#can be read as platonic or romantic tbh
kidspawn · 5 months
something about jason being a friend to nico for no other reason than wanting to help him, to befriend him, to protect him. no ulterior motive or malicious intent, just a desire to help out a troubled kid. trusted nico for his character and resilience, not because he needed anything from him. jason sticking up for nico even amongst the other quest members. jason seeing past the stigma of hades and death and the underworld and seeing a kid who needed someone in his corner.
something about nico becoming a friend to jason because of who jason is as a person. not because of who his parents are, or his heroic feats, but because jason was privy to a traumatic event, knew nico's best-kept secret and chose to stick by his side. nico trusting jason to keep his secrets to himself until he was ready for everyone to know, and jason sticking to it with no hesitation. nico seeing who jason was and being his friend because he saw jason's character and compassion.
something about jason and nico being each others first genuine friends. jason and nico chose to befriend one another when no narrative or underlying intentions pushed them together. nico could have hated jason, but he didn't. jason could have been terrified of nico, but he wasn't. they just... chose to stick by each other. jason, whose entire support structure was decided by juno and the prophecy. nico, who had never really had someone choose to stick by his side before.
nico losing his first genuine friend and being so distraught and gut-wrenched, he can't share this grief with anyone else. nico feeling, once again, abandoned by the first person who chose him.
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luveline · 2 years
Hii! Could u perhaps write something with marauders friendship group x luna lovegood reader please? :)
I love this like... this could be an entire fic. i want three idiots obsessed with one idiot thank u for ur request! ♡ fem!reader
James isn't very surprised when you appear. Used to your quiet movements by now, he doesn't flinch as you sit down beside him with a soundless whoosh. Sirius, on the other hand and on your other side, flinches hard.
"Fuck, babe, can a guy get some warning?" 
You turn to him with an adoring smile. "Sorry, Siri. I'm gonna sit down." 
Remus snorts. James snickers behind his hand and reaches out to mess with your hair, which is in a mad disarray.
"You haven't been out in the wind, have you?" he asks worriedly, fishing a small leaf from the back of your head. 
"You'll catch your death," Remus reprimands.
"Or hypothermia," James adds. 
Remus rolls his eyes and dog ears a page in his book before setting it aside. "What did you find?" 
You push a hand deep into your pocket and pull out a tattered piece of toilet roll. You unspool it to reveal a shiny purple beetle. 
Sirius stands and walks away. James peeks over your shoulder curiously. 
"Is it alive?" 
"No," you say, sounding maybe a little bit sad. "I was going to try pinning it, now that it's passed. It has very pretty wings when they're spread. It's called a Judas Beetle." 
You close your hand suddenly around the beetle and sneeze, a fit of them. When you're done you tear off a small piece of the beetle toilet paper and wipe your nose. 
James frowns and curls a hand over your shoulder protectively. He hates when you go out in the cold. You have no gauge of temperature, or if you do it doesn't bother you until it's too late. 
"You've made yourself ill," he says. 
"Or I'm allergic to the beetle." 
"Definitely the second one," Sirius says from the door. He keeps his distance, but his concern is obvious. "You couldn't have worn a coat?" 
You sink into James' grip, like a puppy sometimes with how much you like affection. He indulges you by rubbing your shoulder. Now that he's looking at you this close, you look rather under the weather. Glassy eyes, dry lips. 
"James," you begin. 
"You smell like roses." 
He looks at the other two smugly. "Rosewater in my hair. Wanna smell?" 
You lift your head and smell his hair. "That's nice. Will you put it in my hair?" 
"Sure will. Remus, come take over on cuddle duties." 
Remus swaps with James. He has no qualms about being so close to you, wrapping an arm around your neck to squeeze you against him. 
When James returns you've sunk into the settee and acquired a water bottle. Sirius sits near but not touching you, stating he doesn't want any mysterious illnesses or bugs to transfer. Still, he watches you out of the corner of his eye, and James knows it's his water bottle in your lap. 
James sprays rosewater into your hair, listening to you babble about bugs though it's all lost to Remus' sleeve.
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anzynai · 4 months
Husk x Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
a/n: helloooo, so someone requested a part 2 (and i enjoyed writing huskerdust) so of course, part 2!! this is a sequel to my first fic only you, which you can check out first if you’d like, but this can also be read as a standalone. ignore the fact that i accidentally switched povs about halfway😭😭 hope this isnt ooc LOL and enjoy!!
summary: another night of husk and angel existing together. of course, things are bound to happen.
word count: 1.1k
“I swear to fuck, I’m going to die if I have to work another eighteen hour shift again.” Angel moaned, leaning his head back on the headrest of the sofa as he stretched his legs on Husk’s thighs. Husk sat on the sofa beside him.
Angel had come back to the Hotel about an hour ago and as usual, Husk and Angel went to talking. Though, after finishing their drinks, they didn’t simply retire to their rooms for the night. Instead, the conversation had shifted from the barstools to the couches in the living room.
“Sounds like you had it rough today.” Husk sympathizes, because he really does.
“Tell me about it.” Angel rolls his eyes. He shifts his legs again and it becomes increasingly more difficult for Husk to ignore their closeness. Somehow, during their talk, they had gotten closer and closer and if one of the other hotel patrons had walked on them at this moment, Husk was afraid they would think they were.. interrupting something.
The last time they were this close was.. yeah, when Husk tickled Angel. They hadn’t mentioned it since, which Husk was a bit shocked about. He was sure Angel would be all over teasing him about his hands being alllll over him, or even when he discovered that the bartender was also ticklish. But alas, that hadn’t happened. That’s not to say Husk didn’t want to talk about it, don’t get him wrong, but how was he going to say that he enjoyed tickling Angel?!
“How’s it with Al, anyway?” Angel cuts through his thoughts, suddenly. Husk clears his throat.
“Same old. The fucker only calls for me when he needs me to run his errands. Leaves me alone most of the time, though.” Husk grumbled, recalling a time that Alastor had ordered him to fetch some sinner who had apparently tried to run away after their deal with Alastor didn’t work in their favor. What made it all the more infuriating is that Alastor could’ve easily snapped the sinner in front of him in the blink of an eye.
“Huh.” Was all Angel said, in response, but he moved closer to the bartender, eyes blinking blearily and yawning.
“Tired?” Husk asked, yawning himself.
“Mmm.. maybe a little.” Angel mumbled. Husk readjusted his hands, his claws grazing slightly against Angel’s legs. The spider giggled sleepily, causing the cat to chuckle.
“Ticklish too.”
“Don’t act like you aren’t either.”
“Not more than you.” Husk grumbled, his face heating up. It wasn’t as though he could deny it— Angel had figured it out when he decided to tickle him back.
“That may be so..” Angel began, sitting up, looking too smug compared to how exhausted he seemed seconds earlier. “But I’m sure I can still make a kitty purr~”
Suddenly, Husk didn’t like where this was going.
Talk about a cringy line. Purr? “Don’t even think about it.”
“Whaaaat? I’ll be gentle~” Angel traced his finger under Husk’s chin. It was slow and light and unbearingly evil.
“Hhmmp..!” Husk pursed his lips. Angel took this as a sign to keep going as he crept closer to the bartender.
“Sensitive, are we?” Angel smiled, amused. One of his hands went to Husk’s shoulder, almost as though he was interrogating him.
“Shut it, Legs.” Husk grumbled, embarrassed.
“Not denying it, huh?” Angel muttered, chuckling to himself. One of his arms reached over to Husk’s sides, squeezing lightly as the soft fur spread between his fingers. Husk turned away, a crooked smile on his lips, yet no sound came out. Feeling a bit bolder, Angel sat over Husk, so that the bartender’s legs were between his knees. Husk didn’t say anything, though it was likely because he was too busy concealing his reactions.
Angel smirked.
“You are a tough cookie to crack, Kitty. Good thing I like a challenge.” Angel teased, taking his other hand to Husk’s other side, kneading softly. Only a few muffled giggles made it past Husk’s lips. Angel used his third arm, determined to make Husk break, and traced along his neck. He couldn’t deny that the way Husk’s neck clamped down on his fingers was adorable. Husk would probably die if he told him that. So he did. And while he didn’t die, the blush on Husk’s face was more than enough to make up for it.
“S-stohop talking..” Husk groaned, eyes squeezed shut.
“Hm.” Was all Angel said in response, scanning for Husk’s body. It was true Husk seemed pretty sensitive, considering how hard it looked for him to resist laughing, but nowhere he had tried had been enough to break his defenses. So where…
And then, he looked up at Husk’s ears, an idea popping into his head. No way. It couldn’t be.
He took his arms away from Husk’s sides, which had still been methodically tickling him, offering Husk a small chance at relief. Not that it lasted long because a second later, his hands were scritching on Husk’s ears.. similar to how one would pet a cat.
“Hhk!” Was the beginning of it as Husk gave one last effort to resist. Futile, of course. Then, a moment later: “SHIHIHIT!”
“No fuckin’ way! Your ears!?” Angel exclaimed, laughing at the irony and reeling over the fact his idea had worked so much better than he had thought.
“FUHUHUCK OHOFF!” Husk shrieked, flustered out of his mind.
“Just like a kitten! So adorable~ Our one and only bartender taken down by just a few ear scratches.” Angel beamed, very invested in this display. Angel, still scratching his ears, scratched at his tummy. Did cats like belly rubs? One way to find out, he supposed.
Apparently, they do? If Husk’s laughter increasing tenfold was anything to go by. It was sounding a little hysterical, though, and Angel wanted to treat him with the same gentleness that he had received a few nights ago. He eased up on the tickling, only scribbling on one of Husk’s ears. Husk was still ticklish there, but at least he could breathe.
“Youhuhu suhuhuck..” Angel laughed.
“You bet I do.” It was then that Husk realized his words and even while being tickled, the disappointment on his face was clear.
“Nohoho mohohore!” Husk giggled, minutes later, his exhaustion at its peak. The moment he said that, Angel relented, but not before giving him a quick poke to the side. Angel snickered when he jolted.
“Been waiting for this, have you?” Husk grumbled. Angel got off of him, but sat close to him. Their legs were touching.
“Yep. Since you were oh-so kind to grace me with some tickling, shouldn’t you have a taste of it, too?” Angel said, easily.
“Not at all.” Husk rolled his eyes, but he didn’t look nearly as annoyed as he tried to act like. “Next time, it’s going to be you. Again.”
“Next time?” Angel covered his mouth with his hand, chuckling. He assumed Husk was going to backtrack his words because he had just indirectly told him that he was expecting there to be a next time.
Instead, Husk smirked, a sneaky look in his eyes. “Yep. Next time.”
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rouecentric · 10 months
how about cassius pedelian with a fiance who gift him a bouquet of roses in their first date? did he get surprised because it since probably he never received a bouquet, especially from his future spouse.
- @lyomeii
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cassis pedelian recieving flowers from his fiance on their first date // modern au, half oneshot half headcanon, fluff, gender neutral reader, arranged marriage but they're cool with it, some lore drops in the hc part but oh well, NOT PROOFREAD.
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cassis pedelian, he was the heir of a famous company and the older brother of sylvia pedelian, an extremely well known model in the industry. he was your arranged fiance.
and you were also another heir to a rival company, however being an only child. the two of you had first met during a social event as children.
although it was brief, both of you had remembered each other the next time you had met, officially this time. during a meeting both of your parents held, agreeing to wed both of their eldest children for certain benefits that you didn't care enough to pay attention to.
of course, a first date was mandatory for the two of you to have in order to get to know each other, with the designated place being a highly rated restaurant in the early night.
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"are those for me?" the albino asked, eyeing the bouquet in front of him with a slightly confused expression on his face as his gaze fixated from the bouquet to his fiance.
"yes, i thought that you'd like these." name replied, their grip on the bouquet of roses slightly tightened out of nervousness before easing their hold on them, nervously smiling at their fiance.
of course, name's smile almost fell as they watched the pedelian heir take the bouquet from their hands, an unreadable expression on his face.
"..thank you." cassis thanked the person, a small smile formed as he felt heat rush to his face, not having expected to recieve flowers from his fiance. maybe this arranged marriage won't be this bad.
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now, once cassis recieves those flowers, he's honestly taken aback, the only times he really received flowers were as congratulation gifts, mostly from his family, so recieving a bouquet of red roses from his future spouse was a welcome surprise.
when the he gets home after the date, he immediately goes to get the roses put in a vase filled with water, leaving the vase in his room to always be reminded of your first date with him! ^^
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Kazuki and Rei would get or are already married for tax benefits.
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yuffi369 · 9 months
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P03 x GN!Reader
In which P03 realizes that, for as much crap as he's talked about for you not appreciating his game design, you may actually know what you're talking about, sometimes.
Since you'd managed to keep a back-up of Inscryption's files after... everything, P03 had managed to worm his way onto your computer system's drive. At first, he acted a lot more maliciously; accessing permissions to just about everything, your webcam, your microphone, any files... he looked through just about everything, and began to make moves to even take over your computer entirely.
You were smart, though. You'd managed to get to where the backup copy of Inscryption and all of its files were, and upon threat of deletion, he cooperated. He agreed to only hang around your computer and not tamper with any of your files, or compromise your computer's integrity, but he still wanted to hang around. You didn't mind this for two reasons; one, it did seem rather cruel to keep him locked up in the files with nothing to do, and two, you didn't mind the company anyhow, seeing as most of your friends were over long distance.
One evening, you'd decided to get some work done on a campaign you were running for your friends. The game was in two weeks, so you had plenty of prep time, but there were some maps you had to make, encounters to plan, and you had to figure out some plot ahead of where they were going. The next session would be taken up in the first half by traveling, so it was mostly technical things like potential encounters, which was probably your least favorite part of game writing. You didn't hate any part, necessarily, but your strong suit lied in the story parts.
You were so lost in your struggling thoughts, staring at the VTT interface with a stumped expression, you almost forgot P03 was there. "Hey, idiot, you going to move the mouse, or are you going to let the computer screen fall asleep?"
You blinked rapidly, sitting up straight. "Huh?" You looked down at the tiny P03, who was staring at you as he stood on top of your task bar. "No, I was just thinking."
"What're you even doing, anyway?" he asked, looking at the grid on the screen.
"Writing encounters for my next game session," you replied, scrolling through another webpage you had open where you had access to stat blocks available to you.
"You write games?" he said, incredulously.
"Oh, right, I haven't had a session since you've come around and started living rent-free on my desktop."
"What do you want me to do for money, use your graphics card for crypto mining?"
"No," you replied, curtly.
"Anyway, given your criticisms about my game design, I didn't think you knew a thing about game design." He crossed his arm over his body, rolling his eyes.
"This isn't exactly a card game," you replied. "It's a tabletop roleplaying game. It's based on war gaming, with roleplaying added in. So it's a mixture of tactical gaming and story-based gaming. Not quite a card game like Inscryption."
"Interesting," he replied.
He continued to watch you work- or, well, the more accurate words would be struggle to work. You tried, several times, to put down tokens on the map, only to take them back off after a few minutes of deliberation. Sick of watching you struggle, P03 hovered up to your cursor, dragging it around to get your attention. "Hurry up. I'm sick of the ambient work music you've had in the background for the last hour."
"Sorry, P," you sighed, genuinely feeling a bit bad that he'd watched you do basically nothing this entire time. "I'm not exactly the best at planning encounters..."
"Lemme help, then. Pull up the webpage with the stat blocks."
"Fine. But aren't you programmed to write for Inscryption, not this?"
"I'm a fast learner." He scrolled through the webpage, looking through the stat blocks. After looking over a few stat blocks, he pulled up a stat block for an undead creature, that had an interesting mechanic. "Here. This should keep your players from falling asleep."
You took one look at the stat block and shook your head. "No. I can't use that."
He looked at you with exasperation. "Well why the f#%& not?" he said, the little beep censoring his cursing through the speakers.
"Those are undead creatures," you explained, using your cursor to point at the stat block's creature type. "They're just traveling through grasslands. I can't justify a random group of these just showing up out of the blue."
"I dunno what to tell you. This stat block's probably your best bet for an interesting mechanic that's low-level enough to not kill your players. Maybe have them, I dunno, take a shortcut through a graveyard, or whatever."
"Shortcut through a graveyard..." you repeated, under your breath. After a brief moment, you bolted upright in your seat, pulling up your document and beginning to write at an accelerated pace. P03 probably clocked you at about 90 WPM at your fastest. Once you were satisfied with the narrative text you'd written out for yourself to read upon arrival to the location, you pulled up the VTT and began placing things all around the map, taking your time to make sure things were placed in logical, good-looking locations, making sure to add terrain in places for your rogue to hide behind and take advantage of. Finally, you put the group of undead creatures on the hidden layer to pull up later, and then typed out what loot was to be found in the graveyard as well as on the bodies of the creatures.
Once you were satisfied with your work, you leaned back in your chair, gazing upon the zoomed-out map with pride. "Wow," P03 let out a whistle-like beep, looking at the map with you. "Once you got started, that only took, what? An hour? I would've been able to make the fight really easy, but all that other stuff probably would've taken me the better part of an afternoon."
"Well, I mean, it does take me a while to write something good. But when inspiration hits, I sort of just... go, and don't stop. But I don't have those moments often, or at least not enough for my liking."
P03 turned and glared at you. "Take the damn compliment."
You laughed. "Alright, alright, geez. Thank you."
"Now, let's celebrate with a movie." He pulled up a window with a video player, ready to play the file.
You raised an eyebrow. "Where did you get that?"
"Downloaded it off yarhar.net while you were writing."
"What? I scanned it for viruses, it's clean. What do you want me to do, pay for Netflix? With what money?"
You just laughed, shaking your head. "Let me go make some popcorn."
"And I'll... pull up a jpeg of popcorn, I guess."
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vampcubus · 8 months
the way shinobu would be the most terrifying yandere because i think she genuinely wouldn’t above any means to keep you as her own.
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as-troz · 1 year
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uhhuh yea totally
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I got inspired by the last post I reblogged here, so:
Our blorbos of choice (well my choice here) helping your s/i in a case of sensory overload, specifically sound related overload 💕
Venti himself is indifferent to any level of noise at this point of his life, having worked and had fun in loud taverns for quite a while, but he completely understands how noise can be overwhelming. He'll cheerfully and casually exuse you two from the loud gathering, making sure to keep people from interacting with you and to help you navigate towards a more quiet space once you tell him you're overloaded (or he notices it himself if you've been together for a while). Once you're in a safer environment, he'll probably leave you alone to destress and come to your senses, of course, not before making it clear that you can call him anytime if you need something (he won't be going far away, most likely idling outside your room).
Though Kazuha prefers peace and quiet of nature to loud gatherings and places and is sensitive to sounds himself, having to exhaust his sharp senses when there's too much input, he still ends up going to festivals and other social events to spend time with his more social friends, bringing his beloved as a plus one, of course. You two have a sort of a buddy system, making sure to check up on each other's level of comfort throughout the gathering to quickly leave if one of you has begun to grow tired or uncomfortable. If there are fireworks involved, he ensures your safety, bringing spare ear plugs in case you forget yours and covering your ears over the ear plugs, more as a comforting gesture than anything else, because he's very gentle about it, not putting too much pressure on your head, but you're grateful all the same. And if you go nonverbal or prefer to leave your plugs in, he always has a sketchbook on his person where you two can write messages to each other in case you need something.
Layla is prone to sensory overloads herself, especially at times of peak stress, so she knows the situation all too well. Early in your relationship, she gifts you a pair of noise-cancelling headphones that she commissioned from a certain acquaitance of hers, and you two talk through what to do if any of you gets a sensory overload. You two use a basic form of sign language to sign basic messages in case you go nonverbal, like "yes/no", "go away", "stay", "let's leave" and so on. If she switches during an overload, it becomes your and other-Layla's priority to find a safe place where their body can collapse for a switch back. After every stressful event or case of sensory overload you two have a "nap session", where you two lie down on the sofa for a while, cuddling or not but close to each other nonetheless, and you can just read or nap in each other's proximity, recharging from whatever exhausted you.
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xxrandom-rabbitxx · 4 days
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But yeah chikn deserves love after all the episodes he isn't included with his friends :( and latest episode didn't had Hawt saus SO DOES THIS MEAN HAWT SAUS IS GONNA SAVE CHIKN FROM HIS JOKER ARC!!! THE EXCLUSION OF HAWT SAUS AND HIS REDEMPTION ARC IS FEEDING MY SHIPPING BRAINS BRAIN ROT (don't mind the miss spellings
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
I know I have terminal insane silly brain disease and my feelings on this matter will change in probably the next 5 minutes but like
Damn I am funny and hot and generally trying to be kindhearted and good, and my teasing and flirting and emotional rambling, which is maybe Too Much at times, is still a privilege and a blessing, not a burden, to the people around me
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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My boy out here living his best life *wipes tear* I’m so happy for him
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I know for a fact that this boy would kill to attend a masquerade ball like this
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Proof that Jason has ways loved ballet and ‘the arts’ since before he was taken in by Bruce
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kr0w13y · 10 months
Highschool charlie and dee being friends, watching alien and aliens with the gang at the Reynolds household before alien 3 comes out in 1992. Ripley in the robot suit comes on screen and Mac jokes its Dee, she's about to snap back at him but Charlie interrupts that's actually cool and that's why always thought her brace was cool or something. Dennis and Mac roll their eyes and make gagging noises says Dee looks more like the queen Queen Xenomorph. Later that fall Charlie fixes up he brace to look like the robot suit and sews/fixes himself up a Xenomorph costume for Halloween.
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frankenjoly · 5 months
Here's another picture
furina + 5 | chakh le (blodywood)
Fuck God's plan, this is our plan
And I know I just made a few of you go "goddamn!"
“You were right, you know?” Furina said, holding onto Neuvillette’s arm and setting her walking pace to match his with ease. “About me and acting, that is.”
“Truly glad to hear that, Miss Furina.” As far as she was concerned, he could totally drop the formalities, more when it was just the two of them having a walk around the city, but she could also work with that; ‘miss’ had less weight than ‘lady’ even if still pretty much formal.
“I also was right about my thoughts on boundaries, though. The point is, I have now managed to balance both, and I think I’m doing better than ever. Even if I think I belong more in other parts of the industry now.” Acting may have been something Furina had initially rejected, once she wasn’t playing the Hydro Archon’s role anymore, but it… it had felt good when she was in control, when characters only took over in rehearsals and up on stages. When after the curtain call Furina could be back at being just Furina and everyone knew. “And of course, I get now what you meant back then so thank you, Mon– Mr–” A brief pause, as she considered her options. “Can I just call you ‘Neuvi’ or so?”
“You can address me however you prefer.” Neuvillette even chuckled, softly and so subtly one had to be familiar with his mannerisms to notice. She obviously did. “After all, we worked together for centuries. And even if that has come to an end…”
“Yup! And I like what we have now.” Besides, things could be easier, smoother, now she didn’t have to pretend anymore.
(Also on ao3.)
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bangobeep · 2 years
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jazzpunk people give me attention rn
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Best riddlebird dinamic is: found you in a homeless shelter after you woke up amenisiac from a Batman induced coma and lied about we being close friends because I wanted to use your genius to my gain. I was not expecting to care about you. Now I'm terrified of what will happen when you remember the truth.
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