#c: vermillion
nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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[ 18+ / NENHUM / AMBOS. ]
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NOME LEGAL: Janggok Minjun.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NASCIMENTO: 17/11/1995.
CIDADE NATAL: Seoul, Coreia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Dançarino guia, rapper guia, maknae do VER!MILLION!
DEBUT: 19 de abril de 2011.
CONTA: minjun_nl
FACECLAIM: Jungkook (BTS), idol.
OST solo para um drama: 15 pontos / Hwarang
Capa de revista coreana solo: 15 pontos / Vogue Korea (fevereiro/2019)
Capa de revista coreana solo: 15 pontos / W Korea (agosto/2020)
Capa de revista coreana solo: 15 pontos / Dazed Korea (agosto/2021)
Capa de revista estrangeira solo: 20 pontos / Vogue EUA (julho/2022)
Comercial de marca único: 15 pontos / Louis Vuitton (julho/22-jan/23)
Embaixador de marca de soju/cerveja coreana por 6 meses: 35 pontos (jun-dez/21)
Participação em um fashion show estrangeiro: 15 pontos (Louis Vuitton (agosto/22)
Momento viral: 20 pontos / fancam, Love Shot (2017)
Papel estendido em vários episódios variados: 15 pontos / Knowing Bros
Host em show de final do ano/prêmios: 10 pontos / MAMA (2020)
Escrita total de letras, melodia ou arranjo em um SINGLE DA COMPANHIA: 12 pontos / GROWL
Apelido: maknae de ouro (2011-presente)
TW: gordofobia, dismorfia corporal.
Dizer que a infância de Janggok Minjun foi difícil seria algo, no mínimo, controverso - principalmente se mencionarmos a colher de ouro com que sua babá o alimentava. Foram roupas caras demais para uma criança de cinco anos, mais babás despedidas do que conseguiria contar em duas mãos em sua pré-adolescência, os carros recém lançados no mercado em sua garagem. E, ao mesmo tempo, foram, os berros por trás de portas fechadas entre seus pais e irmãos (presos em um relacionamento no mínimo complicado), a solidão em seu quarto por não possuir colegas "à sua altura o suficiente" nos fins de semana, o peso da mão de sua irmã mais velha contra o rosto aos sete por não ter alcançado a nota máxima em matemática (que depois se transformou em surras pelos seguranças da família, mas isso podemos deixar para outra hora). Ainda assim, do que ele poderia reclamar? Tinha tudo o que poderia querer com um estalar de dedos durante o dia, e os pesadelos que vinham com a noite… bom, é para isso que servem pílulas soníferas, certo?
O negócio familiar (não o responsável pela maior parte da fortuna da família, aquele outro em relação com a indústria de entretenimento coreana) já era uma força significativa quando havia nascido, e talvez Minjun chamaria isso de destino (mas nunca em voz alta), mas foi quando tinha apenas dez anos, em uma visita a seu pai que esbarrou com um dos talentos. E bastou isso. Um segundo e ficou maravilhado com a pura presença a que estava à frente de. Foram semanas que se transformaram em meses, implorando para que sua mãe deixasse-o conhecer mais sobre esse mundo, mas em vão. Nem Taeoh nem seus irmãos queriam que o jovem virasse um dos "empregados", afinal, ele era um dos herdeiros de uma das famílias mais bem estabelecidas no país! Ser… Artista não estava aos seus pés. E as fofocas! A mulher sentia dores de cabeça só de imaginar as câmeras e os enxeridos, cavando em sua vida pessoal, querendo arrancar todo e qualquer detalhe seu.
Minjun não saberia dizer ao certo o que a convenceu, mas um dia, quando tinha treze anos, sua irmã voltou de uma reunião com o pai e lhe deu o sinal verde. Ser o filho mais novo sem aspirações em meio uma família dessa estatura poderia vir a seu benefício às vezes. Mas é claro que esse também viria com estipulações. Nada de mencionar sua família - se perguntassem, ou estavam mortos ou eram de outro país; o garoto poderia decidir com qual narrativa seguir -, nada de sair da linha, nada de se destacar. O ponto final, no entanto, o surpreendeu. Nada de audição. Aparentemente, poderia começar o treinamento no dia seguinte e a vaga no próximo grupo de debut já era sua.
Agora, você pode achar que Minjun não mereceu. Que foi graças ao mais puro nepotismo que se viu, subitamente, como um dos integrantes do que viria a ser um dos maiores grupos de kpop da indústria. E tudo bem, ele também pensou assim (por um bom tempo, na verdade). Mas então começou o treinamento. E, para um garoto que até então tinha tudo, foram os piores três anos de sua vida. A família que antes já mal via tornaram-se totalmente invisíveis, a comida que sempre tinha na mesa virou ar com as constantes demandas dos treinadores de que precisava emagrecer. O conforto de sua cama foi substituído por um quarto minúsculo, que dividia com mais cinco trainees. Eventualmente, tudo isso foi se acumulando, e seus pensamentos foram substituídos por uma nuvem negra, o sentimento de inadequação sempre presente. Não era tão talentoso quanto os colegas, e ainda assim, avaliação após avaliação, ali permanecia.
Na verdade, Minjun quase desistiu. (In)Felizmente, quando reuniu coragem o suficiente para comunicar sua decisão ao treinador, foi anunciado que o grupo estava formado e que iriam debutar. Então, deparado com os rostos de alívio e felicidade dos outros membros, fez o que sempre havia feito desde então; engoliu o que pensava e colocou um sorriso em seu próprio (e convenceu a si próprio de que as lágrimas que molhavam suas bochechas eram de êxtase, e não causadas pela sua crescente depressão).
Os primeiros anos pós debut foram difíceis. Acordar em si só já era um feito, mal comia direito e sentia-se mal pelas restrições extras que o grupo recebia (talvez por sua presença ali, talvez não; nunca teve a coragem de confirmar). Ainda assim, as palavras de sua irmã soavam em sua cabeça todos os dias, como um alarme: "vou estar acompanhando de perto. Não faça a família ter vergonha de você". Minjun já era esperto o suficiente para entender a ameaça entrelaçada em suas palavras. Então dava tudo o que tinha para as apresentações, oferecendo ao público uma face aperfeiçoada ao longo dos anos, uma capaz de sorrir e exalar confiança, uma inquebrável (menos quando retornava ao dormitório e se via protegido entre as quatro paredes do banheiro). Eventualmente, os sorrisos forçados foram diminuindo. Aprendeu a confiar nos membros, e em si próprio. Começou a desmarcar os jantares com a família e a sair mais com seus novos amigos. Até aquela noite.
Ele não saberia dizer o motivo de ter acordado - talvez chamaria de maldição -, mas deparar-se com as desconhecidas invadindo seu espaço pessoal, de ter sua humanidade extirpada e ser tratado como um animal… Minjun surtou. Não lembra o que aconteceu, como ele encolheu-se em posição fetal, chorando e berrando enquanto sentia as mãos alheias e indesejáveis contra seu corpo, enquanto os flashes no escuro o cegavam. Só sabe que, ao acordar no dia seguinte no hospital, ali estava Yeojin. Suas palavras? "Cale a boca e volte a trabalhar. Fale apenas com sua nova psicóloga. Você tem uma sessão de fotos amanhã". E assim fez Minjun.
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kisses4kaia · 1 year
can you do one where y/n and charlie are friends and he wants to know how to eat someone out so she teaches him (they end up fuckign))
im so high but happy 4/20 to those who celebrate ☀! fem! reader 17+ nsfw . also unprotected sex is mentioned in this, don't do this ! (btw, title has nothing to do w fic i just really love blue banisters🎃) 🕯️
living legend🪶- c, walker ,,
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a yawn exerted your throat as you sat on your best friend's couch, a binder full of homework sat neatly in your lap.
"char? c'mere, i don't get this one," you called out to your friend and furrowed your eyebrows.
charlie quickly sat down next to you, staring at the page. "this one?" he pointed towards the question. you offered a small nod of verification.
as the gears turned in his head, trying to figure out the equation, you stared at the deeply concentrated look on his face.
"i got it. it's 13," he broke you out of your trance when he looked at you with a smile. "thanks, char." you gleamed at him.
his eyes flashed to your lips for a split second, seemingly lost in his thoughts. "o-oh, yeah. um, of course. any time," he gulped and looked away from your face.
"...charlie? what is it?" you could read him like a book, he obviously wanted to ask you something.
"n-nothing! nothing at all!" he defended.
you just continued to glare at him with a knowing look adorning your features.
"fine. i just... wanted to ask you something," he looked down at his hands. "yeah? what's up?" you were curious now.
"promise not to laugh?" he stared at you seriously. you put on your best, fake, solemn, face. "cross my heart," you joked.
he scoffed. "well, uh... i was just wondering if you could maybe teach me how to," there was something else at the end of the sentence, but he was so quiet, you couldn't make it out.
"speak up, charlie." you demanded. a deep breath.
"could you teach me how to give head?" he was much louder and faster with his tone this time.
your eyes widened. he kept his head down, not daring to see the expression on your face. a few moments of silent tension lingered in the air.
you broke through it. "i mean... of course. but, like... why me?" you asked purely out of curiosity.
his head snapped up. "wait, really? well, uh, i mean, there's nobody i trust more than you and i just figured you'd be the best teacher... i guess," his cheeks were now turning vermillion.
"homework can wait, i think." you set the binder on the coffee table in front of you. "mhm, yes." he nodded quickly.
"well, uh, foreplay is really important," you nodded, pulling him closer to you. you took his hands into yours and placed them at the tops of your thighs.
he was frozen, terrified to make any movement. you took account of this and used your hands to run his up and down your thighs. "relax," you whispered.
he nodded abruptly. "yeah, yeah. sorry," he shook his head as if to rid his head of every thought.
you smiled. he was fucking adorable. "i'm gonna kiss you, that ok?" you asked, pushing hair behind his ear. "yes, please," he shied.
you leaned in carefully and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. the kiss was heightened as he pushed you onto your back, not disconnecting his lips from yours once.
his hands explored under your shirt, and you were tired of the restricted material, so you threw it off. he removed his lips from yours to simply stare.
"char? everything okay?" you furrowed your eyebrows. "you're gorgeous." was the only thing he said. you felt your cheeks get warmer as his eyes burned holes into your skin.
his hands found the rim of your pants and his fingers danced around the hem. "go ahead, love." you allowed. he looked up at your face for confirmation and you nodded.
he slipped the trousers down your legs, along with your underwear.
"okay, lay in between my legs," he lowered his face in front of your core, taking in the scent and energy.
"go ahead and try something, i'll let you know what feels good, m'kay?" you began to play with his hair. he nodded and locked his eyes onto your face, ready to absorb anything and everything you gave him.
he licked a line up your slit as he took in the delectable taste. god, he could spend the rest of his life here.
a sigh escaped your lips. it's been a minute.
charlie suctioned his lips onto your clit and used his tongue to circle around it. your fingers tightened their grip on his hair.
this caused a hum to vibrate against you. "fuck, you're doing so good," you praised.
the muscle swirled around your folds and tried everything he'd seen in porn on you, and you let him know what he should continue and what he should cut out.
at one point, his tongue dipped deeply into you, causing your back to arch off of the couch.
he ate out you out like there was no tomorrow until you stopped him.
"wait, char. stop," he pulled away immediately and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"sorry, did i do something wrong?" you shook your head. "no, um... i just want you.. inside me?" you asked, closing your legs, feeling shy.
"are you serious?" his eyes widened. "only if you want to-" he cut you off. "are you kidding? i've dreamed about fucking you for literal years," he quietly admitted. it made your heart flutter.
his clothes were all over the place in no time. "have you ever done this before?" you asked him. "no," his voice was soft and almost embarrassed. "hey, look at me." you allowed him to sit back on the couch.
you moved to straddle him. "let me take care of you, hm?" you looked down at him.
he could've cried.
instead, he nodded. you lined his tip up with your entrance. "ready?" you needed one final assurance. "mhm,"
he was big, no doubt about it. he stretched you out beyond belief as you sank down on him.
the sound that elicited him almost made you cum right there. you allowed both of you to adjust before moving.
when you did, he couldn't help but let his head fall into the crook of your neck. you were so warm, so tight around him. he whimpered and whined into you as you grinded and bounced and clenched around him.
"f-fuck, mommy, you feel so good around me," he whined.
the moan you let out at the name was straight out of a porno. you sped up your pace as you attacked his neck and collarbone with hickeys. you were fully aware robbie, kirby, and jill would see them tomorrow. you couldn't care less.
"t's too much, momma! fuck, slow- slow down," his hands glued onto your hips as tears began forming in his eyes.
"you can take it, right? you can be my good boy and take it for just a little longer, can't you?" you wiped the droplets that cascaded down his cheeks.
he nodded. it was all he wanted, to be good for you. "yeah, i can take it. all for you," he said closing his eyes and allowing himself to feel the ecstasy of your cunt around his cock.
"i'm gonna cum, pretty boy. you wanna cum with me? can you do that for me?" you were breathless in your ask. "please," he whimpered.
only a few swift movements of your hips later, your release was staring you dead in your face, along with charlie's. "now, doll." you whispered in his ear and he let out a strained moan and he let out his load inside of you as you came around his dick.
"oh my god, y/n." he chuckled into the sweat-coated area of your shoulder. you couldn't do anything but chuckle back until you both burst into laughter.
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taglist; @themostintellectualblonde @dreamtofus @wannabe-indie-sleaze
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 6 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 14/∞
In SVSSS, heavenly demons like Luo Binghe, Tianlang-jun, and Zhuzhi-lang have a vermillion mark on their forehead. In fanworks, other demons such as Sha Hualing and Mobei-jun are also depicted as having such a mark.
This conflicts with canon, as the mark is exclusively a symbol of the Heavenly Demon Bloodline, rather than all demons:
“You are no simple demon,” Shen Qingqiu said. “That mark on your forehead is a mark of sin—the mark of the demons who fell from the heavens." (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
I have often seen this mark referred to erroneously as "huadian (花钿, literally "flower ornamentation")." Though there are similarities in color and location between the two, huadian is a type of traditional-style makeup worn with hanfu, while the mark on a heavenly demon's forehead is 罪印 (Zuì yìn,literally "criminal seal" or "seal of guilt”), translated to english as "mark of sin."
It is a very specific, distinctive feature that heavenly demons have-- one that is most likely well-known to both demons and cultivators alike.
The mark of sin can be repressed, however it will reappear when angry:
For a split second, Luo Binghe’s expression was puzzled, causing his face to appear to soften, just a little. But soon this sliver of softness dissipated without a trace. His pupils contracted, and a red mark flickered at the center of his forehead in a burst of light. (7 Seas, Ch. 10)
Or when weakened:
When he looked, though Luo Binghe’s eyes were closed, the heavenly demon mark of sin had appeared on his forehead, lines of crimson pulsing along with his breaths. The red glow flickered on and off along with it. (7 Seas, Ch. 16)
Which suggests that it takes some amount of conscious effort to suppress and conceal.
Heavenly Demons (天魔,天之魔) are somewhat set apart from the demon race (魔族)as a whole, despite both being called demons. Heavenly Demons specifically did not originate within the demon world, but instead fell from the heavens:
Legend had it that these denizens of the heavens had fallen to depravity and become demons, so they were called “heavenly demons” for short.  (7 Seas, Ch. 2)
Falling to depravity here is the same as succumbing to heart demons (心魔), which aren't altogether easy to explain, but can be thought of as mental and spiritual instabilities resulting from negative emotions and obsessions. This is the same "Xin Mo" as the name of the sword.
In the Xianxia genre, anyone can "become a demon" in this way-- a similar (almost identical, since based on similar philosophies) trope in western fiction would be in Star Wars, where one "falls to the Dark Side."
Therefore, the mark of sin or zuiyin if you wish to use pinyin, is linked to the heart demons and corruption of the heavenly demons and their descendants.
This is evident from the first moment when the seal on Luo Binghe's bloodline is removed:
Once that stream of light touched Luo Binghe’s brow, it seeped into his skin, turning into a fiery red mark. Luo Binghe was lost to his bloodlust. He didn’t know why, only that his head ached like it was about to explode, and he nearly collapsed to his knees. His entire body roiled with a desire to inflict savage cruelty.  (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
This sudden bloodlust is a result of the unsealing of his demonic bloodline-- with the mark of sin appearing along with it.
The mark of sin does not have one fixed appearance, either:
When he tested Luo Binghe’s forehead with the back of his hand, it was still scalding hot, and the mark in the center of his forehead was growing even redder and brighter. (7 Seas, Ch. 16)
This occurs after Luo Binghe has been injured and poisoned, and is unconscious. The change in the mark's appearance is likely due to his weakened state.
The most significant example of this, however, is at Maigu ridge, when Luo Binghe has been entirely overtaken by Xin Mo's (the sword and the internal) corruption:
The dark-red mark of sin crept over his forehead, expanding outward until marks covered the entirety of his snow-pale face, then continued spreading down his neck. Xin Mo had fallen beside them, and it seemed to respond to the marks on Luo Binghe’s body: it glowed and dimmed, its purple light and black miasma circulating endlessly. (7 Seas, Ch. 21)
By the end of this, the marks extend all the way down his arms:
Luo Binghe’s arm around him slowly tightened. As his tears continued to flow, he suddenly noticed that the marks on his arm were rapidly receding.  (7 Seas, Ch. 21)
From this we can conclude that heavenly beings succumbed to their heart demons and fell from the heavens to become the heavenly demons. Their demonic power originated not from their species alone but from their heart demons, which their descendants inherited as their own source of demonic power which is why LBH suddenly was overcome with bloodlust when his bloodline was unsealed. The mark of sin appears as a curse to mark those who succumbed to heart demons and fell from the heavens, but it can be suppressed through self control (i.e. controlling those heart demons)while it will reappear when that self-control is compromised in some way. When Xin Mo preyed on LBH's fears and insecurities, it caused him to fall entirely under the control of his heart demons-- which lead to the mark of sin spreading over his entire body.
Now that the origins and nature of the mark of sin have been explained, it's easy to say that other demons will not have such a mark, since they are not from that same cursed bloodline.
Of course, does that mean that everyone who draws Sha Hualing and Mobei-jun with marks on their forehead is drawing them incorrectly?
No, not necessarily.
The only thing this tells us is that ordinary demons do not naturally have this mark, and it will not have the same features (such as glowing, spreading, responding to emotional state, etc.).
It is entirely possible and believable that demons, especially demon nobility, would paint or apply a mark to their foreheads as part of their fashion and a status symbol.
For an explanation of this, let's go back to the huadian. While the exact origins of huadian ornament and makeup are unknown, there is a folkloric origin story to it. In this origin story, a plum blossom was blown onto the forehead of a princess while she was out on a walk (or alternately, fell onto her face while she was taking a nap). Afterwards, she was unable to wash it off, but because it looked strikingly beautiful on the princess, it became a new popular fashion trend for women to apply flower ornamentation or makeup to their foreheads.
Something similar could have happened with demon culture.
Of course, the ancient heavenly demons from whose lineage Luo Binghe hailed were the most elegant and traditional of the demonic bloodlines—equivalent to the Demon Realm’s blue blood nobility. (7 Seas, Ch. 6)
The heavenly demon bloodline is the most noble and high-ranked in the demon realm, with heavenly demons considered princes and princesses:
As the future princes of demonkind, their bloodline was first-class. (7 Seas, Ch. 2) Tianlang-Jun’s younger sister counted as something like the demon race’s princess. (7 Seas, Ch. 12)
Therefore, it wouldn't be strange for other lineages of demon nobility to attempt to imitate their appearances-- this may have something to do with noble demons appearing more humanoid as well. It could also mean that a similar thing to the huadian origin story may have happened and demon nobility took up the fashion of wearing forehead ornamentation or makeup to denote their status, perhaps even having various specific marks to denote clans or individuals.
Of course while this is a possibility, it is not something that comes from canon itself and would still be a headcanon or fanon, so it should not be used in an argument for a canonical depiction of Sha Hualing and Mobei-jun with marks on their foreheads.
While a depiction of demons wearing marks on their foreheads is not necessarily without basis or explanation, the idea that they have these marks as a natural physical feature is canonically inaccurate.
One footnote: while heavenly demons do not originate within the demon realm, their bloodline would still be counted as part of the demon race-- this is evident in the fact that Zhuzhi-lang, also a mixed-bloodline heavenly demon (but half snake-race rather than half-human), has a bloodline more pure than Luo Binghe's and is able to suppress LBH's blood in SQQ's body (perhaps the fact that the demon race as a whole utilizing demonic qi instead of spiritual qi for cultivation is what creates the divide). Zhuzhi-lang is still considered mixed-heritage, though, so it is unknown where the boundaries within the demon race itself lie. It is also possible that there is an entire untold story about the origins of the demon race which would change up various arguments here, but we don't have that origin story, and therefore there is no context aside from what's in the novel-- we can only assume that demons originated within the demon realm, while heavenly demons entered it later after falling from the heavens-- but they are still considered part of the demon race despite a different origin.
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trappolia · 2 months
YOU DREW STARS AROUND MY SCARS ── blade + gn!reader, 918
blade hates the sick bay.
the fact that it’s called a sick bay makes him want to scoff. with the sort of crowd the stellaron hunters are, they hardly get sick. blade isn’t even susceptible to any sort of mortal illnesses or afflictions since that incident, couldn’t even come down with a cold if he tried.
but even then, there is something discomforting about the sterility of it all, the scent of unfamiliarity and something chemical. there’s the anxiety he hasn’t felt since the days of being mortal, stirring an unsettling feeling in his gut that makes blade want to take his sword and swing it, tear down this godforsaken sick bay and whoever else is unfortunate to go down with it.
it’s so unlike him, to be driven to such urges by a mere— a mere sick bay, of all things. but blade cannot deny how much he hates it; this constant reminder that even when cursed by immortality, he is still mortal. his skin is too easy to cut through, he bleeds the colour red, and his heart — this wretched thing that keeps his cursed body alive — still beats.
“with how often you try to slip away from your cot, i’d think you hate me,” you hum mindlessly, drawing him out of his pathetic state of mind.
blade's vermillion eyes glance up at you while you wipe a smaller cut on his palm with disinfectant. he does not grace you with a response, the same way you do not grace him with your gaze as you continue your duties.
it astounds him sometimes, how gentle you are with your hands despite the ferocity you wield them with on the battlefield. rarely does elio ever involve you in his scripts, for a reason only destiny's slave is privy to, and so blade often sees you haunting the hallways of the stellaron hunters' headquarters. you've seemed to have grown fond of lingering by the sick bay, tending to silver wolf's cramping hands while chatting with kafka and sam, with elio occasionally coming in with you to exchange words in hushed whispers. blade only ever comes in when you practically drag him by his ear to have his wounds treated, your scoldings directed at him forgotten the next time he bleeds red.
(is it an act of submission or a defiance? truly, it’s neither. blade doesn't want to put a name to whatever this is, doesn't want to think about it. it’s simple enough, him and you.)
he watches as you bend your head kiss his bandages, once on the left wrist and another on the right. there’s the searing heat of your soft lips on his skin even where the bandages are wrapped tightly over his wounds. the lightest pressure makes the areas where his skin has been cut sting, but some masochistic demon in blade sings when he feels the pain. his expression does not betray his emotions though, as he watches you bring his wrists towards you all while maintaining eye contact.
“not going to say anything?” you ask. blade’s eyes furrow when he sees the beginnings of a smirk playing upon your lips, his mouth opening to snap a retort at you— but all words die in his throat when he watches you tug lightly at the bandages with your fucking teeth, scraping hard enough to be felt, but lightly enough that it’d all remain intact.
it hurts— and blade realises what he feels isn’t the pain of his wounds under his bandages. it’s the heat of his skin, flushing at your touch, his heart racing rapidly under the wrappings on his chest.
“you little shit,” he snarls, his voice strained.
you just laugh, a smile of all teeth and canine, and blade wonders what he must do to face the same aggression your foes meet when you face against them in the battlefield; to have your mouth sink into the flesh of his pulse and devour him raw.
(he's died a million times before, but this time he wonders how it would feel to have you take his life for once. whether the heat of your mouth as it tears his flesh would be better than the cold metal of a spear, whether kissing you is enough to kill him already.
if you consumed his flesh, would he still be able to come back? or would he be finally be laid to rest, festering in your gut like a disease that never goes away? he wonders, and he yearns.)
blade shifts uneasily. you’re not normally this affectionate, this forward and precise. subtle nuances have always been your style, and blade knows this better than anyone else– but he is flushed. embarrassed, mouth parted and pink. he's weak, and he wants to kill you for it, or be killed by you– it doesn't matter anymore, because it's hard to tell where he ends and you begin.
your lips trail down the column of blade's throat, ghosting over his collarbones before you return to the bandages on his wrist, once, twice. your eyes meet his through your lashes, and something in blade whispers to him:
blade lets out a shaky breath, and the wretched creature that was once human allows his head to bow— lowers himself so his forehead touches yours. he’s here, he’s here, he’s here. and when your lips meet his and his veins are lit aflame, blade thinks he can live, even if it were just for this moment.
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© trappolia 2024
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uhhhitsgray · 9 months
fic where astarion puts lipstick on u? ☺️ I feel like that could be super intimate
aksjdhfakdhf, anon please 😭 this is so cute, yes yes I write c:
~ wc: 2k, no warnings, this is just fluffy and cute. tav and astarion are already in a relationship. attempted to make this as gender neutral as possible, but I did throw in a few pretties (since astarion does say that in the game), a few darlings and he calls you gorgeous. astarion would call you all those things regardless of gender so I hope you're okay with that ❤ enjoy & and thank you for the prompt, this was a lot of fun!
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You sigh as you look down at the metal tube in your hands defeated with the fact that you don’t think, or even know, how to properly apply lipstick. Up until arriving at Baldur’s Gate you never had the need to dress nicely. Of course your clothing choice was much more than just clothing, it was armor meant for protecting and not so much for looking good.
You had found this small shop on the outskirts of the city one evening. It didn’t cost a lot of gold, and you wanted to treat yourself. Though maybe you should have gone with something you were more familiar with instead, but you wanted to feel attractive; pretty even.
It was a peaceful evening at camp, the day hadn’t been taxing on the group luckily, just a few pesky thieves but nothing else major happened. Your tent was further away from the center of camp where the others were, you enjoyed the solitude that it provided giving your mind and body an opportunity to just breathe and relax. By the gods, you’d take that chance any time it arose. 
You had snuck away from the group while everyone was laughing and talking over the wine from the city. You so desperately wanted to try out this lipstick, but after several attempts and every pass looking worse than the previous your shoulders slumped in defeat, a heavy sigh leaving your lips. You could also ask someone in camp, maybe Shadowheart or Isobel would know. You remember them both stating they’ve worn makeup before, shit, Isobel currently wears makeup. 
But admittedly you didn’t have that type of relationship with them. Of course you were fond of them, friends even, but close enough to ask for something like this? You weren’t sure you were that comfortable with them. Truth be told, you were only close with one person like that in your camp, the pale elf himself, Astarion. An odd person to ask possibly, has he ever worn makeup before – or lipstick even? You weren’t sure, but you weren’t sure if you even cared. 
He’d help you right?   
You shove the tube into your pocket, and head towards the campfire where you left him with the group. The light of the fire danced across his skin, washing warm hues across his pale skin. His rather white hair was highlighted in reds and oranges, his red irises reflecting the vermillion shades of the flames. He was laughing at something Gale was sputtering on about, a genuine smile on his face.
Truly beautiful. 
You step into the light of the fire, one arm crossed across your chest holding yourself close. Caging yourself off as if you’re too afraid to ask such a simple question from the man you adore. “Astarion.” 
Astarion’s attention is ripped away from Gale at the drop of his name, his name sounding like honey on your lips. He’d never get used to it. Warmth blossoms within his chest at the sight of you on the other side of the fire, “Yes, darling.” He smiles towards you, scooting himself over on the log he was sitting on, patting the wood for you to sit next to him. 
You smile at him, and make your way around the side of the fire, offering a small wave to the few people who were still at the campfire. You cross behind Astarion’s back, hand dragging across his shoulders. You lean down behind him, fingers dancing up the back of his neck into his hair. “Can I ask something of you, my love?” 
He leans back into your hand slightly still facing the fire as he answers. “Anything.” 
You kiss his cheek, it’s short and quick as your words mumble and stumble out of your mouth. “Can I ask you away from everyone else?” 
His body stiffens slightly, “Is everything okay?” Astarion turns towards you, his tone shifts in his question. Worry, and something similar to dread fills his eyes as he looks into yours. “Did… did I do something?” 
You offer him a soft smile, “Everything is fine.” You cup his cheek in the palm of your hand, thumb brushing across his fire warmed skin. “You didn’t do anything.” 
He swallows down the worry and dread as he leans into your palm. Astarion nods up at you, “Okay, darling. Where do you want to go?” 
You look past the fire in the direction of your tent, “Is my tent okay?” 
Astarion nods, standing up next to you. “Lead the way.” 
The fact that you wanted to ask Astarion to put lipstick on you was plaguing your mind. You were sure you were making this a bigger deal than it really was, it wasn’t that big of a deal to begin with. But by the gods, your mind was telling you that it was the absolutely worst thing that you could ask of this man. 
You slowly lead him back to your tent, your hand in his. The warmth of the fire still lingering on his skin, the cool evening breeze bringing a yin and yang sensation. “Now, darling, I’m dying to know what you wanted to ask.” 
You were second guessing yourself as you pulled the front of your tent open and allowed him and yourself to walk in. You take a deep breath, “I… I — uh.” You shake your head and take a few steps further into your tent. 
Astarion squeezes your hand, “You can ask me anything, you know that.” 
You sigh, letting go of his hand as you drag your fingers through your hair. “I know.” You look at him, the crimson irises carefully watching you. You start pacing the length of your tent. It’s not big by any means, just enough room for your bed roll, a small table and stool. But you were gonna pace it as much as you could, as much as the space would allow; trying as best as you could to allow your mind some room to think of the question at hand. 
You were biting your nails as you heard Astarion call for you. Your eyes search his, uncertainty lays heavy on your expression. “You can’t laugh at me, okay?” 
Astarion chuckles at that. You sweet, precious thing of his, he could never. “I wouldn’t dare laugh at you like that.”  
You nod, looking at the floor again. “So I uh – I bought something in the city the other day and I need help putting it on.” 
He raises an eyebrow to you, crossing his arms at his chest. “And what did you buy?” 
You stuff your hand into your pocket and pull out the metal tube, palm side up showing Astarion. Your eyes burn holes into your palm, embarrassment flushes your cheeks red. How stupid is this. 
You hear Astarion stepping forward, into your space. “Lipstick?” 
Your eyes dare to look at him, too scared to see the expression he has on his face. “Yeah, I don’t know how to properly apply it. I was trying earlier, but it kept looking all wrong and bad and Astarion, I just wanted to look pretty.” Your words come out of your mouth a little too quick, not giving your brain enough time to process before speaking. 
Astarion cups your cheek this time, a playful tone to his soft voice. “Oh darling,” He leans in and kisses your forehead. “You are always beautiful.” 
Your arms cross, pouting. “But I wanted to feel pretty.” Your eyes darted up to him for a second before they found the floor, “Wanted to be pretty for you.” 
“There isn’t a day where I don’t think you’re the most stunning person I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He grabs the metal tube from your hand. “But I can put this on for you, if you so wish.” 
You smile at him, “Please.” 
He nods towards your stool, silently asking you to sit down. Your feet take you to the stool and you sit yourself down as Astarion opens the lid, a smile spreads on his face as he sees the color you purchased. It’s nothing flashy, a more mutual tone. Probably to not draw too much attention to yourself if he was to guess. “This color will look so pretty on those lips of yours.” 
“You think so?” 
Astarion steps in between your legs. One hand holds your chin, urging your head upwards so he can see you better. The other hand holds the lipstick carefully, twisted up just enough to be easily applied to your lips. “I know so.” 
Your hands land on the outside of his thighs, just holding his pants as you carefully watch him. His eyes flit to yours and linger for a second longer. “Don’t look at me like that, darling.” 
You smile at him, teasing, “Like what?” 
“Like you want to kiss me.” Crimson eyes drift down to your lips. 
“I always want to kiss you. Always want your lips on me, want them everywhere –.” 
Astarion squeezes your chin, “Behave yourself, sweetheart.” 
You giggle, smiling at him sweetly. “I always behave for you.” 
He cocks an eyebrow to you, a smile plays across his face, fangs exposed slightly in the light of your tent. “I would have to disagree.” His hand moves in slowly, carefully, as he presses the lipstick to your lips. Your eyes are locked onto his, though he isn’t looking at you anymore, you can’t help but just watch him in concentration. Trying his best, giving his best to you. 
He smiles as he pulls the lipstick away from your lips. “Gorgeous. This color suits you, darling.” He grabs your small mirror off the table next to you, flipping the mirror around for yourself to see. 
Your eyes widen at how well it’s applied, like he’s done it a million times. You move the mirror around better to see his work. Astarion was right, the color does suit your skin tone just perfectly. “Thank you Astarion. I – wow. Just how are you so skilled?” 
“Oh,” His eyes fall to the floor, you see his body freeze beyond your mirror as dread fills the pit of your stomach. 
You put the mirror face down on the table, standing quickly as horror washes over your face. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m sorry.”
Astarion shakes his head, and continues anyway. “I used to wear it to lure victims back to Cazador.” His voice is low, hurt as the words are hushed out. 
“I… I didn’t know that, I’m sorry for asking this of you.” 
“I didn’t expect you to, I’ve never told you that.” He shrugs his shoulders. 
“You didn’t have to.” Your nail digs into the palm of your hand, you feel horrible for asking such a thing. If you knew you would have never asked. 
Astarion’s hand reaches out for yours, fingers intertwined with yours. “I’d do anything for you, my love. It was in the past, the future will be better. Even the now is better.” 
You smile at him, "And I'd do anything for you. One day at a time, my love." You giggle, pressing up on your tiptoes as you kiss his cheek. You grin at the mark the lipstick left on his cheek. He laughs knowing you've left a mark on his cheek. "I love you, thank you Astarion." You kiss his lips soft and delicate, sure to be careful not to mess up his work. 
"I love you too, gorgeous. Shall we show our friends?" He takes your hand as the other opens your tent up, awaiting for you to follow him. 
You smile, “What about the mark on your cheek, you want to wipe it off before we go?”
Astarion laughs as his hand snakes around your waist, pulling you close. “I’d wear any mark from you proudly, I’ll leave it.” His hand wraps around the back of your neck and pulls you into a kiss. It’s warm, soft and caring; you’ll never get used to it. Or him for that matter. 
Your thumb brushes across his cheek, as you pull away from the kiss. You smile as his lips are slightly tinted the shade of your lipstick. “Alright, let’s go then.”
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vermillioncourt-if · 5 months
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In south of the Siji Empire, there is a kingdom the sun favors, staying warm and bright through the year. Clothed in luxuriant ruby red silks, the gold of the sunrays, and adorned in feathers, its people are said to house the spirit of fire within themselves. They live their lives loving, desiring, and hating with incandescent fervor. Fueled by the flames of their namesake and the blessing of the sun, the air is ripe to burst into a unstoppable wildfire. Welcome to the Vermillion Court.
The Vermillion Court is a current WIP and new interactive CYOA novel. The focus is heavily on romance, drama, and the characters. It is inspired by fantasy period-piece C-Dramas (Chinese Dramas) and historical romance manhua/manhwa. It will combine pieces from multiple fantasy period-pieces, both Western and Eastern. It's being written in ChoiceScript.
Note: Because this is still a WIP, some names of characters or places may change. All names are presented as "Last Name" "First Name" and I will provide pronunciation guides in the game as well as on the info pages on the blog!
Genre: Romance, Drama, Court Drama
Rating: 18+ (Will include sexual content, potential violence, and typical warnings attached to fantasy period-pieces)
Tracked Tag: #the vermillion court
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In The Vermillion Court, you are taken to the fantasy period-piece inspired world and continent of Nian. You play as the Fourth Prince or Princess of the Xiatian Kingdom, the child of the King of the Xiatian Kingdom and one of his consorts. As Fourth Prince/Princess, you have a pretty open schedule and a nice cushy life. Being among the first five princes and princesses makes you a prominent enough figure and with six siblings ahead of you in line, no one's really paying attention to what you want to do with your life.
The year is 730 and spring has just given way to the summer season. Various festivals and events are held across the Siji Empire to celebrate the season. At 21-years-old, you're all but happy to attend the social events of the season. Before you leave for the main city, your grandmother informs you that you should look for a partner while there. Apparently your father has been convinced by his favorite wife, Consort Xing, to start marrying you and your siblings off to the other kingdoms. You suspect it has to do with trying to make her son the Crown Prince and are dreading seeing your whole family together again.
Your personal guard and maid accompany you to the capital of Xiatian, where you start a season of festivities, social events, and romance, while also maneuvering the politics of your court and the drama that comes with it.
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Play as a man or woman. Choose to be gay, straight, or bisexual
Customize the way you look. Decide what to wear to events to make an impression on the guests
Attend various festivals, parties, and social events to boost your reputation and make allies to help defend you against courtly drama
Choose to romance 1 of 6 characters: your Personal Guard, your Maid, a Lord from the Chuntian Kingdom, a Lady from the Dongtian Kingdom, a Merchant from the Qiutian Kingdom, or a Courtesan
Each route follows the same set of 6 events, but each varies greatly from the others
Find a fiancé(e) before summer ends!
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The Fourth Prince/Princess of the Xiatian Kingdom - You (he/him) or (she/her)
You play as the 21-year-old Fourth Prince/Princess of the Xiatian Kingdom. Your father is King Nan Shaimian of the Xiatian Kingdom and your mother is his consort, Consort Huo Qinwen. You are 1 of their 4 children, having 1 older brother and a younger brother and sister, but that fails in comparison to your 18 half-siblings.
You are one of Dowager Queen Nan Niexing's favorite grandchildren, which she proudly states much to the chagrin of your father's 4 other wives.
Appearance: player determined.
Your Personal Guard - Si Huaiqiao (he/him)
Huaiqiao is your personal bodyguard. He is 25-years-old and has been guarding you since you were children. He is very serious and a tad grumpy, always wearing a frown. He doesn't take his job lightly, coming across overprotective, even for a personal guard. He tends to be clueless when it comes to romance, often missing the many women and men flirting with him. You appreciate his work, but maybe you've come to see him more than just your guard?
Appearance: Huaiqiao is a very tall man, standing at around 6'4. He is muscular and fit and is considered to be very attractive. He has straight black hair pulled out of his face that falls to about mid-back when loose. He has clear fair skin and deep black eyes.
Your Maid - Xu Chanyu (she/her)
Chanyu is your personal maid. She is 20-years-old and has been helping you since you were 15. She is a clumsy maid, fumbling over her words and feet quite often but she tries her best and you've come to find her incompetence rather endearing. Besides, it's not like you keep her in your company because she's a good maid, but rather because she's the only assassin who's came close to killing you. Maybe you've come to see her in a different light?
Appearance: Chanyu is a small and lithe woman. She's about 5'0 and is deceptively strong, regularly holding her own against Huaiqiao. Her hair is a dark reddish-brown and her eyes are a dark brown. Her skin is tanned with some freckles.
The Lord from the Chuntian Kingdom - You Kounao (he/him)
Kounao is a noble from the Chuntian Kingdom who's arrived at the Xiatian Kingdom as a diplomatic envoy. He is 21-years-old and is suave and charming. It's easy to see why the Chuntian Kingdom sent him as one of their envoys. Despite holding a position of importance, he tends to be a bit immature and childish, enjoying playing pranks on the other envoys who accompanied him. You find his company refreshing. Maybe you could pursue him as a potential husband?
Appearance: Kounao is man of average height and build, standing at about 5'9. He is fit, but not muscular. He is of partial foreign descent with clear brown skin and short straight black hair. His eyes are dark brown, nearly black.
The Lady from the Dongtian Kingdom - Shen Sandong (she/her)
Sandong is a noble from the Dongtian Kingdom who's arrived at the Xiatian Kingdom as a diplomatic envoy. She is 22-years-old and is very quiet. Her facial expression doesn't change much and she prefers to keep to herself. She doesn't have much to say, but enjoys letting you talk. She's a welcome change of pace to the typically hectic palace. Her icy demeanor intimidates some people, but maybe you find it charming?
Appearnace: Sandong is a woman of average height at about 5'5. She is beautiful with long straight black hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin is pale and clear. She is thicker with a fuller figure than her counterparts from other kingdoms.
The Merchant from the Qiutian Kingdom - Wei Duqiong (he/him)
Duqiong is a merchant from the Qiutian Kingdom who's come to the Xiatian Kingdom to boost his sales during the festival. He is 23-years-old and comes off as a bit shady. He's an effective business man able to charm even the hardest of buyers, but he's very private about his life, not enjoying small talk. You find him to be mysterious and intriguing, not really having met someone like him before. Maybe you'd like to take the time to get to know him better?
Appearance: Duqiong is a tall man standing at around 6'0. He is thin and lean. He appears to be from partial foreign descent. He has medium-length straight blonde hair pulled into a low ponytail and warm brown eyes. He has smooth light brown skin.
The Courtesan - Wu Nahou (she/her)
Nahou is a courtesan from one of the more popular courtesan houses in the city. Unlike her some of sisters, Nahou doesn't provide any physical services and just entertains at parties by playing music, dancing, and reciting poetry. She is 24-years-old and is pleasant and demure while working. Off the clock, she is more rowdy with strong opinions and a confident, self-assured attitude. Maybe you'd like to spend more time with her?
Appearance: Nahou is a shorter woman at about 5'3. She is of partial foreign descent with wavy red hair and hazel eyes. Her skin is pale with freckles and she's considered to be very beautiful. Her frame is more slight and willowy than simply thin.
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lyneyluv · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ ... 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒆!
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— diluc & childe (separate).
— fluff, suggestive. archon quest spoilers. implied relationship. alcohol consumption (childe). ajax's is extensively longer ..... sry :P
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the two of you sit before the heart of a warm fire, speakers above playing sweet, smooth jazz melodies that flood your senses. whatever language the woman sings her cacophony of accidentals in, it seems to make the fire envelop you completely, leaning further into the man seated next to you.
diluc slowly rises from his spot next to you, lifting his arm from where it hung around your shoulder. standing before you, his hand traces down your arm and finds itself in the palm of your own as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
“come on,” he says in a hushed voice, nothing but warmth behind his gaze, “dance with me.”
you smile shyly under his frame and take his offer, prying yourself from the comfort of the plush couch to face your lover.
“‘luc, you know i have two left feet,” you huff out, almost too willingly giving in to his request.
he hums in response, his eyes lulling shut as his free hand finds your other and begins swaying along with the tempo surrounding you. he rests his head atop your own as you reel in the feeling of his breath against your scalp. you sway as the music continues with its piano and saxophone riffs, one song ending and another starting. you feel him smile against your hair before he removes himself from above you, taking your waist with his hand as he spins you in circles.
it’s intoxicating. you catch glimpses of his form when it comes into your view as you twirl around and around, the world seemingly stilling as you return to your place before him. your eyes rake over everything and all that he is: his broad shoulders, free from his heavy day coat, his chest adorning a simple white button-down rolled up at the sleeves, his hair cascading down his collarbones as it takes its best efforts to break free from the tie he haphazardly put it up with. you meet his vermillion eyes, a breath catching in your throat as you admire the stars that twinkle in his gaze.
suddenly, the track playing changes, switching to a more lively and upbeat song that lights up the room. a ghost of a laugh is lost on diluc’s tongue as you hop to turn the music up, the melodies getting impossibly louder as you pivot on your heels to sashay towards him, taking his hand and circling around him. the hit hats dance in your eyes as bursts of music play in the air around you. the essence of the song seeps into every pore on your skin as diluc’s scarred hands cup your jaw, his face coming so close your noses graze against one another. he drinks in the sight of you—the feeling of you—and sighs.
“you’re beautiful,” his eyes bore into yours as your arms snake around his torso, “i love you.”
childe never really plays music on his own, opting to listen only whenever you hit play. its not that he doesn't like it, he just can't seem to focus whenever there's something playing in the background. tonight was no different: the two of you were cleaning up the kitchen after a nice dinner when you decided it was too quiet, playing some easy listening jazz: specifically the kind you'd hear in a low-lit restaurant that serves food with way less sustenance on the plate than what you're paying for.
your hips sway as you spray and wipe the counters, gently humming along with a tune you've familiarized yourself with. your twirl around the wood floor, passing ajax every now and then as he catches you in the corner of his eye. the sultry sounds of the melodies passing through his senses compliments the half-empty bottle wine sitting on the countertop.
you pass him again but this time are stopped by his arm around your waist, pulling your back against his chest as he rocks back and forth with you. "what's got you so happy?" he questions as he hooks his chin around your shoulder, feathering light kisses down your neck, "was my cooking that good?" he teases. each peck leaves a searing hot train in their wake as a shiver runs through your spine.
you inhale, placing your hand in his hair as you play with the ginger tresses. "oh, absolutely," you exaggerate as you turn your head to kiss the corner of his mouth, "i have no idea what i'd do if i didn't have a beautiful boyfriend to cook for me so generously like you do."
you smile lovingly into his eyes as he turns your frame to face him, his hands staying on your body as they travel up and down your waist. "mm, right," he hums through a slight smirk and lays his forehead against yours.
looking up into and nearly getting lost in his endless ocean of a gaze, you place a kiss upon his lips and back away from him. his face instinctively chased your own before you spoke, "dance with me."
before he can even think of an answer, he follows you into the living room and takes your hand in his. looking up at you, he bows regally with and arm behind his back as he places a saccharine kiss upon your fingers—the ones he silently promises to soon decorate with a ring. his eyes shine as they catch the light radiating from the kitchen, crystal blue irises peering at you through his long lashes. he's stunning, you think, any thoughts you had running through your head haulting to a stop. dazzled and frozen in place by the prince of a man before you, you step into his arms.
it's nothing special; not a waltz nor tango, just the two of you swaying together in the dim light of your home. your head lays against his shoulder, drinking in as much of him as you humanly can within the constraints of staying awake. the wine in your system warms you from within and leaves a whirring buzz in your mind as you hold onto your grip of reality, ajax's hands roaming the expanse of your torso and the rhythm you fall into doing no good in helping your poor attempt of sanity.
you feel one of his hands coming up, lifting your chin to meet his eyes as you fall in love over and over again in the infinite depths of his gaze. his hand spans across your cheek as his thumb caresses it gently, eventually traveling down to press against your lips. his eyes flit between your features, from your eyes to the tip of your nose and down to your plush lips he traces with his finger. he reels in the way you feel within his grasp as the music playing becomes a soundtrack for the film of his love that plays before him, losing himself in his adoration as he finally leans in to indulge in you.
the kiss is searing hot as it mixes with the interchanging major and minor chords the piano plays surrounding you both. the singing continues above the saxophones and drums, yet all you can hear is the sweet melody of your shared embrace: birds chirping in jueyun karst, breeze whistling through the tall grass in windrise, the silence of the snow falling in snezhnaya, the glittering of the glowing grass in chinju forest—you hear it all through your shared embrace. the pace picks up as small gasps are heard over the music, ajax's hands finding their way underneath your shirt as they move across the expanse of your body leaving a lingering warmth in their path. your lips dance against one another in a sparkling duet as you feel yourself getting ever hotter from the invasion of your senses.
"jazz isn't so bad, hmm?" he chimes, smirking as he dips back into your lips.
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©𝑙𝑦𝑛𝑒𝑦𝑙𝑢𝑣 ’24
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sinfulpanda16 · 4 months
Cute Barista
He walks into the cafe not feeling stoked about today. So many things going on in his head, so much shit to do, so much stress to bear and for what? For nothing really.
He goes up to the barista and makes eye contact with her. Her eyes are a beautiful (e/c) color, her hair and skin look so soft, her cute facial features are making him blush.
"What can I get you?" she asks. Her voice is so calming and friendly and has a lovely pitch to it.
She giggles a bit causing him to snap back to reality. He orders his drink and watches as she prepares it for him. When its done she hands it to him and gives him the cutest smile before going back to focus on her work.
He glances at her one more time before walking out of the cafe. Smiling like an idiot to himself he makes a note to get his coffee there every morning. That cute barista brighten up his whole day.
Gojo Saturo, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Bakugou Katsuki, Eijiro Kirishima, Hitsoshi Shinsou, Izuku Midoriya, Yuno Grinberryall, Fuegoleon Vermillion, Draken, Baji Kiesuke, Armin Arlert, Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman
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pacentia · 7 months
Hi! Are you still in the mood for smut fics? If you possible can write, I would love to read Astarion oral receiving
Title: Restrictions
Tags: mdni, nsfw, F domme/m sub, bondage, aftercare, cuddles, L-bombs, gentle femdom, blowjobs, teasing, vaginal sex
Pairing: established relationship female!reader x nonascended!Astarion
Note: thank you for the request ❤️ i did my own take and felt like writing a submissive non-ascended Astarion. didn't proofread too much. Requests are open!
He's beautiful underneath you, lost in pleasure. Tousled curls, bare fangs, flush ears, cock deep inside you while his hands are carefully tied to the bedpost in soft, burgundy silk. He could break free anytime he wanted, but he entrusted you with power over him - and you were honored that he allowed you power over his body and soul.
Astarion was exceptionally vocal, needy moans as he was on the verge of tears. Your warm, tight cunt was overstimulating him - you hadn't given him permission to come just yet. Muscles and sinews were visibly flexing underneath the skin of his stomach and his strong arms. Your hands were pressed on his broad, pale chest, your cunt slowly sinking up and down on him.
"D-Darling, I - c-can't - hold on much longer…" He whined in desperation, beads of sweat pooling at his brow. You giggled at his pleas, and tightened your cunt around him - making him gasp and moan out your name.
"Does that feel nice, my sweet vampling?" You purred, and he nodded desperately. That term of endearment always made him feel so fuzzy inside. Happy tears pooled on his pale cheeks, which you gently wiped away. Your lips softly pressed against his pointy ear, teasing him with sweet nuzzles, licks and kisses. Goosebumps formed all over his pale skin, his big cock pulsing inside of you.
"Ooh-h… Fuck - darling! It… tickles…" Beautiful chuckles escaped his throat. Your lips curled into a smile and for one last time, you dragged your tight cunt over him - until his length slid out of you against his taut stomach. Your body relaxed beside him and your hands exploring and roaming his flush chest.
His vermillion eyes screamed frustration, as if the heavens had just disappeared. Astarion whined, begged for your heat again, "Please, my love…" The vampire pouted, nuzzling into your neck.
"Patience, my sweet." You sing-songed while your hand only slid more southwards, until you encircled his wet, stiff cock in your palm. Astarion groaned deeply, his hips bucking into your grasp - his fingers gripping the red silk for dear life.
Your tongue invaded his eager mouth as you went to work on his flush member. Pre oozed from his tip, your thumb swirling it over his sensitive head. The vampire was putty in your hold, moaning into your mouth as his eyes rolled in the back of his head. All of his smart talk disappeared, his brain just mush from pleasure.
But again, you stopped your sweet torture and watched him closely.
"Darling," Astarion shivered, "Please…" Big red eyes begging for more, for release. He pushed his forehead against yours, whining into your skin. Seeing your vampiric man in agony from pleasure was soaking you - but it was all about his sweet torture tonight.
"Do you want to cum, Astarion?" You whispered against his lips.
"Please, God's, I beg of you darling." He hissed, completely lost in pleasure. You kissed him once more, until you repositioned yourself and straddled his muscled thighs. You shifted on all fours, your palms gripping his cock again, and guided him inside your mouth.
Astarion hissed from pleasure, baring his sharp fangs involuntarily. He wanted to break free, guide your head on his cock - but no, he was going to be your good little vampling and earn his orgasm. And your care afterwards… It made him feel so safe, loved, treasured.
You started bobbing your head up and down his large member - the last few inches you needed to deepthroat. Astarion growled and whined, toes curled from your skills, cursing under his breath how wonderful you were at this. You chuckled on him, and dragged your tongue against the underside of his shaft as you sucked him. The bulging veins in his member were pulsing against your expert tongue, salty pre oozing at the back of your throat.
"Mistress, can I p-please cum - I can't h-hold on- please-" Astarion looked down at you with wet eyes, about to explode in your mouth. He couldn't hold back any longer.
Mistress. So, he truly enjoyed giving away power. This was the first time he had called you Mistress.
You let go of him with a loud pop, lips connected to his tip while you jerked him off swiftly. "Yes, Astarion. Cum for me. Cum for me, sweetling."
He didn't need to hear that twice, and with a loud cry he erupted against the back of your throat, his powerful orgasm spreading through his strong core, losing himself in pleasure. Never before had it felt so good, being a good boy for you had definitely paid off in the end.
You swallowed his thick essence down, giving him one last suck to clean off the mess. He gasped from overstimulation, begging you to stop your ministrations. So you did, and placed your body right beside his, gently untying his hands from the silk.
Coming down from this newfound pleasure made him feel vulnerable, and he wasn't sure on how to behave or react. He'd been a slave for so long - he had been restricted in truly torturous ways. But the way you had treated him with such care and pleasure, made him feel an explosion of emotions.
His vermillion eyes screamed for an embrace, for care. You reached for the soft duvet, carefully covered his exposed body, and took your vampire in your arms. His face was buried in your neck, your pulse and the smell of you grounding him. Your digits gently stroked through his silver curls, pressing a dear kiss to his hair.
"Are you alright, my sweet?" You whispered softly, looking down at him - wanting nothing more for him to feel safe and loved.
Astarion only nodded against your neck, his arms clung around your body, never wanting to let you go. Your vampire closed his eyes, so thankful that after 200 years of pure shit, he was allowed to experience such deep devotion and pure love.
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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[ 18+ / SEM GATILHOS / TIPO 2. ]
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NOME LEGAL: Hsu Changning.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NASCIMENTO: 17/11/1992.
CIDADE NATAL: Taipei, Taiwan.
POSIÇÃO: Líder, dançarino guia, visual do VER!MILLION!.
DEBUT: 19 de abril de 2011.
CONTA: thattaiguy
FACECLAIM: Mark Tuan, idol.
Capa de revista coreana solo: ChicTeen Magazine, junho de 2017 — 15 pontos
Spread de revista estrangeira solo: SPOTLiGHT, fevereiro de 2018 — 15 pontos
Capa de revista estrangeira solo: VOGUE Thailand, dezembro de 2018 — 20 pontos
Comercial de marca único: ADIDAS, abril de 2019 — 15 pontos
Embaixador de marca de luxo por 6 meses: YSL — 40 pontos
Participação em um fashion show estrangeiro: YSL, março de 2022 — 15 pontos
– Participação em um single da companhia: Gasoline - 2022 (15 pontos)
– Participação em um single da companhia: Advice - 2021 (15 pontos)
– Participação em um single da companhia: IDEA - 2020 (15 pontos)
– Participação em um b-side da companhia: Black Rose – 10 pontos
– Participação em um b-side da companhia: Criminal – 10 pontos
– Participação em um b-side da companhia: Heaven – 10 pontos
– Participação em um b-side da companhia: Sexuality – 10 pontos
– Momento viral: Uma fancam de Kairos tirando a camisa num dos shows durante Ko Ko Bop rendeu 10M visualizações no Twitter, entrou nos trending searches do MelOn e permaneceu por 3 dias, sendo um marco em sua carreira solo
• Changning não tinha a menor necessidade de trabalhar. Seu pai, Hsu Haoning, era dono de uma das maiores corporativas de Taiwan e mesmo que eles perdessem metade de sua fortuna  um dia para o outro, Changning e seus três irmãos ainda teriam dinheiro para o resto da vida. Quando decidiu ser idol, estava unindo interesses próprios e pessoais a uma forma de ganhar qualquer tipo de dinheiro, sem ter realmente um sonho de pisar nos palcos.
• Sendo o irmão mais velho, Changning estava mais do que acostumado a lidar com responsabilidades em grupo. Não a toa o cargo de líder foi conferido a ele, uma vez que todos os problemas eram resolvidos em seus diálogos e suas reuniões. Ele também estava sempre aberto a conversar e propunha atividades interativas no início da carreira para que os membros descobrissem suas desavenças e ele os pudesse orientar, propositadamente.
• Diz-se que sua personalidade mudou de uns anos pra cá. Portas da empresa a fora, Kairos já foi visto como um dos idols mais carinhosos e gentis nos primeiros anos de debut, mas atualmente, ele faria de tudo para não chegar perto dos fãs fisicamente/fora do palco. Depois dos escândalos com sasaengs e perseguições absurdas, sua simpatia e sua dedicação esfriaram em muitos momentos e Kairos já não faz questão de dar autógrafos ou tirar fotos com quem o reconhece nas ruas. Ele também detesta que tirem fotos desavisadas suas e reclama publicamente sempre que isso acontece.
• Seus primeiros anos como idol foram difíceis e em seus dias atuais ele enfrenta as consequências da árdua dedicação. Transtornos de ansiedade como TAG e TEPT (uma vez que Kairos já se envolveu em um acidente de carro devido às perseguições) são questões com as quais precisa conviver, embora nunca tenha falado disso publicamente. Evita dar explicações para os desmaios e para as ausências em programas de variedade, além de buscar um direcionamento mais reservado no presente momento de sua carreira.
• Apesar dos pontos negativos, ele se mantém na indústria por um mínimo prazer de produzir arte da maneira que mais lhe agrada. Changning encontrou razão em sua vida monótona graças à música e faz questão de enfatizar isso nas entrevistas, mesmo que Kairos dê uma exagerada em algo que não passa de um simples prazer.
• Kairos e Changning são pessoas completamente diferentes e muitas vezes Changning se cansa de Kairos, embora precise mantê-lo para preservar a si mesmo em meio à indústria.
• Kairos é o homem do palco, dos fanmeetings, fansigns e showcases, das reuniões e burocracias. Changning é o verdadeiro líder que convive diariamente no dormitório com seus membros e se preocupa com suas performances, é o homem que convive pacificamente com staffs e managers e trata aqueles que lhe oferecem suporte com toda consideração possível.
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royokochoko · 28 days
Fumikage Tokoyami's aunt!Y/N
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This will be a series, i think.. (Im only posting this on tumblr bc i still cant make up a title and description so the temporary title will be "CRIMSON RED" Ig???ALSO I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT COLORS OMGGG !!
INFORMATION: Y/N Tokoyami (Current), an honourable 25-year-old woman who has been in the singing industry for 9 years and very well known amongst the American Pro Heroes, decides to go reside in Japan, Musutafu after her failed marriage with someone (not important) at age 19 and had to suffer abuse and loosing her child at the age of 20, summoning the courage to leave her husband at the age of 22 . This time, Y/N decides to look for a better future at Japan after being targeted by villains, she discovers Keiko, a young boy with broken wings, whom she legally adopts and a certain avian pro-hero who catches her interest.
(Side-eyes you intensively.)
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CHAPTER 1: Red wing black birds are are pretty cool too!
Y/N Tokoyami stood on the balcony of her newly rented apartment, gazing out the bustling streets of Musutafu. The city lights twinkled like stars in the night sky, a sight that brought a sense of calm to her troubled heart. It had been a long journey from America, a journey marked with pain and loss, but now, here in japan, she hoped to find peace and a fresh start.
As she turned to retreat into her apartment, a faint of rustling sound caught her attention. Frowning, she glanced towards the source of the noise and froze. There, on her floor ─ was a heavily injured man with feathery, ashy, and unkept blond hair with a pair of a vermillion wings. The winged man kneeled on the ground as he clenched on his abdomen, possibly from a serious injury located there.
Y/N couldn't help but feel sympathy for the unknown man, her heart clenched as she approached him. "Um, hello?" she said gently, her wings fluttering behind her as she crouched down to meet his level. "Are you.. okay?"
The winged man flinched at her voice as he turned around to be met with a pair of red and bloodshot eyes, staring directly at him competently. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "I didn't mean to barge in your.. apartment ─ Fuck!" He hissed out in pain as his pair of wings rustled once more.
Y/N sighed, her eyes shifting to his wings, noticing. It is a bit damaged and hung limply at both of their sides, still shaking intensively as it flapped slowly. "I'll- be back." She abruptly spoke, turning around, looking at the winged figure before she ran inside.
Y/N hurried into her apartment, her heart pounding with concern for the injured man outside. She rummaged through her shelves, searching for anything that could help alleviate his pain and tend to his injuries. After a few seconds, she managed to find a first aid kit tucked away deeper within, it took her quite a while due to how it was safely stored. Still, she managed to obtain the kit when she grabbed the handle.
She rushed back outside and kneeled at the winged man's side, Y/N carefully opened the first aid kit and began to assess the extent of his injuries. The man winced in pain as he probed at his abdomen, his breathing coming in ragged gasps as he clenched his fists while staring at the other with the lack of any emotion besides pain.
Y/N noticed the intensifying atmosphere around them as she tendered on the wounds. "It's going to be okay," she murmured softly, her voice laced with reassurance as she faced him "I don't care what happened here, I'm going to take care of you."
The man's eyes widened in surprise at her words, a mixture of disbelief and gratitude shining in their depts. "Thank you" He said whispered hoarsely, his voice barely a whisper due to the blasting noises from the city.
Y/N offered him a small smile as she continued to tend to his injuries, her hands moving swiftly before pausing, her face reddening as she faced the stranger. "C-can I cut your shirt?" she uttered, her voice tinged with nervousness. "I need to-" Her words trailed off as she realized the intimate nature of her request, her hands swiftly making their way to her face to hide her flushed cheeks.
"Your blood is mixed in with the... fabric," she continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I-I need to wrap this bandage to stop the bleeding."
The heavy silence lingered, awkward and palpable, wrapping around Y/N like a suffocating blanket. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, betraying her embarrassment. Meanwhile, the stranger's gaze seemed to bore into her, making her squirm under its intensity.
Finally, breaking the tension, the stranger blinked and coughed, as if suddenly aware of the discomfort they both shared. With a nod, he tried to diffuse the situation. "Yeah, sure." He said, offering a casual agreement. "I mean- your the pretty nurse here. You can do anything with me." He chuckled, adding a slick remark which left Y/N completely destroyed and filled with embarrassment
Y/N's heart sank as the stranger's words as a rush of heat flooded her cheeks, her embarrassment now reaching a new peak. She felt her confidence crumbling beneath the weight of the stranger's slick remark, his smirk only adding insult to injury.
"I'm serious..." She whispered, her head facing sideways as she tries to hide herself from the stranger. "I- you know what? I'm just gonna ignore you and focus."
Y/N's whispered response carried a hint of vulnerability, her attempt to shield herself from the stranger's gaze evident in her turned head. The sting of his words lingered, casting a shadow over the interaction as she struggled to regain her composure.
With a quiet determination, she resolved to push past the discomfort, her voice wavering slightly as she made her intentions clear. "I'm serious..." she repeated softly, her resolve firm despite the lingering unease. Turning her attention away from the stranger, Y/N focused on the task at hand, carefully scissoring around the freshly healed wounds as she took a compression bandage and carefully circling it around the strangers waist.
As she finished tending to the stranger's needs, Y/N shifted her head, her gaze steady as she met his eyes once more. Though the discomfort still lingered, she refused to it rush pass her mind and sighed, "There you go," She said tirelessly, her hands still on the strangers waist before pulling back. "Feelin' okay?"
The stranger's response was slow in coming, his gaze shifting slightly as he considered Y/N's question. After a moment of silence, he offered a faint nod, his expression softening. "Yeah, I'm alright," he replied, his voice quieter than before. There was a hint of sincerity in his tone, a recognition perhaps of the impact of his earlier remark. Y/N nodded in acknowledgment, a small flicker of relief crossing her features.
With a subtle nod, she took a step back, giving him some space. "If you ever need anything, just call me," As she turned her head, she realized something VERY important and turned to face the winged man once more. "Do you have anyone I could contact to? A close relative or friend, perhaps?"
The stranger's intense gaze sent a shiver down her spine as he spoke urgently, "Uhh... yeah, can you call my agency? Tell them I need help."
His mention of an "agency" piqued her curiosity, especially paired with the possessive "my." She couldn't help but wonder, "Agency? My? What do you mean?" Her confusion was evident as she raised her brows, waiting for an explanation. The stranger's expression shifted to one of shock as he clarified, "If you meant like a business agency or some store agency-sure, just give me some time. Just know ruthless some of them are, especially with a rando like me!"
"No, not a 'business' or some kind of agency," he insisted, his tone urgent. "Hero agency. You know, like the Hawks Agency?" His words hung in the air.
'Hero?' Her mind raced with possibilities. Hero agency? Was he implying he was a Pro- hero? The notion seemed absurd, like something so unpredictable, not much of a re-occuring event but still possible. Yet, his urgency and the intensity in his gaze made her pause, considering the possibility that he might be serious.
"You're saying you're... a Pro-hero?" she asked incredulously, her skepticism evident in her tone. The stranger nodded slowly, making it seem like he is 'shocked' as well.
"I'm a pro hero.. yeah─ I'm sure you must've heard of me, at least once.." She hesitated, unsure whether to believe him or dismiss his claim as delusion.
"Look, I'm sorry for disrespecting you in any way but I really don't know you nor' believe that you are some kind of pro-hero." She paused. "In my defense! I'm new to Japan and haven't yet adjusted to the Hero Ranking. So sorry if I managed to insult you because, frankly, there's no rule that we all should know about each and every heroes!".
The stranger's expression softened slightly at Y/N's outburst, understanding flickering in his eyes. "I'm sorry for assuming. I'm not much of a bad guy in first impressions.." He muttered softly, gaze still fixated on Y/N.
"I guess not everyone knows every hero, especially if you're new here." Y/N nodded, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders at his understanding. She glanced down at her hands, fidgeting nervously as she contemplated her next words.
"So, um, if you don't mind me asking..." she began tentatively, "who are you? I mean, what's your hero name?" The stranger hesitated for a moment before answering, as if deliberating over his response.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low but firm. "I go by the name Hawks," he said, his eyes meeting Y/N's with a sense of gravity. "I'm much known for my red wings- Which is one of the reasons that got me shocked when you questioned about me being a pro hero. I rarely get reactions like that and all."
"Seriously?" She couldn't help but laugh at his given statement. "In my country, there's like two or three pro heroes who have the similar yet totally amazing-than-yours wings. Not to mention your name which is kinda misleading.. I'd say your much of a red wing black bird, but it might just be me."
Hawks chuckled, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Well, I can't argue with that comparison. Red-winged blackbirds are pretty cool creatures too, I guess. But hey, being a bit misleading keeps people on their toes, right?" He flashed a playful grin (to hide off his pride slowly crumbling into ashes. A-hah!)
Y/N sighed, her tone conceding, "I suppose that's a valid point."
Hawks's smile faltered momentarily, but he quickly regained his composure, his gaze meeting hers with a silent understanding. "So," His voice suddenly faltered as he realized his whole situation. "Thank you for helping me today. I could've lost a lot of blood before I could contact the agency. "
"Oh, It's nothing. Although I find it very unfortunate and stressing that I have blood on my balcony right now. You should totally fix that up before anyone finds about it and suspects me of a murderer," She grinned, "Which I am not and will never be. So, I really hope that you tell off your 'agency' to clean up your mess...or just you, because I damn mind my reputation, right now!"
"Well, I would certainly do that." He chuckled, His wings fluttered gently and evenly due to a few minor injuries on his left wing.
"You better be-" Y/N paused, noticing the difference on his wings, well to be specific, the movement of his wings which caused her to raise a brow. "Is your left wing usually like that? Always shaky and shit... Or is it just because of your fallout earlier?" She questioned, arms folding on her chest as she sat beside him.
Hawks hummed, "I lost balance after a heavy blow with a winged-villain. I don't know what they just did, but it certainly gave me a huge load of pain in my main and left wing," He sighed, "Still experiencing the excruciating pain, by the way."
Y/N nodded sympathetically, her expression reflecting concern for Hawks' well-being. "I see. Well, can you tell me your phone number so that I can contact them?" She reached out her phone from her pockets as she waited for his response.
"Uh yeah," he resumed. "Its (--), Just tell them about my situation and where am I, currently." He added
Y/N nodded, quickly entering Hawks' phone number into her contacts. "Got it. I'll make sure to let them know about your situation and whereabouts," she assured him, her fingers typing swiftly on her phone screen.
Once she had saved the number, she glanced back up at Hawks with a reassuring smile. "I'll give them a call right away." She assured.
With that, Y/N immiedtly dialled the number and held the phone on her, patiently waiting as it rang. After a few moments, someone picked up on the other end, which caused Y/N to feel a sense of relief washed over her.
"Hello?" She greeted.
She glanced towards Hawks before launching into an explanation with his situation, emphasizing the urgency of the matter. She provided the necessary details, including their current location ─ which was her apartment on room 342, before concluding the call with a sense of relief.
"Um, yes, uh-huh." She said before shifting her head to face hawks. " Alrighty! They're sending someone to pick you up." She informed as she tucked her phone back into her pocket. "You should be in good hands soon."
Hawks nodded gratefully, a flicker of relief crossing his features. "Thank you," he paused. "I haven't really gotten your name.." He questioned.
Y/N blinked a few times before responding, "Uh─ yeah! My name is Y/N, you can call me whatever you like."
Hawks beamed, "Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate your help."
Y/N chuckled, waving off his thanks as she smiled. " It's no problem at all. I'm just glad I could be of assistance."
-Word Count: 2200+ (no a/n)
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In south of the Siji Empire, there is a kingdom the sun favors, staying warm and bright through the year. Clothed in luxuriant ruby red silks, the gold of the sunrays, and adorned in feathers, its people are said to house the spirit of fire within themselves. They live their lives loving, desiring, and hating with incandescent fervor. Fueled by the flames of their namesake and the blessing of the sun, the air is ripe to burst into a unstoppable wildfire. Welcome to the Vermillion Court.
The Vermillion Court is a current WIP and new interactive CYOA novel. The focus is heavily on romance, drama, and the characters. It is inspired by fantasy period-piece C-Dramas (Chinese Dramas) and historical romance manhua/manhwa. It will combine pieces from multiple fantasy period-pieces, both Western and Eastern. It's being written in ChoiceScript.
This game is my palate cleanser for my main game, Under the Eyes of Themis. Updates may be slow since that game will receive most of my attention, but I will try to update at least once a month! Please feel free to send asks or anything, since this has quickly become a bit of a passion project!
Note: Because this is still a WIP, some names of characters or places may change. All names are presented as "Last Name" "First Name" and I will provide pronunciation guides in the game as well as on the info pages on the blog!
Genre: Romance, Drama, Court Drama
Rating: 18+ (Will include sexual content, potential violence, and typical warnings attached to fantasy period-pieces)
Tracked Tag: #the vermillion court
Demo || Romance Options || Side Characters || FAQ || Tag Navigation || Pintrest || Dedicated Side Blog
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In The Vermillion Court, you are taken to the fantasy period-piece inspired world and continent of Nian. You play as the Fourth Prince or Princess of the Xiatian Kingdom, the child of the King of the Xiatian Kingdom and one of his consorts. As Fourth Prince/Princess, you have a pretty open schedule and a nice cushy life. Being among the first five princes and princesses makes you a prominent enough figure and with six siblings ahead of you in line, no one's really paying attention to what you want to do with your life.
The year is 730 and spring has just given way to the summer season. Various festivals and events are held across the Siji Empire to celebrate the season. At 21-years-old, you're all but happy to attend the social events of the season. Before you leave for the main city, your grandmother informs you that you should look for a partner while there. Apparently your father has been convinced by his favorite wife, Consort Xing, to start marrying you and your siblings off to the other kingdoms. You suspect it has to do with trying to make her son the Crown Prince and are dreading seeing your whole family together again.
Your personal guard and maid accompany you to the capital of Xiatian, where you start a season of festivities, social events, and romance, while also maneuvering the politics of your court and the drama that comes with it.
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Play as a man or woman. Choose to be gay, straight, or bisexual
Customize the way you look. Decide what to wear to events to make an impression on the guests
Attend various festivals, parties, and social events to boost your reputation and make allies to help defend you against courtly drama
Choose to romance 1 of 6 characters: your Personal Guard, your Maid, a Lord from the Chuntian Kingdom, a Lady from the Dongtian Kingdom, a Merchant from the Qiutian Kingdom, or a Courtesan
Each route follows the same set of 6 events, but each varies greatly from the others
Find a fiancé(e) before summer ends!
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The Fourth Prince/Princess of the Xiatian Kingdom - You (he/him) or (she/her)
You play as the 21-year-old Fourth Prince/Princess of the Xiatian Kingdom. Your father is King Nan Shaimian of the Xiatian Kingdom and your mother is his consort, Consort Huo Qinwen. You are 1 of their 4 children, having 1 older brother and a younger brother and sister, but that fails in comparison to your 18 half-siblings.
You are one of Dowager Queen Nan Niexing's favorite grandchildren, which she proudly states much to the chagrin of your father's 4 other wives.
Appearance: player determined.
Your Personal Guard - Si Huaiqiao (he/him)
Huaiqiao is your personal bodyguard. He is 25-years-old and has been guarding you since you were children. He is very serious and a tad grumpy, always wearing a frown. He doesn't take his job lightly, coming across overprotective, even for a personal guard. He tends to be clueless when it comes to romance, often missing the many women and men flirting with him. You appreciate his work, but maybe you've come to see him more than just your guard?
Appearance: Huaiqiao is a very tall man, standing at around 6'4. He is muscular and fit and is considered to be very attractive. He has straight black hair pulled out of his face that falls to about mid-back when loose. He has clear fair skin and deep black eyes.
Your Maid - Xu Chanyu (she/her)
Chanyu is your personal maid. She is 20-years-old and has been helping you since you were 15. She is a clumsy maid, fumbling over her words and feet quite often but she tries her best and you've come to find her incompetence rather endearing. Besides, it's not like you keep her in your company because she's a good maid, but rather because she's the only assassin who's came close to killing you. Maybe you've come to see her in a different light?
Appearance: Chanyu is a small and lithe woman. She's about 5'0 and is deceptively strong, regularly holding her own against Huaiqiao. Her hair is a dark reddish-brown and her eyes are a dark brown. Her skin is tanned with some freckles.
The Lord from the Chuntian Kingdom - Shen Kounao (he/him)
Kounao is a noble from the Chuntian Kingdom who's arrived at the Xiatian Kingdom as a diplomatic envoy. He is 22-years-old and is suave and charming. It's easy to see why the Chuntian Kingdom sent him as one of their envoys. Despite holding a position of importance, he tends to be a bit immature and childish, enjoying playing pranks on the other envoys who accompanied him. You find his company refreshing. Maybe you could pursue him as a potential husband?
Appearance: Kounao is man of average height and build, standing at about 5'9. He is fit, but not muscular. He is of partial foreign descent with clear brown skin and short straight black hair. His eyes are dark brown, nearly black.
The Lady from the Dongtian Kingdom - You Sandong (she/her)
Sandong is a noble from the Dongtian Kingdom who's arrived at the Xiatian Kingdom as a diplomatic envoy. She is 21-years-old and is very quiet. Her facial expression doesn't change much and she prefers to keep to herself. She doesn't have much to say, but enjoys letting you talk. She's a welcome change of pace to the typically hectic palace. Her icy demeanor intimidates some people, but maybe you find it charming?
Appearnace: Sandong is a woman of average height at about 5'5. She is beautiful with long straight black hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin is pale and clear. She is thicker with a fuller figure than her counterparts from other kingdoms.
The Merchant from the Qiutian Kingdom - Wei Duqiong (he/him)
Duqiong is a merchant from the Qiutian Kingdom who's come to the Xiatian Kingdom to boost his sales during the festival. He is 23-years-old and comes off as a bit shady. He's an effective business man able to charm even the hardest of buyers, but he's very private about his life, not enjoying small talk. You find him to be mysterious and intriguing, not really having met someone like him before. Maybe you'd like to take the time to get to know him better?
Appearance: Duqiong is a tall man standing at around 6'0. He is thin and lean. He appears to be from partial foreign descent. He has medium-length straight blonde hair pulled into a low ponytail and warm brown eyes. He has smooth light brown skin.
The Courtesan - Wu Nahou (she/her)
Nahou is a courtesan from one of the more popular courtesan houses in the city. Unlike her some of sisters, Nahou doesn't provide any physical services and just entertains at parties by playing music, dancing, and reciting poetry. She is 24-years-old and is pleasant and demure while working. Off the clock, she is more rowdy with strong opinions and a confident, self-assured attitude. Maybe you'd like to spend more time with her?
Appearance: Nahou is a shorter woman at about 5'3. She is of partial foreign descent with wavy red hair and hazel eyes. Her skin is pale with freckles and she's considered to be very beautiful. Her frame is more slight and willowy than simply thin.
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can you do Bakugo x reader with an anteater quirk? like reader has massive powerful claws that can break through cement and they have really long tongue.. but they also have little round ears and a big fluffy tail
☆. ┊ Thanks you so much for your request, I hope you like what I came up with!
Hey, Fluffball.
☆.。.:* Includes- katsuki bakugo x reader. fluff. dating relationship. soft bakugo. teasing. protective boyfriend.
☆.。.:* Warnings- gn!reader! fluff, cute moments, nicknames, teasing.
☆.。.:* Word Count- 2,933
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The warm sun shined down from above as you stood barefoot on the sand, waves of cold clear water just inches from your toes. The fresh scent of sea salt engulfed your senses as a gust of wind blew around your body. 
Everything around you felt serene and peaceful, even the seagulls that were flying high up in the clouds seemed to relish in the bliss that you had the privilege of living in. You closed your e/c eyes slowly before inhaling deeply through your nose, the muscles in your shoulders relaxed. 
“Babe!” A husky voice echoed. 
You gently reopened your eyes as you searched for the direction of the voice, your head turning around the vast beach coastline. Your attention was caught by the blurry figure of a man in the distance, his strong muscular stature waved at you from down the beach. 
The heart in your chest started pounding like the persistent waves against the crumbing cliffs, the man called out towards you again and you couldn’t stop your feet from moving towards his voice. The first few steps were timid, unsure of whether to draw closer but once you had caught a glimpse of vermillion eyes, your steps quickened. 
“Babe! Come here!” The spiky blonde bellowed. 
A smaller figure appeared next to the larger man's figure as they both motioned for you to join them, the pounding of your heart rang in your ears as you started to race towards the two. Quick, rapid breaths let your mouth as you desperately ran down the beach to get to them, wanting nothing more than to be with the man who was calling out to you so lovingly and excitingly. 
The child was calling out to you happily as you ran, but you couldn’t hear what they were saying over your own breaths and the crashing of the waves on the sand beside you. 
Your head jerked suddenly at the faint sound in your ears, before you looked back at the man just a couple of steps before you. A bright smile on his lips as he extended a hand towards you, his expression softening as he looked into your e/c eyes. 
His mouth opened to say something and your heart fluttered at the sight of the soft expression of love reflected in his vermillion eyes. 
You gasped loudly as the digital alarm blared and jolted you from your deep sleep. The quickened breaths dwindled down as you surveyed the dorm room with squinted eyes, the ‘6:00 a.m’ lighting up your face from the clock on the bedside table. 
You slapped a hand down to turn off the blaring noise, coming to terms with the fact you had to get out of bed for the day. Being careful of the claws you’ve become adjusted to, you rubbed the remnants of sleep from your eyes as you stretched and stepped out of bed. 
The little round ears on your head twitched at the sounds of doors opening and closing from the hallway, signaling to you that your classmates had also started to get ready for class that morning. 
You yawned loudly as you grabbed your uniform from your closet, a blush crept onto your face as your thoughts drifted to the dream you had been pulled away from. The vermillion eyes burned into your memory as you hid your face in the fabric in your hands. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The elevator doors opened with a chime as the bustling noise of your classmates greeted your ears. A low grunting voice made your heart skip a beat as you exited the elevator, your breath hitched as the ears on your head twitched and strained to make out the words of his faint voice. 
The tail behind you puffed up slightly in excitement, your steps quickened towards the lounge and kitchen area. When you stepped into the room, your eyes instantly caught the sight of the ashy blonde that occupied your mind day and night. 
“Good Morning Bakugo!” You greeted sweetly, a smile plastered on your face. 
“G’morning sleepyhead.” He greeted, the corners of his lips turned up slightly. 
He pulled a hand out from his pants pocket and extended it towards your head, his sharp brows pinched together as he ran his fingers through your hair fixing the remnants of bed head you had missed when brushing. 
Your cheeks turned pink with embarrassment at the slight affection he was showing you so early in the morning. You were used to his teasing behavior and sly remarks, but when he would switch to being caring and loving it always made your stomach flip. You were convinced he knew this too, and would pull out his sweet words when you least expected it just to see your reaction and tease you for it. 
“What’s wrong Fluffball? Your face got pink all of a sudden.” He teased with a smirk. 
You let out a huff of air as you pouted up at your boyfriend. “You know I don’t like being called Fluffball.” 
His vermillion eyes narrowed playfully as he gave you a lopsided grin, showing his teeth. His hand extended out towards your head again, his warm fingers pinched one of the ears on your head sending a shiver down your spine. His mouth twitched from amusement as he caught the slight movement and the deepening blush on your cheeks, his eyes shined brightly as he stored that information away in his memory. 
“But it suits you so well! Fluffy ears, fluffy tail, you are a fluffball.” He teased with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“Why can’t you call me ‘Babe’ or ‘Love’ instead?” You asked, clear annoyance brimming at your tone. 
“Where’s the fun in that? You're a Fluffball, get used to it.” He said, grinning down at you. 
Bakugo intertwined his large hand with your smaller one, heat radiated off his skin and onto yours as he led you over to the breakfast that was prepared while you were still getting ready for school. 
You watched his back as you were dragged behind him, your eyes trailed along his wide shoulders and firm back before they caught onto the pink dusted ears peeking out from under his spiky hair. A small smile formed on your lips as your mind was flooded with thoughts of seeing him blush around you, for you. 
He stopped curtly at the buffet of breakfast food that Momo and Iida had prepared for everyone that morning, his hand loosened from yours as he reached for two plates and extended one towards you. Bakugo started to pile food onto his plate as well as yours with a grumble rumbling from his chest when he saw that you had only chosen a few things to eat. 
Bakugo leaned in closer to you, his body towering over you as he reached past your figure to grab a piece of toast. His lashes fluttered as he focused his attention on his actions, the overwhelming sweet scent of caramel flooded your senses. The jackhammering of your rapid heartbeat rang in your ears as you watched him with a mixture of nervousness and excitement running through your veins. 
Vermillion eyes locked with yours as he pulled back an inch, his face still close enough to where you could smell the mint toothpaste he had used that morning as he breathed. His eyes lit up as he caught sight of your tail swishing back and forth behind you, his mouth twisted into a sly smile. 
“Eat this.” He ordered, holding the piece of toast to your mouth. 
You looked at him with a raised brow before slowly lifting your hand to try and grab the piece of toast from him, but he moved it out of your reach. You narrowed your e/c eyes at him as he smirked at you from above and shook his head. 
“Let me feed you Fluffball.” He repeated with a sly smile on his lips. 
The blush on your face turned crimson at his words, the swishing of your tail stalled as it curled in excitement and your ears twitched ever so slightly as the fur felt as if it had been jolted with electricity. 
You opened your mouth timidly as you conformed to his request and let him hand feed you the piece of toast from his plate.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Bakugo’s large hand was intertwined in yours as you two walked to class together,  his other hand placed firmly in the pocket of his pants. Your nose crinkled with happiness as you glanced at him as you walked down the hall holding hands with your boyfriend, you knew that you had found your soulmate. 
Your anteater quirk may have made you unique, but it was the love and respect Bakugo gave you made you believe you could actually be a hero someday. He had made it clear from the day you two spared against each other that he wouldn’t go easy on you, and he stuck by his word, he may of won against you easily in the beginning on the year but now that you had trained your quirk had grown strong enough to be more of a threat on the sparring mat. 
He saw the potential you had from day one and made sure you saw it too, making sure to give you notes and tips on your form and how to best use your claws in order to give more destructive blows. 
As you entered the classroom, the rest of your classmates greeted you warmly. They had witnessed your relationship blossom from the very beginning. They all knew how good you and Bakugo were for each other and how perfectly your quirks complemented each other in battle.
As you took your seats, Bakugo gave you a quick peck on the cheek before turning his attention to the lesson plan. You couldn't help but smile. It was moments like these that made you feel grateful for everything in your life.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Hey, Fluffball!” A husky voice calls out to you. 
The conversation you were having with Tsuyu paused suddenly at the deliberate call for your attention. You rolled your eyes playfully as you turned your head to the familiar voice, e/c eyes meeting the deep vermillion as he stared at you from across the classroom. 
“Yes Bakugo?” You questioned with a smirk playing on your lips. 
“Are you going to eat lunch with me or are you staying here with leapfrog.” 
“Rude.” Tsuyu scolded him with narrowed eyes. 
“I'm going to stay here today, we are talking about how Hatsume is upgrading our costumes and I want to get some more Ideas for it.” You explained with a bright smile beaming up at him. 
A rumble left his throat as he grumbled under his breath, his hand moving to massage the back of his neck in frustration that he had to settle eating lunch with Kirishima and Sero instead of you by his side. 
“Fine, whatever.” He scoffed.
Bakugo stood from his seat, walking towards the classroom door before moving slowly, past your desk and leaning down to whisper into your ear. “You should start calling me Katsuki, Babe.” 
Your face flushed bright red at the words as he walked out of the classroom, leaving you a stuttering mess as you tried to answer Tsuyu’s questions on what Bakugo had whispered to you. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Wait, remind me again. Who is Hatsume?” He asked, trying to remember the name. 
“Bakugo, really?” You laughed, giving him a lopsided grin. “She’s the support class engineer who fought against Iida in the sports festival.”  
“Oh yeah, the girl who wouldn’t shut up about her Inventions. Are you sure it’s a good idea to let her work on your support items?” He questioned. 
“Yeah, Ochaco and Midoryia both said she made great adjustments to their gear and mines in need of some desperate changes to accommodate my new skills.” You explained while thinking back to how you’ve been needing to update your costume since getting your provisional license but had kept postponing it. 
You opened the door to the support classroom with Bakugo beside you, the thick scent of smoke filled your nose and thick gray clouds escaped from the room from the opened door. As the smoke cleared you could see the pink haired girl jumping around the room excitedly as she continued to work on her various projects, not even noticing as you entered the room. 
“Welcome in, you here to get new support items for your hero costume right?” Power Loader confirmed as he looked at the form you submitted earlier in the week. 
“Yes, it would be nice if I could -” You started before getting interrupted. 
“OH! If you want support Items I have plenty!” Hatsume gushed excitedly. 
“I read the form too, you want something more comfortable and supportive of your claws right? But also something that can enhance the destructive power, since you can already break through cement it would be amazing to see how much more your claws could do with my baby’s help.” Her eyes lit up wildly as she examined your claws and hand sizes. 
“Just wait here, I have the perfect baby for you.” She exclaimed before running off to dig through the pile of support items she had stacked in a corner. 
As she threw items around to search for the one she had been looking for, a particular item had flown towards you. Bakugou quickly extended out a hand to grab the discarded support item in his hands and set off the crackling explosion in his palms as his annoyance bubbled over at the girl. 
“HEY! MOTOR MOUTH! WATCH IT!” He fumed, his lips drew back in snarl. 
“Opps! I found what I was looking for though! Here, try these.” Hatsume cheered as she handed you the support item to try on and started to explain how it worked and what it would enhance for you. 
At first the invention had seemed great and you were contemplating adding it to your hero costume, when you noticed the smoke starting to radiate from the support item. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to process what had happened to it, whereas Bakugo had much quicker thinking time and reflexes. He tore the support item out of your hands and threw it across the room with rapid breaths as his chest rose and fell. 
The small explosion that followed was not caused by the ashy blonde standing beside you, but the support item that he discarded across the room that had just been in your hands. Your eyes widened as you looked back at Bakugo whose eyebrows were furrowed heavily as he stared at the pink haired girl who was mumbling about her other inventions. 
“THAT’S IT!” He scowled angrily. 
“I can’t take anymore of this insanity, power loader you better make sure whatever crazy eyes here creates for y/n doesn’t explode!” He ordered before interlocking your hand with his and dragged you out of the room. 
As you walked back to your dorm room, Bakugo's grip on your hand tightened. "I'm not letting anything happen to you," he said, his voice low and fierce. You squeezed his hand in response, grateful for the unwavering support he had always shown you.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“I had a really good dream about you last night.” You mumbled happily as you laid your head on his chest. 
His chest rumbled underneath you as he chuckled.”Oh? What happened in this dream of yours, Fluffball.” 
“We were on a beach, it was really peaceful and we were older but not too much older than we are now.” You start relaying your dream to him as you close your eyes to remember the details. 
“Hm. Sounds boring.” He teased as he ran his fingers gently through your hair, ever so slightly brushing against your ears every now and then. 
A shiver ran down your spine at the contact of the warmth radiating from his hand connecting to the small round ears on your head, your tail curling with excitement as you breathed out peacefully and your lashes fluttered closed. 
“It was peaceful and serene. The day was perfect, we didn’t have to work, there were no villains needing to be taken down, no wars to fight. We were just enjoying the bliss while it lasted and-” You stopped suddenly, your breath catching in your throat as you remembered the small figure that appeared. 
“And?” He urged you to continue. 
“And I’m pretty sure we had a child with us too.” You mumbled, a blush crept on your face as you tried to hide the pink dusting your cheeks by rubbing your face into his chest. 
“You're right, that does sound like a really good dream.” Bakugo commented after a moment of silence between you. “I’ll make sure to make that dream come true for you.”
☆○o。A/N: Would you look at that, I didn't write him cussing in this one. I figured I should at least have one post where he wasn't cussing the whole time.
I'm sorry that this is shorter than my other works, but I wanted to keep this one more light and flowy.
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
Had this pop into my head while I tried to fall asleep last night. However as per usual this snarky blonde boy bullied his way into my thoughts and here we are. 😤
Reverse Nightmare comfort: Bakugo has had reoccurring nightmares since his run in with the slime villain and you are just the person to help him through it. Childhood best friends / neighbors.
Pairing: Bakugo x reader.
Warnings: SFW, fluff, nightmare comforts.
I decided there will be two endings so you can read both or the one you prefer. One platonic and one romantic. Reader is referred to have a super strength quirk. Brief mention the reader is female but mostly GN.
You grumbled as the deep voice cut into your precious dreams, curling around your pillow tighter.
“Oi!” A finger jabbed into your side, earning your full attention now. Swiveling your head over a shoulder to come face to face with your ash blonde neighbor.
“Kats? What are you doing here at… 2 am?”
He huffed in response while lifting the covers, unceremoniously shoving you from your comfortable position. Many protests and the flailing of limbs, you found yourself on the cold side of the bed with two strong arms locking around your waist. Katsuki buried his face into the back of your neck, the soft puffs of breath tickling your skin.
Inhaling deeply you ran your fingers over the fine hair along his forearm, knowing your best friend needed a moment to gather his thoughts before he would finally tell you what was wrong. When you heard him shuffling behind you, it was a clear sign he was ready.
His words were muffled by your skin but being fluent in Bakugo, you heard him loud and clear.
“Had a fucking nightmare.”
Continuing to run your fingertips over his arms you waited for him to elaborate, or not. Leaving it entirely up to him.
“Stupid slime villain.” These words were lower, almost as if he did not mean for you to hear them. A sad smile crossed your lips as you remembered that day clearly yourself as if it were yesterday.
——— flashback to that day
You were furious. Absolutely, undeniably furious. Your so called best friend had just told one of your closest friends to unalive himself. All over not having a stupid quirk?!
You had left Izuku standing by the small Koi pond outside the school and were currently scouring the alleyways that you know your soon to be ex friend frequented. He was going to get a piece of your mind regardless of wither he wanted it or not.
“Hey Kaachan let’s go to the arcade today!” Your ears perked at the sound of your childhood friend’s nickname, making a line for the alley entrance. “Yeah whatever.”
Hearing that recognizable gravelly voice solidified that he was indeed just around the corner. Rounding said building, you were met with the spikey, haired boy and his two forever shadows.
“Oh hey! It’s L/N again, come to yell at us?” The boy with the creepy fingers waived at you with a snicker. As you passed, your arm shoved him out of your way a bit harshly that he crashed into the trash cans behind him. They stepped further away as you locked eyes with those vermillion that were widening in shock.
“You!” You growled in his face, gripping his collar and lifting him easily off his feet against the brick wall behind him. You began a screaming match with him about your green haired friend and how disgusted with him you were.
Finally dropping his collar and returning him to his feet he bit his tongue to hold back the venomous words he wanted so badly to spit. However you on the other hand had no filter at this point. “I don’t know how we are even friends right now!”
The words bit his heart as his foot shot out and kicked a nearby bottle, your e/c eyes shooting him the nastiest glare he’d ever seen on you. Meeting you back with his own when his lips parted to speak, however the voice that came next was definitely not his own.
“Wow girlie, you’ve got some strength in you! I think you’ll do, maybe even take down All might with this power!”
The bubbling voice sounding of someone drowning chilled your soul as both of your eyes locked on the growing green mass spilling out of the bottle Katsuki had kicked a moment before. The cap had busted off, releasing whatever villain now stood? Slithered? Before you.
His large grin widened as large tendrils wrapped themselves around your arm and wrists, a shriek leaving your throat as it began dragging you towards it. Your strength failed out of terror, having never faced a real villain in your life. Two large hands gripped your waist, yanking you free from the slime, only to be captured in the writhing mass themselves.
“No! I didn’t want you brat!” You turned to find Katsuki being pulled into the dripping slime of the villains body, your words failing you as he squirmed and let off explosions in the means to escape. “Well, you’re powerful too! What are they feeding kids nowadays? No matter, I’ll take you instead!”
(You all know what happens next, Izuku rushes in, all might saves the day. If you don’t.. what you doing here? Go watch the show! :| just kiddin back to the story) this is where the platonic / love endings come in. I started with the love, for the platonic scroll down until you see the ~~ again.
———- Romantic route
That day never left either of your minds, night terrors had plagued your mind for months after the event. You truly thought you were going to lose your best friend. Feeling powerless a hero had carried you away as a green haired streak went rushing in.
Your parents had freaked when you returned covered in green goo, only to send you away for the next ten months for hard training with your ex pro-hero grandfather for the UA exam. Leaving Katsuki to deal with his trauma all by himself.
When you had returned for UA’s entrance exam, you would’ve thought Katsuki saw a ghost upon locking gazes with you. You had grown up during the time away, filled out with age and training. You were even more beautiful to him now than ever before, especially now that you were back.
He had been stuck to your side like glue ever since, hence the fact the boy was laying in your bed, wrapped like an anaconda around your limbs.
“You wanna talk about it?” Your voice a whisper as he turned his head, cheek pressing to your shoulder. “No.”
You squirmed in his arms, turning so you were face to face with him. His beautiful red eyes were currently closed, frown lines and angry eyebrows still visible as you smoothed them out with a thumb. He let out a long sigh, face relaxing as you retracted your hand. Those gorgeous crimson eyes opened, showing the small gold flecks that encircled his dark pupils. They reflected in the sunlight that most people didn’t know existed save you who were privy enough to get close enough to see them.
“Better?” Your voice soft as his eyes followed suit, gazing into your own e/c ones that shown nothing but admiration for the boy.
A soft smile graced your lips as he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against your own, the tips of your noses brushing just so softly.
“I thought I was going to lose you that day.”
Your eyes raised to his, soft and sincere. You gave him a soft smile before poking his chest “It’ll take a lot more than that to get rid of me.”
He grinned, slapping your hand away.
“You’re an idiot you know.”
His words caused you to frown, eyebrows dropped to question the audacity this boy had at this moment. “How so?”
His own lips spread in a small smile as his hand lifted to trail his fingertips up and down your spine. Shivers ran through your body as he leaned even closer to twitch his nose back and forth against your own, earning a giggle from you.
“Because you continue to put up with me.”
A puff of air left your nose as you pressed your finger against his forehead, pushing him back softly. “You’re my best friend. How couldn’t I put up with you?”
He rolled his eyes, still not a frown line in sight.
“What did you do for the nightmares while I was gone?”
He turned his eyes towards the ceiling, a soft pink tint coating his cheeks. “I slept in your bed.”
A laugh escaped you as his turned darker, the frown lines back though not as deep. “You would crawl out your window, hop across the wall to crawl into mine, then sleep in my bed while I was gone?”
He nodded before turning his attention back to you, fingers trailing a thumb over the apple of your cheek. “It smelled like you.”
You smiled brightly, arms wrapping around his torso to pull him close. Resting your cheek against his warm chest, listening to the pitter pat of his heart beat.
“Y/N. I love you.”
Your breath caught, head pulling back as you looked up to catch his face buried into your hair. The tinge of red coated the tip of his ears, a smile that you couldn’t control broke onto your face.
“I love you too Katsuki.”
You listened as his own breath caught, chest stiffening as if he did not expect your returned feelings. He pulled away, eyes meeting yours with more adoration than you had ever seen in them before.
“You do?” Your nod brought his own wide smile, your favorite one that he only showed when you were around.
His fingers curled around your jaw, thumb pressing softly to angle your face towards his as he leaned in slowly to press his soft lips against yours. You had imagined this moment for a long time and it surely did not do it justice as he kissed you more gently than you ever thought possible for Katsuki Bakugo.
He pulled back after a moment, brushing a soft tear from your cheek. “Now go to bed. I’m tired.” He scolded as if he wasn’t the one who had woken you with his own issues.
You patted his cheek before turning in his arms that constricted, holding you tightly against the heat of his body.
“Good night Kats.”
“Good night Angel.”
Needless to say, Katsuki got the best of sleep in a long time, no nightmares to return that night. Instead of falling asleep holding a pillow that still held your scent, he got to hold you.
~~~~~~Platonic route
That day never left either of your minds, night terrors had plagued your mind for months after the event. Your parents had freaked when you returned covered in green goo, only to send you away for the next ten months for hard training with your ex pro-hero grandfather.
Leaving Katsuki to deal with his trauma all by himself. Upon returning for the start of UA he had stuck to you like glue, his best friend returned to him finally.
Katsuki shifted to pull away from you, his hands loosely holding you still as you continued to rub his arm.
“Feeling better?”
He nodded softly as you smirked “I can’t hear your brain rattling. Use your words.”
He snorted, a hand raising to slap the back of your head. “Hey! This is what I get for comforting you after a nightmare?” His lips curled into a smirk as he shifted you closer once more.
“Shut up and go to sleep.” You huffed in response, crossing your arms and grumbling obscenities at his expense.
You paused, turning just your head to give him the stink eye. His own were closed, not a frown line to be found.
“I love you.”
You smiled, tapping your finger against his nose before turning back away, knowing full well your friend didn’t mean in a romantic kind of way. Though he voiced his feelings rarely, when he did… You could feel it.
“I love you too dummy.”
Katsuki snuggled back into your neck, getting the best sleep in awhile with his best friend as a snuggle buddy.
Sorry if this is terrible it kept me up for awhile until I wrote it down. 😅
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sluts-assembled · 9 months
House Arrest
I wanted to post this story on a different account instead of my original blog because it’s not a yandere piece, and my original blog is only for yandere content. I wanted to make this story available to everyone no matter where you are from because I believe all literature should be accessible no matter what country you reside in.
If you’d like to read this story on Archive of Our Own, then it can be found here. My AO3 account name is TheCuriousQuest.
In one year, you’ve managed to be placed under house arrest four times. You weren’t expecting your classmates to take action and try to prevent a fifth time from happening.
Reader has an animal shifting quirk. Quirk cancelling chains are used in this story. If you view that as bondage and are uncomfortable with it, please don’t read this story. If you’re uncomfortable with M/F spanking and profanity, then this story isn’t for you.
I’m not making any money off of this story. I do not own MHA/BNHA. I do not own any of the characters of MHA/BNHA. All rights go to the creator.
It seems unfair to you, as if Aizawa purposefully singles you out. He’s always disciplining you, and you find yourself under house arrest for the fourth time this year. You did deserve it after almost setting fire to the cafeteria. It was an accident, but it was also something you needed to be punished for as Aizawa put it.
Here you are, in your room, knees curled up to your chest. You sigh while looking out a window. You finished your cleaning duties already, so there’s nothing else for you to do.
To your shock, you hear rapid knocking on the door. It’s not uncommon for someone to stop by and check in on you. Most of the time, it’s Iida coming to further reprimand you. As you open the door, you find Shoto, Katsuki, and Izuku instead of the class rep.
“Oh, hey. What’s up, guys?”
They look a little tense and awkward, Izuku especially.
“We, uh, need to talk to you. Can we come in?” Mydoria asks quietly. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he sounds unsure about something.
Hesitating only slightly by the weirdness of the situation, you nod and move to the side, allowing them entry. You’re a bit surprised when Shoto closes the door behind him.
“Why don’t you have a seat?” Todoroki asks.
“I’m fine standing-“
“Take the damn seat!” Bakugou shouts angrily.
Wearily, you move over to the bed. “Why are you acting like this? What’s going on?”
“Look, you need to stop with all the trouble you’re getting into. I know the cafeteria was an accident, but all of the other times you were put on house arrest were because of things you did on purpose,” Todoroki explains softly.
You scoff. You really don’t need this right now. Crossing your arms, you turn your head away defensively. “If that’s all you came here to say, you can fucking leave.”
This really pushes Bakugou. He grabs your chin, squishing your cheeks with his fingers. He forces you to look into his vermillion orbs. “We drew the short straw to deal with you. We’re sick of how you’re making the class look all the time. This is your fourth fucking time, and if you keep going like this, there’s probably gonna be a fifth!”
Trying to pry Katsuki’s hand off of your jaw isn’t an easy feat. “Goddamn, will you give it a rest?”
“No, and just so you know, this isn’t all we have to say. You’re going to get your ass kicked.”
Your E/C eyes widen at his threat. “Like hell you will! You can’t do that. It’s not allowed!”
“Aizawa isn’t allowed to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t. The entire class agreed to this by the way.”
You’re drowning right now in disbelief. “No, Momo wouldn’t-“
“It was Iida and Momo’s idea.” The look on the ash blonde’s face is so smug.
“What do you mean you all picked straws? If you did, then why are three of you here?”
“Because, idiot, you’re so damn stubborn that they knew it would take more than one person to restrain and punish you.”
A breath hitches in your throat, feeling stuck. Your mouth suddenly feels parched.
“I could tear you to pieces, you know?”
That smirk of his not only seems to come back, it also intensifies. “Icy Hot, Deku, I think it’s time we get started.”
You shift into a field mouse, dropping from the height Katsuki has you clutched at. You squeal, making a run for the door. Blasts of ice follow behind you, and you jump to try to avoid them. Deku stands in front of one of two exits by blocking the door. The next thing you know, you’re being attacked from the side by a thunderous explosion. It scares the hell out of your tiny body, and you begin to transform yourself into something bigger. Flying around the room in the form of a falcon, you feel fingers brush your wings, almost catching you in midair.
Swooping left and right, you manage to evade the three boys. Heading for the window, Shoto places his hand on the glass, covering it with ice. If you fly into it, you’ll surely break your beak. Not wanting a bloody nose when you shift back, you take a dive for the floor.
Thinking on your feet, your mind instantly goes to some type of feline. You instantly begin shifting into a cat just before landing on all fours. Deku reaches out to grab you, and making sure you don’t hurt your classmate, you pounce out of his reach.
You panic as you feel the eyes of Bakugou and Shoto on you. They have you trapped against a wall. You didn’t realize that they had formed a strategy in all of your attempts to evade them. Izuku stands firmly next to them, looking down at you with intense green eyes. They remind you of a storm brewing in a forest.
Feeling ice coat your feet, you find that you’re stuck to the floor.
“My apologies, but this has to be done,” Shoto says sympathetically.
You hiss at Bakugou as he pulls a set of chains from his pocket and takes the final step in securing them right on the ankles of your front legs. Suddenly, you have no control over your bones shifting back into place as your human form takes over. It dawns on you that they have you bound with quirk canceling chains.
Your hands and knees are so cold as you look at them on all fours. Shoto takes the time to unfreeze you, thankfully. The heat from melting the ice warms you a bit at least.
“Where the hell did you get this cuff?!”
“Momo. You can thank her later,” Bakugou snarls.
Blinded by rage, you kick out at the explosive teen. He side steps your kick and grabs your upper arm. Pulling you up, he tells Shoto and Deku to hold you still.
They hold onto you, keeping you from lashing out and fighting. Bakugou unzips your skirt and removes it from your body.
“Let’s just get this over with.” Katsuki sits down on the bed.
Izuku and Todoroki bring you over to the blonde. The greenette pushes you forward, and you tumble over Bakugou’s lap.
Immediately, you start kicking and screaming. “You let me go right now, Katsuki Bakugou! Don’t you dare even lay one finger on me! Shit! Fuck, that stings!”
His palm strikes your flesh rapidly. “Now, I have to punish you for all that bullshit you just put us through. This isn’t even for you being put on house arrest again.”
Your mouth drops, but a couple of spanks to your thighs has you snapping out of your daze. You clench your fist, raise your hand, and go to strike the ash blonde’s calf with all of your strength.
Todoroki grabs your wrist to prevent you from doing so. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Take the punishment you deserve.”
Your lip wobbles slightly as you stare into his heterochromatic orbs. He releases your wrist, trusting you to behave.
When do you ever behave?
You resume kicking and cussing all of them out. “You fucking sons of bitches! Go fuck yourselves! What right do you have to do this to me?!”
“As your classmates who care about you-“ Deku starts.
You look over your shoulder at him as he’s sitting on your desk chair. Your lip curls in fury. “You don’t fucking care! You drew the shortest straws!”
“It could’ve been Mineta,” Todoroki gently reminds you.
You shriek in response. “Fuck you, Shoto!”
“Ouch! Bakugou, let up! Fuck, it hurts! I can’t take much more. Damnit!” Tears rush to line your eyes, and you’ll be damned if you cry in front of these three.
You begin to feel as though you fit the very definition of a naughty school girl. With your white cotton panties on display while draped over a knee, you fold your arms and lean your forehead against them.
Deciding to go stoic, you bite your lip, hoping it will help keep your screams of pain at bay.
Katsuki huffs. “You really wanna play quiet? Alright.” He brings his arm back, smacking your sensitive curve with a sturdy hand. “I guess I’m not spanking your ass hard enough. How’s that? Feeling it yet?”
He’s teasing you. All you want is to punch him in the face for making fun of you while you’re over his knee.
You instantly throw your head back, howling at the top of your lungs. “Oh, God! Fuck, Bakugou! No, no, no!” Your hips wriggle on his lap.
“She has a really filthy mouth,” Deku observes from the side.
“Yeah, she does. I guess that’s one more thing we’ll have to punish her for,” Todoroki agrees.
Your heart falls to the pit of your stomach in anguish. You don’t want any more punishments. Them talking about you like this brings tears to prick at your eyes again. This time, you can’t hold in your tears any longer, and they roll down your cheeks without your consent.
Sniffling, you rub at them with the back of your hand. “Please, no more!”
“Oh, there’s plenty more. Like I said, this is just for the bullshit cat and mouse game you put us through.” Katsuki adds a few more swats at the end of his sentence.
“Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t cooperate!” You don’t want to give in, but you’ll say anything to get out of being punished at this point.
Bakugou rests his hand on your warm bottom, keeping his other arm wrapped around your waist. You whimper softly as you stare at the ground, not knowing what’s going to happen next.
“Todoroki, you’re up.” You feel the blonde pat your sore ass three times before helping you stand.
Trying to sink your weight down so that you can pull away from Katsuki, you find yourself being hauled back over a knee, Shoto’s knee this time.
He peels your cotton underwear down to your knees. Baring your backside, he puts one leg over yours to pin them down. He doesn’t want you kicking, and he knows you won’t listen if he orders you not to.
He starts by building up the spanking. At first, you don’t think the smacks are too bad. It’s definitely something you can handle, although they do have you wincing from the prior punishment. However, your thoughts quickly change once Shoto brings his heavy palm down.
You can’t help wailing and crying now. It feels like he’s bruising your ass. Your pride falls a bit at your sudden thoughts. Here you are, someone with a great quirk, someone who can be useful when fighting and spying, getting spanked like a five-year-old.
Heart wrenching sobs roll from your throat as you go limp across Shoto’s lap. They’re giving you a really good push, you have to admit. For some reason, this thought leaves you giggling instead of crying.
“Something funny to you?” Shoto questions sternly as he brings his hand down even harder.
Oh, you dumb bitch. “No! I’m sorry! I was just thinking of s- ouch! Something! I didn’t mean to laugh! Fuck, Shoto, you’re hurting me!”
The words cause his hand to still. Bakugou and Midoriya immediately pick up on this.
“Todoroki, are you okay?” Izuku asks.
Shoto shakes his bi-colored head once, his red and white bangs swifting with the motion. Then, he’s nodding and resuming the spanking.
You thought he was done. You were so wrong.
“This punishment is for the first two times you’ve been on house arrest. After I’m done punishing you, Midoriya is going to deal with your last two transgressions.”
He focuses for an agonizing minute on the backs of your thighs before returning to your scarlet cheeks. “When you’re placed on house arrest, it makes all of us look bad. We’re going to be heroes someday. Act like it.”
His words steal your breath away, and you look over at Izuku. He sits there with his arms crossed, a deadly serious expression on his face. He no longer looks timid as he did when he first entered the room.
Bakugou is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as well. He looks at you with a scowl, and you find yourself immediately turning your head back towards the floor.
You try to breathe, you try to pinch yourself, you even try to bite your hand. That attempt only forces Shoto to swat the sensitive swell of your bottom.
“Please, I’m so sorry! I won’t fuck up again! I didn’t…I didn’t realize you felt this way.” You start crying for a different reason entirely now. You had no idea that your actions reflected on the entire class. It’s a lot of pressure to deal with, and you feel all of that pressure bubbling up in your chest as if it’s about to explode.
The room is filled with silence. It takes you only a moment to register that Todoroki’s palm isn’t inflicting any damage on your sorry ass anymore. Instead, he’s gently rubbing your back.
“As a class, we’re doing this because we care. We want you to succeed as a hero. You can’t do that if you’re locked up in the dorms all the time,” Shoto tells you as he strokes your hair.
Whimpering, you turn your head to look over your shoulder at him. “I really am sorry.”
He offers you a kind smile and nods. However, his expression turns stern once again as he helps you off of his lap. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he steers you over to Midoriya.
Izuku is now holding a hairbrush, your wooden hairbrush. You gasp and place your hands on his thighs, trying to stop yourself from being placed over another lap. Todoroki swats your bottom for your resistance.
With your butt sticking out, you shift from foot to foot. Izuku takes your moment of distraction and pulls you forward. You land over his knees with a loud oomph.
“I can’t take another spanking! Izuku, don’t do this, Izuku! Not with the brush!”
“I’m sorry, but you need to learn your lesson. You can’t seem to learn it with just house arrest, and we want to make sure this punishment sticks with you for the rest of your time here at U.A.”
The brush is the worst feeling in the world to you. Cool hard wood smacking against your tender rear, quickly turning warm as it heats up your backside even more. The brush paints your flesh a dark red, akin to Katsuki’s eyes.
Izuku delivers twenty harsh swats, ten for your third house arrest and another ten for the one you’re currently on. You bury your face into the calf of his pants, shuddering as you’re overcome with sobs.
The way he spanks you is slow and methodical. The brush covers every inch of your upturned bottom. As he brings the brush down with a hefty smack, he lets the wood rest against the spot he just struck. It causes you to really feel the impact of the implement.
He shifts you so that you’re sitting on his lap. Izuku sets the hairbrush down on your desk and looks at you with an apologetic expression. Wanting, no needing comfort, you wrap your arms around him and cry into his shoulder.
The three teenagers let you sob your heart out for a few minutes until you relax against the greenette, sniffling.
“Have you learned your lesson?” Todoroki inquires.
Groaning, you shift on Izuku’s lap and rub your sore bottom, wincing as you do so from the contact. “Yeah, I did.”
“Good, we’re still washing your mouth out with soap,” Bakugou informs you.
Not feeling like fighting anymore, you complain the entire way to the bathrooms. Bakugou has to keep your mouth open while Shoto scrapes a new bar of soap over your tongue and teeth. He even washes the insides of your cheeks and the roof of your mouth. It’s a horrible taste. This goes on for only two more minutes before Deku allows you to spit and rinse with water.
Gagging at the nasty taste, you hurry to get it out of your mouth as quickly as you can. You find that the disgustingly bitter taste still lingers no matter how much you try to get rid of it. Feeling as though you’ll have to deal with the taste, you turn to them with a miserable expression.
At this moment, you realize that you’re only standing there in a shirt and socks. You don’t even remember losing your underwear during this whole ordeal. Completely embarrassed, you pull down on the hem of your shirt, trying to cover yourself.
Bakugou walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. “Get dressed for bed, apologize to the class, and then go to sleep.”
Feeling your pride crumble, you cross your arms and huff. “I’m not tired!” Lies. After everything, you want nothing more than to sleep a little bit, but you don’t want to admit that to the explosive blonde.
“You wanna go for round two? Keep it up. That’s exactly what’ll happen.”
You can’t believe he just threatened you with another spanking. “Okay, fine.” Brushing past them, you get ready for bed and then go downstairs to apologize to the class of 1-A. Your chains still bind your wrists, and you’re fully aware of this.
“Um…I just wanted to apologize for getting into so much trouble. I didn’t think I was reflecting on the class so badly. I'm sorry. I’ll do better.”
Everyone accepts your apology, and you ask Momo if she can create a key to release you from the chains. She happily does so and gives you a hug, one that you return.
You go back to your room and see the three of them still in there.
“Go to bed,” Bakugou orders.
Crawling into bed, you lie down on your stomach. You don’t think you’ll be sitting comfortably anytime soon.
“I really am sorry, you guys. I’ll try to do better in the future.”
Shoto brushes your hair away from your face. “It’s alright. We forgive you. Try to get some sleep now.”
Nodding, you snuggle up against a pillow. Though your bottom is welted, raw, and bruised, you can’t help but silently thank them for caring about you.
Kaminari and Mineta bullrush Midoriya.
“How did you do it?!” grape boy asks, practically drooling.
The electrification teen places his hands on the other boy’s shoulders. “What was it like touching her ass?”
“Did you see her in all of her beautifully naked glory?” The short teenager begs Izuku for answers.
“You guys, I don’t think I should be talking about that.”
“BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL US! We need details, Midoriya!” They cry out.
Todoroki stands behind them, his voice taking on a darker tone. “Let it go. We’re not talking about it anymore.”
Huffing, and a little bit scared, they walk away. The two perverts are beyond disappointed.
“I can’t believe he wouldn’t even answer one question,” Kaminari states with annoyance tinging his tone.
“I know. I guess we could always just spy on Y/N in the showers. Imagine getting to see that butt in person.”
Denki looks at Mineta and grins. “Now you’re talking.”
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sunaluvs · 2 years
Another line of sweat begins to bead along your hairline as the late summer heat stifles each breath you inhale.
“This was a bad idea,” you sigh as you lay on the blanketed ground on your back, eyes squeezed shut against the sun’s merciless glare and arms outstretched to their fullest extent as if asking for the wind to take you. You hope it does. At least then, you might not feel like you’re being cooked alive.
“‘S not that bad.” Atsumu yelps and twists his torso to the side when you swipe at him with a clammy palm. The red-orange haze of your eyelids turn blissfully dark when he leans over you, his body blocking the sun’s attack on your eyeballs. “Hey! Don’t be mean.”
“Shush, don’t move,” you mutter, gingerly sliding your eyes open to look at him.
“‘M breakin’ up with ya.”
“Weren’t you just rambling about our future kids this morning?”
He huffs pettishly, and your lips curve into a wisp of a smile. Atsumu’s golden hair encircles your vision, the sweat gathering in his roots rendering the gel he’d used to style it absolutely useless. The man in question grins down at you. The outer corners of his eyes crinkle as his cheeks bunch up, his tanned skin flushed strawberry red from the summer heat. Theoretically, he should look like an overripe tomato donning a shitty blond wig; anybody else would. But with a nimbus of sunlight and the clear blue sky as his backdrop, he looks frustratingly, maddeningly, beautiful. Nobody should look that gorgeous from this angle, you think. Or in this heat.
“Yer starin’.”
“No, I’m not.”
Atsumu’s beam grows wider when you instantly look away at his words, your gaze falling to the leaf clinging to the cotton of his shirt. You convince yourself that the sudden rush of heat through your face is because of the sweltering weather, rather than a manifestation of any sort of embarrassment.
“There’s no need to deny it,” he leans closer to you, noses briefly brushing as his smile turns smug. “‘M yer boyfriend, you can stare all ya want.”
You snort and tilt your head back, ignoring how it makes his gaze drop down to the column of your throat before it comes back up again, “thanks for the permission, sweetheart.”
His nose scrunches up at the nickname to feign displeasure, but you don’t miss the way his head drops a little to avoid your eyes, nor the way his fist slightly twists the blanket in its grip. You grin.
“Why don’t you take the food out, baby? I’m getting a bit hungry.”
You watch as Atsumu’s eyes widen, but before you can take a closer look he’s pulling away, turning his back to you and shifting to the basket of food you’d brought along. The sun wastes no time returning to its assault on your vision, and you hiss, bringing an arm up to shield your face.
Mentally, you curse yourself for giving in to Atsumu’s request (pleading) of an outdoor picnic. You need to start building defenses against those ridiculous pouts of his.
As he busies himself with plates of fruit and sandwiches, you push yourself up to your elbows and closer to him, squinting when you hear him grumble under his breath, “...don’t even remember the last time ya compliment me, then all of a sudden ’s ‘sweetheart and ‘baby’; wha’sat about?”
“Why, you don’t like it?”
You breathe a light laugh when he startles at the sudden proximity of your voice, head whipping back to see a teasing smirk adorning your features. He blinks rapidly and your smirk widens at the vermillion that spreads over his ears.
“No,” he blurts out. “I-I mean, yes, I don’t—do! I do, uh, I guess.”
You blink.
He buries a groan into his hands, and you bite down on an endearing smile. Affection blooms tender and warm in your chest, rich in adoration for the man in front of you. You watch as he lifts his face up, sweet with embarrassment, bottom lip jutting out the slightest bit, and do nothing as your fondness swells. 
“‘S jus’ weird!” is what he finally settles on. “‘S like if Omi started callin’ me ‘Tsumu or somethin’.”
Your mouth falls open.
“Am I really so bad that you’re comparing me to Sakusa?”
“No! Tha’s not”—he flails his hands around—“yer fine! More than! “It’s jus' a bit weird, y’know, like, like—” he huffs an irked breath. “You know what I mean!”
Oh my god, he’s pouting.
You purse your lips, forcing a slow breath through your nose to stop the laughter struggling to burst forth. A beat of silence follows his words. Atsumu stares at you. You stare back at him. His eyebrows furrow the longer you stay quiet.
“What?” he finally says, his bottom lip jutting out further, “wha’s with that look?”
“What—what look?” you cough out, looking away and pursing your lips harder.
“That look!” He rudely points at you. “Yer tryin’ not to laugh! I know ya are!”
“I-I don’t—” you snort—shit—immediately covering your mouth with a hand, “I don’t know what you mean.” Your voice shakes with barely restrained laughter.
“‘S not funny!”
And the dam bursts. You double over in loud, boisterous cackles, Atsumu’s whines accompanying your glee in the background.
“It is so fucking funny,” you gasp, eyes twinkling with mirth.
Atsumu, fully pouting by this point, crosses his arms and turns his back to you once more in a childish attempt to ignore you. The sight makes you hiccup another laugh, that ball of adoration swelling to burst in your chest at the sight. You just barely suppress the “aww” that wants to slip out.
You’re still chuckling when you move forward to wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him back into your chest. Despite his earlier protests, he, unsurprisingly, offers no resistance whatsoever and falls easily into your arms. Settling your chin over his shoulder, you tilt your face and bury it in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of your body wash radiating off his skin like ripe fruit beneath the sun.
(“Whatcha think?” he’d asked cheekily the first time he used it, jumping onto your bed and shoving his arm under your nose.
“What—“ you’d jolted away, before the fresh fragrance hit your senses and froze you in your place. You’d swallowed, and carefully asked, “Is that—is that my body wash?”
“Yessir,” he replied, smirking his typical irritatingly attractive smirk. “How ‘bout it?”
You'd put on your best annoyed expression and lied through your teeth, “Stop using my things, moron.”
He never did.)
Blowing a raspberry into the golden skin, you grin, “Sorry, baby, you’re just too cute.”
Atsumu sinks further into your chest and tilts his head back to see you, “Meanie. Only kisses will save you from the doghouse now,” he puckers his lips for emphasis.
Your grin widens, and you cup his jaw to smack a big, noisy kiss on his lips.
“Am I safe now?"
"Not yet."
Another kiss.
Another kiss.
"One more time."
You laugh, and kiss him once more.
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