#but I also want the confirmation that going forward donations will actually make a difference
finsterhund · 6 months
Gonna sue you for pointing out I didn't run a charity properly (because I'm such a nice guy)
Meanwhile a cause that hasn't gotten all the financial support it should have been getting which was the whole reason this charity existed in the first place:
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atlabeth · 2 years
here for you - pope heyward
summary: you and pope come from two completely different worlds, both with preconceived views of the other in mind. one night is all it takes for that to change.
a/n: I BROKE MY WRITING SLUMP W THIS!!!! oh my god it feels so good to finally write and post something. i was looking at prompts for inspo and this just came to me. and this blurb is based off of “I know we’re not... friends or anything, but... I'm here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
i missed writing for u guys and i love pope so i hope u like this
wc: 2.2k
warning(s): reader's lowkey having a breakdown, unsupportive and pushy parents, stress, insecurity, just a lot of feels on reader's part. but this is hurt/comfort so it ends in fluff
(credit to @sunnymaybank for the divider inspo pls go follow her she's amazingly talented in everything she does)
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Pope Heyward has no idea what he’s doing.
You’re a kook. People call you a kook princess, actually, but popular, rich, party girl, and devastatingly beautiful are also things you go by. He’s pretty sure every guy on Kildare’s had the hots for you at some point or another, even some of the girls that go both ways. Pope’s certainly no stranger to that attraction.
Your family is one of the most well known on the island, flaunting old money that’s responsible for wings at private schools, funded island projects, hefty donations to struggling businesses, even eponymous scholarships at family alma maters. You’re the youngest of three in a line of Ivy Leaguers, and if gossip he’s heard while delivering groceries is anything to go off of, you’re expected to keep up the tradition.
And he’s Pope Heyward. Kildare born, Kildare bred, and in a couple decades, probably Kildare dead. His parents have high hopes for him, ambitions for college acceptances and scholarships that’ll get him out of the OBX and into making a name for himself. Pope wants it too, but as senior year drags on he’s forced himself to resign to the far more likely truth of a devastatingly normal existence.
He’s Pope Heyward. You’re you.
Yet here you are, crying alone at the beach in the middle of the night. And Pope has no idea what to do.
The only reason he’s even here right now is because JJ forgot to bring a cooler back from when they were surfing earlier in the day, and Pope drew the shortest straw. (They literally drew straws, and Pope’s pretty sure JJ cheated somehow.)
He thought he heard somebody as he was walking down to the beach, looking around the spot they’d been hanging out to make sure no one had stolen it. Sure enough it was still there, but as he started on his path he saw something else.
Someone else — you. Your quiet sobs are carried through the night breeze, and Pope feels his brows furrowing in concern. He recognizes you right away, the lemon-print camisole top something he’s seen you in around the island a thousand times. It’s in no way suitable for a December night, and he has no idea why you’re here. At 11:37 pm.
Against his better judgment, he speaks up.
“Hey. Are you okay?”
Your head immediately whips around, a hand already raised to try and rid yourself of the evidence of emotion. “I didn’t know anyone else was here.” Your voice is just on the edge of watery, anything further held back by purposeful attempts.
“I, um— I just got here,” Pope explains, continuing forward until he comes to a stop beside you. “I was… it doesn’t matter. The question is, what are you doing out here?”
“What does it look like?” you ask dryly. “Just having a fun little breakdown. No worries.” You see that his eyes are filled with actual concern, and you sigh as you try to ease it a bit. “I’m fine. Just personal kook stuff that you wouldn’t care about.”
Pope sits down in the sand next to you, one leg pulled up so his knee is close to his chest and the other laying flat. “Try me.”
“You’re Pope, right?” you ask, and he nods in confirmation. “I think this is the first time we’ve actually had a conversation. Talk about good impressions.”
“You’re dodging the question,” he says upfront, and you sigh again.
“It’s college,” you admit, not completely sure why you’re spilling this to him. “My, um— Princeton REA came out today, and I was rejected. Straight up, not even deferred. My parents flipped out on me, I locked myself in my room, they literally took the door off the hinges, flipped out on me some more, and now I’m here. It’s been a really fun night, actually.”
He frowns. That's a lot to take in, so he just focuses on what he knows. “But you’re like, top of your class! And you’re legacy, right? And I mean, super rich, so—”
“Pope,” you interrupt, laughing a bit, “I did it on purpose.”
Now he’s really confused, his expression conveying it all. “You what?”
“I flubbed my application on purpose,” you repeat. “I spent months working with the college coach they hired on my essays, even longer going over them with my parents, and literally everything I’ve done in school has been to try and get into Princeton. That nonprofit I started sophomore year to help with hurricane relief, every AP I’ve taken, god, even running track — it’s all been for college. But when it was time to submit Princeton, I changed all my essays last minute to shitty papers I wrote in thirty minutes and deleted all my extracurriculars.”
His eyes go completely wide, his brows shooting to his hairline. “Are you insane?”
“No,” you say. “Just tired of the bullshit that goes on in my family.”
Pope’s obviously still in shock at what seems like blatant disregard for your future, so you go on. “I don’t need an Ivy to do what I want to do. I don’t want to be surrounded by people like my parents anymore — I think I’ll actually go insane in the life they want me to live. Just— just a housewife on Figure Eight with some guy that couldn’t care less about me, having kids that they’ll want me to set down the same path.” You stare at the ground, hands clenching into fists in your lap. “And I’ll die before I let them do that to me.”
“Well… where do you want to go?” Pope asks.
You huff a laugh. “Somewhere far away from here. I think UC Irvine is calling my name.”
“Irvine’s a great school. Think your parents would be happy with that?”
“My brother went to Harvard, my other brother went to Yale, both my parents are former Tigers — it’s where they met, actually. It’s just always been expected that I would end up at an Ivy. Everytime I told them I didn’t want to, they just brushed it off. Said I would be thankful when my future’s set for me.” You purse your lips. “So to answer your question, no. They would not be happy.”
“God,” Pope mutters. “Your family collects Ivies like Pokemon cards.”
He realizes a bit too late that maybe he shouldn’t be making references like that in front of the girl he’s subconsciously trying to impress, but that anxiety fades away when you laugh. “Yeah. It’s kind of ridiculous.”
“But…” Pope shakes his head, still dumbfounded at the decision. “Why would you do that? Why would you actively ruin a chance people would kill for?”
“My family sucks,” you say bluntly. “I mean, my brothers are fine, but my parents are some of the most superficial people you’ll ever meet. They cover it up with smiles and fancy parties and tax-deductible donations, but all they care about is status. They’re more worried about losing their millions than losing their children — we’re like pawns to them, little chess pieces they move to try and secure their future.” You look Pope right in the eye, and shrug. “And I’m not going to be a part of that. I’m going to pave my own way without them — I don’t care if they cut me off. As soon as I get my diploma, I’m leaving. Far, far away from this island.”
Pope’s oddly stricken by your story, but he finds shining admiration poking through that sea of emotions. Most kooks, at least the ones he’s met, are more than willing to coast by in the life that’s been handed to them without a second thought. But you’re different, and he finds himself relating to you in this moment more than he thought he ever would. When he speaks after a long pause, he knows that he means every word.
“I know we’re not... friends or anything, but... I'm here for you, if you need someone to talk to.” He gestures with his hand. “About this mess you’re in.”
“Why?” you ask, frowning. “You barely even know me. Besides my entire college life story, I guess.”
Pope shrugs with a slight smile. “Kook or not, you seem like a good person. Besides,” he falters a bit, but continues anyway, “I’ve been through it too. But you don’t really look like you have a great support system going on.”
That gets a laugh out of you, though mostly mirthless. “How could you tell?”
“I think it’s the way you did your hair today,” he says, and him playing it completely straight is what worms a smile, a genuine one, out.
“Thank you, Pope.” Your words are surprisingly earnest, the fragility you bore when he first showed up shedding like a chrysalis. “For letting me talk. It really helped.”
“Any time,” he says, and he shocks himself because once again, he means it completely. “I have a feeling this will all work out for you, though. Just… keep going.”
You nod. “I’ll try.”
Pope stands up and offers a hand out to you, along with a small smile. “I can drive you home if you want. Your parents are probably worried about you.”
“I doubt that,” you say dryly, but you take his help anyway. He pulls you up and the two of you start walking, your hands still intertwined. You don’t even realize until you feel him pull away, his movements becoming slightly more stiff. Your hand feels cold without his in it, and you have to fight the urge to reach for him again. You don’t realize how starved you’ve been for warmth until you get a taste of it
You look at Pope with an odd expression, a mix of admiration, gratitude, and longing (for what, you’re not so sure). He meets your eyes with another smile, and you conclude that Pope Heyward is a special kind of sun.
Pope gets in the driver’s side and you the passenger’s when you reach his car, and he waits until you buckle your seatbelt before he starts the car and backs out of the spot.
The ride consists of surprisingly comfortable silence as Pope navigates the way to Figure Eight, the quiet only broken by the occasional directions you give him. He stops the car a few houses — mansions, honestly — from yours, figuring that you would just get into more trouble if your parents saw who you were with.
“Thanks for the ride,” you say as you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car. “And the talk. You’re… you’re a pretty great guy, Pope.”
“You’re a pretty great girl yourself,” he says back. You smile at him and you’re about to close the door when something hits him.
“Wait!” he exclaims, and you pause with your hand on the door. “Um— do you wanna hang out with us sometime? The pogues— my friends, they’re really cool. Way cooler than anyone on Figure Eight. Well, besides you, but—”
Your smile grows a bit and you tilt your head to the side slightly. “You think they would even want me there? Kook princess and all?”
He nods vigorously. (Pope’s not exactly sure, but he wants to spend time with you more than anything. He can deal with anything his friends have to say afterwards.) “Yeah. They’d really like you.”
Your gaze lingers on him for a moment longer than it should before you nod. “I’d like that.”
Pope breaks out in a grin as he feels his face heat up. “Cool.”
“I’ll see you around, Pope,” you say, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your hair. “Have a good night. Thanks again.”
“Any time. You too.”
You close the door and he waits until you’re out of his sight, then drives a little down the street just to catch you walking inside your house. Satisfied that you’re home safe, he turns the car around and starts the drive back to the Cut.
By the time Pope gets back to the Chateau it’s almost been an hour, and all his friends look up from the table when he walks in. The three of them are in the middle of an UNO game, and though Pope’s a little offended they started without him, he figures he deserves it for taking so long.
“Dude, where were you?” JJ asks, only allowing a glance away from his cards as he plays one of them. “It doesn’t take that long to get a cooler.”
Pope hesitates for a moment as he tries to think of what to say. His friends all know about you — everyone does — but that doesn’t mean they like you. They only really see you as a kook, a symbol of everything that’s against them. They don’t know the real you, never lucky enough to witness the inner crystals of the geode you resemble.
“Just ended up helping a friend,” he decides on as he grabs a water bottle from the fridge. “Ended up taking a little longer than I thought.”
Kiara frowns as she looks at him, doing a double take at his empty hands. “Pope, where is the cooler?”
“Oh my god,” he mutters, hand freezing in the middle of unscrewing the bottle cap. “I—”
“You forgot it!” John B laughs, and Pope just shakes his head in disbelief. “You had one job, man!”
“I knew I should’ve rigged it for Kie instead,” JJ mutters, and Kiara shoots him a dirty look. Pope stifles a laugh as he walks over to them and flops down onto the couch next to John B.
“Sorry. I’ll go back tomorrow morning.”
Pope doesn’t really care that he forgot. He picked up something a lot more valuable.
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz
obx: @pogueslandia @lilgoddesshines
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corsairesix · 3 years
How would you change Fallout 4?
Okay so this is a long one so it’s under the cut
As I’ve mentioned before, I would make the main plot focus on synths as a metaphor for McCarthyism (and to a lesser extent transness). This is assuming a magical world where I have full creative control over a main game in a major franchise. The main character would either be a wastelander (with optional traits to be an escaped synth, mind-wiped or not) OR if we’re going with the Sole Survivor then it would confirm the Sole is a synth theory; if the game’s going to make roleplay decisions for me, at least let them be thematically satisfying and cool.
The four faction companions would all be synths (Sturges, Danse, X6, and Glory) and would all represent a different take on synths in society. Danse would be basically the same, synth who doesn’t know it, self-hating, forced to change through self-acceptance or die in Blind Betrayal. The main change would be significantly changed behavior after BB and a chance to join the Minutemen or Railroad. Glory would be a synth who knows she’s a synth, and is very concerned with synth welfare and autonomy. X6 is a synth who has been mind wiped several times by the Institute due to his increased contact with the outside world. As he travels with the main character, there are decision points where X6 raises concerns about “glitches” (developing a personality as he gains experiences) and the player can decide whether to wipe his mind again or continue to travel with him. Before max affinity, he will ask for your help escaping the institute once again, you can complete his quest or you can turn him over to be mind wiped. Sturges is a synth with a Railroad identity, but who has traumatic memories resurfacing after the attack on Quincy. He is stuck between the true, harmful memories of the Institute or the false, comforting memories of his invented life.
In general the synth’s exploitation by the institute veers away from the slavery metaphor that’s in the game. Robots address labor issues very well and the slavery thing was weird and bad, so we’re moving away from that.
Mind wipes are much more controversial, much more like how they’re portrayed in Far Harbor. Characters like Glory who are mostly opposed to them see them as destruction of identity, not quite murder, but something that should only be done in dire circumstances. Those who are for it, Desdemona and Deacon, see it as a tool for helping synths hide and covering up painful memories (imperfect, as Sturges shows), and that there is an ineffable self that persists between wipes. It’s a source of tension even within the Railroad.
The Institute doesn’t have synth spies, but it does have human spies. The idea that the institute would 1) put synths in charge of major cities while still claiming they aren’t sentient and 2) put their constantly-escaping labor force on the surface with minimal supervision always bothered me. Institute agents foment anti-synth movements on the surface and sabotage synth sympathetic communities.
However, synth paranoia still totally exists. The combination of institute interference and the presence of freed synths, the public is terrified that their friends could be replaced by synths. In reality, the “confirmed” replacements were freed synths who either died (and evidence of them being a synth was found on death) or felt that it was safe to admit to others that they were a synth. No body snatching actually ever existed.
McDonough is a regular wasteland human, a corrupt Boston politician. He made his political career on anti-ghoul fearmongering, but after kicking the ghouls out of Diamond City he needed a new target. He is not associated with the institute, but since he began targeting synths he has received monthly campaign donations. He started the synth activities committee to investigate suspected synth sympathies among the citizens of Diamond City and its surrounding neighborhoods.
That’s the main plot stuff but for companions the main changes are:
Preston is a faction leader, not a companion. He’s very involved and has the same character arc, but the quests he gives are less radiant and more focused, with a plot moving forward.
Hancock is not a companion either, and is less of a good guy than in the game. Goodneighbor’s government serves as a condemnation of the founding father’s idea of freedom and that kind of American libertarianism. (Really, he’s an anarchist but also immortal mayor-for-life?)
Piper is a blacklisted journalist and the most vocal critic of McDonough’s anti-synth policies. She’s somewhere between an Edward R Murrow-esque anti-McCarthyist and an underground journalist. She’s a little more self-admittedly editorial and is openly for using journalism to change hearts and minds. She’s also a better writer than in the actual game.
Curie is a Mister Handy instead of a Miss Nanny because I find the concept of a girl Mister Handy that does the housework (especially when that’s already what Mister Handys do?) a bit silly. She voices more of a desire to be human and have control over her own body, rather than just “I want to do zee science better.” She even admires the player character if she is a woman. You can go the regular in-game route (with strong objections and disapproval from Glory, who doesn’t like to see someone she was close to inhabited by someone else) or you can use the institute to print a synth body for Curie. This route can be done under the guise of an “experiment” if you are part of the Institute (although some scientists may question the scientific value of such a plan) or you can get Liam Binet’s help if you’ve made contact with him as a spy for the Railroad. If you print Curie a body, it will be created based on her self-perception, and will look different from her body if you use the wiped synth route.
Ada and Codsworth can have a synth body printed as well, to Ada’s ambivalence and Codsworth’s objections. This can only be done if you are allied with the institute; Binet won’t help if your companion doesn’t seem to want to be a synth. There is no benefit to doing this.
Nick Valentine was a private detective pre-war, not a cop. After the Eddie Winter quest, which skips the collect-a-thon part, Nick wants to solve a case that is all his own, an unsolved wasteland murder that was the first case he had walk away from.
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sitaarein · 3 years
 So today, (in my timing at least) is 5th February, which, in Pakistan, is a day marked as Kashmir Day! And since I have seen nowhere near enough people talking about this, I decided to make a post about Kashmir.
So firstly: What even is Kashmir? To answer that question, I found a rather helpful map:
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You see the highlighted area?? That is Kashmir. 
You may have noticed the “occupied by China” bits? To give some background: Half of Kashmir is under Indian control, around a third is under Pakistan, and the rest is China’s.
Now that geographically, you know the basics, lemme dive into its historical significance:
Before 1947, all the land from Pakistan to Bangladesh was one subcontinent known as India. A basic summary: It was under the rule of the British, until the native people of India got tired of being undermined and controlled by foreigners and protested, to such an extent that in 1947, the British decided to give them what they wanted and leave.
Now, the problem was: The Indians didn’t just want the British out, some of them- comprised of a Muslim majority- also wanted a partition, so that the Muslims would have their own land, and would not have to fear their rights being restricted.
We’re not going to get into the nitty gritty of all that today cuz its way too long, but after many failed negotiations, the British and the Congress (the biggest party of India, comprised of a majority of Hindus. Note: It was a majority of Hindus, not exclusively them. India had a lot of different ethnicities) finally gave in to the League (The Muslim majority party. Once again, majority, not exclusively) It was decided that by 1948, the British would be out, and the country partitioned.
Now partition itself (which actually took place like seven months earlier than it was meant to) was extremely messy and a shit ton of bad things happened, therefore, once again, we aren’t gonna dive into all that. So fast forward to the Radcliffe award, where a British dude named Cyril Radcliffe announced the boundaries that would be drawn up in the two new, separate countries; India and Pakistan.
The Muslims were actually kinda upset with the award for a number of reasons, but we’re gonna focus on the one relevant to today’s topic of discussion: The princely states (basically, areas under Indian monarchy) would get to choose the country that they wanted to be in, or whether they wished to remain independent. This in and of itself was not issue, but then came Kashmir.
Kashmir was owned by a Hindu prince, yet the majority of her people were Muslims (which didn’t inherently mean they wanted to be in Pakistan, btw). But the people of Kashmir were pretty unhappy at the time, and wanted to be in Pakistan, and Pakistan was already on edge, because a couple of regions that were economically important and areas that had been expected to be a part of Pakistan had been given to India.
So you know what, I am not getting into the details of the events that led up to the war, because I don’t know how accurate my sources are and I don’t want to offend anyone by spouting false facts. If you’re wondering what it is, maybe look up the Kashmir issue origin? But we’re going to move on, right now.
It was 1948. The two countries had literally just been born, and they were plunged into war.
The war was kinda problematic for both sides in various ways, and eventually, they turned to the UN. A ceasefire was arranged, and Kashmir was divided up between the two countries. This time, Pakistan was mad that the bigger part went to India. (Oh, and as for the China owned parts? I have no clue skjdgsdf) The Indian Prime Minister at the time, Nehru, agreed that there would be a referendum held in Kashmir so that the people would get what they wished.  
This referendum has still not been held.
The present: It has been 75 years, and Kashmir is still suffering from that. There have been three wars and various armed skirmishes between Pakistan and India, all because of “the Kashmir issue”. The UN is still avoiding actually facing the problem. 
I don’t think people understand how dire the situation is. The people of Kashmir have been suffering for 75 damn years, and no one (pardon the language) gives a shit. They are dying. 
The situation is exceptionally bad in Indian occupied Kashmir: the people are being tear gassed. Any and all protestors are beaten up and silenced. The women and girls are r*ped. And, to make matters worse, a lockdown officially started on 5 August 2019, following the revocation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir via the scrapping of Article 370 and Article 35A of the Indian constitution and subsequent introduction of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019.
Basically: The current Indian PM changed his constitution, sent soldiers to Kashmir, and it has now been over a YEAR, and the Kashmiris are still under curfew and lockdown. They cannot go out. They cannot protest. Depression, PTSD, and s*icide ratings are unbelievably high. As I have already stated, they. Are. Suffering. 
Now, I cannot confirm the accuracy of the extent of the shit happening, but it is somewhere along those lines. It. Is. Bad. And literally no one cares.
What can you do to help? This, unfortunately, is a question I do not have the means to answer, but I am sure that a quick google search can remedy that. Please, please, do not just scroll past this post and forget about it. Kashmir needs help. And the governments sure as hell aren’t doing anything about it.
Find petitions. Talk to people about this. Educate them. Donate to any reliable links, if you are both able to find and pay for them. I am literally begging you not to let the Kashmir issue slide. This is something big and horrible and real.
But also!!! Please do not feel pressured!!!!! It is perfectly understandable if you doubt you can help in any significant way, and it is perfectly okay if you can not focus on such dark matters, or are triggered. I just want people to know. To care. That’s it.
Happy Kashmir Day.
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baubabble · 4 years
“Subtle Differences” Part II - Hotch x F!Reader
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Summary:  As you continue working the case in Seattle, you begin to notice more and more that Hotch is staying close to you. With the occasional glance, you start to think that maybe his feelings are real, but doubts start to creep up. When another woman goes missing, you and the team must connect the dots faster to save her and find the unsub before it’s too late. 
Word Count: 3743
Warning: Typical CM Violence
Song I Wrote To: “Honest Man” by Ben Platt
Note: Ooh, part 2! This one is the “filler” i guess. Part three is when we get the team in action and a little more hotch x reader moments that I love. That should be up later this week! Also, I have watched this show A LOT, but presenting profiles isnt easy so i did my best. Also, the painting i reference is not real.
The two of you worked in silence for a while as you tried to wrap your heads around the beginnings of a workable profile. 
As you both sat alone in the conference room, you could occasionally feel Hotch glancing over at you, but you were determined to keep your focus on the task at hand. This wasn’t like him to keep somewhat distracted while at work. Then again, he was never one to really show any kind of interest outside of work either. Something had changed, but you weren’t what it was yet. 
Half an hour later and Spencer and Rossi arrived. “Well, doesn’t this look cozy,” Rossi said as he pushed into the conference room, the doctor following right after.
You didn’t bother in acknowledging his snide comment as you continued to focus on the photos spread out before you on the board. Perotta had brought the maps Hotch had requested and Spencer immediately grabbed his red marker and began his geographical profile.
“All three victims were taken outside of very public places,” Spencer said, gaining the attention of the team. “Mason from outside a church she visited weekly, Rayna from a parking lot across from a major shopping center, and Lisa from outside the public library. Whoever the unsub is, he’s not afraid to take risks in the abduction.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” you asked, glancing around at your colleagues. 
“It can be either,” said Reid, tucking his hands into his pockets. “However, considering that no witnesses have come forward, he must be using a rather convincing ruse.” 
“Or he’s threatening them with a weapon,” Hotch added. Spencer nodded in agreement.
“Something else isn’t sitting well with me,” you revealed. “This method of killing...it seems like you would need to practice it before, right? Maybe not the wax on the body, but at least using it as a method of asphyxiation.”
“You think he’s done it before?” Rossi inquired. 
“It’s a possibility,” you said. Hotch nodded and hit the call button on the phone. 
“Speak and be heard!” Garcia said.
“Garcia, I need to know if there have been any other murders in the past that resemble the unsub’s method,” Hotch said. 
“As in just the wax in the throat or the whole enchilada?” she asked, causing Rossi to smile. 
“I think we would have noticed the rest of the ritual, so focus on just the method of killing,” you added. 
“I will dig and dig until I can dig no longer. Hit you back!” Garcia said as she hung up. 
As everyone got back to work, you got up to get yourself some much-needed caffeine. As you waited for it to brew, you tapped the pen in your hand against the countertop, trying to organize your thoughts. There had to be more to the killings instead of just replicating a piece of art. The woman in the painting had no discernible features so he wasn’t trying to get her exactly right. There had to be another reason for picking three different women from three different places. The mystery was gnawing at the back of your brain. 
“You look like you’re overthinking.” You turned to see Perotta leaning in the doorway of the break room.
“Just thinking, actually,” you said, grabbing a cup and pouring your coffee. “There are just a lot of things that are bothering me about this one.”
“Don’t all of them bother you?” he asked with a slight chuckle. You shrugged. 
“Unfortunately, you get used to it,” you said, moving past him. Perotta kept close to you.
“Have you always been in the BAU, Agent (Y/L/N)?” he asked, halting you in your step with a hand on your arm. You took a step back, letting his arm slide off of yours. 
“No, I used to be a part of an anti-terrorism task force for a while before I transferred,” you explained. Perotta nodded thoughtfully. 
“Wanted to get less action?” he asked, with a half-smile. 
“More, actually,” Hotch said as he interrupted the two of you. Perotta turned to your boss and you saw him swallow thickly as Aaron Hotchner stared him down.
“Huh, who would’ve thought,” Perotta said, glancing back at you, but you kept your arms close to you and didn’t bother smiling back. 
“The others are back,” Hotch said, pulling your attention. You nodded and turned away from Perotta. Hotch followed you back to the crowded conference room. He walked behind you, keeping a hand on the small of your back. 
“Thank you,” you whispered to him, acknowledging his perfect timing. 
“You’re welcome,” he murmured to you as he held open the door and waited for you to walk through before following afterward, letting his hand fall away. As you joined the rest of the team, you instantly knew something was up. Based on JJ’s concerned face, it wasn’t good. 
“What happened?” you asked, taking your seat between Morgan and Hotch. 
“The unsub has taken another woman,” Spencer revealed.
“Already?” you asked, surprised. “Lisa wasn’t even missing two days. The others were taken a week apart.” 
“He’s increasing his abduction time,” Rossi said, flicking through the file.
“Most likely because he thinks he’s running out of time to perfect his replication of the original painting,” Reid said, twirling a pen around in his slender hands. “Though, I am still not sure what connects all the victims together.”
“I may have an answer for you, Doctor,” Garcia’s voice lit up the room from the phone in the center of the round table. 
“What did you find out, Mama?” Derek asked. 
“Well, honey, I have unearthed something rather interesting. All three of the victims were what you would call art connoisseurs. They all belonged to the same club that focused on fundraising for the arts and preserving historical pieces.”
“Garcia, is the membership for this club exclusive?” Spencer asked. 
“Not at all. In fact, the list of members and donators are both available on the club’s website.”
“Considering he didn’t abduct them from their homes, he has to be getting their routines elsewhere,” you said. 
“Do we have any information on the newest victim?” Prentiss asked. 
“Her name is Allison Wilson, she’s twenty-four-years old from Port Angeles, and she was taken outside of her gym,” said Garcia. 
“Another public place,” Rossi realized. “In the middle of the day too while cops are out in higher numbers. And we thought he was being bold before.” 
“Was Allison a part of this art club, too?” Hotch asked. 
“Yes,” Garcia confirmed. “A newer member from the looks of it as she just moved to the area.” 
“Okay, well if they’re not getting their addresses from the site, then the unsub knows when and where they’ll be,” Prentiss said with a sigh. “Garcia do we have any idea how he’s getting their information?” 
“Not yet, but I am working on it,” Penelope said. “I will hit you back once I figure it out,” Garcia said in goodbye and there was a collective sigh within the group. 
“Okay,” Hotch said, “I think we have enough to deliver the profile.” 
Once Perotta had wrangled his officers, your team presented the profile. 
“We’re looking for a white male in his early thirties,” Hotch began, pulling the whole room’s attention.
“We believe he has created a scenario in his mind based on a single work of art in which he sees himself as a sort of reaper type character,” Emily added.
“He is posing his victims in the same way as the woman depicted in the Italian painting. “Manto di cera” or “Shroud of Wax”,” Spence continued. 
“The painting is set to be on full display at the Seattle Art Museum later this week,” you said, stepping forward. “We believe that the final victim he abducted, Allison Wilson, is going to be his final piece of art.”
“So, what was the point of the other three women?” An officer asked. 
“Mason, Rayna, and Lisa can be considered his trial runs. All of it in order to perfect his masterpiece,” Rossi said.
“He is an unhinged individual and will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to make sure he gets what he wants,” Derek said. “You should consider him armed, dangerous, and not afraid to die by suicide or suicide by cop.” 
“This unsub thinks of these women as less than human so there is a good chance that he has a negative history with one,” JJ added, “maybe a girlfriend or even his mother.”
“Whoever this man is, he is connected to the art community here in Seattle,” Hotch said, finishing up. “We’ve set up a tip line, but we are going to have to rely on his previous victims to locate him and Allison Wilson. Thank you.” Perotta then dispersed his officers and everyone got to work on trying to track down the unsub.
“(Y/N) was right, this guy has to have priors,” Morgan said once you and the rest of the team returned to the conference room. “There is no way that he just woke up one day and decided to kill. Not like this.” 
“We should look for any non-lethal incidents,” Reid said, “he may have tried to strangle someone first.” 
“I’ll get Garcia on it,” Hotch said as he hit the call button. 
“Ready when you are,” Garcia answered. 
“Garcia, I need you to look for any past police reports where female victims were strangled or suffocated. Not just crimes that seem similar to the wax," Hotch said, reading through the file again. 
You watched as his brows pulled together and all you wanted to do was to reach out and smooth down the crease that had formed. You knew stress was all a part of the job, especially when it came to Aaron. He never got a break and when cases arose like this one where there were more questions than answers, it took its toll.
At that moment, you wished for a Hail Mary. You wanted to save Allison, of course, but a simple answer or even just a bit of good news would lessen the weight on Aaron's shoulders.
As if feeling your eyes on him, Hotch looked up. Your (Y/E/C) eyes met his dark ones and for a moment, it felt like you were the only two people in the room. His eyes glanced down your face for a fraction of a second before he looked away. You didn't even realize Penelope was speaking again.
"Okay, I've been running searches for both kinds of crimes that correlate with the profile, but so far, I got zilch," Garcia said.
"Great," JJ groaned, "another dead end."
“However, fear not, my friends, as I do have something else," added Garcia.
“You figured out where the wax came from?” Reid asked. You looked at him, unaware he had even asked her to look into that in the first place. You also realized that it was something you should have thought of yourself. Your frown didn’t go unnoticed by Morgan who lightly kicked your foot under the table. You nodded to him, assuring him you were alright. 
“Not exactly,” Garcia said. “The wax itself is pretty generic. You can get it from multiple different suppliers, but the pigment used in it to make that blood-red color is not sold by the companies. It is an oxidized clay that is regulated and sold from a local artist and I have just sent his name and address to you...now!”
“Morgan, Prentiss,” Hotch addressed, “go pick up the owner and bring him back. JJ, Dave, get in touch with Allison Wilson’s family. Reid, (Y/L/N), keep working on trying to figure out how the unsub is finding his victims from the club.”
“What are you going to do?” Spencer asked. 
“I’m going to call and get a warrant for the owners of the charity club,” Hotch said as he stood and exited the room, followed closely by the others.
You and Spencer sat in silence for a few minutes before he swiveled his chair in your direction. "Is there something going on with you?" Reid asked, peering at you over the knee he had propped up on his chair.
“What do you mean?” you asked, furrowing your brow. 
“I don’t know, something just seems...different about you,” said Reid as he stared at you with that signature confused look of his. 
“Don’t profile me, Spencer,” you said, leaning back in your chair. 
“I’m not!” he said, “but I am your friend and I can tell there is something up.” You turned back towards, sighing. Spencer never missed anything. 
“Hotch is keeping me under evaluation this case,” you said and he immediately understood. 
“I know,” said Reid, “I had to do the same after getting shot. Emily had to do it too.” 
“I feel like every move I make… I feel as if I am under a microscope.” 
“It’s procedure, (Y/N). Look on the bright side, at least Strauss isn’t doing the evaluation,” Spencer said, trying to lighten the mood. That got you to smile and Reid brightened. “See, I knew I could make you do that,” he said, twirling his finger in front of your face. You playfully swatted his hand away. 
“Thanks, Reid.”
“Anytime,” he said with a wink and got up to go stare at the board once again. 
Looking out at the precinct through the glass walls, you could see Hotch in the Captain’s office. He paced while speaking on the phone. Spencer’s words resonated in your mind as you watched your boss. At first, you thought that maybe he had chosen to take on the responsibility of your evaluation to be closer to you, but now you weren’t so sure. What if it was just procedure after all and you were only reading into it? It wouldn’t be the first time that you read signals wrong. For being a profiler, when it came to your own love life, you could be pretty clueless. 
Eventually, Hotch rejoined you and Reid. “Did you get the warrant?” Reid asked, looking over his shoulder as Hotch took a seat. 
“Judge wouldn’t approve it,” Hotch sighed, “said because the website is public domain, anyone could have access and that it wasn’t enough probable cause to warrant a search and seizure.” 
“Great,” you said, “so now we just have to hope the clay guy gives us something.” 
“Do you think he’s a part of this?” Spencer asked. You shook your head. 
“No, but he has to know something. Considering how much wax has been used, and not to mention Rossi believes the unsub had trial runs… He must have bought more pigment than the shop’s usual customers.” 
“But why would he even leave a paper trail for something as easy as a red dye? You can practically make it out of anything?” Reid asked. 
“Because not everyone is as smart as you, Reid,” you said and he smiled shyly, turning back to the board to start laying out the hunting grounds. You looked at Hotch and he was smiling at you, thankful for you praising the doctor. You quirked a brow in question but he just shook his head, returning to his work. You turned away before the blush that welled in your cheeks became more apparent. 
“You guys need anything?” Perotta said as he pushed open the door and leaned in, 
“We’re fine for now,” Hotch said, his tone filled with dismissal. Perotta pursed his lips, but nodded and left, letting the door swing shut behind him. 
“I don’t like him,” Spencer said quietly, his back still turned to you and Hotch.
“I second that,” you muttered. 
“You are both correct,” finished Hotch and Spencer slightly turned to look at you with amusement in your eyes. You couldn’t help the laugh that flew from your throat. Spencer chuckled quietly next to you as you tried to get yourself under control. Hotch watched you, completely enamored by the way your face lit up with a smile as you found him humorous. It was better than any drug he could think of, seeing that smile of yours. 
It was a little less than an hour later that the others came back with the shop owner.
The man, Terry Owens, looked nervous as Morgan took him into the interrogation room. His demeanor alone as he walked into the station was enough for you to know immediately that this was not your unsub.
As JJ continued speaking with the Wilson family, you went to observe the interrogation. Spencer and Emily were going over new evidence while you stood next to Hotch on the other side of the two-way mirror. Morgan and Rossi entered the room, taking a seat across from Owens. 
You watched closely as they asked their questions. You could tell that both Morgan and Rossi made the man nervous. He would flinch slightly any time Morgan raised his voice or Rossi shifted in his seat. You and Hotch didn’t say anything as you observed, but the closeness to him was tugging at your mind as you tried to stay focused.
You weren’t focusing on what your team members were asking the man, but rather how he responded to each question. Owens was sweating even though they chilled the room for him. He began slurring his words as he struggled to find answers for each inquiry thrown at him. When Rossi presented Owens with the crime scene photos, the shop owner nearly turned green. Pushing up his sleeves, he took slow breaths, trying to calm down. That is when you noticed the burn marks on his skin. 
They were slight and faded, but from your time with anti-terrorism, you knew the signs of torture immediately. You turned to your boss. “Hotch, I think I know what’s going on,” you said.
“You saw something?” he asked softly. 
“I think he’s been tortured by the unsub,” you explained. Hotch turned his attention back to the interrogation room for a moment before nodding at you. Sweeping past him, you entered the room. Morgan and Rossi looked at you and then got up and stood back, giving you room to work. “Hi, Terry,” you greeted with a warm smile. “I’m SSA (Y/L/N) and I think I know what happened to you.”
“What are you talking about?” he asked nervously. 
“The marks on your arms,” you said, gesturing to the exposed skin. He looked down and his eyes closed as his jaw went rigid. “Terry, look at me.” He did. “Those burns are from hot wax, right?” Owens nodded. “He hurt you to get you to not talk to anyone. He poured the wax on you to make sure you knew that if you talked, you would end up like the women he was killing.”
“I didn’t know he was going to kill them,” Owens said. “Please, I just thought he was into something weird, you know? Like a fetish or some kind of performance art. I’ve seen things like that before. I never imagined…” he trailed off, his hands shaking. You reached out and placed your hands over his. 
“You’re okay,” you promised him. “Terry, nobody is going to hurt you again. He is not going to be able to get to you anymore, but I need his name. He has another woman with him now. Her name is Allison and she’s only twenty-four-years old. She has a little sister named Cailey and a mom and dad who are worried sick about her. If we don’t find her, she’s going to end up like these women too.” You placed the other three photos before him again. “They didn’t deserve to die like this and neither does Allison Wilson.” 
Owens met your eyes, nearly pleading. “I don’t know his name,” he said. “He always paid in cash and he threatened me anytime I asked any personal questions.” 
“Is there anything you can tell me about him? The smallest thing can make a difference.” Owens thought for a moment before he straightened up. 
“I once heard him on the phone,” he said. “I was preparing his new order and someone called him. He was talking to them on speaker and they didn’t say a name, but they called him by a nickname.” 
“What was it?” you asked. 
“Galahad,” Owens said. 
“Like the Knights of the Roundtable?” you asked, turning over your shoulder to look at Morgan and Rossi, confused. Morgan, however, was shaking his head. 
“That’s what Lisa Bracken’s neighbor called the delivery guy that delivered Lisa’s artwork,” Morgan said before he and Rossi were moving out the door. You turned back to Owens. 
“You did great, Terry,” you said. “We’re gonna get him.” You didn’t wait for his response as you followed Morgan and Rossi back into the conference room. 
“Hey, baby girl,” Morgan was already saying as you pushed through the door. 
“Got something for me?” Garcia asked on the other line. 
“The unsub is a delivery guy that delivers specialty art pieces. He works for Ground Express,” Morgan said. 
“Okay that is a pretty big company, honey, you’re gonna have to give me a little bit more than that,” Penelope said. 
“Garcia, look for drivers that are specifically assigned to the dumping zones. He may be dumping their bodies during a route,” Spencer said. 
“Okay, one second…” she said as her hands flew over her keyboard. “Okay, I have four men that work that specific route. Two of them are way too young, the third is African American…” she paused for a second. “And the fourth fits our profile perfectly.”
“Garcia, I need a name,” you said. 
“Alan Rhett,” Garcia announced. “He owned an apartment downtown but was evicted two months ago and now he rents a loft space in Belltown. Oh,” she said. 
“What is it?” asked Rossi.
“He uses his own truck for deliveries and he hasn’t been to work in a few days.” 
“Garcia, send us the address,” Hotch ordered. 
“Already did,” she said. “Be safe, my friends, and go get him.” 
“Will do, Mama,” Morgan said as he ended the call. 
“Gear up,” Hotch said, “We’ll leave in five.” The team dispersed immediately. As you headed for the lockers to grab your vest, a phantom pain echoed through your injury site, but you took a deep breath and tried to center yourself. You were ready for the field, you had to be. Shutting out the echos of gunfire in your mind, you secured your sidearm and went to gear up. You weren’t going to let him kill another woman, not if you could help it.
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plumrabbit · 4 years
DA Fandom and moving forward - Calling In vs. Calling Out
Hi everyone,
As a PoC member of the DA fandom, I felt I have been quiet for long enough on the issues that have been presented recently. I am not here to argue against or on behalf of any individual or group, I am only here to present some information that I hope will be helpful moving forward. This is a long post, but it’s my hope that if you read it and want to help contribute to making this place better for everyone, then you will be willing to try to put what is said here into practice.
Since I am a relatively small blog, I wanted to start with a little personal introduction that will segue into the topic at hand. My name is Liz (you can call me Jade too, that’s part of my middle name), and I am a mixed race, “ambiguously brown”, aspec person from Canada. I grew up around mostly other immigrant families, attended predominantly non-white schools that were run by mostly white admins, and completed my degrees at a very white university in a field that does not have much racial diversity. I have experienced racism first-hand many times including, but not limited to, name-calling/slurs, fetishization/exotification, being followed by staff, people second-guessing my name, jokes about hurting/killing people of my race, etc. as well as witnessing racism directed at my friends and peers. I know exactly what it’s like to be exhausted and feel unsafe or othered.  There is, however, one thing I need to point out about the multitude of instances of racism I’ve experienced - most of them were caused by ignorance, and not malice. Yes there are absolute assholes out there, but personally I can count those people I’ve encountered on one hand (I am not speaking for everyone, though). The vast majority of racism, bigotry and general harmful acts come from a place of ignorance, particularly on left-leaning tumblr (to clarify, this discussion is centered around well-meaning people and not the actual lost causes). When I say ignorance, I don’t mean a lack of education or intelligence, I mean not being able to see or understand an issue from another person’s perspective. It’s not quite the same as empathy either (where empathy means you are able to feel another person’s emotions), but fighting ignorance does require empathy. It also requires knowledge on the context of the specific situation, and that I believe is the crux of the problem.  I think the main reason why this is issue is particularly prevalent in the DA fandom is a result of the too-close-to-reality-to-ignore inspirations that have been confirmed by the devs. Yes, it’s fiction, but there are also a lot of people that see themselves (mis)represented in the themes and characters. And what one person sees as disrespectful, another person may not see at all. This can come full circle, too, for example: one person sees themselves and their trauma represented in a character, another person sees their race misrepresented in the same character. Person 1 uses the character as a comfort character or coping strategy. Person 2 thinks using that character in certain situations is disrespectful. Neither one sees the other’s perspective.  This is where intersectionality starts to come into play, and requires empathy and effort to address the intentions and emotions of the other person. Perhaps person 1 is LGBTQ+ and has been traumatized by being as such, and uses Dorian as a character to explore their trauma. Perhaps person 2 is Brown, and racism towards their people is their trigger, and thinks person 1 did not do Brown representation justice in their creative works.  Looking at this more specifically, person 1 may have put Dorian in sexual situations. Person 2 feels that the way it was conveyed was fetishist or exotified. Person 2 doesn’t know person 1′s intentions. Person 1 is not aware of certain descriptions that are racist (e.g. using food to describe a PoC’s skin tone). Perhaps person 1 was self-inserting and wanted to feel desirable on their own terms, but this gave person 2 that squick factor.  Now person 2 wants to address this issue, and I think this is where a call-in (not a call-out) would be appropriate. Here is a good infographic that compares the two: 
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(Original source)
Note that there is quite a large difference in the language used. Going back to the above example, person 2 could privately message person 1 asking them why they chose to represent Dorian the way they did, with specific examples, and using call-in language (and I’m going to get back to this in a minute). 
The point of this post and infographic isn’t meant to tell marginalized groups how they should be bringing up issues (though it is a good guide if you are concerned about being polite, particularly to a first time offender), it’s intended to demonstrate to people unintentionally participating in harmful behaviour what a call-out vs. call-in looks like. For PoC and other marginalized groups, yes it does take emotional labour to use call-in language and to try to understand someone that wounded you (here is a good read that incorporates the concept of emotional labour for call-ins, and discusses asking yourself if you are ready to do so). For the people who have unintentionally hurt a marginalized individual or group, please understand that someone calling you in is not an attack, it’s a chance to explain why you expressed something the way you did. 
That being said, we may have reached another hurdle. What if you call someone in, and the person called in does not want to discuss the fact that they were inserting their personal trauma? I think this is where things start to get a bit messy, but I am of the opinion that if you’ve unintentionally triggered someone else’s trauma through ignorance present in your work, you owe it to them to at the very least mention that you were inserting your trauma, without having to bring up specifics (anyone is allowed to set boundaries). From there, the discussion can be hopefully be opened up to learning from each other, and reaching a consensus. Sometimes that consensus requires the creator to edit or remove their work. As an addendum, if you are a creator that unintentionally hurt someone with your work that didn’t have an ulterior personal motivation, it’s your responsibility to understand why what you did was wrong, apologize, remove the work and do better next time. I know some people cherish their OCs, but you are allowed to change your perspective and make adjustments to your character without erasing them entirely. Now we’ve reached another potential obstacle - what if an offender doesn’t respond to your call-in? First of all, ask yourself, did you actually call them in, or did you attack them? Here is a good opinion piece from a Black professor on this matter. I’d like to clarify that I am not trying to tone police, I am speaking as someone that used to go ham on ignorant people on Facebook and Reddit, and has since changed their tactics and has even gotten through to Trump supporters (some of this stems from my spiritual growth as well, but that is not the point here).  There is another issue to address here now as well - what if you have tried, repeatedly, to call someone in and they just don’t change their behaviour? Alright, then it’s probably time to call them out. But again, ask yourself, did you truly try to get through to them? If so, well, at the end of the day, some people are, unfortunately, lost causes. In summary, a call-in is meant to come from a place of wanting to help someone who has seemingly gone astray, because you are worried about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours towards a marginalized group. You know that if they made a mistake it isn’t them, isn’t their heart, and you want them to be able to understand why what they did hurt others, and give them the chance to correct themselves. It comes from a place of love and acceptance, because you don’t want your friends to harbour negative beliefs.  Finally, I want to give a real example of this in action. My cousin is a photographic artist, and was recently called in to discuss the nature of one of her pieces. Her subjects are usually people, and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. To help support BLM (she does a lot of work to help fight racism in general), she auctioned off one of her pieces. The subject of the piece happened to be a Black woman. She was called in by Black members of her art community to discuss how people bidding on an art piece that featured a person from a marginalized group perpetuated the ogling and monetization of Black people. She gave a response that acknowledged that her piece did perpetuate this issue, because she wanted to raise awareness of this historical harm, and recognized that her intention was ignorant of this perspective. The Black community also acknowledged that the piece itself was not harmful in any way, only that the surrounding issue that they were painfully aware of needed to be brought to light. The auction went ahead, and the piece sold for ~$1000, all of which was donated to BLM.  I think as a fandom we should be cognizant of when a work itself is harmful, or when the intention is harmful. Sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don’t. Both are talking points, and we should not be afraid to discuss them, but this requires respect from all parties. We also do need to be able to recognize what is strictly fiction, versus what has real-world impacts. My askbox is always open and my DMs are open to mutuals if you would like anything clarified or expanded upon. Or, if you’d just like to discuss a topic, vent, or have any questions about my own beliefs, you are welcome to reach out. I am happy to discuss anything, as long as there is mutual respect. 
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boymeetsweevil · 4 years
binary stars
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Grouping: Reader x Bff!Hyuck
Word Count: ~8.4k
Warnings/Themes: friends to lovers, insecurity, pining, jealous hyuck, like a teaspoon of suggestiveness, yuta is here because i love him
Prompt: “bff!hyuck + friends to lovers. college au and slightly nsfw or however nsfw u wanna make it”
A/N: This commissioned fic is part of the Changes with Luv project, hosted by FicsWithLuv. Here you can find more information about the project, cause, places to donate, and ways to commission a piece or offer your services if you are a content creator. Thank you!
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The food court is crowded when you get there. It’s a bit later than ideal after morning classes followed by a study session in the library.
“What are you gonna get,” Donghyuck asks while slinging an arm around your shoulder.
While squinting up at the menu up ahead, he whispers into your ear. Just to make sure his question doesn’t get lost in the chatter around you. You still get goosebumps, though.
“All I know is that it can’t be a bagel. I’m starting to get sick of those.” You rub your arm and he mistakes it for you being cold.
Donghyuck pulls you closer while mumbling half to himself and half to you about what he’ll get.
“I heard they have this new sandwich thing. Johnny told me it has hash browns as the bread.” He peers down at you. “You could try that.”
“Did he say if it was filling or not?”
“No, but if it’s too big for you to eat, we can share it. Or you can use some of my tupperware when we get home,” he says.
When he says ‘home’, he really just means his dorm. There’s a section in the communal first floor kitchen that belongs to him, and it houses all the things his mom sent him with for survival years ago.
Home. As in ‘where you have a place too’. It’s a small difference from your classmates and other friends who say ‘the dorm’ or ‘my place’. But it’s also one of the many ways in which Donghyuck invites you in and makes you feel special. It’s one of the reasons you fell for your best friend.
“Why don’t you just get it?” You try to wriggle out of his grasp but he doesn’t notice and tightens up as the line moves up a bit. “It sounds like you’re the one who wants it, not me.”
“I would...but I think it’s one of the ‘deluxe’ sandwiches.” He pivots so he can envelope you fully from behind, puppy dog eyes out and at the ready. “And I’m in the red again this week.”
“Okay, why are you always in the red? What are you spending your money on?”
You miss the way his eyes drift down instinctively to the empty frappe cup you hold.
“I don’t know. The money just escapes me.”
“It’s a good thing you’re not an econ major, then.”
He squeezes you tightly from behind and starts to shake you around like a ragdoll. A couple people in line turn at the sudden commotion while you scrabble at the tight vice his arms make around you.
Moments like these are the ones where, if you step back, you could convince yourself that Donghyuck was your boyfriend instead of just your best friend. But you know better than to think that you and he are in the same league. Even if you were, you’d probably be at the back of the line because he’s almost too easy to love.
Donghyuck is the whole package. When he’s not lighting up a room with his charisma and humor, he’s stealing everyone’s attention with his handsome face. It doesn’t help that he’s naturally flirty and generous with touch. Sometimes you think that maybe there’s some side of him that only you get to see, but other times—
You and Donghyuck turn at the same time to see Mila, one of Donghyuck’s department-mates running towards your spot in the slow moving line. The moment stops being private and suddenly there’s a sort of shame bubbling up inside of you. Maybe it’s because you know that people think you’re an odd pair, that Donghyuck is misguided and charitable for hanging out with you. He’s never mentioned it, and the one time you did he blew up at you about it. But still, there’s something about third party appraisal that makes you feel like you’re in someone else’s spot. For all you know it could be Mila’s spot. She’s bright too. Not as bright as Donghyuck, but brighter than you. Since she started coming around Donghyuck, you’ve accepted this. The fact that she now uses your nickname for him makes you feel a whole new type of loss, though.
“Hey,” you both greet her.
She lays a hand on his forearm, squeezing lightly. “Hey, how are you? I’ve been looking for you.”
“Oh, what for?”
“You owe me a movie, silly.”
“Like a physical movie?”
You snort at his obliviousness and Mila responds with a quick glance at the way he drapes himself over you.
“No! Remember when you gave me those movie recommendations?”
“Yeah. To watch on your own time. You don’t have to watch them with me just because I mentioned them.”
“But where’s the fun in that?”
She pouts, grabs his free arm and tugs just hard enough to jostle him. With his arms wrapped around you, you stumble forward when he does.
“Oh, sorry.” Her hands come out like they’re going to steady you, but they get nowhere close enough to actually do the job. “Didn’t see you there.”
“She said ‘hi’,” Donghyuck chimes in before you can make up some excuse for why it’s okay that you almost fell on your face.
“I must have just missed you then,” she gazes down at you, “You’re so quiet.”
“Just watching the line,” you say.
The line moves forward and Mila moves with you. Clearly she’s not planning on leaving. She’s waiting you out and it’s working. You feel awkward enough that you need to get out, even if it means you cede something to Mila.
“Hyuck,” You turn and lay your hand on the back of his neck. It looks like a comfortable hand on the shoulder that went too far north, but that trajectory was calculated. He shivers like you know he will because he always does. It’s been a sensitive spot since you met him.
“Huh?” His voice is already sounding far away.
“I’m gonna go wait at a table. You can order for me.”
You make a point to pat at the arms he has wrapped around your middle still. The motion drags Mila’s eyes to the point of contact and she smirks a little. Donghyuck might only see you as a friend, but Mila mistakenly sees you as an obstacle. It’s petty, but you kind of want to make her think she has to work a little hard to get to him. Even if you don’t stand a chance.
In the end, the flash in Mila’s eyes is worth having to go find a place to sit during the lunch rush. You replay the moment over in your head, barely watching where you’re going in the crowded food court until you run into someone. If it weren’t for the quick pair of hands grabbing your upper arms at the last second, you might have taken a rather nasty fall.
“I’m sorry, that was my fault.”
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.”
The hands disappear once you’re stable while the voice lingers. It’s familiar but you don’t know why. When you take too long to put a name to a face, the person chuckles at you. At the very least, this mystery person is uniquely handsome with pretty teeth.
“You don’t remember me?”
“Can I have a hint?”
“What if you pretend to throw up on my shirt? Then would you remember?”
“Oh god,” you cover your face with your hands. Suddenly you recall the party last week where the pizza didn’t agree with you. “Yuta,” you groan.
“Hmm. My name sounds nice when you say it like that.”
You feel your face get hot as you peek at him from between your fingers. Last week you’d fallen face first into his lap while he was innocently sitting on a sofa. You’d proceeded to throw up onto his chest after he asked you for your name.
“Just kill me. It’d be less painful than this.”
“I don’t know. I think me still trying to hit on you afterward just for your boyfriend to send me murder eyes and whisk you away was way more painful than a little bit of vomit.”
“My boyfriend?”
“That little Hyucko guy, right?”
Yuta points behind you, and you turn to find him gesturing at Donghyuck. He’s still with Mila, but he’s clearly watching you talk with Yuta instead of engaging in small talk in line. You wave him off, hoping he’s not thinking you’re in danger.
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Sucks for him, then.”
Furrowing your brows, you return your gaze back to Yuta.
“But good for me,” he continues, “I don’t have to feel bad for asking you for your number now.”
“M-my number?”
“Is there another way to get to know the girl who threw up on me?”
“Uh, sure, why not?”
Yuta hands you his phone with a smile that looks so triumphant, you have to turn away slightly. His gaze on you is a bit too open, too pleased. You’re definitely not used to this type of attention, but you can’t say you’re mad at him for it. After typing in your number and name, he takes the phone back and reads your name out loud. When you nod in confirmation, he smiles wider.
“So, what are you studying then?”
“I’m studying political science.”
Yuta lets out a low whistle. “Sounds tough.”
“Sometimes, yeah. What are you studying?”
“That’s very romantic.” He smiles in response.
“I suppose so, yeah. I guess you’d have to be romantic to look into an abyss full of flaming gas balls and think that’s fascinating.”
“Sorry to hear about your hot balls. You should probably get that checked out. I’m studying literature.”
Donghyuck shows up with a tray full of your food and takeout containers.
Yuta raises an eyebrow. “‘Sup?”
“What are you doing here? Did you come to bully the baristas?”
“Clever,” Yuta eyes him up and down. “You know I’m a grad student in the astronomy department. How do you forget every time?”
“Ah, you’re right. How could I forget. So what are you, like, 45 now?”
“Sorry,” he sniffs. Clearly, he’s not sorry.
He trudges off to the nearest empty table to put the food down long enough to pack it up. You follow behind, with Yuta trailing alongside you.
“I’m sorry about him. Usually he’s...well, actually he is kind of like that.”
“I don’t mind. I just wanted to say that it was nice to finally meet you officially,” he starts off.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Same.”
Something about your response must be funny because Yuta laughs again to himself before shoving his phone back in his pocket.
“Can I call you some time?”
He laughs again. “Yes, you.”
You say your goodbyes to Yuta. It’s awkwardly formal because you’re not sure how these things usually go. When you finish waving a stilted hand at him, you turn around to find the food has been packed up and Donghyuck is fuming silently behind you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. I just don’t get why he of all people decided to butt in.”
He starts walking towards the exit, long legs eating up the distance at a speed that means you have to jog a little.
“You sure something’s not up? Because I don’t really get what we were doing that was so important in the first place. Not much to butt in on anyway.”
“Well, you know.”
“No, I don’t.”
He huffs and continues speed walking. “We had plans to eat lunch at my place. And he delayed that. Now I’m even hungrier.”
“I thought we were eating at your place because you weren’t hungry enough to eat there.”
“I—I mean, yeah. But I started getting hungry in line.”
You point at the wrapped muffin in his hand. “Couldn’t you have just eaten that?”
“This...is for later.”
Normally you’d try to figure out what it is that’s making Donghyuck so pissy. But your phone starts chiming and by the time you got to his front door, the little message notification on your phone had gone off a dozen times—all of them from Yuta as you message him on and off. Donghyuck settles for sighing dramatically every time you check your phone.
“Doesn’t he have, like, blimps to stare at? This is too much.”
“Since when is there a limit on how much I text someone?”
“There’s not but—isn’t this a lot? You just met him today.”
“Technically we met last weekend.”
He scowls but admits the point with a wave of his hand and a bite of his food.
“Still. I don’t even text you that much.” Donghyuck sits back in his chair before scoffing. “And no one should text you more than me. I’m your best friend.”
“But what if he was my boyfriend?”
“He’s not,” he snaps. There’s enough intensity in his voice to surprise you both. He reels it in a bit with an apologetic tilt of his shoulders over his plate. “Sorry. But—have you heard what people say about him? He’s a complete dick to the people he sleeps with. Plus, he’s ancient.”
“He’s only turning 26 in October.”
“So you know his birthday now?”
“Yes?” You put your napkin down, hash browns nearly finished. “And maybe I’m using him too. Bet you didn’t think of that.”
“Oh,” he says after a beat.
“Anyway, I don’t get why you’re so mad about this.”
“M’not mad,” he mumbles.
You continue texting Yuta as you eat your lunch. Donghyuck huffs as he discards his trash and goes to his room to change into more comfortable clothes. While he’s gone, you glance at your phone guiltily.
It’s not that you’re so engrossed with the smalltalk with Yuta that you can’t put your phone down. Honestly, you want to just put your phone down and go plaster yourself to your best friend. But standing less than 2 feet away from Donghyuck and still feeling like he was unreachable earlier at the cafeteria really knocked some sense into you. If Donghyuck was the sun, you were merely a planet caught in his pull, orbiting around him. He wasn’t meant to orbit around you.
Donghyuck emerges from his room looking only mildly pouty at this point and in a sweatshirt and joggers. Seeing him in pajamas is your favorite thing. It’s why you like hanging out at his place so much because as soon as you settle in, he changes out of his regular clothes.
“Are you staying?” There’s only a touch of petulance still lingering in his voice.
“Do you want me to stay?”
“Of course.”
He says it so matter-of-factly that you have to turn away under the guise of finishing the last bites of your lunch to hide a shy smile. The words sound so sweet coming from his lips, even when it’s not meant in the way you wish.
You settle down on the couch to get some more work done, but the hash browns sneak up on you. Donghyuck watches silently from his battered copy of Dante’s Inferno at your eyes drooping closed. He’s known you long enough to know the signs of your food comas when he sees them. He shuts his book after marking the page and gets up from his spot on the carpet.
“Come on,” he shakes your upper arm lightly.
“What? What’s going on?”
“Let’s watch some TV.”
“I’m working, I can’t just—”
“You've been on the same page for 15 minutes.
“How would you know?”
“Because I stopped reading 20 minutes ago.”
By now, any traces of his strange anger are replaced by smug amusement. You let yourself be manhandled off your seat and take the trek to his bedroom. He flips through channels while you can dig something up from his closet to change into. Donghyuck has a strict no street clothes rule when it comes to lounging.
“Sexy,” he drawls, looking at your outfit choice.
It’s one of his shirts with an oversized neckline due to an accident with the 10-year-old dryers in the basement of the dorms and a pair of ratty long johns to beat the cold of the AC. It’s not cute per se but it was all he had clean.
“Shut up.” You sit down near the arm of the couch next to him. “What are you gonna do after this? Don’t you have a department dinner?”
“Yeah, but I can skip it.”
“Hyuck, don’t skip department events.”
“I already have a rec letter from Dr. Chittaphon, though. So I don’t need to kiss ass anymore”
“He finally wrote it for you?”
In your excitement, you grab his closest hand in yours, giving a congratulatory smile. He smiles back an almost tender smile. In the privacy of his own dorm with none of his other classmates around, he nods with some enthusiasm.
“He told me about it yesterday. He said I can use it for as many lit programs as I want.”
“That’s amazing.”
Donghyuck’s cheeks flush a deep ruby as he fiddles with the knitted quilt to pull over you. True to his word he has some inane show queued up on the tiny TV he brought with him from home. But once the lights are off and the coffee table is pushed close enough to support your feet, you succumb to sleep. Donghyuck is radiating warmth and an extra something that, combined with the background noise from the TV, makes you feel like you’re floating. You shift so you’re pillowed by the arm of the couch and drift off pretend the moment is something else.
You wake up from the nap to the sound of your phone alerting you to a new message. The phone is resting on the coffee table, so you sit up to get it only to realize you can’t quite move. Donghyuck’s arms are wrapped tightly around your torso and his head has migrated to your shoulder from it’s resting place when he was sitting up. He’s so close that the tip of his nose grazes your neck. You test just how stuck you are by moving toward the table a bit. Donghyuck responds with a grumble and a warning nuzzle of his cheek against your clavicle.
The moment you decide to move one of his arms, he pulls you in closer and presses his open mouth to your exposed shoulder. It feels almost like a kiss, but then he lets out a snore that reminds you of your family pug and all the romance is gone. You continue to shift as best you can to reach your phone.
The notification on your screen tells you that the message is from Yuta, yet again. Donghyuck is still fast asleep when you peek down at him. Just to be sure he doesn’t wake up, you turn onto your side. Even in his sleep he follows you, readjusting his grip on you while slotting his face into your nape and his knees behind yours. Thankfully the couch is wide enough that he doesn’t push you off the edge. With the brightness and volume turned down, you open up your messages.
there’s gonna be another NKT frat party in two weeks it’ll be no fun if you’re not there
Donghyuck’s words about Yuta’s reputation ring in your head but you don’t really care. Instead his flirtation makes you feel zippy. He might be a player but you’re play the game too. You type a response out quickly.
i guess i could go...u better make it worth it my while.
After you press send you have to bite your tongue to hold in a laugh. You’re not sure why you’re having so much fun. A small smile makes it to your face and you press the phone to your chest only for it to go off once more.
“I don’t get it,” Donghyuck groans. His breath hits the side of your throat while he rubs his eyes. “He can’t be that interesting.”
Even though he’s not pleased with Yuta’s constant messaging, Donghyuck’s grip on you doesn’t let up. In fact, he tucks his face securely over your shoulder and merely plucks the phone out of your hands.
“Can I read what he sent?”
“I guess,” you mumble.
It’s hard to be annoyed at him when he’s warm and soft behind you from sleep. He hands you the phone so you can unlock it before taking it back and finding the latest message.
“He said, ‘by the end of the party, i promise it will have been worth it. how do you like your toast in the morning?’”
“Oh god. Don’t read it out loud, that makes it so unsexy.”
“That’s because he’s unsexy. Just tell him to fuck off.”
“If you don’t think he’s sexy then don’t fuck him.” He pinches at your sides and you yelp. “Plus, I don’t really have a reason to blow him off so quickly.”
“Uh, yes. Yes, you do.”
“I already told you I don’t care if he’s not the marrying type.”
“T-there are other reasons.”
“What are they?”
There’s a long pause.
“Okay, I can’t think of any right now, but I know they’re there. So just...please. You’re way out of his league, anyway.”
You snort. “Right. I’m not hot enough to get free drinks from people, so if I’m out of his league, what are you?”
From the little spoon position, you can’t see Donghyuck’s cheeks burn in embarrassment. Sophomore year you two had snuck into a bar and a few senior girls sent some drinks to your table after seeing him in a leather jacket. Since then the freebies have only increased now that he’s lost some of his baby face and invested in jeans that fit.
“Besides,” you snatch the phone back. “He’s the only one who seems to find me attractive lately.”
“There are other people who find you attractive.”
There’s a seriousness in his voice that startles you a bit. Donghyuck is a free spirit so there’s not much that makes him mad. But now his voice is a shade more gravelly than normal. When you roll onto your back you see that his brows slant heavy over his eyes. He looks truly upset. And you’re not sure why. It takes you by surprise and it must show on your face, because instantly his eyes go softer and he’s laying back down beside you.
“Even if that’s true, Hyuck, those people aren’t lining up at my door.” Donghyuck mouth purses against the back of your neck in frustration. “At least Yuta is being loud and clear. I can’t fault him for that. Just like I can’t date someone whose feelings I never know.”
“Fair enough.” He sighs finally, his words taking you by surprise. “You sure you don’t like him at least a little bit, though? This seems like a lot for someone you don’t actually care about.”
“No, I have...someone else.”
Donghyuck shoots forward to peer at you with wide eyes. “Who is it?”
“I don’t wanna say.”
“Come on, that’s not fair.”
“If I told you, I would jinx everything.”
He eyes you silently but doesn’t push much more.
“Is Yuta suddenly an option so you can get over this mystery person?”
“Then I’ll do my best to help out.”
“What does that mean?” Donghyuck sits up, probably energized by the nap.
“Yuta is the type of guy that wants what he can’t have. So you have to show him that he can’t have you.”
“Okay, I see where you’re going and I honestly kind of like the early 2000’s rom-com vibes. But how do you make someone think you’re taken when you’re single?”
“Leave it to me.”
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Leaving things up to Donghyuck harebrained schemes often means that you aren’t in the loop even when you’re technically in the loop.
Yuta and you text on and off during the whole week leading up to the NKT party. Per Donghyuck’s advice, you give short answers and always take longer than an hour to open his selfies after he sends them. When you do respond with a selfie, you’re never alone in them. A picture of you coyly sipping from the straw in your iced coffee with Donghyuck’s shoulder in the background. A picture of your legs while you study in bed with Donghyuck’s hand partially cropped in the left corner. One of them was supposed to be a mirror selfie to show your outfit, but Donghyuck is fully present with a smug grin and a “friendly” arm wrapped around your waist. When your best friend first proposed the idea to you, it sounded like bro code bullshit. But it seemed to work.
While his snap stories remain full of other ‘acquaintances’, Yuta’s messages get a little more lovey dovey the more you ignore him. There’s suddenly a flood of texts telling you he can’t wait to see you and calling you baby. The act seems to be taking a toll on Donghyuck judging by his scowls after every photo you send. But you just can’t help laughing at how petty guys can be.
Friday rolls around and you’re actually debating whether or not you should bring a condom to the party. You obviously don’t know what size Yuta wears, but with the way he’s been talking over text you think maybe the evening might end well. Help-me-get-over-my-best-friend sex can still be good sex, even if it doesn’t help you get over your best friend.
So you take extra time in the shower Friday night, shimmy into something tight, and wait for Donghyuck to arrive at your place so you can leave to the party together. You had wanted to go with your classmate Jennie, since Donghyuck is a bit of a homebody. But that night he wanted to come, saying something about seeing his plan through.
When Donghyuck arrives, you’re taking a swig from one of the tiny nip bottles of vodka that you stashed in your purse. After a mere 5 seconds of having arrived, he takes one look at you and immediately groans.
“Are you sure you don’t want to just stay in? We can order Chicken Haus and watch that new show you put on my DVR. Or I could hire a stripper. I’m sure we could find one that’s way more personable than Yuta.”
“Hyuck, I need to do this. It’ll be good for everyone involved.”
“But why am I part of that everyone?”
“You said you would help me with this. And you’re forgetting that Mila is gonna be there.”
Sadly, it was also too early in the night and you hadn’t drunk nearly enough to be able to tell him that he’s involved because he’s the one you're trying to get over. You empty the first tiny bottle and begin downing the second one as you begin the trek to the NKT house.
“What does Mila have to do with anything?”
“While I’m hopefully...doing my thing, you can be doing yours. With her.”
“Why would I want to sleep with Mila?”
“You don’t want to sleep with Mila?”
“No? Who said I did?”
Donghyuck scoffs at you like you’re speaking gibberish and passes around you when you stop in your tracks again. When you catch up to him, he swipes the new nip bottle out of your hand and finishes it in one gulp.
The party is in full swing when you arrive. You stand in the doorway of the front entrance and take in the scenery. The regular lights have all been switched out for red bulbs. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust and be able to make out faces properly because the color is so saturated.
The music is booming loud enough for you to feel the bass in your chest and echo across the soles of your feet as you walk across the room. Donghyuck helps you part your way through the crowd of bodies swaying to the music to get to the drinks table. With a cup in your hand and liquid courage going down your throat, you feel a little less nervous. You try to be inconspicuous while you scan the room for Yuta, but you don’t find him.
“I don’t see him,” you shout over the music, “What do you wanna do in the meantime?”
“Go home,” Donghyuck scowls into his cup.
You flip him off for being a wet blanket and finish the contents of your cup. Just as you move for a refill, you happen to find Yuta in the crowd. He’s not alone either. There’s a girl with long red hair in front of him, dancing while he smiles wolfishly. You think you recognize her from one of his instagram posts. Suddenly, you’re not feeling so bold anymore.
“There he is,” you say just loud enough for Donghyuck to catch. Even over the music he can hear the resignation in your voice. He follows your gaze over to the dark corner where the girl now has herself pressed against him.
“Yeah. Shit.” Donghyuck straightens up.
“It’s not too late, though.”
“How is it not? She’s practically got him in a to-go box.”
“Maybe, but he might just not know you’re here. You can still plant the seed. You know, let him know what he’s missing, at least.”
Donghyuck’s features are now angled in focus. In the red party lights, the serious expression squares off his jaw, sharpens the planes of his face. He looks handsome and he wants to help you even though he hates the guy he’s trying to help you with. You don’t know whether to be angry or feel fond. It’s not like you really want him to help you get with another guy, but the fact that he’s swallowing his own pride to do it shows he cares. He’s a good friend, you muse. And you can’t mess that up just because you caught feelings.
With vodka and spiked punch humming in your veins, you toss your shoulders back and grab your friend’s hand. Making a beeline through the crowd once more, you make sure to end up in a spot that’s directly in Yuta’s eyeline. Donghyuck falls in front of you instinctively, acting as a wall to spy behind. The music changes and you move with it to look natural. Your arms come up to wrap around your friend’s broad shoulders and your body comes up to press against his. Donghyuck looks down at you.
“Sorry,” you plead through the thumping bass of the song, “I know this is weird but I just figured if it looked like—”
“No, I get it. Keep going.”
Then, he’s locking you in with a hand on the small of your back and stepping in time with the beat of the song. You follow suit and as soon as you do, Yuta looks away from his friend for a split second. Your eyes meet, he takes in the scene, and you give him your best teasing grin. Instantly he looks intrigued. His eyes don’t return to the girl in front of him and instead he raises an eyebrow. As if to say ‘I thought you said he wasn’t your boyfriend’. You respond with a coy eye roll but also graze your hands lightly up the column of Donghyuck’s back for effect. You’re so caught up in your act that you forget yourself and go so far as to rake your nails across the nape of his neck. He shivers against you and for a moment you think you’ve crossed a line. But then he’s spinning you around.
Now your back is to Yuta while Donghyuck sizes the older man up. The plan is no longer in your control and you’re nervous.
“What are you doing,” you hiss into his ear.
“I’m just doing my part.”
Donghyuck makes sure Yuta is watching before leaning in and pressing his mouth to yours. Once the initial shock wears off, you freeze up for a different reason. On the one hand, this is what you’ve been waiting for. On the other hand, this isn’t how you had imagined your first kiss with him. You certainly don’t want it to have happened only because he was trying to get some other guy interested in.
The way his lips caress yours softly makes you pliant for a moment. You let your guard down and pull him closer with a sigh. His arms come to wrap around you completely and it feels so real then. It feels like the room is spinning. And then you realize it’s actually spinning as Donghyuck turns you both around just in time to give Yuta a glimpse of your entwined figures.
You don’t see the way the older student frowns lightly while being dragged away by his lady friend. All you see is a reminder that none of this is real. The way Donghyuck hugs you to his chest minutely as you kiss him isn’t real. The sweetness of the way he nudges his nose against you and switches the angle of the kiss isn’t real. The way he murmurs your name briefly against your lips before coming in to kiss you again, hidden from Yuta, is...not real?
You push at him roughly. He stumbles back like he’s drunk even though he drank a fraction of the amount you did.
“Mission accomplished.” He grins at Yuta’s retreating back, passing his hand over his mouth.
“What was that?”
“Huh? Oh, that was just...it was just something to seal the deal.”
“Right.” You look down at your feet. “It was an act.”
“Yeah, no, it wasn’t real.”
He laughs but it comes out airy and broken. You try to laugh too but the sound catches in your mouth and a hitch comes out instead.
“Would it have been that awful if it were real?”
You watch as his jaw drops and he frantically looks anywhere but at you. It’s a trap of a question. A trap for the both you really, but you can’t stop yourself from asking.
“What do you mean? Like if we...if you and I were—”
“Forget it. That would be crazy, I don’t know why I even said that. I’m gonna go get some air.”
The NKT house is one that you’ve visited a couple times for parties, so you’re lucky in that you know the layout well enough to be able to find a back door quickly. There’s not that many people on the porch that you find, so you don’t feel that bad about nudging some empty hard cider cans out of the way and letting out a pathetic little cry.
The rejection isn’t actually all that hard to take; you’d come to accept that Donghyuck was not for you. You hate the sound of your watery voice as you basically asked him if you had a shot only for him to act like he was being held hostage. The couple who had been making out on the other end of the porch get turned off by the weepy background music you make and head inside.
Sounds of another person walking onto the patio interrupt your crying, but you figure if you just cry louder they’ll be gone soon. When the footsteps get closer and eventually end up to your right, you wipe your nose discreetly and take a step away.
“Rough night?”
Yuta stands next to you with a smile. It’s not quite as sharp as the other times as he looks you over.
“You probably aren’t looking for this right now, but I just want to say you clean up real nice.”
“Gee, thanks.” You smooth a hand over the fabric of your clothes. “What are you doing out here?”
“I came to find you actually. Can’t stop thinking about you lately.”
You scoff. “Where’s your friend from earlier?”
“Her? She’s just a colleague.”
“She looked like she liked you,” you say quietly.
“I guess so. I’ve definitely seen that look before. Maybe that’s what it is.”
“Trust me, I know that look when I see it.”.
“I bet you do.” He pins you with an amused look.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You cross your arms and turn to him. He chuckles at your sudden annoyance, looking oddly charmed by it.
“Easy, cowgirl.” He lays a relaxed hand on your shoulder, pulling you near. “All I meant was that you must be sick of getting that look from your little ‘not boyfriend’.”
“He’s really not my boyfriend. And he doesn’t—”
“Look, I’m an observant person. I see things. I can read people.” He puts his beer bottle down and uses the now free hand to wipe at the drying tear tracks on your cheeks. “I know when someone’s trying to make me jealous.”
“About that—”
“And I know when someone is head over heels with someone else. And that guy? He’s completely gone.”
“Yuta, I’m sorry about trying to play with your emotions like that. I’m sure you get your fair share of that.”
“Eh, it‘s whatever.” He shrugs. “I will say that you did a good job. It was fun, even if I did get a bit jealous at the end.”
“It wasn’t completely my idea,” you confess.
“I think I kinda knew that.”
You stand in what you think might be companionable silence with Yuta. He takes another swig from his beer while leaving his hand lingering on you. Not in a sleazy way, but perhaps in an attempt at being comforting. Like maybe he’s trying to be a friend.
“So, what’s the deal with your friend?”
“He’s...I think it’s one-sided. I basically confessed out there and his response was kind of bad.”
Yuta turns to lean against the porch railing. You face out into the trees behind NKT house, he faces the house, watching people pass by and stop on the patio.
“What kind of bad?”
“It was like the idea of us together froze him or something. He got so nervous, he started stuttering. I just booked it out of there after that.”
“How do you know it was because he didn’t like the idea? What if he was, like, trying to contain his excitement or something?”
“That would be amazing. But the likelihood of that is insane. I mean, you and him are kind of alike.”
“Excuse me,” Yuta bawks. You laugh a little and pat his arm reassuringly.
“I just mean that you and he are both cool guys.”
“Oh. Thanks.”
“He’s super cool and funny and handsome and...warm? It’s probably just simple math or physics—how can you not love him?”
Yuta hums, eyes still trained on the partygoers passing by the porch entrance. Someone walks by the open frantically, then comes back to stand in the doorframe.
“I don’t know. Maybe you have a word for this since you’re in astronomy but isn’t that just how it works? The planets just gravitate around the sun. It’s not the other way around. He’s the sun and I’m...”
“Yeah, actually.”
You laugh because it’s a little sad but it’s perfect for your analogy. Pluto. Not even a real planet, doesn’t really belong with some of the other giants that have moons and rings of their own. But still helplessly circling the sun because the laws of the universe won’t let it go that easily.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” Yuta says after a moment.
“Oh, uh, okay.”
You continue to look out at the backyard. With your eyes having adjusted a long time ago, you enjoy the dark cobalt of the night sky and the ink blot silhouettes of the trees in the forest that runs along the school’s border. The air has grown crisp and without the alcohol blanket covering you, you’re feeling a bit tired and cold.
“Hey, you misplaced this,” Yuta’s voice sounds again as he ambles back onto the porch. He hands you your bag and phone.
“Crap, you’re a lifesaver.” Oddly enough, you don’t really remember putting them down, but you suppose it was the chaos of the party that blurred the memory.
“I think I have to head out,” you say finally. “It’s clear that my head’s not really in the right place to stay out much later.”
“I get that.” Yuta leans forward and places a soft kiss on your cheek. “But I think I might actually have something related to this in some of my old notes. I’ll send it to you.”
“Oh, okay. Yeah, sure.”
Yuta waits around in a surprisingly gentlemanly fashion while you send an awkward text to Donghyuck saying that you’re catching a shared ride back to your dorm and that he doesn’t have to wait up for you.
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The following day, you wake up to a knock on your door. Your head is pounding from dehydration and a too-late bedtime the previous night, but you still hobble to the door of your bedroom to see what the commotion is.
“Here.” Your roommate places a stapled book of pages into your hand. “Donghyuck came by to drop this off. He said some guy named Yuta gave it to him and that you would know what it was.”
“Oh-kay,” you yawn and blink down at the paper.
There’s a section highlighted in red on the lined paper. It says BINARY SYSTEMS in neat penmanship. You vaguely remember Yuta mentioning sending you some notes, so you put it at the foot of your bed and plan to read it when you’re more awake.
“You up for brunch tomorrow,” you follow her into the main room and find an overnight bag on the couch.
“Can’t. I’m going to visit my parents tomorrow since my Monday classes got cancelled.”
“Lucky you.”
“We can do next week though.”
“Yeah sure.”
Later that Sunday, when you’re stuck in a procrastination loop with your own work, you remember Yuta’s notes. You try to make some sense of them but even with coffee and an afternoon nap, it’s still too jargon-filled to bring any sense to you. So you do the next best thing and type the heading of his notes into an online encyclopedia. The first sentence for the page reads:
A binary system is a system of two astronomical bodies which are close enough that their gravitational attraction causes them to orbit each other...
You don’t really know what Yuta thought you would get from reading this. Maybe he just thought that you would be interested because you made an astronomy analogy. You pull out your phone, about to text Yuta for an explanation, when your phone rings. It’s Donghyuck.
“Hello?” You try to keep your voice neutral, free of embarrassment.
“Hey, where are you?”
“I’m actually just in my dorm.”
“I just saw Daisy. Is she—”
“She’s going home for a few days.”
“Cool. Can I...come up?”
“Yeah. Of course, yeah. I’ll be here.”
You hang up the phone and as soon as you enter the common room, there’s a knock on the door.
“That was fast, you must have—Are you okay?”
There’s dark bruises underneath Donghyuck’s eyes, a sign that he didn’t get much sleep the night before. He smiles self-deprecatingly and holds the door frame for support while taking off his shoes. You note that they’re his shower slides. He’s either more tired than you realize or he was in a hurry to get here. In his hand he holds a cardboard tray carrying two recyclable cups, one filled to the brim with whipped cream like you always ask for.
“I was looking for you,” he blurts. “Friday night. I was looking for you after you ran away.”
“I was looking for you because as soon as I kissed you I knew I fucked up. But,” he puts his hands up, “not in the way you think.”
“I think I need to sit down for this conversation.”
“I—yeah, okay.”
Donghyuck follows behind you as you migrate to your breakfast table. He looks even more exhausted in the fluorescent lighting hanging above the table. He hands you your cup, and you eat some of the whipped topping thoughtfully.
“How’d you pay for this? Didn’t you say you had a negative balance?”
“I find a way,” he chuckles.
“What were you saying before?”
“I figured you wouldn’t really want to talk to me, but you left your bag and stuff with me, so I was gonna just give it back to you and then give you space, but then I saw you on the porch. With Yuta.”
“Yeah. He came and found me actually. We had a really strange conversation.”
“I know. I heard most of it.”
“Oh. Then you probably know how I feel.”
“Yeah.” He ducks his head to play with the cardboard sleeve sitting around his own cup. “Did you read Yuta’s notes? I gave them to Daisy before she left. She said she’d give them to you.”
“Yeah, I did.”
“And did you...get it?”
“Not really. I think he was just trying to convert me to astronomy”
“Well, after you guys talked, he took your purse from me. And he said he’d send me the notes too. So I read them. And then I didn’t get it so I read more, and then I thought about it and I think I got it.”
“What is it?”
“It’s you and me.”
“How is it you and me?”
“I mean, you kept talking about how I’m like the sun and you’re like Pluto. But we’re something else. It’s not you revolving around me or me revolving around you. We circle each other.”
“So, that means...”
You think back to the discussion you had with Yuta on the back porch of the NKT frat house and it starts to click into place. If hand-holding and back scratches and buying him lunch was your revolution, buying you coffee when he was broke, watching you pretend to do homework, and helping you bag another guy for your own happiness was his. Somehow you had missed so many little things because you were blinded by his light. But now, you could see clearly. Donghyuck wasn’t the sun and you were not Pluto. You were binary stars.
“Hyuck,” you whisper because your throat is suddenly tight.
You get up from your seat, nearly toppling your chair over as you make your way around the table. He opens his arms to meet you halfway and you pull his head to your stomach. Bending at the waist, you press a kiss to the top of his head. He buries his face into the fabric of your shirt and breathes out a deep sigh.
“I love you,” his voice is muffled.
“I love you too.” When he smiles up at you, you take notice of the dark circles under his eyes again. “Have you not been sleeping?”
“I spent a lot of time overthinking everything since Friday night. I kind of haven’t gone to bed since then.”
“You have to take better care of yourself.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“No, come take a nap.”
He lets you tug him to your room where your bed lays freshly made. You turn the blankets over and gesture for him to get in. He slides in to the wall and then turns to pat the free space beside him.
“Get in.”
“I’m not tired. I slept like a baby these last two days actually.”
His mouth drops open. “How? I felt like I had to read every article about brown giants just to get here.”
“Yeah, see, I didn’t do that.”
“I probably know more than Yuta by now, honestly.”
“You know,” you finally surrender to his annoying patting of the mattress and sit, “He’s not as bad as you made him seem. I actually really liked the vibe while I was talking to him.”
“Why would you tell me that while you get into bed with me?”
You pat his cheek. “I’m just wondering now if maybe some of your attitude towards him was for show.”
“It might have been. But I was feeling desperate.”
“I’ll forgive you if you just go to sleep.”
“I’m too awake to go to sleep.”
“Well, I don’t want to go out and do something just for you to fall asleep like someone’s dad at a baseball game.”
“I don’t do that.”
“You definitely do that.”
You reach a hand out to stroke his hair, making sure to graze the hair at the back of his neck. He freezes up and at first you think it’s just the area being ticklish for him. So you ignore it and continue. But he freezes up again.
“Okay, if you want me to sleep stop doing that.”
“What are you talking about—Oh.” Just as you were pulling your fingers away, you feel something press against your hip. Your eyes grow wide and he buries his face in your neck.
“Sorry, sorry. Don’t worry about me. I’ll go to sleep.”
It’s not the first time you’ve been in this situation. A fair number of times you’ve woken up first after falling asleep in front of the TV, wrapped up in him wherever you slept only to realize that he was still dreaming about ‘nice things’. Sometimes you were able to pretend you were still asleep and he’d quietly disentangle himself before going to sit in your living room until you ‘woke up’ for a second time. Other times, he’d wake up right after you and he’d say the same thing every time. ‘It’s just a reflex’.
“Just a reflex,” you ask because you're not really sure what to do.
“If you want.” He picks his head up then.
“If it’s not just a reflex, what then?”
You inch your hand under the covers at the same time that he props himself up on an elbow, pulling you closer. The sliding sound of clothes seems extra loud in the confines of your room and it makes your face feel hot. His hand appears near the hem of your shirt, grazing the sliver of exposed skin gently enough to make your breath hitch a little.
“Then we can just see where we end up.”
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obxlife · 4 years
Slipping In (JJ x Fem!Reader) PT.3
A/N: you guys seem to really like this so here’s part 3 :) This is the final part!!!
Pairing: JJ x Fem!Reader
Summary: When running away from Rafe and the rest of the Kooks during Midsummers, JJ and you end up in a tight situation. 
Running in heels hurts. A lot. 
And it most definitely was not something you were used to doing. On any other normal day, your feet would either be clad in vans, converse, or flip flops. Or maybe not even wearing something. But today was most definitely not a normal day during which you were wearing your normal clothes. 
And this did not mean, as a consequence, that this day was spectacular. Quite on the contrary, this day had been tense, and right now, the one plan you had made throughout the day was failing miserably. 
And so, yes, the inclination of the heels that you stole from your mom felt like knives being plunged into the soles of your feet, but this pain was in no way making you slow down. 
The speed you had gained up to that moment was mainly thanks to the blond that was holding on to your hand. The same hand that had tingles traveling up and down its length. The same hand that was sweating profusely not only due to the fact that you were being chased but also because of the boy that was holding it. 
The weirdest thing of this whole day was what was happening right at that precise moment, no. Being chased by a group of frat-boy-Kooks was, for sure, not the weirdest thing that had happened. Instead, it was the weird tingling feelings you received every single time JJ had touched you today.
Or made a comment about your nice appearance. 
Or simply just looked at you. 
And the weirdest part of it all was realizing that those feelings had probably been buried down in your deep mind for longer than you would care to admit. The truth was, if you were being honest, that JJ had been the king of your heart ever since he had punched Topper back in the eighth grade after he had called you a “dirty, good-for-nothing, slut.” He had smacked him once, breaking his nose, before grabbing your hand and pulling you along towards the swing set where John B had been sitting with Pope and Kiara during your lunch break. All the way towards the swing set he had assured you that what Topper had said was not true. And you believed him.
Ever since then you had been a little fonder towards JJ than the rest of the Pogues, even though they were all supposed to be your best friends. 
However, you thought you had halted all of those feelings two weeks later when Kiara had established the infamous “no Pouge on Pogue macking” rule. Any possible thought of JJ had been banished from your mind. 
Unconsciously, however, JJ still was there. In the depth of your dreams, and behind every movement you did to catch his attention. Behind every time you hooked up with another guy because you had seen him hooking up with a Touron. 
Sure, you made excuses for yourself. “I just want to be near him because he’s my best friend,” or Kiara’s personal favorite, “if he’s hooking up with someone then so can I.”
It wasn't until today, and after having been overly worried about his dad beating him, that you realized that you truly cared for him in a more-than-friendly way. 
This made your heart race just as fast as you heeled feet. 
JJ’s hand was pulling you forward, between people in dresses that cost more than both of your futures combined, between tables and chairs. JJ knocked some stuff down behind you in an attempt to keep the Kooks up behind you. 
This, just as everything else that you had planned, did not work. 
JJ continued to drag you along the hallway of the country club until you had made it to the men’s changing room. 
Shrieking you covered your eyes, trying to avoid seeing any old man’s... intimate body parts. JJ, in contrast, stampeded into the bathroom with you in tow, pounding on the stall doors. 
Finally one unlocked. 
The blond pushed you in and followed into your step, only to turn around and lock the door. Knowing the drill on hiding from people (learned by you both trying to hide from your parents when you were at home), you covered your mouths and tried to quieten your breathing. 
You avoided JJ’s eyes and looked around, trying to distract yourself from the current situation. What surprised you was that the stall was extremely small, especially for a country club that received millions of dollars in donations every single month. If you tried to take a step forwards you would crash with JJ. One step to the left would make your fall onto the door, and a step to the right would make you bump into the toilet. You couldn’t even take a step back, as the toilet paper holder was already poking at your lower thighs.
“Pretty tight, huh?” JJ said to distract you. You stared at him with a stony face. 
“Now is not the time to get flirty, JJ,” you whispered back despite the butterflies taking off in your intestines. 
JJ tried to repress his laughter. Suddenly he fell quiet as he heard the steps of your tormentors enter the changing room. You could hear them panting. 
“They’re not here,” you heard Kelce say, probably reporting back to Rafe. 
You snapped your eyes towards JJ and covered your mouth once again. 
“They have to be. We saw them run right in,” your suspicions were confirmed when you heard Rafe voice out his thoughts. 
“You reckon we should check the stalls?” another Kook asked. Your eyes widened and you turned towards JJ, whose gears were already turning in his mind. 
JJ was concentrated on how to get both of you out of there. He looked up towards the wall behind the toilet and noticed a small window. It was just enough to escape. Standing up on the toilet he tried to pry it open. 
Meanwhile, Rafe and his goons were already knocking on the bathroom doors. You were counting how many series of knocks you heard that was being let out by their knuckles tapping the stall doors.
“Sorry, Mr. Dunleavy,” you heard one of them speak as he knocked on the third stall. 
You had fifteen seconds at most to escape. There were seven stalls and you and JJ found yourselves in the last one. They had already knocked on three of the other stall doors. 
“C’mon, c’mon,” JJ whispered as he tried to open the window. No matter how much strength he put in his movements, it just wouldn’t budge. He began to grunt, and you turned around towards him to hit him on the back. JJ understood this meant he had to be quiet. 
“You think someone is making out in there?” Kelce laughed, probably pointing towards one of the stall doors. The rest of the Kooks all laughed boisterously. 
“If they were I would most definitely not want to walk in on them.”
With this, an idea came into your head. You looked towards your best friends who was still struggling with the window and quickly decided that it was easier to make the Kooks leave than actually escaping them. 
You tugged at the back of his waiter’s jacket, trying to gain his attention. He turned towards you with a questioning look before turning away once again. Sighing you tugged at his jacket again. 
Once you realized that he was not moving you let out a soft, “Pssst.”
JJ turned to you, now fully facing you. With your head, you signaled him to come down from where he was standing. He obeyed but had doubt in his eyes. You heard the fifth series of knocks, and just thought, Fuck it, this might be the only way out.
With that, you placed your lips on top of JJ’s. 
He, to say the least, was surprised. You had always respected the Pogue’s rules so much that he had never thought it possible for you to kiss anyone of them, not even as a drunken mistake. But he stood corrected as he hungrily kissed you back. 
You kissed different than he had imagined. Although he would never admit that he had thought about it, he had imagined you to be extremely soft and shy, not fierce, and straightforward as you were now.
JJ also kissed differently than how you had thought he would. Leaning in you imagined someone that was extremely dominant. To your surprise, you found yourself with someone who balanced the dominance between the both of you. If he had most of the control, he would pass it on to you, but as soon as you had a little too much of it, he would claim it back.
JJ’s lips were also different than what you had thought they would be. You imagined rough and chapped lips. You were surprised to find that they were soft, except for the part where his father had managed to bust it open.
Your hands were around JJ's neck and through his hair as soon as your lips had touched yours, but his hand had not wrapped around your body until a couple of seconds later when he had recovered from his original shock of having kissed you. 
You felt your head go dizzy at his amazing kissing skills. You knew JJ was experienced, but you had never kissed someone that kissed as good as JJ and made you want to moan like JJ. 
JJ swiped his tongue across your lips and you happily opened your mouth further to deepen whatever the hell was going on. You felt tingles course through your body right down to your pelvis, and you imagined what his fingers would feel like if they did a little something more than just touch your skin. 
To him, you tasted of sweetness that had no logical explanation. All he could ever muster up to describe your taste would be the word sweet. Instead, he tasted of mint and weed and sea salt, and as you filled your nostrils, you swore you could also smell the same things you were tasting. 
JJ’s hands traveled down you back until they reached your waist. You still had not broken the kiss, and your lips stayed connected even as one of his sneaky hands dipped further under your dress to grab onto your butt. 
You softly gasped, inhaling for the first time since you kissed him. You heard motion outside of the stall but ignored it. However, JJ clearly heard Rafe say, “Yo, someone really is making out in here.”
As the spiffy boys outside of the stall laughed JJ understood what you were trying to do. It was a good plan, he had to admit, but his heart dropped a little knowing that this kiss was probably a show to make the Kooks turn away. 
This didn’t keep the blond from making out with you. His right hand squeezed the skin under your dress as his other hand cupped your face.
Your fingers were messing up his hair, pulling it softly making JJ moan into your mouth. You moved one of his hands towards his chest and felt his heart beating. Is my heart beating just as fast?, you wondered as you moved your fingers even lower. There you felt the strong muscles that covered his stomach, as he clenched them at the sudden contact. 
Slowly, JJ became more aggressive with the kissing and his actions. He reached up towards the hair of your scalp and pulled after pulling away from you. This tilted your head back, giving him the perfect access to kiss your neck. 
“JJ...” you moaned as the began to work on a hickey, right under your jaw. Your moaning only made JJ work harder on the hickey, pressing his tongue against your hot skin and sucking the spot.
“Holy shit,” Kelce exclaimed. “They’re in here. I just heard Y/N say that Pogue’s name!”
You gasped as you pushed JJ away and stared at him with startled eyes. “Fuck.”
The door was suddenly burst open. In surprise, you jumped towards JJ you caught you and held you tightly against his chest. In the open doorway stood the Kooks, lead by Rafe.
The blond nineteen-year-old grabbed your arms and pulled you out of the stall with such force that you almost feel onto your knees. Rafe turned you around and pressed your back against his chest, giving you the full view of JJ being held in a headlock by Kelce. The rest of Rafe’s goons were rolling u their sleeves, ready to begin punching your best friend. 
“You, dirty Pogue, are going to watch your poor friend as we beat him up,” whispered Rafe into your ear. A shiver traveled down your spine - and not the good kind of shiver. You fought against his arms to escape their restraint but you couldn’t. 
On the other hand, JJ was being held down by all of the other four Kooks. He was angry at Rafe for grabbing onto you and whispering into your ears. He was also angry at Rafe for ruining the best make-out session he had ever had. But mostly he was angry because he was touching you.
JJ stared in disgust as the boy’s hand traveled up and down your sides as you struggled against him. 
Suddenly Rafe tugged at you and managed to grab your arms. He pinned them behind you and used his other hand to make you watch JJ.
“Hmm, how to torture you both...” Rafe thought. JJ continued to fight against all of the boys that were holding him down, but he couldn’t break free.
“Get the fuck off of her!” he yelled.
“Oh. no can do, dirty Pogue. You see, she rejected me, and now she has to pay. And you have to watch.”
This made you freeze up in fear. You really did not want Rafe touching you at all, and now he seemed to be threatening to do so in a sexual manner. 
“Please, don’t,” you began to beg. 
Rafe sighed in what seemed to be happiness. “Don’t you love it when a girl begs?”
“Don’t fucking touch her! I’m going to kill you, you bastard!”
You felt a tear roll down your cheek as Rafe’s hand torturously moved down your thighs until he reached the hem of your dress. Once again you tried to move, but couldn’t do so. 
“Please...” you sobbed out. 
The rest of the Kooks were in shock. What is Rafe doing?, they thought. 
“Yo, man. Stop,” they tried to reason with him. “Let’s just beat him up and go.”
However, Rafe was not listening as you felt his fingers slip under your dress. You were now fully crying. 
“Get your fucking hands off of her! I swear to God -”
.Suddenly the lights above began to flash. On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. 
Rafe’s hand slipped out from under your dress as he shoved you forward and away from him. At the same time, the other four Kooks let go of JJ, who came stumbling forward. You crashed onto the blond boy, who instantly wrapped his arms around you and held you close. 
“You’re okay. You’re safe,” he whispered into your ear. “He’s not touching you anymore. I’m here.”
“Gentlemen,” a booming voice said. You turned in JJ’s arms, making your back collide with his chest. The security guard from before stood in front of all of you. “And lady. Is there a problem?”
All of the boys quickly denied whatever had been happening before, but the guard caught sight of your tears. He knew something had been going on. 
“Pardon me, officer,” JJ began, trying to worm his way out of trouble. “No, there’s not an issue. I just -”
You cut JJ off before he continued. This was your escape. “Actually, yes. There is an issue.”
Seven pairs of eyes fell upon you as you swallowed the lump in your throat. 
You continued. “We’ve got a criminal trespass in progress here.”
JJ’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. He had no clue what you were up to. 
You hastily pointed at yourself and JJ. “It’s us. We’re violating -”
“yes, we’re in violation of all kinds of shit, sir,” JJ interrupted, finally catching on. The Kooks scratched the back of their necks, not knowing what to do with themselves. “These young gentlemen caught us, sir, and they’re about to take us away.”
You nodded your head when the guard turned to look at you. 
“That’s what you should do,” you picked off from where JJ had stopped talking. “Escort us out of here.”
At this JJ put his hands out in front of you, as if motioning for the guard to put handcuffs on him. 
The guard took hold of JJ with one hand and grabbed you with the other. Turning back JJ said to Kelce, “You fix that tie son,” and then to Rafe, “You’re looking kind of spiffy too.”
You tried to restrain a soft giggle. You caught the guard rolling his eyes. 
“You Powerpuff girls have fun.”
Rafe had enough of JJ’s jokes and called out, “Yo, Y/N, you look pretty hot for a Pogue.”
You gasped as you saw JJ turn around and charge right back into the fight you had barely left unscathed. The guard let go of you and followed after JJ, pulling him out of another possible fight. You were right in the same spot he had left you due to shock. 
“You think I’m afraid of you, bro?” JJ said as the guard turned him around.
Once you were almost out the door of the changing rooms you heard one last final torment from Rafe: “Het, safe travels back to the Cut.” Both you and JJ ignored him.
“JJ, don’t do shit like that,” you told him as the guard continued to drag you out of Midsummers. Once out on the porch, the guard let you go. You sighed and shook your arm where his grip had been, trying to ease the tension in it. Turning towards the left you expected to see JJ, but did not. Looking down you saw JJ making a hassle out of the guard dragging him out of the party. You quickly followed after him.
“Rose!” you heard him call out once he was halfway down the grass, “You look like Lady Liberty.”
Trying to walk down the grass in heels was harder than you remembered. You tried to catch up to the blond Pogue but failed miserably. 
Suddenly you heard Kie call out, “Let go of him! You can’t just boot him!”
Sighing in relief you turned towards her. If you had done that, people would have recognized you as who you actually were and not as who the guard thought you were. Almost everybody knew you were from the wrong side of the island, and calling out over the music as Kie had done would for sure make people angry. 
“I invited him here,” she continued. “I am a member of this club!”
At once the guard let JJ go. Kie’s eyes found yours when you approached him, taking his hand into yours as you tried to continue pulling him out of the party. 
You were trying to make Kie understand the signals you were giving her through your eyes. Follow us, you tried to say. She just stared back confused. 
“Mandatory powerhouse at Rixon’s, Kie,” JJ said once he realized your method was clearly not working. He turned towards the grill Pope was working at. “Pope, you as well? Rixon’s Cove. Let's roll.”
Laughing at his antics you said, “All right, Kie, C’mon.”
This egged JJ on. Holding on of his hands above his head and using the other to grab onto his wrist, he exclaimed, “Workers of the world, unite! Throw off your chains!”
That said, JJ latched onto your hand and pulled him to the edge of the party where John B stood. 
“Woohoo!” he shouted when seeing both of you approach.  “Coronel,” JJ greeted while putting his hand up for salute. Giggling you did the same. 
“Mission accomplished, sir,” you joked, laughing as you spoke. 
Turning around, you waited for the other Pogues. Your hand was still in JJ’s as Pope ran and hugged John B. Kie fell right between you and JJ. The three of you spun together. 
“Later, losers!” John B shouted. The laughs of the Pogues were heard all the way to the dance floor, and Sarah just smiles at John B and his friend’s antics.
You all raced down to the Pogue, where John B had already placed your’s and JJ’s backpacks from earlier. You took off your heels and threw them into the boat as all five of you pushed it back into the water.
Finally, you all jumped on as John B began to turn on the engine. 
He turned the boat around and the five of you speed into the night, leaving Midsummers behind. 
Only then did you realize JJ’s hand was still tightly gripping yours. 
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silverwhiteraven · 3 years
Wings of Broken White - Ch. 4
Tag List: @marichatmay
[ Posted on Ao3 ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 3 ] [ Chapter 5 ]
[ Summary: Alya takes Marinette somewhere, and it turns cute. ]
Alya decided that Marinette wasn’t getting out enough despite the fact that they shouldn't be going anywhere when it was still late winter.
“Girl, you hardly go anywhere anyways unless it’s for someone else!” Alya argues as she dragged a snugly bundled Marinette down snow and salt dusted sidewalks.
“Hey, I went to the school’s Valentine’s party last month, that should count for something!”
Allya scoffed at the weak defense. “You were, like, a ninth-wheel, Marinette. Rose and Juleka, Nathaniel and Marc, Mylène and Ivan, Nino and I, we were the wheels on that bus. You on the other hand…” She trailed off to emphasize her point.
Marinette scoffed. “I think you missed a set of wheels, Als. Max and Kim were there. Chloé and Adrien showed up, too.” 
“Max was there sporting an Aro-pride flag pin and keeping Kim company,” Alya shot back. “They were just being single-wheels, together. And Adrien, with Chloé? More like she had kidnapped him to a secondary location! Adrien clearly wasn't the one to decide to show up. And remember the color coded cups? He was using the one for the ‘Single, just here to support my friends’ category. Just like Max, just like you. So my point still stands: You need to get out more often, just for yourself.”
Marinette sighed, relenting. “Fine, but next time, I get to decide where I go, so no more surprise trips.”
“Yesss,” Alya pumped her fist in the air victoriously, her wings spreading out, too. Marinette laughed and pushed her hand back down to her side while she dodged out of the way of one fairly the overexcited wing.
“Anyways, where are we going? You said something about, ‘You’re going to love it, my treat!’” Marinette quoted in an exaggerated mimic of Alya’s voice, causing both girls to burst into giggles.
“Just a café,” Alya says coyly, almost teasingly. It made Marinette squint in suspicion.
“It wouldn’t happen to be the same café you mentioned two weeks ago on the Ladyblog, right? The one they planned to theme after Paris’s new heroes?” Marinette asked, teasing her friend right back with her confident guess.
“You remembered! Yep, that’s the place! And it’s not just any regular themed café, either. It’s a cat café,”Alya revealed dramatically, while spreading her wings again to wrap them both in a mock cocoon of unnecessary but playful secrecy. Marinette balked.
“Wait, so you’re basically taking me to a ‘Chat Blanc emphasis-on-the-Chat’ Café?”
Alya snorted, pulling her wings back. “Yes, but it’s actually called ‘Hero Rescue Café’. They work together with the animal shelters around Paris, most of the cats they have are available for adoption. The profits are even donated back to those shelters to help keep the animals cared for. Isn’t that cool?”
“Mhm,” Marinette nodded along as Alya continued to rave excitedly and lead the way to their destination. I wonder if they’ll have any cats that look like Blanc? Probably not. Blue-eyed white cats were already popular, and no doubt are even more so now. Not that I could adopt a cat anyways, but it’s a niche thought. Wait, why is it a nice thought? It’s not like I like Chat Blanc or anything, no way! I don’t do crushes! Oh, who am I kidding? Marinette groaned in defeat to her own thoughts, making Alya stop talking and look at her.
“Something wrong, Marinette?”
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you, I was just thinking about how sad I’m going to be if I see a cat I really want to keep but can’t?”
Alya nodded in acceptance of the awkward excuse, and Marinette sighed in relief. I can never tell her about my crush- I’m scared to find out what kind of match-maker she would try to be. Or even worse, tell me I have no chance! I mean, I know I have no chance, but still, ow. Would Ladybug have a chance? Wait, she and I are the same person! If I don’t have a chance, neither does Ladybug! Hold on, why am I even thinking about this!?
“We’re here~!” Alya announced, breaking Marinette free once more from her internal chaos.
“Is that a cat in the window? There’s a cat in the window!” Marinette let herself get distracted by the café and Alya laughed.
“Duh there's a cat in the window, it’s a cat café, what else would be in the window?” She teased, but Marinette only laughed.
“Well I know that, but I can still be excited over a cat, can’t I?”
“Save it for when we go inside,” Alya winked, opening the door for them both. There was a second set of doors past the first, and Marinette realized that they did the smart thing and made an enclosed entryway.
“Oh, this is to keep the cats from dashing outside, like at a dog park,” she mused, making Alya chuckle.
“Yeah, and gives people a fur-free place to hang up their coats. Oh, look!” She added excitedly, pointing to the opposite wall from the hanger rod. There was something that almost looked like a long shawl or a barber cape. Marinette recognized it easily. “They have wing-covers for patrons to borrow, in case we don’t want the cat’s playing with our feathers. That’s so thoughtful. They really went all-out on this place.”
Marinette smiled and nodded in agreement as she slid off her jacket and hung it up. “It really is sweet of them. Are you going to use one?” Alya shook her head.
“Nope. My wing’s are tough, I can handle a few clingy kitties,” she declared with a proud smile, and Marinette only chuckled as she opened the next set of doors for them both.
Unsurprisingly, Marinette enjoyed the café. She spent a lot of time admiring their logo that was embedded in the resin coating of their tables. The stylized lettering was inspired by some of the animal-themed Akumas. Then the entire name was encircled by the white belt of Chat Blanc and the red and black yo-yo of Ladybug. Symbolic of two heroes saving those in need. They really thought this out. Maybe Ladybug should show her respect here some time.
Surprisingly, the café’s cats also enjoyed Marinette. Alya was convinced they had met every single cat in the building before they even got their drinks. Marinette was just embarrassed and spent a lot of time spreading her attention between each feline before shooing them all off towards other guests. One of the cats, sleek black with yellow-flecked green eyes, was too stubborn to leave, so she let him claim her lap indefinitely. 
But, completely unbelievably, the café got a surprise guest. Chat Blanc himself showed up out of the blue. Alya had spotted him running across a rooftop across the street, and proceeded to book it out the door, fly after him, and then shamelessly ask to take a photo of him with the cats that were inside the café inspired by him and his partner. He was stunned at first, but agreed, soon enough beaming happily as he surrounded himself with cats.
“Is he crying?” Marinette whispered to Alya as she recorded the feline hero sitting on the floor with at least five different cats climbing his back, shoulders, and into his lap.
“The happiest tears I’ve ever seen,” Alya confirmed.
Once Alya was satisfied she had taken enough pictures and video footage for the blog, she turned her focus to getting a few personal memorabilias.
“Mari! Come here! Take a pic of me with Chat, please? I want something for my desktop background, this would be perfect!”
Marinette agreed, to the annoyance of the cat in her lap. She managed to get the photo, a cute scene of Alya, her nerdy school friend, and Chat Blanc, her dorky friend-but-only-because-she’s-secretly-Ladybug, doing a silly pose with their arms linked, wings flared out, and several cats surrounding them.
She gave a thumbs up, and Alya whooped, standing to take back the phone. Marinette stepped forward, only for the clingy black cat from earlier to entangle himself with her ankles.
With a squawk, she went tumbling, but was deftly caught in the arms of Chat before she could meet an untimely end via a floor of cats.
Marinette flushed scarlet. Chat Blanc smiled shyly. The black cat jumped up on them, getting his lap-seat back. Alya, of course, got another photo.
All three of them managed to laugh it off, but not without Alya demanding another picture of the two and the cats before she would let them stand up.
“Marinette, I’m texting you copies to keep for yourself. Sorry, Chat, I’d send you some but-”
“No worries,” he chuckled and rubbed his neck, waving her concern away with his other hand. “Secret identity means secret number. You’ll be using your own pictures on your computer, though, right? Consider me honored by that,” he bowed dramatically and the two laughed as he straightened. “And Marinette, I’d be more than happy to let you do the same if you wanted, too,” he played the comment off with a wink.
“Time for me to go,” Chat Blanc continued before either girl could respond. “Chat out!”
They watched him dash out the doors and off over the rooftops.
“Girl...Did he just flirt with you?” Alya looked at Marinette, awestruck.
“What? No! There’s no way! Nope!” Marinette flustered and started walking out in a feeble attempt to escape the accusation.
“Uh-huh, because feeling ‘honored’ to be a screensaver for one girl and being ‘happy’ in case it were to happen by a second girl, is totally the same thing,” Alya followed after, determined to tease the life out of Marinette.
“Yes, exactly! Completely the same! It would have just been awkward to say the same line twice, so he just reworded himself, that's all! He was just giving permission to use his picture for personal use, nothing more, nope!”
Alya laughed before winking playfully. “Yeah, girl, sure. That was all, nothing more, nothing less. Whatever you say.”
“Thank you,” Marinette nodded in finality, ignoring the teasing sarcasm from her friend.
Later that day, Marinette saved one of the café photos as her phone’s background, making sure to put a completely different photo as her lockscreen to avoid any further notice or teasing about her and Chat Blanc.
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chaoticfriendship · 4 years
This is not hate but how can you support someone like pewdiepie after all hes done? I feel like it's wrong to put him with Jack because sometimes i feel like jacks his friend only because he feels he needs to because of the shoutout. Don't stan him with Jack or associate him with him please. Pewdiepie is a bad influence and a white supremacist
Ok. Let’s talk. I was going to ignore this but you’re really persistent. This is the fifth ask you have sent me telling me the same thing but in different ways. Sad thing is that I just started this blog, I can’t believe this keeps happening to me in every fandom I go to. Some of you need to understand something about Felix.
Yes, I’m aware he did a lot of questionable things. And no, he’s not a white supremacist. He’s not racist. And he’s not homophobic or whatever Twitter/the media is saying about him these days. I might not know him personally but I’ve been watching Felix since the very beginning and even with this little info about his life I can tell the difference between some things people choose to ignore about him. He’s a very honest person and he always tells everyone the information they need to know about him, whether it is about his personal life or his pewdiepie persona. His real actual friends (Jack, Ken, Mark -also good people, and whether you like it or not, Jack is one of them) held him accountable for the things he did and also made sure to assure everyone that the ‘Pewdiepie’ personality is totally different than his real-self. They confirmed he’s not any of his mistakes. Meaning the ‘Pewdiepie’ personality got too far and the facade/entertainment mask fell off of him when he made those mistakes. This was not only a lesson for him but it showed him places that needed real improvement in his life, something we all need sometimes. We all fall short in understanding the potential harm we can do to others and we easily face the temptation to define ourselves by ignoring those crucial parts. What Felix needed to learn was self-awareness. And he’s now constantly working on it so he can objectively evaluate himself when it comes to those things. Some people face this alone and privately but, him, as an internet sensation had to do it on camera.  
Pay attention to what his actual friends say about him. Jack himself said it:
‘It is strange, all the stuff that gets said about him, it’s kind of weird to see that being said about a friend of yours. To hear his actual thoughts on it…people like to take things every which way and twist things all over the place. I don’t know how he does it, with that many people on you and that much scrutiny on you constantly. I think I would have lost my mind by now.’
I’m also aware he’s a white rich guy and that he’s a step up on the scale from me and other people but I’m sure that if I dig long enough, I’m going to find something about certain actors/actresses/musicians (that most likely you and other people love) as well. Meaning they’re human at the end of the day and they might make mistakes too. Felix is the same case here.
It was dumb to say certain things and do certain things? YES. I held him accountable when he did those things. He didn’t need to say or do the things he did. It was irresponsible, harmful and immature from his part. However, he’s willing to make a change and work on it so this is something I can appreciate. 
He did the fivver video. This is his statement:
‘I make videos for my audience. I think of the content that I create as entertainment, and not a place for any serious political commentary. I know my audience understand that and that is why they come to my channel. Though this was not my intention, I understand that these jokes were ultimately offensive. I think it’s important to say something and I want to make one thing clear: I am in no way supporting any kind of hateful attitudes.’
his response.
He said the ‘n’ word. He sincerely apologized. This is his statement:
‘I hate how I personally fed into that part of gaming. It was something that was said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of and it slipped out. I’m not going to make excuses to why I did it because there are not excuses for it. I’m dissappointed in myself because it seems like I learned nothing from controversies. And it’s not like I think I can do or say whatever I want and get away with it. I’m just an idiot but that doesn’t make what I said or how I said it okay. It was not okay. I’m really sorry If I offended, hurt or disappointed anyone with all of this. Being in the position I am, I should know better. I know I can’t keep messing up like this and I owe it to my audience and to myself to do better than this. I really want to improve and better myself, not just for me but for anyone that looks up to me or anyone that is influenced by me and that’s how I wanna move forward. Away from this.’
source: my response. 
Held himself accountable.
Made no excuses for his behaviour.
Recognized he did something wrong and stupid.
Sincerely apologized for it without making a fake act or fake crying for sympathy.
Never asked for sympathy or support because he's willing to make a real change in behavior. 
Realized some people are influenced by him and worked to be better for them and himself.
Chose to be himself and stand his ground on an important matter to make his audience understand he was taking this as serious as it is. 
Understood he gave ammunition that feeds some people the wrong idea and didn’t try to rationalize it because he knows he should take accountability for it. 
Saw that he had no need for jokes or words like that in his vocabulary in the first place and worked on self-control.
Rightfully feels ashamed for his actions. 
Here you can see Felix takes this seriously. He’s not messing around with what happened. He takes it with the responsibility it should be taken. 
And this is enough for me. I’m sorry if you think Felix needs to do a blood sacrifice to prove himself but that’s just not how it works. 
We all have said or done things we are not proud of. He did many of them and trust me, he was held accountable for them. How? Here’s a list of the consequences:
He was part of the original content network YouTube Red, and was affiliated with Disney’s MakerStudios brand where he had his own network. Disney cut all ties with him.
They cancelled his YouTube Red show, where a lot of people put big effort (not only the participants but the crew members). You can see that this was important for him. It was not just some random ass show.
Was held accountable for his actions and it was made known every mistake he did. Every single one.  
Received the proper criticism from the media, his fans and his own friends.
He also received harsh backlash and hate from the situation.
Lost support from followers, celebrities, friends and companies. 
He’s constantly attacked by people and media outlets on a daily basis. Some people even fabricate false stories about him.
He faced the proper consequences for those actions. Let him move on already.
You also listed a bunch of stuff in one of your asks, things he’s NEVER done. Those are things the media has made you and everyone else believe he did but he didn’t. This is why you should never believe any random media headline, you need to actually do your own research to see if that’s true or not. Here are the things you said he did (none of these are true): 
No, he hasn’t hired people to say the ‘n’ word. This is not true at all.
No, he doesn’t promote Adolf Hitler speeches and anti-semitic cartoons. Disney did once tho.
No, he’s not homophobic. At all. He was actually evicted from his own flat because his previous landlord is an actual homophobic person and called him and his crew the ‘f’ word. He decided to move far away from the guy. 
No, he didn’t perform the Nazi heil. Never. 
No, he didn’t pay the ‘Jesus’ guy to hold a sign that says ‘Hitler did nothing wrong’ this is a lie. Someone else did it and the media said it was him to cause more controversy. He paid him to say ‘Subscribe to Jacksepticeye’. 
No, he’s not racist. For this, his content would’ve to be filled with racial jokes and actual intentional attacks daily. His content is not like that, trust me, the most he does is play with some tambourine all the time. He’s said the ‘n’ word (something he admitted was terrible, apologized for it and took responsibility for his words), yes but someone that feels as bad and ashamed as he does, does not equal to what an actual racist is and how they act. 
No, he didn’t dress up in a Klansman robe. He never did that. This is also false information about him. 
No, he doesn’t bully his friends or enables bullying. I don’t know where the media got that one but I can assure you they’ve got no friends if they think his interactions with his own friends are ‘bullying’. 
No, he doesn’t joke about crises happening around the world. AT ALL. He constantly raises money for them (and gives his own money as well) to different causes such as the Wildfires Emergency Appeal, Team Trees (to plant 20 million trees), St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (for kids with diseases such as cancer), Crisis Text Line, National Alliance on Mental Illness (a group that helps those suffering from mental illness), CRY (a GoFundMe campaign to help Indian children living in poverty), World Wildlife Fund (dedicated to the reduction of mankind’s environmental impact), RED (did a whole 7 hour livestream with friends to help people fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa), Charity: Water (a non-profit that provides drinking water to developing nations), Save the Children (for underprivileged kids to give them better education, healthcare, better economic opportunities), he recently raised $106,000 for the BLM movement donating the contributions to the family of George Floyd and other victims of police violence, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Hope for Holt, Malaria No More, Oceana, SpecialEffect, War Child, etc. Does this sound like someone who makes fun of real problems happening around the globe? No. And no, he hasn’t made fun of those causes either. 
No, he doesn’t make fun of mental illnesses. He talks about it with the proper respect and delicacy it deserves. He constantly adresses mental health, shares resources for viewers who may be struggling and talks about the importance of being aware and getting legitimate help. Where are you taking these facts from?
No, he doesn’t support China’s police brutality. He was BANNED from China for critizing the president and the country’s treatment of Hong Kong’s anti-government protests. How hard is it to watch the real video instead of trusting some Susan from Twitter? 
No, he has NEVER disrespected Japanese culture. Felix loves Japan and respects their culture. He always treats the people and the place with utter respect. 
He’s not a white supremacist or a secret Nazi. Are you insane? He’s said it himself ‘f*** anyone who is racist and anyone who is a white nationalist. That’s not what I’m about. And that’s not what my channel has been about either.’ Maybe if you think about it, the media painted him that way and people decided to go with it because they don’t actually watch his videos. The number of accusations and stories are insane and ridiculous. Have you ever watched one of his videos? Ever? Because if you would’ve, you would know none of these things are true. 
No, he doesn’t encourage kids/teens to see and follow Nazi ethics. He recommended a channel that does anime reviews (he didn’t know the channel had pro white-supremacy videos). You’re accusing him of that for not checking the thousand-something videos said channel has because he liked one anime review? This is reaching to a whole new degree. You could’ve randomly watched the same anime review vid, does that make you a Nazi as well? And NO, he didn’t wear an Iron Cross, he was wearing a Georgian Bolnisi cross. The shirt is by the Georgian designer Demna Gvasalia. Use Google please. 
I don’t think you’re a real Jacksepticeye fan if you think he’s sticking up for him only because of a shout-out that happened years ago. Extend your perspective in this. He knows him in real-life. He’s his best friend. He can tell he’s not a bad person. This is not a hard thing to figure out. 
Also, you forgot to put the anon option in one of your asks, so I know who you are. Weren’t you joking about WW3, using the ‘r’ word to fight with your followers and making fun of the BLM movement a few months ago on your twitter account? It might not look like it’s possible but we’ve also made and are capable of making some of the same mistakes too. The difference is that some of you hide behind the ‘it’s just humor to cope with life’ gen z card. Joking about a serious important movement is harmful as well, hope you can learn that. 
I can’t tell you how to emotionally react to his content, however I can advise that if it bothers you that much you should remove yourself from the environment that revolves around him (if you even watch his videos which I highly doubt) if you’re not willing to give him a chance. You also need to remember that forgiveness is private and personal, just because you don't see his content and can't see that change doesn't mean it's not happening. There’s power in understanding.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Anon asks: SCK Fragman 38 speculation
(Asks under the cut)
Anonymous said: Do you think they're getting married this next episode? idk if the tattoos were confirmation
I think it’s possible? But I also think it’s entirely possible that they get the tattoos as a symbol of their love and a promise of sorts that they are through messing around, but they’re not actually married yet.  Frankly, they already gave us all the wedding hoopla with these two, I’m absolutely fine with an elopement or quick courthouse style wedding, or just a couple of witnesses in a garden. Whatever they want! Let’s just get her done.
Also... I know I said it before, but I’m just in love with the idea of these tattoos. Such a great solution to their ring issue. 
Anonymous said: Thoughts on all these twitter theories from the “sick” line in the fragman?
- it’s about piril and engins kid bc basak and anil filmed in the hospital, and piril was hit by a car in 36 and in 37 she had that moment where she clutched her abdomen and had to sit down
- it’s a flashback serkan has to when his brother alp was sick
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal Kemal as his bio dad (blood or organ donation)
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal eda is pregnant when they draw blood from her to donate
That fragman could be hinting at so many things, and it very well could have been misleading. So lets take each theory in turn. 
“it’s about piril and engins kid bc basak and anil filmed in the hospital, and piril was hit by a car in 36 and in 37 she had that moment where she clutched her abdomen and had to sit down”
Very possible. Engin thinking something had happened to Piril two eps ago did feel like foreshadowing, almost preparing the audience for something. It would be so heartbreaking if she loses the baby, and seems too dark for this show, but it is something that happens to millions of women, so we’ll see.
Also can you imagine after the way Piril stuck by Selin, if Piril lost her baby, and she then witnesses Selin using her baby as a pawn to get revenge on Serkan and Eda?  I’d like to see Piril and Engin’s reaction to that. Though again I think that’s pretty dark, especially for the side couple. 
- it’s a flashback serkan has to when his brother alp was sick
I think this is a very good guess. Serkan probably will see a doctor after he passed out, and if it is another panic attack brought on by the stress of losing Eda, I could see a doctor telling him if he wants to move past the panic attacks, he needs to get at the root of his abandonment issues, which all lead back to his brother’s death. That could be why he’s getting out a box of his things and reading that letter.  So I could very well see a flashback happening to Alp’s diagnosis.
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal Kemal as his bio dad (blood or organ donation)
I’m honestly fully onboard with Kemal as Serkan’s bio dad.  I hear a lot of people poopooing the idea because of opportunity, but I think they told us when it could have happened. In their first meeting, (unless my subs were bad) Aydan mentioned that Kemal had returned once to apologize for standing her up when they were young and going to run away together. I assume that was the window. Kemal showed up years later (after Alp was born) to apologize.. they had a fling and there’s the opportunity for Serkan to be his son. 
Though, to me, if they’re doing something with Serkan’s health it’s got to be related to the plane crash. The chest clutching since he’s been back is concerning, plus wasn’t his hand shaking at one point? So I don’t see him having some serious underlying issue that’s unrelated. This guy does not shy away from going to the doctor and was just in the hospital for probably over a month recovering, so you’d think if there was anything wrong before, we’d know it.  Unless the plane crash acerbated something that’s genetic? And/or requires a match like bone marrow or kidney. I suppose they could give Serkan some rare blood type and that would be something applicable to most any ailment. We shall see. 
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal eda is pregnant when they draw blood from her to donate
This one I think is the least likely. It’s been very fuzzy how much time has passed, but at the minimum 3 months since they were supposed to get married and were having sex, so if Eda were pregnant I think she would have noticed the signs by now.  
Anonymous said: Liza, I know they won’t kill Serkan, but could you reassure me that they won’t? I’ve followed you since Once and you were always good at reassuring.
Ha! I remember making lists of all the reasons they would never kill Hook. 
And I’m even more certain of this than I ever was of them not killing Hook, and I was damn certain then. 
There is literally not ONE reason for this show to exist without Eda and Serkan. Not one. This is their love story, and really, storyline wise, the show should have ended awhile ago, and the only reason they keep it going is to keep Hande and Kerem on screen together, making their magic. Seriously, that’s the only reason.
You see how Serkan dying would be counter to that, right?  And if the show were about to end, trust me, there is nothing in it for anyone to have a tragic ending. This started as a romantic comedy, and will end as one, with a happily ever after. And if you’re still nervous, trust this, the production company is still hopeful to sell it into even more foreign markets, especially English language ones, a surprise tragic, twist ending that gets vilified on social media (and trust me this fandom is huge, vocal and capable) would really hurt those chances. 
So even if we’re headed into a bad diagnosis for Serkan, he will be fine in the end, it will just be something for him and Eda to fight through. I promise. 
Anonymous said: thoughts on that wonderfully beautiful fragman? i was watching with hearts in my eyes and then read the translations.. poor serkan!! if it really isn't misleading i definitely think it's some consequence of the plane crash. but, we are secure in what kind of show this is and the full knowledge that it's not a drama and no one is gonna actually die, i'm excited for the potential this storyline is gonna give us!! (esp with the return of the old writers)
I can’t wait to see that rain scene, and the after-the-rain scene and their motorcycle ride. The fragman was very beautiful, but it also felt very poignant and a little melancholy.
It’s interesting with the announcement that the second writing team was back, there were tidbits from several legit entertainment-type reporters yesterday that the show was going back to it’s roots being funny and entertaining.  So a terrible diagnosis for one of the current characters, especially the romantic leading man, doesn’t really fit with that. 
It the writers hadn’t changed I’d be more concerned, not about a character dying, just about the show leaning into some big sort of health-related melodrama.  But I think whatever might be happening will be in service to the plot.  As far as Serkan having a health-scare related to the crash, as I said above it’s very plausible. I mean what are the chances that a man survives a plane crash, is fished out of the sea, spends weeks in a hospital, gets amnesia and is perfectly fine 3-4 months later with no other repercussion? Doesn’t seem possible! 
Anonymous said: Liza, the second set of writers is really coming back! We might actually get comeuppance for Selin!
YESS!!!!! Please. I had completely lost hope with the last set of writers who seemed hellbent on normalizing her behavior.  Look I’d be fine with a 3 minute conversation where Serkan tells her that he knows she’s a manipulative liar and the baby is not his, that he wants her out of their lives for good, and that if she ever comes near Eda ever again he will personally destroy her. 
Is that so much to ask?
Though I’d like her to be humiliated in front of the rest of the team. Just so everyone knows what kind of psycho she is and no one in Edser’s orbit is tempted to give her another chance ever again. 
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  With the news that Sarp Can (Deniz) is COVID positive, he obviously won’t be back on set anytime soon. They could probably get some VO from him if necessary, for a phone convo, but I’m gonna guess he’s done on screen. 
It’s time to write both characters out! 
As for the 22-23, 25-30 writers coming back, that is the best news I’ve had in ages.  They weren’t perfect, but the things they did well, they did really, really well. Their comedy, romantic scenes, heartfelt dialogue, accurate characterizations and penchant for sizzling scenes that “break the Turkish family structure” will all be most welcome. I’m really excited for the first time in ages. 
Anonymous said: Very interesting that the fragman did not address the Selin baby drama at all. It focused solely on Edser which was a welcome change while at the same time has me a bit nervous for the angst & drama no doubt headed our way. But if Eda & Serkan are together for good now to face the challenges coming then I cannot wait to watch. The last episode was so well done but Eda & Serkan were both near their breaking points for different reasons & you just felt awful for both of them. Really glad that the engagement did not happen and the show focused on the fallout from Serkan’s amnesia. And even had the side characters addressing how difficult things have been for Eda and that she might need some time before picking things back up with Serkan! Looking forward to the resolution of the baby story/exit of Selin and seeing Eda & Serkan heal together.
I hope that the fact that nothing Selin-related was addressed in the fragman means that we finally have people in charge who understand that we are so damned fatigued of Selin that featuring her an active deterrent for viewers.  Also I haven’t seen any evidence that Bige has been on set for 38. That doesn’t mean she hasn’t, it’s still possible, but it is encouraging that the ep will be  light on Selin. 
As far as the drama and angst, I think there’s more headed our way, however I’m hopeful it will be the good kind and not the kind that made us really uncomfortable and want to tear our hair out during the Selin/Deniz era. We know that Eda and Serkan must decide to stay together (spending time together, ring finger tattoos) so the point of the pregnancy storyline is done. When Eda found out Selin was pregnant, it gave Selin the chance for one last Hail Mary pass, and she took it, trying to break them up, but it failed. So it’s usefulness is over. She can’t keep the charade going because of Deniz, and because once Serkan has time to calm down and think, he’ll realize that any time in Slovania where he was so injured that it’s possible he doesn’t remember, he also would have been too physically incapacitated to do anything of the sort. 
As for Eda needing some time, yes, things in 36 were just too easy for Serkan in terms of the fallout from his amnesic behavior. Episode 37 made him work for it and I think come to terms with the fact that, Selin manipulations or no, there’s work to do and things he needs to atone for.  Putting her first throughout the episode, and showering her with love, was a good start. 
Anonymous said: The conversations Selin had with Eda, Serkan and Aydan in this episode had my blood boiling. Someone stop this psycho! The unnecessary hole digging was real, my god. I don't care if she's pregnant, don't hold Eda back this time and let her fight this snake. Let everyone fight her! If she's lying to Deniz now, he can fight her too.
I know, she reached new levels of abusive manipulation.  They better be planning a comeuppance, if she’s just allowed to leave with people waving goodbye, I will scream.  The Aydan conversation with her posing the question about abortion was something else. It came across to me more as a threat. Like... I’m thinking about doing this, if you don’t want my decision to be your fault, you better stay on the right side of me. 
The Eda and Serkan stuff goes without saying. It still floors me that she’s willing to pretend like she raped him (if he can’t remember because he was that injured and foggy, then it’s impossible for him to have given consent.) rather than just giving up and living the truth.  
Anonymous said: Like I get it (kind of) but I am so sick of watching Serkan be nice to Selin. Very much looking forward to Serkan chewing her out for how much she hurt Eda with this fake Serkan baby daddy story when she is exposed. I get that Serkan feels he is to blame for calling her to Slovenia in the first place & essentially in his mind giving her hope of them being together but he needs to stop excusing her horrible behavior from there. No decent person would take advantage of that situation the way she did. It seems like the only way that Selin will have an epic fall is if Deniz decides to fight for the kid he knows must be his and tell Eda everything. Going to be tough for her to believe initially but it will have to start making sense once she thinks back on things and then if the photos surface then she will know it must be true.
Agreed. I get Serkan’s guilt, and it actually shows what a good person he is, but he needs to get over it.  Because seriously, all Selin was obligated to do when she got his call was to hang up, and then dial one of the following: his mother, his father, his fiancé or best friend/business partner Engin. That’s it. Call them and say, hey, Serkan’s alive, this is where you’ll find him. But NOPE! Instead she decided to fly there, manipulate him, keep him hidden and try to use it to get back with him. She made him beholden to her, just another in the long line of brainwashing and manipulation. Her flying to his bedside was the wrong thing to do, and it would be great if someone beside Eda recognized that. 
Anonymous said: Even though Selin is the worst and I just cannot wait for her to finally be unmasked as the manipulator she is, I am really looking forward to Edser in the next episode. Eda taking care of Serkan after he passes out, the two of them reaffirming their commitment to each other with the tattoos & possible elopement, Eda reassuring Serkan that she will be at his side even if the kid turns out to be his and also the two of them working together to get to the truth. So darn excited! And if the spoilers are right that Deniz tells Eda the truth and Serkan sees the photos from Ferit then I will be so happy. It is time for Selin to go for good!
SELIN MUST GO. Yes, I think as soon as the news that Selin is pregnant and trying to pass it off as Serkan’s brain-fog baby, Ferit will unleash the photos. (if it’s him that has them).  
I just want Selin and Deniz gone so we can focus on other things. Their presence on this show is a energy drain, and I want to focus on rain frolicking, motorcycles and bed sharing!!!!!  
Anonymous said: I'm so glad that we had a scene of Serkan telling Eda that even without his memories he fell in love with her again, he just couldn't admit it. Serkan has an interesting perspective on the memory loss part of their lives where I think he almost feels too guilty about it all and just wants to move past it. I've noticed that in his dialogues in 36 & 37 where he wants to leave it in the past and basically do his all to make it all up to her in the present and future.
I think this is very well observed. He definitely was trying to leave the past in the past, but honestly I think that’s just laziness on the part of the old writers, not wanting to have to have a reckoning for all the things they had him say or do. Since the writers decided to go that way, I could buy it’s because Serkan feels too guilty about it all. We know how much he loathes making mistakes or being wrong or owing apologies. If that’s what they wanted to do, it would have gone a long way if they’d shown a bit more of him blaming himself, especially in 36. 
I was also very happy that Serkan came out and said that he’s fallen in love with her again. My only thing is I wish if they were going to do that, they would have thrown a little more detail in the dialogue. Like Serkan admitting to her that he started thinking about her all the time as soon as he returned and met her, maybe admit that he slept on his office couch clutching her wedding invitation.  A couple of things like that would have been very nice for Eda to hear. 
Anonymous said: SCK sure loves creating difficult situations for Eda & Serkan. I really felt for Serkan in the last episode especially since he was back to being the romantic robot we all love. He so baldly wants to make up for lost time with Eda that he rushes ahead with the proposal and then gets crushed when she rejects him. And then spends most of the episode frantically trying to figure out what is going on with her and trying to show her how much he loves her. I was really happy though that the show addressed a few different times how awful the last few months have been for Eda and it also made Serkan address it. His plan to just forget about everything and move forward did not happen. Loved that the side characters stepped up to remind him of everything he & Selin put Eda through. Not so crazy that the show decided to use Selin’s pregnancy as the plot device to get Serkan to finally realize “oh yeah, what happened since my accident is a very big deal & now I have to face it & come to terms with it” but still glad it happened. Selin is obviously so much more in the wrong than Serkan but let’s hope her downfall takes place in the next episode.
All of this.  I think you’re exactly right, Serkan tried to brush past everything and I’m glad that finally the other characters stepped up a little to help make him see that he had more work to do. Special shout out to Seyfi for his sassy comment about Serkan almost marrying another woman. And finally Piril was useful and acted like a friend, the first time she had since he returned.  
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phantomato · 3 years
Nottmort (Tom Riddle/Nott Sr.), Modern Muggle AU, ~2k words
Thanks to @yletylyf for kicking around this idea! Tom drives an Uber in the Bay Area. Thoros & co need a ride.
Abraxas and Orion are bickering over luggage in the background when your Uber pulls up. Black, of course, so it’s a Mercedes that will smell a little too much like leather cleaner when you get in, but none of you have ever ridden in an UberX or, god forbid, an Uber Pool, and you’re not about to start.
Your colleagues—never forget, you are not friends, no matter how much time you spend with them—slide into the back seat before you can even begin to help load bags into the trunk. You’re left alone with the driver, and though he offers to help, you haven’t let yourself sink that low as to make this man pile all of your shit in his car while you sit around and watch. And anyway, it feels like the polite thing to do. More than Abraxas or Orion, you’ve been raised to be polite.
So you fold yourself into the front passenger seat, too kind to push the seat all the way back and give yourself the leg room you need even if Orion, behind you, is just 5’8 to your 6’3, and smile at the driver as he confirms your destination.
He’s pretty. You’ve been in a lot of Ubers and you’ve never seen a driver this pretty. Is that classist?, you wonder to yourself, remembering something you read in Vox the other day. Probably. Nevertheless, you’re taken by the curve of his mouth, the sweep of his dark hair, and you throw a smirk over your shoulder at Abraxas who you know must have also noticed.
“Traffic to SFO will be busy,” he says regretfully, and you roll your eyes. Orion refuses to take the early morning flights, unwilling to wake at 3 AM, and you’re always stuck with these long, miserable Uber rides down from the city to the airport. “And Terminal 2—right in the middle of it. There’s construction around those doors, if you haven’t been there—”
“We know,” Orion butts in rudely, shutting up your driver for the few minutes it takes to get out of your neighborhood.
You use those few minutes to swipe through your phone. Email—nothing important. Messages—you clear the notifications. Your Instagram is alight with people reposting the same infographic about voting rights and you make a mental note to kick some money to that non-profit that’s been all over Twitter lately. You close out apps and end up back at Uber, watching your car’s laggy progress through the San Francisco streets. Your driver’s name is Tom, the app informs you. It’s a nice name.
You clear the side streets and Tom offers amenities. “If you want any water, there are bottles in the cooler between the seats,” he calls back to Abraxas and Orion, “and mints in the cup holder. You can adjust the air conditioning if you like, and there’s a charging cable attached to the back of my seat if you need it. Would you like to choose any music?”
“No,” Abraxas says, and whether he means the music or the entire spiel doesn’t really matter, given his withering tone. You look back at him, trying to convey ‘Be nice’ with just your eyebrows, but Abraxas is fussing with his hair and ignoring you.
Tom’s one of the chipper ones, it turns out, because he takes the rejection in stride and shifts to the dreaded personal conversation. “What do you all do for a living?”
“Ah, we invest in companies, mostly start-ups,” you say, trying to avoid—
“Venture capitalists!” Tom guesses, and he’s right but you hate the term and its connotations. So what if you are all white men whose family money has bankrolled tech speculation? It’s what anyone with half a brain would do. You donate, you read the liberal news—at least, you think that’s true for all of you, though Orion was friends with that Republican mayoral candidate and Abraxas’ father sponsors that conservative think-tank and…
Ah, fuck. “Yeah, pretty much,” you agree, hating yourself.
Behind you, Orion digs his AirPods out of his pocket. You hear the snap of the magnetic lid as he closes himself off to the world. Abraxas is slouching, the hem of his third-favorite cashmere cardigan catching on the seat behind him, and you realize that you’re alone in this conversation.
Well, fuck it. If those two pricks are going to make you call the Uber, deal with the reimbursement paperwork, and sit in the front seat, you’re going to talk to the driver and make this car conversation as painful as possible for them.
As if reading your thoughts, Tom does the one thing that guarantees a terrible ride: he pitches his app idea.
“You know, I’m also a software developer,” he says, which is at least more promising than when someone isn’t, “and if I had the kind of funding that companies like yours provide, I would absolutely make this app.” He proceeds to describe something completely inane, the type of exclusive, niche social networking app that hasn’t had legs since before the Trump presidency and you would be content to let him drone on, to let Abraxas keep melting into his own seat and to let Orion channel his anger through a knee driven into the back of yours, but—
But for all that Tom’s idea is stupid, he has the energy of the best pitches you see. His energy is infectious. His eyes light up, he gestures with one hand, and when he stops to take a drink (one of those water bottles with a built-in straw, which you associate with joggers and your lamest employees but which does very different things to you when it’s Tom’s mouth wrapped around the top) you’re transfixed by the wet sheen over his chapped lips.
And so, yes, maybe it’s mostly lust, and maybe this is a sign that you need to download Grindr again, even if only to jerk off to the dick pics you’ll get, but you start to actually talk to him.
“There’s no future in niche social networks,” you say, halting Tom in his tracks. “There will always be new ones, don’t misunderstand me, but the broader landscape is saturated by the top names, and they’ll buy out their competitors if they need to. Perhaps you can topple Tumblr, but that’s not a path to profit. If you want to impact the social market, you need to pinpoint the novel interaction model that you want to offer and make yourself buyable.”
“Buyable,” Tom repeats, like he’s never been interrupted before. He probably hasn’t. The first rule of Ubering around the Bay Area or the Valley is to never engage the app pitches, and Orion has started kicking your seat for your transgression.
“Yes,” you enunciate. “You want to be bought out and brought in at a high level. The giant that eats you may or may not use your idea, but you’ll make a comfortable sum as a consolation prize.” You’ve helped companies through this before. You’re flying out to New York this week in part because one of your investments is considering purchase offers and you want to strategize in-person. The founder is dallying, sending emails about independence and integrity, and Orion will bully him into selling while you and Abraxas negotiate the best terms for the contract.
You can feel Tom’s eyes on you. Abraxas might be calling “Thoros…” from the back seat, and Orion might be attempting to annihilate you with his gaze alone, but you’re smiling at that handsome face behind the wheel and hoping for an accident on the 101.
Unfortunately, you make it through San Bruno without running into more than the usual level of traffic, and Tom’s pulling up to your terminal much sooner than you would like. Abraxas and Orion jump out of the car with uncharacteristic speed when it stops, Orion even moving to stand by the trunk in readiness to take his bags. You delay.
“Do you have a business card?” you ask, when it’s clear Tom’s waiting on you.
He fumbles to pull a wallet from his jeans. You can’t quite get a view of his ass as he does, but that doesn’t stop you from looking.
His card is bent at the corner, printed cheaply, and probably from his last job. You’re pretty sure that company doesn’t exist anymore. Tom taps the phone number. “I can be reached here,” he says smoothly, but his professionalism cracks when he adds, “by call or by… text.”
You know what sort of texts you’d like to receive from him.
Pulling out your own card case, you hand him your card. “Text me,” you say, your voice just this side of appropriate, “any time.”
Tom visibly swallows and jumps out of the car. You take your time getting up, and if your cashmere sweater—Margaret Howell, not that Elder Statesman piece of shit Abraxas is wearing—ends up in the footwell of Tom’s passenger seat, well, you’ll be back in SF next week, won’t you?
“Thanks for the ride, Tom,” you tell him as you take the handle of your luggage, letting your fingers brush his. “I enjoyed our conversation.”
“Yeah,” he nods, and you don’t care that Abraxas is snorting behind you, he’s been judging you this whole trip and he lost out on a hot guy’s number as a result. “It was…”
“Thoros,” you interrupt him before he can ramble and psych himself out. “My name is Thoros, and I really would like to hear from you.”
Tom looks at you then, and you see him pull together the same sureness that drew you into his initial pitch. “I’ll text you about the app.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you say, meaning it.
“You know,” Abraxas drawls as you sit in the United club lounge, gesturing lazily with his overpriced airport Fiji water, “if you tip him too much it’s like you’re paying him for sex.”
Orion looks up from his phone then, removing one earbud for the first time since he put them in. “I’ve paid more for sex with less attractive men.”
“Welcome back,” you say, “I didn’t realize you had paid any attention.”
“Someone would need to not have eyes in order to miss how hot that Uber driver was,” he bites back, returning to his phone.
“Well, I’m tipping him extra anyway,” you announce, confirming Tom’s five-star rating. Should you write a review? Is that too much?
Abraxas, with a grumble, declares, “I’m telling Alecto not to approve this expense.”
Bonus bonus:
Your phone buzzes at the end of dinner, the celebratory affair to close the sale which someone had insisted must be at Lilia, even though Abraxas doesn’t eat carbs and you would have preferred to grab a slice at Scarr’s rather than haul out to Williamsburg, anyway.
It’s Tom. Of course it’s Tom—you’ve been texting all week, and between a few late-night flirtations and one very bald statement of interest, you’ve got a date set for when you’re back home. You’re going to Mensho Tokyo, since he lives in the Tenderloin and you live… vaguely around the Tenderloin, at least, you tell people you live there when you want to seem cooler, and Tom is the type of guy that makes you excited to stand in line for hours to get seats. You’re already thinking about whether you might put your arm around him while you’re waiting, and you unlock your phone to see what he’s saying now.
It’s a picture message.
A picture of Tom, wearing your Howell sweater and no pants and oh god oh fuck—
“Was that Uber driver’s dick?” Abraxas whispers, next to you, and you curse your luck. “Remind me to call the next Uber, Jesus Christ.”
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ughseoks · 4 years
syncope | ksj
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— pairing; seokjin x reader
— genre; fluff, a little angst
— word count; 2.4k
— warnings; description of blood being drawn, needles, fainting, unedited, jin is a sweetheart
— summary; you decided to donate blood for the first time, and your nurse is... really cute, to put it nicely. it’s just too bad you had to go and embarrass yourself by fainting in his arms.
“Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness usually related to insufficient blood flow to the brain. It's also called fainting or ‘passing out.’“
— masterlist —
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“Is this your first time donating?”
If it weren’t for your nerves about the impending procedure you’d agreed to for reasons unknown to even you, you would most definitely have been a melted puddle at the feet of the nurse— no, god— currently looking down at you.
“Um..” He looked at you expectantly, but not unkindly, as you took slightly too long to answer the very simple question he’d asked, “Y-yeah, yes. This is my first time donating.”
“Well, Ms…” he glanced down at the clipboard in his hands to find your name before smiling up at you reassuringly, almost as if he could tell how nervous you were, “Y/N, my name is Jin, and there’s nothing to worry about. If you have any questions about the process, don’t hesitate to ask. I want you to be as comfortable as possible.”
You gave him a small smile as an answer, shifting uncomfortably in the bed you’d been instructed to sit in after checking in and filling out an assessment to confirm that you were able to donate. You weren’t scared of needles (you had no issues with getting your annual immunizations, unlike your scaredy-cat of a brother Hoseok), but the mere thought of draining your body of an entire pint of blood was enough to give you the heebie jeebies.
“Squeeze this three times, then continue to hold it tightly.” He placed a red stress ball in your palm after propping your arm up, his hand hovering slightly over yours until your fingers grasped the ball firmly. He then wrapped a blood pressure cuff around your bicep, inflating it until it was tight, but not painful.
“Too tight?”
You shook your head no. Humming in acknowledgement, the raven-haired nurse then began to gently feel the inside of your elbow with his fingers, attempting to find the vein he would stick. “Don’t move your arm,” he warned when he finally found it, keeping one of his hands on your forearm to prevent you from wiggling while the other held up a small white stick.
“What’s that for?” you blurted out, eyes wide as you stared at the foreign object.
“I’m gonna use it to mark where your vein is,” he explained with a smile before pressing it firmly in a dotting motion down said vein. “I’m going to clean the injection site now. If your skin becomes irritated, make sure to write it down for the next time you donate. You can tell the nurse that you’re allergic, and they’ll use a different type of antiseptic so you won’t have a reaction.”
“Are you going to stick the needle in after you clean it?”
“Yes,” he turned to throw away the used pad, quickly taping a long, small tube to your wrist when he faced you once again, “It might sting at first, but the burn should go away fairly quickly. Let me know if it doesn’t, okay?”
Gulping, you looked away as he lined up the needle with your arm. A grimace twisted your features when he pushed it in (that’s what she said), a sharp pinch followed by burning radiating from the site where he stuck you.
“You okay?” Jin asked, pressing lightly on the needle to make sure it was placed correctly.
“Y-yeah,” you exhaled slowly, trying to calm your breathing. Within a few seconds, the burn began to subside, just like he’d mentioned earlier.
“Awesome. If you start to feel faint, just call me over and we’ll get it sorted out. Any questions?”
You shook your head no once again, and an encouraging smile lit up his soft features. “You’re doing great, Y/N. It’ll be over before you know it.”
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“Hold your arm up for me?”
You held up your arm perpendicular to the floor, pressing the cotton pad onto your inner elbow like Jin had instructed you to do while he turned around to cut off a section of bandage for you. The actual blood-drawing ordeal had been over within a matter of minutes, and you were surprised by how quickly the time had passed.
“Okay, you can set it back down now.” You complied, removing your hand to allow him to bandage up the small injection site with a brightly colored wrap. “You can remove this after around two hours. Take a minute to finish drinking that, and then we can move you out to the lobby. You’ll have to wait about 15 minutes before you can leave once you’re out there, just so we can make sure you don’t faint.”
After finishing off the drink they’d given you, you gave Jin a small wave, flashing him a smile when he took the empty can from your hands to set it out of the way. “Feeling good enough to make it to the lobby?”
“Yeah, I think I’m fine now,” you answered honestly. Sure, you felt a little tired, and your stomach was slightly queasy, but you could definitely make it out of the room and down the hallway.
“Sit up slowly for me, alright?” You complied with his request, carefully swinging your legs over the side of the bed while he watched attentively.
You made it about four steps on your own before all hell broke loose.
The ground began to sway beneath you, your feet fighting to take even one more step forward. It felt like somebody had thrown a weighted blanket over your head. You struggled to stay upright as black stole away the corners of your sight, the dark gradient quickly spreading across your field of vision. Something was tugging at your consciousness, attempting to pull you under the dark waters even as you fought to stay afloat. Everything around you was muffled, with a slight static quality to it— you noticed it when Jin began to speak to you.
“Are you okay?”
You were too out of it to register the question properly or formulate a coherent answer, so you did your best to convey the way you were feeling whilst sticking your arms out for balance. “Uhhhhhhhhh…”
“Okay, come over here, lay back down for me—” His voice stopped registering in your mind halfway through his sentence, his gentle grip on your arm the only thing guiding you to follow his instructions.
The tugging became more incessant; it felt like the unknown force was pulling at the string to your soul, rendering your desperate attempts to stay conscious useless. You’d never felt anything like this before. It wasn’t like when you drift off in class or stand up too quickly; it was as if you were losing touch with reality, death knocking on your front door.
You managed to clamber back onto the bed, your vision returning to you once you’d laid down for a few seconds. The voices of the nurses were still muffled as they gave you gentle instructions to lift your feet up so they could elevate them, and you blinked with force a few times in an attempt to fully regain your senses.
“This might be a little chilly,” you recognized Jin’s voice as he lifted the front of your shirt slightly, slipping an ice pack into it so it would rest on your chest. The quick temperature change gave you something to focus on, and when Jin spoke up again, his voice was clear in your mind instead of muffled like before.
“Can you sip on this for me?” he asked gently, setting down another can with a straw next to your head. You nodded yes, reaching over to hold the can still as you wrapped your lips around the straw carefully.
The following minutes consisted of occasional reminders to continue moving your legs and gentle touches on your shoulders accompanied by questions of “Feeling better?” Jin was usually the one asking, and deep down, you felt a little guilty. Realistically, you knew that he’d dealt with situations like this many times before, but you still felt like you were inconveniencing him and the rest of the staff.
After what seemed like a thousand years, he gently lifted the back of the bed into a raised seat position, allowing you to move into an upright position more easily. “We’re gonna try this again. Move as slowly as you can. I’ll help you out if you need me to.”
Nodding, you began to swing your legs over the side of the bed once again. Apparently, it was still too fast for his liking, because he gently grabbed your legs and moved them at the pace he saw fit, murmuring “Easy, easy,” gently beneath his breath.
Carefully placing your feet onto the ground below, you gradually placed your weight on them, nervous that the ground would start to sway like it had before. Much to your relief, all you felt was a slight dizziness; nothing compared to what you’d felt earlier.
When you looked back up, Jin was staring down into your eyes, his gaze flitting around your face to check for any sign of unwellness before he smiled and nodded towards the doorway. “Follow me and let me know if you start to feel faint again.”
You smiled gratefully at him, following him slowly out into the hallway and towards a set of fluffy chairs. When you took a seat, he handed you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, instructing you to snack on it while you waited.
“Do you think you can drive yourself?” A different nurse kindly asked, roughly fifteen minutes after you’d sat down. Your immediate reaction is to say yes, but after a second thought, you realize it might not be a great idea.
“I’m not sure,” you admit sheepishly, “I can see if my brother Hoseok can come and pick me up, but he’s at work, so it might be a little while—”
“Wait, Hoseok as in Jung Hoseok?” Your head whipped towards the sound of Jin’s voice a few steps away from you. He was escorting a middle aged man towards the seating area, just like he’d done with you a few minutes ago (although the man seemed to be in much better shape than you’d been in).
“Yeah, you know him?” You were a little surprised, but not shocked. After all, being the social butterfly he was, your brother seemed to know pretty much everyone in town.
“He’s pretty close with a few of my buddies,” Jin explained with a smile on his face, “Now that I think about it, I actually owe him a favor or two. Want me to give you a ride home?”
“O-oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that,” you waved your hands wildly in front of yourself, “I’m fine with waiting here for a little longer.”
“It’s no trouble, I promise. My shift is over in five anyways.”
“If you’re really sure…” you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, thankful for his offer but still feeling a little guilty accepting it.
“I am. Let me go pack up and we can get out of here.”
Twenty minutes later, you were walking up the steps to your house with Jin by your side (he’d insisted on walking you to the door) when a previously unconsidered issue popped into your head. “Oh, I almost forgot! What are we going to do about my car? It’s still back in the parking lot.”
Jin stopped walking, taking a minute to consider before speaking up. “I work another shift in the morning, so if you don’t mind getting up a little early, I can swing by here and take you with me.”
“T-that works for me.” A look of confusion crossed your face when he held out his phone to you.
“If it’s okay with you, I can text you when I get here in the morning?” You nodded enthusiastically, quickly typing your number into the empty contact before sliding his phone back into his hands.
“See you tomorrow,” he grinned, throwing you a thumbs up before you shut the door behind you.
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Unknown, 7:38am: hey! this is jin, the handsome nurse who took you home last night in a very platonic and non-romantic way. i’m parked outside ;)
Throwing on your hoodie and snatching your keys from the entryway table, you quickly locked the door behind you and scrambled into Jin’s car, ignoring the way he chuckled at your flustered state. The ride back to your car went by in a comfortable silence, the two of you sneaking glances at each other when you didn’t think they were looking.
Was Jin this attractive yesterday? Surely not. The morning sun was shining through the windshield, causing his raven hair to sparkle and his plump lips to shimmer in the light. His long lashes brushed his cheeks every time he blinked, making your heart beat a little faster with each passing moment.
You were startled out of your thoughts when the car was put in park, a small smirk present on his face when you realized he’d caught you staring.
“Uh-umm,” you stuttered, heat rushing towards your cheeks, “Thanks for the, uh, the ride.”
You scrambled to let yourself out of his vehicle when he gently grasped your wrist, a glint of mischief in his eye when you visibly gulped at the contact.
“Are you free this evening?”
“H-huh?” you blinked, tilting your head to the side in confusion.
“If you don’t have any plans, I’d like to take you out,” he explained with a wink, “Apologies if I’m being too forward. You’re just really cute, and if you’re anything like Hoseok, I can see us getting along really well.”
“Wow, you sure know how to charm a girl, comparing her to her brother while trying to ask her on a date,” you managed to tease slightly, giggling when his eyes widened by a fraction. “I’d love to go out with you tonight.”
“Alright, I’ll text you later to set a time, if that’s okay?” There was a slight blush on his cheeks, contradicting the confident persona he’d put on not even five minutes beforehand.
“Sounds like a plan,” you grinned, giving him a small wave before shutting the car door and making your way towards your own vehicle.
Who knew that fainting in front of the cute nurse would be the best accidental decision you’d ever made?
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a/n; wrote this after i donated blood and was 0.2 seconds away from fainting. fun!!!! anyways i’m a slut for nurse!jin and i always will be so yeah (sorry i feel like the end of this is really shitty but i was struggling to finish it so take what u get and dont throw a fit ok)
— masterlist —
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© ughseoks 2020, all rights reserved. do NOT modify, translate, or repost my works. modification, translations, and/or redistribution of my works on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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kitemist · 3 years
I wrote a post on twitter called: “Unpopular Opinion: You’re a fake ally.”
I had to write it after my ex-best friend never ceased to amaze me with how horrible of an ally she is, with the added insult of false promises that always break.
It got zero traction on twitter because I don’t have that many followers on there, or people who really interact with me, but I want to post it here too.
From here onwards, it’s copy and pasted from the exact twitter post, and I would appreciate feedback in a civil manner if you want.
“What’s something that you’ll get a lot of hate for if you said it out loud?” I’m going to be subtweeting a very specific person when I say this but I’m going to forward it to you all too. If you feel uncomfortable from what I’m saying, I am definitely talking about you. I’ve seen this several times with this specific person with the added insult of a record of broken promises to be better, as well as the same thing over the past few years from other people, so I am pissed enough to speak out. Obviously, this is just my opinion, disagreements are going to happen, I’m not forcing anyone to do anything, just asking you to read if you want. If a person, or more relevantly, group of people needs help, and you retweet, repost, share, post to your story, spread in any way that you can their cries for help like infographics, GoFundMe’s, links to online wallets, emergency commissions, news updates and all that; if you donate to such things and spread them around; push people to do the same; if you do donation commissions and give the money attained from that to them; bring it up in conversations with them and others every now and then; but you don’t emotionally help your everyday member of that group or that person, especially if they are your FRIEND, YOU ARE A FAKE ALLY. I do not care if you do everything else. If you don’t do that one thing, you’re a fake ally. And doing everything else doesn’t make you a good person either, if that is how you judge yourself and others. And if you're uncomfortable, then leave now. Doing everything else and not that is literally no different than 1 like for water for Africa, those old pics that would ask for likes during early facebook days, with the added insult of a trending event/group of people with it and resurging every now and then whenever something horrible happens, and they’re always seen first. You just click on those things to reassure people that you’re not THAT kind of an insensitive asshole, but then you just feel great about yourself that you added to that number even though you have only done the bare minimum, because you ultimately don’t want to get TOO involved in something that makes you uncomfortable, and give yourself a great pat on the back for all the hard work you’ve done just pressing that button. You obviously don’t care about this issue enough to throw your comfort zone aside, even for just a second. We don’t have that choice to not see it like you do, and we feel a lot more than just “uncomfortable”. For WAY longer. Doing those things without emotionally supporting the actual people just separates yourself from the problem in a convenient way. Passing thoughts and prayers and especially clicks on posts aren’t going to help anyone but a completely detached algorithm. You do not get credit for doing the bare minimum and expect the same rewards as passionate, achieving activists. I’m not just talking about #StopAAPIHate just because it’s trending right now, this applies to literally every hashtag that is the only way of a group of people’s cries for help that generates some kind of attention to everyone else that people care about. I’ve seen it be a pattern for enough time now. I’ve seen stories of people who would use #BlackLivesMatter, or the name of any black person who died, as a way to spread it by their banner or profile picture or even turn it into a meme that pushes people to sign their latest petitions, but then completely disrespect actual black people or don’t do anything else for their causes. The only reason you would ever do this is because you care about other people’s approval of you, not actual POC, and you only ever see them as a trend or a platform to be trendy. As a POC myself, we are more than just a fucking hashtag on twitter. We’re more than just a label to reassure people that you’re not a bully. We’re people. But I guess that’s too hard to understand for those fake allies, all they ever see is something to click on, and they’ll get the same credit as those genuine allies without having to work. Or be UNCOMFORTABLE, God forbid you have to step outside of the comfortable world you think you live in. Now for donating money. I get that monetary support isn’t something that everyone can afford to do. I’m not forcing or expecting everyone to do that or not do that. If you can’t, then I recommend spreading donation posts, for the hope for it to come by someone who can and will. You can then still be a vehicle for help if you cannot provide it yourself. But I know that everyone is capable of being completely fake when it comes to donations when they have that kind of money to spare. You can totally just dump $100 or so into a GoFundMe, and never interact with anything related to that group of people ever again and live a completely separate life, with that same convenient separation, but with a receipt this time so that if it’s brought up again, that’s all you have to show to say to them to not worry, you did something, you’re not THAT kind of fake asshole because your wallet is involved this time. It’s what youtubers do when they have to make a YouTube apology just so everyone can stop hating on them for a little while. Anyone can do that. I’m not assuming the worst in everyone, I’m saying you don’t need a platform to be an asshole. Money doesn’t make you better or worse than anyone else, it just shows that you’re more financially well off to be able to donate and that’s something that we can appreciate, but it’s not pure sentiment. Money isn’t feelings. It’s just money. It doesn’t tell us anything about your morals. It doesn’t care how you obtained it and it doesn’t care where you spend it. Donating from your heart and donating from your wallet are two very different things, but it’s not like we can tell from here, so we can’t give you credit for that, especially if those donations are also in the complete public eye. That kind of difference is only discernable to us long after, and even then, that requires some detective work and pattern searching with other donations you have made in the past, if any. Sometimes we don’t even have that time to see if that genuine empathy would come about or not. Whether or not you have a heart in that donation or not, it’s not like we can read your mind as you press confirm. The money doesn’t tell us your feelings, morals, or your heart. Only you can. And you have to WORK to tell us that. You can be appreciated for giving a monetary donation, but that appreciation is toward the money and not at you as a person, and if it is, it’s not towards the real you, it’s only towards you at that time and who knows if that’s gonna change within a minute, or was superficial the entire time, or if it’s the real ally we all knew we needed. We wouldn’t know, all we see is a name and a money amount. Those real allies take time to come out and solidify themselves within themselves and within others, but it’s not as soon as their money disappears. You don’t get credit as a person and your morals when it was the money and temporary self at that time that ultimately helped them. Just because you were behind that money doesn’t mean that the morals associated with you are in that money, and who knows if you were the same person as you made that donation a week ago. Do you know exactly where the dollar bills you have right now have gone through? How many inhumane multi million dollar corporations, or funding something harmful? If you can separate yourself from that, then the money you’re giving can easily be separated from you in both morals and in bank accounts. That’s what you’re choosing to give away as well when you make a donation. If you’re completely fine with that, then donate if you still want to. Just know that by doing that, it doesn’t make you special. In the end, the only thing received is money, not thoughts. That money is completely useless if it’s not being spent towards that needed relief, after all. You can also totally give out of obligation or social pressure instead of believing in the cause or caring about the person affected. That’s not being a real ally either. That’s hopping on a bandwagon because that attracts you more than what the cause is, because the value of human life doesn’t line up with your own. You would only care about this BECAUSE it’s trending, not because it has ever gotten to your emotions, morals, or anything you care about. Giving a donation or not doesn’t tell anyone anything about you, other than how relatively well off you are in terms of money and time, and that’s not relevant to what’s being asked. Donations can have so many motives behind it, and you are not free of those motives just because we can’t see it immediately, and those motives are completely lost once that money is received and eventually used. Money can be helpful in terms of alleviating the situation, but ultimately, it’s not help in placing you on a moral scale whether it’s others judging your character or just judging yourself. And there’s also the risk of donating to a complete scam, and again, money doesn’t care where it’s going to or where it’s coming from, because it’s just money. Not everything that is asking for donations is a scam, but because of this possibility, what you claim to be your one act of good will from your heart in the form of monetary support can easily be debunked and ultimately be used against you whether you were aware of this being a scam before then or not, because the internet is very reactive more than anything else. And if you are donating from your heart and you end up donating to a scam, that’s just even more emotional damage to you as well as the cause, an even worse situation. So again, monetary support isn’t any better than what I determine to be the one defining factor of being a good ally. It’s just a different kind of support that can be useful but it’s not with any heart in it. And because most of those people asking for donations would say that even a little bit helps, the amount of money you’re donating doesn’t give you more credit than others, it just puts you higher on the highest donations list that is made by another detached algorithm, which is ultimately meaningless except for telling whoever clicks on that list how much money you were willing to spare to them, and not what you were thinking when you did it. To be a real ally, that’s a constant effort more than just money or spreading posts. It’s something that can’t ever be measured or manipulated by any algorithm. And I know that the majority of “allies” die out as soon as it’s not trending anymore. It’s happened enough times and how much it happens just has it be a part of a trend’s life cycle on the internet, and that temporary life in the public life can vary greatly. That constant effort also does not (solely) consist of making more donations to more places. That’s just another kind of monetary help that’s ultimately just money. That doesn’t tell anyone anything about you other than that you can afford to do so and being able to afford to do this can sway you on either end of the moral scale, whether you care about that or not. To give an example, the overwhelming response to the Notre Dame fire in 2018 showed what could have been possible if everyone donated what they could, and of course the response to that has never happened to any disaster before, and to my knowledge, ever since. All those millionaires and some netizens credited themselves with their affluent donations but everyone else only saw them as those who ultimately did nothing when any other disaster also needed help in the past and since then, so those donations didn’t make them any kind of ally even though they gave more than the majority of the world can ever afford to give in their lifetimes. Why didn’t every other disaster that lasted longer, had more casualties and damage, had more emotionally traumatic damage that lasted from then onwards, have as much support as this one fire that didn’t completely destroy this building? With almost a billion dollars (954 million USD) donated towards restoration in such a short amount of time, there was still anger, especially towards those who have donated that. And people who have donated copious amounts were also not technically millionaires, but still made and had enough to be part of that same 1%. And anyone can be in that nonspecific well-off group, not just people who were born rich or inherited it. There have been debates that this was a matter of how personally interested these rich people suddenly became because they saw the Notre Dame as a beautiful tourist spot full of history, even though there was a museum in Brazil that was nearly completely destroyed, with majority of its contents and even more history gone forever on the same day and didn’t get a fraction as much attention as this did, and got even less donations. Therefore, monetary support doesn’t give you, or anyone, any more moral high ground, no matter how much it is, because again, it’s just money. It can be help, but not like human support. All that being said, I still think it’s great if you can afford to keep donating to people in need, but if you want to make your support stronger and genuine or have a solid foundation that can be paired and amplified with monetary support, it won’t cost you anything but your time and changing behavior. And right now, I bet everyone reading right now has a lot of those two if their wallet is empty. To do so: • Learn about our struggles. We’re not asking you to be total experts on this, but to know enough to answer, “What can I do to help?” and “What do they need right now?” and it’s best to have them answered by us. Listen to us. And keep making more questions the more that are answered. The best way to learn is to ask. • Speak out against hate speech of any kind from anyone, no matter how much you like them, when you see it in the moment, and hold them accountable. Just saying racism is bad isn’t going to help anyone, but to call out a specific person as a racist will challenge them, because there’s more at stake than just a fact that racism is bad. Whether you want to be polite about it or not is your choice, whichever is more effective. Their feelings are definitely not more important than what they are contributing to the problem. • Emotionally check up on us, we aren’t fine if we have to see more of our family’s beat up faces on the news and screens, or see our family and friends being even more scared to go outside with every passing day. Whether it’s talking about the main situation in depth or providing a respite in the form of having fun when asked; emotional check ups are what makes you the real ally first. • Reassure us that whether or not this is just another trend you see everywhere on social media for the day, you’ll always be there for us, and then hold up that promise, follow through with it whenever we are in trouble. If you consistently do this, it won’t turn into a super conscious decision anymore to be an ally, you’ll reprogram yourself to learn and think that you are now involved and can fight with us, whether or not this becomes something in the twitter sidebar to look at. • Acknowledge your privilege as someone who isn’t targeted and, depending on who you are, would never be targeted, in whatever way that would be, and use it as a weapon for us if applicable. Ex. if you’re white and straight and the current group that needs help is not white and not straight, let them speak about their struggles, amplify their voices because you have the privilege of having more people taking you seriously and paying attention to you, and learn about what you can do to help them and make their life easier with them knowing you are an ally. Redirect that attention and authenticity to us because we sure can’t make it by ourselves. • Learn and involve yourself in our culture if that helps you learn more about us, that is not appropriation. We totally welcome people who want to learn more about us in a respectful and open-minded way. You are a constant learner in doing this, as well as doing any or all of the above-mentioned tasks. There’s no real end to being an ally, just as there is no real end to the fight. It’s always better to ask questions than to keep it to yourself and mess up. There was always a better time to learn all of this, but the second-best time is right now. Just because you never learned this earlier doesn’t mean you can’t start to change that. We won’t shame you if today has to be your first day as long as you stay just as eager and able to receive criticism from then onwards. Even if you become well educated, don’t act like you know exactly what it’s like. Because no matter how educated you become, you are ultimately not us. Keep that in mind as you embark on your journey. Constant effort is what every single one of those groups need, I guarantee that. It’s such a great skill that can be used in anything. Consistency is rare and powerful and key in achieving nearly anything you want. But that’s not something we can automatically detect and always takes time to make happen, there’s no shortcut to that. Are you just going to retweet these for a day or week or month or two, or are you going to speak out whether you are going to put a tag on it or not? Are you just going to donate a small fraction of your paycheck once or are you going to keep going whenever you can and donate to even more people that need help that isn’t just part of that group? All we see is that one instance, and people are pouring either their first or their first and last instances of helping us, and there’s no way to differentiate who’s what until that first wave dies down. And that is a journey of watching it be less and less important on the timelines, growing disappointment and sorrow that we have always felt from the beginning, something that no one outside of the current targetted trending group, or anyone who has ever trended, can ever understand or experience. It’s like wearing halloween costumes that are clearly a costume from another culture. You can wear that costume, or in that case, that hashtag for a day. We wear that stigma for life. I hope this post makes you reconsider what you’ve been doing in terms of fighting for social justice, or at the very least, make you uncomfortable enough to think about what you have been doing for such groups of people who need help. Obviously if you are a real ally as I’ve described by not only doing monetary donations if applicable, but fighting back, constantly learning, and emotionally supporting and checking up on your friends constantly, this post isn’t talking about you. And if you don’t want to learn about all this stuff that can be towards the better, then there’s nothing that can ever help you. That’s just willful ignorance at that point and I as well as others are completely free to judge you for that. On the note of being a good person or bad person, I know that’s not how everyone wants to judge themselves. Looking deep enough, it can be subjective, or just a matter of good actions and bad actions instead of good people and bad people. Either way, you have that “good” and “bad” judgement on something, even though that concept itself is also a spectrum, and at times, they can be applied to both people and actions, such as a good person making a bad decision or a bad person making their first good deed. So, whether it’s actions or people, being a “good person” doesn’t excuse you from your mistakes or shitty decisions. A good record can just be completely shattered at any time. A lot of people who we have thought were “good” have been exposed, and those who we thought were “bad” have been redeemed. It’s celebrated in fiction, but apparently not welcomed in real life. And improving your allyship as I described above doesn’t automatically make you a “good person”, if that judgement is what you have for yourself or want to have for yourself, but it IS a very “good action” to get started in expanding your world beyond what you initially knew before this post, because it’s always a “good action” to constantly question what you know before making judgements or actions. That constant questioning is learning and not being compliant with how things are, because things can always be better. Being a bad person entails not caring about doing better and is magnified by being two-faced like being a fake ally. And you can also stop caring at any time about yourself and what your morals are. Not all fake allies are “bad people,” maybe they just needed an awareness check that emotional support makes all of their previous work or work afterwards more authentic and appreciated. I don’t blame anyone who really didn’t think that emotional support wasn’t part of helping those who need it and now take that fact in stride, or just didn’t know how to do that in the first place. But all “bad people” are fake allies because they don’t care enough outside of themselves to change what their environment presents themselves with, or just complain about it without bothering to question or research why things are that way. And obviously, “bad people” would contribute to the problem by either never being an ally in the first place or do the bare minimum in allyship and expect rewards without being caught in the stress that comes with actually fighting for a cause. So, if you read this entire post and are one of those people who do the bare minimum but want the rewards, or think I and others are just too sensitive, and have no intention or desire to change any of your actions around pleas for help from groups of people or even start to think about changing that, I would think you’re a bad person. But that’s only how I judge you. I know plenty of bad people who go on and life happily knowing how many people hate them whether they know them personally or not. If you’re taking that so personally, you could have left much earlier in this longass post. I don’t know what you expected with me talking about this topic and somehow not being super cordial about it. I don’t owe you a polite tone or managing your feelings, and neither does anyone else. If you really think my tone is the problem here more than anything I have ever explained in this post I guarantee you’re a bad person who is just looking for an excuse to completely dismiss this even though you had the opportunity to do so much earlier, around 4,000 words ago. And if you really need someone else to help you with your fragile and insecure feelings, I guarantee that they’re not on the internet. Again, to reiterate, this is just my opinion, feel free to tell me any of your own. I’m not forcing anyone to do or stop doing anything, I just appreciate that you read this far. I hope you reconsider how to fight for your loved ones that aren’t as well off as you are, or how to fight alongside others who have been though the struggles of being either underprivileged or just not as well off. Thank you.
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very-very-dizzy · 3 years
Sorry if this one took a long while! The idea started out small, but actually turned into a short nearly 2k fic. For this prompt, I had some good ideas on what to do but they were mostly spoilers so went with this! For who takes narrative? A good question.
(Warning for dark themes, injury, death)
Heavy footsteps slammed against metallic floors. Each in rhythm as they marched forward. Those in sync each adorned two strands of seaweed on their goggles. A symbol that told of their superiority over all else.
There would be no peace as their song was one of execution.
An octoling young enough where she neared her humanoid form but still hadn't developed full tentacles, ran for her life. Avoiding other octarians as they all ran from the sound of marching. In her arms, she carried a younger octoling who clung tightly to her shirt..
Years before the octoling had found them thrown out into her dome just like other defects. Taking them in as a sibling and showing them to her small family. It was common in the outer domes for octarians to form groups as survival alone was hopeless. Although, they both would have to worry later about their family as finding a place to hide them was currently more important.
Finding a small gap against a building’s wall, the octoling stopped and set their sibling inside. Grabbing a frame from a nearby pile of panels and using it to cover the gap. It was an area she would hide them each time elites came through their dome. While not her size, it was enough to keep her little sibling hidden.
“[Stay in there and remember to not move.]” She whispered.
Once seeing that the panel was secured, the octoling grabbed a few pieces of scrap metal. She crept away from the hiding spot, but stopped as multiple voices grew in volume. Looking quickly for somewhere to hide, she found a spot behind a box as footsteps came closer.
A shout caused all of the footsteps to pause. The octoling covered her mouth as someone walked over to where she hid. Giving a small thud as they sat down on the box she hid behind. Throwing aside their octoshot to where she hid.
“[Hey Lake! How’s that other Ida doing? Heard they’re already working on the Great Octoweapons in Slimeskin Garrison.]”
Eyes wide, the octoling knew who they were speaking to. A cruel monster that led many platoons through her dome. She started to shiver in fear as their voice, a voice she’d grown to dread, spoke up with its gruff tone.
Colonel Lake Ida.
“[Don’t know how much she’s doing personally. Labs keep a close eye on keeping information hidden, but they never get anything past me.]” Lake paused before continuing again, “[Anyway, heard she already figured out how to change her forms. Kid’s already 14 and doing things I never could have at her age.]”
“[Really?]” Another soldier asked.
“[Of course. While those pebbles think she’s got to be isolated, I’m planning on giving her a visit soon. Heard she’s been given some training but still hesitates with executing opponents.]” She let out a laugh, “[Although, what’s amazing is that she is building weapons that’ll splat those disgusting squids, achieving perfect scores, and being top notch in physical activities. Makes me jealous of her levels of intelligence, but at least I’m still  better than you low-grades.]”
The group of soldiers broke into laughter. Although a few were quiet growls could be heard at their response. Once they stopped, a nervous voice spoke up amongst them. With how quiet they were, it was easy to guess they were someone new.
“[Um… Colonel Ida? Why are we out out here in the outer domes?]” 
“[To perform our duty of preserving the Octarian Empire. Out here, there’s mutant and throw-outs that our government wastes donating supplies and energy to. That’s why it is up to us to lower their numbers.]” Lake responded.
A small noise of discomfort was made. “[Do the higher-ups know?]”
“[Of course, but they don’t want to make it public. DJ Octavio knows the public would make a large fuss over providing for these weaklings. So, that’s why our task is a simple task that must be done for the greater good.]”
“[So we are to splat all in sight?]” There was a hint of uncertainty in the nervous elite’s voice.
“[Affirmative, but also to capture and release. A little game of inspiring fear into any that try to fight back. It’s also more fun to play around by having them try to run again.]” A panicked blurb sounded as a box away from them was smashed. Following after were shots of ink fired from an octoshot. “[They hold no power over us so don’t worry about them trying to report you, because they’ve seen your face. Do not forget we are superior over them, and I am above you all.]”
“[That’s correct! Now let’s head out!]” The more cheerful voice spoke out. It wasn’t hard to figure out they were Colonel Ida’s right-hand.
As the rest of the soldiers left, the octoling crept out from her hiding spot. Deciding to take off towards a small shelter. Sweat pouring off her face as continued to run. Breaths staggering with each step taken as her body screamed to keep going.
Until she turned one corner and slammed against a wall. Having forgotten before that there had been reconstruction to rebuild a home that crumbled after time. Too focused on her own self, she hadn’t heard footsteps from behind.
“[Seems you made a wrong turn, kid.]”
Freezing up in fear, the octoling refused to turn around. Her mind screamed to run knowing full well that she had been caught. It was now life or death, and she needed to flee or fight.
“[It’s you again!]” Lake beamed, a grin donning her face. “[How much of a delight this is being I get a second chance at killing you.]”
The young octoling attempted to make an escape, but was grabbed as Lake picked her up with ease. She repeatedly slammed the small octoling against a wall, until deciding enough was done. Knowing they wouldn’t be unconscious as she had held back her strength.
“[Don’t think I forgot about last time. How a pathetic weakling like you managed to scratch my face. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure this time you won’t get a chance to run again.]”
As the octoling struggled to push herself up, she didn’t expect Lake to grab her again. This time, throwing her against a window, which shattered upon impact. Shards of glass digging into her side as she landed upon a dirt floor.
Vision fading in and out, her body felt as if it had been set ablaze from inside. Sharp prinpicks kept stabbing at her arms. Her own tentacles ached with pain from the harsh landing. Picking at her eyes’ edge were droplets of tears ready to fall. Ready for her to give in and break down from the pain.
The young octoling closed her eyes, awaiting for her misery to already end at the elite’s hand. A sound made her open her eyes, and she found herself staring directly into a pair of green eyes with pink peanut shape irises. A clawed hand suddenly grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her upward.
“[Looks like I found you-]”
Lake was cut off as a jagged scrap of metal was pushed into her throat by the octoling. Dropping the octoling, she continued to grasp at the gaping laceration. Making an attempt to stop as more of a turquoise liquid pushed out as her wound opened further once she pulled the metal shard out.
“[BRAT! I’LL-]” Lake broke into heavy coughing.
While unknown to the both of them, multiple octarians burst from a closet inside the building. Each going behind it and using their weight to push it down. Giving enough force that it eventually did fell upon the bleeding elite, but not the young octoling.
After the large noise from impact, shouts from outside came and made everyone inside panic. An octotrooper made its way over to the young octoling and pushed against her side. Their eyes were filled with fear knowing that they all wouldn’t have time. “[Hurry! Go!]”
Opening her mouth, the young octoling prepared to respond but felt something round press against her leg.
Ot, an octoball, and part of her family. While he hadn’t been in their family for long, she saw him as an older brother. He would aid her in supply runs whenever their stock would get low. Although now she feared they wouldn’t be after what had occurred.
“[Uu’oa, sister. We will distract them, and take fault.]” Ot spoke, “[What’ve you done has saved us from one monster.]”
“[B-But -]” She attempted to say, but was shoved by another octarian. More kept pushing against her as others ran to form a blockade against the other door. Shouts from outside growing louder.
“[Go! Hide! Then find G87-8!]” Ot shouted, pushing her through a back door.
With tears, the octoling nodded and limped away. Holding back sobs as she heard weapons being fired. It wouldn’t take long until she reached a small piece of panel.  Deciding it would be enough for her to hide in. Crawling under it, she finally let herself cry.
Barely able to process from what had occurred in just moments before.
As hours passed by, the young octoling woke up at the sound of voices. Two different ones from what she had heard before when Colonel Ida was giving her orders.
“[So what do we do about, Colonel Ida?]” One of the asked, seemingly tired.
“[We say she died because of dome debris. It’s what we use to excuse any deaths out here.]” They let out a small grunt. “[Anyway, our only priority is to get the injured out. We’ll tell Ida’s First Lieutenant about all of it after she’s in the med bay.]”
Slowly peeking out, the octoling noticed both had already left. Through more inspection, she confirmed it was safe to head back towards her little sibling. Going back to where she had left them.
Pulling away the panel, she nearly cried from relief. Seeing they were unharmed, she took them back out, and pulled her younger sibling into a tight hug. She would wait to tell them what had happened to Ot, not until they both were with their family. 
“[Are you okay?]” She asked them. Giving a little smile as they responded with a small nod.
Stepping away from their hiding spot, she walked into a crowd of fellow octarians. Seeing others with emptiness in their or tears as they sobbed for those that had been lost to the execution. A numbness filled their hearts as they knew it wouldn’t be the last. 
It was that cursed object that became a symbol of death for them.
Swearing on her life, the octoling swore  to never adone the seaweed headpiece and become the monsters that marched through their dome.
Instead, she’ll become something they fear.
>[Retrieve Subject Status.]
>[Retrieve Subject Orders]
>[Retrieve Subject Location.]
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irwinkitten · 4 years
feisty | a.i | part two
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notes: so this was deff requested after i posted feisty about 8 months ago lmao i got sent an anon who literally astounded me with their idea and so working off that, part two started to get created and honestly i love it so much. however, as i posted the other day, it reached 16k and i was like “this isn’t even halfway done i need to stop and reevaluate this” so i’ve decided it’s gonna be three parts with part three already started.  request: Hi I was thinking ab Feisty (I’m the one who requested a pt 2) but like I was really thinking about it and I absolutely adore the way Cassie was written. She’s strong, she’s powerful, and she knows what she wants. She never turned her back on the idea of a pack and being part of one even tho she’s human. I was wondering if maybe you could incorporate the idea of her having a wolf, but that wolf is locked inside of her, but it slowly makes it way out in different ways. Like the idea she’s a 1/?  Like one day she’s getting extremely riled up and all of a sudden only her eyes shift and everyone around her is like “um the FUCK Luna???” And no one knows how she was able to do that but then maybe she finds some sort of ancient script ab humans among werewolves and they’re actually extremely powerful and something to be feared bc they’re sent to guide the pack and all of a sudden it makes sense bc Roxanne and Trixie are both extremely smart and intelligent and the other humans within 2/? The pack that have come around during her time also have the same intelligence and wisdom that the wolves tend to overlook and it look Cassie for the packs to understand and appreciate their power and it’s like up to her to continue to push forward and make sure that all packs respect the humans as if they were a wolf themselves but inside the humans is a wolf more powerful that they’re in tune with which is why they are able to lead the pack and point out the flaws in plans and makes them so 3/? Valuable to the packs in different forms and she’s out here being bad fucking ass and she won’t take no for an answer and she just has all this power and she knows she might just be a human in many of the wolves eyes forever but she’ll be damned if she doesn’t go down trying to change that bc no one, I repeat no one, should disrespect her or the others like her bc they are not less than the wolves and idk that might not be the way you were thinking of taking it but it’s just what I imagine 4/? Bc I think it would be really cool to see the other wolves reactions to her having some sort of power within her that’s untapped, along w the other humans and the backlash and rebellion that could ensue. Like how are these ~humans~ so powerful they’re just that, filthy, disgusting humans and I think that would be a really cool spin on it but that’s just me lol. Tbh it’s time to go reread feisty again and just revel in how well written Cassie is and how much I am DYING for a part 2 5/5 ALSO sorry I was just thinking that you could make Roxanne’s mate someone powerful as well, showing that even those who are tortured are destined for greatness warnings: mentions of murder, death, word count: 14.2k lmao am i ever gonna write a small one shot that’s an oc? probably not.
part one
donate to my ko-fi here 
The low alarm that keened throughout the small town of werewolves, it was one of both comfort and panic. The panic was of those who had been living on the edge, scared to step from the packs boarders without a warrior or two within distance or sight. 
The comfort resided within the Alpha and Luna, both who had planned and expected this to happen. 
There was a traitor.
The pair peeled themselves away from the bed, both fully focused on the fact that what they had seen, what had been pointed out to them had come to fruition.
“Luna?” A soft voice came from one of the rooms below theirs as they reached the next floor below, both dressed in similar attire, yet the Alpha’s attire was less restrictive than the Luna’s.
“You were right Trixie.” The soft tone of reassurance did nothing to stop the teenagers lip from wobbling. 
“So many are going to be hurt.” She whispered dejectedly as the Luna opened her arms out to the young girl. She stepped forwards into the embrace.
“Come, the elders will insist you are awake.” 
Nothing was spoken as the young woman and her charge continued further down, heading into the office that was located on the ground floor.
“Luna Cassidy, it’s about time.” The scathing tone of the Elder of Vinewood Pack reached her, Cassidy Irwin drew herself to her full height, meeting the Elder with a hard glare.
“Trixie Teller is the one who foresaw this. Need I remind you that she is but a child in all of this? They may be rogues but they are waging war, Elder Greydown. The knowledge of such a thing being right is distressing for any wolf, let alone a human teenager.” She snapped in return. The Elder scowled but did not refute her argument.
“Elder Greydown, I do not want to remind you, yet again to respect my Luna.” Cassidy watched as the Elder bowed to her mate.
“My apologies, Alpha Ashton.” Cassidy ignored the slight against her and bundled the trembling teenager into the spot between herself and her mate. Ashton did not hesitate to let his arm wrap around the teenagers shoulders, and she leaned gratefully into her Alpha’s comfort.
“Beta Hemmings has made contact with the warriors on patrol. They know not to engage, and survey the attempted attack.”
“Who knew of the council meeting?” Another Elder spoke up. It took a second before Cassidy realised it was Elder Maybanks.
“None outside this circle were told. Not even young Trixie knew of this.” Eyes fell on the form of the still shaking human teenager whose eyes were heavy and her body exhausted.
The silence of the alarm was deafening and the howl that followed in its wake was pain filled.
“They found the traitor.” Trixie whispered. Cassidy wanted to shield her from the pain, the dull reminder of her loss of Talon still serving her as a constant reminder of the failure that haunted her dreams.
“Should the human even be here?” Elder Greydown spoke, his tone condescending.
“You are coming very close to insulting someone under my protection, Elder Greydown.” Cassidy snapped. She received a scoff in return and Elder Maybanks exploded.
“You teach our pups to be tolerant, yet you cannot be tolerant of the two humans who have served our pack faithfully! It begs the question, what kind of tolerance are you filling the pups heads with in the first place?” 
Ashton held back the growl of frustration. He knew the Elder’s struggling attitude with the changes that Vinewood Pack had undergone. 
“Now is not the time.” Cassidy spoke, her tone stern and unrelenting. Elder Greydown huffed, but did not argue with her. She shared a look with Ashton and Elder Maybanks. They knew that they would be asking Greydown to step down before the week was out.
A sharp hiss escaped from Trixie before it turned into a whimper. 
“He’s hurt. Abel is hurt.” She got out as Cassidy held her face, forcing the teenager to look at her.
“You are here and safe. Alpha Irwin is tracking each of the warriors.” She knew better than to make the promise that he would return safely.
“His brothers are with him. He’ll be healed before he gets home.” Ashton reassured the teenager who gave into the tears. Cassidy understood. She allowed the teenager to cling to her in comfort as Ashton moved to his desk, tapping away at the laptop.
“Rosewood has confirmed that it’s Leo.” Ashton muttered and she sighed as Trixie finally relaxed against her. She carefully lay her down on the couch, tucking the blanket around her.
“How bad?” Cassidy finally asked once the teenagers breathing evened out.
“Sixteen wolves were injured. Two are serious, but the pack doctor with them has reassured me that they’ll be okay eventually.” Ashton murmured and his gaze returned to the two Elders in the room.
“We will require you at the offices by noon.” Both of them bowed to Ashton. Elder Maybanks bowed to Cassidy, Elder Greydown did not.
“If he wasn’t an Elder, I’d have Calum break his neck.” She muttered darkly once Ashton nodded that the two Elders had indeed returned home.
“He’s going to be retired from his position. Are your new teachers ready to take over the position?” She sighed.
“I think so. But there’s still some animosity between Roxanne and Gwen.” Ashton sighed.
“Gwen believes that Roxanne is the reason for her Aunt and Uncles’ demise and her cousins restriction, doesn’t she?” Cassidy nodded.
“Gwen is still openly hostile with her, and as much as I have tried to ingrain that Roxanne was the victim, she will see nothing of it. Personally, I’m close to pulling Gwen off the course and moving her to something that isn’t so potentially volatile.” Ashton nodded at his mates words, allowing her to talk freely.
Ever since they had returned so many years ago from his first visit to her old pack, she’d planned with various teachers about teaching the pups to practice tolerance and acceptance of humans within the pack. It became more so when more humans had been born.
Only a handful, but Ashton could see that each of them were gifted. Born years apart, the youngest only being just shy of a year old, and the oldest at the age of six already, Ashton knew that changes needed to be made and fast. 
The human girl they had rescued so long ago, Roxanne Teller, had been a significant trigger for the changes. Cassidy was determined that no child should suffer the fate that she had suffered.
Just shy of her twenty first birthday, Roxanne had been determined to do her adoptive parents proud. And she had excelled with Cassidy as her mentor.
Her younger sister, Trixie, was in a league of her own. Freshly turned fifteen year old was an extrodinaire with technology. Ashton had been the one to encourage that. But when she had turned thirteen, she’d been gifted with prophetic visions.
The Moon Goddess, Selene had appeared to both Trixie, and the Irwins, to explain the prophetic nature of the teenagers dreams.
They were dreams that could not be altered by choices or decisions. They were outcomes that the fates had decided themselves. Cassidy, was rightfully angry with her Goddess for placing such a burden onto the shoulders of someone so young.
“They will be prophecies of the years you will experience and the years you will never see. They are to guide my children into the rightful acceptance that you have started.” 
Cassidy knew she could not remain angry with the fates if they had deemed Trixie their host to record prophecies for years to come. 
Many had complained of Ashton taking both girls under his wing, but at the Alpha’s conference, both Ashton and her previous Alpha, Isaac Lockard told them of the successes that Cassidy had. 
That was the day the first laws began to change. Abuse of a human born or mated into a pack would be met with penalties and jail time. Anything that could be seen as an attempted murder will be met with either exile or execution.
Alpha’s grumbled about that until Cassidy stood up on the podium, her eyes sharp as she snatched a dagger from one of the security wolves belts and sliced her hand open like she did to her own pack.
Alpha’s watched in fascinated horror as her blood trailed down her hand, dripping onto the stage. 
She’d forcefully pointed out that any attack on a human could be considered attempted murder because there was no accelerated healing. 
The High Council has been quick to distinguish parameters of what was considered abuse and what was considered an attack.
It wasn’t a lot, but it had been a start for Cassidy.
Both were used to sleepless nights, and this one was no different. Ashton had his werewolf stamina to keep him going, Cassidy relied on caffeine to keep her afloat.
When Trixie stirred, she jolted awake in shock, a short gasp of hair escaping as black curls seemed to fly everywhere, wild eyes searching the room.
“It happened.” It wasn’t a question but Ashton nodded anyway.
“We had some injuries, but they’ll make a recovery. We found the traitor.” 
The tone in Ashton’s voice had dropped from reassuring to deadly in seconds, and Trixie couldn’t help herself as she shuddered. Part of her was grateful to her Luna that she demanded Trixie be kept away from any kind of interrogation. 
She didn’t want to be on the end of Alpha Ashton’s tone.
The shrill ring of the phone made the teenager jump in fright and Cassidy smiled as Ashton answered the phone.
“Morning Isaac.” 
Something was spoken for a second as Ashton placed the phone handle face down before hitting the speakerphone button.
“You’re on speaker now, Isaac. Trixie is with us.” 
The other Alpha did not need to be told the warning in Ashton’s tone. Keep it teenager friendly.
“Leo was injured last night. Hope nailed him good, however he was rescued by a wolf waiting on standby. It looks like there are a few traitors from packs within their cause.” Cassidy sighed.
“We managed to catch ours, or at least the only one we hope we have. What about your side?” Cassidy finally asked.
“Dead.” Came the blunt response and Trixie gasped.
“Isaac.” Cassidy snapped back as she took a hold of Trixie’s hands. “There was nothing you could do for them, sweet girl.”
“My apologies Miss Teller. Unfortunately, there would’ve been no saving this wolf. The rogues had clawed into their very minds and warped their entire views.” Trixie finally nodded before a blush crept up her skin. 
“It’s forgiven, Alpha Isaac.” She finally got out and Ashton smiled at her reassuringly. “If I can be excused? I know that Rox wanted to meet for breakfast and she’ll crucify me if I’m late.” Ashton nodded.
The excuse was weak, but she was still too young in Ashton’s eyes.
Once the door had closed, Cassidy moved herself to Ashton’s lap, his arms winding around her waist.
“Who was it, Isaac?” 
“Gregory Sampson.” Cassidy closed her eyes at that, her heart sinking at the fact the sweet boy she knew had turned traitor. 
“Who discovered him?” She felt Ashton’s hand on her hip, his thumb rubbing slow circles into her skin. 
“Kallie Tyson.” Came the amused response and Cassidy snorted. 
“What tipped her off?” 
“She was there the day Leo was exiled. Apparently he hadn’t bothered to dampen his scent and she smelled him all over Sampson. She’s been wary of a lot of wolves after the whole debacle years ago. When she realised the scent, she went to patrol and alerted them.” Isaac explained and she sighed. 
“Was Sampson executed immediately?” Ashton’s tone was a lot more calmer than the harsh tones he’d spoken earlier. 
“No. We got him for all the information that he was worth. I know that another two packs caught traitors, not including yours. Cassidy I’d say collate with the other strategists. Get the information any way possible and work through it.” A low sigh escaped her lips and Isaac paused. “Cassie?” 
She tried not to groan, she knew that when her old Alpha called her Cassie, it was his way of checking in with her as her surrogate family member and not her old Alpha. 
Before she could speak up, Ashton cut her off, giving her an apologetic glance. 
“Elder Greydown has been testing her patience. He’s been the one who has been teaching other pack Elders for tolerance with humans. However he borderline disrespects Cass in front of other Elders and pack members.”
Cassidy found she couldn’t be angry with Ashton as she laid her head on his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek to convey that she wasn’t mad at him. 
Isaac growled audibly. 
“I’m assuming that his position is about to become open to other Elders?” 
“Yes and no.” Cassidy answered calmly. “I’ve been training pack members to take over that role. However there’s been animosity between the two of them so I may ask for an outside Elder to come in and learn but then teach other packs.” 
“I’ll speak with Elder Orion. You know he forever asks after you.” Cassidy grinned. 
“That’s because I’m respectful to my elders, old timer.” She teased and Isaac barked out a laugh. 
“Alright trouble. Get in touch when you want to plan with the strategists. I’ll spread the word to the other packs.” 
“Appreciated Isaac.” Ashton muttered before the line went dead and Cassidy sighed. 
“How long do we have until we need to be at the offices?” This earned a tired groan from Ashton. 
“I don’t want to have to deal with Greydown’s disrespect. I’m hoping that the other Elders being there will reign him in but I’m not going to hold my breath. We need to start moving now if we want to get there on time.” 
Cassidy moves from her mates arms, but not before giving him a gentle kiss. He smiled in return before pushing himself up and the two headed to get changed from the black outfits they’d worn in preparation. 
Part of Cassidy was raging. Angry that rogues would make this attempt. Another part of her was filled with sorrow, knowing full well that there would be packs that would collapse from that kind of onslaught. 
By the time the two had reached the offices, her mind was whirling. She greeted the Elders that were gathered, unsurprised at the lack of respect from Greydown. 
It hit her. 
She kept her body relaxed, refusing to give away her realisation. She knew that the moment he was discovered, it would either cause more problems or give them their solutions. 
Taking Ashton’s hand in hers was always normal. Absentmindedly, she began to trace letters into his palm, making out soft patterns at each space so the game wouldn’t be given away. 
The Elders knew she was very touchy with her mate for good reason. They eventually got used to their Luna’s quirks, barely concealed amusement on their lips at the resigned look on their Alpha’s face when she threw herself into the architectural planning of new homes. 
Ashton understood her message, immediately switching to plan B. They’d concocted this plan when lay together, her mind frazzled with worry of a traitor being someone so close to them they’d never suspect it. 
“Yes Alpha?”
“Tell me Greydown, why do you respect me but not my mate? And if you utter a word about her humanity, I’m sure she will take gleeful pleasure in throwing you from the window.” Ashton’s casual comment was met with a look of fear. 
He pinned the older man down with a dead stare, the mirth gone from his face. 
“She doesn’t know how to run a pack. And as your Luna, she still falls under your command yet flounces it regardless.” Both Irwins could see the hesitation. His words were just another dig at her humanity without outright saying the words. 
“Tell me Elder Greydown, I have ever disrespected your authority?” Cassidy started. Ashton leaned back with a smirk. 
“No, Luna.” 
“Have I ever been found lacking with my leadership, especially when I was appointed the Head of the strategists?” His smirk grew wider. Greydown became slightly flustered, his cheeks dark as he avoided looking at her. 
“No Luna.” 
“Look at me.” Her voice rang with the authority she held as the Alpha’s mate and Greydown’s head snapped up, staring at her in shock and awe. 
“Why do you believe that my humanity is a problem then? Everyone knows a wolf's mate is their ultimate weakness. Why is my humanity a deciding factor in that too? Or do you just hate humans on principle?” Greydown kept his lips pressed shut. “Answer me, Elder Greydown.” Her voice rang with the authority once more and he found himself unable to keep his mouth closed much longer. 
“They’re a disease that needs to be taken under control. We’ve had six runts born since you arrived and clearly it’s knowledge of a disease to spread to packs, to ruin the hierarchy.” 
Ashton’s smirk had fallen from his lips, standing from his chair as he stalked forward, closing the distance between the two. 
Cassidy didn’t even try to stop her mate. She’d learned fast he was a possessive mate at the best of times but anyone disrespecting her? 
She could only hope for Greydown that Ashton was in a kind mood. 
“Watch how you speak about my mate, Greydown.” The growl was low, a warning. 
Greydown scoffed in return. 
“I will speak of the human how I want. She wants to believe she’s Luna so badly.” 
The room froze at the Elders words, Ashton glancing back to his mate who had closed her eyes in rage and frustration. 
She paid no mind to the others as she rose from her seat, her eyes snapping open and glaring at Elder Greydown. She didn’t miss how his eyes widened and his cheeks drained of their colour. 
“You have no right to speak to me like that. Let alone the other humans in this pack who will outsmart you six ways to Sunday. You’re relieved of your duties of teaching tolerance. Tell me, would Leo Lockard treat this failure with the retribution he tried to give to me?” 
The shock turned to horror. He attempted to move but found himself being pinned down. 
“Sit still.” Cassidy snapped, her anger flooding dangerously. Greydown froze and didn’t move. 
“Get him out of here.” Ashton snapped to the two guards that had restrained Greydown. His attention turned to Cassidy. 
“Love, you need to calm down.”
“Why?” Ashton didn’t respond to her, merely pulling her to the mirror that sat in the office. 
She stared at herself in shock, fingers reaching up to touch her skin, her eyes focused on the amber coloured eyes that stared back in shock. 
Her gaze met Ashton’s as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“We can ask around other Elders. They’ll have something we can work on, with what’s going on.” Cassidy found her voice lost as she looked back to the mirror, watching as the amber coloured eyes faded, leaving her bright green eyes confused and tired.
It’d been days since Greydown had been exposed as a traitor to the pack. Ashton had kept the techniques used quiet, but he relayed all the information that Greydown had given them. 
Part of Cassidy was screaming at her, telling her that something was off with the information.
“Ashton, I’m not saying that I don’t believe you-” The gentle smile from her mate as he cut her off relaxed her tense shoulders.
“-but it feels like something is wrong. I know sweetheart. But we’ve tried every tactic.” Ashton climbed into bed with her, her body automatically pressing against his as they fell into their positions easily. 
Sometimes Cassidy marvelled at the bond. Their first year together was almost purely physical, like they were trying to reconnect their souls. And she’d guessed that in a sense they were. But the smallest thing would set Ashton off, and vice versa. 
They learned what buttons could be pressed and what they needed to avoid. And after the first year, it calmed down so fast part of her wondered if it had just been a bizarre yet realistic dream. 
When it had come to nights, they could share the night easily, no hastily ripped off clothes or pushing their delights into the early hours of the morning. Some days Cassidy just enjoyed being held by her mate, and others she enjoyed the way he ravished her until the early break of dawn. 
Tonight was a night where she was content to lay in his arms, fingers trailing up and down her skin.
“Would you be willing to let me try?” Her question made him tense, but she was surprised he didn’t outright reject the idea immediately. This caused her to turn her head towards her mate who was wearing a contemplative look on his face.
“That wouldn’t be a bad idea. He wouldn’t expect you.” 
“And we can see if what happened the other day happens again. It looked like he couldn’t even fight my orders, although he must’ve tried.” Cassidy’s tone was convincing, hardly daring to believe that her mate was even considering this. 
“It’s one way of looking at it. But also, if he’s the only traitor to the pack, he’s the only one that knows about your eyes and the slight change. It means we have an avenue to look into that people may underestimate you for.” She could see that his mind was disappearing down various ideas. So she reached up and kissed him softly.
“We’ll keep considering my handsome mate. But both of us need rest, especially if I get to do this tomorrow.” The tease was delicate but Ashton could only grin. 
“As you wish, my love.” 
The following morning, Trixie was waiting for the couple at the breakfast bar. The majority of wolves that lived in the main pack house had either gone to school or work, or they’d be returning home from their shifts in the next few hours.
“Alpha.” Ashton took in Trixie’s exhausted state, her hands trembling but the determination set on her face intrigued him.
“Yes Miss Teller?” 
She’s following formalities, Cassidy mused as she remained at Ashton’s side.
“Selene came to me last night. She has instructed me to oversee the next three days.” Immediately Ashton tensed and Cassidy wondered if he was going to change his mind about her dealing with the traitor.
Then it dawned on her that the techniques he’d most probably used wouldn’t be good for a fifteen year old human to see.
“What were her exact words, Miss Teller?” Ashton’s response was calm, but Cassidy knew her mate better.
“Tell your Alpha that the next three days are crucial for you. A prophecy will be in play that you do not understand, but must follow through.” Ashton hummed as he took in her exhausted appearance.
“What happened in the dream, Trix?” Her body seemed to sag at the use of her name as tears flooded her face.
“It was Roxanne.” Dread filled Cassidy’s stomach.
“She was h-hurt so badly. But no one cared about her!” Ashton was quicker than Cassidy as he soothed the distressed teenager. “S-she was dying, in the middle of a road. They hurt her so much. Tied her to a kennel and left her in the wilderness.” Cassidy froze. 
“Sweetheart, what else happened?” 
“She was crying for our Luna, but they laughed. They-they-” She was sobbing into Ashton’s chest now, her words cut off from her sobbing but when the two mates shared a look, they knew exactly what she had seen.
Her nightmare had been a mixture of what had actually happened to her older sister with her own nightmare of Cassidy never answering the call she’d made as a child. Cassidy left her mate to comfort Trixie as she called Roxanne.
“Luna?” Her voice was groggy and tired.
After the prophetic dreams began, Rae Teller had requested that Trixie remain in the pack house, knowing that the urgency and frequency of these dreams would be too much for the teenager. It’d distressed both the sisters and parents when the move first happened and Trixie was struggling, feeling like her parents were rejecting her.
However Rae called her every night for a month and visited as often as her new job would allow. She’d rediscovered her talent in peacekeeping, and often went on envoys with her husband to attempt to settle various conflicts. 
Trixie then understood the need of her job and was the first to convince her parents to make the first trip when she was fourteen. Roxanne had already moved out of the pack house by that point but the sisters would meet for lunch before their respective school hours and work hours and almost always shared dinners together.
“You’re needed at the pack house today.” She responded softly.
“Is Trixie-”
“Your sister is fine. I’ll explain when you get here.” Cassidy cut her off calmly, knowing that she needed to be the voice of reason at this point.
Roxanne hated her past, she never opened up about it to anyone apart from the therapist that Ashton had convinced her to see not long before her eighteenth birthday. She’d resisted till she broke down in front of her Alpha. That was her turning point.
She’d never talked about the details to her parents, but they knew she’d been abused. However it had been some kind of unanimous agreement that Trixie would never learn of the horrors Roxanne suffered.
Their Goddess had taken the decision from their hands and shown her in her dreams in the worst way possible.
When Roxanne arrived, her hair dishevelled and clothes seemingly the first things she could pull on-sweatpants and a tank top-Cassidy intercepted her at the door.
“I need to tell you so it doesn’t shock you. Our Goddess came to Trixie last night.” Immediately Roxanne was wary, her dirty blonde hair falling in front of her eyes as she pulled it into a loose bun.
“Luna, what did she show her?” 
“There’s something that’s going to happen today, I’m going to see the traitor we caught,” Roxanne’s eyes widened, “she was told she needed to be with me as it happened. However, the Goddess emphasised her point by showing you.” 
“Specifically, what happened to you before I found you.” Cassidy watched as Roxanne took a step back, her face filled with shock followed by anger. Then resignment.
“It scared her, didn’t it?”
“She’s clinging to my mate sobbing her heart out, distressed because she saw you getting hurt. Apparently you called out for me and I never came.” That in itself was distressing for Cassidy, to turn her back on someone in need.
Roxanne didn’t hesitate to hug her Luna tightly.
“You came for me regardless. And you came for her too.” Cassidy felt slightly guilty, her own distress at the words eating her up. But Roxanne didn’t relent as she pulled away and looked towards the kitchen.
Cassidy needed no further encouragement as she led Roxanne to the kitchen to find that Ashton had sat on the bar stool, Trixie was sat cradled in his lap like a child. His voice was soothing, the sobbing having receded to gentle hiccups of noises as his fingers worked through her dishevelled jet black curls. 
All Cassidy could think at that moment was how good a father he would be when they were ready.
“Trix?” Roxanne’s voice was hesitant and Cassidy watched as the younger sister scrambled off Ashton’s lap, launching at her sister, the tears still streaming down her face.
“Alpha told me that it was real. Please, please tell me he’s lying.” Cassidy could feel the tears prick the corner of her eyes. Roxanne’s were falling down her cheek.
“Alpha wasn’t lying, baby. Before Luna saved me, those nasty people who had me, hurt me in the worst ways. But then Luna rescued me, and brought me to you, where momma was the first wolf to show an ounce of love towards me.” 
“R-rox.” the younger Teller’s voice trembled as she gasped her sisters name, but Roxanne shushed her, soothing her back curls with her hands as she pulled away to look her sister in the eyes.
“Then you came in, sat atop our Alpha’s shoulders and asked me to be your sister, that your warrior would protect us both and we’d have big brothers who are teddy bears.” Cassidy pressed her lips to stop the giggle at the description of Josh and Jacob. 
The twins had lived up to that description, both of them forming solid friendships with the girls as they got older. No other wolf dared to insult the girls, knowing that it would get back to the warriors and they’d be facing a pissed off Alpha.
“I was reborn that day because of you, Trixie. You, momma and pops gave me a new life that I wanted. Whatever our Goddess showed you was probably true, I was treated with cruelty and hatred. But I found love in abundance with you.” 
It wasn’t much longer till Trixie had calmed down enough to let her sister go, only to return to her Alpha and accept the hug that he offered her.
“I’m assuming our Goddess showed you that to show what could most likely happen. She’s done it before so we’ll follow her guidance for now. But any signal that you want out, just show and we’ll get you out of there, okay?” Trixie nodded against his shoulder before he moved and began to make breakfast.
Roxanne sat down, throwing a cheeky smirk to her Alpha.
“It’s not often you get an Alpha making breakfast for you Trix. Maybe I need to come by more often.” 
“You can make your own breakfast, ratbag.”
“Hey, I came over here at your mates request! I was lying in the most comfortable bed at the time.” Roxanne whined in return, earning a laugh from Ashton.
“I doubt your mate would appreciate you calling him a bed.” Roxanne snorted.
“He makes the bed worth the comfort, but he doesn’t match the comfort of that bed and he knows it.” Ashton laughed, Trixie’s own soft giggles joining in and Cassidy smiled as she realised their ploy. 
To make the teenager giggle. 
When they reached the pack offices, Trixie was a lot more relaxed. Roxanne had foregone this trip, not entirely comfortable with the idea of watching an interrogation.
Ashton didn’t begrudge her this, instead asked her to coordinate with the other Elder’s with Elder Maybanks. The Elder never questioned the change, knowing that the disrespect would never have gone unpunished in Ashton’s eyes.
Cassidy felt her nerves, knowing that pack eyes were on her whether they’d announced this or not. People looked to how she dealt with situations and this was another one.
Calum greeted them with ease, pulling Trixie into a bear hug which made her giggle. 
“Everything okay little bird?” His voice was quiet and she nodded her head, glancing at Ashton. He nodded it in return. 
“Selene came to me last night.” Calum raised a curious eyebrow at that. 
“She decided to show her something that involved her sister.” Cassidy’s voice was tight and Calum gave her a confused look before she shook her head subtly. 
He took the indication and moved the subject forward. 
“So that was what drew my mate from me first thing? Sounds fair. Didn’t think I’d see you here though, little bird.” The statement wasn’t laid with curiosity as the group finally moved, Trixie pulling away to move back to Cassidy’s side. 
“I was told to be here.” Was the only reply she could give. Ashton smiled at her before motioning to his Head Warrior to hold fire. 
Calum fell silent as they made their way through the offices, his stern glare making wolves pause in their approach. 
Abel held no such qualms when he realised who was with his Alpha. 
“You’re safe.” Trixie breathes before rushing to meet him, her arms going around his neck as she held him tightly. 
“I’m sorry. Jacob got to me quick enough so it’s only desk duty for a few days rather than weeks.” He murmured in return and she simply held him a little bit tighter. 
Cassidy watched with relief as he comforted her and she shared a small smile with both Ashton and Calum. 
Abel had been invaluable to the Tellers. After his discovery that Trixie was his mate, he made every effort to help them get Roxanne settled into what should’ve been a life that she should’ve experienced growing up. 
Trixie was kept in the dark about her mate until she moved into the pack house and finally understood that loving her best friend the way she did was okay because he was hers. 
When Ashton offered to allow Abel to stay in the pack house she shook her head almost immediately; to Ashton’s confusion and Cassidy’s amusement. 
“I-I don’t want that with him. Not yet.” Her voice was timid and Cassidy understood. 
Ashton wasn’t quite so understanding. 
“But he’s your mate?” Cassidy took pity on her own mate. 
“She’s not ready to explore that side of their relationship. He’s her best friend and she’s comfortable enough to admit that she loves him but this is new territory for her. Not to mention, I doubt she wants anything untoward happening under her Alpha’s roof.” Cassidy’s explanation had sent Trixie red as a tomato, her eyes unable to meet her Alpha or Luna’s gazes.
But she nodded.
Then the light-bulb clicked for Ashton and he pressed his lips to hold back a laugh. He knew that laughing at the young human would distress her. 
“Don’t be ashamed of your choice, Trixie. You know Abel will wait for you.” Ashton finally managed without choking on the words. 
She’d fled soon after and then Ashton had laughed at the fact that she was so mortified. 
But in that moment, the way her hands fluttered around his face-her eyes and hands searching for any visible injuries-it was painfully obvious how much she cared for him. 
“Abel, with us if you will?” Ashton instructed as the group began to move once more. Trixie was torn between her Luna and her mate and Cassidy simply came up to her other side so that she was sandwiched between them. 
Two more wolves followed behind whilst Ashton and Calum took the lead. 
The group remained silent until they reached the elevator, only daring to talk as they passed underground level. 
“Why is Trixie here, Alpha?” Abel finally asked and Cassidy just nodded at Ashton’s brief glance. 
“She’s here because we found the traitor. Elder Greydown. We’ve tried to get all the information, however we’re not sure to trust it so religiously. So my mate is going to take a crack at him. According to Selene, Trixie must be with her.” Abel felt his stomach jolt as they reached the lowest level. 
Cassidy took pity on the warrior wolf, his eyes darting to an oblivious Trixie. 
“She was shown what happened to her sister.” Calum blanched at that, his sharp gaze meeting Cassidy’s. 
“She didn’t.” He barely got out, his eyes flickering to Trixie who had seemed to hunch in on herself once she’d registered the conversation. 
The group reached the first offices available to them which in turn gave Calum a second to pull his own composure as he sat down with Trixie. 
“Have you spoken to Rox since the dream, little bird?” She nodded her head. “Do you understand what happened in the dream?” 
She hesitated. 
“I understand some of it. But not all of it.” She whispered and Calum wiped his hand down his face, a slow breath escaping him. 
“Calum, I do not need her distressed before the interview.” Ashton warned and Cassidy sighed. 
“She needs to understand it. As much as I hate the fact that Selene took the decision from all of us, she needs to understand the actions of those wolves and the consequences that followed.” Ashton frowned at his mate but did not contradict her as Calum leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on his knees as his chin rested on his clasped hands. 
“Tell me what the Goddess showed you, little bird.” 
She described the dream in horrific detail, registering every mark and cut that had covered her sister's body in the dream. 
Abel had fallen into his stoic face, Cassidy belatedly realising he was there that day to see the aftermath. 
Calum was patient and wiped the tears that appeared on Trixie’s face as she described how both girls had been calling out for their Luna, but she never came. 
“I’m so sorry you had to witness that, little bird.” Calum murmured and she took in a shaky breath at his words. 
“Why did she show me that?” She finally whispered, the tears still in her eyes. Glancing to his Alpha, Calum rubbed his face with his hands before pulling away, a sigh escaping his lips. 
“Our goddess is showing you that we’re on the right path. That had Alpha Lockard not cared for our Luna like he did, she would’ve died. That the packs would’ve potentially fallen to rouges if this continues.” Cassidy felt her stomach twist as Ashton’s arm wrapped around her possessively. 
She couldn’t even find it in her to tell him to leave her be, because she knew on some level that hearing your mate might never have survived was difficult to hear. 
“Humans are at the centre of this. There’s something in play that we don’t know about yet, but Greydown knows something.” Ashton finally murmured and Calum nodded his head as they finally stood and made their way to the interrogation rooms. 
“If you need out, hit the door once. Twice if you need help.” Ashton murmured to Cassidy. She took a moment to see that he was genuinely worried, his eyes anxious and she placed her hand on his cheek, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“We’ll be cautious.” She murmured, knowing it was entirely pointless but she needed him to know that the thought was there. 
Greydown openly smirked when they both entered the room, his arms bound behind his back, legs shackled to the chair he was sitting on. 
“The big bad Alpha decided to send the humans? Ha. That boy was never an alpha. He wanted to so desperately believe but letting humans do a wolf's work? Pathetic.” Cassidy kept silent, her eyebrow lifting up being the only indication that she was listening. 
This unnerved Greydown as Trixie followed her Luna’s example and kept her face impassive. 
‘Don’t say a word. He’ll crumble.’ A voice whispered to the young human. She gave no indication, no acknowledgement. Simply stared at Greydown. 
“Humans have been a bane to all the packs, to the lives we lead. Why should they be the ones who don’t have to hide?” 
Silence was his only answer once more. 
“Infections. The old prophets believed humans to be some kind of saviours of the packs. You’re nothing but thorns in our sides.” Cassidy moved. 
“You believed words of a prophet?” Her tone was empty, and Greydown sneered. 
“They were heralded as truth for centuries. But no humans were born to packs until now. Their words are nought but lies and desperation.” Trixie hid her smirk. 
“Why were they lies and desperation?” Cassidy kept her tone impassive once more and Greydown scoffed before spitting at her. Trixie stiffened, the disrespect sending something akin to fury down her spine. 
“The human born to wolves of lore, will hold the knowledge of Alphas unsure. To train and love and win the days, the wolves must seek their human mates. The one who shows the righteous path, will guide the Alpha to their new start. The prophet, the hurt, the broken and bent, will bring new times of peace and death. The dead reborn shall hold the keys, to start anew with the springtime breeze. The lonely wolf with no chance to escape, shall tear one from life to meet their fate. The humans born to wolves of lore, will lead the packs to glory and more.” The words were intoned, emotionless as another scoff followed. 
Cassidy shared a look with Trixie. 
“You will tell me how much Leo knows of this.” There was a firm edge to her voice and Trixie witnessed her Luna’s eyes flash amber. 
“Leo knows nothing of the prophecy. He refused to believe in something that would, in his eyes, be wrong.” Greydown responded before his eyes widened and his lips clamped shut. 
“Tell me what you know of what is happening to me.” Trixie felt a tingle run down her spine. Something in her was begging to submit to her Luna. Something she’d never felt before. 
Greydown’s lips parted despite his obvious attempts to keep them shut. 
“There were prophecies, that depicted the human born to wolves would possess the wolf. The human would have control of the wolf inside but there would be no change, no transformation. It would mark the start of an era that would either succeed or collapse. The prophet never said.” 
Greydown’s words were forced, reluctant. But Cassidy paid him no mind as she turned her attention to Trixie. 
Cassidy watched as Trixie stiffened, her eyes rolling back into her head as she let out a harsh breath. Her first instinct was to reach out but Greydown twitched and she froze. 
“The traitors are gone, the cause is done but the wolf that roams alone will continue. The wolf that was denied will fight and the wolf that has sprung forth will thrive. The traitors are gone and the cause is done.” 
Greydown stared at Trixie in shock as her head tilted forward, her eyes refocusing before her knees gave out. 
The door burst open, Calum and Ashton storming in. Calum went to Trixie, scooping up the teenager with ease whilst Ashton wasted no time in knocking Greydown out before his attention returned to Cassidy. 
“It’s answered a lot of questions. We’ll need to go to the Elders to learn more about this prophecy.” She nodded, but her focus was on Trixie who had taken in a startled breath. 
“I’ve got you little bird. Abel is waiting for you.” Calum’s voice was gentle as they reached the meeting room they were previously in and Abel wasted no time in getting to his feet, cradling his mate so gently as she trembled. 
“That was scary.” She finally whispered, her eyes finding her Luna who was pressed against her mate, relaxing to his touch as his fingers massaged her temples. 
“It means you’re a strong prophet little bird. And we need to talk to the elders sooner rather than later.” Calum piped up and Cassidy sighed. 
“There’s a lot we need to discuss with them. And maybe we can get this worked out before Leo decides to try his hand at another ambush.” Cassidy muttered as she sent Trixie a reassuring smile, leaning into Ashton’s touch. 
When the Elders met, Cassidy brightened upon seeing Elder Orion. And despite her ingrained sense of respect, the second he opened his arms in greeting, she allowed the comfort of her previous elder wash over her. 
“You truly have thrived, Luna. Your father and old Alpha pass on their wishes.” She found herself smiling at him before greeting the other elders. 
“Luna Cassidy, what happened after we dispersed?” Elder Maybanks went straight to it once they were sat down. She sat protectively next to Trixie, her mate on the other side. 
Abel realised there was more to the situation and remained silent as he comforted his mate, knowing she needed that more than anything. 
“A lot of things have happened, Elder Maybanks. Our Alpha has been interrogating the traitor, when Selene came to young Trixie once more. She was shown what happened to her sister upon a decision that was made to use the new skills I’ve acquired,” she hesitated but Elder Maybanks nodded, “he told us about the prophecies.” 
Elder Orion's gaze sharpened at her words and Elder Maybanks sighed. 
“What else happened, Child?” Cassidy found herself hesitating, glancing at Trixie. The young girl took in a deep breath, her shoulders determined, but her hands trembled. 
“I gave a prophecy.” 
The Elders froze. 
“Are you sure?” Elder Maybanks words were sharp, a steely glint in his eyes. 
“I saw it with my own eyes, as did Head Warrior Hood. She’s a true prophet and a strong one.” Ashton cut in before Cassidy could snap. She bristled at the silent accusations of deceit from the Elder but Ashton had stopped her from putting her foot in it. 
The worried looks shared between the Elders caused the Alpha and Luna to exchange worried looks. If this was concerning the Elders, what was happening? 
“This changes a lot of things.” Elder Orion muttered as he leaned back in his chair. “Luna Cassidy, do you remember what I taught you about prophets?” 
Cassidy could feel every set of eyes on her, and she determinedly ignored the look of shock from Elder Maybanks as she tried to remember what Elder Orion was discussing.
“I remember when you taught me about the witch trials, how packs were found by hunters who were seeking out witches and razed towns to the ground, no man, woman or child surviving. You mentioned something about prophets being saved by other packs but I don’t remember much else.” He nodded his head, turning to the other wolves in the room.
“Whilst Cassidy was growing up, Alpha Lockard assumed that she may have been a prophet. Not to say that she wasn’t extremely clever in her own right, but she seemed to predict the wrong moves that were made. We later realised that she had a strategic mind, a mind that calculated every potential move. There’s not been a prophet within the packs since the 1700’s. After the witch trials, they simply vanished.” Elder Orion explained.
This caused an alarm for Trixie, her grip on her mates hand getting tighter.
Elder Orion noticed immediately and smiled kindly to the distressed teenager.
“It is simply believed that prophets moved packs and never spoke about their gifts. We have always watched out for potential prophets in the more recent years, but in my own living history, I’ve never seen or heard of a prophet until you, Miss Teller.” This did little to soothe her, but Cassidy placed her arm around Trixie in comfort.
“Why is any of this important?” Calum finally asked, his eyes flickering between his mates little sister and Elder Orion.
“Because if Selene has truly gifted her as a true prophet, it will change the tide with the rogues. But also she will be sought out by many other packs, determined to bind her to their pack with a mate of their choice.” 
Those very words were the wrong ones to say. 
Abel growled lowly, the noise startling Trixie as his own body seemed to fight the transformation, amber coloured eyes glowing.
Cassidy felt her stomach swoop before Ashton stepped in.
“Abel, if you shift, you will hurt her. I’m ordering you to calm down.” The power of the command was heavy, his eyes falling shut as he went to move his arms around Trixie, but he froze.
Without any prompting, the teenager moved so that she was sitting on his lap, allowing him to pull her closer, his face pressing into her hair as he took in slow, steady breaths.
“I think that answers that.” Ashton muttered and Cassidy just felt the absurdity of the comment hit her, a giggle breaking through her lips before she was laughing, her head resting on Ashton’s shoulder.
“I think Luna has lost the plot.” A soft whisper came from beside her and she found herself struggling for air as she shook her head.
“I haven’t lost the plot. Just my mates comment, and the whole absurd idea that Abel would even let anyone near Trixie if she were in danger.” The teenager understood her Luna's words immediately and the two shared grins.
Ashton merely rolled his eyes at his own mate fondly, a soft smile on his lips before his attention turned back to the elders. 
“Is there anything we can do for now?” 
Elder Orion shook his head.
“The best thing we can do is protect her secret. Greydown will have to die regardless of his knowledge. He heard her prophecy.” This sobered the room up immediately, Trixie’s smile fading as she realised the implications.
“Is that because of me?” The question was timid and Elder Orion paused, his gaze turning to Cassidy and Ashton who turned their attention to the timid teenager.
“He was a traitor to the pack regardless of him hearing your prophecy. Traitors to the pack have two options. Exile or death. Greydown knows too much to be allowed exile.” Ashton explained softly and she sighed, a small nod following seconds later.
“I understand.” Cassidy could see that she did understand, and grimaced slightly, but there was nothing she could do.
“We also need to discuss what happened to Cass. Her eyes turned amber when she interrogated Greydown when she realised he was the traitor. Do you have any ideas?” 
The two Elders shared a look before Maybanks spoke up this time.
“There is something, Greydown wasn’t wrong when he said that Elder’s across the globe believed that prophecy to ring true. We need to get full facts from some contacts. When we know more, we’ll sit down with you, if that’s okay Luna?” 
Cassidy nodded her head.
“That works for me Elder Maybanks. It’ll give us a chance to deal with the consequences of today before we look into my own changes.” The two Elders nodded before the group dispersed and they went back to the main offices.
“Abel, finish up today and then take the next couple of days off. It’ll help your healing so long as you do nothing strenuous, so no weights and no shifting.” Calum finally muttered and Trixie stared at him in shock before turning to her mate.
Abel seemed to break into relief, his lips curving into a gentle smile. He knew a gift was being given to him at this moment and he decided to take it.
“Thank you Warrior Hood. I’ll be sure all paperwork is done and then take my leave.” He pressed a kiss to Trixie’s temple before making his way back to the small cubicle that was his whilst the rest of the group headed out of the pack offices.
“I’ll take Trixie back home.” Casidy hummed and Ashton nodded, his lips meeting hers in a short, sweet kiss.
“I’ll handle the problem. If there are any issues, I’ll call. Drive safe.” And with those words, they disappeared back into the pack offices and her gut knew what was going to happen. But she ignored those thoughts. Greydown was beyond saving, so it would be a mercy. 
The ride back home was silent.
When they returned home, Trixie disappeared into her room, causing Cassidy to sigh before she made her way to her office.
It was one thing she was insistent on when her move to the pack became permanent. 
She knew that Ashton had nothing to hide from her, and he knew that she had nothing to hide from him. However they both realised that being up in each others space wasn’t going to help either of them. 
So she convinced Michael to stay on as strategist, however he then convinced the Elder’s to make her appointment not only official, but put her up there with the other Alpha’s. Within three years of moving to Vinewood, she was appointed the Head Strategist for all of the continents packs. 
She accepted the title with grace in public, but within the confines of Ashton’s office, she voiced her ways of brutally murdering Michael as payback for putting this on her shoulders.
However, she shone as she went from strength to strength and that was when both her and Ashton decided to install an office for her and her alone. It meant that any confidential information would remain as so, but also it gave her the space that was not only hers, but also showed her hard work and the results of that hard work.
Once ensconced within her office, she contacted the other packs that had been attacked, gathering the information about the traitors and anything they had in common. That was what they needed to discover before Leo twisted his claws into more wolves. 
It was easy to work in the silence, tapping away at her computer as she emailed back and forth with a few of the other pack strategists. 
It was only when a gentle knock on her door made her pause, tearing her eyes away from the computer.
“Come in.” 
There was a second of hesitation before the door opened to reveal a red eyed Trixie Teller and she felt her heart going out to the teenager.
“Sit down sweetheart.” Her tone was reassuring and gentle, coaxing the young girl to try to relax.
Once the door was shut and Trixie was seated, Cassidy studied her for a moment before she resumed typing away, knowing that the young girl would speak when she was ready.
She’d been dealt with a lot of knowledge, some of that being the death of a pack member because they heard her prophecy. It was a lot for anyone to take in, let alone a teenager.
The silence seemed to stretch on for longer than Cassidy had expected, but she’d glanced over a few times to make sure she was still there. 
She was, but her eyes were glued to the floor, not even glancing up.
So Cassidy stopped, switching off her monitor and resting her hands on her desk.
“Talk to me sweetheart.” And finally, Trixie looked up, a frown upon her features.
“Today has been a lot.” The statement was simple, but it spoke volumes for Cassidy.
“It has. What do you want to talk about first?” 
“Elder Greydown, well I guess he isn’t an elder anymore, but still. Why would Alpha kill him instead of exiling him? Even if he didn’t know of the prophecy?” The question was a good one, and Cassidy had been expecting it.
“You see, Greydown had continually disrespected me as Luna since day one. This has been six years of abuse that’s been building up. However, he committed treason against the pack. He willingly put young wolves in danger because he believed us to be diseased.” 
She watched as Trixie’s face dropped.
“You wanted to redeem him, didn’t you?” The question wasn’t accusatory, and one look upon Cassidy’s face helped Trixie understand that. So she nodded.
“I didn’t want to think he was that bad that he deserved death over exile.” She finally whispered and Cassidy sighed once she realised that they’d stumbled onto the crux of the matter.
“It’s nice to try and see the best in people, trust me I did that for years. It was how I met my best friend. But sometimes, people just don’t have any good qualities in them. Greydown was one of those wolves who refused to see silver linings. He did not teach tolerance to the pack pups like he was meant to, he could have knowingly sabotaged that ambush that resulted in Abel getting hurt.” 
She hated using Trixie’s mate as a point, but she needed the teenager to know that he’d arranged for it to happen in such a way. Mates were sacred, and had he succeeded in killing Abel, she would’ve been a shell of a person, either choosing to live like her sister had done and pray for a second chance mate, or follow after him.
And Cassidy was certain that she would’ve chosen to follow after him.
“He’s the reason why Abel got hurt?” There was a steely glint in her eyes, her jaw clenching and Cassidy hesitantly nodded her head.
“Ashton uncovered his treachery. It’s another reason why exile was not possible. He actively worked against the pack that nearly resulted in a death. The last time that happened in any pack and they chose exile, it led to the rogue issue that we have currently.” 
“Leo?” Cassidy nodded. “What happened?” 
And so the two sat there as Cassidy told her stories of her best friend, of how he had put faith in her plans but Leo-the jealous son of the Alpha who favored her-sabotaged her plans, therefore worked against the pack that resulted in Talon’s death.
Trixie remained stunned as she heard this tale for the first time, her unease slowly slipping away as she found herself engrossed in the story that her Luna was telling her.
By the time that Ashton had returned home, both girls had migrated down to the kitchen, choosing to cook a small meal together as Cassidy told Trixie tales of her childhood. 
And despite how the day had gone, the heaviness that weighed on his chest, seeing the two of them giggling together over something that his mate had done when she was a child, it lifted Ashton’s soul from the floor back to the heavens where she’d first lifted it when he met her.
Trixie greeted her Alpha with ease, despite knowing what he had done, she realised that this was simply consequences of an action that nearly killed her mate. 
“Alpha. Did you get a chance to eat today?” Cassidy smirked at the jet black haired teenager, Ashton shaking his head at his apparent new keeper.
“Not today little miss. There was plenty of deskwork with the field work that we had today, so not much was consumed food wise. I’ve certainly had my fair share of caffeine though.
This made Cassidy giggle.
“My mate seems to drink coffee like it’s water.” The look of disgust that Trixie gave her Alpha made Ashton smirk.
“When you have to patrol so many nights in a row whilst still remaining upright in the middle of the day, coffee would be your best friend too. I know that Calum is just as addicted and drives your sister up the wall with it.” His arms wrapped around Cassidy as he pressed a kiss to her cheek in greeting. 
Trixie snorted.
“Yeah well, she likes the stuff too. It’s no surprise that they’re mates really.” Ashton laughed at her statement and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t let her catch you saying that otherwise she might skin you alive.” He teased her playfully as she finished up the meal, elbowing his stomach as she moved to get some dishes.
This was what Cassidy loved. It was simplicity at its finest but also it was Ashton teaching Trixie to stand up for herself. If she could stand up for herself against her Alpha, then the world had no chance.
“Yeah well, she’d skin you alive first so I’ll just hide with my Luna under the nice, new, wolf skin rug that we’d end up acquiring thanks to my sister.” This set Cassidy off as they finally sat down to eat and she noticed that the dark cloud that hung over her mate had slowly disappeared.
“Brave words, tiny one. How about you and me do some training this week?” Her eyes lit up as a grin stretched across her face.
“Absolutely. Do you think we could include Abel this time so that he knows that I can protect myself? I know he’s my mate and he’s always going to worry, but I just want him to worry less.” She explained in a rush, Ashton nodding to her request.
“It shouldn’t be too difficult. But we’ll get Cass involved so she can sit on him to stop him from shifting and protecting you from me. Sound fair?” She nodded at his words as they dug into the meal and a feeling of peace settled over the trio.
Cassidy knew better than to think that this would last, but she was going to enjoy it whilst she could.
The first training session had been a disaster. 
Abel hadn’t known what to expect, and watching his Alpha phase and launch at his mate was not on his list. Cassidy hasn’t had a chance to stop him before he shifted and crouched in front of Trixie. 
It took Abel more time to come down from that bout of anger, but they left the session at that and Abel had kept his silence. 
The next session was better. He was able to stop his initial reaction, especially after a firm talking to from his Luna, he watched. 
And even though her techniques needed refining, he could see how she handled herself. That was when he began to understand why she wanted him to see her train. 
Cassidy stepped in from time to time as well, showing the teenager some of her own moves. Ashton stepped back when this happened and Abel began to understand why his Alpha only had mild concerns for his mates safety. 
She was a badass.
By the end of the session, Abel was relaxed in the knowledge that should anything happen, she could take care of herself. 
“Why not make something like this mandatory for all of the humans in the pack, Luna?” Abel questioned as the quartet headed inside. They would grab some food before the two males would head back out to the pack office buildings.
“Because they’re children. They rely on adults to protect them.” 
“And Trixie doesn’t?” Cassidy smiled at him.
“No. I don’t think she’s really relied on anyone since that day six years ago. It may seem simple to you Abel, but human children are so fragile compared to a young wolf. We’ve got a couple of the older ones in a self defence class, anymore at this point would be too much. When they hit thirteen, they’ll come to me and I’ll start teaching them then.” 
“Two styles to switch it up, then?” And Trixie grumbled as Cassidy grinned.
“Someone in the pack who uses their brains.” This earned her a confused look and Trixie sighed.
“Luna had to practically spell it out to us why we were in self defence classes as well as training with her.” The way her cheeks turned pink had Abel grinning as he squeezed her hand gently.
“I have a step up since I’m one of the warriors. I can guarantee you other wolves would not think of it that way.” Ashton glanced at his watch and sighed.
“Practice with Cass, T-bird.” The teenager grimaced at the nickname as she ducked from the hair ruffle that her alpha bestowed on her as he walked past to kiss his mate.
Her own mate laughed before doing the same thing and kissing her forehead before he got up and headed out, Ashton following seconds later. Trixie hid her face in her arms, her hair a mess thanks to the two men.
“Stupid Alpha and stupid mate messing up my hair.” The grumble had been loud enough for Cassidy to hear, earning a round of laughter.
“C’mon, I’ve still got some time before I’m expecting a call. How about we take a look at your English papers.” The groan that followed from Trixie made Cass laugh as she all but frog marched the teenager upstairs to her office
Barely fifteen minutes in and her phone goes off, earning a curious look from Trixie as Cassidy picked up the call.
“Luna Irwin of the Vinewood pack. Who am I speaking with?” 
“Cassie, thank god.” The relief in Issac’s tone caught her off guard.
“Two seconds.” She tilted the mouthpiece away as she looked to Trixie. “Would you mind finishing off downstairs? I’ll join you when I’m off.” The teenager didn’t argue as she gathered her things and shut the door behind her as she left.
“Cassie it’s been mayhem.” 
“Issac slow down please, what’s happened?” 
“There’s another traitor in the pack. But they killed a human child.” Her heart stopped at his words.
“That’s just it. We don’t know. I was sent an email, and god Cassie it’s gruesome. I thought it was a wolf at first because the kids' eyes were amber, but when we checked the registry and the young boy that was murdered was definitely human.”
“Fuck.” The whisper might as well have been a scream. “It’s been happening to me, the amber eyes thing. The Elders believe it’s a prophecy in play. Fuck.”
“I’ll forward it to you, but it’s brutal.” And with that, she opened up her computer, clicking through until the video uploaded to her screen.
And as she watched, she felt sick. Tears burned her eyes as she tried not to cry out, but when the final blow was delivered, she couldn’t stop herself.
Issac had stayed on the line for her, his steady breathing being the only thing that stopped the panic attack overwhelming her.
“I need to contact Ash, fuck, Issac this is big. The Elders are going to get involved.” Her brain was going miles a minute. “Have you found the little boy yet?” 
“There’s a team working on it now. We’ve already been in touch with their parents. It was Demela’s and Mason’s youngest lad. Joseph.” And she felt her body lurch uncomfortably. 
“Issac.” His name came out as a sob.
“I know.” He soothed. 
Joseph had been one of the four children born into her old pack after she left. He came from a family with six older brothers who doted on him regardless of his status as a human. The first time she’d visited and she’d been introduced to the family, she’d clicked instantly. It had also been the first time that she’d really considered having a child. 
“I need Ash. He needs to know.” Part of her felt disengaged and heartbroken, the other part of her was planning out how she’d skin the traitor for this.
“With the state of distress, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on his way.” 
Issac’s words rang true when there was a firm knock at the door before it opened.
“Cass? Baby?” His frantic eyes searched for whatever was causing her this kind of pain. But she couldn’t get her words to work, only pointing at the video that was still open on her computer.
Issac spoke up.
“It’s something you need to watch, Alpha Irwin.” 
Ashton realised immediately that if something could make his mate this distressed, then it was a bad thing.
And so he clicked play.
Cassidy tried to block out the noise, the images. But she couldn’t. Her heart broke all over again. But she could feel her mates anger through the bond. Anger that was mounting into fury and she grasped his bicep.
“We can’t leave this. We need to find the traitor.” Her words were quiet but determined. Ashton nodded once, his jaw set.
“We’re flying out to you, Issac. Expect us by nightfall with the Elders.” The decision was firm and Cassidy immediately moved and headed to their room to pack a few bags. 
“Trixie will need to come with us.” Ashton’s words made her jump in fright, her hands trembling as she continued to fold the clothes up before packing them.
“She cannot see that video. And so help me goddess if Selene decides to take that decision from our hands because I will march up to her fucking door and demand judgement.” Her tone was harsh, but Ashton could hear her fear, her pain under the words. “He was a child.”
And her composure slipped into tears, Ashton pulling his mate closer as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
“We’ll explain in basic terms to Trixie. We will warn her that should Selene take the choice out of our hands, it is gruesome. I need to call an emergency meeting. We need to get a warning to the families as well.” Ashton rattled off and Cassidy took in a deep breath.
“Calum, Luke and Michael need to see this. They need to prepare.” Ashton nodded at her words as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Finish packing, I’ll go talk to Trixie.” She didn’t argue as he left the room. She knew that there was no way that she’d have been able to even describe what happened.
By the time that the trio had packed and gotten to the offices, Ashton instructed Trixie to stay with Abel until they left. He didn’t miss the frown, but Cassidy simply gave her a reassuring smile.
“Protocols need to be followed, Trix. Twenty minutes tops and then we’re heading for the airport.” Trixie nodded at Cassidy’s words and turned her attention to her mate, the two of them quietly discussing her latest pet project with an old computer.
When the Irwin’s reached the conference room, she fought down the need to be sick as Ashton played the video for the other three as well as the remaining Elders. Their reactions were ones of horror, but it was Elder Orion who had tears down his cheeks.
“Little Joseph, Demela and Mason’s youngest, correct?” He whispered and Cassidy nodded as she tried to wipe her tears away once more.
“Issac is searching for-for the place. He’s contacted the family. This was a brutal attack but it also means that there are potential traitors we don’t know about. Sleeper cells, if you will.” Calum nodded at her terminology.
“We’ll talk to the other families which have human children and see if we can convince them to the pack house. It’ll be easier to defend rather than trying to split our forces seven ways to protect the land.” Ashton nodded at Calum’s immediate response.
“Every wolf we have available has to be on this. Four teams on rotation for the pack house and double the patrol on the borders. No one gets in or out of the pack lands. Trespassers are to be captured and interrogated immediately, any violence is to be met with full force.” Calum nodded at his Alpha’s orders. 
“Michael.” Cassidy’s voice was softer, but caught the blonde’s attention.
“Yes Luna?”
“I’m going to be coordinating with other packs on this. See if there have been any-any other murders.” She stumbled over the words and he nodded his head in understanding. “Also I’m going to place you in as my second in command. If any other strategists get in touch, they’ll be redirected to you. As of right now, I will be uncontactable until further notice.” 
“Has it been approved?” His eyes glanced to Elder Maybanks who nodded in return.
“We cleared it last week. It was intended to be a surprise for you, but as you can see that’s had to change immediately.” Cassidy held back a snort.
“Luke, it’s basic day to day running as possible.If anyone asks, there’s been a credible threat with another pack that needs to be dealt with. Shutdown pack lines until we return home.” Luke nodded at that before Ashton returned his attention to Calum.
“Trixie will be coming with us. She’s already told her sister she has to go but not why. You need to make sure she doesn’t follow us. It’s going to be tough enough with the devastation from my Luna.” Calum nodded once more as he let out a breath of air. 
Ashton and Cassidy were gone once it was confirmed that everything had been set in place.
They collected Trixie from Abel who looked unsure and the trio were up in the air quick enough. It wasn’t unusual for packs to have access to small airports, most preferred to travel by car or by shifting. But this wasn’t an option and it was the fastest way for them to get there without causing widespread panic. 
Matthew was there to greet them and didn’t hesitate to pull his daughter into a warm hug as Ashton helped Trixie off the plane. 
He greeted her with the same amount of ease and Ashton a firm handshake before they were bundled into the car and off again. 
“Who else knows?” Ashton’s question was quiet but Matthew shook his head. 
“The trees have ears.” Was all he replied with, causing Ashton and Cassidy to exchange alarmed looks. Nothing else was spoken about as they made their journey to the pack offices. It spoke volumes of the tragedy that had happened because there was no one else greeting them when they arrived.
They entered the building without being looked at twice. Cassidy stopped herself from going over to Demela and Mason when she spotted them. The couple looked exhausted and their children looked equally tired. 
When they reached Issac’s office, Trixie had shrunk into Cassidy’s side, the intimidating and unfamiliar wolves unnerving her. Cassidy was briefly reminded of Hope as her dad knocked on the door before letting them into the office.
“Cassie.” Her eyes snapped to her younger sister who looked relieved to see her. She wasted no time in moving around the desk and launching at her older sister.
“Alpha Irwin, thank you for coming at such short notice.” Issac’s voice was tired and Ashton waved him off.
“You do the same for us, Issac. This young lady here is Trixie Teller.” Ashton gestured to Trixie who found herself feeling like a deer caught in headlights.
“Miss Teller, I’m so pleased to be finally meeting you, I just wish it was under better circumstances.” She gave him a wry smile in return.
“Likewise, Alpha Lockard.” 
“Looks like humans can be taught manners, brat.” Issac’s voice carried to Cassidy, Trixie shooting a confused look to her Alpha who simply shook his head when Cassidy laughed.
“Oh no. With her own Alpha, she’s worse than what I was. With her sister, they tease him relentlessly.” She fired back before letting the girl go.
“Trix, this is my sister Hope. Long story short, she’s next for the Alpha title.” Trixie nodded as she shook hands with Hope.
“It’s nice to meet you Hope, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Hope gave her a crooked smirk.
“All lies, I assure you.” And Trixie giggled.
The giggle broke some of the tension and Issac’s shoulders slumped as he ran a hand down his face. 
Cassidy truly saw her previous Alpha in that moment, the tired lines around his eyes. 
“How’s Pandora?” Cassidy’s question brought a smile to his face. 
“Good. Little Jessie is driving her mother mad.” This made Cassidy laugh. A few years after she’d left the pack, Issac had announced his mates pregnancy with sheer glee and she loved getting updates from him about the rascal. 
“At least Pandora knows how to handle rambunctious pups with no sense of self-preservation.” Issac chuckled as he rummaged through papers before handing them over to Ashton. 
“I understand the need to keep Miss Teller protected but does she need to be here for this?” Trixie remained silent, only casting a glancing look to her Alpha. 
“She’s a true prophet.” Issac’s jaw fell slack, a gasp of air escaping from Matthew. Hope held a look of polite confusion. 
“ Touched by the goddess herself.” Matthew whispered and Trixie shifted uncomfortably under the stares. 
“Pack it in. She’s frightened enough and doesn’t need you two confusing her.” Cassidy snapped at them both and the two men exchanged looks. 
“Cassie, you remember when we thought you were a prophet but instead you were scarily smart?” Matthew tried to keep his awe from his voice but didn’t quite succeed. 
“I only know what you told me. I don’t remember much else.” At this, Matthew sighed before sitting down. Issac pressed his lips together. 
“Do you want me to tell her?” Matthew shook his head. 
“Tell me what?” The hesitation was in Cassidy’s voice as she looked between her dad and old Alpha with  uncertainty. 
“Parts of your memories don’t remember it because the Elders locked it away. When you were seven, you’d been stolen from under our noses.” 
Her body went still. 
“We believe that it’s linked with this killing. There’s no recognisable scent and it was a child who was not only human but one we’d been watching for prophetic tendencies.” 
“You’re not telling me everything.” She could see the tears in her dad's eyes and then she slowly realised. 
“No.” The word was a whisper but Matthew flinched. 
She could never remember her mother’s death. She was told that it was a sudden death, that there was no notable cause for it. She’d been seven at the time because her eighth birthday had been the first one without her mother. Jamie had been three. 
“They killed her in retaliation to us rescuing you.” She could feel her heart shatter. It was too much and with the situation going on, she couldn’t take off like she wanted to. 
“I need to go.” She was up and out of the room, the tears running down her face as she took off for her old home, using one of the pack cars they’d arrived in. 
Ashton didn’t even have a chance to try and stop her, the sudden heartbreak catching him off guard mixed with the overwhelmed feeling. 
“I take it that the Elders locking the memory away was for her benefit?” Ashton couldn’t be angry. He understood to an extent that to watch a child suffer like so was difficult. 
He watched as tears rolled down his father-in-law’s face. 
“She awoke every night screaming. There were days when she would fight to get out of the house, her trauma so much that she couldn’t tell that I was her own father.” Matthew sounded so broken, Issac’s hand coming to rest on his Beta’s shoulders. 
“Alpha?” Trixie’s voice was nervous and Ashton turned to the teenager and noted the pale pallor her skin took. 
“Trixie? Are you okay?” The second he said that, her body slumped into the chair and Ashton swore. 
“This is too fucking much Selene.” He snarled, scooping the teenager up, cradling her carefully. Hope looked stunned for a second. 
“Selene?” In truth, although Ashton had known she was there, she’d kept herself quiet enough to have become background noise, something he wouldn’t have noticed had she not spoken up. 
“Young Trixie usually has prophetic dreams, only once has she gone into a trance. But with the prophetic dreams, if she is awake at an inconvenient time, she will suffer in such a way until she passes out. Cassidy believes this to be because she is young and therefore is not trained to handle the drastic changes.” 
“Your mate may be onto something there, Ashton.” Issac finally hummed. 
The young human twitched and the colour began to return to her cheeks and Ashton sighed. 
“You love her like your own, don’t you?” Matthew murmured, his face clear of tears but his eyes rimmed red. Ashton nodded. 
“She has kind and loving parents who love her and her sister. It’s not a parental kind of love, more like I see her as a younger sister, someone to protect. It’s the same with her older sister. The only instinct that is stronger is my bond to Cass.” Hope giggled. 
The giggle once more eased the tensions that had been building up and he felt the heartbreak ease in his chest. She was somewhere safe. 
“And what’s so funny little miss?” Matthew teases his youngest child, unable to stop the smile at her cheeky grin. 
“Sounds to me that Alpha Irwin got bitten by the same thing that had Cassie practically adopt me so many years ago. The only thing that was stronger than the bond she has with me was the one that Leo created. It’s why when the bond was broken, my bond with her was what eased it and helped me function.” Hope explained gently and Ashton understood. 
His awe for his sister-in-law increased tenfold and she found herself blushing at his impressed look. 
Matthew finally chuckled. 
“Somehow we thought she was just an anomaly, however the fates certainly matched you two well, Ashton.” And Ashton grinned. 
Trixie finally stirred and her cheeks went dark as she pressed her face into Ashton’s shoulder. 
“It happened again didn’t it?” 
“Unfortunately so, my favourite human.” At the muffled curse, Ashton laughed. 
“Selene really picks her moments.” She finally pulled away and retook her seat, eyes locking onto Hope. 
“When Luna returns tomorrow, you and her will need to head to the next city over, without guards shadowing you. One to drive and one as a backup but they stay in the car. A rogue is unsure and has the information we need. Selene wishes for him to be tried under pack law and for Luna to use her gift on him to get the truth.” Ashton knew better than to voice the outrage but he tampered it down to a raised eyebrow. 
Issac and Matthew however, disagreed entirely, voicing their displeasure. 
“Hope that’s an ambush at best, suicide trip at worst!” Issac snapped and Trixie turned her gaze to the other Alpha. Ashton recognises the look immediately and turned his attention to the other three. 
“You will listen to my avatar on this earth Issac James. The rogue is unsure about the goals of the rebellion and is pulling away. Cassidy Helen will set things right for another pack and give Hope Rose a second chance.” 
Both Issac and Matthew froze. 
“Selene.” They whispered in unison. Hope was speechless. 
Ashton tried not to smirk as Trixie returned her attention to Ashton. 
“I will visit Cassidy Helen tonight. Do not panic if you feel your bond fall dormant. I’m most proud of you Ashton Fletcher.” He simply inclined his head before he watched Trixie give a little shake before meeting her Alpha’s amused gaze. 
“At least it wasn’t in front of a prisoner this time?” She offered timidly and Ashton burst out into baritone laughter. 
“Life will never be dull with you and your sister around, Trixie. Issac, Hope, Matthew, we will see ourselves down to the canteen for some food and let you digest this information. As you realise, this cannot be known by anyone, not even Jamie until Selene deems it safe. Like you said, the trees have ears.” 
Issac could only nod weakly before Ashton escorted Trixie down to the lower floors where the canteen was situated and they got themselves some food. 
Trixie remained by his side, unwilling to stray towards the unfamiliar stares. She felt like she was under such scrutiny but once those eyes turned to the man next to her, their gazes dropped and they never cast a look in her direction. 
Confused, Trixie turned to Ashton to question the strange behaviour but then she saw the murderous look upon her Alpha’s face and understood why they averted their gazes so fast. 
Unsure how the other wolves would take her teasing her Alpha, she kept herself formal. 
“Alpha, will Luna be okay?” Ashton glanced at the teenager and noted her shy hesitance. He smiled kindly at her as they collected food. She didn’t protest when he paid for it. 
“This was just a step too far. She needs to process that before she’ll come back. She’ll always come back to us, but much like when you hide away after it’s been an overwhelming day, it’s been an overwhelming week for her. We just need to give her space.” Understanding dawned as they sat down and ate silently, listening to the steady flow around them. 
It was towards the end of their lunch that Hope appeared, paying no mind to the small bows from her pack. Trixie frowned. 
“May I join you?” Hope’s question was met with a nod from Ashton but the frown on Trixies face didn’t let up. 
As Hope sat down, she finally caught the look on the teenagers face and raised an eyebrow. 
“Everything okay Miss Teller?” The use of her last name startled her and a blush coated her cheeks but she remained silent. Hope wasn’t too sure how to take this and Ashton snorted. 
“She takes offence to ignoring your pack when they acknowledge you. It’s not something I like to practice unless I’m in an emergency.” Ashton explained softly, and Hope had the decency to look ashamed. 
“It’s still something I can never believe. Alpha Issac is still working on that with me.” Trixie nodded but remained silent as she took another bite of food, clearing the plate.
Ashton had pushed his plates to the side long ago but waited for the teenager, knowing her discomfort.
“Would you like to see her training? Your sister has been training her so far and it’d be nice to get an outsiders opinion of her progress who knows where she should ideally be.” Trixie grinned and Hope returned it with a smile of her own. 
“I would be delighted Alpha Irwin. Miss Teller, if you would follow me?” And the trio left without another word between them, the stares of the pack members following them out of the doors. 
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