#but I’m just craving a connection where we can just lay snuggled up with each other
neteyamsoare · 1 year
Don't Stop.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Human! Lo'ak Sully x Fem! Human! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Request From [@livelaughloak]. maybe #26 and #36 combined for lo’ak 🤭 thank you sia + omg for the last req i sent for lo’ak i meant to say for fluff please.
༉‧₊˚. Summary. You and Lo’ak have a movie date but the two of you quickly get distracted.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Modern au and fluff.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Lo'ak.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 653.
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Decided to do this in a modern au to fit the scenario I came up with in my head. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I love writing it. Ily Kate. 🫶🏾 | Also I was trying a new way to write kissing scenes so go easy on me, still new and trying to learn different ways to write things so it's not repetitive.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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Today was date night between you and Lo'ak. He was meeting you at your apartment since the last time, Lo’ak hosted it at his. You had everything set up, the snacks, the drinks, and the movie you would make Lo’ak watch with you. [Your favorite movie] was your favorite and you always tried to get Lo’ak to watch it with you but he claimed it was too ‘girly’ for him which earned him the sight of you rolling your eyes. 
Now that it was your turn to pick the movie, he’d have to watch it with you and that made you smile but if you were being honest, you didn’t care what movie was watched, you just cared about spending time with him where it was just the two of you alone where you can snuggle up against him, head laying on his chest as his arms were placed around you and there would be no interruptions. 
You hear the doorbell ring and get very excited as you put on lipgloss, rubbing your lips together as you head toward the door when you open it, you see Lo’ak leaning against the wall with a smile plastered on his face as he walks over to you immediately wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulls you towards him and gently paste a kiss on your forehead making you smile.
“Good, you’re here,” you smile up at him and he only smiles back at you. “Well, of course, I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” You giggle as you turn, his hand in yours as you lead him inside and he locks the door.
You make your way to the kitchen to get the snacks as he heads to the couch and he sits putting his arm on the top of the couch as he spreads his legs wide apart. “What movie are we watching?” He turns his head as you make your way to the couch with the tray of snacks, placing it on the coffee table as a big smile forms on your face. 
“We’ll be watching [your favorite movie], you’re going to love it,” you respond keeping eye contact with him. “I swear, you’re lucky I love you,” Lo’ak says as he pulls you onto his lap as you giggle. 
He leans forward connecting his lips with yours, his kiss was always something you craved as it felt tender, and heated as you explored each other. You felt warm all over as he felt confident as his tongue slides into your mouth interlocking with yours.
His hands travel to your waist and grip it firmly as your hands are wrapped around his neck, he grins into the kiss. You’re the first to pull away leaving Lo’ak to be confused as the both of you catch your breaths.
“Why did you stop?” he says as he returns your gaze looking deeply into your eyes. “Because my lipgloss is getting all over your lips,” he brings on his hands to your face, rubbing your cheek softly as he lets out a chuckle. 
“So? I don’t care, all I want is to feel those soft lips against mine,” you smile and get ready to say something but Lo’ak covers his heart with his hand and puts a fake frown on his face.
“I’m hurt that you’d deprive me of your pretty soft lips.” you roll your eyes as you let out a soft laugh. “I’m sorry, I know just the thing to cheer you up.” he puts his thumb on your bottom lip, rubbing it softly.
“This time, don’t stop, ok?” he looks at you with a serious gaze and all you can manage to do is slightly nod as your faces move closer, closing the gap between the two of you and your lips connects with his. The both of you getting lost in each other that you forget all about the movie.
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🔖 @livelaughloak @jakesully-sbabygirl @kenzi-woycehoski @fanboyluvr @onlytays @amart-e @vxncxntt @blep24 @blackheart-stuff @almondmilk8 @love-chx @uniltsatirey @23victoria @saeayanaa @aash3 @canaomfa @0littlelucy0 @dilftopia69 @itszmedawn @doulcha @strawberryclouds22 @grierpilots @lixiesbrowniess @liluvtojineteyam
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Long Days
Pete comes home after a long day at work and just wants to cuddle
Request: “heyy i love your pete writing!!!! could you write some domestic or boyfriend pete pls 🥺 hes always talking about how much he loves his partner when hes in a relationship its so soft”
Pete Davidson x Reader
Word Count: 1671
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You yawned, looking down at the time on your laptop and realizing it was well past 3 am, Pete’s usual arrival time. You frowned, checking your phone to see if he had texted you that rehearsals were running late.
And just as your fingers touched the plastic phone case, the door to Pete’s apartment-basement opened, revealing the man himself. He looked exhausted, even for himself. The bags under his eyes sunk deeper than usual and his slouch was worse than ever.
He found you sitting up, blanket over your lower half, laptop in lap, and he smiled lazily. He slumped over to the foot of the bed and fell face forward into the mattress. You giggled as his face landed next to your waistline, moving your laptop to the small table besides you as Pete kicked his shoes off. You reached and pulled Pete by his forearms to lay his head in your lap, the man making no effort to help you except flipping over to look at you.
You ran your fingers through his hair, smiling down at him. “Hi baby,” You spoke softly as he snuggled further into your body. “How was work?”
Pete hummed, eyes closing at the feeling of your gentle fingers combing through his locks. “Long. Lorne was in a bad mood and the host made us rehearse everything like 3 times.”
You frowned, “I’m sorry.” You shifted so your back was resting against the headboard and pulled Pete so he was cuddled into your chest, back against your front. You wrapped your arms around his waist, rubbing his stomach with your thumb.
Pete shrugged, hands moving to sit on top of yours. “It’s not your fault, just sucked.” You nodded, leaning down to press a kiss against the side of his head. “What did you do all day?” He asked, looking up at you.
“Zoom meetings with clients mostly, nothing too interesting. I saw this really cute puppy on my walk today, though!” You reached over and grabbed your phone, finding the picture you had taken and showing it to him. “Highlight of my day until you came home.”
He smiled, taking the phone from your hands, and gazing at the picture. “Almost as cute as you.” He mumbled, making you giggle. You pressed another kiss to the side of his head, and then another, and then a few more in quick succession, making him laugh.
You loved to hear him laugh, especially on days like these where he was feeling down. “Did you get a chance to eat?” You asked quietly after a few moments of silence.
“No.” He followed his statement with a groan, “I worked through dinner and wanted to see you as soon as possible so I didn’t stop.”
You nodded with a smile on your face, touched that he was so eager to come home to you. “I can make you something,” you offered. He rubbed small circles to the top of your hand and let out a small hum of agreement. “What do you want?”
“Do we have stuff to make mac n cheese?” He asked.
You let out a small giggle at the childlike sound of his request, “I can check. You just want mac n cheese?”
“I have been craving mac n cheese for like three days.” You laughed at his confession, moving your arms, and trying to get out from under him.
He refused to let you leave, laying over your lap completely to keep you sitting. “Pete I can’t make anything if you don’t let me stand up.”
He groaned, turning to hug your middle, his head buried in your stomach, “don’t want you to leave.”
You let out a small chuckle, running a hand through his hair, “do you wanna come cook with me?” He shook his head no. “Okay well I have to get up, so you have to let go of me.” He shook his head again. “Pete, I will drag you to the kitchen if you don’t let go.”
He laughed, looking up at you with tired eyes. “I’m like a koala bear.” You could hear in his voice just how tired he was, and you weren’t sure if he would be able to stay awake long enough to eat any food you made.
“Yes, you are, babe.” You sighed, using all your force to move your feet to dangle off the bed, Pete’s hands still around your waist. “Pete, let go.” You said, giggling lightly.
He let you go long enough for you to stand up before standing up himself and wrapping his arms around you again, this time from behind you. You sighed, leaning your head back against his chest, knowing he would make you walk in this position.
The two of you waddled to the kitchen, Pete pressing lazy kisses to your neck the entire way there. You got out the ingredients for mac n cheese, setting them out on the counter. “Is cheddar okay?” you asked, turning your neck to meet his eyes, and finding a soft smile on his face. He nodded, pressing a quick, sweet kiss to your lips.
You preheated the oven and set a pot of water on the stove to boil, Pete finally moving off of you to jump onto the counter, grabbing handfuls of cheese as you began to grate it. You gave him a joking glare, which he returned with a wide smile.
Once the water began to boil you added the macaroni, mentally making a note of what time you would need to take it off the stove. You put butter on a saucepan, letting it melt as you measured out the milk, flour, cheese, and half and half. You added the ingredients and mixed, draining the noodles after six minutes and adding the sauce.
You moved to one of the cupboards above your head, searching for a dish to put your mixture into. You could see the glass pan above you, but you knew reaching it would require you growing an extra three inches. You frowned, preparing to jump up onto the counter when you felt a hand around your waist. “imagine being short.” Pete said with a chuckle, grabbing the pan with ease.
You turned around, pouting at him as he set the glass on the counter. His arms went to rest on the counter on either side of you, leaning down to be closer to you. “You’re mean.” You said, crossing your arms.
He laughed, pressing a kiss to your lips. “And you’re adorable,” he mumbled, kissing you again. His lips moved so well with yours, fitting perfectly together. Pete deepened the kiss, making you lean backwards with a smile. He whined, trying to kiss you again.
“Food, Petey.” You said, pointing to the stove. He sighed, moving his hands to let you move back over to your spot and finish making the food. Instead of returning to his counter, he followed you, wrapping his arms around your middle  from behind and resting his head on your shoulder. You continued to work despite the man weighing you down, swatting his hands away when he tried to take pieces of pasta.
You pushed him back as you opened the oven, placing the glass pan with macaroni in it and setting the microwave timer for 20 minutes. Once you were done, Pete spun you around to face him. His hands rested on your waist, and you put your own around his neck.
“Dance with me” he mumbled, forehead resting against yours.
You giggled softly, “there’s no music.”
“We don’t need music.”
Pete started swaying you both gently, slowly spinning around the room. Your eyes were on each other the whole time, nothing else mattering but each other. Despite the lack of music and the tiredness in both of your eyes, it felt magical.
You didn’t notice Pete’s mom enter the kitchen, nor did you notice the smile on her face as she took out her phone and recorded the two of you. You didn’t notice anything other than Pete.
“I love you.” You whispered; a smile spread on your face.
Pete’s lips connected with your own, the kiss slow and sweet and lazy and perfect. “I love you too” he whispered after he pulled away.
You were brought out of your fairytale when the microwave beeped, alerting you that the mac n cheese was ready. You pulled away, grabbing an oven mitt and a towel, and pulling the glass pan out of the oven. Pete noticed his mom in the kitchen doorway.
“I came to get a glass of water but I didn’t want to interrupt your moment.” She said, a fond smile on her face.
A blush rose to your cheeks as you set the pan on the towel. “Do you want any?” Pete asked motioning to the dish.
She laughed, “at 4 in the morning? I’m good. But if there’s leftovers I might take some to work tomorrow.” You nodded, mentally noting to save her a piece. “Y/N made it, right?”
You nodded with a smile, laughing when Pete let out a “what is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m gonna get to bed, have fun you two.”
“Goodnight.” You called softly as she moved to her room before moving to grab a spoon, two forks, and two bowls. Pete left to the room, turning on the TV and flipping through Netflix to find a specific movie. You put the dishes in the sink, promising yourself you’d do them the next day, and then served yourself and Pete. You wrapped the remaining food and placed it in the fridge, walking to where Pete was.
You found him on the couch, blanket sprawled over him, and Scott Pilgrim vs the World queued up to play. You sat next to him, handing him his bowl, and smiling as he instinctively leaned into you. You spent the rest of the night eating and watching comedies on Netflix until you both passed out on the couch, wrapped in each other’s arms.
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chickynn · 3 years
@sunaswife asked: Okay hi bub it’s nice to meet u. I’m a new follower thanks to my child, Mia hehehe n E wayz can I request Inosuke and fem s/o on a mission together and rescuing a child who’s parents died from demons. They don’t have any other family so they decided to adopt the child as their own? Idk if that makes sense but I’m just a sucker for fluff 🥺🤲
thank you so much for the request, this was so cute omg 👉👈
This has been sitting in my drafts for a while now, so i decided to finish it tonight hehe. I also did a different style of writing fics so that it's easier, and I really like this style (and i hope you do too) so i'm going to continue writing in this style 👀👀
- Inosuke and the reader are both aged up so that it would be a little more appropriate for this scenario hehe
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Inosuke and his s/o adopting a child
You and Inosuke were walking your way towards your mission (playfully bickering too). You two had been going at it ever since you started your journey. It’s just your way of bonding with each other, really. There was no harm done in doing so too.
Anyways, as you approached your destination, you started hearing a faint cry coming from a house. Without wasting any more time, you immediately ran towards the source of the voice. of course, Inosuke sees it as a challenge, then tries outrunning you.
The house you entered was already in a horrible state; blood splattered all throughout the walls and floors. In the middle of the house, there stood a hungry demon despite already having to eat two people already. Below the demon was a frail child, who was the one crying loudly, begging for help.
You were about to step in until Inosuke started launching himself towards the demon. You decided to let him distract it, the child being your main priority first. You saved the child successfully, thankfully they’ve only got a few scratches here and there, though you were happy that they weren’t hurt, you wished that you could’ve been there a second earlier to save their parents as well.
You safely laid the child somewhere where they couldn’t get hurt. Apparently, they also looked so shaken, probably traumatized to have witnessed their parents getting murdered in front of them, which was no surprise. You’ve decided to comfort the child for a bit and was about to go help Inosuke until the child pulled you back and begged for you not to leave. 
Inosuke handled the fight pretty well on his own, not that he needed you there anyways (according to him). He came out of the house a few minutes later after you saved the child, boasting about how great he was, and how you should’ve seen him fight until he saw you snuggling the child close to your chest to sleep.
Now, he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t jealous about the fact that the child is getting all of your attention instead of him. He refused to admit it though, so he just huffs and then starts complaining about him doing all the work and not getting the attention he craved for.
The way back home was surprisingly peaceful and quiet, which was a surprise. Well, it was mainly quiet because you had told Inosuke not to make a noise when the child is sleeping in your arms. Which leaves him complaining behind you right under his breath.
“Hey Inosuke,” You started, turning your head towards him slightly, “we should take care of the child...”
Inosuke groaned, “Why should we? The mission’s done, he’s not our problem now”
You glared at him, stopping in your tracks to fully face him. He stopped as well starting to regret the fact that he’s provoking you, “because, this child has no parents, we’re their only hope left!”
That’s not entirely true though. You knew that you can just find another pair of parents to adopt the child, but for some reason, you felt like keeping them. You couldn’t really put a finger on it, but you somehow felt some kind of connection with the child. It may also be an interesting experience for the both of you (if Inosuke agrees to take care of the child too).
“If I’m going to take care of that thing...” Inosuke trails off for a bit. Then his eyes lit up, “I wanna train it!”
Sweat dripped down from your forehead, “Sure...”
You’re going to save this conversation for another time.
You safely returned back to the butterfly estate, freshening up before changing into a comfortable sleepwear. Again, Inosuke wouldn’t admit it, but he doesn’t like how your attention has been on the child instead of him. It has been like that ever since you were walking home from the mission.
You laid on the bed, the child sleeping right beside you as you gently stroked their hair soothingly. Inosuke comes in and pouts when he sees the child laying next to you. He huffs and decides to lay on your other side where your back is facing.
Yeah, he was really pouty the entire night.
A few more months later, the child grew accustomed to the both of you. Inosuke still has a little bit of grudge with the child, but he still manages to get along with it surprisingly. There were just times where the child cries loudly and he sees it as a challenge so he starts wailing louder than them. Which always results into a loud crying match, and you always have to calm them down.
You were concerned about the relationship they had with each other sometimes, but atleast they're getting along. Sometimes.
" 'nosuke?" You called out softly in the dark, peering into the room you two shared. Your eyes widen at the unexpected scene displayed upon you, but you immediately felt warmth in your chest.
Inosuke was passed out on the bed, legs and arms sprawled out as the blanket nearly falls off at the edge of the bed. The child was next to him, cuddled up on his side, also passed out and sleeping peacefully.
You nearly squealed at the sight, but you decided to save that for tomorrow. Instead, your smile only grew and you wasted no time in snuggling up on his chest, feeling his stir for a bit, before placing his hand on your hair. You cheekily pressed a kiss on his jaw before yawning as you felt sleepiness slowly take over you.
Before you know it, you fell asleep, on the same bed with the people you love.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Sebastian Smythe (The First Time) 
Sebastian Smythe is bored.  His plan is taking much longer to pull off than he originally intended; head to the bar by nine, have Blaine Anderson on his knees by ten, and by eleven, he’d be back home early enough to still troll the show choir chat blogs in his amusing quest to make future prima donnas cry, or at the very least, be able to get another dick pic to add to his collection.  Instead, it’s been almost three hours, and having to hold onto the facade that he actually cares about either of them is getting tiring.  
The problem isn’t Blaine.  If Sebastian is pushed to admit the truth, he’d say his only interest in Blaine is the (most-likely) delicious cock he hides underneath the grandpa clothes he insists on wearing, as well as the knowledge that by fucking the Warblers’ most powerful (ex-)member, he’d finally have the control over the group he craves.  The bonus being that he might get to put his cock up that juicy ass, or at least get Blaine’s dreamy mouth to suck him off.  The thought of Blaine’s eyes wide and wanton as he takes Sebastian’s cock delights him.  Sebastian’s been sure from the first time they met that Blaine is definitely not getting the physical attention he probably desires.  And who better to give it to Blaine than himself? 
No, if he is able to get Blaine alone, he is sure he could coax him into shedding the goody-two-shoes schoolboy image he insists on wearing.  
The problem is the frigid, bitch of a boyfriend.   Kurt Hummel might as well have a leash around Blaine’s neck, he is so possessive over him.  The thought of a threesome had crossed Sebastian’s mind, but he couldn’t tolerate doing anything with someone more prudish than a Jane Austen character.  God, he is so fucking annoying. 
Blaine and Kurt had gone to the bathroom, leaving Sebastian at the bar alone.  He has ordered another beer, not for himself, but for Blaine.  Twice now he has been able to switch out Blaine’s bottles without noticing, and apparently, the more Blaine drinks, the looser he gets.  It may take a little longer than expected, but if he can keep off Kurt, or get him to go home all together, Sebastian could easily slip in and make his move.
Sebastian smirks to himself, thinking again about all the things he would do to Blaine if he got him alone for just five minutes.  As he’s waiting, he notices a very handsome college-aged guy down the bar who is looking in his direction.  He gives a little wink, and well, maybe he has a plan b if he can’t pry Blaine out of Kurt’s delicate hands. He’s not sure how much more patience he has for his charade with Blaine and Kurt tonight.  And College Guy is hot.  Really fucking hot.  College Guy also seems interested but before Sebastian can signal further, that dumb jock that used to go to McKinley sits between them.  Asshole.  
“Meeting your next love connection?” Kurt is back, taking the seat next to Sebastian.  His eyes are narrowed and suspicious.  It must be so exhausting always trying to measure up to someone who is superior.  
Sebastian rolls his eyes. “I don’t know why you have such an obsession with love, Kurt.  Why bother with messy emotions when you can get right to the good stuff.”  Sebastian wiggles his eyebrows.  “Sex.” 
“Yeah, I got that,” Kurt bites at him.  
“Where’s Blaine?” Sebastian asks.  “Or is Mommy allowing him to be a real boy and go to the potty all by himself.”  
“Do you ever loosen up?” Sebastian asks casually.  Kurt remains stoney faced at him.  He’s got to admit, there’s something enjoyable about getting Kurt all riled up.  “I’m guessing you haven’t enjoyed this evening one bit.” 
“I have,” Kurt replies, though it’s clearly forced.  “This place is…” Kurt looks around, though doesn’t seem to have any words.  Sebastian smirks.  “Well, I enjoy being able to dance with my boyfriend.  Who loves me.”
“Dancing?” Sebastian scoffs.  “Is that what you were doing tonight?  It seems more like you’ve been having weird, alien seizures or something.” 
Kurt gives a mocking laugh.  “Well, at least I don’t look like a stiff metal pole that is being whacked into awkward angles.”  
Sebastian can at least appreciate Kurt’s wit, even if it’s the only bit of personality he has.  It makes the game more fun.  “At least my pole has some sex appeal.  Do you even have a dick, Kurt? Is that why your voice is so high? Because you actually belong in some butch lesbian commune?” 
“Oh,” Kurt tilts his head viciously.  “I hope you get so many STDs that they have to cut your dick off.” 
“Weak, Kurt,” Sebastian says, shaking his head.  “And here I thought you’d be a great verbal rival.  At least you have your words -- because you’ll never be my sexual rival.” 
Kurt completely stops the pretense, and unexpectedly, lays it all on the table.  “Stop treating my boyfriend like a conquest.”  Kurt’s all serious now.  God, he’s so fucking boring and predictable.  “You aren’t going to win.” 
“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Sebastian shoots back.  “When push comes to shove, I’ll be able to deliver what Blaine really needs.  Do you really think you’re any comparison?” 
“Go fuck yourself, Sebastian.  Oh wait, I doubt you can even pleasure yourself.” 
Blaine comes back then, all smiley and very tipsy, and falls into Kurt.  “Are you guys getting along?” he asks, his words slurring together.  
“We’re having all the fun,” Sebastian says.  
Blaine wraps himself around Kurt, snuggling into him.  “Kurt, you smell so good,” he says, a bit dreamily.  Jesus, fuck, he’s such a lost cause.  Sebastian can’t even fathom what Kurt’s appeal is.  “We should dance really close so I can smell you more.” 
“Okay,” Kurt says, standing up, not letting go of Blaine in the process.  “It’s probably time we get you home.”  
“Boys, the night is still early,” Sebastian insists.  
“Yeah, it’s still early, Kurt,” Blaine echoes. “And I haven’t finished holding you.”  
Kurt turns a slight shade of red.  He tries to hide it, but Sebastian can tell what a poor sap he really is.  “No, we’re going home now,” Kurt says again.  
Sebastian is annoyed, but he glances over to where College Guy is still sitting at the bar, and thinks maybe the night isn’t a total loss.  
“Do you need a ride, Sebastian?” Blaine offers.  
Sebastian shakes his head.  “No, I’ll be fine.  You guys go, wouldn’t want granny to miss her bedtime.” 
Blaine looks at him confused, but Kurt shoots him a very dark look as they head out.  Oh, this isn’t over by a long shot, Sebastian thinks, as he eyes Kurt back.  The night may be over, and Kurt may think he’s won, but Kurt doesn’t know how tenacious Sebastian can be. 
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Inside a Submissives Soul
Dear Diary -
There was a possibility I wouldn't see Sir this week. Life keeps him busy and as much as I was ready to accept this happens, I did feel my spirits were dampened purely because I always want to see and spend time with him.
He messages me pretty much everyday, by midweek I received a message asking if I was available to play the following day, hell yes I was! I am always available for him to the point I am prepared to drop everything for him anyway, which I know he would probably give me what for if he felt it was more important that I do whatever may be planned. I wouldn't cancel anything that is considered important i.e. appointments, work etc, just the things I know can wait. Needless to say I will always be available to and for him.
We really didn't have long, a couple of hours at best and I'm thrilled we got at least that. It's cold and miserable outside, I get in the vehicle when he pulls up, straight away he takes my hand that's closest to him, him so warm encasing my cold, he says he will warm me up real soon, I give alittle 'woop' in celebration, he is amused already.
We get to our destination, very quickly Sir says hello with a kiss, I respond in the same way, damn he smells sensational, his body against mine feels amazing. Due to our limited time frame, I was asked to get undressed, everything came off without hesitation, I joked if only I could do it Bruce Almighty style, he finds this amusing.
Instructed to get on the bed, I did, he followed in the same manner. When he gets undressed I know its about to get real intimate, I can't help but smile, secretly in my head everytime I'm saying 'phwoar yes please'. We snuggle in close, laid on our sides facing eachother, he pulls the duvet over us, I felt his member press against me. I joked again that anyone would think he has missed me, he smiled but stayed silent so I also joked I'll take that as a yes too. Our lips press together, our tongues meet caressing one another, he takes my hand and sends it below, I feel him, he's stood to attention, rigid and responding to my fingers groping him. He moves to adjust slightly taking me by the head and prompting to move down, so I do, I take him between my lips, he always tastes so good. He is clearly excited, I can taste the sweetness of his droplets on my tongue already as I mouth him. As I pull back, him almost about to leave my lips, I suck just enough to get that devine leg jerking twitch he does, he gives a cheeky laugh and taps me on my peaches. I will never stop doing it whilst I receive such responses, I hope I never have to, its one of those little 'things' that gives me a entertained satisfied grin, it makes me feel I have him as much as he has me. I feel his hands over me, light, spreading over me before I feel his hands moving my hair then taking hold to issue some control over my actions. Pushing all the way back blocking my airways briefly, pulling back then pushing all the way back again. I can't wait to find the right angle to have him really enter my throat, for now the intermittent blockage is exciting enough. I am happy giving, I am in a place where I feel I am able to relax, I just wish I had full confidence to bring myself to a point where he will really see my inner harlot come out to play. I will get there, I know I will.
He pulls me away so I am on my back, making his way over me, an arm each side of my head, his hips in line with mine. A quick thought crosses my mind that she has not been touched yet, I may not be quite ready to accommodate him, this thought is just as quick to be taken back as his tip sits at my opening for a split second only to slowly enters and disappear within me. My containment slips out with a breath filled gasp. He looks happy with my response as he creates a slow paced rhythm. My breathing quickens almost immediately, my kisses become lustful, I can't keep my hands off him, he is so much man, I can't get enough of him. Asking me if I want him deeper, which I feel was rhetorical, however, I insisted, he sits up to lift my legs over his shoulders and he sinks as deep as our bodies will allow. Changing speeds and depths, sometimes slow and wholesome, sometimes hard and forceful, I want it every way possible, I know I can take it. Watching him move in and out of me, it's hot, he then adds further sensation with circling a thumb around my sensitives. The noises escaping me are varied but all a confirmation of enjoyment. I have always been one to close my eyes throughout activities over the years and there are moments with Sir where I fall behind my eyelids, but it's different with him and most of the time, my eyes are locked on him, it's like I am showing him I am with him at all times and allowing him to see everything there is within me. It's immensely liberating.
He gives indication he is building, he often says 'slow down' when it's getting close, I beat him to it. My legs come down, he comes in real close, his body firmly pressed against mine giving me himself over and over, kissing at my neck, that's it, he's got me, I'm ready, I tell Sir he's going to make me release and thats exactly what he wants, he doesn't stop. I hop, skip and jump over the edge as my release floods through my insides, it's intensely fulfilling as I crave more at the same time. As it eases, I don't feel overwhelmed with sensitivity, I just want him over and over again, I have another that I know will come to the surface at some point.
He breaks away briefly, back over me again I reach for his him, pumping him with my hand infront of my hole, he says to put him back inside me, as I guide, he pushes. He is getting close, he has been ready a while but he holds back which is pretty impressive, he carries strong self restraint. Its time, it's coming, feeling his warm filled fluids line my inners, I am so close, I know this feeling will trigger my release in response, it doesn't but that's quite alright, I am more than smug to know I have him within me and he will be there for some time.
I squirm as we pull away, it's pleasantly teasing. Sir lays on his back, I lay on my side, both entwined, hands soothingly gracing bodies, silently calm and content. I think about nothing other than how peaceful I feel and every single moment leading up to this, its my sense of sheer bliss. Yes we have literally kept today quite vanilla, once or twice a playful tap spank, it's not always about 'whips and chains', sometimes it's just about the passion between two souls learning and exploring one another, reinforcing that connection, accepting and embracing the chemistry.
We talk for a little while, lots of different things in a short space of time, it's very general but gives huge insight to our characteristics, I absolutely adore his.
He was happy I released, as was I, I didn't expect myself to without foreplay first, I can see his gloating without him actually saying anything, it's quite cute. A second was close too, he can have that one next time. Whilst I could spend forever in everyway with Sir, the reality arrives to inform us we need to get back to it. Both stalling for a few more moments, I move over him, he keeps me on top as he massages up my spine, it's pretty clear this could go even further but we are already delayed. I move to get down from the bed but not without his lips chasing and planting on my body. Sorting ourselves out, dressed and ready to make moves, we are momentarily intimate one last time then off we go, as much as it is mutual, I'm sure it's his way of keeping me keen. Works like a charm.
I only dislike goodbyes because I know it results in not seeing him for another week but there is some truth in absence makes the heart grow fonder. We're always almost talking, mainly general conversation with some sass from me as Sir calls it, and some comedy from him too. Yes there is serious and educational talk, this is a given. Leaving it on a 'be good, if you can't be good, be safe' with a kiss, he often rolls his eyes at me in amusement. This time I cross the road, I clap for myself that I made it, he gives me the double thumbs up, got to laugh at personal jokes between us, shows we pay attention as well as knowing how to have a laugh together.
I seem to have a knack at giving him some form of laughable entertainment which has to be good thing surely. There is often much detail I do not write about, not because I don't want to, I just feel you have to be there to appreciate the sentiment of it all from the hellos and goodbyes, the conversations we have, what we talk about, the giggles, to the intimacy and physical activity as well as the moments of care and compassion with eachother. It's all there, kept safe within my heart, my soul and its all mine.
Until next time, I will keep having those little smiles across my face and beam filled sighs when I am reminded of him and the memories we share.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Sander being down coming out of a depressive episode. Being soft, wanting cuddles and not wanting to be far from robbe if he doesn’t need to be. So robbe letting him lay his head on his lap as robbe studies for exams. Or robbe wrapping his arms around sander from behind and his legs as well as he plays video games with the boys. Basically sander following robbe around the apartment as sander heals and comes out of his episode. Robbe feeding him taking care of him. // Can you please, write about Sander having a bad dream and it waking Robbe up, Sander asking Robbe for cuddles so he can go back to sleep, Sander being the little spoon. Just Robbe taking care of Sander after a bad dream
It’s different for both of them. And it’s probably not right, but despite popular beliefs, humans don’t always process their feelings in a socially acceptable way. Robbe likes when Sander needs him, he likes it when his boyfriend is clingy, constantly needing Robbe’s touch or just his presence. And Sander feels a little bad for selfishly wanting Robbe all to himself, but he doesn’t say it, he just says fuck everyone else and holds Robbe a little tighter, closer to him.
If it was a choice, Sander wouldn’t let Robbe see him when he’s not feeling fully like himself. He knows it’s a lot to deal with it and it’s not because they are together that Robbe is forced to be around when Sander himself would like to run away. 
But the problem is that being with Robbe seems to make the days go by quicker and not as bad as when he’s alone or with anyone else, because Sander can see his boyfriend right there, looking like he’s thinking about anything, never about running as far away from Sander as possible.
Robbe is not one to ditch his friends to hang out with Sander, not when he and his friends already have plans. Even if Robbe doesn’t feel like going, he goes anyway because he never likes to disappoint anyone. And they’ve been hiding inside Robbe’s bedroom for almost two days and Jens keeps texting him, asking to go skate.
Sander didn’t ask him to stay because Robbe would do it and Sander would feel guilty and Jens would probably hate him. Not that he cares that much about Jens’ opinion about him, but he doesn’t want to make Robbe deal with him for another full day.
It’s been three hours since Robbe left and Sander keeps checking his phone, trying to go back to sleep, let Robbe be a normal person for a little longer. He moves without thinking, grabbing his phone from underneath Robbe’s pillow, texting him.
to Robbe: How’s your date with Jens going?
Can you come home?
I miss you too much
He instantly regrets when he sees the online that pops on his screen as soon as Robbe receives the last text. Sander could have sent it all in one, but he decided to be selfish and send a bunch of texts to get Robbe’s attention back on him, not on Jens or the skate park.
to Sander: Is everything ok?
I’m leaving, be home in fifteen or something like that.
to Robbe: I’m ok, sorry, no need to rush, cutie.
to Sander: I’m on my way <3
Sander puts his phone back underneath the pillow that smells like Robbe, hiding his face against it for a little, smiling excitedly to himself. Robbe is too good to be true and he deserves so much better. Sander doesn’t have the courage to break up with him though. He’ll be selfish forever and always choose to stay with Robbe, even if it sucks for him.
The least Sander can do is be presentable, so he forces himself to get up, grabbing Robbe’s towel on his chair, still a little cold from not drying completely since last night, and he throws it over his shoulder. He stops at the door, watching as Milan comes home and walks past the door, going straight to the kitchen. If Sander is careful enough, Milan won’t even see him crossing the hall to go take a shower. He opens the door and quickly goes to the bathroom, locking the door.
He hasn’t showered in a few days. It was too much work to get out of his comfort bubble inside Robbe’s bedroom, probably hiding against Robbe’s neck for most of that time. It could be worse, he could smell worse, but a shower won’t hurt.
Even the shampoos and conditioners are labeled and Sander grabs Robbe’s as he lets the water hit in between his shoulder, right on the nape of his neck. It feels relaxing, a little too much for someone that’s already feeling drained, but Sander ignores it, opening the shampoo and smiling when his affective memory instantly connects the smell to the comfort of being with Robbe.
Sander likes Robbe’s hair way too much, especially the ones that are long enough to go all the way to his neck. When they’re kissing for hours and hours, Sander presses his fingertips against Robbe’s hair, wanting him even closer and Robbe whines and melts into him and that’s all Sander needs, ever.
There’s not much Robbe can do that doesn’t make Sander’s brain go completely blank, just craving more Robbe.
He takes a very quick shower, washing his hair with Robbe’s things, rushing back to his bedroom, putting some clean clothes on, lying down again, looking at the door as he waits for Robbe to come back already.
When he hears the front door being unlocked, Sander moves closer to the center of the bed so Robbe won’t have a choice but be close to him. Everyone else is home, also hiding inside their bedroom, it has to be Robbe. 
Sander hears Robbe hanging his jacket and his bag, kicking his shoes off and his shadow appears at the door, carefully opening it, putting his head inside. 
“Hey...” Robbe smiles bright, finally walking inside, closing and locking the door behind him, always keeping his eyes on Sander, working his magic, making Sander’s insides warm up instantly just by having Robbe’s eyes on him. 
“Hi.” He lifts the blanket and Robbe sits on the bed, kissing his forehead, showing the little package that he’s been holding. 
“Brought some food for you. You want it?” Even if Sander didn’t want it, Robbe is already resting against the headboard, carefully opening the package. Sander is not too hungry, but he can’t remember the last time he properly ate and that can’t be good. 
He snuggles closer, laying his head on Robbe’s lap, watching him grab the plastic fork that came with the container. “You’re so sweet. Thank you.” 
Robbe smiles at him, opening the container and the smell quickly fills Sander’s nostrils. It smells good at least. He watches as Robbe picks something for him to eat. 
There’s no steam coming out from the angle that Sander is seeing, but he watches as Robbe takes a bite to see if it’s too hot. He raises his eyebrows when he confirms that it’s not too hot, finally giving Sander some of the food. “No, I’m actually so in love and I keep thinking about my boyfriend, lying in my bed, waiting for me and then I needed to bring him something.” 
Sander is not a picky eater, so he eats whatever Robbe offers to his mouth, just enjoying how proud of himself Robbe looks. It’s a weird angle, so Robbe is extra careful not to miss his target and he smiles sometimes, making Sander smile too, not as enthusiastically. 
“How was your date with Jens?” Robbe stops feeding him, raising his eyebrows, clearly bothered by Sander’s jealousy dressed as a stupid joke.  
“It was lovely. We kissed and fucked, better-” 
Sander feels his blood boiling even though he’s sure it’s bullshit. Robbe would never. “Stop.” 
“You started...” Robbe comes closer, kissing Sander, putting his food aside. “It was cool, but I missed you terribly.” 
They stay close for a while, looking into each other’s eyes, forgetting about the food, not kissing either. Robbe’s fingertips tingle under his jaw, close to his chin with the lightest touch. And he’s the one to break the silence, sitting up to put the rest of the food on his nightstand, finally coming to lie down next to Sander, purring when Sander lifts the sheets again to pull him closer, with nothing in between them, instantly tangling their legs together. 
“When did you really fell for me?” Robbe asks after hiding his face against Sander’s neck for what it feels like a long - but not long enough - time. 
“Before you.” Sander moves away just enough to be able to see Robbe’s face, letting Robbe’s fingertips draw small circles on his collarbone underneath the shirt (it’s actually Robbe’s shirt). 
Robbe smiles, pushing his bleached and damp hair away from his eyes. “The exact moment. Tell me how it was, how you felt.” 
Sander smiles, coming a little closer again, touching Robbe’s nose with the tip of his own whenever he talks. 
“Ok. I think it was when we were making croques together. You were all clumsy, not knowing what to do - I like to think it was because I was there with you - and you just let me feed you and I could tell you were a little uncomfortable, astonished if I can brag a little. And you looked so handsome and soft and I just needed to kiss you, but then Britt came in and ruined everything. You?”
“I guess when I kept having to watch you with Britt and all I could think about was on how badly I wanted to be in her place. You were very touchy with her for someone that was falling for a third person.” Sander smiles and he means it this time, moving their heads a little to find the perfect angle, kissing Robbe slowly, snaking his arm around his waist, underneath Robbe’s oversized shirt. 
“If it makes it any better, I was thinking about you every time I kissed her during that weekend.” Sander tries to go for his puppiest eyes, raising his eyebrows too, smiling because he knows what he said - and what he did to Britt that weekend - wasn’t right and Robbe is not the type that likes doing the “wrong thing”, so he needs to appeal to Robbe’s soft spot for him. Sander doesn’t care about doing the “wrong” thing if it takes him to where he needs to be. 
And at the time, he needed to not cause any trouble with Britt so she could stay at that beach house for as long as Robbe would be there. If he fucked up that weekend, even in the little things, she would make a show, pack her bags and demand that Sander had to take her back home. And he couldn’t do that. He was finally right next to Robbe like he needed to be. 
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Peace Like A River Part 7
A Gwilym Lee x Reader Story
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Summary: Reader is a stand up comic with a pretty dark past. She has a three new lights in her life: her daughter, Violet; her anonymous correspondent, Dear Friend; and Gwilym Lee.
Word Count: 3.8K
Tag List: @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @bensrhapsody, @deakyclicks, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @minigranger, @simmisblog, @assembledherethevolunteers, @lookuptotheskiesandsee, @readinghorn, @riddikuluslypotter, @doingalrightt, @misslolasworld, @lemurian-starship, @ravenedges-lies, @painkiller80, @imgonnabeyourslave, @crazyweirdocalledfriday, @ixchel-9275, @sincerelygmg, @lv-7867 If you’d like to be added, let me know! Also, I’m sorry tumblr is stupid and doesn’t tag everyone properly, I have no idea how to fix it :(
A/N: More drama loves! Also some serious pining! Boy do I love a slow burn and mutual pining! Yep yep yep!
Part I  Part II  Part III Part IV  Part V  Part VI
Part 7 here we go!!!
“I’m on my way,” Gwilym said, and hung up.
You let your phone drop to the floor. You sank down against the wall, pulling your knees into your chest, and tried not to cry too loudly so you wouldn’t wake Violet. You wanted to scream. To wail at the top of your lungs. Collapse into yourself. But you couldn’t. You choked out another sob and rocked on the hard tile. 
Violet awoke for the second time that night. She heard a moan from the bathroom. She turned over and saw you were not next to her and she panicked. Throwing the covers off, she slid from the bed and padded over to the bathroom. Her heart hurt to hear you so sad. Just when she opened her mouth to call out to you, there was a sharp knock on the door. She gasped, startled, and stared at it.
“Y/N!” called Gwilym’s voice.
“Mister Gwilym!” Violet returned, relieved.
“Violet!” he cried. “Violet, sweetheart, can you open the door for me?”
She hurried over as fast as he little legs would carry her. Standing on her tiptoes, she reached up to the doorknob and pulled it. With a small grunt, she tugged it open. It was heavy, so Gwilym got it the rest of the way. When he was inside she reached her arms up toward him, so he scooped her up.
“Where’s Mummy?” he asked gently, holding her close.
“Bathroom,” she told him. “I think she’s crying.”
You released another sob, causing both of them to look at the bathroom door. He carried her back over and he knocked on it.
“Y/N?” he said.
Your head snapped to the door when you heard Gwilym’s voice. 
“C-come in,” you told him shakily.
He turned the knob and he stepped inside. You hid your face in your knees because you hated to cry in front of  your daughter. She was clutching Gwil’s shirt like her life depended on it, but looking at you like she might burst into tears as well.
Gwilym knelt down beside you. You felt his hand on your shoulder.
“What happened, love?” he asked.
“Stacy…” you began. “Her boyfriend is Henry.”
“Your Henry?” he gasped.
You nodded. Fresh tears spilled out and you tried to wipe them away quickly, to no avail. You finally looked over at your family and saw that Gwilym’s eyes were wide, horrified. Violet was confused, and looking between you and Gwilym and waiting for an explanation.
“Who’s Henry?” she asked.
“A bad man,” you said, and left it that.
You were shivering. Gwilym realized that in order for you to give him more information, Violet couldn’t be in the room. He stood up and started carrying her out. She cried in protest.
“Where are you going?” she wondered.
“You’re going to bed, love,” he told her.
“No!” she protested. “What about Mommy?”
“I’ll look after her,” he assured her, placing her on the bed now. “But she and I need to talk. It’s not something you need to hear just yet, okay?”
She must have been more tired than she thought because she didn’t fight him as he tucked the covers around her shoulders. She yawned.
“Go to sleep, little one,” he said gently.
“You’ll take care of Mommy?” she asked.
“I’ll always take care of her,” he said.
Her little eyes closed slowly. “Thank you.”
“Sleep now,” he whispered, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. 
He watched her a moment until he was certain she was out. Then he made his way back to the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him, and sitting next to you on the floor.
“Violet’s asleep,” he said. “Tell me what happened.”
You explained everything. How you found out, what Stacy told you, and that you’d fired her. He listened carefully, taking in your every word. His expression was difficult to read. He was clearly trying to get the whole story before he made a decision on how to react. 
When you finished, he just pulled you into his arms. Your head fell against his chest. Nothing needed to be said. You knew how wrong it all was. You knew he hated this for you. You knew he was there if you needed to get anything else out. All he could do now was hold you and sit with you. Be your rock so you could fall apart a little.
You looked at his watch. It was five thirty. A wave of exhaustion hit you and you closed your eyes as you rested against Gwilym.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I shouldn’t have called you at this hour.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he replied. “You can call me whenever you need me.”
“That’s...very sweet,” you said. “But I don’t want to be a burden on you.”
“Hey, if it were me, you’d do the same thing,” he returned. “That’s how friendship works.”
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“You tired?” he asked.
“Aren’t you?”
“Completely wiped,” he said, smiling at you. “Want me to take you to bed?”
You nodded, trying to ignore the double meaning of the words. What an absurd time to get aroused. But, Gwilym’s arms were your comfort. That was what you craved most.
He lifted you off the floor and carried you to the bed. He lay you carefully down next to Violet. He started to go, but you grabbed his hand.
“Wait, stay,” you said, pleading. “Please stay.”
He frowned and you remembered Dear Friend. You couldn’t worry about that right now. You needed him too badly. Maybe it was selfish, but there was no way you could relax enough to sleep without him.
“Please,” you repeated. 
Gwilym looked hard at you, his eyes focused, yet conflicted. He wanted to climb in beside you and hold you until morning. The only problem was that he was in love with someone else. Although, he no longer felt that in his heart. This moment made it clear. His heart was with you. With a sigh, he kicked off his shoes and curled up behind you.
“Thank you,” you sighed, relaxing into him.
He snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. He was warm. Like a home.
Together, you slept.
At a more reasonable hour, you woke again. Gwilym and Violet were still sleeping, but your treacherous brain had made you dream about Henry. You’d frequently had nightmares right after you left him, but after a while they stopped. This was the first one you’d had since before you even met Gwilym.
Still reeling, you snuggled closer to him. His arm around you was like a guarded tower - safe and secure. He shifted when you did. It was like you couldn’t get close enough to each other. You both needed more of the other’s touch. 
You looked at your daughter, who was now lying spread eagle across half the bed. For  such a small person, she seemed to be taking up a lot of space. You almost laughed. Her hair was mussed around her head, and her legs were tangled in the sheets. You finally smiled as you looked at her.
Gwilym stirred awake beside you. Seeing you in the morning light made his heart skip a beat. How he felt waking up with you in his arms sort of alarmed him. It seemed his fall for you was more like an abrupt plummet. The only thing holding him back was a thin string, his connection to Dear Friend.
He cleared his throat and you turned over to look at him. Your smile grew as you met his eyes. You could get used to waking up to those eyes. They turned the sharp pain of the night into a dull ache. 
“Morning,” he said lowly.
“Morning,” you returned.
“Is Violet still asleep?” he asked.
You nodded. He cupped your face in his hand. 
“And how are you?”
“I’m okay,” you said. “Much better now. Obviously, I’ve got some things I need to take care of, but I think I can do it.”
“You can do anything,” he replied.
Once again, you thought he might kiss you. Lying in bed together with a golden morning light seeping through the curtains made you feel like kissing him was the only appropriate thing to do. Perhaps the time had come to tell him you were Dear Friend. As you gazed at him, you considered it, but decided against it. You didn’t think he would believe you just now. And you didn’t think you could handle it if he rejected you or got angry with you.
Suddenly, your stomach growled. You giggled together and he stroked your cheek with his thumb.
“You want to get some breakfast?” he asked.
“Definitely,” you answered.
“Let me just have a shower,” he said. “Is that alright?”
“Of course, Gwil.”
He got out of the bed and opened his mouth to ask you to join him, but caught himself. Shaking his head, he disappeared into the bathroom.
Your brow furrowed as you watched him, wondering what he stopped himself from saying. Sighing, you stretched out and rolled closer to Violet. She opened one eye to look at you.
“Mommy, are you still sad?” she asked.
“Not so much now, baby,” you assured her. “It’s hard to be sad with Gwilym around.”
“Where did he go?” she wondered.
“He’s just taking a shower,” you told her. “Then we’re gonna go have breakfast. How does that sound?”
“Can I have a waffle?” she asked.
“You can have anything you want!” you said.
“Yaaay!” she cried.
You laughed, kissed her cheek, and then got out of bed. You went to the desk to start an email to your manager that you would need a new assistant soon. Tour was almost over, but you knew you couldn’t do everything Stacy did on your own. You had just sent the email when there was a hesitant knock on the door. You had a feeling you knew who it was. You hoped you were wrong.
You got up, wrapped your robe tighter around yourself and went to the door. You looked out the peephole and for the first time in your life, you hated being right. It was Stacy. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked tired. As if she hadn’t slept at all. Groaning, you opened the door.
“What do you want?” you snapped.
“Just to talk for a bit,” she replied. “Can I come in?”
“Fine,” you sighed. 
You didn’t bother holding the door open for her. She caught it with her foot and followed you in where you resumed your seat at your desk. Violet said a bright hello to Stacy, who waved at her kindly.
“How are you, Violet?” she asked.
Violet started to answer, but you cut her off.
“Do not speak to my daughter,” you said stonily. “What do you want?”
“To give you this,” she said, pulling a new Dear Friend letter out of her bag. 
She handed it to you and you snatched it away before putting it to the side.
“Anything else?”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry,” she said.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” you replied, your voice like ice.
“Still, I want you to know,” she went on. “I think...I think you should reconsider firing me.”
Your eyes flashed as you looked at her. “What?”
“I’m a great assistant,” she said, though sounding more nervous than before.
It hit you now that she was afraid of you. That stung. You never wanted someone to be afraid of you because you never wanted anyone to go through what you went through with Henry. It was why this whole situation was fucked up.
“You realize that I can’t trust you at all,” you said, easing up on the venomous tone. “You have betrayed me in the worst possible way.”
“Y/N, he really has changed,” she said, and you rolled your eyes in spite of yourself. “He’s not the man you knew. I mean, you haven’t spoken in years, how do you know he’s not a better person?”
“I know because I know him,” you returned. “I knew him from the time we were teenagers, and he never changed. It’s not a coincidence that he found you.”
“But -”
“So you have no intention of leaving him?” you asked, just to clarify. “You think I’m just wrong about why he chose you?”
“I - I do,” she said. “I think he loves me.”
“That’s unfortunate for you,” you said. “If it’s true that he does...that’s even worse.”
“Please,” she said.
“No,” you replied. “I can’t have anyone associated with Henry near me or Violet. I’ve already contacted management about replacing you.”
She hung her head. “Oh. Oh, I see.”
You were feeling guilty about one of your actions from your confrontation. 
“I’m sorry I threw your phone,” you said. “Was there any damage?”
“The screen is cracked,” she told you.
“Contact my manager, and we’ll see that it’s repaired,” you said. “Is there anything else? Don’t tell me you’re hoping for a reference.”
“No, I wasn’t,” she said. “That’s all. I just...I wish things would have been different.” 
“I do too,” you returned honestly. 
A beat passed.
“Who’s in the shower?” she wondered.
“Gwilym,” you answered.
“Oh! Did you two…?”
“Oh, I am not answering that,” you replied. “Just go.”
“Right, sorry,” she said. “I’ll go.”
She looked at you another moment, as if expecting you to stop her. When you didn’t, she turned on her heel and swept out of the room. Violet looked at you, upset and confused.
“Did Miss Stacy do something wrong?” she asked.
That conversation was probably difficult for her to understand. Not that she really needed to. You put the letter in the desk drawer so Gwilym wouldn’t see when he was done and then approached your daughter. You stroked her hair.
“Yes, Miss Stacy did something wrong,” you said. “But it’s okay. I’m okay, you’re okay. That’s what matters.”
“But she said sorry,” she said.
“I know,” you replied, wondering how to explain this. “But she told me a very bad lie. And some lies are so bad, you can forgive the person who told them, but you can’t have them as your friend anymore. Do you understand?”
She nodded, but you weren’t totally convinced she grasped it. It was complicated, after all. Before you could say anymore, Gwilym emerged from the bathroom, looking fresh. 
“Hey, handsome,” you said.
He smiled. “D’you need to get in?”
You shook your head. “Not yet. But we do need to brush our teeth and change.”
Gwilym waited on the bed, scrolling through his phone while you and Violet got ready. He found a good breakfast place not far from your hotel where the three of you could go. When you were dressed, you all left.
When you got to the restaurant, you ordered a mimosa and a coffee and the biggest plate they had. You got Violet a waffle as promised. Gwilym got something light with his coffee. When the food arrived, you cut up the waffle for Violet. It came loaded with whipped cream and strawberries, which made this more difficult, but you were very thankful she didn’t like syrup. At least you were spared that sticky mess.
“Mommy, want a strawberry?” she offered.
“Yes, thank you, angel girl,” you replied. 
You opened your mouth and she fed it to you as she giggled.
“Mister Gwilym, you want a strawberry?” she asked, turning to him.
“Of course, darling,” he said warmly, and she fed him one as well.
He offered to help her so you could eat your meal. You watched him feeding her and the way she beamed at him. It made your heart nearly burst. Then, Violet got a scoop of whipped cream and rubbed it over her mouth and chin. 
“Look, Mommy!” she cried. “I’m Santa! Ho ho ho! Merry breakfast!”
You and Gwilym exchanged amused looks and then burst into laughter. Violet was quite pleased with herself at making you laugh, so she laughed too. You pulled your phone out and took a picture of her, grinning widely. You posted it to your Instagram and captioned it “Ho ho ho! Merry breakfast -Violet” 
Then you retrieved the baby wipes from your purse and started cleaning off her hands. Gwilym took one as well and wiped her face. 
“Better watch out, Y/N, Vi’s coming for your job,” he joked.
“Hey, she gets her comedic genius from me,” you returned.
You continued back and forth as you cleaned her up. Then a middle-aged woman you didn’t know walked over and put her hand on your shoulder as she smiled at you.
“I just wanted to say you three are the sweetest little family,” she said kindly. “It made my day watching you all laugh together.”
“Oh, we’re n-” you began, but Gwilym cut you off.
“Thank you,” he said sweetly. “That’s so sweet.”
“Of course,” she said. “Y’all have a blessed day now.”
“You as well,” he returned.
She waved and walked out of the restaurant. You looked at him, raising a questioning eyebrow. He shrugged.
“There’s no need to explain such complicated things to strangers,” he said simply. “Besides, it’s kind of nice to think about.”
“Having a family?” 
“Yeah,” he said.
“Do you want children?” you wondered.
“Someday, certainly,” he told you. “But I’d be fine with just Violet for now if that’s what you want.”
The air around you froze.
“W...what?” you questioned.
His eyes went wide. “What?”
“What did you just say?”
“Nothing!” he returned. “I said ‘someday, certainly’ and then I stopped talking!”
“Gwilym, you-”
Once again, you were cut off, only this time by the waitress, dropping off your check.
“Whenever you guys are ready,” she said.
“We’re ready, just a second,” Gwilym said, fishing his wallet out of his pocket.
You were still staring at him, dumbfounded, as he pulled out his credit card.
“Oh, I wanna pay!” Violet insisted.
“Thank you, Violet, that’s very generous,” he said, handing her the card. 
She proudly placed it on the check presenter as the waitress smiled amusedly.
“I’ll be right back,” she said.
Gwilym watched her intently, as if enthralled by the way she swiped his hard at the computer terminal. You kept your eyes on him, waiting for him to say something. He wouldn’t - couldn’t - bring himself to look at you. He was humiliated that he’d slipped like that. You could see in the blush on his cheeks how deeply embarrassed he was, so you decided to let it go.
The waitress returned the card, placing it in front of Violet this time. She wished you all a good day and then Violet pushed the check back to Gwilym.
“You have to sign,” she said. “I don’t know how.”
“I’ll take care of it,” he assured her, picking up the pen, and filling it out. 
After the payment was taken care of, you all started getting ready to go. Gwilym put Violet back in her stroller and then you all headed back to the hotel. Gwilym was going to drop you and Violet off before heading to his own room to get ready for an interview he had that afternoon. He was grateful you didn’t press him on what he said in the restaurant. It was just a thoughtless comment, after all.
When you came into the lobby, one of the women behind the front desk called you over.
“Oh, Miss Y/L/N,” she said. “You have a message.”
“I do?” you questioned.
She nodded. Gwilym followed you over to the desk.
“What is it?” you asked.
“It’s from a man named Henry,” she said. “He called to say - now forgive me if this is strange - ‘There’s a way to protect Stacy.’”
Your brow furrowed.
“Cryptic, I know,” she said. “But he left a number where you can reach him.”
She handed you the note and you read where she had scribbled down the message and phone number. You looked at it as if it might explode.
“Is everything okay?” she asked. “If he’s someone who’s not safe, I didn’t tell him your room number or anything.”
“No, no, everything’s fine,” you lied. “Thanks for taking the message.”
“No problem,” she returned.
You and Gwilym looked at each other, worried. You headed up to your room, where right away you got Violet set up on her tablet with headphones on. She didn’t need to hear this conversation.
“What are you going to do?” Gwilym asked. “You can’t call him.”
You swallowed. “I think I have to.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Because!” you cried. “As angry as I am with Stacy, I don’t wish what happened to me onto her. He’s gonna hurt her, I know it.”
“That’s not your fault,” he told you. “Stacy isn’t your responsibility.”
“But if there’s a chance I can get him to leave her, shouldn’t I see about it?” you wondered. “I can’t do nothing.”
“Yes, you can,” he argued. “And you should. You should ignore this.”
Your brain agreed with him. But your heart, which still cared for Stacy - and any other woman who might cross paths with Henry - disagreed. If you could protect one more woman from his cruelty, you had to do something.
“We don’t even know what it is,” you said. “What if it’s something reasonable?”
“You know it won’t be,” he said. “You know this is a trap. He’s trying to set you up.”
You bit your lip, torn. Yes, obviously there was something Henry wanted from you. And he wanted it bad enough to orchestrate this whole thing. To seek out your assistant and seduce her just to get to a place where he could contact you.
“I have to try,” you said. “I have to try and stop him.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “Alright, call him.”
“Will you stay while I do?”
He nodded. You went to the desk and sat behind it. Gwilym pulled up a chair to join you. You put your phone on speaker and dialed the number the clerk had given you. It started ringing and your stomach lurched.
“Hold my hand,” you said to Gwilym, and he did so, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Hello?” said Henry’s voice through the phone.
“Henry, it’s Y/N,” you said, sounding much braver than you felt.
He snickered. “I knew you’d call.”
“What did you mean when you said there’s a way to protect Stacy?” you asked, getting right to the point. 
“Just that,” he said. “We’re people of bargains, right? I’m willing to cut things off with her.”
“What do you want from me in exchange?” you wondered.
“I want to meet my daughter.”
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
Connecticut (Chapter 10)
Warnings Some explicit content
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 Thursday and Friday passed by in a blur of leisurely breakfasts, lunches and dinners interspersed with the promised love making.  They began to feel truly at ease in each other’s company sometimes chatting animatedly, other times enjoying a comfortable silence.  Although they were both feeling such a strong connection and sharing a deep intimacy in the bedroom, they didn’t confront where it was all going until they had to because of the imminent arrival of Hannah.
“Are you going to tell Hannah?, about us I mean” Keanu asked as they lay in bed on Friday night after making love.
“I don’t know, I mean I guess to do that I’d need to know what there is to tell. Keanu, kids crave security and certainty and I don’t want her to leap to any conclusions, especially ones that you might not be comfortable with”
Keanu nodded. “And what about you? What would you be comfortable for Hannah to think?”
“Question dodger!”
Keanu took a deep breath.
“Okey dokey, here’s the thing. I’m falling for you …… hard……and I don’t want to hide my feelings for you from Hannah but I know it’s too soon to know where this ‘thing’ is headed so I’ll take my lead from you. She’s your daughter and I’ll respect whatever you want to do.”
Grace kissed him softly, gazing into his eyes.
“I’m falling for you too, you know?”
“You are?” he said smirking.
“Yes, you smug bastard!”
“Now that’s not a nice thing to say to someone you’re falling for!”
“Alright, alright! OK, I think we can have a little fun with Hannah. She already really likes you, you know? So I will tell her that Mom has been dating someone since I came on location but that we don’t know yet if we’ll always be dating. Then I’ll say that he’s going to come bowling with us and then you can show up - she’ll be so excited to meet you!”
“So that means I can hold your hand and give you a kiss on the cheek when she’s around right?”
“Right, but I’ll have to stay in my room with her on Saturday so no nocturnal activities!”
“We still have an early morning sex opportunity though right? The flight doesn’t get in until 11!” he grinned.
“Oh I think your chances are quite good!” she laughed back.
They snuggled on their sides then and fell asleep.
Keanu made sure he took her up on the offer of one last love making session before Hannah’s arrival, waking Grace with soft kisses on her neck and gentle strokes of his hands against her breasts. He murmured into her neck in a low voice.
“Do you like sleepy morning sex?”
“Ah ha” Grace murmured back.
“Good” he said and began to work his way down to her pussy to ready her for a gentle entry from behind.  His cock was “first thing in the morning” rigid and he took Grace’s breath away as he pushed in.  She soon relaxed and started to push back into him meeting his rhythm.
“Ahhhh, you’re so warm , so soft, so lovely”
“Mmmmm and you’re all the opposite”
“What do you mean” he asked not stopping his movements.
“So hot… so hard…. so horny”
“He chuckled and grabbed her free arm to increase his leverage as his pace quickened and Grace started to pant.
“Are you going to cum for me?”
“Yes” she managed, leaning her head round to catch his lips in a kiss as her pussy began to spasm around him.
“God, aghhhhhhhhhhhh, yes!” he screamed out cuming with her.
“Man that was good!” then he quickly added “It was OK for you too right”
“God yes, why do you need to ask?”
“I was just reminded of a scene from “Sweet November” where I have sex with my girlfriend first thing in the morning, from behind like we just did and I roll off and say “that was good” and clearly it wasn’t for her because I play such an asshole!”
“Yeah but you sure were a beautiful asshole in that film!”
He laughed and hugged her tight.
“Well, I guess I better let you make tracks huh? And I’ll see you at the bowling rink around 3.”
She gave him a kiss and got up to go and get ready to collect Hannah.
Grace smiled indulgently at her daughter as she tried to manage the twin tasks of gobbling down her pizza and talking nineteen to the dozen about school and all the fun things she had done with her aunt and cousins not to mention her first exciting flight alone albeit with the airline chaperoning her.
 “So what has it been like on the film, did ya get me Keanu’s autograph yet?”
 Grace chuckled
 “No sorry. Not yet, I don’t like to bother him while he’s working but I’m sure I will get it for you! Anyway, I’ve been too busy”
 “Oh yeah, busy doing what?”
 “I’ve been dating someone.”
 “Wow! Who is he, what’s he like?”
 “Well, you’ll find out later as he’s going to come bowling with us.  And just so you know, he’s very nice and very handsome.  We like each other very much but you mustn’t go thinking that just because we’re dating means we’re getting married or anything, OK?
 Hannah rolled her eyes.
 “OK Mom! I’m not that stupid you know!”
They finished their meal and strolled down to the bowling alley by 5 to 3 and got settled next to the rink they’d booked. Suddenly Hannah elbowed Graced in the ribs.
“Oh my god, MOM, it’s Keanu look!”
The breath seemed to have been sucked out of Hanna’s lungs as Keanu walked up to their rink, bent to kiss Grace on the cheek, turned to Hannah and held his hand out to her.
“Hi, you must be Hannah, I’ve been really looking forward to meeting you!”
Grace and Keanu both laughed at the incredulous expression on Hannah’s face
“Oh Hannah, it’s not often that I can render you speechless!”
“So THIS is who you’re dating, Oh my God MOM!”
“Calm down, calm down Hannah, you don’t have to shout it from the rooftops! And yes, this is who I’m dating so I think I might just be able to get you that autograph after all!”
“Come on let’s get this game started” Keanu offered in the hope that Hannah would relax  once she got over the shock.  Fortunately he was right. Although she was clearly still a little in awe of him, by the end of the evening of bowling and a steakhouse meal, she had got over the shock and was more relaxed around him. He dropped them off at Grace’s room at 10 and they arranged to meet up at 9 for breakfast before their trip to the park.
A further day spent together saw Keanu and Hannah the best of buddies which both thrilled and unnerved Grace at the same time.  She found herself praying even harder that they could find a way to make things work when they were back in LA and into the future with all the complications of their work schedules.
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sadchappuccino · 5 years
The King - 4
pairing: Koh!Tom x reader
warnings: mentions of smut (not actual), torture, fluff
summary: Y/n’s and Tom’s first date was amazing
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Y/n felt blissful, her tormented wings started to flutter ever so slightly. They kissed for a long time and y/n dreaded the moment she would have to part. She let her body be intoxicated by Tom’s scent. She felt content like this, like his lips were everything that she ever needed. “Tom” she whimpered. She craved him, she wanted to feel his lips on another part of her body.
“Yeah y/n” Tom muttered against y/n’s lips. “I think we- we should slow down” she didn’t want to take it slow, she wanted to drag him to the bedroom. “If you say so” Tom steps away with some hesitation, “I have a surprise for you anyway”
“Another surprise? You really like spoiling me, huh?” y/n smiled at Tom. “Well anything for my queen” Tom started to use that nickname more often and every time he said it it made y/n’s heart flutter. Tom grabbed y/n’a hand and together they walked further in garden and after a few minutes of a peaceful silence y/n saw a small blanket with a basket laying on the ground. “Is this a picnic date?” Y/n placed a hand for her mouth as soon as she said the word date. “I wanted for it to be special” y/n choked on her own saliva, this was a real date. She was on a date with the king of hell.
“Thank you Tom” y/n pecked his cheek. They sat down on the blanket. “Some champagne m’lady?” Tom
popped the cork. “Yes please my sir” y/n snickered. Tom filled two glasses with the golden liquid. He handed one too y/n who took a small sip of the glass.
“You still haven’t told me why I was treated with such extra care” y/n noticed. “I’m not going to lie, when I heard about a fallen angel I wanted to get rid of you. Then I saw you and your wings and I knew you were the one for me” he confesses, it made blood rush to y/n’s cheeks, everything went so fast. They had their first kiss today but he’s talking about being the one for her. “Wha- What are you saying?”
“Nothing you’re not comfortable with, I was just wondering if you would be my, what humans call, girlfriend?” Y/n’s eyes widened, was she really considering this? They know each other for a few months, but she couldn’t deny their connection.
The silence was deafening to Tom, he was anticipating her answer, hoping for only one answer. “Yes, I would love to”
Tom couldn’t contain his excitement, he leaned for her lips and she eagerly returned the favour. The kiss was loving and sweet. After they break apart, they rest their foreheads against each other and stare deeply in the others eyes. “What about my wings?” y/n whispered.
Tom pulled away, “You know about that?”
“Yeah I do, it’s kind of hard not to notice how they turn black once in a while” y/n snickered, “so what is it?”
“Well, we don’t know yet. I’m working on it though” Tom bit his lip, he knew why. Y/n was destined to be his queen, she was his soulmate. However, y/n was already so shocked when they were just talking about kissing, how would she react when he told her he would wish to marry her one day.
“Thank you Tom” y/n smiled. They both went to eat their food while laughing along the way. The tight black dress that y/n wore distracted Tom on multiple times, his eyes kept falling to her upper thighs. “Tom if you keep looking like that I will have to cut our date short” y/n joked, she didn’t mind the attention. In heaven she was stared at with accusing glares. “Alright love I will stop. How about I will give you a much needed tour?”
Y/n agreed quickly with the proposition. She only knew where the dining hall and her chambers were. They stood up and Tom extended his hand for y/n to grab. They walked hand-in-hand through the palace.
“And this is the library” Tom opened a door and a big room filled with books was showed. “This looks amazing Tommy” she didn’t even notice how the sweet nickname rolled of her tongue, or what it did to Tom. “Look at all these books”y/n marvelled, she walked through the large arrange of shelves and picked up a book. She walked back to Tom with the book in her hand, “would it be okay, if we could stay here and maybe read together?” it was an unusual question, but y/n loved the idea of reading a book while snuggling up to Tom. “Of course darling we could do the rest of the tour another day”
Y/n smiled brightly at his answer and she plopped down on the sofa. Tom turned around to leave y/n in peace when he was called out to, “can you maybe stay here?” it came out as a whisper, but Tom heard it clearly, y/n wanted him there with her. He knew they were officially a couple but the feeling was still new to him. “Sure” Tom turned around and sat on the couch. They were on opposite ends and y/n didn’t like that so y/n scooted closer to Tom and her body rested against his. She wanted to stay awake and ready but it was too comfortable so she fell in an unwanted slumber.
Tom’s heart beat in his chest, y/n was peacefully asleep in his arms and he didn’t want to wake her up, but he couldn’t stay here for longer. He slowly hold the sleeping girl in his arms and walked with her to his bedroom. There he gently laid her in bed, he wanted to walk away without any noises but y/n stirred in her bed, “Tom, could you sleep with me? If you want to” Tom couldn’t see it in the dark, but y/n’s cheeks were flushed. It took a lot to ask her question, but she wanted his to warm her up. “Okay darling” Tom stripped of his clothes, leaving him in only his boxers and a white T-shirt. He stepped in the bed and as soon as his back touched the fabric two hands found his body. Y/n was curled up in his side, Tom felt happy that she was so comfortable with him after scaring people day in, day out. Y/n was truly meant to become his queen.
taglist: @loxbbg
the king taglist:  @mazzellhoe​ @sarah-moss2015​ @laucontrerasv​ @wonders-of-the-multiverse​ @theelilbritt​ @tragicluver​ @quacksonhq​ @danicarosaline​
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h3llostrang3r · 5 years
As We Drift Away (PM)
Dames x F!MC (Melina) , Damien x Melina Word Count: 4,963  Song Suggestions: Spring Day - BTS // Say Something - Zhavia Ward Warnings: Language mostly F-bombs Melina likes to swear. hehe. Suggestive language. (Like not even 30 diamond scene worthy) Summary: Melina battles with her emotions for Damien and Dames.  Notes: This jumps around a bit - taking place in Book 2 towards the end of chapter three and the beginning of chapter 4: the night before rescuing Damien, finding Damien, and then the moment we see Dames for the last time - damn you, PB!! Some dialogue is taken from Pixelberry. 
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I laid awake staring out the open window. Hayden’s arm wrapped around my waist. Her soft skin felt so comforting against mine. My mind was racing, I couldn’t stop thinking about him… I couldn’t lie down another minute longer. I gently got out of bed and put my clothes on.  I just needed to move. The city lights were colorful and I couldn’t help but wonder if Damien was looking out at the same lights at this very moment. I’m anxious to see how he will react to seeing Dames, he has become such a big part of our group. Bonding with each and everyone of us while still trying to cope with who he is. 
I lose myself in my thoughts and realize I have made my way to the living room, my eyes still foggy with sleep and then I hear him.
“Hey Melina.” It's his voice. My heart soars, and my eyes widen as they meet with his. 
“Damien?” As soon as his name leaves my lips I realize my mistake, again. 
“Afraid not.” My face falls as I see him wince. I am such an asshole. I keep doing this to him, I know he’s not Damien, but I can’t help but say his name. I know Dames is a different person than Damien, and there is the problem. After Paris I’ve been finding myself attracted to Dames. He still has some of Damien’s quirky traits, but he has a gentler side to him. I’m surprised I couldn’t tell something was off when we made love on top of the Eiffel Tower. Dames’ kisses are softer, everything with care and precision. He’s not afraid to be vulnerable. Damien will give you little by little , but always careful to keep something for himself. 
We go back and forth for a few minutes trying to change the subject, but it ends up back where it started, with Damien. 
“I know I’m not… the real thing. Not your Damien.” His gaze is fixed on the wires in his hands that quickly begin to clench. My heart breaks, I know he’s not Damien and I know he’s his own person. I feel horrible for reminding him that he’s not Damien and the life embedded in his mind is not his own. His hands release their grip and his eyes finally look up to meet mine. He’s hurting so much and I do my best to comfort him. What are you supposed to say to someone who has no past, only feelings of one? As our conversation grows deeper I find myself gravitating towards him. I have to be closer to him, I need to be closer to him. 
“Wouldn’t I be more useful as a spy if I didn’t care so much about you guys?” I stop in my tracks, but he continues to close the gap. My heart begins to beat a bit faster. 
 “If I didn’t spend every waking second wanting to pull you close to me?” He asks, his body tense as if he’s trying not to reach out to me. 
“If I didn’t remember what it felt like to kiss you… and want to kiss you again every time I see you?” His eyes drop to my lips, but quickly flick back up to my eyes - as if he stares too long, he’s going to lose control. 
“Dames, can I hug you?” 
… That’s probably what I should have asked him, but I didn’t. 
“Dames…” my voice barely above a whisper. From under my long lashes, my eyes locked with his. I run both hands up his chest, and he sucks in a breath. I nudge my nose against his, our lips so incredibly close.
“Melina, we shouldn’t -” His voice hoarse, and his hands have found their way to my waist - I let out a sigh. 
My lips now brushing up against his as I whimper, “Please, Dames.” 
With that, our lips are connecting there is no gentleness, only eagerness and longing. I wrap my arms around his neck and he deepens the kiss. For the first time in weeks I feel safe, being in the comfort of his strong arms.
“Oh my God, Melina,” his forehead resting against mine. 
“Don’t stop.” I urge him, pressing myself against him. Our lips finding each other’s again, he takes his hands and grabs under my thighs. I hook my legs around his waist and he pushes me against the wall, until there is barely any space between us. He pulls away from our kiss and uses his hips to keep me place as he helps me out of my clothes. I giggle as his fingers fumble to unclasp my bra. His hands find their way back to my thighs and I gently kiss his lips once, twice more before I push off the wall - sending him backwards towards the chair. His eyes go wide as he settles us into the seat. 
“Tonight, you are all mine, Dames and I am all yours.” before I pull back , I gently tug lips with my teeth, earning a deep groan from him. His eyes say everything, he wants me as much as I want him. I wonder if he can hear how hard my heart is beating. 
I lift myself off Dames and take a few steps back then turn away from him, I can feel his eyes on my backside. I undo the button on my pants and unzip. I reach my fingers to the top of my jeans so they are on either side of my ass. My hips move side to side slowly giving him a view of my bottom peeking through my lace panties. Once the jeans are right below my cheeks I bend forward continuing to pull them down and then my underwear. I’m on full display before him, and I hear him cursing under his breath. I glance back at him, his face is priceless. My cheeky grin is hidden behind my Lavender hair - he has no idea what he’s in for.
I slowly roll back up and step out of the jeans. We’ve already been together once, but knowing this is Dames and not Damien it's so different. I bite my lip as I come closer to him, his eyes are dark and he reaches out to comfort me knowing I’m just as nervous as him. He pulls me to him and I straddle his lap. I feel him hard against my thigh and I slightly grind against him. He lets out a moan and gains his composure before saying, “You’re so beautiful, Melina.” His lips are moving against mine again. I help him remove his jacket and then start working on his button up shirt, our lips connected the entire time. His hands reach up to remove his tie, but I stop him. 
“Leave that on” I manage to say in between my panting. 
I lift myself from his lap and take hold of his tie, I tug on it and bring him to his feet. My hands slightly shake as I work on his belt and pants. This is really happening, me and Dames - I want , no, I crave his touch. He tugs them off along with his boxers and I lead us to the couch holding onto his tie.  His muscles flexing as I lay back and he positions himself over me. 
“Dames, I want you so badly. Do you want me too?” 
“Yes.” His voice was low and raspy. 
“Say it.” 
“I want you, Melina. I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. I want to be yours.” 
He obeys my every wish; from teasing, to lingering kisses along my neck, let me be in control, take me, harder, don’t stop. 
We somehow end up on the rug -  it’s not as comfortable as the couch, but there is so much more room to … His touches sending shivers throughout my body and every kiss making me tingle. I don’t want it to stop, but he eventually wears me out. Our chests heaving for air, our bodies slick with sweat. Butterflies rise to my chest as he kisses the top of my head. Being in his arms feel so right. I look at the clock - only enough time for a couple hours of sleep. Before I get up to get dressed I give Dames a long, and loving? Definitely affectionate, kiss. 
“You’re wonderful, Dames, inside and out. Don’t ever forget it.” 
His darling smile brings those butterflies back to my chest. His warm hand cups my face, “You’re more than I ever deserved, Melina.” 
I take his hand and playfully nip his palm. Teasingly I giggle, “Oh my goodness, when did you become such a softie? It’s sooo cute.” 
“Ugh, please stop.” 
“Never. Hehe.” I give him a wink then one more kiss on the lips and on the tip of his nose. I slowly walked back to my room, it’s like I’m walking on clouds. My head still swimming in euphoria. Hayden is still sleeping - Dipper now snuggling with her. I grab a pillow and throw blanket, and curl up on the window nook. I let myself drift to sleep - I need my strength for what’s to come...
“Door’s open, and with minutes to spare. Great job, you guys!” Sloane does a happy dance when she thinks no one is watching. Adrenaline is pumping and we’re moments away from busting Damien out of Eros’ holding cell. I can barely contain my smile, we’ve worked so hard to get here, and soon we will be reunited with Damien. 
“I’ll wait outside. He’ll be confused and… terrified enough as is.” Dames looks a little conflicted. He’s been ready to help us get Damien back, but I think he fears what it will be like when he meets the person responsible for all the memories and feelings inside him. 
“Thank you, Dames.” Alana gives him a pat on the shoulder as she leads me to Damien’s cell. 
We open the door, and for a moment I forget how to speak. There he stands before me, his beard is fuller, and his gentle eyes look drained. “Damien!” I manage to at least find his name in my vocabulary, I rush to him. My arms wrap around his neck - God it feels so good to be close to him again. I instinctively go to cup his face, I need his lips against mine. 
He hastily turns his face. Rejected. “Damien?” I step back, his gesture is cold and the look in his eyes are even colder. I don’t understand, what did I do wrong? Was I too fast? Was I wrong for thinking this is what he wanted? 
“Your touch makes me sick, Melina” ...What? That word, SICK - it stings. The anger in his voice feels like a punch to my stomach, I can’t breathe. I hear him talking, but the more he says the less I understand. I can’t concentrate, my vision is blurring. What is happening? His eyes lock with mine , as if he’s trying to find a secret that I’m hiding. 
His voice continues to rise, and he strides closer forcing me to the corner. I hold onto my own hands and bring them to my chest, as if it’s supposed to help from him breaking my already torn heart. As my backside hits the wall - the back of my mind tells me it’s supposed to hurt, but I can’t focus on the pain when his face is inches from mine. I shut my eyes, and tears come falling down my face. I can’t look him in the eyes, they’re filled with rage. Rage that is aimed towards me, and I don’t know why. “Just get it over with! I’m sick of your stupid games.” 
Make it stop, someone please make it stop. 
My eyes blink open as soon as I feel Damien moving away. Alana manages to shove him away from me. “Enough with the dramatics, Damien. You’re scaring her.” Seeing Damien like that was awful, but if you could see the look Alana was giving him - you would be right to be more afraid of her. 
For several minutes we try to convince Damien that it’s really us. I bring up how his passwords are linked to his mother and his lucky number is because of his dad. 
“...Stop.” The hurt was in his voice and written across his face, it said it all, he doesn’t believe us. He refuses to look us in the eye - he’s exhausted. Instead, he turns his attention to security camera in the other corner and yells out to someone that’s not there. The anger and frustration returns and is pointed in our direction. His hands ball up into fists, and his stance grows as if he’s about to charge at me again. “Get out.” It’s like the world has gone silent and all I can hear are his words ringing in my ears. “GET OUT!” 
Alana agrees, and I stand there wide eyed. We came all this way, he is right there - right in front of us, and she wants to leave? I can’t fucking believe it. I can’t. I can’t leave him. Please, Damien. Why won’t he believe me? Alana calmly leads me out, and as we approach the door I can feel myself about to break down. When you’re so overwhelmed in your heart and soul with emotions and your body doesn’t know to do, but fall apart. 
No.Fucking. Way. 
Did-did he just say, “wait?” That’s all he wanted? I don’t understand...What? We spin around and Damien looks as confused as I feel. He walks towards us with caution, and I keep as still as possible - like he will run off if I move too fast or at all.
Don’t fucking move, Melina. Hold your breath. HoOold it. No - too hard, just little breaths, but don’t look like a fucking weirdo. 
“You walked away.” 
“Um, ya, Damien. That’s what you told us to do. So we’re going.” 
“You walked away.”
“Yes, I - I really don’t know what else I am supposed to say here.” I stand there, not knowing what else to do. And that’s when I see it - I really see it. He’s smiling. That smile that makes my knees weak and my heart jump against my rib cage. 
“You’re listening to me. You listened to me.” He slowly approaches me, and I stay so incredibly still. We’re face to face, and his hands cup my face. He looks me over, studying every intimate detail - from my long lashes, my full lips, to my freckled nose. His hair looks so soft - I want to run my fingers through it, but I let him continue to control this moment. 
He finally embraces me, his nose buried in my hair. He whispers to me, “You’re really here. You’re really you.” I wrap my arms around his waist. He smells like a walk in the forest on a cool, breezy morning. My head rests on his chest, I can hear his heart beating - I could stay there and let it lull me to sleep if we were in a safer space. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Don’t let me go. Never let me go.” I whisper back to him. He sways us, and I feel like I could stay in this moment for a million lifetimes. 
“I’ll never let you go, Melina.” I lift my head, his lips are right there. I just need to - 
A cough from Alana snaps us out of the moment. We have to keep moving. I hate it when she’s right. We escort Damien out and that when they collide into each other. 
It’s weird at first sight - Damien and Dames. They have a moment of shock, who wouldn’t react that way? As if your reflection just popped out of the mirror to say ‘hello'. Then they’re awkward, not knowing what to say to each other. Dames shuffles a bit - clearly nervous, and Damien tries to process that now there are two of him. They attempt to exchange a few words, it’s a little cute, like trying to make a new friend at the playground. But, we’re running out of time - we have to make our way out of Eros’ headquarters. 
Harley lies on the floor, she put up a fight - a wickedly strong fight, but with Dames’ help I managed to shut her down. I huff a few breaths - what a rush, we make a good team. “You were amazing,” he says as he playfully elbows my shoulder. His smile so wide and undeniably adorable. I’m too ecstatic to worry about my blushing. I take hold of his arms and start jumping up and down.
“I knoooow! Holy shit, what a rush.” He laughs and it fills my heart with so much joy. I loved hearing him laugh, with all his pain and guilt he deserved that wonderful feeling. We did it, we had made it we - 
We were so close. I shouldn’t have been surprised when Cecile stopped us just as we were about to make our exit. My high is wearing off, and I realize that I’m losing steam - we’ve been fighting matches and the guards since we arrived. I’m tired - totally worth it to stay up with Dames last night. 
She has a tablet in her hands and she’s typing something. As soon as I go to confront her, I hear Dames cry out in pain. He’s grabbing his head and collapses to the floor with a hard thud. We run up to him, Alana holding him steady in her arms, and he reaches out to me. He screams in agony and it hurts more to hear him cry out like that, than his grip on my arm. “Cecile, you stupid bitch. Stop! You’re hurting him!” I’ve dealt with Cecile this whole time, but this had me in a rage. My ears felt hot, and the urge to stand up on punch her was building. 
“That will teach you to think twice about storming into a place that you have no business being in, Melina. I’ve had enough of you and your so-called team.” She stands there with her hip popped out, like she’s going to get exactly what she wants. “Don’t worry, Melina. I’ll make sure you get to stay this time. If fact, Dames is going to bring you right to me.” 
I shake my head in disbelief and return my attention to Dames. His fingers are piercing my skin, I can’t imagine what he’s feeling. “Please, Dames. Fight this, stay with me, please.” I cup his face trying to calm him and get him to focus, but it’s too much. His body is trembling , I can’t watch this. He’s drifting away from my very eyes. “Look at me, Dames, please. Focus on me, only me.” He finally looks me directly in the eyes - and I can see it. I see the moment where Dames has lost control, those bright eyes going dim. 
His grip loosens, and with the last bit of his strength he says to me,”I’m sorry, Melina… I - I can’t.” 
“Dames?” Don’t let this be it, don’t leave me. I know you can fight Dames, please. I’m suddenly lifted up, my legs can barely carry me. I can’t take my gaze off of him. 
Damien holds me up, “I’m sorry Melina, we have to go.” He starts to pull me away, but my feet refuse to take a step. 
“No, we can’t leave him.”  Dames begins to stand up, as if on auto-pilot. He’s stiff, and hauntingly lifeless. Damien tries to reason with me and Alana is barking for us to get our asses in gear, but I can’t - I can’t do this again. He has to come with us too. 
“Dames.” Cecile’s voice is cool and her eyes are  dead set on mine. “Bring them to me.” 
“...Yes, Ms. Contreras.” It’s his voice, but it’s flat and mechanical. Alana is screaming again, but I can’t make out what she’s saying. Dames is looking at me and I’m drawn to him, I’m not willing to give up. I keep my distance, and keep myself from reaching out to him - it’s too risky. 
“Dames, it’s me, remember? Please remember. Focus on me, you know who I am.” He strides towards me, unfazed and I stand my ground. I’m not giving up. 
“Melina.” Damien is close to me, but he sounds so far away. I hold on to Dames’ gaze, still pleading for him to remember me, to remember us. “Melina, stand back.” Damien finally pushes past me and throws his body weight against Dames in attempt to hold him back. “C’mon Dames, don’t do this. You’ve got to fight this, buddy.” Damien struggles to keep Dames at bay, his feet sliding backwards, but he doesn’t give up. He grunts as he pushes harder. “Dames, if you’re anything like me you wouldn’t do this. You would never do anything to hu-” In a blink of an eye Dames backhands him and sends him tumbling off to the side. My heart drops, I’m next - he’s really going to do this. He’s not going to let us leave, he’s under Cecile’s control. Out of the corner of my eye I see Alana getting ready to fire at Dames. 
But as quick as she draws her gun, Damien is up and charging towards Dames - holding him back. His muscles flexing under his long sleeve shirt, and beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead. “Dames, this isn’t who you are. Fight it, remember our training, we know how to fight this. So do it.” Dames stumbles and looks up towards Damien in horror, as if he realizes what he’s been commanded to do. “There you go, keep fighting. Focus on me. We’re fighters, Dames. You’re better than this. Snap out of it. Remember who you really are, what we stand for.” Dames’ face softens, his eyes slowly coming back to life. Slowly coming back to reality, slowly coming back to me.
“I - oh, god. Melina, I’m so sorry, I almost-” I run to him, and wrap my arms around him. 
“It’s okay, you fought it. You were stronger than them.” I have him again, my heart keeps beating as if it could burst. We can hear the footsteps of Cecile’s team making their way towards us, but I just want a few more seconds like this. My eyes are closed, the rest of my senses soaking in the warmth I feel with him. 
“Melina, I’m sorry.” He wraps me in his arms. “I’m sorry, I can’t go with you. I can’t go knowing that I could hurt you if they want me to. Damien knows, we wouldn’t want to put you in any danger.” I snap my head and look him in they eyes, they’re glossy and filled with sorrow. I look back to Damien, and gives me an apologetic look. He agrees with Dames. No, they can’t mean that - they’re not really suggesting that we leave him behind. 
“Dames, what are you saying?” If he expects me to leave without him he better say it to my face. How can he just stay here after all we’ve been through. All those intimate moments between us. As if they’re nothing. No, they’re not nothing, those moments mean so much to me. Don’t they mean the same thing to him? How can he do this? This can’t be real, no, if he doesn’t say it - it’s not real. 
“Take care of them, Damien.”
“... We always do.” 
Dames hugs me tighter as he places a kiss to my forehead, not as gentle as it usually is. He kisses with force so I remember it. So when I think of him I can feel where he kissed me last.  I press into him because if I don’t, I’m going to collapse. I fight the tears because I need to see his face. The pain in our eyes reflecting, the reality is sinking in. 
I grab his collar and bring his lips to mine. Making love for the first time and then again last night, late night strolls in Paris with a bottle of rum, gazing at the stars and getting lost amongst them. Every beautiful moment with him poured into that kiss. Tears hot on my cheeks, and not just mine they belong to him too. I finally lose air and break the kiss. 
“Oh, Melina. You’ll always be more than I ever deserved.” One last kiss - this one somehow longer than before. The laughs, the moments of uncertainty, the hours spent comforting each other, the stolen glances followed by endless blushing, the hand holding, and late night whispers. He wasn’t Damien, but we had memories for just us two. No one, not even Eros would be able to take that away from us. Those were ours and ours alone. 
The warmth of his arm fades as he lets me go. “It’s time to go, Melina.” Damien gently takes me by the elbow, prying me away from Dames. 
“Damien, I can’t - please, don’t.” But he continues to guide me away. 
“I know, Melina.” Damien is gentle, but I know if I don’t start moving he’s going to have to use force. I don’t care, I don’t care. He can drag me out, I’m not leaving Dames without a fight.
“No, we can’t leave him. Come with us, come with me, please.” I reach out my hand and grab onto his arm. I’m not ready, I can’t leave him. 
“Go, Melina. Be safe. Be happy.” 
My heart is pounding in my ears. The troops are closing in and Alana is shouting, but other than my heartbeat everything is silent. How could he tell me to go? It’s like telling the sun not to rise or the ocean to sit still. Why was he giving up on me - on us? 
“Melina, please we have to go.” Damien pleads one last time. I shake my head. No. No. NO. Don’t make me leave without him. Damien pulls me harder, but the more he tugs the tighter I grab onto Dames. ‘I’m sorry’ is what he says before he lifts me onto his shoulder. 
“No. Damien, don’t. Please, don’t.” He starts walking us to our exit and I scream. I scream because no one will listen. I start to lose my grip on Dames. My hand holding onto his is the only thing keeping us together. My eyes plead with Dames to change his mind. Don’t leave me. I need you. While I try to hang on to Dames, my lower half fights Damien. This can’t be it, this can’t be ‘Goodbye’. 
Have you ever felt time stand still? Seconds no longer matter, and you have all the time in the world to memorize those few moments. My fingers were slipping and I all I could do was think of what his touch felt like, every centimeter that lingered. I studied his face, from his long hair, to his soft gaze, to his strong jaw, and those lips - the ones that made me soar higher than the stars. 
“It’s okay, Melina. It’s okay to let go.” 
Time waits for no one - not even me. We are finally pulled apart and my hand stays outreached, what if he changed his mind? I’ll be there, I’ll be there to take his hand and run. Dames turns his attention to Cecile’s army and stands like he’s ready to take them all on - whatever it takes. I scream his name, but he doesn’t turn around. It’s too much, I can’t keep myself propped up on Damien’s shoulder. I slump over and just let everything out. It hurts to breathe when you’re crying so much.  
Damien gets us into the van. He holds me close and strokes my hair as I continue to cry. How - How is this fair? A life for a life. We weren’t leaving without Damien, but Dames didn’t deserve to be left behind. Everything hurts, my body is exhausted, my head won’t stop spinning, and my heart - when does it stop? When does the hurting stop? 
Damien brings me to face him, he wipes away my tears as they fall. “Hey. Look at me, Melina. Deep breaths, slow and steady.” I’m horrible, we’ve rescued Damien and all I can do is cry over Dames. And this marvelous man is still taking the time to calm me down. “Focus on me, Melina. I’ll be here for you, okay?” I gaze into Damien’s eyes and it feels like the first warm sun after months of rain. He runs his fingers through my hair, pushing strays away from my face. “There’s that beautiful face.” He’s wonderful. What would I do without him? Four years of him by my side and many more to come. 
“Thank you, Damien.” I relax into his arms and he holds me until we make it back to our hide-out. It is then that I decide that I will find Dames again - whatever it takes. He deserves a fresh start and a better life than Eros had intended. Damien and I stare out the van window the world passing by, the city lights are so colorful and bright at night. I’m in his arms again, safe and ready to take on whatever comes next. I’ll savor every touch, kiss, smile, and laugh Damien has to offer. He’s changed my world and I am forever grateful to have him in my life and by my side again. 
… but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t wake up late at night to look up at the stars and think of him.
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Negotiations in a Fiery Alliance: Ch 7. Don’t feed the Flower Oil
Kahli and Zizi were having a wonderful time exploring the cities greenhouses, massive mansions of glass unlike anything Hryule had. Great mechanical machines working in tangent to help grow nature. "This is beautiful."
Zizi was listening to the plants. It was odd to hear the leaves almost harmonize with the machines, but loved to take note of their whispers. Every plant here was part of a massive interwoven chain almost, every piece of greenery sharing with its neighbor. She ran her hands across a few flower petals, watching how the blooms responded to her touch.
"It is... but I still think our little treehouse beats it, don't you think?" Zizi kissed Kahli's cheek.
"I'd agree. More cozy." Kahli snuggled his nose with hers when he suddenly groaned. He tried his best to keep his wife's attention away, but he knew for a fact that she'd hear the clanks. T0-D was viewing the machinery and the plants, scanning the area for documentation.
Zizi was just about to suggest looking from plants from the Kikai Empire, but nothing could stop the plants from alerting her to the 'walking gears' nearby.
"... are you fucking kidding me?" The Zemlja growled under her breath. "Is he following us?"
Kahli gulped, feeling the rage radiating off his wife. "I do not know..."
T0-D turned to them and waved from afar. "Greetings: Kahli. Wonderful news. The people of Danjur have plants that have been previously thought extinct from the original homeland."
"That's wonderful news." Zizi said through gritted teeth, then tugged on Kahli's arm lightly. "Let's go to a different section."
"I want to see these closer." Kahli went closer to the Android, pulling his wife with him. The plants included some insect eaters, as well as beautiful red spiraled flowers.
"Observation: These red spiraled plants, the Colalilelalo, were symbols of happiness, associated with the Waku tribes."
Kahli was starting to take real interest now. "Really?"
"Statement: When they are about to die, burning them causes the most pleasant smell, according to others."
Kahli asked her to be civil to the robot and she would attempt to do so. Though, that did not mean she had to like him. Zizi personally wanted to bury him so far in the ground, that he could never dig himself out of it. As T0-D explained some of the facts about the native plants of the Kikai Empire, Zizi carefully ran her fingers through the greenery. It was full of life, though she could feel the traces of its true home. The blood red flowers almost looked like fire dancing.
"What are these purple ones?"
"Answer: Those are Aztela. Carnivorous plants that feed both on sunlight, water, and flesh. A personal favourite of mine. They feed mostly on flies and other insects, but they have the biting force of a crocodile. Foolish explorers have lost fingers, and even a hand from sticking them inside the mouths of these joyful little bundles."
Ziz thought the Aztela sounded similar to Ve'nusa, the Jawstalk Mantrap, a carnivorous plant which could swallow a grown man whole. However, the Jawstalk Mantrap was much larger than these flowers and usually burrowed in the ground, laying flat, waiting on their prey to walk over the perfectly laid trap. Ve'nusa also had vines connected to the stalk, instead of just multiple leaves.
"These are beautiful."
"Statement: Yes. They are. It fills my cores with nostalgia to see them again. Oh Zannah will be so happy to know that their are living samples to be transferred and regrown on the new homeland."
Zizi still said nothing and just listened. It would be difficult to keep these plants alive over such a long journey. The transportation would have to be extremely careful. The seeds, however, would be much easier to take back to the Kikai Empire and plant instead of trying to move the entire flower.
"Observation: It's fascinating how the people of Danjur have fused their technology to feed the plants in this greenhouse in a symbiotic relationship. These plants could not live with out them, and the machinery would have no purpose without the plants. All so that beings like you and I can enjoy the smaller lifeforms before us."
The plantations in Hyrule did not require machinery due to the magic of the Zemlja tribe. Windmills were as close as machinery came to grind grain. Still, it got Zizi to thinking... were machines going to replace magic? The thought unnerved her.
"Query: Zizi Slatki. Don't you think it's wonderful that this machinery keeps these little flowers alive?"
"Yes and no." Zizi answered as the robot continued his scanning. "Without the machine, the plants would die and without the plants, the machine would not be needed. Plants have always thrived on their own, without the interference of machines or magic. I use my magic to help the plants grow faster and larger to feed my people, but regardless of my magic, the plants would still survive."
"Statement: And the machinery would be used to power something else. I suppose each could find its life else wear if needed."
"Perhaps, though it feels unusual to me." Zizi was not trying to fight, just speaking how she felt. "Lorleidians do not need machines like this to care for our plants. We have always had magic. Then again, Danjur has some magic, but not much, so there is a need."
"Statement: It would seem that machines hold just as much value as magic when it comes to taking care of fragile life."
"Magic is a living force that flows through everything, a machine..." Zizi trailed off, not liking where this conversation was going. "Can serve a purpose, for sure, yet... you still unnerve me, T0-D. I can't read you. I can't sense any emotion from you."
"Counter: Well you humans are unpredictable as much as you are predictable. That unnerves ME. I express how I feel. And I think, just like you do. I mean, I call you meatbags, but at least you have intelligence that puts you above cattle."
Zizi glared at T0-D for that statement.
"You are a robot, you don't have a soul." The Zemlja was starting to get angry. "You simply follow orders, that's what you were made for, besides making any being you don't care for feel inferior or helpless."
"Zizi..." Kahli warned. T0-D's eye turned red on her.
"Statement: And how do you know YOU have a soul Zizi Slatki?"
"Because I have a conscience, and I don't go around hurting people!" Zizi snapped at T0-D. "You hurt me! You hurt Kahli! You could have hurt my unborn child when you kidnapped me, injecting me with those drugs! You have no sense of morality! You're just a thing!!! Why do you think I don't want you around me? Around my husband or children?! You hurt us once and you probably will do it again if your Empress orders you to do so! So stay the hell away from me and my family!!!"
"Counter: You're own husband was brutally tortured by the man you call a brother in law. Oh I'm sorry, correction. He allowed for his torture by a psychopathic prince. Wither I have a conscience or not is up for debate, I believe I do, but I've never taken the sickening joy in the torture of targets. What I gave you was completely humane, and dear Kahli received a simple punch to the stomach. When I kill, I make it swift, as one would do when putting down a pet. I enjoy following my orders, because I enjoy helping serve my people, but I do not have to enjoy the orders themselves. You are just as much a thing Zizi Slatki. Everything can be classified as a thing. You come into this world, you grow, and than you die. So here you are, holding onto grudges that I honestly cannot calculate why you'd still hold them, wasting the energy and time your organic body has left. Would you preferred I simply snapped Kahli's neck? Broken your bones so you couldn't escape your capture? No? The gods will judge you on your actions, as I sure they will they will when I eventually expire. So save your breath. I will always be a figure in your life, and all your future generations. If you choose to fear me or not, hold onto a grudge, I will not lose any time over it. But by my calculations, those who hold onto hate do rash things. And I'd have no issue terminating you if you made a move on my life. And yes, it is a life. As much as you, these flowers, or the countless meatbags surrounding us."
"At least I have a choice, you just blindly follow your orders without question. You kidnapped Kanisa, and because of your actions, your people suffered in the war. If you chose not to do so, think of all the misery that could have been prevented." Zizi spat back at him. "I know what Ralnor did to Kahli, tried to stop it actually. Just because my sister is married to the king doesn't mean I have to like my brother-in-law or agree with what he did. Personally, I'd like to kick his ass, yet that would only cause more strife. Sometimes, a grudge can give a person lessons; to be wary of those who could potentially stab them in the back. Call me all sorts of names and insult me all you want, the same goes for you. If you ever try to hurt us again, mark my words, I will find a way to dismantle you, spirits so help me. I will get along with your Empress for the sake of the alliance, and nothing more."
Turning on her heel, the Zemlja marched toward the exit. She was not going to deal with this any longer. That thing, that robot, whatever it was, it had no soul, no conscience, and was evil. She knew it, it was in her gut. Zannah craved power and would do anything necessary to get what she wanted. All it would take was one simple order from the Empress and T0-D could hurt her loved ones.
"Statement: I calculate my orders. I follow them out of choice. Every order was for the betterment of my people. We did not lose the war because one little princess was kidnapped. And I'd kidnap you again, without an order, if I felt it was necessary for the betterment of my people."
Kahli finally stepped in. "T0-D. Do not threaten my wife. Zannah will know about this."
"Clarification: I so do wish that you had not married her Kahli. Someone like you would be better at the Emperor's side. By my calculations, the offspring would do wonders physically and politically for the country."
He turned back to Zizi one last time. "Statement: I choose not to beat your ugly meatbag face in out of curtesy. I have been given no specific order that says I can't hurt anyone I like here. Remember that I know where you live Zizi Slatki."
T0-D turned his mechanical clawed feet and stomped away, needing to clear his circuits.
Zizi was going deeper into the greenhouse to where plants were waiting to be installed next to machinery for watering. She used her magic to pull them closer, causing the blooms to burst out of their pots. Swirling the various flora around her, the Zemlja created a hollow sphere and stepped inside of it. She needed to listen to the whispers of the plant. The age old knowledge would soothe her about this situation.
Kahli went back to his wife, finding her in her shelter. "Zizi... please come out."
"You come in. I can protect you in here."
"Zizi... I don't need protection, but I think you feel that you do."
"You do need protection! That thing will hurt you again! I just know it! A punch in the stomach, my ass!" Zizi was close to the verge of tears. "Zarazu told me it nearly killed you!!!"
"That was an exaggeration on her part. T0-D was right in some regards. I suffered much more at the hands of the Gerudo royalty than I ever did at him. A gut punch was nothing. The suffering that happened was my worry for YOUR safety! But Zannah did not hurt you! T0-D did not hurt you! You are a flower, my flower. You're the one who is as fragile as one Zizi. So if anyone should be worried, it should be ME!"
"I don't want them to ever hurt you. I'm terrified that they will!" Her sweet husband called her a fragile flower, though some flowers had thorns. Currently, Zizi was making sure her thorns had more nutrients than her beautiful petals. "Those Hasai hunted you for months! I can see how beaten you were, exhausted and hurt in my greenhouse when we first met. I know what T0-D has done, what Zannah has done and might do in the future. How am I supposed to ever put my trust in someone who's main priority is power? I want to keep you safe, keep you close, I never want to see you hurt again, by their hands or Ralnor's. I already lost so many I carried for on Lorleidi, I can't... I can't lose you too..."
"I'M NOT AN ANIMAL TO BE HUNTED ANYMORE! AND ANYONE WHO WOULD DARE HURT ME OR  YOU WOULD SUFFER MY WRATH!!!" Kahli smashed his hand on her protective dome, flames searing from his nostrils. "Zannah is my FRIEND ZIZI! I suffered for years, until SHE helped me! The Hasai don't hunt me anymore, directly and indirectly because of her! Power is a force I do not condemn, because of the power I hold now is what saves us allows me to protect you! If you see her as a monster for valuing power, than you see me as one as well. Don't. Please."
Zizi released a startled yelp when Kahli smacked his hand upon the sphere.
"... I don't condemn you or Zannah for having power, Kahli." The Zemlja was quiet now, sounding tired. "I've never seen you or her as a monster. I'm simply afraid... of her becoming one."
Kahli gripped his fists, reeling in his emotions. "Than you discredit her by giving into your fears. T0-D was wrong in scaring you. But I, or any other Hasai would have done the same actions her committed. Circumstances are what lead us down the actions we choose. The war, saving the island home. And she has every right to hold power if it means protecting our people. I do the same to protect you, my flower."
"Power to protect is different from power to dominate, Kahli." Zizi slowly stepped out of the sphere, the flowers moving to allow her through to her husband. "Zemljas know if a soul is good or evil, my husband. When I first looked upon you, I saw a soul who was hurting but still had good in him. There was darkness there, but you defeated it. You pushed it back and chose love instead."
"Do you honestly think that Zannah is evil? After all the struggles she went through?"
"No." Zizi shook her head. "Not yet, at least. When I first saw her, I noticed there was darkness there in her soul. Grudges, pain, and despair, but I thought it was just because of the past and what was happening with the Hydra poison." She then took a breath, feeling her skin crawl. "Though each time I saw her afterwards, the darkness has become more apparent. Growing like a weed that chokes other plants to steal resources. It's growing more and more, and when she looked at Annuciata..." The Zemlja bit her lip before saying. "I think Zannah will try to bond with Annuciata. For love, perhaps, but power is the driving force. I believe she intends to make an alliance with Danjur not only for the sake of her kingdom and resources, but... maybe to make Hyrule pay for what they did."
"She wouldn't dare."
Zizi held up her hands to his face.
"Will you let me show you what I saw?"
"I don't know if that would be fair to Zannah..." Kahli was conflicted. He didn't want to be pulled into a conflict of interests. "She can't become the worries you fear, can she?"
"You tell me, my love." Zizi started to lower her hands. "You and Zannah share the same abilities of fire."
"Hyrule is more of threat than she'd ever be."
"For now, maybe. In the future, we cannot be sure."
"Your people have dragons that could annihilate her. Your brother's wife is born from a demon-man. I fear the damage Hyrule can do now over Zannah's own power."
"I understand, Kahli. Though the enemies who lie in the dark and are patient, waiting for the perfect moment to strike are more dangerous than the ones who face you in the light." Zizi's gaze went downcast. "You told me that. I don't want to think Zannah is bad, I don't want to think she has an ulterior motive to hurt anyone. Though I have to be careful, and be cautious. I wasn't before, and that could have ended bloodier than it did."
"Can I tell you something? Malik worries me more than Zannah."
"Heh..." Zizi tried not to laugh, not wanting to seem hysterical. "I'm worried about Malik too. I have no idea what Zarazu was thinking, sending him."
"He's the one who craves power. Did you see how he valued showing off his wife's power? I find it disturbing."
"I honestly just viewed that as a kink of his, but perhaps you have a point." Zizi thought about how Malik used to be Klinge. How if Zarazu was not powerful enough, she was not worthy. She could still hear the sickening smacks of Klinge's punches or kicks hurting her sister. Though Zarazu knocked him down a few pegs, taking his arm. "I trust my sister, Kahli, so I'm sure she has a plan for all of this. Maybe it's to test him. To help him learn to be... human again."
"Hmmm, perhaps...." Kahli opened his arms wide for his wife. "Would you like to go home?"
"That sounds wonderful." Zizi hugged him tightly, breathing in his smell and relaxed. She always felt so safe, so secure in his hold. "... I'm sorry if I upset you, love. I promise it was not my intention."
"I'm sorry that you've been upset. Have you ever thought about open combat against T0-D? It's been a Hasai tradition to duel in order to get over strife and deal with stress concerning another being."
"Open combat?" Zizi nearly cringed at the words. "While I would absolutely love nothing more than to pummel him for what he did, I know better than that." She rubbed her belly and then sighed. "I don't want to risk our baby and I certainly do not want to burn bridges that my sister tried hard to rebuild. Besides, Kahli..." The Zemlja turned a little red in the cheeks. "I'm not the greatest fighter. When we fought against Vul'kar, I was absolutely petrified."
"I suppose that cements it. I'll have to always be by your side to fight for and protect you." He kissed both her cheeks lightly.
"Hey, I can fight, I'm just not good at close combat." Zizi pouted at him for a moment, but smiled at his kisses. "Though I will never object to you always staying by my side."
"I'll never leave." Kahli pressed her back into the pod, kissing and nipping her neck.
"And just what do you think you're doing?" Zizi giggled as her husband maneuvered both of them inside the flora sphere. "You know you're in my domain now, right?" The Zemlja proved her point by having the vines sneak under Kahli's shirt to tug at it as well as his pants.  
"I know. I wanted to give you a handicap~" He was already massaging her breasts. "This thing is sound proof, correct?" "Do you want it to be sound proof so I can moan as loud as you want?" Zizi knew how her lover was weak to love bites, so she bit down, hard, on his neck. "And a handicap? Such a gentleman."
Kahli hissed loudly. "Z-zizi."
He was already dropping his pants, and pushed downwards on her chest.
"Yes~~~?" Zizi ran her hands up his chiseled torso and the vines finished pulling off the shirt and Kahli's pants. However, the Zemlja was being very playful today. The flora sneaked up his thighs, running over his skin in feather light touches. "Does my lover want me to tease him?"
"That stings Zizi. I just want to embrace you..."
"I think we both know you want to do a little more than just embrace me." Zizi winked at him before trailing her hands down to his manhood. "Looks like I have a nice treat waiting for me."
Kahli growled, pulling her close. "I want to fuck your troubles away.”
"I don't object to that, just not too rough, love." Zizi kissed him, tugging on his neck to pull him closer. "After all, this is precious cargo in here."
“I promise not to be too hard.” Kahli went pressed his cock to her womanhood, grinding his teeth as he held her close.
Zizi shivered as her husband slipped inside her walls. He was always so warm, so passionate in his love making. How she wished she could hold onto that feeling forever. She held onto his shoulders as Kahli moved, moaning softly. Biting his neck, Zizi wrapped her legs around Kahli.
Kahli groaned loudly as she held onto his body. It was nirvana to him. “Whisper to your desires.”
"I want to make love to you everyday, I want to kiss you everyday, I want to keep you here in my arms and never let you go..." Zizi breathed as she ran her hands down Kahli's back. "I want you to know how much I love you, how thankful I am for you..."
“I love you. You are my passion. You are what sets my mind free.”
"Passion, indeed, love, I believe I can feel you swelling up inside of me." Zizi purred at Kahli, giving his back a light scratch as she nibbled on his throat. "Make me cum."
Kahli took a hand a pressed hard  her left nipple. He made sure to dip her back enough as he fucked her for the blood to go to her head.
"Ooooh-oh!!!!" Zizi moaned aloud as Kahli continued to thrust, digging her nails into his shoulders. The way his touch was fire incarnate made her see stars. Every single nerve was aflame, and responding to his caress. It was not long before the Zemlja came undone, crying out her husband's name.
“You’re so tight when you scream my name. Where do you want my seed?”
"I want you to cum in me, on me, anywhere, I want them to smell you on me."
Kahli never did this before, but pulling out, he cummed all over his lovers face down below.
"Mmm... I daresay you have a kink for marking your territory, Kahli." Zizi's tongue licked the corner of her mouth where a drop of cum hit her face. "Now I'll smell like you all day."
“You look filthy my dear. Rub it in before we leave~”
"And who's fault is that?" Zizi made sure to 'clean up' before exiting the sphere with her husband. "I feel better, Kahli."
“I’m glad.” Kahli held her close, walking away with her as people stared in disbelief at the two coming out of the pod. “You should wear the tribal painting next time.”
"Tribal painting? That's a good idea, love. I'll wear it to a meeting with Annuciata, and then later," Zizi leaned closer to whisper into his ear. "You can 'rub' it off of me."
“I’d like that very, very much.”
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mdelpin · 5 years
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Shadowlight Week 2019 Prompt: Dawn AO3 | FF.Net
This follows the events after It’s Always Darkest... (Day 7: Dusk), His Own Destiny (Day 4: Command),  High Hopes (Day 2: Symbols) and A Scent Like No Other (Day 1: Scents)
Before the Dawn
Summary: The promise of better times lay ahead, nestled within the lingering warmth of held hands and secret kisses.
 "Tomorrow is the dawn of a new day for us,“ he said,  giving voice to all the hopes and dreams they had nurtured for so long.
During the week that Rogue was gone, Sting did his best to keep busy. He tried not to think about what might be happening and focused on the things he wanted to say. Lector and Frosch tried to help, and Sting was happy that they kept him company. He was so anxious he might have gone crazy otherwise.
Jiemma, never one to miss an opportunity to pit his wizards against each other, devised a contest to determine which wizards would be representing Sabertooth in the Grand Magic Games, even though pretty much everyone was sure he’d already made up his mind. As soon as Rogue and Rufus returned there would be a tournament, the top scoring mages would go to the Games.
For once Sting was grateful for his Master's machinations, all the wizards were so determined to at the very least make a good showing that there were plenty of people to spar with. Most of them were not very challenging, but he was able to learn some fighting moves to complement his magic. His lack of control was still a concern for him, most of his moves were light based, and they could seriously injure someone if he weren't careful. 
He'd begun trying to direct the energy to other parts of his body, using it to enhance his punches and kicks rather than always depending on his lasers. By the end of the week, he'd become somewhat adept at it. There was one thing he knew he still had to work on and it was his speed. Both times Jiemma and Minerva had bested him it had been because he had not moved fast enough. He rather hoped that when he mastered his new power that would change.
Rogue and Rufus arrived laden with books they'd been allowed to check out from the library. Sting tried to sniff Rogue as discreetly as he could, but by the outrage on Rogue's face, he wasn't subtle enough. He walked past him to Master Jiemma's office without a word, obviously annoyed. Rufus laughed and with a wink went straight to his room. Not a good start.
“Is that what you really think of me?” Rogue startled him from his training a few hours later, causing him to be knocked off balance by the training dummy as it spun outside of his control.
“What?” Sting attempted to act dumb, running a hand through his hair while he looked for a towel to wipe off his sweaty chest and back which he couldn’t help but notice Rogue was openly staring at. He looked around for his shirt and put it on.
“You know what,” Rogue snapped, “You were scenting me to make sure I hadn’t done anything with Rufus.”
"You're right, I'm sorry. It's just that, " Sting went on to explain what had happened when he and Rufus had gone searching for Minerva, but Rogue interrupted him.
“I know, he told me.” Rogue sighed, “I know I hurt you, but you have to believe me when I tell you, I never meant to.”
Sting nodded, “I know that. I don’t really know what came over me, it felt like my world had ended. Stupid, huh?” He looked at Rogue nervously waiting to see how he would react to his words.
“It wasn’t entirely your fault,” Rogue conceded, confusing him, “I learned a lot about our magic in the time I was gone, and about our bond. Things the dragons never told us. What you were feeling, it’s what they call your inner dragon reacting to what it felt was a challenge on your claim on me. Because we’ve never fully mated it makes you feel very insecure.”
Sting had no idea what that meant, and it must have shown on his face because Rogue chuckled and held his hand out to him. Sting quickly took it, hungry for any contact with his mate no matter how small.
“Come on,” Rogue said dragging him with him to the guild’s library where the books he’d brought back were already laid out on a table. They sat down next to each other as Rogue showed him different passages in the books that referred to what he’d explained, while his other hand was held captive by Sting under the table.
Neither of them had been this happy in a long time.
"So I still don't get it, there's a dragon inside each of us?" Sting asked the following day. They were standing in the guild's backyard, getting ready to try a few things Rogue had found in the book. When Jiemma learned of the possible amounts of destruction involved, he allowed them to train outside in a seldom used area of the guild.
Rogue held his tongue, not wanting to break the peace they had settled into. “No, there isn’t a dragon inside of us. As part of the spell Weisslogia and Skiadrum enchanted us with, our bodies adapted to be able to accommodate their magic. For example, our lungs were modified to be able to not only consume our elements but produce our roars.
Sting nodded in understanding, “So, no dragon?”
“No dragon, “ Rogue agreed patiently, “I suspect it’s more like instincts that are so primal that they automatically became part of us once we were enchanted. Dragons are very protective, and also quite aggressive.” A smirk played on Rogue’s lips as he added, “Although I suspect Weisslogia was more dramatic than most.”
Sting pouted, and Rogue snickered in response. He sat as close to his mate as he dared and looked at the book in his lap.
“How did you get Jiemma to let us spend so much time together?” Sting whispered so that only Rogue could hear him.
"By telling him parts of the truth, and showing him the books, so he knew I wasn't lying." Rogue enjoyed the feel of the mid-morning sun on his skin. "It's why I asked for permission to check them out."
"I didn't find anything for the first few days, then I found some references to some books, but when I couldn't locate them, I was told they were in a special collection, and I needed permission from someone in the Magic Council to be able to read them." Rogue explained, "We communicated with Master Jiemma, and he was able to get us access."
“It turns out that Dragon Slaying magic is considered a Lost Magic,” Rogue shrugged, “I’m still not sure of how the lacrimas are made or how they work.”
“You said you wanted to show me something?” Sting quickly changed the subject before Rogue got too enthused on the topic. They were meant to be training after all.
"Right," Rogue grinned sheepishly, opening the book to the chapter he had wanted to show Sting. "So I think I figured out what the problem is," He pointed at the illustration on the page, it showed a person who had scales drawn over parts of their body and they seemed to be glowing. "There are all sorts of spells that we can learn, secret arts and other cool stuff, but this here is what I think is happening. It's called Dragon Force, and it's supposed to be something we shouldn't be able to do for a long time, but the potential has always been inside us."
Sting looked at the picture with interest, “So you’re saying the lacrimas gave us the ability to access this Dragon Force?”
Rogue nodded, and he punched Sting on the shoulder proudly, "That's exactly what I'm saying! The other problem I think should sort itself out."
Sting tilted his head as he considered Rogue's words but remained silent. With a smile Rogue explained, "Our magic is tied to our emotions, and because we have been uhm... disconnected from each other, our magic has been that much harder to control."
“So all we have to do is work out our differences?” Sting looked unconvinced.
Rogue smiled at him, “Something like that, yes, at least I think so.”
“Okay then,” Sting checked to make sure no one was near them. When he was satisfied, he placed his hand over Rogue’s and looked deep into his mate’s eyes, wanting to make sure Rogue was convinced of his honesty. “I didn’t mean what I said, I just wanted you to feel as hurt as I did.”
"And I don't care if it was instincts or whatever that made me do it. You never set out to hurt me, but I knew full well how those words would affect you, and I said them anyway." Sting bowed his head, ashamed of what he'd done. "I'm so sorry, if I could take it back, I would."
Rogue felt relief to hear those words from Sting, but he knew he had a lot to apologize for as well. "It's okay, I should have realized. It wasn't until after I saw how you reacted that I understood what it was I had done."
His bottom lip jutted out as he thought about how futile the whole thing had been in the end. “I guess I just wanted to believe there was a way out of here, you know?”
Before Rogue knew what was happening Sting had wrapped him in an embrace and whispered in his ear, “We will get out of here someday, I promise you that.” Rogue went to struggle, afraid of being discovered but Sting only held him tighter. “Don’t worry, there’s no one around. Something else I’ve noticed, my senses are even better than they used to be.”
Rogue relaxed and snuggled into the hug, starved for Sting’s touch. They spent a few minutes holding each other and immersing themselves in the other’s smell. When they separated Sting smiled, a real one that made his blue eyes crinkle prettily, and Rogue found himself falling in love all over again.
He leaned forward craving the taste of his boyfriend, Sting eagerly meeting him halfway. Their lips connected softly, pressing fervently against each other, both afraid of pushing their luck but wanting to reconnect in all the ways they had lost. The kiss didn’t last long, but for the first time since they had woken up at Sabertooth, Rogue felt like he was home.
"I love you," Rogue whispered, watching in awe as Sting's eyes lit up when he heard the words, his grin stretching so wide he could see his mate's fangs. Rogue reached out to touch Sting's cheek marveling at the grainy stubble that hadn't been there the last time he'd been allowed to touch.
Sting grabbed his hand and kissed it before replying, “I love you too.” Rogue reddened, even though he had expected the words. Everything was finally okay between them again, better than okay even.
Sting got up pulling Rogue along with him by the hand that he was still holding. They were both smiling, and Rogue squeezed Sting's hand one last time before letting go.
“Now what?” Sting asked looking back at the book Rogue had been showing him earlier.
"Now we fight," Rogue laughed as they faced each other. They got into their fighting stances, Sting beckoning him to come at him with his hand and Rogue immediately went into his shadow form and lunged for an attack.
They fought hard for the next thirty minutes or so, both ending up sweaty and bruised, but it was clear their control had already improved a little. With smiles on their faces and lighter hearts, they realized it had been too long since they'd been able to spar for fun.
“So what are these secret arts you were talking about?” Sting questioned with interest.
Rogue wiped his hands on his pants and looked for the relevant chapter. He stopped to look at the sun and realized they would miss lunch if they didn’t hurry. “Come on, I’ll show you at lunch.”
“Oh great, I’m starving!” Sting cheered. They walked back towards the building making sure to leave some space between them so no one would notice the change in their relationship. One person had seen them though, and even though it had hurt her a little, she was glad.
For the next two weeks as everyone sparred and practiced tirelessly in preparation for Jiemma's tournament Sting and Rogue continued to train outside. Jiemma and Orga had placed some training dummies to allow them to practice their long-range attacks. Now that the games were closer Jiemma did not want to risk them injuring each other accidentally. They practiced nonstop learning more and more powerful spells. They found that using these intermediate spells helped ease them into their growing power and by the last day of training they had both been able to enter Dragon Force at least once in front of Jiemma, who looked more pleased than they had ever seen him.
The day of the tournament arrived, and it was obvious in short order that Sabertooth's team would consist of Minerva, Orga, Rufus, Sting, and Rogue who were by far the strongest mages the guild had. Jiemma confirmed it, having made sure to keep them from fighting each other.
The last week before they departed for Crocus was spent training in more mundane ways. Jiemma was reasonably sure they could win the fights easily but the contests were an unknown, and that was something he didn't like.
All five of them were put in a regimen that included running, archery, shooting, cooking and eating contests and anything else Jiemma could think of. It was great fun for the other guild wizards to see their strongest mages struggle with things they considered ordinary. Orga struggled running, although he had a lot of muscle he lacked stamina, Sting and Rogue didn't know how to swim, Rufus was incapable of cooking if he wasn't given a recipe to memorize, and Minerva could out eat them all even though she had a tiny frame. By the end of the week, they were all grateful to be done and finally be on their way to Crocus.
Sting and Rogue were excited to be leaving the guild building together, it felt almost like an adventure, and it reminded them of better times. They suffered through the train ride, arriving in Crocus by late afternoon. When their stomachs finally calmed down, they walked with the others, looking around in awe at how vibrant everything was. Crocus was by far the biggest city they had ever seen, and it was beautiful. The buildings were large and colorful, and everywhere you looked there were different types of flowers creating a pleasant fragrance that permeated everything.
“Do you think we’ll get a chance to explore?” Orga wondered aloud, “I’ve never been to a city this big before.”
Minerva snorted, “Right… you have met my father, haven’t you? We’ll be lucky if he lets us out of the inn.”
Rufus made a muted sound of agreement, seemingly overwhelmed by all there was to look at, his quick mind memorizing everything even when he didn’t want to.
There were colorful flags strung around the city and they quickly figured out they represented the competing guilds as soon as they found the Sabertooth one mixed in among them. Sting and Rogue recognized many symbols from back when they read Sorcerer Weekly, but there were also plenty they didn’t know.
Sting and Rogue stopped in their tracks when they noticed a symbol they hadn’t expected.
“Is that?” Sting began as he saw the symbol of the Fairy Tail guild, the surprise he felt soon overridden by the pain he had never quite gotten over.
“Yeah,” Rogue answered quietly, “I suppose it’s to be expected the guild would continue without them.” The thought filled him with sadness though, he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d thought about Gajeel, Natsu or any of the others who had been lost. They had all seemed bigger than life, who could have possibly replaced them?
Their hands snaked out towards each other, fingers lacing, squeezing and quickly separating before anyone could notice. That day had been the one that had set them on this path and they both needed solace from the memories.
The guild members continued to trudge behind their Master, gawking at everything on their way to their inn. They checked in, every competitor getting their own room, while the others would have to share. Sting and Rogue wished they could share but knew better than to make the request. Jiemma had been extremely lenient with them, but that would surely be pushing their luck.
Just as Minerva had foreseen, they were ordered to stay in the inn until the next day's opening events.
The mood in the inn was very somber, there was nothing to distract them from their nerves about the upcoming competition or to keep them from worrying about what would happen to them if they didn't manage to take first place.
Sting lay awake in his bed long after Jiemma had done the bed check. Lector, who he had managed to smuggle in his bag, snuggled against him snoring softly. Sting felt restless, this competition could make his dream come true, and he was anxious for it to begin, but no matter how hard he tried, sleep evaded him.
A soft breeze entered through the window he knew he had closed and it brought the soothing smell of Rogue with it. He felt a small body land on the bed and settle itself next to Lector while a shadow solidified into the body of his mate.
“What are you doing here?” Sting whispered urgently, “If Jiemma catches you, he’ll kill you!”
"No, he won't," Rogue declared, "He wants to win this competition, and he won't do anything to jeopardize that. Who would he replace me with on such short notice?" Rogue sounded very smug, and Sting chuckled even as he made room on the bed for him.
“And even if he did, he knows that would mess you up.” Rogue pointed out as he climbed in, “For the first time we have him exactly where we want him.”
Sting turned on his side so he could see Rogue better. “I guess that’s true.”
“Are you nervous?” Rogue asked.
“I just want to get started,” Sting groaned with frustration, “What about you?”
“I just want it to be over,” Rogue answered honestly.
Sting chuckled, “You’re worried over nothing, this is going to be fun.”
“If we win,” Rogue pointed out.
“We will.” Sting leaned forward and kissed Rogue on the forehead and then continued peppering his face with kisses until he got him to laugh.
“That’s better,” Sting teased moving onto his back and waiting for Rogue to cuddle up against him as he’d used to. Once Rogue had settled on his chest Sting wrapped his arm around him holding him even closer and leaning down to kiss his head.
"Tomorrow is the dawn of a new day for us, " Sting murmured drowsily, he hadn't realized it before, but this is exactly what he'd needed, "And whatever it may bring, we'll face it together."
Together, there was a time when Rogue had thought that word but a distant memory. He squeezed Sting tightly, and as he drifted off to sleep in the arms of the one he'd always loved, he couldn’t help but smile. They’d both struggled to work through their problems but in the end, their love had triumphed. And no matter what surprises lay in store for them, that was all Rogue needed.
A/N: I know I said I was planning to get to Sting becoming Master and I do intend to, but I was overly ambitious and ran out of time. I decided I’d rather leave them in a hopeful moment for the end of Shadowlight Week. I plan to continue this in other one-shots starting with their appearance at the first Grand Magic Games. Thank you to @x-thekid for once again helping with the summary!
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omyeol · 6 years
in your arms | pcy
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There were a few things that you did to heal yourself after a long, tiring day at work. Sometimes you liked to go swimming—there’s nothing more healing than being underwater where you could only feel and hear your own heartbeat. But sometimes, it’s as simple as listening to a playlist full of your favorite slow songs in your room with your eyes shut, letting the music fill in the silence. Other times when you’re lucky and time was on your side, you could just curl up in bed with your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you—this didn’t happen a lot, but when it did, you felt like the luckiest person in the world.
On a particular hot summer day, though, you hit a jackpot.
Throughout the day, you didn’t feel like yourself. The day seemed to pass slowly to you—although you were sure you could blame the meeting that seemed to go on and on. It didn’t help that one of the juniors had messed up the mock-up design—you invested lots of time in it—that you made. To make it worse, you were still uneasy and a little bit scared sometimes because of the news that got out a month ago—the dating news between you and Chanyeol.
The news came out exactly two months after your first anniversary. It had been rough on both of you until it came to the point where Chanyeol avoided using his personal social media for a little while and you avoided looking at your phone unless you really had to. You remembered how the both of you didn’t leave the apartment for a few days—you even managed to skip work and call in sick for a few days—and how nerve-wracking it was when you finally found the courage to leave the apartment.
It had been a month and though it got a little bit easier each day, but sometimes when you had a hard day, it was easy to let the worries you had pushed to the back of your mind forward again. The next thing you knew, you weren’t only thinking about work but also the disaster that happened that day, and you were in much worse mood.
And as if your boyfriend could read your mind, Chanyeol texted you during lunch, and although it was simple and short, it’s amazing how it could lift up your mood a little bit.
Wanna hit the gym after work?
Sureee. But I need to get my swimsuit first
I’ll get it for you
Also I’ll pick you up from the office
You’re the best! <3
Anything for you my love~~
After getting those texts, you managed to go through the day without taking a moment to collect yourself in the bathroom. You managed to pull through and finish what you should finish with minimal mistakes—it also helped that no one bothered you as if they could sense your bad mood from far away. Counting to the time where you could finally leave, you held back from jumping out of joy when it was finally time to leave. There’s a change in your mood—that your coworkers didn’t fail to notice—and you felt so relieved when you saw Chanyeol’s car in the parking lot.
“Hello, hello,” he greeted cheerfully as you slid into his car. Letting out a sigh of relief, you cracked what seemed to be the first smile of the day and looked at your boyfriend fondly. “What’s with that look, hmm?” You just shook your head.
“Nothing,” you breathed out. “Just grateful that you’re here. I just had the longest day at work.” With a smile, Chanyeol leaned over closer to you and pressed a kiss on your forehead. Relishing on the feeling of his lips against your skin, you felt a little bit calmer.
“I’m glad to be here too,” he murmured as he pulled back, flashing you his adorable smile. “Ready to go?” Nodding at his question, Chanyeol started the car and pulled the car back from the parking lot.
This didn’t happen often—Chanyeol picking you up from work and you both going to the gym together. Usually he would meet you there and you both would go home together, stopping to buy food or groceries along the way. Ever since the news broke out, you opted to work out at home—in front of the TV with some workout videos from YouTube—and only went swimming once a week, when usually you could go at least twice a week.
Even though the gym you both went to was private—since it’s owned by a celebrity, too—you couldn’t help but still feel uneasy about it. That was why Chanyeol liked to stay close to you whenever you both were out. There was a silent agreement between you two to company each other during workout so no one would feel left out or uneasy. You hated going on treadmills, but you did it anyway while you waited for Chanyeol to finish his workout routine, and after that he would return the favor by swimming with you—not exactly swimming, but he liked to stay on the side and cheer on you as you swam. Sometimes he would play music from his phone and give you a kiss once you finished swimming a lap, or he would leisurely swim besides you and spark a random question to take your mind off things.
“Babe,” Chanyeol called out from beside you where he sat on the edge of the pool, his feet kicking in the water and his hand fiddling with his phone, and you just hummed. “Have you seen penguin sleep?”
“Kyungsoo?” Your boyfriend let out a loud laugh that echoed in the room, you were glad you could make him laugh. “No, no, why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” he mumbled and you let him be for a moment. “Want to watch the video with me?”
“What video?”
“Video of penguin sleeping.” Chanyeol could be so random, sometimes you forgot about it. With a laugh, you shook your head and placed your hand on his knee, squeezing it softly.
“I’m gonna do a few more laps and we can head out, okay?”  
The two of you finally headed out after what seemed like an hour. Chanyeol had accompanied you to the shower—no, not like that���and waited outside, ready to pass you the towel and clean clothes when you’re done. He also made your shower more entertaining with his impromptu singing and his tales from his dance practice, and it caused you to take longer shower because he made you laugh and when you laughed you couldn’t do nothing but lean on the wall and try to not slip and split your head open.
“Are you two fucking in the shower or what? That was a long ass shower.” You didn’t know when Baekhyun arrived at the gym, but you were glad that you only saw him when you both were about to leave.
“Fuck off, Byun. We’re not like that,” you spoke, rolling your eyes at his accusation.
“Mmhm, yeah, right, like I’d believe that.”  
“Shut up, Baek. We’re leaving.” Baekhyun let out a loud, menacing, villain-like laugh that taunted you into having the urge to kick his ass, but before you could do it, Chanyeol pulled you to his side and slung his arm around you. You two stayed like that as the two of you said goodbye to Minseok and Sehun who were also there.
The drive home was spent in light touches as Chanyeol held your hand in his and sneaky kisses from you when the car got hold up by the traffic light. The instrumental songs that blasted through the speaker during the ride made you feel sleepy and content, and it heightened your need to cuddle with him on bed. Holding his hand definitely wasn’t enough for you, since you craved to feel his arms around you.
“Can we cuddle?” You asked when you both finally arrived at your apartment—which could be said as Chanyeol’s too because he got lots of things cluttering around the place. Toeing his shoes off, Chanyeol turned to look at you with such a soft look across his face and you could’ve sworn you could melt from that.
“You don’t have to ask.”
And that’s how the both of you ended up laying on the bed with your face snuggled under his chin and his arms around you, a music playlist filled with both of your favorite songs blasting softly through the Bluetooth speaker connected to Chanyeol’s phone. The warm glow from the lamp on the desk, the soft music, and the feeling of having Chanyeol around you was a perfect way to end the long day you had. The way he caressed your hair softly and rubbed your back gently were just the perfect additions and it made you sleepier than you already did.
“Sleepy already?” You hummed against his t-shirt covered chest. “You must’ve had the longest day at work.”
“You couldn’t imagine,” you breathed out. “This junior messed up the mock-up design I made. I spent days and nights on that and he just messed it up like that.” Ever the dramatic, Chanyeol let out a loud gasp.
“Oh no, did you yell at him?”
“I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do that in front of everyone. I just scolded him and gave him the glare, and he sweated.” Chanyeol let out a laugh as if he could imagine you giving your junior a glare—it’s the death glare that could rival Kyungsoo’s, he told you once before—and you could feel his chest vibrating against you.
“I’m sorry that happened. You don’t deserve that, really.” You just hummed at the words he spoke against your head before he pressed a few kisses on the top of your head. “Oh, your hair smell good. New shampoo?”
“Ohh, you noticed! Nice one, Park,” you teased him and leaned up a little bit to press a kiss on his collarbone.
“How couldn’t I? I’ve got your hair in my nose and my mouth like this.” You just chuckled at him, and just in time for Coldplay’s Sparks playing through the speaker.
“I love this song but it will make me even sleepier,” you commented as the intro started.
“Then, sleep.”
“But I still want to talk with you.” Pulling back from his chest until you laid your head on your own pillow, you pouted at him and blinked your eyes slowly in fake innocence. Letting out a sound that seemed like a mixture of squeal and groan, he smiled widely and moved to place his hand on your cheek, pinching it a few times until you both giggled at each other. Your heart felt lighter and warm at the sound of his giggles and the sight of his dimples that you loved so much.
“Just go to sleep. I’ll sing this song for you.”
“You don’t know the lyrics, Yeol,” you pointed out with a faint smile and he rolled his eyes playfully at you.
“Okay, I’ll hum it, then. Happy?” At your nod of approval, Chanyeol started humming the song and you scooted closer to him. He moved his hand to caress your hair gently again as you shut your eyes at the feeling of his touch and the sound of his soft humming filling in your senses. His light touches pulled you deeper into the dream land, but you still didn’t miss it when he pressed a kiss on your forehead and murmured the words ‘I love you’ onto your skin.
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5hfanfiction · 5 years
I Thought You Were An Asshole - Chapter 5
Your POV
Lauren and I continued to talk all the time, during the school week I would stop by her locker and flirt with her until I was late to class.
It was Friday and I had not made any plans with Lauren this weekend because I liked our spontaneous date. We’ve had two dates and one of them was spontaneous, and that was the best one.
The final bell just rang, and I saw Lauren digging through her locker, so I walked up behind her and scared her. “Boo!” I say, Lauren jumping back into my arms.
I laugh, Lauren groaning. She turns around in my arms and slaps my shoulders lightly. “Y/n, why would you do that?” She turns back around grabbing her books as she starts to walk down the hall.
I grab her books from her hand, attempting to hold Lauren’s hand but she pulls it right away. “What are you doing tonight?” I ask, Lauren laughing.
“Way to give a girl some warning,” she mumbles, running a hand through her hair. “Well uh, I have a couple dates. I should be free around 11?”
“That’s not funny,” I mumble, Lauren laughing loudly. “Well, I have dinner reservations. So I suggest you go home, put on your fanciest dress and I’ll pick you up at 7:03,” I tell her, Lauren slapping my shoulder.
“Y/n, if we have a fancy dinner planned you have to give me a warning.” She unlocks her car and I put her books in the passenger seat and smirk as she plops into the driver’s seat.
“I’m gonna be wearing maroon if you want to match,” I smile, Lauren rolling her eyes.
“I’ll see you at seven,” she grumbles, starting the car.
“7:03,” I remind her, Lauren smiling as she pulls away.
I quickly get into my car and drive home jumping in the shower so I can save my legs for the first time in a couple weeks. My team wasn’t shaving while we were on a winning streak, but Lauren was more important than not shaving.
I take my hair out of a pony tail for the first time in a while, and decide to wear it natural. I put on my facy underwear and bra, then slide on a pair of black dress pants, a maroon sweater, maroon dress socks, and my chelsea boots.
I pull out my phone, and send Lauren a text.
To: Lauren: I’ll see you in 2 hours and 56 minutes :)
From: Lauren: As long as you’re not counting
To: Lauren: I’m always counting down until I see you again
From: Lauren: Shut up.
I smile to myself and slide my phone into my pocket before jogging downstairs. “Ma, I’m going out,” I tell her on my way out the door.
“Ok, be safe,” she calls from the kitchen.
I hop in the car and drive 40 minutes out of town to a flower shop. It was the only shop that had Lauren’s favorite flowers, middlemist reds.
By the time I got back to my neighborhood I was 28 minutes away from having to pick up Lauren. I ran to the beach, put down the blanket and the dessert cooler in a corner that nobody ever goes to.
I got back into the car, went to the car wash, vacuumed the car, then went through the car wash, then went to pick her up.
I knocked on the front door, Lauren opening it in a beautiful tight black dress with maroon heels. Her hair was back in a tight pony tail, and she was smirking at me.
“You look unbelievable,” I mumble, taking the flowers out from behind my back, Lauren putting her hands over her mouth, her eyes lighting up as she takes the flowers from my hands.
“How did you know?” She asks, stepping out of the doorway and inviting me in.
“You told me at the coffee shop because a lady had a dress with them on,” I explain, stepping past Lauren smirking down at her.
“I’m gonna put these in water, then we can go,” she disappears, quickly reappears, and we head to the restaurant.
Dinner was nice, the food was good. But Lauren had no idea we were going to the beach. I picked this spot on the beach because you pass it on the way to her house.
I turn into the parking lot, Lauren looking at me with confusion on her face. “Where are you going?” She asks as I park the car.
“I have a surprise,” I smile, climbing out of the car Lauren following me onto the beach. I intertwine our fingers, Lauren letting it happen this time. “No, I didn’t bring you here to make out for a while. Dessert is here,” I smile, showing Lauren to the little blanket and picnic basket I had set up.
“Y/n, I’m in fancy clothes.” Lauren pouts, taking off her heels. I hold up my finger, run back to the car, and grab a couple sweatshirts and basketball shorts.
“These can be yours, and this as well,” I smile, Lauren smirking.
“I feel like you did this just so I would strip.”
That wasn’t my intention, but it was a perk. Unfortnuately, Lauren figured out how to put on the gym clothes without showing anything.
I was trying to impress her, and constantly playing basketball made my body not unimpressive. I take off the sweater, slide off my pants, and I’m standing in front of Lauren in just my underwear.
I smirk at her bewildered face as I slide on some comfier clothes.
I open the picnic basket, pulling out some chocolate strawberries. “There is one rule about eating these,” I tell Lauren as I open the container. I scootch a little closer to her, looking her dead in the eyes.
“Oh yeah, and what is that?” She smiles, looking down at the fruit.
“You can only eat them if you go skinny dipping with me,” I smile, Lauren scoffing.
“Y/n! It’s the middle of October.” Lauren smiles, looking at me seriously.
“I know that’s not the rule,” I laugh. During this whole conversation, Lauren and I were getting closer to each other. At this point, our faces were about two inches apart. “The rule is you have to kiss me,” I tell her, both of us simultaneously leaning in.
“I think I can make that happen,” Lauren smiles against my lips.
Our lips connect slowly and softly, Lauren wrapping her arms around my neck. Our kiss was sensual and slow, Lauren breaking it when she could tell how into I was getting.
I rest my forehead against hers, both of our faces breaking out into a smile. “Now you can have one,” I smile, Lauren shaking her head.
“I want to keep doing this,” Lauren whispers, pushing me back and straddling my lap.
After I dropped Lauren at home we stayed up literally all night texting.
We decided at about three am to meet up again. I drove to her house, picked her up, and drove to a 24-hour drive in movie theater a couple minutes out of town.
I took my dad’s pickup truck, and threw in the mattress from my bed as well as a bunch of blankets and pillows. I picked Lauren up and she was wearing the sweatshirt I had given her earlier that night.
We pull into the drive in and get set up to watch Grease. I lean against the back of the truck, Lauren laying her head on my chest.
I wrap my arms around her Lauren snuggling into me. “Do you think it’s bad we’re spending this much time together? We went on two dates in one day,” Lauren smiles, looking up at me.
“Of course not. I can’t get enough of you,” I lean down, connecting our lips softly, Lauren smiling into the kiss.
“If that wasn’t obvious before, I would be an idiot,” Lauren whispers. I smile then kiss her again.
Lauren and I spent the entire movie, talking and snuggling and kissing. She said her house was empty, so we went back there after picking up some breakfast. 
We ate breakfast, then an idea came into my head. “Do you want to go upstairs?” I smirk, Lauren laughing lightly.
“You want to do sexual things on our third date?” Lauren asks, running a hand through her hair.
“I wanted to do sexual things on our first date,” I smile, standing up and grabbing Lauren’s hand. She shows me upstairs to her room, and sits on the bed.
I climb next to her, crossing my hands in my lap. Lauren looks at me and giggles as I do a dance with my eyebrows. I pat my lap, urging the softball player to sit on it.
She laughs straddling my lap, moving her hair to one side. “You are so fucking sexy,” I mumble, Lauren slowly leaning in.
Our lips connect, and I grab Lauren’s ass, pulling her closer to me. Our kisses become feverish as my hands roam all over her body.
I lean away for a quick second to rip of Lauren’s shirt. But what ends up happening is I’m staring at her beautiful boobs that weren’t hidden by a bra.
I attach my lips to her left nipple, Lauren moaning as she intertwines her fingers in my roots, tugging softly on my hair. She grinds down onto my lap giving me a small bit of friction that I was craving.
Lauren tugs at my shirt, and I disconnect from her chest as she takes off my shirt. I quickly take off my sport’s bra, Lauren smiling as she attached our lips in a heated kiss.
Our chests collide both of us moaning into the kiss. I start unbuttoning my pants, Lauren tugging off her leggings.
“Hey, Lo, did you-” Lauren and I pull apart, and I see Camila walk through the door. Yes Camila. My awful Satan loving ex who destroyed me to bits. “Y/n, what the fuck are you doing here?” She asks in utter shock.
“No Camz. What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask, rushing to put back on my clothes.
“You guys know each other?” Lauren asks. I look at her almost forgetting she was here.
“Uh, yeah,” I mumble clearing my throat. “We dated sophomore and junior year.”
I turn to Lauren and notice she’s now fully dressed. “Camz, why are you here?” I ask, Camila nodding rapidly.
“We’re old family friends with the Jaureguis.” Camz says, running a hand through her hair. “Uh, I’m gonna leave,” she mumbles, turning around and rushing out the door.
A/n: Sorry for mistakes, I would love feedback, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
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haroldsguccisuit · 6 years
Love sick
- or the one where harry nurses a sick Y/n back to health
Hot and cold. That is two adjectives to describe exactly how y/n is feeling as she rolled over in bed to be met by Harry’s eyebrows furrowed and his mouth pouted in his sleep. Her throat was scratchy and sore, chills wracked her body yet she was unknowingly sweating, and her nose was stuffed. She took a peek at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand on Harry’s side of the bed considering he uses it more than she does for his early studio meetings; it read 7:13am in bright red numbers and she sighed because harry would be awake in exactly 2 minutes. She didn’t want harry to know about her random cold yet because of the amount of worrying he would do which would cause him to call out from the studio, so she decided when the clock struck 7:14 she would pretend to be fast asleep beside him and tell him when he got back later that afternoon. In her eyes it was just a little cold that would pass by the next day but to harry it would be the worst thing in the world for his love to be under the weather.
When the nerve rattling sound blared from the alarm throughout the room Harry began to toss and shuffle around the bed to stop the noise so it wouldn’t wake his love. He slapped his hand on the button on top of the annoying device and the noise stopped abruptly. He turned back over to look at y/n who had her eyes fluttered shut and her head rested on her own pillow. It was always apart of his morning routine to admire y/n for a moment or so before pressing a kiss to her cheek and getting ready for his day, so he’s become accustomed to her sleep position and the way her eyebrows furrow when she’s dreaming. But today, her eyebrows were uncreased from her forehead and she was in a ball-like position instead of her usual clingy fetal position.
“Know you’re awake, petal.” He rasped, his voice filled with sleep as he was containing a yawn and knuckling his eyes.
One of her eyes slowly peeled open to reveal dull eyes with bags underneath apart from her normal bright orbs. “How long have you been awake? You look a tad pale.” He frowned as his hand reached out to brush a few strands of hair away from her face.
“Not long.” She cringed as her voice audibly sounded croaky and made her throat hurt more. She was trying to talk as little as possible so he wouldn’t realize just how icky she truly felt.
“Are you ill, love?” He voices his concern with furrowed eyebrows and a hand coming to a rest on her forehead. “Oi! You’re burning up!” He hissed with a frown.
“It’s nothing, babe. You better get up, you’re going to be late.” She shrug it off and snuggled deeper into the sheets. She was truly freezing and craved harry to hold her and radiate his own body heat to her but she also wanted him to not worry.
“Not going anywhere with you ill. I’m calling Jeff right now.” He said with his voice full of sternness and concern causing a low groan out of y/n. “Just go into work H. I’ll be fine, I promise!” She tried so hard to convince him but he simply wasn’t budging.
“Nope. I’m going to get you meds and then we’re going back to sleep.” He replied as he wrestled the covers off his body and began to walk down the hall and stairs to the kitchen. While downstairs, he made a call into Jeff explaining how y/n was ill and really needed him for a few days. Jeff immediately agreed and gave his best wishes to them before Harry hung up and gathered 2 tablets for her cold/sore throat and some tea.
“Here ya go, love. Drink some of this, it’ll help soothe your throat.” He patted her covered leg and she obliged and sat with her back against the headboard. The warm liquid warmed her body for a bit and she thanked him.
“Thank you, harry.” She smiled softly over at him, but he was already watching her every action. “No problem, love. Mum always used to put honey in my tea when I was sick as a kid, figured it may help you too.” He smiled and ran his fingers over her knuckles.
After taking her medicine and finishing her tea, they both slid back under the covers and harry shifted closer to hold her close.
“You’re going to get sick too, harry!” She gasped when harry held her and his face was relatively near hers. “I don’t care. just want you to be warmer, you’re shivering.” He stated and fluttered his eyes closed again. Sooner or later, they both drifted back to sleep for a few hours and woke back up in the exact same position-y/n being the little spoon and harry cascading around her from behind.
Harry had woke up before she had so he quietly snuck out of the bed to grab his laptop and quickly returned in hopes she hadn’t woken up. As he checked his emails and sent some, y/n began to stir in her sleep due to the lack of warmth. When her eyes opened to the light filled room, she squinted and groaned.
“How do you feel?” He questioned, immediately taking his eyes off his computer screen and setting them on his sick girlfriend.
“The same, I’m so cold.” She pouted before breaking into a coughing fit-the feeling of her chest rattling causing her to shiver even more. Harry ran his hand up and down her back to calm her down. When her coughs ended he stood up and walked over to the closet and shuffled around a bit before pulling out her favorite hoodie of his.
“Lift your arms, lovie.” He instructed and tapped her arms. He slid the grey hoodie onto her body and she hummed in appreciation of the new warmth and the strong scent of him.
“Better?” He asked and she nodded with a small smile as she layed back down. “Can we watch a movie?” She croaked and looked over at harry who was already pulling up Netflix. “One step ahead of you.” He smiled over at her, “now what do you want to watch? A rom-com?” He questioned and tilted the computer so she could see as well. After settling on a movie, Harry layed down slightly and moved the laptop before pulling y/n closer and she layed her head on his chest while his fingers absentmindedly combed through her hair.
For dinner that night, Harry made her chicken noodle soup and although she only ate a few bites, he was content that she was eating and staying hydrated. He made her take her medicine again even though she was a tad stubborn and whined a bit. The routine seemed to cycle over the next few days and eventually y/n was approaching good health as the bags under her eyes got lighter and she coughed less.
“Thank you for taking care of me,H.” She smiled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek. “No, I want the real deal. It’s been a week, love! Just kiss me, please!” He pleaded out like a kid in a candy store. She was so worried in not getting him sick that she refused to kiss him for a whole week and harry was going mental. She groaned and muttered a small “fine.” with a smile before latching her hands behind his neck to pull him closer and connecting their lips for a passionate kiss. Even though she’s been with him for so long, her heart still skips a beat and she feels the sparks when he kisses her.
While they looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, Harry’s eyes got wide before he turned away and released a loud sneeze.
“Oh, Bloody Hell!” They both cursed out and chuckled loudly,
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meetmeatthecoda · 6 years
✍️ + 2!
Hey girl!! :D Thanks for this, it’s a great one! Here we go…
2. …being touched.
Hoo boy. This just opened up a whole can of worms. lolololol. Okay, let’s start with Liz. I feel like she was all about the snuggles when she was first with Tom. On the couch, in bed, whatever. Cause she felt safe with him. (And unsolicited touches from Red definitely unnerved her at first bc they were unfamiliar and scary.) But after shit went down with TK, I think she completely shut down and avoided all physical contact, just out of an instinct to protect herself. I think it takes a lot of wearing down from Red before she is comfortable enough with another person to allow casual and semi-intimate touches. It takes her a while to stop flinching when Red gently guides her through a door with a hand on her back or greets her with a tentative pat on the arm cause idk I think in reality it takes a lot longer to get over physical and emotional abuse from a manipulating ex-husband but whatever I’m not bitter or anything but once she can accept Red’s touch, she slowly starts to participate again, rediscovering her tactile tendencies, which are in fact present when she feels enough trust with someone. She goes out of her way to hold Red’s hand on date night, studying his fingers with a profiler’s focus, slowly getting used to the idea of what it would be like to feel his hands on other parts of her. Once they get there, she loves to sit between his legs and lean back against his chest while they’re watching a movie or reading together, relishes in feeling his strong weight there supporting her. In bed, she loves being the little spoon and having Red’s arm draped over her waist while she sleeps. She likes feeling safe and connected to someone, not smothered and in danger. Duh.
And Red? Red. Ugh, where do I even start with this touch-starved puppy? He is very patient with Lizzie, waiting until she is ready to initiate touch before he indulges himself but, boy, does he crave her hands on him. Not even sexually, well, not completely anyway. He just knows somehow that it would feel heavenly to have Lizzie’s soft, warm hands run over his scalp or cradle his face. (He’s right.) And once they are seeing each other, Red discovers that he also loves when Lizzie rubs his thighs or squeezes his knees in reassurance or stabilization when she’s standing or sitting. He loves resting his head in her lap and feeling her playing with his ears or stroking his neck. He also loves Lizzie rubbing a soothing hand over his chest while she lays in his arms at night. But really, he loves literally any touch Lizzie chooses to bestow upon him. Cause he’s just that way. 
Yeah, idk, I feel like I could blather on about these two touching for approximately 8 years cause they’re just that way but whatever I’ll spare you and stop here. :’D Thank you for this ask!
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