#best friend!Peter Parker
selfcarecap · 2 years
You're My Holiday [p.p]
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Summary: You and Peter finally go on that holiday you’ve been planning for ages. With the two of you sharing a hotel room and spending all day together half-naked in the soft sand or chilling at the pool with cocktails, you and Peter are closer than ever. It finally feels like you’re ready to take your friendship to the next level. You can only hope that he feels the same, and you’re not just imagining it.
Warnings: smut (18+, brief m masturbation, oral, fingering, handjob, protected vaginal penetration), alcohol, mentions of fear of flying, friends (aka idiots) to lovers (who move very quickly bc this is a fictional fairytale <3)
Word count: 21k… there’s seven/eight days of their holiday though and there’s a little heading for every new day so you can split it up into multiple reading sessions if you feel like it <3
I know it’s not really summer anymore but I started writing this last october and i was not gonna wait another year to post it during peak summer weather lol, also thanks ksi for the title <33 lmaoo😭
(i’ve used that pic of him so many times he’s just the cutest ever 🫶)
teaser | moodboard
Day One
It’s six in the morning and your flight leaves at twelve, so, naturally, you’re on your way to the airport. 
MJ would never admit it but she’s been dropping hints that she gets nervous about being late to things like this, so you gladly got up a few hours later if it helped your friend relax, even though your bed felt extra comfy this morning.
Following MJ’s text that her taxi is in front of your door you rush down, only to see someone else next to MJ in the back of the car. 
You put your suitcase in the boot and join MJ and her partner Chris on the back seats.
“Hii!” MJ hugs you, unusually excited. You assume she’s also trying to compensate for the fact that she didn’t tell you she invited her partner at the last minute. 
You can’t bring yourself to be mad at MJ though, first of all because it’s basically still the middle of the night, but also because MJ is in love. You know she wouldn’t just invite a third person along if she wasn’t absolutely infatuated and sure that you’d get along well.
Still, she should have talked to you first. You probably wouldn’t have had the heart to say no anyways.
It’s not that you don’t like Chris, but it was supposed to be just you and MJ, and now you’ll be third-wheeling on a vacation that you planned.
Your mind drifts to Peter, who is probably sound asleep. Like all best friends, you’ve talked about going on vacation together for years. This would be your opportunity to finally go on that trip you’ve been planning forever and to save yourself from being alone with a couple who is annoyingly in love.
You try not to get your hopes up too soon though. It’s spontaneous, you don’t even know if Peter wants to or if he’s busy, and you have no idea if the flight and hotel are fully booked and he can’t come anyway. But if Chris was able to, then maybe there’s still room for Peter too.
Before you disturb Peter’s slumber, you make some calls and check online. Butterflies erupt in you when you find out that Peter could actually come - if he wants to. You make the taxi driver stop just as you pass Peter’s street and tell MJ and Chris you’ll meet them at the airport, taking your suitcase out and dragging it up the stairs to Peter’s apartment.
He opens the door rubbing his eyes, shirtless and only in boxers that you can’t stop yourself from glancing at. You rarely see him with so much of his bare skin showing, and it’s like a treat every time. “Oh, hi, sorry. I thought you were the mailman,” he puts a hand over his crotch and you resist the urge to stare at it directly.
“I’m here to pick you up to go to the airport with me,” you give him your most charming smile, taking a step closer to him.
“Fuck was I supposed to drive you? Sorry I didn‘—”
“No no, no, you‘re good. I wanted to ask if you wanna come with me. MJ spontaneously invited Chris and I don’t wanna third-wheel. And we’ve talked about travelling together so many times. But I get if it’s too spontaneous or anything, you can say no.”
“You-you’re asking me to come with you? To Mexico?” He asks, suddenly wide awake, keeping his mouth shut to hide his widening grin, but it comes out when he talks, “I-I, they probably won’t even have any rooms will they? And-and the flight–”
“I checked and we can get you a ticket on the plane and a room at the hotel.”
You check your phone, “We still have a few hours.”
“Okay,” he repeats, eyes full of excitement, cheeks rosy in anticipation.
“Oh my god, really?” You’re only just starting to realise what this means, how much fun you’re going to have and how lucky you are. It’s going to be a trip you’ll remember for the rest of your life - going on vacation with your two best friends.
“Yes, of course, I would never say no to that.”
He opens his arms for you to hug him and he squeezes you, lifting you in the air while you squeal - both out of general excitement and also out of being literally swept off your feet with no warning. You don’t let go of each other when he sets you down again. After a few seconds you become too conscious of how naked he is right now and you let go, skipping off into his room to help him pack.
You text MJ.
You (7:01 am)
Peter is coming toooooooo
We’ll meet you at the airport
MJ (7:02 am)
Yay, double date vacation
Don’t be late !!!
You (7:02 am)
Ha ha
You mean me and Peter 3rd and 4th wheeling on your unexpected couple vacation? 
You owe me for that btw, no offence to your relationship
MJ (7:04 am)
I already called the hotel and upgraded us to an all-inclusive package (my dad’s paying lol)
You’ll be thanking me for the free 24/7 cocktails
I’m sure they can make them virgin for Peter :)
Oh and there’s massages (!!!)
You drop your phone when Peter comes up behind you. You hope he didn’t see MJ’s message about calling you and Peter a couple (and about him being inexperienced).
She’s been nagging you about how obviously in love you and Peter are since all three of you first hung out ages ago but you’ve been denying it, unsure if she’s right but also as an attempt to protect yourself from being hurt because you desperately want her to be right.
You two freak out over the upgrade and you quickly text MJ to thank her before you help Peter.
He brushes his teeth and (unfortunately) puts on a shirt before you begin packing. You should have enough time but with New York traffic every minute can count, so you hurry up.
“Wait, May works near the airport. She‘s just getting breakfast but maybe we can skip the taxi money and drive with her.”
He goes to the kitchen to call May and you listen to him telling her the news all excited, ending with a “Thanks, love you.”
He comes back to his room, “May’s driving us.”
“Great, can I help you pack?”
“Yeah just put any clothes in,” he opens his suitcase on top of his bed and disappears into the bathroom. While Peter gets all his stuff from there you stand in front of his closet, trying to find nice clothes for the beach amongst the mess in there.
He comes back out, his arms full of small bottles of shampoo and toothpaste, “Oh my god, just put it all in,” he laughs and takes out a big heap of clothing and drops it in his suitcase, folding some of it so it’ll fit better.
“Okay, okay,” you do the same, taking about 5 random pieces of clothes, “Just didn‘t want you having a meltdown again because you can‘t find a good outfit,” you tease.
“Hey, that was years ago, okay? And don‘t act like you weren‘t crying the day before prom because you suddenly hated the dress.”
“Yeah but unlike you I just picked another outfit and pulled it off.”
“You did, you looked perfect,” he tells you sincerely and you don’t dare look at him to see his accompanying look that always makes you think his affection is more than platonic. He’s never implied that you should be more than friends, so you hate the flutter in your belly you get at the smallest signs that there could be more.
“And we’ll be at the beach most of the time, so I don’t even need any clothes anyway,” he says and your cheeks feel hot as you immediately imagine Peter completely naked. He still means he’ll be wearing swimming shorts. Even that image is enough to make you feel a little warmer than usual though.
He zips his suitcase up a few minutes later, “I think I‘ve got everything.”
May comes through the door a moment later, greeting you with a hug and an air kiss and a short while later she’s driving you to the airport.
You and Peter smile at each other in the backseats, tiredness settling back in, but you’re also floored by how exciting this situation is. You were already thrilled to be going on the trip, but Peter unexpectedly coming too makes everything ten times better.
At the airport, you realise you need to pack some shower products into your suitcase so you open it in the back of the car and rearrange a few things, and you overhear a conversation between May and Peter while they talk behind the car.
You hear Peter’s hushed voice, “Why are you holding… what am I supposed to do with those?”
“Just in case, you need to be safe. You’ll be spending a lot of time together, more than usual and in fewer clothes than normal. You were talking to me about how you feel about her just last week. All that tension between you might finally–”
“I don‘t... don‘t need them.”
May sighs, “Well it won’t hurt to take them then. I didn’t know you were so awkward about sex and–”
“Okay! Okay, I’ll take them.”
Just as you zip up your suitcase and walk over to them, you see Peter pushing something into a tiny opening on the side of his case.
“Hey, what did May give you just then?” You ask Peter a few minutes later after hugging May goodbye and waving as she drives off.
“Oh uh,” his already red face turns a few shades darker, “Uh, nothing. Hey, I can see MJ and Chris over there!”
You fall asleep leaning against Peter’s shoulder while you’re waiting to get on the plane. You wake up when Peter warns MJ not to take a picture of you two - she already has, of course - and a few moments later there’s an announcement that you can start boarding your plane.
Turns out Peter and Chris only got seats because a couple behind you and MJ cancelled their tickets, so you end up sitting next to Peter with MJ and Chris in the row in front of you.
Through all the excitement, you nearly forgot how nervous flying makes you. You try to take deep breaths as you watch the security demonstration and hope you can ignore the pounding in your chest.
“Hey, are you nervous?” Peter asks in a soft voice. You lean forward as the plane starts moving, getting closer and closer to the runway.
“Um.. just a bit. I haven‘t flown in so long and I‘ve always found flying a bit.. unsettling.”
“Do you want to hold my hand?” 
You look into his eyes and see how concerned Peter is for you. You quickly nod and interlace your fingers with his, directing your eyes back out the window to see how far you are.
“Maybe don’t look out, okay? You‘ll feel when we take off but it won‘t last long until you even forget we‘re flying.”
“What should I look at then?” You ask, still looking out the window. 
You feel his hand on your chin, gently pulling you to face him, “Look at me.”
You maintain eye contact with Peter for a while, one hand still in his, and now your heart isn’t only beating fast because of your fear of flying.
“When are we taking off?” You ask, eyes not leaving Peter’s.
He looks past you and out of the window, “Any second now. But don‘t worry, it won‘t feel any different from going on a rollercoaster. Hey, we‘ve been on so many rollercoasters together. This is so harmless in comparison,” he reasons, smiling at you.
You think back to how many amusement parks you and Peter have been to, where you even outdid Peter and went on rides that he was too scared to go on. You feel the pressure in your chest ease up, but a second later you’re pressed back into your seat as the plane takes off. Your eyes flit towards the window on the other side of the plane and you see how high you already are.
“Look at me,” Peter says again and you quickly put your other hand on top of your and his intertwined ones. He adds his own hand on top, firmly lying it on yours, and you feel a tiny bit safer.
“Now… close your eyes and imagine we‘re on a rollercoaster together, yeah? I‘ll do it with you,” you watch him close his eyes and do the same, calming down enough to imagine one of the rollercoasters you’ve been on together, smiling at the memory. 
“Kind of a lame rollercoaster,” you smile, not opening your eyes, getting used to the sensation of flying up.
“I know, right? Really boring,” you can hear the smile in his voice and his thumb starts stroking over the back of your hand. 
“That‘s actually really helpful, I think I‘m good now,” you slowly open your eyes at the same time as Peter. There’s a small jolt and you squeeze your eyes shut again, grabbing Peter’s hands tighter.
“All good, that‘s part of the rollercoaster. We‘re just going around one of those corners where it feels like you‘re about to fall out but you never do…” 
You take a deep breath and open your eyes again. Peter’s are still closed and there’s a smile on his face as he continues. “You know you‘re not going to fall out and yet you always cling to me and I laugh and pretend to be fine even though I also feel like I‘m about to fall out and I need to hold on to you just as much as you need to hold on to me.”
“What are you two dumbasses doing?” You suddenly hear MJ and find her face squished between the seats in front of you.
Your eyes meet Peter’s and you both look around, noticing that you’re in the air now, the plane finally horizontal again “Oh, we’re… Thanks,” you shyly smile at Peter and reluctantly let go of his hands.
Before you can stress over some slight turbulences, you fall asleep with your head on Peter’s shoulder once more a few minutes later. The bang the plane makes as it lands a few hours later wakes you up and when you sit up you see Peter smiling at you, probably happy that you slept through the part of the plane ride that would have made you anxious again.
You don’t realise that you’re still holding Peter’s hand until you’re in the airport, waiting for your luggage. You decide to go to the bathroom, but there’s a resistance when you start walking - it’s your hand in Peter’s, and he didn’t notice how you were walking away.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise I was holding your hand,” you say.
“Oh it’s, it’s okay. You going to the restroom? Do you want me to come with you?” He asks, getting up.
“It’s fine, MJ’s coming with me. But thanks.”
It’s a lot hotter here than it was in New York, so you take off your hoodie and swap it for the short top you had with you. Three of your suitcases are there already when you get back so you stand around your luggage as you wait for the last one to arrive.
“Stop drooling over my best friend and do what you’re here for,” you hear MJ while you’re pretending to not notice Peter looking at your revealing top. MJ points to her suitcase on the conveyer and Peter gets it, picking up two more suitcases after MJ tells him to.
“What, Peter can‘t carry all of that,” you say, trying to take one off him.
“No it‘s fine,” he says, carrying them outside with ease. You try not to let your eyes linger on Peter’s biceps or how his shirt slightly lifts at the bottom. You’ll be seeing him half-naked at the beach soon enough, and you’ll be able to stare less obviously.
The hotel is just as nice as it looked in the pictures, and excitement replaces your tiredness once again. Peter is just across the hall from your, MJ and Chris’s shared room.
While your roommates still unpack, you go to knock on Peter’s door, bikini ready under your clothes. “Wanna go explore?” You ask when you see him, his swimming shorts already on with a simple white shirt that looks incredible on him.
It takes you nearly an hour until you’ve seen all the important spots of the resort and after a dip in the pool and a trip to the spa to plan your spa day later this week, you end up at the bar. You don’t want to worsen your slight sleepiness with alcohol, so you just get a fruit smoothie. 
You take in the view of the ocean, a cooling breeze flying across your skin. You and Peter clink your glasses, “To the next, wonderful week of our lives.”
“To an unforgettable week of our lives,” you add, not taking your eyes off Peter as you taste the liquid heaven. “If summer vacation was a drink it would taste like this,” you grin at Peter and he nods, smiling and finishing his drink quickly and already getting up to get you two more.
The beach is a part of the resort, about a three-minute walk from your room. You spend most of your day there, soaking up the sun and resting from your flight and the early start to the day. Peter looks adorable with the sunscreen all over his face. “Where?” he asks after you told him to rub it in a bit more, a wide white stripe on his nose.
“Here, let me…” you sit down on your knees in front of him, soft sand giving in under your legs, a few grains of it spilling onto your towel. You swallow as you get close to him, stroking your hand over his nose to let the sunscreen soak into his skin more.
Peter closes his eyes in delight, like a dog being scratched behind the ear, so you rub it in as long as you can without him realising that you finished ages ago. 
“Should I get your back?” You ask, unsure if having your hands on Peter is a good idea, but you want to do it anyway.
“Yes, thanks, if you don’t mind,” he smiles sleepily, the lack of rest catching up to him. You would offer him your sunscreen mist, so he can spray his back himself, but you can’t resist him when he rolls over onto his stomach and rests his head on his arms and his wide, defined shoulders are staring at you.
You straddle his hips, which is admittedly unnecessary, and slowly squirt sunscreen all over his back, taking your time with rubbing it all in, getting more on your hands to make sure his shoulders are covered. 
You don’t know if it’s the jetlag or the holiday atmosphere, but right now it’s not your first priority to hide your crush on Peter from him. You just want to enjoy yourself, and that includes being close to Peter. As long as he doesn’t mind, you don’t see any harm. If he comments on it, you’ll blame it on the carelessness that comes with being on holiday.
“Didn’t know all-inclusive meant getting a massage from you. Who needs the spa when I have you?” He practically purrs, cheek squished against his arm. You hum in response, licking your lips at hearing him so relaxed from your simple touch.
Peter thanks you when you get off him, leaving his head on his folded arms. A few moments later, you hear gentle snoring and you turn onto your side to watch him sleep peacefully.
His skin looks so soft, still shiny from the sunscreen. There’s a slight furrow in his eyebrows, his forehead creasing, and you realise the sun is right in his eyes. You carefully adjust the parasol above you, so his face is in the shade.
You get bored after a while and stand up to get a book from your room. As you get up, Peter wakes up, “Where are you going?” He mumbles.
“Just getting something from my room, you need anything?” 
“No thanks,” he murmurs, lying back down. You bend down to kiss his temple, stroking his hair for a second. He smiles softly and falls asleep again. Your heart is so full of love for him as you kneel beside him for another minute or two before getting your book.
You read for a while before you look at the ocean in front of you, only a few feet of sand separating you from it. You don’t want to go alone though, so you tap Peter on the shoulder a few times.
All he does is roll on his back with a sleepy groan and you almost feel bad for waking him up. But then you focus on the sound of the waves and you know it’ll be nice for him too.
“Peter,” you whisper multiple times but he refuses to open his eyes. You straddle him and hover above his hips like you’ve done countless times before when you were playfighting. Only this time you’re in a bikini.
His eyes open immediately and he gulps, hands reaching out to grab your hips but stopping last second. You can tell he’s having a hard time trying not to look at your chest - he fails multiple times as his eyes drift down for only a second each time they do.
You don’t know how you’ll survive a week of him looking at you like that. It’s something you’re scared of - both of you giving in to the sexual attraction but being unsure about your romantic feelings for each other.
It’s clear that Peter is physically attracted to you. But for a guy who is friends with a pretty woman, it doesn’t mean much. You’re sexually attracted to him too, and you don’t mind his attention - it’s always respectful and you know he’d easily manage to control himself if you expressed any discomfort at him staring. He probably thinks he’s being subtle though, but he’s not.
When you’re someone’s best friend who, in your eyes, is a potential romantic partner too, it’s fucking hard to figure out of their affection is strictly platonic. Peter is a loving person and so it’s not easy to tell if his love is friendly or romantic. You doubt romantic affection would feel very different from his platonic love.
You couldn’t bare having sex with him and later find out that’s all he wants from you besides friendship. It would destroy you and so for now, while you’re strong-willed and it’s only the first day that you’re spending together half-naked, you get off of him to prevent anything more from happening.
“Come swim with me,” you smile charmingly and he sits up and yawns, stretching before he stands up. “Last one in the water has to pay for the next drink,” he yells as he sprints into the water, making you laugh.
“They’re free,” you shout after him, following him into the water. He helps you through the first few feet of the water, making sure you don’t step on any spiky stones in the sand.
You enjoy the feeling of zero gravity in the water, splashing each other and joining a group of people who are playing with a ball. Peter looks at you every time something funny happens, which you only know because you’re doing the same with him, and you wonder how it’s possible that every moment spent with him makes you appreciate him even more.
As you sit on the beach with towels around you, you share snacks that you brought and decide to go to the pool now. You don’t say anything for ages, your eyes saying more than words can.
You get in the water together, holding hands as you float on your backs. 
Just this morning, you randomly showed up in front of a sleepy Peter’s door; now you’re in sunny Mexico, having the time of your lives, feeling closer to Peter than ever.
“I can’t believe we’re actually here. I knew it would be good but this is incredible,” you say, swimming upright again. This end of the pool isn’t deep, so you can stand.
“I know. Thanks for inviting me. I can’t even tell you how happy I am,” he grins at you and you grin back. 
Your smiles don’t stop and his gaze hasn’t left yours. You wonder who’s going to give in first. Peter wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close. Your heart is pounding and you can’t hide your smile.
It’s finally happening.
You lean in at the same time, closing your eyes already as you feel his breath against your lips. Suddenly, someone jumps into the pool right next to you, splashing you enough to ruin the moment.
It’s MJ and Chris who obviously didn’t realise what they were interrupting. The moment is over and you immediately start talking to them, splashing water against your face to cool you down. You can’t believe what was about to happen.
Peter’s eyes on you didn’t feel platonic at all. There was romance, a deep appreciation and want for you, as more than a friend. But what if it’s just the holiday magic? Or the jetlag? You don’t know if you’d be able to let him kiss you until you’re back home again.
He gets out of the water somewhat in a huff, not mad at you but frustrated somehow. You can’t talk to him if it’s about you though. Normally, you can talk about everything. But not about the thing that might ruin your friendship. 
You try to shake the feeling that something special was about to happen, it’s the first day of your holiday and you’re not used to the situation yet. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment.
Peter doesn’t avoid you, but he’s not with you as much as he usually is either. You’d hate if there was tension between you on what is supposed to be the trip of your dreams.
You all eat together in silence and go to bed early. Despite the unsure air between you and your best friend slash secret crush, you’re excited for the days ahead of you. You’re sure Peter doesn’t want anything to get between you and ruin the vacation when it’s something that can wait until you’re back home. You’re okay with that too, you’ve liked him for months if not years and not said or done anything about it; you can easily manage another week and act as if you just like Peter as a friend.
You don’t want him to just see this as a holiday fling, get your hopes up, and go back to being just your friend when you’re home. The moment earlier didn’t feel like just sexual attraction, but you couldn’t bear to have an adult talk with him about your feelings and be shot down - not this week.
Exhaustion fills your every limb, and you’re about to drift off.
“Is she asleep?” It’s MJ’s voice. You hear shuffling from her and Chris’s bed.
“I think so.”
You’re too tired to lift your head and see what’s going on or ask them if they need you, but you jump as soon as you hear them kissing, “Nope. I’m leaving.”
For the few moments that you walk over to Peter’s hotel room, you forget all about the weird mood between you two. You knock again, “Hey Pete, it’s just me.”
He opens the door with a naked and sweaty chest, his cheeks pink. “Oh sorry were you…working out or something?” You ask.
“No uh, it‘s just uh, hot. Come in,” he smiles, happy to see you. Has he forgotten about nearly kissing you or is he over it already? Or maybe your tries to communicate with him telepathically during dinner worked. You were trying to tell him not to make things weird for you two as not to risk having a nice stay.
“I was just wondering if I could sleep here tonight because MJ and Chris were about to have sex. On the bed right next to me, so..”
“Of course. I was wondering from the start why we didn‘t just share a room. I didn‘t know if you wanted to have some, I don’t know, time without me or something. You can move into my room if you want.”
You look around, “I think I’ll be fine on the sofa, just tonight, but..”
“What? No, no you can sleep in my bed. It‘s so huge and it‘s not like we‘ve never shared a bed.”
“You sure?” You ask, hoping he’d say that. 
“Yeah. I wouldn‘t even be in this beautiful place without you, the least I can do is share a room with you. And I want to,” he smiles, cleaning up one half of his bed.
“Thank you. I’ll stay here then. I‘ll get all my things tomorrow… hey, is that my shirt?”
His cheeks go red as he looks at your t-shirt on his mattress, “O-oh how did.. how did that get there?” 
“I must have accidentally put it in your bag,” you reason. His sunglasses ended up in your bag too. 
“Y-yeah and then I somehow- maybe I didn‘t realise I got it out while I was getting something else out..” Peter scratches the back of his neck and turns away from you, “Do you need to use the bathroom? I was gonna go take a shower.”
“I‘m fine, thanks. Don‘t worry about me. I was about to fall asleep before Chris and MJ… y’know, so I think I’ll go to bed now if that’s okay.” You smile at each other and you hug him goodnight. You’re too tired to wonder why Peter is acting so weird and you’re nearly asleep when he sinks into the bed next to you twenty minutes later. 
You feel at peace with him by your side.
Day Two
You wake up with Peter’s beautiful face right in front of yours. He’s softly smiling in his sleep, and he looks so innocent. You look around and it sinks in that you’ll be staying with Peter for the rest of the week, and that means you’ll spend even more time together. You grin at the thought of it and doze off again a few times before Peter wakes up too. You stay in bed for at least half an hour, waking up together and talking, laughing, and planning what you’ll do today. 
After getting ready together, you set off for the day, just the two of you. 
That one moment between you is forgotten completely, the tension all gone, and you’re just looking forward to the dreamy beach. 
You’re simply hanging out with your best friend who loves you a lot. And you don’t love him too, and not for no reason. You know he’d never jeopardise your friendship or a picture-perfect vacation by kissing you when he’s not sure how he feels about you. So if it happens again, although you’re not trying to get your hopes up, you’ll trust him, and you’ll let it happen.
You’re both very affectionate in your friendship though, and it’s been going on for so long that it’s hard to find the boundaries between platonic feelings and more. The only thing that would change is that you’d kiss and be sexually intimate. You already cuddle and share intimacy - intimate conversations, looks, everything. It’s hard to tell if the looks he’s giving you this morning are what they usually are or if you’re overinterpreting some romantic feelings into them because that’s what you’re hoping for.
A pleasant breeze sweeps across your skin and you look out onto the ocean. You close your eyes and breathe. A sense of calmness fills you, and you decide you’ll just let things happen organically.
If you kiss, you kiss. If you don’t, you don’t. But you’re not going to let useless overthinking dictate how much you enjoy this heavenly place. With your best friends by your side, there’s more than enough to enjoy, even if everything between you and Peter stays the way it is and the near kiss was just a meaningless moment - you’ll survive. But most importantly, you’ll try to make this the best holiday regardless of what happens.
Chris and MJ join you at the beach around noon, and you feel it lift your spirits even more. You’re knocked out after lunch and take a nap on your towel, the sun casting a pleasant warmth over your whole body. 
You wake up to Peter spraying your sunscreen on your chest and belly. 
“Sorry, didn’t wanna wake you,” he says softly, “Just wanted to make sure your skin is protected.”
“Aww, thank you.” You want to kiss his cheek but you force yourself to stay on your back. You’re so full of love for him at that moment and maybe it’s just your sleepy state, but you can’t imagine only staying Peter’s friend for the rest of your life.
It doesn‘t help you that MJ and Chris are nowhere to be found, and it’s just you and him. 
You wander to the outside bar by the pool, and you try a new cocktail while Peter drinks the one from yesterday. He sips from your straw when you offer him to try your drink and you make yourself wait a few seconds before taking another sip. It‘s nearly pathetic how eager you are to share an indirect kiss, put your lips where his just were. 
As soon as Peter walks to the bar to get another round, a guy is standing in front of your table. He‘s wearing turquoise-tinted glasses and looks like a dick. 
“Hi, beautiful, I saw you sitting alone and wanted to introduce myself.”
You’ve barely been sitting alone for ten seconds but somehow he still managed to bother you. 
You’re not scared of him, he seems harmless and you’re in this busy bar. But is he annoying you? Yes. You can’t even be on holiday alone without some random guy coming up to you and wasting your precious time. But you’re outside in broad daylight and you’ve already made eye contact with Peter. You scratch your right eyebrow with your left hand - your signal for him to come save you - and he comes hurrying over. 
He sits down next to you and puts an arm around you, kissing your cheek, “Hi babe. Who’s this?”
The guy lifts his hands in defeat, “Sorry man, I didn’t know she was yours.”
You slap Peter’s leg quietly. You know he’ll go on a rant about how if you were his girlfriend you still wouldn’t be his but you’re still your own person et cetera. This guy doesn’t need to hear that though because it won’t change his mind anyway.
“Have a day, man,” Peter says to the guy. The guy gives you two a last funny look before walking off. 
“Have a day?” You laugh. 
“I didn’t wanna say have a good day because he was bothering you and doesn’t deserve a good day, but I didn’t wanna say have a bad day because he didn’t do anything awful, so my brain just blanked.”
“I guess he will have a day,” you agree, clinking your glass with Peter’s, “Thanks.”
“Can’t blame the guy, I guess,” Peter mumbles beside you, “I’d wanna talk to you too.”
He sits back as if he didn’t say anything out of the ordinary, as if he didn’t just send you down a spiral as you wonder how he means what he just said. 
Does he mean he’s happy to have you as a friend, and that he’s happy he gets to talk with you?
Or does he mean you’re attractive and he’d want to talk to you to ask you out?
You take a big sip of your drink and slowly blow air out of your mouth, sitting back. 
You both notice at the same time that Peter’s arm is still around you from when he was pretending to be your boyfriend. 
“Oh uh, sorry.”
“I.. I don’t mind it,” you tell him, sipping more of your drink and not looking at him. All you know is that his arm stays around you and you feel warm, and this time it’s not from the sun. 
Chris and MJ are back at the beach when you go there, and you’re grateful for the distraction from Peter when you go swimming with just the two of them. When you come out of the water Peter’s gone but you find a text on your phone. He says he’ll be back soon and he’s just in your room.
You soak up the sun for a while until MJ asks you about Peter for the third time, “He’s been gone for a while, you should really go check on him.”
You don’t open your eyes, “He’s a big boy, he can look after himself. I’m sure he’s fine. Maybe he’s taking a nap or something.”
You sit up when you hear MJ and Chris whispering something to each other and that’s when you realise they’re indirectly asking you for some couple time, some alone time without you where they’ll be all cheesy and in love. “Yup. I’ll be going then,” you leave your things at the beach because it’s not late yet - you’ll come back later.
The coolness bouncing off the marble floors inside the hotel clears your head and makes you feel like you’ve suddenly dried off completely. You can’t imagine going back to the beach today. Maybe you’ll join Peter and take a nap too.
You scan your key card and open the door to your room as quietly as possible in case Peter really is sleeping. Your heart skips a beat when you realise what you’re walking in on.
Peter is shirtless, the light white covers pulled up to his hips but they don’t hide him jerking off. He has your panties wrapped around his hand as he strokes himself, breaths short and loud.
His eyes go wide at the same time as yours and it takes him a second to cover himself up and another second for you to close the door, stuttering an unintelligible apology.
You awkwardly stand in front of the door for a bit, your hand still on the door handle as you process what just happened. There’s shuffling on the other side of the door but Peter doesn’t come out.
Looking around to check if anyone saw you, you pat the bottom of your beach dress down, pretending like the sudden wetness between your legs isn’t because of Peter. You take a few deep breaths to slow down your rapidly beating heart and you make your way to the other side of the resort – as far away from Peter as possible, so you can think about what just happened.
You sit at the pool with a cool drink to combat the lasting warmness on your cheeks and inside of you. If that’s not a clear sign that Peter likes you then you don’t know what is. It might not mean that he likes you romantically but you’re even more certain that he’s attracted to you now. There’s not a single doubt left about that. This and him almost kissing you in the pool is enough for you to imagine a future together, no matter how small those signs might seem.
The heat just won’t go away and you find yourself smiling at what you just witnessed. It wasn’t an ideal situation, sure, and Peter is probably more embarrassed than he’s ever been but you like him so much and now you know there’s at least some sort of reciprocation. 
You can already see yourself reminding him of this situation in a few months, years even, and you’ll laugh and find it cute how flustered he will be even after ages of being together just because that’s the type of person he is.
You’d scold yourself for thinking that way, he was just jerking off with your panties. If you told anyone, they’d probably think he’s being gross and maybe he is - he definitely is - but you like him so much that even this small thing makes you like him even more because it’s giving you hope. And right now that hope is much nicer to think about than being rational and waiting until you’ve actually talked and you have clarity about his feelings towards you.
This little spark of hope means so much and even if it’s not the most romantic sign, it is a sign.
You were wearing those panties in the morning and Peter walked in on you while you were changing, bikini top on paired with your panties. He didn’t see anything that he shouldn’t have but his cheeks went red immediately and you could feel the blush radiating off of him when you asked him to tie your bikini at the back.
He must have played with the strings for at least twenty seconds and you’d bet all your money that he took so long because he was staring at your body, at how good your ass looks in those panties.
You thanked him and shooed him away so you could change but also so he wouldn’t realise that you’d gotten just as flustered as him. It was an accident that you left your panties on the bed when you left your room this morning but it’s come back to do you good.
Now you just have to decide what to do next. But all you can think of is Peter getting off and the only thing you want to do is go back and sit on his lap.
You set off, your knees weak if you think about what’s about to happen, and your palms are clammy as you open the door.
You find the bed made, the bathroom empty and Peter nowhere to be seen. You can’t help but frown, your shoulders sagging. You check your phone if Peter has texted you (he hasn’t) and text MJ to ask if Peter’s with her (he’s not).
Unsure what to do, you wash off the saltwater in the shower, feeling stupid as you stay in your towel extra long afterwards, hoping that Peter will come in.
You stay in your room all alone, sulking, until dinner time. You just want Peter right now. You get that he’s probably embarrassed but you just realised that there’s an even bigger chance that he really does like you, and you can’t stand him hiding from you. Nothing embarrassing he could ever do would make you want him to avoid you.
MJ knocks at your door, “Hey, you ready? Peter’s waiting at the restaurant.”
You get off of the bed when you hear Peter’s name, rushing past MJ and Chris to go and see Peter. You freeze when you see him sitting at the table. He looks so worried that it breaks your heart; your annoyance about him hiding from you melts away in an instant.
He’s got his eyebrows pulled together, he’s gnawing on his bottom lip with his hands folded together in front of him, wiping them on his trousers every few seconds. He gets up as soon as he spots you, and you give him a weak smile. You can’t tell what he’s about to say.
You pull him into a quiet corner, “Hey…”
“I’m so sorry. I-I-I shouldn’t have. And I’m sorry you had to see - I mean, what.. how much did you see?”
“I… you know what I saw,” you play dumb, “The blanket was in the way but I assume I know what you’re doing.”
“That’s all you saw? You didn’t see..”
“I didn’t see your dick if that’s what you mean,” you lie, hoping he can stop worrying and go back to enjoying his holiday.
“Oh and you didn’t…? Oh. Good. I’m still sorry you walked in on me–”
“No, I’m sorry. I should have knocked.”
At this point, you just want to end the conversation and you don’t like your own serious tone at all. You wanted to declare your love for him and here he was worried sick. Even now that he knows - or thinks - you didn’t see that he had your underwear, there’s still concern in his eyes.
“And it’s fine if you need some alone time, just let me know and I’ll go,” you continue, smiling so he can finally relax, “Or, you know, I don’t mind if you do it in the bathroom or whatever. I can turn the tv up real loud if you want. And now stop worrying.”
You grab his neck to pull him into a hug and he rests his forehead against your shoulder, sighing, which you hope is him letting go of the last bits of embarrassment.
“Same goes for you, by the way,” he says when you step apart, and he’s finally standing taller again, “If you need the room for yourself, just tell me. Don’t feel like you, uh, have to hold back or anything because of me.”
You grin, a playful tone on your lips, “Don’t worry, I haven’t been holding back anyway.”
You haven’t masturbated since you’ve been here, especially not when Peter was in the hotel room with you, but it won’t hurt to put that idea into his head - now that you’ve seen what he’s been doing behind closed doors.
His jaw drops, nothing but a few stuttered words falling out of his mouth, and you walk to the buffet beaming, happy with how you managed to put something completely new into his mind. It won’t leave any room for his embarrassment to return and hopefully give him an idea of how far he can go with you.
You won’t mind making the first step now that you know what you know, but it’ll be fun to try and make him kiss you first.
He joins you all at the table a few minutes later, cheeks still glowing like the moment you implied you’ve masturbated not far away from Peter.
MJ and Chris are too in love to notice anything, but there’s more tension between you and Peter than ever before. He looks like he hasn’t decided between being flustered and turned on or confident and turned on yet but you’re sure he‘ll decide soon enough.
You smile at him over dinner innocently enough to keep him guessing the slightest bit but whenever your eyes meet you know you feel it both; the attraction, the want, maybe a bit of suspense too.
You have no idea how long you’ll manage this, you just want to kiss him silly if you’re honest. But you don’t mind watching him feel the same thing. He’s obvious about it now, staring at you as if you’re a goddess.
At home, you’d just drag him into a separate room alone and kiss him and tell him what you feel. But the holiday magic is doing something to you, making you excited to drag this out a bit because you know the payoff will be even better if you’ve waited longer. The ocean, your friends and the overall situation also make a nice distraction while you wait for Peter to finally kiss you. 
You’ve gone years without kissing him, so no matter how much you want to end that period of your life where you’re not regularly making out with Peter Parker, you’ve worked up enough discipline - and up until not long ago uncertainty - to stop you from kissing him for just a bit longer.
You take another quick shower when you get back to your room at night, and you get lost in the pleasant stream of water and the luxurious soap smell floating through the air. The shower is huge and takes up half of the bathroom, and there’s just a wall of glass separating the shower from the rest of the bathroom. There’s no curtain to cover you, just a blur effect in the middle of the glass.
A knock pulls you from your trance, “No pressure, but will you be long?” Peter calls, “I have something stuck in my teeth and it’s driving me crazy.”
You chuckle, “You can come in, door’s unlocked.”
He sprints to the mirror and grabs his floss, but freezes when he sees your reflection. The glass of the shower that separates you and Peter is blurry but you know he can still make out the shape of your body. His mouth open, he watches you for a few seconds, mesmerised. 
When you look over to smile at him through the mirror he immediately looks away as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t. A bashful smile on his face, he flosses his teeth, looking down. 
You get out of the shower while Peter is still in the bathroom, grabbing your towel before he can see you naked. You wrap it around you loosely, letting it hang far down your back. 
He’s seen you in a bikini, and you’re more covered now, but the tension in the air is thick and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling at how nice you feel next to Peter. 
He starts brushing his teeth while you do your skincare, your elbows bumping into each other every few moments. 
You pull a new pair of panties on under your towel, aware that you might expose everything any second, your grip on the towel loose. 
You let go of the towel with Peter still next to you - he’s on his fifth minute of brushing his teeth - and you’re only covering your nipples with your forearm as you put on your sleep shirt. Peter stays with you until you’re done brushing your own teeth. 
You slip into bed together, suddenly tired. 
Maybe you’re just lying closer to Peter than last night, but suddenly the bed feels a lot smaller. You’re brushing up against Peter and you want to get even closer. 
You can’t even see him right now but he’s so irresistible. You don’t know why you didn’t just kiss him earlier. Now you’re tired and you don’t want your first kiss to be half asleep. You don’t know how far he is into sleeping either. 
You decide you won’t kiss him now, but you want to cuddle at least. You scoot over, putting your arm over Peter’s waist and he pulls you closer in an instant, wrapping an arm around you. It makes you nearly forget that you still don’t know if he actually likes you romantically; you’re just sure about the sexual side. But you hope he feels as nice having you in his arms as you feel being in them.
“I’m so happy how things turned out,” you tell him, knowing now that he’s still awake. 
“Me too. This place is so beautiful. And we’re sharing a room. And I love it here, don’t get me wrong, but you’re definitely the best part. You make everything ten times better.”
Your heart melts right then and there and you grip his arm tighter, pressing a small kiss to his shoulder. 
You don’t say much more, mainly because you’re scared of confessing your love to him. And no matter that you want to stay up longer, because going to sleep means you’ll be without Peter, a yawn forces its way out of your throat, and soon your eyes fall shut. 
Day Three
You sleep like a baby and then you feel like crying when you wake up without Peter. You try to listen for the shower, but you’re alone. 
Peter comes through the door just as you’re about to stand up. He grins when he sees you, a tray full of food in his hands. 
You lie back down and let him place the tray next to you, reaching up so you can hug him. 
“Is this for me?” You ask, pursing your lips with a twinkle in your eyes. 
“It is. You were sleeping so peacefully but they stop serving breakfast in a few minutes, so I went and got you some in case you want it.”
“Thank you,” you smile, unable to deal with so much cuteness two minutes after waking up, “Have you had breakfast?”
“Uh, no. But don’t worry about me.”
“No. Come and eat with me,” you pat the bed, making him share your breakfast with you. 
You have a lazy morning together, and you walk to the beach with your hands brushing so often that you may as well be walking hand in hand. 
You meet Chris and MJ at the beach but you barely acknowledge them. You’d feel sorry but that’s exactly what MJ’s been like since her relationship with Chris so you’re sure she understands. She’s probably still too obsessed with Chris to even notice and you’re still so happy for them whenever you think about it. They leave you two for a spa day shortly after anyway.
You can’t tell if Peter is being clingy today or if you are. Either way, you’re together all day.
When one of you and Peter goes into the water, so does the other. Same with the pool or the bar or when you go to your room because you forgot something - Peter comes with you.
He puts his towel next to yours when you decide to take a nap on the beach and he’s still in the same position when you wake up, lying next to you on his side, facing you, impatiently waiting like a little child until he can spend time with you again.
You push yourself up from lying on your stomach, supporting yourself on your elbows. 
“Wait wait wait,” Peter nearly shouts, eyes on your chest and then he quickly looks up at the sky, “Your bikini uh, uh–”
“Oh,” you say, realising the straps of your bikini top must have come undone while you were asleep and the cups are everywhere but on your boobs. You quickly readjust them, pulling the fabric over your chest, “Thanks. I’m good now. Did you see anything?” The question makes you feel like Peter, except you’re not asking out of embarrassment but to tease him.
“No, not, uh not really,” he answers, cheeks red and he’s still looking away.
You sit up and laugh, “Don’t worry, was just wondering. You wanna go for a swim?”
It’s windy when you come out of the water and Peter hands you his towel. He says it’s “bigger and cozier” than yours. He takes your thin towel but he looks freezing with his skin still wet from the cold ocean water, the wind cool against your faces.
“Come here,” you stretch out your arm towards him and he immediately scoots over. You put half of the towel over his shoulders and he instantly relaxes. The towel is big but not quite big enough to cover the two of you, so you’re impossibly close, pressed up against each other.
Your heart starts beating faster and the only thing you want to do is sink into Peter. He notices the goosebumps on your skin and puts his arm around you, pulling you even closer and you rest your head on his shoulder.
The sun comes back from behind the clouds and the wind stops blowing, but you don’t move. You stay cuddled up against Peter even though it’s almost becoming too warm again.
When you sit up after a few minutes and look at Peter, he’s smiling. It’s a soft smile that makes you feel safe and loved and understood.
You have no idea how you’ve managed to not kiss him yet. It was bearable all day when you were a few feet apart but now that his adorable face is right next to yours, his skin pressed up against you, you don’t think you can withstand the urge to kiss him anymore.
Who cares if you kiss him first or he initiates it? You don’t know what you were thinking, trying to tease him and test how far you can go. All you want to do is finally make out with him.
You lean in and he does the same, and your heart feels like it’s in heaven. Just as your lips are about to touch, a voice interrupts you. It’s MJ and Chris coming back from the spa.
“We just had the best massage of our lives,” MJ says, looking at her phone so she probably didn’t see that you were about to kiss. You and Peter share one last look that acknowledges what was about to happen and while you wish you hadn’t been interrupted, you have no doubt that you’ll kiss soon. The line between you being friends and more has vanished. You’re ready to risk it now, you can’t be certain how much he likes you until you ask him, or kiss him and see his reaction anyway.
You don’t want to wait until he kisses you or writes you a love letter. Right now, it’s just pure desire. There’s more to it than that, so much more. But you haven’t been able to stop thinking about what it would be like to have sex with Peter. And your gut feeling tells you the rest will fall in place too. You know he’s not the type for casual sex anyway. So if it happens, you know it’ll mean something.
You sit back down on your own towels and spend some time with MJ and Chris. They met some nice employee at the hotel who brings you cocktails every hour and you’re pleasantly tipsy before the evening, too happy to worry about you and Peter.
You’re all giggly and clumsy over dinner and at night you and Peter end up at the pool, your legs dangling in the water, only up to your ankles.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to get wet with clothes on,” Peter muses.
In your tipsy mind, wet is the only word you hear, “If you had a vagina that would be no problem,” you giggle.
“Oh my god,” he puts his hands over his blushing face, “No I mean, like, get in a pool with clothes.”
“No one’s stopping you,” you say and you watch Peter curiously as he gets up and walks a few steps away. Then he starts running and jumps into the pool, hugging his legs to his chest mid-jump. You can’t stop laughing when water splashes everywhere and Peter laughs with you.
“How is it?” You ask.
He laughs, “Very uncomfortable.”
He swims towards you and you hold your hand out for him. He ignores your help and instead swims right in front of you. Before you register what he’s doing, he’s lifting your legs over his shoulders and picks you up, his face between your thighs. 
He starts walking further into the pool and you’re shouting for him to put you back, and at the same time you’re laughing so hard that you nearly lose balance. When you’re far away enough from the edge of the pool, Peter throws you in and for a few minutes you’re just laughing, grateful that the pool is shallow enough for you to stand because otherwise you’d be too busy giggling to keep yourself above water.
It’s all even funnier because you’re tipsy but you regret drinking when your laughter dies down and you realise how close you and Peter are. You’re not blackout drunk but the alcohol is definitely affecting you. You know you wouldn’t regret kissing Peter but it’s hard to tell how drunk he is, so you force yourself to swim away from him.
“Okay you’re right, wet clothes are super uncomfortable. Let’s get out and get changed.”
He lets you shower first and this time you take your clothes into the bathroom and lock the door, you don’t know what would happen if one of you saw the other one naked again. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow when you’re sober for anything to happen between you two.
“Bathroom’s free,” you say when you get out of the bathroom only to see that Peter has fallen asleep on the bed, still in his wet clothes.
You rush over to him, half laughing, and try to wake him. “Peter, you need to take off your clothes.”
He stirs and lifts his head, smiling, “You take them off me.”
You quickly tug his shirt off before you can let yourself think about what he’s saying. You unbutton his jeans and pull them off, and then you tap him on the shoulder to get him to fully wake up, “I’m not doing your underwear.” It’s not that you’d mind but he’d probably be embarrassed or regret it in the morning, so you pull him out of bed and turn around until he’s changed into dry boxers.
“God, Peter,” you laugh as you get into your side of the bed and feel how wet his side is.
“It’s fine, I’ll just sleep with you,” he jumps onto the bed and snuggles up against you, making you laugh. He puts his arm around your waist and you don’t mind him sleeping on your side at all. You switch off the bedside lamp and settle into Peter’s arms.
“Is it okay that I’m half naked?” He suddenly asks you after a few minutes.
“I mean, are you comfortable? Because we’re so close and I’m only wearing boxers,” he sounds sober now, and more awake, and it makes you grin how important it is to him that you’re comfortable.
“I’m comfortable, don’t worry. Good night, Peter,” you turn your face to kiss the top of his head and then you allow yourself to drift off, thinking that falling asleep in Peter’s arms could soon be a regular thing.
Day Four
You wake up with a headache and with Peter’s morning wood pressed against your ass. You notice it when you try to get up and push your hips back a bit to sit. You don’t have to see it, you can feel that it’s huge.
You’re horny immediately but when you try to turn around - which is hard because Peter’s arm is locked around you - your headache really hits you. You weren’t even that drunk but maybe the drinks together with the burning sun was what did it.
Ignoring Peter, you manage to lift his arm and go to the bathroom where you take some painkillers. You get a glass of water for Peter but he’s already awake when you put them down next to the bed. He’s on his stomach now and his ears are red.
“Hey,” he says, his morning voice doing things to you even through your hangover, “Didn’t think I got that drunk,” he says and by his pained face you know his headache is even worse than yours.
“You remember everything?” You ask, sitting down next to him.
“I think I do. Thanks for uh, taking off my clothes. And, oh God,” he looks as if he’s remembering how he got his side of the bed all wet and slept on yours, “you probably didn’t have any room, sorry for–”
“It’s okay,” you say, “I didn’t mind it.” You hope he realises that by it you mean being cuddled up to him in your sleep, and his soft smile tells you he does.
You stay in bed until the afternoon and decide to check out the spa Chris and MJ told you about - they’re already there, recovering from their hangover too. Peter gets a different massage from the rest of you, and you don’t remember the last time you were without him but you’re glad that you can catch up with your other two friends while you wait for your massages to start.
“I really love this place,” Chris says, “I’m glad I could come. And your Peter too.”
Your cheeks heat up at how they call him your Peter.
“MJ, how much have you told Chris about me and Peter, by the way?” You ask MJ and Chris.
“Not much, why?”
“Do you think Peter seems like he likes me?” You don’t need someone else’s validation. No one but Peter knows how he really feels. But you’re curious to see what your relationship looks like from the outside.
Chris hesitates, “Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t he?”
“No, I’m asking like.. do you think he’s into me.”
“Again, yeah, Why wouldn’t he?” They repeat.
All three of you stare at each other for a second, wondering where the miscommunication is. Chris is the first to start again, “Okay so… you’re asking me if I think your boyfriend likes you… and it definitely seems like he does, so yes.”
“Oh. Oh oh, no it’s…” you can’t hide your smile, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“What?” Chris shouts, making you and MJ laugh, “You’re telling me you two are not together?”
“We’re not,” you say.
“Well, you’re obviously in love with each other. But, um, sorry for assuming I guess?”
“No it’s okay, that answers my question perfectly, thanks.”
The fact that Chris, who barely knows you and Peter and your complicated friendship, thinks you’re a couple makes you smile so much that your cheeks hurt. It feels so nice that even the massage seems unnecessary now and you hug Peter when you see him again after the spa. Hugging him almost feels like a second massage.
You start getting ready for dinner a few hours later. “Have you seen my lip balm?” You walk into the bathroom to ask Peter. The smell of his cologne hits you as soon as you’re in the room, “You smell good,” it comes out of your mouth the second you’re thinking it.
He smiles, “Thanks. And I think your lip balm was on the table next to the bed.”
You don’t move. His scent is intoxicating. It’s earthy and sweet and it’s exactly Peter.
“Have you been wearing that all week?” 
“No, I found it in my suitcase today. Forgot I brought it with me, it’s new.”
“Well, it’s really, really nice,” still not leaving the room, you’re now in front of Peter, trying to get his scent to take over your whole being.
He smiles at you, putting down the gel he was applying to his hair.
“Give me another smell,” you say, ignoring the heat on your face, and you lean forward to smell where he sprayed the cologne on his neck. You close your eyes and inhale it, feeling stupid but you also couldn’t care less because the scent is perfect for Peter and you want to bury yourself in him now. Even more than usual.
“You like it?” He giggles, his face getting red now.
“Mhmm, this makes me wanna eat you up. I’ve never smelled anything this good,” you can’t control what you’re saying anymore, it’s just your body responding to him and his cologne. That, and the feelings and want for him that you’ve felt for years.
“We-we can get room service and you can just, like, smell me all night,” he smiles awkwardly and you fall for him even more.
“You’re so cute,” you say, placing a kiss on the side of his neck, getting a last smell before you force yourself away.
You get your lip balm and sit on the bed, using your phone camera as a mirror while you apply it. When you’re done, you look past the opened bathroom door, finding Peter still flustered, his eyes still following you. He scratches the back of his head when he sees you noticing him, “I, uh… yeah,” he closes the door a bit and goes back to touching his hair.
You’re looking out of the window while you wait for MJ and Chris to be ready for dinner, Peter lying on the bed. You’re admiring the view of the ocean, with the sunset giving the waves a red glow.
When you turn around another wave of Peter’s cologne hits you and literally makes you weak in your knees. You don’t know how much longer you can do this. You decide to finally do something. You’re not getting anywhere like this.
When you sit down on the bed, you straddle Peter, “Do you plan on giving in soon?” You ask, placing your hands on his shoulders, “Cause I’d really love to fuck you to this view before we go.”
Peter’s mouth is open, but nothing comes out. His hands find your hips and he looks outside, taking in the view as he nervously swallows. He stutters something but the words won’t come out and when he adjusts his position his hips push up against yours, making you flustered too.
You don’t say anything but you both just start grinning. Despite you sitting on top of him right now, the romantic energy between surfaces. 
It’s not all about sex, and deep down you’ve known it for a while. You’ve been looking for a grand gesture when really it’s obvious from all the small things Peter does and says to you, even how he looks at you has always made you feel like there’s more. You were just too scared to risk it and lose your best friend. But now you’re ready. Finally.
You cup his cheek as you both lean in. 
Then there’s a knock. You don’t move, both considering if you should just ignore it and finally get to kiss each other after being interrupted god knows how many times.
You decide to kiss him but just before your lips are on his, MJ shouts, “Let’s go. I’m hungry.”
“Coming,” you say, slowly getting off of Peter and recomposing yourself. Peter doesn’t actually roll his eyes but the bashful smile he gives you before you open the door suggests that that’s exactly what he wants to do. You squeeze his hand before going out into the hallway.
Dinner feels like one whole night and one whole day and at the same time like ten seconds, the divine scent of his cologne still killing you whenever he leans closer to you. At some point, you see Peter’s leg nervously bouncing up and down and you put your hand on his knee, calming him.
You hope you haven’t made him too nervous. It just felt right in that moment. But he seemed to enjoy it too, happy that you finally made a move; it just wasn’t ideal that you were interrupted yet again. And you hope you didn’t put any pressure on him to have sex with you while you’re still on holiday. The romantic side is much more important than the sexual one to you, but you know he doesn’t have a lot of sexual experience and worries about this kind of thing.
You try to get him alone all night, not only to kiss him but more so to reassure him, to tell him it’s okay just in case he wants to wait, but somehow MJ and Chris are always with you. You‘re not sure if he‘s ignoring you or if he‘s simply too worried to look at you and not see in your gaze what he wants. Or maybe he’s not even ignoring you at all and you’re the one who’s worrying. You just want to pull him to the side and kiss him and tell him it‘s okay and you like him. 
Before you all go up to your rooms, you go for a walk along the beach. Peter pulls you to sit down with him while MJ and Chris continue walking. You can tell he wants to do something, or say something at least but there are too many people. 
So instead of talking or kissing you just put your head on his shoulder and hope that he feels as nice as you do when you‘re together. The kiss he places on your head tells you that he at least feels something. 
Maybe this trip isn‘t where you and Peter kiss for the first time, and that‘s okay. Maybe it‘s just a wonderful trip to Mexico with your best friends and that‘s more than enough. 
You wordlessly walk up to your room together, and you lazily unlock the door and close it when Peter is inside too. 
Just as you turn around to walk to the bed, Peter‘s hands gently find your waist and he walks you back to the closed door, carefully pressing your back against it. 
He quickly looks from your eyes to your lips and back again and asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Your heart wildly flutters in your chest and you grip Peter’s shirt out of instinct, “You don’t have to ask,” you whisper and you both start smiling as you lean in for the kiss. 
You fully expect something to come between you again, a knock, or maybe a fire alarm, or a phone ringing. But this time the universe gives you your moment and lets you kiss Peter. 
It’s everything you ever wanted, and you’re addicted to him immediately. You’re addicted to the feeling of his smile against your mouth and you’re addicted to how his lips taste and how his hand wanders down to your thigh. You wrap your leg around his hip, his hand staying on your leg, holding you there as if his life depended on it. 
You lean back against the door and wrap one arm around Peter’s shoulders and the other one under his arm, placing your hand on his back to grab his shirt again. You feel too good, you have to just grab something to channel your energy and pure need into. 
Peter sucks on your bottom lip and you gasp, nearly moaning, and you push your tongue between his lips. You’re nearly overwhelmed with how much is going on, how badly you need him and how badly he needs you. 
You pull back from the kiss but Peter can’t let go of your lips yet, chasing them and giving you five more quick kisses until he can tear himself away. You link your hands together behind his back to keep him close, both of you still panting and grinning. 
“You were so on edge during dinner after I told you I want you, I wasn’t sure if you were nervous about having to reject me later,” you smile, now able to be honest because you know you were wrong. 
“I was dying from anticipation. There were so many moments in the last few days when we nearly kissed and it was killing me that we never got to actually do it. Then you were literally on top of me, and somehow it still didn’t happen.”
“Well, it’s finally happening,” you smile and kiss him again, your hand on his cheek. 
Without letting go of your lips, he tries to pull you to the bed but you both stumble and decide you can stop kissing until you’re sitting on the bed. 
“So,” he kisses you, “I haven’t been imagining how you’ve been in the last few days? You really do like me?”
“I do. And have for ages. But I didn’t know if you felt the same and didn’t wanna risk ruining our frienship. But when I saw you jerking off with my underwear, things got a little clearer,” you tease, kissing him again but his mouth is open and he’s mortified. 
“I-I thought you didn’t see. I’m so sorry, it wasn’t okay of me and—”
“Shh, Peter. I don’t mind, it’s okay, good even. It was so hot I had to go sit down for a few minutes to calm down.”
His smile returns and he lets out a relieved breath. But just as he opens his mouth he realises, at the same time as you, how hot it is in your room. You both look up and realise you forgot to turn the AC on before leaving for dinner, and it’s boiling. 
“Fuck,” Peter says as he gets up to switch it back on. You see how his shirt sticks to his back and you feel a bead of sweat running down your belly, and it makes you really realise how hot it is. The kissing didn’t exactly cool you down either.
“Can I shower first?” You ask, a charming smile on your face but when you meet Peter’s eyes you realise, “Oh. Or we could, like, shower together?”
“Save water?” He muses, licking his lips at the idea. 
You walk over to him, playing with his shirt again, “I can, you know, put my bikini on or something if you want.”
“Oh—no, no you don’t have to. Unless that’s what you want, I don’t mind.”
“Okay,” you say and pull your top over your head and slip out of your skirt, “You coming?” You ask, walking into the bathroom and taking off your underwear. Peter nearly trips when he takes off his shirt and then nearly falls again when he pulls off his trousers. Now you remember why teasing Peter is so much fun. As long as you know you’ve got him, it’s fun to play with him. 
You turn the water on and step into the shower together. 
“You’re drooling,” you tell him and gently push his chin up to close his mouth. 
“Yeah. Because you look like this,” you feel your cheeks heating up at his compliment and you kiss him to distract from it. You know that you’re beautiful but it’s still nice to hear it from the man you like. And you know Peter would like you naked no matter what your body looks like but the straightforward compliment makes you even more confident. 
Peter kisses your shoulders and neck and face whenever he has the chance while you’re in the shower. You kiss him back every time and the anticipation of what’s to come is killing you. 
He squirms every time his hard dick brushes up against you, profusely apologising and covering himself with his hands or turning away. But this time you grab his shoulders so he stays facing you and you kiss him, gliding your hands down his abs until you’re touching him where he really wants you. 
“This okay?” You ask, your fingertip lightly running down the length of him. 
“Fuck— yeah.” He’s already panting and you haven’t even started yet. 
You look into his eyes as you start stroking him. You turn down the water and the pearls of water drip down both your bodies. 
You don’t have to say anything and neither does he. Your thumb gently glides over the head of his cock and Peter puts one hand over your shoulder and against the wall to hold himself up, trapping you between him and the wall but you wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else. 
He’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open and his mouth closed, moans escaping every few moments. You know he’s on the edge and that’s when you start speeding up and finally looking down as you stroke him. 
He has no time to warn you when he cums. You’re jerking him off onto your belly, his cum landing on your stomach. You’re getting so wet watching him cum, his eyes squeezed shut and his eyebrows pulled together, mouth open in a groan. 
You’re out of breath too as you finish touching him, squeezing him to prolong his pleasure as much as you can. He leans forward to rest his forehead against yours when he’s finished, opening his eyes to look right into yours, kissing you for what feels like an eternity. 
You frown when he gently washes your belly to clean his cum off of you and when he sees your pout he quickly kisses it away. 
“What?” He asks, a teasing smile on his lips. 
“Nothing,” you shake your head and kiss him before he can ask more questions. You have enough time to figure out each other’s kinks but now it’s your turn. 
It’s like he reads your mind because when you turn around to turn the water off fully you feel his lips on your neck, making his way down your back with soft kisses to your wet skin. He’s breathing heavily again, just from kissing your body. “Hmm?” You hum and his response is a small bite into your bum cheek. 
He’s kneeling behind you now and you take a step back and lean your chest against the wall to give him better access. He’s slow, and you don’t know if it’s just him being gentle or if he’s deliberately teasing you, so you push back into him. 
He answers your command immediately and spreads your ass cheeks, pressing a kiss onto your pussy. His lips go back to your ass cheeks, kissing your skin there while he reaches around your hips to play with your clit. 
But you can’t have his mouth so close on you and not have him use it, so you turn around and put one leg on his shoulder. “Can you eat me out?” You ask, not sure how far Peter wants to go yet. But he nods eagerly and his tongue is between your legs immediately. 
He looks up at you as he starts eating your pussy, his hand lifting your thigh. He stops for a second, “You’re so fucking pretty.” You grin and bury your hand in his hair, pushing him closer to your pussy again. 
He smiles before he starts running his tongue up and down your pussy, sucking on your clit every now and then. Your legs buckle every time he does it and no matter how good it feels, you have to ask him to move it into the bedroom because you’re scared you’ll fall over when you cum. 
Peter dries you off and makes out with you while he pulls a towel over himself, waiting for you two to dry enough. Then he carries you to the bed and lies you down, putting one of your legs over his shoulder again when he lies between your thighs, his tongue on your clit. 
Now, freshly showered and naked, with the AC on full blast it’s too cold. “Come closer, I’m cold.”
He looks up, hands still around your hips. “But then I can’t eat you out.”
“Just..” You pull him to sit next to you and place his hand on your clit, lying one of your legs over Peter’s and pulling the other one up against your chest. 
He’s mesmerised as he looks down at your pussy, rubbing your clit up and down and you probably look just as mesmerised looking at his concentrated face. He catches you looking at him and his hand stops moving. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says. You smile, “Mmh, don’t stop.” You move his hand yourself now to rub your pussy with his fingers and he starts moving again, his finger slipping inside of you a few times so he can bring it up to his mouth to taste you again, humming when he does. 
You bring his hand back to your pussy every time, and although you really just want to cum it’s also cute that he doesn’t realise what he’s doing to you, but you’re too tired and too close to coming to talk right now. You’re holding your hand over his now to make sure he keeps touching your clit how you need him to. 
“I can’t believe this is happening,” he mumbles, his face right next to yours. You start kissing him, half distracted by his fingers on your pussy, and you look down when you’re about to cum.
“Don’t fucking stop, okay? That feels so good—” you moan and kiss his jaw to quieten yourself and this time he gets it, not stopping when he hears your gasps and feels how your hand tightens around his. 
You cum when you start grinding against his hand, your moans quiet and soft in his ear and he doesn’t stop until you’re pulling his hand away. He sucks his fingers into his mouth again, and you take his hand before he gets the second finger. You wrap your lips around his finger and suck off your juices and Peter closes his mouth to muffle the soft moan he lets out. 
“Can I taste you again? Just one second. I need to.” He moves between your legs and you nod with a laugh as his tongue trails up your pussy to taste you, a look of content on his face before you tell him he has to stop because you’re getting too tired. All the feelings of the day are starting to catch up with you and you can’t stifle a yawn. 
“I need to go pee,” you say, kissing him. 
“Noo don’t leave me,” Peter frowns and takes your hand. 
“I’ll just be a minute, you baby,” you kiss him again and scoot to the edge of the bed.
“Your baby,” he says. You look at him and he looks at you and you both cringe at the same time. “Ew sorry, let’s pretend I never said that,” he adds. 
“Said what?”
Peter has underwear and your pyjamas laid out for you when you come out of the bathroom and he kisses you as if he hasn’t seen you in years. Your heart melts.
When you lie down to cuddle before going to sleep Peter pulls you to his side of the bed. “This is where it happened,” he says proudly. 
“What?” You laugh.
“Where everything changed. If you hadn’t say on my lap and asked me when I’d kiss you, I wouldn’t have kissed you tonight and who knows what would have happened then.”
“I’m sure the world would have ended,” you say as you look up, pretending to be deep in thought. You’re just trying to tease him but it really does feel like something special with him. 
“It would have,” he confirms and kisses you on your lips. You’re ready to go to sleep but he starts kissing every part of your body at least once, lifting your legs and flipping you around on your belly to make sure he kisses every part of you. 
“You’re so adorable,” you hold his face when he’s back to your lips and you kiss him on the nose.
He looks at you for a few seconds before he says, “And you’re fucking beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you grin, “You’ve said that.”
“I know. And I’ll say it again. Because it’s the truth.”
“You’re pretty,” you tell him this time and watch his cheeks flush, “What? It’s the truth.” You bury your fingers in his hair, making sure you can look at him and he can’t hide his cute blush from you. 
“You’re prettier.”
You shake your head. “We’re both pretty.”
“No one’s as pretty as you.”
“I like you,” you say, playing with his hair. 
He grins and leans down to kiss you for a bit. “Good. Because I like you too.”
“Really? I find that hard to believe,” you joke, putting on a serious face. 
“I know, but it’s true. That’s why I’m on top of you right now and kissing you.”
“Oh, so that’s why! I wasn’t sure.”
You can’t stop yourself from grinning and kissing Peter again. He gets off of you and lies next to you instead, pulling you close and putting an arm around you. 
You snuggle into his side and put one of your legs between his knees. You don’t have to say much, feeling his fingertips running up and down your spine feels more intimate than anything he could say. 
You turn your head to kiss him one last time before you feel yourself falling asleep.
Day Five 
The next morning, your limbs are still tangled with Peter’s but you make no attempt to move. You watch his face and count the freckles on his nose before his eyes flutter open a while later and he grins as soon as he sees you. 
It’s hard to keep your hands off each other in your hotel room but it’s even harder at the beach, because here you actualy have to. You needed last night to free yourselves of the tension that had been building up between you, all the looks and the closeness and the anticipation, the almost kisses. But right now you just want to cuddle him. 
You’ve decided not to tell MJ and Chris yet. You want to spend some time with just the two of you knowing that you finally did what you’ve been wanting to do for so long. 
It can be for just you and Peter now, and it‘s not like you‘re officially together yet. 
You‘re at the beach now, lying your towels down and getting out your things. You tell Peter to turn around so you can put sunscreen on his back. 
First you’re distracted by how attractive it is when he reaches behind his neck and pulls his shirt off but your smile is wiped off your face when you see how red his entire back is. 
“Oh my god, Peter..”
“What?” He turns his head. 
“You have the biggest sunburn on your back. I’m so sorry,” you frown, gently touching his back to see if it hurts. 
He turns around fully, “It’s not your fault,” he laughs, “And it doesn’t hurt, so don’t worry.”
“But I always put the sunscreen on your back, but I guess I didn’t do it properly.” You know it’s not your fault, but you just don’t want Peter to be hurt and you know you could have prevented it. 
He giggles, “It’s literally fine. Don’t worry, I can’t even feel it.” He leans in to kiss you and you immediately start smiling again. He seems fine so why should you worry. 
You want to keep kissing him but you don‘t want your friends to see yet. 
You slather an extra big amount of sunscreen onto Peter’s back every few hours and manage to keep the touching to a minimum while Chris and MJ are around. 
They don’t catch you until the late afternoon, when you and Peter are asleep on the beach, his arm around you, your head tucked into his shoulder and your leg over his. You could have probably still gotten away with saying it’s just platonic cuddling like you’ve done loads of times before, but when MJ wakes you two up to congratulate you, Peter pulls you closer and sleepily kisses the side of your face. 
You can’t help but smile and lean into him more and you decide it doesn’t really matter that they now know. It just means you can openly be affectionate around them - maybe you’ll even give them a run for their money as the cutest couple around. 
You walk around town hand in hand in the evening, buying souvenirs for your friends at home.
Peter buys you a necklace and you get matching bracelets for him and you. His is a light pink with red and white woven into it, yours is brown and white and baby pink. The bracelets are thin and will probably fall off before you‘re home but you like that you and Peter are matching (ignoring the probably hundreds of tourists that have bought the same bracelets in the last week. But you don‘t care about them, you only care about Peter.)
Peter invites you on a date that entails room service dinner and a film.
Your feet are on Peter’s lap and he’s stroking your leg by the anklet you got a few days ago. You keep freaking out when you’re in the ocean, saying some fish touched your foot but in the end it’s just your anklet.
Peter can never decide whether to laugh or protect you. Usually he picks you up first to show you that it’s just your anklet and once you’re in his arms, bridal style, floating in the water, he starts laughing. You don’t know how you still had doubts when you were doing stuff like that all the time.
You’re sneaking in kisses every few minutes and barely pay attention to the film. At midnight you order another snack that you eat when you start your second movie. You’re in Peter’s lap and he’s holding you as if he’ll never let go. You fall asleep like that. 
Day Six
After you’ve woken up and stretched a bit, you catch Peter standing in front of the window the next morning, looking at the ocean. You hug him from behind and kiss his cheek, “You know what I said about, uh, wanting to have sex to this view - we really don’t have to. No pressure at all. I’m okay with waiting however long you want to, I just said that to tease you.”
Peter turns around, his mouth open. “No, no. I want to. I want you to fuck me all day, every day, whenever, wherever.”
“Oh,” you smile, kissing him, “Good. We can arrange that.”
He turns you around and lifts your legs up around his waist, pressing you against the window. He starts kissing you gently and you take his face into your hands as you eagerly kiss him back. 
Just as your hand slides down his front, his tummy growls loudly. His smile turns shy and he looks down, “Maybe I should uh, maybe I need some food first.”
“Good idea,” you pat his stomach and hold his hand as you make your way downstairs for breakfast. 
You end up going to the pool with MJ and Chris but you and Peter are both thinking about sex. Your subtle glances and his not-so-subtle glances excite you both and you only manage fourty-five minutes before you sneak upstairs. 
You trip on your way to the bed but Peter catches you, carefully lowering you onto the floor and following you. You’re making out on the floor for a few minutes before you take off your bikini top. 
Peter‘s hands reach out for your waist, his eyes glued to your chest. “Can.. Can I?” He asks, voice shaky and excited. You take his hands and place them on your tits as you grind your hips up and into his but he’s not as eager as you anymore. 
He’s licking his lips, breaths broken and shallow. You stop what you’re doing and take his hands off your chest. “Are you nervous?”
“I don’t know. No. Kind of. I’ve never been with anyone that I’ve wanted to impress as much as I wanna impress you.”
You don’t know how many (or how few) people Peter has slept with exactly and you won’t ask if he doesn’t bring it up himself, you don’t care. What you do care about is that Peter is relaxed and comfortable. That’s how you feel when you’re with him. 
“I promise you, you impress me just by being you. And to have you care about my pleasure is all that I need,” you kiss him and he relaxes into you. His smile lights up his face, and his shoulders relax but his hips become more tense as he pushes into you. 
“You wanna do this?” You mumble against his face. He responds by moaning into your mouth, kissing you deeper but you pull away. 
“You need to say it,” you whisper, holding his hand as you start kissing along his jaw. 
“Yes, of course I wanna do this. I’ve waited all my life to be with you.” You know it’s an exaggeration, you’ve only known him for a few years. But it feels like that for you too. You’ve waited all your life for him. 
You get up and pull Peter with you, slipping out of your bikini pants before you lie on the bed. He quickly takes off his shorts, his upper thighs slightly lighter than the rest of his tanned legs, the sight making you smile. 
“C’mere,” you take his hand to pull him to the bed with you but your smile falls when you realise, “Oh. I don’t have any condoms.”
Peter looks down and gets off of the bed, “Uh I.. I have some.” He takes some out of his suitcase and joins you again. 
You smirk, “Were you planning this?”
He shakes his head. “I’ll tell you later,” he mumbles quickly and starts kissing you again, hovering over you. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, your lips on his face and his jaw and his neck and his shoulders. You reach for the condoms but Peter stops you, his cheeks pink. “I wanna go down on you first.”
He kisses down your body quickly and you bury your hand in his hair as he lifts your legs over his shoulders and wraps his arms around your thighs. 
His lips are on your inner thighs first and then on your hair above your pussy. “Peter…” you whisper, not allowing your voice to be louder because you know it’ll sound desperate. 
He looks up and his eyes meet yours. Your look in them must be enough to tell him what you need because he spends no more time teasing you. 
His tongue is on your pussy in an instant, playing with your clit as if his life depended on it. He’s much better than he was a few days ago and you wonder how much he’s thought about it since then. 
You let yourself sink into the pillows and you spread your legs more; you’re doused in pleasure. One hand on your belly, the other spreading your lips, Peter is fully engrossed in eating you out, his mouth loud against your wet pussy. 
“Fuck,” you moan, your hand in Peter’s hair tightening when he gets faster with his movements, tongue flicking against your clit. 
You don’t know who’s moaning more; you’re biting into the back of your hand - because you’d hate to be that hotel couple that has loud sex - and Peter’s moans are muffled by your pussy. 
It’s hard to say anything when he has you so close to coming so fast, and the only thing you can do as you cum is grip his hair harder and let the waves of pleasure roll through you, Peter sucking your clit. 
When you come down from your high, you ease your grip on Peter’s hair while he keeps kissing your clit a few times. “Ow,” he says. 
“W-what?” You lift your head up, still dazed. 
“My hair,” he says, but he’s smiling so you know you haven’t seriously hurt him. 
You sit up, pulling your legs away from Peter’s grip and kiss the top of his head a few times, “I’m sorry,” you mumble into his soft and messy strands. 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay,” he says and pulls your chin down so you can kiss his lips instead of his hair. You make out for a few minutes, hands wandering but you haven’t touched him where he really needs it yet. 
You sit back and put the condom on him. “Can you be on top?” Peter asks, a shy grin gracing his face. 
“Mhmm,” you say and switch positions, fluffing up the pillows for Peter before he lies down and he grins at your gesture as if you just gave him a diamond ring. You lean down to kiss him, your hands on his cheeks.
He puts his hands on your hips when you sit up. You place a hand on his chest to steady yourself when you take his dick and rub it through your folds a few times, your knees feeling weaker from the stimulation on your clit.
“Fuck, I need you,” he moans, his hands gripping you tighter. You don’t want to go even another second without him inside of you either so you slowly sit down on him, both of you gasping when he’s fully inside of you.
“Mmm,” you close your eyes, feeling him inside of you and adjusting. You slowly start moving and find a rhythm that feels good. He‘s filling you so good and it feels even better when he starts rubbing your clit. 
You open your eyes when you start moving faster, his cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside with every time you come down. Peter’s eyes are locked on you. He looks as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing right now, that you’re actually this beautiful. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he says, voice half broken from how desperate he is, “And you’re so fucking wet, oh my god, and so so pretty. And so–fuck.” He’s losing track of what he’s saying, his hand now on your ass. His thumb on your clit is sloppy and he’s unfocused but you can’t blame him. 
You take his hands and place one on your chest, and he gently squeezes you, thumb playing with your nipple. You put his other arm around your waist and lean forward, your chest closer to his, so you’re close enough to kiss him, and you do.
You lift up your ass while you start rubbing your clit just how you like it, tracing tight circles on your pussy. Peter holds your waist tight and starts fucking into you from below, his skin slapping against yours - you don’t know if that’s louder or if your moans are, but all you can focus on is Peter’s face in front of yours, and the sounds of him thrusting into your wet pussy.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” Peter says in between breaths and gasps and moans. 
You have a hand next to his head to hold yourself up, the other one on your clit, and you’re so so close, you can almost taste it.
“Me too, me too me too,” you squeak, eyes closing as your orgasm washes through you and you let out a long gasp. Peter starts fucking you faster, compliments on his lips that you can barely hear through your pleasure and his mumbling while he cums with you.
It both takes you a while to come down from your highs. You collapse and he catches you, holding you tight while you both get your heartbeat back to normal. When you’ve calmed down, you turn your face to look at him, only to find him softly smiling at you already.
“That was better than I ever dreamed of,” Peter tells you, and you grin and take his face to kiss him.
“I’m so glad we finally did this. I love being with you,” you say, cuddling back into his side.
“Me too.” He beams, kissing your temple and not letting you go.
You shower together, lazily massaging the shower gel onto each other’s bodies, kissing the other every chance you get. You cuddle while you have your towels around your bodies, waiting much longer than you need to to dry off. You just don’t want to let him go. When you peek past the closed curtains in your room, you see that it‘s still light outside. 
You go back to the beach, hand in hand, to look at the ocean, maybe read something or listen to some music. Or just to lie next to Peter. Yeah, that sounds good.
“Hope you used protection,” MJ briefly looks up from her book and you feel the skin on your face burning up. You give her a dirty look and turn to Peter. 
“I was gonna ask, where did you get them?” You ask Peter quietly and he looks away quickly.
“Uh… May gave them to me. Just in case.”
You hide your face in Peter’s neck, not sure if you can look May in the eyes again for a while. You know she’s definitely no prude, and you imagine it was great growing up with her, with proper sex education. But you did not need to know that. “Was I that obvious?”
“No, I was obvious and she’s always known that I like you. And we did talk about you last week. She‘s my best friend, after you, she knows almost everything.”
You kiss him and smile, looking out into the ocean, the sand covering your feet, and you realise how lucky you are to experience something like this. A beautiful trip with your beautiful friends and beautiful Peter.
It wasn’t how you imagined your vacation to go. Not at all. Instead of a girls trip it turned into a one week long double date, but you loved sharing the experience with MJ. You’re both happy, so it’s a good holiday, whether it was how you expected or not.
While you’re getting ready for bed that night, you get a few texts from MJ. She’s sent you a bunch of pictures and the word ‘Ew’.
They’re all pictures of you and Peter, mostly you taking a nap with your head on his shoulder. One at the airport, on in the plane, and at least four of you and Peter sleeping at the beach and pool.
Peter comes up behind you and you show him the pictures.
You grin at him while he looks at them and he puts his arms around your waist, holding you from behind. “You’re so beautiful,” he says but you know he means so much more than just that. He’s happy that you feel so safe around him, safe enough to sleep anywhere, as long as you have him to protect you. He’s asleep in some of the pictures too, but those are even more beautiful. You want to print them out and hang them up everywhere.
There are more pictures, some with the stunning view of the ocean in the back. You and Peter are just talking in them, but both of your faces are lit up so brightly, grins so wide. And those photos were from before you kissed. If you’d seen yourself and Peter from the outside, you would have never doubted that you’re meant for each other.
You turn around to kiss him when you’ve looked at all the pictures, and you make out for a few minutes, his warm lips pressed against your mouth.
You know it won’t lead to sex, you just want to kiss him, appreciate him, show him how much he means to you.
“I want to print out the pictures and permanently tape them to my forehead,” he says and you let out the loudest laugh, and he looks at you like this was the moment he decided to give you his whole heart. 
But it’s your last full day tomorrow, and you worry what will happen after.
When you come back to the mundane everyday life full of studying and work and being busy. But when you look at Peter and watch him fall asleep, his gentle snores calming down your heartbeat, you can only think of this moment; and it’s gorgeous. You have nothing to worry about.
Day Seven
The last day feels like it lasts only a few hours. You make use of your all-inclusive package one last time, going to the beach and the pool and the spa, getting your favourite foods and cocktails. You watch the sunset from the beach and all talk late into the night, going on a last walk through the balmy evening.
You’re tired when you come up to your room but you toss and turn for at least half an hour before you realise you don’t want to go to sleep. You don’t want this holiday to end.
“Are you awake?” Peter whispers from beside you.
“Yeah, can’t sleep,” you turn around to get closer to him.
“Same,” he says, kissing your cheek and holding you.
Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness in the room, and they land on the bathtub that’s in the middle of the bedroom. “We never used that,” you point towards it.
“Is it an actual bathtub that you can use? I thought it was a weird decoration.”
With that, you’re up on your feet and Peter opens one of the curtains, the light of the moon illuminating the whole room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he opens all the curtains. It looks magical.
You open the tap of the tub and the water comes out, “I’m getting in,” you say, taking off your shirt and underwear and Peter quickly undresses too.
The bathtub is huge but you still stay close to Peter while the tub is still filling up. First you lie between his legs, his arms around you, but you’re awake now and Peter’s erection poking into your backside certainly isn’t making you sleepy either. You turn off the tap early so you don’t make a mess and splash water all over the floor (and so you don’t drown while trying to suck Peter’s dick).
You turn around so you’re on your hands and knees in front of Peter. “Hi,” you smirk, your eyes trailing from his face down his body.
“Hi,” he says, eyes following yours to his dick, and he puts his hands over it, “I don’t… uh, we don’t have to do anything. It’s just you’re naked and you were like right here.” You kiss him to get him to stop talking, and you take his hands away from his lap.
“I wanna go down on you,” you tell him, kissing his neck. He nods so hard that you hear a click in his neck but he says he’s fine.
You kiss his chest and lick your way down his abs, letting your tongue glide down his happy trail. His abs are contracted and tense, he’s waiting for you to finally touch him, but you gently squeeze his thighs to tease him some more first.
When he tries but fails to stop a whimper from escaping him, you decide he’s earned it.
You bend down to lick the head of his cock as lightly as you can, your tongue barely touching his skin. Peter’s gripping the edge of the bathtub now, trying not to make any noise from how needy he is.
Finally letting him have it, you wrap your lips around him, letting your spit drip down. You take him further, your wet mouth on his dick. You look up at Peter, and you can tell he’s trying so hard not to cum yet, and it nearly makes him look like he’s in pain when really he’s feeling too much pleasure.
“Fuuckk,” he groans, cupping your face with one hand as you take him into your mouth once more, going all the way down until his hairs tickle your lips. You pull your lips off of him and kiss up the side of his cock, your tongue leaving a light trail of spit on him.
You’re about to wrap your lips around him again, but he stops you. “If you wanna continue after this you have to stop now because I’m about to cum.” You frown for a second but then sit up. You still wanna feel him inside of you tonight and you’ll have plenty of time to suck his dick in the future, when he can maybe go more than once because it’s not the middle of the night.
He pulls you up so you can kiss him and you immediately get lost in it. You don’t know how you’ve gone all your life without kissing Peter Parker every day.
He sneaks a hand between your legs and you grind against it, it feels nice with your lower body half just barely in the water. Your pussy is right at the surface of the water, and the splashing against your clit adds something light and teasing that makes you feel so fucking nice. You definitely need to opt for a bath instead of a shower more often.
“I’m so fucking wet, Pete. I want you now,” you whisper into his ear, carefully taking his earlobe between your teeth. Peter sighs when you do it, and starts mumbling something. You patiently wait for him to recompose himself, to drag himself out of the pleasure and his dazed mind to say what he wants to say.
“I’m wet too,” he says, gesturing to the water and smiling all proudly at his joke.
You kiss him, not being able to stop yourself from loving the joke, “You’re ridiculous,” you laugh, “Get the condoms.” He reaches for them, half hanging out of the bathtub to get them from the small table by the foot of the bed.
Taking advantage of all the space you have in this bathtub, you turn around and lean forward to get into a reverse cowgirl position. Peter grabs your ass and spreads your cheeks, reaching between your legs, his middle finger finding your clit and playing with it. You look back at him with a smile on your face, but you can’t decide if you should start fucking him or let him make you cum first.
His eyes meet yours and he leans forward to kiss your back. “You’re so gorgeous,” he says, eyes not leaving your face and it makes you turn around completely just so you can properly kiss him.
You turn back around and wrap your hand around him so you can guide him to your pussy. With Peter’s hands on your ass, you lower yourself onto him, and his hands go to your waist to steady you.
Even though you just want to look back at Peter, you force yourself to look out of the window. You said you’d fuck him to this view. The moon casts a white shine on the ocean and the waves almost have the same rhythm as the water splashing around in the bath while you ride Peter. 
You reach back to pull his hand so you can show him the view too, but he’s looking at your pussy swallowing his dick with every one of your bounces.
“No, look at the moon,” you laugh, stopping your movements.
“You’re more beautiful,” he says, not taking his eyes off you, “Only wanna look at you.” You roll your eyes and grab his face to look out of the huge windows.
“Oh, that is quite nice,” he says, surprise in his voice, “But I’d still rather look at you.”
You lick your lips when you feel a throb in your pussy and it‘s like your neediness washes all over you more intensely than it did before. You adjust your position so you can sit on Peter‘s dick again but he pulls you towards him. 
“I’m not gonna last much longer,” he says quietly and you turn your head to him to smile, making sure he doesn’t think you’re mad, “I’m.. I’m not used to it yet so uh, can I make you cum first?”
You nod with a soft smile, “Mhm. Where do you want me?”
He pulls you to sit between his legs, your back against his chest, and he reaches his arm around you and finds your clit. “Wait,” you say, sitting up more and bending your legs. You line him up with your pussy and slowly sink down on his cock. 
With no effort at all, Peter supports you enough so you’re comfortable sitting on him. You close your eyes and try to focus on Peter’s finger on your clit, focus on how good it feels to be pressed up against him, both of your bodies comfortably wet and slotted into each other.
Every time you squeeze around him or lean back against him some more, you hear Peter’s quiet moans right in your ear. You reach back to put your hand on the side of his neck, holding him even closer as he rubs circles into your clit while he’s fully inside of you, moving ever so slightly.
You communicate via moans and gasps, the silence is peaceful and you can just cherish the feeling of him rubbing your clit, hearing nothing but your lover’s quiet noises and your wet pussy. You let out a high-pitched gasp when you reach your high, your eyes screwed shut as the pleasure pulses through you.
Your pussy squeezing him tightly, Peter lifts you up a bit so he can fuck into you, but he doesn’t stop rubbing your clit. Your voices and the splashing subside a little bit after you both stop moving and he turns your face to kiss you.
You let in some new water to take a proper bath this time and you wrap your whole body around Peter’s, sitting in his lap and facing him this time.
“Can I ask you something?” He asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
“Of course.”
He takes a deep breath, and you can feel his heart hammering in his chest.
“Um. I know it’s early, I know it’s so so early. And it’s totally okay if you need more time. But I was just wondering, because, you know, I really really like you and I have for so long. And I just.. do you want to, or I mean maybe we could.. make this official and.. do you want to be my girlfriend?”
You bite your lip to stop your smile and pretend to think for a bit. It’s absurd to you that he thinks you might say no. “You’re right. I mean we don’t need a talking stage, we’ve been talking for years and know each other well. We’ve kissed and had sex and spent 24/7 with each other on more occasions than this week,” you try to think of more reasons that you don’t actually have to say out loud but Peter’s face is almost comically frozen in anticipation so you think you’ve teased him enough. 
You kiss him to snap him out of it, “Of course I want to. Do you also wanna be my boyfriend?” You ask in a cute voice, taking his hand. 
“You don’t have to ask,” he says and kisses you, grinning against your face. “Wait, really?” He asks again when he pulls away.
“You really though I’d say no?”
“I hoped you wouldn’t. I couldn’t imagine you would. But it is early, so, you’d have every right to reject me,” he shrugs.
“Yeah but we’ve known each other for so long. Liked each other for so long, so I think it’s a little different than if we’d just met each other last week. I know you, and I know I want to be with you.”
“Same” is all he can say in his adoring daze, looking at you as if you he just discovered love for the first time.
You hug him tight and kiss the side of his head. He squeezes you back and doesn’t let go for a few minutes.
“How about we try out all the features this fancy bathtub has and then we go to bed?” You ask, and Peter nods happily, turning on the faucet closest to him. There are about six different buttons in total. Some make water flow into the bathtub from the sides of it and one turns on the faucet at the other end of the tub. It’s slightly higher than the edge of the bathtub and a thick stream of water comes out in a circular shape, water flowing into the bath. 
Peter smirks at you and turns you around, facing you towards the faucet. He maneouvres you to the other end of the tub and lifts your legs up so they’re folded against your chest. You can’t imagine he’s comfortable with your full body weight on him, but he chose to put himself into this position.
You giggle when you realise that he’s trying to position your pussy under the stream so you can cum again, “I like the way you think.”
After some adjusting, the water finally sprays right onto your clit, and you gasp and clutch the edge of the tub when you first feel the stream between your legs. It’s powerful but it’s big, so it’s spread out nicely when it meets your pussy.
You lean your head against Peter’s shoulder, enjoying the way he’s holding you and how good the water feels on your clit.
Peter starts whispering compliments into your ear, kissing the side of your face or your neck every few moments.
“You’re so fucking pretty. And you’re the sexiest woman who has ever walked this earth,” he kisses your shoulder and looks over it, watching the stream of water, “And I’m so jealous of this water because it’s touching your pussy right now and I’m not.”
You laugh and quickly kiss his cheek, “Is that your idea of dirty talk?” 
“Maybe. I mean it’s working, you can’t tell me you’re not wet,” he lifts his eyebrows.
“No more wet jokes, okay, I just wanna cum and go to sleep.”
You hear a hum of agreement from Peter and hold one of his hands, placing it on your tummy and moving so your pussy is back under the stream. Peter lets go of your hand and his fingers wander down to your thigh, spreading your legs some more.
He moves to your pussy and spreads your lips, making the water go directly onto your clit. “Yes, yes, fuck. Just like that,” you gasp and flinch as you immediately feel close to an orgasm.
You try to move your hips up to get more friction but the water isn’t quite enough and a whimper makes its way past your lips - you’re so close. Suddenly you feel Peter’s finger on your clit and it’s exactly what you need to finally tip over the edge. You put your hand on his just to make sure he keeps going until you’re finished. It’s the best orgasm you’ve had in days. It reaches your whole body, soaking you in bliss from head to toe. 
Your body goes slack on top of Peter’s but he scoots back and lets you lean your head against his chest. You look up and he kisses you from above, missing your lips but it doesn’t matter because you’re close to him either way.
“I wish I had a bathtub as big as that at home,” you say, your eyes closed, sinking into Peter’s arms.
He huffs out a small laugh and tightens his arms around you, “I’m sure we’ll manage to have sex in your small bath too.”
You sit up, the water splashing around your sides, “Who says I wasn’t just thinking about taking a nice innocent bath in a big bathtub?”
“I know you too well for that,” he strokes your belly, hand going up and down, the water moving slightly with Peter.
“You do know me well,” you lean up to kiss his jaw and before you sit back down, you look into his eyes. They’re looking right back into yours and you feel like you could just stay like that for days and not get bored.
“I…” you start, stopping yourself from saying something stupid. You only just officially started your relationship, and even that happened very early. You’re probably just confused and tired and in the honeymoon phase, but you don’t want to say those three words too early, so instead you say, “I think we should go to bed. My fingers are all wrinkly.” 
You lift your hands to show Peter, but he takes them and kisses all your knuckles and then your fingertips individually. You stay in the bath for a few more minutes, just kissing.
Last Day 
Your flight back home isn’t until noon, but since you stayed up for so long you sleep longer and end up stressing about making it to the airport in time anyway. 
You make it to the plane and somehow luck is on your side, because the third seat next to you and Peter is empty, so you have more space in your row. 
As the crew closes the door and does their security announcement and demonstrations, you feel your heartbeat picking up speed. With all the stress of getting here, you forgot about the stress you might have once you’re on here.
A baby starts crying somewhere in the back and a cat in the row in front of you keeps scratching the travel box it’s in and their owner is bashfully trying to shush their cat but that only makes more noise. 
It’s overstimulating and you feel sweat gathering under your arms. Forcing yourself to take deep breaths isn’t helping much.
Suddenly you feel Peter’s hand on yours and you look up to see him smiling softly, holding up his big over-ear headphones. “Thanks,” you say, turning towards him so he can fit them over your ears and adjust them over your head. It’s already quieter and calmer, now you only have to worry about your fear of taking off and landing, not the noises around you.
You laugh when Peter turns on the music and it’s some nature inspired meditation song, “Normal music is fine,” you smile, lifting off one side of the headphones “Are you sure you don’t want your headphones?”
“I’m fine. Do you want some space? Since there is some,” he nods towards the empty seat.
You shake your head, “No, I wanna hold your hand. But thanks.” Peter kisses your cheek and you take your intertwined hands into your lap, putting on some music and closing your eyes.
A few minutes later, when you’re calmer but still on edge, you only hear the end of an announcement through the plane’s speakers.
Peter leans in to fill you in and tell you that you missed your slot and might need to wait another thirty minutes or longer until you can take off. You take a deep breath and try to focus on that. You can’t do anything about it but at least you get thirty more minutes of peace.
Peter puts his arm around you and pulls you into his side when you yawn, and you relax against his shoulder. You open your eyes every few minutes, waiting to catch MJ taking another picture of you from between the seats in front of you, where she and Chris are sitting. But the third time you open your eyes, expecting to find MJ taking a picture, you look out the window and realise you’re above the clouds.
You check your phone but you’ve only been asleep for about twenty minutes. You look at Peter, your eyes still sleepy and half shut. The smile he gives you is sheepish.
“What?” You ask.
“When they made the announcement they may have only said that they’ll be fifteen more minutes. But I knew you were tired so I hoped you would be able to relax and fall asleep so you wouldn’t be awake for the take off.”
You press a quick kiss to his cheek. What he did wasn’t a big gesture and there was no guarantee it would work. But he tried anyway and it helped you avoid a whole lot of panic.
You’re looking at him and you see the tenderness and warmth in his eyes and you can only imagine there’s a similar look of adoration in yours.
“I love you,” you say, smiling softly, and then your face falls when you realise what you just said. “Shit, sorry. Oh god that was way too early I—”
“Did you mean it?” He asks, face nothing like the woman he kissed for the first time this week just told him she loves him. 
You swallow and think. You do love him. You’ve loved him as a friend for years now and felt more for him for ages too. You still love him as a friend but now you love him even more. “I mean it.”
He grins as if he just hit the jackpot, “Good, because I love you too.”
You hold the eye contact for a few more moments and then you both laugh quietly, unable to contain the amount of joy there is in you.
Any little doubt you had just flows away. You know that the feelings you have for Peter and what happened between you wasn’t just a result of the holiday magic that made you more careless and lowered your inhibitions. Even on this crowded plane and after the abrupt ending your holiday had with you and Peter oversleeping - you still like him, even more now. You love him, you probably always have. And you have no doubt he feels the same.
You’re jolted awake when you land. You fell asleep on Peter yet again and you don’t know how it’s possible that you feel so nice and comfortable with him that you can fall asleep on him even with your fears right around the corner.
Your fingers are still in his and his thumb is stroking the back of your hand. You can’t take your eyes off of him and he can’t stop looking at you either. You know this was meant to happen, and it would have still happened some other time if he hadn’t come on holiday with you.
It doesn’t matter that you’ve left the paradise you just spent a week in because you’re each other’s escape, every day, no matter where you are. 
He’s your holiday, and you know you’ll start loving him even more every day. The holiday magic had nothing to do with you two finally getting closer, the magic is the feelings you have for each other and the bond you’ve created over all the time you’ve known the other - that’s what has pushed you two closer. 
And the way Peter is smiling at you tells you everything you need to know:
He feels the same, and the real love story is only just beginning.
☆.。.:*support a writer and reblog if you enjoyed, it helps out a lot.。.:*☆
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nessieart · 1 year
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Tony Stark, Peter Parker, a  Shifter!Reader.
WC: about 2.3k
Warnings ⚠️  cursing probably, no y/n used, Canon level violence?, made up fantasy elements probably. image from google.
Summary: It was a nice evening for a walk before some jerk in a metal suit tried to take matters into his own hands.
This wasn't anything new to you; that feeling of someone watching you. Although it was normal, you suppose, being in a big city like New York would do that.  But you still couldn't shake that feeling that someone was just beyond your periphery. 
It was colder today than it had been all month.  The end of summer finally giving way to the cooler days and nights of Autumn.  The wind swept low in Central Park, as you made your way through a small forested area. 
The sun was setting behind the skyscrapers, painting the sky in bright shades of pinks and orange.  It was your favorite time of day, the noise of the city didn't really reach you here, and there wasn't a lot of foot traffic either.
As you walked, your hands reached out to touch the leaves and twigs as you went by - the wind shifted and blew your hair in your face.  Then you smelled it, the change of scents in the air.  You stopped and turned your head into the wind, sniffing again, yep there was definitely someone following you - and poorly at that.
You had a few choices you could make: make a break for it and try to outrun who was following you; run at them head-on and take them out, or confront them politely, it could just be a misunderstanding... right? 
Right. Ok. Think fast. 
So, outrunning was as good an option as any!  Dropping the things you had in your possession, you sprinted through the woods and down the path near a small lake.  Behind you, you could hear someone cursing, trying their best to keep up with your unusually fast running.
You lept over fencing as you sped through the rest of Central Park, the exit only a short distance away.  You could lose whoever was chasing you in the evening crowd of people coming out of the subway. Then you heard it; a whirring, loud and getting closer.  Instinctively, you ducked, dodging out of the way of red metal fingertips close to closing around the hood of your hoodie.  You skid to a stop as the one and only Iron Man pulses to a stop about 20 feet from you, in the air. 
Iron Man's blue gleaming eyes of his helmet zeroed in on your form, your chest heaving as you catch your breath.  
You narrow your eyes at his hovering form, "ain't you got bad guys to chase, metal man?" You shift on your feet when he only tilts his head at you.  Huffing, you look around you, maybe you could lose him if you could make it to the subway and hop the turnstile if you really tried. 
"She's at the south entrance, spidey," you can hear Iron Man speaking to someone, you assume since you don't smell or see anyone else around. "Yeah, don't worry, kid, she isn't going anywhere."
You think you can hear a smirk under his mask, you roll your eyes.  The whirring of his repulsors slowly fade out as he sinks back to earth, his heavy metal clad feet clomping on the asphalt.  You shift on your back foot ready to run as he approaches you.
Iron Man raises his hands up in surrender when he sees you take a defensive stance, "Easy, lady," he says, his mask still in place, "wouldn't want things to get...hairy." That damn smirk was clearly back on his lips and you stilled.
He couldn't know.  I've been careful.  He's just being a dick. 
Then you heard a thwip, and a soft padding of feet land on the lamp post above you. 
Shit. "Well, howdy there, little bug," you say, faking nonchalance, glancing up at him while also keeping Iron Man in your sights.
"That's her, Mr. Stark! I can't believe you found her!" The spider boy said.  His enthusiasm palpable as he leaned far over the lamp post and hung upside down to look at you.
Heaving a sigh you said, "listen, Bug, I thought we had a deal?"
"W-well, ye-yeah," he stuttered. "It's just--"
"No!" You interrupted his stuttering, "I was pretty crystal clear there, bug boy!" You snarled. You were getting irritated. Maybe because it was only a few days away from the full moon, who's to say.
A month ago...
The full moon was tonight and you were itching out of your skin.  It was always like this -- living in a new city was like that.  Uncertainty around the corner, and in alleyways.  
You've been bussing at a restaurant when you arrived about a week ago in the city.  It was easier getting food when you could sneak it out with you when you left. Living on the rooftop of the building wasn't bad either, at least the weather was nice.
That evening before the moon was high, you made your way up the fire escape of the opposite building to get to your sleeping arrangements when you hurt a commotion coming from the alley across the street.
Thinking nothing of it, you continued your way up. 
"Please! Someone, help!" You heard someone cry. Placing the food that was wrapped up in napkins down, you peered out from the fire escape to see if you could get a better look at what was happening across the street. 
Leaping off the fire escape, you landed swiftly and started to jog your way to the commotion further down the alley.  There you found a group of men - to say men would be an understatement -
"Scum," you snarl at the group of four.  One of them has a woman in his hold, her back to his front as she struggles to get free.  His arms are wrapped around her midsection and across her shoulders, he whispers something in her ear and she turns to look at you with wide eyes.
"Please," she whimpers, a slight shake of her head.  Was she warning you?  Maybe she should warn the men, you smirk.
"Why don't ya'll let the lady go, yeah? Pick on someone else, or maybe just fuck right off."  Your skin prickles, a feeling you've becomes so used to since the first time you shifted. 
One of the men takes a few steps closer to you as you take a defensive stance.  He goes to attack you, punching with his fist as you catch it in your palm.  His eyes widen as he looks down at you, "what the hell?"  You shift your weight and toss his clear overhead at the side of the dumpster.  
The other two men not holding the woman look back at the one that is.  He must be the boss man you think.  They charge at you and you dodge one, punch the other in the stomach and he doubles over.  Quickly turning around, the one you dodged comes back to tackle you.  As he grabs around your midsection you grab around his torso to hoist him over head and he falls down to the concrete of the alley with a heavy thud. 
The last one standing has shoved the woman he had in his arms to the ground, away from him. You nod to her, and she scrambles back as far as she can. The moon overhead breaks through the clouds and your heartbeat picks up, thudding in your chest you can hear the whoosh in your ears.
Your bones crack in a sickening crunch; it only hurts for an instant before you change.  Teeth lengthening into large fangs, the bones in your fingers and toes crack and extend into claws.  Your heels breaking and shifting.  Tufts of reddish brown fur sprouted from your elbows, shoulders, the back of your calves and along your arms.  Your ears point and extend, little tufts of fur forming at the tips. 
Your height and build are lean and tall. A big bushy tail bursting out above the top of your jeans, which has ripped and shredded from your partial transformation.  You look more coyote than wolf, in your half done features.
The process takes all but a few seconds while the assailant stands there gaping at your now towering form.  Blueish green eyes glow in the dark alley, illuminating the frightened man's features.  
You crouch, intent on knocking the man out, but before you make contact a sticky substance wraps around your ankles and you trip into the man in front of you.  Sharp pain radiates in your side after you roll off the man as best you can.  There's a knife sticking out of you.  Growling low you remove the knife and jab it into the man's leg.
"Uh, h-hey! Excuse me," a voice from above you calls. Gripping your side you stand, bent over slightly.  You glance in the direction of the voice. Was he sitting on the wall? Well nothing should surprise you, honestly. 
"What d'you want, kid?" You ask, voice gravely and deep.  Taking your clawed hand away from your side.  Yep definitely still bleeding. 
"Whoa! Are you like some kind of wolf? What do you call it? A werewolf? Man that's so crazy - oh man, Mr Stark will never believe this.  Hey wait, where are you going?"  The little bug kept going on and on, rambling faster than you could register.  So you started making your way back up the alley towards your fire escape.  The food was probably cold by now. 
A boy clad in red with giant bug eyes leaps from the building to land silently in front of you; while also thwipping the men in the alley with - what the...webs? Did those come out of him?  Gross. - Sticking them together for him to hopefully deal with later. 
"Wait, you're hurt. Let me help you," he says, his hands up to show you he means no harm. "I'm Spiderman, by the way." His eyes squint like he's smiling under that mask.
You huff, "I'll be fine, Little Bug," you remove your hand to show him your side is already healing and the blood oozing out has stopped.  You eye him warily, giving him your name quietly.  His big bug eyes widen again and he goes to touch your side but stops short.  You're a good 3 feet taller than him when you go to stand up fully. 
Spiderman backs up quickly, thwipping up to the fire escape above you, "whoa ok hey, sorry.  I was just curious! That's pretty neat, though. Do you also have a fast metabolism?--" he's rambling again.  Rolling your eyes you leap from the ground up to him on the fire escape to pick up your discarded items and food.
As you make your way to the rooftop, he's still talking a mile a minute.  You grunt responses every now and then to show him you're at least semi listening.  
Before your little big friend leaves you for the evening you stop him, you have shifted back to looking normal, small again and around his height.  He was less intimidated by you now after spending most of the night by your side.
"Listen, Bug, I would really, really appreciate it if you never told anyone about tonight. Or about me," you shuffle on your feet while looking around. "Can you promise me?" You look at him now, his giant eyes soften almost and he nods.
"Of course, I'm really good at keeping secrets! You can trust me!" He waves a little goodbye as he thwips onto a building and slings away.
You growl, "you said you could keep a secret!" Maybe you had too much faith in the spider-boy to keep his word. After all, trusting humans never worked out well for you before.
You crouched low as he dropped from the lamppost, his hands raised he called your name softly, "Please, I just want to help - we want to help," the spider motioned towards Iron Man who hadn't moved since he landed a few feet from you.
You shook your head, "can't trust humans as far as you can throw 'em."  You backed away a few steps.
"Bet you could chuck Spidey here pretty far, Michael J. Fox,"  the robotic distortion of the voice was gone as you looked toward Iron Man.  His suit slid open and out he stepped, wearing a beat up looking band tee and well-worn jeans.  That stupid smirk you could hear earlier was at play on his lips.
You narrowed your eyes at him, straightening back up, "It's a figure of speech, metal head."  He kept a nonchalant gait as he made his way towards you and Spiderman, his hands shoved into his pants pockets.
He shrugged, looking you up and down, "I've got an area back at the tower for you, during the full moon if you're interested," he didn't wait for you to respond as he kept talking. "It's a nice, secured floor only you can enter. Shift in the safety and privacy of your own space. Or whatever you need to do." He stopped about 2 feet from you. Looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. 
You sniffed, he smelled of engine grease and coffee, and maybe a hint of something else you couldn’t place.  You couldn't smell any deception from him.  He seemed sincere enough. 
Eyeing him warily, "Why?" Was all you said.
He shrugged a shoulder, "I'm a generous guy, what can I say?" He sobered a look from the little spiderling to you.  “Sometimes it's ok to take the help when it's offered to you," he nodded a little, stepping back a bit. 
The spider boy stood near you bouncing on the balls of his feet, hands fidgeting at his side.  Big eyes pleading silently at you.
You sigh, looking from your little Bug to the man who was offering you sanctuary for the next full moon. So you nod.
Iron man claps his hands once, "Great! Let's head out!" He turns to go back to his suit, which was waiting patiently for his return.  Before he enters it he looks over his shoulder at you, "Are you more of a David Kessler or Jacob Black?"  
You growl at him in response.  His laugh echoes through the street as it morphs into that robotic lilt when the mask closes over his face, and he takes off into the night sky. 
AN: I don't write. Well I haven't written anything since high school. But it's been in my head and I really need to get it out and put it down somewhere..
its bad but it's been haunting me forever and I just needed to get it out of my head.  If you reached the end I want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this hot mess.  
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We Write the Story-[P.P.] | Chapter Two
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Pairings: TASM!Peter Parker x (Black!)Hispanic!College!Female!Reader
Chapter Summary:  The battle at Liberty begins after a trail down memory lane
Takes place during No Way Home
Word Count: 5.5k words
Content: Some superhero fighting, angst, language, mentions of death,
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A/N: This is yet another thing I found in my drafts. Chapter three has one paragraph written but two is done, so yay! As I said in the first chapter, this is very self-indulgent. I tried to put more focus on the reader being Hispanic than black but both are pretty relevant to my experience so there are some minor details that allude to the reader being black. I'm too lazy to edit them out. I hope you can understand.
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Your anxiety continued a slow accent as the Spider-Men discussed their game plan. You were put on “babysitting duty,” instructed to watch over Michelle and Ned as they climbed through the portal to fight interdimensional villains. 
You watched Peter’s live and felt a twinge of moroseness at his words. Even now, as he was trying to save New York, he accepted the cruelty it threw his way. The chemistry lab was quiet. You had all pulled up chairs at the entrance of the portal, silently watching- waiting. You had hugged Petey before he walked out, but it didn’t calm you as much as you had hoped. As you sat on this unstable wooden stool, your mind wandered to the past.
You remember when Petey first moved in. You were playing in the living room, your wooden puppet jumping as you jerked at the strings. Your father was in the kitchen, the smell of toasted tortillas and seasoned chicken wafting through the air. You liked flautas, but you preferred when your mom would make them. Your father was less familiar with the seasoning your mother would use; he stuck more to his Creole roots. 
There was a knock at the door, but you remained unbothered. You and Señor Payaso were on a fabulous adventure, that you didn’t want to interrupt. They knocked again, and this time your father called out to you.
“Can you see who’s at the door, baby?”
You begrudgingly got up and pulled a chair over to the door. As you peeked through the peephole, you saw a familiar face, the sweet woman from across the hall. You liked her a lot. She always complimented your hair and all of your drawings. She was friends with your mother; when she died, the woman came over and cooked a lot, bringing her husband along. Mr Ben was nice too. He would put you on his shoulders and twirl you around.
You moved the chair and called out to your father, “It’s Ms May!”
You opened the door and let her in. She complimented your dress and asked about your day. You told her all about your new colouring book and left to get it for her. When you returned, she was talking in hushed whispers with your dad. Their faces looked serious and sad, but when they saw you, they painted on a smile. 
Your father beckoned you, and you happily clambered into his open arms. As he rested you on his hip, he moved some hair out of your face.
“Hey, honey. So, Ms May came over to ask if you would want to play with her nephew. He just moved in and he doesn’t have any friends.”
You looked at May, not fully understanding. “Why does he live with you? Where are his parents?”
Your father said your name in a warning tone and you were confused, but Ms May cut him off, “No, no, it’s okay.”
Her smile was kind and you loved when she smiled at you.
“He lost both of his parents, like how you lost your mom." She explains. "So now he lives with me. He’s very scared, and I was hoping maybe you could hang out with him. You were so brave and it might be nice for Peter to have someone he can talk to about all of this.”
You thought about it for a moment. You couldn’t imagine what you would have done if you had lost both of your parents. You missed your mom a lot; Peter must be feeling that double. You liked Mr and Mrs Parker a lot, so you supposed you would like their nephew too.
“Okay." You agreed, "Does he have a favourite toy? Does he like to colour?”
May told you he would love to colour with you, so you rushed back to your room and grabbed all of your colouring books and three boxes of crayons, just in case. When you returned to the living room, you declared that you were ready to go. You walked across the hall with your father’s hand on your back instead of in your hand as they were very full.
As you walked in, you looked around but only saw Mr Ben. He spoke to the adults while you sat on the couch. You couldn’t hear everything they said, but you caught some of it. Their whispers swirled together and you couldn't tell who said what.
“-in his room”
“I don’t know”
“He’s just so young”
Your stomach twisted. You remember hearing similar things said about you not so long ago. You hated when the adults around you tried to relate to what you were feeling. You didn’t even understand what you were feeling. You didn’t care what they had to say; you just wanted your mom. There was no one your age to talk to. No friends who got it. You didn’t want Ms May’s nephew to go through that.
You made your way up the stairs, deciding you would find him yourself. You saw an open door and peeked inside. There was a small bed and a lot of boxes in the room. It looked half-unpacked, not really a “room”. 
“Hello?” You tried.
There was a scuffling sound but no response. 
You walked in and looked around, “Are you Ms May’s nephew?”
You were looking at your feet, careful not to step on anything, when you noticed a pair of eyes under the bed. You set your colouring stuff down and lay on your stomach. He shimmied back some. 
“Hi, I’m (Y/n). I’m your neighbour, do you want to play?” He didn't respond, just continued to stare at you. 
“Tu hablas español?” Still he said nothing. 
“Okay…I’ll just speak both.” You muttered, setting up the colouring supplies. 
“Tengo crayons y colouring books, pero si quieres jugar something else podemos.” You began to colour, leaving a stack for him to choose from and the other boxes of crayons at the entrance of the bed.
You silently coloured for a while before you saw a small hand reach forward. He remained under the bed as you heard him flipping through pages. Soon enough, the adults came through the door. They were each surprised by what they saw. 
“Where’s Peter?” Mr Ben asked. 
You pointed under the bed, continuing to draw. 
Ms May laid next to you, “Come on, Peter. Why don’t you come out and play? (Y/n)’s really nice, I promise.”
You shook your head, speaking to the shadows. “No tienes que salir if you don’t want to.” 
Ms May looked at you with a question on her brow, one you recognised on adults by now. The "Why are you speaking Spanish?" look. Sometimes it was because you didn't look like your mom, and sometimes it was because they didn't know what you were saying. But you knew her's wasn't mean; Ms May was just curious.  
“He hasn’t answered to Spanish or English. I don’t know what he speaks,” You replied with a shrug. 
Mr Ben chuckled, “He doesn’t speak Spanish. I think he’s just shy, but thank you for trying.”
They eventually left you be, and you continued to colour. Peter still hadn’t left his hiding spot, but you could hear him scribbling across the page. 
“I lost my mom,” You say in an effort to connect. “She got really sick, it happened a few months ago.”
He had stopped colouring, the only sound in the room coming from you and the switching of crayons.
“Grown-ups try to say stuff they think is nice. They tell you they’re sorry. Or they’ll say something like ‘you’re brave’. It’s annoying. I used to hide too.”
You heard him shuffle. He had crawled forward just enough that you could see his face emerging from the shadows, “Do you wanna come in?”
You wriggled in next to him, and he pushed the book he was working on between you. You coloured on opposite pages sharing a box of crayons between you. He used a lot of outlandish colours, his giraffe looking more like an alien than anything you’d seen at the zoo. You focused on your parrot. You passed a lot of time this way.
“How you say, ‘thank you’ in Spanish?”
You were excited to hear his voice again, “Gracias.”
“Gracias, (Y/n)”
He was so small and so scared. Everything he knew had been ripped away from him. You couldn’t help but think he was going through the same thing, only this time he couldn’t hide under his bed. He had to save the world.
You thought of all the times Petey had to be brave. You thought of all the times he didn’t. Like when you watched a horror movie for the first time, and he made you stay up with him all night because he was convinced that something was gonna come out of the closet as soon as he closed his eyes.
You thought of how nervous he was to ask Liz to the homecoming dance- how you had to coach him through it. You thought of how he would trip over himself anytime he talked to her. You thought of how he was just as nervous about asking out MJ. He would text you the whole trip about it (and also some of the Spider-Man stuff, but mostly MJ).
You thought about how kind and sweet he was. An absolute treasure. Petey would speak to you in Spanish if you were alone, knowing that it was a special thing to you, something that kept you connected to your mother. He had learned it through you, but also by studying on his own, surprising you every now and then with all he knew. 
You thought about how he had learned to do simple braids in your hair. You had complained about how long it would take to do, and Petey stayed up all night watching youtube tutorials and practising on May. The next day he showed up with a rat-tail comb and a bag of rubber bands, ready to help.
You thought about how he and May would practice making dishes that you grew up with to surprise you for “family” dinner.
Actually, no. Family dinner. No quotes necessary. They were your family. They were all you had, and they were wonderful.
They were your family. Now it’s just Petey. Petey who is currently broadcasting his location so that he can fight a bunch of psychos who would not hesitate to kill him. 
You stand abruptly, surprising the not-so-much kids beside you. You rush through the portal and ignore their calls for you to return. You can’t, not now. The Spider-Men hear the commotion and quickly group together. As you turn the corner, Petey’s face is wild with concern.
“(Y/n), You can’t be here-” 
You cut him off with a hug. You pull him as close as you can, and don’t hesitate you crush him with all of your strength. He lets out a small “oof” as you accidentally push all the air out of his body. Tears silently fall from your eyes, and Petey finally reciprocates. 
“(Y/n), You have to go back. It’s not safe.”
You make no effort to distance yourself, instead mumbling into his chest. “Don’t die.”
Petey pulls you away enough to see your face, “I’m not gonna die.”
Your face twists in anger but he knows it’s not for him. “You will come back to me. In one piece. Or so help me god, these a-holes are gonna wish you had kicked their ass instead.”
A small smile spreads on his face, “I know. I will. No voy a ir a ninguna parte, lo prometo.”
You wipe at your face and Petey chuckles. He’s trying to cheer you up. Even now, Petey is trying to keep you happy, like always.
“Besides, todo el mundo sabe que tengo la hermana más aterradora que hay. Cualquiera que se cruce contigo sería un pinche supido hijo de puta.” It wasn’t perfect but you grasped the message.
You gasped in faux horror, “Aye Petey, Quién te enseñó eso?”
Peter only laughed, “You did. You curse more in Spanish than in English. Which is crazy 'cause you have the foulest language I’ve ever heard.”
You slap his arm, and he pretends it hurt. You glance around and lose your breath. You could see all of New York from here. The city glistened against the deep ocean, the lights dancing across the rolling waves. It was breathtaking. Movement over to your left catches your attention and your eyes landed on Peter. He was leaning against the railing with his arms stretched out while talking to Pete. When you looked, he quickly turned his head, but he was looking at you. Petey chuckled, breaking you from your trance. Man, maybe your attraction was obvious. 
“I’ll send him over,” Petey says with a smirk.
You scold, telling him not to, but he was already shouting for Peter.
As he sauntered up, Petey sent you a wink, patting his multiversal counterpart on the shoulder as he passed. Peter looked at you with a playfully confused look. His brows were slightly furrowed but his grin was unmistakable.
“So, what’s up?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He was so flippant about this whole multiversal mayhem. But also he made you a little nervous, and you were laughing through your flustering. 
“Oh, I was just uh- you know...givin’ the whole ‘Don’t Die’ speech before battle. You know how it is.” Peter’s face fell a little sombre, giving you the impression he knew all too well.
He played along, not wanting to address the severity of the situation. You both knew; there was no reason to loll in it. He nodded his head a few times before his arms folded crossed his chest and his head tilted to the side, a soft smile taking over his face.
“So, do I get one?”
You smiled, “Peter Parker. I will be very upset if you die. Don’t do it or I’ll come kill you myself.”
He chuckled, the sound of a sweet song. “Sounds like a lose-lose, I don’t think I’m getting a fair deal.”
You roll your eyes, “Yeah? Well, how about this: If you die, no date.”
It was risky, but what did you have to lose? Pete’s words had been on your mind more than you would care to admit. Everything you once knew had been flipped on its head. Maybe there was a chance, maybe he was the right one. But did it matter? It’s completely possible that this man will evaporate from this world in an hour. What harm was there in flirting with him? He was nice with a kind smile, and it felt good to be looked at like that. Like you were something to behold.
Your words seem to surprise him. A deep, thunderous laugh ripped from his chest. It was a delightful sound. One you wanted to hear more often. His hand flew to his heart as he took a step back as if blown away. He looked at you with an amused glimmer in his eye and a grin that split his face. He was the perfect embodiment of "boyish charm."
“Now, the stakes are high,” He teased.
It’s safe to say you were freaking out. You stood at the mouth of the portal, its fizzling crackle a static that you had become accustomed to. MJ held the magic-cube-thing as you tried to keep the both of them calm, coaching Ned to breathe deep and focus. You could hear the zaps of electricity flying through the air, bright flashes of light shocking out the shadows in the dark room. Everything got cloudy for a moment, and you recognised this dust storm as Flint’s arrival. Everyone was showing up fast, and you should have been miles away, but with the portal open, you were nowhere close to safe. 
A loud crash echos out and startles a scream out of the kids. You gently shush them, not wanting any unwanted attention. You were working through a plan, an escape route. You loved Petey, but he wasn’t very good with backup plans, and this was a perfect example.
You heard heavy steps and spun to look through the Portal. The talking lizard was stalking towards you.
“Hey! Hey! We gotta go!”
The kids follow your gaze and their eyes widen in fear. You grab the box from MJ and start pushing them in front of you. The Lizard has landed in the room and is throwing tables and chairs.
You make it to the doors and point down the hall, “You guys run to the cafeteria, watch each other’s backs and hide!”
They hesitantly run, glancing at you periodically over their shoulders. You look behind you, and the lizard is trained on your hand. You wave the box, “Come on, big boy, this way!”
He rears his head back and lets out a gut-wrenching roar. You push through the door and into the hall. Your footsteps echo in the dark, empty corridors. You hadn’t necessarily liked high school, but the dreadful memories did nothing to relieve the creepy atmosphere. You could hear his talons cut into the metal lockers around you as he got closer. You whipped your head around to confirm your suspicions. You felt nauseous as you saw his yellowed teeth bared at you.
You swung a sharp left into the library. You ducked under a table and crawled quietly in the dark. As the creature broke through the doors you heard him stop. You could hear a subtle growl leave his throat, sharp breaths as he sniffs around the room. You reach the wall and grab a book off the shelf. You can see his feet as he walks across the floor. Your heart is beating in your chest as he gets closer. His tail swings in front of you, working side to side. You take a steady breath and throw the book into the corner behind you.
He roars and charges at the sound. You make a break towards the lined shelves while he’s distracted. You silently hoped the books you heard being decimated would accept your apology, that they would understand. There’s a door on the other side, it will put you in the hallway right across from the gym. You didn’t like the idea of a big open space, but maybe you could hide if you could make it to the bleachers. It’s the best idea you have right now.
The Lizard had begun throwing the tables you were hiding under before. It wouldn’t be long until he started destroying the shelves too. You crouched down and made your way to the door, pushing it open with shaky hands and closing it as softly as you could. You entered the gym and looked around. You spotted the supply room and tried the handle.
It was locked, “shit!”
You could still hear the library being ransacked. Your only way in was to break the window. You knew it would make a lot of noise, but you had to arm yourself with something. You raise the box and bring it down as hard as you can. The glass shatters and you hear a roar erupt in the building. You ball your hand up in your sleeve and push through the glass wiggling the handle. You grab a bat by the door and a football flag that was hanging on the wall. You hear stomping in the hallway and panic. Well- more so than you were before.
The bleachers were pulled out and you thanked whatever deity might have been watching over you. You find a gap in the bars and squeeze your way through. Just then The lizard kicks in the heavy metal doors. You fall back into the shadows and watch through the space between the seats as he makes his way to the middle of the floor. You try to tame your shaking hands, knowing there was nothing you could do with the adrenaline coursing through your body.
You place the bat between your legs and tie the box to a belt loop on the back of your jeans, that way you can have two hands to swing. You tried to remember everything you knew about the creature in front of you, anything that may give you an upper hand. You remembered him talking about “healing the world.” Apparently, this “enhancement” mutated his genes and he had faster healing and was super strong. He was also a man-eating lizard. And you were just a poor college student from Queens.
Suddenly he stopped, his head turned towards you as he continued to sniff the air around him. A sneer besmeared his face, his eyes opened and it seemed he was looking right at you.
“There you are...” his nauseating voice drew out.
He charged forward and you screamed. His claws reached through the slits and pried at them. He got his arm through and swiped; you fell back as you narrowly dodged them. He continued with that for a while before he abandoned the approach. His yellow eyes glared at you through the gap he had created before growling. He must have grown up watching Dora too. If you can’t go through, you can't go above it, if you can’t go under it, you have to go around it. He backed away and bounded towards the bars you had slipped through. You ran to meet him there, to hopefully hold him off.
He reached his hand through and you swung at it. It didn’t seem to deter him. The response was more like someone playfully pushing your hand away from their plate, as opposed to a twenty-something swinging a metal bat at full force. He reached for you again but this time he caught your bat in his claws. It shredded the barrel, the metal blossoming out at jagged angles. You could work with that.
You brought it over your head and aimed at his arm. He reared back as the metal cut through his scales. You could hear the fury in his scream, your blood ran cold at the sound. You watched as the flesh slowly melded back together, soon the damage was erased. It hit you then, you were truly no match. He brought his hand back up and sliced through the barrier of bars, bending them with little effort to push through. You took steps back as he got closer. He was hunched down, unable to stand in this space. You were trapped if you couldn’t find a way out.
At the other entrance, you saw a fire extinguisher. You rushed to grab it, pulling the pin and aiming it directly at him. You felt the metal bars against your back. He let out another roar and you pulled on the trigger. Foam flew through the air and the smell of compressed CO2 made you dizzy. You threw it and he caught it in his mouth, as his teeth punctured it white plumes billowed from the canister. While he was blinded you tried to squeeze through the bars. In his thrashing, he caught you on the arm. His claws felt like a blade, cutting through you easily.
You cried out as you collapsed on the floor. Rolling over, you pushed yourself up, ignoring the searing pain in your bicep. Your bat was long gone and you were on your own. You made your way to the middle of the gym, trying to plan your next escape. You heard the grating noise you hate to say you knew, he had slashed through the other set of bars. You sympathised with the groan the metal released as it was bent and twisted against its will.
His horrid eyes fell on you again and you turned to run. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint, he's gaining on you (Shia Leboeuf). Your body hurts and all this running is pumping blood, you’re getting woozy from the loss. You trip and hit the ground hard; you feel disoriented. You start crawling forward, hoping to put enough distance between you.
Just then a loud crash rings through the gymnasium. You turn your head to see The Lizard slammed into the bleachers, the seats folding around him under the weight. Something flew across the room and soon a cloud of green smoke enveloped the space. You heard footfall quickly approaching you and curled in on yourself; your brain unable to catch up with the chaos of the situation.
“Hey, hey, It’s okay. It’s just me.” His gloves caught on the cotton of your ribbed top.
You slowly opened your eyes and they fell upon shining stars; chocolate and autumn leaves and everything sweet in the world. His jaw was set, strong enough to cut diamonds. His lips looked velvety and decadent; though they sagged heavily at the end, his distress evident in his frown.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? I smell blood.” He quickly questioned.
You motioned that you wanted help up, but instead of offering you his hand, he scooped you up in his arms. Your stomach fluttered at the act, the gentleness he was showing you. You were pressed tightly against him, you could feel the rise and fall of his chest.
You took a shaky, flustered breath. “I’m fine. El cabrón caught me in the arm, but I’ll be okay.”
He took notice of the way you were holding your arm and shifted you to take a better look. He curled you like he was using you to train his biceps, pushing your chest into his. His eyes grew as he looked over your wound. 
“It’s okay. You’re- you’re gonna be okay.” He reassured.
He was breathing heavily. You thought before that it was from exertion, but the panic in his eyes was one you recognised.
“Yeah, I know.”
Your words fell on deaf ears as he continued to mumble; repeating that you would be fine like he was trying to manifest it in truth.
"Peter, Hey. Listen to me, I’m okay.”
He shook his head, breaking his trance, and then finally looked back at you. “Let’s get you out of here.”
You met everyone out on the scaffolding; Lady Liberty had seen better days. Peter had finally set you down, and he had used your mangled sleeve to wrap around your cut. As you stepped through the portal it closed behind you. You glared at the spot it used to occupy.
“Por qué no hiciste eso antes, huh?”
You heard your name called out from behind you and as you tuned you were knocked back by the strength of your two-out-of-three of your favourite teens. You held them close, happy to be in their embrace- relieved that they were safe. They talked over each other, spewing their concern and everything that had happened while you were separated. As Ned spoke he flailed his hands, sparks flew from his fingers and with a flourish of his wrist he accidentally opened a portal.
You threw the kids behind you, waiting for whatever may emerge. To your surprise, Dr Strange stepped forward. He whipped his hand and the box flew from your waist. You all protested: a series of ‘wait’s and ‘no’s leaving your mouths.
“Where is he?”
“Before you do anything Mister- Dr Strange, sir,” Ned pleads. “Peter’s plan is working!”
You all nod adamantly as he eyes your group sceptically, “What plan?”
“He’s curing them!” Ned explains, pride dripping from his words.
You pointed to the corner. There sat an older man who looked a little ridiculous dressed in some gym shorts and a mesh, orange jersey for flag football. Strange stepped forward to get a better look.
“Who’s that?” He asks, his tone losing its previous hostility.
“That’s Dr Connors, the giant lizard,” MJ supplies as the man in question gives a tentative wave.
The wizard looks between the reformed man and your odd group a few times before he slowly nods his head, “Well, I’ll be damned.”
He walks off and you grow nervous. You hope he can see the vision, that he lets Petey do this. He’s sacrificed so much, It would be a shame to see his victory ripped away from him. You watch as the three of them swing around, their synchronization mesmerizing to you. It was almost beautiful. If not also death-defying and frightening.
But the little fear you felt grew tenfold, at an exponential rate. Over the horizon, you saw a flying figure approaching. Your blood ran cold and you can’t help the way your body starts to tremble.
You quickly turn to Ned, “Can you open a portal?”
He looks at you confused, his anxiety rising as he tries to understand why you’re upset. “No, Dr Strange took the ring back.”
You silently curse the old man and spin around, trying to find somewhere to run, when his nauseating voice rings through the sky, “Can the Spider-Man come out to play?!”
You freeze. His haunting cadence fills your ears, and you don’t know what to do. You think of his freakish, twisted smile as he gave his “We are gods” monologue. You could hear his sickening cackle as Peter beat in his face. You heard his taunting drawl as he choked Peter. You thought of how he had killed Ms May. The only mother you truly knew. You wondered if she was as scared as you were in her final moments. You couldn’t breathe; you couldn’t move. Completely frozen in fear.
You could vaguely hear Ned and MJ calling out to you, but the world was too far away from you now. It felt like your skin was melting off of you and your brain was spinning in your skull. He couldn’t be here. Petey couldn’t be here. He was dangerous. He wasn’t like the others, his only objective was wreaking havoc, and he had no remorse for the pain and suffering he dealt.
A loud boom erupts through the night air, a crescendo of collapsing metal and golden rings. You feel the scaffolding shake and see it falling apart around you. It gives way. Michelle panics as she starts to tip back and without thinking you pull her towards you. You watch as she grows smaller and smaller in your view, as everything gets further and further away. You hear a scream but don’t realise it’s yours, the sound leaving your lungs as the wind whips around you. Ned hangs from debris and you scold yourself for not protecting him better.
Your arms wave helplessly around you as your brain looks for something to grab onto. Suddenly Petey appears in your view. His face is battered and bruised, his eyes are trained on you. He looks aged, as if the last twelve hours have stolen what was left of his innocence. It was hard to watch him grow up, he was no longer your Little Petey. But this hurt more. Because this wasn’t him growing up, this was him falling apart.
He extends his hand to you and you reach for it. Your fingers brush against the cool metal of his nanotech before he’s ripped away, pinned to the front of the Goblin’s glider.
You hear a gut-wrenching cry from Peter as he was toted away, saw the defeat and rage in his eyes. You close your eyes and swallow back tears. You had never given much thought to how you would die. You were always so busy worrying about everything else. You worried about your father, you worried about May, you worried about Peter. You worried about your grades, you worried about your job, you worried about keeping your place clean. There was always so much to do, so much going on.
But as the end drew near, you still couldn’t think of you. Petey had lost so much and you hated to think you would be another boulder to carry. Another reason to grieve. You thought of all the milestones you would miss. He had always joked that you would one day be his best man, and he would be your maid of honour.
But you wouldn't be there for his wedding. You wouldn’t be there when he graduated from high school. You wouldn’t be there for his first hangover. You wouldn’t be there for his child’s first steps. You wouldn’t be there. You sent out an unguided wish, a silent prayer to anyone who might hear.
Please, let him be okay. Tell him that I love him, that he was the best friend, the best family, the best brother anyone could wish for. Tell him it’s gonna be okay.
You closed your eyes and let the tears slip. It was odd. They didn’t drip down your face, but floated up, as if not to stain you. You hoped the ground would be merciful, that your death would come swiftly. You imagined you were on the high dive at the pool you and Peter used to frequent in the summers. You were sailing into the deep waters, soon to be comforted by the chlorine and Petey’s cheers. You smiled.
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Let me tell you, this depressive episode is going CRAZY, so again, I'm sorry for not posting as much and thank you for your patience. And I would like to reiterate, I am getting through it with the love and support of friends and medical professionals. I will eventually be okay, but I'm not now, and that's okay too. I hate to ask, but if you guys could leave some comments or nice words it would really mean a lot to me :))
Taglist: @actuallypeterparker, @alexa4040, @andrews-lovr, @barbecuetiddy, @cherriescherriesred25, @heejinw0rld, @ilovemoonknight, @Isshecrazyorissheclever, @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs, @negasonic-teenage-asshole, @preciousbabypeter, @princesskittycatofmeowland, @purple-amaranthe, @raajali3, @rudy-the-winged-wolf, @scorpiolystoned, @tayswiftlovebot, @wannapizzamymindposts, @whoreforklitz,
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waitimcomingtoo · 6 months
A Film By Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter gets back into making little videos once the two of you start hanging out
warning: extreme 2017 homecoming era nostalgia
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Of course he went for Liz.
Liz was the ingénue. She was perfect in every possible way. Perfect grades, perfect face, and the perfect boy pining after her. You’d been crushing on Peter since the third grade but with Liz around, he never noticed you.
But Liz was gone now. She had moved to Oregon following her dad’s arrest and taken Peter’s feelings for her with her. Now that she was gone, you decided it was time to stop pining after Peter from afar and start pining from up close. And so, when you walked into the cafeteria that day, you didn’t sit at the end of the table like you usually did.
“Oh, hey.” Peter smiled in surprise when you sat down next to him. Smiling was good. Smiling meant he wasn’t creeped out by you sitting so close. You gulped before giving him best smile back.
“What are you doing here?” Ned asked, making Peter give him a look. You immediately regretted your decision and wished you’d just stayed in your usual spot.
“What do you mean? She always sits with us.” Peter pointed out.
“No, she always sits down there. She’s never actually sat with us before.” Ned replied and gestured to the end of the lunch table.
“Yes, but I’m sitting here today because I needed Peters help with the chemistry homework.” You said and put your chemistry notebook on the table. You knew you couldn’t just randomly sit with them without a reason, so you came prepared.
“Oh, for Mr. Eddie’s class? It’s easy. I’ll show you my notes.” Peter’s offered with a smile. You returned the smile as he pulled out his own notebook. It was a win/win for you since you actually needed help with the homework and it would start a conversation with Peter. While he was explaining the problem to you, you never once looked down at the notebook. You were too focused on the curve of Peter’s suspiciously long eyelashes, the longest you’d ever seen on a boy. Ned noticed the way you were staring his his best friend and frowned a little.
“Does that make sense?” Peter’s asked when he was done explaining.
“Yeah, it does. Wow, thanks Peter. It sounds so easy the way you explain it. I wish this stuff came as naturally to me as it does for you. You’re so smart.” You said as if you had listened to a single word he had said.
“That’s nice of you to say but I’m really not that smart. I just like chemistry.” He replied as he blushed from the compliment.
“Oh, come on. You’re the smartest guy I know. You’re the only one that answers questions in that class. And you always get them right. When Mr. Eddie asks if anyone has any questions, I don’t raise my hand because I don’t even know what I’m confused about yet.”
“That’s I feel in English. I can barely make it through the first line in a poem and you’re already going back and forth with Ms. Teague about Pindaric odes or whatever they’re called.”
“You listen to when I talk in English?” You asked with a soft smile.
“Of course I do.” Peter shrugged. “I always find the reading boring until you raise your hand and talk about how you interpreted it. You make it interesting.”
“I liked that book we read when the kids ate the other kids.” Ned said and interrupted the moment. Your smile dropped as you and Peter looked at him with disgust.
“The one with the flies-“
“We know.” Peter cut him off.
“Anyways, thank you for helping me with the homework. I’ve been stuck on it all week.” You said to Peter.
“Ugh. That’s been me with my paper for Mrs. Teagues class. And it’s due tomorrow.” Peter groaned.
“Oh, the analysis essay? I could help you with that.” You offered.
“Really? You’d help me?” Peter smiled in surprise.
“Yeah. I already wrote mine. It would be no problem.”
Ned was watching this back and forth conversation for a while until it clicked it in head. He gasped and slapped the table, making you and Peter look at him.
“Oh my God.” Ned said. “That’s why you’re sitting here. You have a-“
“Can I talk to you for a second, Ned?” You quickly cut him off when you realized where that sentence was going. Before Ned could even answer, you grabbed his arm and pulled him outside the cafeteria to talk in private.
“You like Peter!” Ned whispered harshly. You clamped your hand over his mouth and pushed him up against the wall.
“You need to keep your mouth shut.” You hissed. “Yes, I like Peter, okay? I’ve had a crush on Peter since middle school. He never noticed me when Liz was around but now that she’s in Oregon, I might finally have my chance. I don’t want to scare him off so just keep your mouth shut and let me handle this.”
You took your hand off Ned’s mouth and he started to gasp for air.
“Oh, please. Your nose wasn’t covered. You could breathe just fine.” You said with a roll of your eyes. Ned stopped pretended and straightened up.
“So you actually like Peter? For his personality?”
“Yes. Is that so hard to believe?”
“Kinda, yeah.” Ned admitted.
“I like everything about him. And I’m gonna tell him that. Just please, don’t say anything before I do. I’ll tell him when I’m ready.”
“Are you going to cast a love spell on him using a lock of his hair?” Ned whispered to you.
“What? No. Why would you even ask me that?”
“Because you’re a witch.” Ned said like it was obvious.
“I’m not a witch.” You groaned. “I just accidentally cackled that one time but it was only because I had phlegm in my throat.”
“Then about that time on the bus?”
“We’ve been over this. It was just a coincidence that that biker fell off his bike after I gestured with my hand. I didn’t move him with my mind.”
“And that one time in physics?” Ned narrowed his eyes.
“I still don’t know how that guys shirt caught on fire.” You shrugged. “It’s a mystery to me.”
“It caught on fire after he made fun of you for being a witch.” Ned pointed out.
“Maybe he was just standing too close to the flame.” You shrugged.
“He was standing in the doorway. There was no flame.” Ned reminded you.
“The magic of science.” You shrugged again.
“But what about that time-“
“Don’t bring up the nosebleed.” You whined.
“I am gonna bring up the nosebleed.” Ned hissed. “In sixth grade, our Spanish teacher got a nosebleed right after he told you to stop staring out the window and made everyone laugh at you. How do you explain that?”
“You’ve made your point, okay? Now are you gonna tell Peter or not?”
“Look, I’m not gonna expose your gross secret feelings, as gross and secret as they may be.” Ned sighed. “But Peter is still my best friend so I have to look out for him. I don’t want any spells cast on him.”
“That’s fine. There will not be any spells.” You held your your hands in defense. Just then, Flash walked by and laughed when he saw the two of you talking.
“Woah. What is this, the friendless loser convention?” Flash snorted.
“Shut up.” You snapped. Flash immediately tripped over his feet and fell to the ground, making Ned look at you with wide eyes.
“Witch!” He whispered harshly as he pointed a finger at you.
“Shut up. Let’s go back inside.” You rolled your eyes and pulled Ned back into the cafeteria.
Later that day, you met up with Peter in the library to go over your assignments. You started with his English essay and finished that within an hour before moving on to your chemistry homework.
“You can plug the numbers into your formula now using the method I taught you. And then you just solve for x.” Peter explained as you worked out a problem together.
“Hm. You make it sound so simple.” You sighed and leaned on your hand. Peter saw the way you were staring at him in his peripheral vision and felt his face heat up.
“It’s, uh, it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I never liked the way Mr. Eddie taught it. I figured this out myself and it’s worked much better for me.”
“Thanks for helping me. You’re a good teacher.” You said and put your hand on his arm. Peter laughed shyly at the contact and cleared his throat.
“Thanks. And so are you. That was the best essay I’ve ever produced. I honestly worry she won’t believe I wrote it.”
“Well if she says anything, I can vouch for you. You put in good work on this essay. You deserve the credit.” You assured him, making Peter blush all over again. It occurred to Peter that he never realized how pretty you were. You’d been classmates since 3rd grade so he always looked at you as just another girl in his class. Now that you had his full attention, he didn’t feel like looking away.
“Thanks. I appreciate you helping me write it. I know it can be frustrating to work with me because of my dyslexia.”
“It’s no problem. And it wasn’t frustrating at all.” You shrugged. Peter smiled at felt better about how long it took him to write the essay.
“Thanks.” He said. You had successfully gotten him to spend time with you one on one but now you needed to commence the next phase in your plan which was to hang out in a non school related setting.
“Would you ever want to hang out socially?” You blurted.
“Like, and not do homework?” He asked. You nodded your head and he smiled before nodding as well.
“Yeah. Sure. I’d love to.”
“Cool. Me too.” You smiled. You hadn’t meant to blurt it out like that but it worked nonetheless.
“Does this weekend work?” He asked you.
“Yeah. What do you want to do?”
Hard cut to that weekend. You were on the subway with Peter and he had his phone out to record himself.
“Firts social hang out with a girl. A film by Peter Parker.” He said in a low voice before flipping the camera to face you.
“Staring me.” You smiled and waved to the camera.
“Are you sure you’re cool with me filming this?” Peter asked as he flipped the camera back to himself.
“Yeah, of course. The other ones you showed me were so cute. But why did it seem like there were so many missing parts? You were always talking about something cool that I didn’t get to see.”
“Uhhh, no reason.” Peter said and looked to the side. He had skillfully edited out any incriminating superhero activity that you were not ready to see yet.
“Well I like it. I feel like I’m on Modern Family.” You said and posed for the camera.
“Which family member would you be?” Peter laughed and zoomed in on you. With his phone blocking his face, he could shamelessly admire your face on his screen.
“Duh. Lily.”
“I can so see that.” He chuckled. The subway lurched suddenly and you both grabbed onto the pole, coincidentally putting your hands in top of each others.
“Oh, sorry. Our hands touched.” You laughed shyly.
“Oh my God. So romantic.” Peter joked, making you blush and look into his camera.
“Stop it.” You laughed and covered his phone with your hand. He laughed as well and put his phone away.
After learn you had never been, Peter decided to the Lego Store. He’d been hyping it up to you all week over text and now that it was finally happening, he hoped it impressed you. You walked in together and Peter heard you gasp.
“Big Lego Aladdin.” You gasped and ran to stand under the giant magic carpet and Aladdin made of Legos.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that string of words come out of someone’s mouth.” Peter laughed and went to stand under it with you. You looked over at him and were surprised to see he was already looking at you.
“This is even better than you described it. You need to show me everything.” You said and excitedly shook his arm.
“I can do that.” He blushed and nodded his head towards some of the sets.
Peter took out his phone to film you as you looked at everything in the store. The way you were looking around like a little kid brought a smile to Peter’s face. He zoomed in on you and caught himself staring at you fondly through the camera.
“Come on. I haven’t even showed you the coolest part yet.” Peter said and brought you over to the build your figure own station. He laughed when you gasped again and started to excitedly rummage through all the pieces. Peter didn’t bring his phone out again until you had built each other.
“Show me what you made.” He laughed from the other side of the phone.
“Looks! It’s a little Peter. He has a backpack and a beaker.” You said as you proudly showed the camera the little Peter figure you had made.
“This is Y/n. I can’t believe I found the shoes you always wear.” He said as he filmed the figure he had made of you.
“You notice my shoes?” You asked with a smile. Peter didn’t catch it because he was too busy fitting the hands of your Lego figures together.
“Look. They’re holding hands.” Peter gasped.
“Aw.” You laughed. “Us on the subway.”
“We should give them some privacy. They might not want us to hard launch their relationship.” Peter said and put his phone away.
“You’re so cute.” You laughed without thinking about it. Peter looked up at you with rosy cheeks and you gulped when you realized what you said.
“I mean-“
“Come on. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He cut you off before you could explain. He brought you to Delmar’s and ordered his usual for you to split. You sat together inside and you tried your best to remain calm. You always wondered what Peter got up to when he wasn’t at school and now you were in one of his favorite places and eating with him.
“Okay, this is Y/n’s first time eating at Delmars since he reopened. Let’s get her reaction.” Peter said as he filmed you unwrapping the sandwich.
“Wait, why is it so flat?” You laughed and held the sandwich up.
“Oh, sorry.” He chuckled. “I forgot to warn you that he always squishes it for me. But you’ll like it. Trust me. It’s much better when it’s squished down real flat.”
“Well I’m glad I now know you like your sandwiches to be squished. I would not have expected that about you.” You said and took a bite of your half before giving him a thumbs up.
“Yeah? You like it?” He asked hopefully.
“I do. Your squishy sandwich was surprisingly good.” You admitted.
“Well, I’m very pleased to hear that.” Peter smiled and phone away. “So to make it even, you have to show me one of your favorite places next time we hang out.”
“Oh.” You smiled coyly. “I didn’t realize there would be a next time.”
“There better be. I had a lot of fun with you today. How come we’ve never hung out before?”
“I don’t know. I always wanted to but you were busy running around with Ned or staring at…” You trailed off and chose not to mention Liz in case he was still hung up on her.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just glad we’re friends now.” You said instead.
“Me too. I’ve never had a girl friend.”
“What was that?” You said and started choking on your saliva.
“All my friends in my life were guys. It’ll be nice to have a female influence in my life.”
“Oh. Girl friend.” You smiled tightly.
You hung out another hour before taking the subway back to your respective apartments. Peter walked to you the front doors of you building and you had an awkward moment where you didn’t know if you should hug or not.
“We uh, we should probably get an ending for your film.” You said with a timid smile.
“Oh, right. Thats a great idea.” Peter smiled and pulled out his phone. He pressed record and you waved to the camera with both hands.
“So, can you give our first time hanging out a rating?” He asked you.
“9/10.” You grinned and held up two thumbs.
“What? Why’d I only get a 9?” Peter scoffed and pretended to be offended.
“I had a 10/10 time but I have to deduct a point because we saw that guy cutting his hair on the subway and I was scared he was gonna throw the scissors at us.”
“Well I would’ve just protected you with my lightning fast reflexes.” Peter said simply. You smiled at him through the phone and he smiled back. He put the camera down and looked at you with a content smile on his face.
“Seriously, though. When’s the next time we’re hanging out?”
It ended up being just a few days later. And then again a few days after that.
“Peter’s first time!” You cheered as you filmed him during one of your hang outs.
“Trying boba.” He clarified. “I don’t understand this drink. Do I eat the balls?”
“Yes. Sip it slowly so they don’t all go down your throat.” You instructed. Peter took a big sip and immediately started choking.
“Peter! I said slowly!” You said as you slapped his back until he stopped choking. You quickly put the camera down to help him recover.
Your hangouts started getting more and more frequent and Peter soon considered you a best friend. Your weekends became each others and school days were often spent together in the library or at one of your apartments. You were quickly moving up the ranks in Peter’s life, just as you hoped. And the closer you got, the more Peter could not believe he had never noticed you before.
Little did you know, Peter often found himself watching the footage he had taken of you during your hang outs with a big smile on his face. He’d rewatch the videos he had taken and realize that they were slowly becoming less of a documentary and more of a highlight reel for you. He never imagined a girl as cool as you would for him so when he realized he was starting to fall for you, he quickly repressed his feelings. Little did he know, the feelings were mutual.
“Did you always make these little videos?” You asked Peter one day as he filmed you trying to balance on the curb of the sidewalk.
“I used too make them all the time but I hadn’t for awhile. I only started them again when we started hanging out.”
“Really? Why?” You wondered and stumbled off the curb.
“I don’t know. You remind me of the time before my life got crazy. It made me want to do these again.” He shrugged. You couldn’t help but smile at that information and turned around to look at him.
“So I could be the star?” You asked and posed for the camera.
“Exactly. You’re my muse.” He played along, making you laughed shyly. When he watched the video back later that night, he knew he had meant every word of that.
Peter sat in his bedroom one day and filmed himself wearing your glasses while you did homework at his desk. He looked over you every now and then just to admire the back of your head.
“Don’t break those.” You called without looking up. All you needed to hear was the sound of your glasses case opening to know what he was doing.
“I’m not even wearing your glasses.” He lied and admired himself in the camera.
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not. But yes, I am.”
“Knew it.” You snorted.
“Hey, how come girls always smell so good?” Peter wondered. “Your hair hit me in the face when you turned too fast before it smelled like a baby in a damn meadow.”
“It’s just my womanly essence. Now can you stop looking at yourself long enough to help me with my chemistry homework?”
“It’ll be hard but I can try.” Peter dramatically sighed and set his phone down. You got yo from the desk and went over to the bed with a cheeky smile on your face.
“Incoming.” You announced and patted your elbow twice like a wrestler.
“No, don’t.” He pleaded. You ignored his pleas and jumped on top of him. He groaned and pushed you off, leaving you laying in the bed beside him.
“Ow. My ribs.”
“You’ll heal.” You rolled your eyes. “Now can you help me with number 7?”
“Oh, yeah. No problem. Can you check this email before I send it?” He asked and handed over his laptop. You handed him your worksheet before reading over his email draft.
“Oh, honey.” You grimaced just a few words into the email.
“Is it bad?”
“Good evening, Mrs. Howard. I hope this email finds you well. I’m so sorry for bothering you. I was just wondering if I could possibly have an extension on my midterm paper? No worries at all if an extension is not possible. I apologize for any inconvenience this email may have caused. Thank you for reading, Peter Parker.” You read out loud.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“After your name, you included the name of the class, the time you have it, and a description of yourself. She knows who you are!” You laughed and turned the laptop around to show him his mistakes.
“She may have forgotten.” He pointed out. “I can’t take any chances.”
“Peter, this email is way too submissive. You sound like such a bottom.”
“Well excuse me, genius.” He said sarcastically. “How would you write it?”
“Here.” You said and handed the laptop back after retyping his email.
“Oh, wow. That’s actually really good.” He said once he read your updated version.
“This is why we are such good friends. You have all the math and science knowledge in this little, beautiful head of yours-“
“Little?” He interrupted.
“You’re right. Sorry, I was just being nice. What I meant to say is that your head is huge.” You corrected. “Anyways, you have the math brain and I have the literary brain. It’s like you’re Einstein and I’m Victor Hugo.”
“Who the hell is that?” He laughed as he peaked at your mirror to see if his head was actually huge.
“The guy who wrote Les Mis.” You said like it was obvious.
“Never heard of it.”
“What? You’ve never seen Les Misérables?” You asked in a thick French accent.
“We have to watch it. It’s so good.” You said and snatched his laptop back. You pulled up the movie and handed it back to him.
“Oh my God. It’s two hours and 38 minutes long? And a musical? Hell no.” Peter shook his head and pushed the laptop away.
“But it’s so good.” You urged. “We can just leave it on in the background while we work. It’s super light and easy to watch.”
“Really? What’s it about?”
“Oh, you know. Just war torn France.” You mumbled.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“But you’ll like it! There’s prostitution and con men and um…oh! And orphans! You can watch it and feel represented.” You said and shook his arm.
“I hate you.” He laughed but nearly gave in to your request just to see you happy.
“Fine.” You huffed. “I finished editing your midterm paper, by the way. You don’t actually have to send that email.”
“And here is your completed chemistry homework.” Peter smiled and handed your worksheet back.
“Aw.” You gushed. “Look at us. I love cheating with you.”
“So do I. We make a great pairing.” He chuckled as he looked over at you. You looked back at him and gulped. You hadn’t realized how close you were with your arms and legs pressed against each other as you sat together in your bed. Peter knew his sheets would smell like your perfume that night and smiled at the thought.
“Now that we’re all done with our work, you know what we should do?” He asked as he moved in closer.
“W-what should we do?” You stuttered now that he was right there.
“You know what I’ve been dying to do with you for a long, long time?” He asked.
“No. I mean, I don’t know. What?” You laughed nervously. Peter moved in even closer and right when you thought he was gonna kiss you, he reached over and grabbed his laptop back.
“I wanted to show you a real musical. Not this French miserable bull crap. Have you ever seen a little movie called Hair-“
“No. I’m not watching Hairspray with you again. You scream-sang every lyric last time and I couldn’t even hear it.” You cut him off and reached over home to take the laptop back. He pulled it away at the last second and you ended up on top of him. You looked into each others eyes and both froze in the positions you were in. Your faces were almost touching but neither of you tried to pull away. Your eyes were going back and forth between his lips and eyes and he was doing the same. Like magnets, you two started to lean towards each other but before your lips could connect, May opened the door.
“What did you guys want- oh! Sorry! I didn’t realize I would be interrupting something. My bad.” May smiled sheepishly and pretended to cover her eyes. Peter burned bright red as you quickly climbed off of him.
“May.” He said warningly.
“Sorry. But maybe lock the door next time. And use protection.”She whispered the last part before shutting the door.
“May!” He groaned and threw a pillow at the door. There was a long, awkward silence before you were even able to look at each other. When you finally did, you smiled awkwardly and kept your distance.
“That was so weird. What did she think we were doing?” You laughed nervously to break the silence.
“Psh. I know.” Peter scoffed. “She said she was interrupting but we weren’t even doing anything.”
“Yeah. What did she think? That we were gonna kiss or something?” You asked and laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing you could ever suggest.
“Us? Kissing? How silly. Imagine that.” Peter forced a laugh as well and looked to the side. The awkward silence returned and you struggled to look at each other.
“Do you think she made dinner?” Peter asked after a beat of silence.
“Let’s check.” You said and quickly got off the bed.
You didn’t discuss the almost kiss and went home shortly after. You couldn’t sleep that night because you couldn’t stop replaying the moment in your mind. No matter how much you wanted him to like you back, if Peter reciprocated your feelings, he would have kissed you.
Your pity party didn’t last long because on the subway the next day, you felt Peter put his earbud in your ear. You heard the Les Mis soundtrack playing in your ear and looked up in surprise. Peter was already filming you with a huge smile on his face.
“This guy 24601 should stop stealing bread and stick to singing. He has serious pipes.” Peter said.
“You listened to it?” You melted into a smile and held your hand over your heart.
“Yep. I stayed up all night watching lyric videos because I couldn’t understand what they were saying with their accents. It’s actually really good. I love Eponine. I just wish Marious wasn’t such an idiot. How does he not see that his best friend is clearly in love with him?” Peter asked with exasperation. You looked directly at the camera and hoped it picked up the irony before looking at Peter again.
“He’s not an idiot. He’s a romantic.” You sighed. “He doesn’t notice Eponine because he’s in love with Cosette. And course he is. She’s prettier and richer and has perfect hair. He doesn’t even see Eponine.”
“Good hair isn’t everything. Eponine is way better than Cosette.” Peter scoffed. “I’m team Eponine all the way.”
“Are you really?” You asked hopefully.
“Oh, for sure. I see why you like this stuff. These songs are awesome.” Peter said and put the other earbud in his ear. He then flipped the camera around to film the two of you sharing earbuds. As Heart Full Of Love played in your ears, you couldn’t help but longingly staring at Peter. The fact that he had stayed up late just to listen to something you suggested made you overcome with fondness for him. If he had done something like that, maybe he actually did feel the same.
“I forgot how good this album is. I haven’t listened in a while. I used to listen to it all the time back when you…” You stopped short when you realized you were about to say too much.
“When I what?” Peter wondered. You looked him in the eyes and decided that it was time to be honest. The song ended and a new, much louder one began to play in your ears.
“Back when you liked Liz. She was Cosette. I was Eponine. I was the one pining after a guy who never noticed me because he was in love with another girl. You were never mine to lose.” You admitted. Peter stared at you for a minute before pulling his earbud out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear a word you just said. Master of the House is such a banger. What did you say?” He asked you.
“Never mind.” You smiled. “It wasn’t important.”
He smiled back before getting a text on his phone. You looked at his phone when you heard it buzz and realized he was still recording. In other words, he had just recorded you saying you liked him. Your eyes went wide but you only had a second to panic when you read the text he had gotten.
“Did Liz just text you?” You asked in a quiet voice. You felt like you were about to throw up. Years of crushing on a boy who liked another girl turned into months of pinning for your best friend and now turned into a rock in your stomach. Peter stopped recording the two of you to answer her text, which felt a little like a slap in the face.
“Oh, yeah. We’ve been talking lately.” He absentmindedly replied to you as he laughed at whatever she had written.
“You have?” You asked with a dry mouth.
“Yeah. She says Oregon is pretty cool. But she wants to come back and visit this summer to see everyone.” He told you.
“And see you?” You asked with a sad smile.
“I guess so.” He shrugged. “It would be nice to see her.”
“Yeah. Totally.” You said weakly. “So how long have you guys been talking?”
“I don’t know. A few weeks? She texted me a little while ago and we’ve been catching up.”
“That’s awesome.” You lied.
“I know. I didn’t think I’d ever hear from her again after she moved.”
“Neither did I.” You said through a forced smile. You needed to get off the subway and away from Peter before you started crying. So as soon as the subway doors opened, you bolted out.
“I gotta go. See you later.” You called to him before running through the subway station. You wiped tears as you went up the stairs and didn’t stop moving until you were in a bathroom stall at school. You gave yourself five minutes to be upset before drying your face and leaving the bathroom. It sucked, but it could have been worse. Now, Peter never had to know how you felt about it.
Peter was beyond confused by your exit on the subway but he wasn’t about to get any answers from you. You dodged his texts throughout the day and didn’t dare go into the lunchroom where you knew he and Ned would be.
“Y/n isn’t here yet?” Peter’s huffed as he sat down at your usual lunch table.
“Not yet. Actually, I haven’t seen your girlfriend all day.” Ned realized.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Peter blushed. “And I’m pretty sure she’s avoiding me. She’s been so weird ever since this morning. Everything was fine on the subway until we got to school.”
“Well did anything happen on the subway that would weird her out? Oh no. Did you graze her boob with your hand again?”
“No. That was one time. And it was her boobs fault, not mine.” Peter whispered harshly. “We were just listening to music together and I was filming her like normal. But she could not get away from me faster once the doors opened. It was so weird.”
“Did you say anything weird to her? Girls don’t like it when you say weird things to them.”
“I know that. I didn’t say anything weird.” Peter replied as he pulled out his phone. He watched the video he had taken on the subway with no sound to see where he had gone wrong. All he saw was you looking at him with heart eyes which made his face heat up. But still, no evidence of where he messed up.
“I knew it. We were having a normal conversation about Les Mis and then I got a text from and then she ran. It makes no sense.”
“What was the text? Was it May saying something weird?”
“No. And stop saying weird. It doesn’t sound like a real word anymore.” Peter ordered. “And the text was just from Liz.”
“Oh shit.” Ned said when he heard this.
“What?” Peter wondered.
“Oh, Peter.” Ned sighed. “Peter, Peter, Peter.”
“What?” He asked again, annoyed now.
“Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter.”
“Are you gonna tell me what happened or just keep saying my name?”
“I can’t tell you. I’m sworn to secrecy. And I don’t want Y/n to put a hex on my family.” Ned said and held up his hands.
“Y/n swore you to secrecy? About what?”
“Can’t say.” Ned shrugged and zipped his lips.
“Does she not like Liz? And doesn’t want me to know?”
“Dude. Dude, dude, dude, dude. You are so close but so far.”
“So she does like Liz? Oh my God. Does she a crush on Liz? And she’s jealous that Liz texted me and not her?” Peter whispered with wide eyes.
“You’re getting colder.” Ned waved his hand. “I don’t even know how you got there.”
“That was all my guesses. Just tell me.” Peter whined.
“Hell no. I don’t want Y/n to curse my crops and make not grow for all of eternity.”
“You don’t have crops.” Peter pointed out.
“I could develop some.” Ned snapped.
“I just don’t understand what she would tell you something but not tell me. We’re best friends. She usually tells me everything.” Peter said right as his thumb accidentally hit the volume button on the video. Your confession to Peter on the subway was heard loud and clear by the two boys. Both of their jaws dropped as the video ended with you asked if Liz had just texted Peter.
“Well I wouldn’t have beaten around the bush like that if I knew you had video evidence of her saying she liked you right in your hands.” Ned sighed dramatically.
“I need to find her.” Peter said and ran out of the lunchroom. He looked around the school until he found you under the bleachers in the gym. You were sitting with your back against the wall and your knees drawn to your chest with your earbuds in your ears. When you saw Peter coming up to you, you quickly pulled them out.
“Hey.” He said and waved cautiously.
“Hey.” You smiled sadly as he sat beside you. You sat in silence for a minute as neither of you knew what to say.
“What’s going on with you? I haven’t seen you all day.” He started off. You looked at your hands to avoid making eye contact and sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been talking to Liz?” You asked quietly.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t hiding it. I just didn’t think it would interest you.”
“Well you have no idea how interesting I found it.” You laughed dryly. “What do you guys talk about anyway?”
“Well, she originally texted me to ask me to confirm I had an internship at Stark Industries because her boyfriend didn’t believe her when she told him she knew a guy who worked there. Apparently he’s been trying to get an internship there for years and he wanted to know how I landed mine. Then we just started catching up. I only talk to her here and there, though. And it’s only ever about school or work.”
“Oh. I thought you guys were talking talking.” You couldn’t help but smile a little when you heard the word “boyfriend.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Just regular talking. When you saw her text on my phone, she was telling me about her cat getting spaded. And I didn’t know what that meant so she had to tell me. I should’ve just googled it.”
You laughed softly at that and he did too. The tension was let out of the conversation and you could finally breathe again. When you stopped laughing, you finally looked in his eyes.
“Do you still have feelings for her?” You asked quietly.
“For her? No.” He laughed. “Those are long gone. I have feelings for someone else now.”
“Oh God. Don’t even tell me. I don’t want to know.” You groaned and buried your face in your hands. Peter looked at you for a minute until an idea came to him.
“Actually, uh, I came looking for you because I was just making another video. Wanna be in it?” Peter asked and took out his phone. You looked at him like he was crazy and could not believe he had just asked that during that moment.
“I’m not really in the mood right now, P.”
“Come on. I can’t make it without my muse.” He said and nudged you slightly. You couldn’t help but to smile at that and reluctantly nodded. He propped up his phone against the bleachers and pressed record.
“In a world where two best friends have no idea how to communicate despite spending way too much time together.” Peter said in a fake deep, gravely voice.
“Okay. Shade. That’s fine.”
“What will it take for them to admit they have feelings for each other?” He kept the voice as he looked at you.
“Wait, what?” You asked and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Peter smiled softly at you and shrugged a little.
“What’s it gonna take?” He asked again in his normal voice.
“I don’t understand.” You laughed nervously.
“I watched the video from before. From the subway. I heard what you said.” He admitted.
“Oh shit. You watched it?” You grimaced.
“Uh huh. So if you’re Eponine, I guess that makes me the idiot who didn’t realize his best friend was in love with him?”
“I guess so.” You said with a tight smile and still didn’t understand why he wanted to film this incredibly awkward conversation.
“You know, if I didn’t have a video of it, I never would have believed that you liked me.” Peter told you.
“You wouldn’t? Why not?”
“Because it doesn’t seem possible that the coolest girl I’ve ever met liked me.” He replied.
“You think I’m cool?” You asked skeptically.
“I think you’re the coolest. And you know, I watch the videos I take of you all the time. And half of them are just clips of you existing. So I do notice you. It just took me a second to catch up.” He told you. A smile tugged at your lips as you stared into his big brown eyes.
“You’re my best friend.” You told him. “I’m sorry I want more.”
“I’m not sorry.” He shrugged.
“You’re not?”
“I’m just sorry it took me so long to wake up and find that what I’ve been looking for has been here the whole time.” He said as he hooked his pinky under your chin and brought your face close to his.
“Wait, why does that sound so familiar?” You wondered.
“Don’t think about it too hard.” Peter whispered right before your lips touched. You kissed for the first time under the bleachers but it could have been in a palace for all you knew. The world disappeared around you as Peter slipped a hand behind your head to deepen the kiss. When you pulled away, you rested your foreheads together and laughed nervously together. It was a good nervous, a happy feeling of anticipation.
“Was that Taylor Swift?” You realized when you finally placed where you knew that like from.
“Shh. No.” He shook his head. “But yes, it was. You’re not the only one with good music taste.”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
@nellabellaa @pinklxmonade @boogywoogywoogy
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ikarakie · 1 year
tony’s been dreaming of the day peter and harley meet, because he just knows they’ll get on like a house on fire.
he, however, certainly doesn’t expect their first meeting to be them getting kidnapped together, over 900 miles apart. he also doesn’t expect the frantic phone call he gets two sleepless days later, from their kidnapper, begging him to please come get the kids because they’re so fucking irritating.
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buckysugar · 1 year
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲’𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐛. 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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au masterlist
reader has a bad dream and struggles to maintain a balance between her big self and her little self. it doesn't help that all she wants is bucky, the man she wishes to be her daddy.
note: this my first fic so please be kinds !! i hopes you likes n maybe i writes more in the futures? thankies for readings, i lubs you 🎀☁️🫶🏽💗
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you were a lonely baby when bucky met you. you had your family, sure, but they weren't there for you in the way you needed them to be. you'd just had a fall out with your best friend and had began isolating yourself from everyone and everything
it wasn't until peter found you at school, crying on a park bench in the rain, that things started to change for you. that was a few months ago. under the false pretence of moving away for college, you left your family and joined peter at the avengers tower after three months.
everyone loved you the moment they met you. you were so kind, so quiet and well-mannered. just so doll-like that no one could pick a bone with you. they hadn't known you were a little, and they still didn't but they wouldn't be surprised to find out. they all protected you and cared for you like you were their own. of course, you felt very out of place considering how quickly everything had happened but they all reassured you that they enjoyed having you around more than you knew. and with peter by your side, things were okay.
the one person who was iffy about you at first was bucky. he was too scared to come close, to taint your innocence with his darkness. over time, he came to realize how similar the two of you were in different ways and he let his wall break down. he opened up to you in the slightest of ways, and so did you. your feelings of hurt and anxiety still resided in your heart, but the avengers made you feel like you finally had a home. especially bucky.
"y/n, peter, what are you still doing up?" tony asked as he barged into the boy's room.
"we're just studying for a test, mr. stark. there's a lot to cram," peter replied in a tired voice, running a hand through his hair as the only light in the room came from his laptop and the bright city outside his window.
"okay, well this isn't the time to be studying, it's 1am. go to sleep," tony looked at him sternly, ready to walk out. "tiny, you look tired. head to bed, alright?"
"y-yes, sir," you nodded softly, giving him a smile.
"goodnight, kiddos. get some rest."
peter huffed, slamming his laptop aggressively. this caused you to flinch from your seat on the bed, making him give you an apologetic smile.
"i didn't realize how late it was," he spoke quietly, moving your book out of your lap. "let's get some rest, bug."
"mkay," you shuffled under the covers and made room for him to come in beside you. peter turned on the night light he kept for you in these instances before sliding into bed, opening his mouth to say something when he noticed the pout on your face.
"what's wrong?"
"i don't have squiggles."
"i got you," he tried easing your worries, pulling you into his chest. "you're safe with me, now close your eyes y/n/n."
"thank you, petey. goodnight."
"stop! where's my bucky? where's my daddy? i want him!" you shouted at the man in front of you.
"he's not coming back for you. he's gone, you're all alone like you always have been."
"i wan' him back," you cried, looking around through the foggy crowd of people around you. you didn't know where you were or who you were talking to, but you felt so alone and unsafe.
"you're alone now, y/n. nobody's coming to find you. you're trapped."
you woke up to heavy breaths, jolting upwards as you forced yourself awake. you were shaking like a leaf, heart beating rapidly against your chest as you looked down at peter who was sleeping soundly.
"wan' bucky," you whispered through tears, clutching the blanket to your chest. you were feeling so little right now, so scared and vulnerable.
you didn't know what to do. you didn't want to go bother or disturb him. the man rarely ever slept, but what if this time he was? you couldn't do it. but staring at the clock that read 3:14am, you didn't know how much longer you could take it.
he always told you to come to him whenever you needed him. you never did for fear of wasting his precious time but surely he wouldn't mind, if he wasn't asleep at least. you took a deep breath, using the back of your hands to wipe away the stray tears you didn't know had fallen. you carefully hopped over peter's sleeping frame and quietly made your way out of his room.
the hall was dark, making you let out a quiet whimper. your fingers clawed at your neck as you took shallow breaths, wishing you were holding squiggles right now for comfort. he always knew how to cheer you up.
"miss. l/n, you appear to be in distress. shall i alert mr. barnes?" F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice boomed, causing you to jump out of your skin.
"n-no, no, no. F.R.I.D.A.Y, b-be quiet. you'll wake everyone ups," you whispered, staring up at the ceiling.
"i'm sorry, ms. l/n, it appears mr. barnes is already on his way."
"w-what?" your eyes widened, looking around as you heard heavy footsteps walking towards you.
your eyes cracked with tears as you couldn't see a thing, reminding you of your scary dream as a quiet sob made its way out of your mouth.
"hey, y/n/n, don't worry. you're okay, everything's okay, love," you heard the familiar voice.
"b-bucky, you here?" you asked the dark abyss, pulling your thumb into your mouth.
"hun, i'm right here. i'm walking towards you," bucky replied, not missing a beat. his voice didn't sound tired at all. in fact, he sounded more awake than ever.
as he reached you, he heard the little sounds coming from you and his heart ached. he carefully placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump and cry.
"plum, it's just me—"
you quickly ran into his arms and he held your quivering frame tight to his chest. you didn't want to speak, not in the hall where anyone could find you. you wanted to go to his room and let everything out, tell him all your fears and get the reassurance you so dearly needed.
"shh, shh. you're okay, my love, you're alright. i'm right here, i'm not leaving," he comforted, lifting you into his arms and taking you to his bedroom.
he locked the door behind him and sat on the bed, running a soft hand down your back as your tears soaked the skin on his neck.
"what happened, bug? what's got you so worked up?" he asked quietly, pulling you out of his chest.
you made a sound of disapproval before shoving your head back into the crook of his neck, just needing to be close to him.
"okay, okay. that's okay you can stay there," he rocked you slowly. "but can you please be the good girl i know you are and tell me what's wrong?"
you hiccupped, nodding your head. "t-the.. the guy t-took me.. n.. n you was gone!"
you balled his shirt in your fist, sobbing so hard your chest began to hurt. "was— was all 'lones n he.. he saids you wasn't gonna come backs."
"aw, my love," it clicked that you had a bad dream, the hurt in your voice tugging at his heartstrings. "i'm right here, i promise you i'll always find you wherever you are."
"was s-so scareds d.. da.. mm," you shook your head and stopped, finally taking the moment to actually realize where you were. you were with bucky, you couldn't call him daddy. but you were safe, no one was going to take him away from you and he wasn't going to leave you.
"thought.. thought you were g-gones," your voice cracked at the memory. a string of snot clung to his shirt through your cries and you wanted to laugh but you couldn't.
he kissed the top of your head, deciding again to try to get you to peak out from your hiding spot. he cupped your face in his hands, observing your red and teary eyes. he wiped the tears away softly before kissing both your cheeks as you hiccupped again. your lips were plump from the crying, and he continued looking down to notice scratches on the skin of your collarbone.
he'd have to talk to you about that in the morning, but for now he needed to get you back to sleep.
"you need a tissue," he mumbled, reaching over to his bedside table and grabbing one. he placed it on your nose. "blow."
you listened like you always do, silent wetness still dripping from your cheeks but they were beginning to slow down. he through out the tissue after humming in satisfaction. his hands moved down to your neck, using his thumbs to rub soft circles under your ears as you sniffled. it felt good, really good. you closed your eyes, his touch being more than enough to bring you back down to earth.
"you feeling a little better, baby?"
"mhm," you nodded, wiping your face aggressively. "m sorry."
"no, no. don't ever be sorry. you're okay, my baby's alright. bucky's here, you'll never be alone, hm? it's all going to be okay," he pulled you back into his chest, cradling your head ever so gently.
"t-thank you, bubby."
he smiled at the nickname. "no thank you's. now, lets get the little one back to sleep, how does that sound?"
"sounds good," you whispered.
"good girl," he turned off the lamp by his bedside table and got himself into bed with you clinging to him like a koala bear.
he simply chuckled as you looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. he could feel your heart beating against his chest, it was still a bit quick but not as fast as it was before which was a good sign. no more words were spoken from you but he kept uttering words of reassurance until your breathing slowed. his delicate voice and the feeling of his hand tapping your side lulled you to sleep in no time.
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foolsocracy · 7 months
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wgats up lol
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arrowheadedbitch · 3 months
Stop talking about the Peter Parker Dad Curse, it's old news, we all know about it, and START talking about the Tim Drake Best Friend Curse.
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starsval · 1 year
tasm!peter parker x f!reader
Summary: being best friends and maybe in love with Peter Parker is nice, until certain spider changes everything
Word couny: 10k
Warnings: mentions of wounds, kissing, hickeys, and I think that's all
A/N: it's based on Honest by The Neighbourhood, It's nice to have a friend, King of my heart and Sweet nothing by Taylor Swift.
Also, thanks to @myriadmoons for helping me write this <33
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Patience, test my patience
If I made it too hard for you, maybe
“What happened?” You ask Peter, approaching him in the hallway. Immediately noticing the bruise on his face, even though he tried to hide it with the hoodie.
“I fell” He tells you, walking to your first class, which, to his displeasure, you had together.
“Do you think I’m stupid?” You ask him as he works as your shield among all the students going to their classes.
“Sometimes” He laughs, trying to change the subject as you both sit in your place.
“Pete, I’m serious. Is it Flash again? I wouldn’t care to threaten him again”
“That only worked because he has a crush on you” He smiles, resting his head on his arms while looking at you.
“Yeah, but it worked, so I take it as a win” He laughs softly, trying to ignore the concerned look you were giving him. “What happened?”
“I fell” He knows by the look in your eyes that you don’t believe him, but he ignores it, just like he ignores your sad expression as you turn your head to the teacher.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
“Are you okay?” You ask him, opening your bedroom door so he can get inside. You notice the new bruises, of course you do, you always notice. 
But you also notice the look in his eyes, telling you to not say anything about it, telling you to just hold him now.
So you do, you hug him. You let him hug you so tight that you’re afraid he might break you.
“I’m better now” He mutters, his voice muffled by your hair.
“I’m glad”
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
You should have changed it
Say it, you should say it
“You don’t even have to tell me” You had told Peter, sitting on the stairs of your porch. “I mean, it’s obvious that I’m not buying the ‘I fell’ bullshit. So just let me help you”
“It’s okay, someone’s- I’m already getting help” And it’s not you. He had told you, getting up and walking away after waving goodbye.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
“You’re ignoring me” You tell Peter, sitting on his bed with your homework on your lap.
“I’m literally doing homework right now” He says, slightly offended.
“Not right now, I mean lately” He hesitates before talking.
“I’ve been busy, I’m sorry” He finally looks up from his homework, looking at you.
“It’s okay, you know I don’t care about that, just, don’t be a stranger”
“I won’t” He assures you. “Talking about that, I didn’t tell you but I’m friends with Gwen” Then he puts his homework away, because, of course, when it’s about her he has to focus completely. “We started talking the other day and she’s really nice… "
So you just sit there, listening to him, because that’s the most he’s talked to you in days. And because you’re a good friend who’ll listen to anything even though it hurts. Because you don’t want to lose him.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Waiting, always waiting
You wait. Even though you shouldn’t. You wait for him, for a text, for a call, for a response, anything. You wait for him to fulfil his promise, that he’d be here to do the work with you. The most important work of the year.
You wait for him to answer all your texts, all your calls. You keep waiting as you do the work, as you start it, as you look up information, as you finish it, as you revise it.
You stop waiting for him to start waiting for an excuse when he opens the door. With new cuts and bruises that had already been taken care of.
“Sorry for being late, I lost track of time” He puts his backpack in the usual place and sits on your bed, behind you. “We can start now”
You turn around in the chair, not waiting anymore since you already got your excuse. You watch the hour on your phone before talking.
“At 11pm?” You ask him, looking at his new bruises, sighing and wishing he told you more about it.
“I know, I’m sorry, it’s just…” He doesn’t continue, because he doesn’t have anything to say.
“I already did it” You inform him, getting up and laying on your bed as you turn on the TV.
“What? But, we were supposed to do it together” He says, offended as he gets up, to discover that, in fact, you already did it.
“It’s due tomorrow” You don’t look at him, instead, you look at the news, talking about the decrease of crime.
“You could’ve waited for me” You look at him now, foolishly hurt by his words. Because that’s all you’ve done lately. Wait for him. “I know I didn’t answer.” ‘I’m sorry’ He doesn’t add. “But it’s like half of the grade” ‘It’s not fair that you had to do it alone’ He forgets to add, again.
“Fuck you Peter” You tell him, eyes again on the TV, refusing to look at him and at his audacity.
“Look, I know that you’re mad, but I was with Gwen, and I lost track of time, and…” He stops talking, either because he realises he mentioned Gwen or because he realises that you don’t care.
“See you tomorrow” You don’t look at him when he mutters a soft ‘good night’. You do look at him when he turns around, picks his backpack and leaves, closing the door behind him.
You don’t go to sleep immediately, even though you should. You add yours and Peter’s names to the work before putting it on your backpack. Then you continue watching the news. Weirdly entertained by the people talking about Spiderman as he swings between buildings. 
You watch his back, just as you watched Peter’s. A back that you know too much, a back that you've scratched, a back that you watched leave earlier. And then it all makes sense, well, you still don’t know why he’s ignoring you. But you know the reason behind the bruises, the cuts, the tiredness in his eyes.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
I wish you could be honest
I wish you could be honest with me
You watch as the teacher corrects the works. Peter watches you. You both watch the teacher walking to your desks. The teacher watches both of you as he talks.
“It’s really good, I still have to correct some things but it’s the better one of the class” He says before walking away, with your work still in his hands.
“You added my name?” Peter asks you, looking at you as you watch the clock, waiting for the class to be over.
“Yes” You answer, now looking at him.
“I didn’t deserve it” He says ‘I didn’t do anything and then made you feel bad about it’ He doesn’t say.
“I know” You keep looking at him, ignoring the shred of hurt in his eyes, and focusing on the exhaustion in them. “Peter, are you honest with me?”
He doesn’t expect the question, but he doesn’t doubt when answering “Of course”
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Why'd you stick around?
Why'd you stay with me?
Why'd you fake it?
You always did this. It was your tradition. But things have changed lately, so you shouldn't be surprised when he doesn't show up. 
You look at the news, waiting to see someone informing you about what Spiderman's doing right now, maybe saving the city again. But nothing. He seems to be sleeping, or ignoring his best friend.
So you give up, put your phone in silence and walk in the cinema. Doing your monthly tradition alone, for the first time. 
When you walk out you don't expect to see him there. Looking weirdly anxious. But you don't acknowledge him, you just continue walking. 
"I'm sorry" He says as he follows you, standing in front of you when he realises you're not going to stop. You don’t say anything, you just look at him, not even bothering to hide the fact that you’re hurt. Hurt by him, by his actions, by his secrets. “I’m really sorry, I was really occupied and I couldn’t make it and…”
“I can’t keep doing this” You try to walk around him to the door so you can walk to your house. But he stands in front of you again.
“I know, and I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, I promise” And you want to believe him, you really want to, but you can't let yourself get hurt again.
“You could’ve told me” Just like you can tell me that you’re Spiderman. But you don’t say that, because you want him to trust you, although you don’t know why he doesn’t.
“I- my phone-” He stops, because lying isn’t going to get him anywhere. “I forgot”
You smile, even though all you want to do is cry. He forgot his best friend. And why? Before you can ask him, the answer appears behind you.
“Where were you? Oh, hi Y/n” You turn around, to see Gwen smiling at you. You return her the smile and a wave before turning back to Peter.
“Fuck off Peter, and make sure you don’t forget to talk to her” You mutter as you finally walk around him, reaching the door and start the journey to your house.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
As you walk on the pavement, you notice someone approaching you. You wave at him when you notice who he is. Harry, Peter’s friend. He introduced you two a while ago, and to his surprise, you actually got along.
“Hi” He greets you.
“Hi, I didn’t know you were in town?” You ask him.
“Yeah, I arrived a few days ago. Actually, I was going to Peter’s house, do you want to come?” He asks you, oblivious to the whole situation.
“I was just going to my house, but it was nice to see you again” You tell him, resuming the walk to your house when he starts talking next to you. “You don’t have to.” He cuts you off before you can finish.
“Did something happen? The last time I was here Peter told me that he wouldn’t let you walk home alone, because it’s dangerous, you know?” You sigh, because it’s true, he never did that, until today.
“It’s complicated I guess, but you don’t really have to walk me home, it’s just a ten minutes walk from here”
“It’s okay, I’d like to catch up with you” You give up trying to get him to actually go where he was supposed to and start talking about both of your lifes. “Does Flash still have a crush on you? I don’t think Peter got over the fact that he asked you out”
You laugh, remembering that day. When you’d suggested that maybe he was just jealous, he said that it was because he wanted his best friend to date someone better than Flash.
“He still does, but he hasn’t tried to ask me out again” You stand in front of your porch, turning around to face him. . “Thanks for walking me home, Harry” You smile at him, really thankful that you hadn’t spent the whole walk thinking about Peter.
“It’s okay, I always like talking to you. And about the Peter thing, I’m sure you’ll work it out”
You let out a soft ‘I know’ before saying goodbye to him and walking in your house. 
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Harry doesn’t bring up the matter when he shows up at Peter’s door. Neither when they both start playing video games. Or when Peter starts talking about Gwen. He talks about it when he says that he went to the mall with Gwen.
“That’s why Y/n was going home alone?” He notices how Peter tenses up immediately.
“What?” Peter asks, like he has no idea what he’s talking about.
“I saw her, and I walked her home, she seemed upset” Peter doesn’t say anything, feeling too bad, knowing that he’s the reason why. “I even asked her if Flash still had a crush on her, maybe the next time I shouldn’t be that discreet”
“What?” Peter turns around, the video game long forgotten as the boys talk.
“Maybe I should ask her on a date while I’m here, the worst she can say is no” Harry keeps talking, and maybe he’s being for real, maybe he just wants Peter to react. But all Peter knows is that he’s getting mad, and he doesn’t know why.
“You shouldn’t” He says dryly. 
“Why? Is she seeing someone?” Harry asks, getting up to pick up his things.
“No” Peter answers, his jaw tightened as he watches his friend move around the room.
“Then? What’s the problem?” Harry stops for a second, looking at him.
“I don’t want you to date her” Then he moves again, giving Peter his back as he closes his backpack, hiding his smile.
“I thought you were with Gwen?” Peter frowns at that.
“What? No, it’s all platonic” He swears. 
“She must be a good friend then. You left Y/n to go with her” Harry can see Peter's face go through all emotions before talking back. 
“It’s not like that” He frowns, again, like it's the most obvious thing. 
“I don’t know the whole story Peter, but I do know that she was walking home alone –something that you swore you’d never do– and she seemed hurt” After that Harry leaves. Leaving a confused Peter considering all the choices he's made, while looking at the pictures you two have together. 
Pictures he took of you when you gave him his new camera for his birthday. Pictures Aunt May insisted on taking one of the first times you went to the cinema together. Pictures you took of him when he was distracted. Pictures he took of you while you were sleeping, because he thought you looked cute, even though you got embarrassed after. Pictures he took of you while falling(and on the floor), after you had assured him that you knew how to skate. 
He remembers that after the last one, you almost made him fall again, he also remembers that your actual words were 'Pete what the fuck??, why didn't you help me?' Like he could’ve done anything to help you
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
I hope you find a way
To be yourself someday
You were doing all you could to avoid Peter. You didn’t know if he was trying to talk to you. But you didn’t care. Maybe he wasn’t trying to find you. It's not like it's something new. But you couldn't known
You couldn't avoid each other in the next class, since you guys sat together(for the next two hours). 
“Do you like Harry?” He asks you, neither of you had anything to do, while the others finished their homework, you do all you can to not look at him.
“What?” You fail, meeting his gaze as you talk.
“I think he likes you” He adds.
“Okay” You say, dryly. 
“Do you like him?” You can’t believe him, it’s the same shit he did with Flash.
“Just leave me alone” You try to ignore his intense gaze.
“I don’t think you should date him” You stop ignoring his eyes now, looking at him and trying to find where his audacity comes from.
“That’s not your problem” You remind him.
He looks at you, because it’s really not. Even if you were still best friends, it wouldn’t be. But then you’d say something like ‘are you jealous?’.
“I know, I know, but he’s-” You cut him off, tired of his shit.
“I don’t care, Peter, why would I?. If I like him or if I don’t, it’s not your problem, so just leave me alone” 
He seems hurt, he really does. But you stop looking at him, because maybe if you don’t see him, you won’t notice. And maybe if he doesn’t look at you, he won’t notice your hurt. Or maybe he does and he just doesn't care. 
You stay like that the rest of the hour, fighting the urge to not turn your head to him, even when you can notice him looking at you. You fight the urge to not ask him for explanations, to ask him to come back to you. 
As soon as the teacher says that you have a free hour, you walk out of the class as soon as you can. 
You walk to the bleachers, waiting for the hour to be over so you can just go home. You’re looking at the sky when Peter approaches you, your immediate response is to get up, to try and run away.
“Please- just…” He stays there, standing in a row in front of you. You sit down again, looking at him.
He doesn’t say anything. He just looks at you, feeling like he hasn't seen you in forever. He doesn’t talk, you don’t talk. Until you get impatient and try to get up before he talks. 
"You don't call me Pete anymore, you know?. You just say Peter, and half of the time is to insult me" You don't know how to react, you don't know what to do with the hurt in his voice. So you just talk, before thinking. 
“Are you Spiderman?” You see him trying to say something, trying to lie. But you both know it wouldn’t work. So he doesn’t say anything. He looks at you, frowning.
You laugh.
“You didn’t even try to deny it” You look at him, questioning him, questioning his friendship with you, his friendship with Gwen.
“How long have you known?” He frowns, looking sad.
“Long enough for me to say that you’re not honest” You fight the urge to walk away.
He doesn’t say anything. You know that he’s mad.
You don’t say anything. He knows that you’re mad.
“You shouldn’t know” He finally speaks, looking at you, clenching his jaw. 
“I know” Because you do. You know that he’s been trying so hard to hide it from you that you almost lose your friendship, or maybe you already lost it.
“It’s dangerous” He adds
“That’s all you’re gonna say?” You ask him. You both know what you want to hear. I’m sorry for not telling you. I’m sorry for ignoring you. I’m sorry for getting you worried. I’m sorry for almost ruining our friendship.
“What else am I supposed to say?” He doesn’t meet your eyes. Not when you get up. Not when you throw the sweatshirt he’d lent you at him. Not when he barely catches it before it touches the floor. Not when you start to walk away.
“Way to go Parker” You mumble, walking down the stairs.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Hesitation, is killing me too
But I couldn't save it
I couldn't save it
"I didn't want her to get involved, it's dangerous, and I-" Peter is sitting in Gween’s bed, his Spiderman suit under his clothes, ready for the night guard. A week after his last conversation with you. 
"So you're just going to lose your friendship because of that?” Gween asks, her eyes going back and forth between Peter and her homework.
“I don’t want to lose her. I thought that if I wasn’t around her that much she wouldn't discover it” He admits, his eyes looking down at the mask in his hands.
“Do you think she’s stupid?” Gwen asks, knowing for a fact, that you aren’t stupid.
“That’s the thing. She’s too smart, and she found out even when I ignored her” He sighs, laying in the bed. “I don’t know what to do now. I can’t just go to her and apologise, can I?”
“You could try, but it better be the apologise of the century” She tells him, focused again on the papers before her.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Peter keeps thinking about that as he climbs out Gwen's window. While he's swinging between buildings. As he fights for his life. 
But, curiously, he doesn't think about it when he goes to your house, when he knocks on the window. He just does it, like you're a magnet who's attracting him, leaving him no choice but to get close to you. He does it as a reflex action. Like he knows that you'll always be there for him. 
And sadly, you will. 
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Is this the end of all the endings?
Peter used to go to your house when he couldn’t sleep, he just knocked on the window, waiting for you to get up and let him in. But you didn’t expect him to do it right now. Especially no in his Spiderman suit.
“What the fuck happened to you?” You ask him, not even bothering to close the window. Knowing that he’d close it for you. Like always.
He sits on your desk chair as you look for your first aid kit, the one that you’d bought when Peter started to skate.
"I'm hurt" He talks, slowly moving the chair close to the bed, where you're waiting with all the supplies. 
"Yeah no shit" You roll your eyes, carefully cleaning his wounds.
"I'm sorry" He suddenly says, after watching you in silence, admiring you as you healed him. 
You admire him too, his hands as he holds tight to the chair, his chest as he breathes in, as he breathes out. His face as you clean the blood out of it. The look in his eyes as you keep your hands on his face longer than necessary. 
"What are you doing here?" Your eyes go from his wounded chest to his eyes. 
"I missed you" You stop for a bit when he says that, and you're sure he notices, but you quickly bandage the wound and get up to get him some clothes. 
"It's not fair, it's not fucking fair that after everything you're just here. Telling me that you missed me. It's not fair Peter" You swear you can see something change in his eyes as he hears the name. "And I'm here, acting like nothing happened, like it's the fucking same, like my best fri-" You don't finish the word. "Like you aren't Spiderman. It's not fucking fair" 
You finally tell him, looking through your closet, like the fact that you're far from him will help you ignore the attraction you're feeling.
And then it hits you, you've felt like this for a while. You've been attracted to him for a while. And with everything that had happened, you couldn't stop and think about it.
Because maybe the fact that you lost your best friend hurts more than the fact that you're in love with him. Just maybe. 
"I know" He says as he gets up, walking to the bathroom to put on the clothes that you just gave him. He leaves a confused you cleaning your room, feeling your heart shrink a bit when you see all of the tissues covered in blood. 
After going to the kitchen to throw everything that you had used, you come back to Peter sitting in your bed. Looking at his hands, only looking away when you sit next to him.
“I’m sorry” He admits, almost in a whisper. 
“Stop saying that you’re sorry” You ask him. 
“But I really am” He whispers, again
“You should’ve thought of it before you… before everything” You look down, and then at him. 
“I know, but it’s not my fault that I’m Spiderman and I’m really sorry” You look away, slightly hurt by the fact that he thinks you would blame him for that.
“What are you even sorry for?”
“I’m sorry for lying to you, for ignoring you, for making you feel bad, for ruining our friendship” He says the last words like they hurt. “I’m sorry for everything, honestly. For talking the way I did about the Harry thing. For not apologising sooner. For ignoring you because of Gwen, who’s just my friend, by the way. I’m sorry” You don’t look at him, because if you do, you know you’ll do something stupid, like hugging him, or telling him that everything’s fine.
“I think you should go, maybe May is waiting for you” You get up, feeling his gaze on you as you continue to pack your suitcase.
“Why are you saying that after I apologised?” You let out a small laugh, looking through your t-shirts. 
“Do you think an apology solves everything?” You hear him sigh, passing a hand through his hair.
“I- What? No, I thought you’d be more understanding” You stop for a bit, breathing in and breathing out, trying to not get mad at him.
“What?” You turn around slowly.
“You always say that people deserve second chances” He says, afraid of what your reaction will be.
“And how many chances have I given you Peter, I could’ve fucking left you as soon as you started ignoring me. But no, you hug me and everything's okay, I’m your best friend again and we’re fine. Just for you to go and ignore me, again!. What the fuck do you want me to do? Have zero self respect and go back to you just because ‘you’re sorry’?. And don’t even talk about second chances, because you’d had so many fucking chances, and all you do is fuck it up!.” You throw a t-shirt into the suitcase. “If you want me to just forget everything just because you apologised, it better be the bigger apologise anyone has seen, because I’m so fucking tired of everything“ Now you throw a hoodie. “All I ever wanted was for you to be honest, but you couldn’t even do that, so I just, I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Where are you going?” He says, like he just noticed that you're packing your things. Catching a t-shirt before it can land into the suitcase.
“Are you telling me that that’s the part you chose to care about?” You ask him, snatching the t-shirt from his hands and throwing it in the suitcase again. Just for him to catch it.
“Yeah, where are you going?” He raises his arm above his head when you try to steal the fabric from his hands.
"You're fucking unbelievable Peter, I'm going to my aunts" You finally catch your T-shirt and put it on the suitcase. 
"What? You won't be happy there?" He replies. 
“And who says I'm happy here?” You don't look at him as you pick up another T-shirt from your closet. When you turn around, Peter’s emptying your suitcase. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Don’t be immature, just stay here, there’s no need to go there” He pushes your hands when you try to stop him.
“Oh, so I’m being the immature one? Sorry, Mr. I didn’t want my best friend to find out that I’m Spiderman so I just stopped talking to her” You put the clothes that he’s putting on the floor into the suitcase, just as he does the opposite in front of you.
“Oh, I have to get Harry to walk me home because I can’t do it alone” He replies, determined to unpack your suitcase.
“Oh, I can’t even text my best friend to tell her that I ditched her because I was with other girl”
“I already told you we’re just friends. Are you jealous?” He looks at you for a moment, making you take advantage of him and quickly fill up your suitcase.
“You wish I was jealous” You give up, and just watch as Peter empties your suitcase. “Stop being immature and go home”
“Maybe I do wish that you'd be jealous” He drawls, looking down at his work(your clothes on the floor).
“Just go home” You say again, getting up and walking to your closet. He quickly gets up again, and you think is to leave, but he’s next to you immediately.
“I didn’t want you to worry, or be in danger. So it was better to just stop talking to you, because I didn’t have to see your face when you saw the bruises. And I just couldn’t stand the fact that if you knew, you’d be in danger. And I know I fucked up, I’m sorry, I regret it everyday, I just want us to be okay” He admits, looking down at you.
“Are you fucking stupid?” You look at him, confused. “You didn’t want me to worry? So you just ignored me? You’re the dumbest person I’ve ever known. What if something happened to you? What if you fucking died? I’ll be here not knowing that it was because you’re fucking Spiderman –I mean, I would’ve figured it out, but still–. And the ‘being in danger’ shit, I have no fucking words, you think I care about that? You’re so fucking stupid Peter” You turn around and pick your clothes from the floor as you mutter ‘so fucking stupid’.
“You still care about me?” He asks, looking at you, impatiently waiting for your answer.
“You’re actually dumb…” You consider. “Of course I do” His eyes light up.
“Does that mean you forgive me?” He gets closer to you.
“No, I’m still waiting for the biggest apology anyone has ever seen” You start to pack your clothes again.
“You’re still going?” He frowns.
“Yes, I’m leaving tomorrow, so, goodbye Peter” You finish packing and you stay there, looking through the window, where Peter was just minutes ago. 
And you know that he is really sorry, but you couldn't give it to him that easily. You'll forgive him as soon as you see the biggest apology you've ever seen.
Because you miss him, you miss your best friend, the guy you've been pining over for a year, the guy who used to walk you home everyday. You miss the insignificant fights you'd have about the homework, about the movie you'll see. You miss Peter Parker. 
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
You think about last night as you watch through the window of the taxi, about how close your bodies were for a moment, about everything he said, about the jealous thing. About the fact that you’re still waiting for his apology.
That’s when you see it, the biggest apology you’ve ever seen. Just in front of you everyone, but just for you. After you tell the driver to stop the car you get out of it as soon as possible, looking at the “I’m sorry” made of webs.
Just when you start to look around, Peter grabs you, and you honestly don’t know how but you end up above the words. Looking at him, and hugging him, because, it’s so fucking scary.
“I’m sorry” He says, after taking out his mask. Looking at you with soft eyes.
“I can tell” You say, looking at his eyes, just so you don’t look down, and because you missed his eyes. 
“Is that the biggest apology you’ve ever seen?” He asks, suddenly nervous.
“Yes it is” You talk as you look around you, observing the city. “You’re fucking Spiderman, that’s unbelievable, like, out of all the people, you, that’s so fucking crazy” When you look back at him, he looks like he isn’t breathing. “Yes, Pete, I forgive you, I thought about last night and it was kinda funny, you know? The whole suitcase situation. I missed that, I missed you”
Once the words leave your mouth he smiles like he just won a contest and hugs you. He hugs you like he hasn’t done in a while, and you hug him back, happy to have your best friend back.
“Yeah, I get it, but, um, could we get down? Love the views, but it’s scary” You say, smiling. 
“Shit, yes sure” He seems to remember where you two are and puts the mask on before taking you to the taxi.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
My broken bones are mending
With all these nights we're spending
"I'm sorry" Peter says as he sits on your bed. 
"Don't apologise" You tell him, cleaning the wounds on his neck. 
"I'll buy you another first aid kit" You smile, patching up his face. 
"Well, I hope I won't need it" He chuckles a bit, knowing that you probably will have to. 
"Thank you" 
"I'm your best friend Peter, and I have morals, if Spider-man was on my window dying I'll help him" 
"What if it's a fake Spider-man?" He grins through the pain. 
"You think I won't recognise you?" You ask, indicating him to roll down the top of his suit so you can look at the wounds. "Does it hurt?" You look at the bruises on his side.
"I'm better now" He slowly gets up and grabs the clothes you let out for him. 
"I'm glad" You smile, cleaning and throwing everything you've used. 
When he comes out of the bathroom, already in normal clothes, you're in bed, scrolling down your phone. 
"I should leave" He says as he picks up his backpack. 
"Stay here Peter" You talk, patting the space you left him next to you. 
"Are you sure? I don't want to bother" He says, even though he's smiling. 
"Yes, I'm sure" You don't bother to look up your phone. "There's a lot of gossip we have to discuss"
You do look up your phone when he lays down next to you and covers both of you with the blanket. 
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Up on the roof with a school girl crush
Drinking beer out of plastic cups
Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
You notice people staring at you as you enter the house. You follow Peter through the crowd, and wonder if the music and the smell of alcohol are bothering him. 
"I'll get something to drink" Peter talks through the music, once you've found a not so packed corner in one of the rooms. 
"If you insist" You smile back at him as he walks away. 
You're looking at his back when someone approaches you. 
"What are you doing here alone?" Some guy asks you, leaning on the wall behind you.
"Who said I was alone?" You reply, not smiling, rather grimacing from the smell of alcohol he gives off. 
"Well, I don't see anyone around right now" He says, looking around, ignoring the fact that you're not even looking at him. 
"Maybe it's because I don't wanna talk to anyone" You simply answer. 
"You're kicking me out?" He still smiles, even though he wants to look offended. 
"I don't know, am I?" You give him a fake smile, just before Peter appears with two cups, and after you grab one, he passes his arm around your waist, facing that guy. 
"So you weren't alone" The guy mutters, looking at Peter's arm around you. 
"If you wanted to keep her company, you can leave, I'm already here" Peter grinns, oblivious to the look the guy gives him before turning around to bother someone else. 
"What was that?" Peter doesn't answer, instead he pulls away and grabs your hand, leading you upstairs, to one of the balconies of the house. "What was that?" You ask again, seeing that he's too focused on his cup. 
"He was bothering you" He simply answers, smiling at you, as you both sit on the floor, leaning your back on the wall. 
"How did you know that? Maybe I was having a good time" You question, smiling back at him. 
"With that look on your face? I doubt it" He raises an eyebrow before raising the cup to his lips. 
"Maybe that's my way of flirting. Showing no interest. They seem to like that" You shrug, smiling. 
"So you were flirting?" His jaw tightens a bit, looking directly at you. 
"What if I was?" You hold his gaze, waiting for any kind of reaction.
But the only thing he does is take out a bottle of alcohol from under his jacket. "What the fuck?" You smile, taking it from as he hands it to you. 
"Though it'd be nice to have something just for us" He smiles as you pour it in your cups. 
"But you didn't answer" You remind him. 
"I mean, I'm your best friend, I have to approve them first" He jokes. 
"That's the reason?" You half close your eyes. 
"Yes" He looks away, drinking. 
"You sure? No other reason?" You insist, stretching out your arm to poke his cheek. 
"Yes" He moves away, fighting his smile. 
"Are you really sure?" You scoot over to be closer to him, still poking his cheek. 
"Yes, I'm sure, okay?" He finally lets the smile out and grabs your wrist as he pulls away. 
"No, not okay, I don't believe you" You try to get your hand free, but he holds it tighter. 
"Why don't you believe me?" He asks you. 
"You don't seem believable" You smile, looking at him as you drink. 
"Maybe it's you who doesn't want to believe me" He talks back. 
"Maybe" You shrug. 
"But for what reason?" He insists, leaning to see your face. 
"I don't know" You sigh, drinking the rest of your cup. "But it's true that you don't seem believable" 
"So you don't believe me and I don't believe you, we're even" He smiles, knowing there’s no point in trying to get you to talk.
"I guess" You smile back at him.
At some point, maybe when you're talking about the stars or when you finish the bottle. You find yourself on Peter's lap, his lips on yours and his hands on your hair. 
You feel the grip he has on you, and how his lips go to your neck, you also feel him smirking against your skin. 
And you also hear someone knocking on the door, making you pull away immediately. 
You don't talk, not when you get up, or when he holds your hand to lead you through the people. You talk when he's walking you home. 
"Can we not talk about that?" You ask, a hand on your neck to feel the hickey he gave you. 
"Why?" He says, looking at the hand on your neck, and remembering how it felt to do that.
"We were drunk, Peter, it was a mistake" You remind him. 
"Yeah, sure, we won't talk about it" He says, and maybe he means it, because even when he's drunk, he hasn't forgotten about the fact that he's spiderman. 
He tries to not be obvious when he's saying goodbye to you, but you still notice him looking at it. 
"Peter, stop looking" He smiles. 
"I'm not looking" He says, looking directly at your neck. 
"You're drunk" You remind him, giving him your back to open your door. 
"Kinda" He replies, grinning. 
"You should stay" When you turn around, he's still smiling. "Peter if you talk about it i'll kick you out" You remind him as you close the door, both of you already inside. 
"Maybe it's worth it" He stops smiling when you leave him alone and walk to your room, mumbling something about a 'mistake', that's all he could hear. 
But he keeps his promise and doesn't talk about it. He wants to, but he conforms with having you under his arm while you watch a movie. 
He doesn't talk about the next days either, not even when you put makeup on your neck to hide it. And weeks pass, but neither of you have forgotten about it. 
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
School bell rings, walk me home
Sidewalk chalk covered in snow
Lost my gloves, you give me one
You were walking home from Harry's, after saying goodbye to him, who leaves tomorrow. Peter's walking by your side. He's huffily talking about the fact that some classmate of yours never stops talking. 
"You also talk in class" You remind him, rubbing your hands together to get some warmth in them, you accidentally left your gloves in Harry's house, you already texted him to consider it a parting gift. 
"Yeah, to you, it's not the same" He says, taking the glove of his right hand off. 
"Why not?" You ask when you see what he's doing. "What are you doing, you're gonna get cold" You say, walking away from him when he tries to give you his glove. 
"At least let me give you one" He replies, and he's faster than you, so he quickly grabs your right wrist and puts the glove on. 
"What about your other hand?" You ask, still refusing to make him cold, even though he's Spiderman, so it's not that of a problem. 
"You'll grab it, and then it won't be cold, okay?" He doesn't give you a chance to protest as he grabs your ungloved hand and starts walking to his house. "And it's not the same because you're worth talking to"
"You're biassed" You tell him, smiling.
"Me? I'd never, how dare you say that" He puts the hand you're not holding in his chest, acting offended.
“Of course you’d never, you react the same when I talk and when Flash talks” You remind him, looking at the snow on the floor.
“That’s because you’re not a shitty person” He says, suddenly grumpy when he talks about him.
“You say that ‘cause you’re I’m your best friend” You look at him.
“Everyone can tell that you’re a good person” He says, genuinely,
“You’re still biassed” You remind him.
“Nonsense, even if I wasn’t your best friend I could still tell that you are a good person” He seems ready to defend his argument with his life.
“How could you tell that?” You ask, curious.
“Because of your aura” You look at him, sceptical “And because you’re pretty” You look away, so he doesn’t notice how flustered you are. But of course he notices, and of course he smiles. Because neither of you have forgotten the ‘maybe I wish you were jealous’ thing, or the fact that you made out at that party. 
You don’t say anything, instead, you urge him to walk faster so you can get in his house already. When you walk in, you're greeted by Aunt May, who gives you a big hug. 
"Oh sweetie, I missed you so much, you should've told me and I'd make sure that Peter isn't dumb, you're the best that has ever happened to him, I can't believe he almost lost you. Men are so stupid sometimes" She talks as she gives his nephews a bad look. 
“Thanks Aunt May” He says, taking off his coat before helping you take off your own as soon as May breaks the hug. “My own family is against me, I can’t believe it”
“It’s okay” You assure her “I could handle him on my own. And they’re really dumb sometimes” You agree with her before following Peter to his room.
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Light pink sky up on the roof
Sun sinks down, no curfew
After finishing your homework, gossiping and playing video games, you’re both on Peter’s roof, a blanket around both of you as you watch the sunset.
“What about bug-boy, web-head, spidey?” Peter shakes his head with each nickname. “I don’t care, I like spidey”
“Really? I’d prefer bug-boy honestly” He admits, making you smile before looking at your phone, who just made a notification sound.
“What the fuck?” You mutter.
“What?” Peter asks, leaning over your shoulder to see what you’re talking about.
“Flash just asked me on a date?” You say, still looking at your phone.
“Why does he have your number?” He frowns.
“That’s what you care about, really?” You look at him, and you roll your eyes when you see, that, in fact, that’s what he cares about. “I used to tutor him”
“Oh” He seems to relax, but then he frowns again “Didn’t you reject him once?” 
“Yes, but he quite didn’t believe that I didn’t like him, so as a last resource, I told him I had a boyfriend” You tell him, looking at your phone, thinking about a way to turn him down.
“And he just believed you? He didn’t ask who he was?” He says, asking himself why he didn’t know any of this.
“I mean, yes” You doubt before talking. “I told him I was dating you, and I also told him that if he ever bothered you again then he’d actually never have a chance with me, so, yeah” You rant, and when he doesn’t say anything, you keep talking. “I guess he saw that we weren’t that close anymore and assumed we broke up”
“And he just- he believed it? He didn’t question it?” He frowns again.
“Actually, he said that it made sense and walked away” You shrug, looking at your phone.
“What? Do we look like a couple?” He asks and prays that you don’t look up to see the smile on his face.
“Should I tell him that we’re back together?” You avoid the question.
“That’d work” He waits to talk again after you type your response.“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Something gave you the nerve
To touch my hand
“Didn’t seem important” You don’t look at him, instead, you look at your phone, which seems to make him lose his patience. So he grabs the hand you’re using to grab your phone and puts it down between both of you, with his on top.
“It didn’t seem important that people could think that we’re dating?” He asks, thanking the sound of the birds, because he thinks that if it were silence, you could hear his heartbeat.
“Does it bother you?” He almost jumps with the assumption.
“What?- Are you crazy?, no- Why would that bother me?. Does it bother you? Well I don’t think so because you’re the one that said it. But it definitely doesn’t bother me. Like, I’d be honoured if someone came to me and asked ‘Are you dating Y/n’. Actually, I’d be more honoured if we were dating for real, you know?” He stops his ranting when he notices what he just said, and just closes his eyes, thinking about swinging out of this situation. 
When you don’t say anything, he looks at you, seeing you wide-eyed, fighting a smile.
“Is that your way to ask me to be your girlfriend?” He doesn’t answer, he just looks at your mouth, just as you look at his mouth, who’s fighting to say something.
But the words don’t come out of his mouth, instead, he gets closer to you, and you back down a bit, slightly opening your mouth, looking down at his.
“Easy bug-boy” You smile, reminding the wound you cleaned up just a few hours ago. Also reminding him that you’re supposed to be his best friend.
“What’d you call me?” He whispers, laughing before sighing, so mesmerised by you. You smile, and back away, feeling like you’re in heaven when he sighs again.
“You said you liked that, I could call you Spidey if you wante-” You stop talking, his lips almost touching yours. The hand that was on top of your, goes to one side on your neck. “Peter, we shouldn't” You talk, trying to not lose your breath almost.
“I know” He drawls. And that’s when you give in. His lips go to your neck and you can’t take it anymore. When he’s in front of you again, you stop backing away and lean forward.
When your lips meet you feel like you’re going to die. The cold that you were feeling goes away. And you don’t care anymore about the people that could see you.
You just focus on his mouth, so needy for you. His hands, touching you to make sure you won't go away. His body, practically hovering over you. 
He's fighting so bad his impulses to not bite your lip, because he's been waiting for this for a long time. But he does anyway, and he seems proud of himself when he hears the sound you make. 
His hand moves to the back of your neck, and he moves your head so he can kiss you better. You let him do whatever he wants, and you groan when he stops kissing you. 
He laughs after seeing your face, and his lips go to your neck immediately. His other hand goes to your waist, and while you use one to support your body, the other goes to Peter's hair. Which you keep touching when his lips are touching yours again. 
He's practically on top of you, and he's about to make you lay down, but you hear someone walking down the street. 
So you pull away, and after realising what you just did, both of your hands leave each others body immediately. 
"That was a bad idea" You say, barely breathing. 
"I'm in love with you" The breath you just catched goes away, and his eyes search for your gaze after he rants. "I'm so in love with you I don't think it's normal. Because you're so, perfect, and I know I don't deserve you"
"Don't say that" You frown. 
"You're too nice and I'm so…" He looks at his hands. 
"Peter, don't say that" You repeat. 
"And I know it's selfish for me to tell you, but we just kissed" He smiles. "And I get it if you don't feel the same but-" You don't give him a chance to continue talking, instead. You grab his face with your hands and kiss him again. This time it's softer, and you just wish that he gets what you mean. You hope that he knows that you're also in love with him, that you love him so much you want to die. 
When you pull away, you rest your forehead on his, closing your eyes, because you're sure that the intensity of his gaze might decompose you. 
"I love you so much you don't get it. And don't ever say that you don't deserve me. You're so…" You sigh, not able to express it right now. "I'm in love with you, Peter"
"Are you sure?" You look at him, actually wondering if he's being for real. 
"We just kissed?" You tell him, to make sure if he remembers. 
"You kiss a lot of people that you don't love" He says, thinking about the parties you used to attend every weekend. 
"Did you give me a hickey?" You ask, touching your neck. 
"You're changing the subject" He closes his eyes halfway. You sigh. 
"You're the one changing the subject" You talk back. 
"Why would I change the subject?" He sounds offended, even though he's smiling. 
"Because you don't want to believe that I'm in love with you" He smiles  "Because you think you don't deserve me" He stops smiling "Which is the dumbest thing you've ever said, and it's saying something, because you say a lot of stupid shit" He smiles again. 
"Because it's true, it's dangerous, what would they do knowing that you're Spiderman's girlfriend?" He stops smiling, and looks away, regretting everything. 
"I'm already your best friend" You remind him. 
"It wouldn't be the same, they love that cliche where they get the hero's girlfriend" He scowls. 
"They probably think we're already dating" You see him fighting a smile. 
"But still-" You roll your eyes, tired of this. 
"I'm sure, I'm in love with you" You tell him. And he smiles, he looks so fucking happy, especially when he talks again. 
"I did, in fact, give you a hickey" He looks at it, and grabs your wrist when you try to hit him. He doesn't let it go, instead, he puts it down and grabs your hand. "Does that mean you want to be my girlfriend?" 
"No, we just ate each other's faces and confessed our love but I won't be your girlfriend, idiot" You say, sarcastically. 
"Is that how you talk to the boy you love? No wonder you're single" He rolls his eyes. 
"We aren't even together and you're already leaving me" You frown, but it quickly turns into a smile. 
"I would never" He assures. 
"Yes Peter, I want to be your girlfriend"
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
"Weren't you already dating?" Is what uncle Ben and aunt May ask you when you walk in holding hands a week later. 
"What? No" You both say, at the same time. 
"Oh, congratulations then" May says, having an excuse to hug both of you again. 
"Took you long enough to get the girl" Ben says, but smiles anyway, giving Peter's back a pat. 
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
It’s nice to have a friend
You were walking around Peter's room, he just came back from his usual duty as Spider-man, and was finishing some homework. 
"This is new" You tell him, taking a book out of the bookcase, and showing it to him. 
"What?" He looks up, and when he sees what's in your hand, his face goes red. Making you frown. 
"What's this?" You ask him, smiling as he gets up slowly, afraid that a sudden move might make you open the book. 
"Nothing" He lies, walking a step forward, making you back away immediately. 
"That's not true, what is it?" You ask again, and before you can look at the book, it flies away from your hand. When you look at Peter, he's taking the webs out of the cover. 
"Nothing" This time you're the one who walks forward, closing your eyes halfway.
“What are you hiding?” You’re getting closer to him, actually afraid that he might jump out of the window.
“What do you mean? I’m not hiding anything” He talks as he hides the book behind his back. Once you’re in front of him, he sticks the book on the ceiling and grabs your face so he can kiss it when you look upward.
“Kisses are not going to get you out of this, why are you so embarrassed of a book?” You don’t move when he continues kissing you.
“I’m not embarrassed” You look at his face, almost as red as his suit. “And how are you going to get it out of there anyway?” 
“I’m sure May would love to see that” You start to walk away when he wraps his arms around you, laughing.
"Promise you won't laugh at me" He talks, with his arms still hugging you. 
"I promise" You assure him, and after he hears it, he jumps and effortlessly sticks to the ceiling, grabbing the book. 
He gives it to you and turns around, muttering something about homework. 
When you open it you see a lot of pictures, professional ones, polaroids, and even printed from his phone. There's photos of both of you together, of you, and of the things that you like. 
Photos of you trying to do your makeup, reading in class, studying, sleeping, crying from laughter. You petting a dog, a cat, running away from a bug. You holding a test that has a 100 written on it. You sitting on a bench while reading a book. 
Selfies that you took when he was distracted, when he was texting Flash to leave you alone, when you arrived at your first party. Photos of him doing homework while you sat in his bed. There's one of May and you trying to bake while Peter and Ben are trying to help. You kissing his cheek, and him kissing yours. 
Photos of the flowers you saw on the street once and said that you like, a certain street that gave you good vibes, some of the drawings you made of both of you in class. Photos of the matching keychains you made for you to share. 
Apart from the date in which the photo was taken, there's annotations under every single photo. Some of them say 'I love you so much', or, 'You fell down right after I took this photo'. 
He put his thoughts under each picture, even when it's just 'You look hot in this one'. And that photo was from when you two were just best friends. He also put 'I made that ;)' under the photo where you can see a hickey on your neck. 
The book is full of every moment of your friendship, even when that moment was you trying to cut Peter's hair. There was everything, sad thoughts, happy thoughts, normal teenager thoughts. 
After you look at every single page, you look up to see Peter watching you. 
"Do you think I'm crazy?" He asks after you two just stare at each other. 
'What? Why would I think that?" You frown, sitting next to him in his bed. 
"Because I made that" He avoids your gaze. 
"And it's beautiful Peter, I love it, it's amazing" You hug his side, leaving the book on the chair. 
"Are you lying?" He asks and you laugh, rolling your eyes
"You're the dumbest person I know" You lay down as you talk, making him lay down next to you, he turns around so you're facing each other. 
"You say that a lot" He frowns, looking almost offended. 
"Because it's true, why would I lie? I love it" You see him fighting a smile. 
"Thank you" He stops fighting and grins. 
"Did you really think I looked hot that day? I remember that you took a lot of photos" He hugs you and hides his face on your neck, and laughs. 
"Really?" He talks with his face still on your neck. 
"Yes, because if I remember well, we were best friends, you know? Do you think it's normal thinking about your best friend that way?" You grab his face in your hands, making him look at you as you talk. 
"Like you're one to talk" He rolls his eyes. 
"I'm sorry? I've never thought that" You add, innocently. 
"Because I didn't see you almost drool when I wore that outfit you bought me" You smile thinking about it, wondering how you got him to accept your gift. 
"You looked hot, you should wear it again" You smile, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. 
"Didn't you say you never thought that?" He closes his eyes halfway, leaning in to kiss you again. 
"But we're already dating, dumbass" You smile
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
They said the end is coming
"What if something happens to you because of me?" You see him trying to hold the tears in his eyes. 
"No, listen, listen-" You try to talk, but he doesn't seem to care. 
"No, wait, wait, wait" He cuts you off, not willing to let you talk. "I cannot let that happen"
"Listen to me" You get closer to him, so he has no choice but to lean on the wall behind him. "You're Spider-Man, and I love that. But I love Peter Parker more, I always loved you, with no Spider bite and all, with glasses, contact lenses or whatever, that's not gonna change" You search for his gaze. "That's worth it to me"
"I can't lose you" He says, looking directly into your eyes. 
"If because you can't lose me, we can't be together, who does that work out for, Peter?" You ask, already knowing the answer. 
"I can't, I'm sorry Y/n" You look away, laughing as the tears begin to fill your eyes. 
"Wow. You've done this to me again and again Peter. I can't live like this" You take a step backwards as you talk.
"I know, I'm sorry" He doesn't move, instead, he looks at you. "We should break up" He says, so quietly that you have to lean forwards to make sure you heard him right. 
"What?" You ask him. 
"We should break up" You stare at him, not showing any emotion. 
"No" You simply say, crossing your arms. 
"What?- You can't say no to a break up?" He frowns. 
"I can, and I do, we are not breaking up" You remind him. 
"Y/n… It's for the best" He looks down. 
"No" You cross your arms. He sighs, passing a hand through his hair. 
"I said I can't live like this, but not in that way. You can break up with me when you stop loving me, or when being with me hurts you. But not because of self sabotaging" You don’t talk for a second, letting him process the information. “So, I’m gonna go, talk to me when you don’t want to break up with me”
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
When you open your shared playlist the morning after, you see that the most recent added song is Afterglow-Taylor Swift
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
Everyone’s up to something
You don’t see Peter until the night after your ‘break up’. He is on your door, with flowers in his hands and sorrys on his lips.
“I’m sorry” He talks as you let him in, scanning his body for new bruises.
“Are you okay?” You ask, grabbing the flowers to put them in a vase. 
“You’re too good for me” He mutters as you lead him to the couch, making him sit next to you.
“Stop saying that” You remind him, grabbing his hand.
“I’m sorry” He looks at you, nothing but honesty in his eyes.
“You came here to tell me something, didn’t you?” He nods, still looking for madness in your eyes. “Then do it”
“I don’t want to break up with you, but I don’t want to lose you. If something happened to you because of me, I’d never forgive me. But you make me happy, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, I don’t want to lose you” He hugs you, not sure if you’re the one who’s going to break up with him.
“You won’t lose me Peter, they won’t hurt me, if I survived Flash’s tries to flirt with me, I’ll survive anything. I promise” He stays silent for a moment, chuckling at the Flash's mention. Then, he talks.
“I love you”
“I love you too”
He stays there for the night, giving you nothing but kisses, hugs and sweet nothings. 
🕸   ⊹    ⋆
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings 
“Shut up” Peter says, finally getting up from the chair and walking to his bed, where you're laying. 
“No, I’m being for real, hear me out” He suddenly lies on top of you, leaving you unable to get up, but you keep talking. “We make T-shirts with exclusive pictures, and boom, we’re rich”
“You really want to sell my pictures?” He puts his head on your chest, closing his eyes. 
“What about one with no shirt and the mask, to keep your identity safe-” Even though he’s not looking, he can feel your smile as he covers your mouth with his hand.
“Let’s sleep” You laugh, pulling his hand away from your face.
“We could be rich” You remind him.
“Shut up” He chuckles, lifting his head to look at you.
“Okay, maybe not sell them to the press, but” He waits for you to finish, raising his 
“Don’t you think Flash would want a T-shirt from the actual Spiderman?”
He doesn’t react for a moment, considering if you’re being serious or not, then, he kisses you, a quick peck, giving you no time to react.
“I’m so in love with you” He says, his head on your chest again.
"I'm so in love with you too" You tell him, with your hand through his hair.
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backtothefanfiction · 6 months
Crushed | Peter x Reader x Harry imagine
Summary: Your boyfriend sometimes has anger problems, but this is the first time he’s ever taken it out on you. Thank the lord his best friend was there to step in.
Warnings: angst, jealousy, unintentionally angry abusive boyfriend (it’s Harry’s illness), protective friend, needle, strangling, a little bit of infidelity (it’s just one kiss)
Word Count: Maybe 1.5k-ish (wrote in app and can’t really check. Was supposed to be a quick on but…)
A/N: this is an apology story as my other longer stories still aren’t ready yet. I needed some angst and this idea just popped into my head, soooo, let’s go.
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To say your boyfriend had a bit of a temper was an understatement. It was something he got from his father along with his rich kid entitlement. He wasn’t always like this. He was usually nice. He took great pride in having bagged you for a girlfriend and loved showing you off to people. However he wasn’t stupid. He knew how people looked at you when they thought he wasn’t looking.
Jealous. Your boyfriend was easily jealous. He’d catch guys looking and would be quick to remind them who you belonged to. An angry stare here, smashed glass and punch in the face there, but he’d never taken it out on you.
That was until his father died. Suddenly Harry had even more feelings than he knew how to deal with. Often multiple feelings at the same time. That and the fact he was dying. You weren’t supposed to know, but you’d overheard him talking to Peter about it. He’d been coming around a lot more since Norman had died. He was an old friend from when Harry was a kid. You thought it was good for him, he seemed a little more at ease despite the doom and gloom. You got on well with him too. He was kind and easy to talk to. He seemed to be the only guy Harry didn’t seem threatened by around you. That was until tonight.
You had all gone out for dinner. Harry had seemed off for the whole meal but you thought it was just because of his illness. Heck, maybe his anger was just another part of his illness. He was quiet and logical, all the way through the meal. He often looked between Peter and you as you spoke so easily to one another. You seemed to laugh at every single one of his jokes and Harry could have sworn he saw a particular warmth and sparkle to your eyes.
He was silent the whole cab ride home and kept shrugging you off whenever you asked him what the matter was, his fingers flexing over his knees. When Peter asked the same question he just ignored you both and looked out the window.
You had both said goodnight to Peter when you had gotten out of the car.
“You gonna be okay?” Peter quietly asked you as Harry began to make his way to the front door of the building.
“Yeah, of course.” You nodded. “Good night Peter.” You smiled before quickly following after your boyfriend.
Being in the elevator with Harry felt like being in a pressure cooker, the higher the elevator got to the penthouse, the more tight and constricting the air felt; until you reached the top and he seemingly began to explode.
You watched on as he made a beeline to his Fathers alcohol, knocking back shot of whisky after shot of whisky and shouting about Peter.
“I saw the way he looked at you…. And when he touched you….” He ranted jealously as he paced back and forth across the floor as you sat frozen on the sofa.
You watched as the veins in his neck began to bulge slowly turning a darker shade of green. He was beginning to scare you.
“Harry, maybe I should go home.” You tentatively said standing, grabbing your coat off the arm of the sofa where you had placed it and folding it over your arm.
It was like he fully remembered you were in the room. And not in a good way. His eyes were completely black as they locked onto you. “And you,” he snarled, “you like him back don’t you sweetheart. The way you giggle at his jokes and fix his clothes and-“
“Harry. Harry stop. You’re scaring me.” You tried to say as you stumbled backwards towards the door. You were trying to not make sudden movements, trying to keep your energy calm and placate him long enough to get out the door but it was no good. Harry was gone.
Your back hit a large pillar and he was on you in seconds, his hand around your throat as he began to squeeze. “Harry!” You tried to say but it was difficult with how tightly he was squeezing. You couldn’t breath, you began to make choking noises as your finger nails reached to claw at the back of his hand. “Harry.” Your voice was high pitched and raspy. “I don’t… please.”
There was a loud thud as the front door burst open, Peter rushing in and tackling Harry to the ground. You gasped as oxygen flooded your lungs and your legs gave way, your body collapsing into a heap on the floor. Tears pricked your eyes as your chest heaved, panicked coughs wracking your body. Your vision was patchy as you tried to watch Peter and Harry, wrestling on the ground.
“Harry! Harry!” Peter said as he pinned his friend to the floor. “Harry, look at me! This isn’t you! Stop it,” Harry just kept fighting though, his body writhing underneath Peter’s, but Peter didn’t budge.
“Get off me! I hate you! You’re fucking my girlfriend!”
“Get off me!”
“Harry this isn’t you. I wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t do that. Harry!”
Harry’s wails were animal like.
You knew you had to do something to help. You remembered the medicine Harry was secretly keeping in his desk drawer. Your legs felt wobbly as you tried to stand, hobbling into his office in the next room. Your fingers were frantic as you opened the desk drawer and took out a vile and fresh needle. You rested your weight against the desk as you readied the shot.
“Peter. Here use this,” you said almost defeated as you made your way back into the other room.
You had no idea how Peter was able to hold down the still thrashing Harry and take the needle from you with such steady hands. Peter wasted no time in pushing the needle into one of the bulging veins in Harry’s neck, quickly administering the medicine that began to take immediate effect. Harry’s body went limp as he calmed, his eyes closing as if he was relishing in the relief. The veins in his neck seemed to settle and the green track marks began to recede.
Peter’s body collapsed to one side on the floor, removing his weight from Harry’s body. When it was evident Harry was out for the count and sleeping off his episode, the brown haired boy finally turned to you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, scrambling across the floor to where you too had collapsed, adrenaline beginning to dissipate.
You groaned slightly as you blinked away your tears and rubbed at the ghostly feeling of Harry’s fingers at your neck. “Ow.” You said hoarsely as Peter’s hands reached out and tilted your chin up and turned you in the light to get a better look at your neck.
“Yeah, that’s gonna leave a mark.” He said.
“I thought you went home.” You croaked.
“Don’t try and talk.” He said. “Come on.” He reached out for your hands and pulled you up off the floor, walking you towards the kitchen where he sat you on one of the stools. He grabbed you a glass of water and told you to take small sips while he put Harry to bed.
“Is he gonna be okay?” You asked when he came back into the room.
“I thought I told you not to try and talk.”
You simply shot him a look in response.
“He’s gonna be fine. Well, he’ll make it through the night anyway.” Implying that although Harry was alive now, Peter might just kill him himself tomorrow for what he had just done to you.
You couldn’t help but look at Peter differently then. He’d saved your life. Harry was about to strangle you to death and he’d saved your life. “Peter?”
He raised his eyebrows at you in a way that said ‘what did I tell you about trying to talk?’ But you ignored him.
“Thank you.” You said, settling for a whisper.
He gave you a small smile. “Come on. Let’s get you to a doctor and get that throat looked at.”
You quickly shook your head no, but instantly regretted it, wincing as your throat protested against the movement. “No Doctor. They’ll report it. I don’t want him getting in trouble.” You tried to say, but your voice became more strained as you tried to get the words out.
“Fine. Fine.” Peter said, raising his arms in front of you in a calming manor, trying to ease the rising panic in your eyes. “Okay. But I am taking you home. And I’m never leaving you on your own with him again.”
“Peter, what he said about-“
Peter shook his head cutting you off. “Not now.”
He wrapped his arm around you as he guided you back through the apartment. He grabbed your coat off of the floor and placed it over your shoulders, before he placed a protective hand to your back once more and lead you out the door.
When you got back to your parents apartment, Peter took you all the way up to the door. Your hand froze on the door handle, key halfway to the lock when you turned back to him with tears in your eyes. The reality of the night was finally sinking in. You worried at your lip before you asked, “Will you stay?”
“I uh,” he stammered, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, what would Harry say?”
“Peter please. I don’t care… I’m scared.” Your voice said vulnerably. “Please.”
His hand reached out to cup your cheek. His thumb smoothing away the tear that rolled down it. “I can’t. I wish I could but I can’t.”
“Because of Harry’s jealousy?”
“Because he’s right.”
His words stun you. They put a stop to your tears as curiosity forms inside you instead. You try to speak but he stops you.
“He’s right to be jealous.”
“Why?” Your voice is a barely audible whisper.
“Because I’m falling for you.”
You’re not sure why you do it. Maybe it’s the shock of everything. Maybe it’s because he saved your life and you feel like you owe him. Maybe it’s because you really did have feelings for him too. But you lean forward and kiss him. It’s short and sweet. Delicate.
His hand hovers at the side of your face. You know he wants more. And if it wasn’t for Harry, if it wasn’t for everything that had just happened he’d take more. But he fights it. And so do you.
You know you shouldn’t ask again, not after you just kissed him, but you are more scared to be alone right now than not say it. “Please stay. I promise I won’t do that again. Just, please don’t leave me on my own.”
He hasn’t got the heart to say no to you again. He simply gives a small nod, his hand indicating for you to open the door, a silent promise that he’d follow.
You both agreed he’d sleep on the cushioned bench under your window. You had gotten him a blanket and pillow before you crawled into bed. You both just stayed there in your positions across the room, staring at each other, you lying down, him just sat, his back leaning against the wall next to the window.
You didn’t know when you had eventually fallen asleep, but when you woke up, Peter was gone and the window had been left slightly open. Your neck felt stiff and all you wanted to do was roll over and forget everything had happened. Everything except for that kiss.
As your lips tingled and a fuzzy feeling settled into the pit of your stomach, you knew one thing for sure. Your boyfriend was a dick and you were definitely crushing on his best friend.
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unipacas · 11 months
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been thinking about them so much......divorced co-parents......
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prentissology · 1 year
lol, there is something so incredibly haunting about the way peter is bathed in the colors of spider man during his death. the way you can clearly see the hues of red and blue amongst the background - which looks more like gwen's spider suit than anything else.
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also him being painted as “spider man” during his death is him being gwen's gwen stacy. in every other universe, spider man is unable to save gwen stacy from falling to her death; or from her death. but in gwen's universe - she's spider (wo)man, she's the peter parker who had to watch her gwen fall.
but also, something that isn’t in theme with gwen stacy and spider man is that spider man is always unable to save gwen stacy, that does not mean he is directly responsible for her death. he did not kill gwen stacy. he's never able to catch her, but he is not who kills her. but for peter's death, gwen had fought him, she had injured her best friend and she was inadvertently responsible for the piece of rubble that fell on the lizard. she killed peter parker. she was unable to save him because she was what he died to, gwen stacy falls to her death looking at what was supposed to be her savior, peter parker dies looking at his murderer.
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anyways psa somebody give gwen a hug, and maybe more fanfic love from the fandom.
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nessieart · 1 year
Teeth pt. 3
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Characters: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Shifter!Reader
Eventual Tony x Reader, slow burn?
WC: ~3.9k (it got away from me sorry!)
AN: Holy moly a pt3? I’ve really been enjoying writing, and I'm just trying to keep it going because at the end of the day its for me, and if you’re along for the journey then I'm glad you’re here reading, too.
Warnings: Canon divergent sorta cause i love peter so much. Cursing, no y/n used, canon level violence?, made up fantasy stuff most likely.
Summary: You try to explain who and what you are to the group.
There's a silence that lingers longer than you'd like. It drags on for a few minutes after Peter leaves. You feel like everyone is holding their breath, waiting for something to happen. You shift on your feet, the Captains still standing behind you, but he removed his hand from your shoulder.
You looked at him over your shoulder, "I'm sorry for my outburst, Captain," you spoke softly. "I can't guarantee it won't happen again, but in my defense, it is close to the full moon."
You tried to smile a little, to ease the tension in the room.
"Please, call me Steve," he released a deep breath you're sure he wasn't aware he was holding, and returned your smile. "You wouldn't mind telling us a bit about yourself, maybe? Where are you from, how did you get here?" Steve gestures his arms out wide, probably in a general sense of New York and not the Tower.
You look from Stark to Dr Banner. The former sweeps his hand out for you to continue.
With a heavy sigh you move and sit down on a chair closest to you. It's squishy and comfortable, not something you'd associate with a Billionaires taste in furniture. Style and function over comfort.
You fidget with your hands in your lap while you gather your thoughts. No use keeping it all back now.
"I'm from an area outside Sedona, Arizona," you start, still looking at your hands on your lap. "I was born in 1923." You hear a choking noise from across the room, looking up you see Stark cough into the new glass of scotch he poured.
"I-Im sorry?" Stark says, placing his drink down, "you look like you're 25!" His hands articulate around him like he can't fathom it.
"Yeah, and so does he," you point to Steve.
"But I was on ice for 70 years," Steve tilts it head to the side, eyebrows drawn down in question.
You shrug, "I'm supernatural. Shifters and werebeings and things like that live really long lives. Usually."
"You said, 'usually', what's another factor?" Dr Banner speaks up this time. He's moved across the room to sit on the edge of the couch across from you.
"Untimely death," you say. "Sometimes if a supernatural being forms a bond with a human so strong they tend to have the human's lifespan." Your fidgeting is back, out of the corner of your
eye you see Steve make his way to the couch where Dr Banner is.
You take another breath before continuing, "My papa was a shifter, my ma was a human. When my mother died Papa died not too long after." You see the sadness in Steve's eyes, Dr Banner gives you a sad smile. Stark's looking down at his drink in his hands. You know people aren't foreign to loss, and you can see it on all three of the men's faces in the room. "After Papa died, it was just my brother's and I," you continue. "I had four older brothers, me, and two younger brothers. Out of the 7 of us, only one was human. My youngest brother, Arthur, we all called him Artie," you smile a bit at the memory of your family. "He was 16 when he was drafted into the army..." your trail off, looking out the window instead.
"I lost my best friend while overseas, fighting back HYDRA," Steve says softly. He’s leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees. "He fell from a train and I couldn't do anything but watch him fall," he's gripping his hands together so tight his knuckles are white. "I used to question what was the use of me getting the serum if I couldn't even save the one person that meant more to me than anyone else in the world..." Steve heaves a sigh, he's looking at you now, his gaze unwavering. The bright blue of his eyes are startling.
"I was told I was always meant for more. And then I crashed that plane into the Arctic, and woke up a year ago. I lost everyone I ever cared about in the blink of an eye for me."
"I'm so sorry, Steve," you say. And you mean it, "My brother Artie is still alive, he has a family and lives in Oregon. He's a grandfather with 4 grandkids." You get up and pace a little, making your way over to Stark. "I haven't seen him in almost 20 years."
He looks up from his glass, when you stop in front of him. "I'd make a Twilight joke, but I really don't want you to bite me," Stark says. He watches as you take the glass from his hands and bring it to your lips, downing the rest of the contents. You can tell it's expensive, the scotch is smooth going down and only burns a little at the end. You hand the glass back to Stark, his face is blank and you can't tell what he's thinking.
You lick your lips to get the rest of the scotch off, and his eyes track the movement. For a moment you two stare at each other, Stark breaks eye contact first, clearing his throat he taps the light you just noticed in the middle of his chest.
"My parents died in a car accident when I was younger," Stark says quietly, he avoids your gaze for a moment, still tapping at the light in his chest. You think it might be a nervous tick of his.
"I'm sorry," you tell him, hedging away and going back to your chair near Steve and Banner. Stark hums in acknowledgement, he seems lost in thought for a moment.
"What about the rest of your brothers?" Banner asks.
"I have a twin, I'm 12 minutes older than him," you smile slightly, "always used to make fun of him for it. His name's Leon. My younger brothers and I are the only ones still alive."
"What happened?" It was Stark who spoke up, he was standing behind the couch where Steve and Banner sat. His question was soft, so was his gaze.
"Hunters," was all you said. Spitting the word out like venom. Your hands balling into fists in your lap. You didn't notice yourself get so angry you were growling until a hesitant hand was on your knee. Your head shot up and you were staring at Stark. Whiskey colored eyes staring at you, his face full of concern. He's sitting on the coffee table in front of you
You took a deep breath and relaxed your hands, there was blood on your nails from when your claws dug into your palms, the wounds already closing.
"I'm -"
"If you say sorry one more time I'll throw a fit," Stark tries to joke to lighten the mood. His hands still on your knee when you nod at him, grateful to not have to go into detail about your other siblings.
"Why don't we call it a night?" Steve's the one to speak up now, he stands, and tilts his head towards you. You agree with a nod, and Stark squeezes your knee a little before he stands up and backs away.
You stand and wrap your arms around yourself, "I want to thank you for listening to my story," you speak softly. "Steve, Dr Banner," you nod at each of the men. And then you look at Stark, "Stark."
"I think after all that you can call me Bruce," he smiles at you as he puts his hands in his pants pockets. You hum in agreement.
Stark makes his way to the elevators, followed by Steve and Bruce, he looks back at you, "C'mon Big Bad, I'll show you to your room." The lift on the right dings open and all three men step inside. You follow after a moment.
Steve's standing at parade rest in the center of the elevator, oh yeah definitely a military man. Bruce is to his right and next to him stands Stark. You stand next to Steve in the corner on his left. The doors close and you're left in silence as the elevator descends.
Being in this close proximity to them all the smells are jumbled and mixed together. You can pick out Steve fairly easily, after he gave you that bear hugging grip earlier you remember his scent. You don't realize you're leaning into him until he clears his throat.
You jump back, " I, uh, sorry. You smell like a forest. It's nice," you're acutely aware that your face is bright red as you look down at your feet.
Steve chuckles lightly, "It's alright. Good to know I don't smell terrible." He's grinning at you when you look up at him. He's also sporting a slight blush, the tips of his ears are red as well. You smile up at him.
“Does everyone have a different smell to you?” Bruce asks, he looks around Steve to you.
You nod, you’ve never really had to explain it before, “You know, hm. Damn, this might be harder to explain than I thought.” The elevator dings again, and the doors open.
“Maybe you can explain it tomorrow?” Bruce asks, him and Steve exiting the lift together. You smile and nod. They bid you and Stark farewell and goodnight before the doors close again.
You’re not sure where you’ll be staying until the doors open again only a few floors down. Stark motions for you to exit before him and he follows you out into a large living area. The couch in the center of the room is sunken into the floor, the comfiest couch is littered with blankets and pillows. The space looks well lived in, there's a fireplace across the couch on the right wall, and above it is a large flatscreen tv. The floor to ceiling windows are on the far side of the living space across from the wall the elevator is on. There's a kitchenette on the far side as well. To your left is a hallway, it looks like there’s 3 doors down that way.
You take a big inhale, getting used to the space, and you’re hit with that bubblegum scent here. It’s all over the space. You light up and smile, “Peter,” is all you say when you look at Stark.
He hums, “Yeah. This is where the kid stays when he’s here at the Tower. Usually on the weekends.” Starks rocking back on his heels with his hands in his pockets. “I hope this is okay, for you to stay in while you’re here.” He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. Was he nervous?
“This is more than enough,” you say. “I can’t remember the last time I stayed somewhere as nice or as big as this,” you look around the room. “Actually, I can't remember the last time I stayed indoors.” You go to move towards the couch, you really wanted to get comfy and get under those blankets.
“There's three rooms down the hall, the one on the right is Peet’s,” Stark supplies, “the other two are fair game. Basic clothing, toiletries, etc. Help yourself to whatever’s in the kitchen.” He isn't looking at you while he speaks. In fact, he hedged his way back towards the elevator while you weren’t looking. It makes you upset that he’s suddenly uncomfortable around you. A small whine escapes you before you could stop it, he looks at you then. Eyes a little wide and brows furrowed.
“I uh, sorry,” you say, fidgeting your fingers together, “You, um, n-never mind. I’ll figure it all out.”
Stark nods, “J, make sure she has everything she needs,” he says to the ceiling. The AI responds in affirmation. Stark says your name as the elevator doors open. The lights from the lift cast his form in a silhouette, and he bids you a goodnight.
“Thank you, Stark,” you say with a wave.
“Call me Tony,” he calls as the doors close and there's a quiet ding.
You’re left on your own in a space that lingers with the faintest hint of cedar and cut grass.
You’re hesitant to speak to the AI, not used to talking to yourself out loud, and having something that responds back. You make your way towards the rooms instead and check to see if Peter’s was open.
You push the door open and inside is the biggest bed you've ever seen, the sheets and comforter are rumpled and well used, there's socks and shirts and gym shorts on the floor and hanging out of the hamper next to a door on the left wall. That door leads to an ensuite bathroom, all of Peter's ’s toiletries are strewn about.
You take it upon yourself to straighten things out, cleaning off the sink and countertop, arranging the bottles around nicely, removing his dirty laundry and putting them in the baskets by the door. You tidy up the shower stall as well, placing the soaps and shampoos away.
You’re tempted to take one yourself, but decide to finish cleaning up Peter’s room. You're not sure when you'll see him next and want his space to be nice when he returns. After the bed is made and the dirty laundry is away in baskets, you check the wardrobe, there's a few shirts and hoodies hung up and drawers full of undergarments and socks and shorts.
You grab the largest hoodie there, it's well worn, big, red, and smells like detergent. You also grab some boxer briefs until you can clean your own clothes. You shed your dirty clothes and put them to the side, and turn on the shower. The room is steamy when you step into the shower stall, the water temperature perfect and you sigh in relief. It sure beats washing up in a fountain or stream in Central Park.
The soaps and shampoo feel nice as you lather them. You'll have to ask Stark for some unscented soaps, but for now these will do fine.
After drying off you put the oversized hoodie on, which reaches just above your knees, along with the boxer briefs. It's warm and cozy, and you see why Peter keeps it. You gather your dirty clothes and put them near the couch in the living area. This couch has been calling your name since you walked into the space earlier.
You arrange the blankets just right in the middle of the giant couch, and shift into your overly large coyote form. It was easier shifting this close to the full moon than during any other moon phase. You make yourself comfortable in the blankets and hoodie as you are sent into a fast and deep sleep.
You aren't aware of how you came out of your slumber, but there's a weight next to you and someone's hand softly running over your head, and down to your shoulder blades. It repeats again, the same languid motion of being petted. And then you let out a purr, it's low and rumbles in your chest and you sink further into the affection.
Inhaling deeply you smell citrus and bubblegum, which isn't a surprise because you're in Peter’s living space after all. But it's stronger now and then you hear a chuckle.
With a yelp you spring off the couch, blue eyes wide as you stare at Peter.
He's trying not to laugh too hard, “Oh no! Sorry I woke you,” he says between giggles. “I didn’t know you could turn when it's not the full moon! That’s so cool. And you’re really soft, I couldn't help it.”
You huff, prancing back over to where Peter's sitting on the couch, and flump down next to him. He’s grinning down at you as you put your head in his lap, and he raises his hand back to scratch behind your ears. You didn't realize how touch starved you were until Peter started lazily petting you again, the purr you let out was loud now and you plan on soaking up the affection for as long as he’ll allow.
The lift door dings, but you can’t hear it while Peter tells you about school, his aunt, and his friends. Every sentence feels long and run together with how fast and enthusiastic he speaks. But you don't mind, you really like Peter. He reminds you so much of your younger brothers when you were kids.
“Well, that's not something you see everyday,” Stark says after a moment, he has an amused look on his face. He’s standing behind the couch where you and Peter are. How did you not notice him coming in? “Comfy Wile E.?” That dumb smirk is on his face and there's a twinkle in his honeyed brown eyes.
You grumble as best you can, grabbing the hoodie and boxers in your mouth and trotting out of the room into Peter’s bedroom. You shift back to human and put the clothes on before you return into the living area a few moments later. Peter’s pouting looking up at Stark, the latter has his back to you when you come in.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up,” you comment dryly, “like i haven't heard that before.”
They turn to look at you, Peter still has a slight pout, and as Stark looks you over you hear a sharp intake of breath, there's a slight blush that rises to his cheeks and he clears his throat as he stands to his full height.
“Bruce is in the lab,” Stark says, “wanted to know if you, uh, wanted to do whatever it is you do.” He gestures around you vaguely.
“You could’ve told JARVIS and we would have made our way up,” pipes up Peter, his arms are crossed over the back of the couch, and his head is resting on his arms. He’s hiding a grin when he looks at you, and you roll your eyes. Stark clears his throat again.
You hum, “Not like I have anywhere else to be,” ignoring Peter’s comment. The teen bounds up off the couch to follow you to the lab to see what Bruce wanted. He missed your telling of your history last night, but you could tell him about it another time.
As you enter the lab, you notice Bruce is hunched over a table, he’s looking into a microscope and glancing at a tablet he jots notes down every so often.
“Brucey, I come bearing gifts,” Starks sing-song voice rings out in the lab.
Without turning around, Bruce sighs, “Please, Tony, I really can’t stand those smoothies you make–” he cuts off mid sentence, having noticed other people in the room other than Stark. “Oh,” he chuckles lightly, removing his glasses as he turns towards your group, “sorry about that. I didn’t know Tony was going to get you.” he glances at Stark then back to you and Peter.
Stark makes himself seem busy, standing at a different table in the lab. There’s machine parts and tools strewn across it, “Hmm? Never said that,” he mutters to himself. He peers out the corner of his eye at you, and you’re looking at him with your head tilted to the side, and another blush rises to his cheeks as he averts his gaze back to the table.
Hmm, Cute…
Wait, what?
You shake your head a bit, looking back to Bruce, “So, what is it you need me to do, Doc?”
Bruce grabs his tablet, tapping away for a moment before he swipes up and the video from a month ago of you in the alley with 4 of those thugs is in the space between you.
A growl lets loose from your throat at the image, Bruce raises a hand in defense, and then he taps a few more times and swipes up again and a still image of you shifted to your coyote lying on your back with Peter petting you while you two were on the couch.
This time you feel the heat rush from your neck all the way up to your ears, it’s a hot embarrassing blush and you put a hand to your cheeks to try and cool the burn.
Next to you, Peter lets out a quiet ‘aw’ and he places a hand on top of your head and ruffles your hair a bit. You don't fight him, you enjoy his brotherly affections. You smile over at him and playfully shove him away from you.
When you look back to Bruce he’s smiling at you both, you clear your throat, “Ah, what do you need me to do?”
Bruce stands and walks through the projections, motioning to the still video he says, “How is it you can look like this and this?” He then motions to the candid picture of Peter and you.
“The large anthro build is a defensive form of shifting, for fighting mostly,” you explain. “We still have use of our hands, and our legs are very powerful. I could probably jump a small story building in one leap if I were to really try.”
“Whoa, like Superman!” Peter exclaims. You snort at him, you were no superhero, and you definitely don’t wear capes.
The still is zoomed in on you, fur covering your arms and legs. Your fingers have long claws coming from your nail beds. Your face is a mix of half dog half human, fur covering your cheeks and down your neck to your chest. Your nose and mouth elongated into a half formed muzzle. There's a snarl on your face and your teeth are long and pointed k9s. Your ears had shifted to long points with tufts of fur at the tips. A tail protrudes out the back of you above your ripped and tattered jeans. You're surprised your clothes aren't rags by now.
“And the normal quadrupedal form is the most common one used amongst Shifters. It’s fast and easy to shift to, it blends in with other wildlife, usually. I uh, this isn't something I’ve had to explain before, sorry if there’s something that's confusing.”
Bruce nods along with your explanation, he seems to understand somewhat. He was typing on his tablet while you spoke, probably writing notes about your forms.
“Are there any other forms you can shift to?” he asks when he finishes typing, he moves back to his desk.
“None I'm comfortable doing right now,” you supply. “The one I need to shift to is my coyote form, and the need becomes greater the closer to the full moon. That's why you walked in on me like that, Bug. I feel like I’m crawling out of my skin the longer I put off shifting, even standing here right now is making me crazy.”
“You’re very soft,” Peter grins. “I thought you were a werewolf though? You said coyote?”
You nod, “I’m a shifter, it’s different in the sense that I was born this way, not bitten.” All heads turn towards you with wide eyes. “What?”
Peter sputters a little, “You can be bitten?! And turned into a coyote? Or a wolf?”
“Says the kid who was bitten by a radioactive spider, and got super human abilities,” Stark says.
Now it’s your turn to stare wide-eyed.
I'm sorry, what?
You honestly shouldn't be surprised by a lot of things, coming from the supernatural world. At least that's what you thought a year ago, before literal aliens came pouring out of the sky in the middle of Midtown New York.
AN: thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, it really means a lot to me! I wasn’t planning on making this more than one part, but here we are!
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We Write the Story-[P.P.] | Chapter Three
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Pairings: TASM!Peter Parker x (Black!)Hispanic!College!Female!Reader
Chapter Summary:  The battle is won, but the war is far from over
Takes place during No Way Home
Word Count: 3.9k words
Content: Some superhero fighting, angst, language, mentions of death,
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A/N: This chapter is pretty dialogue heavy, and I definitely struggle with that. So if you see any parts that need clarity, PLEASE TELL ME. I can't improve if I don't know where to grow.
This chapter is definitely a little more angsty but the fun stuff is coming as soon as I watch across the spider-verse
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Your arms sting from the whipping cold air. The chill floated off the water and soaked you to the bone. You almost felt like you were buzzing-your brain hummed off adrenaline. 
Then you felt strong arms. Textured webbing sticking awkwardly on your clothes. A loud thwip and a jolt as your body stopped moving. You opened your eyes and summer bourbon bulbs bored into you, glassy like morning dew. His gaze was fixed on you, your rising chest, your frightened expression, your shaking body. Signs of life. 
His lips trembled slightly as he tried to steady his ragged breaths, “Are you okay?”
You can’t move your eyes from his, lost in the greige swimming in auburn pools. You slowly register his words, then nod your head. His head collapses forward like it was taking all his strength to keep it up before. 
“Oh, thank God.”
You say nothing, just letting his body rack with sobs, so feeling too in shock yourself to cry. You brought a hand up to his hair, just holding him for a moment. 
But your moment of peace was quickly disturbed by the cry of Michelle.
You look up, then follow her gaze to the fallen shield resting at the base of Lady Liberty, where Petey is face to face with the Green Goblin. Petey was crouched low to the ground— full attack position. You could see the rigidity in his muscles, a kind of tension that scared you. But not as much as his cold expression, which was only made more horrifying by the scrapes and cuts littering his face. The Goblin chuckled at something Petey had said, and while it was too far away to hear, you could feel it. 
“Get me over there.”
You can see Peter shake his head in your peripheral, “No. Absolutely not; it’s not safe.”
You attempt to leave his grasp, but he just readjusts his arms, and you continue to watch on. 
They begin to dance around each other. Petey usually fights defensively, but you watch in horror as he charges the demented old man. He shoots off a few webs that the other man dodges, then swings and traps the man’s foot against the polished copper beneath them. 
The following punch is audible. You watch as the older man crumpled to the ground and gasp. You had seen him and Petey fight before. You had watched Petey swing with powerful, calculated fists while escaping Happy’s. When the Goblin’s nauseating cackle filled the air, he took each blow with a smile on his face. The Goblin wasn’t just insane, but very intelligent and strong enough to do some real damage. 
You quickly realise that Petey isn’t holding back. You watch as he launches himself into the air, then directs all of his weight and force into his fist. The Goblin dodges out of the way, probably doing the math like you did and calculating that Peter’s fist would have absolutely gone through his skull if he didn’t move. Instead, it hit the metal and you felt the shockwaves in your ribs.
“He needs me; let me go!”
Before you can argue further, Peter is securing you to him like you were tandem climbing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, a knee-jerk reaction to suddenly being launched. He shot two webs on the scaffolding, flinging himself up the side. He tried his best not to jostle you as he continued his way up.
He only made an effort to distance himself once you were back on stable ground and fully had your footing. There was a slight tremor in his hands as he tore away the web that attached you, and every time you caught his eyes, he looked at you like you were a ghost. 
You wanted to question it further, but you didn’t have the time. Your brother needed you. The only family you had left needed you. 
Peter took a running start to the railing, and you immediately chased after him. 
He abruptly turned, grabbing your shoulders. “(Y/n), listen to me. It’s not safe. You can’t come with. Stay here, where it’s safe.”
You felt your eyes water, and finally, you let out everything you had. The grief you never acknowledged, the fear you tucked away, the multiple near-death experiences, everything. But you still didn’t have time for grief- you had to act. You felt a rage burning in your bones, a true outrage for the injustice you had been served by the universe, and you let Peter have all of it. 
“Don’t tell me about staying safe. No amount of being careful will save you. I know you know that. But you listen here: I don’t know who (Y/n) was to you in your world, but I’m not her. And in my world, I have exactly one person left. He has never stopped saving people because it wasn’t safe, and I will not leave him.”
Peter blinked a few times, not expecting your outburst. You watched as he swallowed your words. 
“Please,” you begged. “I can talk him down, let me try.”
Peter’s face twisted into anger before releasing a frustrated yell. He begins pacing while muttering curses under his breath. He raises his head, looking into your eyes once again, and you know you’ve won.
“Dammit!” He shouts, pointing an angry finger at you. “Fine! I will bring you down there, but you will not get close. You will stay far away from any action, and I can remove you at any time. Got it?”
You agree and he reluctantly secured you once again.
It didn't even look like a fair fight. The Goblin had a blade, of sorts, and you watch as it connected exactly once with Petey. He grunted, looking more pissed off than frightened. He landed a punch in the middle of The Goblin's face, and you felt your own nose twinge at the thought that that would have probably caved in your skull.
You watched as he threw the Goblin up over his head and the back down on his neck. He didn’t let up. The Goblin was brought to his knees and received blow after blow. Anytime he started to fall over, Petey would set him back up like it was just a punching bag and not a life he was slowly ending. Your stomach fell when you saw him going for the glider, holding it above his head, ready to give the final blow.
Peter must have read your mind, jumping in just in time to prevent Petey from letting his rage take control. They struggled for a minute, Petey trying to push down harder and Peter fixing him with a silent look.
“Petey, No!” You watched his body stiffen at the sound of your shaking voice. “Please, don’t do this.”
He makes no effort to turn around, and you understand it’s because he’s trying to protect you. From the monster or himself, you didn’t know.
“Get out of here, (Y/n); it’s not safe. Go back with the others.”
You shook your head, taking a tentative step forward that Peter really didn’t like.
“I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”
Petey said nothing. His body looked tired, exhausted by all that was today. You watched as the grief and pain settled into his bones, and his shoulders sagged. There was caked dirt all over his face and a stream of mostly dried blood that made your stomach churn coming from his temple. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to see him the same as before. Not when you’ve seen his face like this. No smile or Hello Kitty bandaid could make you forget this. 
“Come on, Petey, let’s go home.”
It was more of a desperate plea than anything else. You didn’t really have a home anymore. Everything was gone. It was just you and Petey. But you didn’t care where “home” was, so long as Petey was there.
The spider-men locked eyes and there was a conversation there that only multiversal twins could have. You watched Petey’s face soften and his arms slowly relax, while Peter slowly nodded his head as if saying, “That’s right. Put it down. You don’t want to do this. Not really.”
You held out your hand, palm up towards the endless sky. With bated breath, you waited for Petey to turn around and take it. Instead, you received more of a tackle-hug. He hid his face in your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist.
The memory of your first hug came to mind. You had been going over to the Parker apartment almost every day to hang out with little Petey. Miss May and Mr Ben were excited to see Peter was no longer hiding under his bed and seemed to smile and laugh around you. This morning you came over with your backpack and lunchbox, ready for the first day of second grade. Your father knocked on the door for you, and Mr Ben was quick to open it.
“He’s hiding in his room; he doesn’t want to go. May’s trying to get him out from under the bed now.”
The man look tired, and his hair was wild from running his fingers through it. His shirt had wrinkles in it and what looked like a juice stain. 
“Do you wanna send in reinforcements?” Your father asked.
Mr Ben asked if you minded and you told him that you didn’t. “Petey’s my friend, I wanna help.”
You made your way up the stairs you knew well, humming the song your mom used to sing to you all the time. You learned very quickly that if you were happy, Petey would eventually be happy too. He just needed someone to show him how.
When you entered his room May was laying on her stomach talking to the shadows, “Come on Petey, it’s not all that bad. I promise you’ll have fun.”
You said hi, dropping off your stuff at the door. May greeted you with a hug, being sure to tell you that you looked beautiful today. You wiggled your finger, asking her to bend down so you could whisper in her ear.
“Can I talk to him alone?” you asked. 
She gave a soft smile, moving some hair out of your face before stepping out of the room. 
Once you heard her in the kitchen, you kneeled down, “Can I come in?”
You heard a soft “sí” and clambered in, tucking yourself next to him. 
The boy didn’t look at you, deciding that picking at the carpet was a much better use of his attention. 
“So..” You began, “You don’t want to go to school?”
Petey nodded his head.
“Why not?” you asked.
Peter seemed to mull over his answer for a bit. “May says that I’ll make friends and have fun. But I don’t think so.”
You nodded, understanding his feelings, remembering those same fears.
“What did she say?”
Peter slammed his hands down in frustration. “She says I’m a big boy, and I have to go!”
“You’re not a big boy!” You giggled. “You’re still little!”
Peter agreed with you, holding up five fingers to tell you he was only that many. You giggled again, crawling back out from under the bed and offering him your hand. He took it, slowly leaving his safety net.
“Petey,” you told him, “Little boys have to go to school too.”
You watched as his shoulders deflated and a pout took over his face.
“But, I’ll be there. And if you need anything, you or a teacher can come get me, okay?”
He looked at you sceptically, “Really?”
“Yeah!” you shouted, “We can have our parents tell them when we get there. And if you don’t make any new friends, you already have me, right?”
Peter began to smile, so you kept going, “Plus, school isn’t even hard for you yet. You just have to learn how to write your name and the alphabet. And you get nap time.”
Peter’s face lit up at that, “I get to take a nap?”
You nodded excitedly, “Uh-huh, every day!”
Peter stood to grab his favourite stuffed animal from his bed. It was a brown puppy with glass eyes and matted fur. It seems your pep talk was enough to get him out the door, but his anxiety returned once the walk was complete and you were both standing at the gates of Midtown Elementary. He hid behind May, hand still in hers. Before an adult could do anything, you were back to comforting your friend.
You let go of your father’s hand and held it out to Petey, “Come on, I’m right here.”
Petey hugged you instead, wrapping his pudgy arms around you. You hugged him back resting your chin on his head.
“Promise?” he asked
You don’t hesitate to throw your arms around him now, holding him as close to you as you could. It’s true that Petey is the stronger one, but right now he needed to be weak, and he trusted you to hold him up.
You hear a pained shout and look to see Peter holding his side as the Goblin is trying his best to stand. 
“How sweet,” he says, voice dripping with condescension. “They’re just alike, your friend and your aunt. I wonder if her death would be just as impactful.”
“She was there because of you. And so is she,” he continued to taunt, looking at you with a sick grin twisting across his face. 
“I may have struck the blow,” he laughs out, “but you— you are the one that killed her. And your friend will die the same way. Can you live with that much blood on your hands?”
You feel your own body trembling with rage and come to the realization that he does, in fact, have a very punchable face. Before you can dwell on it much longer, you see Petey catch something you didn’t even see thrown. 
He rushes forward injecting the cure into his neck, and you watch as the Goblin collapses, hoping it worked. The old man's face scrunches into different emotions: anger, pain, confusion, and then finally, understanding.
“Peter?” He questions, and then his eyes fall on you. “Miss (Y/n)?”
You tear your gaze away from the man, unable to keep your burning hatred for The Green Goblin away from Norman Osborn. The man follows your stare to the other Spider-Man on the ground. He sees, like you, the way Peter's chest is rising and falling with difficulty. The way he’s clutching his side and doing his best to smile.
His voice wavered, coming out close to pathetic. “What have I done?”
Suddenly Pete lands on the platform, and you can’t take it anymore. You fall to your knees beside Peter and reach for one of his hands. You give it a slight squeeze while trying to look over the wound. He makes a sort of shushing noise in an attempt to calm you before saying the least comforting thing you've ever heard.
“I’m good, I’m good. I’ve been stabbed plenty of times.” 
Before you can freak out, the other Peters squat down next to you. Pete gives Petey a warm smile, something indicative of pride. 
“Good catch,” he says, giving Petey a pat on the back.
Petey smiles, a small one, but the first one you’ve seen in a while, “Good throw.”
Crackling fills the air, and you all look up to see purple craters in the sky.
“Woah, is that happening or am I dying?”
You were the only one to speak up- everyone else watching the multiverse fall apart.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s happening—that’s real—you’re not dying.”
He squeezed your hand a bit, muttering, “And the people too?”
You tell him, yes, and before you can ask Petey anything- he’s off. You watch as he makes his way up to the torch, where you can vaguely make out Steven floating high above. 
You let your eyes fall onto the water again. The sun had risen, and you couldn’t help but feel a little hopeful. The amber rays shone over the horizon, dancing across the waves like a flame, and you felt as if they were bringing in a new beginning with them. It was so close to over.
Pete helps Peter to his feet because he insists that he’ll be fine. You take a breath, letting your body express its discomfort. When you turn away from the fallen rubble in front of you, Peter is casting you a winning smile. He pats Pete on the shoulder before standing on his own and taking a few hobbled steps towards you. 
“So this is it,” he says barely above the waves. 
You drop your head, scuffing your shoe against the ground. “Yeah, I guess so.”
You both fought to keep your smiles intact, not wanting to make this moment any sadder than it had to be. 
“So, you ready to get back home?”
Peter let out a dry chuckle, “I guess so, but it’s gonna be hard not to think about all the other homes and people I’m leaving behind.”
“Yeah,” you agree, “you’re gonna be pretty hard to forget. Think you can manage without me?”
It was only partly a joke. You were very worried about the man in front of you. But you refused to admit that your feelings were for any other reason than he was a different version of someone you loved. Your attachment wasn’t to him, just the concept of him. 
“I’ll manage.”
You felt your eyes wet again, and this time you hugged him. You laid your face against his chest, listening to his heart drumming underneath his rib cage. You brought your arms around his waist, bathing in the warmth he emitted. It felt like home. He gave you a squeeze before leaning away but not letting go. His eyes darted around your face as if trying to memorise it.
“Hey, take this,” he removes one of his web shooters from his wrist and hands it to you. “Something to remember me by.”
Suddenly Petey lands back on the shield. It shakes a little from the impact, and Peter steadies you before walking over to the other Spider-Men.
Petey addresses his comrades, telling them, “I think this is it. I think you’re about to go home,” before rambling and stumbling over his words, trying to thank them.
You look up at the breaking sky, figures coming closer and closer to the edge.
Petey hugs his newfound brothers and you feel a tug at your heart. He’s not alone in the universe. There are people who get it in ways that you never could. You hope that his coming days feel a bit brighter with the knowledge.
“I guess I’ll see ya…” he says, a little unsure. 
Then he turns to see you. He rushes into your arms, and you hold him close. 
“So it’s over now?” You ask, your exhaustion a little more evident now that the adrenaline has left your system.
Petey nods his head silently, readjusting his hold on you. When he bumps your arm, you wince. He looks down at the disgusting rag covering up a wound from the battle-his battle-that he dragged you into. 
“(Y/n), I have to tell you something.”
You give him your undivided attention while he struggles to meet your gaze.
“You have to know it’s the only way.”
You felt like you could throw up, “What is it? What did you do?”
“You’re gonna forget who I am.”
You freeze for a moment, connecting the dots slowly but surely. Peter searches your eyes, but all you give him is a blank expression. 
“Eres jodidamente ‘stúpido? No. No. No estás haciendo eso. No me vas a dejar.”
Petey expected your anger and tried to mitigate it, “(Y/n)- (Y/n), calm down. I know you’re upset-”
“Upset? Upset?” You scoffed, “Tienes toda la razón, estoy upset. Esto es locura, es demente.”
“It’s the only way.”
Petey expected you to yell more-to scream-but instead, you began to cry. Petey could count on one hand the number of times he’s seen you cry, and two of those times were over ice cream when you were particularly hormonal. It terrified him to see you like this-so defeated-and all because of him. 
“You promised,” you whispered.
His heart shattered “Hermana-”
The nickname sent you back into a rage, one filled with tears and shaky breath.
“You said you weren’t going anywhere. You promised!”
Petey’s jaw tightened, the muscle flexing around his cuts. “I’m sorry.”
You knew you had lost, so you hugged him, like it was the last time. After a few moments, you gathered yourself, wiping your eyes.
“Go say goodbye to your friends.”
Peter thanked you and turned to walk away, but just before he did he looked back at you. You looked at the man who was once a boy, once yours to protect, and he smiled. 
“Thanks sis, I love you.”
He became smaller and smaller as he flew away. Your mind was spinning. You refused to accept this. Peter hadn’t consulted you before when he cast the spell and everything had fallen apart. Maybe this time you could do something—anything—to save him.
You look up to see Dr Strange. I’m not letting this happen. You haphazardly climb up the scaffolding with the help of your web shooter. The Peters below shout at you to both come back and be careful, but you ignore them.
The metal is cold and slippery to the touch as you make your way up to the torch.
“Steven Strange!”
He looks around for a moment and all but rolls his eyes when he sees you, “I’m focusing here-”
“Yeah, on the entirely wrong thing. I get you have to save the multiverse, but is destroying everything Peter has the answer?”
The man lets out a sigh that tells you he’s earned all the white hairs in his salt and pepper hair.
“Look, I’m not any more happy about it than you are.”
You want to throttle him for his resignation to the situation.
“I’ll do anything.” You plead, “Literally anything, just don’t do this.”
He looks back down at you, and you can see there are tears in his eyes too. “There’s nothing I can do.”
“Make everyone forget Spider-Man!” You shout, “You can build up Spider-Man again, but you can’t just erase Peter Parker.”
“I thought of that; it won’t work. They're all here for Peter, not his alter ego.”
You look up at the spluttering sky, at all the faces waiting to pour through. They’re here for Peter, and you can’t save him. You refuse to give up, feeling a resolve in your stubbornness.
“Okay, cast the spell-fine-but cast another. Leave me something, so I can find him. Because I know he won’t find me. He’s got too much of a hero complex.”
Stephen let’s put a sarcastic laugh, “And you don’t?”
“Please, Strange.” You plead again, like how you plead to a god that didn’t care that your mother was sick all those years ago. “He’ll die on his own. You don’t know him like I do. Please, I can’t lose him.”
He looks at you and you see him break. He lets out an angry growl as the threw out his arms, the band in the sky dispelling and cracking over the distance.
“Give me your hands. Quickly we don’t have much time!”
You extended them out to him as he placed his pointer and ring fingers on the pulse point on your wrist. As he chants a sigil appears there, shining gold swimming on your skin. 
He releases you and you take a second to feel around your body. You don’t feel any different. 
“Find me later, now GO!”
His arms wave with precise direction and you settle with whatever it is he did. You scale back down the scaffolding and find Petey saying goodbye to his friends. He hops up on a platform, taking one last look at the life he’s leaving behind and gives you a smile. You can see the tears in his eyes and you know then that you will find him again if it’s the last thing you do. 
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I am slowly but surely emerging from my hovel. Sorry, It's been so long <3
Taglist: @actuallypeterparker, @alexa4040, @andrews-lovr, @barbecuetiddy, @cherriescherriesred25, @heejinw0rld, @ilovemoonknight, @Isshecrazyorissheclever, @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs, @negasonic-teenage-asshole, @preciousbabypeter, @princesskittycatofmeowland, @purple-amaranthe, @raajali3, @rudy-the-winged-wolf, @scorpiolystoned, @tayswiftlovebot, @wannapizzamymindposts, @whoreforklitz,
19 notes · View notes
waitimcomingtoo · 4 months
And I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you overhear Peter denying that he likes you so you go out with another guy, leaving him to crash your date and tell you how he feels
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“At what point does the staring because you’re pining for your friend become staring because you’re a stalker and planing on wearing her hair as a wig?” Ned asked after following Peter’s gaze and seeing he was once again staring at you from across the cafeteria.
“I don’t know. I think when I start wearing baseball caps and standing outside her window with binoculars.” Peter sighed happily and rested his chin in his hand as he continued to stare.
“But, it’s not gonna get to that point though, right?” Ned laughed nervously.
“I don’t know.” Peter shrugged. “She lives on a pretty high floor.”
“That’s not the answer I wanted.” Ned said quietly.
“I had a dream last night that I asked her out and she said “I’ll see you at 8” without ever telling me where we were meeting just like in the movies.” Peter said proudly.
“You should not be proud of that. Why don’t you just ask her out with your out loud words for once?” Ned asked him.
“Because the dynamic of our friendship will be-“
“-forever altered past the point of repair and things will eventually return to normal but never feel the same.” Ned groaned as ge finished Peter’s sentence. “Yes, I know. Thats always your excuse. But I really don’t think she’ll say no.”
“You don’t know that.” Peter insisted. “I can’t risk it.”
“Peter, it’s so obvious you guys like each other. She always laughs at your jokes and nobody, and I mean nobody, finds you funny. And I know you like her back because you stare at her all the time and got goosebumps that one time her ponytail hit you in the face.”
“It smelled like freedom and prosperity.” Peter whispered.
“So ask her out and smell her ponytail all the time.” Ned whispered back.
“I just can’t, okay? And I don’t even like her like that. So stop bringing it up.” Peter said and looked over at you again. He watched you leave a group of friends and walk over to him and Ned.
“But you guys obviously want to be together so why don’t you just be together?” Ned asked him.
“Because I don’t like her and she doesn’t like me, okay? That’s that.” Peter whispered harshly just as you sat down at their table.
“Hey guys. I’m pretty sure I just got a veinte out of one hundred on my Spanish quiz so.” You sighed and dropped your backpack on the table.
“Hi.” Peter’s blushed and smiled at you. Your bad mood quickly eviscerated and you smiled back.
“Hi Peter.”
“If you want, I can help you study for your next Spanish quiz. I took it last semester and did fairly bien.” Peter offered.
“Really?” You lit up. “Thanks, Pete. That would be so bien of you.”
“No problemo.” Peter said back.
“This feels…racist.” Ned mumbled as he watched the interaction.
“I, uh, I watched that movie you were talking about the other day.“ You told Peter with a nervous smile.
“You watched Alien? Did you like it?” Peter asked excitedly.
“I did but it made me kinda paranoid about, you know, aliens. But I liked the part when the alien came out of the guys chest. I never realized that scene was from that movie. I felt like I was finally in on the film bros inside jokes.”
“Yeah. I like that part too. I also like the part when he swam up the filters motor and stuck that pebble in there so the tank would get dirty and have to be cleaned, giving all the other fish a chance to escape.” Peter replied. It took you a minute to get it but when you did, you burst out laughing. Peter blushed at how hard you were laughing at his joke while Ned watched the interaction in disgust.
“That was not funny.” Ned shook his head. “Not even a little bit. It was a little criminal actually.”
“What? Yes it was. Peters always funny.” You insisted.
“Isn’t he though?” Ned faked a smile before rolling his eyes.
“Hey, back off. I liked the joke.” You defended Peter, making his blush deepen.
“Thank you. I like your jokes too.” Peter told you.
“Ugh.” Ned groaned. “This is revolting to watch. Why don’t you guys just get married already?”
“That’s not a bad idea.” You said. “We’d get a tax break, right? Whatever that means.”
“It’s when they break your taxes in half.” Peter answered.
“Oh, is that it?” You laughed. “Sounds about right.”
“I know because I took that accounting class freshman year. You weren’t in that class so you wouldn’t know.” He teased you.
“Hm. Is that the class they cancelled because not enough people signed up?” You teased back.
“Yep. That one.” He nodded. “Wow. The memory on you. You’d be an excellent gatherer if this was Hunter gatherer times.”
“Aw, Peter. That’s the nicest thing a guys ever said to me.” You smiled and touched your heart.
“If you liked that compliment I have like eight more in the chamber ready to go.” Peter told you.
“Oh my God. Just make out already. But not in front of my clementine.” Ned grumbled and peeled his clementine. You and Peter fell silent at his exclamation. Peter’s face burned with embarrassment while you avoided eye contact with either of them.
“I’m gonna go refill my water bottle. I’ll be right back.” You smiled awkwardly and quickly left the table.
“Nice job, Ned.” Peter hugged. “You just made her so uncomfortable she went to fill up a full water bottle.”
“I told you, dude. She obviously likes you. I was just pointing out the obvious.” Ned defended himself.
“She doesn’t like me.” Peter insisted.
“Are you kidding me? You just made a Finding Nemo joke and she actually laughed. Not even fake laugh. That was a genuine belly laugh at the worst joke I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. She’s down horrendous for you.”
“No, she’s not. She just sees me as a friend. And I don’t even like her like that so it doesn’t matter.” Peter lied in an effort to change the subject.
“You can’t hide the truth from your best friend. I see right through your lies. You like her. I know it and you know it. Why can’t she know it?” Ned asked.
“I told you to stop bringing it up.” Peter grumbled, growing frustrated now. It wasn’t uncommon for Ned to bring this up but it was happening more than usual lately and all it did was remind Peter that you’d never be together.
“I don’t like her, okay? I never did. I don’t think she’s pretty, I don’t find her funny, and I don’t want to be her boyfriend. I don’t know why you don’t believe me. I swear, I do not like her like that. I never have, and I never will. Okay?” Peter snapped. Little did he know, you had come back to the table and heard his whole outburst. You blinked a few times as your stomach sank but put on a brave face and sat down.
“I’m back.” You forced a smiled but didn’t meet Peter’s eyes. Peter’s eyes widened when you sat down and he looked at Ned.
“How much of that did you hear?” Peter asked you.
“How much of what?” You played dumb. You had to pretend you weren’t crushed that the boy you’d been pining after for years just very aggressively confirmed he didn’t like you.
“Nothing.” Peter lied and exchanged another look with Ned. Ned shrugged before changing the subject to move away from the moment entirely. You pretended to listen as you tried your best not to look as disappointed as you felt.
Once your break was over, you left the cafeteria and went for a walk around campus to clear your head. You ended up on a bench and sat down before taking a big sigh. You hadn’t noticed the guy that was sitting on the other end of the bench, but he certainly noticed you.
“Hey.” He said. You looked around for who he was talking to but found no one.
“Me, hey?” You asked and pointed to yourself.
“Yeah. You, hey.” He smiled and nodded his head.
“Oh. Hey.” You smiled back.
“I’m Drew.” He said.
“Y/n.” You said back.
“What’s the matter, Y/n? You look forlorn.”
“Oh, it’s stupid.” You waved your hand.
“Not to me. Tell me about it.” He insisted and scooted closer to you. You looked down at the lessened space between the two of you and laughed shyly.
“It’s nothing. I just overheard my friends talking about me.” You told him.
“Oh shit. Was it bad?”
“Not necessarily. But it didn’t make me feel good.”
“Damn. That sucks.” Drew said. You nodded in agreement and an awkward silence fell between you.
“I like that shirt.” He said suddenly and nodded towards your shirt.
“Oh, thanks. I borrowed it from a girl I didn’t even talk to anymore.” You replied as you pulled on the shirt.
“Finders keepers.” He shrugged. “You should wear it when I take you out.”
“Why would I wear a shirt you’ve already seen when we go out?” You laughed.
“So we’re going out?” Drew smiled.
“I guess we are.” You shrugged and realized you had just agreed to a date.
“Cool. I’ll pick you up Friday.” Drew winked at you before getting off the bench. You smiled at the unexpected interaction before realizing you had not gotten a single detail.
“Wait, pick me up where?” You called after him, but he was already gone. You slumped back in your seat on the bench and felt an equal mix of confusion and excitement. Maybe this new guy was exactly what you needed to forget about Peter.
The next day, you sat with Peter and Ned at your usual spot in the lunch room but barely paid attention to their conversation. Drew had found you on Instagram and you’d been talking to him all day. Peter had noticed your thumbs flying around your keyboard and the smile on your face and felt curious and ever so slightly jealous about who was making you smile like that.
“Is that good with you Y/n?” Ned asked you.
“Sorry, what?” You asked and put your phone down.
“We were saying we were gonna get chicken wings and watch the Trixi Mattel documentary.” Peter informed you.
“Again? And I can’t Friday.” You told them.
“Why not?” Peter asked.
“I have a date.”
Ned and Peter exchanged a looked before started to speak at the same time. They both stumbled over their words and spoke over each other as they gave you all their thoughts and opinions on why you should not go on this date. You tried to cut in but Ned kept listing Criminal Minds plot lines where women were murdered while Peter asked question after question about the guy.
“Slow down. One at a time.” You shouted over them and they both went silent. You pointed to Ned to signal that it was his turn to talk.
“You have a date? With a human boy?” Ned asked in disgust.
“Yeah. Is that surprising?” You asked, sounding a little hurt that they were so shocked.
“No.” Peter replied and looked at Ned to signal for him to say the same so that you wouldn’t be offended.
“Yes.” Ned said immediately. “Who the hell is this guy?”
“Ned.” Peter said warningly.
“His name is Drew.” You shrugged.
“Drew? What’s his brothers name, draw? Stupid fucking past tense ass bullshit name.” Ned grumbled.
“Jesus Ned.” You laughed. “It’s a normal name. It’s short for Andrew.”
“Andrew?” Peter scoffed. “What is he, an apostle?”
“I don’t think there was an apostle named. Andrew.” You stated. “I think they were all named Mark. And like, John or something.”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t there.” Peter waved his hand. “Why are you going on a date with this potential psychopath?”
“Because asked me on a date.” You said simply.
“And you said yes? When we don’t even know this guy. What if he’s into hardcore drugs and wants to use you as a drug mule for his next big drug operation?“
“He seemed fine.” You shrugged.
“So you’re gonna risk your life going on a date with this lunatic because he “seemed” fine? What if he’s a cannibal?” Ned asked.
“I don’t think he’s a cannibal. He was just sitting on a bench on his phone.”
“Oh my God. He sounds completely insane. Check the sex offender registry for his name right now.” Ned instructed Peter. Peter started typing his name into his laptop so you shut Peter’s laptop with a roll of your eyes.
“Why are you guys being insane? I thought you’d be happy for me.”
“I’m about to end my life over this.” Peter mumbled.
“Me too.” Ned added. “What even spurred this reckless decision?”
“I don’t know. A guy hasn’t shown interest in me in a while. This guy did so I took a chance. Is it really that crazy?”
“Yes.” Ned said immediately. “You’re ludicrous for this. You are absolutely Pitbull featuring Ludacris for this. Saying yes to a date with a stranger. This girl has lost her damn mind.”
“How else do you meet people?” You asked them.
“You don’t.” Peter said a sarcastic laugh. you threw your hands up in exasperation and Peter and Ned exchanged a look.
“What he means is, you should try asking a friend out. That way, you already know them and know you won’t get diced and quartered into a bunch of little pieces.” Ned said kindly.
“Why would he dice me and quarter me? Wouldn’t one or the either be enough?” You asked.
“Probably not for this lunatic.” Ned laughed like it was ridiculous to suggest.
“I think you guys are over reacting. What if he’s just a nice guy wants to take me on a date?”
“No guy wants that.” Ned groaned.
“Wow. Thanks Ned.” You said sarcastically.
“What I meant was, Peter has something to say.” Ned said and pointed to Peter. Peter turned bright red and gave Ned an angry look.
“You do?” You asked Peter.
“No?” Peter replied.
“Right.” You smiled tightly and looked away from him, making Peter know he blew it.
“Where is the date?” Ned asked.
“I don’t know. Some frat house. He said his friend is having a party and he wants to take me.”
“A party? At a frat house? With underage drinking? Oh great. So this guy is a law breaker. He probably has an extensive criminal record already. And I bet it’s for the drug mule thing.” Ned insisted.
“We’re all 21. You literally turned 22 last week.” You reminded him.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to this conversation.” Ned brushed you off.
“What kind of first date is a party anyway? A girl like you deserves to be taken on a nice, well thought out date that doesn’t involve getting drunk around strangers. If I was the one taking you on a date, I’d make a picnic of your favorite snacks and we’d eat it on the rooftop of my apartment while the sun sets.” Peter stated.
“But you’re not the one taking me on a date. He is. He likes me, you don’t.” You said sharply, making everyone fall silent. You hadn’t meant to snap at Peter like that but it bothered you that he was aggressively putting down your date after rejecting you.
“What? Am I wrong?” You asked the table.
“Peter.” Ned whispered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. You looked at Peter again but he just couldn’t do it.
“No. You’re not wrong.” He said quietly. You nodded your head like you expected that before getting up from the table.
“I just wanted my friends to tell me they were happy for me. Instead, we just had one of the weirdest and least encouraging conversations I’ve ever been an apart of. I’ll see you guys later.” You grumbled and walked away.
“That went well.” Ned said once you were gone.
“She definitely overheard me. I totally hurt her feelings and drove her right into the arms of that cannibal drug mule. Why did I say those things?” Peter asked and rubbed his face in frustration.
“I don’t know man. I would have stopped at “I don’t like her” but you really went off.” Ned agreed.
“Because you were annoying me with how much you were asking.” Peter whined. “Oh God. What am I gonna do now? Shes gonna go to that party and fall in love with draw and forget all about me.”
“I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna find draw’s party and crash it. And you’re gonna woman up and tell her how you feel.”
“How are we gonna find his party? We’re not exactly good at attending parties.”
“I have my sources.” Ned smiled deviously.
“You’re just track her location on snap maps, aren’t you?” Peter sighed.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna track her on snap maps.” Ned admitted.
When Friday came around, Peter and Ned were glued to their phones as the tried to find out where you were. Luckily for them, you had been posting a plethora of pictures of the party to your Snapchat so they easily found where you were. Unlucky for Peter, Drew was featured in all of the pictures and you looked like you were having the time of your life. Peter swallowed down his jealousy and got dressed to go to the party. He rehearsed his speech for you in his head as he made his way through the crowd. He finally found you in the kitchen in the arms of a girl he didn’t recognize. Your eyes lit up when you saw him and you tried to go towards him but immediately tripped over your over feet.
“Peter!” You cheered and threw your arms around him. The girl who had been holding you let go of your waist while Peter looked at her in confusion. You stumbled into Peter and had a hard time keeping yourself up straight
“You know her?” The girl asked Peter.
“Yeah. She’s my best friend. What’s going on? Who are you? And where’s draw?”
“I’m Serita. I found her all by herself. She seemed pretty upset.”
“Well if it isn’t Peter Peter pumpkin eater. He actually doesn’t even like pumpkin flavored things. He doesn’t like me either. He made that very clear.” You laughed and clapped Serita on the back. Serita looked at Peter in amusement but he was too focused on how drunk you were.
“Are you drunk?” Peter asked in shock.
“What? No.” You scoffed and nearly fell over.
“She’s wasted.” Serita told him. “I got her to drink some water by telling her it was a big shot of vodka.”
“I’m just here to feel the heat with somebody.” You said and held your hands up in defense.
“I’ve never seen you drink this much. What happened?” Peter asked you.
“Psh. I’m not as think as you drunk I am.” You denied the obvious with a wave of your hand. The action caused you to stumble again and you had to grip Peter’s shirt to keep from going down.
“You can’t even stand up straight. Where’s draw?” Peter asked again and looked around the room for your date.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I’m pretty sure he left with that pretty red headed girl from our statistics class sophmore year. With that teacher who had that cat with a silly name. Remember him? What was the cats name?”
“Kitty puss.” Peter reluctantly admitted.
“Kitty puss!” You cheered again and nearly dropped to the floor.
“I got you.” Peter said and tightened his grip on you. “But if he’s on on a date with you then why did he leave with another girl?”
“Because he didn’t get what he wanted from this girl?” You shrugged with a sad smile. Peter’s eyes darkened and he looked at Serita with a clenched jaw.
“What did he want?” He asked her.
“To get her drunk enough to lower her standards.” Serita stated. “That’s what he does to all the undergrad girls on this campus. Or at least, he tries to. Girls his age know better and stay away from him. But unfortunately for your best friend here, she didn’t know about his reputation.”
“Sterling Knight should have had a bigger career after Starstruck. He was funny and could sing. I never found him all that handsome but he had star power. He deserved more from Disney and I’ll die on that hill.” You interrupted their conversation to say.
“That’s nice, sweetie.” Peter smiled kindly at you before looking at Serita again. “I’m gonna take her to the bathroom and try to sober her up. Thanks for taking care of her. I’m glad she had a friend here.”
“Oh, I don’t know this girl. I just noticed she needed someone and stayed with her.” Serita explained. Peter raised his eyebrows in surprise before giving her a grateful smile.
“Oh. Well thanks for noticing. I got it from here.” He said before picking you up bridal style. You laughed gleefully and wrapped your arms around his neck, making Peter turn red again. Serita noticed this and stopped him.
“Hold on. How do I know I can trust you with her?” Serita asked. “What if you don’t even know her and you’re just trying to do what Drew was trying to do?”
“I promise I know her. Look. She’s my lock screen.” Peter said and showed Serita his lock screen which was a photo of the two of you.
“Best friend, huh?” Serita smirked.
“Please.” Peter whined. “I can’t hear it from you too. I’m an idiot and I know that. That’s the whole reason I’m here.”
“Well good luck. She’s been talking about “my Peter” all night.” Serita patted his back before walking away. Peter smiled at that before carrying you to the bathroom.
“Is this how Lady Gaga felt at the 2011 Grammys when they carried her in in that giant egg?” You asked as you rested your head on Peter’s shoulder.
“We will never know how Lady Gaga felt while being carried in a giant egg at the 2011 Grammys. You’re just being carried by your idiot friend to a disgusting frat bathroom that probably has salmonella and syphilis all over it.”
“Romantic.” You chuckled and held Peter tighter. He shut the bathroom door behind the two of you before gently putting you down on the countertop. He started rummaging through the medicine cabinet while you swung your legs.
“My tummy hurts.” You whined.
“I know. Take this.” Peter instructed and handed you Tylenol.
“Magic beans?”
“Tylenol. Drink this.” He chuckled and handed you back the cup of water from Serita. You chugged the water with the pills and wiped your mouth before giving Peter a sad smile.
“How do you feel? Do you need to puke?”
“No.” You shook your head. That action made you nauseous and you hopped off the counter to throw up into the toilet.
“I had a feeling that was gonna happen.” Peter mumbled.
“Don’t tell Kitty Puss about what a wreck I am.” You pleaded and threw up again.
“I won’t.” Peter laughed and held your hair back.
“I’m gonna die.” You whined and slumped against the bathtub. Peter sat down beside you and got the hair out of your face.
“You’re not gonna die.” He assured you. “You’re just gonna have really bad breath and carpet burn on your knees.”
“I hate carpet burn.” You said and started to cry. Peter had a feeling the tears weren’t just from the carpet burn so he wrapped his arms around you.
“It’s okay. Let it all out.” He said softly as he rubbed his hand on your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder for a minute before pulling away. He grabbed a tissue from the counter and wiped your tears for you.
“I’m sorry.” You said quietly as you stared down at your lap.
“What are you sorry for?”
“For going on this date.”
“No. I don’t want to hear that. You don’t have anything to apologize for.” Peter shook his head as he continued to dry your eyes. You pushed your hand away and held it so he would look at you.
“I do. I only went because I was mad at you. And I posted all those things because I wanted you to think I was having fun with another guy. But I wasn’t having fun. I was thinking about you the entire night.”
“Well you fooled me.” Peter chucked. “I thought you were halfway in love with this guy already. But why were you mad at me?”
“I heard you the other day. I heard you tell Ned you didn’t like me.” You admitted and gave him a sad smile.
“Oh, that’s not-“
“And it’s fine.” You cut him off. “I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you over that. It’s not your fault you don’t like me. We can’t help what we don’t feel.”
Peter stared into your eyes and saw a sadness he’d never seen you show before. You had sobered up a little but still weren’t completely there. He wanted to tell you how he felt, but he wanted you to be sober enough to remember it.
“So what happened to your date?” He changed the subject. You gave Peter a sad smile and shrugged your shoulders.
“He wasn’t much of a gentleman.” You admitted. Peters jaw clenched but he tried to remain calm for you same.
“Why do you say that?”
“I kept trying to talk to him and get to know him but all he wanted to do was get drunk. So I kept drinking whatever he handed me because I thought that would make me a more “fun” date.” You told him. You looked down at your dress and nervously fiddled with the hem of it. Peter stayed silent as he watched your eyes fill up with tears.
“I got all dressed up. I did my hair and my makeup. I tried to look pretty for him.” You said sadly. “But he didn’t even compliment me when he saw me. And he didn’t laugh at any of my jokes. I kept feeling like I was annoying him any time I asked him a question. But I was just trying to get to know him.“
“Well he’s crazy for not complimenting you. Because you look very pretty tonight.”
“Oh, please. My makeup’s running down my face and I probably have puke on my dress.”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re still the prettiest girl in this room.” Peter told you.
“I’m the only girl in this room.” You reminded him and pointed to the bathroom wall.
“Doesn’t matter. You’re the prettiest girl in any room you’re in.” Peter stated. That brought a smile out of you and you slipped your hand into his.
“You’re sweet.” You smiled in appreciation and gave his hand a squeeze. Peter squeezed you back before getting the hair off your forehead. You leaned into his hand and looked into his eyes.
“What happened tonight?“ He asked quietly.
“Well, once I was drunk enough for Drew’s liking, he asked me to go up to one of the bedrooms with him. I went because I thought it was because he wanted a more private place to talk. I thought he wanted to hear what I had to say. Imagine that? Imagine your date being interesting in something you had to say? But he didn’t care about that. He didn’t want to talk.” You laughed sadly before looking down at the floor with a heavy sadness.
“What did he want?” Peter asked and braced himself. You looked up and met Peter’s eyes with a sad smile.
“You know what he wanted.” You said softly. Peter gulped and nodded his head so you wouldn’t have to relive it. You let out a sigh and wiped your tears on the back of your hand.
“He didn’t even kiss me.” You laughed sadly. “He just shut the door and tried to unzip my dress. I pushed him away and yelled at him, and then he got upset that I was upset so he left me in there. I was too drunk to go after him so I just sat there for a while in the dark. By the time I came back down to the party, he was already making out with another girl.”
“What’s this guys problem? He got to take the most incredible girl in this city on a date and he blows it in every way possible? He’d be lucky to talk to you, let alone go out on a date with you. How could he not see what a privilege he had just to be near you?” Peter said with genuine anger.
“Thanks, Pete.” You chuckled and felt slightly better about the night. Peter was about to go off more until he saw the look on your face. You didn’t need to hear Peter’s gripe right now. You needed comfort.
“Should we kill him?” Peter asked after a beat of silence.
“I think so. Serita told me he’s got a bit of a reputation for this kind of thing. I had no idea.”
“I can’t believe Ned was right and this guy really was insane.” Peter said, making you laugh.
“I know. I guess this means we should listen to him more.” You laughed. Peter smiled at you before scooping you up again and kicking the door open.
“Woah. Where are we going?” You asked as he carried you straight out of the party.
“On a real date.” He replied and you fell silent. He carried you all the way to his apartment building and swung up to the roof.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” Peter said and he slipped out of his button down. He draped it over your shoulders to keep you warm before racing downstairs.
When he returned, he had a picnic blanket, his portable Death Star night light, a lunchables pizza, and two bottles of water. You smiled as he laid the picnic blanket down before patted the space beside him. You sat down and he wrapped a blanket from his bed around the both of you. You cracked open your water bottle and downed it while he put together the lunchables. He handed you one of the pizzas and you did cheers before silently eating them as the sun began to rise.
“Are you enjoying your meal, madam?” Peter looked away from the sunrise to ask you.
“Why, yes I am. This is one of the finer lunchables I’ve ever eaten. Compliments to the chef.” You played along.
“The chef thanks you kindly.” Peter replied and you both laughed.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you for a minute as you watched the sky become pink. Peter looked over at you and felt his heart ache over the way the sun was lighting up your face with a warm glow. You were holding your blanket tightly around your body to shield yourself from the morning air and had your eyes shut to let the night wash away from you. Peter knew in that moment he was in love and it could not be unspoken any longer.
“So, uh, remember when we were in the bathroom before and you said we should listen to Ned more?” Peter began.
“That doesn’t sound like something I would say. But I guess so. Why?” You wondered and looked over at him. Peter looked you in the eyes and gulped.
“Ned was actually right about a second thing.”
“Two things? Is he going for a personal record?” You laughed. When you saw that Peter wasn’t laughing, you stopped smiling.
“What is it, Pete? Something bad?”
“No. Not bad. Just, um, just a little clarification, I guess.” Peter began.
“Clarification about what?”
“I know you heard me telling Ned that I didn’t like you. And I know that it hurt your feelings. Which I totally understand why it would. It was overkill. But what you overheard the was my frustrated attempt to get Ned to stop insisting that I liked you.”
“Oh. Okay.” You said slowly and never took your eyes off him. Peter stared into your eyes for the last time before everything changed.
“And the only reason he keeps insisting that is because it’s true. He was trying to get me to tell you how I felt and I snapped at him because I was scared that if I ever did tell you how I felt, you wouldn’t feel the same.” Peter finished. You stared at him for a long time but Peter couldn’t read your expression. You were definitely pensive but he didn’t know if you were upset with him or relieved to know the truth. You turned your face back towards the sunrise and stared out at it.
“Hm.” You hummed.
“Hm? That’s all you have to say?” Peter asked nervously.
“Sorry. I was just thinking about that part in the movie Alien when the two main characters get directions from that school of fish and all the fish take the shape of an arrow to show them which way to go.” You said very seriously. Peter shook his head before cracking up laughing.
“Wow. Ned must be on a roll because hearing my own joke repeated back to me makes me realize how unfunny it was.” He admitted, making you laughing.
“I still laughed.” You shrugged. “Even if it wasn’t funny.”
“You did.” He realized with a smile.
“Probably because I like you so much.” You shrugged again and stopped looking at the sunrise to look at him. Peters smile grew and he reached over to hand your hand in his. All that pining and anticipation had led to that moment of you finally admitted how you felt about each other.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “Thats probably why.”
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deftmeat · 6 months
‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ 彡 ‎ ‎ ‎‎ stepbrother!peter parker obsessed with you
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NSFW ( mostly just a self-indulgent au )
• reposted since tumblr hid it •
w a r n i n g : contains non con and perv!peter
before tony stark had settled down with pepper potts, he had been with another woman. but after a messy divorce and an unwanted child, he decided to cut off all contact with her.
that woman was your mother. you had never met your father until she handed you off to him one day in the chilly autumn of new york.
after turning 18, she had decided to kick you out and dump you at the very front doors of stark tower.
with loose, messily packed luggage and fat tears staining your face, a man with short curly hair opened the door to you.
of course, later you learned his name was happy and tony trusted him greatly. happy also seemed to willfully obey his every order so you assumed there was a lot of trust and history between them. but you also wondered if tony ever told anyone about you.
it didn’t surprise you though, when you were brought up to tony, escorted by happy, that your father had no idea who you are. and when you explained yourself, he acted shocked you existed.
that’s how you ended up being employed by tony himself, starting out more as an errand runner or assistant to his incessant requests.
you couldn’t lie and say you enjoyed the first few months helping out around the avengers tower and catering to people who intimidated you- but after two years you had come to form closer relationships with those on the team and were more than just a nuisance.
but there was one other person you spent a lot of time with.
peter parker.
you were basically the same age as him, both the same generation and shared the exact same humour. your friendship with peter was nothing like the ones you possessed with the other, older avengers.
your texts between each other consisted of memes and spammed word vomit. peter spilled his secrets and his fears to you while you comforted him and listened. he didn’t see you any differently despite being aware of your hidden relation to his boss, respecting you enough to never bring it up.
there were times where you’d catch him staring at you for too long or you’d accidentally touch each other and he’d linger… just a little bit. you only brushed it off that he was clingy and touch starved.
alas, peter knew sometimes you would feel embarrassed of the fact you were tony’s kid especially when tony never liked to share details about himself to his coworkers. a few of them had been told too but treated you like you weren’t the daughter of one of the most narcissistic men they knew.
another reason you got along well with everyone. so much that you had been silently promoted to aiding in missions and able to train side by side with peter and the rest of the avengers.
when sparing with peter, he’d purposefully sweep your legs out from under you, only to collect your wrist in both of his hands and slam them to the mat, his thighs locked on either side of your hips and his face unnecessarily lowered to hover over yours.
you found most of your sessions under him and while it frustrated you that he beat you every single time, you couldn’t help but notice the look on peter’s face when he did trap you to the floor.
you also noticed how as soon as he got off of you, peter was quick to end the sparring match- practically running out of the gym, his pace fast and posture hunched over. maybe peter was just weird in general?
but he couldn’t help it. seeing you under him, looking vulnerable and so damn pretty like that… his cock swelled with blood and his balls ached with the need to breed you. every. single. time.
the feeling didn’t go away, even after may had died. despite the fact peter had become a mess, you were right there, picking up the pieces that used to be him and taping them back together as best as you could.
that’s when tony had made the executive decision to take peter in. he reasoned that he was already like a father figure to the poor boy, nothing would change. tony obviously had a soft spot for him.
at least, that’s what he said to convince you. and you couldn’t turn peter away when everyone he loved was no longer in his life.
so he moved into the building, took all of his belongings and clothes with him. peter put university on hold while he figured things out. you were understanding and tony- supportive. that’s when he could see the resemblance between you two. you both cared for him. and he suggested to become apart of your family.
of course tony took it the wrong way and surprised peter by adopting him, not even telling you beforehand. you were both speechless but for different reasons.
when peter stroked his leaking dick at night, giving into his fantasies of pushing your head down and dragging his red sensitive tip across your slit and deep inside your soaked walls; he could do so freely. now? now he couldn’t.
he couldn’t have you the way he wanted. peter was definitely frustrated at the new dynamic between you and him but he found it as an excuse to freely walk into your room whenever he wanted. why not? he was your step brother now.
it creeped you out at first, how he would sometimes silently slip past your doorway and make himself at home, occasionally starting up random conversations as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.
eventually you got used to it. sometimes leaving your room to grab a snack or go to the bathroom. you could trust peter not to break anything. he was such a sweet and quiet guy.
and that’s when he would take his chance, going through your drawers and stealing little things of yours.
the sheer panties your best friend from high school had given you for your birthday. a photo of you in a revealing bikini from a trip to the beach when you used to live with your mom. one of the many bottles of body spray that littered your vanity. lotion that you used all the time. another pair of underwear that were less appealing but you wore all the time when you wanted to dress comfortably.
peter even started to lay on your bed on his stomach as soon as you left the room and grind his hips down, rubbing his jean clad bulge against the soft blanket you slept under. he’d stick his face down into your pillow and hump your mattress, veiny hands fisting any fabric he could grab and pulling it closer to his nose, smelling you while he thought of raw dogging your puffy pussy in your own bed.
just when he was on the verge of cumming in his pants, you’d always walk in and he’d feign innocence. pretending he wasn’t just dry humping your bed like a greedy rabbit. you were never the wiser.
you noticed certain things of yours started to go missing little by little until you barely had things to wear or use. you assumed it was the dryer eating your entire wardrobe so you complained to tony and he gave you his card to buy an entire new one.
he didn’t want you going alone though so he made peter go with you. you weren’t entirely thrilled since had he had been glued to your hip almost constantly as of recently but you went along with it, knowing that if you didn’t agree, tony wouldn’t let you go at all.
so when you get to the small shop on the busy corner, peter wouldn’t stop suggesting pieces for you to buy or even try on. you found that they were either way too revealing or borderline inappropriate for him to request. but he wouldn’t stop insisting, going as far as to shove a whole armful of things into you and pushing you to the changing room very eagerly.
“i’m just trying to help.” he told you before closing the door behind you once you fully stepped inside. it didn’t help that every two minutes he’d knock and ask if you had finished, that he wanted to see what they looked like on you.
you obliged, feeling a bit uncomfortable. you were exposed- not to mention in front of peter. your step brother.
you left the small room in the first thing he had shown you, a size too small t-shirt and extremely tiny booty shorts. but peter seemed to hype you up, smiling enthusiastically. his eyes held a glossed over look while his gaze slowly went down your body, taking in how your skin would stick out and show where it probably shouldn’t be.
“okay turn around.” he spoke abruptly, making your face twist into one of uncertainty. he shook his head and merely spoke down to you like you were playing dumb; “come on, i just wanna see what the back looks like.”
huffing out a sigh, you reluctantly shifted your weight and spun to show your backside.
when you did though- you swore you heard a camera clicking but when you whipped your head around to catch whoever had taken your picture without consent.. no one was there.
“peter..?” you meekly stared around, looking for the boy but he had disappeared as if in thin air. the only other people you saw were two employees reorganizing hangers across the wall.
your stomach twisted and you shrunk back into the changing room, not bothering to try the other pieces on and put your own clothes back on, feeling anxious that someone was watching you.
as soon as you went to open the door, peter was standing right in front of the entrance- making you jump and drop the large pile of things you were holding.
“woah, sis. calm down. it’s just me.” he laughed it off, giving you that boyish smile, peter’s eyes never leaving yours. you felt your face flush and apologized- pushing past him to put the exposing clothes back on the racks where he had gotten them from.
ever since then, you felt violated. you avoided peter. you started to ask FRIDAY to lock your door with an access code. you weren’t entirely sure it had been him but he was starting to freak you out even after that day.
you’d wake up multiple nights in a row, in a cold sweat, absolutely sure you could feel someone else had been inside your room besides yourself.
you’d place your hoodie down on the couch to grab a drink, coming back to find it gone.
peter would stay up for two hours after you went to bed, wanting to be certain you had fallen asleep before typing in the access code to your room- watching you put it in while he stuck to the ceiling one day.
he’d quietly shuffle in and see your phone beside your pillow and your face scrunched up while you dreamt. he’d whisper your name just to double check then crept over to your bed, hovering down to stare.
the next thing he knew, he was fucking hard- just by looking at you. that’s what you did to him and you didn’t even know it. his step sister always teasing him, purposefully taunting him with something that was forbidden for peter.
but he bottled up his frustration, struggling to push down his jeans as silently as possible. the slight sound of denim rubbing against itself was drowned out as his pants clung just below his knees. he hadn’t worn a belt for this very reason. wanted easy access while keeping you unaware of his presence.
peter bit his lip when his warm palm finally made contact with his cock, the angry tip already leaking and spilling down to weave through his fingers. “mmshit..” he choked out, careful not to be too loud when he started to stroke himself. his eyes were locked onto your sleeping face, his tongue darting out to drag across his bottom lip with desire. desire for you.
since he couldn’t have you, this was the best he could do, flicking his wrist to increase the speed that his hand jerked his dick, his cheeks wearing a dark flush the faster he went.
“yeah.. wanna breed my lil’sis.. make you mine, baby..” peter muttered, leaning forward so that his cock was right beside the pillow, the back of his hand almost ghosting your nose every time he moved up the entirety of his throbbing length.
he had only touched himself above you one other time but every single night since he saw how your ass looked in those small shorts- he couldn’t help but visit you while you were unconscious, whispering about how badly he wanted to feel your pretty cunt wrapped around his dick, about how good he bets you taste. but he was growing restless, as he confided in your passed out form- he needed more.
which lead to two nights ago. peter couldn’t help but jack off while sitting at the chair in front of your desk in the corner, listening to your soft breaths, one your previously used panties stuffed into his mouth to keep himself quiet - forcing peter to spurt cum all over his hand and bare thighs.
tonight was no different but he was feeling bolder, the aggressive animalistic demand his mind screamed at him to paint your face and mark you as his. to see how hot you looked while his warm sticky seed dripped down your lips and chin and onto your sheets, ruining them. ruining you.
a low groan rumbled in his chest when you shifted, your face now just under his slapping balls. peter almost came at the sight of your unconscious submission, your eyes fluttering and your lips just barely parted. ready to swallow the load he could feel about to explode from his swollen cock head.
his other hand not gripping his dick, shot out to claw at your head board to steady himself from falling on top of you, his body tingling with pure heat. he could barely stand, his knees buckling and the strong muscles in his pale thighs rippling with the effort to maintain his stance.
he was sure he could last another few minutes but when you moved your arms under your blanket, the sudden action pulled it down, revealing the loose tank top you had chosen to wear to bed.
peter’s eyes flitted down to your tits, and upon noticing you hadn’t worn a bra, your nipples stiff and pressing into the fabric- he let out a loud moan, massive ropes of white cum pouring out of his cock.
a few spurts hit your bare collarbones, your chest, the soft blanket draped over you and of course your pretty face. he watched as the thick goo caught on the tip of your nose and bottom lip- gravity causing it to run inside your mouth and down your cheeks onto the pillow.
“fuuuck.” peter cursed at the sight of his cum soaked step sister, all laid out for him.
when you felt something hot splatter your skin you flinched. it had made you stir. blinking your messy eyelids, trying to get whatever it was out of your eyes- you were fully awakened when you heard that familiar click of a camera.
rising your hand up to drag your numb fingers across your face, whatever was on it stuck to your digits and webbed between them. then you noticed it was also in your mouth so you leaned forward and let it drizzle out past your lips and land on your sheets. then you saw movement in the darkness and your unfocused gaze lifted to just barely be able to make out what it was. or who it was.
your body ran cold- you were first met with a cock that was still strikingly hard, leaking and pointing right at you, followed by hair framing the base of the shaft, accompanied by a small trail of the same hair up to below his bellybutton.. peter’s face above it all.
he lowered his phone with clouded eyes, panting heavily and cheeks flushed. his eyes on you.
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