#councilwoman camilla
totallyrwbyquotes · 3 months
Camilla: Uh, s-sir...!
Ironwood, looking at Salem's invasion: I've been told... To think about the ocean, when I'm stressed, and i look at THAT, and I'm REAL stressed. *Turns around*
Camilla: Sir, you're the General!
Ironwood: Imma go to my room, imma think about the ocean... Bye guys, I'm peacin' out. You guys can handle this. *Leaves*
Camilla: Sir, you are the RULER of this kingdom, you have to ACT!!!
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howlingday · 10 months
Can you do a retelling of how 21 met the Monarch please?
Ilia: It all started when I was thirteen years old. You know the primary school Council trip? I had to present the Atlesian flag to Councilwoman Camilla. Never learned her first name, but that's not the point. The point is that I was supposed to hand her the flag, but because we look so similar, I got taken by mistake.
Adam: All you have to do is just sign right here. It's just a little document that makes the surname "Schnee" ILLEGAL! AHAHAHA!
Ilia: How awesome was that?! He didn't want to kill an Atlesian official or anything like that! He just wants to make Schnee's name illegal! Like, it sounds stupid, right? But think about it. Anytime Jacques Schnee tries to cash a check, or order pizza, or anything? BOOM! He's in jail again, and let me tell you now that bail is not cheap. It's classic Adam!
Ilia: (Sniffling) O-Okay...
Adam: Perfect. Now to finally- Who the fuck is Ilia Amitola?!
Ilia: Me! I'm Ilia Amitola!
Adam: You idiots kidnapped the wrong girl!
Trifa: She had the flag, and we thought that she looked like she was recently sworn in.
White Fang: Sir, as team leader, I will accept any and all- (Sliced open, Falls dead)
Adam: Clean this failure up. And her, too!
Ilia: Obviously they didn't kill me. They recruited me! I became a member of the White Fang on that day, and never looked back!
Ilia: I never finished primary school, but I did get my Huntree-Equivalence-Exam-Diploma, you know, in case henching didn't work out. It's good to have a fallback.
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
RWBY Volume 10 Prediction
The Remnant Alliance
Main members: Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team _TRQ+Zwei, Emerald, Maria, the Ace-Ops, the Happy Huntresses, Winter, Pietro, Theodore, Oobleck, Port, Glynda, Ilia, Team SSSNN, Whitley, Willow, Klein, Ghira, Kali, Rumpole, Rowena, Team CFVY, and Carmella.
Professor Peach’s section: Peach herself, Greene, Mulberry, Rae, Ariadne, Elektra, Iris, the Cotta-Arcs, Cordo and the Atlas Military, Team FNKI, Team CRDL, Shopkeep, Ciel, Lieutenant Harper, Team BRIR, Shay D. Mann and the Branwen bandits, Henry, Saber, the White Fang, Fiona’s uncle, Oscar’s aunt, the red haired woman at Pyrrha’s memorial (if she’s even a real person), Junior, Miss Malachite and her bodyguards, the Malachite twins, Starr Sanzang, Finn Asturias, Lily and her younger sister, Bertilak Celadon, Edward Caspian, August Caspian, Slate, Green, Olive Gashley, Team NDGO, Team ABRN, Argus Limited Huntsman Dudley, the shovel mom, the female fox Faunus the shovel mom was hugging in the crater in 8x11, both women’s respective sons, the disgruntled grandmother, Crimson, the captain and crew of the ship Blake and Sun rode to Menagerie on, the Higanbana waitress, Lisa Lavender, Mikado Lem, Russet Ka, Cerise Claire, Zure and Cye Ayu, Mossius and Claret Berbere, the merchant from RWBY: Arrowfell, Cyril Ian, Team SAFR, Councilwoman Camilla, Drunk Mann, Drinking Buddy, the blacksmith who gave Jaune his new shield, and the mayor who congratulated Team RNJR.
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doomalade · 1 year
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Okay going left to right.
Looks like Ozpin with the messy short hair and stance with arms behind his back.
Certainly a female, don’t think I can remember any character known for taking that “Superman” pose.
Another male, idk why but they remind me of Adam? It might be because their stance seems, angry.
Another female, she has buns like Leia. No idea who this could be.
Middle person looks to be tall but that might just be that they’re standing up front. Can’t really get a tell off gender for this one.
A male, reminds me of Jacques. The stance is uptight with arms behind his back. The hair looks combed, and slicked back.
Next is a woman with her hair seemingly having a curl in the front. She seems far too tall to be Camilla but that’s my best bet. (She was the councilwoman that watched Ironwood shoot Slate, the councilman).
Next seems male but too vague of a figure to tell out.
Same for the last but weirdly reminds me of the Flash model for RWBY x JL.
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happiestplacehq · 2 years
Hey Tags !!
Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I’ve been sick all week but I might finally be feeling well enough to lurk around the main again. I’ve taken the day off work tomorrow and rescheduled my classes, so for the next 2 weeks I will be here to pick up the slack of this week’s radio silence.
If you’ve been thinking of joining us, now is an excellent time to do so, as our event is starting at the end of the month just on time for spooky season! I’ve linked our most wanted characters in the source for you, but I would especially love to see Camilla Deville (Cruella), Jason Koren (Jafar), Chelsea Katz (Cheshire Cat), Reuben Gantu, Gail Chen (Grand Councilwoman), Shinda Proud (Scar), Hunter Guerrero (The Huntsman), John Silver,
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cursed-rwby · 3 years
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Rwby Volume 8 + screenshotsofdespair part 1
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jimmyironwood · 4 years
Ranking Atlesian Officals By What Pet They Would Have And How Good Of A Pet Owner They Are:
Starting off with the Ace Ops:
Marrow - Marrow has never owned an animal but he has looked after his aunt's budgie before and it didn't die. 4/10 would not give him a permanent pet. He's always wanted a guinea pig though.
Vine - I feel like Vine keeps insects. Like a stickbug or a praying mantis? He's heartbroken and inconsolable every time one of their short little lives ends. 8/10, perhaps too attached.
Elm - A dog, in her youth. She doesn't talk about it around Marrow, but damn she was best pals with that dog. It was the only thing able to bowl her over. 7/10 a bit boistrous, an onlooker would have feared for the dog's life, however it was a very sturdy breed.
Harriet - Some kind of reptile, like an iguana or an illegal tegu. She's a good owner, it has everything it needs, but the beasty has the most evil look in its eye. 6/10 I think it's illegal to train your venomous reptile to bite people? It's that or a parrot she taught government propaganda slogans and swear words to.
Clover - Clover has a duck, also called Clover. The other Ace Ops are convinced it doesn't exist because theyve? never? seen it?? He'll tell them "Oh, I can't come I'm taking Clover on a walk" yet no evidence of Other Clover has ever been found. 5/10 this duck is surviving on sheer luck half the time.
Moving on:
Cordovin - Allergic to animals, though she always dreamed of having an eagle because she heard a rumour that Atlas gave eagles to their most upstanding servicemen. She settled for a hypoallergenic white cat which will rip any fabric it goes near. She sends Tweedle Dee and Dum to find it when she doesn't want them around . 3/ 10 emotionally uninvolved but it isn't dead.
Winter - Winter was never allowed a pet growing up, however this did not prevent her from claiming the pigeon that landed on her windowsill at Atlas Academy. She has since been the sworn protector of four generations of pigeons. 3/10 very noble but she didn't actually do much.
Penny - Penny was allowed a goldfish. What could go wrong with a goldfish? A lot went wrong with the goldfish, a container of dust, and Ironwood's prized vase. The incident report was 12 pages long and extra measures are now in place to prevent a repeat. 1/10 for at least trying.
Sleet - Sleet used to have a cockatoo, but he overfed it and as such he no longer has a cockatoo. 0/10 somehow he's the only one out of all these messes who managed to kill off their animal.
Camilla - A poodle. It's her best friend and they gossip about everything together. It's a fashion icon for the Atlesian elite, too. If Camilla's dog is wearing it, your dog should be wearing it. Solid 10/10
James Ironwood - I can envision Ironwood with one of two pets: a) a tortoise he inherited from his grandparents. James has had this tortoise for longer than he ever had a whole body. It is allowed free roam over the Academy Halls, and can often be found shuffling about in the most perilous of situations. Students and staff alike have had to rescue it from the jaws of death, because this tortoise carries James's mental wellbeing and therefore the wellbeing of Atlas and Mantle on its little shell. b) A chinchilla with extreme anger issues and a perry the platypus dynamic with Jacques Schnee. Maybe even both. 4/10 he is not the owner, he merely feeds them and lets them console him.
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swapauanon · 3 years
I find it amazing how NONE of the Ironwood-stans get that the reason they had Ironwood kill Sleet was to show WHY the Atlas Council couldn't stop him.
Namely, while Sleet and Camila together could deadlock him, Ironwood has something neither Councilor does: Two loaded guns.
In other words, the fact that he kills Jacques later DOESN'T render Sleet's death redundant!
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years
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With a quick-draw court martial.
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haltraveler · 4 years
You would think that RWBY showing all of the members of the Atlas Council would mess up my fic which heavily involves the Atlas Council, but aha! I was too clever! Years ago I figured out various reasons why each member of my version of the Council wouldn’t be in office by the time Team RWBY made it to Atlas! 
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howlingday · 1 year
Let's say following the final defeat of Salem and her forces, the remaining 5 Kingdoms (including Menagerie) pull out an "Avengers Accord" gambit to force Huntsmen/Huntresses to become state-sponsored/controlled agents similar to the Ace Ops.
Calling it the Mantle Memorandum, they highlight their reasons:
Greater surveillance against potential extremists (Menagerie & Vacuo).
Financial and operative transparency to prevent corruption(Vale & Mistral).
And keeps a check on Huntsmen/Huntresses from escalating political tensions into catastrophies (battered Atlas).
How would Team RWBY & ORNJ react to these demands?
Avengers-style "Civil War"? Indifferent acceptance? Or bemusement on account of Huntsmen/Huntress strength overall?
So, let's summarize what happens following the defeat of Salem. Upon her defeat, and assuming all of her inner circle are dead, and assuming all our heroes survive, the first thing everyone will do is recover and rebuild.
Atlas and Mantle will come together and form a new Atlas with likely Willow Schnee and Councilwoman Camilla working together to make Atlas as great as it once was. If I had to guess where they would rebuild, I would say the Mantle crater lake with workers living nearby and the civilians squashed in Argus.
Menagerie, with the help of the New Fang led by Ghira Belladonna and Ilia Amitola, becomes established as the fifth kingdom and will aid Atlas in their rebuilding efforts, as part of a "be the bigger person" movement, seeing as Menagerie is now larger than Atlas territory.
Mistral and Vacuo will continue as they are, with Mistral's Haven Academy now under the tutelage of Lil Miss Malachite, and Vacuo's Shade Academy still run by Headmaster Theodore. The former will go along with whatever while still running a criminal underworld while the latter just lets things go as they do so long as Vacuo still does what they do without any outer-Kingdom interference.
Beacon Academy will be fully rebuilt with Glynda Goodwitch remaining as the Headmistress. Overall, nothing too out of the ordinary, with the exception of being more critical of their admissions.
Now, let's talk about this mandatory service and indenturement, Mantle Memorandum. Which should state, as I would assume it to...
"Any and all persons of ages 12 years and older, and of sound mind and body, are required to attend any starter schools as listed in enclosure 1 (one), and any and all persons of 15 years and older, and of sound mind and body, are required to attend any huntsman academy as listed in enclosure 2 (two). Any civilians who do not meet these criteria are to register as auxiliary hunters to perform duties and responsibilities as listed in enclosure 3 (three). Failure to comply will be met with punishments including, but not limited to, manual labor, incareceration, or death as appropriate, as stated in enclosure 4 (four). Any and all fully licensed huntresses and huntsmen are to be registered by an outpost in alliance with the Registration Team (RT), or they may be punished as per enclosure 4. All kingdoms must approve of all candidates for Huntress and Huntsman licensing."
Now for what you're really here for. Your favorite Teams reactions. The issue on the table is the forcing of huntsmen and huntresses to being registered and the tasking of aiding with the approval of all Kingdoms. In other words, no one is going to be fighting off remaining Grimm forces or protecting towns and villages without the approval of the government. RWBY & ORNJ react as follows...
Oscar, or perhaps Ozpin, depending on how the story plays out, would be in support of the Mantle Memorandum, as all of the Kingdoms should pull together to continue to prosper in this new age without Salem. No more secret wars.
Yang would also be in support of this, seeing as there are too many unregistered and criminal forces outside of Salem who need to be kept track of.
Blake is also in support of the Memorandum, as the inclusion of Menagerie means more Faunus can have a say and put in the effort to make a difference for the New Fang.
Weiss is reluctantly supportive as she sees a lot of similarities in the enclosures with the criminal loopholes her father made with his mining operations. However, she is also in the middle of rebuilding Atlas with her mother, providing assistance with her knowledge of Grimm, dust, and Argus-Atlas relations.
Ren is supportive, as this would provide a better chance for villages to not suffer the same fate as his own, or others in Mistral.
Nora is also supportive, but is also very concerned with how dehumanizing this all feels. With the Memorandum, she won't be able to live as freely as she used to, and she isn't sure if that's as good as everyone thinks it is.
Jaune is against the Mantle Memorandum in every possible way. Forcing kids to attend schools for monster hunting with no control over the curriculum, and then forcing them to register so they can be tracked wherever they are? None of it sounds good. Especially with the requirement of all Kingdoms to approve on missions and efforts, when he knows full well what happens when someone disagrees. Jaune refuses to sign his agreement, and remains unregistered.
Ruby supports of the Mantle Memorandum. She understands that having kids attend school will be the best start to ensure another situation like Salem doesn't happen again. The registration process would help the Kingdoms locate and collaborate with one another to ensure the right people are placed in the right job. She understands that the Mantle Memorandum does seem shaky, but it's only a rough draft. There will be laws to help shape things out, and after seeing the trust the Kingdoms placed in both herself and in the others, she is reminded that Remnant will always see what is best for Remnant. She is the first person to sign the Mantle Memorandum.
I hope this gives you an idea of what I'm thinking with this idea of yours.
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musings-from-mars · 4 years
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Introducing the first issue of The Atlas Inquirer!
Is it satirical? Is it serious? Idk, a little bit of both. I had fun making it, and might make it a regular episode-by-episode thing.
(Click the image for better quality)
Note: I am an amateur and I made this at 2am
Transcript (under cut):
THE ATLAS INQUIRER “Held Aloft by Truth”
RWBY Volume 8, Chapter 1: “Divide”
Subheader: Official report states Sleet died of medical complications at Atlas Military Hospital. Ironwood heroically assumes vacant seat in the interim.
Atlas High Coucilmember Sleet died today, age 55. A cause of death has yet to be released, but the Atlas Military has stated that the long-serving councilman was admitted to the hospital for an undisclosed medical emergency and died soon thereafter.
In a statement, General James Ironwood, who holds two council seats and has held a third on an interim basis following the arrest of newly-elected Councilman Jacques Schnee, said that Sleet was “an honorable and respectable politician” whose extensive political and business experience garnered him “due appreciation from all the Kingdom of Atlas.” Ironwood went on to say of Sleet that his most endearing quality was his loyalty: “No one who has ever held a seat on the Atlas High Council has ever demonstrated more esteem and allegiance to our coucil, and despite recent divisions among the council, Sleet was a constant unifying force who respected me in the various positions I held outside the council. I will sorely miss him.”
Councilwoman Camilla could not be reached for comment at this time. Continued on page 2
Several trained Hunters and accomplices have been declared fugitives of the Kingdom and are currently at large.
“We’re not sure what some of them did, but the general seemed really pissed,” an anonymous source familiar with the situation told the Inquirer. “But their colorful outfits should make it easy to spot them from above.”  cont. page 4
Is unemployment to blame for Mantle heat grid failure?
Header: NEW OP-ED by Neo Politan
“Why I should have just stayed on that tropical beach in Mistral.” More on page 27
Header: Nondescript In-Universe Rock Band Releases New Track Titled“Volume Eight OP”
“This shit slaps,” one listener observes.
Header: Local Girl Finds Dozens Of Missed Calls From Overprotective Father, Fears Being Grounded
“I knew he wouldn’t buy the ‘I’m just going to the library to study’ story.”
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bridgyrose · 3 years
The trial of former general James Ironwood
Charged with the murder of Councilman Sleet, abandoning Mantle and nearly causing genocide
Councilwoman Camilla, Ozpin, and Glynda will be involved in the trial and the Ace Ops are stripped of their military rank by Winter
Ruby took a deep breath as she awaited for the trial of General Ironwood to start. After the general had declared martial law, nearly destroyed Mantle, and attempted to sacrifice his people in order to get her team under his control, it was a bit of good news. Especially after Salem’s whale was destroyed and no sign of Cinder, Watts, or Tyrian around. At least there was a little time to try to set things right.
Winter walked over to Ruby, sighing as she looked out to the sky. “We dont have a lot of time for this.”
“I know. But I have an idea to make sure everything goes smoothly. Were you able to find Pietro and Maria?”
“I was. Amity is still flying and I have a team helping out with repairs for it.” Winter looked down at the younger girl. “I’m sorry for everything that you all have been put through. I never meant-”
“It wasnt your fault.” Ruby sighed, looking out over the city, watching as airships and soldiers fought to defend their city. “We knew coming into this that Ironwood might not be able to be trusted. And we tried to play things safe, hoping that maybe we were wrong. But we never knew things would go like this.”
“I never thought he’d go this far either. Martial law had been on the table for months, but I always managed to talk him out of it. Always found a reason why we didnt have to go through with it, but I knew he still wanted to go through with it. He just needed a reason, which was provided by your team’s willingness to disobey him and Salem showing up.”
Ruby nodded slowly, her scroll ringing with a message from her sister. Everything was mostly set for the trial: Camilla was ready to testify against Ironwood, Oscar was going to allow Ozpin to speak for this, and Weiss was getting ready to use the staff of creation to create a portal system to help move Atlas and Mantle citizens to Vacuo, as well as a portal to allow Professor Goodwitch to attend as well, assuming she was still in Vale overseeing the reclamation of Beacon. She gave a reply to Yang, ready for whatever would come next. “Seems like they’re about ready.”
Winter nodded, making her way into the academy. “Then I’ll go speak to the Ace-ops. I think I have a deal they’ll go for.”
Ironwood sat alone in his cell, waiting for his trial to begin. He thought this was a pointless act while Salem could be back at any moment. Sure, she was delayed, but she’d be back and she’d continue what she started. They didnt have time for silly games like this.
“General Ironwood.”
Ironwood looked up to see two soldiers in front of him, guns trained on him. “Here to bring me in, I see.”
“Not exactly.” One of the soldiers lowered their gun and opened up the cell. “We’re here to give you another chance.”
“Another chance?”
The soldier took off his helmet, revealing a boy with silver hair and grey eyes smirking at Ironwood. “A chance for you to do the right thing and to give the staff to Salem to save your city.”
Ironwood stood up, taking a few steps closer to the boy and raising a fist. “And why would I listen to you?”
“Because you dont have a choice,” the second one spoke with a voice that was all too familiar to Ironwood. “As much as I want you dead, its no fun if it’s not by my hand. Besides, if you stay here and go through this farce of a trial, your city will be destroyed anyway.”
“I dont have time for these games, Watts.” Ironwood sighed and looked down to the ground, knowing that Watts was right. He didnt have any other options if he wanted to save Atlas. “And how do I know I can trust you that you wont kill me right now?”
“The same reason that I’m going to trust you that you wont kill me: because you know that it’s pointless to fight Salem. And I want to see what you can do given the time to really prepare.”
“Alright, I’ll give her the staff.”
Watts grinned as he looked to his partner, motioning him away. He used his gloves to pull up a small map of the grid of Atlas, disabling a few necessary systems with the flick of his fingers. “Then let the fun begin.”
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happiestplacehq · 2 years
Good Morning Tags !!
I’ll be around on the main for the rest of the day pushing out some more bios! If there are any faceclaims you would like to see, please send them my way as I’m always looking for suggestions. Of course, our inbox is always open for applications, so I’ve linked our current Most Wanted in the source if you’re looking for someone hotly sought after in game!
Some spooky characters we would also love to see are Camilla Deville (Cruella), Jason Koren (Jafar), Chelsea Katz (Cheshire Cat), Reuben Gantu, Gail Chen (Grand Councilwoman), Shinda Proud (Scar), Hunter Guerrero (The Huntsman), John Silver, and of course, the one and only Jack King (Jack Skellington) to complete our Nightmare crew! If you’re looking for a character pre-installed with a costume, we still have 3 of the Lost Boys open too!
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awsydawnarts · 3 years
Guys what happened to councilwoman Camilla? Is she okay??? Last time we saw her she had just witnessed Ironwood shooting Sleet. I find it hard to believe that they’d just let her go, but she’s not in jail (or at least not in the same one as Qrow and the others were) so where is she? I’m concerned.
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masterweaverx · 3 years
I’ve got this mental image of, like, sometime during the last four episodes of V8, the door to the room opens and there’s May, shoving Ironwood into the cell that Watts was in at the start of the volume. And then once Ironwood’s locked up, she just walks on past a very confused Qrow, opens up Robyn’s cell, and says “Congrats, you’re the queen of Atlas now.”
Obviously it’s not going to be like that exactly, but this is Robyn Hill who ran for a council seat that was literally stolen from her, and I don’t know if Camilla’s going to be alive to still be a councilwoman once Ironwood gets his comeuppance--
And Robyn’s probably going to break out when Cinder swings by anyway, she’s Robin Hood after all, breakouts are in the repertoire--
But on the off chance she somehow doesn’t break out. Or in an AU where that happens. Where Robyn’s been forcibly sidelined by the mad General, and everyone’s been running around doing nonsense without her.
“Congrats, you’re the queen of Atlas now. Oh,” May adds, “Mantle’s doing fine by the way, we got the heat back on and junk--”
And here’s Robyn just like what the heck happened while I was trapped here.
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