#can't have shit in this website dude
tumblr let me write tags without suggesting me 30000 eating disorder tags challenge (impossible)
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adelle-ein · 7 months
idk man i've reblogged and said things about how certain people on this site and the bird one are putin defenders, syrian/ukranian genocide deniers, outright white supremacists, avowed antisemites, etc. pointed out the ways in which the current moment is being happily hijacked by white supremacists with very strong and obvious agendas. and some of you guys have reblogged and liked those posts, and then immediately gone on to continue reblogging violently antisemitic things from the very same people. so i don't think it's sinking in tbh
(and like, the posts in question are never anything useful or links to articles or anything remotely "worth" platforming genocide deniers, just the usual "DON'T SCROLL PAST THIS, POSTING IS ACTIVISM" shit)
#if i had a nickel for every kpop blog making weird inflammatory posts about how the most important thing to do is Keep Posting bc donations#and calling reps are wastes of times#i would have many nickels#not even just this last month i mean like just in general it's a very popular position among that crowd#seeing people say ''we're winning'' about something like this is just....sick doesn't begin to describe it#i've lost so much respect for so many people. people i've known for years#who will apparently turn around and retweet fucking hasanabi and even jackson hinkle and other nazis#btwn this and the heard trial debacle last year the mask has been ripped off the online left tbh#and because people are going to call me a zionist for this (since they know they're not allowed to say kike) i'm not fucking talking about#antizionism i'm talking about ''ship the jews back to brooklyn'' ''israelis control the world media'' ''jews expressing concern about risin#antisemitism are personally killing palestinians'' ''the hamas attacks didn't happen/were justified'' invoking the holocaust joking about i#etc etc etc etc#just mask off shit#it's the genocide deniers who have really broken me i had no idea how many of this website's big funnymen think putin is a cool dude#but they care about palestine. allegedly. hm#txt#inb4 people come to me with ''it's so easy to not be an antisemite why can't people do it :('' no actually it's hard#that's why they won't do it. because it's too hard for them.
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adair-the-bard · 5 months
holy shit the website i have to use to view my exam results is the most poorly coded thing i have ever seen
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mosspapi · 1 year
Man I hate needing assistance for things and not being able to do them on my own because my brain just does not comprehend what is happening. Because the things I want to do are things to distance myself from my abusers... but I need to ask my abusers to help me do them. Do we see what the problem is there /rh
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ariiiloves · 1 year
I swear the day my mother actually supports me instead of telling me all the time to smile and not get angry
That day
I will believe in god
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homunculus-argument · 7 months
About five years ago there used to be some dude in my hometown who consistently kept putting up nazi propaganda stickers, so I made it my job to take them down. It was a hobby for a while, I'd take long walks, with a scraper in my backpack, and kept an eye on every trash can, streetlamp, and wall that accumulated stickers, learning to spot these specific stickers. I even went to their website (which is still up, apparently, but I'm not guiding traffic their way) to see if they had any logos that I would have missed.
This one time I was scraping one sticker off a lamp post - one of their big standard ones, with a fist punching a star of david and the text "against zionism!" - this white guy who wasn't finnish actually walked up to me, and asked in awkward english what exactly I'm doing. And I explained I'm removing these fucking stickers that some other guy keeps putting up. I've never seen the guy but I hate seeing his shit, and I've heard it through the grapevine that he's sworn to kill the guy who keeps taking his stickers down.
He asked me if I knew what zionism is, and to be entirely perfectly honest, no I did not. So he started telling me about all the things that are wrong in the state of Israel, and how being against zionism isn't automatically antisemitism, and I can't just assume that anyone criticising Israel or zionism is a nazi. The semantics of propaganda are insidious and it's easy to be led astray.
I let him talk for long enough to understand what he wanted to say and to believe that he really meant what he was saying. Once we had established that, I told him that while he may know more about the situation in Israel than I do, I know more about my own people than he does. And the finnish national socialists who use this logo right here do not give a shit about the people of Palestine. I'm not taking these things down because I'd think Israel should be an ethnostate. I'm taking them down because I think Finland should not be one.
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greenpumpkinart · 2 months
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wow 3 posts in 1 day that's crazy
anyways i think it's even crazier that people are STILL trying to police this fandom. Pretentious ass ideas in a fandom that was built off of shitty stories we all know and admit fucking suck.
I've been here for as long as I can remember and forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm PRETTY sure we JUST had a renaissance of sorts surrounding "Cringe Culture is Dead". Dude sounds like HOLLYWOOD trying to shit on others for being creative. It's so pretentious and stupid. What was said was said, no deleting the post is gonna do that.
If you can't write. Don't, right? Asshole. Be so fr and get off of your high horse. What you hold so near and dear isn't exclusively yours, as a matter of fact it was never anyone's to police.
It started on a shitty website. With shitty stories. For people to get scared of. I think the only one who needs to do some growing is that fucking guy.
Be silly. Have fun. Create. Don't let a fucking snob shit on everything this community has always been about.
P.S. Realistic Creepypasta isn't an original thought. Read.
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billthedrake · 5 months
Story idea from @aestheticsupremacy
It was still summer warm as the two lacrosse jocks walked across campus after practice. Brian was going on about the chick he had a date with late that evening and was teasing Jake.
"Dude... if you ever wanted pussy, you'd be so set. Girls fucking love gay guys."
Jake laughed, his blond hair still on the lighter side from summer beach time. He and the star attacker got along great because they never BS-ed each other. "Bro, I don't think it works that way," he said, flashing his dimples. "Besides, I think all those sorority girls want a gay pal they can go to the clubs with. I can't dance worth shit."
"You can't," Brian grinned. "You got the moves on the field but, fuck..."
Both guys laughed as they entered the residence hall, one of the nicer ones where a lot of the athletes lived.
"Hey Jake!" the student worker at the front desk said when he saw the two jocks. "Some mail came for you."
"Mail?" he asked as the walked up to the desk. Normally, mail got delivered to their mailboxes, which Jake didn't check regularly. Who the fuck sends mail these days anyway, other than advertisers?
The desk guy nodded. "Yeah, certified or something. Looks important." He reached over and pulled out a document sized cardboard envelope.
"Hey, I'll catch ya later, Hoss," Brian said as he bumped fists with his teammate buddy.
"Yah," Jake said, then looked back down at the envelope. There was a familiar return address. It was his dad's work. Jake's father was a high-powered executive - not Fortune 500 but CFO for a top financial firm. Leave it to Dad to send paperwork in hard copy. Jake tried to rack his brain to guess what document was so urgent, but maybe it was some school form he needed to sign. Maybe Jake should take more responsibility for those things, but his dad tended to look after the details.
"Thanks, Mitch," he told the desk guy, then went to the elevators to go up to his room.
It was quiet in his room, since his roommate had taken off Thursday afternoon to go home for a long weekend. He got along well with Ed, a varsity baseball player, but they weren't real tight. And Jake liked having the alone time and privacy sometimes.
The lacrosse jock set down his phone and keys and shook his head with a chuckle as he opened the envelope. "You're so fucking old school, Dad," he said aloud. "I love it."
It wasn't a form inside, but instead there was a linen-white stationary with his Dad's company logo and his father's name and title embossed. "From the Desk of Steven J. Weir."
It was what was printed below that made Jake's heart stop.
"Dear Mr. Wier:
This letter serves as official notice that Jacob Peter Weir has his father's permission to have sex as often as he likes and with whomever he likes, from the date of August 20, 2023 to May 14, 2024. This arrangement will be extended in subsequent years unless the two parties renegotiate their terms.
Steve Weir"
There was his father's recognizable wide, cursive signature, undoubtedly written with one of his favorite blue-ink fountain pens that his family had given him for Christmas.
Jake was rock hard. "Fuck," he hissed.
Only then did he realize there was something else in the envelope. He reached in and pulled out three photographs, each 8x10 glossy portraits of this father. They were different poses of his dad in business attire, like professional headshots for a company website or something.
"Got your package," the jock texted his father.
It took a second but then a message came up from Dad: "You able to Facetime?"
Jake got a big grin as he hit the dial button to video call his father. His heart jumped a little as the image filled his phone screen. His dad was in his C-suite office and looking handsome as fuck in his tailored suit as his own horny grin matched his son's.
"Hey Sport," he said. "Looking good." He leaned back in his swivel chair and angled the phone to give Jake a better view of his suited upper body. He had a good knowledge by now of what pushed his boy's buttons.
"You too Dad," the jock hissed, reaching down to paw his crotch again. "I can't believe it's only been 24 hours since I've seen your face... fuck."
His father laughed. Because Steve felt the same way. He knew it would be hard when Jake went off to college, but he was going through sexual withdrawal in addition to the normal empty nest syndrome.
Only now his bright smile got a hint of nervousness. "What did you think of what I sent you, son?"
Jake felt that constriction in his throat. Sorta like the first time he knew he was gonna fuck his dad... that combination of sheer horniness and disbelief it was gonna happen.
"You know, Dad," the 19-year-old smirked, "A hall pass isn't an actual piece of paper."
Steve's brown eyes seemed bright. Happy. Excited. "I wanted to make it official. For you. For us." The exec was definitely getting that bedroom voice, and Jake could tell by the movement in his dad's upper body that the man was reaching down to unzip and haul out his cock.
For his part Jake tugged down his shorts with one hand to free his junk, which was firming up real fucking fast. His father had given him the encouragement to freeball it, and it was now Jake's preferred way of casual dress. It made him feel free and sexual.
Jake prided himself on the sexual confidence he'd learned to project with his dad, but times like this he still felt unsure, deep down. "I told you, Dad. I don't need to have sex with other guys."
"You're 18, Sport," his dad said resolutely. "A college kid should be spreading his wings."
Jake got a playful grin. His right hand was working up and down his bone while his left hand held the phone. "You really want me to fuck other guys?" he asked. Pointed. Challenging.
Steve shook his head no. "Honestly, no. I don't. But I want you to lead the life that's going to make you happy." His own fist was working up and down in his lap. "I want you to become your own man, Jakey."
Something about that nickname drove the jock wild. He felt a spurt of precum in his palm. "You think sending me 8x10 glossies is gonna make me happy," he hissed. Jake's tone was halfway between a statement and a question.
Steve loved watching his son get in horndog mode. He'd like to think he passed that on to Jake genetically, but something about the kid's sex drive seemed innate. And all Jake.
The exec's voice got low and gravely. "You tell me, son. Did they make you happy?"
Jake just let go of his prick and angled his phone down to capture the hard teen bone that stood up long and rigid. "This is the reaction those pics got." He pulled the phone back up to see the amused and pleased look on his father's face.
"I'm glad," Steve said. Then with a pause, he angled the phone to show Jake his own fatherly prick, standing out from his unzipped suit.
"I wish I could suck that, Dad," Jake said, enjoying the freedom to talk aloud like this. "I wish I was there right now."
"You primed for some office sex, Sport?"
"Fuuuckk, Dad." Jake's fist was now steadily pumping his jock bone. "I'm still pissed off you won't let me fuck you there."
That got a laugh out of his father. The 49-year-old was even more handsome when he smiled. "You're a spoiled brat, you know that?"
"Fuck yeah I am," Jake shot back, getting into the zone with the teasing sex talk with his father. It came to them so fucking easily. "Something about nailing your dad regularly will make you that way."
That got a soft growl from the executive, and Jake watched as his father reached up to flip his tie over the shoulder of his suit coat, getting it out of the way.
"Damn, you gonna cum on your shirt today, Dad?"
Steve shook his head. "Hopefully not... but just in case. You get me so worked up, Sport." Off screen Jake knew his father had gone back to stroking his hard dick.
"So, Dad... if I take you up on that hall pass... what are you gonna do?"
"Whaddya mean, Jakey?"
"I mean..." the teen's own fist was working up and down his cock. "Does that mean you get a hall pass, too?"
"That's not part of the deal," Steve said, his brown eyes now wide with excitement. "But Buddy... I honestly don't know how I'm gonna get through this year. I guess I'll be doing a lot more of what I'm doing right now."
That got a matching growl from his son, whose hand moved faster and faster on his prick. "A fucking waste of dad cum."
That got a grin from Steve. "You like my sperm, huh, Jakey?"
"Can't get enough, Dad," came the immediate response. For a confident top when it came to fucking, Jake loved to taste his dad's prick and to eat his father's semen. When he wasn't sucking his dad off, he'd be licking the cum off the man's well-fucked body.
The jock felt another spurt of precum when his Dad brought the phone down close to his crotch, that solid, thick seven incher sticking out from the unzipped suit trousers.
"That's my dad," Jake growled. He'd have to find a way to have phone sex more often.
"Wanna cum for me, Jakey?" Steve asked, his voice signaling he was already on the edge.
"Nah," the jock said. "Hold off one second," he urged. He set down the phone and stripped off his T-shirt and kicked away his lax shorts. He then angled the phone just right on his desk and stepped back. Even from the distant view, he could see his dad's face will up the phone screen.
"Damn..." Steve growled. "That's my boy."
Jake felt fully alive, head to toe, as he stroked his cock and showed off for his father. He knew he was a good looking stud, with a great toned, athletic body. But his father's approval made him feel that much studlier.
"So Dad..." the teen asked. "If I used that hall pass, you wanna hear about the guys?"
"I don't know, Sport," Steve said with visible mixed feelings. "I'll let that be your call, OK?" He watched his son intently, as if it was the last chance he'd see Jake naked and hard. "I almost didn't send it," he confessed.
That made his son grin and Jake removed his fist from his dick, showing off the erection by swinging it side to side. "Yeah? It was so fucking hot to read it, Dad. You know, that you'd even send it."
"I'm glad, Jake," came Steve's reply.
"We're you hard writing it?" the son asked.
Steve's voice got soft and low. "I was, son."
"You want me spreading my wings in college, huh?" Jake's hand resumed its stroke. He really wanted his dad to cum first today but he didn't know if he'd be able to hold off.
Fortunately, Steve was getting into the zone now. Jake could only see his face, not his cock or masturbating fist, but he recognized that horny tone in his father's voice. "God, Jakey, you're such a fucking stud... seems wrong if you can't enjoy college a little, you know?"
Jake grinned, getting into a slow stroke that seemed to keep things on the boil without erupting over. "Maybe I'll line up some hot coach to fuck... but you know if I do, I'll be thinking of you the whole time, Dad."
That got an audible groan from Steve. Which only encouraged Jake to go further.
"Yeah, I'll be balls deep in some daddy ass and have to shut my eyes so I can think of my father... of fucking you..."
"Yes," Steve hissed. He was getting closer to cumming.
"of bending my dad over his office desk and pulling down those suit pants of yours..."
"You're not gonna stop pestering till you get that will ya, Jakey?"
"No, sir. I wanna get my way. Nail you hard to that expensive desk of yours... in your expensive suit... to thank you for all that expensive tuition you paid over the years."
This was new territory for the Weirs. They'd never talked about money, other than some of Steve's jokes about how much Jake's private school cost and some practical dad-son talks about personal finance. But Jake was bringing it into the sex talk and both men were surprisingly turned on by it.
"FUCCK!" Steve cried a half second before choking his reaction to be quieter in his office.
"Go for it, Dad!" the lacrosse jock said more openly. He stepped up closer so he could see his dad's face as he rode out an intense orgasm. "Nice!"
Steve's face was flush red as he caught his breath. "Goddamn, I needed that," he said. Then playfully he tilted his phone down. Huge splotches of his pearly white seed dotted his dress shirt after all.
"Cumming!" Jake cried, unable to hold by his ejaculation now. Steve had to look, had to watch his Jakey in full nut. It was just a beautiful sight. The only thing more beautiful was watching Jake orgasm as he was buried deep inside his father.
"Attaboy, Sport," he encouraged. "Goddamn, that's a huge nut."
Jake grinned as he felt the aftershocks. Playfully, he squeezed out dribbles from his long piece of jock meat and brought it up to his lips to taste. Not his dad's but a second best. Jake just loved the flavor of cum.
He could now tell his father was wiping off the cum from his shirt and his cock before pulling the phone back.
"That was incredible," Steve said.
"I'll say. I'll have to thank Rich for giving me the free time," Jake laughed.
"Is he away?"
Jake nodded. "All weekend. Maybe we can go long and deep this weekend, you know, edge a little."
Steve grinned. "I'll try, Sport.... awful hard to last with you, you know."
"Yeah, I know," Jake agreed.
His Dad seemed happy and yet sad at the same time. "Listen, I should go."
"Yeah," Jake said. "I need some dinner."
"I miss ya, Sport," Steve said. "So much."
"Miss ya too, Dad."
Steve felt nervous all Saturday. Jake had suggested they wait till later in the day for phone sex. The father tried to kill time with household chores and a super long session at the gym.
"You're a fucking mess, Steve," he said to himself as he drove home from the fitness center where he'd been spending a lot more time since the divorce and especially since he and Jake started fooling around. It felt wrong to be so attached to his own son, and yet he was.
There was a package on his front porch. FedEx Saturday delivery. Steve picked it up.
"What the fuck?" Steve laughed as he saw his son's dorm as the return address. "That little bugger."
As he opened the door and stepped in, the man squished the sides of the plastic package-envelope. It was soft inside. Steve opened the end with the pull tab.
As he pulled out the fabric, Steve Weir recognized the shorts immediately. They were a well-worn pair of Jake's high school lacrosse shorts. Wadded inside was a worn jock strap.
"Jesus," Steve hissed with excitement. Maybe Jake wanted him to have these for their session today. Or maybe this was just for the times it was Steve, alone in his bedroom, imagining a grown son who wasn't there with him.
Either way, Steve knew both the shorts and the jock were gonna be crusted with his own cum before long.
It was only after a second that he noticed scraps of paper on the floor. They'd fallen out, hand torn.
Steve immediately sensed what they were, and a quick look confirmed it. It was the hall pass he'd sent Jake.
"Man, buddy," he said aloud in the quiet room as he pulled out his phone. He had to call his son.
"Hey Dad"
"Oh, Jakey..." Steve said.
"You got it."
"Yeah, I got it," his dad replied. "You're not doing this just to make me happy are you?"
"Maybe," Jake said. "But not really. I don't know, Dad. I just realized I'd rather have blue balls than fuck a substitute you, you know?"
"Sport, that's the most fucking romantic thing anyone's ever said to me," Steve beamed.
That made his son laugh. "Yeah, that's me, one romantic fucker... just promise me one thing, Dad."
"Anything," Steve said.
"We gotta find away to see each other through the semester. Yeah, I know you want me to go off and be my own man. But I can't wait till Thanksgiving. For real, Dad."
"Yeah, we'll make it happen. I'll come down next week. And fly you up whenever you want. Promise." This was a backpedal from the promises Steve made himself when Jake went off, but he realized he was happy changing his stance.
"Cool. God, Dad, I love you."
"Love you too, Jakey," Steve said. He looked down at the scraps of paper and everything they represented. "And son... next time you're here, I'll let you fuck me on my desk."
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harocat · 8 months
‘Fuck those anime twinks.’
Man shut the fuck up; those anime twinks crashed tumblr and other major websites multiple times, those anime twinks had an influence on queer media that is still felt to this day, those anime twinks bust through a niche sub genre to almost mainstream, with thousands of people who had never even watched anime becoming invested, those anime twinks changed lives and helped so many burgeoning queer people come to head with their identities like you have no idea, those anime twinks were the third best selling anime of the century despite being a passion project that wasn’t expected to be a hit at all, those anime twinks were written and directed by two women who spent years shopping around their idea, refusing to compromise and fighting censorship even though not doing so would have made getting their project out there so much easier.
Those anime twinks were in the OLYMPICS.
Those anime twinks have only twelve episodes, about four and a half hours total, but have still managed to be among the most beloved ships out there.
They’re also legitimately well written, compelling, and for a lot of people, one of the few patches of joy we had during that autumn of 2016.
In the words of Zac Bertschy (rip):
Surely you must be sick of hearing about how great this show is by now. I agree with all that stuff, and you've read it a few times now, so instead I'll tell you what the show meant to me personally.
Victor and Yuri kiss, and the entire world celebrates – the crowd goes wild, people can't believe it. Not because it's two dudes - we're not having a collective aneurysm because two men are kissing and that's either enraging or an enormous turn-on. People go nuts because – solely because - their love is dramatic and touching and everyone is rooting for them, because they seem like they belong together and their story is pretty incredible. None of that other shit matters – nobody cares. It's just two people in love. Paradise. I married my husband in October – thousands of couples like us got married this year. Our stories aren't as incredible as Victor and Yuri's, and I doubt many of us are ice skaters but let me tell you, it was real nice having a story like this to watch. Real nice.
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zeevawyte · 4 months
Oh, fuck ALL of you.
It's happening.
But just so y'all know I am not a fast writer. This will probably take a while.
I'll reblog this post when the first chapter is done. Until then:
TW: blood, implied cannibalism (Alastor), copious amounts of swearing
“Now, now, don’t be so hasty.” The demon's form dissolved into shadow and reappeared just over his left shoulder, clawed hand gripping the other with deceptive lightness. “Before I agree to anything, I want to know the terms of this little... arrangement.” Lucifer barely suppressed a shiver as Alastor leaned down, arm sliding smoothly to drape across his shoulders, distorted voice echoing right next to his ear. “I'd also want to make sure what you're offering is worth the price.” Lucifer leaned away just far enough to escape the breath ghosting across his neck, ignoring the way his body was reacting to the proximity, and glared at him out of the corner of his eye. “And how do you plan to do that?” Instead of answering, Alastor pulled back. The motion too abrupt — too unexpected for him to notice the flash of silver appearing in the hand draped over his shoulders- “OW!” Lucifer's wings snapped out on instinct as he jerked away, which would have sent the demon behind him flying if the bastard hadn’t vanished a split second before. A hand flew up to press against the stinging gash on his cheek, the sudden pain making him hiss. When he pulled away to look, his glove was smeared with golden blood. “What the fuck?!?” He snapped, glaring at the corner of the room where the shadows were gathering back into the now smug looking form of the Radio Demon. “I told you. I want the terms,” Alastor lifted a hand, waving a small angelic dagger — with a damning splash of gold edging one side of the blade — in his direction. “And I wanted a taste.” Lucifer growled, power flaring up enough to make his eyes flash red. “You’re a real piece of shit, you know that?” The insufferable asshole just smiled wider.
@polytheatrix @masterfoxpin @larilori @ouijarat @cool-dude-819 @radiodevil @slopdoughnut @dr-carew-jekyll @awesamkiller @writing-biting <<< blaming you guys specifically for this.
Can't believe I got peer-pressured into writing a dom/sub fic for an asexual cannibal serial killer and the devil. What the fuck even is this website
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cheezbites · 9 months
How COD Characters Would Text
✎: I’m such a slow writer/procrastinator so sorry for the slow posts. But I upload lots of skits and I know y’all love those !!😋
♡Summary: Headcanons of how COD characters would text.
• He rarely replies to you or sees your messages, as for how you never see him texting you in the first place. (Or even using his phone for that matter). Every once in a blue moon, you would finally see a highlighted double check mark next to your messages.
• Has a black screen set as his profile picture.
• Leaves you on read and you took it personally, but he addresses your texts in real life since he finds the keyboard too confusing, and he doesn't have time to figure it out.
“I saw your text on the... Uh, ‘What App’, the meeting’s going to be at 2:30pm.”
• Strictly sends voice notes; she also finds the keyboard too complicated. If she’s in an environment where she can’t send voice messages then she texts you back painstakingly slow, or she doesn’t bother trying.
• She adored calling you to hear your voice and have genuine conversations instead of staring at a screen and repeatedly tapping away. She also loved hearing about your day and what you were up to.
• Texts you at any time but mostly at night.
• Would only text you if you texted him; he has his notifications on for vital and crucial things but most importantly when you send him messages. Also a very messy typer, it would be impossible to not find a single typo.
• Has a cute stray cat he saw on a walk as his profile pic.
• König would frequently discover emojis; although you knew them all like the back of your hands you acted oblivious for him.
“🤪🤪 Did u kno this emoji existed?!”
“miawwww🙀!!! This emoji is very silly, we should use it more often.”
“🙈🙊🙈jajaja ich bin ein schüchterner Affe..”
• Sends you corny facebook memes to start your day. You act as if you hated them and they're obnoxious but deep down you love when he sends them. You know it’s an ‘off day’ for him when you don’t receive one.
• He’s a massive punctuation enthusiast, and he doesn't type slow but not too fast despite his age.
“Good morning, how are you doing today?”
“Please ensure to drink lots of water, it’s going to be very hot later on.”
“Please don’t touch Simon’s sandwich in the fridge. He’s feeling very stubborn today.👍”
• Would make a group chat so the group can bond but half of you guys left over petty arguments and the other half are inactive.
• Him fishing on some boat as his profile picture.
• Has one of the default options as his profile picture. Or him posing with a rifle.
• Sends you memes you actually laugh at, they’re usually short videos. But then on the other hand, he sends you corny puns that you still find yourself laughing at:
Soap: “Y can’t scientist trust atoms?”
Y/N: “???? why”
Soap: “Cause they make up everything!”
Y/N: “hahahah soo funny dude😐”
And behind the screen you have the biggest shit-eating grin.
• Always double texts you, even if you say you’re busy and can’t take messages. Not even that, he’d triple text you because he can and nothing is stopping him.
• He’s on Do Not Disturb most of the time from all the spam emails he receives, mostly because he carelessly gave out his information to dodgy websites.
• Over shares information so casually and then changes the subject, it honestly baffles you at times. To him, there's no such thing as TMI.
“Nearly got run over heading to the shops, but how are you?”
“There was a stabbing at the local chippy shop. What’s for dinner?”
“Just saw a homeless person buy drugs with money someone accidentally dropped. Fun day.”
• Texts you all the time, the moment you send him a message he opens it no matter what time it is or where he’s at.
• Has a selfie as his profile picture.
• Would try-hard being cool so he uses a shit ton of emojis in nearly every text, you can't help but laugh at his failed efforts. And expect lots of typos from him, too.
“Yo😁 any plans todsy🤔🤔??”
“Jow do I turn dowm the brightness.😎☀️”
• He only messages you in the afternoon, in the morning he's too occupied and at night he’s getting that beauty sleep.
• You’re like his tech assistant, always helping him with the simplest of things. This one time, he set his keyboard to another language and was only messaging in Arabic until you could help him set it back to English.
• Spams you like it’s super urgent, only to say: “never mind, it’s not important” knowing damn well he had nothing to say in the first place.
“pick up y/n, very important. asap!!!!!”
“are you dead? where are you.”
And once you do get back to him…
“nvm the issue was resolved.”
• Turned off auto capitalisation, but he’s still punctual every now and then. Never sends emojis.
• On that note, whenever you say “ur” he does that know-it-all thing which we all know and hate where he says “You’re*”.
• A mix of voice notes and texts, he generally does not text whatsoever even if it’s urgent. If you wanted to reach him you had to do so face-to-face.
• He would leave you on read with no shame and forget what you even sent ten seconds later.
• Is committed to that default image as his profile picture, he knows how to change it but he can't be bothered and he doesn’t even know what to change it to.
• When he sends voice notes he acts confused as to why you’d bookmark them. (Fully aware girls simp for his voice - it’s a massive ego boost at times).
• Calls you early in the morning, (really early). As he knows you inevitably snooze your alarm and stay in bed for ‘a few more minutes’ but you stay glued there until the afternoon. It’s a really efficient way of waking you up so you’re not complaining.
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cornyonmains · 9 months
Something I really like about Only Friends is the characters are so complexly written and layered that I kind of wind up being an apologist or detractor for all of them at different points in time. I don't really have a black and white view of the characters, which is usually the only thing you have in BL.
Top's a fuckboy with substance abuse issues. But also, he seems like he genuinely wants connection, and I feel bad for him sometimes because it's so clear he wants Mew to be affectionate with him, and Mew just isn't.
Mew is controlling. A giant walking defense mechanism that can't connect will with people. But also, he's surrounded by people who don't have his best interests in mind, and as he's opening up, we're seeing that he's not some criminal mastermind. In fact, that's the mask. The real Mew is just some dumb college kid who's into a guy he's scared of being vulnerable with, because he's never caught feelings he couldn't control. It's so obvious someone messed Mew up REAL GOOD.
Boston is.... He's an objectively terribly human being. He's also a miserable human being though, a lot like Ray, and he places so much of his value on sex he doesn't know how to make meaningful bonds. It's clear he's nuts about Nick, that he wants to monopolize his affections and attentions, but he doesn't know how to translate that into something healthy. Like Mew, his relationship with sex is fucked, and at the core of an inability to bond. I actually think he's jealous of Mew because there's a parallel there, but whereas Boston is derided for his relationship with sex and inability to connect, Mew is praised. Boston is a shit human being, but he is to be pitied.
Ray's kind of a dick. He's self-centered, won't take no for an answer from Mew, he has substance abuse issues, and saying Sand wasn't his boyfriend because he's holding onto that hope for Mew was fucked. But he's also got major depressive disorder, his parents sound like real pieces of work, and Khao does such a great job of conveying his fragility you can really sense how close to just breaking apart he is. He fucks up, but you still want him to get to a better place.
Sand, oh dear god, this boy has my heart. He's not perfect. Yeah, he sells hooch, he smokes weed, he parties. But he's got flaws too. He works too much, his head's in the clouds, he's destined to wind up on a sexiest mugshots website, and he falls too hard, too fast. He lets himself get led around by the nose by Ray. Sand's the easiest character to like on this show. He's got a hustle, but he's also got 'dude I wouldn't be deeply uncomfortable to be in a room alone with' energy.
Nick's not completely guiltless with his relationship with Boston. I've got a soft spot for him because he's a sweet, quiet kid, and I have a habit of adopting introverts. But he's not like Mew, he knew his way around both dick and dicks from the start, and wasn't blind to who Boston was. He bugged the car. That was a little too extra. I still wanna buy him cheeseburgers and tell him these boys ain't shit though, because he's so miserably in love with Boston, and Boston might be up front with him, but he's still stringing him along, telling him what he wants to hear, and giving more when Nick expresses interest in seeing other people. Was recording Boston and Top some pure creep mode shit to do? Yes. But do I support him using the recording to put Boston in his place? Yeah, I do.
Cheum is another easy to like characters, but we don't get to see much of her, so aside from simply liking her dancing queen energy, I can't really make an assessment. I like that she's the only one in the group actually helping Mew with the project. Also, I laughed when she clocked Ray as most fuckable. Most queer woman would agree, and Jojo is out here making us feel attacked.
Anyways, in summation, I'm thinking of opening a GoFundMe to get therapy for fictional characters. I still can't believe we've got 7 more episodes of drams to get through.
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xxchromies · 1 month
Toxic Tumblr Communities
Tumblr is a very interesting place. I feel like women have always dominated this website. While it's a great place for women to express themselves, it's obviously created a lot of really toxic communities that in all honestly could probably only be created by women. You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. You've got communities that normalize harmful behavior (self-harm, anorexia, drug taking) and communities that normalize harmful relationship dynamics (the teacher crush and true crime communities, the ddlg community, the kink community in general, etc.), all kinds of different shit. I won't deny that these are all really harmful in their own ways. BUT I can't stand the way many people talk about them.
It's not uncommon for people to make YouTube videos talking about these communities, and totally eviscerating the posters without showing a single shred of empathy, despite most of the posters being depressed, isolated, and traumatized teen girls.
When it comes to the communities that revolve around toxic behavior, I kind of hate how the posters are treated as if it is their fault and their fault alone for other people picking up on the behaviors. If someone looks at thinspo or a SH picture and is like "YES I want that!" did the post directly create those feelings? Or maybe JUST MAYBE the person viewing the post was already mentally ill and now they just become encouraged to be a part of a community with people they relate to? Also I kinda hate how people accuse these posters of "romanticizing" the things that they do, I really don't think it's true most of the time. I think what happens is that women are conditioned into always wanting to appear beautiful, and so they want even their pain to be beautiful. Which is why they then write "sadgirl" poetry about cutting or whatever. I also think it's a coping mechanism. If you're going through something difficult, the least you can do is be poetic about it. I also think that a lot of the times it's a cry for help. It's common to make fun of the emo girl who cuts for attention but even if it's for attention she's still hurting herself.
There are also communities that "romanticize" bad relationship dynamics. When it comes to the teacher crush community, I honestly don't think it deserves the hatred it gets. 99% of the posters have no plans to actually get with their teachers. In YouTube videos about this community, they often respond to the rare posts where underage girls gush about how their high school teacher reciprocates their love. The YouTubers blame the girl for posting about the situation and "romanticizing" it, rather than blaming the fucking adult male for taking advantage of a high schooler. It's abhorrent and I can't stand it.
The true crime community is less defensible, but even then, most of the girls do not support violence, it's more so a fantasy of being able to fix a evil man. And I honestly think it's reflective of the way society tells women and girls that they are responsible for men's feelings and actions, even the very worst of them. And pretty much all the posters are either depressed and isolated teen girls or 30-something year old women who have a history of dating violent and abusive men. When people criticize this community, there's something about the way they do it that's almost victim-blamey, idk. I won't act like what they're doing isn't harmful to the victims, but people act as if drawing the Columbine dudes being yaoi boyfriends or whatever is just as bad as the fucking shooting itself.
And the ddlg community on here mainly seems to be fronted by "littles" who roleplay as underage children having sex with their parents. Again, this is a baddd thing to be encouraging, even if it's through role-play. But I HATE how people act like pretending to be the little is the same as pretending to be the adult. All these girls are fantasizing about roleplaying sexual abuse and idk about you but they really do seem like victims to me. This is not a pass for them to promote harmful behavior but again I just hate the double standards. These people are turned on by being victimized and people somehow don't feel any sympathy for them. They act as if it's the EXACT SAME as being turned on by victimizing others.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I HATE how the standards for women are so much higher than they are for men. Women will post about the pain they are causing themselves, and society gets angry with them for daring to be upfront about it and/or trying to make it seem "beautiful". Women will post about how they want to be victimized, and society gets angry at them for promoting toxic relationships, while not offering them a shred of empathy and asking WHY they want that.
Idk I have a lot of thoughts on this. I'm not saying these girls are completely blameless and I really don't want it to be interpreted that way, but it's crazy to me the way people act like they are heinous and evil (and not like, victims of patriarchal conditioning) for romanticizing situations where they would be victimized.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 9 months
I will forever be salty that Bakugou's behavior at the Sports Festival was rewarded with him not only winning the whole thing, but also getting the second highest amount of offers of anyone in Class 1A.
Hori could have gone any which way with it if he wanted to make Bakugou's "redemption" or "character development" actually believable, and I've seen so many better ideas on this damn website:
- Bakugou losing to Todoroki and getting second place (which given Todoroki's ice and the fucking drawbacks of Bakugou's Quirk that we mysteriously never see applied, realistically SHOULD have happened).
- Bakugou losing to Ochako, since he not only clearly didn't take her seriously throughout the fight (he literally says so right after Aizawa's bullshit sermon about how the Pro Heroes shouldn't be Pro Heroes for... *checks notes* calling out Bakugou for being a cocky asshole?), but Aizawa then brought attention to Ochako's plan to trick Bakugou into giving her a lot of debris to work with (which, again, strange how we see him using his Quirk so much and he never once gets dehydrated from sweating or suffers from hand cramps - the canonical drawbacks to his Quirk)
- Bakugou losing in the Calvary Battle, since he demands that his team focus all of their attention on Monoma for calling him out on being an arrogant asshole. Monoma's teamwork would be rewarded, and it would give him an early start into his character development.
- Bakugou fighting Shinsou in the first round and losing to him. His temper would make that fight a walk in the park for Shinsou, and it would also show some criticism from the Pro-Heroes that Bakugou's temper will only get him into serious trouble out in the field if he doesn't get a hold on it.
Any one of those instances could have had Bakugou (maybe Aizawa as well) realize that, hey, maybe I'm not as hot shit as I thought I was. He could still get some internship offers because of his "aMaZiNg QuIrK" and Best Jeanist could still take him on in hopes of getting Bakugou's head out of his ass. Then Bakugou could slowly and surely develop into a not nearly as horrible of a person as he used to be.
Or because some people will never chanfe no matter how many chances you give them, Hori could have made Bakugou double down on his attitude and throw multiple hissy fits (as seen in canon), alienating other Pro-Heroes from him and having Aizawa's teaching be called into question further (maybe even have Mic call him out like "dude, why haven't you nipped that kid's God complex in the bud?). Maybe have someone else bust Bakugou for accosting Izuku (again, canon) and accusing him of helping his opponent win against him, getting him officially punished or reprimanded. Have this start alienating him from the rest of Class 1A.
But nope, that would mean Bakugou actually facing consequences for his actions, and we can't have that happen.
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I've been seeing the whole Cyprus thing reaction and I'm curious about something, all your oc have been comfort characters, even if not for you, with comfort in mind I imagine, and while Yves is the epitomy of perfect comfort Cyprus is an interesting different angle, while harsh, the idea about breaking out of the day to day routine and, as you said, a tale bout beating addictions, the last takes seemed harsh
you said he was an attention grab project for you, and clearly you succeeded but now want to just throw him out, putting some traits that make someone unlikable pretty easy and then doubling down so there's no doubt, and the reactions I've seen of 'i can't believe I liked him' 'i drew him' and so on, I get it, while he wasn't what I imagined from the first chapter, he had some somewhat redeemable traits, but now it feels like someone pulled the rug
As in even if you personally didn't liked him anymore, or ever, I thought you would let him fade for a while, like your other 1st gen oc, for lack of interest about writing for them, all of this to ask why is that? I'm not criticizing, I love all your works, been here for a long while and still hooked as the first day
I mean is your character, you can say he is whatever and since he is yours well then that's canon, as I said I'm just surprised of how vilified he's been made recently
ykno how this blog is basically copium for me and i use it as like a comforting teddy bear. But another lesser known use for this website is something to help me process and make sense of the shittiness of the world
So actually all my ocs has at least some component that's strongly inspired by people in my life, like Yves- exaggerated traits that i liked in my parents and friends, Blanche- exaggerated traits that i liked in my grandma etc etc so these are the comfort side
the thing is Cyprus is always meant to be this way from the beginning 😭😭😭the source material being all the things i hated about my dad, the machoness, coerciveness, bigotry, tough love upbringing on his kids and all that jazz, the stuff that made me go ouch for many years- so cyprus isn't even a fictional character anymore like my 1st gen ocs, its literally a retelling of what i disliked the most about my father and trying to make it palatable enough to innoculate myself from the real thing- but Cyprus is just gross to me
The true nasty side of him wasn't revealed early on bcasye,ykno,,,, i love and want clout 👉👈,,,, there were a couple of asks about his view on kids, i already had that piece written out but i waited to post it only when its confirmed he's the most popular one. I was going to scare away a lot of people if I just go high octane piece of shit on him
I truly loved my 1st gen ocs, they bring me a hella ton of comfort but like it isn't as effective as Yves, I will be churning out more and more ocs just to chase that high or relief from da horrors of da world. So i just let them fade a way and go into a comatose state (me not writing about them) because i still do wanna revisit them one day and i do not want them to go out in pain and hated
Gonna be honest with you chief idk wtf is Cyprus to me now, like he is not giving me comfort in a traditional sense like Yves or Blanche, or Yan big brother, but he STILL is giving me a sense of like relief and catharsis by letting me write him into this asshole im having to face irl, like i converted an attention grab to another one of my copium- when Cyprus was in his like golden problem child phase where everyone likes him except the author, he wasn't copium, dude
only after i vilified him (and received a bunch of horrified responses and a couple of hate asks as a result) did he do something to make me feel good, like Yves level good but in the opposite direction, like the Yin to Yves's Yang of comfort
Like i definitely will still write about Cyprus, he's just the black sheep of the comfort family and even tho i do joke a lot about this being an attempt to remove as much of my reader's favour for him so i can just eradicate him without a lot of uproar, its never really the case. Cyprus is transformed to another outlet for me to express my thoughts and feelings about stuff i fuckin hate irl but will have to face regularly [i will slow down on the cyprus posting tho cause i am going back to Yves as like a knee jerk reflex]
Cyprus was meant to be hated, but with how the world works, there will be people who still love him and take him in as their wet rat. So i wouldn't say that he's my most unpopular oc after i fleshed out the shit side of him, just the most divisive one- he's like fuckin vegemite, you either hate him with a burning passion or love him and want to slob on his knob
anyways here is your hot cup of Yappuchino served with a side of Yappanese sponge cake. Enjoyszss and thanks for the askkkk
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melonteee · 5 months
sometimes in your vid essays when you briefly diverge into the topic of powerscaling and such I find it hilarious in regards to One Piece specifically because that series is so allergic to that kind of discussion. like as someone who's well-versed in regards to How Powerscaling Works, OP straight up does not give numbers the way other series do and if you go to any powerscaling type wiki/website their OP pages are in fact just born from a million assumptions. One Piece will have a dude say "Im Big Dick McGee" and do one insanely cool thing that has everyone freaking out and powerscalers will be pulling their hair out because *they can't quantify that shit* and have to make a million assumptions as to how strong OP characters really are.
And i feel like Oda has the same mindset because he introduced the doriki system as an actual Power Scale System in water seven and then threw it the hell away mid arc with no reference to it ever again and YET because it's the single point of actual in-series power measuring youll find forums today still using it to make 15 more follow-up assumptions for characters in the current canon. no one can handle the silly goofines of this whole thing and thats not even counting how OP powerlevel discussions become lore discussions too bc how are they going to account for everyone being superhuman due to their planet being far more massive and thus having stronger gravity.
its so hilarious no other shonen could ever resist not introducing a consistent powerscaling system for 2+ decades
EXACTLY DFGHJKDF this is why I've been SAYING you can call One Piece a battle shonen all you want, because there ARE battles in it, but Oda so CLEARLY puts narrative over ANY sort of power system. Every time someone asks Oda any battle relevant question, he always answers with some bullshit JHKFGD like "how far can Luffy stretch?? oh about 20 gum gums" LIKE HHHH he so clearly DOESN'T care to stick to any strict power system. I mean the most recent huge fight was a TOM AND JERRY inspired fight for god's sake, Gear 5 throws any and all power scaling conversations out the window for all we know Gear 5 can do fucking ANYTHING.
I've literally seen One Piece guys and Dragonball guys fighting about whether Gear 5 could beat Goku, and it's like, mother fucker for all we know Gear 5 could just bugs bunny a kamehameha back at him JDFHGKD like we literally do not know the scale of Gear 5. Hell we don't know the scale of MOST characters in One Piece. I was SO confused as to why the term 'admiral level' was a thing cause we've barely seen the admirals...do anything?? Like yeah Akainu can turn into magma and whatever, but what else??? Why is this term even a thing if we haven't even seen the scale of what any of these guys can do JKFGDFGD I will admit I have a much more plot/narrative driven head but I truly cannot understand how One Piece power scalers get any of their arguments or data hhhhhh
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