#daichi x witch reader
triceratops6 · 28 days
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Hi ! I start this blog to improve my writting, english isn't my first language so there certainly will be mistakes (a lot)
Requests are open <3
(I will not write NSFW)
I will write on :
Ushijima x (neutral) reader : The bluntness of your husband never fail to throw you of -> currently working on..
Daichi x reader : At first, you were happy when Daichi became friend with Michimiya, but as he started to hang out more with her you couldn't help the bitter thoughts that reached you.
My hero academia
Demon slayer
Jojo's bizarre adventure
Bungou stray dog
Jujutsu kaisen
One piece (only a little)
Usopp x female reader : After losing a bet, Usopp has to pay a visit to the witch who moved in the forest surronding his town and terrorises it inhabitants. -> currently working on..
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
If you want one of the story I'm working on to be published next you can let me know <33
Enjoy !
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iidanotlida · 2 years
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Love Egoist ™️
the idea of falling in love with the person of your dreams seems so appealing and yet so far away despite how close you are to that actuality. So when you accidentally give a potion of affection to the wrong person it turned out better than you could've imagined...
Featuring - Hajime Iwaizumi | Tōru Oikawa | Issei Matsukawa | Takahiro Hanamaki | Kentarō Kyōtani | Daichi Sawamura | Kōshi Sugawara | Kuroo Tetsuro | Bokuto Kotaro
Pairing - Iwaizumi x f!reader (a bit of Oikawaxreader)
Genre - smau, kinda witch/magic au?? romance, angst, fluff, slowburn(??) friends/strangers to lovers, misunderstandings :>>
Warning's - memes, swearing, excessive use of emojis, streamer/internet lingo
a/n: I took inspiration for this series from a collection of short stories shown in ouran hshc so if ykyk. Both of the twins (Nadeshiko and Barako) are from the same short story but other than that the rest is my idea and work.
Status - ongoing (started: 21/06/22 , finished: ??/??/??)
Taglist: Open!!
Update Schedule - errr everyday ig? (can't make promises tho :<)
y/n's shoujo squad | iwa's fan club
[1] I'm about to misclick your block button
[2] It's a Shoujo love story
[3] there was a plan??
[4] Before Your Eyes
[5] Is she your girlfriend??
day 1
[6] Am I not enough for you?
[7] See you soon?
[8] date??
[9] ...
day 2
Taglist: if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@chaoticalybiased | @haikyuuisposts | @akiyamazumi | @feybin
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ryoskuna · 1 year
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i’m leia, although some people also call me nani. honestly, you can call me whatever you’d like as long as it’s respectful. I’m twenty-two years old and a full-time contributor to capitalism because I have bills to pay, although i will be taking grad school courses in the summer of 2023. my pronouns are she/her/hers (they is also acceptable).
content i make: sfw, fluff, angst, nsfw (minors do not interact), tons of aus, oc x canon character content, content specifically for readers and/or original characters of color (will be specified), whatever SELF-indulgent content I desire. 
this is my blog, i will put the content I wish to see on there, and write for content that I want to write for. I have the right to deny a request, and while out the kindness of my heart I may tell why, but you’re not entitled to a justification for why I do or don’t want to write a request - it is case-by-case, but should you insist I write the same request you sent in or I specified I would not do that content will get you an immediate block.
you also don’t have to be in my inbox solely for requests, feel free just to stop by and talk and chat or for concepts. 
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fandoms i write for: bleach, naruto (though i will NOT touch boruto with a 10ft stick), jujutsu kaisen, fire force, my hero academia, haikyuu, burn the witch, demon slayer, monster prom, genshin impact, blue lock. fandoms i’m considering writing for: sk8 the infinity, chainsaw man. this list is subject to change.
masterlist (needs updating) | rules | tags (wip)
miscellaneous: ko-fi (if you want to leave me something/or help with my medical bills) | ao3 | spotify
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created oc x canon ships 
you may, on occasion, see content for them and you’re welcome to request or give ideas for drabbles or ficlets you’d like to see, or questions that allow me to fully flesh either their relationship or my ocs. more than likely, a lot of these come from wips I have drafted for actual multi-chapter fanfictions. or you just may see clips from me playing them in the sims 4. again, this is my blog and if you don’t like the content I write involving them, don’t interact.
angelkitty - grimmjow x cassandra beckett (bleach), saint grafitti - bruno bangnyfe x genevieve “viv” astaseul-riley (info - warning, sudden audio playing if on a computer) (burn the witch), kitsuki - kakashi hatake x mitsuki hanabusa (naruto), storm motion - natsuo todoroki x andie paris (mha), hellbunny - mirko x harlow aelius (mha), keiki - hawks x suki fujimura-hansley. there’s also some ships involving bokuto, daichi, and keishin ukai from haikyuu, akitaru obi from fire force, damien from monster prom, some ships from jjk, and childe and arataki itto from genshin impact.
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popular works:
shaken, not stirred universe, ft. bartender!sukuna and co.
promised eternity, hades!sukuna x persephone!reader.
union, satoru gojo x original character (only on ao3 as of now).
favor fire, joker (fire force) x reader [NSFW]
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do not reblog.
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alive-out-of-spite · 3 years
Karasuno x witch s/o
Desc: I practice witchcraft and didn’t really feel like there are enough of these types of spiritual/witchy headcanons, so I made some. Please take into consideration that this is my first time doing this, and enjoy!
Low-key wouldn’t believe you
Probably kinda confused
Would think about it later and would be like so that explains the candles
And incense
And crystals
Wouldn’t take long after that and would be really accepting
probably wants to see it-
Either impressed or confused by everything in your grimoire
Would probably end up asking for something to calm down Noya and Tanaka
Or good luck on a game
And let’s be honest, you’d low key jinx the other team
Like, not anything that would hurt them, but the ball just randomly goes to the side.
Or their spikes going just slightly out of bounds. 
After this keeps happening, he’d just look up the stands to see you muttering something under your breath while staring at the other team
Would probably confront you about it
Might not ask you to stop though-
Probably doesn’t want the team to find out because they’d flip out
But they do
And they flip out
Would probably ask for different readings for games and how to help teach someone something
Really accepting. 
Seriously though, it’s suspicious how you tell him you practice witchcraft and he’s like “oh yeah, cool, can I get back to studying.”
Once he’s done though, he starts asking questions. So many questions. 
And when you bring up kitchen witchcraft, he just lights up
Okay but like, if you two don’t make way too much bread together then what, pray tell, are you doing? 
Also, he is freakishly good at rune casting. You cannot tell me I am wrong. 
Your deities (if you work with them) love him. 
And he’d ask about them too. He’s probably not too good at communicating with spirits alone, though. 
You guys would do ritual baths, though. 
He’s so aesthetic though, and when he’s looking at witchy aesthetics and sees it, he just goes, “Y/n. Here. now.” 
Would not so subtly say that he wanted to learn how to make one. 
He ends up learning witchcraft too because he keeps doing little parts of it, and you have to teach him a few things so that he doesn’t mess something up, and then he ends up full on practicing it. 
This is how the team finds out. They’ve seen you two hanging out, so Noya and Tanaka send Hinata as a spy. They bribed him with meat buns. 
He ends up hiding behind a tree while ya’ll are walking around in a forest, picking flowers and talking witchcraft. 
Hinata ends up screaming some type of gibberish and dragging you guys back to meet the team. 
They are so confused. 
He’s so calm about it though, just like, “This is my s/o, y/n, now back to what we were talking about.” You guys end up talking about your full moon ritual right in front of the team. 
All hell breaks loose when they question what you guys are talking about and you just say, “Witchcraft.” 
You two are officially the power couple no one messes with. 
Like,, one witch is dangerous if pissed off. But there are two witches. And they are dating. Go against one of you guys, and suddenly they have four deities after them. 
And the entire volleyball team.
You have to kinda edge it on
Mention all the things you do kinda casually
Like seeing a crystal and listing off its uses 
And after a while be like “oh yeah, you know all my hobbies and collections. I kinda practice witchcraft.” 
You’d have to debunk everything he knows about it
Then he’d get it
He’d be kinda scared that you can curse 
But would see everything else you can do and accept it
Okay, but hear me out here: anti-anxiety jars
He would learn more about witchcraft because he knows it can be dangerous and would low-key ask for one. 
*excited y/n noises*
Would definitely meditate with you. 
The team finds out when he slips up. 
You go to pick him up from the gym, and Suga goes, “Hey Asahi, try not to stress out too much about the game tomorrow.” 
He responds with, “Don’t worry, I’m meditating with y/n  today and they’re going to do a spell to help me.” 
[silence of realization]
Everyone asks him questions. You just walk in like, “Yo, Asahi, ready to go?” 
“Woah Asahi, how d'you get a s/o that hot?” 
Chaos erupts and you end up having to drag Asahi out of there, and it’s then that everyone realizes they still don’t have answers.
So excited. 
“Can you do a taroT reading?” he cannot pronounce tarot for the life of him
“Do you have a pointy hat?”
“Can I ride your broom?”
You definitely have to explain everything the movies got wrong though. 
Will ask you to do a spell to make Tsukishima nicer. 
I will fight you on that. 
Low key shows you off to everyone. 
And is like “my s/o is a witch” 
If no one would believe him, you’d probably do something
Imagine the team being like “you can’t be a witch, witchcraft isn’t real, then the lights going out in the gym.”
He’d try to learn it at some point or another. 
And would end up failing miserably. 
Probably has to call you up to catch the demon he summoned. 
Why did he summon a demon? You’ll never know. 
When you get there though. . . there’s wax on everything. 
And I mean e v e r y t h i n g. 
Somehow it’s on the ceiling. It’s all over the curtains. It got in his hair. 
Would watch in awe as you fix everything. 
Please do not do spirit work while he’s in a five-mile radius. 
He’d burst into the room like “YO, DOES THE SPIRIT KNOW HOW TO SHAKE ASS-” 
He pissed off the spirit and his ass hurt for a week after that-
The first time you tell him, he just laughs it off. 
“You’re literally the nicest person ever y/n, there’s no way you could be a witch.”
Until he buys you coffee one day and walks to your house to surprise you. 
He walks in and starts noticing the incense everywhere. 
And your excessive plant collection, and tea collection, and crystal collection-
He tries to bring you your coffee and mayhap walks in while you’re in the middle of a spell. 
And then a spirit gets loose in the house and you can’t find any of your jewelry for a week. 
You end up having to manifest it back after a while. 
Still can’t find that earring though. . . 
Would definitely believe you after that. 
If you work for deities, it is over for this boy. 
“Umm. . . yeah?” 
Is so proud of you and is impressed by literally everything. 
Will cry if you make him anything
You go to introduce yourself to the team with him one time and everyone already knows you. 
Kinda creepy, but it’s just because Tanaka will not stop talking about you. 
They notice how much better he plays while you’re at practice 
They beg you to start coming to games. And when you do and they completely dominate Alba Josiah, you’re officially required to attend all games ever. 
Not like you have any problem with it-
They do kinda wonder why Oikawa’s serve did nothing though-
One day though, you are talking to Tanaka about how the new moon is just as important as the full moon but no one will acknowledge it and he’s aggressively agreeing. 
Noya sneaks up with the intention of scaring both of you, and then you just hear from behind you, “Hey y/n,, why do you care so much about the moon?” 
Suddenly the wind starts going crazy and you shout in an annoyed voice, “Cut it out.” 
The wind stops and you just smile at him, “Witchcraft.” 
This boy literally drags you to the gym with Tanaka trailing behind ya’ll. 
He gets there, stops, and just goes, “Y/n’s a witch.”
This dude could go two ways. 
Laughing and telling you you’re crazy,, or bringing out a list of people to hex. 
I feel like he’d be good at tarot reading and find a way to make the cards even more insulting. 
“The cards said it.” Becomes his number one excuse. 
Would remind you of stuff really subtly so he could help you without seeming too nice. 
Something like, “Hey, what do you do for the full moon again?” around two days before so you wouldn’t get that panic of having no clue what you’re going to do for it. 
The team only finds out about you due to the second-years stalking him after they see him being nice to you and then they bring you to practice the next day to cause chaos. 
Tsukki would be so confused but ends up just going with it because ya'll have a date that night and might as well go there together instead of meeting up again later. 
He would bring you dried flowers and the team would be like ‘wtf Tsukishima you suck at this’.
And then they get so confused when you just respond with “oh, thanks, I actually just ran out of lavender yesterday.” 
Everyone would get so confused when you bring up spellwork and just start talking about it like it’s nothing. 
You end up casually dropping the fact that you practice witchcraft like you’re talking about the weather. 
They mention to you that they don’t believe you, but then a volleyball hits Kageyama in the back of the head. Everyone put the volleyballs away. They are across the gym. Everyone is standing here. Yet there is a volleyball right behind him. You laugh. Tsukki smirks. Everyone is afraid. 
The two of you just walk out of there. 
Leaving everyone shooketh. 
No one ever teases you. Or Tsukishima while you’re around. You have become a being of fear.
This boy is so confused. 
“You mean like magic?”
You knew this would happen, so you didn’t even tell him. 
But then he walked in on you surrounded by candles with a book open putting stuff in a jar. 
You only see him after you finish the spell and the moment of ‘oh no’ panic is ✨immaculate✨
Eventually, he’s okay. He’s completely clueless but is just cool with it. 
Brings you random stuff like “could you use this?” 
It’ll end up being something that you really needed or had been trying to manifest
*insert realization that your deities are sending you signs through him*
Probably isn’t too good with most parts of witchcraft, but once you explain numerology, he points every time he sees it. 
The team finds out because Kageyama was bragging talking to Hinata about how he has the best s/o but told him not to tell anyone
He told everyone
The pressure everyone puts on him end up with him dragging you to practice one day
You just snap, “I was in the middle of a spell, why did you drag me all the way out here?” oblivious to the scene around you. 
3. 2. 1. Chaos. 
Everyone just starts screaming bloody murder. ‘Kageyama, you never told me your s/o was that hot’ ‘What do they mean ‘spell’?’ ‘Wait, y/n?’ ‘Who’s that?’ 
“Hi,” you almost snarl, “I’m y/n, Tobio’s s/o, and I’m going to get back to my spell before the Dybbuk haunting my best friend does any more damage.”
“What do you mean ‘spell’,” Suga asks, “and what’s a Dybbuk?”
“I practice witchcraft, and that’s not important.”
You walk away muttering something about warding. 
“Definitely Kageyama’s s/o.” -the entire Karasuno team
“WHAAAAA?!?!? Y/n, you’re being haunted? Are you possessed? Are you-”
You have to calm him down and explain everything.
Once he gets it, he brags to everyone he knows. His teachers, his team, the other teams, his parents, his sister- everyone.
After enough literally just a day of him begging, you finally have to meet the team.
“So. . . this is your s/o?” “Yup!”
Tsukki starts laughing, “I mean, calling them a witch is a little rude, don’t you think?”
“HAAAAAAA??!?!!? No, no, no, they practice witchcraft and do magick and-”
Tsukki laughs even harder. “I knew you were stupid, but delusional is-”
“Hey Tsukishima, there are cheap headphones at the corner store, the left ear of your’s aren’t working and that always sucks.”
“How did you-”
. . . “oh-”
He can never keep the attention span necessary to do anything involving witchcraft, but cannot not watch you do everything witchy.
He will literally sit like an excited child in the corner while you do your full moon ritual.
If you invite him to any witchy holiday he will be stoked and eat all the bread
Way too excited, but keeps eating your stuff. “I thought you said it was a luck spell?” 
“They’re essential to my health?” 
“N O -”
Literally so supportive through the whole thing, do not throw him away-
He is really confused
Witchcraft? You mean like magic? You must be confused, come here, do you have a fever?
It takes him a while to wrap his head around it. 
Once he does though, he’s really curious. “Hey y/n, what are the properties of an apple?” 
He’s another one who’s a sucker for kitchen witchcraft. He’s just like ‘I have a s/o who can make amazing food and make that amazing food help make my spikes more accurate.’
He’s mesmerized by everything you do, but when you offer to teach him anything, he’s too scared he’ll mess up and just says no. 
He’s still kinda normalized it and accepted it as a part of your relationship. 
It just becomes a normal part of his life, and he grows more comfortable with it, but still doesn’t practice it. 
He just feels like it’s you’re thing and has no interest in practicing it, still loves watching you though-
You always involve him in you’re celebrations that don’t involve spells, like this year’s Beltane. 
So you invite him to the park for a Beltane picnic where you both can do some fun activities to celebrate. 
He accepts and is so excited (he never gets over his excitement to be around you). 
So you are both eating and talking witchy stuff (Yamaguchi loves learning about it). 
You’re just talking like, “Yeah! I seriously don’t get how no one knows that the veil’s thinnest on Beltane as well as Samhain-”
“Saw- what now?” You hear from behind you. 
You turn around to see Tanaka and Noya eating ice cream and very curious about their junior’s peculiar ‘friend’.
Yamaguchi has a panic moment, but you just whisper a quick, “It’s fine, they were bound to find out eventually. Can I tell them?” 
He nods and you turn to the chaotic duo. “Hello, I’m y/n, and I’m Yamaguchi’s s/o. Nice to meet you, Noya and Tanaka.”
“You know our names!” Tanaka muses. “Yup,” you deadpan. “How much does our kohai talk about us?” Noya asks, “I know we’re special, but this is another level.”
“Not much,” Yama replies, “They just know things.” Noya and Tanaka smirking: “What type of things?” 
Yama.exe has stopped working. You sigh, “C’mon Tadashi, you couldn’t celebrate with me last Samhain, so you’ve never seen me do energy work when the veil’s this thin.” He immediately perks up, but so do the Duo, yet again. Here’s a demonstration, you smirk. 
You start moving your hands, and the breeze picks up a little, not that the Duo would notice anything but you’re weird hand movements from where they’re standing. They’re about to laugh when the trees all around you start moving along with your movements. 
Tanaka and Noya leave without another word. 
You continue you’re date with him as normal, but make a point of showing up to practice to make sure you and Tadashi tell the team before the Duo can. 
“Hey, Babe!” Yama calls upon your entry. Noya and Tanaka who were previously shouting at the top of their lungs for who knows why go quiet- something not unnoticed by Daichi. “Do you two know them?”
“Yup, we had an encounter yesterday.” 
“It was kinda weird how it was raining yesterday though, it was supposed to be clear.”
“Oh, my bad,” you say, to which Tsukishima laughs. “What? Are you delusional or something?” Wordlessly, you start moving your fingers in a circular motion. No one notices, but they do notice how there’s a violent wind circling the court even though all the doors and windows are closed. 
“Or something,” You deadpan, “Let’s go, Yama.” 
His teammates look back to him, walking to you and lightly giggling, “Sure, y/n, you can stop it now, though.”
“Fine,” you huff and the wind stops immediately.
Thanks for reading, I hope you guys like this. If you have any ideas for another spiritual (or just random) hc, please make sure to submit it! Thanks for reading!
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illuminiscentboba · 2 years
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feat: various ! (because it was too fun not to include them all XD)
genres: entirely fluff, maybe some chaos but that’s the best part
warnings: none ! :)
a/n: nothing I love more than fantasyhq! 💝 inspired by encanto tho I’m strongly considering doing some magic house s/o hcs for certain charas like ‘tsumu, akaashi, oikawa & anyone else if you guys are interested :) the sheer amount of creative house appliance stuff i omitted for the hc’s above^ and sick reader x ‘samu magic house I’ve been working on is painful- oh I’m also working on a hinata fantasy medieval fic & so if you want to be added to the tag list let me know :)
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this baby would be sooo excited and curious about everything I kid you not, rushing to different spots on the house, dancing a jig with with the slippers that bounce and twirl on their heels and toes, watching in awe as you talk to the furniture. every tiny to big detail would excite them and as they stare their eyes light up, practically blinding you and jaws constantly dropping open "woahh, could you do it again? just one last time, pretty please??" "Babe, I already showed you this three times now." "And three is pathetically tiny number. Four is much better." He stretches out the 'much' and when the appliance shakes in anticipation he adds, "See, even the kettle wants you to do it!" Though once they somewhat settle down, this boy would definitely befriend the house. Like humming and belting out lyrics in the house, tossing his sweater at the wall with the form of a basketball player for the upper rung to lower it's place on the wall to catch, and love to help clean up (Cinderella fit and all), and interact with the house so much that it's almost like he lives there and the house becomes attached to him too. Loud "I'm home!!"'s and smiles and laughter when the floorboards rise and fall like hitting the keys of a xylophone and as the appliances hurry to welcome him.
⁀➷  atsumu, hinata, bokuto tanaka, oikawa, tendou, nishinoya, lev, sugawara, kuroo, matsukawa, hanamaki 
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now, this boy is a more subtle kind of impressed, excited but not as much as one of his close crazy friends would've been. he also interacts with and has come to appreciate a friendship with the house. often in the kitchen vibing with the salt shakers and letting out a low whistle at normal appliances pitching in to help him or being convenient instead of all of the floorboards and portraits dancing and unfurling carpets. Easily the type of guy in a house with all kinds of chaos gets excited with the chairs that knock into the back of their knees and pull you to the right spot at the table and tuck themselves in, with drawers that open themselves when you reach something and when he's teasing and bullying you, the furniture bumping him and bottom cupboards open wildly and smack him, squarely in the butt and bullying him lolll as he laughs, apologizing to appease the furniture and hold and tickle you as you laugh at him from your place on the floor. "c'mere you." he says reaching for you as you try to crawl out of his reach as you guys playfully wrestle, the utensils forming an audience across from you guys on the counter.
⁀➷ osamu, iwaizumi, kita, akaashi, sakusa, yamaguchi, ushijima, daichi, yaku
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this boy here is half in denial but also struggling to hide the fascination he feels, "Babe I didn't know you were a witch." "Idk, feel like I deserved to know or like a...warning." "shut up." you two are both smiling as he drinks in the interior, admiring portraits until they start playing games with him and tilt the other way when he reaches for them. he would visit often even after pretending to be unfazed by the house as the interior tries to approach and be friendly with him and cups slide across the counter to his hand and a fork and spoon hop over to him when you guys set out the take out. there are definitely moments where sometimes both him and the house would judge you lol, constant gossip queen energy. and although he tries to act nonchalant about the house, you catch him very often being cute and awkwardly interacting with the furniture. Maybe hunched over watching the dancing slippers perform or pointing at random plant pots as they show him a trick, pleased at the random attention, pretty much him secretly appreciating and showing intrigue though he tries to play it off as if you haven't caught him playing simon says with the perfume bottles five times now-
⁀➷ suna, tsukishma, kageyama, shirabu, kenma, matsukawa, sakusa, kunimi
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request status: open !
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elysianslove · 3 years
(*) is smut! 
i edit this as i post more! <3
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all the little things
cheering you up
*prettiest moans ranking
*captains’ moans 
haikyuu boys in the delivery room 
special relationship thing
calling them arabic terms of endearment 
most likely to fall in love with a fake partner 
preferred honeymoon destination, part 2
boys that would love a muscular s/o
*who can, can’t, and more, handle edging
*boys that prefer choking/prefer getting choked
*hottest grunts ranking
*getting passed and railed by msby 
*haikyuu captains dick analysis
*haikyuu aces dick analysis
*haikyuu setters dick analysis
*haikyuu midldle blockers dick analysis
haikyuu boys and tropes that would suit them
what falling in love with them sounds like, part 2
*haikyuu cum review
*haikyuu visuals & complimentary drabbles
haikyuu boys as unintentionally flustering things
*random & specific nsfw headcanons 
waxing the haikyuu captains 
*types of slappers 
*boys into sounding
*boys that get off while on the phone w/ you
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*iwaizumi and his camgirl best friend 
part 1, part 2, secrets that you keep (part 3) 
comforting insecure osamu 
*part 1, part 2
*suna and his virgin boyfriend 
part 1, part 2, part 3 
surrogate series
being iwaoi’s surrogate, being sakuatsu’s surrogate
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mornings with kageyama 
working out/yoga with kageyama 
working out/yoga with nishinoya
daichi finding out you can rap 
scarlet witch!reader
hinata saved by jujutsu sorcerer!reader
tsukishima saved by jujutsu sorcerer!reader
asahi with a germaphobe s/o
sugawara with a germaphobe s/o
tsukishima crushing on an intimidating but clumsy!reader
asahi fluff headcanons 
some boyfriend!kageyama 
sfw drabbles
kageyama and practice kissing
secret relationship outed; tanaka
sweet revenge
1k Event — Character Studies 
nishinoya yū
daichi sawamura 
asahi azumane
kageyama tobio
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tutoring oikawa
mornings with matsukawa 
working out/yoga with oikawa 
oikawa as your roommate 
iwaizumi as your roommate 
best friends to lovers with iwaizumi 
best friends to lovers with oikawa 
oikawa finding out you can rap 
scarlet witch!reader
oikawa with a touch starved s/o
iwaizumi with a bitchy but secretly sweet s/o
oikawa flirting with ushijima’s twin sister
matsukawa with a tall s/o
some cuddling with mattsun 
oikawa & his twin girls learning spanish
fluff headcanons for iwaizumi 
oikawa’s hands 
sfw drabbles
stopping time; iwaizumi 
aftercare with matsukawa
spending the night with matsukawa 
1k Event — Character Studies 
oikawa tōru
iwaizumi hajime
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kuroo tutoring you
working out/yoga with kuroo 
kuroo as your roommate 
best friends to lovers with kuroo 
kuroo finding out you can rap
scarlet witch!reader
kenma with a touch starved s/o
kuroo with a bitchy but secretly sweet s/o
kuroo with an s/o that has a phobia of blood
kenma with a really beautiful s/o
kuroo saved by jujutsu sorcerer!reader
kenma saved by jujutsu sorcerer!reader
kuroo with a really beautiful s/o
kenma with a germaphobe s/o
sfw drabbles
mornings with kenma
kuroo’s birthday surprise 
revelation; kuroo 
secret relationship outed; taketora 
500 Follower Event
kenma — kissing in the rain
kenma — “i made you a playlist”
*kenma — breeding kink, manhandling/rough sex
1k Event ━ Character Studies 
kozume kenma
kuroo tetsurō
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akaashi tutoring you
mornings with bokuto
working out/yoga with bokuto 
bokuto finding out you can rap
bokuto with an s/o that has a phobia of blood
akaashi with an s/o that has a phobia of blood
akaashi saved by jujutsu sorcerer!reader
akaashi with a really beautiful s/o
bokuto comforting you
sfw drabbles 
love you, infinitely; akaashi
puppy dog eyes; bokuto
the taste of you; akaashi
dancing among the trees; akaashi
the world is not enough for you; akaashi 
500 Follower Event
akaashi — kissing away their tears, first “i love you.”
1k Event — Character Studies 
bokuto kōtarō
akaashi keiji
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ushijima naming his plants after you
ushijima finding out you can rap 
tendō with an s/o with cold hands
semi crushing on a vb player!reader
shirabu crushing on a vb player!reader
ushijima with a really beautiful s/o
oikawa flirting with ushijima’s twin sister
sfw drabbles 
rainy days; semi
500 Follower Event
shirabu — deep 3 am talks, neck kisses
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atsumu as your roommate 
kita finding out you can rap
atsumu with a bitchy but secretly sweet s/o
atsumu with an s/o with cold hands
kita with a really beautiful s/o
atsumu with a really beautiful s/o
osamu with a really beautiful s/o
atsumu crushing on a vb player!reader 
osamu crushing on a vb player!reader
suna crushing on a vb player!reader
kita saved by jujutsu sorcerer!reader
suna with a really beautiful s/o
osamu crushing on an intimidating but clumsy!reader
suna smacking your ass 
kissing the wrong twin when drunk
atsumu taking care of his sick s/o
dates with osamu
miya twins with a younger sister 
suna fluff headcanons
brother’s best friend suna 
osamu when you’re on your period
sfw drabbles
osamu pining after onigiri miya!employee
showering atsumu in appreciation 
miya twins finding out about suna’s boyfriend
suna’s boyfriend riding the same travel bus as the vbc
pampering atsumu 
prince!osamu x commoner!reader 
never not worthy; miya twins
reminder; suna 
500 Follower Event 
atsumu — hurting their s/o verbally, kissing away their tears
*atsumu — make up sex, praise kink
*osamu — make up sex, praise kink
1k Event — Character Studies 
suna rinatarō
miya osamu
miya atsumu
kita shinsuke
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terushima finding out you can rap 
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futakuchi finding out you can rap 
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sakusa with a really beautiful s/o
sakusa crushing on a vb player!reader
sakusa crushing on an intimidating but clumsy!reader
sfw drabbles
unexpected; sakusa
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1k Event ━ Character Studies 
hoshiumi kōrai 
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1k Event ━ Character Studies 
daishō suguru
4K notes · View notes
tetsvhoe · 3 years
character/s: daichi sawamura ; sugawara koushi ; asahi azumane ; nishinoya yuu ; tanaka ryuunosuke ; kageyama tobio ; hinata shoyo ; tsukishima kei ; yamaguchi tadashi x f!reader
genre/s: fluff
warning/s: none
gwen’s notes 🤍: have this smau update while i procrastinate everything else. gonna be a bit busy this week so bear w me. also this isn't proofread also made it while half asleep so.
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@mirakeul @realityisabitch-blr @erinoikawa @haji-bby @seijohoe @szeonn @banananaa4 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @thezebra12 @iwaizumisunshine @stffychn @vvvselfindulgence @devilgirlcrybabiey @ebiharachan @coco96 @knmsapplepi @strawberryzos @iwasunshine @bidisaster1307 @jesssobs @asaitashi @duhsies @devilsbooksworld @littlemochi @mikeystomanjacket @noitsmrleorio @agasheeee @crystal-lilac @miyadarling @roanniee @lemonz-z @softsakusas @your-girl-mj @kuroomiya @ninjamomo @tsumomii @akarisroom @hello0i @crustycookiebestie @shanthesamurai @pelicanpizza @kuroosatoru @singularly-gifted-witch
reblog for a phat ass !
210 notes · View notes
Requests (everyone can ignore this, this is just my notes Tumblr decided to FUCKING post 😐... I'm fine this is all fine)
Reverse Harem- Sakusa, Meian and Ushijima (@times-new-roman-in-pastel )
Karasuno female manager- fought over by Oikawa/Kuroo but has a crush on Daishou (Daishou has a crush back)- @times-new-roman-in-pastel k
MHA Koda protective older sister (can talk to dangerous animals) dating Aizawa- Japan Manager Anon
MHA Tamaki Older siblings married to Fatgum- Japan Manager Anon
Nekoma reacting to a manager with serious mental health issues/ manager who self-harms- Rat Anon
Shiratorizawa with a Manga Artist Manager- @writingfool001
Kuroo x female manager- group chat/headcannons- spooky anon
Team Japan x Female Volleyball player (female team japan)- they randomly see her and all have a crush on her @trashfox
Inarizaki x manager with a personality disorder @trashfox
Oikawa introducing Foreign SO to his friends- anon
Daichi, Iwaizumi and Tendou x S/O with scars of their face from dog attack @dragon-slayer5
Aone, Ushijima, Kuroo and Yaku x Florist S/O @dragon-slayer5
GN reader x Tendou going to feed the ducks at the park- Dragon Anon
Aone x gn reader/Aone proposes -anon
Bokuto x depressed reader- anon
Karasuno, Shiratorizawa, Inarizaki with an Albino Female reader @girldoesstuf
YN Kuroo (kuroo's twin sister) x Daishou @maycat-19-142
Inarizaki, Shiratorizawa, Aoba Johsai x dancer reader
YN Hinata: Hinata's older sister and manager for Shiratorizawa @korrynn-nadine
Tanaka and Noya x manager- trip to theme park @maria-chwan
Tanaka x reader @maria-chwan
Shiratorizawa, Seijoh, and Karasuno x artist manager/draw pictures of the third years leaving- anon
Group chat with Mina exposes Bakugo for cheating on YN with Ochako and YN ends up with Tokoyami/dark shadow and Bakugo is devastated @alreadyinsane
Being Nekoma's Manager and Dating Lev/team member finds out and tells the team @veeaxx
Tendou x Karasuno Manager/ YN making a bet with Ushiwaka -Tendou Anon
Karasuno x manager with Autism -anon
Karasuno x artist manager- anon
Timeskip Sakusa proposing to girlfriend/ breaking through to Sakusa part 2- T~T anon
Inarizaki or Seijoh with a Manager who has supernatural powers (lile scarlet witch) -☕️ anon
Atsumu S/O, YN is a CEO and sponsor for Team Japan- ☕️ anon
Class 2-A Shy YN is added to the class -☕️ anon
Shiratorizawa and Karasuno with an SO who appears not to have an SO- :'] anon
Ushijima x tutor reader/team persuades YN to be a manager
Kuroo YN: Kenma gets jealous of Akaashi/Bokuto and Kuroo tease him- Anon
Inarizaki x manger: Manager has an amputated leg- box gremlin anon
Nekoma x manager: amputated leg
Karasuno x first year female manager- anon
Meian, Tendou and Kita x Yn: Dating/ Married life (SFW and NSFW)- tendou anon
Karasuno x Arab Reader(non-muslim)- anon
Seijoh x bookworm manager- anon
Inarizaki x female manager: Manager who loves to cook and bake- anon
Inarizaki x Kita YN: Kita's 1st year cousin is manager- Anon
Inarizaki x manager: YN is fearless
Shiratorizawa x Female reader: Tendous bestie/Semi has a crush and dates Yn- Anon
Karasuno, Seijoh and Nekoma x Singer Manager - anon
Manager with Heterochromia- Team Japan
Fukurodani with a cosplay manager
Nationals prom- gen Z anon
Large Volleyball event: YN sings- anon
22 notes · View notes
ukaisprincesss · 3 years
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Why hello there my lovely, how are you today?
Hmm, well however you are welcome to Art’s Fantasies. I’ll be guiding you on your journey through the realms of your sexual fantasies. Send me an ask or message to be added to the tag list. Before we list your schedule, as always, minors do not enter.
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Now let’s see...oh fun! Looks like you will be starting your journey with a werewolf named Koutarou Bokuto. I’ve heard they have rather big- let’s continue.
Pairing: Werewolf Bokuto x f!reader
Date: TBD
Oh lucky you! Next you have two royal guests, Prince Wakatoshi Ushijima and his loyal servant Satori Tendou. How charming.
Pairing: Prince Ushijima + Servant Tendou x f!reader
Date: TBD
So cute! Now we have a little Fairy named Shoyo Hinata. They’re shy little things, you might have to take charge with this one.
Pairing: Fairy Hinata x f!reader
Date: TBD
A chivalrous Knight is up, ready to play a damsel in distress to Daichi Sawamura?
Pairing: Knight Daichi x f!reader
Date: TBD
Oh my personal favorite to play with, an Incubus. He goes by the name Tooru Oikawa.
Pairing: Incubus Oikawa x f!reader
Date: TBD
Oi! Are you still paying attention? Aye, next up is the captain of a Pirate ship, Lev Haiba.
Pairing: Pirate Lev x f!reader
Date: TBD
Next up we have the oh so seductive Kiyoko Shimizu, a Witch! Better be careful or she’ll cast a spell on you.
Pairing: Witch Kiyoko x f!reader
Date: TBD
Another threesome? You greedy little thing. Vampires Tetsuro Kuroo and Kozume Kenma.
Pairing: Vampire Kuroo + Vampire Kenma x f!reader
Date: TBD
Don’t fall into this Hunter’s trap, Tobio Kageyama.
Pairing: Hunter Kageyama x f!reader
Date: TBD
Keep your goods close to as you encounter the Thief, Keishin Ukai.
Pairing: Thief Ukai x f!reader
Date: TBD
The alluring Siren, Keiji Akaashi, will pull you in his waters next. I wonder how this will play out.
Pairing: Siren Akaashi x f!reader
Date: TBD
Last but definitely not least, a mysterious Magician named...well, no one knows what his name is.
Pairing: ??? x f!reader
Date: TBD
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a/n: I’m so excited to begin this series, it’s been on my mind for awhile and I’m finally getting around to it. If you’d like to be added to the tag list for this specific series send me an ask or message. If you would like to submit art feel free! I would love to see and promote your creations. This will be a slow series as I want to spend time on it and have longer works for it. Thank you! P.S. If a character is requested by popular demand I might add them to the list (;
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Taglist: @foreverdebbie @madi12350 @crapimahuman @kona-writes @kuroogguk @pandauniverse @f0cking33ked
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250 notes · View notes
dokifluffs · 3 years
Baby Halloween | Konoha, Sakusa
Pairing: Konoha X Reader (female), Sakusa X Reader (female) 
Genre: the fluffiest of halloween fluffs with haikyuu dads you’ll ever read 🥺 
Author’s Note: I know it’s november- Gifs from @rivaillerose​ 💛💛
Baby Halloween | Kenma and Kuroo // Baby Halloween | Kita, Tsukishima // Baby Halloween | Suna, Osamu 
Warnings! Haikyuu dads with kids, post time skip
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“Is this thing on?” Konoha’s face was blurry right in front of the camera as he set the camera propped up on the staircase
“Yes, ‘Nori,” you laughed as you sipped your warm drink, filling your body with a nice fuzzy feeling despite being on the side side of the globe, away from your world
Your baby girl and your husband on her second halloween
The early years of her life were so precious and they were flying by so fast, you wished it could slow down just a bit but alas, time didn’t wait for anyone
“Alright,” he stepped back from the camera he propped up, flashily, the cape from his costume spreading and whooshing around him, revealing a special, galaxy themed box with cut out stars and a crescent moon
“Behold!” your husband called excitedly as he raised his arms, pulling a fake bouquet of flowers from his sleeve, pretending to give it to you
Despite you being on the other side of the world
“Wow, I loveee it,” you said painfully sarcastically as you broke into a fit of laughter seeing konoha make a face at you through the screen
Oh you just knew that if you were there, he would be tackling and tickling you, teasing you, asking you if he still loved it
But anyways
He tossed the fake bouquet to the side as he pulled a magic wand
“And now for my second and final trick, I will make the cutest little bunny appear,” he smiled, clearly mouthing a few words you couldn’t make out or hear you assumed to be your daughter in the box
“Alright, 1, 2, and 3! Abracadabra!” Konoha called
And as he said, the absolute cutest bunny of your daughter slowly sprung up in a little white bunny onesie with a pink headband
“What do we say to mommy?” Konoha knelt down, lifting her out of the box and set her down before him with her arms still raised
“D/N,” he turned her a little, his hand on her belly as he pointed to his phone on the stairs. “What do you say to mommy?”
She looked at him momentarily, placing her fingers slowly to her chin, her faint freckles matching his
He mouthed something to her once again before pulling her carefully close, whispering into her ear
“Peeboo!” She called somewhat hesitantly, her chubby cheeks rosy 
“No,” Konoha laughed as he sat back on his heels, “it’s peekaboo but close enough,” he snaked his arms around her and smothered kisses to her cheek, blowing raspberries and making her laugh 
your cheeks were tired from all the smiling you were doing, god it just made you want to hop on the next flight home 
he swept her off her feet in his arms and brought her to the stairs, sitting on them as she sat in his lap, leaning close to see you as much as possible 
though she may not have fully understood what you were doing or why you weren’t here at home at the moment, she just knew that seeing you, you were still here even though you were hundreds to thousands of kilometers away 
“mama, peeboo!” she called as she giggled her sweet angelic voice sounding into the tall staircase 
“we worked on that all morning,” Konoha sighed as he psuhed off her headband to play with her hair 
“but we’ll for sure nail it by the time you come back,” konoha smiled 
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“Pumpum, are you ready?” Sakusa called out to his little girl as he heard the clutter of toys from her play room probably being spread all over the wooden floors
He slipped into his own shoes, tying them as he stayed knelt on the ground, a smile spreading to his face as he saw his little girl bounce towards him, skipping excitedly in her plush little pumpkin costume
“Yes!” She squealed, her raven hair that matched Sakusa’s, tied into little pigtails beside her head with a little pumpkin headband
The little headband that also matched Sakusa’s to which he used to push back his hair
“Alright, step in,” he undid the velcro straps to her light up shoes, securing them in
“Too tight?” He was able to sort of stick his finger into the side of the shoe entrance but that was fine
As soon as her shoes were on, she stomped around, playing with her shoes, using her hands to push her costume in so she could see
“Com here, pumpum,” Sakusa pat his thigh to which she hopped over and sat herself in
He pulled out the final touch, bringing out the annual custom mask and gloves he had prepared for her and himself to match the costumes since it was a tradition now for the three of you all to match
Though this year, business called and you were over seas
He secured the elastic band to the pumpkin mask on her face as well as his own
“Smile for mommy,” how own voice slightly muffled, though his practically had double the layers, as he took a mirror picture of him and his little pumpkin
Though his costume wasn’t really a costume but black pants and an ash gray turtleneck
He took the picture as well as multiple others with her orange jack-o-lantern that matched her costume, capturing aesthetically pleasing pictures of her to cherish forever
“Let’s go trick or treating.” He held her hand walking out the door, shutting the porch light off since one of you would usually be home to give out candy, mainly you since Sakusa didn’t want to interact with others
But alas, it was just the two of them this year
She bounced and ran about through the familiar neighborhood, seeing friends from her elementary school with their own parents following
The neighborhood was friendly as a gentle breeze blew through the streets every now and then, making all the various decorations of witches and spiders hanging on porches or in trees sway
“Daddy look!” he carried her as it was time to go home after almost an hour and a half of trick her treating
He followed her finger to a pile of pumpkins, all carved with funny faces on a neighbor’s lawn
“it’s us!” she giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder, her pigtail tickling his ear
But he didn’t mind as he carried the plastic container pretty full with candy
Sakusa could tell her energy was depleted as her bubbliness was no longer there as he set her down on the bench upon entering, slipping her out of her shoes and taking off her mask and gloves to be sterilized under a UV lamp
“Bath time,” he ushered her toward the bathroom, as she undressed herself while Sakusa sneaked away, hiding her jack-o-lantern of candy beneath the sink counter
And instead, replacing it with a special jack o-lantern he had always done every year so she would eat candy he was comfortable with and knew that it was clean and not handled by anyone else but him
She was his little pumpum after all and he wasn’t going to let any germs get to her
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @1-800-wholesome@yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv​  @oxmaddy​​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101​ @abcdaichi​ @oyasenpai​ @kaaidalupita​ @lovinnoya​ @wisepandaslimeland​ @killuaking​ @bbymilkbread​ @tsumtsumland​​​ @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl​ @amandahh626​ @nabisonyeo94​ @wntrmn​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @peteunderoos​ @ohyoumakemelive​ @aka-a-shii​ @shinhiromi​ @wompwomphq​ @lollypop-lam​ @isentsworld​ @blue-melody​ @u-wakatoshii​ @moondriplets​ @lovinnoya​​ @yuueisteria​ @humanitysbiggestsimp​ @cjphoenix135​ @inarizaki-captain​ @closetfurrytsukishima​ @chibichab​ @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh​ @lavearchives​ @sweet-sour-devil-ish​ @daichis-kitty​
926 notes · View notes
pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Pan’s Masterlist
Pan’s Blog Rules
400 and 500 Follower Event (Closed!)
300 Follower Event (Closed!)
200 Follower Prompt List (Closed!)
Open 24/7 Prompt List
Bakugou Katsuki
He’s Faking It (Scenario)
Scars and Marks (Soulmate AU Series)
Equals and Dinner (Scars and Marks Pt.2)
You Don’t Remember (Scenario)
Soft (Scenario)
Fighting My Own Battles, and Mineta (Scenario)
Not Another Nanny Masterlist (Series, Incomplete. ON HIATUS)
Kirishima Eijirou 
Say Love (Scenario)
Kaminari Denki
You Have A Visitor! (Scenario)
Books Bring People Together (Scenario)
You Care For Me (Scenario)
Tokoymai Fumikage
Angels, Demons, and Wings Pt.1 (Series)
Angels, Demons, and Wings Pt.2 (Series)
Angels, Demons, and Wings Pt.3 (Series, Incomplete, ON HIATUS)
Sero Hanta
Until Eternity Runs Out (Scenario)
Todoroki Shouto
Meeting His Father (Headcanons)
He Would Tear the World Apart (Scenario)
On Live National Television (Scenario)
Forget the World (Scenario)
Not All Are Bad (Scenario, A/B/O)
Midoriya Izuku
Silk and Steel Pt.1 (Series)
Silk and Steel Pt.2 (Series)
Silk and Steel Pt.3 (Series)
Silk and Steel Pt.4 (Series, Incomplete, ON HIATUS)
Shinso Hitoshi
Gold and Stars (Scenario)
I’m Coming For All His Monsters (Scenario)
My Hero, Not Spider-Man (Scenario)
Amajiki Tamaki
First ‘I Love You’ (Scenario)
Togata Mirio
To be added
Monoma Neito
To be added
Aizawa Shouta
To be added
Poly! BNHA
BakuKiriKami x Reader
For You, And You, And You (Scenario, Hanahaki AU)
Tsukishima Kei
Meeting the Team (Scenario)
Because Clingy is a Good Thing (Scenario)
Since We Were Nineteen (Scenario)
Kiss Me You Coward (Scenario)
I’m Right Here (Scenario)
Promise Me You Won’t Fall In Love (Scenario)
Only For You (Scenario, Sequel to fic above)
Nothing in the World (Scenario)
I Just Wanted It To Be You (Soulmate AU, Scenario)
Kageyama Tobio
Compliments and Appreciation (Scenario)
Guarded Hearts (Scenario)
Nishinoya Yuu
Where’s My Smile? (Scenario)
Challenge (Scenario)
Hinata Shouyou
In Every Universe, Forever and Always (Soulmate AU, Reincarnation AU, Scenario)
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Lucky (Scenario) Jackets (Scenario)
Tanaka Ryunosuke
What if They Don’t Like Me? (Scenario)
Stress and Comfort (Scenario)
Bruised Knuckles and a Heart of Gold (Scenario)
Daichi Sawamura
Papers (Scenario)
Can You Stay With Me? (Scenario, Reincarnation AU)
Sugawara Koushi
By Your Side (Scenario, Royalty AU)
Azumane Asahi
Invisible String and A Helping Hand (Soulmate AU, Scenario)
Saturdays and Murder Contemplation (Scenario)
Kuroo Tetsuro
Sugarwhiskers (Scenario, Witch AU)
You’re So Soft For Me, Aren’t You? (Scenario)
I Don’t Want to Lose You (Scenario, Royalty AU)
Yaku Morisuke
To be added
Kozume Kenma
Run (Scenario)
Do You See What’s Happening? (Scenario, Rivals AU)
Haiba Lev
To be added
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa Tooru
Did Fate Screw Us? (Soulmate AU, Scenario)
Goodbye (Scenario)
Beaches and New Beginnings (Scenario)
Together Sounds Pretty Good (Scenario)
Iwaizumi Hajime
Are You Happy? (Scenario)
Get Your Hands Off My Girl (Scenario)
Go Back to Sleep (Scenario)
I’m Here for You (Scenario)
Matsukawa Issei 
I Like You (Scenario)
Hanamaki Takahiro
Earbuds (Scenario)
Kyoutani Kentarou
Where’s the Manager? (Scenario)
Volleyboy Blondie (Scenario)
Tattoos and TV (Scenario)
Mad Dog Has a Girlfriend?! (Scenario)
Yahaba Shigeru
Hearts and Shocks (Scenario, Soulmate AU)
Watari Shinji
To be added
Kunimi Akira
To be added
Kindaichi Yuutarou
To be added
Bokuto Koutarou
I Knew It (Scenario)
Let Me Prove to You (Scenario)
Akashi Keiji
Pictures and Words (Scenario, Soulmate AU)
Lyrical Summers (Scenario)
Date Tech
Aone Takanobu
Dating Aone (Headcanons)
You Aren’t Scared (Scenario)
Let Me Do This For You (Scenario)
Lazy Day (Scenario)
Futakuchi Kenji
To be added
Koganegawa Kanji
To be added
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Get Your Hands Off My Girl (Scenario)
Soft (Scenario)
Tendou Satori
He’s Just Recharging (Scenario)
Our Own Beat (Scenario)
Semi Eita
To be added
Shirabu Kenjiro
To be added
Goshiki Tsutomu
To be added
Terushima Yuuji
Time and Nostalgia (Scenario)
Daishou Suguru
To be added
Poly Haikyuu!!
BokuAkaKuroTsukki x Reader
Four of Them, One of Me
Kiyoshi Teppei
To be added
Hyuuga Junpei
To be added
Izuki Shun
To be added
Mitobe Rinnosuke
To be added
Koganei Shinji
To be added
Kagami Taiga
To be added
Kuroko Tetsuya
To be added
Imoyashi Shoichi
To be added
Wakamatsu Kousuke
To be added
Sakurai Ryou
To be added
Aomine Daiki
Hidden Panthers (Scenario)
Miyaji Kiyoshi
To be added
Outsubo Taisuke
To be added
Takao Kazunari
To be added
Midorima Shintarou
To be added
Kasamatsu Yukio
To be added
Kise Ryouta
To be added
Mortal Instruments:
Jonathan Morgenstern
From the Shadows Into the Spotlight (Scenario)
My Heaven (Scenario)
Please Note: If there are characters on here that are missing, I either don’t write for them, I completely forgot to add them, or I don’t have a good enough sense of their character and personality to write for them. I haven’t seen all of the anime for haikyuu!! or the movies for BNHA, and I haven’t read any of the manga, so I apologize if your favorite characters are missing. Feel free to send me an ask or a personal message if there is a character you want to ask me about!
420 notes · View notes
tawnyafterhours · 3 years
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minors/ageless blogs dni - this is an 18+ blog & you will be blocked
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some things:
• requests are kind of open for drabbles/thirsts - if i have the brain juice for it then i’ll do it and ideas for future fics are very welcome, everything gets added to a notes doc soo…
• i love love love asahi, daichi and bokuto (haikyuu), tamaki, aizawa, dabi, spinner and shigaraki (mha), n jean and levi (aot).
• oikawa, shoto todoroki and ushijima are a hit or miss with me.
• i will not write for mineta, midnight or endeavour.
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masterlist below (everything is in posting order)
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•  7 Minutes in Heaven | Asahi Azumane x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, overstimulation, squirting, unprotected sex, creampie, size kink, mentions of body hair, friends to lovers, Sugawara being a twat, pining (?), Kuroo is an underdog wingman
Summary: Daichi and Suga decide to help Asahi out with his crush on you, with a game of seven minutes in heaven at a house party.
•  Burn | Fireman!Sawamura Daichi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, size kink, overstimulation, Daichi being hung, fingering, your apartment burns down, unprotected sex, creampie, praise, yandere themes depending on the way you read it, fluff, strangers to lovers (?)
Summary: You’ve moved into the apartment complex across from friendly fireman, Daichi.
• Lost and Found | Familiar!Asahi Azumane x Witch Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, my own version of familiars and witches so don’t come for me, size kink, unprotected sex, creampie, pining, oral (fem receiving), squirting, overstimulation, horn play-ish (?)
Summary: Asahi finally finds where he belongs.
• Darling Best Friend | Alpha Asahi x Omega Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, overstimulation, squirting, unprotected sex, knotting, oral (male receiving), mentions of body hair, both alpha and omega marking/biting, size kink, pet names, mentions of omega depression
Summary: You and your sweet best friend admit your feelings for each other during a time of comfort.
•  pretty things | asahi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, asahi really likes your rings, oral (male receiving), cum eating
•  cherry red | bokuto x reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, no gender specified but reader wears lipstick/lipgloss, brief oral mention (male receiving)
•  overwhelmed | tamaki x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral (female receiving), overstimulation, tamaki getting pussy drunk, (in)correct use of a quirk, tentacles, penetration, pet names
•  spooky | daichi x goth fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, pierced nipples, nipple play
•  helping hand | asahi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral (both receiving), hair pulling
•  not enough | kuroo x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, fingering (female receiving), edging, unprotected sex, penetration, teasing
•  breaking point | daichi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, reader is a tease, penetration, unprotected sex
• too good | jean x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, unprotected sex, overstimulation (male receiving)
• which do you prefer | asahi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, nipple play, dry humping to an orgasm (male receiving)
• equal pleasures | bokuto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral (both receiving), overstimulation
• wet | tamaki x reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, shower handjobs (male receiving)
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butternutsquashoil · 3 years
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Fluffy Haikyuu Scenarios - Karasuno Edition Pt.1
Genera: Fluff
Pairings: Daichi x reader, Sugawara x reader, Asahi x reader
Synopsis: Just some short, cute scenarios with reader and their boyfriend! I’ll try my hardest to make them gender neutral :)
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Daichi would take you on dates all the time. Weather it be taking you out for a nice diner or just going on a walk through the park, he just wants you to feel appreciated!
One time while you two were walking you home from a short date after school, Hinata and Kageyama (who were racing to get to practice first) saw the two of you and were completely dumb founded (they had forgotten that the team has a social life outside of volleyball). Hinata called you a witch because that was the only way he could think of that made sense as to why you where dating a scary dude like Daichi, and Kageyma promptly punched his in the head for being a dumbass.
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Suga leaves you love letters in your locker, or for special occasions he would have on of the first or second years deliver it to you in class. One time he made the mistake of letting Noya and Tanaka do it, and they acted like you were royalty (which wasn’t a bad part) but your class was in the middle of taking a test and Noya and Tanaka got detention for disrupting class.
Suga also likes expressing his love through physical touch. Weather it be just purposely brushing shoulder while walking in the hallway, or giving you random hugs (only if you’re alright with that of course) he always wants you to know that he’s there for you.
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Asahi’s favorite thing to do with you is cuddle. He loves it when he can hold you against his chest and keep you safe from the world (even if you don’t need protecting). He just enjoys being in your presence! He mostly keeps pda to a minimum because he would just get to embarrassed (not of you of course, just everyone thinking he’s soft, even though he quite obviously is).
One time, you had shown up to his volley ball practice and just sat and watched until it was over. You could tell he was tense when he was walking over to you, so you decided to just give him and hug! He got extremely flustered, but then ended up melting into your embrace. Noya and Tanaka then stared the classic “ooooooooooo” and Daichi bopped them on the head.
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Ok that’s all! I hope you enjoyed them :)
Also, here’s a link to my master list!
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honeypirate · 3 years
Can I have a request where the reader is Daichi ex and they moved to Date tech high.
And a year after they moved schools Daichi sees them one day while at a tournament with Aone and the team and see them genuinely smiling. And holding hands with our sweet polar bear Aone 🥺✨
Hey! Thank you for the request!! I love Daichi and Aone and I’m not very good at angst so I made the break up nice and not bad haha I hope you like it.
Aone x reader who is daichi’s ex
The breakup was a long time coming, the move was just the last straw. You loved Daichi, he was an amazing boyfriend and an amazing guy, you just couldn’t make each other as happy as you both deserved. You ended things the day you learned your family was moving away, he agreed that your relationship just isn't working and knew it would be harder to work on it with the distance. He knew he’d always have love for you in his heart, which made the breakup harder, the fact that you never stopped loving each other.
And so you started your second year at Date Tech, new school, new uniform, and now new you. Your goal was to grow and move on. But now that you weren’t dating the captain you found that you missed volleyball. You decided to see if you could be the manager of your new team and you were unsurprisingly added to the team, becoming fast friends with the current manager and the team.
When winter break comes around you find yourself being dragged around by the team to do different winter activities, you tried to come up with an excuse for most but you were actually excited to try your hand at snowboarding.
Excitement turned to nerves as you waited for the seat to come around so you could be carried to the top of the bunny hill, smiling nervously up at Aone who waits beside you. Yelping in surprise when the chair hits your butt, gripping the handles hard under your gloved hand. “Are you okay?” Aone asks and you laugh nervously “I’m okay. Just nervous. I’ve ever done this before” he nods and moves carefully so he can be ready to catch you if you fall. “Have you? done this before I mean” he nods again “are you good at it?” He blushes “I guess”
The bunny hill looked much larger from the top, kids younger than you were laughing as they easily went down, Aone looked like a polar bear in his white coat and black beanie, he stood next to you waiting for you to head down the hill, watching to make sure you’ll be okay.
You take a deep breath and then look up at him, his worried eyes made you relax a little “is it possible you can hold my hand?” You reach out to him and he grabs your hand, firmly holding your gloved hand in his and he smiles warmly at you, nodding encouragingly. You nod back and then lean forward together, tipping your board to carry you down the (not even steep) hill.
You spent the entire Saturday basically falling on your ass every thirty seconds, but it was one of your favorite days because you spent it with Aone the whole time. Even tho he was good at snowboarding he still stayed with you, making sure you were having fun. Holding your hand the whole time he basically made every fall with you and picked you back up every time, even kept you from falling like ten times. He tried to teach you some tricks which was helpful but not until you figured it out almost at the end.
At the end of the day you walked back to the bus hand in hand, and when he walked you back to your house, you asked if you could kiss him and he about died and went to heaven. From that day on you were inseparable, it was easy and comfortable and you understood each other, he sometimes knew you so well you could swear he was reading your mind.
He was a shy and timid guy, but you made him feel so comfortable, gave him space to be whoever he wanted and you always knew how to make him smile. He surprised you by how goofy he was and how funny he could be. You made him laugh once at school, making an inside joke with him that brought an easy laugh and made his eyes shine, which made the team think you were a witch. now they call you Glinda because you’re a good witch, just like the wizard of oz.
Of course you knew they were coming to the tournament, you’ve seen the game lineup, and to be honest you were so excited to see them. They were and are still important friends to you, but you didn’t expect to round the corner and see your teams squaring off.
You saw Aone do his lock on and you chuckle before running down the hall, squeezing past the other guys and standing on your tiptoes, whispering quietly just to Aone as you gently pull his hand down “you’re so cute” his ears turn pink but that’s the only change in his appearance. you smile and say to the rest of the boys “go do your stretches guys. Warm up” they all walk around except for Aone who looks down at you with furrowed brows “go on big guy. I’ll be fine” you squeeze his hand and he nods, leaning down to kiss the side of your head before heading around everyone. You chuckle when he turns back after a few steps to wait for you and you make eye contact with him and wink before looking back to the boys in front of you.
“Don’t mind him. He likes to single out the Ace” you look over the Karasuno team with a smile “it’s good to see you y/n” Suga says and he hugs you “it’s been a long time! I’m so happy to see you guys” you say as you part. Asahi turns to Suga “you knew they’d be here?” He shrugs “what? We talk on the phone every Sunday. They are the manager” “wow Asahi, seems like you’re not happy to see me” you stand with your hands on your hips and he laughs “Im sorry y/n. I missed you and I’m extremely happy” he says and hugs you with a laugh.
Your gaze finally meets his, “hey Daichi” you say with a warm smile “hey y/n” he says “you look good” you smile “thank you! So do you! I’m excited to see you guys play” a small bouncing tangerine haired boy catches your attention “you’re Daichi’s ex and the manager for Date Tech?!” You laugh “I guess so! Y/n. Nice to meet you” he beams “I’m Hinata!” “Glinda! We need your magic abilities!” Futakuchi yells from the gym and you laugh “he means me. I’ll see you later okay?” You run off towards the gym, the third years watching as you whisper something to Aone that makes him smile as you lace your fingers together and walk into the gym to see what Futakuchi needs.
“They look happy. No offense Daichi, but, I’ve never seen them that happy before” Suga says and Daichi laughs “no offense taken. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them that happy before either. I’m proud of them” he sighs, he still has love for you and is proud of how much you’ve grown in the last year. He shakes his head and sighs, his heart finally getting the closure he needed, he smiles and says “come on team. Let’s go break through the iron wall!” The rest of the boys, who this whole time have been whispering to each other about their confusion in the background, cheer and start to get back into the zone.
Back in the gym you pull Aone aside and smile up at him “you know I love you and I’ll be proud of you no matter what, just do your best, aaaaand for good luck” you press your lips to his quickly and when you pull back he has a smile and a determined look in his eyes “thank you kittten” he says and then heads out to his position. You watch them win the game, and a part of you feels bad for how loud you cheer and how Aone picks you up and spins, but not so much you stopped cheering for them, they were your team.
You send a look towards Suga and he shakes his head and mouths ‘don’t worry, call you Sunday!’ You nod to him and mouth back ‘love you guys!’ Before Aone gets your attention by throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you out to the hallway with him, making you giggle the whole time.
“Hey handsome, come here often?” You whisper when you’re finally alone and he sets you down. he shakes his head “first time actually, maybe you could show me around?” He says and you laugh, leaning into him and standing on your tiptoes, your hands wrapping around his neck “well there isn’t much to gawk at, other than me, but I can show you what you get for winning” his cheeks flush as he wraps his arms around your lower back, leaning down closer “what do I get?” He whispers, his lips almost brush yours before you pull back and look up into his confused eyes “I don’t want you to think that my love is conditional on you winning. You’d get as many kiss and hugs even if you lost. I love you okay? Like I don’t want you to— “ he laughs and kisses your nose, cutting you off “I know kitten. I love you. Can I kiss you now?” You laugh “okay. I was just making sure. I love you. You’re such an amazing player. Yes please can we kiss now?” He nods and your lips finally meet, hundreds of kisses over the last year and it still feels like the first time, your heart fluttering and your stomach flips with butterflies. You feel electricity go down your spine from your head to your toes. Sure, you’ll always care for Daichi, but it was nothing compared to how happy you feel with Aone or how much you love him.
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
Karasuno Volleyball team as familiars
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Notes: Please leave me alone if you do not agree with or participate in a form of witchcraft. I thought of this late last night and thought it was a cute idea lol. Sorry I didn't have a lot for certain characters.
Familiar meaning: A familiar is a small pet that is used to help, protect, and be a companion to a witch or young witch as they learn how to use their powers.
Pairing: Karasuno x gn! reader
WARNINGS: platonic relationships, witchcraft, the team is animals.
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Ittetsu Takeda:
A snowy owl or a great horned owl
He's very quiet
He gets noisy when something's wrong
His cage is near your altar or a window
It's very rare for him to not be able to get rid of bad spirits
Kiyoko Shimizu:
She's def a cat (either white or black fur)
Very good with communication and things like that
She'll rub her head against your ankle or wrist to let you know something's wrong
Very protective when it comes to letting people in your home esp your room
Yachi Hitoka:
A Bichon Frise
Very good at picking up bad energy
Can be noisy sometimes but most times not
She loves when you burn sage and palo santo
She loves being on you esp in the morning when you're having breakfast or tea
Daichi Sawamura:
German Shepard
Very chill
He usually takes it upon himself to go out and do the things he wants. If he has to use the bathroom he'll go. If he wants to be outside he'll sit outside
He's always near you when he needs to be though
Sugawara Koushi:
Morpho Butterfly
Moves around a lot
Same as Asahi he's near a window loves natural light
Usually taps up against the glass as a way to warn you about something
Asahi Azumane:
Monarch Butterfly
He and Suga are either in the same little cage thingy or their cages are right next to each other
He flutters his wings to let you know something bad is happening
Loves sage, incense, and palo santo
He's somewhere near a window
Nishinoya Yu:
Havanese Dog
Extremely protective of your home and energy
Loves being on you or really close to you when you're doing spells and rituals and things like that
He absolutely loves your altar
He's usually up when you're asleep at night and sleeps in the mornings to make sure no evil spirit/demons try and mess with you
Kinoshita Hisashi:
He's barely ever in his cage unless you're about to leave the house or go to sleep
Very aware of things. It's easy for him to read someone
Kageyama Tobio:
If you have a lot of plants in your room he loves them sm
Tends to wander around when you let him out
He's funny tbh like he can't talk but the shit he does is funny asl
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A̷n̷s̷w̷e̷r̷e̷d̷ ̷R̷e̷q̷u̷e̷s̷t̷e̷d̷ ̷A̷s̷k̷s̷ ̷|̷ ̷M̷a̷s̷t̷e̷r̷ ̷L̷i̷s̷t̷
JadShonUpdated: 2/13/2021
Hello! Welcome to our Answered Requested Asks Master List! As the title insinuates, this is an entire masterlist of works we’ve completed that you, as the reader, have requested us to write! 
Similar to that of the main master list, this list will consistently be updated along side the web version of this master list. Not only that, but it also gives you all an idea of what we’ve already written!
Below is the format and how you can differentiate each request.
Title | Characters Involved | HC (Head Canon) ; Scenario (A situation) ; Drabble (A mini one-shot) ; One-Shot ; Imagine (A specified situation) ; Prompt (Reblogged prompts / Send to Inbox item)
Other then that, as always we thank you all immensely for all the love and support we’ve gotten for this blog, and we hope to continue with providing you all an escape~! ^^
Be My Stress Relief | Asahi x F!Reader [HITMEN AU]
Pretty Setter | Iwaizumi x F!Reader | Drabble
First Dance | Kenma x F!Reader | Imagine
Trash Talking s/o | Tendou x F!Reader | HC
Fluffy HC | Yamaguchi, Tsukishima x F!Reader
Safety First | Iwaizumi x F!Reader [HITMEN AU] | HC
College Life NSFW | Sub!Yamaguchi x F!Reader | Imagine
Taking Back Control | Dom!Yamaguchi x F!Reader | Imagine
The Transfer Student | Tanaka, Lev x F!Reader | Imagines
Different | Tanaka ; Oikawa x F!Reader | Imagines
The Transfer Student | Bokuto x F!Reader | Imagine
NSFW Alphabet | Iwaizumi x F!Reader | Prompt
Perfect Match HC | Kuroo ; Bokuto ; Akaashi
Bragging | Bokuto x F!Reader | Scenario
Assumptions | Tsukishima x F!Reader | Drabble
For the Future | Terushima x F!Reader | Imagine
Trust Issues | Yaku ; Bokuto x F!Reader | HC
You’re Such A F**king Wh*re, I Love It | Tsukishima x F!Reader | One-Shot
Take Care Of Yourself | Sugawara x F!Reader | One-Shot
Trust Issues | Iwaizumi ; Oikawa ; Kuroo | HC
Abusive Past | Nishinoya ; Kuroo | HC [Please read with caution]
Jealousy | Bokuto ; Kageyama ; Ushijima | HC
Accidental Confessions | Daichi x Captain!Reader | Scenario
Childhood Sweethearts | Ushijima x F!Reader | HC
False Rumors | Bokuto x F!Reader | HC
She’s My Princess | Nishinoya x F!Reader | Imagine
An Ace’s Crush | Asahi x F!Reader | Scenario
Childhood Sweethearts | Kageyama ; Osamu x F!Reader | HC
The First Date | Goshiki Tsutomu ; Hinata Shouyo | HC
Childhood Friends | Atsumu Miya ; Osamu Miya | HC
Distracted | Yaku x F!Reader | Imagine
Ideal Match | Kentaro Kyotani | HC
Their First Kiss | Semi Eita, Goshiki Tsutomu x F!Reader | Scenario
Total Opposites | Ushijima | HC
Dating HC | Ushijima | HC
Ideal Match | Atsumu Miya | HC
Our Analytical Specialist | Inarizaki x F Manager!Reader | HC
Wake Up! Or I’ll Pinch Your cheeks! | Nishinoya ; Lev ; Sugawara | Scenario
Meeting the Parents | Nishinoya ; Tanaka x F!Reader | Drabbles
Dating as a Miya Sibling | Kageyama ; Hinata ; Sakusa | HC
My Teddy Bear | Ushijima ; Tsukishima ; Oikawa | HC
Sensitive Skin | Ushijima ; Sugawara ; Sakusa | HC
First Kiss | Bokuto | HC
The Little Things | Ushijima ; Tendou ; Akaashi | HC
No Matter What, I Love You | Oikawa ; Tsukishima ; Akaashi | HC
Sleeping Everywhere but the Bed | Tsukishima ; Ushijima ; Asahi | HC
Ideal Match Up | Osamu ; Kita ; Iwaizumi | HC
The Lovely You | Karasuno x FTM!Reader | HC 
Something More Than This | Terushima x F!Reader | One-Shot
I Always Know | Kenma x F!Reader | Scenario
Stumblin’ | Tsukishima ; Tendou ; Asahi | HC
Candy ; Forbidden | Hinata | Halloween Request
Misunderstandings and the Truth | Matsukawa x F!Reader | Scenario
Delicates, But Badass | Oikawa ; Nishinoya ; Akaashi | HC
Jump Into My Arms | Akaashi x F!Reader FT. Kuroo & Bokuto | Halloween Request
Ideal Match Up | Aone ; Ushijima | HC
The Princess and Her Knight | Aone Takanobu x F!Reader | Drabble
Ice Skating | Sugawara x F!Reader | Holiday HC
Give Me Your Jacket! | Tendou | Drabble | Holiday Menu
Circles | Kei Tsukishima | Drabble | Songfic
Love is Dead | Oikawa | Drabble | Songfic
A Little Present | Kei Tsukishima ; Tendou ; Aone  | HC 
𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔠𝔢
Dating HC for Hinawa
With a Smol s/o | Benimaru x Smol!Reader | HC
𝔍𝔬𝔍𝔬'𝔰 𝔅𝔦𝔷𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔢 𝔄𝔡𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢
Kidnapped s/o | Don!Giorno x F!Reader
Relationship HC | Jotaro, Josuke x Hitmen!Reader [YAKUZA AU]
Stay with Me | Giorno x Civilian!Reader | HC [YAKUZA AU]
Relationship HC | Bruno, Giorno x Hitmen!Reader [YAKUZA AU]
My Sweet Addiction | Johnny x Baker!Reader | HC [YAKUZA AU]
My Light in the Dark | Jonathon x Civilian!Reader | Drabble [YAKUZA AU]
Melting a Faction Leader | Johnny, Gyro, Diego, Giorno x Underling!Reader | HC [YAKUZA AU]
A Taste of Info | Bruno ; Koichi x InfoBreaker!Reader | HC [YAKUZA AU]
Relationship HC W/ A Civilian!Reader | Avdol ; Jotaro [YAKUZA AU]
Remember Who You Belong To | Weather Report x GN!Underling!Reader | Imagine NSFW [YAKUZA AU]
Unexpected Deliveries and Responsibilities | Diego ; Jonathon ; Jotaro x Civilian!Reader | HC [YAKUZA AU]
Protected | Weather Report ; Narciso Anasui x Civilian!Reader | Scenario [YAKUZA AU]
Pining & Confessions | Narancia ; Josuke ; Jotaro | HC
Abnormal Affections | Dio ; Joseph x Princely!Reader | HC [YAKUZA AU]
A Father’s Love | Diego Brando | HC [YAKUZA AU]
Always Here | Bruno ; Abbacchio x F!Reader | Drabbles
Day At The Beach | Jolyne Cujoh ; Trish Una x GN!Reader | Drabbles
Two Heartbeats are Better than One | Bruno Bucciarati ; Leone Abbacchio | Drabble
Lady Luck Is Nowhere to be Found | Trish Una x F! Assassin!Reader | One-Shot
His Two-Faced Angel | Diavolo x GN!Reader | Scenario
Costume ; Magic ; Witch | Okuyasu | Halloween Request
Magic ; Incubus ; Candy | Jotaro | Halloween Request
Witch ; Reaper ; Summoning Circle | Gyro | Halloween Request
Play Date | Bruno x Reader x Leone | Scenario
A Welcome Home | JJBA4 ; Josuke Higashikata | Holiday HC
Dependable Pillar | Jotaro Kujo | HC | Holiday Menu
With a Smol s/o | Sousuke x Smol!Reader | HC
Aquarium Dates | Rin, Sousuke, Makoto x F!Reader | HC
Reaction to S/O Dancing | Haruka ; Nagisa ; Makoto | Reaction
There You Go! | Nagisa ; Rin ; Makoto | HC
𝔎𝔲𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔬 𝔫𝔬 𝔅𝔞𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔢
With a Smol s/o | Aomine x Smol!Reader | HC
Mine | Murasakibara x F!Reader | One-Shot
Happy Birthday! | GoM ; Kagami x F!Reader | Scenario
Amusing Date | Mayuzumi Chihiro x F!Reader | Drabble
A Moment Alone With You | Imayoshi Shouichi x F!Reader | Scenario
Expected, but Unexpected | Mayuzumi Chihiro x F!Reader | Drabble
Best Friends w/ GoM | HC
Jealousy | Akashi Seijuro | HC
Regrets from the Past | Akashi Seijuro x F!Reader | Scenario
Misunderstandings | Mayuzumi Chihiro x F!Reader | Scenario
A devil’s persuasion | Devil!Imayoshi x F!Reader | NSFW one-shot
#1 Fan | Midorima x GN!Reader | Scenario
Love Triangle | Akashi ; Kuroko | HC
Honeymoon with Akashi Seijuro | HC
Even Emperors Get Nervous | Akashi Seijuro x F!Reader | Drabble [NSFW]
Jealousy is a Disease | Neji x F!Reader | Drabble
The Taste of Pleasure | Kakashi x F!Reader | One-Shot
I Care | Kakashi x Trans!Reader | Imagine
Gone | Shikamaru x F!Reader | Imagine
I Still Want You | Tobirama x F!Reader | Scenario
Believe | Naruto x F!Reader | Scenario 
Will You Let Me Stay? | Naruto ; Neji ; Gaara | HC
Sneaking Glances | Tobirama x F!Reader | Scenario 
Critically Injured | Sasuke ; Gaara | HC
Clairvoyant | Naruto ; Gaara ; Kakashi | HC
Breaking Ties | Sasori ; Lee ; Gaara | HC
Love Lost | Sai ; Shikamaru, Gaara | HC
Comfort | Gaara | Soft | HC
Shopping and Cookies | Naruto | Drabble 
Cuddles | Naruto | HC
Together, With You | Naruto | HC
Breathless | Naraku x GN!Reader | Drabble
SFW & NSFW HC | Naraku x F!Reader
NSFW Alphabet | Naraku x F!Reader | Prompt
Unknown to Her | Sesshomaru x Dog Demon!Reader | Imagine
SFW & NSFW HC | Kikyo x F!Reader
Modern AU | Inuyasha ; Miroku ; Sango | HC
SFW & NSFW HC | Miroku x F!Reader
Possession | Naraku x Demon!Reader | Imagine
Intimate Relations | Inuyasha ; Miroku ; Koga x Succubus!Reader | HC
Love Triangle | Kagura ; Sesshomaru | HC
SFW / NSFW | Bankotsu ; Suikotsu | HC
Make-up | Jakotsu | Scenario
In the modern world | Bankotsu ; Suikotsu | HC
Crossover | Inuyasha FMA | Scenario
Mine | Hakuryuu x F!Reader | Imagine
Parental HCs | Kouha, Judal, Hakuryuu x F!Reader
Smexy Times | Hakuryuu x F!Reader | Scenario
Relationship HC SFW & NSFW | Judal x F!Reader
Nightmare Comfort | Masrur x F!Reader | Scenario
Parents | Sinbad x F!Reader | HC
You Are Lovely | Lo'Lo x F!Reader | Scenario
NSFW Alphabet | Hakuryuu x F!Reader | Prompt
Yandere | Kouen ; Sinbad ; Hakuryuu | HC
My Favorite Fruit is Watermelons SFW & NSFW | Kouen | HC
SFW Alphabet | Hakuryuu | Prompt
Hakuryuu x Princess!Reader | HC
Calm | Sphintus Carmen | Drabble
Snow | Hakuryuu | Drabble | Holiday Menu 
𝔇𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝔖𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯
NSFW Relationship HC | Rengoku x F!Reader
Birth of a New Treasure | Rengoku x F!Reader | HC
Ideal Match Up | Sanemi ; Giyuu ; Rengoku | HC
𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 ℭ𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯
ACDK Alphabet | Vanica | Prompt
NSFW Alphabet | Mimosa x M!Reader | Prompt
Alphabet Prompt | Secre ; Nero [Aged Up] | Prompt
Crush on You | Leo | HC
S/O From Magic Zone | Dark Triad | HC
Stuck | Leo Vermillion | Drabble | Holiday Menu 
Interactions | Dark Triad | HC
𝔗𝔬𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔅𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔞𝔨𝔬-𝔎𝔲𝔫
NSFW Alphabet | Akane Aoi [M] x Reader | Prompt
𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔶 𝔗𝔞𝔦𝔩
SFW & NSFW Boyfriend HC | Gray Fullbuster
Saving a Child | Tatsumaki ; Merlin ; Erza | HC
Relationship | Natsu Dragneel | HC
NSFW | Natsu Dragneel | HC
The Mightiest | Lucy | HC
𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢 ℑ 𝔊𝔬𝔱 ℜ𝔢𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔄𝔰 𝔄 𝔖𝔩𝔦𝔪𝔢
Coincidental Meeting | Rimuru x Elf!Reader | HC
Dating NSFW | Benimaru | HC
𝔒𝔫𝔢 𝔓𝔦𝔢𝔠𝔢
SFW & NSFW Head Canons | Sabo x F!Reader
Dating HC | Sabo ; Zoro ; Ace
Hot and Cold | Sabo ; Ace ; Law | HC
Costume ; Party ; Incubus | Ace | Halloween Request
Getting Freaky with the Fruit | Ace ; Sabo ; Robin | HC
Tropical Holiday | Marco | Drabble | Holiday Menu
Holiday Headcanons | Ace ; Sabo | HC
𝔒𝔫𝔢 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔠𝔥 𝔐𝔞𝔫
Saving a Child | Tatsumaki ; Merlin ; Erza | HC
A Visit to the Past | Tatsumaki | Scenario
Dating Speed O’ Sound Sonic | M Shapeshifter!Reader | HC
S/O w/ Tourettes | Genos | HC
A Hero’s Will | Saitama x GN!Reader | One-Shot
𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔖𝔦𝔫𝔰
Saving a Child | Tatsumaki ; Merlin ; Erza | HC
𝔉𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔐𝔢𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔄𝔩𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔱
SFW & NSFW Head Canons | Roy Mustang
Dating Winry | HC
In the modern world | Roy Mustang | HC
I’ll  Be There | Edward Elric | Drabble | Holiday Menu 
S/O w/ Epilepsy | Yugi Mutou ; Joey Wheeler ; Duke Devlin | HC
Reactions to a Shoot Out | Seto Kaiba ; Maximillion Pegasus | HC
Loving a Badass | Seto Kaiba ; Maximillion Pegasus | HC [SFW&NSFW]
A First for Everything | Duke Devlin | HC [SFW & NSFW]
SFW & NSFW | Joey Wheeler x Nurse!Reader | HC
NSFW Alphabet | Duke Devlin | Prompt 19+
A Breath of Fresh Air | Seto Kaiba x GN!Reader | Scenario
Only You | Seto Kaiba x F!Reader | One-Shot
Infatuated with You | Yugi Mutou ; Yami Yugi ; Joey Wheeler ; Tristan Taylor ; Tea Gardner ; Ryou Bakura | HC
Dating Yugi Mutou | Dexter Inspired!Reader | HC
A Sweet Surprise | Seto Kaiba x F!Reader [NSFW] | HC
Dating an S/O with PTSD | Jaden ; Zane ; Chazz | HC
Unexpected Cancels | YGO-GX ; Jaden Yuki | Holiday HC
Santa, Tell Me If I’ll Be Alone Again This Year | YGO-X; Jesse Anderson | Holiday HC
Just Pretend? | Jaden Yuuki | HC | Holiday Menu
Ski Trips | Frosta x Brother!Reader | HC
𝔊𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 ℌ𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔖𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩
SFW & NSFW | Yoo Mira ; Mah Miseon x M!Reader | HC
𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔈𝔪𝔟𝔩𝔢𝔪
I Love You, But Never Again | 3H | Felix x F!Reader | One-Shot
Saving Time | Dimitri ; Felix | Scenarios [NSFW]
ℭ𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔯 𝔛 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢
My Support | Enomoto x F!Reader | Scenario [NSFW]
𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔘𝔫𝔩𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔡
Emotions: Unlimited | Hoshino Ryo x F!Reader | One-Shot
The Simple Things in Life | Kanbe Daisuke x F!Reader | Drabble
No More Pretending | Hoshino Ryo | Holiday HC
𝔇𝔯. 𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔫𝔢
Kabuki is Alive | Senku ; Tsukasa ; Gen | HC
SFW & NSFW | Kohaku ; Ruri x M!Reader | HC
Touch-Starved | Kohaku | HC
𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔬𝔫 𝔗𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔫
Unexpected, But A Welcomed Outcome | Jean Kirstien x F!Reader | Drabble
Trick-or-Treat ; Moon ; Cemetery | Jean ; Armin | Halloween Request
Ideal Match-Up | Jean ; Levi ; Sasha | HC
Two Wrongs Make A Right | Jean | Drabble
A Simple Present | Levi Ackerman | HC | Holiday Menu
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔞𝔦𝔨𝔦 𝔎
Ghosts ; Curses ; Superstition | Saiki Kusuo ; Kaido Shun | Halloween Request
Cold, Yet Sweet | Saiki Kusuo | HC
A Disastrous Get Together | Disastrous Life Of Saiki K | Holiday HC
𝔄𝔶𝔞𝔨𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦: ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔫
Magic ; Enchanted ; Festival | Yura | Halloween Request
A Little Taste of Jealousy | Todoroki | HC
Surprises | Todoroki ; Bakugo | HC
Baby’s First Christmas | Shinsou | HC | Holiday Menu
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