#but we don’t KNOW what happens next till it actually happens
sistertotheknowitall · 3 months
Some Guy on Fear Gas (can apparently turn invisible)
“Danny was supposed to be in class today.”
There was a round of sighs in the coms. See Danny didn’t react in the same manner as the rest of the population when exposed to fear toxin (or in general, but they were mostly used to that). See Danny didn’t scream, he didn’t cry, he didn’t get violent. He got unnervingly paranoid.
He got so unnervingly paranoid about being watched, specifically by the government if the muttered and whispered words were to be believed. His eyes tracked nothing while he slowly moved around invisible people. It wasn't like dealing with someone in an active hallucination experiencing a psychotic break. It was like dealing with someone in a paranoid delusion. He wouldn't let any of the bats near him and often took off, disappearing into the chaos.
Four months into seeing this kid everywhere and their suspicions were confirmed when he literally disappeared after the second time being poisoned.
Danny was a meta and he was afraid.
That’s not the reason for the exasperation felt by this family though. It was what always happened after. The first time he ignored every vigilantly when they tried to bring it up. After the second time he attempted to avoid everyone, extended family included.
(He had asked Kate if she was also Batman’s kid. “More like their aunt.” “Oh okay so it really is a family business. Like that show Unnatural. You don't happen to have also lost your parents at a relatively young age and now go on to fight a dark presence in their honor, do you?.” Kate had stared passively at him, the others had warned her. “….. okay… are you more of a Zuko honor type?”)
However, it was like the universe conspired against Danny. Even Bruce agreed that there had to be some god or being doing this (nothing is ever a coincidence). They kinda felt bad for him. He was very obviously trying to avoid them and he was either really bad at being evasive or a deity was laugh at him. Once he had thrown himself behind a lamp pole smaller than himself and closed his eyes to avoid Stephanie.
(It was very awkward. He could turn invisible and knew they knew so why…..? She had politely continued past so not to embarrass the poor guy further. Cause this was embarrassing and they both knew it.)
Finally it was Duke who pulled them all out of limbo. He had come across Danny on the roof of another bank. A lesser known capital union closer to crime ally this time.
Danny hadn’t been avoiding Duke in the same manner as everyone else. He still stopped to give Duke food but he never spoke and he ran after. Duke thought it would be weird to chase him but it was also weird to turn around, have an orange shoved into his hands then watch his friend run away.
However, this time Danny didn’t run as Duke approached so Duke sat next to him. Pulling out a granola bar, he handed it to Danny, “that’s why you feed me all the time right? Cause you know how many calories we need as metas.”
Danny had laughed, “no actually, that was a bit that morphed into a habit. I just thought it was funny.”
“Don’t get me wrong, now that we’re friends I am more than happy to feed you but yeah. The first candy bar was a thank you and then the second time I thought ‘I have fruit.’”
“….. wow… okay.” There went his plan of empathizing. They sat in silence as Duke tried to reorganize his thoughts.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you all.” Duke turned his head to face Danny, who kept his eyes forward, “you know no one cares that you’re a meta.” “Obviously. It wasn’t the invisibility that I was upset about," Danny said.
“The muttering. The paranoia.” Danny grimaced and didn’t say anything.
“You don’t have to tell us till you’re ready, man. Just let us know if you need help. Please, are you safe?”
Danny nodded and Duke nodded back and they had both continued to sit. When they parted ways Danny handed Duke a small bag of chips.
Danny had apologized everyone one at a time even though they had heard it from Duke. Danny never explained nor did he want to talk about his it. His power of invisibility was also a subject off limits. All of them were worried but they didn’t want to force him to talk about it. They had to trust that he would one day feel comfortable doing so with any or all of them. (Still, it was hard seeing their friend so paranoid that he flinched back from them. )
Post Six
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soxcietyy · 5 months
Racer Yuuta pt3
Yuta x fem reader
Continuation of part 2
˚₊‧꒰𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒱ ‧₊˚ forbidden love, brat taming, 5 year age gap, 18 + content, exhibitionism.
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Arriving at the place he tells you to wait in the car as he goes to fetch you some water. You comply only because you felt so tired. He kindly rolled the window down for you so you could get some fresh air. Closing your eyes you began to relax. You could hear chattering from the people outside but it wasn’t enough to bother you. You wernt about to tell people they couldn’t speak or so you thought.
"Y/n! I’m surprised to find you in Yuutas car! I thought you said there was nothing going on with you two." Mahito says as he standing at your door.
You really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. Also Yuuta wouldn’t be so happy just like last time. If you didn’t want to be scolded then you would have to shoo him away before your boyfriend got here.
You tell Mahito that you actually figured things out and to leave you alone. He obviously didn’t care since he was still standing here. You also couldn’t roll the window up because Yuuta took the keys. You groan as he kept pestering you about how he saw Yuuta with another girl last week. You didn’t care about that though because you didn’t know him till three days ago!!!
"You don’t look like a taken women, where’s the ring? The marks? Or his hoodie?" He says inspecting you up and down.
"Look Mahito I’m kind of busy right now. I need to actually go look for Yuuta." You say as you start to unbuckle your seatbelt. You could not be seen with this man. He’s had been blowing up your phone since that day you met him and you regrets sharing your contact information.
"There’s no need for that because he’s coming this way." He says pointing at Yuuta who was walking back with a water bottle in his hand. He obviously wasn’t wearing his normal smile either. You sink into your chair as you cover your face with your hands. This was not going to end well for you.
"May I help you?" Yuuta said trying to sound nice even though his face didn’t really help.
"Oh no I’m just catching up with my friend here." Mahito laughed as he grabbed your shoulder playfully. You would quite use the word friend to describe your relationship at all.
"That sounds wonderful and all but we really need to go." Yuuta said as he gets in the car and drives off to the other side on the area. He drove where all the other competitors parked. He pulled up your window not wanting the same thing to happen again.
Your eyes grew big once you saw the cars. They look so good and unique. Yuuta ended up parking next to Itadori and the same girl you saw Yuuta talking to the day you met him. He turns to look at you and asks you about what Mahito said to you. You tell him everything but emphasize that you wanted no part of the conversation.
Yuuta let out a simple "tsk" as you finished speaking. "I don’t think you need anything to let people know your mine." He said clearly pissed off about what that guy said.
Then you said something you shouldn’t have.
"What if he’s right? A hickey wouldn’t hurt." You say shyly.
He turned to look at you surprised. "There’s no way you’re agreeing with him y/n. Plus hickeys are so tacky."
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed in the response. "Maybe just one wouldn’t hurt." You mumble.
Yuuta looked at you for a second before pushing his chair back and leaning it down. He then pats his lap for you to crawl on. Was this him saying yes to the hickey? That was actually so easy.
You comply and sit there comfortably. Then he leads you to his lips and kisses you. It was a really slow and passionate kiss that had you melting. He makes you strap his lap as he bites your lip. You let out a groan from the sudden pain. This gave him his an easy opening and starts exploring once he slipped his tongue in your mouth. You could feel as his hands were being occupied your chest as he groped them roughly. Your hands go up to his hair as your fingers intertwine with his hair. His very soft, silky, jet black hair that smelled of coconut.
His hands then decide to go to your behind. He groped them and massaged them to his pleasure. Loving the way the filled his hands up. You follow his lead by pulling his member out of his pants. Nobody would see what you were about to do since your back was facing them. So jerking him off while you made out wouldn’t hurt.
"Since you want everyone to know who you belong to." He said in between kisses. "I guess we’ll have to show them right?" Yuuta said as he abruptly lifted your skirt up. You gasp and try to turn around to pull your skirt down but his grabs you and pulls you down so you would be laying on top of him with your ass in the air.
You look at him horrified, "what are you thinking?!" You say trying escape his grasp.
"Just showing the world who my girl is." He said as he forced your hands to lay on the small of your back as he used his other hand to remove your panties. With one hard tug the string to your panties broke.
"Yuuta!" You yell furiously.
"Now this is a side I have yet so see." He smirks at you. "Such a feisty girl huh?" "You wanted this Angel, just look at everyone around us with there phones out. Taking photos and videos of your adorable little cunt." He said as he aligned his member with your hole. In one swift motion he slammed himself inside making you shutter.
You moan as he pumped himself in and out of you. You wernt a virgin but you also wernt that experience in this. You grip tightly the hand that Yuta was holding you trapped with. This was not how you imagined your first time with him being.
"I guess Gojo was right, you do get everything you want. Such a spoiled little brat."
You could feel how he stuffed you so much that your stomach felt full. If it wasn’t for Mahito you wouldn’t be in this mess. If it wasn’t for you agreeing with that man you wouldn’t be doing this. This was so embarrassing and so vile. The second this stopped you were going to go off on this boy. You could wait to tear him into pieces. Even better you should just wreck this stupid car. Destroy everything he loves because he just destroyed your dignity.
You called him so many names that you wouldn’t be able to count. Everytime you did he would just laugh and go harder in you.
"Yuuta please I’m begging you to stop! I don’t like this at all! I’m so sorry for agreeing with him, I’m so sorry for everything." You moan
"But your gripping me so tight down there, are you sure we didn’t just discover a kink of yours? Lets see." He said as he pulled out and turned you around. He grabbed your legs and opened them wide infront of everyone.
You squeeze your eyes shut not being able to look at everyone because this was too embarrassed. That’s when he slipped inside you again and started plowing you. You throw your head back onto Yuutas shoulder from the pleasure as he used you. It felt so fucking good, so much better than you imagined. You hated that you loved it. You loved the feeling of having his cock inside of you, his heavy breathing, his moans, the wet sounds, and the little praises he gave you here and there. Eventually you were on the verge of releasing but you couldn’t do this infront of all these people.
"Hey look isnt that uncle Gojo over there?" Yuta points out as he’s still going in and out of you. You look up tiredly and make eye contact with him from afar. That’s when you start frantically thrashing around for Yuuta to let go of you. Though this boy had the strongest grip on you.
You couldn’t let Gojo see you like this, this was going to be the worst thing ever.
"Yuuta let go! You had your fun torturing me so let go! Please, oh god." You cry feeling the wave of pleasure suddenly hit you 10x harder.
Your body began to shake as you came all over his member. Your vision was blurry and a loud moan escaped your lips.
"Fuck, atta girl. Relax and release." Yuta praised you as your tense body started to shut down. He pulled out of you and let your body rest on the steering wheel as he pumped his cock a few more times before ejaculating. You could hear him huff in satisfaction.
On the other hand you were just thinking about all those videos and photos that were going to be circulating on the internet. Not only that but the fact that Gojo saw you in such an embarrassing way. you had to come up with a plan but maybe later because you couldn’t think quite right right now. You hug the steering wheel as Yuuta cleaned up his own mess.
"That was so good, I had no idea I was so pent up." Yuuta said cheerfully as if he didn’t just do something horrible. He noticed that you wernt responding because you were genuinely upset.
He wrapped his arms around you as he nestled his face into the crook of your neck. "Don’t be upset y/n, do you want to know something?" You sat there in silence but he still continued. "These windows are so tinted to the point where it’s illegal. Meaning nobody saw a thing."
Your anger stopped and turned into something worst. You turned to look at him and then
Yuuta didn’t bother to doge it because it was well deserved. Before you could say the most jaw dropping thing a knock on the window was heard. You both look to see it was Gojo. Yuuta tapped your thigh indicating for you to move back to your seat. As you crawled back he pulled your skirt down quickly.
When he opened the door Gojo looked at the both of you for a minute before telling Yuuta to step out.
"The race will start in 30 minutes so they want all of us to get in position." Gojo said as he pushed his sunglasses up. Though Yuuta found it odd because it was literally dark outside.
"Don’t tell me your going to drive with thoes on." Yuuta laughed but the other one didn’t.
"What happened to respecting me so much that you wouldn’t lay a finger on my niece." Gojo pointed at Yuutas chest aggressively.
"What are you talking about?" Yuuta tilted his head.
"Fuck, you think I’m stupid don’t you? Messy hair, wrinkled hoodie, you reek of sex and lastly look what’s peeking out of your pocket." Gojo said angrily.
Yuuta looked down slowly to see your pink panties stuffed effortlessly into his pocket. He looked up at Gojo slowly trying to think of the best excuse.
"Im just holding them for her."
Gojo pinched the bridge if his nose. He had no idea what to do with the both of you.
"Im literally about to give you a matching mark on the other cheek." Gojo said as he shook his head.
"Should I call you uncle in law from now on?" Yuuta asked with a sheepish smile.
"Don’t get too cocky. I’m not allowing this at all." Gojo snarled
"Hey how about we bet? If you Win I’ll leave y/n alone. If you loose then I guess you’ll be seeing me around more often." Yuuta smiled.
Gojo was thrilled with this bet. His pupil really thought he can beat him? The best drag racer in Japan? He had no idea what he had coming. Poor y/n was going to be so upset when she finds out that Yuuta lost.
Gojo brought his hand out and Yuuta shook it to seal the deal.
The cars lined up on the empty street. It was four cars in total due to it only having four lanes. Usually it would be two cars at a time but it was hard to get to all of the racers. Especially in a place know too well for street racing.
The second a cops sees a crowed or here’s loud engines they are on the way to disperse it. All the cars lined up next to each other. Racer number one seemed to be some new person, number two was Itadori, three was Gojo and Yuta was the fourth one.
Your boyfriend told you that you needed to stand with the crowed because he would hate for you to get into an accident. He said he would never forgive himself if something happened to you. So you stood with all the people, next to Maki and Shoko. Shoko was here as first aid, she wasn’t going to fix a broken bone but she was here for life saving measures like cpr, bandaging, cleaning wounds.
You rock your feet back and foward excited for the race to start. You could hear as they flexed the loudness of their cars. Out of the three boy’s you knew, you know they loved competing to see who had the best sounding exhaust and engines. Though you couldn’t lie the first car sounded like a monster compared to the rest.
Two girls walked in between the cars and did a small dance to hype of the crowed. Both of them in synchrony pointed one flag to the right and the other to the left making sure the racers were ready. Then they lifted the flags high up in the air for a bit to build up suspense and finally they went down. All four of the cars accelerated quickly and went off, leaving smoke behind them and a loud screeching sound.
The roads to racing on the streets were sort of short, it’s nothing about skill but how your car is built. People would go crazy lengths to make sure there car was fast. The amount of money that goes into these bets were also crazy. You could rank up so much money from winning a few races.
The first and last two cars where neck and neck. Going very fast down the road to the point of almost loosing sight of them. Luckily there’s a person at the end that would see who came first. You fidget, nervous to know the results of this race. That was until you saw racer number one swerve all the way to Yuutas lane. You could hear the loud break sounds of all of the cars. Number twos car somehow flipped over, and Gojos spun out of control. Your heart snuck to the ground as you witness the accident. You could see Yuutas white car in the field to the right.
You start running to the scene with Shoko next to you. How could this have happened? The closer you got the stronger the smell of burned tired lingered in the air. You could see Gojos car wasn’t totaled and Yuutas car was on the grass.
"Go check on Yuuta, I’ll get Yuji, and Maki will see Gojo ." Shoko said as she jogged towards your the flipped car.
You made it to Yuutas car and open his door to find him sitting there breathing heavily. Thank god he looked fine, just a bit spooked though. "Yuuta, what happened?!" You say trying to unbuckle his seat belt for him. He slowly got out of his seat and sat on the grass.
"I can’t believe I actually managed to escape that crazy bastard." Yuuta said as he turned to look at the finish line where racer number one was at.
It took you a second to figure out what happened. It wasn’t a freak accident, it was done on purpose. That person did it so he could be the one to win. Yuji car must of flipped from how hard he braked. Gojo was stuck in between Two cars and had no way of dodging but tried to anyways. While Yuuta had enough time to react and got out the way even if that meant getting off the road.
"Oh Yuuta I’m so glad you’re okay but you need to come and help to get the others." You say pointing to the cars in the back. Yuuta gave you a firm nod and followed you.
At the end everyone was fine and were able to walk off the scene. These boys were obviously not in the condition to be driving right now. You could see they were still jumpy so you offered to drive them home in Yuutas car. Gojo told Itadori that he will have both the cars towed to his place. He agreed and you all drove in silence. You could feel some sort of tension but maybe you were imagining it. You stopped for some pizza and took it back to your place so everyone could eat.
"I can’t believe they let him race! I thought we all agreed on banning him because of last time!" Gojo said angrily as he took a bite out of the pizza.
"What happed last time?" You ask.
"The same thing but the person he was racing against ended up in the hospital." Yuji said.
You cringe just imagining the injury’s he must of gotten.
"They should start making it where the opponents have to agree to race each other. If I knew he was going to be there I wouldn’t have raced." Yuuta said leaning back on his chair with his arm around the back of yours.
Gojo agreed as much as he didn’t want to. It was better to be safe than having hospital debt.
You retreated to bed early and got ready to sleep for the night while Yuuta stayed behind.
"Technically I won since the deal was that if you lost you had no say in our relationship. If I remember correctly Sukuna won tonight." Yuuta said with a smile.
"I’m going to tell Suguru and he’s not going to be very happy about it." Gojo said as he started cleaning the table.
Itadori just sat there amazed to see far distant cousins bickering. He’s always seen Yuuta as a calm cool person but clearly they were taking digs at eachother.
"He’s going to get mad at you more for letting y/n go to a car meet, and for leaving her alone with me." Yuuta said as he started walking away. "Goodnight uncle in law." He said as he reached your door and entered.
When he did he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Finally he was going to get some rest after a long night. What was even better was that he was going to be sleeping with you. He could just imagine the cuddles right now.
"Y/n I still have your panties in my pocket, care to claim them or are they my souvenir?" Yuuta said as he finally opened his eyes to find you shaking your head with a panicked look. He looked at you confused until he looked to see someone standing next to your vanity.
"What the hell did you just say?" Geto crossed his arms.
" Shit. "
Tags: @sukunaswifee @leilaniers @leehansfishmommy @ellicxp @officialholyagua
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surshica · 1 year
: CL16
genre: stupid fluff, social media (smau)
warnings: translated french
A/N: let’s ignore everything that happened in this gp! this is my first EVER f1 fic so ernmmm bare with me! i’ve had this like whole thing in my head for a while but i was just too lazy LMAO ANYWAYS i’m also deprived of some fics..ENJOY ?!!
synopsis: soft launching a relationship with charles — charles leclerc x streamer fem!reader (fc: tina kitten)
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 793,610 others
yourusername when he gets the princess treatment instead of me..
user1 my streamer is in a relationship..🫠
user2 this means we can’t be parasocial no more…I HOPE THIS “MAN” CAN FIGHT.
alex_albon okay tell him to stop being clingy so you can play goat simulator with us
yourusername he said, “they suck at the game so they can wait, i like the princess treatment” soo…
user4 as much as i want to theorize and say it’s an F1 driver it’s unlikely…she’s just a twitch streamer.
user8 “just a twitch streamer” my ass..as if she isn’t the biggest streamer and influencer
user4 i mean itd be a downgrade for a professional to date a non professional athlete or like model or idol🤷‍♀️
charles_leclerc okay little buddy it’s past your bedtime
landonorris okay buddy..don’t make me use THE blackmail.
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, tomholland and 2,072,473 others
charles_leclerc my jpg era? nahh
user3 okay so are we going to talk about who took these photos cause i know damn well you didn’t take them..
yourusername whoever styled you should get a raise
charles_leclerc i’ll tell her that, it’ll inflate her ego some more
yourusername she doesn’t deserve you 😐
user6 this is kinda suspicious..what if.
user2 WHAT IF????
user6 what if yn and charles are 🤞
carlossainz55 charlie finally got a sense of style !!
pierregasly groundbreaking ‼️
user9 okay but why does he actually look good in this outfit..
user10 f1 twt going crazy over this fit
liked by yourusername
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, georgerussell63 and 628,927 others
yourusername stream today!! we’ll be playing among us vr with *drumroll* landonorris and georgerussell63, be sure to tune into it today
user1 WITH THOSE TWO??? it sounds chaotic..
user10 HMMM….
charles_leclerc where is my invite ☹️
yourusername you said no because chat would laugh at you..
charles_leclerc this makes it seem like those two are your favorites…
yourusername they are.
charles_leclerc hand back the paddock passes<3
liked by charles_leclerc
user5 bye they’re literally flirting.
liked by charles_leclerc and yourusername
user6 THE HEART AFTER PADDOCK..am i seeing this correctly
user2 what if you actually predicted it…
alex_albon i can already hear lando screaming..
landonorris slanderous.
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, landonorris, lewishamiliton, alex_albon and 1,729,168 others
charles_leclerc désolé mon amour le secret est sorti..😅❤️
user6 YEAH I KNEW IT. everyone who made bets pay up! i do apple pay venmo zelle paypal
user1 bye you’re so unserious 😭
user3 aye they tryna make bank i don’t blame them
user2 it’s like they’re a mastermind..IS CHARLES GOING TO WIN THE NEXT GP?!?
user6 yes. he is going to podium and be at least 2 or 3
yourusername you couldn’t wait just a little longer..not till your next gp? ;;
charles_leclerc my fingers slipped!!
yourusername fat fingers!
charles_leclerc that’s not very nice chéri:(
yourusername yeah no more princess treatment for you.
charles_leclerc HEY NOW…THATS NOT FUNNY.
landonorris are mom and dad fighting..☹️
charles_leclerc i hope you never get imposter when you play amongus again
landonorris HEY MAN TOO FAR.
user10 the pictures..THE PICTURES. sleeping on a highway tonight 🤞
user4 interesting choice in a s/o…
yourbestie that person would be me 😍
yourbestie took y’all forever, im surpised charlie brown over here didn’t spill the beans earlier
charles_leclerc who are you calling charlie brown? 😒
yourbestie you.
@ surshica | rb & follow.
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wolfytoothy · 3 months
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This was recommended by one of my bookie wookies @liauroo
No offence to all the Tiffany’s out there😅.
You don’t know what happened, but all you remember is you laying on the floor, barely unable to move, then the sound of an ambulance, and miles face, him saying words but it came out muffled.
Now your here.
Sitting in a hospital bed, with a busted up face.To be specifice a bloody nose, busted lip,bruised cheek, knuckles, and a sprained ankle.“MA, what happened!?” Miles asked, bursting into the room with a worried expression. “ Well got into a lil brawl apparently” you said sheepishly as you nervously laughed. “Did you win- I mean, With who? when? Why?” He asked as he cupped your face. “With Tiffany, during the second period, cuz she was talking through her neck and thinking nothing was gonna happen to her with her stank ass” you sassed, crossing your arms, kissing your teeth as you did. “Actually she got in 2 fights” Someone announced making both you and Miles turn their hands. It was J.B. your best friend. Well about to the EX best friend if she keeps exposing you like this.“TWO” Miles yelled looking at you slightly disappointed. “Wit who?”, “an argument with the kid named Hakeem and a fist fight with Tiffany” J.B. confirmed making you scowl. “Wait, I was just in the period with you, how is that possible?” the man complained.
“Well it all happened when-”
Flash back:
“Ms. Carter, can we please send Miles Morales to the counselor office” The announcements said.
“Yea sure”
The class was in the middle of a group project till he got called. Everyone feared Miles, they had so much to say but couldn't say it to his face. It honestly pissed you off. As soon as he closed the door, Hakeem started to stalk his shit. “Uh oh, looks like mama’s boy needs therapy” Hakeem teased. You could feel your soul shift, “well atleast his mama wants him unlike your ass” you muttered, but just enough got him to hear you. The male's eyes widened as he got flushed when some of the people heard you.
Him being aggressive and never shutting up. So when the teacher left the classroom for a bit, he took the opportunity to grab your desk making you face him, there could be a loud screech being heard throughout the class catching everyone's attention. “The fuck did you say lil girl” he spat getting in your face.“If I can smell your breath, then back. Up” you said in a warning tone, fr about to get physical. “
I was talking to you lil girl” he spat grabbing your face, making you grimence as he pulled you closer. Since he touched you first, it would be labeled as self defense. You kicked him in the knee causing him to hunch over.
“Don’t try that shit again with me bitch, next time your ass will be getting mollywhopped.” you spat.
End of flashback:
Miles stared at you with his mouth slightly open. “W-wait he said huh”. “Mhm, he does it everytime” you admit. Miles was high key flabbergasted, then he got himself. “I appreciate you defending me ma, but I can handle it myself” he reassured. “Baby I don’t give a damn, I’m your twin, I’m not gonna let that slide”,
“You're literally in a hospital bed right now”,
“Miles i don’t give a fuck, I should have molly-woped his ass,and it was worth it”.
Miles was disappointed. He pintched his nose bridge and layed back in his chair. “Do I even what, to here the buffoonery you got yourself into with Tiffany” he asked.
“Actually she had a valid point for rocking her shit” J.B. objected, making you nod. “So it all started a lil while back where everyone and they mama was accusing me of flirting with her man, but literally everyone and their mama knows I’m talking to you,” you started as you sat up.
“Right, so what happened?”
“I rocked her shit is what happened”
“Oh sweet jesus”
Flash back:
You were currently on your way to your next period and that required you going down the stairs. As you took the first step you felt hands on the back of your shoulders and a strong ass force pushing you. Making you stumble and literally hit your forehead on the pole. Gasp and laughter erupted as you clutched your head in pain. “Son of a gun” you muttered, feeling a hard pounding run through your head. Then all of a sudden,someone and their hot breath pinned me against the wall. “Yo, what the fuck-” bit before you could finish ou were interrupted.“ so You thought you could flirt with my man and get away with it weirdo”. You instantly knew it was tiffany.
“Yo wa-”, “Answer the fuck question slut” she spat. When you proceed the information, and it all settled in, you realized. She was really playing with her life. But that fall and you hitting your head on that pole really messed you up, and her just pushing you against the wall repeatedly was messing you up more. “Get your hands off me” you yelped, pushing Tiffany's arm off of you as you clutch your head in pain. And just like any girl fight, She pulled your hair, but that didn’t last long when you grabbed the collar of her shirt and tripped her laying her on her back. A move Miles taught you a while ago.
And just for good measure, and for fun, you kicked her in the gut.
But before the fight could even, you blacked out.
End of flashback:
“She pushed you down the stairs!?” he yelled making you recoil a bit at the sudden outburst. “yes that's what I just said bookie. See now if I had caught myself in time, then I wouldn't be in the hospital bed while the doctors try to make sure I have no concussions.” you complained. “Not you still putting her in her place when you were on the verge of dying” Miles chuckled.
“Yea, and from what I’ve heard I sat on top of her, witch I don’t remember” you said genuinely. “Well that part I do remember” he said traumatized, a shiver going down his spine.
“In my defense I’m innocent as can be, They all put their hands on me first, and it’s technically labeled as self defense so I’m not in the wrong” you admit rolling your eyes. “Sweety… no”
“What, it’s a win win anyways, I got sent to the hospital, and she did as well”
“You sent her to the hospital!?”
“Of course, may I remind you she pushed me down stairs, why are you on her side”
“...You know what you're right, lemme’ go pay Hakeem and Tiffany a little visit”.
“Miles, no”
“Trust they will be dealt with”
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saerins · 4 months
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⋆୨ chapter seven ୧˚ till forever falls apart
⋆୨ if not for you (masterlist) ⋆୨ previous: chapter six - redefines in every way what love is - end ୧˚
⋆୨ synopsis ୧˚ neither of you want this. both you and sae reluctantly agree to this marriage, although sae’s dissatisfaction far outweighs your own. with hidden agendas and old flames, will this ever work out between the two of you, or will your forced spark be doomed to fail?
ೀ series: sae x f!reader | wc 8.8k | ೀ content warnings: fluff/angst, modern au, arranged marriage, rich!sae and rich!reader, jealousy/paranoia, suggestive scenes, mentions of blood/children | notes: we have finally reached the end of infy !! rejoice i will no longer be able to torture you guys with the ending of this hehe but i do hope you all enjoyed this ^_^ & now onto the next !
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“I came here to talk to her.”
There’s no speck of kindness left in Sae’s eyes when he looks at what’s left of his former lover. He doesn’t even notice you sauntering up behind him.
“How many times do I need to tell you to leave us alone?” Sae emphasises that last part, uncertain of how else he can possibly phrase it so that she makes herself scarce.
For the first time tonight, Mirin doesn’t even pay attention to Sae. Her eyes look past him, focused entirely on you.
You take your position next to Sae, feeling his hand tenderly grip onto your wrist. At the very least, it gives you comfort knowing that he’s here no matter what’ll happen. Though, judging by the ever slight panic you can make out from Mirin’s face, whatever it is isn’t pretty.
Mirin doesn’t say a word, only stares at you expectantly. Swallowing your ego, you nod subtly. You’re curious.
“I’m sorry,” comes out of her mouth, and you don’t know how to feel. There’s a lot of things she needs to be sorry for, but that’s your personal feelings. Somehow, you doubt it’s related to anything with regards to Sae.
“If that’s all you came to say—”
“Do you know about your parents?” Mirin ignores Sae again, instead looking to you.
Sae’s about to just shut the door in her face when you tug on his hand, stopping him. He’s perplexed by you, but he listens to you just the same.
“Yeah, barely. What about it?” 
Because Sae did tell you briefly about it, about his suspicions on what they’re trying to do. You have to admit, having Oliver and his family’s PI stalk your parents wasn’t on your bingo card this year. And what he’s suspicious of never even crossed your mind. Only because even if they aren’t the best parents in the world, you didn’t think that they’d actually let any harm come upon you.
To think, they would try to take all of the money, not only their own but yours too, in order to save their own asses.
Mirin almost looks like she doesn’t want to say anything, her fingers grasping tightly and desperately on the hem of her dress before opening her mouth and making your heart sink to the depths below.
“The police are coming and it’s my fault and I know I haven’t done anything to earn your trust but can you please let me handle it?”
She says it all in one breath. Hurriedly without pause.
Are the police already that close?
“What the fuck, Mirin?” Sae spits, his grip on you tightening as he pulls you behind him, the vein on his forehead close to popping.
Mirin swallows the lump in her throat and you’re left staring in a daze behind your husband, wondering what you’ve done that was so wrong that you deserved this; your parents, a scorned and jealous ex-lover, legal threats.
“Sae, please,” Mirin’s panicking and you wonder why that is. Correction, you can sense why—it’s plain old regret. Regret caused by rash actions done on impulse. “It’s my fault, I know but we don’t have time. Tabito’s trying to stall them but they’re coming.” Her eyes flicker over to you, and you’d think she’s beautiful if all you’re seeing isn’t just red.
You feel the injustice creeping up inside of you, threatening you to take action. “And why the hell should I trust you?” Your tone is harsher than you ever thought you could go, and even Mirin shrinks back at the venom she senses laced inside your words.
And usually you’d feel bad for it but someone has already called the cops on you for something you didn’t do and that someone is right in front of you asking you for the same trust she wouldn’t have afforded you if the roles were reversed. If you didn’t have any self control, you’d have slapped her by now.
Mirin’s about to say something when she hears seven tight raps on the door. As Sae reluctantly moves away to open the door, Mirin whips her head towards you one last time.
The last thing she deserves is a chance. You know that. Both your head and your heart are in the same place for once and yet why can’t you act on it? Why can’t you just tell her to shove it up her ass?
“Y/N,” Sae calls your name, hushed because you presume he’s just as cautious as you are.
Slowly, you nod your head, signalling for him to open the door. You don’t know what Mirin is planning, or whether all this is part of her evil plot to take you down somehow.
When the door opens, you see Sae’s friend, Karasu, stepping in first before a detective, a dirty blonde with dark circles under his eyes like he hasn’t slept for days. Behind him, two policemen stand guard, watching you cautiously, as though you might try to jump out the window just to run from them.
“Are you Y/N?”
The detective is addressing you, and you’re sure he’s only doing it out of courtesy because these people always do their work before nabbing their supposed targets. Beside you, Mirin steps one step forward, her earlier panic expertly masked by a puzzlingly professional expression. From your line of sight, behind where the detective stands, Sae tries to move toward you, only to have Karasu reach out to grab his wrist and keep him there, a subtle shake of his head as the only signal for him not to make any moves.
“I am,” you respond, because any under or overreaction would only prove to make you look guilty.
“What is this about, detective?” Mirin asks, a casual aloofness donned on her face now. You’re impressed by just how quickly she can change her moods.
“Oh, it’s you, Ms Seto,” the detective says, realising who she is, and you don’t doubt how influential her father’s been to all of Japan with his work. Immediately, his face softens and brightens up, as though it’s imperative that he stay on their family’s good side. He probably assumes that just because Mirin’s here in this hotel room that she’s close to you. “We received an anonymous tip regarding Ms L/N’s family here, as well as her possible involvement. We’d like to take her down to the station for some questioning.”
So that’s what Mirin had done to you. She had tried to pin part of what your parents are doing on you, too. You nearly scoff if not for the fact you know that the two policemen behind are watching you like a hawk. Mirin is the one who scoffs though, crossing her arms like she’s been through these situations a thousand times.
Beside you, any trace of guilt is absent from Mirin’s expression because apparently, and you don’t doubt it, she’s a very good actress. If it’s up to you, you’d say that her talents are wasted since she’s not one. And while your stubborn ego wants to solve this for yourself, you’d never even gotten in trouble with the local police before for anything, and something tells you that Mirin is way better than you are at this, so you keep your mouth shut and let her handle this like she asked.
“So you have no proof of any sort that she’s complicit in any illegal activities?”
The detective chuckles helplessly, like he expects Mirin to be that attentive. “No, not until the anonymous tipper provides us with what they say they have.”
Mirin’s expression falters just slightly for a split second before she’s back to normal. “So no concrete proof, then?”
“No, ma’am.” The detective seems a little laid back around her—are they family friends? Sure seems like it to you.
“Then I’d appreciate it if you don’t treat Y/N here like she’s some sort of criminal. We wouldn’t want anyone seeing her being escorted into a police car and making assumptions, would we?”
Behind him, Sae seems to have relaxed a little, lacking the earlier blind hostility he held. Maybe it partly has to do with whatever Karasu whispered to him right before this. Still, he’s as surprised as you are that Mirin’s committing herself to covering for you.
“Fine, we’ll meet at the station then,” the detective says, the mirth still on his face as he bids a temporary goodbye.
When all that’s left are the four of you, Sae immediately takes his place beside you, his hand possessively gripping your wrist, an accusatory look thrown in Mirin’s direction. “You did all of that just to mess with my wife?”
Mirin’s expression falters when he uses that term again, for you, because deep down, she still wishes for it to be her. She still wishes for that guy she fell in love with and made all those plans with to be hers. Hers, and no one else’s. But it’s evident enough that no matter how much she tries, even if you somehow ended up dead, it would never be her. He’d rather wait for the ghost of you than live with anyone else.
Karasu walks over, settling himself between the divide. He’s the one who seems the most sane, given this has almost nothing to do with him. “Sae, leave it for now,” Karasu advises, blocking Mirin’s line of sight. You presume he’s just doing it as a favour, maybe to simmer Sae’s anger, because you can feel his hands trembling with rage even as they hold on to you. “We need to get Y/N to the police station before this gets any worse for her and her sister.”
Your throat goes dry. “My sister? She’s been taken in too?”
How ironic that you were doing all this just to protect her from the harsh reality that your parents never loved either of you.
Karasu nods apologetically. “My sources say she was taken in about half an hour ago, but discreetly.”
The passive anger that was only settling on the surface seems to finally boil over, and you thank god that Sae is holding you back from possibly harming Mirin. Otherwise, you’d have probably punched her right now.
“I’m… I’m sorry.” Her voice is timid and she’s trembling but you don’t hold an ounce of appreciation for her earlier actions nor sympathy for her current emotions. This was all because of her. Her, and your parents, and you doubt you’re enough of a saint to forgive either parties.
“If anything happens to her, I’ll make sure you regret it.” Your words are a warning, and Mirin takes them in silently.
Maybe you have been too nice, and way too passive. To the point where people like Mirin felt like they could try their best because they had nothing to fear. At the very least, it still comforts you knowing that Sae was never trying to get anywhere with her. If not, it was the very opposite, though you still didn’t appreciate his lack of communication.
“Hey, I’ll drive us there, okay?” Sae tells you softly, his hand tugging yours gently, briefly washing the anger off of you. When you face him and nod, he smiles, his hand coming up to place your head against his shoulder as he walks you to the car, Karasu and Mirin trudging wordlessly behind. You let him lead the way, finding an odd sense of comfort, different from before.
Now, you know that Sae will protect you unconditionally. He’s been doing it up until now, even when you weren’t his favourite person. Despite his shortcomings, despite the fact that he had no obligation to, Sae was always on your side.
And maybe now you can see a glimpse of the future you imagined, the one where you get unconditional love, the one where you can see a happy family who’s not just obsessed with money. A proper one, with its very foundations built on love and not control over another.
When you get to the carpark, you see Mirin getting into Karasu’s car, and you silently thank him for going out of his way to get involved in all of this. The last thing you need is to be able to see Mirin in the rearview mirror of your husband’s car, sitting there as though she deserved any sort of comfort. If you could, you’d stuff her in the trunk and tell her to deal with it.
However, even without her there, both of you stay relatively quiet. Maybe because neither of you have ever been in this type of situation; neither of you know what to say. Even so, as he pulls in to the parking lot of the station, he takes your hand, squeezing it gently, his teal eyes gentle as they fall into your gaze.
“No matter what, I promise you, I’ll protect you, okay?”
You don’t doubt his words. You nod, squeezing his hand back, tightly because you’re more nervous than he is. You’d probably have to face the interrogation alone, or at the most with Mirin, and who knows what she might pull in there?
“Hey, hey,” he calls out to you softly, his other hand coming up to your cheek and turning you to face him, his forehead pressing against your own, eyes still locked on yours, his smile the gentlest you’ve ever seen. “We’ll get through this. Whatever you decide, whatever you want to do, I’ll take your side, okay baby?”
Maybe it’s the way the pet name so easily rolls off your tongue, but you still find your heart skipping a beat at such a simple gesture.
You take a deep breath, nodding.
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While you’re in the room with Mirin and the detective, Sae finds himself pacing the waiting room restlessly despite Karasu’s attempts at calming him down.
The raven-haired man cocks a brow, amused by what he sees because Itoshi Sae of all people getting restless is always interesting. Usually, he doesn’t even get to see Sae bothered at all. The last time he saw that sliver of emotion was, well, back when Mirin left.
“Dude, relax, your wife will be fine.” That’s all Karasu can offer now, pointless words of assurance. Though he can argue he’s been plenty useful when calming Mirin down back at the hotel. 
Sae shoots him a warning look. “With Mirin in there?”
Karasu sighs, leaning back against the wall, staring at the ceiling. He doesn’t recall knowing when exactly things got so fucked up between them.
“Look, I don’t know what the fuck was up with her, I’ll be honest,” Karasu explains, the only person there with any hint of pity for Mirin. “She fucked up, she knows. And you don’t gotta forgive her, really. If it were me I’d have handled it much less classier than your wife did. But trust me, Mirin’s trying to make up for it right now, okay? We can’t do anything so relax.”
Silence falls over them for a while, the sounds of the landlines ringing and clacking of keyboards the only things they can hear.
“What did you say to make her regret it?”
Because Sae’s at the very least curious about why she was so quick to rescind her punishment for you.
His friend shrugs, “is it hard to believe it could be something as simple as realising she didn’t wanna lose you completely?”
The earlier hostility leaves Sae’s body, only a bitter upset lingering behind. Because he can believe it, because at the core, Mirin’s always been simple. The way she acts out, not so much. She’d already alienated Sae by having been the object of his affection once, and that was not her fault, but she’d exacerbated it by acting completely out of line. On the tip of her impulsiveness was just the last chance to either possibly redeem herself or risk thorough destruction of whatever was left of their entire relationship through the years.
Maybe it’s heartless of him, but he doesn’t care. Yeah, he should’ve handled it better in the beginning. He should’ve just told Mirin that he doesn’t want to be someone who wrecks his own home, even if it didn’t feel exactly like home back then. But you didn’t deserve the anger she placed onto you. After realising his feelings, that was where he drew the line. 
He doesn’t give a shit if Mirin woke up and regretted her actions. He doesn’t care if she’s trying to make up for it and save you. All he cares about is you and just you.
Sensing the tension in the air, Karasu forces a lighthearted chuckle. “What kind of magic does Y/N have to make someone like you so whipped, huh?”
There’s a pink hue to Sae’s cheeks at the mention of it, forcing him to look away as Karasu snickers at him.
“Look… don’t get mad, okay? But… do you think it’s possible she knew about it all?”
Never in his life has Sae’s fingers curled into a fist so fast, nails digging into his palms so hard, and Karasu has to throw his hands up in the air in surrender. Both of them know that if anything happens, they’re going to be recorded—and then the media will see it. And then everything will be taken out of context.
It’s routine at this point.
“She had nothing to do with it, so shut it.”
Does Sae know for sure that you don’t? Of course not. He doesn’t have evidence to support you, except that your parents left you behind. If your family’s really twisted, it could all be a part of some ploy. But Sae likes to think he knows you; you’re not sick or twisted. You’re kind and beautiful and trustworthy that he’s not even going to entertain the idea that you knew anything.
It isn’t long after that Sae spots you walking out of the interrogation room, down the corridor and back out to him. For the most part, at least you look fine. You’re trembling a little, so he clasps his hands over yours, holding you to him and kissing the top of your head.
“Hey, you doing okay?”
You can only manage a weak nod, but that’s enough for him. This situation can be a bit much for anyone. He holds you close like that, his warm body cloaking your own. You hate how it’s so easy for you to calm down when he’s here with you, and even if you’d like to condemn him for making such a whirlwind for your life you know it’s not technically his fault.
It was your parents who forced you into this marriage, or else you’d never have met Sae at all. It was Mirin who took it upon herself to try and ruin everything when Sae had refused her. And it was definitely your parents who took all their money and ran before they could get caught for multiple counts of fraud and embezzlement.
All Sae ever did was save your own money, all thanks to making that joint account. Otherwise, your parents would’ve made off with your money too, leaving you with no cent to your name, all properties seized.
You hold him a little tighter now, the tiff over what you thought was going on between him and Mirin seeming so stupid in comparison. Your own parents abandoned you and your sister, looked at you as just a pawn to get what they wanted. You don’t even know how you’re going to face Sae’s parents now that this happened.
A minute later, Mirin also waltzes out of the room, her feigned arrogance still present because the detective is still there. You gaze at them out of the corner of your eye; things only went so easy there because Mirin played her family’s cards right, and now both you and your sister are free to go.
In normal situations, this is where you thank her. But nothing about this is normal, and this was a situation partly borne out of Mirin’s impulsiveness. So all you manage is not paying her back with a slap.
“If you hear anything—”
“We’ll call you,” Sae cuts the detective off, his grip around you getting tighter.
Even if everything had been rocky earlier tonight, you find yourself comforted by the way you just know that Sae would protect you no matter what. You don’t even have to ask him, and he’d do right by you. For a moment, you wonder if this is the kind of unconditional love you’d always wanted.
“Hey, are you okay? Wanna go now?”
Sae’s voice is softer than you thought he could ever be, and all you want to do is melt into his embrace without thinking about anything but unfortunately the world is never so kind and neither is your mind because there’s a thousand questions running through it.
“Where’s my sister?”
“I got her to wait in Karasu’s car with her boyfriend. His car has more privacy and I thought it’d be best if no one outside could picture us.”
Right, because there are already some reporters who got hold of the news and are waiting right outside to ambush you into answering their questions. It’s all sorts of fucked up but you presume your parents are worse so you can’t really say anything.
Sae starts to lead the way to the carpark, his hand never leaving your side. He makes sure to look around, make sure nobody’s there to ambush you. Behind you, you can hear Karasu whispering things you can’t hear, probably to Mirin.
“That would mean there won’t be any space for her, right?” You ask, your mind still doing flips back and forth between being the bigger person and being petty about it. Because you’d love to be as ruthless as she once was to you, but ultimately, you don’t want to feel like you owe her anything.
As you reach the car, Karasu unlocks it, and Sae opens the back door, your sister sound asleep on the other side, her boyfriend muttering a soft ‘hello’. They both look tired, and you don’t blame them. At least you had Sae to warn you about what was going on, but to them it must’ve been a shock, especially for your poor sister who’s always been sheltered against the horrible things your parents could do.
“It’s fine, she can take the train,” Sae mutters, purposefully loud enough for Mirin to hear and hopefully get the hint.
Karasu’s about to suggest otherwise, but you interject—you’re pretty sure you’re the only one Sae will listen to now anyway. Even if Karasu tries to say anything, there’s a high chance that it’ll go ignored.
“She can sit in the front,” you say, because despite knowing better, it’s always been in you to try and be nice.
“If she ends up getting pictured, it could blow back on us anyway,” you mutter coldly, because being nice doesn’t mean you have to make it apparent. There’s no one here you have to impress anyway, and Sae probably knows you’re just trying to hold it together for yourself, so you won’t have any regrets.
Like you predicted, Sae’s not all for it, but he doesn’t say a thing, following after you into the backseat, squeezing and trying not to wake your sister. Mirin doesn’t say a thing the whole way back, she only thanks Karasu for driving her back and leaves. Neither does Karasu say a thing, awkward silence hanging in the air as you catch him casting quick glances at you and Sae in the rearview mirror.
“Thanks for taking care of her,” you whisper to your sister’s boyfriend as he carries her out of the car. You didn’t get to talk to her all night, but that’s fine, you suppose she needs a long rest after everything she found out tonight.
He shoots you a helpless smile after he presses a kiss onto her forehead. The way he looks at her alone could make people believe in love, and you’ve never been more thankful that you tried your best to protect it. Among everyone, your sister’s always been good and kind, and even if you’ve never seen her around that much after university started for her, you love her all the same.
“You sure you don’t wanna wake her?” He asks you, quietly so he doesn’t disturb her. “She said she missed you, you know.”
You shake your head. “It’s fine, I’ll call her when things settle down,” you assure him, managing a genuine smile. “Take care of her, okay?”
Behind you, Sae smiles to himself when he figures out he must’ve married an angel, must be the luckiest man in the world. Despite everything that’s happened, you should be taking care of yourself, yet you managed to make sure Mirin got a ride home, and that your sister is in good hands. You’re a much bigger person than Sae can even dream to be and yet somehow, you chose to put all your effort into him and this marriage and even if he can’t tell where this will go from now on, he’s not going to give up on you.
When Karasu pulls out of your sister’s apartment parking, Sae slides over to your side, sitting himself on the middle backseat, putting an arm around you and gently placing your head in the crook of his neck. Then, only then, do you let your tears go, sobbing into his chest because you’d been holding back all this time, and Sae wonders if you do this a lot on a daily basis; put on a brave face as though you need to pretend you’re something you’re not. Though, if this was happening to him and Rin, he would be doing the same thing you are.
In the driver’s seat, Karasu finally understands why Oliver’s been saying Sae is a changed man. Even back then, with Mirin, Karasu doesn’t recall Sae being this gentle. Maybe it’s because he’s older now, or maybe it’s just because of you—the fact that it’s you, that’s why Sae is like this at all, a privilege only for a special person.
“Hey man,” Karasu calls out to Sae after you get out of the car. He smirks when Sae looks over at him, very much like a hopeless man in love because out of the corner of his eye, Karasu can tell that he has his hand in yours, keeping you there. Since when was he ever this clingy? “Congratulations.” Something he didn’t get to say because he wasn’t at the wedding.
But at least saying it now, he can really mean it.
Sae smiles subtly, but your head pops back into Karasu’s field of view before your husband can say anything.
“Hey, Karasu, right?”
He looks surprised, but he smiles at you all the same. “Yes, I am.”
You grin at him, and Karasu can already tell Sae’s a lucky man. Pretty wife, and from whatever Oliver’s mentioned, it sounds like you’re a keeper.
“I just met you tonight but… thank you, really,” you tell him, and he chuckles. 
You’re really something, because even Mirin had mentioned it to him earlier when she was having a full-on breakdown, when he had asked about you. Karasu thinks that it would just be a lot easier to think screw everyone and just focus on yourself, but apparently, not for you. Maybe he understands a little more of why Sae can’t help but fall for you.
“That’s a lot of shit to unload on someone who didn’t exactly steal Sae from you,” Karasu remarked, trying his best to steer Mirin in the right direction.
Mirin clicked her tongue, annoyed because she knew she wasn’t exactly acting with common sense. All she had wanted was to remove you from the picture, through any means necessary. So why? Why was it that whatever she tried would backfire on her? Why was it that no matter what, Sae would never give up on you? Where was the guy that so easily gave in when Mirin had suggested a breakup?
Why did she have to teach him everything only for you to get everything she ever wanted?
“Look, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but if you keep doing this…” Karasu trailed off, sighing as he looked away, scratching his head. “You’re really gonna lose every ounce of a friend you could possibly have in Sae.”
Mirin kept quiet for a while, then, as if she was considering something. Back then, Karasu hadn’t even known that anonymous tip she sent in to the police. If he had, he would’ve definitely acted faster.
“Is that Y/N even that bad of a girl?” Karasu thought out loud, wondering why there was all this trouble over you and Sae.
And for the first time since she got back to Japan, Mirin was completely honest with herself.
“No, she’s not.” (It was so quiet, Karasu had trouble deciding whether it was just the figment of his imagination.)
Because what had you ever done to her except unwillingly be placed in the middle of their by-then non-existent relationship?
“At your service, ma’am,” Karasu responds, grinning at you when he says his next words. “And don’t worry, I’ll keep Mirin in check.”
You still for a moment hearing those words, then pout at him before you slowly retreat out of the car, pulling Sae with you. You’re not even sure why you can find it in yourself to be worried for someone like Mirin who tried to screw you over. Maybe it’s because Sae had told you about her parents, about how she just didn’t have anyone and leaned on Sae for support out of habit. Somehow, Karasu’s words manage to comfort you a little bit; at least you knew that there was still someone else looking out for her. Your empathy is there, but that doesn’t mean you want to forgive her or even think about it.
Karasu laughs at your subtle reaction, rolling down the window, “hey Sae, your wife’s kinda cute,” he teases, and you see why Karasu managed to calm Mirin down back at the hotel. Whatever he did, it was definitely effective. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he oozes sincerity despite his jokes, something you can’t really say for Oliver and Shidou.
Beside you, Sae uses his body to block your line of sight as he flips Karasu off. “My wife, go away,” he quips, and you can only watch as Karasu laughs it off while he drives away from your apartment.
The moment you’re back in the house, Sae sets your bag down slowly on the couch, and you pause right before you enter the bedroom. Everything somehow feels light yet awkward and it feels like you’ve been through so many emotions in the span of one night and now it’s already 2am and you’re tired but it’s not like you can sleep right away with all these thoughts in your head.
You feel Sae’s chest press up against your back, his arms wrapping around your chest. Now that you know he’s never actually even cheated on you, or even thought about it, it’s like a huge weight has been lifted off your chest.
“What’s on your mind?” There’s a strain in his voice, and you can tell he’s gotten a cold just from tonight alone.
You sigh. “I don’t know if I can handle all of this…” you mutter honestly. Everything has just been too much. It was manageable back when you thought your marriage was the only thing in ruins, but to learn now that your parents are wanted fugitives and the fact that they’d leave you and your sister to clean things up and bear the brunt of being damned just for being their kids is a lot to take in for one night.
“You know I’m here for you whatever you need, right?” Sae asks, holding you tighter, pressing a kiss on your temple.
You want to be soft for him so bad, you want to melt into his touch and let him comfort you and hug him to sleep, but can you really afford it right now? Can you afford letting him feel that everything is fine after keeping everything from you and driving you to the point of thinking about divorce?
It’s not normal. It shouldn’t be.
And while you appreciate what he’s done for you in secret, that’s exactly what you’re not so sure about—secrets. You’re husband and wife, and if there’s going to be any hope moving forward, you can’t have him try and bear the burden of knowing alone.
“If you ever keep something like that from me again, I’m not giving you another chance,” you tell him, your voice quivering but he listens to you seriously all the same. It’s times like these where you appreciate that he isn’t the type to be joking around all the time. He’s serious when you need him to be, and that means a lot to you already.
“I promise you, I’ll talk to you, whatever it is,” he says, slowly turning you around, his fingers gently gripping your chin, tipping your head up to face him. “I meant what I said, by the way. I love you, Y/N, and I’m sorry I was being stupid. And I’ll try to make up for it, however long it takes me, okay?”
This is a first for you that it makes you emotional. For your entire life, you feel like it’s been you who’s been the one trying to take care of other people’s feelings and needs so much that you step all over your own. For your entire life, no one has cared about you so much so that they’d actively try and take care of you. Everyone lets you take care of everything yourself without thinking that it’d be nice to offer you help even if you looked like you didn’t need it.
For your whole life, you’d wondered how it would feel like being loved by someone who wants to take care of you just because. And here he is, making you feel like you’re loveable, like you’re worthy of being treated like a princess, like you don’t have to mask who you are to get his love because no matter what you do, his love overpowers it.
“So don’t leave me, okay?” Sae’s lashes flutter against your own, his teeth clenched because he’s thinking of how close he was to losing you and he would’ve never forgiven himself if you did.
And maybe it’s the way you realised he’s loved you in his own way all this while, or maybe it’s the way he keeps you so close to him now, so afraid of losing you, that you feel it’s okay to let yourself go, to let yourself be you, to wear your heart on your sleeve because no matter what it is, Sae will take care of it.
“I love you, Sae,” you whisper, both of you with your eyes closed, breaths mixed together, Sae subconsciously pushing you into the bedroom because he never realised that such simple words from you would ignite such an urgency inside him.
That night, for the first time, you experience Sae’s love for you. The way it’s so subtle, so gentle, a complete opposite of what you initially thought he was. The way he holds you in the palm of his hands and takes care of you completely; a dream you thought you’d never live to see come true. So many people go their whole lives being stuck in a relationship that they find lacking and yet here you are, getting everything you need and want and you don’t even have to ask for it because Sae knows you well enough to give it to you.
In the dim light of the moon that makes it into the slivers of your blinds, Sae marks you as his own, and even though neither of you have been through it, it feels right. It feels so right even when you’re lying in bed together after everything, legs tangled together underneath the blanket, bare bodies enveloping one another as the exhaustion finally kicks in.
Sae watches you as you fall asleep, finger lightly brushing your arms and lulling you to sleep. There’s a lot he still doesn’t understand about relationships, and the only form of experience he had seemingly meaning nothing in the face of his actual love, yet he’s strangely motivated now. There’s no way he’s going to let anything, much less himself, fuck this up.
No, he’s going to do his best to keep you happy, to take care of you and make sure you don’t have to be the one who acts strong all the time just to appease everyone else. He’s going to make you smile everyday because you deserve it, and he’ll do anything to make sure that happens.
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“She had nothing to do with it.”
Of course, Sae’s parents didn’t take too well to the news. One night isn’t enough for it to blow over, because the moment they got the news, they were here to get to the bottom of it. As expected, you received nothing but accusatory remarks, and unlike Mirin’s, at least Sae’s parents had the right to be upset.
Still, Sae’s standing up to them, a protective arm keeping you behind him, making sure they don’t throw daggers at you.
They’re angry, but they’re not as bad as your own parents. At the very least, his father isn’t throwing a tantrum and breaking silverware. Doesn’t even look close to it. He only crosses his arms in disbelief, the vein on his forehead threatening to pop.
“Are you sure you want to defend her?” He asks his son, scoffing. “You know how bad of a reputation we have now thanks to her parents?”
“He’s right, honey, if you want to divorce her now we’d fully support you,” his mother joins in, and she’s every bit as submissive as your own mother, you bet. Anything for their money bag.
“I’m not divorcing my wife ever, so if that’s all you came to say, you can leave.”
Suddenly you feel guilt for being the one to bring up divorce in the first place.
The argument goes on for a while, and you keep quiet all through it. Only because Sae asked you to. It’s fair; he wants to handle his parents, so you’ll trust him to it. If there’s a need, you’d interject anyway.
Like right now, when you realise that maybe your silence is making things even worse, like your admittance of guilt.
“I’m sorry for what my parents did,” you speak up, bowing ninety degrees because as much as you hate their actions, you want to help Sae as much as you can. He must hate talking to his parents as much as you do, so the least you can do is alleviate that. “I really didn’t know what they were up to, and I didn’t expect it to affect your family’s reputation as well. I can’t even begin to repay you for what my parents did, but I can offer you everything I have now, and I’ll do anything you want me to.”
“Then easy, leave—”
“Except leave your son,” you affirm, straightening up and looking them in the eyes. “We love each other, so we’re going to make this work.” Beside you, a smile tugs on the corners of Sae’s lips at your declaration. Are you really the same person who used to be so meek in front of yours and his parents once upon a time? “As for my parents, I’ll let the authorities do their work and capture them. As far as I’m concerned, they’re dead to me.”
Perhaps it’s because of your strong words, but the Itoshis leave not ten minutes later.
You flop down on the couch, an exhausting morning followed by an exhausting night is entirely too much for you. Sae shamelessly lays himself down on top of you, head resting on your chest. He must still be tired, judging from the bags under his eyes.
“Sorry about that,” he mumbles, fingers absentmindedly playing with your hair. “You were pretty hot, though, sticking it to them.”
You stifle a laugh, though your smile speaks for itself. “Guess we should’ve expected that. They got conned out of their money too, after all. Wonder when this is all gonna blow over,” you sigh to yourself, just wishing that the problem would disappear.
Over the course of the next few days, you received texts from colleagues asking what happened, and Sumi in particular loves to cuss your parents out over text and then apologise for being insensitive afterwards. It carries a sense of normalcy that you needed, though.
It takes a few months before everything completely settles down for you, until your sister has come to the realisation that your parents abandoned you and deserve whatever hell they’re going to get. It doesn’t stop her from saying yes to her boyfriend when he proposes, and you and Sae watch on lovingly as she leaps into his arms and kisses him silly.
“You know what, a family like this doesn’t suck so much either,” you ponder out loud. All you really need is just your sister, and Sae—both of them have never failed you after all.
Sae puts his arm around you, holding you close like he always does. You notice that; that when Sae loves you he’ll crave your proximity everytime. Sumi likes to joke that he’s too clingy, but you like him just like that.
Seeing the scene unfold in front of them, your eyes twinkling as you watch the movie-like proposal in front of you, Sae feels just a pang of guilt.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you,” he mutters, though he already knows you don’t mind. To you, what matters the most is that the both of you are still together, still happy.
And that’s exactly what you say with your hands wrapped around his neck, kissing him with those perfect lips of yours, pulling him in so naturally without having to do anything.
“You give me more than enough, Itoshi Sae,” you whisper, oblivious to Sae falling even more and more in love with you.
“Have I told you I love you?”
You chuckle, nodding and Sae’s completely taken by your grin.
“We love you too.”
And when you break it to him, in a hushed whisper because you don’t want to ruin the proposal, Sae gives you the most lovestruck expression you’ve ever seen.
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A lot has changed.
Turns out, you’re not as cold-hearted as you thought. Mirin is still on the list of your least-liked humans, for sure, but it’s not like you care enough to harbour any resentment anymore. She’s not worth vexing over, and much less so after that one time years ago when she came over to personally apologise. You haven’t officially forgiven her, but you don’t particularly wish the worst upon her. You’re not even sure where she is or what she’s doing because Sae doesn’t care for keeping in touch with her, but you’re both indifferent about her now.
Reo had apparently met someone special last year when he attended a charity gala. You’ve never met her in person, but from the pictures Reo takes and shares on his socials—all to show her off, no doubt—she looks absolutely breathtaking. He was there with you throughout the whole fiasco too, lending his family’s support to weather you through the tough times. You’re happy he finally found that special someone. From his texts, sometimes it seems rocky, but he’s “pretty sure she’s the one,” and you’re honestly happy for him.
Your parents have been caught—apparently, a year out they’d tried to seek shelter with one of their friends only for them to tip the police off. It wasn’t even like you, but you visited your mother in jail, just out of curiosity, and the only thing she had begged you was to help them get a good lawyer. Not that you didn’t expect it, or that it would make any difference if you did agree. Frankly, you just went there to say “no”, to let her feel the same helplessness she and your father cast upon you. You’ve never visited her since.
Sae’s been busy ever since his career shift two years ago. (His parents weren’t all too happy about it, but ever since their screw up with yours, they weren’t as forceful anymore.) Now, he’s one of the assistant coaches for Japan’s national team, and you’ve never been happier for him. It gives him more flexibility too, getting to spend more time with you back at home, but also getting to invite you with him whenever they travel.
You guess it’s lucky that you managed to land a spot helping the team out with marketing, so more often than not you get to see your husband play some soccer. Like right now, when you’re bent over the railing, watching him coach the two main midfielders and looking completely different than when he’s at home.
For one, it’s definitely the first time you get to see him all intense. With you, he’s pretty much the opposite, going all soft whenever he gets home, and you wonder how you got so lucky to be building a home with someone who loves you so much he can spot you a mile away and give you the gentlest smile you’ve ever seen.
Sae calls for a break, jogging towards your direction looking handsome as hell but you’re not going to tell him that or else he’ll tease you about it.
“How are my girls?”
Oh, and you’ve apparently managed to give him a daughter that looks so much like him. She sits on the railing, your arms wrapped around her to support her as she jumps into her father’s arms.
“She’s been bugging me all day to come and visit you,” you remark.
Yeah, she’s a daddy’s girl—and you smile watching Sae kiss her all over, her laughter ringing in the air, her happiness meaning the world to you.
Neither you nor Sae have ever experienced what a good family is like, nor have either of you seen what good parenting is like. But your daughter seems happy everyday, with parents who support her whenever she wants to try something different, so you both take it one step at a time, learning as you go. If it ever gets too difficult for you, Sae steps in, and he’s never let you down.
“Remember what we’re gonna surprise mommy with later?” Sae asks your daughter, and you’re still trying to get used to him calling you that.
You arch a brow, “I get a surprise?”
Your daughter giggles, nodding as she melts in her father’s arms. “Of course, mommy! You’ll love it!”
Her smile is infectious, a grin forming on your face just by looking at her. You shift your gaze to your husband. “What is it?”
All he does is look you in the eyes, smirking. “You’ll see.”
That night, you entertain your daughter by letting her blindfold you and lead you, well, wherever the surprise is. It smells nice, wherever you are because you’d been blindfolded even during the car ride, and you can tell it’s grand because of the way your heels are clacking against the marble and the way Sae had dressed tonight.
By your guess, you’re probably at one of the nice hotels here for one of their signature buffet dinners. Your daughter’s never been, so that could be why she’s making a huge deal out of this. Like father, like daughter, so cute.
But when your daughter urgently whispers for you to take the blindfold off, you find yourself at the entrance of huge double doors, two hotel staff smiling and opening up to unveil a huge ballroom filled with people, most of them you recognise because they’re your friends.
It’s already bringing tears to your eyes when you realise what this must be.
They’re all cheering as they see you, your daughter skipping happily into the room, choosing to run straight to your purple-haired best friend at one of the tables who you thought was still busy abroad. Beside him, his beautiful girlfriend mouths a ‘hello’, but you’re still too surprised to respond.
Everyone’s clapping and cheering and all of a sudden you feel the familiar presence of your husband right beside you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he kisses you on the cheek.
Honestly? Yes. Very. And you’re not one to be easily surprised at all.
“I wanted to give you the celebration you deserved,” he tells you, waiting for you to take it all in.
It’s a far cry from the pathetic reception you got from people you barely knew during your actual wedding reception. Sae had been nothing but cold to you back then too, so it felt more like a prison than anything.
Now? You recognise so many faces in the crowd that you can’t help but smile and wave back. You’d always wondered what this would be like, and your husband somehow manages to give it to you without having you ask for it and you’re in love. Because he seems ice cold and awkward and rough around the edges but his love for you has always, always been warm. His love has always felt like coming home and having a safe space and this might be the unconditional love you’d been praying for your whole life.
You almost gave up on it. But you know now Sae never will. And neither will you. You have a family now, a proper one built by two people who never had a stable environment, by two people who never came close to being provided one themselves.
Sae’s your pillar of support, and you begin to see now that you’re his.
Now you know it’s true what they say; you don’t have to beg for someone’s love if they truly cared about you, because Sae has always gone the extra mile for you every single day. You don’t have to act like someone you’re not just to please them so they don’t leave—because no matter how many disagreements you have, Sae is always there to listen to your point of view. You don’t have to beg someone to treat you right if they really love you, because Sae’s been actively choosing you ever since the day you got married, and whether it’s intentional or not, you think you’re the luckiest person in the world.
And now you can’t be happier; you have a wonderful daughter who has two parents who absolutely love her. You have a husband who takes care of you in every single way, loving you in every essence of the word. You have friends like Reo who would burn the world if it was ever unkind to you and dance with you atop their pile of bodies. You have everything you could ever want and you couldn’t have seen it without Sae by your side.
The do-over of your wedding reception is perfect. So, so perfect, and it’s almost hard to believe it’s the product of Sae’s ideas. He doesn’t even particularly like celebrations like this but he did this for you, for both of you, and being able to make your daughter be a part of it is like icing on the four-tiered cake he had ordered.
“I’ll love you forever, Y/N,” he whispers suddenly into your ear as you guys are making rounds at the tables.
You accept the kiss from him, flashes going off as you smile against his lips. “Yeah? What if it falls apart?” you ask, teasing him, though you never thought he’d answer you seriously.
“Then I’ll rebuild it,” he tells you, your lips hovering just above each other and his beautiful teal eyes looking into yours, a small smile on his face. “But with you, I’m pretty sure that would never happen.”
And you’ve always been pessimistic. You’ve always chosen to believe the worst because it alleviates the pain you’d feel when things don’t go as planned. But somehow, you believe in Sae with your whole heart. You’d trust him with your whole life. So you want to give him what he’s given you—everything. (He thinks you already have.)
“I’ll love you forever, Itoshi Sae.”
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taglist: @kimvmarvel @mxplesyrvp @yuzurins @futuristicxie @kiopanxp @k0z3me @y-sabell-a @sae1toshilover @xoxojisu @karmatiz @sagejin @minnieminnie00-got7 @hearts4heidi @shiinobu-x @n1uh @prepchuu @leeyzhuo @shidouryusm @tsukishiro-yue2402 @kaiserkisser @pookiebearcave @dcvilxswish @saeskiss @whtflrr @arminseas @raphsimp @saharei @danibxe @lectris00 @comet-kun @ishitam67 @gskill @sweet2wthsblog @scaraslover @beaniedoodz @bersuadikotatua @idk-bro-gay @etoiile @sanzu-sanzu-sanzu @yourstrulyharu @noimnotttt @tinyfurytaco @bxddiebloss @biaonww @kunirayuna39 @sikuthealien @vollereix @notepadgirl16 @zareri @c4ttheart @iovefilled
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babysukiii · 3 months
how long can we be a sad song? (till we are too far gone to bring back to life)
modern day high school au
// your girlfriend lottie has always made it clear soccer is her main priority. when nationals near and she begins ignoring you, your final straw seems to be when she lashes out at you. //
warnings: angst but kinda fluffy at the end, breakups, asshole!lottie, jock!lottie, she’s mean for like a minute lol
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you let out a quiet sigh as you sit on the bleachers and watch your girlfriend and laura lee continue to practice on the soccer field. even though practice ended an hour ago. finally, laura lee announces she needs to get home, and she waves at you as she makes her way off the field. you look over at lottie who’s offering you a smile. it’s way too late to go and watch that movie in town you wanted to see, so you know now your only option is hanging out at one of your houses.
you stand up, making your way down the bleachers and over to your girlfriend. “did you still want to hang out?” lottie asks, “i’m a bit tired, maybe we can just catch the movie tomorrow?” lottie offers and you feel your entire mood sour even more than it already was. “i just waited two hours to hang out with you.” you point out, and the raven haired girl frowns. “i never asked you to wait. i told you i have to really focus on nationals.” lottie states sternly, and you nod. “i know that. i know nationals is super important to you… but you’ve blown me off for three weeks now because of it. i just thought… i don’t know, you’d make a little time for me too.” your voice is quiet, and soft. you don’t sound angry but you sound disappointed.
lottie feels a wave of guilt wash over her. “i’m sorry. tomorrow i’ll leave as soon as coach ben ends practice. promise.” she insists, sounding so sincere you actually believe her. your dismal expression is quickly replaced by a happy one. you nod, “okay. can you meet me at my place tomorrow after practice? i have a piano lesson at my house so i can’t watch you practice.” you admit and she nods, flashing you the same smile you fell in love with. “of course, babe. come on, i’ll drive you home.” she offers kindly, and your heart skips a beat as she reaches for your hand, interlocking her fingers with yours.
the next day at school you spent the entire day eager for it to end. you couldn’t wait to see the barbie movie, and you had been going on and on about how excited you were about it. you even missed going with your friends, in order to see it with lottie because she promised. after school, you give lottie a kiss goodbye and made your way to your sisters car.
what you expect after your piano lesson is lottie to text you that she’s outside and waiting for you. but what happens is you get ready for your date, and you end up waiting two hours. two hours and not a single text or call from lottie. you don’t even bother texting her more than once because you feel so emotionally exhausted. she’s been putting you aside all year for soccer, and sure, at first you understood. this could get her a scholarship… but she’s rich! she could afford to get into any school, and play on any college team…
maybe she just doesn’t want to hang out with me.
“honey, why are you all dolled up? you have plans?” your mother asks you, walking out of the kitchen wearing an apron that’s stained with some sort of red sauce. “no. not anymore. i was supposed to hang out with lottie today, but… she canceled for soccer practice again.” you confess hesitantly and your mother nods. “that girls gonna burn herself out with all the practice she does.” she comments jokingly, but you’re not in the mood to laugh. your mother realizes something is wrong right away.
“mom, do you think… do you think lottie likes soccer more than she likes me?” you question, your voice laced with insecurity. your mother laughs as if you’ve said the funniest thing on the planet. “that’s absurd, mija (sweetheart), that girl once walked all the way here just to give you flowers.” your mother reminds and you feel a pang of hurt hit your heart. “she… she just doesn’t do those things anymore. she’s always been so serious about soccer but this year? god, she’s been a nightmare. did i tell you allie broke her leg during a practice scrimmage? that’s how serious they’re taking this…” you trail off and the older woman’s eyes widen a bit at the revelation.
“she’s just a different person these days. it doesn’t feel like she likes me very much anymore.” you admit sadly, and your mother frowns. “have you talked to her about this?” she inquires uncertainly, and you nod. “not all of it, but i have told her i feel like she puts soccer before me and our relationship a lot.” you explain, “she always says it’s just in my head, and that she loves me… but she stood me up again after promising she wouldn’t and i—“ your voice cracks and your mother rushes over to you. “honey, no. this— this isn’t right. you need to talk to her about this. all of it.” the older woman says sternly, and you sniffle as you wipe a tear away. you’ve always been so sensitive and this entire situation was getting to you.
“what if— what if we break up? or what if she confirms that she does think soccer is more important? i… i don’t know if i can handle that.” you whisper the last part and the raven haired woman shakes her head. “well you’re going to have to, because the longer you let this fester, the worse you’re going to feel.” she comments stringently, causing you to look up at her with sad eyes. “y-you’re right. i’ll talk to her tomorrow.” you assure her, and just as your mother is about to respond, your phone starts vibrating.
the screen lights up with texts from lottie, and you look at your mom. “it’s her.” you say, and she shrugs. “don’t respond for a few hours. come help me with dinner, it’ll get your mind off her.” she suggests, and you press your lips together. “isn’t ignoring her just as bad?” you question and she shakes her head, “you’re just giving her a taste of her own medicine. come on; leave the phone there and come help me.” your mother insists, helping you off the couch and gesturing your towards the kitchen.
all your mother let you do was chop up some zucchini, and set the table. still, talking with her about other things than lottie was nice. and talking about lottie definitely gave you some perspective. you were definitely going to talk to your girlfriend about this, and you were going to put your foot down. you weren’t going to make her choose between you and soccer; you’d never even consider doing that. you just wanted a little time, and to maybe be prioritized a little better.
after dinner you end up going upstairs, taking a shower, washing your face, and brushing your teeth. you wander around your bedroom, nirvana blasting on your speaker as you dry your hair. your phone chimes again, signaling you got another text.
(7;56 p.m) lottie: tai made us practice late again, i’m sorry. can we reschedule?
(7;57 p.m) lottie: this saturday is all yours! i promise!
(8;12 p.m) lottie: hello?
(8;15 p.m) lottie: my texts are delivering, so i know your phones on.
(8;20 p.m) lottie: i’m really sorry about the movie
(9;33 p.m) lottie: no phone call tonight?
(9;35 p.m) you: hey, i got caught up with piano practice, and helping my mom with dinner, and then being stood up by my girlfriend
you know your response is petty, and unlike you, but you were still upset. lottie has never just pushed you aside like this, and to do it so consistently all of a sudden made you feel so bad. especially about yourself. it made you wonder if she was losing interest. if maybe she was only using soccer as an excuse to stop hanging out with you.
(9;38 p.m) lottie: well, i’m glad you’re alive. i didn’t stand you up, you know how tai gets when she decides something. i have to take nationals seriously.
you scoff at her response, and quickly get to typing.
(9;40 p.m) you: i understand that. but you’ve promised me four different times about this movie, and at this point i don’t even want to go anymore.
(9;42 p.m) lottie: i know you’re upset and i’m sorry. but if i want to win nationals i have to practice really hard. harder than usual. right now that’s my main concern
you toss your phone onto your bed, not even bothering to respond. it was like talking to a brick wall. tomorrow you’d have to face her and talk about this in person. the thought alone causes a nauseous feeling to settle in the pit of your stomach. there was this wave of dread that washes over you, and for the first time in your relationship with lottie, you feel as though you two aren’t on the same page.
the next day at school was hell for lottie. you barely spoke to her; you didn’t sit with her and the team during lunch. she knew you were upset but she didn’t think you were this upset. you’ve always been so understanding about her passion for soccer, and you’ve never acted this way before. but… then again, lottie has never taken practice this serious. she just doesn’t want to let her team down, and she can see how much the girls want this. she wants it too, but she knows they have more on the line. tai wants a scholarship, and going to nationals will look great on a college application.
you’ll get over it. lottie tells herself. that day she sees you waiting for her by the bleachers; there’s an unrecognizable expression drawn onto your features. she just finished changing into her practice clothes and cleats, and she tries to smile at you, but it doesn’t quite meet her eyes. “hey.” she says as she leans in to kiss you, but you tilt your head to the side in order for her lips to land on your cheek. “hi… we should talk. i’ll make it quick.” you promise and she nods uncertainly, a feeling of unease creeping up on her. “i don’t really like the way i’ve been feeling lately…” you start, and she opens her mouth to talk but you stop her.
“… i’ve always felt like you and i have been on the same page, but lately i just feel like your mind is strictly on soccer. for the entire year you’ve been spending extra time practicing, and you barely talk to me about anything other than it. you blow me off for practice and you’ve missed all of our date nights for the last three months.” you point out, and lottie shakes her head. “y/n, do you understand what’s at stake here? not just my future, but all of my teammates. i’m not just working this hard for me, it’s for my team. i’m sorry if you’re feeling a little ignored and craving attention, but until nationals are over, you’re just gonna have to suck it up and deal with it.” she states, sounding a bit frustrated.
you look shocked with her words; she’s never been that blunt and cruel. here you were telling her how you felt and she was being like this. lottie can see the look on your face, you look as though you’re about to cry. though she’s much too stressed to care, so instead of deciding to apologize like she normally would, she scoffs. “i don’t have time for this. every day is another problem with you. it’s getting annoying.” lottie snaps, and you try to blink away the tears as you clench your jaw. she sounds so much like her father (who she hates), it nearly makes you laugh.
“well, i’m sorry for wanting to spend some time with you. i’m sorry i actually believed you when you promised me you’d make time and put in the slightest bit of effort for me. that was clearly my mistake. don’t worry, matthews, i promise i won’t be a problem for you anymore.” you hiss, tears in your eyes as you sound angry and hurt. lottie watches you leave and she stands there, feeling like a complete asshole. before she can even consider chasing after you, coach ben blows his whistle, signaling for all the girls to get on the field.
so here’s the thing, when you promised lottie you wouldn’t be a ‘problem’ anymore, she wasn’t exactly sure what you meant. but the next day, you came to school with a small box of her things in your hands. you march right up to her, there was nothing but determination on your face. lottie wasn’t stupid; she knew what this meant and it causes her heart rate to pick up anxiously. “the rest of your stuff you can come pick up whenever. it was too big to bring to school.” you say, keeping your voice quiet so no one can hear. lottie looks like a kicked puppy, “wh-what do you mean?“ you almost feel bad about the clear fear in her tone as she realizes she’s losing you.
“it didn’t fit in the box, so you can come and pick it up whenever.” you repeat more clearly, as if you hadn’t been clear as day the first time. “i know that… i just mean— why are you giving me my stuff back?” she asks, completely afraid of the answer. you don’t respond, and the silence tells her everything. “you’re breaking up with me over a fight?” she asks a bit angrily, and you shake your head; your poker face faltering. “i’m breaking up with you because you act like you don’t want to be with me! i’m not asking you to stop prioritizing soccer, i just wanted a little effort, lottie. you couldn’t even give me that.” you point out, pushing the box into her arms.
“like i said, you can pick up your other stuff whenever you’re not too busy.” you practically hiss at her, before you turn around and leave her standing there. lottie feels as though she’s been slapped in the face. the one person she had figured would always be there, was now walking away from her and disappearing into the hoard of bustling students. natalie, who had been watching the entire ordeal from her locker, walks up to lottie. “what was that about? it looked serious…” natalie starts cautiously, trying to make sure her best friend is okay. lottie looks worse than when becky martin started telling the entire school about lottie being schizophrenic. but you were there for her throughout all of that; never caring about her diagnosis or thinking of her any differently. she was always your lottie. but now she wasn’t your anything.
lottie starts to tear up, and natalie’s eyes widen at the sight of the broken-hearted girl. “she dumped me.” lottie admits in a frail tone, a tone natalie has never heard from the raven haired girl. “shit… seriously? what happened?” natalie asks, and lottie proceeds to tell her best friend everything. she tells her all about how she began neglecting you at the begin of the year, and you being you, always let it slide. yet as she became more and more emotionally and physically unavailable, she began leaving you alone.
she tells natalie about how these last few weeks she was a total nightmare. she even forgot to text you some days. natalie looks shocked at this revelation; you two always seemed like such a great couple. you hadn’t even let anyone know there was trouble in paradise. the bell rings, and natalie clasps lottie’s wrists and begins to lead her towards the schools exit. natalie knew the last thing her friend needed was to be surrounded by a bunch of annoying students in class.
as soon as they get to the bottom of the bleachers, natalie flashes her a stern look.
“alright matthews, you screwed up, but i’m gonna help you fix it.” lottie looks shocked at natalie’s declaration, and she shakes her head. “why? why do you wanna help me?” she questions, and natalie shrugs. “you’re my best friend. plus y/n is a good person who actually gives a shit about you. you’re never gonna forgive yourself if you don’t fix it.” natalie’s voice is stern, and lottie nods in agreement.
“what should i do?” the yellowjackets sweeper asks uncertainly, and natalie offers her a mischievous smirk. “i have an idea that could work.” natalie admits, as she begins to give lottie a list of ways she could romance you. lottie listens, clearly very interested.
that weekend is the hardest. lottie has never gone longer than a day without hearing your beautiful voice. you two never really fought throughout your relationship; you learned pretty early into your friendship with lottie that her home life was mean and harsh enough. you never dared add any hurt to her life. when lottie was upset she quickly realized she could talk to you about anything; you were so easy to open up to, and no matter what you were doing you always made time for her.
the entire weekend lottie feels like trash. she realizes that she doesn’t even know how you’re doing. you two barely broke up, yet it feels like she hasn’t truly talked to you for months. god, maybe she was a terrible girlfriend. she put soccer before you, and now she doesn’t even feel like going to practice. though she knows she has to. she has an obligation to her friends and team… but she can’t help but feel like she let you down, and you didn’t know it but you were one of the most important people in her life.
now she fears that if none of natalie’s ideas work, she’ll lose you for sure. she’s tried to text you nearly every day since the breakup on friday, but you refuse to answer any of her texts. she even tried calling you on saturday night, but you didn’t pick up. when monday rolls around lottie comes to school with a huge bouquet of sunflowers and red roses. your two favorites. she hasn’t felt this nervous since she first asked you to be her girlfriend, except right now she knew you didn’t want to talk to her or even see her.
everyone looks at the raven haired girl as soon as she walks into school. surely everyone knows about your breakup by now, because mari is your best friend and she also seems to have the biggest mouth. not to mention she had been glaring at lottie all throughout practice on friday evening. she could tell you told mari everything and by the looks she was receiving she could tell everyone else knew now too.
as soon as she sees you standing by your locker talking to mari and akilah, mari’s eyes zero in on the tall raven haired girl making her way up to you. your best friend taps on you, and nods in lottie’s direction. you turn your head, and instead of your eyes lighting up at the sight of her and the bouquet, your large orbs fill with dread. her step falters a bit but she keeps her head high as she approaches you. “y/n… these are for you. i’m really sorry.” lottie’s voice is small, and you shake your head.
“they’re beautiful, but they aren’t going to fix anything.” you deadpan and lottie frowns. “i know that. but i thought maybe they could be the first step to fixing things?” she suggests and you glance at akilah and mari. you reach for lottie’s free hand and lead her to a secluded spot in the hall. “why are you doing this here? in front of everyone?” you ask her with supplicating eyes, and she knits her brows together. “because you won’t return my calls, and i haven’t stopped thinking about you. y/n, if you’d hear me out, i know i could fix this.” she pleads with you, and those eyes nearly make you cave.
you quickly remind yourself how you both ended up here, causing you to shut your eyes and take a breath. when you open them, lottie has a hopeful expression etched onto her features. “i gave you plenty of chances to fix it when we were together. for the last two months i’ve given you nothing but chances. you told me time and time again that soccer was your priority, and i respect that. so please respect my decision and leave me alone.” you whisper the last part a bit harshly as you turn around and storm away.
lottie stands there, heartbroken and ashamed. she looks at the flowers that seem to be taunting her. she crushes the stems in her hand as she approaches the nearest trash bin, tossing them in. so much for flowers and a heartfelt apology. lottie feels like a fool for even trying.
a week goes by and lottie is practically a walking zombie. she’s barely been eating or sleeping. she was so used to falling asleep on facetime with you, or falling asleep texting you… now she can barely get a wink of sleep. all she can think about is how mean to you she was the day before you two broke up. god, she can’t get that sad, puppy dog expression you flashed her out of her head.
“come on, lottie! where’s your head at!?” tai snaps in the middle of a scrimmage. lottie had been paying less attention to anything that didn’t have to do with you these days. it’s ironic, it took her losing you to realize what she had. her notes for her classes were empty lately, her parents didn’t even notice she was barely saying a word at home, and practice was the worst. lottie was so used to seeing you in the bleachers during most of her practices; you’d be watching her with this big smile on your face, or doing homework. you always looked so pretty. now you weren’t there and lottie never realized how happy seeing you sitting on those bleachers made her. how important she felt that you spent time watching her practice because you didn’t want to be away from her.
lottie doesn’t get her head in the game even after being yelled at by tai. in the locker room, its worse. “what the hell, lottie?? we’re this close to winning nationals and you choose now to start slacking??” tai asks harshly, natalie steps in before lottie can respond. “hey, leave her alone she’s had a shitty week.” natalie states sternly and tai rolls her eyes. “so have all of us! newsflash, the world doesn’t stop because lottie matthews is going through a breakup. we’re a team, meaning you need to get your mind together and focus on the game.” tai’s voice is angry and demanding.
lottie feels a surge of rage wash over her. “not everything is about soccer!” she snaps back loudly, taking the curly haired girl and most of the girls by surprise. “god, you’re all so worked up over this fucking game next week that we’ve all been nightmares! jackie, you and shauna have been at each offers throats for weeks, tai you’ve barely talked to van about anything other than nationals, laura lee has been praying to god for nothing but us winning, mar’s been a bigger cunt than usual, natalie is stress drinking again, and my girlfriend dumped me because i was ignoring her for months! for a sport i used to have fun playing, with a team who used to actually give a shit about each other!” lottie lets it all pour out like a leaky faucet, and everyone stands there dumbfounded by the outburst.
“lottie—“ tai starts but lottie slams her locker shut. “fuck this.” she hisses as she swings her nike duffle bag over her shoulder and storms out of the locker room. she doesn’t even bother changing out of her uniform. lottie’s blood is boiling and her teeth are gritting all the way to her car. she feels as though in a week her entire life has spiraled downhill. she’s been downhill more times than she can count, but she’s never been there without you. this sucks.
she seems to be so upset that she doesn’t even realize she’s driving in the direction of your house. she feels so lost, and it seems she ended up where she feels the safest. with you. lottie aimlessly approaches your door; she’s still in her soccer uniform and her hair is in loose pigtails. the way you always said made her look undeniably cute. she knocks on the door and looks down at her dirty cleats. she thinks about how unhappy you’re probably going to look to see her; she isn’t used to that. she hates it.
her eyes well up with tears and she sniffles, the door swings open before she can think to cover up the fact that she was crying. you had seen her through the peephole, putting on your best angry face before you answered the door. but as soon as you saw the broken girl in front of you, and you heard the sad little sniffle, your face softens immediately. “are you okay?” even though you know it’s a dumb question, you still ask because you don’t want to sound harsh. she doesn’t look like she needs anymore of that.
“i— i didn’t know where else to go.” she admits lowly, roughly wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. you give in quickly, stepping aside for her to come in. “what happened?” you ask her as she steps inside, taking her shoes off politely in a way that makes you smile. even in her sad state, she still remembers your mothers rules. “i got into a fight with tai… you were right, lately we’ve all been terrible. i’ve been terrible. to you especially. i’m really sorry, y/n.” she sounds sincere and sad, you can see her staring hopelessly at you; waiting for you to say something.
you press your lips together before letting out a sigh, turning your head away from her. “it’s okay. i understand. nationals are a lot of pressure, and i just think maybe right now it’s better if we’re just friends. i want a normal relationship, and i want my girlfriend to be as excited about prom as i am. i want to be able to go to the movies and have date nights without worrying about getting in the way of your schedule. i just think we want different things now.” you explain, trying to keep your voice light but she can hear the sadness laced through your tone clear as day.
lottie shakes her head rapidly, standing up and inching towards you. “i want those things too. i love our date nights, and you never get in the way of my schedule. i promise. i am excited about prom— at least i was… when i knew i was going with you.” lottie’s response is quiet and low, making you frown. “you never even asked me to prom, lot. it’s next month!” you point out and lottie flashes you those puppy eyes you could never resist when you were together. why does she have to be so cute?
“please go to prom with me.” she insists and before you can decline, and goes on. “i want to prove to you we still want the same things! if you still don’t want to be with me after prom… okay. i’ll respect your decision. but you have to let me try. please.” lottie sounds desperate, and she’s borderline begging. you let out sharp exhale, “fine. fine. i’ll go to prom with you, matthews. but i swear to god if you mess this up again, we’re done.” you warn her and she nods eagerly, reaching for your hands.
“i promise! i’m not gonna let you down this time!” she swears as she leans in and places a kiss on your cheek. “this times gonna be different.” she assures you, and you allow her to pull you in for a hug. you melt into her embrace, and you hesitantly wrap your arms around her. you can’t hope but help she’s telling you the truth this time. you suppose the only thing you can do is wait and see.
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breeloveschris · 4 months
You’ll Never Understand pt 4
Pt 3 Pt 5
Pairing: Chris Sturniolo x Reader
summary: Y/n always been best friends with the triplets.. until one random day in sophomore year Chris despised Y/n, and till this day Y/n still don’t know why. Nick and Matt will never understand why Y/n has never stopped being sweet and caring to Chris as if nothing ever happened.
Warnings: cussing, gets kinda spicy 😏
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Y/n wakes up with a little headache, from all the crying that occurred the night prior. She turns over seeing Nick on his computer editing a video. “Hey what time is it?” She asks leaning up on her arms behind her. “Oh my fuck. You scared the shit out of me” Nick says placing his hand on his chest. She laughs loudly throwing her head back resulting in her falling off the bed, causing her and Nick to laugh harder.
She gets off the floor and walks over to Nick looking over his shoulder. She looks at the time and gasps seeing that it’s only 2 pm. “What? You shocked you’re up this early?” Nick laughs. “Yes??? We didn’t go to sleep until like 7 this morning!” she stated with a laugh.
“Do you know who came in the room and cleaned the bed? I don’t even remember getting a blanket.” Nick asks curiously. Y/n swallowed hard remembering the feeling of Chris’s lips on her head, “yea Chris did. He woke me up when he put the blanket over us” Y/n said with a giggle and blush goes straight to her face.
Chris walks in without knocking. “The fuck you blushing for?” He asks with a smirk pointing at Y/n. “That’s funny, cause I was about to ask the same” lookin g between the two suspiciously. “Why are you looking at me Nick.” Chris asks with an eyebrow raised making Y/n shift her weight to her left leg with a sigh. “Well Y/n was just telling me how you put a blanket on us this morning and she started blushing after she told me..” Nick states squinting his eyes at Chris. Y/n just slowly starts to back away into the bathroom but doesn’t make it very far.
“Y/n/n!! Pause. Get back here” Nick says still looking at Chris who’s now had his arms crossed over his chest leaning against the wall. Y/n sighs and cringes at her failed attempt of escaping while walking back over “I don’t know why I blushed it just kinda happened so can we end this conversation” Y/n groans.
“No cause I feel like y’all shared a little kissy” Nick says making a kissy face towards Y/n. Making her eyes go wide shaking her head. “Gross Nick. I barely tolerate her, why would I kiss her?” Chris states with a laugh making Y/n’s face drop. Mean Chris is once again back.
Chris noticed her face drop. He didn’t say anything or even act if he saw it. But truly he felt bad. So bad. But he couldn’t say or do anything about it with Nick right here. “That was rude Chris” Nick says with an eye roll. Chris just shrugs and walks out of the room. “The fuck did he even come in here for.” Y/n asks with a groan, “girl I don’t know” Nick says laughing. “Well I’m gonna let you continue on editing I’m gonna get ready.. remember you and the boys are coming over for my stream” she says pointing at Nick with her eyebrows raised.
“Oh! Actually we have a meeting today, so two of us won’t be able to make it..” Nick says apologetically. “Uhm that’s okay! You’re still coming, right?” Y/n asks with a smile. Nick shrugs “i don’t know Y/n/n, I haven’t asked Matt or Chris about it yet” Nick says looking back at the computer. “We can ask them after you brush your stinky teeth” he says holding his nose. “Hey!!” Y/n says while smacking his shoulder. Y/n brushes her teeth and meets Nick down stairs in the living room.
Matt, Chris, and Nick are already in the living room. “So do we have an idea on what’s gonna happen?” Y/n asks plopping down next to Nick. Matt nods his head slowly “yeah but you’re not gonna like it at all” Matt says avoiding eye contact. Y/n’s face immediately drops and looks at Chris who’s already looking at her with an obvious annoyed expression.
“Why?” Is all Y/n said. “Well I have to be there because of space camp and Matt is the only driver due to you not having your car” Nick says sadly. “So what.. Matt’s gonna drop Chris and I off at my apartment?” Y/n asks now sitting up looking at Nick. “Yeah, I’m sorry but it’s the best we can do” Matt answers for Nick instead.
She just nods pulling out her phone. “Y/n.. you okay?” Matt asks. “No I’m good, just bummed all of you couldn’t make it” she says with a frown. Nick pulls her in a hug “we can do it another time with all four of us!!” He says with a smile, Y/n returns the smile. “Alright Matt, Chris we need to get ready” Nick says getting up. They all go and get ready leaving Y/n sitting on the couch scrolling through instagram.
“Alright let’s go wait in the car, I’m bored and wanna play music.” Chris says coming up the stairs from his room. Y/n just gives him a side eye scoffing looking back to her phone. She ignores him. “Y/n? Did you hear me?” Chris says getting in front of her. Y/n nods still looking on her phone. Chris groans and rips her phone out of her hands.
“Hey! What the fuck Chris, give me my phone” Y/n says getting in front of Chris. Chris just smirks putting her phone in his back pocket. “Maybe, if you stop ignoring me for no reason.” She looks up at him and sighs. “You’re gonna give me whiplash.” She says walking away from him, to the stairs. “You coming dummy?” She sighs.
Y/n was in the back while Chris was in the passenger seat. Like always. Y/n still didn’t have her phone. “Chris” Y/n says shaking his shoulder. “Yea?” He said turning to look at her. He’s holding strong eye contact with Y/n making her nervous. “Can I have my phone” in a slight mumble too scared to speak up. Chris’s eyes travel down to her lips. “Yeah sure” he said reaching in his pocket handing her phone back. Y/n grabs it and slumps in her seat with a soft “thanks”.
Matt and Nick get to the car not too long after. “We were looking all over the place for y’all. You could’ve told us you were coming out here.” Matt said with a huff pulling out of the drive way. “I just wanted to listen to music and Y/n looked bored on the couch.” Chris says while rolling his eyes. “I was just fine thank you.” Y/n said looking out the window. Chris just groans before letting out a short and quiet “yeah, okay.” while turning up the music. They make it to Y/n’s apartment in 20 minutes due to traffic.
Y/n and Chris get out of the car quickly so Matt and Nick can go to their meeting. Matt rolls down the window to say bye to Y/n. She says bye and mumbles out a quick “wish me luck” while looking at Matt with wide eyes making the boy in the driver seat laugh. Y/n slowly walks over to Chris and they start their way up to her apartment.
As Chris and Y/n walk up the stairs, they’re quiet. Too quiet for Y/n’s liking. “You ready for a bunch of questions???” Y/n asks with a small smile. Chris just nods with a smirk. “Got juicy questions? Or is it all boring questions” Chris asks with a sass. “I always do.” Y/n said unlocking her apartment. “You can just sit in here while I do my make up and get ready.” She says pointing to the living room. “Nah I’m gonna chill in your room.” She just nods walking to her bedroom, Chris hot on her heels.
Chris is laying on Y/n’s bed, while shes doing her makeup at her vanity. She’s almost done only needing to do eyeliner and setting spray. As she’s working on her eyeliner, Chris is just watching her. He can’t help himself. He watches her for a while. Unable to take his eyes off her for whatever reason.
He gets bored of just laying there so he gets up with a smirk and an idea. He walks over to the vanity right behind Y/n putting his hands on her shoulders, making her look up in her mirror. They make strong eye contact through the mirror.
“Chris?” Y/n mumbles still holding eye contact. “Yes?” He says in a raspy voice due to not using it. “What are you doing” she whispered quietly. Chris doesn’t say anything and slides his arms around her neck kissing her cheek down to her neck sending a shock through Y/n.
Y/n leans her head back onto Chris’s shoulder with a very quiet moan, making Chris smirk against her skin. Chris starts sucking and biting her skin down the side of her neck. Y/n lets out a small whimper. “We shouldn’t be doing this..” Y/n says a low whisper.
Before Chris comes up from her neck he softly soothes her skin with his tongue. “Do you want me to stop?” Chris whispers in her ear, while placing sweet kisses to the back of her ear. “No not really” Y/n says a bit louder. Chris just lets out a soft laugh and stands up straight kissing the top of her head before walking out into the living room.
Y/n lets out a groan seeing the marks he left. 2 light hickeys and 1 dark one. She try’s to cover them up but only manages to cover the 2 lighter ones. She lets out a frustrated sigh going to her closet to find an outfit that could hide it. She finds her pink fresh love hoodie. Taking off her crewneck she puts the hoodie on and walks over to her dresser to grab her black cargo pants.
She walks out of her room dressed and goes into the living room seeing Chris sitting on the couch man spreading and on his phone. She clears her throat “Chris are you dumb? You left 3 marks on my neck” she says crossing her arms over her chest. He laughs and shakes his head. “your fine ma, you can’t really see it plus it’s hot on you” he states looking at her.
“Yeah? And what happens when the fans see it? Or what happens when your brothers see it?” She says sitting next to him with a sigh putting her legs on his lap. “The fans won’t see it you got a hoodie on.” Chris starts but continues. “And for my brothers.. just tell em you hooked up with someone or something” Chris says with a shrug. “Okay whatever I’m gonna set up the stream.” She says walking back to her room.
So.. what do we think? Do we like nice Chris??
Taglist: @lacysturniolo @mattsaq @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosreads @creamoncreamoncream2 @robins-scoop @blahbel668 @carolsturns1 @sturniolopepsi @luverboychris @hearts4chris @freshloveforthefit @stuniolobbg @novasturniolo03 @nicksmainbitch
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Safe and Sound
“Sweetheart, if you keep running like that, you’re gonna fall,” you advised your overly confident 4 year old as she raced through the squad room. Sure enough, just as she was about to turn the corner, her feet got tripped up and she took a small tumble. Nothing you were worried about but Tony had just happen to see and your daughter knew that if she started crying, he would come running. So that’s what she did.
“Oh no, did that evil carpet trip you?” Tony picked her up off the floor and sat her on his hip, wiping her crocodile tears away. You made your way over, smiling and setting a box of take out on your husband’s desk.
“She’s got you wrapped around her little finger Tony. All she wants are those Italian crackers you keep in your desk.”
“Crackahs,” your daughter mimicked, proving your point.
“Ah yes. The cracker tax will be paid, fear not young padawan,” Tony told her while setting her down in his desk chair and opening up his drawer to pull out the little stash. You shook your head and smiled as your toddler happily munched on her favorite snack, dropping crumbs all over Tony’s desk.
“Where’s Jethro?” you asked, also noticing the other missing agents.
“He’s with Bishop questioning some lady who might know where our suspect is hiding. Been gone a while, shouldn’t be too long of a wait.”
Jethro had told you their day was a bit slow since they hadn’t had any new leads so you decided to surprise him for a late lunch. You knew he wouldn’t want to leave the office so you brought food from his favorite Chinese restaurant. Figured you 3 could eat in the conference room or something.
“Oh, would you look at that. Bishops calling me now.” He picked up the phone while sitting at the edge of his desk. “Your ears must be burning Bishop-
He stopped his joking as his face got serious, catching your attention.
“What happened?….Did he get away?…..What hospital?”
You hoped to God they weren’t talking about Jethro as your worst nightmare started playing in your head.
“Alright. I’ll grab Ducky and Palmer and meet you there.”
He hung up the phone and you waited for his next words.
“The suspect was hiding out at the house. He shot Gibbs in the shoulder but he’s fine. They brought him to Sibley Memorial.”
Without another word, you were out of your seat and scooping your daughter up before heading for the elevator.
“Where we going mommy?” your little girl asked from the backseat as you drove.
“We’re gonna go see Daddy sweetheart. But we gotta be really gentle when we see him because he just got a big ouchies on his shoulder, ok?”
“Ok. How come Daddy got an ouchies?”
“Sometimes he gets ouchies when he’s working. Remember the ouchie he had on his knee?”
“From the bad guys!” she resolved proudly.
“That’s right. But don’t worry. Daddy got the bad guy.”
She didn’t ask anymore questions after that thankfully. Sometimes it was difficult explaining Jethro’s job but she actually understood a lot of it, making it easier. She got all the smarts from Jethro you’re sure of it.
Once you arrived, you headed straight for the nurses station.
“Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He’s my husband, I believe he was brought in a little bit ago.”
The nurse typed a bit on the computer before nodding. “Looks like he just came out of surgery. Room 323. Third floor.”
You showed her your ID and received your visitors sticker, your daughter taking it immediately to stick it on herself. Then the two of you made your way through the hospital till you found his room. You were surprised when you saw him out of bed, buttoning up his dress shirt.
“Leaving against medical advice again Jethro?”
He looked up surprised and gave that half grin when he saw you two.
Your daughter dropped your hand and raced over to him as he crouched down to her level.
“Remember be gentle honey,” you reminded before she reached out for a hug.
Jethro picked her up easily with his good arm and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“How’s my princess? You learn anything new at school?”
“We did numbers. And colors!”
“Wow. You are so smart, you know that? You’ll be taking Uncle McGee’s job before you know it.”
You just watched the two of them have their conversation with a smile. She loved talking with her dad. Whether it was about her favorite show or asking him what every one of his woodworking tools did. She was definitely more of a daddy’s girl than mommy’s. But you loved it. You loved the way Jethro’s face lit up everytime he saw her. He could be having the worst day at work and she would be the one to make him crack a smile.
“And mommy got you food,” she continued.
“She did? Well I’m hungry as a bear. And if I don’t eat something soon, I just might eat you!”
She squealed in laughter as he gave her kisses and walked over to you.
“You gave me quite a fright today Mr. Gibbs,” you chastened as he set your daughter down.
“I’m sorry about that Mrs. Gibbs. I’ll try harder not to.”
You two kissed deeply, happy that his injury wasn’t too severe and he was safe.
“Did I hear my daughter correctly when she said you bought me food?” he mumbled against your lips.
“Mm-hm. It’s at the office. Room temperature, just how you like it.”
He chuckled and gave you another kiss before taking your daughter’s hand in his and leading the way out of the hospital.
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huboi · 5 months
[kaeya, diluc, childe x gn reader]
╰┈➤ includes; various types of kisses, EXTREME fluff, kinda suggestive ig
╰┈➤ this content is rated 16+ for the suggestive content, please refrain from reading if under 16
╰┈➤ merry Christmas/happy holidays everyone! thanks so much for 900+ followers too <3
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for kaeya, Christmas is a really special occasion, mainly cause during Christmas diluc is actually nice to him and invites him over to the dawn winery for Christmas dinner
and that hasn’t changed just cause he’s dating you, diluc doesn’t mind inviting you too, as long as you guys don’t act too lovey dovey around him
when at the dawn winery, adelinde cooks so much food, and all of it is the best thing that has ever existed
when you and kaeya were about to leave, the sneaky bastard held up a mistletoe over your heads
he gives you a shit eating smirk before placing his lips over yours, giving you a chaste yet sweet kiss
when you guys separated, you were shocked that he didn’t go all out
“I’m not going all out since diluc’s here, and I can just about wait till we get back home for some more fun~” he cood, lightly tapping you on the butt as you hid your face into his chest so he couldn’t see your flustered expression
safe to say the morning after, you couldn’t walk at all :)
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he doesn’t mind Christmas, the only problem is he’s busier than ever since there’s quite a lot of work to do before he spends the holiday with you
he doesn’t like it, but it’s what needs to be done
one day when he came back home and was greeted by your embrace, he looked up since he noticed something green on the entrance of the house, only to roll his eyes in realisation
“did you put that there?” he queried, with a small grin on his face, he was shocked but not surprised since you tend to do this every. single. year, it’s like a tradition of yours at this point
“maybe, who knows? it could’ve been adelinde” you simply shrugged, placing your hands around dilucs neck and lightly swaying
sighing in response, he leant in for the kiss, only to be responded by your lips unexpectedly crashing against his, biting his lip, making him flinch so that you could explore his mouth with your tongue
he let out a muffled groan in response, large calloused hands wrapping around your waist
you jumped up into his embrace, wrapping your legs tightly against his slutty slim waist, diluc helping by holding onto your butt
next morning the bed was ‘surprisingly’ broken, a disappointed adelinde with her arms crossed against her chest, you and diluc covered in scratch and bite marks
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if possible, every year he heads back to snezhnaya to visit his family and spend the holidays there
this year he had time off luckily, and so he also brought you
this is the first time you’ve seen his family, yes you’ve heard of them all from ajax, especially of teucer, but you’re still very nervous about meeting them, especially his mother
when you arrived at the door, you were sweating buckets, ajax simply held your gloves hand into his larger hand that was bare since he’s so used to this weather
first thing that happens is teucer screams that you two have to kiss since you’re both standing underneath the mistletoe
ajax obviously acts first, giving you a small kiss on the lips before rushing towards teucer and spinning him around before embracing him into a tight bear hug
yes, he brought so many presents for everyone, he even brought some that are for you (the rest are back in liyue, where you originally reside)
his mother was so nice to you, giving you a nice big hug as soon as she saw you, and calling you beautiful/handsome etc.
she’s surprisingly tall, obviously ginger, and has quite a curvy chubby body, she’s berry huggable and so sweet
despite her adorable appearance, her face seems quite intimidating at first glance, but she’s the sweetest lady you have ever met
you, ajax, and the rest of the family had such fun at the dinner table and playing all sorts of games before you had to go to sleep due to the fact that you were both heading back the day after
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 months
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I don’t actually like you — Quinn Hughes x reader
@toasttt11 @bblouifford @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @67-angelofthelordme-67 @a-casual-romantic @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @faithm120701 @barcelonaloverf1life @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lightdragonrayne @vivwritesfics @vellicora @venusisnothere @purplephantomwolf @amatswimming @cmleitora @yl90
An/ I don’t know how I feel about this 👹😬😭
Quinn Hughes is someone who you genuinely can’t stand but put up with due to your friendship with Jack who was the middle Hughes brother. Your family had moved down the street from the Hughes family and your mom’s quickly became friends which resulted in you becoming friends with Jack who was the same age as you.
Quinn never paid any attention to you and when he did it often came in the form of teasing you other than that he didn’t care about you or so you thought.
The first time Quinn showed any interest in you was when you were sixteen and had come to the Quinn residence to see Jack it was before curfew. You had been on a date with some guy that took a wrong turn and made you feel uncomfortable and you wanted to talk to Jack about what happened. What you didn’t know was that 18-year-old Quinn had come home and heard you talking to Jack and he immediately went to track down the guy in question.
The next day at school the guy who you had been on a date with showed up with a black eye and a busted lip. He came up to you and apologized, stuttering out “Tell him I apologize and to leave me alone” before he ran off. You assumed that he was talking about Jack not knowing that Quinn was responsible.
After that day Quinn was back off to Vancouver and you went back to spending time with Jack. After that, you didn’t see much of Quinn and it was till you were 22 when you saw Quinn again. It was like history repeating itself. It was your first date all over again but this time there was no Jack to talk to as he was away with college and hockey. You didn’t know that Quinn came home for the weekend.
Coming home from another failed date you sat on the porch swing silently crying. You didn't see or hear Quinn until he sat down next to you “Who made you cry this time?” He asked, startling you.
He had seen you crying and he couldn’t help but ask you what had happened.
“Some jerk I met through a dating site. I thought he was a decent person but guess I was wrong.” You sniffled back at him through your tears.
Quinn looked around and asked “Do you mind if we go to my house I don’t want your mom to see you crying and blame me for making you cry,” he asked you softly.
In the privacy of his room, he brought you a box of tissues and a warm cup of coffee.
Quinn knew you liked to have coffee with creamer and 2 spoon fulls of sugar. He had watched you and Jack get coffee countless times at the cafe near your house before practice.
When you drank the coffee he asked what the guy's name was.
“Come on sunshine who was it who made you cry” Quinn asked one more time.
“Why do you care?” You asked
“Because some guy on the internet isn’t allowed to make you cry” he smirked “Come on what was the guy's name” he asked again.
“I don’t care if he’s just some guy. He made you cry and I’m mad about it. So what was his name.”
Quinn had always been protective over you and seeing you cry made him feel angry and helpless. He wanted to do more to comfort you but couldn’t stand to see you upset any longer and seeing how the guy had made you feel and how other guys had made you feel before he was sick of letting jerks treat you this way.
Quinn watched as you stayed silent not saying anything or showing him any sign that you were willing to tell him the guy's name.
For a moment you thought he was giving up until he took your hands in his and squeezed them tightly.
“I don’t care if he’s just some guy you can’t just keep letting guys treat you this way. So I ask you one more time what’s his name?” Quinn pleaded with you still squeezing your hands.
When you still didn’t answer him he took a deep breath trying to remain calm. He wasn’t trying to sound stern but he was trying to prove a point. He loosened his grip on your hands and sat down next to you as his voice lowered.
“Look he doesn’t deserve to get away with this. If this happened to Jack I’m sure you’d want me to do something. So let me do the same for you.”
“Matthew his name was Matthew” you finally said
Quinn stayed silent for a moment as he thought about what he was about to do but he couldn’t let just stand by and do nothing.
Quinn stood up and walked over to the door “Are you going to stay here while I go speak with Matthew?” He asked you.
“No,” you said
Quinn looked surprised “No?” He asked softly “Do you want to come with me then?”
Quinn was surprised at the firmness in your reply “Okay then what would you like me to do?” He asked you as he took a seat across from you.
“You don’t want me to let this guy get away with treating you this way so what do you want me to do?” He asked you.
“I don’t want you to talk to Matthew because your talks always end up with someone getting a black eye,” you said “I also know that it was you who beat up the guy whom I had my first date with. It took me forever to figure it out but it was you. So no I don’t want you to go” you added
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped “How did you know?” He asked you as he sat back down in his seat.
It had been a perfect crime but he didn’t imagine that you would figure it out as you were so upset over the guy he hadn’t wanted to worry you even more by confessing.
“I just know,” you said
He hated seeing you upset and he knew that he couldn’t live with himself if he’d just sat back and did nothing.
“Why does he get to make you feel this way why do guys get to make you cry yet I have to sit by and do nothing.” He asked as he tightened the grip of his hands together.
“If you don’t want me to go talk to him what do you want me to do?” He asked softly as he locked eyes with you.
“I don’t know but if you go just be careful,” you said looking down at the floor.
Quinn nodded his head and looked down at the ground for a moment “Promise me you won’t stay around anyone who makes you cry again. No more jerks and no more assholes. You find someone nice and who will treat you right. Someone who makes you laugh and treats you right. And you come to talk to me and you tell me who he is and I’ll have his ass beat.” Quinn joked.
“Who?” You said looking up at him “Who will treat me the right way because no matter what I do I always get hurt and I don’t want that to happen again. So who Quinn” you admitted
Quinn looked at you for a second silently watching you before finally letting out a sigh “Me.”
Quinn spoke softly.
The words you’d heard numerous people say and they’d always turn out to be bullshit.
Quinn looked at you waiting for your reaction.
Quinn stayed silent as he watched you waiting for your reply.
He wasn’t trying to catch you off guard and he didn’t expect you to respond right away but he had to say it before it was too late and he lost all hope of being with you.
Quinn looked down at the ground waiting for a reply.
It was a long shot and he’d come this far. What did he have to lose? He felt like there was a good chance you’d say no but that didn’t matter. He couldn’t go another day not letting you know how he felt about you.
He didn’t want his chance to be taken away by some other guy.
“Quinn?” You asked nervously as you locked eyes with him.
He looked up at you and couldn’t help but smile softly. To you, it was just a tiny quirk that he did when he was either irritated or nervous.
But at this moment he was neither.
He looked at you waiting for your answer.
“I like you” Quinn spoke softly
“I’ve liked you since you were 16 and even before that. Even though I pretended that I didn’t like you and I didn’t care about you I did” he said as he took his hands out of his pocket and placed them on the table in front of him.
“Your laugh, your smile, your goofy quirks that no one else sees the way that I do everything about you makes me happy. Seeing you happy and being near you makes me happy. Everything about you makes me happy.” he said as he was still waiting for your answer.
“The thought of you being away from me scares me. The thought of you being with someone else makes me jealous I wouldn’t be able to take it” he admitted as he stepped closer to you not taking his eyes off of you for a second.
“So I don’t know who out there is going to be able to treat you right, who’s going to make you laugh and make you happy but one thing I do know is that it’s not going to be anyone but me.” His voice had been low and soft the whole time but now a slight edge of confidence had made its way into his voice.
“I always thought that you hated me” you finally said
Quinn laughed softly “hated you? Why in the world would I hate you” he asked “I’m not going to lie. I didn't really like you at first but after a while when I really got to know you I started to realize how much your laugh made me smile. And your smile made me feel warm inside. I didn’t know what it was back then but now I know it was me falling for you.”
“I just couldn’t admit it at first because I didn’t want you to think that I was some kind of weirdo who fell for his little brother's best friend but I still care about you and this whole time I’ve kept my mouth shut. But I wasn’t going let my chance of being with you slip away” he said softly, his expression softening a little bit as he spoke.
Quinn kept stepping closer until he was only inches away from you. His eyes locked on yours as he put his hand on your cheek. He felt electricity run through his body the moment his palm touched your cheek and his breath hitched.
“I can’t let you be with anybody else so unless you tell me to stop right now then I’m going to kiss you.”
Quinn had always thought of this moment but he had always imagined it one way but being here in this moment with you he knew it had to happen.
Your body language told him that this moment wasn’t unwanted. Your eyes were locked on his and your expression was soft and gentle.
He took a deep breath before lowering his face towards yours.
The moment his lips touched yours everything felt like it froze in time. The silence was deafening as your eyes remained locked on each others.
Your breathing had become heavy but neither of you wanted this moment to end.
As the kiss ended you could see the smile on his face as he pulled away his face flushed with color.
Quinn pulled back and stood there looking at you for a moment. His expression remained plastered with a smile as he kept silent.
He wanted to say something, anything, but he didn’t know what he should say. All he was positive of was that he was happy, he had just kissed the girl he’d been dreaming of kissing for years.
“I hope that wasn’t too far too soon” Quinn finally spoke.
A tiny piece of doubt entered his mind as he stared at your face waiting for a reply.
He didn’t know if you liked him the way he liked you but after that kiss he felt that it was worth the risk.
“I liked that” you softly admitted
Quinn let out a small sigh of relief as he let his shoulders relax. His hands fell to his side and finally his body was relaxed, the tension that he’d been holding onto had been released.
“That’s good to hear because I do plan on having a whole lot more kisses in the future.” He said with a smirk as his hand landed on your hip.
Quinn moved in a little closer before leaning his body against yours and wrapping his arm around your waist. The two of you stood there silent for a couple seconds as you both savored the moment.
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wandas-lunchbox · 4 months
so sick of you (chapter 3)
series summary: you and natasha have ended your relationship due to her cheating on you. it's been 5 years now. what happens when you bump into her at a bar on your birthday?
warnings: some swearing, but otherwise none
a/n: omg guys i’m acc so sorry this took 2 whole years to write. we’re gonna pretend that never happened…. you may end up having to wait another 5 years for the next chapter
finally i was on the plane. it felt like it took forever. it was an overnight flight which was good because i could finally get some sleep. wanda like the rich ass she is got us business class so we were pretty comfortable throughout the plane journey.
a couple hours had past and we were still mid air, wanda and i were sat next to eachother and in the chair next to me was a fairly pretty woman. ok i lied she was gorgeous. her hair was brunette with waves, she wore these black rimmed glasses and her lips looked so beautiful. i dont know why i noticed her lips but i guess i just did.
oh well.
i decided to get up and strech my legs for a bit, i felt some cramps in my legs so i needed to walk. wanda was snoring next to me while when harry met sally was playing in the background. i took a photo of her for evidence later. i walk up and head to the bathroom. it was occupied.
i stood there for a good whole 5 minutes till i heard faint moans coming from the bathroom. what the fuck. why are people having sex in an airplane bathroom, thats the most disgusting thing ever. they needed to hurry up bc a girls got to piss.
the beautiful brunette girl walks up to me, or well i guess to the bathroom. i admire her face.
“are people seriously having sex in an airplane bathroom”
i laugh and continue to look at her.
“honestly, like i understand doing it in your seat but the bathroom? seriously? thats the dirtiest place on the whole plane,” i said
“she laughs, are you headed to italy or is it a stop before another flight?” she asks
“yeah i’m going to italy, a friend actually planned this as a birthday trip, what about you?”
“oh, i live in italy, sorry let me rephrase i am italian and i used to live there, just visiting some family” she says
“oh nice, you’ll have to tell me some of the great places to go”
“of course!” she smiles at me
suddenly the bathroom door opens and a lady and a man walk out. both of them fixing their hair snd their clothes.
“after you,” the brunette says
“wait, i never ended up getting your name”
“we still have a whole 2 hours left of this flight, don’t worry you’ll figure it out” she laughs
i lock the door and began to do my buiness. i look at myself and i think i’ve seen death. my hair was a mess, and eye bags darker than ever.
i fixed it as a quick as possible before returning to my seat.
i smile at the girl before she goes in. when i sit at my seat i slap wanda a couple times trying to tell her what happened just now. she just slaps me back harder and starts snoring.
this girl could cause an avalanche with her snoring.
suddenly the girl returns to her seat and we continue to converse as if nothing had stopped us before.
we spoke as if we had known eachother forever. maybe we did?
the flight started to come to an end but our conversation definitely didn’t.
“you got a number or something?”
“yeah here let me type it for you.
i type in my number and write “your plain gf ;)” misspelling plane.
she laughs and points it out. “guess you’re a basic girlfriend then”
i look at her confused, only for her to show me i misspelled plane. i laugh and blush akwardly.
when the plane lands it takes forever for me to wake up wanda. this bitch just wouldn’t wake up.
after what felt like 3 trillion years, i get her up and we start to get ready to leave the plane.
we were in italy…
a/n: omg finally chapter 3 is out
lmk if you want to be added to the taglist making a new one
new year new me 😜
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ensn4r3d-d0ve · 1 year
Reader trying to get Leon to sleep with her but he’s not getting the hint. Instead of Ashley being the one getting saved it’s reader. Till Luis starts to tell Leon if he isn’t gonna take a hint he’ll have sex with her.
But what if i switch it up ay the end where leon gets a little possessive over the reader?? 🤭
Sub x Dom dynamic w Re4r Leon and the fem! Reader
Summary: He’s saving you (instead of Ashley & your his mission) you are the president’s daughter, and giving him hints you wanna be with him but he doesn’t get it, so Luis tells him that you wanna fuck him although you just want to get together w him basically bf and gf!
— Needy Princess
Since the mission of saving you, the president’s daughter, even started Leon has been extra protective over you and determined to keep you safe. Besides the point you are very restless and sore from running all this way, fighting, and even meeting new people like luis. It is also obvious how tired you are since Leon has to carry you to the nearest save room, you have flirted with him countless times and even gave him hints having still never taken a hint. You invited him to lay next to you as you pat the bed beside you.
He can only shake his head while he stares at you with shining eyes ‘Can’t slack off on a mission, sorry y/n’. causing you to frown and nod at his own wishes right now, luis comes in walking up to you as your sleeping, leon walks closer to luis and pushes him against the wall pinning him there in frustration “What do you think your doing?!” He asks luis who just shrugs at him, a look Leon gives can easily make someone die.
Luis said crossing his arms against his chest “Maybe if you took the subtle hints Y/N gave you we wouldn’t be in such a situation. Jeez she clearly wants you, so if you can’t take the hint, I’ll just have sex with her!” The brunette says cockily, causing Leon’s cheeks to flush with anger but at the same time he could feel himself getting turned on by luis bold statement about Y/N, making him chuckle darkly “No way, no way are you going to sleep with her, I want her. So shut your mouth and go away.”
With those words Leon pushed luis out of his way making the brunette glare at Leon but not before mouthing “I’m still waiting for my turn, you don’t have a claim yet and she’s mine.” and then walking down the hallways to continue the mission. It makes Leon feel weird, it made him uncomfortable that luis seems to want you and not him. Leon shakes his head and goes back to check if you woke up, which you did but then again you weren’t really awake since you were half asleep.
Leon gently touches your forehead to wake you up a bit more when you start to stir, and you blink up at Leon before you smile softly at him and give him a little peck on his cheek “Good morning Leon” you mumble softly.
“Morning, how do you feel?” He asks.
“Better actually, I haven’t felt as tired for days” You answered.
“That’s good. How long ago did you take to wake up though?” Leon asks and your face turns red a bit, he must notice your expression, because Leon laughs lightly at how cute you looked embarrassed.
“Y/N, what happened? You know that I love you right?” He says and you nod hesitantly and very slowly.
Did you hear that correctly or are you just imagining things?
Leon leans down slightly and puts his lips against yours and kisses you sweetly “And I’m going to protect you always.” he finishes and you smile shyly at him “Leon… You’re going to get sick of carrying me around!” You say and you lean up to kiss him again but it didn’t last very long “Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean I won’t carry you around” Leon says with a smirk before planting kisses on your neck.
You blush profusely but then laugh softly when Leon starts to leave butterfly kisses around your throat making you giggle “mmh!” you let out an unexpected whper. You can’t really hear yourself but just Leon laughing “Sorry princess, I didn’t know I was that good at kissing.” Leon says with a smug grin and licks at your earlobe and you giggle again “Mhm! Just like what I imagined” you whisper to Leon who smiles at you warmly and kisses you once more before laying you on your bed and climbing on top of you.
He leans down and whispers to you “Do you wanna stay here or go upstairs?”. His voice is husky and low and sends goosebumps all over your skin. Your breath hitches as you gulp before replying “Uhh….” You mumble, you’re blushing hard and your voice comes out in a stutter so that makes Leon chuckle quietly as he leans down to your lips. He captures them with his own one, moving slowly LG and giving you time to react but you don’t. All you can do is moan into his mouth when his tongue slips into your mouth. Leon chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you close.
He presses a lingering soft kiss to your temple as he pulls away from you, looking at you intently “Is that better?” he asks in a huskier voice.
“Much” you whisper to him lovingly.
“Good. Now let'me show you what I'm capable of, princess” Leon whispers back and he lifts you up, pressing you against him as he climbs off the bed. His hands are under your thighs making it easy for him to pick you up bridal style, he carries you to the door and heads to your bedroom where he lays you onto the bed.
He stands up as he looks at you for a moment before leaning over you taking a few moments to admire the way your body is exposed to him and your red face is hidden behind your hands, “Please be gentle...” you say shyly. And Leon nods before bending down to kiss your forehead tenderly, making you shiver a bit “Will be princess~.” He whispers before leaning down again pressing his lips to yours and this time, his kisses are passionate and possessive.
This time, you can’t help but gasp and squirm under his touch as he pulls apart from you, his hands roaming over your curves. Leon smirks at your reactions and kisses his way to your neck “Are you ready, princess?” he asks huskily against your earlobe. A shiver runs down your spine and you nod eagerly.
He places another kiss on your mouth as his hand slides down to caress you through your dress, “Then let’s see if i can make you come.” he murmurs as he moves to pull away. However, he gets pulled down instead by you who immediately latches on his mouth again in order to try and keep him down “Don’t go yet~” You whine. Leon groans as he pulls you close to him, holding you against his torso as you straddle him. “But princess~” he moans against your neck as he kisses you deeply. You can feel his erection rubbing against your ass through your dress, you feel like you might lose control any second.
“Please Leon, stop teasing” you whine, Leon just chuckles softly and kisses the side of your neck again “Only when you tell me to~” he replies between kisses and bites, causing you to whimper “I will...but not until you give me some attention~” You admit. Leon raises an eyebrow and hums softly, his gaze becoming heated “Alright, alright, I’ll listen.” Leon replies while he kisses along your jawline, trailing down to the curve of your neck leaving wet marks as he goes down to your breasts “Mmf!” You gasp out as you feel his wet kisses down your chest.
As he keeps licking and biting down at your nipples, he grabs your left arm and hooks his fingers on the wristband to lift it. Your other hand goes to grab at him as he starts sucking on your breast as well, causing your hips to start bucking against him. When you reach for him and tug at his hair with your left hand, you let out an involuntary noise when he bites down on your nipple, making you arch your back slightly.
Leon takes the opportunity to press his body against yours, feeling his bulge brush against your center. “Oh God please don’t make me cum like this!” You plead with him, you wanted him but you needed to hold on for just a little longer so that you won’t come too soon. And he just laughs lowly “If only I could. Then I would” he says and you can feel his hardness pressing against your core. You bite your lip and try to hold back a moan as you feel him rub against you, making you feel even more aroused. Leon notices your struggle and stops teasing you, he pulls away from you and looks at you with lust filled eyes “I’ll give you whatever you want, baby~” Leon says as he cups your chin softly and brings your lips together in a hungry hungry kiss, his mouth slanting across yours.
It’s hot and rough and everything you have ever dreamed about. And Leon never fails to surprise you. “…Want you..want you inside me.” You manage to say, He breaks the kiss suddenly after you beg him to enter, breathing heavily “So impatient princess~” he says amusedly before continuing to pound against you. After what felt like hours of fucking, Leon lets out a breathless pant before pulling away from you “Damn you’re tight, (y/n)..” he pants as he continues to pump himself against you.
“Warmth..warmth inside me..” you breathe and moan loudly when he finally slams himself into your core. Your hands were gripping the sheets tightly enough that it was white and it would definitely tear anytime soon. But that didn’t matter anymore, your mind was focused on Leon’s thrusts and moans which are coming out as shaky breaths, they sounded sexy and desperate.
The pressure builds up within you and you feel your orgasm coming closer, your legs tighten instinctively as you start rocking against Leon’s member. “Ah~!~ I’m gonna cum, Leon! Don’t stop! Ah~~ Mnn~!~” you shout in pleasure and you feel a sudden warmth spreading through your body as you came and came hard and fast. Leon grunts as his seed fills your insides.
He holds you close, resting his chin on top of your head, his hand playing with your hair gently, kissing your skin lightly. He was panting too, but his breathing calmed down quickly. You both lay there in silence for awhile, listening to each other's heavy breathing and relaxing completely. You move in the crook of Leon' s arm so you're laying next to him instead of hovering above him. “Thank you…” you murmur sleepily. “Anytime, sweetheart..” Leon mumbles as he pulls you closer and nuzzles your hair lovingly. You snuggle into his embrace as the two of you fall asleep in each other's arms with a blanket over both of you. Luis leaning against the doorframe smirking and saying ‘I knew it.’ with a smirk
The next morning you wake up early with a yawn as you glance around the room. Your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat when you realize you weren't alone, Leon was still sleeping beside you, still hugging you close and smiling sleepily. Your blush creeps up to your cheeks as you watch him sleep, enjoying the sight of him. You smile softly and lean forward to kiss his cheek, whispering “Good morning!”. Leon stirs a bit and opens his eyes, blinking a couple of times before he smiles at you and kisses your forehead.
“Morning, princess” he whispers back. You smile and snuggle closer to him “How long have we been asleep?” you ask curiously. Leon doesn’t reply straightaway as he runs his fingertips lightly down the side of your stomach, tracing patterns on your bare skin “Well…it must’ve been late” Leon answers casually.
“And the sun hasn’t risen yet...” He adds, giving you a peck on the forehead before sitting up and stretching, “We should get dressed princess, it’s too dangerous for us to be out here naked” Leon says sternly, giving you a look as he reaches over and tugs on the hem of your skirt. He puts back on his gear and bulletproof vest before he grabs his backpack and turns back towards you “Do you need some help princess?” He offers. He picks you up bridal style and cradles you close to his chest as he helps you put your clothing back on and buttoning it all up neatly.
“Now let's continue the mission of getting you home.”
……………………………………. …………………………………
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
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This is NOT Jamie Tartt slander. This is two sleep-deprived people making dumb choices because they’re tired. Also, this is so. Freakin. Long. Apologies in advance. Warnings include swearing, fighting, pregnancy? Is that a warning? Basically reader is pregnant and it goes through the first pregnancy test to like when the baby is a month old. Anyway. I never know how to write these intros.
you’re losing me
You and Jamie are young. You are not old. Sure, you’re married after only dating for a year and being engaged for another half a year, but it’s not like much changed from how it was. That band on your left hands gives you both a sense of security, and it’s fun to be the hot young married couple around Richmond. It’s nice to be able to walk around openly and to be called “Mrs. Tarrt,” and to know that this himbo dumbass is going to be making you laugh till you’re old and gray. (Said himbo dumbass told you that’s his favorite nickname). You both excel in your various workplaces and because of that, when you moved into Jamie’s house you were able to keep your flat. It turned out to be a blessing when your younger sister moved to England from another country, so she can be close by without actually being in the same house as you.
All that to say, you were not ready for the little pink stick you were holding at 4pm on a Wednesday.
“Babe?” Jamie calls from the front door, “I’m home! You here?”
Your eyes are glued to those two little lines. “In the bathroom!” you shout. You hear Jamie’s footsteps coming up the stairs into your room.
“Oi listen, Ted told this joke today that went over me head, so I remembered it to ask you and…” he trails off. “Why are you sitting on the floor?”
You turn to look at him, the same shock from five minutes ago still on your face. In an instant, Jamie is kneeling on the floor next to you cupping your face. “Are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital? Do I need to call someone? Did something happen at work?”
You shake your head. “No, I’m fine, I just- look.” You halfheartedly lift the pregnancy test. Jamie looks down and his face shifts from concern to one of shock then back to concern.
“Are you sure?” he asks softly.
Wordlessly, you point to the sink where there are five pregnancy tests of different brands. All positive.
“Shit,” he whispers. Then: “Wait. Why aren’t you happy bout this? I thought you wanted kids?”
“I do!” you reply a little miserably, “I do, it’s just, we talked about it and I know you really don’t at least not till you’re in your mid-thirties, and I know I told you that I wanted to have them young that one time, but that was before we were dating and I didn’t want to pressure you and I don’t want you to think I did this on purpose because I didn’t but I’m actually really scared about what you’re going to think because I’m so excited, especially because I didn’t even think this was possible.”
You’re not looking at him anymore, but hugging your knees to your chest. You are excited for this baby. You didn’t think you were going to be able to have kids, based on personal issues and family medical history. Or at least, that it would take a lot of time and a lot of doctor’s appointments. The fact that you have a total of six positive pregnancy tests is a miracle in and of itself, but it’s not what you and Jamie planned. And sure, you’re married, but does that really mean you won’t split up? This is pretty big.
All these thoughts are swirling around in your head until-
Jamie softly tilts your chin up. “Look at me.”
Against your will, tears have started to leak out of your eyes.
“Darling, I ain’t mad. I think mostly I’m just glad you ain’t dyin. This is amazing! We’re going to have a little baby Tartt, and I couldn’t be happier. As long as you’re alright, I’m happy.”
You grab his bicep. “Are you absolutely sure, Jamie?” You need to know. 
He laughs. “Babe, yes. Yes I am. For better or for worse, yeah? Though this really is for better.”
You crack a smile. “Ok. Ok. Yeah, ok.”
Jamie twirls a strand of your hair. “We’ll be ok, yeah? Now let’s get off this floor and go get ice cream. Heard that’s a pregnancy staple. And, on the way, can you explain this joke Ted said? Everyone laughed except me and Will, so I was thinking it’s gotta be...” his voice trails down the hall as you head out the door.
Jamie is funny. Once he decides to do something, he’s all in. He wanted to start telling people the moment you stepped out the door for ice cream. You had to physically put your hand over his mouth to stop him from telling Mae, whom you bumped into on your way. To be honest, you’re sure she knows anyway because Jamie got out a few words and she gave you a knowing look, but she’ll keep it to herself. She’s a good one.
It was only a matter of time before Jamie insisted you start telling the team. He’d say, mid-breakfast, “Babe. You know who would be a great babysitter? Sam. Sam’s one of me best mates. Haven’t kept a secret from him in forever,” with a puppy dog face. 
Or during MarioKart, “What do you think about having Isaac and Colin help with the baby’s room? Isaac’s good at all that construction shit and both you and Colin like to paint. You probably shouldn’t be painting anyway, what with all the fumes.”
Or your personal favorite, during a shower, “Babe. What about Roy and Keeley?”
You: “What about Roy and Keeley?”
Jamie: “They should know. We should tell them. Keeley would flip her shit and I want to see if Roy will cry.”
You: “That’s what you’re thinking about? Here? Now? Good lord, man, I thought you were debating which conditioner to use.”
To be entirely fair, it was about the time to start telling people. You had started stealing Jamie’s shirts claiming that they were more comfortable. They were baggier on you, so they hid the beginnings of your baby bump, and you explained away any questions by reminding people that you wore a lot of layers because you were perpetually cold. However, you were at the point where you were going to have to start telling people, which is how Roy and Keeley ended up at your house for your bi-weekly dinner that you had been delaying for two months.
You had taken approximately two bites of food before Jamie clattered down his fork and said, “We have something to tell you.”
Roy and Keeley looked at you expectantly. You reach under your chair for two bags and place them in front of their plates.
Roy’s face is saying what the fuck as he and Keeley remove the tissue paper and hold up two onesies. A black one that says, newest addition to uncle’s day and a light pink one that says, if you think I’m cute, you should see my aunt. 
They look from the onesies in their hands and then back to you and Jamie. “Surprise!” you say in unison. There is a beat of silence and then Roy says, “That’s fucking great!” at the same time Keeley squeals, “Ohmygod, congratulations!” and then you’re all on your feet hugging. 
“I fucking knew it,” says Keeley. She nudges Roy, “Didn’t I tell you Roy-o? I fucking called it weeks ago! You owe me ten quid.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Roy grumbles as he reaches into his pocket, but that’s as close to a smile he’ll get. “Can’t believe you’re having a kid with this prick,” he says to you, but it’s prick (affectionate) as opposed to prick (derogatory). 
You smile. “You’re the first people we’ve told, other than Jamie’s mum and Simon. You’re the closest thing we have to family here.”
Keeley goes, “Aw, babe,” and Roy just squints at you and lets out a grunt.
“She’s gonna have the coolest family,” Jamie says.
“She?” Keeley asks, “Are you having a girl?”
You roll your eyes. “We don’t know. We’re going to find out tomorrow, and Jamie has been insisting that it’s a girl. He says it’s his ‘dad sense,’ or something like that. I’ve given up telling him that’s not a real thing.”
Jamie shrugs, “I know what I know. Don’t get why we have to go to some bloke with that slimy gel to be told something I’ve been saying for weeks.”
“That bloke with slimy gel is my doctor and an ultrasound, you absolute himbo!” you laugh.
Roy finally cracks a smile, and you spend a comfortable evening together, thinking about how much things are going to change.
A week later, you’re at the Richmond pitch. You walked over from Mae’s, because you were thinking about her chips all afternoon. You ate at least three baskets and she made a sly comment about eating for two. She pinched your cheek as she walked away and then smacked Baz, who was trying to eavesdrop.
You walk into the locker room, coat still on and reach up to kiss Jamie. He’s still a sweaty from practice because none of them have gone to the showers yet, but you don’t mind. 
“You ready?” he asks.
You give your arms a shake. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
You walk into Ted and Beard’s office, where you asked Rebecca and Higgins to meet. Trent is in there as well, and he looks up in surprise as you walk in.
“Good to see, Mrs. Tartt,” Ted says as he gets up to hug you.
“Hey Ted,” you smile back, going over to hug Rebecca. “How are you all doing?” “Oh you know, biting our nails for whatever it is you guys have to tell us,” Ted replies.
“You’re not leaving, are you?” Rebecca interjects. “I simply cannot handle any more change around here.”
You shake my head. “No, no we’re not leaving. But this is about a change.”
Back in the locker room, the Richmond boys hear a big “WHAT,” from Ted and look over to see you and Jamie getting swarmed by him, Beard, Rebecca, Higgins, and Trent. Isaac looks at Sam and shrugs, bemused. You and Jamie open the door and walk out right under where the “Believe” sign used to be.
You smile and take off your coat, revealing a shirt that says “Tartt in the oven,” and an obvious baby bump.
There is silence as jaws drop and then Isaac says-
“I’m going to be an uncle?”
The locker room erupts in pandemonium with the boys slapping each other on the back firing rapid-fire questions at you and Jamie.
“How long have you been keeping this a secret?”
“Is it a boy or a girl?”
“Are you going to name it after me?”
“Can I be the favorite uncle?”
“Can we help decorate its room?”
Jamie is smiling as big as you’ve ever seen him.
“OI!” Isaac roars. “QUIET. Are we men or are we beasts? One at a time!”
Isaac looks at you two. “Boy or girl?”
Jamie’s eyes glow. “Girl!”
The room erupts once again as Jamie kisses you on the top of your head and pulls you close to him.
Labor was… not fun. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great. There weren’t really complications except for the fact that Jamie was almost not there. See, it’s because your water broke when you were in the shower right before leaving to watch one of Jamie’s games. You looked down at the shower drain and felt your mind race through a million scenarios. Do you text Jamie and make him miss the game? Do you push through as long as you can? Do you have Keeley and Rebecca take you to the hospital? Do you go by yourself?
As you’re considering, you think of laying in bed the night before. The baby was kicking and Jamie was tracing patterns on your stomach whispering, “Baby Tartt doo doo doo-doo doo-doo.”
He would hate to miss this.
You make a choice and call Keeley.
Thirty minutes later you’re in Rebecca’s box waiting for the game to start. You have contractions, sure, but you’ve been having them for a while. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about, so you didn’t worry. 
That means that Keeley and Rebecca don’t worry as you grip the arm of your seat and blow out a long breath.
Keeley absentmindedly pats your arm and Rebecca slings hers around your shoulders.
“Don’t go having this baby now,” she jokes, “Wait till after we’ve won.”
You force out a laugh. If only she knew.
You have to get up and walk after the first half because the contractions are starting to get closer together. Rebecca notices and gets up to come inside and see you.
“Are you alright?” she asks.
You look at her without saying anything and her eyes widen. 
“Shit,” she says. “How long has this been happening?”
“Since right before I left,” you gasp out, “My water broke in the shower and I didn’t want- shit.” You bend over from a contraction before continuing, “I didn’t want to miss Jamie’s game and it’s fine, right? It’s not until they’re three minutes apart that it really matters.”
“And how long are yours?” Rebecca asks.
You don’t want to look at her. “Six,” you whisper.
“SIX?” she yells. “Darling, you need to go. I’ll call Ted, he’ll pull Jamie, and then you’ll go.”
Keeley has come in by this point and fully assessed the situation. “Babes, you can’t stick around till the game ends. You have to go.”
You hold up a hand. “I’m fine. Richmond needs Jamie. It can wait.”
Rebecca clicks her tongue. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but we’re up by two and also it’s just a football game. It doesn’t matter. You are about to have a child so let me get your husband for you.” 
“Ok,” you say meekly. “Can I come with you?”
Rebecca calls Ted and you wait by the entrance to the pitch. Ted has barely put out the call to switch out number nine when Jamie is sprinting across the field to you. You’re at the hospital in record time, and that’s how Beatrice Georgie Tartt is born.
You and Jamie had a lot of conversations about what it’s like to be parents. You had the standard “What if I turn out like my dad,” chat (easily dispelled by the fact that he takes after his mum) and the “Baby comes before football,” chat which you needed to hear but definitely did not retain. That one was difficult for both of you, because you didn’t mind pausing your career for motherhood. You knew it would be waiting for you when you were ready to go back, but that isn’t really the case for Jamie. He’s in his prime right now, and it takes a lot of work. You had worked things out on paper, but life is never that easy. Newborns require a lot of attention, and  neither of you were sleeping well. Jamie had taken two weeks off training but was back by the third. The only problem was, he was back to his regular 4am training. It’s easy to get enough sleep when you can pick when you go to bed, but not so much when your daughter needs to be fed, changed, burped, whatever every single hour. 
In other words, you both were tired and snippy.
Bea was four and a half weeks old when the last straw came.
It was 2:30 am, and you was so, so tired. She needed a diaper change and you felt like you physically couldn’t get out of bed so you poked Jamie.
“Babe,” you say.
“Hm,” he groans, voice gravelly.
“Can you please change her? I can’t move,”
“Don’t know if you’ve noticed babe, but I have training with Roy in an hour. I can’t get up every time she needs something. That’s your job.”
Instantly, you are wide awake.
You’ve never heard Jamie take that tone of voice with you before. Never heard it be that intentionally cutting. 
You sit up. “Excuse me?”
He rolls over to face you. “You heard me. I don’t have time for this right now. It’s your job, you take care of it. This is not what I signed up for and anyway, you’re the one who wanted a baby, not me. You go deal with it.” He rolls back over to go to sleep and you just stare at him. You're too tired to fight but then Bea cries again and you say, “Jamie what the fuck.” 
“Look, babe, I can always go stay in a hotel and get some sleep. You’re the one who wants me to be here with you,” he replies, voice muffled by the pillow.
“Don’t ‘look, babe’ me, Jamie Tartt,” you say, voice icy. “I’m not sure if you recall, but you were the one who told me that Bea would always come before football and you are the one who decided you wanted to get married and you were the one who made all those speeches convincing me that you’d be with me for better or for worse. Well I’ve got news for you: it’s worse.” You get out of bed. “I’m going to change our daughter, and I hope next time I see you, you’ve had an attitude adjustment.”
That must get to him because he sits up and goes, “Babe-” but you’re already out the door.
You end up sitting with Bea on her rocker until 5am, which means you hear Jamie get up to leave with Roy. It also means you notice that he doesn’t come in to say goodbye, just leaves. You stare down at Bea in your arms. She has his eyes and the beginnings of your nose. By 6am you’ve made another choice, and you call your sister to ask her to help move some of your things into your old flat.
You leave a note on the counter that says: Jamie. Bea and I are giving you space, and you’re gone by 1. You spend all evening looking at your phone, waiting for a text from Jamie, or a call, or something. Nothing. Your sister doesn’t need much of an explanation and it’s your flat anyway, so she was alright with you and Bea moving in. She made dinner and held Bea, then forcibly made you go to sleep. Her work is flexible, so she said she’d take care of Bea until she had to leave on a trip in two days. 
Yet, although you finally had the chance to sleep, you couldn’t. You tossed and turned all night, periodically checking your phone for a text that never came.
A week and a half has gone by. Your sister is gone still, so it’s just you and Bea. She’s been crying so much recently, and the thought comes to you unbidden of every time Jamie has held her. She quiets down the moment she’s in his arms like clockwork. You’re running on no sleep and you need to go get groceries so that morning you pack up a diaper bag, put Bea in the car, and force yourself not to care that you look like absolute shit. 
You’re almost done shopping when you hear a voice call your name. You turn, and there’s Sam.
“I thought that was you,” he says. “I’ve been meaning to check up on you so I went by your house yesterday, but Jamie said you and Bea were out and he didn’t know when you’d be back. How are you?”
You let out a snort. “Oh he did, did he? That’s rich.”
Sam’s face shifts to concern. “Is everything alright? I don’t mean to pry, but part of the reason I wanted to see how you are is that Jamie has been terrible. He’s been an absolute prick for almost two weeks now and we all just assumed it was lack of sleep.”
You smile, because right now your options are that or cry.
“I’m living in my flat right now. My sister’s on vacation, so it’s just me and Bea. It’s kind of a lot, which is why I look like garbage. I don’t have time to clean or anything either, otherwise I’d invite you around. Anyway. Thanks for asking. Good to see you, Sam.” 
You walk away before you either overshare more or start crying, and in your haste you don’t see Sam watching you leave, concern written all over his face.
It’s the late afternoon when you hear a knock on your door. It’s Jamie your heart says, but when you open it, Sam, Dani, and Richard are standing on the step laden down with grocery bags, huge smiles on their face.
Before you can say anything, Sam says, “I hope this is not overstepping, but I noticed you had frozen meals in your cart this morning. I was thinking that we could cook you some meals to keep in the freezer, that way you do not have to worry about it.” You open your mouth to protest when Dani interjects. “Besides, we’re a family. Bea is my favorite niece and you are my second favorite sister. We should have seen if you needed help earlier.”
They look so sincere that you smile for the first time in a while and move to let them in. Richard goes to work clearing space in the kitchen while Sam and Dani organize their groceries. It looks like they’ve all gotten ingredients from their native countries, and Dani holds up a bag of chiles and says, “I brought these to make your favorite!” 
You’re not sure how he knows of your love for chile rellenos, but he does and as you go to sit on the couch to feed Bea, you feel something close to relief.
Bea is done eating and the kitchen is filled with light conversation and music when there is another knock on your door.
You open it to see Isaac, Colin, Zoreaux, Bumbercatch, and Jan Maas all decked out in cleaning gear and rubber gloves, holding various cleaning sprays, brooms, and mops.
To say you are speechless is an understatement.
“Sam texted us,” Isaac says. “Said something about needing a cleaning service and a babysitter.”
You let them in without a word.
The flat is filled with chatter as they stand around the living room. 
“Alright!” Isaac calls. “We’re going to divide and conquer! Colin, you’re on laundry. Zoreaux, you’re sweeping and mopping. Bumbercatch and Jan Maas, you’re on bathroom duty. Alright lads, let’s go!”
“Isaac,” Colin says, “what’s your job?”
Isaac looks at him. “I’m the captain, mate. I’m watching Bea.”
Groans go up from the boys and a chorus of “We want to hold her, why do you get to, I’m her favorite!” when Isaac silences them with an “Oi!”
“When you’ve finished your job and Bea and I have thoroughly inspected them, then maybe you can hold her after you’ve disinfected your hands and arms. Now get to it!”
“Isaac,” you say, pulling on his arm, “you don’t have to do this. Especially not the laundry or the bathrooms.”
He looks down at you, serious look on his face. “Is that for privacy reasons, or are you trying not to impose?”
You hesitate and debate lying. In the end, you tell the truth: “I don’t care about like privacy or whatever, it’s just gross. I don’t want you guys to have to do that.”
Isaac doesn’t respond, just says, “Can I wear the wrap?” so you go to get it and watch as he expertly puts it on and slides Bea in. She lets out a sigh and falls asleep on his chest.
“Right then. Now for your job,” he says to you.
You let out a singular laugh. “What do you have for me, captain?”
“I want you to go to your room, clear off the bed, close the door, and go to sleep. I’ll send Sam or Colin up to wake you if we need you. If you end up sleeping through then night, a few of us will stick around to make sure Bea’s alright. You still have Netflix, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say. You start to head down the hall then turn and say, “Isaac?”
“Hm?” he replies.
“Thanks. This means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
Isaac waves that away then points to your bedroom door.
You walk in and shut the door, then are lulled to sleep by the white noise of having half of the Richmond team in your house cleaning, cooking, and reminding you that you are not alone.
You’re woken up by Sam shaking your shoulder. It’s golden hour, so soft light streams through the room. The first thing you notice is how quiet it is. You sit up.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Sam says, but he’s not smiling. “We just need you downstairs for a minute.”
You follow him to the living room where the boys are standing behind a couch, arms crossed and backs to you, staring down something on the opposite couch.
Sam clears his throat and they turn to look at you. Bea is still passed out on Isaac in her wrap. They part slightly and you see what they’re looking at.
Jamie Tartt gives you a halfhearted wave from where he sits on your couch.
“Got a minute?” he asks.
You sit across from him and just look.
He has the grace to look sheepish. “Look, d’you mind if we talk- like just you and me? Without-” he gestures to the boys.
“No,” Dani, Colin, and Jan Maas chorus, arms crossed, and Jamie nods once in a that’s fair type of way.
Jamie takes a deep breath. “Look, I- I was out with Roy today and we were training, and he called me a prick and he meant it, and maybe I was being a prick, but I shoved him and then he knocked me down and was all ‘what the fuck is wrong with you,’ and I said ‘none of your fucking business,’ and then he said something about a text from Sam and made me tell him what was going on. So I told him that you left and he said,” here Jamie does his best Roy Kent impression, “‘Did she leave or did you fucking kick her out because you were acting like a little bitch prima donna who can’t handle being a grown fucking man?’”
Jamie pauses for a moment. “So I thought about it, and I did fuckin kick you out like I was a little bitch prima donna. And the reason I didn’t text ya or call ya is because I thought you’d come back when you were ready, or maybe you left for good and I fucked something else up. And I didn’t want to be like me dad who was always showing up when my mum didn’t want him to, so I just stayed away. And I said that to Roy and he told me I needed to man the fuck up because I was acting like a whiny brat.” Jamie scratches the back of his neck. “I brought you flowers and came to apologize and tell you that I’m done acting like a kid.”
You squint at him and say, “Apologize for what, exactly?” because you want to know that he knows what he did.
Without hesitation Jamie says, “For telling you that Bea was your job and not mine, and for saying that I didn’t sign up for any of this and making it seem like I didn’t care and saying that I was going to sleep in a hotel by meself.”
Oh. So he does know.
There’s a ripple of whispered oh fucks and you realize that the lads don’t actually know what happened between you and Jamie, and this is the first time they’re hearing about it.
Before you can say anything, Jan Maas says, “How do we know you’ve changed?” followed by a chorus of “Yeah, that’s right,” from the boys.
“Eh, well,” Jamie begins before he is interrupted by a piercing cry from Bea. Isaac tries to hush her, but she just keeps going.
“There’s no way she’s hungry,” he says, “She just had a bottle fifteen minutes ago and I changed her five minutes after that.”
Jamie looks questioningly at you. “Can I-”
The whole team turns to look at you. You nod, and Isaac removes a still crying Bea and gently hands her to Jamie. She’s barely settled into his arms when she has gone completely silent, lets out a sigh, and falls asleep.
“I suppose that is that,” says Richard, and the rest of AFC Richmond shrugs.
“Jamie Tartt,” you say. Everyone looks at you again. “If you ever, and I mean ever pull shit like this again, I will fucking sic this entire room on you and I will call Roy and I will not care how long you end up in the hospital. I can’t raise Bea on my own, but it turns out that I don’t need you.”
Jamie looks like he’s about to cry a little and you soften.
“I don’t need you, but I want you. And- I do miss you.”
Jamie smiles at that and you get up to sit next to him. 
The boys murmur amongst themselves, and Isaac salutes you as he herds them out. You mouth thank you to him, and he waves it away yet again, leaving the three of you on the couch in comfortable silence for the first time in weeks.
Marriage is not easy, neither is raising a kid. Things didn’t automatically go back to how they were, but you and Jamie did get better. You got better at talking about your struggles, decided 2:30am is not a good time to fight, and began working out a healthy football-life balance. He trains with Roy three times a week instead of six, and Isaac and Colin babysit Bea once a month so you can go out. They’re the only ones besides Rebecca who are allowed to be with her unsupervised. (Not because the others are untrustworthy, but because they don’t know what to do with a baby) so by the time Theodore Dani Tartt comes around, you’ve got this thing nailed.
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col0rlord · 1 month
fortnite? ~P.B.
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Paige Bueckers x fem!reader
Warning: smut, strap, fingering, p eating.
This is getting really annoying. We just came back from winter break and some of us had to move dorms. I was included in that. I just got done unpacking and started
studying for my physics final, but my dorm neighbor was blaring 
Dangerously In Love by Beyonce and it was getting annoying. It was like 10 o’clock and I know I wasn’t the only one annoyed over this. The song was good after about the first time but after the third time it played was enough. 
After a song ended I thought it was over, Till it played again. I slammed my head on the desk and sighed. 
“That’s it” I said as I stood up and walked over to the door next door. 
“If you are going to blare music at least change the song” I yelled at the door looking  at the frame on the top. The door swung open and there stood Her. Paige. I have known her since freshman year of High school. She always was a flirt to me, but I never felt for that. I think that got on her nerve and she made it a goal in life to get me to bend over her knee and beg for her to fuck me
“Paige” I said crossing my arms and resting all my weight on leg
“Y/N” she said back. Hand still on the door as she looked me up and down 
“Finally came for this dick?” she said, licking the inside of her lips and smirking.
Not going to lie, it was hard saying no sometimes. Right now was one of those times. The gray sweat pants and white T-shirt. Her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
I rolled my eyes and finally uncrossed my arms. “If I knew you would be in this dorm I would have requested to move. Some of us actually are in school to learn and not just play games all the time. Please turn the music down.” I said standing there looking into her eyes waiting for a response.
Her staring back was kinda intimidating to me. I slightly shifted my weight to the other leg.
“So you want to come inside?” She asked, smiling and swinging her other arm before looking down and looking back at me. 
I just groaned and stormed back to my room and locked the door. 
“Call if you need me.” She said before I shut my door and locked it. These feelings are going to get let loose and spill out of the floor. She is going to stab me with her words and it’s all going to spill out from my heart. Sometimes I wish she never spoke to me, but if that happened we wouldn't be here now would we.
After my little rant in my head I felt my stomach turn and rumble. I was planning on ordering pizza, but got distracted. 
I opened my phone and pulled up the Papa John's app and ordered a large sausage, hoping to save some for other days so I don’t have to meal prep for this week.
After about 30 minutes of watching tiktok and tracking the pizza it finally got here. Walking to the door, opening it and nothing being there. No person and no pizza. 
“Well what the hell?” I asked as I stepped out of my door and looked around for it.
Walking to the door of the dorm building thinking they just couldn’t get inside, but still. No luck. 
This leaves me one option. Paige. Asking Paige for this was hard because I knew she was going to give me shit. 
Walking over to the door hesitating to knock, but I was really hungry and that pizza sounded really good at the moment.
Waiting for her to open the door was probably the longest minutes of my life. She swung the door open and was chewing on something and smiling.
“Thanks for the food, you for dessert?” She asked me, looking me up and down again. 
“I’m just here for my food that you stole and I want it back and at least 5 dollars for the slice you clearly ate.” I told her crossing my leaning my top half forward and rocking back on my heels.
She moved over and swayed her arm for me to walk in. “Or you could stay with me and KK?” She asked. I leaned over to look inside and saw her sitting on the couch playing Fortnite waving at me. I waved back and gave a slight smile.
At least we won't be alone together so I caved. “Fine. You have Ranch?” I asked her to walk in and grabbed a paper plate that was laying out. 
“Yes. It’s in the fridge. There is sugar free soda in there too. Sprite and Orange soda.” She says, closing the door and locking it going back to sit next to KK tucking her feet in and watching as she was playing hyping her up. 
I walked over to watch and eat my pizza. I was debating where to sit because I did not want to sit next to Paige on the conch so I just sat on the floor by her legs. Setting the soda I pulled out and placed it on the coffee table along with my plate. My brother plays fortnite and I watched him so I kinda understood what was going on. Never played, but was fun to watch.
“KK RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!” Paige yelled pointing to the screen and then she died. She threw her controller down and groaned. She got 3rd. Wasn’t that bad.
“Kk why the hell did you not listen to me? I told you to keep watch on the left because the medallion was there looking for you.” She said throwing her arm to TV and grabbing the controller and readying up for her turn. 
“Man, I'm over this game. I’m taking a shower.” She said standing up and walking over to the bathroom. Leaving me and Paige alone. Just what I was trying to avoid. Ok maybe this was my time to leave. 
Paige looked over at me and smiled. “Want to give it a try?” She asked me, handing me the controller. I was about to shoot myself. I have never played before so this means she was going to have to teach me and then we have a whole movie moment and kiss then it turns to something more and- 
“Sure.” I said grabbing the controller.
“I have never played before.” I asked, looking at her. “I’ll teach you.” She grabbed the controller and flipped it over.
“This one is like aiming and this one shoots. This Jumps, Reload, Move, look, and building is something you just grow to learn about. Just try this for now.” she explained as she pointed and landed the character. 
“I’m going to be so bad at this game. You play and I’ll watch” I said as I was watching the screen and handing it back to her. 
She just laughed and went along with playing. 
“I’ll watch you and study and maybe next time we can try playing.” I said as I watched her fingers move on the controller. Watching what buttons she was pressing and her finger movements shifting from one button to the next. This was kinda hot in the way she was moving them. 
“You should watch the screen to see what the movements are like. Unless you want to cut this short and want me to put these in you.” She said smiling and wiggling her fingers as if she was fingering the air.
“I can’t stand you sometimes.” I said, shaking my head and looking at the screen. She just smiled and shifted around to get more comfortable. I finally stood up and sat where KK was sitting right next to her. Never been this close to her since the party after they got to the final fours and we were drunk. Some movements that night weren't the best. She looked over at me and smiled as she moved closer as if I wasn’t going to see this. 
“How about everytime I kill someone, you take a piece of clothing off. LIke truth or strip.” She said, Not moving her eyes from the screen. That one was new. From the thought of what could lead you you felt yourself get wet. The cold touching you sends shivers up your back. I liked where this was going so I agreed. Right after I said yes she killed someone. her biting her bottom lip and smiled at me. Moving her legs to set on the grounds and she seems focused now. 
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. Thank the lord I haven’t showered yet and still had my bra on. After I threw it in front of her hoping to mess her up, she didn’t budge. She was locked in. about 7 minutes later she killed another. I slid my pants down and threw them in front of her again and she side eyed me this time and bit her lips letting out the breath she was holding. 
Coming to the end of the game she only had two kills and there were three people left including her. No way she would kill these people and win this. 
I sat watching her to see if this was going to happen or not. 
“If you win I’ll have sex with you right here right now.” I told her. She licked her lips and she rubbed her hand ver her face to try and focus on the game. 
“You being half naked next to me is not helping me focus.” She said covering her eyes and rubbing them with her fingers. 
She heard shots from the TV and then snapped back from her state and ran her character over to where she heard the sound from. 
“One is already low from the other guy and so this should be easy.” She said shooting at on guy and killing him.
“Boom anddddddd Boom.” She said as she snipped the last person and killed them with a headshot.
After she did an emote on the guy she grabbed my face and kissed me. Crawling up to me and moving her hands to unclamp my bra. Sliding the straps down my arms and letting my bra fall next to the couch. I pulled at the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. She pushed her knee in between my legs and applied presser to where I needed her most and let out a moan into her mouth. 
She then took her left hand and slid it down the front of my panties and rubbed circles around my bud. Wanting her deep inside me. She finally pulled back and looked me in my eyes and seconds later she put two fingers inside me. My eyes widened and I gasped and flung my hand to hold her wrist. She started slowly moving her arm back and forth. Just enough to tease me. Just the sheer thought of the fact that it was Paige Bueckers inside me right now was enough to make me cum all over her fingers. She pulled her fingers out and stuck them inside my mouth. 
“You must have wanted me just as much as I wanted you for you to have cum that quick.” She said before removing her fingers and putting them in her mouth. Moaning as she sucked off everything that I coded. 
“God I wanted to know what this tasted like in real time. All the nights I lay humping my pillow wanting to know what it felt like to be inside you and taste you. The one thing I have been wanting to know for years and years.” She said moving her eyes from one of mine to the other. 
She dipped her hand back in my pants and pushed her fingers back inside of me. Her fingers go in and out of me at a fast pace. I have never felt pleasure like this in my life and I loved it. This feeling was like filling a water balloon up to the point it was about to pop and explode all over the place. 
A sense of pleasure washed over me and that's when I let go and came. I closed my eyes and let it all out. 
“Holy fuckk” I heard her say as she watched me. I opened my eyes and saw that her shirt was soaking wet and that her pants were wet too. I was in shock with how much cum there was. I looked at the couch and saw a wet spot too.
“Oh yes baby that was so hot.” She told me licking it up from all over my legs and her mouth. She stood up and reacted to my hand to help me up. 
I stood up and she was playing with the hem of my panties. “I killed them both so take these off.” 
After she said that she ripped them down to the floor and I kicked them off somewhere. 
She grabbed my hand and led me to what I assume was her room. She closed the door behind us and locked it. She pushed me on the bed to where my legs were off the edge. I bring them up to where I am resting my heels on the edge. 
Paige then gets on her knees in front of me and dips her head in and gives it just a kitty lick. I threw my head into the bed and arched my back. God this girl was going to be the death of me and I was not complaining. 
She then connected her lips with my clit and kissed it, pulling back with a smile and lip bite. The sensation of the little touch was enough to make the room drop about 20°. I needed this girl to touch me in ways that were going to make me go to church next sunday. 
“Paige please I need you to touch me please. I can’t handle the teasing from you anymore. I have wanted this for too long and you are making me want more than I can handle.” I told her as I reached for her head to pull her in, but she dodged me. 
“I know baby, I know. Just let me take you there. I promise you will get there. Just takes time. Have you ever felt like this?” She asked, darting her eyes to where we were just connected. She was hungry and I was her food. Like a husky caring for a pup, yet wanting to play rough. 
I shook my head no, because honestly no one has ever been able to turn me on and touch me in the way she does. She had that power, the lust. The power of control.That's what I was under. Her control. She can control me. Manipulate me. 
“Let me Show you.” She and wrapping her arms around me to pull me closer to her mouth. She looked down at me with desire. She was loving this just as much as me. 
She connected once more and sucked a little harder. Her tongue coming out her mouth, flat to run a strip on my entrance. 
I felt every taste bub on her tough hit me sending waves of chills run threw me. Feeling like I was getting pumped with fluid. Paige fluid running in my veins and arteries. Like I need it to survive. 
She pulled away and looks me in the doorways to my soul. “I want you to come so hard, and look at me as it happens. So you know who is making you feel that good. So if anyone ever touches you the way I do you have the image of me right here in front of you doing this. So you know the first time and remember the feeling of me and my fingers. My mouth working on you like this.” She said rubbing circles on my clit watching it and watching as I pules. Begging for more of her, more of her touch. 
I just wanted to feel this feeling she is talking about. The anticipation was eating me up from the inside. “Please. Paige I don’t think I can take this anymore. Telling me how you will make me feel and not knowing what it will feel like. This is going to drive me insane.”  I told her as I grabbed the back of her head pulling her to me. I needed more. This wasn't a want. I felt as if I was going to Shrivel up and die. She was what was going to drain me of all the nutrients I needed.
I think that was what set her off, because she dived in. Acting like she was a dog training to stay still and listen to commands. Under her I couldn’t control my movements. It was like I was being brought back to life. Soul sucking and being dropped back in. 
I felt her hand creep up and Insert itself inside me. 
This was that feeling. No one has ever done this on me is wild. I wish people did this a lot more, but I am happy it is paige doing this t me. Making me like this. All for her. She could kill me right now and I won't feel anything, Won’t do anything. Won’t be anything. But for her. I would be something. Something she will remember. Something she would want again. 
My mind is fuzzy with the thoughts of what she could do to me, What she is doing to me. Pumping her index and middle finger inside me as her mouth was sucking and poping my clit out her mouth. 
“I’m so close. Fuck. Please, Don’t stop Paige. “I said grinding against her mouth for more. Riding her face to get me there. Looking down at her as I throw my hips around hitting her nose. Grazing it over my clit.  Oh just to see her like this and not arguing back with me was showing me exactly what I was lacking in my life.
I felt as if my hips were going numb from the feeling and the movements I was doing. My legs were shaking as I brought them up to my chest and grabbed them. She moved her hand from under me to the back of my thigh to hold me open for her. She stood up, but kept her head down and bent her top half forward. 
She started pumping her fingers inside me faster and I was seeing black spots everywhere. Was this the last thing I would see before passing out? Like greening out on weed, was I doing it with Sex? Paiging out? I felt Nauseous, But loved it. Being overwhelmed with the idea of her and was about to have a panic attack? No. I don’t want that. I was in space drifting in the sky
Just like that I was over. Coming down to earth and falling on the ground with flowers growing around me and Paige. Slamming me back in her room on her bed. Bring me back and feel her fingers and mouth away from me. She sat looking at me licking her fingers and swiping her mouth with her middle finger and placed it back in her mouth. 
“This could be my sweetener if I wanted.” She said placing her tongue on the inside of my thighs. Licking the drops rolling down my leg. 
“I could go all night tasting you. It's like licking angel tears.”  She told me as she came up to kiss me. Connecting our lips to share what she tastes of me.
She came up and wiped the tears from my cheeks. I didn't even know came out of me.
“Oh baby. Did that feel good? You want more?” She asked. I didn’t even know if I could take more. If tears fell from my eyes and I didn’t even know it. That was enough, but my body craved more of her. I need you inside me more than anything else.
“Yes” I said without even thinking twice. I need this girl to take me to a whole new level. I needed the standards to be raised if anyone else was even going to cross my mind. I needed her to teleport us to a whole new place.
“I’ll go get ready as you calm down from your high.” she said leaving me on her bed and walking to the clothest to grab something and walking out the room. I stared at the ceilling as she did everything she needed.
As she walked out I could hear KK saying something to her, but my mind was too fuzzy to comprehend what was being said. 
I heard the water in the bathroom running and the front door close. I was being brought down to the earth slowly and calming. I could hear tapping on the window and that is what brought me out this trance and I looked over to the window and saw water droplets collect on the window and start racing down. 
The door opened to reveal Paige wearing a strap around her waist. This was new. I never even had owned one of those and to have Paige be the first time inside me like this was going to be too much to handle. I can already feel it. 
She walked over to me and looked down at my hole and rubbed the tip on it. Walking at my face to see if I was calm enough to even take this. I did nothing but watch as she did all this. The anticipation was killing me. I just needed her to put it inside me and stp making me think about it. I needed to experience this. I wanted to know everything about this. I wanted to know how she controlled this situation.
“Oh baby you ready for more now. You want to feel this dick inside you?” She asked. Moving her eyes from where she is looking at your  face to see if you would give and answer with your face expression. 
“Yes please. I need to know.” I whined as I grabbed the sides of her face. Trying to get a sense of this all being real. I needed to know that this was real and not another fantasy I was creating late at night in my own bed.
She brought her fingers to her mouth and spit on them. She took them and ran them over me and on the tip. She removed her hoodie leaving her in a white wife beater and sports bra underneath. Placing both hands on the side of me and looking at where we were about to be connected.
“Baby I want you to watch as it goes inside you. Watch as you stretch over me.” She said, placing her hand behind my head and holding it up for me to watch. Looking at the purple silicon as it was glazed from the saliva and the light shining from the moon outside. This point was when I was taking in the room and what it looked like. The moon gave a dust of light in the room enough to see, but not enough to live with.
She placed her forehead on mine slowly pushing it in. I have never been this full. It was a pain that I can get behind. Feeling her be inside me for the first time and probably not the last time. I want to relive this moment for days. I wanted to feel this pain, wanting to have this feeling stay with me. 
She let out a low moan and closed her eyes tilting her head to look at the wall. Watching her be like this and I was the one to cause this on her body was chilling. Watching her act like this from me, if someone would t tell me this moment was happening I would have slapped them so hard. 
She pushed the rest of her inside of me and it was so much inside. She could split me in half with her strap.
Tears filling my eyes from the pressure. She stopped to whip away the loose one that fell on my left cheek. Laying herself on top of me and wrapping her arms around me, lifting my back off the bed and bringing me to her chest. I wrapped my arms around her neck to hold myself up and right when I clasped my hands she snapped her hips forward in me. The angle she was going in was making her curve up and hit my front wall. 
Her hips thrusting back and forth, making the bed squeak at our movements. My hair falls down as it hits my back. Removing my hands and placing them on the bed to create Stability from the back. 
Her groaning and moaning in my ear is sending me straight to bless. She still is watching where we are connected, but me on the other hand. I can’t concentrate on anything but her talking me through this and her moans.
“You are doing so well for me baby. You are such a good girl for me.” she told me looking up at me and licking a strip up my neck. The wetness on my neck creates a cold feeling of euphoria. So many senses are being turned all the way to the max. Never been like this. Never been talking like this or talked to like this, but was loving it. It was like I found my true self and feelings. Like a third eye opening.  
Her grunts were getting deeper and deeper as she was picking up her pace and getting weaker almost. She was about to cum I just knew it.I was too. The same build up from earlier was coming. She let out a long low moan watching me in my eyes as she came. Watching her ‘cum inside me’ was maybe the best sight ever. I would rather watch this replay in my mind than see the grand canyon. 
Watching as her mouth opened slightly. Eye candy at its finest. From watching her and the idea of her made me let go. Exploding like a Volcano. The same heat coming from one too. It was getting too hard to hold back. She fell on top of me as she was still inside of me, breathing heavily.
“Oh my god. I have never came so hard in my life.” I said as I came. At this moment I didn’t even think it was me saying it. I think it was my soul saying it for me. She didn’t even move. That's when I realized I messed up. Everything was going good too.
She turned her head and looked at me. “Give me a chance now?”
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eveningepiphany · 2 years
and they were roommates | H.S
summary: when harry and Y/N have gone from longtime best friends to roommates, the lines that have been slowly blurring since their teen years are beginning to disappear altogether.
warnings: smut, oral fem rec, PIV (unprotected), praise kink, kind of a size kink if you squint— and sexual mentions throughout!
my masterlist <3
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“Dude, why are you drinking out of my coffee cup again.” You groan, after opening the cupboard to find your favourite cup missing for what had to be the third time this week.
You and Harry have been living together for over half a year now, since he got back from touring with one direction and you started college.
It all happened relatively quickly, Harry wanted a place with someone— so it was never alone over the months he was touring— and you didn’t want to stay on campus with a heap of people you didn’t know.
So here you are, living in your 3 bedroom flat, with your best friend while studying to get the job of your dreams. It sounds ideal doesn’t it, till your flat mate starts stealing everything you own I suppose.
“M’sorry,” he laughs from the couch, not meaning it whatsoever.
“It’s just s’cute— reminds me of you with all the little hearts n’stuff on it.” He glances over his shoulder, a guilty smile on his face as he brings it up to his lips and swallows a mouthful of hot tea.
You grab his cup from the shelf, “We live together, there’s hundreds of things in this house that should remind you of me other than my mug.”
“It’s fine, I’ll use yours instead.” You know his favourite, the one Gemma and Anne got him for his 14th birthday, with their faces plastered all over it.
“Go ahead, doesn’t bother me at all.” He says smugly, stretched out on our couch, clad in grey sweats and a black tshirt.
You make yourself a tea, and plop down next to him— since it’s Sunday, you don’t have anything planned other than going to the campus library to study.
As if he read your mind he asks, “what’re the plans for today, sweet thing.”
Him and his bloody pet names.
He’s been doing it since you were in highschool, and he started calling you ‘baby’ as a joke because you said you thought it was a cheesy nickname, and it’s stuck around even years later. Now he has a full list of nicknames, equally as disgustingly lovey.
Yet, coming from his mouth and in his accent, they somehow evoke a blush on your cheeks everytime.
His girlfriends never liked the nickname thing— even though he toned it down a lot, if not completely. You rarely heard them, except maybe when you were alone, another thing that didn’t often happen when he was with someone.
The amount of girls who absolutely despised your existence back in highschool all because of your friendship with Harry.
Plenty of girls made up the most scandalous rumours possible to try and get Harry to hate you, fortunately it never worked.
In the end it never really mattered, his relationships never really lasted particularly long anyway. A lot of girls just couldn’t handle the fact he was so close with you, and to be honest you did understand.
“Not much sugar, just going to the library later to study.”
“Can I come?”
“Are you suggesting I sneak you into our student only library right now?” You say in mock surprise.
“Absolutely i am, and maybe then we can go out and get a bite to eat.”
“You’re just gonna be sitting there doing nothing for like probably 2 hours?” You shrug, unsure why he’d want to come in the first place.
“That’s s’alright, I would’ve just been doing that ‘round here anyway.”
“Alright, better not get me caught then.” You sigh.
“I’ll wear that really baggy college jumper you have, they’ll never know.” He laughs.
“Just another thing if mine you’re gonna start stealing, hm?”
“Oh, well now you’ve suggest that—“ He chuckles and you dig your elbow into his side.
“Ouch!” He yelps, as if it actually hurt that much, and he quickly reaches over to have some payback.
Knowing he’s probably gonna tickle you, you jump up, “Oh god— not with the tea, not with the tea!”
He smoothly slips the mug out of your grip and places it down on the table.
You panic, knowing how brutal his tickling is.
Your legs only get you so far across the room before he catches up, immediately prodding you in the waist— he knows that has you disarmed in seconds unfortunately.
He tugs you into his chest, fingers skating all over your body causing you to squirm.
You’re half laughing half crying as you fight against him, “oh my god— Harry, please—“
“You know I always give good payback, love.” He laughs as you’re both stumbling around in the lounge room.
You manage to knock him into the couch, practically sitting him down. His lips part and you’re left standing directly between his spread legs.
His brows shot up his face, a few brown curls falling over his eyes.
Of course he looks fucking gorgeous right now.
You find plenty of these little moments, where sometimes it takes more strength then it should to pull yourself away from him. Your head muddled with images— fantasies— of your lips on his.
You allow yourself to indulge just a little, letting your hand sweep the curls that have fallen over his eyes back. Pulling them hard enough to tip his eye line to you.
“Fuck you, asshole.” You say breathless, attempting to sound annoyed but you don’t think it would have scared a fly.
And with that, you move from the space between his legs and head back to your room.
Harry is left sitting there, also short of breath, with a tiny smile playing on his lips.
About 2 hours later, you’re laying down on your bed, book in hand when the door to your room opens.
“Hey Satan.” You say, not looking up from your page.
“Hey Angel.” You can literally hear him smiling.
He walks into your walk-in-closet, and starts to flick through the racks.
“And what exactly are you doing.” Sighing, you put the book down.
He comes out, pulling your grey college hoodie over his head. It hardly looks baggy on him, compared to how it is on you.
“Getting ready t’go.”
“You’re uninvited.” You scoff, sounding deadpan, but he knows you don’t mean it.
“Awh, you mad at me hm?” He comes over, grabbing your hand to pull you up off the bed.
You don’t fight him as he tugs you up, nor do you agree or disagree.
“God you’re a bluff.” He laughs as he picks up your bag with his free hand.
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes, a smile cracking through.
He doesn’t drop your hand as this time you pull him out of your room to grab your keys.
The college campus is luckily only a 5 minute drive down the road, and it’s not long before you’re both walking in.
You scan your student key card to get into the library, and because it’s Sunday afternoon it’s pretty much dead.
There’s two people sitting over by the windows on their computers and that appears to be it.
Harry follows you down to the back of the library, where your favourite spot is, surrounded with shelves and has warm midday sun streaming through the skylight.
You sink into the leather couch, and start pulling stuff out of your bag.
Harry has ended up flipping through the books nearby, and you really take a moment to look at him in your hoodie.
A feeling swells in your chest, that he really wanted to spend his afternoon with you in a library, and how… cute he looks in your jumper.
You assume this is probably how guys feel when girls are wearing their overly baggy shirt and boxers or something.
But instead you can nearly see the bulge of his bicep outlined through the material.
He walks back over, slipping his phone out from his back pocket before he sitting down next to you.
“Thanks for sneaking me in.” He leans in to whisper in your ear.
“Your welcome.” You chuckle.
You open your laptop, beginning to file through notes, and he’s scrolling on his phone.
It’s a comfortable silence, something you’d never get sick of. Just being with one another.
His had slips over the back of the chair, fingers brushing your shoulder.
Heat zips up your spine for no good reason. You want to die a little, hating how you find yourself getting hot and bothered all because of his touch— and since you’ve moved in together it’s happening all the more often.
Like the times you end up cuddling on the couch, watching romcoms, and his hands would fall on the peak of your hip and the dip of your waist, pulling you into his chest. God his hands. Usually adorned with cold rings, at that time of night they’re bare and warm.
Or when you’ve fallen asleep on said couch with him, and woken up— somehow having slept all night without waking— in a tangle of limbs with him, feeling his morning wood poking into you. Him apologising profusely after waking up, even though it’s not the first time it’s happened.
However this isn’t an entirely new feeling. There were the few times as teenagers when you pushed the limits on your friendship. Usually drunk and sneaking back into one of your houses, and ending up against the wall or in bed, getting so close to kissing it physically made your body ache. Till someone laughed, or he tickled you.
That one time you were sitting on his lap at a party and you felt him harden beneath you, and you played into it a little, innocently wiggling your hips against him. And when he’d looked at you— eyes dark and filled with undeniable desire— you’d coyly asked him what was wrong, like as if you didn’t know exactly what the problem was. “Nothing.” He’d cleared his throat, scooting you down his leg with his hands. “Just uh, have t’go to the bathroom.”
You shake you head, physically— hoping to clear your thoughts— and his eyes snap to you.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, a light frown on his face.
You clear your throat, “just remembered I…”
His thumb is stroking your shoulder, really not helping you collect yourself. You clench your thighs together.
“Have a test tomorrow.” You finished slowly, and his eyes narrow for a second before nodding.
He doesn’t say anything as you aimlessly scroll through notes, pretending to focus when all you can feel is his fingers grazing along your shoulder.
45 minutes.
A fully excruciating 45 minutes you sit there, half attempting to focus on the notes as his fingers trace the length of your shoulder, and even ghost over the junction of your neck and upper back.
“I think I’m done.” You blurt, causing his gaze to snap to you and hand to still.
“Wanna get something to eat then?” He asks, a slight edge to his voice you can’t properly place.
“Maybe if we can just go home? I have a headache to be honest, I kinda just want to eat some ramen and crash on the couch.” You ramble, hoping he’s not annoyed you’re not going out for lunch— when In reality Harry would never care about something like that.
“‘Course beautiful.” He nods, a smirk flashing over his lips.
The drive home is just as painful for you, and you feel like you need to have a cold shower to get out of the headspace you’re in.
Because everything he’s doing is somehow being warped into completely non-platonic thoughts— plain filthy thoughts.
Like how he’s fiddling with his ring right now at the red light, slowly slipping his finger in and out of it.
Oh god.
As you get home, you are almost jumping out of the car.
Distance, you need distance— right now.
You leave your bag in the back, ready just to get inside.
You’re fumbling with your keys at the door, trying to find the house key amongst 20 others, and Harry is right behind you.
He reaches over, plucking up the gold key on the key ring, “this one.” His voice sounds gravely, almost sultry as it enters your ears and into your depraved and clearly aroused mind.
You unlock the door, toeing off your shoes, “You’ve really gotten yourself worked up, hm?”
He asks, and you freeze.
You don’t say a word as you stand just inside the doorway, he’s right behind you but you can’t trust that actually just came out of his mouth.
Because maybe you’re hearing things— maybe really horny people hear thi—
“Don’t think I haven’t seen how hard you’ve been clenching those pretty little thighs.”
“Wh…what?” You stutter out as he moves closer to you.
He’s in your space when you turn around, and your stepping back— only to be met with him stepping forward again.
This happens until your back hits the hallway wall, and his hands bracketing either side of your body.
His hands move to rest on your lower hips, gently enough that if you weren’t comfortable with it, you could slip them straight off.
“I’ve seen you like this before.” He states, eyes dark.
“How you get so zoned out, I’d kill to see what’s going inside that head of yours.”
“Harry…” Your hands are hardly an inch away from his chest, tingling to touch him.
You’re reminded— the second time today— of the time when you were teenagers, up against the wall of his bedroom.
“Fuck.” Harry sighed, breath hot against the side of your neck.
You’d somehow managed to sneak back into his house without waking his family, which is shocking considering the amount of drunken giggling coming from the both of you.
Or the stumbling up the stairs as he playfully swatted your ass behind you.
It was somewhat a wonder of how you ended up against the wall of his bedroom, hands all over eachother.
He was half-hard, you could feel him pressed into your side shamelessly as he ran his palms along your figure.
“Am I getting you all hard?” The alcohol in your system gave you confidence to ask outright with a laugh.
He chuckled back without an ounce worry, “Yea, honestly.”
“Didn’t know I did it for you like that.” You pushed your hands up his shirt, feeling the hard planes of his torso.
“Mm, I betcha don’t.” He licked a stripe up the shell of your ear and you let out a little humorous squeak.
“You’re so sensitive.” He started to tickle you and you squirmed under his grip.
That was the closest to kissing the two of you got that night, and although the tension was palpable, you somehow managed to resist it. Even though you both wanted to so bad it made you ache.
Scooping you up, he plopped you onto his bed, your dress riding up your thighs.
He chucked you one of his shirts and sweatpants for you to change into.
Nothing more happened, he got into bed with you after stripping down to his boxers and you rolled into his arms.
“Look cute in my clothes baby, as always.” He kissed your temple.
“Mm, you’re cute, H. Think you’re really sweet.” You slurred with sleep.
“Love when you call me baby.” You confess while you play with his hair.
“D’ya?” He smiled into your neck.
“See, there you go again— what’s got you all distracted?” His calm question snapped you back to reality.
You slide your fingers down to his waist, still not sure what to say, head spinning at his close proximity.
“Or do I have to work it out for myself?” He slips his hand to your waistband, waiting again for a reply.
An uncalled for whimper slipped from your mouth, louder than you’d like to admit.
“Fuckin hell.” He groans, moving to graze his lips on your cheek, not doing anything without asking.
God they were soft. So fucking soft.
You kissed his cheekbone, and you both gently pecked around eachothers face, all but evading lips.
“Please kiss me, H.” You tugged on his hair.
He wasted no time sliding his lips over yours. The two of you savouring that first real kiss.
You both held it for a few moments, the years of tension melting into it. Too far gone to worry about the repercussions this could possibly have on your friendship.
At this point, you’ve crossed the line between your platonic friendship and not so small romantic feelings so long ago— perhaps without even releasing— that although it’s a new feeling, it almost feels natural.
Years of short pecks, and gentle, mostly chaste kisses— not to say you haven’t made out while blackout drunk i suppose— have made you both eager to experience a kiss like this for the first time.
It quickly went from a feather-soft kiss to one you could only deem hungry and exploratory.
The first real taste of his tongue was hooking, he swiped it along your bottom lip before taking it between his teeth and plucking it towards him.
The pop it made as he released it had you groaning into him.
Your hands— which had long since found their way into his curly hair— were tugging at the roots.
He pulled your legs up around his waist, and you could feel how hard he was through his jeans.
“You’re so hard—“ you moaned out, pushing your hips forward to grind against him.
“God, you feel s’fucking good. Bet you’re so wet right now.”
“Touch me, Harry, please touch me.”
He chuckled into your neck, “I am baby,”
“Gonna have to be a little more specific. Tell me what y’want.”
“Want you. Anything, anything you’ll give me.”
His mouth is back on yours before you can say more, and he’s carrying you down the hallway into his room.
He carefully sets you down on the edge of his of bed, dropping to his knees between your splayed legs.
“Can we take these off?” He clarifies as he grabs the top of your pants.
“Yes,” you sigh out and he slips them from your legs.
He tosses them aside before coming to solely focus on you.
You’re only in plain black panties, and you open your mouth to apologise for it,
“Sorry, didn’t really think I’d—“
“Don’t you dare apologise. This is bloody…” He leans to press a kiss on the inside of your knee before ghosting his hand over the fabric covering your core.
Moving forward he lays an open-mouthed kiss on top of where your clit is, and you moan out softly.
He could feel how damp the soft cotton of your underwear was beneath his lips, and he looks up to you.
“Can these come off too?” He asks, hooking his fingers around them, eager to get them off.
Another keen yes slips from your mouth, and he tugs them from your hips.
He’s quiet for a moment, as your lower half is laid on display to him. His eyes are flitting over every detail possible, taking in what has to be the only part of you he hasn’t seen in your years of friendship.
“You are phenomenal.” He says, his filthy praise has your head spinning.
“And so wet…” he licks his lips carefully, “all for me?”
You groan again at his words, hardly able to form a coherent sentence to answer such a question.
“Use y’words, darlin’.”
“Yes, Harry— just for you. All this just for you.” You whine, pushing your hips up into nothing, aching for any kind of friction.
He kisses everywhere, just under your belly button, the crease of your inner thigh— everywhere except for where you want him most.
“Harry, don’t tease me, just want your mouth on me.” You say outright, moaning at his finger that’s slipped up to your entrance, gently rubbing the outside of it.
“Want my mouth?” He smirks, his ego taking your begging personally.
He leans forward, jutting his tongue out to where his index finger was just circling. But instead of staying there, he drags it up, bringing your arousal to your clit.
You never imagined the first thing the two of you would do would be this. Him burying his face between your legs, licking into you like he was getting payed.
But fuck was it perfect. It felt like everything was clicking into place.
The way he’s lapping at your clit has you already fluttering around nothing.
“Taste s’fucking good. Like a dream.” He says into you, the vibration of his words causing you to arch into him.
“Thought about you like this so many times.”
Images of him touching himself to the thought of you flash to life in your brain. In his room, on this very bed. His warm hand wrapped around himself, uttering your name quietly with every soft tug he does. You wonder what else he thought about, if he was imagining your lips wrapped around him instead, or maybe being buried within you.
“Me too,” you admit, breathless.
“How good you’d taste— or how tight your little cunt would be around me.”
“Shit, Harry—“ you moan, his lips moving to suck on your clit, and his two fingers slipping into you.
He pulls his face back a fraction to look at the fingers he just pushed into you.
“And I was right. Aleady fuckin’ squeezing around my fingers like it’s too much hm? How’re y’gonna take m’cock?”
His perfect curly hair is being mused by your hands and you’re practically trying to tug his mouth back to your swollen clit.
“I’ll take it, I will.” You promise.
“Mm you will, that’s right. Good girl.” Your belly tightens and you know you’re not going to last long.
Harry knows it too, picking up the pace of his tongue and fingers.
“Keep talking,” you beg, not only enjoying the dirty words coming from his mouth, but the way they vibrate into you.
“Bit busy.” He states— and you can almost feel him smirk before his teeth ever so slightly graze over your pussy.
“Fuck.” Your cry, bucking your hips at the sensation of it.
He takes note, and does it again. Eliciting another just as loud moan from you.
“Harry, please—“ your head is begging to fog, every other thought dissipating, only mantras of his name paired with curse words seem to be left.
“Holy shit, Harry.” Your jaw is slack, legs splayed as wide as they can go.
He moans into as you clench around his fingers, and the words ‘good girl’ are muffled into you again.
“Im gonna come— I’m so close.”
He sucks on you with another moan almost as loud as your own— you can help but love how vocal he is—and it feels like it was vibrating your whole body.
With his fingers curling in you he pulls back just enough to draw in a deep breath, “come on darling, that’s it, come around m’tongue.”
“Wanna feel you clench around my fingers before you take m’cock.”
He flicks his tongue fast along your clit, moving it in sync with his fingers and it all comes crashing down.
Your thighs almost cage his head between your legs, and it proves the deep breath was not just for nothing, because there is no way he could breathe right now.
You’re moaning his name as you finish, grinding your cunt against his movements to ride out your high.
As your breathing begins to level out, he pulls his head away with an inhale, and you look to find his mouth glistening.
“That was so… so good.” You whispered to him, body gone completely deadweight on his mattress.
He’s smiling wide with his swollen pink lips, “took my mouth so well.”
You move to sit up, and it’s a true sight to see him on his knees like that.
You pull him by the back of his neck to your lips. No shame in where his mouth just was.
“Can you taste yourself?” He asks, hands going to cup the junction of your neck and jaw.
You hummed in agreement, and you start pulling at the hem of his shirt.
“Off, please?”
“‘Course.” He pulls it over his head, briefly breaking the kiss.
You stare at his chest, and your eyes dip to the symmetrical ferns that highlight his v-line— drawing special attention to the line of hair that starts under his bellybutton, and disappears into the black boxer briefs he’s wearing.
He’s watching your eyes trail along his body, quietly noting the clear effect it has on you.
You reach out a hand, gently brushing it down his abs. Locking your eyes with his, you gauge his reaction as you slide it further down, resting over the top of the hardness in his jeans.
Goosebumps prickle across his arms, and he looks at you with expression filled with pure lust.
“This ok?” You check.
“Yea…” he seems curious, almost unsure of what you plan on doing— yet that excites him all the more.
You brush along the fabric, and he audibly swallows.
A squeeze and he’s already bucking his hips up into your palm.
“Y/N—“ he moans.
“Look at you, I haven’t even touched your bare cock yet and I’ve gotten you all riled up.” You tease, taking a swing in the dark that he likes it as much as you do.
You pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips, “stand up so we can take these off.”
He quickly lifts from his knees, hand going to the button of his jeans and slipping them down his legs.
Clad in only his black boxer briefs, you stroke your hand over the fabric again.
“Please, don’t tease me.” He echos your own words from earlier and you chuckle, hooking your hands into his underwear resting on his hips, and tug them down.
His cock springs towards his stomach, and you still completely.
Whatever post-orgasm confidence you’d gained has dissipated immediately.
You knew he’d be big, having felt him hard against you earlier and on those few other occasions. But seeing it in front of you right now has you lost for words.
“Don’t go all shy on me.” He practically pleads.
“Can’t touch me like that and then…” his sentence trails off unfinished, hand twitching near the base of his length.
You take him into your palm carefully. He’s heavy and warm in it.
He moans at the mere contact, and you start to stroke him, thumb swiping over his tip where precum has long since started to seep out.
He’s literally swaying on his feet, “H, sit down.”
You laugh a little as he sits as close as possible to you, connecting your lips when you start moving your hand again.
“Fuckin’ hell.” He whispers against your mouth.
You are careful not to push him too hard, but enough to really get him going.
“Feels s’good— y’bloody hands, could cum all over them.”
“Wanna fuck you first though, s’tha ok?” He asks, hands coming to rest by your hips.
“Yes,” You whine, “wanna make you come in me.”
“God you’ve got a dirty mouth.“ he starts to get up off the bed,
“You getting a condom?”
“Yea, unless you…” he stares at you a moment, cock twitching at the idea of taking you raw.
“I’m clean. If you’re using—“
“I’m on birth control… and I’m clean— haven’t been with anyone since my last test.” you say.
“You sure?” He asks a final time,
You nod, “I trust you.”
He wastes no time settling back next to you, pulling you into a rough kiss.
He slides you up his lap, taking your top off— which had been on for far too long.
He places a kiss on the top of both your breasts before unclipping your bra.
“Not a single flaw on your fuckin’ body.” He sighs, taking in the sight of your bare chest.
He pulls you forward a little more, so you’re chest to chest as he lines himself up with you.
You feel the hard head of his cock slide through your slit and press just into your entrance.
You’re both already panting and Harry looks at you, saying tenderly, “I’ll be careful.”
He’s somehow so hot and so sweet all at the same time. It’s hardly fair that he can be both.
His hands on your hips are lowering you down slowly, and he’s groaning at the feeling of you stretching to fit him.
It’s a bit of an effort to get to the base of him, but fuck once you do, you feel so full.
“Fuck… don’t— don’t move.” His head is spinning, you’re so tight around him that even the slightest movement could have him cumming into you.
It takes you both a moment to ground yourselves, “Sorry— god you’re just so fucking warm and tight… nearly came just getting in you.”
“Can move now, love.” He says, still sounding a little shaky.
You roll you hips gently, and the pleasure of it is overwhelming.
It kickstarts his movements, because after a few more pushes of your hips, he starts to thrust into you.
You’re already trembling, “Harry—”
“You’re a good girl, Y/N, keeping y’promises. Taking me so well.” His praise has you clenching around him.
It’s clear to him how much dirty talk and praise effects you, so he keeps it up.
“Feel good, hm? Like the feeling of my cock stretching you all out like this.”
“Yes!” You cried out, heart thundering in your chest.
“Lettin’ me fuck me so good…”
“Got such a nice little cunt, I want it all to myself now.”
“Have it, Harry— it’s all yours.”
“Sweetheart, you’re too good too me. Gonna make y’feel s’good.” He reaches his hand down to your clit.
He’s fucking your clit with fast circles that feel heavenly paired with the way he’s pushing his cock into you.
Your bouncing into his thrusts, and a heat blooms rapidly in the pit of your stomach.
“Harry! I’m so close, please.”
He moans, “fuck— your cunts clamped ‘round me so tight. Gonna come.
“Come in me, please.” You whined, the thought almost enough to tip you over the edge.
But what really does is the way he grunts “good girl” into your ear a final time.
You both cry out in sync, and it’s euphoric, pure bliss really.
You’re both breathing hard, still spasming and twitching as you feel the pleasure from your orgasms ease off. He slips gently out of you, and lays you into his chest.
“Thank you.” You whisper, feeling exhausted yet so grateful for him.
“Thank you.” He presses a kiss to your forehead.
Your eyes are closed and he stokes the small of your back, “Five more minutes, then we’ll go clean up and cook some ramen, hm? How’s that sound.”
You smile tiredly, “Sounds good.”
A/N- this has been sitting in my drafts for ages— I’ve reread it that many times idek if it’s that good but decided to post it anywayyy <3 hope you enjoyed!
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surshica · 1 year
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ONE — rocket science
borders will indicate when it’s time to read the written portion!! + please excuse anything grammatically incorrect and any typos !!
masterlist <3
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frustrated groans escaped yn’s lips throwing herself off her bed to get ready for the day. the sounds of mira making some honey miso pork onigri. yn put on her school uniform occasionally looking back at her phone hoping her professor would post a ‘jk’. and to her dismay she had to face the truth that she had a test today.
after finishing up she grabbed her bag and earbuds leaving her room to say morning to mira, apon entering the kitchen living room area the scent of honey miso pork filled it. soft growls escaped yn’s stomach, mira turned around letting a chuckle escape her lips handing yn a plastic bag with two onigiris inside.
“make sure to eat,” mira sternes, “based off how you look ; you didn’t study for a test today.” mira looked her in the eyes causing yn to quickly look away to the fridge forming her lips into a thin line. “i was going to study but i just…simply uh got busy”, “you know that..it happens to the best of us.” yn made her way to the fridge to grab herself a ito green tea.
mira sighed going to wash her hands. mira looked over her shoulder to see yn putting the green tea bottle in her bag. “whatever you say yn..”. yn grabbed her bag and rushed to the door before mira could scold her more, “i’ll be in the library!” yn exclaimed before rushing out to the library. she knew she was fucked but would she want to admit it? certainly not. she wasn’t too confident but still had some sort of confidence in her.
as yn entered the library she looked for an open table in the corner, luckily there was one. she grabbed a chair quickly sitting herself down on it. she put her bag on the chair next to her grabbing her notebook, tablet, onigiri, and tea. she propped everything up to her liking; she grabbed her phone plugging in her headphones putting on some LeeHi.
yn put her text book on her tablet reading the section they were studying from before looking at her notes trying to memorize them. a back n forth that happened for the next hour and half. munching quietly on her onigiri she heard a faint sound in the distance not bothering to look up till it started to get louder and louder and louder.
annoyed she looked up to see a smirking chishiya, an annoyed huff rolled off her lips “what do you want chishiya.” she propped her elbow on the table resting her head on her hand boring into chishiya’s cheshire liked eyes. “well i came into the library to check out another book to read but look what we have here,” the smirk grew wider on his lips. “are you just that unconfident that you can actually beat me?” he chuckled softly.
“i thought you would beat me but by the looks of it, it’s no more than just unconfident but rather stupid.” he crossed his arms around his chest; his earphones dangled from the pocket of his hoodie. yn sharply inhaled not giving him a soild answer just a stare. yn didn’t want to give him the satisfaction he hoped to get out of her. she rolled her eyes before looking back at her tablet, “don’t you have something better to do? or is being an arrogant cocky jerk your whole personalit?” yn hummed taking a sip of her tea.
chishiya formed his lips in a thin lin letting out a soft surpassed airy chuckle. “what we are learning right now is my specialty, so i suggest you actually learn something.” “i mean it doesn’t take rocket science for people to know you won’t be winning this battle.” yn huffed loudly before packing up her belongings, she walked closer to chishiya. “that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, watch me. i may not beat you but i’m still confident.” she brushed harshly on his shoulder walking away and heading to the classroom to mental prep herself.
chishiya put his hand on his shoulder turning around to see yn gone, lips still formed in a thin line. he shrugged to himself heading to the romance section to find any good books to read when he is in his room. after he found one he walked to his classroom eating a bag of cookies.
yn ended up finishing her test after chishiya, she was confident but not confident to pass chishiya. ruffling hee own hair she put in her headphones listening to some DPR IAN. the teacher was handing back the papers and she inhaled sharply when she got hers. ‘98%’ she huffed and banged hee head against the table. chishiya walked over to her table throwing his paper ontop of hers to show a ‘100%’. oh how much she wanted to wipe his cocky smirk off his face.
“maybe next time princess.” he grabbed his paper folding it up and putting it in his bag leaving before yn could say anything. she clicked her heels to the ground multiple times before stuffing the paper in her bag meeting up with kuina to go to the mall. worst of it all, she chipped a nail. ﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
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@crinklypink @flrtsbin @4pparecium
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