#but I barely have any energy to do anything these days 😭😭😭
ficsforeren · 1 year
Kanaaa!! It's been a while!! And I'm sooo late to the party, congrats on the pregnancy!!! Hoping and praying for a good delivery!!! 🙏 Miss your presence here, hehehe 💓 💖 💗 💕 💓
KRIZAAAAA HIIIIII I'VE MISSED YOU BABYYYY ❤️❤️❤️ How are youuu??? I hope you're doing well!
thank you so much for the sweet words omg 🥺😭 I miss being active on tumblr too, you guys are so nice to me 😭
I'm so nervous about giving birth but I hope everything will be fine! only 3 weeks to go EEEEEKKKK
sending you all my love, Kriza 💕💕💕
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diveinyouastro · 10 months
Some more observo🫶🏻
If a SCORPIO starts liking you, he/she will ask for your pictures. Not "those" pictures. Your bare faced one. Ik that's kinda scary. But they love anything raw and bare. 🥹🫶🏻
Speaking of scorpios, DO NOT under any circumstances, LIE TO THEM. Please🛐. They'll know it. And if you happen to like a scorpio, and you show them your best, show them what YOU think they'll like, No don't do it. BE RAW, BE REAL, TAKE YOUR STAND IF SOMEONE HUMILIATES YOU, etc. Just be real, that's all they ask. They will love your dark side as well.
Lilith in the 4th, might have been suppressed or humiliated in their home for expressing themselves. Their emotions weren't valid. Their parents made them feel guilty for even enjoying little things🥺. Which is why they usually leave their home and never come back.🙃
If you have aquarius moon, or a friend/someone close, with an aquarius moon, TAKE CARE OF THEM😡. They don't show emotions. They really don't. It's not that they're embarrassed, it's like, so many times when they tried, they were either made fun of (got comments like "omg you feel that way???🤣 thats so childish 🤣) or they were unheard. Alot of the times. 😔💔
Also- no matter the placement or sign or planet or whatever. If one is insecure and doesn't love themselves, they won't be in their form(the placements and planets in their chart) like for example- if someone is Capricorn sun, and had a very rough childhood, were neglected, treated badly. If they dont heal themselves, they won't be like how Capricorn is. They'll start playing mind games, will seek attention, validation, might make their friends to only talk to them. Same goes for Capricorn moons, though they have tendency to be a major narcissistic person if they don't heal themselves.
Having mars in scorpio/ 8°/ 20°, very heighten intuition. They usually avoid fights, because they can 🔪⚰️. Don't make them mad, you won't like it :). Don't lie to them. Be straightforward, even if you did something horrible. HOWEVER..... if you do then wrong........🌚🌚🌚🌚 good luck gaining their trust back🫶🏻
If you have a Capricorn friend (cap sun, moon, mercury, venus, Mars, rising, pluto) don't do them wrong. EVER. istg you'll regret it. They have this aura with them and the energy they carry, you won't get it again. I promise you that. 🚫😊
Whatever sign you have in your 7th house (tropical), you are more likely to love them. You will FEEL something for them. Like when people say "oh i cant fall in love, idk what love is" just wait until you meet that sign that is in your 7th. Especially with mars and venus, it grows even more. 😋💕
Someone's sun in your 8th, no no. Don't. They'll hurt you eventually. You will FEEL something inexplicable when you first meet them, but with time, you'll see all the red flags and their dark side. You'll end up hating them.
The sign you have in your 12th house- (if using tropical- you'll like them, but eventually end up getting irritated by them, only if it's very prominent energy like sun. (If using sidereal) you'll hate them. For example, you're an aries rising, you'll hate pisces suns, cause that's in your 12th (sidereal), if taurus rising (tropical), you'll be irritated with aries sun. But will still somehow endure their energy. ☺️(🤢)
Speaking of 12th house, be VERY VERY CAREFUL when someone's planets, doesn't matter inner or outer, majority of the times, they fuck you up mentally. Because of them you'll start having trust issues with everybody. BASTARDS💩
The moon on the day you were born on, you are kinda connected to it. It grounds you, calms you down. Your emotions are stable. Like for example- born on a waxing crescent moon, you'll feel very comfortable and safe under it. 🌛💕
Libra placements are not flakey😭😭😭, they just have this side to them where they can't seem to turn people down. Believe me they feel bad and awful when they say no💔. Because of this soft and innocent side, they usually become a doormat for people🥺. So if a libra placement rejects you, THEY FEEL BAD ABOUT IT. they'll start feeling awful within 5 mins.🥺
For my dear GEMINI MOONS, the moment you start feeling anxious about some person, leave them. Don't give it a 2nd thought, just leave. Let's say your love interest is making you feel confused, he/she is telling you that they only talk to you and shit and you see a story of them with someone else, or catch them with someone else , IF YOU FEEL IT IN YOU STOMACH, ITS REAL, THEY'RE FUCKING WITH YOUR EMOTIONS😀😀. Don't make anyone make you feel like shit. ( I recommend to smack the shit out of them or go ahead just stab them 🫶🏻 I'm with you)
Also if you're a gemini moon, and into crystals too, wear a labradorite/ rose quardz or Tigers eye. They stabilize your emotions. Don't forget to clean and charge them.
LEOS LEOS LEOSSSSSS, always give princess treatment to their close ones, their friends, their lovers, their family 🥹❤️. They're very energetic and chaotic😭💕 trust me you'll like them even if you prefer silence or quietness. (That's for the prominent Leo placements, or Leo stellium)
Sagittarius + libra placements- number 1 flirtersssssss😙 BUT but but... when they fall for someone, they forget their flirting skills, and are devoted to their love only. 🫶🏻 same goes for scorpio + libra placements.
There's a misconception about scorpios being toxic, manipulative, jealous, and controlling. They're not like that. They usually have abandonment issues, weird attachments styles where they either become anxious or avoidant. And usually it is both, first they avoid, then become anxious or vice versa. They NEED reassurance. They just wanna know you ain't playing with them🥺. That's when their jealousy and other things comes' at play. They control, so they don't get hurt. They feel veryyýýyyyyyyy deeply🥺❤️‍🔥 but if you make them feel loved, supported, validate their emotions and understand them. You'll notice, all this jealousy and controlling thing will disappear. They're ride or die fr🫶🏻🫶🏻
Thank you <3 😋🤪😍🤤💕❤️😙
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xjoonchildx · 3 months
kanalia | jhs x reader | final chapter: because i couldn't stay away
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banner by the amazing @kth1 💕
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⚜️summary: secrets and uncertainty plague a young queen in her arranged marriage to a kind but distant king. the farther she drifts from her husband, the closer she gets to one of his most trusted men.
⚜️pairing: queen!reader x royalguard!hoseok
⚜️rating: mature, 18+
⚜️genre: royal AU, historical AU, smut
⚜️warnings: infidelity (it’s complicated, y’all) mentions of pregnancy, fertility issues. OC struggles with depressive thoughts and episodes. smut warnings in effect.
⚜️word count: 10.2K
⚜️author's note: happy birthday month to my forever muse, jung hoseok. i hope that i did this poor, tortured version of you some justice. and yes, it did take me years to finish this story (😭) , but i did. thank you to every single who has ever taken an interest in this story and cared enough to stick with me through long delays and rough writing spells. once again, i have to shout out the OG @hobi-gif who lent her eyes to part of this story. i appreciate you all so much and if you enjoyed it, i would very much appreciate a reblog as well as your feedback.
thank you guys so, so much 💕
previous chapter masterlist
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Love doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep loving anyway We laugh and we cry and we break And we make our mistakes And if there's a reason I'm by her side When so many have tried Then I'm willing to wait for it I'm willing to wait for it
– “Wait for It”
Hamilton, An American Musical 
One perfect loop is followed by another. And another. And another.
You need not look back and check your work, not anymore. Now you know simply by the pull of the thread that each stitch you place is snug and uniform. You sit in your chair by the fire and repeat the motion over and over again, staring unseeing into the pattern in your lap. 
“It’s a beautiful day, Your Grace.”
Hyeri’s voice taps at the edges of your consciousness, muffled as though she’s standing outside the chamber door instead of seated right beside you. You ignore it and push another loop through the fabric.
“Not a cloud in the sky,” she persists, gentle. “Perfect conditions for a walk, if you feel up to it. I could even accompany you, if you wish?”
There was a time, not long ago, when Hyeri’s prodding would have set your teeth on edge. But you do not have the energy to muster any such emotion. And so you give Hyeri the same answer you’d given her the day before. And the day before that one. The same hushed words, spoken in the same decisive tone.
“I’m content to stay in today, Hyeri. Thank you.”
“Very well, Your Grace.”
She drops the matter with a quiet sigh.
It’s unlike her. The Hyeri you know would fret and fuss for as long as it took for you to relent; until you had no choice but to quit your chamber simply to enjoy a moment’s peace. The Hyeri you know would be shooing you away from the fire, prattling on about how one errant thread could catch and send your entire dress up in flames. 
But the Hyeri seated beside you does none of those things.
So you sink deeper into the plush chair perched in front of the hearth and watch the flames dance. The embers at the base of the fire glow deep red, putting off a heat blistering enough to scorch your bare feet. 
But you cannot feel it. You cannot feel anything.
You’ve surrendered to the weariness now; let it consume you. Allowed it to fuse itself to the very marrow of your bones. For days you’ve done little beyond sleep and spend your few waking hours seated by the fire, needle in hand. 
Twice you’ve left your chamber and neither time by choice, but rather because the King had insisted on your presence at dinner. To what end you still cannot be sure seeing as you’d taken both meals in stilted, awkward silence. Apparently His Grace is far less bold without a bit of ale in him.
“The hunting party leaves in three days' time,” Hyeri says. “There’s been quite a fuss in the kitchens over it. They’re taking enough supplies to travel for months, by the looks of it.”
You make a non-committal sound under your breath. Hyeri forges on, undeterred.
“There will be a send-off in the courtyard, of course. Will you – “ she pauses to choose her words carefully. “ – Well, I assume that you’ll want to see the King off.”
You do not want to see the King off. Were it not for his pigheaded adamance that you keep up appearances for the sake of this sham marriage, you’d be content to never see him again. But you’ll not tell Hyeri that. Not when she’s made it clear where her loyalties lie and not when she still holds on to the delusion that one day you’ll decide to embrace your role as the placeholder by the King’s side.
So you say nothing at all. The fire pops as one of the logs crumbles in the hearth.
Hyeri clears her throat. “Your Grace, I only want what’s best for you. Surely you know that by now? And I don’t want people casting aspersions, which they most certainly will do if you’re not there to see the King off. The staff is already asking questions about why you’ve not been seen in days.”
“Has he asked for me?”
Hyeri blinks. “The King?”
“Yes, Hyeri,” you say slowly. “The King. Has His Grace requested my presence at this send-off ceremony?”
The color seems to drain from her soft face as she admits, “No, Your Grace. He hasn’t.”
“Then I see no point in worrying yourself over the matter.”
You return your attention to your needlework and place another yellow thread in the center of your Mugunghwa flower’s pistil. The flames crackle in perfect, undisturbed silence. 
“It’s cold out there today,” Hyeri says. “But if you bundle up tight, it’s quite pleasant in the sunshine.”
“Thank you, Hyeri,” you reply evenly. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
It’s a lie, and you both know it. You have no intention of leaving this chamber today and much to your relief, the King did not require your presence at his evening meal the night prior. Hyeri had ordered your dinner sent up and then proceeded to dine with you herself. An insidious voice inside your mind whispers she’s afraid to leave you alone.
You ignore it.
Instead you try to focus on your Mugunghwa flower. You study it, blinking until the riot of colors before you has clear, defined boundaries – fiery crimson at the center which slowly bleeds into a subdued pink which in turn dissipates into a milky white. You pull fresh white thread through your needle and set to work on the flower’s edges.
“Your needlework is much improved, Your Grace,” Hyeri notes. “You’ll be finished with that pattern by the end of the day, as I see it.”
You thumb over the fabric and consider her assessment. She’s right, you’ll be done with this pattern in a matter of hours. And the only thing that awaits on the other side is another pattern. And another. On and on and on. 
“Perhaps when you’re done, you’ll consider mending this for me,” Hyeri says, gesturing towards her lap. “My eyesight is not what it used to be. I’m terrified of ruining the old man’s beautiful design.”
You set your embroidery down and turn to look at Hyeri, gaze falling to the opulent plum fabric in her hands. Slowly, the details sharpen into focus. The rich velvet trim. The gold threads glinting back at you in the firelight. The room begins to tilt.
“A footman found it in the woods last night,” Hyeri explains, her cadence slow and deliberate. “By the stables.”
You are keenly aware of the way she watches you in the weighty seconds that follow, one gray eyebrow lifted as she awaits a response. You do your best to appear calm despite the panic clawing its way up your throat.
You’d lost that shawl in your mad dash back to the castle. You’d been tearing through the dark, paying little heed to the branches that tugged at your dress and occasionally scraped at your hands and face. One of them had caught the shawl, but you’d been so desperate to reach the refuge of your chamber that you’d hardly noticed when it was wrenched away. You’d had, after all, your humiliation to keep you warm.
And you’d earned it, hadn’t you? With your drunkenness. With your recklessness. You’d let every one of your baser emotions take control. You’d risked every advantage of your carefully curated life just to throw yourself like a wanton at the feet of one of your husband’s closest confidantes. Like a fool. 
When Lord Jung turned on his heels that night and abandoned you in the woods, he’d done far more than just rebuff your clumsy advances. 
He’d finished you. 
“Your Grace?” Hyeri’s curiosity is evident. “Are you alright?”
Hardly. Your mouth waters as your stomach threatens to cast up what little you’ve eaten today. One glimpse of that garment had been enough to bring a torrent of memories rushing back; vivid, awful memories that you’ve worked hard to banish to the deepest recesses of your mind. You grip the arm of your chair hard enough to make your knuckles go white. 
“Your Grace?”
You don’t answer until you’re sure that you won’t retch the very moment you open your mouth. Hyeri studies you in the interminable silence, lips parted in an expression of concern. Your tongue is thick when you finally collect yourself enough to speak.
“Please do thank the footman for me, Hyeri. And I think it best to leave the more intricate needlework to you.”
Hyeri stares as you reach for your needle and thread with trembling hands, but you don’t dare look her way. You try to place a loop at the edge of your flower but the Mugunghwa’s colors have gone blurry again and you’re forced to back the needle out and start over.
Perhaps there was a time when the Mugunghwa was as vivid as a rose. With petals of rich orange-red, opaque from pistil to tip. But perhaps it was asked to weather too many storms. Too many droughts. Too many winters. 
Perhaps the Mugunghwa looks the way it does today not because of how it was made, but rather what it’s had to endure. 
The first snow of the season arrives early.
You stand at your window and watch it fall, noting how quickly the fields turn from green to white. You press your fingertips to the windowpane and the cold seeps through it, chilling you instantly.
In the courtyard below, the horses are draped in heavy blankets. Stablehands scurry around them; dusting snow off their muzzles and checking their shoes. Footmen work in teams, sharing the weight of the heavy trunks they load on to waiting carts. 
“I’ll wear the blue walking dress today, Hyeri. The one with the white flowers on the bodice.”
“Your Grace?” Hyeri is on her feet at once to join you at the window. “You’ll see the king off, then?”
“I’ll need the matching cape too,” you direct, brushing her question aside as you watch the newly-packed trunks take on a layer of white snow. “If the conditions are as awful as they look.”
“Yes of course,” Hyeri breathes, hurriedly whirling about the chamber behind you as she gathers your things. In a matter of minutes she has you dressed and seated, fingers twisting your hair into a plait at the base of your neck. She loops the plait and pins it into an elegant bun, fingers smoothing the hairs into place before her hands come to rest on your shoulders. She squeezes them gently.
“I’ll not ask you why you’ve changed your mind, Your Grace,” she says softly. “But I’m so glad for it. It’s important that people see you. For them, of course, but for you most of all. And besides, you look so lovely.” 
You don’t feel lovely. In fact, you don’t feel anything at all. And if Hyeri had pressed you as to why you’ve changed your mind, she’d not be satisfied with your answer. You’ve changed your mind because you cannot bear to cause more conflict with the King. Because you have no desire to create a scandal that you’ll somehow have to fix. You’ve changed your mind because you have no fight in you left. This is the path of least resistance.
You rise from your seat and Hyeri’s hands fall away. She clutches them to her chest, rheumy eyes soft with sadness as she watches you take your place at the window once again. Outside the snow falls harder, and you watch the footmen leave deep divots in it with their boots.
“Tell me when it’s time,” you say quietly.
You can scarcely recognize anyone in the throng of well-wishers gathered outside the castle.
They’re all bundled tight in winter coats and pelts; some wear hats and scarves. The snow doesn’t help either, and from the moment you enter the courtyard you’re grateful for your cape. Not only for the warmth of its thick lining, but for its hood, too. It affords you a bit of privacy in this otherwise very public affair.
You weave your way through the crowd and do your best not to make eye contact with anyone. Surely Boram is among those gathered with sweet Yeona in tow, here to see Lord Min off on his adventure. But you cannot bring yourself to seek her out – not when she’s already called on you twice without so much as an explanation for your disappearance. At any rate, you don’t think you could bear to look at her right now. To see the worry and concern you know you’ll find written all over her face. 
So you keep your hood pulled tight and your eyes down as you set off in search of the King. And you have no trouble finding him despite your reticence to make your presence known. It’s not just that he stands a head taller than most. It’s in his stature, in his stance – in that self-assured air that seems to come naturally to those born with power. He catches sight of you as he’s speaking to a footman and pauses, gaze locking on yours.
Your legs feel heavy. Your boots sink into the snow as you approach, each step more tiring than the last. When you are finally standing before the King you bow, dipping your head as you peer at him from beneath your hood.
“Your Grace,” he murmurs, lips twitching into a cautious half-smile. “I wasn’t sure you’d come down to say goodbye.”
“And yet I have,” you respond evenly. A snowflake lands on one of his long eyelashes and you resist the urge to reach out and sweep it away. “So I do very much hope that you are pleased.”
“I am pleased.”
The King reaches for your gloved hand. He waits a heartbeat before bringing it to his mouth and pressing a kiss to your leather-clad fingers. Beneath your hood, your cheeks burn. You withdraw your hand quickly and let it fall to your side. 
“Well. Then. I wish you a comfortable journey,” you say. “As well as a safe return.”
The two of you stand there for an awkward moment, the King’s expression expectant as though he’s waiting for you to say more. But you have no more to say. The words you’ve already offered him will do. They’re as empty as the vows you’d exchanged little more than a year ago.
“We ought to head out, Your Grace. We’re losing precious daylight and this weather will slow us as it is.”
The voice comes from somewhere in your periphery, but you need not see the man to know exactly who it is. Suddenly each breath you draw is painful, the frigid air pricking your lungs like a thousand tiny needles. You will yourself not to turn towards it, not to react in any way. 
“You’re right.” The King acknowledges Lord Jung with a brusque nod. “Have the stablehands check over the horses one more time.”
You won’t look at him. You can’t look at him. Not when the sound of his voice reverberates through every wounded place inside of you. Not when you can close your eyes and still feel the hot trickle of embarrassment that slid down your spine that night in the woods. But then he leaves you with no other choice.
“Your Grace.” 
The low timbre of Lord Jung’s greeting makes the fine hairs at the nape of your neck stand on end. You turn to him, slowly, and his dark eyes briefly connect with yours before he bends into a shallow bow. Your knees nearly give way when you return the gesture, along with a subdued, “My Lord.”
What must this man think of you now? What has he told the King? The nausea you’ve managed to stave off for days returns at once. 
You startle when a gloved hand wraps around your forearm and the King beckons you to face him. You flick your eyes up to meet his and find that they – along with his countenance – have darkened. By now Lord Jung is yards away, tending to his horse as the hunting party readies to embark. Your lungs ache with each deep pull of cold air.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, no. Not at all,” you insist, contriving a weak laugh. “I’m not accustomed to this kind of cold, is all. I’ll need to go back inside to get warm.”
The King’s brows furrow as he studies you. But you maintain your mild expression until his face relaxes and the disquiet subsides. He leans in to place a chaste kiss to your cheek. 
“Hyeri assures me you’ll be well taken care of in my absence.”
You lift the corners of your mouth in a gesture that you hope will pass for a smile.
“Thank you, Your Grace. Be well.”
Hyeri does not protest when you ask to undress upon your return to the chamber. Nor does she fuss when you climb into bed with the morning sun still high in the sky. She simply presses a soft kiss to your hair, draws the curtains tight and leaves you with a whispered rest well. 
Your chamber is dark when you wake but for the soft glow of a fire. 
As you come to, so does an ache in your temples, a quiet thud that pulses in time with your heartbeat. Your muscles protest as you roll onto your side to find Hyeri seated at the hearth. 
She’s yet to realize that you’ve roused and so you lie there for a while, studying her. She has a strange, far-away look in her eyes as she stares into the flames, her grip tight on a book in her lap. After a few minutes she opens the book and begins to thumb through it and you watch, curious, as she pulls a worn piece of vellum from between its pages.
She unfolds the missive and reads over it, face crumpling as she fights back a sob.
The older woman nearly jumps out of her skin when you call out to her.  She hastily folds the vellum and slips it back into her book, smoothing down her dress as she stands at attention. “Your Grace,” she says, voice huskier than usual, “I hadn’t realized you were awake.”
“It’s alright,” you say absently, voice rough with sleep. You steal a look at the book left lying in Hyeri’s chair as she hurries over to bring you some water. Her countenance is that of someone who’s been caught doing something they shouldn’t have. You stare at the glass she offers you, watching the water slosh back and forth. 
Is she trembling?
“You ought to eat something,” she admonishes gently, waving a hand towards the food waiting on the table nearby. “You slept through the evening meal. I had my mind made up to wake you if you’d gone much longer, but thankfully I didn’t have to. So come,” she beckons, “Eat something. It will do you some good.”
Your stomach twinges at the mention of food. It’s been in upheaval for days now, and as such it’s been far too long since you had a proper meal. But whatever awaits in the dishes nearby smells enticing enough, so you allow Hyeri to help you out of bed. Your muscles are stiff with disuse and you grimace as you make your way to the table. Your eagle-eyed handmaid takes note.
“A long, hot bath will do you some good, too,” Hyeri remarks as you spoon lukewarm bulgogi onto your plate. You eat slowly as she busies herself with lighting the torches and stripping the linens from your bed. “I’ll have the maids bring up the water after you’ve had a chance to eat.”
You’ve only managed a few bites of the bulgogi before there’s an army of maids filing into the chamber, flitting about the room like a swarm of bees. You watch the entire affair in a daze as the maids make quick work of the tasks set before them: tidying and sweeping the chamber, draping your bed in fresh linens, filling the tub with steaming hot water. And when all the commotion is finally done, Hyeri dismisses them with strict orders not to return unless they are sent for. 
You are grateful at once for the silence that immediately falls over the chamber. Even Hyeri leaves you for a while, disappearing into the antechamber to prepare your toilette. But when you glance over at her chair, Hyeri’s book is gone. Along with whatever was written on the vellum inside.
“Come now, Your Grace,” Hyeri says, at last. “I’m ready for you.” 
She leads you into the bathing chamber, where the air is humid and sweet. Then she helps you out of your rumpled nightgown and holds out her hand. You accept it, leaning into her as you step over the tub’s steep rim. Slowly you ease yourself down, sucking in a breath as the heat blazes a path up your feet to your legs and thighs. The water is hot almost to the point of pain but you withstand it, sinking until it laps at your shoulders.
“I used rose oil tonight,” Hyeri says, kneeling behind you and cupping your head in her hands. “I thought you could do with a bit of pampering.” 
The delicate fragrance envelopes you, carried on the curls of steam that rise just above the water. You breathe in the soft, floral scent and close your eyes; try to clear your mind. Hyeri presses her thumbs to your temples and starts making firm, soothing circles. 
“I remember the very first moment I saw you,” Hyeri muses softly. “I’d been so impressed by your poise.” Her hands move to the column of your neck and she kneads at the tight muscles there, pulling the tension from them with each pass. “You were little more than a girl then, but I could still see that you were lovely, inside and out.”
Were you? You’re not sure that you would even recognize the girl that stepped out of that carriage so long ago. You’d been so idealistic – so certain of the comfortable life that you would find here. Of the affluence and status and yes, perhaps, even love that you’d enjoy once you’d ascended to the throne. But that girl had been a nitwit. The woman you are now will never entertain such foolish notions again.
“I know that so much of this has not been easy for you,” Hyeri continues, setting to work on your shoulders. “I know that there have been days when you’ve struggled to put one foot in front of the other. But you have. And that means something.”
It does mean something. It means that your mother’s great work is finally complete. She’d spent her entire life molding you into the polished, empty creature you are today. If only she could see you now; see how biddable and pathetic you’ve become. It would fill her to overflowing with joy.
“Anyhow, when you’ve lived as long as I have you realize that nothing is forever,” Hyeri says thoughtfully. “Same as what you’re going through right now, Your Grace. It won’t be forever.”
Nonsense. Hyeri cannot change the King’s heart. She cannot save you from a lifetime of awkward exchanges and forced smiles simply because she believes things can change. And she cannot will a child into your womb simply by decreeing that it should be so. The swell of emotion that surges inside you is more powerful than anything you’ve felt in days. And it’s anger. 
“Hyeri, stop,” you order tersely. “No more.”
Her face falls at that, features going slack with dismay. But she heeds you, holding back whatever she’d meant to say next. Then she reaches for the soap and begins to wash your hair in silence. You chase the beads of oil that float along the surface of the water with a fingertip, cheeks hot with embarrassment. You hadn’t meant to be ugly to Hyeri. 
But then you’ve done many things of late that you hadn’t meant to.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur.
“It’s alright, Your Grace. I know you meant no harm by it.” Hyeri dries her hands off and then rises to her feet, looking down at you with a kindness you do not deserve. “I’ll leave you to soak for a bit. You can have a few minutes of peace before I return.”
You’ve been unfair to her, haven’t you? The realization cuts you deep as you watch her retreat from the antechamber. She’s served you in so many ways since your arrival here: as caretaker and as advisor and as confidante. And how have you thanked her? By being cold and distant. By unleashing all the frustration and resentment you feel towards the King on her. And what of the tears you’d seen her hold back while she’d been sitting by the fire? Have you been so mired in your own anguish that you’ve neglected to see hers? 
The water has begun to cool and your skin has begun to pebble by the time Hyeri returns.
“Forgive me, Your Grace,” she says upon her return, helping you out of the water. “The time got away from me. You must be freezing.”
“Only a little,” you lie, teeth chattering. Hyeri sets to drying you, throwing the damp linens on the floor to catch the rivulets of water that fall from your hair. Her dark eyes dart from your shoulders to your neck to your ears, but they do not meet yours. 
“Is something wrong, Hyeri?”
“No, no. Not at all,” she answers quickly, “Just a bit tired.” Her reassurance rings hollow because she keeps her eyes trained on the floor as she bends to reach for the rose oil. When she straightens, you catch her hand with yours, stilling her. 
“What were you reading tonight?”
Hyeri’s mouth opens in surprise and then quickly closes.
“I saw you sitting by the fire,” you admit. “You were reading something that looked to upset you.”
“And here I thought you were sleeping,” Hyeri grumbles, taking her hand back. She pours the oil into one palm and then warms it before pressing it to your neck, letting a long moment pass before she speaks. 
“It didn’t upset me,” she explains. “Not in a sad way. Those were happy tears, I suppose.” She pours oil into your hands and begins to gently massage it into your fingers. “It was a letter from my Sanghun, back when he’d been courting me so many years ago. You might find this hard to believe, but I wasn’t always the old woman you see now. I had more than my fair share of suitors.”
It’s not hard to believe. Time has been kind to Hyeri. Her features, though soft with age, are still striking. She must have been quite fetching as a young woman. 
“What made you choose Sanghun?” you ask.
“I don’t know that I had a choice in the matter at all,” she laughs as she helps you slip into a nightgown. “The moment I saw Sanghun, no other man existed for me. It was him or no one.” Her eyes go soft with a faraway look as she recounts the memory. “The other girls thought him too practical, too serious. But I saw a side of him that no one else saw. A part of him that was just for me.”
“You must miss him,” you say gently.
“Every day,” Hyeri admits. “Ten years he’s been gone and I think of him every day. Those letters remind me of what it’s like to be young and so in love that you’ll not see rhyme or reason. But –” she trails off and waves a hand as if fending off fresh tears. “Never mind that. Come sit.”
It’s unclear which of you she’s sparing from the memory. But as Hyeri begins working her comb through the lengths of your hair, you’re struck by how shortsighted you’ve been. There is suffering in never having the chance to love and be loved, certainly. But there is a different kind of suffering that comes with having that kind of love and then losing it. The thought humbles you.
Hyeri comes to stand behind you and begins working your wet hair into a loose plait.
“I’m sorry, Hyeri,” you say softly, gaze dropping to your hands. “I’m sorry that I haven’t thought to ask you about Sanghun. I haven’t been myself and I’ve just – “
Hyeri silences you with a soft hush. She secures your braid with a piece of linen and then drops to her knees to look her in the eye. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she says softly, stroking a hand down the side of your face. “Nor do you owe anyone an explanation for feeling the things you feel.”
Her warmth thaws the frozen places inside you. It causes tears to spring to your eyes. And when she takes your hand in hers, you squeeze it gently — hoping that the gesture can convey the feelings you can’t put into words.
“Now put all of that behind you,” she says, smiling through her own unshed tears. “And come sit with me for a while.”
Hyeri leads the way into the chamber and you follow, only to stop short when the hearth comes into view.
When your gaze falls on the silhouetted figure near the fire, you nearly scream. You try to scream. But fear seizes your body, inch by inch – rooting your feet to the floor and closing around your throat like a shackle. You have no choice but stand there, staring in horrified silence as the figure begins to emerge from the shadows. In the span of one frantic heartbeat, the figure has a shape. In the next, it has a face. 
And in the next, it has a name.
“H-Hyeri?” you stammer, swaying on your feet as your legs threaten to give way. Your handmaid doesn’t answer and so you call out again, voice quivering. “Hyeri?”
You cannot take your eyes off the man standing before you. He doesn’t speak, doesn’t move, and so you stare as the firelight flickers over his stark, beautiful features. Shadows dance across his clenched jaw and knit brow. And his eyes – those dark eyes you know so well are fathomless, inscrutable – smoldering coal set in unblemished, unforgiving stone.
“Hyeri!“ you call out to her again, desperate – reluctantly tearing your gaze from the man to look for her. And when your eyes finally land on Hyeri, you find your handmaid standing near the chamber door, hands clasped together tightly. Streaks of color running up the thin skin of her neck and into her soft cheeks.
But she’s not surprised, is she? Not flummoxed in any way by finding Lord Jung lying in wait inside your private rooms. The realization comes over you slowly, wholly, until a strangle tingle runs from your scalp to the tips of your fingers. She’s arranged this, hasn’t she? 
“W-What is this?” The words leave you as more air than sound, but they ring out clear enough in the silence of your chamber. Lord Jung and Hyeri exchange a long look, but neither utters a sound.
“Someone speak!” you cry, wincing at the hysteria in your voice. 
Hyeri finally clears her throat, her face now fully aflame. “I believe the two of you – “ she pauses, swallowing hard. “Well, I believe the two of you have some things you need to discuss.”
Discuss? You and Lord Jung? Suddenly the panic you feel metastasizes, growing into something much darker. Has he come to admonish you, then? To punish you for your disloyalty? Has he come to lay bare every humiliating detail of that horrible night at the stables for Hyeri to hear? 
“No,” you whisper. You do your best to appear composed, despite the way your knees tremble. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken, Hyeri. I have nothing to discuss with Lord Jung.”
“Yes, you do.” The man in question speaks for the first time, his voice little more than a low rasp. “And we will.”
“No,” you repeat your refusal, shaking your head as though the movement will help sort your jumbled thoughts. “No. You have no right to turn up here and say what I will and will not do. And where did you come from? I saw you leave. I saw you mount your horse and ride off with – “
You stop yourself before you can finish the thought, flushing fiercely at the unspoken mention of the King. Your tedious, disinterested husband would be anything but if he had any inkling of this clandestine encounter.
“I was called back to the castle,” Lord Jung explains evenly. “A palace rider came bearing a missive bidding that I return at once to address an issue at the stables. I was but an hour’s ride away at the time.” Once again, he looks to Hyeri and they exchange another one of those maddening looks.
“But there was no issue at the stables,” you deduce quietly, the pieces falling into place, one by one. “Was there, Hyeri?” Your handmaid seems to shrink beneath the weight of the accusation in your eyes. 
“No, Your Grace,” she confesses weakly, “There was not.”
Oh, but your head is truly spinning now – each new revelation more disorienting than the last. How long have these two been conspiring together? What does Hyeri know about what’s transpired between you and Lord Jung? What does he know about the many private things you’ve shared with Hyeri? Both thoughts cause the bile in your stomach to rise.
“You can leave us now, Hyeri,” Lord Jung says. “Thank you.”  
Leave you? Has the man lost all good sense? You open your mouth to protest, but when met with the intensity in his glittering dark eyes, words fail you. You just stand there, mouth agape, rendered mute and immobile with shock. You look over at Hyeri, who has fixed her pleading eyes to your wide ones, her expression urging you to comply. And though you cannot make sense of a single thing that you’ve witnessed tonight, you do.
“Very well, My Lord,” she says quietly. “Rest well, Your Grace. The staff rouses at dawn.”
And with that Hyeri takes her leave, the chamber door closing behind her with a heavy thud that echoes the one in your chest.
Once you are alone with Lord Jung, you realize how truly vulnerable you are.
With little more than a thin nightgown to cover you, he can see far more of you than would ever be considered proper. All it would take was one shout from the man to bring the guards running, to compromise you both to the point of expulsion. Perhaps worse.
But the situation is far weightier than that. 
You’ve been vulnerable to this man from nearly the first moment you saw him. You’d been weak to his attention and charms. You’d allowed him to see you in ways that no one else has: not Chaehee, not Hyeri and certainly not the King. And the only time in your life that you’d thrown caution to the wind – and acted with abandon, not restraint – he’d mortified you. The memory of that night is a wound that’s just barely begun to heal, and now here Lord Jung stands, poised to pour salt on it. 
You’ll not allow him to devastate you again. 
“Go on then,” you say, lifting your chin and speaking with feigned bravado. “You’ve gone to great lengths to speak to me, so speak. I assume you’ll enlighten me as to which matter is so pressing that you felt the need to steal into my chamber and risk ruin for us both.”
“I know what I’m risking,” he growls. Then he stops to collect himself, exhaling deeply as he shoves a hand through his hair. “I know what we both stand to lose. But I could not come to you any other way.”
“Why have you come to me at all?” you demand. “You made your feelings quite clear the night of the festival, did you not?” You can no longer contain your bitterness and it drips from your every word. “You should go back to your sovereign, My Lord. Back to your King.”
Lord Jung looks stricken when you use his own words against him. There is a despair in his dark eyes that might have pained you once, but not now. Not anymore.
“You have every right to be angry with me, Your Grace,” he acknowledges. “And if you bid me to leave, then I will do so. But not without telling you the truth. You deserve to hear the truth.”
“Everything here is a lie. Perhaps you, most of all.”
He looks at you for a long moment before turning towards the hearth to gaze into the fire. Orange-red light illuminates his profile, sweeping across his smooth brow, over the elegant slope of his nose and down to his strong jaw. He is still the most beautiful – and most terrible man you’ve ever known.
“The King said he would give her up,” he says woodenly, staring into the flames. “When your marriage was announced, he swore it. And I believed him.”
Every muscle in your body pulls tight.
“I knew that he loved her. We all did. But he vowed that he would respect his father’s wishes and I’ve never known him to be a duplicitous man. I’ve never known him to say one thing and do another. And when I realized that he’d been deceiving you, deceiving us all, I – “ he stops and shakes his head at the memory. “ – I wasn’t thinking clearly. I confronted him at once and demanded that he explain himself.”
The argument in the courtyard. The memories come back to you in an instant. The way they’d both looked so irate, the way their voices would rise and then fall. Lord Jung turning his back on the King and stalking away into the dark. 
The tightness in your chest is unbearable now, viselike. 
“I was so damned angry,” he whispers, more to himself than to you. “Never once in my life have I imagined putting my hands on the King, but in that moment – I don’t know. I don’t know what I might have done had I not walked away. But I confronted him because I had to know why.”
He rips his gaze from the fire and turns to you, eyes flashing.
“And do you know what he told me? Do you know what he said when I asked him why he would insult you by keeping a lover? He told me that he couldn’t stay away. That he’d tried to do the honorable thing but he couldn’t stay away.”
“Why are you telling me this?” The tremor in your voice belies your pathetic attempt at composure. “If you mean to cause me pain, it’s too late. I’ve known about the King’s lover since the early days of this marriage, and I’ve accepted it. Just as I’ve accepted that I’ll never amount to more than a trinket he dusts off to show to his people.”
Lord Jung takes a step towards you, his beautiful face hard in the firelight. There’s a maelstrom behind his eyes, a polite violence that sets you to shiver.
“I’m telling you this because I need you to understand,” he says. “I want to hate him. I have tried to hate him. But I cannot. I have no position of honor to stand on. No rightful claim to virtue. I have no right to condemn the King for his sins when I have so many of my own to account for.”
“I – I don’t understand,” you say weakly.
“I have no right – “ his voice breaks, thick with emotion, “-- I have no right to denounce the King for coveting another woman.” He drags a hand down his face, distraught. “Not when I have spent every single day since you stepped out of that carriage coveting you.”
You stop breathing entirely.
“So no,” he continues, voice graveled. “I cannot bring myself to hate the King. And you were right to think me a liar. I’ve pretended that my nearness to you was benign, nothing more than an act of service. I’ve tried to make myself look honorable to you, when I have been anything but. I’ve been a liar since the moment I met you.”
You are trembling now, head to toe. Rendered speechless by Lord Jung’s confession. Slowly, the maelstrom in his eyes starts to recede. He looks as vulnerable now as you feel. 
“You deserved to know the truth,” he says quietly. “If from no one else, than from me.” 
There is a heavy silence in the seconds it takes you to find your voice.
“My Lord, I – “
“Don’t call me that,” he pleads. “Please. Not now. Not when I’ve come to you like this.”
“Very well, Hoseok. But you sent me away. In the woods that night, I’d asked you to – “ you stop, not wanting to say the words aloud. “What’s changed? Why are you telling me this now?”
“I have tried to leave you alone.” His voice is ragged now, anguished. “I thought if I could just put some distance between us – if I rose earlier and worked harder and retired later – that I could exhaust this need out of me. But I can’t.” Torment is etched into every line of his beautiful face. It makes you want to reach out and touch him but you resist, uncertainty keeping your hands pinned to your sides.
“I cannot war with myself any longer,” he says hoarsely. “I cannot continue to lie to you or myself. And if he is not willing to give you the things you desire, then I will.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks, your neck. It gathers in your belly, too.
“So if you’re asking me why now?” he says, taking another step towards you, closing what little distance remains. “It’s because I couldn’t stay away.”
He touches you then, takes your face into one warm hand and strokes his fingers down your temple, smooths the pad of his thumb over your lips. The featherlight touch raises goosebumps all over your skin. It’s more intimate than anything you’ve ever experienced with the King. 
“Do you still want me to kiss you?” he murmurs. 
“No,” you breathe. “I want so much more than that.”
He looks at you with such heat that the warmth in your belly goes molten. Then he presses his mouth to yours and slowly coaxes it open with gentle strokes of his tongue. He tastes of whiskey and smells of fine, heady soap and he does not relent until you are panting. Moisture gathers at the juncture of your thighs, beneath your thin nightgown.
But suddenly you are apprehensive. You’ve no idea how to kiss a man properly, much less satisfy him as a lover. And you’re not sure that you could ever live down the shame of disappointing him. When he finally pulls away to look down at you with heavy-lidded eyes, you have no choice but to confess.
“There’s something you should know, Hoseok,” you say, the sound of his given name still foreign in your mouth. “It’s just that – well, I am by no means a maiden but in some respects, I might as well be. I know almost nothing about how to please you.”
Anger flashes in his eyes, and for one terrifying moment you fear it’s for you.
“That is through no fault of your own,” he says darkly. “And if he’s been too much of a fool to see to your needs, then so be it.” He dips his head to press a kiss to your ear, then whispers, “Your pleasure will be mine and mine alone.”
Hoseok spends an inordinate amount of time tending to the fire. 
You sit on the edge of your bed and watch him, feverish with anticipation as he moves the weakest logs and adds fresh ones. Once he’s satisfied, once the chamber is glowing with fresh flames and warmth, he cleans his hands and comes to you.
Your heart rattles harder with each step he takes towards your bed. 
When he’s finally standing at the foot of your bed, he takes off his belt. And then reaches behind his head to pull his tunic away. The sight of his bare chest is enough to make your mouth go dry. His body is lithe and sleek and strong, his muscles rippling as he puts his hands down on either side of you and lowers his mouth to yours for a kiss.
“Tonight is about you, pretty bird,” he murmurs, trailing more kisses across your cheek, down your neck. “So I want you to tell me everything you want.”
“I want to see you.” The words leave you in a rush an account of the way his mouth moves from the juncture of your neck and to the hollow of your collarbone. “All of you.”
Hoseok wastes no time in straightening to his full height to remove his breeches, and then his smallclothes. And try as you might not to stare, it cannot be helped. You’ve never been able to study a man like this. Not even the King.
“Can I touch you?” 
“Please,” he groans.
And then you are cautiously reaching for him, wrapping a hand around the length of him, marveling at the way he pulses in your palm. You run your fingertips down the skin of his shaft, awestruck by how silky and warm he is. But when your fingers reach the blunt head of him, he flinches.
“I don’t – I’m sorry,” you say quickly. “Did I hurt you?
“No, no. You didn’t hurt me,” he assures you, his voice sounding a bit strangled. “I’m just sensitive there, is all.”
“Will you show me, then?” you ask, curiosity far stronger than any self-consciousness you might feel. “Show me how to touch you.”
“Of course.”
He sits down on the bed beside you, taking hold of your hand. And then you watch with a heady mix of confusion and excitement as he takes your fingers into his mouth one, by one. He finishes the unfamiliar preparation by licking a long stripe up the palm of your hand. The stroke of his tongue sends a bolt of desire racing through you.
“It’s easier like this,” he explains, guiding your hand back to his length. You take hold of him again and this time he wraps his hand around yours. He moves your hand for you, up and down the length of him, until you can feel him growing hotter and harder in your hand. You’re fascinated by it all – by how firmly he wants to be touched, by how labored his breathing becomes, by the way the muscle and sinew in his legs seem to twitch at your command.
He leans over to capture your mouth as he begins to buck into your hand in earnest. And after a while his own hand falls away, leaving you to take control of his pleasure. And what an intoxicating power he’s given you – taut muscles in his abdomen flexing with each of his strained breaths.
“That feels so good, pretty bird,” he groans, taking your bottom lip between his teeth. “Just right. Your hand feels so good around me like this.” 
The wetness you’d felt between your thighs when he’d kissed you the first time returns, and each sound of pleasure he rewards you with makes you wetter and warmer. He is rock hard in your hand now, the dusky head of his manhood shiny with moisture. You watch a bead of it appear at the tip and you slide your fingertips over it, transfixed by how smooth it feels. Beside you, Hoseok shudders.
“I think that’s enough for now,” he says, breathless. “I’ll be of no use to you if you keep that up for much longer.”
You have half a mind to protest, but then his hands are sliding over the thin material of your nightgown, cupping your breasts through the gauzy fabric. He takes one of your nipples between his fingers and teases it until it’s standing at attention. You sigh.
“Can I take this off?” he whispers, pulling at the nightgown. 
You hesitate. Not even the King has seen you nude. Not once has he ever asked you to remove your nightgown and so for a long time, that is what you’d assumed he preferred. That is, until you’d caught him in bed with his lover. 
“Look at me,” Hoseok says, sensing your anxiety. He tips your chin up until your gaze meets his own. “I’ll not ask you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. But I would be lying if I said that I didn’t want to use my mouth and hands on you. On all of you.”
You inhale deeply, flustered by the way he speaks so plainly about his desires. But that’s what you want, isn’t it? What you’ve longed for all this time. And that’s what he’s promised you, isn’t it? Pleasure. Pleasure that will be his and his alone. 
You draw your nightgown up to your thighs and then raise up to pull it even higher. When you’ve finally discarded it, when there is nothing left between you and Hoseok you flush, looking away.
“You have nothing to hide,” he rasps. “You’re beautiful. Believe me, pretty bird – you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
Emboldened by the praise, you draw nearer to him and trace the outline of his heart-shaped mouth with one finger. And then it is your lips that find his; your tongue that moves past the seam of his lips and your teeth that find the shell of his ear. You thread your fingers in his hair, and he groans, gathering you close.
“You can’t imagine how many nights I’ve dreamed of you like this,” he says, gently laying you back on the bed. “You can’t imagine how many nights I’ve taken myself in hand to these fantasies.”
Oh, but you can imagine, can’t you? The few times you’d dared to try and seek your own pleasure, it had been him in your mind’s eye as your hand was between your legs. It had always been him. 
Hoseok’s mouth leaves yours and when it  finds the tip of one aching breast, you gasp.
“Do you like that?” he goads, laving your nipple with his tongue, taking it between his teeth. The pang of pleasure he incites in you is so sharp, you cry out. “Your body is so responsive,” he murmurs. “So damned responsive.”
There is only so much of that particular torture you can take, and so when his mouth finally leaves your breasts you exhale a sigh of relief. But then his mouth is on your sternum, and then your stomach, and then –
You freeze.
“I want to kiss you here,” Hoseok explains, cupping your mound with one large hand. “I promised you pleasure and this is the surest way to it. Will you let me?”
He looks up at you from the edge of the bed, his dark hair wild and his dark eyes glossy with desire, his mouth hovering over your most secret place. Your pulse skitters, heart pounding erratically at the thought of him kissing you there.
“Is it – is it proper?” you ask, chiding yourself at once for asking such a stupid question. Your face flames when Hoseok raises a brow. “I don’t know that I’ve ever thought to consider the … propriety of such an act,” he says slowly. “But I know that you’ll enjoy it if you allow me to show you. And if you don’t enjoy it, I’ll stop.”
In the seconds that follow, you think about the way he’d let you take him in hand. How he’d showed you how to bring him pleasure, without reserve. How powerful you’d felt when he’d been shuddering under your touch. He’d trusted you, hadn’t he? Just as you now must trust him.
“Alright,” you whisper, nodding your assent. “I trust you.”
He grins at you then, wickedly, before lowering his mouth to your mons. And then he is kissing you there, softly, each brush of his lips moving lower and lower still. Until you feel the heat of his breath at your entrance. You tense.
“Relax for me,” he instructs, licking a long, wet stripe up the length of you. The touch sends a frisson of sensation shooting through your limbs. “Close your eyes and try to think of nothing but this.”
And then he sets his tongue to the tiny pearl at your entrance. 
And at once, you see stars.
“H-Hoseok!” you gasp, your hips flying off the bed at the contact. The urge to snap your legs shut is almost as strong as the urge to push deeper into the pleasing press of his tongue. Almost.
But he pins your legs down with his arms and continues the onslaught, stroking and licking at you with his tongue, nipping at you with his teeth. You grab fistfulls of the duvet as though it might ground you somehow, keep you from bursting into flame.
And then he slides one long finger into you.
You are incoherent now, moaning and begging in broken sentences that do not make sense. But your body is responding in ways that your words cannot, hips moving in time with his mouth. Each pass of his tongue sends sharp spikes of pleasure to your core. You’d thought you’d known what this pleasure felt like, that perhaps you’d be able to reach it on your own someday, but never once had it been like this. 
And then you can feel it – the coil turning inside you, the desperate ascent to the one place you’ve never been able to reach. And it’s so close, so so close – the promise of whatever awaits on the other side strong enough to sate this nameless craving that you’ve felt for so long. It’s within your reach now, if only you can just hold on.
And then it stops.
He takes his mouth and tongue away and the pleasure vanishes. “Hoseok, no,” you cry, sapped of all energy, robbed once again of the relief you so desperately seek. “Please,” you beg weakly, “please.”
But he’s at your side now, the length of his body resting against yours, his manhood hard and hot against your leg. “Come now, pretty bird,” he soothes, “I didn’t bring you this high just to let you fall.”
He presses his lips to your ear at the same time he presses his fingers back to the aching bud between your thighs. “Go on then,” he whispers. “Fly.”
He brings every sensation he’d wrought from you rushing back with his fingers. His mouth hovers at your ear, whispering his encouragement until the coil inside you snaps. He must have known that you’d not be able to contain yourself when you came apart because he covers your mouth with his own, swallowing the sobs he wrenches from you, bringing you down slowly as you come apart.
And when you finally come to your senses again, when your breathing has evened and your heart has slowed and every part of you feels liquid and languid, he smiles.
“I couldn’t risk you waking the entire castle,” he explains apologetically, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” you shudder through your quiet laughter, aftershocks of sensation rippling through you. “Quite the opposite, in fact. I’ve never – never experienced anything like that.”
“That’s mine,” he murmurs, going up on one elbow. “Just as I told you it would be.”
Indeed. But what about his pleasure? The firm reminder of it remains pressed against you, the rigid length of it leaking onto your duvet. You reach for it and he draws a sharp breath through his clenched teeth.
“I want to feel you inside me,” you say softly, noting the way a muscle tics in his jaw. You wrap your hand around him and squeeze, astounded by how feverishly hot he feels. “Please.”
Hoseok nods, climbing over you and settling his hips between your thighs. He takes himself in hand and when you feel the blunt head of him at your entrance, you tense again. But he doesn’t enter you right away. Instead he looks down at you, his dark eyes brimming with emotion.
“Are you certain,” he breathes, his brow dotted with a fine sheen of sweat. “I need to hear you say it.”
You lift up to kiss him, pressing your lips to his. “Take me, Hoseok,” you whisper. “Now.”
And in one sure stroke, he’s buried to the hilt inside you. 
Bodies sealed, fates sealed.
The force of his entry steals the breath from your lungs. And though you’ve been breached before, it’s never felt like this. You’re still sensitive from the pleasure he’d given you only moments before and each of his thrusts only heightens the sensation. 
You cling to him as he rocks against you, closing your eyes to revel in the fullness. He buries his head in your neck and thrusts harder, the sound of his skin meeting yours just as gratifying as it is lurid. And when he reaches between you to press his fingers to your pearl once again, impossibly you feel fresh pleasure begin to bloom.
Broken phrases fall from his lips, a string of curses and blessings and everything in between. And his coarse language doesn’t scandalize you; in fact it only causes you to hurtle towards the peak faster. And then you’re flying again – flying apart, scattering into a million pieces. Crying into his mouth as your release explodes into color and tiny wisps of fire slowly drift back to the earth.
But you come back to yourself just as his rhythm has started to falter, just as the steady cant of his hips becomes so frenetic that you know his own release is near. You have only a moment to mourn the loss of his weight and his warmth before he’s on his knees before you.
You’ve never seen anything more erotic. Firelight flickers over him as he throws his head back, the cords in his neck clenching as he takes himself in hand. And then he is groaning, long and low, as his release spills on to the duvet.
Then he collapses onto you, wrapping you up in his arms, turning you both until he’s on his back and your head rests upon his chest. And then you both lie there for a while, skin to skin,  watching the flames cast shadows on the stone.
Neither one of you sleep, the threat of dawn too near to indulge in any such luxury. 
“What happens now, Hoseok?”
You ask the question after he’s made love to you a second time, both of you too exhausted to move. Hoseok inhales and exhales deeply. “I don’t know. I have no control over the world outside of that chamber door, pretty bird.”
You map the lines of his chest with one finger, thoughtful.
“You told me earlier that if the King would not give me the things I desire, you would. Did you mean that?”
“I did,” Hoseok says, pressing a kiss to your hair. “If it’s within my power, then I will. I will give you anything I can.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, closing your eyes and breathing deeply. “Thank you.”
You sit by the window and take in the afternoon sunlight, eyes drooping as you fight to stay awake.
You cannot ever remember being so tired. You sleep in fits and starts now, two or three hours at a time. And your body is too fatigued to talk up walking again, though the fresh air and exercise would do you some good. But you will walk again, soon. It won’t be long before you’re sitting with your birds and reading in the gentle Spring breeze.
Hyeri charges into the room like a bull, the tea tray in her hand clattering loudly. You narrow her eyes at her as she approaches and she fixes you with a sardonic look.“Oh, hush you,” she grumbles, setting the tray down on the table and walking over to you. “I wasn’t that loud.”
But her scowl falls away as her gaze locks on the baby at your breast, her muted eyes glowing with admiration. 
“That’s a fine Prince you have there, Your Grace,” she says softly. Then she looks up at you and her scowl returns. “Though at the rate you’re going, I’ll never get to hold him, will I? You’ve an entire staff to help you with him, and still you refuse. You’re going to make that boy rotten.”
You chuckle under your breath as you stroke your hand over the tuft of downy hair at your son’s crown. He blinks up at you with his huge dark eyes, and your heart is filled to overflowing with a love that you once you thought you’d never know. 
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y,all i finished it! hahah okay so listen. if you'd like to talk to me, i'd love to hear from you. please consider reblogging and dropping me an ask 💕
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spiderlyla · 9 months
if you're down to do it.. can i request miguel giving reader cuddles or just some plain ol' loving after coming home from a long day at school?
uni's been kicking my ass with the 8am - 8pm schedules and coming home to a big hunky man who'll treat me like a princess is my only wish.. 😭
Tender—Miguel O'Hara
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ synopsis: miguel takes care of you after a long day.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ pairing: uni student!gn!reader × miguel o'hara.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ tags/cw: miguel uses alot of pet names because he's just soft and lovely around his lover, fluff :)
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ lumi's note: hi anon! as a fellow uni student with a schedule from 8 am to 8 pm and in need of comfort as well, this resonated with me. Hope you enjoy!
join my taglist! (Inbox open for fluff!)
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Relief, is exactly how you felt when the elevator finally stopped at your floor and you saw your apartment door.
Your state could only be described as completely and utterly spent. Your previously brushed, clean hair was now disheveled and a little damp from the rain. A black tote hung from your shoulder, threatening to spill its content all over the floor at any minute, while you held your laptop bag weakly over your other shoulder.
Your muscles felt sore, and you were sure you caught a cold from the rain pouring down onto your head during your walk back home. All you ever wanted right now, was your clean bed and your lover's warm embrace.
Your hands reached to ring the doorbell, too exhausted to even reach into your bag and look for the keys. Much to your delight, you didn't have to wait long for an answer.
The door opened, the arouma of spices and mouth-watering cooking instantly filling your nostrils, making your instant ramen-filled stomach rumble angrily. The apartment was dim, the comfortable orangish lights spilling out of the door onto the gloomy corridor where you stood. A faint melody was playing on your vinyl, something with a slow saxophone, jazz.
And at the door, there he stood.
Wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweats, an apron saying 'kiss the cook' covering his bare chest. His soft, black curls were wet, some of the strands at the front dripping water onto your carpet. You kept getting whiffs of his minty aftershave, only to notice the small stubble he'd grown was now long gone, leaving a 5'oclock shadow to define his strong jaw.
"Oh, cariño, let me help you with those—" Before he could move, you pushed him inside, clumsily let the bags fall off your shoulders and threw yourself at him. He caught you without losing his balance, strong arms wrapping around your waist while his head rested on top of yours. You pushed yourself more onto him, he smelled of spices, and that earthy cologne he wears all the time, and he was warm. Extremly so.
"Baby, did you walk?" You mustered up the energy to talk yet when you opened your mouth, a muffled noise of confirmation erupted. "I told you I'd pick you up—You're going to catch a cold. Let's change, hm? " He frowned at you, out of concern more than anything, all while helping you to your shared bedroom, his arms never leaving your waist. He helped you sit down on the bed, then opened his side of the closet to grab you one of his large, long sleeved shirts. You managed to undress yourself and put on the shirt he gave you, it smelled of that flowery laundry detergent of yours mixed with Miguel's cologne. The solace it brought you made light headed, gosh, you could sleep for days.
"Oh—No, no sleep until you eat. You probably haven't eaten properly today." Came your lover's baritone voice. You whined queitly, sprawling yourself across the bed. "Mig, 'm tired, tommrow?" Your eyes closed, and when you didn't hear his disapproval, you assumed he just walked out.
Then you felt yourself get lifted off of the comfort of your matress, your tummy squished against his broad shoulder.
"No puedo dejarte, amor, tienes que comer algo." You groaned, it was no use arguing with him, and besides, he was doing you a favour carrying you, your legs felt sore from walking anyway. Miguel set you down on the couch, and said he'll be gone for just a moment, telling you to stay awake for him. [I can't let you, love, you have to eat something]
You heard a few noises coming from the kitchen, a string of spanish curse words and sounds of plates falling but never followed by a crash. Miguel had covered you with a blanket and you were cozying up to a pillow, trying to pretend it's him. He came back after a few minutes, his apron long discarded, with a glass bowl filled with red soup, neatly garnished with avocados, lettuce and radishs.
"I made Pozole." It smelled delicious, Miguel rarely cooked since he was so busy, but when he did, you were sure it was going to be the best thing you've ever put in your mouth. You couldn't tell him you didn't want to eat when he was practically pushing the plate your way. Your arms weakly moved from underneath the blanket, but Miguel tutted at you, tutted. He lifted the spoon to your mouth, silently offering to feed you.
You giggled, and that stoic, serious expression he wore was replaced by a gentle smile and a loving gaze. If his colleges could see him now, they wouldn't believe its the same man who bossed them around.
Within these walls, he was yours, completely and utterly, yours.
He was patient, feeding you bit by bit, eyes never leaving your face. You were too busy enjoying the delight of a dish he was feeding you to notice his soft gaze. "S'good, Mig, So good."
"Yeah? I'm glad you like it, mi sol." He paused, realising you'd devoured the plate queit quickly. "You want me to get you some more?"
"No, 'nough." You spread your arms towards him, and he chuckled, picking you up, all while you were still tangeled in your blanket, now heading back to your room. He set you down for good this time, letting you sleep on his side of the bed while he got on from the other side. His strong arms wrapped around your figure, engulfing you with a sense of absolute security. You cuddled up closer and closer to him, the tip of your nose bumping against the crook of his neck. Your breath fanned against his skin, your legs a tangeled mess. His hands ran up the shirt you wore to squeeze your sides comfortingly.
Miguel was never tender, he found himself being rather harsh and cold most often than not, but not with you, never with you.
"Such a hardworking pretty little thing, aren't you?" He hummed, lips pressing against your forehead. You had slipped into sleep as soon as you set your head on his chest, and Miguel couldn't only admire your exhausted, but beautiful face, the way your lips parted and eyes fluttered every now and then.
"And all mine, yeah?"
Miguel moved, blowing on a scented candle that was lighting up the room, and returned back to his previous position, arms unmoving as the two of you cozied up against each other. He was slipping into sleep, when he heard a queit murmur, no louder than a whisper.
"Mhm, all yours."
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🏷: @mamu-writes  , @general-dweebous , @beezblep , @tkays21 , @spicysleepysloth , @saturnringzzz , @crazy-ravioli , @nanamisleftnipple , @boringpersonality , @theawkwardpedestrian , @amirohara , @doggydale , @qiaipia , @s0fia4 , @ilovefanfictionsm , @boraward , @anotherblackreader , @johfamm , @aryjai , @www-interludeshadow-com , @mrsoharaa , @minalovesyoubabes , @tttynat , @withlove-krcb , @library-lunatic , @shimaneko06 , @stqrlightrs , @spicysleepysloth , @ang3l-dust1 , @raypook , @sakurasalem , @yellowscuderia , @whosking , @sweetnspicy-noodles , @spineyy
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wandagcre · 7 months
What about Sam having a hyper energy golden retriever gf??
sam with a hyper golden retriever girlfriend
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(gif not mine, credits to who owns them)
OH BOY. you weren't only a sunshine for sam but fueled with an unmatched high energy, you were basically a deadly combination for her
deadly in a way where sam sometimes can't keep up with you BUT tries hard to do so because she absolutely adores how you light up the room! she refuses to make you uncomfortable or ashamed in any way <3
it's like, she's sleepy? but you're still rambling and tugging on her arm? NOT ANYMORE. you can see sam fighting it off and you give a hearty chuckle because she's reaaally close to dozing off she looks so silly you can barely see her pretty brown eyes anymore 🥺
seriously, sam can't remember the last time someone made her smile this MUCH. all of her facial muscles are working overtime whenever she's around you!! it's so infectious it warms her heart ;(
texts between you two are the funniest 😭
sam: Good Morning ☺️❤️
you: OH MY GOD
you: the absolute love of my freaking life.
you: my precious girlfriend. finally you have graced me with your existence. i could not be anymore glad about this thank you, thank you 🥰
sam: We have been dating for 2 years now? And I'm coming to your house later BTW
you: your point????
sam: Ha. I love you, silly goose :,) 💐
[also you: had been bombing her notifs over cute pictures and videos for the past hour and sam will check them religiously and react one by one on her free time, ASAP]
would kill (considers it in literal sense) if someone was responsible for your mood drop in an instant. sam is worried and already beside you to try and comfort you because?? who dares to disrupt your sunshine self?? it's equivalent to kicking a cute puppy for her!
keeps you away from energy or any caffeinated drinks 😭 besides that it was a death sentence given your nature, she'll insist how they're super unhealthy and you're shocked that sam's literally listing all of the cons of it - you're surprised why she is ranting about your kidneys and all? 😭
AND YOUR PUPPY EYES? no, sam will not cave in. (sam totally would) (she will end up doing a deal with you to balance things up)
in return, she'll check on your daily water intake because that's more replenishing for your body
LOVES YOUR BIG GESTURES. the way you talk with your limbs involved and all the sound effects, it's pleasing to her honestly sam has never seen someone look so endearing and highly entertaining of a storyteller as you are
you probably see the goodness in people and tries so hard to understand that and sam admires you so sooo much for that ;( literally, you're her angel
she probably has you saved on her contacts as "(y/n/n) ☀️🥰🐶"
and that trait of yours probably what made sam to be at ease with you. usually she's closed off but even with you knowing the truth about her life, how she had this grim upbringing, you just sat there soaking all the information up with attentive eyes and comforting touch on her hand
sam doesn't expect that it will lead to an eventual romantic relationship between you two or how your soothing presence has made her try her hardest to open up more and more to you!! ;(
and what she likes is that you match your words with actions. whether it's good or bad, she loves the transparency and honesty. it proves that you're not faking anything. sam thinks that's rare to have these days and you being like that? makes her love you so sooo much even more ;((
like literally, it's 3/4 core four + you on the top of her list oh my goddd
sam would be surprised at your bursts of energetic moments especially in public for the first time, sometimes even later on, but embarrassed? never! it's new to her and you're just there beaming and not caring about what others think. she thinks you're the cutest for that!! <333
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xoxochb · 12 days
no specific scenario but how about loser!luke x aphrodite reader? I need it for my ego😋 don’t be afraid to REALLY get into the loser energy, make Luke soooo concerningly, embarrassingly whipped for reader. maybe headcanons of when they first meet, being friends and having crushes, then actually dating??
˗ˋ this mad, mad love makes you come rushing ˊ˗
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warnings: none
pairing: loser! luke x aphrodite reader
summary: just headcannons
A/N: I had so much fun writing this, thank you for requesting it 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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alright, let’s do this thing
first things first: meeting
love at first sight
you met in hermes cabin, he was showing you around camp for your first day
and he FREAKED
because how on earth was he supposed to tour someone this gorgeous without making a fool of himself?
spoiler warning: he did make a fool of himself
stuttering, insane heart eyes, tripping over air, he’s a MESS 😭
he knew you had to be in aphrodite cabin
and he was right!
even though you weren’t still staying in hermes cabin he still wanted to be around you
obsessed much?
so he makes frequent visits to your cabin to visit you
he literally cannot be stopped
anyways- for your pov, you’re freaking out because this hot guy is this whipped for you?
eventually, you two become so down bad for each other and it’s painfully obvious
and you know he’s not going to make any moves because he can barely even talk when he looks at you
so you ask him to meet you by the lake after curfew
and when you tell him you like him he almost passes out
he’s literally fighting for his life
and when you first kiss him- oh my gods
he’s blushing like CRAZY
it’s cute, I love whipped men
anyways, onto dating
you literally have him wrapped around your finger
he will literally do anything you ask at any time, anywhere
and I know I said this before- but those heart eyes
watching you from afar with the most lovesick expression 😫
anyways to wrap this up: loser! luke 🔛🔝
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 2 months
In another life pt 2
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Reader
Summary: A visit to Nanami and trip down memory lane
Warnings: Language and suggestive themes but only a bit lol
Part 3
A/N: was so overwhelmed by the amount of love I received for part one!! Thank you all so much for the support😭🩵
“This is definitely a first” Nanamis gaze travelled up and down your body.
You shuffled uncomfortably from your place on the couch. Gojo stood leaning on the wall behind you.
“Yeah I’ve been hearing that a lot today..” you sighed.
“Hmm, well from what I know. This curse has been known to travel through dimensions, which is why he’s been so hard to catch in the past. He disappeared several years ago after somehow escaping from a seal. Looks like he ended up in your universe.”
“That makes sense, it was only a couple years ago he appeared and Satoru subdued him. A couple months ago he told me he found some weird residual energy on the seal but otherwise everything was ok… I guess the theory of the spy was correct but…” you brought a hand to your chin.
“Go on” he encouraged.
“We placed three seals on them. There’s no way an amateur broke through them… I wonder if he has any clue on who it could be...”
“Another call?” Gojo tilted his head forward.
You picked up the phone and read “Weird Bangs” well speak of the devil!
“Nope just a text.”
-Hey you ok? Satoru just told me what happened. Don’t worry, we’re investigating as we speak. We’ll have you home in no time.
You smiled warmly and replied,
-Thanks Sugu, I have complete faith in you two. And don’t worry I’m ok.
“Anything important?”
“Not really, Sugu was just checking in. By the way, is he on a mission or something? I haven’t sensed your version of him yet. Unless you don’t have a version of him which would be honestly so weird since I swear you two are like your own couple..”
Little did you know the room had gone from warm to freezing cold.
“What did you just say…”
“Huh?” You tensed seeing the mood was a bit off now.
“Wait…don’t tell me he’s…dead?” Instant dread washed over you.
“No..he’s very much alive…” (excuse me while I change the timeline a little)
“Then what’s-“ you tilted your head.
“Nanami, what can you tell us about the curse transporting other people?”
You blinked at his sudden change in topic.
“Honestly nothing.” Your shoulders slumped.
“Yes but I promise I’ll do everything in my power to ensure you get home safely”.
“Thanks Nanami…” you tried not to feel to sad, after all you had so many people working hard to figure it out.
“Well it’s getting late, why don’t we continue this tommorow, Nanami you’ll reach out if you find anything yeah?”
He nodded, “I’ll dig into some of the old archives, and let you know what I find.”
“Thank you Nanami” you smiled and followed gojo out of the room.
“So what now?” The sun had set and you realized that for the first time in years you were not going to sleep in your own bed, cuddled next to your husband.
“Well… I could take you to one of the spare dorms here but considering the curse is still out there I think it’s best if you stick with me”
“So back to your place?” Haha that takes you back.
“That ok with you?”
“Mhmm” not like I’m used to anything else but being with you…
“Ok then, hang on” he touched your shoulder and suddenly you were transported to a place that smelled like fresh linen and his cologne.
“Oh wow this takes me back” you flicked on the light and took in the old place.
Gojo raised a brow that you seemed to know your way around.
“I take it you’ve been here before?”
You nodded fondly while taking in the place once again, “yeah, we spent so much time here back while we were dating…I lived in a really crappy apartment that you had to bend down in.” You laugh at the memory.
You turn to look out the floorlength window and promptly scream.
“AHH is that me!?!? Have I looked like this all day!?!” You could barely see your skin it was covered in dirt and grime from the previous fight and your hair was basically inviting birds to make it their home.
“I need to shower…” ah crap I didn’t think to stop and get clothes.
“I’ll find you some clothes… the shower is over the-“ but you were already beelining towards the bathroom eagerly to wash the filth off of you.
“Right you already know… so weird” he crossed his arms.
The second the steaming water hit your body you sighed in relief. It took a good 15 minutes for the water to run clear.
Using his body wash sure took you back to the days you’d sleep over. Those days were some of the best of your life. Watching movies late into the night, eating junk food, making out, falling asleep tangled together…
You shut your eyes before the tears could come.
No, none of that, you had the best and strongest people on the case. You’d be home soon, so let’s think of this as a weird mini vacation.
After your shower you dried yourself off and peeked into the bedroom where the door connected to. Sure enough you found a set of his pjs on the bed.
His shirt engulfed you, looking more like a dress. You thought for a moment to forgo the pants but realized you probably shouldn’t go pantless and underwearless around new Gojo.
Once you were decent you stepped outside into the main living space.
A delicious aroma immediately invaded your senses.
Wait… no fricken way!?
“You cook!?!?”
“Huh?” Gojo paused to look back over his shoulder. “Of course I cook… does your Gojo not?”
“He- he tried once but burnt everything… and anyway I’m home way more so I usually do the cooking..”
“Well I hope you like seafood, I haven’t gone shopping yet so there wasn’t really many options.”
He turned back to the stove to continue stirring.
You sat on one of the counter barstools and watched him in awe.
He even has the towel thrown over his shoulder and everything...
“So tell me about other Gojo. How did you guys meet?”
“Well… actually it’s kind of embarrassing…”
“Oh well now I have to know”
“Well I was jogging by this old elementary school and this curse popped out. It was so cute tho it looked like a super fluffy puppy. And then suddenly you popped in, ready to blast it to smithereens when I jumped in front and defended it….” He paused his stirring and looked over at you again.
“Yeah I know.. it was crazy but the curse really wasn’t that bad. So anyway I picked it up and started running away from you…”
“Pfft seriously?”
“Yeah… you should’ve seen your face haha. I made it about 10 steps before you warped in front of me”
“Uh listen lady, that thing your holding is very dangerous so it’s best if you-“
“No way!”
“No way, he’s just a little baby, he hasn’t hurt anyone!” You hugged the curse tight to your body and for some reason the curse seemed… relaxed?
“Lady… it’s a curse.. we can’t exactly just leave it to roam free..”
“Well then….”you thought for a moment..
“I’ll keep it!”
“You’ll keep it…” he repeated to himself in disbelief
“Mhm hm” you nodded.
“Uh…” he watched you snuggle the curse closer and the curse for whatever bizarre reason seemed content.
“It hasn’t hurt anyone has it?”
“Not that I’m aware of..”
“Then it’s settled! I’m keeping him.”
“Don’t worry, I have some skill in exorcizing curses if anything goes wrong but it won’t will it little cutie?” You rubbed under its chin and it started to purr.
“Ok so you’re serious…uh well here’s my number… in case he decides to turn murdery and you can’t handle him”
You smile and hand him your phone, when he hands it back you glance down and let out a little gasp.
He smirked, you must’ve realized who he was now.
“You have the same screensaver as me! I love that show!!”
“Haha well it is a good show, even if the heroine sucks.”
“What- what did you just say?! She’s the best one!”
“No way, if you ask me the best friend should be in the spotlight.”
“That snobby bitch? No way” you made a face.
“Snobby? I see it as confidence.”
“You must’ve gotten knocked in the head too many times by a curse..”
“Well it doesn’t really matter, I think she’s gonna take that job in the next episode.”
“Wait you think so? As much as I hate her, she makes the story interesting.”
“Ah sorry hold on”
You watched him turn and take the call. Looking at him now, even without seeing his eyes you could tell he was good looking.
“Sorry, duty calls. Make sure to call me if…that thing suddenly decides to eat you ok?”
“I will, thanks”
He whooshed away and you looked down at your phone.
Satoru Gojo….
Oh my god
No fucking way…
He had the same name as your favorite book character! What a small world…
“Alright cutie, let’s get you home. I wonder what you eat?”
*End flashback*
“Don’t tell me you still have that thing?”
“That thing has a name and his name is cutie. And to this day he hasn’t hurt a fly! Well actually that’s a lie because he does eat all the bugs around the house.. but other than that he’s harmless. He does chew the furniture though..” awe I hope he’s ok..
“You’re a little strange you know that?”
“You’re one to talk..”
“Hey, you shouldn’t insult the hand that feeds you.”
“You’re right sorry chef” you bowed jokingly then went to grab plates to set the table.
“Oh I hope you don’t mind me touching stuff.” You retracted your hand afraid he might get upset.
“Be my guest.” He waved nonchalantly.
Ten minutes later you were sat across each other.
“Oh lemme grab some drinks” he stood up and disappeared into the kitchen again.
You nodded and began plating your dish and his. His having three times the portion like usual.
Gojo came back and sat down with his mouth slightly open.
You realized your mistake and felt heat rise to your cheeks. “S-sorry it- I did that out of habit. Didn’t mean to make you feel weird..”
“It’s fine it’ll just take some getting used to is all…” he smirked and dug in.
“Thank you for the meal.” You twirled your fork around the shrimp and pasta and took a bite.
Oh hell no
“Something wrong?”
“Satoru this is amazing… like really really amazing”
“Glad you like it”
“No but seriously this is so good…Why can’t my version do this??”
You took another bite and swooned, maybe you’d leave your version for this one…
“Oh it’s you! Well other you..”
“Hey babe you doing alright?”
“Yeah, I’m alright… we met with Nanami earlier, he said he’s going to do some more research and let us know if he finds anything..”
“Same here, Suguru and I are tracking the curse down but it’ll take a little bit of time, he’s a slippery one that’s for sure”
“Mm, sorry for putting everyone through this trouble…”
“Don’t worry, I have plenty of ways you can make it up to me later”
“Ah geez I need to stop putting you on speaker..”
“You’re not alone? It’s pretty late..”
“Yeah well other you thought it would be best to keep me close for safety reasons. I’m here at the old penthouse actually.”
“You’re with other me?”
You blinked. “Uh yes?“
“Hey other me!”
You tilt the phone closer to this Gojo so he can hear better.
“Uh yes?”
“I know it’s tempting but no canoodling my girl alright?”
“Not even a little touch, I mean it.”
“Satoru what are you talking about?! I just met the guy!”
“And? Do you remember how I was back then?”
“Well...” yeah a manwhore..
“Oh yeah and another word of advice, no girls over to the place. She gets suuuuuuper jealous, one time she even told our pet to attack and-“
“I did not! That was-!-you know that was an accident!”
“Mhmm sure”
“You know cutie feeds off my feelings, I didn’t tell him to bite her arm!”
“Of course sweetheart of course..”
“You- what about that time you hijacked my date!”
“That was purely coincidental, I was in the area.”
“Sure you were…”
“Anywhoooooo, did you take your meds?”
“Hey make sure she gets those pills, she’ll faint without them and I don’t need her falling into anyone else’s arms”
“S-satoru good night already, I’ll talk to you later…”
“Alright sorry, you know I worry. Night baby, don’t feel too lonely without me”
“Ugh annoying jerk” you words didn’t match your soft tone.
Gojo leaned back in his chair and scanned your form.
Did he? Did a version of him really fall in love and settle down. You were certainly beautiful but he’d been with a lot of beautiful women.. did your strength draw his attention? He supposed he hasn’t seen you fight yet, maybe he would fix that soon..
“Oh uh sorry you had to hear all that again, I hope it’s not too weird”
“Well I’m not gonna lie and say it’s normal but..”
You smiled and brought another forkful to your mouth.
“Thank you for everything, really… you don’t even know me and you’re doing all this..”
“Well hey don’t worry about it, any alter ego/universe me’s wife is a friend of mine”
“Heh thanks” glad to know all Gojos humor are the same across universes.
After dinner you helped clean up and were lounging on the couch while Gojo went to shower.
He wouldn’t mind if you turned on the tv right?
So far this Gojo was 99.8 percent a carbon copy of yours so no he wouldn’t mind.. plus tonight the new episode of “Wishing I was yours” was airing and you couldn’t miss it..
And that’s how Gojo found you 20 minutes later, arms wrapped around your knees cuddling a pillow, tearful eyes glued to the TV screen.
‘No! No you can’t leave me. You can’t give up after everything we’ve been through’
‘Forgive me my love, you’ll have to continue this journey without me…’
‘No! I need you!!’
‘I’m only going to put you in danger… it has to be this way… I’m sorry’
How can she watch this crap…
Gojo made his presence known and stepped in front of the couch.
“Oh hey, I-i hope it was ok that I- ah no don’t go!!” Your focus was quickly redirected back to the gripping scene. You groaned when the credits rolled.
“Dammit you were right about the ending…now I have to do that thing… ugh” you mumbled into the pillow.
Gojo couldn’t help but be curious what that thing was but stayed quiet.
“Don’t tell me that I actually watch this kind of stuff?”
He sat on the other end of the couch watching as you paused the tv and turned towards him.
“Well not at first but we worked out a deal, every week we watch one of my picks and one of your picks… but ugh you always choose the scariest stuff…”
“Better than unrealistic lovey dovey crap…”
“Unrealistic?? Says the one who spouts the most corniest lines 24/7”
The title screen for another episode started playing and he swiftly grabbed the remote.
“Allow me to show you what true cinema is.”
Uh oh, you had a bad feeling about this..
1 hour later
“Ah no way no way no way” Gojo smirked watching how you hid behind a pillow shaking like a leaf.
“Oh come on, it’s not even the scary part yet…”
“Liar! Ew ew ew I accidentally looked again”
“Human snake vs Octogator is a masterpiece , you’re insulting one of the greatest films of all time!”
“You just chose this because you knew it would scare me!”
“Lady I barely know you, is that something I would do?” He smiled, glowing eyes peeking behind his glasses.
“Yes, that is exactly what you would do..”
Well you sure did seem to know him he was realizing more and more…
After the movie you were basically half asleep so Gojo decided to call it a night.
Sleepily you rose up and followed after Gojo to the hallway. But instead of turning right to the guest room you automatically turned left to his room and bumped into his back.
You froze, eyes shooting up to his.
“A-ah s-sorry!” Embarrassed you darted to the guest room and shut the door.
-Since you’re all alone, use this to tide your appetite over xoxo
*image loading*
The heat rose to your cheeks immediately.
(I’ll let you imagine what kind of picture he sent lol)
-Don’t send anything back tho ok? Don’t want the creep next door spying on you and catching a glimpse of my pretty girl~”
-he’s in another room obviously..
-wait he wouldn’t look through the walls with his eyes would he??
-would- did you ever do that??
-ah gotta go baby, the line is bad, nighty night!
-We’re texting idiot, what line?! And answer the question!!
-xoxo 💋
Ugh jerk… you threw the phone on the bed then slowly got in the unfamiliar bed.
You hated sleeping alone… even when he was out on overnight missions you were surrounded by his scent, his clothes, his everything…
You grabbed a pillow and snuggled it for comfort.
“I miss you idiot…”
Part 3
Aaaaaaand that’s chapter 2! What did you guys think about Suguru’s mention hehe. The angst boat is coming y’all, but first came a little fluff before the storm. Please lemme know what you thought! Until next time!
@gojosatorulover7 @goaway-plzz @goldenglow149 @taakt17 @kneesheee @yumii-34 @ritsatoru @generalstephkenobi @author20 @bitchycloudstrawberry @hojoslutoru
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sh1nch1r0 · 13 days
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Shinchiro x Reader
Part (2/2)
After u told him u were pregnant Shin immediately goes into Dad Mode,hes also very protective of you and watches every step that u do around the house….both of u can’t wait to meet ur baby
Tw:Child birth,Complications,Angst,Many Pregnancy and Medical Terms,Birth,Shinchiro beeing a Dad😭🥹
U heard Shins car pulling into the driveway of ur home as u were sitting on the couch reading a Parenting Book that he had bought a couple of weeks ago.It was so sweet watching him go into Dad Mode,he not only buys parenting books,he also read that if u hold up the Belly of a pregnant person that it reliefs their back cause Babys can get heavy.He did that ever time u cooked or bushed ur teeth cause then he could feel ur tense and exhausted body relaxing against his own.
4 Months have passed since u told him and ur belly grew bigger and heavier by the day,u also had less energy and swollen feet that hurt and cramped a lot so on some days u could barely get up from ur shared bed or the Couch.And unfortunately today was one of these Days.
The Door unlocked and u heard Shins voice in the Hall shouting ur Name and that he was home.He expected u to run into his arms but as u didn’t he was concerned,he finished putting of his shoes and getting into his comfy house slippers.He then rushed into the Living Room where u were.
“Hey Honey how was work?” u asked and sat up a bit straighter,only to be met with not only back pain but also a cramp in your leg which made u hiss in pain.
“Is everything alright?” he asks concerned and sits at the end of the couch.
“My feet are killing me and my back to…” u whine and u lay ur head down on the arm rest.Beeing Pregnant was not easy you knew that but being that exhausted and in pain all the time was blowing ur expectations.
“Can i help i any way Love” your Husband asks and leans forward to put a hand on your Belly.
“No but thanks,i did not make dinner today or i couldn’t make any cause i am trapped on this couch” Shin could hear the disappointment in ur Voice,he knew that u thought it was ur duty to clean and cook and do house work cause he was Working his ass of to pay the bills.Never in a million years would he expect anything from you he lived alone before and hey he was still living and thriving he knew how to handle a household on his own.
“Honey i will make us dinner,and please dont feel guilty for not doing anything cause u are already doing so much for me”he says and presses a kiss against ur forehead.
“What am i doing for your right now?” u ask him cause the only thing u did today or since u were on maternity leave was getting dressed,making breakfast when u could and sitting around till ur pain was better and that was never ur were always in pain the last two months.
“U are growing a Human from scratch that is what ur doing Love,u don’t need to do anything around here i will do it okay.U should rest and relax”he says with a serious look on his face.
“But i am your wife i should help my husband out,i mean u pay for everything”you say and look at him with a sad and disappointed expression.
“U are my Wife.Not my mum.My mom cooked for me washed my clothes and stuff okay.And u are my Wife u are the love of my life for gods sake u should not feel forced to do stuff like that i can do it myself,if u want to do these things fine but never do it cause u should as a Wife” this man will be the death of u he was so understanding and sweet all the time that you would marry him again any day.
U gave him a thankful look and he was off to change before he cooked both of u dinner.
U tought the Days were the worst part and that everything will be better at night u were so wrong.Not only did ur body hurt like shit ur Baby also kicked u every chance he or she got.It hurt but it was also a sign that there was a life growing inside of you but this life could also be a little bit gentle with the person that was living on the outside you tought.
And so u were awake at 3 in the Morning kicking the cover off of u cause u were too hot and the other moment to cold.And to not wake up Shin who had to get up earlier than he usually does cause Mikeys Racing Team needed new bikes and stuff u wandered off into the nursery.
It was painted in neutral colours cause u did not know the gender yet the crib was built and the Chainging table and a Rocking Chair.U smiled at the thought of Ur Husband brining home this Chair u had voiced to him that u wanted a rocking Chair in the Nursery to read Books to ur baby and he got u a beautiful one with a pattern that matches the colours.
In the next weeks both of u would find out the gender of the Baby both of u did bot care about the gender of the baby “at least our Baby is healthy and happy” Shin always said when u asked him if he wanted a Girl or a Boy.But u knew that Shinchiro wanted a Girl just like Draken and Emma.
Emma had told u that she thinks that its a Girl cause “girls steal away their mother beauty” .Which u could not believe cause Emma was Glowing her entire pregnancy and she gave birth to a Girl.But u lost ur glow the past few months which made u a bit self conscious and sad.But ur Sister in Law always reminded u that u were Beautiful and Perfect and that there was a Baby growing under ur heart and that ur Body was working overtime.She also said that the “Pregnancy Glow” faded away after the 4th Month and that some Women just not have it or they experience it at the end of their Journey.
“Just imagine Me ur Dad and you sitting here playing something with you or reading…” u whisper to ur belly and the baby kicked u as if it could understand you.
“I see you agree my little one..” u say and put a hand on your belly and u felt another kick.The kicks always reminded u of the Moment when ur Husband felt the first kick of ur child.
The Evening was hot and it started to rain when u and ur lover sat down at the couch he was sitting behind u and held ur belly gently.The feeling of his body against urs was a familiar one and one that made ur soul feel at home.
U both just sat there in peace the only sound was ur synchrone Breathing and the Rain from outside.But then u felt a sudden kick it was a light one but u felt it.
« Did u feel that too » he whispers from behind you.
« Yes our baby kicked me »u whisper back.
« Wow….nature is truly a miracle hmm » he humms and kisses ur hairline.
« Thank you Love » he whispers after a bit of silence.
« For what » u ask.
« For giving me the Chance to be a father and have a family,i am so grateful for you i love u »he says and pulls u closer against his chest.
This was one of the best moments in ur pregnancy so far,u smile to yourself and rub ur belly gently.
„Is the little one keeping u up?“ a deep and sleepy voice asked u and u turned around.
The darkness of ur home revealed ur lover who looked so done with life and sleepy.
„Yes she keeps kicking me“u say.
„She?…do you know something i dont know“he asks with his arms crossed.
„No but i think its a girl…..something in me says its a girl“u say and get closer to him.
„I mean i have nothing against that if its a boy i wouldn’t be disappointed the only thing that matters is that they are healthy“ he pulls u closer to him and kisses ur lips gently.
„Lets get u back to bed okay?“he says sleepily and u agree.
Back in bed the kicking started again and u were awake another time.
„Hey my little one in there“ Shin whisper to your belly as he notices ur discomfort.
„Ur mom out here is trying her best to grow you, could you please let her sleep“ he continues,and to ur surprise the kicking stops.U moth to him „it works keep going“ and so he does.
„So when u are older one day,Daddy will take u for a ride on his bike and ohh…one day u will have a bike of ur own i have a good one in mind but u can of course choose one yourself love.“a kiss was pressed against ur belly and with Shinchiros voice and the relief ur body experienced now u fell asleep quickly.
Those five months passed quickly,and things got better ur backpain was not that strong and ur feet were quiet normal.And to ur and Shins luck both of u found out that u are having a little baby girl.
As both of u found out Shin cried happy tears and u did too.And after that nothing could bring the smile from shins face his wife was having a little girl and he will be a girl dad soon.
Both of u decorated the Nursery in different shades of pink to make it look girly,and everything seemed perfect but that exact evening u noticed that ur Backpain was worsening and that u had several abodem pain……
It was normal ur midwife had told u ur Body was prepping for Birth and u had something called Braxton Hicks which were false contractions that prepped ur body for the extreme pain of labour.But as the days go by ur false contractions seemed to get worse.They came in 1 to 2 hours and they were so painful that u either need to grab on the nearest thing for support or sit down.
„Love,i know its just these false contractions but please lets go to the gynaecologist and let him check if everythings okay“ ur Husband suggested as u were holding onto him for support as u breathed trough a contraction.
„Okay but he will tell u the same thing as the midwife“u tought.
But ur doctor told u that u were indeed in real labour and that u had to be rushed to the hospital.
It was a shock for both of u cause the baby then would be one and a half weeks early which was not good cause the babys development was not fully completed before the 40th week of pregnancy.
The Sky was foggy and a Storm was building up outside of the Hospital windows.
U were placed in the maternity ward and the doctors did their best to delay the birth cause the risk of ur baby having complications or u having complications while birth were a bit too high to risk.
U felt like u were going insane in this room u hated hospitals,the smell and the vibe were uncomfortable to you.
But ur Room was a bit more colourful and it had a light that was not too bright and the light color was warmer but it still felt like a hospital.
U were placed on an IC with Tocolytics this medication could delay birth and it seemed to be working well.Cause ur abodem pain reduced a bit.And ur Baby girl she was still kicking u but u could not complain cause u were afraid if she did not she may be dead.It hurt but u at least had a sign that she was okay and alive.
And ur Husband he was glued to you he stayed at the hospital with you he was with u the whole two days u were now here,u begged him to go home to shower and get a bit of comfortable sleep but he refused.In the end both of u agreed that one night but only one night he will sleep at home but in that time Emma and Draken will stay with u for a bit so u agreed.
As she saw you Emma was in tears u looked stressed and tired ur hair was greasy and a mess and the Robe they gave u was very uncomfortable.
So she proposed the idea that she will wash ur hair and help you get dressed while Draken was bringing theier Child to Mikey and his Girlfriend.
And after a proper hairwash and after u changed into leggins and a Shirt from ur Husband u felt a bit more human and a bit more like yourself.
Emma tried to get u away from ur worries.
„Her Birthday was really nice but her amazing aunt was missing“she told u about ur Nieces Birthday,that u sadly missed cause u were already a day in the hospital and u could not leave.
„I am so sorry Emma“ u whisper.
„Heyy no need to be sorry we are talking about ur Babys and ur Life and Health here she will always be your niece and you will always be her aunt“she coos and lays her hand over yours.
„Shin visited us in the late afternoon,he told us about u and that he needed to go back to you before you wake up.“ she tells u.
„He really Loves u dear,i have never seen my half brother so happy“ her smile was soft and her hand was now holding yours.
„Emma i am scared shitless“ u confess and Emma gave u a small laugh.
„No need to be,u will get trough this and ur baby will too you know why?“ u chook ur head in response.
„Cause u are her mother and u are a strong woman“ she answeres you and u give her a exhausted smile.
And with that u drift of into a well needed slumber.
Ur Baby was not breathing as they handed her over to you.Her face was pale and her Body lacked any kind of heat,ur world crashed in that moment.U screamed out of pain,pain cause u lost the one thing u loved as much as ur Husband.It was all too much for ur body and everything around u went dark.
A Hand was placed on your Arm and two familiar eyes looked into yours.
„Are you okay Love“ ur Husband asks as u wake up from ur Nightmare.It was a Nightmare was it if not u would loose ur mind.
„Am i still pregnant,is she still alive….Shin tell me“ u say as u panicked.
„Hey…u had a bad dream yes,and u are still pregnant and our baby is doing well“ he assures you and he shifts from his Chair at ur bedside to the mattress u were laying on.He took ur hand in his and pressed a kiss to every finger of ur Hand.
„We will get trough this baby“he says in a calm tone.And leans against ur frame,u craved his presence so much right now u just wanted him closer to you to just hold you close and kiss u.But the IV made that Impossible.
„Shin please hold me“u say and u were close to tear,u shifted a bit to the right for him to lay beside you.And like that u drifted off into a peaceful slumber.While he was beside you.
The Birth was now only two days away from ur calculated day and the risk was lower that something happens to you and the baby so they got u off of the medication and now u needed to wait.Till u were ready to finally give birth.And as the Doctors finally confirmed that it was time u were a bit relieved that ur pregnancy will be over and also a bit sad.
The Birth was going without any complications and Shin was there every second he held ur hand and u almost broke it by squeezing it so hard,and even if u did he couldn’t care less.Shin knew that labour was painful and exhausting and he tought he could handle it well.But hearing u scream for ur life did things to his heart that almost broke it into pieces.But as u pushed a final Time and u heard a loud cry.Both of u we’re relieved she was here ur Baby Girl was finally here.U looked up at Shin and you could see the tears in his eyes.
Ur newborn was placed on your bare chest moments after,she was perfect she has black hair like Shin and beautiful eyes like you she was the perfect mix of both of u.
« I am so proud of u,i am so proud of u of both of u,had to go tough so much »Shin says in a quiet tone to not upset the newborn who was slowly drifting into sleep.He strokes over her head gently and kisses the top of urs.
« Shes perfect Shin » u say exhausted.
Both of u were glad to be home after such nerv wrecking Days.
And Shin was the best dad ever,he fed the baby when you couldn’t,he changed her diapers,rocked and read her to sleep and what u found the cutest were the talks he had with her before bed.
U were fresh out of the Shower when u got down and u saw ur husband standing in ur living room the front to ceiling windows open so the coolness of the rain could go into your too warm home.He stood there and rocked her too sleep.
“Daddy will always protect u,and ur daddy will always be there when u need him and so will ur mommy”he coos to her and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
“And when ur older u can play with ur Cousins,they are very exited too meet u next week”he continues to whisper to the sleeping newborn in his toned arms.
“U have a very loving Family and they all love u very much but ur Mom and i love u way more than them”and with that he notices u standing behind him.U get closer to him and lean ur head against his shoulder and look down at the Human both of u made out of love for each other.
“Thank you” he says quietly and u lean up to kiss him.The sound of the rain calmed all of u down which was all needed.Ur Future was bright with a Family like that and u could not wait for more moments like this to come.
Thank your for reading this fic.And i think my Browser now thinks i am pregnant 😀😭
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anxiteyandsleep · 3 months
I'm so sorry if I made you flustered about the smut question- didn't mean to! 🫢🫣😆
Okay so I'm gonna try and request this: 🙏
Could I please request Thranduil x Male reader who's this tall and buffed tiefling (big horns, long strong tail) who looks scary asf but is actually a total sweetheart? He only looks intimidating bc he's always wearing his armor, covers his face with a cloth/a mask, has dark makeup around his eyes and basically looks like a fricking demon?
He wears a cloth/a mask around his mouth bc he has a big open scar on his cheek (naaah nothing too graphic he just can do this trick with food where when you're facing his healthy side he sticks a carrot into the opening (scar) on the other side and chews without even opening his lips- totally normal- he did it in front of Legolas once and that poor child didn't sleep for a week). He's not ashamed of it, he just doesn't like the stares.
Even tho I'm as old as the first LOTR movie I only just now became a fan and I saw that Thranduil has an injury on his face as well (but hidden) so that got me thinking...
Maybe reader and Thranduil are a couple (reader was treated badly for being a barbarian tiefling -> not by Thranduil <- but proved himself when he saved him) and he then made reader his personal guard, became friends and then lovers.
Thranduil is curious about reader hiding his face but never pushes him to uncover himself (Like why are you hidding yourself from me hmm? Why don't you kiss me? Your other facial features are gorgeous asf, for a tiefling barbarian who rips goblins in half with his bare hands you could even compete with some elves I know-).
One day Thranduil has some issues with his own injury which reader sees and comes to his aid, Thranduil is embarrassed and nearly breaks down, tears fill his eyes bc his love saw his hideous face and is afraid he will leave him (god I'm so bad at romance bro) but reader just chuckles, takes the cloth/mask from his face and shows Thranduil his own injury.
Now they both have scars! They know each other struggles! And they love each other like never before! Happy ending- No but really, angst with fluffy comfort for our two boys and mainly for the elf himself, he needs the love.
Maybe even emotional way back to their shared bedroom by sunset all lovely dovely bc why dafuq not- just Thranduil giggling kicking his feet and twirling his hair as he's princess carried-
Jesus...I got way too into this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sorry for it being so long, I honestly don't know how to write short requests...also sorry for any mistakes, english is my second language.
Add something, remove something, it's up to you. You don't even have to write it if you hate it or you're not comfy with it. 😘😘
This is adorable ahhh and dw you didn't make me embarrassed or anything! I may have missed some details, this was written over the course of multiple days with very little sleep😭
I included my head canon that Thranduil is blind in his one eye from the dragon fire, as well as that when low on energy he can't keep the disguise up.
Slight TW for blood, scars and such???
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It has been almost a year since you and Thranduil had started dating, you were his personal guard and beloved boyfriend, he adored you so much. He never knew why you hid your face but he didn't pry, especially considering he hides his face in a way too.
Thranduil had always been impressed by you, a strong tiefling with a kind soul, much like a gentle giant. Sure you were rather... Gruesome in battle, using your bare hands to fight and always returning covered in blood and gore. It was truly terrifying but Thranduil loved it, especially after you had saved him from a spider attack.
Today, however, Thranduil was hiding away from his beloved barbarian, tucked away in his room with nothing but a small candle dimly lighting the room. He had overworked himself again, his head was aching and he had no energy left to maintain his disguise, the burnt skin and muscle visible, a sight he despised.
When you heard that Thranduil was taking the day off and locked himself in his room, you grew worried. He's never done that before, usually on his days off he spends them with you, taking a walk through the garden or getting some much needed sleep. So of course you immediately went to check on him, making your way to your shared bedroom.
"Thranduil? Are you alright? I heard the guards say you weren't feeling well and I-" you fell silent as you entered the bedroom, squinting as you adjusted to the dim light but you knew exactly what you saw. You never knew Thranduil had such a scar, it covered the left half of his face and his eye was completely white.
Thranduil had to turn his head completely to actually see you, quickly attempting to cover up the scar but alas, he couldn't manage to use his magic in such a state. He never wanted you to see this side or him, he wanted to keep this horrid scar hidden from you.
"(Name)... What... What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on patrol?" He managed to get out, clearing his throat and doing his best to speak in his usual tone but his voice still sounded shaky. Perhaps if he didn't bring attention to the scar, you would just ignore it as well
"I just got back, my love..." You replied, slowly walking closer to Thranduil, head tilted slightly in curiosity as you examined the scar. When you reached the edge of the bed, you knelt down before him, resting your chin on his legs. "is that from the dragon you faced?"
Thranduil sighed softly, closing his eyes as he couldn't bare to look at you, afraid he'd see disgust in your eyes. "yes...I managed to survive but..." He vaguely gestured to the scar, shaking his head slightly. Thranduil finally opened his eyes again when he felt your strong hands holding his, the touch was so gentle and caring, he just had to see you.
The way you were looking at him surprised him, your eyes were full so of love and admiration, it made his heart swell.
"We kinda match" you hum in a soft whisper, reaching up to remove the mask you always wore and revealing your own scar. You weren't ashamed of it, you mostly hid it for everyone's comfort as the sight of your open cheek often made people uneasy and you hated the looks they'd give you.
it was now Thranduil's turn to stare in awe, one of his delicate hands reaching up to gently trace around the scar, his fingers soft and gentle as always. "hm I suppose we do, my love" he replied softly his hand trailing up to gently trace over your horns, following the pattern and ridges of them.
"forgive me for keeping this from you... I... I do not like people seeing me in such a state but I should've told you" Thranduil apologized, moving his hands back to gently cup your face, being careful to not disturb the scar
You couldn't help but chuckle a little, leaning into his touch while your tail wagged slightly. "there's no need to apologize, I kept a secret from you too"
Thranduil felt as if a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders, the stress slowly melting away as he held you in his hands. "Well now that we both have told the truth, how about we rest?" He whispered sweetly, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss, one you eagerly returned.
Without breaking the kiss, you got off your knees, cradling the back of Thranduils neck with one of your hands. You kicked off your boots, accidentally sending one flying across the room but you didn't care. "a nap sounds good, yeah" you muttered against his lips as you carefully push him back onto the bed, climbing on top of him to continue the kiss.
Thranduil couldn't help but chuckle, pulling back from your lips just enough to talk. "My love, this is not napping ~" he didn't really mind as you continued to pamper him with kisses, his delicate hands reaching up to gently tangle themselves in your hair.
"mm we'll nap after, then"
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novelizt · 8 months
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GENRE ➺ fluff
SYNOPSIS ➺ sharing a life with lockwood comes with unexpected changes and new-found habits
WC ➺ 1k
NOTE ➺ i just can't let them go 😭😭 (kind of all over the place because i didn't follow an outline while writing — this is 100% indulgent and spur of the moment), this is pure, tooth-rotting sweetness!
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The thing about growing up and then drifting apart is that there are so many contradictions when you're faithfully put together again. There are so many things that stayed the same and there are so many things that changed. It's kind of dizzying when you wake up and remember you're no longer strangers.
You caught yourself holding in your giggles that morning whilst trying not to wake Lockwood. He had stayed up all night helping George sift through a pancake stack of files. By the time they were done, he barely had the energy to slide into bed.
That was the biggest change you had to adjust to; the fact that you woke up next to him. The rest of the bedrooms were occupied, so Lockwood found it most fitting that you stay in his.
Maybe it was just an excuse to stay close to you, but you weren't one to complain. You were just as guilty of finding excuses to be glued to his side. Most mornings consisted of you playing with his hair until he was ready to face the day. Every now and then, he'd be the one twisting your hair around his fingers until you were ready.
When you moved in, his clothes had been pushed to the left side of the armoire while yours were on the right, because — in his words —,you were always right.
That wasn't all. There was a long list of things that changed. You, for one, weren't used to being sought out all the time. Lockwood would do just about anything to hold your hand or steal a kiss. Even in the tranquil afternoons where you two would sit next to each other in the kitchen, he'd draw shapes on your elbow or your thigh—just craving the closeness.
Who knew years of cold shoulders and passing glances could make one so touch-starved?
A prime example of this is his newly developed habit of slipping his hand up your shirt at any opportunity presented to him. He'd rather hold your hip and feel your skin against his than simply clutching your belt. Even in his sleep, his hands seek out the softness of skin-to-skin contact. He wouldn't stop tossing and turning until his palm was splayed over your bare back, feeling the steady up and down of your breathing. You can't be too mad about it when you smile every time you feel his hands on you.
To George's surprise, Lockwood volunteers to do the grocery shopping just to spend some quality time with you. He had a list mapped out so you two could efficiently find what was needed and head home. He'd carry all the bags in one hand so he could give you his other. If you even suggest helping him carry a thing, he will ignore you.
Lockwood also developed the habit of tugging your hair. If you were busy pouring over a certain document, he would take a lock dangling before your eyes and give it a light pull; Flashing you a smile when you'd look up in annoyance. You didn't understand where it came from but it soon became ritual for him to give your hair a wee tug to remind you that he's around.
When you joined him on cases, he did it as a form of goodluck before you two had to part ways for a few hours. If the case went well, he'd wail on about how much time you could have saved if he just sent Lucy and George.
Lockwood's latest achievement was acquiring what he calls a Love Lock. In layman's terms, it was hair tie of yours that he around his wrist. If you ask him about it, he'd go on about the deeper significance of such a responsibility. He rolls up his sleeve to show it off and gets sulky when you need it back.
For his birthday, you gifted him a red string bracelet so there would always something on his wrist even on the dreadful days you asked for it back. You have a matching one, of course.
About six months into living in 35 Portland Row, you took it upon yourself to bring chapstick everywhere because the boy didn't know how important smooth lips were when you kiss as often as you do. He shared the one you brouggt along until he picked up the habit of trying different flavours on his own.
"How's this one?" He asked, bending down to steal his umpteenth kiss of the day. He's made it a sport at this point.
Not that you were complaining, and for any curious souls, the chapstick was Cola-flavoured.
"Good," you replied. "Not as good as the cherry though."
He chuckled, smiling that smile that makes you weak. "Of course you'd say that."
He doesn't reapply before kissing you, slow and tender. Like he was figuring out how to say 'I love you' without actually saying anything.
When he pulled away, you were still reeling and leaning towards him for more. He, much to your annoyance, pinched your cheek and laughed victoriously. "Look at you, cherry cheeks. Careful, I might start to believe you're in love with me."
It was no longer funny when you deprived him off the right to kiss you for a few hours.
You couldn't even stay mad for long when you were living in the same space as a bloke as charming as he is. On the mornings after arguments, you'd head into the bathroom to shower away your worries, just to find little love notes and apologies written in the condensation left on the mirror.
If the mirror apologies didn't work, Lockwood always made it a point to get you your favorite flowers. Desperately measures involved refilling all your office stationary for you, so you'd be less hassled when you're in your element.
Hands down, your favorite part of the day is watching him fluff your pillow. He does it without fail, even if you two are in the middle of quarreling. You can set your anger aside for a five minute cuddle, or a few hours. You find yourself losing track of time when Lockwood's involved.
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NOTE ➺ i want to make stories but i actually have to write to do that 😭😭 i love writing but goodness, it's hard to translate my brain vomit into pretty paragraphs.
⌠ @novelizt 2023 ⌡
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traveler-at-heart · 11 months
What we were
Chapter 2 
A/N: Background into the What we were story. Mentions of cheating, character death.
PS I didn’t mean to make you all hate Natasha 😭 I’ve just had this story for a long time in my mind and wanted to write it. Baby’s been through it and I promise in other chapters she’ll be better if that makes sense lol.
Six Months Earlier
It was a warm spring day. Flowers were blooming. In no time, grass would grow back to cover the grave.
As Clint’s coffin was lowered to the ground, it felt like time had stopped, or it had been altered.
You were all pretty much retired. The Avengers were a thing of the past.
So why was he on that mission with Kate Bishop?
Carol, still grieving over Maria, only sent flowers.
Natasha was away from everyone else. No one could approach her, not even you. She’d only talk to Anya or Laura.
It felt like she was punishing the team. 
You are all to blame.
Natasha almost threw Kate across the room the minute she tried to apologize.
That was the first wedge between her and Yelena.
She ignored everyone’s disapproving stares as well. And you knew what that distance meant.
Nothing and no one would get in her way to avenge Clint.
You were scared.
And rightfully so.
Natasha didn’t sleep, barely ate and simply stopped being present in your lives.
You heard her scoff and protest everytime you brought it up.
Laura is raising three kids on her own. And you think you have it hard?
One day, you begged her to come with you to therapy.
It could be good for us.
She agreed, if only to shut you up. Natasha never made it to that first session, nor did she apologize for her absence.
For the first time in your life, you could actually picture what it was like in the Red Room.
No feelings, no humanity.
Just a mission.
Before summer break, you asked Yelena to organize a family trip to celebrate Anya’s birthday.
Maybe Natasha could speak to Alexei or Melina. Maybe they’d understand.
Natasha refused.
“It’s for your daughter’s birthday,” you pleaded.
“We’ll do something else. Just the three of us. I promise”
Because she looked ashamed for the first time in months, you believed her.
It was a lie.
Yelena flew the next week, agreeing to look after Anya until school started again.
Your plan was simple; you’d help Natasha find all the information she needed. You’d finish the mission and then go back to normal.
The day after Yelena and Anya left, you went back to the Compound.
That’s where your wife was most nights, alone. Even Bucky had moved out years ago.
Still, you remembered every corner of this building.
It was your home, a long time ago.
Yours and Natasha’s.
Your first kiss, your first night together… It all happened here.
Curious about the things left in your old room, you walked over there, not even bothering to knock.
And there, you found Carol putting on a shirt and shorts, while Natasha walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.
“Shit” her skin paled the second you locked eyes. “Y/N, please”
The room was spinning, you couldn’t breathe and you were certain your heart would explode any minute now.
Natasha ran behind you, pulling you by the wrist to make you turn.
She was screaming, crying, begging. All the things you had done for the last four months to keep your family in one piece.
Going to Wanda’s old room, you locked the door, barely listening to her pleads on the other side.
It was the strangest feeling in the world. Your energy was drained, as if you’d come back from a mission and were fatally wounded.
Natasha was still there when you opened the door, a couple of hours later. You couldn’t feel your face and your voice sounded foreign as you spoke.
“You have until tomorrow to move out of the house”
“Please, don’t”
You walked past her, without sparing a single glance her way.
Were you dreaming? Because you didn’t feel anything as you left the building, driving straight to Bucky’s house.
But when he opened the door and you could see how concerned he was, you finally broke down.
Your family was destroyed.
And you couldn’t save it.
Taglist: @wandabear, @thatonebrazilian, @canvascoloredin
261 notes · View notes
dearsnow · 5 months
hi!! can i just request any two-bit fluff...like jus domestic warm fuzzy fluff ..maybe slight silliness...feel free to write whatever
- you happen upon your very noisy “roommate” cooking away in the middle of the night (two-bit mathews x gn!reader, domestic fluff, lowkey so cute)
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word count: 687
a/n - asther fulfilling a request??? within a reasonable time????? the world is turning upside down, y’all 🫡 i hope you enjoy 😭
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“Keith, seriously?” Your voice is hoarse, a desperate whisper that borders on a shout. It is 2:42 AM, and your recently-moved-in, much-loved but forever annoying boyfriend is making a four course meal in your kitchen.
Surprisingly, this is the first time you have ever seen him cook more than microwaveable meals and the occasional pack of instant ramen. He looks up at you, clad in pajamas, fuzzy socks, and a shit-eating grin. “What, I was hungry!”
“You’re gonna be hungry when I kick you out.” You mutter. “Couldn’t you at least be quiet about it? I heard pots and pans and humming through our very thin bedroom walls.”
“You can’t kick me out, I’m too fun.” He smiles. He puts a lid on his pan of frying bacon and turns off the heat. “You love me. Admit it.”
You scoff, but when he takes your hands in his, your heart skips a beat.
“You looooooove meeeeee,” he sings, “c’mon, just say it.”
“I would love you so much more if you didn’t wake me up so early on a work day.” You say, trying desperately to hide the fact that the corners of your mouth are turning up. Like always, though, somehow he notices. It’s like every almost-smile from you is a win, one more thing to keep him going before he runs out of energy and crashes into bed, legs entwined with yours and mouth slightly open.
He spins you around, still humming a song you don’t think you’ve ever heard before. It wouldn’t surprise you if he had just made it up. “I love you, and you love me. That’s why you’re dancing instead of yelling.” You laugh. You’re supposed to be angry with him, but the tension between your eyebrows dissipates when you look at his smiling face. If Two-Bit had just one talent, it would be switching your mood to happy. No matter what, no matter how annoying he is sometimes, you’re happiest when you’re with him.
“Yeah, I love you,” you gasp as he dips you so close to the floor you can feel the cold tile sucking in your heat, “and I love that you can make me laugh,” he pulls you back up, “but really, what are you doing making all this food at such an ungodly hour?”
He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head against your neck. He leads you in a few steps, his warmth smoothing the goosebumps on your arms. “I wanted to do something nice for once. You’re always making me breakfast, and you leave earlier than me, so I thought I’d make a bit of food that you can just heat up when ‘m dead asleep.”
“Really?” You move back to stare at him, eyes soft in the dim kitchen lighting. “That’s… that’s really sweet, Two. Thank you.” If you were being honest, you thought he barely noticed you taking care of him in that way. You figured that it’s just something that comes with dating someone who seems like they could burn water.
“Nah, it’s nothin’.” He turns his head, a blush creeping up his neck towards the apples of his cheeks. “I just want you to know I appreciate what you do. This whole ‘me movin’ in’ thing put a whole lotta stress on your shoulders, so some domestic effort from me couldn’t hurt. I’ll at least try be quieter next time, though.” He raises his eyebrows and presses a quick kiss to the back of your hand. You can feel your own cheeks heating up. “I don’t want you ruining the surprise again, hm?”
“Yeah, it sounded like an elephant was training to be a chef in here.” You tease. He laughs, the sound ringing in your ears like a sweet bell. It’s a sound you don’t think you could ever get tired of.
He slings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. He would drop anything to have you pressed against him at all hours of the day.
“And yet you still love me.”
You grin at him. “And yet, my love, I won’t ever stop.”
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year
YOUR MXM REQUESTER IS BACK AGAINNNN. I’m literally in love w your works fr, like whenever I have nothing to do I’m taking my ass over to your blog to read😭 you’re a wholeass blessing fr
Okay so my mind started working again, like imagine the reader just over all being a tease the whole day and in the evening his Yautja mate walks in on the reader touching himself later on which leads to smut:D?
What We Do In The Night
Pairing: Mai'tuiudh (Male Reader) x AMAB Reader
Warnings: breeding kink, size kink, teasing out in public, knots, masturbation, being caught while masturbating, cum eating, talk about cum, thigh fucking.
Word Count: 5662 (whoops, my hand slipped...)
Summary: A new question. What would happen if you teased your mate while on the mother ship? You're in front of his peers, touching him throughout the day. He can't do anything in return. Not when there's other watching. Wait until he get's back from his meeting...
Author Note: Welcome back! Glad to have you! I'm so glad you are liking them. I have to say, I'm slightly out of my element when it comes to MXM stuff but I do like a challenge. I'm loving them so much as you can clearly tell by the 11 page essay I just wrote, lol. Throw some more at me!
Many eyes were on your form as you strutted through the halls. Mai has taught you to ignore them, don’t give them energy to taunt you. Over many visits, you’ve gotten use to the stares and eyes. It no longer bothered you. To be honest, it made you want to try something that Mai has whispered to you before. The Yautja have little shame on what humans call disgusting. It’s taken some time to get use to seeing naked forms along the crew.
They have no reason to shy away though. Their frames are athletic and toned, just like your partners. Straight up hunters that loved the hunt. Most do, at least. From what you’ve heard, others prefer science or mechanics. Those are the similarities to the humans that you considered. There are things between your two races that are completely different then there’s those before mentioned ones.
Your feet were taking wide, quick strides to keep up with Mai’tuiudh. With how fast he was moving, he seemed to be on a deadly mission. To where, you have no idea.
It’s rare to be on the mothership. Mai hated to be here. By the looks of it, the other Yautjas felt the same towards him. The stares, glaring, and scoffing are any clue. You feel like it has something to do with you to being together, but it doesn’t matter to you.
Yet, the elders call upon him to physically check in and report his findings. Mai listens to them. Well, he has to or be hunted down by an Enforcer to be brought back. Mai’s told you this has happened once before. Some Yautja named Dai’stbaen dragging him here to answer to the elders.
The stares don’t go away as Mai plops down on the bench. A bowl of some sort of noodles in front of him. It wasn’t the first time you’ve seen him eat noodles. But it was quite strange yet funny to see. You join Mai next to him and leaned into his side. The Yautja doesn’t move and lets you stay there. There was a little coverage with the table. The others around have finally returned back to their food and tablemates. This was your chance.
A grin grew on your features. Your hand nearest to him rested on his bare thigh. The muscle barely twitched as Mai used chopsticks to pick up some noodles and bring it to his mouth. Said hand started to slide up towards Mai’s torso. This time, you felt Mai’s stomach flex against your side. Good boy, is what you wanted to say but you were in earshot of company.
Once the noodles tangled on the blue Yautja’s mandibles was consumed, Mai released a growl-chuff at you. “What are you doing, little bug?” he questioned, keeping a hand on the bowl and the other grasping the chopsticks. Mai wasn’t going to stop you though. The skimming of your palm felt wonderful against his skin. “Think wisely.”
Poor choice of words. You were thinking of all things you could do to him while he couldn’t do anything. Mai has a taste for touch outside of the bedroom but won’t full on take you in front of company. Such a gentleman. You continued to smirk as your hand reached the hem of his short-shorts, then pushed underneath.
Mai’s skin was set ablaze against yours the closer you got to his core. The Yautja squared his shoulders, attempting to keep any noises to himself. He tried. That’s all that matters in the end.
Later in the day, when the ship was calming down, the two of you found yourself in a sparring room. Other Yautjas were working on their form and whatnot. All of it was enticing but your eyes were kept on the blue Yautja stretching. Mai was bent at the waist, touching his fingers to his toes. You licked at your lips and secretly shifted your twitching dick. How could anyone not want to be ruined by him and his glory? If anyone said no, then they are complete liars.
Your Yautja swiped at drop of blood hanging from his lower mandible with a long tongue. The things Mai could do with that muscle. One’s you’ve experienced countless time. God, just thinking about him was probably alerting the Yautjas around about how horny you were for him. Who cares though? Not you as he walked over to you.
The waterskin in your hand was offered to the sweaty alien. Said being took it from your gasp. As he drank, you placed a hand on his stomach, feeling it flex. That limb skirted over Mai’s crotch, loving the way he tensed and almost choked on his drink. Mai was quick to cap the waterskin and grasp your hand. Yet, as the giant stared into your eyes, he couldn’t tell you to stop. Not when he felt his cock stir within his sheath. Damn this ship.
“What’s the matter, love? Cat got your tongue?” you jestered, palm resting over his crotch. If he didn’t need to show at least a hair of restraint in front of his peers, Mai would’ve had you face down, ass up. The feel of you wrapped around as he stroked your cock. Paya, save his damned soul.
His former sparring partner called to him, asking if they were going to continue. He wished he didn’t have to. He wished he could walk straight out of this room and take you somewhere private.
Maybe he’ll just use your mouth, teach you lesson. Especially, when you’re touching him like that. It’s going to be difficult to focus now. It was all your fault.
The two of you stood in front of the door, a soft smile upon your lips. Lips that Mai wanted to bite as you looked at him that way. The way that captured his sight, his mind, his focus. He couldn’t help placing his hands on your hips and drawing you close.
The heat of his body made your lips press together, eyes sparkling with mischief. Your own hands started at his lower torso then skimmed around his sides then rested on the swell of Mai’s butt.
Said being’s mandibles clicked against one another. If only Elder Foq’oz hadn’t called upon him. He wouldn’t have to leave you. No, he could push you into his dwelling and take you against the door. No eyes could see, but everyone within the vicinity could hear how good he fucks your ass. Then, he would knot you, pouring his seed deep within you. You would keep it there, being so good for him. Afterwards, Mai would carry you to the large bath and take you all over again. He would happily seed you continuously through the night.
His cock’s tip started to rub against his shorts. The friction and smell of you made him keen silently, slightly bent over you. Mai let his tongue slither out to taste the air, eyes drifting shut.
Or, he could take you here. Quickly. Quietly. There would be eyes, much to his dismay, but you’re his. Yet, the Elder would be infuriated to learn why he was late. Mai would receive some sort of punishment by said Yautja. Not that he was against them… he didn’t want to be away longer than necessary from his mate.
“Prepare, little ooman,” he rumbled into shoulder before standing tall. In the air, Mai smelled his own dai-shui lingering. A short shower wasn’t going to get rid of it, as much as he hoped. He’ll have to bear what words the Elder will throw at him. All for you.
At his words, you cocked your head, brows furrowed. “For what, babe?” you requested, hands moving to Mai’s front and slipping underneath his pants again. Your Yautja rocked his hips forward, sweltering penis sliding against your hand. Paya, you were going to be the death of him at his stage. The way you touched him. The way you felt against him just like this.
“Pauking be ready when I return, ooman.” Oh, you knew you were in trouble now at that point. All you could do was smile innocently up at him. Mai growled softly, ending it with a keen. He used a hand to wrap around your neck and simply pin you into the door. “You will not leave my room in the morning. You will be full of me before day.”
Your dick throbbed in your pants. Since your grave has already been dug, who cares if it gets deeper. “Is that a promise or a threat?” One limb drifted north to tweak at one of Mai’s exposed nipples.
Mai’tuiudh had a strong urge to bite you on your neck. Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson. Knowing you though, there’s a chance it wouldn’t work as well as he wanted it to. His grip tightened on you, claws pressing into your skin. “Consider it a threat and promise. It won’t matter though. You’ll be far too cockdumb to know.”
This time, you gasped, hands stilling. God, he knew how to get your blood going. Well, his presence already did that. Yet, you kept a cocky look on your face. “Good. Now, be a good boy and run along,” you shooed him away.
His hand slammed into the pad next to the door. This action caught the attention of many eyes around. Their head snapped to the two of you. They watched as the Yautja shoved you past the door and it closed between the pair. The heavy scent of a horny male in the air. Many just rolled their eyes at the smell before carrying on.
You stared at the sheet of metal blocking you from Mai’tuiudh. Now, you could release the façade, fingers already palming at the tent growing within your pants. Shit, that alien knows what he’s doing with you. His words, smell, being, they drove you crazy when he did things like this. Yet, you had to wait until he came back to get what you want.
An idea came to mind standing in the entrance. It was the honest truth you’ll have to wait until Mai gets done with whatever he’s doing to get knotted. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while he’s away. Now, you can imagine the sight of him walking in as you played with yourself.
Hand wrapped softly around your hard cock, precoma weeping from the tip. Maybe one of your many toys filling your ass, barely comparing to Mai’s impressive cock. It could just be there until he will.
The pants around your waist did nothing to hide the tent growing within them. Your blood rushing to your hardening cock. Your back rested against the closed door as a hand wrapped around yourself, softly stroking.
Images of past encounters with your lover played behind your eyelids. Every time ended with you knotted on him, dick twitching deep inside of you, filling you with his seed. The back of your smacked against the door, a low moan breaking the quiet air.
All the things Mai has done to you over the course of the time you’ve spent with him. The touches, the words, the emotions. By god, you love him. The Yautja may not say those exact words, but you knew he felt the same as he bared himself to you. He’s been vulnerable to you so many times before.
He’s treated you right this entire time. He cares about you. He’s kept you in his thoughts. Yes, there’s been disagreements, but fuck. They’ve always been resolved. He loves you, words or not. Through and through. When returned back from wherever he’s been called to, he’ll take care of you completely. Someday, you feel you should return the favor full heartily. God, what has you brain done to you?
The question should be, what has Mai done to you? Here you were, back against a door, hand now down your pants to stroke at your dick. Dirty, downright sinful thoughts spilling through your mind. All you wanted was Mai to walk in and see you fisting yourself as you moaned his name.
That made you push off of the door and take unsteady steps towards the bedroom. The trek was long and difficult. Your legs wobbled underneath you at each footfall. All your thoughts were focused on the mental image of you being pounded into by Mai. All you had to do was wait and be good, be prepared. You had a full understanding on what teasing the Yautja in front of his kind could do.
Out in public, Mai stays conservative. He’s respectful yet firm. You aren’t allowed out of his sights when in crowds. Though, this may seem demeaning, he will make you hold his hand the entire time. If that’s not possible. Like for instance, grabbing credits, he’ll force you in front of him, pressed up against him.
At that thought, you wanted to be skin to skin with him. Sweaty bodies moving with each other, each seeking pleasure in the other.
The concave bed covered in pelts and a couple of blankets felt like heaven. Past memories surfacing once more to remind you what’s to come. Your hand didn’t leave the confines of your pant as you laid back. You let loose a moan when you squeezed the base of your cock. That’s what Mai’s going to do to you when he returns. All the things he’s going to do… You wondered what position he’s going to fold you into when comes back. Maybe Mai won’t even take you in the bed. The wall could work, show off how strong he is as he holds you up easily in his arms. Or the bath; you riding him till he knots you. Mai stroking your cock in rhythm. You bit your bottom lip, hips stuttering against your hand.
How can you even think straight with those thoughts? To be honest, you probably weren’t thinking straight at the moment. Mai consumed your mind.
The drag of dry hands didn’t feel the best. You reached over to the low table next to the bed. When it came to Mai, he always has lube nearby at the thoughts of you. One way he shows he truly cares about you. Always on his mind too.
After retrieving the bottle of lube and a toy, your pants were pushed off of your legs and thrown off to the side. Your hardened cock rested against your stomach, leaking precum, tip pink and flushed. It jumped when you skimmed slick fingers over the underside. You whined at the feeling and did the same thing again. Mai’s rough fingers would feel so much better. Patience was key right now. All you had to do was wait somewhat patiently for his return.
The toy earlier mentioned was slicked up with the same lube. You rolled onto your side, hiked up a leg, and nudged the tip against the tight ring of muscles. After countless times with Mai, he’s been able to loosen you up to make it easier for the two of you. Yet, it never hurts to prepare yourself for him. He did say to do that before he left you panting and hard against the door.
You softly cried out as the plug was pushed into you, slowly opening you up. Your bottom lip was bitten again at the pleasure spiking throughout your body. This caused you to start panting, jaw hung low.
Then, the thickest part of it was pushed fully and nestled perfect inside. Your only free hand went immediately back to your cock and started up a decent pace. Your body stayed on it’s side as you stroked, eyes starting to roll back into your head. Fuck, this wasn’t the greatest. The plug did little to fill you the way Mai could. It made you hungry for more. Yet, you guessed it was the idea and possible feeling that had you whining in the empty room.
It was far from silent now in the bedroom. Soft cries, whines, and moan echoing back at your needy form on Mai’s bed. You buried your nose into the pelt and took a deep breath. There. There was his grounding scent woven into the blankets. Your dick twitched, more precum coating the tips. You used the palm of your hand to corkscrew the tip. “Mai!” you whimpered, other hand clawing into the bed.
The muscles in your lower torso tensed, preparing for the upcoming orgasm. Your hand sped up, tightening its hold. Your mind is starting to go blank, besides the only thought on it was Mai. “Pl-ease, let, let me come, baby,” you begged to a figure who wasn’t here, to an empty room.
Your balls tightened, drawing up into your pelvis. Your arm growing tired at the speed but didn’t dare stop. Not when it was right the- “What do we have here?”
Over the white noise in your ears, you heard a voice gravelly speak. The concentration was dropped, hand stopping at the tip, eyes shooting open to find the origin.
In all of his glory, Mai rested a shoulder against the doorway, arms crossed, and eyes locked onto you. His long tongue slipped between his inner jaw to taste the air. You watched as his burnt orange eyes expanded.
All you could do was lay there, panting and not daring to move. The male finally pushed off of the door frame and marched straight over to you. Now, you turned onto your back and started to crawl away from him. That didn’t work.
Mai simply grasped an ankle and tugged you back to him before forcing you onto your front. One hand pinned your neck down into the bed while the other lifted your hips up. The shiny blue butt plug now exposed to him. The Yautja purred lowly, thumb touching the plug before hooking a claw and lightly pulling on it. It moved only an inch inside of you, but you moaned, hands grasping at the pelts again. “Mai,” you cried out his name with him here.
“If you didn’t tease me since this morning, I would be praising you. But you don’t deserve my good words now. Not when you have me wanting to breed you since you touched me out in the hallways this morning.” Mai pushed on the plug now, gaining the same reaction as before. “Do you know how hard it was not to push you into the floor in front of other people and knot you right there? I know you would’ve sound so pretty, begging for my knot and to bred you.”
The touch on your lower end was removed. Only a cool breeze ghosted over the hot skin he had grazed over. “You would’ve loved that. Huh? Seeing all those larger than you watching you getting bred by one of their own? Maybe you would’ve let them have a turn with you?”
This time, you whine in disagreement. “No, no! All yours. All yours. I want you, love. Please. I’m only yours.”
From behind you, where you couldn’t see, Mai smirked proudly at that. The belt around his thick waist was removed, thrown off to the side. Green pelt shorts followed shortly after.
A shiver raked the Yautja’s body, his cock meeting the air, slick and pulsing with need. Mai knew the elder could smell his arousal when Mai entered the room. As much as Mai should’ve felt embarrassed, he didn’t. Instead, he wanted the meeting to be over the moment it started. So, he could come back here and fill you with his cock. Patience is a hunter’s virtue. One a struggled with since he was a child.
“You know how to please me, little ooman,” he grumbled, letting his hand return back to your butt. He squeezed one of your cheeks. Patience. His prize would soon come to him in time. Instead, Mai rested his heavy cock on your tail bone and rutted against you.
From the smell and sight of you, you were ready to come. He could tell when he entered the room you were about to. But Mai ensured you wouldn’t.
Like all the times before, the Yautja leaned down so his mouth was next to your ear. His body curled over yours, easily covering you like a big blanket. The hand on your butt moved to slither around your torso, taking up so much space. “Are you ready for me?” he softly whispered. You felt your cock jump, slapping against Mai’s arm. He smirked at this and licked a stripe behind the shell of your ear.
A whimper sounded in the back of your throat. “Please, love, fill me. I want to feel you so bad. You don’t understand.” His chest vibrated your spine, traveling through your body. You sobbed at the feeling on your weeping cock.
“Oh, but I completely understand.” Mai lifted his upper body off of you before maneuvering you into the position he wanted. You were still in bed, plug removed. Now though, he was sitting with you straddling his thick thighs and waist. Your knees couldn’t even touch the pelts below. All of your weight is resting completely on him now.
A heavy amount of lube had been used on both of you. To the point you felt it rolling down your legs in beads. Both of Mai’s hands were resting on your hips, thumbs touching each other in the middle of your torso. Your aching cock pinned between. It leaked precum, sliding down the length. You were so needy for him, needing to come all over him. Your own way of marking him in return.
Mai simply lifted you up, your cock sliding against his toned abdomen. You reached back to grasp his dick and guide it to your entrance. The Yautja purred as you did so, easily keeping you up.
When you pressed the tip in, Mai’s purr stuttered with a growl. He tensed to stop himself from rutting up into you at just the feel. No matter how many times he enters you, it makes him feel like a newly blooded Yautja getting his first female. This was a hundred times better than that though, making it even harder not to pin you underneath his large frame and take you. You made him feel this way.
He allowed you to control the speed at first. Your comfort was first in his book. He enjoyed the slow slide of you coming down on his penis. The way you would stop, rise up only to fall further. You squeezed the life out of him the further you went down. Then, you finally met your hips against his. His claws bit into your skin at the feeling.
“God, you fe-el so good, love.” Your hand skated down to wrap around your cock. A mistake. Mai grasped that limb and pulled it away.
“Mine to touch. Not yours,” he demanded before releasing the hold. You whined and rested your forehead against his pec. How could he deny you when he’s filling you so perfectly. His knot wasn’t inflated but you could still feel it pressing inside of you.
The Yautja rumbled a laugh at your reaction. Poor little ooman, waiting for him to knot. He waited though until he felt you fully relax against him before lifting you up. The way you sobbed into his chest had him already wanting to hear more. He pulled you back down until your hips met again, beginning a slow but hard pace. One that had you panting and pawing at him.
Low curse words spilling from your lips at the building pleasure. Pleasure that had you already on the edge from earlier. Oh shit. You were going to come so quick. There was no stopping if he kept this up. What would he think of you? Such a needy little thing, already spilling your cum on him?
It took a little effort to even think of the words as the band in your stomach tightened. “Mai, Mai… mmm. I’m gonna come. Let me. Please. I wanna. Please,” you begged to the large alien fucking his cock into you.
Said being couldn’t help the smirk from growing on his mandibles. What you had said already confirmed his suspicions. This was the cause from you playing with yourself earlier. He couldn’t deny the fact you were making him feel so good. Though, if he was truly thinking, he probably would’ve stopped to let the orgasm fade away. You deserved it after teasing with all those touches all day.
His mind already recalling your subtle touches against his thigh as the two of you walked through the hallways. Many of his kinds eyes were on you, watching. Yet, you didn’t seem to know and carried out feeling him up. He knew the others could smell his growing musk for you. He can’t blame the mating season. There’s a couple of months till then.
After that one, you had taken a seat on his lap, pressing into him. Mai easily read the way the room tensed at this. Some Yautja had looked away while others couldn’t stop staring. As much as Mai hated it, he returned the pressure on them until no one dared to look at them.
Then later on, you had pulled him, off guard, into an empty hallway and backed him into the wall. This caused the Yautja’s eyes to bulge out, lower jaw slackened as he watched you feel him up. Mai couldn’t help his head throwing back and body pressing up into your hands. You ate that up happily.
Or when you slipped your hand into his pants while he talking to an old friend. He nearly choked on his spit when your fingers slipped across his slit. Said friend gave him a weird look but carried on until Mai had to remove the two of you from the equation. You were giggling the entire time, unable to quiet down. Damn, you were proud of yourself.
Usually, now would be the time for revenge. With the way you were squeezing him, calling his name, begging for him. How could he deny you that sweet, sweet release?
Mai angled his hips towards something he knew would make you keen just for him. When the tip of his penis slammed against that special spot, you gasped, nails digging into his flesh. “Fuck! Do that again! Please! Again,” you pleaded with him. You were perfect like this.
One of his hands moved to grasp your weeping cock and started a pace that matched his own. If you were going to come this early, he’s going to milk it for what it’s worth. “Come, little ooman. Come on my hand, now,” he snarled as he felt you clench around him. He had a bit of stamina left in him so this wasn’t the end for him just yet.
You cried out hard, his name falling from your lips. The band in your stomach snapped, balls drawn tight. Your cock throbbed within Mai’s hold, white cum shooting out across his torso and hand. Your shaky hands slid up to grasp at his shoulders. “Good boy,” the large predator grumbled, hips not once faltering, over the white noise in your ear.
Once the feeling of cloud nine started to fade away slowly, your body slumped against his chest. You felt your cum touch you but that was the least of your worries now. Your own heaving for air. One of Mai’s hands petted down the length of your sweaty back. You relaxed, eyes drifting close.
Until the uncomfortable feeling of overstimulation started to creep up your spine. You whined incoherently at him, hands pawing at him. This gained his attention to stop, one hand forcing your chin to look up at him. Concern bubbled deep within those burnt orange eyes of his as they searched your own. “Are you okay?” he was quick to ask yet didn’t dare move in case he somehow injured him.
“Too much,” you slurred, eyes watering. Mai was relieved at that. He hadn’t hurt you. An idea was quick to come to mind instead.
Mai leaned down to lick at your cheek, a way to give you kiss. “I’m going to pull out, okay?” You hummed with a head nod. To which, Mai followed through with what he said he was going to do.
It wasn’t painful as he slipped from you. Instead, it made your softening cock twitch with need. You whined at the feeling, softly digging your nails into the flesh of his shoulders. “You did so well for me,” he whispered into your ear after he fully pulled out and kept you seated in his lap.
From this position and what part of your mind that had returned, you took notice on how hard and the lack of a knot… Mai hadn’t come yet. That wasn’t fair. You weren’t about to let that go. One of your hands reached behind you to grasp at his aching cock. The Yautja groaned, hips jutting up into your grasp, but he was able to snap out of it and stop you. He was going to take care of you, not the other way around. “Rest, little ooman. You did so good.” Mai brought up his cum coated hand to his mouth and licked it out. The taste is different from his own in all the good ways. His cock jumped at the taste but you weren’t able to at this moment.
“Mai, you hadn’t come yet,” you stated like he didn’t know it was the truth.
“I’ll be fine.” That you disagreed with a whine and shook your head.
“No. Use me. Wait-“ an idea came to mind “-use my thighs.” Mai’tuiudh’s eyes pinned at that, hold tightening on you.
Over time, your thighs have grown stronger but still have a velvety feel to them. Maybe you did have a good idea. “Are you sure? I don-“
“Fucking use me.” Your wish is his command.
Mai maneuvered you the way he wanted, showing off his strength during the moment. Now, you were on your back. Both of your legs up in the air but your thighs pressed together, slick between the two. Again, lube is your best friend when it comes to Mai’tuiudh. You loved him but not a day of sex goes by without said bottle.
“Ready?” he questioned. One arm was wrapped around your knees, keeping them together. His hand holds his throbbing, weeping cock. No words came to you. Instead, all you did was nod your head. One hand rested on your softened cock. The feel of it there made you shutter.
Once he got the confirmation, Mai lined himself between your thighs then pushed forward. His eyes rolled back into his head. He wasn’t going to last long. The course of the day weighing him down. You were weighing him down. The sight of your small form below him, pauked out, willing to let him use your legs for his pleasure.
A low growl sounded in the back of his throat. You smiled, dazed, up at him, palm and digits wrapping around your cock. There wasn’t a chance to get another orgasm out of you but the pleasure was always welcomed. “You gonna come, big boy? Gonna come all over me? I’m gonna smell like you then, if you do,” you teased lowly.
Start talking about marking and scenting, that’ll get Mai’s gears going. It’s the perfect thing. Said Yautja’s hips faltered their beginning pace already. A low hum sounding in the back of your throat. “Hmmm, yes you are. You always look so handsome when you do. Gonna let me see that again. See you cover me in your cum.”
This time, you heard Mai’tuiudh whimper, hold tightening while his other arm came for support around your legs. You reached down with your free limb. Each time the top portion of his cock speared between your thighs, you caressed him.
Then, an idea came to mind.
The limb holding your dick lifted it up to rub against Mai’s each time he thrusted forward. Pleasure shocked throughout your entire body, causing you to gasp and tense. “Come, baby. Come!” you called out to him like you were in charge. As if.
Mai’tuiudh’s eyes narrowed, hips brutally slapping against yours like he was possessed. All you could do was lie there and watch as your gorgeous Yautja fell apart above. The strong, mighty have fallen to the likes of you, about to come at the feel of your thighs. “That’s it. You can do it.”
A roar echoed around the room. Mai slammed his thighs against the back of yours. A stinging sensation ran up them but you pushed that off to the side to watch as your Yautja came.
Large spurts of cum shot out from the neon green tip of Mai’s beautiful cock. The strength it had had it landing on your face. You were happy to lick what you could off of it, all while keeping eye contact with him.
He was quick to bend over and lick a stripe off of your face for you. Then, said tongue pressed against your lips. You allowed him entrance and tasted him.
When the two of you pulled away, him hovering over you, eyes peering into yours, you leaned up to place a chaste kiss on his lower mandible. “You looked so pretty when you come, babes,” you teased the Yautja.
“I should be the one saying that to you. Specially covered with my seed.” You giggled with a soft smile. Mai leaned back up, large body kneeling before you. “Now, why don’t I clean you up?” You happily agreed with him, letting the Yautja lift your body off of the bed. One thing you liked being on this ship was the bath. This ship wasn’t that bad in the end.
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Angstttt so good, I love it. To your post about Dottore dying, leaving you with Omega:
Reader experiences so much grief. They stay in their room all night and day, refusing to eat even the smallest portion of food or take a single sip of water. They're depressed to no end, looking miserable, not having energy even to get up from bed and wash themselves. Their already bad state is worsening because of this
And Omega, oh he loves you, truly. He can't stand you withering away, he has to keep you alive, even if he knows you'll never love him back as much you did to Zandik
So he nurses you back to more or less stable condition. Gently take a wet cloth and washed you, something you don't expect from someone so cruel and arrogant. He vows to keep you alive and well
stop. STOP 😭 You didn't think there would ever be anything more painful than your illness, but you were proven wrong. Because never would you have thought that your Zandik, the extraordinarily strong and smart one, would ever fall. But he did. He did and now you're all alone. You can only think about the Akademiya days, the centuries you spent asleep that should have been with Dottore instead. But it's useless. Zandik's never coming back, and you don't think you ever will too, not after this loss. It hurts just to think because thinking always leads back to Zandik. Much less do anything else. You just can't.
You know Omega is here. But you can't bring yourself to care right now. But he does. Omega has always loved you, not just Prime's love rubbing off on him, but love he's genuinely built toward you. Which is why the segment, as logical and supposedly emotionless as he is, cannot let you destroy yourself any longer. You may not love him as much, but he can bear it. He can bear it, as long as he can see you happy again. Those are not just his orders, but what Omega wants. You don't say anything when he takes care of you, when he undresses you and cleans you, barely even look at him, but that is okay. The segment will stay with you until the very end.
When you take off that mask, you know you'll never be greeted with Zandik's pretty red eyes ever again, only with wires, but perhaps that's something you'll have to get used to. Would be even sadder to think about Omega leaving fragile reader eventually too. Then they really wouldn't have anything to live for.
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hyperfixated-on-cod · 10 months
✨Christmas with 141✨
(Because I really love this photo) (this is assuming they celebrate)
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John Price
(I’m gonna preface this by saying I don’t think he’s very religious; he celebrates bc that’s what he grew up doing)
He’s the dad of the group, so he’s going all out.
He’ll drag you AND all the others to get a real tree and he’s so serious about it, like if anyone mentions they got a fake one for their home he’s legitimately offended.
Makes a big Christmas dinner and invites the whole team over every year.
Even though there won’t be kids around, he still dresses up as Santa.
He puts mistletoe in every doorway.
Makes his own eggnog.
(Right here is where I’d say he goes Black Friday shopping but then I remembered he’s not American💀)
Get him socks and he will be the happiest man ever.
He’s AWFUL at buying people gifts tho so if you don’t give him a list he can choose from, he’ll give you a preloaded gift card you can use anywhere (that would be Visa for the US but idk what the UK equivalent would be).
Will absolutely respect you if you don’t celebrate Christmas and will go out of his way to learn about and help you celebrate your religion’s winter holiday (if you have one).
He’s spending an entire day “baking cookies for Santa” and he lets everyone believe he still believes in Santa, but he doesn’t and the cookies are for Price.
LOVES ugly sweater contests.
Complains the most when Price drags everybody out to get a Christmas tree with him.
INSISTS on sitting on Price’s lap when he dresses up as Santa, even though Soap knows it’s him.
Everybody dreads opening gifts from him because nobody knows if he decided to get gag gifts or not this year.
Get him a Tamagotchi and he’ll cherish it like it’s his real life child.
If any single one of them make gifts, it’s him. He’ll either give you something small like a card with cute lil doodles on it, or he’ll go bigger and like sew some patches on a jacket for you.
Not really fond of the holiday because of his past, so he either does the bare minimum or straight up doesn’t celebrate at all.
He’ll go to Christmas dinner at Price’s house tho because he appreciates the energy but he’s still very reluctant about participating in that energy.
He’s a man of tradition though so his ✨gift to the host✨ is a bottle of brandy for the egg nog.
Speaking of egg nog: the man LOVES the stuff (with or without brandy).
Giggles a little bit when Soap sits on Price’s lap bc he finds it adorable, but tries not to think about it for too long.
Steals no less than TWO (2) of the cookies Soap made for “Santa” and doesn’t tell him. If Soap catches him with the cookies, Ghost looks at him like Po in that one scene in Kung Fu Panda.
He gives gift cards and honestly prefers to receive them as well, and will show you every single thing he buys with the gift card you get him. If you get him like a restaurant gift card, he’s taking you to eat there.
✨fashionably late✨ to Captain’s dinner because he forgot to get presents AGAIN.
Doesn’t go shopping for trees with Captain because he overslept bc Captain wanted to go at like 7am😭
If anybody is gonna get the team into the proper party spirit, it’s Gaz. He’s pulling out holiday themed drinking games, wanting to play any board game available, etc.
Gives Price a bunch of shit for making his Christmas tree “too normal.” Like the tree he has in his own home is one of those like bright pink plastic ones and it has all kinds of colorful ornaments on it.
Since he always forgets until the last minute to get presents, he gets everybody something small that still shows he cares, like a card with each person’s favorite candy. In the card he’ll write out a paragraph about how much he loves and appreciates you.
Suggests that they do a White Elephant or secret Santa type gift exchange for next year.
Will literally treasure anything anybody gets him. Price gets him a coupon for a free oil change.
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multifandomenjoyerr · 5 months
srry for all caps i got realllllly excited !!
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Regressor!CTOMMY 🍓
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🛸 a/n, Hello Tommie!! 👋 nice to say hi:D honestly, funfact! I was always planning to add mcyt to my ABC list but was nervous to^^" doesn't matter though bc we're here rn! So here you go! + Q!regressor Jaiden hcs as well (just getting into the QSMP, so bare with me jajs)
🍼 image credits : middle image is from ApolloSauce on pinterest — the other images are also from pinterest !
⚠️ : Bug mentioning (stuffie species + brief)
🍓 hc count : 13 + 5
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🍓 : Tommy is a bunch of.. something. Especially when regressed. And that isn't a bad thing! Hes such a mischievous fluffball that is always craving attention from either his friends, sibbies, caretakers or babysitters!
🍓 : oh he bites.. he bites and bites some more. He can either bite when he wants attention or he's fussy and wants something. If he bites lightly to where you cant feel it when he's doing it to get your attention. (Or to get on your nerves) if he bites to where you'll wince or anything— then better give your full attention to him>:(
🍓 : pouty, especially when tired. He barely listens to the rules and loves to get into stuff he can't get into, and that especially includes bedtime. Will throw fits, do tiny stomps and cries. Don't worry though, Tommy literally trained himself to cry when he needed to (mostly to get out of bedtime or wanting extra attention) but usually that backfires when he tires himself out then he goes down for the nap
🍓 : do not let the boy get ahold of enderpearls for the sake of anyone babysitting/watching over him— he doesn't usually get far but he got into a tree and refused to get out. Spent hours trying to lure and get Tommy out of the tree.. safe to say it wasn't gonna happen again anytime soon
🍓 : unsure about his little age but I think he'd be in-between a young kid regressor and toddler. Maybe around 4-9. When he's the most active he'll most likely be around 8-9! When he's In the slow energy and fussy days he's about 4-6
🍓 : do not separate him from his tubbo disc. He'll throw a fit and bite someone. When he has ahold of this disc he won't let it go. Takes it to his adventures and makes his sitters play it on repeat
🍓 : has a raccoon stuffie named Rexus and a beetle stuffie named stray. Like tubbo's disc, do not separate them. He won't stop crying until he got them back
🍓 : doesn't have a permanent cg per say, but he's babysat by a decent amount of people on the server (Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil and sometimes Bad) but I'd think he's mostly around Phil and them!
🍓 : he'd beg to play dress up with anyone he can get ahold of if they're not busy. If they agree he is the prince. No buts or whys! He's the prince afterall (he always plays the prince. If he doesn't he'll just fall to the ground and NOT move for hours until the other person decides he can be the prince)
🍓 : headcanon that tubbo and Wilbur reads books to him! Specially any fairytales that include prince and princesses or animals
🍓 : collects flowers and gives to everyone he can find,, I don't know I think its a cute hc 😭
🍓: speaking of flowers, he once made a small flower crown and tied it to the back of ranboo's tail. Safe to say that took hours of trying to get off by yourself. You can say tommy is skillful of tieing knots. How did he manage to tie stems without it snapping? Who knows!
🍓 : loves calling his caretakers Bubba. If puffy ends up being the babysitter he calls her mama!
Reg!Jaiden 🐣
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🐣 : I think she regresses a bit older! Maybe around 10-12. Around rare occasions she regresses younger (6-7)
🐣 : she's a sleepy regressor. She regresses only around nighttime or when she's tired. So when she regresses she prefers low energized actives
🐣 : owns only bird gear! Clothes, onsies, sippy, stuffies and wings she made herself! She loves anything bird related ^^
🐣 : she named her favorite stuffie after Ari! You can't separate them>:(
🐣 : best little to cuddle with. She likes physical touch (specially hugs, cuddles and being held) she would be like this for hours
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