#but she is not smart and there is a lot of acid and fire in the world
celaenaeiln · 7 months
What do you think would happen in a world where Dick just cuts Bruce and Batman and like everything in Gotham off for good for the Titans pre-Nightwing and/or pre-getting-fired? Like would he take Robin? Would Bruce lose it at some point? Would he still take in Jason and make him, like, Batboy?
If Dick abandoned Bruce forever, there would be no Robin after Jason and Jason would not have become Red Hood.
Okay to backtrack, Jason would still become Robin if Dick cut off Bruce because the whole reason Jason became it in the first place is because Dick left and cut him off. He wouldn't become Batboy or another pseudonym because things would continue they way they did in the original timeline. However, Bruce and Jason's relationship would be a lot tenser. One of the reasons Bruce and Jason's relationship wasn't a wreck of resentment from Jason's side and standoff-ness from Bruce's side was because Dick gave his acknowledgement of Jason and because he reached out to Bruce so Bruce wouldn't crumble in self-hate and hatred to others that Dick abandoned him.
If Dick didn't reach back out, Bruce-I need someone else to manage my emotions-Wayne would most likely take his anger out on Jason as the years passed and their relationship would become fractured. Jason's acting out and getting more violent with criminals leading to problems between him and Bruce timeline would become accelerated.
Since Jason went after the Joker to save his mother, this is a non-changeable separate standpoint from Bruce and Dick's relationship, so he would have died but now there would be no Tim as Robin or anyone else.
One of the reasons why Bruce took in Tim as Robin was he was under the advisement of Dick and Alfred. Because despite Tim's fantastic points why he should become Robin, what reason does Bruce have to listen to him? He's been ignoring Alfred's advise and requests so why should he listen to a random little kid who popped up out of nowhere. It took both Dick and Alfred telling Bruce how smart and right Tim is to get him to calm down and listen to him.
But it goes back farther than that. When Tim was searching for Dick to ask him to be Robin again, Bruce had actually sent Dick a message for help to the Titans Tower.
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The New Teen Titans Issue #61
At this point the Titans are all ready to kill whoever it is that's looking for Dick because they think they're going to hurt Dick. They mistakenly think that this person (Bruce) is the same person who asked Kori (Tim).
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The New Teen Titans Issue #61
But with Joey's help Raven realizes the second guy is Batman so she drops by Gotham.
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The New Teen Titans Issue #61
For why Bruce calls the Titans? Alfred has the answer as always.
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The New Teen Titans Issue #61
So Tim wouldn't have become Robin or anyone else after him because Bruce would've been dead.
Actually Bruce would've died during Jason's robin days if Dick hadn't reached out.
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Teen Titans Spotlight Issue #14
Alfred called Dick because Bruce had gone missing and Dick tracks Batman down to find him being auctioned off to thugs. He pours acid on the metal chains and they escape from the place.
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Teen Titans Spotlight Issue #14
"I knew you'd find me."
Bruce you didn't even reach out.
Bruce just has this unshakeable faith in Dick that he will always be there for Bruce even if they are separated. If Dick completely cut him off two things would've happened. 1 - He would've died. 2 - This was just another manipulation plot to bring Dick back and get him talking to him again which would've again led to Bruce's death eventually.
Bruce's behavior is like someone cutting themselves and then taking pictures and sending it to someone to ask that person for help. He's killing himself to ask Dick to talk to him again. That's how desperate he is for some sort of contact from him again.
So in conclusion, if Dick completely abandoned Bruce, Bruce would've died. Actually you know what I realized with Bruce's behavior? Bruce's reaction to Dick leaving is the same reaction he had to Jason dying. He's grieving as if he lost someone.
He's damn crazy about Dick.
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gally-hin-phantom · 2 years
Have some twins Scale Mail Babies 🙃 the boy is called Bearwch and the girl Ioana
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Pose from pagura_0162 More of Bearwch and Ioana's story and art under the "Keep Reading"
I hc most ghosts don’t feel the need to have kids (or "carnal intercourse"), more interest by their obsessions, so ghost babies and core eggs are rare. Ghost don’t reproduce like humans but do a sort of ritual with their hands joined to create a core cocoon where their offsprings bloom from after several weeks/months/years (depend of the egg). Shapes, patterns, textures and hardness of eggs vary, but the most common form is pure acid green sighlty squishy. Some colors are not easy/impossible to find in the Ghost Zone, and if the egg is especially pretty it’s making it vulnerable to thiefs and hunters, either for selling either for eating (aka ghosthunger and scrambled gheggs asdfghjkl). Having twins coming from a single core egg is even more rare. Luckily for future Bearwch and Ioana, they are well protected by their parents and their friends.
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Ghosts Babies are as weak as Blob Ghosts and a bit smaller than human babies, they grow faster too
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Sidney with the babies
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Not everybody is good with kids, and Ioana doesn’t care about the freshly crowned king’s feelings, at all
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Unlike the monarch, Fright Knight’s best friend is surprising good
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Bearwch’s head could be separate from the body like his dad
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Dora tried to see if throwing her kids on her brother might make him less grumpy it works a bit
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Iona is a bit of a tomboy and assertive, but also a bit agressive and pushy, borderline bullying sometimes, especially toward her little brother (even if she cares about him a lot). Iona is also very intelligent, strong and mature; she learnt to use a sword and a bow at a very young age, and created arrows with her core. Though able to used both she preferred to perfect her skill with the bow. She can also use both her forms & powers to perfection. Even if Iona has excellent capabilities and natural talents, she hide some insecurities and still works a lot to hope one day be deserving of the Dragon Kingdom’s throne.
Bearwch is a shy nerdy boy, he has some difficulties expressing his needs/wishes and is ashamed of his appearance. He is also very smart and courageous, he probably has more habilities than his “big” sister, but his lack of confidence make him lose control over situations. When he is shy, scared or angry his green eyes fade, so it’s very easy to read him. Bearwch prefers to use his sword and close combat, maybe as a way to prove & differentiate himself and not live in his sister’s shadow.
Bearwch, despite his skull, is more expressive and a little bubble of sunshine, making friends easily, unlike his sister Iona whose face is more emotionless and cold despite being made of “flesh”.
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Dragon forms, black dragon with a mane of purple fire & skeletal dragon
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Maybe I should do a post about how I see their future, who will have the throne and succeed Dora 🙃
It will be a lot of angst and siblings rivalry 😔
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nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
Also Blessie is now one of my favorite characters 🌱💕
(or my reaction to WOLF359 Episodes 21-22, mini episode 2, and Episodes 23-24, and mini episode 3).
Gonna keep my intro for this one short and just dive right into it.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that. And for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Episode 21: Minkowski Commanding
Okay. Have I done enough to earn a break? No. Have I done a lot and am complete burnt out? Yeah. So let's do this. I have had a LOT of mutual hype around this episode, so I'm ready to be dazzled.
I'm also eating and work while I listen, so sorry if my notes get short (I say knowing full well I'm gonna get distracted and type insane amounts of notes).
MINKOWSKI? I think this is the first episode she'd done the "welcome to Wolf359" thing. Or maybe I'm just unobservant (I also will often accidently skip the welcome phrase because I press the 30sec ahead button to skip commercials).
Enemy? Being watched? Oh... is this about Blessie isn't it 😂
I love this. We still don't know where Blessie came from and what he wants. Why not take him back to Cutter? Since he apparently loves aliens so much, maybe you can feed him to Blessie. In the meantime I supposed Hilbert will do as a mid-flight snack.
"It took a screwdriver" / "how do we know that's all it wants?"
Hm. Interesting. Marks in the vents. I wonder if they are Blessie's.
Oh my this is intense. PFFT- "Slimy thief" 😂
Also maybe it's just me, but unless you have a clear shot and the situation calls for it, it seems to be a pretty stupid idea to be firing a gun off in space.
EXACTLY. Come on Minkowski, you're the smart one most of the time. But I suppose we all have our days.
A net?😂😂😂 This is fantastic.
Maybe they can stop Cutter with some home alone style traps.
"I need to make more acid" oh my goodness-
"The acid may have been a mistake. Turns out it developed an immunity to it. And possibly, an affinity." I'm sorry, WHAT. Hilbert. How. How did you do this.
And yes, plants need light. But Minkowski, please don't. Please please please don't.
"We admire and support you and we want you to catch the plant monster- this is an intervention" 😂
PLEASE. Doug's imitation of Hilbert's voice and knowing they are the same actor...absolute talent. "You sound nothing like him" (winks at the audience).
Yeah I agree Doug. It is strange for you to be the sensible one in the situation. And again, this feels like you're trying to solve the problem you can rather than the problem that's the most immediate issue. Like getting back to Earth as fast as you can and putting a bullet in Cutter's head.
Wow. That was um harsh. Poor Hera. Oh no.
"Just remember that we're here okay." Aw.
Hour three in the black? This is a dangerous game. I don't like that sound. Florescent moss? Territory marker? Don't like where this is going.
Hilbert: "Ah. Specimen 34. Fascinating hybrid" "I don't care how you made it."
Please tell me it's not a hybrid of plants and a person on the ship.
Please tell me you would not be that stupid.
Can it bred? Is it predatory? "Based on history of parent species" WHO ARE THE PARENTS HILBERT.
Both are possible? Don't like that.
And Hilbert. Why would you make this plant, and why would you make the spiders? Why did you want them to grow this big? What is the goal of this?
Well looks like we'll find out.
Oh dear.
The tentacle is dead?
Minkowski. What about the rest of the plant?
Final day? Eliminated tentacles, spikes, and leaves? This needs to end.
You might be closer to going home if you just...went home. Is Cutter gonna blow you out of the sky? There has to be a way to shut off the ship's tracker or fake your own death.
Found it? Lair? Minkowski almost sounds impressed.
Oh. It built itself a little lamp. A nightlight.🥺 Percival B. Eternal just wants to feel the sun. He must be pretty light deprived up in deep space.🥺
Minkowski please hesitate. Eiffel is stuck in another trap? Ominous ticking sound? Thank goodness, go save Eiffel.
Oh the plant DOES understand. Huh. Seems like they have an understanding.
But. What was the plant made from?
Sedatives in the tea 😂
Reached an understanding? That's true. It DID have opportunities to kill you. But it no longer wants you dead. Which is interesting, because it did before. And that makes me think that it might want Hilbert dead. Because it took over Hilbert's mind and said to Eiffel "you are no better than the oppressor" so perhaps it blames Hilbert for it's creation.
"It wants what we want. To survive. To make it somewhere. To not be in the dark."
That's beautiful and yeah, Blessie can't thrive in space, plants need light.
Spacecraft? Hopefully rescue. But given that it's season 2, I have doubt. One lifeform.
(I say as if I didn't see her name pop up 50x before I blocked the tags...still an interesting way for her to return).
Hilbert you lying liar. Tsk-tsk. Looks like she didn't incinerate. But...she couldn't survive in a pod for a year and a half. So...how?
Is this really Isabel Lovelace?
Is she from the past? The future? Is she a clone or science experiment made by Cutter and Hilbert to trick everyone? Is she the real empty man?
Oh and for the record, I've gotten messages from people asking why I keep talking about the empty man. I assumed that that was a real invisible creature that snuck aboard based on what Hera and Hilbert were saying about it in the alone episode (Hera mentions an invisible unseen presence she won't tell them about, and Hilbert hears a knock on his door and asks "why are you here? You weren't here on the other missions?"), but apparently I've been played like a fiddle. Would for sure fail that psych eval, but it's not even an ethical or standardized evaluation in the first place, so I don't feel bad at all about that.
Also, side note, you know what gets me the most about so many fictional (and unfortunately some irl) "men of great science" who do super bad and unethical things all in the name of their great work? Well, besides all the unethical stuff? It's that most of the time, their "genius experiments" aren't even good science. They're just doing random stuff in the hopes that something will work itself out, usually without any attempt at a control group, sometimes they don't even take their own safety into account, other times they don't even know enough about what they're doing to come to any sensible conclusion or account for unintended consequences. "Oh sacrifices must be made for the greater good, oh genius men like me don't need to abide by ethics" okay well can you at least abide by common sense or is that too genius for you? The point is I don't really care how smart you are, pride cancels out intellect, and at this rate Hilbert and Cutter are gonna get themselves and everyone else killed. I don't think Cutter is even a scientist. He calls himself "Mr. Cutter" (not doctor) and talks about money like he's a business man villain trusting Hilbert to do the science, which, bad move buddy. Bad move.
Episode 22: Mutually Assured Destruction
Don't like the sound of the title.
Oh boy. Two commanders lead to conflict. We're gonna need to establish some ground rules.
Blue ship and red ship collided? Oh Minkowski knows the codes.
"What is the point of an empty gun?" To threaten Eiffel.
Wait..."How did you bring me back here?"
They...they didn't Lovelace.
So who did?
Right, play her the messages from herself.
Vessel to return to earth? Yeah, it does seem impossible. Oh...interesting. An astrophysics figures out how to get back to earth. Then said astrophysicist disappears. What a crazy coincidence.
Oh. THAT'S why they don't have an astrophysicist this time. They want to make sure they don't get that close to getting back this time.
"12 hours later she vanished" ...did she open some kind of gateway, or did command vaporize her?
Ah yes, Dr. Selburg. Yeah he does get sloppy. It seems one of his assignments was to not let them return to earth. But there's a grey door that he opens which apparently allows him to come back each time. Interesting.
Incapacitated him? How? And...how did Hilbert survive?
So...Lovelace was in cryo-sleep and went back to the Hephaestus?
Well...I have a theory: Command sent you back and compromised you so that you would take Hilbert's place as their inside man. Or woman. But it sounds like she's a bit more in the dark about what happened than he is.
Rhea.🥺Aw. A moment of silence for the fallen AI.
Oh yeah. Show her Hilbert.
Yes: "What happened to Captain Lovelace?" Get him commander. Get him!
Oh Hilbert. I hope for your sake this isn't a boy who cried wolf situation.
Oh wow the voice acting of Hilbert choking...true talent.
"They said..." hm. Now that's interested.
"They would never" Hilbert man you are drinking the Kool-Aid, command is using you. You are not indispensable.
Lovelace seems pretty eager for violence.
Interesting...Hilbert terrified of something. We didn't see that with anyone or anything else. Clone or robot replica? Good idea Doug.
I also wonder: was Hilbert always afraid of Lovelace? Or is he only afraid of her now that she's back?
"Is everything a joke to you" at this point, I think it has to be. How else do you survive this?
No long on Lovelace's ship? The computer not turned on before this morning? Then...where has it come from? It's highly unlikely that she would survive in space for three years. But Doug has a point. If these are lies, she should have a better one.
Hera...why are you unsure of whether you can help with the ship? It's hard to tell when she's hesitating due to code interference, having hesitation because the plan is bad, and hesitating because she doubts herself.
Oh yeah...this is awkward. It's like if you discovered another family living in your house and you started touching their stuff (because it's yours).
Oh the music! 📻🎶🎶🎶
Yeah...is there a pattern to the music? Why DO they send that?
Um. Yeah. You might want to drop the plant monster bomb slowly...
Interesting. Hera seems to REALLY not like this new ship. But...why? Again, it's hard to tell when she's nervous, leading them astray, or has a legit concern.
She...she wouldn't be able to go with them. 🥺 Oh. Yeah. They do have families, at least Minkowski does. So...I guess they'd need to go home. But then poor Hera would be all alone. But if they make it back, they could send a rescue party back for her! And she could turn herself off until then or use autopilot.
Ah yes. The empty man. Who apparently isn't real, unless the messages were a code for something.
Uh. Minkowski. What are you doing?
"Nobody's getting left behind" but what about Hilbert? I think he can stay in space for a while. He's been on a lot of missions, so he seems to like it here.
Lovelace. Why were you eavesdropping? Oh wow, interesting gun trap! And "I invented being paranoid" is a very unhinged thing to say.
And explosive device? Lovelace what is going on?
Doug. Doug stop them please. Stop them. What. BOMB. YOU'LL ALL DIE. DON'T DO COMMANDS WORK FOR THEM.
BLOW UP THE STATION! BUT WHAT ABOUT HERA! LOVELACE NO! WHAT ABOUT HERA? WE LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND (well except for Hilbert, he can get blown to bits I don't care)!
Yikes what a thrilling conclusion. And now a mini episode? Seems like a odd time for one. Last time Doug read letters to some third graders, is he just gonna...pause in the middle of this epic standoff to give his thoughts on his favorite movies? I guess we'll find out.
Mini Episode 2: Day One
Interesting this says from "Goddard Futuristics Archives". So they are saving all their messages. Incredibly creepy. Oh this is Doug's first log. Yeah...that's why the logs go to command. Sure.
Yep. It is spooky. Wonder what is making those creaking noises?
Oh poor Doug. Hephaestus is a difficult word, but I would have hoped you'd have heard it enough times by now.
Huh. "Weirdly big for just three people"
...yeah. Almost as if it was made for more people but they decided they didn't want an astrophysicist this time.
"The crew seems nice". 😐
Yeah you DO want to get along with Minkowski. Trust me.
"Dr. Hilbert. Seems friendly enough. Hard to understand what he's saying, but he seems nice enough. I haven't really seen him since we docked here. We've got plenty of time to get to know each other."
Hilarious considering it's the same voice actor, not to mention the irony.
"Creeped out by Hera" and now they are best friends. And Doug, Doug she can hear you. She hears everything.
Poor Hera.
Oh that's it? Huh. Interesting. I wonder if we'll get to hear any other cool logs...
Episode 23: No Pressure
Doug. I've enjoyed listening to you work together for the past episode (which I listened to while folding clothes, sorry for the lack of live reaction).
But Lovelace tried to help you! A fake emergency sounds like a scary idea. She's already on edge. And something tells me that this might lead to a REAL emergency.
Hera. Hera. What is this? This sounds like a very very very bad idea.
Plan B? Hopefully just talk to Lovelace nicely? I don't like this. They were getting along so well! The moth joke was nice!
I do not think this is gonna go well.
"Shut up" good for you Hera.
"This is gonna end well."
I don't think it will.
Episode 24: Tactical Brain Damage
I love the title. But I'm nervous.
Oh boy. Hera. "Communications officer who shall remain nameless" 😂😂😂
"We want her distracted not murderously enraged".
Then maybe this is a bad idea. Wait what? Hera what are your sensors picking up?
This isn't gonna end well is it?
I wonder if Lovelace is treating Hera like that because she reminds her of Rhea. Or however it's spelled.
Big red cable? What does that do?
Yeah. Maybe this isn't the best idea.
Oh. Eiffel is the alternative. Well then.
"Permission to speak freely sir" maybe it's just me, but it's odd that Eiffel calls them sir instead of ma'am. Is that a thing in the military or does Doug just not know the feminine version of the word and no one has bothered to correct him.
"What does Hera know" A lot. Yeah Lovelace. You need to show Hera some respect. She's really nice.
"Well educated guess". I do not like this. I do not like this at all.
Uh oh. Oh no. Don't like that alarm. That's a pretty bad alert.
Um..."I just went some where didn't I?" ...WHERE DID SHE GO? Oh dear? Corrupted code?
"Do you think she'll notice" 😂
I love that despite nearly dying every single episode, they keep their humor. I hope they survive this, but I doubt it.
I hope they at least get a half decent ending and drag Hilbert and Cutter down with them.
"What are the other two doing?"
Oh no. Lovelace is gonna snap.
"You're wrong" "I'm not. But that's okay. Because you still have time. Because my way is the only way."
...Lovelace. Lovelace please be reasonable. Don't forget who the real enemy is. And Doug. You might want to work on your trickery skills.
"Ow" "...is this hurting you?" Oh dear. Poor Hera.
"Would it hurt you?" "Is there a risk of permanent damage?" "Yes."
It's not worth it. It's not worth it. Poor Hera. Good job Minkowski, take care of the crew.
"I know you won't let anything happen to me". Oh okay. It's okay. I didn't need my heart.
And Hera is okay!
haha...yeah Eiffel's plan didn't exactly work out. Please don't antagonize Lovelace.
Mini Episode 3: Variations on a Theme
"The more things change, the more they stay the same".
This would be very scary. They are all gonna need intensive psychotherapy after this.
"Rhea checked in with me, that was then this is now. Hera's polite, her programming forces her to be, but I hear what she's really saying..."
😂The impressions. It's also sad that she misses Rhea.
Breaking bones, tossing her out an airlock, and leaving her to die??? Lovelace, Hera might be cold to you, but the feeling seems mutual, and she doesn't want you to die. The only person she's tried to kill is Hilbert, and if they stopped her from doing that, what makes you think that she'd try to kill you? That sounds wayyyy more like something Cutter would suggest. Where has he been anyway?
"More or less angry if she knew the truth?"
IF HERA KNEW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT? Does something terrible happen to the AI units? Is she a copy of someone's brain or personality from a previous mission that Lovelace hates?
Normalize explaining things instead of all this ominous foreshadowing. And I know, okay, I know, when I write my own stuff, that's all I ever do. Call me a hypocrite if you want.
This is very creepy. She's lived through this so much and in space there's not much sense of time.
Oh right. Lambert was the communications officer right? Hilbert must have given him the virus too.
But um...didn't he die a horrible painful death?
"But does he know how it ends, what happens when he gets-"
Any more ominous hints you'd like to drop Lovelace? I get the feeling you have quite a few.
Hera, Rhea. Yeah they are anagrams. I got the spelling right! It's also an anagram for "hear" which makes the "I always hear you" line more powerful.
"Everything...except him. He never goes away. He never changes."
...Hilbert or Cutter?
Oh Dr. Hilbert. Yeah. I wonder why he never goes away. And I don't think either of them feel much of anything at all.
"Stay way from the ghosts."
Easier said than done.
"You can never go home. You were home. And now you're back. And you can never go back."
...DID she get back? Did they wipe her memory and send her back?
"No friends no trust no safety"
In fact, I think they should all spill all their secrets. Out in the open. That way command has nothing on them.
But for some reason, I think it might be a while before that happens.
I think that's it for today guys, but I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading!
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grailfinders · 9 months
Grailfinders #320: Leonardo da Vinci (Ruler)
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today on Grailfinders we’re making half the reason we spent the last week staring at columbus, Leonardo da Vinci (Ruler)! she is a Battle Smith Artificer to call her dino minions into battle, and that’s it! being able to build whatever you need makes the class super flexible.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: when a bird hits your eye and it usurps your mind, that's a Mara!
Ancestry & Background
Leo I is still dead, so that means you’re still a Reborn, giving you +2 Constitution and +1 Intelligence, as well as proficiency in two skills of your choice (like Acrobatics and History), and a Deathless Nature that means you don’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and you have advantage on saves against being poisoned and dead, plus resistance to poison damage. you can even choose your size! I’d go small, because riding a robot triceratops into battle is fucking amazing, but it’s really up to you. finally, your Knowledge from a Past Life gives you the chance to add a d6 to a skill check proficiency times per day. you were so smart, you can think even after you’re dead!
you’re also still an Izzet Engineer, giving you proficiency in Arcana and Investigation. you also get an extended spell list, though most of them aren’t particularly useful for the build. check them out in the character sheet if you want to.
Ability Scores
as you’d probably expect, your Intelligence is your highest stat. after that, we’re bucking tradition and making Dexterity your second highest. you might not have your roller blades on any more, but you’re still a crack shot. third is your Wisdom. you’re one of history’s greatest geniuses, but you’re also a kid. for some reason. anyway, you get distracted more easily than big Leo. Constitution is still going to be positive though, rulers can take a beating. that means your Charisma is just okay. you’re personable enough, but you’re too busy taking care of Steggy to socialize that much. thankfully he has a nat 20 in charisma. that means we’re dumping Strength. you’re both a nerd and child, two of the most famously weak demographics known to mankind.
(I mean you’re also a servant so you can probably still snap a regular guy’s spine in half, but this has always been comparative.)
Class Levels
1. starting off as an Artificer, you get proficiency in Constitution and Intelligence saves, as well as in Perception and Nature. you need to be able to spout of dino facts at the drop of a hat, after all.
you also learn Magical Tinkering, so you can put tiny magical effects in tiny nonmagical objects for free, and your Spellcasting does use spell slots that recharge on long rests, but it does a lot more to boot. you can cast them with Intelligence btw.
I’m pretty sure the gang started a fire in the underwater cave that one time, and since Anastasia wasn’t there to light that, I guess we’ll have to give Create Bonfire to you too for your first cantrip. also pick up Acid Splash for your very first dino bullet. see, it’s green, just like the archeopteryx.
you can also prepare first level spells each day. technically you can rotate through your entire list as you please, but I’ll bring up the ones that are in-character. Chaos Bolt from the Izzet list is the closest we can get to your Noble Phantasm, dealing 2d8+1d6 damage, and the damage type is based on your d8 rolls. the reason a level 1 spell can work as your finishing move is because if both numbers are the same, you can blast another creature nearby, for theoretically infinite damage. that’s technically the most damage any character we’ve built can do!
more seriously, Feather Fall will help out your whole team when you’re climbing a vertical cliff face, Identify helps you know things because you’re smart, and Sanctuary will help you protect Steggy. with this on, anyone who directly attacks him in the next minute has to make a wisdom save or be forced to attack someone else. this ends early if he attacks somebody, but I doubt that’ll be a problem. this is mostly to keep him away from columbuses. columbii?
2. at level two you learn the main draw of artificers, the ability to Infuse Items. you can learn a total of four blueprints to start with, but you can only have half of them as actual items at any time. again, swap out as you deem necessary.
the Armor of Magical Strength is your big robo arms with six charges that recharge at dawn. you can spend a charge to either add your intelligence to a strength check or save, or to avoid being knocked prone. you can also make your crossbow more accurate by making it an Enhanced Weapon, adding +1 to all its attack and damage rolls. the Rope of Climbing isn’t the fastest way up, but it works; and the Bag of Holding is just plain useful.
3. at third level you become a Battle Smith, giving you your very first Steel Defender, a medium-sized robot you can command as a bonus action. it’s just the triceratops right now, but we’ll get more when our infusions allow. in the meantime, you’re also Battle Ready, giving you proficiency with martial weapons as well as the ability to use Intelligence instead of other stats when attacking with a magical weapon. with this, your enhanced flare gun becomes even deadlier!
you can also make The Right Tool for the Job over a short rest, creating any kind of artisan’s tools you need. you also get an extended spell list from your subclass, so you’ll always have Heroism and Shield ready to go.
4. we’re using your first ASI to pick up a feat, and it’s a pretty weird one at that- from the plane of Kaladesh, Servo Crafting gives you the find familiar spell as a ritual, creating a servo instead of an animal. it acts mostly like a normal familiar, but you can communicate telepathically with it and see through its senses while on the same plane. you can even use your servo as a living walkie talkie and speak through it. it can also attack as part of your action, but it deals a whopping 1 damage at a time, so uh. no. this one’s a lot more fragile, so it’ll be the archeopteryx later.
5. fifth level artificers get an extra attack if they’re a battle smith, but we’re not picking up the crossbow expert feat- you’re using a flare gun, after all. however, you do get second level spells too, so there’s a lot more there to work with.
if you want to turn your crossbow into an actual flare gun, your battlesmith spell Branding Smite has your back, dealing extra damage on hit and lighting them up for up to a minute. it’s pretty hard to hide when you have a flare sticking out of you. (warding bond is also nice, but you haven’t jumped in the way of any bullets yet.)
for your normal spells, check out Air Bubble to help the party find treasure at the bottom of the sea, See Invisibility to find extra-hidden traps, and Spider Climb to give the servants an easier way up the mountain. this level’s real big on support, huh?
6. Tool Expertise is nice, but doubled tool proficiency bonuses don’t mean jack compared to your next round of infusions. a Spell-Refueling Ring is nice, an extra spell slot never hurt, but the big-name item this level is the Cloak of the Manta Ray. while a creature is wearing this, it gains a swim speed and water breathing. now we can turn that triceratops into a futabasaurus! you can also give it to master if you want, but now you have all three dinosaurs available to you. we’re still working on some flight for the archeopteryx, but that one’ll take a while. in the meantime, have fun in the ocean while you can.
7. at level seven your Flashes of Genius kick in, so any time you or a nearby friend make a check or save you can backseat game and give them advice, adding your intelligence modifier to their roll Intelligence Modifier times a day.
8. use this ASI to pick up the Keen Mind feat for +1 to Intelligence but also to give you a bunch of useful smarts for your treasure hunting trip. you now have a perfect sense of direction and memory, and you can also keep track of the passage of time. mechanically this one’s kind of a dead level, but you can really mess with the DM with that memory trick.
9. ninth level battle smiths have an Arcane Jolt you can use Intelligence Modifier times a day. whenever you hit someone with a magic weapon or your dinosaur, you can jolt, either dealing an extra 2d6 damage or healing a nearby creature.
you also learn third level spells this time, including the freebies Aura of Vitality and Conjure Barrage from Battle Smith, plus Call Lightning from your background. for the spells you choose, Create Food and Water can help Gof out with dinner, and Intellect Fortress will make you even more protected because you’re just so dang smart.
10. at level ten you get another cantrip, Frostbite the blue bullet. you’re also a Magic Item Adept now, so you have another attunement slot, and crafting weaker magic items are faster & cheaper. you also get two more infusions- the Slippers of Spider Climbing can be master’s climbing gear, and the Boots of Striding and Springing will give your servo the boost it needs to fly short distances. by that I mean it can jump three times longer. unfortunately, its strength score is so atrocious that barely helps. its high jump height is a whopping 0 inches off the ground. look, flight was a new thing at the time, long jumping was the peak of performance.
11. eleventh level artificers can make Spell-Storing Items, putting a 1st or 2nd level spell into a weapon or focus. the spell can be cast by any creature, but it uses your intelligence to cast. you can only have one of these at a time, but they last indefinitely, and can be used Intelligence modifier times before wearing off.
12. speaking of, use this ASI to round up your Intelligence and Wisdom. now you have better everything. literally everything.
13. level thirteen doesn’t have any new features, but it does have fourth level spells! you get Aura of Purity and Fire Shield for free, as well as Conjure Minor Elementals and Divination from your background. that last one should be really helpful for treasure hunting, just ask the DM directly where it is!
the only fourth level spell I really need here is Summon Construct- the rest you can pick from at your leisure. now with your manta cloak on your steel defender and the spring boots on your servo, you can finally have all three robot dinosaurs up and ready at the same time! this construct doesn’t use your actions to take commands either, so all four of you can move pretty freely!
14. at level fourteen you become a Magic Item Savant, giving you yet another attunement slot, plus you don’t need to be a certain race or class to use any magic items.
furthermore, you get your red dino bullet Fire Bolt this level, as well as two more infusions. your Arcane Propulsion Armor is your regular rider gear, but since it’s just a change of clothes it makes sense to have it as an option. with this, your speed increases by five feet, and you have magical gauntlet weapons that deal force damage and can extend to twenty feet without disadvantage. while you’re treasure hunting, the Gem of Seeing will help you scan for clues. it comes with three charges that come back daily, and you can spend a charge for ten minutes of truesight as seen through the gem.
15. at level fifteen you gain one last goody from your subclass. now your Improved Defender has a stronger Arcane Jolt, as well as a boost to its AC, and it hurts those whose attacks it deflects. almost like it has big horns attached to a shield or something.
16. use this ASI to max out your Intelligence. you use that for literally everything, it should be as high as possible.
17 at level seventeen you finally get fifth level spells. your freebies are Banishing Smite and Mass Cure Wounds, but you can also Conjure Elemental as an engineer. our spells of choice this level are Skill Empowerment to be even smarter than anything thought possible, and Animate Objects to get a properly flying archeopteryx. you could also make a bunch of toy dinos come to life if you want, really go wild with it, you’re level 17 you deserve it.
18. we’re not done yet though! at level eighteen you become a Magic Item Master, giving you one last attunement slot as well as two more infusion options. the Ring of Protection and Amulet of Health both make you a little more ruler-y, with the former giving you a +1 bonus to your AC and all saves, while the latter gives you a ton of health by setting your constitution score to 19. that’s a full 36 HP difference, plus your concentration saves get a lot stronger.
19. with our last ASI, lets pump up those defenses even more with the Gift of the Metallic Dragon (though I guess it’s really more an amber-y dragon? anyway). with this, you learn Cure Wounds and can cast it for free once a day, but you can also spread some Protective Wings to protect yourself or a nearby ally, adding a +6 to their AC for one attack. you can do that 6 times a day.
20. the final level of artificer is so strong it’s almost impossible to multiclass out of, because why would you ever risk missing the Soul of Artifice? with this, you get a +1 bonus to all your saves per attuned magic item, and you can destroy an infusion instead of dropping to 0 HP each time it would happen. so that’s a +6 to all saves, plus six get out of fainting free cards per day, definitely a ruler-tier ability.
Pros & Cons
like all artificers, you’re supremely flexible, with tons of options to swap in and out as the adventure calls for them. as long as you think ahead, you can be prepared for whatever the islands throw your way! also, you have plenty of damage types to keep yourself useful against resistant creatures, and you can fit into multiple party roles thanks to being able to heal or buff your allies.
that being said, one of your biggest virtues is your defense, especially when it comes to saving throws. your lowest save is a +5 roll, and you can add 5 to any of them pretty freely if you wish. you also have a pretty solid AC if you’re wearing medium armor and any of the armor-boosting infusions you’ve picked up, especially when you add in your dino defense. on top of that, as a reborn you can defend against one of the more common status debuffs easily, and you have advantage on death saves, so even after you finally fall, there’s a good chance you won’t stay down.
with all the infusions we’ve had to pick up for both your dinobots and treasure hunts, you have tons of mobility options available for the whole party, making all kinds of inhospitable terrain a cakewalk to traverse. from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains, no treasure can escape you for long!
that being said, we spent a lot of your infusions on mobility instead of other options, so you’re not helping your party much with damage, at least beyond what you’re already doing with your flare gun and spells. plus, I doubt they’ll be happy you’re spending your infusions making your robots (which you can summon and just put them where you want) more mobile.
that’s especially true since your robots are fragile compared to the fleshier party members, with even your toughest only have a touch more than 100 HP at level 20. this is especially painful for your summoned construct, as they have barely enough health to last more than a round, even if you spend a fifth level spell slot to make them.
uh… your Charisma isn’t great? idk, even when you fritter away a ton of artificer stuff on nonsense it’s still a really strong class. there’s not a lot of weaknesses to point out here.
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tozettastone · 2 years
Surprisingly, Hidan is a way, way better cook than Kakuzu, but neither one of them gives a single solitary shit about food hygiene. That's pretty bad. Hidan is personally mutating a new strain of salmonella in his own blood stream as we speak and it is resistant to not just antibiotics but also to, like, bleach.
Kakuzu's favourite food is "shit that's free," so he can cook but he's not good at it, he doesn't like it, and he's so old fashioned that his idea of spiced food means adding garlic.
Pein's body is dead and it is best that Nagato does not try to add comestibles. This was learnt the hard way.
I love the fanon that Itachi cannot cook for shit. It is cute when highly competent murderers lack basic life skills, in its way. I also like the fanon that he likes sweets. Please, give this boy some candy. Extremely cute, I am adopting the concept into all my fics.
(I think Sakura should be a bad cook too. Just saying. Kakashi is the best cook on their team, followed, bizarrely, by Sasuke.)
Zetsu doesn't need to eat cooked food but he does like to put the big fleshy leaves of pak choi on the grill and watch them shrivel and spit. Hours of entertainment before he consumes his real food, which is raw people.
Konan has a full complement of normal adult skills. She could even call up the energy company and set up a payment plan in a sudden moment of financial uncertainty, if she needed to. She can definitely cook and she will absolutely not cook for you or anyone else.
Kisame's food comes out over-salted a lot, but then, his body is well equipped to rid itself of the excess. Food he cooks is fast, and often bold and bright: chilli, acid, sweet fruit, savoury meat. He likes to stare at an unnerved team mate across a camp fire as the juices spill from between his sharp teeth and drip off his chin. Don't let him get started on the shark womb murder thing. He just likes to watch people get nervous.
Deidara thinks he likes hot chilli more than he does. This is the kind of man who uses two ghost chillies when he probably wants one habanero. He is so smart and he literally never learns. It's infuriating.
Sasori doesn't cook so much as concoct, but when he's not hosing industrial lube in his mouth sometimes he likes to funnel poison in there instead. It usually tastes good—the poisons are often sweet. It's the antidotes that taste universally horrible.
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thessalian · 9 months
Astrid vs the House of Healing
But first, some prowling around an old fisherman's hut
Astrid: *reading from note* "Gone fishing - catch you later". I wonder if this is pun or warning.
Cursed Kuo-Toa: *ambush*
Gale: ...Both, I think.
Astrid: Nah; I don't think kuo-toa can write. *Vicious Mockery resonance* NO ONE WHO PLANS AN AMBUSH THIS POORLY IS SMART ENOUGH TO BE LITERATE!
Wyll: Well, they got the drop on us pretty handily!
Astrid: Yes, and they can only come at us in clumps. *weedly-weedly-WEE on lute; casts Shatter right on a whole bunch of kuo-toa*
Shadowheart: Yes, because area effects are a thing, gentlemen! *casts Spirit Guardians*
Astrid: Hey, at least those still work!
Wyll: Right! *Cloud of Daggers on top of a bunch of kuo-toa who now have no room to manoeuvre; two die outright* Think you can move away from 'ignis' for five seconds, Gale?
Gale: Get. Fucked. *casts Flaming Sphere; rams a random kuo-toa with it and leaves it to block another access point*
Wyll: I'd be telling you that, but I'd have to make you choose between the divine or the goddess. Hardly fair.
Shadowheart: WILL YOU ALL. SHUT. UP?!? *hits lead kuo-toa with shiny new spear*
Moonlight Butterflies: *come out and eat the lead kuo-toa's face*
Shadowheart: ......................................wut.
Astrid: Theological implications later! Stabnation now!
Wyll: Stab...nation?
Gale: It's ... a word. Reasonably constructed. A little odd, but evocative and elegant as she who coined it.
Wyll: Since you're the only one not capable of actually doing it, perhaps some spellwork. *Eldritch Blasts a kuo-toa into the cloud of daggers*
Gale: I am casting Fire Bolt just to annoy you. IGNIS!
Kuo-Toa: *gets cooked*
Stabnation: *ensues*
After going into and out of an 'ominous chasm'
Shadowheart: *dripping acid* Tell me why we did that. And make it make sense, please.
Astrid: Well, from what I know of this town, that's the House of Healing up there, and I know they have a morgue. I figured that the morgue would be below and I thought we could check to see if there was a stealthy way in, just in case it was weird up here. I didn't know we were far enough down to be stuck in the body-and-acid pit. Sorry.
Gale: Well, we're more or less at the back door now, and ... that murmuring sounds ominous...
Creepy Nurses: *are undead, and look like something out of an unholy Silent Hill / Bloodborne mish-mash*
Malus Thorm: *looks like Sadist Steampunk Slenderman on the brown acid*
Distressed 'Patient': *is being cut on while still alive, and really not long for this world*
Astrid: ...Um ... 'scuse me? Quick question, if you don't mind? Well, two, actually. One - what the fuck are you doing? And two, could you please stop?
Wyll: I'd personally recommend it. She's brought out the actual swear words.
Malus: We are on the brink of curing him!
Astrid: Of ... what, exactly?
Malus: Living, generally. We could cure you, too.
Astrid: No, you really couldn't.
Gale; Wyll; Shadowheart: *surreptitiously reach for weapons*
Astrid: Your tools are rusty and unbalanced, and only the steadiest hand could do what you're asking. Your ... erm, assistants need a lot more practice before they can cure anybody.
Malus: Hmm. Good point. Any suggestions for how to get them some practice?
Astrid: Well, healing is an art, same as music. Bards tend to practice their work with each other, but they really only learn from performing before master bards and facing their criticism. Only the teacher knows when the students are ready.
Malus: Ah, good point. *gets on the table* Work away, girls!
Creepy Nurses: *eviscerate Malus Thorm*
Entire Party: *looks horrified*
Creepy Nurses: *go about their business, congratulating themselves on their successful lesson*
Shadowheart; Gale; Wyll: *staaaaaaaaaaaaaare at Astrid*
Gale: That's ... twice now. TWICE that you have convinced potential enemies that ending their own lives was in their own best interests.
Astrid: ...............Well ... no one's come crawling out of Avernus to complain yet?
Wyll: Gale ... what is your obsession with utterly terrifying women?
Gale: Mizora.
Astrid: Maybe you should.
Wyll: ............Tell me you did not say that.
Astrid: Your reputation speaks to you being pretty good at it. Maybe shagging her bandy will soften her up for when I negotiate with her to get you out of your contract.
Wyll: You just convinced that man to get eviscerated by his own nurses. You do not need the help.
Astrid: Fair enough.
A little bit more wandering and...
Gale: Oh no. That's Arabella's parents. That's ... not good.
Creepy Nurse: He is not dead. He is merely medicated. To ease his pain.
Arabella's Parents: *have very clearly been dead for several days*
Astrid: *discreetly pokes Arabella's father's body*
Creepy Nurse: See? He moved! Now, can I get you anything?
Gale: Do you really want to buy supplies from this ... woman?
Astrid: We're kind of running out of resupply options and I need a minute before I collect myself enough to tell Arabella about this.
Leaving via the front door this time
Astrid: Oh. Look. The morgue wasn't even connected to the main building. My bad.
Gale: Oh, look. There's an ambush in the way. Do we really need to see this morgue?
Astrid: I'm kind of hoping that something we do from here on out lifts the shadow curse. If it does, I'm not having actual healers come in and deal with ick. Also there are usually spiffy things. Anyway, putting those poor shadow-cursed people out of their misery feels like the right thing to do.
Gale: Very well. *lobs a fireball into the whole mess*
One of the Shadows: *turns out to be a Wraith; casts Strength Drain on Gale*
Wyll: You're going to try to drain a mage's strength?!?
Gale: I am stronger than you are.
Wraith: *casts Strength Drain on Wyll instead*
Astrid: Don't tell them that!
Stabnation: *ensues some more*
Inside the morgue
Shadowheart: Look. We found a secret room and some 'shinies' as you put it, but there are zombies in there and after the day we've had, with the fish ambush and the living armour and the oozes and everything, could we please just call it a day?
Astrid: I mean, we're already here...
Shadowheart: *sigh* You need to be in decent shape to talk to Arabella about her parents. Do you think any of us would be any good at it? I'm unevenly lapsing out of a death cult, Gale's kind of clinical, and ... well, Wyll'd be alright, I suppose, but no one gets the message across gently and kindly the way a bard can.
Astrid: I suppose that's fair. And I guess I'd rather there be more spell oomph for that kinda big zombie over there anyway. I guess I'm just stalling. I don't like being the bearer of bad news.
Wyll: Look ... Gale... I know I give you a hard time and everything ... but for pity's sake, please do something nice for Astrid.
Gale: She ... seems to be bearing up...
Wyll: When was the last time she sang anything?
Gale: Shadowheart's Unbirthday thing-- Ah. Yes, I see. *glances at Wyll; wry* You just want to hear what theme tune she comes up with for you, don't you?
Wyll: I want a little of her natural sunniness back ... but that too, yes.
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diantha · 9 months
tell us about your ocs but especially the drow (<- is a whore for drow)
Okay so my drow is Aunkiira Naerth. Seldarine drow, circle of Spore druid, Galemance. She focuses a lot on acid and necrotic magic.
She was born in Menzoberranzan and raised within the cult of Lolth. From a young age, she had immense power and connection to the magic of the Underdark, but she was never a really an...enthusiastic follower of Lolth.
Because of her power and potential, she was trained by a high-ranking member of the cult, a paladin named Talfryn. Talfryn was smart and funny and ambitious and everything Aunkiira wasn't, but for some reason despite Talfryn's devotion to Lolth, the goddess always cared more about Aunkiira than her mentor.
Aunkiira loves Talfryn a lot and is very put off by Lolth's behavior and eventually concocts this plan for the two of them to leave the Underdark together. Talfryn is reluctant at first, but Aunkiira finally convinces her. The night they leave, they're ambushed by Lolthian soldiers, as Talfryn actually betrays Aunkiira in order to gain approval from the goddess ("The first time Lolth actually spoke to Talfryn, after years and years of devotion from her, was to tell her to betray me.")
Aunkiira decides to escape anyway, turns back for one second to look at Talfryn one last time, and gets her eye shot out.
Aunkiira escapes and finds a nice cozy cottage in a swamp in the north of Faerûn, nearby to a big city (I want to say Neverwinter but I don't know enough about DND to pick a geographical location yet). She spends the rest of her days selling potions and spells and whatever to the nobles and whoever else wants to buy them. She basically becomes the witch who lives in the swamp.
Aunkiira is also the oldest of my ocs-- shes about 350.
Amara Aurensgood is my high half-elf warlock, Astarionmance. She focuses primarily on fire-based magic.
She is the daughter of a Baldurian count who marries her off at a young age to a rich magistrate named Nathaniel Aurensgood. Nathaniel is a terrible man and a terrible husband-- so bad that Amara eventually conspires to make a pact with a demon to get out of it. She tries to summon some low-level cambion and summons the archdevil Azazel instead. Azazel gives her the power to talk her way out of any situation and fight her way out of any situation she can't talk her way out of.
So she ends up leaving Baldur's Gate and finding some little town and living there for the rest of her life. Until the game happens.
Mariel is my tiefling. Cleric of Tyr, Light Domain. Wyllmance.
She was an orphan who was approached by a vision of Tyr when she was very young. "Tyr" encouraged her to test the will and might of heroes, by basically manipulating them into doing bad things-- pushing them to their limits and seeing what sort of terrible deeds they would do if only given the right encouragement. This way, she'd be weeding out the "true" heroes from the pretenders.
This isn't Tyr, of course. But the god Cyric in disguise.
I haven't actually played her yet so that's all I have.
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jencva · 3 months
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𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃, 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏 𝐀𝐓 𝐀 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄. 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐓 𝐄𝐍𝐃? Just like a poem, being read time and time again, a song in one's head. The distance seems the same. Has she walked along this path, only to end up here again? How many times has it been, for her to be in the custody of the one's that deem her a monster? At last, being put back together, being split between the mere concept. In her mind, Jenova was only thinking of the utopia, holding a babe, wrapped in silk, and standing along the stars that considered her family. Instead, she'd remain... here. A breath in and the rise of her chin, crucified to a mechanism of man, blackened blood like acid that trickled the floor below coming from her mouth and nose. Eyes finally opened to the flashing of lights, contraptions and monitors reflecting the scene. It was pitiful.
A thick piece of glass separated the men in white coats. Pitiful, indeed. Would that be enough. Finally, she exhaled, almost choking on blood, eyes widening more and more. Scoffing, she didn't have the gust to swallow the iron taste in her mouth, but instead mockingly spat onto the glass, testing the distance.
Jenova grunted, as bones snapped back into place, and her form regaining not only color, but strength. There was no such thing as passing time, just using it for the inevitable, a friend, not a thief. Fingers regained movement, clasping onto the restraints that bound them, bending them outward. ▊▊❝ I wouldn't bother. ❞ And yet they all scrambled, as others watched in both fear and awe, a red button near the door setting off an alarm, dulled from the glass that kept her from them. What a shame. No harm would have to have been done. Jenova exhaled, beginning to count... ▊▊❝ Seven. ❞ The spot in which she spat upon the glass began to slowly thin, the metal plate which bound her hand unlatched from the wall, in turn she used to punch a hole through, cracking the space around it, large enough for her to use the rest of her body to inch through to get to the other side. Her form now standing over the lot like a shadow, platinum hair illuminating the red light that synced with the emergency siren. Bent metal dropped from her hands that were now free. Monitors glitched out, and the lights flickered. The first one to try and make it to the door was the first of seven. Blood painted the doorway. It didn't even seem like she moved, but the others were now screaming from the sight of their unfortunate collogue on either side of the room. The top half still alive and whispering a run before the life left their eyes. Jenova merely appeared again, blocking the only exit from the room. A bloodied hand pressed against the knob, melting it so the latch was stuck enough so any authority coming couldn't get in, and they couldn't get out. ▊▊❝ Six... Five...❞ At least one of them was smart enough to have some sort of fire arm on hand, but used it poorly, dodging the two bullets fired, only to hit others in the room instead. Jenova hovered over and in close, the last thing they saw was a delightful grin on blood painted lips, and a crazed craving in her eyes before that mouth of her's opened wide to take a nice chunk from the front of their neck. The rest banged desperately at the door, trying to pound it open. ▊▊❝ Four... Three... Two... ❞ The two trying to push the entirety of the door down had met each other's heads, crushing their skulls together, one may have been stronger than the other's, as they still tried to scream, Jenova lifting them up well off their feet and slowly finishing caving in the bone, the crackling louder than the siren coming from the ceiling, only to be dropped next to the last one... She screamed and turned to look toward the bloodied shadow that was her; Jenova now bathed in blood, scales covering what they needed to, eyes like glass that peered down, reflecting the light, which now flickered.
▊▊❝ One. ❞ "...What... what do you want?! -- Please!!" The woman in white had herself pressed against the door, as if praying with eyes wide open. Jenova grasped onto the woman's coat and pushed her further up against the door, hearing her heart beat fast. The light shifted in Jenova's eyes as she felt something more. Another heart beat... Crazed became cool as Jenova leaned in. ▊▊❝ There's another inside you... ❞ The woman seemed confused past her fear, once Jenova placed the woman back on her feet, she spoke once more. ▊▊❝ Once the men in uniform get here, tell them what you saw, but not of where I've gone. Leave these halls behind and go live a life outside your labs, ❞ Jenova still had a strong grip on the woman's coat. ▊▊❝ Don't make the mistake your peers have done. I won't grant mercy a second time. ❞ _____________________
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 11: Surrender
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Haggar apparently is letting loose red rain on Arus So like acid rain or what?
We get to see a panning view of Arus's landscape and some animals before everything goes to shit, and they leave because of the red clouds Remember kids, if you don't hear any animals, or they suddenly start running away YOU BEST LEAVE IMMEDIATELY
I just know the team behind Voltron was trying really hard to not make this episode horrifying because we get a shot of what the red rain looks like and-
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That is blood, that is straight up blood dripping down the cameras
Once again I am VERY excited to watch GoLion at the end of this
More clips of how the rain is affecting Arus but this time we get to see the people of Arus going insane A building catches fire and from what I can make of that scene it's pretty much the rain causing all of it
Apparently the stream that's catching a lot of this red raid is flammable! Now a lot of things are on fire Pidge and Allura are on evacuation duty, but everyone is running away from the chaos
Pidge comforts a lost girl named Tammy Except when she cries harder he snaps at her to stop LMAO
The floods have officially reached the town and with it EVEN MORE FIRE This episode is wild
Allura tries to stop it with a wall of ice, but the fire almost climbs over it? I mean it also melts it but the point being She immediately starts crying, which like I guess in GoLion her tears would make sense but right now it doesn't
Everyone is on a cliff now, including the people in the town Pidge is the first of the team there with Tammy as they wait for the others to come by
Hunk makes a comment about beating up Yurak and Zarkon and then immediately gets hit with a tractor beam the rest of the team minus Pidge is pulled towards Yurak's battle cruiser
Yurak being a bit smart for once and just crashing the lions into Pidge which sends them all crashing down the nearby canyon
This stuns them enough for Yurak to actually capture the townspeople before he lands his cruiser to finish off the lions
Tammy cries and Pidge is comforting her The team being attacked gets them up again before they hear Tammy crying and Allura chastises Pidge for keeping her in his lion
She's kind of right to say that but also kind of wrong because SHE had some people in her lion earlier but let them off safely on top of the canyon, l only agree that he should've let her off with someone else since he's going to be in battle, but she can't say shit past that
Keith just being the only one to talk while only saying stuff referring to the fight is very weird for me Also boring lol, I want to hear the rest of the team too
Yurak's being smart again! He's threatening the team with the townspeople he took hostage and telling them to surrender
The team is discussing surrendering before Keith butts in and says it's his decision alone (no it's not) before he's interrupted by one of the people getting "stun gunned" as a taste of what could happen if they don't surrender
The white flag is raised, the team is surrendering Except Pidge has an idea, and it has to do with Tammy
The team all look at the little kid in green next to Allura and realizes it's not Pidge As the team goes one by one, a group of hostages is released for each pilot
Tammy is the final one to cross but sees her mother last second and runs to her which gets her mother shot Kid I get it but if you knew the stakes please hold off a little longer
Some guards try to take Tammy's mother but Pidge shoots at them before they can reach The team fights their way through the guards and tell Pidge he'll actually get more respect LMAO
Immediate Voltron formation when they see it, that's good at least
This robeast is called the Demon GoatBeast, typing the weapon list is too long, so I'm just gonna stick a picture of it here so you guys can see what it looks like
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I think it's funny that voltron's cross is a weapon "THE POWER OF JESUS CHRIST VOLTRON COMPELS YOU"
Tammy and her mom are officially reunited Aw cute Pidge inspired a kid to become a space explorer Tammy says she doesn't need to be much bigger because she fit in Pidge's uniform, so she doesn't need to wait to be one
Keith "anime eyes" Kogane
Pidge says Tammy reminds him of his kid sister So this is where the little sister oc I have for Pidge comes from-
Episode end! This was a darker episode that tried really hard not to be and after like the first half it succeeded pretty well Tammy's voice was weird, but she was voiced by a man who struggled with the prepubescent girl tone so IFNVOSV
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We don't have any more time for dan either. He shoots his mouth off every few seconds is insulting everybody is a huge a******. Besides rendition too we saw it and he's prepping to do it anyways to Joe pesci and Joe said just don't do it and you won't die so you say now I have to do it so tell people goodbye. I'll see you later. It's going off today early this a.m. to New Jersey and it's going to meet with Christopher both society who's the trumpster and he wants to actually talk about Joe pesci when Christopher wants to me wants to kill him to take his position in the apartment so it's kind of a loser it's any minute now too. It's been a long time coming. Too many things are happening for this s*** head to be there by it's non-stop insults. Will you wake up in the morning and it's insulting you go to sleep at night he's insulting and threatening and bothering pissing moaning but mostly insulting please. hes a useless prick. It took his businesses and keep taking them in order to get rid of his. Tommy f did and it stopped after 200,000 idiots and just lost the houses so the idiot got motivated and went up there and died and dragged tons of idiots with him they're all gone. Like the Holocaust but they're committing suicide. Is an enormous number of them gathered at the camera and at lake oh yes. They're jumping in and they're swimming around to get to the mouth and they're all getting sucked into it and it's going to come out here shortly and yes it's making a gieser. To make a long story short you're not a necessary component of the equation. You go out and get shot twice today cut up a little bit piece together and then shot again and you keep getting shot and then you get beat up by a trumpster. Not long after you become singe you going to the football game and you lose then you start working for Jason he says he wants to poison here to get our son back and he means to so we're going to kill him permanently not too long after he goes into space he turns into that thing in tune this is an a****** and he turns into jabba the Hutt and he dies as Java. We don't need around anymore it's just a huge pill she's a b**** too massive massive b**** if you need some just sit there and say stupid things that's what you're hire. She's going today the other side of the information and she took it in season of the witch maybe because of dan I'm just gross adeptitude and Jason lost his because of her it's a huge deal she got bit a little bit in the face by the rattlesnake they had her put her face on TV say it was monkeypox she's an idiot and their idiots. And she says I'm in the movie and that guy is him and we say it doesn't look like you and so forth..
Plus seems that you don't know about this is so smart. And we're taking you apart we're not getting you housing by the way retards I've been saying we're getting your housing so we have to look into it by the way Max are taking you apart too at the same time. I'm looking forward to finding them without these acid and comments in the way the accident talk asinine talk and we're going to get you for mixing words right now and other such losers. It's a huge pile of you outside of town 10 miles by 10 mi by about 4 MI you'll fit nicely there. And by the way what exhaustive search to find you. All I have to do is look across the street at the idiots who say they have businesses and said it to social security today on the phone when they called up to ask your names and if you had businesses. You neglected to ask who they were and what they want to know for and a whole bunch of people heard the conversation figured out they had something and attacking you. And they're taking your money and stuff that's right you and attacking you and taking your money and stuff and especially you and attacking you and threatening and attacking you and threatening and attacking you. And pretty soon you'll be gone which is nice. Today lots of you get fired from your jobs and keep you over inflated. Trump is lined up to the FBI went over his place and found stuff. I'm going to try and put that up for you
Thor Freya
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moeyesmoart · 3 years
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Tbh I love drawing my D&D characters but Aelia is getting a little out of hand with the scarring
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idk if this is cringe but I have a lot of silly Deltarune asmr video ideas if you guys want to hear them
**Edit 1: these are free to use as long as you credit me and link back to this post (and send me your audio/video pls, I’d love to see them!!)**
**Edit 2: So far, we have 2 entries! I made a Noelle Gossips With You in the Library Computer Lab ASMR here and @mittensowo made a Susie Chalk-Eating ASMR here.**
Okay back to the ideas:
Queen is an acid wine sales rep and you’re a customer who keeps trying to politely decline her
Queen chastises you for your internet search history
Queen tries to recruit you as a peon
Noelle helps you make a Christmas list 364 days in advance
Noelle gossips to you about her crush on “someone.” She goes on about Susie for 20 minutes without ever saying her name (or, we could have her accidentally say Susie’s name at the end of the video and then rush to turn off the mic)
POV: You’re watching Berdly’s Minecrap Twitch stream
POV: You’re watching Berdly build his smart boy theme park in Roller Coaster Tycoon
Susie eats chalk (very crunchy sounds!!)
Susie heals you
Susie accidentally gushes about her new friends and her fun adventures
Susie talks about the weird quirks of the dark world that she finds cool
Ralsei explains the meta Deltarune controls to you
Ralsei gives you a tour of the Castle and/or Castle Town
Ralsei makes you a cauldron cake
Ralsei tells you about The Legend and other stories that he’s read from the castle library
Kris drops bath bombs into the toilet (very fizzy)
Kris moss tasting
ASMR where Kris just turns on the bathroom sink and you hear various crashes and damage noises for 2 minutes
Lancer shows you his room (slime sounds and hole-digging)
Lancer teaches you how to set your bike on fire
Lancer teaches you how to put your dad in a hamster cage jail cell while still trying to be ethical about it
Rouxls Kaard discusses his puzzles (the video is 2 minutes long and the sound of his voice fades away as you are implied to be leaving)
Seam shows you the items in his seap and also discusses the apocalypse while he’s at it
Jevil gives you a motivational speech. (You can do anything!)
Swatch and the Swatchlings prepare a dinner for you
You help Spamton renovate his dumpster
Spamton tries to sell you an NFT
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ghostylen · 2 years
Some headcanons about stuff the ninja are interested in: Cole --------------------- Mainly based on how he DJ's in the movie, he loves music, anything wiith music really. And i know a lot of people headcanon this, cause it just fits yk? Those people on TikTok that make incredibly good remixes and mix two songs? Oh he would 100% so that! He might not really know how to cook, but he hes really talented when it comes to music! Oh yea and drawing! Don't think I need to explain that one ^^ Jay --------------------- Honestly, I don't have many headcanons for Jay, everytime i try to think of something for him I just come up with tech and mechanics, but I really want to have something for him that just fits, something that would maybe be his comfort time? Making mechanics and all that is great and he feels fantastic evertime he finishes another project, but something is missing.. idk, if you guys have ideas please send me them in my inbox! Zane -------------------- We all know about the cooking, even tho it hasn't really been touched on many more seasons after the first or second one i think it was? Which really sucks in my opinion, cooking fits him so well! What if he's bored he just starts baking like cupcakes or smth for everyone, or he starts to remember everyones favourite and comfort foods and makes that for them when someone if feeling down Lloyd ------------------- ahhhhh i hate that i don't have any ideas for him because i love drawing my boy T-T i don't even have an idea in which direction his would go??? please, same as with jay's, please send me ideas to my inbox Nya ------------------ Of course she also likes making all kinds of tech and mechanic stuff, but I really like to think she knows a ton about biology, which mainly started with when she found out about being the Elemental Master of Water she learned some interesting stuff about sea creatures. That then turned into learning more about them and that turned into being interested in and learning a ton about biology! She would definitly know how to best grow a plant or how long it will approximately take a wound to heal based on how deep and big it is and knowing how cells produce. Yes. Kai ------------------ My boy. Please. Let him know a ton about chemistry. I can imagine his interest in chemistry started with hearing about how different chemicals make fire a different color, like how magnesium sulfate makes is white or how pottasium cloride makes it purple! And he was so impressed by it, he wanted to know more, mainly because he wanted to be cautious when trying to burn chemicals. He found out how to handle chemicals and all that, made different colored fire and was so incredibly impressed by it that he wanted to learn more about chemistry. That basically started a whole episode of him learning and experimenting! Now he can basically give you a chemical for every reason. Need something that eats through metal? Hydrochloric acid. Not Hydrofluoric acid tho! That one's extremely dangerous. I also might or might nor want the twins to be creppily smart about the most random shit, and other times they can tell you about how to best kill someone without much effort-
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vivithefolle · 3 years
Can I join your anti-Hermione club? Is there an application form? (In all seriousness, I'm so glad there's someone on Tumblr who is anti-Hermione for good reasons. It drives me absolutely insane how much the fandom worships her. I respect her intelligence, but there are so many absurdly unethical things she does. The hexing of Marietta Edgecombe - I researched it, it's both against contract law and would almost certainly be considered assault - was crazy, and even crazier was that it's excused.)
Hahaha, no application form needed, just a lot of bitterness and a touch of rage.
Something that really annoys me is how people are trying to tell me I'm doing Hermione-bashing when I give her the what-for. Or try to say "but she was a teenager :(". Really, freaking really? So when Hermione scars people on the face she's being a teenager but when Ron is pissy for a night in fourth year he's a total asshole? No, nope, not gonna let that lie.
My issue is that Ron's mistakes are teenager-sized; making an ass of yourself during a soirée, dating someone you're not really interested in because you're flattered by the attention, getting mad at your friend over silly stuff, saying stupid things without thinking... teenage mistakes. Those are teenage mistakes. (Something could be said of his leaving on the Horcrux Hunt but. Bitches. Voldemort himself (a part of him at least) was there singling him out for torture. Not to mention the heavy blood loss, the fact that his family's in danger, etcetera... But of course nobody is willing to accept those circumstances, nooo, it's only Ron who's the sole responsible for leaving absolutely, right, "Hermione is a teenager :(" and "Harry has PTSD :(((" but Ron isn't allowed to have problems of course. Fucking hypocrites.)
Meanwhile Hermione wakes up everyday and chooses violence and not for good reasons. I mean when your first reflex to distract someone is to set them on fire surely that indicates some issues? (Later on she forgets that she can use magic to light a fire... against a plant. I mean. How. How do you come to the conclusion that you should light a person on fire to "distract" them but cannot apply that reasoning to a goddamn killer plant.) The thing is people just... because we're constantly told that Hermione is intelligent/has good grades/works hard, people are quick to assume that she's obviously the most mature one in the room. But being a hard worker isn't necessarily a "proof" of maturity. It's just that people's expectations are that "a studious kid" is a mature kid, but really what they mean by "mature" is "doesn't annoy me to hell and back by playing noisily".
There’s this huge manipulation that plays on people’s expectations: being coded as “the studious girl” people are told through stereotypes that Hermione is smart, mature and logical… and the text is quick to try to reinforce the idea by having her spout definitions (=”smart”, for a degree of it; it’s mostly good memory), scold others for being rowdy (=mature, except that she’s not above it all either and a big part of maturity also involves REALIZING YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES which, Hermione’s don’t, so oops) and have her solve some puzzles or explain things (=logical… but sometimes her reasoning is based on emotion and she just tries to find evidence to justify why she thinks it’s right, rather than go from one thing to another).
When people try to brush off the fucked-up things Hermione did with "well she was a teenager" or "it was the war effort"... no. Fuck no. She didn't have to wipe her parents' minds and memories, there was the Order, the Dursleys were treated better than Hermione's parents for God's sake. But the only thing that matters about Hermione's parents is that they can be conveniently sacrificed to let us know how brave their daughter is right, it's not like she's in anything called the House of the Brave or something, it's not like she's constantly being thrown in mortal danger and is scared but keeps pushing forward, no we absolutely HAD to have a plot point that involves Hermione destroying two people's identities so we know how brave she is (how was any of it brave? Bravery is risking yourself, not the life of two innocents who barely know what's going on and are in no position to fight back).
And with the Romione fandom trying to push back to "nooo but she was a teenager m'kay she had her reasons for everything"... You want to get back to the Dark Ages where Hermione can do anything to Ron and it's his fault for not being perfect enough for her? Because that's how you go back to the Dark Ages.
In concept I love Romione. In the books I love it till about Book 3 (and even then that's pushing it because Hermione's utter disregard for Ron's pet sits very unwell with me, BUT okay fine she's still a child, it's her first pet, she has no idea how to own a pet and she's not used to being mindful of others' feelings. Then she gets validated by the plot because Scabbers was Pettigrew and somehow that means Hermione wasn't horribly callous to Ron's feelings or anything... meanwhile had it been Ron buying Crookshanks and Scabbers being Hermione's pet everyone would have been like "but who cares that Ron was right in the end, do you see how horribly he hurt poor Hermione's feelings!!!"...
It's just. No more excuses. Hermione is fucked-up. As a person, not just because of the war. She had a vicious, vindictive streak that only got enabled through the books because she never was called out on it. And I mean, I'm all for standing up for yourself, or for slapping Draco Malfoy's bitchy ass ferret face. But fuck. When you're doing the magic equivalent of an acid attack on someone's face, when you're physically abusing someone you're supposed to love AND THREATEN TO DO IT AGAIN AS IF IT WAS SOMETHING CUTE OR QUIRKY, when you're brainwashing your own parents into compliance because you can't be bothered to lie to them or make the Order get them... You know how many fics I've seen that take the "I did actually Confund my examiner" exchange from the Epilogue and run away with it to make it so Ron gets in a horrible car accident or invent entire collapses of the Statute of Secrecy as a result of an investigation connected to this "ha ha look it's funny Ron cheated on his exam" moment? Why don't I ever see a fic talking about how Hermione erasing her parents from existence leads to the destruction of Wizarding society through the legal bullshit that follows? Because Hermione dear, did you think to alter "Wendell" and "Monica"'s birth certificates? Their marriage contract? Their VISAs? Their bank accounts? Otherwise you've just turned your parents into homeless vagrants hopelessly lost in Australia who can't ever find a home anywhere because they simply don't exist in the eyes of any government. But hey nobody ever thinks of that because it's so much easier to nitpick everything Ron does. The only thing folks notice about Hermione nowaday is Emma Watson's boobies.
... I'm sorry, I just... Ugh. People.
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crackedoutwalnut · 3 years
Never Quite Free (Natasha x Reader)
Summary: Natasha grows concerned after you start ignoring her and decides to check on you.
!TW WARNINGS: Implied sexual assault, PTSD, and panic attacks! (lots of fluff near the end to make up for it i promise)
A/N: just a vent fic,,, as a treat. The song referenced in the fic is Never Quite Free by The Mountain Goats, in case you want to listen to it for context though you don't have to.
It's all good to learn that right outside your window There's only friendly fields and open roads And you'll sleep better when you think You've stepped back from the brink And found some peace inside yourself Laid down your heavy load It gets all right to dream at night Believe in solid skies and slate blue earth below But when you see him you'll know
For the longest time, going out into the world was like maneuvering across a field of landmines. The bombs could be set off by nearly anything, from minute details that had latched themselves to the back of your mind to glaring reminders that were almost impossible to ignore. Anything and everything that reminded you of him had seeped its way into the cracks in your brain, leaving irreparable stains and water damage in its wake. From the smell of cedar and pine aftershave to the brassy sound of a jazz trumpet on a passing radio, these reminders were minuscule as thumbtacks, and yet they felt like railroad spikes being hammered into your chest and skull.
In the past, you would bury yourself in work or drink yourself nearly to death to escape his ever-present grasp on your mind. Your life had been filled with you shoveling meaningless noise into your routine in attempts to block out the alarm that always seemed a pin trigger away from sounding in your head. Then, you met Natasha. You learned that she knew over seven languages and almost exclusively cussed in Russian when she was pissed enough. You memorized her favorite shows and books and how she snored like a lawnmower when she laid on her left side- a fact she vehemently denied. Natasha Romanov was caring, smart, strong, and oh so protective.
It's okay to find the faith to saunter forward With no fear of shadows spreading where you stand And you'll breathe easier just knowing that the worst is all behind you And the waves that tossed the raft all night have set you on dry land It gets okay to praise the day Believe in sheltering skies and stable earth beneath
These little bits of information filled your mind and heart with endearment and love, thoroughly pushing the smell of cedar aftershave and rot to the far back of your mind. And that was where he stayed for the longest time. For a whole two years, you filled your days with movie dates, forehead kisses, and late-night cuddles. She introduced you to her friends, Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff; you even befriended Tony Stark- though Natasha never explicitly refers to him as a friend. Everything was going so well for the first time since before you met him. But, like a cockroach, your past is not so easily killed.
But hear his breath come through his teeth,
Walk by faith Tell no one what you've seen
You were at a local coffee shop when you noticed him. He was sitting at the table adjacent to yours, scrolling through his laptop, briefcase at his side. When you beheld him, it was as if your muscles were turning to concrete slabs. They were dragging you down, below the faded wooden floorboards, below the concrete foundation, until you were choking on dirt and rocks. It took you nearly five minutes to realize it was not him. However, him or not, the damage was done. Because you had seen his well-kempt mustache and graying sideburns, had seen his eyes the color of a lethal tundra. You could have sworn you felt those eyes watch you as you rushed out of the café and into the crowded streets.
From that day on, he was back. He visited you in sleep and trailed you all throughout work—a hefty shadow. However, it was not until you were in bed with Natasha that it came to its tipping point.
Your fiancée, having noticed your peculiar attitude, had decided to surprise you with a night of candles and wine. Not wanting her to be more concerned than she already was, you played along. You forced yourself to reciprocate every kiss and caress despite the acid in your throat and the timpani in your chest. Eventually, Natasha swept you off your feet into a bridal style carry and led you into her bedroom. Gently setting you on the bed, she quickly straddled your hips. Leaning down, she cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a heated kiss. You swallowed down bile and half-heartedly opened your mouth to allow her tongue space to explore. She groaned and tore off her shirt as she pulled away from you.
"God, you're so sexy," she murmured, grinding her hips further against your abdomen. Natasha grabbed at your shirt, pulling it off your torso before chucking it across the room. You felt your throat tighten as your upper body was exposed to the elements. Your fiancée set about yanking off your sweatpants, murmuring bits of praise under her breath as she did so. Her gentle lithe hands seemed to grown more masculine and rough the longer they touched your bare skin. Her body morphed into the familiar form of a naked man. His sickeningly familiar graying mustache and coarse chest hair set flares of frigid panic through your body. He was here, he was here, hewasherehewashere.
Your body convulsed and kicked out at your assailant; flashes of his rough hands forcing your legs apart fueled the strength behind your attacks as you lunged to your feet. You shoved him off of you with a borderline unhinged snarl.
"Get the fuck away from me, Castor!" You screamed before hurriedly shoving on your clothes and sprinting out the door of the apartment. He was following you. You could hear his heavy footsteps thudding behind you. Your thighs burned from the sudden exercise, and the roaring in your ears drowned out your surroundings. You shoved your way into the elevator, nearly punching the first-floor button with your fist. Sweat dripped down the nape of your neck as you struggled to suck in breaths of air. Clutching your chest, you allowed your knees to collapse.
When the elevator slid open, you shot to your feet and ran through the lobby, out into the cool night. You clumsily pushed people aside, his voice clawing through your ear canal. You wildly waved down a taxi and slid into the back. Your voice was as flimsy as tissue paper as you gave the driver your address.
When you got home, you slid all three locks into place and snapped your curtains shut. You huddled under your blanket and slowly succumbed to a sleepless night.
Natasha was many things, but a worrier was not one of them. Why should she spend all her time fretting when she could just get up and solve the damn problem herself? However, after three days of complete radio silence on your end, she was sorely tempted to break into your apartment. That night, you had rushed out of her apartment as if the Devil himself had been at your heels. The look in your eyes had been that of a wounded animal. Natasha felt her stomach clench with anxiety as she stared down at her phone. 37 texts, 10 calls, 10 voicemails, and not a single message answered. You were always a punctual texter, which only made her worry worsen.
Natasha shoved her phone back in her back pocket and took a long sip of her coffee. What the hell could have caused you to run out of her apartment mid-sex? Not to mention, who the hell was Castor? Natasha finished off her coffee and set her red and black spider mug in the sink. The cup had been a 6-month anniversary gift, and she made sure to drink out of it every chance she got. After cleaning up the last of her breakfast, Natasha pulled out her phone once more and typed out another message.
Nat: darling I've tried giving you space but its been 3 days and I'm worried. I'm coming over.
Natasha moved to put the device away; however, after a second, she reconsidered it and unlocked it once more.
Nat: I love you <3
Pushing the phone into her pocket, she rushed out the door. When Natasha arrived at your apartment door, she immediately pulled out her phone once more. Nothing. She huffed a shaky breath and pulled out her copy of the apartment key. You had given it to her after you almost burnt down your apartment trying to cook for their date that night. She had to rush over to your apartment to clean up the damage done by the small grease fire and cook you both last-minute spaghetti.
She twisted the key in the lock and quietly pushed the door open. The apartment felt akin to a tomb. The curtains were drawn, and all the lights were off. Dirty dishes were piled up Tetris style in and around the sink, not to mention the empty takeout containers strewn throughout the living room and dining table. The TV was quietly playing It Chapter 2, yet you were nowhere in sight.
Worry continued to grip the assassin's chest as she called out, "Y/n, kotyonok are you here?" Being cautious of the numerous fast-food containers and clothing items thrown about, Natasha made her way towards your bedroom door. She hesitated for a moment before steeling her nerves and carefully knocking on your door. For a moment, she heard nothing, only the faint sound of Pennywise's voice coming from the living room. Then, just as she turned the knob to open the door, she heard whimpering. Her heart ramped up to a gallop as she quickly opened the door to your bedroom.
Natasha was certain she had seen war zone's tidier than this. Clothes covered nearly every inch of the bedroom, mattress, and wardrobe. Not to mention the numerous crumpled tissues and fallen picture frames. However, the state of your room was hardly her first concern because in the center of it all, huddled in shaking ball, was you. Painful sobs were rasping from your lips as you burrowed your face further into your knees. Your hair was tangled and greasy, and you were wearing one of Natasha's sweaters with a food-stained pair of boxer shorts.
The assassin felt sorely tempted to sprint across the rooms and scoop you into her arms. Instead, she went for the safer route, which was carefully wading through the mess over to your side of the bed. Tutting quietly, Natasha swallowed the urge to cry alongside you as she quietly cleared her throat. "Mon trésor, can you hear me?" she whispered, setting a hand next to your own, cautious not to make contact.
Instead of a relieved smile or a tired 'yes' like Natasha had expected, your entire body flinched away as if you had been punched. Your eyes snapped open as you scrambled across the bed, looking around hysterically. "Castor?" you called out, eyes wild with panic.
Natasha furrowed her brows and backed away from you. "Y/n it's me, Nat. I'm not here to hurt you; I just needed to see if you were okay."
Slowly, your eyes shone with recognition. Your body, however, remained as taught as before as you studied your fiancée carefully as if she was a trick or a mirage. Natasha felt her heart fracture slightly at the display of fear. "Nat?" Your voice was quiet and raspy; if she had not seen your mouth move, she would not have registered that you were speaking.
"Yes, kotyonok, it's me."
You furrowed your brows and brought your knees back up to your chest. "Wha-what're you doing here?" You asked, your voice slurred and shaky from the sobs racking your body.
Natasha carefully sat down on the edge of the bed, "I have been so worried about you. After you ran out on me a few days ago, I have been trying to check to see if you are okay."
Your face crumbled once more as you buried your face in your knees, "I-I'm," you hiccup, "Sorry, Nat."
Natasha tutted dotingly and slid back so that she sat beside you, still cautious not to touch. "Hey, hey, it's okay, darling. You're okay; just breathe for me. Can you do that, sweetie?"
You inhaled quick stuttering breathe, which quickly dissolved into hyperventilating. You clutched at your hair and squeezed your eyes shut.
Your fiancée watched with a heartbroken expression, "You're okay, you're okay, just keep trying. Can I touch you?" You nodded shakily as she pulled you onto her lap. Gently, she pulled your fists from your hair and replaced them with her own. She stroked your knotted locks and quietly cooed sweet nothings into your ear. She guided your fist to rest atop her chest as she whispered, "Copy my breathing okay, mon trésor?" Sucking in exaggerated breaths, she held her hand atop your own to keep it in place. After a few tries, your breathing eventually settled, and you let out a long whimpery sigh.
It's all good to learn that from right here the view goes on forever And you'll never want for comfort and you'll never be alone See the sunset turning red let all be quiet in your head And look about, all the stars are coming out They shine like steel swords Wish me well where I go But when you see me you'll know
Natasha smiled and kissed the top of your head, "You're doing so well, my love. Nothings going to get you while I'm here, I promise."
You burrowed further into her lap and placed your head atop her chest, letting the sound of her steady heartbeat soothe you into a lull. The two of you sat there for what seemed like eons as you soaked in the feeling of safety and warmth. Natasha hummed quietly, placing chaste kisses on the crown of your head every once in a while.
Sucking in a breath, you spoke, "He was a family friend." Natasha's humming stopped as she looked down at you. "His name was Castor Davids, and my dad met him at work. He was nice at first, sort of like a goofy rich uncle. He would always buy me new toys and books. He would even take me out for ice cream. Even when I got into fights with my parents, I knew I could always talk to him when I was upset. But then..." you gulped, your voice breaking. Natasha continued stroking your hair. "But then one day, he was babysitting me while my parents were out at a baby shower. H-he..." Your words broke off into a sob, and your fiancée quickly shushed you.
"You're safe; you're here with me. No one can hurt you, I promise. Just relax, darling. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that you're safe now." Eventually, after a few more minutes of comforting words and protective hugs, the phantom hands that had been grasping at you for days disappeared.
You burrowed your head further into her chest and huffed, " 'm sorry I ran out on you the other night. I shoulda texted."
Natasha chuckled humorlessly, "Darling, that is the least of my worries. What I am worried about, however, is the last time you had an actual healthy dinner." You looked down at your lap sheepishly and shrugged. Natasha playfully pinched your side and untangled herself from your hold. You whined at the loss of contact and looked up at her accusingly. "I am going to make you a proper dinner, and we are going to sit down and watch stupid TV shows."
You huffed, "Can we watch House Hunters?"
Natasha sighed and nodded, "Fine, only because I love you, though." You grinned and slid out of bed. Your fiancée inspected you with a grimace, "First, we're going to take a shower."
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writtenbykat · 3 years
Prompt: “I thought that was what you wanted.” 
Lily glared daggers at the back of the giggling girl perched on Potter’s lap. What could he possibly be whispering that was so funny? She’d been there. She’d been the one he whispered to in the library. It wasn’t that funny– or at least she wouldn’t have giggled like an idiot school girl even if it was. 
She stared a second too long, and his eyes met hers over the girl’s shoulder. He held her gaze, unflinchingly. 
“Problem, Potter?” she asked, trying to keep the acid out of her voice, but failing if the looks on their friends’ faces were anything to go by. 
“None at all, Evans,” he replied coolly.
Lily opened her mouth to offer a biting retort. 
“Hey Lil,” Marlene interrupted her, “I think I left my potions book in the dorm, would you walk back with me to get it?” 
“Here, just use mine,” she huffed, sliding her potions text over to Marlene, eager to resume her glaring at Potter’s newest girl. 
“No, I need to get mine. It has a bunch of notes that I took in the margins,” Marlene insisted, “Come with me to get mine, please?” though she’d tacked on the please, her tone was less a question than it was a command. 
“Fine,” Lily acquiesced. She wasn’t going to get any work done anyways, what with Potter’s new girl practically cackling at their table. 
They’d barely left the library when Marlene yanked her into an empty classroom. 
“Mar! What–” 
“What the hell is your problem?” Marlene cut her off.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” 
“Oh? Fighting with James like it’s fifth year? All the little digs? Glaring at Amelia like you’d rather see her dead? At least own up to it, Lily!” 
Lily felt her temper, which was always simmering these days, flare. “I’m fighting with Potter because he is as big of a prat as he was in fifth year. I haven’t said anything to him unprovoked. And I don’t glare at the Bones girl, but now that you bring it up, I find her to be quite shallow and annoying!” 
“Disregarding all that other bullshit, have you even tried to get to know Amelia?” 
“Yeah, I have!” Lily fired back, “Don’t know how I couldn’t since she always seems to be hanging around us these days. And, it’s not bull. You know it as well as I do. Potter has been absolutely insufferable lately.” 
“Ugh, one problem at a time,” Marlene let out the long breath of someone doing their best to control their own temper, “Firstly, she is not just some girl ‘hanging around’ all the time, she is James’ girlfriend. A concept you seem to be unable to understand,” she muttered the last part under her breath, but Lily felt the jab acutely. 
Malene continued, “Amelia Bones is a perfectly nice girl. Actually, she’s really sweet, and she’s funny, and she’s smart. Which, you would know if you attempted to get to know her! But mostly, she cares about James, and she makes him happy.” 
“And before you start on him being a prat,” she interrupted before Lily could voice her objections, “he’s not! I know you hate to hear it, but you’re wrong. He’s not being an insufferable prat. He has actually handled everything like a gentleman, all things considered.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” she felt her hackles rise. 
“You know exactly what I mean, Lily.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Lily informed Marlene stiffly, “He’s been a smarmy git; what, bringing around his constant string of girls and flirting incessantly with everything with two legs and a skirt.” 
“Girl. Singular. Unless you count yourself in that lot.” 
“Why would I count myself?” 
“Oh don’t play coy, Lily. Do you think I’m stupid? The two of you were together for months, we all knew it. The only ones acting like it was still a secret were the two of you!” 
“Well it’s done now,” Lily bit out, hating the burning she felt in her eyes and the tightness in her throat as she fought to get the words out. 
“James has always been a flirt,” Marlene continued as if Lily hadn’t said anything at all, “You’re just mad because, for the first time since the two of you met, it isn’t directed at you.” The scathing assessment was accompanied by a glare that made Lily physically flinch. 
She’d always known Marlene was fiercely protective of her friends, but she had never thought she would be someone Marlene had to protect her friends from. 
“You have no idea what happened between us. You have no idea what you’re talking about,” she hissed, barely holding it together.
“He told me, okay!” Marlene exploded, “He told me how the two of you were together for months, then one day you decided simply, ‘hey it’s not working for me, let’s just be friends’ with no warning or explanation. So don’t try to spin this Lily. I have been trying to be there for you, as your friend; but he’s my friend too!” 
Lily opened her mouth to interject, but Marlene wouldn’t have any of it. 
“No! No, you don’t get to make him the villain. That boy has been in love with you since we were fourteen. You finally give him a chance. Then just as quickly you just end it. He is trying his best. James is trying his best to be what you said you wanted, a friend. I thought this is what you wanted. So I’ll ask again, what the hell is your problem?!” 
“I’m in love with him, okay!” she practically screamed her confession at her friend. 
“I’m in love with him,” she repeated, this time at nearly a whisper, reaching blindly for a chair or something to grab onto. The act of admitting what she’d known for weeks, out loud– let alone to another person, was overwhelming. 
Marlene didn’t say anything; her face frozen in a mask of shock. 
“What?” came the choked question from the open door. 
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P.S. This is the last prompt I’d already had pre-written to be posted on the day of (I’ve been trying to have one up for every day of Oct.). So bear with me from here on out. Fingers crossed that I’ll manage to keep up! 
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