#but like doing it anyway to some extent is necessary to keep going now i'm out of school for real
alltouwell · 18 days
being 22 is so strange.
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becauseplot · 4 months
YEAAH!! YEAHHH!!! Okay okay okay so I meant to ramble more earlier when you initially responded to my ask and then I got sleepy and conked out and now it's super early for me, nailed it lmaooo. so anyway just like a couple things i noticed abt this scene *rolls out a scroll of notes, the bottom hits the floor and bounces out the door cartoon-style*
Chayanne gives Cellbit a rose!! Idk if Rose still has influence here (I'll have to sift through Phil's VOD to see if he says anything abt Rose, yesterday I mainly watched Cellbit's POV) but he's protected now!! That kinda folds him into Phil's "closer" circle of friends/family since it's primarily them who carries the roses for protection so!!!!! I'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE TEA!! Yes the tea the way the tea immediately broaches the topic of purgatory, and yeah the audible wince in Phil's voice after Cellbit says the tea triggers him and Phil agrees. Yeah it's so shit and they're both so sick of it but it's so OP. Phil survivalist (hardcore) :handshake: Cellbit survivalist (hunger games/"The War"), do and use what is necessary to keep yourself alive.
And AAA!! Yes, okay okay so like you remember that idea abt Phil and Cellbit having late-night convos at the Order pre-purgatory? This is basically that!! It's late at night, they're getting caught up with each other, they've both got the shitass tea and it's going cold and!! In my head this scene goes on for a full night and they just sit and talk and talk and talk, eventually conking out when it's late, just like old times EXCEPT THEY HAVE THEIR KIDS NOW WHICH IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER, THEIR DESIRE TO FIND THEIR KIDS, AND THEY FOUND THEM!!! (I should write a fic i NEED to write a fic, me vs the 754389 wips in my brain; in my head they still had late night convos in purgatory when their "play time" timers lined up, phil waking up early enough and cellbit staying up late enough for them to talk while the others slept)
The way Cellbit still minces his words abt what he and Bags did post-purg 1 "we had our fun...bolas...style..." is it because he thinks Phil will think less of him? because there's children present? because his SON is present? idk how much Richas knows abt what Cellbit did in purgatory, Richas *did* rescue him while he was fighting eye workers but does he know about Cellbit hunting fellow players for sport? what Cellbit did to his pai Pac? I NEED ANSWERS
Phil's "Dude! No! Oh my god... D:" to when Cellbit says Roier was better off without him. PHIL WAS AT THEIR WEDDING. HE TOOK THE GODDAMN PHOTOS OF THEM AT THEIR WEDDING. HE SAW HOW HAPPY THEY WERE, HOW HAPPY ROIER WAS, WHEN THEY WERE REUNITED IN PURGATORY. Phil isn't close enough to Roier nor speaks to him enough to really understand the full extent of Roier's grief after purgatory 1, but it's gotta be hard for Phil to imagine Roier happy with Cellbit gone. Whether he believes it when Cellbit says "yeah Roier told me he was better" (doied WHEN I GET YOU---) is up for debate but I think about this constantly.
Phil fucking laughing when Cellbit admits he ate some of the eye workers fhdjsk. I can't get over the combo of Cellbit POV (in character thinking: "I'm terrible I'm a cannibal I'm a monster") vs Philza POV (cc who laughs at everything that is even remotely cursed) honestly, taking this as in-character (bc ccPhil doesn't mute his mic to laugh and he...usually does that for ooc bits while in the middle of rp), it says a lot abt qPhil that he's able to just laugh abt an admission of eating corpses. ethics who? geneva convention who? qPhil doesn't know her. munch on those eye workers king they're dickheads. (fuck, DOES qPhil know that Cellbit is a cannibal, as in, he has eaten not just workers but other players?? hmmm...)
"I'm sorry I couldn't do much as bolas leader" "It's better that you didn't see us...I think you'll be disappointed" "oh I could never be disappointed what do you mean shut up *laughs*" GODDDDDDDD also Cellbit trying to say he got worse after purg 1 and Phil saying "nah bolas is already at ground level" (either not understanding or indirectly reiterating that he won't condemn Cellbit for his actions, I can't tell) and then Cellbit just,, going with it. because it's not worth it to argue and he's trying to move past all of that now anyway. (QCELLBIT PROCESS YOUR TRAUMA CHALLENGE LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE)
watching Phil's POV now and HFDJSK you can't hear it on Cellbit's stream but Phil catches Richas as they're both leaving and says quietly, "Take care of your dad, Richas, n' take care." I'M 💥💥💥💥 (<-banging table)
Anyway!! This is what happens when the two characters I'm obsessed with interact for the first time in months. Over-analyzing a 5 minute convo. Sorry, it will happen again :] Praying they stay as neighbors I'd love to see archivists have more interactions!! And yes yes yes yes the tea parties with the kids!! Phil routinely chatting with Cellbit and watching him slowly "regain his color" as he settles back into peaceful life post-purgatory, falls in love with enigmas again. They've always trusted each other when they don't trust themselves, and they're both a Stable Point for the other. I'll miss what we never got to have with the leaders-of-the-Order-having-meetings ideas (timezones, wails) but I'm so excited for new island mysteries!! :D
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beckiboos · 10 months
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*Right Taliesin, it's now or never*
Taliesin- Can't sleep? Or are we enjoying the view?
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Calliope- Hmm..? No. Not really, too cloudy tonight. I thought I should come out here and keep watch, I've been struggling getting to sleep since... well. You know
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Taliesin- Yes.. I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Can we talk? Umm.. Away from the cliff ledge? Watching you there is making me very nervous
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Calliope- Ok... not like there's anything to see out here anyway
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Calliope- So
Taliesin- So
Calliope- I'm so sorry about Rulindil. I don't know if he was a friend of yours or something more... but I am sorry I hurt you by killing him
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Taliesin- Don't be. We lovers when I first came to Skyrim 3 years ago but he neither a friend nor was their great affection between us. He was quite the sadistic bastard really and the world is better off without him
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Calliope- But? You've been so-
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Taliesin- Rulindil... Rulindil was a high ranking Thalmor agent, my superior officer. The altmer are not incredibly romantic or affectionate people as you probably guessed. We still have needs though and most of us have some kind of arrangement with our colleagues to keep us entertained. He and I had such an arrangement for a brief time. He had picked me out nearly as soon as I left the dock to seduce. I'm not picky and spent the night with him. He bores of his bedfellows quickly however and when the boat came in with fresh recruits he moved onto his next toy and I moved onto other arrangements.
It was a while before I learned the true extent of his role with the Thalmor. He speciality was 'acquiring information' by any means necessary. He took a great deal of pride and pleasure in his work. At the time I deemed his actions an necessary evil and I certainly didn't envy him his job. But I never liked his methods. I don't have a taste for torture and luckily he preferred brute force rather than magic to get the job done so I didn't have to work with him much. I didn't take part but I knew what was going on. We all did. Just tried to ignore the screaming the best we could
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Calliope- That's not your fault Tally-
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Taliesin- No, but I was a part of it. Calliope you got caught. You PROMISED me. I wasn't there and you were caught. Do you know what would have happened to you if hadn't of killed Rulindil? Because I do. You've seen the scars on Kaidan's back. Trust me those soldiers had NOTHING on Rulindil. He would have tortured you until you were barely recognisable and only stop once you had told him every single thing he wanted to know 3 times over, all the while begging for death. What's more the last thing you would have seen would have been MY people. MY former colleagues, MY former lover taunting and beating you, if you were lucky, before your corpse would have been tossed into a cave for a trolls dinner
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Taliesin- Calliope when you told me about Rulindil I wasn't just upset for him. I was shocked by it of course it was someone I knew someone I- regardless I was suddenly faced with the fact that I could have lost you. By the very people and ideals I used to follow and respect. These past few months... You have become quite a dear... friend to me. I guess I didn't know how much I cared until that moment. I don't get close to many people Calliope, me and you, this little gang, we have become closer than I ever was with anyone at the Thalmor... and yet I still care about what happened to Rulindil. I didn't handle the situation well. For what it's worth, I am sorry for snapping at you in Solitude. Forgive this grumpy old altmer?
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Calliope- *chuckles* Forgiven but only if you forgive me too. I'm sorry for solitude too I may have gone a TEENY, tiny bit over the top there
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Taliesin- A tiny bit?
Calliope- Ok a bit more than tiny. Friends?
Taliesin- ...Friends
Calliope- Good. I'm glad we're sorted this out Tally. I didn't like bickering with you. I missed this. Us
Taliesin- I missed us too
end of part 1. Look this post is already waaaaay too long. But I wanted to make some headcannons about Rulindil (sorry @dynamite124if you have anything planned for him) and why Tally was so upset and they really needed this talk. AND NO KISS. Sorry I take my slow burns very seriously
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minobe-household · 3 months
i forgot to post this. woopsie. anyways here are yuuto's thoughts on pretty much every character she has thoughts on in the first place. long ass list below
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— (friend's ocs) —
suzuki akira : she initially seemed a bit snobbish to me, if i have to be honest...not to say she isn't entirely...but eventually, i came to speak to her, and i can tell there's more to her than that. she's quite cunning, and a good conversationalist as well. there's a strange liking i've taken for her presence despite her attitude. i suppose it's a bit selfish to say, but her nature sort of makes everything feel a bit more... alive. fun.
akagi minato : he has a good heart, even if it seems a bit misplaced at times. i feel like there shall never be a time where i don't question him. while i feel like he doesn't have much resolve, he's still developing his skills well...so i'm not.. too concerned about him maintaining his wellbeing. he still manages to scare me here and there with his impulsive habits, though. i wish i didn't feel the need to supervise him as often as i do sometimes... but it's almost become second nature, in a way.
nakajima shinji : he is a capable fighter with resolve stronger than that of possibly anyone else i've met in the corps. however, such tenacity that it causes tends to lead him into getting... carried away... which i do occasionally worry will bring him consequences. he could learn to be more polite at times, or at least listen to what others tell him... nevertheless, i see him as a teammate and respect him as such. he's been improving on himself lately.
— (protagonists) —
kamado tanjiro : he is still learning the extent of his potential...but i believe he will achieve it in due time. a caring soul.. always bringing out the best in people, and understanding the humanity in even that of demons - something i don't see very often anymore...it's quite encouraging for the future of the corps.
kamado nezuko : i was unsure about her when she first came in...but at the same time, i've never heard an account about an entirely nonviolent demon, so i chose not to step in. of course, the others would have likely dispatched her should she have caused any trouble. with what we've found out now, i'm glad i took a backseat...she's such a sweet girl. i feel as though what we can gather about her unique nature will be important.
agatsuma zenitsu : even though i have yet to speak to him, i'm not sure if i can form words about that boy without sounding too rude... he's a little concerning in such a regard. that isn't to say he lacks the capability of improving, though... but he may not have the will necessary for that. he doesn't even sound like he wants to be in this line of work.
hashibira inosuke : ..through our first encounter, albeit brief.. i saw him as no more than barbaric and dense...but some time after, i've come to learn of his more.. unique upbringing. so i suppose some of it can be justifiable. i still try to keep my distance most of the time. i wouldn't like to instigate a fight.. he tends not to even hold proper respect to his blades..
shinazugawa genya : i don't hear the best things about him.. that he's quite alike his brother... but in the few times i spoke to him, he wasn't brash in the slightest. in fact.. he maintained courtesy quite well. perhaps they're wrong, or maybe he's begun to see past such hostility as his own..? i'm not too sure. his ability to eat demons is quite interesting... i'd like to look into it, but i feel like that would be going too far.
tsuyuri kanao : i pity her and the past she had to deal with, but i can tell that she's developing as a person. we have spoken a few times...and while she is still learning to communicate outside of that alike an algorithm...there is still an underlying truth in what she says. i hope she will come to learn what she herself wants and feels.. she may just need a push of sorts..?
— (hashira) —
tomioka giyu : we've talked during my occasional visits...mostly while i'm checking up on poor kanzaburo. he is loyal to his cause, but still holds his judgement soundly, which i greatly commend him for. his lack of expression has led me to suspect something is troubling him.. but i don't believe i am in any right to pry about it. i enjoy the more intricate discussions we have.
kocho shinobu : i was a bit intimidated by her in the early stages of my employment, but we've gotten to interact a bit easier with the changes made in time. my research also helped a bit in that regard...but even without it, every now and then, we'll converse more casually during my visits to the mansion. i like her, she's very bright...but i can't help but feel like she acts the way she does out of a feeling of obligation. i cannot see the will within her words, as though they weren't hers to begin with.
rengoku kyojuro : he's a great role model to those still climbing the ranks, but i can't help but wonder how he manages to maintain such vigor. it's almost uncanny.. i hold no opposition to it, of course, but it can get a bit overwhelming from just.. how much there is coming from him at once. we learn a lot from one another in our conversations through our differences. he is great for encouragement.. albeit a little noisy.
uzui tengen : in all honestly, i can't say i am all too fond of him.. boisterous, and far too prideful... but nonetheless, i respect him for his achievements, and most notably his self-resolve. rejecting one's former ideologies is no easy task. his hubris may be holding him back, but he's well adept in his work even so.
tokito muichiro : while still young, he has a very strong will, and he can use that to his advantage quite well. it's hard to tell just from looking, however.. usually, he seems to act somewhat idly. his head is often in the clouds. though i could've sworn he was only midranked a few weeks ago... so he must really be adjusting well to his employment.
kanroji mitsuri : she tends to be a little too close and a bit overwhelmingly open about her emotions... but still, she seems to be a good person - always kind and cheerful, and certainly well-deserving of her title as a pillar. i worry that someone will take advantage of her nature, however...especially considering she's still using that tampered uniform without a single worry. i would speak with her more often, but i find it hard to follow what she's saying at times.
iguro obanai : ...i... don't know much of him, in all honesty. i can tell by the disposition he assumes that he doesn't wish to interact most of the time. he always appears cold and closed off.. except when he's with kanroji-sama, for some reason? but due to such, i don't exactly approach him. his little snake companion and his strange appearance intrigues me.
shinazugawa sanemi : he tends to have.. disproportionate reactions to everything. every time i have been around him, there is at least one instance of which i must move out the way of injury. i fear that his near-constant state of anger will lead to him overexerting himself at some point...but then again, i can't say i've ever seen him worn out in any way..? i hope he learns to simmer down and use basic manners at some point.
himejima gyomei : we train together sometimes. we don't share the same views on everything considering our conflicting faith, but we still get along well and speak with one another occasionally. he's a kind, compassionate individual, and has mastered his breathing technique to extremes i've never quite seen before. i often visit him for advice, but it usually leads to long coversation anyways.
kocho kanae : i only saw her a few times back when i was still actively working, but i held a lot of respect for her regardless. she was very gentle, but was still extremely capable as a pillar. her fate... was unfortunate, and i could tell it greatly impacted her family and friends, especially her younger sister. i pray that her spirit will be able to rest easy.
— (other) —
ubayashiki kagaya : since my family works with his corporation, i've seen him as my superior for all my life, and such hasn't changed. i hold a deep respect for him. i believe his views of the corps he oversees alone does a lot for its members.. as well as his skills in foresight and speech, of course.
ubayashiki amane : she's my cousin. she used to be a maiden at the shrine my family would visit regularly, run by my late uncle. i can't say we spoke much growing up, but we've gotten to know one another much better now that we're more often in the same place. i'd like to consider her a close friend of mine.
tamayo : i deeply respect her. it's comforting to see that it is possible for someone to have gone against the path of the progenitor, despite having become part of his kind. i commend her for her efforts and professionality. we talk here and there, whenever she isn't busy.
yushiro : i question him a little.. but it's not to say i don't hold the same respect towards him as i do his higher. he's a little aggressive towards me, but i believe it's just because he cares a lot for tamayo. it doesn't excuse his rude words...but he's been a bit more calm since i've brought it up with him.
kanzaki aoi : a hardworking young lady. i can see some of myself in her dedication. i feel as though she may be straining herself a bit too hard, however.
murata : i've noticed he... cares a bit too much for his self-preservation at times. still does well as a demon slayer, regardless.
sumi, kiyo, & naho : aren't they just the cutest little things? and so kind, too.. i find it hard stopping myself from passing them sweets whenever i visit.
makio : she's quite brash. quite the personality, though.... i can see her likeness to uzui. i wonder how her and suma-san get along... i usually see her arguing with her. or even fighting.
suma : she's...very sensitive... in a way i can't exactly figure out. even i find it a bit difficult to speak with her without her crying.. which concerns me greatly. besides that, however, she's nice.
hinatsuru : compared to the others, she's a lot more levelheaded. much easier to converse with, which is most likely why i tend to get along with her most.
goto : he intrigues me. for a kakushi, he's quite strong...i could go so far as to say he would be able to pass the final selection...but perhaps it was a choice of his to choose this role. i am in no place to judge nor question. i've been meaning to ask him how he makes castella...
maeda masao : ...please excuse my impolite words...that boy is a senseless nuisance as much as he is a degenerate sod. i would have him slit his stomach without much concern - his family deserves whatever honor they still have to regain.. but making him do such a thing requires contact, and i refuse to to consider so much as approach him.
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technocraticgaylord · 5 months
i'm very conflicted as to how i feel about the percy jackson tv series. i love it. but.
it is SO rushed, to the point it is beyond a doubt proving detrimental to the characters. id like to preface this by saying that 1- i love the actors, i think the casting was great, and that the writing is okay, but disneys 8 episode format just isn't working here. and, 2- ive been a grover defender since i first read the books, so i am gonna focus on him (but TRUST that the other characters are being nerfed just as hard).
i mean, we just don't get to flesh out grovers relationship with percy at all. let alone with annabeth. ik we're only two episodes in, so i wont judge too hard, but GOD. wtf is going on man. the charm of his character in the books is kind of lost to the (to be blunt) shitty writing. we don't get to the fullest extent get to see how he awkwardly fumbles, trying and failing to lie to his best friend. we don't get to see what being a satyr means to him, how that affects all of his relationship dynamics in and outside of camp. (his interactions with dionysus?? hello??)
again, only 3 eps in so maybe they'll touch on some stuff in flashbacks later, but, man. (we're already to the elevator scene. so I'm not going to get my hopes up too high.) anyways, not getting to see how he interacts with the adults at camp is killing me. that's why i liked his character so much reading the books. he was a (twenty-eight/) fourteen-year-old kid. he looked old for a sixth grader, from percys perspective. but we hear Mr d say that he was still so small for his age, he was a late bloomer in woodland magic, and that he was probably too immature for a second quest, that he should wait a little longer to try to get a seeker's license.
"i cant fail in my duties again- do you know what that would mean for me?"
i mean come on? i like them touching on how uncle Ferdinand's death affected grover in the show. i actually appreciated the subtlety of it. they show how he's sensitive and emotional, but has to try to be strong for the sake of keeping the quest on track. (which is why i think him being older than percy and Annabeth was somewhat necessary.)
but that does not change the fact that the shows still not doing great things for the character that we know. he's just.. different now? if that makes any sense.
anyways stopping here for now because if i don't ill talk forever. if anyone wants to discuss this with me (to refute or to agree) id be more than willing to elaborate, as this is just an over-emotional fangirl tangent i went on bc i got distracted while writing a whump fic LOL
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idolish7imagines · 5 months
I adore your blog ^^ thank you for keeping the i7 fandom alive! May I request a scenario of how Banri would care for a sick S/O still pushing herself to work despite likely not even able to think in coherent sentences due to a high fever among other flu-like symptoms? Some type of flu just ripped through my household, taking down roommates left and right and I'm hoping it won't take me out 'cuz I can't afford 3-4 days off from work -_- Currently wondering if Banri would be the stern type to order a sick S/O to rest or if he'd be out of his element or figuring out ways to help her complete her work-day despite the sickness.
Ogami Banri x Reader :: Fever
A\N: i hope you're better now anon! I do enjoy writing for banri ^^
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"Let me feel your forehead." Your boyfriend asks before proceeding to do so without really waiting for a response. The bed slightly shifts at his weight as he presses a knee onto it, leaning over to get a better look at you.
You honestly hadn't even gotten enough sleep through the night, yet you were adamant on getting to your shift at the usual time. Banri had spent the night (he does so at least once a month despite his also busy schedule) and was ready to start his commute to work as well before seeing the state you were in.
Despite the room being at a decent temperature, beads of sweat still piled up on your face, a noticeable glisten on your cheeks and forehead that you wouldn't have been able to hide even if you tried.
A bit of nervousness wells up in you spotting the subtle furrow of his brows after feeling your temp, expression nearly unreadable as he stood back up straight.
"Do you think you can stomach some breakfast?" He asks.
You hardly process the question before running it through your head a couple more times, before giving a slower than usual nod.
"Just something light, before I go to work." You mutter, a slight crack in your voice coupled with your throat sounding dry.
Ban stares at you for a moment, before letting out a short sigh. "I'm not sure if you'll be able to make it to work like this, but we'll see after breakfast."
"Whaat...but..work...have to be there." Unintentionally, you sounded like whining more than an assertive statement.
"I know..let's just see after breakfast okay?" His tone was gentle. Ban was no stranger to tough love when it was necessary, but he didn't want you to be upset when you're already like this. Not like it was your fault anyway.
He disappears into the kitchen, leaving you by yourself for a while to attempt to get ready for your shift.
Needless to say, getting ready didn't go well.
Once Banri had returned, to his absolute shock, you were on your knees on the bedroom floor in front of your closet. A bin was toppled over, probably from your trying to grab some clothes before you fell, he assumed.
He exclaimed your name before going to help you up and back onto the bed, checking to make sure you hadn't accidentally bruised yourself.
"Ban..I just tripped..not a big deal.." You sniffle, tiredly looking in his eyes as his arms cautiously held yours.
"(Y/N)..you fell because you're weak." He tries to explain. "And you're weak because you're sick."
Your lips purse at that word, staying silent for now. Sick is the last thing you needed to be, especially to this extent.
Your boyfriend hoists you up and places you further back on the bed to properly sit on it.
"I don't think you're making it to work like this." He states.
"But Banri-"
"No buts." He was far too used to these kinds of conversations after becoming MEZZO's manager. He didn't like shooting other people down, but their health and wellbeing comes first. "I'm going to get your phone so you can call in."
Your eyes follow him going for your phone and unlocking it. Again, you were weak so you couldn't grab it from him or anything similar. And protesting against it wasn't going to work either.
The man had you to ask if there was anyone to cover your shift and notify them in advance you may have to take off for a few days (or thats what he wanted you to say at least, but instead you said you should be fine by tomorrow).
After that, he goes back to the kitchen to prepare something a bit lighter for you to handle in your current state after tucking you back in.
As much as you wanted to cuddle him as thanks, you were afraid he might get some of your symptoms, and that would make matters even worse.
The food he brings back is vegetable soup and crackers, with water. He offers to feed it to you, but you insist you're not nearly frail enough for him to have to do that.
The two of you eat together in your bedroom, and after finishing your soup, your heart nearly leaps out of your chest at a sudden realization, whipping your head to him.
"B-BAN! WORK!" You exclaim with wide eyes, words still slightly slurring.
"Eh? We already took care of it.." He blinks, startled by the outburst.
"No, your work!" You clarify.
Your partner stares at you for a beat of a moment, before chuckling and patting your head.
"Even your sense of time is off. I still have quite a bit of time to make it there." He gives a smile you can't be mad at.
Letting out a quiet 'ah...', your head hits the pillow once more.
"I should get going though, you're right." Banri stands up, taking the dishes. "I wish I could stay. Just don't push yourself alright? I'll call on my breaks, and help you figure out some plans to catch up on your work once you're feeling better."
His lips press against your temple. It was quick, but you cherished it, giving a slow wave of your hand as Banri headed out for work.
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cubeberries · 2 months
first of all, i'll give you a fair warning, euphemia; this is not going to be as nice an ask like the one sent before by someone who was clearly far too polite to your thick skulled self. especially considering you didn't even answer their question. i'm sure you won't publicly answer this ask anyways, since you're a quivering pussy.
(this is the point of no return. feel free to not read the rest of this ask, since you claim to not like confrontation.)
anyways, to be quite honest with you, i don't think you even truly comprehended what was being said in that ask other than your being wrong, which you took immediate offense to like an impulsive hothead with no self control would. speaking of which, congratulations! congratulations on finally admitting to being a victim-playing, self-righteous hypocrite, who is dumb enough to publicly hate on one half of a ship that you actively participate in the community of. seriously, what did you THINK was going to happen?
really, just...wow. never before have i ever seen such a whiny little bitch in the tomarry community, and that's saying something. this entire community is composed ONLY of whiny little bitches. i mean, be real with me for a second. for someone who claims to not want confrontation, you sure seem to keep asking for it by spewing your hot rancid takes all over the place. have you never heard of the T.H.I.N.K. (is it true? is it helpful? is it inspiring? is it necessary? is it kind?) acronym before? you'd greatly benefit from it. you MUST like the attention to some extent, but can't handle criticism in any way, shape, or form, so you have to play the victim card so people are forced to infantilize you and pull their punches. meanwhile, you can get off mostly scott-free, and get the "thrill" of being in a "debate", when really it's just another person trying their best to give you honest critique on your character and the way you act, and you vehemently, and rather ignorantly, not acknowledging any of it, and making an entirely different point on why you're not in the wrong. it's the most nonsensical and inane form of recrimination you can do, not that recrimination is something to be proud of either. and for the record, blocking them after saying your a whole lot of nothing is also not a "debate". i won't even go into the whole 'immediately blocking someone for breathing an inkling of criticism my way' system you've got going on. that's certainly not any form of debate. it's not even the sort of "debate" YOU like to do, which you previously had claimed to enjoy. it's pathetic.
(frankly, this is sickening behavior. i am genuinely sickened by you. you have zero consideration for others, and that is why i am utterly disgusted by you.)
i am aware that you are young, but you should be old enough that you hold at least a modicum of self awareness for christ's sake. you're legally considered an adult in most countries; act like it. i'm also hoping that your young age means you'll eventually grow out of whatever strange "criticizing" phase that you're in right now. oh, and for the record, it's not "criticizing" that you're doing, or whatever other bullshit name you call it. you're actively pissing all over people's passions and interests, and don't seem to feel guilty about it in the least when they freely admit to you that what you're doing affects them negatively. you just don't acknowledge it. not even the slightest bit of accountability from you. so disgraceful.
this is a side note more than anything, but the way you throw out "facts" and "evidence" to support your hot takes are just...well, plain wrong? i honestly question why you'd even think these things, or put them in your posts since they're either not true, or don't correlate to whatever point you're trying to make. i sometimes wonder if we're even reading the same material.
i won't be citing any direct sources in this ask from either the books or your posts, because in all honesty, i don't want to waste my time trying to talk to a brick wall if i have the choice. but if you'd actually like to have a real, intelligible debate, just post something on your account, or even better, shoot me a pm so we can talk. i'll cite direct examples to disprove, or at least broaden your mind a bit, regarding most of your volatile posts either in pms or in another ask if you'd like. but again, i'm sure you won't do either of those things, because you simply can't handle the fact that you can't shit in someone's cereal, and expect them to be fine with it, with no repercussions to yourself.
i hope this rant at the very least made you think about your actions moving forward. remember the T.H.I.N.K. acronym?
have a lovely day 😊
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for the record, i did not block anyone interacting with my posts, they blocked me. they could've replied, but they didn't.
calling me a "quivering pussy" while hiding behind a burner account... why don't you say it to my face you dumbass bitch.
anywaysssss do i at least get an award for being the Whiniest Thick-skulled Bitch with a Quivering Pussy number 1?
wdym repercussions? bro this is tumblr . com i am talking about fictional men in the Harry Potter universe boning each other it's not that serious 🙄 if you wanted to contradict me with your sources you could have replied instead of sending me this threatening wall of text. i do answer them, so i'm not the best brick wall unfortunately. maybe i should try harder.
and it's not my job to coddle strangers on the internet. if they don't like what they see, they should do something about it, not RUDELY scream at me under my own posts.
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p-redux · 1 year
I'm doing a post about this because, over the last year or so, I was approached by at least 4 women who were scammed by Fake Sam and I thought it was important to let fans know the extent of these scams. I want to warn people and hopefully, prevent others from suffering the same fate.
Click on Keep reading for the rest of my post. It's super long because I provide a lot of the details I was told--I think it's valuable info to have.
Soooo, we've all seen Sam periodically post these warnings letting fans know to be careful of scammers posing as him or someone associated with him. And being clear he DOES NOT, WILL NEVER message fans, including on other platforms, such as Google Hangouts or WhatsApp
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And a little while ago, there was even an article that addressed this. It talked in detail about a few fans who had gotten scammed out of money by a Fake Sam, and also one woman thought she was in a romantic relationship with Sam. Sadly, they were being fooled. 👇
So, you may have read the article above and thought to yourself, "How could these women believe that was Sam, how could they fall for it? That would never happen to me, I know better." Well, you'd be surprised how sophisticated and manipulative these con artists are.
Here is the experience I had with some fans who DMed me about what happened to them. I'm posting this because it seemed to happen more often than I thought and it happened to women who are intelligent and have life experience. I'm not going to post any identifying info or give too much away about who they are. My main point is to let people know the extent of these con jobs and how far they go, so people can be more vigilant.
A few of the women were approached on Google Hangouts, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc., and were convinced by Fake Sam that it was him. I won't get too into those details because I want to focus on two cases that are very disturbing and these two are much more intricate. And I do think even people who look for red flags could fall for this one type of scam. Let me tell you about it.
These two women in particular were victims of what I call "the long con." Some of these scammers are able to reel people in for years because they have multiple people they're scamming at once, therefore, they can take their time, and make more money that way. While they wait for one victim to fall for the scam, they have several others they are already scamming.
These two women had similar stories. But they don't know each other. They each DMed me to let me know that they met Sam at an Outlander fan convention and at an Outlander fan meet and greet a couple of years ago. They gave Sam something with their name on it, ie. business card, social media account name, something they made for him, or they directly told him their name. Fake Sam later contacted them online to thank them. The account looked just like Sam's verified social media accounts with the same profile pic and with the verified blue check! (As an aside, now that Twitter lets anyone pay a fee and get a blue check verified account, these types of impostors will be even more rampant).
Anyway, after Fake Sam contacted them on his fake "verified" account, he asked them to create an e-mail solely for communicating with him and he would do the same. He said this was necessary because if he continued to communicate on his "verified" account, sometimes his team would have access to it, and they may see the messages. Of course, this was all part of the ruse to make it more believable and create a special secret bond with the victims.
The women believed it was the real Sam because he knew details about what had happened at the convention/meet and greet and described what the women looked like and what they were wearing at the convention/meet and greet! Fake Sam then started communicating with them regularly, all platonic and friendly at first. He won their trust over time, telling them supposed "insider" tidbits that they believed only real Sam would know. The truth was that everything Fake Sam told them were things already out in the fandom or things that anyone could find out if they did a deep data mine, or things certain fan groups were privy to. More on that later...
After months and months of communicating with them, Fake Sam started to reveal that he had developed romantic feelings for them, he made them feel special. He told them despite all his fame and fortune, he was "lonely," and didn't actually have too many close friends. He told them that the women he dated were casual and he didn't have real feelings for them, and that the victims were the only ones who truly understood him. That all his other relationships with younger women, that he realized the women were immature, and he was coming to terms with how much he valued women who were more mature. Imagine how heady that would be for someone, let's just say over 40 aka a mature woman, to hear from someone as gorgeous and sexy as Sam. Very hard to resist. To be clear, Real Sam never said any of the above. This was all Fake Sam.
After over about ONE YEAR of communicating this way, when Fake Sam had good and well won these women's trust and made them feel like he had real romantic feelings for them. And that they knew his secrets, and they had a special bond, Fake Sam suddenly had...you guessed it--"financial troubles" and began asking for money.
Fake Sam made up stories that seemed plausible. He used the special bond he'd cultivated for so long to his advantage. He told them that he couldn't ask family or friends for the money because he was in legal trouble and was "too embarrassed," and didn't want his family or friends to know. But, that since he trusted the victims and he knew "you would never reveal my secrets," that they were "the only person I can turn to for help." Again, all very seductive and hard to resist. Once he established how desperate for help he was, Fake Sam gave even more credence to the story by involving "contacts" he had in the US and the UK. Supposed "management" or his "team" that "people didn't know about" because they took care of his finances behind the scenes. This Fake Management then started to communicate with the victims directly and give info on how to either wire money or directly route to a bank. It all seemed legit and on the up and up if it involved an actual bank.
At this point, most people would ask to talk to Sam on the phone or Facetime, or talk to his supposed management, right? Well, these women did just that. And guess what happened? They actually were given cell phone numbers to call these "managers" and they did talk to them on the phone! Some of the "managers" were female and some were male. And they either had an American accent or an English accent. But, doing their due diligence, the victims asked to talk directly to Sam. One woman thought she was talking to Sam, she said the person sounded "just like Sam." And the other woman insisted on a video call with Sam. And she thought she was talking to real Sam. Well, guess what? For those who are not aware, there is now technology that can fake someone's voice. And even technology that can fake Facetime calls. Google "deepfakes" of celebrities and you will see the scary truth. So, these scammers used advanced technology to literally fake Sam's voice and even his face! The fake videos can only "talk" for so long and can only "say" limited things, so the scammers would find some excuse why the video call dropped, but still it was convincing enough.
So, now that for over a year or more, Fake Sam haddeveloped a relationship with these women, bonded with them, won their trust, he and his "management" asked for the "special" help that only the victims could give. And thus, began the multiple money requests. Lots of money, but only a little at a time, so it wouldn't seem so bad. The scammers explained that Fake Sam was in trouble and if they didn't help him he could face legal problems, "including prison." No one wants to see Sam in prison if they have the means to prevent it, right? The Fake Managers and Fake Sam continued to communicate regularly with the victims and continued to rob them of their hard earned money. Both cases went on for two years!
Eventually, Fake Sam stopped communicating and now the Fake Managers started to align with the victims against Fake Sam by complaining that they weren't getting paid by Sam. Fake Sam promised the victims he would pay them back and also promised to meet them in person. When the scammers had milked the victims of as much money as they knew they could get, they started to back off, communication trickled in. But they didn't want the victims to figure out it was all a lie, so they now made it like Sam was not paying them either and they were going to quit. In the end, Fake Sam stopped communicating and the Fake Managers "quit" for non payment of salaries by Fake Sam.
Even though, Sam is a millionaire, with plenty of rich and famous friends who could help him out if need be, Fake Sam convinced the victims that he couldn't ask those he knew for help because he was "embarrassed" to and because he was "in legal trouble." Devastatingly, one victim lost over $100,000 and another almost $200,000. Yes, you read that right. It's heartbreaking.
I posted this to let people know these scams are real and they continue to happen. And also, to give you my theory on WHO is behind these particular ones, in order to WARN OUTLANDER FANS. The main thing that "hooked" the victims into believing this was real Sam was that he gave them very specific details about their time with him at the conventions and meet and greets AND that he described what the they looked like, including what they were wearing. WHO ELSE but real Sam would know that? Um, OTHER OUTLANDER FANS who were also nearby watching and listening at these conventions and meet and greets! I know, I have goosebumps too. Scarily, my friends, I think these scams are an INSIDE FANDOM JOB. The scammers had to have been there to know details about the victims. In addition, all the insider Sam and fandom info they gave the victims are only things long time fans would know. Soooo, please be very careful at future conventions and meet and greets...and if "Sam" or his "management" happens to contact you afterwards--JUST SAY NO.
And, yes, Sam is well aware. That's why he keeps posting warnings. And the fans talking to Fake Sams continue to think the warnings don't apply to them. Trust me, they do. I'm not going to say more as to not jeopardize anything that's being done to stop these scammers.
PS. Please no victim bashing in the comments. Let's practice compassion for those who have already suffered enough.
Mind blown, right?
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
I've read your post abt what makes one a monster in opm, and I'm a lil shaken bc in a lot of ways, Saitama is eerily similar. Indeed, a lot of strong people abandoned their humanity and monsterized in pusuit of greater power — Haragiri, Gouketsu, Bakuzan, and so on.
I think the reason why he isn't considered a monster despite all that is because he really clung unto his humanity while in the pursuit of strength. Still does. Really, every mundane thing Saitama does isn't really necessary for him to do — like he doesn't need to eat, sleep, seek entertainment, or even breathe. This guy can't even get poisoned. He's so powerful and busted he's not human at this point. But I think he does them bc it makes him feel human and keeps him sane.
It really makes me think — what makes a human, human in opm? Seeing Saitama as an example, is choosing to be human and subjecting oneself to human aspects is what makes one human?
Monsters are really interesting in OPM, aren't they? This ask we're not talking about the natural monsters, which, cruel as they can be to human beings, literally saved the Earth from human depredations... talk about a complex ecological relationship!
Anyway, onto ex-human monsters. In OPM, it's the case that just because your egg and sperm donors were members of Homo sapiens, you can't take your humanity for granted. To a certain extent, your humanity has to be earned. The scary thing is that humans turning into monsters turns out to be a recent thing. *What* has changed, I wonder.
Also, it's not as simple as being good. The horrible criminals in the Stink Slammer never turned into monsters (at least not until some of them grabbed monster cells from Nyan in the hopes of finally being able to make Puri Puri see how much he'd made them suffer) despite being really nasty pieces of work. And of course, the straight-living Amai Mask started turning into a monster despite his best efforts to resist it.
There are risk factors that Dr. Genus outlines, such as a strong desire to transform into something else, a deep dissatisfaction with themselves, inferiority complexes, obsessive habits, and similar issues. Those are true enough, but we know characters with several of those problems who haven't gone monster. I think that Bug God puts a claw tip on the most fundamental requirement to turn monster: separating oneself from humanity. When you stop being able to see your fellow person as a human being, that's when you start to transform. You don't need to grow horns or fangs to be a total monster.
The scariest part? It doesn't necessarily take a long time. Everyone has some darkness within them, darkness that if they lean fully into and let consume them will change them in no time. How close Phoenixman got to converting Child Emperor still gives me chills (oi, future animators, don't you dare elide over this!).
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Conversely, we've seen that it is impossible to turn a person into a monster against their will. Even monster cells only work if the person knowingly and willingly consumes them with the intention of becoming a monster.
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Now I know that a lot of fans like to act snobbish towards Viz translations (no, they're not perfect but people take it too far), but they have a very interesting nuance in chapter 167 on how Saitama sees Genos and Garou Tareo:
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Save. That's what Saitama thinks Genos did for him. Saved him. If you go all the way back to chapter 5, you realise that the separation from humanity process had begun for Saitama.
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Just as Garou would have turned into a complete monster, fit only for punching out of this world, were it not for Tareo speaking so powerfully to his humanity, Saitama found Genos, that weird young man who'd given up his human body and nurtured his humanity like it was a precious jewel, to be the anchor to humanity he needed.
I think you have a point about the importance of daily rituals grounding one. Still, with Saitama, one can never quite tell... Maybe he can do without every human need, but what will remain won't be human.
Not in the slightest.
It's good this story is great at making us laugh and groan; otherwise, we'd be quivering in horror.
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skayafair · 6 months
S4 Ep 83 “The Warning of the Wind”
Boooy do I have thoughts.
I both like and dislike where Ned's been going this episode.
On the one hand I like that he reminded everyone of his nature. Not even the tar monster but more like... an unreliable person with very questionable views? Ned's morals certainly aren't high. But he's been influenced by Bill, by Rob, by the whole Searchers team because they fucking get along pretty well, they are kind to ech other, they have connections. And Ned may try to seem as if he doesn't need any of that, the fact is, he does. He's not a human but humane enough to crave this as an essential part of life. Deal with it, Ned, that's in your nature, now, too, and has been for quite a while.
The thing is, you don't get your dinner if you don't know how to get along. (c) TAD You want connections in a human society - keep up with stuff like morals. It's a contract of sorts.
I'm not done with what I like but I need to mention what I didn't like to proceed.
So on a personal level I don't like this need to be feared. It's just weak from my pov. One resorts to this when there's nothing else to impress or impact others with, nothing better, nothing more meaningful. Anyone can manage being feared if they put their mind to it, it's really not that hard. But how small one should be to resort to only that... to like that? Come fucking on. Being feared is boring. I was, way more often than I'd like to (or at least people have been wary of me and said I looked scary when I had none of that in mind), and every time it was just... "ah, that reaction again. Someone who can't handle me, judging the book by its cover, someone I can't be on equal terms with, and I wasn't even TRYING". So... Ned. Is it really necessary to stoop so low.
Which reminded me again how his personality aligns with some narcissistic traits, quite a number of them actually. Narcissists are very, very vulnerable, that's why they keep this grandiose facade - in defense, in advance. Ned has been putting on airs all the time just to seem as something he wasn't. More dangerous, more clever, more strong, more cunning and mysterious than he actually is. Because he's none of that, not to this extent at least. This is protection. Because he knows his shortcomings and vulnerabilities better than anyone, and he actually despises them. He thinks he's weak so he needs to keep everyone at a distance, because otherwise they'll find out. Lying and instilling fear are good ways to do that actually and to feed one's ego at the same time.
His narcissistic traits were an unpleasant reminder and the reason why I held on for months from admitting I like the character a lot. Because - not fucking again. I really had enough with this type of personality in real world to still be drawn to it in any circumstances. Well. Some roots can't be rid of that easily, and this attraction runs very deep in my personality. Some base coding. Too many levels to hack to get there yet. I'm glad I can at least recognize this type of personality now to keep away from it because apparently I can't resist it.
Anyway, I didn't like this reminder on a personal level because Ned actually showed some earnest development for the better. He's changing, so that was a painful bitter throwback jab.
And the second thing I didn't like - I don't remember him talking about hunting people before. He absorbed them to take up their appearance and memories, yes, but that's not hunting. That's his way of survival. I mean yes Ned is pretty liberal at that, but he never mentioned doing this just for fun. So this whole thing was just out of nowhere and I don't like it from the writing perspective. It isn't sewn into the narrative seamlessly, it sticks out not nicely. It's irritating.
But now back to what I DID like about the same things.
Ned is changing, I believe. And it bothers him a lot. This isn't the changes he's used to, not ones he creates himself. It's his personality adapting and answering to the outer signals, and he can't control it.
It's bringing his vulnerability into the picture again.
I've mentioned in my previous Ned post how he changed drastically because of his affection towards Bill, mostly. All masks are shed, he's openly admitting the most shameful things he believes there are about himself, shares his greatest fears and truths... One can't really get more straightforward than he is now. And this is delicious.
So, if he's already like that, what's there left to fear, right? Why bringing all this "feared monster" stuff back?
Well because he still controls what he shares. He can still more or less control the reactions of others to what he says and does depending on how he does it and to what extent, that's kind of The Narcissistic Thing - being in control of everyone like a puppeteer, only not because it's cool but because then no one can hurt them. They need to control  how they appear to others, and, well, that's the most Ned thing ever.
But the changes that are going on on the inside of him now cannot be controlled like this. He doesn't control himself to the extent he's used to and likes. And so he loses his control on the surroundings, too.
This screams true vulnerability.
Ned is very uncomfortable with this. He's utterly out of his depth. He's so not used to this he can't even pretend he doesn't care. He doesn't act anymore save for a few jokes here and there. He spills his guts about feeling so guilty and not understanding any of this to Kate when she pays him a few minutes of attention, and, well, Kate's been wary around him before, so it's not like there's a strong connection. Ned just likes her. Not as much as Bill, but he does. And Kate is the carer of the group after all - it's not like Ned is the only one tempted to trust her like this. She did the same for Sam before, even though he made her uneasy at times, too.
So he's out of his depth. So to roll a few steps back to the familiarity, to something as much other as possible to this new version he's becoming now, he remembers hunting, being feared, causing pain. These were one of the first things he learnt, after all, they've been with him for a long time. Plus this role of a terrible tar monster used to give him the feeling of safety - no one will attack you if they run away scared first. Or die, because he actually is a tar monster when he wants to.
So he snapped. All the tension, all the pressure of the last several days and the fact that they had to leave Oslow and Bill and Rob together with it - to find a way to make things right again for everyone, yes, but it's still uncertain and frustrating and doesn't fulfill his wish - made him crave something familiar, something safe.
So Ned went for a hunt.
This could only end well.
Frankly what I'm most surprised with is that he decided some little people were okay to hunt - apparently he thought "they aren't human so no one will object". This is a weird way of thinking for someone who isn't human himself. Then again... Ned pretty much hates to be considered a monster and it really hurts him. He's not human by birth and I don't think he'd ever want to change his nature but he wants to be accepted and regarded the same as a human. Why not just being what you are, there are more ways than two... Anyway.
Kate obviously got worried - or maybe she hoped he'd try to go to the Source, idk, - and went to search for him when he went out in the middle of the night. And, well. Saw the hunt. It wasn't pretty even just by the sound. I don't want to imagine how it looked. And she saw all of it.
Then one of the little people shot an poisoned arrow and hit her leg. They were attacking her in general - probably because she seemed vaguely similar to Ned.
Ned heard. And immediately rushed to help her, muttering curses under his breath and already regretting all this hunt. Because Kate saw, and she was afraid now, and he wasn't happy about it at all.
To her honor, Kate let him get to her, even though she was demanding to call for Sam with a trembling voice. Ned explained that if he doesn't get the poison out now, she'll be dead in a few minutes. So Kate braced herself. She's so damn brave, it strikes me every time. Maybe the bravest of them all - she has the most to lose and goes with them anyway.
The "the poison should be out of your system because your blood, uh... tastes normal again" part was awkward, all things considered. Otherwise it would have been completely normal, and I like how the circumstances shifted the tone.
And then Ned carried her back to hotel to patch up. And let Sam and Ren listen to the tape with the hunt because he was running the recording since it seemed to draw the supernatural out. And this is a vulnerability, shown willingly. I mean, it was bad, there's no way around it. The chances the team would say "fuck off" after this were high. Or at least I believe Ned would think so. He still let them listen to it.
Like I've said, he's changing. He's probably not even sure if he likes it himself, but he can't neither stop nor control it. The VAs acting was great, and Ned's voice trembling with panic and desperation when he tried to convince Kate to let him help her, that he's not a monster she should fear... it was so earnest. The last part wasn't said, but it was clear as is. Ironic, considering why Ned went to his hunt in the first place, isn't it.
So I REALLY liked all that. It makes so much sense and also grounds Ned's character a bit - he was becoming a bit too good to be true, a fairytale nice version. Not with this type of personality, pal.
There were a few other parts I didn't like though.
Kate seems to be reluctantly encouraging Ned to go to the Source. Probably because she knows Sam's too rational and had a very telling experience the last time to know better than doing that again if he has a choice, plus he should find Anna. Kate can't afford to lose him like this. But she's uneasy with leaving Bill and Rob hanging, she wants to save them, too. So... does she think they can spare Ned because he wasn't with them to begin with and isn't very trustworthy in general? I... think she is capable of thinking this way. She can be as stubborn as any of the Searchers if she puts her mind to it, no matter what her heart is saying. That's how she was able to leave her family she loves more than anything else in the world and go search for Anna, then work with ISPHA. She used to be uneasy around Sam but that didn't stop her from bonding with him, helping, becoming friends. Because she needed him to find Anna.
So yes I can absolutely believe Kate can act rather heartlessly if she decides this is the most effective way.
But I really, really don't want her to go there. This is so cruel... What I would have a hard time believing is that she decided they can lose Ned if his mission goes south because he's what he is. Because he doesn't exactly fit into their team, he doesn't get along with others well, he's just other and doesn't hide it all that much, now more than ever. Come on, Kate, don't disappoint me. You're better than this.
And the 2nd thing - that Sam had to actually narrate all that about Ned's hunt. We as listeners already got it and processed, I believe. Come on, trust your listeners a bit more! It was sort if disappointing, "tell not show" move.
But then Ned and Sam talked, and I think I've forgiven this whole talking through bit 🤦‍♀️ I'm a sucker for their interactions, okay??? Their relationship is weird. It's sort of antagonistic, but not exactly. Ned says he doesn't like Bailey, Sam really isn't charmed with Ned either and has all the reasons to actually consider him an enemy. But. They still do get along, weirdly. Angrily. They are alike in some ways - more than just being born from the Source, more than just being human-shaped creatures. They feel like reflections, like brothers who don't get along but are still connected.
And I think they actually do like each other, at least partly, but don't want to admit that even to themselves. It's complicated. Ned is... VERY open around Sam. Not even trying to have an upper hand anymore. They are on some special terms with each other, and I can't quite explain it. Doesn't that sound familiar.
In this particular conversation they seemed to establish the boundaries:
- Sam admitted that by giving them the tape Ned made Sam trust him to no end but also consider the most untrustworthy person at the same time, and Sam didn't know what to make of it. Let's just say Bailey is a fan of heartfelt open talks no more than Ned, so either he grew personally, or he's unusually open around Ned as well. Or both. After all, Sam mostly lets himself show any aggression or hostility only to creatures like himself now - maybe because he knows they can handle him even if he snaps, and there won't be any more victims of his power breaking out of control. Maybe it's something else, I don't know. The fact is, he can be sort of hostile towards Ned, their relationship allow it with no hard feelings, and this is pretty liberating. Or I'm just projecting.
He gets the same in return. Ned said they're allies and he'll do his best to be useful and civil until they save Bill and Rob. After that... who knows. I can't transfer the feelings into words well, but this feels cold and distant and the most personal, sincere and close at the same time.
Stop being dumbasses, you both, and shake hands already, we all know you're both gonna miss each other. Let me have this happy ending at least like this.
...wow. The episode was only 27 minutes, actually.
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bumblebeerror · 1 year
I want to talk about how Techno fights I’ve decided.
So everyone who’s ever watched the guy knows he’s great at PVP, but they don’t seem to necessarily understand why. And Techno’s fighting style is actually really interesting compared to others, especially compared to what I’ve seen from other top PVPrs, like Dream.
So first, let’s talk about Dream, because Dream is well known for being a great pvper and I love remembering my boy beat him. Dream is smart and straightforward. He stays mobile but has mastered axe crits and the shield mechanics. Dream fights like a classic tank, steamrolling through hits. It’s simple, it’s effective, and it’s overwhelming - he just rolls through you like you aren’t there. Add on pearls and crossbows and you’re able to tank from a distance as well.
It’s a really popular tactic! Combined with enchanted netherite, using this tactic you become both the unrelenting force and the immovable object. Even I use this tactic to some extent. It’s easy, it’s effective, it utilizes a lot of the game’s mechanics, it’s arguably what most people expect from Minecraft PVP now, post 1.16.
Now let’s talk Techno - playing Minecraft and specifically PVP games starting with 1.8 pvp! I have actually been playing that long too, so I recognize a lot of tactics he uses from my own experience on faction servers. 1.8 focused heavily on attention, accuracy, click speed, and not getting hit in the first place because armour was way less enchantable, way less protective, and way easier to break. Obviously skywars’ games don’t require you to care about armour durability, but it’s just to keep it in mind.
But anyway, 1.8 pvp necessitates movement. You HAVE to be mobile, you have to get out the way because as soon as you stand still in front of someone, you’ve been spam-clicked by someone with a diamond sword and you’re dead, bro. You’re dead as dicks. You're deader than dead. You died before your ping even caught up to you dyin, man. 1.8 pvp is all offense and movement.
And especially in Factions PVP, something Techno mentions doing a lot on his own, the other biggest way to win a fight in 1.8 is to lag the other person out and/or make it even harder for someone to touch you with mobs. When I played factions I had a decent laptop, and the main way I defended myself was chickens. They move a lot, they update a lot, and its Really easy to get a lot of them. Similarly, you can use just about any other mob, but chickens are easiest to put wherever you want them to be. Coincidentally, you can also do this with wolves, if you've got a good enough computer to keep them all stood up around you, with the added benefit that if someone decides to fight you, you now have a swarm of mobs between you and them.
So, to break it down for you bc thats a lot of info! I'm gonna split this into two categories: Hypixel PVP and SMP PVP.
In Hypixel PVP, Techno's main strengths were experience, general skill at the game, speed, good ping, and focus. Simply put, the guy's just really fuckin Built to do 1.8 PVP and he exploits a lot of classic mistakes that players make post 1.9 - they stand still, they dont spam click, they expect armour to do more. Techno is fuckin SPEEDY, both in game and when it comes to accessing what's going on around him and sorting thru items. Its a strong combo, and hes a strong opponent.
in SMP PVP, theres a LOT more factors to think about and also to exploit. The players are there, in call with him, to be taunted. Almost everyone he plays with isn't skilled at 1.8 pvp, as well - and that leads to a few key advantages. The main one is that unlike players used to 1.16 pvp, Techno has evolved a style that keeps the spirit of 1.8’s necessary movement while compounding how much damage he’s able to do by using things like fireworks, crossbows, slowness and harming arrows, fully enchanted netherite with full prot4 and thorns3. Thorns3 is a stacking enchantment; if you have ONE item that is thorns3, there is a chance when you are hit it will do 1/2 heart of damage per hit. If you have all four pieces enchanted, you can do up to 2 hearts per time someone hits you. That’s huge, especially because Techno doesn’t use a shield regularly, hence why he never really takes his armour off.
Techno’s mixed style is something that comes as a surprise - a lot of people keep up with versions and change their fighting style as the versions change - but Techno only adapted his. He didn’t need to relearn things, just add to them. His movement is unpredictable and he uses pots like it’s second nature. Those sorts of things are what makes Techno fucking DEVASTATING as an opponent. 1.16 is a lot of standing still and holding your shield up but that shit doesn’t work when your opponent runs around like a hyperactive toddler the whole time. And technos ability to negate the usefulness of a shield - something that is absolutely OP in game - is one of his biggest strengths.
Techno’s style is a unique mix of 1.8 and all the versions following it, focused on building on skills he already had and bolstering the things he was weak with like sheildwork or axe crits. It’s absolutely fantastic and fucking genius.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
Ohhh heyyyaaa babee!!! I jst saw that you opened free readings 🥂😩 sorry I hv been quite bsy these past few days n probably will for atleast a year, anyway...
My initials: SM ✨♈ sun (tro) ♓ sun(sid)
Fav emojis: 🤡💀👀✨🥺🌝🥂
Fav quotes: He'll never know how much a girl once loved him, after every dark night there's a bright day, After heavy rain there comes fiery sun, I CAN is 100 times better than I will.
Ques: channeled letter from my future spouse 🕳️👩‍🦯with shufflemacy songs👀
Exchange: what you need to know ryt now?
Focus on your present time. It's time to focus on yourself, your personal growth, and your surrounding. Cut off toxic people, habits n situations to lead a smooth life in future. Learn to stand for yourself. You hv overcome some pain from the past , the storm has ended n now it's time to assess where to go from here. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off n stand towards your growth. It's time to make a lil change in your life to lead a smooth life further. Don't rush things, be calm n work towards your destination with calm pace. If the past wasn't good enough for ya, now it's the time with full of support n stability to edge out your sadness. Be patient n take help from your closed ones. You hv many true supporters around you. Ask for help from them. You maybe daydreaming a lot lately. Maybe feeling a need to escape your reality with the help of your imagination but this time you need to make those dreams come true... Work towards them n stop wasting your time. Try to develop your spiritual side as much as you can. Focus on what you do best n be patient. Success will be yours. You hv learnt many things from your past n now it's time to make use of those learnt things. Liberation! Get higher studies n focus on yourself. Take care of yourself, do self care n introspection.
Thankyou so much n lemme know if it resonates<3🤍✨
Hello sweetheart ,
Do I tell you enough that you're one of my favourite people on Tumblr 🤍🤍. Why are you sorry i am so happy you're working on things which are necessary , all the best to you , your success is on the way babe .
You're quotes are beautiful.
Thank you so much for the exchange 💗✨ , i absolutely adore you for this 🤍.
Yes recently maybe because of mercury retrograde i cut off a lot of people , i am glad the storm has ended , yes right now i am focusing on loving myself more and doing things i desire . I will surely take help from the people around me , i have a few people but they're worth so much to me . I will be calm. I'm kind of in my imagination sometimes . I will really work to develop my spiritual side. Okay I have to be really patient and calm and keep working . I really plan on getting higher studies . I think you channelled my mother 🤡 she keeps tellin me all this.
Thank you so much it resonates , you're amazing and thank you for the songs , I'll listen to them . 🥰💗🦋✨
So babe it's your turn now , although I am impatient to write so much , but I believe in giving more and this exchange deserves some effort 😤🥰 so i meditated and here's what I received from the higher self of your future spouse :
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I was about to write " I " as the initial of your future spouse 👀 . I've seen in the t.v ........ Line is from " Don't you ever leave me , song by Anne Marie " and Moses my soul my friend...... Are lines from the poem Currency by Rumi
I say this is one of the most beautiful things I've channelled !!!
Your songs :
Hope you like it love 🤍.
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astromythical · 9 months
My Notes On Thia -- History
It's been goddamn ages since I promised worldbuilding notes for Thia, but I've remembered now, so here you go:
Okay, so as I check my notes, which somehow ended up being fifty pages, I've decided to split them up into several sections. I don't have the patience to post everything at once, so this will have to do.
I'm gonna start with the history. Should be straightforward and easy to explain, right? (If you happen to be knowledgeable in history, I’m sorry, I tried my best, but if you have any suggestions on how I can improve this, I will gladly take the advice)
Anyway. Let’s start. I’m gonna stick in some climate in here as well. I’m sorry, but it’s necessary. i think
So, Thia is a pretty cold place, despite being roughly where Australia is when it comes to latitude. Most of Thia has cold deserts. Is this important? Honestly, I’m not even sure anymore, but my notes say it is, so.
First things first, the Eurabics and the Imazons come south. They’re from the north, which has a hella lot amount of hot deserts. It’s hot. They’re used to hot. But Solnata is cold. Already living there are the Turchians and the Efratics, and they’re cool with their new neighbours. (I think you can tell where this is going.)
Then, the Eurabics and the Imazons decide, nahhh. They're going to take over the land. It's a joint decision, but what ends up happening is that the Eurabics, led by Farouk III, took over. Farouk III ends up king, and a bunch of cities are built, but the public is basically divided between Eurabics and Imazons. The Eurabics are more cityfolk, while the Imazons are more countryfolk, though there are still crossover between the two groups.
I think it's obvious by now that I take real historical events and put them in a different universe. It's just easier for me to make things realistic.
So, the capital gets built. Its name is Husanol, named after Husan, the Solnatans' moon god, and it was a walled city. Inside was one of the largest Solnatan ziggurat to have ever been built. A ziggurat is essentially just a pyramidal stepped temple tower. It's for worship. Anyway, they built a temple at the city's heart, and it was named Maq'bur, or The Tower of Time, which took around a decade to complete, and was where the royal family and court lived. All in all, the city took about three centuries to complete.
Fifteen years after Farouk III becomes king, he marries Bohlokoa el-Akhtar. She's essentially the mastermind. Farouk's just the pretty face. She's the one that gave Solnata a successful economy from agriculture, ironworking, and textiles, and for a long, long time, it was Farouk III who took the credit. But the in-universe textbooks heavily imply that without her, Farouk's reign would've crashed and burned much earlier. They had three children, Farouk IV, Iritis, and Ankhta. After Farouk III retired, Farouk IV took his place.
Fast forward to 2580 Husan Era, and conflict really starts brewing. The Imazons have been slowly wanting more power, and in 2580, an Imazon army led by Ngotso Mbala attacked Husanol. Eventually, they win, in 2584, with a death count of over 600 000. The capital was moved, due to damages done to Husanol. The new capital, Angchengan, is not walled off, and made of solid stone. It has many murals and a warm palette. It glows at night like the Niagara Falls because why not.
Another thing that comes with the Imazons is their new god, Sul, goddess of the sun. They keep Husan as Solnata's patron god, but Sul now shares the position with him. I have a whole story to talk about for them, but I'll leave that for the religion post.
Anyway, in 356 Sul Era, there's a war going on between Panaling and Mavaria, over an ancient crown called the Crown of Sight. It's powerful, and that's basically the extent that people know about it, but it's enough to incite war. Approximately 800 000 Xiatzu civilians flee to Solnata, pleading to Solnata's king at the time, King Oluchi II, to help them. King Oluchi sends armies to fight against the Mavarians, AKA the Efratics, and since then, Solnata and Mavaria have been strong enemies. Eventually, the Solnatan Xiatzus become the Hantzu, as their language changes.
And then there are the racists. Or maybe they're not racists, and they're just afraid of Mavaria retaliating against Solnata in the future. Whatever their reason, the Solnatans in the Pahyarayan Territory protested the presence of the Hantzu, and when they were ignored, they seceded from Solnata. My explanation is that King Oluchi didn't want to bother reclaiming that land, though I'm open to other suggestions, since that explanation's a little flimsy. This chunk of land later became Tesirma.
Now, in 498 S.E., a group of people who called themselves the Apostatians attacked villages, wanting to convert people to Apostatism. Bad way to do it, but sometimes people are stupid. King Labaris sends a battalion to defeat them, and the Apostatian Crusade ends after a few months and 3 000 deaths.
Then, famine strikes. It's mostly in Tesirma, but it does affect Solnata a tad bit, though ultimately Solnata did not come to Tesirma's aid. It's estimated that about 1 200 Solnatans died.
In 853, the Solnatan-Mavarian Cold War begins. It's a bit of economic warfare + buying your enemy's enemy stuff so they can win. Solnata is at war with Nali, which lasts thirteen years, and Mavaria is at war with Panaling, which lasts twenty years. The Cold War ends in 863, with no winner. They both lose.
We're almost at present-day!! So, in 1378, Mavaria sends soldiers to burn down Angchengan. It doesn't work, because, well... Angchengan doesn't burn. Angchengan is made of pure stone. You dummies. A year later, Mavaria sends a group of skilled assassins to assassinate the king of Solnata, Adesyana. They fail and are eventually caught.
Of course, Solnata doesn't like that. So, the Thirty Years' War begins! It only ends in 1408, with a death count of 6 million. Rumour has it that it was divine intervention by Sul, who generated a firestorm that stopped the war. Others say that it was a fire Ruhanik. A few suggest that Prince Adesyana II knows something about it. :D
And that's basically it for the history of the Solnatan Empire!! If you're still here and have read through all my rambling, thank you!! I'll get the geography part up next, though I can't say when that'll be. Might be tomorrow, might be next year. But yeah, thanks for reading!
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cinnamonest · 2 years
Could you perhaps share your thoughts on how le yandere genshin boys would handle falling in love with just...an absolute *slob* of a girl? Some tiny skinny ratty little thing with small tits, unbrushed hair, zero sex appeal, and the worst shrimp like posture known to man. She stays holed up in her dark musty room all day if she can afford it, more or less festering like a worm, and probably eats the most trashy snack like foods. Maybe she even drools and maybe even lisps and she's about as strong and athletic and charismatic as a half rotten toothpick. In short just...the absolute bottom of the barrel lmao.
Just find it hilarious to imagine these egotistical self absorbed men falling for the most mangy little pissant out of their proverbial female line up. I'm sure it actually ticks a *lot* them off, knowing they *should* be picking better, though honestly I feel like many would also develop an 'I can fix her' complex or revel in the fact that she's so undesirable and thus, insecure, they can use her as a constant source of ego boosting-juice lol
Reminds me of Tomoko! I loved Watamote when it came out... it’s wild, I just realized it came out literally 9 years ago, it felt like a lot less long ago than that to me 😅
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Anyhow, it's a given that the savior complex duo of Diluc and Zhongli would be all over that. It's like an alarm bell, a bunch of red arrows pointing to you reading "fix this!!" in their heads. Convince themselves that you're going to be so much happier in the environment and lifestyle that he'll set up for you... to be fair, this is one of the rare occasions in which that might not be entirely incorrect, since actually getting some sunlight would be genuinely good for you...
Zhongli in particular is big on fixing bad habits. Infantilizing as he always is, sigh. Absolutely no junk food allowed, would probably restrict your sugar intake, makes sure you drink lots of water. You're going to damage your spine if you sit like that, human bodies are so fragile... here, you can sit on his lap, that way he can sort of keep an arm around your waist so you don't slouch. Makes sure you get proper sleep, sets a bedtime for you even and will enforce it when necessary (and yes, you will be punished in some way if he comes in and finds you're still up doing something while laying in bed when he told you to sleep). That being said, to some extent he also enables your other behaviors that don't actually affect your health, such as seclusion and lack of significant activity. Can't have you actually being productive now, if that happened you might actually start to feel talented or capable, self-sufficient even, and may challenge your (to him) obvious need to be taken care of and inability to do so yourself.
Diluc has less reign over your eating habits (he barely makes food anyway, maids are there for a reason), and doesn't really know enough about health to be particularly concerned about it (not that he doesn't care, just doesn't realize how bad for you a lot of your habits are), but he does have a public image to maintain to all the estate visitors. It reflects badly on him if his wife (yes you're not legally married, it doesn't matter, they don't need to know that, it's not his fault Mondstadt has these stupid "consent" requirements so hush) isn't looking like the perfect image you should. So, whether you like it or not, you'll need to start dressing in the nice flowy clothes he got you, fix your hair (don't worry, the maids can do it for you if you can't, but you have to let them), and fix that thousand-yard stare of sleep deprivation and learn how to put on a nice smile and sweet, energetic voice. You'll do it for his sake, right?
Xingqiu more or less has the same thing going on. It's unsightly for you to not be perfectly presentable to the family and others... he'll have to get servants to fix that. But don't worry, much like with the winery maids, you don't have to lift a finger, the servants will take care of literally everything if you just sit there, they'll even dress you. They also have a private physician who can arrange a meal plan for you, make sure you're being properly fed. But as for speaking, no worries. Unlike with Diluc and needing you to be very polite and sweet (albeit still soft-spoken), Liyue culture is a little different -- you're expected to be completely silent unless spoken to, and even then, he will do most talking for you. So, no need to worry about being introverted or unable to speak in a way that sounds sophisticated, as long as you can sit quietly with your hands in your lap and look at the ground, you'll be set.
Venti would like to correct your eating and posture habits, but, ah... he's not really in a place to talk when his diet prioritizes alcohol over food, and slouches a lot when drunk. Still, he can force you to eat an apple every now and then to ensure you get your fruit intake. He's more concerned about the seclusion. Totally not good for you, you know! You need to come out here in the sunshine and fresh air with him. Honestly, he does think you'll be happier, but part of it is because he himself gets depressed pretty quickly if forced into a dark solitary room, and he wants to spend time with you, so, it's easier to force you to come out with him. Don't worry about any social inability though... he doesn't mind, and you don't need to speak to anyone besides him.
And then there is Xiao. Ideal. Perfect, even. You already sit around in the dark and never leave your room or socialize? Huh. Then, you won't even have to adjust to life with him. Excellent. All it will basically be is a room change. He doesn't really think to correct your posture, he has horrid posture too to be honest, always hunched over when sitting up in high places. You being weak is a plus too. That much easier to hold you down, maneuver you how he wants etc. And hopefully, you'll be content with his... limited diet. Unfortunately, he comes to learn the hard way that you will actually suffer negative health effects if you don't have at least some balance in your diet, so he'll just get Smiley Yanxiao to make whatever they have at the inn and bring it back to you.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Ooooookay, after that post about worst yanderes I Please & TYSM need general hcs for yandere Scott Summers so I understand your roster, like, I'm with you in all other, SO tru damn it but I would have said Apocalypse, Legion, Ultron, Cable... note, the Summers-Grey gives dangerous yandere do Not mix.
Also, don't write cyclops hcs if you don't feel like it, but I just notice you have seen Invincible, like give me five 🙌👍there we can get good inspo for yandere, yep 😚
Anyway tsm for open requests hopw youre having nice holidays, take care of yourself dear!!
Yandere Scott Summers/Cyclops (general)
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Scott keeps himself pretty reserved and sometimes comes off cold, at least early on. But when his obsession begins to form he’ll be more interactive with his darling. Opposed to before his obsession when he would just take to watching his darling, now he would actually go out of his way to be in their presence and strike up conversations, even if it’s bits of small talk throughout the day. And of course he’ll still be watching them. He can be very charming and overall appealing when he wants to be. He does have genuine care for his darling but his obsession causes him to think and behave a little offhandedly.
Scott is an excessively jealous person. He doesn’t like it very much when his darling gets attention that’s not from him. He would much rather spend his time alone with his darling, not having the nuisances of other people around, just him and them. Scott has never really liked the idea of his darling interacting with others, he just doesn’t trust the other people with them. He will definitely hover around his darling at all times. Never too far but just close enough to intervene if he thinks it’s necessary.
Honestly, no one would be safe from Scott’s jealousy. He has to really try and reign himself in to keep himself from using his optic beams to blast through anyone he sees as a threat, whether friend or foe. Scott can’t help this overwhelming need to hurt those who are just far too close for comfort. He at least he has a good excuse when it comes to taking his anger out on the bad guys during missions and whatnot but he can’t really come up with a good enough reason for going off on any other X-men. It even scares him a little at how easily it is for him to lash out at his friends and comrades, or how willingly he is to hurt anyone for his obsession but then again if it’s for you then he’s willing to do anything. As long as it’s for you, Scott can justify doing just about anything.
He can also be extremely possessive, always feeling the need to keep an hand on you or be touching you in some sense of the word. It may come offf as controlling and it is to an extent. If he doesn’t feel like the situation is appropriate for it then he’ll just stand close enough, not to the point of touching but still being as close as he can to you. It’s more for him than it is for you but he likes to reason that it’s to better keep you safe and protect you if anything goes awry. When really he just needs to be by you at all times.
Scott doesn’t do anything without thinking about you first. Whether it be what action he needs to take while out in the field on missions or just going through day to day situations, Scott’s main focus will always be you. His obsession is his top priority.
Scott would be extremely doting towards his darling, he would wait on them hand and foot really. But that doesn’t mean Scott isn’t still a force to be reckoned with. He will lose control of himself and he will end up hurting his darling in the process but he doesn’t mean to. Not really. Maybe in the moment but afterward he’s an apologetic mess. Scott can’t help himself when it comes to his anger. He’ll breakdown and beg for your forgiveness. He has and will continue to use this as a way to manipulate you into feeling bad for him or to keep you from trying to leave him.
His biggest fear would be losing you. Scott wouldn’t know what to do with himself if that were to ever happen. He’d probably lose it, honestly. His obsession is his everything, he would both live and die for them, so to not have them at all would break him. He needs them just as much as he needs air to breath. They are his life line, his world, and to lose that would be the end of him.
If he could have it his way, Scott would take you far away from everyone and everything just to be fully and completely with you. No one else. No more nuisances. No more people trying to take up your time and attention. Just you and him. That’s all he could ever want. It’s all he would ever need.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
And many thanks to @slowburnwithahappyending for sending me some dance nerd questions to keep me happy and blogging instead of, y'know, going outside and touching grass or something crazy like that ANYWAY I'm so sorry this is so very late. I am easily distracted by shiny things, apparently.
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Seriously slowburn is so cool, the query goes thusly:
"I wonder if Jm and Jk background in martial arts can be viewed as advantage regarding dance and to what extent?" And the answer, as you might have guessed, is OH HELL YES. With a qualifier here or there. You ready? LET'S GET IT:
And here is some background on Jimin's martial arts training and level of accomplishment. UH THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW. I would not piss him off, for real.
To summarize, he's at least a 3rd-4th Dan (equivalent to a 5-7th degree black belt) in Kendo so he can kill you with a stick. He's studied hapkido, holds at least a First Dan black belt in Taekwondo, and reportedly has also received some training in other forms in China. The advantages, from a dance standpoint, are numerous. He developed coordination and core strength early, as well as discipline, speed and precision. Dance training was easier later because the hard work and hours of physical effort were not unfamiliar to him by that time. This is a kid who worked HARD. Jimin also got exceptional balance, a head start on the elevation of jumps and the spotting motion necessary for spins and rapid turns, and had a good sense of body mechanics probably before he ever started dance training. That was very helpful for him.
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NOW Jungkook has said that he has a red-and-black belt in Taekwondo. What this means is that he was trained to black belt level, but he was not yet 16 Korean age - the age necessary to achieve full official black belt standing with the World Taekwondo Federation. Once he hit his sixteenth year he was eligible to have that belt switched to solid black and it appears that he did so. But it also looks like he trained wearing a black belt from a very early age, which many schools do allow outside competition :
So, similarly, Jungkook can kick your ass and smile and he does not need boxing gloves to do it. That he took up boxing is not a surprise given his talent for Taekwondo. It also helped his dance in many of the same ways that Jimin's training did. One difference is that a TKD dan level can be reached in about three to four years. So Jimin has the advantage in terms of hours of work put in on martial arts prior to his dance training, and also in terms of dance training hours, possibly. That doesn't take away from JeiKei's work ethic or talent, though. Dude is insanely good. NOW THE DOWNSIDE BESIDES THAT LOCKER ROOM SMELL
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Where martial arts is an issue with dance is in two areas: injuries and technique. And the two go hand in hand. Jungkook wins out here. He has less technical training in both martial arts and in dance. (CALM DOWN I DIDN'T SAY HE WAS UNTRAINED. JIMIN JUST HAS STUPID AMOUNTS OF HARDCORE TECHNIQUE TRAINING OKAY). This means that he had LESS, not more, to un-learn to get the dance technique correct. He also does not train contemporary dance as a rule. Hip hop is technical but much closer to martial arts in its execution. Jiminie runs into problems because different muscle groups are used for different types of dance and different martial arts styles and getting your body to work them ALL is.. a LOT. It can be done but it is not easy on the hips, the spine, or the shoulders and neck. Any of the joints really. It also causes him some technical headaches when changing styles. Koo does what Koo wants so he DGAF really, but he's also a bit less likely to get hurt as a result. SO OKAY I WROTE ANOTHER BOOK ACCCKKKKK SORRY NOT SORRY
More from the @slowburnwithahappyending folder soon. I hope that helped answer your question!
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