#but yeah i feel very Behind everyone like all the time. lol. lmao even.
is it just me or is going to music school like [unlearns technique] [relearns technique] [unlearns technique] [relearns technique] [unlearns technique] [relearns technique][unlearns technique] [relearns technique][unlearns technique] [re-
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mieczyslawsravenclaw · 3 months
Eidetic Memory Be Damned -Spencer Reid
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•Pairing - Spencer Reid x FemFBIAgent!Reader
•Rating - 18+, Minors DNI - Smut - NSFW!!!
•Summary/Prompt - Spencer is tired of only having the memory of you to enjoy during his spicy times , so he just has to intrude into your hotel room after a case is finished…
•Warnings/Content - p in the v unprotected (hey kids- DONT DO IT) ; cursing ; Spence loves to beg to nut in you and does so ; creampie ; some pain play? (just a lil hand on the throat dealio and some hair pulling) ; LOTS of praise on both sides (good boy, pretty girl, etc) ; very mf horny lol ; (basically they do just about everything from first base to last bestie slay)
•Word Count - 3.3k
•Authorʼs Note(s) - Iʼm so mf rusty at writing smut so this is probs not the best, I just wanted to write some Spencer spice cause I had a spicy dream about him lmao RIP >_< Also this'll be my first official post of my writing on Tumblr slayyyyy
•Additional Tags - Switch!Spencer , Switch!Reader , Spencer is a needy brat LMAO , Team has ‘no ideaʼ you two are hooking up (Be so mf fr they do) , Good aftercare is so valid , Spencer loves being cuffed and teased muahaha
As much as this last case had taken out of me, I was more than happy to get to spend some time in my hotel room while the jet refueled and everyone got their bearings. Itʼs not home - far from it, Iʼd been missing my own bed for the majority of our time here in whatever state it was now - but at least it was something.
But of course, the reprieve wouldnʼt last long - a sharp knock on my door confirmed that, about 20 minutes after Iʼd laid down to sleep.
“What…ˮ I groan, frustratedly looking over at the clock.
The knock, again, more persistent this time. And I recognize its pattern now, three short tap-taps. Spencer.
My heartbeat, despite my minor annoyance at being woken up, is hammering now. Spencer seems to do that to me, from the moment Iʼd realized I have feelings for him, carrying into whatever it is that we are now. Secret trysts that Iʼm sure are no secret to our team members, especially Garcia, because sheʼd pried it out of me almost immediately and now waits in her dark little room with nothing else but excitement for the latest updates on us, it seems.
“Are you awake?ˮ A gentle but still much-too-loud voice asks.
I tumble out of bed, rushing to the door. I donʼt even have time to make sure I look okay - Iʼm much too worried about anyone else hearing him. The door is unlocked and pulled open in record time, a stunned lanky man quickly and semi-quietly forced inside.
“Spence, someoneʼs gonna hear you if you keep on like that.ˮ I chastise him, shutting and locking the door behind us. No sooner have I done so, than his lithe form overtakes me, nestling into the crook of my neck with a groan that seems both relieved and not relieved at all.
“Donʼt care,ˮ He pushes me back, until my legs meet the mattress and fold. Quickly following on top of me, he sighs, “Been too long. I miss you. You know I have an eidetic memory, yeah? Doesnʼt mean shit when Iʼm up late and even thoughts of you arenʼt enough to keep me satiated.ˮ
“Someoneʼs gonna-ˮ Hear, I want to say. He knows, of course he does. And Iʼm only half-complaining, with his lips at my neck and his leg sneaking up between mine the way he also knows.
“Donʼt care.ˮ He repeats, the low moan at the back of his throat breaking through into the silent room. “I told you I miss you. Should I tell you about what I use my memory for? And just how much that hasnʼt been enough lately? Or should I show you?ˮ
Itʼs clearly a rhetorical question, but still, he seeks the permission I am more than happy to grant.
“Tell me. Uh, show me. I mean-ˮ
“I can do both,ˮ Even in the dark, I know heʼs got that matter of fact smirk on his lips. He reaches down, holding me by the hip with one hand while the other slips into my pajamas, a practiced motion heʼs all too good at by now. “Usually this is what I remember first. The way your skin feels, how nice it is to make you tremble beneath my touch.ˮ
I buck up, and he chuckles.
“All too eager, arenʼt you? Clearly youʼve been thinking about it too, huh, pretty girl?ˮ A pointed question he knows Iʼll struggle to answer, with his hand and his voice torturing me so.
“No eid- identical- uh, no memory recall whatever for me.ˮ
“Still wouldnʼt satiate, I bet.ˮ He remarks, casually rubbing circles and patterns over my panties. This is how he operates, surely and with no warning. A gentle but firm kiss to my jaw, and he continues, “Itʼs like that for me, at least. I know no amount of recalling how you feel under me will be enough to match just how nice it is.ˮ
Heʼs right, and of course he is; I can barely handle the teasing, the tone his voice has taken in this short amount of time. And I currently dont care if weʼre heard, either.
“What is it, sweetheart? Too much for you? Not enough?ˮ
“Words, honey. Youʼve gotta use your words. Or you can show me, Iʼm okay withthat too.ˮ He guides my hand down to his.
“More.ˮ I plead, working to undress myself before his hands take over.
“You only have to ask.ˮ
True to his word, Spencer pulls the fabric away, no longer allowing it to be a block between us. Itʼs lost somewhere in the sheets as he kisses me, his practiced hands no longer in the mood to tease. He slips a finger in, and when I let out a keening whine, another, his free hand going automatically to my mouth.
“Now as much as I say I donʼt care, youʼve gotta be a little quiet for me,ˮ He goads, knowing this will only make it harder for me to do so. His breath is hot in my ear, his fingers working a motion thatʼs both breaking pent up weeks old frustration, and yet causing more tension in my belly. “Much as I love your voice. Your sounds. The-ˮ
I rut up against him, my lips opening around his thumb. He works it into my mouth, his voice lowering even further.
“Cmon, show me how much you missed me, huh, princess?ˮ
I moan, words lost in my mind as it spins. Every tug of his fingers between my thighs is building a high Iʼm chasing, and when I get to this point, Iʼm not talking - he is. And he knows it, knows the right words to say to build and break me.
“This is what Iʼm after, this is what I canʼt just remember. Because itʼs all too much to remember how good it feels to destroy you.ˮ
Please, please. I canʼt hold off much longer.
“Now are you gonna cum for me, sweetheart?ˮ
I nod, lips opening and letting his hand free from my mouth as my breaths grow heavy. “Canʼt - Please, Spence, please-ˮ
He presses me further into the mattress, murmuring sweet and dirty nothings into my ear as the dam breaks and I ride my high. Iʼm far too sensitive following, and when I try to push him away for a moment, allow myself to collect some sort of reprieve before we continue, he chuckles lowly.
“See, I can recall that clear as day. But itʼs so much sweeter to have it happening in front of me, you know?ˮ He nestles in beside me, turning me to face him.
Nigh immediately, Iʼm reaching for his belt buckle. Of course he wouldnʼt have changed into comfortable clothes, not even this late- Iʼm sure this was his plan all along, and he tried to fight it as long as he could.
“Someoneʼs eager.ˮ He quips, the smirk growing.
“Youʼve got me thinking about it,ˮ I sigh, letting him maneuver himself out of the constricting clothing. “Coming over and getting me all hot and bothered. I really ought to…ˮ
“Ought to what?ˮ He goads, pulling me onto him with a low noise as we brush together. “Hmm? Are you gonna say…you ought to punish me?ˮ
I nod, rubbing back against him. He lets out a moan, hands gripping my hips tighter.
“I remember how that feels,ˮ He pulls me closer, voice dropping. “But for your sake, maybe you should refresh me.ˮ
When he reaches for me again, I pull back, pinning his hands down above his head. I know he could get out of it if he really wanted to - Iʼm strong, but not stronger than him - but he most certainly doesnʼt want to get out of it. And Iʼm enjoying it far too much to stop myself now.
“Whatʼre you gonna do, cuff me?ˮ He snaps, the bratty attitude far too practiced and already making me a soaking mess.
“I might.ˮ I reach for my pair, knowing all too well that heʼll absolutely lose it once I let go on him. I can hardly stand the anticipation. “Scared, Reid?ˮ
“Terrified. Please, donʼt. Iʼve been a good boy, I swear.ˮ
I push him back while he pleads, tightening the metal around his wrists. The look on his face, muffled as it is by the darkness of the room, is more than enough to spur me on.
“Not thinking about this at all, huh?ˮ I shed my top, if only for the knowledge that his inability to reach for my breasts drives him utterly insane. “And Iʼm sure you havenʼt spent many late nights with the memory of me riding you, have you? Havenʼt had your hands on that pretty cock of yours, thinking about how it feels when itʼs me, yeah?ˮ
“N-Not at all.ˮ
“Itʼs a shame, then.ˮ I tease, feeling him harden beneath me with every word. “Iʼll have to make you confess, I suppose.ˮ
His eyes follow my every move as I back up, slotting between his legs and bending down to kiss along his hips.
“Youʼll never get it out of me.ˮ He groans.
“Is that a promise or a challenge?ˮ I ask, not breaking eye contact as I place a kiss on his sensitive head.
“Challenge? Would I…challenge you?ˮ He still holds onto a moment of sanity, until I take him in my mouth, and itʼs lost with a sigh of, “Oh, would I.ˮ
I bob my head, my practiced motions coming in handy now. The usually-full-of- remarks Spencer Reid folds under my touch, soft deep moans and babble of confessions and wish I could pull your hair passing his lips while I work him out.
After a few moments of this, I let him free - at least from the torture of my lips.
“Where are you going? Please, I wanna cum for you, Iʼll tell you everything I did while I couldnʼt stand to wait for you.ˮ He keens.
“Oh, Iʼm far from done with you, Spence.ˮ I slowly, agonizingly slowly, climb back on top of him, making sure to back right up against him as he tightens against the cuffs. “Donʼt you worry, Iʼll have every measly confession pouring from you. You know I will.ˮ
“Please, let me out- Gotta touch you, I just gotta-ˮ
“Shh, be good for me, wonʼt you?ˮ I lift myself over his face, pressing my folds to his lips. “Unless you wanna stay in those forever.ˮ
He shakes his head, vibrating a ‘noʼ against me.
“Good. Now youʼre gonna pay your dues and clean up the mess youʼve made.ˮ
Eagerly, he laps at me like heʼs never had it before. His utter submissiveness overwhelms him, letting me ride his face to my hearts content. Words are muffled and entirely lost in it, and I know by now that the sounds Iʼm making alone will be heard, but I donʼt really care. Iʼm too far gone in how good it feels to finally have him making me cum again.
“Can I touch you now?ˮ
I slide back onto him, teasingly letting myself rest with just the edge of him pressing into my folds.
“Can you?ˮ I look pointedly at his wrists.
“I-oh, my god, clearly not, but-ˮ
“How about this?ˮ I amend. “You give me a confession, you get a reward. Sound fair?ˮ
“Yeah, sounds just fine. I couldnʼt get off without coming here, you realize that, donʼt you? Youʼre the only thing that gets me off anymo-Oh-ˮ His confession is cut short as I slide him a bit further in, just enough to spur him further. “I mean, I get off, donʼt get me wrong here. But nothing feels as good as when itʼs with you. Nothing.ˮ
“Keep going, youʼre doing good.ˮ I praise, sinking a bit deeper.
“Goddamn you feel so good.ˮ He moans. “Like, my hands canʼt even come close to this, are you kidding? I can try all I want, and believe me, I have - Oh, my god, please donʼt stop - Iʼve been trying all the time, I admit that, canʼt hardly stand being around you and not being able to just fuck you whenever I want.ˮ
I push down further, the stretch he gives me loosing my own moan. “How much do you wanna fuck me, Spence? Tell me, please.ˮ
“God, all the time. Itʼs all I can think about when I get down to it - baby, can I please touch you now?ˮ
“Punishment is a bitch, isnʼt it, Reid?ˮ I smirk, starting to push him in and out of me, slowly and with a devious grin that falters at just how damn good it is.
“Baby, Iʼm gonna get outta these and fuck you so good-ˮ
“Try it.ˮ I raise an eyebrow, stopping my motions.
“Oh- No, Iʼm sorry, please donʼt stop. Iʼll be good, I promise.ˮ
“Yeah, you will.ˮ I drop as far as I can take him, savoring the stuttered animalistic groan he lets out as I press down onto him, pulling his hair and moving my hips around him. As he is want to do, heʼs thrusting up into me, even if heʼs unable to reach me with his hands held up as they are. “Eager, sweet boy. Iʼm gonna ruin you.ˮ
And ruin him, I do. The tension and heat in my belly rides and breaks several times, with him unable to form real words except for the continuous begging of please donʼt stop repeated on a loop until I feel Iʼm satisfied with his demeanor.
Once Iʼve tortured him enough, I reach for the cuffs, ready to let him off the leash - knowing that once I do, the balance will shift. Truthfully, Iʼm just eager to let him be true to his word and fuck me like heʼs been dying to.
“You donʼt need any more confessions from me, then?ˮ He huffs, sweat slicked across his brow from the effort of holding back - though heʼs not really done so, has he?
“One last one, I suppose.ˮ I pull off of him, and the pout he gives nearly makes me sit right back down on him again.
“Alright, Iʼll be good and honest with you, then.ˮ He continues while I set to unlocking the cuffs, “You know the other day, just after we got the final piece of evidence put together?ˮ
I nod.
ˮI was so psyched, I couldʼve taken you right there. I donʼt care that everyone would have known, would have seen. Itʼs just something you do to me.ˮ He finishes, his tone light. Oh boy, Iʼm about to get railed. “I love you. And now Iʼm gonna fuck you like Iʼve been wanting to for weeks.ˮ
No sooner is he free, tearing off the shirt he was wearing and looming over me with the hungriest of looks at my body before pressing himself into me. No wait, no teasing - heʼs not got the control for it, clearly, and Iʼm not complaining one bit.
“Next time, you get the cuffs, pretty girl.ˮ He promises, his hands all over my body now that he can manage it. Hard, precise thrusts, his voice heavy and fucked-out.
“And Iʼll show you just what Iʼve been wanting to do that Iʼm gonna savor in my mind after.ˮ
My nails are leaving deep trails in his back, surely leading to marks that would raise questions if anyone else saw. Heʼs so far in me, almost bottomed out, and itʼs almost too much and yet not enough all at once. I pull him closer, and his hand tangles in my hair while the other clasps around my throat.
“Youʼre all mine.ˮ Spencer growls - truly, thereʼs not other word for it, the purely animal drive taking him to a world where itʼs just us, just this. And Iʼm there too, crying out with the ecstasy his body causes my own.
“All yours.ˮ
“Thatʼs right, pretty girl. Say it for me, I wanna hear you say it.ˮ
“Iʼm all yours, Spence- oh, my god-ˮ
“Good, thatʼs good. My pretty girl. Youʼre so tight, you feel so good wrapped around me, donʼt you? God, what a sight.ˮ Here he is, in his rambles now, and I can hardly contain how close I am. “Wanna tell everyone this is mine. Iʼm the only one that gets to have you, gets to fuck you like this. See you break for me. Only me.ˮ
“Only you, Spence, only you-ˮ
“Cʼmon, I know youʼre close, I can feel it. You get so much tighter, god, if itʼs even possible-ˮ
“Thatʼs my girl, cum for me.ˮ
“Donʼt stop-ˮ I can feel the cord in me ready to snap, chasing my most intense orgasm of the night with his words and the feeling of him slamming so deep inside me. “More, Spence, you can give me more-ˮ
“Sweet girl, of course, I know you can handle it.ˮ He pushes himself fully in, my breath catching at the slight pain, yet itʼs still so good, I canʼt stop it, I donʼt want to. “Want me to fuck you so good with all of me, donʼt you?ˮ
I nod against his grasp, and he loosens it a bit, kissing me fervently.
“Please, please cum for me, I wanna feel you all over me, beautiful.ˮ He reaches down, his thumb rubbing circles on my clit. Itʼs the last thing I need to send me over that edge, and I cry out, his name slipping past my lips unwarranted. “Oh, baby, love how you say my name. Like itʼs a prayer, like Iʼm a god.ˮ
“Donʼt stop, Spence-ˮ
“Iʼm close, baby- Oh, I wanna cum in you-ˮ
Another orgasm follows near immediately after this one, and Iʼm grasping at him while heʼs chasing his own, his hands fumbling and his thrusts getting sloppy. He grips the sheets, his breaths stunted.
“Cum in me, please-ˮ
“Iʼm gonna, god, Iʼm so fuckinʼ close-ˮ He tightens around me, muscles shaking as he lets loose, and now itʼs his turn to moan my name a lot louder than he should while he cums. Heʼs so pretty when he does, too - the crease that works between his brows, the round pucker to his lips. Partly through, he kisses me, hard. And when heʼs done, his grip loosens, falling slack on top of me with a contented sigh.
A few moments pass where he just holds me, peppering soft kisses across my face and telling me you did such a good job, baby. Then, he pops up with a smile and comes back with water and a towel, cleaning up after himself.
“Satisfied?ˮ I chuckle, slowly pulling my clothes back on.
“Almost.ˮ He dips his head down, capturing a nipple in his mouth for a few moments. I groan, overstimulated, but still too happy to appease him. “Now, Iʼm satisfied. Iʼm staying in here, okay? Donʼt care if someone sees at this point.ˮ
“I love you, too.ˮ
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lunar-years · 6 months
The rest of the team is now totally used to the sight on the coach of Jamie sprawled over Roy's lap fast asleep while Roy just stares stoically dead ahead, but hes also got his arms wrapped around Jamie and anyone watching closely would see his hold tighten every time the bus breaks or turns to prevent Jamie from sliding off
Random headcanon hour I think Roy is veryyyy “we must be Normal Coach and Player we must not mix Work with our Relationship” (on the surface at least lmao) so on the way to any game he insists on sitting up front with the coaches away from Jamie and Jamie sits with the lads and They Don’t Interact. This is also a weird pregame ritual where they do not talk directly or interact outside of like, Roy’s pre-match hype speech to the whole team. Because to talk one on one or whatever would be bad luck. BUT. On the way back. Well. That’s a different story.
If they win, obviously they’re both very happy and feel more loose. So then after, Jamie very deliberately hangs back to be one of the last on the coach so that he can obviously makes eyes at Roy and wait for Roy’s “permission” to sit with boys celebrating on the way home (this is just Roy head-nodding at him). Roy always does nod and let him, of course. Only problem is that Jamie is notoriously sleepy after games and so even if everyone is happy-partying-etc, Jamie passes out halfway through the trip on whosever shoulder he happens to be next to, lmao. Then when they get to the Richmond car park, Dani and Sam always have to debate: ‘do we wake him up?! 🥺’ until Roy stomps back there and is all ‘I’ll take it from here’ in his Roy Voice, and then eases him off Dani’s shoulder or whoever and onto his own 🥺 but then as soon as the last boys are off the coach and they’re alone he’s barking at Jamie to wake tf up so they can go tf home and flicking the side of his head to get him to awake ckdhdikwk. He’s very gentle helping him off the bus though and he always carries jamies bag for him because sleepy Jamie is bad about leaving shit behind ❤️
If they LOSE…I think Roy is a massively sore loser tbh, lol. So while I think he can hold himself together enough to be moderately motivational in the locker room, once they get to the bus everyone knows to give him a wide berth. He’ll come into training the next time with a wealth of new ideas for them to try and be all business about it and deadpan calm about their fuckups, but right after a lose, he is fuming simmering in anger and you are better off Not Talking to Him and for the love of god Do Not Approach. The only person he lets near him is Jamie. Jamie always sits with him when Roy is Like That, and usually they don’t talk at all, but when Jamie eventually falls asleep on Roy’s shoulder Roy has an arm gripped around him steadying him at every bump.
Reversely, if it’s a game where Jamie specifically plays poorly (whether they won or lost), Roy will be like “oi Tartt! You’re up here with me” and Jamie will of course Go and Roy will talk to him in Soft Tones and no one else on the team understands how or why but Jamie always ends up asleep on Roy’s shoulder by the end of the ride one way or another.
Anyway, yeah, the bus as a sacred space or whatever
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Spaceship: Horizon - Part 10: A Train to Drain
Male Reader x Kwon Nayeon (Nana), Nicha Yontararak (Minnie), Lee Chaeyoung (Isa), Kang Mina, Kim Yeonhee, Jung Chaeyeon, Im Yoona (ft. Kim Yerim, Choi Yena, Miyawaki Sakura)
Length: 6066 words
Tags: 8some, exhibitionism, post-sex, danger lol, aphrodisiac, possibly drunk sex, making out, kissing, sloppy blowjob, deepthroat, no gag reflex, cum swallowing, snow balling I guess, sharing is caring <3, undressing, bend-over, daddy kink, hard sex, voyeurism, lingerie, hairy, cumming inside, breeding kink maybe, mommy kink, sweet sex, fingering, titjob, titsplay, very rough sex, degrading language, braids as handles, cum everywhere lmao, missionary, lesbian play, butt-plug, cursing, squirting, femdom, femsub, female mommy kink, clit play, forced sex maybe, hair pulling, female orgasms en mass, anal, stand and carry (with help), fainting, too much sex, too many tags, I probably forgot like ten   
TW: a little bit of drugs (aphrodisiac), and exhibitionism and little degradation, also polygamy lmao
Credit: @midnightdancingsol for editing. What would I do without you? Thank you, as always!
(A/N: Yes, this is an 8some. Seven idols of seven groups I haven’t written yet. This is also the setup for the season finale! Enjoy!)
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“Attention, everyone! Head to your sleeping quarters or headquarter immediately! This is an order. Those that will not arrive at their respective quarters within fifteen minutes will be punished severely. Achtung an alle—”
The roaring siren wakes you up. It lasts only for about ten seconds, before Helper’s robotic, threatening voice interjects. In multiple languages he repeats the warning—at least, it’s what you assume in your half-sleepy, half-exhausted state.
Yeri is the little spoon to your big spoon. Except for her beautiful legs and feet, she is covered by a yellow blanket. Your flaccid dick rests on her firm ass cheeks, enjoying their smoothness after long sessions of usage. The two of you made a mess underneath the blanket, and by removing it, it's revealed. 
“Yeri, get up. This sounds serious.”
“Five more minutes,” she says, a few wrinkles appearing on her forehead.
“Stop joking, we have no time for this shit!”
You jump up and take the blanket with you. Yeri mewls and squirms on the bed in need of the cozy object. Just like you, she is completely naked, but unlike you, she is not scrambling to get all of her clothes back on.
“Why are you in such a hurry? What are they going to do, kill us?”
“Uhm, yeah? Maybe they are doing this as an experiment? A test, to find those that are disobedient and execute the—where the fuck is my shirt?”
It’s seemingly nowhere. No matter how thoroughly your eyes scan the room, you cannot find it. You don’t even remember where Yeri tore the garment off your torso. In front of the large mirror? At the end of the creaking bed? Behind that shaky stool? Even after scanning them two times, three times, you’re still shirtless.
“Aw~ Are you looking for this?” Yeri asks in a playful voice. She leans backwards and makes a show out of pulling the striped shirt from in between her legs. 
“Do you still want to wear this? Look—”
She points at streaks of glassy, white liquid at the hem of the shirt.
“—that’s yours! Oh, and this—”
Yeri points at large stains of wetness all over the blue and white fabric.
“—is mine. Damn, it smells nice—”
With a scoff you tear it from her hands. The piece of clothing feels unusable. Yeri giggles and stretches her limbs across the equally unusable bed—if you were able to sleep in this, you might as well put the shirt on. It might save you a lot of trouble after all.
“Hello! Oh my, am I interrupting something?”
A distinctive, ecstatic voice booms over the monotonous repetition of the speaker. Yena’s smile is distinctive, equally happy and sly, as she slowly walks towards you. You flail backwards, before narrowing your eyes. Embarrassment and anger rise in your head for just a moment, but then you resign yourself to utter confusion.
“Ah, fuck it!” you shout out and sink into the chair on which you pounded Yeri, “I give up, do whatever you want, I—"
"Nice, next round?" Yeri asks. Seductively, she spreads her legs and uses her fingers to show off her folds. Despite the exhibitionistic behavior, both Yeri and Yean do not pay attention to one another. The latter is much more focused on getting information across to you.
"You two will have to wait for that. We have to win before that."
You roll your eyes. Yena's words leave you utterly lost in their mysteriousness. She sounds like an edgy teenager in their rebellious phase and you have no time for it. In only a couple of minutes, you might be in big trouble.
"Yena, I'll go now. This is too stupid for me."
"They won't come. They won't do anything to you, they can't."
"What the fuck? Explain! You sound like a conspiracy theorist or some moron—"
Yena raises her fist. A sparkle of determination and joy shines in her eyes. Her appearance is cute yet her behavior is still as vague as one can be.
"Okay, I'll give you a very brief, unsatisfactory explanation now. If you follow through, I'll give you a ten hour lecture about—literally everything you want."
"Really, now? Fuck you, Yena, you’re so annoying. Is it that hard to tell me—"
A moan in the background interrupts your one-sided fight with Yena. Yeri starts to masturbate by rubbing her clit in gradual circles. Yeah, this was to be expected of her. Somehow, she is not yet satisfied, even after hours of sex. 
"One more video—"
Yena's voice is suddenly deep and honest. A weird, unfitting change with Yeri's moans and the wet sounds of her pussy in the background, but with every passing second, things seem to make less and less sense.
"One more video and we will be free from them. Make the craziest fuck session ever and they will all disappear."
"Your drinks, ladies."
With elegant steps and a swing of your hips, you glide through the delighted crowd towards the full table in this crowded bar. The tone of your voice is not as elegant. It's been an hectic evening after all. Dozens of customers want to be served and your colleagues are eager to do their bare minimum for some reason. Would've been nice if they at least increased their speed by a factor of 1.2, but no, they still move at a snail's pace.
A cynical person might call the table you're serving a 'consolation prize'. Sure, the seven women order drink after drink and put you under severe pressure, but they all look absolutely stunning. Beautiful girl after beautiful girl, all very distinct, with their own style, yet their synergy is immaculate. They laugh, bicker and raise glasses with no end in sight.
"Hey, Mina! That's mine—stop!" Chaeyeon complains.
"Chill, you can have a sip of mine too," Yeonhee interrupts the arising argument.
While you place down the next round of drinks, your eyes scan the seven faces quickly. Should I go for it and ask for her number? Ah, no, they all look too rich or out of your league to tell you. It's no use, and work is still going to keep you occupied for a couple of hours.
"You two, always sticking tongues in the same thing…" Nicha’s witty response finds a quick counter by Chaeyeon.
"Nicha, you too kissed guys who had girlfriends before, so—"
"That's totally different!"
"Uhm, hey. I'd like to order an, uhm."
Oh, this one is directed at you. The quietest girl looks at you with her puppy eyes. She is adorable, but her extremely expensive outfit forces you to throw out every fantasy of ever asking her out.
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"Ah, yes. What can I get for you?" you eventually respond with a shy smile.
"Nana, do you really think you can take another?" Yoona, the oldest, says worriedly. 
"Yes!” Nana oozes confidence, “I want the, what's it called, oh yes! Limoncello Martini, with extra lemon juice, please."
"Sure, thing," you say. To your surprise, the background noise gets louder as the seven beauties fall quiet. Fourteen eyes in different sizes and colors fly open wide. A feeling of uncomfortableness creeps up your spine and you quickly leave the table. 
That was creepy. Ah, whatever. Probably just an inside joke. 
A cocktail here, a beer there, a bowl of peanuts to the back. Water, vodka, wine, cola, then a tequila-filled glass hits the floor. A lot can happen in ten minutes, but eventually the Limoncello Martini reaches Nana. Its strong lemon smell reaches your nose and you can't help but to grimace at the acidity. Her friends are caught up in an excited chatter that quiets down when you arrive.
"The Limoncello, extra lemon, for you."
"Thank you very much~" Nana responds with a bright smile. Her eyes show signs of the alcohol taking its well-known effect: unfocused, slightly dizzy, yet just as sparkling as when she first entered the bar. Why shouldn’t this be the perfect time to ask h—
“Give me some too!”
“Hey, Yeonhee, stop! Order your own drink!”
“Give me money then.”
“You have your own money!”
“Stop fighting, you two.”
A calm, confident voice interrupts the two girls before they can spill the drink. Yeonhee, a blonde girl with pure features and cute lips that now furrow to a pout, leaves the cocktail glass alone and Nana immediately dives in to take a sip. The muscles on her cheeks and forehead contort as the boozy liquid finds its way down her throat. You chuckle.
“I thought so. I never saw someone order extra lemon. Is it too sour? Can I get you a new one?”
“No,” Nana whispers while putting the glass down, “but you can give me your number, hm?”
The bar is closed. Most people left hours ago. The sun has been up for a couple of hours now and everyone who drank one or two cocktails over their limit is dozing at home. Behind the counter, your boss is counting stacks of cash, while your co-worker cleans the remaining glasses and tables.
You’re not helping them today. You always do, but your luck is beyond reason this morning. Nana’s arms wrap around your neck while yours are on her exposed waist. In short intervals, you two engage in a wild battle of tongues, before pulling back with groans. Her hands find your back, abs, pecs, whereas yours go down from her breast, to her ass, and end at her thighs. 
“Touch me more,” Nana moans. You’d respond, but she leaves you speechless with her lips as a seal and tongue as a plug. Answering isn’t necessary of course, since you can just continue to squeeze her delicious curves. Her breasts are a nice handful, but a white top with weird, wide see-through plastic straps keeps you from feeling their texture. 
All it takes is a pull and the straps glide down Nana’s arm and the top down to her midriff. No bra. You both smile into the kiss. She frees her arms and unbuckles her pants to let both pieces of garment drop to the floor. You want to dive in immediately—
“Did you know I like sharing~?”
“Uhm, well you didn’t share your drink back then.”
“Just because I knew she wouldn’t like it.” Nana unbuttons your shirt, then continues her explanation in a sultry tone, “I share different things. Men like you, for example.”
Your heart has been racing ever since Nana pulled out her phone to type in your ten digit number and now it picked up the pace once more. The question of if she is serious becomes unnecessary when you see the door slowly open to reveal one of her friends—Nicha. The punk-like outfit she wore back at the table is nowhere to be seen. Her hair is a mess, the same goes for her loosely-hanging bra and drenched crimson panties.
“She’s hot, huh?” Nana whispers. Sucks at your now-bare collarbone can’t distract you from the tipsy Nicha walking towards you. The sway of her hips is deadly, the same for her lips. Never before have you seen a woman with matching lingerie and lipstick. It’s an insane sight. 
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“Sit down,” Nicha orders. Nana struggles to get your belt open, leaving her friend's waiting. An eye roll later and the girl in black hair yanks down your pants. As these pants still fall, she shoves you into the couch. Your gasp again when Nicha goes down to her knees before you and frees your cock from its underwear cage with nothing but her mouth.
“You’ll love this. Her tongue and mouth are incredible.”
Nana’s statement is confirmed instantaneously. Nicha licks your cockhead in swirls like she is engaging in a passionate kiss with it. The texture of her tongue is all over your sensitive tip, then proceeds to move further down the shaft to reach your base. To your surprise, Nicha doesn’t gag, even with multiple inches in her throat. It takes her little effort to leave red imprints on your shaven base.
Nana nibbles and licks on your earlobe. It sends a shiver down your spine, but you still can't stop staring down at Nicha and her black bangs as they move through her blowjob. The sound of wet sloshes of saliva mixes with Nana's whisper right next to your ear.
"Do you like that? Two girls, all over you? I can make it more, if you just… cum.”
Your groan encourages Nicha to smear more of her lipstick on you. Your arousal and sensitivity reach their peak when Nicha does a quick corkscrew motion with mouth and Nana drags her tongue along your jaw. Nana moves down your throat to your chest, her black-haired friend down your length to your balls. Nicha takes them into her mouth. Pop, pop. They are full and you’re close to unleashing what's inside them.
“F-fuck,” your groan out in bliss.
Nana’s cutesy voice resonates from your navel where the journey of her tongue ended. 
“I know you want it all. Take it.”
“Shut up!”
Angrily, she goes down on you again, the chin grazes your saliva-glazed balls. With an elongated hiss you announce what they both know: your orgasm is imminent. In a moment of blind enthusiasm, you grab Nicha’s sweaty hair and pull it down. A gasp from Nana, as she is cheek-to-cheek with Nicha comes simultaneously to your final groan. 
Gulp, gulp, gulp. Three times is not enough for Nicha to fully swallow the sticky whiteness. She backs off and the rest drips from her mouth, only to be caught by an eager Nana. Coos and giggles in between slurps of semen are Nicha’s song before she finishes it with a shout.
Your vision is dizzy. Your eyes switch from an exhausted Nicha to an amused Nana to your hard cock to foreign hands on your cock to massive thighs to covered breasts. After a short recovery you recognize the new faces with their respective attributes: Isa and Mina, also part of the friend group from last night.
Isa’s gorgeous face does not include her familiar smile, but a red hue, probably from the copious amounts of liquor she consumed. She is almost brash, completely different from Mina. Isa does not hesitate to put her fingers around your cock to stroke it. You groan in surprise at the pleasure and Isa takes the chance to kiss you. However, her dance is a mess and her teeth are a constant obstacle. A sting when she accidentally bites your lip interrupts the attempt.
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“I’m sorry, fuck.”
“It’s fine, I—”
“No, no, I know I’m bad at that. Can I still get uhm…?”
She nods towards your phallus and you chuckle.
“Sure. How would you like it?”
“How about—”
Isa climbs off from the couch, her right hand lingering on your chest a little, her left hand lingering around your cock a little longer, and stands up straight. She looks lost and stressed, her eyes darting around the room. With every step her breasts jiggle a little and her thighs jiggle a little more, as she walks towards a dark oak dresser in the corner of the room.
Isa ignores the vase, mirror, and glass beads atop the dresser and rests her elbows in between them, then she shakes her head to free her stupidly gorgeous face from any stray locks, spreads her wobbly, smooth legs and looks back at you. It works like an aphrodisiac.
Mindlessly, you jump up and almost butt heads with Mina. Fuck. Isa had occupied your brain to the point that you forgot about the busty cutie before you. Unlike Isa, she is still wearing something: a simple white bra with matching panties. Conservative, but beautiful. It fits her. After all, she is still covering her cheeks and timidly looks away. What gives away her hidden desire is a wet spot of arousal on said panties.
“Damn, you're beautiful.”
“Th-thank you.”
“Wanna join us?”
“Uh, I, uhm, don’t—”
“You don’t have to—”
“No! S-sure, I’ll c-come with you.”
You stretch out your hand as an invitation. It must look odd when you're completely naked and your cock swings. Nevertheless, Mina’s shyness subsides a little and she reaches for your hand. As your digits entwine, you hear a desperate cry from Isa.
“Pleeeeease, hurry!”
Mina follows after you and rests on the wall next to the dresser. Though she looks shy and flushed, her eyes still follow your body and Isa’s body when they meet in a backhug. Your dick glides into the gap beneath Isa’s leaking pussy. Her velvety insides might not squeeze you right now, but her thighs, her godly thighs create suffocating pressure.
“Fuck, your thigh—”
“I know. Can you fuck me now?”
“Hm? Am I not fucking you?” you joke, thrusting into the gap while gently caressing her hair. If you’re honest, this is easily enough pleasure to make you ignore the risky fuck of a pussy. After about ten thrusts, ten claps on her firm butt, Isa breaks:
“No! Fuck. My. Pussy! Hard, no more bulls—ah!”
Isa screams out in pleasure. Finally, your cock has found its way between her slick folds and then into her hot depth. Your fingers now entwine with her silken hair and pull. There is no turning back for her, for you, for Mina, as she gawks at the rapid fire jolts of your hip. 
Ripple after ripple turn Isa’s thighs into an ocean of waves. Your heavy thrusts of your pelvis against her ass, causes her to whine adorably. Isa’s whines turn to moans when you hit the entrance to her womb with hard smacks of your leaking tip. The glass beads tremble, the vase almost tumbles, the mirror shakes dangerously. Isa’s hot, rampant breaths cause it to mist up and your relentless pounding almost causes its downfall. 
Unbeknownst to you and beyond her self-control, Mina leans in closer. Drool leaks from her lips and onto the brown wooden surface. Her face is visibly heating up and her legs rub together frantically. The friction makes her panties become a useless towel. They fail to hold the nectar dripping from her pussy as she tries to hold onto the shaking dresser.
“Good, good, Daddy! Fuck me, fill me!”
“Yes, Daddy! Give me your milk!”
Confusion and fear overtakes your head. You spin it to the side; this plain, gray wall won’t help you. To the other; an undressing Mina is no help either. Over your shoulder; Nana fortunately provides an explanation:
“She is on birth control, don’t worry! She just likes being full.”
And you definitely like her pussy, its divine texture, glorious heat and virgin-like grip. This is a gift you cannot refuse. Isa is not only begging for it with her words, her body also moves to match your pace. Only second until you cum for a second time, yet you don’t want to leave the second girl unsatisfied. Use your unoccupied hand and go on an adventure. The treasure is her clit, which you stimulate with quick rubs to push her into climax. It should always be this easy.
“Oh my God, fuck!”
Cross the finish line together with Isa. It feels like pumping a week's worth of semen into the twitching, unstable girl. When you pull out of her and back off, Isa slowly sinks to the ground. Her breaths are deep, quick and satisfied. Something is off though. For some reason, you’re still energetic, still hard, still feral—or is it actually the other way around?
You somehow turned into an animal in heat. Nothing can stop you.
Mina gaps when you grab her hand and throw her onto the sofa. She mewls when you tell her to remove her bra, but still follows through. The astonishing sight of her breasts gives your dick-controlled brain an idea.
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Climb on top of her and align your shaft with the gap in between her big mounds, then grab said mounds and squeeze. This pocket around your cock is soft and Isa’s fresh juices serve as a lubricant. In this weird position where you have to balance yourself to not crash onto Mina’s trained stomach makes the tit fuck hard, but absolutely thrilling. 
“Stick out your tongue.”
Your order came out harsher, more desperate than you would’ve wanted. Mina’s aroused face shows no signs of being startled, on the contrary: she obliges. Her small tongue protrudes from her luscious lips, and with more aggression you try to reach it. A couple of thrusts and you groan. A drool-covered tip meets a pussy-juice-covered tip. Not a huge difference, until yours leaks pre-cum and sprinkles it. Mina laps it up and grimaces at her first taste of the clear liquid.
“Good girl. I’ll give you a reward.”
You stop and move your attention away from Mina’s bust. Your fingers glide over her midriff and without hesitation dive into her sodden panties. A wild bush, almost as wild as your attack onto her vulva, is no obstacle for your goal to pleasure her. Mina mewls like a kitten when you finger fuck her. 
Find the nub in her dark pubic hair and rub it with your thumb. Your finger thrusts go faster and faster. Mina’s breasts make sure you don’t go flaccid and suddenly, she squeezes them together and down your length. It’s no use, holding your moan back and luckily Mina joins you. This becomes a duel, a battle of who can pleasure the other better.
A moment of hesitation, contemplation, then overstimulation for Mina. She jerks her tits up and down to have any semblance of winning this competition, but her lower body is giving up on her. It goes up on its own, fucking your finger, and suddenly unleashing. A clear stream of squirt flies across the couch and onto your rubbing fingers. 
Mina throws her head back just in time for you to do the same. Four spurts of cum streak over the beautiful girl, from her forehead to her nipples. A little bit drips into her mouth while she moans. The saltiness makes her whine as the wave of pleasure abates. 
You laugh.
“Damn, that was amazing.”
“Wow. You were right, Nana, he’s still hard,” a new voice whispers.
Chaeyeon gives Nana a back hug and nibbles on the younger woman's neck. Nana moans and bites her lip. Through the sudden attack of affection, she points over at the small living room table. On it lies another girl. The sight makes your brain lag and you forget her name. 
Does a name really matter if she is already nude, legs spread, fingers on her clit? 
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You turn your body towards her. She looks impatient, so you hurry to get off of Mina and cover the small distance. It’s not fast enough however. With an annoyed gaze, she speaks her mind with no filter. 
“Hurry the fuck up! Please me!”
“Woah, chill! Your face is cute, but you’re a needy bitch, huh?”
Long, golden blond braids are favorable handles for you. With your first, merciless pull you remember her name again. Yeonhee. Innocent-looking, but absolutely bratty. Maybe she is just confident and really wants your dick. Either way, she gets it.
Plunge into her. Yeonhee’s legs tremble like she is currently experiencing an orgasm. You ignore it and only chase your own release. It will be the fourth of this morning and because Yeonhee’s insides are hotter than the sun itself, you’ll soon be there. Each drill is proof of the mind-blowing texture of the blonde’s velvety walls. You complement it with another pull on her braids.
“Argh, fuck.”
“You get what you want—or should I stop?”
“No, fuck me—ah!”
Yeonhee is a mess of trembles once more. Could it actually be this easy to make her cum? You wouldn’t dare to complain. She milks like her life depends on it whenever you give her pain and pleasure in the form of pulls and thrusts. Because of the contortion of her adorable face, you haven’t paid attention to her breasts yet. The handfuls bounce up and down, and you lean in to lap at her solid nipples. 
The sweat on her back makes her glide centimeters over the glass surface of the table. Jiggles on her perfectly endowed go unnoticed, at least by you. From behind you hear moans and giggles from Nana and Chaeyeon. The thought of them pleasuring each other while watching you makes you increase your speed.
Yeonhee screams. She throws her arms back off the edge of the table and her clean, sweaty pits get exposed. Instinctively, your tongue moves down from her mound to the exposed pit to lick up more of her addictive body. This time, you won’t care if she can get pregnant or not. You just want to unload in this damn body, and she wants you as well.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop! Fuck, never stop. I want more!”
“Yeonhee, me too. Fuck, you’re so tight.”
Your pelvises only meet once more. Her braids are handles only once more. Your cock only spurts into Yeonhee once more. It’s all worth it. When you pull out, cream flushes out of her red pussy. It runs in between her ass cheeks and makes a sticky mess on the table. You move away from her, just a step, to take the beautiful girl into view. She has her eyes closed and—
“Aw~ Are you going soft in Mommy’s hand~?”
A mocking voice. A delicate hand. A painful groan. Perky nipples press into your back, in fact, you feel the entirety of a toned, bare body. Like this, you cannot see her face, but you have a feeling who it could be. Chaeyeon confirms your assumption when she calls out:
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"Yoona-unnie! I want to go next!"
"Oh, sweetie, I'm not taking him away from you. Actually, I'm helping you."
She pulls back her hand at a snail's pace. You squirm and lean back even more into Yoona's body and her second hand makes sure you'll stay like this. Your thoroughly used cock twitches like crazy and it was about to go soft—
"I'm keeping him hard. Look~"
It's not only her hand. Yoona's voice, with its sultry, mocking, demanding tone is like a pacemaker. It forces blood to go back to your cock. You stay solid, physically ready to go, but your brain is lagging. This morning had been too crazy.
"Mommy did her thing. Now~go give it to our cute Chaeyeon here."
"Stop calling me cute, Unnie!" Chaeyeon says angrily. She abandons her intimate hug and kiss session with Nana and lays down on the couch, next to a snoring Mina.
"I want you now, mister waiter," the stunning brunette says, spreading her legs high and wide.
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"Will you really keep her waiting~?" Yoona asks, her lips right at your ear. 
A stupid question. Of course you don't want to keep a willing woman with perfect legs and juicy breasts waiting. Your mind is failing you. The constant stimulation and switch in partners made it a mushy mess. 
Yoona guides you from behind. Each movement of her limbs forces you to move yours as well- Her legs and hands cover the miniscule distance to Chaeyeon's shaven slit. Her eyes sparkle in need.
"Put it in, put it in, please,” Chaeyeon begs.
"Fold her, press her, fill her, do it for Mommy.” Yoona’s seductive voice is inescapable.
"Y-yes, Mommy."
And you do it. Your fingers wrap around Chaeyeon's ankles. In one swing, you press her smooth legs back and down. Chaeyeon gasps in anticipation, so you continue. Align your cock with her awaiting pussy and you find that she has a surprise for you: the heart-shaped gem of a butt-plug in between her small cheeks. 
"Our pretty Chaeyeon has gotten kinky~"
Before Chaeyeon can respond to Yoona's remark, you flick, tug and lightly twist the protruding end of the sex toy. 
"It looks hot."
"It feels amazing. I always wanted to try it with a cock in me—shit!"
A curse from her tender lips. It's only the first of many, many curses an elegant woman like her should not spout, but then again, no one who it could bother will ever know. It's just her, her six equally horny and naughty friends, and you. 
"How does she feel? Come on, tell Mommy~"
Yoona massages your shoulders as she watches you massaging Chaeyeon's insides. Both their pussies leak down your legs, from the front, from the back. Quickly, you get on your toes to get more leverage. Glide deep and groan your answer.
"Mommy, she is—fuck, incredible. She feels so tight and I can f-feel the plug."
"Good boy~"
All of a sudden, Yoona jolts her hips forward against your ass. Your formerly careful thrusts are gone. Yoona makes you fuck her friend harder than planned and consequentially, Chaeyeon grips the pillows harder.
"Unnie, what are you—fuck!"
"Shhh, baby girl~! You're mine now."
You're stuck. Trapped between the bodies of two women. Yoona uses you as her tool, to stimulate the younger Chaeyeon. Never before felt being used this good. Luckily, Chaeyeon seems to melt and falter to the pleasure a faster-than-expected fucking gives her. 
Kiss Chaeyeon's womb and simultaneously Yoona kisses your nape. Even with her lips and tongue she is eager, thus it's no surprise that Chaeyeon succumbs to the double thrusts. 
"U-unnie, it fee—" Chaeyeon is cut off by a harsh Yoona.
"No, sweetie. Wrong."
"M-M-Mommy, fuck, it feels so good. My pussy, my ass—make me cum, please."
Yoona's hands wander over your waist to her friend's clit. What happens after is unbeknownst to you. All you see is Chaeyeon's eyes jumping open wide and here the pleasure-filled scream from trembling lips. Then the pressure around your dick becomes unbearable. Yoona forces a quick array of thrusts, but then you burst.
After so many loads, it's no surprise that this one is tiny and not near as creamy as before. Still, the pulses from Chaeyeon's cunt make you feel an indescribable heat and the joy of sex makes you slowly tumble into dreamland. This victory of Yoona is your final part in this scene.
"Hey, don't fall asleep on me! I still haven't had my share!"
Nana shouts and shakes at your shoulder. She pulls you away from the couch and the other girls and pulls you into a hug. Your semi-hard cock grazes her folds, but it's too late. You become flaccid. 
"No! This is so unfair."
"Give him more of it," Yeonhee says from behind. You don't see her, as your eyes are focused on the disappointed Nana.
"But is it safe? I don't want him to overdose."
"O-overdose? What do you mean?"
Nana sighs.
"Do you remember the Limoncello Martini? The extra lemon has a… special effect. It makes you last longer."
Any follow-up question is stuck in your throat. Considering your current environment and predicament, the existence of such a substance is not surprising at all. How did they get their hands on it though?
"Yeah. And because I still did not have you in me, I want you to smell a tiny bit of it. Is that okay with you?"
"How could I possibly refuse such an offer? I think you’ve deserved it now."
Nana giggles and you hear steps behind you. One of the six woman you had sex with before holds her finger underneath your nose. The distinct smell of the citrusy fruit hits your nostrils. It's not even close to the Limoncello Martini, so you suspect that its effects will not be enough, but Nana shows confidence.
“This will do.”
Then she kisses you. Once again, your tongues play and dance with each other as you feel the effects on the lower part of your body. Once again, the two of you have your hands at the other's body, although this time only certain spots are of interest. Once again, you get horny for this frisky girl and the lemon-stimulus makes you hard in her squeezing hand. 
“One load?” Nana asks jokingly, as her fingers wander down to your balls and cup them super gently.
“More would kill me.”
“Then I want it… in my ass.”
Nana’s whisper was not quiet enough. The part of her friends that’s able to stand up does so and hastily positions themselves next to you. Their eyes are bright, their grins as well.
“Nana, finally.”
“We’ve waited so long for this. Good girl~”
Both Yoona and Nicha hook their arms around Nana’s legs and lift the light woman up. Her wetness rubs on your hardness now as she once again wraps her arms around your nape. You instinctively help in stabilizing her, but now your arms are occupied. There is no way for you to align with her puckered entrance.
Luckily, a third girl staggers over and finds stop at your shoulders. Chaeyeon completes the circle of beauty around you and her sweaty hands reach for your sensitive shaft. When you hiss, she giggles.
“Hm, I’m glad I get to touch this snake, Daddy.”
“Daddy? What?!”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you made me pregnant just now. So take—”
With no warning, she shoves your tip into Nana’s ass.
Nana screams and you almost join her. This is too much. A man isn’t made for feeling the narrow, scorching confines of so many holes in such a short amount of time. A heart, a brain, a cock can’t possibly survive such frequent usage and stimulation. They will surely break at some point.
For Nana, however, you’ll accept this fate. Even if you fucking die through this, you will not stop. 
The brunette girl has tears in her eyes, while her Unnies praise her and coo with every inch you push into her ass. At times, she feels too tight to get your entire length into her, but eventually, with a lot of help from her friends, you bottom out. Muster all the strength you have to pull her close. Thank God that Chaeyeon is like a pillar behind you or you would have lost balance. 
“I-it hurts m-more than I thought,” Nana whimpers, a few tears running down her flawless cheeks.
“Y-you good? We can stop whenever you want. This is not a competition.”
“Yeah, baby,“ Yoona softly says, “you did good, you don’t have to prove anything~.”
“My first time hurt too,” Nicha adds, while adding kisses to Nana’s back.
“No! J-just go v-very slowly, okay?”
Take a look at Nana’s sparkling eyes. They reaffirm her words and so you, with a lot of help, begin your first thrust. It’s easily the slowest you’ve pulled out of a girl this morning, but it’s also necessary. Nana’s face is distorted by pain until your glans is the only thing inside her butt. 
“You can do it.” Chaeyeon’s words are amplified by her massaging Nana’s legs.
“Yes, I can.”
You groan. Even at such a slow pace, this thrust feels great. Nana’s ass grips tightly and soon, every part of your cock gets milked from her walls. Who could last longer than a minute inside this amazing hole? 
Your brain starts to fail. First your nose. The smell of sweat, juice and sex escape you. Then your vision. Gorgeous faces, bare chests and slender limbs become fuzzy. Finally, your own body. Yoona, Nicha and Chaeyeon are the only reason you and Nana are still upright.
“I-I can’t anymore.”
“Please, just a couple more thrusts.”
Her plea, your only energy. You begin to thrust faster. She winces. You repeat the motion, and suddenly she groans. Your perception of time has gone haywire. Suddenly you feel yourself pounding Nana faster. She doesn’t cry anymore and seems to fit perfectly around your length. Moans and cheers make a cacophony that reassure you: it’s working now.
“So good! Please, cum inside! Cum before me!”
What an odd request. 
A hole in your memory. All you do is feel and hear. Ropes of cum flee your body, Nana trembles around you. Her wetness lubes your torso, her fingernails scratch your neck. There are moans, there are sighs, there is a door being opened. Confused, excited, panicked voices—and in between all of them, you immediately recognize one.
“You did it! We are free, finally!”
Sakura. What is she doing here?
(A/N2: Sorry for all those tags, and thanks for reading! If you find missing tags, comment them or sth lmao)
794 notes · View notes
silverflqmes · 9 months
notes. seijoh hcs if they were on the road together!
genre. crack
ft. tooru oikawa, issei matsukawa, takahiro hanamaki, hajime iwaizumi
gender neutral! reader. ( not rlly mentioned tho )
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     ➫    𝓞𝗜𝗞𝗔𝗪𝗔   𝓣𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ alright alright, he WANTED to drive.. but the vote went towards iwaizumi, and to double check they did rock paper scissors ( iwaizumi still won )
⌗ tooru was petty for the first thirty minutes, i mean it’s his car???
⌗ but eventually thought it was for the better! let him be on light duty while his subjects- i mean ahem, teammates, manage the car situation.
⌗ he does however, have control of the radio and has already plugged in his phone ( there goes one outlet ) to play spotify!
⌗ everyone complained at first but tooru’s music taste ate and left not crumbs because everyone was singing. even kyotani was nodding his head to some songs.
⌗ position wise, tooru is well, obviously in the passenger’s seat. what’s annoying is how far back he has his seat😐 and watari is like right behind him BUT SAYS NOTHING.
⌗ if the road trip is long, tooru however, will step in as a backup driver because poor poor iwa-chan gets so sleepy at night from having a NORMAL sleep schedule!! ( tooru doesn’t, this is why he has this job.. )
    ➫ 𝓜𝗔𝗧𝗦𝗨𝗞𝗔𝗪𝗔   𝓘𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗜   ୨୧ ˎˊ˗
⌗ dude him and makki are ALL the way in the back in the makeshift seats in the trunk because they are menaces and were banned from being close to the front.
⌗ jokes on them, they can pull pranks from the back — like yk that thing where they pull the string and the headrest drops, yeah. he pulled it and makki pulled the other NUMEROUS TIMES. free the second and first years.
⌗ brought all the snacks and is gatekeeping them with whoever is closest to him ( makki, kyoken and kindaichi )
⌗ ROAD GAMES!! and songs or whatever ft his besti ( and totally not boyfriend ), makki
⌗ brings almost half his bedding with him to be comfortable where he’s sitting ( so real of you mattsun ) and if you’re not oikawa, he MIGHT share lol
⌗ honestly sleeps for a good bit of the ride, just feel like he would lol especially with the pillows and blankets.
⌗ reverse, some of the boys fall asleep on him bc he’s the tallest so there’s more of him to go around LMAO he’s just stuck between makki and kindaichi
    ➫ 𝓗𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗜   𝓣𝗔𝗞𝗔𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗢   ୨୧ ˎˊ˗
⌗ matsukawa’s second half✌️🤟🤙🤝🤞
⌗ yeah he’s in the very back too causing chaos yk the usual ( annoying the shit out of hajime and tooru because they are the real parents uncles of the team )
⌗ he brought a load of pastries tbh but the minute they ran out he got a little delulu and thought yahaba ( who sat in front of him ) was a cream puff, and was ready to pounce LMAO
⌗ mattsun held him back from doing so, thankfully — seijoh needed its back up setter, pinch and future captain in case iwaizumi finally lost his patience and put oikawa out of commission.. or because oikawa has to graduate and go be a girlboss in the big leagues!!! so hot of him- ahem anyway
⌗ dude him, kawa and mattsun are that one meme where they’re like “DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT, EVERYBODY, FEELING WARM AND BRIGHT” in the worst tone ever while iwa is just questioning his life choices
⌗ “are we there yet” every few minutes — iwaizumi literally pulls over at some point to get in the back seat and tape his mouth😭 bro was absolutely done oml
⌗ he brought a stack of cards only for them to be pokemon cards LIKE HOW DO YOU GET THAT WRONG- ( they played, anyway )
⌗ the driver ( mother ) lol
⌗ free iwaizumi he is tired and has a severe headache from these buffoons and he swears blood will be shed if SOMEBODY dares to ask AGAIN for another rest stop or if they’re there yet.
⌗ he’s got a stash of yellow red bull in a compartment for himself in case he needs to take the night shift on the road — tooru insists that no one drives but him ( unless iwa finally throws in the towel and he drives )
⌗ in terms of driving tho he’s pretty smooth, goes at a reasonable speed and is fairly calm in terms of IDIOTS on the road — but he has his moments occasionally where he gets annoyed
⌗ probably has the super specific thing he wants to see that convinced him to go on this road trip and see it through to the end ( it’s something godzilla related i bet )
⌗ usually likes to snack while he’s driving, helps keep him awake — but since he doesn’t wanna get the steering wheel dirty, he has cherries his mom pack him LMAO ( “share with the others!!” and he gatekeeps )
⌗ packed a volleyball in the trunk and portable beach volleyball set up
notes. i was gonna do all the boys originally but it became time consuming and well.. i ran out of ideas LMAO hope it was still decent<3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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xdirtyxlittlexgirl · 1 year
hiiii, I love your content
Can I request a angst that go into fluff that go into soft smut hehehehe….where the reader is feeling insecure about her body and her disability which deafness so she wears hearing aids and one of the day she was looking through social media and saw hurtful comments on a post of her and Henry at some premier and Henry just cuddle her in love and yeah heheh
Thank you!!
Broken but Beautiful
Pairing: Henry Cavill X Reader
Summary: You have a hearing disability and get trolled by fans after a public appearance with Henry
Warning: Angst, fluff, hearing disability, graphic description of panic attack, depression, PTSD, stress, anxiety, trolling, cyberbullying, dom male, sly smut, PIV sex, vanilla
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You sit by the giant glass window, curled up under a soft blanket, listening to the gentle pitter-patter of the rain outside. You loved sitting by this window and watching the rain fall on the expansive garden. It's a calming sound, one that usually puts your mind at ease. But today, your peaceful moment is shattered by the cruel words of strangers on the internet.
You had been checking Twitter to see what people had to say about you and Henry's recent public appearance, hoping for some positive comments. You both had finally publicly spoken about your relationship, and you were worried about what his fans had to say about you. Although, Henry had already anticipated the impact this would bring to you, especially because you were a non celebrity girl, but it was essential for the two of you. You found some really supportive comments and were living your dream, but very quickly you met with your worst nightmare, a barrage of hateful messages and cruel memes, all directed at you and your hearing disability.
"Who would want to date a deaf girl?"
"It must be hard for Henry to communicate in sign."
"Bro the woman would find so hard to enjoy his husky deep voice lol"
"It's like dating one of those dolls which sing an 80's pop every time you tap the botton behind her ear. Lmao"
"She be making me him scream at night. Literally. ~ Louder Henry Louder!!"
"Bro's lucky in a way. He can scream, shout, and party till late while gaming and his woman won't know a thing."
The comments cut like a knife, each one reopening old wounds and insecurities. You know that your hearing aid makes you different, that it's something that sets you apart from others. But you never expected people to be so cruel about it. Not now. It wasn't highschool anymore. You were very young, a teenager, when you were riding home with your friend from school and her dad lost control of the car, causing the car to crash. Although, everyone had small bruises, and your friend broke a bone, you had a major impact on your left ear, damaging your insides. This led you to have a partial hearing disability permanently in your left ear, bounding you to a hearing aids' mercy forever. This did affect your adolescent massively, as you faced a lot of bullying and discouragement. But when you met Henry, a year and half ago, it didn't matter. You were a grown woman now, and this was just another accessory to your life like your phone. You did have some insecurities coming into a relationship with him, but he never made you feel like you had a disability, or addressed it like it was different to him in any way. In fact, he explained how it is simply the most normal thing, and is just like him wearing his contact lenses or glasses.
The memes are even worse. Some show Henry doing exaggerated gestures with his hands, with captions like "When you have to talk to your girlfriend in sign language." Others depict you as sitting unaffected with a moaning noise in the background, insinuating Henry cheating on you and you not finding out because of your disability.
It's all too much to bear. You feel like you're suffocating under the weight of the negativity. The tears come hot and fast, blurring your vision as you scroll through the endless stream of hateful comments. You can't help but wonder if Henry is regretting his decision to be with you. Maybe he's tired of having to repeat everything twice, or of having to speak slower so you can read his lips, every time you take the aid out. Maybe he's starting to think that you're in too much trouble, that he could find someone else who doesn't come with all this baggage. The thought makes your chest ache with a pain that's all too familiar. It's the same feeling you had after the accident that left you with your hearing loss, when you thought your life was over before it even began. You close your eyes, trying to shut out the noise of the rain and the hateful voices in your head, but it's no use. The darkness closes in around you, and you feel yourself slipping deeper into the abyss of your own despair.
You'rel sitting still, hugging your knees to your chest, as the raindrops keep tapping on the window. Soon, your body is shaking with sobs, and your chest feels like it's about to explode. You're clutching your phone so tightly, your knuckles turn white, scrolling through the horrible comments about you and Henry. Your heart is pounding so hard, you can feel it in your ears, and your breathing becomes shallow and rapid. You try to take a deep breaths, but it catches in your throat, and suddenly, you can't breathe. You gasp for air, but it's like someone is sitting on your chest, suffocating you. Panic takes over your body, and you feel like you're losing control. Tears are streaming down your face, and you can't seem to stop them. You feel like you're drowning, and you need air. You try to get up, but your legs give out, and you fall to the floor, hitting the wall hard. It hurts, but you don't care. You're beyond pain at this point.
Your hands are shaking so badly, you can barely hold yourself up. You hit the wall again, and again, and again, as if that could somehow make the panic go away. But it doesn't. It just makes your hands hurt, and your head feels dizzy. You start to pull at your own hair, feeling like you're losing your mind. You want to scream, but nothing comes out. You're trapped in your own body, and it's terrifying. You try to calm down, but the panic just keeps getting worse. Your vision starts to blur, and you feel like you're going to pass out. You don't want to, but you can't seem to stop it. You feel like you're falling into a deep hole, and you can't grab onto anything to pull yourself out. The last thing you remember is the raindrops tapping against the window, as you lay there, helpless and broken, before passing out right there on the floor.
An hour later, Henry finally came home and unlocked the door. He stepped inside the house, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he kicked off his shoes and took a deep breath. It had been a long day, and he was looking forward to spending the evening with you, enjoying some wine and your company. "Honey!" He said his voice roaring in the house. Usually, you'd come running to him by this time, but he didn't see a sign of you. He thought you were probably in the loo, so he headed straight for the bedroom, box of chocolates and bottle of wine in hand, hoping to surprise you.
But as he entered the room, he realized that something was wrong. You were nowhere to be seen. The bathroom door was open, and when he checked, you weren't there as well. "Babe?" He called out to you, but there was no response. You never left the house without informing him of your whereabouts, and especially not in a weather that bad. He searched all the rooms, growing increasingly worried as each one turned up empty. Finally, he decided to give you a call and heard the faint sound of ringing, and followed it downstairs to the back room.
There, he saw you lying on the floor next to the patio window, passed out. "Baby? Fuck!" He said his heart sank at the sight of you. He rushed over to you, removing the blanket, as he picked you up in his arms. You were so still, it was as if you weren't even breathing. Henry felt his heart rate increase with fear, as he tried to wake you up, but you remained unresponsive. "God baby wake up, what happened here?" He decided to try and bring you to senses with some water, and ran to the kitchen to grab a glass. When he returned, he sprinkled a few drops onto your face. Slowly, your eyelids fluttering open, as you murmured his name. Henry felt a rush of relief, holding you close and running his fingers through her hair. "Oh thank God baby." He said kissing your head. He knew this had happened to you before. Every time you would stress out too much, you passed out. He carried you to the bedroom, laying you down gently on the bed. As you slowly regained your bearings, he sat down beside you, holding your hand.
"What happened, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice full of concern as he rubbed circles in your hands. You explained everything to him through tears, how the comments about your hearing disability had sent you into a tailspin. Henry's blood boiled with anger as you recounted some of the cruel and hurtful things people had said. He hated this. He in fact blamed himself for it. If it wasn't for him being so famous, he could have had a normal life, and give a normal one to his family too. His popularity always kept him and his loved ones under a microscope, and one could survive only if they grow a thick skin like he did. He knew this was hitting you and would hurt you, and now he regretted announcing the relationship, seeing you like this. He hoped that people would at least have some decency, but he was wrong. The world was filled with monsters and he couldn't protect his girlfriend from them. "I am so sorry baby." He said barely over a whisper pulling you in his lap.
"Those people are just cowards hiding behind their screens," he said, trying to comfort you. "They don't know you, they don't understand what you've been through, and they definitely don't deserve to make you feel this way." He added running his hands through your hair as you sniffled, and he wiped away her tears. "I just feel so insecure about it sometimes, like it's something that makes me less than everyone else."
Henry shook his head, pulling you into a tight embrace. "No, baby girl. It's the opposite. Your hearing aid is a symbol of your strength and resilience, a testament to the fact that you've overcome obstacles that would have defeated most people. And as for those people online, they don't know anything about you. They don't know how beautiful, smart, and amazing you are. So they don't get to make you feel this way. I am sorry, I couldn't protect you from this." He said the last part, laced with guilt. "Plus it's a very normal thing. It's like me wearing contacts because I'm literally blind without my glasses. Jeez. I'm actually frustrated with what people get up to in their time and call others out on the most unexisting things." He said sounding very frustrated at this point. You looked up at him, your eyes shining with tears. "Thank you, Henry. I don't know what I'd do without you, and no this is not your fault. You can't change the world, and it is filled with horrible people. You cannot be accountable for every single one of them" He smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. "You don't have to do anything without me. I'm here, always. And I'm not going anywhere." He leaned in, pressing his lips to your in a gentle kiss. "I know I'm broken, but you make me feel so beautiful and whole" You say melting into his embrace, feeling safe and loved in his arms. "Shhh baby, you're not broken. You're just beautiful. My sweet, beautiful, and intelligent princess. You mean the world to me, and I'm pretty sure my world is all round and beautiful and perfect." He said chuckling and making you laugh. In that moment, you knew that you were exactly where you belonged.
A while later, you feel Henry's arms wrap around you as he holds you close, the scent of his cologne enveloping you, as you both cuddle on the bed after a long day. You lean into him, feeling his warmth and strength as he holds you tightly. He pours some more wine into your glass, holding it up to your lips, encouraging you to take a sip. "Here baby, take some more" he said gently as you hold the glass. "Mmm are you trying to get me drunk Mr Cavill?" You asked chuckling as he simply just shrugs and smirks. As you sit in his lap, you squirm a little as he kisses your shoulder. You can feel his breath on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. His touch is gentle and loving, and you can feel the tension slowly melting away as he continues to kiss you. He pulls the sleeves of his t-shirt that you wore, down a little and whispers in your ear, "Baby do you know how beautiful you are? Mm?" He says in his deep raspy voice. You feel your cheeks flush as he continues to shower you with compliments, telling you how much he appreciates you and how much you mean to him.
He takes the glass from your hand and turns you around to face him, his eyes locking onto yours as he leans in to kiss you deeply. You can feel the passion and love in his kiss, and you respond eagerly, your body pressing against his as your lips meet in a fiery embrace. As the kiss deepens, you can feel your bodies entwining, your hands exploring each other's bodies with newfound passion. You feel Henry's hands on your back, pulling you closer to him as he continues to kiss you deeply. As the heat between you intensifies, you lose yourself in the moment, forgetting all of your worries and insecurities as you become one with Henry. You feel his love and devotion in every touch, every kiss, and every caress, and you know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. He swiftly enters you and lays you down, gently pounding into you not once breaking the kiss completely. He slowly picks up the pace and starts to make you feel like you're the only person that matters. "Mmm fuck my sweet princess. You're so fucking beautiful. I love you" He said biting your lip in a hard kiss as you feel yourself coming hard digging your nails in his flesh, as he fills you up. "MmI love you more Hen" you say enjoying the sweetness of this euphoric bliss. In that moment, nothing else mattered. You lay in his arms, as you feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over you. You know that there will be more challenges and struggles ahead, but you also know that you will face them together, with his love and support guiding your way.
A/N: I hope you liked it! <3
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toomuchracket · 4 months
Birthday party vogue magazine blurb or mini story or something!! Please please please please please please please please I need it ❤️😭
my idea was that british vogue want to do a feature on you, maybe even a cover shoot, on the theme of "the girl behind the covers" (because, you know, you're a writer. book covers). on that same theme, i think the styling and concept is very bedroom-based, not quite boudoir but slightly influenced by that vibe, a lot of you in vintage slip dresses and lingerie under crisp white shirts tangled in bedsheets (another type of covers) in a fancy london hotel suite lmao. you know the concept before you go, but you keep it a secret from matty because you want him to be pleasantly surprised - you do, however, sneak one of his white shirts with you to the shoot to wear in vogue! he's recording while you're shooting, anyway, so it's nice to have him there in some form lol. and the shoot is really fun; the styling is slightly glam but still very you, just a more polished version (the makeup artist (in my head it's dame pat mcgrath) shows you how to achieve the subtle look she's doing and it's so fun), and everyone is wonderful and great at making you feel at ease. when you get home that night, you're on cloud nine, and matty's even more enamoured than usual - his jaw drops when he sees your hair and makeup, and he's like "this is the look they did? i love it. you're just... you. but your eyes look even sparklier! how the fuck did they do that? eyeliner? never mind, just let me look at you. christ, you're gorgeous", and while you're preening he's like "let me take you out, please!! you look far too good to be staying in tonight. come on, let's at least go for a drink, or dinner, darling". so yeah, you go out, and he's just heart eyes the whole time - well, more so than usual lmao. and when the feature actually comes out, the actual profile done by one of your writer friends over the course of a weekend in london? matty LOSES it. he's actually rendered speechless by how incredible you look, for a good few minutes, just flipping through all the pictures with his eyes getting progressively wider and his smile getting bigger; he sighs in quite a lovesick way when he gets to a cute candid of you laughing with the silk bedcovers pulled up to your chin, and he's like "that's the one". you're like "the one what?", and matty kisses your cheek like "the one i want framed. i mean, i want all of them on display, because jesus CHRIST, but that one... that's the girl i'm in love with, that's what you look like in all my daydreams. it's just you, darling", and when you go all "🥺 i love you" matty's like "i love you, so much. a vogue feature! i'm so proud of you. and really glad that this happened after we got together and i get to fully explain how proud and in love i am. and also because there's no way i could have hidden how into you i am after seeing this, not a fucking chance lol". he's so cute. and simpy. and absolutely posting the whole thing to the main insta feed like "the woman of this and every hour. never getting over this nor her, never ever. brb i need to write her another song" lol. dreamy <3
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etoilesbienne · 3 months
Hello, I hope I'm not bothering by writing here! I quite like your last statement
I agree with the fact that the German cc was supposed to arrive a while ago + the awards were teased when they were all in LA, so it was planned a while back. I would still have liked a lil reassurance, even a short thing like "we are still working on the administration of the server" but I seem to understand looking at the other ccs that it's quite taboo to speak out about these and they prefer to handle it behind the scenes? Which I can understand
Being French you can't help but feel a little abandoned these days, baghera is busy and Aypierre is kinda a crypto bro and don't want to drop the content that boost his viewer counts, so yeah he his a sore subject lmao. Antoine stream less qsmp than the others and is not as involved in the server, and we (at least I am) are worried about etoiles since he never took a break that abruptly and that long before, moreover he sounded really down ; I was happy to learn that kameto is a sweetheart of a friend and took him out with him to Madrid for valorant esport! (his team is playing)
There isn't a lot of communication these day but I don't really want to see everyone expecting the worse or speculating, it's stressing everyone out... I hope to have news about the server when etoiles gets better (may he takes all his time he deserves it!). I'm kinda sad that the French won't meet Hugo or be there for the awards but we'll see how it goes, I'm hoping for the best since I would love to see etoiles (my main pov) play and interact with all the new (and older player) in the future !!
May everyone take care and if you get too bothered by this situation, try to take time for yourself to not get too mentally drained <3
Oh yeah absolutely I agree 100% on the first part with reassurance, I'm desperate for any sort of clarity or update on the admin situation to know whats going on moving forward. I just felt like the immediacy of people taking Hugo's announcement as a bad sign for admins was leaning a little fearmongering. These can both be true with Hugo not needing to be screwed over but also the admin situation is in desperate need of fixing.
but yeah... on etoiles I was really concerned since he's such a workhorse and streams while injured frequently, you can't put off managing chronic illness forever or it bites you in the ass (I would know lol).
I think your concerns and fears are very fair and valid here, Pierre's got a hot-cold relationship with the community since the start lol. I understand people's aversion to him. At the very least I do take Pierre being on the server at all as a bit of a sign that maybe French isn't totally lost... And knowing if they actually got rid of Pomme more than just the French would quit. People love those eggs.
Either way I hope Etoiles has a good rest of Ramadan & Eid, he deserves his break
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juniperhillpatient · 10 days
thank you SO much @missjessefantastico for the tag <3 ALSO EVERYONE READ THIS SERIES ABOUT VAMP WILLOW, THE UNDERRATED HYENA KIDS, & MORE!!! It's so good btvs fans who love underexplored ideas & characters pspspsps
20 Questions For Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 19
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 3,027,073
3. What fandoms do you write for? It's been Avatar the Last Airbender for the past few years. I have an old & probably not-good Rick & Morty fic up. Before that, I had some IT fics. I've got an orphaned fic for scream & one for house of 1000 corpses.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
the benefits of getting a flat tire this is Zuko running away from home & running right into the gaang - also uncovering some family mysteries & reconciling with Azula. modern au. it's Zukka & aw I'm nostalgic for those early days of mine in the fandom
if this were a movie this is basically an ATLA Hollywood Au. Zukka & Azutara. Past Jetko. I was happy with some of the dramatic moments in this fic.
not another high school au lord help me lmao. I'm SO sorry if you are reading this & you happen to love this fic but it's not the thing I'm most proud of. this is basically just me dipping my toes into writing ATLA modern AUs & in that sense I guess it's nostalgic? this is the fic I wrote as a newbie to the fandom just trying it out & I still do lovingly appreciate everyone who was kind & welcoming in those early days!
six feet under ATLA TVD AU MY BELOVED OMG. this is a vampire diaries au. there are no 1:1 translations but azula is damon, katara is a mix of jeremy & elena & so is sokka, zuko is stefan & YEAH. also aang is bonnie & iirc I probably even gave toph something fun to do. ozai is Katherine which is forever hilarious to me. yeah, this was a fun fic.
5. in search of glorious happenings of happenstance this fic is about nothing & everything at the same time. atla/modern world fusion with the four nations existing but also it's modern. all the atla teens/kids are going to college at ember island university & the fic takes place across a year. it's slice of life, comedy, drama, & chaos. lots of ships but I think azutara & jet/zuko/jin are probably, at the end of the day, the romances that are at the heart of this story although platonic relationships are also pretty important in this fic, IMO as much as romances. it's probably my magnum opus or something.
Do you respond to comments? yes <3 I am sometimes slow & I am not perfect but I TREASURE comments & do attempt to let people know as much. I write for myself, I post for the connections I make along the way.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the devil you know for sure. this is my atla/scream modern au. I talk about it constantly because I'm so insanely proud of it but if you don't know it's exactly what it sounds like. it's horror & tragedy that I feel really proud of & I do think those elements are at the heart of my writing passion despite me usually being a bit nervous about using them. so. I'm proud of this fic. & it has a very bittersweet ending but the tragedy is...there's a lot of tragedy. no more spoilers because I want people to read this!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? most of my fics have decently happy endings despite me claiming to prefer tragedy lol. I seem to recall the things we leave behind (mailee youtuber au with jetko & auztara. & they were roommates!) having a tooth rottingly fluffy ending lol
8. Do you get hate on fics? not really. it's happened before but it's not a big thing.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? sometimes I write the smutty scenes from my fics then save it only for myself. no you can't see. it's probably terrible. there's some shitty zucest smut of mine out there somewhere but I'm not sure it's any good & couldn't tell you where to find it lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I think the AUs I write are called "fusion" because it's more "inserting characters into another world & the characters of that world aren't a thing." but my fic the balance of things was actually a crossover with characters from both wizards of waverly place & atla interacting. also I wrote THIS one-shot that's a crossover between the game the coffin of andy & leyley & the show wizards of waverly place. I didn't post it on ao3 but I'm just saying.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  I don't think so?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have vague memories of doing this with this girl I was online friends with back in my fanfic.net days, years ago. I think it was Destiel.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? to write? I don't have one right now. I think maybe I got kinda burnt out on everything having to be about one ship or whatever rather than just telling the story & maybe that's a small part of why I'm taking a temporary break from fic writing & focusing on an original story so I'm not staying within fandom approved in parameters & I can just do whatever feels right ya know? I like Cisne's answer about any willow ship tho. me with my faves tbh hehe
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? can't think of one but I can think of fanfic ideas I'd like to return to & fully realize after I get back in the mood
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm okay at characterization although moving away from fanfic & working on something original has me questioning myself constantly!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm very lazy & often neglect research. sometimes if I don't know how to explain something I just change the whole scene so i don't have to bother.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? could be neat in the right context!
19. First fandom you wrote for? probably family guy lmao
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? maybe 'in search of glorious happenings of happenstance.' I think 'the devil you know' is objectively the strongest. but happenstance is just such a specific version of the characters that's fun to me? it's one of those two that's my favorite, depending on my mood
this is very long so these tags have even less pressure than usual:
@reythespacebae @theowritesfiction @imaslowlearner-butilearn @chasingfictions @hello-nichya-here @matchamarshmallow @akiizayoi4869 @dont-leafmealone @peony-pearl @lunaintheskyforever
also, anyone who wants to do this just say I tagged you!
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aritamargarita · 11 months
Hey bestie, it’s been a while!! I hope your well💗 I saw requests were open and this idea came to me after watching some old segments. Could you do a love triangle between reader, trish stratus, and Jeff Hardy?☺️
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hey bestieee im doing well!!! it's been a while indeed :). hope you're doing well too! so sorry this took a while! BUT THIS REQUEST...i can't explain how good this sounds LMAO I WAS LIKE “AHHHH—“...i may have gotten a little out of hand with the sadness on this one? i also kinda based it off this chart , with jeff as A, reader as B, trish as C. reader’s feelings for trish are conflicting and she kinda doesn’t think they’re real, therefore this is very jeff centered. and also kayfabe compliant lol
you guys can have an imagine..as a treat :3 alexa, pls set the tone for us *lights dim dramatically*
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YOU FELT SUFFOCATED whenever they were around. You hate Jeff. You hate Trish. You hate both of them. You hate how close they are and you wish they could never see each other again....but sometimes wishes can’t be granted.
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"Trish Stratus..she's just horrible, isn't she?"
Victoria’s voice comes from behind you. She sets a neatly manicured hand onto your right shoulder and leans into your ear. “I mean, just look at them.”
You didn’t want to look and she realizes this. Her hand reaches over to grab your face to forcefully turn it in their direction.
They’re standing there, holding hands and talking to each other with the biggest smiles in the world.
“Doesn’t it just make you sick? They’re rubbing it in your face, [Name].” Victoria says. “If I were you, I’d take that pretty little face….and smash it right against the mat.”
You sigh.
Her words were clearly fueled by hate. This wasn’t advice, this was just because she hated Trish. You don’t think you’ll ever get the reason as to why. Even when you accidentally walked in on one of her meltdowns and she babbled to you about how horrible she was, you were still at a loss.
“Just because you have a vendetta against her doesn’t mean that I do. She’s my—“
“We can see it in your eyes!” Stevie Richards appears from out nowhere, startling you. You’re trying to do your makeup, goddamn it. Why’d they have to come and bother you?
You whip your head around to your right. Stevie’s staring at you with nothing but a grin. He sets his hand on your left shoulder and shakes it lightly.
“C’mon. Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows you have a thing for that Hardy guy! Flower is right. I’m sure they make you sick!
Tch. Yeah, right. The only thing that everyone knows is that him and Trish were madly in love all of a sudden. And now that you think about it, the only thing that makes you sick was Stevie always calling Victoria that cheesy nickname.
“Hardy boy,” You correct. “And I don’t have a thing for him.”
You can see the reflection of the other two in the mirror. They’re not very convinced.
It’s not a thing. It never was a thing, you just think Jeff is pretty neat.
To put it in perspective, Jeff Hardy is someone you can rely on. Jeff Hardy is someone you can consider a hero. You really just think he’s neat for saving your neck a few times when it came to people ganging up on you.
And somehow, you feel like you owe him something in return. Him being with Trish only stalled your returning favor even further.
It’s driving you crazy. You haven’t talked to Jeff in days. All you do is avoid him. In other words, you’ve quit him, gone cold turkey.
Those two were getting closer and closer day by day and you just didn’t understand why.
Trish was your friend, best friend, and hadn’t even told you what was going on. The moment you heard the she kissed him right in the middle of the ring had made you really confused, to say the least.
Somehow, you felt yourself harboring some feelings for her as well. It was strange. You don’t really know why, but when Trish had started to tag with you, save you, (stating that she didn't want to see her friend in trouble), and hung around with you backstage, you started to think about her more often.
Things are difficult with her around. Things are difficult with the both of them around.
It’s the reason why you stopped talking to him and limited your interactions with her. This was for your own sanity, even if it wasn’t working out so well.
It truly is hard to believe you could find yourself in this situation.
Lita would constantly tell you how much Jeff missed you. For someone who was supposed to be “resting“and “healing up” because of her injury, she sure was hanging out backstage a lot more lately.
What makes matters worse is that her and Trish were best friends as well, so you’d occasionally hear her pass along messages. Ugh, you really wish she would stop telling you these things. It only makes you feel worse.
“I think you’re lying, [Name].” Victoria outright says. “You like him, no, love him. And seeing that plastic, fake, no good…” She has to stop herself from getting too wound up, taking a breath. “Seeing her makes you angry, doesn’t it?”
She’s right. You hate that she’s right. It does make you angry, but it makes you more sad than anything. You won’t admit it. You refuse.
“What makes me angry is the both of you trying to wind me up.” You throw your lip gloss to the ground. “Let me clarify. I do not and never will have a thing for Jeff Hardy!”
Perhaps your voice was louder than anticipated because suddenly, the hallway had gotten quiet. You had attracted unwanted attention, including looks from Trish and Jeff.
You take a deep breath. Victoria didn’t even know the whole story, so there’s no reason for you to act like this. As long as she hasn’t caught on about your thoughts about Trish, everything is fine and dandy.
Victoria only lets out a cackle, as does Stevie. They just couldn’t help it! The look on your face was just hilarious and you couldn’t have been anymore obvious with your true intentions about him.
Though you want to ask them what the hell was so funny, you realize there’s nothing you can do to save face, so you just storm off. You don’t think you can ever show your face backstage again after that.
The sound of footsteps behind you cause you to stop. “If the both of you are following me, I swear to god, I’ll—“
“It’s neither.” It’s Trish, all dressed up in her red ring gear. Her and Jeff were both dressed up, actually. “Were they bothering you? I can deal with them if you need.”
You wave your hand. “No, it’s no big deal.” In response, she gives you a smile, one that genuinely makes you feel sick.
There’s suddenly a strange tension in the room as Trish lifts up her hand to bite on her index fingernail. There are little details that you feel like you hadn’t noticed about her before in that moment, irrelevant as it was.
The way she curled her hair was different. Maybe it was the amount of lipgloss she applied, which seemed significantly noticeable.
The look on her face gives you the impression she’s not nervous at all, if anything, she seems a bit gleeful. “…So,” You feel like you already know what’s coming as she speaks up. “…I didn’t know you had a thing for Jeff…?”
There’s a teasing tone behind her voice, which makes you just want to quite literally leave the country and change your name. Dramatic, yes, but you feel like this is too much.
“Jeff is,” You have to pause for a minute, trying to phrase things carefully. “He’s cool. What brought you to that conclusion? I don’t have a thing for him..”
Trish probably couldn’t tell that you were in denial. “For one, your obvious yelling in the hallway. But if you say you don’t, I believe you.”
And speak of the devil, because he starts to come over to you two without a care in the world. He reaches out to hold Trish’s hand and you have to turn your attention anywhere but there.
“Hey, [Name].” Jeff greets. Honestly, he’s happy to see you. It’s been too long since you’ve spoken to him.
“Hi.” You come off bitter, but you do your best to mask any of it with a forced smile.
For some reason, Jeff feels like he’s over the moon, even if you had only greeted him. “How are you doing? Lita told me that you weren’t doing so well.“
“She’s not?” Trish turns over to look at you with a frown. “You aren’t? What’s wrong?”
Fucking Lita, again with this! This is exactly why you wish she’d just be quiet. You found yourself in a really awkward place because of her. “She’s wrong. I’m fine, like way fine.”
Jeff nods. On another note, he smelt like so much paint. If you looked closely enough, it was almost like it was fresh. You point this out in attempt to shift the topic. “You painted yourself again, huh? The colors are nice,”
The compliment you had given him about the colors had made him feel as if he was getting somewhere.
“Yeah. Sooner or later, I’ve gotta paint something on you. Pick any color and I’ll do it. Wherever you want.” He says. “You’re the canvas.”
Trish smiles. “He’s really good at it. But he’s also really good at getting it all over me..” She giggles, looking down at her hand.
There was definitely chemistry and you feel like you don’t belong. It pains you. “Hey, I just noticed. Do you two have a match tonight or something?”
“We do!” Trish chimes. “It’s funny you say that. It’s against Victoria and Stevie Richards. Don’t worry, we’ll kick their butt for you. Speaking of which, I think we have to go to gorilla. Let's go, Jeff.”
“Have a good match.” You wave. They both thank you and leave you be, but you can see them talking on their own as they head down the corridor.
You’re alone with your thoughts once more, that is until a sickeningly sweet voice had made you groan.
“Oh sweet, sweet [Name].” Victoria coos, reaching over to caress your cheek. You swipe her hand away and she laughs. “I think that was so rude. The audacity of him, right? Just showing up with her like that in front of you.”
You just stare at her.
She continues on, knowing that she’s got you right where she wants. “Now that you know we have a match against them...come with us.”
It sounds more like a command than a request and she’s smiling all the while. “Having them lose would make them feel like they’ve lost everything."
Is that really true? No, is that what you really want? You're hesitant. “I don’t know, it seems a little—“
She quickly cuts you off. “You can trust me, [Name]. We’re friends.”
Friends. You’ve heard that word a lot lately. But you feel as if you had no other choice, you had to trust Victoria. So, you end up following her to gorilla in hopes of getting what you want.
When it was your turn, commentary referred to you as something akin to a lost puppy. You were clearly hesitating, taking painfully slow steps down the ramp.
Stevie has to rush back to grab you by the arm and pull you down the ramp a bit faster, which makes you yelp. “Ow, ow, ow! You’re grabbing me too tight—!” He pays no mind to your complaint, instead presenting you to the duo in the ring as if you were a trophy.
Trish and Jeff were confused. Really confused. Why were you out here with them? The two pass whispers amongst each other while Stevie joins Victoria in the ring.
You can’t look them in the eye, so you try and focus on Stevie as he’s the one to start the match with Jeff. As soon as they lock up, you let out a shrill for Stevie.
It almost makes Jeff break it up, so Stevie quickly takes advantage and stiffs him a bit. You lean your head onto the apron. It's going to be a long one..
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So far, Victoria and Stevie weren’t doing too well. Trish and Jeff were completely dominating them and it makes you irritated. You want to help them out a bit. It’s Victoria and Trish in the ring while Jeff and Stevie were going at it outside.
Trish irish whips Victoria into the corner, and the latter brings up her knee to slam right into Trish’s face. As a rebound, Trish decides to hit the Stratusphere once Victoria starts to climb onto the top rope.
Alright, you can’t keep watching anymore. You absolutely have to interfere! Once she grabs her from off of the ground and starts heading towards the rope, you already know she’s about to do Stratusfaction.
In an attempt to stop her, you hop up onto the apron. The referee tries to stop you from getting in in the meanwhile. It’s clear that she hesitates coming towards your side, which gives Victoria enough time to try and reverse it into a Widow’s Peak.
Trish is able to maneuver her way back out of it though, much to your surprise. And instead of hesitating any further, she grabs Victoria by the back of her hair and uses you as leverage for her finisher. It hurt like hell once you hit the ground.
…Actually, you may have landed wrong. Almost immediately, a shot of pain had shot up your right leg, making you curl up and grab onto it. The crowd to let out a gasp.
‘[Name] falling off the apron, by god, that was a nasty fall!’ JR calls. ‘This may be bad news!’
On the other side of him, Jerry cries out. ‘Oh no! Come over here, [Name]! I’ll nurse it better!’
You don’t know what sucks more, the sound of the bell ringing along with Trish’s theme music or the fact you may have been injured. What if you’re taken off of TV? You feel like you’ll have to share your time off with Lita, who would probably drive you insane the entire time.
This is really bad. What starts to make it worse is that Stevie starts to stomp over to you. You can barely stand, which makes him yank you up harshly. He guided you over to the ring and pushed you in.
Now, you’ll have to answer to Victoria. As you try and use the ropes to get up, she stands over you, jabbing a finger in your face. “What the hell was that, [Name]?!”
“I was trying to help you!” It’s safe to say you’re afraid of Victoria right now. She's so unstable, you hated to be on her bad side. "I was!"
"We LOST!" She screams. "That bitch won! And it's all because of you! Guess what?! You're going to pay!"
Shit. Stevie grabs you and lifts you up, keeping you in a hold so that he’s got your arms hooked behind you. Victoria felt that she had no other choice but to punish you.
She reels her arm back in preparation. On instinct, you close your eyes.
…But nothing ever comes. You hear the crowd begin to cheer louder and you open your eyes to see that Trish had slid back into the ring and knocked her down. They move out of the ring, giving the other two enough space.
Of course, Jeff came back, easily maneuvering over to you and Stevie. He lets you go and you crash onto the ground, only able to watch them go at it.
Your leg was definitely busted. You can barely move! Luckily, the fight between the boys in the ring hadn’t last too long. Stevie rolls out of the ring to escape, while Jeff quickly comes over to you.
“Ya’ alright?”
"Besides my leg feeling like it's broken, sure, I'm alright." You sarcastically remark. He starts to walk and you try to hop along with him. “Dude, you’re going to have to slow down.”
“Sorry.” He quickly apologizes, slowing his speed so that you’re comfortable. You note that he’s not as harsh as Stevie was. He’s trying to guide you to the very edge of the ring.
…But he suddenly stops halfway before you get there. “What’re you doing?” You ask.
Jeff doesn’t reply.
Will he’ll regret this later? It didn’t matter. Before you can question him again, he reaches over to grab your face and brings you in for a quick kiss.
You don’t even know what to do. It was so fast, you didn’t even get the opportunity to decide whether you wanted to kiss back or not.
Perhaps it’s a random act of kindness. Maybe even an act of sympathy? You’re not even sure. You just look dumbfounded.
That’s the first time he’s ever done that. He goes back to helping you out of the ring without a word and you feel like it’s for the best.
Somehow, you have to fight the growing smile on your face, despite how much guilt may lie beneath.
Jeff Hardy is a strange individual, that’s for sure. But you know that he’ll always be a hero at the end of the day.
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bubblingbowie · 2 years
distracting me | argyle x reader
no use of pronouns, feminine terms(boobs and skirts and such), plus sized reader
summary: you work two stores down from argyle. he always sees you and sometimes talks to you. he wants to look away from you sometimes, but you look so good.
warnings: argyles a perv i’m ngl to you lmao, reader is plus size and talk about body image n such, smut but no actual full on sex, just booby sucking, but like descriptions of him jerkin it to you lol, you can call the reader dom but they just take charge, it’s a cliff hanger oh noooo. i think that’s it??
words: 2.3k
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you always walk through the strip he works at. a cute babe trotting their way to work two stores down from surfer boy pizza. and every time you walk by the window, he looks.
he doesn’t have the strongest grasp on social awareness, especially when he’s high, so he gawks. jaw dropped, his eyes doe eyes, arms heavy. you’re beautiful. every time he sees you he gets hot. his cheeks and nose gets bright red, a compliment to his bloodshot eyes. he can’t help but want to know what you feel like. how plush your thighs are in his grasp. how your breasts spill out between his hands while holding them. he thinks about it a lot. and gets hard at work a lot.
the first time you come in on your lunch break, he practically begs the cashier to let him take your order. he just wants to know how you sound. what your voice is like. is it high pitched and light? is it low and deep? either way, he could bet at least $10 that he’ll love it.
“welcome to surfer boy pizza, the best pizza you could get, unless you count dominos but do you think you’ll get as good service? no. you need some water? we got you dude! if you need anything at all we’ll get it for you! i mean we can even get you other things than pizza! except money cuz that’d be considered stealing, man.” he looked at you, feeling his cheeks get hot when he found your eyes not bored like most people when he rambles, but intrigued. he doesn’t get that often, accept with jonathan.
“that sounds great thanks man. i’ll just get uhhh two slices of pineapple pizza. i’ve always wanted to try it ever since i saw the sign for it outside. my friends say it looks weird but honestly“ he was cut off by his thoughts. you’re perfect. he could listen to you for hours. but the worst part was, he could feel his pants tightening. you bent over slightly while talking to him made him go crazy with the sight of your tits in front of him. “-so yeah that’s how i thought pineapple was a vegetable.” a small pause ”wait i was ordering right?”
“y-yeah. pizza.” he stuttered. “that’s all we do here.”
“and breadsticks.” you smiled. his length twitched at that smile. he’s so glad you can only see him waist up right now. he didn’t acknowledge your comment before turning around and telling the order to the people in the kitchen. he looked over his shoulder slowly to see you still staring at him, making him quickly look away. he needs you so bad.
“yeah the pizza will be out soon. could i uh..have your name..to call out?” they don’t call out names, just the order. he just really wanted to know your name. you said yours looking at the kitchen behind him curiously.
“whoa..uh chill name. very cool.” he smiled brushing off the clear cloudiness in his mind from the thought of fucking you. he wants to feel weird about it. but he just wants to feel you.
you just nodded and walked off to the side. he didn’t want to talk to anyone besides you so he walked away. from the counter, from everyone, from you and locked himself in the bathroom. what was he doing to do with himself?
the second time you went into the shop was three days later. it was lunch rush and argyle was already busy with other customers to notice you walking in. he can’t lie, he missed talking to you. missed seeing you. he had already jerked it 7 times to the thought of you since he last saw you.
you walked to him ready to order. he spun around and was shocked, expecting anyone else but you.
“hey dude welcome to- oh shit…hey man you’re back.” he looked you up and down at your outfit. it was so fucking tight on you. your thighs were extruding out and it was all he could focus on. he could beg for you to turn around right now. that would be some real eye candy.
“yeah i’m back! can’t really go anywhere else here. i’ll have the two slices of pineapple pizza again. i gotta say you got me hooked on it.” he shouldn’t be so happy he had an impact on you for something so small but for now he sees you as a goddess. and it’s truly an honor to be talking to you.
“always live by the rule of try before you deny!” you laughed at that and went to get your wallet to pay. he shamelessly gawked at your chest. thank god you weren’t looking at him, but once you did, his eyes shot up at you.
“how much is it?” you asked
“the pizza. how much do i owe you?” you have a sweet smile, waiting for his reply.
“oh! four thirty seven.” you help out a five and he took it. “that’ll be out in a minute” he paused before saying your name, he loved how it sounded. he’s said it so many times before, just with his cock in his hands. but you didn’t know that. that’s what made it fun.
the third time was when he was closing. the kitchen was cooled and down. tables sanitized and chairs put away. but somehow you came in.
“oh crap you’re closing. sorry, i had the munchies.” you said, not even inside yet. wait. did your clothes get any tighter? or was he loosing blood in his head from the raging boner he had by seeing your top. thin. you weren’t leaving anything up to the imagination. and he wasn’t angry. he bathed in your body’s light. people would scoff and laugh at your stomach. make fun of your rolls. of course he didn’t think anything was wrong with you, because nothing was. but the fact you were confident enough to ignore them or even say something back? that’s what made him rock hard every night.
that’s what made him think about how you’d feel in his lap. looking all pretty, smoke around you. half lidded lust catching up and you bounce up and down on him. how do you moan? are they more like whimpers? either way he’d drink them up like nectar.
“no hey! you can stay man. the uh..the drink machines still going if you want something. a coke or anything.” he tried desperately to convince you to stay. he wanted to be alone with you. you didn’t even have to do anything. just sitting with you and talking to you would be enough jerk off material for him later.
“oh yeah sure! that’s fine i suppose.” you walk in and set your stuff down on the counter. “mind giving me a cup?” he scrambled to say ‘sure’ and ran to the back, searching for the red plastic cups they use. he looked at you through the small window from the kitchen. what if he made his move? what if…he did something with you? oh god. he can’t even think about it.
“here you go. get whatever you’d like, man. you have the luxury here.” he gave a small laugh looking down at you as you smiled at him. you quickly turned around and walked to the machine and. there it was. he’s been waiting for you to turn around and flaunt that ass for weeks. he almost moaned from the sight of if. you were so plump. so full and he couldn’t handle it. the thoughts of taking you to his van and making you his was almost unbearable.
“is it alright if i sit on the counter? the chairs are all put away and ive been standing all day” you look at him, sipping on your straw from your drink.
“no yeah go ahead dude. we can stay here as long as you want. actually maybe after 9 would be good. but even after maybe i could take you in my van. i know a good road to just drive on and…it’d be neat to..drive..” god help him you looked too tempting. again, with no social awareness, he stared. your cleavage hypnotizing him like some sort of sex crazed middle schooler. although he wasn’t far from that.
“you alright, ari?” that nickname. when other people say it, it’s always just kind of nice. when you said it, everything in him wanted to lay you down on the counter and put his face between your legs.
“dude…can i be honest?” he said, putting his hands on the counter on each side of you. you had a worried sick expression.
“yeah go ahead. do you want me to leave? oh shit i knew i was over stepping i always do this! i’ll leave you so-“ he couldn’t think, he just wanted you to know he wants you. he slowly moves his hands off the counter and onto your hips.
“you’re the hottest thing i’ve ever seen. and i work around pizza ovens” you want to laugh at his horrible joke but the way his hands are glued onto your mid hip, just meeting your thighs.
“dude..what are you-“
“your tits are unbelievable, man.” he interrupted. he wasn’t even listening to you. he just wanted to grope and feel and squeeze. now you knew what’s up with him. the man is horny. because of you. argyle saw a grin on you and looked up at you, not moving his head.
“you think so? i think they’re alright.” you shrugged, looking back at him. the tension was like rubber, if one of you let go of one end, it would snap and who knows what would happen.
“just alright? i’ve seen many but dude these make shannon tweeds look like nothing, man.” then he stopped with words and movement alike. “hey if you don’t wanna do any of this, no hard feelings. i’m a man and i’ll back off if you want.” in shock of him not picking up hints, you put your hands on his shoulders.
“touch me more ari.” with a slow nodding of his head he placed his palms back into your waist. moving up and up and up until…jackpot. he started slow with holding your chest. soft light touches. then when he saw there was no discomfort, he squeezed. and there was a whine from your lips.
there was the snap.
“holy shit…” he gasped, feeling the tightening feeling in the pants once again.
“enjoying yourself babe?” babe? ari wants to do so much to you just to say that again. he nods eagerly. he puts his finger just slightly into your shirt, signaling he wants to pull it down. with a quick nod while looking into those glossy eyes, he pulls and your tits fall out.
it was like christmas for him. this angel before him and their even more angelic boobs right in front of his face.
“you just gonna stare at them?” you tilted you head to the side and gently put your hand on top of his head. he knew what you meant. and he couldn’t be more eager.
he leaned forward and put his lips around your left bud, earning a groan from you, the vibration traveling to his lips. he’s done this before but he’s never been this needy. he’s drooling all over your tits and all you can do is enjoy his deprived licks and prods and your chest.
he didn’t once take his lips away from your skin traveling to the other mound, just kissed his way over. he was gentle with his touching but his kissing and sucking? harsh.
“ari come here” you softly spoke to not startle him. he looked up and detached his lips, a string of drool following. you urged his head gently up to your face and kissed him. yup. a harsh kisser. but who can blame him? he likes you so much that he can’t believe this is even happening! “how long have you wanted to do this hm?” you spoke as you pulled away and he sighed.
“i think..since you started working where you are. you always walked by where i could see you. dude i gotta say..you’re gorgeous. not just hot but beautiful. you’re still hot but i want you to know it that you’re both.” he saw your expression of confusion. wide eyed and eyebrows furrowed. “am i making sense?”
“perfect sense” you kissed his forehead, accepting his confession of a crush. then moved for another kiss on his lips. “what do you want to do to me babe?”
“i can choose?” he said sitting up more straight to look at you, he wanted to be more leveled with you.
“unless you want me to. i can take control.” you said with a grin, giving him infamous ‘fuck me’ eyes. it’s like the more you do, the more he shuts down and want to be taken care of.
“w-well…maybe i could…see what between” he drifted off as he leaned down just above your thighs, placing his hand on top of them. “these sweet babies” he was sweating with anticipation.
“you wanna taste me?” you said pure raw need laced within your voice. all he did was nod his. “come on words babe”
“yeah. id love to.” a grin was placed onto your face.
“then get to work.”
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strwbrry-skies · 1 year
Hiya hope you enjoying your day can U write the ninja with an older sibling reader I need some more platonic ninja y'know?
Like the older sibling reader looks after then when their injuryed/sick or sad
If your unable just ignore me lmao
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"if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, 
i'll sail the world to find you. 
if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, 
i'll be the light to guide you."
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summary: reader, zane, and nya take care of the sick ninja lol
pronouns: ninja he/him, nya she/her, reader they/them.
trope(?): platonic, found family<3
warnings/head's up: intensional lowercase, reader is older than all of the ninja, pretty rushed
author's notes: greetings anon!!! i love the idea of the reader being the oldest of the ninja and them all treating them as a big sibling,, sobs. anyway, hope you enjoy!! 
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the sun shows itself as the alarm clock sings its beautiful notes. 
ding ding ding
you quickly wake up, not wanting master wu to go inside your room and barge down your door.. again. you got ready, went in the kitchen to grab your mug and get your desired beverage, and you made your way to the ninja's room as you stretched. you knock on their door and you open it. 
"morning guys. you know what to do." you sip from your mug as you look at them tiredly until you notice something. they were even.. lazier than any other day. they basically look like jellyfish? of course, except for zane. he was normal but he also noticed what you were thinking about.
you look at them with an eyebrow raised, "alright guys, what is going on? you guys feel alright? i can just tell master wu for you to not train today." jay clinged on the fabric of your outfit and shook you lightly "MY WHOLE BODY IS ON FIRE" jay screamed, receiving a few nods in agreement. 
"jay, let go of me! i'll get sick too!" you said as you took a few steps back and bump into someone behind you, it was nya. "it looks like the ninja has gotten sick." nya said as everyone looked at her weirdly, "wha- what do you mean by that, nya? we were healthy and strong yesterday!" lloyd asked, his voice sore. 
"doesn't mean you can't get sick, kid!" nya smiles. "also, master wu had to go somewhere for a few days. maybe just.. two and a half days." nya announced. "that means we have to take care of these goofballs on our own?" you asked her, knowing full well the answer is yes. and of course, she nodded as everyone groaned. 
after a few hours, it was dinner. you and zane had to prepare it, you thought of making something warm and.. and "soupy". he agreed and you two decided to make miso soup. zane called everyone to eat as you finished preparing the table. everyone enjoyed it! 
when zane and nya tell them to go to sleep, you were in your room. and you tried to sleep until a knock on your door could be heard.
"come in." you said as you sat up from your bed. the door creaks open and it showed zane and nya, they brought sleeping bags. "oh, hey guys. what's up?" you asked them with a smile on your face.
"can we sleep with you? i'm sooo tireddd.." nya sighed loudly, being very exhausted after taking care of the ninja today. "this day has been really tiring for us all. why don't we spend time with each other without the ninja?" zane explained as he laid down his sleeping bag. "yeah why not?" you answered them as you lay down on your bed as you stared at the ceiling. 
they both get ready and say their goodnights and sleep tights. you saw them sleeping soundlessly, you sigh as you close your eyes. drifting to your sleep. 
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oleander-nin · 4 months
Hi again, I'm that same person that sent that long ask earlier lol
Okay ESPECIALLY after the poll you put up, I wanna say again that WE ALL LOVE YOU STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP /p
I'm stuck between wanting to be heartfelt and encouraging or just shaking you by the shoulders and scream at you /aff /pos
Ollie, genuinely, don't push yourself too hard. Yeah we love what you write, but we understand that you're a person with a life. You do not owe us anything.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, or maybe looking too far into this, but I feel like you're a perfectionist? And that you feel you have to crank things out quickly and it all has to be perfect. Maybe you feel somehow indebted to give us things to read. and lemme tell you, it's very easy to get stuck in a loop of "do the creative thing for your followers or else". That is, if you aren't in that loop already. I'm sorry, know I'm assuming a lot, and I'm not meaning to pry.
I just say this because I recognize the way you talk in your tags or authors notes. I'm not an author, but I used to post art. I kept getting more frustrated with myself, (and I can definitely tell you are too). I lost motivation, and it stopped being fun pretty quickly because I kept thinking "it needs to be perfect" or "I need to create faster" all for the sake of an audience. So when you apologize, or seem to value your writing so little, it just makes me worry that you're in that same loop. Heck, I mean, I still don't make art often, I still have perfectionist issues and worry about how fast I can create. But it's becoming fun again, slowly.
I just hope that writing is still something you like to do. I would hate for your passion for writing to be squandered by the pressure and expectations of an audience. I know you have a lot going on right now, even if you try and act like you should be able to push through it and write, but please take care of yourself. If the February challenge is getting too difficult, please don't feel like there's any shame in limiting your workload. We'll be happy with whatever you make, and I'll be even happier if I know you actually enjoyed writing it. /gen
WOW this is long I'm sorry lmao. I've been at this for like half an hour. (Do asks have a word limit? Oops I hope not ahshjsk)
Oh also, don't worry about responding to this is an "appropriate" way. I know that this would be hard for me to respond to, so don't feel pressured to say anything at all. Even if you delete this, I'll be perfectly fine with it. /gen I just hope you read it and understand that we care about you. Please feel better <3
Breaking this down paragraph by paragraph cuz you deserve it💪(also I'm avoiding responsibilities rn shhh)
Okay first of all, thank you a lot. This entire thing kinda helped me realized just how bad I was letting myself get. In the back of my mind, I know I don't have to write, or that I shouldn't be doing it the way I am, but it felt like an obligation at some point, both from trying to repay you all in the only way I know how, and from trying to catch up with everyone else. Sometimes it feels like I'm falling behind, and if I don't keep going, I'm just going to lose everything.
I forgive you<3/lhj, but you're not technically wrong. While I'm not in the perfectionist in the sense I won't post something unless I deem it perfect and have checked over 8 times(what I used to do), I still tend to pick apart everything I've made and found every flaw. I realize this is a problem, and have been yelled at by many a teachers for it lol. But yeah, a lot of the time I do feel indebted, and I probably am stuck in that loop(Which is why I'm so bad at actually taking breaks). Don't feel bad for assuming, nothing you could say would really offend me, and you've been dead on this whole time.
I've been meaning to stop talking about how much I hate certain parts of what I write in the tags+A/N's, because I know listening to me whine and cry about something that doesn't matter gets annoying, but I'm not good at that either I guess lol.
I'm fairly certain that writing will always be fun for me, as I'm still looking forwards to doing a lot of the requests I got and one set of ideas I have, but finding the will to write it down seems impossible right now. It's like I'm stuck at the bottom of a sheer cliff and I can't start writing until I read the top. The main reason I'm so mad at myself for flopping so bad with this challenge is because I was able to do the Horrortober one just fine, as well as maintain a schedule for a while. It feels like I'm getting worse rather than getting better, and It's just making me frustrated with myself to the point of just wanting to quit(not that I think I'd be able to if I'm honest. I tried once, yet here I am, only 3 years later.)
Anyways, I'm just going to start putting more time into the writing instead of trying to force a deadline. I want to be able to make longer fics again, and to start TWOAL back up(I've been avoiding it because I want the chapters to start being 4000+ to mimic actual books). I want my writing to seem like it has care and quality, and not like it was produced by a factory. I have once headcanon style fic about the Vamp turts in the work I was spending days on to make sure it was decent, and it alone is better than a lot of stuff I've put out recently.
Thank you! I appreciate your words, sorry for the vent. I'll probably just delete this half later lol, but I needed to get some stress out.
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The reader decides to dress up as them to troll them, like they roll up behind Pietro mocking his voice in a horribly sewn version of his costume all 'I need to get Fred to make my sandwiches for me!'
Dressing up as the members of the Brotherhood to make fun of them (because they deserve it LMAO)
Tumblr media
You're right, this is such a cute idea!! I love it. This one might be shorter, but I still hope you enjoy it anyways! Also, I'm so sorry this took so long, the holidays have been really busy for me. But I still tied my best.
• He isn't amused.
• Yeah, he's a bit of a sourpuss.
• "Very funny. Take it off. This costume took a lot of time."
• But he eventually starts smiling a little (and I'd you're dating maybe he even thinks it's cute, who knows?)
• Also, if he was really annoyed, he'd dye your hair in your sleep
• "What? I thought you wanted to look like me."
• He's a bit of a sourpuss too. Crossing his arms and rolling his eyes and huffing.
• "I do not sound like that!"
• (He definitely does sound like that)
• He claims he doesn't care, but he'll make his voice a little deeper for a while
• Eventually starts making fun of you back, like mocking your voice and saying stuff like "do I look as ridiculous in that outfit as you do?"
• He's kind of honored, honestly.
• Even if you're not dating, he kind of finds it hilarious and adorable at the same time.
• Maybe a little eye rolling and poking fun, but he just likes playing around so he's not really offended.
• Gives you tips on how to impersonate him better.
• "No, no, that's a Staten Island accent! You need to go higher"
• He might be a little hurt at first, because he's been ridiculed for his looks so much. But he realizes it's friendly teasing and he calms down.
• This poor man.
• As if being a mutant wasn't bad enough, he also has to deal with a crazy amount of fatphobia.
• So a joke like this.. might not be the best idea. Just saying.
• He's got some trauma, and I think any joke you make towards him would feel like a personal attack. (I mean, all of them have a bunch of trauma, I just think he's the most emotional)
• Not to get all serious or anything, but I really don't think he'd react well.
• He'd probably be confused at first, then angry, then sad.
• Probably all three at the same
• I know everyone else has dealt with a lot of ridicule, but his looks and personality are a really sensitive subject, you know? I think he'd be more sensitive
• Just wear his clothes, he'll think it's really cute. No trauma reactions needed!
• She's mostly stone faced.
• She does crack a smile every once in a while, especially if you're actually wearing her outfit.
• When she's feeling especially nice (which is rare so appreciate it) she'll actually compliment you. Like saying "it looks better on you."
• Honestly, she gives me Rosa from B99 vibes.
• She lets you borrow her clothes if she thinks they looked good on you. You guys would basically share a wardrobe from then on.
• "And? What about it? You're just jealous."
• She's way too confident and proud to let something like that effect her
• But she would definitely make fun of you back, like right away.
• It's like she has a secret list of insults she keeps of anyone who decides to make fun of her.
• She is extremely prepared.
Again, this was adorable! Thank you so much for requesting it. And again, I'm sorry for being so late. I promise I wasn't ignoring you lol
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imunbreakabledude · 8 months
gen v ep 4 thoughts
i guess i will put these behind a cut not that there's a lot of them
mostly just wanna say... i was very casually thinking "oh jordan/marie might be fun" before this ep but didn't fully think they'd go there just because... I don't know, I guess my ingrained belief that any sort of queer char outside the "norm" is not gonna be in a relationship with the main lead of a tv show? which is sad but I'm glad they are going for it? my one hesitation right as they kissed the first time was "shit is this gonna be a thing where it's just mariexboy-jordan and it's kinda heteronormative even w a distinctly queer character?" but the ending, i am now very much on board because yay queer marie, yay genderfuckery, and yay rivals to begrudging allies to lovers... i love it...
i was laughing that boy-jordan actor (derek something? Maybe? I am not great on the actor names for this show yet) basically did nothing this ep besides kiss marie tho lmao i do wonder in the writing/directing of the show how much they decided when each actor would be playing jordan - both for story implications but also in terms of giving the actors stuff to do, just an interesting thing to consider
also what are we callin it. jorrie? jordie? mardan? I think i like jordie
anyways i don't really give a shit about cate/andre or sam/emma i mean they're both fine but I am HERE for jordan and marie i hope it continues to be interesting and doesn't turn into any kind of sad cop out "one time thing" or shit
other thoughts i suppose
i will have to go look up what the fuck Tek Knight's power is supposed to be because it seemed like... super senses or super observation? like sherlock or the guy from psych? but i thought Tek Knight was supposed to be an iron man parody so i had been expecting something tech related... i cant decide if i found him entertaining or not... i guess, slightly. the whole "he just fucks things all the time because of a tumor" thing didn't really hit the mark for me it didn't quite land as funny nor like, an interesting way for dean shetty to one up him ... how man things he fucked in that montage IN PUBLIC SPACES i don't believe that it isn't ALREADY on instagram lol
Sam... I do like, big creds to his actor whose name i dont recall for making him so charming and sympathetic but also at the same time I am feeling a ~little~ like it's falling into that sorta fetishizing mental illness trope idk how to describe it but like similar vibes i got from anytime people (women) would go "crazy" on j*ss wh*don shows... idk idk i'm gonna see if i can find any perspectives from people with schizophrenia about this portrayal bc I don't know too much about it tbh! but yeah i... i dunno yet
i'm glad they confirmed giant emma is a thing too lol but imagine growing that large and then your bits are just on full display to everyone. your giantized bits. enlarged for easy viewing. i know a lot of people become naked with their powers in this universe so it's probably not AS weird for them but .. lol
ON THAT NOTE... JORDAN should share their secret for magic clothing that fits you perfectly no matter when your body changes with emma. lmao i kid but it's weird to me that every other character on this show whose power morphs their body in such a way that clothes would fall off or get destroyed (Emma, Golden Boy, etc) or otherwise be impracitcal (Translucent and the other invisible RA guy), they stick to the "realism" in that sense... which is just making me fixate on how the FUCK do jordan's clothes work? i mean, they have great style, but also their outfits fit PERFECTLY in both forms. and i'm like how? how does that work? they are very different sizes. Also like... are they wearing a bra? looks like it at least in some of the outfits w the tight shirts. Where's the bra go when they go into masculine form? huh? i wouldn't be asking these questions at all if the show didn't specifically call attention to clothing with everyone else's powers lmao.
Also I have to say the dick exploding scene felt really random and unnecessary .. there are times when the audacious/gory scenes on this show (and The Boys) really work but a handful of them on this show so far aren't hitting quite as much for me and feeling more like they just insist upon doing more of them to remind you "this is a The Boys spinoff!!! remember??? it's The Boys!!! Exploding Dicks!!!" like it'd be OKAY if you went an episode without genitals exploding... this show is already different... there's still people dying... we know...
intrigued by the teaser about the memory loss or whatever's going on w that...
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spinnysocks · 5 months
young tlg crocodiles aus
i didn't realise i couldn't save ask answers as drafts! :( but anyway, @devilsrecreation asked: So what exactly are your ideas for the baby crocs in The Lion Guard I’m really curious 👀 so here's my response!!
as she already established in her hcs, pua is basically everyone's adoptive dad! in this context to makuu, kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema! he has different relationships with all of them but he's closest to makuu and kiburi for sure
i like to think that makuu is older than the other four; i was going to say don't question me on ages but i just found out it takes ~12-15 years for nile crocodiles to reach full adulthood! so it checks out that makuu could be a year older and still hang out with them. there's probably so many non-mature members of the float that they have younger groups within it
speaking of that, i actually think makuu didn't get along very well with the other crocodiles his age. but, one day, he briefly interacts with the younger kiburi's group and gets to know them really well. he kind of becomes their secondary charge behind pua. no danger was gonna get close to those four lmao
i think crocs are pretty wholesome & innocent when they're babies but get more into the crocodile way as they mature. it's just really cute to think of baby kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema innocently interacting
there's this song i fell in love with while coming up with the mjuzi nduli au called little fang by avey tare! for me personally it fits my ideas for that au, i think it's also sweet as a lullaby/poem that pua sings to the five kiddos. i really recommend it it's an adorable song
i'm a sucker for crack/uncommon ships, i saw pua x basi once and it kinda stuck with me. i'd just enjoy seeing their dynamic as two leaders who work together when it's the time of year for the crocs to share with the hippos. because of their bond (platonic or romantic idrk), i imagine one of the reasons beshte is so friendly is bc he grew up around and got to know the crocs when they'd share big springs with the hippos. he says "I know it's crowded, Kiburi. But it really is a good spot" because he remembers the crocs' younger years and knows they can be reasonable, but things changed that weren't under his control and he couldn't do anything about it.
he feels kinda dissapointed about how things changed, cuz to him the crocs were like the neighbour's family you get to know really well. to stir up some more sadness, it's almost always beshte who's kicking out kiburi's float. beshte sends them back to the outlands himself so they don't hurt his friends, even though he remembers when they were 'good' or more understanding/just before makuu and kiburi's rift in general
since it takes so many years for crocs to mature, i imagine the younguns would spend ALL THE TIME playing. pua has a soft spot for the five of them so their playtimes and adventures become kind of like a bluey episode where they learn something valuable. kiburi listens to him more than anyone, while makuu's a bit more like "Yeah, yeah" bc he thinks being older means he doesn't need to learn anything new
one of pua's lessons would be not to judge or underestimate someone for being different, such as neema for being mute or nduli for not being born in the float (my own hc is that he's from an outsider float that was really struggling which is why he's so small. he was found by pua really young and his parents agreed he'd have a better life in the pridelands)
pua taught the five a lot of good lessons but obviously not all of them stuck. i haven't come up with what caused the rift between makuu and kiburi exactly, but i think kiburi's float would still want to be friends with makuu, and even more so after he redeems himself. despite being fully grown now they still kinda see him as a cool older brother that they can learn from but they'll always stick with kiburi because, at the end of the day, it's them four against the world lol
whew. that's it for now! i could write for days about these guys. and i probably will make a follow-up post at some point
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