#but being called multiple names all the time and none of them are usually your own name.
ancient-reverie · 5 months
plural culture is having multiple different names you actually use irl in public
1 bestie and my dentist call us Cory
1 bestie, some packages, and the internet call us Motley
2 besties, friends, immediate family, the vet, and most packages delivered say Matt/Mat
some vr friends, the internet, the gender clinic we go to, and the rest of the packages use Siruss
and then for anything official like generic medical things, prescriptions, voting, insurance, occasionally mail, and anyone who sees our drivers license uses Emmalyn.
It's wild out here. Especially when we're not whoever's name is being used. Like Cory hardly ever gets to hear his name bc he isn't a huge fan of the dentist (Cory specifically doesn't like medical stuff done to him in general, but we actually love our dentist) and that 1 bestie lives genuinely 1000 miles away.
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emocheol · 24 days
seventeens pet name for you
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loves to be a caretaker so having you be his baby is natural.
he’s always holding you in his arms, almost like he’s trying to protect you from the world and keep you to himself.
when you’re tired you actually get into baby mode and he loves doting on you, knowing that you won’t fight him on it.
“baby, don’t worry i’ll do that for you”
“baby, come give me a kiss”
“baby, i missed you so much”
“baby, you know i’d do anything for you”
sure, he’s the angel of seventeen but you’re his angel.
always says that you were sent from heaven just for him because of how perfect you are, hence an angel.
when he sees a new picture of you he’ll screenshot it and draw a halo over your head and send it back to you with a text that says ‘your halo is shining so bright, my angel’ (love makes him cheesy)
“angel, let’s stay in bed today”
“angel, can you do my hair?”
“angel, i hope you know im obsessed with you”
“angel, you’re the only one for me”
such a classic and gentle name, just like joshua.
he loves you so much the only word that he can think of when it comes to you is love.
if anyone calls him a simp he will gladly own that title because, duh, you’re his partner! of course he’s gonna simp over you!
will do whatever you want at the drop of a hat. he’ll even suggest cancelling his schedules if you want him to stay home, you decline but quite literally have to push him out the door to leave.
“love, come cuddle with me”
“love, i hate every second that i’m away from you”
“love, let’s get matching outfits”
“my love, you’re so perfect”
actually spent a lot of time contemplating what your pet name should be. he didn’t want to get it wrong!
tested way too many names over multiple weeks, seeing if they rolled off the tongue, but none of them did.
finally lands on sweetheart, when he says it for the first time he knows he’s found the perfect name.
now he barely says your name, saying that sweetheart encapsulates your entire being.
“sweetheart, want me to do the dishes?”
“sweetheart, can you read me a story?”
“sweetheart, do you know how much i love you?”
“sweetheart, you’re my favorite person of all time”
soonyoung thinks you’re sweet like honey, so he just has to call you that!
you have the same nickname for him which results in all your friends pretending to gag when you both start calling each other honey. they say it’s sickening, sickeningly sweet
likes to dote on you, would wait on hand and foot if you told him to.
“honey, do you need anything before i leave?”
“honey, i’m home!” (his favorite phrase)
“honey, let’s go on a date tonight”
“honey, you’re the sweetest person in the world”
has always thought that pet names were cringe but when you started calling him every sweet name under the sun he knew he had to come up with one for you.
landed on the classic ‘babe’, he says it flows well, its natural when he’s talking to you now.
doesn’t want anyone else to hear him call you it, so he usually sticks to saying it at home or whispering it to you.
“babe, stay by my side, i don’t want anything happening to you”
“babe, don’t get up yet it’s too early”
“babe, you wanna see my new game?”
“babe, i adore you”
another natural caretaker, loves to be the big strong man in the relationship so naturally you’re his baby.
gets salty when you try to dote on him since he knows he should be doing it to you instead.
landed on it because you were pouting once and he said the resemblance to a baby was uncanny.
“baby, you don’t have to stay at the studio with me”
“baby, get some sleep”
“baby, let’s stay in tonight”
“baby, i know i don’t show it as much as i should, but i’m eternally grateful for you”
claims that their song ‘darling’ is about you to try and make it special (it was just a coincidence but you’ll take it)
says you’re like a sparkling jewel, so perfect, so enchanting, and so darling
always talks to you in the most endearing tone, he can never be mad at you.
“darling, what do you want to have for dinner?”
“darling, let me take a picture of you”
“darling, don’t forget to call me on your break”
“darling, you’re so precious to me”
loves to bake you desserts and say something like ‘a sweet for my sweetie’.
thinks you’re so sweet and lovely that sweetie is a given name for you.
food is his love language so he’s always making you meals and sweet desserts.
“sweetie, try this new dish i made”
“sweetie, give me a kiss before you go”
“sweetie, give me a bite of that”
“sweetie, you’re it for me”
this man is simply obsessed with, so so utterly in love, hence the name love.
everyone swears they can see hearts in his eyes when he looks at you or talks about you.
couldn’t think of a good name for you so he went to his friends being like ‘i’m so in love with them but i can’t think of a pet name! wait… love!’
“lovie, don’t forget about me :(” (you’re just going to work for the day)
“love, do you want to come to karaoke night?”
“lovie, i’m your favorite guy, right?”
“my love~, i wrote this song for you, wanna hear it?”
yes, his nickname for you is his last name. no, it’s not weird! he’ll call you mrs./mr. boo because he can’t wait until you have his last name.
when some calls for ‘boo’ you both turn around, thinking it was for you. this just makes you both laugh and look at each other like you had a little inside secret that no one else understood.
he’ll always say it with literal hearts in his eyes.
“boo, have a good day at work”
“my boo~, i miss you”
“boo, do you want to go have a spa night?”
“my boo~, i love you to the ends of the earth”
also thinks pet names are cringe so he settled on the most obvious and classic one.
but then actually he starts to like it (to his horror), and starts to call you it all the time.
only ever calls you babe now, and will be salty if you call him by his first or middle name.
“babe, get ready i’m taking you on a date”
“babe, i got you a present you’re gonna love it”
“babe, we should get a cat to be the ring bearer at our wedding”
“babe, you know i love you, right?”
you originally started calling chan ‘honey’ first.
he always got so giddy whenever you said it that he decided he was gonna start calling you that too, to make you feel as special as he did.
thinks it the most special name in the world and if anyone makes fun of it he’ll go to war over it.
“honey, let me show you the new dance i learned”
“honey, did you get a haircut? you look beautiful as ever”
“honey, let’s stay in bed today”
“honey, you’re my everything”
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jermer10 · 5 months
TF2 relationship hcs + miss pauling
suggestive, gn reader | silly romantic hcs
drabbles under the cut :P
- the most emotionally immature out of all the mercs, also the most inexperienced with dating so he can get pretty jealous over stupid things - a demo flirts with you? dead. a medic pockets you for too long? whoops didn’t see that enemy sorry medic. god forbid another scout even breathes in your direction - ironically he used you to make Pauling jealous and eventually realised he actually likes YOU (fake dating trope my beloved) - non-stop rambles about you to his ma, when she meets you she’s already calling you her child in law - dates with scout usually consist of going to baseball games or getting lunch together, he’s pretty simple and won’t plan anything too extravagant unless it’s an occasion (with spy’s help ofc) - not huge on pda, will hold your waist or sling an arm around your shoulders on occasion, in privacy however he is HUGE on physical affection he loves you sm <333 - stroking your hair and running his fingers along your back, kisses on your neck, throwing in a couple of cheesy pickup lines here and there - pretty much only refers to you with pet names, “doll, babe, toots, handsome, etc” he’ll only use your name when he’s emotional or during intimacy
Soldier: - the most dense man on god’s green american earth so unless you’re similar to zhanna, chances are he won’t even bat an eye at you. you need to be batshit and violent for this man to notice you first - wakes you up at 5am sharp every morning for “training” (forcing you to workout with him whilst he yells at you….lovingly?) expect to be buff as hell after a couple months because his routines are intense - “DROP AND GIVE ME 20 CUPCAKE” “GOOD JOB SOLDIER. HERE IS A KISS FOR YOUR HARD WORK” “PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN SWEETHEART” - his kisses are really rough, he lifts you up into the air and spins you around or dips you and it’s genuinely super sweet, he enjoys picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as well :3c - he has no jealous bone in his body, only random accusatory statements towards anyone who shows kindness towards you and it deters them enough for soldier to never have to worry - dates with soldier usually consist of working out or going to war museums, will never plan fancy dates so that’s all up to you - does not care about public or private affection, he will makeout with you anytime, anywhere and is unapologetic about it, much to everyone else’s dismay - “EUGH! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!” “AFFIRMATIVE, WE WILL MOVE TO THE LIVING ROOM”
Pyro: - i hc pyro as being aroace so a romantic-platonic relationship between you guys would be more mushy and cute than anything else - going out on ice-cream dates and buying matching colouring books and seeing how differently you each colour the same scene - cheek kisses no matter where you are is a must!!! holding hands around the base, tapping on each-other when bored and to show affection <3333 - the other mercs have no fucking idea what your relationship is but none of them care as long as you’re keeping pyro in check - you’re the first and only merc to see pyro without their mask on, one of the most tender moments shared between you and something that they treasure - pyro doesn’t get jealous, but they will harm anyone who makes you uncomfortable, no questions asked - cuddle buddies!!!! you guys can be seen lying around the base in a sleepy huddle, i can see demo joining and medic or engie tripping over y’all 😭 - they are super attentive of your needs and compromise despite having trouble feeling romantic or sexual attraction, as long as you enjoy it, they enjoy it
Demoman: - more of a flirt than scout is, and that’s saying something. demo will chat you up at any time of the day, whether it be in the privacy of your bedroom or straight up on the battlefield - has died MULTIPLE times because he just cant keep his eye off you, he makes mental notes of how attractive you look while bashing an enemy spy’s brain in and uses it later (WINK) - a solid 80% of your relationship is shared in silly drunk moments and the other 20 is rooted in insecurity. demo being jealous? likely. demo being scared of you leaving him for someone with two eyes and their head on straight? definitely - there are nights where he feels completely sober just holding you in his arms and acknowledging that you’re here and you love him, warts and all - SUPER BIG ON PDA!!! he wants the entire world to know that you’re his, also super big on cheesy nicknames “beauty, my love, handsome boy/beautiful girl/gorgeous partner” - messy kisses, lazy cuddles, dragging his fingers along your body feeling every dip and curve <3333 even if the affection seems half assed, his heart is devoted to you - offhandedly mentions you to his mum after dating for a year or so, to which her response is to slap him upside the head for not telling her sooner and then asking about grandbabies - you’re demo’s rock, if you asked him to go sober for you he probably would. he adores everything you do, words are unnecessary just look at his face
Heavy: - the stern and silent type, he generally doesn’t show public affection towards you unless it’s to protect you or to calm you down - in private he is the most gentle merc, holding you close to him and stroking your hair, playing with your fingers and mentally squealing at how cute and small they are compared to his, rubbing your back with his palm - he is a man of few words, but it’s pretty obvious that he is completely enamoured by you just from the way he touches you and how his gaze softens when he sees you - would plan the most personal dates, things that he KNOWS you would enjoy doing or seeing just so that he can see you smile up at him - “Любимая (darling), Дорогая (dear), Любовь моя (my love)” are the most common pet-names you’ll hear him calling you, he’s a more traditional guy - heavy is not a flirty man, he’s too blunt and would rather say what he means in the most direct way possible. thaaaat doesn’t mean he discourages you from flirting with him however - his family is extremely weary of you to begin with, heavy doesn’t talk about you much and so they’re going to be on guard (despite the fact that he could crush you with one hand if you did have malicious intent) - after a while though they warm up to you and consider you apart of the family- baking with you, teaching you how to hunt bears, making bearskin clothing, cooking the bear meat, talking about marriage and children, ANYTHING they can do to include you
Engineer: - it’s tough dating engie - he’s either working or passed out from the exhaustion of working, so you never really get quality time with him - he still takes every chance he can get to show you a good time, whether it’s cooking dinner with you or writing songs for you, he is much more romantic than he leads on - “darl, darlin, sweetheart, honeybee” sweet and simple names that roll off the tongue - the merc most inclined to shower with you. not even in a sexual way, he just enjoys the calm heat of the water and how intimate it is to share such a space - creates devices to make your life easier; need a new weapon? no need to buy a faulty mann co one, he can build you anything you want. need your very own kitchenette so you the other mercs can’t keep stealing your food? he was already drawing up the plans a week ago - the type of guy to bring you breakfast in bed every morning, putting on some slow romantic music and peppering your face with kisses to wake you up - always keeping tabs on you in battle, making sure that you’re safe and unharmed (despite knowing that you can respawn he still hates seeing you hurt) - the least jealous man to exsist, he is completely secure in himself and knows that if you didn’t wanna be with him, you simply wouldn’t
Medic: - another workaholic over here, it’s a mission getting him away from the operating table, or his desk right next to it - quiet, soft moments are few and far between, but when you do get them they are spent in each other’s arms lazying around the base - medic isn’t the romantic type and would likely just take you out to a traditional dinner or would want to teach you how to perform certain medical procedures on dates - don’t get him wrong! he loves you entirely, he just doesn’t see the need in being overly romantic with you, his way of showing love is letting archimedes anywhere near you or letting you lie on the operating table while he finishes up his paperwork - his pet names for you include “schatz (treasure), maus (mouse), meine taube (my dove)” - will pocket you 1000% and the other mercs HATE it - they have to strategise a way to keep you separated from eachother during battle - it wouldn’t matter if you were invincible or on the verge of death, this man would protect you to the ends of the earth. that being said he is also a massive shithead, will tickle you randomly or poke fun at you when you’re in a bad mood. its sweet. usually - in that middle ground of jealous but also chill af, he will only really become jelly if you’re flirting with someone else, but if they’re flirting with you he does not care unless you’re uncomfortable
Sniper: - simultaneously the most chill and anxiety ridden person on earth, the way he can go from 1 - 100 in five seconds should be studied - it takes him a VERY long time to actually warm up to you, let alone DATE you, so be wary that you’re in it for the long haul if you want this man - the first 6 months of dating are torturous for the both of you, he is far too nervous to touch you and instead of telling you this he will literally just ignore you, but once you start being physical he is one of the most touchy mercs - you will have to be the initiator in most situations until he becomes more comfortable with affection, this man has spent most of his adult life in a van isolated from society so its no kidding that he would be awkward with you (even though he adores you) - “love, babe, darling, honey” generic nicknames, if he’s feeling more comfortable he’ll use “sweetheart” or “roo” if you’re getting on his nerves - he doesn’t do dates. like sorry to burst your bubble but he would consider eating dinner together in his van or even just having a bath together a date - extremely jealous but will never admit it and it is VERY obvious. this could be said for most of his feelings though and reassurance is all he really needs - will spy on you using the scope on his gun during battles, killing enemies who might try to sneak up on you <3
Spy: - spy is by far the MOST romantic merc out of the bunch, will take you out on date nights every week, intimacy regularly, affectionate both in private and public, etc he is the dream - in saying that he is also a player, he needs a partner who can keep him feeling fresh, and someone who is just as cunning as he is - will intentionally try to make you jealous in order to get a gauge on the kind of person you are. he is entirely mind games babe and will play it off as if he doesn’t care about other people trying to flirt with you (he wants to kill them with his bare hands) - he is either going to be obsessed with you or mildly attached, there is no in between and it will be strikingly obvious which it is - often refers to you as “mon amour (my love), beau/belle (handsome/beautiful), mon bébé (my baby)” - most likely enemies to lovers, if you’re good at your job he sees you as competition, if you’re not he sees you as a nuisance, either way you’re initially a problem to him - but then he starts to wonder: why can’t he stop thinking about your skin? and the way you say his name? and the way you bashed that sniper’s brains out? he is smitten without even realising it - occasionally cloaks and follows you around to keep you safe from enemies, but mostly sticks to trying to win the match
Miss Pauling: - if you thought engie or medic were bad you have NO idea with pauling, she quite literally has one day off a YEAR - and you bet your ass she is spending it in bed all day cuddling with you - doesn’t use pet names, she’ll either call you by your last name, or some nickname variation of your first name. she called you “babe” once and cringed so hard she couldn’t even look at you - as much as she doesn’t want to put you in any danger, she LOVES bringing you along for missions. she gets to finish earlier and spend time with you, its a win-win situation - coming home from work and eating dinner with you is the highlight of her day, she could be completely exhausted and yet you bring life back into her with just a smile - yes you had to “fight” scout for her and there was absolutely no competition, he didn’t even know you two were together until she rolled her eyes and kissed you in front of him (he was surprisingly supportive) - she’s far too busy to be jealous, if someone was flirting with you she wouldn’t even notice until it escalated and the person was on the floor with you standing over them triumphantly - she dreams about being able to go on museum dates with you one day, but for now bubble baths, dinners, and morning kisses are all you both get <\3
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bibliophilea · 5 months
So... this isn't the first time I've seen people being incredibly mean to a whole section of the phandom. It's the first time in a while I've seen a post this bad in the main "danny phantom" tag, though. I have Thoughts™ that have been stewing for a while. Thoughts™ that shouldn't be put in the tags of someone else's post.
I'm not going to link anything. These are just my thoughts, raised to the forefront by recent posts in the main tag.
TLDR: I have two main Thoughts™:
No matter what you ship, I welcome you to this phandom. The folks who openly despise real people for shipping fictional things do not represent all of phandom. Y'all deserve better than being called shitty names. Your ships do not make you a bad person, and I personally welcome you.
To y'all who keep trying to draw a line in the sand to define who is "degenerate" or whose work is "degenerate": the moment you draw that line, you create a way for others to shove people behind that line. And the folks who usually get shoved behind that line and called "degenerate" are lgbtqia+ folks, and (c)sa survivors. It's happened before on LiveJournal and FFN, and it's happening now, irl, with book bannings across the USA (and especially in Florida). The only way to protect lgbtqia+ folks and (c)sa survivors from this abuse is to not draw a line in the sand at all. Don't call folks "degenerate" for any reason, unless you're ready to have that finger pointed back at you by a larger and more negative movement.
If you desire fuller context, it's below the cut.
First: no matter what you ship, I welcome you to this phandom.
The views of hatred and disgust that pop up in this phandom don't represent all of phandom. No fandom is perfect, and we'll always see some form of the "logic of disgust" from some folks in any fandom. But no matter what you ship, and whether or not I personally ship it, I welcome you. You will find no disgust from me as I am now.
If you dig backwards into my blog, you might find some anti sentiment. My introduction to fandom was first FFN, and then tumblr, back when I was more of a black-and-white thinker. I'm pretty sure I experienced some form of shock when I really started digging in to the Wild West that is fandom. I don't know if I ever expressed this shock online. But none of you deserve to be called "degenerates" over liking whatever fictional content you like. Y'all are a part of phandom, too, and any attempts to erase you or deride you are wrong.
We shouldn't be drawing lines in the sand and throwing people behind those lines. That's dangerous.
Second: to y'all who keep drawing lines in the sand, please consider the broader context around you.
The moment you draw a line in the sand to delineate between you and your group of people, and "them" and their group of "degenerates", people find ways to shove other folks, including you and your folks, behind that line. Historically, both in fandom and outside of fandom, the folks who get shoved ALWAYS include lgbtqia+ folks, and (c)sa survivors. We saw this with the purging of LiveJournal. We saw this with the multiple purges of FanFiction.Net. We haven't seen this with ao3, as far as I know; but their stance seems to be very anti-censorship for fandom-historical reasons.
Outside of fandom, we are seeing this now. I'm doing my senior capstone project on book bans. According to PEN America's data, over the past school year alone, 154 counties in 34 states have banned 1557 books 3362 times overall. Over 40% of those bans come from Florida counties. And much of the "reasoning" behind these bans is the same logic of disgust that fandom applies to "problematic ships": They call it pornographic and pedophilia. They call it harmful and age-inappropriate. They largely target books about lgbtqia+ people and people of color. And this year, they've also targeted "books on physical abuse, health and well-being, and themes of grief and death" - expanding their censorship to "protect the children".
Censorship doesn't protect anyone. Instead, it prevents people from holding genuine conversations with real people about the censored material.
And if you're not ready to have that conversation, that's fine! You do you! But don't create an environment where other people can't have that conversation. That only breeds the sort of black-and-white thinking that leads to 1406 book bannings in the state of Florida.
This is just speculation on my part: but I reckon every single person who supports those bans would love to ban the same content you want censored. And they'd call for you and the content you love to be lumped in with them.
We all deserve better than that. So please stop drawing lines in the sand.
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freya-fallen · 2 months
Little Dove 2/?
Check part 1 for story triggers, though none really apply here.
Part 3
You frown at the text. It’s from your bother’s number, but it’s clearly not him. You don’t know if you should respond or wait to talk to Keigo about it. But who knows when that will be.
>Where should I drop this phone off?
>Your the only contact outside the HPSC
You didn’t realize that. Surely, Keigo had other people— sidekicks or… then again, he had multiple phones. He said it was easier that way; he could ignore calls from one phone, but keep the other on in case of emergencies.
You should probably respond, right?
<Who is this?>
>I asked you first
You scowl. This is getting you nowhere. There must be some question you can ask that this person will answer. 
<Are you a hero? What agency are you with?> 
>I’m not with an agency. I’m more underground
Whoever this is must be a contact. Keigo does all kinds of work for the commission, to include intel gathering. 
>You bird brain’s gf?
<Ew no lol>
It’s such an automatic response that you type it out before you can help yourself.
>You gotta be a little sister then
“Shit.” No one outside the HPSC is supposed to know about you. You stare down at the screen in your hands, your heart pounding as your mind rushes to find an excuse.
>Don’t worry I won’t tell
<Hero families get threatened a lot> 
>I understand completely
>I still gotta know where to drop off this phone tho
You’re not dumb enough to invite this stranger to your home, not that they’d get through the door without being vetted.
That begs the question of what you can do. You can meet them somewhere, maybe at a cafe or something, a public place. You roll your lip between your teeth as you consider. That might be the best option.
<Do you know XYZ? The cafe?>
A minute passes. You approach the black car awaiting you outside the school and hesitate to open the door.
You release the breath you weren’t aware you were holding and open the door, climbing inside. 
<Meet me there in ten?>
>you got it dove
“We need to make a stop before home,” you tell the driver. “It’s not too far, so I can probably walk from there.”
XYZ is a small cafe only three blocks from home. You’ve been allowed to walk there on your own a few times, usually on weekends where you decide you want a sweet pastry. The driver sets up and you pull outside the cafe only a few minutes later. Nervous hands waffle your phone as you find a seat and cross your legs under the table. You’ve never met another hero, let alone one who works with your brother. Something tells you itt’s a guy and you wonder what he’ll be like, if he’ll judge you for being a highschool girl, or for having such a weak quirk compared to your brother.
“You like coffee, little dove?” You didn’t even notice the person approach. His smoky voice makes you jump and you blink up at him with wide eyes.
He’s a little taller than Keigo, with black hair and the brightest blue eyes you’ve ever seen. They’re familiar, but strange above the black mask that covers the bottom of his face. Maybe if you could see his whole face you could put a name to him, but you’re lost at the moment.
“I’m not allowed to have coffee,” you admit awkwardly. 
His eyes crinkle at the corners in a hint of a smile. “I won’t tell if you won’t. C’mon, it’s a caramel latte.” He sets the steaming cup in front of you and slips into the other seat at the tiny round table.
You can’t see all of his hands from beneath the cuff of his jacket, which is buttoned up all the way to tickle at the bottom of the mask. His fingers are long and pale. There are half-moon scars beneath his eyes, though the mask covers a bit of that, too. And his ears are similarly trextured and lined with silver piercings.
“Thank you.” You wrap your hands around the mug and bring the steaming cup to your lips. It’s sweet with just a hint of coffee bitterness beneath. You like it. It must show on your face, because the stranger chuckles.
He leans against one fist. “I don’t know what I expected, but not anyone as cute as you.”
One of your wings flutters at the compliment and your cheeks burn. You hope he didn’t notice, but something tells you he sees everything. “You have Kei— Hawks’ phone?”
He pulls out the red-cased cell and taps it gentle on the table. “I could just leave it as his agency or something, but when I saw your contact, I was intrigued. Seriously, why isn’t he sharing you with the world? He should be taking you to galas and shit.”
“He’s more concerned with my safety.” Your face is so hot you’re sure he can feel it from across the table. No one talks to you like this. At school, you’re so shy that no boy has ever confessed to you. The adults in your life are typically all business. Keigo calls you pretty and says you’re perfect, but he’s family. 
He nods. “Your boyfriend probably shows you off though, right?”
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” You almost choke on the words. Keigo has told you it isn’t safe to date either, not until you’re a little older. Once you have your own place, it’ll be different.
“No way. A cutie like you? Have you ever been on a date?” You shake your head. “So you don’t have a boyfriend and Hawks never takes you out.” He sighs and his eyes bore into you as he seems to consider something. “How about I take you out some time?”
“What? You? Really?” You’re lost for words.
“Sure. Why not?”
You gape at him. “But you’re a hero. And I—I’m…” 
One of his hands crosses the table to lay over yours. You’d expect it to be cold given how pale he is, but it’s warm, almost hot. “It’s not like I’m famous. Your brother and I mostly just pass intel.”
“I’m not really allowed…” You shrug. The weight of his hand is nice on yours and he gives it a little squeeze.
“So don’t tell. It’ll be our little secret, like the coffee.”
You smile brightly. “Okay.”
“I’ll text you, pretty bird. Enjoy your coffee.” He stands and you suddenly realize something.
“Wait! What’s your name?”
He glances back at you and says, “Call me Dabi.”
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I'm so sorry I died. I am planning to continue this, I just have to figure out where it's going. In the meantime HAVE SOME DRABBLES! (only the first one is a hybrid drabble) (I was trying not to focus on anyone and it ended up being mainly Ghost related)
I've been reading more hybrid reader fics lately, and I cannot stop thinking about the idea of a bunny hybrid reader who isn't just all timid/shy around everyone like I see in a lot of fics. All of the other bunnies treaded lightly when they got on base to avoid trouble, but not you. When you arrive on base, Ghost ofc tries to intimidate you. You don't stumble or falter, though. You hold his gaze, glaring back at him until Price has to order you both to stop. Within the first week, you're in Price's office for practicing parkour in the halls on your way to the gym. In your defense, no one else was in those hallways, and you didn't notice the cameras until then. The first time you spar with the other bunnies, you lose. They all look at you intently, waiting for some kind of response; however, you getting up with a proud smile doesn't seem to be what they were waiting for. The first time tf 141 realizes you aren't to be fucked with is the only time anyone ever steals your food. Soap jokingly picks some food off of your plate, only to be tackled to the floor and pinned down by you. No one even looks at your plate for the rest of that meal break. Tf 141 really starts to appreciate you after the first mission they bring you on. Your muscular advantage is concentrated in your legs, enabling you to use trees, buildings, and other tall structures to your advantage. You can completely disappear as long as you stay silent, and disappear you do. You and 141 are able to ambush an ambush team and take out multiple enemies before they know you're there. After that, they start taking you with them whenever you're not needed elsewhere and incorporating you into their group more.
I also can't stop thinking about a situation where newbie reader is used to glaring matches and just doesn't tolerate Ghost's bullshit. Like you get there on base and expect to settle in, meet the team, etcetera. You were hand-picked to help out with some critical missions coming up and you're... not excited, but definitely proud to be expanding your experience. You're definitely excited to make more friends to protect. When you land, Price and the team are all waiting for you. They all run through introductions with a name, rank, and some opt to say how long they've been serving. You run through the same information about yourself, making small talk with Gaz, Soap, and Roach when Price walks off. Ghost's silent stare doesn't escape you amidst it all. He barely seems to want to be near you. So, mid-conversation with the boys, you turn to face his direction and stare back at him. You can't tell what expression he has under his mask, but you're sure it's not a welcoming one, so you do your best to mirror it. You even tilt your head in Soap's direction to ask if "the statue" does this a lot. Tension rises instantly. None of you are holding weapons, yet you feel as though all of you have sniper lasers trained on your heads. Soap, probably making the smarter decision, opts not to involve himself. "Yeah, I do this a lot. What's it matter to you?" Ghost finally breaks the quiet. "Well, I just figure a statue is usually made of stone," you start, before dropping your voice to a deadpan, "and can't stare at you like you should be dead just because they did." "I don't have time for this. Soap, Roach, with me in the sparring room. Gaz, show the newbie around. Bring her to us after." You don't stop calling Ghost 'Statue' after that, mostly because you can tell it makes his blood boil as much as he tries hiding it. Price constantly has to tell the two of you to stop bickering before he reports to his own higher-ups about it. Everyone notices how much harsher Ghost Statue is on you when he's left in charge by Price, and how much harsher he tries to be when he's not. Needless to say, the two of you do not get along. It's when you start rubbing off on Soap that Ghost Statue really, really starts hating you. It's an accidental slip of the tongue, the first time Soap calls him Statue directly to his face. The glare isn't given to him though, it's given to you, and ten times worse than you've ever gotten it. Needless to say, you get a lecture in Price's office the next morning, and you stop calling Ghost by the wrong name if he can hear you. You just have to find other ways to irritate him.
This last one is kind of inspired by Riley. Simon can't hate dogs because he would hate Riley if he did. However, I can imagine Simon disliking cats. Generally, he avoids being around them if he can, but he's typically okay being in the same room. Until he meets the cat you and Soap decided to adopt (Soap, of course, knowing Simon doesn't like cats, and you being oblivious to this fact). This cat is still small enough that it sees a big tall thing and thinks climb. Soap constantly has this cat on his shoulder or, for some reason, laying on top of his mohawk. So the first time Simon walks in, this cat jumps down from where he is on Soap to make an approach. First comes the leg rubs, then comes the testing of the pants. When Simon tries to pick this cat off of his pants, the cat instead clings to his sleeve, and climbs up to his shoulder anyway. That day is the most annoyed you've ever seen Simon "Ghost" Riley. But then he turns into one of those cat dad situations. He does his best to avoid this cat when he can, but ends up not succeeding, and the cat slowly grows on him. He still claims to hell and back he would never get a cat of his own, no matter how much time he spends with your furry friend.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
The Painter’s Muse (Diluc/Painter)
synopsis !! a soft fic where you came from a family of painters, painting the Ragnvindr family for generations.
cw !! 1.5k words, gn reader, pet names, reader adores diluc, muse-concept
notes !! I was in the mood for something gentle today // just a quick fic
You met him at a very young age in your family’s painting studio.
It happened right after your father came home from an important commission, all the way from the countryside of Mondstadt. Your father was setting up the rather large canvas on the easel, pushing aside tubes of paint and newspapers scattered around the floor.
“I just need to start on the details, then it’s on its way back to the Dawn Winery,” Your father said, “Would you like to help me?”
Usually, you’d start nodding in excitement; overjoyed at the prospect of helping in the family’s honorable business of painting, but this time your eyes were distracted by the red of the portrait.
Your father’s paints had always been of the best quality, but this was the first time you’ve seen such a red stare back at you. Like ruby and fire, it was bright and enrapturing. 
“He’s pretty. . .” You mumbled almost quietly, entranced. Your father chuckled, hiding a smile behind his hand.
“He is, isn’t he? That’s the young master, Diluc Ragnvindr.” 
Diluc. It suited him; yet, it felt strange to be able to fit an entire being into such a short name. 
“Perhaps someday, you would be the one to paint him. Now, go get my brushes, I’ll teach you how to render this portrait.”
When you turned 10, your father brought you along to a city manor. Maids greeted your entrance at every corner as you were led to the salon, oak moldings and velvet decorating every wall and furniture. A tall man waited by the door, welcoming your father. His hair was just as red as the portraits.
“I hope you don’t mind that I brought my child along. They’re learning the ropes of painting,” Your father gestures to you as you bow your head, trying not to hide behind his legs.
The crimson man laughed, “Not at all! I’ve been bringing my sons to the taverns as well.” 
As your father sets up his easel and as the maids rearrange the furniture by a scenic window, the older man (whom you now know as Master Crepus) goes on to chat about his sons. The conversation flew; from sunsettia juice to knight training to a new addition to their family (hence the reason for the new family portrait).
“Father, we’re done.”
Two boys enter the room, dressed amicably as maids held onto a pair of ceremonial coats. One of them had hair as dark as midnight blue, and the other. . .
“Pretty. . .”
If you thought the red of the portrait was beautiful, then you weren’t prepared to meet the red you see in real life. Untamable fiery curls, held back by a ponytail, a wide smile on his lips that reached the eyes you’ve dreamed of seeing so much.
He’s so, so pretty, you wanted to capture the memory.
That night when you returned to the studio, you took out your best cotton papers –ones you’ve been saving for when you felt confident– and laid out every red paint you owned. Even after days of trying to recreate the image of him in that room, none could ever stand next to the memory of him.
As you grew older, you got used to the red. You’ve visited the Ragnvindr mansion and the Dawn Winery multiple times with your father, watching and even assisting their portraits. From painting them when they were first granted as knights, to the Cavalry Captain’s inauguration, to the several other ceremonial events held by the Knights or the Winery.
You’ve interacted. 
He’s called you by name with lips that fascinated you and he’s escorted you home on days when a painting breached the late hours.
You’ve seen his red eyes up close.
You’ve dubbed them as so many things; a fireplace on a winter night, ruby gemstones, twirling windwheel asters–  Perhaps you were seeking to define him into something that was containable for you, but none of which could perfectly capture the Diluc Ragnvindr you know of. 
This often warranted teasing from his normally meek brother.
“Paint a portrait, it’ll last longer.” Kaeya once commented as you stared at his brother from afar.
“I’m trying.” You huff.
Then came the time when the Ragnvindrs stopped commissioning portraits. How could they? When there were no Ragnvindrs left in Mond to paint.
But life moved on; you took over your family’s business, Kaeya went to further his career in the knights, and Diluc. . .  
It frustrated you. Four years without a glimpse of him as your memory was dwindling.
You were in no means a fanatic, but every other night, you tried to recreate his image at a corner of your sketchbook, or a spare paper in the studio, yet no red could perfectly replicate him.
No amount of portraits you’ve painted of him could actually depict him.
His arrival back to Mond was lackluster. You cross him in Angel’s Share and the image of him was different. He contrasted every bright portrait you made of him but he struck your devotion all the same.
‘I should buy more dark paints. . .’ You think to yourself and you did. You waited months, and months turned to a year and a year added a few more months before he stepped in your studio himself.
By then, the dark paints you bought have already been used and replaced multiple times.
“Master Diluc, what could I do for you?” You greet as though this were any other day he came in with his family for a portrait.
“A. . . portrait. To hang in the study, atop a fireplace.” He does not elaborate how he needs to replace his father’s portrait, nor the fact that it took him a year to take it down. 
You nod your head, “Should I visit the winery? Or would you like to schedule an appointment here-”
“I was hoping to have it done today. Now, if your schedule permits.”
You smile, inviting him into the private area of the studio where portraits are normally taken. Large windows open to sunshine, with the curtains gently flowing with the wind. Mondstadt is a land blessed by this comfort, after all.
“Please take a seat, I’ll set up my materials right away.”
It’s quiet as he sits across from you. Decades of practice has allowed him the patience for this. You hold your breath as you paint his eyes, trying to capture the reflection of light. Normally, you wouldn’t go for the details so quickly, but there was something about the stare of the portrait.
You went through everything else with ease. The shadow of his adam’s apple, the curve of his lips– you added scars you didn’t know about next to his childhood ones. 
“I’m glad you’re back,” You say at some point, “I was beginning to forget what you looked like.”
“We’ve known each other since we were children. Am I that easy to forget?” He doesn’t mean to make it sound teasing but the implication felt like it.
The answer is No. He’s not easy to forget at all, not with every portrait you’ve made of him. You probably knew more details of his face than he knows himself.
“Four years is a long time.” You glance at him from behind the canvas, “But. . .” With a brush raised to its eyes, you make a small swatch of bright red, “You’re still as alluring as ever.”
Diluc doesn’t react until you put down your brush on the table, indicating that you’re done. He stands, approaching you to stand by your side, a hand over your chair as he leans down to see your progress. At this angle, his face is right next to yours.
He doesn’t comment on the painting, instead he speaks softly.
“I didn’t mean to make you wait,” He says, this time turning to you, “The painting is well done. As always.”
You hold back a breath, biting down on your lip, “The finished portrait will be shipped to the winery after it has half dried. It’ll take about a week.” You say as you stand to gather your things.
“Won’t you come?” Diluc straightens himself, “To the winery.”
You hide a small laugh behind your hand, “At least take me to dinner first.”
His face flushes, it’s not as red as his hair but you wonder if you could paint him pink next time, “I meant for a portrait. The main hall requires a new one.”
You nod along, a simple “I’ll add it to my schedule,” before walking out to leave the private room and send him on his way. A gloved hand to your wrist stops you, turning you around to meet red eyes. You think again how your portraits could do him no justice.
“Or I could take you to dinner, and we could both leave for the winery,” He suggests and you feel his hand reach up to your cheek.
You couldn’t reply; it’s because of the red – the same red that captured you since childhood.
His thumb brushes your lower lip, you spot the red glance down before meeting your eyes again. Perhaps you weren’t the only one entranced.
“Will that be alright?” His voice is soft and low, almost unsure.
For once, you stop staring at him, eyes fluttering close as you lean closer.
“That would be perfect.”
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skzhua · 1 year
fool ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "I might be a fool too, then."
pairing: han jisung x reader.
genre: fluff, a bit of angst.
word count: 11,377
warnings: swearing, drinking, failed dates, suggestive. (not proofread yet!)
summary: being your closest friend on campus, jisung has been through thick and thin with you, and so the opposite. thus, he has seen your multiple attempts at dating, your numerous failed dates and the guys who had never called you back. what can be any better than a night in with him to cheer you up?
a/n: another one of my favourites of this series. we only have two more to go!
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Jisung was done with school for the day, finally. Not that he didn't like his major, in contrary. He was one of the few to know what he wanted to do with his life and to actually like it. However, the comfort of his room seemed much more appealing for him, especially after a whole day of socializing with his friend, Chan. Again, it's not that he didn't like the man, but he was definitely an extrovert. To add it to the lot, he was being especially friendly with the new girl who had just transferred to the school. He endured tagging along for a while, until he couldn't anymore. So he left.
It was in times like this that he was glad to have gotten a dorm near the music department. It only took him under ten minutes to walk home and drop dead on his bed. Turning on his phone, he saw a notification coming from his favourite person, you.
He met you during your freshman year. For being an introvert, you were shockingly talkative when the teacher had paired you up with him for an assignment. For once, he was thankful for being forced to work in teams since it led to having one of the greatest people he met as a friend. It was undeniable that he took a liking for you quickly. He simply could not avoid falling for you. You were smart, pretty, funny, lazy (just like him), bubbly and very touchy. He thought of himself as someone who liked skin ship, but you were on another level. After being friends for less than a month, you had already started to cling onto him like a child and to give him hugs each time you met up.
Clicking on the message app, he read your texts with a grin on his face. Once again, you were complaining about work as per usual. You were colleagues with a girl named Chunhwa with whom you had grew a nice friendship as you had ended up sharing a dorm with her. One thing about her was how unproductive she would be at work. Sure, you were a lazy potato too, but you actually wanted to keep your job unlike her.
Jisung: I don't get how she didn't get fired yet.
Y/N: Me neither, honestly...
Y/N: Are you done with school? Can I come over?
Jisung: You don't have to ask! Get your ass here!
Jisung was messy. The first time you saw his room, you had to restrain yourself from picking up all his trash to throw it away. With time, you got used to it and gave up on trying to make him clean his mess. Needless to say you were taken aback when you saw he had cleaned up the place when you barged into his room.
"Damn, I'm impressed." you yelled out.
"Jeongin forced me."
"Not surprised." you shrugged and sat next to him on his bed. "So, I have kimchi and friend chicken." you pulled out each item from the plastic bag.
"You stopped to get food before coming here?"
"Obviously." you laughed. "And I did not forget your jjajamyeon this time." you took it out for him to snatch it from you immediately.
"You're the best." he hummed, hugging his food.
"I know." you snickered. "Now, get your laptop. It's my turn to choose the movie."
Jisung stared at you fondly as you wrapped yourself in his blanket and cutely scrolled through his Netflix account. It was moments like these that compensated with his aching heart of seeing you go out with so many undeserving people. Yes, for him, none of them deserved you because you were that precious. He even thought himself wasn't good enough for you, which is one of the reasons why he had not told you about his feelings.
You ended up choosing a random anime as you had already been searching for a good 30 minutes. Eyes focused on the screen, you opened your box full of chicken and munched on it, not caring of how unclean it looked. It was Jisung, anyway, not like you were trying to impress him. Plus, he had seen you in worse states. Three episodes in, you heard the front door open, and you knew immediately that Jisung's roomie, Jeongin, had just come back home. It was a few seconds later when you heard an agressive knocking. You got up to answer and there was Jeongin, fuming in fury.
"You're here again?" he huffed rudely.
Uneasy, you managed a shy smile as you answered. "Yeah, I brought kimchi with some jjajamyeon and fried chicken."
"Smells like shit." he muttered and searched for Jisung behind you. "Dude, we talked about this. We cleaned this morning!"
Intimidated, Jisung hurried to talk. "I swear I'll clean up the trash after."
With that, he went to close the door in his face, and dragged you with him back into the soft blankets. You let out a laugh you didn't know you were holding back, and he copied your expressions.
"You are making him go through so much, poor thing." you said after the laughter toned down.
"We're fine, I know he loves me." he snickered.
You shook your head in disapproval. "Keep telling yourself that, Ji."
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Jisung was at Chan and Changbin's place as he stared impatiently at his phone. The others had gathered for their usual chillings, them being Sora, Minho and Chunhwa. As for you, you were on a date. The guy was from your English class, and had asked you out after you did a schoolwork together. Although your best friend never met him, he already knew he was going to be bad news.
And, somehow, he was right. Junsoo was, indeed, a total jerk. He asked some inappropriate questions about your relationship with Jisung as if he wanted to make sure you were available. Then, he didn't pay for the bill since he had just paid for his next semester, which you knew was a lie because all students have their school bill coming at the same time. He ended the night by touching every inch on your body after you had specifically told him to back off after the first time.
"Do you want to come back to my place?" he asked you when you got into his car, licking his bottom lips.
You stared at him in disgust. "Actually, I have plans after this. Just bring me back on campus."
He did insist, but stopped when you told him you were heading to Chan's dorm. Chan was a bit of a legend. He had contacts with everyone, and he was also buff as hell. Him being friends with Changbin also came handy in situations like these.
"I'd like to take you out again." Junsoo told you once you reached Chan's building.
You forced a smile, and nodded. "Sure. I'll see when I'm free."
You tried extra hard to not cringe when he kissed the back of your hand. As soon as his lips detached from your skin, you ran out of his car, and directly inside.
Jisung, who was still staring at his phone, finally got the call he had been waiting for all night. He did not hesitate one bit to answer, and asked how your date went, worried.
"Y/N?" he asked again when he didn't get a response.
"Ji..." you trailed off when a sob took over.
He got up from his seat in panic, and started to gather his things. "Y/N, baby, where are you? What did he do?"
"I'm downstairs. I was about to join you all, if you don't mind."
With that, Jisung calmed down and let go of his belongings. "Of course, we don't mind. Come right up and I'll make you some tea. Does it sound okay for you?"
"Yeah. Thank you, Ji."
"Come up quickly."
Changbin raised an eyebrow at the younger man. That's when Jisung realized everyone had stopped what they were doing to observe the scene. Unfortunately, this was not the first time something like this happened. In fact, it occured about a week prior from that moment.
"You can go in my room, if you want." Chan offered. "I'll sleep at Minho's instead."
"When did I agree with this?" Minho huffed, but apologized when Chan sent a glare his way.
"Thank you. Can I use your boiler to make her some tea?"
The man gestured to the whole kitchen, as if to tell him to make himself at home. He prepared everything in a hurry, and jumped when he heard a knock at the door. He quickly let you in and engulfed you into a hug. Your quiet sobs were breaking his heart, and he really wondered what the man had done to you for putting you in such a state.
"Your tea's ready." he said softly. "Do you want to stay with us, or do you want to talk in Chan's room?"
You shrugged your shoulders before wiping your tears. Your puffy eyes were enough for Jisung to know you'd rather not be seen crying your life out by everyone. He got your cup of tea and carefully walked with you to Chan's room. He leaned on the desk as he put down your beverage and let you inside. When you sat down on the bed, he hesitated whether he should speak or not. Your small sniffles were still the only thing that could be heard, and they were becoming louder and louder.
After a while, you finally talked when your crying reduced. "Am I some kind of magnet to assholes?"
Jisung knew he shouldn't be laughing, but he couldn't help but let out a muffled chuckle. Thankfully, you didn't take it personally and smiled with him.
"You're far from being a jerk magnet. Your best example would that you have me and the boys around." he said more seriously.
"It's not the same..." you mumbled.
Jisung sighed, knowing well you meant he was only going to remain your friend. "Are you going to tell me what he did to you, now?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It does to me."
You knew he was going to insist until you spill it out. You loved how you could count on him anytime, but it also made you worry that you put too many of your problems onto him. Anyway, you were not going to get away easily from his interrogation.
"He..." you started, but a knot formed in your stomach. "Let's say he stepped over some boundaries."
You could see him fume already. He straightened his posture and walked closer to you, encouraging you to develop furthermore.
"What boundaries?" he asked when you were not answering, and you were still not. "Did he touch you?"
Slowly, you nodded your head. You couldn't prevent him from exploding in anger, and it was not an enjoyable sight. As much as he can be the softest cinnamon roll, Jisung was impulsive when something that wasn't right would happen.
"Ji, it's okay-"
"For fuck's sake, Y/N." he yelled out, interrupting you. "Do you really think it's okay for someone to touch you without your consent?"
"We touch each other all the time-"
He cut you off once again. "It's not the same. You initiate skinship, and I never touched you in an inappropriate way. Plus, we talked about it, and you told me you were fine with it."
"I said I was fine with it with him, too."
He scoffed. "Were you thinking it, or were you being nice because you felt bad if you said no?" You didn't answer to this one because he knew you too well, and he had hit at the right spot. "Fuck, you're so dense. When are you going to realize you can set your limits?"
"Are you saying this is my fault?"
You didn't really think when saying that. Part of it was your fault, and you knew that very well since it wasn't the first time you let a guy touch you when you didn't want to. But a bigger part of it was the guy's fault. You knew Jisung meant well by saying you shouldn't let them do something you don't want to, because that was the truth. Anyhow, your mouth spoke before your brain could process your thoughts. And now Jisung had stepped away from you, and dropped himself on Chan's desk chair.
"You know damn fucking well I will never say this is your fault. I'm just trying to tell you to not let yourself be so... accommodating."
You rolled your eyes. "I don't need you to act like my dad, or something."
"I'm saying this as a friend." he looked at you with a serious face. "I don't want you to end up in a bad situation where I can't do anything about it."
"Well, maybe don't do something? You don't decide for me, Jisung."
He chuckled in disbelief. "You came here so I could help you, right?"
"And you're doing a great job at it."
"Do you expect me to not get mad when I learn an asshole was trying to fuck my best friend without her consent?"
"I would expect you to be more gentle with the situation, yes."
This seemed to do the trick for Jisung to switch back to his usual state. He took a big sigh as he looked down, and joined you on the bed. You could already see he was much calmer, so you brought him into a hug.
"I just want you to comfort me, that's all."
He sighed even louder as he hugged you back. "I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you suffer like this."
"Just hold me, and I'll feel better."
He complied as he hugged you even tighter. "How about we do like last time when that jerk called you an annoying piece of shit?"
You grunted and pushed him away from you. "Don't remind me."
"Hey, I'm only suggesting to do something to get your mind off of him."
You shook your head. "I'm already tired as it is, let's just go to sleep?"
He nodded. "I'll be your pillow again."
"Thank you, Ji."
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"You two fucked?" Chunhwa said in disgust. "I'm glad I left earlier."
You groaned in frustration, as you were attempting to explain what happened a few days ago. "No, we slept together. We always do."
"Putting the emphasis on the 'sleep together' part does not help." You deadpanned at her, but she only shrugged her shoulders. "Girl, you're not being clear."
"Is it that hard to get? I cried, he held me, and we fell asleep in the same bed."
"There you go, that's much better." she snickered at you, but your expression remained the same. "You'll have to thank Chan for letting you take over his room. Again. And, please, do not argue like this again? We literally heard everything."
"Yeah, yeah." you rolled your eyes at her. "Sorry about that, I guess. It's just that... Jisung can be so reactive sometimes."
"He cares about you." the girl put her hand on your shoulder. "And just so you know, he hates seeing you cry about a man every two weeks."
You slapped her hand away in a playful manner as you stood up from your bed. "He'll hate it if he wants to. I have join him now, anyways. Catch up with you later?"
You ran outside to go at the local café. Ordering an iced coffee, you sat at a table to wait patiently for Jisung to show up. Knowing him, he was most likely going to be late. You didn't mind, though. You had some personal schoolwork to do in the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to get some of it done.
"Hey." A voice startled you.
You looked up and saw a guy. You swore you had seen him before, but you weren't sure from where. Noticing your confusion, the man chuckled shyly before extending his hand out for you to shake.
"I'm Minyoung, a friend of Junsoo."
You shook his hand in a reluctant manner. "Y/N."
"I know." he laughed out. "I saw you and I just wanted to apologize for my friend's behaviour towards you. He has a bad habit of not being able to keep it in his pants."
Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you started to get why he started talking to you. "It's all good, no worries."
"Okay, good." he chuckled.
He stood there, uneasy, and seemed to hesitate to speak. The moment he was about to say something, you spotted Jisung behind him. He was a mess. Hair disheveled, glasses on meaning he didn't have the time to put his contact lenses on, bag dragging behind him... You laughed at the sight of him, causing the man in front of you to turn around, laying eyes on your best friend of a mess.
"I'm so sorry, I know I'm late. I slept in and I should have texted you, but then forgot, and my bus was about to leave so I ran and-" he breathed out heavily, chest puffing.
"It's okay, Ji." you laughed. "It actually allowed me to get some stuff done in the meantime."
He nodded his head, reassured. But then, his eyes stopped on the man next to him. Eyeing up and down, he frowned.
"Am I interrupting something, or..?" he trailed off.
"Oh gosh, of course not-" you spoke.
"Actually, kind of-"
You and Minyoung exchanged gazes, laughing awkwardly in the process. "Can you give us a second, Ji?"
Your friend sighed and left to go to the counter to order himself something. He knew where this was going and he did not like one bit of it. While he didn't know Minyoung that much, he knew enough to be certain he was bad news. Captain of their basketball team, handsome as hell, and grades that only a genuis could get, he was a jackpot for any girl on campus. Jisung watched the two of you from afar, unsure if he should be coming back to avoid yet, another failed date.
"Hey, Jisung!" Seungmin said from the other side of the counter, breaking him off his thoughts.
"Seungmin." he gave him a nod before his gaze went back on you.
He tried to hear a bit of your conversation and magically caught on what you were saying.
"Did you want to tell me somehing?" you asked the guy.
"Actually, I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I'd like to take you on a date? I know you don't know me much, but I can assure you I'm nothing like Junsoo."
Did you believe him? No, of course not. However, one thing about you is that you always gave someone a chance even if they came off as bad people. Another thing was that you always tried to see the positive aspects of anyone, because you truly believed everyone was good.
"Alright, sure." you smiled.
"Oh, wow, great." he grinned. "Are you free tonight? No, wait, next Tuesday evening?"
You did have plans with Jisung, but he would understand if you cancelled, right? Plus, you saw him pretty much everyday. What could one day without seeing him do?
"Yeah, I'm available."
"Great. How about we meet here at 5pm?" You nodded happily, which caused him to smile even more. "I'll see you next week, then."
"See you."
By then, Jisung had come back and watched the man leave the café, daggers in his eyes. "I got you a latte." he said in an unpleasant tone.
You took it from him as a frown formed on you face. "Thanks... Are you okay?"
"You agreed to go out with him?" he scoffed while sitting down in front of you.
"Y/N, we talked about this recently. Was he being insistant? Do I need to file a restraining order for you?"
You rolled your eyes at him as you let out a snort. "It's fine, trust me. He seems more decent than Junsoo."
"We'll see about that." he huffed. "Now, where are we with the project?"
You opened the Word file on your laptop and turned the screen to show it to him. "I did most of the layout and I took some of the ideas from your document, if you don't mind."
"It's a team project, of course I don't mind." he deadpanned at you. "You marked me to write the conclusion? You know I suck at that!"
"You would have complained if I put you the introduction too, so it doesn't matter."
You truly loved Jisung with all of your heart, but as a school partner? He was the absolute worst.
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Things with Minyoung were simple. At school, he started to walk you to your class and buy you a snack once in a while. He would ask if you ate breakfast and just come to entertain you when he would spot you reading alone. Most of the time, it was only him and you but it did happen that Jisung had to third-wheel.
"Hey, pretty." Minyoung said as he incrusted himself between you and your best friend.
Jisung huffed as he watched you bat your eyelashes at the man who has just interrupted your conversation. Not only that, but he had the guts of sitting as to separate him from you.
"Hey." you smiled admirably. "How was your class?"
"Good, but I had something else in mind." he nudged at you. "I've got everything covered for tonight."
"That's nice. I can't wait."
"I'm sure you'll love it. I'll see you tonight." he said while sending a wink your way.
He got up, still staring at you, while you waved at him. Jisung sat right back closer to you even if the bench had plenty of space.
"What is happening tonight?" he asked which broke you off from your trance.
"Oh." you blinked a couple of times. "I forgot to tell you, but my date with him is tonight."
He frowned. "I thought you already went out, hence the weird flirting since last week."
You shook your head. "It's tonight."
"But, Y/N." he whined. "The next episode is out tonight and then we go to the guys' dorm and play games, remember?"
"I know that and I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise." you rubbed his shoulder.
"We had planned this already, did you just say yes because he came up to you all cute and shit?" he asked but your face was enough to answer his question. "You're unbelievable." he shook his head and got up.
"Ji." you called him out.
"You know where I am if he breaks your heart." he sighed and walked away.
You did feel bad, but like you had thought previously, you saw Jisung ever single day. It was with a weird feeling that you left the school grounds to go back to your dorm. As you stepped inside, you almost rushed into Chunhwa who was about to leave.
"Watch out." you yelled out and she stepped aside just in time.
"You're in a hurry." she laughed. "Is tonight your date?"
You nodded happily as you found balance on you feet again. "Minyoung told me to meet at the coffee shop but I don't know what he planned out for us tonight."
"Have a good night then, but don't be stupid and use protection!" she waved as she walked out.
"This applies to you with Changbin." you shouted to her as the door was closing leaving just enough time for her to send you the middle finger.
You laughed at yourself and then proceeded to go to your closet. You didn't have much that you could work with since most of your decent outfits were in the laundry. Your eyes scanned through your selection of pants and you opted to go for a cozy look. Picking a pair of large ripped jeans and a shirt with a low-cut, you changed quickly before changing your hairstyle into something more fancy. Adding some jewelry to the whole look, you looked at yourself through the mirror with a satisfied smile.
Your phone ringing interrupted your moment and you answered without looking at who was contacting you. "Hello?"
"You're sure you're not coming tonight?"
Of course he was going to try and convince you. "Ji, I'm not going to change my mind."
"The episode is out now! You expect me to wait an entire day for you to be available to watch it?"
You huffed. "Watch it by yourself then."
"It's our show." he insisted. "Plus, Chan cleared his schedule to hang out for us. The least you can do is actually show up, no?"
He did have a point. In fact, you missed hanging out with the gang. And since he brought up Chan who you had barely seen in the past months, you were on the verge of calling off your date and go with your friends. But your phone buzzed which indicated another call was coming in.
"Can I hold you for a second? I have someone calling me." You heard an annoyed "yes" from his end before accepting the other call. "Yes?"
"Hi, Y/N! I'm letting you know I'm here already so I'll be waiting."
You checked the time and cursed at yourself. You had taken too long to prepare yourself that you didn't notice the time passing by so fast.
"Right, I had a few things to do at home so I'll be late by a few minutes."
"It's all good." Minyoung reassured. "Do you want me to order something?"
"Not yet. I'm coming as soon as I can."
"See you, pretty."
You blushed and hung up. Hearing the familiar music of Mario Bros, you remembered Jisung was also waiting after you.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"Listen..." you started, the guilt building up.
Of course, Jisung knew that tone. The number of times he listened to you apologizing for cancelling plans with him to go out on dates made him familiar with this sad voice of yours. He knew what you were about to say.
"It's alright. Like I said, you know where to find me if anything."
"I'm sorry."
Without adding another word, he hung up. While the weird knot in your stomach was still present, you shrugged it off quickly and left your place to head to the café.
Arriving to your destination, it didn't take you too long to spot your date sitting at a table as he scrolled through his phone. He looked very good as he had changed into a clean white shirt with a jean jacket to go over it. His hair was styled differently than usual. Instead of the messy state it was usually in, he parted it on the side and put some gel for it to stay in place.
"I hope I didn't make you wait for too long." you said as you came into his view.
"Y/N! Of course not, it was barely ten minutes." he chuckled before eyeing you up and down. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. You look great too."
He rubbed the side of his neck in shyness. "I tried to dress up, yeah. So, I hope you like bowling because that's our plan for tonight."
"Sounds good. Lead the way, Mister."
He smiled widely before putting his hand on your lower back to guide you towards the exit. Felix, who had taken the evening shift at the coffee shop, watched in silence from afar.
Of course, it was not in Jisung's plans to keep track on what you were doing. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if you were okay. Not feeling in the mood of socializing if you weren't going to be there, he had texted Changbin in advance to tell him he won't make it to their game night. And that's how he found himself in front of his laptop with a soda on the side, watching your favourite show alone.
Until Felix texted him. He wasn't close friends with the guy. They had only met the year before at one of Chan's parties and bonded over the fact their birthdays were only a day apart from each other. They still kept contact afterwards, texting each other every once in a while.
Felix: She's out with another guy? I thought I saw her with Junsoo last week.
Jisung: You're talking about Y/N? Yeah, she blindly agreed to go out with him.
Felix: When are you going to stop doing this to yourself?
Jisung: Doing what?
Felix: Don't act like you don't know.
Jisung sighed. What was he going to do anyway? You made it very clear that you could not see him in a romantic way and he had buried the idea of asking you out the moment he got the message. Plus, he was nothing like the guys you went out with. Jisung was weak and barely did any kind of exercice. He wasn't that popular or anything and his life consisted mainly of staying at home to watch anime.
Jisung: I want her to be happy. If dating a popular basketball player is what it takes, then so be it.
Felix: But in the meantime you're hurting.
Jisung: Because you're dating the prettiest girl on campus doesn't mean you need to meddle in my love life.
Felix: I'm not dating Hyunjoo.
Jisung: Right, and I don't like Y/N.
Felix: Aha! Admitted.
Jisung: I like her, yes, but it won't change a thing.
Felix: Alright man. Just saying, the guy seems to be into her a lot. Don't miss your chance.
Jisung: It's fine. I'm happy for her.
Lying to himself was a better option than facing his own pain. Whether he wanted to or not, seeing you with someone else hurt like hell. But for your sake and his, he never said anything, and he was determined for it to stay this way.
As for you, the date was going smoothly. This might had been the only guy who was treating you with respect. He bought you snacks while you were playing and encouraged you with sweet words when you'd miss a shot.
By the end of the game, he invited you to go to a park to walk and get to know one another. On the side of the trail, he picked up a flower and placed it on your hair. Gestures like these were the absolute perfection in normal situations. But for you? It did nothing. You did get shy and fluttered a little bit, but it wasn't like genuine feelings blooming. You decided to not mind it for now. Since you were still feeling bad for ditching your best friend, you assumed it might be the cause of your mixed feelings.
"I always wondered what's the thing you have Han." Minyoung blurted out of the blue.
"What about him?"
"You know what people say around campus."
In confusion, you shook your head. "Other students talk about us?"
"Yeah, I thought you knew." Your face still having the same expression, he sighed before speaking. "You're always together and because you two are pretty good looking, people assume you are together. I have some girls from the cheerleading team that are actually quite jealous of you."
You scoffed. "Jealous of me?"
He nodded. "Jisung is quite a catch, you know?"
"He's the most antisocial person on Earth." you argued in disbelief.
"It doesn't change the fact girls think he's hot. I'm only telling you what my friends said about it."
You sat on a bench near by as this conversation was getting a little bit overwhelming for you. You did know Jisung was handsome. Heck, you saw that face every day, you weren't blind. The surprising point was how much he was a heartthrob unlike what you thought. With how he had always put it out, he was the biggest loser ever.
"And people say we're... a thing?"
"Almost everyone, yeah. But you've gone out with a couple of my friends, so I suppose those rumors are false." he affirmed and sat next to you.
You chuckled. "Very far from the truth, yes. Jisung and I are nothing more than friends."
"So I can do this without worrying of getting my ass kicked?"
"Do what?"
Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. They tasted a little bit like strawberry, probably due to the beverage he drank beforehand. Strangely, it reminded of of the time you had attempted to make a strawberry cake with Jisung, which ended in a failure obviously.
"I think we should go back, I'm starting to get tired." you said as soon as the kiss ended.
"Oh, okay. Do you want me to walk you home?"
"It'd be nice, yes."
He walked you to your dorm safely and kissed you once more as a farewell. Luckily for you, it looked like Chunhwa was still out at Changbin's place. You took the opportunity to use your shared television to put on your show. Jisung had probably watched it on his own, so you didn't feel bad doing it alone. It still felt wrong, though. You never missed an episode together.
Little did you know that at the same moment, your best friend was already at the end of the episode, having the worst time of his life as he felt guilty for not having waited for you.
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You couldn't believe that finals were already coming up. Although you hated the amount of stress it added to your already high level, you were glad to see the end of the tunnel. It was even better because Minyoung had finally asked you to be his girlfriend after the multiple dates you went on.
"You said no?" Jisung almost screamed which caused you to shush him.
You gave an apologetic smile to the librarian before glaring at your friend. "I said I'll think about it."
He groaned. "I thought you liked him and if you want my opinion, he's the first decent contestant we've had so far."
"You act as if dating me is a competition or something."
He deadpanned at you. "With the amount of people who asked you out throughout the time we've known each other, yes it is."
This made you remember your conversation you had with Minyoung on your first date. You had been dying to ask Jisung if what you heard was true, if he really was as popular among the female students as Minyoung claimed him to be. You just never had the opportunity to bring up the topic, but this was your chance.
"I could say the same about you."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Have you seen me go out with someone?"
"No, but apparently your good looks are attracting people."
He smirked. "Finally admitting that I'm the most handsome student at school?" he joked.
"I'm only repeating what Minyoung told me about you."
His smile fell. "What did he say about me? Y/N, you swore you'd only date someone who is okay with us being so close."
"He's fine with it, don't worry. No, he said girls from the cheerleading team are crushing on you."
You didn't expect for him to react much other than tell you it was all false but as he focused back to writing down in his notebook, you started to doubt. He might not have told you everything about him after all.
"Han Jisung." you said in a warning tone but the only response you got was a hum. "It's true?"
He finally dared to look up at you. "No? Maybe? Fine, yes. They're pretty insistent, you know? One of them told me that the fact I get shy when they ask me out only makes me more attractive. Have you seen me, Y/N? I'm a low-life dude who eats ramen 24/7 and whose best friend is one of the prettiest girls in college who is, by the way, very out of my league. But really, when you think of-"
"Woah, stop here." you said as you raised your hand up. "What do you mean I'm one of the prettiest girls here? So everything Minyoung told me was true?"
He rolled his eyes as he was, by then, annoyed by how clueless you were. "Why do you think you get dates only by snapping your fingers? Why do you think I always want to avoid the sport center?"
"Because you hate sports?"
"Fair point, but it's really only because I'm avoiding the cheerleaders."
You were in shock. All of this time, you thought he was just bad with asking girls out which would have explained his lack of activity in this department, but in fact, he was the one turning them down.
"None of them interest you?"
He scoffed. "I don't have time for that. Besides, I'm most likely going to embarrass myself if I actually go on a date. Now that we have covered this very useless part of my life, can we focus on the project? The due date is in two days might I remind you."
"Right, sorry."
Some time passed until the two of you got tired of it. You packed your books in your bags and headed out of the library. Jisung left first and told you he'd wait for you at his dorm with food to watch your show.
"I'll go find Minyoung if you don't mind."
He sent you a knowing look. "Should I get a bottle of champagne to celebrate?"
"Go." you pushed him towards the exit as he laughed loudly.
After having gathered everything from your locker, you went to make your way to the sport center. You remembered Minyoung told you he had a practice if you wanted to tell him your answer then. When you entered the gym, you found it empty. Logically, practice was done so you went to go next to the changing rooms to wait for him to get out.
"I thought she liked you enough to say yes."
You recognized Junsoo's voice speaking. You didn't feel anything but disgust by hearing his voice so you were about to leave. But another voice caught your attention.
"I didn't lose the bet yet, she might say yes." Your heart sank as you heard Minyoung talk. "But this Han guy is really getting in the way."
"I told you so!" Junsoo replied. "She's impossible to get because Han keeps us away. Have you had the talk?"
"What talk?"
"He came to me after our date and he might be small but he's scary and strong as hell."
"What did he say?"
"It was mostly insults and shit like I don't deserve her anyway or something. If anything, it's kind of sad how he's being such a simp for her."
When you thought you've heard enough, the door suddenly opened wide with Minyoung coming out first. The instant his eyes laid on you, you could see the regret in them.
You were glad you didn't let tears flood out because you surely felt them coming. You could not face him in such a vulnerable state, not after what he had said about you.
"Are you in high school or something to be betting on someone as if they're objects to collect?"
He shook his head. "This is not what it looks like."
He tried to approach you but you backed away. "I'm glad I came here to tell you I don't want to be with you. I guess you just added more reason for me to tell you to fuck off."
You turned on your heels and started to walk away. Your eyes were starting to get filled with tears, but you wanted to say one more thing before letting them out.
"By the way," you said as you stopped on your tracks. "Jisung was right to go after you all because you are fucking desperate to be betting on a girl."
Jisung, on the other hand, was happily preparing the room for your night in. He had asked for Jeongin to go out but he already had a night shift at the convenience store which allowed him to have to dorm to himself. When he heard a knock on his door, he opened it with a wide smile. However, it was soon wiped off his face when he recognized the familiar tears coming down on your cheeks.
"Y/N, baby, what happened?" he asked and brought you into his embrace. "What did that son of a bitch do?"
It was only then that you let yourself sob out without holding back. "I hate men." you simply said.
Jisung seemed to have gotten the messages that you didn't want to talk about it and he led you to his room. You were in awe as you caught sight of the setup for watching movies with a tray set on the desk filled with your favourite treats.
"You're the best, oh gosh." you exclaimed, melting at how affectionate the gesture was.
"It was originally to congratulate you for your new relationship, but it can totally be to cheer you up."
"I love it." you smiled and hugged him.
"We can move to the living room if you want. Jeongin's working."
You nodded in approval of his suggestion and you helped him carry the blankets and pillows to his couch while he transported the tray of food. Quickly, you settled with playing Mario Kart as you would always do. He would never tell you but he did let you win a few times only to see a happy grin on your face. He was competitive but never with you.
"Stop looking at me and focus." he whined with his mouth full of popcorn. "You've been falling at the same spot three times already."
"Watch your screen, not mine." you nagged and only received mocking from him.
Your kart was approaching the end but Jisung sent a red shell your way which knocked your vehicle down for a second. Victoriously, he surpassed you and was now leading the course. As a way to distract him, you came closer to his face.
"Jisung~" you cooed. "You suck at this game."
He groaned as he tried to push you away. "Y/N, stop this."
Luckily, it did distract him enough as he went off road for an instant which allowed you to take the lead and reach the end. You jumped up in victory and danced a little as to show off your skills.
"I'm so good, shame on you for not being able to beat me."
He rolled his eyes. "Enough gaming for you tonight." he concluded and took the controller from your grip.
"But Jisung!" you whined.
"You won all of the five games we played, time for a movie now." He changed the cables to connect it to his Netflix account. "Stop pouting, I'm letting you choose."
You immediately glowed up at the mention of you choosing. "For real?"
"It's your get-better-night, so yeah." he shrugged. "But please consider that I hate your children movies."
"The Minions is peak cinematography and I will stand by it until I die."
Only to piss him off, you pick that exact movie. He grumbled some curses at you before he let you snuggle into him, not forgetting to bring the bowl of popcorn with him for the two of you. He hoped to heavens that you would be too immersed into the movie to not hear his heart beat so hard. It was during moments like these that Jisung wished he was yours so he could kiss you as if it was a normal occurrence between you two.
"Jisung." you huffed as you received a couple of popcorns on your face that dropped from the handful that he took.
"What?" he said and noticed what you were referring to. "Sorry." he laughed.
You didn't hesitate to take a handful yourself and throw it his way.
"Oh, it's on." he declared.
So for the next thirty minutes or so, the only things that could be heard in the living room were your laughs, insults you threw at each other, and the movie that was still playing in the background. It ended when realization hit Jisung upon seeing the floor in a messy state.
"Fuck, Jeongin is going to kill me."
You laughed at him. "He'll understand."
"Do you know Jeongin?"
You could only laugh more and then dropped on the couch, Jisung copying you soon after. "Thank you for tonight. It helped a lot."
"It's nothing. I told you I'm always here for you." he smiled. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"I was a bet." you kept it short. "I overheard him talking about me with his teammates."
He winced. "I'm so sorry. It's unfortunate, I had good vibes about him."
"Yeah, well, some people are not like what they seem... like you."
He frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I'm still thinking about how popular you are." you said, not wanting to talk about him defending you yet.
"Let's not talk about that." he groaned. "We can do something else, the movie's over." he pointed to the credits rolling on the screen.
"How about games?"
You went over almost every silly games you knew such as charades, truth or dare, mimes and more. Approaching the end of the night, you went on with playing rock paper scissors as you ran out of ideas.
"Ouch." Jisung exclaimed after you flunked his forehead.
"It wasn't that bad!" you rolled your eyes. "Again."
You showed your fist, but Jisung had his palm opened. He beat your rock with his paper.
"No." you complained.
"Come here, baby." he snickered.
You leaned closer to him and got the hair on your forehead out of the way. He then flicked his finger, strongly enough for you to hear a toc. You gasped in pain and your eyes squinted while you put your hand over where his finger had just hit.
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry." he hurried to apologize. "Are you okay?"
He held your face with the palm of his hands. Suddenly, it felt like time stopped. Staring back at his almond eyes, you could not move. He was the cutest as worry was sprawled all over his face.
"I'm sorry." he said and then did something you certainly did not expect.
Bringing your head lower, he placed a kiss on the red spot on your forehead and then pat on it. You could only stare at him still, not finding the words to react.
"There, all healed." he smiled.
When he met your gaze again, it dawned on him that he just kissed your head without asking. His mind went blank as he didn't know what to say to justify himself. But the smile on your own face was all it took for him to relax. His eyes flickered down on your lips before he came closer. He was still approaching dangerously until he kissed you. You didn't even question it and melted into it, almost as if it was natural. Well, it felt like it. Your mouths were moving perfectly in sync with each other and you couldn't get enough of him.
But he abruptly separated himself from you. "I-I shouldn't- I didn't mean-" he stammered, clearly unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry."
"Ji..." you said, reaching out your hand to him.
He pushed it away and got up. "I think we should call it a night."
"I think we should talk."
"Y/N, please."
His pleading face hurt you. With a small nod, you took your stuff that was scattered around the living room and went to his front door in silence. You didn't turn the knob just yet.
"Thank you for tonight, I'm being honest."
He looked away, unable to keep his eyes on you any longer. "It's nothing. Good night."
"Good night."
As his door closed shut, he let himself fall on the couch. Why did he have to be so careless and kiss you just like that?
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You were patient and understanding, so of course it made sense that Jisung didn't reach out to you yet to talk about what had happened. Nonetheless, you had your limits and more than a week without talking to your best friend, your other half, it was too much. You were grateful for the finals to have distracted you a little but now that you were done, he was the only thing in your mind. Maybe the party Chan was organizing for the end of the semester was going to help.
After your last exam, Chunhwa invited you to hang out with her and Changbin. You wanted to refuse at first to avoid watching them eye-fucking each other. However, it had been a while since you spent time with them so you ended up coming to the coffee shop with them. You took the opportunity to give her a little update as to what happened with Minyoung and Jisung. She didn't seem much surprised but still listened nonetheless.
"And hear this: he didn't even text me afterwards. Can you believe it?" you finished explaining the situation.
You followed her gaze and noticed she was staring at Changbin. Without her seeing, you rolled your eyes at how smitten she was.
"He'll do it eventually, don't worry."
Her response did not help. You only huffed when Changbin came back from the counter with the muffin you asked him to order. In one go, you got it in your mouth and munched aggressively.
"I would have never guess that Jisung was the one who put you in this state." Chunhwa said, taken aback from the quantity of food you managed to put in your mouth.
Still munching your muffin, you shrugged. "Not my fault he ghosted me after he kissed me. You should talk with someone when something like this happens instead of ignoring the issue. For real, it's like you fucked a close friend and then never establish what happens next. And sex is a big deal as much as kissing is."
Not really thinking while talking, you then realized you might have referred to what was going on between your two friends unintentionally. Chunhwa ignored it though as she rubbed your back to reassure you.
"He's such a fool, I swear to God I'll smack him next time I see him." you mumbled under your breath.
"He might come to the party tonight. Take it as your chance to talk to him."
You shook your head. "Forget about him. I'll just have fun tonight."
And Jisung wasn't doing any better than you. In fact, he was enraged with himself for not talking to you. He thought it was too late by then and didn't dare to make the first move. Plus, the only time he got to get a glimpse of you, you had glared intensely at him from the other side of the cafeteria. Needless to say that he didn't feel so good. He tried to hide it since he had one final exam to take.
He came across Eunhee, Chan's potential lover, and he greeted her with a weak smile as they went to do the exam together. It went by quickly and before he knew it, he was done. The two of them walked out together and chatted about the questions to see if their answers were similar.
"I was certain it was d..." he said, confused on his answer.
"By the way," Eunhee spoke, grabbing his attention. "I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. You don't look so good to me, no offense."
He looked down on the ground and hesitated to talk for an instant. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just... Y/N and I fought and there is Chan's party tonight. I know she's going but I'm not sure if I want to face her." he admitted as he remembered the death glare you gave him.
"You should go."
"You think so?"
She smiled. "Yeah, I do. You two are practically inseparable from what I see. I think it'll be a shame to not try to fix things."
"You have a point..." he breathed out. "Alright, I'll go. Are you coming too?"
She thought for a moment before nodding. "I guess I can stop by."
For some reason, her words really motivated him. As soon as he got home, he took the time to choose something appropriate to wear. He took all of his clothes out of his drawer and started to discard certain pieces of clothing. From an outer perspective, it looked very disorganized but for Jisung, it was clear.
"What the hell?" Jeongin exclaimed in horror as he stopped in front of Jisung's room. "What is happening here? It looks like a crime scene."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm simply trying to find something to wear for tonight."
"Oh, you're coming in the end? That's good, we'll leave together then?"
"Sure." Jisung shrugged. "Do you know who else is going?"
"Pretty much everyone except for Eunhee. I tried to convince her but she didn't want to."
"Bizarre, she told me she'll come."
Jeongin frowned. "Bizarre, indeed. Anyway, I'll be waiting for you so hurry up."
As requested, Jisung got ready in no time. He had picked a normal t-shirt and put a plaid vest over it with a pair of black jeans. He finalized the look with chains and rings and made sure to arrange his hair in a decent way, unlike the mop he had for the past days.
Before joining Jeongin, Jisung thought it'd be a good idea to send you a quick message to at least let you know he was willing to talk. He didn't expect you to answer, but he was still hopeful.
The two roommates left their flat and arrived about ten minutes before the given time. Chan invited them in by offering them a drink and they went over to the couch where Sora and Youngmi were already sitting. They started to chat about the end of school and other plans they had for the summer. Looking down at his phone every once in a while to see if you answered, he was happy to see Eunhee finally arriving.
"Am I late?" she asked him after they exchanging a quick side hug.
"We pretty much all came in advance. Minho, Hyunjin, Byeol, Hyunjoo and Felix are missing." he informed before drinking what Chan gave him.
"And Chunhwa and Y/N." Changbin added discreetly, nudging his friend's arm. "She told us about what happened."
Jisung's face grew red. "I prefer to not talk about it for now."
"I'll just let you know that she is mad, but like, mad."
This was no good news. And he was right to think so. As more people kept coming, his anxiety only had risen. Mixing a huge party with you being mad at him, he was not doing well.
But on your side, you didn't see that. When you arrived with Chunhwa, the first thing you did was chugging shots after shots before joining other students on the dance floor. Swaying your body to the rhythm, you were more than happy to not be thinking about anything else but that. You eventually lost Chunhwa when you realized she left with Changbin. Instead of trying to look for someone you knew, a guy started to grind on you. Usually, you would be disgusted and would push him away. However, because of the level of alcohol in your body, you couldn't care less. Moving your body with him, you felt his pelvic area become harder. Maybe you were starting to feel uneasy. Nonetheless, you kept on going and he ended up kissing you ferociously.
And Jisung was watching all of it from the corner of the room, his jaw clenching at the simple sight of someone other than him kissing you. By then, he was at his fourth drink of the night. Having grabbed a random beer that tasted like piss, his only goal was to drink his feelings away although he knew it was a bad way to cope.
"Are you alright?"
The voice took him by surprise but once he realized it was Chunhwa, he calmed down a little bit.
"I literally came here to tell her about, well, I assume you know?" he started to rant and she nodded in understanding. "I don't get her."
Taking another sip of the nasty beer, he made a weird face because of the taste.
"Hwayoung truly loves you. Honestly, I think she's scared of things changing between you two. And tonight means nothing to her, I can tell you that." Chunhwa attempted to defend you, but Jisung was having none of it and scoffed.
"I guess I understand, but I can't always be that guy. The one who's around whenever she needs it."
"I get that."
He realized it was the first time he admitted out loud how much he hated being your emotional support every time you got ditched. Just then, Changbin arrived after he had calmed the party down a little due to Chan's argument with Sora. He joined Chunhwa to her side and kissed her on the lips quickly, making Jisung scoff even louder.
"Alright, lovebirds. Rub it in my face." he rolled his eyes.
Changbin chuckled. "We've only just confessed."
"Yeah, well, at least your girl isn't being a total idiot..."
He took it as his cue to leave the couple alone. Spotting Sora leaving Chan, he thought that maybe he should be a good friend and go to him to see if he was doing alright after the fight. However, he didn't make it as someone tripped on his foot and fell into his arms. He clumsily tried to get a good grip to prevent the girl from falling.
"Hi, Ji~"
He cursed under his breath. Of all the students present, it had to be you. By looking at your flushed face, it was a sign that you might have consumed too much. He helped you up on your feet and went to Chan. As the older man saw the state you were in, he immediately helped Jisung to bring you to his room.
"Do you want me to stay with you two?"
Jisung shook his head. "I've got her from here, thanks."
As Chan left the room, you tried to get to the bed alone, but it was no success. Jisung sighed and held your sides to guide you. As you slumped on the bed, you started to hit his chest. He wasn't necessarily taken aback from your behaviour as he did ignore your messages for a while so he simply accepted his fate and let himself get beaten up by you. Well, not beaten up. More like attacked poorly because your hits were so weak.
"You're so pretty." you smiled sheepishly after you were done with hitting him. "Why do you have to be so pretty? I can't stay pissed at you if you look this good."
He chuckled. "Then don't be mad at me?"
"I can't, I hate you."
"Hmm, is that so?"
You looked at him attentively. Grabbing his head, he let out a whimper from how strong your grip was. You brought him closer and pursed your lips. He panicked for a moment as he didn't want to kiss you while you were this drunk.
"I don't hate you." you whined. "I love you."
Okay, now, he was definitely not doing okay. He pushed your hands away and took a step back.
"I'll go get you a glass of water."
"Jisungie~" you called him out. "Stay with me, please."
He couldn't resist you plea, so he stayed. He took the spot next to you and allowed you to cuddle with him. You happily put your head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent fully.
"I'm sorry for being such a fool."
He shook his head. "You're not a fool, don't say that."
"I am." you sniffed and that's when he realized you had started crying. "I'm so stupid for going out with so many jackasses. I wanted to forget you."
"Forget me?"
"I love you so much that it hurts." you declared, but Jisung only froze, so you continued. "I'm scared of losing you if I tell you I love you. I guess it's too late now, but yeah. I'm sorry for being a fool by not telling you sooner."
He wasn't sure if you were aware of what was happening but he didn't care. If there was one thing he knew about you when drunk is that you were always honest.
"I might be a fool too, then."
"You're not. You're kind-hearted, attentive, pretty and you give good advices. You're always doing things according to me so you know I feel comfortable and I never thank you for it."
He kept on stroking your hair in silence as you continued on giving him compliments. Maybe you weren't going to remember it, but he wanted to make sure he did by listening to every single word you let out attentively.
"I love you, Ji." you said to finish your monologue, your voice getting weaker as you grew tired.
He smiled to himself for how adorable you were. "I love you too."
"Remind me tomorrow." you whispered but loud enough for him to hear.
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You woke up with the worst headache. Opening your eyes slowly, you took in on your surroundings. You were in Chan's room which was a good sign as it meant you didn't leave with a random person. But there was a random person next to you. You then noticed the ball of hair that was too familiar to your liking. Had you slept with Jisung? Checking your outfit real quick, you concluded you did not as you still had your clothes on. So how did you end up in Chan's bed with your best friend? It wasn't the first time you slept in the same bed but with the circumstances, you felt awkward.
It was only a few minutes later that Jisung stretched out his arms as he woke up. He seemed to be doing better than you as he was smiling contently. However, when his eyes opened to meet yours, he jumped out of the bed.
"I wanted to wake up first to not freak you out, I'm sorry. I swear nothing happened." he was quick to explain.
"It's fine." you responded as you sat up, bringing the blanket close to your chest. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Yeah, what about you?" You shook your head and Jisung's eyes widened. "Right, you drank a lot yesterday. Do you want me to get you something? A Tylenol, some water, more blankets?"
As much as you were still angry with him, his caring personality made its way to your heart. So you let him take care of you. He left to go to the kitchen and you heard some arguing with Chan. It was something along the lines of stealing his bed again or whatever. He was quick to come back with a pill and a glass of water. You swallowed it in one-go and then invited Jisung to sit with you. Like a puppy, he did as told and waited patiently for you to talk.
"Why did we sleep together?"
"You were really drunk and I just wanted to tuck you in, I promise. But you kind of forced me to stay and then one thing led to another..."
"Don't tell me we kissed again." you cut him off.
"No! I would never let you do so while intoxicated."
It reassured you on so many levels. "Alright, then what happened?"
"You confessed."
It was as if the words triggered your brain into remembering the moment you were attempting to tell him you loved him, and a slight memory of him saying it back appeared in your mind. You weren't sure whether you were imagining things.
"And I asked you to remind me today about it, right?"
He smiled. "So you remember."
A silence settled in the room. You had clearly told him everything on your mind and he did the same. The only thing left to do was to decide what to do now. Neither of you wanted to speak first. For you, it was because you were scared of things becoming weird, but for him, it was because he was scared to death that you'd take back everything you said the night before.
"Kids, breakfast!" Chan yelled from the kitchen.
"In a minute." the both of you yelled back at the same time.
This caused for you to break into laughter, diffusing the tension. Jisung joined you and calmed down a little.
"Listen," he started once you stopped laughing. "I was being serious. I love you and I've been in love with you since... I don't even remember when but it's been a while."
Your cheeks turned pink at his words. "Me too."
"I'm sick of seeing you getting hurt by all of these guys because I know I'd treat you a thousand times better. I know I'm not a jock or anything, but I promise my feelings are genuine."
You rushed you wrapped your arms around his body making you fall on your sides into the mattress. Jisung hmphed at the sudden contact, though he was quick to return the hug.
"I know, you idiot. You already treat me like a damn goddess, I can't imagine how you'll treat me now."
"Does it mean that you love me too?"
You laughed at how clueless he was. "Yes, Ji. I love you too and I'd love it if we go out someday."
"As a date?"
"As a date."
He couldn't contain the joy he felt anymore and grabbed the back of your neck you pull you into a long and loving kiss. It felt even better than the last time and you held him tighter to pull him even closer. You pulled away to get some air.
"I'm sorry but I couldn't stop myself." he said, embarrassed.
"Kiss me again?"
He smirked at you and kissed you again at your demand. You started to pull his jacket away from his shoulders and he took the hint that you wanted it off. As he kept on kissing you, he grew more confident and moved his hand down to your thigh. He grabbed it tightly which caused you to let out a gasp. He smiled into your lips, satisfied with your reaction. You decided to play as well and you started to graze your fingers across his abdomen. You had seen him shirtless many times but feeling his abdominal muscles was much different than admiring them from afar. You moved your fingers to the hem of his pants, trying to find the button to undo it.
"You want to do this here?" he broke the kiss and grabbed your wrist to prevent you from moving any further.
"I've been wanting to fuck you ever since the first time you changed clothes in my room." you admitted and it only made him smirk again.
"You liked what you saw?"
"Yes. Now, can we get to business?"
"Yes, ma'am."
You never knew being called like this would do something to you, but you felt like you were melting. He continued to touch you all over your body, always making sure you were comfortable, and he finally got your shirt off. He flipped you to be on top and started to place a few pecks down your neck to your bellybutton.
"Guys, I said breakfast is-"
Jisung was quick to bring the blanket over you, covering your body that was half-dressed.
"For fuck's sake. Guys, this is the last time I'm letting you both stay in my bed. Get dressed now!"
You stayed in silence when Chan closed the door abruptly.
"Is he mad?" you asked and Jisung could only chuckle.
"He's fine." He leaned down to give you, yet, one more kiss. "You have no idea how happy I am right now."
"I think I know, because I couldn't be happier myself."
His smile grew and you were the one to kiss him this time.
"Guys!" Chan yelled from the kitchen again.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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study-for-hogwarts · 2 years
Since I just finished my bachelor thesis and have all this -for now- unnecessary knowledge swirling around in my head, I let it out here, in case anyone can find it useful.
I present: the biggest (formating & general) rules in thesis writing (as proposed by my German professor):
1. Per page: at least 2 maximum 4 paragraphs. Professors don't like to have one huge block of text for more than half a page. They will be less likely to want to read your paper.
2. Figures and Images: put them in the text where they are spoken about, don't just refer to them being in the appendix. It disrupts the reading flow and no professor likes to shuffle back and forth in a paper multiple times. Also, images and figures should be centralised on a page, seem coherent with each other in their entirety (especially if you created them yourself, use one colour and design pallette if possible) and be named correctly. Additionally, ich you use more than 3 or 4 images/figures, have a table of tables/figures in the front of your paper after table of contents.
3. Use figures and Images - be visual, make your thesis as easy as possible to understand. No one likes to read something and have his brain in knots the whole time.
4. Use times new Roman (or Arial) in size 12, 1.5
5. Recap: If your paper is really long, we're talking about 45 pages plus and you are talking about something from chapter 2 in chapter 7, briefly (!) recap it for ease of understanding and to reinforce your red string (roter Faden).
6. Subtitles: rather have too many than too few subtitles, they make it easier to navigate the paper and help you keep track of the smaller sections (they can also help in the writing process as too not lose focus of what you are doing).
7. Limitations and future research: at the end of your paper, after the discussion and before the conclusion, you have to name limitations. If you think you had none, look again. NO paper, none at all has no limitations. If you can think only of a few, you can also add them in one or two sentences to the conclusion, but it's better to have a separate part. For theses or papers in general, common limitations are time constraint, limited access to data, limited know-how, etc. After limitations, you can have another small chapter called "future research", here you can put all the ideas that you had during writing, which are in relation to your main topics. Maybe you would have liked to research more into a specific area, or you were missing key information somewhere. In future research you can put all the ideas you would like to see researched in the future.
8. Page numbers: i hope you were clever and formatted your document with page numbers, titles and subtitles before even starting to write (if you weren't, like me), it's not horrible, but it can be slightly annoying. Don't try to do it by yourself if your not sure. Just don't. You will probably get frustrated and your stress levels will rise even more. Just Google "how to multiple kinds of page numbers Microsoft word" and follow the instructions exactly. This saves you time and nerves. Usually in theses, you use Greek page numbers (I,II,III,IV,V,VI,...) For table of contents until the introduction, and then continue with them as soon as your bibliography starts. For the part in between (introduction until conclusion) you use Roman (?) numbers (1,2,3,...).
9. Titles: if you use 1. 1.2 1.2.1 etc., make sure that it is necessary to use things like A rule of thumb is, if you can't say 2 (i.e. but not than you don't need to say at all but put that part unter Of course, this rule does not work all the time, but I like to check the necessity of my structure in this way.
10. Plan more days: When you are nearly done with your writing process, many of us estimate 1 day for formatting and 1 for proof reading. This is, was and never will be enough. Especially not if you are a perfectionist. Plan at least 1 week for formatting and proofreading. Honestly I would recommend 10 days. Because after writing a huge paper like this you are bound to be exhausted and will crash some days. Also, it is good to take 1-2 days of distance from your work to have a fresh point of view. If I would write a bachelor thesis again, I honestly would calculate 2 weeks for formatting and proofreading. If you have to "fix" your sources, definitely take 10 days. You will take 2 days for sources, if you have to find additional ones, or check them.
11. Last but not least: if possible, register your bachelor thesis (i.e. in Germany that is the point when you officially start your writing period (usually around 9-12 weeks) as late as possible. Do as much research, etc. before this time starts. I won't say write at least half of your thesis before you start this period and have all your questionnaires/interviews/or whatever research type you use ready to go. I won't say that, but well... Just, 9 weeks is nothing. Honestly, think about the 2 weeks towards proofreading, sources and formatting (+trying to get calm after being stressed continuously for 7 weeks (I was)). Just, if you think now is the time to register, wait another two weeks.
That's all for now, I know I will use this again for my master thesis, so I will leave this here for now. I hope it helps some of you too.🤗
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kawaiichibiart · 5 months
Honestly, Tsukasa's new ZOZOTOWN outfit is what I think he'd for Fantasista SQUAD. Maybe not exactly 100% the same outfit, but it would fall more along those lines.
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Like, the way I see it-
Akito would have oversized jackets and hoodies, slightly loose and/or fitted T-shirts, jeans or sweats (it really depends, sometimes he'll wear his pajama pants) and sneakers. He's very much casual/comfort. He's also the one who wears the most jewelry, from his multiple piercings to necklaces (shut up Ena, no this chain isn't yours) to the friendship bracelets Toya gave him (so Tsukasa might of helped, they were from Toya and that's all that matters, okay?). Akito is FS's stylist. If they're going to perform, he's checking over their outfits (he spends the most time on Rui who just has to have weirdly patterned and mismatched clothes).
Toya would go for things that are more fitted, but because he's rebelling at first (eventually being a Street Artist becomes a passion he fully embraces) he'll wear clothes that have rips in them or are stained (with ink or paint). He'll scuff his shoes and mess his hair around. He has bandages on his hands and knees, not for aesthetics but because he's scraped himself so much he actually needs them. I don't know how to call his style but that about sums it up.
Tsukasa, like Akito, would go for jackets and hoodies, but moreso like Toya would have them be more fitted. Street music wasn't originally his plan to achieve stardom, he still goes back to his old scripts, but it's something that got him out. He starts out with just wearing hoodies, but that expands into getting denim and leather jackets, wearing sweats and joggers, and changing how he does his hair. Part of him says he's doing it to support Toya, to show him he doesn't have to do this alone, another is saying it's for Saki, to show her that she can do something she's never done before and can succeed, and a very small part is saying this is genuinely for him, that he needed to do something to get out there. Make a name for himself.
Rui goes for sweatshirts and long coats, all in in weird patterns of course (much to Akito's dismay). He'll usually just wear his uniform pants or jeans and is the one most likely to wear mismatched shoes. He's very likely to have a wrench and/or a screwdriver in one of his pockets and he's the one most likely to wear makeup (with Tsukasa being a close second, Akito and Toya usually wear eyeliner and that's about it). Rui's style is out there, eccentric, and artistic. Where the other three have a specific color highlighted (such as Toya wearing blue or Akito going for an overall autumnal look), Rui will sometimes look like a box of crayons threw up on him.
And people like that about them. They see Akito and they see someone who's comfortable in what he's wearing. They see Toya and they see someone who likely knows how to put himself together, and if they notice the bandages, someone who's either a fighter or someone who generally take care of himself. They look at Tsukasa and they see change. They look at Rui and they see vividness, an explosion of colors. They look at them all together and they see an odd group of boys who came together and found a passion in something. A dream to pursue. Together, they are, well, a bit of a fantasy. Maybe not your typical one, but one none the less.
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moroneur · 1 month
okok, hear me out on this rottmnt leo x reader au idea guys i swear:
Rottmnt separated au where Leo (named Kappa) was raised as the next battle nexus champion n owner (in case anything happens to big mama) by big mama and he had to fight (literally and figuratively) for familial affection and peace his whole life. Then theres Reader who was abandoned by her parents the moment they found out about her ability to see into the future via dreams (which isnt as straightforward as it sounds- her visions span across multiple alternate timelines and they vary in time making it hard to understand and navigate), so they gave their small child to big mama (human version) and lil yn is forced to become a servant bc her powers are ultimately useless.
small yn is basically forced by the other employees to serve Leo bc none of em wanted to. Yn is scared and shy at first but then they kinda become friends (She even names him Leonardo bc its a very characteristic throughout her dreams and she thought it suit him) eventhough he has to hide it in public and pretend he doesnt gaf about the human because the other yokai would make fun of him and call him weak n pick on them. They basically grow up side by side, developing extreme loyalty to each other.
He's prissy and picky and an arrogant brat and hes possessive and caring and would protect yn with his entire being. He had to fight Big Mama for her to stay and not get kicked on the streets, making Big Mama send Leo on field missions as a punishment, making him take Yn with him, purposefully making her dead weight, but he always came out on top.
throughout the years Yn became very introverted and showed her true self only to leo bc that was her one and only safe place. They go on outings in the hidden city and run from the bellboys tryna catch them when BM finds out they snuck out.
The other turtles are all scattered.
Donatello is with Draxum, YN and Leo being the only ones that even call him Donatello. (Drax calls him Purple bc he's horrendous with names). He used to be a full on turtle mutant but because of Draxum training him until he was drained n tired asf there was a lab accident, making him half cyborg. His shell is now replaced with a deadly metal 'shell', one of his eyes is artificial, and eventhough he's trained in multiple weapons, he prefers using technology and working on war weapons making Big Mama and Draxum collaborate. Whenever there's a meeting both BM and Draxum would take their sons with them as 'theyre the succesors and should be there for future reference' though Leo thinks Big Mama wants to have a good image and show Draxum off by dangling something that she took from him right in his face. Well, if Leo's going, that automatically means YN is coming with him; he wont let her out of her periphery, wont make snatching his pet away from him easy for Big Mama. They basically met at those meetings, though they usually sent the younger ones elsewhere while the adults spoke of veery important things. Donatello absolutely hated YN at first bc she was human so him n leo almost fought, but YN, being a little familiar with Donnie from her dreams, started asking Donatello questions to appease him, making Donnie tolerate her (theyre working on extending that tolerance to all of humanity). Leo and Donnie's and Yn's relationship is on thin ice, but it is getting better- they visit don when theyre in the hidden city and help him with gathering materials from the overworld bc Purple wasnt allowed lol Loser. (they snuck him out and showed him the wonders of human tech though, once or twice.) Leo got his mystic weapon from Baron Draxum as a gift (eventhough he actually didnt want to give it. Donnie convinced him to do so because Drax had a fight with Big Mama and 'giving a gift to her son would show your utmost apologies and mend your business partnership') a way to get back into good graces w Big Mama and Draxum. Just business.
Raph (or Beast) is with the Foot Clan. He was raised very lovingly (bc they were prepping him for the shredder armor), and reveres shredder as his god bc while his parents may have 'loved' him, he was at the end of the day, just a tool to help shredder's revival (everyone in the clan thought so about themselves, they were veery cult like). Leo only knows of them bc he spotted them breaking into a mall while he was 'shopping' gifts for YN :3. he found them hilarious so he watched on as they struggled to fit Beast through multiple doors in the mall. The guy was huge, bigger than he was supposed to be. wtf were they feeding him?? Leo ofc records it and shows it to YN and she can deduce the future from her dreams and the way things r going irl and goes like oh shit this is bad lol we're fucked if someone doesnt do anything abt this and leos like will it hurt you? yn: yes. yes leo it will. leo: oh okay dw then yn ill steal it from them hehe. so he trolls the foot clan whenever he can just for funsies (Leo is also slightly insane n arrogant, so being a little shit comes naturally to him). Whilst he was stalking the top execs he comes across a binding ritual for two or more people. He watched and listened as it was explained thru a book. He stole the ritual book and read through it himself, coming up with an idea himself.
He brings the book to YN and tells her he wants to souldbond with her. (their relationship is like: i belong to leo and only leo but we're not dating n vice versa... like kiss alr smh.) A soulbond is an irreversible binding contract between two people, which allows them to communicate their intent just by their thoughts and solidifying their involvement with each other. It can only be broken if one of them dies. Yn agrees and they make the soulbond without any regrets. No one knows about it but Donnie, whose eye had strong mystic receptors iy already. He saw the chains binding the 2 together and gagged the moment he found out what it meant LMAO.
Raphs fighting style are his body and tail only. hes a brute through and through, his older sister is Cass.
Mikey is with Splinter, who felt so guilty of being unable to save mikeys brothers he unintentionally started neglecting Mikey and developed depression. Mikey bless his soul has been doing his best to keep it together and bring his bros together. He doesnt succeed at it very much and only represses his emotions until he cant anymore, and when that happens lets say the city had a few buildings to fix. Mikey stole the Kusari fundo from Draxum, and its his main weapon.
April, who has Mayhem as her pet, is trying to become a journalist, so she's always at the fights, writing stuff down and then publishing them. Her main way of staying safe is Mayhem's portals lol. She's been saved multiple times by Yn begging leo to give her mercy lol. None of the turtles rlly interact w her.
YN is very shy and closed off. She can be very calculative and manipulative if dhe wants to, making her the perfect s/o for leo, who can analyse a situation and come up on top with the best outcome, as well as pull any information out of anyone, violently or not. He needs constant praise. Leo has a short fuse, and Yn is his perfect match, always calming the situation down before it could make leo explode; she knows all his triggers and tells and weaknesses, as does he for her since they yknow, grew up together.
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
relationship hcs ; sera
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requested by ; anonymous (06/03/24)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; sera
outline ; “Loved your hcs for emily so any chance you could do one for sera as well?”
note ; as we’ve not seen much of sera’s character yet in the show, this is likely going to have quite shaky characterisation — regardless, i hope that you all enjoy these headcanons lol ^^
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
although sera is an extremely busy woman, she always tries her best to make time for you throughout the day — sometimes that means taking an afternoon off when there’s nothing of importance to do and visiting you in person, and sometimes that means sending emily off in her stead to check on you and pass on a message for her (usually a reminder to do a task you’d agreed upon earlier in the day, or an estimate about what time she should be home by that evening, always punctuated with ‘oh! and sera sends her love’ before the younger seraph goes off to fulfil her other duties for that day)
she’s not big on pda or being overly public with your relationship — partially because she does have an image to maintain as the oldest of the seraphim and partially because she’s just a very private person in general and doesn’t see much point in turning your love into a spectacle for all of the ‘winners’ to look upon — that being said, though, she’s far from ashamed of you or outright secretive about your relationship and has no qualms about introducing you to others as her partner or spouse
of course when you’re in private she’s happy to engage in physical displays of affection with you if that’s something you enjoy — things like cuddling with you in her lap, wrapping her wings around you when you’re sat beside her or you’re both laying in bed, allowing you to help preen her wings (and her preening your wings in return), and offering a few chaste kisses here and there are all on the table when you’re alone, no matter how regally she carries herself in public
sera isn’t the biggest fan of pet names and views them as a very ‘human’ thing, but eventually she’ll start to warm up to some older terms of endearment like ‘my dear’ — though, that being said, she would still prefer that you call her by her name and will equally default to just referring to you by name
no matter how formal or high-stress a situation she’s in, the moment she lays eyes on you you’ll be able to see her visibly relax: shoulders sagging ever so slightly, eyes softening from a commanding glare to something more warm, posture becoming less stiff, etc. — nothing super noticeable unless you’re really close to her, but it’s clear enough to you after you’ve been an item for a while
she’s immensely protective over you and won’t tolerate any negative talk or cruel (or crude) behaviour towards you — especially not from adam, who she’s shut down very harshly on multiple occasions for making passes at you (which he always assures her are just jokes, but with him it’s hard to tell) — but, thankfully, there are very few people in heaven that would want to be on her bad side so all it usually takes is a stern look or a verbal warning before the offender apologises, backs off, and leaves with their tail between their legs
as more time passes, you start to become a big motivator in her obsession with keeping heaven as safe and oblivious to the horrors of hell as possible — she cannot bare to even think of losing you (be that to a rogue sinner or to falling after following in lucifer’s footsteps), with the thought alone being enough to have her heart gripped with an icy sort of panic, and she would do anything to keep you happy and safe and by her side
even if that means keeping you in the dark about the real reason why she always looks so solemn and stressed around a certain time of the year
proper dates are exceptionally rare due to just how busy she is as the head seraphim, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t try her best to make the time for you whenever she can — usually that just translates to the two of you walking home along the promenade (and maybe stopping in a shop or café or two on the way) or going out for a very late dinner to your favourite restaurant in heaven for a change of pace
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meaningtotellyou · 1 year
How do you tell the scammers apart when you're searching on twitter?
a usual (and the biggest) dead giveaway is when they refuse using PayPal goods & services. That’s the ONLY way you’ll get your money back in the result of an incident. the biggest scam i see now is people being like “im a minor im not allowed to use PayPal. only zelle and venmo” which. you’ll never see your money again. or just anyone who flat out refuses PayPal for any reason at all.
really study the proof they send. make sure it’s not blurry, everything is spelled correctly, the letters are centered how they’re supposed to be. someone sent me “proof” today and half of a word was bolded and they tried to play dumb when i called them out on it. immediate block. also if the only proof they send you is a screenshot of a ticket confirmation email, that’s not enough. ask to see screenshots of the tickets in their account. a screen recording or them leaving your chat and opening Ticketmaster.
someone who gets super pushy and mean when you ask for said extra proof. they’ll usually try to accuse YOU of being the scammer and trying to “steal their ticket proof”
and even IF they agree to PayPal (GOODS AND SERVICES ONLY. NOT FAMILY AND FRIENDS.) make sure the name on the account matches the name on their twitter or whatever platform y’all are on. none of this “oh it’s my *so and so’s* PayPal account” bullshit
someone advertising they’re selling tickets to multiple different dates or multiple different shows at the same time. it was hard enough getting real tickets for one show, but they’ve got tickets to seven different shows in five different cities? no.
also like just look at their account. when was it made? how many followers? did they JUST start tweeting about taylor like a week ago? it’s all very fishy.
literally trust no one until they give you a reason to trust them. scammers are RAPANT on every single platform (twitter & Facebook & reddit) so just trust your gut. if something feels off it probably is.
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I have a request for Daryl Dixon x Plus Size Shy!Reader (any gender). Daryl and Reader are on a multiple-day run, just the two of them.
They both have liked each other for a long time.
Both too afraid to act on it.
Then they are forced together for a while. (maybe someone is playing matchmaker? (wink, wink)
Angst/Fluff? (Please fluff)
First kisses + confession?
Smut if you want, but not necessary.
༉‧₊˚. 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 || 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧
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― pairings: daryl dixon x plus size!reader
― era: early season 9
― summary: you loved daryl, it was as if he was perfectly handcrafted by whatever existed out there. you felt like a high school girl again, and your friend michonne has had enough of watching you shoot heart eyes at the man, so she takes it upon herself to take the next step for you.
― warnings: generally, none! some empty threats at most but they're used in a friendly context (if that makes any sense).
― wc: 3177
⋆ a/n: ohemgee, i am so sorry that i got to you so late, it's as if my life hadn't wanted to give me a break for the last couple of days, but i had recently found some time to finish it! so here this is, i really hoped this lived up to your expectations seeing as though you had to wait so long :]
masterlist | AO3
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You felt like you were in high school all over again; always wondering if you were too obvious, or if they might like you back, looking into everything that the person said or did while they were around you, desperately wondering— and hoping — it meant anything. Daryl was an uncontrollable force, one that prevented you from being able to tell how he was feeling or what was going on through that head of his. It didn't help that you were too shy for your own good, constantly tripping over yourself and your words whenever you were around him, only speaking to him out of necessity.
You were partially grateful for the distraction that Negan had brought to your group, but now that it was over and everyone was slowly rebuilding their communities, you were left to face your feelings once again. Almost everyone's hands were needed, either that be for collecting wood, building, setting up blueprints, teaching the children, etc. So, that meant that you were forced to be around him more often than what you were comfortable with, almost exploding every time he needed your assistance.
“I just don't know what to do, Michonne.” You had practically whined. Daryl was away at the Sanctuary for the day, but he was due to show up soon to investigate a new location that may be stocked with some food. “It's like he's so close but so far. Like— he's in front of me, right living and breathing, but whenever I go to interact with him it's like he's out of my reach.” You groaned in embarrassment, hiding your face in your hands. “How am I supposed to help our communities and allies if I can't even function around one man, a man that I've known for literally years mind you.”
She smiled, continuing to brush through Judith's beautiful blonde hair. She was on babysitting duty, Rick out and about as he planned on expanding some of the walls of Alexandria to make more space for another greenhouse. The vegetables and other plants were thriving, the people taking care of them, and doing hell of a good job so far. You usually took times like these to rant about your life, laying on your back on the couple's shared bed, limbs extended out like a starfish as you talked.
“I may have never showed it, but I was shy around Rick sometimes as well.” You dramatically blew a raspberry in disbelief. “I'm not kidding!” She said with a smile. “Sometimes when he'd say my name, I would get all tingly.” You smiled as well, imagining the big bad Michonne that had first shown up at the fences of the prison holding baby food, now a mother that completely melted into a puddle for the ex-sheriff. Your smile quickly fell as you realized that duty called, ripping yourself from the sheets as you sat up.
“I've got a few things that Rick needs me to check on. Thanks again for listening.” You bid her and little Judith a farewell, placing a kiss on her head as well as giving Michonne a hug. “You know I'd be happy to help you with him.” You just rolled your eyes and snorted. “I know you are, ‘Chonne.”
As you left the room, the woman had a mischievous glint in her eye, a plan brewing in her mind as she decided she would have a little chat with Rick tonight, and the man was more than easy to persuade.
Hearing that it would just be you and Daryl going on this trip caused you to freeze in place, a feeling of panic twisting in your gut as you stared at Rick with wide eyes. “R- Rick, are you sure? We've got many other highly skilled people that would be happy to go out,” You desperately tried to convince him, “Don't you need someone to keep track of the trading routes, or- or training or something?” Rick just shook his head. “Don't worry, we've got those covered. You guys shouldn't be gone long, maybe for a few days, probably even shorter if you find something.” Oh, yeah, and did you fail to mention that it was miles away from home?
Gulping with a nod, you accepted your fate. Rick placed an encouraging hand on your shoulder, a knowing look on his face as he watched Daryl chatting with Michonne and Maggie, standing near his motorcycle. As you stood in place, you realized that were so royally fucked.
You were extremely hesitant to approach him, gripping onto your backpack straps for dear life as you made sure to keep yourself balanced. “One foot in front of the other” you repeatedly chanted in your head. Just breathe. You've known him for years, since the quarry, so it wasn't like you were strangers, you had almost gotten eaten by cannibals together, you can't get much closer than that. You winced at the idea, maybe that shouldn't have been your most encouraging thought.
As you approached the very dangerous, and suffocating vehicle, you greeted your best friend with a tight-lipped smile.
“I'll miss you.” Michonne said with a shit-eating grin on her face. As she pulled you into her arms you whispered, “When I get back, I'm going to fucking kill you.” Pulling back with that same look on your face. “Oh, I don't doubt it!” She said fakely. You could've sworn your eye twitched as you turned to Maggie.
“So, you guys know what we're looking for, right?” She asked. “Yeah. Food, baby shit, the usual.” Daryl grumbled. “Alright, well I shouldn't keep ya here then, you're losin’ daylight.” Maggie finished, tugging you into her embrace as well. “Be safe.” She said, giving you a sweet smile. “I will, Maggie. You too. And I mean, you two.” Gesturing to her stomach. She let out an airy laugh at your horrible play on words.
As they ventured away from the both of you, you were brought back to your reality. You and Daryl were going to be alone, together, on his bike, where your body would be to close to his. Was it hot out here, or was it just you? It shouldn't have been, it was almost breaching December, at least that's what the beat up calendar you found had said.
“So, uh—” You said awkwardly. “Jus’ get on.” He drawled, throwing his legs over the sides of the bike expertly as he waited for you to do the same. “Right, right. Just get on the death machine.” You said more to yourself than to him. You had tried your best to get on without having to hold onto him, but you quickly succumbed when your backpack almost dragged you down. As your hand touched his shoulder, his whole body tensed. Noticing the small change, you quickly let go, weirdly sitting yourself on the back as you gripped the seat.
“Ya might wanna hold onto me.” Before you could reject his offer, he reached around him, gripping your arms and tugging you forward so that you fell on his back. Face first. You could literally explode. No, you were going to explode.
Had his body always been this firm? You knew the man was strong, you've seen him bulk up as he had gotten older, but your imagination was nothing compared to this, compared to the warmth that he radiated. He smelled so good, like cigarettes, motor oil, and the forest with a hint of sweat. Your heart was beating a mile a minute as you got up, sheepishly wrapping your arms around his waist, your forearms brushing against his muscular stomach that had softened with age.
“Sorry.” You whispered, eyes trained on the wings of his vest. “'S fine.” He grumbled, revving up the engine as he took off.
You weren't going to lie and say your grip on him didn't tighten, or that you had buried your face in his back once again, which earned you tensed shoulders before they relaxed.
You felt the wind kiss certain parts of your body, caressing the skin under your shirt that had ridden up, the flesh of your neck that wasn't protected by the winter's coat you wore. As he drove, it had grew dark right before your very eyes, which meant that it was getting chillier. You couldn't help but cuddle yourself closer to the older man in front you, completely forgetting about your internal battle.
Unknowingly to you, Daryl was fighting off the blush that threatened to grow on his face, stomach twisting pleasantly as he listened to your small gasps whenever he would take a turn. You soon felt yourselves come to a stop.
“’S too dark to keep goin’.” He spoke, sitting up from his hunched over position. “Um, okay. We're kind of in the middle of no where.” You were desperate to make conversation with him, the urge to scream out that you'd go anywhere he'd take you clawing at the back of your throat. As he got off first, you hadn't realized how truly cold it was until you began to shiver, Daryl's body heat having been a blanket for the last couple of hours.
“C'mon.” He reached a hand out for you to take, which you did. “Damn, girl,” He murmured, “Yer fingers are gunna fall off.” His large, calloused and worked palm covered yours. “I guess there was only so much of your heat to go around I guess.” You attempted to joke, but quickly shut up as you looked at his face. “Sorry, not like you're like not warm enough or anything— you're actually super comfortable and—” Daryl stared at you incredulously as you rambled. “Okay I'll shut up now."
He hadn't let go of your hand, even as he was forced to fire his crossbow with one hand, he always had you tucked away behind him, shielding you with his body.
“There's a cabin up ahead.” He gestured, tugging you along behind him as a sign for you to pick up the pace. You did of course, even though your focus had been set on the fact that he was protecting you most of the time.
“You wait out ‘ere.” He whispered as you approached the shack. “Daryl, I wanna help.” He just shook his head. “Nah, I got it.” As much as you liked Daryl, sometimes his overprotectiveness was suffocating. “Daryl, listen, as much as I appreciate you wanting to put yourself in front of the danger, I'm feeling a bit useless back here.” You whispered back with a crooked smile. The last thing Daryl wanted to do was make you feel useless, no matter how hard you tried to play your feelings down.
That was one thing that Daryl hated but also admired about you; he admired that you were willing to put others before you, but he also wished that you wouldn't do that with the small things because, he feels like you tend to forget that how you feel matters too. He wanted to tell you this, but everytime he tried to, his throat closed up and he would just grumble something to you before walking away, mentally kicking himself. It was as though he had grown the balls to talk to everyone else but you, and sometimes he feared that you were afraid of him.
“Alrigh’ but if anything looks strange, you tell me.” You crossed your heart. “Scout's honor." Scout's honor? What are you, twelve? You cringed at yourself as you raised your knife cautiously, scanning the area as you shivered, the temperature seemingly dropping as soon as you stepped into the wood made home. Houses like these never had a/c or a heater, but one thing they did have was a fire place.
“Daryl, look!” You called to him quietly, “There's a fire place.” His eyes softened as you stared at the stone architecture with childlike wonder. “You think Santa will shove his ass down the chimney this year?” You asked with a smile. Daryl snorted, checking behind the bathroom door. “I don’ know. 'Don’ think I'm on his nice list.” It was your turn to laugh. “Who is now and days?” That was one thing that you were right about, it was hard to determine who was good and who was bad when it came to the apocalypse.
“Maybe I'll have Rick dress up as Santa and we'll go out to get the kids some gifts.” You spoke through the kitchen, your anxiety being relieved as you realized that there were no walkers inside the cabin. It looked as though it hadn't been touched, having been kept in pristine shape. You felt like you were watching a Hallmark movie, stuck inside of a cabin with the guy you're in love with, forced to keep your feelings at bay so you don't risk your friendship you have with them.
“Come’ta think of it, I think Rick might even like it.” You heard Daryl snicker from the living room. He had been prodding at the firewood that had been left in there, attempting to set a fire. After a few more tries, it successfully lit.
“There's some cans of beans in here!” You said triumphantly, walking out and holding the food over your head. “Is there a pot or sumthin’ in there? ‘Cause I can set it up over the fire, make us some dinner.” You were quick to check, and we're presented with yet another win. “Yep! Right here!”
The rest of the night was calm as you watched him seperate your portions into some old bowls that were carved out of wood. You didn't mention that you saw him put more food into yours than his, your body simply too tired to as you stared at the yellow and orange flames. The ambiance was peaceful, you body sinking into the old dusty cushions of the sofa, hands warmed by the bowl of food that you were given.
“Thank you.” You said with a smile, your voice faint as you began to dig into your beans. “Ain’ no problem.” He spoke, his ears turning a bright red at your praise. He dug into his food, which was a little more civilized this time as he ate with a spoon. Back at the quarry leading up to Alexandria, he had all but eaten with his hands.
“What're you starin’ at?” Your body flushed at the fact that you had gotten caught staring. “Oh! Um— I was just thinking about when I had first met you, that uh— utensils weren't even a word in your vocabulary.” The red bled onto his face as he looked everywhere but you, focusing on the fire. “I didn't mean it in a bad way, it's just— ugh!” You groaned, placing your bowl in your lap to cover your face.
You heard shuffling then the cushion on the right side of you dipping. “Aye, wha’s wrong?” He asked, placing his own on the coffee table next to him. “I just—” Was this it? “I just hate how I can't speak around you.” Oh fuck, this was it.
“Whaddya mean?” His own nerves were fluttering around in his body, proving so as he sat anxiously in his seat. He was turned towards you, one of his legs tucked under the other as it hung off the couch, his arm propped up on the back of it.
“What I mean is that I like you okay? I like you so much to the point where I can't even think straight! It's like you're in the back of my mind all the time, every single day. I can't help but think, “Does he think I'm weird?” Or “Does he think I'm pretty?” Or “Am I even his type?” It's like you make me feel so many things at once, and there's nothing I can do about it because I know you'd never like me back.” You brain vomited as you spoke, it was as if a dam had broken loose and almost every single thought in your mind came tumbling out.
He sat there in silence, his heart beating out his chest as he stared at you. You liked him? Since when? Since how? Since why? Did that even make any grammatical sense? He himself found it hard to believe as he processed your words, and then he had realized that he had left though there in silence.
“What do ya mean “I wouldn't like ya?” Have ya seen yourself?” He peeled your hands away from your face, forcing you to face him as well. “You don't know how crazy ya make me too. You're perfect. If anything, I wouldn't have thought ya would've liked me back.” You had this look of shock on your face, as if his words had burned you.
“Not like you? Daryl, you're everything I want and more! Ever since I had met you, ever since you were out there looking for Sophia almost every single day until the barn was opened— almost killing yourself in the process might I add— I knew that you were special, that you weren't just some dirty redneck that everyone thought you were,” You placed a hand on his cheek, stroking the stubble on his face with your thumb, “You're kind, selfless, self-sacrificial, and so goddamn heroic. If you thought I wouldn't like you then you're just fucking stupid.” You finished off with a giggle.
“Ya thought I was sum dirty ol’ redneck?” He asked with a smirk. “That's what you took away from that?” You asked with a grin. “Nah, not jus’ that.” His voice had gotten deeper, his gaze falling from your eyes, to your lips, then right back up to your eyes again.
“Are you gonna keep staring, or are you going to kiss me, Dixon?” He grabbed you by your waist, tugging you closer to him so now we're perched on your side as well. As his face lowered down to yours, he gave you a chance to pull away, insecurities and unsureness still actively plaguing his mind.
You took the initiative, pressing your lips against his as his scruff scratched at your chin. His large hand cupped your cheek, the other one tangling in your hair as you pressed yourself against him. He felt so nice, and he was a damn good kisser too. The kiss was sweet, Daryl saying more with the way his tongue had explored your mouth than what he had said earlier, even though him calling you perfect was more than enough.
As you sperated, you both rested your foreheads against the others.
“Who knew you were such a hopeless romantic?” You asked, a breathless chuckle following up close behind. “Shut it.” He murmured, pressing his lips against yours once more. He pushed you down onto the couch, crawling over your body.
“You look cold.” He teased. “Then I guess you'll need to warm me up.” You said as you twirled a piece of his hair around your finger before pulling him down to kiss him with a shit-eating grin on your face.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02
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chapter iv – gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 4,100+
Warnings: severe violence, spoilers for entire ACOTAR series
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Eris awoke to a polite tapping at his door.  His head shot up to look out his window to see that it was hardly dawn. He groaned in irritation and stormed over to answer, readying himself to verbally tear apart whoever interrupted his sleep. 
However, he hesitated when he realized it was one of his mother’s chambermaids.
They were chosen wisely, for they were not just her chambermaid’s, but her closest thing to friends in Autumn Court. They were not loyal to Beron, but to her. They kept all her secrets, and were her eyes and ears throughout the court. 
“This better be good,” Eris warned the chambermaid, who tried her hardest not to look scared of him. But he knew better.
“The Lady of Autumn requests your presence, my lord.”
Eris narrowed his eyes. That was not the answer he was looking for. But still he did not deny his mother’s request. 
“I will be at her chambers shortly,” Eris replied curtly, and slammed the door in her face. 
The Forest House was still asleep as Eris quietly ventured to his mother’s wing. 
He didn’t bother knocking, opening the door for himself. 
His mother quickly turned at his arrival. 
Eris immediately asked, “Is everything alright?”  
He knew if his mother was in danger, the message from her chambermaid would’ve been different. But he couldn’t help but still ask. 
His mother’s face brightened at the sight of her eldest son.
She rushed forward and softly cupped his face. “I am fine, Eris. I only wished to see you.” 
“And you thought before sunrise was appropriate?” Eris rebuked. 
But any attitude he showed, his mother knew it wasn’t genuine. 
So, she gave attitude right back.
One of her eyebrows rose and she frowned softly up at him. “You have been avoiding me, my son.”
But she had a gentle heart and even when she was trying to be stern with her sons, the act always soon fell. 
Eris followed her to their usual small nook in her chambers. It was already set up for tea and coffee and breakfast. At least she planned on feeding him while interrogating.
“You know father has been on a rampage as of late. I have been busy,” Eris explained as he pulled out the chair for his mother before sitting. 
She gave him a stern look. “Do not lie to your mother, Eris.”
He glanced at the few chambermaids lingering in the room. It was a subtle glance, but his mother still caught it. 
“Will you leave us, please?” She spoke to the room ever so politely. 
They replied with a soft, “Yes, Leonora.” 
All of her servants called the Lady of Autumn by her first name while they were alone and in the safety of her private rooms. She considered them her friends after all.
When Eris once asked why she insisted on being addressed so informally, his mother said the only other person who ever used her name was his father, and she refused to let him ruin it. 
Leonora reached across the table and squeezed her son’s hand softly and gave him a gentle smile. “You know you can speak freely here, Eris.”
He only gave a curt nod. 
Yes, her servants had made bargains to pledge their secrecy and loyalty to the Lady of Autumn, so even Beron couldn’t torture them for information. And her entire wing was protected with wards so none could eavesdrop.
But Eris was conditioned to be paranoid after multiple lifetimes of being trapped in this court. 
“Something is troubling you, I know it,” Leonora spoke softly to him before taking a quick sip of tea. 
It had been almost a month since Eris met his mate and pled the inner circle of the Night Court to take her in and protect her. 
Eris thought he had been doing a good job of acting the same since.
But it appeared his mother knew him far too well. 
Eris wanted to tell her. Truly he did. But it would only make everything more real. Then someone – someone who he truly loved and cared for – would be pushing him toward his mate. Because his mother would not rest knowing one of her sons was denying himself the love of a mate. 
Leonora put her tea back down. “You haven’t been sleeping well. And you are overworking yourself – more than usual. I know your father has lately been…taut. But you are more than used to his erratic behavior. This is something else, something more.”
Eris dropped his mask. He only allowed himself to do so when he was alone with his mother, a place he knew that was safe. (As safe as they could be in their dreadful prison.)
His gaze turned desperate. Silently, his eyes pleaded with his mother, ‘Do not make me say it. Please. I beg of you.’ 
His mother turned even more sympathetic and leaned closer to her son. “I am sorry you have had to face so much hardship on your own. I know that I have not been able to protect you from too many things…”
She had to pause to recover, obviously thinking about all the abuse her terrible husband had endured on their family.
“But…never believe that you are truly alone in this world, my beautiful and good Eris. Whatever it is, I will help you.” 
“Am I good?” Eris challenged in a whisper, staring down at the table.
Leonora’s eyes filled with tears.
She cupped his jaw firmly. “Of course you are.” 
Eris let out a huff. “You are the only one who could ever believe such a thing, mother.” 
“Has he said something to you? Whatever it is, don’t you dare believe a word of it.”
But Eris was already shaking his head before she could even finish the question. 
He finally lifted his gaze from the table. “I have found my mate.” 
His mother had also learned to control her expressions while living for so long in an abusive household and marriage. 
But even Eris could read the shock in her eyes. 
The next hour, Eris explained the situation he found himself when he stumbled upon his mate for the fist time. He made sure to include that it was after she murdered three male faes to save both herself and other innocents from being trades as sex slaves. 
Leonora was quiet after he finished, clearly deep in thought. 
Eris knew what his mother wanted to say. She wanted to tell him to go after to her, to actually meet her and get to know her. 
But Eris also knew his mother wouldn’t let herself say such a thing to him.
Because she was no fool. And neither was his. 
Leonora knew the same thing that Eris did: if Y/N came to Autumn Court while Beron still lived…she would be murdered.
“You did the right thing,” Leonora finally told him softly. “She would be safer in any other court than she would ever be in Autumn.” 
“I made a bargain to ensure she was more than just safe,” Eris clarified. 
Leonora nodded once, not forgetting the part where her son made an unbreakable deal with the High Lord of Night. 
“You can still know her,” she added carefully. 
Eris looked at his mother as if she’d gone crazy. 
“You can keep her safe and get to know her. It does not have to be one or the other,” she clarified. 
“Mother, it isn’t safe. I would never risk it.” 
“Yes, you must protect her from your father. But you can–“
“No!” Eris rose from his seat so quickly that his chair fell backwards, hitting the floor with a bang. 
“Eris, please…”
“No. Do not even suggest such a thing. You of all people understand why I must do this, why I can never know her," he seethed. "More importantly, she can never know me.”
He shook his head in anger. “She is mortal. What life could we possibly have, even if her life wasn’t in danger from our connection?”
“The Cauldron does not choose mates carelessly,” Leonora tried to argue.
“There have been plenty of mates throughout history who despise one another and lived unhappily together,” Eris fumed. 
“Oh, so now you suddenly hate her?” Leonora challenged with a subtle smirk. 
Eris finally lost it and yelled, “She would hate me!”  
His chest was rising rapidly from the outburst as he finally realized he needed to control his emotions. “M-Mother, I did not mean to raise–”
“Hush, Eris. You could never frighten me.” She gestured to his fallen chair. “Please, sit down. Give yourself a moment to breathe.” 
He did as she said, trying to regain control of himself. 
“I’ve never had anything for myself,” Eris muttered after a few moments. “Everything I have is simply a privilege he has allowed me. Yet another thing he can control. And he takes any and every opportunity to prove to me that he can take any of it away whenever he so wishes.”
“What are you really scared of, Eris?” His mother asked. “Are scared to love someone? Or are you scared she will not love you in return?” 
Y/N once again tiptoed out of her room, closing the door softly behind her. 
“Sneaking off again?” A deep voice asked behind her. 
She jumped, not sensing anyone or seeing them. 
But she whipped around to find Cassian giving her a big smile. 
“I’m not sneaking!” Y/N hissed. 
“Oh, really? You just tiptoe around for fun?” He smiled again. “Azriel claims you like to go for walks in the forest. But insist on trying to do so alone, which is not safe. And that is exactly why I am here.” 
Y/N groaned, “Azriel should have more important people to spy on…” Then she jabbed her finger into his chest. “And I do not need a personal guard.” 
Cassian ignored her last comment and asked, “How do you get down the stairs? Azriel is stumped and will not shut up about it.”
A brilliant idea came to mind. Y/N smiled mischievously. “I shall make you a deal: I will show you, if you promise not to tell Azriel.”
“Whatever for?”
“Because it will drive him mad that I willingly showed you, but swore you to secrecy.” 
Cassian’s smile now matched hers. “You have yourself a deal.” 
Y/N gave a victorious cheer and skipped to the stairs. 
When they reached it, her expression turned serious. “Do not panic. I will be fine.” 
And that is the only warning she gave before she stepped over the ledge, jumping into the dangerous well-hole of the spiraling staircase. 
“Y/N!” Cassian screamed, despite her warning. 
But just as he reached the edge, he felt the most powerful gust of wind. So powerful, that it slowed Y/N’s fall to the bottom, almost working as a parachute. She couldn’t fly like an Illyrian, but nature could make her fall gracefully from even the greatest of heights. 
Cassian shook his head, but chuckled at the sight.
He dove out the closest ledge that led to the outside and dove to the bottom of the staircase to meet her. 
“What magic was that?” He asked her as he landed a few feet away from her. 
“The wind has called to me since I was a child,” Y/N explained as she scratched a nonexistent itch on her arm. 
“You control it?”
She shook her head. “I control nothing. It simply answers my calls and in return I answer its calls, as well.”
Y/N waited for the moment where Cassian was disturbed. It always came on the rare occasion she felt brave enough to share something true, something secret. Those few always left the conversation and instantly kept their distance from her – most of the time, never to be seen again. 
But not Cassian.
“Could’ve used someone like you when I was learning to fly and figuring out wind patterns,” the giant Illyrian joked. “Would’ve saved me the bruises from falling on my arse.”
Y/N was so relieved from his unconcerned reaction, that she actually let out a laugh. 
But it quickly faded when she realized Cassian had started leading them through Velaris. 
She stopped in her tracks, “Where are you going?”
“To the River House,” he answered as if it were obvious. 
Y/N turned her body in an entirely different direction, pointing to another path. “Goodbye then. I am going to the forest.”
Cassian gave her a stern look. “Not today, you aren’t. I was asked to look after you. But now Feyre has asked me to look after Nyx…so you’re coming with me.”
He gave her a gentle shove in his direction to prove his point further. 
“I am not,” Y/N jeered. “I refuse to be charged around like one of your soldiers. You are not my keeper. No one is.” 
And to prove her point, a gust of wind whirled around them. 
“Ooo. Yes. Very scary, indeed.” Cassian cooed as he eyed the wind tunnel around him. 
Y/N didn’t like that at all, and called on the her friends further. 
Answering, the winds returned tenfold, but only focused on Cassian.
It was strong enough to actually push the male back steps. And Y/N could tell he actually had to use his strength to stay on his feet and fight back. 
She let it up after a minute. 
“Yes. Fine. I am impressed,” Cassian huffed, further proving that his efforts caused him exertion. “But I still have my orders. Rhys does not like you being left alone. So, please, will you come with me? And we both know Nyx adores you.”
It was true. The little lord had taken quite the liking to Y/N. Though none of them knew it was because Y/N would give him little gusts of wind that would catch his baby wings, allowing him to safely hover a few inches off the ground. 
It never failed to make Nyx fall into a fit of giggles – no matter how many times she did it in a row. And in return, the toddler associated only joy and laughter with Y/N’s visits. 
At first, Y/N had been shocked that Feyre and Rhysand allowed her – a stranger – around their son. He was their everything, as well as Night Court’s only heir – as of now.
But Feyre seemed to trust Y/N. And it was clear Rhysand never quite took Y/N as a serious threat. And Y/N got the inkling that the more time she spent with their “inner circle,” the less suspicious they all were becoming of her, too. 
“I didn’t realize the Lord of Bloodshed drops his general duties to nanny,” Y/N teased. 
“Of course,” Cassian answered, not offended or embarrassed in the slightest.
But Y/N returned to the matter at hand. “I still wish to go for a hike, Cassian.”
The Illyrian sighed. “How about you, Nyx, and I go for a walk…together?”
Y/N beamed up at him. “Deal.” 
30 minutes later, the three of them walked into the forests behind the River House. Well, two of them were walking. Nyx was sitting on Cassian’s shoulders and giggling. 
“Why do you like these walks of yours so much?” Cassian asked as they climbed up another peak. 
“Velaris is beautiful, as is the House of Wind. But I am a child of silva. What little power I possess comes from nature itself. And therefore I am most at peace when I am within its clutches.” She huffed at the exertion she was using to climb. “My coven…we use to train every other day.” 
She looked down at her outfit. After her first time going down to Velaris, she noticed it was perfectly acceptable to for the females here to wear trousers instead of dresses. And for the purposes of a hike, she much preferred the former.
Cassian paused with his brows raised. “Train? As warriors?”
Y/N giggled, knowing that would be his assumption. “Not exactly. It was to clear our bodies as well as our minds.” Then she too stopped to look up at him. “But we did what we could to defend ourselves.” 
Cassian gave her a crooked smile. “I think you should be spending more time with my mate.” 
Nyx giggled as if he agreed. 
Before Y/N could ask what he meant by that, the Illyrian snapped his attention to a point in the distance.
His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. 
Y/N whispered as quietly as she could, “What is it?”
Cassian swiftly took the little high lord from his shoulders and handed him to Y/N. “Take Nyx. When I say, you run.” 
Y/N took the toddler without question, but sent a message to the wind.
A gust returned to her. 
“Thirty fae soldiers sit beyond the trees,” she informed him quickly. “We both know I cannot outrun them. And you can’t distract all of them from coming after me.” 
Cassian knew she was right. Y/N was a mortal. And while she had gifts, higher speed was not one of them. 
Without giving Y/N his next plan, Cassian picked her up in his arms and lifted off into the air. If fighting was their only choice, he wanted Y/N and Nyx nowhere near the danger. 
Nyx started to cry, seeming to sense the fear from the two adults. 
Just as Cassian reached altitude, a net came from nowhere.
It was almost glowing blue and Cassian hadn’t seen it coming.
Just as it wrapped itself around the Illyrian’s wings, two dozen arrows flew at them.
Cassian managed to pivot his body to shield Y/N and Nyx from being hit, taking all the arrows himself. 
He growled in pain. 
And next thing Y/N knew, they were crashing back to the ground. 
“Cassian!” She shrieked in fear for him. 
But she called to the wind and it slowed their descent, though not enough to completely break their fall.
Cassian’s siphons glowed red, shielding them from getting hurt in the rough landing. Y/N still protected Nyx with her own body as best she could. 
Cassian struggled to get up. But he stood tall as he unsheathed the long sword he seemed to always have strapped to his back. 
He readied himself as those thirty soldiers suddenly came running towards them. 
“Y/N, run!” He shouted over his shoulder  
And she did as she was told, knowing staying with Cassian would only endanger all three of them more.
Y/N sprinted as fast as she could down the peak without losing her footing and tumbling. 
But what she had originally feared was already occurring: the soldiers split up, half going for Cassian and the other half following after Y/N and Nyx.
Cassian couldn’t defend himself and go after Y/N at the same time. 
“Fuck,” Y/N muttered as she gasped for breath. 
New plan. 
She stopped and went for the pack that she now always had at her side.
Inside was a pouch of salt, and she fisted a handful of it, pouring a circle around her and Nyx. Then she took another handful of salt and drew a protective knot on the ground with it.
Nyx was crying harder now, hearing clashes of swords and grunts of pain from Cassian taking down soldiers one by one. 
Y/N turned to the toddler and handed him a tightly wrapped smudge of rosemary, sage, cedar, and lavender. 
"Keep this close, Nyx."
Nyx’s crying hesitated for a moment as he grasped the strange toy, as if he could understand her.
Y/N whipped around just as the soldiers neared, and unsheathed the knife she carried. 
A gust of wind shot towards the attack, so strong that it knocked the first wave of fae to the ground. But the other half remained and raised their swords, bringing them down onto Y/N. 
But a shield had been formed from the salt and Y/N’s protective spell. 
As the soldiers stumbled from the impact of hitting an imaginary wall, Y/N leapt out of her protective circle and sliced across the nearest fae’s throat. 
Maybe her only chance of surviving this was to pick them off one by one.
She turned to quickly retreat back into the circle that only she could enter. 
But she wasn’t quick enough, and her back was grazed by the sword of another male. 
Y/N cried out in pain and fell to the ground. 
She turned onto her back, expecting to be given a life ending strike. 
But the wind had other ideas and hit the soldiers with another hurricane-level gust. 
“Kill the witch!” One of them screamed. “We must grab the babe before the High Lord and his whore get here!”
Y/N looked to Nyx, who was weeping, but still clutching the smudge tightly. 
Her protective circle could not hold forever, not against fae. 
Rhysand! Feyre! Nyx is in danger! Y/N tried to mentally scream to them. 
She had no idea how daemati powers worked, but she had to try. 
With shaky feet, she rose to her feet. She sheathed her knife once again at her back. Instead, grabbing a discarded sword of a fae who had been tossed away by the wind. 
Y/N’s arms shook from the weight of the sword as she raised it and stood between the soldiers and Nyx. 
They seemed careful to approach her now, unsure of the extent of her powers. 
“Come on then,” Y/N growled, tightening her grip. 
One rushed for her while another tried to dodge to the side and get to Nyx. But he was thrown back by the shield.
Y/N’s stomach sank. She could feel the strength of the protective circle draining. Only a few more hits like that, and it would break. 
But she couldn’t dwell on that any longer.
A sword came crashing down on her.
Y/N managed to lift her sword just fast enough to block the hit. But the male used his own momentum to swing his non-sword arm and punch her across the face, knocking her to the ground. The hit knocked her own sword out of her hands, feet away.
He hovered over her. “You have tricks, witch. But you are no match for fae.”
Y/N clenched her teeth and swung her leg between his legs, hitting his privates.
The male hissed in pain and stumbled back a few steps. 
Y/N shot back to her feet purely from adrenaline, “Nice to see that part hurts you, too.” And unsheathed her knife, jabbing it into the fae’s jugular. 
Before his comrades could follow his attack and finish the job, an explosion of night surrounded them. 
It lasted only seconds.
But when Y/N regained her sight, the army was on the ground. Dead. Eyes lifelessly staring up at the sky. 
Y/N looked around, confused. 
She saw Rhysand first, walking toward her with fury in his eyes. Then her gaze found Feyre, only a few steps behind her mate. 
“Cassian!” Y/N gasped. Only now having a moment to worry about his state. 
She looked up the peak to see Azriel rushing toward Cassian, who looked like he was about to fall over. He was covered in blood, with a dozen arrows sticking out of his back and a few caught in his massive wings. 
It took Y/N a moment to process that they were safe. 
And with the end of the battle, also came the end of her adrenaline. 
“Rhys!” Feyre cried out when she realized there was a shield around her son, stopping her from reaching him.
Y/N blinked, everything was moving so slowly.
Why was it hard to focus her gaze?
With the wave of her hand, a final breeze came, blowing her salt circle apart, breaking the protective shield. 
She watched as Rhysand and Feyre clutched their child. 
Then Y/N's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed to the ground. 
Eris walked through one of Autumn Court’s war camps, talking with his commanders and receiving updates on the state of their armies.  
That’s when he felt it. 
Eris held up his hand to silently signal to the commander to quiet himself. 
“General?” He asked Eris after a moment. 
Eris had to remain calm. He couldn't raise suspicion, even amongst the men he fought alongside at every turn.
It couldn’t be her, surely? 
But he continued their conversation, trying to keep his face like stone and his posture rigid. 
Only a few minutes passed when he felt the pain.
It was like a strike of lighting across his back. So biting that Eris gasped and actually stumbled a few steps. 
“General, are you alright?” 
She’s hurt. Y/N is hurt. She’s in danger, Eris’ mind said over and over again. 
The mating bond had his heart racing. Whether it was from Y/N’s fear or his own, Eris didn’t know. 
He made sure to sound curt and harsh as he snapped to his men, “I have other matters to attend to, Commander. See to it that my requests are filled before my next visit or there will be consequences.”
With that, he winnowed to the Forest House. 
Eris kept his pace normal as he made his way to his private quarters. 
If the bargain hadn’t killed Rhysand, Eris would do it himself. 
What did you think?
How will Rhysand and Feyre react to Y/N protecting Nyx?
What do you think Eris is gonna do? 😬
Please send me a message and reblog 😔😔😔
chapter v
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fountainpenguin · 10 months
Aspects of Rex's / Kid Math's character I really love
The thrilling sequel to my Becky / WordGirl character post, I guess
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WordGirl "plays" with her villains in a way that Kid Math just does. not. get. I love how single-minded he is and how he still doesn't pick up on that attitude despite multiple attempts to explain it to him. In his mind, superhero work is serious business...
He just straight-up crushes Two-Brains' ray gun between his palms with this smug look on his face.
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There is not an ounce of fear in his body... Always ready to get his hands dirty fighting crime.
He's constantly beaming and putting his hands on his hips. Service with a smile. The only service he provides is teaching times tables and kicking your butt.
That completely unnecessary spin he does when demonstrating how to add "a million plus a million."
WordGirl tries to call a time out on her battle with Two-Brains to talk to Kid Math and he just floats there with a dopey smile :) He doesn't really "get" calling time outs, but he's also a good boy who's ready to listen and chit-chat.
Got gushy and excited when he and WordGirl found out their planets are in the same solar system. Look at him.
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Will cheerfully help you with any math equation regardless of how simple it may be... He might be destructive, but he's not mean. He'd be such a kindhearted math tutor; doesn't make you feel bad. He loves numbers and wants everyone else to love them too. This boy is made of pudding and love. Could kill you in the streets; a cinnamon roll with your math sheets.
WordGirl's backstory is that she snuck aboard Huggy's spaceship and startled him into crash-landing on Earth. Kid Math's backstory is that he took a spaceship for a joy ride. Where did he get it? Can he legally drive? Do his parents know he's roaming space? He answers none of this, but he makes a point to imply he was goofing off slkdjf
The hand motions he makes while acting things out during stories... He makes driving motions, he makes stick-snapping motions; he's great. It really makes him feel like this very visual and emotive person which plays so well against the usual stereotypes of logical people (cold, harsh, rude)... He's a friendly guy who just also wants to piledrive you into the asphalt. Love that for him.
I love the little ways he kicks his feet... I love when he tucks one foot behind his other leg... I love his unique little body language quirks.
WordGirl tries to shoo Kid Math away by saying that Fair City "already has a superhero," while she's dressed as WordGirl, after already stating she's from Lexicon, while she is flying, after Kid Math interrupted "an epic battle between good and evil," and he REALLY looked her in the eye and asked who the superhero she's referring to is sdklfj. The glare she gives him leaves me chortling every time.
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"It's ME, you absolute coconut."
He's so brokenhearted when Becky doesn't respond enthusiastically to him showing up at school...
He can see through Becky's civilian disguise and it was so obvious to him that he thought it was a joke.
That one little fist pump he does when Becky's super exasperated with him and starts walking off... His excitement cannot be dampened.
Brags about raisins. That's just... such a weird trait. This child will brag about everything from his home planet to himself to snacks.
He just wants to be praised... Give him attention, plz.
Made a point of clarifying that he was still willing to fight Doctor Two-Brains "even though he has a number in his name" as though he assumed WordGirl would worry about that being a problem.
I feel like there's so much loaded in every line of dialogue... like how he specifically says "Is [Doctor Two-Brains] a villain who has a 'thing?'" which really drives home this idea that Kid Math came to Earth fully prepared for superhero duties; he constantly puts up this image of a guy who knows what he's doing even though it's blatantly obvious that he just bumbles into things and I love that.
He is SUCH a know-it-all but he's also, like. a child. And he's such an interesting foil for Tobey, who's a very emotional character. Tobey is a "hot and reactive" boy genius, Kid Math is a "cool and calculating" boy genius. They would drive each other up the wall, I think.
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You never see Rex get angry... He always holds his cool. He doesn't speak up when WordGirl consistently slam-dunks him to the floor. He just quietly picks himself up. He doesn't protest when she shoves him out of frame. He doesn't yell, complain, or break down. Even when he and WordGirl disagree, he'll ask for more information, clearly explain the reasoning behind his thoughts, or he'll switch topics. He's very young, but very non-confrontational... and you get the sense that he'd be proud of that if you told him so because he cares a lot about his image and he has such pride in being logical.
He makes one grumble while defending himself for falling for the "Look behind you" act ("it means there's something notable to see") but he just kinda lets Becky push him around... She's not truly being mean, she's just trying to help, and he just yields to her. She's his guide even though he insists that they're equals :) She's his mentor and friend.
There is so much trust in his heart even though he knows basically nothing about her except the fact that her home planet shares a solar system with his. He's so innocent... Not yet burned by the world.
Kid Math bumbles through his words a lot, but his heart and actions are always good-natured... Certified good boy...
He gushes so much over the idea of being adored... He wants love and recognition, your honor.
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His idea of showing WordGirl affection was to punch her, sdljkf... He taps her twice as though making sure she "gets it." She reacts strongly, looking like she's ready to slam dunk him again before the security alarm interrupts. At the end of the episode, WordGirl smiles and returns the gesture by elbowing him twice and I love that parallel. Tap tap.
I really like that moment where WordGirl and Kid Math both flinch and check in with each other after hearing the security alarm... It's such a good way to show that they both have the same powers and they're both trying to be on the same page even though she was literally in the process of yelling at him.
Okay this is less about Kid Math's character and more about the episode, but I LOVE how Kid Math ends up in a mousetrap / goop ray combo trap similar to the one WordGirl faced when fighting Two-Brains for the first time in "Squeaky's Machine." The scene explicitly draws attention to the fact that WordGirl is "too experienced" to fall for the early tricks she used to in her younger days, and it highlights Kid Math's inexperience by showing him falling for those tricks, and he's in the same trap... I just think that was a clever parallel.
I really like the dynamic of the ray gun scene where Two-Brains tries to explain Superheroes 101 to Kid Math and KM just sits there like:
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That painful delay where Kid Math is staring down a laser gun that will turn him into goop and it takes a very long moment for him to ask for help sdlkfj
The look of shock on his face combined with his little finger splay when he realizes that WordGirl actually DID save him... Slowly processing how close he just came to death, slowly processing what it's like to have someone there for him... Buddy system.
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(Also I think it's funny that the cage the henchmen put Kid Math in is smaller than the cage they put WordGirl in... He is little.)
He's constantly in the "on" number brain... He'll just scream "That's a prime number!" or "Two stores!" or mumble "You just said 16 words" or "That's a fraction!" and I think it's hilarious. He just really, really likes numbers... He is, undeniably, the Living Calculator.
I think it's funny that Kid Math's speed trail is glittery while WordGirl's isn't. I feel like she'd be jealous of his sparkles.
WordGirl tends to fly in squiggly motions but Kid Math flies in arcs... just a little detail that I think is cute. WordGirl is such a flighty, indecisive, back and forth person. Kid Math knows exactly who he is, what he wants, and where he's going.
WordGirl tries explaining why Kid Math needs to be careful and his immediate response is to accuse her of being manipulative... Rex, are you okay? Buddy, lower your emotional walls slkdjf
Okay but. Can we talk about that. Can we talk about how Rex was super hype to see WordGirl at school, he was SO READY to have a friend, but his worldview is so painfully black and white that he can't help calling her out on what he considers immoral behavior.
Rex sees nothing wrong with his destructive "You can't have crime if you don't have a city" ideas but he draws the line at lying. From Rex's POV, this is an episode about WordGirl pulling him from his straight and narrow Hexagonian lifestyle and into the morally gray zone. That's SO funny.
Double fist pump when he gets invited to WordGirl's house.
I cannot get over how perfect it is that he wears his superhero costume underneath his civilian clothes... I know Becky does that too but Rex is so blatant about it and it's such a good design choice. Everything about his outfit is a good design choice- I love how he's so similar to WordGirl but has his own unique style, from his eye mask to the way he flies. He's not just a re-skin of the existing hero... He's his own person with his own life, his own design. He's so good.
The progression of Kid Math's attitude from "Huh??" to "Uh-oh, I'm in trouble" in the different scenes when Becky pushes him off screen... He just looks so much more scared the second time... He knows he's disappointing her but he just doesn't understand why. Help him.
WordGirl gave Kid Math two "Let's talk about why this isn't okay" conversations about him blowing his cover and he still said "There's no reason not to tell everyone" skldjf. It's obvious he respects her and values her and wants to learn, but he also will just... Not Do That.
Rex resisting the idea of a secret identity so goshdang hard..... He absolutely doesn't want to be a "regular kid." Honestly fair.
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He's clearly very smart, including knowing the definitions to several words (which he can even define himself, which a lot of characters in this show don't do)... Tried testing a Lexiconian by quizzing her on a definition with the most smug face imaginable... His response to a Lexiconian named WordGirl correctly defining a word was "Not bad."
idk something about the way Rex specifically uses phrases like "get away" [to walk away from adults] and "give up" [to go home and eat dinner] is very... hm. The fact that he didn't know what "hint" means... Someone please teach this boy that it's okay to ask for help and that he doesn't need to run away; there is such an aura of Big Yikes energy around him...
Realized that WordGirl had a catchphrase, so he attempted one himself and it was just "MATH!"
And he looks so disgruntled when WordGirl brushes it off and tells him he'll figure out something better later sdklfj...
The cheerful way he waves at Two-Brains before their fight.
Rex attempts the secret identity thing and still messes up in every conceivable way. He's actually worse at maintaining a secret identity after WordGirl introduced him to the concept, which he TRIES to tell her by pointing out that for him, "it's easier to just be a superhero all the time," and... man idk.
There's so much we can say about WordGirl trying to force Kid Math to fit inside her superhero box when he clearly doesn't want to. She has this perfect ideal of "peaceful family life" and this separation of hero and civilian identities. She takes those things for granted because she's always had her family.
Rex is new to Earth. He doesn't have the luxury of parents who care about him, but she tries to push these ideas of "Eating dinner in peace" and "So you can sneak away and fight crime without anyone worrying about you" on him anyway...
Rex doesn't need to divide his life and put up a secret identity front. He already has no one worrying about him. He's new to this planet. He has nothing. No one. He doesn't want her lifestyle, but she doesn't try to work with him and help him find something that works for him - y'know, like how there are tons of villains who don't have secret identities and they live perfectly normal lives - and instead she just tries to stick Rex in the "you need a secret identity because I have one and I know best" box... Man, I love their dynamic so much. She has no idea she's playing with fireworks, that Rex could explode over this... He's just polite and sweet and good, even though he totally doesn't want her life and he totally disagrees. Ugh, I love him.
The way he clasps his hands during his one little "Sorry I helped a villain" apology...
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He's just so expressive with his hands; we love to see it.
Even though he clearly knows Two-Brains is the enemy, he still follows his instructions... He thrives on "being good."
WordGirl told Kid Math he needs to "build suspense for the audience" and his immediate reaction was to pretend he doesn't have arms. Then he played dead by flopping over, sticking out his tongue, and crossing his eyes. I love him so much.
Offered to get back inside the cage when he noticed WordGirl was glaring at him.
His random backflips... He's so playful...
I'm sorry I just find it funny that WordGirl basically told him to go to his room and chill out... She sent him to his spaceship sdfklj
WordGirl: "If the villains knew my secret identity, they would never leave me alone" -- Kid Math: /rolls eyes
LAUNCHES himself into a scene... just. Springs in. Top speed. His favorite way to enter a conversation.
"Hello there, Earth kids! I'm sure not Kid Math at all!! :) Boy, isn't it crazy that neither one of us is a superhero from the Planet Hexagon?? What are the odds?? :)" Who wrote this dialogue, it's my absolute favorite. He's a child. Rex is so incredibly smart, but he's also just Like That.
He just really loves floating... He'll babble to you and start floating in the air, slowly rotating upside-down. He'll sometimes just go up and then down again... He likes floating. We never see WordGirl doing that, so I love how there's another character with the power to fly and he uses it to, like... express himself. Just part of his body language.
He literally makes this face while talking about his plan to destroy the city and I love him so much slkdjf
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He even planned it out, right down to citing "amazing superpowers" as the reason that "No one would be able to stop them." Crying.
Seriously can we talk about the fact that Becky tried to stop him by saying "We can't destroy the city!" and in her mind it was obvious that she was talking about the moral reasons why they shouldn't do that, but Rex literally replied "Sure we can!" because he was only thinking about the logistics... it's so good. Show don't tell me that your alien is a product of his ultra-logical culture. Fantastic. No remarks.
His fantasy of tearing down the city includes him getting a high-five from WordGirl... Someone PLEASE give this boy healthy levels of attention; he wants to be someone's hero so badly.
WordGirl tried explaining that hurting people is wrong and he still wouldn't let the idea go, I canNOT with him... he's such a card.
Specifically, I need to emphasize that WordGirl checked in to make sure Rex was on the same page that mass destruction is wrong and he was like "Sure okay whatever" and then immediately got excited about... an alternate but equally destructive daydream. His little "Oooh!!" and the way he taps his finger against his lips kills me.
He's just such a playful little kid... He painted Violet's nose green for absolutely no reason... He's SO wild and dangerous and I love that, but he's kept in check by his innocent desire to be a playful little kid and I love that too.
Went to art class and painted... a math equation.
That shy little kick he does when Violet compliments him and he stuffs his hands in his hoodie pockets; he is SO weak for words of affirmation... Help him.
"Compliments make Earthlings feel good :) ... Which I am!! An Earthling! Not Kid Math!!"
Every little bit of his body language is SO GOOD...
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I like how Becky and Bob have only known Rex for three days and the moment he starts stuttering and hesitating while trying to come up with an excuse for where he was running off to, Bob just... facepalms and Becky winces; they have no faith in this kid slkdjf.
Kid Math thanks Two-Brains for giving him a compliment on his witty banter, then checks over his shoulder to see WordGirl's reaction... She gives him a thumbs up.
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All those little moments where he jolts and clutches his fists against his chest.
"Did you know about this?? >:/ " about something WordGirl could not possibly have known about.
Narrator presents two options and Kid Math says "I choose both." Can you even imagine arguing with the all-knowing voice in the sky.
Entire city is about to be turned into goop and Kid Math still stops WordGirl and wants to trade the hero task she gave him with one that he likes better... He's such a CHILD.
I like how we still saw him out and about in his superhero costume during "Time Out With Two-Brains..." just doing his own little thing. Living his best life, didn't give up his dreams.
Also he just has the best little background poses:
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After an entire episode of chasing love and adoration, he gets to hear the crowd cheer for him and he's so dang excited :) Good for him!!
Fully owns up to his mistakes, but also never apologizes for anything (apart from the minor suggestion he made to improve Two-Brains' plan...) Man, he is certainly one of the hero kids who has ever been. Disaster of a cinnamon roll.
Anyway I love him.
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