got stuck in a cabin together in the middle of a storm. he gives her away at her wedding. he can't stand to see her married. she is one of the few people in this world that he finds worth caring about.
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2. burke devlin (mitch ryan) canon status: 10/10 he's dangerous he's mysterious he's tall dark and handsome and he did not hit that guy with his car. he's an oil baron. he's an ex convict. he's a millionaire. he's roger collins' ex-boyfriend. he's going to set out to destroy everything but oh god not her he would never let anyone touch her. one of the few people who actually takes her bodily safety seriously and moves heaven and earth to rescue her (repeatedly). two poor kids from the wrong side of the tracks arrive in the same train car from new york to collinsport. one of them already knows the underside of the collins' heel and the other one is about to and he can't convince her to get out. he wants to wreck the collins name she wants it as her own but they're both too-well wrapped up in the myth to leave it.
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3. carolyn stoddard canon status: 2/10 girlfriends. that's all i can say. i just think they are very much adorable and they do score points on the canon scale, remotely, for such subtle lines from Carolyn as: "Just what the doctor ordered to keep the wind from ruffling your dark and gorgeous hair," and "Here, alone with you, I can't pretend." never mind their sleepovers in vic's bed hanging out in their nightdresses. carolyn would sooner own up to having a crush on her uncle than having a crush on a woman because this is upper crust maine in the 1960's but listen ... for a character who enjoys flirting for fun but gets extremely anxious about settling down and marrying a man, who prefers the most distant, unobtainable men that she has no reasonable chance of actually ending up with (roger case in point), who gets jealous every time vicki is with someone no matter who it is ... maybe she does like men too, but let's investigate mama let's research. with the governess, preferably. (who could maybe be her half sister? see no. 1)
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4. maggie evans (blonde wig) canon status: 0/10 i'll be honest with you all this one is purely vibes but the other boyfriends suck so she still gets to place ahead of them. don't tell me maggie's not looking at her in exactly the same way she looks at joe when she's eyeing him up as her next man. she got straighter when we lost the blonde wig but this entire counter scene in e1 is one long flirtation session and for however many episodes she keeps the wig i believe very strongly there's a devastatingly homoerotic female friendship developing. i'm not immune to the short hair blonde long hair brunette wlw aesthetic i'll admit. as i said vibes only but just trust me. y'all fw cartinelli? ok. well.
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5. frank garner canon status: 10/10 i'm glad you were very helpful during the laura arc frank but i'll be honest you bore me to tears why are you even here. he's got the personality of wonder bread and he's in the wrong genre he should be arguing cases on bachelor father or solving hardy boys mysteries or something i truly do not know. these two together just means bouncing all our lawful good off each other and it self perpetuates into nothing interesting at all. they're not even maybe related! maybe if we continued further with the betty hanscombe story and he found some damning revelation about vicki's parentage he'd have something fun to contribute to the plot but as things stand he's just a duller ivy league version of joe and if we're gonna have an all-american boyfriend i'd rather she just date mr haskell.
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6. burke devlin (anthony george) canon status: 10/10 you may think that he cannot have possibly fallen from 2nd to 6th with a recast ... surely not ... but you would be wrong. i give vic props for domesticating him but he's lost all his panache in his full-time role as romantic interest, and now he doesn't even look like handsome squidward anymore :( like frank, this version of burke is much too obviously a safe choice, where the original allure of burke is the fact that she wants him despite the enmity between him and the collins family, his destructive tendencies, his jawline ... I do give him props for going to extreme lengths to make her happy, not only in their personal relationship, but her overall circumstances, and the other things that matter to her. you're not last but i wasn't sad when the plane crashed either :/
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7. barnabas collins canon status: 8.5/10 is this a real relationship ... i don't really know. i'm not sure the participants know. barnabas thinks it is and i guess they were technically engaged to be married at some point but that's only towards the goal of using her to vividly hallucinate his dead girlfriend so does that count. I will say in their favor it was extremely funny that she had to drive the getaway car for her own kidnapping/elopement/vamp enthrallment because he can't drive. honestly that was the only part of this whole situation i enjoyed. also when she married jeff and he sighed and put his head in his hands he was real for that. they're actually pretty compatible and would be amazing friends ... or like, they could host a podcast together, or something. not this.
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8. jeffpeter clarkbradford canon status: 10/10 such a shitty boyfriend that roger collins opened his third eye to warn her that marrying him is the greatest mistake of her life. his only job in the entire world is to make sure that vicki does not hang for witchcraft and he fails multiple times. possibly the most annoying man on the planet. what if we gave a ken doll the personality of a republican congressional aide and he's played by an actor that is reviled by his castmates. comes to the future on the power of wanting to fuck vicki i guess and to spite me, specifically, who's very tired of seeing him, and makes her have a car accident where she could have died. kisses reincarnated french serial killers in the yard days before their big wedding. leaves her at the altar to go play in the dirt in the graveyard. later marries her in a shotgun ceremony at 3 in the morning and then vanishes back into The Past. after literally driving her to suicide, takes her to be with him in The Past where she hangs, again, and then dies off the cliff. TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO.
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sissytobitch10seconds · 6 months
Cup, Crow, Rose
Fandom: Grishaverse: Six of Crows and Shadow and Bone Summary: Soulmarks are complicated. Nina's life is already so complicated that she doesn't want to seek them out. Like her teachers always warned, though, her soulmates seem determined to find her one way or another. Warnings: Canon-typical trauma and soulmates Word Count: 2,648 Ship(s): Nina Zenik/Matthias Helvar/Inej Ghafa/Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck/Kaz Brekker
Archive link!
A/N: Is anyone really surprised that I chose to go with polycrows for the free day? I love them so much, lol. I also had a lot of fun exploring the soulmate AU that I wanted to do for this, so I hope that you guys also enjoy it! One day I might expand this into something bigger but I kind of like having it as a character study type thing. Stay sissy and bitchy everyone &lt;3
Each soulmark was different. A pair or group of soulmates would have a throughline that placed them together so that they could find each other, with varying levels of intricacy, but the soulmarks would all be different. For a pair of soulmates, the mark would be the same except for one thing that would represent the other person. For a group of soulmates, the mark would be different for each person that they were to meet so that it went in a sort of circle. Group soulmates were complicated and very rarely did the entire group actually find itself.
Nina had grown up seeing the soulmarks of the people around her, presented proudly once they had found and married each other. Her older sister figure Zoya’s was a mix of leather wings pocked with scales that shimmered iridescent when displayed in the light correctly, conversely swapped on the back of her soulmate. Her other friend Genya had a book with ancient writing and a vile of dark red liquid on the back of her hand, a perfect match with her own soulmate. Nina had even been exposed to a queerplatonic soulmate marking too, a Inferni named Harshaw that had a cat made out of fire wrapping around his neck and collarbone before it met with a sunburst across his chest. She didn’t know the man’s soulmate so hadn’t seen how it had changed towards the other person, nor had she ever actually gotten a good look at a group of soulmates with marks like what hers appeared to be.
Nina’s mark was a crow grasping for the last little bit of liquid in a wine glass, the beak and head warped with the shape of it. In addition to that was a single knife that touched the bottom of the glass. It tilted towards the crow but did not slice, like the bird was somehow performing a trick while trying to get its drink. She had learned how to hide it under the layers of her sleeves when she was out and how to cloak her skin over the top of it so that it was obscured when she had to undress in front of someone. For a spy such as herself, it was very dangerous for people to be able to identify her by her soulmark. 
The first time that Nina saw one of her soulmarks, she was trapped in the belly of a slaver ship. She had her hands chained above her and could barely keep her eyes open because of the water seeping through the slats above her. It was dark and she was shivering with the force of the cold around her, so it was hard to make out. The mark had stood out starkly even amongst the heavy furs and wool that the Druskelle was wearing, black lines evident on his pale white skin. The crow drinking from a nearly empty cup appeared to be the throughline of their soulmark group because they were identical on the man in front of her as they had been on her own skin before she had hid it. The only difference was that the liquid at the base of the cup was holding a single rose that was weeping petals down onto the bird.
She of course hadn’t acted on it. There was no way that he would be able to see her own mark and know that they shared the same throughline. She had no idea what the Fjerdan stance on soulmate groups was, it was one of their closest held secrets because those types were so rare. She didn’t know what he would do if he found out that part of his group was a Grisha either. Nina doubted that he would have killed her in that moment because he was so adamant about the idea of her getting her trail for her crimes when she finally arrived in his homeland.
There were many chances for her to reveal her soulmark to him when they had wrecked the ship and washed up on those rocky shores, yet she used what little of her energy that she had left to keep it covered. She wasn’t sure what she could trust him yet when he was still spouting the ideas of the people that he had trained with like if he didn’t then he would cease to be. He wasn’t safe because she was the witch that the hunter was doomed to kill, even if she was falling more and more in love with him by the day.
The next soulmark that she saw didn’t belong to her, but she was sure that the one on her arm belonged to the girl. She had just been through a whirlwind that left her feeling as though she was going to die. She and Matthias had traveled together like they were not sworn enemies over miles and miles of land until they had arrived at a port where she had found some of her people. In a move that she came to regret almost immediately after seeing the way that he looked at her, Nina lied and said that he was a slaver so that he wouldn’t be taken back to the Darkling’s court to be sentenced and killed as a witch hunter. She had tried to retract her statement when she got back, but she was simply given enough money to buy passage back to Ravka. She knew that she couldn’t do that, not when the only soulmate that she might ever know, the one that held her mark, was locked in a jail that she had made for him.
She had been approached by a man that offered her a job. She was promised that she wouldn’t have to work on her back, but rather putting on a show of her powers to anyone that came requesting it. She had said that she would think about it and then buried herself away in the covers of the room that they had lent to her. A young Suli girl broke into her window almost immediately after she was left alone, and it only took a couple of seconds for Nina to see the mark on her own arm.
It was the same crow reaching into the wine glass for the remnant of liquid. The changed element for her was the end of a cane that was pushing the cup closer to the crow, though it was only a few inches and thus not very identifying. Nina had seen it and then stood in the same spot, like the Saints had turned her to stone as she took in the appearance of the other girl. She had long black hair that was tightly pleated into a braid that hung over one of her shoulders. Her skin was bronzed and smooth, though her eyes were so dark that it made her entire face disappear as soon as Nina’s gaze locked with them.
She was offered a place in the Dregs and a job through the White Rose, protection under Kaz Brekker’s name. Inej was the girl, apparently, and she had explained that there was no true safety in the Barrel but there was a fear associated with the name of that man. 
Nina and Inej began a relationship only a week after they had found out that they were soulmates. She hadn’t been sure that anything would actually come of the discovery of another one of her soulmates since so little had happened with Matthias. She knew that meeting a criminal offering her a job was different than being kidnapped by a man trained to kill her, but it had still set a precedent in her mind that was rather difficult to overcome. Inej was more than happy to begin to get to know her and after only a month of dates spent under the moonlight on the rooftops of Ketterdam, they held hands and agreed to pursue a relationship.
Only two months after she had decided to work with the Dregs, Nina met Jesper. She immediately knew that she liked him and that the two of them would become very close friends. He was already close with Inej, though the girl refused to tell Nina how and why. Nina knew that there was something dark in Inej’s past that meant that she was very secretive about things that she felt were personal, including interpersonal relationships. Jesper hadn’t been offended by the relationship that had cropped up between the two girls, in fact he seemed amused out of his mind about it.
His soulmark was revealed to her after a month of her trying to find out by various means of subterfuge. Eventually she had gotten so frustrated about being left out of the loop that she had walked into his room and then slammed and locked the door behind her so that he didn’t have the chance to run. He pulled up his sleeve to reveal the crow reaching into the cup, though his had a delicate pen that had spilled the ink inside. The throughline had confirmed that they were soulmates, though it meant that there was another person out there somewhere for their group.
Jesper and Nina started dating much faster than she and Inej had. It was easier for them to strike up something romantic, and then later sexual, because Jesper didn’t have Inej’s trauma and had already been getting to know Nina throughout their friendship with the intent of eventually dating her.
Her life had only just begun to feel like it was leveling out when she met another member of their relationship. Wylan was a young boy that Kaz brought on to be their demolitions man whenever they had need of explosions. He and Nina didn’t tend to run in the same circles in the Dregs, which meant that she knew of him in name only. After his second mission with the gang, Jesper had broken into her room in the White Rose only moments after her latest client had left to tell her about Wylan’s soulmark. According to Jesper, it was the same cup and crow but with the paws of a wolf standing on either side of the crow. 
Nina had felt like her entire life was shattering at that. She had been thinking about the circle that they made and how many people could be missing but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Matthias was for her, she was for Inej, Jesper was now for Wylan, Wylan was for Matthias, but Inej’s mark didn’t land with any of them and Jesper was still missing someone for him. That meant that there was at least one more person that they needed to add before they could truly feel complete.
She only found that person after she had finished collecting the others. She, Inej, and Jesper, had started up a relationship with Wylan not long after finding out where he was living after they discovered his soulmark. The four of them found one of the biggest rooms in the Slat and then decided that they were going to keep it as their own so that they could live in the happiness and safety of their soulmates. Wylan wasn’t attracted to Inej or Nina, so they eventually discovered that he was meant to be their queerplatonic soulmate.
It was difficult and there were quite a few bumps in the road as they figured out how to navigate being soulmates while also being criminals, but they were all stubborn enough to make it work. Secrets were spilled, trauma was revealed, and love was confessed. They found out that Inej had been taken and forced to work in the Menagerie, that Jesper was zowa, that Wylan couldn’t read and who his real parents were. It could have very easily driven them apart but instead it only served to weave them into an intricate, loving mess with each other.
Yet, despite everything that her lovers had shared with her, she was unable to tell them anything about one of the missing members of their circle. The night before the beginning of the Ice Court, though, it had all piled out of her. She admitted what she had been before she came to Kerch and then how she had met Matthias. She told them about the way that he laughed, how he ate his reindeer meat only after soaking it in water because chewing made his jaw hurt, how he snored in his sleep, and how he was the sweetest man she had ever met when not trying to kill her.
They rescued him and then the others had forgiven her for keeping him a secret. She nursed the bruises on her neck while crying into Jesper’s lap while Wylan held her spare hand. It was hard to know that her soulmate didn’t want her, that he was unwilling to give up the way that he had been raised for the two people in his group that he had been taught to hate when they would bring him only joy.
Then the Ice Court had happened and he was deprogramed after seeing the way that they all cared for each other. They didn’t have time to talk about it after she had taken the jurda parem so that she could save them on the dock, but she knew that he loved her again. 
They had spent a lot of the journey nursing Nina back to health and talking about the little house in the country that they could get. Inej had spoken about a boat that she wanted to get so that she could hunt slavers, and Matthias had seem keen on joining her so that he could put his skills to good use. Nina knew that Wylan wasn’t suited for that kind of work and would prefer to make art in the comfort of his own home, so she was okay with staying with him during her long recovery before she joined the others.
They came back to their city and found out that none of the money was waiting for them. They lost one of their soulmates and were stuck with the captive that they had just stolen from the most prestigious prison in the entire world. Kaz planned and schemed and they followed after him like they always did. Eventually, they got Inej back and things kept rolling. They were able to create a convoluted but thorough plan to take Jan Van Eck and Pekka Rollins, the two men hunting them, down.
Finally, everything was over. They were able to get Wylan’s mother back from the countryside to the home that she had chosen and where she belonged. Alys was sent up to a boathouse where she could live with her real soulmate and birds in peace. They all needed a good deal of time to recover, so they moved in the Van Eck mansion since it had plenty of room for them to grow and expand.
Kaz came to their door on a very rainy evening almost a month after all of their problems had seemingly been solved. Nina had been the one to check the door, so she welcomed him as their friend and invited him to come and dine with them. Her other soulmates were seated on the floor in the living room while they ate something that Inej had made. They were all very excited to see Kaz but they stayed quiet because it was clear that he was bursting with some kind of information.
Just like that, Kaz had rolled up his sleeve to reveal a crow reaching for the liquid in the bottom of a wine glass, the stem of which had been shattered by a bullet that was resting next to the completely unharmed crow. He was the last link of their circle and they finally had him.
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charitet · 6 months
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@charitet; writeblr introduction
hello! my name is tina and i’m a 21-years-old vietnamese american writer and artist
— about me
biromantic ace, enfp/enfj
genre fiction writer, with too many ocs and projects. open to writing any and all genres (with a special love for speculative fiction and horror). member of the wtw network
love writing about chaotic queer characters, large-scale disasters, epic adventures, found families, soulmates (in every sense of the word), and sitcom-style humor
tag game and ask friendly; my about page
will occasionally reblog and talk about nfsw and 18+ themes
other interests: anything relating to the ocean, pathology, virology, forensic science, and body horror
— main projects
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the heaven above the sky
status: drafting season 1
genre: apocalyptic sci-fi, action, horror
a novel set in an apocalyptic world, where an ancient alien race has conquered earth and the main cast is humanity's last hope in fighting back. features a darker concept of superheroes, parasitic infection, and dramatic character studies amidst the end of the world
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what if we never go home
status: worldbuilding/outlining
genre: military sci-fi, action
the first main series featured in an ever-expanding sci-fi universe. novels set in space, taking place hundreds of years after the heaven above the sky. an ex-traitor sets out to redeem himself and investigate the incident, that killed his entire team seven years ago
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the dark ages
status: worldbuilding/outlining
genre: urban fantasy
a series, with five books in total. wyn doesn't realize what world she has accidentally stumbled into, when she witnesses her professor getting attacked by a mysterious hooded figure. that is, until she gets targeted by a hidden order for suddenly being fused to a demon soul she didn't ask for
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we were buried in august
status: brainstorming
genre: horror, comedy, tragedy
a speculative fiction tv show with about 2-3 seasons. after the capture of her serial killer father, soonie must now navigate through her newfound freedom; all while dealing with her chaotic brothers, growing feelings for a certain someone in her life, and her ability to see the supernatural
— side projects
(updated on 6/1/24)
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someday we will all be dead
genre: sci-fi, horror
a novel taking place in the same universe as what if we never go home. a small crew of two investigates an empty spaceship, not realizing that it has been overtaken by a new breed of dangerous parasites
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genre: survival horror, supernatural
a trilogy, based on the game the quarry. a casual summer turns into a nightmarish test of survival, when six camp counselors discover what's truly lurking in the dark woods nearby
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young saints
genre: low fantasy, literary fiction
a contemporary novel about teenagehood, ghosts (or lack thereof), and the act of being seen. just when sheridan thought her remaining high school years couldn't get any worse, she has a run-in with a ghost that no one else can see
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exhibition of bones
status: literary fiction
a contemporary novel about the pain of nostalgia, siblings, and loneliness. a young girl must deal with newfound growing pains, when her older brother finally returns home after five long years
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Marked ch 4
Marvel | Starker
When Tony's soul marks first appeared he was afraid he wouldn't be good enough for his soulmate. When Peter's marks appeared he was afraid of what the blood and bruises meant. Now they're left dealing with the consequences of a dangerous lifestyle and a lot of distrust.
Warnings: violence, murder
It felt weird inviting the man into his apartment. He was a complete stranger and yet sitting across from him felt like the most natural thing in the world. Their souls really did know each other. Peter was nervous, sure, but it felt right to be here with him. Yet, it felt so strange. Truth be told, he didn't know how he felt. He felt too many things all at once.
Peter looked at Tony from across the coffee table. He looked so out of place on his faded second hand couch. Him and Ned had gotten it off of Craigslist. Same with most of the other furniture here. The stained coffee table between them held a stunning bouquet of flowers. Nothing about the scene added up in Peter's head.
"How did you find me?" He asked. His voice interrupted the silence, but it did nothing to dissolve the tension.
"It's what I do," he answered plainly. Peter could see how guarded he was. Even his voice was masked. Just the way he sat as if claiming the couch, leaning casually against the arm, it was all calculated to give a certain impression.
"You find people?" Peter raised his eyebrows. "What are you, a detective?"
Tony smiled. "Not exactly."
Peter took a breath. He clasped his hands together. "Everyone thinks you're trouble. Ned and Mr. Octavius. I don't even dare show my aunt the bruises."
"I'm sorry about that. I'll try not to get punched in the face next time." He smiled apologetically.
"Did someone attack you?"
"Would that bother you?" His voice remained measured but Peter caught the excitement in his eyes. Still, he didn't know this man and he wasn't going to be talked in circles.
Peter scowled. "Has anyone ever told you that it's rude to answer a question with a question?"
Tony smirked. "It's a good way to get answers though isn't it?"
"And I suppose you're in the business of getting answers, too?"
"Now you're getting closer."
Peter ran his palm down his thigh. He hoped he wasn't visibly sweating. They weren't getting anywhere and if anything the tension felt worse. "Yeah, it would bother me. Just like it bothers me when they all tell me you're trouble. But that's crazy because I don't even know you."
Tony sat back. "I feel the same way. Only I know a lot about you and I guess that's not really fair is it?"
"No, it's not."
His mouth twitched like he might smile again. He was an awfully smiley person for someone covered in scars. "What do you want to know?"
"Why don't we start smaller scale?"
"What do you do for work?"
"Something else."
Peter rolled his eyes. "Fine. Where do you live?"
"Manhattan," he answered too simply.
Peter narrowed his eyes.
"I have a condo," he relented. "I've lived there about six years, it's a fairly new building. Of course I move around a lot anyway."
"For work?"
"You're not ready to know what my job is, Peter." The first real frown crossed his face.
"You're an assassin?" He said it like he was teasing, but he half meant it.
Tony leaned forward. His expression was firm, serious, urging Peter to take him in. "I'm never going to lie to you. So I need you to stop asking for now."
Peter sat back in his chair. "So they're all right about you then. You're not a champion boxer."
Tony laughed. "Is that what you thought?"
"It's what I wanted to believe, but I'm not stupid. I wanted to believe it was paint on my hands, but I know blood when I see it. And you're covered in a lot of it sometimes."
"You know a lot about blood, do you?"
"I fall down a lot."
"Is that how you got that scar on your knee?"
He nodded. "Tired to jump a staircase." He grimaced.
"Why?" Tony laughed.
Peter shrugged. "One of my friends said I couldn't. Guess he was right."
"Sounds like you need better friends."
"Do you have many friends?"
Tony thought for a moment. "Not many, but the ones I keep are loyal."
Peter huffed a laugh and shook his head. "Everything you say is so ominous."
He smiled softly. "I'm not making a very good first impression."
"No, it is good. You seem like someone who doesn't usually get nervous." But he was nervous about talking to Peter and nothing could be more flattering.
Tony just looked at him. He looked as if Peter had seen into his soul. Maybe he had. Maybe that was how all of this worked. He wanted Tony to see him, too.
"Let me take you out."
"Like a hit?" Peter drew back in mock surprise. "I was right!"
Tony smiled. "I'll pick you up tomorrow after work. We'll have dinner."
Peter crossed his arms. "Will we?"
Tony held out his hand in appeasement. "Excuse me. Would you please join me for dinner tomorrow?"
Peter smiled. "I would be honored, Tony."
He had to make the right impression. Something impressive, something honest, something Peter would enjoy. He was used to simple things. That didn't mean he wouldn't enjoy a grand gesture. Besides, Tony liked expensive things. Dressing down and taking the guy out for a cheese burger wasn't his regular type of outing. Not if he was looking to have a good time.
He put on a suit, but left the tie behind as a compromise. The restaurant he'd made their reservation at didn't require them, but he was certain it was still a nice place. Definitely outside of Peter's budget. He had to admit it was thrilling to know he had the honor of treating his soulmate to all the things he'd been missing in life. Fancy food, expensive clothes, he'd give him everything. But he had to do it right. Desperate wasn't a good look on anyone. Or was it? Maybe Peter was into that. Damn, he hadn't been so nervous since he had to tell his dad that he crashed the Ferrari. At least this was guaranteed to have a better outcome. They were soulmates after all. He'd never seen soulmates that didn't work out in the end.
Tony took a last look in the mirror. The sight of his aging face made him hesitate. Peter was giving up a lot by choosing an old man. What could they possibly have in common with an almost 30 year age gap? Yikes. He sighed. His head fell forward, hanging down between his shoulders.
On his forearm little black lines began to appear. They swirled around and twisted into the shape of a rose. Then a sunflower. He couldn't help but smile. Who was he to decide for Peter that he wasn't good enough? He was happy. He was excited for their date. That much was clear. So, what the hell?
He took the elevator down to the garage. Steve and Bucky were hanging out, two of the few allowed anywhere near his home.
"Good luck, tonight," Steve called.
"I look alright?" Tony did a turn before he passed them.
Bucky looked at his watch. "You got time to change?"
"Watch it, Barnes."
"You look great, Tones. Go get him," Steve called. "Just don't lay it on too thick. You'll scare him off."
"Glad you're both so supportive," he scoffed.
"Happy to help, boss."
Tony climbed into the car and started the engine. He wrapped his hands around the wheel giving himself a moment to relax. It was practically a done deal yet the anxiety wouldn't leave him. He'd dreamed about having a soulmate once and he'd given up on it. He couldn't mess this up.
He left early. Maybe too early. Peter wasn't outside yet when he pulled up in front of rec center. A few kids were wandering out the door. He hoped Peter wasn't far behind. He found a spot to park on the street and sat with his leg bouncing impatiently. The awkward phase couldn't last forever, right? He couldn't believe he was nervous, but then again when was the last time he actually wanted to impress someone?
When Peter came outside, Tony's heart skipped a beat. He grabbed the handle of the car door and stepped out. Peter smiled when he saw him. He had a gym bag on one shoulder and his hair was damp. The outfit was barely going to make the dress code for the restaurant, but no one was going to say anything to the man on Tony Stark's arm. Still, he was gorgeous.
Tony walked around the car and met him on the sidewalk. "Ready to go?"
Peter nodded. His cheeks were blushing the prettiest pink. "You look great," he said.
"You look amazing," Tony answered. He took a step back and grabbed the door handle to open it for him. It was so sweet the way he blushed and ducked his head as he clambered into the car.
"How was work?" Tony asked as they pulled away from the curb.
"The kids wanted to play dodgeball, today." He laughed. "There's always the one kid, Grayson, who's afraid of getting hit."
Tony smiled. "Sounds like a sweet kid."
"Yeah, they're all great. Some of them have problems at school. Or at least their parents keep saying they do, but I don't see it. They're good kids."
"Maybe you bring out the best in people."
"Nah, I don't think it's me," he said, but he turned his head towards the window as if he were embarrassed. "What did you do today?"
Tony hesitated, realizing that the honest answer was wait for you to get off work. "Lots of boring phone calls."
"Must be nice to get out of the office then." He caught Peter looking at him, trying to gauge his reaction. He couldn't help but smile. He was too curious for his own good.
They pulled up to the restaurant and Peter gaped. "Here? I've never been here before."
"I thought a first date deserved something special."
"I'm not really dressed for this place. Don't they have a dress code?" He looked at the crowd walking into the building. "Everyone's wearing a tux. I can't go in like this."
"Hey, am I wearing a tux?"
Peter looked at him. "Well no, but still..."
"Trust me, alright?"
Tony stepped out of the car and left the door open for the valet. The man greeted him and stood patiently to the side as another valet ran to open Peter's door. Tony offered his arm to the blushing young man. Even dressed down as he was, he was still far more beautiful than anyone else there. Even as they entered the building and walked beneath a dazzling gold and silver chandelier and over white marble embedded with gold and past a water fountain with shimmering orange and yellow fish, Peter was the most beautiful thing in the room.
The hottest spotted Tony and quickly stepped up to greet them and lead them to a table. Tony preferred the tables that were tucked against the far wall. There was a fire exit nearby if needed and they were more quiet than the tables at the center. She led them over to one before disappearing, only to be replaced by the sommelier. He'd barely spoken when Tony realized how overwhelmed Peter was.
"We'll pass on wine for now, thank you," Tony said. The man gave a small bow and hurried away. Peter visibly relaxed.
"You don't drink?" Peter asked.
"I thought you might like a moment to settle in. Someone will be by with fresh bread, they won't mind taking our drink orders."
"I'm okay, don't worry about me."
Tony reached across the table and took his hand. "You don't have to be anything you're not Peter. If this is too much for you, we can leave right now."
"No, I love it! I've just never been to a place like this before." He ducked his head a bit. It was so enticing watching him speak with his lips nervously bitten red, looking up through his lashes. He was beautiful in pictures, but in person he was enchanting. "Maybe you could order for me?" His laugh was self-deprecating. "I can barely read the menu, it's all in French."
Tony paused, debating whether or not to tell him that it was actually Italian. He looked so uncomfortable already.
"You're in good hands," Tony promised with a squeeze to his fingers. He took his hand away as the promised bread arrived. The comfort of warm bread seemed to help Peter relax. Tony led the conversation, keeping to light and easy topics. Peter talked so easily once he was relaxed and his inability to stay on topic was charming. He said every thought that came into his head and he didn't seem to know how unusual that was. No wonder everyone adored him.
They were getting their meals in front of them when Peter frowned. He was looking over Tony's shoulder.
"Do you know that guy?"
Tony turned to look. His heart caught in his throat. Fuck. That cheap suit and greasy hair. Quentin's people were here. He turned back and spared the dining room another glance. Sure enough, three more pairs of eyes were on them. Mother fucker.
He took out his phone and sent Happy a quick SOS. On the outside, he kept his expression calm. He put his hands flat on the table so they wouldn't shake.
"Peter, listen." Peter's eyes met his. He watched them wide slightly as he caught on to the grim energy surrounding them. "Remember how I can't tell you what I do for a living?"
He nodded.
"That's because it's bad. I didn't want you to think less of me before you even got the chance to know me. But I need you to trust me now. Can you do that?"
Peter glanced behind him again. "Tony what's going on?"
"Don't look at them, look at me." He paused while Peter turned his eyes back to Tony's face. "Can you trust me, Peter?"
"Of course. But what-"
"Get under the table," Tony cut him off. There was Quentin. He'd been sitting at the back of the room hidden behind a woman in a wide brimmed hat. He stood now, sharing a slimy smile with her as he walked towards their table. They were surrounded.
"Down. Now!" Tony pulled the gun from his jacket, adrenaline pulsing through his veins. He upended the table and Peter sunk down, using it to block them both in. Their backs were to the wall and either side was Quentin and his people.
Tony shot the guy at the back, the one Peter had been staring at. The first shot was good, but the panic in his heart had the second going wide as he shot at the next guy. He'd never felt like this before. Was he having a panic attack?
He looked at Peter, crouched low, trying to make himself small even though he was all gangly limbs. He wouldn't let anything happen to him. Not to him. No matter what.
Shot hit against the table and the wall behind them. Tony took a breath to slow his racing thoughts. There was a fire exit behind Quentin. He would have men at the door in case Tony got out. And a car for a quick getaway. Getting out wasn't going to work. But Tony had loyal bodies in the kitchen. That's why he came here.
He grabbed Peter's arm. Peter looked at him with terror. "Listen to me, you listening?"
Peter nodded. It worried him that the man wouldn't speak, but there wasn't time for worry.
"I'm going to draw them away. When you see an opening, run for the kitchen. Tell them Tony Stark said they're to protect you. Understand?"
He nodded again. Then he swallowed. "Yeah, okay."
"You'll be alright. I promise." It hurt to fail like this. To fuck up such an important moment. He didn't know how he was going to fix this, but he'd find a way. For now, he just had to get them both out alive.
Tony looked over the table. A shot grazed his forehead and landed in the wall behind him. He fired once at the guy left blocking the kitchen and he went down. Then he looked at Quentin. Just him and three of his men. None of Tony's had made it in yet. There must have been fighting outside.
He vaulted over the table and used the next to jump over the dividing wall that separated the back dining area from the front. A hail of bullets followed him just a hair too slow, but he swore he felt the heat of them at his back. He spared a glance to make sure they followed him, but he didn't dare look at Peter and risk reminding them that he wasn't alone.
Another shot, another one down, but he was still outnumbered. Where the fuck was Happy?
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vodika-vibes · 6 days
Okay Vodika I need to know more about this merfolk AU you have going on here because it is FASCINATING
Hihi! And Aww, thanks! I can't take all of the credit too, this AU is being slowly built by me, @kimiheartblade @the-bad-batch-baroness @mire-draws-things
But. Let's see what I can dig out for ya~
So, first and foremost, this is by and large a Soulmate AU as well as a Mermaid AU.
When a Merclone reaches the age of Majority their learn their soul song, a song that is unique to themselves. No two mer have the same song, though identical twins can have very similar songs. The song is incomplete, though. It's only completed when their soul mate hears them and is able to complete the binding.
The Binding is a year long, or longer depending on the mer, ritual that allows their human mate to become a mer. The song and the Resonance is only the very first part.
A mate is almost always colored to match their partner, female soulmates tend to have darker scales (you know, like how in birds the females are darker?)
Falling in love with their soulmate is immediate for the merclone. That's their person and they love their person.
The Deep Magic is basically the Force. It exists solely to protect the merpeople, and first appeared after an event that nearly decimated the entirety of the mer population. The Merjedi are the masters of the Deep Magic, and they live in a separate area of the ocean than the Mermandalorians.
Boba Fett is the current MerMand'alor, because none of his brothers wanted the position.
There are four "types" (for lack of a better word) of soulmates for the Merpeople.
Normal Mates - This is the most common type of soulmate. They're calmer, and tend to be the most confused about the whole situation and get flustered easily. These are the people who most often stopped believing in mermaids and magic when they were children, and need to adjust their way of thinking.
Eager Mates - These people are the ones who never let go of their belief in magic and whimsy. They're both excited and eager to become a mermaid, and don't need nearly as much instruction or explanation as the first group.
Unhinged Mates (Safe) - Dogma's Soulmate. She's the only one who falls into this category. Dogma loves her and she makes him happy, but no one else wants to deal with her brand of crazy. That said, she's only a danger to herself, and not the people around her.
Unhinged Mates (Dangerous) - These people view having a merman as a mate as a status symbol, and aren't above harming another person who might have been chosen by a merman. These people are the ones who might turn to forbidden magic to try and break a bond between a mer and their mate. They're rarely successful.
I'm sure there's more, but I don't know what all you might want to know, lol.
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