#batman v superman imagines
theaawalker · 7 months
Delusional | Lex Luthor x Fem!OC [1-Shot]
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Pairing: Lex Luthor x Rose Holloway Song Inspo: Delusional by Simon Curtis Word Count: 2,433 Summary: desperate to get out under her tyrannic mother's corporative thumb, executive secretary Rose Holloway submits an application for an opening at LexCorp. Much to her surprise, she is asked to interview the next week. The pay is pretty good, and this Lex guy couldn't be as awful as her mother. What could go wrong? Warnings: mild mentions of parental abuse Masterlist: see fandoms (pc-friendly)
Last thing I remember from my dream was having to tell my angry mother the news about my job. That was enough to get me awake. I scrambled around in my covers and opened my eyes, squirting as the light from the curtains hit my face. At first, I just closed my eyes to block them from the sunlight. But then I realized it was morning, and I forgot to set my alarm last night! I was going to be late on the first day!
I pushed my covers off my body and climbed out of bed, ignoring my slippers that awaited my feet. I looked at my alarm clock, and, as if taunting me, it read 12:21 PM. I grabbed my already ready work attire and took a quick shower. I put on my clothes, did my hair, applied some makeup (not too much, because I don't wanna look as desperate as I was), and brushed my teeth. Into my mall closet I went, searching for some shoes to go with my outfit.
I did my best to fix myself a nutritious breakfast. Nutty bars seemed like the way to go, but they get stuck in my teeth. The last thing I wanted was to be humiliated on my first day - I hadn't felt like that since high school. I managed to make due with a glass of orange juice; just when I put the cold glass to my mouth, a car honked outside. I groaned to myself, knowing who it was, "Mom."
Rushing out the house, I barely remembered to lock the door. I hadn't told my mom about my application for LexCorp, so I knew she was gonna drive to her building instead. That meant I had to somehow sneak past her and make it to LexCorp in time. It's not that far... I hope. 
I swung my business bag around my shoulder and got to the car. Only it wasn't my mom's car. It was... nicer and more modern. The windows were tented so I had no idea who was inside. I didn't know what to do, so I sorta stepped back. The window suddenly rolled down, revealing a face I had known for my whole life.
"Mary!" I squealed with delight, and relief.
"Get in." She ordered. "Or you're gonna be late." I had told her about my application. Well, I told her not to tell our mom about the application. "I can't thank you enough, Mare Bear." I said as I hopped into the nice vehicle. Mary looked at me as she took the wheel.
"You can start by not calling me Mare Bear, Nose." I had to smile at that. She and I call each other cute names sometimes. She calls me nose because, apart from my lips, my nose is my most dominant feature.
"Hang on, little sister." She said, pulling out of my driveway. "LexCorp, here we come."
(Time Skip - At LexCorp Parking)
Butterflies fluttered in my thin stomach as we approached my future workplace. It was so weird; seeing it on the computer was one thing, but being there was another. The building looked so full of purity, energy, and technology. I started to wonder if I could really help improve it. I mean, I wasn't anything more than a secretary of a fashion magazine editor. Also, I had no idea if they'd even accept me. I knew that my mom would hire me because she knew me, but this Lex Luthor probably didn't even know I existed until last week.
"Well, here we are. LexCorp Industries." Mary gave an introduction. I released the sigh I'd been holding in since we pulled up. "Aren't you going in, or...?"
"What if I'm not good enough, Mary?" I blurted out my worry. Mary gave me an eye roll and held my shoulder. "Look. These guys may have worked here longer than you but that doesn't make them better. For all you know, by this time tomorrow you could be doing all their jobs. Besides, any treatment you get is better than mom's." She had such a good point. It was either this or back to being paid to be yelled at by your mom. 
"Okay," I finally said, "I'll-I'll do it." She gave me a nod, and I nodded in returned. We leaned in for a hug, and she wished me luck one last time. I bet was gonna need it. I can't focus when I'm nervous, and when I can't focus I screw things up. But there was no way I was spending another day at that fashion hell. So I picked my bag up and got out of the car. 
Mary waved at me as she drove off. I waited until she was out of sight, and slowly spun around to face the building again. It looked so massive and complex. This may sound weird, but it kind of terrified me. I shook if out though, and marched toward it with a high head.
Inside was not much different than the outside. People were scattered everywhere, and they all looked worthy of being there. One lady walked past me wearing all black with the coolest haircut. I touched my rough, brown hair to find it a plain straight. I never thought I'd say this but I wish I had a rubber band right about now. The place wasn't crowded, but it was far from being empty. 
I looked around for any clue to where Lex's office was. I had an interview with him in ten minutes and I couldn't even find him. I decided to ask one of the employees. I walked further into the work hall until I saw something out of the ordinary. There, in the middle of the room, about six men were playing basketball. I tried to process an excuse for what I was seeing. 'Maybe they're testing their body maneuvers for a video game?' was all I could think of.
Basketball or not, they didn't look as intimidating as everyone else. So I walked up to the court and tapped on the shoulder of closest one, who appeared to be in the middle of shooting.
I cleared my throat.
"Excuse me." He turned and smiled at me. He had strawberry-blonde locks that curled by his jawline. His eyes were blue and playful, and reminded me of two blue balls. He was shorter than me, but only by about an inch. "Sorry to interrupt your game, but I was wondering if you knew where Lex Luthor's office is." He gave me and odd smile.
"Hm. You must my new secretary. How are you? Lex Luthor. Welcome to my little LexCorp." The man held out his hand to me. I looked at it, and, ever so hesitantly, shook it.
Raising an eyebrow, I asked. "You're Lex Luthor?" He odd smile turned into a cheeky one as he giggled.
"Indeed I am. Alexander Luthor Jr., in your presence." He said, slight bowing his head. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't confused. He looked so young, way too young to be running a business. "I'm sorry, I'm confused. You look so..."
"Young? Well..." he turned away for a second to throw the through the hoop. "Age is just a number, correct? And there are infinite numbers to compare to mine, so there's no use in trying to be any other."
I just looked from him to the net and swallowed. "I guess that sounds right." 
"Great! Hm. Yes, yes. You are here for the job." He said, eyes darting down in remembrance. "Executive secretary if I recall." Before I knew it he had his hand on my shoulder blade, and we began walking down the hall to I-have-no-idea-where. But I simply nodded and played along.
"Um, yeah. I used to work as one at my old job."
"Old job, mm? Might I ask where?" I didn't bother looking at him to answer, I just kept my head forward. And judging by my sight, we were headed for an escalator. "Nowhere special. Just a stupid fashion magazine corporation." I scratched my forehead as we boarded the escalator. I let Lex go first, being as though I had no idea where to go beyond the escalator.  The rising staircase made my body feel like it was lifting by itself.
"I see," Lex said. "That explains your chose of clothing décor. Anyway, tell me- Wait! Silly me. I forgot to request your name." He addressed, stepping off his step and placing his foot on the smooth, white tile floor. I copied his movement and we returned to our original pace.
The hallway was all white, and filled with white doors. Any one of those could be mine. All I had to do was get an interview with Lex. First, we had to get to his office.
"My name's Rose. Rose Lee Holloway." I offered a kind smile, one which was returned.
"Rose. Hm." His eyes darted up in thought. "The Latin origin of rose, a flower name from Rosa." He looked back at me. "Did you know the Normans brought Latin to Britain in the 11th century?"
I shook my head. Lex just put his hands in his pockets and stared ahead. "Are you interested in alien studies and research?"
"Um, no. Only what I read on the news about Superman. But do find the fact that one is living here funny."
This made Lex chuckle. "How do you mean?"
"I mean, an alien protecting a species that's not his own just makes us look inferior. Why should we rely on a humanoid destructor rather than weapons of defense? It just sounds dumb."
Lex snapped his finger and pointed at me. "Exactly, Rosie. May I call you Rosie?" 'If I get this job he can call me anything he wants.' I thought.
But I simply replied, "If you want."
We reached the end of the hallway, where, to our right, sat a giant silver door.
"Follow me." Lex led us down the pathway and opened the giant door for me. "In you go." I slipped past him and almost tripped when I saw Lex's office. That place was like two master bedrooms in one giant space. There were chairs in there I've never seen in my life! And that's saying something since my mom used redecorated our living room almost every year.
I was so in shock that I didn't even notice Lex walk past me to his desk chair. I strolled to the front of his desk and sat in small chair, where Lex was seated on the table. He grinned at me, making me even more nervous. We both knew what was about to happen.
"Humor me. What got you interested in this position?"
"I've had previous experience with executive assistance, such as memoing, filing, answering phone calls, and prepping schedules. I also dabble in digital art, so if you need any promo or posters, well, I'm your gal." I chuckled nervously, and he just stroked his chin. "Ahem. I admire what this company has done for the ecosystem repair in other countries. Between partnering with other green companies and philanthropy fundraisers, it- you have really great work." Then it got quiet. "...yeah."
Lex leaned forward, knuckling his silvery desk's edge, and looked into my soul. He studied every inch of my face, my eyes... my soul. It was like he was trying to read my mind. When he got his answer, he exhaled.
"Hm." His lips twitched. "Hm-mm, yes. You have the gaze of a woman on the run." Lex said softly, almost sorrowful, like a therapist. "A lioness, mm, trying to strike out of the pride, make it on her own. Tell me, dear Rosie, who-oh-who are you running from?"
My head drew back and I nearly gulped. Was this man actually telepathic? Either way, he seemed to have me figured out. There was no use in denying it further. If honesty got me a job, then honesty it'll be. I just wish it wasn't such a sore subject.
"My mother." My tongue suddenly tasted foul and acidic. "She's not a very nice mother. Or boss."
"Mommy issues," Lex gestured to me, "meet daddy issues," he gestured to himself, making us both chuckle weakly. I supposed it made sense, hurt child meets hurt child. I wondered to what extend his father hurt him, but put off the question as taboo for an interview.
"Anyhow," he leaned back and continued, "mind if I ask you some professional questions?" He asked, making a yuck face as the word 'professional'.
"Yes, go ahead." I straightened my posture.
"Alrighty. How did you like the building so far?" That was not the question I expected him to ask first, but it was his company. 'Get hired, Rose, get hired.' I cheered myself on.
"Ummm... It's very detailed and finely organized, Mr. Luthor. It's techy but also really chill. Just feels like a good environment people-wise." If my resume didn't cut it maybe sucking up to him would. But he just waved it off.
"Please, call me Lex. It's only fair since I'm calling you Rosie." He had a point. "But does it look like the kind of place you want to work at?"
I looked around the spacious, flawless, white room and sighed. Such a long way from that undersized, secretary desk my mom forced me in.
My pitiful eyes found Lex again. "Very much."
Out of nowhere, Lex suddenly clapped near my face. "Fantastic! Then congratulations, Ms. Rosie. You're hired!" I had to clear my ears to make sure I heard him right.
"Wait, what? I'm hired?" He just nodded like an excited child. "But what about the interview?" I asked, still not understanding his reasons behind hiring me. He bent from his spot on the table to open up a drawer beside his legs.
"That was the interview, my dear Rosie. It began from I first introduced myself." He then pulled something out of the drawer; a red cylinder candy, and offered it to me. "Jolly Rancher?" I gave a clearly puzzled look, raising my eyebrow. "It's cherry." He offered again. 
With nothing to lose except my job there, I accepted.
"Okay." I smiled tightly.
But instead of handing it to me, Lex leaned in to put it in my mouth himself. For a second, I felt his cold, steel fingers brush on the tip of my lips before departing. Then he licked those fingers and smiled from ear to ear like nothing happened.
Being the kind person I am, I gave the smile back. He might have been a bit odd, but I had a feeling Lex was gonna grow on me.
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#lex luthor#dc#bvs#imagine#imagines#DC imagines#dc imagine#lex luthor imagine#lex luthor x reader#lex x reader#lex imagine#bvs imagine#batman vs superman#reader insert#reader#xreader#fandom#multifandom#request
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Bat and Cat.
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ficmesideways · 9 months
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Request for Anonymous GIf Source: Bruce / Puppy
Imagine being Bruce’s wife and you’re the one who give shim a puppy named Ace
------- Imagine -------
“You know I don’t like surprises.” He said as you walked behind him with your hands over his eyes. It was difficult given your height difference but he had initially refused to keep his eyes shut. “I know Bruce, but trust me, ok?” He sighed, and you smiled knowing he was now resigned to your plan. “I have to move, keep your eyes shut.” You said finally removing your hands and moving around him, making sure his eyes were shut as you moved to the closet nearby where his present was.
You knew he probably heard the puppies little whine when you picked it up, hell he had probably already figured out your ‘surprise’ days ago knowing him, but you smiled as he at least played along; keeping his eyes shut as you approached him with the puppy in your arms. Playing along or not the look on his face when you told him to open his eyes was priceless. “Bruce, meet Ace.”
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mndvx · 2 years
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SON OF SUN AND KNIGHT OF NIGHT (2016) directed by Zack Snyder | written by Chris Terrio & David S. Goyer ››› Henry Cavill as Clark Kent / Superman
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 6 months
why...why....did lex luthor take the blackmail photos of martha kent on a polaroid camera???????
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keenzinemugstudent · 2 years
Hey guys so I will be doing part two for my Superboy X reader story but I've been so busy that I haven't really thought about it I honestly forgot until I had got a notification but I have been thinking of another story that I think you guys might like but it might be a short story so I'm not sure this will be Clark Kent / Superman story X reader you the reader is is childhood friends with Clark you helped him through thick and thin you helped him with bullies basically you protected him through everything no matter how many times people told you that he was weird he was a freak you weren't going to judge him just because he was different what he doesn't know is that you also have powers of course you as a reader (you can pick what those powers are) after the battle Zod you then come to find out that Clark is in a relationship with Lois Lane which leaves you heartbroken but not wanting to be selfish or be a bad friend you are happy for him but you're keeping your distance trying not to get in the way of the happy couple this story is a work in progress but I'm hoping to somehow get a visual on it it's just something I've been thinking of for the last couple of weeks and hopefully I can make this into a series. Warning there's going to be a lot of angst in this so grab a box of tissues if you guys have any ideas or even want to give me some ideas for the story that would be really helpful again I will definitely be riding my Superboy story but hopefully I can get back into it
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fulltimeviking · 2 years
honestly man of steel is a good fucking film, maybe even the DCEUs best, fight me
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frownyalfred · 7 months
okay I know the “do you bleed?” line in Batman V Superman was universally mocked, but imagine if you’ve spent your whole life invulnerable and some crazy motherfucker dressed in a bat suit who brands people for fun and has no problem crashing millions of dollars worth of military grade tech stares at you with a crazy gleam in his eye and asks if you bleed like he’s personally and scientifically invested in seeing you do so. I would’ve shit my pants, super powers be damned.
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emeraldkniight · 6 months
𝓢𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬. 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗀𝗎𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗒 ୨ ໋ ˳ ⊹ eng. . . !
superman, wonder woman and batman x f!reader
WARNINGS: smut drabble, gang bang, some sexual degradation, masturbation, oral sex, p in v. Diana!bisexual.
COPYRIGHT: No copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
LANGUAGE: English is not my first language and I am still studying to master it. It makes me insecure to write by myself in another language, so I used the translator. I apologize in advance for any mistakes. The original version is here.
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There was always something strange and unlikely about these three from the moment you met them.
They were all hiding secrets. According to you, hiding secrets was one of the most common parts of human nature. You were not interested in knowing what they were all hiding, but your curious mind was obsessed with knowing what the holy trinity of the Justice League was hiding beneath their sleek and sophisticated veneer of heroes; what no one would dare doubt or question.
The price of your curiosity was more costly than you could have ever imagined, a debt that would have to be repaid. Now you were part of this madness, and no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't escape.
The good news was that you didn't want to.
You knew that the moment you felt the three of them completely, you were content to belong.
It was just hard to think of anything else when you found yourself tied to a chair, completely naked and unable to move while three pairs of blue eyes analyzed you.
The beautiful princess of Themyscira had no shame in digging into your sweet crotch. Her fingers slid across your sodden vaginal lips with a sound so vulgarly obscene that it caused you to inadvertently stir in your chair.
You looked intently at the two male figures as you tried to get as close to Diana as your body would allow so you could kiss her and feel her fingers go deeper inside you.
But before you could reach her lips, you were brutally pushed away by the man of steel, who had the clear intention of tasting your mouth first. Not that you were complaining; Clark's tongue was heavenly. It had a strange but hot connection to your lips, so it made you a mess right away. Who would have thought that Superman's ultimate power would be to soak his victims so easily?
Still, you didn't deserve them to be nice to you. On the contrary, you should be punished for insubordination. What you did was unforgivable.
In your defense, you didn't know that you were exclusive to the trio and couldn't sleep with other people. The rules weren't very clear when you met them, or when they started their no-strings-attached sex adventures.
Of course, you were not exclusive to anyone, and you planned to make that clear in the future. Right now, you were too busy cumming on Diana's fingers drilling your pussy that you didn't have enough time to think about anything else.
The adoration the Bat had for the way your pussy enveloped him so warmly brought out the most dominant and morbid part of his inner self. The sight of his cock moving in and out of your little hole at the same time your mouth was happily eating Clark's erection and your fingers were eating Diana's clit was enough to bring you to the verge of orgasm.
You gagged as the tip brushed against your uvula. You couldn't even concentrate enough because of how hard he was penetrating you. The pleasure was embracing.
— Look at our little slut. She can't even concentrate on sucking a good cock while she's being fucked. - Wayne commented. He kept going right into her sweet spot; faster and faster, more and more precise.
— She was too bad. Should we give her a prize though? She always takes us so well. - Kent continues, asking. You're beginning to control the rhythm of your mouth, although it's still a little difficult in some ways.
— Oh, Hera! - moans the princess of Themyscira. - That feels so good. - Her fingers can't resist trying to help themselves so she can come on your hand.
This is definitely the best part of the day, the one you enjoyed the most. And of course that was the guilty pleasure that came with keeping a secret. The secret the four of you shared.
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
do you ever think about how canonically in the batman v superman movie/universe, dick grayson is the dead robin and bruce never picked up another kid which eventually led to him killing superman?
If Dick were to die, Bruce would completely break. He wouldn't just stop at killing villains - hell no - he would start killing heroes too.
All that's going through his head is that no one deserves to exist if Dick is gone.
And knowing me, I will always gladly provide the evidence.
In the comics when Dick got shot, Bruce's world imploded.
He felt such a strong rage, he kinda lost it. He flew to another country, defeated assassins, and trucked through the freezing blizzard in Russia to get to KG Beast.
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Batman (2016) Issue #56
The utter, undiluted rage on his face.
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Batman (2016) Issue #56
He lost communication with Alfred. He's completely on his own but nothing will stop him in his crusade to avenge Dick.
He finds the assassin and they have a massive fight. KG Beast is actually one of the highest paid killers in the world. Him, Lady Shiva, Deathstroke, Deadshot, and someone else are the top 5 of the villain world and Batman almost loses until-
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Batman (2016) Issue #57
He shoots a grapple gun into KG Beast's face! He breaks him. He leaves him paralyzed.
His horror at what the Joker has done to Barbara is gone in the face of his hatred for what happened to Dick.
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Batman (2016) Issue #57
Batman willingly and knowingly paralyzed someone despite knowing the cost. That's how much he hated him. But you think it stops here? This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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Batman (2016) Issue #57
And this is where it all goes to hell.
Batman, the vigilante who beat his own son for killing criminals, leaves this criminal for the dead.
The Gotham commissioners talk about it
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Batman (2016) Issue #60
Forget Batman. JTTF stands for Joint Terrorism Task Force. They actually considered a hit on Nightwing an act of terrorism.
That's how much the world loves Nightwing.
The moment KG Beast shot Nightwing, he became the Nation's Public Enemy Number One.
Commissioner Grogan hates KG Beast so much for what he did, he can't even bring himself to say the man's name, too revolted by his existence. Gotham hates the guy more than they hate the Joker.
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Batman (2016) Issue #60
Commissioner Gordon offers some hope that maybe Batman knew but Commissioner Grogan - he just says maybe. I don't know, it's possible but - to which Gordon just stays silent. They both know what happened and what Batman did but confirming it out loud? Batman's not supposed to kill.
So Batman left KG Beast to die but Bane? The one who ordered the hit? He-
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Batman (2016) Issue #59
And when Gordon tries to stop him-
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Batman (2016) Issue #59
He. Punches. Gordon.
He hurts his friend and ally. The man who helped him the night his parents were murdered. He punched for his pain over Dick.
This is where it all connects to the Superman vs Batman movie. If Dick were to die, Bruce would kill his own allies in the end. He would raze the world to the ground.
In the comics, Dick's death is the turning point for Batman (2016). After this he enters a series of nightmares where his brain turns a nightmare of Selina dying to be exactly reminiscent of what happened to Dick, and even though Dick lived, Bruce can't let that go. Then the fight with Bane who targeted Dick solely because of his importance to Dick, and then the Joker War where the Joker tried to use Dick because of his importance to Bruce, and the Gotham War where Dick thrashing him was Bruce's breaking point from his toxic self and finally self-realization.
Damian once said Dick leaving to become Nightwing caused Bruce to lose his moral compass, and that's even more true now. He's breaking enemies and allies left and right just because Dick almost died.
Imagine what would happen if Dick really did.
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Hii, can I request dc x teen male reader? They’re partly part of the batfam, he’s Batman’s second youngest son. And he tags along with Batman to a mission with Superman and Wonder Woman, and guess what, they brought their kids too? I mean not like the already existing kids of them, like they’re original characters? Imagine them just not liking eachother at first but they just become best friends during the mission when they almost die and just laugh it off. They are literally just like Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman trio.
Yup yup, you sure can. I feel like the OG trio would freak out at the similarity. I think I kind of strayed off, but I kind off got hit with inspiration, so I hope you don't mind.
Summary: Kids of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman don't like each other. After a near death experience, they become friends.
Warnings: explosions, cursing, tension between teammates, they like each other after near death experience, injuries, OG trio is worried, OC kids, except for Batman.
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(Y/N) knew that missions with kids his age was going to be a normal thing. He knew it and there wasn't anything he could have done. But to go with Althea Prince and James Kent? There was no such thing that would make Bruce drag him on a mission with them.
The trio hated each other. (Y/N) didn't like how Althea thought that men were beneath her and James is too soft for (Y/N)'s liking. That boy is a personification of a golden retriever and his father was no better too.
Althea and (Y/N) had way more problems than (Y/N) and James had. While James was somewhat okay with the no kill rule, Althea found the rule ridiculous and thought that the evil should be eradicated. No matter what.
That grinded (Y/N)'s gears and it made him want to bash her face against any type of hard surface, but he couldn't. He would be grounded and she wasn't worth it. At all.
But this mission was a test for them. This was going to be their first solo mission without the supervision of their parents. It was just a covert one and intel collecting. Get in and get out.
And that's why they were siting in Justice League HQ, in a dull meeting room. Batman was presenting something that (Y/N) already knew. He has heard it before they left.
" Now, (V/N) will take the lead on this, since it's covert and intel gathering. I don't want to hear any arguments about this. " Batman said, knowing that the trio was going to argue about it.
But lets be honest, if there was anybody who knew how to be stealthy and quiet, it was (Y/N). Well, (V/N) in this case. (Y/N) forced himself to suppress a smile from blooming on his face.
Take that you two. He glanced at the two of them and Althea frowned a bit and James just rolled his eyes. Oh you two sacks of shit.
" Now, (V/N), would you like to take over? " Batman asked, well, demanded. (V/N) nodded and stood up from his chair. Bruce moved over and (Y/N) stood in his place. It felt weird, but you know, it made him feel powerful.
" Right. Like my father said, this is a covert and intel gathering. Which means it's get in and get out quietly. This is a base on a remote island in the Pacific ocean. We have reasons to believe that that's where Vandal the Savage and Deathstroke may have stashed their weapons, however, that is not our primary cause. It's intel that it's kept there. We will probably encounter Deathstroke or Lady Shiva, since those two started working together. " (Y/N) said, pressing a few buttons on the screen keyboard.
" This is how it's supposed to look. It's a pretty classical look for a base, but the security system is very tight and nearly impossible to hack into. However, I saw a small portion of the system and I know that I can hack into it. Now, the problem would be Deathstroke. If you see him, call me through the comms. Don't try to fight him, because he will win. " (Y/N) said and he nearly wanted to smack Althea for rolling her eyes.
" And also, he has experience fighting meta humans, like Wonder Woman and Superman. " (Y/N) said, glancing at the said duo, who nodded in agreement.
" (V/N) is right, he is not to be underestimated. " Wonder Woman said.
Batman stayed quiet, watching as (Y/N) dealt with the two. (Y/N) was growing into a brave and a mature person. And his hero side was no different. He knew that the trio didn't like each other and that was just normal and in life you are going to work with shitheads, as Jason would so kindly put it. And you would have to know how to deal with them.
Again, it's just life.
And Bruce could tell that (Y/N) was dealing with them well. Sure, his way was sarcastic and sometimes it could get ugly, but it was funny and sometimes it was outright murder worthy.
But Bruce loved him none the less.
" We are going first thing tomorrow evening, believe it or not. And that would be it. " (V/N) said and the other two left the room with their parents. Bruce and (Y/N) stayed back and (Y/N) looked at his father.
" You did good. You stayed professional and I could tell you wanted to smack Althea, but you controlled yourself. "
(Y/N) smiled, happy to hear this from Bruce. It wasn't like he never praised his sons, quite the opposite, but when he did, you know that he meant it.
" Lets go back home. Your brothers would like to spend time with you before you go on the mission. " Bruce said and the father son duo left the room, moving to the Zeta tubes.
" I know, but I just want to sleep. I had a tiring day at school. " (Y/N) admitted as they started the teleporting. Once they got into the cave, they both took their cowls off.
(Y/N)'s hair was going in all of different directions and Bruce ruffled his hair even more with a quiet chuckle. (Y/N) whined, trying to push Bruce's hand away.
" You kids grow up so fast. " Bruce admitted to (Y/N) and gave him a quick hug.
" You say that every year. " (Y/N) retorted, chuckling. It was true though. He said it every year when they did good in something.
" Am I wrong though? I would suggest you go up now. Jason called me and told me that if you aren't up in about 20 minutes he will come to get you himself. And you have about 5 minutes to get up there or he will kidnap you. " Bruce warned and (Y/N) ran into the locker room.
Jason would absolutely make that threat a promise and (Y/N) didn't want to fight with any of them. Bruce shook his head fondly at his sons antics.
All of them are going to be with the death of him.
The young trio was in a plane, flying to their location. It was quiet and they had a few hours to kill before landing down at their designated location. (Y/N) put it on autopilot and leaned back. He adjusted his gauntlets on his hands.
It was slightly nerve wrecking for all of them. When on missions they had supervision, they had guidance and they could call the moment something went wrong.
This time is a bit different. Did they have guidance? Yes. Did they have supervision? No.
But the trio knew that their parents were watching. They weren't completely alone in the dark.
" And what do we do know? I'm bored. " James said, crossing his arms.
" And that doesn't sound like my problem. You know you don't have the stamina to fly so long and you can't be weak for this mission. " (Y/N) responded, rubbing his eyes. He heard a tsk and for a split second he thought that Damian was behind him. But no.
" You know Althea, I wouldn't tsk since you can't fly that long either. " (Y/N) snapped back.
" I thought you two are supposed to be strong. Men like to boast about their strength. " Althea said and (Y/N) turned his head to look at her.
" I still can't believe that you are Wonder Woman's daughter. She doesn't hate men and yet you are so far up your own ass that you can't see reality. Is that the result of Amazon upbringing? " (Y/N) asked, sarcasm slipping through into his voice.
There was silence before she huffed, turning her head away. James sighed, shaking his head. They are supposed to be a team and not sworn enemies.
" Well, this mission is going to go well. "James mumbled and (Y/N) closed his eyes, just ready to meditate and get himself mentally ready for the mission.
The landing was quiet and the trio embarked on the shore. They stopped in the bush and (Y/N) zoomed in the view he had. Thank God for built in binoculars within his cowl.
He saw 2 guarding the door.
" Give me a minute and I will disable the security system. I think we will have about 20 minutes to get in and get out. I will take out the 2 in the front and when we get in, we are separating. I know we don't like each other, but we put all of that aside. Now we are teammates. " (Y/N) said and the two nodded in agreement.
" Good. Comms are going to be on the entire time. And if you see Deathstroke, call me. " (Y/N) said, opening up the tiny computer on his gauntlet. He typed a few buttons and the system was officially down.
(Y/N) took a deep breath. It's time to go.
" Lets go. " (Y/N) said and ran towards the two, seemingly out of nowhere. They didn't have a chance with (Y/N). After taking their cards, he swiped it to open the door.
" Now we split. Wonder Girl, you are going left, there is an office there, see if you can find anything there. Superboy, you are going to the right. There are guard's room on the right so if you see some, knock 'em out. I will go straight for the hardware room. And if I find any weapons, I will destroy them. Comms ON. " (Y/N) said and the other two nodded.
And so they separated. Wonder Girl went left, (V/N) went straight ahead and Superboy went to the right. (Y/N) ran in the hall, passing by the grey walls.
There is a certain adrenaline rush you get on certain types of missions. If he is patrolling in the city, it's something normal and usual, almost like a routine. It was nice, but deep down he is an adrenaline addict and he is just looking for some extra adrenaline.
Missions alone with his dad or with others was a bit better in terms of adrenaline. The missions were always out of Gotham city and he was in place were he has never been before. And it always led to him doing some crazy shit that is guaranteed to give Bruce a lot of grey hairs.
But a mission alone, without the supervision of their parents? It brought out a new wave of adrenaline rush that he has never felt before. It made him feel free and way beyond light. When he started being a vigilante, there was this constant fear. But now, there was no fear.
It was just sheer bravery and intent to get his dad proud. Bruce was already proud, but it would mean everything to (Y/N) that he could prove himself. "
" Yes. I checked everything. And you said yes to my proposition. " Bruce said, looking at the two.
" Are you sure about this Batman? " Wonder Woman asked as they were sitting in the conference room, waiting for their children. None of them are able to sleep without their children in their own homes. Bruce more so then others.
" I know that he wouldn't send them straight into fire. Intel and covert, that much they can handle. " Superman said, clearly agreeing with Batman.
" I know and I know that they are more than capable of doing this mission, but I worry. She is my only daughter and I love her to death. (Y/N) and James are my nephews and I love those two death to. " She said, sighing quietly.
" But I worry about them working together. And also, weren't they supposed to report back? A few minutes ago? "
Everyone was silent before running to the second airplane they had. Yeah... Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let them go alone.
The mission kind of went south. Their cover was blown and now they had to fight their way through the guards. Thankfully, there was no Vandal Savage and his kids, but there was Deathstroke.
Turns out, there was no actual intel. This was meant to be a trap for Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Now that ticked (Y/N) off and he couldn't let it happen.
Absolutely not. Nobody threatens his family and just goes on with his business. And he had to settle a score after putting Nightwing out of action for months on end.
And even if he dies and this is the last thing he does, then so be it. Deathstroke didn't have any objections to (Y/N)'s plan. But the plan went tits up when (Y/N) got blown up to the next room. He hissed as he looked down to his stomach.
A shrapnel. A fucking shrapnel. He hissed as he took it out and took a syringe of something similar to the liquid from the Lazarus pit. He pressed the syringe into the wound, allowing the liquid to heal him.
It's a liquid only used in the emergency situations. (Y/N) lunged back at Deathstroke, taking advantage of the surprise. He managed to knock the bastard out. He was huffing at the dull pain, trying to block it out.
" Shit... " (Y/N) cursed, leaning down to rest his hands on his knees. It would all be fine if another bomb exploded, nearly knocking him out cold, but he was dancing on the edge.
He could hear a female and a male voice above him. He was blinking, trying to regain focus. He laughed as he saw their worried faces. They froze, looking at him worried.
" Why are you laughing? " Althea asked, worried beyond belief.
" Because you think a bomb can take me out. " (Y/N) said, laughing even more. When he calmed down, he took a deep breath and looked at the two.
" You two can help me up now. This was a trap for our parents instead. " (Y/N) said and James nodded.
" We know. Comms are always on. " James tried to joke as Althea and him pulled (Y/N) up.
" Our parents are going to kill us. " (Y/N) announced and the other two nodded.
" I don't know about you two, but I'm going to the plane, with or without you. " (Y/N) said and they agreed. The trio ran, just ready to get the hell out of here.
It was nice to see their parents, ready to fight for them. All 3 fussed about them, Bruce more than others. (Y/N) knew that they are going fight about rest when they come home. At one point, the trio started laughing out of nowhere and the OG trio looked worried. Some inwardly, some outwardly.
" What is going on? " Superman asked, looking around for some answers.
Nobody answered him.
After 2 months, they worked together again, but with their parents with them. It was a one completely 180 from their previous communication. The OG trio noticed a lot of similarities.
They were turning into their parents.
" Should we be worried? " Wonder Woman asked once, watching the footage from their last mission. It was just like them.
" I mean... Are we bad role models? " Superman asked out loud and Batman stayed quiet.
" No. But... You know, lets see where this goes. " Superman suggested. Bruce just pinched the bridge of his nose. May God help them.
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The Dunk Knight.
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ficmesideways · 8 months
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Request for Anonymous Gif Souce: Batman / Bruce
Imagine losing your virginity to Bruce Wayne.
------- Imagine -------
“I am not made of glass Bruce.” You almost yelled your hair falling in your face from where he had pushed you back into the wall. You could tell he was holding back, even as he approached you and took your face in his hand. His fingers were gentle where you wanted them rough and his body warm and solid as he leaned into you instead of pressing you harder into the wall.
 “You could have died tonight.” He said finally letting some of the anger you craved show through. He looked at you then and his fingers gripped your face as if he was taking you all in.
“And you would have if I hadn’t intervened.” When he went to interrupt you, you covered his mouth with your hand and continued. “Contrary to what others may believe, Batman is not immortal; and I can’t… I wouldn’t survive losing you. Not again.”
He leaned his head against yours and you moved your hand, breathing in each other’s air as he took in your words. Your arms moved and gripped his back as his hand moved from you face to your hips. Panic and fear finally hit you both as you held each other tightly. “Take me to bed Bruce.”
He pulled back surprised and before he could even ask you said. “I’m sure, I’m ready. Make me believe you will be here forever. Make me feel alive……..Lie to me.”
At your words Bruce bodily moved you from the wall before lifting you into his arms and carried you to his bedroom.
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frasier-crane-style · 6 months
I think I cracked Gal Gadot
She's the twin to all those 'character actors in leading man bodies' like Chris Pine and Brad Pitt--she's a girl next door in a supermodel body.
She was so good in Wonder Woman because she got to play the character girlishly. She was happy, sad, afraid, concerned, lovey-dovey, hopeful, dispirited. Seeing her express strong emotions made you empathize with her and feel what she was feeling. The same principle as Luke Skywalker in ANH: he may be disparaged as whiny, but he didn't get to be one of the biggest pop culture icons of all time because people didn't relate to him.
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The problem is, in everything else, Gadot is either playing a stoic, driven Strong Female Character (Fast & Furious, Heart of Stone, Justice League) or maybe a vampy girlboss (Death On The Nile, Red Notice) and it's just outside her range, not letting her show any of the charisma that made her so watchable as Wonder Woman.
Even in the DCEU, post-origin story, she's generally played Wonder Woman as brooding, reserved, stoic... a little like Luke in Return of the Jedi.
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Now, that worked there because it was the end of his arc and he wasn't quite a Jedi. He still had to defeat Vader and the Emperor, he was conflicted, he got angry. Now imagine if they made a Star Wars movie set after RotJ, with Luke as a Jedi Master, and he was still the protagonist. It'd probably be a little boring, right? He'd be all-wise, all-knowing, infinitely patient. A good mentor, sure, but as someone relatable? No, I think it'd be a bit dull.
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Which is the problem with Wonder Woman. Yeah, she can't stay a naif forever, but her as a perfectly poised, perfectly controlled badass just isn't much fun.
I think Patty Jenkins realized this was a problem with WW1984 and tried to course-correct, with an overlong first act that gave us Diana in love again, smooching with Chris Pine again, and having internal conflict again, but it didn't work. It was trying too hard to take Diana back to who she was and doing so in a not very effective way. Right idea, but poor execution. Especially since they wanted to start off with Diana brooding, sad, et al, so that her character arc would end in her being happy.
It's a thorny problem. They have Chris Pine die to give her angst, but Wonder Woman with angst isn't very engaging and they can't give him back for realsies and they have to line up with Batman V Superman at least a little. I don't know, I don't think they ever figured it out, even though they devoted the whole plot to fixing this and trying to show off Gal Gadot's very real charisma.
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I don't really have a solution myself, I'm just a guy on the internet--I'm saying the problem is that Gal Gadot has gotten so big she can only take A-list parts and modern Hollywood blockbuster filmmaking says that Strong Female Characters can't be too feminine or show a lot of emotion or be vulnerable--the only emotion they're allowed is to be smug about how awesome they are--and Gadot is notably bad at playing these badly-written parts.
I think she'd actually be great pulling a Leslie Nielsen and making fun of herself, at least a little, but that requires more wit than an algorithm is capable of generating, so I don't think we'll see that for a while.
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dccomicsbracket · 2 months
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Anita Fite (Empress)
Anita Fite was done and has continued to be done dirty for a long time. She spent the original Young Justice run being preyed on by older men, bullied, drawn half naked, been foisted with stereotypical depictions of Vodou, having her major spotlight arc co-opted by a random team up if basically every teen hero, having the climax of her spotlight arc instead going to more Cissie angst, and then receiving an incredibly dumb write out. Literally every member of Young Justice save her (and Slobo, but his circumstances are trickier) has since resurfaced in modern comics. Anita deserves her chance in the spotlight. The current continuity reset means we don't have to stay married to her bullshit ending. There's a lot of potentially interesting ground to cover with her relationships to the loa. She can have more insane homoerotic tension with other women. Maybe she'll almost stab a werewolf to death for looking at the girl she likes wrong again! DC is also sorely lacking a magical team book at the moment. She'd do great on a team as the magic user who actually knows how to throw a punch Bring her back!!!
The Amazons (+ Diana)
Batman has Detective Comics, Superman has Action Comics, so where is Wonder Woman's Sensation Comics? Given how delightful Amazons Attack (2023) has been, it would be great to have a regular book for all of the Amazons to star in. Imagine regular B and C stories for other Wonderfamily members à la PKJ's recent Action run. It would also allow greater focus on Yara Flor and the Esquecida, who haven't had the chance to have much spotlight focused on them to build them out in relation to the Bana-Mighdall and the Themyscirans. It would also be great to be able to have more than one take on Diana at a time—imagine a Wonder Woman/Sensation Comics split as drastic as the current Zdarsky/V split in Batman and Tec. There's even a logical Diana in Man's World Vs Diana with her sisters split you could play with.
Vic Sage (The Question) and Renee Montoya (The Question)
Save Renee from being a cop again
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hrodvitnon · 12 days
I'm honestly really in the middle on Dougherty returning. I like KotM, but I feel it's a film people always look at with super rose-tinted glasses. For the reasons Gemini mentioned as well as some bad editing choices, subpar filmography in the fights, and scenes that had no right being cut from the final film. It'd be cool if he got the run-back and a chance to improve and learn from the mistakes of KotM- but I also think that that film's failure in the global box office will eternally haunt the nightmares of Warner's shareholders so much that it's unlikely (seriously, people forget so quickly how bad this film actually did. It was like, 200 million shy of breaking even and 20 million shy of even making it's money back).
I feel Dougherty is kind of a comfort pick for people that say they want him back, which yeah fair I get that, but the economic skeptic in me isn't convinced they'll get him back. (However, I think it's a genuine mistake on Warner's part not to bring back Bear McCreary. Warner, I'm begging you, bring my boy back)
I also kinda think it's high time for a new director with a new approach. Half the fun of these movies is seeing how new people interpret the world and characters and what they do with them, and I can kinda tell some fans are tired of Wingard. It is kinda playing roulette tho, there is a chance we get saddled with a very unsavory person in the director's chair (I joked about Michael Bay. Equally as bad if like- Zack Synder gets assigned to this. God, could you imagine?). But idk; imo they haven't made a mistake on director hiring yet, so I have faith.
Yeah, like I said, I'm game for a new director to step up and take the next movie in a new direction. And definitely, I work at a movie theater so not only was I there to see how many people were in any given showing (not a lot), but I also put myself through the pain of accidentally timing theater checks so that I was constantly rewatching poor Vivienne Getting a Ghidorah Dropped On Her. Sometimes I still hear that scream.
The only Zack Snyder movies I saw on purpose were 300, Sucker Punch, Man of Steel, and Legend of the Guardians, not counting sitting through an empty showing of Batman V Superman because that particular shift was that dead, so... not amazing, not terrible. I wanna say Legend of the Guardians was the one I enjoyed most if only 'cause the animation was so good and it gave me a newfound interest in owls. But I can picture worse options. Imagine if Roland Emmerich signed on for another shot at Godzilla. Or Paul W.S. Anderson!
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