#cogita x reader
microwave-core · 1 year
Bounding Through Memories
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Cogita x Fem! Reader
Cogita reflects on just about every aspect of her life day in and day out. After all, there’s only so much to do when left in complete isolation. It just so happens that the thoughts that haunt her the most are the ones that fracture her heart the most.
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The somber stillness of the morning never ceased to enrapture Cogita. The dew clinging to blades of grass, the dull drone of pokemon in the distance, the gentle gurgling of the nearby stream, the sun kissing the earth as it ascends into the sky to illuminate the land with light, but selfishly hoarding its warmth to itself.
What more was there for an old lady to do in the morning but admire it, knowing that someone, somewhere was gazing up upon the same sky? The sunrise was her favorite time of day, rivaled only by the sun’s eclipse at its end. She loathes watching every day pass by, each more painstaking than the last, but at least she could enjoy nature as she waits for her tea to brew. 
She tends to her monotonous tasks of the day-preparing tea, cooking with her favorite strangely pink cutting board, and getting fully dressed-as quickly as she can in order to take advantage of the early solstice. The sleepiness of the morning was perfect for tending to her garden along with admiration.
It was mandatory to tend to her plants in order to remain self-sufficient, but a part of her does resent planting so much. Her bones just aren’t what they used to be. In her younger years, it was much easier to tend to, both with her more youthful visage as well as the additional set of hands…
…Regardless, she weeds and waters and harvests while being as careful as she can, else she’ll end up injured again. To think, at one point in her life she was able to tend to this garden and so much more with ease. How long has it been? She stopped keeping track years ago. 
After all, what was the point of keeping track of how long you’ve been alone for? Why relish in misery anymore than she needed to? She pulled away from the greater, wider world willingly to better fulfill the task bestowed upon her at random, because she didn’t need other people, other pokemon, in her life. Because two is a company, and anymore is a bother.
She wasn’t alone… she couldn’t be. But in her selfish desire to remain attached to one woman and no one else, she landed herself into almost complete isolation, left to live out each boring, monotonous day alone until her purpose could be fulfilled. Oh, how she longs for the day her reason for existence would come, because once it comes to pass she can be reunited with her beloved…
With the garden taken care of, she returns to her table, accompanied by nothing but her tea, prepared to wait for someone, anyone to stumble upon her abode. She would never admit to being fond of the strange merchant who uses her wisdom as an excuse to slack off his work, but he, at the very least, provided a warm body to speak with. It’s not like she does anything else, not anymore, anyway.
There was a point in time where she would pass her days with poetry, the only hobby, other than gardening, distracting her from the drag of the day, but she forced her hand to still. What was the point of continuing her work when they would just end up hidden beneath miscellaneous surfaces? When she was younger, more active, she could at least burrow them within the vastness of Hisui. She could rid herself of them, bury the pain they brought about, as if she wasn’t the one to birthed them into existence.
She misses the days where her poetry were lathered and honey and lavender, coated in such sweetness that would make even the most mature individuals gag. They were the embodiment of scattered rose petals, so romantic and fluffy that they never failed to make her beloved blush… Poems that would be cherished by another person to be slathered in even more love. Poems that would eventually end up in an ornate container to be hidden from view.
But those days are gone, and they will never come back. The thought twists the knife already buried deep within her chest even deeper, having weaved through her heart and drilling into the bone. It makes her eyes glisten with fondness and tears, perpetually stuck between reminiscing and crying. It makes her want to curl up within the grave she should have been buried in ages ago, the one by her wife’s side.
Cogita is lucky the only task related to her beloved that haunts her to this day was writing, else she would have perished long ago. Her dear wife aided her everyday in cooking and gardening and sewing. She loved to sit by the campfire and the table and admire the morning and everything Cogita does to this day, but now she does it alone and that will never change. 
She lost the art of poetry because her thoughts would drift to her departed, and suddenly her hand would start channeling all that pain into words, desecrating the page until was as tormented as her, and if that wasn’t bad enough it would suffer for eternity stuffed between two surfaces never to be seen again. If she were to allow her thoughts to drift when working through the day she would already be dead, long since starved because the garden would make her see apparitions and cooking would burn her hands.
She hates the life given to her, the wisdom and knowledge and the unimaginable pain, but what was she to do? She hates being alone, taunted by the fact that the one person she truly cared for is gone, but she can’t reenter society, either. She can barely stand her own misery as is, if she were forced to watch young couples happy and in love and just being together in the present she would die a miserable, painful death from heartache. 
But Hisui is cruel and the Almighty is crueler. And so she awaits for some young body, thrown headfirst into a world they don’t fully understand for no fault of their own, to bestow her wisdom upon. And then, and only then, could she shut her eyes to the miserably cruel world and finally drift into the stream of unconsciousness with her beloved.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
Royals au: Prince Submas pt. 2/3
Backstory: You are but a simple commoner who found one of Princess Elesa's Emolgas lost in the streets one day while heading to work one day and decided to return the little squirrel to the royal, little did you know, that act of random kindness would seal your fate, as you unknowingly caught the eye of one of the Twin princes.
readers team:  [Krokorok, Roserade, ,Castform (it showed up one day after a strange lighting storm that appeared while you were tilling the fields.). 
Golurk (It's a medieval Unovian Golurk it's Typing is Ghost/fire, Your Golurk is a shiny one it has black armor and a blue flame flame core, the normal ones have white armor with orange flames, It's fiercely protective of those it's sworn loyalty to.] 
and a Medieval Unovian Joltik/Galvantula which is bug/fairy and is usually found in the Dreaming fields, (Dream yard.) the silk it produces is strong, beautiful and highly sought after for making clothing) . [regular Joltiks are still around but their only found in Charge stone caverns.]
Y/n sighed as she wiped her forehead of sweat and admired her work, as she held a basket of freshly harvested crops against her hip, her eyes surveyed grounds of her newly established farm just outside of Accumula town, her Krokorok was busy softening up the ground for her, while her Roserade planted a variety of seeds, from berries to vegetables.
The y/ht woman’s  attention was averted to her recently caught Pokémon, Castform. It was an odd one it was gray and fluffy like a rain cloud and had a strange ability to transform with the weather it predicts, The way it came under Y/n's ownership was just as odd, Like she told Grimsley. "She went out to check her fishing nets, when suddenly it was like the sky exploded! the ground was hot and the air felt cold and she could see day and night all at once.
Feeling utterly terrified Y/n hid in the tall grass as a strange lighting rained down from the sky along with fearsome Pokémon the likes of which she's never seen! One stuck out to her, it was small weak and looked injured as the other Pokémon attacking each other, fearing for the little one's safety Y/n used one the Pokéballs Cogita had left behind and caught it, then the storm stopped as it suddenly began and the strange Pokémon disappeared and the sky went back to normal, the only evidence of the storms existence was Castform. 
Soon the little weather predictor became a huge help on Y/n's farm with it's weather manipulating abilities she had days of work cut in half! and crops sprouted a bit faster and larger then the ones she'd grown back in Nimbasa. Y/n had to thank Cogita for gifting the summer cottage to her.
The governess stated that she barely uses the place anymore as it's too far for her travel to these days, so she handed ownership the house and land over to Y/n and told the farmer to do as she wished, and Y/n did what she was best at she farmed. 
{You're probably wondering why Cogita helped Y/n instead of letting her die? well let's rewind.}
As soon as Cogita heard of Princess Elesa's poisoning and that Y/n was the main suspect, she felt something was off... She knew of lady Y/n's relationship with [Twin of choice.] and heard the rumors that he was planning to break off his engagement with Elesa, thus renouncing his rights to the throne in order to be with Y/n. the governess's suspicions soon fell on her nephew, Volo. Not even a day had passed since the incident, and he was already trying to push his sister into the twin prince's inner circle.
Cogita suspicions were further prompted when she asked Princess Iris if she noticed anything odd on the day Elesa was poisoned? The young princess said she saw Volo poking around princess Elesa's tea cart. And thought she saw him toss something into the bushes just before Clian went to serve Y/n and Elesa.
 Cogita had the area searched and sure enough they found a small purple bottle, hidden in the shrubs, and there was only one place in Unova where one could purchase such a vile liquid, was In the port town of Castelia there's a black market district.
The Duskstone alley, A place very well known by Grimsley, as he happens to be a frequent patron of the alley's gambling parlors, he confirmed with Cogita that he'd seen Volo heading into one of the corner clubs where these black market's are usually held in, he also found it too coincidental that his cousin was mysteriously poisoned just mere days after the news broke of Lady Cynthia's broken engagement with Duke Stone... Having met Y/n once before he knew the farm hand wouldn't have a reason for harming Elesa, He didn't want to see an innocent life being lost due to corrupted royalty, so being the ever confident gambling man. He took a risk and helped Cogita get Y/n out of Nimbasa, Good thing they did too because...
[pov switch]
"Ah.." Y/n gasped causing her Pokémon stop working and looked at her concerned, she smiled and waved at them reassuringly as she brought her hand down the rub her growing belly. 
She felt another forceful kick. 
"Sorry love, mommy will take a break soon." she gently cooed, a month or so after Y/n was rescued she found out she was with child, she wasn't expecting it. she just thought her cycle was late due to the stress from being imprisoned and having to restart her life over again, It wasn't until she recalled the last time when she and [Twin of choice.] had been intimate did she connect the dots... Needless to say, Y/n was terrified not because she was pregnant, but rather she was pregnant with the child of one of the crown princes!
What if someone from the palace finds out, they have agents everywhere! Surely they have to know she's not dead! Will take the baby from her? Y/n felt ill, she had written a letter to Cogita about her current predicament but... She couldn't bring herself to deliver it!
She knew the letter would be intercepted and it's contents would be known before even reaching the governess, Y/n had heard whispers among the townsfolk that security was increased around castle Drakon since Volo's arrest, any and all letters were to be checked by the scribes for any encryptions that could lead them to Volo's co-conspirators, Y/n didn't want to be found incase the king still thought of her as guilty or even a possible accomplice to Volo's scheme.
Only Grimsley and Cogita knew about her being alive, And-...Suddenly it dawned on Y/n, Grim- Duke Blackpool knew about her, he was Elesa's cousin! he can get into the castle without being searched! Y/n quickly opened the draws of her desk where she had stashed the letters for Cogita and Elesa, she wrote a letter to Grimsley as well explaining what to do with them, hopefully this works. Y/n kept her fingers crossed as she sent the Delibird she requested on it's way....
Meanwhile things in Castle Drakon were tense to say the least, [Ingo or Emmet] was frustrated he was forbidden to leave the castle without escort, hell he couldn't even go to take a piss without a guard checking every nook and cranny for any possible danger, he knows a serious threat had befallen on the royal family... But, Arc's will man, is no place sacred?! And don't even get him started on his brother!
Ever since Volo's arrest, {twin of choice]'s condition seem to worsen, they lost the will to battle! he didn't eat hardly slept... it was like when Y/n died, part of him died with her! and [Ingo/ Emmet] couldn't stand it, he wanted his brother back! But, how? He thought maybe introducing his brother to another partner would help ease his pain... But [Ingo/Emmet]'s lover talked him down from it, explaining how it was cruel and unfair to his brother and an insult to Y/n's memory... They Convinced him to just give his brother some time until he was ready move forward again.
meanwhile [Twin of choice.] was resting in his bed staring listlessly at his ceiling, the maid had been through twice to clear away his untouched food and the several empty bottles of alcohol littering his room. He was reminiscing about how he met Y/n...
Ingo: There was a party going on Ingo had snuck away was reading in the library, when he heard, women screaming he looked as saw intoxicated man harassing some of the maids, he went to shout at the man to leave or have Chandelle (Chandelure) scare the drunk off, but before Ingo could reach for his Pokéball, Someone had already rush between the maids and the man, Another lady, She was a somewhat (y/body type), lady, standing at y/ht with long/short (type+color) hair, Ingo had noticed her often with Elesa but never really thought anything of it; assuming she was just another lady pretending to be Elesa's friend.
"Back off, now..." the woman hissed as the man just snickered at not seeing her as a threat. "Oh, wanna take their place?" he went to grab her only for the woman to headbutt the drunk, causing him to stumble away from her, his lip was bleeding causing the drunk to growl. "You'll pay for that you bitch!" he took out a Pokéball from his belt and unleashed a Shiftry... Ingo got up to intervene only to be blindsided when the mystery woman pulled a Pokéball from a hidden pocket in her dress and let out a Golett...
Ingo watched in awe as the woman commanded her Pokémon with such confidence and grace; without a shred fear in her eyes, the battle was short one as it became pretty clear that the man only ever used Shiftry as a scary decoration to bully others with, and has probably never used it for battle, ever! Considering how sloppy and weak both trainer and Pokémon were. All Golett had to do was used Mystical fire a few times and the battle was over... The drunk took his K.O.'d Shiftry and stumbled away.
The woman then turned to the maids to ask if they were alright? only for the maids screamed in fear and ran away, confusing the woman who turned to see her Golett was glowing, Ingo and the woman watched as Golett was replaced with the mighty guardian of fallen kings...Golurk!
The prince watched as the fire knight Pokémon bowed in respect to it's lady holding a large hand out to her, the woman smiled and gently took it as Ingo finally found his voice. "Excellent battle! Bravo!" the woman and her Pokémon jumped from the bellowing voice as prince Ingo approached them.
The woman panicked and bowed only for the prince to stop her, he started asking where she was from? who taught her to battle? all before asking her for her name... Ingo was somewhat embarrassed eventually learned her name was Y/n when Elesa came looking and drag her off before Ingo could ask if she could battle him? A sudden scream from Elesa's room tore Ingo from the memory....
Emmet: Drayden had put Emmet under house arrest after he snuck out to participate in a Pokémon battle ring, being held illegally in one of the taverns in the city, Emmet had nothing to really do except monitor the progress of his Galvantula's eggs, they should be ready to hatch soon, what with the squeaking coming from them.
Emmet his Pokémon and few of the older Joltiks sat around his room waiting for any signs of the eggs hatching, until feeding time came around Emmet placed the food down and watched on amused as the little yellow fluff balls crowded the giant bowls of food, when out of the corner of his eye, Emmet saw a tufts of pink and white puff in the sea of yellow fluff.
"Hm?" Emmet got closer look and realized it was one of them Fairy Joltiks! It's pink eyes looked up at him indifferently as it chowed down next to it electric cousins, Now, Emmet cocked a brow confused as he never caught one... 
"Neo? Neo?" Emmet blinked when he heard a woman whose voice he didn't recognize calling out from the hallway, immediately the white Joltik and took off out the door. "Wait!" Emmet called and ran after the Fairy spider. Dang the glittery little puff could run!
Emmet collapsed to his knees, he felt a presence standing over him as worried voice asked "Are you okay?" Emmet looked up and felt his heart stall, his belly did spinning flops, at the sight the woman looking at him very concerned, She was(y/body type), standing at y/ht with long/short (type+color) hair. Emmet's mouth felt dry as he blurted out 
The woman looked at him strangely as Emmet realized what he said and saw her Joltik sitting on her shoulder. "Y-your Joltik I-i mean, it's pretty!" he stammered trying not to wince at dumb he sounded. "oh, thankyou..." the woman obviously proud of her bug.
Emmet asked where'd she gotten it from? She answered truthfully. Needless to say, Emmet confused why a lady would go out on her own, much less to the Dreamer's forest? that whole place was a maze! But, before the woman could say anything else "Y/n!" Princess Elesa gasped rushing over to the two, the princess quickly grabbed Y/n and dragged her away, leaving a baffled Emmet behind. "Y/n..." he hummed dazed.  A scream from Elesa's room snapped Emmet out of his memories!
{Twin of choice] got up from the bed and sluggishly made his way to the Princess's room, where saw his older/younger brother run into, there he was greeted by the sight of Grimsley beaten over the head hard with a pillow by an enraged Elesa, as her cousin kept repeating "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...That wasn't meant for you!" While [Ingo or Emmet.] tried to calm Elesa down while trying to figure out Grimsley had done this time?
No one noticed [Twin of choice.] walking into the room watching them blankly, before stepping on a piece paper, {Twin of choice} cocked a brow and picked it up, It was a letter. A letter addressed to Governess Cogita, [Twin of choice.] curious as to what cause Elesa's distress read it, Almost immediately [Twin of choices.] sobered up, his hands were shaking as he gripped the letter in his hands. "Y/n is... Alive?" with those three words, the room went quiet. 
Ingo/Emmet went to his brother and snatched the letter from him and quickly skimmed it over and looked just as stunned as his twin... for split second before steeling himself. "Is this real?" he questioned Grimsley swallowed under the older/younger prince's stormy gaze. "Yes." the prince was silent as he read the letter over again. "What are your intentions with this child? " he demanded Grimsley looked at [Ingo or Emmet] stunned as blathered out. "c-child? whose child?!" the older/younger of the princes cocked the brow.
"You don't know about it?" 
"No, Y/n just told me to deliver that letter to Cogita she said it was urgent, but I mixed it up with one she's written to Elesa...Miss Y/n is pregnant?"
"Did this letter leave your sight at any point?"
"Not until this moment!"
It was then Ingo/Emmet noticed his brother was missing, he left Elesa's room as Grimsley gave Elesa the letter that was meant for her originally, as Ingo/Emmet entered his brother's room he was baffled to find his brother pulling out out his travel gear.
 "W-what are you doing?" he questioned watching his brother pack clothes and other essentials, into a backpack. "I'm leaving." [Twin of choice.] said it like it was the most obvious thing. "What, to where?!" His twin demanded as he tried to stop his broth from packing.
"To Accumula town, to find Y/n..." The older/younger twin looked at his brother liked he lost his mind. "Are you serious? we don't know if this letter is true, that child might not even be your-" They were cut off by the angry death glare [Twin of choice.] shot him.
 Don't ever insinuate that Y/n was unfaithful to me..." Venom dripped in {Twin of choice]'s tone, there was a tense but somber silence as Ingo/Emmet watch his brother pack, his bother noticed the crestfallen look on their twin's face, [Twin of choice.] sighed and turned to face his older/younger brother. "One week..." Ingo/Emmet at him curiously. "One week, if you don't hear from me by that time, you can come find me, deal?" Ingo/Emmet nodded and with that [Twin of choice.] left the castle.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Since asks are open can I get a Cogita x fem reader that has autism?
Kinda wanting some comfort right now as I head to work and last night was stressful...
Of course!! I went with general headcanons if that’s okay!
- she doesn’t mind at all.
- If you’re in need of moving around she has plenty of space at the ancient retreat for you to pace or zoom around.
- If you’re overstimulated, you’re in luck, the ancient retreat is a peaceful place and it’s usually just her there.
- “Go inside and take your time, sweet one.”
- If you have a few texture issues she offers to make you some gloves like hers, maybe sturdier and being able to handle survey missions, but still.
- She finds your excitement adorable, foot wags, flappy hands, running around, anything really.
- Cogita is an amazing listener! She retains any information you give her, so by all mean please tell her about your super specific hyper fixation, she’s more than happy to hear it!
- If you ever need help in a social setting, be it needing to escape or you can’t figure out something she’s right there happy and has the patience to gently help you through whatever you need.
- She quick to learn what food textures make you sick and works around it whenever she’s the one cooking.
- If anyone has a problem they can come to her. She refuses to let you insulted for you just being you, you aren’t being rude, you’re always trying to help and do your job.
- She has quite the stern expression when these things happen.
- Again though, please ramble her ears off, she can’t begin to express to you how much she loves hearing your voice, especially when you’re so passionate about it! She’s always listening and asks questions or joins in in anyway she can, just to keep you going.
- Or if you’re more quiet and reserved she’s just as content with that as well.
- Luckily the ancient retreat can be a peaceful place for when you’re overstimulated or as something to keep you occupied if you’re underestimated.
- The older woman is just happy having you around, you being so much light into her life.
- Cogita doesn’t know what she’d ever do without her sweet one.
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deltablitz · 10 months
↷ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - [Pokémon x Reader]
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↳ Before Requesting;
     Please note the following;
Please don’t request NSFW (smut, lemons, limes, etc.) of any kind, thank you.
 I write these in my free time, so I apologize for any sort of delay when releasing any content.
Please specify if you want an imagine / headcanons / one-shot (or more).
Don’t be afraid to mention another character / request for another character that’s not on the list. Keep in mind I only write for Pokémon people!
I mostly write for in-game characters, but feel free to request any characters from the anime!
I do not own Pokémon nor any of the characters by any means. All rights go towards Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak & Satoshi Tajiri- as well as their amazing teams that brought us Pokémon!
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↳ Characters I Write For;
     KANTO; Gary, Blue, Red, Ash, Misty, Brock, James, Jessie, Lance, Erika, Koga, & Sabrina
    JOHTO; Silver, Falkner, Clair, & Will
     HOENN; Brendan, May, Roxanne, Brawly, Flannery, Winona, Wallace, Steven Stone & Wally
     SINNOH; Lucas, Dawn, Barry, Gardenia, Fantina, Volkner, Cynthia, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
     HISUI; Akari, Rei, Cyllene, Laventon, Kamado, Adaman, Arezu, Mai, Melli, Irida, Palina, Ingo, Volo & Cogita
     UNOVA; Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Cheren, Bianca, N, Hugh, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Elesa, Skyla, Drayden, Iris, Marlon, Grimsley, Alder, Ingo & Emmet
     KALOS; Calem, Serena, Alain, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Siebold, Malva, Diantha, Sycamore & Alexa
     ALOLA; Elio, Selene, Hau, Lillie, Gladion, Kukui, Burnet, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Olivia, Kahili, Guzma, Nanu & Lusamine
     GALAR; Victor, Gloria, Hop, Bede, Leon, Sonia, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Oleana, Marnie, Piers, Bea, Allister, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Peony, Klara & Avery
     PALDEA; Florian, Juliana, Nemona, Arven, Atticus, Brassius, Eri, Giacomo, Grusha, Iono, Jacq, Katy, Larry, Mela, Ortega, Penny, Sada, Turo, Ryme & Tulip
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↷ What I Write
     Forms Of Writing; Imagines, Textfic, Crack, One-Shots, Headcanons, & Songfics
     Relationships; Romantic ( s/o, crush, etc. ), Platonic ( friend, family member, rival, enemy, etc.)
     Genres / Types; Fluff, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Rivalry, Character x Reader x Character, Jealousy, Isekai, Forbidden Love, Crossover, Darkfic, Alternate Universes, Unrequited Love, & Hurt/Comfort
          ↳Note; Other types of genre may be unlisted.
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↳ Work(s);
     KANTO; None Yet
     JOHTO; None Yet
     HOENN; None Yet
     SINNOH; None Yet
     HISUI; None Yet
     UNOVA; None Yet
     KALOS; None Yet
     ALOLA; None Yet
     GALAR; None Yet
     PALDEA; None Yet
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↷ ‘ ‘ Now get on out there, trainer! ’ ’
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marrziy · 4 months
Rafe Cameron x Male Reader
"Assopre o pavio"
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• Série: Outer Banks (2020)
• Personagem: Rafe Cameron
• Gêneros: drama /dark
• Sinopse: seu namorado, que há dias você cogita converter em ex, tem o péssimo hábito de simplesmente sumir sem dar explicação. Após três dias sem contato, ele bate na sua porta, confessa um crime e cobra conforto de você, como se fosse fácil ignorar que o seu parceiro tirou a vida de alguém a sangue frio.
⚠️ Avisos: relacionamento tóxico, relacionamento abusivo, violência, briga, discussão, obsessão, menção a drogas e insinuações sexuais. Final completamente pessimista!⚠️
• Palavras: 2.6k
3° pessoa - passado
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Ter pais ausentes não era tão ruim assim. Você tinha um baita casarão só para si, e a companhia silenciosa dos empregados durante o dia era melhor do que a daqueles que te botaram neste mundo luxuoso e imperfeito. As viagens constantes, seja a negócios ou para trepar feito coelhos em um hotel à beira mar, te livravam de uma mãe que fazia escândalo sobre qualquer fiozinho fora do lugar em sua cabeça e de um pai que gritava com sua mãe por ela estar gritando.
Mas ter um namorado ausente não rolava. Você queria estar com Rafe naquela tardinha fria, aproveitar a mansão vazia com ele, ser criativo e testar lugares novos, como a bancada da cozinha, que na sua opinião, era espaçosa demais para ter uma única função.
Mas fazia três dias que ele andava te dando perdido. Rafe ignorava suas ligações e não respondia suas mensagens.
Buscar se situar através dos familiares dele era como tentar rechear um pastel de vento. Rafe teve a quem puxar, o pai tinha a mesma aura de gasparzinho e raramente dava o ar da graça. A madrasta do maldito distribuía migué, sabia tão pouco e o que sabia, não contava. Sarah, depois que começou a andar com os Pogues, afastou-se da bolha Kook, da qual você ainda estava preso, e Wheezie estava tão perdida quanto você.
Não era a primeira vez, era comum, mesmo não devendo ser, Rafe ficar algum tempo longe. Ele estava metido em muitas merdas e quando se isolava, fazia para não te envolver.
Mas nunca durou tanto…
Você sabia que algo estava acontecendo, pois desde ontem os portões da família Cameron estiveram fechados para todos.
E quem dera a ausência fosse o único obstáculo. Quando compartilhavam espaço, muitas vezes, as coisas terminavam de modo trágico entre você e Rafe.
Namorá-lo era como ter um lindo sapato no armário, mas de numeração errada: deslumbrante, de aparência perfeita, porém, quando calçado, mostrava-se defeituoso, por ser dois números menores que seu pé, esmagando os dedos e resultando em dolorosos e duradouros calos a cada passo teimoso.
Passava da hora de se livrar desse sapato.
Rafe era instável, você sabia que havia algo errado com ele, já sentiu na pele o quão agressivo ele podia ser e, como alguém que se importava, tentou ajudá-lo, e quando não podia, estava lá com ele, para enfrentar o que fosse.
Entretanto, você não era de ferro e nem sempre esteve disposto a passar a mão na cabeça da fera, ainda mais quando ela insistia em morder o mesmo local, perpetuando o erro.
As coisas passavam do limite com frequência e a última ida da vaca ao brejo ainda estava fresca na memória. Foi no início do verão, o dia que começou perfeito terminou caótico no momento em que você encontrou um pino no quarto de Rafe com aquele pó branco. 
Ele havia prometido a você, jurou de pé junto que iria parar…
Sua reação foi imediata, você estava gritando, exigindo explicações e Rafe só lhe dava desculpas. No calor do momento você ameaçou terminar, disse que iria deixá-lo caso ele continuasse usando aquela merda. No seu imaginário, Rafe iria se retrair com a ameaça, mas não… O Cameron foi violento. Primeiro um tapa - sua bochecha ardia -, depois um empurrão - suas costas latejaram contra a parede - e por último os gritos no seu ouvido.
Enquanto Rafe exclamava que você não podia fazer aquilo, que você era dele e ele era seu, você tinha mais certeza que sua menção à término não era apenas uma falácia.
A cada dia que passava se tornava uma necessidade.
Esparramado no sofá, você encarou o bate-papo no celular, onde você conversava sozinho. Rafe sequer visualizou. Com um resmungo frustrado, você desligou o aparelho, o largou na mesinha de centro e repousou as duas mãos na barriga com os dedos entrelaçados, se acomodando melhor no sofá enquanto divagava olhando fixamente para o lustre no teto.
Vocês dois estavam superando a última divergência, tudo estava ocorrendo bem, as interações recentes foram super agradáveis, entretanto, no meio do mar de rosas, Rafe simplesmente nadou para longe.
Era tão, tão, tão estressante! As marcas no seu corpo estavam sumindo, você finalmente conseguia olhar para o espelho sem querer chorar e aí, sem mais nem menos, ele desapareceu.
Sumiu no instante em que você estava curado.
E retornou para te machucar novamente.
O som da campainha ecoou por toda a estrutura moderna. Em seguida, seu corpo contraiu em um espasmo involuntário devido à quebra abrupta da quietude. O susto lhe rendeu uma mordida na língua e, na sequência, a pessoa na porta teve o nome da mãe profanado.
Você deslocou-se até o hall de entrada, tenso e um pouco apreensivo; afinal, não esperava visitas. O olho mágico te permitiu visualizar o corpo do outro lado, e assim que identificou Rafe, imediatamente destrancou a porta.
Mas não foi você quem abriu.
Assim que a tranca girou, Rafe empurrou a madeira branca e você recuou alguns passos, evitando dar de cara com o grande retângulo. Os braços do Cameron rodearam sua cintura, impedindo-o de regredir muito. Ele colidiu seus corpos, te abraçou com força e afundou o rosto na curvatura do seu pescoço, inalando a colônia que costumava pedir para você trocar, pois a considerava amadeirada demais para alguém tão doce.
Rafe tateou suas costas, deslizou os dedos em sua coluna, desesperado para te sentir e se certificar de que não era uma miragem. — Porra… eu precisava tanto disso. Senti tanto sua falta!
— Eu tô aqui… Sempre estive. – você retribuiu o abraço, só notando a falta de harmonia quando seu carinho morno contrastou com a afobação dos braços de Rafe ao seu redor, te apertando contra ele, quase os tornando um. — Tá tudo bem? Aconteceu alguma coisa? – seu tom era preocupado inicialmente, mas seu interior não era resumido a isso, não era tão organizado ao ponto de canalizar um sentimento por vez. — Por que não me respondia? Iria morrer caso mandasse uma mensagem? – você tentou não transparecer o ressentimento que te corrompia. Com certa aspereza, você desfez o abraço.
Mas Rafe não permitiu seu distanciamento e pressionou as duas mãos em ambos os lados do seu rosto. — Quem se importa? Eu tô aqui agora, não tô? Deixa essa merda pra lá e vamos recompensar o tempo longe um do outro. – ele uniu os lábios aos seus desajeitadamente, e você tentou acompanhá-lo naquela união afoita.
A língua de Rafe invadiu a sua boca, puxando a sua língua para dançar sem antes convidar. Ele dava passos para frente, adentrando mais a mansão enquanto te fazia caminhar para trás. — Eu… eu… – sua fala era dificultada conforme o beijo aprofundava. Instintivamente, você levou as mãos aos pulsos de Rafe, que mantinha as palmas nas suas bochechas ao te guiar. — Eu me importo! – um pânico inofensivo dominou seus sentidos, resultado da pequena representação do seu relacionamento naquela simples ação.
O beijo rolava e você, de olhos fechados, caminhava de costas para o rumo ao qual era conduzido, e Rafe era quem conduzia, mas ele também estava de olhos fechados e não via o rumo.
O hall virou lembrança. Na sala, você pisou no freio, parando Rafe com as palmas esparramadas em seu peitoral. Você virou o rosto e Rafe migrou com os beijos para seu pescoço. — Me responde. – sua voz apenas o impulsionou a afundar os dentes na sua pele. — Amor, por favor… – a área avermelhada latejava. Você afastou o rosto do Cameron, buscando pelo olhar dele enquanto ele insistia em desviar. — Não me deixe no escuro outra vez... Fala comigo.
Após alinhar a cabeça de Rafe com a sua, você percebeu o porquê de ele evitar o contato visual. Você desbotou ao testemunhar as pupilas dilatadas e a leve vermelhidão nos arredores das orbes culpadas.
— E-eu fiz algo ruim, algo muito, muito ruim mesmo…
Não foi surpresa, pessoas ruins faziam coisas ruins. Mas você nunca testemunhou Rafe afetado após fazer algo ruim.
— Eu preciso que… que você me diga que tudo ficará bem… preciso de você ao meu lado… é só isso que eu quero! – A estrutura de Rafe estava tensa. As mãos trêmulas dele agarravam as laterais da sua camiseta, amassando o tecido entre os dedos, impondo o toque obsessivo com necessidade. — Antes que eu te conte, me promete que não vai virar as costas pra mim?
— Eu prometo. – um marejar suave alagou as íris azuis do seu namorado, isso te influenciou e a sua expressão suavizou. Gentilmente você aninhou as mãos do Cameron nas suas, acariciando os nós dos dedos. — Como eu disse, estou aqui, amor. Tá tudo bem… – você liberou uma mão e a levou até o rosto de Rafe, que de prontidão esfregou a bochecha na palma macia, fechou os olhos e aproveitou o toque.
Naquele instante, ao seu lado, Rafe se sentiu leve, livre de parte do tormento que o fazia apodrecer em pânico e agonia.
Era isso que ele buscara… Uma pausa na culpa que o assombrava por saber que fez o que fez e que faria de novo se precisasse.
— Eu matei a xerife Peterkin. – Rafe fitou seus previsíveis olhos arregalados com neutralidade, confessando aquele crime como se não passasse de fofoca. — Mas não foi por querer, eu… Quer dizer… Ela tava apontando uma arma para o meu pai! Eu só defendi a minha família, okay? – ele trocou as posições das mãos, sendo ele a agarrar as suas, apertando-as dolorosamente. — Não me olha assim! Foi legítima defesa, porra! Você faria diferente?
— Que merda, Rafe! – você sequer se perguntou sobre a veracidade do ocorrido. Na sua cabeça, a possibilidade, mesmo nunca vindo à tona, parecia possível. — Ela andava por aí com uma estrela no peito, caralho! Devia apontar uma arma pra alguém todos os dias! Você sequer procurou saber o motivo! E se-
— O que você tá insinuando? Que meu pai merecia o cano de uma arma na nuca? Pense bem na resposta, querido. – Rafe te puxou bruscamente para perto, sussurrando rouco no pé da sua orelha. — Cê tá chutando muito, não acha não? Eu sequer detalhei as coisas e você já tá supondo assim? – as palavras invadiram seus ouvidos e permaneceram na cabeça. O tom baixo de Rafe era assustador, você preferia tê-lo gritando consigo.
— Não, e-eu não quis dizer… – conforme a nuvem cinzenta se dissipou na mente lenta, mais inflado era o temor que fez seu peito inchar e murchar afoito. Sempre que você tentava aniquilar o contato, se retraindo para si, Rafe te puxava com brusquidão, impedindo você de se afastar. — Mas e ela? Ela merecia o cano na nuca?
— Eu disse que estava defendendo o meu pai, fiz o certo, então, naquela ocasião… sim.
No início do dia, você ansiava por um sinal, qualquer coisa vinda daquele que jogava pedrinhas pintadas de dourado no seu poço. Mas bastou tal sinal reluzir para que você sentisse saudade de estar só e clamasse por distância.
Você se exaltou e empurrou Rafe. Longe ao ponto de conseguir ser valente, você batalhou para se manter firme, pois se fraquejasse, o Cameron teria alguém para devorar. — É melhor você ir embora. – a voz, fácil de manipular, soou certeira, mas seus olhos espelharam o quão frágil era a fachada.
No instante em que Rafe deu um passo para frente e você deu um para trás, a raiva que traçava a expressão dura na face do Cameron foi substituída por um sorriso ladino e olhos interessados. - Que foi? Vai dizer que tá com medo de mim?
Pela primeira vez você parou para pensar que estava lidando com um assassino.
Seu namorado assassino.
A aura intimidante do Cameron te sufocava, e você, acostumado com o sufoco, adotou o papel de presa sem nem perceber. — Você não tá na sua casa, Rafe! Não pode fazer o que bem entender aqui! – você recuava sem desgrudar a atenção do outro, usando os braços esticados na frente do corpo para garantir o espaço que você tanto prezava naquele momento.
O loiro mordeu o interior da bochecha esquerda e uniu as sobrancelhas, cerrando a feição. — Vai mesmo usar essa merda pra tentar me afastar? Não seja tão patético, amorzinho. Lembro bem dos seus pais dizendo para eu me sentir em casa quando vim aqui pela primeira vez. – o sorriso estúpido de Rafe cresceu quando você não tinha mais caminho para retornar. — Parece que eu te encurralei, babe.
Entre ele e o braço do sofá, restava orar por um meteoro, por dias melhores com desastres maiores para que a magnitude do seu inferno se reduzisse a porra nenhuma.
Rafe empurrou seus ombros, sem sequer investir força. Foi o suficiente para te fazer cair, suas pernas em contato com o braço do sofá permitiram isso.
Você estava na beira do abismo. Se não houvesse interferência, o vento teria te derrubado.
Você reajustou rapidamente a posição desajeitada no sofá após a queda, ergueu o torço e arrastou o quadril no estofado, afastando-se da baita e ordinária presença do seu amor, razão do seu temor. — Não… – foi seu último chute no cachorro morto.
Rafe engatinhou em sua direção, afastando as almofadas conforme afundava as mãos e os joelhos no macio. — Tô pensando agora e… talvez eu queira que você tenha medo de mim. Ver essa sua carinha assustada só me faz ter mais certeza disso. – aquele belo rosto maníaco sorria lindamente enquanto amargava o ambiente com sua sinceridade cruel. — O medo é subestimado. É através dele que conseguimos qualquer coisa dos medrosos. Pra mim, é uma ferramenta.
A desistência finalmente te consumiu quando você teve Rafe sobre o seu corpo, com as palmas repousando nos lados da sua cabeça e a face rente a sua, respirando próximo a ti. Você só conseguia se retrair e afundar no sofá, almejando ser engolido pelas dobras do móvel.
Você nem se assustou ao ter a mão de Rafe no seu pescoço. Ele mantinha os dedos ao redor da sua garganta, sem apertar de fato. O loiro canalizou a fúria na mão esquerda, que apertava o seu pulso contra o material macio do acolchoado ao ponto dos ossos doerem e a pele avermelhar.
Sua primeira lágrima desceu, proveniente unicamente da dor física, visto que seu estoque emocional de lágrimas estava seco.
— Eu vim aqui pra você me confortar, mas aparentemente, os papéis se inverteram. É você que faria de tudo por conforto agora, né? – Rafe deitou contra o seu corpo trêmulo, colou o peitoral no seu, juntou seus abdomens e entrelaçou as pernas nas suas. — Relaxa amor, eu tô aqui pra isso. Eu e somente eu. – ele deslizou a ponta do nariz por sua clavícula, pescoço e bochecha até ter a cartilagem unida à sua, mas enterrou o improvável indício de carinho ao esfregar o quadril no seu, garantindo que você sentisse a ereção dele pulsando dentro da bermuda, esticando o tecido fino enquanto clamava por você, latejando contra o seu estado mole. — Mas você tem que ficar quietinho, não pode falar com ninguém sobre as coisas que conversamos aqui, entendeu? – você acenou, somente porque Rafe agarrou o seu queixo e forçou sua cabeça a balançar para cima e para baixo. — Bom garoto. – ele ronronou próximo aos seus lábios, quase gemendo devido a fricção cada vez mais intensa. — Agora, meu medrosinho… me beije se quiser que os seus miolos permaneçam dentro da sua cabeça.
Rafe foi o seu primeiro tudo.
Seu primeiro amigo, sua primeira briga, sua primeira paixão, seu primeiro soco, seu primeiro beijo, sua primeira foda e seu primeiro namorado.
E você tinha medo de que ele acabasse sendo o seu último tudo também.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
May I humbly request some Volo x reader crumbs please? Thank you!
Why settle for crumbs when I can offer a meal? 👀
Summary: Some post-game comfort where Reader (not the MC) is Volo's S/O, but despite finding out about his plans, they know in their heart he's not all bad and wants to stay with him.
(obvious PLA spoilers ahead!)
After overhearing Volo's sinister plans and subsequent defeat at Spear Pillar from Akari/Rei, you wanted to find him. As his s/o you were concerned.
According to Cogita, he went into self-imposed exile and abandoned the Ginkgo Guild, still determined to face Arceus itself without the help of some ridiculous flute.
But with knowledge of his usual hangouts near ancient/historical spots, you eventually do locate him, seeing that he definitely looks a lot worse for wear, sporting a dirty and dull version of his Arceus-inspired garb. And his hair was down, messier than ever. He just looked like a total wreck and in no condition to meet every Pokémon right now.
His Togekiss immediately senses your presence and goes to embrace you in her wings, chirping happily, which in turn alerts Volo.
He's stunned that you actually went out of your way to find him. Surely, the entire village caught wind of his evil deeds, as did you.
So why did you come here? To yell at him for his selfish desires? To cry about how he betrayed everyone?
Well he was about to find out. Tbh he was ready for whatever insults you had to get off your chest. You had to be furious at him.
"[Y/n], you...you were looking for me?" He rasps.
"Of course, Volo..I learned about what happened and-"
"You're disgusted, right?" He immediately assumes. "I deceived everyone and you've come to reprimand me for my heinous actions? For my hubris?"
"....no, that's not-"
"You're not one to lie so easily, darling. So drop the act and just admit it..what I did was abhorrent and unforgivable. I backstabbed a child, I summoned Giratina itself..I threatened to destroy this very world!! How do you not see a monster in me?!"
You're quiet for a moment, looking to Togekiss, and then the nearby field where Lucario and Roserade were having a sparring match.
"Because your Pokémon don't." You say to him. "They still love you, and...so do I. Of course, I was shocked at what you did on that mountain. I mean..you tried stealing the plates from the kid who risked their life to get them."
The answer was simple--because they didn't.
His team knew he didn't truly "wield" them, nor was he as heartless as he claimed to be. Otherwise he wouldn't still have Pokémon who evolved based on friendship status.
Plus you knew that what Volo was before isn't a facade. He was just good at hiding his ambitions.
"Because they weren't worthy of possessing them. I would've used them to make a better world for us." He gritted his teeth, eyes burning as he felt the stinging defeat in his heart all over again. "I would’ve summoned Arceus for you, I would’ve taken its powers for you, [y/n]! Yet once again..fate has been cruel to me, declaring me still unworthy of meeting it, even after all I’ve done. Now I’m left to suffer..as always.”
By the end of his rant, his voice was drained and defeated, as he hung his head low, feeling some great deal of remorse.
"...my dear, you don't need to take a deity’s powers for me to love you." You kneel down, cupping his face, where you could feel both sides growing wet with tears. “I can’t find it in me to hate you. So please..let me stay. Even if I never go back to the village again, that's alright. I'd rather be here with you. I know this world has been unkind, but there's so much beauty in it. And we'll seek it out together."
Volo just looked up at you, his heart swelling with emotions. Part of him wanted to push you away and focus on his mission, believing he deserved to be hated and alone...
Besides, his Pokémon were starting to miss you a lot when he went into exile, yearning for the treats you’d spoil them with ever since you two began dating.
But on the other hand, he knew you weren’t that easy to get rid of.
No matter how far he travelled in Hisui, you’d just find him again, being the stubborn partner that you are.
So he just nods and silently embraces you with his head buried into your chest, relieved that he still has someone to cling to even after everything.
Meanwhile, his Togekiss raced outside to tell the rest of the gang the good news: 
You were here to stay with their wie-no, trainer forever.
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crowborn666-writes · 1 year
(This came out a little shorter than I wanted it to, oh well.)
Volo x Reader
Genre: Angst to Comfort, Platonic/Romantic
Summary: Volo was odd. He laughed away pain. Grinned in the face of danger. But seeing him so broken above you when you take a horrible fall is new.
CW/TW: injuries, mentions of blood/bleeding,
Volo had to be a madman.
What else could he be if he laughed at your beaten and battered form, the high cliffs of the Highlands looming above you both.
“Did you take a tumble from above?” He chuckled, figuring it was just like any other day when you slipped and lost your footing. You’d be fine, he thought, you always got up.
It’s when you don’t move, that his chuckle began to falter, grin falling as a shaky gasp leaves him, heart pounding in his ears. His feet, which had slowed for a moment shot forward, carrying him to you as a quick series of “no, no, no—“ left him.
He wondered why he cared, he could take the plates from you right now and no one would know.
But he found himself panicking, hands grasping at your tattered clothes, pressing against wounds to try and stem your bleeding.
“Y’know what? You can come meet Arceus with me! It should be glad to know you helped me out!”
That’s right… you’d promised him you’d bring him to meet Arceus, just after you had defeated Dialga and Palkia at the Temple. You and him still had a lot of plates to find, and you most certainly had a lot of Pokémon to find still as well.
A pain in his chest erupted, his composure crumbling like a dam against pounds upon pounds of water pressure. Your name left his mouth, ragged, choked and full of the tears he barely registered running down his cheeks.
You shifted, just slightly, lips parting as you took in a delicate breath. Volo flung his backpack off his shoulder, digging through for the bandages he kept, carefully moving your clothes to begin wrapping your wounds. When he moved to your arm, he found your hand grasping his sleeve, your voice coming out slurred and cracked.
“Volo…? ‘S that you…?”
“It’s me,” his voice wavered, his hands, now free from wrapping your wounds, reached out to cradle your head. “It’s me, I’m here…”
“Did I fall…?” You blinked bleary eyes up at him, leaning into the hand that held your cheek.
“I-I’m not sure, I just found you here like this.”
“Oh…” you breathed, taking in a few careful breathes as you glanced around, gazing up at the Highland cliffs before you turned back to Volo. “You’re crying…”
His breath hitched just slightly as you reached up to brush his cheek. “I-I thought…”
He shook his head, reaching to shrug on his backpack before carefully picking you up.
“Let’s get you to the retreat, Cogita can patch you up better than I can.”
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Volo x reader
Finally got a request for him and I need to write more for him. So sorry if he’s ooc or anything!
It’s been several weeks since the incident, and you’ve been searching everywhere for Volo. You’ve been worried about him, despite everyone telling you not to, that he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness or anything of the sort. However, you didn’t agree with them. You knew him better than anyone else, even if he didn’t tell you about the whole wanting to capture Arceus thing.
You were out searching for him once again, hoping to finally find him and
“Volo!” You called out, your Luxray walking along with you. He was a bit worried about you, since he knew how close you were with the ex-merchant, and he had gotten close to him and his pokemon as well.
“Wait, I know! I can see if Cogita knows his whereabouts.” You looked back at your Luxray, who just nodded in agreement, as the two of you made your way to the Ancient Retreat.
��Cogita!” You called out her name as you got closer to her home. She had stepped outside, curious to who was calling her name.
“Oh, hello Y/n. What brings you here today?” She made her way over to you.
“I’ve been looking all over the land of Hisui for Volo… no one has seen him and I’m getting worried. I know everyone else doesn’t like him for what he’s done, but I don’t hate him. Have you seen him? Or at least have a possible idea of his whereabouts?” Cogita was silent for a few moments, as if debating something in her mind as she examined your expression of worry and genuine concern for Volo.
“I have seen him. He told me not to tell any one of his whereabouts, but I can tell how much you actually care about him, even if you… probably shouldn’t. However, I think he needs to know that not everyone completely hates him.”
“Please, tell me where he is. I won’t tell him that you told me.”
“Oh I’m sure he’ll figure it out, he’s a smart man after all.”
“I know.” And with that, Cogita had given you the directions to find Volo. You waved goodbye to her and made your way to find him, your Luxray still at your side.
After traveling for a while, you ended up in a secluded area, far away from any possible human presence or interaction. Was Volo really here..? You were really hoping so. Your Luxray kept close to your side as the two of you walked, looking around, before you were snatched back by Luxray as an air slash hit the ground where you had been standing a moment before.
“Whoa..! Thanks, Luxray.” You looked up to see a familiar Pokemon: Volo’s Togekiss!
“Togekiss! It’s me, Y/n!” You called out to it, hoping it would remember you. Luxray had stood in front of you in a protective manner as Togekiss examined the two of you before moving closer. It seems to remember you as it let out a happy cry and hugged you with its wings.
“It’s good to see you again, buddy, but where is Volo..?” You let go and Togekiss motioned for you to follow further into the secluded area. You nodded and followed after it, Luxray right beside you.
“Ah, there you are Togekiss, you had me worried for a minute th-…” Volo cut himself off as he saw you with his Togekiss.
“Y/n..?” He sounded more confused than anything. “How did you even find me? No… the better question is why did you find me? Here to humiliate me further? Tell the others where I am? What?”
“No, not at all!” You took a step closer to him, a worried look on your face. “I would never tell anyone else where you are, not after I’ve spent several weeks looking for you after the incident! I don’t want you to disappear again, Volo..”
“Again, I ask, why are you here then?”
“Because I care about you! I don’t hate you like they do. We were always so close.. When I found out you disappeared I couldn’t believe it.” Your hands were now shaking a bit as you were looking up at him.
“I miss you… I miss you a lot.”
“I’m not going back there, Y/n.”
“I’m not asking you to come back!” You moved closer to him and hugged him, making him flinch in response.
“Why do you care..? I’ve done horrible things.” He looked down at you, a puzzled look on his face. “I don’t understand.”
“I already told you, Volo! We’ve been friends for so long… and I care about you.”
“If you’re here to pity me, then I don’t want it-“
“It’s not pity, I genuinely care about you.”
“You.. actually care about me?”
“Yes! That’s what I was trying to tell you.” It was silent for a few moments… until you felt Volo hug you back, looking away from you.
“I… missed you too, Y/n. I’m glad it was you who managed to find me.”
“Really?” You were rather surprised by this.
“Yes, really. I would’ve told you where I was going but I didn’t want you to be involved with me. I didn’t want the others to shame you or be upset at you because of how close we are.”
“I would never let them get to me… but I’m glad you’re okay and still alive.”
“And I’m glad you’re here now.. and you can come back whenever you want.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead gently. “Promise me you’ll return.” You nodded and rest your forehead against his.
“Of course I will. You know I will. And don’t worry about the others, I won’t let them find you here.”
“I know you won’t. I trust you, Y/n.”
“Come on, let’s step outside and talk, catch up on what we’ve missed.” You let him go from the hug before taking his hand into your own.
“Very well.” You two walked out of the cave and into the forest, where your Luxray and his Togekiss were sitting, as if catching up with each other.
“Looks like they missed each other too.” You looked over at the two Pokemon nearby, a faint smile on your face.
“I think you’re right, Y/n.” You went over to them, taking a seat on a fallen over tree, with Volo sitting by you, and the two of you talked, catching each other up on what was going on in your lives after the incident, while also telling him that you forgive him, and him reluctantly accepting it as he feels as though he doesn’t deserve it, but it was one of the things he liked about you, that despite what he’s done, you still care about him and forgive him. He feels as though he doesn’t deserve you or your kindness, but happy to still have you around.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
cw: angsty, happy ending,
pairing: Volo x Reader
summary: You love a beautiful man that wants distance and secrecy.
He was beautiful, but in a tragic way.
His hair was long and silky in a way that many women and even a few men were clearly envious of. The paleness of his skin convened a certain reclusivity almost completely dominated by the wealthy, and the way his stormy eyes shined whenever light hit them was like a break in a hellish storm that flooded the earth beneath it.
He was distracting.
So, so distracting.
The way he talked with you, friendly yet secretive, left you curious. The blond truly believed you failed to see his facial expression shift when he thought no one was looking at him.
You adored him even so.
It was a desperate moment when he approached you in the field as you sobbed. Forced into this impossible situation with no understanding and little kindness, then banished the second something went wrong, you were blamed even despite your attempts to help aid their problem. The warmth of his hand on your shoulder was sudden and unexpected. While his words conveyed nothing but interest and care, you could see something else in those harsh eyes of his.
It would have sent shivers down your spine and made you curious, had your emotions not already bubbled over into a mess.
You took his hand kindly at his offer.
You would never admit it to him aloud that it was his help during that moment which made you continue on as you were.
It was a lonely moment that you both spent together under the stars while working to meet the pokemon of legendary that the strange lady Cogita spoke of you about that you turned to gaze at him. You expected him to have fallen asleep by that point, but he was wide awake. A soft breeze blew over you both as gazed up at the sky. You had no idea what came over you as you reached a hand towards him.
“Volo…” you spoke softly, “Who are you?”
His eyes darted over to you in shock, a strange, unknown emotion in them at the time. Something that made you more curious. “… You're related to her, are you not?” you asked, “I… I just wish I could know you better…” Your hand gently grasped at the blue of his sleeve. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down while he closed his eyes.
“… It's late,” he shook his head, “You should sleep. As should I.” Volo turned onto his side to face away from you, arm leaving your grasp. Your stomach churned. It was then you realised the odd feeling you had felt towards the man as you encountered him more and more.
“… Good night, Volo,” you whispered and turned to face away from him, “… Thank you… I think your kindness is something precious.”
With the issue of the legendary resolved in the following days, it was not long until you returned to the village and Galaxy Team. Still, you felt curious about the man who had helped you. The mystery of who caused the situation swirled within your head while pondering the history of this land. Yet, as if reading your mind, the man plaguing you appeared to offer himself up with information.
You were never going to miss a moment at his side.
Your journey with him around the region while he explained the information from carvings and statues left you intrigued. There was once again a moment that you led to you laying down at his side at a camp that led to another conversation with him.
“… I… I think your love of history is wonderful,” you told him while stirring a pot of stew around, “You work to preserve these things which are subject to be lost otherwise. It's… good. I think you'll influence more people in the future.” His resemblance to a certain Sinnohan champion had not evaded your eyes. The fact that Cogita's home happened to be where Cynthia's hometown would lie in the future also was something you understood. Volo was likely her ancestor. His love of history was perfectly understandable.
“Oh? Have I truly caught your fascination, then?” he gave a genuine response, “I wonder if you are right... Mistress Cogita often tells me what I'm doing is ridiculous.” You could see a certain distance in his eyes. A dark feeling swelled in your chest.
“She, herself, seems quite entranced with history,” you commented while beginning to look for bowls.
“She says my love is more of an obsession…” the blond was clearly annoyed, “… She wants better for me, she says.”
“Is she your grandmother or something? Why does she care that much for you?” you asked while passing a bowl of stew to him. Suddenly, his lips were sealed again. Was he ashamed to admit his relation to her? You decided not to pursue it further. Rather, you changed the topic to the next destination of a plate. His attention came back with that.
Perhaps, he simply preferred not to speak about himself.
Or… Maybe, if he had, you would never have learnt of his true intentions.
You still would have helped him.
You still would have opposed him.
You still would have clung to him as he fell to his knees.
He threatened to kill you once more, called you endless names, and even clawed at you, yet he never did anything further life-threatening to you. Your hands cupped his face as you gazed into his eyes. Rage, madness, torment – sadness – all dwelled with them. How long had he been alone like this? With how friendly, a front he put up, it was still clear he had little to no true connections.
He was…
… Like you.
“I'm sorry…” you cried while embracing him. The strange fabric of his tunic brushed against your exposed flesh.
“If you truly were,” he hissed, “You would give me those plates.” You hiccuped. It truly did cross your mind to give into his wishes. There was low chance he would ever do anything good with them, but you could not grant him them. His happiness would not lie there. Only more pain awaited him at the end of that path.
More loneliness.
“… I love you,” the words fell from your lips, “I… I want you to be happy…”
The way his body froze shook you to your core.
You expected him to do something awful to you once more, but, instead, he shoved you away from him. Standing tall above you, his long golden locks blew in the wind while cold ashen eyes bored into you.
“Even now, Arceus continues to mock me,” he hissed.
The sounds of his sandals scraping against the stone of the temple echoed in your ears.
Your sobs could not stop.
You have no idea why you pleaded to the woman to help you understand him more, for he was already gone. Cogita sighed at you bawling into the length of skirt. Her gloved hand came to softly comb through your hair. Your hiccups and cries slowly died down as you felt comforted by the distant familiarity of her perfume. It brought you back to the modern day, somehow.
“You are fools,” she spoke with her usual tired tone, “The both of you.” Her hand suddenly came under your chin to force your eyes to make contact with her own. “A lonely child with a long history was born to parents who could not care for him,” your attention immediately perked up at her words, “So, his relative had to in their stead. They were kind and caring to the boy, often telling him about legends and myths from their secretive and dying people. He grew utterly infatuated with them. These stories only sought to distance him from other children his age, leaving him further isolated and lonely. The other children even began to treat him harshly for his oddities…”
Her eyes closed for a moment, and she turned to gaze at her home with her usual frown. “I shouldn't have told him those stories,” Cogita explained, “This entire situation is partially my fault. I have taken accountability for him.”
“… Where is he?” you asked, understanding the meaning of her words.
“Running chores for me,” she stood up, “Give him time. He will come to you when he is ready.”
You did not know why you hugged the strange woman, but you did. It was more stunning that she returned the affection, too. Her duty to Volo was clear as day. She felt responsible for what he grew into.
You sat on the coastline with a sigh. The sun burned your skin a bit, but the ease of the ocean spreading out before you was a calming sight. Working to fill out the Pokédex was never an easy thing, so you knew when your limit for the day had been reached. Spheals rolled around playfully while you listened to the waves crash.
It had been a few months since your last encounter with Volo.
You had not seen him at all, and you had almost accepted that he may have truly fled the region. Cogita's words about her accountability for him were the only things preventing you from doing so. He likely remained somewhere just out of sight to avoid the punishment that both the clans and Team Galaxy would seek out. You felt the waves brush against your feet as you shook your head.
“… She told you sought me out,” a voice suddenly called out. You jumped and turned your head to see Volo in more casual clothes a few feet behind you. His feet sank into the sand as he approached you. “She also told me that I owed you an apology.”
“… I don't need it,” you told him, stunned as he stared down at you from his staggering height. Rushing to your feet, you felt dizzy as he gazed at you curiously.
“I would have thought you would have made contact with Arceus by now,” he sighed, “How disappointing.”
“Is that truly all you came to say?” you hissed at him in annoyance. He leaves you emotionally vulnerable and appears before you after you had finally begun to move on from it to mock you. Volo was truly cruel. You swallowed.
“No,” he told you while reaching a hand to grasp your shoulder, “It was stupid of you to tell me your feelings…” You felt searing rage beginning to build with utter embarrassment and sadness blooming with it. The tightness of his grip almost felt like a threat. Before you could retaliate in any manner, he continued, “I feel the same.”
You froze.
He… What?
“… I have come to the realisation that only you may be someone worthy of my respect,” Volo spoke as his other hand cupped your cheek, “For that, I love you. If I may not have Arceus, I shall take his chosen one instead.” The feeling of his lips against yours nearly fried all your nerves as you eagerly returned the affection. It was something utterly distracting and all consuming; something that caused the flow of time to bend in your comprehension as the kiss felt like forever yet nothing at all.
He pulled away and gazed at you with inquisitive eyes.
You embraced him tightly, burying your face into his tunic as that familiar scent of perfume claimed your senses. His arms came around you, too. Both of you remained in that hug for much longer than you should, simply finding yourselves lost in each other for a moment in that frozen time.
When you parted, you took his hand again, as you had in the field during your banishment.
You knew exactly where he was taking you this time.
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foolish-oneee · 6 days
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Resumo: Você está exausta de ser ignorada em seu casamento com Higuruma e por um momento cogita a separação.
Conteúdo: (tentativa de) angst c/ fluff no final, separação, solidão, medo, rejeição. Higuruma x F!Reader
OBS: Este pequeno resumo estava martelando na minha cabeça enquanto escutava Epic III de Hadestown (VEJAM HADESTOWN!!!), então resolvi escrever um pouco hehe. Além disso peço desculpas se algo estiver errado seja na formatação ou na escrita, estou voltando a escrever e é a primeira vez que escrevo para o tumblr, então...
Divisória por @saradika-graphics.
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Hiromi Higuruma era um excelente advogado compromissado com a justiça e seu incansável trabalho, este foi o motivo que fez você se apaixonar por ele e admirá-lo em primeiro lugar. Porém, ao se deparar com a sua ausência frequente em casa e mesmo quando tinham a oportunidade de estarem juntos, era em breves momentos, já que ele logo voltava para o escritório para trabalhar, você começa a se questionar.
Aos poucos, começou a se esquecer do hábito de beijá-lo enquanto observava a lua, irem ao cinema, abraçar o homem que você amava e traçar beijos suaves em seu pescoço, seguido de um ‘bom dia’ preguiçoso. Mas, principalmente, estava se esquecendo da emoção de dançar sua canção favorita com ele. A intimidade que vocês construíram como um casal estava desaparecendo, e era assustador como você sentia a falta dele. Você já não reconhecia mais aquele homem por quem se apaixonou um dia e questionava o que estava acontecendo. 
Você só queria ser vista, mas o sentimento de que qualquer coisa tinha mais prioridade para ele do que si mesma estava corroendo o seu coração lentamente. Apesar de ainda morar com o homem que um dia foi o marido dos seus sonhos, você gradualmente o viu se transformar em um quase estranho. 
Na esperança de reatar um pouco do relacionamento e passar um tempo de qualidade juntos, você sugere para Hiromi um jantar no mesmo restaurante que ele te levou no primeiro encontro. Você estava com a roupa que ele tanto gosta, apenas o esperando já que haviam combinado de irem juntos. A todo momento, verifica o relógio ansiosamente e percebe que o tempo estava passando e Hiromi ainda não havia chegado. 15 minutos, 30 minutos, 1 hora. 
“Ele se esqueceu de nós mais uma vez” Nesse instante, um vazio inexplicável me consome, ao constatar que Hiromi não iria me levar no jantar, e mais uma vez eu seria colocada de lado. O celular que está na minha mão vibra e vejo a notificação de Hiromi na tela, que diz de forma breve e seca a aparição de uma reunião de última hora no trabalho.
“Típico” Murmura para si com lágrimas nos olhos, sentindo o gosto amargo da derrota de, mais uma vez, ser abandonada por Hiromi. Agarro meu celular com firmeza no momento em que meus olhos marejados estão fixados na mensagem.
Aos prantos, seus passos firmes conduzem o caminho para o quarto e retira a roupa que você havia escolhido com carinho, jogando no chão para lidar no outro dia. Você limpa a sua maquiagem com raiva e mágoa, encarando seu próprio reflexo no espelho do banheiro. Ao retornar ao quarto, seu corpo se encolhe na grande cama, permitindo que as lágrimas de coração partido derramem pelo rosto, não conseguindo deixar de sentir um eco crescente de vazio e saudade no seu interior. O simples pensamento de Hiromi de repente enche sua mente, e uma crescente sensação de perda domina o seu peito. Uma onda repentina de tristeza atravessa diretamente o seu coração ao começar a duvidar se ele realmente te amava.
Com olhos fechados e as marcas das velhas lágrimas que estavam começando a secar, você escutou o som da porta do quarto se abrir, um pequeno feixe de luz anunciando que Higuruma havia chegado e estava prestes a entrar no quarto que compartilham.
Os passos de Hiromi soam hesitantes e contidos, o toque dos dedos dele em sua pele mostra que ele notou as suas lágrimas, mas você opta por fingir que está dormindo para não ter que encarar o rumo do relacionamento. Sentimentos avassaladores de culpa, arrependimento e desespero atravessam Higuruma como uma adaga em seu peito ao se dar conta do qual está ausente da pessoa que ele jurou amar. 
“Querida” Ele permaneceu imóvel por alguns instantes, apenas te observando em silêncio e deixando um suspiro doloroso e quase derrotado escapar de seus lábios. O colchão afunda com o peso do corpo de Higuruma e os braços te envolvendo para um abraço que antes oferecia conforto, mas agora só escancara o lembrete do abismo que se forma entre vocês. Seus olhos se fecham com um pouco mais de força ao sentir o cheiro de sua colônia chegar até mim. 
No momento que você sente o seu nariz fungar, sua mão viaja até o seu rosto para tentar enxugar as lágrimas, fazendo com que Higuruma aperte um pouco mais o abraço.
"Você chegou atrasado". Seu murmúrio magoado preenche suavemente a escuridão daquele quarto, com as palavras mal audíveis e seus olhos cerrados. A sua tentativa de obter algum consolo ao apertar suavemente o seu travesseiro é falha, ninguém pode suprir o calor dele.
“Amor, me desculpa, eu…” Há um tom de voz carregado de arrependimento e culpa em Higuruma, mas se cala no instante que você suspira profundamente. Ele sabia que não havia muito o que dizer, afinal, essa era a resposta que sempre lhe dava. 
“Acho que isso não está dando mais certo… esse casamento só está incomodando você, eu estou incomodando você” Seu tom de voz é melancólico misturado com mágoa. Você podia sentir o coração do seu até então marido batendo mais rápido do que o normal e sua respiração lentamente se tornava mais rápida à medida que sentia o pânico aumentando.
"Não. Por favor, não diga isso” Higuruma me segura um pouco mais, aproximando o corpo dele junto ao seu. “Nosso casamento não é um incômodo, você não é um incômodo. Eu quero que você fique aqui comigo” Se fosse possível escutar um coração quebrar, este seria o estado que o de Higuruma se encontraria nesse momento. A culpa esmagadora o atinge ao perceber a própria falta de dedicação e atenção, deixando você sozinha.
Você se vira para encarar Higuruma nos olhos de uma vez por todas, o observando com um semblante triste. Sua cabeça balança tentando encontrar as melhores palavras naquele momento, sentindo suas lágrimas correm pelo seu rosto como um rio.
“Então me escolhe, eu estou aqui” Você implora à Higuruma e a barreira que havia construído para não mostrar fraqueza nesse momento começa a desmoronar. “Eu me sinto um fantasma num lugar que era para ser nosso. E o que machuca é que você está me perdendo e nem se deu conta. Eu estou nesse relacionamento sozinha?” Finalmente você consegue sussurrar as palavras que martelavam em seu coração, um tumulto de emoções se contorcem no seu peito.
Higuruma se aproxima de você, com os corpos colados, à medida que as mãos dele se encaixam no seu rosto. Uma dor se instala no seu peito ao ver as lágrimas dele pingando no travesseiro enquanto descansa a testa na sua. Ele oscila entre o desespero e a negação chacoalhando a cabeça.
"Você não está sozinha", disse Higuruma, pressionando os lábios enquanto desliza o polegar na sua bochecha com carinho. Você se inclina ao toque, sentindo a pele formigar com o contato. “Me desculpe por ficar tão ausente, você é o amor da minha vida. Eu nunca quis fazer você se sentir sozinha” A mão dele permanece carinhosamente na sua nuca, acariciando gentilmente enquanto olha para você. 
Seus dedos começam a saborear a pele macia e os contornos do rosto de Higuruma com cuidado de um artista com sua obra de arte. Vislumbres do passado te atingem com intensidade, com recordações de um hábito esquecido pela rotina. 
"Não quero que você saia, não podemos terminar assim. Eu quero você comigo. Por favor… apenas” Você escuta o desespero em forma de sussurros e a voz trêmula vinda de Higuruma. Seu braço agora aperta mais sua cintura, com suas mãos trêmulas te aproximando dele, te permitindo sentir o calor do seu corpo. 
"Eu não quero que nosso relacionamento seja assim" Você sente as palavras de um apelo frágil que se formava em sua garganta. Lágrimas corriam livremente pelo seu rosto, trilhas salgadas traçando caminhos através da angústia gravada no seu semblante. 
“Você sempre vai ser a minha escolha... eu prometo” Os olhos escuros de Higuruma encarava você com um semblante como se estivesse te implorando para ficar. A ponta dos dedos bonitos de Hiromi escorregam pelos seus lábios, enquanto ele se inclina até você plantando um beijo gentil. Seus lábios se encontram em um beijo lento e repleto de saudade, seus dedos sentem a textura dos meus cabelos e nossos corpos se entrelaçam. Você encara Higuruma com doçura enquanto uma tempestade de emoções fluíam no seu peito.
Seu sorriso é nítido ao sentir as linhas do rosto de Higuruma através das pontas dos seus dedos, os seus olhos bebem todas as características do rosto do seu marido. O peito floresce aos poucos com a felicidade de poder sentir Higuruma novamente, não apenas os vestígios que ele deixava como a sua caneca de café, suas roupas ou os livros de Direito, mas ter ele presente contigo naquele momento. 
“Eu vou... ” Pigarreando levemente, seus olhos brilhantes encaram os olhos dele com suavidade “... lavar meu rosto um pouco, minha cara vai ficar inchada assim que eu acordar amanhã”. Risadas suaves preenchem aquele momento em que Higuruma concorda com um aceno de cabeça enquanto acaricia sua bochecha com o polegar. 
Você se apoia em seu braço se preparando para se levantar da cama aconchegante e quente, o seu corpo já sente falta do calor de Higuruma. Seus pés tocam no chão enquanto se retira de forma preguiçosa do colchão e com pequenos passos até o banheiro, você liga a torneira, Suas mãos entram em contato com a água fria e um arrepio percorre pelo seu corpo. Você esfrega seu rosto suavemente para tirar os vestígios de lágrimas que haviam se secado na pele, seu reflexo surge no espelho e você finalmente se permite sorrir com esperança de que vamos passar por esta dificuldade. 
Acordes de músicas chegam até você causando franzir de sobrancelhas ao expressar um semblante confuso em seu rosto. Aos poucos vou reconhecendo o toque da canção favorita do casal. A música que vocês dois amavam escutar nos tempos da universidade, mesma música que usaram para a valsa do casamento e para embalar as pequenas viagens de carro que gostavam de fazer nos finais de semana. Assim que se vira para trás, você vislumbra Higuruma em pé sorrindo ao mesmo tempo que estende a mão com um olhar implorando pelo seu toque. 
Uma descarga de contentamento atravessa o seu corpo assim que suas mãos se tocavam, era como um selo da redescoberta do amor que sentia, mas ficou adormecido devido à rotina e costumes.  As mãos de Higuruma viajam até sua cintura suavemente enquanto te guia na dança, você aproveita a oportunidade para enrolar seus braços até os ombros dele, suas testas se encostam uma na outra e com isso seus corpos se encaixam como se fossem apenas um. Assim como deveria ser. 
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microwave-core · 1 year
Forget Me Not
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Cogita x Fem! Reader
You wouldn't trade away your life with Cogita for the world, but the occasional trip away from the Ancient Retreat was necessary every now and then. But a small trip into the forest turns into more than you or Cogita could have bargained for. 
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The rustling sound of grass blowing in the wind is always a comfort. No matter where you go in the vastness of Hisui, you can always hear the brush of wind against nature. And just as you can count on the ambience of nature, you can always count on your dearly beloved wife to be by your side. 
The Ancient Retreat, while secluded, was possibly the best spot in all of Hisui. The auburn grass and trees were a luxury for the eyes, providing the best parts of the Crimson Mirelands without the bogs and humidity, creating the perfect backdrop for a cute little picnic. 
You’ve spent the entire morning packing a pretty little hand-woven basket with small cakes and teacups. Your excitement was palpable. Every now and then, Cogita would peak her head into the tent, usually just to quickly check in before returning to her work in the garden, but occasionally she would step in and hold you from behind, resting her head on your shoulder, a gesture that would be sweeter if she wasn’t covered in sweat. Your pleas for her to stay fell on deaf ears, as “the garden waits for no one, my dear.”
But the early morning comes and goes, and soon enough you're pushing Cogita over the poor excuse of a wooden bridge leading out of your home. You two didn’t get out much, which normally wasn’t an issue, but you had the tendency to get restless. While Cogita would much prefer to enjoy your daily tea at the ornate table beside the tent, she would follow you to the ends of the Earth if it made you even slightly happier.
You take a lovely stroll through the woods, sticking close to the river stream, hand in hand. Conversation, as always, went on and off. Listening to her honey-laced voice and the sounds of nature may as well have been your own personal heaven, a heaven you got to indulge in everyday of your life.
“Your hands have gotten rather rough.” “Is that a bad thing, love?” “Not at all, just an observation.” You both spend plenty of time tending to crops, it would only be a matter of time before calluses would begin to form.
“Well, perhaps I should start wearing gloves more often. Give the allusion that my skin is as youthful and soft as it was when we met.” “Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Cogita! Your radiance could never be sullied by time or soil. Although, I do think you would look rather good in them…”
Eventually, you find a place to hunker down: a small opening on the forest’s edge, surrounded by trees and cuddled against the river bank, creating the perfect picnic spot. But also stop because of Cogita’s complaining, her joints were too tired to continue moving for even a moment more. “I’m an old woman, my love, spare my tired bones from further pain!” “We’re far from elders, dear!”
You lay a hand-knitted blanket, crafted by your wonderful wife, against the ground, allowing Cogita to smooth the creases until she deems it “perfect enough for you to relax against.”
Tea and cakes are enjoyed between light conversation. Bringing hot water from home is always a struggle, but getting to enjoy your regular, finely brewed tea in a place other than home is refreshing.
“What should we grow next season?” Cogita looks at you with feign disbelief. “Next? I just finished planting this season! Perhaps we should take things a bit slower?” She was teasing, but a part of her was, admittedly, a little annoyed, given that the last plants were buried only a few days ago.
“But we grow the same crops every season! We should vary it up a little every now and then.” She laughs. “Always changing things up with you, isn’t it? Is my routine life no longer pleasing to you?”
“I could never tire of my life with you! But if it weren’t for me, you would fall into a life of stale routine that would bore the Almighty Himself!” “Haha! Where would I be without you dear?” She would be lost in monotony, a fact you both knew but didn’t say.
But your conversation is cut short by the rustling of bushes close by, one that couldn’t be caused by wind. You both tense. Picnicking away from home always brings about the possible danger of stumbling across a Pokemon, and while every encounter does not lead to an attack, they always bring about a flight-or-fight response.
You shuffle over to her until you can tangle your arms around her, holding onto her for dear life. Her arms instinctively wrap around you, although in a much calmer manner. She does her best to keep her composure, for your sake, but you can hear her quickened heartbeat drumming in her chest.
A green pokemon stumbles out. You're captured by its inherent beauty and grace, with a poised figure and red and blue flowered hands. Despite looking innocent enough, you can’t help but squeak in fear, but Cogita relaxes.
“It's a Roselia, I believe.” “How can you be so calm Cogita? Aren’t those things poisonous!?” You do your best to keep your voice down, afraid of angering the Pokemon. She untangles your hands from her body to stand up, moving to get a closer look.
“She’s hurt… The poor thing is barely standing. She couldn’t muster the strength to attack us even if she wanted to.” You want to argue with her, but she’s clearly right. The Pokemon was struggling to stay upright. “You brought medicine with you, right.” “O-Of course! I always do.” It’s wonderful that medical leeks grow in every corner of Hisui, and even better that it can easily be ground down into ingestible medicine.
You trifle through the basket to pull out the small containers of medicine and hand them off to Cogita, sticking behind her shoulder as she approaches the hurt Roselia. You wanted to help it, but you were still somewhat fearful.
“Hello there, lost one. You’ve gotten quite hurt, haven’t you?” Cogita kneels by the Pokemon’s side slowly. “We’re going to help you, alright? You’ll be up on your feet soon.” The Roselia seems to understand, as it makes no attempt to attack her. She holds a bottle out, tempting the Pokemon to take it. “It’s rather unpleasant tasting, but drinking it will lessen the pain.” She turns back to you.
��Do we have bandages, love? The medicine should help, but this poor thing is bleeding.” “We do, yes. But please try not to get yourself hurt.” She smiles back at you when taking the roll, giving silent reassurance.
You watch with bated breath as she closes the distance to gingerly wrap the wound on the left side of its body, careful to not pull them too tightly. “There we are, dear. Be careful not to move too much.” 
The Roselia perks up, a smile plastered across her face. While wobbly on her feet, she clearly wasn’t in pain anymore. In an act of confidence, you move out from the safety of Cogita’s back, holding a cake out to the Pokemon.
“You’re probably hungry, right?” Roselia’s smile grows larger, happily taking the food from your hands, nibbling on it slowly.
“Perhaps we should stay out here for a little longer than we intended, love, just to ensure that this one gets back up on her feet.” You can’t help the smile growing on your face, watching the precious Pokemon eat. “You needn’t even ask.”
“... Don’t tell me you're thinking of taking her home with us, love.” “I won’t make any promises. Besides, an extra face around home would brighten things up considerably.” Cogita can’t help but sigh at your less than subtle attempts to convince her, but the smile etched on her face tells you that Roselia’s already won her over.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
{Dragon hybrids au: Emmet is Reshiram he was born with weak arm muscle function and uses these technologically advanced compression sleeves his mate E-S/o developed for him. Volo on the other hand is Giratina and he seemly has little to no function in his legs... He often goes to E-S/o for treatment, he and Emmet do not get along and often get into spats; this day is no different. E-S/o is examining Volo’s legs when Emmet walks in with a package they’d ordered.]
Emmet: E-S/o, those upgrades for my sleeves have arrived safely, Also I’m getting dinner ready, so you might want to speed things up here.
{E-S/o rolls their eyes, they know Emmet doesn’t mean anything by it, he just doesn’t like that there’s another dragon in his house, so close to his mate. Before S/o can say anything Volo pipes up.]
Volo :OK, thanks, Handyman.
Emmet: I'm actually the good doctor’s husband.... (Sees Volo has rollerblades.) Oh, aren't those cool new skates? Now you be careful with those, you don't want to fall and break something.
Volo: Oh, that's funny, that's real funny. Um, let me give you a Hand.
[Volo starts clapping, Emmet’s smiles tightens, While E-s/o just sits awkwardly between them.]
Emmet: Why, that's awful kind of you. Why don't you give me a standing ovation?
Volo: Why don't you lift me up?
Emmet: Ha, ok, I see where you're going with this one. You look familiar to me. Were you in STOMP?
Volo: Hey you can kiss my grits!
Emmet : I think I'll be the bigger man, now, and walk away. Walk away.
E-S/o: Okay, that’s enough you two, Volo your done. (holds up a clipboard.) Just sign these forms and meet Cogita outside in the lobby. *to Emmet* And Emmy?~ Let’s have another chat about you antagonizing my patients...
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praazlwurm · 1 year
Intricate rituals
commissions | ao3 | Volo discord
Volo (Pokemon) x gender-neutral Reader | ~5k words | CWs: fist fighting, wrestling, violence
"He just... gave you the plate?"
You start to answer Cogita in the same blithe, half-exasperate tone you've been relaying the events of the last few weeks.
Volo lead you up the mountain, waxed poetic about his bloodline, whipped off his uniform at the temple of Sinnoh, and summoned some eldritch, blood-chilling god -- that's four now! -- and sicced it on you. When you beat them both soundly, he had done just as Cogita described.
But it's the tone -- no, really the expression -- she says it with that draws you short.
Her features, as aristocratic and porcelain as her tea set, are twisted in something... constipated.
You finally hazard, "...yes?"
Cogita seems to catch herself, smoothing her expression placid as easily as she does her black satin gown. She takes a delicate draw of tea before asking with full composure, "And what then?"
"Then he just left!"
It's a half-choked shout, as your frustration wars with your refusal to get that worked up over him.
He doesn't deserve it, you've been telling yourself.
"Apparently Laventon thinks Giratina has holed up in the coastlands somewhere and," you sink back into the iron chair with an enormous sigh, feeling more tired than angry, and more disappointed than either, "and I thought I'd swing by here on my way there."
"And I'm glad for your visit," the woman responds, going so far as to set her teacup on its saucer and reach out a delicate, gloved hand to lay over your knuckles. It's warm, in contrast to the chill of the iron garden table, and after everything that's happened you find your throat closing at the matronly touch.
You nod and glance away, trying to accept the affirmation with grace but such things have been few and far between in your some-dozen months in Hisui.
Cogita picks up on the note of discomfort and folds her hands again, seeming to weigh something.
"I aimed to tell you of a certain cadre of pokemon whose study would benefit the people Hisui, dear lost one, and I will. However," she says at length and flicks up a gaze the color of raw jade, "I think there is something far more pressing you should know."
Snow in the coastlands is nearly unheard of, but at this point, you'd take it over the pelting, icy rain.
The thatch of a rice-straw hat and cloak keep your head and shoulders dry, but your legs are slicked with mud to the thigh despite your leather boots. Still, yet another legendary, otherworldly pokemon has found a notch in your belt to occupy.
So it is, of course, as you slide down the sharp pitch around Turnback Cave that Volo strikes.
He has the decency to bark out your name as he approaches, as much as you can hear it over the din, and keep his distance until you turn toward him. Then, across the ravine wrapping the cave's perch and still dressed in that foreign, ephemeral white outfit, Volo stalks toward you.
And for once in your time here, you're ready for it.
You find your footing in an inch of mud at sink into a braced stance, glowering at him beneath the stiff brim.
"Real fucking bold, Wielder," you bite out, and smother a grin when his pace stutters. "Well? Come to finish what you started?"
Now he freezes entirely, also sunk into the mud, his bangs plastered to his cheeks and chin and his tunic nearly see-through. His stormy expression flickers, and though it doesn't crack you know that he knows...
Volo's hand snaps out wrench at your lapel, his arch features wan when he tries to haul you close. Your heels dig in, and he growls, "Cogita told you."
"About this ritual of yours?" you snap and bare your teeth in a grimace and try not to notice your gut thrum when his fist clenches.
It starts, the elder Celestican descendant had told you over steepled fingers, with a token of defeat; something valuable and hard-won. Something befitting of a fellow dragon's hoard.
Complete (18+) fic on Ao3
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Vampire Cogita x fem reader, anyone?
CW for blood and injuries!
- She has been turned in her forties, but that was so long ago to her. She’s accepted her fate and keeps to herself.
- She found the ancient retreat and made herself at home. Her outside protects her from the suns rays, but she still only comes out during the sunset, when there isn’t a chance for it to harm her.
- She quite enjoys the sun set and night time in Hisui. It’s peaceful to be here alone.
- Then that blonde merchant had to scroll in and ruin everything.
- She plays nice, no matter how much she wants him gone. She answers his questions and gives the bare minimum.
- She knew he was up to something, but she was intrigued when he brought you.
- You’re such a small thing compared to her tall stature.
- Cogita helps you of course, she likes how sweet and polite you are. She might just have to keep you around.
- And that she does. She’s happy you keep coming back to her on your own, just happily sitting down to have some tea with her, and chatting about your day and her about hers.
- You never seemed to question her strange schedule of only being out around sunset and night, before retiring to bed just before the sunrises.
- “Yes lost one?”
- “A-ah! Sorry I didn’t mean to stare.”
- “What is it?”
- “It’s just, you have really sharp fangs, they kinda poke out it’s…really cute actually.”
- You flush as the older woman tosses her head back and laughs.
- “My you are just so precious!”
- You notice that, with the sun gone, her eyes, at least the one exposed, glows, you aren’t sure why but you don’t ask for the time being.
- After that you soak up all the attention and affection she gives you.
- Even the white haired woman will admit she fell for the sweet hero.
- You’re so cute and smell so sweet.
- When you came to her retreat all bandaged up she had to resist. Your blood smells even better when on the surface, so sweet and intoxicating.
- She wants a taste, she wants to drink even the smallest sip from your sweet feminine form.
- “Are you alright, lost one?”
- “I’m fine! Just got into a bit of a tussle with a not so happy Gliscor, I won though!”
- She coos at how proud you look.
- “But are you okay? You look a bit flushed there.”
- She really shouldn’t have been taking deep inhales of your blood.
- “Oh I’m more than alright. Come now, I have missed my tea time companion.”
- You two fell into a rhythm before you confessed your love for her, though you fear with the time era, she wouldn’t accept.
- She surprised you by kissing your forehead.
- “I would love nothing more than to have you at my side, sweet one.”
- She tried to keep her vampiric side away from you, she didn’t want to scare you away.
- But luckily with your line of work, you only came to see her during her normal waking hours.
- You two would spend countless lates taking walks, star gazing, and her personal favorite, making dinner together.
- She finds all your sways, hums, and affection adorable.
- She never wants you out of her life.
- But then there came the downside to your job.
- You were oh so very late to a date. She swore she’d never go to the village but that night she did.
- “Ah your must be the captain, my sweet one takes about you quite a bit.” Cogita stopped Cyllene just before the blue haired woman could step away from the building.
- “Who?” Said captain narrows her eyes at the new comer.
- “Y/n, she speaks very highly of you.”
- “Oh, the hero, I’m glad to hear it, especially after what just happened.”
- “If I may ask, where is she? We had a date she is late to, I’m worried.”
- Cyllene gives the taller woman a glance over before walking back towards the building doors.
- “I must warn you, it’s not pretty.” The second the door open all Cogita could smell was your sweet blood, but her eyes widen in fear at just how much.
- “She risked her life and fought tooth and nail to protect a newer galaxy member, in return got attacked by a alpha scyther.”
- The door to the medical ward was open to reveal you covered almost head to toe in bandages.
- “She didn’t have time to send out her Pokémon, they came out of their own. But Pokémon can be ruthless.”
- Cogita felt herself choking up at the sight of her beloved in such a horrible condition.
- She didn’t need to be told, but they doubt you’ll make it.
- “I can leave you in here for ten minutes, after that and must ask you to leave.” Cyllene walked towards the door that connected the ward and her office, leaving it open as she worked on some extra reports.
- Cogita was right by your side in an instant.
- If she wanted a chance to save you, she needs to do this quickly and stealthily.
- She can guarantee you’ll die if she doesn’t step in. She moves some of your bandages and gently laps at your blood, trying not to hum at the flavor before he swiftly bites her wrists and forces her blood down your throat.
- Her healing time made sure no blood got in her clothes before her time was up.
- She is sorry, she wishes she could’ve spoken to you about this sooner, but she couldn’t just let you die like that. Granted now you can only do missions at night, but you’ll have her, right?
- Oh you were for frantic and panicked when she saw you next. Then you were furious when she told you what she did.
- “I’m sorry, sweet one, but I couldn’t have just left you there to die.”
- “I get that but I woke wondering why my arm was burnt! A heads up would’ve been nice!”
- It took a long talk but you two settled down and you took to being a vampire right next to her quite well!
- She’s just happy to have her wife at her side for all of eternity.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
So I JUST found this blog and as the world's #1 Mistress Cogita appreciator I have to ask: have you done any x reader requests with her? 👀 If not I'll just have to look out for when requests are back open.
...Or try my hand at submitting my own thoughts on her because BOY does my little lesbian heart have Thoughts™ on the elegant cottage milf
Hello! Welcome!
And yep! I've actually done a request for Cogita, a horny one that you can look at here if you so wish! Please request more if you want! I love her <3
However, I am also interested in hearing other people's headcanons, so please tell me all those lovely thoughts of yours!! I look forward to hearing them!!
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pokeprism14 · 2 years
You: Mistress Cogita, I need your advice on something.
Cogita: What is it dear lost one?
You: Lately I’ve been feeling off. My face gets hot, my heart pounds uncontrollably, and I keep stuttering.
You: I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Cogita, smiling: Dear lost one, that’s called love.
You: oh…/////
Cogita: So who makes you feel this way lost one?
You: Volo.
Cogita: You should go see a doctor.
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