#bread wont rise
ir-dr · 2 years
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Day 3343 - 5 July 2022
Book Club
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
mine WOULD be the justice arcana. if you even care or anything.
#snap chats#LISTEN SOMEONE JOKED ABOUT IT ON MY INITAL POST BUT LIKE#I HAD ALREADY THOUGHT HE'D BE JUSTICE CAUSE IT'S JUST FITTING IN EVERY SENSE LMAOOOO#i just keep thinkin bout it cause it just fits so well#brunette-with-parental-difficulties-and-a-stoic-personality-who-needs-the-protagonists-help-to-be-at-peace-with-themselves gang rise up#'help' he beats the shit out of mine but listen. you can shoot akechi on a boat LMAO#have your duel in the metaverse w/e i'm getting off topic#seriously though the thing is 'justice' is a part of his character#more so 'justice' in the sense of lashing out against opposition to daigo#'justice' in enacting punishment on others who he's deemed have done wrong in one way or another#and then of course he inevitably has to face justice for his own actions which he does without hesitation#as he interprets that as 'the best' course of action and proper atonement#justice also goes more into pursuing The Truth wherein mine's truth is learning about the true value of bonds with others#see typing that just SOUNDS like a persona villain man fuck off LMAOO#see i wasnt going to type a proper essay but i kinda want to.... the worms are festering on my brain....#UGH SEE NOW I WANNA WRITE UP SOMETHING PROPER CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I AINT SAYIN WHAT I WANNA SAY HOW I WANNA SAY IT#like UGH this is why i like doing the persona arcana shit cause like#when you find a match you can REALLY find a match and its just fun exploring how well it fits#ima stop now tho ill go be normal now. and by that i mean rummage around my kitchen and make like. breaded chicken at 8PM#i dont even eat at night but i also cant just let that go to waste it wont be good if i leave it in the fridge overnight#ok whatever this post is everywhere. these TAGS are everywhere my mistake#thats always what i mean though like 'the post' is just like. The Title yk what i mean#the REAL meat's in the tags. because i'm deranged#i don't know why it's more comforting to type in the tags it just is. it's like Extra Bits for the post or whatever idk#ok im done now fr bye#send me more arcana shit if you want because like i said This Shit Gets Fun
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kitchenwitchtingss · 11 months
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These things are really like garlic rolls meet cinnamon rolls but with delicious sage butter!
They are perfect if you have a little extra time on your hands, and can be served alone or with a dinner, stew, or any type of soup and it pairs pretty well.
Quite the crowd pleaser ^_^
For the Tangzhong:
2 tablespoons  bread flour
2 tablespoons water
4 tablespoons whole milk
For the Bread:
4 cups Bread flour
4 tbsp sugar
1/3 cup milk
A full packet of Instant Dry Yeast
2 large eggs
Half a stick of Salted butter
Pinch of Salt
For the Egg Wash:
1 large egg
1 tbsp water
For the Sage Butter:
7 tbsp Salted butter
1 tsp garlic salt
2 tsp ground sage
1 tsp thyme
2 cloves minced garlic
Heat the Tangzhong ingredients over medium heat until they become very thick, about the consistency of a very thick brownie batter. It should be congealed enough so that it doesn't slide off the spatula very easily. This should take no longer than 5 minutes. Let it cool down completely (If you add it in hot, you will risk killing the yeast and the bread will not rise.
(What is Tangzhong?) Its a mixture of flour, milk, water that really steps up your game when it comes to the fluffiness of the rolls. Once you try adding this to your basic breads, you wont go back!
Bloom yeast in warm milk (Put in the microwave for about 15 seconds, it should be lukewarm, not hot. Add Flour, a pinch of salt, and sugar into a stand mixer with the dough hook attachment.
Crack egg and milk into the yeast and with the stand mixer’s dough hook attachment, mix into the flour mixture. Add in Tangzhong. Add butter 1 tablespoon at a time and mix until the dough is elastic. Then mix for another 5 minutes. If the dough looks too dry, add a tablespoon of water, and repeat until smooth. If it is too liquidy, add a couple pinches of flour.
Put the bread dough in a lightly greased medium bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise at room temperature for 2 hours. In the meantime, make your sage butter by beating your salted butter, garlic, and herbs.
Flour the workspace and roll the dough flat to about 1/4 inch thick. Smear all of your butter mixture onto the dough. Roll as you would a cinnamon roll, from the widest side of the rectangle to the other side.
Cover for 2 more hours for them to proof. Then combine egg and water to form your egg wash and brush it onto the rolls briefly before putting it in the oven. Put in the oven at 350 F for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
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lesvegas · 1 year
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Extremely Easy Lazy as Fuck Flatbread/Foccacia/Pizza-type Thing For People Who Don't Know How To Bake Shit
You're gonna need uhh about
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp olive oil
like a cup and a half of water or somethin
1 tsp maple syrup/honey/sugar/sweetener of your choice
a pinch or a few of salt
whatever herbs you want brother (i used parsley, oregano, basil, and garlic powder)
I am not a baker I literally have only made flatbread and tortillas before in like, a pan on the stove. But it was super easy to slap some leftover dough into a pan to make this heavenly flatbread type thing so here's how it's done
In a bowl you're gonna mix flour, yeast (I use yeast that you just throw in dry, idk, follow your yeast's instructions), baking powder and salt.
Once those dry ingredients are mixed you're gonna add your sweetener/maple syrup, 1 of your 2 tbsps of olive oil, and about a cup of water (literally just enough to make it all come together in a dough)
If the dough is practically liquid or sticky as hell, add some more flour. If it's dry/brittle/wont come together, add a bit more water. It's not rocket science I promise you might need practice but like trust the process
Roll that dough onto a floured surface and knead that shit. So like press it down, roll it onto itself, press again, keep doin that til its a smooth ball
Put that shit back in the bowl (after lining the bowl with flour so it doesnt stick) and cover with a damp towel for 10 mins to let it rise. Alternatively you can put the dough in an air-tight container/plastic bag and leave it in the fridge over night like i did
Preheat oven to like 350F or 175C
After that shits risen get a greased baking pan (as you can see I used a standard round cake pan cause thats what i have) and drop the dough in. Flatten and spread it with your fingers, poke holes into it
Drizzle that remaining olive oil, add herbs and salt to taste, whatever the hell you want really. then pop it in the oven
I didnt time it just like, watch it til its golden brown idk
Take the pan out but let the bread relax for a hot minute. Then put the bread on a cutting board or cooling rack or something. Let it cool completely before cutting into it for best results
I made this to dip in beef soup but its also heavenly on its own as a certified bread enjoyer
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knwatchesninjago · 3 months
S1E12 The Rise of the Great Devourer
Look who livessss!!!
Welp i gtg soon so imma just get straight to it, lolll!!
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and he didn't even put the slat on the inside parts.... he put it on the BREAD?!?!?!!!!
that's it.... im done questioning ninjago
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Why is he soo tiny? 😭💞
How can Pythor look at that baby and hurt him?
Ok... time out... I'm back to questioning ninjago again....
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its right above lava....
apparently this volcano is also THREE BAJILLION DEGREES!??!?
ummm... forget the anchor... how in the world did the Destiny Bounty survive?!?!? And the ninjas!?!?
*sighs once again at ninjago logic*
(or the lack of it)
(boy do i miss my old tag of #Lloydster_Enters_The_Scene.... too bad the lloydster wont be coming back anymore :'( )
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The deep voice in the beginnng made me cackle 🤣
I was soo set on editing after I watched that, but im on a time crunch due to my bet with my friends soooo...
Also... where are the ninjas' braincells? Who in their right mind would let a 7 year old fly a ship all ALONE??!?
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Wwhen i ws watching this scene i really couldnt help but laugh when I saw the plank, loll. Dang, Wu... u reallly would make ur students walk a plank? Lolll
But all jokes aside... Kai... you really have some strong feet...
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My little gremlin is sooo smalll 😭
#Stop Discriminating Against Snake-People
Okay... okay.
This is my biggest complaint.
Look I get it that the serpentine are the "bad guys" in this season, but... EXCUSSE ME?!?!!?!?
The only snake that deserves to be punished is Pythor. Actually...no. Even he deserves a break.
No one deserves to be locked up underground. Did you see the cave he was stuck under? It was full of skeletons. And Pythor was the oly one alive....
that has a lot of implications. The guy had to probably eat his fellow snakes in order to survive... the snakes were treated horribly.
Now I dont remember exactly why they were forced underground but if my memory serves me right... was it bc of some war?
But like... I bet there were so many innocent snakes as well, right?
Like looks at these babies:
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i'm pretty sure these snakes are ment for comedic relief but stilll... some of them are sooo sweet 😭
And.... Cole..... blackberryy.... u did NOT have to shoot Skales....
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Honestly with that kinda blast i have no idea how Skales even survived that, lolll.
Also... WU!!! WHAT THE HECK DUDE?!?!??
WHat was this for??!??
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Why didn;t you let Pythor leave?!
Why are you trying to get both yourself and Pythor killed?!?
I know that it was trying to give off the vibe that Wu was "sacrifising" himself or something, but imo, it was just plain stupid.
But then again, im giving too much critizism to a kids show. No kid out there is analyzing the show like i am, so ur off teh hook this time, lol.
Also... y'all... this mailman deserves the world.
He is so dedicated to his job. Plus he's old.
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I'll leave you with this:
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Byeeeee!!! Cya laterr!!! <3333333
Oh wait!! I 4got to add this:
#My fav quotes
"But Sensei"
"Butts are for sitting"
(excuse me??!? wasn't there a yellow color or something? or am i remembereing wrong?)
"You are like the sunrise, we can not begin a day without you"
Zane sweetiee... ur too precious for the world!! <333
alright byeeee
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omegasmileyface · 4 months
he thinks being old makes him a genius and when he was young he thought being young made him a genius. he thinks hes the only person on earth with critical thinking skills, and whenever he comes up with a new theory he hasnt heard before, he assumes the reason he hasnt heard it is because no one else was creatove enough to think of it. it couldnt POSSIBLY be that experts have thought of it and disproven it— hes the first person to think of it, and since it makes sense and has potential, that means it MUST be true. and if HE discovered a truth before the experts did, that means theyre unqualified to be experts, and he's the only person whose ideas matter. did you know it was me who started feeding the birds? because corvids are my favorite. so i researched for weeks, and started investing in unsalted peanuts so i could throw them out on a regular basis. and when i would go off to school, he would "feed the birds for me". mom and i both told him to stop, because he wasnt making my hobby easier, he was taking it from me. this was now something i didnt get to do, because feeding the birds more often is bad for them and makes them dependent. "no, theyre birds, they wont get dependent," he would say, with the tone of someone letting a toddler know that of course the sun will still rise even if you dont go to sleep. and he kept feeding the birds. and when he cant find the exact brand of peanuts id been buying, he just goes for whatever other peanuts he can find— he doesnt care if theyre unsalted. because he never did that research. and now he feeds them every day and he loves the crows and he hates the ravens and the magpies and the bluejays, all some of my favorite animals, because theyre "greedy". he acts like he can tell the individuals apart (he cant) and he gives them names and watches their drama and gives me updates on "my" birds like i didnt stop feeding them years ago. i HAD to stop because he didnt, because he didnt listen. he NEVER listens. and when he thinks the bread is too old? not when its moldy, when he decided it's "too old" like he knows, like he buys the groceries, like he notices when new groceries need to be bought, like when he shops he gets what we asked for and not something vaguely, vaguely related but the wrong kind and four times the price? he gives it to the birds. he gives pieces of factory-made wheat bread to crows like a child feeding ducks without reading the sign. and ive told him its bad for them, the same way salted peanuts are, the same way overdependence is, the same way mowing is bad for the local ecosystem, the same way keeping his phone plugged in is bad for its battery, the same way ignoring research is bad for science. but he doesnt care, because its not, because if bread was bad for the my his crows that would mean he was wrong. and hes always right! hes right when hes a husband leaving his dishes in the wrong place every single day, when hes an experienced cook leaving the pot handle poking directly out into the room, when hes a weatherman saying climate change isnt real, when hes a proudly observant man breaking the smoke detector when he installs it, when hes an experienced trucker going 20 mph over the speed limit, when hes a compassionate and wise man saying russians are genetically predisposed to lying, when hes a genius saying the etymology of "meme" is "e-memo", and when hes a father telling his child whose real gender he doesnt even know that fear is a choice. daddy knows best.
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whumpshaped · 11 months
i made pizza today..
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i rly said "im making pizza for lunch" and mother said "too late for that the dough wont rise" and i said "it doesnt need to." and proceeded to make the best fucking pizza ever
the dough is just mostly equal parts flour and plain yogurt if anyones curious. and salt of course. this was like... 400 g flour, 400 g yogurt and 2 teaspoons of salt. its so good
and then after lunch we had 2-2 pieces of my zucchini bread. honestly im carrying this household on my back /j housewife era
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
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I butchered it. I tried to make rice blender bread and i really goofed it fam. If anyone knows why it collapsed please tell me?
It collapsed while baking. I'm wondering if maybe i didn't let the batter rise long enough? This is killing me.
It still tastes good but something went very wrong and i wont be okay until i can figure out exactly what.
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arborescent-shadows · 11 months
ok while we are at it again!!! People here are bad at making bread!!! It's not that hard to make very basic bread!! it's ok to cheat with quick rise yeast or make milk bread. But everyone here is adding sugar to bread!! not pumpkin bread or like a sweet bread. i mean like sandwich bread. sandwich/savory bread should taste good on its own or with butter! you dont need to add sugar if you do it right!!!
also it's OK to stop putting random shit in your pasta salads!!! Some veggies and spices wont hurt you!!! stop adding jello and marshmellows to savory things!!!
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viennaflora · 2 years
okay ed sheeran loving bitches listen to me
i’m at my goal weight in under 3 weeks and it wasn’t by exercising and it wasn’t by starving myself
i didn’t know how to lose weight but all i wanted was to be skinny so i didn’t eat and then my body would crave high calorie foods so intensely because i was starving myself and i would binge eat. it’s a cycle.
the key to weight loss is keeping your insulin levels low which basically means keeping your blood sugars low because it triggers insulin and insulin stops fat burning. what raises insulin levels the most is sugar and simple carbs. u basically cannot be burning fat if you’re eating processed sugar. the sugar in fruit is good for you and gives you energy so eat those. avoid white bread and things with lots of carbs. avoid processed sugar.
if you’re craving junk food you haven’t eaten enough nutrients. eat healthy and wait. you need to make sure you’re eating enough good food and you won’t even crave that food anymore. you can still be in a calorie deficit just make sure you’re eating enough to have energy and not crave.
another thing i have to mention is every time you eat something your insulin levels will rise and your body is burning what you ate instead of your stored fat. so if you want to lose weight fast you should utilize hours in the day by fasting for a period of time to burn fat (not just fast while sleeping). i don’t mean starve yourself. if you can feel you’re hungry, eat. there’s still plenty of time to burn fat in the day, don’t make yourself miserable by not eating when you need to. but intermittent fasting has proven to be so good for you, it boosts metabolism, makes your body adapt to burning fat, and gives you energy (your body might take a few days to get used to it).
other tips:
eat vegetables. you’re supposed to eat 8 cups of them a day. they help you’re body burn fat. eat big salads.
eat healthy fats. avocados. nuts (remember that salt is okay to eat it actually can give you an energy boost and has no calories). don’t be scared of fats your body will burn them first.
POTASSIUM. you’re body needs it in weight loss. take a supplement 500mg a day. bananas are great. trust me it helps.
it’s okay to have treats in small doses. don’t think “oh i didn’t eat healthy i fucked up today” just remember that as long as you eat treats in small doses and utilize intermittent fasting you can still lose weight it will just be a little slower. so think “i’ll just have a slower day today because i want a cookie” and it’s okay to eat a cookie. fast for a few hours and let your body burn off the cookie and when your body actually feels hungry again eat healthy food.
try not to eat before or after you workout because your body will burn what you ate instead of your fat.
you burn the most fat while you sleep so try to not eat before bed because your body wont be burning it’s stored fat if there’s food to burn. sleep also helps in weight loss in general try to get 8-10 hours atleast.
my routine with fasting:
what i do is wake up at around 8am drink diet pepsi because i need something to do and occupy myself with something (it’s not the best for you but it’s okay). some days i’ll excersise very lightly because exercising while fasting burns fat the fastest. then i get hungry at around 11 or 12 i eat a big meal and then i don’t eat again until 6 or 7. this works for me but whatever works for you is what you should do. the important thing is to eat when your body is hungry and not when you’re bored. i love feeling skinny and drinking my green tea in the evenings at 9pm because i haven’t eaten since 6pm. i love waking up and putting my biker shorts and tank top on and going for a walk and knowing i’m burning fat because i haven’t eaten since 6pm and then looking forward to a big meal at lunch. i still get to feel like i’m getting skinny but i’m also eating enough and i don’t crave junk food like i used to. i eat smaller portions. i only eat foods i really love to eat. like smoothies and salads with chicken and fruit bowls and cauliflower nachos and avocado toast with whole wheat bread and oatmeal and salted almonds. i have energy to run and go outside and do the things i want to do in my day. im very skinny but i allow myself to eat food. im taking care of my body and it feels amazing. i’ve struggled with this for 5 years now and realizing all of this has made me so happy and look the best i ever have.
i really hope this helps someone.
you’re worth it. i have hope for you. take care of yourself<3
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt16
Temptation Masterlist
A few months have gone by and there has been a rise of people going missing, maybe vampires turning others. I sit down at the lunch table next to Edward
"Hey" Jess says more towards Bella
"Just in time, alright check it out. 'My fellow students' right, right" Mike starts
"Wow" Jessica doesn't seem all that convinced 
"We are the future, anything is possible if you just believe"
"Nice" Angela laughs
"Perfect" Erik shakes his head
"Blah blah blah, and you got yourself a speech"
"So basically every other high school graduation speech?" I raise a brow
"This will be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head, so thank you" Jess throws the paper at Mike
"You gotta embrace the clichés" Mike says looking at me. Not when you have heard that speech a bunch of times. Edward hears this and laughs at me
"They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians"
"Mm at that is why you are not valedictorian" Angela comments
"Jess doesn't need clichés. The speech is going to be epic" Bella says
"Epic? it will change lives" Alice sits down next to me with Jasper
"I have decided to through a party"
"After all how many times are we going to graduated high school" Jasper jokes making Edward, Alice and I snicker
"A party at your place?" Angela looks shocked that Alice has even suggested the idea
"I've never seen your house"
"No one has ever seen their house" Erik extends on what Jessica was saying
"Another party Alice?"
"I will be fun"
"Yeah, thats what you said last time" Alice leans back, knowing Alice is having a vision Bella distracts the others asking if she needed help with something. Edward reads Alice's mind so he knows what the vision is. Jasper and I kept in the dark for now, but on the look of their face's it's not great.
While Edward takes Bella to the police station to met her dad there, Alice tells us what her vision was as soon as we get home
"Victoria is coming back here, Edward is trying to convince Bella to go to Florida to see her mom"
"When will she be here?" I ask Alice while I'm wrapped up in Emmett's arms
"This weekend"
"Great" I sigh.
That weekend Edward and Bella leave town to see Bella's mum. So here the rest of us are, waiting in the woods for Victoria to appear. I stand in between Emmett and Rosalie
"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asks
"She's almost here" Alice says seeing Victoria in her vision. We all look around the wood, I then smell her sent
"On our left!" I shout, we all head in that direction. Obviously the others being quicker than me with speed, but the trees kinda slowing them down. Emmett and I are next to one another, he goes to grab her, but she ends up flinging him into a tree which pisses me off. Just as I'm about to grab her she jumps over on the the wolves territory making us all halt
"Wait she's on their territory" Carlisle puts his hand out to make sure none of us go after her. I grunt as I chase her, but over on our side
"She'll get away!" Esme yells
"No she wont" Jasper replies as the wolves all come out of the trees. Just before they grab her with their mouth she hopes back over to our side of the territory. Just as I grab her we both flip on to a rock, thankfully I don't feel much pain. I'm on top of her holding her down but as Rose and Thomas come into view she manages to throw me backwards into Rose knocking us both down
"You ok?" she asks me helping me up
"Yeah you?"
"Yeah" she breathes out. Thomas and Emmett run past us, Emmett looks even more pissed than I was. Rosalie and I get up and run to join the others but when we arrive Emmett is in the water while a wolf is snarling and snapping at him
"He tried getting on their land, to focused on catching Victoria" Esme explains to me
"Damn it" I sigh "Emmett!" I call. He speeds over to me
"Are you ok? I wanted to kill her so bad for hurting you"
"I'm fine, the real question is are you ok?"
"Yeah" Emmett pulls me into him "I'm ok as long as you are"
"Just don't be so stupid again"
"I won't, I promise"
"She's gone, theres nothing we can do now. Go hunt if you need to. Kat go home and rest" Carlisle walks over to us placing a hand on Emmett's shoulder.
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rose-of-the-valley · 1 year
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I posted 2,459 times in 2022
That's 957 more posts than 2021!
235 posts created (10%)
2,224 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,258 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#rose speaks - 228 posts
#twst - 84 posts
#barbatos - 68 posts
#rose vibes - 47 posts
#satan - 37 posts
#lucifer - 32 posts
#belphie - 32 posts
#levi - 28 posts
#mammon - 27 posts
#asmo - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#me deciding that rose and satan are actually platonic soulmates instead of whatever weird will they wont they situation i'd put them in befo
My Top Posts in 2022:
i sit in a meeting with the obey me writers and slide something across the table to them
it's $5 paper-clipped to a post-it note that reads "make them say 'thank the lord' instead of 'thank diavolo'"
28 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
this should get me through the next 5 days until the full song comes out
56 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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saw this on twitter today
65 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
Pairing: barbatos x gn!reader/mc (pre-relationship, implied romantic) Genre: fluff, sfw Warnings: n/a Word Count: ~650 Notes: i wrote this in the one hour it took my bread to rise so it is very themed around watching too many baking vids at 3am
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When Barbatos came knocking at Purgatory Hall’s door at midnight, he wasn’t expecting you to answer. Likewise, you didn’t expect to see him outside the castle at such a late hour. You blinked at him a few times, both in surprise and to try and shake off some of the grogginess that came with being startled awake.
“Oh uh, hi Barbatos. What brings you here?”
“I might ask the same of you - why are you not at the House of Lamentation?”
Before you could reply, a gentle whirring noise came from inside. Barbatos glanced past the door and saw Luke fast asleep on the couch, the source of the sound a Deviltube video playing in front of him.
Your eyes followed Barbatos’s gaze as you answered. “Luke was having some nightmares, so Simeon asked if I could come over and help comfort him. We ended up watching some cooking ASMR videos.” You smiled sheepishly. “I guess we both fell asleep to them.”
“Well then, it appears we are here for the same reason. I apologize for not being here sooner - I had to finish my duties to Lord Diavolo first. May I offer my assistance at this point in time?”
 The two of you carried Luke back to his room and tucked him in, saying your goodbyes to Simeon and turning off the TV on your way out. Before you could say farewell to Barbatos, he requested to walk you home, citing the time of day as a safety concern. After some protesting that he should rest sooner rather than later, you gave in and accepted his escort.
There was a comfortable silence as you walked. A warm breeze blew past every so often, and despite the Devildom’s strange weather, it felt like a perfect summer night. Perhaps it was the lateness of the hour, or maybe the summer vibes, but something emboldened you to reach for Barbatos’s hand. Your pinky brushed against his, the direct contact making you hesitate until you felt his finger curl around yours. The only evidence that he knew what he was doing was the faint blush dusting his cheeks. The two of you walked like that for a while, neither commenting on your now linked pinkies. 
Barbatos was the first to break the silence. “Do you often watch those kinds of videos?”
“You mean the cooking ASMR ones?”
He nodded.
“Sometimes, I guess. They’re really calming, and the recipes are pretty good when I feel like trying them myself.”
A small smile graced Barbatos’s lips. “If you would like, we could try one of the recipes together sometime. Or, if you would prefer to stand by, I would be happy to have you in the kitchen just watching and listening. Your own personal ASMR, if you will.”
You felt your cheeks flush, and not from the summer heat. “Yeah, I... I’d like that. Oh! We could start with the video I was just watching! They were making these really pretty tea macarons and I know how much you like macarons and - ” 
You stopped short as Barbatos’s laughter bubbled up. “I’m sure we will find the time to try as many recipes as you’d like. However, for the moment you should probably head inside.” He gestured at the open door in front of you.
“Oh. Right.” In your excitement you’d failed to notice that you’d unlocked the door the moment you arrived, the motion routine enough to be stamped into your subconscious. If it were possible for your cheeks to get hotter, they probably would’ve. “Thanks for walking me back. I’ll text you later to see when you’re free?”
“I shall look forward to it. Macarons sound delightful.” Barbatos bowed slightly. “Goodnight, MC.”
“Goodnight, Barbatos.”
As you closed the door you heard Beel rooting around in the kitchen. His head poked over the fridge door as you walked past. “Was that Barbatos? Did I hear you talking about macarons?”
You simply smiled as you headed to bed, anticipating dreams as sweet as the desserts you would bake with Barbatos.
136 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Pairing: trey clover x gn!reader/mc (named Yuu)
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: n/a
Word Count: ~900
Notes: for the twst writing collab with @dulcesiabits! Thanks for the prompt! Balancing five people talking at once was difficult but also I love crackfics so it was worth
Summary: You've been acting oddly, and your first year friends are determined to find out why. After much deliberation, they've figured out that you've found a boyfriend, but despite repeated attempts they've yet to find out who it is. Still, they won't give up until they've discovered once and for all: who does the prefect like?
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“Why are we keeping our relationship a secret again?” Trey asked during lunch.
“Look at how funny this is though,” you replied, gesturing at the table of your first-year peers. “They have no clue. Last I heard from Cater, they think I’m dating Riddle.”
Trey sighed. The sight of your friends huddled around a table whispering furiously about their suspicions was admittedly somewhat funny, but still... “Doesn’t it bother you?”
“What, that they think I’m dating someone else? Only if other people actually believed them.” Trey gave you a look. “Ok fine,” you relented. “I’ll tell them. But only if they ask.”
Trey sighed again and planted a small kiss on your forehead. “Fine. At least tell them it’s not Riddle before he has their heads for it.”
Meanwhile, at your usual table, the group was hatching up a plan. They’d narrowed it down to someone from Heartslabyul, so it was up to Ace and Deuce to lead. Despite the failure of their previous tries, this time they were certain they’d find out for sure.
See the full post
220 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
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mxearthcare · 7 months
Wild Yeast Sourdough Starter
Wild yeast sourdough starter
A sourdough starter is the first step to making authentic sourdough bread. Creating your own sourdough starter is easy, and with proper care, it can last for years. This recipe uses pineapple juice to help give the initial growth of wild yeast a headstart.
3 minutes
7 days
7 days 3 minutes
Flour (see notes)
Unsweetened Pineapple Juice
Non-Chlorinated Water
Day 1
2 tablespoons flour (15 grams)
2 tablespoons pineapple juice (30 grams)
Mix the flour and pineapple juice in a small jar or bowl. Stir the mixture 2 or 3 times throughout the day to mix air into it. Stirring the starter several times a day for the first few days will help get air to the yeast which will help the yeast grow better. Keep it covered with a paper towel or coffee filter. Keeping it covered loosely with a paper towel will allow the starter to breath in the yeast that is in the air but will prevent dust or possible flying critters from entering.
Day 2
2 tablespoons flour (15 grams)
2 tablespoons pineapple juice (30 grams)
Add the flour and pineapple juice to the existing starter and give it a good stir.
Stir the starter 2 or 3 times throughout the day to get it aerated. Keep the starter covered with a paper towel or coffee filter. You probably wont notice any activity at this point but have faith that the invisible microbes are doing their work.
Day 3 (you wont need to discard any starter yet, just feed it, stir it, and wait)
1/4 cup flour (30 grams)
1/4 cup pineapple juice (60 grams)
Add the flour and pineapple juice to the existing starter and give it a good stir. By this time you might be seeing a bit of activity in the form of bubbles. Starters in some kitchens might need a day or two (or three or four) longer before seeing activity. Don’t worry if yours isn’t active yet.
Day 4 (by the 4th day you will start to discard part of your starter during the feeding)
1/4 cup of the original starter (approx. 60 grams)
1/4 cup water (60 grams)
1/2 cup flour (60 grams)
Discard all but 1/4 cup of the original starter and add the 1/4 cup water and 1/2 cup flour. The process is much easier if you have a measuring scale but it works just fine if you only have measuring cups.
At this point you will want to keep the starter in a quart jar or any container that holds at least 4 cups. This will give the starter room to rise without spilling out of the jar.
Day 5 and Day 6
Continue the same feeding regimen as on day 4. It is likely that you will need to increase the feeding regimen twice a day but only if the starter is really active.
If it doubles in size within 12 hours then feed it twice per day.
If your starter doesn't seem to be doing anything by this point, don't worry. Sometimes it takes twice as long. It seems to vary from kitchen to kitchen and there are a lot of variables that can affect how rapidly the yeast grows.
Day 7
If your starter has been doubling in size then it is ready to use in your baking.
Take out the amount that is called for in your recipe and feed what is remaining in the container based on a 1:1:1 ratio, based on weight. (for example, 20 grams of starter: 20 grams of water: 20 grams of flour)
Sometimes it may take another week (or even two additional weeks) of feeding so just be patient if it isn't making fast progress.
Storing and using your sourdough starter:
If you will not be baking for a while then stick the sourdough starter in the fridge and feed it once per week at a 1:1:1 ratio. by dumping out all but about 1/4 cup of sourdough starter (about 60 grams) and feeding with 1/2 cup flour (60 grams) and 1/4 cup water (60 grams).
Once you are ready to bake bread, take the starter out of the fridge 1 to 3 days before baking and feed it twice a day, giving it time to come out of hibernation.
Do not seal the container with an airtight lid. If you have a screw-top lid, keep it loose so air can escape as gasses get released in the container.
In some cases, it may take longer than 7 days to get your starter ready for baking. Don't worry if it takes longer, just keep feeding it the same regimen that is outlined for Day 4. If it seems to stop making any activity then it may be in a dormant stage. If that happens, let the starter sit for a day or two without feeding it but don't give up.
For best results, we recommend starting with a whole grain flour for the first and second day. Whole grain flour has more nutrients and microorganisms than white flour and will give your starter an extra ‘boost’. If you start with white flour it will still work but might take a few days longer to see activity brewing in the starter. Just make sure you use UN-bleached flour (bleached flour is treated with chemicals that can retard the growth of your yeast).
We also recommend using non-chlorinated water because chlorine can kill the wanted yeast and bacteria, thwarting your results.
Do not store your starter at temperatures over 78°F or you could encourage bad bacteria to breed in the starter.
Do not feed your starter pineapple juice or any other acid after the first three days. An established starter does not need the acidic environment and the extra acidity could kill the starter.
The longer you keep your sourdough starter, the more flavor it will develop. Usually, after you have been maintaining it for a month or two you will notice a distinct difference in flavor so give it some time.
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the--plant · 8 months
breaking bad as a baking show called baking bad
Jesse we need to bake
mista white I already preheated the oven to 375
good work Jesse now remember yeast likes it warm but not too warm, make sure you don't accidentally kill all your yeast or your bread wont rise
yea yea whatever mister white
*several hours later*
mister whiteb my bread didn't rise!!
Jesse what did I tell you about the yeast!!
(the moral of the story is to not kill your yeast or your bread wont rise and your boss may get mad at you for not listening to their instructions)
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dogheadhermitsshed · 10 months
Sourdough starter floating on water but BREAD WONT RISE
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there is a fear for the size of life.
if all it was, if it could only be, how my chest might open if life was just the sun on skin, the fruit on tongue, long walks at dusk. if life was only palm to palm, fresh laundry, cooling tea still warm for frigid fingers. if life was lacking in sorrow, the worries, and hope for bread the next day... if life was simple, plain, boring even...
but instead i feel expansive with it, as though ive swallowed a bite without chewing, as though ive breathed far too deeply inwards, as though my blood might be thickened and weighty. i suffer in this way, the capacity i am constricted by, the melancholy.. the meaningful tragedy, the relentless waves of what reality permits.
i fear for tomorrow the way one fears for the sun to never rise once more. i fear for the future, i fear for the present, a constant state of balance and nerves... i fear the clouds wont shift, that ill sink farther in the grip of worry. i fear love will grow barren, love will become scarce, that tender sentiments will shiver away from my touch. i fear ill fail, i fear ill spiral, i fear that life, the parts that exceed mundanity, will consume me as i attempt to consume them.
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