#IkePri Esther
lorei-writes · 3 months
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My Hot Bodyguard; 110k bonus story
Do you know how great it feels to see this line? Do you? Because I assumed that this would be his line of reasoning and that is precisely why Esther was constructed the way she is now.
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olivermorningstar · 4 days
On that same note then: What are IkePri Oliver's opinions about the Rhodolitian Princes? (And... If you wanted to go into the theoretical realm, what would he probably think about other OCs of your choice? From within that universe, from other universes, etc.)
Oh this is gonna be a big one, hope you are all ready for An Essay.
Jin Grandet
It depends if this is a verse where they're together or not as to how deep the relationship goes in a romantic or a platonic sense. Regardless, the two are rather close.
Perhaps it is because Jin sees trouble brewing with Oliver and it's some sort of need in him to intervene before it all boils over and they potentially lose a good scientist, or maybe he just wants to see the man cut loose, but he is often the first alongside Sariel to call out Oliver overworking, though he is often the one to pull Oliver out and actually make him take a break.
Oliver thinks of Jin as a dear friend. They go out together for drinks and they often catch things like performances together. True, they are often ways for Jin to flirt with the girls there, but Oliver doesn't mind. Don't give him too much of a pass here, he does like it when they start to flirt with him, too.
Chevalier Michel
Talk about feeling inadequate. His relationship with Chev isn't entirely positive, but it's not completely negative either. A lot of the negative emotions Oliver feels towards Chevalier are very one sided.
In short, Oliver cannot read Chevalier and is absolutely convinced that the prince hates him. The truth is more he is rather indifferent, but the dismissive tone Chevalier tends of have reads very poorly for Oliver.
Oliver already has plenty of issues with self doubt, but if he truly was awful and any sort of hazard to the crown, Chevalier would have had him removed ages ago. Perhaps in time Oliver will come around and learn that really, Chevalier doesn't mind him, but until then, it's rough.
Clavis Lelouch
Would you believe me if I said Oliver was originally made to be shipped with Clavis?
Both are equally playful and Clavis' shenanigans more or less force Oliver to let go of his work for a little bit and just do something silly. He shouldn't take himself so seriously, so come eat a weird looking cake and cut loose for a moment (He promises that he made it gluten free this time).
Regardless of relationship, the two are sworn rivals in pranks and schemes. Their exchanges tend to be sillier and light hearted majority of the time, but Oliver is aware that Prince Clavis is a schemer through and through. Any news of him doing something the crown doesn't approve of is hardly a surprise, but he would never think Clavis is truly a bad guy. A hellion, sure, but never a bad guy.
Leon Dompteur
Genuinely a nice guy and fantastic to work with. Due to Oliver's work, he is more concerned with domestic affairs, and thus he and Leon actually work pretty close together to track any outbreaks and to work together with the pharmacists and doctors of Rhodolite to get care to where it is needed.
They have a relationship that is built on mutual respect, but it is definitely closer to being a good relationship between coworkers than between friends. Still, if Oliver somehow found himself in Belle's shoes, he'd pick Leon to be king with Chevalier as a military advisor.
Should the two talk more outside of work, I think they'd click rather well and Oliver would probably be in on Leon's escape attempts. Hey! Take him with! He wants to see the festival too! They would also be carnivore friends, he's so right about meat.
Yves Kloss
As a frequent victim in the battle between Clavis and Oliver, Oliver feels... rather bad for Yves. Truly he seems like a nice guy and he loves walking by the kitchen and seeing Yves hard at work! It's just Yves sees Oliver and expects trouble now.
That said, Yves is the first one to really notice that Oliver tends to skip out on things and isolate. When he first arrived, he was the one that pointed this out and ended up getting Clavis and Jin involved. To that, Oliver is grateful.
They are starting to find a common interest in music, so progress is being made!
Licht Klein
Licht is... harder for Oliver to be around. He's a more extreme case of some of the behaviors that Oliver tends to display and it sucks to see someone else falling down a bad rabbit hole and not knowing how to help.
He gives Licht space and he does respect the prince, but he doesn't really know how to speak to him. Of course, Licht has noticed that he is the odd man out here when it comes to Oliver and gives him a more icy, kind of detached approach
It's unclear if they will ever be close.
Nokto Klein
Nokto's flirting tendencies tend to both frustrate and delight Oliver. On the one hand, he likes being flirted with, even if he thinks it is insincere and that it is all just flattery, but on the other - damn you, Nokto, he's trying to have a conversation and you keep twisting his words because it is easy to get Oliver flustered this way.
That said, if it comes to dealing with nobility, especially foreign nobility, Nokto is one of the first folks Oliver turns to. When he's serious, he's got one hell of a silver tongue and has scored a lot of the funds and items Oliver needs for his experiments.
But seriously, if he manages to make another experiment sound dirty, Oliver is going to "accidentally" spill red dye onto his nice, white clothes.
Luke Randolph
Due to the fact that Oliver is close to Sariel and does agree to the fact that Luke could try a little harder to learn how to be a prince, Luke tends to dodge Oliver.
Listen, we know Oliver can be playful and he can be coaxed to leave his work (though it is a bit difficult), he still believes that work NEEDS to be done. True, Chev, Clavis, and Nokto make for one powerful team, but surely Luke has something to bring to the table!
He's more frustrated with Luke more than anything else, but to be fair, Oliver doesn't know much about him or where he comes from. His opinion would certainly change if he learned why Luke was even there.
Ah, a good friend of his! Beatrice is rather pleasant to be around and the fact that they both enjoy music is a sweet little bonus. Sometimes they do perform together.
To be fair, Beatrice is also one of the ones that has been helping Yves come around on Oliver and has helped shown him in a light that isn't a horrid trickster nor some workaholic locked away in a lab. Oliver also enjoys sitting in on their tea parties and just chatting idlely with her.
He is, admittedly, a touch jealous of how close she and Maeve are and hasn't yet broken the ice on how to get closer to the both of them.
Whenever he gets to go to Jade, or whenever Maeve finds a way to get to Rhodolite, visiting her is a must. Maeve has a good head on her shoulders, according to Oliver, so her guidance is pretty helpful.
He thinks her role as a Priestess is rather amazing and likes hearing about it. Some of it goes over his head as he is hardly a theologist and he doesn't pay too much mind to religion as a whole, but she is still impressive!
Much like with Beatrice, he is a touch jealous of her relationship with her best friend. He'll... figure it out.
Esther is honestly refreshing to be around for Oliver. She is serious when it is called for, she gives folks the cutest nicknames that charm him endlessly, and when things are going good, she's like a nice ray of sunshine lighting up the room she is in.
Watching her health improve has been a highlight for him. He does wish there was more he could do to help her, but her condition is chronic, not a disease he can treat with the right combination of medicine.
Still, he hopes to see her stick around. She sands off some of the edges of Chevalier, which Oliver greatly appreciates.
To be honest, Oliver admires Viva. What she did took guts and she did it all to protect her sister and to get revenge for her family. Though he cannot condone her actions, he would be the first to admit that she is very, very brave.
He hasn't spoke with her much since the Belle incident, but he has been meaning to. Since he enjoys being around Esther, he knows he'll be talking with Viva soon enough.
More than anything though, he just wants to pick her brain and see how she managed to get as far as she did!
Goodness, someone has it out for him if she shows up in Rhodolite. She is strong, adventurous, and so bold! He would definitely be fascinated by her and would want to know all about her adventures and her ship!
Of course, he isn't so bold as to flirt with someone that Silvio is looking at. He's not stupid! But if she were to ask, he would honest to god consider running away to her ship for a little bit before remembering he is a weak nerd that would not survive out at sea.
@violettduchess @bicayaya @keithsandwich
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lorei-wrote · 18 days
Various Works: Esther x Chevalier
Masterlist of various works (by @lorei-writes) regarding Esther, Chevalier, and their relationship.
OC Chart: Esther
Character Thoughts: Esther
Sliced from Life - a relationship timeline (updating)
Esther; Esther - redesign (post engagement); Esther - crochet doll
sleeping embrace
Roots of Deception [Masterlist Link]
Morning Routine [HC]
Library Quiet
Needless Need
To remember is a heavy burden to bear I
Language Practice
Prayers (smut; first time together)
Winter has its perks
Eidetism (smut)
Rock & Currents
Decade in Lilies
Lost Nightingale
My Dear Rag Doll
I, Your Rag Doll
Q&A: My Dear Rag Doll & I, Your Rag Doll
Check out the #oc brainrot at @esther-viva-and-co for more. <3
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esther-viva-and-co · 15 days
Hi, girls! That AU game got me wondering about a Royalty AU with you guys... Or how would it be if Esther and Viva were the princesses, and Chevalier and Leon were the commoners 🤔
Esther: If we were princesses...
Esther: (Chevalier would do fine whichever role he'd have to take... But knowing him, he'd probably end up in the military...)
Viva: Can you even imagine me as a princess?
Esther: Yes. I can imagine you sneaking out and me pretending to be you, to get you out of trouble.
Viva: That brings back memories, doesn't it? Hahaha. So, I'd be the troublemaker princess who sneaks out of the palace, hmm... I'd meet Leon in... i-in the town! We'd fall madly in love on the spot, and then the king would have nothing to say about it. How's that?
Esther: (...What are you hiding?)
Esther: And that's it? How would you even convince dad? And how would you meet exactly?
Viva: (Can't tell you.)
Viva: There are ways --- Anyways! You can't be just my doppelganger. Let me think...
Esther: Vivi, no. No. Nonono ---
Viva: I know. You'd still be sickly, so Chevalier would be your personal bodyguard. And one night he'd just sneak into your room and ---
Esther: VIVA!
Viva: I knew you'd like the idea!
Viva: (You're red like beetroot now... But you'll forgive me.)
Viva: (Sorry. I can't tell you what I'd really do... But if that was our reality... Leon, I'd save you. I'd find you and I'd save you, and I'd never let you discard yourself.)
Viva: (... Hah. You may be stuck with me now, no matter which world you may be in.)
Ask game
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spoopy-fish-writes · 10 months
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Art trade for @lorei-writes 💜💜
Admittedly, I got a little carried away imagining a Howl’s moving castle esque au 😅 I love Esther soooo much, she’s so pretty and I just think she should be allowed to have the ability to make Chev tiny whenever he’s being annoying
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bicayaya · 2 months
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lil esther and chevie i did for @lorei-writes’s bday 💗
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keithsandwich · 2 months
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Stories Collection.1
in no chronological order
Insta!Maeve Modern AU
@bicayaya @olivermorningstar @chevcore @floydsteeth
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flash-exchange · 7 months
In a Flash vol.1
Masterlist of works created for In a Flash CC. Thank you for participating!
Status: completed
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Understaffed by @scorchieart (Magic Apprenticeship AU; Gen Fic; Comedy; Chevalier, Clavis, Jin, Leon, Licht, Nokto, Yves)
Viva & Esther by @lorei-writes (Masquerade; fanart; IkePri OCs)
Fae Clavis by @claviscollections (Fae AU; Romance; x Reader; Clavis)
Like the First Time by @venulus (Mythology AU - Vampire AU; Romance; x Reader; Clavis)
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Hatter!Clavis by @claviscollections (Mad(ness) Hats; fanart; Clavis)
C. L. Hatter & His Invitation by @lorei-writes (inspired by the above; comedy; x Reader; Clavis)
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Masamune fanart by @wordycheeseblob (In my... Clothes!? Challenge)
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lorei-writes · 2 months
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Ladies, Gentlemen and other Honourable Figures, may I present to you, Miss Esther Materna in yarn and wadding!
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lorei-writes · 2 months
OC Brainrot: Esther and Chevalier's reading tastes are generally speaking, fairly incompatible.
Esther enjoys mystery novels... Which is unfathomable to Chevalier, as the solutions are rather obvious to him.
Meanwhile, Chevalier's love for romance as a genre... Well. What is the point of reading if she can predict what the characters will do?
(They still read each other's favourite books.)
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lorei-writes · 2 months
OC brainrot, Modern AU:
Whenever they watch a horror movie together, Chevalier insists (or, much rather, simply pulls) Esther into his lap. At times, he lets her sit between his legs and lean against his chest. His reasoning is that she must not allow herself to be excessively frightened, or she may prompt a flare up.
(It's an obvious excuse. Esther has devoured copious amount of horror and mystery novels while ill... Although it is part his fault she is anything but frightened.)
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lorei-writes · 1 month
OC Brainrot: Esther stands in front of the mirror, hair damp, falling in loose curls over her back. Somewhat reluctantly, she unravels the towel wrapped around her body and looks at her reflection, to then sigh quietly.
"What?" Chevalier asks. His back rests against the headboard as he reads on, a book resting in his lap.
"It's nothing."
Chevalier looks up, his brows drawn close in mild annoyance. "Say it."
Hesitation flickers over Esther's face. With the towel hugged to her front, she turns on her heel to face him properly, although she cannot quite look him in the eyes. Mildly embarrassed, she admits, "I've gained weight. I'm not used to looking like this."
"Good. Gain some more." His attention returned to the pages, leaving her dumbfounded.
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lorei-writes · 5 months
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Esther, redesign - after engagement.
Esther's social status changes throughout her story. At first, she's merely a peasant; then, a worker at the palace an assistant of a prince; and finally, a future lady Michel. Each time I strove for her outfit to reflect who she is... and for it to wordlessly send a message across.
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lorei-writes · 3 days
OC Thoughts: Esther, Viva & Their Relationships
Inspired by @olivermorningstar ; some characters have been omitted ; excuse any typos and other such errors -- busy + very giddy
Esther: Obviously, she loves him, but her care predates even that. In Esther's eyes, Chevalier has always appeared rather lonesome, the stories told by the people around them having her wonder just how much of the gossip is true. Have he truly done that? Is he as monstrous, as brutal, as they describe him?
Yes and no.
Esther is well aware of the extent of Chevalier's ruthlessness. However, she has also always acknowledged his humanity, reached towards it to cradle it against her heart. To her, Chevalier has never been more than a man -- incredibly strong, resilient, dedicated and talented man, but still a man, just as capable of hurting as anybody else. Everybody has some potential for evil. She's seen his potential for good as well. Nothing is sweeter than his affection.
Viva: Chevalier is the annoying soon-to-be-brother-in-law. She has no clue what Esther sees in him, however, she cannot deny the fact that Chevalier treats her sister well (or at least attempts to do right by her).
Viva doesn't understand why Chevalier would try to obscure his intentions and feelings. At times, she pushes him to be more direct or shares her insight with him. (Nobody loves Esther more than Viva and that much will always remain true -- there are things that Chevalier simply cannot understand, part due to his protective nature). She doesn't need to like him to wish him and Esther everything best.
Esther: They get along fairly well! As it happens, Esther tends to be the representative of foreign affairs faction... or much rather, to be one of the mediators. (Chevalier and Leon do not need to see eye to eye. Viva and Esther? They're on good terms. Leon will not threaten his relationship with Viva by being too harsh on Chevalier, and similarly, Chevalier will not risk pushing Esther away to win against Leon.) However one may look at it! They do end up working together at times. It's generally fairly pleasant.
Esther's glad that her sister found somebody like Leon. She genuinely believes he is capable of making Viva happy and helping her find her place in the world.
Viva: It's... complicated. At first, she hates him, or much rather, she hates the image of him she's conjured up in her mind. He's supposed to be a ruthless "royal", oblivious to the struggles of the common people, somebody heartless enough to abandon his original state without looking back at the people left behind. But when she realises that is not the case? She does not know what to think. She loves him. She hates loving him. She hates herself for ever hating him. A part of her loves hating him, while also drowning in self-loathing.
Once that's all said and done, however? Leon is Viva's rock, her oasis, save heaven. He's the only person she does not need to prove her strength to. She can cry and crumble, and he'll just hold her until she's whole again. Viva adores him. She wants to be better for him.
She's ready to be his protector, his lioness.
Esther: Surprisingly enough, they're good friends! (It causes Chevalier to be mildly jealous at times.) They sometimes bake or cook together.
Viva: ...She enjoys teasing him a little too much.
Esther: ...She sometimes (often) ends up being the butt of his jokes. He finds her reactions rather amusing. (He seems to enjoy embarrassing her, possibly to mess with Chevalier.)
Viva: Sparring partners! They also tend to their horses together. They don't necessarily talk much, but they find each other's presence to be rather comfortable.
Esther: Oh, her initial employer. Oh, the schemer. Oh. Just Oh. Esther sees his inferiority complex and she tires her best to smooth things over between Clavis and Chevalier. (She has scolded Chevalier and asked him to be more considerate of Clavis multiple times.) She feels sorry for him.
At the same time, at times, he's too much. Clavis truly is a younger brother. A mischievous little rascal.
Viva: Partners in crime, especially when it comes to getting people to be truer to their actual feelings. They drink together sometimes. Are his pranks annoying? Yeah. But he digs out those pit falls himself. She does have a fair share of respect for hard-working people and Clavis is no exception to that. She doesn't believe him to be a bad person.
Maeve @keithsandwich
Esther: Esther cannot say she knows Maeve well -- or well, technically, that she knows her at all. They haven't officially met. It was "Queen Viva" who visited the Jadean palace, not Esther.
That being said, there's a certain secret she's found out and she intends to keep it well-hidden. She appreciates Maeve's gentle nature and believes they could get along well. (Maeve also seems rather relatable, given the fact that they both come from the peasantry.)
Viva: Maeve seems like a nice person, however, the majority of her spiritual stuff flies over Viva's head. She's secretly afraid of being disrespectful -- Maeve's a priestess, but she doesn't seem to worship the God Viva knows... Not that there's anything wrong with that. She just lacks the knowledge on the topic.
Viva has the feeling that Maeve wishes for peace. She hopes their relationship will strengthen as they both lead their countries towards prosperity -- together, as allies.
Beatrice @bicayaya
Esther: She's... actually, somewhat intimidated. All the things Esther struggles with, Beatrice seems to do rather effortlessly. She admires her education, elegance and grace. Sometimes she stops for a moment to listen when Bea plays piano.
Esther wonders whether that's what a proper noblewoman should be. Beautiful, delicate, skilled... And she wonders whether one day she could be even fraction of that.
Viva: Oh, Bea is another good object for teasing. Unlike Esther, Viva feels anything but intimidated. She acknowledges Bea's talents and virtues, but at the same time... There isn't anything wrong with not having them either.
She wonders whether Beatrice would perhaps enjoy sneaking out to town. She'd love to show her around, to take her out to the marketplace (especially flea market), and to treat her to some of the treats sold at various stalls.
Oliver @olivermorningstar
Esther: Sometimes it feels like Oliver is the only sane person around. The scientist may be a little eccentric and detached from others, but he has a nice, soothing presence. She appreciates all the effort he's put into figuring out how to help manage her symptoms.
Esther may or may not come by the infirmary just to see whether he's there and to check up on him. She tends to bring some snack and tea along -- nothing refreshes the mind like some home-made treats.
Viva: Oliver's weird, okay? He's weird. He spends entire days doing his research and Viva absolutely cannot comprehend how he doesn't end up bored... At least until she hears about his discoveries.
Truth be told, Viva would love to hear Oliver talk about his research. She can't imagine herself doing his work, but she sees it as extremely valuable nonetheless. (However, at the same time, she may be a little afraid of scaring him through, well, being herself.)
Leyla @violettduchess
Esther: The first word that popped up in Esther's head when seeing Leyla was "vibrant". Esther cannot deny any of Leyla's merits, but their lives are so different it makes her head spin a little. Given their personal beliefs, they would likely be able to get along just fine, however, they may disagree about the methods of accomplishing their goals.
Leyla reminds Esther of Viva. They're both free in a way that's foreign to her. They're bright, decisive, strong, capable, open and daring. Simply brave. She's generally happy supporting such people from the sidelines.
Viva: ... If she wasn't a Queen, she'd love to travel with Leyla. As things are, however? She wants to spar with her. She wants to show her around Rhodolite. She wants to hear her stories.
It'd likely be an another instance of "the boys can't get along, so we shall handle the talks instead". I can imagine them getting into trouble "for the greater good", and both Leon and Silvio following them unwillingly (...and Esther... and then, at the very end of this line, Chevalier).
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lorei-writes · 3 months
OC brainrot: It is next to impossible to hide things from Chevalier, Esther is aware of as much... but it does not mean she's given up trying.
"Surprise" is a rather intrinsic element of a gift to most people. Knowing what you may receive doesn't necessarily reduce your enjoyment or the gratitude you may experience, and it certainly doesn't do as much for Chevalier. Yet despite that, Esther still hopes to catch him properly off guard, even if just once.
How does one outsmart a genius? Unless you're one yourself, you cannot. All you can do is plan and hope, and so she does. Esther puts her plan in motion whole ten months before Christmas.
Chevalier isn't in the palace at all times -- inspections of border facilities, his duties regarding the land governed by his family, sudden military activity, all may prompt him to leave for days on end. That is when Esther works, although... Him not being there is hardly enough to cover her tracks.
So she lets herself be caught. She bakes sweets, knowing Chevalier will pick up on their scent as soon as he sees her again -- and he does, yet that is not nearly enough. She fixes things around his room and library, prepares other small gifts, even starts working on his birthday present a little bit ahead of time. He'd figure out her idea regardless...
But then Christmas comes. And Esther's gift? It's been lost between all those crumbs. Chevalier is genuinely surprised for once. Whether it's because of the item itself or the effort she's put into it, that is both unclear and irrelevant. His smile is all that matters.
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lorei-writes · 2 months
Current OC Brainrot:
Body heat seeps into cold sheets. Clothes rustle. The mattress dips further.
Esther's knuckles grow white around Chevalier's wrists. He is pinned down, or he lets her pin him down, as she straddles his hips. Hair falls from behind her ear.
He stares at her, jaw set. Esther is as close to anger as he's ever seen her, although it is not quite the emotion over her face.
"I cannot be broken, Chevalier. Not until I allow it."
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