#blowing on flowers? like dandelions ?! he is so cute
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rereading fyy's translation and wwx is soo cute and silly!!!! playing around in the flowers and grass !!! i love when wwx is having fun and running around outside like yes that's exactly what he should be doing <3
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lumiconic · 2 years
things they remember
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❥  summary: things they remember ab u and ur relationship!
❥  characters: diluc ; xiao ; thoma ; cyno ; arataki itto ; albedo ; tighnari ; venti
❥ content: fluff, gn reader
❥ note: just some cute fluff hcs!
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… diluc remembers the smell of your hair, the intoxicating scent of apples and grapes that leaves him heady and dizzy, your face presses into his shoulder and his gloved hands twist through strands of your hair in a brief second of serene calm, and he inhales the most wonderful aroma that he wishes he could save forever so that all that clouded his mind was the thought of you, when he thinks back to his quietest, happiest moments, he remembers softness and sugar and apples and you.
… xiao remembers a color that gives him comfort, pearly, iridescent white, like almond tofu, misty opals, like puffs of your breath in the morning cold, the shade of the clouds that surround liyue’s highest peaks as you climbed them with him slowing down to stay with you, a determined smile fixed resolvedly on your face and the way you whooped, your gleeful voice echoing through the mountains when you finally ascended to the top, and your hands clutching his, that shade of hazy white he loves so much.
… thoma remembers the first date you had, a picnic underneath a maple tree with leaves as red as windwheel asters, a bouquet of flowers wrapped with gold ribbons on the cloth. the first time he heard you, really heard you speak after admiring you from afar for so long, and what a beautiful voice you had, what a beautiful smile, how you were so dazzling it almost was blinding. and today he’s recreated the picnic for your fifth anniversary, and you’re still just as beautiful as you were, even more so.
… cyno remembers that your favorite color is blue, that your favorite food is sweets with apples in them, that your favorite flower is padisarahs and your favorite person is him, your birthday, the name of your pet dog, the sound of your voice cheerfully singing out his name, your laughter at a silly one liner he made (and stored a thousand more in his brain to hear that sound again), he remembers the exact shade of your eyes, he remembers the feeling of you in his arms and warmth in his heart.
… itto remembers that you like the taste of sweet melon, one of inazuma’s popular flavorings, and every time he sees anything flavored with it he swipes it off the shelf, never mind how much it costs, and brings it home to you proudly with stars in his eyes. you laugh, try a bite of whatever it is – hard candies or smoothies or macarons – and then pull him into a hug and thank him from the bottom of your heart, and when he kisses you he tastes sweet melon, almost as sweet as you.
… albedo remembers clutching a caterpillar in his palm and crushing it into starry dust before opening it again and revealing a tiny, perfect butterfly that fluttered away in a breeze of silver glitter, your wide eyed look of absolute delight as you begged him to do it again, starstruck by his expertise and wanting nothing more than to see him do a thousand more feats of what looks like sorcery to you, and how you still treat him as though he’s a wonderful magician, a gift from the archons themselves.
… tighnari remembers an odd dream of his that he was lying in a field of flowers, soft cushions of pink and yellow, and he felt weariness drain away as he stared up at the sky with its golden sun, relaxed in the silence for once with responsibilities so far away, and then he blinked awake and found himself with his head in your lap, your fingertips tracing along his forehead, and you smiled down at him and cupped his chin in your palms as you gave him a kiss hello and his face flushed red.
… venti remembers blowing wisps of dandelion fluff off the green straw, watching the white puffs float away on a breeze as he wished, clutching clusters of dandelions to his chest with slender fingers as he bowed his head and prayed to a more powerful god than he that you could be his, that you could see him the way his throat choked up every time he looked at you and was struck silent for once in his life by the power of the love he felt for you, that one day you could reciprocate his longing.
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thank you so much for reading, and pls leave a like + reblog + follow if you enjoyed!!
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doodle-pops · 3 months
Amras x reader
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Request: Right, so first is with Amras, can I get a fluff fic with him, like the one you posted a few weeks ago, the "puppy love" one, it was so cute and id love to read something similar with amras! - anon
Warnings: none, all fluff
Words: 1.4k
Synopsis: A soft moment shared between you and Amras amidst the hectic life.
Prompt: “Dandelions? I thought they were a weed?”
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The gentle winds were blowing through the room, ruffling the curtains, and sending pieces of your loose hair strands flying across your face. With your mouth wide open, lightly snoring and your hair covering your face, your husband who was up at the time, was admiring your sleeping form and thought you to be the most beautiful person in the world. Leaning in closer, doing his best not to wake you, he moved a few hair strands so he could kiss your forehead.
As his lips came in contact with your forehead, you grumbled slightly and shifted to roll over onto the next side, now facing away from him. Smiling to himself, he shook his head while rolling on the bed and made his way over to the door to go to the kitchen. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before he entered the kitchen, Amras yawned before he turned to the cabinet to gather the necessary ingredients to make you both breakfast.
Standing bareback in the kitchen, whisking away at the batter for the pancakes, he placed the bowl down to remove the eggs and sausages from the pan, he removed the pan to clean before using it for the pancakes. It didn’t take him long before the pancakes were finished, all he needed to do was wait for the muffins to leave the oven and breakfast was ready to be served. In the meantime, a smile graced his face as he remembered something to help brighten your day.
It wasn’t long before he finished his assignment and returned to the kitchen, holding a bouquet of flowers. Walking to the wares stand he picked two plates to place your food in while grabbing the jug filled with apple juice, to rest on the tray. After he had set the dishes on the tray, the muffins were ready to be removed from the oven.
Taking the tray and making his way back to your shared room, he noticed that your position changed, and you were now sprawled out in the middle of the bed, facing down. Placing the tray on the nightstand, he gauged your state before walking over to the windows and pulling the curtains apart, allowing for more light to evade the room. A loud groan was heard as the curtains parted, and turning his head to follow the sound, he saw you wriggling your body under the sheets and sticking your head under the pillow.
You weren’t much of a morning person. He knew this and still to your displeasure, he took the greatest pleasure in all the different ways he could wake you up, most of the time light was involved. If he wasn’t your husband, you would have taken him down for disrupting your sleep. Your sleep was important to you and you treasured it with all your heart, so currently you felt as though you were going to combust at the fact that it was interrupted.
During your grumbling and fussing, Amras stood there with his hands clutching his stomach doubling over while the other was covering his mouth stifling his laughter. Your reaction was golden. No matter how early or how late you went to sleep, no amount of sleep was enough. However, it was already one in the afternoon, and the morning was already over. It was way past time to eat, so you needed to get up.
Still laughing at your sleeping state, this time out loud, he climbed into the bed next to you and peeled back the sheets to reveal your head, “Love, it’s time to wake up. I made breakfast, well, lunch?”
Your hand shot out from under the sheets to cover his mouth, Unsuccessfully, you took a while before approaching his mouth, instead, his body received multiple slaps in the process as your hand travelled up to meet his mouth. He sat there taking in all the hits until your hand finally reached his mouth. He realized that talking wasn’t doing anything, so he moved his hands to travel under the sheets to tickle at your sides. You retaliated by hitting him some more while inching away from his fingers. His tickling was relentless, and he refused to let you return to sleep.
Determined to wake you out of your slumber, he crawled off the bed, moving over to the foot of the bed making you feel as though he had given up and decided to leave you alone. In reality, he was holding the sheets, ready to rip them off your body to get you up. Doing a countdown before taking it off, he laughed as he reached one and ripped the coverings off you, forcing you to shoot out of bed, fists balled up and ready to fight.
“Finally, sleeping beauty has arisen from slumber,” he spoke with a bright smile appearing on his face, happy with the outcome of his actions.
“Amras, come on,” you were kicking your feet, throwing a tantrum.
“I made breakfast, lunch, whatever you want to call it. Come on, you can’t let it get cold, plus I got you flowers,” he urged you to sit up properly so you two could eat.
“I want to sleep,” you were whining at him, still kicking your feet about the bed.
Sighing at your little tantrum, he quickly came up with a deal, “How about this,” he climbed on the bed to sit next to you, “we eat the food I made and then we, I mean you go back to sleep, though it’s already afternoon and I don’t understand why you still need sleep.”
Eyeing him suspiciously, you frowned. “You promise?”
“Promise.” He flashed a smile. “Now come, let us eat!”
“What did you make for us to eat?” you yawned as you forced your body to roll to the cool side of the bed.
“Pancakes, eggs, sausages, muffins, the usual, and I got you some flowers. Dandelions, because they remind me of you.” Getting up to retrieve the tray, he came back to sit at the head of the bed where you moved to lay next to him, snuggling him in the process. “Hey, you have to sit up, you can’t eat like that.”
“Dandelions? Aren’t those weeds? I remind you weeds?” you teased as you pressed your body deeper into his sides, ignoring his protests. “Oh Pityo, how romantic. At least you picked me first, get it?”
Torn between wanting to laugh and being exasperated by your antics, he shook his head with a playful roll of his eyes as he reached for the glass of apple juice and brought it to your lips. He fed you while you cuddled him and made small talk as the meal depleted. From conversing about what activities to partake in during your time off, to how much sleep was enough for you, you two spoke about everything before sleepiness returned to you.
“You should feed me like this more often,” you mumbled sleepily after he finished feeding you. “Make sure your little weed grows to be the toughest one of them all.”
“You aren’t planning on letting that go, are you?” he replied as he slid the tray onto the table before adjusting his body comfortably beside yours. His fingers grazed your back, dancing along the curve and tracing random patterns that lulled you to sleep faster.
“How,” –you yawned– “could I? I’m your favourite little flower you would always pick first.”
Feeling his heart melting as you spoke tenderly, he took in your sleepy figure; lashes fluttering as you fought against the sleep, head going slump, lips parted as soft snores escaped and body relaxed. It was a sight that could not get any better. He was indeed pleased to have picked you first since you were his first love. Nuzzling his nose against yours and following up with a kiss, he softly whispered, “You’re the only flower I’d ever pick.”
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @sakurayaxd @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @ladyenchanted
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youaintnothinbuta · 9 months
— racetrack higgins boyfriend hcs —
ೃ⁀➷ summary: just a bunch of cute boyfriendy hcs about race !
pairing: race higgins x fem!reader
warnings: none
A/N: feel free to request a specific trope of hcs, maybe some nsfw ones next ?? Hope you enjoy <3
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• gets outwardly defensive when the other newsies tease about him being affectionate towards you, but it just makes him hold you/your hand, etc even tighter
• quickly leans in to give you a peck on the cheek as he enters a hug
• ALWAYS makes you blow away the dandelion and refuses to let you share you wish “because then it won’t come true”
• going off of that, he likes to give you things. he can’t afford to buy anything, but stones in the shape of a heart, single flowers off the side of the road (even if it’s just a weed), etc he always gives you, like a bird collecting things for their mate
• He is SUCH a tease, loves teasing you both innocently and not so innocently ;)
• He folds so fast when you tease him back though
• tucks your hair behind your ears— he thinks you look adorable
• Constantly playing with your hair, twirling it round his finger, brushes the ends against his face
• Loves making you blush, especially in front of others. He’ll whisper certain things in your ear so only you can hear and then pull away and smirk as he watches the rouge creep up your neck and face and spread to your ears.
• Smirks whenever he catches you staring at him
• He loves tickling you. Annoyingly loves it. He just loves your giggle
• He would never be caught DEAD babytalking in front of anyone, especially not his newsie friends, but in private…he loves it
• He’s very street smart, which is nice because as a young woman you tend to be vulnerable to mugging, etc
• Racetrack Higgins: self proclaimed king of New York AND king of romance
• His biggest green flag is that even after months and months and YEARS of dating he will continue to flirt like he’s still trying to get you
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mari-lair · 7 months
HII!! What is a flower you associate with each of the components from the sunflower trio??
And as a group too!
I think they fit the lily of the valley very well, it's pale and beautiful and it's said to ward off evil spirits
Example: akane hates supernaturals, teru exorcises them and aoi was dragged away from them
(far shore war flashbacks)
Oh also it's poisonous as well sooo-
Well tell me what you think!! ^^
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Ooooh warding off evil for the trio is so cool! I looked up and the lily of the valley's poison can be used for healing too, the duality of it fits the trio vibes really well to me! My very helpful very awful trio <3
I don't have a flower I associate with the three as a whole, except the titular sunflower, but I do have some for them as individuals!
For Teru it's dandelions.
Dandelions are hard to explain why I relate it to him, but I'll try: They are called 'dente de leão' in Brazil, which means 'lion's teeth' and are classified as a weed but are very loved for a weed, there is even a saying that "if you make a wish and blow off all of the dandelion puffs, your wish will come true." The childish nature of it, the association with a predator, the way every kid I knew always lit up when they saw it, the way they are so easy to be damaged but impossible to get rid off. It's very Teru to me.
For Akane it's red roses and orange lilies.
Red Roses cause they are heavily associated with romance and passion, and he is an old-fashioned loverboy to me. Put his whole heart into everything.
Orange Lilies cause they are orange like my boy! But also cause they are related to enthusiasm, job, and love for life.
Just look at what Google tells me! Is very Akane to me
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Pride, hatred, and contempt are the negative associations of orange lilies, which I think fits him too. The boy is so prideful he goes straight into arrogance.
Aoi is bellflowers and yellow roses.
Bellflowers are purple like her and very beautiful, truly stunning flowers! Their meaning is cute too: everlasting love, and affection, some even relate the flower to Venus, the goddess of beauty and love. It fits her image and the sweeter parts of her character.
Yellow Roses can mean joy or jealousy, and it is hard to know the intent behind it when you're given one. It's a rose associated with friendship which sounds weird since Bellflowers is 'everlasting love' but I swear she is both. She is far less scared of friendship than romance.
Her yellow rose definitively has thorns.
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hmshermitcraft · 9 months
Some fluffy Grian x Cleo maybe?
Cleo has gotten used to Grian's pranks by now, and since they started dating they've gotten a lot cuter, but no less annoying.
Cleo had received coordinates and a time on a sign in her base, with a heart and a 'G' carved next to them. The time listed was midnight, so she prepared some throw-away armor just in case she died and set off soon after the sun had set.
It was only a quick fly away, no Nether travel needed, and was a little glass platform in the sky. Grian was nowhere to be found. She cautiously landed, looking around for any hidden mechanisms, before catching a glimpse of the ground below her.
It was a beautifully lit up field of flowers, forming the picture of her face. Well, as much as it could with the wind blowing the plants around. Blue orchids were used for her skin, the lighting making them slightly paler. Her eyes were made out of oxeye daisies and wither roses, her hair a beautiful mix of poppies, orange tulips, and dandelions. The entire scene was surrounded by beautiful light fixtures of sea lanterns, painting the field in a gentle blue that made it look like it was glowing.
Cleo was so entranced that she didn't hear the rockets or the person landing behind her. Rather, they made themselves known by pushing her off the platform.
She screeched, elytra twirling around her and offering no help in actually gliding down safely. She could faintly hear the sound of a firework behind the rushing wind and then arms were wrapped around her torso as she was carried into a smooth landing.
There were tell-tale snickers next to her ear, her short boyfriend's face partially buried in her back. She twisted to look at him, saw his glinting eyes, and promptly pushed her hand in his face and pushed him away. He squawked, nearly losing balance, and she couldn't keep her smile down for long.
"And what is all this?"
"A bunch of flowers," was Grian's cheeky response, and Cleo reached out to pinch his nose. He was able to pull away easily.
"A bunch of flowers that I nearly died in. I nearly died in my face, Grian."
"I had to do something to sweep you off your feet."
Cleo laughed, "You pushed me off my feet."
"Still counts. Now do you want dinner or not?" Grian grabbed her hand, pulling her towards a clearing in the middle of the flowers where an orange blanket was spread out, a few candles (carefully) lit, and a picnic basket with some wine and glasses set up.
"You know," she said as she settled down onto the blanket, letting Grian pour her a glass of red wine. "You could have just told me you set up a date for us rather than leave an ominous sign in my base."
"But that's no fun! If I'm not leaving you guessing, what's the point?"
"You're so lucky you're cute."
"And kissable. You've said it yourself."
Cleo sighs to cover up her amusement, grabbing his chin and leaning over to give him a small kiss, even if it only proved his point further.
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joanquill · 1 year
Flower picking
I'm a bit late so i'm not sure if you are going to accept my request, but if you are willing then i would like this with Fred and a romantic, fluff.
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Fred Porlock
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"No peeking!" you warned, keeping your hands over his eyes as you led him through the path.
Fred let out a breathy chuckle as he complied, holding out his hands as you instructed him what to do.
"Is it still far?" he asked, putting his hands over yours, "We've been walking for a while now,"
You perched your head to the side, seeing the welcome sign ahead.
"Yep!" you happily declared, removing your hands as you rushed ahead, seeing the flower fields in all of their glory.
You turned to see Fred behind you, in awe of the view.
"Tada!" you threw your arms in the air, a proud smile on your face.
"It's a flower farm!" you grinned, "The owners let guests pick flowers, and there's even a short class on making bouquets and stuff," you explained, pointing at fellow visitors already picking their flowers with an employee leading them.
"How did you find out about this place...?"
"Oh, you know..." you shrugged, "Just went around town and saw them setting up a flower shop in the market." you smiled, remembering the warm greetings they gave passersby.
"We got to talking, and they told me about their farm," you turned to Fred, awaiting his reaction.
"What do you think?" you asked, making him take a breath.
"It's... amazing," he mused, his eyes not leaving the rows and rows of flowers.
You quietly congratulated yourself as you grabbed his hand, excited for the day.
"Come on!" you tugged him to the entrance, "I already paid for both of us. Let's enjoy it!"
You happily hummed as you continued to pick flowers carefully, choosing the ones that seemed to make the best bouquet.
You looked over to Fred, who seemed to be the one enjoying it the most out of your group, as his flower basket looked the most professional.
You smiled at the sight as you continued your work, placing your flowers gently into your basket.
"Oh! A dandelion!" you exclaimed, seeing a single dandelion on the flower bed.
"Must be the last one of the season," you muttered, carefully picking it out.
You looked around your group and saw everyone off to a flowerbed of their own, including Fred, who was ecstatically talking with the Ackers, the farm owners.
Seeing an opportunity, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
'Please... Let me stay by Fred's side for as long as possible...' you wished to the dandelion and opened your eyes, blowing its seeds to the wind.
"Looks like a serious wish," Fred mused behind you, making you jerk.
"HEY-!" you shouted, catching other people's attention.
"I'm so sorry..." you nervously laughed with a bow to the group while Fred was turned away, trying to contain his laughter.
You huffed as you hit his arm, "I thought I told you not to sneak up on me!"
"Sorry, force of habit..." he chuckled, making you sigh as you put the dandelion's stem into your basket and continued to roam around the fields.
"So? What did you wish for?" Fred questioned, following behind you.
You flinched at his question as your face started to grow warm.
"If I told you, it won't come true," you sighed, avoiding his gaze as you continued to look at the flowers.
Fred frowned at your answer as he continued to follow you.
"Not even a hint?"
Mrs. Acker lightly laughed as she watched you and Fred picking flowers.
"What a cute couple," she smiled to Mr. Acker, who chuckled as he put his hand on his wife's waist, pulling her close and kissing her forehead.
"Kind of like you and me when we were young, hm?"
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prettyblondguys · 1 year
Dandelions and Daisies
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A fluffy Eddie x plus size reader. The title is inspired by the song linked!
Warnings: just fluff, a smol kiss. Proofreader? I hardly know her!
Today is just so beautiful, you can't help but think to yourself, taking a deep breath and filling your lungs with cool air, staring up at the bright blue sky from where you sit on the ground, bare legs slightly tucked under you. It's one of those perfect spring days where the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and you're patiently waiting for a handsome gentleman to show up. Eddie had promised to meet you to have a picnic after he got off work, listening to you ramble on about the field of wildflowers you had wanted to show him.
You stretch out on the blanket to get some sun, the breeze tickling the hairs on your exposed legs as your skirt rises up past your calves. The skirt was new, a mid-length ruffled thing you had gotten on sale the day before, the soft olive green fabric fitting snug around your hips and waist before flowing loosely around your thighs, the elastic hugging your soft belly. You had paired it with a sleeveless white blouse and ballet flats, wanting to enjoy the feeling of the sun warming your arms.
As the minutes pass and Eddie's still a no-show, you start to feel a bit silly, a bit overdressed. Sitting up you distract yourself by getting some things out of the basket you brought, little sandwiches with the crusts cut off and jam cookies, sliced fruits and two bottles of Fanta. You're finishing up when you spot Eddie a little ways off, noticing the big grin on his face as he gets closer, one arm behind his back. "Hi," you say, smiling up at him as he stands in front of you, "I started to worry you weren't coming." Dropping to his knees he clutches his chest in mock offense, earning a giggle from you as he tries not to laugh. "How could you think that? Not show up?" He says as his eyes rove over your plump figure, "and miss seeing how enchanting you look?" You feel a flush rise to your cheeks, looking away from his stare as you mutter a thanks. "Y/n, hey," his voice is softer, causing you to look up and find yourself caught in his gaze, "you look really pretty." You return his smile, all worries melting away. "Thank you, Eddie," you reply, "you look very nice as well." 
"I do, don't I?" He jokes, grin widening as he shifts his weight to the side, hand leaning against the ground. "Here," he finally moves his other arm from behind his back, presenting you with a dandelion, "make a wish." You can't help the laugh that rumbles up from your chest. He brought me a flower. You think for a moment, not wanting to waste it. "You scrunch your nose when you're thinking," he interrupts your thoughts, "it's cute." You lean forward and close your eyes, letting out a puff of air as the dandelion seeds blow off in the wind, you and Eddie turning to watch them float away. You glance at the flower he's still holding, the stem engulfed by his large hand. "There's still some left," you say, "you should do it." 
"Yeah?" He chuckles, and you nod, watching as his lips form a small ' o ', blowing the rest of them away. He pockets the stem, "a keepsake," he explains when he catches you watching, and this time it's Eddie that blushes, fidgeting with his hands like he always does when he's shy - which isn't often. You hand him a sandwich and one of the sodas, both of you falling into a pleasant silence as you eat, watching the tallgrass sway.
After you finish and put up anything left over, you both lay down on the blanket in opposite directions, laying your heads beside one another, looking up at the clouds passing by.
You lift your hand to intertwine it with his, running your thumb over his rough fingers, no doubt calloused from hours of guitar practice. "Hey," Eddie says quietly, turning his head to look at you, "do you think we wished for the same thing?" Leaning forward, you brush your nose against his, squeezing his hand. "I think so." You whisper back, watching a smile spread across his face before he leans closer to you, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. And, you think to yourself, it just came true.
First time writing anything Eddie related so apologies if it's a bit off lol
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sophiiwrites · 1 month
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word count: 3.3k
genre/archetypes: romance, fluff, childhood friends to lovers, childhood, teenagedom (?), high school romance, angst :(
synopsis: the winding path of childhood, friendship, and romance, told through a story that should have lasted longer than it did
notes: i actually wrote this two years ago to post to wattpad (yes, i’ve been trying to post my stories since forever, don’t mind me) but i never did. no, i don’t have a wattpad anymore. yes, i definitely deleted it. but i really liked this work and revamped it to post it to tumblr! it’s really sappy and honestly pretty unrealistic but i like it, it’s cute, it’s whatever haha
and yes, i haven’t posted misadventures of a flower shop yet. shhhhhhh
warnings/potential triggers: death by car accident
hope you enjoy!
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Kai ran over to see what Wendy was holding. In her hands were two big, perfect sunflowers. All their petals were intact, and not a leaf was out of place or torn.
“Wow!” Kai exclaimed. “These are really special!” 
“I know, right?” Wendy handed one to him. “Here, this one’s for you!” 
Kai took the sunflower in his hands, looking at the petals and center, marveling at how all the petals were whole. 
“These are super special. You’d better not lose it, Kai!” commanded Wendy. “I don’t think I can find any more perfect sunflowers like this one.”
“I won’t lose it, I promise,” Kai replied. He gently held the sunflower in his hands, like it was made of delicate glass.
Just then, Kai’s gaze fell on a patch of dandelions. He ran over to them, Wendy following him. Together, they each picked one dandelion.
“Let's blow on them together!” Kai exclaimed. Together, he and Wendy blew on them simultaneously, unleashing the dandelion seeds. They watched the seeds float in the air, blown about by the wind.
“Wait, I have an idea! Let’s pick a bunch of dandelions, then blow on them together. Then there’ll be lots of seeds in the air,” Wendy said. They gathered bunches of dandelions in their fists. Simultaneously, they each blew a gust of air onto the dandelions, making the seeds float up towards the sky.
“Let’s dance!” laughed Wendy, as she pulled Kai into the circle of dandelion seeds. Together, they danced in the flurry of dandelion seeds. 
It was a warm afternoon. All around them, dandelions twirled, flowers waved in the breeze, and birds chirped. As they danced, laughed, talked, rolled around, and picked flowers, the soft wind blew and for a glorious hour, it was like nothing else mattered in the world.
They were only 7, but their friendship was blossoming like the sunflowers in the field: sweet, beautiful, and almost perfect.
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Wendy and Kai spent most of their elementary school days in the field, chatting, doing homework together, playing, and picking flowers. Sometimes, if it was especially hot, they would go to the town pool to swim for a bit or go to the nearest ice cream parlor for a snack. 
It’s safe to say both of them spent the majority of their days outside when the weather permitted them to. But as they both grew older and their homework load became greater, they stopped spending so much time at the field. Instead, they relocated to Kai or Wendy’s house.
One time at Wendy’s house, Wendy asked a question. 
“Hey, Kai? Do you know what love feels like?” 
Mrs. Simmons, Wendy’s 7th grade English teacher, had asked the question in class. That question was now present on Wendy’s homework, and Wendy needed an answer.
“Hmmm… Do you mean romantic love? Because I don’t know what that feels like,” Kai replied.
“I guess it could be any kind of love,” Wendy mused.
Kai thought for a bit, then smiled. “I know! I think love feels like a sweater.”
Wendy groaned. “Why would love feel like a sweater? A sweater is so normal and boring, and it gets linty and run-down at the end.”
“But that’s the whole point,” Kai replied. “It feels like a sweater because love wraps around you and makes you feel safe, warm, and cozy. It protects you from the cold and it also protects you from harm. A sweater gets linty and run-down towards the end of its life because it’s been used so much, but you don’t throw a sweater away because it’s linty. You pick off the lint and keep wearing it. You keep working on love, too. My parents always say that love isn’t something you should give up on.” 
Wendy stared at him. “Actually, that’s a good analogy.”
“Exactly!” Kai responded, now focused on his math homework.
“I think love feels more like a cup of cocoa. It warms you up from the inside, but it’s also gone quickly unless you keep refilling it. And the sugar to chocolate to milk ratio is super important. You need to find the right balance. How much chocolate, how much sugar, how much milk do you need? You need to keep working on it till you find the perfect balance of everything, like love. Does that make sense?”
“Mmmm.” Kai murmured, completely absorbed in his math homework.
“Thanks. Makes me feel so confident about submitting that answer.” Wendy rolled her eyes. 
Soon, the room was silent again as each worked on their own homework.
But Wendy didn’t forget about their analogies. Kai didn’t either. 
Secretly, both wanted to know what it felt like to be in love. And not the platonic, friendship, family kind of love. They didn’t want to compare love to objects. They wanted real romantic love.
They were both thirteen, and had lost the childlike innocence they once had. Once upon a time, they were frolicking in the fields, lost in fun and delight; now they were growing up, becoming more responsible, and wondering. Wondering about many things.
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“Hurry up, Kai!” Wendy said. “It’s the first snowfall of the season! Come on, slowpoke!”
Kai hurried out the front door, wearing his thickest dark winter coat, a black scarf, and a matching black hat. 
“I heard black keeps you warm,” he said as they started off down the street to the field. 
“Really? What about white?” Wendy asked. Kai laughed. 
“White keeps you cold. You’re going to be freezing by the time we come back.” 
“That’s totally fake. I’ll show you!” Wendy exclaimed. She ran ahead of Kai, and Kai started running too. They ran all the way to the field, laughter ringing through the air as they jostled each other to get first place.
Wendy beamed. “Ha! I won! And I’m not cold anymore, am I?” 
At that moment, she was hit by a snowball from Kai. 
“Hey!” Wendy shook off the snow. With her white jacket, white mittens, white snow boots, and white hat, she looked like a polar bear. 
“Hey, you look like a polar bear!” Kai taunted. 
“That’s not even a good insult!” Wendy yelled back, throwing a snowball to Kai’s chest. 
Kai started scooping up snow, faster and faster. They took turns throwing snowballs at each other until they were both wet and covered with snow. Wendy and Kai flopped down to the ground, tired and out of breath.
Kai turned to Wendy. Her face was red, covered with water and a sheen layer of sweat. But Kai didn’t mind. In fact, Kai felt a little bit nervous, although he couldn’t explain why.
Lying next to Wendy was nothing new: after all, they’d been friends since kindergarten. But now, it sparked something new inside. He looked at Wendy and felt warm and cozy all over, even though he was laying in the snow with pants that were soaked through.
“Did you know that the first snow is the snow of love?” Wendy asked. “If you confess your love to someone, you’ll stay together eternally.” 
Kai looked at Wendy. “What, are you going to confess to someone special?”
Wendy shook her head. “There’s no one I want to confess to.” 
As she said that, she frowned a bit. There was something with that sentence that annoyed her. Something that didn’t feel right.
“Hmmm… well, maybe there is someone. Don’t know who it is though.”
“Really?” Kai smiled at Wendy. She didn’t know why, but she felt warm flutterings in her stomach as she looked at Kai. His eyelashes and hair were flecked with snowflakes, accentuating Kai’s eyes and making Wendy think of touching his hair. Wendy furrowed her eyebrows.
“Kai.” Wendy sat up, frowning slightly at him. 
Kai looked at Wendy. As he did, he felt something stirring inside of him. 
Once upon a time, he and Wendy would have held hands and danced and played in the snow. Now, the thought of holding Wendy’s hand sparked an unusual feeling in him. Like they were going to be something more than friends.
“What would it be like to kiss someone? Do you know?” Wendy asked.
“I think… well, I think a kiss is warm,” Kai said, surprising himself. “It’s like… kissing a cup of cocoa. Or something warm in general.” 
“How do you know?” Wendy asked.
“Well, I like warming my hands right? So once I tried warming my lips instead of my hands on a cup of cocoa. And it felt nice. Except the cup was hard, so it wasn’t really like kissing. I mean, lips are soft, right?” Kai laughed nervously.
Wendy stared at him. Her eyes went slightly wide at a certain thought that popped into her brain. To cover, she quickly asked a question. 
“What if you kissed a hand?” Wendy asked nervously. “I mean, that would be soft and warm, right?” She fumbled around for a hand. In her confused and nervous state, she accidentally took Kai’s hand and kissed it. 
Both faces turned red. Wendy’s eyes went wide, and Kai looked away. 
“I- I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking!” Wendy apologized.
“It’s… fine?” Kai responded, as though he was asking a question.
“Um, well, I think we should, um, go,” Wendy stammered. 
Both stood up abruptly, and started walking home, looking at the ground with flushed red cheeks and thoughts they didn’t want to say out loud. 
Being fourteen was confusing to both Wendy and Kai, to say the least. 
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“Kai? Wendy’s here!” Kai’s mom yelled up to Kai. Kai flinched, sitting up straight. He could hear footsteps and knew he couldn’t avoid the awkward situation that was about to come.
Ever since the awkward day in the snow fields, Wendy and Kai hadn’t really talked to each other, even though almost a year had passed. Neither of them had been acting the same. Their comfortable silences turned into more awkward silences. They didn’t know what to do or what to say. Because of that, they had slightly drifted apart in their first year of high school. As they joined separate social circles, Wendy and Kai didn’t see each other much anymore. They waved to each other in the hallways and knew they had the same English teacher from short discussions in the lunch line, but they were so busy that they didn’t have much time to talk. And, secretly, they didn’t know what to say.
But also secretly, both wanted to go back to the friendship they had before. As Wendy walked up the stairs, she reiterated to herself this mission, even though she was a bit anxious of seeing Kai. 
Wendy opened the door cautiously, and Kai pulled up a chair, motioning for Wendy to sit. They both stared at each other before talking.
“I-” Wendy started.
“So-” Kai started.
Suddenly, they both laughed, and the tension was broken. 
“Do you want to go first?” Kai asked.
“What did Ms. Jeffords assign for homework? I was out sick,” Wendy asked. 
Kai showed her the assignment, and suddenly, everything seemed to fall into place as they worked together. It was as if nothing had changed. After they finished, a certain bulletin board of Kai’s caught her eye.
One of the photos depicted Wendy and Kai together, making silly faces. Another showed Wendy making the victory sign as she posed after winning her soccer match. The final one showed Kai looking down at a book, twiddling with his pencil.
“Whoa, those photos are good!” Wendy complimented Kai as she stared at them. “Can I take the one of me?” 
“Sure.” Kai said. “Thanks for the compliment.”
Both stood up, and Wendy was about to turn and open the door when she paused. She didn’t want to go yet. She wanted to talk to Kai more. She wanted to work on homework with him and walk through the high school hallways together.
Wendy took a small step towards Kai. Kai furrowed his brows, but just as he was about to ask a question, Wendy took another small step and tripped over a pencil on the ground.
The fall sent her flying towards Kai. Kai put his hands out, trying to stop her from falling. Instead, they were both knocked back onto Kai’s bed, with Wendy landing squarely on him and their lips touching. 
Kai’s lips were soft. Wendy felt his mouth make a slight O of surprise. She blinked, dazed. Thoughts were racing through her head a mile a minute. Had Kai always felt so comforting? Had he always smelled that good? Why was she here again? What was she doing here? Her mom was absolutely going to kill her.
Meanwhile, Kai was going through the exact same thing. Had Wendy always looked so pretty? Had she always had such nice lips? Why was her hair so soft? What was going on? He prayed his mom wouldn’t walk in. He closed his eyes, not wanting to cut the moment short.
Wendy rolled to the side, and Kai’s eyes opened wide. They stared at the ceiling in silence, both faces red as tomatoes.
After a while, Kai opened his mouth to speak.
“Well. You know how kissing feels now, right?”
Wendy laughed. “Yeah- I guess.” 
“How- how was it?” Kai murmured. 
“Wel- Well, it was… fine? Good? Okay?” Wendy’s thoughts failed to form as she regained her composure. 
Kai smiled wanly. 
They stayed like that for a long time, figuring themselves out and sorting their thoughts into neat piles that were ruined every time one of them moved slightly. Their hearts beat almost simultaneously as they tried to regain control.
Kai’s face turned to Wendy’s, and he found Wendy staring at him. 
They were fifteen, yet they felt something new. Something that could blossom into a new, different feeling.
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“We’ve returned!” Wendy announced as she and Kai walked to the field where they used to spend all of their time together. 
Kai beamed at her, and she felt the same fluttering she had always felt. They settled down under a willow tree, hiding them from the other people in the field. 
“How do you feel about turning seventeen?” Wendy asked him.
Kai frowned. “It’s kind of scary, I guess. One more year until we turn eighteen.”
As Wendy stared out, she felt two arms snaking around her waist. She turned around to find Kai nesting his head on her neck. 
“This feels nice,” he murmured. 
“Mmm.” Wendy responded. 
Kai pulled her closer. They leaned against each other, watching the sun slowly set.
“Come on,” Wendy said, gently untangling Kai’s arms. “We have to go home now. It’s already 8:30.”
Both stood up, dusting grass off of their legs. Holding hands, they walked slowly across the field to the entrance, and parted ways at the crosswalk. 
“Wait.” Kai said as Wendy was about to walk off. He hugged her quickly and lightly kissed her on the tip of her nose. Wendy’s eyes slightly widened in surprise, and she smiled.
“Bye, Wendy.” Kai said, and the two walked off in opposite directions. Wendy felt like she was walking on air. 
Kai turned around.
“Meet here? Tomorrow?”
Kai nodded. Wendy smiled.
“Okay, bye! Love you!” 
Kai’s eyes brightened at what he had just heard. Wendy winced as she turned around, realizing the impact of what she had just said. Hoping Kai didn’t hear her, she tried to walk a little faster.
Wendy turned around, squirming. She really hoped Kai hadn’t heard what she had just said. It was incredibly embarrassing.
“I love you too!” Kai beamed.
Wendy’s eyes widened, and she smiled back in delight.
“Me too!”
They walked off, for real this time.
Kai walked to a crosswalk, taking out his phone and scrolling to Wendy’s number. That way, he’d remember to text her, to let her know he had gotten home safely. 
He looked up at the fading colors of the sky, the muted yellow and orange fading into purple and blue. He thought he detected the small image of a sunflower formed by the colors. 
“Blue and purple sunflowers. I must be going crazy,” he said out loud. 
He hummed a melody as he walked across the crosswalk. Still a little lovestruck from the exchange of love confessions, Kai didn’t hear the sounds around him change from crickets to the humming of engines. He couldn’t feel the rush of wind gusting towards him by the speed of the tires.
The air around him suddenly lit up, surprising Kai. He turned his head, not comprehending how it was light and not dark. The panic and shock on his face was nothing compared to the panic on the driver’s face. Time seemed to slow down for both. 
Kai saw the truck. A part of his mind realized that he was about to die. Another part told him to run. But he was frozen in the midst of the bright glowing headlights.
The driver tried to swerve to avoid Kai, but it was too late. The front of the car slammed directly into Kai, pushing him onto his back. He blinked, dazed. He could hear a car door opening, and turned his head. He could smell blood and he could feel it. His head felt woozy and dazed. He couldn’t understand anything except for the blinding pain.
The last thing he saw was a sunflower, growing on the side of the road.
Goodbye, Kai thought.
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Beep. Beep. Beep.
The truck driver was still alive. 
Wendy rushed into the room after Kai’s parents left. Gulping down a sob, she rushed to the chair.
They had cleaned him up, but his wound was clearly still there. 
Wendy knew he was dead. Did she accept that?
Her logical, reasoning, rational part of her brain said he was dead. He wouldn’t be coming back. Why would he?
But her emotional, empathetic, heart-broken part of her brain said no. No, he wasn’t dead. Tomorrow morning he’d wake up, and he’d be injured, but he’d be fine. Right? Wasn’t that what happened in the books? 
She was so hopeless she had actually considered trying the “true love’s kiss” she always saw in movies. 
They were burying him tomorrow. The ambulance had arrived about 10 minutes after it had happened. They had rushed him to the hospital, and tried to revive him- but they had failed. 
Wendy gulped back another sob, but this time the tears came back, flowing down her face.
“I’m sorry.” she whispered. “I should have been there. I- I thought you knew how to walk home alone, it wasn’t my fault!” Wendy lightly punched Kai in the shoulder before dissolving. Her tears fell like raindrops on the pristine white blanket covering Kai. 
“You can’t be dead.” she sobbed out. “Kai, you can’t be dead. You’re sixteen. You aren’t even old enough to drink yet.” 
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Wendy finally said. “You weren’t supposed to die. We were supposed to go to college together!” Her tears flowed down her cheeks and dripped onto her jeans. 
Wendy knelt down on the floor, sobbing. She stayed there for a long time, tears rolling down her face and soaking the bed sheets. 
At last, the tears stopped flowing and Wendy stopped gasping for air. She looked at Kai, his face serene. His eyes were closed, but Wendy knew behind his eyelids laid dark brown eyes which used to be full of emotions. His hands laid beside him, cold and still, but Wendy knew that they used to be warm and comforting.
As the nurses tapped on the door, Wendy got up. She took a deep breath, then walked to the door. As she turned the handle, she looked back at Kai for a second. He looked otherworldly, lying there with the monitor silent and the white sheets all around him. 
The tears dripped on the floor as Wendy raced out. Her heart had been shattered into pieces, never to be repaired fully. A piece had been taken by the boy who laid there.
Once upon a time, there had been a boy, full of life and positivity. Now there was only a boy lying in a stark white room surrounded by pristine sheets, dead to the world. Once upon a time, there had been a girl, full of happiness and mischief. Now there was only a girl racing out of the hospital, tears flowing and heart broken.
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Blown Away
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Genre: EXO AU, Kyungsoo Fluff
Characters: You x Kyungsoo
Warnings: None
Word Count: 474
Summary: Kyungsoo wishes on a dandelion, hoping he’ll one day have the courage to confess to you. 
A/N: This was a Kyungsoo drabble request that I received and I just think it is so darn cute! 
Kyungsoo isn’t one for superstitions–or fields of weeds for that matter. To him, dandelions are simply a yellow hindrance to a well-manicured garden or on rare occasions, a bitter component to a delicious salad. Kyungsoo wonders how he managed to end up here, though he doesn’t have to think too hard.
 It’s you, of course. 
Kyungsoo twirls a flower stem between his fingers, watching you from a distance. He admires your silhouette against the twilight hues, the way the wind gently lifts the strands of your hair. You’d been best friends for a long time; but for him, the glow of friendship had long since given way to the flame of love.
He pictures himself walking up behind you,  gently taking your hand in his own. The two of you would slowly walk together for hours, merely basking in the company. As the rays of sunset faded, he’d pull you close and whisper tender words of love in your ear–a perfect dream. 
But that was all it was–a dream. He’d never gotten up the nerve to tell you his feelings. 
“Kyungsoo, come look!”, you call, motioning him over. 
Coming to a stop beside you, Kyungsoo peers at the area you were pointing to, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. 
“There’s dandelion puffs!”, you exclaim. 
 Kyungsoo didn’t understand the appeal of a weed, let alone one poised to disperse its seeds and wreak havoc on gardeners everywhere. 
“Kyungsoo, you really have no imagination,” you huff. “Here!” 
You hold out a perfect dandelion puff and wait for him to take it. 
Kyungsoo takes the flower carefully from your hand, sucking in a silent breath when your fingers touch. Holding the puff delicately in his grasp, he wonders what to do with it.
“You’re supposed to blow on it,” you supply. 
“Because your wish will be granted–watch!”  
You harvest your own puff ball, holding it in both hands like something precious. You close your eyes tight, then gently blow on the flower, watching the seeds scatter across the field. 
“The seeds are special, you know. They’ll carry your thoughts and dreams to the people they’re meant for.” You smile dreamily at the thought. 
Kyungsoo isn’t one for superstitions and he’s sure that an ordinary flower such as this can’t have such mystical powers. Yet, as he studies the pale, soft wisps, he wonders–could they carry his thoughts to you? 
“Go on, try it,” you encourage. 
Feeling slightly ridiculous, he closes his eyes. Give me the courage to let her know how I feel. Please let her love me as much as I love her. Releasing a breath, he watches as the seedlets spread across the sky, carrying his wish on the wind. 
“What did you wish for?” 
“I don’t know,” Kyungsoo answers, a secret smile on his face, “but maybe one day I’ll tell you.” 
Thank you so much for reading “Blown Away”! I hope you enjoyed some Kyungsoo fluff. If you liked what you read, please re-blog so that others can find it too! 
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eddiescumfilledsock · 2 years
more (mostly romantic) eddie hc because this man never leaves my mind now
CW for having a kid and marrige if that bothers you, I think i made sure it stayed all gn though
-he would love to give you pretty flowers he saw on a tree or bush, even just nornal leafs and dandelions, as well as any cool rock or button skjdjdj
-if you do the same he will get so giddy and press them before glueing it to some paper and keep it in a shoe box with the other little things you gave him and theyre his most prized possessions hed say its a tie or right after his guitar but he's lying
-hes like that its a crystal nothing more meme but instead of a crystal its any neat little thing he found on the side of the road lmao
-him putting fruit stickers on you <3
-hed put it right in the middle of your forehead and say some shit like you cost 1.98 but are priceless to me like the sweet dork he is if you do the same to him he will stick them to the inside part of the lide in the show box too
-hhhhhnnnn him not being able to really buy you a big pretty bouquet of flowers so he picks a bunch of random ones he thinks look nice from peoples yards and those planters outside shops and gives them to you in a gas station cup
-he is kinda embarrassed once he gives them to you because he couldnt get you something fancy and is scared youll hate them but that all melts away when he sees how happy you are
-taking a couple polaroid pics of them so even when they eventually wilt and die you will both always have a physical memory :)
-he would also do that thing if you dont like the pickles on your burger or a specific flavour of skittle he will eat them even if he doesn't like them either instead of just like,,, neither of you eating them
-he doesn't do it becuase hes worried about wasting money or food or anything like that hes kinda stupid sometimes but its okay hes cute and means well <3
-hed do that shit where hed blow his nose and hand you the tissue or burp and blow it at you and say for you babe <3
-a menace
-if you draw or make him something he will cherish that shit until the day he dies, even if its just a random little doodle on a sticky note
-expanding on that, if you're an artist and draw his dnd character he would literally never recover im not even kidding it could look like shit and hed still show everyone, rub it into the guys faces that his s/o drew his character and only his
-if you did the hellfire symbol thing hed put it in the front pocket of the binder he uses to keep the papers and stuff in
-matching jewlery with him <3 whether it be a necklace or bracelet or even ring, if he picks it out itd be one of those silly little kid ones but if it's t o o childish hed probs just have it on his key ring or hanging in his van though :/ gotta keep up that bad boy rocker look
-if you guys have a special song together he would wanna get some lyrics tattooed on him, that or as cheesy as it is your name/initials in your hand writing
-hed wanna get one with your name and the day you met/started dating/got married at first but it looked too much like a remembrance one for someone thats died so he scrapped that idea
-hed be over the moon ecstatic if you did the same or something for him but would understand if you didnt want to get a tattoo, they arent for everyone :)
-fucking you know that scene from the movie up where they put their hand prints on the mail box? he would do that shit on his van and any other vehicle he gets
-when you guys get a house or apt hed wanna do the same on the wall
-if you have a kid(s) someday hed like them to add their hand print too <3
-carving your names into trees and picnic tables all the time
-hed want you to kiss his guitar pick before any shows he plays for good luck, if he ever gets famous in any capacity hed say your kisses helped
-if you have hiccups he would scare you by yelling as loud as he can no matter where you are then say you're welcome :)
-why do i get the vibes he would be the kid at lunch that just d r i n k s ranch
AN: i don't think giving gifts is his main love language so this might just be me projecting but i think hed also do these ksjdjd if anyone actually reads this and wants to share a hc pls feel free!! i love seeing content for this dude <3
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booksandwords · 1 year
Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to the Victorian Language of Flowers by Jessica Roux
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Read time: 1 Day Rating: 5/5 Stars
The Quote: The elegance and beauty of flowers have not dwindled—only our knowledge of their coded meanings. I hope this book, apart from offering a view into the history of floriography, will encourage readers to look at flowers and herbs in a new way, perhaps assigning their own meanings to the blooms that inspire them most. — Jessica Roux
This book is quite hard to review. It is a simple but beautiful book that is a must for those with an interest in Victorian culture or floristry. I appreciate the whole thing, I do recommend the book if it There are many others this would appeal to too, it is gorgeously illustrated the flowers all look so soft but real. The colours are well balanced with some put on white backgrounds, some on black. The background colour depends on the flower not the meanings to them. If you want to know what the art is going to look like Roux has a tumblr blog @jessicaroux​ which is well worth looking at.
The format is simpler than it sounds but effective. Each flower profile has its common name, genus, meanings, origin (for the meaning) and pairs with... on the left-hand page and an illustration/portrait of the flower on the right. Meaning the first thing a reader sees when they open the page will naturally be the flower itself. An explanation of 'pairs with...', thus is a list of two of three flowers that when combined with that of the profile will send a specific message. For example, combining Lily and Sweet William honours an act of pure generosity, gifting Chrysanthenemum and Willow to a friend in grief or a Thistle and Pansy to show you're thinking of a friend going through a bitter separation. Included are 10 bouquets with their own occasions such as bitter ends or courting. Roux has included what flowers are in the bouquet and what to tie it with Lastly, there is an index at the end separated by meaning such as encouragement, friendship or love and romance, there are eleven categories and flowers can be in more than one category.
Some of the elements/ entries I really liked • Apple Bloosom — I liked the origin. "The apple's connection to preference comes from the fable of the Golden Apple of Discord. Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple into a wedding ceremony that she was not invited to attend. The apple was inscribed with "For the most beautiful," and Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all laid claim to it. Zeus tasked Paris of Troy with deciding between the three goddesses. He eventually chose Aphrodite after she promised him the love of the world's most beautiful woman, Helen of Sparta. Because Helen was already married to King Menelaus, Paris's preference ultimately caused the Trojan War." • Bluebell — For context as to why this one is of interest to me, my tumblr main contains this flower in it. I never knew the meaning of this flower. It has two meanings humility and faithfulness. But I really just think they are pretty. • Daffodil — It is the scientific name that is interesting here, it gives some indication of the meaning and origin... Narcissus. Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection. Daffodils bloomed on the ground where he fell. • Dandelion — Meaning or aligned with divination and fortune-telling. The origin "Dandelions are associated with wished and fortune-telling; it's customary in many Western cultures to make a wish while blowing on the dandelion's "puff," dispersing the seeds. More practically, dandelions have been used to predict the weather, as their puffs will stay closed in inclement weather and open when sunny, clear skies are on the way." • Eucalyptus — Meaning protection. Does acknowledge the Indigenous Australian uses. I like one of the pairings too, with Queen Anne's lace to wish the recipient safe travels. • Forget-Me-Not — Oh these are such cute little flowers, I like the illustration. The origin is heartbreaking though from a Germanic folktale that ends in death. • Isis — The Iris illustration looks like it's drawn on a chalkboard, white always looks good on that background. I didn't know the meanings either, valor, wisdom and faith. • Lavender — I didn't expect lavender to have a negative connotation, distrust. It's to do with asps hiding in them. • Myrtle — Potentially unexpectedly meaning love. Pair with dahlia for your one true love. I think a bit of this surprises my modern mind. • Petunia — Another pretty illustration of white flowers on a black background. Purely on a Harry Potter reference Petunia means anger and resentment, tell me that doesn't suit that character (as much as I hate to give she-who-must-not-be-named any praise). • Snapdragon — The origin to the presumption meaning for snapdragon... "Snapdragon's link to presumption may derive from a medieval fashion practice: maidens would wear snapdragons in their hair to show they were not interested in unsolicited attention from men. The flower warned young men against presumption in a subtle and elegant way." • A Bouquet for Friendship — Zinna for everlasting friendship, Apple blossom for preference, Pansy for a friend you think of often and Eucalyptus for protection and to strengthen the bond of friendship, so that it may last throughout the years fastened with a teal chiffon ribbon. • A Bouquet for Forgotten Obligations — Columbine for foolishness, Rue for regret, Anemone for forsaken love, Forget-me-not to indicate you won't forget again fastened with a green garland. • A Bouquet for Marriage — Red roses for true love, Ivy for fidelity, Myrtle for hope and love in marriage and Dahlia for commitment and eternal love fastened with a white lace bow. • A Bouquet for New Beginnings — Crocus for youthful glee, Daisy for innocence and childhood purity, Lilac for first love, Baby's breath for purity and innocence and Wheat for riches fastened with a yellow tassel
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g0kotta · 3 years
dandelions by ruth b with wakasa please!
Wakasa Imaushi x gn!reader
SLIGHT ANGST AT THE END, but FLUFFFFFF omg so much fluff
Around 1k words
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And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
The first time Wakasa saw you was when he was walking around the empty streets with three of his new friends. He rolls his eyes as Shinichiro keeps complaining about another unsuccessful confession and smirks. “Loser.” He coughs and Shinichiro throws him a side eye.
“Shut up. You’re blessed enough to be lucky with the ladies.” The black haired teenager huffs.
“And not only ladies.” Benkei adds and that makes Shinichiro groan and Takeomi laugh.
“Yeah, but he declines every confession he gets.” Takeomi smirks as Shinichiro mumbles a quiet ‘can’t relate’.
“I’m not interested in relationships. Haven’t met the right one I guess.”
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
Their conversation was cut short as someone accidentally bumped into the unsuspecting blonde and made both of them tumble and fall down on the cold sidewalk.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” A person with (y/h/c) hair suddenly lift their head and stood up, extending their hand towards Wakasa. And at that moment he realised why Shinichiro chases after every single crush of his. Just by looking into your eyes, he understands that he’d chase after you until the end of time if you wanted him to do so. Shinichiro recognises that look in his friend’s eyes and smirks.
Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
Wakasa groans and throws his head back. How clueless can one person be? He’s tried everything to make sure you know he likes you. Gifted you flowers, asked you on dates, complimented you every single day and you still acted as if you two were just friends. Maybe that’s how you saw him? Just a friend? And as he rubs his temples, his three friends look at him as if he’s an animal in the zoo.
“I think Waka is broken.” Benkei let’s out a laugh and rubs his neck.
“Another unsuccessful confession?” Shinichiro shakes his head, amused.
“Shut up.” Wakasa squints at him.
“Aww, poor you.” Shinichiro sticks his tongue out and the shorter blonde punches his shoulder.
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
Wakasa looks at you, as the both of you slow dance in the middle of a field full of flowers. The most noticeable ones were the dandelions, since whenever he’d twirl you around they’d be flying around you. And he wished he’d taken a camera with him so he could look back to this moment whenever he wanted.
“You look like a princess/prince.” His smile widens when he sees you blush at his words. Oh how he wishes that he could call you his. He’d never felt this way before. Whenever he sees you, he feels this pure joy and it makes his heart jump. Is this adoration..? No, it couldn’t be. It’s so much more. So is this love?
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
When the dance comes to an end, you suddenly squat down and pick two dandelions. You extend one towards Wakasa and he raises an eyebrow while taking it from you.
“What is this for?” He hums. He wanted to throw that dandelion away and keep dancing with you, but the way your eyes were shining as you looked at him.. It all felt magical. He would be the dumbest person alive if he ruined this moment. So he inspected the dandelion closer and squinted his eyes a bit in confusion. “What do you want me to do with this?”
“You don’t know?” You tilt your head to the side a bit and it takes everything in his will power to not grab your face and kiss you. You looked so perfect. You always did.
“No. What should I know?” You explain about how some people say that when you close your eyes, make a wish and blow on them, the wish will come true. If someone else had told him that, Wakasa would scrunch his nose and maybe even punch them for saying something so insanely stupid. But because you were the one to say it to him, he believed it with every fibre in his body. So he closed his eyes and wished for your love.
I think that you are the one for me
'Cause it gets so hard to breathe
When you're looking at me
I've never felt so alive and free
When you're looking at me
I've never felt so happy
Wakasa extends his arms and engulfs you in a tight hug, twirling you around in the air. That makes you giggle and him smile. His heart was beating extremely fast and he couldn’t stop the tears from leaving his eyes. The cheers from people around you two, snaps him out of his small day dream about your future together. He puts you down and looks at his two friends coming up to the both of you.
“Congratulations to the newlyweds!” Benkei pats Wakasa’s shoulder. “Man, I remember when you bumped into him. It looked like he malfunctioned.”
“Shinichiro would be extremely happy for the both of you.” Takeomi smiles. “Probably a little jealous, but happy nonetheless.”
Wakasa feels his heart tighten a bit from the mentioned of his passed friend, but keeps smiling. He couldn’t see it, but Shinichiro was standing right next to him, looking at the both of you with the biggest smile on his face. “Fucking finally.”
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
How do you think Moth! Shigs would react to seeing another moth-person for the first time in forever? Like imagine they're one of those cute pink and yellow rosey maple moths and very skittish but its been so long they've seen another moth too <3
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It's too cute, had to draw it out...I wanted to write on it but my hand writing is like a child!
Warning: suggestive spiciness
Moth Shiggy would freeze.
Remaining perfectly still while drooling. For a moment, he would be a complete mess who can't think. The word pretty buzzing at the back of his head. He's stunned because she is stunning. A loud chirp would slip from him.
When she looks up at him with wide pink surprised eyes, her body tenses, ready to bolt. She has never seen a male or another Moth person in such a long time. It's jarring to suddenly have one looming, staring at her like a weirdo.
The second it looks like she is about to leave, he panics and begins a mating display, beating his wings too hard. To her, he seems aggressive and insane. A drooling idiot. She doesn't want any of that; she flies away. Shame, she thought he looked like a capable male with nice coloring and a pleasant toned body.
Dammit! He meant to do a seductive rhythmic dance to entice her to stay. He scratches his ruff confused about what he should do.
She has bright yellow underwings, with veins of it among her pink rosy maple wings. Her pink hair and collar made her the loveliest thing in the whole forest. More panic at the thought of never seeing her beauty again. He catches her scent and follows the skittish female. So pretty. He just needs to prove he can be a good paterfamilias. Along the way, he gathers anything she might like.
She hides in her shabby nest. Her pink hair and rosy maple feelers pop up to stare at Shigaraki. He is standing out front with a massive armful of flowers, acorns, pinecones, and leaves of various colors. He dumps it in front of her nest. Now that he has her attention, he does a perfect mating display.
She hisses at him to go away. Violently puffing her ruff, the bright flashes of yellow on the underside of her wings sends the message loud and clear. He chirped, fluttering and beaming from ear to ear. She noticed and talked to him. That was a start! He kept returning with more gifts.
He rebuilds her nest nice and large for two, weatherproof with plenty of warm furs. She had no choice but to keep the shelter. But she threw the furs in his face. He found the rarest fruits, covered in pickers and thorns in his hair.
He adds them to the ever-growing pile of gifts. He hunted down one of every prey in a hundred-mile radius, getting covered in bites; the badger was the worst. The most sparkly rocks he broke his claws on getting them out. His mating display getting better and more elaborate. She rejected every offering, and whenever he got too close, she clawed the hell out of him.
Each day she flickers her wings in rejection. Until one day, he didn't show up. He is sitting up in his field with the wolf cub he found abandoned. Vexed. He doesn't understand why she is being so picky. It's not like she has a lot of choices. The wolf cub plays in the dandelions. He blows the fluff around the little beast that bit him when they met. The pup reminds him of the female in that way.
A sweet trill followed by a sharp chirp draws his attention. The pretty female is pouting. Why didn't he come today? She was lonely and worried. She makes a high-pitched squeal when she sees the pup. She flutters in delight, stirring more of the white fluff in the air for the puppy.
Shigaraki stares are the pretty fickle female. Her pink eyes land on him, leaving him breathless. She giggles that his cheeks are as red as her wings. His eyes are boring into her. He is such an intense male, but he can't be all that bad if he likes puppies.
He swallowed hard and tried one last time. Beating his wings, puffing his ruff, and keening to her. She matched him, pushing out her chest, and fluttering her wings. Dancing with him in the moonlight. He has a partner to dance with, and his heart swells. She is pushy. Nipping at his jaw, inhaling his scent, dusting him, clicking her enthralling tongue at him.
She pulls him between her wings. Telling him, it's ok to mount. His head is spinning. He thought he would be satisfied and glad to get her attention. This was way better. Encouraging him to cup her breast. Spreading her legs, pushing back on him. It's their first time, but it won't be their last. His pretty mate moves fast. Demanding the pup sleep between them. That he builds a warmer nest for his future grubs. She nuzzles him and chirps. It's ok. She knows he is a good provider. He is just so happy he is a little puddle under her wing.
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hajimine · 3 years
perennial destiny — fushiguro megumi x gn!reader
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synopsis: megumi does not like the concept of soulmates. he wants to be able to choose who he loves—and he chooses you.
word count: 1.2k
genre: fluff, soulmate!au but not really, established relationship, soft!megumi (this is so cheesy fr)
soundtrack: on a clear day by joe hisaishi
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a/n: i’m ngl i actually like this lol so i hope you guys do too! tysm @rintaroll​​ for being my beta and for the song rec mwah ily (ew) <3
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A light smattering of clouds paint the blue sky in splashes of white, providing you with a little bit of shade from the otherwise bright afternoon sun.
You gaze at the little ducks waddling around on the pond, following their mother’s path. Unconsciously, you feel your lips curl up into a smile.
“What are you looking at?” Megumi murmurs, face turned towards you as he uses his hand to block out the sun from his eyes.
Humming, you give him a cheeky smile. “Nothing.”
He scrunches his face slightly, biting back a smile. He's used to your antics at this point.
Using his forearm to cover his eyes, Megumi sighs contently, shifting the position of his head on your lap to make himself more comfortable. The added weight on your thighs feel comforting, almost. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
The two of you stay in silence for a while as you bask in each other’s presence, enjoying the moment. The dark-haired boy plucks a stray dandelion beside him, inspecting it closely.
“Do you,” he starts, hesitating. You hum, urging him to continue. “Do you believe in soulmates?”
You stay quiet for a while, pondering his question. “I think I do, actually,” you admit. “It’s kinda sweet—the idea of it all. I’d like to think that there’s someone out there who’s meant for me, y’know?”
Megumi closes his eyes, his eyelashes fluttering as he considers your answer. He's really pretty, you think to yourself.
“Don’t you think it’s a little bit dumb?” He asks finally.
The bluntness of his words takes you by surprise. You laugh, gazing down at him with a fond look in your eyes. There’s a small frown on his lips; the crease between his brows a little more pronounced than usual.
Carding your fingers through his hair, you watch as he relaxes under your touch, the tension leaving his shoulders bit by bit.
You settle on a simple question. “What makes you say that?”
Megumi sighs, “The whole ‘fate and destiny’ thing. I think not being able to live your life the way you want to is a little depressing.” He purses his lips. “What if you don’t like your soulmate?”
You turn to look at the ducks again, but they were nowhere to be found. Now, the pond was silent, and there were no ripples in sight.
The pleasant smell of earth seeps into your lungs as you breathe in. Never in a million years would you have expected to have this kind of conversation with him.
You didn’t exactly peg him as someone who would be interested in the concept of soulmates at all. A soft smile graces your lips.
“Well, I suppose there should be a system to prevent that,” you squint, “maybe they would make it so that it’s impossible for you to hate your soulmate.”
Megumi clicks his tongue. “That just makes us robots then.”
This makes you grin. “Robots?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, now shy. “If that's the case, you really have no choice in your thoughts and feelings, it simply strips your humanity away from you.”
You stop running your fingers through his hair for a moment and Megumi shifts, nudging your hand with his head to get you to continue. Cute.
Amused, you ask him, “Well, what if soulmates are real, and I’m not your soulmate, what would you do?”
He plucks another dandelion from the ground and inspects it before holding it close to his chest.
“It won’t change anything.” He says, not an ounce of hesitation in his words.
“Wouldn’t you wanna find your real soulmate?” You inquire, the flames of curiosity dancing in your eyes.
Without wasting a second, he sits up, turning around to face you. He studies your face for a second, eyes traveling down the curve of your nose and down to the slight upturn of your lips before returning to hold your gaze. 
Megumi speaks, eyebrows furrowed. “No. the fates or the heavens or whatever the hell is controlling our destiny won’t have any effects on my choices. I’m not about to be another pawn in the gods’ game of love. It’s the least I can do.”
And you laugh, light and bubbly; ignoring the fact that your chest feels abundantly lighter after his statement.
“You’re really serious about this, huh?”
His cheeks flare up, the headstrong confidence from a minute ago now gone, replaced by the charming bashfulness only a few have had the privilege to see. 
“Well,” he mumbles, “I’m not gonna leave you just ‘cause some prophecy tells me to. I like you. A lot.” Maybe a little too much, but he doesn’t tell you this.
The breeze tickles your face. “Yeah?”
Megumi refuses to meet your eyes, but he continues. “I want to spend the rest of my life with someone I chose myself. Soulmate or not.”
It is not his words that make your heart flutter—it’s the quiet blossoms in his cheeks, the sureness in his voice. If fate was a human, you’re sure that he’d fight her with no hesitation. Heck, even if she was a god, knowing Megumi, he would fight her too, even if it’ll cost him his life.
You watch him twirl the stem of dandelion between his fingertips. He doesn’t blow on it, nor does he make a wish like anyone else would in the presence of the perennial, he simply observes the flutters of white falling from its head. 
“So you would defy destiny if you had to?” You ask, knowing exactly what his answer would be even before he utters another word.
“Yes.” his dark eyes are steady, not a drop of uncertainty swimming in its depths. 
The soft breeze suddenly feels a little too warm for comfort. “That’s awfully romantic, don’t you think?”
And he blinks at you, but he does not yield. “Well, I just think soulmates are awfully unromantic.” He says, the corner of his lips twitching slightly.
A genuine laugh bubbles out from your chest. “You’re a curious one, Fushiguro Megumi.”
The smile on his lips is a fond one. “What about you?” He props his chin on the palm of his hand. “What would you do if soulmates are real?”
“Ah,” you pretend to think, “you’d be my soulmate then.”
He rolls his eyes at you, but the tips of his ears are dipped in vermillion. “But what if I’m not your soulmate?”
You spare him nothing but a glance, rising to your feet before brushing the dirt off your pants. As you squint at the setting sun, a contented sigh escapes your lips. On days like these, you could fully take in the beauty of the afternoon sky as you observe the shades of reds and golds dancing in the heavens.
“Then I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you to find my one true love.” You hum, biting back a laugh.
The dark-haired boy scoffs and stands up, walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. Half a smile graces his lips as he reaches for your waist, pulling you close. With the sort of tenderness he reserves just for you, Megumi rests his forehead against yours. He feels warm.
Megumi smells faintly of the earth—a product of the hours he spent sitting under the sun with you—along with a hint of the cool menthol shampoo he uses to wash his hair. And together, they create a blanket of comfort and familiarity, one that you’ve grown to call home. You breathe in.
“I won’t let you leave.” He mumbles, eyes fluttering shut. His palms feel comfortably warm on your waist; gentle and light, yet sure and heavy at the same time.
There’s a playful sparkle in your eyes as your lips curl up into a smile. “I know you won’t.”
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per·en·ni·al /pəˈrenēəl/
(n.) a perennial plant
(adj.) lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.
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a/n: as always, reblogs are highly appreciated! please let me know what you think of this fic, i always love hearing from you all! also: yes, there’s another flower symbolism in this piece lol <3
-> writing masterlist  |  taglist is in the comments
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SEARLE : Whoa!! Hey Emma, what are those? The red polka dot thingies! EMMA : They’re called ladybugs. SEARLE : Ladybugs ... Such a cute name~! SEARLE : I've never seen anything like them in the ocean! And what’s the animal with the big tail we just passed? EMMA : That’s a raccoon dog! EMMA : (Searle-chan looks like he’s having so much fun! I'm really glad I invited him to hang out.)
*FLASHBACK* SEARLE : Uhm ~~  ...... It’s boring. I’m bored...... EMMA : Huh? Hey, Searle, aren't you going surfing today? SEARLE : I was but... I broke my surfboard~ And since Elma's gone, I can't borrow his. So I'm just kinda lonely and bored waiting for him to get back so I can get back to surfing... EMMA : Oh, I see. Well, then, maybe we could spend some time together? *END FLASHBACK* SEARLE : Emma, ​​thank you for taking me hiking~ I've never been on a walk in the mountains, it's super fun~! SEARLE : The little flickering lights as the sun comes through the trees reminds me of the way the sun reflects of the sea. EMMA : I'm glad you’re enjoying yourself so much!! Some time into the walk, the trees started giving way to a field of flowers spread throughout a little grotto, just for us. SEARLE : Amazing~! I bet I’d have the best nap ever in a field like this~! SEARLE : Huh? What is this white, fluffy flower? EMMA : That’s a dandelion. EMMA : At first the flowers are yellow, then they turn into cotton balls like this so the wind can carry the seeds far away. SEARLE : Ooh~ Do the seeds fly ?? EMMA : They do, watch... Like this... Kneeling down, I blew lightly on the dandelion’s fluff. As it floated softly in the air, Searle's eyes lit up. SEARLE : How fun ~! Can I try it too? EMMA : Of course. SEARLE : Well then, let's go ... Whew !!!! EMMA : Whoa ......! EMMA : (I hadn’t actually considered that the wind might blow the seeds back in my face......!!!) SEARLE : Wow, sorry Emma! Are you okay? SEARLE : You're face is covered in seeds. Can you hold still while I clean them off for you? EMMA : !!! The tip of Searle's tongue grazes the edge of my lips, and my eyes widen in surprise. SEARLE : Yes, I got it! SEARLE : ...White and fluffy, I thought it would be sweeter, but it doesn't taste good at all~. EMMA : Y-Yeah... R-Right... My heart couldn’t stop racing as I looked at Searle in stunned silence...
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