#blue beetle headcannons
wazzappp · 9 months
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Jaime: Khaji Da, I’m still technically human, right?
Khaji Da: lol. Lmao.
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seeker-of-stories19 · 8 months
Jaime & Khaji Da Headcannons
- Khaji makes a habit of naturally and even subconsciously adjusting Jaime’s body to make it more adaptive, it takes a lot of arguments and reminders for Khaji to stop giving him extra limbs and eventually they compromise on night vision and sometimes fangs/claws
- Khaji still secretly does it at night to pull Jamie’s blankets back up when he insists on sleeping in bed because he will kick them off if he gets hot
- Jaime only wears his Gotham law hoodie at home because he’s worried Khaji will destroy it and it’s his biggest comfort item
- There’s definitely an element of horror in having his body invaded in such a traumatic way, but oftentimes the thing that freaks Jaime out more is that it feels so right. He can’t remember and doesn’t want to imagine what his life would be like without Khaji Da
- Jaime routinely spaces out while talking to Khaji and literally won’t respond to his family. It freaks Bianca out a bit but Milagro and Rudy love messing with Jaime and totally take advantage of it to scare him
- Although one time Rudy jumps on him from behind and scares him so bad he gets electrocuted again, even though Khaji knows he’s not a threat they think Rudy deserves it for making Jaime scared
- After that they stick to hiding his stuff when he’s spaced out communicating with Khaji
- Jaime goes to ridiculously extreme lengths to hide the extent of his trauma because he’s terrified of having to explain what Victoria and Carapax did to him
- Eventually his family starts picking up on it and accommodating him without him asking about it, not coming up behind him, letting sit closest to the exits, not making him wear ties or anything tight around his neck
- It gets to the point where Jaime slowly starts venturing out of his room after panic attacks and nightmares, so he isn’t alone and his family learns that the best way to support him is just looking out for him and not asking about it
- Although there are definitely moments when weird things trigger Jaime and it makes them wonder why having stuff touch his neck causes him to lock himself in his room for hours or blast off to sit on top of a building somewhere
- Khaji is the only one who knows what really happened to Jaime on the island and they’re very protective as a result
- Jaime will absolutely have a breakdown if Khaji takes more than two seconds to answer him because he’s terrified of losing that connection again
- The longer they’re bonded the more Khaji learns about human emotions and experiences, eventually they’re able to contextualize the horror Jaime feels over their bonding and feel guilt for causing him pain. They still don’t understand it in truly human way but they know they hurt him a lot physically and mentally which goes against their purpose
- Jaime spends so much time and energy looking for clothes that won’t show off the bumps along his spine, definitely has to wear stiffer fabric than he likes so it lays somewhat normally
- There’s definitely a period where he tries sticking kinesiology tape over Khaji to try and make the shape less obvious because it’s too hot to wear long sleeves and they burn it off immediately
- Finally after months Milagro points out that if people ask he can just tell them it’s a back brace or some type of medical equipment which makes him feel very stupid for not thinking of it sooner
- He has a lot of scar tissue around where Khaji latched onto his spine even with the advanced healing because of the trauma it put on his body. He also has jagged scars all over his back and shoulders with some stretching down his arms and legs from the electricity since Khaji didn’t have enough resources at the time to heal him fully
- Definitely at least one occurrence where he scares a stranger half to death walking to his car at night because his eyes are glowing yellow
- Jaime saying we instead of I when talking about things, “We’re so tired” and “Gracias we appreciate it”
- Khaji is incredibly attached to Jaime as well, having bonded more intensely to him than any previous host and like Jaime they’re also terrified of being separated, although they know it is an inevitable part of their reality
- Jaime’s family being so confused by what a symbiotic relationship is and definitely asking some invasive questions on accident
- Jaime is sort of permanently torn between horror and affection toward Khaji, a constant tug of war between the violation of being forced to share his body and not truly have control over his body and choices and the fact that their connection feels undeniably right, the understanding on a level he doubts any other human being can comprehend experiencing
- But even on the bad days he doesn’t blame Khaji, they were simply doing what they were programmed to without any understanding of the pain or trauma it would cause
- And he knows they understand it better now and regret ever causing Jaime damage
- Clothes never stop being a problem, he ends up putting all the basics in an Amazon list and reordering a cheap wardrobe every couple months
- On nights he goes to events with Jenny or other nicer things he just prays he won’t transform and accidentally destroy his one suit
- Even though he can never convince Khaji to stop burning his clothes they always protect the necklace he wears of his fathers
- No matter how long they’re bonded Jaime still answers Khaji out loud sometimes, when he’s at home it just leads to some confusion and teasing but he gets some nasty looks in public for mumbling nonsense to himself or talking over people in conversations
- Clicking/chirping sounds when he’s happy
A/N I totally didn’t expect to get this many likes so thank you, maybe I need to do headcannons more often! Anyways please feel free to add to these in reblogs if you have any more ideas and use any of these that inspire you in your own stories! But if you do tag me or send me AO3 links so I can see!!!!!
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looseleafteeaves · 8 months
Spine of Steel
Khaji Da cannot remember what exactly happened while they bonded to a host. Jaime is the 43rd to host them, and they still have no clue what EXACTLY happens. 
They know that the changes depend on the makeup of the biology of the being they inhabit. 
They know that they increase muscle elasticity and bone density and muscle density and the inherent durability of the host. 
They increase the capabilities of the optical organs, of the cutaneous, auditory, and olfactory senses. 
They optimize the production of chemicals, the dispersion of hormones throughout the body.
They twist the prey drive to fight. To fellow predator. To defend and attack and resist and take out the threat.
But they have no clue, outside of the programming, what exactly they are doing. What pain they are possibly causing, or nightmares that will linger. 
Khaji Da has never fit within a host quite like they do inside of Jaime Reyes. They feel and breath and think and twine all throughout Jaime’s body, in time with him. 
(They don’t like to think about what will happen when Jaime is gone. Jaime is not allowed to die. They fit far too perfectly to ever leave.)
Khaji Da has never regretted the changes they caused to a host. 
Khaji Da regrets the results that still affect Jaime from the event.
Jaime’s family has been pretty cool with Khaji Da, and the new effects they have on the family dynamic. They think that Khaji Da has gifted Jaime the confidence to stand up, tall, proud, ready to make his presence known.
They see Jaime’s straightened spine, and think “Ah. Jaime is growing up. Jaime is ready to be the man of the family.”
They do not see Jaime’s shoulders attempting to curl downwards, but being unable to shift his spine. 
They do not see how his eyes flash whenever something startles him. They don’t see how his curled fists flex with the need to defend.
They notice but force themselves to forfeit. Jaime is normal. He is. He’s just more confident now.
Jaime sees his family, and can read the approval of his straight spine, and his strengthened presence. 
He doesn’t have the heart to say that he feels less confident, if anything. He feels scared, jumping at shadows, paranoid of the people who stare at him and follow him through school. 
He can’t tell them that his spine doesn’t really bend unless his adrenaline is pumping and he is doing superhero work. 
He can’t mention how he feels as if his spine is lined with a rod of steel.
He is thrashing, as 7 burning points drill into his back. It feels as if someone is screwing something into his nerves, and liquid fire races along every part of him. He becomes hyper aware of every piece of skin and muscle and bone- every part of his body, whether he always could or not. 
He can feel something inject itself from the burning points, and suddenly the heat grows. He feels as if a supernova is trapped in his skin, in his blood, in his muscles, in his bones and organs and cells. 
He feels as if the heart of the stars have been compressed into him.
The burning begins to cool. It hardens, wiry and stiff. Feeling as though there is chainmail inside him. 
Then his skin feels like it begins to burn.  Something hard forms on the top layer, turning his clothing to ash. He screams, adrenaline racing as he becomes something exorcist-esque. His body flings towards the ceiling. He can-
He flings himself forwards, falling from his position on the ceiling, landing on his bed. 
Jaime Reyes, why are you reacting this way?
Jaime remains curled as tightly as he could, breathing through the fear and phantom pain that haunted his thoughts. However, as Khaji Da was forcefully making his adrenaline levels drop his spine was slowly pulling out of the fetal position without his consent.
His breathing began to pick up again as the phantom panic haunted his thoughts, growing more intense from the lack of control over part of his body.
Jaime Reyes, everything is fine. There is no danger. You are safe in your room in Palmera City. Scanners are clear.
Jaime, finally breathing more steadily, pressed against the wall, tugging his knees against his chest.
“Khaji Da?”
Yes, Jaime?
“What did you change in my body?”
… I can check the files for you and share the specifics if you want, Jaime.
“You don’t just know?”
… No, Jaime. I am dormant until the Scarab has performed base optimization of the host. I am programmed to have the records but I do not consciously choose.
“How can I believe you?”
You can’t. All I have is my words. And the proof that you still control your own body.
“Truly, that doesn’t really help. Share the files please?”
Yes, Jaime.
Immediately, lines of alien script scroll across his vision. He can tell that it has been translated into recognizable symbols, but knows nothing else.
{~<Command Sequence> [activate with contact]
~<Scan biosignature of life form>~
~<Determine Compatibility:
~<Life form compatible: [yes/no]>~
~<Remain dormant>~
<Repeat Command Sequence>
~Commence [Unification Protocol]
~[Scan] Biology
~[Locate] neural pathway central
~[Determine Optimal Positioning]
~[Execute Command] ^Begin Unification^
~[Execute Command] ^Bond With Neural Pathways^
~[Execute Command] ^Inject SC4R48 Nanites^
~[Execute Command] ^Determine Needed Improvements^
~[Execute Command] ^Determine Need For Cellular Production
Optimization Needed: [yes/no]
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~[Execute Command] ^Bond (Novaellum) with host cells^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell production^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell functions^
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~Bone Structure Improvement Needed: [yes/no]
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~[Execute Command] ^Bond (Novaellum) with host cells^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell production^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell functions^
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~Cartilage Structure Improvement Needed: [yes/no]
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~[Execute Command] ^Bond (Novaellum) with host cells^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell production^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell functions^
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~Muscle Structure Improvement Needed: [yes/no]
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in [Command
~[Execute Command] ^Bond (Novaellum) with host cells^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell production^
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell functions^
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in [Command Sequence]^
~[Detect] Organ Systems:[yes/no]~
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~[Yes] Organic Systems Detected
~Collect Organic Systems Data~
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in
[Command Sequence]^
~Optimize All Organic Systems: [yes/no]
~[Execute Command] ^[Execute Command] in [Command
~[Execute Command] ^Bond (Novaellum) with [all] organic system 
~[Execute Command] ^Optimize cell production^
~[Execute Command] ^[sequenced command] in [Command
~[Execute Command] ^Khaji Protocol^
~Command File Corrupted~
~[Delete] Khaji Protocol
~[Execute Command] ^Armor Optimiza-
“Wait, Khaji Da, stop please. I’m getting overwhelmed. Are the rest of the commands similar?”
Yes Jaime. The rest of the protocols that affected your body are similar. 
“Are there any other protocols that I need to know immediately?”
No Jaime. All the other protocols are offshoots of either ^Host Optimization^ or ^Armor Optimization^. None will interfere with your daily life barring the Reach gaining access to our communication system.
“Okay. Thank you Khaji Da.”
You are welcome, Jaime Reyes.
After around 30 minutes, Jaime is debating the need of asking Khaji Da to increase his melatonin levels, when he remembers a protocol that was listed as corrupted.
“Hey, Khaji Da?”
Yes Jaime?
“What is the ^Khaji Protocol^?”
…That is the infiltrator protocol. It is meant to place my interface, commands, and computing system in the ^Driver’s Seat^ as you put it. 
“It’s meant to be, what mind control?”
Jaime waits patiently, tasting the usual flavor of mint that crosses his senses when Khaji Da is researching on the internet. 
Yes, Jaime. It is a ^Mind Control^ protocol.
Jaime shudders and pushes the sensation he gets from Khaji Da increasing his melatonin levels towards the ever present sensation of the Scarab in his mind. Khaji Da wordlessly complies, helping Jaime slip into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning, as Jaime struggles to sit up in bed, having never returned to the ceiling last night. His back refusing to bend, Khaji Da wordlessly forms four insectoid legs that push Jaime straight and allow him to continue with his day. 
He tries not to dwell on how he is now intimately aware of just how much his body has changed, and how much he is still mostly unaware of. 
After all, ignorance is bliss.
Right up until it isn’t.
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n64spoon · 5 months
random ted kord hc's because im going insane and need to spread propaganda SOMEWHERE.
love language (giving)
ive done alot if thinking about this one and have come to the conclusion that his love languages are acts of service and gift giving. i kinda based this decision off of how he acts with babs and booster in countdown to infinite crisis. dude is about to go bankrupt AGAIN but he's still offering to pay for tickets and lets booster borrow his card, even if it negatively affects him. hes a superhero for one but also his entire reasoning behind becoming the second blue beetle was because he feels like he OWES it to dan, he wants to make up for his blind faith to his uncle which lead to dans death. i think he loves doing favours for people because it makes him feel good about himself, and he loves the feeling of being appreciated.
love language (receiving)
words of affirmation and physical touch. he has boundaries when it comes to the physical touch of course, but booster is the main exception, with ted being quite touchy himself at times. i like to base this off of the first appearance of dan's death in blue beetle 1967 where as dan says his last words hes caressing teds face UGHH that shit fucks me up man -- but i can definitely imagine him melting in someones hands if they held his face or something (booster, of course).
then theres the words of affirmation. ted gets compliments alot, obviously, usually due to his status in hub city and his intelligence. but there are times where he feels unappreciated or isnt taken seriously, usually by higher ranked heroes (cough cough BATMAN cough) . in countdown to infinite crisis (yes im referencing this comic AGAIN im SORRY) he is pushed aside constantly by multiple people. the few people who did listen to him, namely superman and wonderwoman, its stated in booster gold 2007 he "felt bad for wasting their time.". ted needs reassurance, he needs to be reassured that he isnt a bother. though at times a wise-cracking jerk, he still does care about how others view him. and spending like most or his childhood being put down by his father and then years later by heroes he works with he deserves someone telling him he's doing good once in awhile 😭.
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cinnabon-enthusiast · 7 months
Get to know me!
Hi! My name is Arielle and this is a little bit about me and my blog
This is my first account on tumblr and I am still learning the ropes! I hope to start writing some stories about different characters soon, so make sure to leave some suggestions. Here are some characters I can write
Jaime Reyez - Blue Beetle (Xolo Maridueña)
Miguel Diaz - Cobra Kai (Xolo Maridueña)
Ethan Landry - Scream 6 (Jack Champion)
Wally Clark - School Spirits (Milo Manheim)
It’s not that much of a list right now 🥲 but I will add more characters in the future.
Things I will not tolerate on my blog.
Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Ableism. Anyone asking questions or prompts that make me uncomfortable will be blocked! :)
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aggrevatedhammerhead · 5 months
Hc that the reason why Kahji is like a robot in the movie is because it’s like that either purely to fuck with everyone on the planet
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a-crappy-art1st · 2 years
Out of all the comics Billionaire's, who would y'all want to work with?
Bruce Wayne(Batman)-its in Gotham so you're probably going to get robbed daily or tortured by Poison Ivy
Lex Luthor- probably like working for Jeff Bezos, so crappy pay and inhumane work environments, plus you're actively pissing off a god, but if you work there you do probably get Kryptonite which would be cool in case Superman ever pulls an Injustice. You'd also probably get killed by one of Lex's Creations though so overall not great.
Tony Stark(Iron Man)- it'd be annoyingly how often the company changes hands, and you'd probably get robbed a bunch so people could get Tony's tech.
Ted Cord(Blue Beetle)- Honestly not bad, but you'd probably have to deal with aliens trying to get the Scarab or a bunch of people throughout time that Booster Gold pissed off.
Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)- Honestly it'd probably be a pretty chill company
Maxwell Lord- this is the one I'd personally choose, he started off as a hero then turned to a supervillain, but he didn't really use his wealth for heroics or villainy so his company probably doesn't have too many downsides, and he works with the military so you're probably going to get paid a lot.
Reblog if you have anything to add
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dc-marvel-life · 1 year
This is the place where you can find all of my current writings. I write DC comics and Marvel fanfics/ships. I do write for LGBTQ+, I am pansexual myself. Just ask if you have a request and we can work something out.
Smut = @ Angst = () Fluff = $ Headcannon = % Drabbles = #
Request Are Open
Dick Grayson/Nightwing 
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Damian Wayne/Robin
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Warren Worthington III/Angel
% - Warren Asking You Out Would Be Like…
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
% - Dating Wanda Maximoff Would Be Like…
#$ - Should We?
#- Can We Keep You?
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
% - What Dating Natasha Romanoff Would Be Like…
% - Dating Natasha Romanoff and Pietro Matimoff Would Be Like…
() - My Queen
Pietro Maximoff/Quick Silver
% - Dating Natasha Romanoff and Pietro Matimoff Would Be Like…
% - Dating Jason Todd and Pietro Maximoff Would Be Like…
Steve Rodgers/Caption America
% - Dating Modern-Day Pre-Serum Steve Rogers
% - Dating Pre-Serum Steve Rogers In College
$ - Flesh Wound
# - Taxi Service 
Yelena Belova
$ - Do You Even Love Me
$ - When did This Happen (Jason Todd X Stark! Reader)
$ - Works Every Time (Diana Prince x Carol Danvers x reader)
% - Dating Jason Todd and Pietro Maximoff Would Be Like…
$ - My Strong Girl (Supergirl x Wonder Woman)
$ - Love/Hate the Heat (Supergirl x Wonder Woman x reader)
$ - Perfect Fit (Wanda x Natasha x reader) - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
$ - These are my Ladies
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Blue Beetle Masterlist
Notes: Anyone you see missing here, I don’t write for.
Here are my other Marvel works (link will be updated).
🦋 = Headcannons
💄 = Fem Reader
☘️ = GN Reader
🌷 = Fic
🖤 = Angst
🏳️‍🌈 = Gay
✨= Fluff
🌚 = NSFW
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle
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Pegging Fantasy 🦋🌚💄
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icetobes · 4 months
// bug pictures below; millipede and tarantula !!
here to headcannon buck and tk bonding over their random love of bugs and insects (also they’re both autistic - buck is audhd because i said so) i also love bugs and little guys. i have 2 african land snails as pets and i love them sm i want beetles and tarantulas too ANYWAYS
bucks favourite bug is a millipede, giant african millipede
buck’s favourite facts;
- they can fart (a lot)
- they can smell and taste with all parts of their body
- millipedes have four legs for each body segment while centipedes have only two (general fact)
buck would have one as a pet (they make great pets) if eddie let him (chris also wants one, buck has convinced him and they’re making a plan) eddie hates bugs :]
we also can’t forget the silly guys that buck likes (somewhat cannon) of maggots, because that one episode (can’t remember which cba to find it) with the girl and the bugs in her face and buck just holds the jar like “woah” and has his goofy smile plastered on
tks favourite is spiders, mostly any kind (but specifically tarantulas), velvet spiders (eresus walchengeri) and ‘blue tarantulas’ or pink-toed tarantulas (caribena versicolor)
tks favourite facts;
- spiderlings, their color is a dark bluish-black but will become very colorful as it matures
- their colour can range from bright blue to have pinks, greens, browns and reds when grown
carlos already hates reptiles (which tk would fill the house with if he could) so naturally carlos also hates spiders (tk catches them in a glass and lets them outside when he finds one)
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they also bond over beetles, specifically fighting beetles like horned hercules, stag beetles. (they’re all usually under the category or rhinoceros beetles but i like their silly names yk??)
my personal favourite and i think tk would like also is a goliath beetle (can be black and white or have red in them too) !!
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sodacatz · 10 months
Dee's writing info◇
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☆I'm new to writing fanfiction so there might be few mistakes☆
☆I do take requests☆
°what I will and won't write about
°What I will write about
☆Fluff, Romance relationship,Platonic relationship, angst, gn reader, Male reader, fem reader, Etc, headcannons, comfort fics and slight nsfw, black or Indian reader, and wlw n mlm
°What I won't write about
☆R3pe/ non con, abuse, death, p3dophilia, weird age gaps relationships, full on smut, s3lf h32m, m9rder, ddlg/mdlg (non of that), ed, a$$ault and anything that has to do with piss☆
°stuff I write about
Spider man across the spiderverse
The batman -2022
Jamie Reyes- blue beetle
Cobra kai
To be added to the tag list
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wazzappp · 8 months
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Ok so I have NO IDEA how feasible this actually is I just really wanted to mess with the idea of Khaji Da making entirely new muscles to secure themselves to Jaime.
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My goal was just ‘it’s gets worse the longer you look at it’. There’s a lot here that’s just WRONG which I think is pretty cool.
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seeker-of-stories19 · 6 months
Autistic Jaime Reyes Headcannons
(Warning for descriptions of autistic meltdown)
- Bonding with Khaji makes his sensory issues so much worse at first but eventually they work it out and Khaji learns that enhancing his senses doesn’t actually keep him safer because he gets so overwhelmed he pays less attention to his surroundings and not more
- Jaime realizes that Khaji can manipulate his sensory experience, they can’t completely stop him from having a meltdown (or more accurately they won’t because cutting off sensory information completely leaves him vulnerable) but they start tuning out background noises when they feel it’s safe
- It won’t stop him from having meltdowns completely but it makes it so he can usually hold it together until he gets home or somewhere safe
- Takes a lot of stress off of him about how people perceive him as an autistic Latino male and the danger that comes with that
- There’s definitely a few instances where Jaime does get negative attention and it is a fight to keep Khaji from transforming him because that’s not going to make some racist ableist asshole feel less threatened by him
- Misses being in Gotham where he could stim way more and people didn’t care, everyone was so desensitized to craziness that anything short of an imminent threat to there lives was unremarkable
- He could flap his hands, mumble, bounce etc. without anyone even glancing up
- Sometimes he forgets how different Palmera is and does something that brings a lot of attention to them which always makes Milagro tease him intensely, only to turn on anyone else who so much as looks at him wrong
- Everyone thinks Jaime is the only autistic one in the family but whenever anyone says it he just stares at Rudy pointedly
- He’s so obviously autistic but completely clueless
- Secretly though Jaime is grateful because he thinks his dad knew how to help him as a kid because he grew up with Rudy
- Got diagnosed in seventh or eight grade when he had a really good teacher who stuck out the whole public school process with his family because everyone else dismissed them
- It probably saved his life in high school to know he wasn’t losing his mind even though it legitimately felt like it
- Does decent in professional interactions and with adults but cannot for the life of him make friends, the only people he knows at school are through Milagro or kids he knew growing up
- Isn’t very interested in kids his age anyway because he doesn’t relate to them and even when he likes someone he’s not good at pursuing a friendship
- Doesn’t have much of a social life but gets perfect grades and has a job to save money for college
- Is definitely really lonely but struggles to sustain relationships even though he wants friends
- Milagro, Rudy, and his dad are his best and only friends which makes losing him even harder because he’s so close to his family
- College is a real game changer for him though, he’s still awkward but he can find a lot more people who want to talk about his interests and generally more people who are accepting or even just used to weirdness because again, Gotham
- He has more casual friends and goes out from time to time which makes his family really happy but a part of him is always a little lonely
- Being bonded to Khaji is absolutely remarkable because for the first time someone understands him without him even needing to explain things
- And Jenny is also an anomaly, she’s the first one outside of his family who he really bonds with deeply, at least outside of symbiotic relationships with alien tech
- She’s neurodivergent as well and they balance each other out really well, Jenny helps Jaime get out more because she’s very social but naturally communicates in a way that makes sense to him and helps include him in social situations
- Khaji will sometimes use the suit as sort of a weighted vest to apply firm pressure to his body, there are times it’s too overstimulating during a meltdown but sometimes it really helps him
- The first time he has a meltdown after fully bonding with Khaji is after getting back to Jenny’s dads house with his family, Khaji can feel something is really wrong with him and is freaking out a bit about not being able to put a name to it when Jaime collapses in the shower crying, rocking, and pulling his hair
- Khaji absolutely looses their shit but when they try and control Jaime and make him stop it only increases his distress and after he gets so panicked and overwhelmed he throws up Khaji stops trying to interfere even when he slams the heels of his hands into his head
- When he finally cries himself out he stays curled up at the bottom of the shower until Rudy comes to bring him clothes
- He seems to understand what happened and gets Jaime dried off and into cleanish clothes, tucking him into bed
- Jaime’s thoughts are so jumbled even Khaji can’t make sense of them and he passes out pretty quick and sleeps twelve hours only to not get out of bed the next day, scrolling through Instagram and barely communicating with Khaji for two days while his family brings him meals and he barely moves
- But the time he’s feeling more normal Khaji is losing their shit and he ends up having to explain the technicalities of autism which goes better than any other time he’s had to explain it because Khaji could feel everything already and just didn’t have the technical understanding to support him
- It’s still rough to find a balance between them of handling Jaime’s challenges, sometimes Khaji accidentally makes it worse by interfering too much but they learn how to manage things together
- When he’s overstimulated and he needs complete silence he flies to space until he’s grounded enough to come home
- He wasn’t a runner as a kid but his parents would turn around and he’d be in a tree or on a roof
- Would literally climb anything in his sight, even at University he snuck into the roof with a weighted blanket, headphones, and comics whenever he needed a moment
- He’s a major nerd, a lot of his special interests are anime and video games, and of course justice and law
- Even being aware of the injustice in the world and having faced it his whole life as a disabled immigrant he still believes in people and he can get really down when he can’t help everyone both through his job and being a superhero
- He never had a lot of vocal stims as a kid but since bonding with Khaji he’s constantly making clicking and humming noises
- It drives Milagro crazy but Rudy thinks it’s cool
- It takes a year or two before he goes back to school and when he does he stays in Palmera city this time to be close to his family and be able to watch the city
- He graduates with honors and his family is actually able to come this time
- Was incredibly obsessive about his schoolwork and is no better with his actual job once he finds one
- He won’t except a job from Jenny at Kord Industries but he regularly helps her out with looking over legal stuff and sometimes gets in way too deep
- He can’t ever leave anything unfinished and it drives Khaji crazy
- Khaji spends more time combatting Jaime’s interoception issues than protecting him from supervillains, they’re constantly reminding to eat, drink, sleep, and go to the bathroom
- His eyes will flicker yellow as he starts getting overwhelmed and turn gold before having a meltdown which helps his family try and get him somewhere safe where he can calm down
- Although it’ll sometimes happen for other reasons too which can confuse people
- Gets so overstimulated after sex, he will literally just curl up in bed for hours and sleep or watch YouTube
- Jenny and Khaji take good care of him, making sure he’s staying hydrated and keeping the sensory environment as controlled as possible so he can rest
- At first he’s nervous about how Jenny will feel but it becomes a running joke that they have to clear their afternoon after having sex
- Jaimes family are always trying to find ways to help him move through life easier but it doesn’t stop his mom from freaking out when she realizes Jaime goes on the roof less because he’s flying to space instead
- Khaji becomes Jaimes biggest confidant because they’re the only one who can truly understand what’s happening in his head
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looseleafteeaves · 2 months
Okay so I am SLOWLY continuing work on this! No idea when chapter two will be posted, but I AM working on it. Here is a snippet.
‘Jaime, I can sense the young justice team on the other side of the door. It appears that we managed to be invited after the Impulse.’
Jaime, moving forwards without fear prior to this, freezes. He hadn’t- His team! They were right there! He could talk to them again-
His team. Who hadn’t noticed for 2 years that he was- That something was wrong.
2 years of paranoia and frustration and anxiety and hope and disappointment and the bitterness of betrayal. Because Khaji, as great at playing Jaime as they were, had faked it badly on purpose. And still no one noticed.
Batman glanced at him. “Blue Beetle? What’s wrong?”
“I know that I said we time travelled to stop a bad future but I forgot that I would see the people I knew again, and-“
Batman’s slight glare deepens. “Did they all die? Why didn’t you lead with-“
“No sir, they didn’t die.” Jaime stopped talking there, trying to prevent the spiral that would occur if he continued.
“Were they controlled? Benched? Hurt in some way?”
“For TWO YEARS not a SINGLE person on my team, my second family, noticed that something was wrong. Have you ever experienced that? Add the knowledge that the one controlling you was PURPOSEFULLY PRETENDING BADLY. So yes, I have some mixed feelings.”
Batman stared. Jaime noticed, flipped up his hood, and retreated backwards in his mind.
Khaji Da, thrust into the driver’s seat without warning, sighed, deeply and with feeling.
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pluralcultureis · 10 months
Some of my favorite characters that I think are systems or system coded:
Glam: Metal Family: I've heard this theory a few times, and it usually comes with he has 3 alters in his system (that we can see in the show) those are Glam, Sebastian, and an introject of his dad (whom we see front/cocon in the episode where Dee wants to learn to play guitar)
Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes: Young Justice/DC comics: now we only know him from the yj show, so this is based on that. His relationship with Scarab greatly mirrors that of which we have with alters in our own system. They start off disagreeing and fighting for control, but by the end of the season we meet them they come to a sort of agreement. They don't completely get rid of their conflict, but they learn to cope with each other
Firestorm: DC comics: I see this most with Jax and Stein in DCs legends of tomorrow, but I also see it in comics and other shows I've seen with them in it. While they do technically have separate bodies, they combine into one when they become Firestorm. When not combined in most media they're still connected, and in Legends they often confuse each other's feelings for their own, which is something that happens to us a lot. They also often argue over what to do when sharing a body
Zari: DCs legends of tomorrow: in DCs legends, there's a plot line where the first Zari we meet is half erased from the timeline, and replaced with a new Zari. However because of a magic amulet that gave Zari he powers, Zari one was still around. Eventually Zari one and Zari two figure out a schedule for being in control of the body.
Butters: South Park: I've seen this theory a few times before, and I like it. Personally I think the alters we see through the show are Butters, Marjorine, and Professor Chaos(later Vic Chaos). This one is more of a headcannon than system coding, however I still like it
Feel free to add onto this with your own headcannon or characters you think are system coded :)
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Maybe I'm hungry, but any food headcannons for hk characters?
I am Sleepy rn so I can't do the comprehensive foodmap that I still want to do for all of the regions of Hallownest, so instead I'm going to settle with the most common foods per region
Dirtmouth/surface settlements: Small meat items like tiktiks and gruzzers roasted with wild herbs and tubers found in the general area. Many small prey bugs are abundant in this region, and populations are carefully picked through to encourage more growth without impacting the nesting broodmothers, which are cultivated and killed only when a replacement starts breeding. Grains, vegetables, and fungi are traded for this meat from the City of Tears proper. Dirtmouth being a commerce point meant that they also had a lot of foreign goods traded in pre-fall
The Mosskin: Feast primarily on a selection of small wild blooms from specific moss types in Greenpath. They are vegetarian, viewing the partaking of meat as a waste of the life that Unn's dream brought forth, and view outside food with suspicion. This caution is well warrented, however- many of the flora in Greenpath is heavily acidic, which means that only select plants are safe to eat. It is inadvisable for outsiders to attempt to consume anything that a Mosskin has not touched
The Mantis Tribe: Subsides on any and all living bugs, as well as the flesh of the Shrumal shrooms, which is unnervingly meatlike. They are ruthless hunters, but unlike the spider tribes in Deepnest, they have a code of honour that prevents them from attacking moving caravans or any other type of trader that might provide sustenance to either them, or their prey. Part of the reason why they allied with the Pale King was based off of this- he told them that as long as they kept the hunters of Deepnest away from trade routes, he would turn a blind eye to any civilian deaths in their territory, which allowed them to continue to live their traditional lifestyle without much worry about the kingdom next door raising a fuss
Deepnest: A nearly fully carnivorous society, where mushrooms are really only used to flavor things and anything is fair game. The spiders are deeply spiritual when it comes to hunting, believing that intelligent bugs must be given the proper hunting and death rites to prevent their spirits from becoming the faceless Nosk, but they do not have an honour system and will eat anything they consider to be fair game- aka, in their territory, or snared in their webs. The Mantis Tribe has the highest intelligent bug ratio eaten, but survivability is at its lowest in Deepnest, as most spiders are not keen to let a meal escape when the next might be clever enough to skirt around their web
The Moth Tribe: Originally dined on a mixture of sweet nectar from wild flowers and surface-collected greenery, which has since changed to farmed wild rices and other grains along the sides of the Blue Lake. While food is more abundant this way, it's a little too heavy for most, and there is some suspicion as to whether or not a changed diet lead to a decline in the health of their populations (that wasn't related to them being unable to survive without the Radiance)
The City of Tears: The most varied of the bunch, with the greatest variety of foods brought in from all over Hallownest and beyond. While no one meal plan dominates the more omnivorous, varied populace, the beetle tribe is particularily well-known for its ability to cultivate wild grains along the banks of the Blue Lake, a practice perfected with the aid of the White Lady. This grain is usually traded to Dirtmouth in exchange for fresh meats and tubers, as feeding the chaff to the wild beasts keeps them away from the fields and thus allows for a meat-plant pseudofarming system to get going
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