#but I couldn't help myself LMAO
achillean-knight · 15 days
So uhhhhhh It's no secret that I really REALLY love the Final Fantasy franchise (it's my favourite video game series of all time), so you KNOW I got the FF6 Reference in Undertale sooooo---- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------- Final Fantasy 6 opera scene Mettaton sprites anyone? UHYGDSHDS I GOT REALLY BORED OK?
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For anyone who doesn't know the opera scene, here's both Final Fantasy 6 and Mettaton's HJGHDGFSDH I am not normal about this LMAO
it's so good, I love them both so dearly aaaa
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merrigel · 1 month
Everybody do the wenis!
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cheekylittlepupp · 3 months
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painted-doe · 6 months
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minniiaa · 2 months
LawLu hc - Franky built Luffy captain's quarters that he only uses when Law stays over.
YES. Any in-universe OP fic of mine (and a lot of other fic writers) will most definitely have a captain's quarters that Luffy reserves just for his tired emo babygirl (Law).
Ever since they set sail on the Merry, Luffy has slept in the men's quarters. They didn't have a Captain's Quarters back then because there wasn't enough space but Luffy never cared because he hates sleeping alone.
When he was a kid, he always had Ace and Sabo to sleep with but after Ace left on his journey, Luffy had to sleep by himself and he hated how quiet and cold it was without them. Once he was finally able to travel with his crew, nothing made Luffy happier than being able to sleep with his friends again. Sometimes they even let him cuddle with them at night which is Luffy's favorite thing to do with the people he cares about. When Franky was building the Merry, he offered to build Luffy a captain's quarters but he denied saying that he'd rather sleep with his friends.
Then Law comes aboard after Punk Hazard and Luffy couldn't understand why he would never sleep in the men's quarters with him and instead chose to sleep on the deck in the cold. Law refuses to tell him and it drives Luffy crazy because he wants to cuddle with Law so bad. He tries to go on the deck and snuggle with Law but everytime he does, Law shambles him halfway across the ship with no explanation.
Their relationship progresses into something much different than what Luffy has with his crewmates and after much pestering, he finally gets Law to admit that the two-fold reason why he won't sleep with the rest of the men is that he often has nightmares from his dark past which embarrasses him and he also isn't part of their crew so sleeping with them would make it seem like he's accepting that he's no longer captain of his own ship and just one of their nakama like Luffy claims he us.
Luffy thinks this is ridiculous so he secretly has Franky build him that Captain's Quarters he offered before. Franky does, repurposing a random closet of junk into a small but perfect Captain's Quarters. On the night it's done, Luffy drags Law through the new door that suddenly appeared, shoving him on the bed, crawling in next to him, and wrapping his arms around him so tight that Law can't escape.
Law is not sure if he's most confused as to how this new bedroom just materialized seemingly out of thin air on the day they stopped at a supply island or why Strawhat is now alone in bed with him, nuzzling against his neck and holding him against his body. Luffy declares that it's the Captain's Quarters and he had Franky build it so they could have a room for just the two of them. That way Law doesn't have to worry about his nightmares or what anyone else thinks.
Law points out that it's still the Captain's Quarters and Luffy is the Captain and Luffy snaps back with "Well you're a Captain so that makes it your quarters too. It doesn't say which Captain it belongs to," and Law can't argue with that ridiculous but sound logic that only Luffy could come up with.
Law accepts his fate, relaxing in Luffy's arms, realizing that it's been so long since he was able to just curl up under the blankets with someone else. He feels all warm and fuzzy, not only because Luffy is like a space heater, but also because he realizes his alliance mate did all this just so he could have a space he feels comfortable at night. From that day on, he sleeps with Luffy in their room. It does mortify him when Strawhat tells other people that they sleep together every night but at that point, Luffy's already decided that they're dating and he knows there's nothing he can do.
After Law leaves the crew, the room remains and Luffy only uses it when Law comes to visit him, never allowing anyone else to sleep in 'Him and Torao's room'.
Luffy just wanted a room where he could fuck Law nasty so he has Franky build one and suddenly the Captain of the Thousand Sunny has his own personal sex dungeon for him and his boyfriend.
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Illustration for "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" – Gustave Doré // The Tortured Poets Department (The Albatross Variant) – Taylor Swift
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iintervallum · 11 months
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i'm not a shipper at all this campaign but i stil had to draw this moment, can't help but have a soft spot for sapphics lol
also imogens clothes are so difficult to draw man, why does she wear like three layers of shirt, you're already gay you don't need to prove it with your clothes.(for legal reasons i'm joking imogen dress as gay as you want girl)
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kosmokhaos · 24 days
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𝑼𝒊́𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒂 𝑬𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒂̃𝒐 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒂
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fernsproutxx · 1 year
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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did nora clean or unpack anything today? no. did she write? also no. she did have beer for breakfast, though
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heldenherzchen · 8 months
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"why are you dressed like a police officer?" — "because i am one?"
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bylertruther · 2 years
not to be too real but since we're talking about it... we always talk about will feeling lonely which is fair, but... it is such an Ugly, isolating, and genuinely heart-wrenching feeling to be the odd one out in your family, and to watch them treat others who aren't related to you the way you wish they would treat you, to watch them perform their familial roles with them and not you.
nancy's the only person in his family that mike could talk to, the only person that has the same trauma and would understand, and yet... he can't. they don't ever talk unless it's to be snippy and bite. nancy spends more time caring about max and will than she does mike, her own little brother.
holly is too young for him to bond with like that. she's just barely a kid, one that still needs to be cared for.
his mom tries her best, but he doesn't feel comfortable being vulnerable with her. considering the fact that she did everything "right" according to society's standards and married their dad of all people, i doubt he feels comfortable showing her who he really is. he lets her hug him when he's at his lowest, but we don't see them actually connecting.
his dad is just some ghost that haunts his house. he doesn't care about mike or think highly of him at all. the only times we've seen him pay mike any attention are when he belittles his interests, mocks him, punishes him, or shuts him down by telling him to listen to his mother. the only support he gets from him is financial in nature.
meanwhile, everyone else has a family they can turn to. dustin, despite lying to his mother to keep her out of his shenanigans, seems to have a decent relationship with her. even if he doesn't, he still has steve and robin. lucas is shown to have a healthy relationship with his parents and erica. will and el have their family.
max's situation is different, but she has the backing of the party; people that love her and actively try to help her and pull her back into the world of the living. she isn't thrust into a leadership role that doesn't allow for vulnerability. she has nancy who is willing to fight monsters for her, el who literally performed a miracle for her, and lucas who has stood by her since the beginning.
and mike... well. he has will back now, sure, but... things have been different between them for a long time now, even if they're both trying their best to be how they were before. and before then, will obviously was in california, not returning his calls or reaching out, making mike feel like he'd lost him for good.
so... all that being said, it's not that surprising that mike is the way he is: riddled with abandonment issues, wanting to be needed, immediately apologizing whenever he dares to open up, inclined to give others the protection and comfort no one's ever given him, prone to jealousy and possessiveness, unable to be completely and wholly honest about what troubles him, not exactly the most open to new people, and someone with appallingly low self-esteem.
you know how they say people that are drowning don't always look like they're drowning? that's mike.
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Uchiha Katsuki 'verse - Team 7 Photo
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The reason I say he's my bias:
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The reason he's actually my bias:
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cr. Kim taehyungie태태
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cookies-hetaoni · 1 year
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2016 x 2023 icon comparison!
Do you know what this means?
It means that, 7 years later, I still don't fucking know how to draw Germany.
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shmoo06 · 10 months
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I was also Manny's 7th kiss. - Jameela (x)
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