otaviogilbert · 9 months
Don’t say these things to your partner when they’re writing a book | SummitPressPublishers
"Discover what not to say to your partner when they're deep in the creative process of writing a book! In this insightful video, They explore the dos and don'ts to support your loved one's writing journey. Stay tuned for valuable tips and insights to maintain a healthy relationship while pursuing literary dreams."
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ghostwriting-xpert · 1 year
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Are you looking to grow as an acclaimed author? Our expert ghostwriters have got you covered! We write, you grow! Go to ghostwritingXpert.com to hire a professional writer for your next book!
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silverskye13 · 5 months
For the record! I'm going to apologize now and say it's probably going to be a hot minute before a new RnS chapter comes out [a week, maybe two]. I have encountered some issues that need sorted.
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i-am-the-doctor · 8 months
Red tides a rollin chapter 3 //TW: Surgery, mentions of violence
The lab was peacefully quiet as the sun began to rise into the Louisiana skies, its heavenly rays leaking in through the windows and onto the various equipment and tables, giving the otherwise desolate and sterile laboratory a strangely warm, inviting aura, like a hug from one’s mother. The two scientists, still asleep in their warm cots, moved not one inch-- at least Jonathan did not, for as soon as the warm beams from the sun hit Fredrick’s face, he slowly began to wake up from his slumber, anticipating finding himself in his own comfy bed in his own home in New Arabi, hoping that the loss of his only child was nothing but a nightmare, but unfortunately, this was not the case, for as soon as Fredrick’s eyes fluttered open, he was met with the barely illuminated ceiling and walls of the Baton Rouge lab.
He stayed in his cot for a little while, still trying to gather his senses after his long sleep and trying to keep warm against the winter cold creeping in. He looked over to the other cot where Jonathan was still sleeping, curled up into a little ball, like how a house-cat would sit, drool seeping from the corner of his mouth while his blue glasses were folded and neatly placed beside his pillow. Fredrick couldn’t help but smile at the sight, as old childhood memories of sleepovers began to come back. He remembered how Jonathan would always come over to Fredrick’s house on the weekends, wearing a baggy white cotton sweater, with a big container of cheese balls and a grocery bag of video games for them to play. It was a time when they were just kids and didn’t have to worry about things like spikers or korsa or anything besides getting good grades in school and not getting in trouble- or at least getting caught. How he longed to experience those memories once again, but he knew that those days are long gone, and have been for years now. He’s 43 now, about to turn 44 on March 12, what good would it do to dwell on the past, especially when there is work to be done? Carefully and quietly, he got out of his cot, and stretched before scratching at his beard. He then remembered breakfast, such an important meal. What would they have, Fredrick thought to himself. Was there even anything there for them to eat? He then remembered that he and the rest of his former collegues had put together a ration closet in the event that there was an emergency that required them to stay inside, such as a bomb or a hurricane. He then tip-toed toward a door, vaguely remembering where the closet was, and slowly opened it to find that, sure enough, there it was, and all the rations looked practically untouched, still in their packages and cans. 
“Good, at least we don’t have to run down to no stores or anything” He whispered to himself, pulling the rations out one by one to see what they had, the majority of it being soups like chicken noodle soup, loaded potato soup, clam chowder, and other canned goods like corn, carrots, canned peaches, while some rations were packaged, like classic military MREs, cheese crackers, chicken crackers, chicken ramen noodles, and there was also a 24-pack of bottled water and a 24-pack of Kimberly-Kola. He picked up a can of Kemper Brand chicken noodle soup, planning to eat it, when he remembered that the rations had been there since well around 2025. He wasn’t about to let him or his best friend get food poisoning, so to test it, he cracked open the can with a can-opener, and took a big sip out of the broth. It tasted perfectly fine, nothing that could be considered rotted or rancid in soup standards. At least we know its safe, he thought to himself as he took another bite. Within a moment, the flourescent lights came on and a shadow was looming from behind him, causing him to jump and swiftly turn around to see who- or what- was behind him.
It was only Jonathan, leaning against the threshold of the enterance into the room on his elbow, the light from the bulbs reflecting off of his thin round sapphire blue glasses as he tried his best to shake off his slumber. They said nothing for a couple of seconds, before Jonathan spoke.
“Mm.. morning, Fredrick..” He muttered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before noticing what fredrick had.
“Oh, Mornin’, Jonathan! I forgot all about us having this ration closet! We got all kinds of good stuff in here! Chicken noodle soup, Kimberly-Kola, Water, crackers, you name it- its all still good! We even got paper plates and bowls and silverware!” Fredrick beamed as he beckoned Jonathan to sit down for breakfast, to which jonathan did just that. He scanned his eyes over at the various cans and boxes and bottles, finally choosing to have the same thing Fredrick was having, Chicken noodle soup.
“Welp- heres to our first breakfast in the lab!” Fredrick toasted as he and jonathan clinked their cans together, drinking the broth and eating the chicken and noodles. For one since everything happened, Fredrick felt right at home eating one of his favorite foods with his most trustworthy friend. Plans for the initiation of the project could wait until afterwards, he thought to himself. They spent the next few minutes of their time chittering amongst themselves as they had their meal together. It wouldn’t be long until Fredrick noticed the clock- which he had put new batteries in and set the time straight, read 8:30 in the morning.
“8 o’clock already, eh Jonathan?” He muttered through sleep-filled vocal chords as he scraped the remainder of the chicken out of the can. Jonathan nodded, smiling as he finished up his can before throwing it into the garbage bin. 
“Yeah, time sure flies when you’re asleep, huh?” Jonathan chortled, to which fredrick grinned. But then he finally recollected the project plan.
“Oh, Jonathan, we need to conduct our first experiment today.” “Oh, right.. Where will we get a subject again?” “The Carnagie Funeral home in New Gonzales. They’re the only funeral home in the southern part of Louisiana that’ll take spiker victims because the venom’s so powerful. You remember Simon Carnagie, I think he worked with us on Project Prometheus?” “Oh yeah, i remember him! Tall, green eyes, blonde?” “Yeah, you got him right! He used to research the spikers after they captured some strays before 2031. He ended up making a bunch of things out of the DNA and parts of the spiker- in fact, I think he was the one that invented Spiker Leather, and he found a way to distill the venom to make alcohol out of it!” “Yeah, i remember him perfectly now! He always seemed to like you a bit better then me, didn’t he?” “I bet that was just because his older brother, Phil, got his arm bl0wn off in the Slaughter of Baja, and i was the one who gave him his new cybernetic one. He always thanked me for it whenever he got the chance. I wonder how they’re doing now-- i haven’t seen those two in ages!”
“I guess theres only one way to find out… you still got the ice chest in the truck?” “I brought it back out after i put her in the cryo-chamber.” “Alright, well i think we got all we need, huh?” Jonathan asked as he stood up, stretching his arms and legs before helping Fredrick up. Fredrick nodded.
“Alright, so now, all we need to do is drive to see the Carnagie Brothers and ask them for some assistance.” “Got it.”
They then put their day-shirts and belts back on and walked outside of the lab, and within an instant, they were subjected to the bitter winter temperatures that winter-time Louisiana had to offer. Fredrick, who was a bit more resistant to the cold, did not mind. However, Jonathan was in pure agony, shivering like a leaf in a hurricane, his eyes rapidly darting every which way. Fredrick, noticing this, stopped in his tracks, and turned right around
“I’ll be back, i’m getting us some lab coats. It might warm you up.” “O-oh, d-don’t w-worry a-b-bout me-” Jonathan stuttered through chattering teeth, but Fredrick only shook his head and put his hand up.
“Don’t “I’ll be fine” me, Jonathan. You need to keep warm. We both need to keep warm.” He huffed before running back into the lab, grabbing some large paper-white lab coats, and running back out. 
“Here, t-take it- i think they’re all the same size.” Fredrick grumbled as he put on one of the labcoats, to which Jonathan sheepishly followed, his face turning pink from either Fredrick’s kind gestures or the careless frigid winds. They then jumped back into Fredrick’s chevy, and pulled back onto the roads.
“You know where New Gonzales is, right Fredrick?” “Yeah, I’ve been there before once, and im fairly certain that its to the west of baton rouge, maybe a little more southward? Yeah, i know where to go.” “Thank god, because i sure don’t!” Jonathan chuckled as he looked out the window and onto the landscape, lush with life. Within the minute, they were back on the road again, this time heading towards New Gonzales, a newly sprung city that moved from Gonzales after a spiker venom water poisoning. When they finally arrived, they noticed the stores and businesses were lined up in uniform lines, lights danced across the tops of buildings alongside neon signs for bars, clubs, drug stores and around streetlights, and train tracks could be seen in the distance that were once used to carry korsa and other materials and goods, a reminder of better times.
“Wow… this place looks awesome, Huh Fredrick?” Jonathan guffawed as he looked out the window like a child going to a theme-park. Fredrick smiles and chuckled, looking at his surroundings before turning his eyes back on the road.
“Heh! Yeah, it sure is! We should go to one of these places here some time!” Fredrick chortled as he drove, eventually making it to the Carnagie Funeral Home, a fancy brown-brick building with an even classier sign that read:
Carnagie Funeral Home
New Gonzales, LA
Simon Carnagie, Owner
Phillip Carnagie, Co-Owner
“Alright Jon, here we are..” Fredrick sighed as they both took off their seatbelts and made their way into the establishment.
The interior was magnificent, with brown wood panels gliding alongside the lower-half of the wall, while the upper half was coated in pearly white paint, with painted pictures of flowers and beautiful scenery and wall-lights adorning them, while the floor was covered by a dark-nude weaved carpet. Sitting at the desk was a woman with salt-and-pepper hair in a loose bun, the only parts of her one could see was her cherry pink blouse, a black camisole underneath, and a gold bangle that rested around her wrist, with a look upon her face that screamed “I really wish i weren’t here right now.”
“Hello, welcome to the Carnagie Funeral home..” The woman droned monotonously while glaring at the two gentleman with uninterest. “Would you like to set up an appointment?”
“Er, No ma’am, We’d like to see Mr. Carnagie, if possible.” Jonathan answered, putting one of his hands into his pocket nervously.
“Sir, You’ll have to set up an appointment if you wish to see Mr. Carnagie-” The bored woman began to say, but was quickly interrupted by the opening of the door behind her, and out from behind walked out a tall skinny man with sandy slicked-back blonde hair, with black thick-rimmed glasses standing in front of his pale-green eyes, tiny little freckles scattered across his cheeks like stars, with a grey suit that accentuated his skinny yet toned form in a modest, classy manner. As soon as he had stepped out, he noticed his former collegues, and his eyes light up.
“Fredrick?! Jonathan?!” His chipper voice rang as he walked over to them, making little grasping motions with his hands. The woman looked at the man with confusion.
“Don’t worry, Ms. Cindi, I Know these people!”
“Hey, Simon! How’s the business going?” Fredrick asked with a smile as he shook Simon’s hand. Simon grinned.
“Its all going well so far! How have you been?” he began to ask before stopping himself, a guilty look crossing his face “Ah, Sorry- that was a stupid question- i know what happened..” He muttered, being the one who drained Olivia of the Spiker venom before treating her.
“Hey, its fine, Simon. Thank you for asking anyway. Er- may we come into your office for a moment? Theres.. Something important we need to ask of you.. A favor, if you will.”
“Well of course! Come in, come in!” Simon chirped as he held the door open for the two gentlemen. As they entered, they noticed that the Carnagie Brother’s office looked different then the main lobby, as this room had dark grey walls with a dark blue weaved carpet, and a brown oval table with 4 chairs, one of them being occupied by a tall salt-and-peppered haired heavy-set man with blue eyes, wearing a dark blue button-up shirt with caramel brown overalls and work boots, holding a book with one cybernetic arm.
“Hey Phil! Remember Fredrick and Jonathan? They’re here to see us!”
The man jumped, red in the face and swiftly closed his book and looked over, covering the cover-art with his organic hand, but after seeing the two men, he relaxed.
“Oh…. Ey, How ya doing, Fred?” Phil laughed as he got out of his chair to give Fredrick and Jonathan a firm handshake before the gentlemen sat down. They talked for a couple of minutes, catching up with each other, until Simon finally asked:
“So Fredrick, what were you going to ask me?” He questioned with an interested, almost excited look on his freckle-scattered face.
“Ah, Yes.. Well… Me and Jonathan, we’re doing a project in our… well.. We-” He stuttered, trying to find the right words to describe what he was doing and what he needed, until Jonathan finished his sentence for him.
“Fredrick and I are attempting to bring back the dead with Cybernetics and robotics, and we figured that you may have some folk that.. Y’know, don’t have any family or anything, that we could use to run the first tests.” He spoke quickly, wiping off his glasses lens on his turtleneck before putting them back on his head. Simon paused for a bit, bewildered at the macabre string of words that came out of Jonathan’s mouth. Bringing back the dead? Playing God? What kind of experiments are these two gentlemen doing?, he thought to himself. Phil However, saw an opportunity to make some cash.
“How much y’all willing to pay for one of these folk?” Phil questioned, looking over at his younger brother.
“I suppose we’ll pay $700.” Fredrick gruffed, making sure his wallet was in his coat pocket. Phil nodded, and gestered to the two gentlemen to follow him out back into a morgue in a repurposed warehouse, where the dead were kept in drawers in freezing temperatures. The three men walked past these countless drawers until Phil stopped at one marked “133”, before opening it, revealing a pale man with slicked back black hair with a widow’s peak, a slim face and nose and closed eyes, with a hospital bag of belongings near his feet.
“This fella right here? We found him outside the alleyway about 3 days ago, looked like he had a heart attack, and no-one’s claimed him, so we went ahead and treated him with the anti-rotting solution, and we were probably either going to bury him in an unmarked grave or just cremate him until y’all came along. He also had some stuff on him, but it was all in some kind of Cryllic script, so he was probably a lost Russian or a Belarusian or some other eastern european.” “That's alright, it don’t matter to me if they’re Russian or American. Hell, they can be from the moon, for all I care!” Fredrick chuckled as Jonathan left to go get the ice-chest. After he came back, Fredrick gave the 700 dollars to Phil, and shook his hand.
“Fredrick, I don’t know what the hell you’re planning, but I hope you know what you’re doing.” Phil sighed as he helped Jonathan put the man into the ice-chest and handed the bag of belongings to Fredrick.
“Don’t worry, Phil. All it is is just a little augmentation and electricity. You know how I replaced your arm after it got it blown off?” “Uh, Yeah..?”
“Its exactly like that, but on a much larger scale..” Fredrick explained, looking up into his eyes with intent. Phil nodded, not wanting to know the rest of the details because frankly, he wouldn’t, and couldn’t understand at the same level Fredrick could- he was just one of the people he worked on back in the 2020’s. Besides, this could rake in more cash.
“Well, Fredrick, if thats what you want, I guess I can’t stop you. You have a good rest of your day, and be careful!” Fredrick nodded and grinned, and he and jonathan walked back to Fredrick’s truck from the back, placed the ice-chest in the back seat, and drove back to the lab.
After they had arrived back at the lab, Fredrick and Jonathan took a minute to just sit in the truck before they went in. they both sat in the front seats, the heater blowing on their face and feet, considering what they should do next.
“...So this is it, huh? Only one thing left to do before this whole project truly starts?” Jonathan pondered as he layed back in his seat, looking out the window and through the rocks. Fredrick nodded and sighed, but not out of sorrow or boredom, but out of worry. Even he knew that this had a 50/50 chance of working, and if it truly worked, if that body in the chest rose from the dead, if its consciousness gets thrown back into its body by machine and electricity, he would be the one responsible. I must remain positive, he thought to himself. I won’t know if it will work until I try Besides, this is a big leap for science!
“Yeah, Jonathan.. This is it… we’re so close, can you feel it? We’re going to be the first two men in the history of mankind to bring back the dead!”
“Heh, I sure can feel it!...”
“..Alright, Jon, Ya ready? Its time for some science!” They got out of the truck, and they both carried the chest inside, the chest being heavier now than it was when Olivia was inside.
“Dear god, how heavy is this sunuvab1tch?!” Jonathan groaned as he helped Fredrick carry it. Fredrick huffed and complained also.
“Hell, Jonathan. He’s gotta be like- what- 230 at most? Agh, i gotta start lifing more weights!” “Hah! Me too, Fredrick. Me too.”
When they finally made it inside the operation room, Fredrick and Jonathan Disrobed the man, leaving nothing but his black boxers. Afterwards, Fredrick went deeper into the laboratory to get a box of cybernetic parts, while Jonathan brought out the many machines, memory needles, memory scanners, and whatnot. He had just finished bringing out the last machine, and when he looked up, he found Fredrick standing there, his lab coat all buttoned up, wearing scarlett red rubber gloves, and red-tinted goggles that only looked red on the outside.
“Wow, Fredrick. You even got the Mad Scientist outfit going on! H-heh!”
Fredrick chuckled warmly at Jonathan’s jeering before walking over to the man. He scanned his eyes over him, noting the pale color of his skin, the utter lack of movement, the face not having a single expression whatsoever. But this would soon change. Those bones would soon wriggle from the grasp of death and move about once more, that jaw would soon be moving with every word and noise the man would make, that face of his would soon be contorting with expressions of glee, of sadness, of disgust, whatever he felt, his face would show. 
“Are you ready, Jonathan…..?” Fredrick asked as he readied the two Memory Needles in hand, getting ready to stick them in the man’s skull.
“Ready when you are, Fredrick.”
Then, carefully yet swiftly, Fredrick Pierced the man’s skull and brain with the sticks, and he turned on the Baroque-Brand Memory Machine. Memories from the brain turned into .MRF Files quite quickly, and were quickly loaded up on the screen.
“Wow, i’m surprised none of these are corrupted, seeing as how Phil said they picked him up 3 days ago. But then again, they did use that Anti-decay formula, didn’t they?” “Thats what they said, at least… do you want to see what they all entail?” “Er.. not yet.. We have to focus on the sugery for now, now that theres holes in the body.” Fredrick huffed as he readied his scalpel…
Now that the man was open, all the organic parts were there for the scientists to see. Fredrick, a major in anatomy and cybernetics, knew exactly where each part should go, and which parts needed to be replaced.
First, he took out the heart, and in its place rested a new artificial heart, and he soon followed with replacing the rest of the organics. Lungs, Livers, Pancreases, Intestines, kidneys-- all were thrown out and replaced with their superiors, screwed in and welded on. The smell of it all would be enough to make the average man hurl, but these two scientists knew the scent very well from the days of Project Prometheus, when replacing limbs and organs was an everyday event akin to getting your morning coffee. Now, it was second nature, a simple formality one must get through.
Fredrick then replaced the man’s veins with fine tubing, and shot a mix of synthetic blood into the veins and heart that would soon pump it through the man’s body. After all was said and done, he stepped back to look upon his work, and the scientist smiled.
“Now, all we need to do is sew him up, and view his memories… at least that will be easy, huh, Jonathan?” Fredrick sighed as he began sewing up the Y-incision he had made in the man’s chest. Jonathan nodded, and looked through the files, many of them entailing Military operations, battles, and many of them being too violent and grisly to describe with human language, yet some were more “Normal” in today's standards, such as training soldiers, eating MRES, and other miscellaneous events.
“Hm. looks like he was a soldier, or a general.” Jonathan mumbled, while Fredrick looked through the bag of the man’s belongings, which included medals, a mini photo album, a satchel and wallet, and a pair of dogtags in a miniature plastic bag.
“Yeah, he was a general- i can see from the medals and the tags…. Wait…. Does he look familiar to you, Jonathan?” “Not really, i mean.. I mean he KINDA looks familiar, like i’ve seen him in the news or something, but i can’t recall seeing him in real life.”
“Well, alright then, that makes two of us- he looks kinda familiar to me too.. Say, load up that translator machine will ya? Im going to try and translate these tags!” Fredrick called out as he unpackaged the tags. Jonathan nodded and booted up the machine, and in big red text, it read: READY FOR TRANSLATION
Fredrick then set the tags town under the scanner, and as soon as he did, the red matrix glided over the tags, and after a minute of internalizing the information, the screen spat out: IVAN S. MALENKOV
Fredrick’s heart dropped. He knew the name very well, but not the face. In fact, No-one truly knew what the man looked like, at least, not exactly, as the only real depictions of him were quickly drawn sketches by soldiers. They only heard the stories. Stories of brutal k1llings, such as the Slaughter of Baja, soldier kidnappings, and other unspeakable atrocities. If you could think about it, chances are that Gen. Ivan Sergei Malankov has done it.
“Jonathan… Thats Ivan Malenkov.” “Ivan- WHO? You mean the Russian Devil?”
“Yes….” Fredrick shook as he looked back at the man, whose body was now filled with robotics just waiting for a jolt of electricity to course through the mainframe. Now all Fredrick could feel was uncertainty and indecision.. Should I get rid of him and get another subject, wasting all the time I’ve put into the surgery, or should I just jolt him up, and hope and pray that he doesn’t gut us, He thought to himself. But then, he had thought of a better idea.
“We need to get rid of some of these memories, or at least, block them from recall somehow” Fredrick mumbled as he walked back to the memory reader, desperately trying to remove, or at least block any memories. 10 minutes would pass by until Fredrick was certain that the malicious media was removed.
“Okay.. I think i have all of it removed, now all we have is the less horrible crap..” Fredrick sighed. “All we have to do now is strap him down, connect him to the electric shocker-” “Electric What-now?”
“Come on Jonathan, you know what i’m talking about! The generator with the jumper cables and the button i fashioned out of a heated blanket remote!” “Oh yeah- that thing! Where is it?” “Its right over here, i brought it out when I was getting ready.” Fredrick groaned as he lugged the homemade shocker over to the operation table before strapping the man’s arms and legs down. Finally, Fredrick took both ends of the two cables connected to the generator, and clamped them onto the man’s wrists, where imbedded in his skin were two small conductive metal discs around the size of a quarter on either arm that would shoot the electric currents through the wires tied to his bones and into the mainframe. 
“You ready, Jon? I’m about to hit the switch!” Fredrick trembled as he backed away from the operation table, button in hand, worrying about whether or not he or Jonathan would get electrocuted instead of the subject. He quickly pushed these worries to the back of his mind, however. Now was not the time to be worrying, especially when a scientific breakthrough was imminent.
“Ready!” “One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi!”
As soon as Fredrick pressed the button, the sound of electricity shot through the air like the blast of a sh0tgun, and the lights overhead momentarily flickered before going back to normal. Fredrick, crouched beside Jonathan, waited a few moments before speaking.
“You alright, Jonathan?” “Y-Yeah, I’m Fine! D-Did it work?”
“T-thats what I gotta check.. Hold on..” Fredrick stuttered as he carefully approached the man, quiet as a bug crawling on a wall. He surveyed the gentlemen for a bit, noticing the slight slant downwards in his nose, the thinness of his lips, his thin face with slightly defined cheekbones. It was almost hard to believe that he was face to face with the man who had raised hell on earth in the Baja Peninsula 7 years ago. But this moment of serveillance was quickly interrupted by a quiet sound coming from him. A sound of air being gently sucked in, and gently blown out.. 
In… and out…
In… and out..
In... and out…
Fredrick, in a state of amazement, awe, and mystification, could not begin to register that the man, the General Ivan Malankov, was breathing once again. He stood there, eyes wide like saucers, his mouth hanging just slightly agape, his hands gently vibrating in either horror or stupification. Could I just be imagining this? Is this man truly breathing? Is he truly alive, he thought to himself.
“Fredrick..?” Fredrick did not say anything, and instead held one ear to the man’s chest, and sure enough, that cybernetic heart was now pumping blood..
Thuh-dump. Thuh-dump. Thuh-dump. 
“He’s alive… He’s alive! HE’S BREATHING, HIS HEART IS BEATING! JONATHAN, WE DID IT! WE DID IT- WE ACTUALLY BROUGHT A MAN BACK TO LIFE!” Fredrick squealed with a smile from ear to ear, his face turning a bright, almost neon-pink from the rush of excitement. Jonathan rushed over to the man, and the first thing he noticed was that the man’s chest rose and fell with each breath he took.
“Y-You did that, Fredrick! That was all you! Y-YOU’RE A- A… I CAN’T EVEN GET THE WORDS OUT!” Jonathan squeaked, while Fredrick began pacing up and down and around the operation room in pure elation from his sucessful experiment.
“Whaddya say we unstrap him and wake him up?” Jonathan asked, a smile across his face.
“Ehh, we need to unstrap him, but I don’t think we should wake him up! Lets just let him wake up on his own.. Yeah, i think thats a good idea, what do you think, Jonathan?” “Yeah, now that I think about it, It would be pretty rude to just abruptly awake him after we brought him back.”
An hour of chittering and chattering would pass before the man would start to move. Jonathan, who decided to info-dump about his favorite 80’s bands, was interrupted by the motion of Fredrick pointing to the man, the other hand making a silencing motion.
“Jonathan.. Look!” He whispered before he took Jonathan’s hand and hid behind a table, afraid to accidentally frighten the newly revived man.
The man’s eyes slowly opened, showing grey cybernetical eyes with black sclera, constricting almost realistically under the bright lights above him. He looked around at his new surroundings as he slowly got up, curious as to where he was, for this was not his home. He looked down at his body and immediately noticed the palor of his skin and the stitched-up Y-Incision on his torso that trailed from his chest and collarbones down to his belly. He felt at the stitching, wincing from the pain that it caused him to just simply poke at it, but he did not care about the pain. He felt at his neck that was now reinforced with jointed metal, and finally, he spoke.
“Where the hell..?” he began to say, his voice reverbrating across the room in a dark, strangely inviting Russian accent. Jonathan, watching this, tried his best to make not a sound and stay in the shadows of the operation room, but unluckily for him, he felt a tickling sensation in his sinuses that kept getting worse and worse with each passing millisecond until…
“Hm?” the newly-revived man hummed as he looked over to the direction the sound came from. He then got up from the table, towering at almost 6 foot and 3 inches. 
“Fredrick, what do we do?” Jonathan whispered, in fear of what the man would do if he was suddenly startled.
“Lets just gently come out….” Fredrick answered. And with that, they slowly rose from their hiding spot, holding their hands in the air to show that they meant no harm.
The man quickly turned around to face the two men, his face void of expression. He looked over at Jonathan, and took notice of his glasses, and looked over to Fredrick, noticing his pine green eyes and goatee. Then, after a minute or two of the man studying over the two scientists, he smiled and slowly nodded, his eyes glowing in the shadowy part of the room.
“Hello, Gentlemen.” he suavely greeted, showing his teeth in a smile.
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New Pinterest profile!
I wanted to make sure to let my followers know that I created a Pinterest profile! I'll not only be posting pins but making mood boards and boards with resources for everyone! Go and follow it now if you'd like to see what I post.
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niccerria · 1 year
I'm writing fantasy story on Wattpad and Webnovel if anyone's interested 💞
Synopsis: When Fey hears the haunting strains of a violin, she's transported to a magical kingdom called Arcadia through a watery portal. She discovers that it is in peril. The Holy Tree, which sustains all life in the kingdom, has gone missing, and without it, Arcadia will crumble. Along the way, Fey meets Feme, a brave and loyal ally who becomes her closest friend. She sets out on a perilous quest to find the tree and save Arcadia from destruction. Fey navigates treacherous terrain, and learns the secrets of the land's past. She discovers that the magic that once flowed freely in Arcadia was coveted and fought over by those who sought power, leading to a devastating war that nearly destroyed everything. Now, Fey and her companions must unravel the mysteries of the past and the present to save the kingdom. With richly drawn characters and a vividly imagined world, this is a tale of adventure, magic, and the power of friendship
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Creating a Well-rounded Character. - What is a Character?
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Making a character for your story has many steps.  I’ll walk you through some of them in a series of articles.
Firstly, what is a character? Are there different types?
In a novel, a character is a fictional person or being that plays a role in the story. Characters are often the driving force behind the narrative, and their thoughts, actions, and interactions shape the plot and engage readers. They are typically developed with unique personalities, backgrounds, motivations, and relationships to make them believable and relatable.
Yes, there are different types of characters in a novel, each serving different functions within the story. Here are a few common character types:
1. Protagonist: The central character around whom the story revolves. They typically face challenges, pursue goals, and undergo personal growth or transformation. 2. Antagonist: The character or force that opposes the protagonist, creating conflict and obstacles to overcome. Antagonists can be individuals, groups, or even internal struggles. 3. Supporting characters: These characters complement the protagonist and help move the story forward. They often have distinct personalities, roles, and relationships with the main character. 4. Foil characters: Foils are characters who contrast with the protagonist, highlighting their qualities and characteristics. They can emphasize different perspectives or motivations. 5. Dynamic characters: These characters undergo significant changes or growth throughout the story, often as a result of their experiences or interactions. 6. Static characters: Static characters remain relatively unchanged throughout the narrative, maintaining consistent traits and behaviors. 7. Round characters: Round characters are complex and multi-dimensional, with a mix of strengths, weaknesses, and internal conflicts. They often feel more realistic and relatable. 8. Flat characters: Flat characters are less developed and have fewer complexities, serving specific roles or functions within the story.
These character types provide a framework for understanding and categorizing the various individuals within a novel, but keep in mind that characters can also exhibit traits from multiple types or evolve over time. Ultimately, a well-written novel typically features a diverse cast of characters that contribute to the story’s depth and impact.
Remember, they’re more than just a cardboard cutout!
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georgedelong · 1 year
The Illuminati are real, the fallen angels, reptilian entities, benevolent extraterrestrials, Ascended Masters, and divine angels are all real, and each has an agenda. It revolves around either keeping us asleep or waking us up. Check out the new book coming up by Author George DeLong.
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yukinovels · 1 year
 "Overcoming Writer's Block: A (Mostly) True Tale of Triumph, Tears, and Typing"
Writing a book is tough work, especially when you hit the dreaded writer's block. I've been there more times than I care to admit - staring at a blank page, waiting for inspiration to strike, and ending up with nothing but a headache.
But recently, I had a breakthrough that helped me finally come up with a new chapter of my novel, without losing my mind in the process. It all started when I realised that I was putting too much pressure on myself to write the perfect first draft. I mean, come on, who am I kidding? Nobody writes a perfect first draft, except maybe Brandon Sanderson or Nicolas Sparks, if you know what I mean.
So I decided to give myself a break and just write without worrying about whether it was good or not. I mean, it couldn't be worse than the last chapter of Game of Thrones, right? (Sorry, George R. R. Martin.) And you know what? It worked! My ideas became clearer and the words flowed more easily, and I finally wrote something digestible and satisfying.
So if you're struggling with writer's block, my advice is simple: don't take yourself too seriously. Give yourself permission to write a crappy first draft, with the understanding that you can always go back and fix it later. And if all else fails, just take a break and binge-watch some Netflix or anime. It worked for me, and it could work for you too (just don't blame me if you end up getting hooked on Wednesday or Attack on titan).
Writing a book is a tough journey, but it's worth it in the end. Just remember to have fun along the way - after all, if you're not enjoying the process, what's the point?
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Creating a website has never been easier with Durable AI! In our latest video, AI Millionaire shows you how to create a website using this amazing tool. With step-by-step instructions and a free trial, you'll have your website up and running in no time. Check out the video and try it out for yourself!
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ho iniziato a fare ricerche sugli omicidi per il libro horror che sto scrivendo e Google mi manda h24 notizie su morti ammazzati.
almeno un paio al giorno, sta iniziando a diventare preoccupante.
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the-death-of-icarus · 2 years
Some people are born with tragedy in their blood, pulsing through their veins. You, my love, are no different. You are the definition of calamity, a catalyst in the eyes of those you meet. My sweet disaster.  I watched your body fade into stardust as if it had never existed. You were an incantation of death waiting to be spoken and I was an eager reader, relaying every word. 
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I’m making a photo book of my mom’s old blog and it’s blowing my mind that somehow the bookmaking program is using less RAM on this 43 page (so far) photobook than Teams uses when it’s running in the background doing nothing.
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writingtree · 9 days
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We are here to provide you best book writing, thesis writing, research paper writing, plagiarism check and removal and synopsis writing services to complete your Ph.D. in a perfect way.
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i-am-the-doctor · 9 months
RED TIDES A ROLLIN PROLOGUE! //TW: Violence, Wartime, Nukes (Feel free to add more TWs, i suck at writing TWs
    When Russian Miners came upon a lot of stones in the old rickety mines of Siberia, they did not know what to think. They held the white stones in their gloved hands, and noticed a faint glow emitting from their core, as if a cluster of fireflies were stuck within. After showing their higher ups their discoveries, They sent these seemingly useless stones to the Kremlin, where scientists studied the stones' properties, until one day on May 7, 2005, these scientists would make the discovery of the century, and possibly the millennia.
As it turns out, these stones had potent chemicals throughout their structure that, when burned, could be used as a source of power, potentially replacing coal due to how slow it burned, and how no toxic fumes were produced as they burned, and they also had a value to them that rivaled silver, gold, even platnium. After their vigorous testing, they named these stones Korsakovium-348, after the then-President, Alexander K. Korsakov. However, they would be given a shorter nickname that could roll off of the tongue more easily-- "Korsa".
As a result of Korsa's Discovery, many more mines were opened in Russia, and many other countries followed suit, finding more and more Korsa as time passed. Many cities across the world made the switch from Coal and other power sources to this powerful stone. Everything was well until 2 weeks later on May 21st, when the United States discovered an island between Russia and Alaska that belonged to no nation and no tribe, which after 5 days of mining, they came upon the biggest lot of Korsa to date. Unfortunately, this discovery would start a long conflict between Russia and the United States, as Russia claimed the island belonged to them because they had discovered Korsa first, while America insisted that it was theirs because of how close the land was to Alaska. As a result, the U.S President at the time, Gerald P. Gomez, eliminated power bills and gave big Korsa rocks to cities and towns, which helped garner support from his followers while losing support from power companies, while Korsakov used the rocks he had to upgrade the tanks and other machienery, which Gomez did immediately after. this tennis match of display of power would go on for 3 years, until that fateful summer day, when Korsakov had finally had enough.
On August 12th, 2008, Korsakov would invite Gomez to Moscow to discuss a deal in which they would divide the korsa on the island amongst themselves, one half for Russia, the other half for the United States. Gomez agreed to the deal and signed it in front of national television, believing that the bickering amongst themselves was finally over.
It was a fake document. No legitimate deal was made. it was a ploy to lure the rabbit Gomez from his safe little enclosure in Washington, D.C., and out into Korsakov's den in Moscow.
After Gomez signed the "deal", he and Korsakov sat in the Russian President's office to share a drink of liquor, only for Gomez' glass to be laced with finely ground hemlock. 3 days later, on August 15th, 2008, Gomez would arrange a speech in front of millions of supporters and officials to celebrate the agreement, when during the middle of the speech, Gomez would drop to the floor unconscious, leaving attendees to faint and scream for their President while secret service and guards rushed him to the nearby hospital. Unfortunately, neither the doctors nor the surgeons could save him, and Gerald Gomez would be pronounced dead at 4:35 PM. The cause of death? Assassination by poisoning. all flags throughout the country would be lowered to half-mast, and Gomez's Vice President, Christopher J. Morales, would be sworn in that very night. After the Oath of Office was taken, the first action Morales would take as President was declare war on Russia during an address to the nation, a war that would last decades.
But with this war, came scientific discoveries. newly invented chemicals, soundwave manipulation, wonder-pills that could replace meals, all of these brilliant findings were discovered within the labs scattered about the U.S in places like Dallas, Jackson, Raleigh, D.C, Halifax, but one lab hosted one project that could help the Military tremendously, and that was the Lab in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and the Project was codenamed Project Prometheus, lead by America's leading man in Robotics and Cybernetics, Fredrick Dell Johanneson. This project sought to upgrade soldiers with cybernetic arms, legs, eyes, whatever needed to be replaced in order to make them better after America's horrific defeat in the Battle of Baja in 2024, also known more accurately as the Slaughter of Baja, as more then 2,000 American Soldiers, 1,245 Civillians, and 986 Japanese Soldiers, whom were allied with America after a deal that they would support them, were brutally slaughtered by Russian soldiers, led by a man named General Ivan Sergei Malankov, known more commonly to civillians as the Russian Devil.
Project Prometheus would prove to be a success, as Americans would win the battle of Siberia by a landslide after these cybernetic upgrades were instated, helping the men both on and off of the battlefield. for the first time since the beginning of the war, things finally seemed to be looking up for the Americans as they won more and more operations to come, but what they did not know was that Russia was cooking up something within their own labs that would help them take out the rest of the soldiers and would-be's..
Spikers, named after the lead researcher Boris "Spike" Ivanov, were a horrific amalgamation of Jackal, Bear, and Mantis DNA, with fur as black as pitch or an oil slick, long pointy ears, piercing white eyes that glowed dimly along the treelines, pointed blood-stained teeth that could split an entire pig in half with one snap of its jaws, and claws as sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, spliced and bred for one purpose and one purpose only: To maim, maul, Mutilate, and k1ll Americans and her allies, and on December 31th, 2031, these creatures would do just that.
They teared apart soldier and civillian alike where ever they were released, from the sandy beaches in California, the dry deserts in Arizona, the swampy wetlands in Louisiana, the snowy terrain of Wisconsin, to the snow-blanketed Washington D.C. No man, woman, or child was spared from the wrath and havoc that these horrors caused unless they hid and made not a sound. the Capital was hit the most by them, however, as they charged headfirst into the White House to eat its inhabitants. The Russians, seeing the carnage, were satisfied and confident that they had won the war, and that the island's precious resources were theirs for the taking. But no one would win, as in the moments before President Edward Wookfork and the First Lady Emilia Woodfork were eaten alive by the beasts, Edward would press the button that would launch the nukes towards Moscow and the other cities. Korsakov would attempt to retaliate, but to no avail, as the silos were inactive due to neglect. all that Korsakov could do now was to rush to his Fallout shelter and wait it out. 
The blast would destroy everything in its path. Windows were broken, buildings that could not withstand the nuclear fire were swept away along with their foundations or atleast broken in half, and anyone caught outside were either vaporized or burned, at the very least, poisoned by the radiation.
Two days would pass, and Korsakov would emerge from his shelter wearing a heavy radiation suit, making way to the town of Zelenograd to see if anyone had survived. When he finally arrived, he found that there were indeed people living there. He took the helmet from his suit off, expecting to be greeted with open arms by the survivors, but instead, he was grabbed by the strongest men, stripped of his radiation suit, and tied to two streetlamps, one wrist tied to each pole. the survivors screamed in pain and agony and rage at the man while children, with arms, legs, and even eyes covered in bloodied bandages walked up to the man, asking "Why?". Korsakov did not have an answer for these poor souls, and remained silent. the teens and younger adults, however, threw rocks at Korsakov, and kicked, punched, slapped, scratched, and beat whatever part of him they could hurt, while taking pocket knifes and tearing Korsakov's lavish deep blue suit apart for bandages for them and their young. after 7 hours, he would succumb to his injuries, and on January 2st, 2032, Alexander Korsakov would pass away, still tied to those streetlamps as a warning.
Two once powerful nations died as quickly as 2032 was born, and the world was forever changed. it would take 7 years for America to get back up and wipe the gravel from its face, but by then, no one was interested in becoming the united states once more, and instead, cities and communities governed themselves. in the end, all that the survivors wanted was a sense of normalcy, to have children, a stable job, food on the table. Fredrick Johanneson and the rest of the scientists were no stranger for this longing. In fact, after the war, he settled down in the town of New Arabi, Louisiana to take care of his 8 year old adopted daughter Olivia and to rest in retirement. For the first time since the spiker invasion, life seemed to finally be looking up for the man.
...at least, thats what he thought.
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lechusza · 15 days
BSP, stop by!
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Please share far and wide. Blood, Sweat, Pray (BSP) is open to publish and support first-time/new authors. All genres are welcome. Short-run publications where authors can gain a little money from their creative work. Visit and share the website, https://www.bloodsweatpray.com/ Also, check out the store! https://bloodsweatpraystore.com/ #writers #writerscommunity #author #authorlife #authorlifestyle #publish #publisher #bookpublishing #bookpublisher
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