#avengers sickfic'
goldenempyrean · 1 year
Hiii can I request “You don’t need to be embarrassed, you’re allowed to be sick.” for R looking after sick WandaNat ❤️
The Two You Loved Most
〚 Notes - Hey :) Im back to writing semi-regularly things might be a bit disorganised since I have exams soon but anyway! Enjoy :D (ps my editing is trash so please ignore errors n stuff )〛
〚 Summary - Your girlfriend's catch a cold. It's up to you to look after them. 〛
〚 Wordcount -730 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“Fucking Clint.” Natasha whined grumpily as she buried her head into Wanda who shook her head as she coughed into her elbow. 
“I blame Thor not Clint, he’s the one who brought his alien germs here.” She pouted, rubbing Nat’s back when she broke away to sneeze loudly. 
“Is the blaming still going?” You chuckled at their poutiness as you came back into the bedroom, "I'm surprised you've not started blaming Bruce yet, he's got a few interesting diseases you could catch." You jested, grabbing the tissue box and handing it to Nat. 
“I hate being all sniffly! It’s not fair, I'm meant to be the Black Widow. It's so humiliating.” She whined but reluctantly grabbed a handful of tissues to swipe against her nose. 
“Aw baby, you don’t need to be embarrassed, you’re allowed to be sick.” You murmured, kissing her forehead before doing that same for Wanda, “How are you feeling baby?” 
The witch sniffled scrunching up her nose before she sneezed twice down into her elbow 
“Oh bless you baby! I guess I’ll take that as your answer.” You chuckled, running your fingers through her hair, frowning a little as you registered the heat still blazing from her forehead, “You’re still warm...” 
“You’re warm too.” You sighed as the back of your hand came to rest against Nat’s forehead. Confusion clouded your features. You’d told them both to take some medicine, it should’ve brought their fevers down by now, unless... “Did you girls actually take your medicine earlier? It was meant to bring these temperatures down.” 
It was then that you noticed the shifty glances that your two girlfriends exchanged anxiously between each other. 
You sat down on the edge of the bed to met their shifty gazes, “What’d you do?” You questioned them further as you looked over them observing as the two of them tried to cover up the fact that they had not actually taken their medication as you’d previously said too.  
“You two! We need to keep these temperatures down, you’re just going to feel worst otherwise, You scolded them before getting up and going to your bathroom before returning with two doses of cold medicine in hand, “now you’re both going to have to take some whilst I watch since obviously the pair of you can’t be trusted to be responsible adults.” 
The girls looked at each other nervously before taking the medicine. "I'm grown up!" Wanda said defensively, breaking away to cough chestily before continuing, "I was just scared of how it tasted." 
You couldn't help but chuckle at her admission but then shook your head in disappointment. "You know better than this, my darling. The medicine would’ve helped you feel better, even if it does taste a little icky." 
Nat on the other hand had downed her medicine in one go with the biggest pout, she had grimaced in disgust at the liquid but still swallowed it nonetheless, "I don't like your stupid cold medicine." 
You rolled your eyes but either way, you were still proud of her for taking it, still, a little teasing wouldn’t hurt, “You're lucky I didn't give you the grape flavour, then aren’t you?” 
If you would’ve looked hard enough, you would’ve seen the little shudder which shook the redhead. The grape flavour was truly awful. Anyway after a little more gentle persistence Wanda too took her and you smiled happily at the pair of them, “Well done my loves, that’s going to help you feel a lot better okay? It’ll help get rid of those gross colds.” 
You watched them a little while longer, to make sure the medicine kicked into effect and was doing its job, before kissing their foreheads sweetly as you carefully climbed into the bed, nestling between the two sniffling girls. The drowsyiness of the medicine soon seemed to take hold as both your girlfriends nestled down, each resting their heads on you before they were taken into the soft grips of sleep, small stuffy snores filling the room. Taking this as a sign, you let yourself relax and you soon found your own eyes fluttering shut as you began to drift off to sleep, listening to both girls sniffle around you as they both tried to get some rest. It wasn’t long before you were asleep too, saftely nestled between the two people you loved the most in this world. 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@sayah13 @mahalkitanova @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @shin-conan-kun @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @ceiestiaie  @fluffyblanketgecko @kljhsong @santana1437  @blackwidow-3 @asiangmrchk13 @lovelyy-moonlight @juiles 
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1800-lemonadeg1rl · 27 days
Sniffle any louder
Natasha Romanoff x reader
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Minors dni!! Masterlist°•☆
Summary - when you show up to work il lit aggravates Natasha that is until she sees your dire state
Warnings - mention of illness, nonsexual nudity, hurt comfort, as usual not proofread
Word count - 2k
A/n - I started rushing at the end because I wanted to have it out by tonight so the ending might not be as good srry
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Fractures of pain shot through your aching body like icicles as you left the team meeting. God how you wished you'd just admitted you were ill this morning instead of letting your pride get in the way and pretended to the team that you were right as rain. I guess that's what happens when your on a team with literal super soldiers, you too start believing your above any illness or injury. Oh, but how wrong you realised you were when this flu hit you like a ton of bricks. The combined migraine alongside with the distrsssing chill of your bones left little energy left for you to do anything except lie down and rest, which you hated to admit and wouldn't ever given the choice, despite how sickly you'd begun to look.
Your usual bright eyes full of life and wonder became dull and bloodshot from the lack of sleep your blocked nose had caused you the previous night when you chose to ignore it. The skin on your face that was often painted a rosy colour now paled almost deathly looking, comparable to that of a ghost. Your unshakable senses, often remarked as some of the best had become overworked and dulled from the sickness using up all your remaining energy causing you not to notice people around you until they had begun to speak. The gravelly gasping and choking noises that spluttered from your inflamed throat were foreign to your usual bubbly voice.
Despite these stark and clear changes in not only your physical appearance but also how you carried yourself around the compound you had tricked yourself, somehow, into the belief no one around you would notice. Obviously you were unwell anyone could see that from a mile off and if you didn't think out of a house full of spies, enhanced beings and military personnel that not one of them would pick up on something up with you then you must have been seriously down with something.
Unlucky for you someone did notice after your sniffling had interupted their train of thought for the seventh time, it didn't take a genuis but she'd been ignoring the signs since you arrived. Natasha Romanoff had been trying to reread and correct a badly written mission report written by an incompetent intern. This had already been stressful enough for her without the woman next to her trying to desperately through her blocked nose instead of just going home. The first time she actually noticed something was up was when you nearly walked into the door, stumbling around like bambi on ice. This was something someone with your spacial awareness and high senses would never manage to do if they were as okay as they were telling everyone they were. She spotted it again when you began to cough like a smoker and at that like someone who smoked at least five packs a day, a thing she knew you were not. You'd told her a while back that despite your bad habits which were endless and definitely on show today that you never wanted to smoke because it reminded you of your mother. So unless you'd switched up on that which she very much doubted and had taken up chain smoking the answer was clear; you were ill, very ill.
She also questioned why you were even here, how you were even here. Natasha would leap at the first chance to avoid these dull meetings even if it meant admitting illness to the rest of the group. She'd actually faked being ill before to skip debriefs and instead head to the gym. At one point she had no clue how you were even still able to be alive and functioning with how shallow your breaths were. Everytime your mouth opened a disgusting noise alike to the disgust she felt at nails on a chalk board rung from deep in your throat. Aswell your ever scratcher voice that was beginning to drive her insane. It was one thing to come in sick, it was another to make yourself more ill by working harder than usual.
This had made her angry more than anything, angry at your selflessness. Angry no one else would ever do this, including herself. Angry you put working above your own physical health. Angry that you'd risk everyone else getting ill instead of taking a sick day. Angry you couldnt just admit your illness and leave.
Your eighth sniffle really sent Natasha over the edge as she turned to look dead at you and gave you a menacingly dirty look. A scowl that could kill glowering into your soul. Yet in feverly state you could hardly even register the spy looking in your direction as you still tried to process something said in conversation several minutes ago. Throughout the rest of the meeting she sideyed, scowled, gritted teeth, frowned, muttered under breath and cursed in your direction much to you ignorance. On an average day you could recognise what emotion someone was going through just by being in the same room as them and the tone of their breath but right now even with Natasha directly next you, practically right in your face you couldn't pick up a single negative emotion.
After the meeting you quickly stumbled in the direction of your room, hoping to avoid anyone on the way there, which you managed with much ease despite your worsening condition. Once you reached your room you shut the door without bothering with the lock. Stripped to your underwear and crawled back into bed without a sound. Curling up under your soft thick duvets you shivered and slowly cried yourself into a feverish slumber.
Natasha stayed behind to finish her reports, which she easily could have done hours ago without your incessant coughing and sniffling and all round ill noises. It only infuriated her more as she worked quickly, alone and welcoming the silence since the end of the meeting. When she finished up the work she was just about ready to give you a piece of her mind. And thats what she was gonna do. She had strong feelings about you prioritisation of work over wellness and she was gonna share them with you whether you wanted to hear or not.
Easily, she threw open your door and it hit the wall with a bang, enraged she didnt notice your crumpled whimpering figure writhing under the duvet.
"Sniffle a little louder next meeting." She comments loudly and sarcastically before instantly wincing at the sight of you in the bed.
Instantly her whole demeanour changes into one of care and pure unhidden worry. Natasha crouched over your trembling figure on the bed. Quickly she removed the pile of blankets from overtop and pressed a palm to your forhead before just as swiftly pulling it away with a frown. You were boiling 38°c at the very least and yet your body was still shivering. Without thinking twice Natasha knew the best thing for you was a cold, very cold shower.
She carried your somehow still sleeping figure easily into the bathroom as if you were no more than a light weight to her, which you probably were considering her max dead lift. Gently and ever so carefully she sat you down in the bath before turning the cool shower on next to you. Adjusting it so the water pressure was lower than usual so that it maybe less of a shock for when you fully woke.
Soon after the water began to flow your eyes opened to the hazy view before you. Natasha knelt over the bath making sure you were just alright. When you noticed the water and the bath, definitely not where you fall asleep you began to panic. Quickly flailing much like a fish out of water. Thrashing to get out the bath and attempting to scrabble to your feet. Natasha noticed your sudden frenzy and much quicker than you could, grabbed a hold of your hands halting your movements while whispering affirming words to you.
"Shh sh its okay. Your just in the bath, don't worry were just trying to soothe your fever." She begins to rub your palms slowly in a way which soothes you and instantly slows your panic as you go to rest your head on the bathroom wall.
"Hm don't do that darling. Try and stay awake while your in the bath, just for now." She's says quietly afraid to worsen the headache you already had as she coaxes your head off the wall. "That's it good girl. You can do this."
Her small praises would have usually annoyed you and felt almost condescending but right now they were almost enough to make you smile. She was making you feel as if your feeble attempts to stay conscious were really doing anything.
"M' so tired." You mumbled out a response that slumped together into your mouth so it was barely understandable to Natasha yet she still smiled and nodded at you, not wanting you to feel any worse than you already did.
"That's okay sweet girl, the sooner we get you out the bath and some medicine down you the sooner you can sleep." All the while she kept rubbing at your hands and fingers to keep you grounded in the moment. "I'm going to find you some fresh clothes just stay here."
You nodded but the minute Natasha left your head flopped back against the wall as if magnetised towards it. Upon her return with fresh clothes Natasha tutted.
"You really aren't well, are you?" A small attempt at a nod on your part did not surprise her one bit. "See if you told someone earlier we wouldn't be here right now. You have to ask for help when you need it." She knew her words meant little to you in your current state but she wanted to start bedding them in now nonetheless.
"Now, do you need help getting dressed? There's no shame in needing the help."
"Uhm.. I think a bit." Your response was croaky and your voice was beginning to sound worse by the second.
"That's okay, I'll help you then." She gives you a hand getting out the bath and holds you upright as she helps fully undress you. In her panic to get you in the bath she hadn't thought to remove what you were wearing.
You weren't insecure about your body but something like this would usually not be on with you. But right now you knew you couldn't refuse the help Natasha was offering as you could barely even stand still yourself. So begrudgingly you allowed her to undo your bra and slip off your underwear before tossing them in the bath saying something about getting them to the wash later. Putting on the fresh clothes was easier than either of you anticipated as you didn't resist and her strength helped you from falling against the cold tile floor.
Natasha helped you hobble back towards your bed which you instantly fell against ready to embrace sleep again.
"Ah. Not so quick, first the medicine then sleep." She said softly handing you first a couple pills and some water. "For your headache." Begrudgingly you took them and Natasha smiled as she saw the look of grimace on your face finding it both amusing and adorable. "Okay sweet girl just the syrup left, this will help for your throat." You stared at the syrup in your hand with a frown. Just the smell of its contents was enough to make you dry heave and its colour wasn't tempting either. After two minutes of more convincing and praise you managed to stomach it, not all of it but enough so Natasha was happy enough to stop bothering you.
You knew after that you could finally emmerse yourself in a blissful slumber and with little care curled up, face pressing into Natasha who watched over you as you slept making sure nothing interupted your much needed rest.
Tags: @wandasfifthwife @yanaromanov @idkwhatever580 @stayevildarling
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darkstar225 · 7 months
Spider-Girl gets heatstroke ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff
The sun bore down mercilessly on the city, amplifying the already stifling heat. Y/N Parker, also known as Spider-Girl, swung through the crowded urban landscape, her agile form navigating effortlessly between towering buildings. The snug superhero suit clung to her like a second skin, offering little reprieve from the oppressive warmth.
Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, and Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, followed closely behind. The three made an unlikely but formidable team, each contributing their unique skills to the cause. Today's mission had brought them into the heart of the city, where the scorching heat seemed to amplify with every passing minute.
As they reached the rooftop where their target was supposed to be, Y/N's movements started to slow. The heat had become an almost tangible force, sapping her strength and leaving her feeling sluggish. Wanda exchanged a concerned look with Natasha, both recognizing the toll the weather was taking on their youngest teammate. Natasha was the first to say something about it over the comms.
Natasha - Kiddo, we need to take a break. It's too hot up here.
Y/N hesitated, her hand gripping the edge of the building for support. 
Y/N - I'm fine! 
Insisted the adolescent as her voice strained.
Wanda moved closer, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder.
Wanda - You need to take care of yourself. This heat is dangerous. *frowns*
But Y/N, ever the stubborn teenager, shook her head. 
Y/N - I can handle it. Let's finish this.
Natasha sighed, sharing a worried glance with Wanda. They pressed on, but it wasn't long before Y/N's movements became more laboured. Sweat dripped down her forehead, and her breaths were audible over the comms.
Wanda - We need to get her out of here.
The Scarlet Witch urged, her concern deepening.
Natasha grabbed Y/N's arm. 
Natasha - Come on, baby. We're calling it a day.
Y/N resisted. 
Y/N - No, I can't let them—
Wanda cut in, her voice firm. 
Wanda - Your health is more important. The mission can wait.
Reluctantly, Y/N allowed herself to be guided away from the edge of the building. The trio found a shaded spot, but Y/N was insistent on finishing the mission even if she was already swaying slightly.
Y/N - I just need a moment... 
Natasha - You need more than a moment. You need water and rest. *crosses her arms*
Y/N's stubbornness flared, and she pushed herself up. 
Y/N - I can't let them get away. I can—
Her words were slurred, and her vision blurred. The next thing she knew, she was on her knees, the world spinning around her. Wanda and Natasha exchanged alarmed glances.
Wanda - Y/N! 
Wanda cried out, rushing to her side.
Natasha activated her comm. 
Natasha - We need an evac. Now.
Y/N tried to push herself up, but her limbs felt like lead. The last thing she heard before darkness claimed her was Wanda's worried voice calling her name.
When Y/N opened her eyes, the world was a blur of white. She blinked, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The low hum of the quinjet's engines filled the air. She was lying on one of the benches, and her suit had been partially removed.
Y/N - Wanda? Natasha?
She croaked.
The two women appeared at her side, relief was evident in their eyes. 
Natasha - You fainted detka, heatstroke.
Explained the Black Widow, her voice a mix of sternness and concern.
Y/N groaned, remembering the mission. 
Y/N - Did we catch them?
Wanda smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair from Y/N's face. 
Wanda - Yes, we did. But you scared us. You need to take better care of yourself, honey.
Y/N mumbled an apology, attempting to sit up. Natasha pressed her back down as she spoke firmly about their order. 
Natasha - Rest, we'll be back at headquarters soon.
Wanda held a bottle of water to Y/N's lips, urging her to drink. The cool liquid was a balm for her parched throat. As Y/N sipped the water, Natasha began removing the rest of her suit to help her cool down.
Y/N - I can do that myself. 
Protested the youngest weakly. 
Wanda - You're in no condition to argue, my dear. *chuckles*
They worked efficiently, and the atmosphere was a mix of professionalism and genuine concern. Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the two women who had become her teammates and, in many ways, her surrogate family and mothers, in their own way.
Once out of the stifling suit, Y/N felt a wave of relief. The cool air of the quinjet was a welcome contrast to the oppressive heat outside. Wanda conjured a soft breeze, further easing Y/N's discomfort.
Natasha - You scared us back there, sweetheart. 
Natasha admitted, her eyes intense.
Y/N - I'm sorry. I just wanted to finish the mission. *sighs*
Wanda placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder. 
Wanda - There will always be another mission. But you only have one health and body for us to kiss, hug and give tickles. Don't jeopardize it for the sake of a mission. *tickles Y/N*
Y/N - Stopp- *giggling*
Natasha - Let her rest Wanda. It's okay lovebug *kisses forehead*
They lapsed into a comfortable silence, the hum of the quinjet providing a backdrop to their thoughts. Y/N closed her eyes, allowing herself to rest, knowing that she was in capable hands.
As the quinjet touched down at headquarters, Natasha and Wanda helped Y/N to her feet. She felt a little unsteady, but the support from her motherly teammates kept her upright.
Natasha - Promise us you'll take better care of yourself, babygirl. 
Natasha said with her tone meaning business.
Y/N nodded, a genuine smile playing on her lips. 
Y/N -  I promise, moms.
Wanda grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
Wanda - And if you don't, we might have to resort to more drastic measures. 
Y/N - Like what? *raises an eyebrow*
Wanda and Natasha exchanged a knowing look before simultaneously saying: Mama bear's voice, the head-tilt and the raised eyebrow.
Y/N burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the quinjet. As they exited the aircraft, a trio of superheroes ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds forged not just in battle but in the quiet moments of care and concern.
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presleyanswrites · 8 months
pairing(s): mcu peter parker x sick!fem!reader
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desc basically im obsessed with sick!fics. posted one a while back for another fandom 🤭 just peter worried.
a/n holy shit im so sorry i haven't been posting lately my loves. my house is currently being sold and i've been running ramped. i wrote this after i had time off work. hope you enjoy.
warnings language, fluff, grammar. (please message me if i missed any!)
requests | open 💌 masterlist
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It was only October 7th and you we're already a stuffy snotty sticky mess from the sudden drop of temperature outside.
It was cold outside, but the light from your wooden bedroom windows sunbathed the room, brightening your pale complexion.
tissues were plastered all over your messy bed and your phone was constantly dinging with messages from your group chat. you didn't show up to work, or to school that day, and by the looks of your random naps and binge watches on Netflix, you had forgot to call anyone to let them know you couldn't make it, including your boyfriend peter.
you kept coughing which made your head pulsate more as you wrapped your blanket around you and curled into it, squirming and desperately trying to get comfortable.
he was always super protective of you. sometimes it was really annoying but it felt good to know he was always thinking of you. and thats probably an understatement.
you felt sick. that might've been a blunt word, but everytime you tried to swallow your own spit it hurt like hell and you felt your head beating in pain like a heart would pump blood.
you groan and pull your comforter back over your head before you flutter your eyes closed and try to get your mind off the pain in your throat. It burned everytime you breathed which made you hiss uncomfortably. You eventually get yourself to fall asleep (after way too many doses of NyQuil) with half of your body immersed in your pillow.
you rested softly for a few hours before you woke to the sound of peter climbing through your window. you're eyes could barely adjust to the light as your tried to look up to see who it was, but your body was too tired to try and shake yourself up.
he rolled on the floor after falling from your complicated window sill but quickly got up with a groan.
he puffs, dusting him self off as he looks around the room for his girl.
"love?" peter looked around curiously to find you laying in your bed.
he carefully knelt down and shook you slightly as you woke up again with a jump.
you cough. "jesus, peter. you scared the shit out of me." you shift your arms behind you to prop yourself up, as he tucks a piece of your hair that fell back behind your ear.
"sorry," he laughs. "i just got really worried. I came as soon as I could. are you alright? why weren't you at school? or work- MJ said you didn't come."
his smile turns into a concerned perplexed look.
"uh", you sit up and rub your eye, coughing.
he noticed you sweating, and your puffy red eyes and a nose rubbed red.
"are you feeling okay?" his eyes and face look soft for you as his lip pouted a little.
he comes closer to you, kneeling down as he rests his hand on your forehead gently. you press your lips together and sniffle.
"pete, im fine."
"but- you're burning up!" he adds, as you look away from him.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier? i could've taken school off or-"
"peter." you look up.
"no." you croak, "i would never let you do that."
He puffs his cheeks and breathes out as he sits with you in your bed. You look in your boyfriends eyes as he turns his head to examine you.
"you don't look well, sweets." he frowns as he kisses the top of your forehead.
"i know", you say as you sniffle and your face starts to tickle a little.
he hands you a tissue as you sneeze in your sleeves. "bless you." he rests his tongue to the side of his mouth.
spidey senses.
"you okay?" he looks at you.
"mhm", you purse your lips.
you blow your nose as he looks at your face again.
"you gonna let me take care of you?" he holds his breath in worry.
you shake your head. "no."
he frowns again. "but you're sick! you're my girlfriend I can't just leave you here." He seems stressed, folding his his hands on your arms.
you cough and add, "i don't want you to get sick. plus, you have patrol tonight."
he shakes his head. "no way, im staying."
"No." you look in his eyes.
"Yes." he nods.
"No, peter."
"Yes, y/n." he crosses his arms.
you sigh.
"im staying right here." He says determinedly as he wraps his arms around you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder. worry chilled up his spine for you.
"okay," you give up. "its cold anyway." you couldn't resist him. you didn't want him to patrol in the this insane cold weather anyways.
you pull a sweatshirt over your head.
"movie?" we whispers. "i'll get you snacks." he rubs your back softly.
you sweat a little and try to swallow.
you smile a little, "okay."
coughing, he rubs your arm. "are you okay?" he looks at you worriedly.
"im fine, my body just hurts."
he pulls you in a hug before kissing your head and leaving the room to go to the kitchen.
he gets back almost instantly with a bag of candy and popcorn, setting it on the bed and a mug of hot tea for your throat on the bedside table.
"can i get you anything else?" he looked sad.
your heart warmed and hurt at the same time.
"no, im okay."
he places a bowl of soup down next to the mug as you lean over to take it and sip it gently.
he lays in your bed as you open your laptop to the same crime documentary.
"again?" he groans, shifting his neck up against the pillow as he scrunches his face, looking at the ceiling.
as you giggle he looks up to see your smile which made his stomach hurt.
"yes, again." you try to hold back your lips from curling into a laugh.
he sighs and clicks the play button on your computer.
you rest your head on his chest, snuggling into him as he lays his arm around you, intertwining your hand into his.
"love you." he whispers in your hair softly, tucking a kiss to the back of your head.
taglist my idols/inspo @everythingisawayoflife @cafekitsune @luveline @scarthefangirl @elliexmylove @thevoidsaidnothanks @thestarvingwriter @spider-stark @bittenbyyou @incorrectmarvelquote @badass-dora-milaje @yes-i-am-happyaspie join my taglist ♡
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somber-sapphic · 2 months
Hii!! Been a fan of your of your stuff for a while now, could I please request Nat x reader with maybe Nat coming back home from a mission sick or something? using prompts: "Could you pass me a tissue, please?" + “I think I caught something. My head is pounding." + “Let me fuss over you."
Healing Hours
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〖Summary: Natasha returns early from a mission with a bad case of the flu.〗
〖Word Count: 1.3k〗
〖Pairing: Sick Natasha x R〗
〖Notes: I hope you all enjoy this!〗
You sighed and slammed your book shut, unable to on the words on the page. Natasha was supposed to be back from her mission in two days and you were a mixture of excited and nervous. She had been radio silent for days, only sending messages concerning the mission. 
That meant no sweet texts to you, only communication with Cap and Tony.
It was standard for a mission like this, she was in a potentially dangerous situation and to minimize any danger they minimized contact. Even though you understood it didn’t mean you had to like it. You had continued to train while she was away, the physical act of hitting something distracting you from your anxiety. If you could keep your energy up you could keep the emotions at bay. 
With a frustrated groan you pulled out your laptop, resigning yourself to some YouTube cat compilations. Those usually held your attention, and it helped that cats were adorable. Maybe you could convince Tony to let you have a cat, if you laid out a good enough argument he might let you. 
For a while you let yourself be captured by the videos moving across the screen, watching the pixelated cats fall off of things only to get up unharmed, attack humans, and be afraid of toasters. You were pulled out of your feline trance by a slight jiggle of your doorknob.
You looked up from your laptop, staring at the door handle and reaching for your weapon. No one was supposed to come into your room, and you had strict rules about knocking before opening the door. You grasped the smooth handle of the knife under your pillow, tensing your body in preparation for a fight. 
There were a million thoughts swirling through your mind, how had someone gotten into the tower? Why hadn’t FRIDAY alerted you? Were the others safe? 
A dark silhouette appeared in the doorway, and you threw your knife, the blade sinking into the wood of the door frame beside the person's head. It was a warning shot, you didn’t miss. Your goal was to scare the person off to avoid an altercation that you didn’t want to get into.
“Jesus Y/n, what the fuck was that?” A raspy voice asked, someone flicked on the light illuminating a very grumpy-looking Natasha. She walked into the room and threw her toolbelt onto the dresser, being much less careful than she usually was. She loved that belt; it had saved her life many times and she always handled it with care. 
“You fucking scared me! You’re supposed to be in Latvia, not breaking into my bedroom!” You shot back, lowering yourself against the headboard, the tension leaving your body. The adrenaline coursing through your veins began to calm down, slowing your rapid heartbeat. 
“And you’re supposed to be asleep, it's 2:00 in the morning.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“Like you're any better,” Your words trailed off as a sharp sneeze cut through the room, leaving Natasha hunched over and sniffing. 
“Why are you back early?” Suspicion laced your words as you took in her disheveled appearance. When she was in uniform, she went to extensive efforts to make herself look professional even in a more relaxed setting. 
This time her clothes were slightly wrinkled, and her hair was a mess. You didn’t expect her to look picture-perfect after coming back from a mission, but she did try to make herself look stoic coming home to impress the men. She turned to face you, revealing an unnatural flush to her cheeks and red-chapped nostrils, the telltale signs of the flu. 
“I think I caught something; my head is pounding. Steve pulled me, decided I wasn’t healthy enough to be in the field. He threatened to come and get me himself.” She mumbled, sniffling again. She rubbed her nose against her sleeve and coughed into the air. 
You smiled at the idea, picturing her arguing with Steve who would seriously come and get her if he felt the need. 
“Okay love, go get showered and I’ll get some supplies. Do you think you’ll be okay to do it by yourself?” You asked, concerned that she might fall over if left alone. Natasha rolled her eyes, wincing at the motion. She shook her head slightly as if to clear it then nodded.
“I’ll be fine. Just want to get it over with, then sleep.” 
“Yeah, I bet you do. It’ll feel really good I promise.” When you heard the shower running you climbed out of bed, getting to work. You rifled through the drawers of your bedside table and pulled out a bottle of Nyquil alongside a thermometer, a box of tissues, and a bag of cough drops, all things left over from the last time you’d gotten sick. 
Next, you tiptoed into the kitchen and got a glass of water and one of juice, not wanting to make tea until Natasha asked for it. She rarely drank it and you knew she didn’t like it but you’d be happy if she consumed any fluids. 
When you returned to your room you were surprised to find your shivering girlfriend curled up in the bed, her wet hair splayed out over the pillow. You’d only been gone for ten minutes tops, you hadn’t expected her to have showered so quickly. 
“Did you enjoy your shower?” You asked, setting the glasses of water and juice on the small table by her side of the bed. She shrugged and sniffled thickly, rubbing her fist against her red nose. 
“Could you pass me a tissue please?” Her voice was so stuffy, poor thing sounded awful. And she didn’t look much better, not that you would tell her that. You grabbed a tissue from the already prepared box and pressed it into her hand, turning a way to simulate privacy as she blew her nose weakly. 
“Oh, my sweet Natty, you really don’t feel well do you…” You muttered, more to yourself than to her. Natasha nodded and turned to look at you with a pout set on her chapped lips. Barely three seconds later her gaze unfocused and she snapped forward with a rough sneeze that she didn’t have time to cover. 
“Okay well that wet hair isn’t going to help. Sit up for me, take some medicine, and I’ll dry your hair while we watch a movie.” The redhead did what you instructed, lifting herself onto the pillows with a wheezy sigh. 
You poured out a dose of the medication and watched her drink it, making sure that she got all of it. The gulp of “grape” flavored goop was quickly followed by half a glass of juice. You were internally pleased with the amount of juice she had just willingly drank, usually keeping her hydrated was a chore. 
“Get comfy and pick a movie, I’ll grab the hair dryer.” She settled on Jaws for reasons that you couldn’t explain. You knew she loved it but you didn’t exactly consider it a good sick day movie. It didn’t matter, she already looked half asleep. You doubted she’d make it through the first act even with the sound of the hair dryer. 
“C’mere baby, let me fuss over you.” You climbed into bed and pulled her into your lap, positioning her so that she was laying back against you with her head on your chest. Just as you’d predicted it didn’t take long for her eyes to start drooping, the sound and warmth of the hair dryer seemed to be lulling her to sleep. 
“M’sorry for getting sick.” She mumbled, a huge yawn escaping her lips. You rubbed her shoulder and pulled the blankets up around her, making sure that she was comfortable. 
“No apologizes necessary Nat. You just relax, I’ll be right here when you wake up.” 
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juiles · 9 months
Sick bug
Requested: no i needed this for me
Summary: i needed to feel comforted at the fact i’ve had to work for the past 3 days despite being sick because of a shit co-worker.
Type: fluff
Pairing: wandanat x reader
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(A/N: this is a really shitty short sickfic because i need it rn)
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Today was like any other day for y/n. She had to get up and go to work however this morning, it felt like she had been hit by a semi truck. Her limbs felt heavy, her head full, her nose stuffed, her body aches. She had gotten the bug that had been going around the kids at her daycare. The only problem being that she had to go in for numbers so despite feeling like garbage, she had a shower, got herself dressed, grabbed herself a coffee and pushed on with her day. Arriving at work, her boss (who also happened to be a best friend of hers) mentioned she looked rough and asked if she needed the day off. Y/n agreed however at the time, her bosses phone went off and her other co-worker called in to take the day off to do some schoolwork she had put off doing all weekend which left y/n there to cover her closing shift as well as her own mid shift.
She lasted the day before she trudged home and immediately swapped her work clothes for some sweats and a baggy shirt that belonged to Natasha before she balled herself up into her covers and fell asleep. A couple hours later she was woken by her boss, Talan.
“Hey kid. I need you to come in again tomorrow. Sorry, i feel bad but you know how it is with Tonya.” Talan said, receiving a soft hum from the girl on the phone as a response.
There was shuffle on y/n’s side before she heard a raspy voice. “Y/n will not be in for the next two days. I’m sorry but she needs to rest.” There was a click on the phone.
“Tasha…?” A groggy voice said causing Natasha to look down at the sleeping woman in front of her.
“Hi detka. Go back to sleep. I’m here. Wanda is just warming up the heating pad.” The red head said as she sidled into bed with her partner, causing the brunette to bury herself into the muscular arms of her girlfriend.
She got woken up not long after to someone rubbing her arm softly. “Detka… you need to wake up to take some meds…” She heard a voice whisper in a soothing Sokovian accent.
“No… sleepy…” Y/n mumbled burrowing herself further into the Russians arms trying to escape Wanda.
“I know detka once your done, you can sleep all you want… open wide…” Wanda soothed, slowly coaxing the sick woman into looking up at her with a pitiful look and a small whimper. “There’s my pretty girl…” Her finger soothed the wrinkled skin between her eyebrows, slowly releasing the pout she had been given. “Put away your pout detka… oh wow… you’re burning up…”
A grumbled noise came from y/n before they both heard Natasha chuckle softly. “Listen to witchy moya lyubov. You know it’ll help…”
“Open your mouth… there we go…” The witch helped the daycare worker take the meds before releasing her to go back to sleep. “All done malyshka. Now it’s time to sleep.” She laid back down with the woman and all three fell asleep quickly.
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natashaslesbian · 4 months
Baby Bear
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Summary: Natasha takes care of you when you wake up sick
Word Count: 1.1k
Parings: (Natasha x Reader)
Warnings: light description of flu symptoms
The earliest sound of the morning was always the birds outside, it was closely followed by Natasha’s 5am alarm. The redhead awoke to the hum of her morning alert, reaching over quickly to silence it. You stirred and shuffled slightly, it was too early for you to be awake. “Sorry baby” Natasha whispered as she leaned over to you “go back to sleep sweetheart” she said as she brushed her hand over your forehead. Natasha felt a warmth radiating from your skin and placed the back of her hand across your head to gage your temperature. You were defiantly warm, but Natasha didn’t fully trust her just awoken state and decided she would check on you after a shower.
It was 6am now and you had been stirring for the last hour, not quite awake but failing to fall back into a comfortable sleep. There was an ache behind your eyes and you rubbed them sore to will it away, rolling over to huddle against your girlfriends pillow. Natasha was finished with her shower, and was also ready for her work day. The widow came back from the kitchen after her morning coffee to check on you again. You mumbled slightly as Nat’s weight forced you to roll over slightly. Natasha placed her hand against your forehead once again and was immediately alarmed at the more extreme heat coming from you. “Y/n baby” she cooed “wake up for me sweetheart” you groaned as your girlfriend gently shook you awake. “No Natty” you whimpered roughly, followed by a small cough. “Sweetheart I think your sick, you’ve got a fever” Natasha said as she ran her fingers through your hair.
The morning sun hadn’t quite hit your bedroom yet, so a nice warm light welcomed you when you opened your eyes. “‘M fine Nat” you whispered, slightly annoyed that you had been woken up so early for no reason. “You’re really warm baby” Natasha said, her voice laced with concern “can you sit up for me” you sighed loudly as you pulled your sore body up to be next to Nat, ignoring the ache behind your eyes that hadn’t seemed to have gone away. “See I’m fine” you slurred “y/n you can barely look at me” Nat said. “That’s because I just woke up” you huffed in annoyance. “I’m gonna go make you some soup” your girlfriend said with a gentle kiss against your hairline. “Fine” you shrugged her off, just wanting to fall back into your duvet.
Once Natasha had set off to start your breakfast you figured you may as well get up now that you were awake. You stumbled over to your dresser, where you grabbed one of Natasha’s oversized hoodies. You felt a slight dizziness as you pulled the hoodie over your face, having to reach out and hold the dresser so you didn’t fall over. A coughing got caught you of guard as you came back over to make the bed. You were still sure that you weren’t sick, you had just woken up and that’s why you felt so groggy. Natasha had instructed you to wait in bed but you wanted to prove to her that you were fine. The grogginess didn’t seem to fade as you made your way to the stairs, you held on tightly to the rail as you plodded heavily down to meet your girlfriend.
The gentle tune of the radio drowned out your coming presence and Natasha nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard a grumble by the stairs. You were so close to the bottom when your vision went dark, your feet gave out on you and if you hadn’t been holding on so tight you would’ve landed right on your face. “Y/n?” Natasha said as she rounded the corner to see you leaning against the wall. Your eyes were already teary and you wanted nothing more than to be in Nat’s embrace. The redhead quickly approached you when she saw your eyes fade again “y/n!” She exclaimed as she caught you under the arms and lifted you back to your feet. “Natty I don’t feel good” you whispered, letting the widow carry all of your weight. “Oh I know baby bear, it’s okay, come here” Natasha said as she picked you up in her strong arms and carried you through to the living room, making sure to take the soup off the stove so it didn’t burn.
You were deposited on the soft cushions and whined at the loss of your girlfriend’s warmth “shhh, you’re okay sweetheart, I’ll be right back” Natasha cooed. She was back as soon as she had promised and placed a cool damp cloth over your forehead. “No it’s cold” you mumbled “I’m sorry y/n we just need to get your temperature down” you groaned slightly but allowed your girlfriend to smooth the cloth down over your forehead as she gentle brushed your cheek. “Close your eyes baby, get some rest” Natasha cooed as you began to settle “I’m gonna call Fury and let him know I can’t come in today, and I’ll wake you up for soup in a little bit okay?” She finished. “M’kay Natty” you said through a yawn as you allowed sleep to consume you again.
Fury allowed Natasha all the time she needed to help nurse you back to health, and she finished your soup with a final pinch of love. Usually, the smell of vegetable soup would have you awake in seconds, it being your favourite soup of all, but your nose was so stuffy that even in your sleep you were deeply breathing through an open mouth. You finally woke up when Natasha began tracing her forefinger along the bridge of your nose “hi little bear” she said as she helped you so sit up. “How do you feel?” Nat asked as she reached for the damp cloth, happy with the result of your less warm forehead. “Feel gross” you said through a shaky voice. Natasha pulled you into her lap and placed the warm soup on a tray over your lap. “You think you can try something to eat?” She asked. You nodded slowly as you reached for the spoon.
You managed half of the bowl before your throat was begging you to stop. “Good job sweetheart” Natasha said in understanding as she moved the soup back to the coffee table. At times Natasha felt that she was babying you slightly but deep down you were enjoying the attention. “I think we should get you in the shower baby” your girlfriend said, “can we just cuddle please?” You asked with your best puppy eyes, you knew Natasha wouldn’t be able to resist. “Okay baby bear, let’s snuggle” Natasha whispered into your hairline. Your girlfriend shifted her position to lay along the couch and pulled you with her so that you were laying atop her soft skin. The two of you contently cuddled up for the rest of the day (at least until Natasha made you take a shower to help with your temperature) you made your way through countless movies and wrapped yourself around Natasha’s body, where you spent the next few days.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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katebishopsbaefy · 9 months
Soup and Sniffles
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pairing: natasha romanoff x reader (can be read as platonic or romantic)
summary: you're sick and dont want natasha to find out. she finds out, fluff esues.
word count: 961
notes: hey everyone this is the first fic im posting pls no hate 😄😘
You practically fall through your open window onto the floor of your bedroom, knees almost buckling underneath you. You’re able to catch yourself in just enough time to stop your face from slamming into the ground. The impact from your sort of fall is still loud, though, and you pray Natasha couldn’t hear it.
You realized you were sick two days ago, but only today had you really started to feel the full effects of your illness. School was a nightmare with a stuffy nose and constant headache, and with no time in between classes and patrol, you were absolutely miserable. But, not wanting to worry Natasha or risk being labeled as “useless”, you kept it to yourself and stuck it out. One fight in particular left you stumbling and sneezing, the guy’s ice powers making you feel even more sick. You’d managed to make your way to your shared apartment with Natasha. You couldn’t wait to take a much needed nap.
A knock on the door makes you jump up from your spot on the floor, which you happened to be very comfortable in. Natasha’s voice is muffled by the door.
“Y/N? What the hell was that?” she asks. Shit.
You panic. Clear your throat as quietly as you can, hoping to sound much less congested than you are. “Nothing! I’m ok, I swear.”
“I’m coming in,” she states, and she’s next to you before you can even begin to protest. She notices the carpet moved out of place under your feet and smirks. “Did you fall through the window?” 
“Maybe,” you reply. She quirks an eyebrow at you. “Rough ni-” you start, but a cough racks through your body and you’re forced to double over. You recover as quickly as possible, shooting back up with a sniffle and a smile. “Rough night,” you finish. You break eye contact with her once you see the concern laced in her green eyes. 
“I can tell. Did you get hit?” she asks, looking up and down your body looking for an injury that could be the source of your cough. She takes your face into her hands and studies the cuts littering it until your own hands push hers away.
“No, I’m fine. Well, I did get hit, but I’m fine. No problem.” You smile at her. It doesn’t reach your eyes.
The back of Natasha’s hand finds your forehead before you can react. Your mind tells you to pull away, but your body leans into the contact in search of comfort. She frowns as you sniff again. “You’re sick.”
“No I’m not,” you argue, finally finding the strength to pull her hand away from you. It drops to her side and her eyes search yours.
“Yes, you are. How long have you been sick for?”
“I haven’t been sick because I’m not sick.”
“Then why do you sound so gross?”
“I’m not gross.”
“You’re pretty gross.”
“I’m not sick, Nat! Jesus,” you swipe your hand under your nose and sniffle miserably. Her fingers find your face once more and she turns your chin to look at her, thumb swiping away a tear you didn’t know had fallen. Natasha looks at you, really looks at you. You’re shivering under her touch, just slightly, but enough for her to notice. Your eyes are sunken and red, as well as the tip of your nose and your cheeks. She looks back into your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” she asks softly, barely above a whisper. 
Tears fill your eyes and you let them. “I don’t feel good,” you tell her, and the wall breaks. She pulls you into her and kisses the top of your head. You're very aware of the grossness you're getting on her shirt, but she doesn’t care. 
“I got you,” she whispers over and over into your hair, rubbing circles on your back as you sob. Eventually your legs simply give out, but she’s there to hold you up. Drags you over to your bed and pulls away, forcing you to look at her. She hands you a tissue to blow your nose into.
“Gross,” she comments. You giggle tearily and she smiles at you. “I’ll make you soup if you wanna go shower.”
“Mkay. C’n you do tha’ thing where you put m’ clothes in the dryer so they’re all warm?” you look up at her with the best puppy eyes you can muster. This time she giggles at you.
“I guess so. Try not to take twelve hours in the shower, I want hot water too.”
You know she really wouldn’t care if you took forever, as long as it made you feel better.
You jump in the shower, and when you’re out (45 minutes later), there’s fresh clothes sitting on the toilet for you, plus a fluffy towel. You throw on the clothes and ring out your hair, walking towards the kitchen to the smell of soup. 
Natasha watches you and shoots you a small smile. “Better?” she asks.
“Yeah. Less gross,” you reply honestly. Your nose is a lot less congested and your shivering stopped for the most part. You plop yourself down in your spot on the couch and Liho, Nat’s cat, jumps up with you. You pull her into your arms and lay down on a pillow given to you by some distant relative, paying little attention to the sitcom running on the tv.
Nat turns to bring you a bowl of soup, but sees you passed out on the couch, snoring quietly. She walks over and grabs your favorite blanket from over the top of the couch, draping it over you and kissing your forehead. Notices you’re a lot less warm than before, smiles down at you. The soup could wait for later.
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cricket-reader · 1 year
Sick Day
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox
Summary: Matt isn’t very happy when he comes home and discovers that his girlfriend had kept her sickness from him. He makes sure she is well taken care of before they go to bed.
Warnings: language, sickness, pet names, Matt being an overprotective simp, fluffy
Word Count: 960
Prompt: Sickfic, headache, cold/fever, blankets, hot drink (except I changed it to hot soup)
A/N: day 5 of March Trope-A-Thon by @amonthofwhump
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Today had been horrible. She awoke to see that Matt had left early to go to work. On top of that, she felt like shit. Her head was pounding and she was burning up. Her nose felt stuffy, and her muscles ached.
She got up and took her temperature to see that she had a fever of 100.7 degrees Fahrenheit. She called into work and made her way over to the couch, not wanting to get the bed all disgusting from her sickness. Matt would still sleep there, after all. He didn’t need to come home to a bed that smelled like sweat and sickness. Whatever the hell “sickness” smelled like.
Matt frowned as he entered his apartment. He could hear the coughing as soon as he entered the complex. He could hear shifting on the couch, telling him his girlfriend was camped out in the living room with some blankets.
“Sweetheart?” Matt questioned, setting down his cane. He heard a groan as he walked over to the couch. “Why didn’t you call me to tell you that you were sick?”
“Didn’t wanna bother you,” she mumbled, sniffling a bit. “I know you’ve been busy lately.”
“I’m never too busy for you, love. I would have come home earlier if you called.”
She sighed. “I know, and that’s why I didn’t.”
“Well you should have,” he admonished her. She always did this. Her needs were never one of her priorities. She put everyone before her, and it bothered the ever-loving shit out of him. Because Matt knew she deserved the world. No, she deserved more than that. The universe, maybe.
She just huffed in irritation, knowing that there was absolutely no way she was going to win this argument.
“Have you eaten today?” Matt questioned as he leaned against the armrest of the couch. She cursed how well he knew her.
“No, I didn’t wanna get up.”
Matt just shook his head as he got up to make some soup. He glared in her direction when he heard her shift, knowing that she was trying to get up to help him. “Don’t you even try, young lady.” He put a pot on the stove.
“I just wanna help. You’ve been at work all day while I’ve just been sitting on my ass!”
Matt turned his head in her direction and gave her an incredulous look. “You’ve been sick!”
“That’s no excuse!”
“What if I was the one that was sick?”
“That’s different,” she pouted, crossing her arms as she watched him pour a pre-made homemade soup into the warm pot. She blew her nose with a tissue, her nose already red and raw from blowing it so much.
“And how, pray tell, is that different?”
She rolled her eyes. “Because it’s you!”
“Your logic is lacking, hun.”
She just groaned and flopped back onto the couch dramatically. A cold spell made her shiver. She grabbed one of the blankets and furrowed into it. She had been having hot and cold flashes off and on all day. She couldn’t wait for it to be over.
Turning off the stove when the soup was finished, he put it in a bowl before moving over to the couch. Setting it on the coffee table, he noted that her breathing had slowed; she must have been asleep.
“Sweetheart?” Matt gently shook her awake. He felt horrible for disrupting her, but she needed to get food in her system if she wanted to get better. She groaned, turning to bury herself further into the couch. “Baby, you need to get some food in your body. Then we can cuddle and get some sleep, okay?”
She blinked awake, groggily lifting her hands to rub at her eyes. “Cuddles?”
Matt’s heart melted hearing her soft little voice. It’s moments like that when he falls impossibly deeper in love with his precious girlfriend. He never thinks it’s possible to love her even more, but somehow he does manage. “Anything you want, baby.”
She smiled and took the soup from him. Matt scooted closer to her body and she snuggled against him as she began to blow on the soup.
The soup was hot in her mouth, but it felt good, warming her insides. “Thanks, Matty. You’re the best boyfriend.”
“It helps to have such a great girlfriend,” he flirted with her, loving the skip of her heart whenever he would. She blushed as she lifted another spoonful of soup to her mouth.
When she finished the soup, Matt made her drink some more water. She just huffed in exasperation. “I thought you said after soup I’d get cuddles.”
“Sorry, hun, can’t I just take care of you?”
She shrugged, taking a sip from the glass. “I’m just not really used to it.”
“Which is exactly why I’m making sure you get the best treatment now,” he stated.
“You’re too good for me, Matthew,” she sighed, leaning her head against his torso.
He just chuckled, “I’m pretty sure you got that sentence twisted.”
“Let me win for once, please,” she pouted. Matt sighed and agreed to let her have that one. It was the least he could do after she had asked him so sweetly, after all.
When she finished the tall glass, she set it on the table, making sure to exaggerate the sound of it being empty. “Snuggle time!”
He laughed as he was ambushed by her. Wrapping his arms around her, he picked her up to bring her to bed. She protested, hating being picked up, but Matt just shushed her as he lied her down. He undressed and crawls in next to her. She burrowed closer to her boyfriend, and he could hear her sigh contentedly, smiling against his warm skin.
She really couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
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whatthetumblfck · 2 years
For As Long As You Need Me
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(This is my first ever fanfic. I hope you enjoy!)
- Over 6K words
Content: swearing, hurt/comfort, fluff, OC (Y/N), Bucky Barnes
Summary: A recent mission turns out some unexpected results, and you end up a little (alot) worse for wear.  
**Please do not repost my work**
You reluctantly trudged into the meeting room of the Avenger’s compound for yet another briefing on yet another mission. You loved being an Avenger, but you were tired. You had literally just gotten off the Quinjet from your last mission and were still wearing your tac suit. Your last mission was supposed to be an easy extraction. A simple grab-and-go of a HYDRA operative for intel. The “one day” mission turned into a week and ended with enemy blood on your suit and seaweed in your boots, among other places. You weren’t normally one to complain, but damnit, you could use a shower and a decent meal.
Haphazardly, you flopped into one of the chairs, propped your elbow on the table and rested your chin in your hand. You puffed out your cheeks and forcefully exhaled, as if, somehow, that would lessen your fatigue. At the head of the table, Steve smiled politely as he waited for you to settle. Across from you, however, Bucky stared at you, unimpressed with your apparent tardiness. Your stare shifted awkwardly between super-soldiers as you tried to rub the soreness out of your neck.
“So nice of you to join us,” Bucky remarked sarcastically.
You glared back at him, clearly not in the mood for his bullshit right now. And you sure as hell don’t have the energy to entertain it with a comeback.
“So, now that we’re all here…” Steve began formally, “we received intel on an abandoned HYDRA base that we believe house the files we’ve been looking for—”
“What about the asshole I just grabbed?” You interrupted, “I’m sure he can provide whatever information you need. And besides, I just got back. I’m tired and I’m dying for a sho—”
“Y/N, we need this. No one else is available.” Steve was using his Captain America voice now. “It’ll be a quick in-and-out, but we need to move now before they realize their info was leaked.”
You stared into Steve’s hardened gaze for a moment, searching for any sign that he might budge on this. Unfortunately, you found nothing.
You sighed. “Ok. Fine. When do we leave?”
“Meet Bucky on the jet in 20.” And with that, Steve left the room, leaving you with your thoughts.
Fuck. Maybe if you hurry, you’ll have time to shower and change your suit.  You stood up suddenly, not even noticing how Bucky was already standing by the door, scowling at you.
“You better hurry, princess. Don’t expect me to wait around for you again.”
“What the fuck is your problem, Barnes?” You spat at him.
“Me? I don’t have a problem.” He feigned indifference.
“Then why are you acting like a dick?!”  This isn’t the first time you and Bucky had been at each other’s throats. You were relatively new to the Avengers team, but you were far from incompetent. You trained hard, maybe even harder than everyone else, because you knew you needed to, to keep up with super soldiers, highly trained assassins, and expert marksmen. You feel you have proved yourself time and time again in the field, yet it never seemed good enough for Bucky Barnes.
Bucky was in your face now, mere inches away, and he was pissed. Oh shit. Maybe you went a little too far with the ‘dick’ comment.
“Maybe I wouldn’t act like a dick if you weren’t such a stuck-up, self-entitled bitch!”
Nope. No. You didn’t take it too far. You regret nothing now. You could feel your blood start to boil, your fists clenching at your sides. You know better than to try to take on a super soldier and, truth be told, you didn’t want to fight Bucky, not really. You liked him, probably more than you should. Even if you didn’t want to admit that to yourself. But, damn, he was really pissing you off today.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I work my ass off and I don’t ask for anything from anyone!” You huffed, chest heaving with anger.
Clearly, he had struck a nerve and as he seemed to notice this, a devilish grin spread across his face. He leaned in even closer and suddenly you were anxious, the anger in your features fading into unease. Is he doing this on purpose, trying to make you nervous? You stare relentlessly into his pale blue eyes, daring yourself to hold your ground, when all you wanted to do was melt into a puddle. Damn it, Y/N! Focus! He is an asshole and you are angry. Don’t look at his lips, don’t look at his lips, don’t look at his l—FUCK! You looked at his lips. You know he noticed; he misses nothing.  You averted your eyes and abruptly turned towards the door, your back turned to Bucky, desperately trying to find the rage that was long gone at this point.
Bucky straightened his posture and exaggeratedly inhaled, flaring his nostrils.
“Oh, and Y/N? You fucking stink.” His features twisted, resembling something close to disgust. “Maybe take a shower once in a while.”
Ah, there it is. You welcomed back the rage with open arms. It helped you focus.
You whipped your head around, irritation seeping from your pores. You scowled at him with the intention to kill, if looks could do it. But as much as you wanted to punch that stupid smirk off his ridiculously beautiful face, you didn’t have the time.
“Fuck you, Barnes!” And with that, you stormed out of the conference room to prepare for the mission.
Bucky watched as you angrily marched to your room, his eyes lit with a sense of accomplish, before slowly settling into a haze of uncertainty.
  Fueled by the rage brought on by your less than pleasant interaction with Bucky, you showered quickly, silently cursing the steel-blue eyed super-soldier and his fucking attitude. You started to feel small hints of insecurities formed by Bucky’s words, but quickly pushed them aside. You weren’t going to allow yourself to spiral like that. Not right now. By the time you had donned a clean tac suit and gathered your weapons of choice, you had resolved to not let his comments bother you. After all, you were far too tired to waste the energy on this any longer. Your plan was to sit as far away from Bucky as you could on the jet, read the file and, if you had time, squeeze in a quick nap before you land. You tightened your thigh holster and slipped the blade into place before sprinting to the jet.
As you climbed up the ramp, you glanced at your watch. One minute to spare. Ha! Take that, tin man! Of course, Bucky was already at the controls, adjusting the coordinates for auto-pilot. Without sparing another glance in his direction, you grabbed a file from the bench and tucked yourself into a corner. You started to skim through the information, but fatigue hit you full force and you felt your eyelids grow heavy. You didn’t realize that you fell asleep until you were startled awake by the sound of the file you were holding crashing to the ground. Your eyes shot open wide and you leaned over to pick up the folder, looking over at Bucky, who was now sitting across from you a few seats down. You sighed, waiting for the inevitable smart-ass remark Bucky was sure to make, but nothing was ever spoken. He simply looked at you in a way you’re not sure you’ve ever seen before. What was it? Was it concern, maybe? Compassion? Curiosity? After a second, you tore your tired eyes away from him and looked at your watch. It had only been 30 minutes. You still have a few hours of the flight left. With that thought, you placed the file on the floor and slid down on your side, nestling into the seat. In a matter of seconds, you were asleep.
 You were awoken by the sensation of the jet descending to land. Your head felt foggy, and your mouth was dryer than the Sahara.  You winced as you attempted to swallow, feeling like your throat was lined with razor blades. You sat up slowly, your head spinning from the change in position. Fuck. Fucking fuck. You knew exactly what this was. This was Karma coming back to bite you in the ass for that time you put salt in Bucky’s lemonade instead of sugar. It was hilarious at the time. You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to gather yourself and align your thoughts with the mission. It’s just a two mile walk to the car. Easy. Then a 40-minute drive to the base. Break in, find the files, get out and get back to the jet. With a final jolt, the jet landed, and Bucky appeared from the cockpit.  You stood up quickly, briefly using the wall to steady yourself, and began gathering your things. You didn’t want Bucky to catch on to the fact that you were getting sick. You can practically hear him making some comment about slowing him down or expecting special treatment and you weren’t having any of it. You always work hard, pulling your own weight and you weren’t about to let a little cold stop you from doing your job.
You threw your bag over your shoulder and headed for the ramp, trying to avoid looking at Bucky. You were still kind of pissed about what he said earlier and—oh no- --aahh choo! You sneezed: not once, not twice, but three times. You froze, turning your head slightly to the side to catch a glimpse of Bucky, feeling like you’d been made. He was staring at you impassively. You paused, trying to decide if you should say something, attempt to maintain the illusion of perfect health, but your sass came out instead.
“What? No smartass comment?” You prompted, sounding congested. Damnit, Y/N. Should’ve kept your mouth shut.
A crooked smile crept onto his face. “No, not at all. I was going to ask if you were allergic to hard work, but we didn’t actually do anything yet so…”
You narrowed your eyes at him, debating on throwing one of your knives at his head, but he would just deflect it. Suddenly, malaise hit you like a freight train, and you lost your resolve, really starting to feel like shit. Your eyes fluttered shut for a moment, trying to push the feeling aside, but you couldn’t shake it. No longer wanting to linger around Bucky, you turned to slowly walk down the ramp, trying to reserve whatever energy had left. You didn’t even look behind you to see if Bucky was following you as began walking in the direction of the car that was waiting a couple miles away. One step at time. Just get to the car.
Bucky followed you down the ramp, taking note of the sudden drop in your mood. He stayed in step with your pace, realizing you were walking much slower than normal, especially for being angry. Although, he had noticed the fire leave your eyes back on the ramp. “Hey,” he gently called out to you. You didn’t answer him. “Y/N,” a little louder. Still no answer. He quickened his stride to stand in front of you, putting his hands on your shoulders, stopping you from moving forward. You widened your eyes at the abrupt halt, an obvious look of surprise on your face. Confused, you looked down at his hand on your left shoulder and he quickly dropped his hands, worried he may have a crossed a boundary. You looked back up to his face, taking in his furrowed brow, his sincere eyes, before moving down to his perfectly plump lips. His mouth was moving, but you didn’t hear what he said.
“What?” you asked, seemingly dumbfounded.
“I’ve been calling your name. You didn’t answer me. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? We can take a break if you—”
“NO! No..I said I’m fine, Barnes. Let’s go.” There was no way you were going to show any sign of weakness, especially in front of Bucky. You’d never hear the end of it. He let out a sigh as you pushed past him and kept walking.
When you reached the car, Bucky grabbed the key from under the wheel well as you dropped down into the passenger seat. Bucky was surprised when you didn’t insist on driving. You normally would and then make some comment about chauvinism. He smiled at the thought. As he approached the driver’s side door, he paused and leaned down into the window to look at you. You were leaning back on the head rest and your eyes were closed. Bucky studied your form for a moment, admiring your toned legs, evident even through your tac suit, trailing up to your smooth belly, smiling at your delicate hands, fingers meshed as they rested in your lap. His eyes were slowly traveling upwards when you suddenly let out a small whine, quickly drawing his attention to your face. It was then he noticed how flush your face was. Your cheeks were a striking scarlet and harsh against your paling complexion.
He opened the car door, startling you. You straightened up and kept your eyes trained out the windshield. Your hand gingerly rubbed the back of your neck, desperate to be rid of the soreness from your previous mission. After a moment, you realized Bucky was looking at you, but you were afraid to turn towards him. It was getting harder and harder to keep up this charade. You just wanted to get this mission over with and get back home to your warm, comfy bed.
“Y/N. Look at me.”
You closed your eyes, put on your best poker face, and shifted in your seat to face him. When you opened your eyes again, you saw nothing but concern etched on his face. Of course. He’s worried you’re going to screw up this mission. He picked up on the fact that you’re a little under the weather and now he must think you can’t get the job done.
“Are you okay?”
“Barnes- will you stop asking me that? I’m fine.”
“Your cheeks are red.” He reached his flesh hand up towards your forehead, but you instinctually leaned back, avoiding his touch, afraid to let your guard down and reveal how terrible you were actually feeling. He frowned and dropped his hand.
“Yeah, well. It’s cold and windy.”
“Not that cold.” He challenged you, voice saturated with unease.
“Says the super-soldier.”
His eyes searched your face, willing you to open up to him. After a moment, he resigned, turning his eyes to the road and starting the car. Feeling temporarily off the hook, you let out a shaky breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You looked out the window, your mind trying to make sense of how differently Bucky was acting. He had never really acted like he cared before and you weren’t sure what it all meant. Fatigue eventually won you over and you drifted off to sleep. Bucky glanced over at you as he drove, noticing the change in your breathing, signaling you had fallen asleep. He fought the urge to reach out and touch you, thinking about how you avoided his touch earlier. He was worried about you. Something is clearly going on with you, though he can’t really blame you for not confiding in him. He’s been an absolute dick, especially lately. He doesn’t understand why he acts this way. He doesn’t hate you, not at all. But acting like he hates you is easier than dealing with his real feelings towards you.
Bucky parks the car a few hundred yards from the abandoned HYDRA base and looks you over once more. Your cheeks are still red, dark circles hung under your eyes and he now noticed small beads of sweat collecting on your forehead. He softly called your name and gently nudged your arm with his elbow to wake you.
You slowly opened your eyes and tried to reorient yourself. You looked at Bucky. He gave you a small smile and slight nod before exiting the car to gather his gear. You took note of the headache now throbbing behind your eyes and the new tightness in your chest. Something about this just didn’t feel right. You’ve never gotten this sick this quickly before. What the hell is going on? You carefully stepped out of the car and leaned against it, fighting off the dizziness and wave of nausea that followed. Thankfully, Bucky didn’t notice. Except that he did. You didn’t realize he was watching you as you paused to regain your bearings. You gathered your strength and joined Bucky at the trunk of the car to grab your weapons, just in case.
After checking your pistol, you holstered it and quickly pulled your hair back into a ponytail. Bucky’s eyes widened as they immediately land on the back of your neck.
“What the hell is that? Are you hurt?” He urged, stepping closer to you.
“What?” You asked, completely oblivious to what he was asking.
“Your neck.” He moved even closer to you, reaching his arms out to the collar of your suit. You turned to face him, feeling self-conscious, not wanting to expose any part of yourself, but he wasn’t going to drop this. “Just…. let me look. Please.”
You stared into his pale blue eyes, laced with trepidation. Bucky is normally so calm and collected. It unnerved you to see this degree of concern. You turned around, giving him permission. He gently pulled your collar down further to reveal a large circular bruise, varying shades of purple and black sitting right above the base of your neck. And in the middle of the circle, a small drop of dried blood.
“Y/N, what the hell happened on your last mission?”
“What do you mean? What is it?” The worry inside you starting to grow.
“There’s a huge bruise…and blood. What happened?”
“I---” You thought hard. “I don’t know. We went to grab some HYDRA douchebag at one of their medical facilities. There were more guards than what we anticipated. I mean, I got hit, but it wasn’t that bad- didn’t even knock me down.” You turned to face Bucky again. “What’s going on?”
Bucky’s face relaxed slightly. Either he wasn’t that worried after all or he was putting on a mask for your benefit. “You’re sure you’re feeling okay?” He pressed once again.
“Yeah….let’s get the damn files already.” The desperation to get home was beginning to overwhelm you. You started heading for the base, but Bucky grabbed your arm.
“You would tell me if something was bothering you, right? If something was wrong?”
You locked eyes with him again. You didn’t want to lie to him, but you didn’t want to look incompetent and weak either. “Yeah, of course, Barnes. Let’s go.” A look lingered on his face that told you he didn’t believe you. You pushed forward anyway.
The abandoned base was not so abandoned, but it wasn’t anything you and Bucky couldn’t handle. The base wasn’t huge, but you insisted on splitting up to get out of there faster. Bucky took the hallway to the left and you took the right. After taking down your sixth guard, you felt winded and your chest tightened even further. You pressed your hand to the center of your chest, trying to calm your breathing. What the fuck. This wasn’t like you at all, but here you were, struggling to keep up with the onslaught of HYDRA trash. You jogged down the hall and after a few minutes, stumbled upon a computer room.
“I think I found it,” you breathlessly muttered into the comms.
“I’ll be right there.” You heard the sound of gunshots echoing through the hall.
You pulled the flash drive out of your front pocket and inserted it into the computer. You tried to bypass their firewalls, but your head was pounding and you could barely concentrate. Something is very wrong here. Before you could put any more thought into it, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and pulled your knife from your thigh holster. Thankfully, it was just Bucky. You had no idea he had entered the room and you internally reprimanded yourself for not noticing. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you in disbelief as you put your knife away. He quickly looked you over for injuries, noticing that you were drenched in sweat as you ran your sleeve across your forehead. You blinked your eyes several times, refocused yourself and began uploading the content onto the drive, while Bucky paced the room, keeping a lookout.
“Got it.” The files finally finished uploading and you pulled the drive and placed it back into your pocket.  You followed Bucky into the hallway and pulled your gun from the holster, preparing for any remaining HYDRA agents. You searched and cleared each room and were almost out of the building when a sudden chill ran up your spine making you shiver. You unwillingly slowed your pace, and your hands began to shake. You looked down at your hands and back up at Bucky who was now several steps ahead of you. A devastating surge of dizziness overpowered you and you stumbled, falling into the wall in an effort to keep yourself standing. Oh shit. Oh shit. Shit. Your vision blurred and blackness began to creep into the edges.
“Bucky…..” you called out weakly, barely managing a whisper. You couldn’t see him clearly. You didn’t know if he heard you or if he even realized you had stopped. “Bucky?” you said a little louder, desperation coating your voice.
Bucky turned to see you, several feet back, leaning against a wall, the color drained from your face. “Y/N? Fuck!” He ran back, reaching you just as you fell to your hands and knees. He cupped your face in his hands, guiding you to look at him, as you tried to lean your back against the wall.
“Talk to me, doll. What’s going on? Are you hurt?” He frantically ran his eyes over you, fearing he missed something before.
You squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head. “I- I don’t know.” Your breathing was uneven and shakey now. “I haven’t felt right since I got back from that mission. I thought it was just a cold or something, but this is worse. So much worse. I’ve never felt this bad before.” Your eyes stung with tears, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore. To hell with being strong, you felt like you were dying. You opened your eyes, tears spilling over and running down your cheeks. You fisted your hands in your hair, feeling like your head was about to split open. Your lungs burned with every breath, your arms and legs ached down to the bone, feeling heavier and weaker by the minute. A sob broke out from your chest. Bucky ran his hand over your forehead and rested it on the back of your neck. You were burning up. Then Bucky remembered the strange circular bruise he saw on your earlier.
Immediately, Bucky pulled out his phone. You tried to remain calm, slow your breathing and clear your vision, but it wasn’t working, and you were so tired. You just wanted to close your eyes and sleep. The sound of Bucky’s worried voice broke through your thoughts.
“Steve? We have a problem. There’s something wrong with Y/N……I don’t know! She’s sick-- it happened fast—her last mission, what was it?.......Fuck! Why didn’t you tell her?!.........Steve, I think-I think they injected her with something. There’s a mark on her neck…..Fuck! Okay…..got it.” He put his phone away and looked down at your face again. Your eyes were closed and your head drifted down. “Hey, hey- open your eyes! Sweetheart, you gotta look at me.” He gently tapped your cheek and lifted your chin. You painfully lifted your eyelids, just enough to comply with his command. “We gotta go. Stay awake.”  
He slid his arms underneath your shoulders and thighs with ease, gently hugging you to his chest to steady you as he took off down the hall and out of the building. Before you could even register what was happening, Bucky was placing you into the passenger side of the car.
“Bucky…..what’s…..what’s going on?” You were so confused and tired.
“We think you were injected with something on your last mission. Some kind of biological weapon HYDRA was working on. That’s why you were sent to grab that scientist, to find out what they were doing.”
You could feel tears gathering in your eyes again.  “Why didn’t they tell me?”
“They didn’t know, not until they interrogated the scientist you brought in.”
A small whimper escaped your lips as you brought your knees up to your chest, curling in yourself. You were sweating profusely but felt like you were sitting in ice as you began to shake violently from the chills racking your body. Bucky reached out to you, this time without hesitation, and placed his hand on your back to rub comforting circles.
“You’re gonna be okay. Just hang on, doll. We’re almost to the jet.” Bucky tried to stay calm for your sake, but inside, he was screaming. They didn’t know what this was or if there was anything they could do to stop it. He was afraid of losing you.
Bucky drove and parked the car closer to the jet than he should have but fuck the plan and fuck protocol. No one was following you and he needed to get you back to the compound as soon as possible. You managed to stay awake and opened the car door, attempting to stand on shaking legs. You took a step forward but didn’t have the strength to remain standing. Your knees buckled underneath you and you fell, crashing into Bucky’s chest as he rounded the car to help you.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled weakly.
“Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He scooped you up into his arms again and carried you onto the jet, laying you down on the seat.  He disappeared into the cockpit and set the controls, before returning to your trembling figure. Silent tears slid down your cheek and vanished into your hair. You curled in on yourself even further. You squirmed in the seat and let out a small whimper; you were in so much pain. Your muscles spasmed painfully as chills continued to rack your body. Your breaths came short and fast, your chest feeling more constricted. Through all this you could feel your energy dwindling, Bucky’s heart was breaking, watching you suffer so immensely and not being able to do anything about it. He sat down beside you and lifted your head to lay it in his lap. He stroked your hair, brushing strands out of your face as you continued to shake.
You hadn’t spoken in a while. Bucky could tell that you were losing strength. You were giving up. He needed to keep you focused on something, anything.
“Doll, I—” then his phone rang. He stood slowly, gently placing your head back on the seat before answering.
“Steve?.......she’s, uh…..she’s not good, man……she’s burning up and she can’t stop shaking. I….” He turned his back to you, whispering now. “I think she’s giving up……okay…we’ll land in 20 minutes…… Right.” He ended the call. With his back still turned to you, Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose and blinked back tears that were threatening his eyes.
Bucky whipped his head around, surprised to see you sitting up, but you looked worse. Your expression was blank, eyes vacant, and you began to sway. You didn’t feel right, but this was different. Your head was spinning, and you swallowed thickly, trying to keep yourself from getting sick.  
“I don’t --”
Bucky took a hurried step toward you and your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you collapsed onto the floor of the jet.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Bucky was on his knees at your side, rolling you onto your back. He tried to shake you awake, but you weren’t responding. He watched your chest, relieved to see you were still breathing, though your shallow breaths were barely visible. He placed his fingers to your neck, finding a weak pulse.
“Come on, doll! I need you to wake up. Come on.” He pleaded with you, but you couldn’t hear him.  He stayed with you, only leaving your side to land the jet. He carried you down the ramp, running to the medical team that was waiting just outside, placing you on the gurney. Steve was waiting there too.
“What happened?” Steve demanded information as he and Bucky followed the medical team rushing you into the compound.
“I don’t know. She was acting different. She didn’t look well, kept falling asleep. I saw that bruise on her neck.” Bucky nervously ran his fingers through his hair. “Then we were leaving the base and she got dizzy, couldn’t walk, and started shaking. She was shaking so bad.” Steve could tell Bucky was struggling to keep it together and rested his hand on his shoulder. “She passed out right before we landed. I couldn’t get her to wake up…I- I should have said something sooner. I should have called off the mission the second I knew something wasn’t right.” Bucky took a deep breath and rubbed his palms into his eyes.
“It’s okay, pal. You couldn’t have known. You got her here. The doctors will figure it out.” Steve patted Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky sat in the chair beside your bed, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of your hand. You were still unconscious. You wore an oxygen mask and IVs in both arms. As much as it pained Bucky to see you this way, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. After intense persuasion from Captain America, the HYDRA scientist had revealed an antiviral treatment. They started the treatment a few hours after you had arrived back at the compound. That was a couple days ago, and you had yet to wake up. The doctors had told Bucky your fever was dangerously high, and they weren’t sure how it was going to affect your brain. A tear ran down his cheek as guilt continued to consume him. He knew something was wrong at the start of the mission and because he had acted like a dick and said such mean things to you, you didn’t feel like you could confide in him. Now, you were laying in this hospital bed with the potential to never recover.
On the third day, you opened your eyes. Bucky was resting his head on the side of your bed. You reached your hand up, trying to grasp the oxygen mask that rested over your face. This startled Bucky and he jumped up, gently wrapping his hands around your wrists and bringing them to your sides.
“Hey- hey. You gotta leave that on, doll.” A huge smile spread across his face. He thought he would never see your beautiful eyes again.  As quickly as his smile came, it faded, as he registered the lingering confusion on your face. He realized that you might not be the same person you were a few days ago. The doctor’s words swirled in his head. Potential brain damage. Memory issues. Physical disabilities. The truth is, they just didn’t know and now that you were awake, Bucky was facing the harsh reality of the situation. Your breaths came in short and rushed. Bucky saw the confusion in your eyes morph into fear, a few tears escaping the brims.
“Bucky….” Your voice cracked.
He breathed a huge sigh of relief. You knew him. He sat back down, holding your hands in his.
“You’re okay, sweetheart.” He brushed your tears away with his thumb before taking your hand back in his. “Do you remember what happened?”
Your eyes darted back and forth, looking for memories that weren’t coming. You shook your head faintly.
Bucky swallowed hard, preparing himself to recount the events of the past few days.
“We were on a mission and….you got sick.  HYDRA had injected you with a new virus. Something they designed. You got hit on a previous mission but didn’t realize what they had done. None of us did. But we found out about a treatment and you’re okay now. You’re safe.”
The memories suddenly flooded back to you, realization casting a shadow on your face.
“I thought I was going to die…” you remembered.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. I knew something wasn’t right from the beginning and I should have ended the mission right then. Maybe if I had, it wouldn’t have been so bad. “
You looked up at him with incredulity. “Bucky, it’s okay. This isn’t your fault. I should have said something, but I was too stubborn. I didn’t want you to think I couldn’t handle it, that I was weak.”
“Because I was being such an asshole.”
“Yeah, you were” the corner of your mouth curved up into a half smile and Bucky chuckled. You still had your spark. “….but why?”
Bucky was silent for several moments. “Because I like you. But I don’t deserve to have someone like you. I thought if I said enough hateful things, it would help me keep my distance, convince myself that I don’t have these feelings.”
You were silent, unsure of how to respond. Then you realized that Bucky was holding your hands, as he brought the back of your hand up to place a gentle kiss there.
“Bucky….” You began and he chuckled. “What?”
“You always called me Barnes. You never called me Bucky until….you got sick.”
“Oh.” You hadn’t realized you had dropped the façade. “I guess I just got tired of pretending that….that I don’t like you. But I do…..like you….A LOT.” You felt your cheeks growing red with embarrassment. There’s no going back now.
You hesitantly looked at Bucky and couldn’t help but smile. He wore the biggest smile you have ever seen.
The next day, you had recovered enough to be discharged from the medical wing. You insisted you could walk back to your room, waving away the nurse when he brought a wheelchair. You sat on the edge of your hospital bed, struggling to pull on your shoes. You had already managed your sweatpants, t-shirt, and socks, but even just that left you exhausted. You were feeling much better, but your body still ached, and fatigue seemed to find you quickly with even the smallest of tasks. Fuck it. You don’t need shoes. You huffed in frustration, weakly throwing your sneakers across the room. When you looked up, you noticed Bucky entering your room, twisting slightly to dodge the footwear assault.
He raised his eyebrows at you in surprise before realization settled onto his face. “You okay?” He asked gently before picking your sneakers up off the floor.  He calmly kneeled in front of you, slipping your shoes on each foot, with ease. At first, you couldn’t answer, your eyes avoiding him and the situation.
“I just hate this….I can’t even put on my damn shoes.” You felt defeated. And tired. Really fucking tired.
Bucky, still kneeling in front of you, lifted your chin with one finger, so your eyes were level with his.
“Y/N, you almost died a few days ago. Cut yourself some slack. Your strength will return, and you’ll be kicking ass again in no time.” His mouth curved into a soothing smile. You nodded your head, still feeling displeased with yourself. “You ready?” he continued, offering his hand.
You took his hand, gripping tightly as he helped you stand. The walk back to your private room in the compound was slow and tortuous. You had to take several breaks, but Bucky was more than patient. He was understanding and compassionate. You wished you had the chance to know this Bucky long before now. He was being sweet, and you were really enjoying it.
You were extremely relieved when your bed came into view. Bucky helped you into it, seeing the exhaustion taking over. He left the bedroom without saying a word, and you felt the panic rise in your chest. For the first time, you really felt his absence. You didn’t want to be alone. You felt tears prick at your eyes and you settled back against your pillow, trying to keep your tears at bay. Then you heard the closing of a cupboard door and Bucky reappeared, holding a glass of water and some Tylenol.  Bucky looked you over, settling on your glassy eyes.  
His eyes narrowed. “Hey, what’s wrong? Does something hurt?” He moved to place the glass and pills on the nightstand next your bed. He brought his hand up to brush a few strands of hair out of your face as he sat on the edge of your bed.
You softly shook your head. “I thought you left.” You admitted.
He stayed quiet, considering what you said, his hand coming to rest behind your head. “Did you want me to leave?” He looked heartbroken.
You didn’t want him to leave, ever.  But you weren’t sure how to say that without sounding completely pathetic. You always tried to keep up with your tough exterior and you were uncomfortable with all this vulnerability you had been showing lately. When you didn’t say anything, Bucky stood and headed for the door.
“Bucky- wait!” You panicked at the thought of actually being alone this time. “I don’t want to be alone. Please…will you stay with me?”
Bucky stopped in his tracks and turned to look at you.
The genuine smile on his face, warmed you in a way you had never felt before. You moved over in the bed, pulling back the cover, inviting Bucky to lay with you. He pulled off his boots and slid into the bed behind you, wrapping his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. You had never felt safer than you had at this moment. It almost surprised you with ‘at home’ you feel in his arms.
“Bucky?” you whispered. “Thank you for being there for me.” You weren’t just talking about today.
“Of course, doll.” He placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “For as long as you need me.”
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Travel Troubles.
Prompt: Sick in an Inconvenient Place
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.1K
Summary: Sickness doesn’t care where you are. You get sick but your girls are there for you.
TW: vomiting
A/n I suck at grammar. So there are like three commas in this lol. Plus I typed it with one hand because I’ve hurt my other arm :(
Wanda had been begging you and nat for months now and you had finally caved. You were going to the beach for a few days. You were actually pretty excited to be spending some quality time with your girls so when you woke up the morning you were suppose to be leaving feeling like you had been punched in the stomach you groaned and shrugged it off. Luckily most of the day was going to be spent in the car.
Dismissing it as your usual cramps after your period you stuffed your duffle-bag into the car, opting for the backseat so you could starfish across the leather seats. All seemed well for the first two hours, the car seemed to be getting hotter though. And the pain in your stomach began to increase. Nausea set in around hour five. Curled up in the backseat in a ball Wanda shot nat a look.
<shes acting weird nat do you think shes ok?> she asked in Nat’s mind.
<if she needs us she well tell us>
<we both know that’s not true> Wanda shot back
You were in too much pain to notice the silent conversation. Your face pressed against the cool glass of the window. It was way too hot in the car.
“y/n/n what do you want for lunch, Natty’s getting us maccas.” When all she received was a groan she frowned. Being stopped at a red light Wanda unbuckled climbing into the backseat despite Natasha’s protests.
“y/n/n?” she asked running a hand through your sweaty hair. She frowned placing the back of her hand to your forehead. She gasped. “natty shes on fire” you whined when she pulled her cold hand away from your flaming skin.
“oh bug why didn’t you tell us you didn’t feel good sweets?” muttering something unintelligent you flopped against her. Chuckling slightly she pulled you closer.
“natty can you get her an ice water from maccas?”
Pulling into the drive through the nausea only worsened at the smell of greasy food. Wanda noticed the colour drain from your face. Rushing she seemingly pulled a sick bag from thin air with her magic, guiding it under your shaking chin as your breakfast reappeared. Nat tried not to frown at the gagging noises coming from the backseat as she ordered for the three of you. Asking Wanda if you were ok when she had finished ordering.
“I’m not sure natty shes a bit too warm for my liking and joined with the vomiting I don’t want her to get dehydrated. Did you order the water?”
“yes. We’ll keep an eye on her temp, I can stop of at the chemist for a fever reducer and thermometer if you like?” Wanda nodded her agreement chewing on her lip as she brushed back your hair as you laid against her thigh in a fever induced haze. She had used her magic to rid the bag of sick and had a fresh one on hand if you needed it again.
After a quick stop, nat returned with the goods and Wanda fed you the tablets passing the water to you and holding the straw to your lips. Your eyes were glazed and your body ached.
“oh sweetheart. You really don’t feel good do you love?” nat asked looking at your shaking body. You whined like a child in response too tired to form proper words. Wanda tapped your cheek, using her thumb to tilt down your chin and open your mouth. She slipped the thermometer inside and waited for it to beep. When it did she removed it guiding your head back to her lap before looking at the number. Wanda hummed her disapproval upon seeing the flashing screen.
“what is it love?”
“102.8 too high for our sweet angel hmmm” she ran her hands through your hair again, rubbing your back to help you rest.
“that doesn’t sound good baby.”
With about a half hour to go, your eyes flew open, Wanda startled by your sudden movement pulled you upright, shoving the bag under your chin just in time as what small lunch you had spilled down you chin. With a choked sob, you continued to throw up. “shhh baby your ok. Your ok” Wanda cooed, still holding the bag. When you stopped Wanda waved her hand replacing the bag with her magic and guiding you back to her lap where you fell back into a fitful sleepy fever induced haze. Wanda took your temperature again slightly happier with the number but it hadn’t lowered by much. It would be a matter of a cold shower when they reached the cabin. You were silent the rest of the trip there save for fevered mutterings and the occasional groan. When you finally pulled in, Wanda peeled you off her lap. Passing you to nat who held you bridal style as Wanda climbed out and unlocked the door. Heading straight for the shower you were stripped of your clothes whining at the ice cold air on your fevered and flushed skin. Wanda guided you to the shower practically holding you up as the water ran over you. Despite your struggling she didn’t once let go as she held you and nat washed your body clean of the sweat that had soaked your clothes.
“shh love its ok” she cooed stroking back your damp hair from your face
After the shower from hell, as you called it, nat and Wanda dressed you in fluffy
PJs before carrying you to the bed and putting the sick bag on the bedside table. Your girls snuggled up with you.
“what about the car. We need to unpack” you yawned.
“don’t worry your pretty little head about it love your far more important.”
“plus I can use my magic to unpack it from here love” Wanda stated.
“okay” you sighed curling into Nat’s shoulder as Wanda wrapper her arms around you.
“goodnight sweetheart.” Nat cooed, stroking your hair back.
“night wands. night Tasha. Love you guys.”
“good night love. We love you too. Now sleep baby.”
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goldenempyrean · 1 month
for your drabbles request, i was thinking something like this:
W: “Do you not see how pale you are right now?”     
R: “Can you just shut up for a second?”
W: "You can’t drive home in your condition.”  
with sick!reader and caretaker!wanda, kinda angsty but with a happy ending if possible :)
Second Opinion
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〚 Notes - Just a drabble....whole story? Potato potatah? Wanda's a major bitch at the start of this but we'll look over it because she redeems herself <3 Sorry this took a while, I got sent home from work sick so finally had the time to finish this :,) 〛
〚 Pairing - Wanda Maximoff x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - Your camping trip doesn't go to plan. Wanda isn't exactly helping you feel better. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1530 〛
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“I knew you didn’t check the weather.” Wanda grumbled from the under the small shelter you’d both huddled beneath, shaking out her soaked hair and scrunching up her damp curls before shooting you an annoyed look. 
“I didnt realise it was going to rain!” You threw your hands up defensively, the action had sent the water droplets on your arms splashing in every direction, “I’m just as soaked as you are! How was I meant to know the tent wasn’t waterproof?” 
The pair of you loved to camp, it was always fun to get out into nature, switch off your electronics and unwind. It was something you did every year. Unfortunately you’d forgotten to check the weather before rushing off for a weekend away. It had rained heavily throughout the night and much to Wanda’s horror, had made the tragic discovery that the tent you’d been sleeping in was definitely not waterproof. 
You’d both woken up to find yourselves soaked to the bone,  laying in freezing cold water… Not the greatest way to wake up. 
Wanda sighed, rubbing her arms for warmth. "Well, what do we do now? We can't stay here in this soggy mess." 
“We can pack up everything into the boot, there should be a tarp in there so it wont ruin the interior. Then I guess we just head home?”  You sniffled, as a chill rolled up your arms. 
Wanda grumbled as she helped gather up the soggy camping gear, shooting you occasional glares that seemed to say, "This is all your fault." Meanwhile, you couldn't shake off the chill that had settled deep into your bones. The feeling of your damp clothes sticking to you only added to your discomfort. 
But as you packed up, Wanda's annoyance seemed to intensify with every wet item she handled. "I can't believe this," She muttered, shaking out a drenched sleeping bag. "We should have checked the weather. This is just typical of you! You’re so unprepared!” 
You tried to muster a defense, but your voice came out weak and raspy. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean for this to happen." You cringed a little at the sound of your voice. You’d had a cold for the past week however you’d started feeling better for the last few days but you’d supposed that waking up shivering and soaked would make anyone feel ill again. 
As Wanda continued to grumble, you couldn't help but sneeze, the action sent had you stumbling forward a little and you really hadn’t been able to cover your mouth in time… 
"Ugh, seriously?" she snapped, wiping at her dampened clothes with annoyance. "First, the weather, and now you're sneezing on me? Could this day get any worse?" 
You winced, feeling guilty for both the sneeze and the situation as a whole. "I-I'm sorry," you stammered, reaching for a tissue to cover your mouth. "It's this stupid cold. I can't help it." 
Wanda rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed.  
“Go wait in the car,” She gave you a stern look, the kind she had when she wouldn’t take no for an answer and pointed to the vehicle. “You better take those soaked clothes off as well, I need you getting pneumonia.” 
You sniffled, not bothering to argue any longer. The corners of your temples had started to ache and you couldn’t deal with her attitude. 
“Fine!” You climbed into the driver’s side and closed the door with a slam. 
As Wanda continued packing up the camping gear, her frustration seemed to grow with each soggy item she handled. She muttered under her breath, shooting occasional glances towards the car where you were waiting. 
“Are you even able to drive safely?” Wanda mumbled under her breath as she clambered into the passenger seat only ten minutes later. You sent her an unimpressed glare. “I’m being serious, I mean do you not see how pale you are right now? What if you fall asleep while driving?” 
"Can you just shut up for a second?" You snapped back, feeling the throbbing ache in your temples intensify with each passing moment. You weren’t in the mood to argue from the second she’d gotten in the car. 
Wanda sighed heavily, her frustration mixing with genuine worry. "You can't drive home in your condition." 
You leaned back in the seat, the cold seeping into your bones and sapping what little energy you had left. "I'll manage," you muttered stubbornly, though the idea of driving in your current state filled you with dread. 
Her eyes narrowed, a distinct crease forming in her brow, “No you won’t manage! Just let me drive, Y/N, for gods sake!” 
You knew she was right; driving in your current state was a recipe for disaster. Reluctantly, you handed over the keys, feeling defeated and utterly drained. 
Wanda wasted no time taking charge, starting the car and adjusting the mirrors before pulling out of the campsite. You slumped in the passenger seat, feeling the chill of your soaked clothes seep deeper into your bones. Every bump in the road sent a jolt of pain through your head, and you squeezed your eyes shut, hoping to ease the throbbing. 
You sniffled, trying to stifle the tickle in your nose, but it persisted, building with each passing moment until you couldn't help but let out a series of harsh, miserable sneezes. 
Wanda glanced over at you, her annoyance fading into concern as she saw the way you huddled in on yourself. "You okay?" she asked, her voice a little softer now. 
You mustered a weak nod, but the look on your face betrayed the truth. Your cheeks flushed with fever, and your skin felt clammy to the touch. It was clear you were far from okay. 
“Don’t lie to me.” She mumbled, her hand coming to rest on your forehead, “You’ve got a fever again.” She sighed, her hand coming down for cup your cheek for a moment, and you found yourself sinking into her touch, craving the comfort it brought. 
You still were reluctant to fully give in, “I’m fine Wands. Just leave it… please?” You added, expecting her to argue back but she just looked at you with sympathy instead and murmured under her breath.
"I think you need a second opinion on that."
As the car hummed along the roads, the combination of exhaustion and illness weighed heavily on you. Despite your best efforts to stay awake and alert, the steady rhythm of the car and the warmth from the heater lulled you into a drowsy haze. 
Your eyelids grew heavy, and before you knew it, you had succumbed to the pull of sleep. Your head lolled to the side, resting against the window as raspy breaths and intermittent coughs escaped your lips. Wanda glanced over at you, her expression softening at the sight of you. 
The guilt weighed heavily on her as she watched you sleep, your face flushed with fever, your body shivering involuntarily despite the warmth of the car. She pulled the car over to quickly reach into the back, pulling up the blanket you usually kept in the backseats before gently laying it over you, tucking it in at the sides. Wanda sighed in remorse, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had been too harsh on you earlier.  
She replayed the events of the morning in her mind, feeling a pang of regret with each memory. Maybe she should have been more understanding, more patient. She hadn’t slept well and was overtired and she had taken it out on you. After all, you didn't intentionally get sick or forget to check the weather. It was just an unfortunate series of events.  
Eventually, the familiar sight of your home came into view, and Wanda felt a sense of relief wash over her. She carefully parked the car and turned off the engine, reaching over to gently shake your shoulder. 
"Hey, we're home," she murmured softly, her voice laced with concern. "Let's get you inside and warmed up." 
With Wanda's help, you groggily stumbled out of the car and into the warmth of your home. She guided you to the couch, before hurrying off to your bedroom, quickly returning with a thick hoodie for you to wear and you could hear the distance hum of running water. 
"I'm sorry for snapping earlier," Wanda murmured, her voice filled with sincerity. "I shouldn't have been so harsh on you. I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. I was way out of line.” 
“I’ve started a bath for you if you want it?” 
Wanda's apology hangs in the air, melting away any lingering tension. With a soft smile, you reach out and grasp her hand’ “Thank you, baby," you replied, your voice still hoarse. "I appreciate it. And a bath sounds wonderful after all this.” You paused, watching as she fidgeted with her fingers - clearly still feeling guilty. 
“Do you want to join me? You got soaked too y’know.” 
She blinked in surprise, clearly not expecting that response. She hesitated for a moment before nodding, “If you’ll have me?” Her eyes softened as she nodded, her lips curling into a relieved smile. 
"I'd love to." 
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yelenabemylova · 2 years
Flu- Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill x Reader
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summary: you have the flu, but luckily your girlfriends are more than willing to take care of you
a/n: the fourth wall break is a little ongoing joke between my old readers and i, don't worry if you don't understand it, this is a very old one-shot
You lay asleep in your bed, curled up under a huge pile of blankets, dreaming of all the ways you could kill a certain archer when you began to stir awake. You peaked out from under the blankets and saw Natasha getting ready to go train.
You put your arms out and tried to call her name but your voice was completely gone due to the nasty flu you had come down with. She was facing away from you so she didn't see you. Maria gave her a soft kiss, "love you." The ginger smiled, "love you too."
After Natasha had left, Maria looked over to you lying in bed with a small pout on your face. "What's wrong, baby?" she kissed your head. "Nat didn't say bye," you quietly said, coughing immediately after. Maria rubbed your back softly, "we thought you were asleep, I'm sure if she knew you were awake she would've come to say goodbye to you."
Nodding in agreement, you attempted to pull Maria into bed with you, resting your head on her chest before drifting off to sleep again. She pulled the blankets back over you, keeping you protected and warm.
After a few hours, Natasha came back to your room, smiling when she saw her two favourite people cuddled up in bed together. She had a quick shower before getting in bed behind you, her chest against your back.
You shuffled back into her embrace, Maria pulling you back closer to her. Natasha draped an arm over your waist, doing the same, making you wake up. You realised what they were doing and giggled before turning round to face the redhead and pulling her close to you.
"Good morning," she whispered to you. Smiling up at her, you opened your blanket to let her into your cocoon of warmth. She gladly accepted your offer and hugged you tightly. "Come back," Maria muttered from behind you.
You turned round and she kissed the top of your head before kissing Natasha on the lips. You pouted up at her, making her chuckle, "I don't want to get the flu, I have work to do." You frowned and turned away from her, only to be met by a smirking Natasha.
Sometimes having two girlfriends had it's downsides.
You groaned and went to get out of bed before they both pulled you back down. "Let me go," you tried to tell them. "Sorry didn't catch that," Maria grinned. You scowled and went under your blankets, pulling them off of Natasha.
Clint walked in the room, not bothering to knock, "have any of you guys seen Lucky?" Maria and Natasha shook their heads and he raised an eyebrow at the ball on the bed, "what's up with her." The brunette chuckled, "I think she's mad at us."
He walked over to you and was about to open his mouth when you cut him off, though your voice was frail they still all heard you, "fuck off Clint." He was quick to pull all your blankets off you, making you whine quietly.
"Hey, that was unnecessary," Natasha grabbed them back and placed them back over your shivering body gently. "She deserved it," he shrugged. "Well you deserve the pencil I'm about to shove up your ass," she lunged at him before Maria quickly held her back.
"As much as I would love to see that happen, the readers are complaining about all the Clint slander and I think we need to tone it down a notch," she sighed. "Fine, but we're going back to normal after this chapter," Natasha huffed.
Clint backed out the room slowly, happy to be free from the wrath of the scariest people in the compound, for now at least.
You stayed under your blankets, shaking from the cold air you were exposed to. Both of your girlfriends curled their bodies around yours and you let them under your blankets, but only because you were cold. You were still mad about them not wanting to kiss you, although you did understand why.
Natasha pulled off her hoodie and put it on you, engulfing you in heat and her familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon. "Love you, detka," she kissed the tip of your nose before you drifted back off to sleep in her protective embrace.
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darkstar225 · 5 months
Kid Y/N feels under the weather, what is gonna happen? ft Wanda and Natasha 
Rain pelted against the large windows of the Avengers compound, a symphony of nature's melancholy to accompany the drama unfolding within. Y/N, a young child with an inclination for mischief, which made her seem like Loki's daughter sometimes (she may be...), and two extraordinary guardians: Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, found herself feeling under the weather. The cold had crept into her small frame, bringing with it a storm of sneezes and sniffles.
In the heart of the Avengers' home, the living room was a battleground. Y/N lay on the couch, surrounded by a fortress of plush toys. The television played some animated movie, forgotten in the background. Natasha was still donned in her Black Widow uniform after returning from a mission with Wanda, her fiery red hair cascading in waves, was the epitome of calm. She knelt beside the couch, worry etching lines on her face as she touched Y/N's forehead with the back of her hand.
Y/N - Mama, I don't wanna take those yucky medicines! 
Whined the little girl as her raspy voice showed her clear discomfort.
Wanda, also in her Scarlet Witch attire, floated into the room with a tray of steaming soup and a small bottle of medicine. Her expressive eyes softened as they met Y/N's defiant gaze. 
Wanda - Sweetheart, it'll make you feel better. Just a spoonful, okay? *frowns*
The girl's eyes narrowed and a pout formed on her lips. 
Y/N - No! It tastes icky.
Natasha sighed, her stern look softened by a smile. 
Natasha - Come on, kiddo. You'll be back to causing chaos in no time.
Y/N's eyes welled up, a mixture of exhaustion and frustration. 
Y/N - I don't wanna be sick, Mommy.
Natasha's heart melted at the word. Y/N had walked into her and Wanda's life like a burst of sunshine, and now, seeing her curled up with illness, it felt like the sun had been clouded over.
Natasha exchanged a glance with Wanda, who was now floating in the air, her green eyes filled with concern. 
Wanda - We just want you to feel better, little one. *soft voice with a motherly smile*
But Y/N was having none of it. With a sudden burst of energy, she sat up, sending the plush toys scattering like leaves in the wind. 
Y/N - I don't want the yucky medicine! I hate it!
Natasha's eyes met Wanda's, both sharing a knowing look. Parenting, even for two superheroes, had its challenges. But they were up for it. Wanda floated down to Y/N's eye level, a playful smile on her face. 
Wanda - How about a deal, little rebel? Take the medicine, and Mama will read you a story. A magical one.
Y/N eyed Wanda suspiciously, her small brain working through the proposal. 
Y/N - A really magical one? *head tilt*
Wanda nodded, her fingers conjuring a spark of Scarlet energy. 
Wanda - The most magical story you've ever heard. 
Y/N contemplated this for a moment before finally nodding with all the seriousness a child could muster. 
Y/N - Okay, but no yucky medicine next time. *scrunches nose*
Natasha handed Wanda the medicine with a smirk. 
Natasha - Of course, princesa.
Wanda poured the medicine into a small spoon, casting a glance at Natasha. Natasha nodded subtly, understanding the silent question. Wanda approached Y/N, who was still eyeing the spoon with scepticism.
Wanda - Open wide, little one. *cooing*.
Y/N opened her mouth reluctantly and Wanda administered the medicine. The kid grimaced at the taste, but she swallowed it down with a determined expression.
Natasha - Good job, honey! 
Natasha praised, ruffling Y/N's hair.
Wanda - Now, for the magical story... 
Wanda settled on the floor near Natasha with Y/N nestled between their chests.
As Wanda began weaving a tale of enchanted forests and talking animals, Y/N's eyes sparkled with wonder. The room echoed with Wanda's melodic voice, each word painting a vivid picture in the child's imagination. Natasha sat back, watching the scene unfold with a smile. The storm outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of the family huddled together.
As the story reached its climax, Y/N's eyelids grew heavy. The pair shared a glance, silently agreeing to transfer the dozing child to her cosy bed. Together, they lifted Y/N, who mumbled something about flying with Mama and Mommy in the magical forest.
In her room, surrounded by plush toys and soft blankets, Y/N slept peacefully. Natasha and Wanda lingered for a moment, marvelling at the small, slumbering figure. Parenthood was an adventure, one they embraced wholeheartedly.
As they tiptoed out of the room, Natasha began to whisper. 
Natasha - We make a good team, don't we? *smirks*
Wanda nodded, her eyes reflecting the love and contentment they both felt. 
Wanda - The best. *winks*
And with that, the two superheroes, mothers to a special little girl, ventured back into the living room. The storm outside had quieted, leaving behind the soft hum of family and the promise of many more magical stories to come.
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oneofstarkskids · 8 months
steven grant x reader
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Summary: You're sick and Steven takes care of you
The keys jingle from across the room where Steven is trying to get in. You can hear the door swing open and him setting things on the counter. "I'm home, love." He calls out, but you can't find the energy to answer.
Steven makes his way over to the bedroom area and sees you curled up in a ball under the covers.
His face immediately washes over with a worried look. "Hey," he says gently as he crouches down to give you a kiss on the forehead.
He keeps his lips there just a little longer, subtly checking your temperature. You give him a weak smile as he strokes your cheek with his thumb. "You're burning up darling," he whispers.
"Why didn't you give me a ring?" He asked, his eyebrows still knit in worry. "You were at work," you manage to whisper. Steven shakes his head, "I would've come anyway." You closed your eyes sleepily, keeping the smile on your face, "That's why I didn't call."
Steven gave you one more peck on the forehead before moving to the kitchen to make you some tea and find some medicine.
By the time he came back, you'd already fallen fast asleep. He smirked and rubbed your back lightly. "Hm," You hummed.
Steven planted kisses on your cheek and temple, "I've got some things for you darling."
You sat up and leaned your back against the bedframe.
Steven handed you your tea, "Careful. it's hot." He kept his hands nearby in case you dropped it. You chuckled at his protective mannerisms.
"What? You could get burned!" He complained. You slid over, giving Steven room to sit next to you on the bed. He climbed in and tucked his legs under the covers before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
Steven reached over to the bedside table. "Here you are," he said handing you a couple pills.
You frowned, but Steven made those damn puppy dog eyes at you that you were unable to resist.
Sighing, you took the pills from his palm.
Steven watched carefully as you popped the pills in your mouth and took a large gulp of water.
You gagged, "Happy?"
He smiled triumphantly, "Very."
You shook your head at his antics and sipped on your tea.
Once the entire mug was left with nothing but residue, you passed it over to him. Steven set it on the night stand before pulling you close and laying the pillow flat on the bed.
He gently laid you down on it and rested his head next to yours before brushing a tendril of hair behind your ear and placing a loving kiss on your warm forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my love," he whispered.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Party Time
You're sick but go to a party upon Tony's request. The girls aren't happy. (wandanat x reader)
Word Count: 880
You sniffled against your wrist, swallowing the mucus you couldn’t cough up. Tony had said something about needing everyone there for the party, and for some reason, you had listened. Now, you were wearing something far too revealing for how cold you were. 
You took another sip of water, wincing as it went down your throat.
“You know, you really didn’t have to come.” A warm hand rested on your shoulder and you flinched, startled. “Oh, sorry love I didn’t mean to scare you.” Wanda crooned, moving to sit beside you. Her eyes were full of gentle concern and you really didn’t have the energy to reassure her. 
“Hun, maybe we should go home.” 
“S’ok I’m fine” You mumbled, rubbing a hand across your bleary eyes. She nodded and adjusted the strap of your sleeve rubbing your shoulder with a soft hand. 
“You feel a little warm.” Damn it, she wasn’t letting this go. You glanced at Natasha, who was happily chatting with Clint, looking more at ease than you'd seen her in a while. 
“I’m fine, sweet girl. I’m going to go dance with Natty, wanna join?” You plastered a smile on your overly made-up face, but it clearly didn’t soothe her worries. “C’mon my heart, I’m fine.” You leaned over and kissed her cheek, avoiding her lips. You wouldn’t get her sick. 
She hummed a clearly negative response, not trusting you. You squeezed her hand and stood up, instantly regretting your decision. Her hand went to your waist and she steadied you as you tried to blink away the spots invading your vision. 
“Maybe you should sit down.” Her words were fuzzy and distant, you couldn’t quite focus. 
“Sit down sweetheart.” This was definitely a command. You felt yourself being pushed down and a glass was pressed against your lips. “Drink, okay?” You turned away with a shake of your head, terrified that you’d ruin this night. It was supposed to be fun.
“M’fine, think I jus’ need s’me sleep,” You slurred, swaying dangerously on the barstool. You felt your head connect with something soft, and the world went dark. 
“Damnit Y/n, open your fucking eyes,” Wanda demanded, patting your cheek just short of a slap. Panic coursed through her veins as she tried desperately to wake you up. A small moan escaped your chapped, nearly bleeding lips and you curled away, nearly falling off of the stool.
“My god bubs, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Wanda was mad at you…what had you done again?
“Din’t mean to.” You forced out, not ready to open your eyes yet. The world was spinning for some weird reason, and you wanted it to stop. 
“Hush my dove.” A different much less angry voice interjected, and you gravitated towards it, hoping to get away from the angry one. She was cold. You wanted to be warm. 
“No, she doesn’t get to be coddled right now! She let us take her out, Tasha! She-” Wanda’s voice cracked dangerously, converting her fear. 
“I know baby, but she’s clearly out of it. We can be mean when she’s feeling a little better, yeah?” Natasha crooned. The relationship was completely out of wack. Wanda was usually the peacekeeper, but when she was pissed she was scarier than Nat. Now, Natasha was cooling her down and keeping her from crying. Stuff was weird. 
“Feel great,” You mumbled, tugging on Wanda’s arm. She was pretty, even when she was mad. 
“Stop it. I swear Y/n, quit it. You are so fired.” She growled, prompting you to open your eyes. A painful cough erupted from your lungs and you winced, again almost falling off of your chair thing. You wanted to go home.
“Mmm…hi pretty girl,” You gave Wanda a loopy grin, which she responded to by giving you an epic eye roll. 
“Hi, stupid. You ready to go home?” 
“We’re partyin’!” You sat up and Natasha quickly wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you from tipping back over. 
“We were, now we’re going home.” 
“Why’s Wans mad at me?” You asked, curling yourself up against Nat. She helped you to her feet with little help from the frustrated witch, who was swiping at the tears rolling down her cheeks. 
“She’s worried about you bubs. Which is fair, you scared us all. Tony hasn’t stopped pacing and Clint was ready to run you to a hospital. Any hospital. It was sort of funny,” She supplied, reaching over to squeeze Wanda’s hand. 
“Just wanted you guys to have fun…” 
“You’re frustratingly self-sacrificing,” Wanda murmured, shifting to help Natasha carry you.
“You’re pretty.” You replied, leaning on her. She sighed quietly and pressed a gentle kiss against your overheated forehead. 
“Yeah, you too. I’m sorry for yelling, you just scared me. Promise you’ll tell me or Tasha when you don’t feel good from now on, okay?” 
“Promise. Love you guys.” 
“We love you too, think we can get you into the elevator?” Oh yeah, you were still at the tower. Tony was weird.
“Mhm…can I sleep?” The women laughed and promised you that you could sleep as long as you wanted. The last thing you really heard before drifting off in your girlfriend’s arms was Natasha asking FRIDAY to take you to your room. 
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