#captain kid headcanons
damned-punk · 27 days
Please some HCs for Kid and Killer comforting their SO while having her period ❤️
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• It might take him some time to figure out why you’re unwell seemingly out of the blue, but would be surprisingly sweet once it dawns on him
• Would likely refer to Killer for tips on how to properly care for you during this time
• Would let you lounge in his cabin for however long you need, popping in and out occasionally to check on you if he’s busy
• He’d gather up an obscene amount of snacks when you mention you’re hungry, opting to sit with you and have a snack break together
• When you’re experiencing obvious discomfort he won’t hesitate to pull you into his lap and massage either your lower back or lower tummy, whichever you prefer
• Will absolutely climb in bed and nap with you, caging you against him in whatever position is most comfortable for you
• If you have trouble sleeping or fall ill during the night, he’d wake up and tend to you in whatever way you need
• Does not shy away from intimate times during your cycle because if you’re in the mood, he’s in the mood and there is nothing about your body that would ever turn him off
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• Quick to make the connection between your symptoms and the time of the month
• Not bothered by blood in the slightest, he’s only concerned with the level of pain you’re experiencing
• Would cook your favorite meal or bake your favorite sweets without being asked
• He’d spend time with you in the privacy of his cabin, expertly massaging any aching muscles that threaten your ability to relax
• Makes an effort to be more physically affectionate to fill the gaps formed by temporary insecurity, expect a barrage of kisses and squeezes of reassurance to any part of you that’s within his reach
• Would run a warm bath and set out some comfy clothes for you to slip into after soaking in the steamy water to ensure maximum comfort
• Ensures that you always have something to drink whether it’s water or something else you prefer
• Helps you to stretch tense muscles which would likely lead to intimate times, he’s always happy to please you no matter the circumstances of your body
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merbear25 · 13 days
Finding out how sensitive you are
With such beauty succumbing to his touch, how could he not adore the sight of your pretty flushed form? Indulge him a little, won’t you?
a/n: I know it’s a random mix but it is what it is.
CW: NSFW! MDNI! fem!reader, some fluff, headcanons, vaginal penetration, brattaming, rough sex, overstimulation, possessiveness, orgasm denial, creampie
Corazon, Law, Kid, Caesar
Corazon: Seeing tears swell in your lovely eyes, he couldn’t help but feel slightly bad, even if the tears were from the pleasure he was giving you. Offering words of encouragement as he quickened his pace, he held you closely. The sensation of your slick walls gripping him was making holding back difficult, coercing you to let go on his cock. Feeling you lose yourself on him filled him with an immeasurable sense of satisfaction, knowing that he helped bring you to the heights of euphoria. Releasing within you, the both of you are united in body and soul.
Law: Feeling you tightening around him, his hot breath bathed your delicate neck commanding you to pace yourself. When you were unable to hold back, he abruptly pulled out; his glare at your refusal still held a dark lust. As you begged for him to release you from these shackles, he agreed so long as you behaved yourself, relishing in the waves of ecstasy properly. Filling you back up, his thrusts were determined to put your will to the test. Despite it taking each fiber of your being, you kept your word. When finally given his grace, you fully unraveled on him and he followed suit, pouring his built up desire into you.
Kid: With that look of being meek prey, you knew the hold you had on him. Relishing in the sight of you, he growled as he leaned over you. Telling you that you needed to be punished for this shameful display, he tangled his fingers in your hair and yanked your head back. Yelping at the sudden cruelty, he slapped your ass with an open palm. Hissing at you to be quiet, he ruthlessly bullied himself into you. With a raw display of lust building up between you, the final thrust snapped all sense of control, letting the both of you bask in the afterglow.
Caesar: You were putting on quite a show for him. Such a delightful display of submission would only entice him to test your limits. Each twitch from your weakened form tested his own ability to hold back. He wanted to soak in your submission to him for as long as he could. Pulling you closer, he cooed at you, his opiate laced words fanning the flames of passion. Writhing under him, your tearful begging fed into his ego. Giving into your sweet pleas, he reminded you that you were his. Riding the tidal wave, you both came crashing down as the waters of your lust washed over you.
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sunnyferr · 1 month
A polyamorous relationship with them!
Op men!: kid/killer zoro/sanji law/luffy
WARNING: ReaderF! Polyamorous relationship NSFW, Contains homosexual relationships between characters!
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It's the most fun relationship you can have!
kid is your partner in pranks and dirty jokes, always up to mischief around the ship
but if you like quiet chats with a coffee, killer will always be there to listen to you, he's really good at listening and giving objective opinions
I remind you, they are very big, so their group hugs completely crush you.
I feel like killer is more into hugs, hugging you from behind and being there almost all the time.
kid is more into kisses, messy kisses with tongue in the middle, with his hands roaming all over your body
It's very sweet to see them share little kisses between the two
Sleeping with them is also a comical experience
I remind you for the second time, they each take up a king-size bed.
so you sleep on kid's chest face down, while kid holds you by the waist with one hand, and the other arm around killer (nice mental image)
sex with them is something wild and rough
Usually, the sessions last between 3 or 4 HOURS (a fallen soldier)
Kid always takes the lead, he's a dominant, and you're not going to take his place
killer, to be honest, is kind of the same, he can be sub or dom (although he does like being dom a bit)
Kid usually lets killer play with you while he's in the corner of the room, watching everything.
killer tends to praise you while biting and licking every inch of your skin
kid is more into saying things like "you little slut! do you like what killer is doing to your pussy, huh?"
the aftercare is very tender and sweet, well, kid tries to stay awake, as he usually falls asleep after 5 minutes.
killer is more about bringing you water and snacks if it was a long session, preparing a shower for all three (obviously having to drag kid into the shower)
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These two always seem to be arguing
like a couple who have been married for 50 years.
But they do love each other for real…just that it's a bit hard for them to admit it.
Usually, your time with Sanji is on some island, buying food (which was the main mission), but he ends up getting distracted by looking at dresses in the shop windows, saying you have to try them on RIGHT NOW.
On the other hand, Zoro loves it when you join him in his 30-minute naps while you're together hugging. He says it's cheesy and silly to be like that, but deep down, he loves it. Sometimes Sanji joins in (just because you told him to).
Sanji is always touching you (holding your hand, your waist, brushing your hair, etc.) because he can't stand being away from you. Even if you're right beside him, he always has to have you close!
Zoro is a bit calmer with that, but there are times he likes to tease Sanji, grabbing you by the waist and carrying you on his shoulder away from the cook.
But they also show affection to each other…giving each other little love pecks when you're not looking…and sometimes it escalates to something more.
Sleeping with them is a bit tricky (usually, Zoro is busy at night taking care of the ship, but let's pretend they almost always sleep together).
Usually, Sanji loves being in front of you and Zoro hugging you from behind, but problems arise when it's midnight…
It's a constant push and pull!
Sex is really exciting.
The rounds last for 2 hours (which is not short) but…
they leave you stargazing for hours!
Imagine leaning on the table, sharpening Zoro's sword and having a full view of your backside, while he hits your sweet spot
and meanwhile, Sanji is below, licking and sucking your clit while pleasuring himself
simply glorious
Sanji tends to be very loud, moaning and shouting Zoro's and your name
Zoro is more of a grunter and curses under his breath, but the occasional moan escapes him
The aftercare involves Sanji preparing some tea or some ointment to soothe any pains or discomfort, while Zoro pampers you with small kisses on your head until Sanji arrives and they nap together for a while
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A very complementary relationship!
Luffy is like a little kid, you have to keep up with his mischief ALL THE TIME!
but it's really fun to follow him and play some pranks on Law, even though he might get mad afterwards and not talk to us for hours (it was worth it)
Luffy loves hugs! he's always with his arms stretched out hugging you and giving you uncontrollable kisses all over your face
Law is a bit more shy, especially in public, he'll shake your hand and that's it, but when they get home he tends to pamper them a lot.
Law really likes it when you two are in his room while he studies or works, seeing you cuddled up on the couch while you caress a nearly asleep Luffy, is something he loves about you
Sleeping with Law is not a problem… Luffy is
he tends to fall off the bed ALL the time, so now Luffy sleeps in the middle, lying on his back while you hug and kiss him
they don't usually have sex much… but it's still very rewarding
it usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours
Luffy and you are the submissives, trying to please Law in various ways possible so he gives you your well-deserved "rewards"
An important detail is that Luffy is very inexperienced at first but gradually learns more, to the point where he'll try to be dominant with you (only sometimes)
They usually end up with a lot of moans and screams of passion among the three.
post-care is very important to Law!
he makes sure they've had enough water and gives massages in a specific place if they're in pain.
he would punish Luffy if he left too many hickeys (even if he did too) because it could be "dangerous"
but in the end, it always ends up being a good nap with lots of hugs and kisses (and Luffy's snoring)
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doodlesforfics · 2 years
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Who’s Old Now? by @lirabuswavi​ (um i hope i tagged the right person, cause like im 80% sure you are same ao3 lirabuswavi, if not im sorry <;D)
ok this one-shot literally opened my eyes to sheer chaos possibility of Adult!Fenton adopting kid Billy B. while Teenager!Phantom being mistaken as Shazam’s ward and just ladskjsdk??? superhero/magic/ghost community would not be prepared. amazing fic. such fun.
and some doodles inspired by the fic
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let lil Billy have retired ghost superhero possibly eldritch overpowered being Phantom as protective Dad.
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matchadobo · 5 months
KIDD; overheard
wc: 2768
summary: kidd overhead virgin!freader moaning out his name
warning/s: nsfw🔞, fem reader, v1brators, first-time-s3x, cooming inside, cunnilingus, thr0at fucking, fluff in the end
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you never had sex. you're a virgin. and kidd respects that. kidd had been courting you because you insist on doing it the traditional way. he just likes you so much he does sacrifices for you. he's not the type of guy who'd go through such lengths for a girl, but with you, man he'd do anything to let him love you.
you wouldn't expect that a man of his stature wouldn't talk you into having sex when you two started getting romantically involved. kidd was, of course, not a virgin. a man like him, who's built like a fucking fridge, who's tongue brings him so many places, who's charisma is unparalleled, and his overflowing sex appeal. you admit that your boyfriend is hot, and you want to know what i feels to bed him someday. he's perfectly aware of your situation and he gaves you free reign of your sexual status, he never forces you to go all the way. it's just all about touching between the both of you.
it's mostly on kidd's end when we talk about containing it. especially when you don't fix up yourself around him on domestic days. or when you don a pretty little dress.
you'd be fooling yourself if you don't wanna do more than touching and kissing with him. each time he takes his shirt off and his happy trail shows. how his muscles flex when he's reaching over something high or hugging you. you can't help but be curious of how it'd feel if he have his way with you.
so that one night where curiosity won over you, you decided to buy a vibrator since you can't find it in you to ask the guy that's been courting you and you who has been constantly insisting on taking things slow. once you're all alone, you discarded your clothes and lied on his bed. you were staying with him for the night. you could've done it in your place but, the scent of his cologne on his sheets and the sight of his things made you more aroused.
as you spread yourself on the bed, you don't know the first thing about vibrators. all you knew was how badly you wanted him, how you imagine him doing the stimulation and not this expensive fucking vibrating rod. as you felt the splurge of pleasure, you were out of this world. your eyes rolled at the back of your head and your mouth muttered his name with the filthiest intent.
little did you know, kidd was on his way back to his place. he just got off the elevator and is walking toward his unit with a handful of takeout for your date night. he was exhausted from work today and all he wanted to do was come home to you and feel you. not fully aware of your act.
"y'all fuck yet?" heat asked over the phone. kidd tsked through the call.
"if that's what the hell you're gonna talk about i'll block you." he almost hit the end call if it weren't for killer taking over.
"listen, we're just iffy about this courting thing. you always start your relationships with fucking or something." killer calmly retorted. "plus, it's been three months and you two are kind of a blur, aye? don't you think it's time to take a step much higher?"
"let me tell you freaks somethin': name is the most precious angel that ever crossed this earth, ya hear me? she ain't some whore i chase to keep my cock warm. i want to have somethin' special with her, cuz hey, she's one special lady herself." he took a deep breath before continuing, fishing out his keycard from his wallet. "ain't it enough reason to wait it out? i imagine sex with her like a good ol' scotch, aye? longer you wait, tastier it gets. i know she couldn't resist me either, the way those eyes linger ain't a wholesome thing. all the more reason the sex'll be so fuckin' sweet once she's ready." he emphasized on the last three words.
you were too lost in the glee of the stimulation, you didn't even hear the beep of his door as he got inside. as kidd settled his stuff down and calmed down by his couch, he started to wonder where you are. he roamed around his unit to find you, only to hear faint noises of your voices. they sounded like whimpers so he started getting worried and hurried to find where the sound was coming from.
he felt his dick tighten in his pants when he heard you moaning out his name loud and clear. his grasp on the plastic bag carrying your food tightened, he swallowed a hard lump down his throat. he couldn't resist barging in on you.
he would nut right then and there. when he saw you wide open right before him, you reached your climax just as he went in. your scream resounding in the room. so you sat frozen with your legs spread, one hand on the vibrator while the other played with your tits. you stopped immediately and hid yourself under his sheets, your face flushed red in sheer embarrassment. "w-what the hell?! i-i- what the fuck are you doing here, kidd?!"
he sighed before saying, "in case you didn't know; this is my room," he pulled his shirt over his head, walking a step closer to you. "and you're naked," he unbuckled his belt, getting even closer to you. "wide open." he kicked his pants away the floor, crawling by the bed. "moaning my name unbefitting of a cute little thing such as yourself." he pulled the sheets you were covering yourself with. "this much is fuckin' rich coming from someone who insists on taking it slow. your words bit you back in the ass, aye?"
you were flushed red at his proximity, your eyes shakily alternating between his. "i-i wasn't..."
"wasn't what? fucking yourself with that thing and imagining i was ramming into you?" he cocked a brow, canines tugging by his lower lip. "baby, hadn't i told you that you can just tell me if you wanna give it a go? i'm more than happy to teach ya," he gave your cheeks a soft caress.
his big hands trailed down your jaw, fingers tracing the edge of your face, down to the column of your neck until he wrapped his hands around your it and pulled you closer. eliciting a moan out of you, his grin widening. "aren't you a filthy, little slut too?"
he kissed you on your open mouth, the grip on your neck tightening. "what were you thinking about, hm?" he pressed the vibrator closer to your clit after flicking the button on. "was i too hot for you? you want me to fuck you up so bad, huh? stretch this tight, little thing wide, fucking, open." he pressed foreheads with you after licking your lips.
all you could do was pout and curl up your brows, your eyes rolling at the back of your head as you didn't even know what kind of high you're in right now. "nghh- kidd- please...!" you bit your lip, clawing at his arms.
"please what? i can stop." he gently whispered against your ear. "i can take care of mine just fine you know." he gestured to his bulging length underneath his brief. you felt yourself choke at the act, imagining how he'd be like.
"n-no!" you responded, squirming under him. he hasn't discarded the vibrator but only made it even more extreme. "k-keep going... i-i want to go all the way, okay?"
"aye." he nodded, giving you a long, wet kiss before turning the vibrator off. he ducked his head down and placed soft, gentle kisses on your inner thighs, teasing your sopping cunt by his stippled pecks. "ready?" he stared at you, his hot breath tickling your folds. you nodded with pressed lips, bracing yourself with his tongue.
he languidly dragged his tongue down the line of your folds, not breaking eye contact as he watch you squirm with only just his tongue. how you sound so much like a slut just for him. he pulled your hips closer, drowning his face within your opening and the flesh of your thighs. he hummed through you as a response to your moans, vibrations pumping through your veins. he took it a notch higher and slid a finger in. you were becoming limp at this point.
but you wanted to please him too, you want to help him with that tent in his pants. so once you pushed his head deeper and you pulled on his hair, you came in his mouth. he sipped in your juices, slurping in your cum.
"c-can i please you too?" you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"i was just about to say that." he stood up on the bed, holding your jaw by his hands. "go ahead, love."
you hesitantly raise your hands, still looking at him. your fingers crept on his waistbands, sliding them off. his pulsating length sprung out, dripping with precum. you couldn't help but act surprise at the size of him even though you already know that he's phenomenally huge. he would already cum right then and there when he saw the enormous difference between the size of him to your face, how your eyes try to fathom how you'd fit that in your mouth and in your cunt.
you start to wrap your cold fingers around him, a gasp escaping him at your contact. you pumped unsurely, from his flushed head down to his veiny shaft. you opened your mouth and gave a kitten lick by his head, keeping an eye on him before swallowing him whole. he was so huge you gagged when you were just by the half of him.
his hands found its way to the sides of your head as he pushed his length further in your throat, relishing on the warmth of your mouth. you dug your nails by the skin of his hips, eyes watering at the impact of the head of his length touching the back of your throat. he grunted as he tried to restrain himself to let you adjust.
once you let go with a pop, strings of saliva trailed from his head to your lips. there were scattered drools on your lips, you wiped it with the back of your palm. "w-wait, i- you're too big." you giggled shyly, tucking your hair by your ear.
"yeah? sure you can handle it?" he rubbed your chin between his thumb and index, studying your expressions. "i assure you, it will be a lot fucking bigger inside you."
you gulped deeply, face heating up. so you cleared your throat, and prepped yourself to do it once more. you slowly got used to bobbing your head back and forth, the friction of your lips gliding across the surface of his veiny length. as your saliva coated his shaft, it became more slippery and easier to slide in your mouth.
kidd was cursing out words each time his cock slipped in and out of your mouth. he pushed himself further, despite your protests of drumming his hips. he pulled on your hair tightly, fucking your mouth in an unforgiving pace. once he came in your mouth, he left it there for a while, his cum dripping down your throat. you had to catch your breath as residue of cum and drool littered your chin.
he sat down before you,"for a beginner, you're goddamn amazing." he placed a kiss on your forehead then to you lips. as he kissed you fervently; his hands went from choking your neck, squeezing your tits with his palms, and rubbing on your clit as he spread your wetness from your cunt to your inner thighs. "let me spread you up for the finale." he mumbled against your open mouth which elicited breathy moans. his thigh and shoulder provided support for your frame as he fingered you open.
your hand reached over his cheek, looking at him with the most vulnerable gaze. he memorized how sinful you looked for him, how your eyes begged for more and how your mouth uttered the neediest response from his stimulation.
you pressed your forehead by his cheek as you approached your climax, clawing at his arms. he watched how your cunt clenched around his fingers at each curl and spread. you ended up breathless after you came.
but he didn't give you any chance to pause and compose yourself, he lied you down the mattress and knelt before your body. he gave his length a few pumps after spitting on it, he teased his meat on your soaking cunt; savoring how you furrow your brows and gawk at him. he spread your legs by your inner thighs, pushing your hips toward his so you two could be very close. kidd leaned down and pressed foreheads with you, "i'm putting it in, aye?" he asked for permission and you hummed. he gave your nose a little kiss before sliding himself in slowly.
"f-fuck...!" he stuttered, breathless at the tightness of your innocent cunt. he could slide in without any pain from his or your end, your walls just clench around him a lot. you too were drooling and too lost at the fullness of his cock, he's way too huge for you to fathom. "if you keep clenching like that i'm not gonna last, love. i haven't even been fully in." he panted, smiling against your cheek.
once he fully got settled, the head of his cock reached your cervix; that's how big he is. after adjusting, he began moving back and forth. it took everything in him to do it slowly, he wanted to fuck you stupid in a harsh pace. you reached for his neck, slowly lling him down to kiss him. "i-it hurts, b-baby. i-i it feels sore." you said in between kisses. "b-but don't stop, i-it feels amazing too." you smiled meekly, a single tear falling at the corner of your eye.
kidd felt motivated to refine his performance, your words were like a brush on his shoulder. he kissed your tears away before saying, "i know, bunny. i promise to only let you feel the good part, hm?"
as you fist the sheets and his grip on your waist tightened, you two slowly found rhythm. kidd adored how pleasured you look right now, to the point that you don't know what to do with yourself. you played with your tits, sucked on his fingers, clawed on his arms, covered your face with the pillows, and clutched your tummy as you grew near. he was doing all of that to you and it was the biggest turn on for him. he reached over to hold your face in his hand, then he rubbed on your lips, and finally wrapped his hands around your neck. you swallowed at the constriction on your throat, his firm hand holding you in place. his other hand was holding your leg that was swung on top of his shoulder. "you close?" he asked, hips unceasing.
you nodded, your eyes becoming swollen at the amount of tears you let out. "me too, baby. i-i'm- ngh fuck!" he too was lost for words, he felt you clench again around him, you felt him throb inside you; the vibration coursing through your veins. "do you want me to p-pull out?"
you didn't know either. it was your first time and you know the risks. but it was kidd. you want him to release inside, to keep you warm, to let his cum drip down your cunt. so you shook your head and pulled him by the neck. "cum inside, release all of it."
from your words, he came right then and there, shooting up ropes of cum inside your womb. "if we're gonna have brats, i'm done for." he panted with his forehead resting on your shoulder.
"me too, mini versions of you are a headache." you giggled a bit, kissing his ear.
"can i just stay inside?" he lied gently beside you, "you just feel so good and i want to sleep like this."
another tear streamed down your cheeks, what a goddamn softie. you nodded turning your back on him and placing your hand above his which was resting atop your stomach. "i'm glad you're my first." you blurted out, blushing afterward.
"i'm glad you're my last, shortcake."
you gave him a glare but he just giggled.
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one last hc before i wage war with my exams 🥺 this is for tHE FREAKSSS 🤪🫣
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moongreenlight · 5 months
Not seeing enough people recognize that John Price is actually Mr. O’Malley the alley cat from aristocats.
Falls in love with a single mom not realizing she actually has three kids and then getting even more excited when he realizes she has kids already? Yeah ok nerd.
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
anon asked: Hello you <3 your writing style is so smooth, I love it! So, I would like to ask you some smutty fruity juicy smut for Law my man, Kid (maybe it will make you accept this request more easily 😇), and Sanji. Something about how they would react after being teased all the day by their s/o, like bc she’s wearing some suggestives clothes or touching them in public etc. For a female reader, if possible. And regarding the kinks, do as you wish, I trust you with the result. Hope I made the request correctly and tysm for bringing our ideas to life <333 Oh, and you can add some more characters if you want! anon, please.
Hi there! Tysm for your kind words, I'm always a bit uncertain and unconfident when I have to write scenarios in other languages than my native one ;w; So, it means a lot to me ;w; I didn't add more characters bc you already pick two of my personal fav + my ultimate fav ♡. Anyway, the meal is ready, hope it will match your expectations, thank you for requesting!☆
☆Law, Kid & Sanji after being teased all the day by their s/o
CW (generals) : MDNI, f!reader, smut, teasing
WC : 3,3k
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CW : dirty talk, fingering, overstimulation, slight degradation (usage of 'slut'), panties stuffing (mouth)
What a foolish game to tease Law. You know that, don't you? Law could write a complete book about teasing and still have much to say regarding this topic, in fact. So, sure, go ahead and tease him. Taunt him with this short skirt, bend just in front of him to grab the book you "accidentally" let fall, and try to annoy him while he's working in his office. He won't show anything, always keeping his cold and serious attitude in front of others. Law is pretty good when it comes to controlling himself. But inside, oh damn, his blood is boiling with pure desire to make you pay. Law is not one to let things fall, so he wants to avenge and he will do so.
And we all know Law is the king of shenanigans. While working, he would imagine a cruel scenario that would make you turn into a moaning, whimpering, and wet mess. He would keep thinking about it the entire day, holding back a mischievous grin as you continue to tease him. 
In fact, he thinks you're cute. You're putting in a lot of effort to tease him, but you have no knowledge about this topic. But it's fine, he'll teach you how it's done soon enough. 
Despite your attempts to annoy him, he's still working even though it's almost midnight. Even so, you enter his office once more, sitting at his desk, throwing his papers away. And you're wearing a really short skirt, one of his favorites. Slowly, you cross your legs, showing him the panties you're wearing under: again, one of his favorites. "Law, I'm bored" you whine, with wet puppy eyes.
And now the fun begins. Law would use his DF to 'room, shamble' you into your shared bedroom. Obviously, he would also lock the door from a distance. All you can do is wait for him. He won't let you go soon. He would continue working, taking pleasure in the silence and picturing your pitiful whines. 
After maybe two hours, he would finally join you, slowly opening the door to find you lying on the bed, all bored and eagerly waiting for the long wait. As you attempt to jump into his arms and say 'Law, you're here!', he would scowl mad at you and take off his hat without any consideration for you.
The aura surrounding him would only radiate anger and eagerness. "Get on the bed." And this is not a suggestion or a nice request coming out of his mouth, but an order. He rarely commands that directly, but when he does, you better obey really quickly. Honestly, you know it's not time to act like a brat anymore, so you should comply.
First thing first, Law would tie your wrists. "A naughty girl like you doesn't deserve to touch me." With that sentence, he would slowly remove his shirt, taking his time, playing with the buttons, and eventually revealing his bare tattooed chest. The one you love to fondle, kiss, bite, and even leave hickeys on. 
You're already squirming, anticipating being touched, anticipating intimacy with him, anticipating his skin touching yours. "Is there something wrong, y/n-ya?" Ah, yes. He would really take his time, slowly sliding his shirt down the ground, and running his beautiful tattooed hands through his hair. 
As you writhe, your short skirt goes up your thighs, revealing your panties that are already wet. "You're such a pathetic slut. You need me so badly already, y/n-ya?"
He would simply observe how your underwear is becoming more and more wet. He hasn't touched you yet. It doesn't matter if you squirm and beg, he won't care. You did that to yourself. You can try to untie yourself if you want, you're tightly tied. 
"Please Law, I'm sorry! I need you so bad! " 
" And you decided to tease me all the damn day to get my attention? You're such an eager slut. Now shut up and take it." 
Law would love to sit on the edge of the bed, close to you, but not enough to allow you to touch his skin. He would make you feel his presence, enjoying all of your pathetic whistling. And after a certain time, finally, without a word, he would run his skilled fingers along your body, touching you everywhere, avoiding your inner thighs in purpose. The more you contort and arch your back, the more he will tease you. He loves how you crave for his touch. 
As tears of frustration start to prickle at the corner of your eyes, he would roughly pinch your nipple. "Something wrong, y/n-ya?" He's tricky because if you beg for more, of course, he won't obey. And if you keep quiet, he would continue to torture your body, waiting for your answer. "That's how we tease someone, y/n-ya."
His hands would slowly, slowly, taking off your skirt and then, he would hook his thumbs under your panties, sliding them down your legs, inch by inch, revealing your bare pussy and damped folds to his eyes. "Law… I" And brutally, he would stuff your wet panties in your mouth. "Nice girls are the only ones allowed to speak." 
Your muffled complains would be pure music to his ears. He would continue to tease you, his fingers tracing patterns on your lower-stomach. Finally, sliding along your slit. "You're soaking wet for absolutely nothing." Oh, he would love to watch how your dripping core is aching, clenching around nothing, before slowly rubbing his fingers along your pussy.
"You're making a mess on the bedsheets. You better clean them right after I'm done with you. " 
He would push one finger into your pussy while you moan, your mouth still full of your own panties. Law is truly talented, even with just one finger. " One finger. That's all you deserved." 
His middle finger, which is nicely curled, would hit all your sweet spots when he circles your clit with his thumb. He would love to watch you trying to get more friction, more of him, more of his fingers. But he won't comply.
He would be painfully slow, thrusting his finger in and out of your body at an unrealistic slow pace, before brutally pushing in, and then, nice and slow again. Yes, it's frustrating, it makes you tense yourself in anticipation, and it's precisely what he's looking for. 
"See, I've told you one finger would be enough" as you cum violently all around his middle finger, making a mess on the bedsheets, with shivering thighs, shaky breath and pathetic whimpers. 
"I'm not done yet." 
Before sliding two fingers inside you. He would continue to rub your clit, hitting all your sweet spots, making you squirm on the bed as you try to untie yourself. But there is nothing you can do. You're sentenced to take more of his fingers, to cum again and again, your sensitive pussy aching and clenching.  
Then, he would take off his fingers, licking his tattoos covered in your wetness. And if you dare sigh of relief, he would slowly run his fingers along the length of his cock through his pants. 
"Oh, y/n-ya, you're here for a long, long night."
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CW : Degradation, rough sex, fingering, dirty talk, v!sex, spanking, hair pulling, slight choking, Kid has a filthy mouth, size kink, overstimulation, unprotected sex, mention of anal sex
The master of rough sex.
Kid has absolutely no patience or self-control, and absolutely hates being teased. Whenever you tease him, his honest reaction is to grab you roughly by the wrist, pin you against the closet wall, and just fuck you roughly from behind. He doesn't give a damn if it's in a public place. 
But today is different because he can't have his fun with you. That damn reunion for the 'alliance thing' that he agreed to because of Killer is way too long, and you're teasing him under the table by rubbing your feet against his cock. Or showing him that you're wearing your red panties, his favorite ones. The poor Kid would hold onto the table, his phalanx white due to the intense effort he's making to maintain his composure. 
Don't you dare think about his thoughts right now, because all he can imagine is you being fucked roughly like the little slut you are
The moment the meeting is over, he would try to grab your hips and fuck you immediately. If you manage to escape his grip, sticking out your tongue to mock him before running to the Victoria Punk, oh, damn, you're doomed.
Kid would waste no time looking after you, with clenched fists and gritted teeth. No one would dare approach him because, honestly, his anger is wrapping him up like an aura. And we all know how Kid deals with annoying people. 
He would slam the door of your shared bedroom angrily. Kid would be even madder if you lie on the bed, giggling and pleased with your mischiefs. "Think you're funny, fuckin’ woman?" The way he spits his words in your face is quite frightening. Now, you're not laughing anymore. "'Gonna fuckin' ruin ya" 
That's all your waiting for, right?
With sloppy moves, he would let his coat fall on the ground, take off his shirt, and throw his boots away. Before ripping all of your clothes, including your panties, and crawling onto the bed, his impressive figure looming over you. He would shamelessly use his large metallic arm to crush you onto the mattress. The prosthetic hand would hold your upper body, with two metallic fingers around your throat and the rest wrapping around your waist. "Stay fucking still, slut."
As you squirm and start to moan, turned on by how dominant he's acting right now, he would scowl angrily. "Stop bein' so fuckin' loud" with a rough slap on your inner thighs.
He would love to watch how you look, pinned down and totally helpless. All you can do is take all of him. He would make you spread your legs, pushing your knees away, and force them to touch the bed sheets in a matting press position. 
The sensation of fitting your small body between his muscular thighs would be immensely attractive to Kid. He would slam roughly two thick fingers into your soaking wet pussy without any warning or consideration, hitting all your sweet spots. The only thing you're allowed to do is take it. You won't be going anywhere. Not with his metallic hand holding you still. 
As you moan and beg for more, he would laugh mockingly. "Shut the fuck up, slut." Without a word, he would take off his fingers covered in your wetness and force them into your mouth. "Suck them clean." 
He would probably make you gag and drool a bit, forcing his fingers down your throat, enjoying how tears are starting to prickle at the corner of your eyes. "Thought it would be funny to fuckin' mess with me?" 
After taking off his fingers, he would roughly flip you over on your stomach. "Ass up. Chest down. Now." And, as you comply, he would smash your head against the pillow, forcing your back to arch until your spine hurts. 
Kid would spank you with his heavy hand. The flesh one. Leaving red marks on your cheeks and spreading them apart brutally to watch your tight pussy clenching desperately around nothing.  "You're just a fuckin slut, Y/N, gettin’ soaked just for some fingering." 
Quickly, he would slide down his pants, just enough to free his large cock, leaking in pre-cum, throbbing and twitching with impatience. Then, slamming his hips forward, burying his cock deep inside you, and bullying your cervix with his thick length. "Take it all." As you cry out from how good he's filling you up. 
"Shut the fuck up" burying your head violently against the pillow if you start to moan. And if you continue to muffle, cry out, and whimpers, Kid would wrap his large hand around your throat, squeezing roughly, silencing you. 
He would slam his cock so hard, making your ass jiggle with each thrust, his heavy balls slapping against your wet pussy, with a sloshing, obscene sound. He would make sure you feel helpless under his control, enjoying how your breath becomes shallow and labored as you struggle to get enough air through your nose. "Don't fuckin' mess with me, Y/N. Never." 
He would love to watch how your inside is swallowing his cock, burying himself so deep that it feels like he's pounding your very core. 
"You keep sucking me in, you like my cock that much, lil slut?" 
The headboard slamming against the wall would cause the bed to creak. With his hand, Kid could either slap your ass or hold you still. And sure, his eyes would be glued to his cock, sliding roughly in and out of you, glistening, all covered by your wetness. 
As he pounded into you at a breaking-spine pace, he would grunt loudly and shamelessly, sweat dripping down his face. "Cry out for me all you want, fuckin' whore." 
He would pull you back onto his cock with each thrust, almost tearing you in half. He would use his exceptional stamina to his advantage, plowing into you repeatedly and showing no signs of slowing down. He won't stop if you don't use your safe word for a rough session. 
"Who's fuckin' you so well?" 
His ego would be immensely satisfied if you keep shooting his name.
His hand would grab your hair, pulling it roughly, almost breaking your neck, forcing you to look at him while he fucks you. Squeal for him, cry for him under his unforgiving pace. That's all he wants. "I don't even know why I'm fuckin' you. A slut like you doesn't deserve my cock." 
He would continue until your mind starts to melt into nothingness, leaving bruises all over your skin. Your moans and his low, animalistic grunts would fill the rooms. As you cum all around his cock, he would slap your ass, keep thrusting, and overstimulate you. And brutally, he would cum inside of you, his body shaking with the force of his release. After a few more sloppy thrusts, he would pull out, his member sliding out of you with a loud plop, followed by a large amount of white sticky fluid leaking out of you.
"Keep it in, slut." 
Slowly, his thumb would find its way to your asshole. "This hole deserves some attention too, right, slut?"
Good luck, you just awake a wild beast. He would be delighted to observe your struggle to walk the next morning. That's what you get for teasing him. No one messes with Eustass Kid.
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CW : oral sex , fingering (reader receiving), slight food play, squirting, v!sex, Sanji is talking in French here and there 
Okay, but Sanji is almost always turned on by your simple presence. Our poor Sanji would struggle to even breathe if you decided to tease him. His eyes would always be glued to your every move. He would smoke more than usual, attempting to resist the urge to lift this beautiful dress and devour you.
Honestly, he would assume that you're angry with him. "Have I done something wrong today, Y/N?" With wet puppy eyes. 
Poor Sanji would be even more confused if you start laughing playfuly and lift up your dress slightly, revealing the elegant lace panties you're wearing today. He would struggle to cook, almost burn the dinner for the crew because his mind would be so dizzy. Oh, he would sacrifice everything to eat you out right here, right now, in front of anyone.
Sanji would cough loudly as you continue to tease him under the table during the diner with the rest of the crew. And once everyone has left the kitchen, Sanji would waste no time locking the door and just grabbing your hips and sitting you on the table. 
Let's remember the broken plates with a minute of silence.
"J'ai tellement besoin de toi, Y/N" (I need you so bad)
He would also ask you what he has done wrong today, and as you laugh and reply 'nothing, I just wanted to tease you,' Sanji would be relieved. "If my pretty girlfriend is needy, then, I have to take care of her. Je vais bien m'occuper de toi." (I gonna take care of you)
Sanji would use the environment to his advantage and cover your body with black chocolate, slowly licking your breasts covered in the warm liquid. "Tasting so good…" 
He would eat and treasure every inch of your skin, sucking on your nipples, pinching them slowly between his thumb and index finger while sucking on the other. Sanji is eager to please you and is happy to finally touch you after a long day of teasing.
He's a starving person, he would never be able to tease you back or just ignore you.
Sanji would slowly slide your panties down your legs. At the sight of your bare pussy, his cock would roughly press against the fabric of his pants. 
He would treat you like a queen even if you've been teasing him for the entire day. After all, you are his queen and you deserve the best.
While you remained on the table, he would ask "Are you comfortable?" and then kneel down and gently run his hands along your inner thighs. He would slowly bury his head between your legs. Being between your thighs is his favorite place. Pure heaven for Sanji.
Sanji, the oral sex king, would take his time, placing soft kisses on your inner thighs, slowly approaching your soaking wet pussy. "My pretty girl is so needy." 
He would eat you out by using his skills to make you moan his name loudly. Please grasp his hair and press his head harder against your lips. When you use him for your own pleasure, he loves it. His tongue flicking against your clit, he would smoothly slide two long fingers inside of you, curling them deeply inside of you. 
Sanji doesn't need anything but his skillful mouth and hands to make you feel good. Your responsiveness is something he loves. He would love to feel your legs wrapped around him as he continues to drink all of your juice as if it were a glass of red wine. 
With a gentle touch, he would intensify the passion, his tongue licking harder at your clit, and his fingers perfectly curled against all your sweet spots. Although he's patient, he's also battling against his own urge to take off his pants and slide his cock deep into your hot and wet pussy.
He would look at you, enjoying how your face is twisted in nothing but pure ecstasy. "You're always making the prettiest noises for me" before returning back to his duty: making you cum.
And that's what you do, squeezing his head between your thighs, grabbing a full hand of blond hair, cumming hard against his lips and around his fingers nicely curled inside you. 
Sanji would drink all of your juice, continue to eat you out, until you cum again. And again. You teased him all the day, now, he can't get enough of you. He wants more, he needs more. He would leave you with your legs shaking and turn you into a pathetic whiny mess. "Too much!" He would continue until you squirt on his face, your mind so dizzy that you can't feel your own orgasms anymore.
Finally, he would stop, licking his lips and glistening with your wetness. "Tu es si bonne, je ne peux pas m'arrêter." (You taste so good, I just can't stop.)
He would not expect you to return the favor. But it would be cruel to leave him with an uncomfortable erection. You're not cruel. Right? 
If you decide to let him slide his cock inside you, he would moan so loudly and shamelessly. The prettiest moans. You just feel so good. 
He would fuck you on the table, in all the positions, worshipping every single inch of your body until you're both exhausted.
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whispers-of-lilith · 11 months
Killer: *standing in your open doorway* "So uh, did you order a sandwich with extra meat?"
You: "What? No...?"
*Kid pokes his head up from behind Killer*
You: "..."
Killer: "..."
You: "Oh...? OH. That kind of double stuffed sandwich! Then yes, yes I did."
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portgasmalia · 8 months
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﹙featuring: eustass kid, trafalgar law, cat burglar nami, flame emperor sabo & reader﹚ ﹙theme: heartwarming fluff﹚
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eustass 'captain' kid
between the famous names of the worst generation, the notorious captain of the kid pirates became known for his cruel and highly temperamental behavior. a glance in his direction provoked the male, the smirk on his face while murdering the ones that laughed about him and his dream almost a sadistic curve. so when one day, he suddenly started to show a tad of affection towards you while being in public, it was difficult to believe for anyone who knew the redhead. ever so often, his deep red lips puckered and connected with your forehead. a simple but sweet gesture, a peck leaving stains of his lipstick on your soft skin. for you, you loved the affection. for kid, it was a chance to promise you that he would return from anywhere, return back to you, without making a fool out of himself for stuttering through unidentified words. it also became the showcase of his love for you whenever he had a bad day and couldn’t stop the mood swings from provoking another fight. screaming orders across the deck of the victoria punk, and while stomping past you, an almost too light peck to your forehead to tell you, he was not mad at you.
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trafalgar d. water law
he hated the staring eyes of people, watching closely how his hands grabbed your waist, or how your lips lingered a second too long on his. he never had to experience those longing glances or drooling faces while giving you his attention, it merely happened while fighting. but it taught him to keep his relationships behind closed doors, hiding his weaknesses for his and their own good. so law tried his best to spend time with you, without giving too much pda away. when you wanted to take a nap, he asked for you to sleep on the couch in his office while he can go over documents and books. when the blue sky above was cloudless, and the sun stretched its warmth for miles, and you decided to bath in the rays, law would take a seat in the colder shadows beside you with as always a book in his hand. you did not need to talk. when you went into town go grab bags of ingredients for the journey to the next island? don’t bother to ask anyone for company because law would already walk by your side. law was not the person to shout out his feelings, or to clearly showcase what feelings bubbled up in his stomach. yet, the emotionless facade dropped when you stepped into his sight, and the corners of his mouth lifted.
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cat burglar nami
oh there was no need to lie. the temperamental orange-haired loved the glimmering, golden coins enough to call them her babies and easily switch moods if someone dared themselves to try and steal the smallest amount of her treasure. yet, being with you slightly changed her opinion about the berry hidden in her room. she loved them but nami loved you more and quickly found a good way of spending some. if by chance there would be an island where the marine soldiers would not be already waiting at the dock, the navigator used the time of not running away to stroll through the villages and towns. gathering ingredients with sanji, finding another pile of clothes with robin but most importantly, exploring the expensive jewelry shops to find a suitable gift for you. a bracelet, or maybe a necklace, even if you already had more than ten and couldn’t wear them all at once. nami always brought you a little present from the island, and hell, yes, it might have seemed like she wanted to buy your love but any given time, you would raise a brow and open your mouth when she handed you another present. nami assured you that it did not matter, your love was more valuable than any amount of berry, with a kiss to the cheek.
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flame emperor sabo
as the second in command of the revolutionary army, sabo is always a busy man. running missions, bringing up plans, talking behind closed doors with the fearless leader dragon. since his schedule for private activities is cut short, sabo found a way to assure you, he thought about you and loved you dearly. the gentle touches of his slender fingers around your waist, when he had to squeeze past you, slowly and carefully pushing you aside. his arm around your waist when you stood next to each other, mostly his flat hand sprawled out on the curve of your back and drawing sweet shapes with his fingertips. while being in a conversation with him, sabo will casually reach out for you, caressing the flustered spot on the span of your cheeks. just because you're so beautiful to him, so precious and he's always asking himself how he deserves your love. it was never much of pda, mainly because sabo had to remain a respected person with the position he earned himself. in such a world filled with enemies and the marine, who worked against almost everyone who admired freedom, those little touches offered hope and happiness. especially since you were the only one who knew how warm the flame emperor’s calloused fingertips were without the brown gloves.
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credit goes to portgasmalia.
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damned-punk · 26 days
Your Love Triangle with Kid & Killer is awesome 😍 would you write more HCs for this Poly relationship? I imagine doing more quiet hobbies and activities with Killer like cooking or shopping and a lot of cuddling on the couch (and maybe some Vanilla Sex 👀). While with Kid you could have really hot hard sex, beeing creative in his workshop or listening to Punk Rock music. 🎶🎧
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• Activities arranged by Kidd would certainly be more chaotic and riveting, likely involving new or experimental ideas
• Kidd certainly enjoys all of the soft moments, but he loves to break up the pace by pushing some boundaries
• Events involving concerts, festivals, amusement parks, and other high energy outings where the three of you could let loose would be Kidd’s preference
• Kidd is very adventurous in the bedroom and is willing to try most things as long as everyone else is comfortable
• The Captain is a rough lover but he’s very attentive to your likes and dislikes, I can specifically see him being very keen on spanking if you’re up for it (in a playful way of course)
• Prone to living in the moment, Kidd would not shy away from taking you in the middle of his workshop should the mood strike
• Perhaps you needed something or just wanted to check on him, Kidd would be hulking over some contraption with toned muscles glistening beneath a fresh sheen of sweat
• The Captain would notice your gaze and flushed face before you could even register your own thoughts, working to exacerbate your already flustered state
• It wouldn’t take long for his metal hand to sweep the lingering tools off the top of his workbench and into the floor, your sweet self filling the empty space while being spread open to the heaviest metal on his playlist
• Maybe Killer would hear some suspiciously erotic sounds overtoning the music in the room where his two lovers were last seen and enters the room to find the two of you enjoying one another, his addition to your spur of the moment session being welcomed and yearned for
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• Activities arranged by Killer would be intimate and cozy, often ending in the three of you lounging comfortably in the company of one another
• Killer enjoys all the high-pace antics that are typically drawn up by Kidd, but he has an innate preference for the softer moments
• Expect to participate in more personal things like baking, watching movies, attempting to build things together, and other private activities that bring the three of you closer together
• Killer is a very attentive lover and wants to please his partners above all else, he’s not quite as adventurous in this aspect but is still a lot of fun
• Praise is a large part of Killer’s behavior when he’s in the mood, you can almost always tell what’s coming next when overt compliments and recognition begin to pour from his mouth
• Maybe the two of you are lounging on the couch waiting for Kidd to return from tinkering when the barrage of compliments begins, Killer rather proactively pointing out all the things he adores about you
• Your embarrassed expression would spur him on, prompting him to make use of his hands in finding either your waist or thighs to begin kneading
• He’d purposely inch closer and closer to the explicit areas of your body, reveling in your gasps as he eases the two of you into more physical activities
• Killer would bring himself to rest on his knees in front of you, lifting your legs to sit on his shoulders as he indulges in the arousal he’d built up within you
• He’d take his time to ensure that Kidd would have the opportunity to walk in on the two of you, ultimately securing an exponentially more graphic evening involving all three of you
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
Dirty Alphabet - Eustass
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Eustass Kid x Female Reader
*This one I got carried away cause he's my boo lol 🥵❤️‍🔥🫦*
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If you're already in a relationship he will be a big snuggler but don't you dare mention it or he'll deny it. If it's a casual/ one night stand thing he'd probably see if you wanna go get drinks…or just bounce up outta there. Lol
B = Breath Play (do they like it done to them or doing the deed)
Loves choking you and knowing he's so strong he could crush your windpipe buttt he's a kinky man so he loves it if you return the favor when you're riding his cock. Your smaller hands trying to squeeze even just the smallest amount of oxygen makes him grunt and groan out curses.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Big mess maker for sure!! Wants to fill you with cum but also wants to cover you in it too. Smear that shit along with your makeup till you're a big sloppy mess that he can tease. If you swallow so be it but he loves shooting it on that pretty face of yours. Also he cums A LOT! So be prepared!
D = Dirtiest Kink (what they think is their dirtiest kink)
Wants to tag team you with Killer which you expected but the real secret is that he thought of sharing you with Law and Luffy. He doesn't know why but the thought plagues his brain. Maybe it's the fighting they've done together in Wano that drew him to the idea but he'll never admit it to you…maybe he'll tell Killer though.
E = Exhibitionist? (Do they like being watched)
Loves attention!!! Watch him all you want but don't think he'll be shy about it baby. That man will solo masturbate and talk you out of your panties in a second to join him. Also loves watching you as well.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything to showcases his strength and his big dick. Full nelson, mating press to keep you pinned down and feel his entire length. Also pronebone so you can't push him off and his big arms can cage you in how he likes.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Will crack jokes but always in a teasing way as he's fucking you into the mattress. If you try to make an embarrassing joke though just expect him to scowl.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I wanna say kind of trimmed cause he looks like he manscapes but he likes having a happy trail of red hair leading to the ‘main treat’.
Idk why but I feel like if you didn't shave he'd go feral. 🤷‍♀️ Idk why lol but I think you not following the usual beauty standards would drive him literally insane lol
I = Initiation (how do they get you going? Vice versa )
He's a horn ball 24/7 so he's super handsy and if he's not touching you he'll spill pure filth no matter who's around. His crew gets a kick out of it but if they try and make comments to you best believe they'll be thrown overboard or spending their time scrubbing their own blood off the deck.
J = Jealous (how do they get when jealous )
It's Kidd…he's territorial. I can totally see him getting jealous and storming off somewhere. But if you've been together a long time he's not asking questions just grabbing you and tossing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes to punish you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Overstimulation Kink! He loves the both of you being fucked out beyond the point of words, shaking and drooling from round after round.
Corruption Kink! If you're a good girl, best believe he wants to change that. Wants to turn you into a horny ticking time bomb, literally desires to turn that shy exterior into a handsy sex machine just like him.
Glasses glasses glasses!!! If you wear glasses it makes you look nerdy/sweet which plays into his corruption Kink and now he can't help but picture what they'll look like covered in his cum. (Totally self indulgent but IDC it's my page lol)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere. This man has no shame when it comes to sex on his ship, hell he'll even fuck you in an alley way. Weirdly doesn't like you being seen though so he'll pick positions that he can cover you with his big body. Even covering your mouth so no one can hear the sweet sounds you make for him only.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He's always horny but loves when you get just as handsy as him though. If you do try flirting he'll make you work for it just to see how far and bold you get.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Can't really think of anything this man won't do tbh lol 🤣 He's a freaky freak.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves fucking your face but loves eating pussy, it's his favorite meal. Ask him and he'll be honest.🥵 So sit on his face and then you both can devour each other.
P = Pace (rough and fast, slow and soft)
Depends on his mood. He's always rough but sometimes he'll fuck you slow with deep mind numbing thrusts till you're begging for him. Yet other times he'll fuck you fast and hard till you're shaking and drunk on his cock.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes yes yes. Whenever and however many he can get from you he's down.
R = Rope (shibari, bondage? Do they like it?)
Yup whether giving or receiving that man is down. He's a big boy who can take you whipping him or even slapping him across the face while he's tied up. But won't go as hard on you as you can go on him. He knows his strength but won't push yours unless you beg of course.
S = Sharing? (Are they willing to share you?)
Depends on who it is. If it's Killer, absolutely lol If he's having a captains talk with Law and Luffy and they just so happen to mention you he'll freak out in a feral lust but ultimately it's up to you of course.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He makes his own of course. He's a craftsman with many skills and desires so of course he'll come up with something.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The meanest 🥵 teasing you till you're pouting and begging for relief
V = Voyeur (do they like to watch)
Yup yup! He'll even join you in giving him a show lol
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If you wear heels, step on him! Not in a submissive way but more in a, “I'm strong those pointy heels won't do shit” type of way. It's like a play on a pain fetish and heel/foot fetish. The feeling of your heels scratching at his shoulders make his groans so much raspier. Will also kiss along your ankles when you wear them telling you how hot they look.
If your feet end up hurting while you walk he'll just toss you over his shoulder before you can even think of removing them.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Thick baby~ heavy dick and veiny with big breeding balls 🤷‍♀️ just saying the man cums alot.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Always on go!!!!
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
His brain can be pretty active so it takes him a minute tbh but he'll cuddle you to sleep and fall out shortly after.
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
hi!! can i please request for a cuddling headcanons with law and kid with a fem reader? thank you so much and hope you're having a great day <3
Cuddling headcanons (Trafalgar D Water Law, Eustass Kid)
Author's Note: I've been waiting for this one! And especially for these two. Thank you ❤️ Hope you'll like it!
Trafalgar D Water Law
- Cuddling with someone like Law might feel awkward and uncertain at first. His reticence might be mistaken for discomfort. It makes you ask if he really wants it or not. But again, this is only at first.
- After a few moments, he starts to feel less awkward and more accepting with the sense of vulnerability and physical closeness.
- Law is prone to having nightmares or overthinking. When he wakes up from a nightmare breathing heavily and gripping his shirt at his chest, only holding you close to him calms him the fastest. However, when he's overthinking, you'll notice him laying down somehow far away from you. Leave him a little space for some moments and after that gradually get closer until you can embrace him. The feeling of your arms around him anchors him back in the present.
- Once the roles switch and he is the big spoon, there's no turning back. So get used to how his facial hair tickles your shoulder as he puts this chin there.
- With him, I feel like you're the one to initiate cuddling more often. Not because he's opposed to it but because he's busy.
- He also stays up all night quite frequently studying or planning. So just pull him by his sleeve and guide him somewhere comfy. Of course he'll throw some comments about it but ignore those.
- He looks at cuddles as an opportunity for connection. Expect him to be a little more open in this moment of closeness and intimacy. He'll talk a little more. The sound of his calm and relaxed voice is also oh-so soothing.
- Both Law and Kid were used to resting alone, not cuddling with someone. This only means that it will take a while for them to get used to it. Law will probably be the last.
- He has cold hands and feet. Sometimes he tries to warm them up before getting close to you, sometimes he puts his cold hands right on your back just because he finds your reactions amusing.
Eustass Kid
- Not to compare these two in any way but Kid's cuddles might be a little more comforting, physically.
- Cuddling with Kid feels like a safe heaven because of how he's embracing you tightly in his grip.
- His larger frame definitely helps. Imagine that you were to share a bed (oh this is another good idea for some hcs), a small bed. It will be impossible for him to put some space between you two because of his size. He'll just grunt and get closer to you.
- He doesn't want to feel vulnerable so under no circumstance he'll be the small spoon. (Spoiler: there might be an exception)
- However, until then, good luck convincing him to come cuddle with you. I think it's more plausible for him to randomly lay down next to you without saying anything than accepting your wish.
- Once Kid gets the taste of it and how good it feels, he'll start initiating cuddles more often. He doesn't do it verbally, he just tugs you lightly towards him.
- He suffers from phantom limb syndrome, which manifests pain when he takes off that prosthetic. So, it especially happens at night when you cuddle. Kid is stubborn enough not to accept painkillers. But you can help him. Be close to him, keep his mind off it, caress him, talk to him as you're holding him. Yes, that's the only time he will let himself be held.
- He's so oblivious to how messy his hair gets after cuddling. Don't say anything to him, let his crewmates see and giggle at their captain's activities.
- Opposite to Law, he's a human radiator. You'll probably get sweaty but he won't mind it. He'll just tease you about it but won't let you go from his arms.
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shamblespirate · 2 months
Would you do a HC with Law and Kid beeing caught by the reader while changing or showering (they're completely naked😏). I mean how they would react😜👀
This is such a fun question Anon I love it! 🤩 I am gonna take liberty and choose them getting caught naked in shower 🖤
If you ever caught Kid naked in shower he would not even blink an eye. He would just look at you and get all smug and smirking "Enjoying the view?"
Kid would shamelessly look you up and down and then ask if you wanna join in. Depending on how far your relationship is he might try to pull you in with him.
Kid would enjoy making you flustered and watch you squirm. But he would get shy himself if you try to take over the situation and push yourself against him and let him feel you. He would blush but no way he is letting you get the upper hand.
Might turn steamy with him since I believe he is horndog.
I imagine Law would be taken aback for a second before asking "What are you staring at?" Because he is such a tsundere!
Would try to sneak a look at you. He would not admit he is checking you out until later in relationship. In that case he would enjoy the view.
Law would enjoy a good relaxing shower with you where you wash each other's back and hair without turning it into something sexual. He would like it if you took your time spoiling each other and exchanging few slow and soft kisses.
Thought he would not be opposed into venturing into steamy territory.
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matchadobo · 8 months
KIDD; doing his shaving for him
warning/s: all fluff!, gn!reader, kidd being cheeky
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of course, kidd refuses to have facial hair
so when a stubble grows out or the roots start budding, he'd opt to start shaving
you were curious when you two first got together, why his beard never grows out
so you one day peeked inside the bathroom to see him shave
you see him so focused, eyes directed at the mirror where he meticulously cleaned off the remaining soap with a razor blade
yes he uses a razor blade, not a razor
he's so skillful about it tho it's hot
seeing him so focused makes you twirl your hair and bite your lip, smiling like an idiot because why is he so attractive?
his brows furrowed as he attempts to symmetrically clean off the foam
"what're you peekin' for, munchkin face?" he'd raise a brow, side eyeing you but is still steadily cleaning off half of the soap on his jaw
you'd reply, "anyone ever told you you're soooo handsome?" swooning like a princess
he'd break out a grin, his smile making him stop his routine to get a hold of himself
"fuck outta here, you flirt." he'd say that through gritted teeth but he's definitely smiling
but of course, that was code for keep going
and so you did keep on making side comments about how attractive he is until he finished
so the next time he does shave, he'd let you do it
he hands you the blade and says, "cmon, since you love seein me all dolled up."
you'd be scared at first, since it's a blade and you might end up hurting or scaring him
but he replied, "scar me? go ahead, bet it'd make me look sexier, aye?"
you'd sigh in defeat but deep inside, you really wanna do try it
so you sat yourself up on the sink, opened up your legs and arms and gestured for him to go in between
he'd put his arms on your side, at the sink's surface to get closer to you
this time, you were in the same height as him
he'd smile cheekily when your faces get close and it'd end up as an exchange of fits of laughter
you first grab the foamy soap, applying some on your hands and spreading it on his lower cheeks to his jaw and chin
you'd revel on how cute he looks with all the soap fluffing up his face
you'd rub his cheeks with your thumbs, making funny figures and laughing at how goofy he looks
"ready? don't go bleedin' my face off." he'd taunt you as you raise up the blade
you'd ignore him and went right on, carefully sliding the blade across his snowy skin
you'd be sooo focused, brows furrowing, lips pressing together cuz you don't want to go too deep and scar him!
but he on the other hand was downright eating you up with those damn eyes
amber orbs admiring every pore and detail of your face as a smile seemingly makes it way to his lips and you proceed to nag him to keep still: how your eyelashes flutter when you blink, how your irises move in a gradual up and down motion each time you move on to another portion, how your tongue peeks out from time to time when you get too into it, how your nose sometimes scrunch when you feel like you're gonna fuck up, how you tilt your head a bit when he moves a bit too much and the touch of your fingers sends his heart in a chase
you're gonna feel it and start growing red
you'd take a minute but he still admires how you blush over it
you'd fan yourself and he ends up laughing
but when you get back on track, boy does he not stop staring you down
he'd hit you back with the, "anyone ever told you you're so damn attractive?" gazing down as you hide your face
the entire time, you'd continue on your task while trying to regulate your heart and cheeks
once you finish and let him wash up, he'd playfully inspect your craft but praise you afterward
"pretty decent for a blushin' mess like you."
ever since then, he'd call on you to shave for him, insisting you have to be the one to do it for him
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aaaaah idk why but a man shaving looks so attractive 🥺
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trashytoastboi · 2 months
🛠Eustass Kid Masterlist🛠
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🛠 NSFW Scenario: Submissive! Kid x GN! Reader part 1
🛠 NSFW Scenario: Submissive Kid x GN! Reader part 2
🛠 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Kid x S/O – Reacting to them crying in front of them for the first time
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Ace x S/O who is afraid of thunder and being comforted during a heavy storm
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Luffy reacting to seeing their timid S/O angry for the first time
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Killer x S/O who is afraid of physical intimacy due past trauma
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Bonney, Perona x S/O who is going through a depressive episode and how they comfort them
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Bonney x S/O – Building blanket forts together
🛠 Fluff Alphabet: Kid, Ace, Perona – I, L, O
🛠 Fluff Alphabet: Killer, Kid – V, I, U
🛠 Fluff Alphabet: Law, Kid, X-Drake – C, P, Y🛠 Headcanons: Yandere! Kid x S/O
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, X-Drake - Reacting to their crew throwing them a surprise party
🛠 Headcanons: Sabo, Kid, Luffy x F! Keyblade Wielder
🛠 Headcanons: Kid and Killer falling for the same girl
🛠 Headcanons: Kid and Killer falling for the same girl part 2
🛠 Scenario: Jealous! Kid x F! S/O
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Zoro, Ace – Reaction to their S/O cosplaying as them.
🛠 Scenario: Kid, Killer with F! S/O (Poly) who wants to leave the crew out of fear of endangering them.
🛠 Headcanons: Vivi, Kid, Law – Reaction to their partner telling them they are Asexual
🛠 Short Headcanons: Law, Kid, Ace - Reaction to their S/O burping
🛠 Headcanons: Zoro, Kid, Law, Luffy - with a S/O who has a Buster sword
🛠 Headcanons: Sanji, Law, Kid, Killer - First kiss
🛠 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Kid - Reacting to their F! S/O suddenly crying because of how much she loves him
🛠 Scenario: Eustass Kid x Marine! S/O
🛠 Headcanons: Roadtrip AU! Kid x Law – Road trip
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Sanji – Reaction to their S/O getting compliments and being approached in public for their looks
🛠 Headcanons: Crocodile, Luffy, Law, Kid with Short! Male! S/O who collapses with a fever due to carelessness for his health
🛠 Headcanons: Shanks, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Kid – Falling in love at first sight with F! Admiral and how they try for her attention
🛠 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Law, Kid – with a S/O who sleeps with their eyes open
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Killer – with extremely kind and protective S/O
🛠 Headcanons: Killer and Kid – what kind of dad would they be?
🛠 Short scenarios: Eustass Kid - #2. You’re comfy + #4. I’ll stay up with you. Killer - #6 Possessiveness + #11 Making the other laugh.
🛠 Headcanons: Crocodile, Kid x Small! S/O - #2. You’re comfy
🛠 Headcanons: SFW and NSFW – Crocodile, Kid with Introvert! Male! SO
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Killer with S/O that has tics and fidgets a lot due to anxiety and stress
🛠 Headcanons: X-Drake, Zoro, Kid with S/O who has trouble falling asleep
🛠 Headcanons: #37. Hostclub AU – Law, X-Drake, Kid
🛠 Headcanons: Shanks, Zoro, Kid x Shy! Curious! S/O
🛠 Short Scenarios: Dad! Kid, Dad! Law, Dad! Zoro, Dad! Crocodile with extremely shy daughter who has the tendency to hide away
🛠 Headcanons: Kid x Male! S/O - Looking for attention from a stubborn captain
🛠 Scenarios: Kid, Killer, Ace – Runaway Bride
🛠 Headcanons: Dad AU! Dad! Kid with young daughter – Reacting to when she starts declaring marriage and her being around boys
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Zoro, Law, Sabo x F! S/O who has a cursed flower in her right eye
🛠 NSFW Headcanons: Kid and Killer x F! Reader – Liking the same girl and having her confess to wanting them
🛠 Scenario: Kid x S/O – Eunoia
🛠 Headcanons: X-Drake, Law, Kid x S/O – Reacting to their S/O cutting their long hair to them during a fight
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Killer, Luffy x S/O with wings
🛠 Headcanons: Luffy, Law, Kid x S/O – who has a split sleeping schedule.
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Sabo, X-Drake x Friend! Reader who has the Friend’s Power ability.
🛠 Headcanons: Pregnancy and Parental for Kid, Law x F! S/O
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Zoro x S/O who has given them a really sweet nickname
🛠 Headcanons: Doflamingo, Corazon, Law, Kid x S/O who was “killed” by the World Government
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Killer x F! Reader – Confessing their feelings and discovering she has a girlfriend
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Marco, Zoro x Short! Male! Crewmate who hides his injury after a fight and collapses as a result
🛠 NSFW Headcanons: Crocodile, Luffy, Kid, Law x S/O - First time with their partner who is afraid of being touched and having sex due to their past as a slave
🛠 Scenario: Law and Kid x Shy! Goth! Pirate – Chance Encounters
🛠 NSFW Scenario: ABO AU! Alpha! Kid x Omega! S/O – #6. Heat
🛠 Headcanons: Kid and Killer x F! S/O – Reacting to thinking their girlfriend is breaking up with them
🛠 Headcanons: SFW and NSFW - First Times with Eustass Kid
🛠 Headcanons: Alpha! Crocodile, Alpha! Doflamingo, Alpha!Kid x Male! Short! Omega who feels insecure – #1. Your scent is intoxicating
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid x Male! S/O who avoids emotional talks and conflict, but lately his self destructive thoughts lead him to seek comfort from his partner
🛠 Headcanons: ABO AU! Alpha! Kid x Alpha! Male! Reader – #12. Courting
🛠 Headcanons: Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Usopp, Law, Kid x Male! S/O is usually bright and loud but he had a bad day and needs some comfort
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Law, Shanks, Luffy x S/O - Walking in on their partner “confessing” to their vice captain
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Zoro, Law x S/O - Hiding an engagement ring in cake to propose to their partner
🛠 Headcanons: Crocodile, Luffy, Zoro, Kid x Quiet! Calm! S/O - Losing their shit
🛠 Headcanons: Kid, Law, Zoro x Stowaway! Reader - Escaping and hiding from Dr. Vegapunk
🛠 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Ace wanting Reader to join their crew
🛠 NSFW Headcanons: Kid, Crocodile, Sanji, Shanks x S/O using their safeword.
🛠 Headcanons: Kid x Toy Maker! S/O
🛠 Headcanons: Hawkins, Law, Kid, Killer x Male! S/O – Reacting to seeing their S/O’s face for the first time
🛠 NSFW Scenario: Kid x F! S/O – First time
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eustasskidagenda · 8 months
Hi, I dunno if it's the case or not, but maybe u have some pegging HCs for Sanji, Kidd, Law & Ace, I'm so obsessed with this kink orz. Tyyy! Anon or not, I don't mind.
Hello! I must admit it was quite challenging to write this, because I never thought about how they would act in this situation. I tried not to detail that much for Kid bc I also have to write an OS with Kid+pegging and I'll develop more of my thoughts in this fic. Anyway, I hope the result will match your expectations, thank you for requesting. ☆
☆Pegging HCs for Sanji, Kid, Law & Ace
CW : g/n reader, MDNI, smut, pegging, Kid is cursing obviously, oral sex (Sanji receiving), rough sex, gentle sex, hair pulling, rimming (Sanji, Law receiving) , fingering (Sanji , Law,  Ace, receiving), slight dirty talk, praises. Let me know if I forgot something
WC : 1,9k
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Well, it's Sanji we're talking about. As long as you don't ask him a threesome with Zoro or to inflict you any kind of pain, he's willing to try and do everything for the sake of making you smile. He doesn't care about what people think and say.
Please, don't go for the biggest size, he has never done that before. He will choose it with you, just to make sure it’s the perfect size. He's likely a little agitated because he's a huge soft boy, but it's fine, he trusts you. 
"Are you sure the door is locked?" 
There's no way for him to be caught.
Sanji is fond of holding your hands, kissing you softly, and looking at you with pure adoration in his eyes, even when he's rough. He expects you to do the same. Take your time to explore his entire body. Kiss his neck, run your fingers through his hair, feel the softness of his hair, and squish on his nipples. That's what causes shivers to run down his spine.
Prepare yourself to hear the most delightful moans and whines when you begin to stroke his cock while rimming and fingering his hole. Sanji is a whiny mess; he just can't control how good it actually feels. His cock is hard, almost painfully hard as he praises you for the good job you're doing. 
If you ask him, he prefers to see your face and eyes, but if you want, he doesn't mind being on all fours or whatever. 
Please let him rest on his back, with his beautiful, strong legs wrapped around your waist. He will ask you to hold his hand, fingers tightly entwined as you start to push the dildo  covered of lube inside him. Imagine him moaning loudly with completely red cheeks as he indulges in a whole world of new sensations. It feels so good, he can't help but start begging for more, harder, and faster. The feeling of your skin against his, your wet kisses, gentle touch, and firm grip on his legs or hips is too much for this poor man. "Plus fort, je t'en prie." (Harder, please) Will come fast and hard.
During the aftercare, you have to keep him back from running into the kitchen to cook something for you. Just hold him tightly and hug/praise him for how good he was. He needs reassurance and to make sure you had a good time too.
And then, he'll run into the kitchen anyway.
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Kid is not against pegging. He's being portrayed as a punk, and punks like nonconformism. So maybe the society is not really open-minded about pegging, but Kid doesn't give a damn. If he wants to do something, then he'll do it. He doesn't believe in gender roles. 
However, Kid cares way too much about his reputation and he knows it could ruin all his notoriety, so he really has to trust you to let you peg him. It will only happen after a certain time in your relationship because Kid is slow to both open-up and offer his trust: he has been betrayed so many times, he's just unable to take his guard off immediately.
You better take the bigger size, he's not a pussy. If you try to choose a normal or less size, he's so pissed off. "You really think I can't take it? Ugh, fuck off, I won’t do it."
It doesn't matter if you're pegging him: he's still the same stubborn hot-headed mess. If you give him an order, he'll get mad. You should use your hands to gently guide him if you need him to spread his legs or roll onto his stomach because words won't work. Like "Kid, please spread your legs" And his only answer is an angry scowl and low grunt. But if you use your hands then… he’ll comply.
And let's say the view is quite interesting, because Kid is named Eust-ass for a reason. His booty is incredibly juicy. It's a gift to see his beautiful body being offered to you. He probably prefers lying on his back because he rarely uses his robotic limb in bed. It's easier to stay still or just breathe if he can remain on his back.
"Ugh, I don't need lube, nor rimming, nor fingering, I'm not a wimp"
He’s a liar. Please use lube.
Kid is the king of low grunts, growls, and shaky breath whenever he fucks you. If you peg him, if it feels too good, maybe you'll hear him moaning. Moans that are really low and husky.  Do not dare make a comment about his moans, or you'll never hear them again.
He likes rough sex, so go ahead and bite him or pull on his hair. He will secretly enjoy it. As he loves leaving marks on your body, he also likes when you do the same. But do not dare to humiliate him by calling him a good pet, slut, or whatever because it is not okay in his book. No one can humiliate him and if you try, the mood is just ruined. Do not try to control his orgasm or whatever. His only answer would be to show you his manicured middle finger.
If you start to praise him for how amazing his ass is or how well he's taking you, he gets totally flustered. If he's lying on his back with his hair spread out around the pillow, you can take a look at his red cheeks in embarrassment. "Shut up."
When he's all flustered and flushed, he's so cute. He's just not used to being praised, so he doesn't know how to react.
Regardless, rest assured that he will enjoy every second of this moment. He feels nervous at the end because he can't help but overthink the idea of being betrayed. Just reassure him and he'll let you rest your head on his chest.
And sure, he'll make sure to fuck you hard later. Whatever you give it to him, he will give it to you harder.
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Well, Law is a little more complicated. Sure, he's not totally against the whole idea, but as Kid, he's really slow to open up, and winning his trust is not an easy task. Of course, he knows where his prostate is. He's not stupid and is perfectly aware of how the anatomy works. He's literally a doctor. But that doesn't change the fact that he's aloof and distrustful. 
The first time you talk about your fantasies of pegging him, it's too sudden and off guard, so the answer is automatically "no." He can't take a decision without taking some time to think about it. After that, he becomes somewhat suspicious. To take things slowly is the best thing you can do. Don't rush him or he won't accept.
The idea will slowly but surely make its way through his mind. Of course, you don't know what's going on in his mind. 
(If you wanna know : he's searching for the perfect dildo without telling you anything.)
One day, you're in bed together and he suddenly shows you the dildo he bought. "Hey, y/n-ya, do you still want to try this thing called pegging?" 
He is secretly hoping that you forget about your fantasies.
When you say 'yes', he thinks he's totally doomed, but it's fine. He's willing to at least try. 
Law is completely flustered if you ask him to lay on his back. He will always turn his head to avoid crossing your gaze. Imagine him with soft red cheeks. And if he is on his stomach or on all fours, maybe he will feel a little more comfortable and relaxed because you can't see his reactions. Despite this, he's also nervous because he's unable to closely observe what you're doing. And this man is so stressed, he likes to have the control all the time. 
"Don't forget the lube y/n-ya.", "you know, even if it's a toy, you have to put a condom on" He can't help but guide you. He must feel in control even in this situation, otherwise, he will overthink and you will never be able to enter even one finger inside him.
Ho honestly wants to 'room, shambles' and disappear while you trace his tattoos with your fingers, pinch his nipples, and leave a trail of hot kiss along his happy trail. Law is always tensed and stressed, so he needs a lot of gentle touch to relax enough. The best thing you can do for him is to suck his cock while fingering him, or even rimming. He's so embarrassed, but it feels good. He can't lie.
When you finally enter him, he doesn't moan or grow, he's all about low, deep, husky breaths. It feels good, the toy is hitting his g-spot with each thrust. The moment you glance at him, he wants to bury his head under the pillow. His hair is messy and he is beautiful, with his eyes flashing of both annoyance and pleasure. 
"Does it feel good to be fucked in the ass?" 
Law.exe has ceased to function.
He's going to end up with his legs wrapped around your waist, pressing his feet against your back to force you to move faster and harder. You can sense his legs shaking with pleasure. If you play with his nipples or stroke his cock, it's over, he won't hold back.
Again, he's so embarrassed with his belly covered in his own semen. He just wants to disappear. And he would never admit he loved every single one from this moment. 
If you want to peg him again, you'll have to take the initiative. 
"Ugh fine, y/n-ya, we can do it again." He'll pretend to be doing a great favor to you (he's a great actor).
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Ace, like Sanji, is willing to try almost anything for you because he's a sweetheart. Actually, the only problem is that he doesn't know what 'pegging' means. His first reaction is to ask Marco what it means, as he doesn't want to look foolish in front of you. As soon as he knows, well... 
"Hey y/n, you want to peg me?" Out of nowhere, in the middle of the dinner. He's impulsive, he can't keep his thoughts to himself, so hey, deal with it.
No matter what you ask, he will do it. But don't choose the biggest size because poor Ace can't figure out how something that big could fit inside his body.
Ace is playful, so what's going to happen is not a big deal for him. He wants to laugh with you while you put your strap on, and will make random comments while you thrust your fingers in and out his ass. "Remember when I burst into flames the first time we fucked? Hope it won't again."
Damn, you hope as well.
He's a cutie with his freckled cheeks completely red.
As your figure looms over his body, he can't help but think you're absolutely beautiful. He feels so lucky to have you by his side and to feel comfortable with you. How could a good thing happen to him? He is not worthy of you. His eyes are filled with pure admiration and love for you. And a spark of amusement, obviously.
Loud moans, he doesn't care if he's being noisy. Hair is totally messy on the pillow. Shaking legs and shaky breaths.
His voice is beautiful and soft as he moans.
If you give it to him harder, his cock will remain painfully hard.
Of course, he is capable of controlling his DF, but the sensations are too unfamiliar and overwhelming." Whoops, I burned the bedsheets" with a cute laugh. That was your favorite bedsheet, but you can't be mad at him, he's so adorable.
Will ask you the permission to cum because he's a good boy. 
And totally willing to be pegged again. 
Ace's goofiness will make Marco know everything. "Marco, I did this thing called 'pegging' and it's amazing. Have you already given this a shot? You should try!"
Poor Marco, leave him alone, he cares about his privacy.
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