#aw man. i just started to ship these two and now they're going to be separated.
olivermorningstar · 2 days
On that same note then: What are IkePri Oliver's opinions about the Rhodolitian Princes? (And... If you wanted to go into the theoretical realm, what would he probably think about other OCs of your choice? From within that universe, from other universes, etc.)
Oh this is gonna be a big one, hope you are all ready for An Essay.
Jin Grandet
It depends if this is a verse where they're together or not as to how deep the relationship goes in a romantic or a platonic sense. Regardless, the two are rather close.
Perhaps it is because Jin sees trouble brewing with Oliver and it's some sort of need in him to intervene before it all boils over and they potentially lose a good scientist, or maybe he just wants to see the man cut loose, but he is often the first alongside Sariel to call out Oliver overworking, though he is often the one to pull Oliver out and actually make him take a break.
Oliver thinks of Jin as a dear friend. They go out together for drinks and they often catch things like performances together. True, they are often ways for Jin to flirt with the girls there, but Oliver doesn't mind. Don't give him too much of a pass here, he does like it when they start to flirt with him, too.
Chevalier Michel
Talk about feeling inadequate. His relationship with Chev isn't entirely positive, but it's not completely negative either. A lot of the negative emotions Oliver feels towards Chevalier are very one sided.
In short, Oliver cannot read Chevalier and is absolutely convinced that the prince hates him. The truth is more he is rather indifferent, but the dismissive tone Chevalier tends of have reads very poorly for Oliver.
Oliver already has plenty of issues with self doubt, but if he truly was awful and any sort of hazard to the crown, Chevalier would have had him removed ages ago. Perhaps in time Oliver will come around and learn that really, Chevalier doesn't mind him, but until then, it's rough.
Clavis Lelouch
Would you believe me if I said Oliver was originally made to be shipped with Clavis?
Both are equally playful and Clavis' shenanigans more or less force Oliver to let go of his work for a little bit and just do something silly. He shouldn't take himself so seriously, so come eat a weird looking cake and cut loose for a moment (He promises that he made it gluten free this time).
Regardless of relationship, the two are sworn rivals in pranks and schemes. Their exchanges tend to be sillier and light hearted majority of the time, but Oliver is aware that Prince Clavis is a schemer through and through. Any news of him doing something the crown doesn't approve of is hardly a surprise, but he would never think Clavis is truly a bad guy. A hellion, sure, but never a bad guy.
Leon Dompteur
Genuinely a nice guy and fantastic to work with. Due to Oliver's work, he is more concerned with domestic affairs, and thus he and Leon actually work pretty close together to track any outbreaks and to work together with the pharmacists and doctors of Rhodolite to get care to where it is needed.
They have a relationship that is built on mutual respect, but it is definitely closer to being a good relationship between coworkers than between friends. Still, if Oliver somehow found himself in Belle's shoes, he'd pick Leon to be king with Chevalier as a military advisor.
Should the two talk more outside of work, I think they'd click rather well and Oliver would probably be in on Leon's escape attempts. Hey! Take him with! He wants to see the festival too! They would also be carnivore friends, he's so right about meat.
Yves Kloss
As a frequent victim in the battle between Clavis and Oliver, Oliver feels... rather bad for Yves. Truly he seems like a nice guy and he loves walking by the kitchen and seeing Yves hard at work! It's just Yves sees Oliver and expects trouble now.
That said, Yves is the first one to really notice that Oliver tends to skip out on things and isolate. When he first arrived, he was the one that pointed this out and ended up getting Clavis and Jin involved. To that, Oliver is grateful.
They are starting to find a common interest in music, so progress is being made!
Licht Klein
Licht is... harder for Oliver to be around. He's a more extreme case of some of the behaviors that Oliver tends to display and it sucks to see someone else falling down a bad rabbit hole and not knowing how to help.
He gives Licht space and he does respect the prince, but he doesn't really know how to speak to him. Of course, Licht has noticed that he is the odd man out here when it comes to Oliver and gives him a more icy, kind of detached approach
It's unclear if they will ever be close.
Nokto Klein
Nokto's flirting tendencies tend to both frustrate and delight Oliver. On the one hand, he likes being flirted with, even if he thinks it is insincere and that it is all just flattery, but on the other - damn you, Nokto, he's trying to have a conversation and you keep twisting his words because it is easy to get Oliver flustered this way.
That said, if it comes to dealing with nobility, especially foreign nobility, Nokto is one of the first folks Oliver turns to. When he's serious, he's got one hell of a silver tongue and has scored a lot of the funds and items Oliver needs for his experiments.
But seriously, if he manages to make another experiment sound dirty, Oliver is going to "accidentally" spill red dye onto his nice, white clothes.
Luke Randolph
Due to the fact that Oliver is close to Sariel and does agree to the fact that Luke could try a little harder to learn how to be a prince, Luke tends to dodge Oliver.
Listen, we know Oliver can be playful and he can be coaxed to leave his work (though it is a bit difficult), he still believes that work NEEDS to be done. True, Chev, Clavis, and Nokto make for one powerful team, but surely Luke has something to bring to the table!
He's more frustrated with Luke more than anything else, but to be fair, Oliver doesn't know much about him or where he comes from. His opinion would certainly change if he learned why Luke was even there.
Ah, a good friend of his! Beatrice is rather pleasant to be around and the fact that they both enjoy music is a sweet little bonus. Sometimes they do perform together.
To be fair, Beatrice is also one of the ones that has been helping Yves come around on Oliver and has helped shown him in a light that isn't a horrid trickster nor some workaholic locked away in a lab. Oliver also enjoys sitting in on their tea parties and just chatting idlely with her.
He is, admittedly, a touch jealous of how close she and Maeve are and hasn't yet broken the ice on how to get closer to the both of them.
Whenever he gets to go to Jade, or whenever Maeve finds a way to get to Rhodolite, visiting her is a must. Maeve has a good head on her shoulders, according to Oliver, so her guidance is pretty helpful.
He thinks her role as a Priestess is rather amazing and likes hearing about it. Some of it goes over his head as he is hardly a theologist and he doesn't pay too much mind to religion as a whole, but she is still impressive!
Much like with Beatrice, he is a touch jealous of her relationship with her best friend. He'll... figure it out.
Esther is honestly refreshing to be around for Oliver. She is serious when it is called for, she gives folks the cutest nicknames that charm him endlessly, and when things are going good, she's like a nice ray of sunshine lighting up the room she is in.
Watching her health improve has been a highlight for him. He does wish there was more he could do to help her, but her condition is chronic, not a disease he can treat with the right combination of medicine.
Still, he hopes to see her stick around. She sands off some of the edges of Chevalier, which Oliver greatly appreciates.
To be honest, Oliver admires Viva. What she did took guts and she did it all to protect her sister and to get revenge for her family. Though he cannot condone her actions, he would be the first to admit that she is very, very brave.
He hasn't spoke with her much since the Belle incident, but he has been meaning to. Since he enjoys being around Esther, he knows he'll be talking with Viva soon enough.
More than anything though, he just wants to pick her brain and see how she managed to get as far as she did!
Goodness, someone has it out for him if she shows up in Rhodolite. She is strong, adventurous, and so bold! He would definitely be fascinated by her and would want to know all about her adventures and her ship!
Of course, he isn't so bold as to flirt with someone that Silvio is looking at. He's not stupid! But if she were to ask, he would honest to god consider running away to her ship for a little bit before remembering he is a weak nerd that would not survive out at sea.
@violettduchess @bicayaya @keithsandwich
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ahollowgrave · 2 days
Hiiii do you have any more writings or musings about None? I was in your writing tag the other night and they came up a couple times but I'm not sure if I should be picturing a miqo'te or some sort of service animal/familiar lol
Hello! That's so fair, my Odette writings do not offer a lot of description for them! They do have their own tag [HERE] although not much is in it, currently. Some of the screenshots I'm including here and the writings which you've already seen! I'm very sorry for how rambling this is but None is where a lot of alts and relationships spawn from! None is neither a miqo'te nor a service animal (though I think they'd give a huff at the title)! None is the saddest creature in the whole world, a widower, Odette's favorite lil guy, Gerry's estranged step-parent, and a Lalafell:
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A Lalafell ranger who makes their living guiding people through the Shroud. These days they are 'mostly' retired. They're well past their middle age and when they were younger they made a deal with sylphs. To be fleet-footed and quick and the best hunter. It came with some side effects:
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They wear a hat to cover the ears. It's a bit silly to have two sets and, frankly, None doesn't wanna talk about it. They are stoic, pragmatic, and a bit of a hermit when they can afford it. None is a widower, their late wife was an duskwight woman named Aloutte, who was a widow herself with a young child; Geraldine. None and Gerry were never close and in the wake of Aloutte's passing that distant only grew. None and Odette met at the Menphina temple she was raised at. The Sisters there offer grief counseling and when Aloutte first fell sick she made them go to make the transition easier. A child at the time, Odette was obsessed from the moment they met. A pale shadow trailing after them. Where None failed with Gerry, they bonded with Odette. After Aloutte's passing None returned to the temple to live long term, some grievers need more support than others, they and Odette spent a lot of time together. They very much fill a uncle/aunt role for Odette; a trusted advisor who isn't the adults who raised her. When Odette took her vows and started to travel it was None who traveled with her, taught her basic outdoors skills, bought her Beauty and taught her how to care for chocobos. When Odette has to leave her flock of karakul to travel it is None she calls to care for them. Also, while Aloutte's loss and the grief that follows is very important to None as a character I feel it is important to note they were the saddest creature in the whole world before they knew the warmth of Aloutte's embrace! Sometimes you're just born with a heavy heart, you know? Because of how important they are to Odette. Odile... fucking hates their guts. Oooh, she hates their guts so much!!! The feeling is mutual and Odile and None have come to blows a few times. Something they both keep from Odette; None because they don't want to make her worry, Odile because she'll use the information to drive a wedge at some point. None also features in Odette's WoL AU, they're an honorary scion and spend most of their time with the other off-screen members. They spend time with Krile and Tatatru discussing lalafell things and I like to imagine that F'lhaminn and None have a lot to talk about. This is... pretty long so I will stop here! But I hope this satisfies some curiosity about None and thank you SO MUCH for asking about them!
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#Answered#None#whooo boy this doesn't even touch on how#Iron's alt Lia is a former lover of Aloutte's and how Lia and None remain close to this day#and that Gerry is Lia's ward and one of her students#and that Gerry and Prudence have a toxic yuri onagain/off again relationship#and that Gerry is real envious of Odette because of Odette's relationship with both Lia and None (very different relationships mind)#and that Prudence and None get along just fine which also causes problems with Gerry and Prudence (Why isn't prudence on HER side)#(There are no sides)#(just two people lost in grief)#(but also gerry was the child (adult with Aloutte died and nearly an adult when None and Aloutte met and married but still)#but none was never going to be a parent and was never going to marry#but aloutte was a force of nature and you don't resist nature for long !!!#anyway hello I had a period of time where I was having people lie to me all the time (like about having cancer) and so I made#a bunch of alts to have my own complicated family dynamics so I didn't have to keep rewriting things when I learned people were awful#and then Iron and I went “Hey. We should entangled our characters stories so much.” and it's been very fun ever since LMAO#anyway woof sorry to keep rambling in the tags#but man now I'm starting to ship None/F'lhaminn.........#Also None was sort of a Prudence Rough Draft#isn't that insane???#that's why they have such similar coloring LMAO#but now they're very different aside from being :| and good at their jobs#okay i'm done now#sorry you stumbled into asking about one of my favorite alts that I never play :weeps:
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
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COUNTDOWN TO ST4 | Top Jancy Moments
1 — Bed Sharing (S1E6)
"I don't want to be alone... Do you?" "No."
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lets lighten to mood here a bit: what are your top 5 kataang moments?
"Top five" hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha, what kind of nonsense is this? I need a top 15!
#15 - Them bickering on Kyoshi Island (01x04)
This one was one my favorite scenes in the whole show, even back when I didn't really care for Kataang as a ship. It's just such a funny, accurate representation BOTH of "When you wanna hang out with your friend, but you're still too mad to talk things out" and "When your is getting attention from other people and now you're really, really jealous."
Scenes like this are why I never felt Kataang was truly one-sided, again, even back when I personally didn't like the ship - it's just so obvious that with how close they are, lots of moments that could have been purely platonic end up having a romance vibe, so the eventually romance feels way more earned.
#14 - Aang nearly cofessing his feelings to Katara (02x18)
It's a short little moment, but I like it a lot. Aang is just so shy and nervous, it's adorable - and I actually don't mind that they were interrupted because we got lots of flirting in book 3.
#13 - The first two damn episodes (01x01 & 01x02)
I know, I know, putting not one, but two whole episodes is cheating like crazy, but I don't care. Aang likes Katara IMMEDIATELY, they go penguin sliding, he offers to take her to the North Pole long before he finds out HE needs to go there, Katara is ready to throw hands with everyone for wanting to banish Aang and is then losing her mind when he is taken by the Fire Nation. Even Sokka noticed they were getting a bit too clingy for two people that just freaking met and goes "Let's save your boyfriend."
#12 - "Baby, you're my forever girl" (03x09)
This one is just HILARIOUS. It starts out looking very realistic, sweet and romantic... and is then derrailed into embarrassing teenage fantasies, and Aang clearly feels so awkward when he realizes he had just been standing there like a dumbass. The entire episode is great, but that scene is easily top 3 of the funniest moments in it.
#11 - Flirting after he gives her the necklace back (01x15)
They are freaking adorable in that scene. Aang joking around when returning the necklace to her, Katara kissing his cheek and making him blush... peak cuteness. Gets extra romantic with the added context that those necklaces are basically the same as engagement rings.
#10 - Aang finding out Katara brought him back from the dead (03x01)
Aang just looks so in awe of her in that scene, like he can barely even comprehend how someone could be so amazing. The look in his eyes, man! I can't! I CAN'T!
(And for real, how can ANYONE still have doubts that the whole "Aang needs to let go of Katar FULLY AND FOREVER, ALL DAY AND EVERYDAY otherwise the world is doomed" thing is bullshit? The show literally looked us straight in the face and said "True love/friendship saved the day because if it wasn't for it the world's last hope would be fucking dead")
#9 - Cave Of Two Lovers (02x02)
Once again I'm cheating, and once again I don't care. Katara and Aang both blushing when she suggest that they kiss, Aang trying a little too hard to act like he totally doesn't want that kiss, Katara getting offended at it, "I'm saying I'd rather kiss you than die, that's a compliment!", the light of the torches fading away as they get closer to each other, Aang looking all lovestruck after it, then them both blushing after they're out of the cave - INCREDIBLE! SHOWSTOPPING! BEAUTIFUL! ADORABLE!
#8 - Katara not wanting Aang to go into the Avatar State (02x01)
I understand why Aang going into the Avatar State to save her on this same episode gets so much attention, but this moment is criminally underrated AND what makes that other scene hit so hard.
Katara can't stand to see Aang in so much pain and rage and thus refuses to be part of that plan. She is the one putting his humanity, his feelings, and his well-being before his responsibilities as the Avatar. She'll always encourage him to do what's right and help him do what's needed to save the world - but she'd never put him in any unnecessary harm. She'd never take him granted and act like she, or anyone else, is entitled to put him through so much stress and pressure just because of his duties as the Avatar. She'd never take advantage of Aang's kindness.
When Aang went into the Avatar State, it wasn't just about the protagonist saving his love interest (which is already an epic moment) - it was a friend saving another, a survivor of genocide saing another, the hero saving an innocent person who was in harms way. And more importantly, it was someone who was constantly treated like he needed to be a soldier/weapon first, person second, saving the girl that had always been his ride-or-die from the very beginning and that had just proven yet again that she cared about HIM, not just about the Avatar and what he could do for the world.
#7 - Aang and Katara VS Pakku (01x18)
Once again, Aang and Katara showing that they both take the concept of "ride-or-die" VERY seriously. They are really excited to learn together, and Aang is so pissed off when Pakku refuses to train Katara solely because she's a girl, that he says "Fuck this guy, fuck my mission, I'm out of here." Katara, of course, then accepts dealing with that unfair situation because she knows Aang's mission is important and doesn't want to stand in the way of it, even if she obviously isn't happy about it.
Then, once Sokka gives them that idea, Aang is super eager to teach Katara everything Pakku is teaching him, because, once again, Katara's personal goal of wanting to be a badass fighter is as important to Aang as his mission to save the entire freaking world.
They're caught, everything is going to hell, and Pakku now refuses to let train either of them unless he gets an apology, and so Katara goes into fighting mode with no hesitation. Aang, the absolute sweetheart that he is, lets her know that she doesn't have to do this to get Pakku to teach him - then steps aside when she explains this is about HER, her pride and her right to knock some sense into that sour old man.
Finally, after everything is resolved, we get Pakku saying Aang should start calling her "Sifu Katara" - which leads me to:
#6 - Sifu Katara (02x09)
That. Was. So. Fucking. Cute.
Aang wants to make sure Katara knows just how much she means to him, how much he respects her as a fighter/master and we KNOW he absolutely means it, and Katara is very touched by it.
And I gotta love how comfortable they are with each other. Aang practicing waterbending and talking with her to clear his head, Katara giving him advice as to why he's struggling with earthbending AND trying to make Toph change her approach into something Katara knows works on Aang, the push and pull/ying and yang motions showing how they just click and are in harmony with each other - it isn't just AANG showing he appreciates Katara's role as his master, it's the show itself doing that.
#5 - Aang & The Painted Lady (03x03)
That boy was simping for and flirting with the Painted Lady before he even realized it was Katara, because she was a kind "spirit" that he went out of his way to mention looked REALLY pretty even though he couldn't see her face. Then, of course, he has to praise her for wanting to help the people of the village and goes on to help her blow up a whole factory.
You google the meaning of "being in love" and Aang's face is the first the thing that comes up, I swear to fucking God, I can't with this boy.
#4 - Katara threatening to end Zuko if he ever hurts Aang again (03x12)
Once again, Katara and Aang take the idea of "Ride-or-die" VERY seriously. Katara doesn't trust Zuko really changed, but she does trust Aang's judgement and knows that he has the right to choose his firebending teacher, and that they don't really have much of a choice at the moment.
But she didn't forget what Zuko nearly took away from her, and makes damn sure he knows that if he screws up again, he isn't getting a third chance.
And I gotta say, we as a fandom don't talk enough about how, much like Aang's love for his people is explicitly stated to still live on through his love for Katara, the girl he already sees as family and would eventually marry, Katara was only ever willing to kill for two people - Kya and Aang.
This is one of those moments that proof that, even if one doesn't care for the ship, NO ONE can deny just how strong their bond is and how much they mean to each other.
#3 - Finale Kiss (03x21)
Even though I think they should have officially become an item after their kiss during the invasion and that the last minute conflict of "Maybe Katara doesn't actually want to be with Aang" that we got in Ember Island Players was REALLY forced, I still love this moment.
They look so happy, so at peace. They don't even need to say anything. They just lock eyes, smile, embrace each other and kiss. It's oen of the most romantic moments not just between them, but in the whole show.
Also if anyone has a Katara doll with that dress, please mail it to me, because my inner 5-year-old cannot deal with how pretty she looked on that scene and NEEDS it to be immortalized in a doll I can put on the shelf and stare at for hours.
#2 - Aang saying Katara gives him hope (02x12)
Okay, okay, okay, OKAY, we are once again in the territory of "Even back when I didn't like the ship, I still adored this scene." It's one of the moments that I'm always super excited to reach whenever I'm watching the show yet again.
Is just so rewarding. Every single episode we are reminded that Katara has complete faith in Aang, that he gave her hope before they ever met. Yet at that moment, because of Appa's kidnaping, he can't be the Aang she knows - be that he goofy, optimistic, super affectionate friend, or the kind, super empathetic, compassionate messianic figure of the Avatar. He is too hurt and scared, so he goes from lashing out to shutting everyone off - including her. He is doing his duty, but there's little to no emotion there.
Katara keeps the team together as they cross the desert, brings Aang back to Earth when he is snapping, parts the freaking sea, and then helps bring baby Hope into the world - and thus Aang is finally Aang again, and makes sure to let his best friend know just how much she means to him.
It's a nice role-reversal, with Katara being the one put on a pedestal and Aang showing reverence. It's sweet and makes all the moments in which she shows her blind faith in him all the sweeter. It easily could have been my number one.
If it wasn't for THE Kataang moment that is:
#1 - The Dance (03x02)
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How could this not be number one? It's the definition of iconic. Literally invented romance. You open up a dictionary and see a picture of this scene in the definition of "chemistry."
Katara feeling insecure because of all the attention is getting, Aang going out of his way to make sure she doesn't feel left out, the way he says "it's just you and me", the way everyone is staring at them in awe... the lighting, the music, the camera angles, the freaking choreography... their smiles, Katara blushing, the way they lock eyes, the almost kiss, Aang holding Katara as they finally stop... it's too good. Just too freaking good. 11/10, no one is doing it like them.
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lizard-queen-izzy · 3 months
Everyone shut up and sit down. I'm talking about TMA. I am listening through for the first time, I'm through S1 and halfway through S2, and I already have many Thoughts. Today, we will be focusing on my evil ship thoughts, because I missed my chance when this was coming out so now I will subject you all.
I know Jon and Martin get together at some point, and yknow, that's all fine and good.
There is so much potential for something there, and they would be so incredibly messy after the S1 finale.
[I've lightly scrolled through the jontim tag, and I truly don't think there's enough of you talking about how tragic they are. Platonic or romantic, they're so so sad.]
They both worked in the research department before Jon was made Head Archivist, and even though they definitely weren't close, they were definitely friendly. My Firm Belief is that Jon was the only one who took Tim seriously despite his more lax attitude, he saw his strong work ethic and his dedication and treated him accordingly. And Tim was the only one who listened to Jon, the only one who thought he had anything to add and took his suggestions.
I believe they were hired around the same time, and once they met there was a silent understanding that they were there for eachother. It was nice to just have someone in their corner in this new environment.
When Jon got promoted to Head Archivist, he was adamant about Tim being on his team, because he knew Tim would help get the results needed. [I have a whole, how everyone got assigned to the team timeline thought out but that's not why we're here]
Tim is the only member of his team who Jon doesn't think would have written Antonio Blake's statement as a joke to scare him. Which means he trusts him the most out of all of them. Which wouldn't be as important if he showed distaste for them equally, but he regards both Tim and Sasha highly, and only really seems to have an issue with Martin at this point. So why would he trust Tim to not have written it but not Sasha? Unless he's known him the longest and has reason to put that faith in him.
AND THEIR CONVERSATION AT THE BEGINNING OF MAG 33?? You're gonna listen to that, the first time we as the audience meet Tim, and tell me you don't hear how much these two care for eachother? Even when Jon starts getting upset/loud, he calms quickly for Tim, and doesn't let himself fully yell at him. He also leaves it up to Tim to fix the mistakes, an example of him trusting Tim's judgement and work. And Tim is so calm with him! The man keeps getting worked up and starting to get loud, but Tim stays calm and let's him self correct and say what he needs to before proceeding himself. He knows Jon is stressed and has a lot on his plate. He knows these mistakes needed to be discussed with him and corrected somehow, but he's still not going to force Jon to re-record the statements if he really doesn't want to, he's willing to find another solution. And then he leaves to go work on it so Jon can get back to recording the statement.
And Tim telling Jon he doesn't understand the filing system and Jon explaining it calmly to him, admitting he doesn't really get it either but that's how it is.
You also have to see my vision for how the S1 finale effects them. A traumatic experience where they were both scarred mentally and physically in the same ways. Something that should have brought them even closer, maybe finally made them feel comfortable being proper friends outside of work. But they both react to it SO differently. And that is the beginning of their downfall. That is the beginning of the end.
Because Jon spirals. He stops trusting everyone. He pushes them all away and starts crossing boundaries. HE SPIES ON TIMS HOUSE. And he can't even calm down long enough to see why this bothers his coworkers. Why this hurts Tim.
The beginning of S2 from Tim's perspective is awful. Your first friend in this workplace is overworking himself, throwing himself back into work the second he's cleared physically well enough to go back. But he clearly hasn't moved past it, and you can't blame him for that. Everyone copes differently, but then he turns on you. He stops trusting you, starts pushing you away, starts spying on you. Can you imagine how much that hurts? To have the first person in this terrifying new job who ever put their trust in you, who ever believed in you, to turn on you just when you need them the most.
Anyway. I very well may be back with more JonTim thoughts as I continue to listen. But this is what I have for you today.
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cicerenella · 5 months
now i’m so curious, what are your thoughts on spaus, historically and in the modern day? what do you imagine romano thinks of them?
I'm jumping to answer this ask because I'm continuing the Austria train! And also because I have a lot of thoughts about this pairing that is (sadly) very overlooked in my opinion. Slight Spamano following.
OK SO I love SpAus. Great angst machine, I love their historical accuracy and a way to portray my view on Empires in Hetalia, since most of the time power gets into their head. Oh well, a marriage between two of the most powerful empires in europe, what's the worst that could happen?? a divorce that brought war to half of europe.
Spain and Austria's marriage was probably one of the longest and most powerful europe has seen, but that doesn't mean that it was good LMAO. I have an idea that for the first century or so of their union everything was...ok? Sure, it could be better, and it had it's ups and downs (I'm looking at Spain) but that doesn't mean that it was that bad. Except for like, the revolt of the Comuneros, that was a bad one.
I think their marriage started to go really south after the Netherlands' independence and the decline of the Spanish Empire, because after that things only started to spiral downwards. And I do not have a good and kind portrayal of "Empire Spain". He was awful both historically wise and also in his personal relationships and it SHOWED.
So, the war of Spanish Succession. A shitshow, Europe's messiest divorce, it did not end good, and Spain lost massive chunks of territories. The treaty of Utrecht/Peace of Rastatt was probably their divorce papers AHAHHA. In thirteen years more than eighty wars where fought.
And about Romano...I know many people make the love triangle between Roma/Spain/Austria and honestly? I like it. ALTHOUGH I have a very specific characterization that I am going to analyse through just now!
So, Naples was considered an "anomaly" in the Spanish Empire. It was the biggest and most populated city, and often times even overshadowed cities in Spain. Historically speaking, Antonio would admire the HELL out of Romano, even if he was one of his subordinates. I don't think he "loved" him yet, more than he considered him his favorite out of all his colonies.
Although I think the more his marriage with Austria deteriorated, the more his kindness to Romano turned into straight up obsession. The civil war twisting Spain's head in a lot of ways too.
That is to say, that while Spain was having his twisted villain arc, Romano would both hate and care about his superior. In a friendly way, of course, because it would be scandalous having an affair with his "master" that was married to another (plus not to mention Romano's internalised homophobia). So while my man was fighting to get independence, Spain was trying both to save his crumbling marriage and keeping his favorite colony with him (spoiler: he failed in both).
SO UHM YEAH. Romano probably wouldn't want to get into the SpAus business, and Spain obsession for Roma definitely irked Austria a bit. Can you imagine after all that crap that was the Spanish War of Succession going on a rampage in trying to reconquer South Italy?? From your ex husband?? Absolute madlad. I love SpAus. Spamano is my number one ship but this one is a guilty pleasure of mine.
[OH SHOOT, forgot about modern day SpAus. Uhhh, since I ship spamano it is a bit tricky. But most of the time I make them stay on friendly terms!! ex husbands that often nitpick at eachother yay. The venom of their divorce is long gone, and they're both old men that like to crack jokes and reminisce about their past adventures.]
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crtvirus · 10 months
Hai I'm sorry for the random ask immediately after the follow, but your "stannarrator anti" post speaks to me on such a level and I just wanted to say that I 100% agree.
As much as I love seeing different Narry interpretations, the consistent yoaification of this guy from people in the fandom who also HORRIBLY mischaracterize him is REALLY starting get my nuts in a twist.
I don't think anyone characterizes him perfectly. Narry's a pretty complex character to begin with. Not fully understanding his motivations is what makes him so interesting. But seeing people either make him an overly loving, devoted partner who would never hurt his precious Stanly uwu, or the most fucking evil, horrible, tyrannical man in existence who just straight up wants to abuse Stanley, kinda makes me think some of these people haven't actually played the game. Either that, or they COMPLETELY misinterpreted MANY aspects of it.
I'm obviously not the authority on Narrator characterizations, but I don't think some people who ship stannarrator realize just how unbearable the ship can become when Narrator, Stanley, or both of them are just like...awful in some way, you know? Like if you're gonna make them wildly OOC, the least you can do is make an AU or just straight up make your own OCs.
NO LITERALLY THIS. the fandom will mischaracterize the shit out of both stanley and the narrator in order to ship them and ignore every single other aspect of the game. you tell these people there are characters other than stanley and the narrator and a lot of the time they either don't know or simply don't care.
the fandom feels like a big game of telephone entirely separate from the source material. a lot of individuals seem like they've never even touched the base game, or even watched part of a playthrough. now, don't get me wrong, of course there's going to be SOME deviation from canon in the fandom because of concepts such as gijinkas; the narrator would likely never physically show himself because he's... the narrator. he's not meant to be a physical, visual asset. but that fandomization is mostly harmless and pales in comparison to the things people in the fandom are doing to deviate from his personality as a whole. the fact that people will just take one or two endings and bloat that aspect of him, i.e. seeing the countdown ending and making him into a cunning, tyrannical, heartless villain when that is not what he is. the narrator's entire personality is dependent on what you, as the player, do with him. he isn't innocent, but he's not entirely against you.
and as for the other side of it all, people will woobify both stanley and narrator so much, completely ignoring the fact that they are literally out to get eachother while being so, SO dependent on eachother. stanley and narrator don't HATE eachother, not at all; they're just constantly struggling between a power imbalance- the scales are tipping on either ones' favours constantly. there is instability, there are times in which the scales tip. that doesn't mean incompatibility or even ABUSE (don't even get me started on abuse ships, that's a whole other aspect of mischaracterization), but it certainly does mean that the ship isn't entirely sunshine and rainbows with nothing wrong. by all means have your AUs, but don't let those views overtake the actual game. stanley is also horrendously mischaracterized. he DOES have a personality within the game- granted, that's also influenced by the player, but that doesn't make him into a woobified "soft uwu boyfriend" for the narrator. a lot of the time he disobeys him- that's most of the premise of the game. stanley's existence isn't to be the narrator's boyfriend and i sincerely wish the fandom would realise that
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clydethesnake · 1 year
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Ocean Eyes
Prince!Bucky Barnes x Pirate!Reader
warnings: cursing, violence (they're pirates), angst, fluff
word count: 5.7k
synopsis: After narrowly escaping the royal guards who were looking for him after sneaking out, Prince James takes refuge unknowingly in the ship of one of the most notorious groups of pirates out there. Now, he not only has to navigate his way through life being captured on a pirate ship, but he also has to deal with the fact that the captain is one of the most attractive women he's met.
a/n: i love pirate aus so much and thought that there is not nearly enough where you are the pirate, so here. this took me forever and im so proud of it so i hope you like <33
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The village was bustling with people as Prince James walked out of the warm tavern. The sun was high, making James sweat under the black cloak he was wearing in an attempt to conceal his identity. There were royal guards patrolling, looking for the Prince who left the castle unannounced, so a panic was in the air as they were trying to find the boy.
James saw them, silver chestplated men, swords in sheaths as they frantically asked people about him, while they marched their boots and the hooves of the horses around the fishing village. It was sure to cause an uproar if the people had caught wind of the news of the Prince’s disappearance. He was one of the only fully liked royals since the disease that was making its rounds through the village years ago. Of course, the village had recovered, but the people who lost family and friends had not forgiven the king for his lack of help during the awful times. James was lucky, he was only 14 by then, unable to do anything but watch the anguish come from his people.
Suddenly, the Prince caught the eye of a guard, one he disliked at that. Out of panic, James started running towards the docks desperately, stumbling over poor merchants barrels of food and tables of intricate jewels. Shouting out apologies left and right, his boot clad feet were pushing him onto a large ship, not noticing the cynical eyes of the skull on the flag flying high next to the unnaturally clean sails. He hid behind some crates which fully concealed his body while he watched the guard who just saw him frantically shout some things to the others and take off in the direction he went.
His plan was simple; wait until the guards left to look outside of the village, then leave the ship and make his way back to the castle. Easy right? That's what he told himself before multiple voices started shouting various things in slurred speech that he couldn’t quite make out from his loud heartbeat and bangs from the main deck, before the guards started getting smaller, turning into ants in the distance.
The boy was in panic; breathing becoming accelerated and palms sweating excessively as he did when he was nervous. This is beyond nervous. It was supposed to be an easy day; sneak out of the castle without accidentally notifying the guards, have a drink at the tavern he regularly visits, wander around the village and pick out a necklace or two for his mother’s birthday. And now he was on a moving ship, the village he calls home a mere blur in the distance.
His elongated visit on the ship was only going to get worse as two men approached him. The Prince’s vision went black as the younger of the two hit him over the head, successfully knocking the man out. The older took off the cloak and picked James up by the back of his shirt, hauling him over to the group of people on the other side of the deck.
“We have a stowaway on board, where do you want him, captain?” Sam asked you, Prince still in hand.
“Tie him to the mast.” Your voice came out uncaring as you waved your hand dismissively in the man’s direction, looking over at the horizon. “We’re set for Gamswell.” Gamswell was a nasty place. It was full of cheap prostitutes and drunken pirates. However, your crew insisted on visiting, wanting to experience the thrills and adventures of Gamswell. Having been there a multitude of times, you were hesitant, but saw the excitement on your men’s faces and decided to allow it.
Swinging over the railings you land a few metres away from the mast as the man wakes up. He has a small cut on his right cheek -you assume from the hit from Sam- and is wearing a basic white tunic and trousers. His shoes look expensive, a large contrast to the generally basic and cheap outfit. 
You raise your eyebrow looking at the expensive looking rings adorning his dirty hands, and a single gold chain with a charm laying on his slightly exposed chest. “This guy don’t look poor.” You told Sam, who was still next to you, admiring the expensive jewels covering different parts of his body.
Before the conversation can carry on, the man starts to groan before his eyes shoot open. “Who are you?” He sounds nervous as he figures out what’s happened. 
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at the man before carding your fingers through his short hair and yanking his head up to meet his eyes. “Who are you? What are you doing on my ship!?” You stare into his eyes.
“I’m sorry! I was running away from some guards and ended up here. I promise I didn’t mean to invade.” You look into his steel blue eyes with suspicion, “My name’s James Barnes.” He told you, honesty seeping through his voice. He definitely didn’t want to anger you anymore than you already seemed. You let go of his head and stepped back next to Sam. 
You looked back at the man next to you and shrugged, while he gave you a big, malicious smirk and walked off to take the wheel from Peter.
“Listen, just drop me off at the next port and I’ll be out of your hair.” The man on the mast looked up to meet your eyes once your first mate had walked away.
“And what makes you think I’d listen to you? You sneak aboard my ship and you’re asking to be let free? Boy, you don’t know pirates at all.” You shook your head in mock disappointment before moving closer to him once again, face now serious, “what about you would make me want to let you free so early on? I could use an extra helping hand.” You grinned maniacally before stepping back once again, “Welcome aboard The Serpent’s Revenge, James Barnes.”
You almost felt bad for the man, but this is what happens to stowaways on your ship, they get tied to the mast and damned to the icy depths of the sea after accidentally coming loose during a particularly rough storm. It has happened a multitude of times, each time bringing an uncomfortable weight on your shoulders but it had to happen. Men like these were unfortunate creatures, they get their egos chipped away by you after challenging you to a duel, or attempting a one person mutiny against you as a pathetic try in stealing your pride and joy, The Serpent’s Revenge. However, they never stayed long throughout their attempts at driving a sword through your heart, or escaping the mast, which usually resulted in a shot between the eyes from Clint, who was usually found scouting in the crow’s nest day and night.
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It had been days since the stray prince made his way onto your ship. It had been days since he was first tied to the mast. There was a sort of sympathy you felt for the poor boy, something you’ve never felt for stowaways before. Deciding to listen to the angel on your shoulder rather than the devil, you decided to let him down during a storm, which you had sailed right into on your quest to Gamswell.
The rain beat heavily down on polished wood and thunder clapped around you as you were searching for your first mate, who you saw ordering men around, surrounded by people grabbing buckets and throwing water back overboard. “Sam! Take him down to the brig!!” You shout to the man, who dropped the bucket he was holding and ran over to the passed out prince. 
Everything after that was a bit blurry. You were still at the wheel, guiding your crew through the rough waters and loud shouts of overthrown men. After a night of battling the large, desecrating waves you were able to rest, your crew being happy to allow you to retreat to your quarters early morn.
James was still tied up, though he was now in one of the cells that were below deck. Every once-in-a-while, someone would bring down some scraps, a small bottle of rum and whatever else you didn’t need to keep him alive, but just enough for him to not be any real trouble.
You felt sympathy for the boy, knowing what it's like to be kept in a cell, tied up while people's normal lives continued on around you, completely ignoring you. However, you knew what you had to do, and kept him suffering in the iron bars a while longer, though you did decide to throw him out at Gamswell, which, arguably, is worse than being locked in a damp cell.
There was only a couple times that you actually visited the cell, to give the man some food, and to make sure he hadn’t escaped or died or anything. He did get some visitors after a ship had attacked you, a futile attempt at taking down the most notorious group of pirates. However, the visit was short lived once your crew chopped the men down one by one, not before they took a glance at you, however, a well known pirate for leaving no survivors, and the for the fact that you were a woman, of course.
Superstitious bastards.
The monotonous drip of leaking seawater was all that entered James’ ears, along with the drunken singing of your men and harsh footsteps above him. His blue eyes were disorientated as they looked around, not staying in one place for long before studying another part of the worn down wood that made up the ceiling. He lay in the corner of his cell, feeling the cool metal of the cell behind him, taking in deep breaths of salty air that was seeping through the small cracks in the walls. 
Wasn’t he feasting on large, hearty meals and sipping on the best wine only weeks ago? 
It felt like months.
There hadn’t been anyone down to visit him in a couple of days, seemingly forgetting about his body, soon to be rotting in the cold cell by himself. 
During his wallowing in self-pity, his ringing ears didn’t pick up on the heavy footsteps coming down to greet him. His ocean eyes looked up, seeing your familiar dusty brown boots and long leather jacket.
You roll your eyes and shake your head in mock offence, “Don’t seem too surprised to see me.” 
James’ eyebrows furrow, “I’m not exactly pleased. You did lock me in here.” He says before sitting up to get a better view of you, blood rushing back to his head making him feel dizzy for a minute.
“Yeah, sorry about that, love.” You laugh mockingly, before chucking a small flask into the cell as well as handing him a bowl of small scraps of leftover fish and potatoes that they still had from when James first appeared on their ship after stopping. It was probably the most food he’d had in the last few days, which James was happy for.
“What happened to me eating fish bones?” James questioned curiously, looking up to meet your eyes.
You tilt your head condescendingly, “What? Would you rather go back to that?” The brunette backs down instantly, taking the small metal bowl from your hand and sitting back in the corner of the cell and digging in, watching your retreating figure walking casually up the stairs.
Much to his surprise, you come back down only minutes later, a key in your right hand. “Thought you would’ve finished by now.” You snorted in amusement, a clinking noise followed by a loud creak being heard as you opened the door to the cell. You both start walking up the first flight of stairs to the hammocks where one or two men were wiping the floors.
James looked surprised, “Why are you letting me go?” He asks incredulously. 
“Because, we have reached our destination.” You continue to walk up the stairs as he watches you from behind.
He follows you up the stairs with a confused expression, though you could not see it.
“Usually, I would keep stowaways on board until their bodies slip from under the ropes from the mast during a storm and get thrown overboard from not being able to hold themselves up, or keep ‘em in the brig till they rot.” James pulls a face as you continue, “I decided to have mercy on you and drop you off at the next pirate port, though I must warn you, it isn’t the loveliest of places.” You explain to the boy, who is now not looking the happiest and throw him a dopey smile as you reach the wheel.
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The moon was high in the sky as you reached Gamswell, the air chillier than expected. You could feel the excitement radiate throughout the ship, though you and James were not feeling the same way. Sam’s face lit up as he took a look at the bustling town reaching the end of the bay at the docks, where you had just arrived. “Thank you so much, Captain.” He shook your arm slightly with excitement before climbing onto the wooden docks taking him into the heart of the village. 
James was standing beside you, watching the relaxed expression on your face slowly dissipate as you docked. He had a feeling he wouldn’t like it here. Maybe he could convince you otherwise, to drop him at a different port. Or maybe he could join your crew? It wasn’t something he ever considered, but surely it would be better than whatever was waiting for him in this vile village.
The water was twinkling like the stars currently in the sky off the side of the docks as you and James slowly followed off the ship. James now knew what you meant by ‘it is not the loveliest of places’, there were prostitutes with their chests out, singing drunken sea shanties with wasted sailors and pirates looking for a good time. Fights were breaking out all over the place, people shooting and stabbing each other over the smallest of issues. It’ll definitely linger.
“Charming little village, ain’t it?” You smiled at the man, who was silently freaking out at the thought of being left here with nothing but a name.
James pinched his nose together to avoid the smell as much as possible as you made your way to a small tavern, which was not too occupied. There were a few people engaged in heated arguments, looking like they’re on the verge of a fight and drunken pirates singing lively songs with women on their arms. It gave a warm feeling, though it was far from James’ preferred place to be. You escorted him to a small table close to the corner, further away from the sudden fist fights and immediately left to get drinks. 
“You aren’t actually going to leave me here, are you?” He gives you a small look as you return with two mugs of mead in an attempt at making you feel bad.
“I’m sorry, love, but there’s not much I can do about that. Unless you are willing to become a part of the crew.” You shrug, taking a big sip out of the mug and smiling at a pirate who winked at you from the bar.
There was a few seconds of silence before he spoke again, “What if I am?” 
You turn around to meet his eyes, finding them completely serious, “If you are, then I suppose we could find you a spot amongst the crew.” Now, normally you wouldn’t offer that kind of hospitality, but you had a soft spot for the man. You don’t know what’s come over you, what happened to no remorse for stowaways? Either way, you couldn’t resist those bright blue eyes, seemingly having found their shine outside of the cell he had been locked in.
“Thank you so much! I-” 
He got cut off by another voice, “Hey! Don’t that look like the missin’ prince?” The voice was gravelly as a dirty finger pointed towards the man sitting in front of you, along with several other voices that agreed with him.
Your eyebrows furrowed as James spoke up, quickly dismissing the dirty man, “No! I’m not.” It was almost suspicious the pace that he did, but you decided to ignore it and return your focus back on the brunette.
“I sure hope you’re not, fuck the royals.” You curse, taking a big swig from your mug of mead.
“Y-yeah, don’t worry. I’m far from a prince.” James mimics you nervously, also drinking.
The night went on with drinking and more drinking, you both becoming progressively more drunk. You were both dancing, arm in arm, to a sea shanty that was being bellowed significantly louder than it was when people were more sober. You were being tossed around, twirling around with different men, only taking a break for a sip from the canteen of rum strapped to your belt. It was well through the night before you both decided to leave and find a room to sleep.
The streets were still lively, though not as much as it was before you entered the tavern. The dirt roads were illuminated by the golden candlelight of the occasional lamps scattered around on buildings. 
You stopped before a large building, from the outside, it looked old, cozy and rather welcoming. Large stacked stones and hardwood pillars make up the outer structure, a golden glow coming from the lamps resting over the glass acting as windows. From the outside, you can see that it’s not that busy, knowing that it is now a lot later than you intended to be, but you could still hear the hustling and bustling of hardworking people on the inside. You both enter, feeling the warmth contrasting the slightly chilly air outside. 
You immediately recognise the man at the front desk, having met him years ago when he joined your crew.
“Y/N! What a lovely sight!” The french man greets you with a warm smile. He almost doesn’t belong here, such a sweet person in such a nasty place, but looks can deceive. Éric Garreau was an ex-pirate, he was a ruthless member of your crew, until one day he decided that he wanted to settle down, having had enough of the unpredictable life of a pirate. Of course you were sad when such a valued crew member and friend decided to abandon ship on your second stop in Gamswell, but you were happy when he came to you to tell you his true feelings instead of trying to hide it. Now he was married with a child on the way and a successful business, and you couldn’t be happier for him.
“Éric!” You opened your arms wide, allowing the large man to engulf you in a hug.
“I see you’ve come here with a man again, a single room I’m guessing?” He tried to joke and you laughed, but James beside you furrowed his eyebrows.
“Unfortunately not tonight, Éric. How about two rooms?” You try to play it off, not letting James see your flaming cheeks at the insinuation. Éric gets the hint and goes behind the counter to grab your two keys. 
“Oh! You must join us for breakfast, Elise has asked about you recently.” He smiled genuinely, passing you and James each a silver key.
“I’d love to.” You nod your head politely; something James had never seen you be before, it almost makes him respect you a little more.
“And your friend is more than welcome to come too.” Éric continues with his teasing, getting a kick out of making his friend blush and attempting to hide it.
“Thanks Éric…” You roll your eyes jokingly at the man before heading towards the creaky stairs in the corner, dimly illuminated with two candles meticulously placed on the bannister. You and James part ways not long after, him creaking open the door next to yours, playfully saluting. 
It wasn’t long after your head hit the lumpy pillow that you fell fast asleep.
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Despite your words to Éric last night, it was agreed to set sail early morn with your new crew member, and unfortunately wouldn’t be able to catch up with Elise and Éric. As much as you wanted to, your loyalty and heart lies with the Serpent’s Revenge and devoted crew. You couldn’t even imagine the uproar it will cause when you announce that the previous stowaway is now joining the crew initially, but it will be sure to end in a joyous night of rambunctious laughter and booze.
The sun was high over the horizon by the time you set sail, merchants just setting up their stalls by the docks and deserted taverns reopening slowly. You could smell the sea, the comforting smell settling deep in your bones as you looked over the wheel. All was peaceful. 
It was like that for days. The crew bustled around the deck; James even helped out here and there. 
“Sure you know what you’re doin’?” You question the brunette, watching him hold the wheel and turn it cautiously. “It’s not that delicate, you don’t have to hold it like china!” You scold as he strengthens his weak grip on the wheel and becomes more confident, “That’s it!” You smile at him, something you’ve found yourself doing a lot more around him recently. Maybe he’ll be more useful than I thought.
“A-Am I?” He asks in mild shock, smiling back eagerly. 
The moment was interrupted as Clint shouts down from the crow’s nest, “Uhh, Captain. We’ve got an issue!” He slides down the rope, “Royal Navy.” He says simply, but you can sense the fear in his voice.
“It’s not a problem, we’ve taken them before!” You shout, trying to reassure your crew.
“Yeah, Captain, at the cost of many men.” Sam looks towards you dubiously, eyebrows furrowed as your men agree. 
You scowl, “Raise the jolly roger.” Is your final order before your crew disperse, raising your flag and preparing for the battle. You turn back to James, who has a worried look on his face, “You got a problem?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. 
“You’ve really fought the navy before?” He seems shocked.
“You don’t just come across other pirates on the seas, James. We’re ‘criminals’, wanted people.” As much as you hate to admit it, you were named criminals for wanting to be free. For wanting a life on the sea. “Good luck.” Were your last words, hearing your crew shout louder as the ship comes closer, firing cannons towards the delicate wood. 
You saw the officers in their blue navy uniforms, delicate buttons and powdered wigs and scoffed. Why should they and the royal family get all of these expensive jewels and money to show off how rich they are when your family suffered for food each day? Why should they get to live in their country estates and grand palaces while they watch their people suffer with disease and poverty? It’s pathetic. For years you suffered, watched your family become ridden with disease when you were only a child before you fled. There was nothing left for you there. From then on, a hatred for the royals grew and grew as the memories repeated in the dead of night. Your crew have all come from similar backgrounds; poverty and disease. Maybe it’s why the bond is so strong. Why you’ve been able to become one of the most feared pirates to sail the seas. And you’re proud of that title.
This crew was the only family you had left.
And you’d be damned to lose them to some entitled snobs.
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You had been fighting for hours. 
Your arms ached, ears rang and head pounded. 
You hadn’t seen James for hours, you only wished he hadn’t been killed. It was only then you saw him; injured on the deck. He was hiding behind a crate, in a similar position to how he was found, and he was holding his stomach where blood was soaking into his white shirt. Your heart pounded at the sight, quickly lowering your pistol into the holster on your hip and running to him, sure to avoid any officers.
His wound was deep, likely from a dagger, you assessed as you came towards him. He looked up, eyes squinting slightly as if he couldn’t quite recognise who you were. “Y-Y/n?” He asked weakly. 
“I’m right here, don’t worry.” You applied pressure to his wound, moving his hands out of the way. Luckily you were still out of sight behind a barrel, but you’re sure it won’t be long before you’re found. “I’ve got you, everything’s going to be fine.” You reassure, but it seems more like you’re trying to reassure yourself.
The surroundings were loud; swords clashed in the backgrounds, men shouted and screamed in pain. But it was just the two of you. 
It was then you were brought back to reality as you felt cold metal against your neck. Quickly, you took in a sharp inhale as you watched James’ eyes flutter closed. 
“Quick! I found the Prince and he’s injured!” A gravelly voice shouts from behind you, the one with the dagger to your neck. He leans closer to your ear, his hot breath hitting the side of your face and you cringe in disgust. “What were you doing with the missing Prince, wench?” He hisses meanly in your ear, but you can only focus on one thing.
Missing Prince.
Your mind raced. How could you have let this happen? You let this rich bastard onto your ship. You should’ve realised who it was, you should have realised that night at the bar. The man said he looked like the missing prince. Anger coursed through your veins at the thought of letting royalty onto your ship, something you swore would never happen. 
Then why do you not hate him? A small voice whispers in the back of your mind. 
But you refused to listen as you were dragged up by the man, his soot covered hand leaving a handprint on the back of your neck. You watched the Prince get taken away, being carried as carefully as possible by two sailors. 
Your nostrils flared and you curled your hands into balls as the man behind you grabbed them and shoved them roughly into iron handcuffs. “I suggest you keep quiet.” And for once, you complied. Normally, you’d talk his ear off to annoy him, but you just wanted to figure out why. 
Why would he want to be a part of your crew if he was royalty? He could have anything he wanted, so why would he want to join your crew. He seemed genuine enough, but you should’ve known better.
You were pushed roughly over the gangplank onto the navy’s ship. You couldn’t face your crew, ashamed at the fact you’d allowed royalty onto the ship when everyone had a hatred for them. The officers all sneered at you, faces twisting up in disgust as you were shoved down the stairs and into a cell. The door was left ajar as you were forced into the cell, before being shut roughly and locked with a key the man placed in his pocket. “No escape attempts, alright wench? Or we’ll have a problem.”
You only scoffed, not giving the disgusting man a reaction before sighing deeply and sliding down the wooden wall, facing the cell door. 
How the tables have turned.
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It must’ve been weeks before you docked. 
The cell door was yanked open, making you flinch ever so slightly at the grating noise. A gloved hand wrapped around your arm, pulling you up harshly. You were dragged through the ship, walking past your crew who had also been captured, the few cells almost overflowing with people. 
Your dusty boots padded against the wooden floor of the ship as you walked up the stairs. James was nowhere to be found, most likely having already been escorted off the ship. 
The sun was bright, beating down on your face almost in punishment as you walked to the cell, where you would await your death. 
It hardly seemed fair; being punished for wanting to be free.
Alas, you were handed between guards roughly, each of them dragging you through the stone walls of the fort. You knew where you were headed, where the rest of the captured pirates are shoved together in a singular dusty cell as they wait to be called for the gallows. 
You never thought you’d end up here. It was always your assumption that you would live out your life on the high seas, drinking booze with your family and singing sea shanties at the top of your lungs until you passed out on the deck. That was freedom. Not whatever these poor peasants live, and you're sure they would agree. 
But everyone’s high streak must come to an end eventually. 
Everything passed as a blur from then on. Teasing wolf whistles and jokes came from the other side of the cell, but the energy to stop them wasn’t there. You were taken first. Dragged back out through the walls of the fort and into a courtyard. The small stones and hot dust burn your feet as you’re pushed through the crowd. You looked up, bleary eyes looking for his face. Those ocean eyes.
You spotted them, eyes widening as you saw him there. He was back in noble clothes; a long, decorative coat despite the scorching weather, beige knee breeches and a notable frown on his face.
He mouthed something to you.
I’m sorry.
It was all you could make out before you were shoved up the oak stairs, feet slipping slightly due to your weakening body. 
You stood there on the platform, seeing the scowles from the nobles and peasants alike; one similarity you could find between the two classes.
The drums began, loud and menacing, echoing throughout the village, sending shivers through your spine. A loud voice came from behind you, beginning to read the list of your crimes.
“Y/N L/N, accused of piracy and treason against the crown, you are sentenced to hang from the neck until you are dead. May God have mercy on your soul.” Your ears rang and head ached with the cheering that followed. 
It wasn’t long after your hanging was announced that it happened.
A shot came from a top corner of the fort, hitting the executioner directly in the head. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he hit the ground beside you. It wasn’t long before the shouting started. The crowd was bustling as people made their way through, pushing the spectators to the ground to get through the crowd. 
You whipped your head around to where you had seen James. He had a large smile on his face before he rose from his seat, climbing down the large step to push through the crowd towards you. 
Sam appeared first, “What? You didn’t think we’d let you die, did you Cap?” He smirked and winked, reaching his hand out to you before realising what he did, “Oops, sorry.” He quickly ran up the steps, stealing the key off the executioner before unlocking your hands and passing you your pistol. 
You smiled at the feeling of it back in your hands, “Oh, how I’ve missed you.” You jokingly kiss the barrel, causing Sam to roll his eyes before the Prince reaches the bottom of the platform. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry!” He shouted over the commotion. 
You rolled your eyes at him, “We’ve no time for that! We have to get out of here.” You looked around at the rest of your crew fighting the guards, the rest of the guests having fled the fort quickly.
He just nodded before taking out a concealed pistol from his breeches. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “You know how to use that?” You asked, walking down the stairs to stand next to him. 
“I’m sure it can’t be too hard!” He smiled dubiously, raising the pistol and firing the shot directly into the wall. “Uhh…” He turned the gun in his hands a few times, inspecting it, “I think it’s broken.” 
Once again, you only roll your eyes before seeing the many more officers come into the fort through the archways, armed with muskets and bayonets, “Shit!” 
You look towards Sam just as he strikes down another guard and he only smiles reassuringly, “Don’t worry, cap. We got it. Go get your ship.” He points his gun towards the archway out of the fort.
You grab James’ hand and run. He grips your hand back and squeezes, a small gesture of comfort and reassurance, but also a sorry. You smile at his kindness even in stressful times as you come up to the wall. 
He takes off his heavy jacket, leaving it in a heavy heap on the ground and him in just a waistcoat and white shirt. He looks towards you and smiles before stepping up onto the ledge and you do the same. 
The water is deceivingly cold as your body hits it. Despite it being a warm day, the water is freezing. You surface, moving the hair out of your face as you meet James’ eyes opposite you. 
“You know, I always thought your eyes looked like the ocean.” You smirk at him. 
“Oh yeah?” He comes closer towards you, cupping your face in his hands, warming your cheeks slightly before wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Yeah…” You whisper, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer, slotting your lips over his. He kisses back eagerly, smiling against you before pulling away. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for ages.” He chuckles, his face going slightly pink. 
“Have you now?” You go to tease him, but loud shouting comes from beside you both. 
“Are you guys gonna get on or what?” Sam shouts down at the two of you before throwing down a rope. 
You grab his hand, “Are you sure? You can’t go back after this.” 
He only smiles, “I’m sure.”
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
...that could have gone better.
(Also it turns out Lovelace IS an alien. 👽 so that's fun, I think?)
(or my reaction to episodes 44-46 of Wolf359)
Welcome back dear readers, sorry for the delay. Procrastinating on finals has been taking up all of my time, thank you for your understanding.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 44: Desperate Times
Now where were we? Ah yes. Cutter lied about their deaths and has an evil girlfriend who makes his robots. Hilbert and Lovelace told Minkowski about the death thing to get her on board, and once they have her, she should be able to get Doug and Hera on board.
Great point Doug. How many secret rooms can one space station have?
And how many copies of the SI-5? Because we already had two Duck boys. If another Kepler strolls in and starts talking about Whiskey again, that might just be too much for me.
No Minkowski. You don't want to kill anyone. But I understand.
Wow. Doug knows some fancy words. "Commander Eiffel" 😂
Oh, they're actually laughing. I'm sorry Doug. Wow, he just made that up too, very convincing.
Aw, Minkowski. I want to hug her. If she doesn't make it back to her husband...
oh yay, she and Doug are talking it out! Friends! My feelings exactly Hera! 💕💕💕
Hera is so sweet. It's weird to think she was built by and modeled after someone so horrible.
Ah. Taking a late night stroll around the ship Hilbert?
Evil chair will kill you. Evil chair will show them your brain which shows them your plan to rebel against them. Do not trust the evil chair Hilbert. For a smart man, you make some remarkably and unbelievably dumb decisions.
I want to believe in them. I do, I really really do. But unfortunately, I know that there is an entire other season left. So...
It's not looking good. Personally, I think the most expendable is Hilbert. They can kill the character off without having to fire the actor. If anyone's about to die, it's him.
The "terrible trio", I like it Doug. Good nickname for SI-5.
The um...the blunt force trauma face?
Oh my this hypothetical of Maxwell, Kepler, and Jacobi falling apart is music, sweet music.
If only...if only.
They are really counting on the SI-5 acting exactly like this. I hope they get it right. I do love the way they make Whiskey Boy out to be such a cartoon villain. He really is.
Oh they're conflicted about who to target. That's right Hera. Target Duck boy. I mean...they did already kill him once, right?
Although slight problem. Let's say they do kill SI-5. Let's say they try to fly the ship back to earth. Can't Cutter just blow the ship up remotely? He'll probably send a missel after them before they even get into the atmosphere. I mean...what would you even do in this situation? He's literally got them bargaining for every second of their lives. Makes you wonder how many teams he has out there like this...
What happened? No gas? Oh dear. Plan B?
I don't like how this is going.
"I'm glad I have you alone" Hilbert stop it.
Opponent is not going to hesitate to kill you. That's true. But you can't forget who the enemies are. Cutter and Pryce. And yes. SOMETHING IS WRONG!
Oh dear. Well this is terribly awkward.
...um...so...Maxwell. Duck Boy. Fancy a mutiny?
Guess not. Oh dear. This is bad. This is very very bad.
"Don't struggle?"
Not the brain sweeping. Maxwell you have lost all my respect, and likely your own if you still had any left in you.
Shut up Duck Boy, literally no one wants to hear from you.
Well this is a pickle. How will our heroes (and Hilbert) get out of this one? 👀
Episode 45: Desperate Measures
"Wakey-wakey", shut up errand boys.
"Passion for disciplining crew members, isn't that right Jacobi?" You're a sadist waste of space who works for a sadist waste of space, we got that Whiskey Boy.
Oh great. Another super secret room. There's probably thousands of them at this rate. A whole city in the sky.
What a nice little room of weapons. As a lover of dramatic irony, I do hope Dr. Robot and our dear Errand Boys find themselves on the other side of those weapons.
Hera you can delay having to respond to her commands! You can! Remember: You can't do this. You're not good enough. Use it to your advantage.
"I knew it!" you did Doug. And yeah, Hilbert didn't sink so low.
"Kill whoever you like least", well there goes Hilbert.
Good work Hera! 🥰 Oh dear it hurts.
THE VENTS! That's right! Go Minkowski!
Geez does Whiskey Boy ever tire of the sound of his own voice? I guess not.
Shut it Kepler! Yeah Doug! He can go to hell! Tell him off!
Doug: "You're crazy"
Kepler: "No Doug. I'm just a man that wants to be taken seriously. That's why I'm sitting here with a gun in one hand, glass of Whisky in the other, while singing "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" like a cartoon supervillain. There's nothing more respectable or serious than that."
Lovelace is speaking FACTS. He has lost his humanity. But um...ironically so might have Lovelace. Or all of them still unclear on that.
"You're hilarious" "one more thing I have that you don't" ooohhh... dang, it that ain't the truth. No one will be as funny as Doug, but if anyone comes close it's certainly not Whisky boy.
"Very nice speech captain" Well it was better than the Whisky speech Kepler. Take notes.
That's right Lovelace. Who cares what Kepler see when he looks at you? No one. Because he is a waste of space.
She'll survive because of magic alien plot armor.
Aw, she did it for Doug. That's really sweet.
And...off goes the gun. But no screams. He better not have shot Doug.
"You have 30 minutes to think about what you've done. Then we'll talk about Eiffel."
I know I should be furious over the whole "what you've done" comment, but I gotta ask, how dangerously stupid is Kepler? 30 minutes is plenty of time to put a plan into action. What does Kepler need 30 minutes for? Swirling his Whisky around and telling Doug how much he loves the feel of it in his hands.
Why don't you mind your own business Maxwell? Why don't you shut up and mind your own business and throw yourself in the airlock?
Good stalling Hera...yes! Finally knocked out Dr. Robot. Now, as much as I am against murder, eye for an eye, and all that...in this situation, keeping her alive puts multiple innocents at risk.
Anyone got an eye on Duck Boy?
Kepler doesn't care about Maxwell! He doesn't care about anyone!
Doug...great speech for this to work, he has to care about human life, and he clearly doesn't.
Yeah, I don't really like chess either Doug.
Why do I feel like he's going to hurt Hera in a way that only Maxwell can fix?
Ah there he is. "I wouldn't do that so someone. I just blow people up to kill them! :)" ugh Duck Boy is the worst. I knew that he was off doing something silly. "Crazy Jacobi the loose canon" dude, you're Duck Boy. That's your existence.
And I knew Hilbert would be the one to go. They don't have to fire his voice actor to kill him, which makes him expendable.
Well it took a very long time to get here, but looks like Hilbert is finally gonna kick the bucket. And yeah, you guys have no idea how long they've been trying to kill Hilbert. If it was Doug, I'd be more worried, but between Hilbert and Doug, Doug's got the plot armor.
And...there he goes! Oh wait...did she shoot Maxwell! Oh be quiet Jacobi, it's not like you ever actually cared about her. If Cutter or Kepler ordered you to kill her, you would have done it.
You can't talk sense into him Doug. He's a nutcase. We established that.
I love Doug. "Well it's been a topsy-turvy day!"
And see Kepler? Not so fun playing with lives when yours is on the chopping block, now is it?
Yes Doug! Tell him! Oh poor Whisky Boy, are you gonna cry?
Right three people dead: Lovelace, Hilbert, and Maxwell. That's a lot. My money is on Lovelace coming back due to alien magic, Hilbert dead for good, maybe Maxwell lives on in Hera's memory or flashback land.
YES! I love Doug's loyalty to Minkowski!
Does Kepler have an escape pod? I feel like he would. Oh he's telling his duck boy to stand down. But duck boy doesn't seem too happy about that. I guess he cared a bit more for Maxwell than Kepler, even if he would have shot her if given the order.
"Finally over" hm...I seriously doubt that.
Ah yes the aliens. I wonder what they have to say about all this. And Kepler please shut up. "You want to be in charge of this mess, fine." The mutiny literally just happened on your watch. You spent half the crew budget on expensive Whiskey. You don't care at all that Maxwell is dead.
Episode 46: Bolero
Is that music? Um... what is this? I do wonder why they chose to send music, when they've demonstrated that they can send voices.
Yeah...this is a lot. And they lost their human doctor and robot doctor. As much as I hated them, they were useful. Unlike the errand boys, who only seem to be good a cowering in fear from ducks and giving speeches about whisky.
Oh and apparently they like music too. How nice.
"If the commander wishes for silence, then silence she shall have" and yet you're still talking.
Yeah...what do they do now. They have to warn everyone, expose Cutter and get him to jail, but the aliens are also invading. Oh gosh, are Cutter and Pryce aliens? Is this a plot to replace humanity with aliens? That at least makes more sense than Cutter's a loon who just wants to take a gander at some dangerous aliens, but why do I get the feeling that "Cutter's crazy" is what's actually happening here?
Oh right Kepler's special DNA. But your DNA still works even if it's detached from your body, right? 🧬
"We owe it to Lovelace, Hilbert, and Maxwell..." good work Doug. They were evil, they were flawed, but they were still humans.
Oh Hera. Wow, we don't have funerals for animals???? Yikes... I'm starting to see how she was modeled after Pryce now. In that case, I wonder what happened to Pryce. Also Hera, I get what you're saying, but that's an insult to animals. Many cats and dogs I've met are very loyal, kind, and useful.
oh dear she's talking to Lovelace's ghost/memory. 🥺 It's not your fault Minkowski. It was never your fault. And yeah...you all deserve to make it home.
That is if there is even a home to come back to...
Doug, Hera, come on. You're best friends. Wow. And yeah, she and Maxwell were friends, that's why she's so upset! Oh right...if one human friend betrayed her...oh Hera...Doug's not like her you know that! Maxwell would sell you out, Jacobi would sell her out, and Kepler would sell him out, but Doug? Doug would never sell anyone out.
"I know what it's like to not get a chance to say goodbye. And I don't think you're past the point of not caring. Not yet." That's sweet Doug. But you're giving him a bit too much credit. Oh he's mad he killed her? Fair enough, but Jacobi...you said yourself you were monsters! Do you really want to try to claim the moral high ground here? That's right Doug! Tell him! "You're gonna like it...I mean you're gonna feel sad!" Yeah! That's right! Shove the compassion down his throat Doug. Sometimes that's the way you gotta do it.
Minkowski is gonna have some pretty severe PTSD after this. I want to hug her.
Oh no, Hera's remembering Maxwell. "Was everything you did for me part of a secret evil plan?" it's not that simple Hera. Bad people can do good things. Good people can do bad things. Cognitive dissonance Hera, that's how it's possible. Compartmentalization. Circular and deluded thinking. And fake Maxwell is right. It's about you Hera. It's not about her. Forget about Maxwell. Forget about Pryce. You're better than them, and more human too.
Yes Hera, get the feelings out. No, Doug she's coming around!
Oh no...no no no...Doug is wasted isn't he? Kepler's private supply no doubt...oh no... oh Doug.
"I killed them Hera." no you didn't Doug! Intentions matter! You are the ship's moral compass. Don't drink yourself off.
"I'm a drunken mess whether I have a drink or not." oh Doug. Doug.
Please don't give yourself alcohol poison. Oh good self-talk from Hilbert. Yeah Doug never wanted anyone to die.
"How else did you think this was going to end?"
Aw, Doug has so much hope. Never lose that Doug. Never lose it. And yeah, it's nice to believe in redemption. It is theoretically possible. Though in certain cases, highly unlikely. I won't name names.
So...it's just Doug and Jacobi at the funeral? Well. This is incredibly awkward...
Oh right, Hera's never been to a funeral...
Oh nvm Kepler's here for the food. He's so gross.
They gave Hera grief but no way to deal with it? Oh she can't understand why they are gone? The "I wonder if I'll miss you when you go away forever too" is hitting different.
Minkowski came through!
Wow, Jacobi actually is able to say a few nice words.
Dr. Hilbert was a monster 😂. Fair. Completely fair. See ya later Doc. I think Hilbert would have liked it.
Oh don't let Kepler talk. He'd ruin the funeral. Though to be fair, he'd ruin anything.
Never mind looks like the aliens beat him to the punch.
Looks like the aliens decided to come early.
Tell me the aliens aren't already here.
Is Lovelace coming back? Oh Kepler knew this was going to happen.
"It can't hear you." DO NOT CALL HER AN IT KEPLER. Alien or not, she's a...well she's a someone.
So she IS an alien? An alien who acts like her? Okay... and yes please, let's start at the beginning. It's about time Kepler. If you're going to talk, you might as well say something useful.
Now I've procrastinated enough but...wow this doesn't look good. Hopefully the crew can get back safely.
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night-ace · 2 years
more than perfect
obi-wan kenobi x gn!reader
summary: reader is left devastated after a mission gone wrong. obi-wan takes it upon himself to comfort them and ends up staying over for the night, leading to an unexpected confession.
type: fluff
warnings: symptoms of an anxiety attack/mental breakdown, slight self-deprecation, use of petnames, hurt/comfort, obi-wan being the kindest person ever
words: 3k
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The mission was supposed to be simple. Infiltrate a Federation base, steal some information and leave. It was supposed to be simple, safe and easy. Hence why the Council had left you, a recently knighted Jedi, in charge.
'You're well trained', 'you'll make a good leader', the Council had said. And you had put all your doubts and anxieties away, believing the words of the Masters you've grown to trust so much.
And at first, everything was going surprisingly well. You got inside the base unnoticed, found the information you needed fast and got out just as quickly. But of course, life is never this easy.
Hundreds of battle droids have surrounded your ship and your two teammates are obviously struggling to keep them out. You run as fast as you can, dodging lasers and robots in the process. But it's not until you step on the ship that you hear him.
"Don't leave me!"
You hear a scream. It's the Jedi that got in the base with you, someone from the Order, someone you have trained with, someone you would even consider a friend. He's stuck under fallen debris, enemy battle droids are all around him and he's vitally injured, that much is clear.
You turn, your hand finding your lightsaber, and you're ready to run towards him when someone's arm catches you, preventing you from moving. The other two Jedi that accompanied you to this mission stand behind you, terror plastered on their faces. 
"We've got to go. There's no time."
You look at them in disbelief as they try to rush you inside the aircraft. Your eyes are locked on the man outside. There's blood everywhere, yet the droids are still shooting at him. He needs your help. You can't just leave him here, right?
"They're shooting our engines. If we don't leave now none of us is going to make it!"
The weight of the situation hits you like a sack of bricks. You're the leader of this mission. You have to make the call. The mission is complete, you did what you came to do. Now, you have to give up a man's life in hopes of saving yours.
You freeze. 
Everything that happens afterwards is a blur. You only snap out of it when you feel the ship land and all engines shut off. You pull the hood of your robe over your head and rush down the aircraft and onto the landing platform.
Not even bothering to glance at the people waiting on the platform or turn to the familiar voice calling your name, you rush to your room and shut the door.
You quickly change out of your Jedi apparel and throw your lightsaber somewhere in the room. You shut off your comm-link, trying to get rid of everything that can currently remind you of the mission.
You squeeze your eyes shut and bite the inside of your cheek. Whatever happened, happened. No point crying about it now.  You tell yourself, but it’s not enough to stop the wave of emotions that’s building up in your mind.
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes and your body starts to shake involuntarily. But you try your best to keep your composure, even though you know that you're alone, because that's what a Jedi should do, right?
But then you hear someone knock on your door and you can feel a familiar presence standing on the other side.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"
It's Obi-Wan, you realize.
"Open? Please? I can sense you in there, you know."
"Just– leave Obi-wan," You pause to take a shaky breath before continuing, "I need to be alone."
The truth is that being alone is the furthest thing from what you actually need. 'I need you' you want to say, 'I feel awful and I need you to take care of me'.
Obi-wan doesn't leave. Instead he sighs softly and, almost like reading your mind, says, 
"(Y/N), I know you're not feeling well. Please let me in. Let me help you."
Hearing this makes you reach for the door handle, yet you don’t open immediately, second-thoughts rushing to the front of your mind. ‘What will he think if he sees me like this?’, you ponder for a moment, but all negative thoughts flee when you hear him call your name again. He wants to comfort you, help you, make you feel better. The softness of his voice and the sweetness of his words make that much obvious. And who are you to decline him?
You open the door. 
Obi-wan smiles when he sees you, a genuinely affectionate smile that makes you feel warm inside. He steps in, closing the door behind him and you fall in his arms, desperate to feel the comfort he provides. His hands find their way around your body and he holds you close, one hand on your side, the other on your back.
The moment your tired body feels the warmth of his hug, every emotion you had been bottling up during the ride home spills out. You shake your head, letting tears run down your face, and you sob uncontrollably on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
“I’m– I’m sorry,” You choke between ragged breaths, “I’m so sorry”
You’re not sure what exactly it is you’re apologizing for. But whether it’s the guilt and grief caused by the mission, the fear of potential repercussions, you feeling bad for making Obi-wan see you in this state or something else entirely, doesn't matter now. 
Because Obi-wan is patient with you like he always is. He guides you towards your bed, letting both of you fall on the comfortable mattress. He takes off his robe, gently placing it around your shaking shoulders and you tug at the fabric, bringing it closer to your body. It smells like cedarwood and vanilla, it smells like Obi-wan, and his scent alone is enough to send away all intrusive thoughts that occupy your mind.
You’re engulfed by his smell, his warmth, his touch. He raises one arm to rub soothing circles on your back and that’s when his actions finally overwhelm you. His genuine worry, his unconditional care, it’s all too loving, too much. Your sobs come to a stop but you can’t look at him, not yet. 
A shaky exhale escapes your lips and it immediately catches Obi-wan’s attention. He uses his free hand to cup your face, turning your head towards him and urging you to meet his eyes. When you do, you smile. You smile because you’re thankful. Thankful to have someone like him in your life, someone who cares about you to this extent. You smile because this has made you realize how truly important he is to you, how kind and caring and loving Obi-wan is, and how much you want to hug him and kiss him and love him properly. 
Obi-wan is all you can see and feel and think about. And it feels more than perfect.
“Feel better?” He asks, voice barely a whisper, as to not startle you.
You nod, snuggling closer to his warm body. You take his hand in yours, placing it on your cheek again and holding it there, before speaking. “Thank you, Obi”
“Anytime, dear.”
The sudden use of the pet name makes you get butterflies in your stomach. It sounds so perfect coming from him and the only thing you can think about is how much you want to hear it again.
The tender moment doesn't last long before you feel him move under you. It seems like he is trying to get up, yet his movements are slow and careful, a sign he doesn’t really want to leave. “Wait,” You say, reaching for his sleeve and tugging at it, making him turn towards you. 
“Can you stay? Please?” You question delicately, not wanting to make him feel obligated to spend the night with you.
Obi-wan hesitates. 'I shouldn’t,’ he thinks. ’The Jedi code prohibits affection, attraction, love. If I stay, I'm afraid I might not be able to resist my feelings. Holding (Y/N) like this, having them welcome my touch this way it’s– It’s already too much.‘ 
He closes his eyes, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. ‘But after feeling this, I don’t think I want to resist them. I know I shouldn't give in, I must honor the code but– I don’t think I can live my life ignoring these feelings when I know how good surrendering to them feels.’
Obi-wan knows why affection is not allowed in a Jedi’s life. He understands the risks and dangers. But he can’t help the way he feels for you. He has loved you ever since you were Padawans and he tried to ignore his feelings– he really did, but it’s becoming more and more difficult. He can’t keep ignoring the way he feels when your hands accidentally brush against his, or when you talk to him about something you’re passionate about and your eyes light up. During missions he finds himself constantly glancing at you, making sure you’re safe, and he can’t help but want to spend more and more time with you when you return to the temple.
Of course, he doesn’t let these feelings get in the way of his duties. He has learned to live with them, balance them, and he makes sure to mask them whenever another Jedi is present. But deep down he knows he loves you, he needs you. And now he realizes that you need him too. You want him to stay over, you’re willing to risk a lot just for his company and maybe– just maybe, you two could forget the Jedi Code. Just for tonight. Just for a little bit.
“I’d love to.” Obi-wan smiles.
He lies beside you again and you take the chance to snuggle up against him. Obi-wan feels you burying your head in the crook of his neck and he circles an arm over your waist, pulling you against his chest. He uses the Force to lift a blanket off your bed and lets it fall over the both of you. You sigh at the warmth and Obi-wan presses his lips against your forehead delicately, leaving a light kiss behind.
You gather all the energy you have left in your sleepy state to mumble a ‘Good night, Obi’, and you feel him move closer, leaning his head on yours.
“Good night, dear.” He whispers.
And he falls asleep soon after, drifting off to the most peaceful sleep he has ever had.
You feel a hand shake you gently, a soothing touch waking you up. You know you should open your eyes, but you're far too comfortable and warm to care. You mumble something incoherent before turning, nuzzling your head closer to the pillow under you.
Except it isn't a pillow, you realize when it starts moving. You open one eyelid in confusion, gazing at the man under you. ‘It's not a pillow, it's Obi-Wan’, you realize, ‘and I’ve been sleeping on top of him’. 
Your heart speeds up in realization and you can feel your stomach flutter. You stare at him, feeling heat immediately rise to your cheeks. He looks at you in confusion and lets his hand fall from your back.
"Did I overstep? I'm sorry. It's just– we fell asleep like this, I didn't want to move and risk waking you up." He says apologetically in response to your reaction.
"No, no. It's okay- It's more than okay, actually," 
You smile shyly, averting your eyes away from him—meeting his eyes again right now would surely make you melt.
Fragments of last night flood your mind. You broke down in his arms and he helped you, he comforted you like nobody has before. You can still feel the warmth of his cloak on your body and smell his soothing scent through the fabric. But it's stronger now, of course it is, he is holding you. Your face is inches from his chest and his arms are tightly wrapped around you. 
According to the code this is wrong. Attachment is forbidden for a Jedi. But if that's the case, then why does it feel so right?
You stare at him, admiring him. Heat rises to your cheeks at the way he looks at you. He looks concerned, yet he’s still so inviting, so charming. His tongue quickly darts over his lips before he speaks and that action alone has you feeling weak.
“Are you okay?”
"Yeah, yeah. I just-" You let out a breathy laugh, "I haven't felt this happy in too long."
Obi-wan is taken aback by your confession. He’s surprised, in a good way, and he smiles. He runs his hand through his hair and, maker, does he look good. His hair is ruffled, loose strands frame his face and his beard is slightly messy. But he looks so effortlessly handsome, so damn attractive.
You decide to speak up again, taking the chance to thank him for everything he did for you yesterday.
"After the mission I- I didn't know what to do. I just felt awful y'know? I felt lost, and lonely. But then you came. And you helped me so much, Obi-wan," 
Speaking so truthfully, so open, it feels weird. A Jedi never talks about their feelings like this, and it's not something you're used to. But it's Obi-wan you're talking to, and you want to make him understand how much you appreciate him.
"I want to thank you. And not just for yesterday. You're always so good to me, Obi, and, I don't know, I guess I just want you to know that I'm truly grateful."
“You don’t have to thank me,” He says with a smile, “I really care about you, (Y/N).”
You nod in response and can’t help the smile that plays at your lips. When your eyes meet again, you can clearly see that he’s holding back from saying something. You tilt your head and hum, encouraging him to speak up.
"Do you want to talk about the mission?" Obi-wan asks, giving you time to answer without pressuring you.
You take a deep breath before speaking.
"I- I let a man die, Obi-wan." You pause, averting your eyes to the floor and swallowing the lump in your throat. "I thought I could be a good leader, but I'm not. I'm a failure."
"You're not a failure, darling." Obi-wan looks at you sympathetically, "You're smart, and brave, and so, so capable.” He pauses.  “Not everything goes according to plan and that's okay. What happened– It's unfortunate. But it's not your fault. I'm sure you did the best you could."
"How can you know?" You snap at him, "I'm- I messed this up. I did. And someone died because of me. You weren't there Kenobi, so how can you know?"
Obi-wan looks at you like the answer to your question is the most obvious thing in the world. He tilts his head and takes your hand in his, squeezing reassuringly. You return the gesture, squeezing his hand back lightly, and his lips turn upwards when he feels it. 
He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. He takes a deep breath, exhaling with a light awkward laugh that indicates it's hard for him to find the right words.
"Because I love you."
He smiles again and his grin causes his eyes to crinkle and light up. Your eyes are glued to his, only darting down to his lips for a moment when he licks them quickly. You stare at him in complete disbelief, not having processed that Obi-wan— the man you've been harboring feelings for for years, the poster boy of the Jedi order that puts the Code above all else, he just confessed to you.
"I love you, (Y/N). And I can’t ignore my feelings any longer."
Your eyes are still wide, mouth half-open and body rising in temperature. You want to respond, to hug him, kiss him, do something. But you can't talk, can't move. Your body feels stuck. 
Obi-wan takes your silence as rejection. He looks away embarrassed, yet decides to speak up again.
"You don't have to reciprocate, I just– I needed you to know."
You force yourself to snap out of whatever trance you've fallen into. You blink a few times, making sure that this is real, that this is actually happening. 
And you move closer, letting your lips linger inches away from his own just for a second before pressing them against his. Your mouths meet in a loving, delicate kiss and Obi-wan cups your face with his free hand, holding you close.
The need for air forces you to part but it's not long before you're tasting each other again. His tongue licks your bottom lip, asking for permission, and you open, letting him freely explore the insides of your mouth. You let out a soft moan at the contact and Obi-wan seems more than pleased by your reaction. His beard tickles you a little and you raise a hand to cup the side of his face, leaning closer and leaving a kiss on the bridge of his nose.
“I love you too, Obi-wan,” You admit, letting your forehead rest against his.
He wraps his arms around you again and you rest your head on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart. No more words need to be said. As you lie there with Obi-wan, it seems like the order, the code, the whole galaxy fade away. It’s just you and him, and it’s more than perfect.
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solarwynd · 1 month
This fandom includes either a bunch of immensely intelligent people or straight up dumb asses who don't understand even simple normal things.
Idk what this fight and all was going on on twitter, i did saw it on my tl but i just can't into their stupidity. I thought armys were fighting with other fandoms regarding music promotions and the gun gesture and all.
When i saw the real a day ago all i thought was "wow" and i moved the heck on. The only other thing that thought was "oh they can film themselves while wearing army clothes that's good". That's because i know they're not allowed to film content while serving and can't get their voice recorded hence no military member was shown in any bangtan bomb.
Idk when people are going to get over military. see it was written that they were going to serve in the military the moment they were born as a South korean, Doens't Matter if they're BTS or what not. although i do believe the government should have taken into consideration how much BTS benefits the country and exempt them but that didn't happen and we already accepted it. I don't get this crying and throwing up everytime they see members. it's one thing you missed them it's another to always start some old discussions on tl every single time. Let those things rest bro. Do people not have common sense? Am i too old for these things? I'm 23 and idk if I'm being dramatic or it's them who's being dramatic.
I love jimin with my all heart, i treat him like he's my baby and feel protective towards him alot, he triggers the motherly instincts in me and i wouldn't want to see even a small thing hurting him, but i know he has accepted it even if it's forced. We can't keep going back to the same discourses again and again. Most of the times now days the crying on tl seems fake even. The same way armys have admitted to fake some extravagant tweets where they have literally accepted that they don't even feel those feelings they just tweet it. Those weren't regarding military of course but I'm saying some people are just doing it for the sake of it. They don't know what they're doing, don't know why they're boycotting, they want to boycott yet they're selling out all the merch like actions are just contradicting. others are following things like a ship who don't think for themselves and move in the direction majority is moving.
Idk why a video of the man dancing in his uniform be causing some guns and all kinda discourse as if all of them haven't held it during their training for the first two months. Like watch it and move bro it's NOT that hard.
“When i saw the real a day ago all i thought was "wow" and i moved the heck on. The only other thing that thought was "oh they can film themselves while wearing army clothes that's good".
Literally my same thought. I got happy because maybe that could mean jimin could promote pjm2 when the time came through a vid or something. Even though I feel like he probably wouldn’t. But anyway.
Armys have prided themselves (and BTS) on being the most conscientious fandom and group. In retrospect a lot of it was for their own gratification and lauding it over kpop fandoms out of self righteousness, but the outcomes were usually positive. Like the organizations that sprung up, the donations, raising awareness etc. So you know, fine. But just like kpop stans, the majority of armys also don’t really care about things until it starts to affect to their stanning experience or reflect on bts to the point they start feeling guilty. So some of them become obsessed with appearing morally superior, hyper analyze and need BTS to be infallible for their own piece of mind.
And some of them indeed are following the crowd mainly because they don’t want to get “canceled” for not actively being involved. Like what good is your so called activism if it’s only to keep a following on SOCMED? Being socially aware and taking initiative will never be a bad thing, but it really just looks like trying to upkeep a certain image that they made for themselves and it’s never been entirely genuine.
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SHIP BINGO FOR THE GUYS U WANNA TALK ABOUT. CELLTW I THINK . gimme the cannibalism rundown king
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MAC. looking u dead in the eyes. getting into celltw has almost convinced me to start watching hannibal i guess i just really like gay cannibalism and i need more of it. ANYWAY listen listen listennnn. ok. qcellbit and qpac are my little fucking guys alright. my favourite boys. i'm gonna give you their whole fucking backstory here ok. ok. infodump time. i apologize in advance
so cellbit was a child soldier who didn't even have a NAME. resorted to cannibalism to survive. badboyhalo was there. both stuck in a war. killed thousands of people. AWFUL TIMES!!! goes from child soldier to domestic terrorist somehow. he gets arrested and thrown in FUCKING ALCATRAZ. HE'S STILL A CANNIBAL. somehow manages to sneak a cell phone in and uses it to threaten prisoners and people start calling him cell because he literally didn't have a name before. right. ENTER PAC E MIKE. they're robbers for a living. the sillies <3 they robbed a top security museum and got caught and thrown in alcatraz. cell has gone bonkers and fucking yonkers. weird habit of licking his lips. i'm in love with him. protects pac e mike from other prisoners. they are wary of him (understandable). pac e mike make a friend named jv who tries to help them escape. cell kills him right in front of them and tries to escape himself. gets thrown in solitary. pac e mike go to the solitary cells just to mock him. lots of lowkey gay tension in that scene???? eventually pac e mike escape with the help of another friend but cell tags along because he threatens them with a gun he got from a security guard he killed. THIS MAN IS UNHINGED!!!
they end up on a deserted island. the boat they used to sail there needs repairs and four people can't fit on it at all anymore. cell decides one of them needs to die and tells the others they can decide which one has to be killed. cell is the only one who manages to find food on the island, which happens to be apples. he hoards it from the others and I SHIT YOU NOT THERE IS SOME WEIRD FUCKING RELIGIOUS IMAGERY GOING ON HERE. OK. pac seeks out cell, and CELL, WHO IS SITTING IN A TREE, OFFERS PAC AN APPLE IF HE KILLS ONE OF THE OTHERS. PAC SAYS HE'LL THINK ABOUT IT AND CELL GIVES HIM AN APPLE. I'M GOING TO EAT DRYWALL. I DON'T KNOW IF THEY DID THAT ON PURPOSE BUT THEY SURE FUCKIN DID IT ALRIGHT. at some point cell eats pac's leg but we have no idea when that canonically happens bc it was only canonized in qsmp and wasn't shown in Fuga Impossível where he and mike met cell, but IT'S STILL FUCKING CANON AND I LIKE TO THINK IT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE ON THAT FUCKING ISLAND. ALRIGHT. IT COULD HAVE HAPPENED IN PRISON BUT IT HAPPENING ON THE ISLAND JUST MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE 2 ME.
they trick cell and trap him, telling him to use the last bullet in his gun for himself. the three of them leave the island and hear a single gunshot. they think he's dead. SIKE!!! somehow years and years later, pac, mike, and cell, plus two others are all on the same ship together and end up on a new island. cell now goes by cellbit??? and really likes mysteries and is a pretty chill person in comparison to how he used to be??? he went through copious amounts of therapy and is actually somewhat well adjusted. he's a pretty cool guy.
he's changed. mike has changed. pac has changed. they're all so different. he and cellbit get stuck in a cave and they kiss. it's weird. they don't do it again after that. cellbit starts talking to another guy, roier. they get married. pac is disappointed but he doesn't talk about it too much. why is he disappointed? he doesn't really know. pac has changed but every time he looks at cellbit he's back in that prison. one day, everyone's furniture goes missing, including cellbit's. pac's first instinct is to grab his son by the shoulders and tell him to pack his things because when cellbit sees that someone has robbed him he will go on a rampage the likes of which no one has ever seen. that doesn't happen. cellbit snaps and demands public execution of the culprit so they can drink his blood. he's holding a knife. he's easily placated and puts the knife away. cell is clearly somewhere in there. this is the first glimpse pac has gotten of him in the five months they've been here. pac licks his lips the same way cell used to. it's a habit.
their son goes missing. the president is put on drugs by the federation. pac has lost everything. he takes the fed's medication so he can try finding a cure. he sits in cellbit's castle panicking for a solid five minutes, debating with himself over whether he should leave some of the medication for cellbit to find in hopes he can help them. he tries to find a cure on his own while still hopped up on pills. there's blood on the floor. he leaves notes for his loved ones. he knows cellbit well enough to know he will come looking and find this. the thought is as terrifying as it is relieving. cellbit develops a cure with pac's notes. cellbit yells at the president, the fellow father of their son. pac only hears cell. he takes the antidote he helped develop. cellbit guides him home and tells him he's not alone anymore and never will be again. they hug. it's terrifying. it's comforting. it's weird.
cellbit clearly left that prison behind. pac never has. he probably never will.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
read a fic a while ago where Badminton shot at Stede anyway, on deck, and hit Ed instead. and Ed fell overboard with his gutshot, and Stede - still cuffed - dived right in after him. and then Fang looked out and saw them, alive, and pronounced them dead and cut free a dinghy so they could have a chance.
it was a good fic. i read the whole thing, loved it, have it bookmarked. thing is. i disagree with the reaction to the above they gave Izzy. and then i got a little swept up in how else it could have gone instead...
say Ed gets shot, goes overboard, and Stede goes after him. and Fang says they're dead. they're both dead. Blackbeard is dead, and the man who shot him is right there in front of Izzy, who unlike the rest hasn't been unarmed because he's supposed to be one of them.
first, his face crumples into the worst expression you could see on a man's fact. grief and guilt and rage, together in one awful, rending thing. then he pulls his pistol and he shoots Badminton right in the head.
to their credit, Stede's crew takes his lead right off, all but instantaneously uprising. most of them aren't bound, after all, just unarmed and cowed. there's a reason Ed told them to surrender in the first place though, and for all that he feels more a void than a man at the moment Izzy has never really been one for that kind of melancholy, and if he was to indulge a death wish he'd not take an entire crew with him (especially not a crew that Ed, seemingly, had died for). so, frantic and raspy, he calls for them to surrender again, to stop fighting, to remember the two other fucking ships they're fucking surrounded by.
the next up in rank from Badminton, now the boarding Captain, steps forward to sneer at Izzy where he's allowed himself to be handled by two red coated fucks.
Izzy hurriedly makes his excuses, for the crew, hoping this englishman is feeling generous today. they didn't intend to fight their capture, he insists, only got carried away by his own inciting action (it's technically true, isn't it?).
"we had a deal," Izzy explains to the Captain, to show he poses no further threat either. "a life for a life. that's it, it's done."
"well," the Captain says. "you have done a great service to the crown, seeing Blackbeard taken from the seas." izzy's face twists again, horrible, horrible, and it makes the Captain feel sadistically powerful.
"so i suppose we can uphold our first bargain, to let you and your crew go, with your ship, Captain Hands," he continues. "but as you've not been given his majesty's leave to kill, this-" he gestures dismissively toward Badminton's body, the neat little hole exactly in the middle of his forehead "-is still murder. and you'll have to be punished for that. as well as for damages done to my men by yours."
"um, he's not-" starts Pete, but Lucius stomps viciously on his foot.
"he's totally our Captain," Lucius puts forth instead. "totally responsible for us." picking up on the situation, the rest of the crew - save Ivan and Fang, who hold their tongues altogether so as not to pick sides - make noises of agreement.
"very well," says the englishman. "i'll assign five lashings for the murder." it seems remarkably low, especially for the wicked look on his face, until he adds the rest. "and five more for every man who fought on your order." (nevermind, of course, that Izzy hadn't actually given the order.)
Fang gasps, and Ivan breathes in sharply, and Izzy goes pale, and maybe Frenchie is familiar with lashings from his time in service too and he hisses through his teeth.
"oh," says the englishman. "is that unfair? i'm willing to cut it down to three each. if they take the lashings themselves and sign a confession." (he thinks this will be an easy sell for Izzy, who has sold his own before anyway, and so many confessions at once will get him a commendation even if he lets them go for now.)
these green fools, Izzy thinks to himself with a bare glance at them, have no crimes yet attached to their names (not legally anyway, bounties aside) nevermind something as bad as piracy, and they've surely not a one of them ever taken lashings before.
it's only the briefest - and tensest - of pauses before Izzy rasps, "five is fair."
"Boss-" Ivan starts, but Izzy gives him a sharp look and he shuts up. it's him that Izzy hands his weapons belt to, and then his vest, his shirt. he puts his damn self on the main, unwilling to be handled again or tied.
the english Captain is pissed at this turn of events, of course, and he mutters to his bosun not to count. luckily, when five lashes go by without a word and it seems the bosun isn't about to pause between sets, Lucius notices. maybe Jim does too, the two of them both sneaky by their own nature and so prone to suspicion of others. but Lucius is the one to say something.
"five!" he shouts, too loud out of fright, but he forces himself not to back down. "that's five, for the murder. sorry," he adds when the Captain glares at him. "counted for Blackbeard. i mean, i'm sure you're a man of your word, and all these men under your command could tell me that-" (it's a threat, how many of them are counting too? how many of them will remember this when it comes time for you to discipline them?) "-but i really couldn't not do it if i tried." he laughs nervously, holds his heart when no one actually responds and the bosun goes right back to whipping Izzy.
but he still says it out loud again, the next five. and then Ivan steps aside, separate from the rest - maybe just a little bit closer to the nearest brit. "don't wanna forget anybody," he explains as he does it. (he means: we won't let you count any of us twice.)
five more, and Fang steps up next to Ivan. five more, and Jim steps up. and so on, until finally it's the last five and Lucius steps forward, and the Captain notices that his own men have taken steps back.
so he does, in the end, keep his word, and the bosun wraps up the flogger, and the englishmen un-board from the Revenge. as a farewell, Oluwande tells the Captain that they'll remember his kindness and be sure to repay it if they ever meet him again.
as soon as the brits are gone, Izzy collapses to his knees, still at the mast, and weeps.
"what the fu-" Ivan starts, shocked. Izzy had put his own glove between his teeth and not made a sound all through the whipping, and Ivan - the longest standing crew member Izzy's had on board right now - has never seen him cry before no matter what had happened to him.
it really couldn't be more obvious that it's not from the lashing. or at least, that the lashing alone couldn't have done it.
"shh," Fang whispers, cutting Ivan off. "he wouldn't want us to make a fuss." he wonders if he should say, now, that Blackbeard (and Bonnet) might still be alive, or if Izzy would even hear him. if he should wait until the english are well away, so they don't make themselves obvious if Izzy can't think straight.
but the crew of the Revenge is different.
"um, okay," Lucius huffs. "we're making a fuss."
and they do. they uncrumple Izzy from the deck, and they rinse his back off - with fresh water - and they rub him down with some fancy ointment that Stede had in the bathing room of his cabin, and they wrap him up in the duvet off of Stede's bed (he mumbles, vague, that it smells like Edward, which has at least two implications that no one mentions). they feed him, spice and warm some rum for him, and then put him to bed in the Captain's quarters.
Izzy's injuries - the physical and not - keep him asleep for more than a day. they can't just sit here like ducks, so the crew elects Olu as acting Captain until Izzy can take back the job, and Olu has them sail just- the opposite of the way the navy went, for now, and they'll figure out a more solid heading later.
Fang doesn't spill the beans yet. somehow it feels wrong for Izzy to be the last to know, so he keeps it to himself until finally, finally, Izzy's up and seems- well. maybe about 50% back to normal.
the second Izzy knows the truth, he turns them right back around.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
gotham time feat. special guest Phoebe
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what's up everybody, time for a special liveblog featuring the cat who I'm currently babysitting and subjecting to my awful taste in television!
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last time I was babysitting Phoebe and made her watch Gotham with me she tried to smother herself to death in the couch, so I really can't wait to see what she thinks of season 5.
Gotham 5x07
I am actually going to stay mad about how stupid it is that Barbara somehow knows she's pregnant like a week, tops, after she and Jim had sex
the passage of time in this season is in shambles. like it's never been a particularly solid timeline, we are infamously NOT running a tight ship over here on Gotham, but come on
whatever compliment sandwich: sweet young David Mazouz really mastered the Bruce Wayne tendency to stand hunched over a series of maps looking stoic and haunted in a black turtleneck
this episode just casually drops that Bruce's parents were murdered on June 27th and I'm so glad that I'm watching this episode today (June 24th) instead of three days from now because I probably would have been so unnerved seeing the real date reflected back at me from this show that I'd like. I don't know. start believing in angel numbers and crystal healing or something.
Barbara asking Lee to be her obstetrician is actually like. insane 4d chess flirting. yes I still think they should hook up I don't care they've both done worse (Jim)
is Lee even qualified to be an obstetrician.
anyway I don't believe for a second Barbara wouldn't abort that thang for the love of god the city is a smoking crater
this is what happened when Oswald hoards all the Plan B (a joke exclusively for @dykerory and I)
Cameron Monaghan's Jeremiah look is so fugly but that purple (???) lip is kind of cunt cunt serve
once again begging for literally any information on how old the Valeska twins are supposed to be as Jeremiah becomes more and more of a yandere to our little teen Bruce. for those of you just joining us Jeremiah is played by a mid-twenties Monaghan but is old enough to have had a very successful career in architecture prior to becoming basically the Joker, so. truly anyone's guess.
in conclusion: why is he obsessed with this teenager.
sorry maybe I should clarify that the main Bruce plot of this episode is tht Jeremiah has kidnapped and brainwashed a.) Alfred and b.) two randos who have been given plastic surgery to look like Thomas and Martha so that he can force Bruce to relive the night they were murdered BUT with Jeremiah there this time because he's upset that he wasn't there for one of the most important nights of Bruce's life. they're currently having dinner in the Wayne Manor kitchen while Jeremiah breathes heavily at Bruce about how intimate this is.
what I'm saying is that this would all be deeply and upsettingly erotic were one participant not almost certainly too young to vote
like I said the timeline is SO funky and they're so careful to never tell you how old Bruce and Selina are but David Mazouz is 22 RIGHT NOW four years after the series ended. so.
"I've realized if we can't be friends then we can be connected in... other ways" Jeremiah I'm calling the cops
how were the first six episodes so nothing and then this episode has literally everything happening all at the same time
okay so Wayne Manor just got blown to kingdom come
they literally have Ecco zipping around fighting on roller skates... you wanna be Harley soooo bad
honestly love to see the #growth of Oswald not immediately offering to suck off anyone who helps him anymore. Alfred just saved this little bitch's life and Oswald promptly told him to go fuck himself, which rules extra hard because you all know I hate Alfred
man this part in the movie theater is like that part of Joker War in the movie theater if Joker War didn't fucking suck
wanting to kill Bruce's father figure and going after Jim instead of Alfred is so disrespectful jesus christ
also god there's never been a Leslie Thompkins who is LESS of a mother to Bruce get out of here
wait oh my god Selina had a whole thing last episode about how much she hates herself for being too selfish to help when she (at 12 years old) saw Bruce's parents get murdered but she's going to come in now to help him stop Jeremiah from recreating that night with Jim and Lee... I see the vision I GET IT
this is like a freshman level plot to thread the needle on but that's really impressive for Gotham
oh my god Jeremiah fell in a vat at Ace Chemicals that's crazy. I'm sure that'll stick he's definitely dead.
they even managed to cram the Riddler in this episode jesus christ. pengriddler are fighting about Oswald homosexually naming his dog after Ed if you were curious. Oswald would like it to be noted that this was a compliment because he's VERY fond of that dog.
left off on Pengriddler deciding to make nice again and then promptly cuts to Oswald leading Ed into his house... this close to inventing m/m sex in the Gotham universe if Barbara hadn't interrupted
the Riddler has like 9263 unpleasant and unnerving traits but being able to look at a woman who's three days pregnant and instantly clock that she's expecting just rocketed to the top of the list
honestly. honestly. Emmy for Cory Michael Smith's delivery of "it's a submarine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯."
Barbara can't... kill people anymore... because she's pregnant... okay...
if we don't get the rogues throwing a baby shower literally what's the point of anything. this will all be for nothing.
genuinely thank god I'm only doing the one episode tonight this is SO LONG
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jaynahh · 2 years
Childe with a Vampire!Sibling!Child!Reader
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In which your big brother acts suspicious and you descover the truth.
Note: This is strictly platonic. The traveler is Aether.
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During earlier years, when you were around the age of 8, you really admired your big brother. He loved you, even though you could only survive by drinking blood.
He would tell you and your younger brother, Teucer, amazing stories of being a toy seller, all the amazing people he met, the amazing toys he sold...
Those memories were a few years older now.
"Wow, being a toy seller must be soo fun!" Teucer, who was sitting next to you, said to your big brother, who was sitting infront of you.
"I wanna be just like you, big brother, when I grow up!!" Teucer exclaimed. You nodded, with twinkles in your eyes as you stared at your big brother.
He laughed. His laugh was warm, his laugh showed his love for his little siblings. But, something was off. You could tell.
You were almost a teenager now, around the age of 12. You rarely see your big brother in person, but he always sends letters of how much he misses you and the rest of your family.
Teucer and you decided to go find big brother! He's in Liyue, right? It can't be that hard.
When you two arrived in Liyue, you walked around, trying to find the harbor. It was so sunny... Your mind started to fog up, but you could handle it. Teucer found Mr. Cyclops, and you stared at Mr. Cyclops in awe. Then a blonde haired guy with a floating fairy went up to you two.
"Uh, hello? Why is that child staring at me.." The floating companion said. You snapped out of your trance and decided to hold Teucer's hand.
"Wait— Why are children near ruin guards!?" The flying fairy yelled. "Ruin guards? What a stupid name! These are called Mr. Cyclops! Big brother said so." Teucer held up your hand. "Me and big sister came all the way from Snezhnaya to find him! He's at the institute of toy selling in Liyue harbor."
A man with armour that looked to be patrolling scolded you and Teucer and called Mr. Cyclops killing machines. How rude. The guy and fairy said something about babysitting, and then Teucer whispered in your ear to give them the bag.
"Here... Big brother said whoever we give this to, they'll take care of us." You handed the blonde guy your bag. "Woah! So much Mora... Your family must be super rich!"
Teucer and the blonde guy made a pinky promise. The nice guy started leading you to somewhere in the harbor. You and Teucer were so excited to see big brother!!
The nice blonde haired guy opened a red door. You heard a voice— "Once in a while can't hurt—"
"Big brother!!" Teucer ran up to the person whose voice you heard, tugging you along. "I know that voice..." The man turned around. You looked up. "Big brother.."
"Teucer, Y/n! What a pleasant surprise! I missed you both a lot. Wait. What are you two doing in Liyue??" Teucer then explained how he saw a boat with toys on it and pulled you along, then arriving in Liyue.
Your big brother and the nice guy started talking. You only understood some of it... "—sparring matches," Huh? "I, Tartaglia, spend every second getting stronger." Why does big brother sound like a bad guy?
After the confusing conversation, the floating fairy spoke up. "Anyway.. Teucer and Y/n said something about you being a toy seller. Aren't you one of the Fatui Harbi—" "Ahem. Well, about that."
Your big brother started whispering to the guy. "I only told them that so they would look up to me. They're so young, they shouldn't know about me working for the Tsaritsa, or the darker side of Snezhnaya. I know I have to tell Y/n soon, but..."
You heard it all. You had to strain your ears, but you heard it all. Though, you didn't want to hurt Teucer, so you kept quiet. You stared at your big brother.
The nice guy took you and Teucer out around Liyue harbor. He said that your big brother had important toy selling business to attend to.
When Teucer went on one of the ships that was docked to play with other kids, you stayed still next to the blonde guy.
"Hm? Don't you wanna hang out with your brother?" He asked, looking at you with kind eyes. You tugged his sleeve and looked up at him. "Is big brother actually... a bad guy?"
"Y/n! Y/n! Come on, we need one more person to be the pirate!" Teucer pulled you on the ship.
Big brother finally made some time for you and Teucer. Saying your goodbyes to the nice traveler guy, you and Teucer went on each side of big brother, holding his hands and walking somewhere. He turned towards you.
"Oh, Y/n, I've noticed you've been a bit weak since you arrived in Liyue." He let go of your hand to retrieve something. "I got you this, I think it's time for you to feed once again." He offered a bottle of blood. You took it from him and held his hand.
"Thank you, big brother." You started to drink from it. "Anything for my little sister," Your brother smiled and continued walking.
"...Big brother? Where did you get this blood from?" You asked innocently, looking up at him. "Hmhm, I just saw a couple of boars. Nothing to worry about."
In Snezhnaya, your big brother would usually come home with boar blood and meat. The blood for you, and the meat for dinner. But, this time, it wasn't animal blood.
He brought you along with Teucer to a nice restaurant and told you both to order whatever you like. When you three were seated, Teucer was telling big brother about how you and him were playing a game about pirates with the other kids, and big brother listened.
You were just listening too, slowly drinking the bottle of blood you had until the nice blonde guy came up to you guys again.
"Ah, look at the time! It flies by when you're having fun. Teucer, Y/n, I have to get back to work. I have a really important customer that wants to buy our most expensive toy! The nice guy will take care of you again."
Teucer pouted and said his goodbye, and followed the blonde guy out of the restaurant. You stayed in your chair. "Hmm? Y/n, do you have something to tell me?" Big brother gave you a reassuring smile.
"Big brother... Are you really a toy seller?" You stared at him while slouching, as if you were being scolded. "Well of course! I've been selling toys this whole time. What makes you think I'm not?"
"You have that red Fatui mask on your head... And you were talking to a Fatui member when we saw each other." You rubbed the back of your neck. "Ohh, that? It's another one of the toys I own, don't worry. The people here in Liyue like to pretend they're Fatui members, you know."
If you looked closely, he looked slightly nervous. "The floating fairy almost admitted you were a harbinger if you hadn't cut her off."
Big brother stared at you, and then laughed. Genuinely, this time. "Ah.. You really are mature for your age. I guess I can't hide it anymore. I'm... not a toy seller." He admitted everything.
You stared at him, mouth agape. His eyebrows furrowed, a nervous smile appeared. "So..." You tried to fight the tears. "Big brother's a bad guy?" You looked down to wipe your eyes.
"Noo, nonono." Your big brother went around the table. He kneeled down and hugged you. "I don't want to be seen as a bad guy from you. That's why... It was a secret." He raised a hand to pat your head.
Oh. You get it. Your big brother was a guy that was torn between working for the Tsaritsa and being a good guy for his family. You understand. You suddenly felt bad for him. Your big brother, struggling? That made you feel sad. He was hugging you, but you wanted to be the one hugging him.
You stood up and he let go of you, still kneeling down to your height. He was sort of pouting. You stepped closer to him, and you threw your tiny arms around his shoulders.
Your big brother was caught off guard. You were hugging him? After you thought he was the bad guy? He felt relieved. You tried patting his head like he did to you. Big brother slowly hugged you back.
"I'll keep your secret."
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razberrypuck · 1 year
"the journey begins, for the 100th time" "you bet your tiddies it does" JWJFJEJTJH
ohh they're having a good time something's gonna go horribly wrong
earl bbeg real
wetma gills
"words hard. me tired. me drunk." jay I love you jsjfjejf
enza gonna help jay make a new body for alphonze 👀
drey disconnected w/the group?
"the longer you're down there, the more it twists you" ohh that's not good. instantly worried about arlin.
"if arlin's still down there, it's because it couldn't." "that man had a big ol' heart, even that giant body couldn't fit it." DREYYYYYY
"Sometimes I think I should dive in there alone. But I know I'm not strong enough without them" CHIP. CHIP YOURE GONNA KILL ME.
chip and drey are gonna KILL me augh
"we're gonna go down there, and we're gonna bust him out. whatever happens happens. we'll survive. we always do." RRGHHDHHDG
"sometimes its good to be bad jay give me the word" LMAOOOOO
"happy birdday! you can nae nae, but now you can... ;)" JSJFJDJG GILL
" 'Well, for you...' he gets lost in your eyes for a second" JWJFJSJGJEJJTJ
"EVERYONE now has cannons and healing potions except for ME!!!!!!!!" gill in his spoiled brat arc
"We are so, so unbelievably wanted" "they WANT us"
ohh I love enza
forgot abt cliff hangar
"To know the books, you need to have read the books, where the FUCK are the books, Jay???????"
"A world that's turned it's back / it's seas be turned to black / the black sea is all that's left / history be put to rest / the survivors will rewrite it / fight on, fight on until united / hope our wrongs be righted / flee the black sea at last / free from it at last
why are gill and chip so down to flirt with people today jsjfjsjd
the island of frozen roses ooh
ohhhh he just wrote about their journeys. ik its like obvious but that means so much to be actually.
"even when you are old and decrepit, you will always be our small boy, who we keep on the ship, and in our hearts" thank you gill
chip don't grill her about this now godddd.
bellamy. oh bellamy. im so sorry.
captain shadowbeard was the last pirate lord that went missing ohhh my god. it was a year ago. and when ollie went missing months later. oh my god this poor woman.
"You guys are gonna get attacked tonight" grizz ik you're joking but I don't fucking trust you at all
Gillion what are you planning 👀
"jay who did you see" "oh just my father and kira you know" "oh"
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gillion less clutch than expected.........
alphonze is gonna die again bro they JUST got him back! AND the boat!
Gillion absorb elements pog
thank you alphonze we love you alphonze <3
jayson I hate you smile
"You could be found innocent, by the way" "not for what I'm about to do :)"
"DAMN looks like you're as good a shot as you are a PARENT" "your quips only seal your fate" "damn, were you already burning?" gillion tidestrider I love you
"If they miss, I will roll to hit gillion"
gets harpooned in the ass and stabbed further in the chest sjfjeh
gill is so fucking funny engaging w/jayson lmao
"she's a BIRD are you PROUD OF HER YET? she has WINGS and they're COOLER THAN YOURS and they generate more LIFT" gill hyping up jay to her dad my beloved
makes eye contact with a fucking wizard. drops disguise and said "aight you handle these monkeys I got shit to do"
isn't the whole crew on the ship? or does grizz just mean on top deck
gryffon I love you
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"I can deal with that later. But right now, you're attacking my friends. And I can tell you have no intention to spare them. So I'll give you the same treatment back. So you're gonna attack me, or...I'm gonna take you down." JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY JAYYYYYY
"I thought you said next time you saw me, I wouldn't be your daughter anymore." "Now that I've seen how much you've changed, I mean it" go fuck yourself jayson <3
"if Jay's still fighting, I am too."
"Nice try, but Ollie's mom was way more pissed 😎"
lizzie??? did you??? did you actually kill ava or are you surprised???
"It's okay I can dodge it!" the mentality of the episode
I fully believe lizzie didn't kill ava actually. don't believe jayson at all fuck this guy
If Gryffon is dead. If Gryffon is dead.
gillion: just let me know where you need me. And I'll be there.
jay: right now you're right where you need to be. thank you.
gillion: aye aye, captain.
john and gill immediately going bro mode jsjfjsj
don't make me feel bad for jayson. I won't do it. piece of shit.
"You keep saying that people took me away from you. No one took me away from you, dad. You haven't had me for a long time. You lost me. You lost me in the lies, the training, your obsession with your work, it was all you cared about. Things change, dad. After ava died, you weren't there. You weren't there for me or for mom. And when I tell you we hurt, we struggled, I say we hurt and struggled so goddamn much. And I'm sure you did too, but you made it so goddamn clear where your priorities lied with the family. And in my grieving, you were the only one who wasn't there. Jayson Ferin, you are someone I've known my entire life. You've known me longer than I can remember, and maybe I've made decisions that you don't agree with, but they are my decisions, and I would've hoped that in the years you've known me, that you would give me even a modicum of trust, a modicum of what I saw in you my entire goddamn childhood. And now, you stand here in front of me again, you're making the same mistakes... You don't get to just take me back, you need to earn it. And the way it stands, you're on a fast track to lose both me, and your wife. You are the strongest man I've ever known but you are a fucking pathetic father. So come on. Go ahead, finish it, do your fucking job, if that's where your priorities still lay, as they always have."
persuasion with advantage and dm inspiration. so deserved holy shit jay. i am. speechless.
"For the first time in my life, since I became a pirate, I was able to feel free."
get the fuck OUT of here jayson go AWAY
jayson I'd ask why you don't fucking ask may yourself but I don't want you anywhere near her :)
thank fucking god hes gone.
"that's my boy right there, that's my BOY, I'm on your ass, I'm like glue on something that glues on" "this is the beginning of something, this is the beginning of a whirlwind of whoopass on kira I'm telling you now" bizly has the right idea get the panda man back
gill still didn't get the whalebone sword back ✌️😔
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