#but i also think there's a certain tension between them that's just because they are Different people
daydadahlias · 10 months
is it me or is mashton an underrated duo? like i barely see them together
well, i do think that's because mashton just aren't as close as the other guys are. like they're best friends for life, they share a bond that most people wouldn't understand having traveled the world and been in a band for so long together and experienced things that the "average" person just never will in their lifetime, but I do kind of inherently believe that mashton aren't necessarily the kind of people who would have become friends without the band, if that makes sense.
although i don't think that in any way negates the very real and profound respect and admiration we've seen them display for each other.
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rosekasa · 6 months
i think what i adore about ladynoir beyond high school age (18 and over) is the opportunity it leaves for some of the most DELICIOUS best friends to lovers scenarios. because, like, two people who've been fighting side by side for years? who've known each other long enough to make jokes about it, haha remember when we were fourteen and you-- we AGREED to never speak of it!!!! who've spent so long learning each other inside out, even, in chat noir's case, getting over feelings, that the idea of anything romantic between them is so far off the radar that they don't feel the need for certain boundaries, because why would it matter if they made jokes about how attractive they find each other, about getting married, about how they could totally mess with the rest of the miracle team by pretending they're hooking up because it's so far out of the realm of possibility.
but then there would be that imperceptible shift. the moment where one of them makes a joke and it feels just a bit more loaded than it should. gazes lingering where they never lingered and playful smiles turning curious. the sudden awareness that, while maybe they were cuddling on a rooftop with their best friend, they were also wrapped up in the arms of someone they trust with their lives, and is extremely attractive, and, wait, if the only reason it was platonic before was because there were no feelings, what does THIS mean?
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euthymiya · 1 month
hero’s compensation ft. diluc ragnvindr
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in which you’re walking home, unaware of the news of a pesky samachurl that’s snuck into the city. luckily, the darknight hero is there to rescue you. except one thing: you didn’t expect him to be such a familiar face
contains: female reader ; childhood friends to lovers ; reader is attacked by a samachurl ; references to diluc’s story quest as the darknight hero ; so much tension lol ; lots of kissing ; confessions ; getting together ; this is a late bday offering for the first man that every genshin player falls for
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in your defense, you hadn’t heard of the news to avoid this part of the city until the knights could take care of the little…threat that happens to lurk around the streets. you hadn’t noticed the samachurl at first—it noticed you, caging you with thorny vines in a small enclosure.
you’re doomed, you think—samachurls are small, yes, but still dangerous.
you dodge as the staff in its hand swings at you, a quick yet clumsy effort as you start to get tired. running away isn’t an option—not only because you’re trapped, but also because you wouldn’t want to risk bringing the monster deeper into the city. it’s rare for them to find their way past the gates, but it happens every once in a while. not often enough, however, that you’re prepared to handle this situation.
and then there’s a flash—something quick and sharp that swings past you towards the creature.
but unlike the samachurl’s staff, this particular object seems to purposely dodge you, hitting the creature square on its head as it stumbles back and shrieks. a dark (but very familiar) silhouette lunges past you, picking up what you realize is a claymore before swinging once more, the small body of the samachurl sent flying at the impact before slumping onto the ground, limp.
your hand is clutched to your heart, fisting at the material around your collar as you heave labored breaths, in and out. in and out. in and out.
it’s over. your savior is a man who vaguely tickles at a part of your brain incessantly, but you’re too busy with the adrenaline and fear pumping through your veins to fully grasp why that is just yet.
it’s not until a gloved hand settles on your shoulder and a voice calls to you, do you break out of your daze. “are you alright?” a low whisper asks you.
diluc. you look up, shocked and still slightly panicked as you blink at him. “wha—”
“this way! i saw a figure, i’m sure it’s the darknight hero for certain this time!”
the sound of footsteps and a distant voice interrupts you, and before you can figure out what’s happened, diluc has pulled you away, pressing you against the tight space between a stone wall and a staircase and caging you as the pounding footsteps run past you. he lets out a shaky sigh as the sounds become more and more distant, relief sagging into his shoulders once he’s sure the knights hadn’t seen you.
you’re not too worried about that, though. there are more pressing matters on your mind.
like that fact that he’s close. so close, that you can make out the small, ghost of a scar on his forehead from when you were kids. when he’d cut himself from the gravel as he chased after you and kaeya, fallen face first. you remember that day fondly—most of your memories with diluc are fond. some a little bittersweet, of course. long gone are the days where you could run freely with both brothers and have a good time, but memorable all the same.
the man you’ve grown up with is supposedly the same mysterious man you hear about whispered on the streets. the darknight hero—some praise him, in awe of his abilities and his work. others, not so much. the knights, for example, don’t take to his vigilante role too kindly.
you inhale sharply, still pressed close to him as you stare at him with wide eyes.
“so it’s you,” you murmur, stepping closer in the already tight enclosure and invading his space. he doesn’t mind, not really. it’s a slippery slope to press yourself against him like this, but you’ve never had a track record for taking easy routes.
“it’s me,” he confirms, eyeing you carefully, like he’s making sure that’s alright with you.
it is. nothing diluc does could be a problem for you, not when he’s saved your life and not when he’s so close you can practically feel him as he breathes in front of you.
“how did you know to find me?” you ask, looking him in the eyes until finally, he breaks, casting his gaze anywhere else but you as he clears his throat.
“i heard there was a samachurl in the area and—”
“diluc,” you say unimpressed, “i know you better than that.”
you know the answer. you know him better than anyone, in fact. you’ve grown up knowing him, knowing what he loves and hates. what makes him laugh and cry. the softness that still lingers underneath the hardened exterior that the world’s cruelty has layered over his innocence. nobody knows diluc like you do, just like nobody knows you like him.
he knew you were here, not because of some samachurl or some mild threat. you. because somehow, diluc has always made himself present, made himself available at even the most inopportune times when it comes to you.
that time you almost drowned at the lake by the winery as kids. that time you strayed too far and ran into a cryo slime by accident. that time you fell trying to pick grapes and twisted your ankle. that time you walked home late at night and got cornered by a drunk man from the tavern.
he’s always there, somehow, for some reason, always knows just when you need someone and makes sure it’s him who steps up to be the person.
“i was following you,” he admits, tense as he avoids your gaze.
“following me?” you gasp, “how scandalous! do you follow all young women as they walk the streets?”
“of course not,” he frowns, looking mildly bewildered, “i was following you.”
“i see,” you nod slowly, “worried i was incapable of walking myself home, were you?”
neither of you mention that you were incapable of walking yourself home tonight. his face twists into a sheepish expression as he rubs his neck awkwardly.
“it’s not that i find you incapable—i just…it’s just a precautionary measure for the sake of ensuring—”
“oh diluc, would it kill you to say you were worried about me?” you snort.
“quit being difficult,” he grumbles.
“forgive me,” you sigh dramatically, “i thought i could perhaps be clever and hear you admit you care about me. alas, it seems such a day won’t come any time soon.”
he flushes a light pink. it contrasts beautifully with his red hair, making your fingers itch to reach over and pinch his cheek. but he rolls his eyes, finally looking back at you and looking right into you with his piercing gaze as he says, “i was worried about you. does that satisfy you? not one day goes by that i’m not worried about you. you keep me up at night, enough that i’ve taken the safety of this city into my own hands.”
he stuns you into silence. it’s been so many years, so many years since he grew from that young boy you met. his hands became rougher, his shoulders became broader, his arms became stronger. he’s gone from practicing with a wooden sword to wielding that heavy greatsword of his. he’s not naive anymore, far less trusting and far more stoic. his dreams have changed and his ambitions aren’t what they used to be—but he’s still the same diluc that stole your breath and suffocated your throat even as a child.
you love him deeply, so much that it aches between your heart and lungs, in a spot only he can fit. a spot where he can squeeze against both organs, stop the beating in your chest and knock the air out of you. it’s dangerous, leaving you uncomfortably vulnerable.
so you do what you know best to counteract that strange pressure in your chest that makes it difficult to breathe, to speak, to do anything. you throw on a smile on your face and tease him to get under his skin, so that maybe, if he rolls his eyes at you, they won’t pierce into your soul as harshly.
“well it’s lovely to meet the darknight hero,” you grin, batting your lashes, “who’d have thought the city’s beloved master of the dawn winery was saving people from the shadows?”
“please don’t call me that,” he sighs, looking at you tiredly. the expression on his face makes you giggle. “it sounds awfully derivative to me.”
faintly, you’re aware that you’re still hidden in the corner behind the staircase, dead quiet in the middle of the night with just a sliver of space between you. you could just reach up and brush the bangs out of his face, maybe trace that scar you know so well, or even press the tip of your nose to his if you lean closer.
he seems to be aware of the proximity too, because his eyes dart to your lips for just a moment, inhaling sharply as he realizes just how close they are from touching his.
“what would you prefer i call you then?” you whisper.
he doesn’t say anything.
neither of you do, for a bit. just his eyes trained on yours as you both take shallow breaths, narrowly missing each others chests from grazing against one another as they rise and fall, rise and fall.
finally, he clears his throat.
you think he’ll say something—but he doesn’t. instead, he kisses you. enough is enough, he decides, and you’re compelled to agree. enough dancing around the wobbly line that separates you from friends and more than friends—you think it’s been enough years that neither of you do a good job of hiding the built up feelings anymore, anyway.
his lips are chapped. you can feel the stark difference between his and yours as they press up against your soft ones, disrupting your delicate existence with his roughness. it’s not unwelcome, though.
kissing diluc is blazingly warm. his lips, his body, his gloved hands, his breath, all of it is unbearably hot—enough that you feel like you’ll combust at any second. the pyro vision he keeps hung at his waist must make his body run warm, you think. you crave more heat, though. no matter how close you feel you are to the sun, you want more, so your arms wrap around his neck and tug him closer, tangling your fingers in those long fiery locks of his as he groans.
his hands roam your waist, pulling you closer, pressing you flush against his sturdy chest as his lips hungrily mold against yours. air is limited—there’s a burning in your lungs that slowly but surely builds until you pull away, panting for air.
his forehead presses to yours when you do, chest rising and falling as he catches his own breath with lips that are glossed and slightly swollen.
“if i told you what title i’d prefer you used on me, i’m afraid there would be no going back,” he mumbles against your lips.
you’d laugh if you weren’t so breathless and dizzy against him. you’d laugh at the fact that after such a shameless kiss in the dark, hidden corner of the city, he thinks anything he could say would change things more than this kiss has. they couldn’t—not when all your feelings have been laid bare without having said anything at all. a few mere words could never shift anything the way feelings his lips has.
not when you’ve gotten a taste of him, so sweet and hot against your lips, it’s like drinking rays of sun in the sheer cold of dragonspine.
“who said i want to go back?” you challenge, reaching over and tracing your finger along his cheekbone. he closes his eyes, letting out a soft, breathy laugh as he leans into your touch.
“then call me your lover,” he says instantly, “call me yours and i’ll consider us even.”
“even for what?” you raise a brow, looking at him in mild confusion.
he grins as he opens his eyes, leaning closer and kissing against your jaw until he works his way up just beneath your ear lobe, breath trickling the shell of your ear and making you shiver.
“for saving your life, of course,” he teases.
“hero’s don’t require compensation for their noble actions,” you huff, lips curling into a small pout—he pulls away to admire it before kissing it too with a short peck. (he’d tell you that you look adorable like this, but he doesn’t want to sour your mood any further). “and i was perfectly capable of handling that myself.”
“without a weapon?” he asks, looking at you knowingly.
“of course,” you say indignantly. “but if it should truly kill you to be mine, then…” you trail off, leaning to press a lingering kiss to the corner of his mouth, making his fingers dig into your hips slightly as he fights the urge to take more, to turn his head and get a proper kiss out of you.
“then…?” he rasps, impatient.
“then i suppose i can call you my lover,” you hum, finally giving into that overwhelming urge of brushing his bangs back, tracing the scar from your past with your thumb. “would that satisfy you, master diluc?”
“just diluc is fine,” he mutters, heat returning to his skin, “i’ve told you that plenty.”
“diluc,” you murmur, voice softer this time, “thank you for saving me. for always saving me.”
“of course,” he swallows thickly, “i will always come to rescue you. i promise.”
“and i love you for it,” you confess, just barely audible, “i always have. since before i knew what love meant.”
even in the dark shadows of the dim corner he has you pressed against, light breaks over his face as he smiles, so charming, so boyish, you think he’s reverted back to the boy you met when you were so young.
“and i have always loved you,” he whispers, leaning down and kissing you one more time, just to remind himself how you feel, “you taught me what love means.”
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oh i miss mondstadt and the winery and my first joy of genshin 🥹 diluc the man that you are. you have not gone forgotten in my mind i promise
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neptuneiris · 8 months
sparks (03/04)
Did i drive you away?
pairing: business-boyfriend!aemond x fem!reader
summary: at the beginning your relationship with aemond is perfect and there were no worries. until he becomes the Heir of his father's company, the most important in the whole country and certain events and certain people start to interfere in the relationship.
word count: 8.8k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
there will be an epilogue coming soon!
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here it is finally! thank God!
I'm so sorry for the delay beautiful people, it's been heavy weeks where I was writing parts but I couldn't finish them, so my writing time was extended more because I didn't finish, plus I moved, my cat is lost and I've felt very sad about that, besides college, presentations and more, but seriously I love writing, it's my way to escape, so I didn't feel any pressure, don't worry about it :)
I hope you like this new chapter a lot, I'll be waiting for your comments, so enjoy and thank you so much for your patience and support!
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In the midst of your relationship with Aemond, things between the two of you are charged with tension.
After the conversation with his grandsire, Aemond's suspicions could not have been more accurate because of the way he behaved. Despite everything he told him and left him thinking about the future of the company, he still tried to talk to you about it.
But you, again, did not let him.
Aemond had to go back to work, just as you also went back to taking care of your own responsibilities such as college.
Aemond's life was still immersed in a whirlwind of responsibilities and commitments. From the moment he woke up, got ready and set foot inside the company, he was already doomed to a busy day.
He had to attend meetings with his key executives, discuss financial analysis, take online conferences, answer emails, calls with partners and clients.
Every moment his desk was filled with reports, financial projections, documents and more that he had to review in detail. Not to mention that the partnership with Alys Rivers is still ongoing.
Still he would make the effort to get home early and spend time with you, every night making an attempt to talk to you about what happened that night, but you wouldn't let him, as you had things to do as well.
If not college, then work, besides having to clean the apartment, do laundry and make food, which Aemond offered to help you with, but the two of you feel completely distant from each other.
Because both he and you know that things between the two of you just aren't right.
They are not since that one night nor does it help you to read every moment in the magazines how Alys Rivers has been seen entering the Targaryen building, where Aemond is always mentioned as well and he assures you that they only had meetings even though you don't even question him about it anymore.
Each of you is immersed in your own thoughts, Aemond feeling helpless, frustrated and sad, his gaze reflected by a deep regret in his heart at not being right with you.
And although he wants to find a way to fix things, you don't want to create any more problems, more than anything else you don't want to interfere between his grandsire and him.
And as the days turn into weeks, communication is no longer paramount, the whole relationship feeling like emotional paralysis, with no clear path of how to reconnect where you hide in your to-do's and Aemond barely has time to spend time with you.
So you find it easier to forget about it and wait for him to do it too. But inside you are still just as hurt, humiliated and sad.
And that little free time he has left for you is simply not enough to try to talk to you, besides you won't let him.
Until that time of the year when Aemond has to travel to attend social events or board meetings, also to meet with his partners around the country to oversee the expansion of the company.
Until he tells you that the first trip will be to Storm's End with his brother Aegon, then to Highgarden and Winterfell with Helaena and at the end to Casterly Rock… with Alys Rivers.
And that you definitely don't like to hear.
"I'm not traveling with her, we're just meeting there for the event."
He lets you know as he starts packing his bags for this two-week trip and you help him out, because even though you're both going through a silent fight, you still care about him and have always helped him with this kind of thing.
But you do feel that discomfort all over you knowing that she is also going on a trip to the same place as him. And Aemond knows it as he watches you out of the corner of his eye, knowing your mannerisms very well.
"Eleanor and Cole will be with me the whole time," he tells you softly, "And I'm already preparing everything with my publicity team for when the press starts publishing pictures of her and me, I don't—
"It's okay," you tell him softly, placing his ties perfectly in the suitcase, "I understand."
He watches you for a few seconds without saying anything, as you continue to put his clothes away the right way, feeling his gaze on you but not watching him back, to which he lets out a long breath.
"I just want to make sure you'll be okay," he tells you just as softly as before, getting up to stand next to you, "I don't want you to be worried all the time. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."
You press your lips together, watching him for a few moments to refocus on the suitcase.
"Yes, I know," you tell him to cut the subject short, saying nothing more.
At this Aemond watches you with some sadness, concern and anguish, but at the same time with love and tenderness, desperately longing for you to share more of your thoughts and emotions with him without pressuring you.
But since he knows you won't, he chooses to hug you.
And he does it carefully, tactfully, knowing that at any moment you may push him away, but to his surprise, you feel your high barriers of defense crumble at that moment, his gesture catching you off guard.
And you with a little hesitation, in the end decide to hug him back, since of course you missed him just as much as he missed you, both of you sinking into a soft and comforting embrace, where finally just for that moment, everything feels right.
There is hope.
Aemond feels his whole body stop tensing the moment he feels your arms wrap around him to hug him back, he lets out a long breath and pulls you tighter against him, hiding his face in your neck.
And you hide your face in his chest too, inhaling his comforting scent, feeling at home again.
"You know you can come with me, right?"
He murmurs in your ear, making you smile softly against his chest.
"I'd love to but I can't. I have to work and attend my classes."
He lets out a resigned sigh.
"Then on your vacation we'll arrange a trip, I promise," he tells you then leaves a soft, tender kiss on your forehead.
You raise your gaze to him as he lowers his so he can watch you.
"Like when you took me to Winterfell?"
"Yes," he smiles softly, "Now where would you like to go?"
"I don't know," you shrug, "Maybe to the Iron Islands?"
He tells you then leaves a soft kiss on your lips which you reciprocate, both of you pulling each other back into a tight embrace where neither of you want to let go.
And even though Aemond doesn't want to ruin the moment and the fact that possibly this invisible barrier between the two of you will no longer be there, he feels it's the perfect time for you both to talk about the topic you've been putting off that needs to be talked about.
"Y/N, about that ni—
"We need to keep packing."
You interrupt him instantly, gently pulling away from him and turning your gaze back to his suitcases, causing him to look at you sadly for a few moments.
"I'll go get your shoes."
You cut him off again, to start to move away from him and head towards the huge closet, leaving him with no choice since you definitely don't want to talk about it.
After that moment you both went through, that comforting moment, fortunately you don't feel that emotional distance anymore, since now you both sleep hugging each other, share breakfast and dinner together, also share about how the day went, like before.
Even on some nights there are movie nights, where finally Aemond finds that comfort in your arms, hugging and kissing you at almost every moment.
And you too after a stressful day at work or you are going through a lot of stress because of your classes, you hide from the world in his arms, feeling good and being that exactly what you need.
Until the day comes.
Aemond has to leave.
You drive him to the airport, where his private jet will be waiting for him along with Cole, Eleonor, you understand, his agent as well, and other security people.
The goodbye is hard, even though he's had to leave for business trips before, so neither of you know why. And by the time Aemond's jet flies, that discomfort returns throughout your body and so does that uneasiness.
At all times he lets you know of what he's doing, or at least the important things, like that he's already landed and also that he's already arrived at Aegon and Cassandra's penthouse where he'll be staying.
Before when he went on a trip he also did the same, letting you know where he is and what he will do, mostly to keep you informed, even now he sends you pictures of his breakfasts and also some views from Aegon's house.
You are more concerned that he is well and of course being miles away, it makes you feel safe that he talks to you about what he is doing and what he will do next, like attending those social events which is what he travels mainly for.
Until the day of the important event arrives.
Being at work, about to finish your shift, obviously you are not allowed to have your phone at hand, but when the time comes and now you have to go to class, when you look at your phone, you see severe messages from Aemond and also the notification of a link to a magazine.
This immediately tells you bad news.
And it definitely is when you read the title of what the magazine link is about.
Alys Rivers, co-owner of Riverlands Group seen at Storm's End… click for more.
You click on the link, curious, attentive and with a frown on your face.
The very famous businesswoman, soon to be partner of the important company Targaryen Inc, Alys Rivers has been spotted at Storm's End to attend an event attended by the most important businessmen from all over the country, among them, Aemond Targaryen. She has been spotted an early partnership between them but rumor has it that there may be more than just a partner relationship. We have also been informed that Rivers will be attending the same events as Targaryen in some parts of Westeros where Targaryen Incorporation has distributions of his company, so it is no coincidence.
After reading this, you read Aemond's messages, getting an idea of what they are about.
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And you… you don't even know what to think anymore, let alone feel.
It makes sense that he didn't know anything, since at this point after what happened with his grandsire, it doesn't surprise you that he didn't tell him anything because he knew Aemond would do something to prevent it.
And how convenient that also Alys didn't report anything about her presence at all the other events since it was only known that she would travel to Casterly Rock.
Later that day you see how Alys does indeed show up at the Storm's End event and Aemond quickly sends you a picture of everything, of him with Aegon, Cole and Eleonor, wanting to make you feel at peace and safe.
Then later he sends you picture of him arriving to his hotel room, he even sends you a voice message telling you about everything that happened at the event, he tells you that Alys talked to him, that again she tried to cross physical boundaries but he wouldn't let her.
Also that they both had to take pictures together, but nothing else.
And the next morning there are a lot of videos and photos of the event where he is with his brother, his partner Borros Baratheon and more businessmen.
There are also the photos of him with Alys, even videos where the two of them talk and she again touches him on the shoulder and arm like that, smiling flirtatiously at him all the time, but Aemond turns away from her to go to some men.
It's as if she knows that at that moment there are many cameras around and they are recording, so you get the impression that she is doing it on purpose.
But all you can do is really nothing since Aemond is the one telling you everything to make you feel calm, so you just continue with your daily routine, focusing on work and your classes.
Although of course unconsciously your mind is on Aemond and his trip, also on her.
Fortunately what comes next is more… relaxing.
The next event is in Highgarden, where once Aemond lands, he sends you a picture of him with Helaena, where he tells you that she sends you greetings, both smiling at the camera, making you feel a comforting warmth all over your chest as you see the picture, smiling softly.
During the whole trip in Highgarden there is nowhere where Aemond is not with Hel, even in the event when he is around Rivers, Hel is always with them.
The same happens in Winterfell, as Hel must also attend as she is the one who made the partnership with the Starks possible.
Aemond sends you picture of her very comfortable on one of the jet couches, also of the two of them having dinner and watching a movie, even at the hotel they both ask for a room for the two of them with two beds.
At the event also the two of them are together, there is even a very professional photo of the two of them with their partner, Cregan Stark, where he with Hel give a welcome speech to all the guests and then Aemond with him make known the innovations in their companies thanks to the partnership.
It's simply all work, as it should be. You even see Rivers in some photos and videos, but compared to Storm's End, she doesn't look very pleased lately.
Until the moment comes when Hel will no longer be in Aemond's company. And from then on, you can't help but feel uneasy.
And apparently Aemond also feels the same restlessness as you do despite the miles of distance that separate you.
He sends you pictures of absolutely everything, from the moment he starts his day until it ends. He also tells you what he's going to do, even if it's taking a shower, yet he tells you to let you know that's why he won't write you back quickly.
He even sends you video of what he will eat, mostly to let you know that there is no one with him in the room if that is your concern, also at night, telling you that he will go to sleep.
Honestly, Aemond has never done this before on a trip and even though you didn't ask him to, as if wanting to see where he is and what exactly he is doing, wanting to check on him at all times, Aemond does it for your peace of mind.
And without wanting to, you already find yourself waiting for him to send you picture or video of what he will do next, feeling paranoid and to some extent a controller.
You know that this is wrong, that it is not necessary, that neither of you have ever acted this way before and that it is as if you want to know Aemond's movements every second in an unnecessary and… toxic way.
And it's not right, you know it's not.
But Aemond feels that need and so do you, even if you don't want it, you feel that need to know that Rivers is not taking advantage of your absence and worse…. That he is giving in to it by making the partnership possible.
But Aemond would never hurt you, he has told you that and you know that, but you also know as well as he does that he has the eyes of almost everyone on him and will have problems with his grandsire by the time he returns because of Rivers' disconformity.
So even in the event, Aemond feels more that need to let you know that she's not around Rivers, that he's not doing anything wrong or giving her and him anything to talk about.
And the worst part is that you are there, attentive, waiting and watching it all.
Even after the event is over, Aemond tells you that he's going back to his hotel room, telling you that he's going to take a shower. Then he sends you a picture of him brushing his teeth and then another one of him in bed and at an angle so that you can see that he is all alone.
And only at that moment, for two full weeks, just this very night you feel completely calm and at peace, knowing that he is coming back tomorrow and will be by your side again.
And you don't understand.
You just don't understand what happened to both of you.
You don't understand how you went from having the most beautiful and healthy relationship ever, to this, where both you and he acted in a toxic and completely unnecessary way.
And when you least expect it, tears begin to flow from your eyes as you stare at the dark ceiling of the room, alone in the huge bed, with frustration and sadness completely invading you and loneliness settling in your heart.
You are honestly afraid.
In the midst of your storm of emotions, you fear that the beautiful and healthy connection with your boyfriend will soon be gone. You're afraid that the relationship will become toxic.
You just don't want to lose the intimacy and complicity you both have to be replaced to this, the insecurities and these needs to look good and want to prove that neither of you, especially him, is failing in the relationship.
And with everything that's going on, the company, his grandsire, Rivers, you have no idea how to fix it.
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Aemond's arms wrap around your body tightly, clinging completely to your figure, holding you tight against him as he hides his face in the curve of your neck, inhaling of your soft scent that drives him absolutely crazy.
And you reciprocate his embrace in kind by slipping your arms around his neck, hiding your face between his chest and neck, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek to cling to him again.
"I missed you," he murmurs lovingly and almost melancholy in your ear.
You hug him tighter, lovingly, as you place a small smile on your lips.
"Me too, babe."
He too leaves replete kisses on your cheek, tucking you back into his body, not wanting to let you go, while to you all his scent and the feeling of being in his arms is more than gratifying, being just what you needed.
He strokes your hair as he inhales deeply, not being able to get enough of it. And neither of you say anything else, as actions speak for themselves and what two need, is the touch of each other.
It was two weeks but for both you and him it felt like months.
You both look at each other and he leaves a soft kiss on your lips which you reciprocate as you both have a small smile on your lips. Then you both separate and start to head towards the car once Cole and the other men help Aemond to put his suitcases in the trunk.
All the way he keeps holding your hand, while you drive to the apartment and he talks to you about everything that happened on the trip.
"Our trip to the Iron Islands will now be easier," he tells you proudly and visibly excited.
You are glad to hear that the companies are doing well and that he has had friendly meetings with his partners, in fact you tell him so, as he smiles softly throughout and thanks you.
He also gives you the news that he will have a meeting with Rodrik Greyjoy very soon that involves talking about plans for an early partnership between Pike and Targaryen Inc.
You hum in agreement, smiling softly.
"I could tell," you look at him for a second to refocus on the road, "I'm sure your conversation with him will go well. But you want to go on a trip there too?"
"Sure," he tells you willingly, holding your hand against his lips, "They say it's a beautiful place. I've seen pictures too," he says then leaves a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
Once you both get home, you help him with his suitcases and unpacking, while now you tell him about your days at work, college and also here.
Fortunately for him and you, it's Friday, so you both stay home and rest. He tells you that he won't be going to work Saturday and Sunday, so you have the whole weekend for the two of you.
You still have to work Sunday afternoon but you don't mind, it still won't be long, so you enjoy and take advantage of these free moments with your boyfriend.
Later that same night you both resume your nights of intimacy, which is something Aemond had longed for since you both had that fight after the event, leaving after traveling not too soon after that was just awful for him.
First you both take a little nap where nothing feels better than sleeping in each other's arms again, both of you without being an inch apart from each other in the huge bed.
Then when you wake up you go together to the supermarket to do the week's shopping and at the end you stay in the living room watching movies.
And it was also something you craved.
Obviously you're not as insatiable as he is, as Aemond really can't get enough of you when it comes to sex and really takes all his time with you. This time is no exception.
But once that glorious weekend ends and a new week begins, you both resume your routines from before and in which he simply has no time for you.
Again Aemond tries to do everything in his power to come home early and spend more time with you, which is something you consider and are grateful for his effort, as you knew that sooner or later he would have to go back to his old busy routine.
Not being on good terms with his grandsire, having to attend meetings and phone calls from his partners, making and reviewing reports, delaying as much as he can the partnership with Rivers just so he doesn't have to see her, it's too much.
And little by little, although he doesn't want to, he returns to his exhaustive routine of before and in which unfortunately also affects you for seeing him only at night at a very late hour.
Although he still does everything he can to make sure that work doesn't take up more of his time than it should.
You continue as normal, going to work and attending your classes, but you find it again sad and annoying that you are again having less time with Aemond.
As well as what you didn't want to happen.
And of course Aemond would have to explain himself, having that need like on the trip so you wouldn't think other things, telling you all the time, either by message or in person, that nothing happened, they just talked about work and nothing else.
Sooner or later Alys Rivers would reach her breaking point, so if Aemond wasn't looking for her, then she would be looking for him.
So you had to go back to reading magazine articles online where they talk about how they've seen her in the Targaryen building and so on.
That's how things were going on for a few weeks, almost for a month, until again and unexpectedly, Aemond has to travel again.
Aemond is technically not yet the head of Targaryen Inc, his father is, but due to his health, he must attend for him.
Again to Casterly Rock to an important event and also to a conference where Aemond will meet with the board of directors and his partner Jason Lannister.
Other businessmen will also attend as it is a general event and heads of major companies all over the country are in attendance.
The news of having to travel again catches Aemond and you off guard, explaining that the board meetings normally take place in November, but that they are earlier this year.
So as soon as he gets the news, he starts preparing everything for his trip, even preparing work papers and other preparations for his presentation at the conference, while you again help him and make sure he misses nothing.
He can't miss his meeting with the board of directors, it is paramount and a really big commitment, so you understand but you are disappointed all the same.
Honestly you are disappointed that you have to be separated from your boyfriend again, as you were not expecting to have to stay home alone for a week again.
The event lasts two days and Aemond will have to travel there from before to ensure his presence and avoid any unforeseen events as it is an important event.
Until again when you least expect it, the day comes for Aemond to leave.
He paces back and forth, making sure nothing is missing, while you help him finish packing one of his two suitcases, while he talks on the phone to Criston and then to Eleonor to continue making sure he has the right information about what time he has to board his private jet.
You then head to the kitchen and make a quick breakfast for him and yourself, you also make him a cup of coffee and ask him to stop for a few moments to get some food in his stomach, to which he does while still busy on his phone.
"Which hotel?"
You hear him ask Eleonor as he takes a sip of his coffee.
"Ah, yes, that's fine. But… about the documents, did I bring the folder with me?"
You at all times stand still, eating your breakfast and listening to what he says to Eleonor back.
"Okay, I'll go check," he says and quickly heads back to his office, still holding his phone to his ear.
You continue to stand still, as you watch him disappear down the hallway and let out a breath, not really being able to do anything since you know him too well and he always gets paranoid when he has to travel, making sure to get everything ready one last time.
A few minutes pass and finally Aemond stands still in the kitchen to finish his breakfast, though when he's done he heads to the bedroom to check his suitcases one last time and start placing them in the hallway for when Cole arrives and he has to take them down to put them in the car.
He paces back and forth, wasting no time, watching his wristwatch every second, counting down the time for when Cole arrives and he has to leave.
You meanwhile take his briefcase and place it on the island with you, waiting for the moment when he has to leave.
When they start calling him.
You look at the screen and see that it's about his grandsire, causing an unpleasant feeling all over your body as you remember the way he treated you last time, but you quickly let Aemond know.
"Your grandsire is calling you!"
Aemond comes out into the hallway with one of his suitcases.
"Please pick up, love."
You nod and accept the call, put it out loud and resume your breakfast.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" he exclaims from where he stands.
"How's it going, son? Are you ready?"
"Yes," he replies with a little force in his voice, securing his suitcase one last time, "Cole should be here any minute."
"You got all the conference details?"
"Yes, Eleonor mailed me everything," he says as he walks over to the island and pulls the phone towards him to take a sip of what's left of his coffee cup.
"Very well. Then you'll meet Alys and her uncle at the airport, I've offered them to travel with you, after all the three of you are going to the same place."
You immediately stop chewing, as well as your whole body stops moving, standing completely still and with tension all over your shoulders.
Aemond also immediately watches you, instantly realizing your reaction, but you look away from him trying to appear indifferent and with the lump in your throat you go back to chewing, bringing your cup to your lips.
You feel your heart start to beat wildly, feeling instantly how your tranquility disappears and suddenly you feel overwhelmed by all the mixture of emotions that invade you.
Meanwhile Aemond frowns and with a bewildered and also annoyed look, quickly turns back to his grandfather.
"What?" he snaps at him.
Otto Hightower lets out a long breath on the other end of the line.
"I didn't even know she was going to the event too and why are you telling me this now?" he inquires her completely serious, in an annoyed and deadly tone.
"Because I knew you would do anything to avoid it and I wasn't going to allow it. We're so close to signing the contracts and I knew this was going to please Alys, so she'll see you at the airport and I expect… that you'll give her a good treat and please her for the entire trip."
A shiver of jealousy, insecurity and sadness runs through you, as you bite the inside of your cheek and try to act nonchalant about it all, but you know you're not good at hiding your true emotions and Aemond sees that, not liking his grandfather's words at all.
"Have you lost your fucking mind?"
He inquires him just as serious and annoyed as before and Otto sighs.
"I'm not having this conversation with you again, Aemond. Grow up and do what you're told if you want your company to survive."
"Maturity doesn't mean I have to do everything you say!" he exclaims angrily and exasperatedly at him.
"For the love of the Seven, it's only a flight, stop acting like a fucking little child!"
Aemond sighs and runs a hand over his face, wearily.
"I can't believe you're doing this to me."
"Everything is already decided. You're going to have to deal with it, whether you like it or not, I honestly don't care. And I hope..." he begins to say in a threatening tone, "That by the time you get back, Rivers doesn't cause a scene for me again because of your lack of commitment and interest."
"That's your problem and hers, not mine. When I get back I want to have a serious conversation with you."
And finally Aemond hangs up annoyed with his visibly frustrated face, where in comparison to him, you hide your emotions, not wanting to frustrate him more with your behavior upon hearing this new travel plan, acting disinterested.
So you try to make yourself really look carefree by taking your dirty plate and cup to the dishwasher, starting to wash them, not observing Aemond at any moment, fearing that he will notice your true state.
While you at all times bite the inside of your cheek, resist the urge to cry and insecurity as well as a host of other frustrating emotions completely invade your body.
And Aemond immediately notices, because he knows you too well.
So feeling the weight of the situation, he stands up with an almost tired face and walks towards you, instantly slipping an arm around your waist to turn you towards him and leave a soft kiss on your forehead.
Something inside you snaps as you hear this.
"I know what you must be thinking, but you have nothing to worry about."
He says softly, hugging you tightly and lovingly, holding you close against his body.
"The only one I care about is you and I promise I will stay in touch with you for as long as I can."
And a realization comes over you, holding you completely still against him.
"No matter how busy I am, I will always find time to call or text you, just like last time," he promises you, wanting to comfort you, "I will do everything I can to keep you calm while I'm away."
You feel that realization hit you all at once again and with your gaze gone and your lips parted you just blink, because suddenly you don't have the strength anymore, for anything.
And because of your lack of response and movements, Aemond separates his head from your shoulder to watch you, still hugging you tightly and not wanting to let you go until he is sure you will be okay, watching you with concern.
"Hey, did you hear me? You will always be my priority, no matter where I am."
"Tell me you understand, please love," he pleads with slight anguish, completely attentive to you, holding your face with both hands gently in a desperate action.
He assures you firmly, wanting to make you understand and wanting you to say something back, anything. But you just watch him for a second, then stare at a spot in the kitchen and say nothing, your face without much expression.
With a lump in your throat, because you really can't speak, you feel like a fool even though it's part of all the emotions you're feeling at the moment, unable to help it.
"Good," he murmurs confidently, feeling a little calmer and leaves a soft kiss on your cheek, to pull away and continue to prepare everything for when he has to leave.
So the only thing you can do, is that nod in his direction, without uttering a word. And apparently, that's good enough for him.
Aemond continues to make sure he has everything ready in his suitcases and that nothing is missing, leaving them by the doorway.
While you watch him silently, still with all that overwhelming mix of emotions invading your mind. Again you feel your strength drain away and anxiety takes over, with an ache beginning to spread throughout your chest.
While he in comparison to you is calm, unconcerned, having no idea of everything that is going through your mind at that moment, making you feel bad to be thinking this now.
How cruel am I going to be?
You wonder with sadness, as you bite the inside of your cheek and try to hold back the tears that want to come out of your eyes. You don't want him to notice your agitation, at least not yet, but it's getting harder and harder to control it.
You love him.
You love him deeply.
You know that perfectly well. There is no doubt about it. And you know he loves you too.
But it all comes to your mind hitting you like a violent wave, drowning you, the magazines, his work, the association with Riverlands, the event, his grandfather, the press, his travels and Alys Rivers.
You watch as he ready waits for Cole with his phone in hand at the entrance, typing quickly, assuming he must be texting him, with the suitcases at his side and his face of concentration.
"Love, could you hand me a folder I left on my desk, please? It's black."
He asks you while at the kitchen island he hurriedly checks his briefcase, as you bite your lips and swallow hard.
"Sure," you say without much emotion and head for his office.
When you return you hand him the folder and he thanks you to arrange everything perfectly back into his briefcase.
"Cole won't be long, we're already late," he speaks to you also in a hurry, "If you need anything you know you can call me. But you can also call my mom if you need someone to come over, she's going to Oldtown for another two months," he lets you know, "Okay?" he watches you for a moment and you force a small smile, nodding in his direction, "Okay," he mumbles.
And he disappears back into the room, mumbling that he hasn't taken his jacket, while you watch him, standing still again with your hard face, wondering:
How cruel am I going to be?
Then Aemond stands still again at the entrance to the apartment, answering a call from Cole.
"Have you arrived yet?" he pauses slightly, "Fifteenth floor, C100. All right," he ends the call and looks a little more paranoid, turning to his suitcases, "Almost leaving, love."
You don't say anything back, you just watch him and feel that lump in your throat again, wanting to talk to him but the words get stuck, feeling more of your anxiety, agitation, sadness and anguish, with tears in the corners of your eyes, not being able to control it anymore.
How cruel am I going to be?
It repeats constantly in your mind until the tears fall down your cheeks and that pain in your chest gets stronger, watching it without being able to contain your emotions anymore.
"I can't do this anymore," you say in a shaky voice, getting his attention.
Aemond looks away from his phone and watches you, where your state slowly takes him by surprise and he watches you completely attentively, a little confused, not understanding, starting to worry.
"I know it's not your fault," you make it clear to him, starting to cry loudly, shaking your head, "But I can't anymore."
Aemond surprised, quickly turns to you, trying to speak.
"The first time you went to Casterly Rock with her, I wasn't at peace. I was scared and not for you, but for her," you confess to him, sad, "And you sending me pictures and videos of where you were and what you were doing, made me feel like we didn't trust each other."
"Y/N, I only did it so you would be calm and safe while I was away," he tells you in a soft, confused voice.
"You don't understand," you insist, "That made me feel like a controller, like you think I need to be constantly watching everything you do, and when had that ever happened on your previous trips?" you inquire, "It hadn't been like that since she—
You stop, not wanting to say more, as you sniffle and wipe your tears with your fingers, lowering your gaze, sorrowful, sad and disconsolate.
Instantly Aemond stops in front of you, trying again to hold your face in his hands, completely worried.
But before you can say anything, the doorbell rings at that moment and you both know who it is, Cole. But despite this, he continues to be attentive to you.
"My love, I understand," he says softly, wanting to comfort you, "I understand that you don't trust her, I understand your reasons, but—
"It's not just her, it's also what happened at that event, the press wanting you and her together, the magazines, your grandfather, and I-I…" you sniffle your nose, "I don't want our relationship to become a toxic one."
At that moment Aemond looks at you completely unsure, his heart beginning to pound, his gaze completely intent and anxious.
"What? Y/N, what are you saying?"
How cruel am I going to be?
"I can't anymore, Aemond," you tell him in your completely broken voice.
He watches you silently, his lips parted, fully inspecting your expression, beginning to feel his pulse quicken a little too much, understanding perfectly what you are implying.
When again you ring the doorbell, which catches your attention amidst your trail of tears but not him, he remains attentive to you, not caring, beginning to feel a huge void in his chest, incredulous, advancing towards you in a needy manner.
"Y/N, don't do this."
"I don't have a choice," you tell him in pain and he again tries to take you in his arms.
There's a knock on the door, interrupting him, as he feels a painful lump form in his throat and he looks at you in complete shock, disbelief and hurt.
"Listen, can we talk about this when I get back, please?" he asks pleadingly, holding you by the waist firmly, not wanting to let you go, "Just…" he shakes his head anguish, "Wait for me, okay? And when I get back, we'll talk about it."
You shake your head, pointing your gaze at the door for a second.
"You must leave now."
And Aemond becomes more concerned about this, seeing the determination and defeat in your whole look of sadness, giving this up now and not intending to wait for him, beginning to feel his eye begin to burn and despair along with anguish invade him more.
"Sir? Are you there?"
You hear Cole ask from the other side of the door, but Aemond pays him no attention, wanting to fix this, desperately.
"Yell at me," he implores you, "Get angry, reproach me, anything you want, anything but this, please, I beg you."
You close your eyes, swallowing hard.
"Sir? I'm sorry but we must leave now," Cole again speaks from the other side of the door, "Your flight departs in less than an hour."
And al Cole again knocks on the door in desperation, clearly because he has to do his job and you're taking advantage of it.
You open your eyes and both of you stare at each other without saying anything, where you just wait until he has to leave, your face completely devastated.
But he barely processes what's happening, his eye reddening and his heart rate racing, waiting for you to understand and say something back to him.
"Go now," you mutter sadly to him.
"No, I'm not leaving until I fix this," he tells you desperately, on the verge of losing patience, "Just…please don't do this, not now. I-I don't… I don't want to lose you."
"Your grandfather will be upset with you."
"I don't fucking care about my grandfather, Y/N! Right now I don't care about anything, just this, us!"
Cole again knocks on the door, insistent.
"Just fucking wait!"
He yells at Cole desperate, upset, distressed, his emotions running high, not being able to control himself anymore and you decide that enough is enough, because Aemond won't leave, then it's best that you leave.
"I'll be leaving too."
You know that this trip is very important to him and you still love him too much not to worry about his work.
And the last thing you want is for you to be the reason for not being on time, which could lead to him not doing well at his event and conference with the board and his partner.
You murmur to him with a broken heart and turn around, walking towards the room, instantly being followed by him.
"No, Y/N, please, just wait," he tells you more pleadingly than before, "I promise you this whole thing with Rivers will be over soon, I promise!" he insists, "Or not, I just won't make any association with her, I can find another way for the company, I don't care what my grandfather says or—
"You can't do that and you know it. The company depends on hers."
"But you can't do this! Not now, please!" he exclaims in frustration, starting to cry.
And just as you're about to go into the closet to grab your clothes, he stops you, turning you to him to hold you and make you look at him, make you see how devastated he is, definitely not expecting any of this at all, feeling completely helpless and powerless in the face of the situation.
"Please Y/N, please," he says to you with a broken voice, as he puts his forehead together with yours for a moment, starting to tremble and feel an unpleasant sensation all over his stomach.
And seeing him like this completely destroys you.
You've never seen him like this before, you know you're breaking his heart and more by breaking up with him now, like this, like you're taking advantage of the fact that he has to leave to get on a plane.
How cruel am I being?
And even though you didn't want to do it, at least not now as he is asking you to, you know this is necessary.
Because you know that if he gets on his jet with her and you and he are still together, you will not be calm at all, you will over think things, things that are not.
If the partnership with Rivers passes and you and Aemond are still together, you will feel the same insecurity as always because the two of them will be partners and will have to keep seeing each other for the report of both companies coming together.
You will feel controlling, he will have this need to want to be good to you in an unnecessary way and you will just feel bad about yourself. And it won't end there.
And you'll have to keep putting up with the press, the boundaries Rivers oversteps, what Otto asks Aemond to do with her and the necessary justifications from him to you.
"I'm so sorry," you tell him with tears streaming down your cheeks and your face completely broken.
And Aemond shakes his head in frustration, in hopelessness, closing his eyes tightly, not believing it, not accepting it.
"Wait until I come back so we can talk about it and work it out. Don't end things like this, please," he tells you in a broken voice, starting to cry, "I-I love you."
"I love you too," you tell him the same way he does.
"And if you love me then why are you leaving me?" he asks you in a painful voice, not understanding.
Your whole face transforms into anguish.
"Please don't leave me," he begs you once more.
Silence envelops you, where you both cry, you completely broken and he in complete despair, in the room where you both have shared so many special moments throughout your relationship, in the apartment where you began to form a little life together.
The air is charged with so much tension and nostalgia, where you both suffer from an intense mix of emotions, where you both suffer equally, as everything feels unreal, so suddenly and without time to react.
And Aemond tries to find any hope of being able to hold on, to get you back. But in the depths of his broken heart, he feels and knows that he has lost the battle.
And you also feel and know that this has been necessary, as broken as it has made you feel and in which you know, you are probably not going to fully recover by doing this.
The last thing you see of Aemond is how with his completely devastated look he watches silently as you pack some of your clothes in a bag to leave, still not accepting it, completely broken inside and imploring you with his gaze not to do this.
But you knew that if you didn't leave, he wouldn't leave and it's important that he catch his flight to Casterly Rock.
So without even saying hello or giving Cole a glance, you leave the apartment quickly with tears streaming down your cheeks, walking away from there and him.
You arrive at Floris' house in search of temporary lodging where she opens the door and you burst into tears in her arms, without even being able to talk to her about what happened when you cried uncontrollably.
And after a few hours, the next thing you know from Eleonor, simply because you needed to know for the last time, is that Aemond managed to get on his jet at the estimated time to land promptly at Casterly Rock.
She tells you that it was difficult but that they managed to convince him. And that's the last you hear from him.
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Despite your determination to move on, every day at all times you can't help but feel a deep sadness and a sense of loss that won't leave you alone.
Letting go of your relationship with Aemond is difficult, you just can't. And rightly so if it's only been weeks, because leaving him behind, feels like giving up a very important part of your life.
You tried to find comfort in your daily routine, classes and work, but everything reminded you of him, all the time you were thinking about him and when you least expected it, you were already crying again, without being able to help it.
At night it is more difficult, you feel completely alone, you cry until you fall asleep, you questioned what you had done and in the middle of everything, you miss him deeply.
Days after Floris accepts you in his house, you immediately request a room in your university's residence halls and fortunately there is one available near your Marketing department.
You asked Floris to please accompany you to the apartment to get the rest of your things, which she did not hesitate to do in order to support you and also help you, taking advantage of the fact that Aemond was still away.
You did everything as fast as possible, not wanting to remember and think too much, you just wanted to get out of there with your things, avoiding to feel and let all the memories consume you, because you couldn't stand it.
A few tears escaped you, but as soon as it happened, the two of you left the apartment, locking it and slipping the key under the door, so as not to return it to him in person.
After a while, exactly after the week in which Aemond would already be back in King's Landing, he started looking for you through messages and calls, begging you to please see each other and talk.
Feeling even more broken, you decided to block him from everywhere, which caused him to come looking for you at work, hoping to talk to you.
But as soon as you recognized his car parking on the street, you quickly hid in the small back rooms, begging Sophie to cover for you.
You later found out that Aemond had been texting your mutual friends, asking how he could find you, where you lived now, wanting to sort things out, unwilling to let the two of you end up like you did.
Hel messaged you, so did Daeron, even Baela, but you decided it was best not to respond, because if you did, you would agree to talk to Aemond. And it broke your heart not to reply to any of them, especially Hel, but you know yourself too well and you did it for your own good.
But you never let him find you, because you knew you'd go back to him the minute you both sat down to talk and that's not what you want.
Not with his grandfather and Rivers still behind him.
Until one day Aemond stopped.
He stopped trying to find you and stopped asking your friends where you might be, you also stopped reading about him in magazines and social media. You read about his family, but nothing about him.
And so it went for a while, for about two months, where you to this day do not heal and you keep thinking about him, finding it strange this new life without him.
When one morning, a magazine article and almost all the social media announce a news that makes you understand now a little more the disappearance of Aemond not only from your life, but also from the world, surprising you.
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You read the news in complete disbelief, thinking of Alicent, Hel, Daeron, Rhaenyra, everyone, but most of all him.
You know what this means, the note itself says so, but even though you knew it was only a matter of time, as Aemond told you, you are still surprised to see this, surprised that it has already happened.
Suddenly you feel a need and urge to text or call him, but you know it's not a good idea, yet the urge is there, thinking about how he must be feeling and all that he and his family must be going through.
Fortunately you don't do anything, but this leaves you thinking.
After almost everyone reads this news, the whole Targaryen family is kept in hiding, there is no sighting of them, no statements and absolutely nothing, which is what the press wants.
That's what happens for a month, until finally sightings of Otto and Alicent Hightower are reported. Also of Aegon with Rhaenyra and Daemon.
Until you simply decide not to be aware of it anymore, having to continue your life without him, since these are matters that don't concern you, at least not anymore.
So a few weeks later, Floris' birthday arrives, who invites his closest friends to a pub to celebrate in a small group, wanting to have a good time, relax and nothing more, to which you agree to go.
What you definitely didn't expect, was to meet your ex, Aemond Targaryen after all that happened and after almost five months.
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general taglist:
@melsunshine @n4forlife @iamavailablesstuff @ttkttt @elliaze @trshngyn @tsujifreya @imsoshygirl @watercolorskyy @kckt88 @zenka69 @yentroucnagol @crispmarshmallow @bellastwd @queenofshinigamis @strangersunghoon @happinessinthebeing @iloveallmyboys
taglist part 3:
@hoziersfairy @bananaminion678 @targaryenmoony @skzenhalove
741 notes · View notes
ofswordsandpens · 5 months
I've enjoyed episode 3 the most so far, but I think the show is still struggling to find a good balance between taking itself seriously and the absurdist humor that RR writes with. My main takeaways:
The Fight Scenes (or Lack Thereof?)
It seems very peculiar to me that the show is just speed running through its battle scenes. Again, it feels very much like the product of Disney trying to sanitize anything that's too extreme?
The trio fleeing from the kindly ones in the book ended with Percy taking control of the bus and then crashing it. It explodes. They lose all of their stuff (money, food). In the show, they simply bail out the back window. No true panic. No tension. Just, okay :) we're leaving now :)
The Medusa Scene. I'll speak more to this later, but in terms of the fight we get to see... well we get to see nothing. Apparently this fight required us to view it through the lens of the invisibility cap (ie. not at all),
I understand this show is intended for a younger audience, but the books are as well. Even the movies, which are pg, came up with better ways to show things without necessarily showing things. As a result, it feels like anything that might induce the slightest bit of tension or fear are sanded down and its honestly doing such a disservice to the books and the audience.
I actually really liked this portrayal of Medusa. The 1950s housewife vibe landed well for me. And I loved the actress's voice -- very soft and soothing but always sounding as if she were just about to cry.
Also, I really liked her dialogue. Her digs at Athena and Poseidon were perfectly tragic.
That being said, I really prefer the trio's arrival to the emporium in the book. In the books, they've been wandering the woods and are lost and exhausted and hungry because of the battle/bus crash where they've lost all of their stuff. It almost feels like the emporium popping up "out of nowhere" was more of it finding them.
Meanwhile in the show, Grover finds it through scent on a satyr path and they immediately know its Medusa, which imo takes out so much of the fun of it all??? In the books, they dont know. Grover's just like, freaking the ever living fuck out, and clearly Percy and Annabeth have let him take sole custody of the shared brain cell, cause they're more concerned about getting some food than anything else
Just... RIP dumbass shenanigans
And honestly, I'm not really sure what necessitated the change here in the show (of them not being tricked). It would have been one thing if they were going to change Medusa entirely to not wanting to harm them at all, but imo, I think its arguable/evident that show Medusa was looking for an excuse to petrify Annabeth and Grover (at minimum) regardless of anything.
Honestly, I would have had the show loosely play it out as: book arrival (they dont know its Medusa), keep the dumbass energy and banter, the trio figures out it Medusa while they're eating, Medusa is the more sympathetic version we see in the show, regardless it still ends with the battle.
Also, I do mourn the book battle. The panic and absurdity is just handled better imo. Annabeth shoving them off the bench, Grover flopping all over the place with the shoes but actively getting a good few hits in, Percy having to use to the reflection to behead her... the #TeamWork was emphasized a little more there to me.
I think the show is absolutely nailing certain parts of the characters.
They've gotten Percy's anger and his derision towards the gods down. But, I think they're actually underscoring some of his, idk, sincerity? His kindness? It was the line "she met a pinecone's fate" that just rang off to me. While undoubtedly funny, it's just such a stark difference from his reaction to Thalia's story in the books, where he was unsettled by her fate and felt a sincere sympathy for her. The line in the show I assume is meant to criticize the gods, but still, it feels like it comes at the expense of the sensitivity that he has.
They've gotten Annabeth's bluntness, intelligence, pride, and superiority down cold. No question about it. But I feel like they just need to let her be more of a 12yo kid?
Like. In canon she and Percy banter and argue over the silliest of things. She plays hacky sack with Grover and Percy. She blushes and hyperventilates when Luke interacts with her. Episode 3 is like the first time we've gotten to see her do something remotely childish (buying all that candy) and I'm just dying for more of that!! She's not the "mom" of the group and she has her canon dumbass moments. I'm hoping more of this is captured moving forward. They've gotten a good start on the banter, but let Annabeth be more silly! Cause she is!
(Absolutely none of my personal qualms about the characterization are Walker or Leah's fault. They've done amazing. It's the writing/directing I'm side-eyeing).
OH! And I'm sorry but Percy being like "Annabeth we're going to bury medusa with your hat on" would have never ever flown with Annabeth. In no world.
But Grover eating them up at the end? Iconic. Good for him.
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doobea · 6 months
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synopsis: upon graduating and landing your first job outside of college, you soon realize that being in your twenties suck. outside of working nine hours everyday, setting time for the gym, and making shitty home cooked meals, you have a new stressor joining your team on monday - your ex.
contents: gn!reader, second chances, office romance, lots of awkward tension, background satosugu, alcohol consumption, company mixers and gossip thrown around word count: 7045 (im sorry) a/n: thank you so much for requesting this @mymegumi !! this is my first time writing for megumi so i hope he isn't too ooc!! :3 this was def one of my fav ones i've received hehe also shout out to @popponn for beta reading this like a champ because wow this was a MESS and shes helped w a lot ;;
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Walking into the office on a Monday morning and seeing your ex first thing is something you wouldn’t wish on your enemy. 
To make matters even slightly worse, the team manager announces that he’s going to be the new software engineer on your team and that his assigned seat is, surprise surprise, next to yours. 
So this is how things are going now. 
Things have changed drastically between you and Megumi, having today being your one-year break up anniversary, and you’re still finding your ground here. And, it goes both ways, you suppose. The initial shock on your face was hard to hide and you could’ve sworn Megumi felt like putting in his two week notice the moment you walked through those doors. But you don’t blame him when he excuses himself to the nearest bathroom and you don’t blame him when he spends a suspicious amount of time in there.
“Does the new guy have IBS or something?” Your manager, Satoru Gojo, plops himself down at the corner of your desk, completely ignoring the fact that his ass is resting on the pile of documents that you’re planning to review. He’s wearing his usual black circular lenses inside despite it being not sunny on this cold, gloomy December morning. Gojo thinks he looks cool with them on, definitely not trying to gain a certain regional manager’s attention. He’s also disregarding the fact that you’re squirming uncomfortably in your seat. 
You cough loudly into your fist and manage to shimmy a packet from Gojo’s ass pile, trying to drown yourself in work and not engage in the conversation, knowing full well that Gojo can’t keep his mouth shut if he finds out about your relationship history.
“Maybe it’s just first day nerves,” you shrug back.
“I’m not paying him to take a shit at work,” Gojo huffs back, hands on hips like a mother hen. “There’s some Pepto Bismol in the first aid kit in the break room, go hand him that.”
You sigh, clicking the pen repeatedly in your hands in hopes that your manager gets the hint that you’re busy, but he just repeats it, emphasizing that ‘hey, no need to create a toxic work environment’ and that ‘everyone here is family’. 
“You can’t grab Nobara to do it?” You grumble out.
“I’m talking to you right now, aren’t I?” he replies back before hopping off your desk. Gojo adjusts his tie and smooths out his hair before sending finger guns in your direction. “Make Megumi feel at home and I’ll give everyone an extra five thousand on top of the initial holiday bonus, yeah?”
If there’s anything that Satoru Gojo is good at, outside of drunk whining about his ex, it’s bribing. You’ve been working at this company for just under a year and the amount of times he would throw money out in order to get others to do his responsibilities might be more than you can count but, in hindsight, it’s not a bad trait to have. He’s a good listener, attentive of other’s needs, and not a micromanager. And, while you desperately want to say no, you have to admit that having an extra five thousand bonus does sound incredibly nice.
“Fine,” you give in and push yourself out of the seat. “But that’s all that I’m doing for the rest of the week. I’ve got other things I have to catch up on before the end of the year.”
It’s not a lie. You’ve got meetings with clients scheduled back to back until the last week before Christmas and most of them are being indecisive about their app designs. Though, that’s the normal life of being a graphic web designer on a regular day.
“Yeah?” Gojo briefly glances over your calendar that you have pinned against the wooden cork board in your cubicle and hums in deep thought — which is usually not a good sign. “Y’know what? Megumi should join in on the meetings too.”
“Why are you giving me that look? You give him the designs, he makes it look pretty, and then we have profit.”
“Yeah but,” you gesture your hands towards Toge’s desk behind you, who’s currently hunched over and deep into whatever line of code he’s attempting to fix for a particular picky client. “I’m already partnered up with Toge, I don’t think Megumi needs—”
Gojo enunciates your name, loud and slow, tilting his glasses down so you can see the intense blue of his eyes. “Can’t you see I’m trying to hook you up, right now?”
Oh god, so this is why he’s being so persistent.
You heave out another sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration and embarrassment. “Gojo, are you self projecting right now?” You swear he always does this.
“Am not!” Gojo quickly shoots back with crossed arms. “You look like you haven’t gotten laid in a while and I’d figure I play office cupid with you and the new guy!” Then, a small pause followed by a loud Teams’ message notification comes from his phone. You don’t need to guess who sent it judging by Gojo’s exasperated gasp. “Inumaki, please focus on your tasks instead of listening in on people’s conversations!”
DESIGN TEAM - SUB GC [Toge Inumaki]: gojo needs to get laid lolol [Maki Zen’in]: say it louder for the ppl in the back
Gojo manages out another grumpy sound, more a whine than anything else; your grin widens and pat him on the shoulder.
“Pepto Bismol, right?” You snort.
“He’s still going to join—” Gojo starts to respond, but then gets cut off by another notification, and gives up. “Ack—whatever! Just make sure you look after him today, alright? Me and Suguru are going to plan for the holiday party for the rest of the day, so no interruptions!” He announces the last part louder than the rest, staring down at everyone else on the office floor. Gojo is met with a couple of weak ‘yeah, sure, have fun, bud’ before turning his attention back to you. He says the next part in a hush whisper, “Gonna increase it to ten thousand, you spend too much time at work anyway.”
You roll your eyes, nodding away just to agree and end the dreaded topic. “Aye, aye, captain.”
Then, Gojo has the audacity to drink some of your morning tea and sighs, content and relaxed as he’ll ever be, before strutting to the otherside of the floor and into Geto’s office. You and the others are pretty sure they have a secret room connected in there. No one’s ever been able to go inside Geto’s office without a special lock pad code. Something about protecting the company’s patented secrets or whatever. Doesn’t help the allegations that only Gojo has access to said special code.
You look at your computer and see that Toge had sent you a private message. 
[Toge Inumaki]: u actually gonna flirt w the new guy?
You glare at Toge, who’s now flashing you a knowing smirk underneath the turtleneck that extends over his mouth. You know he’s celebrating inwardly because, yeah, you see that little glimmer in Toge’s eyes that indicates that he does know your dirty little office secret. How do you know this for a fact? Toge always looks up everyone’s personal and employment history.
It’s always the quiet ones who are freaks.
“No way,” you reply, probably with even more indignation than Gojo, if that’s even possible. “Also, keep the info on the down low and I’ll share some of my bonus with you, please?” If you’re going to survive this job, you might as well steal some of your manager’s tactics.
Without any opposition, Toge sends you a thumbs up.
This is going to be an interesting year.
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“You’re making it so not obvious,” Maki starts, sarcastically, as she refills her liter sized tumbler by the company’s only fancy coffee machine. It’s also the only functional one on the floor and Geto claims that it’s worth more than your entire yearly salary. What an absurd purchase but everyone abuses the shit out of it, so you guess it’s worth the price. 
You stick out your tongue in disgust as you watch her put five shots of espresso into the container and wonder how the hell is her body still functioning correctly. “You could’ve at least told me that he applied for the job, y’know?”
“And what? How was I supposed to know he was going to be on our team? Were you going to look for a new job just because he got it?” Maki shoots you an unimpressed look and totally catches the way you chew your lips as your fingers twitch at your sides. “Listen, as your friend and his cousin, I’m not really sure all the details that went down but I know that Megumi isn’t out to hurt you — you should know that too.”
“I do know that,” you angrily place down your mug underneath the machine, firmly pressing the cappuccino option on the touch screen. “We just… didn’t really talk after he had to move, like at all.” You frown.
Maki leans against the break room counter and sips her beverage. “Mind running it back to me again?” 
“It’s long, Maki,” you try to deflect, “Trauma dumping first thing in the morning is rather—”
[Satoru Gojo]: did ya hand him the anti poop meds yet? 
“Wait, give me a second, gotta reply to…”
Maki laughs. “All good, take your time.”
[You]: not yet, getting coffee [Satoru Gojo]: losing employee of the month status as we speak  [You]: u being deadass rn [Satoru Gojo]: you wished your ass was getting aidhwkakha 
The sudden keyboard smash and offline status change is enough to lose your interest in the conversation. A chill runs down your spine at the immediate imagination of your supervisors getting it on with each other. As a small distraction, your eyes begin shifting focus around the break room before settling on the small first aid kit in the corner. And now you’re reminded again of the side mission that somehow became a main mission in your twenties’ story line. 
Handing your ex bowel medicine was not part of your bingo card. 
“I’ll talk to you later, Maki,” you release a groan when she laughs again. It’s light hearted, you know that for sure, but it still feels humiliating. 
You round the corner down the hallway leading to the restroom with the neon pink bottle in hand, mumbling to yourself ways to avoid talking to Megumi, before crashing dead on into something, or rather someone, hard. 
“Oh, fuck, I’m so sorry—”
“No, it’s my bad, I—”
You regret ever opening your mouth. A heartbeat pause passes before you could gather your thoughts, coherently. You’re pretty sure you have this dumb, gawking, expression plastered over your face because Megumi is doing all that he can to avoid having proper eye contact with you. 
Instead of half expecting him to brush past you, he points at the neon bottle and asks, slowly, with all seriousness, “Is that for you?”
“F-For me?” You look down at the bottle and look up again, feeling warmth in your cheeks from embarrassment and… anger? You hastily shove the bottle into his hands, strongly ignoring the fact that he smells really good for someone who just spent the last half hour in a bathroom. “It’s for you, idiot!” 
For a split second, Megumi looks wildly offended that you would even consider that he needs something like this. You watch as he’s about to give it back to you or, knowing him, throw it away, when suddenly a tuft of pink pokes out from the corner of your eyes.
Yuuji had somehow acquired a ridiculous bright strand of Christmas lights that he’s looped around his neck. He’s got a Santa hat on, also holding an extra pair too, and you want to question where he managed to get the overly festive attire from, and if there’s some sort of weird in-office holiday event that you weren’t invited to. 
“Hey, hey! I was told to bring this over to the new guy!” Yuuji chirps brightly and stops in his tracks when he sees Megumi in front of you. “You must be him!”
“Megumi,” you wince at saying his name finally, pushing aside your previous strained thoughts due to the new company, and run a feverish hand through your hair. “This is Yuuji, he works in our sales department. Yuuji, this is Megumi, he’s part of the design team.” You reply in a sickly-sweet tone. 
“ ‘Sup! How are you?” Yuuji pops the ‘p’ and whistles.
“I’m charmed,” Megumi sighs and stares him down for a moment, before he finally grips the festive hat when Yuuji presents it to him. “Do I have to?”
“Of course!” Yuuji flicks on the switch to his necklace and it nearly blinds your eyes from how bright it was. The festive colors alternate, and there’s a small jingle that plays right after. Talk about a seizure warning. “It’s part of the company’s tradition!”
Megumi breathes through his nose, rolling his eyes. “The company was founded this year.”
“Yeah, starting today, it’s a company tradition,” Yuuji corrects. 
“Starting today, I’ll write up my notice,” he grumbles, only audible to you. 
You have to admit, you appreciate the dry sarcasm. There’s no denying that Megumi looks like he’s a second away from quitting all within the first two hours of his first day. But, as you noted earlier, you don’t blame him. 
“You guys are coming to the end of the year party, right?” Yuuji snaps a quick selfie with the three of you in it, explaining something about posting on the company’s Instagram story reels and gaining clout. Though, you’re pretty sure that only Yuuji was smiling in the photo.
“I was actually planning on staying home,” you answer sheepishly, not wanting to give away the obvious reason.
Yuuji frowns and immediately pulls out his signature puppy dog eyes. “Aww, wait really? You seemed so excited for it earlier last week.”
You’re shaking your head. “No, I wasn’t—”
“Yuh huh,” Yuuji fishes out his phone to pull up the fucking group chat receipts, showing it to both you and a perplexed Megumi. “You said you went out and bought an ugly Christmas sweater the next day!”
“It was a joke!”
Yuuji pulls up a photo of you in said ugly Christmas sweater. You die a little on the inside.
“You’re wearing it right here, though!”
“A joke, huh,” Megumi kicks the bottom of his loafers against the floor, shoving the red hat deep into his pants’ pocket, before excusing himself, again. He holds up the pink bottle and turns around, back towards the restrooms. “Turns out I’ll be needing this, thanks.” There’s a hint of malice oozing from the last word, one that you pick up quite easily while Yuuji looks around confused. 
“So Gojo wasn’t overreacting about the IBS thing…” Yuuji muses.
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It’s now midday and a total of less than thirty words have been exchanged so far between you and Megumi. You two have been working in silence for the past hour at the cubicles and you’re beginning to feel awfully guilty about the earlier exchange. 
It wasn’t your intention to make him feel unwelcomed. Maybe you’re thinking too deeply into this than needed?
“Are you feeling okay?” You arch a brow, pulling your eyes away from your monitor for a moment to look at Megumi. Megumi stops typing and makes a small appreciative sound, nodding quickly enough. You know better though, whenever he has a far off look on his face, that his mind’s a mess. 
“Yeah,” Megumi tries to sound casual as he goes back to coding. “This is probably not easy for you either, right?” He lets an ear bud dangle from his side.
“That noticeable?” You let out a short laugh, knowing that you both know each other still pretty fucking well. “It’s just… been a year, you know? Haven’t seen much of you since you moved.” You’re waiting for him to take the bait as you have your suspicions, and you don’t voice them, but you swear, just for a moment, there’s a strange expression on Megumi’s face. Then, you blink, and maybe you’ve imagined it all, because his face goes back to looking as stoic as he always did.
“I’m,” he pauses his fingers, sinking back into his seat, eyes downcasted. “I’m sorry. I know I should’ve called you, at least.”
“I was worried sick like crazy,” you suddenly admit, the words seemingly flowing out at this point. “Was almost debating calling the missing person’s hotline until the mailman, of all people, told me that your family packed up and dipped.”
Megumi isn’t the most expressive person when it comes to apologies, having an already wildly unconventional childhood was enough to shell himself out from everyone else. Though, it’s hard to deny that he should’ve and could’ve done something earlier. 
Megumi chews methodically down on his lips. “Yeah, I’m sorry.”
You nod slowly, making note of the way his voice strained, and face back to your monitors. “It’s fine, I probably shouldn’t have brought it up at work,” a pause and then you continue, “Also, I’m sorry about acting like you’re the plague, too. It’s just—people don’t normally work with their ex’s, you know?” You whisper.
He sighs, there’s a finality to it, and puts back his ear bud. “Mhm, I don’t want to think about it.”
Yeah. It’s stupid. It’s stupid and somehow it really sucks, too. You’re absentmindedly nodding and maybe, you think, there’s a quick flicker of that same unnamed emotion you keep noticing from Megumi, one that somehow forces your stomach to twist up, making your insides all confused. 
“Okay, that’s fair enough,” you say, and you forget about it, at least for now.
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After a few days, working with Megumi is like clockwork. 
Greetings are short and brief or none at all. If he needed something, he would contact Toge or Maki since they’re the ones supposed to be in charge of him. If he ever needed to grab something from you… well it’ll just be exchanged via email or the work group chat — nothing ever in person. Which you’re happy that you’re both on the same page. Also, thank god for Zoom Meetings having a recording option. There was no way in actual hell you were going to sit through a two hour long call with your ex sitting across from you.
It’s halfway through the work week and nearing the end of the day. You’ve successfully got off the call with a client and just sent over the finalized web design to the rest of the team. 
Yuki Tsukumo, a self-made billionaire, reached out to the company three months back regarding a new app launch she had in mind. Ironically for you, it’s a dating app specifically designed for second chances and heartbreaks. Did you mentally suffer a couple of breakdowns from this? Of course.
Are you going to suffer another one because Gojo is currently ordering a last minute meeting with you and Megumi in a conference room? Yeah.
“What the fuck,” you say, intelligently. “Are you—are you crying?”
“W-What makes you think that,” Gojo sneezes into an already damp tissue. He’s got a stupid Christmas-themed sweater on, even got a themed set of earrings in, too. A little necklace with red and white candy cane beads hangs from his neck, and he’s got a dumb temporary reindeer tattoo on his cheek. Gojo is so themed that it’s almost disgusting. “Why would I—why would I—” and he bursts into tears.
You outwardly groan and Megumi stays quiet but makes his annoyance evident with a deep furrow of his brows. You do not like where this is going. Gojo breaking down combined with Geto suddenly taking off only means that—
“You want us to take over the planning.” Megumi concludes in a flat tone.
“F-For the party—yes,” Gojo hiccups and, fuck, is he also drunk on the job right now?
“Did you and Geto have a fight again?” You deadpan. 
“No.” Gojo frowns, going cross eyed. It’s not adorable at all, completely different from how he usually depicts himself to the rest of the office, which is why both you and Megumi stealthily slip out your phones and snap a quick picture… for blackmail purposes. “I-I was just…”
“We’ll do it,” you actually didn’t want to know the details, but you are slightly amused by how things turned out the way they did. “So, why are you drunk?”
Gojo opens his mouth, closes it, and opens it again. “ ‘m not drunk enough to tell you the whole story,” he gravely replies.
Megumi scoffs as he graciously gets out of his seat. “Well, if that’s all then I’m going back to my desk.”
And, of course, in the end it comes down to Megumi fucking Fushiguro being your co-assistant to organizing the biggest end of the year dinner celebration. A ten thousand bonus is on the line and you could really use a long vacation afterwards. 
Gojo sends you to a file containing the event plans that they’ve completed so far and what’s missing. Food has already been covered, Gojo has a fancy restaurant catering information listed down, one he raves constantly about their tiramisu. Below that Geto makes a brief comment about needing an after party reservation at any local bar. Holiday decor still needs to be ordered and a DJ still needs to be booked. Not to mention setting up the office, organizing activities, creating and sending out emails to every—
“I’ll handle coordinating with the vendors, you can focus on the internal tasks.”
You blink. “What?”
He blinks in return. “What do you mean ‘what’?”
And, when you don’t say anything back, he continues.
“I’ll stay out of your way,” Megumi has his back turned to you. He’s unable to catch your slight frown. Those words should be a good sign. The less contact, the better. But hearing it makes your stomach clench uncomfortably, and you find yourself casting around for something to say back. 
You try to open your mouth to speak, but it’s a bunch of gibberish, nonsense syllables, the only recognizable word being a bleary, “together”. 
“We can work on it together,” you rephrased it more clearly.
Megumi tenses his shoulders and whips his head around, holding a slight sneer, though you aren’t sure if it’s meant for you or just towards the odd situation. “We are, that’s why I’m splitting the responsibilities up.”
“No, I mean like—”
“You don’t have to force anything.” Megumi says, running fingers through his unkempt hair. “I don’t want to make things more awkward than they already are.”
Of course, that sets you off a bit uneasily. You look around in the office and, once you realize that it’s just the two of you, you pull Megumi by his sleeves and find the nearest empty conference room. 
“You look upset,” you huff, completely ignoring the way he’s pouting. 
“I’m not upset,” Megumi shoots back, but his words are far too quick, a little bit heated, and he flushes instantly. He knows that he’s not fooling anyone, especially you.
You sigh, leaning your back against the wall next to the door. “Maybe not to others,” you begin, “I don’t want to sound like an ass but…” and you instinctively cringe when you think back to Gojo’s words from the beginning, “We have to work together for this project, at least.”
“I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable,” Megumi confesses, and you see the weight coming off of his shoulders as he says it. It sounded like he wasn’t planning on bringing this up at all, but the words are soon tumbling out. “Just… trying to get out of your way, you know? I still kinda need time to process everything.”
“Ah,” you’re looking down at your shoes, suddenly feeling… shy? Confused? You're watching him out of the corner of your eye. 
Megumi breathes out a long sigh, fixes the wrinkles in his sleeves, and leans forward, brushing shoulders with you as he reaches for the handle. “I’ll cooperate,” he forces out.
“Megumi,” you say quietly, and you’re watching his knuckles turn white as he grips the knob just a bit too tightly. “Let’s just start over, okay?”
He frowns, and he masks it after a moment, you know how to get him stirring in his emotions, because the thought appears to give him a pause. Megumi’s eyes widen a bit, and he’s back to chewing his lip, a bad habit he’s always had, before smoothing out again.
“That’s complicated, you know that,” Megumi says finally. 
You have no right to judge his answer, considering that you also played along in this weird tip-toe dance that you’ve both set. But is it really that complicated? Sure, you’re still pissed about what transpired during the relationship and ‘break up’, if you even want to call it that, but how long are you going to pretend that he’s not an important figure in your life?
“Life is complicated,” you stare into his eyes. “So work with me here, Megumi.”
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You begin to feel better when you check off the final bullet point on Gojo’s ridiculously long event planner. Miraculously, the two of you manage to have everything prepared before the end of the month, even if it means working slight overtime together. Not that either of you had minded, it seemed after that conversation, there’s been less tension. You’re both trying to move on from the past and that’s the part of growing up, like it or not, and things don’t really fall neatly in place anymore. 
So, when you get to the restaurant, you realize something real fast.
The seating arrangements are absolutely staged. 
It’s a small izakaya, so the price to rent the whole place out wasn’t as expensive as some of the places Gojo had listed down as recs in the previous email but, because of its limited space, you knew it was going to be a tight squeeze for all twenty of you guys.
For starters, it was apparent from the moment you sat down that no one wanted to sit next to you. You were wondering if it had to do anything with your body odor before noting two very important things — one, Megumi was going to be the last one to arrive because he’s picking up the cake and two, everyone was staring intently when he entered the restaurant and had no choice but to sit next to you. You were trying so hard not to get distracted but the scent of his familiar cologne and the proximity of his body heat traveled to the forefront of your mind.
Three shots of tequila followed by five lemon drops later and both of your supervisors have disappeared from the dinner table. You vaguely make out a trail of unraveled ties and belts down the restaurant’s bathroom hallway in the corner, no surprise guessing what your bosses are doing — hint, it’s probably with each other. Aside from that, you’re currently trying not to let yourself get distracted by the obvious questions that your other coworkers are currently throwing to you and Megumi.
“We heard from a little birdie that you two are ex’s?” Todo throws the fucking rock out there. 
Everyone is either currently drunk or getting to the point of being tipsy. One look at Toge and he has the word ‘culprit’ written all over his smug, redden face. You’d imagine that he told everyone at the table about it when you and Megumi excused yourselves to the restroom separately earlier in the night. Mai is giggling up a storm and Yuuji looks like he’s one sip away from making weird hand puppets of you two kissing. Maybe it’s hypocritical on your part, but you don’t get why they’re making such a big deal out of it. It’s not like you and Megumi are actually making the work environment uncomfortable and it’s also not like you guys are getting back together by seeing each other every day… right?
But you have to wonder, vaguely, when your body’s going to stop doing that weird, fluttering thing it does every time Megumi does look at you. You almost spill your drink everywhere when you catch his eyes again and mutter a string of curses under your breath, forcing your attention back to actually doing some damage control before it gets out of hand. 
The only way to stop them from spreading unnecessary rumors is to own up to it. The more you deny, the more relentless teasing you’ll receive. Both you and Megumi drain a shot of tequila for the sake of courage before answering Todo’s unwarranted question.
You stare at each other in disbelief before switching your answers in a panic. 
Yuuji starts nervously laughing and scratches his cheek. “Uh, guys…”
“We’re not—”
“We broke up—”
“You gonna take him out on a date?” Todo digs into his food, eyes never leaving the two of you. For some reason, you think he’s enjoying this a bit too much.
Megumi seems to pick up on this and groans. “I’m going outside for a bit,” he removes himself from his seat and pointedly avoids all the disappointed drunk mumblings from his coworkers as he makes a beeline towards the entrance with his coat in hand.
Okay, yeah, he’s smart for not falling for that. You, on the other hand, start pawing at your lap. 
“We’re not dating,” you correct Todo, and basically everyone at the table.
“What if… he thinks you’re dating and you don’t?” Yuuji slurs his words, half of his body is basically leaning against the tabletop.
You highly doubt anything you’ve done together would be considered date worthy. You’re pretty sure Megumi feels the same way and everything is exaggerated at this point. Suddenly, you feel really out of your element here, and this burst of anxiety, one that leaves you squirming in your seat, has you itching for fresh air.
“I’ll be right back,” you quickly excuse yourself, grabbing your belongings along.
It didn’t take you long to find him. Megumi is standing off to the side underneath the building’s overhang, eyes glued to the road, silently watching the first snowfall of the month before taking notice of your presence. He flashes you a soft nod and scoots a little to the left, inviting you into his space, which you end up taking.
“When are you planning to leave?” Megumi asks. His face is flushed at this point, the first couple of buttons of his collared shirt are open, and his sleeves are rolled up. He’s got his jacket tossed across his shoulder and, you soon realize, that your ex looks stupidly mesmerizing under the shitty neon lights outside the restaurant. 
The answer had been “in about ten minutes” but somewhere between your brain and mouth, the words had taken a detour to Megumi’s long lashes, because instead you say, “Whenever you leave, I guess.”
It’s not like you actually have plans after this anyway. Your apartment might need a deep holiday cleaning after wasting the last couple of weeks working overtime, and you might need to pay the grocery store a little visit to actually start cooking yourself a healthy meal, but that can all wait. 
Megumi makes a strange straggled noise at your response and hides his surprise through a long sigh, “So…” 
You cock a brow. “So?” You echo back.
Another sigh from Megumi and he finally floods out his words. “The next train arrives in fifteen, we can both make it if you’re fine with leaving now.”
It’s a rare invitation and, despite the initial tension, there’s no way in hell that both of you are letting this opportunity go. 
You say yes in an instant, fixing your winter coat around your body and doing a quick three-second check to see if you have everything only to notice that your phone is missing.
“Oh, um—”
“I’ve got it right here,” Megumi fishes out your phone from his pocket and hands it over. “Figured that you would’ve accidentally left it behind.”
For a moment, you wonder if you’re on one of those hidden camera shows. But the look that Megumi gives you, the look that you’re all too familiar with a year ago, it’s there written all over his face. You realize that you are, fortunately, not on a reality show — the alcohol and snow might be paid actors — and your ex, tipsy and but wildly attentive towards you, is completely still infatuated.
You take it without questioning. When you check the phone battery, it doesn’t surprise you to see it almost fully charged too. He’s always been the worry wart, even if he doesn’t show it half the time. 
“Gojo recommended this new book series to me,” Megumi says with a small grin, changing the topic. You’re grateful for that, slightly. Even though you can’t quite meet his eyes, your gaze lingers on the way his hand is idly tugging at a loose thread on his shirt, or the way that he’s subtly kicking at the growing pile of snow in the corner, like he can’t stay still. It’s endearing, and you’re left wondering what’s actually going through his mind outside of all things surface level.
You find yourself mimicking his smile, already knowing what might come next. “Bet it’s either a series about friendship and adventure or the nastiest smut he could find in the romance section.” You reply, rolling your eyes. 
Megumi lets out a choked laugh, and almost drops his coat. You hide a giggle of your own. “Not anything like that, but I wouldn’t be surprised.” Megumi momentarily eyes you, but then reaches for his phone, pulling it out and thumbs the title ‘Sorcery Fight’ into the search bar. Tons of images pop up, many featuring fanart of who you assumed to be the main character — white hair, wears a blindfold, oddly charismatic in its character description — wait, this all sounds oddly fishy. 
“Another self projection?” You realize, instantly. 
“Maybe,” Megumi agrees before shifting his weight around, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. “Did you want to check it out tomorrow…?” He briefly makes eye contact and diverts his attention back to his phone. “If you’re free, that is.” He quickly adds.
You pretend to be in deep thought for a moment, leaving Megumi wondering if he said something he shouldn’t have, because the look on his face screams ‘oh god, have I gone too far’ under all of his aloof persona. 
“Yeah, maybe I’ll be free.”
Almost uncharacteristically, Megumi lets out a, “Fuck you,” and that seems like the wittiest response in the world, in that moment. 
It descends you into a full on giggling fit, and Megumi can’t help it, your laughter is contagious, and now you’re both giggling, on the verge of leaning against each other helplessly as the winter air is howling rough and bitter around. It’s a damn good thing that the alcohol is still running through your veins, giving you both that hot feeling of dumb immortality. 
“Let’s go catch that train,” he looks forward but extends a hand towards you, when you firmly clasp around his fingers, the slightest shade of red coats his cheeks and you’re positive it wasn’t from the weather. 
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Of course, Megumi ends up at your apartment after you decided at the last minute to pick up crappy, greasy takeout food on the way back at nearly one in the morning. The buzz from the drinks have worn off, but you find yourself slowly gaining confidence scooting besides Megumi as both of you take a seat on the carpeted floor in front of your incredibly dusty coffee table. It’s covered in finger smudges and scratches from all the other previous nights of takeout meals and accidental bumps. You pray that Megumi doesn’t point them out, but a part of you is glad when he wordlessly starts cleaning some of the spots away. 
Kinda feels like the old times, you think.
“You ever think that we’re the ones who can’t see what’s going on?” You ask during an opening scene to a British comedian podcast show. It’s a news channel that Megumi likes to watch sometimes, despite not believing half of whatever that’s being reported. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could’ve sworn Megumi’s cheeks are flushing, but it’s hard to tell in the dark.
It’s the takeout food talking. The fries and milkshake combo is making your stomach do weird little flips—or maybe it was from Megumi being close? 
You tip your head back, looking out your window, because the thought of looking at Megumi is… hard right now. It makes your heart tight, your throat dry. You’re wondering if he’s even going to show up at your door the next morning, or if you’ll see him the next work day and he’ll make a passing comment about how dumb everything was. Hell, would you even remember this tomorrow with how late it’s getting?
“I’m pretty sure we’re the ones who know what’s up,” Megumi replies, but the words sound hollow, coming from his lips.
“Maybe,” you say, quickly, and the laughter you force out carries the same empty sound that his voice did. “Next time, we should probably have a drink limit to keep them from chatting their asses off.”
“Or never letting them drink again,” Megumi agrees, somewhat, before stealing a piece of fry from your plate.
You hum before testing the waters and letting half of your body go slack against his shoulders. Everything is experimental at this point, so you’re glad when he doesn’t push you away, instead, Megumi leans into your touch, just a little.  
“How’s your family? Are they well?” He asks over a news segment. It’s about a modern urban legend, sort of like Bigfoot, but it’s just a guy cohabiting with a giant crocodile. This makes Megumi laugh. 
“They are! Parents finally retired so now it’s just me working while they’re relaxing at home.” You let the story wrap up before firing back the same question. “And you?”
“Dad’s still working overseas,” Megumi says with a slight frown. 
He’s never really talked about his father, even when you two were together, all you know is that it’s been a complicated relationship since his mother passed away when he was young. His father tried his best raising him all on his own while balancing work, though half of the time Megumi rarely saw him growing up. There’s a bit of resentment, you think, it’s understandable but you can also tell Megumi still holds him high to a certain degree. 
“You guys have been talking more though, right?” You vaguely recall a faded memory. 
To this, Megumi smiles fondly. “Yeah, we have. Once a month, if he’s not terribly caught up with whatever he’s doing.” 
Turns out neither of you have figured out his father’s occupation, which might be for the better. Megumi thinks it’s gang related, and doesn't give it too much thought as long as his father is safe. You, on the other hand, have thought of it being related to overseas construction work, something less… imaginative and dangerous.
“I’m glad to hear that, and also glad you’re doing well for yourself.” 
“Yeah,” and Megumi shifts a bit to get a better look at you. There’s fondness in his eyes that steels you to sit up a bit straighter. “I could say the same thing for you.”
“Well, my apartment could use a bit more loving,” you laugh, “It’s a bit hard to manage everything sometimes.”
“Maybe I can help?” Megumi says this with a straight face and you’re wondering if somehow the apple juice with his takeout order is somehow spiked with hard cider. 
When somehow you didn’t pick up a hint of alcohol from his breath, from how close you’re sitting against him, you choke on your saliva. “You’re serious about that, Megumi?”
“What? Don’t believe me?”
“No,” you say the words instantly, far too quickly, and feel the immediate warmth spreading to your cheeks, even if you’re trying to look cool and collected. 
“Well,” Megumi tips his head to the side, eyes narrowed. “It’s getting late,” he points out.
You glance at your wall clock and, sure enough, it’s three in the morning. You weren’t tired before but, somehow with him pointing it out, your eyes start to grow heavy. You’re grateful for the distraction and you think you just want Megumi to go away, but you know the second he does, you’re going to be obsessing over this conversation. Over the implications, the unsaid words between the fine lines, and well… just about everything that’s been there and been overcomplicated. And maybe Megumi is taking pity on you because he shifts his gaze to your face before settling a firm grip on both of your shoulders.
“Let’s get you to bed.” Megumi scoots a little closer, and you have a moment of panic. Then, you realize that he’s silently asking for permission to lift you up. “Are you planning to sleep out here?” 
“Are you leaving right after?” You catch yourself staring at him, a bit too longing, and jerk your head down but he catches your chin, before you can fully pull yourself away. 
“No, I’m staying,” he breathes out, his voice a low rumble in your ears. “Is that fine?”
You weren’t expecting that particular answer. You slowly lift your head away, gently freeing yourself from his touch, but staying close enough to nudge your shoulder up against his. Megumi is trying—he’s trying really hard to be open and you feel like your nerves are raging in your body again, although this time, it’s not an entirely uncomfortable feeling.
“I would like that,” Megumi smiles at that, and he lets you lean a head on his shoulder while he slips an arm around your waist, pulling your sleepy figure up, and both of you slip into a comfortable silence. 
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© 2023 DOOBEA. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
TAGLIST: @hellothere9597 @sad-darksoul
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totaly-obsessed · 6 months
Could you write the oldest request with Aitana Bonmati and maybe make more parts of it with flashbacks if important moments (First Meeting, first kiss, first time pregnant, first daughters birth, first birthday, meeting Aitanas parents) there are many more moments you could write. If you don't write requests at the moment, I understand and don't put pressure on your self, if you don't like it don't do it.
Always keep the fun at writingand if you are not having fun stop it, because if you don't like it the you will never write as good as a story you really had fun writing
Thanks for sharing these incredible story's with us
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Aitana Bonmatí x reader request
-> Aitana hides a wife and eventually a child from her teammates
-> also requested by this anon - I hope you like it
-> Talk of IVF - Information from Google, 'Y/N' once, a lot longer than expected
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Doing something for the first time was always scary, most people knew that – and so did your wife. Well, now she was your wife, a couple of years ago she was just ‘Aitana Bonmatí’ the next person on your list of people you would need to photograph. That was your job after all, being Barcelona Femenís new team photographer after the last one was let go after facing harassment claims made by the players. 
The first friend you made on the team was Caroline, who spoke English so that you could communicate, and it didn’t take long until Lieke warmed up to you as well. They made it a lot easier to communicate – you didn’t speak Spanish and most of the Spaniards, didn’t speak English, but you still managed to talk to each other – it was a mix of both languages, as everybody tried to learn. 
Meeting Aitana back in 2019 was quite funny, the young Midfielder was next in line to get her photos for the season taken and she was nervous. A new photographer, who didn’t speak Spanish? How was this going to work?  
But as soon as she saw you, she knew that you had already stolen her heart, ready to keep it forever. Aitana was a blushing and stuttering mess, while you tried to get through the shoot as fast as possible, thinking that the Catalan hated you. It was a lot of awkward back and forth until she finally asked you out on a date.
It would be the first of many, and because you had taken such a long time to even get to this point, both of you were now mediocre at the other's respective language, making conversation much easier and a lot more fun-er.
The first kiss came with the third date when the Spaniard couldn’t wait any longer, and what better place than her bed? The footballer had invited you to her apartment and you had cooked together, joking around the entire evening until she could see your eyes droop.
“Let’s go to bed linda, hmm?” It was no secret that you loved when she called you beautiful, so with blushing cheeks and shy smiles you stumbled to the brunette’s bedroom, who excitedly pulled you after her by your hand. 
Soft giggles filled the room when Aitana just pushed you on the bed, claiming that you ‘need to relax more’ before she started massaging your shoulders. A certain tension filled the room and ultimately the Spaniard couldn’t handle it – she grasped your ching gently, turning your head towards her. 
She was stunning.
Soft brown eyes stared deep into yours, seeing you for who you really were before she gently closed the gap between your faces. It had been the best first kiss there could be (at least when asking you or Aitana), and the first time followed shortly later, she really couldn’t wait any longer.
Safe to say, that neither of you would ever forget that date.
Meeting your girlfriend's Parents was quite scary for you, after all, your Spanish still wasn’t that good – but Aitana made sure to praise every new word you learned with a gentle kiss to your forehead, proud of you, that you wanted to learn her language and culture. 
But when you met them, all your worries went out the window – they were so nice and very much interested in learning English as both of them were teachers of the Catalonian language and literature.
The evening was nice as Rosa taught you how to make Aitana’s favorite dish from home – she even gave you all of the recipe cards she had originally written for her daughter. While the footballer loved food, she tried to stay far away from the kitchen – luckily for both of you, you enjoyed it.
During that time Vicent stood in the garden with his daughter, giving her ‘the speech’ he had planned for you – but just like his wife and daughter, you had quickly wormed your way into his heart, making him turn on his daughter. But she could tell that the threats held no real weight to them, the sly smirk on his face giving everything away.
Rosa gave you all the credit for dinner when you really had just peeled potatoes and observed – but Aitana, none the wiser complimented you the whole night through, pressing appreciative kisses to your cheeks, forehead, and even your hair, while her parents watched. 
They were in awe, wondering how you had gotten their daughter's attention when she had never been in anybody else. Football had been the only thing on her mind until she met you. Vicent and Rosa were so incredibly happy for their daughter – sure seeing her successful and fighting for equality was amazing, but seeing her so utterly in love? That was just something else.
On that very night, Vicent had given your girlfriend a little box with two rings inside of it.
A year of dating had passed and you were living together in a new apartment when Aitana popped the big question. When you started dating she had told you, that it wasn’t a question of ‘if’ you were getting married, but rather a question of ‘when’. You had only blushed, her certainty made you feel giddy. There was just something about it.
The proposal wasn’t some big gesture but rather a cozy evening together, where she pulled the box out and got on her knees when you were getting more wine.
There had been tears, and obviously, you had said yes after sinking to your knees and embracing Aitana in a tear-stained kiss.
The rings were beautiful, one of them was a little thicker than the second one, but both had beautiful vines with leaves engraved in them – multiple little diamonds were embedded in the bands. 
“They belonged to mi abuela y abuelo.” Aitana was also crying, while she knew that you would say yes, she was still overrun with emotions. “We can get new ones if you want… I just thought th-“
You didn’t let her finish rambling, cooing a little at how nervous she was. “No – I love them, Tana. I’ll have to thank your abuela y abuelo the next time that I see them, huh?”
 After meeting her parents for the first time Aitana took you to her grandparent's grave – family was important to her. 
The actual wedding was held in a small circle of the closest friends and family members – the Spaniard loved keeping you to herself even with her huge family. The team obviously knew you as their photographer but Laia Codina was the only one invited from the team – sworn to secrecy.
It had been a dream.
During your honeymoon, the conversation about having kids came up again and again. You had obviously talked about it before, but now as a married couple, everything seemed much more plausible. You had everything you needed for the perfect family life you had always dreamed of – except a kid, obviously. 
After carefully considering your options you landed on co-IVF. Thanks to two well-paying jobs, you had the necessary funds, and both of you wanted to be actively, emotionally as well as physically involved.
The decision on who would carry out the pregnancy and who would be the provider of the genetic load came quite easily – Aitana was just at the start of her big career, important seasons would surely come, so you would be the one to get pregnant.
While it was typically the younger person who would be the genetic mother, Aitana was only a year older than you and had just turned 22 – she had a good ovarian reserve and the genetic screening showed no problems, so you could go through with the process. Your uterus had also been deemed fit to carry the baby, as was your overall health.
The process was long and tedious – Aitana had to inject herself with hormones for twelve days, to stimulate egg growth, before the final injection which would trigger ovulation. After that, the eggs are retrieved and the mature ones are fertilized by the sperm of an anonymous donor you had carefully picked out together. One of the embryos gets placed in your uterus after up to six days of growing, while you have prepared your body with progesterone and estrogen in order to make sure that your uterus lining is at the correct thickness. 
But the hardest part came after the embryo transfer – A two-week wait before you could take a pregnancy test. It was pure torture, the only good thing was that you saw your wife every day, making the hormones much more manageable.
How the team didn’t find out was truly a miracle, they must have thought that there was something seriously wrong with their teammate when Aitana started to be more careful – not knowing that she was growing a load of eggs.
After the dreaded two weeks you finally took the test together – no matter how much you protested Aitana joined you in the bathroom, she really wanted to be here for this. In solidarity the Spaniard had sipped water alongside you – so now you both needed to pee. 
After taking the first ‘First Response Early Result wand test’ test you waited anxiously on the couch. This was the best test kit for at home, your wife had made sure of that. The five minutes felt even longer than the two weeks – it was painful. When the timer was up, your eyes met. Together you turned the small device over.
No. It couldn’t be…
Out of shock, you took a second test, and after that showed the same result, you took a third one. Tears brimmed in your eyes, hands shaking so much that Aitana took the test out of them, turning it around – it was the same result.
It had worked on the first try.
As happy as you were to be pregnant, it really was a bitch. The first trimester was the worst, you had morning sickness all day long. Why do they even call it that? Morning sickness?
You still went to work with an upset stomach, extreme tiredness, and hurting breasts. Aitana tried to look out for you, as subtle as she could. Whenever at a match she brought you a chair, just carrying it after you so that you could sit down. She also took over the cooking so that you could rest as much as possible. But with all the problems the meals got smaller and more frequent.
As hard as it was, you loved it – so did Aitana.
The second trimester came with back pain, stretch marks, and patches of darker skin over the cheeks, forehead, nose, and upper lip – the ‘mask of pregnancy’. But it also came with a slightly showing belly in the beginning until you could fully see it in your work clothes.
In week 23 of pregnancy, Aitana had the scare of her life. As usual, you were cuddled up on the couch, your back to her stomach as you tried to edit a couple of pictures in this position. Your wife's wandering hands were just making their way down to your pants, trying to tease you when she suddenly felt a nudge. “¿Qué fue eso?” You had felt it before, a gentle fluttering in your tummy, or like a tumbling sensation. “Linda? What was that?” 
The baby had started to move, and Aitana fell in love all over again. She obviously knew that it could happen any day now, but actually feeling it? That was something else. 
With your protruding belly, the other girls started to notice as well – it was Ana who discovered it first. You had come to her with the Club's Social Media phone, needing her to record a quick video for Instagram.
“Oie! Did I miss something?”
At first, you didn’t really know what she was talking about – completely forgetting that you had given up looking for baggy shirts and just worn one that was a bit tighter.
On that very day, Aitana decided to tell the team. She didn’t want to hide anymore. While having you to herself was incredible, she wanted to brag about you and the unborn child she already loved so much. 
When you entered the gym room at the time you were told, everybody looked at you. “¿Cómo estás mi amor?” Alexia was the first at your side, and even if she saw your belly, she didn’t say anything when she kissed both of your cheeks.
“I know you already know her, but I wanted to re-introduce you. So… Meet the love of my life, and my wife – Y/N.”
The silence was swallowing you whole, Aitana’s hand in yours as she gently squeezed it, trying to calm your nerves. Just seconds later the gym erupted in cheers and you were pulled into hug after hug by the girls who knew that there was something going on between Aitana and you – but they never would have guessed just how close you were.
“Is it Aitana’s baby then?” – and just like that Ana made the team erupt in screams again, as if they were just looking at you for the first time. 
For the third trimester, you were sent home by Jonatan, Aitana’s training plan was heavily adjusted and her game time dwindled down. While she would have hated that at any different time – she was happy to be with you every single day of your pregnancy. 
She helped you wherever she could, showering, making dinner, putting shoes on, and going on walks. When you started to nest, she never complained, just offering her hands whenever something didn’t work the way you wanted it to.
The Barca girls were a big help to their fellow teammate – listening to her rambling on and on about you and the little one, affectionally called ‘pequeño’ by everyone. No one knew the sex yet, you didn’t want to know until the baby was there. There were organized bets going on, organized by Mapi and Jenni – team boy currently held more money.
Your due date was calculated for the 23rd of May, with the Champions League final falling on the 21st. It took a lot of convincing on your side to make Aitana go with the team. “Tana this could be the most important game in your life!”
“But what if pequeño comes early?”
The Spaniard insisted on staying home until the day of departure came. You had reassured her countless times, that you would be perfectly fine – after all the baby wasn’t supposed to come yet, and what baby would actually be punctual? Definitely not yours. After all it haf your wife’s DNA, and Aitana was always late.
In the end, it was Rosa who convinced her daughter to travel to Italy with the team.
The loss of 3 – 1 hit hard, especially against Lyon but an excited hum filled the plane back that was originally supposed to take off the next evening – but when Aitana had gotten the call that your contractions started every existing plan got thrown overboard and just two hours later they were on their way to Barcelona.
It was safe to say that little Mira Linda Bonmatí made the memory of losing the Champions League finale the day before just that much better.
Now an entire year later you could barely believe it – your little girl was already turning one and her Mamí was getting ready for another final – this time with you and her little mascot by her side – making it a hundred times better already.
While standing in the crowd you couldn’t help but laugh, thinking back on how you had managed to hide your relationship, marriage, and pregnancy from the Barca Femení squad for such a long time. Now you couldn’t imagine life without them – 22 very eager Tia’s who would gladly look after Mia any chance they got.
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pallastrology · 8 months
🍄 astro notes 🍄
venus biquintile pluto is a really interesting aspect. the biquintile is usually associated with creativity and the development of artistic ability, and with venus being involved, there is even more potential and a genuine love for art. the native will find happiness and connection through their creative pursuits. with pluto on the other end of the aspect, something interesting happens. there can be a tendency towards obsession; they are more dedicated and more patient, with a strong work ethic and a desire to find meaning through their art, and it can bring them real catharsis. they may discover and nurture repressed parts of themselves through their art, and overall, there is a bit of a darker theme to this otherwise light and bright placement.
moon square pluto is often given a really negative spin online; i’ve seen everything from emotionally out of control to “will abuse their children”! this just isn’t a helpful way to interpret harsh aspects. my experience with this placement is that big emotions are very frightening, often because of the native’s early experiences. they seek to “control” their emotions, which can make them quite vulnerable to impulsive or addictive behaviours. they often have a deep relationship with mother figures, and with their children, which yes, at their worst, can become enmeshed and intense. but at their best, these relationships are intimate and founded on mutual trust, long lasting and able to weather the harshest storms.
venus-saturn aspects are all about delayed gratification. the native has to grow into their loving, creative, social side, and they usually have to "grow through what they go through"; depending on the aspect, they may just feel a little different, or have no interest in relationships, or they may grow up lonely or isolated, or deal with unhealthy relationships. they have to do a lot of self-work to develop self-love and nurture the soft, creative side of themselves, before they can really feel at home around other people. but when they reach that point, they can build beautiful, devoted and ultimately very healthy connections with others, that allow all involved to really thrive.
pluto conjunct ascendant natives have a really intense gaze. i think that usually we only think of the eyes when they think of the pluto stare, but to me it goes a lot further than that; especially with the conjunction, pluto-ascendant people look with their whole body. they have the intense eye contact, sure, but they tend to also have a hard mouth and slightly furrowed brow, a certain tension in their jaws and necks. they look like a cat about to pounce in a way, you can almost see that electrical energy under their skin.
in astrology, the sextile and trine are considered to be harmonious aspects; they denote an easy, well-blended connection between the two planets involved. the sextile is steadier, and more prone to stagnation, which can look like complacency or even entitlement; the trine is more dynamic, meaning in a way, it's easier to bring out the positives of the aspect.
lilith in the tenth house is a placement that is very vulnerable when it comes to social media. nowadays, it's so normalised to post everything that it's almost radical to stay away from it, and with lilith in the tenth house, it's easy to feel validated and vindicated through what they post. unfortuntely they are easy targets for online abuse and can actually feed into and "bait" this kind of harmful interaction when hurting and angry. lilith in the tenth house needs to learn to find healthy outlets and become more reflective, less reactive.
uranus conjunct ascendant natives are bright, almost electrified. they can be prone to sudden epiphanies that show up in strange moments; sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night with a sudden realisation, for example. they can be chaotic, but when given space to breathe, they are brilliant, both in that they are clever and reflective with the energy to pull off everything they think up, and that they seem to sparkle. there is a clarity to their voice, their eyes, like they glow from within.
venus square the north node natives really struggle with being uncomfortable. they tend to be somewhat sensitive, and are irresistibly drawn to the beautiful, the soft and smooth. they just want to be comfortable, but this can lead to the native avoiding or dropping anything uncomfortable. if they want to grow and feel fuller in themselves, they will have to learn to thrive in challenging situations, without going too far in the opposite direction and not being able to listen to their instincts or enjoy anything in life.
libra suns with mercury in scorpio are an interesting mix, because they have the reflective sensitivity of libra and the stark and often quite brutal language of scorpio. they are often quite gifted writers, with a talent for the existential and deeply emotional. they aren’t as talkative as you’d expect a libra sun to be, and they are generally more somber, but with a dry, dark sense of humour and a disarming straightforwardness to them.
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sugrhigh · 2 months
BOY NEXT DOOR 6 - ( c.s )
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part five
summary- you and your roommates live beside a bunch of senior hockey players, one of them being the infamous team captain chris sturniolo. he’s effortlessly flirty and undeniably attractive, but he’s also a pain in your ass. you find that you have to fight between lust and hatred as you finally get to know the boy next door, whether you want to or not.
warnings- cursing, angst (i think that’s it??)
a/n: sorry for the long wait you guys i truly hope you enjoy!! if you have recs or anything you want to see fulfilled my inbox is open, it usually takes me a second but i promise ill get to them!
@fawnchives @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick @55sturn @mattinside @sturnioloco @mattybsbitch @mattsmunch @breeloveschris @sturnifyed @julessspoetry @beijhe @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @braindead4l @hearts4matty @orangeypepsi @angelworldspost @ponyosturniolo @cupidsword @rainydayenthusiast @sturnvvz @wurlibydominicfike @poopydroopt @bernardsleftbootycheek @trilliwarner @rubyjanexxx @reallykaz @sturnlvrs @neatcarrot767 @stonermattsgf @kirby0strombolli @bunnysturns @junnniiieee07 @hrt-attack @sturnssmuts @stunza @beccaluvschris @asturniolos @slutz4sturniolos @mattslolita @neatcarrot767
you wake up to the sun shining in your eyes, the glare from the window hitting you dead on. you sigh and roll over to your other side to avoid the annoying light. the beginning of a headache is already creeping on even though you just woke up, which frustrates you even further.
you rub your face and blink a few times to clear your sleepy vision, and then it hits you; you’re still in chris’s bed.
the sinful events of the night come flashing back all at once, and you can feel the nausea settling down in your stomach. chris himself is nowhere to be found, and his side of the mattress is cold.
the sudden urge to throw up is overwhelming. you didn’t plan on spending the night, but you were both exhausted, and the rising and falling of his chest against your back had lulled you to sleep.
you’re still naked, covered only by his soft sheets, and a wave of embarrassment and guilt washes over your body. for a split second you had believed it was just a dream, but it’s all too real.
you throw the covers off carelessly, scrambling to grab your discarded clothes from the night before. you throw them on, not even worried about the fact that they’re all crumpled. you just need to get out.
the door to his room whines as you open it, which makes you cringe. so much for moving around undetected. to make matters even worse, the stairs creak as you descend them, which gives away your exact location.
“morning sleepyhead.”
you hear his voice before you see him, and the sound of it makes you freeze in the hallway. you turn from the front door to face him, forcing yourself to look up from your feet.
chris is standing only a few paces away near the entrance to the kitchen, dressed in dangerously low-hanging sweats, hair messy from sleep. he’s got two plates of breakfast balanced in either hand, like some sort of dreamy nightmare.
for once, you’re certain that he doesn’t know what else to say. he’s just looking at you like he’s waiting for you to speak, waiting for you to be the one to break the tension.
“i have to go home.” you respond meekly, unable to say it with any sort of conviction.
“why are you in such a rush?” he frowns.
“because i have class soon, not to mention i didn’t come back last night and i have nothing to say to my very worried roommates.” your voice is strained, mainly because you’re trying so hard not to scream.
chris raises an accusatory eyebrow. “i really don’t think they would mind if you stayed for breakfast.”
“i need to leave, chris.” you argue, though you don’t make any kind of movement for the door.
he stares back at you defiantly. god, he’s too fucking pretty. it always distracts you when he looks at you this way, with those steely eyes.
“you regret it.”
the sudden claim makes you lose your breath, and you have no idea what to say in return. do you regret it? you don’t even know, but he seems to take your silence as confirmation either way.
“go ahead and leave, then. see if i care.” chris replies sharply, shifting to toss one of the plates of food into the trash.
you hear it thunk against the bottom of the can, and even though you can’t see it happening around the corner, it still kind of breaks your heart. he looks back up at you, his face grim, and you know that any bond you had before has been broken.
“just get the fuck out.” he interrupts, and despite the harsh words, he sounds defeated in tone.
his expression is dark, but it’s not the same kind of darkness you had seen last night. that was lust. this is something entirely different.
you can’t stand to look at him any longer, so you don’t. you just shake your head slightly, turning on your heel and heading out the door. it slams closed behind you, and your vision blurs as you walk down his steps toward your own place.
the fact that tears are stinging your eyes is fucking pathetic, and you hate it. you did the one thing you swore you’d never do; sleep with the enemy.
and the sad part is that you really aren’t remorseful. chris made you feel things last night that you had never felt before, physically and emotionally, and you’ll never be able to look at him the same knowing that.
it worries you. before this you were friends, or maybe the right word would be rivals. either way, you enjoyed it.
but now you’ve entered the gray area; you already know he doesn’t want a relationship, and you’re scared of the possibility of catching real feelings if you keep sleeping together.
you don’t want to mess anything up, even though it feels like you already have.
you yank at a strand of your hair anxiously, and your head is in a million different places as you burst through your own front door. your legs don’t even feel as though they’re actually attached to your body. you’re like a ghost, floating up to your room in search of a safe space.
you close the door behind you gently, pressing your back and palms against the wood. your curtains are closed, which at first you’re very thankful for.
millions of times you’ve used these slips of fabric to hide from chris, and you’re doing it again now. it makes you feel like a coward, so you spring forward and rip them open.
to your surprise, his blinds are closed now. there’s a pang in your chest, because you know it means a lot more than the average person would think. he almost never closes them, ever. it makes you feel even worse. you want to scream, to truly cry, to do anything at all.
but nothing happens.
instead you fall back onto your bed, curling into yourself fetal style, arms wrapped around your knees. you close your eyes, willing yourself to fall asleep, and eventually you drift off into weightlessness.
your ill feeling doesn’t subside for days. you find it hard to eat, hard to do anything really besides sleep and go to class.
chris doesn’t send you his usual daily texts. you know he’s not going to, but every time your phone buzzes you still hope it’s him.
his blinds stay closed too, which is almost worse. you keep your window exposed though, on the off chance that he’ll open his again.
ramona and cassidy have been trying to help as much as they can, and you’re good at faking it. for the most part, at least. it’s been five days, but they’ve all been unusual. you didn’t even go out and drink during the weekend, though you heard the music blaring next door like usual.
it doesn’t help that it’s been a rather dreary sunday, and the last thing you want to do is get out of bed. the rain patters against your window, and you watch the drops roll down the glass.
it makes your own eyes water, which you suppose is overdue. your sour thoughts have been swirling around your head for far too long, and you haven’t had any kind of release.
no yelling, no crying. just dull lifeless eyes staring at the passing clouds. but you can feel it coming now, and as much as you want to stop it, you can’t.
at first the tears fall silently, that is until you start to sniffle. and then your nose won’t stop running, and your pillow is completely damp, and you feel like a total idiot.
it’s worse that the only person you can chastise is yourself. you’re the one who ran out on him, the one who said you regretted sleeping together.
but you know for sure now that you don’t. you like the way chris makes you feel, the chase. it’s irrational to get this close to him, to risk letting him use and dispose of you. you’re aware that it’s very likely.
chris has a reputation that he wears with pride, and it’s silly to think that you’re going to be the one to change his ways. but you can choose to work with them instead of against them.
you shoot up in bed, almost like a switch has been flipped in your body. you’re still crying, and you know you’re not looking your best with puffy bloodshot eyes. but none of it matters, because you’ve already dealt with radio silence for nearly a week and you need to talk to him. it can’t wait any longer.
you’re not exactly sure what you’re going to say, but you figure it’ll come to you in the moment like it always does with chris. so you race downstairs and jam your sneakers on before flying out the front door.
the rain is freezing on your skin, pattering hard and fast against your body as it mixes with your tears. you can feel yourself getting soaked as your shoes squish into the ground.
you’ve walked this path very frequently in the past few weeks, far more than you ever expected to.
you silently hope this won’t be the last.
you take the steps up to the front door two at a time, not hesitating to pound on the wood as soon as you’re close enough. you’re actually mid-knock when it opens, and your knuckle collides with chris’s chest.
he raises his eyebrows, looking at you incredulously like he’s not sure what you’re doing here or why you just hit him.
you practically jump back, yanking your hand away quickly. “shit—sorry. i didn’t mean to do that.”
your words hang there, waiting to be replied to, but it doesn’t come. chris remains silent, studying you carefully, trying to decide if he should close the door in your face.
but he can’t bring himself to do it, because you look so upset, and he can tell you’ve been crying which breaks his heart more.
“i, uh, came over to say i’m sorry. for what i said the other day.” you continue, taking a single step closer to try and find some shelter from the storm.
“it’s whatever.” he shrugs you off easily.
you bite down on the inside of your cheek, trying to work up the courage to tell the truth. you can tell he’s growing impatient, still angry with the way you left things.
you don’t blame him.
“and i also wanted to say that i…i don’t regret it. and i shouldn’t have left like that.” you finally admit, voice quiet as you gaze at him.
his pretty blue eyes go wide, completely shocked by this confession. that was the last thing he expected you to say, and it makes his cheeks grow warm.
he’s annoyed by the fact that his red face is clearly a dead giveaway, because you smile softly at his reaction.
“really?” he asks.
“don’t make me say it twice, christopher.” you point a finger at him.
he takes a step closer, leaning down just a little bit to look you at you directly. he’s smirking now too, and you know that his ego has made a full recovery.
“i want to hear you say it over and over, baby.” chris breathes against your mouth.
he hovers, and you know you need to prove yourself to him. so you wrap a damp hand around the back of his neck and pull him the rest of the way, smashing your lips against his.
all of your pent up aggression and intensity go into the kiss, and it’s making you weak in the knees as one of his hands finds your hip and the other finds your ass. he clearly doesn’t care about the fact that you’re dripping wet, and you suddenly feel like you’re wet in a completely different way.
you can also tell he’s trying to be dominant, but you’re the one who ends up clamping down on his bottom lip lightly. he gives your ass a firm smack in response, and you gasp just enough for him to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
after the time apart, you can’t seem to get close enough to him, and you’re clawing at his back like you want to crawl into his skin. chris is actually the one to push himself from you first, though he still rests his forehead against yours.
“come inside?”
you laugh under your breath. “i’m literally soaked.”
“you’re also shivering, and you should probably get into a shower.” he attempts to persuade you, leaning in to steal one more peck.
you smile against his lips, shaking your head once he pulls away. “i think i’m too terrified of your bathroom.”
“well yours is free too.” chris points out before slipping by you into the rain, his fingers closing around your own as he pulls you along.
and you let him, following the boy back out into the downpour because you truly want to.
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mionemymind · 1 month
Can you plsss do an imagine with Wanda (or whoever u feel is right) where reader is a formula 1 driver? It'd be so cool. But you don't hv to ofc. I'm a new follower and i absolutely adore ur works <3
Getaway Driver (Rewritten)
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Summary: Based off my incorrect quote, Y/n is the getaway driver for Wanda's mission.
Warnings: Shooting, Cursing, Slight Blood, Fluff
A/n: Before y'all comment, I really suck ass at action sequences lmaoo. Please try to imagine something better. But this is for the folks that love F1 and Wanda (@thatdudeusimpfor @canyonyodeler @pikachooo3 @rayisaknight) also gif credits go to Redbull
I had rewritten this the very next day because I was so unhappy with how I did the action scene. Hopefully this is better :)
Word Count: 4.3k
“Lights out and away we go!” The rumble of engines passed by as cars zoomed past the start. The roaring cheers coming from the fans grew louder with each second. 
Starting in pole position, Y/n gets away unscathed from the mess in the back as well as her current teammate, Max Verstappen. They stay side by side through the chicane, protecting the front positions as many drivers behind them try to slip past. 
In between turns two through five, multiple close calls occur as the the Stake F1 team showcase breaking issues this early on in the race. Y/n hardly got out of the chicane without hearing mishaps from the back. 
“Fucking cunt,” George Russel stated to his race engineer, Marcus Dudley. The fans screamed and laughed as the message was played out loud for the whole broadcast to hear. 
To mediate the tensions, a commentator stated, “For this British Grand Prix, we have a total of 52 laps with a forecast of dry conditions.” 
Coming from the paddock, Will Button announces his guesses for the race today, “It will honestly be a close call for first between the young driver of Redbull, Y/n, and her older teammate, Max. I know a Redbull 1 / 2 position will happen but my money is on Y/n as they’ve been on a winning streak for the past three races. As for third position, Lando Norris in the McClaren would be my final guess.”
Will moved closer to the McClaren garage as multiple shots show off the engineers, mechanics, and leaders. “They’ve recently redesigned their floor as well as the front wing. This big upgrade in the middle of the season might be the break that McClaren has been hoping for since the start of the season.” 
Coming up on their first lap, Y/n still leads the race. “51 more to go,” she thinks to herself. Although her head should be in the race, her heart couldn’t help but wish for this race to be already over. A certain red head was all she could think of. 
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Two hours away from Silverstone, Wanda listens closely for enemies. She could sense two of them guarding the very door she needed to be in. “On my signal,” Steve mouthed. 
Just as Steve gave the go ahead, the sound of F1 commentary started to play in Wanda’s ear. “Lights out and away we go!” Wanda walked through the hallway, incapacitating the guards, allowing Natasha and Steve to drag them to an empty room. 
Natasha gave Wanda an ‘are you serious’ look as the commentary also played in her comms. “Why am I hearing about a race right now?” They all stood outside the entrance to the headquarters room. Around five guys and one guard were currently there from the looks of it. 
“Sorry, I had meant to only set it to my comms.” Wanda brought out the hologram and changed the settings before looking at Steve for the next set of instructions. 
“Since when did you care about racing?” Wanda shrugged in response as Steve signaled with his hands on which people to take care of. 
“I’ll tell you later.” 
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“Are you fucking blind?” Y/n yelled to her race engineer. Lance Stroll had almost hit her side at turn seven, almost costing her the race had they actually made contact. “If he keeps racing like that, he’s bound to hurt somebody.”
“Copy that. We’re already in contact with the FIA about that.” Y/n’s grip on the steering wheel hardened. It was only lap 19 of 52 and her nerves were getting the best of her. She knew the race was going to be easy but her excitement to see Wanda again was causing her to lose focus. 
“I hope she’s watching me somehow,” Y/n thought. It was stupid to hope though as the driver knew Wanda was currently on a mission. It would be highly unlikely that she would watch her race, there were more important things than watching cars go round and round. 
Regardless though, winning this race was important to Y/n. This was the first race as an official couple. While the media hasn’t found out yet, she certainly didn’t want to give Wanda a bad impression. After all, if your girlfriend was continuously saving lives, the least she could do was win a race. 
“This ones for you Wanda.” 
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“That should be the last of them.” Steve tied up the last enemy on base and sent the coordinates to backup for retrieval. “Let’s get to the rendezvous point. It’s around 30 minutes west from here on foot.” 
Wanda pulled out her secured phone as they walked out the secured building. She opened up the F1 app and immediately tuned in for the last couple minutes of the race. 
“We have a battle between the two Red Bulls, Max Verstappen and Y/n Y/l/n, for P1.” Steve gave a disapproving nod as they walked through London, trying their best to blend in with the crowd. Wanda could care less of Steve’s approval for her antics. The mission was nearly over and she wanted to at least support her girlfriend from far away. 
“Oh God! There’s a crash at Luffield! It’s a Mercedes!” Wanda watched in horror as the car flipped through the gravel multiple times before hitting the fence, landing in an awkward position. Had the gravel not been there, the car would have surely gone through the fence. A safety car was brought out, allowing people to pit. 
“I believe that was George Russel’s car that had just crashed.” Wanda flipped through the drivers until she found Y/n. Although she knew that wasn’t her car, seeing her safe and sound brought Wanda relief. 
“Jesus, is George okay?” Y/n asked. Wanda smiled at her girlfriend’s natural concern. Although it was one lap away from finishing, it was nice to know that the safety of others was the first thing that Y/n thought of. 
“Wanda.” Looking up, Natasha gave a silent command to put her phone away. “We have people tailing us. When I say go, run as fast as you can. Make sure to stay close.” 
Slyly looking back, Wanda could point out the people that looked out of place. “Fuck me.” 
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“Thank you all for the wonderful race! The car was practically a bullet and everyone did so amazing today.” Y/n slid into first place and did a mini celebration on her car. 
As the camera crew came closer, she jumped in front of them and grabbed the camera. Taking off her helmet and balaclava, Y/n yelled, “This win is for my beautiful girlfriend! Can’t wait to see you babe!” 
Looking at the time on the screen, Y/n rushed past the cameras and went straight into the paddock. She ignored all the weird glances and congratulations she got on the way, the race win still fueling her adrenaline.
“Y/n? What are you doing?” Christian yelled but Y/n ignored it. It wasn’t like Red Bull had the balls to fire her for not celebrating.
Her assistant, Niya, had followed suit as Y/n took off her helmet into her dressing room. “Is my car ready Niya?” She nodded as she typed up a statement on her iPad. The team was going to be unhappy at the lack of answers but she knew they were ultimately happy with the points she scored for the team.
In no time, Y/n was out of her race suit and in an all black attire. She ran out of her room, yelling a thank you to Niya. Up on the screens, it showed Max at P2 while Lando was at P3 just like Will guessed. Several news outlets tried to catch up to Y/n, but she was not having it. 
“For the first time in F1 history, we don’t have the P1 spot filled. It seems our winner of the race had an emergency situation to attend to. Regardless, congratulations to Red Bull for the 1 / 2 positions.” 
Y/n smiled at Will’s comment as she passed the gates. This was going to be all over the news ‘Y/n runs off after P1 victory’. Yet Y/n could care less for all the speculations. She had to see her girl and nothing was stopping her. 
Hopping into her jet black Ferrari, Y/n sped out Silverstone. It was around an hour drive to the rendezvous point, but knowing the country like the back of her hand, she was guaranteed to make it on time.
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“Does anyone know who the getaway driver is today? Fury stated that we’ll know the day of the mission, but I was never briefed about it,” Steve inquired as the team finally got away from the enemies. 
Wanda glanced up from her phone, “It’s my new girlfriend.” Not a lot of things shocked the assassin and the super soldier, but that comment did. 
“Is she qualified?” Natasha quipped. She found it strange that Wanda hadn’t mentioned her new partner. In addition, the lack of information on Wanda’s girlfriend was also alarming. What if she was the enemy? What if she was an assassin? So many questions ran through her head, but kept her anxiety at bay. 
“More than qualified,” Wanda stated with a proud smile, “She’s a driver at her day job. Plus Fury gave the approval for it just for this mission only.” 
Natasha and Steve digested Wanda’s words and continued to walk. However, Natasha wanted to know more, even if Fury did approve of it. “How did you two meet?” 
“Funny story, I was actually running away…” 
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Wanda was surrounded. At every single avenue and exit was a marked enemy and with no back up, she only had herself to rely on. “Shit.” 
Wanda hurried herself out of the hotel, still noticing all the eyes around her. Thank goodness that it was still broad daylight. The enemies weren’t that careless to attract a crowd. 
As if sending a silent prayer, all attention diverted to the red ferrari that pulled up to the hotel. Before the valet could go up, Wanda rushed to and opened the passenger seat. She hopped in and closed the door.
Turning to the driver’s side, Wanda fully expected some old man to occupy the seat, but when her eyes met comforting brown eyes, a pretty smile, and furrowed eyebrows, she was hooked. The red head was distracted for a couple of seconds, before asking, “Do you know how to drive?”
Wanda knew she looked ridiculous. Any sane person would immediately kick her out, heck even call the police. Furthermore, the chances of a rich stranger even offering help was little to none, but when Wanda reached for Y/n’s emotions, she was even more surprised to see that this stranger didn’t feel any of that. 
“I do.” The accent almost made Wanda forget everything, but the sight of enemies getting closer made her focus. 
“Then drive.” 
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“So you hijacked your girlfriend’s car, asked her to get you out of a sticky situation, and then survived?” Steve chuckled at Natasha’s question. The story felt like something out of an action movie, but then again, they were superheroes, so anything could happen. 
“I don’t know how, but she managed to get me out of Spain safely. I even asked her to drop me off at our pickup location. Her car wasn’t bulletproof, but she was so fast, they could hardly get a scratch on her.” Wanda smiled at the memory of their first encounter. 
“At the end, she didn’t even ask why I needed to run away. I think she recognized me from the news and just wanted to help. But before I left, she asked for a date.” How crazy does one need to be to ask the very person that put you in danger on a date? 
“I said yes because why not? I liked her and it was the least I could do after she spent a whole hour driving.” It was Natasha’s turn to laugh at how made up the whole story sounded. But when the assassin could not pick up on a single lie, it made her chuckle more. 
“Well I can’t wait to meet her,” Steve remarked. They were 10 minutes away from the pick up point. 
“And she better knows how to drive,” Natasha added. Wanda nodded quickly, the nerves finally making its way to her head. 
“I promise. She’s good.” 
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“Where is she?” Natasha didn’t mean to sound aggressive, but they were still on a mission, something she ran a tight ship on. The crew were a minute early to the pick up point and Wanda had forgotten to ask Y/n to share her location. Right now, the witch paced back and forth with her phone in hand. 
The assassin didn’t want to add to Wanda’s already nervous state but they needed to leave. Before Wanda could send another message, a loud car screeched to a halt in front of them. Once the smoke settled, Wanda smiled at the sight of the getaway car. 
Opening the car door, Y/n got out, wearing a suit similar to her driver attire but in all black. “Am I late?” The wide cocky smile on Y/n’s face was hard to hide. The driver knew she was on time but didn’t dare to comment. 
Immediately noticing her girlfriend, Y/n closed the door and picked Wanda up by the thighs, spinning her around. The giggle that escaped Wanda’s lips almost made Natasha barf at how love sick the two were. 
As Y/n placed Wanda back down, she pulled her in by the waist and gave her a long kiss. The two almost forgot that they were in front of a crowd as Wanda ran her hands through Y/n’s hair. 
Natasha wanted to grumble at the unprofessionality but Steve’s look stopped her. Wanda was in love. This was something Steve had never seen before, and he was not going to dare to ruin it. This wasn’t to say that the assassin wasn’t happy for Wanda. She really was, but the mission was still the priority. 
Breaking the kiss, Y/n mumbled, “I’m not too late am I babe?” Wanda shook her head no as a large smile was plastered on her face. 
While holding Wanda’s hand, Y/n looked at Steve and Natasha, “Hi. I’m Y/n Y/l/n. It’s nice to meet you.” Letting go of Wanda’s hand, Y/n reached out to shake their hands. 
Steve was the first to shake Y/n’s hand and said, “Nice to meet you. My name is Steve.” 
Natasha bumped Steve out the way and shook Y/n’s hand, immediately liking the firm grip Y/n had. “I’m Natasha. It’s nice to meet you, but I think we should get out of here.” 
Stepping back to Wanda’s side, “You’re right, let’s get y’all out of here.” Y/n stepped around to open Wanda’s door, something both Steve and Natasha mentally noted.
Once everyone was buckled in, it was like a switch flipped inside Y/n’s brain as she zoomed from the meetup location. 
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“Someone is following us.” The rest of the group turned around at Y/n’s comment and noticed the entourage that was heavy on their tail. Y/n had barely driven for 10 minutes before enemies found them.
“I thought we got rid of them,” Wanda grumbled. She wanted her first mission with her girlfriend to have gone a bit smoother, but nothing is ever how she planned. 
The red head looked over her girlfriend’s suit, hoping that Fury had given Y/n a bulletproof suit. Last thing Wanda needed was for Y/n to bleed out. 
Blocking her anxiety away, Wanda focused on the mission at hand. 
“Do you think you can lose them?” Steve asked, ready to fight. Remembering the map she carefully studied, in 10 miles was a mountain with lots of turns. Right before it was a small village. 
“Get rid of the bigger caravans and I’ll take care of the two smaller cars. Do it quickly. There’s a village up ahead.” Y/n steadied the car as Steve nodded in understandment. Slowing the car down, Steve predicted his route as Natasha did the same. 
Once the enemies were close enough, the two hopped out of the car, each on a different caravan. Immediately, Steve used his shield to pierce the front left tire, causing the caravan to veer right into the woods. 
Steve hopped to the next caravan before it crashed. By now, multiple shots were being aimed at Steve, Natasha, and the car. 
“Keep us close. I need to help them,” Wanda stated. Y/n nodded as she tried her best to slow down at a safer speed for Wanda. Crawling to the back of the car, Wanda used her magic to fling a couple of enemies out of the cars. 
This ultimately assisted Natasha as she finally pierced her caravan’s tire. Instantaneously, the car crashed off the road, straight into a large pile of rocks. The assassin hopped off the caravan, aiming for the getaway car. 
Noticing the large gap, Y/n whipped closer to Natasha. Landing harshly on her side, Natasha groaned as Wanda held on to her arm, making sure she doesn’t fall off. “Are you trying to hit me with the car?” 
“It was the car or the ground, you choose,” Y/n quipped back. Had they been in a different situation, Natasha would have laughed but considering that the enemies were still shooting, she simply hustled back into the car. 
“Can Steve jump far?” The last caravan was close enough to continuously hit their back bumper. And with all the debris coming from the crashes, the sides were damaged. 
Before Wanda could answer, Steve jumped on top of the car as the caravan stopped into a halt, crashing into everything along with one of the smaller cars. Only one car remained. 
While Steve crawled back into the car and Wanda back in her spot, the village came passing by just on time. The mountain was right before them. 
Pushing the car into different gears, Y/n kept her eye on the rearview mirror as the car drifted through tight turns. The enemy car screeched behind them as it struggled to keep up through the turns. However, the straights were its friend. 
Up ahead was another set of turns, something Y/n already memorized in the back of her head. “Natasha, keep trying to shoot at them. I need something to distract their driver.” 
Pushing the getaway car to its limits, the turns proved hard for Natasha to hold on to, thankfully, Steve was holding on to her. “Aim for the driver’s view. It may be bulletproof but anything is better than nothing.” 
Natasha did as told, managing to aim perfectly even with all the wind rushing past her and the aimless turns up the hill. 
“We have a quarter mile left! Keep going at it!” Natasha emptied clip after clip as Wanda tended to her slight wound. Bullets came back towards their car, none created a single scratch on the car. 
Rounding the last turn, Y/n drifted perfectly to stall the car in place for a couple more seconds, allowing the enemy to catch up even closer. Keeping a couple seconds between them, Y/n pushed the car into gear, sending it through the last straight. 
“Get back in!” Y/n hardly gave Natahsa time as she pulled the car into the hard right. Before they knew it, Y/n had been driving backwards. In the next second, a grapple launched from the car, landing right on the enemy’s bumper. 
”Hold on!” Everything turned to a blur with how fast Y/n was reacting. Steve almost got whiplash and motion sickness from all the drifting and wild turns. Within the same second, Y/n used the momentum from the car to fling the enemy off towards the cliff. 
As the enemy hit the guard rail, it started to tumble through the air, pressing another button, the grapple released. Pulling up the handbrake, Y/n straighten the car back out onto the road. Driving away with a satisfied smile, Y/n was happy to see an explosion from the mirror. 
With a hand on Wanda’s thigh, the rest was smooth sailing for Y/n as she drove them to safety. 
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The car arrived, smoke trailed from it’s path as Y/n continuously pushed it past its limit. While Steve was thankful to have arrived earlier than expected, the nauseous feeling in his stomach held his compliments back. 
The pair from the back quickly got out of the car, throwing a thankful smile to Y/n as they headed inside, ready to debrief about the meeting. 
Once they were out of sight, Wanda was quick to giggle. Nothing was particularly funny, but the redhead couldn’t help but laugh. Not really understanding what Wanda was laughing about, Y/n merely chuckled a little at how adorable Wanda looked. 
“Do you think your boss will be pissed about the state of the car?” Y/n joked. The driver could probably afford whatever car Fury provided, nonetheless, she wanted a good first impression. 
“I think,” Wanda placed a hand on Y/n’s cheek, a smile still evident on her face, “you did amazing today. I knew you were a great driver but I didn’t expect you to handle all the gunshots like it was nothing.” 
Y/n kissed Wanda’s palm, leaning in closer to her touch. “I think with all the superhero stuff happening, I’ve become immune to things like that.” Y/n shrugged as the pair got closer, faces nearly touching. “Plus it helps that I know my girlfriend would do anything to protect me.” 
Leaning in for a kiss, Y/n nearly groaned at how soft Wanda’s lips were. While this wasn’t their first kiss, the feeling of Wanda’s lips was something Y/n was never going to get used to. All the races, fast speeds, and fame was nothing compared to the feeling of kissing Wanda. Just the privilege alone made Y/n light headed with love. 
As Wanda slowly continued to kiss Y/n, her stomach grew with tightness, her mind numbing with stupid thoughts such as ‘what if I climbed over the console and I made out with her?’. While there would be absolutely no complaints from Y/n, Wanda knew they still had an audience. 
But god, Wanda couldn’t think when it came to kissing Y/n and they were hardly even making out. What was going to happen once they actually did have a heated make out session? Was she going to pass out? 
Regardless, the two pushed their limits on how long they could go without air. Soon, Wanda broke the kiss but she craved to kiss Y/n again. Not wanting to push her luck, Wanda pressed a couple pecks on Y/n’s lips, sealing the deal with one more long kiss. 
Leaning back in her seat, Wanda covered her mouth, enjoying the feeling of how plumped it was. Ultimately, she couldn’t hide the smile on her face as Y/n looked at her with adoration. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you this whole day.” 
Y/n grinned as she leaned over the center console, “We can still kiss all you want babe. Name the time and place and I’ll be there in minutes.” 
Wanda laughed as Y/n puckered her lips, ready to kiss again. Giving in to her girlfriend’s antics, Wanda cupped Y/n’s face and kissed her once more. 
Before it could go any deeper, Wanda broke it, causing Y/n to pout. “You can’t just hold your lips hostage like that.” 
“Well dekta, we’re still on a mission.” Y/n rolled her eyes at Wanda’s response. It was not a good enough reason to stop kissing. 
“Well babe, what if I told you I won my race today?” Y/n licked her lips, hoping it was enough to entice Wanda to kiss her again. 
“You won?! I’m sorry I couldn’t come and I tried watching the end but-”
“-just kiss me babe.” Y/n pulled Wanda for another kiss, not even caring that Wanda was unable to make it to her race. There were still multiple races to come and multiple opportunities for her to watch. But kissing Wanda was enough for Y/n. Everything else was just a bonus. 
By now, Wanda couldn’t hold back her moan as the kisses got deeper. Too busy in their own world, the pair didn’t notice Natasha approaching the car. 
The assassin rolled her eyes at the scene. Regardless, she knocked on the window. The two jumped from the unexpected sound. Their dilated eyes focused back at Natasha as Y/n rolled the window down. 
“Meeting starts in a minute. Say your goodbyes.” Without a response, Natasha walked back into the base. 
“Am I going to see you soon?” Wanda asked, feeling like a teenager asking when she was going to see her girlfriend again. 
“You will. I’ll make sure of it.” The blush on Wanda’s face deepened. She kissed Y/n one last time before exiting the car, knowing that if she stayed any longer, she would have been unable to leave.
Walking backwards to the base, Wanda waved goodbye. In normal Y/n fashion, she made donuts at the front of the base, before leaving. 
Once the dust settled, Natahsa came back out. “She was good.” 
Wanda turned around, giving Natasha a small smile. “Thank you.” 
“It’s gonna be nice working with her again.” The smile on Wanda’s face grew wider at the approval. 
As the two walked to the meeting, all Wanda could think about was her getaway driver.
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tsukishimakeiswife · 3 months
You just spent the dirtiest night of your life with Geto Suguru.
a/n- this song reminded me of him<3 you could play it throughout the post if you'd like.
One chance. That's what you told yourself and Geto before agreeing to go on a date with him. Everything about him was so alluring. You knew once you crossed a certain line with him, there would be no going back. Not with him. In the 3 years you worked with Geto Suguru, not once did you resist catching a glance at him. How could you not? When he looked at you as if you were his only source of life. He was perfect and amazing at everything he did. That's also why you loathed him. Anything you did, he would do it better, that too with such ease.
Hating him wasn't easy, either. Your seniors would want you to consult him if there was any issue. Got a problem with your paycheck? Ask Geto. Want a sick leave? Ask Geto. And wouldn't he enjoy it when you came to him, seeking help? His signature smirk plastered across his face every time you stood outside his office. He was so infuriating, yet so attractive.
One day, he finally pushed you over the edge. A sales pitch you worked on for weeks was scraped just because Geto had a better idea. 'Of course, they should just let him run the company, huh?' You made the not-so-graceful decision of walking out of the meeting and going back to your office. You got your stuff, clearly done for the day, and left the building soon after. Trying to haul the cab in horrendous city traffic only frustrated you further. That was until someone put their hand on your shoulder, almost making you jump.
There he stood, looking egregiously hot. He stood in front of you with his shoulder-length hair in a half bun and a shirt that hugged him just right. He fixed his tie before speaking up after what felt like an eternity of eye contact.
"I didn't mean for that to happen- look, (y/n). I know you hate me right now, but let me make it up to you."
And that's how you ended up here. Sitting in front of him so prettily, adorned in your most breathtaking dress and high heels- to look somewhat tall next to his large build. You made sure to look your best, and the way his eyes scanned your body made your efforts worth them. The glass of wine in your hand, long forgotten as you leaned back and heard him speak. The tension between you two was wild. The air was heavy and thick. The ambiance of the restaurant didn't help much, either. You were sure he picked such a place on purpose.
However, that wasn't the craziest part about tonight. It was the fact that you were enjoying this so much. His eyes never left yours, alternating between your lips and orbs while you spoke. He leaned in to 'hear' you better and 'accidentally' brushed his knees against yours. Tonight, there was something different in him. It was as if nothing was stopping him. Hunger was apparent in his eyes. He was determined to get what he wanted.
You saw through his game. You weren't dumb, and he knew it. He wanted you to make the first move. Moreover, with every second passing, it seemed more difficult not to do that.
"Easier said than done, love. You ne-", he stopped talking immediately. He had something better to focus on now. Your freshly manicured nails were currently placed on his thigh. If his winning this silly game meant what you thought it did, then you'd take it any day. You were attracted to Geto, more than anything at the moment. His eyes darkened and in the blink of an eye, his entire aura shifted. You felt smaller, and you didn't think that was possible with Geto. He called the waiter for the cheque almost as if in a hurry.
The two of you got up and he immediately took your hand in his, taking you towards the elevator, maybe. You didn't care. Not when Geto has you in such a state. And he hasn't even touched you yet.
The two of you enter the elevator, finally alone. He didn't react, though. All you wanted to do was kiss him, taste him, feel him. His calm composure, on the contrary, was far from your flustered state. He looked down to meet your gaze as you did the same, bodies facing each other, but not reacting.
The lift doors opened and he immediately walked out. You tried to keep up with him, but he was practically dragging you now. You entered the suite he'd booked for you and the man in front of you didn't even wait for the door to close before pinning you against it. He leaned down to make sure he was just above you, his hair falling out of place onto yours. You tucked the strands of his hair behind his ears before pulling him down to kiss him.
You could physically feel the smile on his face when you did, and he didn't spare you for a second. His hands immediately reached for your throat and the other one pressed your lower back to bring you closer to him. The kiss was electric, hot, passionate, and desperate. Geto Suguru kissed hard. He gently led you towards the bedroom- not breaking the kiss for a second. You felt ecstatic, his hand on your throat applying the slightest amount of pressure- the kiss which was so hot you felt dizzy already. Breaking apart to catch your breath; you looked into his eyes, his pupils were completely blown out; his hair was a mess now; he was so pretty.
He pushed you onto the bed and you were now lying on your back. Geto caged you in before kissing your jaw, your neck- biting and leaving marks with utmost grace. He kissed you on that spot behind your ears, to which you sharply exhaled. He smirked against your skin and whispered in your ears, "I haven't even done anything yet, and look how you're reacting." you rolled your eyes and scoffed before whining at the feeling of his teeth sinking into your soft skin. Your hands were on his neck, playing with his hair and occasionally tugging on them. It drove him crazy.
He gave you a genuine look as his hands landed on the hem of your dress, making sure you were still okay with this- to which you nodded. He slipped your dress off and tossed it aside, taking in what was in front of him. It was as if he was consuming you completely, his gaze was dark- it sucked you in, trapped you inside. You tugged on his hand for him to hurry. He kissed you again and you unbuttoned his shirt. You knew he had an amazing body, but it was nothing like you'd imagined. There really was not a single thing in him that you could complain about.
He kissed down your chest, taking off your bra and stopping right at your stomach. He looked straight into your eyes and said, "What do you want me to do, love?" your breath hitched and you hesitated. You felt more needy than ever, Geto knew that. But he had to show you he had power over you, didn't he?
"Geto, please. I need you," you said- whispered. He raised his eyebrow to indicate that he'll have to hear you again. "You'll have to be louder- and more specific." he retorted.
"I want you to fuck me, there?" you almost spat out. Only getting more and more frustrated. You sneaked in a 'please, Geto' to make sure he didn't get pissed. All he did was simply nod while taking off your lace panties. He didn't hesitate for a second before shoving two of his long, rough fingers into your cunt. A loud whine left your lips and your hands immediately covered your mouth, trying their best to muffle your moans- screams. His fingers were long. You meant that. He stretched you out and immediately began pumping in and out. He tutted and shook his head- almost as if he was disappointed.
"I wanna hear you, baby. Covering your pretty mouth won't help. And, it's Suguru for you." at this point, anything this man said only made you wetter. He found your g-spot effortlessly, abusing it as he added a third finger. "Fuck- Suguru, too much." your back arched and your breath hitched with every thrust. He could tell you were getting close. "Too much? This isn't enough, my love." his thumb was now on your clit, toying with it as if it wasn't making you whimper and moan out his name. His free hand caressed your face, tucking your hair behind your ear and locking fingers with yours.
You were close, lewd sounds echoed through the suite and his harsh, degrading comments only got you riled up more. "gonna cum- shit. hah- Suguru, more." He chuckled before picking up his pace. "Come on, come for me." pushing you over the edge. You screamed out his name and held onto his hand as your orgasm washed over you. It was ecstatic. Your body spasmed and you tried to catch your breath. Your orgasm barely passed by before you hear his trousers drop to the floor.
"Don't think we're done, love. I meant what I said. We're just getting started." he took off his boxers revealing what he'd been hiding the entire time. This man was big. And you meant that. A wave of shock and excitement passed your body as you gasped at the sight before you.
"Get on your knees for me." you nod and shuffle around till your knees and elbows are on the mattress, your ass is up and your hair brought to one side of your face. His hand trails along your spine kneads your ass before giving it a harsh slap.
“I’m gonna go slow at first, tell me when you’re comfortable, hm?” he says as he coats his cock with your slick. He aligns himself and slowly enters your hole. A sharp exhale left your mouth as you groaned and threw your head back. He was way bigger than you expected, you bit your lip to drift your attention away from the sting you felt. He leaned forward so that his chest was on your back now and he sank his teeth into your neck while entering you slowly. You whimpered and tears pooled in your eyes, carrying your mascara with them as they ran across your cheek. He kissed your tears away and whispered how ‘you’re such a good girl’ and you’re ‘so obedient for him’
After what felt like an eternity, he completely bottomed out and the pain slowly faded away- transforming into the most pleasure you’ve ever had. You gave him a quick nod which was his signal. He turned immediately. His pace increased and he went faster- harder. Your face was now smushed against the pillow while you screamed in pleasure. His hand rubbed against your overstimulated clit- only making you cry out more as you begged him to slow down, to go easy on you. His hips snapped against yours picking up his pace despite your cries.
You could feel your next orgasm nearing, feeling embarrassed over how much tighter your cunt got with every thrust, a groan left his lips and he grabbed a fistful of your hair to lift you up to his level, your back pressed against his strong chest.
“You’re gonna be a good slut for me and take it, yeah? I see the way you’d look at me everyday. Fucking me with your eyes in front of everyone. Now take it like a good girl.” you cried out his name and tried to grab his hand that was currently abusing your clit. Your choked cries and unsuccessful attempts at getting him to slow down did nothing but boost his ego more. He let go of your hair letting you fall back onto the pillow and grabbed your face, turning it to the side, “You’re not gonna look away, okay?” he said.
You bit your lip and nodded at him as you grabbed the bedsheets, seeking support from the silk sheet underneath the two of you. He thought you looked beautiful, your pouty lips were swollen and glistened with your own saliva on them, your cheeks stained with mascara and your eyes, half lidded and pooled with tears. You looked ethereal.
With a final thrust you came around him, crying out choked moans and whines as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you felt like you couldn’t think anymore. Geto thrusted into you throughout your orgasm and gently lifted you up while he fucked into you, you gasped as you still clinged onto him. This man was strong- he lifted you off the ground while fucking into you as if it was no big deal.
By the time you rode out your high, you realized you were pressed against the glass window of your suite. The cold glass made you hiss as you looked down at the busy street. Humiliation took over you as you looked at Geto with a confused face. You were tired, that's for sure. A mess. That was an accurate word to describe your state right now. Geto pulled out of your abused hole and you whined at the empty feeling, still breathing heavily from your last orgasm. He turned you around to face him.
"You alright there?" he tilted his face to the side and leaned down to lock lips with yours. He was soft, kind, and caring. At the same time time; he was rough, mean, and sadistic. He had you wrapped around his finger. You whispered his name out when he slowly entered you again. Your back arched and you dug your nails into his back. He hissed at your actions and groaned your name out. Your name left his lips as if it was his favourite word.
His pace increased and you clung onto him with every bit of strength left in you. Your mind felt foggy and you didn't know what took over you, you spoke up. "Suguru, let me ride you. Please." it was a weak whisper. He wouldn't have been able to hear you if it wasn't for how close the two of you were. He slowed down and carried you to the bed, placing you down before getting on. He made himself comfortable against the bedframe and tapped on his thigh, "There's nothing I would love more, love."
You weren't so sure if that was a mistake or not.
"Tired already? You've barely moved."
"So gorgeous, all f'me."
"Look at you, my cock-drunk princess."
"Want me to lend a hand?" he smirked. He had the 'genius' idea of tying your hands behind your back before you got on top of him. You definitely made a mistake with your suggestion. Your head was on his shoulder now. Your thighs felt like they were on fire. Every single movement made you cry out. He didn't help you out, either. His large cock only adding to your mix of pleasure and pain. He enjoyed this more than anything. Your struggle to take him and maintain balance riled him up even more. You groaned at his words and nodded into his shoulder.
"What was that? You're gonna have to tell me." you can't believe you almost forgot why you hated him so much. He grabbed your face by the neck and brought you to face him, inches apart. You bit your lip to muffle out your moans and rolled your eyes. He looked at you, waiting for you to speak. "Help me, Suguru." "Please," you added, before he spoke up, causing him to smile.
"Whatever you say, love," he whispered in your ear before gripping your hips and bucking his hips upwards. You gasped at the sudden movement and lost balance, falling back onto his shoulder as you cried out his name. He was close, and so were you. Your whines and moans of his name made him feel like his body was on fire. You had no idea how obsessed he was with you. And there you were, in front of him, breaking down because of him.
"Fuck, (y/n). You're driving me crazy." he pulled you up and looked at you, and you didn't dare to look away from him. No, if you did, you were sure he would ruin you. His words threw you over the edge as you tightened around him and came. He hissed at you and shot his seed into you. He held onto you as you clawed at his chest- riding out your high.
The two of you stayed in the same position for who knows how long. "I thought this was supposed to be an apology dinner." you panted out.
"Would you rather have that?"
You let out a tired giggle before looking up to meet his eyes, smiling and pulling him into a simple, pure, passionate kiss.
"I still dislike you, though,"
“I wouldn’t pass a judgment so soon. After all, I’m not done with you yet.” he said, while his hands moved down your body.
part two??
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amoremainslayer · 2 months
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Request : SO i’ve been thinking of this scenario that gunwook and reader are academic rivals, but then they’re paired for a group project and they kept fighting when they tried to meet up and finish the project, so they just end up fucking each other LOL😮😮😮😮😮😮🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Pairings : gunwook x fem reader
Genre : smut, fluff, academic rivals to lovers, chaebol familys.
Warnings : nsfw under the cut, slight degrading, fingering
Not proofread!!
There you sat, legs crossed while distantly listening to the professor talking about the subject. Usually you were one of the top students, always listening attentively and writing notes in each class, no matter how boring the class was.
But the last weeks have been.. bothering you. Park gunwook, the second oldest son of the famous chaebol family Park, and also your infamous rival. Your family's have been competing against eachother ever since 1956 and haven't been able to solve their relentless fight.
Gunwook and You would be competing in various subject, always fighting over the first place "You will never beat me" He would say cockily if he came first in a certain subject. You'd always roll your eyes and ignore him, but he had been off the last few weeks.
You hadn't noticed it in the beginning, just feeling glad he wouldn't bother you so much, but after a while you noticed him being distant. His usual cocky self was vanished and exchanged with a silent and distant guy.
You could feel him staring holes into your body from the distance, yet whenever you looked over to him he quickly turned away. It bothered you secretly, you despised him, yet you couldn't help yourself from missing his presence around you.
"For the upcoming project, I will be putting you into pairs. You'll have 3 weeks for the presentation" The professor spoke which pulled you out of your daydream. You sat up properly, you couldn't let your image falter just because of him.
The professor began naming the pairs which were either met with groans or delighted chuckles "And finally, park gunwook and Sung Y/N". You let out a scoff, eyes glancing over at gunwook who was already looking at you.
What good luck you had to be paired up with your rival.
Gunwook and you were seated in a private room of one of the most famous restaurants in Seoul. Being rich did have its advantages, one of them being able to rent a private room just to do a project together.
".. and I'll do the rest, got it?" You spoke, raising your head up from your notes to look at Gunwook. He was staring at you, eyes seeming distant yet deep. You sighed "Gunwook?" You raised your voice slightly while shaking your hand infront of his hand.
As if he got back to reality he blinked rapidly and looked at you while humming. A scoff escaped your lips as your crossed your arms and leaned back "I get that you don't need to care about this grade since you'll inherit your family's side business anyways, but to ME this grade is really important" You began scolding him.
He raised his eyebrow at you "Oh, is that so? Then why don't you just do the whole thing by yourself and I'll just watch?" Gunwook suggested, a small smirk playing on his lips. You felt your blood boil at his words.
A deep frown appeared on your forehead as you stared at him "What the fuck is wrong with you, park" You spat his surname as if it was a poisoned food "This grade affects 50% of your final grade, do you want me to exclude you from the project and make you end up with a bad GPA?" You spoke arrogantly.
Gunwook chuckled softly, the sound sending shivers down your spine "You're such a bitch, you know that? Always so stuck up and self-centered. Just because you're better than me in one subject doesn't mean you can lord it over me." His voice was laced with venom as he spoke, his expression twisted into a sneer.
You glared into his eyes, the tension between the two rising out of the sudden "Fuck you, Park gunwook" You spoke deeply. Gunwook went silent for a few seconds, as if something was holding him back.
Initially you thought you had won this fight, probably hurt his feelings and a part of you was satisfied, not until he suddenly pressed his lips against your hungrily, leaving you widening your eyes in surprise.
Your breath hitched as he slid his tongue into your mouth, tasting of mint and desire. You had no idea why he was doing this, but your body responded instinctively, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him back.
His hands gripped your hips possessively, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his arousal pressing against your stomach, and it only made you want more. You moaned into his mouth, arching your back slightly as he deepened the kiss, exploring every inch of your mouth.
The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this small, private room. The sounds of the restaurant faded into the background, replaced by the soft rustling of clothes and the raggedness of your breathing. You could feel Gunwook's fingers digging into your skin, as if he was trying to mark you as his own.
Your hands began fiddling with the hems of his expensive Italian shirt that was neatly tucked beneath his suit. A slight groan escaped his lips as you finally freed his torso from the tight fabric. You pulled away, taking a look at the sight infront of you before gazing up to gunwook.
He had a mocking smirk on his lips as he noticed you checking him out. He leaned down, lips pressing against your neck as his hand began undressing you "You're so easy, sung" he muttered against your neck.
You shivered at his touch, your skin tingling from the contact. Gunwook's hand moved down, cupping your breast through your shirt, teasing you mercilessly. You moaned, arching your back into his touch. He chuckled darkly, unbuttoning your shirt and revealing your lace bra.
His fingers grazed your nipple, hardening it immediately. You gasped, feeling a wave of pleasure coursing through your body. Gunwook leaned down, kissing your neck before moving up to capture your lips once more. His tongue danced with yours, as his hand moved underneath your skirt, sliding up your thigh.
He groaned against your lips as his fingers finally found their target, parting your folds and slipping inside. You moaned into his mouth, arching your hips into his touch. The sensation of his fingers moving inside you was unbearably good, and you found yourself wanting more, wanting him.
Gunwook broke the kiss, breathing heavily as he looked down at you. His eyes were dark and intense, filled with desire and possession. "You feel so good," he muttered before leaning down to capture your lips again. His fingers continued their relentless pace, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
As he moved against you, you could feel the pressure building inside, making your entire body tremble with anticipation. The sensation of him inside you was unbearable, so intimate and right. You arched your back, pressing your hips against his hand, begging for more.
Gunwook seemed to understand your silent plea, his fingers moving faster, his breath hot against your neck. He was so skillful, so experienced, and it showed in the way he made love to you. It was as if he knew exactly what you needed, what would drive you wild with desire.
"Acting so rough infront of others but you open your legs so easy for me" he whispered against your ear before biting the lobe softly. You moaned, arching your back further into his touch. His fingers continued to move inside you, relentless and demanding. It felt so good, so right. The sounds of the restaurant faded away, replaced by the rhythmic slapping of his hand against your skin.
You could feel your body tense, ready to explode as he thrust his fingers deeper inside you. Gunwook's free hand moved up to cup your breast, pinching the nipple roughly before rolling it between his fingers. "That's it, sung," he growled, his voice low and husky. "Let go for me."
Your hips bucked upward, meeting the rhythm of his hand. You could feel the pressure building inside you, ready to break free in a wave of pleasure. You arched your back, digging your nails into his shoulders as you felt the climax racing towards you. "Gunwook," you moaned, his name falling from your lips in a pleading whisper.
He answered with a rough groan, his fingers moving faster inside you. His other hand gripped your hip tightly, holding you in place as he took you over the edge. Your body convulsed in his grasp, your voice escaping in a high-pitched cry as your orgasm consumed you. He continued to move against you, his fingers thrusting deeply as your walls squeezed around them, milking him for every last drop of pleasure.
Gunwook's breath was hot against your neck as he came as well, his body tensing against yours. His fingers remained inside you, still and wet, as he rode out the aftershocks of his orgasm. The world seemed to spin for a moment, and then slowly, it came back into focus. He leaned down, kissing your neck before pulling away, breathing heavily.
You lay there, panting, your body still quivering from the intensity of the experience. Gunwook smiled down at you, his expression satisfied and proud. "I'm way better at sex than you" he suddenly spoke, creating a other competition between the two of you.
You scoffed "Never, let me show you how good I can be" You spoke, eyes wandering down to his pants before cupping his buldge and lowering yourself to your knees...
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cluelessbees · 1 year
Yknow what ? I think Byler getting Murray’d would be more heartfelt than anything else.
Because like-
Murray doesn’t just call out Jopper and Jancy because it’s obvious. He points it out because he knows they’re being stupid. In their cases, it’s really just them not communicating their feelings to one another and trying to pretend they don’t exist.
But with Byler it’s like…it’s different.
Because it’s not just that is it? We’re not just watching two people pine over one another whilst being oblivious to the fact they other likes them back. We’re not just looking at two people who can’t communicate well. There’s more to it.
Because they’re two boys who have been best friends since childhood. They grew up at the peak of the AIDS epidemic. They live in a small town and they’re expected to act a certain way. It’s different for them.
I don’t think Murray is gonna waltz in acting all holier than thou and essentially out both Mike and Will to one another. He’s a smart man as we’ve seen. He’s attentive. He doesn’t just call jancy and jopper out to prove a point he knows what they both need to hear so they can get over their miscommunication hurdle.
I think he’s going to go up to them. Either both or just Mike or Will or whatever, and he’s going to talk to them about it. Because that’s what they need. They need someone to talk to them about it. And I don’t think he would start with just directly talking about it. I think he (and this is me headcanonning Murray as queer) would open up first. Like about his own experiences- to show them that he gets it, and he knows what it’s like. And then he would casually bring up the whole byler thing.
Hmmm something along the lines of...
Okay– picture a conflict Mike Wheeler sitting by himself – either on the couch or on the floor or whatever. And, he’s stuck in his head. A lot had happened. He broke up with El and he’s struggling to grasp what he’s feeling about his best friend. And there's this…weird tension between them that– he just– he can't put his finger on. But they’re off. They aren’t clicking like they used to and Mike can’t seem to fix things. 
So he sat alone, trying to understand or comprehend whatever he’s feeling whilst everyone else is god knows where in the house. Will was in the kitchen though. Mike knew that much. And then suddenly, he felt a weight on the couch seat next to him or the space on the floor beside him was no longer there and he heard the words of Murray Bauman pull him out of his thoughts with the weirdest fucking ice-breaker he has ever heard.
“Y’know…I was like you when I was younger.” 
“Really?” Mike asked – mostly out of disbelief as he scanned Murray. No way. Not a chance. 
“Oh yeah…” Murray smiled, nodding to himself as he continued. “I know it's hard to believe it, but I was this…brash, stubborn, reactive teen who loved going against authority. I was very...headstrong in my beliefs.” 
He paused and Mike turned to him. Murray had his head down, looking at his lap silently, and Mike didn’t know what to do but watch or…more– listen to the silence. 
“And…I was also in my head a lot.” Murray looked up, turning to Mike once before looking forward again. “I was angry at things – at people and at myself because…no matter how much I pretended like I loved being a freak…a part of me hated that I wasn’t normal…”
Mike felt cold. His heartbeat raced as he turned away from Murray – facing forward and staring at his lap as he continued to listen.
“Oh yeah…I was-- going through a lot of stuff internally that I tried pretending didn’t exist.” He paused again – taking a deep breath. “I was…in love with someone who I didn’t want to be in love with.”
“...You were?” 
“Yeah…” Murray laughed to himself. “Yeah…it was– well he was…my best friend.”
Mike held his breath.
“I fell for him. And I was mad at myself for falling for him. Because even though I knew it wasn’t wrong…I just kept thinking about how I wasn’t supposed to like him. Because that’s not normal– Well ‘normal.’” Murray airquoted, rolling his eyes. Mike’s eyes were glued onto him at this point. 
“So…I grew angrier. And I took it out on myself. On him. Even though he didn’t deserve it. Even though I loved him– I just..I let my fear get the better of me and I pushed him away until I lost him…And I hated myself for doing that.” He breathed, another pause, before finally turning to Mike. “It took me a long time to realise that there was nothing wrong about loving someone.”
Murray tilted his head towards the direction of the kitchen as he raised his eyebrows – and it clicked to Mike.
“I..” Mike’s throat felt dry. “You know?”
“I had a hunch.”
“Is it obvious? Does he–”
“No, he doesn’t know. Your secret's safe with me, kid.”
“Okay– good.” Mike paced his breathing. “I just…I– I can’t lose him because of this. If he knew– if– if he knew he would–”
“He’s your best friend right?” Murray cut him off.
“What? Yes but–”
“Then. he could never hate you, Mike. Not about this.”
“How do you know that?”
“Call it…another one of my hunches.” Mike knitted his brows together.
“Look – kid, I’m not going to force you to tell him or anything. It's your choice at the end of the day. And I can’t say much, but it doesn’t take a genius to know how much that boy cares about you. And you care about him, correct?”
Mike nodded. 
“And you trust him?”
Mike nodded again. “With my life.”
“So…all I can say is…if you trust him? Then...trust him with this.” Murray began to stand up. “Take it from me. Holding it in only hurts the both of you.”
And then Murray leaves
Anyways yeah thoughts––
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jeannineee · 10 months
Could you do one where reader has never been able to finish during sex and Azriel overhears and is just like “is that a challenge? That sounded like a challenge” and offers his services
ps i love your content! Keep it up!
Azriel x Reader
a/n: requests are open. Also, softdom!Az ??? HOT DAMN
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
“Never? Not once?” Feyre asked incredulously, her voice slightly louder than normal, given the obscene amount of wine she’d drank throughout the evening.
“No,” you admitted, cheeks flushing.
“Not even by yourself?” Mor chimed in.
“I can…” you trailed off, glancing around Rita’s to ensure none of your other friends heard. “I can finish by myself, but I’ve never been able to with a partner.”
Feyre’s jaw dropped, as did Mor’s.
“Why not?” Feyre asked blatantly.
“Maybe I’m broken,” you muttered, only half-joking as you sipped your drink.
Mor laughed, shaking her head. “Doubt it. Most men do the complete opposite of what we tell them. We say to slow down, they speed up. We tell them ‘right there’ and they move to a completely different spot.”
Feyre nodded. “You need a partner who actually knows what he’s doing, or will listen when you tell him what works for you, and what doesn’t, at the very least.”
“Those kinds of males are few and far in-between,” you replied.
Mor snorted. “This is why I prefer women.”
“They do exist, y/n,” Feyre said. “Just gotta find one. Like I did,” she added, grinning.
Sarcasm dripped from your voice as you said, “Yes, because that’s so easy.”
You hummed, swirling your finger around the rim of your wine glass. “I’ll probably never find a partner like that.”
Feyre rolled her eyes playfully. “Wow, you really need to get properly laid. I’ve never seen you act so pessimistic.”
The three of you shared a laugh at that.
Sometime later, Feyre ran off to the dance floor with Rhys, and Mor left with a woman you didn’t recognize.
You were preparing to leave, until Azriel slid into the booth across from you. His shadows trailed over his shoulders, and behind his ears, whispering to him. His tanned skin was almost glowing in the dim light above the two of you. The shirt he wore had a few buttons undone, exposing some of his muscular chest. You realized you were staring, clearing your throat awkwardly before you spoke.
“Hi, Az.”
“Hi, y/n.” Azriel smiled, tilting his head as he studied you. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, earlier.”
Oh, gods.
“I um…how much did you hear?” You already knew the answer.
“All of it.”
You took a large gulp of your wine, hoping to ease the tension between the two of you.
Azriel continued observing you, as though you were an equation he was trying to solve. “Feyre wasn’t wrong, you know. You just need to find the right person.”
His voice…Mother save you.
“And who do you think the ‘right person’ is?” you asked him, taking another sip of wine.
You squeaked, almost choking on your wine at his declaration. “Uh—what?”
“You heard me, bunny.”
At the pet name that so easily fell from his lips, you were certain you’d melt into your seat, and disappear forever.
“Az, I don’t want you to feel bad for me—“
“One: I don’t feel ‘bad’ for you. Two: I am offering to remedy this, ah, issue that you’ve run into with past partners. Three: let’s not pretend like we aren’t both interested in one another. I want this, and I’m almost certain you do, too.”
You weren’t sure you were breathing. Perhaps you were dreaming.
Azriel smirked. “Just say yes, bunny. I’ve got you.”
You managed to mumble out a ‘yes,’ and Azriel wasted now time in taking you back to the House of Wind.
Azriel took his time with unzipping your dress, laying you back on the bed. His lips trailed your jaw, your neck, your chest. His mouth latched around one of your nipples, swirling his tongue around it. He brought his hand to your other breast, kneading it gently.
At the sound of your breathless moaning, Azriel moved lower. His teeth grazed your tummy, leaving a few marks that you knew would heal too quickly. He’d barely begun, and you could feel yourself soaking through your underwear.
It was as though he could read your thoughts, because Azriel looped his fingers around the hem of your underwear, pulling them down as he knelt at the edge of the bed.
“So wet for me,” he said as he peppered kisses along your inner thighs, taking the time to mark them as his hands reached up to caress your breasts.
You placed your hands over his, lifting your hips in a silent plea. Azriel took the hint, dragging his tongue through your center, groaning at the taste of you. Your thigh instinctively closed around his head, but Azriel held them apart, squeezing them tightly.
“Relax for me, bunny,” he murmured against your core, before lapping at your folds, wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking gently.
Your hands found purchase in his hair, strings of whimpers and moans falling from your lips as he devoured you. Your tummy tightened, and you barely had time to register what was happening before Azriel was coaxing you through your orgasm.
You shuddered underneath his touch, his name leaving your lips over and over as his tongue continued working. You’d never finished that quickly, by yourself.
Azriel pulled away for a moment, hazel eyes meeting yours. “You okay?”
You nodded, still catching your breath.
“I need words, bunny,” he said, voice gentle yet commanding as he rose from his knees, cock straining through his pants.
“I-I’m okay, Az.”
Azriel moved quickly to discard his pants, and you had to fight the urge to not gawk at the size of him. He was far bigger than anyone you’d had before. You weren’t even sure if you could fit all of him. But Cauldron be damned if you weren’t willing to try.
You sat up on the bed, crawling towards Azriel. You wanted to wrap your hands around him, feel the weight of him in your mouth, sliding down your throat.
Azriel smirked, as though he saw the gears turning in your head. “Not this time, bunny. Lay back for me.”
You almost pouted, but complied with his request, heart jumping as he climbed on top of you. You spread your legs, inviting him in.
Azriel pressed his lips to yours, letting you taste your own arousal on them. Once he pulled back, his eyes searched yours. “If you want me to stop, or slow down, say ‘red,’ okay?”
You nodded eagerly.
Azriel grabbed your chin. “Words, bunny. I won’t ask a third time.”
Your heart fluttered, cunt clenching around nothing at the dominance in his tone. “I’ll say ‘red’ if I want you to stop,” you finally confirmed.
“Good girl,” Azriel said, kissing your forehead. His hands grabbed your wrists, moving them above your head. His shadows snaked around them, holding your arms in place, just tightly enough that you couldn’t move.
Azriel leaned back, one hand holding your hips as he used the other to guide his cock to your entrance. He entered you slowly, savoring the way your cunt enveloped every inch of him.
“You take me so well, bunny,” he praised, starting with a slow, gentle pace as your walls stretched to accommodate him. “So perfect for me.”
All you could do was moan in response, words failing you as his cock brushed against your sweet spot with each thrust.
“That’s it,” Azriel cooed, pressing his thumb to your clit, circling it gently. “Doing so good for me, bunny. You feel so good.” Each word fell from his lips like honey, feeding into your desire.
It wasn’t long before you felt your second orgasm building up. Azriel could feel it too; the way your moans grew breathier, the way your cunt clenched around him.
“Come for me, bunny,” Azriel said, abs tightening as his own release threatened to overtake him.
No sooner than the words left his lips were you arching off the mattress, vision going hazy as you went over the edge.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty like this,” Azriel breathed, thrusts growing sloppier as he chased his own release. “Oh, fuck.”
As Azriel spilled into you, you found yourself wondering if it was possible to come again, solely from the sound of his moans. You’d never heard something so sinful. He collapsed on top of you, placing wet kisses on your collarbone, your neck.
His shadows finally released your arms, and you wrapped them around his shoulders. Azriel was the first to speak as the two of you regulated your breathing, relaxing against one another.
“See? Not ‘broken,’” he muttered, referring to your comment earlier that night. “You just have a terrible choice in partners.”
You playfully slapped his shoulder. “I think I chose right, this time.”
Azriel hummed. “That, you did.”
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mizuseyebrows · 3 months
she's so cute and so excited for me —mizu x f!reader
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image credits to bad thinking diary by park do-han ^^
warning: nsfw. mdni. not proofread. modern!au. she/her pronouns for mizu. oral (mizu receiving), slight fingering, licking over panties. nibbles, praises. covered-ish sex. petnames (baby). aftercare.
includes: top!f!reader. afab!reader. whiped!reader (so real). bttm!mizu. whinning!mizu. slightly insecure mizu. light plot just sex. word count: 3.3k
summary: you eat out mizu after a karate competition.
a/n: mizu uses boyshorts because I use them they're comfortable. and she's insecure with her boobs, I wanna give her a hug.
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You were karatekas, the best in your respective academies. Each of you represented your states at championship season. On more than one occasion you have fought against the other, she was mostly the victor which made her have a certain arrogant and sarcastic attitude towards you.
Did that make you guys get along badly? Not at all. In fact, you exchanged phone numbers, you constantly message each other and when you meet in a city for a competition, you go out there to kill time. And maybe you've shared some breath-taking kisses, maybe.
Although you two are serious about the discipline that you were passionate about, something changed in the final. Something about this day's combat made you look each other playfully and mockingly; there was something different in your behaviors. The tension was much more palpable than before. Maybe because you wanted to defeat the other, maybe because you wanted to take home the gold medal, or maybe because last night at the hotel you escaped from the competitors’ dinner to corner the other and make out.
When Mizu beat you in combat and you both bowed before each other, the way your eyes connected was quite… explicit.
You two looked at each other with defiance, both of you feeling pleased by the way the spare excited both of you. Mizu had that hunting, predatory look of wanting to undress you and show everyone that she could have you, and they couldn't. And you admired her like a figure sculpted in the most exquisite marble in the world; the only thing you wanted was to trace every line of her body with your fingers, feeling out where those imperfections that made her unique were.
Because yes, the little you've seen of Mizu's clothed figure has made you long to see some more. It was her appearance, her height, her hair, her eyes... Also, imagining what her toned extreme body would look like gave you chills.
The next thing that happened after you approached her to congratulate her on her victory was so fast and irrelevant that the only thing you both remembered after leaving the competition was kissing each other hungrily on your room’s bed. As soon as you got there, Mizu had practically attacked you with kisses and was now sitting on your lap, with her hands caressing your breasts under your keikogi. You caressed her covered toned thighs and her hips, while responding to her passionate kisses.
She wasn't holding herself back anymore, as she was totally consumed by the eager between you two. She couldn't stop herself from kissing you and touching you everywhere, as she was getting more and more aroused with every moment.
She almost wanted to rip your clothes off, as her hands were already on your chest. Your touches felt so amazing on her body, and it took all of her composure to not just give into the sensations.
"Mizu, what would others say if they saw the intimidating gold medalist sitting on her opponent's lap?" You asked her with and heavy breath.
"Oh shush..." She murmured with an aroused grin, as she continued to kiss you and move her hands all over you. "I can sit on the lap of whoever I want.”
She kissed you again, and her movements started to get more intense. It felt like she was going to explode any moment and she managed to open your uwagi. You giggled and made her lie down on the mattress, crawling on top of her.
She moved her hands underneath the opened uwagi and started kneading your breasts in your sports bra, as she started to gasp softly. The excitation kept building between you two, as you started kissing her neck and her collarbone.
You gave her several gentle bites, but you tried not to left marks that would raise suspicions. "You don't know how good it’s for my ego to have you like this for me.” You bit under her chin, beginning to rub her skin under her uniform.
She giggled softly because of the way that you were teasing her, but the laugh turned into a moan as you kissed her throat and touched her torso. The feeling of being so intimate with you on top of her was enough to drive her crazy.
Her breath was already so heavy, and she couldn’t resist the temptation to moan a little bit louder and more vigorously.
"So sensitive for me..." You continued to tease her, untying the obi and leaning down to kiss her stomach flirtatiously. "What happened to your dominant attitude, miss Mizu?"
 “It all went out the window when we started kissing..." She murmured, feeling completely aroused by your words and how your kisses. She put her hand on your back, and tried to guide you to where she wanted you to go.
"Oh yeah? Do I have that much power over you?" You circled the shape of her navel with the tip of your tongue, holding her tightly by her waist.
She gasped when she felt your tongue whirling, and she shivered. She couldn’t help but arch her body slightly and moan lightly. Her hands started to get tighter on your back, as she tried to get you to be even more intimate with her.
“I can’t resist you…” She breathed heavily.
"No? I'm flattered." You laughed seductively against her stomach and started to kiss her belly button, scratching her back with your nails, wanting to feel her trembling because of it.
Her breath came out in short gasps. She started to arch her back more with your touches and the way you were causing her so much pleasure. Her hands were now gripping your shoulders more tightly, as she felt like she was about to melt. Her moans got louder and more desperate, and she couldn’t keep herself from clinging onto you.
"Does this feel good?" You began to kiss her belly, pinching it gently with your teeth.
"Too good..." She groaned softly; the feeling of your teeth sent tingling sensations all throughout her body.
The way you were teasing her felt amazing.
"And what happens if I go lower?" You kissed her hip over her pants, rubbing her legs gently with your hands.
"I’ll melt..." She moaned softly, as she felt her whole body trembling. The way you looked down her body was incredibly sexy and she was almost turning feral. She couldn’t resist you anymore.
"Yes? Would you melt for me?" You looked up as she continued caressing her thighs over the fabric. "You are so daring, miss Mizu..."
"Y-Yes..." She nodded, as she sighed.
You laughed mockingly and went further down her body, to start to nuzzle her crotch. "So, so sensitive for me." You gasped against her zubon, pressing your hands to her hips.
She groaned softly when you started to caress between her thighs, as she felt your breath against her covered pussy. Her hips started to sway unconsciously. She couldn’t help but enjoy this moment with you, as you were teasing and pushing her to her limit.
"What will I find when I pull down your pants, hm?" I hummed, enjoying the heat she radiated. "Do you have a surprise for me?"
"Perhaps..." She gripped her hands tighter and gasped in response to how you were caressing her over the pants. You could tell that she was getting more and more excited, but you kept teasing her. "Do you want me to be naughty for you?" She said with a playful grin, her voice was breathless as she struggled to keep control.
"Oh, I know you're a naughty girl." You slurred your words, sensually, and began to slide down the zubon. "You're so hot for me..." You whispered, undressing her legs with torturous slowness.
The way you were taking your time was absolutely killing her. She was already so aroused that her body couldn't help but move in response to your touch, as she was being completely swept away by that heat.
You smiled as soon as she was left with only her boyshorts covering her, her pitch black, soaked boyshorts. You approached her hip again, biting down on the bone. "Look at you, I turned you into a mess just with my kisses..." You whispered against her skin, feeling your insides burning.
"Please, stop it..." She said softly, her body trembling as you bit down on her hip bone. Her breaths became ragged and her body started to sway from the sensation of your teeth on her skin. She groaned softly, breathing heavily now. She never expected to be so turned on, but you really knew how to get her.
"Do you want me to stop? Is this too much?" You looked at her with real concern, stopping your nibbles.
"N-No..." She exclaimed softly, her breath becoming steadier with each moment. "Don’t stop... I just—I can’t handle it..." she said softly, closing her eyes and biting her lip.
She shivered as she looked away from you, trying to keep her self-control with all of these different sensations. She couldn’t handle how intense this moment was becoming.
"Hey, hey, if you can't handle it, I can stop. The idea is that we both enjoy it, not just me." You sat back on your heels, looking at her with worry.
“No... It’s okay." She gasped, before correcting herself; “I mean... it feels amazing. But I don’t think I have the ability to keep my composure right now..." She said softly with a groan, as she tried to catch her breath again.
"Is that it? You don't want to lose your composure?" You giggled, feeling tenderness for her.
"Y-Yeah..." She mumbled softly, as she took deep breaths and tried to settle her beating heart.
"Are you sure you want to continue?" You looked at her with doubt.
She looked at you with an eager look in her eyes, and she was clearly having a hard time keeping herself collected. She was definitely feeling overwhelmed by all that desire, but she hadn't wanted to stop you.
“It’s fine...please continue." She closed her eyes and laid back on the mattress, letting you do what you want to do.
"If it's too much, please tell me." You smiled at her and began to caress her through her undergarment, enjoying how your fingers became moist from her arousal.
She jerked as your digits slid between her covered folds, the fabric managing to gently rub her clit and the sensation sent chills down her spine and she couldn't help but arch a little.
"Are you this soak just for me, baby?" You rubbed frantically against her, loving how wet she was for you. "Do you want me to make you feel even better?"
She whined softly, her body shaking from the excitement of that feeling. She looked at you with darkened eyes, and nodded her head; she couldn’t say anything as it felt like she was going to explode soon.
You leaned back between her thighs and kissed her there softly, sighing and closing your eyes. "You taste so good..." You moaned a little and started licking her pussy over her panties, feeling like your eyes wanted to roll in their sockets.
She choked back a sob when your tongue touched her there, her limbs completely losing their strength. She let out little gasps and sighs. You were making her feel so good, as she let her hands grip your hair tightly.
You felt pleased and grabbed the edges of her boyshorts, stretching them up between her folds. You ran your fingers over her lips and then caressed her entrance over the fabric.
“Can I take them off?” You asked softly, playing with the elastic of the underwear to gently pinch his skin.
“Y-Yes, god, yes…” She answered with broken breaths, looking at you with a few small tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.
You laughed affectionately and began to slide her panties down her long, toned legs, leaving her completely exposed to you. And you were able to confirm that reality was better than your imagination. Seeing her so soaked just for you was enough to make you grunt and want to make the mess in her pussy worse. You leaned against her again and began licking her clit, practically vibrating your tongue.
She howled loudly as she felt you making out with her pussy and her toes curled, while her hand pressed against your head. Maybe she wanted to push you away because it was too much, maybe she wanted to get you closer to her, or maybe she was just releasing tension. Who cared?
"She's so cute and so excited for me." You spoke against her, passing your tongue slowly again, like her clit was a popsicle. This while your thumb began to surround her entrance, going in and out gently.
“N-Yes…just stop talking, and keep going.” She murmured softly, as her eyes started to roll back. Your tongue felt wonderful, as it made her squirm even more. She couldn’t think straight anymore, all she could focus on grinding her hips against your mouth.
"You don't like me encouraging you, hm?" You thrusted your thumb slowly. The watery sounds this produced sent tickles throughout your body. Your ears tickled from the sound. "You hurting me, precious."
You moved your thumb away to dart her entrance with your tongue, using your fingers to spread her folds for better access. You nuzzled her clit and deepened the movements inside her.
She cried out and cover her mouth to silence her loud sounds. She tried to keep herself contained but every move you made with your tongue was causing her to tremble with excitement. Her eyes began to water as she squeezed them tightly, you were driving her nuts!
"I know, I know..." You trapped her clit between your lips, making some snappy sounds. "I think I can get addicted to you...”
“Y-Please do…” She pleaded, as her hips swayed even more. Her muscles were tightening while her legs began to spasm a few times.
"Move, baby, move." You pressed your hands to her buttocks to start moving her against your tongue, as you continued to taste her. Her stimulated, erect clit felt so good, you couldn't help but roll your eyes yourself and groan at her taste.
She growled hoarsely as she felt your hands guiding her body and started to move her hips. She was getting more sensitive and her gasps became erratic and desperate. Her muscles tensed and her hand tried to push your head away from her clit as she felt spasming while guttural moans came out of her mouth.
When Mizu had her orgasm, her thighs trapping your head and her sobs coming out as almost desperate screams, made your own pussy throb. You whimpered against her clit sharply and then began to lick her cum, making her squirm beneath you.
Then you separated yourself from her crotch, licking your lips and appreciating the mess you had transformed her into. Wet and gone in pleasure, her legs shivering subtly.
She was completely exhausted, as she was sweating profusely and her breath was shaky. She panted heavily, trying to catch her breath back. She looked up at you with a tired yet thankful grin, for the way you just made her feel.
"How do you feel?" You lovingly stroked her thighs, looking at her with a serene smile.
"Wonderful..." She murmured softly, as she couldn't stop herself from looking at you with dreamy eyes. You made her feel like she was on a cloud nine, as she tried to hold on something.
You laughed softly and leaned over her and began kissing her abs again. God, how I loved a woman with marked muscles.
She giggled when she felt your lips on her stomach. It felt so wonderful to be with someone who loved that much about her. She felt powerful with the way that you kissed her, as she could already feel the sparks flying again between the two of you.
"You have a beautiful body, Mizu." You sighed against her skin, tracing her abs with the tip of your tongue, including her v-line.
She smirked lazily, as she felt pleased with how well-built she was. You were definitely making her feel comfortable. “I know I have a beautiful body.”
"Uh-huh? We have a confident girl, don't we?" You joked and looked at her breasts covered by her sports bra and reached your hand to touch them.
She was definitely quite confident in her body’s physique, but there were things she couldn't help but feel a little insecure about. She stopped your caresses.
"Just don’t take off my bra. I don’t want you to see my boobs." she said softly, feeling a little shy.
"Uh? Why not? I want to see them..." You looked into her eyes; a little bit worried.
You rubbed her sides, wanting to make her feel comfortable again. That felt good enough to soothe her nerves. She looked at you with a shy grin, as you kept caressing her.
“I'm insecure about my breast size...they’re too small.” She groaned softly, feeling a little embarrassed about herself.
"Baby, there's no such thing. Boobs are boobs, no matter the size." You smiled lovingly at her. "But if you want, I don't see them, okay?"
“You just say that because yours are perfect.” She muttered, closing her eyes and letting her body relax with the touch of your hands.
"Of course not, silly." You leaned closer to her and gently kissed her neck. "I'm sure your boobs are cute and soft. Someday I will be able to see them and I will not stop giving them the love they deserve." You bit under her ear, clinging to her body.
She groaned softly as she felt your hot breath against her and your bite on her ear. Her cheeks turned pink, she was enjoying the intimacy of this moment, and she was definitely feeling very pleasant around you.
"And if I find out that it was someone who made you feel insecure about your breasts, I assure you that I will take care of erasing that memory from your mind." You kissed her on the forehead and started caressing her cheeks with your knuckles.
She scoffed softly, as she smiled, looking at how caring you were. She wasn't used to such treatment, she felt loved and cared for by you. She felt so relaxed with you, she enjoyed being held by your strong yet gentle touch.
You rested your hands on either side of her head and lowered your face a little to plant a caramel kiss on her lips, with every intention of smooching her now. You took her thighs to place them around your hips, clinging to her body. Then your hands held her back and pulled her closer to your chest, without there being a single inch between you two.
She returned the kiss languidly, feeling a little drowsy from fatigue, yet the affectionate session you were having produced a warm sensation in her chest that made her hug you by the neck.
When you began to outline her abs with your fingertips, you broke away from the kiss to whisper in her ear: "You're beautiful, Mizu.” You cooed and nuzzled her cheek, smiling tenderly.
She smiled softly, as she felt your reassuring words. Her body was calmed and her eyes were starting to feel a little bit heavy. "Can we just stay like this for a while? Just enjoy each other’s company?" She mumbled softly, closing her eyes and letting herself relax.
"Nothing would like me more" You giggled, stroking her long, silky hair lovingly.
She chuckled softy, it was so soothing to feel your warmth against her scalp. She even let her body melt under your touch. She was adoring this moment, as she felt your appreciation and kindness. There was no judgement here, just two people who love and care about each other, enjoying the presence of each other...
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sourslip · 11 months
I'm still reeling from that reveal/scene (like most of us, apparently) so bear with the chewing-on-glass scatterbrain but I think the surprise has actually made me appreciate Laura's RP choices even more
going into that scene set up my expectations for some comforting, maybe some discussion of what Laudna was going through post-party split, but overall I was expecting - at most - some cute and friendly intimacy reaffirming they are Very Good Friends
"Can I kiss you?" felt like it came on so fast without any specific queues (like what we've seen in previous romances where one or both PCs will name their desires in conversation with someone else before acting on it) but it also made perfect sense in retrospect
ever since Laudna came back, Imogen has been sitting on something, always seeming to hold back some burning comments here and there. she was also insistent that Laudna would get to choose everything going forward, and part of that I think meant Laudna having the freedom to think on a response to any question of further intimacy without even a chance of Imogen overhearing. Laudna could have the freedom to wonder if she did want to get in touch with "that part of her mind", to think about how painful, scary, or awkward that might be after decades of being shut off to it.
Laudna has some pretty intense self-image and self-worth issues to work through, but she's also had 2 years of Imogen in her head able to pick up on her wants without having to ever voice them and, ultimately, without having to accept that she does have her own wants independent of the people around her. Laudna seems to have only just started to get in touch with her anger, and that kind of repressed emotion that comes out in the healing process is one of the less intentional ones! Girl hasn't felt safe enough to actually think about her wants, let alone try communicating them!
Imogen and Laudna reconnected after their time apart and discovered that they - as Marisha pointed out in 4SD - have grown into different people, and that resulted in the tension of the first moments in the scene where they kind of made quasi-small talk. They were figuring out how to connect with each other again but, rather than return to their old dynamics (that kept them stagnant), Imogen set them up to try exploring something new and maybe a little healthier with communication going forward.
I think Imogen has been working towards this for a while, and while the circlet was the last "thing" she needed to help force them to communicate better, having the time apart gave them an opportunity to try something new.
Imogen has held a lot back before because she's too tuned into other peoples thoughts, and Laudna held off exploring her own wants and desires for too many reasons - but she is starting to get more in touch with her self-interested emotions. So they've both been tip-toeing towards a change for a while, but change like that can sometimes be like getting into cold water; at a certain point you just have to commit and jump in the rest of the way.
So to me, not only was Imogen trying to give Laudna the freedom to make her decision without an audience (the talk about the circlet), but she also made the most of the new distance between them to push them both towards a change, one that challenged both of them to be more honest with themselves, each other, and about what they want from their relationship.
Laura Ultimate-Romancer Bailey everyone
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