#but yeah im really happy with it!
hinamie · 2 months
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surprise it's yuri!!!in 2024
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the-phantom-peach · 10 months
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Meeting the Light Dragon ✨🐉
[tagged as spoilers!]
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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napping-sapphic · 9 months
I just want to fall in love with someone who makes me feel safe like even when we’re angry or sad or upset i just want to know that both of us are still going to be okay
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♫ I do what I want/Crying in the bleachers and I said it was fun/I don't need anything from anyone ♫
(ID in Alt) you guys ever think about your own posts and get upset?? Anyway Damian Wayne I love you I'm so sorry your life is like that
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barghest-land · 11 months
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drew arthur with a little friend. they're talking about life and death
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rainingcatsandjune · 1 month
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commission for my dear friend @nicnebula with her + sam (inspired by the valenweek audio RHAHSFSHDJHDSJDG) I LOVE DRAWING THEM TOGETHER RAHHSHDSHG
eehfshehhshes sam is getting me to draw so much more consistently MY MOTIVATION IS THROUGH THE ROOOOFFFFF
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inkskinned · 1 year
"it's so embarrassing you like that popular thing" "oh ew that geeky/strange thing is so cringe lol" "oh it's kind of weird you get excited about that harmless shit"
dude i love how ironic and jaded you are and that's so cool and sexy of you. and i am so so glad to tell you - you won!! we all had a meeting and we decided that you won, and we are writing your name on the inside of a burger king crown. the marker smeared, sorry, but we knew any form of real effort is ugly to you. but anyway. congrats! you are officially the coolest, most ironic, most jaded person in-the-world-right-now. we would throw you a party but you would think it was totally boring - and besides, we're weird so we wouldn't have been coming. we would have brought our love of beetles and of baking and of little canapes. we would have brought our artsy videogames and pages of writing. we would have written a poem with you, our hands covered in ink, and spread out a canvas to dance on, the night so lurid and pink.
but do not worry. we will not throw the party. we will just get you a ringlight and that crown i mentioned. it is a nice crown, except for where one of us dropped it.
the vote was a really hard one because we had so many cool ironic people to pick off the shelves. all of you have hands that rot fruit, how strange is that - you can't look at something without destroying it for other people. you like it when you can squeeze a person into a pinpoint - all us small ones scampering our little feet around our ugly joys. the vote was also a hard one because we kept our voices down because you don't like it when we talk too loud. you were on your phone at the time, talking to people other than us. you are a ghoul of every moment - half in, half out, you resent us for being here without shame or embarrassment.
so good news! we have invented an island for people like you. you get to go there and speak into the air things like if you still like watching harmless twitch streamers in 2023 you're fucking boring. you will say things like liveplay podcasts are fucking ugly and it's kind of awkward they try to make everything gay. on the island we made you, all of your words will have weight. they will form in the air like icicles, large white behemoth letters that will crumple in anvils around your feet. maybe we will send someone there once in a while to sweep, but honestly you might be there for a while, alone, waiting. we are busy being outside looking for mushrooms and flapping our hands and humming. we are busy kicking our little heels while we watch cringey tv. we are busy - sorry! as an apology, we have pre-filled the island with every bland, mediocre, unscented thing we could find. the island has the texture of american cheese. the island has an ocean that never gets angry. the island is perfect for you, trust me. you will be so happy there - as happy as you can be, ironically.
we want to say we are sorry for doing harmless things that you find annoying, childish, or unappealing - but we are not sorry. we thought we could help you, because we don't mind laughing at ourselves, but it turns out you are allergic to color and noise and atmosphere, so this is the best that we can do for now. we are all making a big shirt that says i voted in the ironic monarchy. we got you one that is just a fast fashion buttondown. i am so excited for you and this island and the big life you have won. you have a cool jaded grey life and miles of irony to roam. i love you! be well.
now leave us alone.
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clowningaroundmars · 3 months
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page full o' hobies 🎸
top pose inspired by @spectra-bear
process pics under da cut ↓
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sinnabee · 4 months
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Congratulations on your new semi-permanent experimental position as the Official Daycare Assistant and Attendant Handler!
Now, you may have heard from a few of your coworkers that the Daycare Attendant can get a little... overeager, at times. But we can assure you that these are merely rumors, and should promptly be ignored - after all, the Daycare Attendant is always excited to start the day off with a smile!
Welcome to the Fazbear Family! We're sure you'll love your time with us!
And remember: you have nothing to worry about.
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sillyfairygarden · 3 months
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90 minute leyendecker study b4 bed. heard cleo has a cat cafe this season :swoons:
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guitarhero-3 · 21 days
even if i am not aromantic or asexual in the future i really really appreciate the aspec community. all of you are so wonderful and welcoming and i am so thankful for all of u every single one of yall
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kingtheghast · 1 month
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(…) A report posted by the very intergalactic conglomerate Glowstonn admitted on Friday 12 (common galactic calendar) that it was a machine malfunction that caused the shipment of Galaxy Chomp cookies to be too sweet. The company has apologised and will have to pay an estimate of over a million credits in common currency for the sale of productos not to standard. (…) Interestingly enough, consumers have reported that they prefer the sweet flavour to the more tame flavour of the original recipe. Riffs, P. (3024, April 13). Sugary mistake causes a company millions of credits. The Recap, p. 7
Day 2: Sweet/Salty
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nibbelraz · 8 months
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Thank you @wildbeingwild for the prompt! I went a BIT overboard and colored it because I was having fun with them
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Thinking about the what if El was never interested in Mike romantically, she just assumed she was discourse on the tag today and how it's very possible what could make El fully realize this, is when in s5 she see's Will's love for Mike in real time, for the first time, and she's just like damn! That is not me!
#byler#no but arguably that already happened..#remember that! you're the heart#el listening: you're the what now?? im sorry but that's corny as hell. could not be me!#i feel like this could be how el confronts will in s5 about lying to mike#i think it's interesting they had that talk with will and el about her lying to him with will calling her out#if to not circle back to it in some way for her to be like hypocrite much?#tho i doubt that's how it would happen#i have a feeling el is going to understand in will's case in contrast to her and mike's argument#like will and el are siblings so yeah they fight#but i just get the feeling she's going to sense something is up with them (already does)#and something big will happen and i feel like she's going to see the truth before they're able to#and i think will is probably going to realize last because he really does not think it could ever happen now#and also because of el i think will would feel like its wrong unless he was confident she would be okay with it#so i could totally see will not allowing himself to be happy in that sense even if he realized mike could return his feelings#but by then mike's already made his peace with el and they're good#UGHHGHHG s5 arrive now!#no but isn't it kind of side eye that they've never shown us el be confronted with mike and wills friendship at all?#like in s1 and s3 at the end Mike mentions will in his plans with el#and that's about where it ends#we have not seen her exposed to their dynamic and like reacting to it before#UNTIL THE END OF S4!!!
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mossy-paws · 25 days
PHIGHTING! Album cover challenge
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I feel as if I have been neglecting my tumblr followers lately, so here’s this full course dinner that took away 8 hours of my life
OG album cover: (Specifically this was more inspired by Ado’s cover of the song!)
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