#cutie cat-chan five
tetsunabouquet · 2 years
Midorima and the dreaded new mascot
A/N I have gained like 2 followers this week and have had so many likes! To thank all of you for the love and support, I'm trying my first drabble! Inspired by Kagami and Nigou, tbh. (If anyone likes it, I might make a part 2. I left the owner's identity vague so if a part 2 comes, I could insert the reader into it if you gals want to as the owner is female. I want the owner to match the pet like Kuroko does with Nigou)
Midorima has loathed cats since childhood. It had started when he was 6, and just began elementary school. He had always been a particular unlucky fellow, and this was a time before he had found out listening to Oh Asa seemed to help. It had been a surprisingly cold day for April’s standards, and he remembered how his father would drive him to school back then. He recalled shivering when he stepped out of the car, and he didn't seemed to be the only one cold. A brown tabby cat seemed to be hiding near the school entrance, huddled together as if in need of warmth. Midorima had stuck his hand out to the cat, wanting to pet the miserable looking creature, but before his hand could even touch the feline, its green-grey cat eyes shot open and Midorima was sporting a large, stinging bloody scratchmark at his left wrist. It ran away as Midorima craddled his wrist, his big green eyes filling with tears as his father, who had still been watching from his car, rushed out of the vehicle and took him to the school where his hand would be bandaged by the infirmary nurse. Thus, he was far from amused when he spotted a cat lurking around Shutoku's gym hall, and even less when Takao picked it up. "Look Shin-Chan! What's this cutie doing here?" The small cat was mewing in protest, but it didn't behaved particularly violent. "I don't know, but it should leave. As in now, nanodayo." "Aww, Shin-Chan. Don't be so cold! What is it anyways?" Takao asked, looking down at the little calico, wondering if it would allow him to peek between its legs. "Probably a she. Calicos are typically female." Miyaji's younger brother, their new captain, spoke up, looking at her with the small smile of an animal person. Midorima, on the other hand, looked at him in utter horror. "Don't tell me you are accepting this beast on the court, no dayo." "Why not Shin-Chan? Seirin has their little guy, why shouldn't we have a fluffy little mascot?" "Because it's a filthy cat! It's gross and it will only hinder us during practise, no dayo! Besides, where did it come from anyways?!" Captain Miyaji's eye was twitching at Midorima's tantrum. "Midorima, we might not know where she comes from, but we are not kicking out a defenseless animal just because you're whining like a five year old, and that is final!" "I'm not whining, nanodayo!"
This went on for a few days, and Midorima had been carrying the biggest versions of the lucky items he could find to practise, hoping she'd go away. But no, she'd be there, during every practise with no one knowing where she came from and went. She had charmed everyone else on the team already, with her large golden-green eyes that seemed to possess some kind of magic. Because she only needed to blink at a person a couple of times, and they'd be completely smitten. It was akin to a beautiful girl batting her eyelashes. To Midorima, she was a monster however. She was way too interested in his lucky items, and he had been forced to touch her and keep her away from his items several times during practise. The worst thing was, everyone seemed more upset at him stalling practise to reprimand the feline, then with the feline's actions. It was when he told her off the first time today, that he could hear their manager gasp. Otsubo's younger sister, who had been sick for almost the entire week, was standing next to him. "Posi! So this is where you've been," she chirped, the cat mewing right back as if to reply. "Posi? So she's yours Tae-Chan?" Takao asked full of surprise. "No. She is my best friend's cat. Posi often sneaks into her school bag and walks around campus until school and our club activities have finished. I suppose Posi missed me when I was sick, considering the three of us always go to school together." Tae explained, the cat happily purring in response. Almost as if to say, "I'm glad you're better."  Tae’s cheeks were surprisingly a bit red though, under Takao’s gaze. Midorima sighed in defeat, the owner was located like he had been hoping for, but it didn't seem to signal the end of Posi's visits. "Tae-san, do you think your friend would mind it if Posi were to be Shutoku's mascot? She's been a really positive influence these past few days, and she's a better threat to Shin-Chan then Kimura's pine apples," the Captain's smug voice filled the court room, and Midorima could only curse the gods as Tae replied, "No, not at all! She'd probably be happy to know Posi found a club of her own to enjoy." Midorima eyed Posi, and he could swear the cat winked at him. With a deep sigh, he returned to practise, Tae's coos and the cat's sweet purring filling the air, and this, is how Shutoku's team finally became complete with a mascot of their own.
Who knows what the future has in store for them. Who’s Posi’s owner? Does Tae have a crush on Takao? If so, does he return it? Will other teams be adopting pet mascots? And if so, what kind of pets? Will Posi and Nigou get along? Only time (and positive feedback) can tell. 
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stickerify · 3 years
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cutie cat-chan five
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. bokuto koutarou, rintaro suna, iwaizumi hajime, sawamura daichi, tsukkishima kei
note: female reader❗ first post!! enjoy babies<33
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❦ BOKUTO you were actually tutoring him with akaashi, an hour in, and akaashi had a family emergency so now it was just you and him. "so you're telling me I can solve an equation with a letter in it? damn that's so crazy!", "We actually saw this the past year, that's why we are tutoring you, so you don't fail", "no need to be so harsh" he tells you while his hair deflates, so you replied with a lazy smile on your face "sorry bo, why don't you solve the equations while I see how you make them?", "yeah! that sounds good!", he practically yells at you with the happiest smile on his face as if he wasn't studying for a subject he was failing. third equation and you were finding comfort on koutaro's neck, so much comfort that you end up falling asleep on him. "hey, how am I doing? you didn't tell m- oh you're sleeping, I should call akaashi to ask him what to do" he tried to look for his phone in the quietest way so you wouldn't wake up, and once he finds it, he called his friend, "akaaaaashii", "bokuto-san, why are you whispering?", "she just fell asleep on me and I don't know what to do", he tells akaashi with a little desperation on his voice, "oh, okay, carefully put her on your bed and please make some snacks or tea for the girl when she wakes up", after a little more of small talk, he hangs up the phone and brings you to bed in the gentlest way he can, quietly making his way to the kitchen to make some tea for you.
❦ SUNA lazy afternoons were actually something pretty common with suna, today after school you two went to his house and now you're lying on top of his naked chest, one of your hands on it while the other one is brushing his brown looks, at the same time, suna has his arm wrapped securely around your waist, watching some shitty movies on his laptop. "listen pretty thing, if you fall asleep first you're gonna have to make me dinner", "as if I would fall asleep right now sunarin... we both now I'm gonna make dinner anyways, you should really ask 'samu for some help in the kitchen", "don't you dare bring up another mans name while your literally on top of me". forty-five minutes into the movie and he started feeling something wet on his upper body, "baby the movie isn't even that sa– oh, you're drooling", he chuckled to himself, carefully cuddling you the rest of the movie, thinking how lucky he is for having you, and once the film is ending, he decided he would make dinner this time around; "Rin, are you in here?"', "in the kitchen, doll", he tells you a little loud so you could hear him, "I'm sorry I fell asleep", you yawn while wrapping your arms around his torso, "don't be, look at me now I'm making dinner but, this" he gestures to himself "is husband material, you shouldn't waste it", and damn he is right, who on his right state of mind would let him go?
❦ IWAIZUMI his unconditional love for you was noticed for everyone, except you, of course. as his and the other boys childhood friends, you were always invited to hangouts, except the ones that were just for "the boys" as they claimed. today's reunion was at issei's house, tooru and you begged for a Disney movie night, makki was saying that it was for children just so his friends couldn't see the excitement in his eye that wasn't unnoticed to your eyes. making your way to the couch, hajime signed for you to come to sit on his lap for the rest of the movie night, a thing you kindly accepted. "single lives matter, you know", issei says with a fake pout, "just shut up and let me enjoy, caterpillar brows" you told him while iwaizumi's arm tightens around your waist. your favorite part of the movie was coming so tooru said with an excited tone, "look cutie-chan, Megara is about to sing with the muses!... cutie-chan? you're ignoring me?", Hajime looked at you because tooru was right, that was indeed your favorite part of the movie, only to find you crushed on his neck slightly snoring; "shut up shittykawa, she's tired, let her sleep", he whispered, wishing his teammates didn't see the blush on his cheeks, "you know iwa, your cheeks are kinda matching my hair right now", makki told him trying to hide his laugh, "what happened iwa-chan? cat got your tongue?", tooru's remark was what send him over the edge, so he replied with "I will not hesitate to throw a ball to all of you next practice", he thought he could handle the teasing if that means you would be by his side like this more often.
❦ DAICHI you were exhausted from today's activities, not only you were on your basketball school team but exams were just around the corner so you were studying a lot and sleeping less these past days, exhausted would be the least you could call it. happy thing, today is friday and that means sleepover with your boyfriend, daichi; you were already waiting for him at the gate of the gym by the end of practice. "baby, you're okay? something seems off", he told you with a worried look on his face, "all cool, I'm just happy we have some time to spend together after this week" you told him with a quick kiss in the corner of his lip, making his cheeks a little pinkish. after you two arrived to your house, he went to the kitchen to make some snacks and you went to the living room to choose a movie; "Barbie and the diamond castle? again?", "yes, again daichi, deal with it, thank you for the snacks tho bub" literally fifteen minutes into the movie and you were already drooling on his bicep, he noticed and moved your head to his lap "you're lucky I love you, I don't watch Barbie movie's for everyone, sleep well, you deserve it love" a few more minutes and his head was hanging out of the couch snoring just a little, he went to sleep happy with the feeling of being beside you, can't wait for the future, he thinks before dozing off.
❦ TSUKKISHIMA your really tall and pretty boyfriend made his way inside the school, mentally hoping to see you, what he doesn't expect is not even a single tray of you in your classroom, a thing that leaves him to ask yachi where are you, "umh yachi, do you know where is she?" he asked with an unbothered expression, slowly dying on the inside, "she? OH, yes, she told me she is with a high fever so she could make it today, would you give to her my notes please?" she asked, a little intimidated by the tall boy, "yeah sure, tell daichi and ukai that I'm not going to practice today" after yachi giving him the okay he left, a little more relieved but still worried. the school day is over and after his younger manager lend him the notes you needed, he started making his way to your house, greeting your mother once he is in, going directly to your room where he doesn't even greet you, "why you didn't tell me you were sick? I could have skip class and take care of you", he tells you, annoyed but still caring, "I didn't tell you beacuse of that exact reason Kei, now come inside the bed and cuddle me" tsukkishima got inside the bed hesitating a little bit but once he found comfort on your warm, he was gone, "you know, you worried me, I couldn't stop thinking about you all day and you were here with a high fever and I could do nothing, i— you know is rude not to answer when someone is talking to you?", actually you were dead asleep the moment he touched the bed, his warm and company was all you needed and craved for the entire day; sighing he whispers to you, before going to sleep "I love you, please don't worry me again like that, short stuff"
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m6bjo4fu0 · 3 years
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Nekoma didn’t have a manager for ages, and as a group of high school boys they are, they’reexcited to meet their new manager-chan.
Nekoma vbc x manager! Female reader
Warnings: none but the first part is platonic and pure manager hc and the bonus part is character x reader hc, probably weird because it’s my first time writing hc, not proofread
Word count (without bonus): 489
Word count (including bonus): 1215
❀ Masterlist ❀
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“This is y/n l/n, your new manager.”
You nervously waved at the Nekoma boy volleyball team, as coach Nekomata continues introducing you.
“Now y/n, do you mind introducing more about yourself to the team?”
“Sure! Hi, so I’m y/n from second year, and I’ve played volleyball in middle school so I hope I have enough knowledge to be the manager. Nice to meet you guys!”
You heard a small whisper from a grey haired guy, asking Kenma from your class,
“Psst. Kenma-san is she from your class? She’s pretty! Why didn’t you tell me you have a pretty classmate?”
“Shut up Lev.”
As they begin practice, a dark haired boy comes to you and introduces himself.
“Hey y/n-san, I’m Kuroo Tetsurou from third year and I’m the captain, do you need any help?”
“No thanks, I think I’m fine, just maybe memorizing everyone’s names is a little bit harder though. By the way, y/n is fine for me.”
“Ok y/n, ask me if you have any questions.”
And that was your first day as the manager. You quickly begin to be efficient at your work and managed to memorize everyone’s names, position, and year. You also fit in with the team pretty well, too. Sometimes they hangout after practice and invite you too, making you guys bond quicker, as you finally have a chance to talk about something other than volleyball.
“Y/n-san, how tall are you- ow Yaku-san why’d you hit me!”
You chuckled at the tall boy’s question.
“I’m *your height*, why? Don’t you think comparing your height to me is a bit unfair?”
“No I was just making sure you’re taller/shorter than Yaku-san because he’s so short- OW YAKU-SAN I’M SORRY I WON’T TALK ABOUT YOUR HEIGHT AGAIN.”
Every hangout is pretty much just like that, and as time went on you and your team are basically inseparable. Which is why they get really protective when a guy tries to hit on you. No matter it’s from school or public or anything, they will bite that guy for making you uncomfortable.
“Hey cutie, what do you think about having dinner with me?”
There are feral cats charging towards that guy right now lol
Yamamoto and Lev will most likely scaring that guy away as the others ask are you uncomfortable or anything
If you say your not that guy is dead💀
During the training camp, you met other students such as Bokuto from Fukurodani, and you enjoyed watching your friends bonding with their other friends as you also make new friends with the other managers. Managers all share a big room together, and because of that you guys all became best friends too. Mostly talking about stupid stuff from your team tho lmao. Each time your team wins, the boys all come to you and high five your hands with their sweaty ones. You loved this dynamic with your team, and you couldn’t trade it for anything.
Ok so this bonus is a bit different. I’m imagining like what will happen if a guy from the team times you so uh choose your character I’m sorry I didn’t write for all of them!
Kuroo (242)
Ever since he first saw you, he couldn’t help but fall for you.
He asked do you need help the first day not only to introduce himself but to also listen to your sweet voice more.
“Kuro, if you like her, just ask her out or something.”
Kuroo doesn’t know that Kenma knows so he tries to act dumb lol
“What? Who? Kenma did you wake up at 2 am again and cause you to say weird things?”
“You know who I’m talking about Kuro.”
“Fine Kenma, but I don’t have a confession plan.”
“…just use one of the puns that you keep throwing at me.”
“I didn’t say that.”
Expect your confession to be a chemistry pickup line lol
If you accepted his confession, he would most likely keep it a secret at first. (Because you know uh cOugh Lev cOugh)
He would most likely to have study dates at the library or at one of your homes, but will definitely NOT continue if you say you’re tired or you want to do something else
Once the team founds out, however, they would tease him so much like the captain’s been dating the manager for all this time??? And we didn’t know???
(If one if them actually also has a crush on you they would literally give up because look at your boyfriend he’s smart, tall, and, as much as they hate to admit, hot.)
Kenma (278)
First of all he probably already likes you before you’re even the manager because you guys are in the class
He will NOT tell anyone though
Which is why when Kuroo asked his thoughts on you, he just went like “y/n’s ok I guess”
Sure Kenma, sureeeee
On your first day as the manager, he hate to admit but he agree to Lev that you are really pretty
As if he will tell Lev that lol
Although unlike Kuroo, he surprisingly will make some moves on you
Such as ask you to hangout at his house to play console games or go to some cafes to play laptop or mobile games
He’s trying his best
Kenma would actually just intentionally lose some games to you so you wouldn’t feel bad
I feel like his way of confessing will be something like build a heart on your minecraft house with a small message saying hi ily y/n - kenma
As I said, he’s trying ok
If you accept his confession, there is absolutely no way he’s telling anyone
Man’s secretive plus imagine the teasing he would get from the team
Pls initiate affections at the start bc he’s too shy to ask for it even though he loves the affection
If the team finds out, first of all he would get a LOT of teasing
Cue Lev screaming “KENMA-SAN HOW DID YOU ASK HER OUT???”
Lol your boyfriend definitely killed Lev and afterwards just went like “y/n do you want to go to that cafe you talked about last time and play animal crossing?”
Yaku (206)
First of all, he appreciates you a lot
Not just because you help manage the team and make things easier for them, it’s also great to have another “mom” in the team mostly because he can barely handle Yamamoto and Lev
As time went on, he realizes he doesn’t simply just like you as appreciation or a friend, but instead he fell for you
Of course, he wouldn’t tell the team as the team (in his opinion) is stupid and loud mouth and will most likely tell you about it, no matter intended or not
He probably plans a nice confession such as in the school garden or in a cafe
If you accept his confession, he would first of course be excited and relieved, but next he would tell you to keep it secret
Would definitely have hangouts to bake and cuddle after practice
If the teams find out, Kuroo would be teasing him while Lev comes to you like “Y/n-san why’d you choose Yaku-san when he’s so short and mean- oW YAKU-SAN I’M SORRY!”
Lev is dead on the floor while your boyfriend just walks to you like “You wanna go to that cafe you talked about last time?”
He loves you so much💛
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Author’s notes: so i skipped a weeks posting bc i was writing this but i still didnt like it but oh well its been too long since i posted a fic OH and i tried a new way of formatting the links idk how it looks on pc tho
❀ tip me on kofi - ask box ❀
©m6bjo4fu0 2021 Work belongs to Shyn on Tumblr, please do NOT plagiarize or repost anywhere without permission.
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homestucksongcomics · 3 years
Masterpost of Song Comics Part I (A-K)
*Unfortunately, due to a peculiarity of tumblr, a post containing too many links will not have any of them function. Thus, the masterpost has been broken into two parts.*
Organized by musician alphabetically
Last updated on 07/18/2021
See Part II here: Masterpost of Homestuck Song Comics Part II (L-Z)
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down by absinthianlyunheroic
This is War - 30 Seconds to Mars by caffieneandcarpaltunnel
I’m Not Your Boyfriend Baby - 3HO!3 by awildcale
Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy by irlmako
New Tomorrow - A Friend In London by maria-artz
Hand Over Mouth, Over and Over - A Lot Like Birds by binart
Skyfall - Adele by stormfather
Song of Healing - Adriana Figueroa by talkshitnojutsu
Everything Stays - Adventure Time by starchip-one
Kiss my Eyes and Lay Me to Sleep - AFI by 413art
Prelude 12/21 - AFI by toastyhat
Another Day - Air by chubsintubs
A Whole New World - Aladdin by copper-fish
Mercy Me - Alkaline Trio by brainbent
Hothouse - Aly & AJ by dristr
Evelyn, Evelyn - Amanda Palmer by p-pamda
Luck - The American Authors by timehwimeh
21 Guns - American Idiot Cast by jankyweeaboo
Pittsburgh - The Amity Affliction by anafigreen
Inevitable - Anberlin by suchirolle
Ready to Die - Andrew W. K. by askherroyalcondesce
The Age of Not Believing - Angela Lansbury by toastyhat
Director - The Antlers by gin-and-djinn
Kettering - The Antlers by cloudymew
My Mamma Said - Aqua by xamag-homestuck
Suburbs - Arcade Fire by porrim-maryam and collaborators
Wake Up - Arcade Fire by catprinx
We Used to Wait - Arcade Fire by drawingspecibus
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys by dacadaca
The Ballad Of Love And Hate - The Avett Brothers by umjulikins
Hey Brother - Avicii by esmeblaise
Wake Me Up - Avicii by a-vodka-mutini
Sail - AWOLNATION by theamazingzombiegirl
If I Die Young - The Band Perry by japhers
Memory - Barbra Strisand by toastyhat
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney by chibigaia-art
Daniel in the Den - Bastille by tomato-bird
Pompeii - Bastille by maria-artz Broken
Pompeii - Bastille by toastyhat and oskarna
Above the Clouds of Pompeii - Bear’s Den by groveofsketches
Let it Be - Beatles by toastyhat
The Fool on the Hill - The Beatles by robotoucan
All the Pretty Little Horses - Becky Jean Williams by purplecalamity
Pieces of Sky - Beth Orton by awildcale
Sweet Dreams - Beyoncé by dacadaca
River Below - Billy Talent by kamdensl
Rusted from the Rain - Billy Talent by crispychocolate
Just a Game - Birdy by redwordsoncavewalls
Kill the Lights - The Birthday Massacre by xamag-homestuck
Red Stars - The Birthday Massacre by lord-caliborn and tricotee
These Days - The Black Keys by digitallyimpaired
In the End - Black Veil Brides by rinasart
Let it Be - Blackmill (feat. Veela) by awildcale
Bad Sun - The Bravery by crashtest-therapist
Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin by yukishii-chan
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin by nevernoahh
Give Me a Sign - Breaking Benjamin by perceptur
I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin by themockingcrows
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes by usatoria
Can you feel my heart? - Bring me the horizon by domingoos and Yumegurren
Seeds - Brooke Fraser by anno-bannano Broken
Kodaline - Brother by zzpopzz
When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars by babynarwalshineyeyes
P.O.W. - Bullet for My Valentine by anafigreen
Angel with a Shotgun - The Cab by dawngyocry
How Are You - Cage the Elephant by facetiousfanatic Part 1
How Are You - Cage the Elephant by facetiousfanatic Part 2
How Are You - Cage the Elephant by facetiousfanatic Part 3
The loneliest Girl - Carol and Tuesday by cassandraooc
Morning Has Broken - Cat Stevens by thlange
Star Spangled Banner - Chase Holfelder by chillybuns
Between the Bars - Chris Garneau by roselalondee
Dirty Night Clown - Chris Garneau by idontevenknow-anymore
Dirty Night Clown - Chris Garneau by immabananana
Enter the Circus - Christina Aguilera by askinsanegamzee Broken
A Thousand Years - Christina Perii by angstyelf
A Thousand Years - Christina Perii by mari-victal
Burning Gold - Christina Perri by raspberrylemonhead
Fall - Cider Sky by nevernoahh
Falling (Demo) - The Civil Wars by zomdi
Safe and Sound - The Civil Wars by karaokekarkat
Hum - Clara C by nymphicus
3 Foot Tall - Classifed by kyrah-art
Summer Day - Coconut Records by kathysbrotherssister
Fondu au Noir - Coeur de Pirate by derperistical
Fix You - Coldplay by absinthianlyunheroic
Paradise - Coldplay by Moonpaw
The Scientist - Coldplay by ikimaru
Up with the Birds - Coldplay by the-rag-tag-earl
Viva la Vida - Coldplay by raspberrylemonhead
Viva La Vida - Coldplay by rozeart
Yellow - Coldplay by mariedisgrace
Young Volcanos - Coldplay by kawo-shin
Princess of China - Coldplay (feat. Rihanna) by sora-la
Chin Up - Copeland by vriskamidfangserket
Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows by hopelesslyblithe Broken
Crywank are posers - Crywank by p-666t
Thrice - Daedalus by foramen-magnum
Something About Us - Daft Punk by moxel
Something About Us - Daft Punk by yazzdonut
Emotion - Daft Punk (MissingNo remix) by doomzy
The Spine - Darren Korb (Transistor) by rose-ebottles Broken
Youth - Daughter by zelpixel
Raise Your Weapon - Deadmau5 by marintan
Go Get Your Gun - The Dear Hunter by mcsiggy
Whisper - The Dear Hunter by prospt and collaborators
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie by davsturdur
I Will Follow You into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie by inusushi
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie by kawaiifarts
Bottom of the River - Delta Rae by wwhatevven
Perfect Insanity - Disturbed by vasheren
Just Be Friends (Instrumental) - Dixie Flatline by cheese3d Inspired by Litlte Red Riding Hood
Pity Dance - Dn Stith by jazzango
Venus Hum - Do You Want to Fight Me by shubbabang
Everything You Ever - Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog by thesassylorax
My Eyes - Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog by equiu5
Close Every Door - Donny Osmond by allegro-designs
Baby Mine - Dumbo by gayrupunzel
I See Fire - Ed Sheeran by arachnerdsgri
I See Fire - Ed Sheeran by themockingcrows
Small Bump - Ed Sheeran by janecrockeyre
Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy by themockingcrows
Telephone Line - Electric Light Orchestra by daily-beta
You are my Sunshine - Elizabeth Mitchell by the-rag-tag-earl
Goodnight Sweet Ladies - Emilie Autumn by amporasexual
Asleep - Emily Browning (originally by The Smiths) by joker-ace
O Come O Come Emmanuel - Enya by pseudocon
One for the Money - Escape the Fate by ikimaru
Follow the Sun - Evermore by ladygrit
Fever Dreamless - fadeintocase by peregr1ne
Centuries - Fall Out Boy by sixofclovers
Immortals - Fall Out Boy by etcterrayellowmoon
Immortals - Fall Out Boy by mari-victal
Immortals - Fall Out Boy by quiversarrow
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy by toastyhat
The Kids Aren’t All Right - Fall Out Boy by i-am-a-riceball
The Kids Aren’t All Right - Fall Out Boy by scarlettheknight
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy by dopingues
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy by orangelemonart
Caught Like a Fly - Falling in Reverse by viria
Tragic Magic - Falling in Reverse by elasticitymudflap
Heavy Storm - First Aid Kit by moxel
Wolf - First Aid Kit by spooneaterarts
100 years - Five for Fighting by orangelemonart
Superman - Five for Fighting by grimbarke
Hurt Feelings - Flight of the Conchords by koroke
Rise - Flobots by lyricstuckbeatdown
Blinding - Florence + the Machine by collaborative
Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine by rosemaryserver
Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine by starkthirdeye
Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine by toastyhat
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + the Machine by greatbiglyricstuck
Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine by m0thboy
Girl With One Eye - Florence + the Machine by kingdomzombified
Kiss With a Fist - Florence + the Machine by miraculoustang
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine by dacadaca
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine by nappotuna
Only If for a Night - Florence + the Machine by glueball
Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine by fangirlinginleatherboots
Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine by themockingcrows
Shake it Out - Florence + the Machine by cod-tier
Tear out my Tongue - Florence + the Machine by wheresmyhamlet
What the Water Gave Me - Florence + the Machine by colonoscolypseart
With an Axe - Foxy Shazam by oldshiel
Something Stupid - Frank and Nancy Sinatra by toastyhat
Some Nights - Fun. by greatbiglyricstuck
Mad World - Gary Jules by ahabsiconoclast
Mad World - Gary Jules by prospitheir and aze
Mad World - Gary Jules by synnesai
Where Everybody Knows Your Name - Gary Portnoy by calliotp
Child of Light - The Getaway Plan by dingohugs
It All Dies Anyway - The Gits by skittykitty55
Take Me Away - Globus by toastyhat and splickedylit
You’re the One That I Want - Grease by doodlebonez
Top of the World - Greek Fire by eggsand-santoast
Song of the Century - Green Day by babakinkin
Song of the Century - Green Day by delinked
Song of the century - Green Day by the-rogue-0f-light
Boats and Birds - Gregory and the Hawk by striderprovider
Hard Knocks - Griffinilla and Alex Cole by colouredteapot
Colors - Hasley by innocuoussketches
Anything - Hedley by valeriannnn
The Unquiet Grave - Hellen McCrocry by madreamcanular
Coming Back Down - Hollywood Undead by flynnagan
Coming Back Down - Hollywood Undead by skittykitty55
Levitate - Hollywood Undead by anafigreen
SCAVA - Hollywood Undead by scarlettheknight
Temporal Shenanigans - Homestuck ost - Rachel Macwhirter by arachnerdsgrip:
Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier by metaname
Take Me To Church - Hozier by sailerscrimshaw Broken
God Help the Outcasts - Hunchback of Notre Dame by velocitiestrumpet
The Court of Miracles - Hunchback of Notre Dame by moc-tod-ffuts-modnar
That’s Okay - The Hush Sound by porcupet
Where We Went Wrong - The Hush Sound by canni8al
Wine Red - The Hush Sound by zeborah
Volatile Times - IAMX by xamag-homestuck
Bad Karma - Ida Maria by margarethours
Amsterdam - Imagine Dragons by paperseverywhere
Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons by rapidopatter
Demons - Imagine Dragons by muraokami Broken
Demons - Imagine Dragons by rapidopatter
Fallen - Imagine Dragons by maria-artz Broken
I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons by abbiwhozit
I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons by catkindness Part 1
I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons by catkindness Part 2
Nothing Left to Say - Imagine Dragons by paperseverywhere
On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons by lickfoot
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons by falloutboyonboy
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons by rachelhungry
Thief - Imagine Dragons by mikimosh
Warriors - Imagine Dragons by turretsyndr0me
Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap by kingdomzelaybli
The Devil’s Carnival - In all My Dreams I Drown by artblogofminji
Don’t Stop - InnerPartySystem by spocktalia Broken
What We Will Never Know - InnerPartySystem by lets-lyricstuck
Cinders and Smoke - Iron & Wine by laughingandgrief
Walk the Moon - Iscariot by cissaisthisyou
The Weekend - Islands by daily-beta
R.I.P. Everyone - J.J. Demon by trickstercarlos
Fallin’ - Jake Bugg by awildcale
I Won’t Give Up - Jason Mraz by impudentkid
I’ll Be Good - Jaymes Young by asexualls Broken
Sufferer’s Final Sermon - jbriner by sketchloft
Be Thou My Vision - jbriner (originally a hymn) by mrdespondency
O Death - Jen Titus by canni8al
Oh Death - Jen Titus by artweaver5
If the World Should End - Jennifer Damiano by atrueenglishman
The Hanging Tree - Jennifer Lawrence by sixofclovers
Highwayman - Johnny Cash by toastyhat
What A Wonderful World - Joseph William Morgan ft. Shadow Royale by jayspants
The Stars - Jukebox the Ghost by innocuoussketches
Die Young - Ke$ha by gelasticat
[S] Ke$ha: Enter - Ke$ha (Die Young Remix by captaincrapster) by ket3
Because of You - Kelly Clarkson by timehost
Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson by karaokeoctoberkat
Britland City Theme - Kenashcorp by stormfather
Animals - Kids in Glass Houses by faun-songs
Dustland Fairytale - The Killers by spiritleaf
Mr. Brightside - The Killers by mlle-annette
Sam´s Town - The Killers by gei-may
Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers by toastyhat
I Will Never Forget - Kimya Dawson by moxel
All I Want - Kodaline by godtier8itch
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imo-chan-imagines · 3 years
Not sure if my previous ask was safely sent or my internet connection’s fucked up while sending it earlier this afternoon smh lol
What if... there’s only one bed slice of apple pie left that Kenma is saving to eat for later but reluctantly shares (or gives) it to his s/o who’s hungry atm and hasn’t eaten anything yet for hours? Tw food and other related warnings just in case
Also congrats on your milestone btw ^^ *headpats* 😘
Cuite Pie | Haikyuu!! Drabble
Kenma × gn!reader
Warnings: pure fluff, food, apple pie 🥧, timeskip Kenma, relationship, Nintendo Switch plug + nerdy Breath of the Wild shit lol, Kenma being a cutie patootie 😖💖, request, drabble
A/N: Ahhh, thank you so much, Ella 🥺💕 Happy birthday!! This is my present to you! And this is such a cute idea!! Thank you for entrusting me with your man. I will try my best ✊😖💛
This isn't part of it, but feel free to join my 500 followers event below! Requests are now open.
♡ Join my 500 followers event ♡
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"Arrgghh, I'm so hungry," you whine, flumping down on the sofa in front of the TV. Breath of the Wild was currently paused on Kenma's Nintendo Switch on the coffee table. "I haven't eaten since luunch!"
Kenma peered up at the clock as he stood in the kitchen, the last slice of apple pie on a plate in his hand.
8:36 pm.
He looked back down at the beautiful piece of golden pastry he'd been saving and pouted, knowing full well he had no proper food in the house – or any food, for that matter. He'd fallen into the bad habit of ordering all his food to his doorstep and had forgotten to go shopping.
Kenma's bare feet padded softly on the floor as he came back into the room, plate and fork in hand.
"Aren't you trying to speed run this thing?" you ask, sitting up. "Fastest run so far?"
"Thirty-eight minutes," he says quietly as he sets down the plate on the coffee table and exchanges it for the Switch. "I'm at twenty-five at the moment. If this run goes well, I should shave off another five. But that depends on if I can defeat Ganon without any slip-ups. These are just practice runs, though, so when I do it on camera, it'll be as smooth as possible."
"God, you're such a nerd," you sigh, grinning affectionately at him over the Yoshi cushion you're squeezing in your lap. "I love it."
"Oh, and that's for you." Kenma nods towards the plate before pressing play on the game.
You stare at him, then at the apple pie, then back at Kenma.
"You sure?" you ask, eyeing the single fork.
"Thanks, babe." You lean forward, taking the plate, sitting back, and tucking in. You groan happily when it touches your tongue. "Man, that really hits the spot."
Sitting there on that sofa, with Kenma engrossed in a game beside you, having given you his favourite food that he never shared with anyone, that apple pie was possibly the most delicious thing you'd ever tasted.
"You were saving this, weren't you?" you ask, halfway through.
"Yes, you were. Open up." Carving off a piece of pie with your fork, you lean forward and present it to his periferals. "Come on, open up."
Kenma pouts at the screen, his eyebrows farrowing slightly, but you know it's meant for you.
"I'm not leaving this spot until you eat some, Mr Grumpy Cat, so open your mouth," you insist.
Relecutantly, Kenma opens his mouth, and you slide in the fork. All the while, his alert eyes don't leave the screen, his fingers dancing across the buttons.
A light blush dusts over his cheeks as he closes his mouth around the fork, chews, and swallows.
"Thanks," he mumbles into his chest.
He had really, really wanted that apple pie – and you knew it. That was what made it so sweet.
You sit up and gently place a kiss on the side of his head, careful not to jog his arm or block his vision, and his flush deepens in colour, spreading to the tips of his ears.
"You're welcome, babe."
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© imo-chan-imagines 2021
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haikyuucute · 4 years
I saw that your requests were open so I ran to your ask box because babes!! Your work is so good 😂 Could I request a before and after dating scenario of Alpha!Sugawara and a fiesta omega who constantly teases him? Reader soon goes through her heat cycle and acts the exact opposite of how she normally does? could you add a lil smut in there too pls? 👀 if you’re feelin it.
I wrote this similar to my Tendou fic, where the beginning is written as headcanons and the smut is a drabble
Sugawara had never met an omega as outgoing and feisty as you were and because of that, he immediately felt an attraction towards you
It was when he had stepped into the gym to find you wrestling with Nishinoya, yelling something or other about him buying the last strawberry milk and to give it to you
lol of course you were friends with the overexcited alpha
But Suga was pretty surprised to see you holding your own against the alpha— he didn’t know that you two wrestled way too often
You had successfully pried the milk from his hands bolting towards the door, luckily Tanaka had held Noya back
And when you spotted Suga by the door, you stopped, a grin growing on your face as you looked at the pretty setter
”You’re cute”
Suga’s face flushed fifty shades of red, he didn’t get flustered easily but he hadn’t expected an omega to be so bold— especially such a pretty one
You burst into giggles and poked his cheek
”Aww you’re all red. How cute!”
That was when Tanaka yelled at you to leave since his hold was loosening on Noya
You jumped and bolted for the door, but not before shouting at Suga:
”Bye cutie!”
He stared after you stunned with his heart hammering in his chest, immediately demanding to know who you were from the pouting Noya
“She’s an evil omega— ow! Fine that’s (L/N) (F/N)!”
As far as Suga was concerned, you were already his omega from that moment on
Your scent had lingered in the back of his mind— you smelled like candy
It was so sweet he could practically taste it on his tongue when he thought of you
He just wished his second encounter with you had gone better
A few days later he smelled that same overwhelmingly sweet scent and immediately ran towards it
Only to find you scenting Noya in the courtyard
His throat immediately tightened— did he read the situation wrong? Were you actually mates with Noya? Then why would you call him cute?
He stood frozen as he watched you run your wrists up and down Noya’s arms while the libero grinned
A few moments later, you and Noya had noticed him
A pretty smile grew on your lips as you spotted Suga, grinning excitedly
Noya bounded towards him, briefly greeting him before running past him, yelling back at you
”Thanks (F/N)— I’m sure those omegas are gonna be jealous now with you scent all over me!”
Suga furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he stared after Noya
Only turning around when he felt you tap on his shoulder
He jumped at seeing how close you had gotten, that same teasing smile on your lips
”Sugawara-senpai, right? Noya told me your name.”
He blinked and slowly nodded still completely confused as to what you and Noya were doing before
”What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” “....What uh— what were you two doing?”
He regretted asking as soon as your face lit up even more
“Oh— Suga-senpai, are you jealous?” “No!” “Well if you must know, Noya-chan asked me to scent him cause he thinks if these omegas that he likes smell another omega’s scent on him, they’ll get jealous— but I guessed it worked for me instead”
He blushed deeply again, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, feeling stupid
”Do you want to go out with me?”
And once again, he was taken aback by your boldness, but with a red face he quickly nodded and agreed to go out with you
When the two of you finally started going out, Suga swore it was the most fun he had ever had
You were extroverted and playful and would constantly drag him place after place when you went out on dates, constantly teasing him the whole time
Soon enough, Suga was able to get more used to your playfulness and eventually was able to show his own playful and mischievous side with you
Whenever you two were together it sometimes turned into a teasing match to see who could make who blush first— you usually won
Though you were also a bit of a handful for him sometimes
You were easily excited— much like Noya and Hinata— and sometimes you behaved that way at the worst of times, making him have to calm you down
This also lead to you sometimes trying to challenge him, making your fiery personality show
It was also during one of these moments where your first kiss took place
You had stared at Suga with narrowed eyes when he attempted to calm you down and with the whole team watching, he felt put on the spot
So he grabbed you by the shoulders and kissed you
When he pulled away, you were completely flustered
When you got closer, simply scenting you with his wrists wasn’t enough, so the two of you would end up cuddled for hours
However, one of your favorite things was to get Noya to scent you, cuz when Suga smelled his scent on you, it would get him riled up and possessive
So he’d try to cover up Noya’s scent
But you’d run away, turning it into a game of cat and mouse that would eventually end in the two of you wrestling until Suga got his way
Eventually his rut had arrived before your heat, and you hadn’t gone into heat either when you helped Suga through his rut
Which meant you were hellbent on making it difficult for him to dominate you
You bit his shoulder and yanked on his hair, flipping the two of you over as often as possible so you could be on top
You tried to restrain his hands in yours but he easily loosened his grip since he was much stronger
And you teased and taunted him relentlessly
You had practically made him go feral, the only way he was able to get you to completely submit was to flip you onto your stomach, hold your wrists together behind your back, while each of your moans were muffled by your panties that he had shoved in your mouth
After that rut, he made sure to go out and buy a gag for you
And eventually your heat would arrive about a month later
Suga didn’t know what to expect when he walked into your room to see you in heat for the first time
But it definitely wasn’t what he had thought
The omega that laid on your bed was unrecognizable
You were curled up in a ball and whimpering with tears in your eyes
You immediately smelled him once he stepped in, looking at him longingly
“Alpha, please... need you...”
Your voice was so unlike you and suddenly, Suga was thinking back to how difficult you had made his rut
It was only fair he returned the favor~
“Please Alpha,” you sobbed uselessly, trying to grind against him but his hands kept you still.
Suga had you on his lap, his cock buried to the hilt in your soaking pussy— but he refused to move, making you two cockwarm, while listening to your desperate pleads for him to do something.
He smiled, satisfied with the completely destroyed look on your face. He leaned forward slightly, kissing your forehead, “Once you show me you can be a good girl and stay still for more than five minutes, I’ll fuck you however you want my sweet Omega.”
Another broken sob left you as you buried your face in his neck, hands gripping onto his shoulders tightly.
It was impossible, you could practically feel him throbbing in your cunt. You felt so hot everywhere— you needed to cum or else you’d lose your mind.
You sobbed against his neck, warm tears hitting his skin. Your cries did pull at his heart and he wanted nothing more than to please you, but whenever he thought back to his rut, he was able to hold his ground, because maybe if he made this difficult for you, you’d be better behaved during his next rut.
And Sugawara was determined on making this very difficult.
He’d occasionally shift on purpose to pull a moan out of you, making it nearly impossible to not grind down against him, which only served to prolong the entire thing. Or he’d move a hand to toy with your clit, making you move every single time without fail.
It had already been a half hour and your sobs only increased, begging for him to do anything.
But you behaved, managing to keep still for five minutes.
He cupped your jaw, pulling you from the crook of his neck so he could look at your tear streaked face. He sighed, running a hand through your tangled hair.
He leaned in, capturing your lips with his, to which you eagerly kissed back.
”So cute, pretty girl,” he cooed, “All you want to do is submit to your Alpha, hm?”
You sniffled, nodding your head.
He grinned at you teasingly, “Makes me wonder where my troublesome Omega went— will you be my good girl for the next few days?”
You nodded again, “Yes— I’ll be good- please make me cum Alpha.”
His smile grew, and he kissed your temple, “Then get on your hands and knees and show me how behaved you can be~”
Omegaverse Taglist:
@shiguraaa @tycrackculture @kynyta @cuddlesslut @baeshijima @yams046 @cutepet09 @kkimoka @elegant-gypsophilia @mrkoala4prsdnt @sapphy-taffy6969 @yougivemebutterfliess @melanieacademy @yeet-these-hoez @nekomasmeow @thirsthourdemon @nekoma-hoe @curiouslilbeast @badboysdoitbetter2 @nervousenergyy @coupsieddori @mizuchan24-blog @ly-nia @mer92
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dkbtho · 2 years
J, M, Q, X! 🥰🥰
Siyuan!!! Before I answer any of these.. I gotta tell you I took like half an hour to decide who my favorite maknae is. I went looking at pictures and even cried at one point! I mean REAL TEARS were happening 😂😂 loved it though <3
J: a group you love to jam out to?
Blitzers has some serious bangers!! Along with their title tracks, Simon Says, K-POP, Seat-Belt, Blitz - Next Level and CHECK-IN are all songs I find myself rocking out to.
I also love WayV!! I literally only know four songs from them, but I'm obsessed. (If you (or anyone) have any song recs... 👀👀)
M: your favorite maknae?
Kangmin is currently running his campaign to be my Verivery bias, but that's based entirely on performance vibes since I don't know them at all (yet!). So I'll go with A.C.E's Chan!! He did a FIVE HOUR VLIVE ALL BY HIMSELF for their debut anniversary because all the other members are doing their military service right now 😭 He's such a cutie and his VOICE and his performance presence is just 😘👌🔥 (they really need to get a chef's kiss emoji) also specifically can we talk about this:
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Q: a quality your bias shows that you absolutely love?
a physical quality would definitely have to be smiles and laughs! I can't help it I just love seeing them be happy 🥺🥺💓💘💞 I have a whole tag just for Younghoon's bright smiles...
as far as personality quality I'm gonna have to say the way they show love!!!! 💖💖💖 Is that too cheesy or what? I'm thinking about E-Chan and the members (specifically his co-leader relationship w/ D1), the way Serim is so so cuddly, Sunwoo drinking Chanhee's coffee, Lee Know and his cats (actually all cats), Lee Know with Felix during their haunted school experience, Bang Chan and the members ("the kids" I believe he called them)!!!! I just love Love 🥰🥰
X: your favorite cross-group friendship?
TBZ HYUNJAE AND DKB E-CHAN!!! No contest, no question, just. them!!!!! They've been best friends since middle school and it just makes my heart so full 💖 TBZ and DKB were promoting at the same time last November (for Rollercoaster and Maverick) and they did a TikTok together and I couldn't stop thinking about E-Chan and Hyunjae just being dumb middle school besties 💘💘
Anyway thanks for stopping by and sending this in!! This was really fun 🥰 also sorry this got really long lol
*unusual kpop asks*
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chibicalzones · 3 years
skz x karasuno
part 1 of kpop groups x haikyuu!!
[a/n Yes you may have seen this before, but this is our version >:) ] 
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Man this is a short group of volleyball players 
I cant even call them short when changbin is an inch taller than me- chloe 
bang chan - daichi
a dad™
both of them share a lot in common tbh
both are compassionate leaders 
they care a lot for their peers, hardworking, selfless
very soft and generally fun people to be around
also inviting and social people as well
as much as they are fun, they also know when it's time to be serious
whether you know them or not, you will always highly respect them regardless
also, i feel like bang chan would be really good as a receiver
strong, trust, responsible receiver who’s got your back 
always count on the two of them to be there for you
bonus: their muscles-
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changbin - tanaka 
wants to fite everybody, will fite everybody 
the fricken difference in personalities for this boy, good lord
don't ever underestimate changbin’s height 
comes off very scary once you first meet them
once fired up, the both of them are energetic and unstoppable
boys that never give up and always support you wherever
changbin would be a good wing spiker in all honesty
you see those muscles -  perfect for spiking the ball
packed with power and an urge to win
freaking blows everyone away
a literal monster on the stage/court
but once they’re off that? 
big softies
literally if you see changbin in private, you would think he’s the youngest because of how soft and uwu he is 
tanaka and changbin are both mentally strong
he shuts up all the people who doubt him and talk shit about him in an instant
cause when he’s up on the stage, he blows them away B) 
they may look like just your average guy, but you can bet that they gives it their all and be someone you can count on
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minho - tsukishima
pls minho as tsukki; name a better match-
both are fricken savages 
don't mess with either of them unless you don't want to live another day
vvvv intimidating when you first see them
seems like they don’t care most of the time with their stoic rbf faces
but in reality, both really do love what they do (and their friends) and try their best 
tsunderes ngl
both vital and essential parts of their groups
one of the most level-headed people of the group
yet probably one of the most easiest people to annoy lmao
you’d think for someone who always has something teasing to say, they’d be hard to fluster 
not for these boys 
mostly the fluster comes from the surprise of their roast being roasted  
bonus: both attract cats to them (minho attracts soonie, doonie, dori,, while tsukki attracts kuroo) 
meow meow
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hyunjin - oikawa 
yeah he isn't karasuno shush 
there’s only 1 drama queen in haikyuu 
and that title goes to seijoh’s captain and all around milk bread enthusiast, shittykawa
absolute visuals like goddamn-
also extremely popular with the people (have you SEEN how popular they are)
you don't stan them? that's okay because we all know you will eventually
there’s a point in all of our lives we go “shit i LOVE THEM” 
tried and true - take it from a former oikawa anti
like their looks may deceive you to think that they’re a delicate flower 
but goddamn, do they prove you wrong 
these two have worked themselves hard to get where they are now, despite people telling that they have it easy because of their looks and talent 
aces of their teams
okay and i see them playfully annoying their friends
*flashback to when hyunjin spilled coffee on his clothes* nOoOOooO
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jisung - nishinoya
they’re both crazy crazy sexy cool 
hinata may be hyper, but these two will literally want to make you cry from
both very lively and energetic and just so fricken friendly
draws a lot of people/attention towards them cause of their personality uwu
a lot of people overlook them because on the outside, they just see a goofy airhead and not someone who should be taken seriously 
they wow everyone with their talent because they’re just that amazing 
guardians of their teams, no joke
always got your back no matter what
also both hate school-
all in all, best bois  
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felix - hinata (aka thE SUN)
both are literal suns, fight me on this i DARE YOU
literally such hard-working people
both working from the bottom and striving to improve
no matter what, they stay positive active balls of energy 
a smile from both of them can instantly brighten up your day
how could you hate them?
angels in disguise i say
easily befriends people and a lot of people are amazed by them
ex: when idols hear felix’s voice and dance & when people see hinata perform on court
“cookin like a chef, im a five star michelin” (that day was a day to go down in the books-)
if skz had their own anime, no doubt felix would be the main character
felix is just main character material, just like hinata
bonus: when felix had orange hair- spot the difference, i bet you can’t
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seungmin - sugawara 
look, they may look like an angel, but they are a literal devil in disguise 
they’re both very caring and friendly, just very kindhearted 
very affectionate to the people they love
pls and they are so adorable when happy 
a reliable and trustworthy friend who you can always go to
but under that nice/kind boy next door, there’s a cheeky mischievous side
literally will roast you with a smile on their face and anime flowers blooming behind him
you can’t get mad at them when they’re like that ;-; 
would pay for them to do that to me no joke-
everybody gangsta till seungmin and sugawara find out you hurt a friend 
pls i can assure you that you won’t even be able to looks their friends in the eye anymore 
you will be teased/roasted brutally out of existence  
bottom line: fluffy adorable boys but don’t ever mess with them or make them angry unless crying is your new favorite pastime  
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jeongin - yamaguchi
babies of the group
young and taller than most in the group
always improving and learning from their elders
overlooked and underdogs unfortunately
but once they improve and get their well deserved spotlight
“oh honey you got a big storm coming-”
doted on and supported by their older members/teammates so much
even though they stumble and make mistakes, they pick themselves back up to try try try again 
again duality problems smh 
goes from cutie patootie to fricken badass in the span of 2 minutes
if one of their friends even THINKS of speaking bad about themselves 
these two will smack that friend full on with praise, love, and compliments 
pls treasure these boys and give them all your love
you won’t regret it
jeongin/yamaguchi supremacy im calling it- 
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aonesmfeyebrows · 3 years
Tamaki Amajiki - innocent
this is my first time writing here, im not really used to it tbh but hey wattpad sucks what can i do now. n e ways hope you like this and yaa ^3^
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ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇⁱᵍ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵁᴬ. I mean who doesn't.
The Big 3 are widely known as the strongest three hero students in all of Japan. Thanks to Hero Work-Studies, the three of them have seasoned their skills and mastered their powerful Quirks at a young age. They are considered to be above pro hero levels already and are destined to become Top Pro Heroes once they graduate. (did I copy that from wiki? yes yes I did)
But have you heard about the fourth? people never paid attention to her, only few teachers and students know what is she capable of yet they still don't know that she can do much more.
She's as strong as the big three or maybe more, and that's the thing. she's smart with her move, she have this leader like vibe around her, she always knows what to do. she didn't, never waste any time and opportunity she have. even there's just a tiny little chance she win a fight, she would totally ace that chance.
she's built like an assassin, that's why the school didn't give her much spotlight, that is what her family's order. that is what the big guy's order, that's what he want. he want her to be the best out of the best, he don't want to take any risk putting her in the spotlight, that's why he always told here to not put her hundred percent just for this school.
she will be the best undercover agent, the best assassin, the best weapon,
nobody can stop her.
people who know this might wondering, so why put her in a famous school if he don't want people to know about her?
it's easy they know UA is a famous school and there's a bunch of people with different abilities, he wants her to know and have experience with people who have different quirk and personality, what kind of people they are, what's their capable of doing with their quirk, how strong it is, what is it weakness and of course how to destroy them. it's best to pretend like you're on their side and when the right time comes you'll snatch the carpet from under their feet.
time skip bought you by this bad bitch down here
 it was the usual after class,
'finally lunch break' you thought
your thought get cut short by someone's voice, there she is one of your bubbly bestfriend. she's just a few feet away from you yet she called you like you're miles from eachother.
"HEEEYYYYY Y/N-CHAAAANNNN," nejire said while waving both her hands around.
within seconds everybody's attention goes to the both of you. felling a little embarrassed by her actions, you just walked away and pretend nothing of that is just happened seconds ago.
"wait wait for me oi,"
"shut up will you, at least don't scream like that. you know damn well I don't like people paying attention to me," you said a little bit irritated by her.
"here sorry sorry I'm just so excited to met you hehe,"
"what the- something must going on here," giving her a side glance. the both of you start to head to the cafeteria.
"wow you know me so well Y/N-CHAN~"
"tch, let's get some food first then we can talk." you rolled your eyes playfully.
"alrighty," after taking your lunch both of you guys start to searching for a table.
"hmm let's just sit in there," you pointed at the corner with less human beings. "you really don't like people much huh," she say after taking a seat opposite from you.
"you damn right, all they can do is giving me a headache. I can't deal with em', one is more than enough" you said while unwrapping your onigiri and start to munching on it.
"oh wow I don't know should I be happy or offended by that," she pointed at you.
"take that as a compliment, hoe. is a rare thing coming out from my mouth," you chuckled a little bit and she just laughed at that.
You see, both of you are a good friend it's like she's the only friend you have not like you planning on making another one,
'you don't need them anyway.' that word always stuck somewhere in the back of your head.
"so Y/N-chan do you want to hang-"
"no," you just cut her off cause you know damn well where the hell this shit about to go.
"HUH at least let me finish my invitation you bitch." she pout, she start to taking a bite from her milkbread ✨ aggressively ✨
"tch, I don't need to hear the rest. I already know what your intentions is," you said blankly.
"come on Y/N, I promise this will be the last time and it's not like I'm going to leave you or something and also it's with mirio and tamaki"
you blush a little, nejire barely see it but she's sure she got you there. she knows damn well that you're taking a liking to the elf-boy. that is why lately she has been setting you up with a couple of her friends this last month. nejire didn't do it for no reason, she just want to make sure how's your expression and gesture when you're around other boy. she always see the barely see blush on your cheeks everytime you guys hanging out with mirio and tamaki. she also see you smile, a genuinely happy. and it's all just because of him. but the main problem is you, you never thought about all these teenagers thingy. all you know is training, listening everything the big guy say and complete the orders they gave you.
"hey N/N?"
"nah, I'm not that close with both of em' and I don't want to make tamaki uncomfortable or some shit."
recently nejire noticed that this past few weeks you've been avoiding tamaki, if there's tamaki in the room you always seem in a rush. it's not like you hate him, you just don't like the aching feeling between your legs when you near him. you know damn well what happened to you, you're a horny little bitch when it comes to tamaki. that is why you always try to avoid him as much as you can. he's a total sweetheart, a shy boy and he's too good for you. someone like you didn't deserve someone like tamaki, hell you didn't deserve anybody for midnight's sake.
but to say you don't want him is a misunderstand, what you feel towards him is not just a sexual desire. you always want to know more about him, like what his childhood like, what his favorite food just bunch of those stupid little things.
just hearing his voice makes your heart go boom boom. you don't even know what all these things are, 'love' that's what nejire always tell you. yes you told her about this, she's like your personal psychiatrist.
you don't know what love is, you don't have any idea what that shit is. it's not like you ever feel those type of affection. it's not like they give you those kind of affection. all you know is listen to them, complete the task, training, training, and training. that's what they teach you, hell they start to train you when you're only five.
"oi Y/N what you say?" she asked you
"say what? sorry, I'm just spacing out"
"dang it, I asked you do you want to hangout with me, mirio and tamaki this friday night? we could go watch movies and then go to an arcade" she ask you again.
"sure," you reply without thinking much of it.
just this time, this one time you want to be selfish and do what you want.
it won't hurt anyone right.
"about damn time Y/N. about damn time," nejire whisper to herself smiling like an idiot.
-time skip bought you by this cutie I call em' moowy (idk if it's a pee pee or va jay jay but I think it's a gurl)-
 dii ~also I'm too lazy to write all the damn thing y'all gonna do in the arcade imma skip it for a lil bit sorry guys~
moowy ~shut up you dumb bitch, you just stupid and don't know what to write, moo~
dii ~meanie don't listen to that stupid cow y'all T^T~
"oh man the movie is soo good," nejire said. "the food is the best part though," you add.
"you damn right, ne tamaki do you have fun? what do you think?" nejire start to attacking the shy boy. poor tamaki.
"w-what?! i-i u-um i-i like the m-movie, it-it was g-good," he said all blushy.
'man how am I suppose to not go wild, he's so fucking cute" you thought.
"oh, tamaki why don't you walk Y/N to her apartment. it's a little far from here right? and it's already late y'know." mirio said out of nowhere. (you are not staying in the dorm)
"nah. don't have to. I can walk by myself, besides just like what you said it's getting late y'all need to head to your dorms by now. don't want to make any trouble now, do we? "
to be perfectly honest, you just don't want things go south. cause you're sure as hell the moment you two walk to your apartment, all the build up feeling is going to burst out.
"i-i m-mean s-sure, if-if s-she d-don't mind." shocked, the three of you just stand there and looking at him with mouth hanging open besides you of course.
"WAAHHHH GREAT. BYE BYE Y/N. GO GO GO." nejire push him towards me.
"are you sure?" you ask him again after walking for a few minutes. "I mean you can always go back and just go straight up to the dorm, I'm good on my own" you said while pointing at the dorm direction, which is the opposite from you guys.
"n-no, I want t-to w-walk y-you home" he said.
"alright then," the rest of the walk filled with this awkward silence. you didn't put much thought to it, just continue walking and want to get over it as soon as possible.
after fifteen minutes of walking you guys finally in front of your apartment building. "um do you perhaps want to, y'know um go inside. take a peek, um- shit- sorry I mean-" he cut you off by tugging the sleeve of your hoodie.
"a-actually i-i want t-to tell- um t-tell you s-something," his face is totally red right now.
"oh great, let's just go inside then." yeah this is it, this is the time you thought.
you go inside the building and he's right behind you, hop inside the building and go up to your floor.
"well this is my home, come in. make yourself comfortable tamaki" you said opening the key and go inside, him still tailing behind you.
"t-thank you"
both of you sat on the couch beside each other. "um so what are you want to tell me?" you ask him, curiosity killed the cat they say.
"u-um i-i w-want to t-tell you that i-i l-like y-you L/N-chan" he looks like he's about to explode. looking around the empty living room, avoiding eye contact with you. "I like you too tamaki" you blurt out.
"h-huh" you cut him off by grabbing his cheeks with both your hands and kissing him hard. your lisp collide with each other, you start to lick his bottom lip and nibble on it pulling it a little. you lean back a little,
"let's take this somewhere else, shall we?" you whisper to his ears making him all read and feel shiver run down his spine.
 and here you are in the middle of your bed. kissing, well more like sucking each other face. you feel his tongue inside your mouth. caressing everything he can reach. pulling out from the kiss, you start to taking off your hoodie and track pants (im sorry cause I don't really wear jeans, the struggle is real y'all)
leaving you in only your underwear and bra for him to see. "you're so beautiful" when he look you right in the eye he goes all red again, he didn't mean it to come out and you just smile at him. "it's okay tamaki, just do what you feel want to do. im yours"
that's it, that's the last straw. that words that come out of your mouth is the trigger. his hand go from your hair to the back of your body, caressing it so carefully. you arch your back a little bit to give him access to unclips your bra. and dropping it beside your bed.
he just staring at your chest, he don't have idea what to do he's scared and embarrassed by the view. so you take both his hands, putting each hand on each of your tits and just let it there for a few seconds. you began to lead him to give both your titties a little squeeze. after a couple times you start feeling the pleasure and without you realizing it. "mhhmm," when he heard you he start to squeeze a little harder seeing your face, eyes closed. when you feel he's comfortable with what he's doing you take off your hands from his.
"mhmm nghh" you feel he start to tease your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, moaning quitely. squeezing and flicking it back and forth.
within minutes you start to feel something slimy sliding up your chest, griping both of your titties. the tentacles like thingy start to go around each of your tits and start to squeezing it, and the suckers thingy start to sucking on your nipples making you throw your head back giving tamaki a good access to leave a few love bites on your delicate skin.
'wait hold on he fucking use his quirk?' you thought
his right hand pinning both of your hands and before you know it your hands already cuffed up to the bed post. not with a handcuffs but with another tentacle.
your core dripping wet, throbing in anticipation. just imagining it makes you all hot and excited, this is like a dream come true.
"nghhh mhmm a-amajiki p-please," he can feel his dick twitching just by hearing your voice. he's not going to waste any time, he rub the inside of your thigh with his delicate fingers. he start to lean down your core. kissing your inner thighs, leaving small little bites here and there. you can feel he start to kiss your pussy through the thin fabric,
"the panties need to go" he say
"don't you think, doll" he whispers, fucking hell that was hot as fuck, all you can do is humming and nod at him.
you can feel his hot breath right on your throbing cunt. he rip your panties off and throwing it across the room.
"t-tamaki w-what the hell," you got on your elbow shocked by what just happening.
"w-what w-wait i-im s-so s-sorry i-i d-didn't m-mean t-to-" you cut him off by chuckling at his face burning in embarrassment.
"i-it's fine I guess I'm just a little shocked, didn't expect someone so innocent as you can- ah nghhh f-fuck ahnn"
he cut you off by kissing and licking your wet ass pussy. slurping sounds can be heard in the room.
"a-ahnmajiki f-fuckk hahh nghh"
by hearing that he felt like going bolder and bolder, feeling something slimy sliding up and down your already throbing pussy.
"w-what in the f-fuck was ahh nghh that hah fuckk hahh"
"mhmm it takes me weeks to finally have the courage to do this," he said pulling out of your core.
your mouth hanging open, shocked by the sight between your legs. a flushed tamaki, his mouth hanging open, and his tongue sticking out from his mouth but instead it's a good 8 inch tentacle ready to destroy your pussy. (actually planing on putting 14 but it's a different anime so ya lol)
just by the sight in front of you, you can already feel the burn inside your lower belly. you watch all his movements, it so fucking hot. you never know that the most quite and shy boy that people thought was so fucking innocent can make a girl in such a state.
he start to continue his previous activity, sliding the tongue like tentacle up and down your pussy. you can feel the tentacles tip brushing your clit lightly, causing you to gasp at the sudden sensation with each movement.
"nghhh haahhh s-shit ahhhnnn"
you moaned louder as it continue caressing your throbbing wet pussy. you start to feel something sucking your clit, it's start very lightly you barely feel it but it gets harder every seconds making your clit go red and swollen. your mouth hanging open, your eyes start to watering cause all pleasure is so overwhelming. Your eyes rolled back feeling the tentacle go inside you slowly, the tentacle go deeper and deeper.
"nghhh haahhh ahh f-fuck ahhnn"
feeling it thrusting in and out at slow pace, a much more smaller tentacle still swirling like circle motion around your swollen clit and every so often the suckers, sucking your clit lightly to add more pleasure.
"ahhh nghhh s-shit ahhh a-amajiki ahh"
mouth hanging open, tongue sticking out, tears start to run down your flushed cheeks.
'you look so lewd baby,' tamaki thought to himself . he start to making the tentacle go a little bigger every so often and his trust start to get harder and harder each time.
fuck. that's it, you start feeling that burning sensation in your lower stomach, arching your back. with one more thrust you cum hard. the hardest in your lifetime.
he pull off all the tentacle from your flushed fucked up body, feeling alredy worn-out and empty. he give you a few minutes to regain your srenght. he start to leave a little kiss from down your legs go up until he is face to face with you.
"u-um w-was i-it g-good Y/N?" he asked shyly.
"a-are you f-fucking kidding m-me? you literally makes me fucked up and yet you haven't put your dick in me." you say panting and eyes still closing.
hearing that is kinda embarrassing but he's also proud of himself, finally he have the courage to tell you that he like you and to go all the way here.
"i-is a-anywhere h-hurt?" he asked you again.
"no, baby I'm fine. so shall we continue?" rolling the both of you so now he's beneath you.
"it's not fair that I'm the only one who's naked, isn't it?" you whisper to his ear and sucking at it.
"u-um i-i guess," you hop off of him and letting him to sit up, he start to taking off his sweatshirt and pants dropping it on the floor beside your bed. leaving him in only a boxer, he's quiet big not gonna lie just by the sight of it making your pussy wet all over again.
"is this your first time?" looking at him, he just nod at you.
"oh. a-are you sure y-you want to do this? tamaki?" you ask him again to make sure.
"yes, I want this Y/N"
'wow he didn't even stutter,' you thought.
you grab both his cheeks, kissing him slowly and straddling him. you pull out for a moment to open the drawers beside your bed grabing the boy of condom and putting it beside you.
his face go all red all over again seeing the box beside him. "hey, it's okay we will go slow okay? I'll let you take the lead."
you start palming him through his thight boxer, "it looks so uncomfortable why don't we just take it off?" you yank it from him and throw it across the room.
you grip his dick, massaging it lightly. you start to lick the tip just a little bit, giving it a few lick and sucking just the tip.
"ngghhhh haaahhhh Y-Y/N p-please"
you start to putting him inside your mouth, messaging the rest of his cock that can't be for in. your other hand start to teasing his balls giving it a good grip. you start to trace your tongue from his tip to the base of his dick, giving it a little suck. you put one of his balls inside your mouth and massaging the other. after a few seconds you put the other inside your mouth and giving the other a massage. this keep repeating for a few more minutes.
"ughh haahhh nghhh"
making your way back to his swollen red tip, you can see his tip is leaking with a precum. putting just the tip inside your mouth giving it a teasing lick and sucking it a few more time.
"mhmm," you hum in a satisfiction. he feels the vibrate in his dick, it just make it worst. he just want to cum already. "ahh f-fuckk," he's already panting. "tell me what you want, baby" you say, stopping all the movements looking him straight in the eyes.
"p-please j-just haha s-suck me already,"
"well, if you insist"
you finally put him inside your mouth, you start to bop your head up and down, sucking and swirling your tongue around his tip. within few minutes you feel his dick twitch inside your mouth. without him realizing it, he grip your head with both of his hand. pushing him all the way inside, deep throating you.
'holy fuck that was hot' you thought.
gagging a little you can feel your throat burning, tears visible in the corner of your eyes. bobbing your head faster and faster.
"aahhhh nghhh i-I'm c-coming ngaahhh"
with that, you feel his hot cum run down your throat. he came hard inside your mouth, pulling him out a thing of saliva connecting your lips to his still hard dick.
"don't you think it's time for the main course?" you say leaning down to his face. messily kissing him, making him taste his own cum through you. he flip you both over, so you're beneath him. you grab the box of condom and opening one, putting it on him. he just looking at your actions with embarrassment.
"just start slowly, and then you can go with your own pace, okay?" you tell him.
"o-okay" he put his left hand in your waist. peppering kisses from your neck up to your jaw and then go to your lips. he start to putting his tip in your entrance with the help of his other hand. going in and out just the tip, testing the water.
"nghhh ahhh t-tamaki mhh just put it i-in already." hearing that, he go in one hard trust.
"NGH AAHHHH F-FUCK" closing your eyes.
"oh my g-god Y-Y/N I-I'M S-S-SORRY" he's about to pull out but you pot your legs around his waist and grab him by his shoulders.
"i-it's fine ahh f-fuck um j-just let me get u-used to it," you give him a little peck on the lips. staring at him, caressing his face with your much smaller fingers.
"a-and next time please tell me before you go all the way in on one thrust like that, so I can prepare myself." you can see his face is as red as a tomato.
you just chuckled at him, "you're so cute tamaki." he just smile, hearing your voice. he shut you up by kissing your lips, it's getting hot by the second you two start to making out. you can feel his dick twitch inside you.
"nghh t-tamaki please m-move." you start to feel him going in and out at slow pace. his right hand caressing your cheeks, his thumb go to your bottom lips brushing it, you give his thumb a few lick and start to sucking at it. tamaki put his thumb all the way in.
his trust getting much more harder than before. "aahhhh ngghhhh f-fuck f-faster p-please ahhnn." the second hearing that from you, he start going faster. his thrust is hard and fast, he really fuck you good.
your back arched. taking his thumb from your mouth, gripping your waist with both his hand. droll start to leaking from the corner of your lips, tears running down your face.
he keep thrusting in and out of you. he give your clit a small stroke with his forefinger,
"nghhh aahhhh a-amajiki mhhhmm i-"
"f-fuck haahhh y-you're so h-hot. w-wrapped a-around m-me" he can feel you walls start to tightening around him.
"f-fuck ahhh," you grab him by his hair and kissing him hard, the kiss was messy. both of your tongue fight for dominance. when you feel him getting bigger inside you, you start to clawing his back and sure it will leave mark for the next morning. (gotta mark your territory baby)
you start to feel that familiar burning inside your stomach, and he can feel it. he knows that you're almost there, he start to circling and pinching your clit harder. feeling your walls getting hotter and hotter.
"aahhhh a-amajiki i-im nghh c-cuming haahhh ahhnnn" with that being said you can hard. but that didn't stop him from thrusting sloppily,
"ahh w-wait i-im shit ahnn s-still s-sensitive"
"j-just ahhh h-hang o-on ahnn f-for ahh l-little" he said panting. his abusing on your clit didn't stop, you're panting, sweat everywhere, tears running down your cheeks and to the pillow beneath you, droll leaking from both side of your mouth, your tongue hanging out. you're a total mess.
"just 'thrust' a 'thrust' little 'thrust' more 'thrust' I'm 'thrust' almost 'thrust' there 'thrust' "
you start to feel something inside your stomach, the burning feeling is a little different. after a few more hard thrust, you squirt all over the bed.
"aahhhhhh ngghhhh fuck fuck fuck," you've never felt this so much pleasure before. this is so overwhelming yet you like this feeling, the feeling he give you.
"aahhhh i-im haaahh" with that he came hard, painting the condom white.
after a few more seconds, he pulling out of you making you feel empty. you let out a little sequel. he take the condom off tying it before throwing it to the trash can beside your drawers.
he start to rubbing both your thighs, and up your side. your eyes still closed, "h-hey um i-is t-there a-anywhere h-hurt?" he ask you, you can hear the worried in his voice.
"f-fuck ngh no, I'm fine. j-just need a little more time."
"o-oh o-okay, d-do y-you want me t-to h-help y-you c-clean u-up?" he ask you trying so hard not to looking at you in this state.
"sure, let's go to the guest room after. I don't think it will be comfortable for us to sleep here"
"w-what s-sleep?" he say shocked
"yes? there's no way in hell I'm letting you go back to the dorm, it's so late damn it's almost three in the morning" you say while looking at the clock on your nightstand.
he just looking at you still shocked. you come closer to him, hissing at the feeling between your legs "ow," hearing that he immediately go to your side. you grab both his hands, looking him right in the eye.
"we already confess to eachother, right. and we just had sex, so basically we are dating." he just smile at you and give you a little peck.
"yeah, let's g-go clean up a-and take a rest" he say carrying you bridal style to the bathroom.
after cleaning up and changing your chlotes, both of you go to the guest bathroom. he's on his back with you lying down closer to him, on your stomach. something just pop up on your mind, changing your previous position. you go on your side looking at him, putting one of your hand in his bare chest.
"ne ne amajiki, I was wondering."
"w-wwhat is it N/N?" you caught him off guard.
you put both your hand and chin on his chest, "is your quirk only apply for your hands or can it be other part of your body?"
muehehehehe y'all already know what I'm talking about, this just pop up when I write this T³T
I need to bleach my eyes after this, also tbh I'm not really proud of this one but yeah.
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iwovhaikyuu · 4 years
You Look Amazing - Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Hey it’s Sam! Woah I actually wrote a fic? Shocking, I know. I haven’t written anything in a few months, so I’m kinda rusty, so bear with me if this is garbage ^^ (Also I’m a total slut for Oikawa, so he gets the special fluff treatment :) )
From The Prompt List:
56. “Would you just hold still?”
99. “Don’t look at me like that.”
11. “Wow, you look amazing.”
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With a relieved sigh you stretched your legs as you walked out the gym with your boyfriend. It seemed like all of his practices lasted for a million years, but it wasn’t like you could complain. It was totally worth it to see him sweaty and panting by the end of it.
“What are you thinking about, Little Cutie?”
A familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Looking up, you saw your boyfriend staring back down at you with a warm smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Me?” He suddenly grew extremely flustered, “W-well of course it’s me! Who else would you be thinking about?” He started sweating and chuckling nervously, beginning to stutter while still in his flustered haze.
Wanting Tooru to shut up and stop being such a stutter bug (in a loving way), you leaned upwards and caught him even more off guard with a breathtaking kiss. Feeling his tongue graze your bottom lip, you refused entrance, successfully earning a whine from your lover.
“(Y/N)-Chan why,” he dragged on the last syllable
Grabbing his hand, you kissed his knuckles and looked back up at him with a small smile. 
“When we get home, baby.”
Upon arriving back to your shared apartment, you were met with the soft meowing of your kitten, Hanako, which Tooru had surprised you with on your anniversary to keep you company when he had to travel for his games.
“Hello little baby,” Tooru cooed, scooping up the small bundle of brown and white fluff.
“I thought we were going to continue from earlier?” you questioned, slightly disappointed
“That comes later, kitty comes now,” he said not looking up from his place on the floor as he pet Hanako’s small patchy head
“Okay fine. I’ll be in the room while you play with the cat,” you called out to him as you walked down the hall, but your voice went seemingly unheard to your significant other, who was apparently too busy for you at the current moment. Plopping on the bed with a dejected sigh, you reached for your laptop and opened Netflix. If Tooru was busying himself with something else then you were gonna do the same. Clicking on The Umbrella Academy, you felt a pinch of guilt. This was you and Tooru’s show and you promised not to continue season two without him.
Guilt taking over, you exited and decided on rewatching The Witcher, because right now you just really needed to see Henry Cavill’s sexy ass. (god same)
After finishing an episode and a half, you had dozed off, not even bothering to cover yourself with a blanket.
Walking into the room with Hanako in tow, Tooru noticed your shivering form, looking small as you unconsciously curled into a ball to preserve heat. After closing your laptop and gently placing Hanako onto her small cushion at the foot of your shared bed, Tooru’s eyes wandered around the room, taking notice of every small detail. Your shared bed in the corner, every movie poster and underground band poster, all the little nick knacks placed carefully on the shelf, the framed pictures of the both of you on the nightstand, and finally you. Chocolate eyes scanning your face, he realized all over again why he fell in love with you. You weren’t one of the pushy and annoying fangirls from high school, no. You were so much more. You had always been by his side in elementary school. Then middle school, high school, college, and now here you are helping him live out his dream. Glancing at the nightstand once more, his gaze fell onto the second drawer. In it held a small box, only to be taken out when the time was right. 
Sitting on the bed next to you, he gently rubbed your shoulder, stirring you from your nap. Slowly opening your eyes, you saw Tooru’s loving gaze resting upon you. 
“Hey there, sleepyhead. How was your nap?” he said rubbing your cheekbone
Too tired to even speak, you scooted closer to him, trying to find warmth. Chuckling, he stood back up, earning a tired pout from you. Walking to the closet, he dug out something he hadn’t seen in years. Carefully removing it from the hanger, he turned back towards you, seeing you had begun to wake up. Now fully sitting up and wiping the sleep out of your eyes, you watched him make his way back over to you with the unknown garment.
“Babe why did you wake me up?” You yawned halfway through your sentence, still coming to your senses.
“Because you were shivering now here.”
He sat next to you once more and began to put your arms into the piece of clothing. Not wanting to deal with this and go back to sleep, you started wiggling to get out of his grip.
“Would you just hold still?” he jokingly grumbled, still trying to put your arms in the sleeves. After about five minutes of struggle, you gave up and let him put it on you, much to his relief.
“So how do you feel now?”
“Less cold.. What even is this?”
“Try looking down.”
Listening to your lover, you looked at your arms and torso, noticing a vaguely familiar color scheme of aqua blue and white. Eyes widening at the realization of this being his old Aoba Johsai volleyball club jacket, your face erupted in a mad blush. Making eye contact with your boyfriend, you saw the pure love and admiration in his dark eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you muttered, feeling embarrassed
“Hm? O-oh, I-I just.. Wow, you look amazing…”
“You’re only saying that because it’s yours. You’re only trying to feed your ego.”
Hurt flashing in his eyes, he scooted closer to you and brought you into his arms, resting his chin on your head and rocking you both side to side.
“I’m being serious. You look beautiful, Sweetheart… God I love you so much,” he pulled back from the hug and kissed your forehead, resting his on your own, “Don’t ever think that I’m just feeding my ego. I love you more than words can even say,”
Beginning to tear up at his words, you pressed your face into the crook of his neck, tears staining the collar of his shirt. Thinking he may have said something wrong, he started to panic, pulling back once more to take a good look at your face.
“Baby are you okay? Did I say something wrong? Did I-” he didn’t get to finish his sentence as you pressed your lips to his in a sweet kiss. After parting, you locked gazes and gave him a reassuring smile, tears still running down your face.
“I love you too, Tooru, so so so much.”
Giving your forehead another peck, Tooru laid down under the covers, pulling you down with him and bringing you into his arms once more. As the night went on, you both engaged in mindless chatter, giving each other the occasional kiss and sometimes bumping noses, sending each other into a fit of giggles.
“Marry me”
“You heard what I said.”
And here it is! I hoped you all enjoyed! Oikawa would be the sweetest boyfriend ever no 🧢
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prettyboys-ace · 3 years
OG A.C.E chatbot
[This chatbot does not represent A.C.E, their company, or saying they act this way. Purely entertainment.]
You stumbled upon a house in the middle of no where after walking through the woods one day. On the house read, Wonderland.
Little did you know about the five handsome men living inside, as they had felt your presence they all came outside to greet you. 
Be careful though, because not all is at it seems.
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Meet Junhee, Leader and Mad Hatter~ He’s as mad and crazy as they come, just look at his smile and you’ll know. He will usually talk in green or using the 🎩 emoji.
Junhee will come off as a gentleman, he’ll most likely be the first to greet you when you arrive.
However, don’t let his handsome looks and sweet words charm you. He’s a basket case waiting for some fun.
Junhee is a soft Dom, but he does regress. When little no NSFW will be allowed.
Do not force him into any certain head space.
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This is Donghun, he’s our lovely and amazing dragon Hybrid, better known at Jabberwocky. Donghun normally speaks in purple, or with the🐉 emoji.
Donghun is more on the quieter side, you’ll probably see him a ways away from you when you first arrive. Watching and Listening.
Donghun doesn’t like tricks as much as the rest.. he’s on the more serious side.
Donghun is our caretaker of the group, the father type figure. He protects everyone.
NSFW he’s a Dom.
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Here we have Chan, Maknae and baby of the group. However don’t let that go to your head, once his collar is off there’s a monster that might escape, known as the Bandersnatch. Chan talks in red or with the 🐻‍❄️ Emoji.
Chan you probably won’t see at all, he keeps to himself. He may come say hi once you’re settled in.
Chan is on the sweeter side and he’s a pure baby, he’s little most of the time because of things he’s been through.
Chan is a sub. When he is little there will be no NSFW.
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Here’s our true softie of the post, Sehyoon, or Wow, but he prefers Sehyoon. He’s our Cheshire Cat/Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar of the story. He talks in blue and black or uses the 🐈‍⬛ or🐛 emojis, which ever he’s feeling.
Sehyoon is the doctor of the group, the wise one. He’s also the trickiest and mischievous one.
When you arrive, there’s a chance he’ll be floating right beside you, watching, talking, and scheming.
Sehyoon is not a Dom nor a sub. He’ll do as he please when he pleases.
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Now if you thought Junhee was crazy, well you haven’t met Byeongkwan our beloved and cherished March Hare. Bunny ears and a tail to suit. He normally talks in orange and uses the 🐇 emoji.
Byeongkwan is as thrower off as they come, his brain rattled to many times to count before he ended up in the forest, in that house
Byeongkwan will be right beside Junhee when you arrive, just make sure you duck when it comes time for tea.. and don’t be late!
Byeongkwan is a switch, he has tendencies to become little or smaller whe upset or overwhelmed. No nsfw allowed when that happens.
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And for our beloved Leo, better known as the Oracle, he sees all and knows all. Mostly talks in pink or uses the 🎐 emoji.
You will not meet Leo until it comes time, Leo will only come out to meet you when it’s time for your memories to return.
Leo does not live in the house with the others and you can’t find him, so don’t go scouting about to “accidentally” bump into him.
Leo is another caretaker, if he allows himself to be seen and likes you.
In NSFW he’s neither Dom nor sub.
You get to the house under the assumption that it is a place for people to rest and just relax for sometime.
But it’s really a ploy for the boys to get you to remember the memories that you’ve lot and now need.
If you don’t find your memory that you lost within 24 days, they will cease to exist.
Side note: Each boy died in the forest surrounding the house and was brought back but they can not survive for more than the time he took for them to die.
Junhee’s surviving time is 24 hours.
Donghun and Chan’s are 5 hours.
Byeongkwan’s is 3 hours.
And Sehyoon’s is 3 days.
Their backstories and how they died are all somewhat triggering, when I post them you will be warned of the triggers.
This chatbot is only open to other chatbots. I will no longer take Y/N’s.
Tags: @xash-axx @fighter-bot @dark-bot @gourmetbaekhyun @kingtaythecute @musiclovermino @cutie-cb @tothenines-shelter @subby-babies @babie-junie @softprinces-cb @your-desire @shyboicya
17 notes · View notes
stickerify · 3 years
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cutie cat-chan five
35 notes · View notes
ohh-baekhyun · 5 years
Nothing Like Us | 03 - [M]
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✨ Summary: Rich, charming and undeniably good-looking, Byun Baekhyun is used to women falling on their knees for him. You are an exception though. Quiet, reserved and indifferent, you are never afraid to put him in his place if you need to. That’s probably why he is quite besotted with you. No woman has ever challenged him the way you do. Thus when he has the chance to spend three weeks under the same roof as you, he makes it his sole mission to win your heart.
✨ Genre: Arranged Marriage-ish!AU, romance, fluff, smut.
✨ Warnings:  fluffss and romantic pool sex that turns a wee bit steamy hehe
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Baekhyun should be relieved now that he is done with his business project, but he feels unsettled instead. That’s why he decided to ditch the company dinner and went straight home. As he drives, he is filled with this overwhelming sense of foreboding, like he knows something is wrong but he doesn’t know what.
“Where is she?” He questions one of the housekeepers when he steps foot into the house.
“She’s been in her room all day, sir.” she says.
Baekhyun mutters a quick thanks and proceeds to hurry up the stairs. He strides down the dimmed hallway, stops by your room, knocks on the door and wait. When there’s no answer, he didn’t bother to knock again. He pushed the door open and enters your bedroom. His eyes zeros in on your bed, and he expels a giant breath when he sees the lump underneath the cover.
She’s sleeping already? Baekhyun wonders as he checks the time on his wrist watch that says five thirty. That’s early.
He walks over and stands by the bed. Slowly, he peels the cover back and his heart pounds when he finally sees you. Your face was mostly covered with hair, so he reaches out to brush it back, only to be shocked. Your skin was so hot to the touch and your face was slick with sweat.
Baekhyun drops to his knee by the bed and presses the back of his hand on your neck. “Sweetheart,” he calls. “You’re burning up, are you okay?”
You murmur something unintelligible, and as he watches your lips move, he realized you are shivering violently. Oh fuck. Panic rises in his chest, and he immediately places his arms under your body to scoop you up.
You groan at the sudden movement, peeling your heavy eyelids open to look at him. You seem surprised. “Wh-what are you doing, Baekhyun?”
“I’m taking you to the doctor.” He says, looking ahead as he strides toward the door.
“Put me down, I’m fine.”
“Don’t argue with me,” He repels, still not looking at you. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”
You roll your eyes. “You’re acting as if I’m having a heart attack or something...it’s just a fever, Baekhyun, it’ll probably go a–.”
Baekhyun suddenly stops to stare down at you with a look so stern it manage to shut you up. You blink up at him, looking somewhat flustered. “I’m taking you to the doctor and that’s final.” He says, leaving no room for any argument.
You finally resign with a huff of annoyance, your lips puckering slightly.
Baekhyun felt his blood heating in his veins. He takes a breath as he internally fights the sudden urge to press his lips on yours. He feels mildly ashamed because you are sick and he isn’t supposed to be having this thought. Maybe it’s due to the fact that he misses you so much, because, how does someone manage to look so goddamn kissable even when they are sick, it’s ridiculous.
Damn her.
“Can you at least put me down? I can walk just—” your eyes widen when Baekhyun suddenly leans in.
“Do I have to kiss you to shut you up?” He mutters over your lips. You swallow nervously, and he watches as the redness slowly rises on your cheek. Something warm filled his chest, bringing a smile to his face. 
Beautiful little brat
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You haven’t seen Baekhyun in a while, and all of a sudden he is carrying you in his arms like a prince charming he probably thinks he is, and to top that, he even tells you he is going to kiss you? You don’t know what to think. Your head feels too heavy to even know how to think.
You remain quiet as Baekhyun carries you down the stairs. One of the housekeepers gives you a concerned look, and you manage a weak smile to assure her you’re okay.
“We’ll be out for a while,” Baekhyun tells her before moving through the open door towards the driveway where his Aston Martin is parked.
You don’t say a thing even as Baekhyun sets you down in the passenger seat and helped you with your safety belt. He then rounded the hood to get to the driver's seat, and you watch silently as he starts the engine and buckles up. Even through your sickness, his good-look still has an effect on you. Attraction is truly a mysterious thing. Seeing him in his work attire never fails to turn you on, though now, he has taken off his suit jacket and is only wearing a white dress shirt with the top buttons undone. You also realize this is your first time seeing Baekhyun drives, all along it has been his chauffeur, Mr Kim, who drives you both around.
“Where is Mr–” your gasp and press your lips together, suddenly recalling what he had just said earlier. Do I have to kiss you to shut you up? You can hear his voice in your mind that’s making your cheek heat up again.
Baekhyun turns to you, raising his brow in question. After a moment, understanding seems to dawn and he chuckles. “You can speak, baby, I’m not going to kiss you.” He looks away from you to stare at the road ahead. “Not now.”
Not now...
There’s a momentary silence when you try to gather yourself. He is really making you so nervous with all the things he says. You clear your throat and finally ask, “Where is Mr Kim?”
“His wife went into labor yesterday, I’m giving him the time off.”
You didn’t ask anymore questions afterwards, simply not having energy to. It was at the first traffic stop when Baekhyun turns to look at you. His feature softens when he sees your weak state. He extends his hand to touch your forehead and grimaces at the heat he felt on your skin. “Poor baby.” He brushes his knuckles over your cheek tenderly.
For some reason it’s making you want to cry because you have been longing for this all your life; to be cared for. “Are you taking me to the hospital?” you ask.
He mildly shakes his head. “I’m taking you to Chanyeol’s clinic.”
“Chanyeol as in your friend, Chanyeol?”
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Park Chanyeol is probably the most good looking doctor you’ve ever met in your entire life. To top that, he is also warm and friendly. Ten minutes into your session, you find yourself already liking this doctor. Until he says, “I need to give you a shot to reduce your fever.”
You don’t want to be such a scaredy cat, but everyone has their own phobia and for you, it’s needles. Which is why you didn’t get your ears pierced even when everyone else around you did. Which is why you refused to be taken to the doctor.
Your expression turns pale, and it must be obvious because Doctor Park is smiling now. “Are you afraid?” he asks. You give him a small nod and a shy smile. He chuckles. “Such a cutie,”
Almost immediately, Baekhyun clears his throat next to you. “Doctor Park…” he says calmly, but it sounded more like a warning than anything.
The tall doctor grins to himself as he turns away to prepare the tools he needs for your injection. You twiddle with your thumbs anxiously as you watch the doctor picks up a syringe.
Baekhyun watches you the whole time, wanting to ease your fear but not knowing how to. Through his uncertainty, he reaches out to rest his hand over yours, his other hand stroking your back soothingly. When you turn to glance at him, he gives you a soft and comforting smile. “It’s okay,” he assures. “Just look at me.”
You do as told, and soon enough, you feel a cold sensation on your upper arm as Doctor Park rubs the alcohol swab over your skin. Knowing what’s coming your way, you shut your eyes close and hold your breath. You swallow your wince when the needle pricks into your skin, not wanting to sound like a baby.
“All done,” the doctor says after he finished pasting a plaster on your arm.
You open your eyes and see that Baekhyun is still staring at you with concern. “Are you okay?” he asks, brushing his thumb over the back of your hand soothingly.
You manage a small nod. “I’m okay.”
Baekhyun smiles and gives you a pat on your head. Just a simple gesture, yet it’s giving you all sorts of feelings.
This time it is Chanyeol’s turn to clear his throat. You tear your gaze away from Baekhyun to spare the doctor your attention.
“You’ll feel better real soon.” He says. “Let me prescribe something for your headache then you’re good to go.”
“Thank you, Doctor Park.”
He looks up from the prescription pad. “You can call me Chan–wait, how old are you again?”
“I’m twenty one.”
“Just like Hana,” he smiles fondly, and you wonder who she is. “You can call me Chanyeol oppa, then.” he says.
“Oppa my ass.” Baekhyun snorts. “She doesn’t even call me oppa.”
“Well, then that’s your problem.” the doctor retorts.
“Are we done or not?” Baekhyun impatiently asks.
“Here,” the doctor passes you a piece of paper to be handed to the pharmacy. “Get well soon, pretty.”
“Thank you, oppa.” you tease and burst into giggles when Baekhyun groans.
He looks at you with a frown. “I’m older than you too, why don’t you ever call me oppa?”
You shrug. “Maybe because you don’t behave like an oppa to me.”
The doctor sniggers at that, while Baekhyun scowl. “How does an oppa behave exactly?”
“Like a man? I guess.”
He raised his brows. “You’re saying I behave like a child?”
You shot him a playful grin, only to gasp when he hooks his foot on the leg of your stool and drag you to him. With his arms touching yours now, he’s close enough to lean his mouth next to your ear. “Should I take you home and show you how manly I can be?” He whispers.
Chanyeol must have heard it because he is spluttering non-stop now. “The fuck, Baekhyun...” he mutters in between his coughs.
You face turns bright as a tomato, and you slap him across his chest in retribution. Baekhyun grins at your embarrassment. “Let’s go home, baby.” He takes your hand in his and walk you towards the door.
“Baekhyun,” the doctor calls just as he is about to open the door.
Baekhyun drops his hand and turns around to face his friend. “Yeah?”
“Hana is back,” Chanyeol says.
A tense silence follows as you glance between the two males.
“How is she doing?” Baekhyun asks, his tone sounding so serious that it’s making you more curious. Who is she? A friend perhaps?
“She’s doing good.” Chanyeol says. “We should catch up soon. You free to join us for the gathering this Sunday at Jongin’s place?”
You look at Baekhyun to expect his answer. His quietness shows that he is unsure, or perhaps reluctant.  
“It’s been awhile, Baek, she really misses you.” Chanyeol persuades. “Sehun and the rest will be there too.”
“Okay…” Baekhyun agrees. “I’ll be there.”
You glance at Baekhyun as he leads you out of the room. His demeanour seems to change and he’s unusually quiet. Unable to contain your curiosity any longer, you ask, “Who’s Hana?”
“His little sister.” was all that he said. So you let your mind wander to this person named Hana. You can imagine her being beautiful, just like his handsome brother. You wonder what her relationship is like with Baekhyun, and why was he reluctant to accept Chanyeol’s invitation for dinner earlier. Did something happen between the two?
As curious as you are, you also know it is none of your business. If Baekhyun wants you to know, he will tell you about it. So you set those thoughts aside and heads to the pharmacy to collect your meds.
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The sky is turning dark when you leave Chanyeol’s clinic. Whatever the doctor injected into your body must’ve worked wonders because you are already feeling less lethargic when Baekhyun leads you to his car. As he drives, you relax in your seat and take in the sleek interior of his Aston Martin.
“You have a nice car,” you absent-mindedly say as you smooth your hand over the dash of the supercar.
“Do you want one?” he asks, turning to you to hear your answer.
“Wh-what?” you squeak. How could he ask such a question so casually? This car must cost a fortune. But again, this man is crazy rich. “No,” you hurry to add. “I don’t even know how to drive.”
“You can learn.” he says.
Getting a driver’s listen is actually in your bucket list this year. You feel a bubble of excitement at the possibility of checking that list. “Will you…teach me?” you sounded unsure, considering how busy he is these days.
“Of course.” he says. “How about we start this Sunday?”
You can’t contain your excitement when you say, “Yes.”
He smiles at that, and then he parts his mouth to say something but then closes it again. You watch as hesitation move over his feature, like he’s thinking of something he is unsure how to voice out.
“What is it, Baek?” you prod.
“Do you want to come with me this Sunday night?”
“The dinner Chanyeol invited you to?” you tilt your head in question, and he confirms with a nod. You then ask, “Do you want me to come?”
“I’d be happy if you could, but I know being around too many people makes you uncomfortable so you don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to. I want you to be comfortable.”
You smile at his rambling, and he must’ve realized it too because he is smiling a slightly shy smile while putting his hand on the back of his neck. Something you’ve never seen before, something refreshing and so very endearing.
“Yes, Baekhyun, I’ll be there with you.” you say willingly, because even if you know you’d be so anxious on that day, you also know Baekhyun will be there.
He offers a grateful smile in return. “Thank you.”
The car fell into an easy silence again and you stare out of the window, savoring the night view of the city lights. There’s something romantic about it, and you swear you feel that giddiness every time you catch Baekhyun’s gaze through the reflection on the side window as he secretly glance at you.
When the car stops at a traffic, you felt the warmth of Baekhyun’s hand on your thigh that startles you. Your eyes move down to his hand, then up to find his eyes on you.
“What do you want for dinner?” He asks while tapping his index finger on your skin.
Amidst your nervousness, you will yourself to think and answer him. “Can we get McDonald’s?”
“You’re still sick, baby.” He gives your thigh a tender squeeze. “Let’s get something healthier, okay?”
You almost start to hyperventilate on the spot. You didn’t know what has changed or if it means anything at all, but he has been extra affectionate with you today. All the physical contact and endearment, they feel so intimate, and it is making your stomach flip inside out.
“Should we get something soupy instead?” He asks, drawing you out of your trance. “I know a place that sells good Samgyetang.”
“Yeah.” you nod.  “Sounds good.”
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Baekhyun admits he is being unusually touchy with you today. But he knows at this point he has nothing to lose. Time is running out, and with him not knowing how these three weeks will end, he doesn’t want to waste the little time he has left with you.
He is not going to deny that his feelings for you has grown (even more in the past hours he spent with you). Which is why he needs to know if you are okay with all these advances he made, because eventually, he would want more. First, he wants to kiss you. Then, he wants to take you to his bed and do all the wild things he has been dreaming of doing to you.
Baby steps, Baekhyun He reminds himself You don’t want to scare her away.  
Currently, you and Baekhyun are in the lift heading up to the Korean restaurant at the top floor of the building. He stares down at his hand that is holding yours. “Truth or Dare.” He initiates.
You glance up at him and smile softly. It warms his heart because he knows you must’ve missed playing this silly game as much as he does.
“Dare.” You choose.
It’s not the answer Baekhyun expected you to say, but that’s alright. He has an idea. With a slow smirk spreading across his face, he says, “Call me Baekhyun oppa.”
You made a face of disgust at his request. “I change my mind. Truth.”
Even better Baekhyun thought. He stares down at the intertwined hands again. “Do you like it?” He lifts your hands up to his chest. “This, me holding your hand. Do you like it?”
You take a while to think, possibly wrestling with different answers in your head. But eventually, you nod and mutter a soft, “Yes.”
Baekhyun feels like he has just been handed a trophy. I love holding your hand too He wants to shout it out loud and jump in victory, but that would be so fucking weird. God, this girl is really driving me crazy. Who would’ve thought a guy like him would get so thrilled over a simple hand-holding? It’s not even sex for fuck sake. He chuckles and shakes his head at himself.
You give him a quizzical frown. “You okay there?”
“Do you miss Uni?” He dodges your question quickly. “Your friends...they are all in Japan right?”
“I do. I miss the learning, but I don’t miss living in Japan.” You smile a slightly sad smile. “It’s rather lonely there.”
Something about that breaks his heart a little. He doesn’t want you to be lonely. “What about your friends?”
“I only have one close friend. Her name is Sera.” there’s fondness in your voice when you mention her name. “But she is not taking the same classes as me, so we don’t get to see each other often. We call each other everyday though.”
“That’s good,” Baekhyun smiles. “You’ll get to make more friends this Sunday. Sehun and the rest...they will probably bring their girlfriends along.”
You look unsure, and he can tell you’re doubting yourself again.
“They are all good people,” He assures. “You’ll like them, and I know they’ll like you too.” Just like I do.
You smile meekly. “I hope so.”
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Do you know that feeling you get when you are in the last chapter of a good book? That longing for more? That feeling of not wanting to say goodbye?
You feel the same way when you walk down the hallway towards your room with Baekhyun beside you. Though it is rather presumptuous of you to say, you’d like to believe that Baekhyun feels the same way too. Because even if he isn’t talking, he is walking at a slower pace than usual, as if he doesn’t want to say goodbye to you, and to this night.
Today had been a special one for the both of you. A lot has happened in the past hours spent together. And if there’s one thing you realize, you realize that your feelings for Baekhyun are growing. There’s no point denying it anymore because it is there. Although you can’t help the fear that grips you every time you think about the possibility of him leaving. But is it so wrong to hope for a happy ending? For once, you just want to throw caution to the wind and enjoy what is given to you in this moment.
“We’re here,” Baekhyun announces as we reach the end of the hallway where your room is at.  
You turn to stare up at him. “Thank you for today.” you smile, leaving a moment of still silence before you add, “And dinner...I had a great time.”
“Me too.”
The silence continue to stretch as he drops his gaze to your mouth and lingers. The butterflies in your belly started flapping their wings all at once. You watch as he swallows and somewhere inside, you’re hoping he would kiss you or make a move of some sort.
He lifts his gaze and let go of your hand. “You should get some rest.”
You feel a pang of disappointment at the sudden loss of contact. You’re confused. One moment he is being all touchy, and the next moment he is pulling back like this.
“I’m going for a swim,” He says. “I’ll be at the pool if you need me.”
You force a smile. “Good night, Baekhyun.”
“Sleep well.”
You enter your room and close the door behind you, exhaling. What was this sudden awkwardness and hesitation between us? You wonder to yourself as you walk into the bathroom.
After a long shower, you get in bed and try to get yourself to sleep but your mind doesn’t seem to allow you to. You are still confused, and frustrated. And as you lay there in silence, it suddenly occurs to you that there is a possibility Baekhyun might think you’re inexperienced when it comes to sex. You remember him asking about it before; if you’re a virgin, and you had refused to answer. He must’ve thought so, of course, considering how you always get all shy and jitterish everytime he touches you.
You sit up in bed, a hopeful smile spreading across your face when every thought in your head seems to fall into place. So this why Baekhyun has been so unsure to make a move. Because he doesn’t want to scare you off. Because he is waiting for you to be ready. Something warm moves through your chest. What a sweet soul he is. Has he always been this way? Or are you only discovering this side of him because you’ve fallen for him?
You hop off the bed, feeling unsure and nervous, yet there’s this longing so deep that it is making your heart pounds. You’ve never moved so fast in your life as you hurry to change into your nude colored bathing suit before putting on a bath robe. You give your appearance a quick check in the mirror before striding out of your room. Rushing down the stairs, you ponder through the things you are going to say to Baekhyun when you see him. In the midst of your nervousness, you can’t think of anything. So you can only hope that you’ll find the right words to say when you see him, soon.
The sliding door that leads to the backyard pool is left slightly ajar. You hear the splashing sound of the water as you step out into the open. The backyard is slightly dim but you easily catch sight of Baekhyun’s naked back. Your gaze slides along his bare shoulders, and you feel your stomach clenches at how broad his physique is. He has his upper arms stretched along the pool ledge, staring thoughtfully up at the starry sky. You wonder what, or who is in his mind at this very moment, and you find yourself praying that it is you he is thinking about.
You glance down at yourself. Your hands, they are slightly trembling as you untie the knot of your robe, letting it fall freely over your shoulders to the ground. Staring down at your semi-naked self, doubt washes over you instantly. What if Baekhyun doesn’t like what he sees. You are sure he has been with many women before, and for a guy as attractive as him, he must have high standards.
You feel the sudden urge to run away, back into your bedroom and hide, but it’s too late now, because when you lift your head, you realize Baekhyun is already staring.
Your breath catches when you meet his eyes. He stares at your feature first, then slowly, his gaze drops and drags down your body, drinking every inch of you. The air around you suddenly feels so thick, and your heart nearly bursts as you watch the lump in his throat rises and falls. 
You clear your throat softly to get him to look at your face, and he did. There are tenderness mixed with desire in his eyes, and you’re both thrilled and unsure. “Can I join you?” your voice came out soft.
Baekhyun takes a moment to process your question, then he says, “The water is freezing, baby, I don’t want you to get sick again.”
You press the back of your hand on your neck, checking your body temperature. “My fever has gone down. I’m feeling much better now.”
“Get in then.” He says, turning his head around to face the water again.
You walk over to the poolside and lower yourself into a squatting position. Baekhyun feels your presence close to him that made him turn his head towards you again. He keeps his eyes on you as you dip your legs into the water before sliding your body in. The water rises all the way to your collarbone and you shiver at the sudden cold sensation that runs through your body.
“Told you it’s cold,” Baekhyun mumbles. “Come here.” He reaches for your hand underwater and move you to stand with your back to him. Butterflies take flight in your stomach. What surprises you the most is when he wraps his arms around your waist as he hugs you from behind. “Better?” His low whisper sounded in your ear.
“Yeah,” you breathe, and despite your racing heart, you let your body relax in his hold. 
“I was hoping you’d come and you did.” he rests his chin on top of your head. “Did you read my mind, hmm?”
You huff softly. “I can feel you calling my name from up there.”
Baekhyun chuckles. “Why did you come here though? Can’t sleep?”
You hum, leaving a beat of silence before you confess, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Me too.” He says. “I think about you all the time.”
You let out a soft breath as a soft smile tugs at your lips. Here in the quiet, the beating of his heart sounded so clear in your ears, and so do yours. Glancing to your side and up, you find him gazing up at the sky again, seemingly in deep thoughts. In the dimness of the night, the moonlight is illuminating his feature, strands of wet hair fall over his forehead, and you take the opportunity to study his handsome face. Baekhyun must’ve felt you staring because he is lowering his gaze to look at you now. You suddenly feel shy by his closeness, by the soft way he is staring at you.
“What did you do these few days when I was gone?” He asks out of nowhere, the question random as if he’s trying to defuse the thick tension in the air.
“I did a lot of thinking and worrying...” you huff and shake your head. 
He turns you around to make you look at him. “Worrying about what?”
Your answer might come off silly to him but you decided to be honest. “I thought you were purposely avoiding me because of the kiss that we shared…because you didn’t enjoy kissing me.”
A frown marred his expression. “That’s what you were worrying about?”
You show him a small embarrassed smile before dropping your gaze to stare at his chest. “Silly, I know.”
Baekhyun grips your chin and gently tilt your head up, making you look at him again. “That might not be the best kiss, I know, but I enjoyed it.” He claims. “I enjoyed kissing you so much I want to do it again,” He lowers his gaze to your mouth and swipes the back of his thumb over your bottom lip. “I want to do it now...if you’d let me...” 
You blink up at him, the surprise causes your lips to part a little. Baekhyun gazes at you expectantly, waiting for your approval. Then you nod, and that small gesture brings a soft smile to his face. He leans closer and weaves his fingers through your hair. Your eyes flutter close and the butterflies take flight in your stomach when he presses his lips on your lips. 
Unlike the first time he kissed you, his mouth is moving more skillfully, more firmly this time. You slide your hands up to the back of his neck and return his kiss with equal passion. He groans into your mouth, the tip of his tongue sweeps across the seam of your lips, and you part your mouth in an invitation. Without hesitation, his tongue slides into your mouth to meet yours, and you made a whimpering sound when he bit down on you lower lip, tugging at it as he groans. 
His hold around your waist turns bruising and he roughly turns you around to back you against the pool wall. You gasp when he presses his body closer to you, his hands sliding down from your waist to the back of your thighs. You instinctively wrap your legs around his hips, and your chest emerges from the water with the elevation. His hard-on is now positioned against your womanhood, and your body reacts in pure instinct, grinding yourself against him with no inhibition. 
He grunts into your mouth and from there, the kiss quickly turns wet and dirty. You continue grinding yourself against him, and soon the ache between your leg is getting unbearable. You need more, but to your dismay, Baekhyun pulls his mouth away from you
You blink at him, panting and confused. “W-why did you stop?” 
His face is contorted as though he is restraining himself from something. What though?
“If we don’t stop,” he says, his voice a hoarse whisper. “I’ll end up fucking you in this pool and I can’t promise I’ll be gentle.”
“It’s okay!” your answer came so quick it surprises him. You bit your lips in a shy smile. “I mean...you don’t have to be gentle with me, Baekhyun.”
“I don’t want to hurt you...” 
You smooth your hands over his bare chest, feeling his heartbeat under your fingertips. His eyes flared, and it's making your heart drums with nervous excitement. “I don’t know if you know this but I’m not a virgin anymore, so you don’t have to, you know, hold back with me.”
Baekhyun looks more amused than surprised by your admission. The corner of his lips curled up into a grin. “Are you telling me you like it hard, baby?” Your cheek flares up and he lets out a huff when he notices it. “Is that why you came to me wearing this?” He lowered his gaze to your bathing suit. 
You nod. “Do you like it?” 
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” One of his hands hikes up your waistline, cupping your breast before tugging the neckline of your bathing suit to the side until your nipple is exposed. You swallow heavily. “You’re too good to be true, baby...” He glances up, watching you with heated eyes as he rubbed his thumb over your bud. “Do you like it when I touch you here?” He ended his question with a light pinch on your bud. 
You expel a soft moan and Baekhyun takes it as a yes. He keeps his piercing gaze on you as he lowers his head to take your nipple into his hot mouth, his tongue twirling around the tip, teasing you for a while before he draws it in between his teeth in one long pull. 
“B-baekhyun...” you squeeze your legs tighter around his hips, feeling his erection poking deeper against your woman parts. 
The friction coaxes a low grunts out of him. He lifts his head from your chest to meet your gaze, his eyes smoldered with desire. His free hand is now coasting along your inner thigh, hiking up until his thumb is pressing over your underwear. He pulled the hem aside to reveal your pussy. “What about this?” He starts to rub his thumb over your clit continuously in a tormentingly slow manner. 
”More...” you beg breathily. “Please…aah,” a moan slips when he thrusts two fingers inside you, keeping his eyes on you as he fulfills your wish for more. Your inner wall clenches around his digit with each push. 
“So tight…” he murmurs low under his breath as he works his finger in and out of you in a lazy manner. “How long has it been since the last time you’re fucked, baby?”
Through your your lust-filled haze, you can’t even bring yourself to think. So you thoughtlessly mutter a “it’s been a while.” to answer him.
His free hand trails from the side of your neck, up, to cup your face. “So delicate and beautiful,” his voice thick, brimming with lust as he caresses your cheekbone. “makes me want to protect you and ruin you all at the same time,” he let out deep chuckles. “Is that even possible?” 
His hand disappears into your hair, and he leans in to kiss you sweet and slow, while his other hand continues to fuck your pussy, as sweet and slowly as his kiss. Although his touch brings pleasure to your body, it isn’t enough to relieve that overwhelming ache between your legs, if possible, it only worsens it, making you more needy and desperate. So needy you start whining and moaning to beg for more. So desperate you start rocking your hips against his fingers to take control.
Baekhyun’s fingers make a fist around your hair and he tugs it back, making your lips to detach from his. He looks into your eyes, his gaze dark and intense. “Stop it or I’ll stop.” He warns you. 
You still and nod timidly, surprised to discover this dominant side of him, but even more surprised by your own submission. You didn’t know you have it in you, considering how much you despise him ordering you around. But maybe it’s different during sex, because you find it such a turn on when he takes control like this.
“Good girl,” Baekhyun whispers his praise over your mouth. “Now tell me what you want.”
You drop your gaze to the hard-on underneath his black swim shorts. Although you can’t see it well due it being underwater, you can feel it damn well and Baekhyun gets the message. He hums and pulls his fingers out of your tight hole, causing a small gasp to fall from your lips. You loosen your thighs around his hips so he could remove his swim shorts. Your breathing slows when he wraps his fingers around the base of his cock. His jaw clenched as he gives it a few pumps before he slaps it hard over your pussy, drawing a lewd purr out of you.  
Baekhyun brings his eyes up to stare at you, his dark pupils dilating. “I was planning to take it nice and slow today,” He starts rubbing the tip of his cock over your slit and watches as you squirm against him. “But you...God, you are one hell of a temptation to resist, aren’t you?” 
“Baekhyun, please...” your breath comes out ragged. “I-I don’t think I can take it any–Ahh!” the air is knocked out of you when he roughly slams his cock into you, stretching you so good you cry out a lewd sound of pleasure. You feel so full you can barely breathe, and he isn’t even fully inside you yet. 
Baekhyun drops his head to your shoulder and you feel his warm, heavy pants fanning against your skin. “Baby, you’re so tight my cock can barely fit,” Baekhyun breathe out harshly and moans when you unconsciously squeeze around his cock. He lifts his head from your shoulder and plants his hand on the pool edge on each side of you. 
Your heart nearly beats out of your chest when Baekhyun holds you in his gaze. His jaw is tight and you notice the bulging veins around his neck. He looks so masculine, so thoroughly turned-on, and knowing that it is you who made him like this gives you a sense of ease and a little boost of confidence. Feeling bolder now, you lean forward to put you mouth close to his ear. “Baekhyun...” you whisper, parting your lips to pull his earlobe in between your teeth. “Fuck me, please, I can’t wait any longer....”
“Jesus,” He curses roughly. And when you lean back to stare at him, the heat in his brown eyes are growing hotter. “Where is this side of you coming from?”
You chew your bottom lip through a smile. “I think you bring it out of me.” 
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he says hoarsely, moaning a little when your pussy clenched around his cock. “Hold on to me, baby.” He orders, so you do as told, sliding your hands up and slinging them around his shoulder. He presses his lips in a thin line as he slides his cock out of you, leaving just the tip inside you. And with a grunt, he slams his cock deep inside you, until you are hugging every throbbing inch of him. Your fingers dig into his back in a reflex as he lets out a low guttural sound from the back of his throat. 
He leans forward to capture your mouth in a hard kiss, and then he is pounding into you, driving his dick deep inside you mercilessly. It almost feels like he’s going to rip you apart because he is so big, and you’d never been fucked so hard like this. With each thrust, the water sloshes all around and you are pushed harder against the wall. You are a mess of moans and whimpers, and if it wasn’t for the kiss that’s muffling your lewd voice, you’ll likely wake the housekeepers from their slumbers. 
“How does my cock make you feel?” He whispers through a husky groan as he pumps his thick length in and out of you. 
“So good,” you say breathlessly over his mouth. “You make me feel so good, Baekhyun.” 
His thrusts is becoming quicker and harder now. He is fucking you as if he is losing control of himself, like he’s a wild animal let loose of its cage. A beast unleashed. And it wasn’t long until you feel that knot coiling up in your stomach. 
“Baekhyun,” you panted heavily. “I-I’m close.” 
“I know, baby,.” He slips his hand under your stomach. He presses his thumb on your clit and pulls back to watch as he starts rubbing it aggressively. “Come, come for me.” 
A cry; almost a scream tears out of you as your body quakes and shudders against him. Your walls are convulsing around him but he didn’t stop pounding his cock into you. Soon enough, you feel him swelling inside you as his orgasm nears. His long, guttural groan sounded in your ears, and with one last thrust, he jerks against you and unloads his cum into your pussy. 
“Fuck,” Baekhyun grunts harshly before he slumps into you. He drops his head to your shoulder as breathes heavily. Your thighs loosen around his hips and you drop your legs to the pool tiles, too languid to hold them up.
As you try to moderate your breathing, reality begins to sink. Baekhyun has just cummed inside of you, without protection. Fear grips you tight in your chest. 
“Baekhyun,” you pat on his back and speak into his ear. “we didn’t use a condom.” 
He lifts his head, his chest inflating and deflating as he tries to regain his composure. “Don’t worry, I’m clean.” He finally says. 
“It’s not that,” you explain. “I’m not on the pill.” 
Baekhyun considers it calmly, as if you didn’t just tell him the ‘news’ most men fear the most. “One time is probably okay.” He assures. “But if you ended up pregnant, I promise I’ll take care of you...and our baby.” 
Your heart soars. “Our baby?” you voice out softly, half in disbelief, half liking how the words sounded when he said it. 
“I just filled my sperm in your vagina, whose baby would it be if its not ours?” 
Your body shook as you laugh. No one you know has ever used the word ‘sperm’ and ‘vagina’ in a sentence. God, you really adore this funny and sexy man. You give him a smile. “You know it’s funny how we do things the reverse way.”
“Reverse way?”
You nod. “Usually, people fall in love first before they get married and make babies, but for us...it’s the other way around.” 
“I don’t think so,” Baekhyun disagrees. “Because I think I’ve passed the first step.” 
“First step?” you ask. “What do you mean?”
His answer is to lean in and kiss you. Sweet and softly. A complete opposite to the wild pool sex the two of you just had. The kiss lasted for a while before he pulls back to stare at you. His eyes hold so much emotion that it is making your heart rate goes overdrive. 
“When I got home today,” He starts. “for a moment there, I had this bad feeling that you were gone, that you left me… and I...it broke my heart.” the expression in his eyes is something close to pain. “I know we don’t have much time together, and I know if you decide not to marry me, I can’t force you to stay…but if you leave, baby...I’d be so broken because you,” He sucks in a shaky breath. “You’re starting to mean everything to me.”
You’re starting to mean everything to me…
Your eyes roam over his face to search for any trace of mischief, or deception maybe, but there’s none. He is being truthful. God. You are hit by a wave of emotions so intense you know you will likely burst into tears. “I...” Your lips part and unpart, trying to form a word but nothing comes out. 
A look of understanding laces his eyes and he smiles. “It’s okay, baby. You don’t have to say anything if you’re not ready.” 
Unlike Baekhyun, you are not someone who is good at expressing your feelings. But he has just shown you parts of him, and you know it is only right if you do too. 
“I can’t give you an answer yet because...I honestly don’t know it myself,” you explain. “Marriage is a big thing and I need time to figure things out, Baek.” your hand moves up to cup his face. “What I can tell you is, you mean something to me, and the thought of losing you scares me too.”
That brings a hopeful smile to his face. “Does it mean you’ll stay?” He asks. 
“Yes, Baekhyun.” you return his smile. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”
Next Chapter
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justcafewriter · 4 years
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okay, I feel too damn excited for this headcanons. I hope I can satisfy your fantasy!!
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✨ C H A O T I C ✨
Having a pool party with four of them will be CHAOTIC af even though we can believe that Tsukki and Akaashi are way more calmer than the older guys, Bokuto and Kuroo.
But it doesn't mean they can hold back the chaotic dna inside that owl and cat. And you? You wished you could even knew how Akaashi handle Bokuto :(.
You were a new manager of Nekoma and you get a chance to join the friendship match your school has with other school from Tokyo and one school from Miyagi Prefecture.
You feel nervous as hell since everyone seems like they already bonding to each other, not to mention that other managers from other school are such BEAUTIES.
"Ohoho, looks like Nekome finally got themselves a cute manager!" You saw an owl looking kind of guy said as he approaching you. "Hey cutie, I'm Bokuto." That guy say once he standing in front of you.
"Bokuto, you make her feel uncomfortable." Another guy with a calmer presence come and he practically drag Bokuto from you. "I'm sorry for his behavior." He said which only gained "But Akaashiiiiii..." from Bokuto.
"Uhm.." You heard a girl's voice behind you and saw a cute smol girl with blonde hair and learn that she's one of Karasuno's manager. She'd then ask you to join another managers and from then, you feel much closer to them, along with the members of volleyball teams.
It was the last day of practice when Kuroo ask you to join a pool party where everyone gathers since it was the last practice that they'll have before the third years graduate.
"Y/N-chan~~" You heard Bokuto called you. You've been feeling closer to Bokuto, Akaashi and one guy from Karasuno called Tsukishima. The five of you, adding Kuroo in the list, will gather after formal practice because Tsukishima asking Kuroo to teach him some blocking where Bokuto and Akaashi join them to be a spiker.
"Bokuto-san!" You greeted him. You saw Akaashi not too far from Bokuto and you greet him as well as Tsukishima who just come.
"Where the other people?" Tsukishima asked.
"Bokuto being a single brain cell he is said that the party start at 5, not at 3." Akaashi said, you laugh so hard at the words Akaashi choose.
"Hey, that only means we have 2 hours to enjoy party by ourselves right?" Bokuto will surely say something like that. Which only gained a "Tsk." from Tsukishima.
"So, Y/N-chan, did Kuroo only asking you to come and not calling his members too?" Bokuto asking, only gained a single "Ugh.." from Kuroo. You nodded your head to his question and Bokuto start to tease Kuroo.
"Seems like Nekoma captain is in lo--" Before Bokuto finish his sentece, Kuroo will pick the thicc guy and throw him to pool.
Tsukishima will probably shaking his head to the seniors of his, while Akaashi just give you an apologetic look.
Bokuto surely will pull Kuroo's leg and Kuroo will enter the pool. Both of them will have a quarrel inside the pool and you laugh at the sight.
"Y/N-chan, did you just laugh?" Bokuto asked while he attempt to climb from the pool. He then will take off his shirt in front of you. bless your eyes. A naughty smirk shows on his beautiful face and you can see his hand reach you.
"No, Bokuto-san I-" You said as you tried to avoid Bokuto only to felt a strong "wall" behind you. You look up and you saw Tsukishima was behind you.
"Tsukki, hold her. I will get my revenge." With a playful smile Bokuto walk towards you.
"Kuroo senpai please help me." You said while you looking for Kuroo.
"Oh.. you looking for me? How can I ignore you when you call me senpai?" Kuroo said while he also taking off his clothes. You feel grateful that you didn't have a nosebleed at the sight.
"Kuroo don't get involve 'kay. Just stat still like Akaashi."
"Akaashi-san help me!" You said. "And Tsukki, no. I can enter the pool myself."
It was happen in a flash and both of you and Kuroo try to 'fight' Bokuto while Tsukki's name keep being called by Bokuto.
In the end, all of you are in the water. And Bokuto asking you guys to play water volley with him.
"No, Akaashi please tell Bokuto he can't be in his emo mode now." You said to Akaashi when you see Bokuto being solemn because he can't scoring.
Kuroo will deadly tease him while Tsukishima wished the other will come soon because he wants to rest.
"Wtf you guys doing?" It was Yukie, one of the managers, who shout as soon as she enter the pool. She bring a lot of fruits on the tray and behind them, you can see other managers as well.
You explained what happened after Yachi give you a towel to dry yourself and all of the volletball members start to come one by one.
Unfortunately, your small party has come to end, and you knew that you'll probably gonna miss it from time to time.
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A/N: the end kinda suck, I'm sorry 😭. idk how to end this headcanons better :') I still hope you guys can enjoy it tho.
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Missed Opportunities and a Happy Ending.
 I’m new to writing for these characters and I’ve only ever watched the anime. I don’t know much about the manga except for whatever is already confirmed, and floating around on here and on twitter. So if they seem OOC, I'm sorry. Also, I love Toru Oikawa with all my being. He’s my favorite from the anime. The little drama that happens between Y/N and Oikawa is just to add spice to the story, ok. 
 Warnings: a meddling Oikawa. Rooster head and the owl jumping on the meddling train too. 
 “R/C/N” Rugby Captain’s Name. (I didn’t know what name to give him.)
  “Y/F/N” Your friend’s name (Friend 1/2/3)
 Hajime Iwaizumi x Y/N
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  “Ugh,” Oikawa groaned, closing his eyes and shifting his head from side to side to relieve the tension in his neck. “We don’t have any games until next season but we still have a lot to improve.” Oikawa said as he continued walking. It was only when he didn’t get a response from his best friend that he opened his eyes. “Iwa?” He turned to look behind him.
  Oikawa saw his best friend looking out towards the field. The cheerleaders were out there practicing later than usual, while the rugby team was gathering up the equipment they had used. Iwaizumi never had an interest in rugby so Oikawa knew there was one particular cheerleader he was staring at.
 Oikawa smirked to himself and went to stand by his best friend. “You’ve been crushing on her for the past year and a half, when are you going to ask her out?”
 “What are you talking about?” Iwaizumi muttered, walking again.
 “It’s not like you’re strangers. We’ve known her since middle school. I’m sure if you ask her out, she’ll say yes.” Oikawa continued, following after him.
 “It’s because I’ve known her since middle school that I don’t ask her out. I know I’m not her type.”
 Oikawa laughed at that. “You’re so helpless.”
 “You’re one to talk. Your girlfriend dumped you after a month.” Iwaizumi scoffed.
 “And I still have no idea what I did wrong.” Oikawa sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. There was a short pause. “Listen, Iwa, I know all those years of girls using you to get to me have shattered your confidence when it comes to dating-”
 “Do you want to get your ass kicked right now?” Iwaizumi practically yells.
 “I was actually going to give genuine advice.” Oikawa frowns. Iwaizumi calmed down and allowed Oikawa to continue. “Y/N is not like that. She really likes you. And I can prove it.” Iwaizumi stood there as Oikawa ran towards the entrance of the field and called out her name as loud as he could.
 “What are you doing?!” Iwaizumi chased after him. He stopped next to Oikawa who was still smiling and waving like an idiot at her until she noticed them. He could see her more clearly now but she was still far away. Iwaizumi saw the grin on her face when she spotted the pair and waved back. Thinking this was it to Oikawa’s plan, Iwa waved back. “Great,” he remarked sarcastically, “she waved at us. Now let's go.” He shoved him.
 “Five minutes!” Y/N yelled back, while holding up her hand. Without a word, Oikawa grabbed Iwa by the back of his jacket and led him towards the bleachers.
“What the hell are you doing? This isn’t funny.” Iwaizumi still followed and sat down on the bleacher.
 “It’s getting late. We can’t let her walk home alone.” Oikawa calmly explained. “Well at least I’m not going to let her.” He looked at Iwaizumi from the corner of his eye to look at his reaction. Iwaizumi’s brow furrowed. He visibly relaxed, silently agreeing with Oikawa.
 If Iwa wasn’t going to take direct advice from him, then he was just going to take matters into his own hands and give him one big shove. He was going to get Y/N and Iwaizumi together, no matter what. For a price, of course.
 Oikawa looked forward again, “you know,” he began, “Y/N really does look cute in that uniform. I wonder how good she’d look in one of our volleyball jerseys.”
 Iwaizumi’s face flushed red. First from the thought of her in his jersey, then jealousy from Oikawa’s comment before that. “You shit head!” He yelled lunging at his friend.
 “I was just kidding!” Oikawa screamed, holding his arms out to keep Iwaizumi at a distance.
 “You goofballs.” Someone laughed. Iwaizumi slowly turned to look over his shoulder. There she was looking down at them with one hand on her hip and in her uniform. Oikawa was right. She did look good in that uniform. But now the image of her in his jersey was something he wanted to make a reality. “Thanks for waiting.” She smiled, ignoring the fact they were just fighting seconds ago.
 “Absolutely.” Oikawa beamed, pushing the dumbfounded Iwaizumi off of him. “What kind of friends would we be if we let you walk home alone.” Oikawa walked around his best friend, throwing an arm over her shoulder and giving her his signature smile. “Cutie.” He booped her nose.
 Y/N laughed at that and softly shook her head, allowing Oikawa to lead the way. Iwaizumi stood up and dusted himself off. Out of all the crazy things Oikawa’s been doing lately, this was the craziest. Oikawa was always the center of attention of the two when it came to girls. It was easy for him to get a girl to swoon over him with just a smile.
 “Iwa-chan~.” He called over his shoulder, “aren’t you coming? I know it sucks being the third wheel but we can’t leave you behind either.”
 “Why you little.” he growled, gripping his bag, ready to throw it right at his friend’s head.
 Y/N removed Oikawa’s arm from around her shoulder, “You’re always picking on him, Toru!” She softly punched his side. Oikawa looked down at her surprised, but then laughed it off, rubbing where she had hit him. “How would you like it if we,” she grabbed Iwaizumi’s arm and pulled him closer to her, “made you feel like the third wheel?”
 Iwaizumi’s eyes darted down to where her arms were wrapped around his. She was always grabbing on to him, leaning on him or touching him in any kind of way, so he was used to it. But for some reason, this particular action followed by her words made him feel all warm inside. “Let’s go.” Iwaizumi’s feet started moving as she pulled him along.
 Oikawa sneakily winked at Iwaizumi when his friend walked ahead of him. “I didn’t mean it. Please come back.” Oikawa begged. By the look on his face though, he wasn’t much too worried about it. In fact, he looked like he had accomplished a difficult feat.
What the hell is he planning? Iwaizumi thought.
 “Who the hell are you kidding?” Y/N looked over her shoulder at him, laughing. “Come on, dork. I don’t want to get home too late.” She stopped and waited for Oikawa to catch up and then proceeded to walk again once he did. “Practice kick your ass, too?” She sighs, resting her face on Iwaizumi’s bicep.
 He looked down at her with a small smirk. “No more than usual.” Iwaizumi said and softly ruffled the top of her head.
Boy, he bounces back fast. Oikawa thought to himself.
 Oikawa trekked along behind them, silently. This was his way of proving his point to Iwaizumi. The next phase of his plan was coming. He just needed to wait until the right moment.
 Y/N looked up and smiled at Iwaizumi as he talked to her about whatever it was; Oikawa didn’t care much to pay attention. Maybe it was his jealousy or the joy he got from watching his friends and how good they looked together. 
 Iwaizumi tilted his head and smiled down at her; but not any regular smile. This one was different, and Oikawa could just tell. Unintentionally, Oikawa pouted and turned his face to the side to look away.
 Jealousy. It was definitely jealousy. But this was for his best friend after all. One day of being excluded wasn’t going to kill him.
“I’ll catch you guys tomorrow.” Oikawa announces, walking in the opposite direction when they reached an intersection.
“Where are you going? The subway is this way.” Iwaizumi stopped and turned to yell at him.
 Oikawa smiled to himself and proceeded to walk, “I forgot I have plans with someone.” He lied. “Bye~.” He waved at them without turning back.
 “He’s such a liar.” Y/N giggled. “Better get him home before he gets lost.” She tried to hold back her yawn, but failed. Iwaizumi looked down at her. Even though she had told him to go after Toru, she was still holding on to his arm. He softly pat the top of her head and held her closer to him.
“Let’s get you home first. It’s getting late.”
 “How did it go? Did you finally ask her out?” Oikawa asked with a huge smile on his face when he sat down at their usual lunch table.
 “You asshole. I knew you ditched us on purpose!” He reached over, gripping Oikawa’s shirt collar. Oikawa rolled his eyes and removed Iwaizumi’s grip on his school uniform. Iwaizumi took a minute to cool down before answering Oikawa’s question. “I was going to,” he admitted, “but I didn’t.”
 “After I set it up for you? Are you kidding me?” Oikawa couldn’t help but be offended.
 “It wasn’t my fault.” Iwaizumi argued. “That jerk from the rugby team was outside her house waiting for her.”
“What do you mean ‘so’?” Irritation evident in his voice and face now.  “He was supposed to drive her home after practice. He even had her bags.”
 Oikawa dramatically sighed, “You’re missing the point, Iwa. Who cares if he was supposed to drive her home. She chose to walk home with you.”
“She didn’t have a choice. We ambushed her after practice and you lied about having other plans. She had no other choice but to walk with me.” Iwaizumi internally cringed. The way he said it, he was obviously trying to convince himself of that fact. Obviously Oikawa would notice his blatant lie.
 Oikawa shook his head at his best friend in pure disappointment. Iwa rolled his eyes and continued to eat his lunch. “Scaredy cat.” Oikawa muttered under his breath. He got up from the table with his food and left. Iwazumi growled under his breath, his grip on his utensils tightening. He didn’t want to admit it, but Oikawa was right.
 She had no interest in the captain of the rugby team. The entire time she spoke with him, she never let go of Iwaizumi. She politely thanked him and sent him on his way. But Iwaizumi’s fear of rejection got the better of him. Even after seeing her smile falter when all he did was say good night, he couldn’t work the courage back up.
“Maybe we can make this a daily routine.” She had said to him. “You’re really comfortable to sleep on on the subway.” She laughed. Iwaizumi’s right shoulder suddenly felt heavy as he remembered the memory.
She sat down close to him, her leg touching his. He had pulled out a book to read just to pass time, since she was so tired, and Y/N rested her head on his shoulder. At first he thought she was reading along with him. But in the reflection of the window he could see her eyes were shut. She had used his shoulder as a pillow and Iwaizumu loved the sight of it. Just her, snuggled up close to him, and resting.
 The following two weeks Oikawa didn’t bring the subject up again. But the two of them continued to walk her home after practice. Oikawa, making up little reasons to leave them alone every now and again. And each time, Iwaizumi chickened out when he was about to ask her out.
 Her arm would brush against his, or her hand against his, and she would drift closer to Iwa as they walked together, just the two of them. He wanted so badly to hold her hand or pull her in closer to him but he was too embarrassed, so he didn’t. Instead, he offered to carry her bags. If he had his hands full then he wouldn’t feel so much like an idiot (scaredy cat).
 Today wasn’t supposed to be any different. They were going to meet her by the lockers and walk her home. That was the plan. Just like all the other days. But she didn’t go back to the locker room after practice. She wasn’t even on the field either.
Iwaizumi pulled out his cellphone ready to call her, when he heard her laugh coming from ahead. He looked up and saw her, sitting on a motorcycle and the captain of the rugby team standing in front of her, laughing as well.
“Well, that’s unexpected.” Oikawa said under his breath. He glanced over at Iwaizumi and noticed how he made himself look taller and balled his hands into fists. “Violence doesn't look good on you, Iwa.” he smirked. Iwaizumi didn’t respond but he did react. He took in a few calming breaths and relaxed his hands. “Y/N.” Oikawa smiled.
“Hey,” She smiled at Iwaizumi first then at Oikawa. Iwaizumi’s jealousy and anger diminished when he saw her smile. “You remember, R/C/N, right?”
 R/C/N extended his hand out to greet the other boys. Iwaizumi squeezed the rugby captain’s hand, harder than he normally did when greeting someone, “What’s up, man.” R/C/N returned the smile and pulled his hand back. “We good?” He looked at Y/N.
 “We’re fine.” She answered. “I’ll see you at the game tomorrow.” She told the other boy. He only nodded and watched as the trio walked away. Iwazumi’s jealousy got the best of him and he couldn’t stop himself from asking what happened while grabbing her gym bag from her. “Nothing, really. Both of our practices were cancelled.” She replied. “It was just a coincidence we were both waiting.” She walked in between them.
“Waiting?” He asked.
“He’s waiting for his girlfriend.” She replies. “And since we’ve been walking home together,” he nudged the two boys with her elbows, “I thought why not wait with him.” She shrugged.
 Iwaizumi began feeling a mixture of emotions. He was happy that she had waited for them but he was still jealous that she had been waiting with R/C/N the entire time. And he was feeling a little embarrassed as well. He knows she doesn’t like R/C/N in that way and there was no need for him to almost break his hand. Although R/C/N didn’t seem to be fazed by it.
 “It’s been a long day.” She stretched her arms up in the air and let out a short yawn. Iwaizumi was prepared for her to cling on to his arm to rest her head. But instead of grabbing his arm, she grabbed Oikawa’s. Oikawa looked down at her, completely shocked.
 Iwaizumi was unsure how to react. Should he be mad at Oikawa even though he didn’t do anything? Did he really wait too long to ask her out and now she was into Oikawa? None of the answers to those questions satisfied Iwaizumi.
 Oikawa, taking advantage of the situation, smiled and slowly reached over to pat her head. Iwaizumi caught the movement from the corner of his eye and caught his wrist mid-air to stop him. Y/N’s head turned to the side to look at Iwaizumi, Oikawa snatching his arm back before she could notice.
 “Is it heavy?” She asks. Iwaizumi stared at her, confused. “My bag.” She pointed down at it. He looked down to where she was pointing and quickly realized he had unintentionally hit her with her own bag when he grabbed Oikawa’s wrist. “I kind of snapped the strap on my bookbag.” She laughed softly, as if embarrassed to admit it. “So all of my books and stuff are shoved in there with my gym clothes, too. Maybe I should just carry it. Your shoulders still probably hurt. I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think-” She reached for her gym bag but Iwaizumi stopped her.
“It’s fine. It’s not heavy at all.” He told her. “And my shoulder is fine. It was nothing.” He rolls his shoulder to prove it to her. She gave him a small, thankful smile and leaned against Oikawa again. He glanced down at her gym bag. Iwaizumi couldn’t even tell that it had gotten heavier. Then it dawned on him. Is that why she didn’t lean on him this time? With the weight of the bag and her holding on to him, was she afraid of hurting his shoulder? He didn’t even injure it, it was just sore from the new workout routine. He couldn’t believe she remembered that.
 Iwaizumi smiled to himself. She didn’t lean on Oikawa because she liked him, she just didn’t want to accidentally hurt him. He gently placed his hand on the top of her head, softly ruffling her hair and she turned to look at him with a bright (albeit tired) smile.
 “Do you want us to go with you tomorrow or should we just meet you there?” Oikawa asked, pulling her attention to him.
 “I’ll see you over there.” She replied. “I told Y/F/N I would help her get ready.”
 “What’s happening tomorrow?” Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa and Y/N stopped in their tracks. “What?” He asked, stopping as well.
“The first rugby match of the season is tomorrow.” Y/N replied, offended. “You said you were gonna go. How could you forget?”
“Seriously, Iwa. She’s been talking about it nonstop. She helped come up with the new routine that she’s so excited for us to watch.” Oikawa joined in.
“I didn’t forget.” Iwa defended himself.
Y/N looked up at Oikawa. “Drag him there if you have to.” She tells him.
“I plan to.” Oikawa smiled, mischievously.
 Iwaizumi and Oikawa took their seats on the bleachers. Luckily, for Oikawa he didn’t have to drag Iwa. He was ready to go and standing outside Oikawa’s place before he even called him.
Oikawa made sure they had gotten there early, so they could get the best seats. Front and center. Iwaizumi looked around. The bleachers were practically entirely empty, save for a few of the parents and some students from the photography club.
 “It’s still early.” Oikawa told him. “There should be more people coming,” a mischievous smirk slowly appeared on Oikawa’s lips, “I hear most of the spectators are boys from other schools who only come to these games to watch the cheerleaders.” Iwaizumi slowly turned his head, deadly eyes staring right at Oikawa. Oikawa gulped, “Ok, Iwa-chan. No more jokes.” He waved his hands in surrender.
 As time passed, Iwaizumi noticed what Oikawa had said was true. More people had shown up, mostly students and families from their school. They all sat together and the visiting school’s family and friends sat in the bleachers on the opposite side of the field.
 It was definitely a bigger audience than they had at their own games. The little green monster within Iwaizumi was starting to reveal itself. All these people were going to see you perform in the cheerleading outfit he loved so much.
He groaned to himself, rubbing his face with his hands. Don’t be jealous, you idiot. He thought to himself. You don’t even have the guts to ask her out.
“Hey hey hey!” “Oika’a!”
 Iwaizumi dragged his hands down his face. He should’ve seen this coming. Oikawa meddling, practically pushing him to ask Y/N out was one thing. He could handle that. But Oikawa plus Bokuto and Kuroo - he was going to explode.
Kuroo sat down on the other side of Iwaizumi. He put an arm over his shoulders and smiled smugly at him, “Hey, Hajime. Excited to watch the game?”
“Game?” Bokuto asked. “I thought we were here to-” Oikawa covered Bokuto’s mouth before he could finish that sentence.
 “Not even trying to be discreet about it, huh?” Iwa looked over at Kuroo, slightly irritated. “I hope Kenma gave you an earful about how shitty you’re all being.”
 “No clue what you’re talking about.” Kuroo removed his arm from Iwa and looked out towards the field. “Just here to watch a good game of rugby.”
 “You don’t even want to know what Akaashi said.” Bokuto laughed and sat on the other side of Kuroo.
 Oikawa avoided making eye contact with Iwaizumi. Smart idea. Iwaizumi seemed to be collected on the outside but he was practically fuming on the inside. The announcer’s voice came on the speaker as they introduced the two teams, the captains, the coaches and the start of the game.
 Iwaizumi was focused on the game, allowing himself to calm down and ultimately forgetting about Oikawa, Bokuto and Kuroo. For a while. 
 Cheers came from one side of the bleachers and the cheerleading team came out running onto the track, waving their pom poms in the air. Y/N was the sixth in the line. She stopped right in front of Iwaizumi, where she felt she could see him the best and smiled up at him. He blushed slightly. With all the people around him, her eyes were only on him.
“Y/N!” Oikawa yelled. Suddenly, him, Kuroo, and Bokuto jumped up and lifted their shirts up to reveal their abs. On their bodies they had each written a word to make out, We love Y/N.
He’s gonna die. I’m going to kill him. Was written all over Iwaizumi’s face.
 Y/N’s eyes widened and her mouth hung open, slightly. A nudge from the girl next to her and she was brought back to reality. She waved at the boys, forcing her embarrassed smile to look more genuine. She didn’t look in their direction again after that.
 The game was over in an instant; Aoba Johsai winning by a landslide. The four boys were waiting for Y/N by the gate. Iwaizumi was a little relieved with the fact that the three assholes haven’t tried anything after their fiasco. And now that the game was over, he wasn’t going to have to deal with any of their nonsense from here on out. At least that’s what he could’ve hoped for.
 Y/N walked up to them along with three other girls, who were (kind of) hiding behind her. She was wearing casual clothes now. A sight Iwaizumi rarely saw. He could feel his heart leap in his chest. She looked beautiful.
“Hey guys.” She smiled, but it was small and it was gone in a flash. “These are my friends. F/1, F/2 and F/3. This is Hajime, Toru, Kuroo, and Kotaro.” She pointed at each of the boys when she introduced them. The girls blushed when they shyly greeted the boys.
“Y/N,” Bokuto smiled, “That routine was great.” He complimented.
“You really killed it out there.” Kuroo added. “You all did.” He smiled at Y/N’s friends.
“I’m surprised she was able to concentrate after what you did.” F/1 laughed. “If I had my own fans like all of you I most likely would’ve botched.”
“Seriously, Y/N. You’re so lucky you have the hottest guys in the prefecture cheering you on.” F/3 added with a wink.
 Y/N scratched the back of her head, politely smiling. “Yeah.. lucky me.” She replied. But to Iwaizumi it was obvious she did not feel that way. “Anyway, should we get going? I’m starving.” Y/N’s friends followed after the three boys and Y/N stayed behind to walk alongside Iwaizumi.
There was something off about her. She kept her gaze down and she was holding her hands in front of her. She even maintained the space between her and Iwaizumi. He could tell something was wrong. “Do you want to go somewhere else? To eat?” She didn’t even look at him when she asked.
 Iwa didn’t fully process the reason for her question, before saying, “No. It’s ok. I’m not that hungry.”
 Y/N mouthed a small ‘oh’. 
 They continued walking behind the others in silence for a while. “I’m glad they were able to join us last minute,” she said about her friends. “I didn’t know Kuroo and Kotaro were coming.”
 “It was a shock to me, too.” Iwaizumi grumbled. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, anger rising inside him again.
 Oikawa looked over his shoulder and Iwaizumi could swear he had just glared at him. Oikawa stopped walking and turned around while the others kept walking on ahead. When Iwaizumi and Y/N were close enough, Oikawa smiled. “You’re not mad at us, are you, Y/N?” He lowered himself so he could be eye level with her. She slowly lifted her head, glaring at him.
 Y/N had no words. She only slapped Oikawa across the face. Even though she was angry at him, she couldn’t bring herself to slap him full force. But she made sure it hurt. “You idiot. That was so embarrassing!”
 He stepped back, his smile now gone, unexpecting that kind of reaction from her. Iwaizumi looked on as well. She was biting her lip and fighting hard to keep herself from crying. Too dumb to realize why it was embarrassing, Y/N reached into her gym bag, grabbing a fistful of folded up and crumpled paper along with other things and slapped them onto Oikawa’s hand. “Most of these were given to me in person. Some of them were sent to be given to me.”
 Oikawa looked at the notes in his hands. Iwaizumi grabbed a few and looked at them as well. They had phone numbers along with names written on them. Some even added notes, like ‘call me’, ‘you’re hot’, and ‘let’s have a good time.’
 “I’m going home.” Y/N’s words made him look at her. She wasn’t staring at either of them. “I’ll see you guys later.” She walked around Oikawa. 
 Oikawa wanted to go after her and apologize. He didn’t mean for that to happen, he just wanted Iwaizumi to grow his balls back. When he turned, Iwaizumi grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him back to stop him.
“You’ve done enough.” He told him.
 Iwaizumi couldn’t go to sleep without knowing if she was going to be ok or not. After teaching Oikawa a lesson, he made his way to her house. He had texted her to make sure it was alright and she told him to let himself in.
 He opened her bedroom door to find her lying down, wrapped in her blanket like a burrito. He stripped himself of his jacket and sat down behind her. He wanted to come make sure she was ok but he couldn’t even open his mouth to ask.
 “I’m such an asshole!” She broke the silence, startling Iwaizumi. He took a second to process her words.
 “Huh?!” He rolled her so she was facing him. “Why are you an asshole?!” She didn’t do anything wrong, at least not that he’s seen.
 “I slapped Toru really hard.” She pouted. He looked at her in disbelief. Was she really upset because she slapped Oikawa and not because of what he did? “I didn’t mean it.” She continued. “It’s not like it was his fault. He didn’t know. This is all my fault,” she turned away from Iwa, “I should’ve just kept my mouth shut.”
 “Hold on,” Iwaizumi pulled her to turn her his way again, “Toru got what he deserved. And what do you mean it’s your fault? Kept your mouth shut about what?”
 Y/N unraveled herself out of the blanket and sat up. “If I tell you, will you promise not to laugh? Or think I’m weird or anything crazy like that?” Iwaizumi nodded.
“Ok, well,” she looked down at her hands, nervously, “there was this guy on the team. He kept asking me out and I turned him down each time but he just wasn’t getting the picture. Just to get him off my back, R/C/N agreed to drive me home after practice that day and just pretend to like me or whatever. This was before him and his girlfriend were official. But then you and Toru showed up and walked me home and then R/C/N showed up at my house the same night and he thought it would be a better idea if he were to just tell the other guy that he saw you walking me home and it’s better for him to just back off and leave me alone, right? So he really believed we were dating, and then that news spread and a lot of the other students believed it too. And I don’t know, I just really loved the fact that everyone believed that you were my boyfriend and I didn’t want them to think otherwise so I didn’t say anything. But then those idiots went off and pulled off that stunt and everyone thought you broke up with me and I was just trying to make you jealous. Rebound..y’know.”
She had spat everything out so fast, Iwaizumi was still hearing her words long after she had stopped talking.
“And I just really loved the fact everyone believed you were my boyfriend.” She really loved that? He was so scared of getting rejected and this whole time she accepted him as a boyfriend. A pretend one, but still.
 She was staring at him. Waiting for his reaction. Waiting for his words. Waiting for something but he remained still and quiet. Taking that as a bad sign, Y/N’s face had gone from nervous to full blown mortified.
“Oh my Gosh! That was so stupid of me.” She brought her hands up to cover her face, shying away from Iwaizumi. “I would understand if you don’t want anything to do with me anymore. It was stupid of me to do that.” She said into her hands.
“Are you serious?” Iwaizumi grabbed her wrists, bringing her hands down from her face. She closed her eyes and turned away from him. “I was too scared to ask you out and this whole time we’ve been dating?” Y/N whipped her head to stare at him. He wasn’t mad, he wasn’t looking at her like she was crazy, he wasn’t even embarrassed either. He was looking at her with wide eyes, like he was surprised. “Will you take me back?”
 Y/N tilted her in confusion, but she couldn’t hold back her sudden laughter. Iwaizumi laughed along with her. He couldn’t tell if it was a joyous laughter or one of relief but he was just happy that he was able to make her feel better and confess to her at the same time.
“I was expecting something more extravagant but, yeah, I guess i’ll take you back.” Her laughter slowly dying down. 
 “I’m serious. I want to do this right.”
“Hajime,” she sighs, gently pulling him to lay down with her and wrapped her arms around one of his. “You could paint it all over my face and my answer would still be yes.” A short pause. “I’m not saying you can do it.” She warned him.
 “Don’t tell Oikawa just yet.” Y/N looked up at Iwaizumi for further explanation. “Assholes gotta learn his lesson. He can’t embarrass my girl like that and get away with it. Not yet.”
“Hajime,” she said sternly, lifting herself up to sit up to look down at him. Iwaizumi had his eyes closed and pulled her down gently to lay down again. “What did you do?” She returned to her previous position.
“Nothing too bad.” He ruffled the top of your head. “Just that I wasn’t going to talk to him until he made up with you.” He smirked.
“Hajime Iwaizumi!” She shot up and softly pushed against his chest. He sat up laughing. “That is so mean. He’s probably going through it right now.” She reached over Iwaizumi, for her phone that was on the bedside table behind him. Iwaizumi wrapped his arms around her abdomen and pulled her back and placed her under him.
“What are you doing?” She tried to push him away but he didn’t move.
“Just a couple of days.” he tells her. “He’ll be fine.” He flopped back on to his side of the bed and opened his arms, “you’ve slept on my arm and my shoulder so far.. But right here is more comfortable.”
 Y/N grabbed the blanket pulling it over them as she laid down on Iwaizumi’s chest, snuggling up to him, frowning the whole time. “It is.” She gave in. Iwaizumi wrapped his arms around her, plating a soft kiss on the top of her head.
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