#correct in parallel universes i'm sure
mymainwastoocluttered · 11 months
Crowley, standing in front of a board with the word "dying": There's only one thing worse than dying
Crowley: *rips off a paper so the board says "Crowley dying"*
Leona: Crowley.
Yuu: Yes.
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luna-rainbow · 4 months
I watched S2E02 of What If
Someone in the animation department really adores the Winter Soldier. He is gorgeously animated (as GIFs have shown), even though his screen time is incredibly short. The way the light and shadows play across his face and eyes is incredibly faithful to the CATWS movies, and perfectly captures the sense of threat he brings in CATWS.
Overall, the episode is fairly neutral, and does bring up an interesting parallel universe where Bucky broke free in the 80s, which...might change the entire trajectory of Tony, Nat and Yelena's lives.
But, maybe because my impression is coloured by other episodes of What If and what's coming, I can't help but think this is another attempt at "correcting" fan perception around Howard Stark and Peggy Carter's culpability. Look! They weren't involved! It was the Russians!
But like that other Peggy-centric episode of What If, the more they tried to whitewash her, the worse it seems? They recognised him on sight, with the damn mask on, something even Steve wasn't able to do in CATWS, because unlike Steve they knew he was alive all along. Peggy makes references to "the rumours", while Howard dismisses it because there's hardly a man in there (or something along those lines) and "we've got bigger fish to fry".
They knew all along but they never thought it was anywhere in their priorities to investigate or try to rescue the longest serving POW or Steve's best friend. But they have no qualms using Bucky's emotional attachment to Steve when it serves their purpose.
Because why would they. No matter how you whitewash their characters, they're still power-obsessed individuals who never cared who was hurt in their way.
PS: as a former seiyuu-con, Atwell's voice acting really is...bad. Stood out like a sore thumb because everyone was so much better than her. SebStan was pulling his usual Winter Soldier voice here rather than the young Bucky voice he used for the other episode of What If, but I'm not sure if it's a conscious choice.
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fras-redacted-shapes · 5 months
I finished The Final Draft - No spoiler ramblings:
Yes there are a few different things that would 100% make me want to try re-trace the game and maybe try to put the story loops in a visual chart or something.
But I'm exhausted of looking at so many details, theorizing and the like - and summer is starting to get itself felt, thanks +30°c! -, also I really feel like going back to drawing in full force.
But I just wanna say this:
It's easy to engage with this game's story and narrative in a world-building, lore-driven sense. That is, working exclusively with the text and clues given explicitly by the game, staying within universe.
However, to all my dear artists friends and followers, and all those of you that have a creative hobby or "thing":
I hope this game has to hit you hard.
Scratch is a deeply sad and miserable character. He wants attention and approval desperately, and gets violent if he doesn't get it, he will tear the world apart and change it to fit this petty need.
How many times did you feel envy or jealousy for your fellow creatives? How many times did you get angry or blame it on the algorithm?
How humiliated, sad and angry did you feel when you didn't get the the attention from that one specific person or group of people you were so absolutely sure would give you such, because this new piece you did? This new piece you tailored specifically with them in mind?
How many times did you not want to admit to yourself that you could feel and think in such a miserable way?
Yeah, same.
Oh and, did you notice that?
The Dark Place and all its loops and spirals and non linear, non-causal events? So many people trying to make sense of it, is it parallel realities, is it a literary Ouroboros, is it the substrate of the collective consciousness that permeates existence itself and collects and manifests nightmares, etc etc?
How many of your projects did you start from the very beginning, and followed in a straight line, start to end, with no interruptions, revisions or corrections?
Yeah, same.
Sometimes you change the beginning or start over because you discovered something very neat in the middle or near the end of the project. Sometimes the end does change the beginning, sometimes a detail in the middle changes both the beginning and the end. Sometimes you do an entire piece because of one single detail or story point you want to do.
Sometimes you add a whole new character or modify an existing event because you met someone or went through an event that left an impact on you.
So on and so forth.
It's not so much a matter of time, of what came before or after. It's a matter of experience and picking the ones you want to add to your present, past or future project.
And sometimes, you get trapped in your own mind feeding fears that stop you from even trying, believing you're alone in such a struggle.
But hey, it's alright to forget that every artists and creative person goes through this. Just remember you're not alone in that path.
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spoofymcgee · 2 months
Rating Various Companion Exits in Terms of How Objectively Sad They Are
because if we do my personal opinions it'll just be donna donna donna bill rose jack everyone else
Least: Martha
i don't think it's an unpopular opinion that martha's exit was the least sad. like, she retires to take care of her mental health and for her family's sake, gets her doctorate, continues being an absolute badass who is also in touch with her emotions and super nice. she finds a partner who sees her for how incredible she really is and appreciates her.
personally i do believe that she and the doctor clear the air at some point–though i don't think martha holds anything against him still–and she'll just call up the TARDIS when she's having a bad day and one of various doctors will come do a girls night with her and paint their nails and talk about the wild shit they've each been up to lately.
(i don't think martha ever stops being in love with the doctor a little bit. but it's not a tragic kind of love–it's a comfortable one, the kind of love you can have once you understand that love will never be perfectly symmetrical and it can be nice without being reciprocated. in the same way that the doctor loves their companions in a way that they can never fully return for how vast and unending and universe-ending it is, martha can love the doctor in a small and quiet and steady way that never fully goes away even when she does hate them.)
(and if you keep to canon with mickey as her husband you get some fun angst about that! okay, martha digression over.)
Second-Least: Rose
look. i know this is an unpopular opinion. i know the doctor is haunted by rose leaving and the narrative is haunted by rose leaving and everyone and their grandma is haunted by rose leaving.
but. girl got sucked into a parallel universe. she got to say goodbye to the doctor, even if he had a stick high enough up his ass that it kept him from saying he loved her. she moves to a different world to retire in a mansion with her mom and her dream guy and has a baby and spends the rest of her life being awesome and cool and saving the world.
yes it is sad that she left. but her method of leaving itself is not sad. she gets a happy ending and the doctor knows about it and no one dies! so i think maybe that's my hot take. first of a few.
Third-Least: Clara
idk how unpopular this is but i'm not entirely certain it's correct because.
look. clara does technically die. the doctor watches her die and spends four billion years smashing diamonds with his fists to save her. as pissed i am that those two episodes basically made her retroactively superfluous before getting rid of her, i can admit that that's a pretty epically tragic way to go out.
but the thing is, she spends the rest of time running around the galaxy with me in a TARDIS, and the doctor only forgets her for, like, seventy years and then he's fine with it again.
so her exit is sad but it's undercut by the fact that she gets at least a bittersweet ending and also that she should have left a season before she did and also the episode after she dies establishes that the doctor hasn't needed her for a while.
so worse than martha and rose who have a happy end and don't die, but better than everyone else.
Third-Most: Amy and Rory
this is why i wasn't sure where to put clara, and i'm sure this is not a popular opinion but. i don't think amy and rory's exit was so sad.
like, i can acknowledge that the course their story was going to take was amy having to choose rory over the doctor. i get that now. i understand that.
and their exit is sad! it is! it is mathematically engineered to be sad. but. and i don't want to go cinema sins about this. is there a really the doctor couldn't have picked them up and brought them home a year later? like, the year is the problem, yes?
and maybe if i didn't have spoilers and also had no media literally or ability to understand foreshadowing i might have been more affected by the real death right after the fake-out death, and the doctor running across the bridge to the book is a nice scene and the bit with river is excellent but.
i just think it's missing something. i think it feels like it's designed to put them in an impenetrable plot prison in a way that was totally unnecessary because they want to leave anyway. it feels like it wants me to be sad–and then move on right away.
Second-Most: Bill
first off! bill dies! because if you really think about it. nearly none of the nuwho companions do? and bill technically becomes space oil yes but
a) the entire downslope of world enough and time and the doctor falls is so fucking sad. she dies and she wakes back up and she has to live in a body that is clunky and awkward and painful and doesn't fully feel like hers and is slowly failing her and that everyone treats as not having a chance despite the fact that its doing its best. and eventually even that gets taken away from her and she is being slowly deconstructed, everything that makes her who she is sawed off piece by piece until she can't even get angry because it's too dangerous, and everyone is scared of her, and she is clinging to the edge of herself because the only thing worse than being a walking rotting weapon is hurting her friends.
b) the doctor only like, 50% knows that she survives as space oil. the glass people don't fully know, so he might not trust them and from his perspective she's dead and he got her killed.
c) no other companion's death affects the doctor's next regeneration so deeply. thirteen throws herself between people and guns, she drops the monologues and the arrogance because her overconfidence is the reason why bill died. what the fuck is that. insane.
anyway bill is so high up and it's been weeks since i watched world enough and time and i'm not over it. bill potts my beloved you made me so happy and then crushed my heart to bits.
Most: Donna
i mean this is just canon. what can i say here that has not already been said.
the doctor has to take donna in his arms, donna who is finally seeing how brilliant she is, who saved his life and her life and the universe, who is brilliant and ruthless and burning.
her takes her in his arms and he kills her while she's begging him not to, begging him to let her go because she'd rather die as herself than die knowing that (from her perspective) the shallows cruel, self-hating voice in her head will replace her and talk like her and look like her only she'll be dead and that will be all that's left.
donna knows who and what she is without the doctor, without her memories, and it is her worst nightmare. and the doctor sends her back to that because he can't bear to lose her, because she is donna even if she doesn't show it, because he thinks that she will figure out how to do so again–and it's so easy for him to make excuses for the fact that he cannot stand by and let her die in his arms when he can do something about it.
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LWA: I'm going to ruminate a bit more about the parallel between Maggie's & Nina's conversation with Crowley and the Metatron's conversation with Aziraphale--they refer to Aziraphale as Crowley's "partner," the Metatron talks about their "partnership"; both insist that Aziraphale and Crowley need to talk--because while I think it's easy enough to see that the Metatron deliberately manipulates Aziraphale (while not understanding him fully), Maggie and Nina accidentally do the same thing to Crowley (while also not understanding him fully). There's been ample discussion of the Metatron conversation, but not so much about Maggie's and Nina's messing about.
I think we have to begin from the position that Maggie and Nina are mostly misguided and, in Nina's case, explicitly hypocritical. Other people have already pointed out that Nina's barrage of questions about Crowley's and Aziraphale's relationship is ludicrous and inappropriate--this is not even bad fanfic outsider POV levels of behavior--but given her outrage when Muriel pokes into her own business later, the script sure seems to imply that, yes, her barrage of questions really /is/ ludicrous and inappropriate. (She's had, what? Two minutes of interaction with Crowley up to this point? What even is that conversation?) Given that Maggie and Nina are Crowley's and Aziraphale's primary mirrors in S2, although always bearing in mind that Gaiman likes his mirroring to be askew or warped, is it the case that Nina's behavior in particular just reflects our angel-demon duo's behavior straight back at them?
A lot of S2 struck me not as fan service so much as fan /corrective/, in particular about the fandom's tendency to read them as more human than angel and demon. Even in S1, we were shown repeatedly that no matter how much they might like humans and aspects of human affect/existence, they don't move through the world like humans, they don't have a human relationship to time (and not just because Crowley can alter it), they do things the "human way" explicitly for /fun/, and they demonstrate over and over again that they have at best a limited grasp of human psychology. Crowley's "godfather" plot doesn't work not only because of free will, but also because even in the GO comic universe, it represents near-total incomprehension about how messily nurture /operates/; neither of them understands Anathema's fear about accepting a lift home from what appears to be two men; etc. It genuinely does not occur to Crowley (and therefore to most of the audience) that turning paintguns into real guns for fun might be an issue, nor to Aziraphale that wiping Mary Hodges' memory after the interrogation might be suboptimal. This kind of mayhem is bog-standard comic character behavior,* but the trick that GO plays is to ask you to think about the ethics involved when the bog-standard comic character is super-powered. The thing is--and you will have noticed this is a running theme in my asks, I suspect!--is that while it's very easy to identify with these characters as /oppressed/ trauma victims, the novel explicitly and the series implicitly keep warning us that in relation to the humans, they are still the /oppressors./ In the novel, this is Aziraphale's insight at the end, and if S2's more pointed emphasis on how both characters unthinkingly treat human beings is any indication, it's also where the series appears to be tending. (This is why I get a little antsy about reading Crowley's brand of temptation as promoting "choice" or something else positive: it's great that Crowley dislikes killing people, but he's still mucking about with them to make his souls quota. Satan /likes/ what Crowley did with the M25.)
To circle around to Maggie and Crowley again: a) they understand Crowley and Aziraphale about as well as Crowley and Aziraphale understand them, which is to say, they don't, and b) Crowley still does not understand how to apply human frames of reference to his own relationship with Aziraphale. Besides the warning about treating humans like toys--which Crowley, in typically on-brand behavior, excuses rather than apologizes for--the most important thing Nina says is not the "romantic" advice. It's the point she makes about her readiness to be in a relationship after being dumped by an abusive ex, which is to say, her non-readiness. Because it would be cruel to the other person. /This/ is what Crowley needs to hear and understand, and he...doesn't. (Aziraphale also needs to hear this, but he's off having his relationship with Crowley rewritten by the Metatron.) S2 spends a lot of time demonstrating that Crowley and Aziraphale haven't even been dumped by their respective allegorical "exes," let alone that they've recovered sufficiently to actually "go off" together or have a full-blown romantic relationship. Crowley's panic at the end of S2 leads him to accelerate straight into marriage proposal mode, when it is exactly the thing that he has just been warned that he /should not do/. That is, he would have been warned if he grasped the analogy between his situation and Nina's, but he genuinely can't see it, much as neither he nor Aziraphale understands fictional marriage plots. It's an analogy that exists for us, the human audience, but not for him.
I do think fans sometimes forget that Aziraphale and Crowley /are/ comic characters who think and act like comic characters, and that this has ramifications for how S3 will resolve their relationship?
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hello again LWA!!!✨ im so sorry this has been burning away in my inbox for a fair while!!!
i gotta be honest, the mirroring of aziraphale and crowley in the general sense to maggie and nina is something that ive had a pin in for a while, just because of the sheer amount of information the parallel in all its skewed glory contains (and then that got me to thinking about the other mirror couples too, and its taken me a while - and pages of notes - to climb out of that particular rabbit hole). ie: dear LWA, once again you're going to get ramblings you didn't ask for.
on face value, maggie = aziraphale, and nina = crowley, right? maggie is soft and gentle, more readily/outwardly compassionate and innocent, even dresses in a typically lighter palette, and runs a shop that was literally carved out of aziraphale's own one. nina is acerbic and dry, outspoken and unapologetic, dresses likewise in darker clothing, and runs a coffeeshop that not only has a name that offers its patrons a choice, but feeds people with their fix - a material desire, if you like. it's far from a direct copy-and-paste of aziraphale and crowley, but they're instantly recognisable.
but you then have their situations (and im not breaking new ground here; this is just so i exorcise the thought-demons rattling around to make way for new ones) and their behaviours, that then reflect the opposite main character. maggie is shown fairly neatly to the audience, by virtue of her interaction with shax, to follow a similar pattern to crowley's circumstances as shown to us in s2 - linking a silly gifset demonstrating where im coming from on this, bc it saves the typing. she brings what is essentially a courting gift to nina, and then helps her out in the shop after the demon raid (reminiscent of the 1800 chocolates specifically, and then just... every favour/demonstration crowley has ever performed for aziraphale, frankly). nina is shown as being in an abusive relationship that she seems fully aware is abusive, full of gaslighting and possessiveness, but that she can't, for whatever reason, bring herself to leave - especially telling given her line that she thinks lindsay actually "never liked her very much", which aptly seems to reflect a good portion of how heaven views aziraphale. she's understandably hesitant and standoffish, and despite how unhealthy her relationship is, she is faithful and loyal to it despite the (unintentional, circumstantial) temptation being offered.
what i find interesting is that aziraphale interacts more with maggie, and crowley with nina. couple of thoughts on this, and all (and more besides) could be equally true:
aziraphale and crowley are drawn to the circumstances that their mirror is in; aziraphale is drawn to showing kindness to someone who is lonely and trepidatious, crowley is drawn to showing a wider perspective to someone who is inhibited and wary. the eden scene, in this context, feels all the more recognisable... plus, the anathema/newt mirroring!
aziraphale and crowley are drawn to the person that reflects their personality, possibly because it feels comforting and familiar. they feel kinship to the human that behaves more outwardly like themselves. again, im struck by how this feels a lot like their respective interactions with tracy and shadwell in s1
the fact that aziraphale and crowley interact more frequently and comfortably with maggie and nina respectively is used to draw attention to the moments where they don't interact with the other.
this last one is something i want to parse out a little bit. it is almost certain that aziraphale has had previous interactions with nina; he's possibly been in the coffeeshop before given how easily he addresses her, and nina remarks that aziraphale never goes to the monthly meetings, etc. she doesn't know him as well as maggie does, but by virtue of being neighbours, it stands to reason that they have had previous encounters that build up an acquaintance. crowley, on the other hand, does not appear to have met either of them before.
where aziraphale appears to interact with nina, however, in a one-on-one context, is the following conversation (im blithely ignoring the end of ep4 that's not even a conversation):
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specifically, the culmination of where aziraphale has not only presumed that he has license to mess about with her personal life in general, but now with her and the other shopkeepers' autonomies and agencies. he's playing god in this, weaving his power (imo, to varying degrees of consciousness) to set up the perfect romantic scenario for maggie and nina, but also for him and crowley.
the fact that nina doesn't conform, pushes back on that magic, has broken away from the collective mentality of just accepting the situation and instead is questioning it all, directly and without hesitation, is a crucial part of this for me; because aziraphale backs away, leaves the line of questioning, very quickly. he doesn't want to confront it, doesn't want to be shown where this is a reflection on his actions. he's being shown the same way of thinking that scared him with crowley, and aziraphale is still scared of it upending careful order and blissful ignorance.
he brushes it off, and carries on with what he's doing, because it's what he's able to control; aziraphale has to make order of things, cannot conceive of the chaos that asking questions would bring. translate this directly to how he ignores crowley's concerns in ep5, and then basically the fact that a good deal of crowley's characterisation is built on the premise of asking questions, and you can see where this - asking questions - is something that aziraphale still fears; it poses danger (it had direct consequences in the fall, after all!) so, of course asking questions is something to fear.
but then again, is it because nina is a mirror of crowley? if circumstantially nina is actually aziraphale, is aziraphale actually reacting in a way that shows he's scared of himself? he who is starting to ask his own questions? starting to reexamine the status quo? i think this possibly rings more true than the simple nina = crowley thought, because whilst aziraphale may still not be completely comfortable with crowley's questions, and what they mean, i do think that it's a part of crowley's... crowleyness that aziraphale likes and loves. something that he has accepted... but only when it comes from crowley. the aziraphale that baulked at questions in the pre-fall scene/in eden is not, arguably, the aziraphale we see in 2023; he's in love with crowley, as he currently is (or at least, how aziraphale perceives him).
so wouldn't it make sense that aziraphale is actually afraid of how much nina is reflecting his own innermost thoughts back at him? the thoughts that begin to question why it is that an angel and a demon can't be together, what the point of heaven actually is, why heaven is the way it is, and why - if god has set things out the way they're meant to be - does that feel wrong? if aziraphale is questioning all of this, what does that say about him? how close is he to losing being an angel altogether? he's previously defied god and heaven's orders, but is this a step too far?
moving on to the maggie and crowley dynamic; this to me is equally as interest because they... do not interact, as far as i can remember, in a one-on-one context, at all - with the exception of this one scene:
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im not quite sure what to read into this. my initial thought however, if we take the conclusion that maggie's circumstances and subsequent insecurities are a reflection of crowley, i do wonder if it's the absence of interaction that is key; that crowley is avoiding his reflection. that could be for any number of reasons, and no one reason feels quite right to me - arrogance, shame, embarrassment, fear of being seen, vulnerability... it's probably a mix. but it would nonetheless correlate with crowley's portrayal as not only an unreliable narrator at times, but also, as we've discussed previously, that he hasn't quite yet reached the development point of wanting to fully confront a good handful of his decisions and actions, nor want to acknowledge his circumstances that leave him open and vulnerable.
so what seems to be a rather purposeful tepid and... uninteresting? conversation suddenly has weight in everything that is missing. add to this, the way that crowley remains outside the bookshop as maggie, blissfully unaware, strolls into the bookshop, and he leaps in to stop the demons in their tracks before they can get to her, speaks even louder. he's most comfortable in being a protector, a fixer, a hero - even if it goes unnoticed and thankless, because that is his method of control:
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but anyway, to actually head back to what your ask is actually saying! i find the assessment of nina as acting somewhat hypocritical really interesting - because yeah, she definitely appears as a very private person when questioned by just anybody (if we take into her responses to mrs sandwich and muriel into account)... but she does open up slightly to maggie.
she doesn't outright state the true problem with her relationship - again, im fairly certain she's aware of the abusive nature of it - to maggie, but she definitely aludes to its true nature more than we see her do otherwise. when maggie makes the assumption that being bombarded with texts automatically means that the sender must care about the recipient - said with some good measure of naivety - nina puts that to bed with her thinly veiled response that it's not out of care, but out of possessiveness. she reveals a bit more of herself to maggie; it goes from "doesn't like when im late", to the more vulnerable, "...likes it if i text that im gonna be more than ten minutes late..."
so when it comes to how she comes across as hypocritical in how she questions crowley about his and aziraphale's relationship - yeah, it's odd. it's funny as hell, and the comedy of it has its own merit, but it is invasive and uncomfortable at the same time. whilst it doesn't make it right (she ultimately needs to mind her own business, same as she impressed on others to do with her), it's not difficult to see where her line of, "other people's love lives always seem so much more straightforward than our own" would suggest that this is her brand of her escapism from her unhappy one. she's just witnessed gentle/fond ribbing between aziraphale and crowley, otherwise sees them together frequently, and they probably come across to her as an incredibly happy couple, that out of a place of perhaps envy and wistfulness, she becomes inappropriately nosy about it. for me, the saddest line about her relationship, repeating it from earlier, is that she doesn't think lindsay even liked her, which is the abject opposite of aziraphale and crowley.
poking her nose into their relationship, such as it is, is absolutely a mirror to their behaviour in messing about with hers with maggie, but it is understandable why she uses this as her own outlet, same as crowley and aziraphale seem to use hers as theirs. not justifiable, but understandable. but, like you say, it's not at all on the same level playing field - aziraphale and crowley have actual power that can influence the world and people around them, including magically creating scenarios according to what they think constitutes a romantic story, full of violins-swelling, world-stops-around-them moments, whereas nina - as far as we're aware - doesn't have any of that. this very imbalance highlights that they are not the same, and that the two situations cannot be directly compared.
like maggie remarks, she and nina are not a game, and shouldn't be played with just because it amuses them. for all of aziraphale and crowley's preachings about free will (including that they don't have it themselves as an angel and a demon, but that humans absolutely do and should have it, "that's the whole point"), the show expressively indicates that they don't appear to respect it or consider it more important than themselves, going so far as to remove it entirely and render it conditional on their own terms. whilst they may stray into very human behaviours (or maybe more accurately - human situations), they are manifestly not-human, they don't understand (or... care?) how the world in the general sense works, and arguably them being on earth in the first place contradicts that free will... blessings and temptations are all well and good, depending on how you look at them, but they shouldn't be happening to begin with.
the systematic presence of heaven and hell altogether arguably contradicts the foundation of free will, which seems to be something that neither of them fully see - they don't acknowledge that very problem... actually, no! i lie - crowley dances briefly and gingerly on this very point:
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it's interesting how much the condition of humanity fades into the background when the narrative focus is on two supernatural characters and their personal storyline. and it's equally interesting how those same characters prop up their own irony as being the very thing that contradicts humanity from operating as it should, and - arguably - how it may have originally been designed.
everyone accepts that free will came to humanity from knowledge, and that knowledge was tempted to humanity by crowley... but he only says that he was sent up to eden to 'make some trouble'; who's to say that humanity wouldn't have come around to eating the apple anyway, which as crowley remarks was placed very pointedly within the garden, within literal arm's reach? did free will even need crowley to kickstart it? from the very first scene, we know that crowley evidently has free will by choosing to tempt eve to the apple, but we know that aziraphale has free will too, by choosing to give away the sword... so why wouldn't god have made humanity by the same design in the first place?
getting slightly off topic now, but it all seems to feed into the point that heaven and hell are superfluous to humanity's existence, and have only proven to treat humanity as a sandbox for their own ends. unfortunately, aziraphale and crowley don't quite seem to treat them much different in the grand scheme of things, even if their story, their 'version', is very much a 'lesser-stakes' microcosm of the wider narrative. nurture - ie. their unique experiences - may well have changed aziraphale and crowley in many ways, and separated them out from their contemporaries, but they equally still haven't fully shaken off their respective natures, either.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hi there was a fic where wy gets his old body back.
Juniors (sizhui and jingyi i think) finds lwj and wy(in his old body, not mxy body) being lovey dovey, and thinks lwj is cheating on wy.
Then jiang cheng comes and shouts "wei wuxian" and the juniors look n see a stranger (old body wy)
In the end the misunderstandings clear up.
Help me find this please?
#1 on the latest fic finder, thanks but 'saw my life in a stranger's face' is not the fic i was looking for. The fic I'm looking for is lighthearted and funny. It also has the juniors' POV
(I feel like I've read this, did JC show up after the misunderstanding is cleared up because JL wrote him a letter as a back up plan and didn't have time to send another? - Mod C)
NOT FOUND! Saw My Life in a Stranger's Face by timetoboldlygo (T, 27k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Married Life, Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, wwx's face changes post-canon to look like his original face, Slight Panic Attack, because lwj doesn't recognize his husband, the mortifying ordeal of not knowing your own body, the terrifying inevitability of change, taller!wwx theory)
FOUND! voyeurs make the worst spies by BeStillMySlashyHeart (T, 1k, WangXian, POV Outsider, Reunions, Body Swap, does not contain cheating just the perception of it) (this wasn't the fic I was originally thinking of but I think it might fit better? - Mod C)
2. Hi I'm looking for a fic where it's modern au setting. I think it's lan zhan's birthday and wei ying tries to bake him a cake but it's a disaster. So lan zhan helps him and it's like some hot hands on baking lesson with extra whipped cream?!
I saw a post about it on Tumblr and now I've lost it! It was sweet and sexy and damn I wish I had it saved.
FOUND! A Piece Of Cake by NinjaKK (M, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Married Couple, Married Life, Traditions, LWJ's BirthdayBad Cooking, Baking, Birthday Cake, Cooking Lessons, Soft WangXian, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Birthday Party, Suffering LQR, LQR Is So Done, Whipped Cream, Fluff, Established Relationship, Attempt at Humor)
3. Hello I'm looking for a fic: I think it was a thread fic for Dark LZ Weekend. It had postcanon WY waking up to a dark LZ who'd travelled from a parallel universe (I think). He traps the real LZ in his original timeline, and tries to take over his life. WY ofc realises immediately but doesn't want to hurt him because it is revealed that the dark Lan Zhan has time travelled from the 13 year period of WY's death. He had just been punished with the whip strikes and the grief of losing WY had turned him desperate.
Your blog is simply amazing btw. Thank You for all the effort 🥺 @shenmiao98
FOUND? This Twitter thread by sweetlolixo
4. hi! this is for the next fic finder! wwx lives in a cottage by himself and lwj moves next door! at first lwj is upset because he moved there to be alone! they plant and go get water together. sometimes lwj drives into the city but wwx always stays on the cottage. theres this cat that was abandoned and wwx adopted them. lwj moved to the cottage because lxc was kidnapped once and lwj never recovered from that. wwx was in a car acident with jyl and things happened and he moved to live by himself
FOUND? tessellate by mellowflicker (T, 18k, wangxian, modern, cottagecorem hurt/comfort, domesticity, touch-starved, happy ending)
5. Hey, I’m not sure if this is correct but I’ve been googling and trying to find this fic I once read with all kinds of tag combinations on AO3 so hopefully you’ll be willing to help me. I’m looking for this fic where something with Wei Wuxian’s summoning goes wrong (and maybe it happens a bit earlier?) and he goes to his brother like “help I’m (re)dying” and they decide that while figuring it out disguising him as a woman (and accidentally making everyone think they’re betrothed) is the best plan of action.
FOUND? ❤️ By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal, [PODFIC] By Any Other Name by sakizar)
6. Looking for a fic here! I honestly can't remember much but there was one scene where wwx was outside a banquet hall with the juniors and he was teaching them how to dance and then lwj swoops in and they dance together, I remember it having art too! Sorry if it's not much to go on but that particular scene really cemented itself in my mind and I can't find it anymore T.T Thank you so much!
FOUND! plant a little happiness (let the roots run deep) by fleurdeliser (E, 47k, WangXian, Modern AU, Car Accidents, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Non-Explicit References to Injuries and Death, References to Addiction, Doctors & Physicians, these tags imply a much more serious story, than this actually is, Falling In Love, soft romance, background 3zun)
not FOUND Unstrictly Ballroom by Ariaste (T, 47k, WangXian, SongXiao, Modern AU, Everyone's alive, the gang defeats systemic heteronormativity, Stripper AU, competitive ballroom dance AU, really stupid misunderstandings, Yearning, Mutual Pining, the wrist grab, lwj makes a friend (who isn't wwx!), modern au but it's still set in Fantasy China (Gusu/Yiling/Lanling) rather than Real China, LWJ's pov, Erotic Handholding)
7. Hello!! I've been trying to find a fanfic I want to read again for quite some time now, but still couldn't find it. It's a time travel fanfic in which Lwj time travels to the past. I don't remember many details, but I remember that Lwj tells him everything about the future, and at the end Wwx goes to Bssr' mountain (he was supposed to go with Lwj, but sneaked out and went alone) to destroy the stygian tiger amulet. He comes back years latter, and at the time there was a banquet being hosted by the Jiang, and Mxy was there. He sees Lwj interact with Mxy and thinks that, by going away, he lost his chance with Lwj and that Lwj rather stay with Mxy, since Mxy's body was the one Wwx was with when they married on the erased time-line. I fainty remember something about Wwx falling inside a pond after that and Lwj fishing him out.
FOUND? You, me, us. It's not a dream by vermilliondust (M, 37k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Incense Burner, Anxious LWJ, Protective LXC, Protective JYL, Hurt/Comfort, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Bottom LWJ, mostly, Crying During Sex, bed sharing, Cuddling & Snuggling)
8. hi, so im looking for a post canon fic where out in the middle of no where wwx hears a baby animal crying (i think from an abandoned building) and goes to help it, and only after cleaning it up realizes it's an itty bitty puppy (like almost new born?) and he FREAKS. but it's also helpless and he doesn't want to leave it to die. thus ensues him trying to raise puppy without touching puppy. it later becomes only good dog. and he has angst over parallels to his childhood & no wanting to b like yzy
FOUND? Imprints by Lisa_Telramor (G, 47k, wangxian, post-canon, humor, panic attacks, phobia recovery, poor life choices, JC & WWX reconciliation, dogs)
FOUND? Rabbit Heart by Suaine (M, 56k, WangXian, Family Issues, Sexual Content)
9. Hello I’m looking for a fic I read and can’t find, it started something like, wei ying is drink wine looking out the second story window of the shop/inn and watching the people when he see a Lan walking by and when he get closer he realizes it’s Lan zhan. I don’t remember how but LWJ ends up in the room with him and WXX drunkenly accidentally tells about his core/burial mounds(I think it’s both ) Lan zhan tells him he will help him, that he loves him, and holds him while WXX breaks down crying
FOUND? Talking is Better than Silence by KuroiWrites (blackcatkuroi) (T, 264k, WangXian, Communication, Fluff and Angst, What-If, Canon Divergence, Resentful Energy is a Thing, Musical Cultivation gets Center Stage, Honesty, Myth Making in Action, Soulmates, Cultivation Healing is Expanded)
10. Hello, i'm trying to find a fic where mdzs characters is famous people in modern era. Lwj, who is drunk, tweet something that implies he likes someone for years. His fans then trying to find who is the person that Lwj love. The candidate is Nhs, Wwx, and Wn. Nhs, who is a shit stirrer, drop some hint. Wwx believe the person that Lwj loves is Nhs. Yhere is a talk between Nhs and Wwx a day before Lwj and Wwx date. I think there was a wedding at the end of the story? I'm not sure about that part. Thank you!!! (Can't remember the name but I remember the tweet started with something like "some of you haven't -something something- and it shows" right? - Mod C)
FOUND! Some of You by tangerinechar (M, 60k, wangxian, modern, social media, actor au, pining, fluff, love confessions, matchmaking, light angst)
11. Hii!! I'm looking for a fic where lan Wangji time travels to future or some modern universe where wei Ying has been...?! There is a dialogue lwj used like...."where am I " Yeah I don't know the full summary of the fic please find the fic for me !!!!! @certainsoulcoffee
FOUND? take me back to a time by DizziDreams (T, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Modern with Magic, Time Travel, Sharing a Bed, Fish out of Water, Man Out of Time, Angst with a Happy Ending, Student!WWX, Time-Traveling Wizard!LWJ, Slow Burn, reference to abuse, Canonical Character Death, Canonical Abuse, Canon!LWJ, Mutual Pining, Chronic Illness, Not A Fix-It, Transmigration, America)
12. Hi, I was looking for a Wangxian fic to reread on AO3, but I can´t find it anymore. It´s about Wei Wuxian trying to attend a celebration at Koi Tower (probably Jin Ling´s One Month celebration) and dressing up as a Lady to do it. He uses the name Ying, Yingying or Ning. On the way in he meets Lan Wangji who agrees to help and pretends Wei Wuxian is his wheelchair-bound wife. The Jiang siblings are there too (obviously). It´s not in your great pretenders list (although it would fit)... If you could help me find it again I would be very gratefull.
FOUND! My Leaves Reach Ever for the Sun by nonplussed (T, 26k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fix-It, Crossdressing, Idiots in Love, Sharing a Bed, Happy Ending, Mutual Pining)
13. Hi! ❤️ I’m looking for a fic where Lan Zhan is in seclusion in the CR. Wei Ying visits periodically but always leaves. Lan Zhan slowly turns all the bodies of his clan into puppets. Wei Ying comes back and runs into Lan Zhan’s puppet mother and wants to leave again. Lan Zhans mom tells him about it and he turns Wei Ying into a puppet. The fic ends with JC coming looking for Wei Ying but Lan Zhan doesn’t let him in. Thank you so much!! It’s a great fic but I just can’t find it again.
FOUND? this twisted blood red thread of fate by HeavenlySkyfarer (E, 11k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, obsession, unhealthy relationships, body horror, dark LWJ, dollification, marionettes, musical cultivation, DL:DR)
14. Hey can you find a fic were wei wuxian finds himself in a modern cultivation world and meets lan zhan grandson. Said grandson goes on to rant about his grandpa being with a twink on the internt. Thanks!
FOUND? YEYE NONCONNED A TWINK?!?!?! (How Lan Wangji's Vent Account Became Twitter Famous) by Pancho (M, 7k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, post-first siege of burial mounds, violence, blood, dub con, implied/referenced character death, crack treated seriously, PTSD, happy ending)
15. Hello! I am looking for the wangxian fic where Jin Ling wants to formally court Lan Sizhui. He asks wei wuxian and then asks for his help to talk to lan zhan. I know I’m the fic wei wuxian wears gusu robes during a conference and acts like the best version of a lan wife. Thank you in advance!!
Hi! I am number 15 on today’s list. The Fic listed wasn’t the fic I was looking for, but I really enjoyed reading it.
NOT FOUND! A Civil Combpaign by Ariaste (T, 19k, JL/LSZ, wangxian, arranged marriage, courting, teenage drama, humor)
16. hello! i can't stop thinking about these (a bit vague) scenes from wangxian fics. could you help me find a fic where A) wei ying falls asleep as he waits for lan zhan outside the jingshi. i think it specified that he fell asleep on the porch? B) a fic where wei ying stays in the jingshi to recover his wounds, lan zhan braids his hair. lan xichen visits and cautions lan zhan or wei ying to be careful of his brother's heart. i am not sure if these scenes are found in the same fic. thank you!
FOUND? Far Away You Are by cqlorphan (E, 17k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Misunderstandings, cleared up by juniors ensemble, Explicit Consent, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, but i'm sure they switch about it, Multiple Orgasms, Fluff and Smut, with a little angst. as a treat) happens at the end of chapter 2
FOUND! This Tornado Loves You by etymologyplayground (T, 8k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Mutual Pining, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Intimacy, Love Confessions, Marriage Proposal, Canon Divergence, Family, Humor) sounds like, although it's hair brushing, not braiding. i think 16(1) is a different fic that i've read but i can't find it. if it helps, i think in that one sizhui is the one to wake wwx up bc wwx notices someone standing over him?
17. Hi! I’m hoping someone can help me find a fic I read on AO3. At some point in it, Wei Wuxian is ambushed on the way to Jin Ling’s first month celebration but he has A-Yuan with him. He tosses A-Yuan in the air and he’s engulfed in a cloud of resentful energy which transports him to safety. He ends up in Koi Tower falling into Lan Xichen’s arms and tells everyone what’s going on… @animeobbsessed​
FOUND? Even If It Breaks Time by WhiteSoul (T, 178k, wangxian, LXC/JC, angst w/ happy ending, time travel fix-it, reconciliation, hurt WWX, OP WWX, fighting against time, blood & injury)
18. Hiii i need help in finding a fanfic
So i remeber that the fic starts with the author telling us that wei ying and lan zhan are happy after everything that happened and wei ying is trying to cultivate his golden core but wei yings core is not strong enough so that he can cultivate to imortality. Lan zhan decides that he does not want to live eternaly and he ages with wei ying. Lan zhan is sharing his spiritual energy with wei ying and this way he ie sustaining the both of them until he finally runs out of it and one day they lay in bed and they die together in the jingshi. Next thing you know they wake up in the past and i think this fic is a time travel fix it or just a time travel one i cant remeber anything else. I know i read it on AO3. Please help. @dacika98
19. I'm looking for a modern au where Xichen finds Wei Wuxian sleeping on top of Wangji because Madame Yu kicked him out. I think that Wei Ying moves in with them. Yanli was called at one point. Thank you so much. @jezabelisnotawhore
FOUND? Found Family by fyredancer (T, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fluff, Getting Together, POV Outsider, Dysfunctional Family, Coming Out, Bad Parenting, Protective Older Brothers, Protective Siblings)
20. hello! can this be in the next fic finder? lwj is a college professor know to be cold and very sexy. I think we and wwx are T.A.s from another department. wwx and lwj met online and have a lot of sex online too, but they don't know each others identity! but lwj finds out when wwx goes to lwjs department to print some documents @yourefinallysafefromshialabeouf
FOUND? Take All of Me by Anna-domini (Memoryboard) (E, 22k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern: No Powers, Porn With Plot, Identity Reveal, Sexting, Phone Sex, Nude Photos, Dirty Talking LWJ, mentioned and vaguely implied WWX/others and LWJ/others, Praise Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, Butt Plugs, Getting Together, Fluff and Smut, Exhibitionism, Professors, Anal Sex, Online Relationship, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms)
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vaxdea · 1 year
after rereading study group for the nth time i realized just now that hanwool is the foil to gamin. think about it lmao
gamin's mom (forgot her name hdhdhh) isn't pushy when it comes to his acads, but yonbaek genuinely wants that 'normalcy' for hanwool.
the part that convinced me of this was when yonbaek told his son to study in highschool well, graduate, and enter a good university. gamin's mom wants the same, but she believes that her son shouldn't push himself too hard, especially because gamin's dad is super sucessful.
hanwool wants to follow in his dad's footsteps, the same goes for gamin, but it just so happens that their parents don't want them too. they both have the same desire to be like their dads, and they both want to surpass themselves.
the parallel is also with their respective teachers - miss hankyung and miss joungha. both of them wanted to change yusong high into a place of actual learning and education, and both their targets was hanwool. joungha knows that hanwool, and subsequently, the yb foundation is the root of all evils in yusong, and possibly even incheon. joungha was killed by yonbaek's order, but, as far as i understand, hanwool didn't want that to happen. for him, his father killed the closest he has to a mother figure (as of now his mom hasn't yet been introduced, and i don't know if she's alive or dead), and a figure he was sure could lead him out of his dad's shadow. of course all this is assuming that hanwool claiming to follow in his dad's footsteps was due to not being shown another way to live.
what's happening to hankyung right now is the exact same (almost) to what happened to joungha. only this time, her student has the ability to change it. i'm not saying hanwool could've stopped joungha's murder, since it was done without him being informed.
geonyeob was also a victim of yonbaek's actions - therefore the death of joungha didn't only affect hanwool, but geonyeob as well. i don't know what's going to happen to hankyung, and i'm hoping she'll be alive. and if my analysis is correct, that gamin is hanwool's character foil, then hankyung will live, just so the contrast between their character will be completed.
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morus-god-of-doom · 21 days
Swap Underverse Asylum Sans
Alright, I know I'm not on here often, but hear me out.
In the swapped universe where Dream ate the apple, Ink now has Error's job, and Nightmare is trying to stop all of this with the help of a maker Error Sans, I haven't seen much in ways of the other bad guy sans getting swapped counterparts. It seems that having them stay the same, except when Swap replaces Dust or Killer.
But Swap doesn't fit well with either of them, so I think he's more like Cross in the swapped AU, but I digress, he's not who I wanna talk about.
Who I want to talk about is Asylum Sans, or Bandy for short. The little schizophrenic that is obsessed with colorful bandaids, stickers, and sometimes plushies. From what I know of him, his past is mostly a mystery but something happened to his Papyrus, causing him to take on a ghost-like form and hang about the little skellie.
He'd be a perfect parallel to Dust sans, yet being a schizophrenic wouldn't be enough to make him a bad guy.
But what if something happened that made Bandy go off the deep end? Like a certain therapist that recommends putting him on pills to solve the problem of Bandy's schizophrenic episodes. Now, this would absolutely be fine if the pills were correct for his mental illness, but that is not what happens to the little guy.
Instead, they put him on something else; magic suppressors.
From what I have seen, Bandy doesn't use magic in the ward because Mrs. Toriel and Dr. Alphys told him it would be dangerous. He understands that it wouldn't be the best of ideas for him to teleport out of the ward where he can't get the help he needs. So when they suddenly give him little, pink pills, he takes them without question since they had promised him more bandaids if he did.
But they have a negative reaction to the poor skeleton like most things would happen if you take away a person's ability to do something.
Bandy faints due to the effects and hits his head on the floor, causing another change. Of course, Dr. Alphys gives him a check-up and heals the wound, but when the schizophrenic wakes up, his ailment is worse. The new therapist waves it off, of course, giving him a white pill, Bandy's normal prescription, but when the skeleton sees him, he screams due to what he sees in the human, their true intentions.
This would be an everlasting effect as a result of the suppressors they give him with his normal treatment. Anytime Bandy sees someone enter his room for food or check-ups, he stares at them, scooting backward, so they double his prescription.
But what does Asylum see?
Well, he'd see the quote-unquote 'demons' hanging about people, or for a better way to put it, their intentions. Now, with good people like Mrs. Toriel and Dr. Alphys, the demons are small, barely considered a threat in his eyes. Yet when he sees the other doctors and patients, he sees all sorts of monsters, some fusing with their hosts, like when he shrieked upon seeing the new therapist. He saw all of the malice the man had turned them into a creature from nightmares.
Now, as we know with most bodies, they will build up a tolerance if exposed to negative factors. So over time, Bandy's body slowly adapts to resisting the suppressors, causing them to increase the dosage until it eventually stops working on him.
But Bandy still acts docile on his prescription, right?
Wouldn't you know it, one of the employees forgets to order the medicine that Bandy so desperately needs. It would take 2 days for the emergency order to come in.
No big deal, right? Bandy is always friendly to people, even before the new 'prescription', surely nothing bad will happen, right?
Well, Milo Murphy's law states that anything that can happen will happen.
On the second day, Bandy sees the bad Therapist and finally snaps. The suppressors on his magic had ceased working since his body had too much of it. It needed to be expelled.
And what better than the man who had started the torment?
It was all a blur to the skeleton, but it was bloody and brutal. The schizophrenic came to when he had cornered Dr. Alphys and Mrs. Toriel. A bloody pair of scissors in one hand, and a sharp bone in the other. He stared at the weapons before giggling, a manic grin on his face. Asylum knew a lot now, and the two women in front of him had let the therapist do whatever.
So, he finished the job before skipping off to the medicine cabinet.
He needed answers.
It would be quite a sight for the next victim, the person who delivered the medication. Seeing bloodied halls, corpses and dust everywhere.
And just like that, the deliverer would fall by Asylum's hands, and he gets the prescription he needed. So a win-win for him.
I feel like Swapped Dream and Ink would stumble upon the AU by chance and find Asylum playing with the corpse happily.
It's just a thought I had though, just a simple idea since I was bored. Just wanted it to be recorded a bit.
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strwbmei · 24 days
Ignore my last ask, too long. However! I do wonder, if you can time travel does that mean you could have multiple you’s in one place if they can time travel?
Just imagining some members of the Genius society, being like…wait what? Thats the 6th time they came home today? Wait why are there three of them? What the fu-
Extreme nerding utc
I wouldn't really be able to say for sure. Time travel means to go back in time but still stay in the same parallel universe, so theoretically, there can only be one of "you" in a timeline at any given time. If this were correct, I'd assume you'd simply take over the consciousness of the "you" of that point in time which you chose to travel to. Honestly the whole thing is really messy because of one very important question that arises: what happens to the "you" of that time when you travel back to your version of the present, if there even is a way to travel back at that point? Do you just lose consciousness until the point in time which is your version of the present? Does the "you" of that time retain parts of your consciousness? If so, I'm sure time travelling would be able to drive someone insane.
HOWEVER. If we applied quantum physics, technically it'd be possible to have multiple of you at the same point in time. In simple terms, the theory of quantum physics states that it's possible for something to be in multiple states, all at once. Think of a room containing a (human) pedophile and a machine that has a chance to explode and kill the pedophile inside of the room. (This example, the Schrodinger's Cat experiment, is mostly explained with a box, a cat, and a machine that could kill it, but I am using a pedophile in this case because I love animals too much and I couldn't think of any other living thing that is universally hated.) Until you open the door to that room, the pedophile is both dead and alive. This concept is called superposition. Using this concept, "you" could be both everywhere at nowhere all at once depending on where "you" are being observed/measures by somebody else.
Furthermore, if we apply quantum entanglement, it would also technically be possible for there to be three of you. Though if we followed quantum entanglement, all three of "you" would be doing the same thing. Quantum entanglement is like a special connection between particles, where the properties of one particle are linked to the properties of another, no matter how far apart they are. Imagine you have two entangled particles, and you separate them. If you change the property of one particle, like its spin or polarization, the other particle instantly changes to complement it, even if they're far apart. It's as if they're communicating faster than the speed of light, which is super fascinating and has puzzled scientists for years.
Sorry for the long reply, I just find these kinds of topics really interesting ahaha
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Leona: I can't marry her, she's after my money!
Farena: Of course she's after your money, why else she'd put up with your bitchass?
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A/N: I love you like Sammy loves Redwing.
Created for the 14 Days of Valentines community project, hosted by @muddyorbsblr
Series masterlist
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Includes: A little fluff
Summary: In a half-empty tower with a cagy Thor, Wanda takes a new route to interpret your situation
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As bowls and spoons swoop to the counters, the elevator dings. A no-nonsense blond walks in.
"Hey," she greets. "Are they on the quinjet already?"
"They should be," Wanda checks the time and introduces you to Agent Sharon Carter. "You filling in for Loki?"
"Yea. Cap said they need someone to cover medical." She nods back the way she came. "I better get going. Nice to meet you!"
Ten minutes later the doors open again, their ding accompanied by toppling and a strangled "No!"
A Pop-Tart box skids to a stop at your feet as you peek around the wall.
You place the turkey-clad container on the counter, moving to help the distressed god. "Hey Thor, need some help?"
He kneels amidst a pile of paper bags, Pop-Tart boxes strewn in every direction. "Yes," he sniffs, scooping his hoard back into the sacks. "I shouldn't have tried to carry so many at once, but school is getting out and the football mothers are sure to abscond with the rest."
You stifle a laugh, helping carry them to the kitchen. "It looks like you'll be set for a little while at least."
"But I don't know if stores will restock them before your Day of Giving Thanks and as Kel's Logs have deemed, the cranberry-orange flavor will only be available through Yuletide." He methodically begins assessing each box, dusting them off before assembling his display on the pantry's highest shelf. "I only hope I haven't harmed any in my enthusiasm."
Crisis averted; he looks at you uncomfortably. "My lady is too kind, given what my brother has done. To assist me after his affront to your honor...you are far too forgiving."
"Affront to my honor?"
Thor glances at Wanda, then awkwardly scoops up the remaining bags. "You know, I-I believe I'll just take the rest of these to my room. Wouldn't want the captain stress-eating them." He flees.
"Do you know what he's talking about?" you ask. "Nothing happened on our date. At all. Why is he freaking out?"
"Hm," she thoughtfully arranges pineapple slices in the pan. "Have you heard of the Richards Theory?"
"Can't say that I have."
The cherries, batter and pan float into the oven together. "FRIDAY," she waves you toward her room, "set a timer for 45 minutes."
"Yes, Ms. Maximoff," the AI responds.
"Ok," Wanda sits, patting the space beside her. "I think I might know what's going on, but I need you to tell me about your dream. All the details, not just the sexy ones."
You nod and take a seat on the bed. "We were kissing in a field, but it wasn't like our date. It felt like we'd been together for years. Like we'd known each other our whole lives. And it was...comfortable. No nerves or anything, just safe.
"We weren't worried about impressing each other and we said the 'L-word' like we say it every day. I think I knew the field we were in too. It felt like...home? But I know that sounds silly. I've never been there before."
Wanda snorts. "I'm a telepath and you're dating a god. Nothing sounds silly anymore."
A thick, purple book floats over from the shelf and she flips through it. "Here," she moves to show you the page. "Richards hypothesized that ours is not the only universe. He said we're just one of many parallel universes stacked on top of each other.
"Assuming that's the case, he went on to suggest our dreams are not creations of our subconscious, but rather our other selves' experiences in their own realities."
"Okay," you pause. "So, you're saying that if this theory is correct, what I dreamed last night actually happened? In some other universe, where Loki and I have been together for a decade." She nods. "That explains why it felt so real, but not what Thor said about 'affronting my honor,' or why Loki ran off."
You're contemplating how to get a straight answer out of Thor when the window lights up and the whole room glows. For a moment it's as if you're standing beside a giant prism.
"That's the Bifrost," Wanda says. "Either Loki's back or Thor ran off to avoid interrogation. Shall we?"
A/N: Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @peaches1958, @javagirl328, @loopsisloops, @goblingirlsarah, @buttercupcookies-blog, @lovelysizzlingbluebird, @cakesandtom, @ladymischief11, @km-ffluv
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the list.
Next part
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altraviolet · 3 months
Haven't been able to read the last 3 chapters yet, so I'm up to the part where Soundwave met alternate Rodimus and gave him the hope to start the lost light again and reach out to his friends.
Had a shower thought, since the Megatron for this alternate Rodimus is dead (likely execution right?), once the new lost light gets up and going, will they pick up a new Megatron? Will they seek out a replacment the way our Rodimus is replacing his own lost crew members like Ambulon and Mirage?
I thought about which of the Megatrons that we know of would be in a position where this new lost light would take them in? SG Megatron has his war against evil Optimus, animated Megatron is still very much the decepticon leader, and armada Megatron is solidly evil I think from what I've seen from that show.
Then it hit me. At the end of transformers Prime (not talking about the silly supposed sequal that is RiD 2015) Prime Megatron, after being used by Unicron, gives up the decepticon cause and just leaves to wander the galaxy endlessly in exile or something. What if the new Rodimus and lost light crew come across Prime Megatron and take him in?
What would be really interesting, I think, is what if the alternate Rodimus wants to find our Prime Soundwave and thank him for inspiring him to try again. What if he succeeds, and Prime Soundwave and our lost light crew meet meet Prime Megatron and his lost light crew.
I think it would be really messed up to see the parallel between Prime Soundwave and Prime Megatron being saved by the lost light, especially because Prime Megatron was the one who hurt Prime Soundwave.
I don't know if you've thought about this before, but I'd love to hear your opinion on it. I hope this ask isn't too confusing. It's a little hard to differentiate between the rodimus we have followed in this story vs. the romimus we meet at the end. I'm glad to see that you met your goal of finishing on the 4th! This story has been nothing short of amazing! Thank you for telling it 😁
This is a fun bunch of thoughts :D Unfortunately my answers are going to ruin all the fun. Sorry about that :'D
>once the new lost light gets up and going, will they pick up a new Megatron?
The LL and its ability to jump were unique in the comics. There is no other ship or other Lost Light that the original Rodimus can find and then jump to another universe in. There will be no picking up of other alt-dimensioners, because there is no way to get to them.
>which of the Megatrons that we know of would be in a position where this new lost light would take them in?
ironically (as per the next question), the only one I know of is TFP Megatron. we did leave him in a state where he was questioning everything he'd ever done and basically sworn off subjecting others to that which he had been subjected to
>What if the new Rodimus and lost light crew come across Prime Megatron and take him in?
I'm afraid that there's something very subtle that has been missed here. The LL was able to travel to the TFP dimension at the beginning of the story because no one on the ship has a living equivalent in that dimension. So... yeah, that means in TEG, if we want to be correct about things, TFP Ratchet and Megatron are dead.
So, even if the original Rodimus found another ship like the Lost Light and managed to jump into the TFP dimension, TFP Megs would be dead.
Soundwave noted this veryyyyyyy briefly in the fic. Somewhere. It's like, one line, and he didn't linger on it. But I'm pretty sure I put it in there.
Despite those logistics-
>I think it would be really messed up to see the parallel between Prime Soundwave and Prime Megatron being saved by the lost light, especially because Prime Megatron was the one who hurt Prime Soundwave.
-yes, that would be very interesting to see. TFP Megatron has/would have had (yay tenses) already gone through that kind of arc, though. If he were alive.
Thank you for the well wishes! I hope you enjoy the rest of the fic :)
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magpie-sherlock · 10 months
Ooo, a hyperfixation you say? adfkajkdljafjfdsdjkhj
Umm this includes spoilers for TotK, not sure if you have played it; if not feel free to delete this, its a long rant anyways lol (and just let me know if there's a different hyperfixation you want me to send I'm so sorry)
Right now I have this whole big theory about the Zelda timeline. I actually think that BotW/Totk is its own parallel timeline to the one that we've all accepted as canon. I also think that the downfall timeline is its own parallel timeline as well due to the legend of the creation of the Master Sword being different to the one shown in Skyward Sword. But don't get me wrong; all of the games I consider canon (because I've heard that a lot of people don't consider the games outside of BotW/Totk/AoC(?) canon) and they somehow influence the other games due to parrellel legends or circumstance, hence why there's so many references in BotW to each of the other games, even more so in TotK. Plus, I find it odd that only Skyward Sword and BotW/TotK mention Hylia when all of the rest of the games (if we don't take into context that these games were the more recent additions to the franchise) seemed to have forgotten about her.
In short, I think there are three timelines: The Goddess Timeline (Lttp, Loz 1+2, etc), the Hylia Timeline (SS, OoT, TP and WW etc), and the Zonai Timeline (TotK, BotW, AoC) that make up the games. Two of which Hylia gets forgotten about, the other basically a parellel when Hylia isn't forgotten but there's also a magical race of people who I think may have actually been descendent from Hylia.
ACTUALLY, scratch that; I really like the idea of Sonia being the descendent of Hylia because I've heard somewhere that the descendants of Skyward Sword Zelda, aka Hylia, have become priestesses carrying her sacred power, hence one of the reasons why Sonia married Rauru. So maybe Skyward Sword actually caused a timeline split, just one of the timeline people evenually forgot about Hylia and the other people honored her (I mean, the Zonai are basically gods in the Zelda universe so that may have been the reason for them to keep on worshipping her).
Sorry for the long thing; the Zelda timeline is just a really big puzzle to me and I really like taking about it
thank you for the infodump!! don't apologize, this is really cool! (i will tell on you to Silver, be careful)
so i don't know as much as i should about the Zelda timelines, but i like this idea a lot actually. correct me if i'm wrong, but you're saying that instead of the timeline splitting at OoT, it may have split at SS? hm. goodness gracious there's so much religion involved in this!
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amplifyme · 6 months
Going to keep this short because A. life and B. not a ton of progress made! :DDDD
Cat and Mouse 
It’s an even richer reading experience now that I have faces and voices to put to each character. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Sam was the man killed in the episode Snow, right? 
Nan’s extrapolations on Vincent being named after a saint makes me wonder if perhaps I did hit on a grain of an idea by drawing parallels between the injuries of Jacob from the biblical canon and  Jacob Wells/Father. At the very least, I’m going to pat myself very prematurely on the back. XDDD 
Mitch, unlamented? Was he the criminal in S1? If so, great callback, Nan! 
Nan’s notes on Cullen are really incredible, honestly-- she sets so much up already by going backwards in time. Great reread. 
Cullen needing to be more cautious with the children around. Kanin not yet knowing all the ways of Below. Vincent telling Father but not telling him about Cullen's deal of silence. All interesting.
I prodded sis about her thoughts on Nan's "version" of Father. Sis: “I still think she does Father really funny.” 
“Better to volunteer, he thought, than to wait for the inevitable to be forced, however courteously, upon him.”-- OOoooooh, like The Alchemist and The Outsiders. Cool stuff, Nan. 
“Vincent slid his palm across, beyond the timber-reinforced doorway, were water-carved: this slightly tilted, tall cavern was a section of the channel of a lost subterranean river. No one knew why or when the river had stopped flowing.” Is that… is that a reference to the INCIDENT in Part III when Vincent lets the water loose? “Where a river had been, a river might suddenly return. The possibility of flood couldn't be ignored.” IT IS A REFERENCE. 
“He ruefully slapped his bad hip—an old injury, aggravated by arthritis.” So, Sis relayed to me about Roy's story at con about the origin of Father’s injury coming about because of Roy’s back luck with hips and swimming pools-- which, that’s perversely hilarious and makes moments like the above hit a little bit different (aside from Nan’s backstory, of course.) 
Btw, sis inhaled most of the con and has been telling me bits and pieces. Thus far, I’m hooked on Nan and she’s hooked on any BATB 1987 bts content.  
“Accept my warm welcome to the ranks of the chronically uncertain.” What a hilarious line from Father-- and what weight this conversation has, especially with Nan’s backstories she will continue to unfurl in the coming chapters. LOVED it. 
Father and his chess and Vincent’s “Sixty-two… if one happened to be counting” was exquisite. 
Vincent pondering over the boy huddling in the dark, hungry and alone, for “reasons he could put no name to”-- incredible. 
Gotta scuttle off! Be back soon with more~! :DDDDD
Hey! Sorry for the delay responding. I just pulled myself out of the rabbit hole.
Let's Talk about Cat and Mouse, one of my favorite "Young Vincent" stories.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Sam was the man killed in the episode Snow, right? 
I think that's safe to assume.
Mitch, unlamented? Was he the criminal in S1? If so, great callback, Nan! 
Yep, Mitch Denton from the episode The Beast Within. He also plays a small but important role in my fic The Possibility of Being. Nan and I shared a certain curiosity about a few of the one-off characters on the show.
I prodded sis about her thoughts on Nan's "version" of Father. Sis: “I still think she does Father really funny.” 
Like funny as in amusing, or funny as in not in character?
“Better to volunteer, he thought, than to wait for the inevitable to be forced, however courteously, upon him.”-- OOoooooh, like The Alchemist and The Outsiders. Cool stuff, Nan. 
And on many other occasions over the years, I'm sure. There's just so much fodder for fanfic in the BATB universe, so many unanswered questions, so many missing years.
No one knew why or when the river had stopped flowing.” Is that… is that a reference to the INCIDENT in Part III when Vincent lets the water loose? “Where a river had been, a river might suddenly return. The possibility of flood couldn't be ignored.” IT IS A REFERENCE. 
Another of the many seeds Nan planted from early on. She had a remarkable gift for that sort of thing. She was very much a gardener. I'll post a quote from GRRM when I'm finished here, where he distinguishes between two types of writers.
Btw, sis inhaled most of the con and has been telling me bits and pieces. Thus far, I’m hooked on Nan and she’s hooked on any BATB 1987 bts content.  
I wish there was more video of Nan. She was a blast to hang out with. But your sister certainly has lots to discover and enjoy with all the con videos.
“Accept my warm welcome to the ranks of the chronically uncertain.” What a hilarious line from Father-- and what weight this conversation has, especially with Nan’s backstories she will continue to unfurl in the coming chapters.
I love Nan's Father. Yet another character that she absolutely nails. There are some fans who don't care for Father and I've never understood that. I always loved him as his own person, as well as the relationship he and Vincent have. You'd have to be blind not to see how much they love and respect each other. That's part of why the events of the trilogy was such a blow to Vincent's peace of mind.
Father and his chess and Vincent’s “Sixty-two… if one happened to be counting” was exquisite. 
Though we don't see it often on screen, I'm convinced Vincent has a very wry sense of humor and he and Father likely took affectionate shots at each other all the time. Life Below couldn't possibly have been all drama and angst. These folks liked to have fun too.
Vincent pondering over the boy huddling in the dark, hungry and alone, for “reasons he could put no name to”-- incredible. 
Perhaps a bit of Buster's memories of abandonment bleeding through to Vincent? That's what I've always thought anyway.
Okay, time to wrap this up. I've got to do one more read-through before I post my new V & D fic. 😁
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stillness138 · 3 months
As a companion post, i also redid my least favourite Gwent card art into a top 20, though i daresay a lot of the technical complaints are universal. I'll try not to be too mean.
Also under the cut.
My (but i am objectively correct) top 20 least favourite Gwent card arts:
They can't all be precious...
There's a certain amount of "why is she naked" or "why is she dead" or "why is she dead and naked" kinda art, but then Karol Bem rolled up and somehow made the card pool so much worse. At least Whoreson Jr. is technically impressive.
20: Ciaran aep Easnillen by Bryan Sola ...however i'm still allowed to not like it when my blorbos suffer on their card arts. Bryan is a great artist and i'm sure he didn't mean malice, unfortunately this is Ciaran's most memorable (read: literally only) scene. This is mostly personal bias.
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19: Milva by Bartłomiej Gaweł To be nice! I like the tiled floor, that's a nice level of detail. I like her practical outfit in the spirit of the old minigame art, too. Heck, even the tragic irony of the scene wouldn't be so bad - she clearly shot before getting shot... If only this wasn't Milva's only card art for years and if she wasn't a well-explored book character with plenty of scenes to choose from. It could've been way worse too i guess.
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18: Chapter of Wizards by Maciej Łaszkiewicz Listen. Maciej is a cool artist with a very distinct, also quite "classical painting" style. I like a lot of his pieces from the last card sets. But. Whose idea was to solve the question of representing a historically changing organization with a statue of its founders? Furthermore, who thought people are gonna be blown away by the in-game avatar this inevitably spawned? :D It's just funny more than anything. I guess I can appreciate the Lord of the Rings reference.
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17: Mammuna, also by Maciej Łaszkiewicz This one is unfortunately not that funny. I'm not sure i can explain it; it's a Monsters card, offputting things are the name of the game. This is one of the artworks that definitely, or probably, fall under completely personal reactions, or at least i never heard loud complaints about it the same way say Coup de Grâce is widely considered one of the best Nilfgaard card arts. Maybe i don't like how the character design seems a bit random, maybe i'm tired of the tired witch=hooked nose trope, maybe it's the color scheme and weirdly unpleasant looking textures. I guess it's just very much not for me.
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16: Selfeater by Alicja Użarowska Similar case as previously. I don't even mind a lot of gross art - the infamous Parasite (the parallels now that bg3 is out lol) isn't on this list - and the Monsters faction is there to go crazy with this type of stuff. And yet, i can't stand this little abomination, and neither can most of the Gwent playerbase. It's not even the toe-in-mouth that really makes it bad, at least for me it's the texture and stretching of its skin. It simultaneously looks like it's melting and about to tear apart. Just an overall no thanks.
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15: Miner by Christof Grobelski Christof is my new, excuse the zoomer language, pogchamp, because i think he is severely underrated given the crazy impressive lengths he went into with card art like Vivaldi Bank and even Phooca, and Miner isn't really bad. Unfortunately, fear of depths.
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14: Doppler by Bartłomiej Gaweł Bartłomiej loves himself some dirt and mud and wet beast wednesday, and i can appreciate that. But this one isn't it. The palette, the scene. This, beside Dudu's card art, is the only way dopplers are represented in the game, and that's a shame. Leave the poor soul alone :(.
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13: Brehen by Oleksandr Kozachenko I'm sorry to say, this is the weakest Way of the Witcher art. I appreciate it's the one scene everyone knows Brehen for, but why must he look like the village lowlife parents tell you not to talk to? I mean, not that Brehen could be trusted with kids. He's despicable, but that doesn't need to be communicated by making him look unappealing. On the other hand, wouldn't his personality have more impact if he was comparatively good looking? Or maybe i'm a shallow bitch who'd rather some eye candy... To give some credit to the character design though, the fact the lady is wearing the opposite of revealing clothes is a welcome refreshment. And i quite like the shading on her clothes too.
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12: War Chariot by Grafit Studio There are a couple of more fairytale-like, bright and whimsical card arts, and there are arts with smoother, almost glossy textures, neither is really my issue with this. What rubs me the wrong way is the scene itself. It comes off as showing the elves as something grotesque, the butt of a joke, and, sure, this is a Northern Realms card, but it still feels... unserious in the wrong way. Admittedly i am biased.
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11: Toad Prince by Marek Madej It's again a matter of personal taste in the Monsters faction, because in essence, everything i don't like about it can really be justified by having the red faction sticker. But he still looks like a formless mass of vaguely green snot to me. And his comparably thin little arms look like he's wearing long sleeves that also got covered in green snot. Which, admittedly, was the case for the whole sewer in Hearts of Stone, so who am i to complain. It's far from the worst, maybe it shouldn't be this high on the list, at least this piece mostly fades into obscurity and Marek is an actually skilled artist. I'm saying this because Bem's time draws near.
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10: Vilgefortz by Nemanja Stankovic Full personal bias. Technically very much fine between the different textures, little drama in the lighting and fire particles borrowed from Bryan Sola. Look at the crazed look in Vilgefortz's face, lore accurate. Then look at the gloves of the guy he's melting into paste. And then suffer with me.
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9: King Radovid V by Nemanja Stankovic and Radovid: Judgment by Valeriy Vegera Ok, this is a special case. I'm lumping them together because my issue with them is the same; their metatext. CDPR has a very obvious boner for Radko and despite writing him to be a complete cringefail idiot, they keep pretending like he's the coolest mf this side of Yaruga. If they actually allowed him to be the 17yo grooming victim he is with some nuance and without the thinly veiled nationalism projected onto the worst possible candidate with no self-reflection, i'd hate his ass (at leas the Gwent one) a lot less. Also the second art is the stupidest decision in the last card drop. Calanthe died for this. Literally.
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8: Saov Ainmhi'dh by Ivan Vilmant Price of Power's infamous outsourcing of card art led to this unfortunate letdown. The artist tried! You can tell. But, in a spark of bitter irony, the spectral deer ended up looking as plastic as the Hobbit movies it references.
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7: Temple of Melitele by Karol Bem This should be higher and would be if i didn't have to go through some more "please don't do this, good artist". But trust, this is one of Karol's worst crimes against good card art. From afar it looks alright! Cute piece with maybe even a bit of an old postcard vibe. Then you look closer and it falls apart completely. From the top; some roofs have texture, some don't. Some windows and arches don't line up or have ever so slightly off perspective. In places that are unexplainably sharper or blurrier than others, it's apparent Karol used extra assets. And on the very left, the foliage just sort of blends in until it disappears, because Karol doesn't understand depth. As a cherry on top, check out the little wooden bridge making no sense. The more and closer one looks, the more of a mess it is. Karol, you bloody hack.
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6: Savvy Huckster by Siarhei Hlushakou This one, surprisingly enough, is more bearable upon closer inspection, but something about it used to absolutely grate my nerves when i still played or watched the game somewhat regularly. I don't know if it's the odd use of its color palette, the kind of obsolete idea of a card to begin with or the weird rocks on the tray unpleasantly standing out, or all of the above, but i can't stand looking at it for too long. But again. At least the artist actually painted something. Right, Karol?
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5: Kerack Cutthroat by Valeriy Vegera Technically alright, if only too dark and washed up. Then again, the scene itself is tired too. The "why is she naked and dying?" And actually, taking the premium into account, why must she be getting stabbed over and over infinitely? Y'all didn't think this one through, did you. I'm sorry Valeriy, i still love your art, but this one really wasn't it on pretty much any front. But, even for this one, like every other legitimate artist on this list, you get the honorary "not a hack" badge.
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4: Saint Gregory and Rosa and Edna var Attre by Karol Bem These two don't necessarily have all the same issues, but i guess there isn't enough slots in the universe to describe Karol's astonishingly low levels of competence. St. Gregory suffers from Karol's lack of depth understanding, but moreso it's a good example of that thing he does where he applies atrocious amounts of noise or grain onto everything. Enlarge and look at the area of and around the center left guy in the forefront. I'm also really not a fan of the magic fire glow this thing has. Rosa and Edna deserved so much better. To get the carelessness out of the way, check out Rosa's thumb in the foreground. What. Both their faces are inhumanly smooth, someone said they might be 3D models painted over and i wouldn't be surprised. Even in such a detail as the texture of the wooden sword you can kind of tell Karol relies on outsourced assets and thelike a lot; he doesn't have that much of a personal style (other than the awful grain) so when a unique texture shows up, it's probably safe to assume he pasted it in. To top it all off, the lighting of this piece is atrocious.
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3: Yaga by Bogdan Rezunenko and Lesser Witch by Karol Bem Fatphobia. Just don't. That's to Bogdan. You, Karol, quit trying to fit in with the cooler kids, and by that i mean you should've long since quit making Gwent art by the time this unfortunately saw the light of day. I did promise i'll try not to be too mean, but there really isn't much to say about these two. Bogdan is a capable artist who should maybe check his biases or maybe just think about whether the way too estabilished visual shorthands for evil are faulty (they are). Karol Bem wouldn't know believable illusion of perspective and good texturing if they smacked him across the face.
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2: Artaud Terranova by Katarzyna Bekus Molegion actually tried to explain this one to me. And, sure, having terrible characters with terrible traits represented by doing terrible things is fine on paper. For once we got a book scene, too (god why are most of the book scenes in Gwent all the painful stuff), that's cool. Making the canon pedo fat, i think less so. It's otherwise technically a good artwork with merits, i like Ciri's hair, the textures in the columns and the color palette. The pose, as much as i hate it, makes anatomical sense (this will become relevant in a short bit). But i can't get over how in the premium Ciri has to wriggle around waiting for Geralt who just won't show up. In the end, did Terranova have to exist in Gwent at all? Since this was in the Thanedd drop, why not a Nilfgaard Isengrim card? That would've been cool. He actually has a few usable book scenes.
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"Honorable" mention: Little Bird by Karol Bem Karol's worst tendencies: the card. A pile of assets, none of which are fitted, or in the case of the stuff hanging from the ceiling, even cropped well. Misunderstanding of depth, the hanging herbs are blurry but the guys under them are sharp, the items in the foreground are blurry again but way too much. Strands of the girl's hair straight up cut off in the middle and then resume again. And, of course, a noise effect to try to cover it all up. I swear to god Karol.
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1: Vereena by, of course, Karol Bem I hate to hate it. Because it could've been another book-adjacent scene and the color scheme is actually a rare moment of brightness for Karol, because usually, Vereena is put in colder tones. But unfortunately, he bungled this one in a whole new kind of spectacular fashion. The leg. The leg is very obviously, undeniably, comically, anatomically...incorrect. The rest of her isn't very good either, the front hand looks awkward, her neck and shoulders aren't properly built. The foot is too small. Even the hair is made in a way that makes it look like a weirdly solid mass. The drapery doesn't make sense in the waist area. On a vibe or depicted scene level, there are probably pieces i loathe more than this one, but as an artist and a person with legs, the painfully obvious anatomy issue of this one earns it the title of worst Gwent art in my book. Karol Bem is a hack, which is why this happened at all. I'm willing to believe he's not a malicious person either, but he should probably stop seeking work in a field he clearly has to fake his way through. Perhaps he'd make a better graphic designer?
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To add something more positive at the end of this list as a whole, Gwent has a card pool of, i believe, a little over a thousand and a couple hundred, and the strong majority of it are incredibly stunning works of art. The overall quality is of its own kind, and it's much easier to choose 20 amazing and impactful pieces than find 20 that are bad enough to be ripped apart online. The existence of premiums is cool, but the static art on its own is some of the best modern fantasy art to be found. That's really heckin cool for an obscure game set in a relatively obscure universe.
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fishandships · 1 year
Ashes of Memory trailer observations
y'all when i saw the poster for this update with Frederick instead of Norton and heard that the featured Hunter was gonna be BQ instead of Nightmare i was SO disappointed BUT this trailer laid my fears to rest and now i'm SUPER excited for this update because as all my fellow detectives doubtlessly do, i have questions. i also have a few points towards my theory that this (Alice's version of events) is some kind of parallel universe, ALTHOUGH the other theory i have is that "Orpheus"' version is somehow altered due to his memory loss issues and that Alice's version is the correct one.
first off, we have ANOTHER variant of the DeRoss family portrait, making this the fifth variant that i'm aware of to date.
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remember from The Journalist's trailer that she has one variant of this portrait in her possession - it's going to be interesting hearing why it's so different.
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i'll spare you another rant on the button eyes being significant somehow but also of note is that in the version that Alice has on her nightstand, it shows the same parents along with herself as a little girl, while obviously the version she finds in the Manor shows the parents with Orpheus and two other people. this leads me to another difference i find intriguing, and that is the comparison to the version of this portrait that The Novelist found in his memory of his Game. this one shows himself as a child along with his parents and Mr. and Mrs. Perez, the forest rangers. their faces are obscured along with that of young "Orpheus". now in the newest variant of this portrait, we get to see their faces, though they are now dressed as a farmer and a maid. i'm not sure if this indicates that the individuals pictured here are not the Perezes, or that in this version the Perez family had different roles in the Manor (if so, it will be fascinating to see whether their son did as well).
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i thought this bird might be a nightingale which would have been rather poignant but it's not :/ unless it's a fantasy variant for this universe or something. i wanted to identify it to see if it was of some other significance, but the shot is just too blurry to get a positive ID. my closest guesses based off of that crest, the distinct black collar, and the beige to cream underside would be a Crested Tit (although - and forgive my American-ness here for a sec - the silhouette makes it look WAY more like our Blue Jays here in North America, although i doubt a Chinese design team would pick an American bird rather than a Eurasian species).
ON TO THE MOST INTERESTING PART. yes i will be bringing up my argument that Norton isn't a killer for the umpteenth time, and this time i have some damn good evidence. despite the trailer being REAL keen on making it look like he's pursuing the entomologist who's running for her life, further inspection shows that something very different is going on here. firstly, he's not looking ahead of him as if pursuing someone. he's looking behind him, as though he's the one being pursued.
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slowing the clip down confirms this. you can also see that his expression looks worried, and it's clear why - he is in fact being pursued, and attacked, by a flock of ravens crows*. i don't think it's too big a leap to infer that he's actually being hunted by Nightmare.
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which i feel is confirmed by the subsequent (almost immediately so) appearance of The Man Himself in this incredibly sickass shot
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and another metaphorical shot of the moth (having been used as an allegory for Alice herself in the previous in-game event) being destroyed by the raven crow* during Bird DILF's epic entrance.
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*i am fully aware they're supposed to be ravens but they're so petite they look much more like crows (ravens are overall much beefier-looking than crows).
so i guess my hopes for this update at this point are 1) more Norton and possibly Bane content, 2) clarification on the whole Perez family and their relationship to the DeRoss family, and 3) Norton's name being cleared once and for all. i also will be appreciating any and all Nightmare content UwU
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