Case Report
a 45M goat herder in Malaysia develops 3 weeks of fevers, lethargy, night sweats and headache
history revealed he drank unpasteurised milk from said goats, which he also sold to consumers
blood cultures were negative and he tested negative for more common tropical diseases such as malaria, dengue, typhus and lepto
eventually he tested positive for brucella serology, unfortunately about 80 people also developed brucellosis from drinking milk from his farm, and a few lab staff also picked it up from handling their blood samples
consider this differential in PUO
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causative organism: Brucella melitensis
gram negative coccobacillus, facultative intracellular
hardy bacteria that can survive prolonged periods in meat/dairy products unless pasteurised/cooked as well as dust & surfaces
picked up in the intestinal submucosa on ingestion and transported by macropahges to lymphoid tissue
it then has the possibility of spreading haematogenously in the liver, spleen, joints etc. causing systemic or localized infection
zoonoses (animal associated)
in particular: feral pigs, so hunters are often at increased risk (due to handling the carcasses), but also cattle, sheep, goat and dogs
outbreaks often associated with consumption of unpasteurized milk from infected animals
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global and notifiable disease in most countries
endemic to Mediterraena, South America and the indian subcontinent
in Australia - largely QLD and NT, but now NSW
Increased risk groups (i.e. what to ask on history and what clues on history to consider for brucellosis)
regular contact with animals (herders, abbatoir workers, vets - there are case reports of lab workers who pick up brucellosis etc)
people who ingest unpasteurized dairy/milk, or the undercooked meat of infected animals
first described by another European white man, Dr. George Cleghorn, British Army Surgeon in minorca in 1751 on the island of Malta following the Crimean war
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it was named for another British white man, Sir David Bruce who led a commission into a fever outbreak among the army in Malta before they found the organism causing the disease (Sir Themistocles Zammit identified that goats transmit it in milk)
Sir bruce also discovered that trypanosoma brucei (also named for him) was the microbe responsible for animal trypanosomiasis/sleeping sickness. incidentally, he was born in Melbourne Australia
trivia with the Crimean war - was ironically a war fought between Russia and the UK + it's Western Allies and the empire that preceded Turkey (Ottoman)
Today the Crimean war is more well known for producing Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing and yay, finally a woman in random medical history that hardly is related to brucellosis.
Clinical features
PUO - cyclical fevers, fatigue, headache, insomnia, myalgias/arthralgias, weight loss, anorexia (fairly non specific, but also systemic)
incubation times can be long, which can be deceptive, reportedly up to 50 yrs from first exposure
otherwise, most cases it ranges from 3 days to several week, on average, expect 2-4
sometimes: hepatosplenomegaly
critical on history to clarify travel/living situation or contacts and consumption of unpasteurised dairy or undercooked meat
localized disease also possible, depending on organs involved
up to 40% will report peripheral arthritis, sacroillitis and spondylititis (kinda sounds like ank spa), at worst can cause osteomyelitis and septic arthritis
endocraditis is a rare but serious complication, with a 5% mortality rate, outside of this it's rarely fatal
if the lungs are affected, cough and SOB can occur but hte CXR will be lcear
GBS has been reported to occur following infection
hepatic abscess and granulmoa in a few
also possible: epididymoorchitis and skin manifestations like erythema nodosum
ocular changes like uveitis, cataracts etc.
it really feels rheum flavoured.
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hints on basic bloods - neutropaenia and anaemia, thromobcytopaenia in the case of hepatosplenomegaly or ITP
raised ESR and CRP, ALP and LDH
elevated LFTs in hepatomegaly
but diagnosis: blood cultures --> can take weeks as slow growing (due to aerosol transmission, must be handled in a biohazard hood as with the case report)
key really: serology is the most commonly used tool
PCR can also be used, including 16S
tissue also an option depending on organ affected
atypical cover: azith and doxy
several weeks of treatment usually - i.e. if uncomplicated, doxy for 6 weeks (however relapses are common on monotherapy, up to 40%), often rifampicin 600 mg daily for 6/52 is also added or gentamicin
where doxy can't be used, bactrim is the alternative
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CDC guideilnes
WHO guidelines
ETG - behind a paywall, if your institution covers it, uptodate is gold standard, that said, plenty of free resources that provide a great start
Case report (There's actually a lot of background pathophysio, investigations and treatment listed in case reports and many are free)
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duckytree · 1 year
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dick as a child: feral
dick as an adult: burnt out, severely depressed, traumatized
jason as a child: angel
jason as an adult: war criminal
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
Can somebody make a Batfamily calendar?
But what month would Bruce and Jason be?
Note: This post was inspired by a fanfic by @xaphrin
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robertdelaunay · 9 months
whenever i see people talking about how they drink raw milk i can think nothing but "ok leon czolgosz..."
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malaayna · 2 years
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- The Australian Government in the 1980s
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travellermp3 · 11 months
When I went to type Bruce, my phone gave me the auto suggestion of Brucellosis.
These are two very different things
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wdonnait · 1 year
Brucellosi : sintomi , diagnosi e cura
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/brucellosi-sintomi-diagnosi-e-cura/114890?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=114890
Brucellosi : sintomi , diagnosi e cura
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La brucellosi è una malattia infettiva causata da batteri della famiglia Brucellaceae. Questi batteri possono infettare gli animali, come bovini, ovini, caprini e suini, e possono essere trasmessi all’uomo attraverso il contatto con animali infetti o con il loro latte o carne cruda o poco cotta.
La brucellosi è una malattia zoonotica, cioè una malattia che può essere trasmessa dagli animali all’uomo. è una malattia globale con una distribuzione geografica ampia e colpisce principalmente le zone rurali dove ci sono concentrazioni di animali.
I sintomi della brucellosi negli esseri umani possono variare e possono includere febbre, sudorazione notturna, dolori articolari e muscolari, stanchezza e debolezza. Alcune persone potrebbero non presentare alcun sintomo.
La diagnosi di brucellosi si basa sui sintomi clinici, sull’anamnesi e sui risultati di esami di laboratorio come le prove sierologiche (come la reazione di Wright o Rose Bengal).
Il trattamento della brucellosi è una combinazione di antibiotici. I farmaci comunemente usati sono streptomicina, gentamicina, doxiciclina e rifampicina. La durata del trattamento varia a seconda della forma clinica e può durare da 4 a 6 settimane.
Per prevenire l’infezione, è importante evitare il contatto con animali infetti e il consumo di carne cruda o poco cotta. Inoltre, è importante seguire le norme igieniche adeguate e indossare indumenti protettivi quando si manipolano animali infetti o i loro prodotti.
In alcune zone, sono disponibili programmi di vaccinazione per gli animali domestici per prevenire l’infezione e la diffusione dei batteri. Inoltre, è importante che gli allevatori seguano le raccomandazioni per la prevenzione e il controllo della brucellosi negli animali.
In generale, la brucellosi è una malattia trattabile se diagnosticata precocemente. Tuttavia, se non trattata, può causare complicazioni croniche e a lungo termine, come danni articolari e muscolari, e può anche essere fatale in alcuni casi. è importante consultare un medico se si sospetta di avere la brucellosi.
Brucellosi sintomi
I sintomi della brucellosi possono variare e possono essere lievi o non presenti in alcune persone, tuttavia i sintomi più comuni sono:
Febbre: una febbre persistente e ricorrente è il sintomo più comune della brucellosi.
Sudorazione notturna: si può avvertire una sudorazione eccessiva durante la notte.
Dolori articolari e muscolari: si possono avvertire dolori e debolezza nelle articolazioni e nei muscoli.
Stanchezza e debolezza: si può avvertire una generale stanchezza e debolezza.
Mal di testa: si può avvertire un mal di testa intenso e persistente.
Perdita di appetito: si può perdere l’appetito.
Nausea e vomito: si può avvertire nausea e vomito.
Ittero: la pelle e gli occhi possono diventare gialli.
Dolori addominali: si possono avvertire dolori addominali.
Tosse e difficoltà respiratorie: si può avvertire una tosse persistente e difficoltà respiratorie.
Infiammazione dei linfonodi: si possono ingrossare i linfonodi.
In alcuni casi, la brucellosi può causare complicazioni croniche e a lungo termine, come danni articolari e muscolari, e può anche essere fatale in alcuni casi. è importante consultare un medico se si sospetta di avere la brucellosi e seguire le raccomandazioni mediche per evitare complicazioni.
Brucellosi cura
La cura per la brucellosi consiste nell’uso di antibiotici, come la doxiciclina e l’eritromicina, per un periodo di tempo di 4-6 settimane. In alcuni casi, può essere necessario un trattamento più lungo. È importante seguire attentamente le istruzioni del medico e continuare a prendere gli antibiotici fino a quando non sono stati completamente assunti, anche se i sintomi scompaiono. La prevenzione della brucellosi comprende l’evitare il consumo di prodotti lattiero-caseari non pastorizzati e la precauzione nei contatti con animali infetti.
Brucellosi come si scopre
La diagnosi di brucellosi può essere effettuata attraverso diversi metodi, tra cui:
Test sierologici, che rilevano gli anticorpi contro i batteri della brucellosi nel sangue del paziente.
Test di laboratorio, che identificano la presenza del batterio nei campioni di sangue, urine, liquido spinale, o altri tessuti del paziente.
Test di provocazione, che consiste nell’inoculare al paziente un batterio inattivato e osservare se si sviluppano gli anticorpi contro di esso.
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qindil · 2 years
Fonte: Center For An Informed America Di Dave McGowan6 ottobre 2001 Nonostante i migliori sforzi dei funzionari statunitensi nel proiettare la nazione del Pakistan a fedele alleato nella “guerra orwelliana al terrorismo”, la verità è che solo un piccolo gruppo di leader illegittimi di quella nazione hanno promesso il loro sostegno verso gli obiettivi militari americani. La stragrande…
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vijayanger12 · 2 years
The global brucellosis vaccine market was valued at US$ 253.1 Mn in 2021 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 4% from 2022 to 2030
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duckytree · 2 months
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big brother extra 5
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alice-baid · 2 years
According to the latest research study, the demand of global Brucellosis Vaccine Market size & share was valued at approximately USD 265.1 Million in 2021 and is projected to reach a value of around USD 390.4 Million by 2030, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 4.2% during the forecast period 2022 to 2030
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covenawhite66 · 17 days
A mix of 160 Cape and African white-backed vultures to their new home at the Shamwari Private Game Reserve in Eastern Cape. Both rehabilitated vultures and purposely breed vultures.
The exclusive 54,300-acre reserve is patrolled by an anti-poaching team, and birds will be able to scavenge with little to no human exposure.
Vultures prevent harmful pathogens such as anthrax and brucellosis bacteria by destroying them in the vulture stomach.
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libraford · 11 months
Just saw an article about a dude who tried to save a bison calf in Yellowstone from a river and I'm here to tell you- do NOT touch wildlife. That calf had to be put down because the herd rejected it and it was trailing cars for food and safety and it takes months to quarantine for brucellosis (which is ok for an adult, but the these are formative times for a calf.) Like that calf was going to die no matter what.
Leave the wildlife alone. Theres signs all over the park.
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soberscientistlife · 11 months
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On This Day In 1917, US microbiologist Alice Catherine Evans reported her findings that Bacillus abortus in milk caused the disease brucellosis. Disbelieved because she was a woman and had no PhD, it was not until 1930 that milk in the US was routinely pasteurized.
The more you know...
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conradscrime · 2 months
5 Cases of Missing Indigenous Women in Canada
March 03, 2024
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Carbon Doe was found on April 21, 1995, in a ditch outside the village of Carbon, in Alberta, Canada. She was likely last seen alive between 1980 to 1985, it is estimated that she was there for 10-15 years before her remains were found.
It is believed she is of Indigenous descent.
She was between 5'0-5'4 in height, had multiple dental fillings, and is possible she had children.
The woman had brucellosis, which means she would have suffered from repeated fevers. This disease is not common in Canada. She is estimated to be between 22-35 years old. She had dental work done, including stainless steel crowns.
There was no clothing or personal items found with her body. Some believe Carbon Doe was not from Alberta, but might have just been travelling at the time of her death. It is possible she was never reported as missing.
Her cause of death has never been released, though many suspect she was murdered.
2. Annie Yassie
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Annie was born on July 27, 1960. Her family were members of the Sayisi Dene First Nation, located outside Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.
The Dene Village was promised a lot from the government, but did not get any support, never receiving promised hunting and trapping supplies. They had to scavenge for food in the dump. What happened to these people in this village was named one of the worst crimes against Indigenous people in Canada.
Annie was extremely close to her sister, Eva. She loved to sew doll clothes and was a fan of the "hippie" look, often wearing denim outfits. Annie loved Christmas, and her sister Eva said she sometimes would sleepwalk, which Eva would watch her closely.
In 1973, Annie was sent to the Mackay Residential School in Dauphin, Manitoba, far from Dene Village. The Christian Church ran these residential schools, and they were mostly made to abuse and strip Indigenous children away from their culture.
At the time Annie disappeared she had returned from the residential school and was staying with her brother Fred.
On June 22, 1974, Annie was apparently out with a man who was about 10 years older than her. The two were drunk and had been celebrating Treaty Day. The taxi driver said the man had to drag Annie out of the car because she was passing out, and the taxi driver was asked to pick them up later. They were dropped off 3km outside of Churchill.
When the taxi returned, the driver said Annie was not there, only the man. The man was extremely drunk. Fred did not worry immediately when Annie did not return, as he knew she had said she wanted to visit her sister Eva at some point.
Eva showed up to Dene Village on June 26, 1974, discovering that everyone had assumed Annie had been with her the past 4 days, which was not true. Annie was officially reported missing that day.
The man Annie was last seen with was questioned, but he claimed he was too drunk and did not remember much. The case went cold. In 2014, they reopened Annie's file. In June 2016, Eva was asked to give a DNA sample. It took some time for police to get to Eva again, and it is unknown if DNA was actually taken.
Eva believes her sister was murdered by the man she was seen with that night, however that man is no longer alive.
Annie Yassie was 13 years old when she went missing. She was last seen wearing a blue denim jacket, a pair of blue denim jeans, brown shoes with a 3" heel. She was thin build, 5'4, weighing around 104 pounds. She has black hair and brown eyes.
If anyone has info they are to contact the Cold Case Unit of the Winnipeg RCMP at 204-983-5461. If you would like to remain anonymous you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
3. Caitlin Potts
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Caitlin was last heard from on February 22, 2016, through a Facebook message to her sister. She was 27 years old at the time, from the Sampson Cree First Nation. Caitlin was last seen by a witness in Enderby, British Columbia, Canada.
Caitlin was reported missing on March 1, 2016, however an official missing alert on the RCMP's website did not appear until March 21.
In June 2016, Caitlin's mother, Priscilla, contacted Indigenous groups in the province to help conduct a search for her daughter. Caitlin was in foster care until she was 11 years old.
Priscilla describes her daughter has happy as a child and extremely smart. Caitlin was born and raised in Alberta, however was living in B.C. at the time of her disappearance. Caitlin was living in Edmonton, Alberta with her younger sister, Codi, before recently moving to Enderby, B.C. where her boyfriend had moved.
Caitlin did not have the best relationship with her boyfriend and the two were on and off for about 2 months before she had disappeared. Codi claims Caitlin's boyfriend was physically abusive towards her and Caitlin would show up with bruises.
Codi said Caitlin's boyfriend had been arrested before and during that time Caitlin had stayed in a Salmon Arm women's shelter. Caitlin was doing good, going to school and working at Tim Horton's, however a few months later she went back to him.
Codi said Caitlin had texted her boyfriend the day she went missing and was upset over money he owed her. Caitlin also messaged Codi that she had found a ride to Calgary from Kijiji. Caitlin's roommate from the women's shelter had said Caitlin told her she met a stranger the night before.
Caitlin was seen by a witness in Enderby, and she had texted her sister that she was in Kelowna, B.C. before she disappeared.
Caitlin Potts was about 5'3, 150 pounds with brown eyes and long black hair with blonde streaks. Anyone who has info is to contact the Vernon RCMP at 250-545-7171 or anonymously Crime Stoppers at 1-888-222-8477.
4. Betsy Rosa Owens
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Betsy was born July 7, 1973. She was a member of the Pauingassi First Nation, in Manitoba, Canada, and was extremely close with her sisters, Caroline Owens and Valerie Leveque. Betsy loved swimming with her sisters in Fishing Lake.
Betsy was described as a nice girl, who would go out of her way to avoid trouble. She loved music, and at the time of her disappearance she loved the song "Manic Monday" by The Bangles.
On October 22, 1988, Betsy was going to attend a dance with her boyfriend. Betsy and her boyfriend left the dance around 11pm. The last time her boyfriend saw her was the next morning, October 23, when she left his house.
Community members searched for Betsy as soon as she was discovered as missing, however no one found anything. Law enforcement conducted searches in 1996 and 1997 and found nothing.
In 2013, Caroline provided samples of DNA in case Betsy's remains were ever found.
Many rumours have been spread throughout the community, with many members believing they know who was involved in Betsy's disappearance. Betsy's family is not happy with police, as they say they rarely visit Pauingassi First Nation, and should have made more of an effort.
The lead investigator believes Betsy was met with foul play, but there's not enough evidence to arrest anyone.
Betsy was 15 years old at the time of her disappearance. She was last seen wearing a white cotton hooded sweater, a blue denim jacket, blue denim jeans and white high top runners. She was slender built, 5'3 in height, and weighed 119 pounds. She has long black hair and brown eyes.
If Betsy was alive today she would be 50 years old, turning 51 in July 2024. If you have any info you can contact the Winnipeg detachment of the RCMP at 204-983-5461.
5. Tamara Lynn Chipman
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Tamara was from Moricetown Band, First Nation, now known as Witset, in British Columbia, Canada. She loved going on her dad's fishing boat and being outside. Tamara was described as lively and would not back down from a situation.
Tamara was 22 years old and the mother of a 2 year old son, when she went missing on September 21, 2005, near Prince Rupert, B.C. Being a young mother, it was said that Tamara began to hangout with the wrong crowd.
The people close to Tamara had speculated that she may be getting involved in drugs. In September 2005, Tamara had been in Prince Rupert, where her mother lived, for a few days without a car, as her car had broken down a few weeks earlier. Tamara was hitchhiking east, towards Terrace where her father lived.
In early November 2005, Tamara's father, Tom, realized no one had heard from his daughter and her rent had not been paid. Her bank account had also not been touched. Tom reported Tamara missing to the RCMP.
On November 15, 2005, an official search for her began. There was a claimed sighting of her in Vancouver, but no further evidence was found.
There was no named suspects but RCMP say they are pretty certain they know what happened. Two men and one woman have come forward claiming to have seen Tamara hitchhiking and picked her up. The woman said they were driving towards Terrace, when one of the men began arguing with Tamara and hit her, strangling her to death in the car.
They then pulled over in a remote area along the highway and dumped her body. The man who killed her returned to the area later to move and bury her body in the forest. The police searched this supposed area with the woman but Tamara's body was never home. The witness and two men have since died.
Tamara was last seen on an stretch of Highway 16, between Prince George and Prince Rupert, also known as the Highway of Tears, because many have disappeared from this highway.
Tamara's disappearance remains unsolved and no body has ever been found if the claims of her being murdered are true.
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