#but guys i think we're all getting are hopes up in thinking it'll be a 1:1 adaptation of adventure 2
magnetic-dogz · 4 months
I am excited for the 3rd Sonic movie but I'm not raising my expectations for it very high tbh
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tkbrokkoli · 1 year
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bo0tleg · 2 months
One thing I like about Top Gun (1986) is how believable the development with Ice and Mav's dynamic is.
I've seen a lot of the "Rivals suddenly become buddies after traumatic event together" in media, but I don't think I've seen it done better than in Top Gun. Mostly, I attribute it to how much build up it has.
Most of the time, the 'Rivals' hate each others guts throughout the entire movie/series and then they go through an extremely traumatic event that binds them for life and shifts their entire concept of each other. Ice and Mav never once changed how they saw each other, it just changed their understanding of it.
Ice saw Maverick as dangerous and Mav saw Iceman as stuck-up and commanding. And they weren't wrong, by any means.
From the beginning, they have tension between them because of how different they are. And it ends up in the audience seeing Ice as the 'Antagonist' because that's how Mav sees it, and we're seeing it from his perspective as the protagonist. But Ice was never inherently wrong, in fact he was right.
Other than his first scene, Iceman always has a point in what he's saying. He's criticizing Mav, not insulting him. Sure, he does it in a brash way because masculinity, but he's not trying to insult him, he's trying to knock him down a peg and wake him up to reality. All Ice wants is that he starts to act as a team player, start caring about everybody's safety AND his own, rather than being reckless for the sake of being reckless. But Mav sees it as an insult because he can't process criticism in a healthy way (due to how he grew up). The same thing happened with Charlie, for the record.
And so the strife between the two begins. What I like about it is how it bleeds out of them over time, becoming more settled as the movie goes on. In the locker room "You're dangerous" scene, the tension is palpable. It's obvious they're agitated by each other, and feel the need to prove they're the correct one.
If you pay attention, this whole... demand for superiority goes away as time progresses. They're fine with each other's presence, it's not like they're constantly at each others throat all the time. In the shower scene, Ice dropped all of the aggression and competitiveness from his tone and is instead just laying out what he thinks. He's not undermining Maverick, he's not lecturing him like a child. Iceman is just telling Maverick exactly how he sees the situation in hopes that it would make him realize what the fuck he's doing, but with little hope that it'll actually work.
That doesn't mean Ice is always correct either, he doesn't understand why Mav acts the way he does, thus fails to take into consideration the emotional trauma behind it. Which only causes even more strife.
The entire time, Iceman isn't being a dick for the sake of it, he just wants Mav to stop being stupid (by his standards). And Maverick doesn't understand it because all he gets from what Ice says is insults.
Maverick isn't good at understanding what people mean to say if it's implied, you need to say it to his face. This is the reason he stayed quiet in the shower scene, because Ice finally laid everything out in simple words that he can understand without making it sound like a dick-measuring contest.
Thing is, the tension mellows out. At the beginning, you could see the tension and cut it with a knife. By the middle you can see them getting used to each other without jumping to constantly trade jabs (namely: the volleyball scene, it's just a bunch of guys being dudes, and the scene where Charlie says that Mav flew recklessly in front of the whole class, Ice doesn't comment on it in any way). Over time, they've settled down into their tension without needing to address it all the time.
Then Goose dies.
And the tension between them is still there.
Just because Goose isn't there anymore, doesn't mean their whole dynamic vanishes all of a sudden. You can see their hesitation towards each other (especially Ice), and that's great! It demonstrates that Goose dying doesn't magically resolve their problems with each other in solidarity.
Ice tried to give his consolations to Mav, and is awfully awkward about it. You can see on his face that he wants to say more, but doesn't because he knows it's not his place given their history. And not much is said, but a lot it communicated. (Val Kilmer is a killer actor for this, OH MY FUCKING GOD BLESS THAT MAN)
Even in the graduation scene you can see how out of their depts they really are with each other. A stilted congratulations, that was it. But they're trying, and that's what matters.
A scene I think gets overlooked a lot is the scene right before the Layton, where Ice expressed his worries about Mav to Stinger, and Mav heard him. Because I feel like that was a shift that was more drastic than the Layton itself for them.
What Ice was doing in that scene wasn't doubting Maverick's flying abilities, it was his mental health. Sure, he passed the psych eval, but that means next to jack shit when in a real combat situation so close after his backseater dying. And Ice might be worried that he's gonna be left hanging, but with the way he was speaking I'm more inclined to believe he was more worried about Maverick's wellbeing than himself. Ice almost looked resigned. He knew it was gonna get dismissed because that's the military for you, but he still wanted to try to vouch for Mav to stay groundside, if only to keep his mind at bay.
But Maverick heard him, and as usual, he read it as an insult. He wasn't wrong to assume Ice didn't believe him capable of flying the mission, which wouldn't be a lie, but failed to realize that he had more than one reason to want Maverick on the ground rather than in the air. And for the first time, Maverick believes him.
Up until this point, Mav dismissed all of Ice's so called 'insults' because he was certain in and of himself. But now he isn't anymore.
And it affects his performance in the air. I'm not saying he was as shitty as he was at the start of that combat because of what he overheard, but I am saying that it certainly didn't help matters in the slightest.
So their weird 'stepping-on-eggshells' situation is all over the place by that point. Because they started to care about each other despite not being what one would call proper friends yet. It's establishing a potential friendship by implying that 1. Ice cares about Mav's wellbeing and 2. Mav cares about what Ice thinks.
On the ground, they have the wingman exchange, and their suddenly buddy buddy. Thing is, it wasn't sudden at all.
They've been setting this up the entire fucking movie.
Going back to what I said at the beginning: Ice thinks Mav is dangerous and Mav thinks Ice is stuck-up and controlling. After the Layton, they still think those things because they weren't wrong to begin with. What changed was that instead of seeing it as something that pitted them against each other, it was seen as something that simply was about the other, and that there was no changing it. It could be good.
Mav being dangerous could be good and Ice being stuck-up and controlling could be good, because those were just traits of who they were. By the end of the movie they didn't change how they saw each other, just how they interpreted each other.
And it was built up during the entire fucking movie.
There was a reason to why they acted the way they did with each other because of the stilted interpretation they had of each other. From rivalry to friendship (and perhaps more later down the line), it's glaringly obvious throughout that it wasn't a sudden shift, it was exponential.
That's why I think it was so well developed, because you could see it coming.
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ghostofhyuck · 11 days
03:32 PM
Your usual weekend visit to your boyfriend's dorm became unusual the moment his co-members cornered you and made you sit in the couch.
"Okay this is weird," you said.
"Yn, I know this is..." Mark trails off, trying to find the right word. "Not typical for us to do so but we're very concern of your well-being."
You raised an eyebrow. "What?"
Your attention shifted to Haechan who rolled his eyes.
"What we're trying to say is that, are you okay with Jeno?"
"I'm sorry what?" you repeated.
"We just wanted to make sure that he's not being rough with you or something," Mark elaborated.
"Rough, like is that when it comes to sex or something?"
Chenle lets out a loud laughter along with Haechan. Renjun shakes his head as disapproval while Jisung steps away from the scene, embarrassed. Mark was the only one who's keeping a serious face on. You became irritated, wondering where this conversation is going. You are grateful that they're concerned with you but you didn't expect that it'll come to the point where they'll be involved too much to your sex life.
"Yes! No? I don't know, but does Jeno hurt you?" Mark asked once again.
Your forehead creased. What's with that question? You know Jeno, and they should know Jeno. That man never gets angry. He's such a gentleman to you.
Okay maybe there are times that he's rough in bed but you're not going to share that to them! They don't need to know about that.
"Guys no. You know Jeno, he can't even hurt a fly," you answered.
"So, he's rough in bed I take that," Chenle pointed out.
"What!? No --- I mean! You guys don't need to know that!" you shouted but you were answered by their teasing and laughter. You swore that you wanted to leave the place, but then it crossed your mind.
"Wait, where's Jeno?" you asked.
"Jaemin dragged him to buy you food," Mark explained. "So that we can talk to you."
"So you guys are doing an intervention?"
"You guys are doing a what?" you turned around when you heard a familiar voice. You ran to your boyfriend who only welcomed you with hug, receiving a side eye from Jaemin who's carrying all the food.
"I hope that you got the answer," Jaemin said with a bored tone.
"We didn't, you should've stayed longer," Haechan complains.
"What is this all about?" Jeno asked, arms crossed.
But he was only answered by silence, Jeno patiently wait for them, giving them a serious look until Mark gives in.
"Okay, we don't care about your sex life but dude, you got to calm down with yn, look at her all bruised-up." Mark pointed out.
"Bruises? You mean...oh!" that's when you realized that about your bruises on your legs and arms.
"She fell from top of her double deck and landed straight to her computer chair," Jeno explained casually. "That explains her bruises."
"So it's not because you're rough on her in bed?" Chenle asked.
"That's none of your business okay?" Jeno answered.
That's when it sink into them what Jeno said. They apologize to you immediately and you only laugh it off. Jeno shakes it away, thinking that it was cute that they're concern of your well-being. He excuses that you two will go to his room.
"They're so funny," you only comment the moment you two are alone.
"Yeah right," Jeno laughs. "It's just a good thing they can't see your stomach and upper thighs."
"They'll be surprise if they see it," you said, earning another chuckle from your lover.
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obeymematches · 17 days
🫧🚿taking a shower together🫧🚿
nobody asked for this but let's go!!
At first it was...awkward. This is a very intimate moment and frankly, he is not used to this. You already washed yourself almost entirely when he offers to wash your back. Also, he prefers very cold showers; he is used to not having warm water, living with Asmo and Levi. If you don't mind the cold water he'll suggest a thing or two... ;)
"Of course you may join me, my dove, need a hand getting in?"
He behaves as if he has done this before?? Very playful the entire time, teasing you with the showerhead. Gets the showergel and as a routine he washes your body. Isn't shy at all. Prefers very hot showers though so get ready for that. Will suggest sexy time at first.
"It's me MC, lemme join ya pleeeaseee!"
Boy just wants it to be over at first, despite taking 40 min showers when he is alone. Very uncomfortable in this situation, just washes himself and gets out earlier than you. Not sure if this becomes a habit, but if you can get him to do it again he will like it more!
"Okay MC, I.. I think I'm ready!"
Loves loves loves the idea and the moment!! Makes sure the water is perfect for you!!! "That's alright" won't do! Asks for permission to wash your body, hair, everywhere basically and his knees become weak when you offer to wash him. Now you must do this everyday, he has a new favourite part of the day!
"How did I not think of this before? Come on in!"
Well he is not a shower kind of guy but who is he to refuse this opportunity!! Poor bby doesn't even know how to switch from the tap to the showerhead. Very gentle when he offers to wash you! Compliments each part of your body! Feels like a therapy tbh. Likes his water warm but not too hot. Probably gets suggestive somewhere down the road.
"Ahhh MC I must join you! I really hope you don't mind!"
Honestly he usually takes quick showers so this entire session lasts 10 minutes max, including drying. Offers to wash you but he uses the 2in1 very masculine gel so if you wanna smell more feminine you must stop him. Likes to hug you to make it even more intimate! Likes his water a bit cold but not too cold!
"Ohh, come on in quick! Of course I don't mind, are you kidding?"
Doesn't show it but he likes this moment so much! At least he has a reason to shower right? Very casual the entire time, doesn't ask but motions that he has the intetion to wash you. Looks very hot with wet hair! Doesn't really have a water preference but I feel like it's either too hot or too cold depending on the day.
"Ah now we're gonna have more time to cuddle! Let's do this MC!"
Adores this idea, though he also prefers kind of cold water. Acts very natural but inside he is melting. Pls wash his hair it'll make him want to kiss you. Doesn't become a habit but if you offer once in a while he is down to shower together. Though now he enjoys buying you different kind of showergels!
"I don't remember ever doing this before so uhh.. maybe if I stand here and you there-"
Ah he is very shy at first, might not think this is a good idea. If you can convince him though he'll be quick to warm up to this moment! Just washes himself though, it's not on his mind to do it for you. Likes moderate temperature water.
"Ah this is not so bad, honestly. Would you wash my back, please?"
Does his best to enjoy every minute he gets to spend with you. The water is however you want it to be, he can make do with whetever. Has veey good quality gels and he uses a generous amount if you let him wash you. Anything for you MC <3
"Alright, come in. How do you like the water?"
He overthinks the situation a lot. Has to make sure you have showergel options to choose from and whichever you pick he gets more of. The first time is awkward, doesn't really know what to do so it's up to you to show him the ropes. The second, third, etc time he becomes so casual and funny you can't help but look forward to these sessions.
"Come MC, there is plenty of place for both of us! I'll just move over here and-"
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beatrixstonehill2 · 2 months
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"I don't know why I was so worried when my doctor put me on fertility drugs. I feel so stupid! I hear these drugs make you dumber, but I think that's an urban legend, just another ridiculous thing the old me worried about! I was a stuck-up attorney who never dated, who woke up at 4 every morning, went jogging, and ate grapefruit for breakfast with black coffee. I was mean, and rolled my eyes whenever men flirted with me. I was literally the worst! But ever since my doctor gave me these new prescriptions, my life has gotten a bajillion times better.
First of all, my appetite and libido came back. I told him I barely ate, didn't even masturbate, I was too focused on work. He seemed to know exactly what my body needed..... I was obviously skeptical about taking this stuff but look at me now! This is my second pregnancy, last one was quadruplets, I think this might be at least sextuplets? Holy fuck, I'm gonna get SO big, isn't that hot as hell? I won't fit into anything! I hope my boss is OK with my huge baby-filled belly sticking out. I'll look so ripe and ready to fuck all the time! After all, what better signal can a woman give to men that she's free to fuck, but a belly full of kids?
Oh yeah, did I mention? I'm not an attorney anymore. My libido got way too distracting to worry about all that dumb work I was so concerned about for, like, no reason! So I'm a secretary now for this lawyer I used to butt heads with all the time. He used to love harassing me and flirting aggressively with me, even smacking my ass. I used to get so angry with him; now, when he spanks me or grabs my breasts I just giggle and get turned on. I love working for him, and when I do extra well he rewards me by letting me suck his cock, or if he's in the mood he'll fuck me when he's in a meeting in front of all my old colleagues. The looks on their faces watching me full of kids, with a massive pair of udders, getting railed by HIM is just priceless!
On the subject of my breasts, I hope everyone here on my OnlyFans likes them. I've gone up six cup sizes since starting these pills! Isn't that crazy? I bet they're small compared to how gigantic they'll get a few pregnancies from now. I'm soooo excited to see how big they're gonna get, or if they're even gonna stop growing. Men absolutely drool over them, and when they see these huge boobs paired with a belly brimming with more kids than I can count, they know it's a free invitation to fuck me. Whether we're on the subway, the bus, or I'm at the bank, depositing my boss's checks..... Guys will take me by the hips and pump me so full of cum it'll be drooling down my legs all day--as all women should be, far as I'm concerned. Full to the point of bursting with cum. I used to be so grossed out when I saw college girls in sundresses, super pregnant, their big breasts falling out, cum hanging from their asses and pussies, drooling down their legs, just gushing with it, cum of their faces or tits as they happily talk on their phones or with their equally pregnant friends. Now I see they were the lucky ones.... And I definitely wasted my time in college not being like them, but it's never too late to be a good girl and show men I know what my true purpose really is. ❤️"
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dearhargrove · 3 months
Sink or swim
summary When the tsunami hits you're at the pier, watching in confusion and shock as the huge wave nears. You're swept away with a dozen others but gain back consciousness with a weirdly attractive guy and his.. son?
tags medical inaccuracy (I made everything medical up pls ignore it), blood and injuries, one POV change, cursing
word count 2831
a/n just watched the episodes with the tsunami and oh my god? I’m so in love with Buck, Chris and Eddie. These three are adorable. Also these episodes were just good as hell, wtf? Andddd I hope I didn’t make any of them OOC (out of character) but if I did forgive me yall 🫶🏻 also English isn’t my first language, so… 🥹
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Maybe you should've guessed what it meant when the sea started retreating and a huge wave built up more by the second. But somehow it seemed so surreal that you didn't. You clung to the thought that it was an optical illusion, after all there was no way a tsunami would hit that one time you're at the pier.
Now moments later you regret not running faster, earlier or simply finding a spot to hide. You're pulled under the surface every few seconds, swallowing mouthfuls of salty seawater that makes your nose burn and eyes blur.
You're choking when you're swept against a hard object, it's sharp edge digging into your waist. “Fuck!” you curse, though it ends in a gurgle when more water sweeps over you.
When you resurface you're facing an object that turns out to be a sunken fire truck. The red is striking against the blue and Grey around you and you could cry at relief when you manage to hoist yourself onto it.
You're exhausted, your side hurts and you're dizzy. Your phone is useless, the water having destroyed the technology. Cursing, you pocket it again and lean back. You're about to relax, aware that it could take hours for emergency services to reach you when you hear high pitched screaming. You look up, just in time to see someone with a yellow sweater being pulled towards you with the current, screaming at the top of their lungs.
“Jesus,” you swear and crawl to the edge of the truck, yelling to get their attention with your arm reached out as far as possible.
You almost faint when the person turns around and a small child looks at you, red glasses full of water and messy brown hair. He's crying, reaching out as he's struggling to stay afloat.
“Hey! I'm here, grab my hand!” You yell and lean over the ledge as far as you could. As soon as you saw that little boy you knew you'd jump after him if he couldn't grab your hand now.
“I got you, sweetheart, come on!”
Your assurance seems to help and he kicks his legs, managing to move closer to where you are. In a split second you grab his hand and pull him over the railing and onto the truck, holding the little boy close to your chest in relief.
“Thank you,” he mumbles, coughing a little as he adjusts his glasses. You try to look as calm and collected as possible, gently smiling at him and beckoning him further away from the railing and rushing water.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” He shakes his head, biting his lip as he looks out at the water again. He must've been with someone else, you guess when he sits up at every piece floating by.
“Are you looking for someone?” You ask gently and he nods. He slowly speaks, hands fidgeting in his lap, “B-Buck. He's a firefighter.”
You stop yourself from cooing at this adorable child and nod, “We're gonna find him, okay? Just stay here and it'll be okay.”
He looks worried but slowly nods. You go back to sitting between him and the railing, looking out for anyone else.
Just as you spot someone, the small boy moves rapidly and pulls your shirt, “Buck! It's Buck!” He stutters loudly.
You whip your head back around to the rushing water and try thinking of a way to save him too. You couldn't just grab his hand, he would probably just pull you off the truck and you wouldn't risk leaving the kid by himself.
“Shit,” You mumble as you look for a way to help the man, the boy desperately crying out for ‘Buck’ behind you.
It seems you don't need to do much when something slams into the truck and seconds later the man pulls himself up and next to you.
And, damn. He was attractive. His dark blonde curls stick to his forehead as his blue eyes fixate on you and then the boy, strong arms holding him up as a smile builds on his lips, “Christopher!”
You move a bit as the two reunite, the boy- Christopher throwing his arms around the man's neck and giggling wildly.
You watch with a smile, the adorable sight momentarily distracting you from the tsunami keeping not just you but these two strangers trapped on top of a fire truck.
He turns around after a minute, keeping Christopher in his lap as he looks at you. He clears his throat and nods, “Thank you for saving him.” You shake your head and wave your hand in dismissal, unsure how to deal with compliments.
“No, really. I was going crazy when I couldn't find him,” his eyes are fixed on your face and you blame the heat creeping up your neck onto the temperature changes from the water and sun, smiling nervously. “It's all good. Your son is a sweetheart.”
He chuckles, “He definitely is. Though he's not my son,” he mentions, poking the boy's side when he mumbles something. You quickly nod, embarrassed. “Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed-” he shakes his head and a relaxed smile sets on his face.
“It's fine, don't worry. Did you have any luck reaching 911?” You shake your head and hold up your broken phone, screen flickering sadly as you do. He sighs and brushes a hand through his hair (you try not to stare at the hot sight because wow, what are the odds of meeting such an attractive man in the middle of a tsunami?).
“We're probably just gonna have to wait. It'll take time to get boats and units here. It probably looks like this everywhere,” he explains and you tilt your head in surprise before remembering that the kid had mentioned he's a firefighter. Meaning he knew the protocols.
“Right. Christopher mentioned you're a firefighter.” You smile when the boy perks up, a seemingly never faltering smile on his face. “Guess I'm lucky to be stuck with you. Safest I could be.” You shrug, a bashful smile on your face.
“Buck will s-save us all,” Christopher proclaims proudly and you coo at the cute boy. The man now seems a bit uneasy and sighs before his eyes widen, “Shit, right, I'm Evan. Everyone just calls me Buck, though.” You shake his outstretched hand and introduce yourself in turn, biting your lip as a nervous habit.
“So you're a firefighter?” You prompt curiously.
“It's a bit complicated right now…” He sighs, a frown setting on his forehead. You're about to apologize for overstepping when Christopher speaks up again, “He threw up blood.”
Your eyes widen and Evan- Buck pinches the boys’ side in reprimand. “Blood clots,” he elaborates as he looks at your slightly shocked expression. You hum sympathetically before realizing something. “Wait. You were the one trapped under that fire truck? On the news?”
He chuckles (which makes him even more attractive, what the actual fuck?) and nods, “Yep, that's me.”
You grimace in sympathy at the memory and automatically glance at his leg, “Is it all healed? You don't have to talk about it, it's fine if you don't-” he waves you off assuringly, looking relaxed.
“It's fine, don't worry. Yeah it healed fine, had some physical therapy and stuff but now I have blood clots kicking my a- butt.” He stops himself from cursing with Christopher on his lap and you almost smile at the adorable expression of confusion on the kid's face, when Buck presses his hands over both of his ears and whispers what he was originally going to say.
You laugh at the two and a relaxed and almost light atmosphere surrounds the three of you, momentarily disregarding your situation.
“It's kind of ironic isn't it?” He starts and you tilt your head in question. “You saved me, a firefighter, by pulling me onto a fire truck,” he elaborates and you can't help but chuckle, “Right. It should've been the other way around,” you sarcastically add and he holds up his hands in mock surrender.
You relax back against the railing, your eyes drawn to Buck again just to notice him already looking at you. You cock your head questioningly and he bites his lip before grinning, “Sorry, you're just- like, really beautiful.”
Your jaw drops momentarily before you compose yourself and hide behind your hands, “Stop! Geez,” you laugh and he does as well. You exaggerate a shake of your head as you look at Christopher who giggles happily and exclaims, “He likes you!”
Now both you and Buck fluster as he continues, “He's always angry but n-now he's happy.” You notice the small struggle of getting his words out but you couldn't care less, you'd wait hours for this sweetheart to finish a sentence if you had to.
“Oh, really?” You ask in mock surprise and he eagerly nods before Buck intervenes, “Woah, Woah. I'm not always angry. Just.. grumpy.” Christopher makes it a point to look at him and then at you, rolling his eyes and shaking his head which makes it hard to refrain from laughing.
When Christopher busies himself with leaves floating around them Buck lowers his voice a bit as he speaks to you again, “Don't get the wrong impression it’s just, it’s hard. Not being able to work, saving people and all that.”
You nod quickly, “No worries. I’d go insane if I was in your place. I’m guessing they’re keeping you from really doing anything ‘dangerous’?” You ask, careful in case of him wanting to change the subject.
He nods and drops his head back against a siren light, “It is. They’re trying to put me behind a desk! I mean, I’m supposed to be out here, saving lives, fighting fires. That’s my purpose.” He frowns and you hum to show that you’re listening.
“I know they just want me to recover, but…”
“It feels like they’re holding you back?” You finish for him. He chuckles in surprise at the accuracy of what you said and nods.
“I’m probably in no place to tell you this, but trust me, it’s worth it. Get better, do the light work and sooner than you think you’ll be back doing what you love. But if you start now and ignore your health.. it’s going to catch up with you. And it’ll be way worse than a few weeks behind a desk.”
He looks thoughtful for a moment before slowly nodding, “You're right. Thank you.” You smile and put a hand on his leg, making sure he doesn’t mind before adding, “I mean look at you, crushed by an entire ladder truck and you’re up and running already.”
“I’m just that great,” he sarcastically pats his own shoulder and you both break into laughter.
You don't know if it's been minutes, seconds or hours when you wake up, laying on top of destroyed concession stands and other things. Something is digging into your back, your leg is awkwardly bent and your ears are ringing.
Groaning you sit up, wincing in pain when a sharp pain strikes through your back at the movement.
Around you is just more trash and destroyed cars, you see an arm laying on one of the cars and decide to avert your eyes as quick as possible for your own sake.
Every step hurts but you keep going; walking through the flooded streets with your eyes looking for either of the two boys you’d spent earlier with or other survivors.
The sun is starting to set and you’re starting to get hopeless. You have no clue where you were, completely disoriented as you pass houses that look entirely the same. Your phone is useless and you’re alone. Shouldn’t you have met at least one person by now?
Your back has gone practically numb, same as your leg, when you see faraway lights in the distance. Your steps get quicker as you see people and to your utter relief firefighters. You don’t know if the tears in your eyes are of joy or utter despair from what happened but you couldn’t care less when a man with short, brown hair spots you and approaches.
You’re trying to walk closer when a small voice somewhere close stops you. You’re not sure if it’s your imagination but you turn around, squinting your eyes in the darkness. And then you see it. A small boy, waddling your way with his arms stretched out like he couldn’t see.
Could it be..?
“Christopher?” You see his head perk up and he tries going faster, stumbling over his own feet. Your heart drops in relief and you gather your last strength to run to him, “Hey, you remember me right?” He nods and you note the missing glasses.
“There’s help, come on,” you point out but he doesn’t look happy. He looks almost angry, “Buck.” You had almost forgotten about the charming firefighter. But your priority right now was Christopher.
“We’re gonna find him. Let’s get you help first,” you say with fake enthusiasm in your voice. He doesn’t look okay with that but stays silent and you awkwardly wrap your arms around him after making sure he’s okay and lift him into your arms.
It’s hard to avoid any obstacles while walking but you manage, seeing the brown haired man from a few minutes ago still there.
“Hey! I need help! It’s a kid!” You yell.
He waves you over while walking towards you and as soon as you can actually see him you’re once again surprised. What was it with these firefighters and their good looks? Jesus.
When he’s close enough you nudge Christopher, “There’s help, he’s gonna make sure you’re okay,” you nod at the man and he stands still before running the last feet over to you, basically ripping the child from you.
“Chris!” He cries, clutching the kid with all his might. Oh, this must be his father.
You smile, relieved that they found each other. He looks up at you with gratitude, “Thank you so much. Thank you.” You just smile.
“He’s found us himself. I couldn’t find him after..” you don’t even know what happened- you just know you passed out and woke up alone. Sighing you rub your temples and shake your head.
“You should get checked out, too. You’re barely walking,” the medic (you guess) advises. You take in the people behind him, the full cots and stressed professionals. “I’m okay. There’s people that need more help,” you nod.
He frowns and shakes his head, “I could tell you at least two injuries of yours that need treatment. Come on.” He nods his head in the direction of one of the tents and you chuckle but follow him. At least you try to. Four more steps and your legs give out, you clutch a random person's arm to prevent your fall, mumbling a sorry when they just barely catch you.
The ringing in your ears is back and you groan when you’re laid on one of the cots, your back protesting painfully.
Your vision is blurry and you can’t understand what’s being said - what the hell was happening to you?
“Wait, she’s- she was with me and Chris.” Eddie looks up in confusion as he hooks you up to an IV, checking your pupils with a small torch. “What?”
Buck nods, “Yeah, she saved Chris and then me. When the last wave happened she was swept away- we were all swept away.”
Eddies brows furrow and she looks down at you, your hair a damp mess, clothes dirty and bloody. “She saved Chris?” His best friend nods and crouches down next to you - Eddie notes the pained groan he tries to conceal as he does so - extending a hand and awkwardly patting your shoulder.
“Will she be okay?”
Eddie's answer is interrupted when you open your eyes and wince at the lights surrounding the tent.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” Buck asks before Eddie can get a word out, and you almost faint again seeing these two fine men looking down at you with concern. Great first impression, you think.
“Feel like I was in a tsunami,” you grunt and both of them laugh a bit. A third voice pops up next to you, “We were in one, silly.” Leaning over your head and looking upside down at you was Christopher, a smile on his face.
You huff a laugh and hum, “You’re right. Smart boy.”
Eddie looks at Buck at the exchange and he just shrugs with a grin. Chris walks to Eddie and leans into his side, eyes still on you.
“Is there something on my face, or..?” You ask half joking as three pairs of eyes stay trained on you.
“Just beauty,” Buck grins and there’s a second of silence before Eddie gags and rolls his eyes, “That’s so creepy, díos.” You laugh as Buck tries defending himself, simply looking just as cute to you as earlier.
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remusluvr · 10 months
i've got soul but i'm not a soldier | remus lupin
summary: Remus can't stay away from you anymore. You can't either. content: fem reader, p in v, lovey-dovey ness, love confessions, mentions of eating (directed towards Remus, nothing bad though), unprotected sex, unedited note: based off this request
"Where are you going?"
He's laid out on your couch, face turned to the tv until you walk into the room. He looks comfortable and you wish you could change out of your dress into sweatpants and curl up with him. But you can't so you shake the thought off, finishing putting in your earrings.
"Out, Wyatt asked me on a date. We're going to that new restaurant downtown." He sits up on the couch, hands rubbing down the length of his thighs.
"Will you come back tonight?"
"Oh, uh, I'm not sure. You know I don't mind you staying here. Don't feel like you need to leave." He hums in response, eyeing you as you search for your purse and wallet. His arm is thrown around the back of the couch as he watches you in your pretty black dress and pretty shoes. The clacking against the floor warms his soul.
"I don't like Wyatt-"
You roll your eyes. You've already had this conversation - "It doesn't matter if you like Wyatt, Remus. I like him." and "Well, it should matter what your best friend thinks."
"-Why can't you just stay with me? Quality friend bonding. We can even watch that stupid movie you like."
"Hard offer to decline but I'm already running a little late so we'll have to put a pin in this conversation." Walking over to him, he leans his head back on the couch. You lean down and kiss his forehead, leaving a bit of your lipstick on the skin. Your thumb rubs it away. "I'll see you later."
And with that, you leave. It used to be easier to get you to cancel dates and stay with him the whole night. You used to jump at the opportunity but now it's like you're jumping away from him. Maybe you are, maybe you're tired of liking him as more than friends should like the other so you're putting a stop to it.
He's left all alone on your couch. Secretly, he hopes your date crashes and burns.
You laugh all the way through dinner and practically plan your second date right then and there. He's just the type of guy you like. Handsome, intelligent, tall, sweet.
And at the end of the night, Wyatt walks you to the door, kisses you on the cheek, and tells you he'll call. Remus sees this from his position on the balcony, cigarette held idly between his fingers. He also sees the way you deflate after he walks away. Was it not a good date? Did Wyatt treat you badly?
"Have fun?" he asks, walking back in through the screen door. You startle, clutching at your chest as you mess with the buckle on your shoes.
"I did. We had a good time."
Remus wants to scream. He wants to be the one taking you on a date so badly. Everything inside of him yells at him to grow a pair, to finally bite the bullet. But, he can't bring himself to risk your friendship. You mean too much to him.
His heart is weighed down. The last thing he wants is for you to get into a relationship. It'll ruin everything. He won't be able to stay over as much, won't be able to hold you when you're having a bad day, won't be able to do any of the things he loves doing with you.
Wyatt's good for you, he'll make you happy. It's what you keep telling yourself in your head. You hate that you can't get Remus out of your head.
Remus feels erratic like he's clutching at straws with you, trying to get you to like him back. And you feel crazy for even thinking of him as more than a friend. You feel like a bad friend.
"Do you need help with those?" he laughs, watching the way you're still struggling to get the clasp of your shoe undone. Laughing, you kick your foot out towards him and he joins you on the floor. His nimble fingers are a much better fit for the job than your shaky ones. His hands rub your foot before working on the other one.
How are you supposed to not love him?
You thank him with a kiss on the cheek. He swoons, making you giggle at him.
"You look very pretty," he whispers, helping you stand up. Your face grows hot at his compliment as you wave him off, trekking back to your bedroom to change into your pajamas and wash your face for the night. He follows you. "I mean it. Wyatt's a lucky guy."
You don't say anything as you get ready for bed. He loves this time of the night, loves how comfortable you feel with him. And he especially loves the way he can pretend you're his. The moment is so domestic that it makes him feel dizzy and when you crawl onto the bed beside him, he digs himself deeper into his hole.
"Did you eat?" you ask, getting comfortable under your blankets. He shakes his head and you scold him, "Remus. You need food. You're always such a grouch when you don't eat."
"I am not the grouch when I don't eat. You are," he bites back, fingers poking at your side. You take offense, sitting up to look at him better.
"Why must you be so mean to me?" you tease, fake-crying so he'll feel bad. It works as it always does, and he cradles you into his arms, hand stroking your hair.
He knows you're faking, anyone in their right mind would know you're faking but it gives him an excuse to touch you. And you like the way he gets so protective over you. Nothing could ever affect you in this moment. His heart twists and his mouth moves faster than he can think.
"I'm glad we know each other."
"You're such a sap," you giggle, pulling your face away from his chest.
"Only for you." His tongue darts out, wetting his lips as you settle yourself into his neck. Your breath tickles him but he doesn't mind. The moment is so delicate he's afraid any movement could shatter it. "I feel like I'm losing you."
"Why? Because I went on a date?"
"Kinda, Wyatt's going to take you from me. But, also just cause I feel like you have been acting differently toward me."
Remus is right. You have been acting sort of differently. You don't reach out to him much, he's usually the one that just shows up on your doorstep.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to." You do mean to. It's easier to get over your feelings for someone if you have less contact with them. Maybe it doesn't exactly work if when you are with that person you act like this. All cuddly and wanting for him.
Wyatt was supposed to be a new start. He was a boy that actually liked you and that wanted to be with you. He was kind and loved to hear you ramble. He was respectful and handsome. You should like Wyatt, but you can't get Remus out of your head. You never have been and you never will, you fear.
"(Y/N)?" he asks after you've grown quiet for longer than usual. You hum. He tries to calm the shake in his body. "Please don't see him again."
"What?" you ask, sitting up, still in his lap.
"Please don't go on another date with him." He knows he sounds pathetic, begging for you, but he can't help it.
"Remus, why?" His hair is messy and he looks adorable.
"I can't see you with him. You shouldn't be with him. He's not right for you and I think you know that." You do know that. He swallows his fear as he continues on, "It's not fair that I can't have you. You mean everything to me and I can't see you with him. It hurts too much."
You're silent and his brain is screaming at him. His face is on fire as you look at him. He's an idiot. Why did he say anything? His throat burns with the threat of incoming tears and he swallows hard, pushing them away.
"I won't see him again." The look on his face melts you. It's one of confusion mixed with relief. You lean forward to ease his confusion, pressing your lips to his. He takes you willingly, hands holding your face. You whine when he pulls away first, chasing after his lips as he catches his breath.
You have a stupid smile on your face. He mirrors your expression as his head tips back against your headboard.
"You look pretty," you whisper, kissing at the exposed skin of his neck. His hands have a firm grip on your hips. You smile against his skin when he whimpers at your nibbling. "So, so pretty."
"Y-you should look at yourself," he whispers back, eyes shut as you kiss behind his ear. He can't believe his luck. He has the girl he's wanted since school in his lap, calling him pretty and biting at his ear. He must've died and gone to heaven for this to be happening.
"I wish you had said something sooner. Or I wish I had told you. Never would've even thought about another guy."
Yeah, he has to be dead.
"Lily's been nagging me to just tell you. She doesn't like Wyatt either," you mumble, enjoying the way he's so intoxicated on you. He likes your boldness. It doesn't happen often but the rush from your love confessions must have you giddy. You press kisses along his jawline, stopping at his lips. "You mean so much to me, was just scared that you'd freak out and leave me, y'know."
"Yeah, I get that," he sighs, deepening the kiss. His hand holds the back of your head to keep your face to his. It makes you feel shy. You know the perfect way to really kill him but you've never seen Remus in this light before and the knowledge of that strikes you down. He's left to be the bolder one, flipping you over and pressing you against your pillows.
You're panting into his mouth and he's loving every single second of it. He loves to be in control, loves having you yearning for more underneath him. Any composure he thought he had is gone when you pant out, "All I could think about on my date was hoping you were here when I got back."
He moans into your mouth, pulling away to rest his forehead against yours. He's a goner. And despite the fact that he wants to do this right, he can't stop imagining what it would be like to fuck you. He can't though, not yet. He's got one chance and he won't fuck it up.
"You're making this very hard, sweetheart." He knows exactly what he'll do. He'll start with a nice date to a restaurant of your choice, maybe a walk or a drive after to somewhere with a nice view where he will kiss you chastely, and then when you return to either one of your apartments (yours preferably, he's been having a pest problem. the pests being James and Sirius) where he'll fuck you, like a gentleman.
"This?" you ask, voice smooth and sultry as your hand reaches down, palming him over his sweatpants. His plan flies out the window. Your fingers dip into the waistline of his pants, pulling lightly. "Want them off."
"Needy girl," he chastises as though he isn't already on the brink of cumming in his pants. He moves off the bed, removing his pants and boxers before laying back down, allowing you to crawl back over to him, hand wrapping around his cock.
He's definitely died.
You're glad that you don't have any roommates right now with how loud Remus is being. You love it. These are the only sounds you want to hear for the rest of your life. He hates that all the focus is on him.
He reaches out, pulling at the bottom of your shirt. You relent, releasing Remus from your grip to pull your shirt over your head. He sucks in a breath at the lacy bra you're wearing. You must have kept it on after your date.
A tinge of jealousy rushes through his veins at the thought of you wearing it for someone else. It quickly simmers out once he remembers that you're all his now. He smiles, pulling you to sit on his lap again.
"Rem," you sigh when he pulls the cups of your bra down, leaning in to pull one of your nipples between his teeth. He loves the squeak he gets out of you and the way you grind your hips down onto him. "Don't tease me, please."
"You make me so happy." He doesn't know where all this gooeyness is coming from. He's always felt it but the fact that he can say it aloud now has him keening. He watches the flush take over your cheeks as his hands settle on your hips, helping you move against him.
There are a lot of things Remus wants to do to you. He's glad that he has so much time to do them all with you.
It's difficult to focus when you can feel him underneath you. You're so wet that you're sure he'd be able to just slip right inside you, no prep needed. You test your luck, pushing your underwear to the side and guiding him with your hand.
"Oh my fucking god," he whines when you sink down on him. He holds you down, not letting you move. You lean forward, pressing kisses on his face. It's not helping. He needs to cum so bad and the feel of your wet cunt has only increased that feeling by tenfold.
"Let me move, I wanna make you feel good." It takes him a moment but he lets you take the lead, letting his head drop back against the headboard as he watches you. He can never go back to how you were before. He needs this at every moment of every day. "A-ah, you're so big."
"Doing s-such a good job, bunny." That's a new nickname. You like it. You wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face in his neck as you fuck yourself back on him. His hands grip your ass, spreading you open so you can really feel all of him. "So, so perfect for me."
He feels your lips pecking at his neck again and his arms wrap around you, taking complete control as he bounces you down on him. You don't have any time to warn him that you're about to cum before you're cumming. It pushes him right over the edge and he cums inside of you.
"Shit," he groans when he can think again. You're putty in his hands, letting his limp cock rest inside of you, no want to move any time soon. He pushes your face up with a few fingers at your chin. Your eyes are so heavy that they're barely open. He's proud of himself. "I'm sorry, baby."
"What?" you worry, eyes flying open. Did he think this was a mistake? Were you only a fuck to him? You can't go back now, not when you know how good he fucks you.
"I didn't mean to finish inside." Your heart rate returns to normal and you drop back down onto his shoulder, shrugging. You like it. His brain is spinning. His hands rub soothing circles on your back before he's working you off of him, cooing when you hiss at the overstimulation of him pulling out.
"Love you, Rem," you mumble as he helps you get comfortable in bed. He can't resist pressing a kiss to your forehead before reaching over and turning your lamp off.
"Love you too."
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mafiadad5 · 4 months
Drunken Thoughts
Tumblr media
Genre- smut (mdni), friends to lovers
Haechan x fem!reader
Warnings- drinking, slight degradation, protected, 18+, slight choking, a lot of tension hehe
Word count- 3.3k+
Summary- You and your friend group decides to play a new and risky drinking game, but it only becomes risky for you and Haechan.
note- no proof read hehe, hope you like🩷
You found yourself spending another Friday night at Haechans apartment, sitting on the floor, back resting on the couch as you and the guys played card games. "Oh guys,"
Jaemin said, shooting haechan a quick glance, a small smirk appearing on his face as he got up from the floor, getting a small box from the counter.
"I got us a new game to play." He smiled.
You looked over at Haechan, a small snarky grin on his face as he looked up at Jaemin.
"Excited and exhausted?" Jeno questioned, a smile appearing on his face as he looked around at you all.
"I don't think this is a good idea." Renjun said, an awkward smile appearing on his face as Jaemin took the cards out the box.
"Come on guys, we can just do the blue cards." Jaemin smiled.
"I'm down." Jeno smiled, looking at the rest of you for reassurance.
"Haechan?" Jaemin smiled brightly, looking over to Haechan. He gave a quick nod, his arm resting on his knees, his legs spread open, back resting on the couch like yours.
"Y/n?" Jaemins attention geared towards you with that same big smile. Haechan turned his head to you, everyone was looking at you, but his eyes burned into you like nobody else's.
"Whatever Jaemin." You smiled, rolling your eyes playfully, causing a bigger smile out of him before he turned to Renjun.
You all paused, looking at him as he stayed quiet, biting his lip. "Fine, but I'm not kissing anyone." Jaemin smiled widely, getting up and going into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of vodka and shot glasses. He sat back down, handing all of you a glass.
"I'll go first." Jaemin said, picking up a blue card and reading it out.
"Drink if you're the best kisser— well bottoms up!"
"Jaemin put that glass down." You said, laughing as the others joined you. "Do you wanna find out Y/n?" He said smiling, before taking a shot, winking at you before laughing.
Haechan was next, picking a card before looking at you, then the others. "French kiss your partner." He said, picking up the vodka from the middle of the circle, and pouring him a shot.
"Wait, you could do it to Y/n." Jaemin suggested, looking at you, then at him with a smile. "We're too tipsy for that." You said, taking a sip of the beer that sat beside you. "Oh come on, it'll be nothing." Jaemin said. "I think 10 seconds would be good?" You turned to Renjun, a smile appearing on his face as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Or would you rather do it with me?" Jeno spoke, perking his lips jokingly as he looked at you. "I'm not that tipsy." You laughed, turning to look at Haechan as he looked at Jeno, the shot glass in his hand. "I'm just saying if it was me, I would get on his lap and kiss him dirty."
"Jaemin." You said, Renjun and Jeno laughing as you gave him a side glance. Haechan turned to you, looking as you took another sip of the beer, raising his eyebrow in question, setting down the shot glass.
"Whatever." You said, taking another sip, but was interrupted by Haechan grabbing the bottle out of your hand, sitting it beside him.
He looked at you, placing his hand on the side of your head, pulling you closer to him. Your foreheads touched as he looked down at your lips, sending butterflies to your stomach as his nose brushed against yours. His breath had a slight scent of alcohol as the space between the two of you left you breathless. Everything was quiet and all you could see was him, all you could feel was him, his hand resting on your face, the other on your thigh. You had no other choice but to look at his lips, his pink, parted lips. Anticipation seeped into your brain, the only thing you wanted to feel was his lips on yours. He smirked, backing away from you, taking a shot.
The boys looked at you, then him, then back at you again, a shocked expression on their face as Haechan nonchalantly looked forward. You were as shocked as them honestly, staring silently into space—
"Uhhh... okay well let's move on." Jaemin said, breaking the awkwardness with a forced smile.
An hour or so passed and you all were filled with laughs, and intoxicated conversations, still playing the game unfortunately.
"Haechan I dare you to pick a red card." Jaemin sloppily said, smiling as he looked at him. Haechan nodded, unhesitatingly picking up a red card. He read it in his head, pausing for a minute and looking up at Jaemin as everyone sat there impatiently waiting for him to read it out loud.
"Tell your partner your sexual fantasy." Everyone paused, turning to you in silence as you looked blankly back at them.
"Go ahead." You said, rolling your eyes and shaking your head, leaning closer to Haechan.
"And you have to take 2 shots if you react." Renjun said, nervously grinning as you shot him a glance.
"It's not even my turn, but I'm facing the punishment— just go ahead and tell me Haechan."
He took no time grabbing the side of your face again, pulling your ear to his mouth. "You ready?" He hummed, the vibrations of his words sending shivers down your spine.
Everyone was quiet, trying to make out the words he was saying to you, staring at you as your eyes skimmed the room, then stopped, opening slightly in shock as he started speaking: "My fantasy is to fuck you on this couch right now, while everyone is watching you beg and scream for me. I want to shove my fingers into you as you clench around me. And god, how bad I want to taste you, your lips, your juices, all of you. That's what I want." He backed away from your ear, looking at you with a smirk before chuckling at your expression.
Everyone looked at you, waiting for you to say something, but you were at a loss for words, the image of him doing all of that to you appearing in your head making your legs go almost numb.
"Well— good luck with that Haechan." You forced a smile, leaning back on the couch, taking a shot anyways even though you won the challenge.
30 minutes later, you were on another game, but the drinking never stopped. Jaemin's words were slurring, Renjun was a laughing mess, Jeno was laid on the floor passed out cold, and you and Haechan were the only ones who were even in your right mind, at least you thought so, but you guys were fucked up too.
"I'm gonna go get some water guys, be right back." You said, getting up from the floor.
"Please bring me a cup too before I pass out like Jeno." Renjun laughed. You looked at Haechan, his eyes burning into yours as you walked past him, making your way to the kitchen.
It was pretty dark, the only thing that was lighting up the kitchen were some white led lights under the island, and the stove light. One thing you loved about Haechan was that he was very clean and organized, so you didn't have to even turn the light on to locate anything. You walked over to the cabinet grabbing two cups, setting them on the counter.
"Do you need any help?"
You jumped in shock, turning around to see Haechan standing there, his sweatpants hanging lowly on his hips, white shirt messily sitting on his torso.
"You almost gave me a heart attack— I've been here more times than I can count, I don't need help getting water."
"You've been here a lot, but you've never been in my bed. Why is that pretty girl?" He moved closer into the kitchen, you felt his presence close to yours as you filled up one cup of water.
"I've never been invited to your bed Haechan, that's why." You slyly replied to him, filling up the other glass of water, grabbing both of the cups. You turned around, only for him to be standing in front of you, taking the cups out of your hands and setting them down on the counter behind you.
"Would you like to go to my bed Y/n?"
His eyes look deeply into yours, his hands resting on the counter beside each side of your body, trapping you.
"I think you need to go to your bed and sleep, by yourself— all this drinking has you talking crazy."
He raised his eyebrows at the comment, smirking slowly as he leaned closer to you, his body pressed against yours, the scent of alcohol on his lips basically pulled you into a kiss without his lips even touching yours.
"I'm not talking crazy baby, I'm fully aware of what's going on." He looked down at your lips, smirking as his mouth hovered over yours.
At this point you were just about to pull him in. You just wanted to glide your fingers through his hair, feel his body against yours.
"But if you insist, I'll go to sleep." He backed away from you, his scent still lingering around you as he walked out the kitchen to go to his room.
You sighed grabbing the cups of water and bringing them to the living room. You wanted to think that all of his words, all of his actions were drunken thoughts, but something deep down inside you knew he was being honest about what he wanted.
You didn't think you were in the kitchen that long, but maybe you were the way Jaemin was laid on the floor beside Jeno passed out, Renjun laying on the couch, numbly looking up at the ceiling. You sat his cup of water on the coffee table, sitting beside him, taking a sip of water. You sat in silence with Renjun for a second, thinking about if you wanted to go to Haechans room or not. You wanted it, you wanted it more than anything, but you didn't want to do anything you would regret.
"Where's Haechan?" You were knocked out of your thoughts by Renjuns voice.
"Oh, he's in his room." You said, looking over to Renjun as he laughed tiredly.
"I hope he's okay." You sat still for a moment, second guessing your decision.
"I'll go check on him, get some rest Renjunnie." He smiled in response, closing his eyes slowly.
You hesitated once more, but found yourself creeping down the dark hallway, making your way to his room.
You knocked on his door, stepping back as he stayed silent.
"I know you're up just let me in." It was silent again before you heard the door knob rattling, Haechans head peeking as he cracked the door open.
"What." His voice was deep as he replied curtly.
"Can I come in?"
"No." He said quickly, trying to shut the door, but you stopped it from shutting.
"Please Haechan." You said softly, causing a sigh to release from Haechan as he opened the door.
You stepped in, looking at him through the dim desk light that sat on his desk, his shirt now off as he stood in front of you.
"What do you want?"
"I just want to talk to you." You said, inching closer to him as he looked at you with a smug expression.
You looked at him for a second, then turned around to shut the door, locking it. Before you could even turn around fully he was in front of you, his hand beside your head, pinning you to the door. His eyes were eager as you looked down, examining his body.
"What— do you want to fuck me all of a sudden?" That same sinister smirk crept on his face as his dark eyes looked into yours. You were tired of his constant teasing, you wanted him to feel what you felt.
"You're talking crazy again." You cupped his face as you gave him a small smile.
"Am I?" He said as you nodded, his eyes filling with desperation as your fingers slid down his face, tracing his lips with your thumb.
"Am I talking crazy when I say I want to fuck you like a little slut?" He smiled, looking at you with a smirk. You looked at his neck as your fingers slid down his jaw, making your way to his collar bone.
“Let me show you how crazy I am.”
You hummed, grabbing the strings on his sweatpants, pulling him closer to you. His breathing got heavier as your hand brushed over his bulge. Your faces were less than an inch away, his lips almost touching yours as he looked at your lips, then your eyes.
“Stop playing with me— just let me.” His desperation grew as your lips dusted over his softly. Your moved your mouth down to his neck, placing soft, teasing kisses on his skin, your breath tickling his skin making him go almost insane.
“Y/n, please.”
He said in a desperate breathy moan. You looked back up at him, a smirk on your face as he looked at you with sparkling eyes.
“Be quiet, you don’t want to let your friends know how much of a desperate whore you are.”
He looked at you with a smirk on his face, no one has even tried to talk to down on him like this, and it sent him even more over the edge.
He was tired of waiting, he couldn’t wait anymore, he needed to taste you, he needed to be inside of you, he wanted to show you that he could please you the way you deserved.
He grabbed your waist pushing you onto the door, locking you in place with his legs, his lips smashing into yours. You were taken aback by the sudden move, but god he tasted so sweet, all you could do was melt into him. He subtly stuck his tongue into your mouth, pushing his body more and more onto you making you even more turned on as you felt his dick twitch on your leg as he rubbed against you. His hand slid up your body as he made his way up to your neck, holding your chin up to look at him.
“Look at you, so pretty. I’m gonna take good care of you don’t worry.”
He said looking at you, placing another messy kiss on your lips. He grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the door straight to his bed, laying you on your back. He got on top of you, sliding your pants and underwear down as he slowly kissed and sucked on your neck. He got up, pulling down his pants, grabbing a condom from his nightstand before getting back on top of you.
“Open your legs for me.”
He said softly, looking at you in the eyes as he ripped the condom open with his teeth, rolling it on himself. He positioned his tip at your entrance, looking at you for any discomfort before pushing himself into you. He let out a soft moan, looking down, then up at your face, his fluttering eyes looking into yours.
“You take me so well.” He said with a smirk before pushing deeper into you, causing a moan out of both of you. He started to pick up his speed, louder moans coming out of you as he pushed himself in deeper.
“Fuck you feel so good Y/n.”
He lowered his head into your neck, letting out breathy whimpers into your skin sending shivers down your spine. Your hands found their way to Haechans hair, tugging softly as he thrusted into you faster. You tried to stay as quiet as you could, but he felt so good inside of you so you couldn’t help but to moan and cry out.
“Does this feel good baby? Tell me how good it feels.” He thrusted harder and harder, letting out broken words and whimpers.
“It feels so good Haechan, please don’t stop it feels good.” You quivered under his touch, the way he felt, the way he cursed into your neck, it made you weak and drove you over the edge.
“Yeah?” He said teasingly, looking you in the eyes, thrusting harder. His eyes sparkled with lust as you gasped from the sudden tension of his skin thrashing against yours. “What about this?” He moved his hand down to your clit, rubbing circles around the sensitive bud with his thumb, causing a loud moan to escape your mouth.
“Haechan.” You stuttered, tightening your stomach, causing him to curse in response.
“Be quiet, you don’t want your friends knowing how much of a slut you are— or do I need to shut you up?”
He grabbed your neck, looking at you as you squirmed under his touch. He tried to sound intimidating, but failed as you clenched around him, causing him to let out little whined moans.
You both failed to stay even a little quiet from how you both made each other feel, it was like you were hooked to each other and couldn’t stop, plus Haechans moans turned you on more then you would like to admit.
“Fuck I’m about to cum.” Haechan whimpered out. His skin flushed with pleasure as he sunk inside you as deep as he could. “Me too.” You cried out, clenching even harder around him as he hit your g-spot.
He gasped from the action, letting out shameless moans. He rested his head on your neck again, feeling too weak from the pleasure to keep his head up.
“Fuck, keep doing that Y/n, please don’t stop baby, please.” He begged, as you tightened yourself around him, creating an unbearable tension around his dick that made him cry into your neck.
You tugged on his hair as your legs started to shake violently, making you feel a shiver in your whole entire body.
“Fuck I’m cumming.”
He whimpered out, gripping the sheets beside your head, giving one more thrust before he stopped. You both took a few deep breaths, Haechan lifting up his head to look you in your eyes. He exited out of you and kissed your forehead, laying beside you.
“So who’s going to go into the hallways to see if they heard everything.” He said in a tired, but lighthearted voice. You looked at him with a tired smile, getting up and going to his bathroom, him following behind you like a stray dog.
The night went on and so did the sex, you went on for more rounds, exploring each other’s bodies till morning. By the time you both woke up it was 1 pm the next day, and you prayed that your friends were no longer there or that they would pretend that nothing happened and you didn’t have to deal with the teasing and jokes, but of course as soon as you and Haechan left the room that’s all you heard.
“Good afternoon love birds.” Jaemin smiled, looking at you and Haechan appear in the living room.
“We didn’t even do anything.” You rolled your eyes, sitting on the couch beside Renjun.
“Liar.” Jeno said quietly, clearing his throat causing Renjun to give him a stern glance.
“How would you know.” Haechan said, giving you a side glance before sitting beside you. Jeno pointed to a hickey on your neck, causing a small laugh out of Renjun.
“Plus, Renjun told us he heard you last night.” You turned to Renjun, a forced shock expression appearing on his face as he looked at Jaemin.
“Y/n, you know I’m a light sleeper when I’m drunk, and yall were being so loud.” Renjun whined, looking at you with a sorry expression.
“It’s ok Renjun— we’re still just friends so it doesn’t matter.” You laughed, laying on Renjuns shoulder, looking at Haechan for input on the comment.
“Yea just Drunken thoughts.” Haechan giggled, looking at you back.
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lendeah · 5 months
Thank you very much, Gale. Goodnight.
Pairing: Gale x Fem!Reader/Tav
Upon reaching the Last Light Inn, your party is informed about the room arrangements: you will have to share rooms in pairs. Fate has it that you find yourself paired with a particularly charming wizard. To add a twist, there's only one bed. or Gale and Tav relive the "there was only one bed" trope.
Tags: Fluff and smut. They are so cute.
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: NSFW (minors dni), thighs, frottage, heavy petting, mutual masturbation, touch starved Gale.
Note: This was going to be a prompt but it got out of hand. Anyway, a small gift for the Gale girlies (me, I am the Gale girlies). Also, not proofread and english isn't my first language, so be gentle!🫶🏻
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"You will have to share rooms in pairs" Yaheira had deadpanned. After our long journey, we finally reached the Last Light Inn. We were hoping for a comfortable bed and some privacy, but our hopes were crushed.
Yaheira didn't seem fazed by our reactions, her expression remaining stoic.
"After all the blood, sweat and tears we poured into saving you lot back there this is the beautiful appreciation we get in return?" Astarion exclaimed dramatically, his tone laced with sarcasm.
Yaheira's cold stare silenced him. "Many soldiers are residing here, sacrificing their own comfort for our cause. Four of them have given up their bedchambers for your stay. You should be grateful," she reprimanded sharply.
The creaky wooden floors and musty smell hinted at the age of the building, but it was a small price to pay for a warm bed and shelter from the danger of the shadows outside. The group stood in a huddle, debating their next move. Wyll's voice rang out confidently "I propose we stay at the camp like we have been doing.".
Karlach's response was immediate and determined: "What, and die in the shadows? No, thank you."
You let out a frustrated sigh, feeling about to faint from weariness. "Guys, we're all exhausted. We should just accept the offer and get some rest. We practically sleep on top of each other every other day anyway."
"Yeah, but not on the same bed." Shadowheart chimed, giving Lae'zel a sly side glance. "And how would we determine who sleeps with whom, anyway?"
Gale, the ever-practical one, interjected: "Perhaps we could employ a method of chance, such as drawing straws, in order to make a resolution?"
So that's how Gale and you end up entering the old dusty and messy bedroom from the last Light Inn. The single bed in the middle seems to be laughing at us.
Gale sighs. "I knew sharing rooms wasn't a good idea. I should just crawl under the bed." He scans the room, eyes coming to rest on the window, with the dark sky looming outside. "I could sleep out there too." He pauses. "The prospect of such a cozy rest is indeed quite alluring. The brisk gusts brushing against my face, as I gaze upwards towards the unobstructed expanse of the starry heavens. Delightful, wouldn't you agree?"
He moves to get out of the door, but you grab his arm, your voice pleading, tinged with desperation from the exhaustion. "Please, Gale, I know it's uncomfortable, but can we just please do this tonight and figure out a better plan tomorrow?"
He swallows, glancing down at your fingers wrapped around his arms. "I-I don't think you realize just how difficult it'll be for me. This bed's too small, and it's too close, and—I can't."
I look at him with my eyes narrowed "If you don't get on the bed in the next five minutes, I am going to use my maze on you. And let me tell you, it hurts"
He looks at me dumbfounded ."...You wouldn't?" You give him a pointed stare. Of course, you don't mean to hurt him, but you are too tired to fight or move for that matter.
He swallows, looking you up and down again. Then he nods and turns toward the bed. "Uh, fine. I guess I'll, uh, get on the bed. However, I cannot guarantee that any peculiar occurrences will not transpire. I mean, not that I expect anything weird to happen. Just, you know, putting it out there. Okay, I'll stop talking now."
Your roll your eyes fondly at his rambling. As Gale awkwardly settles onto the edge of the bed, you quickly change into your undergarments and crawl into the other side. The bed creaks under both of your weight, making Gale flinch. The space feels narrow, forcing you close together. There's barely an inch in between, and any movement sends you brushing up against him. You can feel his body heat radiating off him, a little toasty.
"The dimensions of this bed are rather diminutive," he whispers, staring up at the ceiling under the blanket, unable to make eye contact with you.
"Aren't you sharp" you whisper teasingly.
"It's... it's tiny! How do you expect two fully-grown individuals to successfully sleep in this thing?" He says in an exasperated whisper. It is small, though. Feels like I'm being wrapped in a blanket... Except the blanket is another person.
I sigh in exhasperation, "Gale I am trying to sleep for god's sake!"
Gale shifts uncomfortably, trying to make himself as small as possible on the narrow bed. "I apologize, I didn't mean to disturb your slumber. I just...I can't get comfortable in such confined space."
You let out another sigh, feeling a little bad for him. "I'm sorry. This isn't your fault, but is it possible that we exchange our positions? I don't mean to inconvenience you, but I feel like I can't relax like this. I can sleep on the edge of the bed, and you can sleep in the middle."
You look at him, one second away from grabbing your maze for real. "Gale, there is no middle, every part of this damned bed is the edge!"
Gale, is still fidgeting on his side.
"This is ridiculous," you mutter under your breath.
"I know," he responds quietly. "I'm sorry." He bites his lip, looking up at the ceiling again. "It seems as though you are now stuck with me as your blanket," he says, turning his head in your direction. "I hope this arrangement does not cause any discomfort for you... I would not want to impede upon your sleep."
At that, you can’t help but smile fondly back at him "It could be worse," you remark softly. "I could be stuck with Halsin and his incessant snores."
"Halsin snores?" He blinks in genuine surprise. "I never would have guessed. Is it disruptive? Like a storm tearing through the night?"
You roll your eyes. "You wouldn't know, you sleep like a rock all night." Your words are playful, as you nudge him lightly with your elbow.
"I do not! I am an extremely light sleeper, in fact, the slightest noise can jolt me from my slumber. It's quite a remarkable feat, really." His brow furrows. "Wait, does this imply that you have observed me in my sleep?" He blurts out. He is now on his side too, both of us facing each other.
A soft chuckle escapes from your lips, banishing all thoughts of sleep. "Yeah," you remarked with a playful smile, "I must say, you look really cute when you're sleeping."
The moonlight streaming in through the window cast a gentle glow on Gale's face, making your heart swell with affection. His tousled hair and big brown eyes look even softer in this ambience.
His mouth drops open, his eyebrows now shooting up to his hairline. "I do not look cute while I sleep!"
"So cute, with your cheeks all puffed," you say, reaching out to pinch his cheek playfully.
Gale's face flushes a bright red and he turns away, trying to hide his embarrassment.
"I—I'm not cute when I sleep," he whispers." I am powerful! A talented wizard, a master of magic. I do not need to be "cute". And I'm not!" But as he protests, you can't help but notice the way his cheeks flush and how his hair sticks up in all directions, making him look endearingly disheveled. You can't resist the temptation and reach over to tickle his middle. "Cutie!"
"I am not!" he protests, giggling as you tickle him. "Stop it! You're making me... gahahaha!" His laughter bubbles out of him despite his attempts to hold it in.
You laugh too, enjoying the sound of his laughter. "See? Cute."
"I'm not cute!" he gasps out between laughs. "I'm... hahaha... I'm powerful!" He tries to sit up, but you pin him down with your hand on his chest. "You are cute, Gale. And you're adorable when you laugh," you say, looking into his eyes. He looks at you, his cheeks still flushed with laughter and embarrassment. For a moment, the two of you just stare at each other before Gale clears his throat and lays on his side again.
"Gale?" I call out softly, hoping to break the silence.
"Yes...?"His voice is barely audible.
Smirking mischievously, you decide to push his buttons a little more.
"You know, I have trouble falling asleep unless I'm cuddled up next to someone." you whisper
He flinches. It takes a moment for your request to fully register, and he stares at you with a mixture of shock and confusion.
"...Are you serious? You want me to cuddle you?"
You nod eagerly, a hopeful smile playing on your lips. "Usually it would be Shadowheart offering, but she's not here right now."
"You want—me, to wrap my arms around you, to..."
His eyes narrow. "Am I hearing you right? You're asking me, to hold you?"
You roll my eyes "Yes Gale, that is usually how cuddling works."
Gale looks at you, taken aback by your request. His face flushes with embarrassment as he considers your words. "Um...I-I'm not entirely certain if that would be a prudent course of action," he stammers out, looking away from you.
"Forget it," Frustration wells up inside of you and you let out a low grunt before turning away to face the opposite side of the room.
"Er- I mean, wait, that wasn't a rejection... " He scoots closer, careful not to touch you. You turn yourself, so you are looking at him again. He looks down at you with a nervous expression. "So if I were to, hypothetically speaking, encircle my arms around your form, you wouldn't object?"
For some reason, your heart skips a beat at the thought of his arms around you.
"Well," you respond playfully. "I would probably say something along the lines of 'thank you very much Gale, goodnight'."
He hesitates for a moment before finally inching closer, his arm hovering uncertainly in the air. With a deep breath, he takes the plunge and wraps his arm around you, pulling you gently against his chest. You let out a surprised gasp, not expecting him to actually cuddle you, but the warmth and comfort that radiate from him are welcome in the cold room. You nestle into his embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart against your ear and inhaling the intoxicating combination of an old book's musty pages and his rich cologne, laced with a subtle hint of sweat. You wrap your arms tighter around his soft body, savoring the feeling of being held in his strong embrace.
"Thank you, Gale" you whisper, intertwining your fingers behind his back. "Goodnight."
As the exhaustion of your journey settles over you, you feel the familiar pull of sleep in your body. However, the moment is disturbed by the feeling of something hard poking your stomach. Your eyes snap open and meet Gale's, who stands there frozen with shock and embarrassment.
"I... I'm sorry," he stammers out, mortified. "I didn't mean for that to happen. It's just been so long and you are so close and..."
Your bodies are still pressend, and you try to make sense of everything. Finally, you laugh softly and pat his arm reassuringly. "It's okay, Gale. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." you say reassuringly, though you can feel a blush creeping up your cheeks.
"But... but I didn't mean for this to happen," he repeats, still clearly flustered.
"It's natural," you say calmly, trying to put him at ease. "It happens sometimes when people get close like this."
Gale nods slowly, still looking a little uncertain. He shifts slightly so that the bulge isn't pressing against your body as much anymore. "Thank you for understanding," he says quietly. Your heart swells with affection as you watch him; there is something endearing about his vulnerability in this moment. You have an overwhelming urge to pull him close, to shield him from any harm and take care of him.
A twinge of guilt tugs at your conscience as you watch the flush rise in his cheeks, a direct result of your teasing. You chew on your lip for a moment before an idea strikes you. "Do you... want me to lend a hand?" You offer tentatively, gazing up at him with soft eyes and a gentle tone. His big brown orbs widen in surprise at your unexpected offer. You are also taken aback by your own words, but don't take them back.
He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. You can see the struggle in his expression as he tries to process what you just said.
"I mean, it's completely up to you," you quickly add, not wanting to pressure him into anything. "I just thought maybe it would help alleviate some of your... discomfort."
He takes a deep breath and looks away from you, clearly embarrassed. Gale hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly. "Okay," his voice barely above a whisper.
Your heart races at his acceptance. You were not expecting him to actually agree to your offer, but you are weirdly glad he did. "Okay," you repeat softly, moving your hand down to his waist and pulling him closer. You slowly reach down between both your bodies, gently taking hold of his erection through his pants. Gale gasps softly as your fingers brush against him, sending shivers down his spine. You can feel his breath hitch in anticipation as you start to move your hand up and down. As you gaze up at him, his arms still holding your body, a deep stirring awakens within you. The wizard before you, with his eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, is more attractive than you had ever realized. His tanned skin is like velvet against your fingertips, and his long hair falls over his face in gentle waves. Each reaction to your caress, every soft moan that escapes his lips, only adds fuel to the fire growing inside of you. Looking so eager for your touch.
Without hesitation, you lean forward and capture his lips in a gentle kiss. To your surprise, he responds enthusiastically, his hands moving to rest on your face as he pulls you closer to him. You deepen the kiss, your heart racing at the feeling of his warm lips against yours and the subtle tickle of his beard on your cheeks. As you continue to kiss, your hands never stops the gentle strokes on his erection. Gale's moans are becoming louder and more urgent. You can feel his need growing as he grinds against your hand, seeking more friction.
"L-let me touch you" he says between ragged breaths.
You smile at him, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the effect you're having.
"I have a better idea," you say softly, moving your hand away from his erection. You take off your panties, and move on your side in front of him again. Gale lets out a small gasp as you straddle him, feeling the heat of his arousal pressed against your bare thighs.
"What are you doing?" he asks, his voice thick with both curiosity and lust.
A mischievous grin plays on your lips. "I'm going to give you something even better than my hand to relieve yourself," you purr, swaying your hips in demonstration in a slow, enticing rhythm, that elicits a delicious friction between his cock and the warm heat of your thighs and cunt.
You take one of his hands and guide it to your breast, letting him feel its softness and moaning quietly at the touch. Gale's eyes widen in surprise, gently squeezing it but with his eyes fixed on yours.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, reaching up to touch your face with his free hand.
"Thank you, so are you," you reply, leaning down to capture his lips in another tender kiss. He seems to find your praise very arousing, as his breathing quickens and he thrusts his hips upward, seeking more contact with your body. In response, you arch your back and press your chest against him, savoring the feel of his erection against your core and thighs.
"I want you so much," he murmurs, his voice rough with desire. "I've been dreaming of this moment for so long but I never- I didn’t think-“ he gasps at a particularly good thrust.
You're not sure how to answer, so instead you keep whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "You're an amazing kisser, Gale," you say, "you touch me so good..."
He moans in your mouth, gripping your hips harder as he keeps pounding erratically. Your hands move to his hair, pulling from the strands and eliciting a small whine from his throat. You can feel the hardness of his erection brushing against your wet folds with every movement, and it sends shivers of pleasure down your spine. You let out a moan into his lips as his fingers find their way to your clit, rubbing small circles that send sparks of pleasure throughout your body. Feeling his arousal growing even more, you know he won't last much longer, so you move your hips in a faster rhythm, grinding against his cock with more urgency.
Gale lets out a low growl, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he matches your movements. The friction between your bodies is almost unbearable, but in the most delicious way possible. As you continue to move together, your breaths growing heavier and more ragged, you can feel the familiar sensation of your orgasm building within you too. Gale seems to be close as well, as he begins to thrust deeper and harder into your thighs, his breath hot and ragged against your neck. You can hear the slap of skin and the squelching sound of your now wet thighs.
"Oh, gods," he gasps out, feeling himself getting closer and closer to the edge. "I'm gonna..."
His body suddenly tenses up as he comes undone, his hips bucking wildly as he spills himself into the soft skin. For several moments, Gale lies there panting and gasping for breath.
"Oh, gods," he gasps out. "That was...amazing."
You lean and press a gentle kiss to his lips, smiling at him as you do.
"I'm glad it brought you pleasure," you whisper softly, running your fingers through his hair.
Suddenly, his skilled fingers find their way back to your core. He seems to sense that you didn't reach climax with him earlier and now he's determined to make sure you do. His touch is intense as he circles and rubs against your clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You let out a moan, arching your back and grinding against his hand. He watches you with intense desire in his eyes as he continues to pleasure you.
"Gods, you're so beautiful," he murmurs, his voice husky with lust. "I am not going to be able to forget this."
His words only fuel your desire even more, and you can feel yourself getting closer to the edge once again. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you ride the waves of pleasure, your hips moving in sync with his fingers.
"I want to make you feel good," Gale says breathlessly, kissing along your neck and collarbone. "Tell me what feels good."
You guide his hand lower, signaling for him to enter you with his fingers. He complies eagerly, sliding two fingers inside of you and curling them just right to hit that perfect spot. You cry out in pleasure, your walls clenching around him. You know you are not going to last long, still sensitive from the previous ministrations.
"Thank the heavens and hells," Gale groans, looking at me like I am a work of art. Setting a steady pace with his fingers, he kisses down your chest and takes one nipple into his mouth. The combination of sensations has you teetering on the edge once again.
"I-I'm close," you manage to say between gasps.
"Come for me," Gale whispers against your skin, increasing the speed and pressure of his movements.
With a final thrust of his fingers and a flick of his tongue against your hardened nipple, you come undone in a powerful climax that leaves you panting and shaking in Gale's arms. He holds onto you tightly as he continues to pleasure you through the aftershocks.
"That was incredible," he murmurs against your skin as he peppers kisses all over your face.
"Yes it was," you reply dreamily, still basking in the afterglow.
Gale pulls out from between your thighs and settles down next to you, his strong arms enveloping you in a warm embrace. As you press your body closer to his, you feel a subtle shift, an unspoken understanding passing between the two of you. Instead of voicing it out loud, you turn to him and whisper,
"Thank you very much, Gale. Goodnight"
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zushikiss · 10 months
jealous skater bf!scara w/ ballet s/o! reader
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summary ; there's a fellow student in your ballet class who just can't seem to leave you alone, so your boyfriend (tries to) intimidate him.
warnings ; like one profanity (hell), none other than that
pairings : skater bf!scara x ballerina!reader (gender neutral)
notes ; IT'S FINALLY HERE !!! i'm sososososo sorry this took so long i've been so busy recently and tbh i haven't been able to even open my phone a lot of times 😭 soooo i hope this makes up for how late it is :,) also scara has a car here ermmm, green quotation marks for the guy!
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written part below !
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you see your boyfriend's familiar black car pull up near your ballet studio, as expected the guy still hasn't left you alone.
he's been bugging you for the past few weeks asking for your number and even for the both of you to go out to dinner sometimes, you've repeated to him that you had a boyfriend several times already but it seems as though he doesn't believe you.
and it's understandable, neither you or scaramouche we're completely showy, you never denied your relationship but you never made a big deal about it either, confirm it to those who asks but don't say anything to the ones that aren't curious.
simple as that.
so the fact that this heathen from your ballet class wasn't believing you wasn't exactly new to you, both you and scara has had your own experiences with people doubting your relationship.
exhibit a, childe who is your boyfriend's self proclaimed best friend, exhibit b, your literature teacher who was worried for you since scaramouche started waiting for you after their classes, you and scaramouche were nothing alike which is why people found it hard to believe.
and yet, here's your boyfriend. walking to your studio angrily while muttering things beneath his breath, what do you mean he doesn't believe you?? was he not picking you up enough? was the matching hoodies not a dead giveaway? was he not as boyfriend-y as he needed to be? whatever the hell that is??
so here he is, storming nearer and nearer with his matching black hoodie, the same one you wore when he dropped you off earlier that day, once he arrived he saw your ballet buddy close to you, not enough for it to be extremely alarming, but close enough to cause you discomfort.
"babe? hey, c'mon let's go."
you let out a nod, relieved more than anything since he was getting a little too close for your liking.
"little demanding there, don't you think?"
"no actually, i don't think it's demanding."
"y/n do you really wanna go with this ass? i mean look at how he's treating me! not that i believe he's your boyfriend.."
"i do wanna come with him, actually. and it doesn't matter to me if you believe that he's my boyfriend or not, cause i know he is and that's all that matters. also please stop asking me out, the answer will always stay the same, it'll always be no."
scaramouche smiled at the guy before dragging you away to his car, he starts taking a familliar route to the ice cream place you guys visit often, he breaks the comfortable silence by speaking.
"so, i think he was pretty intimidated."
"yeah, by me!"
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hypnobrainwasher · 1 month
So you're a virgin...
but you're also reading this, a post from a rather sexually-charged and fairly corruptive blog on Tumblr, a place well-known for blogs of this sort, which means you probably aren't interested in staying a virgin all that much longer. And gosh, I hope you're 18, because if you're not, you need to leave; what I'm about to say is not for little ears.
(Also, the concept of virginity is absolute hogwash and needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history, but I digress.)
I see you. I see you in my likes. I know what you're about, and you're just about ready to admit it. It's there, right below the surface, just a whisper away from getting out. I know you. You want sex, but not just sex. Not the kind of sex girls typically have on their first time, the awkward fumblings of two inexperienced people figuring everything out for the first time, the kind where he awkwardly blows his load ten seconds in and you're left to wonder what all the hype is about for sex. Not that sex.
You want to get railed. You want to get used. You want to be FUCKED.
You're tired of being a slut online but a virgin in practice. You've thought this through. It's time.
Maybe he's a little older. Maybe a lot. You've always known where to find him. He's definitely experienced. He will make you cum with his mouth and then pound your pussy until you can't form a coherent thought. He'll blow your mind, but that's okay, you're tired of thinking. It's just easier to listen and please him, and that feels right. You'll do the things you fantasized about for so long. It'll be depraved and wonderful.
Maybe she is a little older, or a lot. She'll leave your legs shaking and questioning everything you know. She'll make you wonder why you didn't do this so much sooner. And she'll smile at you as you have another orgasm and let out a moan the likes of which you've never heard before, and call you a good girl, and you'll nod as you gasp for breath. She's right.
Maybe one person isn't enough. Maybe you need two. Maybe you want to be spit-roasted for your first time, finally used how you're meant to be used after all these years. Finally where you're supposed to be, full, pleasing, of service. Finally home.
Maybe two isn't enough. Maybe you have that older friend who has done stuff like this, who knows a guy, who knows a guy. Maybe you want to go really big, and you want to have a lot of sex for your first time, with different guys, and this friend sets it up. They all come over. They all cum all over. It's your dream, finally realized, and you have to share it. You just have to.
You'll come back here, sore, tired, but feeling amazing. You understand now what the hype is about. You want to share it all with us, because we're the only ones who understand who you are, the only ones who see you, really see you. And we'll be here, encouraging you to be the best version of yourself. The version you decided no longer includes being a virgin.
We're so glad you're here.
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stevesbipanic · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 16: "Can you give me one more night, please?"
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Steve had done this song and dance before. Maybe not with another guy before, but plenty of girls. They'd smile at his flirty lines, curl their hair between their fingers, laugh at his dumb jokes. They'd say yes to a date, maybe even stay modest the first time. He'd buy them dinner, take them dancing, cuddle and watch a movie. Eventually they'd get what they were looking for, them in Steve's bed.
Only Nancy had ever stayed overnight. Most girls were out the door before Steve had even had his pants back on. To everyone they'd say how good of a lay he was, might even call him again for a round two. They didn't stay for him though, they stayed for Steve Harrington. Even after his fall from grace, they'd say with a sense of pride that they'd slept with him.
He had hoped Eddie would be different, and in some ways he was. Eddie would stay over sometimes, if they'd smoked too much before bed to drive home safely. He never spouted around town that he'd gotten Steve into bed, not that it would be safe to do so. He never let Steve pay when they went out, but he also never called them dates.
Steve knew where it was heading, where they all headed. But he couldn't help himself. He was falling in love with Eddie despite his knowledge that it'd end in heartbreak. Soon Eddie would grow tired of what Steve could give him and he'd see he was bullshit just like Nancy had. He'd just thought he'd have more time.
"I can't do this anymore."
Steve broke their kiss at his words, no, it couldn't be ending now, please.
Eddie pushed Steve back slightly, Steve missed his warmth already.
"I can't keep doing this with you, Steve."
"But, but we're having fun right? You're still having fun right?"
Eddie shook his head and Steve could feel his heart breaking in two, he'd waited for this but it didn't hurt any less. He only hoped Eddie would be gentle, that they still be friends.
"No, Steve, it'll just end up hurting."
But it was already hurting, couldn't Eddie see that. Steve felt tears prickle in his eyes.
"Can you give me one more night please?"
Maybe just one more night to let Steve's heart say goodbye to the first love that had felt right in his life. One more night and Steve could try and learn to be ok without Eddie, a fact he knew would be impossible. Eddie's face was pinched in pain.
The nickname felt like a dagger through Steve's heart, why did Eddie have to say it like it hurt him.
"Stevie, I can't just be the guy you call when you're feeling lonely, I deserve to have something real and so do you."
Wasn't what they had real, wasn't any of it real?
"You were the first thing I'd ever had that felt real, Eds."
The shock was clear on Eddie's face, that had not been the response he'd been expecting.
"What do you mean, Steve?"
What else could he mean, what he felt for Eddie was real even if Eddie just saw it as bullshit.
The words get caught in his throat, but when would he ever get another chance to say them.
"I love you, Eddie, so much, and I know you don't feel the same way and you're going to leave like everyone else did but I need you to know I never thought what we had wasn't real."
Tears had begun to pool on the edge of Eddie's eyes as he slowly took Steve's face in his hands. Steve tried to commit the feeling to memory.
"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me. I thought you were just, I don't know, waiting until something better came along."
Steve pushed his face into Eddie's hands and a smile began to creep onto his face.
"Oh, Eds, don't think anyone could be better than you."
The kiss Eddie gave him may have been the realest thing he'd ever felt and later, when he'd awake to Eddie still by his side, his warmth chasing away the winter air, well nothing felt better than that.
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chaotic-toasters · 1 month
Cortnee Vine x Reader (taken from my Wattpad)
"Y/N, you good?" Kyra's usual mischevious grin was gone, replaced with a look of concern that was quickly mirrored by Charli. "You seem out of it."
It took a moment for you to realize she was talking to you, eyes snapping up to meet hers. "Uh– yeah, yeah, I'm... I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" the Gunner's voice was soft as she placed a hand on your shoulder. "It's okay to not be okay."
"I'm sure," you insisted, shrugging her off. "You and Charli have fun."
You weren't fine. That much was clear to anybody with working eyes. You'd come down for meals, only to eat half of the amount you should have. You'd train, only to act like a robot who didn't know how to have fun. You spent hours cooped up in your room, only coming outside when Mini and Steph physically dragged you out. It was unhealthy, and everyone was starting to worry.
"Y/N?" Macca questioned, sitting down next to you. "What's going on with you?"
You glanced around briefly, taking note of all of your teammates gathered around the sofas.
"What is this? An intervention?" you joked dryly. "I'm just going through something small. I'll get over it soon, don't worry about it."
"Y/N, if you're going through something, you need to tell us," Sam chided. "We're—"
"We're a team, and a team is family, blah blah blah," you rolled your eyes. "I know. But I told you it's fine."
"It sounds stupid, but it's true," Mini crossed her arms. "So are you gonna tell us, or are you going to keep suffering alone?"
"I think I'll keep it to myself, thank you," you stood, patting your knees. "I'll see you guys later."
"Sit," Steph growled, forcing you back down. "Tony's already worried about you, but we've told him we'll handle it. Do you want us to get him involved?"
Your nostrils flared. "You wouldn't."
"We will if you don't open your fuckin' mouth and talk," the Defender glared. "You know I'll do it."
You were silent.
"Come on, Y/N, just tell us what's going on," Cortnee pleaded. "We're your friends."
Friends. Something you didn't want to be with the Sydney FC Winger. Since the first time you met her, and she'd smile shyly while offering you her hand to shake, you'd fallen for her. Hard. And it hurt. Because you knew she didn't feel the same. To make matters worse, she already had a girlfriend who she was happy with. Much happier than she'd be with you.
"Just... mind your own damn business," you retorted weakly, attempting to shake Steph off you. "I can handle my own problems."
"Your problems are our problems," Mini reminded you. "If something is bothering you, we're here to help."
"You and Steph," you nodded to the door. "No one else."
You stood first, leading your two mentors outside.
"Well?" Steph placed her hands know her hips.
"I like Cortnee," you blurted. "I— um..."
Mini raised her eyebrows. "Which one?"
"Uh... Vine."
"Okay. Continue."
"I've liked her for years," you swallowed. "But she doesn't like me like that. And she has a girlfriend. It's hard to— to see Cortnee when... when I know I'll never compare to her."
Steph and Mini shared a look.
"Come here, kiddo," Steph said gently, opening up her arms. "It'll be okay."
You slumped into her warm hug, crying softly into her shoulder. You didn't know if you should have been glad or upset that they didn't tell you to confess your feelings to Cortnee. That meant that your suspicions had been correct, and that she didn't feel the same, but that also mean your suspicions had been correct. A total catch-22.
"Why don't you take a nap, kiddo?" Steph whispered, caressing your forehead. "I'll be here when you wake up."
"I'm not gonna lie to her, Sam," Steph's voice was quiet. "I can't give her false hope. It's not like she believes it, anyway. Cortnee sees her as a friend. Nothing more."
"I just feel bad," Sam mumbled. "Are you sure there's nothing we can do?"
"I'm sure," the Defender confirmed sadly. "If she tells Viney, then things'll probably be awkward for one of them or both of them. If she doesn't tell Viney, then she has to keep her true feelings bottled up for the rest of her international career."
"No, I don't," you said suddenly, startling the the two captains. "I have a way out. And as much as it hurts to take it, it'll hurt more if I don't."
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked worriedly. "What do you mean?"
"I'm just as Dutch as I am Australian," you refused to meet both of their widening eyes. "I'm eligible to play for the Oranje Leeuwinnen Vrouwen."
"What?" Sam was dumbfounded. "But you can't... we're your family!"
"If you and Kristie both played for the same national team, but Kristie was in a relationship with someone else and didn't love you back, would you still want to play with that team?"
Her silence spoke volumes.
"It's been quite the ride," you stood, offering a faint smile to both Sam and Steph. "Thank you both. I don't know when my transfer will be approved, but... I can't see Cortnee anymore. It hurts. A lot."
Sam looked ready to protest, but Steph instantly wrapped you in a motherly hug. "I'm so proud of you. You're gonna do great things. Make sure you call me though, yeah?"
You swallowed. "Yeah. Could you—could you do me a favour?"
"Of course."
"Tell all the girls that—" you sucked in a breath. "Tell all the girls that I've loved every minute of this journey with them, and that it's none of their faults I'm leaving. Could you—could you tell them the truth? The whole truth? I would, but I can't be there to see Cort's reaction. It would kill me."
Sam nodded, a small, sympathetic smile on her face. "Good luck, Y/N. We'll be cheering you on, always."
"Thanks, Tony," you shook hands with the manager gratefully. "You've been great."
"You as well, Y/N," he stated kindly. "Just remember that you've always got family in this team. You can come to us if you've ever got a problem. The Matildas are behind you."
Your lip wobbled. "I'll see you around, boss."
"Have a good one, Y/N."
"As of today, Y/N will no longer play for Australia," Steph's voice shook slightly. "She'll be transferring to the Netherlands for the foreseeable future."
The room was dead silent.
"What?" Ellie was the first to speak. "Wh—why?"
Sam lowered her head. "She fell in love."
"With who!?" Cortnee looked upset. "She doesn't even have any Dutch teammates!"
Mini shook her head. "She didn't fall in love with a Dutch player."
"Then who—" Cortnee's eyes widened. "She likes one of us? Who?"
That's when it clicked for everyone else. The longing glances, the overly kind gestures, the touches that lasted just a bit too long; you loved Cortnee, but she hadn't even realized you liked her in the first place.
"Oh, Viney..." Lydia grimaced. "Poor Y/N."
"What is it?" the Winger was clearly starting to get annoyed that everyone knew something she didn't. "Just tell me already!"
Steph, Mini, and Sam all shared a look.
"Cort, there's no easy way to say this, but—" Steph felt as though there was something caught in her throat. "Y/N loved you. But she knew that you didn't feel the same."
Cortnee's breath hitched in her throat. She was suddenly taken back to a night at one of last year's training camps.
"Hey, Viney?" you started, slipping your phone into your pocket. "Can I ask you somethin'?"
"Are you happy in your current relationship?" your tone was innocent.
She smiled. "Yeah. Char's so sweet, how could I not be happy? I could totally imagine a future with her."
Something in your eyes had shattered. That much was clear to her now. But she'd been too preoccupied thinking about her girlfriend that it had slipped her mind.
"Oh, Y/N..." Cortnee's voice was barely above a whisper. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"You deserve to be happy," her head snapped up at the sound of your raspy voice. "Who am I to take that away from you?"
"Thank you, girls, for my time here," you smiled weakly from the doorway, meeting each of your former teammates' eyes, though you struggled to meet Cortnee's. "It's been fun. I'm glad to have met all of you, to have shared the pitch with you, and most importantly, to become friends with all of you. I'll see you soon."
And just like that, you were gone.
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Hey just wondering if you still write for tangerine? If you do I was hoping you’d write one about tangerine having to most sweetest and kindest wife and everyone always wondering how could she marry a big grump like him? Like tangerine is on a job and he’s due back in a few days and these men have been sent to kidnap his wife and she sees them infront of her house and goes out asking if they are lost and invites them inside for some tea and makes them lunch and they end up leaving without her because of how sweet she was and tangerine comes back recognising the men leaving the house and his wife waving goodbye to them lol if that makes sense thank you
yes bb, still write for him. this is such a cute and funny idea!! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 reader is very mother in this
tangerine x fem!reader — fluff
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word count. 702
Some people see the worst in others, but not you. You often view the world and those around you through a pair of rose-tinted glasses, only ever seeing the good in everything. Some may call you unrealistic, but you wouldn't call it that - you liked to think of it as optimism. It's something needed within the world, especially to your pessimistic counterpart of a husband.
You were having a home day, chilling and lounging around the house, waiting for Tangerine's return from work when you see a few construction workers appear on your driveway. That wasn't who they were, but you'd never know that.
You see them lingering for a few minutes before you head to the front door and open it. "You guys alright?" you ask, stepping outside and onto the porch. "You lost?"
"No, we're good. Thanks," one of them speaks, exchanging looks with the others. 
"Just waiting for our tool van," another adds, slapping his 'co-worker' when he began to whisper.
"Do you want to wait inside? It's going to rain soon, you'll catch a cold," you question, looking up at the sky - gesturing to the approaching grey clouds.
The men whisper amongst themselves, nudging each other with small laughs. "If you don't mind," the first speaks, nodding his 'co-workers' along.
"No, not at all. Come on in," you wave the men over, opening the door wider so they'd all fit past. You close the door behind them and notice the heavy fall of rain. "Just missed it," you chuckle, walking past them and into the kitchen. "Was about to put the kettle on. What can I get you? Teas? Coffees?"
The men exchange a few more glances - a quizzical raise of the brows upon your amiable questions. "Four teas, please, love," one of them speaks.
"I'll put milk and sugar on the table, and you can help yourselves," you gesture to the middle of the dining table in which they all sat around.
You head back into the kitchen, preparing and making cups of tea, grabbing a couple of packs of biscuits to take through. You place the mugs in front of them all - adding milk, sugar and cookies in the centre. The men thank you, smiling courteously at you.
"Can I get you guys something to eat, something fresh? Sandwiches? Oh, I bought a baguette this morning from the market— well, it's actually for my husband, but he won't mind. It'll go lovely with some deli meats. We actually have some in, all fresh from down the road," you offer, heading back into the kitchen. "You know what, I'll just make a big spread, and you can all help yourselves— anything that doesn't get eaten, you can take home."
You make a start on the sandwiches, creating a few different types for them all to graze on - taking in some extra cereal bars, fruits and bags of crisps. You make a sandwich for yourself and pull a chair to sit at the head of the table, talking casually with the strangers at your table.
After a while, the rain began to calm, and the men gathered their things to leave. You handed them small tinfoil parcels with extra food before waving them off, watching them move past Tan's car that was driving up the driveway. 
"Who're they?" Tangerine asks as he steps out of his car, staring the van down until it's out of view. 
"I don't know, some construction workers," you shrug, opening your arms to him - silently welcoming him home. "Good day?" you ask, pressing a kiss into his cheek.
He hums, seemingly distracted from the dark logoless van. "Did you?" he asks, draping an arm over your shoulder as you walk inside - side hugging you.
"Yes, very good, thanks. Went to the farmer's market this morning— got some pastries, oh and some jams. You'll love them," you smile, wrapping an arm around the middle of his back. "You hungry?" you ask, placing your spare hand over his tummy. 
"A little," he softly chuckles, silently admiring your sweetness. 
You press another kiss into his cheek, soothing over his dishevelled hair. "You go shower, I'll whip you up something."
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psa, don't invite strangers into your home
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georgeclarkesgf · 1 month
forgetful | george clarke
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the minute george stepped into the flat, he knew something was off.
"y/n? you here?" walking further into the flat, he found y/n in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea, "hey, sorry i'm back so late. we missed t-"
"don't. i can't believe you. all i asked was that you not plan to film today and i wake up to a message telling me you've gone to film a video for arthur. do you even know why i asked you to stay home today?"
he was trying to remember, really he was. but his mind was blank and the guilt began to seep in, only just noticing the tears that left stains on her cheeks.
"no. of course you don't. my parents are in town george. i planned a nice lunch, maybe go on a walk, come back to the flat for a few drinks, but all that went to shit because you left to film a stupid video and then ignored my messages all day. you know how important it is to me that you get along with my parents so having to cancel on them last minute because you weren't even here was not something i wanted to have to do." the tears in her eyes were threatening to fall again, hating how needy and pathetic she sounded.
"we can sti-" george tried, again quickly being shut down.
"no george, i'm mad at you. you don't get to say it'll be alright and that we can still do something. we're not playing happy families. you've hurt me. when we sort this out, then we organise something else."
now the guilt was in full swing and he immediately started to think of ways he could make it up to her, knowing it would take a lot of grovelling to get back onto her good side.
"i'm going to bed, i love you." a soft kiss being placed on his lips.
"i love you too." slight relief evident on his face, knowing she'll never not say 'i love you', even during an argument.
she rounded the kitchen island, starting to make her way to his room and get ready for bed. george watched as she closed the door, still stood in the kitchen, contemplating whether to follow her or give her some space.
he decided on the latter.
it was nearing midnight when george decided he needed some sleep, and the dip in the bed as he got comfortable was enough to wake y/n, a groan leaving her lips.
"sorry. i didn't mean to wake you," she let out an agitated hum of acknowledgement and rolled over, curling into george's side, unable to resist the heat his body always provided, "still mad at me?"
"yep." she responded, accentuating the 'p'.
"okay. can we talk about it?"
"i've said my peace. you go."
"i really am sorry sweetheart, i feel awful," her nails were running along the lines and dips of his stomach, a habit he'd grown accustomed to over the several months they'd been together, "the video was planned ages ago and i didn't even realise the dates clashed. when you reminded me of 'that thing' that was happening today i thought you meant filming. i promise to make it up to you. and your parents. please say they don't hate me."
george hoped it was enough, not that he wouldn't do anything she asked to get her to forgive him, but he couldn't stand the thought of her staying mad at him.
in y/n's head, he was forgiven. during her time alone, she realised she didn't even give him a chance to explain before locking herself in his room for the rest of the night.
"i'm sorry too," george was slightly taken aback by this, unsure what she was apologising for, "i shouldn't have stormed off like that. not even letting you speak before i disappeared all night. and my parents don't hate you. we can do dinner tomorrow if that's okay with you?"
"that's more than okay. i have my whole day free to spend with you and them. we can do whatever you guys want. i love you."
"i love you. so much. even if you are forgetful."
and george stuck to his promise. safe to say y/n's parents like george more than her.
a/n have this as an 'i'm sorry i haven't posted in a while present' <3
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