#book 6 chapter 67
obssessivethorn · 5 months
I’m probably gonna delete this later because of how emotionally charged it is and I don’t like having such vulnerable posts like this on my blog but I desperately need somewhere to talk about this where people will understand.
I D E S P I S E how difficult book 6 is. Specifically chapter 67. I have maxed my full team for the vil, rook, and epel team and I still can’t get the titan past half health before I die. I don’t have cards that work well for the favored element and every time I try to level a different card or have a different team comp it doesn’t help.
I want so badly to continue the story and read book 7 so I’m not constantly trying to avoid spoilers but at this point it’s so discouraging and feels impossible. This feels like such a glaring game design flaw that it actually hurts to try the battles again and again because I know that I’m no where near where I need to be for these battles. Not to mention the impending fight with Idia and ortho.
I’ve literally been stuck on this chapter for nearly half a year now because of how difficult it is to pass. I know my team comps are atrocious but I’ve already restarted this chapter more times than I can count and I am not doing it again. Aside from spell levels (which are a bitch to farm for) there’s not much else I can do to level these cards so it ends up feeling hopeless and like I’m just never going to pass a stupid level in a stupid game. It makes me scared for the difficulty of book 7 and wonder if I’m just always going to be struggling to get by in battles.
This was way more vulnerable than I’ve ever been on here. Doubt anyone’s gonna really see this to begin with but if you’re also struggling this hard or worse then you’re not alone! I’ve been wanting to cry and punch the wall all day because of this game so I get it!
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queenof3ferrets · 4 months
Retry Tickets: Never back down never what?!
Me: Never give up…
Me: Never give up!
Retry Tickets: LETS GO!
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Now that I finally got to play TWST diasomnia chapter 1 myself, I'm gonna need everyone who said Malleus was a baby throwing a tantrum for no reason to pay me 2000 dollars each
#twst#twisted wonderland#yes it did take me until the second to last day of the new chapter event to finish book 6 what of it#in my defense i had no good leona&jamil cards for chapters 66 and 67‚ i'm glad i managed to do it at all. robe malleus carried the team <3#anyways! i haven't seen this take in a while but i remember it popping up a lot earlier this year when we got diasomnia on the jp server#as a member of the malleus defense squad i can't bear all this slander and now i have proof it's baseless#his overblot is one of the most justified ones??? what do you mean no reason#He's already established to be constantly left out and lonely because of it#And now he gets hit with the triple whammy of 1) realizing his fellow students' mortality after book 6#2) learning that his father figure is dying and in one week fucking off to fantasy china to live out his retirement without him#3) his best friend the MC telling him they found a way to un-isekai themself#Maybe he could have weathered one of those‚ but all three at the same time?#Poor guy stood no chance‚ those are hits straight into the trauma#Of course he's gonna have a breakdown! It's not his fault breakdowns in twisted wonderland come with a side of destructive berserking#And to be fair from what i've heard in spoilers all he did was put the whole school to sleep he didn't even destroy all that much#like yes putting everyone to sleep so they can live forever and never leave him is not a healthy reaction#but this is Unhealthy Reactions The School it's not like he's such an outlier in that#leave my boy alone 😭#excuse my ranting i'm just insane about twisted wonderland and malleus specifically
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loafbud · 10 months
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I.... I DID IT?????
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Chapter 66 and 67 Teams
I passed these chapters not too long ago and wanted to share the teams I used for anyone stuck.
I have learned before that one way to work on these battles is to try and get characters from the same dorm on the same team as well as try to maximize any possible Buddy bonuses or duo magic opportunities
Most of these cards were at level 60 or higher with all SSR cards having their duo magic slots at level five
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Vil -> Halloween Card
Epel -> Dorm Card
Rook -> Beans Day Card
Lilia -> BDay Card
Silver -> BDay Card
Leona -> Dorm Card
Jamil -> Dorm Card
Kalim -> Dorm Card
Jack -> Dorm Card
Ruggie -> Ceremonial Robes Card
Riddle -> Labwear/Ceremonial Robes Cards (depend on battle)
Azul -> Dorm Card
Cater -> BDay Card
Floyd -> Beans Day Card
Jade -> Dorm Card
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bambubuilder · 5 months
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sorrygotthesesacks · 6 months
Been seeing some familiar laments about Book 6, so I revisited my sporadic rants on twt during my time hating Book 6 with a fiery passion.
The journey was long and I (affectionately) insulted Sebbie in one tweet but he had already grown on me by this point.
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ephemii · 11 days
I finally finished book 6 oh my god (TELL ME WHY I LEGIT SOBBED AT THE LAST 10 CHAPTERS I'M SO,,, I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH YOUR HONOR😭😭😭😭😭) ,,,,
now I can start catching up on book 7!! I'm not ready whatsoever hahahahaha!!!!!!!
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
hello, i want to ask about how the octavinelle boys go from mermaids to humans? i know they have transformation potions but where do they get it from? thank u kindly
Yes, the merfolk who come to land are given transformation potions during their stay on land. According to what we know so far:
The mermaid princess who married the human prince set up a facility in the Sunshine Lands. This "boot camp boarding school" land-government-certified facility is affiliated with the Coral Sea and is specifically for merfolk who want to visit the surface. They spend a month there learning the basics of living on land (how to breathe, walk, eat, in addition to learning about things like clothes and fire). However, despite the growing number of merfolk who want to come to land, there's still not that many who use the facility. (Beans Camo Floyd Vignette)
Transformation potions require government authorization and must be taken regularly similar to a prescription. In the past, the transformation would only last about 3 days, but currently, it can last for up to 10 days. Forgetting to take a potion will cause it to start to wear off slowly. These potions are provided by the same organization that provided training to the merfolk (Azul: AND ALL FOR FREE!). (Book 6, Chapter 67-17, Tower 3 - Part 17)
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uddermyname · 6 months
Good evening. I'd like to ask about how you view Riddle x Azul. You mentioned them switching and I agree with that wholeheartedly, and I was curious as to what you mean by "Oedipus vibes" because I honestly hadn't thought of it that way, but I am quite interested now.
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ok ok ok ok ok here's a very exaggerated and hyperbolic shitpost explanation SPOILERS FOR BOOK 6 BTW
context for some parts: halloween part 1 | part 2 / gym / book 6 chp 67 tower 3 ch 16-17 / glorious masquerade Team A: Azul, Deuce, Epel
so it's criminal by britney spears + riddle and azul's interactions in this fic (mind the tags) "Blood in the Water" by Nehasy + and throw in a lil of neito monoma's neurosis and you got the perfect riddlexazul/azulxriddle the arrangement doesnt matter here i'll just use the term broadly for the whole dynamic
just the entirety of azul and riddle's interactions are so good when you start looking, being DUO magic (doesnt help riddle was my first ssr so of course i tried to focus on his duo with azul) partners, and Book 6's chapters with them. they're clearly fire and water, two sides of a coin, etc. etc. and yet clearly spur each other on so well because of it. as said by azul he wants to be seen as riddle's rival, someone equal to him that he wants to be respected by yet also grow with
the oedipus part comes from my giving azul a DUMPTRUCK mostly but if them getting close physically can def see azul feeding into that for riddle, teaching him all the ropes and riddle just. soaking that positive affirmation up. truly an eve and the snake situation, falling for temptation. and with how deep riddle's mom issues are any positive attention will be compared to his mom and that's a very sexy concept. azul being the whore/madonna complex in comparison to riddle's mom. he's openly greedy, unrestrained, and emotional yet also suppresses himself cuz of his own insecurities. they're very good foils to one another
even better i guess if you can imagine riddle's mom having a similar pear shape and damn riddle you never stood a chance get rekt shortie
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egophiliac · 2 years
This may seem a bit dumb question for someone who's main in en server. But I need to prepare myself before chap 6 is coming. Anyway, is chap/book Ignihyde gonna be THAT hard?? I've seen a lot people kept saying they're not ready for chap 6 or good luck for 'that' battle. Is it that difficult?
some preparation would be a good idea, actually! if you just want advice with absolutely no potential spoilers (even vague ones), then I'll say this:
the best thing you can do for yourself is -- for the later part of episode 6 -- try to have at least one SR or SSR card no lower than level 40 for as many characters as possible (specific ones at the bottom 👇👇👇). I've seen 40 as the minimum recommended level but honestly, go as high as you reasonably can, especially with your SSRs.
I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, hopefully it'll still make sense :')
SO! most of the frustration revolves around chapters 6-66 and 6-67, which are both split into subroutes with multiple subchapters/battles that follow three different groups of characters. you have to finish all three routes to get to the next chapter, and they force certain requirements that can make it a lot more difficult if you aren't careful:
you build your teams at the start of the chapter, and can't change them without resetting your progress. (if I remember right, you do get a chance to rebuild for 6-67.)
teams are built by character, instead of by card like they normally are, and each one has 2-3 required characters locked into that team. you can use any cards of that character, but you can't use multiple of the same character, or use them in a different team. also, no guest/friend cards.
they tell you what the element of the bosses are, but the other battles are just...whatever. if you can manage more than one 40+ card for a character, having good type coverage will help out a lot (why yes, I did get stuck for an embarrassing amount of time on a low-level rando because I got unlucky with type matchups, what about it).
there's a couple of points where you have to wait several real-time hours before continuing. this doesn't have anything to do with the team building, it was just annoying. c'mon. >:(
to be fair, I think some of the general frustration comes from how out of nowhere it was, so it's sure to be much easier if you go in with some idea of what it'll be like. (on my first attempt I tried to be cute and put everybody with their friends. it...did not go well.) I also had a particularly hard time of it because 1) F2P = less SSRs to carry me, and 2) I hadn't really focused on any cards outside of my special little garden of favorites, so not being able to use multiples of the same character for everything kinda left me boned. I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel great when I finally got through it though!
more specific info:
in 6-66, the bosses are a 5-turn survival battle; in 6-67, they're infinite battles (reduce their HP to 0 to win) and, subsequently, much harder to get past. personally speaking, the Wood one was the hardest for me because it heals itself between turns (and also I had literally no good Rook cards at the time). your mileage may vary!
Team 1 - required characters are Vil, Epel and Rook, boss element is Wood
Team 2 - required characters are Leona and Jamil, boss element is Water
Team 3 - required characters are Riddle and Azul, boss element is Fire
teams are 5 characters as per the usual, so make sure you have good cards of the required boys and at least six to complement them, plus a few more if you want to be careful. this is ONLY for those two chapters, which are pretty late in the episode (for JP it came out as part of the final episode 6 update) so you've got time to prep!
there's the obligatory overblot battle later on that is technically harder (stronger + more HP and all that), but it felt SO much easier in comparison just because it was back to normal Twst rules. really hoping that episode 7 doesn't pull its own shenanigans 💀
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fictionfixations · 30 days
book 6 spoilers
canon: Epel has kicked a phantom
(this is from chapter 67, part 23(?) and one of the PTMs. PTM 98 i think)
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[Rook: Merveilleux! You tackled [MC] to protect them, then executed a perfect roundhouse kick to stun the phantom... Simply incredible. But Epel, are you all right?]
anyway here's your reminder that book 6 has 89 chapters, and adding all the subchapters make it 200+
vil also praises him for it (happy noises)
[Vil: I feel I can trust you now to have my back. Keep up the good work.]
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zetsubobu · 3 days
I think trying to speedrun my rankings to advance with the stories instead of properly building my cards was not a good idea because now I'm stuck in book 6 chapter 66+67 purgatory
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lacunafiction · 1 year
Would it be considered spoilery to ask how one gets a nickname from the waiter/waitress?
Hi Anon,
I hope you're doing well! 💚
I'm thinking of dedicating some of Monday's asks to them because I've gotten some lovely questions about the W. (I was going to wait until Wednesday, but maybe not.) I wanted to go head an answer this one because it relates to quite a few personalized scenes in TFS.
Slight spoilers, but not too much since it's a stat check.
The W will refer to the MC in a few different ways in a single playthrough of Book One; it's important to keep note of both when and why. 👀 Earning a nickname from them unlocks an achievement, but more importantly, you'll get unique exchanges.
There are a few types of nicknames, but I think you must be referencing the personality one. There are multiple chances to earn/hear this nickname: first in Chapter 4, again in 6, choice-dependent in 8, and choice-dependent in 9! The stat checks will inch up and adapt to how you play, so it should relate to your dominant stat(s), if you play in a way that is pretty consistent.
Chapter 4: The first checks are greater than or equal to: 58 cruel, 60 merciful, 63 sincerity, 63 snarky, 64 friendly, 64 aloof, or else the MC won't get a nickname this time, but could get one in chapter 6,8, etc.
In Chapter 6 and Chapter 8, they only inch up a little for some of the stats, but not all of them: 65 sincerity, 65 snarky, 66 friendly, 64 aloof, or else the MC won't get a nickname this time, but could get one in the future.
In Chapter 9: a tiny bump so: 59 cruel, 60 merciful, 66 sincerity, 66 snarky, 67 friendly, 65 aloof, or else the MC won't get a nickname.
I hope this helps! Basically, the W gives the MC a personalized nickname based on personality; it was a fun detail to include! 😊
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twstgameplay · 3 months
Hi again, Mods! I previously asked for your help in passing Book 6 battles and you all have been an immense help in getting through ch 66!! ❤️
I’d like to ask, once more, with some updated cards if this is a good team set for chapter 67:
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Tower 1
Beans Vil
Dorm Rook
Robes Epel
BDay Deuce
Beans Floyd
(I’m debating switching Deuce out with Platinum Jacket Grim)
Tower 2
Dorm Leona
Chef Jamil
Dorm Trey
Robes Jack
HW Cater
(I recently got Masque Jamil, would he be a better card option?)
Tower 3
Tsum Riddle
Dorm Azul
GM Ace
Lab Lilia
Lab Sebek
(For ch 66, the last two cards were Dorm Jade & Lab Ruggie. I wanted to switch them out with Lab Lilia & Sebek this time)
Card, spell, and buddy levels aren’t too big of a thing for me as I can raise them without much issue and I’ve read the guides to know what levels they’ll need to be at, but for the cards themselves and their potential, would this be a good team set?
Thank you so much for all your hard work!! I’m super grateful and share your blog every time someone mentions struggling with the battles! ❤️
(My card list is under the cut. I have so many, I’m a little embarrassed 😅)
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The teams are already good and won't have an issues with clearing the tower. There is more detail under the cut.
~ 👑
Tower 1
I would keep Bday Deuce for this team. The tower has a decent number of neutral spells and having more duos will help.
Tower 2
Chef or Masq Jamil will work. I would use the one you have already raised rather than raise a brand new card. Dorm Leona will be doing most of the damage for this team. I would advise that you raise their card levels higher for more HP if you have to stall for Leona to have his spells again.
Tower 3
Dorm Azul and GM Azul will be doing most of the damage for this team. Switching out the last 2 characters will not make any major difference if they have high spell levels.
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cheezy-moon · 3 months
You know book 6 chapter 66-67 takes forever when you got a girlfriend, changed ur prns to they/them, and choose to instead go by a dif name and yet you still haven't beat the battles
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