#bhna girls
linalieana · 2 months
dicks' too much that had u say it is too big for ur little cunty
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a-bluedream-posts · 1 year
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Miruko lingerie (nsfw optional) Prywinko
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lustlusts-world · 2 years
Imagine Momo and Uraraka sucking your nipples like their lives depend on it, Jirou losing her mind while eating your pussy, Tsuyu fucking your ass with that delightful tongue of hers and Hagakure and Mina leaving hickeys on your neck whilst whispering praises into your ears.
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kaorukoh · 1 month
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"Sir, I-..."
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*As Bubble girl enters Sir Nighteye's office, she gets surprised and a bit scared with the scene she is witnessing*
"Sir, just what the hell are watching on your laptop!?"
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"I am doing my research Bubble girl, now what is it that you want?"
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phoenix-nika · 2 months
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Cute Eri
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MHA Blondes as Mean Girls
Midoriya *walks over- Hi, Kacchan
Bakugo, Monoma, Camie, and Kaminari lower their sunglasses, Kami dropping his to the floor (he's the dum one) and they eye him down.
Bakugo- What do you want, nerd?
Midoriya- I- uh just wanted to ask if you wanted to train with me?
Bakugo- Uh, yeah sure. See you later, I guess.
Midoriya- OH! Eh- I mean, alright. Great. Bye!! *scurries away
Monoma- Wow. He didn't even address us. Looks like a crush to me.
Camie *watching him walk away- Yeah, we totes should ask Oji if he's seen anything. Btw, did u see his shoes?
Kaminari- Yeah! They totally fit his feet!
Everyone stares at him blankly.
Monoma- So...eh, Bakugo, are you actually gonna go?
Camie- I'd give him a chance if I were u, boo
Kaminari- I hear he's AllM's Son.
Monoma- Who even started that rumor?
Camie- Idk, but Baku, r u doing it?
Bakugo- Yeah, I guess. It better not be shitty.
Camie- Alr! Txt us l8tr boo boo
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minimas10 · 2 years
Mr. Compress has been slowly invading my mind. I took close ups of my favorite doodles.
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sukunas-bitxh · 1 year
Send this to other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!! ♡♡
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No need to do this. 🖤
Awww bless you your cute inferno heart baby 😍😍
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illgetthe · 1 year
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more. I promise the rest of the LOV is in this au I swear I just do Not have their outfits…. Tried to draw a scene w toga and eri but it was hard. Will must try again
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satans-colouring-book · 10 months
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an old colouring, revamped w/ some new shading. im thinking of posting other old stuff of mine, what do u think? xx
feel free to use as icons or anything, just credit me please!!
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myheroanalysis · 3 months
MHA Season 4, Ep 4: RMS Gangst
Hey y'all! Join us as we discuss the My Hero Academia episode "Fighting Fate", including hot guy jogs, very large horse pills, and a surprising lack of rage farming. You can find spoilers and TWs on our website, myheroanalysis.com. Thanks for listening!
Episode link
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a-bluedream-posts · 10 months
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Momo Yaoyorozu by JannetIncosplay
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kaorukoh · 1 month
"Hey Kaoruko, why does your outfit exposes your body like that?"
"Huh? Oh I just thought it looked cute"
The next day:
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She doesn't admit it, but she obviously enjoys the attention and tickles, I think Sir Nighteye suggested the outfit to Bubble girl and she thought it was adorable.💙
I wish I were a sidekick for Sir Nighteye, I would act serious only to be tickled
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hajimsblog · 2 years
This is my Oc Nezumi!
She is a low rank hero in the my hero academia universe!
She's pretty dull minded, but she tries to be a great hero
She likes children and cute outfits
Her hero name is Magical girl Hop-Hop
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0 notes
lees-chaotic-brain · 3 months
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Shouto gets hit by a quirk, causing him to do some unexpected things...
WC: 3.2K
CW: Swearing, miscommunication, AFAB reader (reader has breasts), fluff
Note: Loosely inspired by that one scene in the Secret Garden K-Drama where Ju-Won makes Ra-Im cuddle with him, and Love Potion No. 9 by @daycourtofficiall!! Special shout-out to @andypantsx3 for beta-reading this for me. Tysm!!
BHNA Masterlist | Blog Navigation
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Your Valentine’s Day started like any other. The quiet beeping of your alarm cutting through the cozy silence of your bedroom as you stirred beneath your perfectly warm covers. Blearily, you reached out hitting snooze before slipping back under your blankets. After a few minutes, your alarm went off again, and this time you threw back your sheets.
The wooden panels of your bedroom floor were cold against your feet as you padded to your bathroom to get ready. Half an hour later, you were ready to go, grabbing a jacket to protect yourself from the sharp February chill as you headed out the door.
As always, you walked down the block to your favorite cafe and ordered your usual, chatting with the barista as she made your order. Once your coffee was acquired, you ventured back out into the crisp winter air and began the quarter mile walk to the hero agency you worked at.
Walking along the sidewalk, you sipped your coffee, savoring its warmth while you observed couples all around you exchanging flowers and chocolates. That was right. It was Valentine’s Day. A little snort escaped you as you thought about the hordes of teenage girls that were bound to swarm Shouto today. February 14th, the one of the year people had absolutely no boundaries when it came to the attractive duo-toned hero.
Finally reaching the agency, you hustled inside, a warm gust of air brushing over you as you stepped through the door. Nodding at the security guard lounging at his desk and shooting the secretary a warm smile you got on the elevator. On the way up, you closed your eyes, leaning against the wall as you enjoyed the quiet, interrupted only by the periodic dings informing you that another floor had passed. Pressure beneath your feet told you the elevator was slowing, and it dinged a final time before the doors rolled open. 
Stepping out, you wound your way around your coworkers, smiling and returning polite greetings before retreating to the relative peace and quiet of your office and settling in at your desk to go over some PR documents from the day before. A couple hours passed, and the documents were done so you were in the process of putting together an agenda for the day when a harried intern burst into your office startling you.
“Shouto got hit with a quirk!! We don’t know what it is, but he’s insisting he’s fine and refusing to get checked out.”
Sighing, you shut your laptop and quirked an eyebrow at the frazzled teen.
“And what, exactly, do you expect me to do about that?”
Watching him flounder for an answer, you felt a little bad for adding to his torment, so you agreed to go. Shooting your half-finished coffee one more mournful look, you stood and followed him out, closing your office door behind you. Sometimes you wondered if the handsome pro hero’s good looks were just there to balance out his complete lack of both tact and common sense. Either that, or his goal was to make the life of you, his manager, as difficult as possible. 
Realizing that the intern was taking you in the direction of the infirmary you had installed in the agency primarily for Deku, you sped ahead, irritation coursing through your veins. Was it really that hard for him to just do what he needed to do and not throw a temper tantrum? Your irritation only increased as his deep monotone floated out through the open door to meet you in the hallway. Even from just the little snippets you did catch, you could tell he was arguing and being his usual incorrigibly obstinate self.
The beat of your chunky heels on the polished linoleum announced your presence as you marched in, the rhythmic thumps heralding the storm of your incoming temper. The sight of Red Riot and Chargebolt speaking in hushed voices welcomed you. Chargebolt shot you a flirtatious wink, and Red Riot greeted you with a sheepish smile before stepping aside and gesturing behind him to where Shouto was clearly arguing with your friend Aimi, who was the agency’s resident quirk specialist, and Ingenium. Nodding at Red Riot with a small smile you strode over to the trio. At least, you tried to. 
Shouto noticed you before you could reach them and the next thing you knew your cheek was pressed against a firm pectoral. What? The addictive and unique scent of Shouto filled your nostrils as strong arms wrapped around your waist and back, crushing you against a muscular torso. Again, what? 
It took you a few seconds to process that it was Shouto who was gripping you in a tight embrace. Shouto, the current number three hero, your boss, and also your long-time not so little crush. His cologne swirling in your nose muddied your thoughts, mixing them into a cesspool of intrusive thoughts and vague confusion. After an embarrassingly long five seconds you managed to pull yourself together and jerked away. 
“Hey! What’s going on? What was that for…”
A pair of intense heterochromic eyes bored into your own, causing you to trail off as the dual toned man leaned down to peer into your face. There was an awkward pause, and the entire room seemed to be holding its breath. 
“Your eyes truly are gorgeous. They might be my favorite part of you. I could gladly lose myself staring into them.”
The deep, even timbre of his voice filled the room, his words causing you to choke on your own saliva. You stared at him incredulously, unsure if you were having a hallucination due to a lack of caffeine or if he really said what you thought he did. You floundered, and just as you were finding your words he struck again.
“Although, your breasts are enjoyable to look at as well."
Your lungs officially gave up and attempted to forcibly exit your body through your mouth. Aimi spat out her mouthful of coffee all over her crisp white coat, mouthing ‘girl what’ at you with wide eyes while Ingenium’s scandalized gasp rang through the room. On the other side of the room, Red Riot and Chargebolt leaned against each other cackling. 
A small, almost nonexistent frown appeared on Shouto’s face and his eyebrows furrowed slightly, his face perplexed.
“I…did not intend to say either of those things out loud. I-”
The overly obnoxious blare of Chargebolt’s ringtone filled the room, cutting Shouto off. Mouthing that it was Bakugou, the electric blond answered, holding the speaker several inches away from his ear to protect his eardrums. All eyes except for Shouto’s were on him as he spoke to the explosive hero.
“Wassup?...Oh you got her to explain her quirk to you? That's great man…mhm…symptoms? Uh, hey! Shouto! Feel weird at all?" The last part was directed at the man in question as he lowered the phone.
“I’m telling you I feel fine. I’m just a bit light headed and dizzy. It’s nothing to worry about.”
Was that a hint of irritation in Shouto’s voice? Chancing a look over at him, you noticed a slight downward tilt to his lips, which for him was the equivalent of a pout. Kaminari nodded and relayed the information.
“Yeah, he says he’s fine other than that. He has said some weird shit though. Anyways, what did the girl say her quirk was?”
There was a beat of silence as Kaminari listened to whatever Bakugou was saying, his eyes opening comically wide. His reaction and prolonged speechlessness was just beginning to make you feel uneasy when he began snickering.
“There’s no way. That’s fucking gold…yeah…how did it even happen?...You’re joking…that’s the best thing I’ve heard all year…Did she say how long it lasts for?...between one and six hours? That’s not too bad. I feel a little bad for Y/N though…Yeah, anyways see you later…yep will do…bye.”
He ended the call and turned to face all of you, barely suppressing his smirk. Alarm bells were ringing in your head. What did ‘I feel a little bad for Y/N’ mean? Why was the situation so funny? All you knew was that whatever he was about to say was not going to be conducive to the peaceful day you were hoping for.
“It seems our perverted ice prince here got hit by something of a love quirk.”
The room was silent for a moment as everyone tried to process what he was saying. 
“A…love quirk? Is that why he’s been acting so weird towards me today?”
While you were glad that nothing serious was wrong with Shouto, a small part of you stung at the idea he only said what he did because of a quirk. But you were just being wishful. There was no way that a man like Todoroki Shouto, Japan’s unofficial hearthrob and number three hero would ever say, or even think something like that about you. You were just his normal -almost boring, really- manager with no special talents or characteristics to speak of. You shook your head, clearing your thoughts.
“Oh, but I wasn’t finished talking.”
Chargebolt gave you a look that told you he could sense your slight disappointment, a gleeful gleam in his eyes.
“What I didn’t get to say before you oh so kindly interrupted me was that it isn’t a normal love quirk. Instead of making someone fall in love, or acting as an aphrodisiac, it merely makes it so the affected can’t control their impulses around the person they have feelings for.”
You processed what he said, unsure if you heard and understood him correctly. If it only affected his impulses in regards to the person they had feelings for then that would mean-
No. You shook your head, resolutely stomping out the butterflies that came to life in your stomach at your train of thought. There was no reason to get your hopes up. You were reading too much into this. Todoroki probably just got confused because of the quirk and mistook you for the person he actually had feelings for. That made a lot more sense. Finally, Iida broke the quiet, his boisterous voice shattering the palpable disbelief.
“Todoroki’s personal feelings are none of our concern. Our main priority should be deciding what to do with him until the quirk wears off. Bakugou said one to six hours, correct?”
He spoke briskly, then turned and gestured at Todoroki, who had laid down on the cot in the center of the room sometime during the phone call. Whether it was because he merely got bored, or because his lightheadedness was finally getting to him, you were unsure. As all of you turned to stare at the man curled up on his side facing away from you, Aimi pushed her thin wire-framed glasses up on her freckled nose and cleared her throat.
“Erm, well for a quirk like this my recommendation would be for him to stay here until it wears off. Due to the lightheadedness and dizziness, I do think it would be best for him to remain laying down or seated so as to avoid falling and potentially injuring himself worse. We’ll also need to periodically check if the effects have faded, so we will need Y/N-.”
She gulped and threw you an apologetic glance. You thought you knew where she was going with this, and you were not exactly a fan of it.
“-Y/N to stop by every couple of hours so we can reevaluate. Is that okay with all of you?”
She mouthed an apology at you, and you sent her a glare that promised revenge. Oh she was so on her own the next time her crush, Deku, came in with some extreme injury and refused to get treated. Smiling, you angled your body, ensuring the rest of the room was unable to see you flipping off your so-called "friend."
“That’s no problem! Now, why don’t we all get back to work and leave Shouto to rest?”
Not waiting for anyone else’s answer you tried to make a beeline for the door so you could go crawl under your desk and attempt to process what the hell just happened. Unfortunately, something hindered your hasty escape. Specifically, a large, unfairly pretty hand hindered your hasty escape. Just as you had taken your first step towards freedom (and your coffee), long fingers reached up and grasped the back of your shirt, giving it a hard yank.
Caught off guard, you stumbled backward, your ass hitting the edge of the simple white cot in the center of the room. The simple white cot that the man currently gripping your shirt inhabited. Taking advantage of your momentary imbalance, Shouto smoothly pulled you over his body and onto the cot next to him, draping an arm and a firmly muscled thigh across your frame to keep you pinned snugly to his side. 
The soft strands of his two-toned hair tickled your cheeks and nose as he buried his head in the crook of your neck, nuzzling into you like some sort of attention-starved cat. What the fuck? You blinked at everyone else in the room over Shouto’s head, flabbergasted. Weren’t you just walking away not even two seconds ago? Unfortunately, you were unable to think clearly, the addictive feel of Shouto’s body pressed against yours forcing a hard restart on your brain. It took two (or was it five?) torturously long seconds for your brain to reboot and finish loading. 
Once it did, you began squirming because firstly, this was not appropriate at all. You were at work for heaven’s sake. Second of all, you were enjoying cuddling with your boss a little too much. Any longer and you might never be able to go back to living the way you did before discovering Shouto cuddles. You might even become an addict, unable to live without them. However, Shouto did not appreciate your feeble thrashing, or share any of the same concerns because he just pulled you tighter against his frame. 
“Stop moving. ‘M trying to nap.”
You could feel the vibrations of his deep voice all across your body and unfortunately it did things to you. All of your muscles turned to jello and you relaxed into his warm embrace, suddenly unable to think straight. Over his broad shoulder you could see Kaminari and Aimi ushering everyone out, giggling and shooting sly glances over their shoulders at you.
Snapping a final picture, the two of them finally got everyone out and closed the door behind them, abandoning you. Just for that, next time you saw Deku you were going to tell him that Aimi had just fought a villain with an unknown quirk and needed help identifying it. 
Wait, nothing about your prior thought made sense. The firm press of Shouto’s body against yours paired with the deliciously masculine smell of his cologne reduced you to a mindless idiot. Melting against him your eyes slowly fluttered shut, the beat of his heart a metronome counting out an uniquely Shouto lullaby that lulled you to sleep.
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When you opened your eyes next, the room was awash with bright mid-afternoon light. Unsure of where you were, you tried to sit up, only to find you couldn’t, for there was some large object around your waist pinning you to the bed. Disoriented, you rolled over, and found yourself face to face with the one and only Todoroki Shouto, pure contentment emanating from him. 
You made an embarrassingly vague and confused sound, staring at him agape with drool and sleep lines on your face. Lifting your wrist, you checked the time. It was three thirty?? That meant you had slept for six hours? Oh my god why hadn’t anyone woken you up? You jolted up, then realized something. 
Wait, so Shouto had been hit by the quirk around eight o clock, which was seven and a half hours ago. And the longest it was supposed to last was six hours, so that meant the quirk should have worn off an hour and a half ago. Turning to Shouto accusingly, you opened your mouth to speak but he just pouted at you, and gently tugged you back down so you were laying beside him again. 
“Hold up.” You said, pushing him away a bit so you could see his face. “The quirk was supposed to wear off over an hour ago.”
“And?” He raised an eyebrow as if you had said something stupidly obvious.
“Well, it obviously didn’t so you should’ve woken me up so we could get you looked at and-”
A large, warm palm covered your mouth.
“Who says it didn’t?”
You opened and closed your mouth at a loss for words. Wait, if it had worn off, then he had no excuses and-
You punched him hard in the chest and sat up.
“Todoroki Shouto! What about the girl you like? This isn’t fair to her. At least before you could excuse your behavior because the quirk disoriented you, but what about now? You-”
This time he wasn’t as gentle as he practically tackled you back onto the thin mattress of the cot and firmly pressed his mouth against yours. All thoughts immediately evacuated your mind, leaving only Shouto. And despite any and all common sense you thought yourself to possess, you found yourself kissing him back, tangling your hands in his hair to pull him closer. When he finally pulled away to catch his breath, he rested his forehead against yours, panting.
“Now do you see?”
His breath fanned across your face, and you had to fight to form any coherent thoughts when his gorgeous eyes were boring into yours so intensely.
“Uh, that you're kissing me even though you have a girl you like? Yeah I-”
He let out a low growl of annoyance and kissed you again, this time with more passion, pouring all of his frustration into the kiss. This time you pulled away. 
“What, what are you doing? Like, obviously you’re kissing me but why? You just got confused because of the quirk and mistook me for the girl you have feelings for.”
He looked at you quizzically.
“I didn’t confuse you for anyone.”
What? Oh. Oh. Your eyes widened in realization as you stared at him.
“Oh. Ok. So, uh, you like me, and I um, I like you too, fyi, but uh why? And also, why did the quirk make you want to take a nap with me?”
“I have a confession.” He leaned in close, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. “The quirk wore off while Kaminari was on the phone with Bakugou.”
You gaped at him while you did a quick mental calculation. Hold up. That meant-
“You were back to normal when you manhandled me into taking a nap with you!!
He just gave a completely unabashed look, nodding his head. You-he-! You couldn't believe him.
“So you pretended the quirk was still affecting you, and used it as an excuse to cuddle with me?”
Again, a nod, not even a hint of remorse on his gorgeous face. Wow. He was completely unabashed. Evidently tired of this line of conversation, he leaned in and resumed kissing you. And you let him, because fuck this, you could talk about your mutual feelings and his shameless behavior later.
After he finished kissing you senseless.
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nieceeee · 9 months
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Nieceee Masterlist
I'll try to keep this updated as I go. All content in PURPLE is NSFW. Eren has his own masterlist right now but others may branch off as we go.
Eren Jaeger
Reiner Braun - "Its Better When He's Angry" - "A Surprise for Rei"
Onyankopon - "Sounds of Friendship" - "Good Morning Bestfriend" - "Bestfriends" - "Always Mine" drabbles - boundaries - bestfriend!ony always takes care of you - babydaddy!ony smau --requests-- -"Give Me 10" - ony is supposed to be on the game with his friends but his mind and mouth are elsewhere
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Choso Kamo
Photo dumps - "Yuji's Big Brother" SMAU
Gojo Satoru
Photo dumps -"Flirty Barista" SMAU
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Kakashi Hatake
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Jabari Morris (OC): Webbed Up
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"Focus" "Good Girl" "First Time"
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