#bullying pm is a love language
deathfavor · 2 months
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@piscesiawave said: [ admire ] - peiwen <3
prompts for ordinary things that feel intimate [ admire ] sender stares at receiver across a room, silently admiring and appreciating them from afar
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Few gazes tend to linger on the winter-hearted goddess. Unlike so many others, Ling Wen meets all gazes with a steeled strength and expectation. If they wish to indulge in springtime gentleness and demure attitudes, they can look elsewhere. And they do. Most of the time at least. They prefer to watch graceful dancing and sweet singing and artistry over resilient upkeep of the communications array or a swipe of her brush over official documents. It is fine by her; she has never needed the eyes of many on her. In fact, to be unobserved is her greatest weapon against them all.
A gaze that lingers then is bound to draw her notice. Ling Wen doesn't immediately look though; she's far too busy with chewing out two of the newer gods for falling behind on paperwork. Did you think I wouldn't notice? I was generous and gave you an extra day without a word. I expect it all properly done by tomorrow morning. Her steel gaze is ruthless and domineering as the unfortunate victims lower their heads and slink away like scolded puppies; tails between their legs and pride temporary wounded. Unfortunately it won't be long before it rebounds and their arrogance swells. For now she watches them leave the steps of her palace before turning towards the source of the gaze.
Ah. She should have known. Who else would look at her with anything other than contempt? Much less something as lightweight and soothing as appreciation.
Ling Wen rubs her temples for a moment to ease the inevitable headache that is coming ; not from him but just about everything else from the day. She hands off the scroll to one of her decent middle officials before she decides a brief break is in order. At least long enough for her to descend the steps of her palace and make her way across the courtyard to where a familiar face is.
" Ol' Pei. I'm surprised you're not frolicking below with springtime in full swing. " Ling Wen teases him with an elfin smile on her lips when she stops beside him. " Careful now. You're going to feed the rumors if someone catches you gawking. " She adds, lips pressed tight to hide her smile even as her shoulders lower and relax in a way they often only do around him.
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ghostbsuter · 9 months
This is the fourth time damian brought the college student over.
Damian, despite being 14, has been accepted to a gifted school as he had already been taught in the most subjects one usually learns at a slower pace.
(He still gets a headache over the fact his son won't get a normal childhood.)
Which is how he befriended the 17 year old Daniel, an overworked and sleepdeprived college student, getting dragged along and following with no complaint.
Bruce is, even if he wanted damian to befriend someone more around his own age, very welcoming of the student.
Alfred made sure the boy took enough food with him home, always leaving the mansion at point 4 pm.
It really shouldn't have been surprising when Bruce Wayne, yes, THE Brucie Wayne, summoned him to his office.
Danny entered the room fidgeting, giving a nervous smile to the man behind the desk and questioning what he did wrong to offend the patriarch of the family.
(Lies and slander, we, the readers, are fully aware that Alfred is the patriarch.)
"Uh— hi, Mr. Wayne." He sat when gestured to the chair, shitting bricks with how nervous he's.
The man nods in greeting, smiling. "Hello Danny–"
"Please don't kill me!" The teen in question blurts out, flushing in embarrassment once registered.
Taken aback and startled, Bruce snorts, stifling laughter by putting a hand against his mouth.
"I don't know what I did! Very sorry if I offended someone!" He rambles, panicking and waving his hands around.
"I must have done something! Why else would you call me? Oh god– I'm gonna be murdered by THE Brucie Wayne!"
At this point, the rich guy in front of him is barely restraining himself from laughing, trying his best to stay professional.
"Danny–! I- I won't murder you." He reassured, eyes crinkling from smiling.
"But–" he sniffs, both embarrassed and teary.
"I'm not gonna— danny." Bruce sighs, which sounds a lot like a choke, really. "Look, I just wanted a 1-on-1 talk with you about your friendship with damian and some concerns."
"Yes, oh."
Danny sighs in relief at this. "I can do some good old interrogation–" "it's not an interrogation–" "totally interrogation."
He huffs lightly, getting comfortable in his chair and preparing himself mentally.
"Alright Mr. Wayne! Shoot me!"
(Was that a pun? A joke to murder? Really?)
The man clears his throat, straightens his back and looks serious as he was before the accusations of murder.
"What are your intentions with damian and why become friends in the first place?"
Blinking, the teen brightens. "Oh, that's easy! Damian needs a friend. We just kinda clicked after I scared away a few pesky bullies."
Then he shrugs. "Besides, it's great training."
"Training?" Bruce asks, curious, tone light in the way that shows he's very interested.
"Yes. Despite his badly hidden murderous tendencies, love for knives, and slight lack of slang language and knowledge, he's still a kid." He nods.
"A young teen that goes through teen stuff that I barely remember going through and now get to relearn will be handy once Ellie becomes a teenager herself."
Batman was filing the information away, but Bruce kept going.
"Ellie?" He questions.
"My daughter– has damian not mentioned her? We always leave around 4 to get her from my sister. Sometimes, dami stays over for a few hours!"
Ah. Well. Seems like Alfred will have to make more food for the teen now.
"Would you like to stay for dinner today?" He asks, "Bring your daughter too. We won't mind you joining us." smiling and already planning for the new adjustments to make.
"On another note, what are your and your daughters preferences? Any allergies?"
Danny didn't even agree yet, not that he was gonna— mind you.
"No allergies, soft foods only, easy to eat." He answers, listing the stuff from the top of his head.
In a whirlwind of– of planning dinner?? Danny is out of the door and wide eyed.
"What just happened?"
(On the other side, Bruce face-palms, having forgotten to ask what age Ellie is. Damn in Bruce.)
On the fifth visit, Danny stayed for dinner.
Damian must know the age, for there are bowls with freshly cut fruits, yoghurt, and rice mixed with veggies and chicken.
On that note, where is damian?
Dick meets his eyes, asking the same quetsion with a look.
Just as Bruce was gonna ask, the door opened, and the cutest picture to ever exist was created.
(Dick RIPPED his phone out of his pocket, swiping a picture of the scene as fast as possible.)
Steph can't hold back the coos at the sight of Damian walking with a toddler into the dining room, her tiny feet propped up on his and in hand together.
She's wearing a Robin onesie and he is wearing his (stolen) Nightwing hoodie.
"Sorry, hope we aren't late!" Danny waves with a grin from behind the pair.
"You aren't, just perfect, in fact." Bruce reassures, waving the teens over to the free seats.
Damian leads the two to his seat, making sure they're next to him.
The conversation during dinner is one spoken fondly, Cass likes to make Ellie laugh with silly faces, Duke and Steph "secretly" feed her tiny pieces of strawberry and Dick is in a rather passionate discussion with both Tim and Danny.
Damian, once he makes sure no one is watching him, wipes the mess from Ellies face.
(Bruce was watching, looking away once damians face snapped to him. He wasn't aware his youngest had such a soft spot for toddlers.)
(It takes a while, but Danny and Ellie become family like every other person, while having not slept over yet, Alfred already has prepared a room for the two in the Family wing.)
(It's barely a week after that everyone bought and gifted him onesie's of their hero personas, with the excuse of them being the gotham vigilantes when questioned. After all, the Robin can't be a one man team.)
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The Nightwing and his Robin.
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kagakuoniryu · 3 months
Alastor x reader I've written randomly to vent about a shitty situation I'm currently living
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Summary : a new guest you knew from your past life arrive at the hotel, she was that one person who bullied you throigh high school, but she mooks too angelic to be guilty
Code : E/n (ennemy/name)
Tags : fem reader, etablished relationship, angst for the most part, there will maybe be a part 2, mentions of bullying, reader is TRAUMATIZED, english is not my first language, may have some inaccuracy about the show since I'm just projecting, and of course probably ooc characters
It wasn't a bad day, at least not in a place like hell, it was even quite nice, charlie was babbling about a new team bonding activity as usual, and it was nice being with your friends, until around 2 pm...when a new guest arrived...
Oh you remembered her...from high school, so pretty, so popular, she was you best friends ! You should have been overjoyed to see her down here !
Well...not exactly, because she wasn't your best friend anymore, you hardly bear to be in the same room as her, of anger, from your history and how your friendship ended...but also of fear and dread...
You were both teens back then, you and eager to have many friends ! You had your own group of friends, and she was a separate individual, spending her time with her boyfriend often, that's okay by you, you were happy for her, and when that boy left her you welcomed her with open arms ! You became best friend soon, even inseparable ! You heard her badmouth you to your friend group from time to time, but she told you it was okay, it was "to know who was fake" then, one by one, your friends ghosted you, but you had her, she was there at least, making new friends, each time you introduced her they left soon enough, you thought that maybe you were the problem and stopped trying, your best friend was there after all
Until a boy came along, love at first sight for you, he had everything ! He had so much...your best friend wanted him too...and with that, she had him, when you called her out she called you an homewrecker and a toxic friend getting in the way of her relationship, that ended badly and an argument followed, while you stayed on the down low, she texted your few friends left, and any new friends you managed to make telling them how awful you were, so you ended up closing your media althogether, moving away, and never hearing about her ever again
And there she was, she didn't really looked different from her time on her, a round face and blond hair, she didn't looked like she fitted in hell, but you you were different, your body jointed like a doll, mocking your life as the puppet of those who wanted to play you, but if not your appearance, your personnality changed, you were more confident, your boyfriend was a powerful overlord too ! No, not boyfriend, he proposed a month ago after all, he was your fiancee now, and you had friends, through thick and thin, you knew they wouldn't buy into her lie at least !
Having an hard time to breath you sucked it up, maybe she wouldn't recognize you ?
How wrong
"Hello ! Welcome to the hazbin hotel ! Guys this is our new guest !" Charlie started with her usually cheerfulness
"Hi everyone ! My name is E/n, I barely arrived in hell ! And I figured that if I could, I would want to be redeemed ! After all everyone deserves second chances !" The girl said back
Her voice hasn't changed, neither her tone, that fake nice tone you used to hear every day, here, one again in flesh and blood, not through a phone, not through class, but..here...
Breathing harder than ever, you only went back to reality when husk called out to you
"Hey ? You seem weird, like you've seen some ghost ?" His tone nonchalant as always showed half concerns, but for him, it was a lot
"A glass, of whiskey, or vodka, whatever you got, strongest you got please"
"Wowowo...alright, that's not your type to drink, what's up...?"
"I-I...I know this girl...she...listens, I can't be in her presence sober, I knew her from where I was alive...we had...some bad conflict...she did some awful things to me, and I got bad issues after that...I said some mean things to her too, we were kids, but since then I'm scared I'll lose all my friends again !"
Husk just nodded at my whispered rant, trying to calm myself, I didn't even insisted on a glass and went straight to my own room since alastor and I didn't shared one yet, not before marriage he said
Later that day, angel vaggie and charlie passed by my room, concerned by my absence, I told them everything, how I ended up abandonning the notion of making friends when I was alive, the calls, the insults, they looked at me with compassion, charlie said she believes that she could have changed, and even if I doubted it, I wanted to believes it
Alastor arrived to spend some quality time with me, dancing on old jazz music far from my time, reading a book, basking in silence with each others
After a while, I thought I could talk about E/n with him, he was my fiancee after all ?
"Al ?" I started, unsure
"Yes my dear ?"
"You know about that new guest at the hotel ?"
"Ah yes, what a cultivated lady, quite entertaining, she was really into songs from the 1980s not my style at all, we had a long discussion about music genres, she's actually quite against modern technology and that picture show"
"Oh...so...you like her company ?"
"She is not insufferable if that's your question"
Finally you decided against your first idea, perhaps she had changed in the end ? Perhaps a new friendship was possible ? With healthy fondation, you could get your bestfriend back !
Wrong again
You revealed her the next day who you were, well, used to be, what linked the two of you back in the living realms, for others, nothing changed, but for you it was subtle, for exemple she never interrupted anyone, but when it came to you each time your mouth opened she would cut you out
She was such a charmer too, a quality you envied her, her audience was captivated, and soon even alastor was her aquaintance, he presented her rosie of course ! Just like he did for charlie !
And just like he did for you...
Rosie found her delightful, and from your tea parties at 3 with her and alastor, became 4, adding E/n
A comment about your appearance back in high school, an embarassing moment you had, a silly crush, every single detail of your life was used to mock you, even your crush on a video game character
Soon you always found excuses to avoid going to the tea party, and spend most of our time outside of the hotel, feeling akward in her presence
You tried talking about it to charlie or maybe vaggie, to no avail, they said how nice E/n was and how much progress she was making, if they weren't saying you sounded silly thinking that in these 3 weeks she took your place, you still felt like it...
And it all confirmed when, after a whole day of searching for everyone, they finally came back to the hotel from shopping...without you
"Finally you're here toots ! We tried searching for ya before going but you weren't anywhere !" Angel started, holding many bags in each arms
"What do you mean ? I was in my room all day ?"
"Wait you weren't out ? E/n told us she saw you leave ?"
"Oh I'm sorry my eyes deceived me...next time I'll still check your room !" As everyone looked sorry I couldn't help but see it, even for a second...
She smirked...
Of course she did, she never changed
This started becoming common occurence, either the others left you behind, or you could leave the entire day without them noticing, and at some point, angel, husk and sir pentious started to distance themselves from you
"Hey angel, hum...you wanna hang out...? Go to a club, or drink with husk, just spend some time betweens pal ?"
"Sorry sweet cheeks, but we're partying with E/n tonight and...she doesn't feel comfortable around you..."
"Wha ? Angel what are you talking about ?"
"She told us about it, about the two of you, hos jealous and manipulative you were, you even tried to make her dump her boyfriend, that wasn't cool of you, I don't want to take side on this, but if I hang out with one of you, I'd rather not force her to be with the other for both your sanities"
That's all you could have mustered, because what was there to muster, you were in hell, all the proof you used to have were on your previous phone in the living realm, but even if angel and the other favored her, mayne your fiancee could understand your side ?
Gently you knocked on alastor's hotel room as he called you to come in, he was currently eating his dinner, a...fresh venison...but you shook your head lightly, taking a sit across the table
"Al, can I vent to you for a bit...?"
"What is it my dear ? But please, spare me your story with E/n, as much as I love a good gossip, the young lady did you a favor by never taking vengance in the living realm, I wouldn't want the two of you to get in troubles once again"
"Al, please it's serious, she's telling lies about le ! And you believes her ? I'm your fiancee ! She's in hell as well !"
"And so are you, and so am I, I am not interested in knowing the why who is were, but I admit your little querrel is...quite entertaining !"
"So your fiancee see her ex bully...and all you think about is entertainment ?"
"Well, ma chère (my dear) as far as we are all concerned, without proof, both of you could be the liar, it's about, who's able to convince the public, just like on a stage"
Alastor's half sadistic smile didn't amused you, you just sighed, getting up, wamking slowly toward the exit of his room, if even your own fiancee, the man you loved refused to believes you, who would ?
You couldn't see alastor's curious expression as you left, he just wanted to prolounge the fun and not outright gives you the solution, but seeing you give up almost made him that for once he screwed up badly
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wonyrs · 7 months
pairing maknae line x fem reader genre fluff , established relationship warnings cursing , food mentions, english isnt my first language
? school life w/ ur enha bf
kim sunoo
somehow u two manage to make the uniforms a tad cuter than anyone else
never getting ur work done in any class fs (but u still pass? its the dawg in u) u two sit in the back of the room and have a whole station just for cute instagram posts
"aww babe u look so pretty today" "really? i should say that to u, love :3" cue the deadpanning from anyone in a mile radius of u
LITERAL GODS OF PHYSICAL TOUCH AND EVERYONE HATES IT. on the way to lunch? holding hands. dodgeball in pe? holding on to each other like ur lives depend on it. the weather a little chilly? "let me warm u up schnookums :>"
half of ur friendgroup think of u two as an ideal couple while the other half is done w ur shit (dw they love u)
when exams are coming up, u two hang out at each others houses to help each other with whatever u guys are struggling with
he has full faith in u passing the exams but still offers to calm u down by singing a song, giving u a massage, ordering ur favourite takeout, or anything that eases ur nerves :(
"don't be scared, y/n. ure the smartest girl i know, so theres absolutely zero chances of u failing this test, believe me!"
yang jungwon
ur boyfriend being a former class president and u being the current class president is either a blessing or karma for something u did in ur past life
"oh my gosh there's so many papers to send off, wonnie can you help me?" "nope, i stopped doing this type of work 3 years ago" before getting up and carrying all the stacks himself
when u mess up during a speech, be prepared for endless teasing while being reassured that u still deserve a spot in the council (thank u for fake tears and ur bf's soft heart)
if u have to stay after school to work on council duties, jungwon stays behind w u and uses the excuse that he needs help on his hw to be by ur side
he still takes the chance to lovingly bully ur ass
"u know, if u just refused the offer of being class prez we could be in my room rn watching the mlb movie" "babe be quiet before i actually lose it and start crying"
however, the longer he's with u, the more concerned he gets when he realizes that u leave school (alone) around 7 pm when the sky is getting dark and all sorts of creeps are walking around
he knows ure capable of protecting urself but his 'spiderman' bf instincts tell him to walk u home everyday no matter how late it is and tune out the fact that he'll get spanked by his mama for returning so late at night
"u forgot something, love. i need 10 kisses minimum for walking u this late, uberjungwon needs his payment!"
nishimura riki
fully believing in the 'hates almost everyone at school but has a soft spot for u' + the rest of enha trope for u two
yes he acts nonchalant to anyone's attempts at flirting w him but the moment u compliment his skills in soccer bro startings twirling his hair and encourages u to say more
"ki u did so good! ure like blue lock fr" "really? i did so good guarding right? and making that goal? and dribbling? right?" yappa yappa yapping /j
during free period, he drags u to the court and has u play a 1v1 with him
uses the excuse of 'fixing ur form' to get as close to u as possible and hes not ashamed of it
"yeah so u just position ur arm right here and-" "ok but can u loosen ur grip on my hips please, focus on the training babe " "shhhh"
OMFG i imagine him asking u out after winning a really important game with enha cheering him on at the back (big bros)
it'll be when u congratulate the team outside of the locker rooms when he just grabs u by the shoulders and professes a whole shakespeare typa love confession
his fangirls drop down sobbing the next day when u two walk in holding hands and he's carrying ur bag for u with the dopiest smile on his face
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@ wonyrs 2023
NOTE ✃ me when i dissappear for a month after my first post, come back with the trashiest post ever and a new layout LESGOOO anyways i hope u guys enjoy this and REMEMBER my requests are open so feel free to ask anything :>
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s0ulryo · 2 years
Il Dottore Relationship Headcanons ‧˚♡⋆。˚
[Dottore x Reader] Synopsis: General relationship headcanons with Il Dottore. Tags: Fluff, bit crackish, Dottore brain rot, soft headcanon. Notes: Possibly ooc? My mind is everywhere and nowhere at once. Also not proofread. I did this at 3 in the morning and I can’t feel my brain goodnight everyone.
(Reader is always gn unless specified otherwise.)
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The beginning of your relationship was extremely slow, sometimes you wondered if you were actually in a relationship with the strange man or if you were just a glorified roommate. The two main causes behind this were his job and his inability to process love languages. 
He’s a Fatui Harbinger. None of them are mentally stable or have free time. Plus, we know that he pretty much was ostracized for his whole life; which has probably led to some psychological problems. So when people do things for him, he probably is extremely weary of them – thinking that they are doing stuff in order to use him to their advantage in the future.
“Dottore.” You call out, “I made your favorite.” “Why?” Dottore responds. “Do you need something? You could just ask if you do, there's no need to do such things for a favor.” “Dottore it’s 8:00 pm and it’s the first time you’ve been home in weeks, I missed you.” “Oh…”
He tries to keep you away from his work seeing how dangerous and unappealing it is from the general public’s perspective. He might even try to lie about it at first. (He's a horrible liar at times.)
“Dottore, why are there Fatui agents outside?” Picking at his nails he responds “Fatui Agents? Outside? Never heard of them. In fact, I’ve never been outside Dear.” You roll your eyes “Dottore they called you ‘Lord Harbinger’ I think you know who they are.” “Are you calling me a liar?” He scoffs, clearly offended. “Yes Dottore, I am calling you a liar.” “Rude.”
He told you about his affiliation with the Fatui twenty minutes later – it’s not like it was much of a secret anyways.
I believe he’d open up fairly quickly and be absurdly touch starved. I mean, he did enter a relationship with you, so he has to trust you to some extent. All he wants is a hug, so please just hug him.
He’s also a little shit when he’s annoyed by or at you. If you guys get in a petty argument he probably moves all the stuff you use to the high shelves (if you're shorter than him) or any area you would struggle to reach just so you would have to ask him for help getting the object down. He’s probably hidden the chairs before just to make sure you can’t reach what you need. If you are taller than him he would simply hide the objects you need so you would ask him to look for them with you.  
He’s made inventions as little keepsakes for you. He has things that remind him of you at his office, so he wants you to have things that remind you of him at yours. 
He’s kind of a big bully as a lover, he’d pick on you and not know when to stop; but if what he had said has hurt your feelings he’d do his best to make it up to you without apologizing. It’s not that he’s not sorry – he is, believe him. He just doesn’t know how to apologize.
I believe his love language is quality time or gift giving. He’s shit with words and doesn’t know how to initiate physical affection (it does get better over time, but it’s still not the best). 
I mainly believe quality time is his main love language because he’s not used to someone that willingly wants to be around him, and he finds the feeling to be addicting. If he’s working on something at home or on the off chance he has free time from work, he wants to be around you.
Overall Dottore is a soft lover who just wants to be affectionate with his lover.
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kangshxrtie · 1 year
ch. 8 ⤍ valorant
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"hiii chat today i'm gonna be playing valorant with kazuha" you greeted your stream once you started.
"we're dating now by the way" you added.
user1 cap
"i'm telling y'all the truth. she's my girlfriend"
user2 you have one of those?
"i get enough of this shit from my friends. i can pull and i'll show y'all today" you told your chat.
user3 sounds delulu
"i will put this shit in emote only" you gave out false threats.
user4 you won't
"okay i take it back, i'm sorry" you apologized.
user5 you better
"y'all bully me too much"
user6 it's our love language
"i think we all as a community should be a little bit nicer. i like to be appreciated"
user7 nahh we good
"i swear my chat shits on me more than the people that hate me do" you chuckled.
user8 FK THEM! only we can do that
"i do love y'all though so please sub to my channel because i've ordered food every day this week. i'm about to be broke"
naoi.rei sounds personal
"rei? how are you chatting right now, i haven't unbanned you yet?" you asked confused.
naoi.rei i unbanned myself
"sounds illegal, i'm reporting you for hacking" you joked.
you talked with your chat for a couple more minutes while waiting for kazuha to message you that she was ready. while you were reading comments one particular comment stood out.
"why? is it embarrassing?" you asked going to look at kazuha's stream.
duo's with bae @gameryn
"see! chat i told you we were dating! don't call me delusional anymore" you exclaimed after seeing the title.
"i should change mine then, it's only fair…" you said out loud going to change yours.
duo's with my gf @k_a_z_u_h_a__
"can you send me your name so i can add you?" you had just gotten into a call with kazuha on discord and were ready to play.
k_a_z_u_h_a__ Today at 7:48 PM bbyongbong #2252
"what is your name?" you asked while laughing.
"it's blackpinks lightstick" she answered making you nod your head in understandment. you typed it in and added her.
while waiting in queue for a match you talked about ranks and the game.
"you know how long it took me to get out of gold! i was there for almost a year!" you complained to the japanese girl.
"if we lose all our games and derank, please do not be mad at me" kazuha said to you.
"kazuha i swear if you throw and i go back back to gold i will actually never talk to you again" you told her.
"i will not purposely throw" she replied.
"i don't trust that but i'll believe you for now" after that conversation the game found a match and you picked your characters.
once the game started you stood in front of her character in game, "you wanna trade skins? my gun sings"
"yess give me" you dropped the skin and grabbed hers.
since the round hadn't started yet you went to go type in kazuha's chat.
gameryn im in y'all gameryn spectrum classic > any other classic
next round you bought a vandal dropping it on her body before she could tell you to sell it.
"dropping a vandal on round two is crazy! how can you afford this?" kazuha asked.
"i trust you'll use it well" you told her with a smile on your face.
"this is why you were stuck in gold"
"now that's just rude" you shook your head at her words, "it might be true though"
since you didn't have anything but a class you died fast and started spectating kazuha.
"you have such a great flank" you told her after she killed the second person. she turned the corner to kill the third person.
"yes, they don't know you're there" you said as she killed the fourth one.
"last one is boat" one of your teammates who just died commed.
she went forward and once she saw him she immediately head shotted the last person.
"holy shit that 4K, you're so hot for that" you hyped kazuha up.
"see! i knew you would do the vandal justice" you said as the next round started.
"it was still a crazy purchase"
during the next round, the enemy phoenix popped and kazuha killed him immediately. she got out of the corner she was hiding in and killed the sage. she held that same corner waiting for another enemy to pop out and they do, killing that one as well.
"hold on i'll bait for you" you told her running up and dying immediately letting kazuha know exactly where they were.
the saw the last one but they both missed their shots so chamber teleported behind making kazuha turn around. since she was hidden behind a wall she planted the spike.
the enemy chamber peeked the corner and kazuha killed him, winning the round and getting an ace.
"that's my duo!" you cheered.
"can you coach me please! i wanna play like you"
"yes! this is my moment" kazuha sat up to become even more focused.
after the round ended you asked kazuha what could have been done better to not die.
"uhm… next time try killing them… i don't know"
"kazuha you literally died first"
"i actually didn't die first; i died second"
"okay… i guess that is a little bit better than first"
"blue dude is windowwwww" you yelled out before dying.
kazuha jumped over a wall before killing the second to last person. she pulled out her knife to get the enemy's gun and died to the last standing person on the enemy team.
"why were you hopping around like that, were you trying to throw?" you asked genuinely.
"you said she was window!" kazuha retorted.
"i said blue dude! viper was unknown"
"okay then that was my fault" kazuha admitted.
"that was really concerning and if you keep playing like that i will leave this lobby" you told kazuha.
"i didn't say anything when you bought me a vandal on ROUND TWO but this is the kind of treatment i get" the japanese girl sighed.
"i believed in you" you simply replied. while you were waiting on the next round to start you took the chance to type in kazuha's chat.
gameryn kazuha is a pro thrower
"this is slander. suing you for defamation" kazuha said after reading your chat.
"why is everyone dead?" you asked once you realized you were alone, "kazuha help me!"
"sova is probably watching the flank" you peeked the corner to see the sova watching a different angle so you swung and headshot him, "yes now the other one has an op, but don't worry you're better. you have a double satchel so use that to swing quickly"
you swung the sage missing every shot, and needing to switch guns before finally head shotting her with a pistol.
"i only saw the last shot. that was so clean" kazuha told you.
gameryn get you a coach that lies to you 😍😍
"maybe you are a good coach" you said afterward.
"see! tell somebody to sign me" she exclaimed.
"you are signed"
"oh shit i am. don't tell my team i said that"
when the next round started you quickly pushed out and killed the first person before quickly moving to cover. you pulled out your ult, unfortunately missing it all. you slowly peeked out from the corner and killed the second one before moving some more and killing the third one from a distance.
you went around hoping to get the fourth one from behind which you luckily did.
"my ace!" you called out just as kazuha killed the last person.
"you have to earn it"
"i actually felt like i deserved that one" you said sadly.
"if only you would have killed them faster than me"
you playfully rolled your eyes before going to kazuha's chat to quickly type something before the next round started.
gameryn L coach
"maybe you would've gotten that ace if you would stay out of my chat and focused on the game" kazuha said.
"kazuha is the worst coach" you told your chat but didn't mute.
"you're unmuted" she told you.
"i know it was on purpose" you replied.
you two won that game and while you were waiting on the next game to start, you started talking about random stuff.
"we should have couple names and become edaters" you suggested to kazuha.
"immediately no" kazuha said.
"but it would be cute"
"i'll pass"
"yeah… that probably is for the best"
the game started and y'all were on the character picking so you asked kazuha, "coach who should i play on this map"
kazuha thought about it for a second, looking at everybody that already picked, "smokes, but of course whoever you're comfortable with"
"so omen" you locked it in.
it was the fourth round when you shot at a wall randomly hoping to at least get one, "that was all me, i got so much info"
"you spent the whole round shooting at a wall"
"yeah and we found out they weren't there"
a couple of rounds later as the spike was about to go off you saw the phoenix ult so you stood behind waiting for his ult to end.
"knife him" kazuha told you and you pulled out your knife successfully knifing him once the body returned.
"two more, there's no way we lose here" kazuha said while waiting for the next game to start. the game was currently 11-3.
"we're definitely losing after that" and you were right.
which led to this moment where you were the last two standing. the score was 11-7.
"i have blind" you told kazuha.
"do it" she told you and threw your blind, then went back to hold the cross with kazuha. you got the kill from the back.
kazuha threw one of her abilities down and you shot the last one threw the wall.
"niceee" kazuha said.
"we've done it. best duo out there. nobody can top us" you said.
it was 12-7 and one of your teammates stuck the bomb before dying and you killed one of the three people left. you teleported away from the bomb watching it from a further angle.
the enemy omen set down a smoke and your teammates pinged the spike for you which you sprayed at, successfully killing the person on spike.
you pushed into the smoke immediately seeing the enemy omen and killed him, winning the game.
"so i think my coaching was successful" kazuha gloated, "i helped you win us that game"
"you were a terrible coach. one star, but only because you're pretty"
"i'll take it" she smiled.
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kirbyofthestars · 3 days
okay so, my ideas:
-she has antennae (gets bullied for it like DFT, but doesn't understand really)
-talks slow like PM
-an extrovert with a lot of friends
-still fully hasnt grasped cookie language and definitely hasnt grasped its culture
-calls Carnival Orange Tea "Wife Carnival" "Wife Orange" "Wife Tea" and "Wife Cookie"
-she understands that the previous point isnt proper language, but thinks her wife is so pretty that she should always introduce her as her wife so no one tries to romance her
-despite talking and moving slow, the second she's in front of anything even vaguely has a control panel (lots of buttons) suddenly she's so fast
-works in the technology development division, but is NOT allowed near the timecrafts due to the previous point (they had to chase her down and it wasnt easy. they got her back by telling her that her wife needed cheering up)
-she is really, really smart. not the best at reading cookie emotions or understanding cookies, but really smart. she hates when cookies undermine her because of how she acts, or because of her grip on cookie language or cookie technology
-would do anything for wife. wife epic. want to kiss her but wife dont like physical affection
-previous point is proven so very wrong once Carnival Orange Tea comes out of her shell and Choco Doughnut is given many cartoonishly loud and over the top kisses as some form of bragging
-did something on her last planet that space assassins are after her for, but her wife keeps killing them for her. due to the clown assassin-space assassin language barrier, Carnival Orange Tea doesn't know what she did (and frankly doesn't really care. she did some things she won't talk about too)
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web-novel-polls · 11 months
Less Popular Danmei Character Finals
CWs: misgendering as a joke ("princess"), slavery, animal mention, suggestive language
Yan Zhengming from Liu Yao: the Revitalization of Fuyao Sect
Submission: Winner of the award for highest number of times I’ve called a man a “pretty princess”
Apparently has a fantastic character development into the Sect Leader (I’m not that far), but he’s also just a pretty princess <2
He’s the eldest disciple of Han Muchun / Fuyao Sect who was born into a rich family. He ran away at age seven and became Han Muchun’s first apprentice/disciple. He’s similar to a spoiled young master character, but he doesn’t really bully anyone; he may try to bully/clash with Cheng Qian, but I don’t think he wins (been a while since I started it - he’s like 15, and Cheng Qian is ~9-10 at this point)
“Strict with others but lenient on himself” → responsible Sect Leader pipeline, More at 10 pm
Propaganda from @ komaneko-kun:
Gu Mang from Yuwu / Remnants of Filth
Submission: He’s my little guy
He’s the tragic ML who betrayed the MC while also being the biggest fucking clown / the comedic relief
He truly believes he’s a fucking wolf at one point.
Essentially, Gu Mang was a slave in Murong Lian’s household, which led him to meet the MC, Mo Xi, who is a noble of similar standing to the Murong clan. He eventually becomes the General-in-Chief of the Wangba Army (later renamed to the Northern Frontier Army bc it was a funny name) and fights for the Chonghua Empire. However, since the Wangba Army was made of slaves, not a single of his fellow soldiers were given a proper burial, which - along with other reasons - led to Gu Mang defecting to an enemy nation (that also killed Mo Xi’s father and may or may not be cannibals).
The story begins when said enemy nation trades Gu Mang back to Chonghua as a prisoner of war with parts of his soul gone, causing him to believe he’s a majestic blue wolf. The summary is a tiny bit misleading, albeit not wrong - “they’ve slept together before” is actually more “they slept together multiple times while Mo Xi, at the very least, is incredibly in love with Gu Mang.”
Gu Mang’s also pretty funny, even with his memories gone, albeit the inherent tragedy is overwhelming. Idc what “evils” he committed… the Lotus Pavilion thing or whatever was fucked up. The author is so brutal to him, and for what? Funsies? (<-mainly joking, but it’s a SAD story… I’ve cried so many times)
Anyway, Gu Mang Did Not Deserve This 2023
Wu Xi from Lord Seventh / Qi Ye
Submission: He is the roundworm in my stomach
Qi Ye tells the story of Prince Jing Beiyuan’s seventh life, which is a repeat of his first life. Wu Xi is the Great Shaman’s Shamanet and the Empire’s captive from Nanjiang who did not appear in Jing Beiyuan’s first life.
From what I remember, he uses something similar to magic to make a court official become aroused / see a beautiful woman and embarrass himself in front of the entire court. As a child.
He also has a vast array of dangerous and venomous animals, one of which he gifts to Jing Beiyuan after they become friends.
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oswaldsleftbicep · 10 months
basic relationship hcs + moodboards
none of the photos are mine.
genre: other
cw: suggestive/mature photos, feminine bodied people/hetero implied relationships in some photos sorry blame pinterest
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❧ fun dates!! whenever he gets free time, almost always will he choose to go out and do something fun, like arcades or carnivals
❧ he does love a night in as well, curling up in bed with a few snacks, watching a movie or show (also i say night in, but he would also be down to do this at like 1 pm)
❧ he's shameless with how much he loves you; he'll go all out with the flowers and presents, wear matching clothes/accessories and show them off, wear funny shirts that explicitly state he's in a relationship
❧ and don't get me started on the staring; this man looks at you like you hung the moon in the sky, any basic onlooker will be able to tell he's head over heels for you
❧ loves a good creative session, whether it's doing a silly craft or building legos! he'd make the two of you race to build things
❧ this man is goofy!! teases you like crazy!! and it seems to increase tenfold when you're in public smh. but he does it out of love <3
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❧ this man is all about books, so expect there to be lots of reading together and bookstore dates
❧ he's quite the scholar, so if you also happen to be studying something, there will be study dates!! if not, he's more than okay with you helping him, or if you're just nearby doing your own thing
❧ loves to take you to quiet, scenic places for dates; there's something calming about being alone with you in a location almost as beautiful as you
❧ and at these special spots, he's fond of bringing along a picnic basket and blanket!
❧ he loves to learn, and seems to be especially fond of history, so museum dates are a must! you both make it a point to visit one museum per month, trying to find the lesser known ones
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❧ he's the perfect balance between chaos and calm; he gets his bursts of mischievousness and you already know you're in for a fun night
❧ his secret guilty pleasure is going to arcades and absolutely demolishing kids in multiplayer games; he shows them absolutely no mercy, and he expects you to join in lol
❧ he's also not above messing with people's belongings and property, trying to stick to the whole "confuse, don't abuse" way of pranking
❧ you're not safe from his torment, either, not even in public; as soon as you have your back turned, he's already in the middle of doing something odd to you, just to see a reaction
❧ on the more gentler side, he adores your quiet nights in together, how the two of you can unwind with some skin and nail care, a bottle of champagne, and the latest gossip
❧ he's a bully and unpredictable, but he adores you more than anything and values all time you spent with him
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❧ a true nature boy, probably grew up as a granola kid, so spending time outdoors is a given
❧ everything hozier sings about, this man embodies <3 his vibe is just tea and whiskey
❧ absolutely gives you little flowers everyday, sometimes paired with a quick love note sprawled out in messy writing
❧ no matter what your size is, this man towers over you and makes you look minuscule, which makes for fun opportunities where he picks you up and carries you around or holds you in different manners
❧ wants to be more domestic with you, so the two of you will often have baking attempts, which more often than not turn out messy as flour covers every available surface, including yourselves
❧ soso gentle with you; he absolutely adores your whole existence and handles you like one of his flowers
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❧ classy. this man is a gentleman at its finest, so expect him to be very formal and traditional with you
❧ prefers to go out at night, mostly to fancy restaurants, but because of his work schedule, date nights are maybe once a week
❧ his love language is most definitely acts of service: he'll get you a beverage in the morning, make you breakfast in bed, cook dinner for you, massage your body; anything you ask, he'll do it
❧ he can play a few instruments, and if you play one too, great! time for a duet!! if not, he loves having you just sit and watch him play
❧ random slow dances are a must; he's not great with his words, so whenever he invites you to dance, think of it as a declaration of his love and adoration <3
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❧ y'all are definitely that couple that shit talks and thinks knows they're better than everyone else
❧ most of your days together are spent in ease and relaxation, nothing fast paced, just calm and gentle moments together
❧ hates cooking for himself, but you can badger him into cooking with you as a way to spend time together
❧ definitely a wine guy; if you drink, the two of you more often than not end your days with a small glass to unwind and talk about everything that happened during the day, and anything else that comes to mind
❧ loves a good mind game to pass the time, i'm talking chess, scrabble, even clue; they're fun and a good way to exercise logic
❧ soft intimacy is a must, it's nothing too extreme, just cuddle time, soft caresses, and a shared bath here and there to reconnect with each other
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❧ oh boy,,,it's the relationship that to outsiders seems incredibly toxic, but the two of you know that it's not, and more than anything else you both value the consent and trust you've built together
❧ he's sososo touchy in public, and out of public too; pda and physical touch is his thing, both giving and receiving
❧ another fan of late night dates! he likes going to the movies, seeing what's out there and making fun of trailers, and he also likes the thrill of sneaking in food even tho staff doesn't care
❧ his cool, rebellious attitude hides the fact that he adores you, and he treats you like a precious, fine china doll; he wouldn't let anything hurt you
❧ loves to give you piggy back rides and carry you around, which usually leads to him throwing you on the bed repeatedly like a cat lol
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❧ you're definitely his first relationship, and he appreciates you going slow and taking the time to try new things with you
❧ a foodie at heart, he loves dates that involve eating: diners, ice cream shops, homemade pizza, decorating gingerbread houses
❧ he also keeps a small garden, and loves when you help him prune and weed; he'll even pick the prettiest flowers to give to you and let you put in his hair
❧ sleepy sleepy soft boy, loves to take naps with you, and enjoys making your bed as soft and cozy as possible with plush toys, blankets, and pillows; essentially, he wants to make a nest lol
❧ this man is clingy, always has to at least be near you or touching you in some way, so that he knows you're there. he also appreciates the little milestones the two of you share and loves making couples crafts to commemorate them
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❧ another outdoorsy guy, but in less of a granola way and more of a cottagecore way
❧ loves to go traveling with you and renting quaint air bnb's that are surrounded by plenty of nature for the two of you to explore
❧ especially fond of the little moments, he likes to take the time to smell the flowers with you, dance in the rain, and just take a minute to breathe with nature
❧ he's a big baker and enjoys making sweet treats for you; he'll often have you taste test them, and he values your opinion on recipes more than his own
❧ when it comes to cooking tho, he prefers to do that with you as he finds it more domestic
❧ loves dates where the two of you can make things to display in your home: bob ross tutorial paintings, pottery making, even those diy couples crafts; anything to commemorate and display your love for each other
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thwethoobeen · 2 years
[12.18] brother!niki × older sister!reader
⇀ being the middle child is never easy. especially when your brother is a dance prodigy and your older sister is a genius. what's left for the middle child aka you ?
⇁ literally an impulsive idea
⇁ tw : (borderline) bullying, self depreciation
Niki's eyes widened as his hands became sweaty.
He didn't mean to do it. He never meant to go over the line.
But the sight of you crying in front of him made him freeze in his spot as he never saw you cry other than when he was 6 and you were pushed to the ground, scraping your knee after you defended Niki from his bullies. That was a decade ago so he kind of forgot that you could cry too.
Niki was staying at your apartment after being given some time off from his company. It was hard being part of Enhypen but he loves it to bits. You had decided to go to Korea and continue your studies there rather than in Japan. Or so you said.
Your parents had convinced you to uproot your whole life and move to Korea to be there in case Niki needs help and they can't get to him as fast as they could. They would have asked your older sister had she not been accepted to a prestigious internship program and is in the middle of her studies. It would be unfair to halt all of that to be Niki's safety net in Korea.
It was hard for you, to adjust to class spoken in Korean and living in a strange place. You love the country and you love the city, but the people there can be... harsh. It was hard enough learning a new language and adapting all by yourself, the last thing you need is to be poked fun at.
Which was exactly what had happened.
Somehow people found out that you were Niki's older sister. Maybe they connected the dots from your last name, maybe someone got a tip from sasaeng. But it happened and the news spread first in your class.
You came to class to be swarmed by people asking whether or not the news were true. Being a foreigner, it was hard for you to make friends. So it was an overwhelming experience for you. On top of being swarmed, people finding out about your famous brother wasn't helping. It started with them initially praising your brother to your face, telling you how they want Niki to know that they love him and how they think he's so talented. The way they were trying to make you a messenger to their confession left a bitter taste in your mouth. They were YOUR classmates, why do they care more about a snotty brat who don't even know they exist? That was harsh. You love your brother, he's not snotty but he is a brat.
But it didn't stop there.
Within 20 minutes, someone decided to play mental breakdown limbo with you.
"I don't get how a person as talented as Nishimura Riki has a sister as plain and burdensome like you. You can't even do a presentation properly"
And suddenly the narrative changed to "let's see how far we can push (y/n)."
So of course after a long day of being berated, the last thing you want is to be welcomed to YOUR apartment with more mockery.
The second you entered the apartment, you were greeted with the sight of Niki standing (tall) by the entranceway. He had a frown on his face that eas actually an act, but the distress of the day barred you from recognizing it as such. Seeing his stature made you freeze up immediately, your body's natural reaction from seeing an unhappy Niki from years of prioritizing his happiness over yours as the middle child.
"Where have you been?" He asked, arms crossed on his chest. "I-I was-" you wanted to tell him that you had to hide in the library so you can work on your assignment peacefully but also to cry alone. But Niki cut you off before you could say anything, "I was here all alone, I didn't know where things are so I can't cook and I can't really order in or else people would know I'm here. It's 9 pm, noona, you've been gone for over 12 hours! How could you leave your precious little brother alone like this? Huh? Do you not feel bad? Do you think mom would like this?" He smirked smugly as he taunted you.
Niki was having so much fun joking to not realize that your hands had began shaking and tears once again for the nth time that day streamed down your cheeks.
It wasn't until he heard you sniffling that his smirk dropped, eyes widened, and panic course through his body. He began stammering, not knowing what to do or say at the moment
"Yeah, sure. I'm a bad sister, I'm a bad daughter, I'm a bad person. I'm never gonna be enough, am I?" You said through sobs. As if it wasn't wide enough, Niki's eyes almost bulged out at your words. He never thought you're a bad sister. Heck, out of the two, you're his favourite sister. That's why instead of going back to Japan to spend his vacation with everyone else.
"I'm never gonna be enough and that sucks. I've made peace with it but it still sucks. Why can't everyone see that I'm trying so hard to keep it all together? If you're so burdened with the fact that I have a life, why don't you just go back to your dorm where there are more interesting people around? People who are on your level. Unlike your pathetic, good-for-nothing, loser sister," you spat, voice rising with each words before pushing past him into your room.
You locked yourself in and cried yourself to sleep that night. Niki sat in front of your door, leaning his forehead on the wood as he heard you cry. His brave and strong sister, broken down so bad and he might be at fault. Tears pooled in his eyes when he heard you chanting about how you hate yourself, about how it's useless to try. He wanted to run in and hug you, tell you how amazing and wonderful he thinks you are.
The next morning, you found Niki asleep on the floor. You felt guilty for yelling at him when he didn't do anything wrong. So you tried your best to at least drag his body to the carpet on your living room. You pulled the blanket and pillow from your bed and make sure that Niki was sleeping comfortably.
Whilst moving him around, you felt how light he was. Has he lost more weight ? Last time you dragged him around, you could've sworn there were more resistance.
So you decided to make him something to eat before hatching a plan to avoid him until he has to go back to his dorm in a couple of days. After all, the best appology is with food, right?
In the middle of preparing, you realized that there were some things missing. Sighing, you decided to run out to the store real quick after making sure you tidied up a bit..
Niki woke up 20 minutes after you left. He was confused as to how he suddenly moved from your door to the living room with your blanket and pillow. Though it took a bit of an effort (due to him still being in an incoherent state), he put two and two together and realized that you had been the one to put him there. He smiled slightly at the thought of your caring nature.
But he immediately took notice that the apartment was too quiet and that your bedroom door was ajar and the room itself was empty. He didn't know why, but his first reaction was to panic.
The boy ran around the apartment trying to look for you. But since the apartment was fairly small, it didn't take him long to decide to look for you outside.
Clad in his hoodie that covered his face, he ran out whilst hastily putting his face mask on.
The elevator ride never felt so long to Niki. It really felt like he had spent two hours on it before it reached the ground floor. Once the doors were opened, he dashed out to look for you. Though it was true that he was specifically told to keep his identity well kept by his managers, at that moment he wasn't really thinking about the repercussion of being spotted. All he cared about was finding you.
It was by sheer dumb luck that he spotted you with your grocery bag in one hand. You had your back to him so you didn't see him. He felt a huge weight lifted off his chest and immediately, he jogged to you. But as he got closer, he saw that you were talking to three guys and by the looks of it, they had just said something very amusing judging from the smug smirks on their faces.
"Were you actually hurt by what we said?" One of the guys asked. The question made Niki stopped dead in his tracks. He decided to hear what the guy had to say because there was something unsettling with how he spoke to you.
The two people next to him snickered at what the middle dude bro said. When Niki's eyes shifted to you, he could see how your stance was tense. He wondered how often have they bothered you like this.
"We're adults, (y/n), for god's sake, learn to take some criticism. What we said were both facts and highly constructive. With the way you are in class and with your family, burdening everyone, there's no way you'll succeed in life! You'll end up mooching odd of your successful, rich brother until he drops you because he WILL get tired of your loser ass. What? Can't understand what I'm saying??" The same guy taunted more. Niki saw how hard you were gripping your grocery bag and that's when he decided that enough was enough.
As the three men bothered you, making gestures and speaking loudly with obnoxious enunciation. If it were up to him, he would've thrown his slippers at their heads. And that was as a warning.
Niki walked fast ripped his hoodie and mask off, revealing his face.
When one of the three men noticed him, he stopped as his eyes widened. He tapped his friends and pointed at Niki who was glaring at them. At 186 cm, Niki towered over the people in front of him even at a distance. But what scared those men weren't (just) his height and expression, but also because he's famous. They literally had a celebrity throwing daggers at them.
You frowned at the sight of your classmates suddenly looking dead afraid. You were about to turn and leave when suddenly an arm wrapped around your shoulder and Niki stood firmly by your side.
"Did you meant what you said about my sister? You think of her so lowly?" He growled.
For the first time ever, you saw a side of Niki that you've never seen before. He didn't look like your baby brother who asked to swap his lemon candy for your strawberry one with teary eyes and pouty lips. The same baby brother who cried when you graduated elementary school because you wouldn't be able to walk him to class anymore. But his protectiveness over you is unchanging.
The three men stammered, nervous that they had just been heard and terrified of what Niki will do to them.
"Well?" Niki asked, stepping forward and closer to them.
Their fight or flight instinct was triggered instantly. Instead of answering, they just scrambled away. You were rather glad that the confrontation was over but slightly nervous to what Niki might think or do. You pride yourself as being the older sibling so you don't really know what's gonna happen next.
You waited for Niki to turn and do something, anything. But after 3 minutes of standing and staring at the direction of where your bullies ran to, nothing still happened.
Suddenly, you heard sniffles from your tall brother and you panicked. Why was he crying? He didn't get hurt, right? You didn't black out and missed a fight, did you? Did he saw someone recognizing him somewhere?
Your hand reached forward for his shoulder, "Riki?" You asked as you slowly pulled him to turn to look at you.
The sight of him crying fat tears made you drop your grocery bag to cup his face, "Oh my god, Riki, are you okay?" You asked. Surprisingly, he shoved your hands off his face and he glared at you, "Okay? Me?? Are you seriously asking me if I'm okay!?" He asked, voice cracking at how emotional he was being. "I should be asking you that! Are those the assholes who made you cry last night? Have they been bothering you so much? Have they been feeding you lies!?" He questioned at a rapid pace.
A sigh left your lips and you shrugged, "It doesn't matter, Riki. It's just-" "Of course it fucking does!" He interjected loudly. You froze in utter surprise at his outburst. "They made you believe that you are less than nothing! That's not okay whatsoever- that's not nothing! It matters to me, noona! How can they talk about you like that? You are the best person ever and you deserve to be treated like a fucking queen for putting up with me, mom, dad, and our eldest sister. I can't let them get away after saying those things about you. I can't, I won't," he cried while shaking his head, his fists balled so tightly that it shook and his feet were shifted side to side as if he was preparing to take off running.
Now, this Niki reminds you so much of your little brother. You can see the resemblance to a younger him who cried quite often and it softened you.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry for thinking so lowly of myself," you comforted him by putting one hand on the back of his head and one on his back and pulling him close so he could rest his face on your shoulder. That was when you thought "when did he get so big?" because truly, it seems like he's the older sibling.
"Don't say sorry for that, THEY are the ones who should be sorry," he sobbed, "Them and me." You chuckled and patted his head softly, "You have nothing to be sorry about, Riki. You are my baby brother, the best brother anyone could ask for and I'm really thankful to have you here with me, accompanying and protecting me."
Niki pulled away whilst sniffling, "I should be saying that about you, noona. You're my favourite person and no one can take that title away. Like those guys said, I WILL take care of you when we're older. I'll make lots of money so you can mooch off of me with no problem," he said with much sincerety.
You chuckled at this and reached to grab both his hand and the grocery bag on the sidewalk. "But what if you and I get married?" You asked, playing into his scenario. "No problem, we'll still live together and they HAVE to get along," he said as he gripped your hand tightly.
Once you both were in the elevator, Niki bumped his head with you before looking down on his feet, seemingly shy. "If I don't say this enough, I'm sorry. But I love you so much, you helped me be the person I am today and I wouldn't have gotten so far without your support. Although we don't see each other as much as I like, knowing that you're in the same country as me gave me reassurance that I at least have one support that counts here. I can never repay you."
You didn't know whether to coo at him or cry because those words made you feel so appreciated. Most appreciated in a while. Not even your parents had said those things to you. You smiled back and nod at him, "There's no where else I'd rather be than to support you and make sure that you're okay. You're my favourite person too, Riki. No one will ever take that spot which is why you don't have to worry about repaying me. You have nothing to repay for because I'm here because I love you too, okay?"
Niki grinned widely despite the residual tears dropping out of his eyes. If anything, he looks so adorable at that moment that you just wanted to pinch his cheeks.
At that moment, despite what has been going on in your life, you were really glad that your brother is Niki.
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healthstyle101 · 7 months
UK PM: No More Than 2 Genders, No Bullying Belief
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United Kingdom PM Affirms Traditional Gender Beliefs Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, stirred controversy this week with a speech at the Conservative Party conference. He boldly stated that no one should be coerced into believing they can change their gender at will. Sunak, who is the first British Asian to hold this high office, received resounding applause from the party faithful when he stated, "a man is a man, and a woman is a woman." A Clear Message "We are determined to bring about change in this country, and this shouldn't be a contentious stance," Sunak declared. "The majority of hard-working people agree with it. Parents should also have the right to know what their children are learning about relationships in school, and patients should be informed when hospitals discuss men and women." He continued, "We must not succumb to pressure and believe that anyone can be any sex they desire. They can't. Man is a man, and woman is a woman – that's just common sense," stated the UK leader. Emphasizing Family Sunak stressed the importance of discussing family without fear, saying, "Whenever you want to talk about family, someone whispers, 'Is that wise, Prime Minister?'" "Accusations of promoting a one-size-fits-all view may arise, but in the Conservative Party, the party that introduced same-sex marriage and is investing substantially in child care, we understand that love carries through the generations," he affirmed. Government's Stance and Health Service Reforms The British government announced that non-biological women will not be allowed in female hospital wards, and convicted sex offenders will not be permitted to change their gender. As part of efforts to address what some term as "wokery" within the health service, Health Secretary Steve Barclay is set to introduce measures that safeguard women's rights. These changes will ensure patients are cared for on wards according to their biological sex and receive intimate care from individuals of the same sex. Barclay emphasized that these proposals are about "a commonsense approach to sex and equality," respecting the dignity and voices of women and ensuring the privacy, dignity, and safety of all patients are protected in the NHS. These proposed changes come in response to concerns from patients and staff regarding biological men sharing women's hospital wards. In 2021, National Health Service (NHS) guidance allowed trans patients to be placed on single-sex wards based on their gender identity. Barclay also confirmed the reinstatement of "sex-specific" language in NHS information concerning cervical and ovarian cancer and menopause. In Conclusion In a speech that has garnered widespread attention, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reaffirmed traditional gender beliefs and emphasized the importance of family. The government's plans to maintain single-sex hospital wards and introduce sex-specific language within the NHS reflect their commitment to preserving women's rights and ensuring privacy and dignity for all patients. Read the full article
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rawstfish · 1 year
Griggs head-canons
Warnings: Talk about mental health, mentions of a fight
Grew up with his father's grandparents due to his dad being in the military and his mother dying during birth. (His mother’s parents are either dead or just live up north, I can see both of these so…)
Was a fat baby, still has the chubby cheeks to prove it too.
Since his grandparents really raised him, he calls them mom and dad and his dad by his name. (like how kids call people by what they've heard, that's him)
Grandparents spoiled him, especially during Christmas.
His dad ended up being discharged from the military due to his declining mental health. He has horrible PTSD and anxiety, he has a service dog to help with this. (It’s a retired military belgian shepherd)
This happened when Griggs was around 10 or 11
His dad's mental health started declining after his wife died during childbirth, and then being in the military didn’t help with his grieving and mourning process.
His dad is really overprotective and a worry-rat when it comes to Griggs. He comes off as strict and cold, but he’s trying really hard to make sure Griggs is safe. He trusts Griggs, it’s other people he has an issue with. (Griggs loves his dad though and tries to not stress him out)
Grew up Christian but now doesn't care much at all for religion. (he's just kinda like indifferent, but like when near death situations he's saying a little prayer in his head that his Grandparents say) 
From Louisiana because it just makes sense to me. He doesn’t seem like he has a Louisiana accent, but when he starts talking fast you can really hear it. 
Did wrestling and football in middle and high school. As well as JROTC because they gave it to him freshman year and didn’t bother changing his schedule. He had a wide variety of friends and was very popular. (He was the nice popular guy that everyone loved)
He was a very successful wrestler and football player in high school and got offered many scholarships, but he didn’t want a career in professional sports. Instead he joined the military. He liked the benefits, paycheck, and the schedule it offered. (He likes a schedule. Oh he would gets to be around people) 
Obviously his dad had a huge issue with his choice. They got into a huge fight, and some things were said that they both didn’t mean. His Grandparents were on his side and that set his dad off even more. Luckily his dad didn’t do anything drastic and just got into a screaming match with everyone. After everyone calmed down and had some time to think, his dad supported his decision. (The military was glad to have another Griggs in service, his dad was very good at his job so Griggs had big shoes to fill) 
Griggs is also taking college courses while in the military. 
Old soul, he sits/stands exactly like his grandpa and is always in bed by 7 or 8 pm. Also eats like an old person. (I’m talking slow as hell and he has a big plate filled with beans)
Really like Jack black, has seen all his movies 
He likes dogs, like a huge dog person. Cane corso and really all bully breeds are his favorite type. (He doesn’t mind cats…it’s just dogs are wayyyy better in his opinion)
Extrovert, loves being around people (It’s what he used to) 
That being said he does still have a social battery, and when it’s low he is ready to go. (like he won’t wait on you, he has to go now before he gets grumpy)
Not picky on what he watches really, he'll watch anything you put on. But if he thinks it's stupid or dumb he is going to tell you and make you change it. He's also like this with music
Foodie obviously, he watches cooking shows and any cooking video that comes his way. He knows everything about food, okay? Best griller ever as well.
He loves making his family recipes for his friends/partner
Top 2 love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. He's not big on PDA, he just wants to hold your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulders. In private though, he's hugging and cuddling you 24/7.
He dates anyone who he finds attractive and who he enjoys to be around. (He doesn’t really have a type, he’s dated all kinds of people)
Doesn't get scared from horror movies and shit like that
Can't prank him, he knows when your faking or when something isn't real (also you don't wanna prank him bc when it comes to flight or fight, he always choosing fight) 
Really likes amusement parks, he fucking loves roller coasters or any extreme ride
Probably has a secret fursona he’s had since high school. (It’s an Alexander Archipelago wolf that is covered in scars, OR it’s a Dogue de Bordeaux that owns a gun shop. He would prefer the realistic style but he thinks the classic cartoon furry is cute too.)
I think he’s either 35 or 38 
Has a twitter and actually enjoys how fucked up everyone is on there. He doesn’t get into discourse or debates but he goes through like threads and threads of them. He always forms an opinion and tells Demon Dogs about the whole thing. He also has a reddit and loves r/AITA. He’ll actually talk on his reddit to give people advice. (He has an instagram but he barely goes on there)  
He actually reads and sketches a lot. He reads any book that teaches him about animals, history, the planet, plants, etc. He likes to sketch his favorite pictures in his books or nature scenes.
Since he has a welcoming and charming personality, everyone is comfortable with him almost instantly. But do not mistake him for a people pleaser, he does not care to try to appeal to anyone and everyone. 
I also think he is one of the more mentally stable CoD characters, he has his moments but he knows how to take care of himself and what his limits are. 
Aside from Demons Dogs, he’s really great friends with the members of SAS and Warcom. (His favs are Gaz and Price from SAS, and then Alex and Ronin from Warcom)
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This is a roleplay blog for my characters, Quilt and Mochi, and occasionally Cotton!
1: Absolutely no NSFW. The characters involved are children and mod is a minor.
2: No gore/extremely disturbing topics. This is meant to be a fun blog
3: No politics. As much as I like being politically aware, this blog is for fun.
4: Do not repost my art. With or without credit, I would rather any art I draw for these characters stay on my blog.
5: If anyone decides to draw fanart, that is absolutely allowed! Please tag me!
6: No shipping characters on this blog. The main 2 are adopted siblings and I don’t see a relationship for any of these characters.
7: No hate speech/bullying. Any slurs or bullying towards any groups/my friends will be reported and deleted.
8: Please don’t expect me to be active all the time! I will be active fairly often, but I can’t always be reached. I’m in CT and go to bed at 10 pm generally, so you can plan when to send asks.
9: Do not reblog my posts, art, or characters as DDLG, ABDL, babyfur, or cgl. Age regression tags and reblogs are fine, this blog is agere-safe!
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Name: Quilt
Age: 3
Species: Plush Dutch Angel Dragon
Gender: Masc nonbinary
Pronouns: he/xe/bug/bun/fae/star/lzyx/twig (DM if you need any full sets!)
Bio: Quilt is bubbly and energetic, hardly ever slowing down. Star’s almost constantly doing some fun activity or getting into trouble. Zyx is autistic, has low spacial awareness, and dislikes loud sounds, cinna’s hands being sticky, and crowds. He’s completely verbal and only goes mute when extremely overwhelmed or tired. Sprink loves watching fun cartoons, talking about crow’s favorite characters, drawing, collecting new and interesting things, and playing games.
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Name: Mochi
Age: 4
Species: Lion
Gender: Transmasc
Pronouns: He/him
Bio: Mochi is much more reserved and quiet than Quilt. Rather than running around, he’s often quietly drawing or doing something sensory like playing with play-doh. Mochi is also autistic and almost completely nonverbal. He rarely verbally speaks and often uses limited sign language and gestures. He likes soft things, music, simple cartoons, sensory videos, and sensory toys like kinetic sand. He hates bright lights, scary things, loud noises, and scratchy things.
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Name: Cotton
Age: 4
Species: Rabbit
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: Any
Bio: Cotton is a close friend of both Mochi and Quilt, she loves superheroes and clowns. He’s often covered in bandaids and has more to share, and is always running to help someone, shouting “Super Cotton will save the day!” They have a treefort at his own house, decked out in drawings.
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gargoylepuke999 · 1 year
okay *cracks knuckles* i have questions
pancakes or waffles
whats your stance on mint chocolate chip
favorite time of day
love language
what color would u want your hair if u had to get it dyed
(no particular reason im asking these questions im just bored) ok thats all love u bye <3
1. pancakes, but maybe thats cause i live in a predominantly pancake house. in the end its like, the same shit right. waffles are cool cause you get to pour syrup in the holes, but pancakes w pb & syrup *chefs kiss*
2. its…whatever. it aint the best but its not the worst either
3. 4 pm
4. bullying. if i tease you til it pisses you off im probably deeply in love with you
5. prolly just bleach. itd look cool with brown roots. if it fries my fucking hair whatever
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thedivineart · 1 year
Hey, here for your new game.
First of all, thank you for the opportunity. Appreciate the time and the energy.
Initials:- M D
Sun sign:- Leo(Tropical)
Time:- 07:40 PM (Indian standard)
Passcode:- gojoxartemis:)
Again, thank you and looking forward to it. Have a great day/night. Cheers 🥂
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cards: jack of hearts, 9 of clubs, 10 of spades, queen of diamond, 6 of clubs, jack of spades, 7 of hearts, 3 of hearts
regarding to the first thing about them, I feel they are just around your age too or probably same age, they got youthful energy here though, they are good natured individual and they do love arts and poetry however the negative side could be immature and too insecure person. on the other hand, if you got brother or someone close male in your life they probably introduce you to your fs or they will be your friend first before having romantic relationship with them.
they be living in faraway and so that's the sign that they are not living in around your neighborhood or you may meet them in your late 20s or even 30s since you got the delay and postpone card here. I feel that they are experiencing anxiety or depression in life ATM.
at the present they actually doesn't know what to do which causing it to be negative in some way, I feel they experience some shocking or unfortunate events in present life which they worry, fear or disappoint them big time. may possibly losing hope about their future since they thought there's alot of people are blocking their way from reaching there goals and dreams in life. on the other hand, I feel that they also experience betrayal or deception to their relative one, you may meet them also near water ( large body of water ) like ocean or beach, fountain, pond, etc. and that might be happen at night and during cold weather season.
someone may help them towards their problems and this is feminine, they will overcome their problem. they are intelligent, imaginative and professional individual and probably financial secure too. they also be working related to money, like a accountant, bank executive, bank manager and government or public official.
this person loves to share their opinion and never be afraid to share what are their thoughts and ideas about the certain thing, I feel whenever they are talking there's also an action or body language through it which super cute for me. they do love writing and reading probably that's one of their hobbies. they are good at counseling or giving advice to people around them or if the person needs it they will be willingly to give one, they do love studying and expanding their knowledge though.
as per I said a while ago that they may be leaving in faraway they could be also a foreign one however they are still young tho. people may put this person in leadership position even thought they are still young, they reason why maybe it's because they know alot of things, very clever and they are full of skills. may work as soldier or military, police officer etc. they are also cold and detach which can appear as a serious one. negative sides could be a bully or someone who often in troubles, could be a liar or someone who is controlling.
on the other hand, they also have this aura of being peaceful and healing at some way, they may like to surprise you which could make you happy also them or this person loves it when people surprise them but in positive way.
this person isn't your ex, it's like a new person coming into your life and yeah you could probably meet them too at party like small celebration type merely like idk baby shower, baptism, gender reveal and they are beautiful person and lovable, probably got strong venus vibes. literally they really loves arts and poetry, they do talent about those things. by the time you meet this person they will be your definition of happiness and love in your life.
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© thedivineart — i speak with myself alone that this is the only copy, original work and was answered by thedivineart for the participant who was join in recent game of this account user. leaving feedback is highly appreciated, Thank You♡
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thesmallestofall · 2 years
🌷~🌸 Pinned Post 🌸~🌷
Last updated: Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023, 12:44 PM
This post, and this blog as a whole, are still works in progress! Please be patient with me while I set things up! - Bean
🍼 Welcome to my SFW agere blog! 🧸
~~~ Here's a link to my resource masterpost! ~~~
Hi there! I'm Bean, an age regressor who typically regresses from 3 to 10 years old. I speak English (🇬🇧), French (🇫🇷), and am learning Welsh (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿), so feel free to talk to me in any of those languages! I love kitty cats, dinosaurs, and going to the arcade! If I had to pick one, I would say my favourite colour is blue, but I pretty much like all of them! I go by they/them pronouns (and occasionally it/its while regressed, but that's only on a case-by case basis, so I'd prefer if those are only used when I expressly ask). Just as an FYI for those who may be uncomfortable with the word, I sometimes refer to myself as a "little" (especially while I'm actively regressed, because baby me simply vibes with the term). I am in no way using it in a k!nk context, and while I fully support consenting adults doing whatever they want, I would prefer that people respect my boundaries and not bring n.s.f.t content into my safe space regardless of the terms I use. Both regressors and those in the k!nk community can use the word, and still be in no way affiliated with each other!
I interact from my main blog, @toosmallformyowngood, though since thats my "big blog" it has some curse words and the occasional mention of not quite kid friendly things (I.e. politics when relevant and maybe some "grown-up-ish" jokes). I never post n.s.f.t stuff either here or there, and I do my best to properly tag everything, but this is a heads up just to inform you! I also have a fandom blog @smallandterriblyafraid, and I occasionally post some agere stuff there (such as headcanons for characters and whatnot). I would recommend being big when you scroll through that one as well, however, seeing as not all of the fandoms I engage in over on that blog are kid friendly.
With all that out of the way, my DNI list can below the cut! Please take a peek at it before interacting!
In no particular order...
🚫 DNI if you: 🚫
- Are rac.ist, homo.phobic, trans.phobic, bi.phobic, pan.phobic, able.ist, aro/ace exclusionary, poly exclusionary, or any other form of xeno.phobic. And yes, this includes supporting people who fit into the above categories. Being a bully isn't nice!
- Are a N.S.F.T blog. Your space is yours to curate as you wish, but this space is mine; I'm just a kid, please don't be yucky!
- Are a t.erf/rad.fem/etc. "Tradwife" adjacent (?) stuff is okay, since your life is yours to live however you want (and if you wanna be a housewife more power to you!), but I don't wanna be told how to live mine.
- Are a practicing M.AP. People with intrusive thoughts can stay, though. It's not your fault that your brain is giving you icky thoughts. I just don't want any talk about anything grown up on my blog, so this isn't the place to discuss it!
- Are anti-endo. Everyone's experiences are valid, so shush!
- Are anti age.re/pet.re, etc. I don' wanna hear your arguments while I'm trying to have fun!
- Vilify mental illness. Nobody is inherently mean, and its rude to pretend like they are!
- Don't support neopronouns, including emoji pronouns. It doesn't have to make sense to you, and nobody reasonable expects 100% accuracy with no occasional mistakes. Just try your best and be nice!
- Are anti it/it's pronouns. I and everyone else can call ourselves whatever we want!
- Are a T.rump supporter, anti.masker, c.ovid denier, etc or just generally a bully. Your conspiracy theories are no fun!
- Crosstag posts with both strictly N.S.F.T and sfw tags, or tag N.S.F.T posts with sfw tags. Mistakes are fine as long as it's just a genuine slip up and you do your best to correct it, though. Accidents happen, but doing it on purpose or leaving it up after being told the issues is a big no no.
- Are one of those "autism warrior moms" or anything even remotely adjacent. Please, please just go away.
And last but not least:
- Think DNI lists are bad or a waste of time. I'm allowed to have opinions, baby or not!
And that's the end! Apologies for the incredibly long and probably overcomplicated list; I tend to have a bit of a hard time putting my thoughts into words, but I hope I got my points across well enough regarding who I do and don't want on my blog. As a thanks for getting through all my rambling, though, have a cupcake! 🧁:D
- Love, Bean!
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