#baby's first horror fic please be gentle
chickycherrycola · 3 months
hollow moon
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A gift fic for @blackbloodteeth, written for the Grigori Wings server Valentine's Day fic exchange event! (a few days after the posting date, buuuut better late than never!) This one is a horror? romance? horror-romance??? 5k words of Soul Evans slowly turning into a werewolf and generally having the worst time ever 🐺 You can read all the lycanthropic-black-blooded-body horror goodness below, or on Ao3.
thank you to @amberlehcar for hosting the event, and to @moriohpissky for the beta-read!
Rating: M (for aforementioned blood and body horror)
Word count: a little less than 5k; written in second-person perspective and told in a non-linear narrative format
It's there one moment, and the next, it's gone - winked out of existence in the blink of an eye.  ‘What the hell is a rabbit doing in my bathroom?!’ You stand in the doorway, mouth hanging open and eyes glued to the spot where it'd been– it had only been a glimpse, but it was a rabbit, you're absolutely sure– long, twitching ears, soft, sand-colored fur, a prim, pink little nose. Several long, incredulous moments of stillness pass, the faint electrical buzz of the bathroom fan the only sound permeating the silence. The rabbit fails to re-appear, so the shock of seeing it starts to slowly seep from your psyche. And probably, you hadn't even seen it at all. Probably, you'd just imagined it. Probably, you're just tired and need sleep.
So you step into the bathroom with a shake of your head and an exasperated sigh, even as a creeping feeling of unease crawls up the back of your neck; you try to will it away by shifting your focus to your surroundings, by grounding yourself in the present moment one sensation at a time.
The cold tile beneath your bare feet.
The harsh, flickering yellow light overhead, how it casts the small room into severe shadow.
The familiar feeling of worn plastic between your fingers as you reach for your toothbrush.
Your own haggard reflection staring back at you, the darkness within your eyes rivaling the darkness staining the sallow skin below them.
Slowly, your heart rate returns to normal; slowly, it resumes its steady rhythm within your chest, and you breathe a sigh of relief as you apply toothpaste to brush bristles.
You just need a good night's sleep. 
Your eyelids start to droop, the pull of gravity and the allure of sweet slumber an irresistible siren song. You try to keep your focus trained upon the reflected image of your face, on the red of your eyes and the pale mess of your hair, on the mechanical back-and-forth motions of brushing your teeth.
But you're just… so tired.
Your eyes slide shut and your grip on the toothbrush falters despite your best efforts, and you slip into blissful unconsciousness.
But only for a moment.
There is the sound of plastic clattering loudly against the porcelain and a splash, and your eyes snap open. You're disoriented, dizzy from the lull of sleep; you stumble forward and grasp at the sides of the sink to steady yourself. Your fingers are sluggish and heavy as they fumble for the fallen toothbrush, as they slosh around in the tepid sink water to fish it out.
Out of the corner of your eye, you swear you detect a flicker of–
You blink your eyes back up to the mirror and–
The rabbit. 
Sitting in the middle of the tiled floor, its reflection staring back at you, green eyes unblinking and button nose twitching.
Its long ears held tall and upright, insides pink and lined with feathery soft fuzz.
Its fur the color of desert sand, the color of a sun-drenched afternoon.
It's hot blood coursing through its veins, tiny heart pumping the viscous liquid with a steady drone of thump-thumps, and your own ears perk as they strain to listen for the faint heartbeat with the precision of a hunter. 
A predator. 
Your teeth hurt. 
An ache blooms deep within them, starting at the base, in your gums, and burning all the way down to the very tips of your sharp fangs.
And you want to bite.
The rabbit tilts its head, its endlessly green eyes shining with innocence as it regards you.
If you didn't know any better, you'd swear it was something like… like trust shining up at you in those eyes. 
Your mouth starts to water.
Before you know it, you're stepping forward, inclining your body towards your prey, muscles tensing and–
What are you doing? You don't eat rabbits.
This is absurd, this rabbit isn't even real, it's just a figment of your imagination, a hallucination–
You pull away, start to turn around and–
It isn't your own face staring back at you in the mirror.
It's a beast, a great white wolf with pale, shaggy fur cascading down over a long, well-muscled neck, with tall, pointed ears and an elongated snout, with blood-red eyes and a gaping maw full of razor sharp teeth.
You stumble and stagger backward, bringing your hands up to your face in disbelief, only to discover they're covered in fine white fur and tipped with long black claws.
‘What is this what is happening this can't be real I'm not a–’
The rabbit squeaks in alarm.
The sound reverberates in your ears and refocuses your attention, starts you salivating all over again. You close your eyes and inhale and–
You can smell it now.
The metallic scent of blood, flowing hot and thick in the little creature's veins.
And that's when you realize– you're hungry.
You're starving.
You spring forward, bounding over the tile floor to close in on your prey.
You unhinge your jaws with a snarl, and in the seconds before they meet their mark, time seems to slow, and that's when you see it.
The fear in the rabbit's eyes, the very moment in which trust transforms into terror. 
Its ears droop and its green eyes grow wide, it lets out a horrible screech, a shrill scream as your teeth sink into its flesh.
It thrashes in your jaws, kicks its tiny little legs helplessly, and the futile attempt at escape sends a rush coursing through every cell in your body. You bite down harder, hear a crunch and the sinewy snap of tendons breaking, and–
It can't be.
Its the voice of your meister, feeble and frail and fraught with despair, and it's coming from–
You swivel around to face the mirror and–
You scream.
It isn't a rabbit hanging from between your fangs.
It's Maka.
It's Maka.
It's Maka, her body limp and lifeless, dangling from your jaws like a great rag doll. Her head lolls heavily with each movement of your body, and when her face rolls into view, those impossibly green eyes of hers are dull, the light in them utterly extinguished. 
You scream.
You drop your meister’s body from your mouth; she hits the tile with a heavy thud, and you scream.
You scream and you scream, every fiber of your being horrified, until your throat feels raw and your vocal cords give out. 
It isn't until you're completely out of breath, body convulsing uncontrollably and hands fisting in the bedsheets, that you realize you've woken up.
You remember so little from that night.
It’s a black hole in your memory, a gaping stretch of empty abyss with only shadowy fragments of recollection, only flickers here and there of anything concrete. When you try to focus on any one fleeting glimpse of memory for too long, pain throbs in your temples, razor sharp and digging deep into your skull.
You remember a church. You remember streams of crimson ooze dripping from the moon, branding the night sky as if it had been slashed open. You remember the stench of death and you remember blood.
Black blood. 
Blood blacker than the inky darkness of the night, blood blacker and thicker than anything you’d seen before in your life. 
Black, black, so much black, sticking to your shoes and staining your fingers. Stinging the insides of your nostrils with its potent, metallic smell. 
And a flash of pink. 
Pink fur and long, glistening fangs, a flash of murderous gray eyes gleaming in the velvet darkness. The shiver of terror that trickled along the resonance link you’d shared with your meister, how her courage and her stubborn resolve had drained away into utter desperation.
The solid weight of the doors, the futile sound of Maka’s back repeatedly slamming against their heft. 
The glint of long, black-blood stained claws hovering in the air before you. 
And a choice. A choice that wasn’t really a choice - you didn’t even think twice about what you were about to do.
Sudden, impossibly fast movement as those horrid, needle-like claws finally strike, and then–
Followed by blackness, emptiness. 
And one final, enduring thought ringing in your fleeting consciousness:
‘Maka… run.’
A single command, repeating over and over again in your head. 
Cool, desert night air on your face, hard, unforgiving ground beneath your feet. Wind rushing at your back. 
And one directive echoing in your mind above all else. 
‘Run, to the very ends of the earth, if I must.’
You do not think of the look on her face– not the way her eyes had widened or the way her soul wavelength had spasmed in terror. Not the way she’d screamed your name, her voice shattered, utterly broken. 
You don’t think about how you could feel it– the very moment you sensed it in her soul, the moment you’d realized– she was afraid of you. 
You don’t think about how powerless you’d felt, how the power coursing through your body was not the kind you’d known all these years. You don’t think about her hand grasped within your own, how small and insignificant it had felt as you’d changed– not into the cold, heavy steel that you know so well, but into something else entirely.
You do not think of these things, because all you can think about is how close you had come to doing the unthinkable.
Hurting your meister. 
The one person you’d sworn to protect at all costs, even if it would mean your own oblivion.
How claws had sprouted from your fingernails as your hand wrapped around her skinny, bony wrist, how you’d tried to call out her name but the only sound that had come out was a vicious snarl. 
How the seams on that jacket of yours, the yellow-and-black one you’re so fond of, ripped and popped as your body transformed, how you could hear the fabric tear as it came apart. 
How your mouth had watered when you looked down and saw how small she was, how you’d towered over her and you could hear her heartbeat and smell the sweat on her skin as you’d contemplated how easy it would be to tear into her soft, warm flesh. 
You don’t think about how close you’d come to giving in to that hunger, that urge to devour and consume that which you hold most dear. You don’t think about whether these thoughts, these urges, are your own, or whether they belong to someone–something–else entirely. 
All that matters now is that you run, as far as possible. Put as much distance between you, whatever it is you’re becoming, and her as possible.
Even if it means you never see her again.
“I’ve been having strange dreams,” you’d said. 
You’d been sitting on an examination table, or maybe it was an office chair–you’d just woken up, and you’d been in the infirmary for so long the days, weeks, nights, had all begun to blend together, and the dreams made it even harder for you to tell the waking hours from the sleeping hours, so who cares whether it was an exam table or a blasted rolly chair. 
“Oh dear,” the nurse had said, in that honeyed tone of voice that never quite manages to sound genuine. The voice that makes your skin crawl. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
She presses a stethoscope, cold and metal and sterile, against your bare chest, against the long, patchwork scar, still pink and puckering at the edges, that now runs like a fissure across your skin. After a pause, she says, in a nauseatingly sweet voice:
“What kind of dreams?”
The memory of the rabbit rushes to the forefront of your mind–visceral and vivid in its intensity. It’s terrible, blood-curdling scream rings in your ears, the phantom sensation of tender flesh fills your mouth, the way it had felt as your teeth sank into its helpless little body. 
And then, the eyes of your meister–that damn girl of yours–dull and lifeless in the mirror. The broken way she’d sobbed your name with her very last breath.
Bile rises in your throat as your tongue turns to lead. You can’t bear to even think it, to re-visit the images from the dreams in your mind, let alone speak them aloud. 
For what if doing so only serves to make them more real?
The nurse says your name, and it pulls you out of your own head.
“N-nightmares,” you manage to grit out. Your voice is a bitter, hollow thing, spat between your teeth as if the words tasted vile on your tongue. “Nightmares of… of blood and darkness and all that junk. Standard bad dream stuff.”
She gives you a serene smile, but it only manages to deepen your unease. She removes the stethoscope from your skin, pops the earpieces out and levels you with what you guess is supposed to be a reassuring look. 
“It’s perfectly normal to experience some unpleasant dreams after a traumatic encounter,” she tells you, though her voice is careful and guarded. You scoff internally at the use of the word ‘traumatic’. 
‘No shit it was a traumatic encounter,’ you think, but you keep the words to yourself.
(You’re a sarcastic little shit, I’m slowly realizing. It’s amusing to say the very least.)
“But the good news is, your physical body is showing some truly remarkable healing progress,” the nurse continues, and for some reason, the phrase ‘physical body’ snags in your mind like a beast in a snare trap. “So if some bad dreams are the worst thing you’re dealing with in recovery, I think you're doing just fine.”
She sends you off, back to your hospital bed with a bottle of sleeping pills and a clean bill of health. When you settle in for the night a few hours later, it doesn’t even occur to you that more sleep probably just means more nightmares, and you take the pills without questioning it. 
Three days later, you are discharged from the school infirmary–that girl of yours smiles so big it makes your heart clench in your chest. You really are such a sap for her, aren’t you? She throws you a party and all your little friends show up, and you can’t bear to tell her about the nightmares. 
You have that same dream the night you come home, and the night after that. And the night after that. 
A week after you arrive home, you’re cleared for field missions, for combat. 
And that, my dear boy, is when everything falls apart. 
You wake up in a patch of scraggy brush, your head pounding and your stomach churning, surrounded by tufts of bone-white fur and no clue how many hours you’d been unconscious.
And hardly any memory from before, from when you were conscious. 
You push yourself up with a groan, and your entire body screeches in protest. Your bones creak and your muscles ache with the effort of moving, and your entire being feels wrong; your arms feel like they’ve been forced into too-small shoulder sockets, your knee joints feel like they’ve been ripped out and put back into place backwards. 
And your head.
The ache in your head is a living thing, the way it writhes and throbs, the way it claws at the insides of your temples and behind your eyes with hot, stabbing pain. It hurts, it hurts, so much so that you’re tempted to split your head open on a nearby rock, just to see if that would hurt less.
But then, that would be merciful, and you’d decided a long time ago that you aren’t worthy of mercy. You’d sealed that fate when you ran away.
You sit up, and there are rivulets of dried blood crusted on your arms and also, you slowly realize, on your face–though whether it’s your blood, or something else’s blood, you don’t know.
Upon closer examination, you discover that the crusted old blood is a deep shade of crimson. 
Not yours. 
I try to tell you that it doesn't have to be like this– that there is another way. You don't have to wake up in the haze of shrouded memories, with no recollection of events prior. You don't have to wake up feeling like a foreigner in your own body, like you're a slave to forces you don't understand. I keep trying to tell you– you can have power, Soul. Power beyond your wildest dreams.
But you won't listen to me. You never do.
If you did, though– oh, it would be glorious. My power, combined with that weapon blood of yours– it would be truly magnificent. You wouldn't have to run anymore, wouldn't have to eke out this miserable existence in the barren wilderness. You wouldn't have to live in fear–of yourself or anyone else.
And you'd be able to protect her, too– that green-eyed girl.
Yes, I know you remember her name. It's about the only morsel of knowledge you've held onto from your previous life, though I can't honestly fathom why. If it weren't for her, and your borderline suicidal obsession with protecting her, you wouldn't even be in this mess in the first place.
Perhaps you grow tired of my monologuing, or perhaps there's another catalyst, because finally, you push yourself to your feet. You're naked, every inch of your skin exposed to the elements, to the harsh desert scrubland, but this fact stopped bothering you a long time ago. After so many months out here in the arid mountains, the wildlife have accepted you as one of their own– the creatures either squeal and flee from you in terror, or pay you no mind, depending on their relative size and rank in the food chain.
You strain your ears and concentrate; after a moment, you hear it– the babble of a brook, the rush of moving water. It's the little creek that runs nearby, and while it isn't much, it'll be enough to cleanse your aching body of the dirt and grime, of the crusted blood upon your skin. You set off into the darkening twilight in the direction of the noise.
You make it perhaps a few yards before a horrible pain seizes you in the pit of your stomach. It's a new pain, so sudden and severe that you double over. You fall to your knees as your body begins to convulse, as your mouth reflexively falls open and you start to heave.
For many long, awful moments, nothing comes up. Nothing expels itself from the depths of your gullet, and it's all you can do to hack and cough and wheeze with each of your body's futile attempts to purge itself of whatever undesirable thing has entered it. Your throat burns and your eyes water and the ache in your stomach steals the very breath from your lungs, the pain is so suffocating. You wonder fleetingly if this is where it all ends.
And then, finally– something long and thin and almost scaly in texture rises up your esophagus and onto your tongue, accompanied by several knobby, fleshy little lumps, covered in fuzz and coated in stomach bile. You grind your fist into the dry earth and spit. 
A rat tail and four tiny, undigested little rat feet fall from your mouth. 
It's a dark, moonless night, and as you gaze skyward at the impossibly starry heavens, you know the next transformation is near.
You can feel it in your bones–the other presence inside you–clawing its way out, threatening to rip you apart in the process. The bubbling, surging, tearing sensation, and the knowledge that whatever it is you've been turning into, you won't be able to hold it off for much longer.
You crash into a copse of trees–ponderosa pine, if their scent is anything to go by–as you feel the last of your resolve evaporate. 
You've held the beast at bay for as long as you possibly can.
And now, it's my turn.
You collapse into a dense carpet of pine needles on the forest floor as a shudder courses through your body. Your muscles ripple and pulse, your skin starts to rearrange itself to make room for your shifting bones, and you groan in utter agony at the sensation. When you un-fist your hands, you watch as fine white fur erupts along your knuckles, as your fingernails lengthen and sharpen into points, into needle-like claws.
And then, a horrible sound– the crrrr-accck! of the bones in your neck as they expand in size, the agonizing creak as your jaws unhinge and elongate, the burning ache of your teeth growing, of additional fangs erupting from your gums.
With a final, desperate push– a gnash of your teeth and a snarl in your new voice, the swish of a long, bushy tail now protruding from the end of your spine– the transformation is complete.
And with it, your conscious thoughts and human memories fade, replaced by primal animal instinct and a ravenous, all-consuming hunger.
You lift your head, sniff at the crisp, decadent night air tentatively, before throwing your head back with a howl. It’s a long, plangent sound, echoing hauntingly in the vast, lonesome desert.
Your final thought before charging off into the abyssal night is a memory, one as distant as it is achingly familiar – a flash of green eyes.
The moon hangs hollow and lifeless in the sky on the night you finally speak to me. 
You say, “What would I have to do?”
It’s the first time you’ve fully acknowledged me in these months that we’ve been together, and you sound more like yourself than I’ve ever heard from you. Your voice is steady, calm, and assured. You don’t stumble over the words. 
I don’t have a physical body of my own, but if I did, I would grin–wide and toothy and full.
“Easy,” I reply. “Just let me lead.”
“Let you lead,” you scoff, and I realize I’d missed that snark of yours–had grown quite fond of it in these months I’ve spent with you. “Isn’t that what you’ve been doing this whole time?”
“Not at all,” I say, because I have no reason to lie to you. Our relationship may be many things, but I’ve never once lied to you, and I don’t intend to start now. “You haven’t allowed it. You’ve been resisting me at every turn.”
For a long moment, you’re silent. I watch your gaze tilt upward, to the dull yellow glow of the moon. It’s a husk of its former self, an ugly, hollowed out gash in an otherwise velvety black night sky. 
“I’ve been afraid to face you,” you confess, but there isn’t the faintest echo of fear in your voice now. “And afraid of what would happen if I stopped fighting you.”
“Ah.” I pause, feeling the need to choose my words carefully. “So you’ve decided that this is a better alternative, then? A lonely life out in the woods, away from all you hold dear?”
You say nothing. Your throat works as you swallow.
“I just didn’t want to hurt her.”
“Soul,” I say. “You don’t think you’re hurting her now?”
Your heart twists inside your chest as that question sinks in, and even if I weren’t deeply ingrained within you, even if I weren’t completely, intrinsically a part of you, I’d be able to feel the impact of those words. The way your face pinches and your eyes fill with moisture, the way your hands curl into fists at your sides.
“Fuck.” Your voice is breathless and exasperated. “Fuck, you’re right. I–” You pause, suck in a deep breath. “I messed up.”
“Afraid of me or not, the simple, undeniable truth is that I am a part of you now. Nothing will change this fact. And the sooner you accept it–the sooner you accept me–the sooner we can put an end to all of this.”
You stand, then, rising from the ground with renewed purpose. Your face hardens with resolve, and you nod solemnly.
“All right,” you announce with something almost like relief in your voice. “I’m ready.”
This time–this time, the transformation is seamless. 
You let me in, let my power wash over you and overtake you and–
It’s simply glorious. 
How your skin ripples, bare, naked flesh one moment, then thick, beautiful white fur the next. How your ears and tail and claws and teeth burst from your body with an almost practiced ease, how your silhouette changes shape from boy to wolf so effortlessly. 
How the howl that looses from your throat is no longer a despondent sound, no longer fraught with despair–but instead, triumph. How this sound is almost jovial, as if you’re howling in celebration. 
And when our union is complete, you run. You charge through the night with the boundless elation that self-acceptance brings, the kind of joy that can only come from full, unflinching acceptance of your entire self.
Darkness and all.
When I open my eyes, it takes me a minute to realize where I am. 
There’s the glare of fluorescent white light above me, the soft rustle of cottony fabric beneath me. The steady beep-beep-beep of an electronic device somewhere next to me, and–
A hand, small and warm and familiar, clasped within my own. 
“Shhh…” The grip of her hand tightens as her face comes into view. “I’m here, Soul. Right here.”
I don’t realize that I’m saying her name out loud until I’m repeating it, over and over again like a desperate prayer. 
Even as I gaze up at her, I can’t quite believe that this is real. That she is real.
The overhead lights cast a glowing halo around her flaxen head; her eyes are puffy and red, laden with dark circles underneath, and her lower lip quivers undeniably as she regards me, but it’s her, she’s here, and most importantly, she’s safe.
I reach for her. 
“Maka, I–” The words come out broken and ragged, but I have to say this. “Gods, Maka, I’m so–I’m so sorry–”
She shakes her head, squeezes my hand. Leans into my touch when my other palm comes to rest on her cheek. 
“No. Don’t,” she says, and fuck, did I miss the sound of her voice. “Don’t start.”
Sniffly and wobbly though her words are, she still manages to lace plenty of warning into the command, and as a result, all the apologies, everything I’d wanted to tell her if I ever saw her again–all of it withers away into nothing. 
“I’m just so glad I finally found you.”
I realize all at once, then, that I’m back in the infirmary, laying on a hospital bed, and the rhythmic beeping next to me is the sound of a machine tracking my own erratic heart rate. 
“H-How did I… get back–”
“I found you,” Maka repeats, bringing her other hand to rest over where mine still cups her cheek. “About a mile outside of Death City. Unconscious. Dirty. Bleeding from your hands and feet. I had been trying to sense your soul wavelength for so long…” she trails off, and I realize her eyes, those endlessly green eyes that lingered in my memory even when I’d utterly lost myself, are brimming with tears. A single bead of moisture slips from the corner of her eye, and without even thinking, my thumb moves to brush it away. 
“You didn’t have to run, Soul.”
There are so many things I could say–so much I want to say, but I just can’t find the words.
That I did it all for her, that all I wanted was to keep her safe. That I couldn’t bear the thought of bringing harm to her. That it didn’t feel fair to expect her to understand what had been happening to me, if I could hardly understand it myself.
Instead, all I manage are two whispered words:
“I’m changed.”
Maka’s eyes soften. 
“I know.”
“I don’t know what it means for my future. For us. For our partnership.”
“I don’t either.” Her voice is low as she leans forward, as she moves her hand from atop mine and places it on my chest, right above my heart. Above the scar I now bear on my skin, forever brandished on my body as a stark reminder of the lengths I’m willing to go to for her. “But… we’ll figure it out together. Like we always have.”
She smiles then, and it's like the dawn breaking after a long, impossibly dark night. I feel her soul wavelength reach out to entwine with mine–a feeling I hadn’t felt in so long, one I never thought I’d ever feel again. 
And I know in that moment that she’s right. 
“Yeah.” I can hear the smile in my own voice as I lean forward, as I press my forehead tenderly against hers. I breathe in her familiar, comforting scent–the scent of home–and it grounds me and soothes me in a way that nothing else can. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ll never leave her again, that I’ll be by her side until my dying day. “We sure will.”
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asumofwords · 10 months
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on. Mentions of gore and blood. Smut.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Hello my babies, thank you so much for your patience! I really needed a day or two or three to rest and relax! I was just doing the maths, and since I have combined some of my chapters to make them longer (and tbh might do it again) there is 110 chapters of SFA! So we have 10 left!! ( I do have plans for an epilogue planned after as well) HOLY SMOKES! Thank you all so much for your love and support and kind words AS ALWAYS! I fucking adore you guys. Anyway, enjoy! <3
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Chapter 100: The One-Eyed King 
King Aemond, First of his Name, took you atop the Iron Throne more times than you could count, plunging into your wet heat whilst the body of his brother lay cold on the stones behind you.
By the end of your passionate embrace, you knew that you would be aching for days to come, and when you finally removed yourselves from the throne of melted swords, it was done with a gentle hand on the small of your back and a passionate kiss. 
You made your way down the steps, eyes locked onto the corpse of Aegon, the blood around him soaked through the stones. You paused as you looked at him, at his body, at the way the blood had trickled from his gaping mouth.
You thought of how he had raped you.
How he had mocked you.
Hit you. 
Usurped the throne from your mother, and been the catalyst for your brothers death.
You thought, in that moment, of everything he had done to you and to Aemond.
How he caused you to lose your child. 
Anger rolled through you, rage simmered, chest feeling impossibly tight.
But Aegon was gone.
And he could hurt you no longer. 
He could touch you no longer. 
You reared your head back, swirling your tongue and for the final time, spat onto his corpse, leg shooting out to kick the head that lay on its side forcefully with the toe of your boot, Aegon's skull skidding across the stones, wet sticky blood leaving a trail behind.
The hand on your back pushed you forward, a soft, 'that’s enough' whispered into the shell of your ear. You heaved angry broken breaths, inhaling deeply once to calm yourself before you moved forward, head held high as the King, your King, walked you towards the Small Council chambers.
The walk was swift, and it still felt as though your mind had not fully caught up to everything that had happened. But you would have to deal with that later. Right now you needed to be present.
Or as present as you could be.
As you came up the stairs, you could hear the voices of those inside, bickering amongst each other as they waited for you to arrive. The doors were opened by the guards stationed at the doors, and a hush fell across the room. 
You walked in together, and all bowed towards you. 
All except Alicent, who hissed from across the room, eyes red and tear tracks staining her cheeks, as she raced across the room, all fury, towards her son.
It reminded you of the night Aemond lost his eye.
“You have killed your own brother!” Her eyes darted back and forth across his face, horror, and anger, and disgust on her features. But what was more, beneath it all, there was fear.
Alicent was afraid.
Aemond simply looked down at his mother and hummed, lips pursing forward in thought. 
The hand moved through the space faster than anyone could have reacted, striking Aemond across the cheek with a loud slap. Alicent’s chest heaved, and Otto came behind her to drag her backwards, whispering into her ear to try and calm his daughter.
Aemond’s head had barely moved, not a hair was out of place, nor had he flinched when she struck him. As though he had been expecting it to come. As though he expected nothing less of his mother. As though it had happened, once, twice, three times before. 
And it had. 
Your husband chose to ignore his mothers rage filled glare, and moved towards the head of the table, your own feet slowly trailing after him. Aemond held open a hand to the table, ordering the men to be seated, and then he looked to you. 
You were still standing beside him, and with a shift of his palm, and an almost imperceptible nod of his head, you were directed to the seat beside him.
A seat at the Small Council. 
Before you on the table was your council stone, round and seated within its dish.
You had a place in the council.
Alicent Hightower however, did not sit, her seat now filled by you, and her fury rolled off of her in waves that crashed against the dark oak of the table. Her hands shook, and as you watched her, you could see that she was merely holding on by a thread.
It was the first time since the night of Aemond’s eye where you had seen her so shaken.
The King's cold gaze lifted to his mother, and with a soft and careful voice, he told her to sit.
The Dowager Queen’s hands shook at her side, clenching and unclenching, hair wild and out of place, and it wasn’t until that moment as you watched her did you noticed the small stains of blood against the green of her gown. The dried coppery substance had stained her fingertips and hands as she had held the corpse of her son.
Alicent did not sit, lifting a hand to her mouth, pressing it roughly into her skin with worry as she looked to all the Lords who followed Aemond’s command without question.
It was hard to not feel some sort of pity towards her, some sort of empathy, because despite everything, she was still a woman who had lost so much. Three of her children to be exact. And you knew there to be no greater loss in the world than a mother who mourns their child.
The King sat straight in his chair, and addressed the men at the table, "As you were all aware, Aegon was to set the realm to ruins. Rebellions had begun in Riverrun, and more and more of our support had begun to turncloak. His lack of action has made us quick enemies.”
Lord Jasper Wylde nodded in agreement from across the table.
Aemond continued, “He was to bring the realm to war again. Aegon's inability to listen to the council’s recommendations for Flea Bottom had caused uprisings from the small folk down in the slums. Our Kings Guards and Gold Cloaks have been working day and night to keep them at bay.”
You shifted in your seat at the mention of war and the rebellions.
“My time in Harrenhal proved to be an enlightening one. Our men who reside there were ready to erupt into battle with Rhaenyra’s allies. But hers are larger in numbers, and with the North at her side, she is a formidable foe. My uncle Daemon would torch the realm, allies or not. He has no care for the lives lost if that meant crumbling our power.” The Maester played with his council stone before him in thought, the chain of his tunic shifting, “This disruption to the dust that we had once settled, caused trade from the Golden Tooth to halt, and thus our reserves and coin have dwindled.”
Their coin has dwindled.
They’re losing power.
Gods be good, the tides are shifting.
The old Maester leant forward on the table, holding his sphere, “I had received word from the Red Fork that the Blacks, after the commandeering of their small folks trading ships, have doubled their fleet power with Lord Corlys’ warships to block any exit or entrance for our men.”
Your eyes skimmed over the table, and landed on a pair of dark brown eyes. 
Larys Strong was watching you. 
And he was smiling.
Lord Jasper Wylde, Master of Law, picked up his sphere to speak, “Perhaps if we make a distinction that our purpose at the Red Fork is mere-“
“-Have you gone to madness?!” Alicent shrieked, charging towards the table on the opposite side of Aemond, hands slamming onto the wood as she sneered at her son, “You have slain your brother, the King, and now you move forward with business and trade?!”
“Aemond is King.” Your voice floated across the table, looking up at the woman through your eyelashes.
The Hightower woman’s face darkened, “You have willed him into slaying his brother. A manipulation most foul! How much more must we all fall prey to your-“
“Quiet.” Aemond’s voice cut across the room, and Alicent’s lips snapped closed, “For years you have defended Aegon and his actions, and it has become our ruin.”
His voice became deeper, louder, and more grating, “Tis I the younger brother who studied history, philosophy, and is trained with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world. It is I who should have been put forth for the crown, not that useless wastrel I called my brother."
Aemond shifted, leaning forward towards his mother as he looked up at her, "Aegon never took interest in his birthright and duty, whoring and drinking and serving his own interests which set ours back for miles. I have done what needed to be done. What should have been done. I wear the Conquerors Crown. I ride upon Vhagar, the oldest and largest of dragons, Queen Visenya once rode. I am the King.” His eye did not blink once, staring down his mother, who’s anger bled from her face, and fear resurfaced in its place.
Aemond turned to look out at his Councilmen, meeting each and every eye, “If anyone dare question my authority, I shall have you removed from these chambers and the council.”
You blinked.
And the world came crashing back towards you, as though you had been plucked from the sky once more, and tumbled down to earth. Because the reality was far more than what you had realised. Far more than what you had even had a chance to feel.
Aemond was King.
And what did that mean for the treaty?
A small piece of anxiety began to worm its way through your bones, nipping at the tips of your fingers, down to the heels of your feet, burrowing under your skin with an insistence that you could not ignore or push down. Your mouth felt dry as you looked out at the table, looking at all the Lords, who gazed back, before you finally turned to face your husband. 
His eye was already on you.
With hands that shook, you lifted your sphere from its place, the weight of it stopping the uneven movement. It was heavy and smooth, and as you look down at it and turned your hand, you found the courage to speak, placing it gently back into its spot, rolling it within its small bed.
“What does this mean for the treaty?” You questioned, fingers pressing into the sphere far harder than needed.
Aemond’s eye flickered in recognition, but settled quickly, grazing over your face and down to your hand. The rest of the Lords at the table waited with bated breath.
It was clear that all wondered what was to come now after the death of Aegon.
What would become of the treaty? 
The treaty had been made with Aegon, not Aemond. 
Aemond’s jaw clenched, holding your gaze for a moment more whilst your stomach spun and flipped. Blinking, he looked away, turning to his Small Council, “You are dismissed. We shall reconvene on the morrow.”
You frowned, continuing to stare at him as the men shuffled out of the room silently, Alicent being all but dragged out by her father Otto Hightower.
It was then, that anxiety truly settled in your bones. 
“Go to our chambers, I will be there with you shortly.” Aemond spoke to you softly.
“-Now.” Aemond commanded, tone clipped.
His word was final.
And after today, you did not wish to push his luck. The blood of his brother was still dried upon his face, having not been washed away. Evidence and proof of just how far he was willing to go. And if anyone knew the extent of his wrath, it would be you.
You swallowed thickly and stood on shaky legs, bowing your head to your husband as you left the Small Council chambers, and headed for your own. 
The walk was swift, nervous energy carrying you quickly to your shared quarters, where you paced before the fire place in wait. 
What did this mean for the treaty now?
What would Aemond do?
Was your family in danger?
Would he renew the terms?
Was war to come?
You spent the better part of what felt like an hour, walking back and fourth, thoughts tumbling through your mind like jagged rocks, scraping against the sides sharply. Your fingers coming to your mouth where you bit the nails down until they bled.
When the doors finally opened, you spun on your heel, facing Aemond as he entered, crown still atop his head. His fathers blade was now at his side, which he leant against the chaise, and he moved quickly towards you, one hand coming to cup your cheek.
His movements were sharp, and at first you had been frightened, but as you leant into the warmth of his palm as he stroked your skin, you looked into his gaze and saw it. 
Swallowing your anxiety, and pushing all your questions to the back of your mind, you dropped to your knees for a second time that day, willingly, the skin bruised and protesting, but hands that shook making quick work of his breeches as he looked down at you, eye half half lidded with desire.
For it would be better to broach these questions when he was disarmed.
When you pulled him from his pants, he was half erect, and so you worked him with your hand, and the tip of your tongue until he was hard and heavy in your own palm. Your fingers wrapped around him as you took him into your mouth, the muskiness of his own taste spreading across your tongue, as well as the subtle tang of your own release on his length from earlier. 
Aemond groaned from above, hand smoothing your hair from your face as you bobbed your head along his length, hollowing your cheeks and feeling his tip press against the back of your throat. The King gripped your hair and pulled you down his length, the hairs at the base of his cock tickling your nose as you gagged.
Your husband guided you up and down his length, before pulling you off of him with a pop. 
Lifting you up towards him, Aemond crashed his lips against yours, tongue forcing its way into your mouth as you gasped in his grip, his hands spinning you around to push you forward over the table. Your hands splayed out, knocking over an ink pot that sat on the surface, its dark ink spreading across the wood and parchment. 
The skirts of your dress were hiked up your thighs and pushed onto your back, revealing your wet, and leaking centre to the room. Aemond knelt behind you as anticipation swept through you.
You felt his sharp nose press into the flesh of your ass as he gently bit the skin causing you to whimper, before moving down to part your folds with one long swipe of his tongue. 
You moaned loudly, pushing your hips backwards to meet him as he continued, lapping at your wetness, and his seed which leaked from you from your coupling on the Iron Throne. Pleasure wound its way through you, bud and folds overestimated and sensitive from the day of fucking, and before no time at all, Aemond brought you to your peak. 
You cried out against the wood, hands digging into it as he stood, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing into you with a harsh grunt. Your breasts were pressed against the wooden surface, sensitive and aching as they rubbed against the hard table top.
Your body jolted against the table with every thrust, hip bones pressing painfully against the edge of the wood, which only added to your pleasure. Aemond rutted into you in a frenzy, grunts and curses coming from behind you as he gripped your hips roughly, each stroke brushing against the spongey spot within you. 
You cried out, watching as the ink seeped into the wood of the table, nails digging into the surface. 
It looked like the stones did.
How Aegon looked.
How his blood seeped across the floor before you.
Thick and inky-
“Fuck.” Aemond grunted, “Squeezing my cock so tightly.”
You moaned loudly, hand reaching beneath your skirts so that you could press your fingers to your pearl. You rubbed neat circles into the sensitive nerves, sighing as you did, your release rapidly climbing once more. 
“Killed that fucking cunt for you. Killed my brother for this fucking perfect cunt. Fuck. Going to give you an heir.”
Each clap of his hips was bruising, and soon the both of you tumbled over the edge together, the King pushing himself to the hilt inside of you, cock throbbing as it spurted his seed deep within.
You collapsed, face resting against the wood, small strands of your hair having gotten wet by the ink that had been spilt. No doubt joining the blood that stained your hair too. You breathed heavily, letting your release to spread through you warmly.
Aemond rested his cheek against your back, hot breath fanning across your skin as he came down from his high, before he slowly pulled out of you with a groan.
In a tangle of limbs, the two of you stripped each other, the crown sitting beside the bed, as you crawled beneath the sheets facing him, spent from the days events, spent from his cock, and spent from the anxiety that continued to linger in the back of your mind. 
The both of you lay on your sides, looking at one another as he smoothed a hand over your shoulder and down your arm in a repetitive motion. Up, down, pause. Up, down, pause.
Up, down, pause.
His eye danced over your face, a finger coming to brush against your cheek where you felt a dry flake fall away. 
A dry flake of blood. 
Aegon’s blood.
Aemond was lost in his thoughts.
“Skoros issi ao otāpagon, ñuha jorrāelagon?” What are you thinking, my love? You whispered to him quietly, watching as his eye flicked back and forth on yours.
“Olvie hen mirre.” Most and all, Came his quiet reply.
You shifted, moving closer to him, hand pressed against his chest, “Gaomagon daor ōregon ziry isse. Ȳdragon ziry” Do not hold it in. Speak it.
You watched as your husbands chest rose and fell, a static quiet around the both of you. He leant forward, pressing a kiss against your forehead, and then another against your cheek.
“Ānogar kessa ropagon naejot nūmo se rūklun, se mazilībagon se vējes hembar." Blood will be spilt to seed the garden, and set the future sway, “Iā pāletilla vēttan hen ānogar.” A crown forged of blood, Aemond whispered, “Issa hae vestas.” It is as she said.
“Issa.” It is, You agreed, pausing before you spoke again, “Aemond?”
Your uncle’s gaze was locked on a strand of your hair that he brushed gently with his fingers. He hummed, raising his eye to you.
“Sir bona iksā Dārys, kostagon jān naejot ūndegon ñuha lentor?” Now that you are King, can I go to see my family?
Aemond watched your face closely, hand stilling in your hair before it dropped to your shoulder heavily. 
You breathed in, and out. 
His hand started to move again. Up, down, pause. Up, down, pause. 
Up, down, pause.
“Valzȳrys?” Husband, You questioned again, “Kessa ao ivestragī nyke ūndegon ñuha muña?” Will you let me see my mother?
Up, down.
“Kesi jorrāelagon naejot ȳdragon nūmāzma se treaty ēlī.” We will need to speak about the treaty first.
But there was no treaty now following the death of Aegon.
Now the prospect of war returning was a real one.
Swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, you lifted a hand, brushing your fingers against his cheek and scar, fingers delicately tracing it.
It was jagged and not as smooth as you would have thought when you first saw it. The closer you were, the more you could see the small little dotted scars that lined it, courtesy of the Maester’s stitches.
“Kostilus, gaomagon daor ōdrikagon zirȳ.  Gaomagon daor ōdrikagon ñuha lentor.  Hae aōha ābrazȳrys, aōha jorrāelagon, nyke epagon ao, kostilus.” Please, do not harm them. Do not hurt my family. As your wife, your love, I ask you, please. 
Aemond hummed and leant forward to press another kiss to your forehead. 
He did not answer your plea.
Up, down, pause.
Up, down, pause.
Where Aegon had anger, Aemond had wrath. 
Where Aegon stewed, Aemond seethed.
Where Aegon saw reason, Aemond saw vengeance.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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papaleon · 8 months
I'm Still Full of the Love You Want
pairing: RE4R!Leon Kennedy x afab!Reader
wc: 2.4k
summary: Leon has come back from Spain and, on the advice of his therapist, he's learning to associate the bad memories with something good. That something happens to be you.
content: leon gets cuffed, p in v, oral (reader receiving), no protection (wrap it up guys), i just replayed resi4r and i can't get over leon being chained to the ceiling (inspo), leon is a good boy
18+ MDNI, this is literally just pwp
a/n: please be gentle, i haven't written fic in years, this post has a lot of my writing firsts including the perspective and the smut. it has been sorta proofread, all mistakes are my own. enjoy! <3
Leon let out a deep groan as you moved to straddle his unclothed thighs. The handcuffs you had just finished latching to the headboard clinked as he tested their strength. See, Leon had just returned from his mission in Spain. He was, of course, tight-lipped and bound by a very intimidating NDA to keep the details quiet. But, even though he wasn’t able to share the grisly details with you, you could read Leon like a book. He always wore his pain, anger, and anxiety in his eyes, as much as he’d hate to admit it. 
Right now though, his face only told of pleasure, and that was enough for you. You offered him a soft smile as you ground down onto the meat of his muscular thigh, pressing down just enough for him to feel your want. 
“C’mon baby, please.”
Leon’s work mandated therapist, Dr. Woolf, had recommended he work to associate the horrors and trauma he’d experienced with something positive. You were certain that Dr. Woolf did not intend those new associations to be with sex, in fact you had a few qualms with the whole thing but it was the only thing that seemed to help Leon. After years of witnessing the love of your life suffer with his own memories, day and night, you figured you’d do anything to help him. 
So here you both were, blue moonlight kissing warm candle light as it danced over both of your bodies. You had just finished stripping Leon down and cuffing him, wrists over his head, after a very lengthy discussion about limits and how this tied back to Spain. 
This wasn’t that bad, baby, I swear. You had stared at him as he spoke, looking for any hint of a lie. My gear was taken and we were chained to the ceiling. It could have been worse. He smirked at that. You had feigned indignation and lightly smacked his chest. This you could deal with. You knew he suffered much worse but you tried to leave your worries unspoken. 
He looked beautiful like this though, you thought as you ran your eyes over him. Leon Kennedy certainly had a reputation that preceded him. A rookie cop turned hardened agent, a bit of a sarcastic, stoic dickhead if you pissed him off, and a selfless protector. Someone you would want on your team but certainly never wanted to get on the bad side of. But you knew more. He had lived through so much strife and hardship, he was hidden behind years of trauma and survival instincts, but deep down he was a person who longed to be cared for and understood. You were more than happy to give that to him. 
“Darling, I need-“ Leon’s request stuck in his throat, hips kicking up, cock jumping as you ground down hard against his thigh. The pressure on your clit pulled a small sigh out of you. You started to pick up your pace, riding his thigh in earnest now. 
“What do you need, hmm?” You smiled wide at Leon, his hands flexing as he tried to move to touch you. He let out a frustrated groan. 
“Need to see you, s-since I can’t touch.” You dropped your eyes, scanning over Leon’s naked body, still covered in scars and healing bruises. Your gaze stopped at his cock, hard and lying up against his toned stomach. You could see how flushed the tip looked, slick pre-cum dripping, pooling where his cock met skin. Your mouth watered, you simply couldn’t help it. A very vocal part of you wanted to lean down, lap up his mess and take him into your mouth. Later, you promised yourself. 
You, of course, were still dressed. You wanted to give Leon a show. These ‘re-associations’ were to be as involved and lengthy as possible, Dr. Woolf had mentioned. Anything to give Leon’s mind more incentive to replace the bad with the good.
“You wanna see me?” You teased as you ran your hands along your body, fingers teasing under the hem of the t-shirt you were wearing - stolen from Leon’s drawer.
“Fuck, yeah please l-let me see you angel,” Leon nodded fervently, his words were starting to slur together slightly. You always liked seeing Leon lose his poise and control, your strong-willed boyfriend squirming and begging underneath you. It didn’t happen often but you relished in the moments Leon would let you in like that, let you take care of him, show you his trust. “…shit baby you look so good in my clothes.” 
“Okay baby, you’re such a good boy for asking.” You smirked as you swung your legs over to kneel next to Leon, needing to remove your lounge clothes. He whined and bucked his hips at the loss of contact, your own slick shiny and cooling on his thigh. Leon just stared at you hungrily. He’d been so patient for you, so good, so you teased the hem of the t-shirt before pulling it off in one quick movement, dropping it off the side of the bed onto the floor. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Leon’s eyes darted to your chest, taking in the sight. You blushed lightly. Leon always looked at you like he wanted to devour you whole, like you were the only other person in the entire world, like he loved and desired nothing more than you. Wanting to hide your blushing cheeks, you leaned down quickly to kiss him, chaste and soft given the current circumstances. The chains rattled again as he moved to reach for you. 
“You’re so good to me,” You whispered as you sat up to pull your sleep shorts and panties down and off. You shuddered as the cold air met your soaked cunt. Leon went slack jawed, his cock jumping slightly off his belly. 
“‘Course sweet thing,” his voice was gruff, filled with want as he stared at your dripping core. You discarded your shorts onto the floor next to your top before moving to straddle Leon’s hips this time. You firmly dropped down to drag your slick cunt against Leon’s cock, the tip bumping against your clit. Leon moaned low and deep, his look of shock immediately replaced by his eyes rolling back into his head. Your own breathing started getting ragged, you wanted nothing more than to slip him inside but you had to control yourself, you really wanted to do this right, to make this last. 
“C’mon baby, ride me,” Leon’s hips pushed up, attempting to slide in whenever you bucked your hips forward. You shuddered, slowly but surely losing the will to tease. It was especially hard when Leon was looking up at you like that, like he was about to cry. “W-wanna make you come.” 
“Yeah?” You groaned loudly, losing the rest of any willpower you had before reaching down to line up his thick cock with your dripping hole. You slammed your hips down hard, a sharp smack mingled with the loud moans of you both. It burned, the sudden stretch, but that didn’t matter when Leon filled you up perfectly, you just couldn’t help it, you craved that feeling. You could see a flash of frustration in his eyes as you slowly started fucking yourself on him. You could feel him shift beneath you, feet planted on the mattress so he could find his own pace. You leaned forward, back arched as your chest met his as you tucked your face into his neck. 
“Thank you,  thank you, thank you-“ Leon chanted softly, groaning as he thrust up into your tight, wet cunt. The sounds were obscene, you felt impossibly wet, Leon’s pre-cum mixing with your slick. 
You finally gained your wits enough to push back into his thrusts, angling your own hips just right so each thrust hit the right spot. You had heard Leon wince as your nails dug into his shoulders, but it barely registered as you barrelled toward your own orgasm, hanging onto Leon like a lifeline.  
“Gonna … gonna come baby, you’re gonna make me come,” you felt Leon’s cock throb inside you as his own thrusts grew erratic. “Unlock the cuffs f’me darling, wanna touch” he squeezed his eyes shut, and let out a sigh. You stilled your hips, leaning over to the nightstand to grab the small key. Leon took advantage of your position to lap and bite at your nipple. You leaned into the sensation.
“L-leon please,” you reached over to unlock one of the cuffs finally allowing Leon’s hands down. He remained limp, pliant under you. 
That is, until you unlocked the second cuff. 
He pushed himself up quickly, slipping out of you, rolling you both over until he was firmly planted between your thighs and had you pinned down by your wrists. You were about to whine from the emptiness when you felt him slide back into you, bottoming out in one quick motion. 
Leon set a frantic pace from there, pushing your knees together and leaning over to press them to your chest, his eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowed as you took him even deeper. You could feel the tip of his cock nudge against your cervix with every thrust, sending small sparks of pain through your abdomen, but it only made the fire in your belly grow hotter, made your skin tingle all over. 
“Ah, ah, ah, fuck, Leon!” You bit through gritted teeth, losing all the poise and confidence you had when you controlled the pace. Leon’s fingers intertwined with yours and you held on for dear life, unable to do 
“so fuh-fucking good for me baby, taking me so well,” Leon moaned. It took all the energy you had left to open your eyes just to see Leon lean closer, his soft hair falling over his brow and his jaw locked, willing every bit of his body not to let go yet, he wasn’t done with you. He leaned even closer to kiss you. “You were meant to take this cock right? Only you. Your pussy is so tight huh, angel? Fuck you were made for me weren’t you?” 
All you could do was nod dumbly, squeezing your eyes shut as the fire raged inside both of you. Leon was relentless, fucking into you hard and fast, like a man starved, every thrust hitting the perfect spot inside you. The pressure was building, and you couldn’t really hear what you were saying anymore, you were just babbling about how perfect your cock is, and fuck me, I love you. 
Leon’s pace started to falter, just as you felt your orgasm approaching, but that didn’t matter, as you felt him move to pull out. But you simply couldn’t have that. “No, no, no, no! Come in me Leon, baby, please!” You whined, squirming underneath him. “Wanna feel you, puh-lease, fuck!” 
Leon growled lowly, “You want my cum darling?” There was no more teasing as he lined his cock back up with your puffy, fucked out cunt. Yes, and please, fell out of your mouth like a chant even before he was finished the question. 
“Come in me please, Leon, ‘m close, so close.” And who was he to deny you a single thing? Leon grunted as he started up his brutal pace again, only managing several more thrusts before slamming into you, bottoming out, as he fucked his cum deep inside you. You clenched hard at the throbbing warmth, your soft, tight cunt milking every last drop out of Leon. 
“That’s right, good baby. Take it all. So good just f’me, hmm?” You moaned, nodding weakly, still trying to push your hips against his. The fire raged on in you, your cunt was begging for release. 
“Wanna come, make me come Leon, please, need it.” You whined, putting on the best pout you could manage. Leon chuckled lightly at the sight before pulling out and letting your legs down gently. You were about to complain when Leon leaned in to leave kisses all over the column of your throat, down to your breasts and over your soft stomach before he laid himself down between your legs. 
Your hands reached out to tangle in his hair as he started suckling little marks in the crease of your thigh, so close to where you needed him. 
“Duh-don’t tease,” you whispered, tugging lightly on his strands and bucking your hips up, hoping he’d take the hint. And so he did. You felt yourself melting into the mattress from the very first slow drag of his tongue. Leon seemed content fucking his cum even further into you with his tongue. You sighed and moaned and the fire in your belly burned bright again. You felt his fingers run their way up the inside of your thigh. He pushed two fingers inside, replacing his tongue, crooking them and fucking you, hard and fast. You felt the pressure building quickly, and your cunt squeezed down hard. 
“Gonna come Leon, you’re gonna make me co-“ Leon chose that very moment to latch his mouth over your poor, neglected clit and suck. You finally felt that heat snap as you came, gushing out all over Leon’s hand and face. He continued fucking you through it, the wet sounds positively obscene as your sensitive cunt twitched and dripped. Leon didn’t stop until you were twitching from overstimulation. You had to drag his face away by the iron grip you still had on his hair. He winced lightly as he moved up the bed to drape his body over you. “Sorry,” you whispered, easing up on his hair, followed by “Thank you.” 
“No, thank you!” Leon said as he nuzzled into your neck. You both just laid there, panting for a while, locked in a warm embrace. You dozed in and out of sleep, waking just enough to feel Leon starting to move his hips and feeling something warm and hard pressing up against your thigh.
“Really Leon?” You mumbled, amused. “Already?”
Leon just chuckled, pushing himself up to lean over you and line his hips up with you again, slowly sinking back into your wet, warm cunt. “Can you blame me?”
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amyispxnk · 6 months
I'd do whatever I could do
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Summary - you're staying with Joel now, trying to figure yourself out and leaving the QZ to visit some of his friends
A/N: oh my god, I finally did it y'all - finally made the part two for this 👏 Also, I was going through the lyrics of this song and I kind of realised just how daddy issues Joel it is. I'm not gonna list them, but there are definitely a good few lines that stuck out to me. A part 3 might be simmering. We'll see.
Pairing: platonic/father figure!Joel Miller x f!reader (could probably be read as GN tho?)
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: violence, mentions of past abuse, PTSD, alcohol mention, language, angst, pet names, comfort, paternal issues, very brief mention of a gun
Part 1 here
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You reckoned you had stopped really taking the words in a few seconds after he slammed the door behind him, immediately shrinking back into the couch where you'd previously been sat staring into space, whilst he told you things about his day.
Your eyes darted up at him quickly, lip quivering already. You still didn't know exactly why. Why small things like him touching you too abruptly, raising his voice (never at you, but for some reason it still affected you), loud noises like a door slamming, affected you. But they really did, and he'd come to notice it after only a few days of you staying with him.
He came back home after a long, difficult, tiring deal. Since your arrival and staying at his place had been so recent, his old habits remained. One of them was to practically shout and stomp his foot in anger as soon as he got back from a trade went south, a bad day out.
"Fuck!" He had gritted through clenched teeth as he threw his bag on the floor, deadset on getting into the kitchen to his whisky to muffle the frustration of the day.
You froze in complete fear and horror as he rounded the corner, his eyes immediately falling onto your trembling figure, clutching the little food packet in one of your hands as your own eyes stared back at him, bulging out of their sockets.
"Shit." He muttered to himself, taking a few steps towards you - not expecting you to immediately drop the packet and raise your hands in front of you, almost cowering before him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Joel p-please, I don't-" You stuttered, eyes welling up with tears as you flinched when he took another, more careful, step towards you, already apologising even though you didn't know what you had done.
"Hey, hey, hey. 's okay," he soothed. "C'mere sweetheart. It's okay." And somehow the sound of his voice, so gentle just for you, comforted you immediately.
You stepped into his open arms, body shaking hard with sobs as you choked on your own tears. "I'm sorry." You said, muffled into the fabric of his flannel.
"I told you it's okay. What happened, sweet girl?" He hugged you tight, right hand coming up to rub soothing circles into your back.
"I don't know." You murmured, unsure of what set you off so badly.
"It's okay baby, we'll figure it out. You're okay now."
That was the first time it had happened, now you were here again. He'd slammed the door, although he wasn't angry. It was just something he did out of habit to ensure it closed properly, but after he saw you shaking like before on the couch, his brows knitted in worry.
"What's wrong?" He asked, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder as you turned to face him slightly, jolting - not as aggressively as you used to - at the touch.
"Nothing. Just- you slammed the door. I think it's one of those.. trigger things you were talking about."
Naturally, Joel had racked his mind and scoured the dozen odd books he had in his apartment to try remember anything about this kind of mental health issue and the things you'd gone through, finally landing on some sort of PTSD. He'd explained it as best he could to you, telling you that the things like someone raising their voice at you and loud noises were 'triggers', things that reminded you of the times with your dad and made you feel that same fear you'd feel with him all over again.
"Right." He nodded, brushing your hair back and out of your eyes a bit. "'m sorry, sweetheart. I'll try not to do it again, yeah?"
You hummed a noise of agreement, making a space beside you for him to sit down on the couch.
He did so and cleared his throat. "Got some news," he began "'s nothin' big, really. Just thought you oughta have a bit of notice."
You turned to face him a little more as he looked up and met your eyes. "I have this deal, with a guy in Lincoln, and I'm due to go see him next week." He told you.
"So.. you're leaving?" You questioned, trying not to seem too hurt by it.
"No, no. I mean- if you don't want to come with me, then yeah, but I'll be back within the month. I just.. don't feel too safe leavin' you here." He explained, and you nodded.
"I don't want you to go. I'll- I'll come with you." You mumbled, and he gently tilted your head up to face him again.
"You're gonna be okay out there? Y'ever been out of the QZ before?" He asked. If you hadn't ever been outside then things could be quite difficult. It would be scary for a young thing like you. Not only that, but you had your triggers, and the gunfire paired with the infected would surely set one of them off - that's why he'd tried putting the entire trip off, but he had to go. That was how he made his living around here, he needed those supplies.
"Mmhm. I've also killed a few infected before, if you're worried about that. Not gonna be completely useless, I'd say." You said with a small chuckle, leaning into his touch subconsciously.
"Okay." He nodded, stroking your cheek gently before standing up and going over to the kitchen to make something for dinner. "And you're not useless, sweetheart, not at all."
Bill and Frank. That's who they were. Bill was the guy he actually had the deal with, Frank was the one who'd convinced Bill to go along with it in the first place. Frank was the nice one, Joel had told you.
He'd explained a bit before you'd left and more when it came up in conversation as the two of you walked. In and out of forests, weaving between trees, trudging down dirt roads and kicking rocks, on your journey to Lincoln.
A journey that you still would've been able to complete within a day on foot, but that was before the apocalypse. Now there were buildings falling over eachother, and guards near your place of departure which slowed you down, and clickers and the likes which ensured you had to be completely silent in your movements, extending the time of your journey by at least 50%.
You watched as he slaughtered them all though. It should have scared you, at least a little, but it just amazed you. Admittedly, it had shaken you when you saw him completely beat one of the FEDRA guards to death when you were making your way out of Boston. You'd been caught, a guard that wasn't supposed to be there was there and Joel wasn't careful enough.
Things were almost okay, you probably could have haggled your way out of that situation, but when the soldier made a comment about you, a comment about what they might do to a 'bad girl' like you for sneaking out of the QZ, he had simply seen red. He didn't even know he had lunged for the man until he was on top of him, the crunch of the soldier's jaw and Joel's fist coming down on his face bringing him back to reality.
He was protective of you, and rightfully so, and you didn't even care how aggressive he could get with it. He wanted to keep you safe, and would go that far for it, therefore he cared about you. Someone actually cared about you.
"Okay, I think we're gonna stay here for the night." He said, pulling you out of your thoughts as you gave him a small smile.
You both set up a makeshift camp, eating whatever you could spare from your stash of food before getting ready to go to sleep - him denying your offer to take watch like he did before and he'd do everytime.
You sighed, walking off and quickly settling into the sleeping bag, melting into it and relishing the warmth it offered you as you hugged yourself to sleep, body heat almost suffocating you but in a comforting way.
When you woke up, you thought you actually were suffocating, throwing the cover off of you and crying out his name, the only person you could think of to save you. He was going to get you, he was back, he was coming for you and he'd never leave you alone, he'd take you from Joel and then he'd k-
"Hey, hey. That's not gonna happen, sweetheart, come on, come over here." You didn't realise you were saying those things out loud but it didn't matter as you crawled out of your sleeping bag, letting him pull you into his lap as he cradled you, rocking you back and forth as he kissed your head.
"It's okay, it's okay. Did ya have another nightmare?" He asked, voice calm and low as he tried to comfort you and calm you down.
You nodded quickly, sniffing and breathing erratically as you did.
"Sweet girl. It's okay now, it's okay." He reassured you, hugging you tight and pressing more kisses into your hair. "I won't let anything happen to you, you know that."
"I know." You said quietly, voice cracking as you wiped at your tears. "I'm sorry." You said, somehow in a voice even quieter than before.
He sighed, breathing slowly and deeply - something he knew helped, as he noticed you'd start breathing in time with him to ground yourself, regulate your own breathing during these situations. "Don't go and apologise when you haven't even done anything wrong, sweetheart. You're going through a lot and you're probably still processing everything that happened, it wasn't that long ago when you were still.." he didn't want to remind you of anything too sensitive, trailing off slightly. "Point is, it's all fairly fresh, and it's natural things like these nightmares are gonna be happenin', so don't apologise, okay?" He said, looking into your glossy eyes and brushing your tears away.
"Yeah. I'm-" You were already going to apologise again, making him frown slightly. "Thank you, Joel."
"It's okay. You try get some more sleep now, okay?" He gently helped you off his lap and pulled the sleeping bag back on top of your body, knees cracking as he got back up to walk away to where he was taking watch - when your voice called out for him again.
"Can you stay with me? Please, Joel? I'm just- I'm scared." You mumbled, face growing hot with embarrassment at how pathetic the question felt now you were speaking it aloud.
He pressed his lips together, turning his head to check the area once more before getting his own sleeping bag, placing it by yours, and resting his arm behind your head as you tucked your face into his chest.
"Goodnight." He said softly, stroking your hair slowly.
"Night, Joel." You mumbled into the soft fabric of his shirt, before passing out again, leaving him to lay alone with his thoughts in the cool night.
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Thank you sm for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open! 💞
Tags - @rosierogie @jjlevin
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604to647 · 8 months
Carnival Fright Night
3.2K / Modern AU Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Din takes you on a date to the carnival where you don't have as much fun in the Haunted House as he does, but he makes it up to you in the parking lot 😊.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), fluff with smut, established relationship, no implied age gap, public sex (car), fingering, unprotected piv sex, light degradation (use of slut/whore; affectionate), little praise kink, little daddy kink (just as a pet name, really), dirty talk (so much 🤷🏻‍♀️), lots of pet names (baby, bunny, pretty girl, pretty bird, etc.).
A/N: My first writing post! Eek! This is one of those one-shots that I mentioned in the previous post that can be read on its own, but can be slotted into the timeline/AU of the main Boxer!Din x reader fic that will one day, hopefully come to fruition 😊 (update: Series Masterlist). This my first time everything: writing for Din, writing smut, writing - so please be gentle but also I hope it's enjoyable! I don't have much practice with warnings and tags other than what I've seen as a reader (like, do I mention that Din and reader have a dog?), so any advice on making things more inclusive or informative is welcome! Thank you for reading!
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“Let’s do the haunted house, pretty bird,” Din says excitedly, pulling you towards the spookily decorated mansion in the middle of the carnival festivities.  You’re hesitant – you don’t really like scary things and while you know that part of the fun is the adrenaline rush that comes with being scared, you don’t really want any kind of rush badly enough to voluntarily be scared over and over.  But Din looks like a big kid full of excitement and you can tell he’s looking forward to being your “big protector” in the house; so you hold on tightly to his arm and give him a small encouraging smile, not really sure if it’s more for him or yourself.  How bad can it be?  Just a few zombies and witches popping out from behind doors, right?
You want to cry.  It’s been jump scare after jump scare for the last 15 minutes; and it wasn’t fantastical Halloween characters, it was ax murders and creepy horror ghouls and some of them CHASED YOU! Din had you tucked under his arm, but as much as you tried burying your face into his side the whole time, you couldn’t really walk through the house with your eyes closed.  Not knowing what was around every corner had you on high stress alert the whole time and now that you’re finally out of the house, the come down from that state of anxiety is turning into distress rather than relief.
“We made it out, baby!”, beams Din – he clearly had a great time and thinks you’ve just been scared a little bit, for which he is ready to dispense some reassuring hugs.  You look up at him and trying not to let any tears fill your eyes, give him a little nod; then dropping his hand, you walk over to a nearby bench to calm yourself down.  You don’t want to ruin his fun and you’re already chastising yourself for being such a scaredy cat.
Din comes over and sits beside you, gently putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in so your head rests in your favourite nook underneath his jaw. “You didn’t have a good time did you, pretty bird?” He phrases it more like a quiet statement than a question.
You look up at him, ashamed, tears finally falling, “No, not really.  I’m sorry!! I don’t really like being scared.. or scary stuff.” You drop your head back down and snuggle deeper into his chest, crying softly. “I’m sorry I ruined your fun,” you mumble into his shirt.  With one sweeping motion, Din hooks the arm he has around you down past your waist and under your knees, gently hauling you up and into his lap.  His kisses your head, “You don’t have anything to be sorry for.  I’m sorry you got scared, bunny.”  That pet name snaps you out of your little self pity party, and you feel a familiar momentary pang of desire before you look up at him bemused, “You… only call me that during sex.” He grins down at you, “Trying to distract you.  Is it working?” You can’t lie, “Yes, a little.”
You wrap both arms around his neck and pull yourself up to his lips.  Din kisses you eagerly, and you can’t help but feel all the stress melt away as you open your mouth to his. You break this kiss only when you feel like things might be getting a bit too heated for the middle of a carnival and snuggle back into your Din nook; he hugs you tight, and laughing softly he asks, “Now that you’re feeling a little better, should we get you something to eat?”  You perk up at this and smile, nodding. Hopping off Din’s lap, you take his hand, pulling him towards a corn dog stand you saw earlier with Din chuckling behind you the whole way.
After a few snack stops, Din suggests some carnival games under the guise that the dog could use a few new stuffies.  You watch your boyfriend throw some baseballs at a tower of milk cans and can’t help but admire his broad shoulders and how his shirtsleeves tighten over his biceps as he cocks his arm back.  You smile to yourself thinking about how strong and safe those arms feel around you, and suddenly you have a flash of those arms flexing that same way when Din’s holding you by the waist while you bounce on him…like a bunny.  Ahhhhhh… it seems like his little pet name from earlier and the feelings it evoked hadn’t quite melted away the same way your Haunted House anguish had.   A wave of arousal washes over you as you watch your boyfriend knock over the cans and call to you, “Baby, do you think the dog would want a big teddy bear or a big dragon to tear apart?” You walk over to him with a smile, “Definitely a dragon.”  To this, the stall vendor hands you a purple dragon and you both thank him.  As Din turns away to check out another game he takes your hand, but when he feels that you’re not moving, he turns back with a quizzical look.  You step right into his space, cup his face with your both hands and look him directly in the eyes, “Din, can you please take me back to the car?”
“Sure, pretty bird, you want to go home?”
You shake your head shyly. Bracing your hands on his shoulders to push up on your toes, you lean in close to his ear and whisper, “No, I don’t want to go home… I want to be your bunny.”  Lowering yourself back down, you look up at him with an innocent smile. Din is smiling right back down at you, “Whatever my bunny wants.”
When you get to the car, Din opens the back seat door for you and takes a quick look around to make sure no one is watching before climbing in after you. He closes the door behind him, “Alright, show me what you got, bunny.”
You climb over his lap and straddle him, fluffing out the skirt of your dress from underneath you before sitting down, pressing your core directly onto Din.  With both hands you start carding his hair the way he likes, and Din closes his eyes as you plant soft kisses on his lips, slowly moving up his jaw line to his ear.  As you lightly nip on his earlobe, you gently grind yourself down on him, earning you a low groan from the back of Din’s throat.  Slowly, slowly your mouth makes its way back along his jaw and over to his other ear.  This time, you moan softly into his ear when you give him a little thrust.
“Bunny, don’t tease.”
You face him again and press your lips gently to his, saying between soft kisses, “I” “don’t” “think” “I” “ever” “made” “any” “such” “promise”.  You punctuate the end of your sentence by gently biting his lower lip and licking your tongue into his mouth when it opens.  You smile as you deepen the kiss; you can tell Din is close to breaking and taking control, and that’s exactly what you want. You’re so wet now from the kissing and the friction of sitting right on top of his growing bulge, you’re sure Din can feel your soaking panties through his jeans; it shouldn’t be long now before he snaps.
The next time you lift your hips, Din grabs your waist and pushes you back down rough; the action has you letting out a loud squeal of surprise which quick dissolves into moans as he holds you in place and starts kissing your neck hard.  You tip you head back to give him more access, all while still running your hands through his hair and gently grabbing at the curls near the base of his neck.
He growls into your neck right below your ear, “Is this what you wanted, bunny? For me to take control and take what I want?”
“Yes, baby, take what’s yours,” you gasp as Din’s hands leave your waist and move up to grope your breasts.  His mouth has started to trail down your throat and you close your eyes as your breaths become ragged.  You feel Din gently tug down the sleeves of your dress so that the fabric falls away from your chest; he use his finger to pull one of the cups of your bra down, revealing your nipple which he takes in his mouth.  He sucks and nips at your peak while you grind down harder on his clothed, hard cock. Din moves to give your other breast the same attention, and while he pulls at your nipple lightly with his teeth, he murmurs, “What’s mine, bunny?”
You can barely get out words, “Everything, daddy.”  Din brings his hands up to roll your other nipple in between his fingers while he comes off your breast with a pop, “I’m going to need you to use your words and be more specific, bunny.”
Din doesn’t give you the reprieve you need to focus; if anything, he increases the pressure of his tongue on your nipple and your feel his hips start to thrust up to meet your downward motions, “Is my slutty bunny lost for words? Come on, pretty girl – tell me what’s mine so I can take it.”
Din groans as he kisses you hard on your lips, tongue diving deep and finding yours.  He hums against your open mouth, “What else, bunny?”
It’s getting hard to think, “…neck.”
One of Din’s hands leaves your breasts and moves up your chest, gently wrapping itself around the bottom of your throat.  You give a light gasp and when he slides his grip slightly to one side of your neck, you sigh and lean into it, giving him permission to suck and lick the other side.
Now your hands are the ones doing the roaming; running over his back, across the expanse of his broad shoulders, then gripping his thick upper arm muscles and pulling him closer, “Din…please.”
Din chuckles, “Please what, pretty bunny?  Where do you need me, baby?  Do you want me right here?” He moves both his hands down to your breasts again, “Fuck. Love these pretty tits of yours, bunny.” He gropes them roughly while keeping his mouth on your neck, growling when he starts to lightly pull on your peaks.  You cry out in pleasure, and start grinding on Din with a more vigour.
“Oh, was that it, bunny?  Just playing with your pretty tits has you moaning and bouncing like a whore on my lap – mmmmmmhmmm. This is all you need then?” Din smiles into your neck while taking in all your filthy noises.
“Y-yes…I mean, n-no, no, daddy,” you practically whimper, desperate for his touch where you need it most. “I need you to touch me, please… touch my pussy, please, Din. Please. Please.”
Din snakes a hand down between your bodies, fingers finding and running over where your underwear covers your dripping cunt.  You moan shamelessly at the relief that the slight pressure provides. 
“My needy bunny begs so pretty. And already so wet...mmmm.  Oh. Soaking. Is this all for me, sweetheart?”
“Yes, yes – ooohhhh, yes, y-yes. All for you, daddy,” you sigh as you bounce to grind against his fingers, finding a pleasurable rhythm that matches his light strokes.  He continues to alternate circling your clit and stroking your needy hole over your panties, “Wanna be inside this pretty pussy so bad, bunny.” You bury you head in the crook of his neck and nod mindlessly in agreement.
“Need to get your perfect cunt ready to take me, okay?  Your pussy ready, bunny? Mmm?”, he whispers hotly in your ear.  You kiss him hard, and snap your eyes open when you feel him pulling your panties to the side. You make sure he’s looking in your eyes when you say breathily, “No, daddy… it’s your pussy.  Your pussy is ready for you.”  Din hisses and without a warning, plunges two thick fingers into your core.  The stretch is delicious and you whine in ecstasy against Din’s neck.  He sets an urgent pace, reaching deep into you where only he can; making sure he doesn’t neglect your clit, he keeps just the right pressure on it with his thumb to keep your head spinning.
“That’s right, bunny – this is my pussy, it belongs to me, and I’m going to use it until my pretty slut screams and cums all over me.”
“Oh – fuck, Din, fuck…f-“
“I can feel you’re close, bunny.  Doesn't it feel good when your Big Bad Wolf takes what’s his?”
Hearing his refer to himself this way taps into some part of you you didn’t even know existed, pushing you over the edge and you cum hard on Din’s hand.  He continues fucking you through your orgasm, slowing his thrusts but never his stopping his circles on your slippery clit. “You did so good for me, bunny.”
 Your eyes close and you’re panting into Din's neck, resting your head on his shoulder, but you nod when you hear him say, “Gonna fuck you now my little bunny.”
Din slips his fingers out of your hole and you immediately want to protest the loss. “Shhhhhh… be patient, baby.  Daddy will be taking his pussy back in just a moment.”  You frantically help him unbutton his pants, and lift your hips so he can slide his pants and boxers to his knees.  You’re still hovering over his lap when he repeats himself from earlier, “Show me what you’ve got, bunny.”  Smirking, you wrap your hand around his thick, hard cock, give it a few firm strokes that has Din tilting his head back and closing his eyes with a groan. Giving him one sweet kiss on his mouth, you line Din up with your entrance and sink down slowly until he is fully sheathed in you.
“So full, daddy.”
“I know, bunny.  But you’re taking me so well, baby – just like I knew you would.  Always such a good little whore for me.”
His words leave you shivering with desire, “I’m your dirty little whore, daddy.  Just a little cumslut that needs your cock.”
“Fuck, bunny.” Din loves your dirty talk, “This pussy is squeezing me so tight.  So, so perfect.  No other pussy could ever make me feel this good.  Oh y—yes. You ready to bounce for your Big Bad Wolf, bun?”
There it was again, the new name for himself that has your cunt clamping down on his cock; you start to move, riding his dick slowly at first, then building up a smooth rhythm and giving Din an little extra mini bounce and squeeze every time he bottoms out in you fully.  Both of you are moaning without abandon, the kisses getting more urgent and sloppy.
“Use me, Din,” you beg. “Use me like your dumb bunny slut.”
Din starts fucking up into you at a punishing pace.  You can only imagine what the car must looking like from the outside, but you can’t bring yourself to care as he pulls your closer and closer to your next climax.
The noises coming out of you are obscene; your non-stop whines and chanting of his name broken only when Din’s mouth is pressed hard against yours, his tongue worshipping your tongue.
Din himself isn’t much more composed; stringing together barely formed thoughts of filth that get increasingly dirty:
“Taking me so deep, baby.  This pretty pussy is sucking me in so d-deep.  Fuck, bunny, feels so good. So good. You’re so good to me.”
“Let me hear those filthy noises, sweet girl.  Need to hear what this cock does to you.  Oh- ngh... Such pretty moans, fuck.”
“Such a good girl taking everything daddy gives you. Take it now.  Yeah take it, take it all, bunny.”
“My good girl is such a little dirty whore just for me.  No one else knows you’re such a slut, right bunny?  Only I know that you’re such a good slut. Ohh yes. All. For. Me. Mine.”
“This what you wanted, bunny?  You wanted your Big Bad Wolf to use you like the slutty bunny you are.  Fuck you until you’re dumb and screaming?  Don't stop now, sweetheart, need to hear you cum.”
“Daddy will give you what you want, bun.  Pound into you until you cum.  I know you can take it, it’s what you’re good for, pretty whore.  F-fuck, fuck.. yes taking it so well…. Uhhhhh you’re milking my cock.  I can feel you’re so close, bunny.  Come. Come for me.”
Din reaches in between you to swipe his thumb over your swollen clit, and with just one pass you’re wailing and coming from his filthy words.  He fucks you through your high, and continues to run his mouth with praise while he bounces you like a rag doll on his cock, chasing his own finish.
 “Came so good for me, bunny.  My good girl.  So good… ngh, fuck you always feel so good.”
“Love you so much, my pretty bird.  Love stuffing you full of me, and hearing all your pretty noises.  Will you make some more for me right now?  Oh yes, fuck yes, like that, baby. Always giving me what I need, love you so much.”
“Feel so good, pretty girl.  You’re so perfect. Perfect everything, perfect mouth, perfect tits, perfect pussy.  Perfect for me, all for me.  Fuck -uh, Fu- yes, all mine.”
You touch your forehead to his so he can see how blissed out you look, “All yours, Din. Only you, only for you.”  Din comes with a deep grunt, thrusting until he stills and shoots his load deep into you.  When he’s finished, you’re both still panting.  Foreheads still touching, you open your eyes to see him looking lovingly at you, almost with reverence.  He kisses you softly and you return every one of his kisses with equal affection. “Love you so much, baby,” you murmur against his mouth.
“Love you more, pretty bird.”
After taking a few minutes to calm down, Din makes a motion to let you know he’s about to move. He shifts you both, with his softening cock still inside of you, over towards the front center consol.  He reaches over with his long arms and pulls out a box of tissues from the front.  After you lift and feel him slip out of you, Din uses the tissues to clean you both before pulling up his boxers and pants and tucking himself in.  He helps you readjust your dress and watches as you smoothed out the skirt, before helping you out of the car.  After checking yourself in the side mirror to fix your hair and make sure you didn’t look too fucked out, you suggest going back to the carnival. “I think the dog might like that teddy bear as well,” you grin. 
“Anything my bunny wants.”
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
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In the mood for...
1. Hi how are you?🤭 do you have fic recs that are canondiv (fix it would be better) + abo? I’d loveeeeee if xicheng is also involved (im rewatching it yes)
2. For the next itmf request, I'm interested in fics where at least one character is understanding of (or even defends) wwx for not being ready/emotionally available for romance as quickly as others would like. (I mean... look at his life. Which spoons, exactly, was he supposed to dedicate to romance?) Basically a more sympathetic take on wwx's late blooming.
does it have to be canon timeline or is modern AU okay?
Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics) In that story, the entire cast knows that lwj wants to marry wwx, except wwx... but waits for him to be emotionally ready and lwj to make a move before they say something.
3. Hello (◕‿◕) October has got me in a mood for some spooky fics! I would prefer some that are more fun/lighthearted or atmospheric or unsettling/creepy than gory!
thank you and happy halloween! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Grandmaster of Demonic Party Games by Trickster_Angel (M, 50k, wangxian, modern, humor, horror, paranormal)
lovely thorns and singing crows by isabilightwood (E, 37k WangXian, Modern AU, Addams Family Vibes, meet cute at a funeral, Madam Lán Lives, Light Horror, Curses, Possession, Fluff and Humor, Developing Relationship, Found Family, Weirdo4weirdo wangxian, Eventual Smut, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs) Addams family spooky/wholesome vibes!
4. ITMF canon divergence/ canon compliant/ canon era: wangxian wedding fic like twelve moons and a fortnight Verse. Preferably long fics. I mean the wedding should be there, but it can be / cannot be the main focus of the fic. I don't mind either way.
With Absolute Splendor by Lise (T, 43k, wangxian, JC & WWX, JC & LWJ, JC & JL, Post-Canon, POV JC,JC is Bad at Feelings, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Weddings, Wedding Planning, Some politics, Complicated Relationships, Brothers, let's do some HEALING and RELATIONSHIP BUILDING, jc and lwj still don't like each other very much, Angst with a Happy Ending, some people? plan weddings?? to cope???, Podfic Available)
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 70 k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) Read tags and warnings, but big on world building and feat wangxian wedding
5. Hello, I love this community and the work the mods do for it! For the next In The Mood For, could I get recs for Wangxian with Sugar Daddy LWJ? Doesn't have to be explicit or a formal sugaring arrangement, just the vibes is also good. @aralintheobsessive
All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 51k, WangXian, XuanLi, ChengQing, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators)
Baby, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet by TriviasFolly (E, 79k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con, modern, ABO, mafia au, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Omega LSZ, Crime, Clans, Sects are Clans, Feral WWX, Feral Omegas, once again making WWX a feral murdering machine, Nurse WWX, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Possessive Behavior, Possessive LWJ, WWX plays with his fem side, feminine WWX, wwx's cannon desire to be a sugar baby/trophy wife, Breeding Kink, Mpreg, wwx tries to use lwj but catches feels, and lwj knew what he was doing all along, wwx posing as mxy, wwx 'secret' identity, meandering self indulgent plot, WWX and LWJ have dating histories)
A Sure Thing by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 95k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy, Sex Work, Light Dom/sub, Aftercare, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Bondage, use of sex toys, boundary setting, Relationship Negotiation, many baths, Barebacking) A Sure Thing by vesna is one of my absolute faves
6. Hello Mods! I just watched a beautifully heartbreaking animatic and now I really just have to ask if you know any fics where WWX specifically is the one to hide little A-yuan away before the siege?
thank you in advance! hope you have a lovely day!
Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, WIP, WangXian, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Worth Issues)
7. Hello amazing people! For the next itmf, could you please recommend some extremely kind, soft, sweet or comfort fics? It may be a tooth-rotting sweet love story or a nice and funny one with junior adventures. Preferably something with Wei Wuxian as one of the central characters!
I am interested to see what people usually read when they get sad or depressed or, for example, disturbed by some sad/dead-dovy story and read something extremely comforting which helps to raise the mood and concentrate on positive and happy thoughts. Something that would return you from the pit of distress into fluffy and sweet cloud, if the story makes you hide in your pillow from love, humour and cuteness, it's definitely one. Thank you so much 💜 @shellennium
❤️ The One-Body Problem by metisket (T, 29k, LJY & WWX, LJY & LSZ, wangxian, possession, cohabitation, Mojo’s bookmark)
can you feel it by lanzhancore (E, 5k, wangxian, modern, Awkward Sexual Situations, Established Relationship, Hospitals, Slice of Life, Fluff and Humor, Idiot Lovers, LWJ pets WWX a lot, Crack Treated Seriously)
should i fly to los angeles (find my asshole brother) 🔒 by belovedmuerto (T, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, JC POV, Reunion fic of sorts, Southern California, Relationship Reveal, Established Relationship, Toddler A-Yuan)
i know who i want to take me home by ScarlettStorm (E, 16k, wangxian, modern, bartender WWX, drunk LWJ, caretaking, meet-cute, fluff, comedy, smut, minor angst, major shenanigans)
Blooming Days by Atsushiis (G, 7k, wangxian, Modern, College/University au, Meet-Cute, First Dates, First Kiss, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, LWJ Has Feelings, Let LWJ talk about his feelings agenda, Romance, Falling In Love, Wangxian are softer than a baby bunny, gratuitous handholding, Give LWJ hugs agenda, LWJ Protection Squad, Spanish Translation Available)
a baby rabbit is called a kitten and other fun facts by aurora_chiroptera (G, 11k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, modern, kid fic, youtube/social media au, Mutual Pining, NHS uses they/them pronouns, JZX is a trans lesbian and uses she/her pronouns, Child LSZ, Long-Distance Relationship, Fluff, and bunnies, Soft wangxian, Good Parent WWX, Single Parent WWX, this also in part became a psa about rabbit care? who knew, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Nonbinary NHS, LWJ Has Friends, set in the US)
The tea to my heart by blackmorphos (T, 83k, wangxian, modern, Fluff, Developing Relationship, LWJ makes a friend, A-Yuan gets a much bigger part than planned, A-Yuan is very cute, WWX is cute too, angst but it in the past, a drunk scene, Lots of Tea, some steam buns, Falling In Love)
The Art of Communication by mrcformoso (G, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Meet-Cute, Engineering Student WWX, Music Student LWJ, Swimmer WWX, Martial Artist LWJ, POV Outsider, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Communication Issues, But Wanxian Makes it Work, LWJ has limited words, WWX has too many words, Falling In Love, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Love Languages, Requited Love) for tooth rotting fluff
Just Ask Me To Stay by mrcformoso (M, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, Former JZ/WWX, Minor NieLan, Minor XuanLi, No Powers, Dancer WWX, Musician LWJ, Roommates, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Recovery, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, Fluff, Light Angst, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Domestic Fluff, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Size Queen WWX, Belly Bulge, Porn With Plot, WWX Has Friends, LWJ Has Friends, Hurt/Comfort, A lot of comfort, Romantic Comedy, Cuter story than the summary makes it out to be, Feel-good) for comfort comfort comfort
Three changes. by orange_crushed (M, 18k, wangxian, fluff, hijinks & shenanigans, cloud recesses shenanigans, no war au, everyone lives au, romantic comedy, fade to black, friends to lovers, falling in love, harm to animals, non-graphic violence, sparring, developing friendships, hurt/comfort, first time)
Worship you till morning comes by feyburner (E, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, First Dates, First Time, Fluff, Kissing, Hand Jobs, Falling In Love) when you want it just to all go well for wx for once
8. Helo!!! I'm in the mood for a fic (preferably not modern AU, just canon setting) where Wwx is either a brother figure or a father figure to Mxy. I just wanna see Mxy being taken care of by Wwx.
no one ever said the single-plank bridge had to be walked alone by rosemu (T, 174k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Yílíng Wèi Sect au, Fix-It, Not Everyone Dies au, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Fluff, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Found Family, Slow Burn, LWJ and WWX get to be Dads together, the healing power of homoerotic flute/guqin duets, Happy Ending) WWX recruits MXY as a disciple after JGY kicks him out of the Jin sect
The storm comes and goes (and I keep walking) by Naamah_Beherit (M, 41k, LSZ & WWX, MXY & WWX, LSZ & MXY, WWX & WN, WWX & OCs, Canon Divergence, Found Family, Blood and Injury, Reunions, POV Multiple, Canonical Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Identity Reveal, POV Outsider, No Romance, Mojo's post here)
i’ll take a secondhand monster by Stratisphyre (T, 24k, MXY & WWX, MXY & JGY, LWJ & LSZ & MXY, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Child Abuse, Bullying, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Kid fic, Minor canonical character death, Injured WWX, Earn Your Happy Ending)
9. Hi! For the next ITMF, could you recommend me
A) a failed ambush at qionqi path. Like WWX didn't come to the celebration/WWX and JZX alive
B) a succesful one. Like WWX dies/WWX, JZN, JZX dies (all of them dies)
Thank you!!! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
All these are a mix of A & B, in the sense that the ambush fails (WWX & JZX live), but WWX is assumed dead at first & the cultivation world reacts as if he is. So a little of both depending on how you look at it.
in this place where we don’t have a prayer by Cerusee, Mikkeneko (T, 42k, WangXian)
when you’re doing all the leaving (then it’s never your love lost) by tardigradeschool (T, 26k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Fix-It, the inherent eroticism of under robes, Golden Core Transfer)
The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Injury, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts)
Home and the Heartland by Witch_Nova221 (T, 210k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Burial Mounds, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Discovery, Golden Core Reveal, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, the burial mounds aren’t always a happy place, but wangxian do their best) Has LWJ finding out about the ambush in advance & intervening
ius in bello by Lise (T, 2k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Tearjerker, Sad Ending, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Not A Fix-It, POV JC, [Podfic] ius in bello by flamingwell)
10. Hi! Thank you for running this blog, I’ve found so many good fics from here.
I want to ask, for ITMF, do you have any fics where there’s a lot of world building, especially with cultivation (demonic or otherwise). An example I could think of is ‘Talking is Better than Silence’ by KuroiWrites, and ‘Flute in Wartime’ series.
If that’s too restrictive, could I ask for general world building ones. Long fics preferred.
Thank you very much!!
Hear a song this deeply by so_shhy (T, 87k, wangxian, modern cultivation, music, kid fic, action/adventure, canon typical JGY behavior, slow burn, fluff & angst, happy ending)
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 712k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) Goes into lots of detail about how talismans work & how scholars go about presenting & selling their work
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 70 k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) (link in #4) Read tags and warnings, but big on world building and feat wangxian wedding
11. currently reading cherry cultivation by bengsi, and now i'm in the mood for fics with characters who can read minds :D
Losing My Mind by pupeez4eva (T, 6k, wangxian, JC & WWX, Humor, Protective JC, JC drinks a potion that lets him hear people’s lustful thoughts, Teenage LWJ has a lot of feelings, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses study arc) JC drinks a potion that allows him to hear lustful thoughts during CRSA & it goes exactly how you'd expect
12. Noncon tw
Fic where autistic lan wangji or autistic lan xichen gets gangraped and has a meltdown during the rape?
13. Hii! For the next itmf, do you have any fics where lwj and/or wwx get hit on or flirted with by other people and what their reaction is, while they are both (lwj and wwx) in a relationship with each other. Thank you💕
14. ITMF fics where A) there's scene like or feels like - someone hit/tortured/injured/or something bad to wwx and wwx is like ' oh no you're so dead. My brother is going to kill you. He's going to fkin tear you apart '
Or B) something with protective strong bro jc.
15. Hi! Me again, hahaha. This is for ITMF. ☺️
Looking for the fic about the LWJ curse, it's made me want to read more fanfics where LWJ gets cursed and WWX helps him. If it's the Lan sect or the Cultivation world that is cursed also interests me. The thing is WWX helping people and happy endings please. 🙏
My favorites are the ones that take place before WWX dies, but the fics post-Canon are welcome too. Thank you! 🥰💜 @wangxiansgirl
green sleeves growing cold by mistergoblin (G, 17k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Fairy Tale Elements, Mild Angst, Fluff, jealousy & misunderstandings, curses as an excuse for more Yearning, LWJ POV, LWJ centric, Repression, No War AU, Touch-Starved, Everyone lives, Happy Ending)
moonlight caught in mutton fat by Raitelzen (T, 45k, WangXian, Case Fic, Curses, Curse Breaking, Transformation, mild body horror, Hurt LWJ, Ghosts)
Unavoidable by diamondbruise (T, 18k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Amnesia, Jealousy, LWJ just is like that idk what to tell you, Misunderstandings, Falling In Love, Again, Happy Ending, it's that thing where they're married but lwj can't remember wwx and they meet again)
A Curse of a Different Color by nickel710 (G, 35k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Curses, Curse Breaking, Asexual polyamory, Repressed LWJ, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drunk LWJ, Falling In Love, WWX Being an Idiot, Non-explicit vomit, just a tiny reference to it, Anxiety)
💖 I would wait for a thousand years by bleuett (T, 10k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence, Memory Loss, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reunions, Curses, Intimacy, Yearning, Happy Ending, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Immortality, Fluff, Angst)
beneath six layers of silk by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 12k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Getting Together, Confessions, Curses, Embarrassment, Vulnerability, LWJ is hopelessly in love, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Hand Jobs, Angst and Fluff and Smut, all the good stuff basically, Honesty, Communication, Podfic Available, Portuguese translation, french translation, Spanish Translation, Перевод на русский | Translation in Russian)
Blue water by huxiyi (E, 25k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Temporary Amnesia, Case Fic, Curses, Cultivation Sect Politics, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, References to Depression, Discussion of Grief, Discussion of bodies, Explicit Sexual Content, Dom/sub Undertones, Under-negotiated Kink, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
shadows in the sun rise by Yuu_chi (E, 21k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Night hunts, Curses, Intimacy, Light Angst with a Happy Ending, They're married and they're in love) my all time fave cursed!lwj fic
16. Hello! This is for a future ITMF ask! Are there any fics where WangXian (or just one of them, preferably Wei Wuxian!) met Word of Honor's Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu? Thanks in advance!
The Young Masters of Four Seasons Manor by gaotamao (G, 91k, WangXian, WenZhou, YeRong, Time Regression fix-it, WKX raises monstrous sons, Not Jiang Sect Friendly, No Golden Core Transfer)
Consort Lan by UmiAzuma (M, 19k, wangxian, wenzhou, LWJ & ZZS, WWX & WKX, ZCL & LSZ, JC/LXC, hualian, bingqiu, WWX is a Menace, WWX is the second madam lan, WKX and ZZS are Parents of ZCL, WWX and WKX are besties, everyone is baffled at how pretty WWX is, Crack, WIP)
17. First, thank you to the mods & thank you in advance to everyone for the recs! &lt;3 For the next ITMF: I have two requests! A) Any fic that involves babytrapping in any capacity; and B) fic with onesided-cheng/xian (jc has feelings for wwx, wwx doesn't reciprocate) and endgame wang/xian <3
truly a love story for the ages by sweetlolixo (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Omegaverse, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Dark!Wangxian, Power Couple, slight daddy kink, Crack, Pregnant WWX) my very favorite UNINTENTIONAL mutual baby trapping fic 💕
Bitter Endings; New Beginnings by miixz (T, 7k, wangxian, WN & WWX, major character death, ABO, Arranged Marriage, Unrequited Love, Stalking, Not JC Friendly, Unrequited JC/WWX, Alpha JC, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, No War au, Wēn Remnants Live, Brothers WWX & WN, Light Angst, Fluff, Falling In Love, endgame wangxian)
Meant to be (but not the way I wanted) by sekhmetpaws (E, 49k, wangxian, one-sided JC/WWX, JL/LSZ, modern, ABO, One-Sided Relationship, Abusive Relationships, feelings feelings feelings, Most of them are, Angst, Not between wangxian, Teen Pregnancy, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, kicked out, Discussion of Abortion, Alpha JC, Omega WWX, Mpreg, not Jiang friendly, Alpha LWJ, Not JC Friendly, Wangxian are very happy here)
you can have my absence of faith by Anonymous (M, 3k, wangxian, one-sided JC/WWX, rape/non-con, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Accidental Voyeurism, JC is entitled, possessive JC, Dark JC, LWJ reflects on his parents, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Sunshot Campaign, Internalized Homophobia, Coming Out, LWJ POV, Not JC Friendly)
his right hand man 🔒 by Anonymous (E, 3k, wangxian, one-sided JC/WWX, rape/non-con, not JC friendly, Dark JC, One-Sided Attraction, Past Rape/Non-con, Wangxian's canon kinks, Consensual Non-Con, Rape Roleplay, Don't Try This At Home, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Jealousy, Homophobia, Pseudo-Incest, Canon Typical Classism, Heavy Angst, Dysfunctional Family, specter of dark LWJ if vengence counts as dark, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Vent!fic, Unreliable Narrator, let WWX be angry, Past Child Abuse, Anger)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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gingiesworld · 11 months
The Woods (1/?)
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Fic Warnings : Angst. Violence. Death. Horror. Reader has a penis
Wanda was sat with her arms wrapped around her in the cold room, chairs positioned into a circle, other patients had filled them. Some of them she had become acquainted with. Listening to their stories, trying her hardest to not tell her own story. The story that changed her life. Not for the better.
"Wanda, you have been coming here now for a few months and you have yet to tell your story." The counsellor told her.
"I just don't feel comfortable." She told them as they shook their head with a smile.
"Everyone needs to tell their story Wanda." They told her sternly. "So please, do share."
"Well, before I was here, over a year ago." Wanda fiddled with her sleeves. "I was happy. I had my friends, I know that my being here has kind of put up some barriers in my relationships but I uh, they thought I needed the help." She looked down at the ground. "Especially after Y/N. I lost my Y/N."
A little over a year ago
Wanda was excited when she approached the car with her bag, handing it over to Y/N who put the bag in the trunk before she got in the passenger seat. They had decided that the group of friends would have a weekend away at a cabin that Tony had booked.
Wanda got in the passenger seat beside Y/N, who was driving. Natasha and Maria in the back seat. Tony, Pepper, Clint and Laura in the car behind. It was going to be the four couples, having a couples weekend.
"I'm so excited for this." Maria said as she rested her head on Nat's shoulder.
"Me too." Nat agreed.
"We have needed this break." Maria said before Nat pecked her lips. Y/N took Wanda's hand in theirs, pressing a kiss to their lips.
"We most definitely do need this before the baby comes." Y/N smirked as they looked at Nat's and Maria's reactions through the mirror.
"Wait?" Nat yelled as Maria looked at a smiling Wanda. "You're pregnant!"
"Again!" Maria yelled as Wanda nodded.
"Do the twins know?" Nat asked her as Wanda shook her head no.
"We're going to tell them after the 20 week scan when we know what we're having." Wanda told them. "So this weekend they get to have a fun weekend with their Uncle Pietro."
"So, we are to expect a lot of noise from the two of you then?" Maria questioned with a smirk.
"Maybe." Wanda blushed as Y/N and Nat chuckled. "It's our first weekend away without the twins. We deserve it." Wanda told them as Y/N gave Wanda's hand a gentle squeeze.
"Yes we do." Y/N agreed as they started to drive. The drive lasted a few hours, consisting of Nat and Maria singing as Wanda watched the scenery change from the buildings of New York to the country side. Barely any life in sight except for those travelling through.
Y/N's phone rang as they drove, Wanda reached into their pocket and answered it.
"There should be a turn off on the left." Tony said as Y/N kept looking through the trees. "And just follow the road."
"Thanks Tony." Y/N spoke as Wanda hung up, Y/N followed his directions and got on the road in question. It started to be covered by trees as it went further into the woods.
"This is kind of creepy." Wanda noted as the woods got thicker and thicker, the sunlight barely shone through the leaves.
"I think it will be fun." Nat said with a smile as Maria just shook her head with a smirk.
"You would think it will be fun if you spent the weekend with Hannibal." Maria stated as Y/N looked in the mirror at Maria.
"That would be fun." Y/N stated as Wanda shook her with a smirk at the two best friends.
"You two are despicable." Maria stated.
"Hey, you can't tell me you wouldn't want to know what made him choose to eat people meat." Y/N told her.
"Exactly, I would at least have a replacement if ever I lost Y/N." Nat told them.
"Hey." Y/N yelled. "I am irreplaceable and you know it."
"Ok Beyoncè." Nat teased them as they all erupted in laughter. Soon quieting down when they noticed the cabin. It was dark and silent, barely the sound of the birds above could be heard.
"How did Tony hear about this place again?" Wanda questioned wearily as they all slowly took off their seatbelts. Tony, Pepper, Clint and Laura all wore the same expressions.
"I think he mentioned a friend of a friend." Nat informed them. "But I wouldn't quote me on it."
"It will be fun." Y/N told them. "Besides, Pietro and Steve have our location if anything happens." Y/N reassured Wanda as they kissed her cheek. "Let's just enjoy a twin free weekend. I wanna say just the two of us but there is eight of us."
"Let's go." Wanda nodded as they all got out of the car. Y/N and Maria grabbed the bags as Wanda and Nat waited by the car. Wanda was extremely weary about the cabin. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something just seemed off.
"So that was the start of the weekend." Wanda said as she shrugged, wiping a tear that threatened to fall. "I just never realised that it would be the worst weekend of my life."
"Thank you for sharing Wanda." The counsellor smiled softly at her before moving on to the next person. She knows she has therapy as well as these counselling sessions, she just wants to get better for the twins sake.
Billy and Tommy weren't in the best of places, considering they had lost one parent and an unborn sibling, but their mom was in a mental hospital after her parents had her committed. They didn't believe the stories she told them about thr deaths, nor did they believe Nat either. The only two survivors as Y/N made her promise to get Wanda safe.
Although Nat was in a completely different place to Wanda. Since there was no real evidence and Wanda became dilarious after the loss of Y/N and the miscarriage.
"You still think I did it?" Nat questioned Jennifer Walters, her friend and attorney.
"I don't know what to think Nat." Jennifer said as she rubbed her brow. "You and Wanda were the only ones whp survived. The others died. Brutally I might add."
"I know that! I was there!" Nat yelled at her before Jennifer raised her hand to stop one of the guards from restraining her. "I just. No one believes me or Wanda. She is in an asylum. She is missing out on raising her kids because of this!"
"I know." Jennifer spoke softly. "But with no evidence, we only had the bodies to go off and no weapon."
"I wouldn't kill my wife or my friends. My best friend." Nat whispered in defeat. "I don't know how many times I can say it until you believe me."
"I am trying everything I can Nat. Even Lena and Alexei are looking into the cabin. You just need to be patient. Please" Jennifer pleaded with her.
A little over a year ago
Everyone walked the steps with caution, the cabin was in complete darkness until Tony opened the door and flicked the switch on the wall. Looking around at the furniture, it was like a standard hunting cabin, not really for the feint of heart.
"See, it's not too bad." Tony smirked as Pepper glared.
"Seriously Tony, you're a Billionaire." She scolded him. "You could have paid for us all to go to the Bahamas or something."
"Now that is a vacation I can get on board with." Clint smirked as the others agreed with him.
"Hey, it's just one weekend right, we have some food and good company. It will be just like high school." Y/N reasoned as the others sighed.
"Yeah." Wanda agreed with them. "Let's give it a chance."
"I'd rather wait until I see the bedrooms." Maria mumbled as they all headed up the stairs towards the rooms. All of them choosing their own, of course Tony had called dibs on the master since he had paid for the cabin.
"I don't feel right here Y/N." Wanda mumbled as she stood in the doorway of their room. Looking around at the stained walls, some were covered with pictures of the area or animals.
"It's just one weekend Wanda." They told her as they wrapped their arms around her waist. "When we get home, we can look at booking our own little getaway, anywhere you want to go. Just the two of us." They told her with a smile as she nodded.
"That sounds perfect." With that kiss, it eased her worries for the time being. Not knowing what hid away in the darkness, in the confines of the cabin. They weren't alone, and they were going to find out.
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daffodil-mania · 1 year
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Dream a Little Dream of Me
Sam Winchester x fem!Reader. Hurt/comfort, fluff. This fic includes swearing and graphic descriptions of violence.
Author’s notes: This is my first fic; please be gentle (or don’t; up to you). I started this at like,,,, 5AM a week ago and have been slowly chipping away at it ever since. For context this takes place sometime between S1 and S2, although the time honestly does not matter at all. Might write more fics; might not. Who knows? Anyways, enjoy!
It always starts the same way.
He always flops down onto the motel bed, sighing deeply and closing his eyes as his limbs stretch out over the mattress. He inhales, burying his face in the pillow that your scent still clings to, hiding a small smile as he does. The shower’s on and he debates sneaking in and joining you. He rolls over, pondering. He stays like that for a few seconds, arms folded behind his head when he feels it.
Something wet falls on the side of his nose. His brow wrinkles in confusion as it slowly slides down over his cheekbone towards his hair. Without opening his eyes, he wipes it away. It was raining pretty hard earlier; he can tell the ceiling has been cheaply and improperly repaired several times. They’re always shitty and damaged in places like this, no wonder it leaks…
This time a droplet lands on his right eyelid. His frown deepens as he wipes it off and opens his eyes to look at his fingers. It takes his brain a second to process what he’s seeing.
His stomach sinks. He whips his head up to the ceiling as bile rises in his throat. And there you are. It seems you never even made it into the shower; you’re still in your clothes from earlier. Jeans and a white tee shirt. Your hair is spread around your head like a halo. Your mouth is open, your expression one of fixed horror. You’re looking right at him but you don’t see him, your gaze a million miles away, comprehending something too horrible for words. As he registers the weeping red gash over your womb, your eyes snap to his and he knows you see him now. He’s right there. So close. You start to mouth his name when you erupt in flames. His shouts merge with your sobbing shrieks. All he can do is sit and watch helplessly as you burn. The stench of smoke and smoldering flesh starts to fill his lungs, choking him. And then someone grips him tight, maybe Dean, calling for him to wake up, wake up—
And he does. But it’s not Dean holding him; it’s you. Sam gapes at you, panting hard as sweat and tears roll down his face. You’re saying something but he doesn’t hear it. He surges forward and wraps his arms around you in an attempt to calm his panicked mind and assure himself that you’re real. You’re here and you’re safe and—
“—Sam, baby, it’s okay, I’m here, you’re okay, we’re safe, honey, we’re safe, Sam please look at me—” He manages to peel himself out of your embrace, his eyes taking in every inch of your perfect, unharmed face. Your scared eyes are wet with worried tears, brow knitted in concern. One of his hands comes up to cup the side of your face and you eagerly press a comparatively tiny one of your own against it, holding it in place. “You’re okay,” he exhales. You nod. “Yeah, I’m okay.” He bobs his head in a nod and wraps his arms around you again. Your arms instantly go around him, one over his shoulders to cradle his head and one across his back. You start to stroke his back as he relaxes, nuzzling his wet face into your neck.
You break the silence by asking if he wants to talk about his dream. Sam murmurs his dissent into your neck. You nod again. “Okay. Okay, that’s fine. What do you need right now?” You inquire quietly. “Jus’ need this.” He responds, his voice laden with sleep and sadness. His mouth feels like it’s full of cotton. He wishes desperately that he could talk to you about his dream but he just can’t. Maybe one day… but not now. He isn’t strong enough now to tell you how paranoid the dreams make him. How guilty. Because you’ve replaced Jessica on that ceiling and while he loves you a part of him still can’t let her go. And the anger… the hopelessness… it’s almost too much for him.
But the safety he feels in your arms makes those feelings vanish almost as quickly as they come… almost. He’s calmed down significantly but there’s still that gnawing anxious feeling in his gut. Sam pushes against it, willing it to go away, and wishes that the two of you could stay like this forever; tangled together between soft sheets and even softer I love yous. He doesn’t have to think when the two of you are like this; he can just let go for a minute. Well, except for you, of course. He won’t ever let you go.
He pulls you closer against him somehow and you let out an “oof” in feigned protest. You maneuver the two of you around a bit so that you’re both on your sides, his toned stomach pressed against your soft belly, legs comfortably intertwined. You wrap your arms around him and now its Sam’s turn to rest his chin on the top of your head. He wraps his arms around you; one snakes up and around your back so that his hand rests on your shoulder blade, the other is slung around your waist. A few minutes pass quietly in the darkness before you tilt your head back to look up at him. “Feeling better?” He nods, and cranes his neck so that he can gently press a kiss to your lips. A lump begins to form in his throat when you kiss him back, blocking all of the words he wants to stay from bubbling up and out of his mouth. So instead, you speak for him. “I love you, too.” You whisper softly. He presses your foreheads together, closing his eyes gently as he does. You rub soothing circles into his back and that coupled with the exhaustion that now rests heavily on him starts to drag him into a (hopefully) peaceful slumber.
As he starts to fade out of consciousness he can vaguely make out the sound of you humming. He forces himself to focus for a second and recognizes the tune; it’s A Mamas & The Papas song that you told him your mother used to sing to you as a lullaby. You’ve hummed it to him a few times before on nights like these. Satisfied, he relaxes, and falls into a mercifully dreamless sleep.
Author’s notes: Attached is the version of the song I referenced/borrowed the fic name from. I always found it slightly creepy when I was younger (and still kind of do, tbh). Check it out :)
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merlintarotfest · 4 months
Merlin Tarot Fest - Round 1 Masterlist
Very belatedly, please see the masterlist for the first round of the Merlin Tarot Fest! All creations were posted July-September 2023.
i will wait by the river by g0blincat
Tom the Blacksmith gets so much more than he bargained for when he decides to adopt the baby he finds floating down the river in a basket. Eighteen years later, Merlin has grown into quite the proficient swordsman-- and quite the powerful sorcerer. When Crown Prince Arthur Pendragon convinces his father to hold an open melee with a knighthood as the prize, Merlin, his brother Elyan, and a ragtag group of commoners decide to enter. They soon discover that there is much more at play in the tournament than stuck-up knights and a contemptuous king. As Arthur becomes smitten with Merlin-- whose skill with a sword is unparalleled-- he discovers that there is so much more to this strange, mouthy blacksmith's son than he had initially imagined.
I’ll be your strength – and you be mine by adrift_me
Merlin’s words ring in his ears louder than the surrounding silence. "I have magic, Arthur." “Why now?” Arthur asks, fearing to meet Merlin’s eyes. Will they be the unfamiliar gold? Will they be full of fury? Or worse, gentle and crystal clear, as he has gotten used to knowing them.
Merlin reveals his magic to Arthur, and Arthur has a lot to think about.
Unwavering by adhd_merlin
Merlin and Gwaine get along splendidly — except when they don't. In which there is a fight, a fight, and a discovery. (Set pre-S5.)
The Great Unknown by TheGhostMagus
Back from the Disir, Arthur made the decision to bring back magic, plunging both Merlin and Arthur into intense reflections.
Is Mordred a real threat? Has Arthur made the right decision? And what's wrong with Merlin?
The King’s Cards by smartypantsflute
The queen's pregnancy has made Arthur realizes some changes have to be made to Camelot. Gwen tells him about a fortune teller who is never wrong. Arthur decides it's best to talk to this strange woman to learn what is in his future. But this woman looks familiar...
the echoes of a thousand voices calling your name by ExcaliburnRowan
After Camlann, Gwen rides out to bring Morgana back home.
Home is where the heart is by Brechtjeeatscheese
Merlin is a history teacher with no friends and a boring life.
That is until Arthur Pendragon and his friends enter his life. Suddenly he has friends and his life is everything but boring.
Featuring; falling in love, keeping secrets, chaotic crying and realising that family is not blood but the people you can come home to.
The Rise and the Fall by HadrianPeverellBlack
Camelot was recovering.
Merlin had never realized how strong its inhabitants were, but after seeing their ability to return to everyday life after the horrors Morgana had subjected them to, he had to realize it.
Camelot wobbled, tried to hold on, and it did.
They had defeated Morgana, they had won. And, now, they could reap the fruits of that victory.
Magic Comes From Within by Pearl09
During a tough battle that injures Arthur, Merlin's magic is revealed. Now Arthur is left to deal with the consequences, angry, paranoid, and slowly discovering something he never knew before.
The Breaking Oath by Aro_Tarot
After seeing a sketch of Archdruid Emrys amongst his father's things, Arthur wanted to grow up to become a druid. He saw the beauty in nature but for some reason, his father hated druids, especially the archdruid. Instead, Arthur grew up to become a green knight, an Oath of the Ancients paladin. When he father died, he put his all into helping those around him, and due to this, he ends up stumbling across a druid in need. In the end, he's the one that really needs help.
A short story of Arthur, Merlin, and Gwen taking place in the Forgotten Realms.
Nothing by Flower after Blooming Flower by undermycoat
When Arthur sends him away, Merlin doesn't know what to do. For awhile, he tries going after every dark-haired, dark-eyed man in the Five Kingdoms, just to forget his blue-eyed, blond-haired prince, but it never works. Eventually, he returns to Ealdor. That ends up being for the better, however, when said prince ends up in the village too, lost, confused, and unable to remember his own name.
Merlin knows it’s up to him to send Arthur back to Camelot, but that's a lot harder to do when he can't leave with him. Perhaps the appearance of a familiar foe can get him moving, though.
The End of the Beginning/The Beginning of the End by SpookySweet
What is life, if not to love? And what is love, if not pain?
All I Want by Shana_Rose
Taking another deep breath, Arthur asked himself, for the thousandth time, what would Merlin say if he was here?
The image of Merlin riding next to him came quickly, painfully so.
"Your first act as King was lifting the ban, they may still be suspicious, but that’s a good first step on making peace with the magic community.”
He clenched his fists tighter, careful not to pull on the reins as he did so. And wished for things he could not change. Now king, Arthur goes to meet the Druid leader, Emrys, to make peace.
Crooked Trajectory by queerofthedagger
“How did you find me? How did you know I would be here?”
“I know you,” Merlin merely says, because it’s true, and he refuses not to say it out loud just because Arthur might want to pretend otherwise. He’s told enough lies.
Arthur could take Morgana's betrayal and Uther's death, could take the loss of Lancelot and the fact that Merlin had magic. Barely and his days singed with grief, but his kingdom always came first. The revelation, though, that Merlin had been by his side through all these years and hardships solely due to some prophecy? That—well, that is the one truth too bitter to swallow.
When he leaves for an ill-advised break to his mother's childhood home to get away from it all, more things come to light than the simple and irrevocable fact that no authority—no king, no prince, no destiny—could ever make Merlin do anything.
king of wands, the world, cups. or: merlin and secrets don't mix. By regicsillagok
what if merlin overthought and arthur was not quite as much a dolt as he seems
The Search for the Crystal Cave by thenerdyindividual
The year is 1901, and Merlin is a recent graduate of Camelot University's History Program. He lives in a crummy flat with his childhood best friend Gwen, and they both dream of doing something more with their lives.
When King Uther falls ill, Merlin sees his opportunity to earn his postgraduate degree, and change attitudes towards magic in Camelot. He makes a proposal to the king and his two children; fund Merlin's expedition to the Isle of the Blessed, and Merlin will bring back knowledge of great healing magic that might just save the king's life. While Princess Morgana and King Uther both reject his proposal, the king's bastard son Lord Arthur Pendragon has a different idea. Using his own money, he puts together a team. Merlin, the historian. Gwen, the cartographer. And Arthur's old friend from school, Gwaine, the muscle.
Together, along with Gwen's brother Elyan who they pick up along the way, they sail to the Isle of the Blessed in search of the Crystal Cave without King Uther any the wiser. Magic, adventure, and romance abound, and it's a race against the clock to find the cave before King Cenred!
The Last Bear by littelgreyfish
On a hunt, Arthur kills the last bear in the British Isles, and there are consequences.
The Lover to the King of Swords by Crimson_Fanfic_Writer_7
“Come on, Arthur! This is the first time they’ve had this festival in over two decades!” A raven-haired man in his mid-thirties exclaimed, grabbing his satchel from the kitchen table. “We have to go! It’ll be our first time and a way to really connect with the community.”
Another man, Arthur, walked up behind him and gently wrapped his arms around his lover, resting his chin on the man's shoulder.
or Arthur and Merlin go to a festival and get a lot more out of it than they were expecting
Always by youdgetbored
merthur hurt/comfort
The Once and Future King by Corisan
The cards I drew were The Emperor and Four of Swords.
The Lovers (Greed) by kairennart
It's all about choices.
All because of a butterfly… by Laevateinn
The first time Merlin felt like an outcast, he was six. Or maybe seven. He can't remember his age with precision, but he can remember how he felt then.
Love returned and Sorcery by GYRHS
Based on the Sidhe staff and the Chalice that appeared in the Labyrinth of Gedref.
Waiting For This Moment by sugareey
It's when they're surrounded by water that's surging and plummeting down the rocks that Merlin and Arthur decide to take things to the next level.
Page of Wands
Nine of Cups
Art by wortvermis
Art by magicinavalon:
Art by multifandombullshitbabes
Remember Us, My Love? by mischel
“Please, don’t do it, Emrys” they all tell him. He doesn’t listen. After 500 years of waiting, there is nothing Merlin wouldn't do to bring Arthur back to life. And that includes erasing his love for the king in order to use it in a dark magic ritual.
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cowboycunt · 2 years
hiii welcome to my fic rec masterlist. see my other posts too if you like (horror original trueform queer)
housekeeping first. i've bolded my favorite ones in each category. i tried not to replicate categories i've made a seperate rec list for, however there are definitely some duplicate fics. if you have any questions about the categories or the fics themselves, feel free to send an ask. that being said, it's been a while since i've read a few of these but what can you do. anyways yea heed the author's warnings and minors don't click on that one category please.
all time favorite fics: empty spaces in between the lines & settle.
classics (imo)
so says the sword ~ the cost of a thing ~ tell me about the dream ~ on drowning ~ the dean winchester beat sheet ~ four letter word for intercourse ~ psalm 40:2 ~ the cheapest room in the house
post-canon (ish)
on labor ~ and what'll you do now, my darling young one? ~ now, baby, i'm sure ~ fenario ~ hold onto your voice, hold onto your breath ~ swimming with the fish pond fish ~ give me a reason to carry on ~ built to roam ~ command me to be well ~ aching in the absence of you ~ take the bones, begin anew ~ bellvue ~ blackwater lakes ~ stay ~ sometimes you'll find that i'm out of my mind ~ reach your hand inside me and touch my very soul
sufficient for thee ~ looking for a creation myth ~ by your ancient names ~ athathema ~ this was your child ~ the sun on his face ~ shade ~ what's in a name? ~ killing time ~ it's such a mystery (the way you know me) ~ the anatomy of flightless birds
extra lore
you can keep holding on ~ flight ~ forgotten ~ all things shining ~ down to agincourt
mostly sex but also makes you think
riptides ~ wavelength-gasm ~ i wanna get outside (of me) ~ you see me in the lovely garden tending ~ of our house ~ dying to let you know ~ tell your man ~ this is religion ~ want you to know
specific mental health issues
use cinderblocks to build a staircase ~ peace comes upon me (and it leaves me weak) ~ aftermath after aftermath ~ empty spaces ~ leave the stones unturned
short one shots
death of a salesman ~ easy, gentle kiss ~ saw you hiding in the ivy ~ clouds in the sky of my soul ~ i spread forth my hands unto thee ~ patching up an angel ~ it's gettin' old ~ of goats and lasagna ~ magnetic north
endverse cas or godstiel (aka angst and gun fellatio)
epilogue ~ with a taste of your lips ~ heaven help the fool who falls in love ~ this is my gun (there are many like it, but this one's mine)
bonuses which i dont know how to organize yet but are very much worth a read
honey-baked ~ stories are made of mistakes ~ remaining grace ~ canticles ~ plain language ~ my week ~ the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up ~ am i a man, or am i a muppet? ~ in my eyes (you're second to none)* ~ the tunnel of love ~ penny & pound
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beskarberry · 2 years
Under Your Skin
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Corrupted!Marcus Moreno x F!Reader
But worst of all were the writhing, slithering appendages sprouting from all over his body, waving like the arms of an anemone in a gentle current. The extraterrestrial horror bore the familiar face of your Heroic, even if it was twisted with a malicious grin that revealed razor-sharp rows of teeth. Whatever that was, it wasn’t Marcus.
Summary: Your beloved Heroic has finally returned after going MIA on a mission, but something about him doesn't seem quite right. It's hard to tell if he left something behind on the battlefield, or brought something alien home with him.
Rating: I'm going to hell for this one. NO MINORS!!!jfc
Word count: 7.3k
Reader traits: none physically, Marcus's girlfriend and mom-figure to Missy. Afab with cervix
Content warnings: Dead Dove, Do Not Eat! Non-Con/Dub Con, alien possession and hybridization, monsterfucking, body horror, Sex Pollen, forced breeding/pregnancy, oviposition, cervix penetration, cum inflation, stupid goofy joke moments and to lighten the mood. don't worry I gotchu ;)
A/N: If you've read Blue Orchid and Kudzu, then imagine those two fics had a freakyass baby together and you get this one. If you haven't read those first, maybe start there before reading this one, and if those make you uncomfy then TURN AROUND! This is a smorgasbord of my very niche, specific kinks, so please keep in mind that this weird fuckery is for me, and I'm kindly sharing it with you. Maybe it'll awaken something new in you and we can be weird besties together :) Enjoy~!
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The waiting was always the hardest part. 
You knew Marcus could handle himself, he was the leader of the Heroics for fucks sake, but that didn’t make it any easier on you when he rushed off to save the world like it was just another Tuesday. You told him he had to come back, if not for you then for his daughter Missy; she’d already lost one parent, it wasn’t fair for her to lose her father too. 
Marcus – sweet, beautiful puppy-eyed Marcus – would always pull you in for one of his trademark head-holding hugs, kiss your forehead, and promise you he’d be right back. Just a quick sonic flight to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, or an afternoon jaunt to the dark side of the moon. No big deal. 
“You promise?” you would ask him every time. Demand of him, almost. 
“Promise.” Marcus always swore, pushing his old fart glasses to the top of his head so he could see you unobstructed. “For Missy, and for you.”
And he always did. You’d see him on the news, mowing down evil robot armies with his lightning-quick katana strikes and metal bending powers, or standing heroically next to the other Heroics right after they'd stopped a volcano from destroying a tiny island nation or something. Always the heroes, always the victors. Always coming back home to you with barely a few scrapes – which was amazing given his paltry excuse for ‘armor’. 
Missy would flip flop between high-fives or just rolling her eyes at her superdad, hiding her relief with teenage sass; but you always melted right into his muscular embrace, clutching him close like the precious treasure that he was. Marcus would laugh, hugging you tight and chuckling softly, giving you a good-natured chastising about how he promised he was coming home to his girls, and he would never break a promise to either of you. 
He would always come home.
Until he didn’t.
By now you should have been used to seeing your boyfriend go swords-first into the freshest new bullshit that superheroes seemed to attract, but your guts would always go right through the floor every time Missy turned on the news. She was so proud of her daddy, you couldn’t deny her getting to watch him save the day, but as soon as the TV screen crackled to life you knew something was wrong. 
From the news chopper’s vantage point the city street almost seemed to be writhing, a furious tangle of purple spaghetti lashing out at the Heroics, and catching them.
Massive alien appendages snapped whip-like at the world's most beloved heroes, snatching Miracle Guy and Tech-No right out of the air before they even had a chance to retaliate against the extraterrestrial menace. Blinding Fast almost managed to confuse one of the creatures, but was plucked from the air like nothing more than a mosquito, disappearing into the living entanglement. You watched, choking on your own heart, as Sharkboy and Lavagirl vanished into the seething swarm of violet tentacles, leaving only one hero left:
The sound of your name crackled through Missy’s telecomunication watch, the static congealing the blood ice-like in your veins. “... and Missy, my girls, I know I promised I wouldn't try to be a hero anymore…”
“Daddy!”  Missy sobbed, watching the TV helplessly as the aliens swarmed on her father. 
“Marcus! Get out of there now!” you bellowed at the watch comm, wrapping Missy up in your arms protectively; as if your own body would somehow protect Marcus too. “It’s too dangerous!”
“I know.” he pleaded, his voice breaking up on the comms. “But… I’m still the leader of the Heroics, and a good leader, leads by examp-” 
“Marcus this is no time for motivational lessons! Get out of there right now!” 
The live feed zoomed in on the last remaining Hero, close enough that you could see the sadness his determination was desperately trying to mask. He grimaced, bearing his teeth at the inevitable while drawing the swords from his back; Marcus Moreno would go down fighting if it was the last thing he did. 
“Take c-re -f Mi-sy f-r me, I love-”
The commlink crackled violently, cutting off your boyfriends’ last words; and you and Missy watched, horrified, as the undulating wall of space-tentacles swallowed Marcus whole. You saw the briefest flash of katana steel before the heliotropic hellbeast lashed at the camera, knocking the helicopter out of the sky and cutting off the feed.
And then the TV went black. 
The once roaring television glowed with a faint after-image before dying completely, leaving you and Missy alone with the memory of her father – your boyfriend – meeting his untimely demise. 
The first breath you remembered to take was a sob, a choked, ugly thing that heralded a dam of emotions breaking loose. Missy, always so strong, like her dad, trembled in your arms. 
“H-he’s.. he’s gonna come b-back, right?” she asked, her eyes glued to the blank screen. “He… he’s not gonna leave me l-like mom did, i-is he?”
“Of course not.” you ground out, sucking back the lump in your throat; you had to be strong for her. “He’s Marcus Moreno, right? Th-the leader of the Heroics? He’ll be fine.” You tightened your grip on the little girl, feeling her weight slouch into you as she crumbled. “He’s gonna be fine.” The lie tasted bitter on your tongue, but a hopeful lie was sweeter than the sickening truth. 
“He has to be.”
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The days crept on without Marcus, without hearing from the Heroics headquarters, without hearing anything on the news. The whole world was just as shell-shocked as you were, the greatest heroes in the world swallowed up like a handful of extra crunchy M&M’s. Once all the Heroes had been collected, the alien swarm had just… floated off, disappearing into the clouds like they’d never been there at all. 
Missy became aloof, retreating to her room and locking the door behind her. You wanted so badly to comfort her, but she wasn’t your daughter, no matter how much it felt like she was, and you at least owed her the respect of letting her grieve in her own way; even if it was breaking your heart having to soldier it out alone. 
Six days came and went, and for the sixth day in a row you were left alone downstairs in the living room, and though the bright midday sun spilled like molten gold through the Venetian blinds, your world seemed to be getting darker by the day. Your eyes hurt from crying, your lips dry and cracked from dehydration. Once they’d been soft, not nearly as soft or as plush as Marcus’ lips – really it was unfair how pretty his pouty lips were – but it didn’t matter who had the softer lips when yours and his were pressed together. He would whisper between kisses how much he loved you, how he missed you when he was on missions, how he thought of you when he was alone, each secret punctuated with a sweet, gentle kiss.
You absently reached up to touch your lips, imagining for the briefest moment that it was your Markie coming home. A single tear trailed down your cheek when you closed your eyes to imagine, the first welling of another crying fit creeping up your throat. 
The sound of the front door nearly being thrown off its hinges made you shriek, and you grabbed the nearest heavy object – one of Missy’s karate trophies – brandishing it like a weapon at the intruder. 
“It’s me, it's me!!” Missy bellowed, raising her hands defensively. “Put the trophy down!”
“Missy?! I thought you were in your room! How the hell-” 
Words died on your tongue when you looked behind the brown-eyed girl to see the man she’d inherited them from. His eyes were glassy and distant, like he’d seen things no man should ever have to witness, but they were still the familiar eyes of the man you knew and loved.
“Hey…” he said pathetically, none of the Heroic bravado to be heard. 
“But… I saw, and… the aliens… Miracle Guy. How did… you were..?!”
“Yeah…” he trailed off slightly, shrugging. 
“It was me!” Missy chirped, making you realize that she should have been in her room still. “Well, me and the other super-kids, we saved the Heroics!” Unlike Marcus, Missy was full of energy and pride, going on to explain that she’d been sneaking out of her room to meet up with the other super-children and eventually rescued them from the aliens, discovering the power of friendship along the way.
Her story barely registered to you as you crossed the living room to Marcus, making a mental sticky note to ground Missy for at least a year for sneaking out; but that didn’t matter right now, all that mattered was that your Markie was home safe. 
When you were close enough to touch him, to make his ghost flesh-and-blood by your own hands, you stopped ‐ no, recoiled – from him. Aside from his obviously exhausted state, Marcus looked terrible. His skin was dotted with large, purple, circular bruises; ugly sucker marks put there by the aliens. Those eyes of his weren’t just glassy, they were sunken and forlorn, lost in a thousand-yard stare. His shoulders sagged, and his clothes didn’t seem to fit him quite right, like they were too big for him. 
But he was Marcus, your Marcus, home at last; and when you found your courage you flung your arms around him and cried. His familiar scent washed over you, soaking your synapses in dopamine and relief. Your fingers curled like claws in his choppy curls, the familiar coarse hair an anchor clutched in your hands. It must have been the trauma of the battle, or the shock of actually making it home alive, but Marcus almost seemed to lag in hugging you back. When his arms slowly, deliberately held you, you felt his breath stutter in his chest, thankful to finally be home. 
“See?” he whispered in your ear, the warm timbre of his voice reigniting hearthfire in your chest. “I promised.”
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After giving Missy the most half-assed scolding of your life, you ordered pizza delivery and sat down for what felt like the first family meal in decades. Marcus was quiet throughout, just listening to all the hijinks Missy had gotten up to in her rescue efforts; many of which were dangerous and downright wreckless, and should have earned her at least some playful chastisement from her dad, but Marcus had nothing to say. 
In fact, he had nothing to say at all. You’d known him to talk with his mouth full on many occasions, even opening his mouth to show off his cud in an attempt to gross Missy out, but she would retaliate ten times grosser; so the pizza wasn’t making him silent. You should give him time, you thought, watching Marcus nibble on the stuffed crust, he’s been through a lot. You reached out to him, setting your hand on his thigh with a gentle squeeze, coaxing him back to reality. 
Marcus looked down at your hand, then slowly back up to you, his brows knitted slightly, like he didn’t expect the contact. A thin, weak smile crept across his lips, but the corners didn’t quite reach his eyes. Not knowing what else to do, you gave him a soft pat on the leg and let him get back to his pizza. He would tell you all about it in due time.
You were all exhausted well before bedtime, finding just the quickest burst of energy inside you to round up all the dirty laundry on the master bedroom floor and chuck it in the hamper. “Heh, sorry,” you snickered, kicking a towel across the room. “Chores got away from me while you were gone.”
“Mmm.” Marcus hummed, seemingly distracted. He stripped out of his clothes with mechanized slowness, taking each item off methodically before getting in bed. 
“Marcus, are you… alright?” You asked, taking off your own clothes as well and switching into your night shirt. “I know you pretty much came back from the dead, but if you, like, want to talk about it..?”
“Mmm.” He repeated, partially muffled by the pillow and already beginning to sound like he was halfway asleep. 
“Okay, well, if you want to talk, I’m here for you whenever you need me, Markie.” you said as you climbed into bed next to him, laying with your back to his chest. “Is it ok if we snuggle? I missed you, so much. I… I never thought I would see you again.” 
He answered you by wrapping his spotted arms around you and pulling you back into himself, the heat of his chest blooming across your spine. A breath of hot air steamed past your ear, sending shivers all the way down to your toes. 
“Mis-d you… too.” Marcus mumbled faintly before he was sawing logs directly into your earhole. On any other night you would have made him roll over, but even his chainsaw snoring was a comfort tonight, anything that proved to you that he was really here. Really home. 
The only light in the room came from a Heroics-brand night light that Missy had plugged into the wall when she was six – Marcus couldn’t bear to unplug it – and the soft yellow light was just bright enough that you could see the markings on his arms. Even in the dark they were ugly; plum bruises that were raised slightly off his skin, creating long dotted lines that followed the curves of his muscles. 
He must have gotten them when the aliens grabbed him, they look like sucker marks. Horrified, but curious, you brushed at one of the circular marks, flinching when Marcus jerked in his sleep. Must be sore still, poor Markie. 
As gingerly as you could, you squeezed yourself into his embrace, letting out a well-deserved sigh of contentment. Tonight would be the first decent night of sleep either of you had probably gotten since his abduction, and all the mysteries – or horrors – from his mission could wait until morning.
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You’d almost forgotten what a human furnace Marcus could be. Wrapped up in his body you were sweating, your thighs sticky and your hair clinging to the back of your neck. Gross. You hoped that if you managed to keep your eyes closed while you got resituated you could just fall right back asleep, but as soon as you tried to throw the heavy weight of the blanket/manmeat combo off of you, it seemed to grow even heavier. 
Damn it, Markie. Blindly you fished around for his arm, tangled so much in the covers you couldn’t tell where the sheets ended and he began. Poopcicles. Reluctantly, you cracked your eyes open, wincing at the congealed eye boogies pulling on your lashes. The night-light bathed the room in a gentle teal color, making the photographs on the wall look like the ghosts from the Haunted Mansion ride you’d gone on when you took a family trip to Disney World. Huh, I didn’t know it changed colors.
You squirmed carefully, trying to dislodge the covers and finally get some fresh air, but the blankets only got tighter, heavier. Midnight confusion-panic started to set in, and even though you didn’t want to wake Marucs, or worse, exacerbate his injuries, you had to get free. You felt for the edge of the bed, trying to find a handle to pull yourself out with, but the bed itself almost seemed to be constricting you. 
You were going to have to wake Marcus up.
“Markie” you whispered, shimmying in his grip, “Markie I’m cooking, I need you to get off’a me.”
“Mmm… nooo…” 
“Marcus, I’m serious.”
“So am I, and I said no.”  Markus, fully awake, growled in your ear with more words than he’d said all day, his arms squeezing around you so tightly the air was squeezed from your lungs. 
“Marcus! I said-” you started to protest, but the vice-like grip he had on you pinned your arms to your side, finally prompting you to open your eyes all the way and look at what was keeping you hostage. 
He was.
You blinked in confusion, your sleep-addled brain trying to make sense of what you were seeing, but you had to be dreaming. Or, more likely, having a nightmare, because the splotches that marred Marcus’ skin weren’t just glowing, they were wiggling. 
The teal light in the room wasn’t coming from the night-light at all, it was coming from the bruises running up and down his skin as long, thin tendrils started to crawl out of them, wrapping around your body and tethering you to his chest. You started to scream, but Marcus clamped one calloused hand over your mouth, the luminescent threads sprouting from his wrists writhing just inches from your eyes. 
“Missed you. Missed you so much cariño.” he purred against the back of your head, the hook of his nose nudging at your ear. “So glad you were here waiting for me. Can you feel how much I’ve missed you?” Marcus growled low, punctuating his statement with a shallow thrust of his hips against your backside. Under better circumstances the hard length of his cock – still trapped in his boxers – grinding up against your ass would have made you instantly soaked, but it only caused terror to curdle in your veins. 
You thrashed, making his hand slide off your face just enough to yell “Marcus! What the hell is wrong with you?! What are thes-!” 
He cut you off again, the glowing threads surging from his skin, growing longer and thicker until they were more like tentacles, bearing the same sucker patterns as his flesh. “Shhh, hermosa, not gonna hurt you. No no, need you safe. Need you… alive.” 
The way his words dripped venomously chilled you to the bone with their inhuman resonance, almost like it wasn’t Marcus speaking at all, but rather something speaking through him. Terrified, you thrashed in the luminous coils, your eyes blowing wide as the alien tendrils slithered over your skin. One of the ones growing from his wrist crept between his fingers to your mouth, the slimy thing pushing at your lips. You pursed them tighter, but Marcus was stronger, wrenching your mouth open and forcing the tentacle inside. 
“That’s it. See? Not so bad, is it?” he cooed while the appendage explored the cavern of your mouth, leaving slime on your teeth that tasted strangely like fruity pebbles. Fear gave way to anger, and in your panic-rage you bit down on the creature, puncturing right through its flesh like an overripe peach; and just like a peach, biting into it flooded your mouth with sweet juices that made your head spin, fogging your thoughts and clouding your mind.“Careful now, don’t drink too much. Need you to stay awake for me.” 
Behind you, Marcus rutted against your ass again, and this time the familiar desire you had for your usually sweet, gentle boyfriend flooded down your spine and pooled between your legs unbidden, turning the sweat on your skin cold with the change in body temperature. Another surge of nectar oozed on your tongue, making your cunt clench against your will. 
“Mmm, you smell good, I can smell the heat coming from you.” Marcus seethed, nibbling on the shell of your ear, his bites sharper than usual. “Do you feel as wet as you smell? Let's find out.” 
Strong, glowing ropes twisted you around without giving you an inch to struggle free, rolling you on to your back as Marcus clambered on top of you, and the sight of him froze you in place. 
“Mrkus!?” you shriek-mumbled into his hand, unable, or unwilling, to believe that the blue-skinned, blue-eyed creature pinning you down could be your beloved Marcus. His eyes glowed brighter than the tentacle patches on his arms, drowning his pupils in their sapphire light. His once bronze skin matched the teal that permeated the room, flecked with tiny green and yellow lights between long bands of violet.
But worst of all were the writhing, slithering appendages sprouting from all over his body, waving like the arms of an anemone in a gentle current. The extraterrestrial horror bore the familiar face of your Heroic, even if it was twisted with a malicious grin that revealed razor-sharp rows of teeth.
Whatever that was, it wasn’t Marcus.
“You’re perfect. Do you know that?” the thing mused, tilting its head slightly, almost playfully. “As soon as I took over this body I knew I had to meet you. So pretty, so perfect. You’re all he thinks about, you know, how much he desires you. Wants you, needs you.” Marcus-not-Marcus trailed his free hand down your body, groping at your breast through your flimsy moomoo. “You know what he desires most from you though?” he asked, placing a broad palm gently on your belly. “He wants to put a baby in you, desperately. That’s why I chose him as my host.” You squeaked in surprise, shock etching your features, but the fear was quickly erased when delicious fruit juice surged in your mouth again, making you arch into his touch. “Tsk tsk, what, he never told you? What a shame, I can tell you want that too, though, don’t you? Let’s see just how much...”
Splotches on Marcus’s thighs flared to life, growing long, luminous tentacles that slipped and slithered over your belly, your waist, your hips, gathering at the apex of your legs. Marcus didn’t need to use his human arms to slip under your night clothes and tug your panties down, the thick appendages dexterous enough to do it for him. The glow in his eyes faltered almost like they were fluttering when the scent of your arousal hit him, his cock jumping in his boxers. “Oh you are perfect, going to take me so well, won’t you?” 
You wanted to scream no, but your intoxicated, traitorous body arched with need, your nipples perky and your cunt dripping with slick. Marcus generously gave you another dose of his nectar before releasing your mouth, rocking back on his haunches to get a better look at you. You should have tried to escape, but whatever was in his toxic slime kept you rooted to the bed, desperate and needy. 
"Mmm.. Marcus…" you managed to squeak out, finding your voice half-drowned in ambrosia. "Wh…what do you want with me?"
"Oh, to breed you, of course, my pretty little pet." Marcus chuckled, grinning like a fox at your terror. "You're fertile, I can smell it." The tips of his tentacles dragged over the soaking wet folds of your cunt, their soft, velvety tips ghosting at your clit, teasing you almost as much as his words. "I'm gonna make you cum until you forget your own name, pretty thing, then you'll be ready to take my seed. Let’s make Marcus’s dreams come true and fill that belly.”
The creature ran his bluish palms over your heated skin, taking generous handfuls of you to squeeze and knead, his caress leaving you breathless and unable to protest. Behind him, the luminous tendrils swayed in a silent dance, their seductive light show almost hypnotic; the little lights coursing and flashing like those sea critters you’ve seen on the nature channel. Why did they do that? You tried to remember, your conscious will fading by the second. Was it to seduce a mate… or capture prey?
No answer came from your lust-drunk mind, and no words came from your lips except a strained, needy whine when Marcus started teasing his tips at your puffy wet hole. They worked in tandem, sliding past each other, gathering your slick up with their own ooze, prying you open bit by bit. 
“You’re so eager, my pet,” purred the creature, leaning his weight on your thighs while his appendages did the work for him. The thinner ones growing from his arms trailed lightly over your sensitive skin, leaving little wet kisses in their wake that tingled enticingly. “You want more?”
You looked away from him, desperate not to let the alien know how much you wanted him, needed him to sate your desires; but your whore mouth betrayed you almost immediately. “Mmmhmm…”
“What was that, beautiful?” Marcus asked, words smoked with malicious intent. “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Yes!” You cried as the thick lengths dipped deeper inside you, pulling your lips apart while a third lapped at your swollen clit. “P-please Marcus…”
Marcus growled at the sound name, the tent in his pants pitching. “Fuck yes keep begging. I wanna hear how much you need it.”
“Please… please Marcus, need… I need…” Desire won out over your shame, your fear, your animal instinct to fucking run; and you turned to face the creature, your pleading eyes meeting his glowing blues. “I need you.”
“Good girl.” he snarled, almost as much to himself as to you. “And good girls get what they deserve.”  Marcus plunged his tentacles deep inside your aching cunt, making your back arch and your breath catch almost painfully in your throat. His juices mixed with your own, letting him slip all the way to your core, filling you up to the brim on the first thrust. “Thatta girl. Gotta get you all stretched out first, make sure I can fit in you.” 
The thunder of your pounding heart drowned out the words spilling from his lips, leaving you with only a vague itch in the back of your mind wondering what could possibly be bigger. Thick, juicy tendrils curled and squirmed inside you, making wet, obscene squelches every time they coiled around each other and thrust back in. A third, thinner arm strummed at your pearl, its azure skin silky smooth against your sensitive bundle of nerves, perfectly adapted to play you like a slutty little fiddle. 
And oh, what a pretty song you sang.
Lust-drunk in the aliens’ clutches you were helpless to fight against your own body, squirming on the bed just as Marcus’s appendages were squirming inside you. Every sinful slosh set your nerves on fire and made your eyes water, screams dying in your throat when he pushed against the gates of your womb, sliding against it with tongue-like dexterity. 
“Are you going to cum, sweetheart?” Marcus leered, palming at his bulge. “I can feel you getting close, cum for me so I can give you this.” 
The un-Marcus dramatically dug his thumbs into the waistband of his straining boxers and hiked them down over the swell of his length, revealing what you hoped would be his final secret. The glow of his eyes dimmed with relief, but yours only blew wide open at the sight of him. 
His cock was monstrous, in more than one sense of the word. Not only was it the thickest damn dick you’d ever seen in your life, it was also glowing like the tentacles growing from his back and arms; strobing with a slow violet-purple pattern down his shaft in time with his heartbeat. A trio of neon-bright seams ran from the curls at his base all the way up to the tip, where the usually blunt head of a mans’ cock had tapered into petal-like points that curled open slightly; the whole contraption looking more like a flower native to an alternate dimension rather than a penis. 
Marcus took advantage of your shocked face to thrum your clit while stuffing as much of himself in you as he could fit, bringing the stars he’d come from personally to you, the lights of a thousand worlds exploding behind your eyes as you tipped over the edge. Your mixed slick surged out of your swollen cunt, decorating Marcus in your arousal for him to wear like a medal across his star-spangled chest. 
“That’s much better, hermosa, nice and stretchy for me,” he teased, using his tentacles as well as his blunt fingers to pry your soaked folds apart, taking greedy eyefulls of the way you pulsed and fluttered under his touch, your cum leaking and dribbling down your ass. 
You were spiralling like a galaxy, struggling to come down from your rocket-propelled high. As the stars cleared from your vision, you were able to see the Marcus creature shuffle forward on his knees and line his pulsating bloom up with your needy wet hole. Fear had abandoned you entirely, or your boyfriend’s replacement had stolen it from you. Either way, he looked enough like Marcus; those dark, tousled curls straight from the covers of paperback romance novels, the half-moon of his nose that used to nuzzle into your neck so sweetly when you slept together, and even his bristly smile was still there – though the teeth were wrong, the dimple was just right.
It was good enough for you.
“I’m ready, Markie…” you babbled, reaching down to pull your knees further apart, spreading yourself wide open for your transcendental lover. “Fill me up, I want you.”
The cosmic entity halted, tilting his head at you slightly, a look of confusion spreading across his handsome features. “You… want me? I… I didn’t give you that much toxin…”
“I do. I want you, Marcus.” 
That was the trick. Somewhere inside that pretty face was Marcus, your Marcus, and hearing his name always made him so soft, so pliable, ready to meet any and all of your needs. Sweet, loving Marcus – dedicated dad and fearless hero – was still in that otherworldly body. Somewhere. 
“Then you shall have me.” he confessed, almost prayer-like, before surging himself forward, the light in the room shifting as his radiant spire vanished inside you. You nearly came again just from him stuffing you like a holiday turkey, the meat of him pushing against your pelvic bones from the inside. Through your lashes you saw his cosmic eyes flutter closed, lost in the pleasure of carnal connection. “Oh… oh hermosa.” he stuttered, his breath husky already. “I didn’t know humans could feel so good!”
“D-don’t stop yet, Markie, it… it gets better.” You rasped, feeling the control tip slightly in your favor. “Gotta move, big boy.” 
He looked confused until you rocked your hips under him, making his luminous length drag through your walls and drawing a long, animalistic groan from his lips. The grip he had on you, both arms and wigglers, lessened for only a moment while he basked in the sensation before his instincts took over like the calm before the storm.
The force of him slamming into you made the entire bed squeak and nearly sent you careening into the headboard. Fingers and tendrils clutched you desperately, the Marcus mimic spooling you into his body to hold you captive while he took his pleasure. Every rock of his hips made the light in the room strobe between yellow and blue, the flash flash flash of him fucking you matched by the coursing patterns on his skin; pulsing to a rhythm older than time.
You were captivated by the hypnotic light show, the aphrodisiac flooding your veins making Marcus seem to glow brighter than his bioluminescent self, almost as if the universe was falling away from where you two were connected until only the two of you remained; a mortal and a miracle. 
“Marcus…” you purred, reaching up to splay your hands across his hot, sticky chest. You could feel the race of his heart beat, the stutter in his breath, the heat of his need; and it made you clench. “Fuck yes M-Marcus… h-harder…” 
He spat in a series of clicks and chitters, the noise sounding somewhat like a curse. “You keep doing that and I'm not going to last much longer, babygirl.”
“Is that a threat… or a promise?” You chided, locking your legs around his snatched little waist and dragging him down to your level. Marcus half growled, half gasped in surprise with the new angle and the sudden lack of space between you. With his face only inches from yours, you could see the shimmering pupils hiding in the haze of his glow, blown wide and focused on you alone. His eyes glanced from yours, then down to your parted lips, a curious expression creasing his brow, revealing in him something fundamentally human. 
You answered his unasked question, slotting your lips to his in a celestial kiss. He whimpered into you, the human part of him fighting to indulge the desire the alien part was trying desperately to circumvent; but Marcus – your Marcus – was stronger. He tasted sweet and sugary, the taint of nectar coating his lips like gloss and drawing you hungrily into him. You felt him shift as he kissed you back, a strong arm slipping under you to cradle the back of your head and hold you just like he always did when you made love; with the fun new perk of his tentacles threading through your hair.
You dragged your nails over his scalp and tugged his hair gently, making his hips rut and stutter. Marcus let his tongue explore your mouth, dancing with yours and tempting you to indulge in his, but the sharp nick of his teeth quickly deterred you. He mumbled a laugh and chased after you, nipping at your tongue and lower lip; not enough to break the skin, but enough to remind you of his power over you.
When the hair was prickling on the back of your neck, you tore yourself from his lips, offering the expanse of your throat for him to claim. Marcus willingly, devoutely, kissed along your jaw towards your neck, savoring the curves and valleys that lead him to the dip of your collarbone and the rise of your breasts. He kissed the swell of each one, letting his thrusts slow to a gentle cadence so he could savor the taste of your skin. His lips closed around one pert nipple, sucking the tender bud into his hot wet mouth where he could swirl his tongue around it, the sharp edges of his teeth making your flesh break out in goosebumps. 
You keened and arched into him, loving the way the halfmoon of his nose pressed into the plush of your breast, his breath fiery on your skin. Deliriously, your eyes fluttered open to watch, a feeble mewl squeaking from your lips at the creature pleasuring you. You could see his back and spine clearly with his head dipped to suckle from you; each vertebra marked with a deep indigo splotch, drawing a dotted line between where the thick, swaying tentacles erupted from his skin. Their bright blue fluorescence pulsed and undulated with the swing of his hips and the swirl of his tongue, drawing your hands to them. 
When you drew your fingertips in a circle around the base of the nearest serpentis arm, Marcus gasped and crumpled against your sternum, his tentacles quivering in pleasure. 
“Wh… what was that?” he asked breathlessly, peeling his sweat-sticky face from your breast, glaring at you with mixed emotions. You hummed villainously and snagged a second tendril, spooling and threading it between your fingers as if it was a pretty ribbon you were trying to smooth. 
The effect was instantaneous. In your hands the appendage quivered and flashed, the chromatophores in its skin overstimulated with pleasure. Behind it and all down Marcus’s back the rest of them went ramrod straight, becoming almost wing-like with how they pulsed and shivered. 
“F-fuck…th-that feels… feels good…” the interstellar angel snarled, his bright eyes rolling back in his head. “Keep doing th-that… and… and I’ll…”
“You’ll what, Markie?” you purred, taking another pretty length in your other hand and winding them both around your wrists like you were taking the reins. “Say it.”
“Cum!!” Marcus threw his head back when you pulled on his sensitive growths, thrusting himself as deeply into you as he could.
And oh, how deep did he go!
The blossom within you throbbed where it pulsed against your cervix, spilling molten syrup from its petaled tip that gushed down your walls to splatter obscenely across your thighs. You tugged him harder into you, feeling your mind go fuzzy with the neurotoxin surging through your body combined with the power trip you were getting from bringing the mighty celestial to heel. 
You clenched around him, trying to draw out his orgasm, but lost all your bravado when you felt your core muscles squeeze him so hard that something popped. 
“Oh shit! Marcus what was…!?” you started to panic, thinking you broke his fucking dick, but he was totally lost in his ecstacy, only pleasure creasing his handsome features.
“Not.. done… with… you…” he ground out, his fingers curling like claws under your legs, his vines tangling around your limbs so there was nowhere for you to run. Inside your fluttering cunt you felt his cock start to writhe, and three distinct petals began to slide along your walls, stretching you impossibly wider.
“Wh.. M-Marcus?!” you peeped, helpless in his grasp. “What are you…oh!” 
The flower petals surged forwards, pushing through the tight ring of muscle that guarded your innermost sanctum and gaping it open for something else to slither inside. A central core, smooth and slick, crept inside your belly and began pumping you full of something warm and gooey. You gasped, the foreign feeling of Marcus invading your womb had you shivering from the sensation, your breath lodging tighter in your throat with every pulse of molten seed filling you fuller and fuller and fuller until you could feel a tightness in your guts, a tautness to your skin.
Ensnared in your alien lovers embrace, you watched helplessly as the creature filled your belly to the literal brim, and with his cock so perfectly wedged, there was nowhere for his seed to go but in, causing your tummy to bulge and swell with his essence, rounding you as if Marcus had filled you with his own child. 
“Marcus…” you rasped, your voice broken down to whisper. Above you, Marcus, with eyes screwed shut and jaw set tight, heaved a mighty sigh of relief at the sound of his name. The throbbing began to subside as his orgasm drew to a close, his heaven-sent mission finally complete. A sheepish smile crept across his face, and his eyes fluttered sluggishly back open, their light starting to dim. 
“Thank you, beautiful.” he purred, slowly unspooling his writhing tangles from your arms and legs. “See you again real soon.”
In your hands, the luminous reins you’d used to take control of the invader began to lose their glow; first flickering, then fizzling out completely, until they started to wither and die before your very eyes. As they shriveled towards his body, Marcus himself also began to lose his luminosity, the bluish-purple fading back to the soft gold tones you’d grown to love before you’d lost him. His anemoneic wings waggled briefly, lost their light, then curled in on themselves like sleepy ferns, coiling towards his spine until they receded entirely. Soon enough it was just you and Marcus, Marcus Marcus, with only the faintest blotches dotting his skin where his appendages had just been. 
Well, that, and the sizable swell of your belly cradled between the two of you.
Now that your arms were free, you dragged them up to feel the gift Marcus had given you. You were so taken aback by its suddenness that you hardly registered the rope burns his tentacles had put on your wrists. Your belly was warm to the touch, the skin tight and achy, but not too painful; whatever he’d filled you with must have also contained a numbing agent. You pressed on yourself gently, feeling the alien’s spend slosh slightly inside you. The motion surprised you with a release of oxytocin, making your heart swell and your eyes water with unearned joy. 
And, oddly enough, you couldn’t help smiling.
“B-babygirl?” a fucked-out voice asked, snapping your attention to poor confused Marcus. His big puppydog eyes were so wide, the chocolate drops of his irises drowning in the milk-whites. His thick dark hair stuck to his brow in mats, the curls reaching all the way to his raised brows. “What… what’s going on?” he panted, glancing from you to your tummy, horror creeping into his features. “Oh my god, how long was I gone?!”
“Markie? Is that really you?” you asked, starting to sit up, but shifting made you painfully aware of him still inside you. It seemed to shock him into gear as well, and he instinctively started trying to pull out. You felt the last remains of the not-Marcus slip from your cunt, making a pleasurable shiver shoot up your spine. 
“Oh fuck, I-I’m sorry, baby, I-I don’t understand-” he babbled as he freed himself, his words lost with the sight between your legs. Bright purple ooze seeped from your snatch, bubbling with dozens of tiny, egg-like orbs. “What… what the fu-”
“Marcus!” You rolled forwards as gracefully as a balloon full of mashed potatoes, throwing your arms around your Markie-poo. “Fucking hell it is you! You got abducted by those aliens you tried to fight a week ago, the squiggly purple ones. You don’t remember?”
“A week?” he sputtered, shocked. “But… then what…?” he cupped your belly gingerly, as if his Heroic touch would break you. “Who?!”
“You.” you said, the hurt audible in your voice. “Just now.”
“Bwu-huh?!” He couldn’t wrap his head around it all; the suddenness of everything. Suddenly in the moment, suddenly aware, suddenly a father-to-be of… something. He couldn’t take his eyes off your swell, dragging his rough palms across your tight skin towards the scene of the crime still leaking from your cunt. Confusion and horror gave way to curiosity, and foolishness, when Marcus poked at the pretty slime. It stuck to his fingers, making the squishy pearls difficult to peel off, so instead he pushed them back in, his lips quirking in a coy, cutesy manner. “...you’re warm.”
Ain’t that just like a man. You snickered at Marcus, humming contentedly when he used a thick, calloused finger to push the celestial spunk back up inside you, though without the extra appendages it would probably just fall back out later. You weren’t sure if you could say the same about what was in your womb, though. Markie’s pecker had gone completely back to normal, if not slathered in bright pink jelly, but you seemed to be stuck with a full tank. 
“You.. are you ok? Does this hurt?” he asked with his usual sweet dad-like concern once he remembered where the goop was coming from, casting wary glances at your newest addition.
“Nuh-uh, feels weird, but not… bad?”
“That’s good… cuz uh…” he turned away sheepishly, a crimson flush creeping across his cheeks to the tips of his ears. “You look really pretty like this…” 
“So it’s true then, you… do want…” 
“What? No! I mean, yes! Uh… fuck, wait… hey, don’t laugh at me!” 
 “Then spit it out, Markie!”
“You look cute pregnant!”  he spat, his face going ten shades redder. “And yes, I do want a baby with you. I want a sibling for Missy… and… I love you. I love you so much I want more of you, but… um… only if you.. would want…”
“Yes, Marcus. I do want.” you pulled him to you, pressing your forehead to his. “Yes, but I want yours, not ET’s.”
“Right. Right. Yeah, uh, we should probably get you to the Heroics medical center sooner rather than later, I’m sure they can get… whatever that is, cleaned out. Should probably have those bruises looked at too, they look pretty bad.”
“Oh, they’re not that bad.” you replied, holding your wrists up to examine the slutty welts his tentacles had put there. “Looks like we’ve been getting up to some kinky shit together, which, I mean, technically-”
“No, not those,”  Marcus took your hands in his, pausing to kiss each of your purpled wrists with delicate, whisker-lipped smooches before gently turning your arms over and pushing them towards your chest, showing you the backs of your forearms. It was hard to see without a mirror, but your blood turned to ice in your veins at the sight of the familiarly large, dark-purple circles beginning to bloom on your skin.
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159 notes · View notes
lolexjpg · 2 months
i've been questioning abt why are you going feral over lolex until yesterday, now i see your vision. thank you so much for awakening my inner lolex <3
p.s can u please recommend any fic on ao3 (ive read yours and they're all pretty and i love the plot x)
hey anon WOW i'm sorry this ask happened to be moments before Distaster™ i appreciate ur patience with me! this is so nice and i'm always happy to spread the lolex agenda ofc ofc 😘😘
as for fic recs, i would recommend absolutely anything by @crozierahegao, baby be gentle, this is my first time is so so cute n adorable and if ur looking for just some angsty smut this and this are both phenomenal!!!
as the local genderbend girlie i cant not recommend the one sapphic lolex fic ofc!!!!
if u are looking for more t rated fics i am really not the person to ask im sorry lmao. thank u for ur ask and ur patience as i survive the horrors ily
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
I would love to know more about:
Loves in a Tower, Islands Together, Mother Kmows Best, Firsts, Silent Screams and Loud Memories, Vardaros' New Fossil Exhibit and Lost at the Gallows.
Sorry for asking about so many.
Oh, please don't apologize! I love to talk about my WIPs and I have soo many!
Sorry I took so long to answer, had a lot of fics to update today!
Anyway, getting into it:
Love in a Tower
This is a Tangled AU where Gothel hires the Stabbington to steal Rapunzel (similar to the movie) but rather than them dispose of Eugene like in the movie Eugene is witness to Gothel rescuing Rapunzel. This leads to Gothel manipulating Eugene by telling him of the horrors she witnesses people do to try and hurt a baby Rapunzel and stal her magic. The horrors Rapunzel is in danger of facing if she remains outside the tower!
So Eugene comes to live in the tower with Rapunzel, because he loves her and wishes to protect her. But used to the wide open world Eugene is anxious, he's also somewhat suspicious of Gothel despite what he witnessed.
A snippet:
Eugene hadn’t left the circular room in far too long. He’d never realised how much he loved to move. Whether it was scaling castles and houses to get the valuables inside, running through forests from guards or the art of battle, Eugene was never still. He’d also never known how to stay in one place, running away from home was almost a hobby of Eugene and Lance back in the day. The orphanages soon learnt of the boy’s knack for trouble and would try to make their life more difficult by locking them in their rooms, but Eugene and Lance just packed and left and found a new place to settle. A new town with people who didn’t look at the two innocent young boys with suspect but rather pity. An emotion which didn’t get in the way of their thieving. Eugene thought he could do this though, he could remain in one place for Rapunzel, he could settle down for her. But his limbs were trembling, he wanted to move. He wasn’t sure if what he was feeling could be classified as claustrophobia, he just knew he hated it and wanted it gone. “Eugene,” Rapunzel whispered, her gentle fingers moving the locks of brown hair from his face as she bowed down to get a better view of his expression. “Are you alright?” Eugene shook his head. “I don’t understand… How did you do it?” “Do what?” “How can you live like this!” he shouted gesturing tot he stone walls, the too small rooms, the limited things to do. “For eighteen years…” “Well… I… I did a lot of things? I read and I dance… And I sing!” She twirled around. “Oooh, so I’ll read a book or maybe two or three, I’ll add a few new painting to my gallery…” she started to sing but started quickly when she saw Eugene’s eyes widening further. “You don’t like my singing…” Eugene swallowed. He looked down at his hands. “The first time I heard you break into song, I thought you were insane…” Rapunzel sat next to him, shoulders somewhat tense and hugging herself. “Now I realise you just learnt to do anything to stop yourself going insane…” He whispered looking at her, his brown eyes were gentle. “I love your voice,” his hand cupped her face and her shoulder relaxed as she smiled back at him. “I love that you’re able to find all the beauty in even such a small space. I just… I don’t know if I’m as strong as you.” His eyes raised to the stone wall before quickly moving back down to his hands.
Some anxiety, Gothel being manipulative and lots of New Dream! Sometimes you just gotta lock your ship in a tower and watch and see what they do, right? No...? Huh...
Islands Together
What if Islands Apart didn't happen quite the same way? Owl never went to get Rapunzel and Eugene. Rather Captain found a way to escape the island with his new ward and returned to Corona a proud new (new?) father!
(Try not to think what happened to Tirapai island...)
Most citizens of Corona are at least a little creeped out by this but eventually accept that the four-year-old seems harmless, Captains seems happy and what's the harm?
Until a certain moonstone holder comes back to Corona and does not take the sight of this new child well...
A snippet:
Cassandra went back to Corona for Rapunzel. Perhaps it wasn’t right for Cassandra to go to Rapunzel first and not her dad. But Cassandra was already terrified that Rapunzel would not forgive her. If Captain didn’t want Cassandra back, she thought she could just drop dead then and there. So she decided to face the fears in order. But on her way to find Rapunzel she caught sight of something she couldn’t understand. Captain, her dad, was sitting by the town’s fountain, a child sitting on his lap no older than four, a familiar child, one she’d seen through visions granted by a demonic entity. Said four-year-old giggle and threw her hands at the water, making splashed. Captain flinched as the cold water hit his face and Cassandra tensed up, expecting Captain to scold the child for such behaviour. Captain loved Cassandra, but he’d always been very strict. There was no room for childish behaviour in the palace. But this old Captain laughed and wiped his face dry, looking at this baby with all the love and affection in the world. Cassandra didn’t understand. She hid in the shadows of the alley, her grip on the cloak tightening. “That’s you Dad!” the child pointed at Cap’s reflection. Captain chuckled and nodded. “Yes, it is.” He kissed her once more. Cassandra looked at the four-year-old child, it was her but it couldn’t be. Cassandra was hiding in the alley! All grown up… “Daddy.” The not-Cassandra moved from Captain’s lap to stand on the fountain. Captain held onto the child’s waist so she could not fall into the water or worst onto the stone ground on the other side. “Yes?” “Do you love me?” “Of course!” “How much?” “More than anybody in the world,” the Captain smiled. Cassandra fell to her knees, her grip on the cloak loosening as tears filled her eyes.
Sorry the explanation was a bit meh, but hopefully the snipper does a better job explaining!
Mother Knows Best
What if Corona prosecuted magic very heavily? Gothel rescues a blonde baby with glowing hair from quite the fate. But then a thief brought Rapunzel back to Corona...
Basically Gothel is actually right. Eugene doesn't know Rapunzel's magic until she heals his hand, but by that point Rapunzel's too determined and thinks he's just trying to scare her again like at the Snuggly Duckling, so she escaped Eugene who is forced to team up with Gothel to save Rapunzel before she meets a gruesome fate.
A Snippet:
Eugene’s eyes widened at the golden glow, but that shock became horror as he understood what was going on. “You’re magic…” Rapunzel smiled gently, and she nodded. “Well… I have magic hair, magic healing hair!” She moved some hair from her face. “It’s always been that way. Mother says it’s a beautiful gift! But that the world won’t see it that way but… You’ve showed me so much of the world today Eugene I… I don’t think that’s right… People… They’re good, they have dreams and…” She ran her fingers through her hair. “I think I like it out here.” Eugene stood up and started pacing. “This is bad… This is really bad…” Rapunzel frowned. “Eugene?” “You’re magic!” he repeated before nearly biting his tongue as he closed his mouth forcefully, shaking his head. “You’re magic…” he whispered, staring at her with wide eyes. “Do you know what Corona does to people with magic?” Rapunzel glared. “Let me guess… They burn you alive?” Eugene nodded. Rapunzel shook her head. “My mother told me that a million times. Said if she hadn’t rescued me, they’d have placed me still wrapped in my baby blanket in a pile of hay and burnt me alive.” Eugene nodded. “Probably.” Rapunzel stood up. “Really? Or are you just saying that so I’ll want to go back to the tower and you can have that stupid crown without first taking me to see the lights?” Eugene blinked, then shook his head. “Rapunzel—” “I don’t want to hear it!” Rapunzel shouted. “I… I can’t do this anymore.” “Do what?” “First mother, now you… I… No. The world isn’t a horrible place. It isn’t.” “It… Isn’t…” Eugene whispered, reaching out a cautious hand for the girl. “Not all of it at least. But there are horrible people and horrible parts of this world and unfortunately what your mother says is true. You are in danger Rapunzel, we need to get you back to that tower—” The word tower caused something to snap in Rapunzel and Eugene felt something trip him, he fell back and saw it was the girl’s long hair, he also saw her running away from him, deeper into the woods. He swore and tried to take chase, but somehow she’d vanished. “How is she that fast?” he complained, looking around in a panic for a sign of which way she’d gone. But it was dark, and he was still groggy from nearly drowning. But he couldn’t rest. Rapunzel was in grave danger if she dares to step foot in Corona. Eugene wouldn’t be able to live with himself if she was burnt alive because of him.
I clearly love my AUs...
New Dreams fans know that Rapunzel and Eugene's first kiss happened in the tower, after Eugene cut her hair and she brought him back to life!
I love that first kiss, it's so beautiful but one day while chatting with @the-writer1988 I came to the startling realisation that in Two Tangled Sisters, it's Cassandra who cuts Rapunzel's hair and with all that is going on there's not time for romance or relief...
An honestly unforgivable crime on my behalf for which I hold much regret.
Hopefully though I will make up for this heinous act when 'Firsts' comes out. A series of short stories where we get to see Rapunzel and Eugene go through some 'firsts' including that much deserved first kiss. (First time calling her Girlfriend, first time asking her on a date, first romantic dinner, first kiss..)
A snippet:
Eugene watched Rapunzel as she entered her new room for the first time. The princess tower was big and luminous. It had beautiful views of Corona that one could see either from the large window or the spacious balcony. Rapunzel hadn’t wanted to leave the infirmary or her sister’s side as Cassandra was not taking well to the new environment, but Eugene had managed to draw her away from her sister’s bedside while Cassandra slept with the excuse that Rapunzel needed to check the room was ready for them both. “It’s… It’s so pretty…” Rapunzel held herself, her eyes darting around the walls. “And so much new space to paint!” Eugene smiled as Rapunzel twirled around her dress, swooshing as her bare feet dance around the stone floor. “Oh, Cassandra’s going to love it too! I can’t believe this room has been waiting for all these years.” She grabbed Eugene’s hand, dragging him towards the window. “Look at this view, Eugene!” He looked up, and the view was beautiful but when his eyes moved back to the princess, seeing her brown hair framing her perfectly face, her bright smile, her sparkling green eyes, he could think of one view which was so much better. “Do you think I’ll be allowed to go there,” she asked. “Where?” Rapunzel pointed out the window. “Everywhere.” Eugene chuckled. “I can’t see why not.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “We could go together?” Rapunzel looked up at him. “I’d like that a lot.” Eugene smiled. His hand moved to cup her face, and he thought she was so very beautiful. Her eyes were looking right back up at him, and he couldn’t help but linger on her lips. He wanted to kiss her, but… They hadn’t kissed yet. She was looking up at him perhaps expectantly. Eugene wanted to kiss her, and he believed she wanted him to kiss her too. But at the same time… Shouldn’t a first kiss be something special? Was escaping her injured sister’s bedside for a few moments to check out a new room special? No… Not with an entirely new world out there to be seen! Eugene could take Rapunzel some place beautiful, some place she’d never seen before and that would be so much more special. “Anywhere you want to go,” he took her hands in his. “I’ll take you there.” Rapunzel smiled and threw her arms around him. “Thank you Eugene! Thank you for everything…” She pressed her forehead against his and he smiled. Today they didn’t share their first kiss but it was the first time they held each other with her forehead pressed together just enjoying the other’s closeness.
New Dream Fluff all the way!
Silent Screams and Loud Memories
This fic actually follows Lance, Keira and Catalina!
Soon after Lance decides he's going to be giving these girls a new home, he is made painfully aware of how much they've been through and how much they need him. When he's woken in the middle of the night by screams and rushes to their side only to find out it was all just nightmares, nightmares about The Barron and nightmares about their past.
Lance sits and listens and tries to help, he even opens up about his own experience with The Barron and promises he'll always be there for them.
A snippet:
The sound of screams was never a good way to be woken up. But it was far worst when you were a new parent who’s promised both themselves they were going to keep their wards safe. It took less than ten seconds for Lance to get out of bed, locate and arm himself, crash into the girls’ room with weapons at the ready and realise they were safe. The scream had come from Keira who was trembling, Catalina had moved from her own bed to her sister’s hold the girl protectively, she looked shocked to see Lance but as soon as Lance lowered the weapons she smiled. “Bad dreams?” he whispered. Catalina nodded and Keira pressed her face to her sister’s shoulder, not wishing for her new dad to see the tear-stained face. Lance left the swords on top of some furniture as he moved to the bedside. “I have those too,” he reassured. “Thankfully, my screams are just as high pitched, so none of the neighbours ever suspect it’s me!” The joke got Catalina to giggle and Keira actually let out a laugh between sniffling. “Do you want to talk about it?” he whispered, a hand slowly and gently moving to Keira’s back. A small shake of her head. Lance nodded. “That’s fine. You know I’m always here for you to talk? I promise I won’t judge.” There was a small pause. She looked up at Lance. “What are your bad dreams about?” Lance rubbed comforting circled along Keira’s back. “Usually it’s either The Barron or prison.” Keira nodded. “Mine too… The Barron… I’ve never been to prison.” “Course not! You two are too cute for prison,” he pulled them both onto his lap. Not pushing, asking any more question and instead waiting to see if Keira would say more. Keira hesitated, but after a moment she did say more. “They weren’t really nightmares, they were memories.” Lance knew everything Keira was going to say was going to make him angry. Lance already hated The Barron but these precious bundles of joy that both fit on his lap from how small they were had set that hatred in stone. “I know,” Lance whispered as he kissed Keira on the top of her head to show he loved her. “Go on.”
Vardaros' New Fossil Exhibit
Funnily enough this one started with just me forgetting to include the scene where the Old Lady from the "A Revolution Can't Start With One Man" Arc in the Vardaros fic told her mother about how she'd sold of her mother's fossils and fossilized a cat... Anybody who hasn't read that fic is very confused right now, I'm sure.
So upon realising my mistake I decided, I don't have enough Lance and his daughters fics! So it's a fic of them visiting that new museum, and a few other places in Vardaros, just cute family fluff cause they deserve it!
A snippet:
Lance couldn’t bring his daughter to the fossil and mineral exhibit he’d gotten to visit as a kid. Like so many good things The Barron had ruined that, even if it was not so directly as other stuff he’d ruined. The fossils and mineral that once littered the room were now some place else, sold off to pay for silence. But this new exhibit, though unusual, had it’s audience. And Vardaros being so rough around the edges was just the place for it. Tables littered with different insects, and rodents were now trapped in amber. There were signs talking about the animals but there were also signs explaining the science behind the quick fossilisation process and the difference between these fossils and the fossils one saw more typically which were centuries old. The main attraction to this little exhibit was a round table at the centre, there was the fossilised cat which had brought so much pain, but around it were a bunch of house flies. Lance thought they looked like hard candy in the orange amber but the signs clearly explained what they were. Children and adults alike were encouraged to take a fossilised fly that they could either try to free inside the exhibit itself using a series of tools, or take home. The idea was that with the help of many little hands, perhaps they’d eventually find a way to free the cat! Lance chuckled, thinking of Eugene’s face if either him or one of his daughter managed to finally free Scrubby from his current prison.
Lost at the Gallows
This one exists to further traumatise anybody already affected by the Gallows scene in 'The Princess, The Pirate and the Prosecutor', spoilers for that fic, but basically in that fic Eugene is nearly hung after being frame for Cassandra's 'death'.
This is an AU where he actually is hung.
It's dark, it's miserable, if Rapunzel hasn't yet forgiven Frederic in the main fic imagine how things go down here!
A snippet (two actually, though warning, it's very dark):
The guards forced Eugene to his knees; he closed his eyes when he saw the noose once more being brought towards him. “No!” Rapunzel’s desperate plea was loud enough it could be heard over every struggle taking place in the courtyard. “I’m sorry Blondie,” Eugene managed as the noose was once more tightened around his neck, the rope’s texture far too raw against his delicate skin, tears fell down his cheek and he tried to open his eyes, he needed to see Rapunzel one last time but also the idea of it being the last stopped him. “Noo!” Rapunzel screamed louder, she tried to reach for the rocks, she didn’t know what would happen if she touched them but anything, anything was better than idly watching the love of her life die. But the guards were holding her down tightly, they pushed her against the ground and there were too many of them, their larger bodies were stronger than her. “No!” “I love you…” Eugene managed, he opened his eyes to see Rapunzel, see how she fought for him, but he wasn’t able to think too much about that as he was pushed forward, through the wooden door that had opened earlier with the pulling of the level. The fall felt both instant and slow, the tightening of the rope around his neck was perhaps the worst feeling he’d ever felt, the way his breathing stopped, it wasn’t as painful as he’d expected at first. He couldn’t breathe, his neck ached, but he’d expected a harsher more sudden pain. He realised as he hung there it should have been that way. Had he been standing on the door as it had opened his neck would have snapped. Instead the death before him was slow as he suffocated. This realisation caused him to struggle, that made the pain worse but it didn’t help. He was vaguely aware of Rapunzel’s screaming, her crying, her desperate pleas. But far more urgent he was aware of the fact eh couldn’t breathe, the fact he was dangling in the air with rope around his throat that wouldn’t let him breathe.
The rocks glow blue, they hum and flicker in sync with Rapunzel’s broke voice. “Flower gleam and glow…” her voice echoed from within the cluster of rocks she’d used to surround herself and the body of the man she loved. Though the rocks were aware of her power and they seemed intent of hearing her out, they could not heal, they could do nothing to bring back the life of the man who’d been unfairly executed for a crime he didn’t commit. They could do nothing to heal the broken heart of the Sundrop, who couldn’t stop trying, not yet. It had been several days and nobody had seen Rapunzel. They knew she remained in the cocoon of black rocks as her voice echoed out of it, and so did the sound of her crying, but she refused to leave.
Anyway, I hope some of these interest you!
And thank you so much for asking! This post was long but amazingly fun to answer and I loved taking a look through my WIPs and picking out the perfect snippets to share!
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: Alone Together || Rui x demon!fem!Reader a/n: the first Halloween impulsive fic is actually about my dearest spider baby?? word count: 1.5k tags: fem!Reader, demon!Reader, blood, gore, death, stockholm syndrome, incest, mommy kink, mdlb dynamics, size difference, breastfeeding, groping, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, unedited character(s): Rui (Demon Slayer) synopsis: Family can be made. Rui knows there can be a perfect family. All these failures though, at least he has you - based off this ask
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After a while their faces all started to look the same. 
Etched in horror. Some laced with pleading cries. All of them on their knees as Rui would stand above them. Men, women and children. What tied them to their human lives didn’t matter now. They were demons unfit for their role thrusted onto them. 
Nothing they could tell the spider demon saved them from the same fate as the ones before them. The only thing that could have saved them were being better versions of themselves. And that never happened.
You didn’t need to look up to understand what was happening. 
Rui’s kind hearted speech like it really mattered. How none of them “fit” into a family and he was sparing them the real woes of living. That they should think of this as a blessing he didn’t need them to pretend anymore. That those who pretended, simply weren’t apart of his family.
“Please! Please we’ll try harder!”
“We’re a family! We can be a family- Just let me-”
“You’re a deranged freak! You did this to us! You can’t throw us away like this! We’re people too!”
So very untrue. The second Rui set his sights on them. They lost their humanity long before the demon blood seeped into their veins. What they failed to see was only their own shortcomings leading to this. Had they simply been better. Rui wouldn’t have to start from scratch all over again.
A wet squelch paired with a curdling crack. The same echo for each failure. This time there was three of them. All of them followed with a shrill scream and a thud. Until the last thud. Then there was nothing but silence.
Looking up from you lap. What should have been a grimace on your face was instead a soft smile when Rui turned to you. His white robes and pale face covered in blood spray. He looked so tiny among the bodies at his feet. Even tinier than he normally did. You opened your arms to him as silence of the forest swallowed you both.
Reeking of blood. Metallic taste choking the air between you both. It only grew stronger the second Rui collapsed into your lap. Sharing the wet blood staining his robes onto your own. No concern of yours. As a good mother always knew how to rid clothes of even the most stubborn stains.
“Shhh, mommy’s here.” You cradle him against your chest. Leaning down to pepper kisses along the blood red dots on his pale face. Rui’s arm link around your torso snug under your breasts. Your kisses skirt along his forehead. Without even asking he nuzzles his bloodied face into your cleavage and squeezes you. Allowing you a moment to pull aside the dirtied pleat of your robe to expose your breast. Rui leans in with droplets of drying blood still on his lips. Taking your nipple in his mouth as he situates himself entirely on your lap.
Gentle coos leave your lips. Softly vibrating against his forehead as you hug him close to you. Not concerned if your breast suffocates the demon as Rui pushes even more into your tit. Lips latched onto your nipple as his tongue lavishes the sensitive bud in unrelenting attention. 
Both of you oblivious to the trio of dead bodies only a few feet away. Their blood seeping into the forest ground. Returning to the only place they ever really belonged.
Cheek pressed to his forehead. Rui pawing at the breast still covered in your kimono. You hum softly as the two of you slowly rock back and forth. To the sweetest melody of the only nursey rhythm you ever knew. It took Rui’s nursing from frantic to a slow methodic sucking of your tit as his teal lashes remained closed over his eyes.
“My baby boy,” You mumble against his forehead. Forgetting the scent of blood entirely. Just you and your captor alone once again.
“Mommy,” Rui mumbles against your breast just as you comb your fingers through his hair. His eyes open once more to look up at you as he smooshes his face into your chest, “Why can’t they be as perfect as you. All I want is a family.”
“I know you do baby,” You brush his hair back and cup his cheek, “They weren’t worth it. Our family will be perfect and pristine. Everything you deserve.”
Red eyes fluttering shut Rui’s lips could be felt moving against your nipple as he clung to you tightly, “I wish we could just make our own family. I know if they came from you, they’d be as perfect as you.”
Shushing his worries and shaking your head. You hold him close as you feel the chill of the moon looming above you both, “Lets go home. Mommy will help you forget about tonight and the waste of useless lives.”
Leg draped over his hip.
Robes strew on either side of you. Blood dried and caked on them. Stench no long a concern as the draft up from the old wooden floor boards carried nothing but the calming scent of a forest night. Either of you would have been cold if demon blood wasn’t coursing through your veins in the heat of the moment.
Rui’s tiny body tucked between your arms and legs. Face pressed between the same breasts he couldn’t get enough of in the forest. This time his cock buried in you as the smaller demon gave way to sloppy and uneven thrusts.
In your life as a human. Countless decades ago that you could no longer recall. Sex had never felt as meaningful as it did when Rui sought your comfort.
His petite body meant to be wrapped up with yours. Like two missing pieces. 
You brushed his hair from his face. Only able to keep kissing his face as you leaned down to pant softly against his cool forehead.
“Rui- Yes- Feels so good baby-” Your breath tickles his hair line as Rui ruts himself into you, “My baby-”
“Mommy-” Tipping his head back Rui struggled to meet your lips. Leaning up into you without relinquishing any of the way his cock was buried in you. When he finally got the sensation of your lips hardly pressed to his, the demon groaned and thrusted deeper while he clutched to your bare sides, “So warm- I want mommy’s warmth-”
Nodding against his lips. Feeling the hitches in his breath. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders to keep him close. Rui moaned against your lips and you couldn’t help but echo one of your own, “It’s yours- All yours- My perfect baby- Mmm mommy needs you-”
Soft sound of his hips meeting yours. The muffled slap of skin as the two of you laid on your side in the tight embrace. Rui driving his length inside your cunt. High on the feeling of your walls twitching and fluttering around his cock. Returning his face to be buried in your breasts. Panting with his mouth slightly agape just as his tongue flicked against the tops of your breasts. Lost to the pleasure to coherently think about sucking on your tits. Only mommy’s warmth engulfing him.
You did your part. Curling the leg that was draped over him around his hip and thigh. Encouraging his thrusts even if they weren’t very strong or even as he continued. Rui’s breath very ragged against your breast as you knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
“M-Mommy-” His voice waivered and his fucking became frantic.
“Shhh,” You comb your fingers through his hair. Cuddling him close to you as your hips move to the motion of his thrusts. Allowing him just to slip that much deeper into you as you press your lips to his forehead, “Let it go. Give it all to mommy. I’ll take care of you-” You feel his cock throb inside you and you immediately hug him tighter to you with a low moan, “I’ll always take care of you.”
The most pathetic excuse for a moan squeaked past his pale lips. Rui’s breathing hitched in his chest as he clutched to you inhumanly tight. His hips snapping into you with erratic motions just as his orgasm over took him. Driving his twitching cock as deep into you as he could. Cum never even getting the chance to seep out of you as he rutted deeper into you. His seed painting your walls just as your cunt fluttered and milked him for all his worth.
Rui moaning and nuzzling his face into your chest. Certainly fuzzy because of his climax. His death grip on you not leaving either. And his cock remaining buried inside you. You can feel the warmth of his cum slipping from you as he softens inside you. Not the only time this will happen though.
Without a family to orchestrate and create. He’d crawl to you daily until he captured his next victims. Wanting only Mommy’s attention as he should.
You press your cheek to the demon’s head. Savoring his cum leaking from you as the sun is certain to rise at any moment. Rui cuddled into you for now. It was when it was just the two of you. That made the perfect family for you.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Game of Thrones Masterlist
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Robb Stark- requests open.
Queen Stark - Robb and the reader return home after defeating the Lannisters. A royal ceremony is held for the pair, wearing golden crowns and a proposal is revealed.
Frey Wolf - Robb actually marries a Frey girl. The pair wait to have their wedding night until she's ready. Set where he wins the war of five kings
Dany's daughter - request from @lydiastarkofwinterfell Robb falls for the only daughter of Daenerys but her daughter lies about who she really is. Robb comes back from a mission and confesses his love and finds out the truth. (First Robb request).
United in Love - Y/n Lannister and Robb just happen to fall in love despite their families hating each other
We'll Rule Winterfell Now - Request from @woah-is-this-real-life Maybe Robb and his wife returning to winterfell for the first time after the end of the war. They got married in the camp during the war.
Our Little Catelyn - Request from TheBaseballBabe on Wattpad Robb and his wife are announcing to the family that they are expecting. The family is so excited for them when they welcome a beautiful baby girl that they name Catelyn after his mom.
Soulmated Stark - Request from @groovy-lady Robb Stark x fem!Reader (from a lesser House that House Stark is liege lord to) Matching Tattoo Soulmate fic. Robb and Reader are greatly encouraged to marry by the rest of the Stark family
Jaime Lannister- requests open.
Lion Luck - Y/n Stark flees Winterfell that Ramsey rules. Sansa her older sister sends her off to find Tyrion, but she bumps into his brother. Unknown to her he's been sent by Tyrion to protect her.
Wolf Sword - The oldest daughter of Ned Stark has been married to Jaime for 5 years. The pair spar with swords before riding with King Robert Baratheon to Winterfell. Hoping her family will welcome her home. (Changed this into a series instead of a just one shot)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Gentle Matching - Request from @makeshift-prime (Fluff with Jaime). Jaime is sent to bring Myrcella home. But during a feast he meets the reader Oberyn's sister, and Myrcella plays matchmaker.
Beautiful Rock - Jaime decides to bring his wife Y/n Tyrell to the Rock after he helped Tyrion escape his execution. Freeing his innocent love from the horror that is his twin sister.
Dragon Twins - Request from @phoneixgirl23 on Wattpad. Jaime Lannister x Targaryen reader. Reader is Jon's twin sister who was given her own dragon and has twins with Jaime, her husband.
Ice Wife (series) - Request from @deepprincesstraveler Jaime Lannister x Stark Reader that has ice powers like Elsa from Frozen. The two have an arranged marriage.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Fiery Wolf - Request from @TillyG584 on Wattpad. Jaime feels a burning connection with the oldest Stark girl during the feast at Winterfell for King Robert's visit. The reader secretly has fire powers.
Fairy Accident - Request from @Babygurle36 on Wattpad. Margaery's younger sister is married to Jaime and he finds out about her fairy powers by accident.
Romantic Castle - @phoneixgirl23 on Wattpad came up with this idea. Jaime and reader spend the night together when he's free from being Lord of the Rock. Finding out his wife has powers and is unsure how to react.
Lannister intentions - Request from ReaderCrazy2 on Wattpad. Jaime does everything he can to make an innocent reader his. Y/n Stark knows he's the bad guy.
Kingslayer Prisoner - Y/n Tully is held Jaime's prisoner when he wants Riverrun but he underestimates her skills with a sword. He just might've regretted becoming a member of the Kingsgaurd
Part 2
Part 3
Rights to Swords - Request from @tashitash Dialogue prompt: “you had no right to use it without asking.” (Jaime says it )
Never a Damsel in Distress - Request from @makeshift-prime Could it please be about Jamie finding the lost reader in the gardens at kings landing and ending up becoming their friend, Cersei sees this and orders to have the reader killed. Jamie finds this out and goes to save them, but the reader didn't need to be saved and defended themselves.
My Tully Lover - Y/n Tully can't help but start a secret love affair with Jaime Lannister while she is supposed to be working her way towards a husband
You’re Better Than Any Proper Lady - Reader is a servant and Jamie is I love with her and they are together secretly but everyone knows because they have 2 children and cersie hates reader because she took Jamie from her and Jamie defends reader every chance he gets
Tyrion Lannister- requests open
Marriage Trade - Tywin announces Tyrion is to wed Sansa. But what happens when her older sister Y/n steps up to bear the Lannister name. Tyrion slighty disagrees at the possibility of losing his love.
Part 1
Part 2
Library Love - Request from @makeshift-prime Reader is a librarian and bonds over her love for books with Tyrion. The pair start out as friends but become something more while hiding from his father.
Dragon Bonding - @fluffymadamina helped me with this idea. Tyrion and the reader decide to free the dragons. Afterwards the pair slowly bond as the dragons slowly trust them. Tyrion and the reader end up admitting their feelings and kiss.
Lannister Maiden - Tyrion has a secret relationship with a handmaiden and Jaime helps keep them hidden by acting like he's the one quartering Y/n.
No Typical Lord - Request from @my-current-fandom-is Y/n Tyrell is looking for isn't like the typical man of Westeros. She meets Tyrion during the financial planning of her sister's wedding.
Witching Stark - Request from @deepprincesstraveler Tyrion Lannister x Stark reader with magic powers like Hope Mikaelson from TVD
Ned's Daughter - Request from @whateverthecostner Reader being Ned Stark's oldest daughter and goes with him to King's Landing. I would love to see Tyrion's reaction to the curvy stark girl and maybe her reaction to the charming, intelligent Lannister.
Lioness Cold - Request from @supermystic29 A one short where his wife is sick and he takes care of her till she's better.
Lioness Cold pt 2 - request from @tyrionsprincess30 Tyrion comes back from the north and he finds out the y/n has got worse then when he left
Wife in Need - Request from @supermystic29 Can you do a Tyrion one shot where he comes back from being away finding his wife is upset because she found out her family was killed. And she has not moved from her room at all and he trys to help her.
Scared She Lion - Request from darkanglel_28 on Wattpad. Reader is Tyrion's wife and is pregnant. She's afraid to tell him so she talks with her sister Sansa.
All Hail Royals - request from @tyrionsprincess29 Tyrion and the reader are crowned after the war us over
Lannister Heir - Request from @tyrionsprincess29 His wife is having their baby, he watches over the baby as she is geting some sleep from the brith and names their son.
Wife's Safety Keepers - request from @tyrionsprincess29 Tyrion's wife is sent North to be protected by his brother and Sansa but he panics.
Misunderstanding - request from @tyrionsprincess29 the reader thinks she is to marry Joffrey so she has a panic attack but Tyrion tells her the truth.
Nameday Suprise - Request from @tyrionsprincess30 His wife is away visiting her former home and isn't sure if she'll be back in time for his nameday. So Jaime and Sansa manage to bring her back.
Peace Proposal - request from @tyrionsprincess30 Tyrion goes to meet with the dragon queen to make peace but the only way that can happen is if he marrys the princess of dragons
Peace Proposal pt2 - Tyrion marries the dragon princess
For Once I Didn't Know - request from @supernaturalgirl30 tyrion short where he here's y/n singing to there baby as its time for bed . And he was shocked because he didnt know she could sing
Standing up to The Queen - Request from kgiven on Wattpad. Could you please do one where tyrion falls in love with the reader after she stands up to cersei for insulting him. after they elope and live happily as a strong team
We're The Others Dream - request from @supernaturalgirl30 Hey i was wondering if you could do a tyrion one short. Where y/n was feeling that tyrion was rethinking on marrying her but he talks her down. And that hes deeply in love with her no matter what
You Were My Choice - request from @supernaturalgirl30 Can you do a tyrion short where y/n and meet in winterfell after he found out he was to marry her and he talks to her about how he will be a good husband. And he finds out that she was the one that requested she marry him ?
The Best Marriage Switch - Y/n and tyrion are married and go north to tell her family abd have a Argument because she was supposed to marry the king but she tells her bother that tyrion asked if he could marry her instead cuz he was worried about y/n life
Traitor to the Stark’s - tyrion lannister short were there just newly wed and y/n bother is makeing a Speech about how his y/n is a trader to the family for agreeing to marry Tyrion
Jon Snow- requests open
Knight Freedom - Y/n Lannister is held captive by Ramsey after her father Tywin sent her North to marry a northern house until Jon saves her after winning the Battle of the Bastards.
Kind Lannister - Request from @utherisanass on Wattpad. Jon thanks the reader for helping return Bran home before tomorrow's battle against the Night King.
Wild Love - Request from @stellarosedutton Reader is a wilding and secretly dating Jon. She gives birth on a trip to see her brother and Ygritte
Crow Snow - request by @lydiastarkofwinterfell The wildling reader stumbles on Jon while hunting.
Tag List - just ask if you want to be added
@makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @kittykylax (Robb Only) @lover-of-books-and-tea
798 notes · View notes
Date Night pairing: Jake Lockley x Black Reader warnings: Smut, small mention of eye gauging??? idk lol
A/N: yall this is my first fic please be gentle with me! i suck at writing tbh but i have ideas and they need to be PUT OUT THERE!! Enjoy!!
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Friday was your favorite day of the week, why? because its date night. After the shitty week you've had at the museum giving tours to folks who didn't really pay much attention, donna being well...donna this was something you looked forward to each week.
Tonight was jake's turn to take you out on the town to a really nice Italian restaurant which was surprising since who the hell knew jake would be into that. "Mi Amor I am full of secrets and surprises" He told you while caressing your cheek then giving you the softest kiss on the lips followed by a slap on the ass (yup there he is). The date was going perfect; wine was flowing, good conversation and even a little PDA courtesy of jake who just couldn't keep his hands off you. His fingers slowly slid up and down your leg under the table sometimes it would go up your thigh getting closer and closer to your core, then he'd pull away and give a sinful smirk.
"Your such a tease jake! damn why you gotta be like that to meee" you whined the last word which made him chuckle. "Because watching you squirm and whine makes my dick hard" You slapped his shoulder playfully and giggled. The waiter made his way over to clear some of your plates off the table.
And get a small peek at your cleavage that the dress your wearing was showing. You of course didn't catch it but Jake saw this, jake sees just about everything since he had a habit of scanning the area when going somewhere. "You looking at my woman's tits?!" Before you could asked jake grabbed a fork stood up, grabbed the poor man buy his tie and slammed him on the table the fork inches away from being shoved into the man's eye. "JAKE NO!" you screamed before scrambling to get your boyfriend off him. "please no i'm sorry!! dont kill me!" A hole could just swallow you up right now as everyone was staring at you three in horror.
Jake kicked open the door to your shared apartment still going on a rant. Some in English but most in Spanish. "Jake what the fuck you cant be doing that that was so fucking embarrassing!" You sighed heavily then moved to start your nightly skincare routine. "you are my woman!! no man should look at you like that! i should've gauged out his stupid fucking eyes and threw them away!" he paced back and forth in the living room seething, even marc and steven couldn't calm him down. Jake noticed you in the bedroom taking off your dress, it fell to your feet so now the only thing on you was the matching pink/white bra and thong. You didn't notice he was behind you until he turned you around to face him. "Jake wh-" he kissed you hard and gripped your hips pulling you flush against his body. You could feel his straining hard on in his jeans.
"Eres mi mujer, mi esposa." his voice was deep and sultry. You simply nodded already in a small daze from the kiss.
"I'm going to fuck you now. Say yes Papi" the look he gave you let you know it was an order rather than a request. "Y-yes papi"
"O-oh fuck yeeEEEESS!!" you squealed as you gripped the satin sheets tighter. jake was between your legs showing you a whole new world with his tongue. One leg was thrown over his shoulder the other stretched out and pinned by his arm. He slid two fingers deep into your wet heat, finger fucking you while sucking on your clit. "Cum for me hermosa give me what i want." He moved in and out of your cunt faster till you squirted on his face. "Daddy yeees!! oh ..oh my god baby pl-please.." you panted heavily and put a hand on your face. Jake licked his way up your body, gripped one of your boobs and kissed you deeply.
"such a good girl for me.. yes you are..my good girl.. daddy's not done yet" he growled as he flipped you over onto your stomach, slapped your ass a good 3 times before straddling your legs and slid himself deep into your pussy. "God so fucking tight...tightest pussy just for me huh? all mine?" he grabbed a fistful of hair to yank your head up. "Y-yes baby all y-y-yours" you whined out. Jake began a giving you deep slow strokes, pulling out just a little then pushing back inside. the rhythm picked up causing an obscene sound of skin again skin slapping together loudly. It began to get so much you found yourself trying to run from the dick.
"oh daddy!! wait! its.. oh fuck its to much!! i cant take iiiitt" you moan loudly and crawled little by little toward the edge of the bed getting just close enough to grip it. Jake sees this and follows you slightly as he never broke his stride. "Don't you run from me! take this dick!" he gripped your hips tightly pulling you back to him. Jake gripped you by your jaw and squeezed tightly and whispered the nastiest things in your ear most of it was in Spanish. that familiar feeling bubbled in your stomach as a second more powerful orgasm was coming. The way your pussy clenched him he knew it too. "Cum on my dick mami give. me. that. pussy." each word was punctuated with a deep thrust.
Once again you squirted with a squeal, making a bigger mess on the bed jake followed suit as he filled your pussy to the brim with his cum. "such a good girl" He kissed your cheek making his way down to your jaw, neck then ended with your lips. You were a panting mess with him. Jake sat up to slowly pull out of you, seeing some cum spill out he pushed it back inside you making you shudder. Jake pulled you against his chest with an arm around your waist and kissed your equally sweaty head.
"did you have a good date night?" he chuckled "well other than being an almost witness to a murder. Yes good date night" Jake chuckled as he kissed your forehead again.
"There's always next time" he muttered.
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