#but it’s still funny it’s happened twice
mykoreanlove · 2 days
Minho 😥
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„Where is y/n?“, Minho asked impatiently.
„Oh, I just texted her. She was on a date but now is on her way.“
The bar was crowded with young, good looking people but none of them captured Minho‘s attention like you did. Ever since you showed up in Seoul he was a mess, an utterly self-sabotaging mess.
„Hey guys“, you cheered in happily, taking the empty seat next to Minho.
„Whoa, you look amazing. That was an important date, huh?“
You tilted your head to the side and smirked at your friend.
„Wouldn’t you like to know?“
You took a sip of his beer and spilled the tea, happily letting them know of your whereabouts these past hours.
„So yeah, I went on a date.“
You didn’t notice Minho‘s sharp inhale or the death stares he pointed at his blue drink.
„So? What is he like? Is he Korean?“
„Yeah, he is. He’s amazing really. Funny, smart, super sweet to me. He is very handsome and has such a sexy body..“, you teased.
„Where did you meet?“
„Oh, at the dance school. Remember how I started taking classes there? Yeah, we met there. And you know me, I’m a slut for men who can dance.“
„Why don’t you date Minho then? He’s an ace in dance.“, your friend suggested.
You felt the tight knot in your stomach again, the one you always felt after the one time you shared with Minho.
„Guys, come on. Minho doesn’t like me like that, ha!“, you tried to play it off coolly.
„As if! I’ve seen him pouting for the past hour ever since I mentioned that you went on a date.“
Minho‘s head jerked up suddenly, the death stares were now aimed at his friend.
You felt the confusion again, you never really knew where you stood with him. You arrived in Seoul weeks ago and met him on the first night and still, you had no idea if he liked you at all.
This had to stop.
You turned around to face him.
„Can we talk outside?“
Minho got off his chair, reluctantly, and followed you outside.
„Min, what are they talking about?“
Finally, he looked at you with a pained expression on his face.
„I don’t know, they’re probably just fucking around.“
„So, you don’t have a problem with me dating other guys?“
„Why would I have a problem with the foreigner dating others?“
His tone was cold, utterly indifferent.
„Yeah, okay.“, you turned around annoyed and walked back in.
It took him a couple of seconds to realize that he messed up again, but as soon as reality hit him, Minho raced after you.
„Y/N, wait.“, he huffed out.
„I don’t know why I said that. I’m sorry.“
„I just don’t get you!“, you said agitated. „For real, Minho, I don’t expect anything from you but honesty. Can you be real for a second?“
He looked down, not saying a word.
„I didn’t plan liking you and I didn’t plan hooking up with you the first night here but it kind of happened. I did plan the second time however because I wanted to get to know you. And somehow I thought you liked me, too. Remember how you wanted to take me out on a date to actually talk in daylight without ripping our clothes off? Remember how you brought that up twice but it never happened? I guess I was just another foreigner hook up to you.“
Getting that off your chest felt good. Even though it was painful, you felt proud of voicing yourself.
„You are anything but y/n.“
He suddenly looked up at you, tears in his eyes.
„I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I just.. I kind of planned the first time because I knew that I liked you the second I saw you. You are so amazing, really. And I meant every word I said about wanting to get to know you, it’s just.. I told you how I got cheated on three times and I told you how badly I suffered the last time. I can’t risk that again.“
You took a stop closer to him but he stopped you.
„No wait, let me talk first. Every time I see you I get all giddy and happy and want to be with you in every way possible. I picture us walking along the Han river, going on coffee dates and you wearing my stüssy shirts. I really fucking want that. But when I’m alone again I get so overwhelmed, so crippled with the fear that everything is going to end badly again.“
„Min, I’m not like your ex girlfriends.“
„I know but even if you don’t cheat on me this will have an expiration date. What about when you have to go back? What then?“
You took a deep breath, feeling so much compassion for this little idiot.
„Min, I left my real life, I put it on hold for six months to come to Korea, a country that I have visited once before and whose language I barely speak. Do you really think I wouldn’t take a risk for love?“
Minho‘s eyes were glistening with expectation.
„Have you ever wondered if I would come back? Or you’d get sick of Korea and would come to Europe? Or we’d leave everything behind and go to California?“
He shook his head silently.
Now you walked up to him and grabbed his hands.
„I can’t promise you that this will work out. Maybe you’ll get sick of me or I’ll get sick of you or something else comes up. And I understand you’re afraid, I am, too. But I promise I will do my best to keep your heart safe with me. You just have to open up to me, Min. Can you open up to us?“
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silamander · 2 days
This is a free pass for you to talk about anything you want, as much as you want! Exposit! Lore dump! Rant about your interests, or something that irks you! Whatever it is, use this as an excuse! Someone out there is interested in what you have to say (it's us. We're the someone)
...you know what that means gang.
More random Hatchetfield headcanons
- Ted spends a lot of time emailing Pete instead of working because a part of him is paranoid Pete might get hurt at high school.
- Miss Holloway spends a lot of time birdwatching in the mornings.
- Max failed his driver's test twice so he just drives without a license.
- Grace sleeps with a stuffed pink bunny.
- Tom was on the football team with Max’s dad. He was scum and Tom never liked him, he could never explain why but he just rubbed him the wrong way.
- Paul likes iced caramel frappes. He just orders black coffee because it’s easier for Emma.
- Richie is an energy drink junkie.
- Charlotte does yarn crafts (like knitting and crochet and cross stitch and shit) to get her anger out because stabby stabby.
- Barry Swift has ADHD and OCD.
- Gary Goldstein decorates his house like a suburban white mom, those rustic white letters in the kitchen, everything labeled in slightly stretched text, that type of thing.
- Stacy is Becky's niece, and Stacy looks up to her a lot so she became a cheerleader to follow in her aunt's footsteps.
- Ethan actually believes the hat works because he was wearing it the day he met Lex and since then nothing had has happened to him when he wore it
- The people of Hatchetfield hate Clivesdale because Mayor Lauter was born and raised there, and hated it there so much that he convinced the whole town to hate it as well.
- Hailey spends a lot of time watching animal and dinosaur documentaries. She gets attached to the animals quickly and gets really upset when they die. (No this is not me self projecting).
- In human form, Wiggly’s nose scrunches up when he’s angry.
- Ruth as a Sophmore hit on Senior Alice a lot. Alice thought it was funny and she and Deb “adopted” her.
- Hailey and Trevor (Jon’s barbecue monologue’s character from Nerdy Prudes) are cousins. Very random but I think it fits.
- Hailey admires Trevor and his natural talent for performing. In a way, it makes her feel more insecure of herself, seeing her younger cousin be so good at performing, and she sees it as her still not being good enough.
- Wiggly sleeps in sand like a squid. Like literally just buries himself in there, completely submerged.
- Richie can and will ramble about Naruto to some random person on the street if they're willing to listen.
- Grace is secretly a hazbin hotel/helluva boss junkie, she only watches it on library computers though because she wouldn’t be caught dead watching it at home. (Pete caught her watching it once and he had to pinky promise to never tell anyone. They're siblings, your honor).
- No one in Hatchetfield ever said anything about the workin boys being in a gay interracial polycule, not because it was a secret, but because they were football players, and hatred for clivesdale is exponentially more powerful than homophobia.
- Since Lex and Ethan also went to Hatchetfield High, Max would have definitely tried to get it on with Lex, mirroring his thing with Grace but this time the forbidden fruit is that she's a senior and she genuinely doesn't give a flying fuck about him. Imagine a younger, less jacked Max Jägerman in his sophomore year constantly getting his shit rocked by Lex and Ethan every time he tried to shoot his shot.
- Karen Chasity was secretly the most rebellious and incorrigible party girl on the planet. She started dating Mark and her viewpoint changed. She now denies everything she did in highschool.
- Paul and Ted once accidentally kissed at an office party after getting a slight bit too drunk. They have both agreed never to speak of the incident ever again (the one thing they ever agreed on).
- Pete loves horror movies because he’s a special effects geek and Steph lies and says she likes horror movies so she still looks cool but is actually not a fan and the scares almost always get her.
- If the Green-Foster family ever did get to move to California and Lex got to be an actress, her interview attitude would be a lot like Reneé Rapp, in that she barely has a filter. If she ever got asked about why she’ll openly shit talk people in an interview, she’s like “I used to work retail I learned pretty fast that nothing gets done if you keep your mouth shut.”
- No one at CCRP ever knows what to get Paul for work holiday parties so now he owns a bunch of gifted mugs and he's starting to run out of cabinet space because he doesn't want to get rid of anything that was gifted to him.
- Gary unironically refers to Facebook as "the book of faces”
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echantedtoon · 24 hours
Oblivious Crushes Ch1 Sekido And Aizetsu
Just wanted to write something cute and wholesome with the Quadruplets having a crush on oblivious Mitsuri. 
Just for context. If you didn't already know this is a modern au fic and obviously I'm NOT doing a Zohakutan x Mitsuri. This is just a funny what if idea based on the art by @hawnkoi / @hawnkoii on Tumblr. Kinda based within Kimetsu Gauken and will probably be ooc with the four main clones and short but screw it! Let's go!
I'll do a second part with Urogi and Karaku later. 
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"And you carry the two up above here and that's how you get the answer!"
Sweet pretty eyes looked on in obvious happiness from the two who were obviously staring at her with different expressions. Blue Eyes wide with flustered pink scattered about his face as the girl across from him held up the paper with the math problems scribbled all over it some solved while others were waiting to be used. However the blue eyes still stared at her for too long. Maybe at the way her green eyes sparkled like emeralds. Perhaps at how her pink hair brought out her cheeks. Or maybe it was because the receiver of her smile had an obvious crush on the art major. 
Those pretty green eyes blinked again as they didn't answer. "Aizetsu, did you not hear what I said?" 
.... Eventually the other red pair of eyes belonging to an identical brother reached out a hand to slap the other on the shoulder and jolted awake the staring idiot from his stupor.
"I-..Y-YES!!," Aizetsu squealed far too high pitched to his embarrassment. "I-It's pretty. Uh! I mean y-you're pretty- AH!! I MEAN IT'S PRETTY SIMPLE!! THAT'S W-WHAT I MEANT!" 
He quickly fumbled twice and attempted to correct holding up his hands, his face such a red it rivaled his brother's eyes whom just grumbled and facepalmed. However she was completely oblivious to his blushing stare or if she noticed his obvious flustered state, she didn't bring it up and only smiled understandingly.
"It's ok! I know you'll get it soon!" The paper fluttered and made a small noise as she placed it down on the table and scooted it over to him. "Let's go over it again! Pay very close attention to what I say this time. Ok?"
Aizetsu gulped but managed to nod and attempted to look at the paper, however it was hard when the pretty girl they both maybe had just the teeniest tiniest most miniscule of crushes on was literally a few inches away beside you. 
The other had to bite his tongue and keep his irritation silent from the jealousy of his brother gaining her full attention for the moment. He HATED it! It made him feel stupid and childish for having these feelings like a middle school boy upset his crush wouldn't notice him. He hadn't even intended for this to happen! It had just.. happened! It all started with just a small problem with a class. He wasn't ashamed to admit math was stupid and probably not his best subject. Many pencils had been snapped out of anger from staring at numbers and trying to figure out how they go together. It was Aizetsu's idea that he sign up for some of the volunteer tutoring the campus offered. It was stupid of course. He'd never admit he'd need an extra teacher like Karaku's bumbling self needed! ... But when you have a couple Fs staring at your face from the last few assignments, you get a change of thought. Aizetsu, probably pathetically pitying him, offered to go take the sessions with him trying to be supportive-
"I've heard of this one girl everyone's trying to get as a tutor. She's supposed to be super nice and smart so that must count for something. Right? I'll try to sign us up for her sessions."
The very thought made him grit his teeth, and of course leave it to Aizetsu to get them tutoring sessions with the dingiest most hyperactive girl in the universe! He was expecting someone so different. Maybe another teacher. An older student in their final year. Maybe one of them serious bookworm students. But no. When the two of them walked into the library after classes with books and pencils and saw a few other people already studying or browsing through the shelves of the quiet sanctuary-
Many people had turned hearing Sekido's yelp and a woman's voice chirp out loudly. She had literally come out of no where! A blur of green and pink literally bouncing in place startling him into dropping his books and making Aizetsu blink.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!," she quickly apologized holding up her hands and frowning sadly, "I didn't mean to scare you. I always forget I can be so loud sometimes. Sekido and Aizetsu Hantengu right?" Both had just stared at her, looked at each other unsure, and then Aizetsu turned back opening his mouth but was stopped when she literally grabbed him by the hand smiling again and pulled him forward with surprising strength. "C'mon! I already have a few things planned out for you both!"
She just wouldn't be quiet! If they weren't working on problems then it was a constant stream of chatter directed to both of them. How her day was, asking how their day was, what did they like, her major- It never ended. It was like a whiplash. He wanted to quit then and there..But the looming threat of Fs hanging over his grades made him stop. Admittedly she was annoying but also admittedly she knew a lot of math so it'd be better staying and just ignoring the rest. In one month he was used to it. Wasn't much different than his other two brothers' constant chatter so he was able to drown it out eventually. Aizetsu kept coming even if he didn't really need the tutoring in support and all that...But by the third month he started to get suspicious. 
Why would he keep coming when Aizetsu was an A and B mostly student including in Math?? It made no sense. He already told him countless times before that he didn't want him coming anymore, and unlike their brothers, Aizetsu knew when to back away and respectfully give Sekido his space. Yet every time Sekido showed up to tutoring time Aizetsu was already there present and ready. He was so confused. He never asked on the off chance maybe he was wrong and maybe Aizetsu DID in fact need the extra help, and he never got in the way of Sekido getting tutored so it really wasn't a bother but the confusion was starting to annoy him. At least until the confusion turned into realization. Aizetsu's face turned either a shade of pink or red everytime she spoke to him or touched his hand. And it was only then that it hit Sekido.
Had a CRUSH on their TUTOR.
It shocked him honestly. Unlike their brothers who dated around and himself who went on a few dates, Aizetsu tended to stay away from any relationships but now he was following this girl like a lost puppy. It annoyed him to no end!...But really it wasn't affecting his tutoring and honestly Aizetsu rarely if ever showed interest in anyone romantically so he'd reluctantly let it slide. Within the few months he was there, his grade went up to a D and almost to a C which would be passing enough to him. However Aizetsu still came. He honestly couldn't see why he was. She was nice sure. Always taking time to slowly explain things, bringing food for their long sessions, always talking to them about their day- And he guessed she was pretty. Long hair always in cute bouncing braids, bright emerald eyes, beautiful face- And he supposed her personality was bubbly, kind, cute, maybe a lot oblivious and talkative-...
The double realization a month later ran him over like a truck startling him awake and staring at the ceiling.
".....Oh gods no."
So now here he was, red faced and angry as she guided Aizetsu's hand along with a problem she was explaining. Pretty smile on her face. Both of theirs red. Until he just face planted his into the table with horried annoyance and embarrassment coursing through him.
"Don't be like that, Sekido! I'll show you how to do the next one. Ok?," she happily asked.
"...Yeah. Sure. Whatever." 
Gods help him at this.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
I know it's an ongoing joke that the reading comprehension on this site is awful, but I just got sent an ask from someone telling me “hey it sounds lik you might have XYZ” then linked me to my own blog with the sincerest wishes that it might help.
Like yes, thank you. Now, go back and read the url 😂😂😂
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true-bluesargent · 26 days
me when i show up to the having a weirdly homoerotic relationship with my female best friend competition and eloise bridgerton is there
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Zelda normally: Oh! Link! I've been waiting so long for you! Finally, we can do something about the evil that plagues this land! I know that you can save us all, Link. You are the hero we've been waiting for!
Zelda anytime she's taken on a different identity for the time being: Hey there, dipshit!
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aldoodles · 2 years
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This part in book 8 never fails to make me cackle
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cluescorner · 4 months
I gave myself a writing challenge and I am fascinated by it
So basically I put the robins in a randomizer to give them a new order/role (because I just...kinda wanted to see what would happen + I like role-reversal AUs) and got results that are giving me a fucking brain blast.
Stephanie, the first sidekick who defines the role
Tim, the sidekick who dies and comes back wrong
Dick, the sidekick who saves Batman from himself
Damian, the sidekick who was never supposed to be a sidekick but would go on to prove everyone wrong
Jason, the youngest sidekick who is still the Kid Wonder
...So this is fucking wild. I've got some ideas and several of these fit perfectly (Dick's role is pretty similar to his one in canon), but some of these are fucking INCREDIBLE to explore (Steph being the first Robin is something I never even considered but tbh I kinda love it).
I probably won't write a fic or anything because tbh I don't like publishing my writing that much, but I might expand this into a full AU and post about it. I might randomize other stuff too (ie, stuff that I cannot change vs stuff that I cannot keep the same) but this fucking rules as a starting point.
#uhhh what am I calling this??#randomizedrobinsau#stephanie brown#oh my god I am so excited to figure out how tf to write this.#because she's my favorite of these characters and having HER be the first sidekick + the one who has a mentor/older sister relationship#with the others?? kickass. though I'll probably keep her and Tim's relationship as 'dating-then-exes' because I think it's funny#and then SHE can be the Robin who Tim got fixated on + figured out her identity?? holy fuck and then the angst of Tim later dying#Tim Drake#tbh I kinda wish he'd gotten a different position because 'sidekick who dies' Tim has kinda been done a lot with the standard#reverse robin aus. But it'll still be fun to write. Definitely going the Joker Junior route with this because Batman Beyond kicks ass#Dick Grayson#He'll honestly probably be the easiest. Like...his role has not changed much outside of being younger/not the one who defines this#But I still think it'll be good to see how well I know Dick beyond his eldest brother thing (which is my best way of relating to him)#Damian al ghul#damian wayne#oh this is gonna kick ass#Bruce does not want his son to be a sidekick but Damian just kinda forces his way into that role#and everybody doubts him because of his history with the league but he later proves himself more than capable#to the point that he can set out mostly on his own and still thrive#Jason Todd#Jason being the baby of the family is also something I have never thought about but holy shit it could kick ass#I really hope that I don't roll 'Jason must die' or 'Robin 5 must die' on the randomizer. I just kinda want Jason to live this time#But unfortunately I double-screwed him because he's on the 'must happen' wheel twice now. I did not think these prompts through#TBH I am so happy that none of them rolled their OG roles. because that would have been so fucking boring
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torgawl · 3 months
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me right now
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krashlite · 11 months
Thinking abt how Tango gets unfairly blamed/targeted and how Jimmy gets unfairly punished for things
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kulvefaggoth · 2 years
I love how (at least in Bayo 3) the vast majority of demons contracted to witches are portrayed as super chill. Madama Butterfly might genuinely have a deep affection for Cereza. Phantasmaraenea puts up this though persona but the second they see Bayonetta isn't buying it they go "ugh fine you can be my senpai i guess 🙄". Baal is a darling and Baal Zebul's profile says she sometimes likes to disguise herself as a normal frog to watch humans performing operas. We encounter a whole valley of Malphas and all they do is look at you and fly away if you get too close. Cheshire isn't even contrated to Viola he's a goofball that just sticks around because he likes the kid that much. Even in Bayo 2 we have stuff like if you find Labolas in Tag Climax he just attacks you once you attack him first.
So it's immensely funny to me that Gomorrah is consistently characterized as being a huge pain in the ass. He turns on you first chance he gets. He's a massive dick. Why do they keep summoning him?
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upslapmeal · 6 months
Doctor numbering purists calling in an emergency meeting about which Doctor gets to be the A branch and which gets to be the B branch
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twicetheheartx2 · 2 months
I binged watched Hazbin Hotel last night and...
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pau mccartney
@theladyinwhite13 LOOK ITS US!! YOU (RINGO) AND ME (PAU MCCARTNEY!!!
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spicylove4ever · 2 years
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Yet another parallel.
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had quite the Experience reading a fic tonight. i felt like i stepped into an episode of the twilight zone
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