#can someone tell me the kind of tags I should be using for these posts?
felix being referred to more or less exclusively as "your soldier" in-game speaks to how little the writers put into his character beyond his noggin full of sith secrets & his relationship with the consular; still, i do find it kind of sweet and funny, in a way. he's not a republic soldier, not even your personal bodyguard; he's your soldier. the consular is a small nation-state in and of herself
#accurate.#felix iresso#swtor#jedi consular#open tags for My Rant:#going back through rishi and doing the cute little holocron quest got me brooding - as i often do - on my best boy felix#that the writers could not think to give him anything in KOTXX that wasn't Torture Angst is deeply shitty but a little understandable.#all the other consular comps kind of have a way forward that isn't consular-related when the consular goes away#nadia has the jedi. zenith has balmorra. tharan has his old illustrious career. qyzen has little baby clan and also his religious directive#meanwhile felix isn't involved with your order or a supergenius or a politician or even someone with a lifelong goal#he was a guy doing his best at a dead-end job that turned into a far more enjoyable but still lowkey dead-end job#i would argue they could (should) have sent him to ossus but i can see them balking because Doc was already there#that's a little narratively redundant especially bc Doc has an extremely useful set of non-martial skills you would want to center#when telling a story about survival and persistence against the odds like with ossus#(also he was in the group of companions second-closest in proximity to the emperor in base game)#HOWEVER.#because i am immensely sexy and cool and have a huge brain i think i've cracked it#the way to give felix a compelling story post-consular is to put him the fuck in charge.#no longer your soldier or anyone's. his own. maybe even in charge of a large group of people in need of someone to follow#considering he used to be really good at that#a group like...idk...maybe the rest of the people incarcerated on his prison colony?#much to think about.
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daincrediblegg · 2 months
no you know what I'm going to scream about the stuff I talked about in the tags of this post publicly
I'm tired of the well-meaning "don't feel bad if your work only gets 20 notes your genius is what counts and do it for you!" bullshit. I've had a good handful of friends who have straight up DEACTIVATED in recent months because their work was not getting reblogged AT ALL. No, it wasn't from lack of not being well-liked, no it wasn't from lack of trying to make sure it was getting out there to the people they knew would engage with it. It was because no matter how much they were praised privately for their work, when push came to shove, absolutely NOBODY reblogged it and gave it the audience that it was due, and I'm tired of people shoving the "unsung genius" narrative as an excuse for it. Nothing excuses that. And the boop event really proved that.
because I know given the opportunity, indiscriminately pressing a button (sometimes 10 thousand times, as I did) is not beyond this website's capability. y'all loved doing that. and look at what it wrought. nothing but love and affection and happiness. just from a couple of quick clicks of a little paw button. sure. nobody knew who you booped but the other person (which is how likes used to work on this website, btw). there was an element of anonymity to it. but that is kind of the core of this website that no other social media platform still has: the ability to be anonymous. and hyper-curating a blog on here like you might on twitter or instagram to project an image is simply not viable. and hey. you wanna know a secret: literally nobody cares what you post or whether it goes with the "theme" of your blog or not. yeah. I know. CRAZY concept in this day and age. but literally. I myself have reblogged things that have had nothing to do with whatever I am currently fixated by and you know what happened to my follower count? not a damn thing. in fact, I actively try to reblog things specifically BECAUSE it's my friends who made them (even though I'm not always good at KEEPING UP WITH HOW MUCH THEY POST @prismatica-the-strange will NEVER GO UNRECOGNIZED by me).
And you know what fucking sucks? I have to deal with this too. surprise right? you ever wonder why I reblog fics or art I post like 20 times the day that I post them? do you ever wonder why I ask about tag lists and beg for asks all the time? IT'S BECAUSE EVEN I GET LIKE. 5 LIKES ON THE THINGS I POST. AND THE REST OF THE REBLOGS ARE MINE SO I CAN MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE WHO WANT TO SEE WHAT I MAKE GET TO SEE IT. and I say that knowing that I'm certainly not an unpopular blog, or an unpopular writer. I know that people love the stories that I create. Hell, half of the people that I've talked to about lady terror have told me that they consider her to be canon (AND EVEN SOME!! THOUGHT SHE WAS!!! WITHOUT EVEN HAVING WATCHED THE SHOW! WHICH IS STILL SO SO WILD TO ME!!!) But especially in the last 4 years (which really dates this phenomenon), my posts, no matter how well received they've been amongst people I've talked to about them directly, I still go into the notes and at least half (often more than half) are MY reblogs to make sure people saw what I posted. and it happens every single time, and I can't tell you how much it crushes me considering that it used to be that I would be able to post it only once, and people would reblog it sometimes even HUNDREDS of times.
It's not about popularity. it never has been. it's not about anxiety. or shifting website cultures. even if you lurk, the simple fact is, that if you want people to keep making what you love. you have to reblog. your theme won't suffer because you reblogged a fanfiction that you really admire. your posting won't be ruined because you reblogged some fanart from someone in a different fandom. really. I promise. and if people do unfollow you for that? who needs em. followers come and go but you should NEVER have to cater to them. on this website it has ALWAYS been the other way around. lean into it. make it yours. put stuff you ACTUALLY WANT to be seen and that you love and appreciate on your blog. no matter how old it is, how new it is, no matter how niche or off-theme it is.
so please. if you really want to show your appreciation for someone's work? you reblog. it's really as easy as that. check the tags. add some when you reblog if you like. but please for the love of god reblog. it's as easy as booping and even more rewarding for the people who you reblog from. if you want to let someone know that their work is genius and appreciate it? show it. reblog. then DM them if you're too nervous to say what you want to say but not in a public forum. but for christ's sake. REBLOG.
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rthko · 4 months
to add to the whole proud faggot thing: i rmbr at age 15 me and my friend (both newly out) would say faggot all the time until a teacher told us off and my friend (v cocky) said actually miss i can reclaim it to which the teacher was like ...its still a swear word ur still not allowed to use it like its not that deep. and that was a sort of revelation like 'oh yeah this word obvs holds meaning and whatever but at the end of the day us reclaiming it isnt revolutionary its just two kids who got their hands on a new curse word to use' & ever since then i try to figure out whoevers using faggot in a useful or meaningful way vs whoever is just excited to use a forbidden word. n i think for a lot of ppl its the latter
So for context, I saw a post where someone had left a comment with Israel apologia, and someone else responded by screenshotting their blog, which has a cutesy Tumblr aesthetic, and added a screenshot of another post about what it called "Smol bean Zionism." I noticed the blogger's bio also said "proud faggot," so I tagged the post:
"Are we ready to admit the 'proud faggot' is not contradictory to the smol beanification but part and parcel to it?"
I see sentiments on Tumblr that "I call myself a faggot to scare the tenderqueers," but I think the cute harmless approach and the edgy approach are two sides of the same coin. Molly Rose on substack writes about how she as a Black woman could never get away with "tenderqueer" behavior. She writes: "As far as I can tell, the hallmark of a true tenderqueer is an unwavering avoidance of responsibility or culpability at all costs, paired with the use of social justice and personal advocacy language to ensure that lack of accountability." The real problem with this type then is not that they're too sensitive, but that their sensitivity is a tool by which they act like they could never be in the wrong. So we see a soft type and an edgy type, but both wear their victimhood on their sleeve to feign superiority and avoid any kind of interpersonal conflict. The former will invoke queerness or neurodivergence to guilt trip you, and the latter will act above it all and treat you like you're stupid for even caring. It's "enough discourse, we should be making out with tongue" when trans women try to talk about transmisogyny, etc.
With all these discussions of the "tenderqueer," It's easy to forget that "queer" was that transgressive word said to connote political radicalism, or rather, speak political radicalism into existence just by uttering that very word. And while I have heard people prop up "fag" and it's equivalents as the solution when the former has been watered down, they are not getting to the root of the problem. If the problem is that some have turned the supposed magical powers of a word into a political dead end, the solution is not to go find other magical words to replace it. I am aware and respectful of the fact that to some, these words really are a political statement, or a symbolic gesture that they're not afraid or have moved beyond past wounds. Any word is what you make it. But to get back to your point, yeah, some people have that same teenager's mentality of getting their hands on a new curse word. And it does not automatically make them meaningfully transgressive or even interesting.
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eboni-napalm · 3 months
(this didn't happen to me recently but it did to someone I know in a self-ship Discord server I'm in so I'm making a post on this because it needs to be said AGAIN.) - (long rant incoming, tw for mention of s*****e)
Hey, self-shippers- yes, ALL OF YOU, because we ALL need to crack down on this and do better- there's probably quite a few of us, if not a lot of us, that don't like sharing some of our F/O's, and that's okay.
However, what's NOT FUCKING OKAY is GOING INTO THE INBOX OR DM'S OF A USER WHO SHARES AN F/O WITH YOU THAT YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE SHARING AND CALLING THEM NAMES/SLURS, TELLING THEM THEY'LL NEVER LOVE THAT PERSON, AND/OR THEN SAYING THEY SHOULD ACTUALLY KILL THEMSELVES. What in the actual FUCK is wrong with you? I don't care if you're a minor or an adult in the community, that shit is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable.
We as a whole need to do better about cracking down on this kind of behavior, for real. Self-shipping is a place where people should be able to feel welcome and able to ship themselves with characters they love without having to feel like they have to walk on eggshells just so they don't incur the wrath of others who think it's okay to treat others like this. This shouldn't be what people imagine when they think of self-shippers, but a few bad apples will bring our image down and make it to where no one wants to even joke about interacting with us.
To those self-shippers who are not okay or comfortable sharing your F/O's in whatever way- if you come across someone who shares one of those characters with you, instead of pulling shit like that (especially on anon, you spineless cowards), either just block the person without saying anything if you don't interact or have never interacted with them, or if it's someone you know/are on good terms with, kindly inform them not to talk about that F/O in personal interactions or have them tag posts with a certain tag so you can block that tag and hide them from your view so you don't have to see them. There's ways around everything here that avoids being an asshole to people and they're not that difficult to do.
I want to be proud to be part of this community as someone who's in it, not ashamed of it because of instances like this; even if they don't happen very often, they still happen, and they shouldn't. We can do better, we can be better.
Spread love, not hate. Please. ❤️
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
Onesie Party
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SUMMARY: Ace and Deuce, with a hint from Cater and financially support from Kalim, gave you a costume made Grim onesie. And decided to throw a surprise (to only you) onesie party at Ramshackle Dorm and invite all the students you knew. Onesies were the mandatory dress code!
CHARACTERS: All NRC Students. (Leona is mentioned because, let’s face it, he would only wear a onesie if he was forced to)
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader.
COMMENTS: I'm new at posting here on tumblr. This is the first thing I write as a fan of something. I already read other things like this here and I enjoyed them. One night I was wearing my own onesie and got this idea. I also like to write so, why not?
I hope you enjoy reading. I did enjoy writing it.
BTW: English isn't my first language.
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You were on Ramshackle Dorm. It was already late night, and you were getting ready to go to bed when you decided to make one last check at your Magicam.
You had a massage from Cater. He sent to you a post. It was a photo of someone wearing a black cat onesie with red fire in its ears.
Cater: It reminded me of Gri-Chan
Cater: they're making custom onesie!!
Cater: a Grim onesie would be so adorbs!!!!!
Cater: and you'd look so cuuute on one ;)
That made you giggle. You checked the post just to confirm what you´ve already thought.
You: They’re sooo CUTE!!!
You: I would love to have a Grim onesie but…
You: they’re so expensive :(
You: That and Grim would probably tease me about it and his ego would inflate even more -.-
Cater: hahahahaha He would do that because he would love to see you in that too XD
Cater: but yah... it's a shame it's so expensive :(
Cater: Ow... I need to go... Don't want to lose my head to be up past hours
Cater: nighty night~
You: good night ~
Little did you know Cater would tell your two dummy best friends about the onesie thing.
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It was a chilly night, some days after that chat, and the sun was just a few seconds of set, when you heard a knock on the front door.
Grim smelled the air. “I smell FOOD!” he said, rushing to the door.
You hear Ace and Deuce's voices. And then you see them appear in the lounge where you were sitting on the sofa. If you were drinking something, you would have spit it out or choked on your laughter.
Besides having some bags with snacks, they were also wearing onesies. Ace had an ace of hearts onesie and Deuce had a two of spades onesie. They say that line of onesies were made based on the Queen of Hearts card soldier.
Ace was loud when he greeted you. Deuce was probably still embarrassed about the situation.
“You look so adorbs!” You said, purposely imitating Cater, and laughing. That made Deuce blush a little.
“HA ha ha. I know right?” Ace said, “But don’t think can escape from join us.”
“I would love to, but unfortunately for you, I don't have a onesie.”
“Are you sure?” Ace took out one of the things Deuce carried in one of the bags.
“OI!” Deuce protested. And Ace threw you a paper bag. Like a package that arrived in the mail. When you picked it up, you realized that by the softness, inside the bag there should be some kind of clothing.
You opened the bag while they took the snacks out of the bags and placed them on the table. And unfurling a gray onesie with a trifurcated tail, blue fire coming out of the cat ears and a black and white striped bow around the neck, which the zipper handle being a pendant.
“Don't just stand there looking at it. Go dress it before the party starts!”
“Party?! What party?!”
Ace had a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Sorry, (Y/N).” Deuce said, “I wanted to tell you, but they wanted it to be a surprise.”
“They? You mean there more people than you two who are involved in this?”
“Of course.” Ace said, “That thing was expensive. Who do you think we tricked to… I mean, who do you think offered to pay for the whole thing when he knew about it?”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. And someone else nocked at the door. Either it was a huge coincidence or a great timing. You put the onesie on the sofa and went to open the door.
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Kalim’s greeting was as warm as always. He was wearing a red parrot onesie. He had his signature smile, until he saw your clothes.
“Oh, did we come too soon? Ace and Deuce haven’t arrived yet? I hope I didn't ruin the surprise.”
“Oh no. They are here. I just haven't put on my onesie yet.”
He sighed with relief “I got scared for a second. Then go try it one! I can’t wait to see how it looks on you!”
You smiled “Ok, I’ll go. After you enter.”
Kalim wasn't carrying anything, but the person who came in after him and greeted you had about three boxes stacked in his arms. You controlled your laughter because you knew he wouldn't like that. But Jamil looked so cute in his dark red snake onesie. You felt the need to say something.
“Don't be mad at me, but you look kinda cute on that.”
“D-don’t worry. I’m not mad” and he quickly balanced the boxes on one arm to pull the hood up to cover his blushing face with the other. “Thanks.” He whispered. That just made it worse. He was now even cuter.
You went to one of the empty rooms to change to your new onesie. When you returned to the lounge all the boys ware looking at you the same way, but Kalim was the one saying what probably all of them were thinking.
“Aw! You look so cute (Y/N)!”
“Myahaha. Looks like we find the perfect uniform for my hench-human.”
And before you could say something back, another knocks the door. You were so excited about seeing another NRC student in a cute onesie than you almost rush to the door.
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OMG. Now it was Trey and Cater on a three of clubs and four of diamonds onesies. They'll tell you that the four card soldier onesies pack was on discount, so they took it. And of course, Trey brought one of his cakes. Like Deuce, Trey was a little embarrassed. But Cater...
“OGS, you look cuter that I thought! I need a pic of us (Y/N)!”
(OGS = Oh Great Seven)
They entered and after them… surprise of surprises:
“Riddle?!” It was already too late to try to sound less cooked. And he was wearing a red hedgehog onesie. “I-I didn’t thought… um…”
“Think, (Y/N), I didn't think.” He corrected you. maybe because he would anyways, or maybe to try to soften the soft blush that was already starting to form. “Well, since you always go to our unbirthday parties when invited, and sometimes even help preparing them, I thought the minimum I could do to show my appreciation was to attend to one of your parties.”
After he entered, something on the back of the onesie caught your eye. You weren't looking at that, swear! But that little round tail was so cute.
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A few minutes later, new knockings on the door.
“Kalim?” You asked, “How many people did you invite?”
“Well, to be honest, I was thinking about inviting all the students at school. But Jamil said that you could not like that especially because it was a surprise party, so he suggested only invited the people you know.”
You smiled at Jamil as saying thank you.
“So I only invited… um, let me see… Jamil, Riddle, Trey, Cater, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Vil, Rook, Epel…”
Another knock interrupted Kalim’s list. Whoever it was from that list, it was better to open the door and fast.
Ruggie was wearing a hyena onesie. You were as happy to see him as he was to see you but... “Isn’t it a little bit… weird for you?” You asked.
“Hey! I'm a very loyal guy to my roots. Shehe.”
“That and Leona-senpai said it was either that or a lion onesie.” Jack said. He will revel to you that Leona was the one paying for Ruggie's onesie. and he wanted to buy the lion one for Ruggie, just to mess with him, but eventually Ruggie convinced him to buy the hyena one. Jack himself was wearing a dark blue onesie with little stars and little moons that glowed in the dark, what made you look confused and with a lot of questions at him.
Jack blushed. “L-listen, it's a long story. It was the only thing I had. I bought this a couple of years ago because of my little sister. I can explain it later...”
You didn’t saw anyone else with them. “Oh, what a shame Leona couldn’t come.” You say to Ruggie with a smirk on your face. Despite you really wanting to see him in a cute onesie, you know he wouldn’t do such thing.
And speaking of him, if you’re questioning why Leona would buy Ruggie a onesie just for that party. They made a deal. And Ruggie’s part of the deal was sneakily snap some pictures of your pretty figure on that cute onesie for Leona. And maybe he would save some copies to himself too.
Them entered and you saw that Ruggie’s onesie covered his entire back. So, his little tail was inside. Unlike Jack's tail, which poked out of his onesie and struggled not to wag like a happy dog’s one.
After the two of them entered the lounge, Ace started messing with Jack, and Ruggie started messing with Riddle because of they’re onesies. Nothing to make neither of them too mad, but it made you star worrying about other possible gests.
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Not long after, you open the door again.
“Awww... why an azarashi-chan onesie? You should have got a Shrimp one.” Floyd whined. “Ne Jade?”
“He Floyd.” His Twin agreed “Oh, but you still look adorable on that direbeast onesie.”  After Ruggie, it was no surprise seeing them on eels onesies. The funniest thing about their onesies was the feet getting out of the onesie while the tail continued a little further back.
But honestly, even more funny was Azul in front of them. Was he using an octopus onesie? Unfortunately for you, no. He was wearing a… business onesies! A onesie that looked like a suit. How did he even find one of those? You could have asked if you didn't just start laughing.
Azul looked a little upset about your laugh.
“I told you that one was stupid.” Floyd said. “You should have got a cute one.”
“I didn’t want a cute one.” Azul said back to Floyd, and then asked you: “Is there something wrong about the onesie I chose?”
“No, no.” You assured him, still giggling a little. “There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just that I never saw a onesie liked that. I didn’t even know those existed.”
“I would rather see Azul on an octopus onesie myself as well.” Jade said with his signature smile that only the people who knew him knew it was a mocking smile.
“Absolutely not!” Azul reiterated. And as if trying to change the subject of the conversation. “Though, (Y/N), despite the preferences of my colleagues, I may say that you look wonderful in those clothes.” Oh, he tried to control the blush, but little did he know it was stronger than his wishes.
The Tweels smiled mischievously but didn’t say anything about it. Looking at them and thinking about the people that were already on the lounge, you realised something. You opened your arms in a signal for them not to enter yet.
“Wait, just… Can I please ask you something?” you opened your arms in a signal for them not to enter yet. But you quickly remember when you saw their, let's say, villainous smiles. You wanted a favor from the Fish Mafia, hum?
“Of course, prefect.” Azul said with his charming smile. “Anything you wish. You already should know that.”
There was only one thing you could use to your advantage when dealing with those three. And especially in this situation. They soften when their poor unfortunate souls are cute.
“Can you please not anger anyone? You know, teasing them about the onesies? I wanted everyone to enjoy the party.” You asked with only the necessary amount of puppy eyes.
“Anger anyone?” Floyd repeated, then smiled. “Is kingyo-chan here?”
Time to increase the puppy eyes, directed at both at Floyd and Azul. And while Azul was thinking you thought of a possible offer to Floyd. “I'll buy a shrimp onesie!”
Floyd’s smile softened and warmed. “Really~? And would you visit me with it dressed at Octavinelle whenever I ask you~?”
“Not whenever you ask.” You stood.
“And what if we set a maximum limit?” Jade said, as if that deal was of his interest as well. “Once a week maximum?”
“Once a month.”
“Twice a month” Floyd pouted.
“Fine. Twice a month maximum.”
“Okay~! What do you think Azul?”
“Um… Allow me to be the one selling the onesie to you, and we have a deal.”
You signed. “Fine.”
“It’s a deal then, my dear (Y/N). It’s always a pleasure to do them with you.”
If it makes you feel better, remember that you just made a dela with them while everyone wearing onesies. And little did Azul know he would be teased for his choice of onesie as well. At least Jamil had that to counterattack.
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Next knocks on the door.
“Beauté! Oh, Trickster, your onesie is magnifique! Such clothing specially designed based on a close friend! What a wonderful show of beautiful bonds.” And Rook did it again, made you blush with his flourish. “Ah~” he whispered at you with a smile. “And of course, you could get even more beautiful.” He was wearing a light purple bear onesie.
“Rook, don’t spoil (Y/N) already with your complements.” Vil said. He was wearing a peacock onesie. He looked at you and smiled. “But I agree, it is a pretty cosy sight to behold. I even dare say you may look better than Grim himself.”
You smiled, still blushing. “Don’t say that in front of him.”
They entered and finally you see your fellow Pomefiore freshman. Epel was wearing a purple onesie with white lines with little drawings (like a Christmas onesie, but purple instead of red). But the biggest surprise was seeing him with his excited smile. You would think he from all people wouldn't like a party like this. I mean, it's kind of hard looking anything other than cute on a onesie. But he seems looking forward to the party.
“Ah! I love your onesie.” You tell him.
“Thanks! My grandma did it for me some time ago. I never had the opportunity to use it with other people wearing their own onesies too!”
“I also told him that he wouldn't need to worry about being the only one being called cute on this party.” Vil said.
“Oh! I'm eager to see what our dear schoolmates chose to wear on this night.”
“Um, Rook?” You ask before he continued followed the other two to the lounge.
“I’m curious. Epel is wearing a onesie that his grandmother made. Vil is wearing, well, the animal that I most associated with him.” You giggle. “But I was wondering why you’ve chose a bear?”
He smiled at you. “I’m glad I picked your curiosity.” Rook had his, let’s say, hunter smile on his face. “Well, since you’re the host, I may tell you. You see, I always found fascinating by how a huge beast like a bear could turn into a soft and cute toy for children. Both an efficient predator and a fluffy friend. I thought it was a good fit for both the party and me. Wouldn't you agree, trickster?”
“Indeed.” you smiled, slightly worried.
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Some minutes later, more knock on the door.
“HIII, prefect!” And you thought Ortho couldn't look cuter. He was wearing a magenta onesie with little horns, and with the ways he was moving you were able to glance a pointy tail behind him as well. He even changed his flames hair colour to match the onesie. “Wow! The Grim-san onesie is so cool! It looks so good on you.”
"Thank you. Your onesie is so cool too."
“Ha ha, thank you. They are from characters we really like. We thought it would be cool to matching clothes for this kind of party.”
“We? Matching?”
“And I’m already regretting that.” You heard a familiar deep voice saying somewhere outside.
“Ni-san! Come on, you said you wanted to show everyone how superior our onesies are.” Then he imitated Idia's voice. “There's no way those guys have better onesies than this. I personally upgraded mine from their standard self to accommodate my shut-in needs.”
“Fine, fine… you don't need to info-dump everything in one line of dialog.”
Instead of waiting for Idia to came out of his hiding place, you snick out your head to find him crouching to the wall close to the door.
“Heep! N-no need to jump-scare me.” He was wearing a onesie similar to Ortho’s, but his was teal, and the horns were longer than Ortho's. He was using the hoodie to hide his face, despite the long blue flames of hair that lit him. You could also see the pointy tail lying on the ground.
“Sorry.” Your eyes widened. “Your onesies are so cool! And the fact they’re matching is so adorable.”
Idia looked up at you, saw your cat ears with flames that match his own hair, and the ends of that same hair began to turn pink.
“(Y/N), could you help me convince my brother to enter the party. Please.” The please wasn't needed, he was asking you with his cute little brother's voice, and you existed heart couldn’t say no to that. That and you also wanted Idia in the party.
“Um… If I tell you some of the onesies others are wearing, would you feel more comfortable?”
“That could be considered a spoiler but… yah… If the game offers you some hint about the element of your opponent’s attacks, you’re a noob for not taking advantage of that.” And with it he at least got up. Making you be the one looking up.
“Let me see… Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater are matching to. They’re card soldiers.”
“Um… I think I saw the pack online…”
“Riddle is a red hedgehog.”
“WHA-? Riddle-shi is here?! And on a hedgehog onesie?!”
“Right? I was as chocked as you.”
“Well, from the small sample my theory still holds.” Idia whispered with a smug smile.
“So, will you enter with me Ni-san?”
“Y-yes. I-I can go with you.”
Ortho happily thanked you and tugged his big brother by his onesie sleeve. After they entered you could see in both onesies a little pair of demon wings.
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You were still waiting for someone else. But it seemed to be taking longer than the others.
“Kalim. Please tell me that you didn’t forget to invite de guys from Diasomnia.”
“I could swear I invited everyone… AH! That's what I forgot to tell Lilia in music club meeting!”
“What?! You didn’t invite them?!”
“Don’t warry, (Y/N).” Jamil said to you. “I made sure to go to the music club room after their meeting was over and I came across Lilia on the corridor. I can assure you that I informed him of the party.”
You could hug and kiss this boy right there and then and it shown on your eyes. “Oh Jamil, you’re the best!” he said it was nothing as he hid his face in his onesie's hoodie.
Despite that, you were only relieved when you finally heard another knock on the door. You open it with an expectant smile on your face and...
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Aaaahh! Lilia!” you scold.
Lilia just did one of his popped out of nowhere upside-down things. This time appearing on the top of your door trim.
“Fuhuhu. Forgive me, but I couldn’t resist.” He said as he turned to land his feet on the floor. He was wearing a black dragon onesie, with fluffy horns and tail and a purple belly.
You looked at him, he looked at you.
“You look so cute!” you both said to each other at the same time. And while you were laugh it off, three tallest figures appeared behind Lilia.
They were all wearing the same black dragon onesies. The only exception was that Malleus' onesie didn't have the fluffy horns. Instead, there were holes on the hoodie specially made for his real horns take the place of the fake ones. He had his charming, delighted smile on. The smile he always has when he's invited for something.
“Indeed, that is certainly a flattering attire. Especially on you, Child of Man.”
“Thank you.” You smiled and blush. “Come on in! I want to see your onesies better.”
“HA!” Sebek yelled. “A human capable of understand the grandiosity of waka-sama to be willing to admire his figure in such admirable garment.” He was probably calling the onesie admirable because it was design based on the dragon form of the Thorn Fairy.
This also made a sleeping Silver standing next to Malleus wake up. He sighed. “I knew this onesie was too comfortable.” He was the last one entering the hall.
It was funny seeing Sebek so proud for using a dragon’s onesie alongside his Waka-sama. Seeing sleepy Silver on that onesie was one of the cutest sights of the night. But you also felt sorry for him because he was struggling more than usual to stay awake.
And Malleus, the warm way he was looking at you on your Grim onesie plus how cute he was on his, you suddenly felt like hugging him. He would probably like it. Sebek wouldn't.
You told them they could join the others on the lounge, and they started walking there. But you saw Malleus staying behind with you, and with a little help from Lilia, the other two didn't realise it. The moment they walked in the lounge you heard Sebek starting an argument with Ace about their onesies.
“Is something wrong, Tsunotarou?”
“Do you remember me giving you permission to touch my horns?”
“Yes.” And you already did it once or twice.
“I know they are part of your suit, but would you allow me to touch your ears?”
It took you a moment to finally answer with a wanna-be smug smile. “You can touch them, if you're willing to suffer the consequences for the audacity.” And you even dared to try to strike one of Malleus' powerful poses.
“Ha ha ha ha.” You successfully made him give you one of his genuine laughs. “Fine then. I have never been one to cowered over anything.” He got closer to you, reached out his hands and started petting your cat ears.
And while he was entertained by that, you hugged him. He widened his eyes looking down at you on his chest.
“The consequences.” You told him. What made him giggled and return the hug.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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kimi-antortilla · 20 days
you should do a kimi smau
Warnings: Some swearing!
Pairing: Kimi Antonelli x bestfriend!fem!reader
A/N - In all my Kimi fics, he is 19 years old, I’ve aged him up for it. A/N2 - I’m sorry if your eyes aren’t green, this is kind of self inserting for me coz my eyes are (first one’s my eye and I’m vaguely sure the second one is too, it was on my camera roll from a while ago)
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caption: someone has the eepie sleepies 🤫 @/kimi.antonelli
user1: omg these two are actually obsessed with each other
-> user2: my life would be made if they just fucking dated 😭😭😭
charlesleclerc: @/yourusername, please don’t turn your account into a fan account of Kimi’s.
-> kimi.antonelli: I just have loyal subjects fans
-> yourusername: I’m not your fan, you’re more obsessed with me
-> user3: who wouldn’t be obsessed with Y/N, she’s stunning dude
❤️ by kimi.antonelli
kimi.antonelli: tired of you.
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caption: we saying green, hazel or blue?
user5: not kimi taking up close eye shots of Y/N
-> user6: bro he never said it was y/n, did he? 😭
-> georgerussell63: yes coz kimi wears mascara
yourusername: puprle
-> kimi.antonelli: ylelow
-> lewishamilton: my replacement driver is officially mad
-> user7: *madly in love with y/n
❤️ by lewishamilton, georgerussell63, charlesleclerc
yourusername reposted:
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caption: if ur gonna tag kimi, tag my shoulder too bro
kimi.antonelli: no u suck
-> yourusername: alright mr ‘I looked like a fermented onion’
user8: the beef is mad
maxverstappen1: aaaaand now kiss
-> user9: mr Verstappen?! Tell us more
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caption: I have had enough of these two, I am hard launching for them
kimi.antonelli: who that
-> maxverstappen1: I-
yourusername: she looks hot, who is she?
-> alexandrasaintmleux: only u can look that sexy girl ❤️❤️
-> charlesleclerc: @/alexandrasaintmleux, I-I’ll check you out, pay attention to me plsssss 🥺👉👈
-> maxverstappen1: no one said I was trying to be slick
landonorris: y/n asked me if her elbows looked good this morning coz she didn’t want kimi to think she was an ogre
-> kimi.antonelli: oh dear
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caption: the pda is wildin’
kimi.antonelli: he looks hot, who is he?
-> yourusername: omg smash
user11: I knew it!
user12: my life is genuinely fulfilled omg these two finally
maxverstappen1: grim
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caption: they’re defo green x
landonorris: monster munch
-> georgerussell63: u do realise everything u say is public so saying those two words itself probably just spiked in the company’s sell prices
-> landonorris: lmao I love monster munch
-> kimiantonelli: my brother’s, I’m soft launching, pls, for another time
kimi.antonelli has limited comments on this post.
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AITA for bitching about fics I dislike on my blog?
as a foreword, this is kind of a non-issue and no one's ever told me to stop, but I'm curious what other people think of fandom etiquette.
the fandom: a fairly small one. 2.4k fics on ao3 small. I recognize most people posting in its tumblr tag small. if I tell you the name of the source you'd almost definitely be able to find me small.
the source: pornographic, which means everyone involved is or should be an adult. it's BL with a switch MC, but the fandom overwhelmingly prefers bottom MC/top LIs (love interests), to the point where I've had people be astonishingly rude to me because my favorite character is a bottom LI and some of my friends have been outright harassed for the same. I used to not care about sex positions in the slightest, but now when I see bottom MC fanworks I can't help but remember how poorly I was treated.
the fics: wildly and inexplicably popular, even though they are, frankly, poorly written. it's eternal bottom MC turned up to 11, complete with copious amounts of OOCness in order to turn every ship into the worst ye olde yaoi gender roles dynamic you can imagine. it's things like MC, canonically a 23yo plank of a dudeguy, being written as a big titted milf in his 40s (which is made more confusing by the fact that one of the LIs is already a big titted milf). it's also things like the MC being written as disliking sex and having to be coerced into it when one of the most charming things about him is that he's a hilarious sex pest, or writing the LIs sexually harassing the MC when they really would never do that. I've likened it to replacing the characters with OCs that share the same name and my friends have agreed with me. I'm honestly convinced that the author and his readers don't actually like any of the characters if they feel the need to change everyone so thoroughly.
why I might be an asshole: it's assholish to hate on free fanworks, and I've bitched about these fics on my public tumblr blog. the fandom is small enough that there's a non-zero chance of it getting back to the author and a reasonable chance that fans of the fics have seen my bitching. I'm probably projecting the hostility I've received onto someone who's done absolutely nothing to me, and I am absolutely just straight up jealous that their fics get better stats than mine. I may also be being an asshole to myself, because being critical of other people's fics has made my hypercritical of my own.
why I don't think I'm an asshole: I think everyone has the right to be bad at things, but I also think everyone has the right to be a little hater. I don't put the fandom tag on these posts; they stay on my blog and my blog alone, and if later on I feel like I was unfairly vitriolic I'll delete the posts. I only post on tumblr because I'm certain the author in question only uses twitter, which dramatically lowers the odds of him stumbling across my posts. the fics are so popular that it's definitely possible that their fans would see my posts, but I think it's unlikely that they'd bother looking at my blog because 99% of my posts are about one of the bottom LIs. I have never and would never leave comments on the fics themselves, and I generally try to keep the bitchy posts to a minimum; it's far from a constant thing.
tl;dr - I publicly bitch about fics that (in my opinion) are poorly written and extremely OOC, under the assumption that it's unlikely the author would ever see it. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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tangledupinyellow · 8 months
Love is in the Air | Joel Miller X Wedding Planner F!Reader
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authors note: So excited to finally get this one out! Feels like I haven't been able to post it for forever!!! I also have a new Javi one shot in the works that might be out sometime later this week ;))
summary: You’ve always loved working as a wedding planner, helping people prepare for the most romantic day of their lives. But things don’t go quite as you expect when Joel hires you.
warnings/tags: 18+, no use on y/n, no outbreak au, infidelity, age gap (24 and 46), mention of male and female masturbation, lots of nicknames (baby, doll, darling, sweetheart, baby girl), fingering, unprotected piv
word count: 6.1k
You tuck your binder into your work bag before knocking upon the door of your new client, waiting patiently for an answer. You tapped your fingers on your bag as you waited and took a deep breath, rocking the back of your heels slightly. This was always your least favorite part of the job: meeting new clients for the first time. It always felt stressful even when it didn't need to be. But it was always so 50/50 with these types of things. It could be a loving couple eager to live the rest of their lives with each other or a bridezilla who yells and screams at you if you get one tiny detail wrong. Thankfully, you learned to prepare yourself for the worst.
When you heard the footsteps approaching, you quickly fixed your posture and stood straight, wanting to make the best first impression possible.
As the door opened, you were greeted by a cheerful woman who seemed to be in her late thirties if you had to take a guess. She had long black hair and the brightest smile you've seen for quite some time. She seemed so giddy that you couldn't tell if it was a facade or not. Despite that, you enjoyed her sunny energy.
"You must be the wedding planner that Joel hired!" The woman practically beamed and opened up the front door more to allow you inside, "I'm Jenna. I've read so many great reviews about you online. Joel and I have been really looking forward to working with you."
You smile and chuckle at her enthusiasm, feeling an almost instant relief. So this seemed to be a happy couple, something you could handle just fine.
"Feel free to take off your coat. Make yourself comfortable." The smile never left her face as she pulled out a chair from her kitchen table for you.
"Oh, thank you." You returned the smile and took out your binder, setting it down on the table before you took a seat. You were surprised by how kind she was, but you weren't complaining. You weren't expecting to be so welcomed when you got hired for them.
Jenna nodded and sat across from you at the table before scooching her chair in, "I should be the one thanking you for being here. You have no idea how long Joel and I have been trying to get this wedding planning up and going. Gets stressful. You're helping us a great deal here."
You give her a nod and a kind smile to return her energy, "Oh, trust me, I know. I'm here to help ease some of that stress." You chuckle and begin pulling out some blank pages and a pen from your binder to jot down notes so you can get an idea of what they're looking for from you. After all, this was only your first time meeting the couple. You wanted to spend this next hour or so just loosely getting to know them and their expectations so you can help them make their wedding possible.
As you were getting everything ready for yourself, you noticed that there was something, or rather someone, from the table that was missing. The groom. And by the way that Jenna said both of them were excited to be working with you, you assumed he would be here as well.
"And will Joel be joining us?" You asked her formally, clicking your pen open.
Jenna let out a soft sigh at your question. She glanced over at the kitchen clock above the stove before looking back at you, "He should be. He was just getting out of the shower before you arrived, so he should be finishing up any minute." She nodded.
You smiled, glad to hear he would also be part of this wedding planning.
Almost as if on cue, a pair of footsteps made their way down the stairs, and a man, presumably Joel, came sauntering into the kitchen. As he entered, your eyes practically glued themselves upon him. 
Just like Jenna had said, he looked like he was fresh out of the shower. He wore a pair of comfortably fitting jeans with a loose white t-shirt that looked like he had just thrown on, showing off his toned arms. His salt and pepper hair was still damp from his shower, loose pieces of hair falling over his face as if he had just ruffled a towel over it to dry it off. Your breathing hitched in your throat as you stared at him for a moment longer. So, this was Joel.. he was a lot more attractive than you were expecting when you spoke with him over the phone. 
Jenna definitely was one lucky woman…
Joel turned his attention to you and gave you a friendly smile before sitting conveniently beside you. But you knew what you were here for, so you didn't try to look too much into it if there was anything for you to look into.
"Joel? I assume?" You asked and lifted your posture with a subtle inhale, gathering your papers into one neat pile. 
He nods, "Pleasure to meet you, darlin,'" he greets with a kind southern accent, the nickname slipping off his tongue. It was so casual that you assumed he called almost everyone that, especially considering that his fiance was right across from him, and she didn't seem to bat an eye, "Glad we've gotcha help here."
You give him a smile as a response, and you catch him staring for just a second too long for you to notice. Again, you don't bother to look into it much.
Instead, you decide to get started with the two of them and discuss wedding plans. Clearing your throat, you proceed, "Let's get started here, yeah?"
You couldn't help but notice the glances Joel would steal whenever he got the chance.
The hours fly by as you talk, mainly to Jenna, about their vision for the wedding. You were just thankful for how easily she made your job for you. She was so attentive and open to any suggestions you had, taking those in with open arms. 
On the other hand, Joel isn't as talkative as his partner. He's been quiet for most of the meeting, only speaking when spoken to. Most of the time, he seems distracted by something. Or, by someone, more like. But you noticed. His looks turned into stares, and his innocent glances turned into something more lustful. It didn't take a genius to understand what was going on in that mind of his.
Usually, with a man like Joel, you would be completely open to receiving those looks your way. Just like how you noticed those stares, you noticed how your heart would skip a beat in your chest or how you would have to cross your legs and squeeze them together whenever he would hold a stare for a second too long. Joel noticed all of this. Jenna was blissfully unaware.
Even though you were unintentionally enjoying all of this attention from Joel, you were excited to get out of here. You didn't know how much longer you could control yourself like this, pretending that you weren't getting thoroughly aroused by the sensual looks Joel was giving you. The way he would look you up and down.. You couldn't wait to get back home where you could think about him all you wanted.
But your career had to come first. Your lust had to come second. And as for morals.. You weren't quite sure where those lied.
Jenna was in the middle of a sentence when her phone alarm went off, causing the two of you to jump slightly in your seats, startled. You could hear Joel chuckle quietly with amusement, followed by a shake of his head.
The woman gave you an apologetic smile before turning her alarm off, "I am so sorry, that was my alarm. I need to start getting ready for work." She explained herself before standing up and fixing her dress that got wrinkled from sitting for a while.
You let out an involuntary sigh of relief as you follow her steps and stand up as well, like her shadow.
"That's alright," you brush off the apology, "I should be heading out anyway. I don't wanna keep you guys here long." You smile at the two of them before packing your binder into your bag and preparing to leave.
"It was absolutely great meeting you. Same time next week?" Jenna asked, her voice getting a bit louder as she started heading up the stairs to get ready.
"I'll see ya then!" You call back out to her.
She heads back up a couple more stairs before you hear her voice again, "Joel! Go be nice and walk her out to her car!" And with that, she was gone upstairs.
You quickly look back at Joel and shake your head, "You know, you really don't have to.." You told him, not wanting to bother him at all. Also, time alone with Joel didn't sound like a good idea, even if it was only for a few minutes. You were already too hot and bothered for your liking next to this man who you were just helping plan his wedding.
"Don't be silly now," Joel shook his head, "Least I can do for you helpin' us." He smiled before placing a hand on your shoulder and leading you outside. You followed.
His hand remains on your shoulder as he leads you to your car, only letting go once you reach the vehicle.
You take the moment to catch your breath, feeling as if you weren't breathing at all during that small interaction, "Thank you. I'll see you next week." You confirm with him before starting to open your car door.
Your hand was on the handle when he stopped you, a gentle grip on your arm.
"I should be the one thankin' you," He spoke quietly, his voice almost in a whisper as he stared at you with intent, his eyes burning into your own. And in that moment, you forgot how to breathe again. And for a gesture so simple from a soon-to-be-married man, you were almost ashamed of how fast your heart raced, "I appreciate all the help with the weddin'."
Your breathing was shallow as you forced yourself to look away from his eyes, glancing down at his hand that was now moving up to caress your arm. The feeling of his rough hand on your skin gave you goosebumps. You couldn't help but imagine how his hands would feel in other places..
Clearing your throat, you break yourself away from those thoughts, "Is there anything else you need from me while I'm here, Mr. Miller?" You asked. Even if you didn't want to, you had to start heading home. Every second that you spent outside alone with him, you could feel some of your self-control drift away. 
His eyes slowly glanced down to your lips, then the rest of your body, before looking back to meet your eyes, "Just wanted to give you a proper goodbye." He whispered huskily. You could hear the lust that lingered in his voice.
"I appreciate it." Your voice dropped to match his whisper.
You let his hand caress your arm gently as he stares at you longingly for a moment longer before you find the strength to open your car door, causing him to move away and step back a little.
"See you soon." You bit your lower lip and gave him one last look, knowing the effect you so clearly had on this man. You tossed your belongings into the back of your car before getting in, winking at him before closing the door.
Joel watched you intently, unable to take his eyes off you for even a second. He didn't want to. He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair as he watched you drive off.
"Fuck.." he mumbled to himself, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He knew that he was going to be in trouble, but that didn't seem to stop him from making any advances. 
As he jerked himself off later that night while lying alone in his bed, he couldn't help but think of how that pretty little mouth of yours would feel around his cock.
For a week straight, you couldn't stop thinking about Joel. Thinking about the way his eyes lingered on you, thinking about the way his calloused hand caressed your arm. Multiple nights, you yearned for the feeling of his fingers instead of yours as you pleasured yourself in the late hours of the night.
You knew it was wrong. You knew that this wasn't even something you should be thinking about. While it didn't feel morally right knowing that Joel was already in a clearly very serious relationship with someone else, it was also very unprofessional on your part. For how wrong all of this was, you kept thinking about Joel, well aware of the consequences that were soon to follow.
But you convinced yourself that as long as these just remain thoughts and nothing is put into action, you should be fine. However, keeping these fantasies as silly little thoughts in your head was much harder than you thought.
You knocked on the door of their humble home, unfortunately just as nervous as you were the last time you were here. You were hoping that last week was just a one-time thing and that you and Joel could keep things civil. But you already knew that wouldn't be true. Especially when you had spent the last week thinking about him and would touch yourself nearly every other night, thinking of how well you could take him. 
A faint blush crept onto your cheeks as the thoughts lingered on in your mind before you heard the door open. Your eyes widened slightly, and you quickly looked back at the door, remembering why you were there. Work. You regained yourself before looking to see that it was Joel this time who had opened the door, not Jenna. And you hated that he looked just as good as last time with his loosely buttoned burnt orange flannel.
"Oh, Joel-" You began in surprise, but you heard his voice before you got another word in.
"A lil'bit early today, huh?" He chuckled while holding the door open, his hand gripping loosely onto the top of the door while leaning against his weight.
Your eyes remained on him, taking in his posture and the way he was standing before nodding, trying not to get too distracted so you could keep the conversation going casually.
"Um, yeah," You nod, your eyes immediately dropping to the floor so you wouldn't be staring at him like you originally wanted to, "I thought that with Jenna having to leave early last time, coming in a bit earlier may help." You explained, the mention of his fiance's name serving as a reminder that he was, in fact, getting married, and he wasn't a man that you should be swooning over.
Joel chuckled quietly and shook his head, his eyes boring into you, making breathing seem very hard to do once you met your gaze back up to his, "Actually, Jenna's off today. She's out cold in the livin' room takin' a nap." He explained.
You let out a sigh and nod, almost embarrassed for showing up to their place so early, "Oh shit, I mean, I'm sorry," You correct yourself quickly, trying to remember that you were here for business purposes, "I can always come back later."
Joel let out a little 'psh' with a wave of his hand, "Don't worry 'bout it. She should be wakin' up soon anyway. Why don't ya come in, and I can get you something nice to drink." He offered with a grin, all while keeping his eyes on you.
You stared at him silently for a moment, trying to decide whether or not you should take up on his offer. By the way he was staring at you with those lust-filled and curious eyes, the same look he had given you the week before, you knew that he had much more in mind than just an innocent drink.
You slowly begin to shake your head, but he speaks again before you can say anything.
"Come on now, don't be shy." He chuckled and walked away from the doorway, leaving the door wide open for you to enter.
You watched him walk away and take a deep breath, feeling like your feet were glued down on the porch step. Spending even more time alone with Joel wasn't good for you. You couldn't describe the feelings you felt towards him, but whatever it was, it was there, and they weren't going away any time soon, even after reminding yourself of the fact that he was a groom to be in just a few months time.
"Comin' doll?" He peeked his head back into the doorway for you to be able to see him, his voice a bit louder so you could hear him, but still quiet enough to not wake a sleeping Jenna.
Hesitantly, you swallowed your worries and stepped into their house, closing the door behind you before meeting Joel in the kitchen.
"Are you sure that it's okay? Me being here so early? I don't want to intrude on your time at all. I can always come back when Jenna's awake." You reminded him that you didn't mind leaving and coming back earlier.
Joel leaned his back against the counter, crossing his arms across his chest as he watched you. That same grin remained on his face. 
"I don't mind ya being here early at all. Actually, I'd even say I'd prefer it." He shrugged, his eyes dropping down to take a good look at you. You would be lying if you said that didn't make your heart skip a beat.
"Prefer it?" Your voice was a hoarse whisper, a pathetic attempt to hide how nervous you were in front of him.
Joel gave a nod with slightly furrowed eyebrows, "Jenna likes to do all of the talkin' when it comes to things like this. Gives me and you some time of our own to talk, you bein' early like this."
You sucked in your lower lip with your teeth and gave him a nod, trying to process and understand his words. At the same time, you were clueless about where he was getting at, but, you also knew all too well. Maybe you didn't want to admit to yourself what you truly thought.
Joel kept his eyes on you as he approached you slowly, a hand resting upon your hip, making you shudder. Your breathing hitched as you looked down at his hand and back up at him, still at a loss for words. You kept opening your mouth to say something, but nothing, not even a peep, would dare come out.
His strong fingers caressed your hip with a gentle, almost featherlike touch. You felt your breathing slow as he looped two of his fingers underneath the hem of your denim shorts, pulling you closer to him with one swift movement. You gasp quietly as you feel his fingers brushing against your bare skin. Now you knew for sure what his intentions were with you. 
"Joel.." You began before he cut you off, his fingers still loosely holding onto your shorts to keep you close. 
Joel stared at you with a tinge of nervousness in his eyes. You could see that. But the nerves weren't enough to get him to stop, "You want this just as much as I do, don't you.." he asked, although it sounded much more like a statement than an actual question, just to get you to confirm. 
You sucked in a breath, hesitating to answer. He wasn't wrong. You did, in fact, want him just as much. But you didn't even know that he wanted this until right now. This was wrong. You are only here to help him with his wedding. Because he was getting married to the woman who was fast asleep in the living room, the woman who was preparing to be his lawfully wedded wife. And Jenna was a nice girl. You didn't want to do this to her, even if her future husband was so damn attractive. But he was just as persuasive as he was handsome. Unfortunately, saying no to him was the last thing you wanted to do.
"Tell me." Joel demanded gently after a while of your silence, his hand moving away from the hem of your shorts and over to your ass cheek, giving it a subtle squeeze causing you to jump slightly in his grasp.
"Joel, you and I both know this is wrong." You stared back up at him, looking into his pleading eyes as his hand remained on your ass.
"I need a yes or a no, darlin'." Joel shook his head, keeping eye contact with you. His hand rubbed your ass through your shorts as he stared at you, clearly not caring that Jenna was just in the other room.
You stared at him for a moment longer before glancing into the living room, able to see the blanket covering Jenna's body as she slept, unknowing of what was going down in her kitchen at that very moment. Hesitantly, you look back over at Joel.
"Once," You whispered, your voice hushed, "This can only happen once." You told him.
"I'll take anythin' I can get." Joel practically growled once you gave him your full consent.
Taken aback when he pressed you up against the kitchen counter, he crashed your lips with his hungrily. His hands gripped your waist, and you could feel the bulge growing in his jeans, causing you to groan against his lips. You knew this was wrong, but having a little fun wasn't anything against the law. And you were always very good at keeping secrets. You were just hoping that Joel was as well.
His lip grazed your bottom lip, hungrily deepening the kiss. An involuntary moan escaped your throat as he took control of the kiss. Hearing the sound come from you made Joel near feral. As soon as the moan vibrated against his lips, his grip on your hips tightened while the kiss became more fervent and sloppy. He grasped your waist to keep you in place, almost as if to ensure you weren't going anywhere. For this next half hour, he was going to make you his.
His teeth clashed with yours while his tongue vigorously explored your mouth. He couldn't help but wonder how wonderful the warmth of your mouth would feel around his dick. Even the mere thought caused his cock to twitch. 
His hands crept down to your ass, pulling you in closer. You could feel his bulge pressing up against your thigh. The sensation made you throb with need. He didn't break away from the kiss while pulling you closer to catch his breath. With how your lips felt against his, oxygen was the last thing on his mind.
The bristles of his beard were scratching against the skin on your cheeks, his mustache tickling your top lip. And you were loving every second of it. 
Your arms wrapped around him, taking hold of his shoulders while matching the energy of the kiss. You had told him that this was something that you could only allow to happen once. And fuck, were you going to make this one-time count. You were going to make it worth it.
You were the one to pull away from the kiss, his forehead leaning up against yours. Joel's eyes stared into yours, catching a glimpse of lust that swirled in your eyes. His mouth hung slightly agape, taking a moment to regain his composure. He didn't take more than a second before his lips were back on your skin, nibbling and biting the sensitive skin on your neck.
"Bedroom," He ordered in your ear, grabbing your ass simultaneously to push you further to his growing erection, "And you oughta be extra quiet for me. Don't wanna go an' wake Jenna up, d'ya? Think ya can do that f'me baby girl?" He murmured, slowly moving his hand from your ass to rub the inside of your thigh, purposefully averting where you needed his touch the most.
You nodded quickly and bit down on your bottom lip, bucking your hips slightly towards his hand as he caressed your thigh dangerously close to your heat. Right after he did so, he pulled his hand away and grabbed onto your own. He lifted his head to get a peek of a sleeping Jenna in the living room, and you couldn't help but look at how his veins faintly popped from his neck as he did so. You had to fight back the urge to press your lips onto his skin right then and there. 
Once he checked to make sure that Jenna was asleep and wouldn't wake up anytime soon, he tightened his grasp on your hand and led you to his bedroom. You tried to keep your footsteps as quiet as possible, not wanting to disturb his fiance, who was fast asleep on the couch and only a couple of rooms away from the master bedroom.
Your hand remained in Joel's until you reached the bedroom. He pushed you in gently and walked before you, his eyes not leaving you once. He didn't dare look away, not even for a second. He wanted to take in your beauty for as long as he had you, for as long as Jenna stayed asleep.  
Joel closed the door behind him and locked the door with one swift 'click.' And within seconds, his lips were back on yours, walking you backward to his bed.
"Fuck, Joel.." You moaned against his lips as your legs hit the base of his bed. He tore his lips away from yours and put his hands on your shoulders, gently setting you down on the bed, now looking down at you.
"Love it when you say my name like that." He groaned, hastily unbuckling his belt with ease. You watched his hand intently, feeling like you were practically drooling while watching him.
You gawked while he undressed himself in front of you, unbuttoning your blouse at the same time. Joel watched you and immediately pushed your hands away from your blouse, which was now only half-buttoned.
He kept eye contact with you, the lustful gaze never leaving as his rough and long fingers unbuttoned the rest of your blouse for you. His eyes immediately fell from your own over to your tits, which were pushed up with the pink bra you wore underneath your top.
He licked his lower lip and let his gaze linger for a moment longer before pushing your pants down to your ankles, not wanting to waste time with you. His cock was already aching and throbbing in his jeans. He didn't know how long he could last without being inside you.
You kicked your pants off, dismissing them to the side before laying down on the bed, now just in your bra and panties in front of him. Joel watched you intently as you made yourself comfortable in his bed, the bed that he shared with his fiance. In an instant, Joel threw his shirt off and tossed it away with your pants before crawling on top of you. 
He held himself up, both his arms on either side of you. You smirked while staring up at him, loose hair falling in front of his face. Your eyes lowered slightly, seeing how his cock practically begged to be free. But his voice stopped you before you could even strip him from the rest of his clothing.
"Tell me you want this, darlin', that you want me to fuck that tight lil' pussy of yours like there ain't no tomorrow." His voice was breathy. You were so desperate to have his cock in you that you nodded quickly.
"Yes! Yes, Joel, I need you." You begged, knowing that your panties were already ruined from how soaked you were for this man.
Joel smirked upon hearing your pleas, "Look at you, beggin' for me like the needy lil' thing ya are." he shook his head before slipping your panties off to get them out of his way.
Without any warning, he easily slipped in one, then two of his fingers, causing a moan to leave your lips. Joel immediately looked back up at you and shook his head disapprovingly.
"Thought I told ya to be quiet, sweetheart," he shook his head once more but kept his fingers inside you, creating slow circular motions. After a moment of hush whimpers and moans from you, he spoke again, "Already this wet for me, baby girl? Barely even touched ya yet." He chuckled lowly, the movements of his two fingers growing quicker and quicker.
"Need you so bad, Joel, need you inside of me." You whined, your voice as quiet as you could possibly be now so as not to wake Jenna up in the living room.
Joel watched you beg for him with a look of satisfaction before removing his fingers from your cunt, closing his eyes, and groaning as he licked them clean as if he were tasting the sweetest honey in the world. 
"Look at you, so ready for me like the good girl you are," Joel praised after removing the fingers from his mouth, still savoring the flavor of you on his tongue. 
You groaned impatiently and nodded, not knowing how much longer of being empty you could take. You needed him inside of you now. Right now. 
He smirked satisfactorily before pushing his jeans down and away, the tent caused by his erection in his boxers clear as day. You licked your lips at the sight and subconsciously opened your legs a little for him, ready for him to take you completely.
"Gonna fill that pretty lil' pussy up," Joel grinned and stripped himself from his boxers, leaving him completely nude in front of you. He was just as handsome as you imagined him to be, "You'd like that, wouldn't ya."
The tip of his cock was red and angry, leaking with precum, ready to be buried deep inside you. He propped himself in between your legs and held down your shoulders with his strong hands, keeping you in place.
"Fuck yes.." Your quiet moan filled the room while he positioned his tip to your entrance, teasing your folds.
"Gonna make you mine, baby girl." He groaned, pumping himself a couple of times before thrusting himself into you, causing you to let out a strangled moan. Joel smirked as he heard you, gaining pleasure from the noises that you were making, all because of him making you feel good.
You bit down hard on your lower lip, trying your best to keep quiet. After all, you would be in deep shit if you caused Jenna to wake up in the room before. Not only would you lose your job, but you would also ruin what could potentially be a good marriage. Even though you weren't sure if this was the healthiest relationship considering that he was fucking you like there was no tomorrow in the bedroom he shared with his fiance. But you could care less about that as he was fucking you.
Joel's fingers dug into the skin of your hips, moving his hands down to your ass to make your hips move in rhythm with his as he pounded into you with practice and ease. 
"Feel so fuckin' good wrapped around my cock, baby." Joel grunted with each thrust. Oh, how he wished to have you all alone in the house, where he could let you and him be as loud as you pleased. Each moan that left your lips made his cock twitch, like music to his ears.
You whimpered, trying to keep as quiet as possible while reaching down to rub your clit, desperately wanting the friction. But just as he had done before, Joel moved your hand away.
"Not too good at being patient, are ya?" He chuckled with a shake of his head, "Don't 'cha worry now, I'll make you feel reeall good soon enough." He smirked and increased the pace of his thrusts, his hands still on your ass to help guide your hips into him.
You slowly lowered your hands back down and gripped the bedsheet, letting a soft moan slip as you watched him intently. With him, you could just sit back and enjoy the show while he did all the work on making you feel good. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew what he had to do to make you feel good.
"Such a good fuckin' girl." Joal praised with a grunt, the thrusts of his hips getting quicker to chase after his own high. He had been dreaming about making your pussy his ever since he first laid his eyes on you not more than a week before. 
"Yes, just for you, Joel, just for you.." You confirmed breathily, urging him to continue.
"Fuck baby, f'you keep sayin' my name like that, you're gonna make me cum." Joel warned, but the pace of his thrusts never slowed down, not even for a second.
"Joel, please," You begged, moaning out his name lower just to get the reaction out of him. His fingers dug into your hips even deeper, his thrusts quickening, "Come inside of me. I need you so bad."
Joel squeezed his eyes shut as he held onto you tightly, your words going straight to his throbbing cock. He couldn't last another moment before his warmth was shooting inside you, thrusting his hips to get deeper, "Goddamn baby girl." He squeezed his jaw, his eyes still shut, as his body slowly descended from his high.
You watched him with your mouth agape, the sight absolutely breathtaking. Jenna was definitely going to be a lucky woman if this was the sight that she could see all the time. The way his head leaned back, the way his hair fell into his face, the way his mouth hung open slightly while he let out soft moans and grunts. You didn't even need to come to feel satisfied. Making him feel like this was satisfying enough.
Joel's eyes slowly opened to meet yours, his heart racing in his chest before he began pumping inside you slowly, "Gonna make you feel so good.." He promised, now going after your high. You couldn't help but admit that you were surprised, for most men that you've been with before would usually stop after they were fulfilled. But not Joel. He wanted to make sure that you were weak in the knees before leaving.
Joel kept his thrusts steady, making your hips rock along with his. His hand moved down to rub your clit, the pads of his fingers touching you in all the right places.
"F-faster Joel.. I need you to go faster.." You whimpered out, and he didn't waste a second before ramping up his speed. One hand continued to rub your clit while the other massaged your breasts, sending a whole new sensation down your body.
"Oh yes, Joel! Just like that.." You moaned a little louder before biting your lower lip quickly, reminding yourself that you had to keep quiet.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, gonna make you come real nice for me.." Joel grunted in between thrusts.
With the feeling of him massaging your clit with one hand and your breast with the other, all while pounding himself into you, you could feel your own release building up.
You were sent over the edge with one final thrust of his hips. Your head leaned back against the pillows while your back arched underneath the bed, unintelligible moans of his name leaving your lips over and over again.
"That's it, that's it, baby girl." Joel cooed, coaxing you down from your high while slowing down his thrusts, enjoying the sight of your orgasm just as much as you enjoyed his.
You slowly laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, taking a moment to catch your breath. Joel kept his eyes on you for a moment longer and gently tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear before slowly laying back down next to you, the grin of satisfaction never leaving his lips.
His rough hand slowly caressed your thigh, his leg brushing up against yours, "Think you can go for a round two?" He whispered lowly in your ear, nibbling at your earlobe before sending kisses down to your neck.
You smirked and shook your head, craning your neck to look at him. It was going to be hard to resist this man.. You just hoped that you had enough time before his fiancé would wake… 
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astraltrickster · 9 months
Since the wave of mass site migrations there is one REALLY worrisome trend I've been noticing: the number of radfem posts I've been seeing ending up on my dash, reblogged unknowingly by people who think they're just base-level feminist statements, has all but gone back to c.2014 levels. Everything seems good on a surface level, but I spot one dogwhistle, or something strikes me as being a little too absolutist, and I check into that...and sure enough, the road leads back to terf city.
So here's a quick PSA:
Please be careful with your Feminism 101 sources.
See, terfs and their close relatives KNOW we don't like them here, so they don't tend to lead with their well-known hatred of trans women. On top of that, there is a problem with a subset of radfems on this site who purport to be trans-inclusive - i.e., they openly support trans women...but DESPISE trans men (often more than they hate cis men, because of the whole "joining the enemy"/"gender traitor" myth pushed by terfs) or any nonbinary person who aligns partially with manhood or masculinity, especially if they're AMAB (they often think they can "save" - i.e., conversion-therapy - the AFAB ones).
Therefore, on a single-post level, it is very, VERY hard to tell the difference between a basic feminist statement that, yeah, patriarchy exists and that means there are lots of awful double-standards around gender where women broadly get the shorter end of the stick and these standards AFFECT every individual in a society and that's something we should work to change, and a statement that these things are absolute and inevitable, either because Biology or because those double-standards are too deeply ingrained to EVER overcome without giving up and starting over from scratch (whichever is convenient), and the only solution is hardline female wombyn-born-wombyn separatism or at LEAST excluding trans people from public life for, at best, making it too hard to tell who's ~safe~. In fact, sometimes on that single-post basis, they could potentially even be identical - though less frequently than many people thought in the heyday of "OP was a terf so I stole this post but anyway all men are walking rape threats and need to accept that any reasonable person will always hate and fear them on sight".
So what can you, random newbie, do to avoid unwittingly passing one of these messages on without turning into some kind of horrible "feminism is cancer" chud?
Well, one of the easiest ways is the Shinigami Eyes browser extension, but I personally don't like to rely on it because 1) you can't use it on every platform (sorry mobile app likers), 2) in my experience it's somewhat common for "trans-inclusive" radfems to be flagged as safe because someone saw their positivity for trans women but not their hatred for trans men, and 3) I just don't like to promote the use of browser extensions as a substitute for learning what radfem rhetoric is and why it is, in fact, anything but feminist; it is very beneficial to terfs if the ONLY thing you know of their rhetoric is "they hate trans women".
The hard but better way is to actually familiarize yourself with what to look out for. Here is an inexhaustive list:
Category 0: Tags to add to your blacklist
Your blacklist filters out posts with the blacklisted tags in the reblog you're seeing, OR in the root post. Therefore, if a radfem post that looks like it's just base-level feminism does breach containment somehow and end up on your dash through someone else, it will still get caught if it's tagged with any of these:
Terfs/radfems do interact/do touch/please interact/please touch, etc
Category 1: Terf-ese and dogwhistles
Some of these, especially those near the top of the list, are immediate telltale signs. Others are less certain, but they should at least raise some eyebrows.
"Gender critical" - literally a synonym for terf just used to make the ideology sound more legitimate; they often claim that terf is a slur
"TIM/TIF" - "Trans-identified male/female", a way to delegitimize trans identities
"Febfem" - female-exclusive bisexual woman; a bisexual woman who rejects her attraction to men; essentially a modern term for "political lesbian" (a group which claimed that lesbianism is not a sexual orientation that some people just Have, but a political choice to reject men)
"Butch flight" - the claim that trans men are butch lesbians transitioning to escape lesbophobia and gain male privilege
"Adult human female" - this very simplified dictionary definition of "woman" is something of a rallying cry
"Let girls be tomboys/butch" - some people say this in response to old repressive gender roles in things like dress codes, or even people holding trans women to a higher standard of femininity than cis women, but if that is not explicitly the context it's very likely that this means "stop the evil plastic surgery racket from force-transing every little girl who even looks at a truck, which they're TOTALLY doing"
The inverse, while less common (terfs tend to be very open about not wanting men to be feminine in any way because of "deception" and "false security"), is also one to look out for - sometimes it's a statement against binarism and gender essentialism, sometimes it's basically an assertion of the Blanchard "feminine homosexual man vs. autogynephilic man" model of what a trans woman is
"Compulsory heterosexuality/comphet" - an aspect of heteronormativity whereby it's common, especially for younger people, to try to force themselves to experience heterosexual attraction when they don't. Useful as it may seem, the term was coined by radfems. Most people who are not terfs or other radfems who want to discuss it will discuss it under the umbrellas of heteronormativity and amatonormativity
Hogwarts houses - this is a sneaky one; far from everyone who read those books or even enjoyed them is a terf, but since JKR's full-tilt descent into fascism via the gateway of transphobia, terfs HAVE been using this as a way to seek out their own and mark themselves as safe; let this also serve as a reminder that if you are NOT a terf PLEASE REMOVE THIS FROM YOUR BIO; it WILL both draw them to you AND cause you to be immediately distrusted by anyone else, saying "I DO NOT CONDONE THE VIEWS OF JKR" will not help because terfs can and do lie about that too in communities where they have to stay crypto, at best you're granting them plausible deniability
Referring to men and women as "males" and "females"
Usernames referencing "female" reproductive anatomy - may be a good sign if they're attached to trans-positive modifiers like "boy" or "they", but a username like "divine-vagina" or "ovariesofpower" (note these are theoretical usernames, not ones I've encountered in the wild; if someone does have one of those usernames and isn't a radfem I'm deeply sorry) is probably a terf
Hatred of makeup and plastic surgery - look, no one likes the beauty industry, no one is going to dispute that beauty standards are a nightmare, but this is frequently a smokescreen for hating gender confirmation or anything that helps with the "deception" inherent to transness; be ESPECIALLY wary of anyone talking about "TikTok plastic surgeons trying to sell their services to impressionable teenage girls", this usually translates to "gender confirmation surgeons telling young transmascs that there are options for them", and remember that you either believe in bodily autonomy or you don't, there is no third option
Category 2: Ideological concepts to look out for
This is some of the beginnings of crossing the line from feminism to radfem bullshit - if the rest of the post seems cool but starts heading in these directions, don't assume it's hyperbole; get it as far away from you as possible.
Patriarchy, men-oppressing-women, is THE root system of injustice from which all others spawn. Some will acknowledge that other factors may intersect, but will still claim that they are lesser. Bringing up the long history of white women getting men of color, especially Black men, killed via weaponized fragility and false claims of sexual violence, is just a series of flukes and pointing it out to refute this notion that men vs. women outranks all other inequalities is just whataboutism.
Because patriarchy is so far-reaching, it affects every individual, and because it trumps all other axes of oppression, this means that in every interaction between any man and any woman, the man will be the one with more power.
Men, due to socialization, biology, or both, are categorically incapable of recognizing women as full people. This is not only a broad pattern, but an inevitable fact, true of every individual man, no matter how hard anyone tries to change it.
There is a singular Universal Female Experience. According to terfs, this is an external force; trans women don't have this socialization experience, therefore they can never truly know what it's like to be a woman. According to tirfs, it is internal; trans men process their experiences internally as men from birth to death and therefore have no claim to truly understand any experience of misogyny directed at them.
The experience of being a woman is, first and foremost, suffering. It is therefore to be expected that a certain subset of people would transition to try to escape it - but it's the wrong answer, and this practice of either self-destruction or betrayal must be stopped at all costs. Anyone who wants in on the miserable experience that is womanhood, on the other hand, is at best insensitively looking at a burning building and going "wow, that looks so warm!", blissfully but cruelly unaware of the misery of the situation, and at worst is lying to satisfy a fetish.
Women are categorically incapable of abusing men, because patriarchy outranks all, down to the individual level. Some may also say that this is true because of biological differences in physical strength. (Very feminist, isn't it, to say "the strongest woman is still weaker than the weakest man and nothing can ever change that"?)
There is, fundamentally, no difference between a person with some subconscious misogyny problems and an incel mass shooter; both will abuse women, and therefore both must be treated as threats.
Because the power differential between men and women is so great, a woman cannot TRULY meaningfully consent to sex with a man; all sex between a man and a woman is rape.
Because rape is such a common trauma among women, the very existence of men - or penises, for that matter, even fully clothed ones - in a space where a woman doesn't expect them is traumatic and itself tantamount to rape.
Lesbians don't just have their own unique flavor of oppression experience like any other queer subgroup; they are in fact THE most uniquely oppressed and vulnerable of all, because being a lesbian is first and foremost not about attraction to women, but rejection of men (recall the ties to political lesbianism). Some radfems will embrace contradictory labels or slightly varied personal definitions for other queer subgroups - but if you're anything but a Kinsey 6 who would never even consider making an exception, and 100% a binary woman, you CAN'T identify as a lesbian. You cannot identify as a lesbian if you wouldn't dump your partner or try to conversion-therapy "her" if "she" came out as transmasc. To a tirf, you cannot identify as a lesbian if you're on the butch-transmasc cusp, if they're willing to admit such a cusp exists in the first place. To terfs, you cannot identify as a lesbian if you would ever date a trans woman, let alone if you ever have.
Again, this is far from being an exhaustive list, but it covers most of the most common things that set off my own alarm bells. Additions are more than welcome.
Remember, the danger of letting radfem posts slide because they seem okay on the surface is twofold: one, you're directing more people to their blogs and exposing them to more people they may then target, and two, when those concepts that cross the line bleed out into your gender theory, the result is bad for you and everyone around you.
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acewritesfics · 5 months
Mama Bear | Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Nora + Bess
Request: No but @runnning-outof-time's interest kept me encouraged and motivated to write it.
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: Swearing. Smoking. Threats being made. Inspector Campbell being a prick. Slight Grace bashing. Nora protecting her family and being a mama bear. Someone gets called a whore [hint: it's not Lizzie]. A six-year-old in the pub. Tommy and Nora's daughter's name in this is Elizabeth but she gets called Bess or Bessie. Also crayola crayons came out in 1903 but were invented in 1902, useless fact, I know... 
Word Count: 1,971
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"Give Tommy and Elizabeth my love," Nora’s mother, Marion, tells her as she stands up to leave. "Hopefully I'll see you all at church on Sunday." 
"You know I can't make any promises, mother," She says also standing up. "I'll make sure to give Tommy and Bessie your love," She adds as her mum pulls her in for a hug.  
"I really wish you would stop calling your daughter Bessie," Marion sighs as she pulls away from her daughter. 
"Don't start, we had such a lovely lunch together," She frowns at her, already felling annoyed at her mothers insistence to see them on Sunday.. "And you know she prefers Bessie over Elizabeth." 
"I'll see you Sunday," Marion says ignoring what she said as she leaves the restaurant. 
"I doubt it," Nora mumbles to herself as she picks up her purse. Sunday is hers and Tommy’s day where they solely focus on there daughter. No outside family or work. It’s just the three of them and it’s been that way since Bess was born. 
As Nora goes to leave she sees someone who makes her blood boil in the worst kind of way. Walking over to him, her mind goes back to the events of the day before. Ada and Polly had taken Bessie and Finn to the park for a few hours and had been spotted by Inspector Campbell who grabbed Bessie's arm and threatened to have her removed from her's and Tommy's custody.  
When Tommy and Nora arrived home from the races, a frightened Bessie ran up to them crying about a man telling Auntie Polly and Auntie Ada that he was going to take her away from them. When Polly explained to them what happened, Nora and Tommy were about to go murder the Irish inspector. But reassuring their daughter that mummy and daddy would never let that happen was more important.  
Polly told them that she made sure he knew he was crossing a line and that she has their backs if something were to happen to him as well as threatening to cut his hands off if he touched her again. 
"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise, Inspector," she plasters a fake smile on her face as she sits across from him, sipping his tea. 
He looks at her a little surprised. "Mrs Shelby, I wasn't expecting to see you here." 
"That's odd, since you've been following my family around since you've been here," she says trying to keep the venom from her voice. "I was just having lunch with my mother. I saw you on my way out and thought we could have a little chat." 
"Don't you have to get back to that criminal husband of yours?" He says seeming anxious to get rid of her.  
"Do you see a leash around my neck?" She asks him, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.  
"Why are you with a man like him?" he asks her. "He'll only get you and your daughter hurt, maybe even killed. He's bad news and you and Bessie," he ignores the glare she sends him when he mentions her daughters nickname. "Deserve better than that." 
"You see, Tommy is a lot of things, Inspector," she begins. "But he's my husband and my daughter's father, first and foremost, and if you think for a second that you can turn me against him by saying all that, you should think again," she continues, leaning in closer and pointing the fingers that are holding her cigarette at him. "And if you continue to use my daughter as leverage in whatever game you're playing with him, you won't only have Thomas Shelby to worry about." 
"Is that a threat, Mrs. Shelby?" he asks, visibly gulping. The bite in her words and fire in her eyes told the inspector she's a woman of her word and that if he didn't fear Tommy, he should certainly fear her. She was not only a woman protecting her husband but a mother protecting her cub. 
"Oh no, darling," she leans back in the chair, crossing her legs, with one arm across her stomach while the other brings her cigarette back to her lips. She takes one last drag on her cigarette before crushing it into the ashtray on the table. Uncrossing her legs, she stands up from her seat. "Think of it as a friendly promise." 
"We're not friends," he frowns up at her. 
"And we never will be with that attitude," she scoffs. "But if you would rather I threaten you," she starts, as she moves closer and leans over him. "You touch my daughter again and it'll be the last thing you ever do." 
She stands up straight and goes to step away from him when she turned back around. "And if I were you, I'd send Grace back to Ireland or to where the hell she wants to go. Would hate for something to happen to her when the other's finally see the truth about her."  
"You know about Grace?" He looks at her surprised and a little worried for the blonde 'barmaid'. "Are you worried she'll steal your husband?" 
"I know more than you think," she smiles. "If you think your blonde whore can steal my husband, you're a bigger fool than I thought. In fact you two are perfect for each other. Idiots, the both of you," she adds and pats his cheek. "Enjoy the rest of your day, Inspector."  
Leaving the restaurant, she makes her way to the Garrison. 
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Nora enters the Garrison, finding only Grace behind the bar. She's leaning in close to the wall of the snug as if she's trying to listen in on whoever is in there. Nora knew it would be Tommy, Arthur and John since they were the only ones who used it. Rolling her eyes, she makes her way over to the bar.  
"You might as well have your ear against the wall," she says startling the barmaid spy. "I'll bet I can guess what you're listening in on." 
"I don't know what you're talking about," Grace tries to deny having being caught eavesdropping.  
"Gosh, I really hope Bess isn't giving her dad and uncles too much trouble. That girl can be a handful when she wants to be. She gets that from her Uncle John," Nora smiles, this was her way of reminding Grace of where she stood. Not only was Grace unknowingly revealing her intentions for working there, she'd taken a liking to Tommy that was a little more than him being her and Campbell's target. "She has her Uncle Arthur's temper though. But then again all the Shelby's have that temper and they can hold a grudge well too. You really wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of them."  
"Why do I get the feeling that you're trying to warn about something?" 
"I would hate for something to happen to the pretty face of yours," she says not bothering to hide her intentions in her words. 
"Look, I don't know-" she begins only to be cut off but the snug door opening and Tommy walking out.  
"Hello, Love," he greets his wife, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "How was lunch with Marion?"  
"It went well," she smiles. "She's invited us to church on Sunday. And just so you know, you missed." 
"Did I?" he asks, a small smirk making it's way on to his lips. Taking her face in his hands, he plants his lips on hers, making sure to make a show of it. "Better?" he asks when he pulls away. 
"Much better," Patting his chest, she moves past him into the snug. She's surprised to see Bessie's box of crayons and her sketchbook sitting neatly to the side. The little girl loves to draw and takes her drawing book and crayons every where she goes.  
Looking at Bessie, she notices the little girl has playing cards in her hand and a stoic look on her face as she glances at her uncles sitting across from her. 
"Please tell me you're not teaching our daughter to play cards," she says to Tommy as he stands next to her. 
"Our dad started teaching us at her age," Arthur pipes up, his eyes furrowed in concentration as he looks between his cards and Bessie.  
"Next we'll be off to the races, teaching her how to place a bet," John joins in.  
"Remind me why I married into this family again?" she says turning towards Tommy who had moved to sit back down next to Bessie. 
"Because you couldn't resist my charm," Tommy teases smiling up at her and pulling her onto his lap. "And aside from Bessie, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." 
"And he knocked you up." John adds, snickering behind his cards.  
"What does knocked you up mean, mummy?" the soft spoken voice of her daughter asks.  
Nora sends a deadly glare towards John. "I'll explain it when you're older." She turns back to Tommy. "We should head home. I need to talk to you." 
"Can't we talk here?" he asks.  
"I caught her trying to listen in again," she says leaning in to whisper in his ear just incase Grace was standing there with her ear pressed to the wall again. 
"I think it's time we take Bess home," Tommy announces to the room as Nora stands from his lip, picking up Bessie's crayons and book. 
"But Uncle Arthur owes me £1," Bessie whines as she drops her cards on the table. 
"I'll give it to your dad later," Arthur assures her as she shuffles off her chair.  
"She'll hold you too it," Nora warns her brother-in-law from thinking that he can get away from paying his debt to his youngest niece. She helps the six year old into her coat. 
The small family of three say their goodbyes and leave the Garrison, making their way home. 
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"Is she alright?" Tommy asks as Nora's arms wrapped around him from behind. She lets out a sigh as she nuzzles her face into his back. Bessie wanted to do some drawing in her bedroom when they got home so Nora had got it all set up for her while Tommy made her some tea. 
"She's perfect," She answers not just talking about their little girls mood.  
Bessie had been born just before the war was declared and Tommy and Nora were married not long before her birth. She was two months old when Tommy and her Uncles were shipped off to France. Every time when Tommy came back on leave she'd grown so much. He'd missed all her milestones but read about it in his wife, his sister and his aunt's letters. Bessie was four when he came home after the war ended and she attached herself to him as if he'd never been gone. She's a daddy's girl and has Tommy wrapped tightly around her finger.  
After he came home, most nights he would spend in her bedroom, sitting on the floor, his back to the wall watching her sleep to remind himself he was safe and at home, that he still has something to live for when it gets too much to bare. His little girl is his guiding light. She's the one who pulls him out of the french tunnels when he finds himself back in them. When he's with her and Nora, the noises stop and visions of the dirty walls fade away. 
So yeah, she's perfect. 
"Are you alright?" He asks turning around in her arms, forgoing the tea he was making.  
"I'll be better once Campbell and Grace are gone," she says looking up into his eyes.  
"Not much longer now, my love," he tells her, leaning his head forward to press a kiss to hers. "You have my word." 
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shimonerin · 5 months
Secret Santa w/ the Jujutsu High Students
Content: Giving Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara their favorite gifts Tags: fluff Words: 1.7k
a/n: literally my first time writing again after a year or two and also my first time actually putting myself out there and posting lol I apologize if it's messy or lengthy TvT
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Itadori Yuji
I feel like Yuuji would ask for a DVD/cassette collection of his favorite movies and TV shows since he really is a “TV child” and grew up watching those. And also because DVDs/cassettes are not really a thing nowadays, it kind of gives him nostalgia to be watching the same movies he used to when he was younger. 
Another thing I think he’d like is a snack basket. Just a basket filled to the brim with sweets and snacks and sodas. Just something he can eat and share with someone while he’s watching his shows.
Yuuji doesn’t ask for much and he’d be completely fine if you only managed to buy one of them or even a completely different gift. I mean, he’s basically going out every weekend in the cinemas and he’s more than capable of buying a few snacks for himself at the store. Everything else is just a bonus.
What he didn’t expect was for you to go out of your way to buy him everything on his wishlist and even gave him a meal voucher to one of the popular ramen restaurants in Japan. You know he likes rice bowls a lot and what’s better than giving him a voucher that’s worth at least three different rice bowls.
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“No way! You bought all of this for me?” He exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with stars as he looked over the rack full of DVDs, a large snack basket, and a meal voucher. He could feel the tears well up in his eyes, seeing you make an effort into giving him something special. 
You smiled fondly at him, chuckling softly at his lightly pouting face “I might as well, right?” You tell him so casually, as if you didn’t just crawl your way into this man’s heart with your gifts.
Without a second thought, he threw himself at you, wrapping you in a tight, almost suffocating embrace before burying his face at the crook of your neck “You’re so awesome, you know that? I was secretly hoping you were my secret santa.” He murmured softly, which you find extremely endearing. Nobara and Gojo snickered behind you and you knew you’d find yourself in the middle of another teasing session over the next few days.
As soon as Yuuji let go of you, he grabbed both of your hands, holding it in front of your chest “We should definitely stop by that ramen restaurant later! You’ve only been there once, right?” He suggested as he shook your hands excitedly like a child.
As much as he wanted to hang out with his friends this Christmas, he didn’t want to miss out on some one-on-one time with you. He’s basically begging the universe for it so he wouldn’t trade it for the world or for an extra day of training. That can wait.
Megumi Fushiguro
I feel like Megumi isn’t even interested in joining Secret Santa. Poor boy was just forced by Gojo and Itadori lol. As he’s not interested in receiving any material gifts anyways, at most he’d probably just ask for a book.
He didn’t even give you any specific book he’d want you to buy so you had to ask Gojo “Oh, he’s not really into fantasy books, if that’s what you’re thinking,” He tells you as he leaned back onto the sofa “He’s leaning more towards nonfiction novels. Like the classics, you know?”
Heading straight towards the bookstore after training hours, you decided to go for “In Praise of Shadows” by Junichiro Tanizaki, simply because the title reminded you of his cursed technique. Though, the synopsis for the book isn’t too far off from his tastes.
Giving him only the book felt empty so you decided to look for mini figurines for his shikigamis at a nearby pottery shop. You wanted to give him something to symbolize his immense care for these animals, which was one of the things you loved the most about him. In the end, you had bought a total of 10 mini clay figurines. You placed it alongside the book inside a neat box with Japanese wrapping paper and a small bunny origami that resembles one of his shikigami on top to finish it off.
When it was time to give your gift to Megumi, he was quite impressed with the way it was wrapped but kept his reactions to a minimum “Ah, thanks.” He’d say, with a hand behind his neck
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Only when he opens his present will you see the visible change in his expression. He pulls out the book and the mini figurines of the Divine Dogs, his gaze darting all over it in subtle fascination.
You purse your lips, tilting your head slightly “Do you like it?” You asked him, albeit a little nervously.
“Hey! Say something, won't you?” Nobara shouted, crossing her arms at the boy “Don't just sit there and stare!”
Megumi lifted his head off your bundle of gifts as he gazed back at your smiling face, a sudden feeling of happiness swelling in his chest but he kept it in.
“It’s…nice. I like it.” He spoke quietly, as if he’s only talking to you, blocking out all of the other sounds around him “You shouldn't have bought so much.”
He wanted to say more than that but his real feelings can't be summed up in a few words and he didn't want to come off so cheesy in front of his friends.
You laughed in response, waving off his words “No, no, I want to! You seem so indifferent with Christmas and I just wanted to give you something to smile about!” You lightly teased him, knowing you would have loved him either way.
At this point, Itadori and Nobara were forcing Megumi to smile for you as a joke, poking and prodding at his cheeks like they always do.
In the middle of the teasing session, you could definitely make out a small genuine smile from his otherwise stoic face, one that's easy to miss if you’re not looking closely enough. 
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Later that evening, when you finally got home, you received an unexpected call from Gojo, saying “Hey, just called to tell you Megumi loved what you gave him.” He tells you “In fact, he’s arranging those figurines you bought him at his bedside table.”
Without a second thought, you could hear Gojo put his phone closer to Megumi’s room, as the faint sound of soft clashes of wood on wood fills your ears.
Gojo puts himself back on the call “Oh, and the book that you gave him? Yeah, he started reading it on the way home. Looks like you really got him this time.”
You couldn't help the smile slowly spreading across your face like a child “Really?” You say, trying not to let your voice give out what you're feeling “That’s…that’s great! Tell him to cherish it for me, Gojo-sensei!”
Unbeknownst to you, you were on speaker the whole time.
Kugisaki Nobara
Oh it was anxiety-inducing to think of what to give to Nobara. She’s a girl who knows her worth and knows exactly what she deserves. And while that was an aspect of her personality that you love and admire a lot, there’s only so much that you can do with your allowance.
Her wish list states that she wanted stylish clothing, accessories, or anything that looks good on her, given how much she loves shopping. Of course, she didn’t ask for Balenciaga or Onitsuka Tiger. She’s not that delusional.
But you can’t help as if every gift you’d think of wouldn’t be good enough for her. You only wanted to give her the best things because that’s when you’ll see her smile the brightest. And you’d probably do anything to see it on her all the time.
Over the weekend, you made a plan to go to Shibuya, going straight to the popular fashion mall, Shibuya 109. Entering one of the more affordable clothing chains in the establishment, you purchased a cute, oversized graphic tee for her. You also decided to buy her a box set of accessories like hairpins, bracelets, chains, and scrunchies.
Buying one last thing for her with the money that you have, you go to a local chocolatier and order a box of macaroons. Nobara has always been a fan of sweets, after all.
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On Christmas Day, when it was your turn to give your gifts, you glanced towards Nobara who was sitting beside you before handing her a beautifully wrapped gift with a ribbon on top.
“Merry Christmas, Nobara. You’re gonna love this.” You’d sweetly say as she widened her eyes, delicately loosening the ribbon string.
As soon as her eyes landed on the top you bought for her, chic accessories, and the box of macaroons, she couldn't simply contain her excitement.
Her eyes were basically stars as she immediately tried on the shirt, twisting and turning to see how it looked “(Y/N), this is gorgeous!” She exclaimed 
Opening the box of accessories next, she quickly tried on the hairclips and wore the bracelets, hurriedly trying them on all at once “Where did you buy all this? It honestly looks so good.” She asked you, a wide smile plastered on her face
You scratched the back of your head and grinned “I…I honestly went to Shibuya this Saturday. I thought I might find you something different from the shops there.”
She immediately dropped everything she was holding and perked up in interest “And you didn't bring me with you? That would have been the best Christmas gift you could give me!” She says, her warm hands immediately wrapping around yours “Then maybe you shouldn't have spent all your money on me. I heard some stores there are so expensive.”
Your grip on her hand tightened into a gentle squeeze “You don't need to worry. I got my money's worth so it’s okay, really.” You reassured her.
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You could see the tears forming on her eyes, only for her to wipe it off as she pouted “Well, at least let me share my macarons with you!” She tells you before picking one from the box and feeding you a strawberry cream-filled flavor macaron.
Nobara made a promise to be the one to take you to Shibuya next time and even go as far as to spoil you, even when you told her not to. 
How could she not? She’s so picky with everything but you’re the only one who seems to pinpoint her tastes so well. She’s never met anyone who could match her as good as you do so she’ll make sure to return the favor.
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Happy holidays x
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byslantedlight · 14 days
Hello OFMD Tumblr thingie, and all the amazing people who are out there, and especially the ones who've been making all the posts that have made me so happy over the last few months. 💖💖💖 First and most importantly, thank you, thank you, thank you, to anyone who sees this!
This is my first post to Tumblr (probably pretty obvious from my huge lack of Tumblr sophistication! And the length of this post...) If you don't count reblogging things that I wanted to be able to find again. I've braved up to comment thank you to people a couple of times, but that's been it so far. I must admit it all looks a bit scary from this side of the glass, even though I can also see how friendly people mostly are.
But OFMD fandom is big! And you've been here a long time! I loved Series 1 when I watched it, and knew I wanted to watch out for Series 2, but it wasn't until I re-watched it when the Series 2 trailer came out on BBC iPlayer that I fell veeeery in love with it! And by then you were already here, and there was a language and debates about things I'd barely even noticed, and it's mostly me staring with big eyes thinking wow, and sometimes huh? and... well, you know. Plus there's trying to work out Tumblr, which I definitely haven't actually managed to do yet, and possibly never will, so... I decided to just jump in and post summat. Even just rambling, which is a bit of a specialty of mine... I mean - what's the worst that can happen, right? 😬
So... how come now? Well, I can't make art or gorgeous screenshots or gifs. I do write, but I'm still hanging out to get the right voices in my keyboard... I know them when I hear them, but you've gotta get the right rhythm going, and I'm not quite there yet, I don't think. Although really, I should probably just sit down and try (and stop waiting for work to shut up and give me time - I should be a pirate and take it!)
Anyway (told you about the rambling...) what I'm mostly doing apart from rewatching the eps on a constant loop is reading the fic. I'm picking it according to kudos on AO3, and according to recs that I see on Tumblr, and it's occured to me that alot of the stories I'm loving must have been recced looong ago, and that newbies like me totally missed them, and so maybe I could do my own recs, even if they are of older stories, and someone might find them useful. You know, if I work out how anyone else might ever see my posts. 😁 And if people aren't put off by my probably age-revealing use of emojis. (But I am entirely age-appropriate for Ed and Stede, and if I had to look up what zaddy meant too, well, that just means I matched Rhys Darby's expression in the bts, right? 🤨)
So it's not much, but I'd like to contribute even just a tiny bit to OFMD fandom in return for everything it gives me, so... yeah. That's my plan. I'll start in a bit, but this post is probably already too long since it's just rambling. And kind of dull. I should probably have said tl:dr at the top, shouldn't I, but then maybe anyone who actually saw this wouldn't, so... See, I kind of live in hope. 😊
Okay. Tags next, right? ... ack ... why won't it let me create new tags instead of just using ones from the drop down...? Well, those will have to do for now... maybe someone who sees this will have mercy and tell me how? I'll just be over here being a slight failure at Tumblr... And if you've made it this far (how long is an acceptable post over here?! Not this long, I don't think...) - thank you hugely for just that, and may your dreams be OFMD and joyous!
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andreafmn · 1 year
Truth | Embry Call
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Word Count: 5.4K Paring: Embry Call x Female!Reader Requested: Yes [@come-on-darling-honey | @treatiseofselena | @pinkdragonfandream-blog] Story Description: Embry and (Y/N) getting together was inevitable, and it seemed that the universe concurred. A/N: The requests didn't have any details so I grouped them together (hope that's okay.) I've never gravitated toward Embry so at first I had no idea what or how to write this.But I hope I did him justice with this fluffy friend-to-lovers. Now, I will definitely post more about him because I fell in love with my version of him 🤭🤭 Also, I'm trying to organize myself and my writing to upload more consistently, but chronic illnesses, family, and life always get in the way. Thank you to all of you who have bear with me for so long 🤍🤍 My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee TikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
Truth | Embry Call Oneshot
For the longest time, it had always been Jake, Quil, Embry, and (Y/N). The four of them had been friends since their childhood and had quickly become inseparable. If one was in sight, the probability that the other three were close behind was high. The group was simply thick as thieves. 
But there were two in particular that grew closer than the others. 
(Y/N) and Embry seemed to gravitate toward each other. Even when the four friends were together, the duo would be standing side-by-side. They understood each other in a way that Jake and Quil did not. Even without words, they could speak a language that no one else could understand. 
“You guys should just get together already,” Jacob had teased one day. “I mean, we all know it’s gonna happen sooner or later. Any day now you’ll tell us you’re a couple.”
“Oh please, Jake,” Quil laughed. “These two would be single their whole lives before they admit they like each other.” 
(Y/N) had thrown pieces of popcorn at them, chuckling dryly at their statements. “We’re just friends, guys,” she retorted. “With that logic, you and Quil should get together too.” 
“It’s just a joke, (Y/N). There’s no need to get so pissed.” 
“I’m not,” she quickly defended. “It’s just annoying that you guys bother us so much about it.” 
At that moment, Embry walked into the living room. He was quiet, as always, but vigilant. His eyes fell quickly onto (Y/N)’s. He could tell in an instant that something —more like someone— had made her feel embarrassed. 
“Guys, leave her alone already,” he quickly defended. “Can we not go one night without you guys bothering her?” 
“You don’t even know what happened!” Jake whined. “You always take her side.” 
“Well, 99% of the time you guys did actually do something to her,” Embry responded. “And I would bet everything I have that it’s not a 1% kind of occasion.” 
Quick and Jake slouched into the sofa, crossing their arms over their chests in defeat. Even though they were all similar in age, there was a sense of maturity in Embry that was unparalleled. At the end of the day, he was the voice of reason within the group. 
“There we go again. Her knight in shining armor,” Jake grumbled. “And they say they don’t have a thing for each other.” 
After the movies were done, Quil had long gone, and Jake mumbled something about going to bed, Embry offered to walk (Y/N) home. It was something he had accustomed to doing but it still made her stomach do a turn on itself. 
“So, what were those idiots talking about?” 
“The usual,” she sighed. Her hand was inches away from his. A simple stumble and she could have intertwined them. “How one day you and I will become a couple because of how well we get on.” 
“Oh,” he said coyly. 
“I know I should be used to it by now, but it can get pretty annoying, pretty fast.” 
Embry’s heart started to race as he listened to her words. He knew just how infuriating their friends could be, especially when it came to bothering people. But it only upset him because he did like her. 
At some point in time, his best friend had turned into the girl that he loved. She had become the protagonist of all of his fantasies, the reason for having a smile on his face, what he looked forward to every day. Somehow, she had become his center.  
“Why do you find it annoying?” Embry managed to croak out, suddenly finding his hands more interesting than the road ahead. “Like would it be that terrible?” 
“No,” she answered quickly. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was repulsed by him. Because all she wanted was him. 
Much like Embry, she didn’t know when that shift had happened. He was her best friend, her closest confidant, the only person that knew her better than she knew herself. But somewhere along the line, her heart would flutter at his nearness, a smile painted on her face at the mention of his name, her eyes trailed to his in every room they were in. 
“I don’t, uh. I don’t think it would be terrible,” she spoke meekly. “Do you?”
They stopped in their tracks, finally facing each other. 
“I could never find being with you terrible,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. With a surge of bravery, his hand lifted to her face, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “It would honestly be a dream come true.” 
(Y/N) gasped quietly at the sudden touch. Her breath hitched in her throat and her hand flew to grasp at his forearm. “Embry, w-what… what’re you saying?” 
“I like you, (Y/N), and I have for a long time,” he told her. His brown eyes stared intensely into hers, looking for any sign that he was losing her. “I’m not sure when it happened but one day you slipped into my head and you have not left it since. That’s why it doesn’t bother me. Because deep down I’ve always hoped that day would come.” 
“Embry, I…” She stammered searching for her words, but nothing came out. 
“I understand if you don’t feel the same way,” he said sadly. “But I had to tell you already. It’s been eating me up inside for a long time and I had to confess before it consumed me completely.”
“No, Embry, I do,” she choked on her words, feeling the knot in her throat tightening as she spoke. Even if he was saying exactly what she had wanted to hear, emotions overwhelmed her. “God, I like you too. For a while now. I just never had the courage to say anything because I didn’t want to lose your friendship. You mean a lot to me.” 
“So we’ve been tip-toeing around each other for no reason then?” Embry laughed. “Are we seriously that oblivious to feelings?” 
“It appears so,” she responded with a chuckle. “What does this mean for us, Em? Where do we go from here?” 
“Well, first, I was thinking I could kiss you,” he smiled. “Can I?”
“I would die if you didn’t.” 
His hands cradled her face softly, his thumbs caressing over the apex of her cheekbones. He nuzzled his nose against hers, teasing her lips with his. He ghosted over the pink of her skin, wishing to the gods that he wasn’t in another one of his dreams. 
When he finally gave in, his lips crashed into hers and he could swear he felt the earth around him stop. There was no gravity, no air, no cold or warmth, it was simply him and (Y/N), and that was all that existed on Earth. 
“What’re we gonna tell the guys?” (Y/N) said as soon as they parted for air. “They’ll never let us live this down. And, honestly, I don’t think I could stand their pestering once they know they were right.” 
“We don’t have to tell them,” he responded, intertwining his hand with hers comfortingly as they continued their walk to her home. “We can have this just for ourselves for the time being. It will be our little secret.” 
“As much as I would love to shout it from the rooftops,” she smiled brightly. “But I like this too. Having something that is just for us. Something they can’t ruin.” 
“That does sound great, actually.” 
“Good. Because I don’t want anyone to ruin this. Especially not those two.” 
And for a couple of months, it was perfect. To their friends, it was business as usual. They were as friendly as ever, always by each other’s side, and taking Quil and Jake’s teasing with a grain of salt. No one could have known just how true their jokes had become. 
They got around with stolen glances, hidden corners, and nights. And how they loved their nights. They would spend hours curled up in each other’s arms after Embry would sneak into her room. They would talk about nothing and everything, they would sleep, and they would kiss. 
It was an easy routine to follow and they fell into it quickly and perfectly. In the morning, they were the best of friends. At night, they were falling more and more in love. 
At least, that’s what (Y/N) had thought.
She had fallen for him. Deeply. He meant everything to her and she thought the feeling was mutual. But when the first week of the second semester of their junior year came to a start and Embry had disappeared, she knew something was wrong. 
Not only had he missed school, but he also had completely iced out Jake, Quil, and, most importantly, (Y/N). He wouldn’t answer her calls, he stopped coming over, and he was nowhere to be found. Even his mother had told her that he wasn’t acting like himself and she was very surprised at his behavior. 
What none of them knew —what she didn’t know— was that Embry was going through the most surreal of transformations. He wanted to tell his friends, he wanted to tell her everything. 
Yet, bringing them into a world where the stories the elders told around the bonfire were real was something he could not do. Even if it meant that they never talked again, he would make sure to keep them safe from the dangers they did not know were real. 
He did everything he could to avoid (Y/N) specifically. He would never say it, or even think it now, but he was scared he’d do to her what Sam had accidentally done to Emily. Love wouldn’t protect her from what he was and what he could do to her. Avoiding her hurt, but not as much as it would if he did anything to her. 
But that Friday, after he had missed a whole week of school and he’d expertly avoided his group of friends for the past four days, everything had changed. As Embry walked the halls, careful not to run into any of his three friends, his eyes caught hers. 
That’s when it happened. The moment that changed his entire world. It hadn’t been meeting his friends, it hadn’t been his first kiss with (Y/N), and it hadn’t been his first phase as a shapeshifter. It was the universe telling him that it was her, and it would always be her. 
And it scared him. 
As she tried to move through the sea of students to get to him, all he could do was run away. Though deep down he hoped it was her once he knew what imprinting was, his fears of repeating history had grown. 
“Embry!” He heard her call out. “ Embry, wait!” 
But he was already out the doors and running to the only place he could think of. His brain was going a million miles a minute and his heart was tugging at his chest, begging to be with the piece that was missing from it. 
He opened the door to the small house, hoping anyone was inside. His breathing was staggered and his chest was hammering. He was panicking and had no idea how to make it stop. 
“Woah, Embry,” Sam called out. “I’m gonna need you to calm down, okay? You’ve gotta breathe, Call. Breathe.” 
“She’s… and I didn’t… I don’t,” he tried to speak. 
“Slow down, Embry.” 
“I can’t… I can’t do this to her,” the boy managed to croak out. “Not her.” 
“Is this about you imprinting today?”
“How did you…?” 
“Mind link, Embry,” the alpha reminded him. “I know everything that happens to you. Who is she?”
Embry sighed deeply, taking a seat at the dining table. “She’s my best friend,” he said. “And these past few months she became so much more.”
“She’s your girlfriend then?” 
“Well, we never labeled it as much,” he responded. “But kind of. Yeah.”
“Then why are you so worried? This is the best-case scenario.” 
“I don’t want to put her in danger. And her knowing the truth would put her right in the middle of it.” 
“And you don’t want what happened to Emily to happen to her,” Sam said softly. Embry’s eyes went wide as he realized what the man had said, quickly struggling to find a redeeming answer. “Don’t worry, Call. I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone, for that matter. And as scary as it is to tell her the truth, you have to. As the days go by, you will both find it harder and harder to keep away from each other. It will be physically painful to stay apart.” 
“I can’t do that to her. She deserves to be safe,” he silently sobbed. “The further away she is from me, the better it will be for her. I can’t hurt her if I’m not with her.” 
Sam couldn’t help but feel pity for the boy. He had been in that very position not too long ago, running from the people he loved, fearing the hurt he could cause them. But he also knew how he could cause just as much pain by staying away. 
“Look, Embry, I won’t tell you what you have to do,” he said. “But speaking from experience, running away does more harm than good. Whether you like it or not, she is now a part of this world and the best way to protect her is by telling her the truth. Unlike with your mom, the secret of our tribe has to be shared with our imprints. She’s gonna need to understand why it hurts so much to stay away from you.” 
“What if things go bad?” Embry asked dolefully. “What if telling her pushes her away regardless?” 
“That is just something you’ll have to leave to chance,” Sam sighed. “But if you need any backup if you choose to tell her, you know Emily and I are here and happy to help.” 
“Thanks, Sam,” the boy responded. “But I think this is something I have to do by myself. I’m gonna tell her tonight and hope for the best.” 
“Well, I’ll be doing patrol tonight. So, if at my point you need me, just call out.”
“Wait, you actually saw him here?” Jake asked that afternoon as the three friends left the school. “I heard he was back but I have not seen him the whole week.” 
“He was standing in the middle of the hallway this morning and I tried to get to him,” (Y/N) explained. “But he ran away and literally disappeared. What the hell is going on with him?” 
“Apparently he’s been sneaking out of his house for a while now,” Quil added, making (Y/N)’s heart wrench in her chest. “And his mom says he wasn’t home that week he skipped school.” 
“I heard he’s been hanging out with Sam Uley’s gang,” Jake whispered. “That could explain why he’s acting so weird. He got involved with some shady shit.”
“Guys, this is Embry we’re talking about,” the girl defended, holding onto any hope that he was still the boy she loved. “Do you really think he would do something like that?” 
“You keep trying to defend your little boyfriend but it’s clear he wants nothing to do with any of us,” Jake spat. 
“He’s our friend, Jake,” (Y/N) seethed. “Sorry for actually believing there might be something else happening other than he might have joined a dangerous gang and has left us for dead.” 
“Whatever, guys. I’ll see you on Monday.”
She left both boys dumbfounded and disappeared into her home. Once inside she crashed against her front door and allowed the tears that were stinging her eyes to flow free. 
(Y/N) couldn’t accept that she had truly lost Embry. She couldn’t admit that she had fallen for someone that could act like she meant nothing to them, that could forget every moment they spent together, that could ignore everything they had admitted to her. She had trusted him with her heart and he had decided to shatter it without another thought. 
Somehow she had made her way to her bedroom and had crashed on her bed. When her eyes fluttered open again the sun had completely set and the moon was shining brightly in the sky. In the darkness, she searched for her phone, feeling the need to apologize to Quil and Jake for snapping at them. 
Yet, her screen lit up with Embry’s caller ID, showing her that it was the fifth call in the last twenty minutes. She debated answering the phone, wanting to make him feel just like she had the last two weeks. 
But her resolution was too weak.
“What?” (Y/N) spat. 
“Come to your window.” 
She walked to her window, her gaze falling on his figure on the road. Tears were quick to form in the corners of her eyes, her emotions close to their bursting point. “What do you want, Embry?” she asked through the phone, careful to keep her voice from cracking. “It’s late.” 
“I know, but I really need to talk to you, (Y/N).”
“So, you show up after two weeks of dead silence. Your hair is all chopped up, you’ve got a tattoo, and apparently, you’ve been hanging with Sam Uley’s gang. And you just come here and tell me now you wanna talk,” she scoffed. “Give me one reason why I should give you the time of day after all that?” 
“I know I don’t deserve another chance and you have every right to turn me away right now,” he told her. “But I promise if you give me a couple of minutes I can explain everything to you. After that, you can decide what you want to do. Please, (Y/N).” 
She kept quiet for a second, knowing that she didn’t have much to think about. Her heart knew exactly what she would answer before she could say it out loud. “Fine,” she said. “You’ve got ten minutes.” 
“Alright,” he smiled. “Come down.”
She couldn’t help the eagerness that overtook her as she wrapped a jacket around her and silently slipped out the door. And once she was face to face with him, it took everything in her not to run and wrap her arms around Embry. 
“Hey,” he smiled softly at her. “Been a while.” 
“Not really in the mood for jokes, Embry,” she responded. “I came out here to hear you explain. So explain.” 
“Okay, but I’m gonna need us to move into the woods.” 
“I’m not going into the woods with you, Em. Just tell me already.”
“Look, I know this is weird but I need you to trust me, okay?” he asked giving her those puppy dog eyes that she had missed so much. The same eyes he’d give her when he begged for a kiss or when he pleaded for a couple of more minutes away from their friends. “Please.” 
“Fine,” she sighed. “But your time is down to eight minutes.” 
“Alright. Just, come on.” 
Without thinking, he took hold of her hand, leading her to the darkness of the woods, searching for a place where no passersby could accidentally see him. 
(Y/N) found herself allowing him to drag her, remembering just how comforting his warmth was. Especially on such a cold night in January, it surprised her just how high his temperature felt. 
Once they were deep enough and Embry had halted them to a stop, she forced herself to drop his hand. She didn’t want him to forget the anger that still rushed through her veins, the disappointment that had found a home in her heart, and the hurt that she felt in every inch of her body. 
“Go ahead,” she told him, crossing her arms across her chest to keep them from reaching toward him. 
“Alright, first of all, I want to apologize for disappearing like that. It wasn’t fair to you or the guys. But you need to understand that I couldn’t tell you at the beginning,” he started. “(Y/N), what I’m about to tell you is gonna sound like the biggest lie you have heard, and you might even think that I’ve lost my mind. Still, everything I say is the honest truth.”
“Em, you’re scaring me,” she responded. “What’re you talking about?” 
Embry took a deep breath, finding every ounce of strength to be able to finally tell her the truth, to wrap her in the web of the supernatural and hope he was strong enough to keep her from the dangers of it. “Okay, I’m gonna need you to think back to all the stories our parents and the elders would tell us around the bonfire,” he said. “How our Quileute ancestors were shapeshifters and how it was their job to protect our land. When we were kids we thought that those were only stories, myths to keep us children entertained. But it’s real, (Y/N). Those stories weren’t just fantasies, they are our history. 
“The reason I disappeared was because I am now one of those shapeshifters. It happened the Saturday before starting school, at the back-to-school bonfire, when that guy was hitting on you when I walked away for a second,” he continued. His eyes never left hers, hoping —begging— that she believed him. “It happened so suddenly and I thought I was dying. I could feel anger taking over my entire body, filling me with this overheating rush that burned deep inside. 
“It was Jared Cameron that found me. He pulled me into the woods and I was so angry that I couldn’t even process what was happening. He kept telling me to give in to the change to listen to my body and allow it to do what it needed to. Suddenly, my clothes were ripped to shreds and I was this huge wolf. 
“After, Sam Uley and Paul Lahote joined him and walked me through shifting back, telling me to focus on my human form. It felt like everything around me was shaking, reacting to the way my body was transforming. And somehow, at just the right moment, I changed back into my human self. 
“I spent that week learning to control my emotions so I wouldn’t trigger a phase in front of everyone, learning about our history and our role in the rez. It turns out, those guys aren’t a gang, they’re actually a pack and our job is to protect the reservation from anything, supernatural or not, that threatens our land. No one can know about our existence other than the elders and current pack members.” 
“Wait, I don’t get it,” she stammered, her head spinning with all the information she was given. “This whole talk about wolves and supernatural beings… it’s crazy, Embry! A completely convoluted way of telling me it’s over.” 
“I can show you,” he added. “Just don’t move even an inch from where you are right now.” 
“What’re you…? Embry.” 
He put some distance between them, making sure he was safely away from her. He removed his shirt and unbuttoned his pants, ensuring his clothes were close enough when he phased back. He knew just how impossible everything he had said sounded. If he hadn’t phased that night, there was no way he would have believed it. 
But he needed her to believe him. 
One second he was standing before her in human form, and the next, a tall gray wolf with black spots was staring her down. She stumbled back as her eyes met the animal’s, a slight rush of fear flowing through her veins. 
Yet, she knew those brown eyes too well to be afraid for long. They were unmistakably Embry’s and they replaced her anxiety with a calming stream.  Something about him was calling to her, beckoning her to come closer. There was no danger, there was no panic, there was only calm. 
(Y/N) made her way closer to the creature, every step filling her with courage. The wolf didn’t move, his eyes simply followed her, waiting. Because he was the tactable answer to all of her questions. 
Her shaking hand raised and landed on the soft fur of the wolf’s head. As soon as she made contact, Embry nudged it, giving her the confirmation she was looking for. It was him and it was all true.
“You’re a wolf,” she softly chuckled. “You’re in front of me right now and you’re a giant wolf.” 
Embry let out a confirming growl that sounded almost like a laugh and nuzzled his nose against her. The small force knocked her back softly, siphoning from her the laugh he had missed hearing. 
“But if no one is supposed to know about you guys, why are you telling me all this?” (Y/N) asked before realizing he could not answer in his form. “Change back already. I have so many questions.” 
In the blink of an eye, Embry stood before her, scrambling to get dressed. “This is the most awkward part of phasing back,” he chuckled dryly. “It’s worse when you’re surrounded by guys you barely know.”
“Yeah, I can imagine,” she sympathized. “Now, why me? Why am I the only one that you’re telling this to? Jake and Quil truly believe you’ve joined a gang and left us in the dust.” 
“Well, as with most things, there is an exception to the rules. One person that is allowed to know everything, even if they’re not members of the pack,” he explained slowly. “There’s something that happens after your shift that involves that person. It’s called imprinting. I’m the most basic definition: it's a soulmate. You are unconditionally bound to this person for the rest of your life, becoming whatever it is that they need from you —a sibling, a friend, a partner. Anything. 
“Your whole world changes,” he continued, his hands taking hers. “They become your gravity, your very reason for living. Even being apart feels physically painful. Everything falls secondary to them, and all it takes is one look.”
“This morning,” she breathed. (Y/N) had felt something change when they had locked eyes in the hall. His absence had become a harrowing pit in her stomach. “But I…”
“The bond affects the imprint as well,” Embry answered before she could ask. “But nothing happens without them wanting it. You are only what the imprint wants.”
“So it’s me,” she said, trying to hold back tears, her eyes falling to where their hands were clasped. “Is that why you ran away this morning? Because you imprinted on me? Was it… did you not want it to be me?” 
“No! I mean yes! I wanted it to be you,” he rapidly scrambled for his response. “But I was afraid of what the implications of you being my imprint would be.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“First of all, I could never forgive myself if I was the reason you were ever in danger,” Embry started, his hand cradling her cheek to lift her gaze to his, wiping away the strand that had fallen. “But what I was most afraid of was that it would make you feel things that you might not have felt had it not been for this supernatural intervention.”
“I’m not following, Em.” 
“Look, (Y/N), I love you —I’m in love with you. And I have been for a long time,” he confessed. “And even though I know you like me and we spent all this time together, I was afraid that if you felt more for me it would be because of the imprint bond and not really how you would have felt without it.” 
Finally, it was her turn to comfort him. “Em, I think I’ve loved you since the moment we met,” she grinned. “I don’t need a supernatural link to tell me how I have felt about you for the majority of my life. And I understand why you had to keep all of this from us. As much as I would love for Jake and Quil to know how much of an amazing badass my boyfriend is, we know how well I can keep a secret.”
Embry’s eyes opened wide at the word, loving how it sounded coming from her lips. “Boyfriend? You called me your boyfriend!” 
“Is that not what you are?” 
“Yes. Yes! And you’re my girlfriend!” he exclaimed as he hugged her waist tightly, twirling her in a hug. “God, being without you has made this the worst two weeks of my life.”
“I can tell,” she teased. “I mean you lost my favorite thing about you. I’m really gonna miss your hair.” 
“Unless you braid the wolf’s hair, I’m afraid we’re stuck with the short hair for a while.” 
“I can work with that as long as you don’t ever disappear like that again.” 
“I promise I will never willingly do that,” he responded. “I can assure you these past two weeks have been hell.” 
“Well, we won’t have that time back. But we can make sure we don’t lose any more.”
“I like the sound of that,” he grinned.
He placed both hands on either side of (Y/N)’s face, nuzzling his nose to hers as he had done the first time they kissed. He breathed in her scent. He listened to the patter of her heart, to the sound of her breath. He took her in completely at the moment, memorizing how she looked when they told each other they loved one another. 
“Are you gonna make me wait?” she let out a strangled breath. “Or are you gonna kiss me already?” 
“You waited two weeks already,” he teased. 
“So I’ve waited long enough,” she bit back. “Now kiss me, you dork.” 
Finally, he crashed his lips onto hers and everything felt like it had fallen where it was supposed to. There had never been secrets between them, and, now, there never had to be any more. The universe had simply confirmed what they already felt. 
“Well, Quil, looks like you’re gonna have to pay up, my man,” Jake joked a couple of months after that fateful night. All discord between the friends had died the second the boys that were kept in the dark phases as well. “I told you these two had been together for a while.” 
“No, you owe me,” he retorted. “They got together closer to the timeline I had set.” 
“Actually,” Embry interjected, his arm draped over (Y/N)’s shoulders. “If you look at the board of bets, you’ll see that I had put down the actual date and time that we got together.” 
“But that’s not fair! When we made that bet board we had no idea you two were actually together,” Quil whined. “There’s no way that should be an admissible bet.” 
“Not knowing the facts doesn’t exempt you from it,” (Y/N) chuckled. “A bet that falls under the set rules for that pile will remain intact, even if it’s under a loophole.”
“Of course you’ll say that, (Y/N),” Jake scoffed. “He’s your boyfriend after all.” 
“Don’t forget imprintee,” she grinned. “Now, both of you, cough up those twenty bucks.” 
Later that afternoon and forty bucks richer, (Y/N) and Embry sat in the Uley’s backyard, watching the other boys playing football farther away from the bonfire Sam had started. They had curled up together under a blanket, enjoying the fact that they were together, and the world seemed to grant them a day of peace. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Embry whispered into her ear, pressing her tighter to him. “Because I do. So much.” 
“Hm,” she smiled, melting into his touch. “You’ve told me once or twice. But I’ll never get tired of hearing it. Because I love you too.”
“And I’ll never get tired of saying it.” 
“Good,” she beamed. “Because you’re stuck with me until the end.” 
“Couldn’t think of a better life than that.” 
Twilight Taglist: @winter-soldier-101 @zheezs14 @a-sifu-hotman @sunflowerleii @dyslexicatterpillar @blackbluerose666 @slutforsainz @kortniec696 @xcastawayherosx @minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedjay @sirenheadenby @andreiaafaria @bluetreecloud20 @sunshine2894 @valejewel @mushroomelephant @locokoca @esposadomd @this-is-a-bad-idea @nocturnalherb16 @rosalie-whitlock @nyctophilia710 @blueshoelaces @ems-alexandra @then-worship-at-my-altar @six-call @witchofhawkins @lovel-blog @sugajar @goodpeoplegotohellanyway @yuki254 @616wilsons @nyenye @lunaOoO @avis15 @captainrogers-19 @honeylovemoon @wonieeee @baebeepeach @skyesthebomb @krazyk99 @catgirlpwr @klf1999 @sl-ut @adaydreamaway08 @cinffy23 @toomanythoughts33 @sugasthreedollarkookie @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck
@a-slut-for-loki-bucky @honeywxter @haroldpotterson @kaita11 @gangstalicious06 @uwunuggetchan @elijahssuit @multifandomreader73 @ellabellabus07 @your local gay @blackloveangel13 @mar
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agendabymooner · 10 months
indigo ! pierre g. x ofc (singer!ofc)
"first to one-up your last, (s)he can stay in your past."
summary: a certain pierre gasly shouldn't be jealous over a high school sweetheart, and ensley made sure to remind him that. OR no amount of subtweeting from an ex-boyfriend can deter ensley's love for the alpine driver
content warning: ex-boyfriend (fictional), use of explicit language, allusions to smut (no smut, i can't do it guys), slight insecure!pierre, pierre is a boba fan, ofc and other drivers in a private twitter account, pierre and ensley being h0rny on main, chatfic + tweets, rare british youtubers in the comments
note: someone should have the audacity, and it will be ensley and lester :)
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tagged ensoleil
liked by willne, landonorris, estebanocon
brianimanuel look at my lil frenchman being cultured and all 💗 liked by pierregasly
user1 "my lil frenchman" 💀
willne i feel like i shouldn't be here
ensoleil we don't recall asking william :)
pierregasly bebe that's not very nice
ensoleil my bad bub sorry william
user2 y'all telling me ensley listens to the person she didn't even like before???
user3 this dump is giving "pierre is an exhibitionist" liked by pierregasly
user3 pierre?! what does that mean?
user4 i need to touch grass (or they do)
user5 pierre's the kind to pull her by the hair then kiss her whenever someone tries to eye her liked by pierregasly
landonorris you think this dump is bad try being the photographer of the said photos liked by pierregasly
maxfewtrell i second that
yungfilly i third that
willne so it's not just me?? our group therapy session's about to be mad lads
user7 not the group therapy sesh 😭
charles_leclerc mon dieu, there are kids in this app, calamar 🥲 liked by pierregasly
ensoleil too many to unpack because he packing frfr
charles_leclerc go to church and indulge in some holy water.
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tagged pierregasly
liked pierregasly, brianimanuel, willne
user1 "big dick is back in town" 😩
niko do you have that shirt available for me?
ensoleil no sorry, it's only reserved for one man
wroetoshaw oh so you're not even going back to your flat in uk for a frenchman? 😒 liked by ensoleil
ensoleil ain't you french?
wroetoshaw i'm from guernsey?!
ensoleil same thing
willne i thought i lost that shirt 😟
ensoleil it was never urs
estebanocon i already get enough of this in the paddock
ensoleil sorry bestie you'll get more of this in your timeline :)
estebanocon its ok i like you two together anyway
brianimanuel look at our moneymaker 🥰 liked by ensoleil
pierregasly i prefer the word "muse" but thank you bb
yukitsunoda0511 look at our boyfriend liked by ensoleil
ensoleil i know right?!!!
pierregasly i didn't agree to this 😭
pierregasly if he tries to post about you one more time my dump photos will be even worse liked by ensoleil
ensoleil make him cry ig 😩😉
pierregasly oh i will, mon bebe
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bonus !!!
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357 notes · View notes
I am I the asshole for telling someone what they were doing was "mean spirited and cruel"?
(submitted this a while back but was never posted - don't know if tumblr ate it or if it broke a rule, but i'm sorry if its the latter)
My complex has a facebook page where residents can post questions or concerns to other residents. One day a woman posted asking if we could move the food bowls where people feed the feral cat colony that lives near us because when she walks her dogs they always lunge at the cats; she had just had surgery and it hurt when they pulled on the leash. Someone responded saying they had moved the bowls down and that seemed like that.
Two days later she posted again saying that our "kind and caring neighbor" (her) had called someone to come pick up the cats. From another comment on the post it seemed like she had talked to someone IRL who was rude and basically told her "I've been feeding the cats for 10 years fuck off" and then called animal control immediately after that.
This felt really petty to me, and I posted saying that calling animal control on the cats was "mean spirited and cruel". I explained that almost all feral cats taken in are put down, and that she was making a decision about the community's cats without consulting the community. I added that I was sorry she had been hurting since her surgery, but that there were other steps she should have taken before this.
She responded that I needed to have more compassion for her as she herself was very compassionate and caring person. To which I responded that she should then extend that compassion to these cats that had never hurt anyone. (Seriously, they just chill around our complex and eat rats – they’ve never scratched or bit any person or animal)
She responded that they hurt her “fur babies” everyday because they make her dogs pull at their leashes and choke themselves. She then went on a rant about how she didn’t understand why people weren’t respecting her anger and that since she lived here she had a right to want the cats gone. She also mentioned that calling her “mean spirited and cruel” had racial connotations and that I wouldn’t call a white person that.
Important context, I am a white woman – up until this point I had not realized that she was a black woman as this argument was in a facebook group and the pictures were small. But it is very possible this is something I saw and internalized without consciously recognizing it.
I was really thrown by this, and just replied yes, I would and that I’m sorry it hurt to hear, but that is what her actions were. (Which, yeah, nobody ever not in the racist category uses the ‘I’d say that to anyone!’ excuse, but I truly didn’t know what to say). She continued to respond to my comment saying how I was a pitiful person if I’d really call anyone that, and that I hadn’t addressed any of her other points.
More people where commenting at the same time on this post, and while she responded to all of them my “mean spirited and cruel” comment apparently really got her because she kept bringing it up in arguments with other people. She really felt that people were being unjustifiably angry and mean to her for something she thought she had a right to do.
It also came out that she had apparently posted complaining about the cats the day before but it had gotten so out of hand the post was deleted before I could see it. She had also gotten into several arguments IRL with people feeding the cats. This explains why she felt so ganged up on I suppose – though none of this I knew before replying.
The next day she specifically made a new post calling out racists in our community and tagged me and few other people (even other POC) who had disagreed with her about the cats. I didn’t respond, but fairly quickly that and the post from before were deleted.
I’ve been really trying to think about if my internalized racism did unknowingly influence my actions, but I honestly keep coming back to the fact that I think I would have said the same to anyone who tried to get a cat colony killed because her dogs try to attack them.
Also for those curious – the cat colony is still here! It turns out removing a cat colony from their home is actually considered animal cruelty and is illegal in this state
What are these acronyms?
135 notes · View notes
I read your post about not letting kudos and hits upset us. I try to think this way but I'm curious about something else. I've written many fanfics for my fandom and they're all "flop". I don't mind that honestly. But then some writers have written only one fic about the ship I do and and it gets hundreds of kudos. How do some writers achieve that when I'm doing the same and it doesn't get the same response. What else can I do?
I’m afraid I can’t give you a definite answer about what you should do or why this person’s work is more popular, but what I can give you are some advice and, from my experience, some reasons that might explain why other’s works receive more hits and kudos.
start with why other writers’ works are more popular when it’s the same characters, same ship, same fandom. there are various factors at play that might be it;
maybe the person already has large audience base prior to their posting about the fandom you’re in, I know a few authors who already have these sorts of loyal readers that would read any work the authors posted even if they (the readers) were not in that fandom.
maybe someone, anyone, decided share the link to this person’s work on Tumblr or Twitter (X) or any social media platform, and it kind of became viral, thus it drew in lots and lots of readers. it could take just one person, didn’t necessarily have to be the author themself, to share the link among the fandom as a recommendation, or maybe a screenshot of one sentence from the fic that they liked, what happened next is that the replies were filled with people asking for the link.
tags and summary are important factors when people are looking for a fic to read. so maybe this person’s work is tagged with the content people were looking for? maybe their summary grabbed people’s attention or curiosity?
these are just what I can think of over the top of my head.
as for what you can do to gain more readers, I’ve never seen your work so the advice I can give will be a general one; I believe the trick lies in summary, tags as well as the format of one’s work.
when it comes to AO3 (I assume it’s your platform?), tags and summary are the main things people use to determine whether or not they want to click on the fic.
tag your content properly, what characters or pairings it’s about, as well as what the readers will find upon reading your work (you don’t have to spoil it, only the general tags that will give your readers an idea of what they’re in for).
summaries are just as important. there are no “rules” obviously, and I’m not telling you or any writers what to do. though a little advice that I personally take is that you use this little summary section AO3 gives you to do anything to make sure it stands out and that people will see it and want to click on it. that means leave “author’s note” out of the summary section. folks, AO3 summary is the first glimpse into the fic itself that people will see prior to clicking on it, most of the time, people look at the summary to see the author’s writing style and if what’s written, plotwise, grabs their interest. personally, when I see an author use “summary” as a place to write “author’s note”, chances are, I will scroll past that fic as I am interested in what the fic is about, not what the author has to say about their opinion on said fic or their personal life or anything (there’s an author’s note section for that) and if I can’t get a glimpse of what the plot is about or what the author’s writing style is from the summary section, then I won’t click on it, and will look for other fic that can get me interested instead.
moving on to fic format, again, I am not telling anyone what to do here. this is only a suggestion, an advice I’ve learned and want to share: when you write your fic, make sure to use line and paragraph spacing. if your 10k word long fic is one long block of text with no paragraph break, chances are, people will back away from it entirely. also, if it’s two different characters talking with dialogues, don’t put all of their dialogues in one paragraph. for instance, a paragraph for character A’s dialogue, then another separate paragraph for character B’s dialogue and so on.
and I think that’s it for my advice? however, I’ll say this again that the secret to truly enjoying your role as a fanfic writer is that you only focus on yourself. write whatever you want for yourself. it doesn’t matter if this person’s work is more popular, because fanfics and fandoms aren’t a competition. you are your main audience. just have fun creating the stories you want to create for you.
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