#at some point the tooth rotting fluff tag is cute but anything past that is just eye candy i need plotttttttt
welcometoteyvat · 3 months
honestly idc gamings ships i just need interaction that isn't omgggg soft bfs so cute
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byullielle · 11 months
That Mind Mine to Lose // Han Jisung x Gn!Reader
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yes another song-inspired fic, it's the 3RACHA brand atp; odds by NIKI, but only the line 'What I'd give to make that mind mine to lose' because I am the biggest genius!Jisung enthusiast A look into how Jisung shares his creative processes with Y/N, and although they don't get it too much they're still overall amazed and endeared by the sheer passion Jisung has for his job.
Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Kissies, Music Terminology (author doesn't know wtf she's saying style), Est. Relationship, Petnames (baby, darling, jagiya/jagi)
Disclaimer: wrote this to NIKI's entire discography because idk what it is but in my mind she's so...jisung coded (???) i suggest listening to acoustic guitar-heavy music while reading
A strum then a tap against the fret board, and then another strum, before a full chord comes out, the grunting. Even with your back turned you could see your boyfriend's cute little pout, lips pursed out while bending to write something down on the notepad on the coffee table.
You're heating up cups of tea and coffee for the both of you since he is deemed energetic enough to not stay cooped up in his room and provide you a little show about how he works on his songs. And while you make snacks and a drink the guitar has been playing partially for the past 10 minutes. It isn't a full song, but the humming, half strums and taps to the fretboard with some of his own mumbling and light singing provides the comfiest atmosphere to man. You love watching and hearing Jisung work, always so entrapped in how he concentrates then suddenly lifting his head to smile at you. It turns your heart into mush and would render you wanting to bash your head against the wall because of pure cuteness aggression.
Your Jisungie was one energetic beast. Always running off the walls, dancing around the house, and on a tangent about everything and anything—and it wasn't that you didn't love him for that, but there was just an entirely different vibe when Jisung is in the zone but with your presence in the mix. It's comforting and healing, as Felix would put it.
Putting the plate of warm cookies and your mugs on the small tray, you carry it to the living room and set it down on the coffee table, "Jagiya," you let out in barely a whisper because he has his guitar encased in his arm and eyes closed as if he's pulling some lyrics within the galaxies of inspiration behind those closed eyes. You sit on the velvet armchair right across your couch where he was working, not wanting to invade his personal space.
He smells the coffee and opens his eyes, beaming up at you to see the snacks. "Sweet!" he beams up at you and reaches out to take a cookie, "Baby, what are you doing there? Come sit here," he pats the spot next to him. "Are you sure?" you ask but already stand from your spot.
"Of course! I need some of your powers so that I could think of things," he chuckles, placing a kiss on your cheek immediately right after you sit down, then another on your lips after you set your drink down. You couldn't help but giggle, cupping his face quickly before pressing one last peck on his lips, letting go before settling down on the couch. "What are you working on?"
"I wanna make it sound like, soulful but bridge should have some high point," he visualizes with his hands in front of him, twisting and turning as he interprets it physically, "Like, if a sad song had a happy beat, there's supposed to be a hook that lets it sinks in that it's a sad song," he rambles on, and you nod along, trying your best to revision what he's trying to achieve although you're probably thinking of two different things.
"I have like, a verse and the bridge but it's still missing a whole chorus and two more verses,"
"Well, let's hear what you've got, if it's alright," you request, which makes him look over to you with heart eyes, absolutely smitten by your request as the tips of his ears turn pink, pressing another kiss to your lips. "Okay," he replies before pulling the notepad closer, but you take it and hold it up for him.
"Thank you darling," he smiles before clearing his throat. He strums a few chords, making you sway gently against the fine melody he's making, a bit choppy but not like you could do any better. He starts singing, lyrics still unrhyming but still holding weight, his voice and the chords of the guitar melding properly and you giggle at the sudden dissonance after he plays the wrong chord. He carries on until it's over.
Then a comfortable blanket of silence envelops you both. You set the notepad down and gently clap for him, delight spread all over your features as he chuckles shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I think it's starting to sound nice," you honestly say, knowing he hates it when it's a simple 'sounds good,' because he needs to know how it sounds to you. And you love him so much for valuing your opinion because you could be credited for half his work at that point. Which was something both of you often joke about.
"It's like...you know when you listen to a song for the first time not knowing its lyrics so you assume its a happy, acoustic song?" you try to explain to him more specifically, "That kinda vibe,"
"I see," he nods. "Well, I'll work on it more tomorrow," he shrugs before strumming the strings one by one, "Wanna sing for you jagiya, is that alright for you?"
"I'd love to!"
With your tea encased in your hands, warming you up, Jisung takes a sip of coffee and a bite of a cookie before starting to position himself properly. He starts out a few testing strums, then fully plays chords familiar to you. As he plays, you sway to and fro, eyes closed and taking occasional sips of tea, his voice relaxing every muscle in your body.
God, did you love Han Jisung. Your creative and talented genius.
if you wanna send in a prompt or an ask or just say hi feel free to do so!!
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Don’t Go Baking My Heart || Seokjin
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Pairing: Seokjin x reader
Summary: You fall in love with Kim Seokjin’s bakery after wandering into it to take advantage of the post-Valentine’s Day discount on the chocolates. Maybe it’s the owner’s bad jokes, maybe it’s the other regulars, maybe it’s the delicious pastries. Or maybe there’s something more that keeps you coming back to that shop.
Also available on Ao3.
Word count: 14.7k
Genre: Strangers (to Friends) to Lovers, Bakery AU, tooth-rotting Fluff, some smut
Warnings & Tags: mentions of insecurities and of former relationships, smut (vaginal sex, oral [male receiving], fingering), Jin makes Bad Jokes, Valentine’s Day themed
A/N: Soooo this was supposed to come out for Valentine’s Day, but it wasn’t ready then, so you guys get it now instead! I’m bad with puns so I definitely had to look online for those used in this oops. Finally, I’d like to give a big thank you to the amazing @elidebrey​ who actually worked in a bakery shop and told me all about (I’m sorry you guys ran out of milk all the time). She’s an amazing writer and you should check her out if you like the Batfam! Hope you’ll enjoy this one-shot!
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February 15th
You first walk into Kim Seokjin’s bakery the day after Valentine’s Day. Your eye was caught by the chocolates and cakes you noticed on sale from the outside, and also the name of the place, The Rolling Scones, which is either genius or terrible, you can’t pick. The door bell chimes happily, first when you push the door open and then when it closes behind you.
The place is empty. There’s no one behind the counter, and you find yourself hesitating there for a second, both arms behind your back like a shy schoolgirl — which you once were, but that was a while ago now. Natural light, the cold sun of February, is falling through the bay windows, and the place is cute, clearly decorated with love and care. It makes you feel just a little warmer inside.
Since no one seems to be showing up, you take your time to look at the display. You’ve spent the past week crying over the end of your two year relationship, and you’re desperately craving something sweet and sugary to fill the hole in your heart and in your life. Post Valentine’s Day discount is definitely the best way to do that.
If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you knew this relationship was never going to be your forever. It was just a nice and comfortable situation to be in, and you expected you and him to part ways at some point.
You just didn’t particularly expect it to be now.
“Jungkook!” a strong voice shouts from the back of the shop, startling you. It’s quickly followed by a curse, and then a man walks in, glancing back with a worried expression, tying an apron around his waist and adjusting a small black hat on his head. You notice the ‘Jungkook’ tag on his apron, and it makes you soften in sympathy. The second his eyes fall on you, he recomposes himself, and shoots you a smile that’s professional, though the nervousness doesn’t quite disappear. “What can I do for you?”
“I was just looking,” you say, and he leans forward, probably straining to hear. Your voice has always had that weird tendency to become inaudible when you’re talking to strangers. “You don’t have anything with strawberries, do you?”
“I’m afraid everything we had went yesterday,” he says with a sympathetic frown.
“Oh, right,” you mumble. You’re disappointed to a stupid degree, and you know it’s because your emotions have been running wild recently, to the point where any small contrariety threatens to make you cry. Fortunately, you don’t, right now. That would be horribly embarrassing. “Um, I guess I’ll take that box and, uh, the éclair, please, then.”
“Of course!”
His movements are quick and precise as he takes it out, and you could be mistaken, but you think he’s deliberately not looking at you. You’re not particularly blaming him for it, though, because you’re doing the exact same thing.
“Anything else?” he asks once he’s done, and you shake your head, avoiding eye contact. “For here or to go? We’re also a café,” he elaborates when you give him a surprised — and slightly panicked — glance.
“Oh. To go, please,” you say, not so much because you actually want to, and much more because you’re bad at changing your plans when you had already made your decision.
Except… You eye the bakery. It’s not like you have anyone to come back to, and you don’t particularly want to be back at your apartment to wallow alone. You might even get some things done while you’re here.
“Um, actually, would you mind if I…?” The question dies on your lips. You’re already feeling too embarrassed to continue, but he looks up, eyes wide, and nods.
“No, no, please take a seat! Do you want something to drink as well?”
“That— That would be nice, actually.”
“Alright, just give me a second and I’ll bring you our, er, menu.”
It’s not a menu, it’s a list of drinks the owner printed and coated with plastic, and insists on calling a menu, but he isn’t going to tell you that.
You pick a table that faces the door, and after choosing and ordering your tea, pull out your computer. It’s not that the things you have to do can’t wait, but you don’t like sitting alone doing nothing. The shop is desperately empty, and part of you is terrified by the idea that Jungkook could come over to talk to you. That would probably end up not being completely unpleasant, but you’re not sure you can handle that much interaction with other human beings right now.
While scrolling through the text you are currently working on editing, you pick a chocolate out of the box to eat it and hold back a satisfied moan at the taste. The fact that it’s so good makes you feel a little more upset that you’ve never been in a relationship for Valentine’s Day and therefore have never been given anything like that.
It’s always been bad luck really, because you’ve been in a few relationships, but even with your last boyfriend, the two of you were on a break in February. The others never made it longer than a few months, and never fell at the right time. It’s not even like you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, you do think it’s mostly a commercial holiday, and you definitely don’t want any expensive gift, but you’d be happy to have someone by your side to make fun of other couples with. Someone to love you, and someone to love.
God, you want to be in love so bad. For a few months, you thought you had it with your ex, and maybe you did, for a moment, but it had slipped from your fingers without you managing to do anything about it, leaving you sad and empty. You want to feel everything the movies and books promised, the butterflies in the stomach, the rush in the beat of your heart. You want to feel like someone holds your world in their hands. You want them to love you back — really love you, so much that you’ll catch them looking at you and see it in their eyes immediately, so much that they’ll remember how you like your tea in the morning.
You don’t think your ex ever loved you, and you don’t really blame him for that. He liked you, certainly, and for a long time that was enough for you. But now, with it being over and him telling you he’d ‘met someone’, you want more out of your next relationship.
Then again, you’d thought that last time as well.
You’re grateful when Jungkook brings you your tea, tearing you away from thoughts you really don’t want to be having right now. He gives you a smile, then is quick to retreat back behind the counter, and something tells you that he has the same difficulties talking to people as you do.
That can’t make his job fun.
You’re soon able to immerse yourself in your work, much to your surprise. Usually, you’re hyper aware of your surroundings, and it’s hard to get work done unless you’re in a place that’s both quiet and familiar, but the atmosphere in here is so warm and pleasant that you’re able to relax and focus, all while drinking your tea and eating your sweets. It’s quite close to perfect, actually.
Which is why you jump violently when someone’s voice booms into the shop.
“Jeon Jungkook!”
You look up, panicked, and Jungkook turns around with the exact same look on his face. You don’t remember the doorbell ringing, so it has to be someone from the shop, and indeed, a tall man with short black hair walks in from the same place Jungkook entered. And your brain short-circuits.
It doesn’t happen all that often, for you to simply find yourself frozen because of how good-looking someone is, but in that case, you just can’t help it. The man who just walked in is tall, with very nice, broad shoulders, and the apron he is wearing underlines the muscles of his chest in ways you didn’t think were possible, but more than that, he’s also, quite possibly, the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on. When you glance at his plump, full lips, you find yourself having a hard time to tear yourself away. You’re relieved that you didn't have to order from him, because you’re sure it would have made you blush and stutter.
“Jungkook, there’s a mess in the back! What are you waiting fo—” Jungkook gives panicked glances in your direction, and the man catches your presence from the corner of his eyes, turning his sentence around as smoothly as is humanly possible, all while his lips curve up into a professional smile. “Ooh, hello, dear customer! I don’t think we’ve seen you here before, have we?”
A smile spills on your mouth, much to your surprise.
“No, it’s my first time here,” you answer. Your voice isn’t as strong as you’d like for it to be, but at least you didn’t choke. You suppose still being heartbroken serves as a shield against the man’s handsomeness. “I figured there’d be some discount after Valentine’s Day, and I was hungry, so…”
“You figured you’d kill two birds with one scone?” the man asks while Jungkook, behind him, silently smacks his forehead. You figure he’s heard it a million time before, but you haven’t, and you can’t help but laugh. That makes the man’s smile widen genuinely and his eyes crease.
“I guess you came up with the bakery name,” you chuckle.
“Absolutely. Isn’t it a great name?”
Jungkook shakes his head in disgust.
“It’s genius,” you say, and the man slams his hand on the table.
“See? I told you! Jungkook keeps saying that I have a terrible sense of humor—”
“I’ll be in the back if you need me,” Jungkook grumbles.
“Hey, what do we say to customers?”
“Ah— It was nice to meet you!” he says, turning around to look at you and he seems somewhat sincere. “I hope we’ll be seeing you again.”
Then he bows his head politely and disappears in the back of the shop. The other man — who you suppose is the owner of the place — watches, laughing fondly, but goes quiet after that, so you go back to your work.
You don’t stay around too long, not wanting to overstay your welcome, but you’re still the only one in the shop by the time you decide to walk out.
“Was the tea any good?” the man asks as you walk by him.
You nod and smile.
“And the chocolates were delicious,” you add. “I’ll make sure to come back.”
“That’s music to my ears,” he says, dramatically putting a hand on his chest. That’s when you notice the ‘Seokjin’ tag on his apron. You don’t know what to do with that information, though. You don’t call strangers by their first name and you also don’t stalk people on line.
Especially not when you don’t have their last name.
You say a quick ‘goodbye’, then walk out. Jin’s eyes follow you for a few seconds, before he sighs and turns around, already taking off his apron.
The boy is quick to appear again, scanning the shop for your presence.
“She’s gone?” he asks, and Jin gives a slap at the back of his employee's head with a groan. There’s no strength in it, though, and Jungkook barely reacts to it.
“How could you run away like that, you little—”
Jungkook easily avoids him when Jin tries to him it again, laughing at his outrage.
“We’re not going to be getting a lot more clients today, are we?” he asks, looking outside at the passers-by that don’t even spare a glance at the little shop.
“No,” Jin groans, letting himself fall on a chair.
The depressing calm that follows what is possibly the busiest day of the year for him is just one of the reasons why he absolutely despises Valentine’s Day.
February 22nd
When you show up at the bakery again, about a week later, you’re feeling surprisingly good about it. Last time went well, you decided, and the people were nice, so you’re not afraid to throw a quiet but polite “Hello!” when you walk in. It’s kind of funny — or is it sad — how it always surprises you when people are nice to you, much more used to passive disinterest at best.
There’s another man in the shop this time, with a laptop and a coffee in front of him, but he doesn’t look up at you. A head lifts up from behind the counter though. You feel vaguely embarrassed that you remember this one is Seokjin, and you only feel more awkward when he gives you a dazzling smile.
A glance at the display tells you that they have restocked on their strawberry-based pastries, and you happily pick a slice of cake for yourself.
“For here or to go?”
“I’ll have it here,” you say with a smile. You feel strangely proud of yourself for being able to say it spontaneously. He has no way of knowing it, but it’s quite the victory for you. Usually, you try to run from the presence of others as fast as you can, and it’s even worse those days. “And I’ll also have Darjeeling tea with it, please.”
“Coming right up, just take a seat and I’ll bring it to you,” he says, and then he winks. He doesn’t stick around to see the surprised look on your face, so you just do as he told you, wondering if he was flirting with you or if he’s just Like That. You think that second explanation might be the answer.
“It’s nice to see you again,” he says when he arrives with the cake and the tea. You’re pretty sure he can’t place you exactly, just thinks your face is familiar, but it still makes you happy.
He tells you he hopes you’ll come back when you leave, and you decide you want to believe it.
June 1st
You’re not sure when you become an official ‘regular’ at the bakery. Maybe it’s when you ask Jin if they even do scones, and he leans over the counter to tell you conspiratorially that he actually wanted to call the shop ‘bake it ’til you make it’, but was told it was too long. That elicits a brief burst of laughter from you, and Jungkook tells you to stop encouraging him, but Seokjin looks so happy with himself when you laugh that you decide not to listen to him. Jin has that way of breaking past your shyness that fascinates you. It might be what keeps you coming back, more than the delicious sweets and how beautiful the two workers look.
Or maybe it’s when Jin tells you that it’s not fair you know their names but they don’t know yours, and that he’d ask you for your ID before selling you stuff if you don't tell him. When you tell him, he repeats it a couple of times, like he’s tasting it, before nodding with satisfaction. After that, him and Jungkook start greeting you with it, and insist you do the same with them. You’re reluctant at first, feeling somewhat confused about the whole thing, but it turns out to feel… nice, to have people to greet, and who also know your name.
Maybe it’s when Jin tells you that you’re late when you come in, or complains when you don’t show up on one of your usual days because you had a meeting with your boss. He doesn’t say anything on the day where you take your pastries to go because you’re visiting a friend at the hospital, though, and you wonder if he can just tell. Regardless, you appreciate it.
You find out about other people who come here frequently, too, and especially the ones who are friends with Jin and Jungkook. Namjoon, who sits with his laptop at the opposite end of the café from you. Yoongi, who usually sits in the same spot as you, and eyes you threateningly when he comes in and you’re there the first time, until Seokjin tells him to knock it off. Taehyung and Jimin, who always come in together, and who Jungkook usually joins to bicker and laugh with them. Hoseok, who likes to waltz in at random times, and whose smile actually rivals Jin’s.
You yourself come in twice a week, getting to your usual place to work — except on the couple of occasions where Yoongi gets there before you and gives you a triumphant smile when he sees you. You enjoy the way you’re always greeted by Jungkook or Seokjin, like they’re genuinely happy to see you. You discover that the old ladies who come here to gossip love to flirt with Jin and that, even though he flirts back outrageously, much to their delight, his ears tend to turn a bright red when he does.
You even bring your friends on a couple of occasion, and Seokjin jokes that you’re responsible for half of his turnover at this point. Your friends enjoy the food, and the drinks, but they enjoy the handsome employees and customers a lot more.
“So this is where all the hot men were,” Hana marvels when you walk out, and you burst out laughing. You like that you’ve shared this place with her, because it’s something that makes you really happy these days, motivates you to come out of your bed, and even to talk to people, something you’ve never been good at.
When you walk into the shop and make small talk with the people you’ve come to know, something you used to consider yourself terrible at, it might be silly, but it kind of feels like home.
June 21st
You are pretty sure you know when you go from regular to friend, though. It’s a day like any other and you hum on your way to the shop. Instead of the joyful “Welcome back, (Y/N)!” that you’ve gotten used to hearing these past few weeks, however, you’re greeted with Seokjin shouting “(Y/N), my savior!”.
You freeze on the spot and give him a worried look. From his table, Namjoon looks up, just as puzzled.
“Is everything okay, Jin?” he asks.
“Jungkook isn’t there today,” Jin tells you. His voice doesn’t sound different from usual, but there is a glint of panic in his eyes.  “I need your help.”
Namjoon stands up.
“Why didn’t you ask me? I could—”
“Stay where you are and don’t even think of approaching my kitchen,” Jin says threateningly. “(Y/N)? Please?”
Well. You suppose your work can get done later. You’re more productive when you come here, so you have some advance on your usual deadlines these days. But you don’t know what Jin wants from you and you’ve never worked in a bakery.
“What do you want me to do?” you ask cautiously.
He grabs your shoulders and your eyes widen at the contact. Not that it’s unpleasant, just unexpected.
“I knew when you first walked in here that you were a godsend,” he tells you seriously, looking right into your eyes, and you tell yourself that if he’s that good of an actor, you should probably watch out. “We’re out of milk.”
You blink.
“Okay. Is there a specific type of milk you want?”
“Just, milk. Get me milk and I’ll worship the ground you walk on until the end of days.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics, and take your bag off your shoulder, handing it to him.
“Look after that, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll protect it with my life,” he says solemnly. “Also paper napkins please!” he shouts as you’re already walking out.
“Will do!”
“Bake a leg!”
You want to protest the joke that even you find to be quite bad, but the door has already closed behind you, so you just shake your head at him, only to see him laughing with satisfaction through the glass, and head to the nearest supermarket.
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You come back with two big packs of milk and a lot of paper napkins, just as two men are exiting. You’ve seen them before, but they never stay to chat. Inside, Jin is juggling three women, and he looks more relieved than you’ve ever seen him when you walk in.
“I’ll help you with that,” Namjoon says immediately, bumping in the table as he gets up.
“If you break anything, I’ll kill you,” Jin warns him. He’s smiling like he’s joking, and his tone is light, like he doesn’t want to scare off his customers, but his eyes say he’s sincere.
You’re quick in the back, and Namjoon does drop the packs once, but nothing bad happens. He presses a finger against his lips to tell you to keep it a secret, and you grin without a word. Part of you is kind of wondering what you’re doing there, why Jin feels comfortable letting you in the back and why he asked you to do that, but you don’t have an issue with it, not by a long shot. This is… kind of fun, actually.
“Anything else you want me to do?” you ask Jin when you come out, and he looks at you in a pleading way.
“You don’t mind?”
Something tells you you shouldn’t accept too quickly, that you could end up in way over your head faster than you know. But his brown eyes are wide and desperate and you just can’t say no. So you smile and shake your head.
“Of course not. You look like you really need a hand here.”
“I do.”
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That’s how you find yourself in an apron, with the cute, black hat Jin and Jungkook always wear on your head. Jin mostly sends you in the back to pick up things he needs, or makes you bring the beverages to the customers, which you’re thankful for, because that way you don’t have to greet anyone. Time flies quickly, and you can barely find a second to breathe for the first few hours.
“Sorry, it’s lunch time,” Jin grimaces as he passes you by, and you think to yourself that at least, it will get better, but it takes a while even after that, and when it’s done, Jin sends you to buy some more stuff from the supermarket, because as it turns out, things go fast.
Before you know it, it’s closing time, and you look outside in disbelief. The sky is starting to turn a nice pink, and other shops are putting up their shutters.
“You can go, if you want,” Jin tells you. He sounds terribly sorry, and that makes you feel bad. It’s such an unusual tone for him to have.
His offer is tempting, of course. Your feet hurt, your head aches a little from all the noise that never bothered you before but turns out to be a lot when you’re there all day, you’ve burned your hand against an oven, and you’ve found out that carrying things ends up really hurting your back. But you know that he’s experiencing the same thing you do, and you just don’t have the heart to abandon him here. Also, you’ve already lost your day, so you might as well help him out now.
“It’s fine,” you sigh. “Do you want me to help with anything?”
Cleaning up goes quietly in the main shop, and that soothes you a little. You don’t mind the silence, even enjoy it, and find yourself relaxing for the first time today. Surprisingly, you’re feeling… satisfied. It’s not something you would particularly look forward to doing again, but you’re happy you did it, happy you helped Jin, and you feel like you’ve accomplished something today, which is always a good thing.
“You have flour everywhere,” he tells you bluntly when you walk in the back of the shop, and you laugh.
“Well, it got everywhere,” you reply, trying to rub some off your face, and it’s Jin’s turn to laugh when you fail miserably.
You know you shouldn’t do it, but you gather a small handful of flour from the table, and throw it at him. A good chunk hangs in the air and makes you cough, but the rest does land on his apron. His mouth falls open into an ‘o’ shape and you know you’ve messed up.
“Listen, I am so sorry—”
“No you’re not,” he says, taking a step towards you. His hand is on the table, which is covered with flour, and you swallow.
“Sure I am, Jin, please—”
But your pleas fall in deaf ears, and flour is soon flying your way. It’s your turn to stare at Jin in disbelief, and then you’re laughing, loud and clear.
Maybe that’s the exact moment when the two of you become friends — really friends.
Or maybe it’s seconds later, when the room you’re in turns into the scene for an all-out flour battle. Regardless, you’re laughing the whole way through, when you’re not choking on the flour hanging in the air. Jin’s laughter is quieter than yours, miles away from the booming and somewhat fake laugh you’re used to hearing from him.
The fight only escalates when Jin picks up an egg. You shake your head, mouth ‘no’, but he doesn’t listen, and after that, things get a lot messier. By the time the two of you, exhausted and bent in half because of how much you’ve been laughing, finally stop, you can feel yoke trickling down your back, and you know the sight can’t be pretty. Jin reaches out to you in a useless attempt to wipe some flour from your face, only to laugh more when it, of course, fails once more.
You try not to think about the jolt of electricity that ran through you when his fingers came in contact with your cheek.
“I’ll clean up in here,” he tells you, “but you should go take a shower upstairs.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, surprised. Suddenly, you’re very conscious of the fact that you don’t know him that well. In recent months, you’ve talked to him more than you do with your close friends, and you did just throw several eggs at him, but you don’t know him. You’re aware of the fact that he lives above the shop, but you’ve never been there. The two of you have never even exchanged numbers.
He makes dramatic hand gestures to signal you to get away, like you’re bothering him, and you leave with a last laugh. You don’t notice the way he looks up when you do, or the way it makes him smile. He can’t help it, he just loves that he makes you laugh.
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You’re relieved to step into the shower, both because you’re happy to clean up and because there was something really awkward about being in Seokjin’s apartment for the first time, alone. The place was not quite as decorated as the bakery was, with paler colors. Walking through it, you had noticed big speakers, some books in a shelf, and a couple of cute plushes that you had had to resist not to fawn over. The place worked for him, you had decided. It was more understated than you would have expected when you had just started to know him, but it doesn’t surprise you anymore. Jin tends to be quiet when he doesn’t have to be ‘on’, and it’s something he doesn’t seem to feel he has to do around you anymore.
You sigh in pleasure when the hot water hits you, close your eyes. You’ve been craving it for hours now — long before the food battle with Jin. It helps relax your aching muscles, washes away all the sweat from the day, and you have to resist not to just let yourself fall down onto the floor. Your back hurts, but the worst part has to be your feet. You feel yourself gaining a lot more appreciation for Jin and Jungkook, who are always kind, smiling and polite despite all of this. The only thing that kept you from biting someone’s head off tonight was your crippling anxiety when it comes to interacting with strangers.
It’s almost funny now to think you used to feel that way around Jin.
You look around for some soap you could use, and in your search, you’re surprised to find shampoo that was definitely intended for a woman. You don’t know why you’re surprised. It’s no wonder that Jin would have a girlfriend, really, it’s the opposite that should shock you, but you still didn’t expect it. You force away the pinch in your chest. Jin is a new friend, you can’t have your heart fluttering like that.
You consider using it for half a second, before deciding that it would be very awkward if you came out smelling like his girlfriend. Instead, you do your best to get rid of any egg, and tell yourself you’ll wash your hair at home. You barely hear the sound of the door opening and closing over the water, and you’re startled by Jin’s voice outside the bathroom.
“You can take a towel from the chest of drawers,” he tells you, “and I’ll leave a shirt outside, if you want it.”
“Thank you!” you shout back.
Seokjin stands there a few seconds, before quickly shaking his head and walking away. He knows his ears are turning red, and he hates himself for it, but is it his fault, really? Is he supposed not to think about you, right now, in his shower, water running down your body? He never even thought to pretend he was that innocent.
He occupies himself by preparing a drink for the two of you, and then by cleaning around. He’s not particularly messy, though, and there isn’t much to do, so he ends up sitting on his couch, feeling awkward in his own house, and scrolling aimlessly through his phone. He freezes again when he hears the bathroom door open and close, guessing you’re picking up his shirt. Which means you’re— God what is wrong with him tonight? When did he regress to the state of a hormonal teenager?
He hopes he looks natural when you come out, because he’s doing his best for that. The nervous way he’s running his hands over his thighs would probably give him out, though, if you weren’t feeling just as stressed as him.
“I’m done,” you mumble, your shyness coming back, which you decide is to be expected in that situation.
It vanishes the second Jin looks you over and snorts.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, glancing down, and immediately you know that you’re probably ridiculous in his black shirt. It looks like it’s swallowing you whole. “It’s not my fault if your shoulders are that broad,” you pout.
“You look so small,” Jin chuckles. He sounds endeared, and if you noticed that sort of things, you would absolutely realize that his eyes linger on you in his clothes fondly — and a little longer than necessary.
“Want something to drink?” he asks, gesturing at the stuff he got out of the fridge when he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Sure,” you smile, letting yourself fall down on the couch next to him and pouring yourself a glass. The brief awkwardness that washed over you when you came in vanishes already, because of how comfortable you feel around Jin. He’s always been good at making you feel that way, and now he doesn’t even have to try.
“So, how did you find your day?” he asks you, and you look at him, surprised by his tone. He sounds quiet, cautious almost, like he’s worried about what your reaction might be, or that he could be bothering you.
“Fine,” you say with a shrug. “I can’t say I’d want to do it again— When is Jungkook coming back?”
Jin chuckles, and again, it takes you by surprise. It’s so… quiet. So discreet, compared to his usual attitude.
“He should be there tomorrow, don’t worry about it.” Then, he grimaces. “But seriously, thank you for helping out today. I owe you.”
“Yes you do,” you say with a grin, bumping your shoulder against his, trying to lift the mood a little, because he sounds genuinely worried. “Just offer me the tea next time, and I’ll consider us even.”
Finally, a smile forms on his lips, and he shakes his head dramatically, putting his hand over his heart.
“No, I don't think I could ever repay you,” he says, and you laugh at his antics, like you always do. He looks a little appeased by that, and that’s a relief. “Your back must hurt,” he says. “Turn around.”
You raise an eyebrow, but do as he says, startling when his hands fall on your shoulders. They’re large, engulfing you easily, but they also move gently as he slowly massages you.
“Oh,” you gasp, leaning back into him. This is— good. This is very very good. For a few minutes — or maybe much longer, you couldn’t tell — you just stay there, eyes closed, lips parted, focused on the delicious feelings of his hands gently rubbing all the pain and soreness of the day away. When he stops, it takes you a few seconds to come back down to reality, and maybe, just maybe you miss the feeling of his hands. “Oh,” you repeat, rolling your shoulders slowly. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Jin says. “It’s kind of my fault.”
You turn around, shaking your head.
“Seokjin,” you say. “It’s fine. I didn’t mind helping.”
“You’re too kind,” he frowns. “You shouldn’t let people take advantage of that.”
“I’m not!”
Then Jin smiles, in a way that only lifts one corner of his lips, and suddenly you feel— you’re not too sure. Something seems to melt inside you, something moves in your stomach like you’re free falling. You probably should recognize the feeling. It’s not like it’s anything new to you, and yet you miss it. You do something you almost never do in that situation, and you take a step back. You glance up from his lips, shoot him a smile, and get up from the couch.
“It’s getting late,” you comment. “I really need to go home.”
Jin is on his feet immediately.
“I’ll walk you back,” he says, concern flashing in his eyes.
“I’m good. It’s not that far and I need to clear my head after, you know, everything today.” You’re not sure you know, but Jin nods, though a little reluctantly.
“You’re sure?”
He sighs. He doesn’t seem too pleased about it, but you guess he doesn’t want to insist too much, either.
“Give me your phone,” he says, and when you hand it to him, he types his number in, pouting as he explains himself to you. “Text me when you get home, alright? Otherwise I’ll just worry all night, because everyone is so unreasonable, and just wants me to lose sleep, and—”
You take your phone back from him with a laugh.
“I’ll text you,” you promise, briefly putting your hand over his. That feels— normal, you decide. It’s not like your hands have never brushed in the months since you’ve started frequenting the bakery. It just feels fine, and whatever there was before could just be a false alert. But then Jin looks into your eyes, and the feeling comes back.
“You better.”
You practically flee the bakery. You’re trying to make sense of the whole thing in your head, and it doesn’t go over great. You let Jin know you got home safe, and then do your best to push the whole thing out of your mind when you go to bed. You refuse to think about it too much. Not because you don’t understand what’s going on, but because somewhere, deep down, you do. This isn’t— this isn’t something you do. You fall hard and fast, that’s— that’s your thing.
Sometimes it’s nice, others it’s disappointing, but most importantly, it means that when the relationship is over, your life just goes back to what it was before. It you ever had feelings for a friend, someone you’re so used to having around… You’re sure it would truly break your heart.
July 15th
Summer is horribly hot this year. Fortunately for you, your favorite bakery has started serving ice cream. There is air conditioning in the store, but with the door constantly opening and closing, gusts of hot air regularly reach even you. No one seems too happy with the situation, with Jungkook seeming to slowly come apart under the temperature. Even Namjoon has abandoned ship, leaving much earlier than usual today. He waved at you when he got out, and you waved back.
Who knew, maybe the two of you would actually talk next time.
Jin uses a lull in the otherwise busy afternoon to drop at your table, and you smile to him. You haven’t really gone through anything like that night ever since, and you decided it was just a one time thing. You were tired from the work, and you were touch-starved, and, surely, there was nothing there, other than you gaining a new friend.
Yup. Nothing to see at all. Even when he’s sitting next to you, trying to fan himself with one of the bakery’s menus, head thrown back in a way that makes his Adam’s apple even more prominent.
You never thought yourself as someone who particularly enjoyed necks, but it seems you were wrong.
Not that that has anything to do with feelings, of course. Jin’s just hot. You already knew that.
“Hey, (Y/N), what’s your favorite cake?” he asks you.
It takes you just a second too long to answer.
“Uh. Anything that has strawberries in it, I guess,” you say, and he nods, but he’s also frowning. “Are my tastes not up to par?” you grin, raising an eyebrow.
“Clearly, your tastes are great, since you keep coming back,” Jin answers immediately, with the confidence that you now know to be mostly facade, but that you’ve still come to love. “No, strawberries are good. I can work with strawberries.”
“I actually wanted strawberries the first time I came here,” you reminisce. “But there weren’t any left because that was after Valentine’s Day.”
Jin clicks his tongue in disgust.
“Worst day of the year,” he says, “though February is a bad month for strawberries in general.”
“You don’t like Valentine’s Day?” you ask, and if you were a dog, your ears would be perking up with interest. You’ve always loved to hear people’s opinion on the holiday, because it’s so divisive. “You guys must make quite a lot of money…”
“I’m wounded that you’d think money is all I care about,” Jin sighs dramatically, though the glint in his eyes lets you know that he’s only joking. “It’s just very busy,” he admits. “It’s a lot of work to prepare, people place a lot of orders, and we basically don’t get a minute to ourselves. Not to mention— do you know what it does to a person to know that the food he lovingly prepared is probably going to be eaten off someone’s body?”
You can’t help it. You burst out laughing. When you do, you’re completely unaware of the fond way Jin looks at you. He’s always liked that he made you laugh, from the very first day you came into the store.
“No,” you admit, “no, I haven’t thought about it.”
“Well I have to.”
“I’m so sorry for you.”
“I’m sorry for me too.”
Then Jimin practically waltzes in and energetically greets everyone in the room, including you, and Jin gets up to serve him and Taehyung because Jungkook looks like he’s about to collapse, and you don’t give much more thought to the conversation.
But Jin remembers that strawberry cake is your favorite.
September 18th
Somehow, you get roped into helping Jin with his grocery shopping. He sat at your table and complained about how Jungkook wouldn’t be able to help him that week, and you voiced your sympathy, and next thing you knew, you were in the supermarket with him.
Well, maybe you’d offered your help. Maybe you just didn’t want to admit it because of that time he’d told you you were too kind.
“You know, I thought I’d be helping you for the bakery,” you comment, “but this mostly looks like it’s for you.”
“I am the bakery,” Jin replies, and you grin.
You watch him as he carefully crosses item after item of his detailed list. You expected him to be messy, to grab whatever he wanted, but he is as meticulous with this as he is with the baking he does for his customers. Which is— strangely endearing to you.
“Most of what we get comes in bigger orders,” he explains to you once he’s done with that aisle. “Sometimes, we find ourselves missing some things…”
“Like milk.”
“It’s always the milk,” he sighs, shaking his head it brings back bad memories. “But that’s not an issue for a lot of thing, unless something very specific comes up. Like a customer wanting  a pineapple pie.”
You tilt your head as he cautiously picks pineapples. You’re not even sure how you can tell if a pineapple is ripe, but he looks like he knows what he’s doing.
“That sounds… interesting?”
“It’s going to sound very interesting when I’ll make you carry half the bags,” Jin says, and you roll your eyes. Does he think you’re going to bail on him? You would never do that.
Well. Until your eyes fall on Minho, standing there, like he hasn’t simply vanished from your life six months ago. There’s a woman with him, and she’s laughing at something he said. You suppose she was the one he met — or maybe another one, there’s no way of knowing, really. But they look like they’re getting along well, and it— it makes you happy. You think.
“Huh,” you mumble. “That’s my ex over there.”
Jin looks up so fast you worry he might hurt his neck.
“What? Where? Do you need me to insult him?”
You’re about to say no when Minho turns around, and his eyes meet yours. He gives you a hesitant nod, and you think that’s going to be it, but then, after a few seconds of obvious inner debate, he makes his way towards you.
“(Y/N),” he says, a bit awkwardly. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too,” you reply softly and, much to your surprise, you mean it. You did your best not to let yourself miss him, but you suppose you did. It’s been a long time since you last saw him.
“This is, erm, this is Lisa,” he says, gesturing at the woman, who gives you a polite smile. It looks like she knows exactly who you are, and you suppose it must be uncomfortable for her as well. “My girlfriend.”
Yeah. You’d pieced that together. But then, Minho’s eyes move to Jin, and he raises an eyebrow, and you realize what he’s thinking about.
“Oh, this is—”
“Seokjin,” Jin says, extending his hand. “I’m her boyfriend.”
You’re sure that anyone looking at you can tell from your expression, from the way your mouth falls open and from the incredulous way you shake your head that that’s not true, but both Minho and Lisa are looking at him, and miss it completely. When Jin looks at you, he gives an imperceptible nod and puts an arm around your shoulders.
The warmth is— kind of nice. Maybe it even sends a shiver down your back, but you’re sure it’s because you’re still quite touch-starved those days.
Nothing else here.
“That’s great,” Minho says, and he looks relieved. “It’s great that you’re with someone.”
“Isn’t it?” Jin says before you can think of anything to answer to that. “She walked into my bakery and I just knew she would become my favorite client. Basically love at first sight.”
“Love at first sale, maybe,” you can’t help but answer, even if you know, reasonably, that you shouldn’t entertain him. You’re pretty sure he’s trying to show off in front of the two, which is really unnecessary, but you appreciate the gesture. “Jin makes the best cakes you can find in the whole town,” you tell them. Not to show off, but because it’s true. There are a lot of good things you could tell them about Jin, come to think of it. A lot.
“Maybe we should try it then,” Lisa says, smiling. She looks more relaxed than earlier, though you suppose she could also just be trying to get out of this conversation.
“Oh, it’s a must,” you reply sincerely, and Jin laughs, pulling you against his chest a little.
“She’s too nice,” he says, and you immediately protest that no, definitely not, he does, and you’re sure you look like a very annoying couple, because it doesn’t take long for Minho to clear his throat.
“Well, we have to go but it was— it was nice catching up with you.”
“Same,” you nod, and when he leaves, you can’t help but watch him. You don’t really feel anything right now. You were sincerely happy to see him, but it felt like running into a childhood friend you haven’t seen in a long, long time, and now have nothing in common with outside of those memories. Except it hasn’t been a life time since you last met him. Just a little over six months. Soon, he’ll just be someone you used to know.
You wish you were more upset by this. You wish there was anything that told you that what you had with him actually mattered. Instead, this vague indifference lets you know that your paths had probably diverged before the two of you even broke up. And that makes you kind of sad.
“Are you okay?” Jin asks. He has that quiet voice you’ve heard a few times now.
“I’m fine,” you nod, “but you really didn’t have to do that. I wasn’t— Minho and I aren’t— there really was no need.”
“I was happy to do it,” Jin says, and you notice how petty he sounds. “It’s always a joy to let an ex see how much better than them you’re doing.”
You laugh. You probably agree with him on that, but you’re not going to help feed his ego even more. Jungkook would probably never forgive you for it.
“I don’t think your girlfriend would like you doing that,” you observe, and Jin answers that remark with a blank stare.
“When have I ever said anything about a girlfriend?”
“Well, there was a bottle of shampoo at your place that—”
“So a guy can’t like having his hair smell like fruit, huh?”
“That’s not what I—”
“Wow, way to reinforce stereotypes, (Y/N). I expected more of you.”
He ignores your attempts at protesting and strides away from you. It takes you a few moments to catch up, because of his stupid long legs of his.
“If I had a girlfriend, I would never stop talking about her,” he lets you know while you’re catching your breath. “So don’t worry. You’ll know about it.”
“Duly noted,” you say. You maybe feel a little too happy about that new information so, to distract yourself from it, you change the subject. “So I’m your favorite customer?”
He scoffs and glances away from you, refusing to meet your eyes. He thought you hadn’t picked up on that.
“You’re a strong contestant, I guess,” he says reluctantly, and you laugh, not pushing it further.
“Anyway— Minho broke up with me a week Valentine’s Day,” you say. You’re not sure why. Maybe to let Jin that you’ve been over it for a long time.
“That’s rude,” Jin comments with a disapproving click of his tongue.
“He probably wanted to spend it with her,” you shrug. “When we got together, he told me he didn’t cheat. He left. So— I guess that was it.” Then there’s a laugh, and you can’t tell if it sounds bitter. You hope not. “I’ve actually never had a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day,” you confess.
The silence that follows is unusual for Jin. When you glance up at him, he’s just looking at you, and for a second, you think it’s pity you find in his eyes. But, from the way he frowns, you realize it could just be genuine sympathy.
“Would it make you feel better if I tell you it’s a terrible holiday that’s just there to sell things?”
“I already know that,” you chuckle, even if it does make you feel a little better. “I just want someone to buy me roses once, you know?”
Jin doesn’t answer, just looks at you, and something about the intensity of his stare makes you feel— feel things you told yourself you weren’t feeling for him. But then, you just ran into Minho, didn’t you? It makes sense that you would be all over the place emotionally.
“Anything more on your list?” you ask, and Jin blinks.
“Yeah, that way,” he says, sounding a bit off, but then he adds “More things for you to carry,” and you decide to brush it off.
But he stores the information in his mind. Strawberry cake and roses. Duly noted.
October 31st
“So do you actually like Halloween, or is this just another shameless cash grab for you?” you ask Jin when he brings you your tea.
You have to admit, him and Jungkook truly went all out for this. They’ve decorated the shop with pumpkins, and there are fake bats hanging from the ceiling. There are also themed cakes and chocolates shaped like spiders. It’s spooky, and it delights the kids that come in and ask the parents about it. You definitely appreciate the atmosphere it creates — and you also appreciate the way Hoseok jumped when he walked in front of the witch that lets out an evil laugh when someone passes the movement detector.
“Halloween is not terrible, I guess,” Jin says, like him and Jungkook don’t take a full day out of their schedules and bring in some friends just to decorate the shop. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” you answer sincerely, and Jin’s expression softens.
“Hey, we’re having a small get-together after closing tonight,” he tells you spontaneously. “Wanna join us?”
You take a second to answer. It’s not like you don’t want to — far from that — but there’s that voice inside of you that tells you that you’ve been weird around Jin, and you don’t want to be weird around him. You want to keep things as they are, because he’s such a wonderful friend to have around. You’d hate yourself if you changed that.
But if the point is to have him around, then surely, telling him no right now would be counter-productive, right?
“Absolutely,” you say with a smile, and Jin beams, and you feel all warmed-up inside.
You already know that you’ll have fun, and you’ll laugh, and he’ll insist on walking you him and you’ll tell him no. And it sounds exactly like how you want to spend your evening.
January 10th
You first meet Sungho on New Year’s Eve, at Hana’s party. The two of you click immediately, and you enjoy the familiar rush of feelings, the waiting for a text after you’ve given him your number, the anticipation of knowing where this is all leading, if everything goes right. After a week, you run into him at the bakery, or, well, you’re sitting in your usual corner when he comes in. He doesn’t see you immediately, but when he looks in your direction after a little while, you happily wave him over.
“You don’t usually come here, do you?” you ask him. “I would have seen you by now if you were a regular.”
He chuckles, flashes you a bright smile, and you smile in return. Sungho has a nice smile. He doesn’t laugh easily, though, from what you saw when you met him, which is a shame, but definitely not a dealbreaker, even if you love to hear people laugh.
“No, I saw you were talking about this place a lot online, and I figured I would come and check it out. Of course, seeing you here is the best part,” he adds with a wink, and he leans towards you a little. The obvious flirtation sends a wave of heat through your chest, and you don’t hesitate to lean forward as well, resting your elbow on the table and putting your chin on your hand. You enjoy the closeness, the proximity, the chase.
You pull away when Jin arrives with Sungho’s order.
“This looks great,” Sungho comments. “I’m glad (Y/N) advertised you so much.”
“Well, there’s a reason she’s our favorite customer,” Jin replies, smiling, and when you meet his eyes, they’re fond and— and something else that makes it hard to breathe for a second.
But the smile fades when Sungho takes a portion of his cake with the spoon and offers it to you.
“Wanna try it?” he asks, and you do, because you know everything Jin makes will be amazing. You’re not sure you love the gesture itself — it’s kind of cute, but you’ve also just met him and it feels a bit strange — but you still giggle and take the bite.
And all Jin can do is stand there, looking at the two of you. He feels something he has felt before, and it’s that he let something he wanted pass him by. He waited too long to make a move, once again, and once again, it’s cost him something he doesn’t know how he’ll live without, and now he’ll have no choice but to figure it out.
You glance up, and he catches himself, plastering a smile on his lips.
“Enjoy yourselves!” he says, a little too loudly, and he knows, from the way you blink and the puzzled look you give him, that you’ve noticed and it’s— it’s horrible. It’s horrible that you know him that well and that you’ve seen so many facets of him and you’ve chosen someone else. You don’t ask anything, though, and he’s quick to leave.
He’s also quick to ask Jungkook to replace him in the shop, and he, very deliberately, doesn’t ask anything about how things went. Doesn’t want to know if you kissed, or worse, if you left together.
He’ll be fine. It’s not like it’s anything he hasn’t been through before.
February 5th
You feel impossibly excited when Sungho asks you out for Valentine’s Day. You gush about it to your friends, a lot, and Hana is delighted for you — and very pleased that her circles of friends are meeting like that. Jungkook sounds happy, too, though slightly more reserved, but you get the type of enthusiasm you wanted from Jimin and Taehyung.
Jin gets quiet when you let him know, though. It’s not something you haven’t seen before, but it does take you off guard, because you’ve never seen it happen while in the shop, where he’s usually on top of his game.
“Are you okay?” you ask, worried, leaning over the counter to put a hand on his arm. “You look a little under the weather these days.”
He smiles, but it lacks his usual flamboyance.
“Valentine’s Day is coming,” he tells you. “The worst day of the year.”
You laugh at that, relax, and take your hand off. You miss the way his eyes fall on the place you were just touching.
“Well, not this year, hopefully. Not this year.”
Yeah. He’s not so sure about that.
February 14th
It’s your first time, ever, having a date on Valentine’s Day, and you’re determined to do everything right. Sungho is taking you to a fancy restaurant, so you decide there is no issue in going all out. You take the day to prepare yourself, enlist Hana to do your make-up and hair, and you use the opportunity to wear a lovely bright red dress that you had been saving for a special occasion.
Hana whistles when you come out of your room after you’ve also put on half-transparent black tights.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” she says with an appreciative nod.
You glance down at your body self-consciously and try to smooth the fabric of the dress. You do think it looks pretty good, but you could be wrong. Does it show too much of your legs? Does it hug your curves too tightly?
“You think he’s going to like it?” you ask, somewhat shyly.
“He should if he knows what’s good for him,” she replies, expression turning murderous, before softening. “Just… Are you sure you want to be doing that?”
You give her a confused look.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know, going out with Sungho,” she says with a vague hand gesture. “I just— I don’t know. Do you like him that much?”
It’s funny. You haven’t really asked yourself that question. You’ve just been going through all the usual motions — the flirting, the dates, and, inevitably, the start of the relationship, which is probably for tonight.
“We— we get along fine,” you answer. “I like him.”
You leave the words ‘well enough’ out of that sentence. You like Sungho well enough. But then, that’s always been good enough for you, so why should it change now?
Hana seems to think about it for a little while, then shrugs.
“Okay then. Do you need my help to walk to the cab? I would not trust these things.”
She’s pointing at your heels, and it makes you laugh. These aren’t even that high, and they’re pretty stable. You don’t think you’ll have any trouble walking in them. Hana wouldn’t abandon her flat shoes to save her life, though, so you suppose the question was to be expected.
“You can just tell me if you want to hold my arm,” you tease, and it seems to take her by surprise, before she chuckles.
“You’ve gotten a little too good at that. I don’t know if I like it.”
“Yeah, I’m afraid Jin has infected me.”
That gives her pause, and she shoots you a weird look, but you miss it. She opens her mouth to say something, then gives up. She could be wrong, after all.
She kind of hopes she’s wrong, or that if she’s right, you’ll realize it soon enough.
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The dinner is perfect. You’re dressed perfectly for the occasion, fitting right in the restaurant’s decor, Sungho complimented you when you walked in and you told him he looked great, which is true, the food is delicious, the conversation flows easily, and there are roses on the table. They’re not for you, part of the decoration, and it doesn’t look like Sungho’s gotten you any, which gives you just a little pinch of disappointment in your chest, but it’s also not a big deal. It’s fine. Everything is fine.
And you’re not happy with it.
You can’t place it, and it slowly drives you insane, as you and Sungho make your way through the meal. You try your best not to let it show, but you think he notices your increasing restlessness. You feel bad about it, because really, he hasn’t done anything wrong. You just— something’s not right.
Dammit. It’s your first time having a date on Valentine’s Day, and you can’t make it work.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Sungho says while the two of you are waiting for your desert, and you do your best to snap out of whatever is going on in your head to focus on him.
“Tell me,” you smile, though the smile is polite, rather than genuine.
He takes a deep breath and reaches over the table to take your hand. It’s far from the first time the two of you make physical contact, you’ve even kissed a few times, and it was nice, but something makes you want to recoil, in that moment. You don’t, though. Why would you? It doesn’t make sense. Nothing about you makes sense right now.
“I like you,” he says, and you find the breath knocked out of you. It’s not unpleasant, though, it’s very nice in fact, and it almost completely dissipates your previous discomfort. “And I think— you know. We haven’t said anything about being exclusive yet, so I figured I’d— ask.”
He looks pretty confident, which you thought would put you off, but it doesn’t. The answer seems obvious to you. It’s been just a little over a year since you broke up with Minho, which is a reasonable time, so your lips part to let him know that you’d be happy to—
It’s then that you remember. You remember what you told yourself after that break-up, and what you thought after the break-up before that, and the time before as well. You remember you told yourself you wouldn’t settle for less than what you really wanted. You told yourself you wanted to love and be loved. You told yourself you wanted someone who’d remember how you liked your tea.
And, just like in a movie, Jin’s face appears in your mind. You almost dismiss it, tell yourself it’s just because of the tea, until you realize it’s not. It just isn’t. You should have noticed earlier, you know that, but you’ve never been friends with someone before developing feelings for them. You’ve always told yourself you were an ‘all or nothing’ kind of person, that you were the type to know immediately if things could happen. Maybe you didn’t quite believe in love at first sight, but you’d always thought that love didn’t wait.
Apparently you were wrong.
Jin’s the one who inadvertently makes you pulse rush, when his hand brushes against you. Jin’s the one who lifts your spirits, no matter what. Jin makes you happy, makes you want to get up in the morning, has done that for months now. Jin actually knows you. Jin looks at you like you’re precious to him. Maybe that doesn’t mean love, maybe to him, it’s all just friendship, but to you, it’s much more than that. And the feeling you get is so strong, so powerful, that you understand that you need to tell him. Need to tell him now.
“I’m sorry,” you say to Sungho, who’s been waiting for an answer all this time. “I’m really sorry, I don’t think that can work out.”
His face falls, but he looks far from heartbroken.
“Oh,” he says. “Um. That’s—”
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, already getting up from your chair. You’re buzzing with excitement, with feelings. “I have to go. I’ll pay for the meal, okay?”
“No, don’t—”
You stop at the counter briefly before rushing out into the night. You feel that you know exactly where you need to be.
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You get to the bakery minutes before closing time, which is exceptionally at 9 p.m. for the day. A couple is just coming out, and that leaves only Jungkook inside. There’s nothing left on display, and you know it’s been impossibly busy, which means Jin is probably in a bad mood, but you can’t wait until tomorrow. When you walk in, Jungkook looks up from behind the counter, clearly surprised by the sound of someone coming in that late, and a puzzled look settles on his face when he notices that you’re out of breath, your previously perfect make-up now looking a little worse for wear.
“Is everything alright?” he asks. He sounds worried, and any other day you would take the time to reassure him, but in that moment you’re pushed by an energy that can’t be stopped, so you just nod quickly as an answer.
“Is Jin here?”
“In the back,” he says, tilting his head in that direction, and you’re pretty sure a glint of understanding lights up in his eyes.
“Can I….?”
He nods, a grin on his lips, and now you’re sure he knows why you’re here. You don’t wait for him to tease you about it, quick to make your way past him.
You freeze the second you walk into the backroom, though. It’s not just because of Jin’s back, though that definitely has more of an effect on you than you’d like to admit — the broad shoulders, the muscular back, and inexplicably, the nape of his neck. It’s also because of the large bouquet of red roses, standing in a vase on the table next to him. Your breath catches in your throat as you look at them. They look beautiful, vibrant, their fragrance floating through the room, all the way to you.
“Who are the roses for?” you ask, making Jin jump.
Any other time, you would have been pleased to take him by surprise for once, but right now you’re hanging on his words, waiting for an answer. The air feels heavy between you, and it doesn’t help that he doesn’t answer immediately, swallowing silently as his eyes travel over your body. You had almost forgotten about the dress you were wearing, and, instead of making you feel comfortable and confident, like it had earlier, you feel naked and vulnerable under his gaze.
Finally, his eyes meet yours, mouth slightly open, and by that point your heart is hammering in your chest. You wonder if he has any idea of how you’re feeling right now. Had he noticed your feelings when even you weren’t aware of them?
“What?” he croaks, voice dry, like he’s forgotten what you said.
“The roses,” you repeat. “Who are they for?”
You need an answer. Desperately.
Jin’s eyes move to the roses, and his face falls. He turns his back to you again as he goes back to whatever he’s cleaning.
“Didn’t you have a date tonight?”
You shrug, though he can’t see it.
“I broke things off with him,” you say lightly, and you don’t miss the way his movements pause, or the way his shoulders tighten, for half a second, before he keeps moving. “Are you— are you meeting someone?”
“No,” he protests immediately. “You know I don’t believe in Valentine’s day.”
You do. You remember that. So you wait for an explanation. It takes a while, and you just wait silently behind him, suspecting that he’s waiting for you to go away. After a few minutes, though, he slams his hand on the table, still not looking at you.
“They’re for you, okay? You said you’d always wanted roses for Valentine’s Day, and I figured, maybe your stupid boyfriend didn’t know that yet, and that I could maybe just drop them off at your place, and—”
“You didn’t ask me why I broke up with him,” you interrupt him, cutting his rambling short, and he falls silent. You catch his eyes from over his shoulder. Finally, you’re feeling yourself calm down, and at the same time you’re practically shaking with anticipation. “I realized I had feelings for someone else,” you say when he still doesn’t ask, just watching you, lips tight.
“…You do?” he simply says in reply. He’s tense, guarded, and you take a careful step towards him.
“Yeah,” you nod. Your eyes aren’t leaving his, not even for a second. “He’s smart, and kind, and handsome.” You take a step for each description you give, and you can’t help but smile on the last word. But your smile doesn’t reach Jin’s lips, and he’s just looking at you like he’s expecting you to tell him someone else’s name, or to make fun of him. “And he makes me laugh,” you add quietly, as you get to him, leaning against the table. “A lot. Some have even said it was a little too much.”
“So who is he?” he asks, and you smile. It’s wild to you that you haven’t understood earlier how absolutely head over heels in love with him you are, especially right now, when you’re standing so close to him. It’s also wild that he can’t see it, because you feel as though you’re radiating with that emotion, feel that anyone should be able to tell.
“It’s you,” you breathe out. “It’s obviously you.”
Then you’re pushing yourself up against his mouth, soft and slow. One of his hands closes around your waist as he leans forward, towering over you. His eyes are shut, and you close your own, reveling in the feeling of his warm body pressed against your own. You feel his tongue darting out to brush against your lips, and they part to grant him access, eager to taste all of him and—
“Couldn’t you tell me that earlier?” Jin protests loudly, tearing himself away from you, and your eyes snap open. “I would have planned the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever—”
You groan and cut him off with another kiss, faster and harder this time, grabbing his wrists to guide his hands to your hips. You moan in contentment into his mouth when he kisses you back and he swallows it eagerly, pressing you into the table, bodies meeting like they’ve been waiting for it for forever and you—
“I wanted to make you an amazing strawberry cake! Now I don’t have any strawberries left!”
“Jin, please,” you sigh, unable to tolerate any other interruption, “would you just shut up and kiss me?”
And, finally, he does. Holds you like he never wants to let you go, kisses you like there’s no tomorrow, and when the two of you part, he rests his forehead against yours like he can’t bear the thought of being away from you even for a second. The silent stretches, comfortable, only filled with your respirations, until someone clears their throat, and the two of you jump away from each other.
“Sorry,”Jungkook says with a shit-eating grin that tells you he’s not sorry at all, “but I was about to leave. Will the two of you be okay?”
“I’m sure we can work things out without you,” Jin says. “Goodbye!”
But Jungkook doesn’t leave right away, turning his smile to you. You would hide into Jin’s shoulder, but you feel so good you can’t be bothered right now.
“Goodbye (Y/N)!”
“Bye, Jungkook!”
“That kid, I swear,” Jin says, shaking his head, as Jungkook leaves, his laugh hanging in the air behind him for a few seconds.
“I quite like him,” you comment, fingers dancing down Jin’s neck to come trace the border of his shirt.
“Oh, you do?” There is a dangerous edge to his tone and you glance up, surprised.
“Are you jealous?” you ask. “I didn’t know you were the jealous type.”
“I’m not.”
“Because it’s not Jungkook I abandoned my date for.”
“Good that you did. I never liked him.”
“So you are jealous.”
Seokjin mumbles something incomprehensible and you laugh and hug him tighter. And when he asks you if you want to come upstairs, even if he doesn’t have the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner planned, even if really, all he has to offer is himself, you tell him yes, of course.
Because he’s all you want right now.
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It turns out, you wouldn’t have eaten the dinner anyway. The second the door closes behind you, you’re pulling him down against you for a kiss, and he doesn’t oppose any resistance, doesn’t protest like he did before, just lets out a moan into your mouth. He’s just as eager as you are to get rid of that tight dress.
“Careful with the tights,” you warn when his hands start roaming your thighs.
“Take them off then,” he groans.
You press a few kisses against his mouth, feeling delighted with the way he restrains himself, hands turning into fists against your hips as he stops himself from tearing off your closes. Finally, you pull away with a giggle. His eyes are wide and dark with desire, and they only get wider when you playfully slide off your dress’ strap.
“Don’t tease,” he says, practically growls, but you decide that you will. You guide him to his couch, push him down onto it, and evade him when he tries to pull you down with him, slipping out of his grasp. You stand just out of his reach, but more than close enough to be tantalizing, and you see in his eyes that it’s working just fine.
You take the time of making a show out of sliding down your dress down your body, letting it pool down at your feet before stepping out of it. The heels are the next thing to go, and then, finally, the offending tights. The second you’re out of those, Seokjin pounces, grabbing your hips and pulling you onto the couch.
“If you want us to move this to the bedroom, now would be a good time to say it,” he says as he kisses your neck, hands traveling up and down your body, large and calloused, but kind and gentle.
“I’m good here,” you say, arching your back to grant him better access — and to roll your hips against him. “Are you good here?”
You feel his breath catching in his throat when you move, as well as something hard pressing against you in his pants, and his voice is slightly choked when he answers.
“Yeah. This would happen at some point anyway.”
You laugh. You can’t wait to try this in all the places the two of you can think of in his apartment.
“Then let’s get to it, shall we?”
Jin doesn’t seem to have anything to answer to that, especially not when you hook your leg around his, using your heel to push him down on top of you. He’s still dressed, but you plan on rectifying that. You stop kissing him to work on the buttons of his shirt, and he lets you, breathing heavily. Your fingers explore the skin you reveal in the process, and you’re delighted when he shivers as you find out where his sensitive spots are — right under his collarbone, his nipples, his ribs.
Finally, the shirt joins your dress on the floor. You take a second to marvel at his body. His shoulders are even nicer to look at like that, you decide. You capture Jin’s mouth again, this time with your hands fisting his hair. You’re feeling yourself growing more impatient, wetter, and while your panties are the only thing still covering your body, he’s still wearing pants — which is far too much clothing.
“I want you so bad,” you whisper to him, and his breath catches in his throat.
“Fuck. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
That makes you grin, and you arch your back into him again, pressing yourself against his now rock hard crotch.
“Oh, I think I do,” you reply devilishly, and all Jin does is to bury his head into your neck. His fast breathing tickles your skin, and you love it. You love discovering that you have that effect on him, love how you can make him come undone. Another night, you might really, really enjoy teasing him about it, but you have something else on your mind tonight.
Your hand travels down his body to palm him through his pants, and he groans, bucking his hips against it involuntarily.
“Let me take care of that?” you offer, and he pulls away to raise an eyebrow at you.
Wordlessly, you guide him so he’s sitting on the couch, and then, without breaking eye contact, you drop to your knees. You watch as his eyes go wide and he swallows loudly. You don’t give him time to regain his composure, gently nudging his legs apart so you can place yourself there comfortably.
“Fuck,” he repeats as your hands travel over his thighs before unbuckling his belt.
He lifts himself off the couch so you can slide down his pants and underwear, and that leaves him in his naked glory. And boy, is he glorious, dick standing erect and proud, precum already dripping from the tip. You suppose it’s been a while since the last time he had any sort of intercourse, and so you decide that you will do everything that’s in your power to make it worth his while.
You do your best to maintain eye contact with him while you lean forward to gently take in the head of his cock, wrapping your red lips around it as your hand grips the base.
“Ah,” he gasps, and you wonder if he gets loud during sex.
You hope he does.
You mostly tease him at first, running your tongue over the tip, and you feel his hand grabbing the back of your head gently. He doesn’t try to control your pace or to push you down. He seems to just be anchoring himself as he lets you do whatever you want. Glancing up, you see that he’s thrown his head back and his mouth is hanging open, letting out quiet moans that sometimes get high-pitched.
For some reason, the sight of his exposed throat turns you on impossibly. You slide a hand down your body to try to get some relief as well, and you moan loudly when your fingers finally find your clit. The vibrations have Jin push his hips up as his hands tighten on you. A second later, his eyes snap open.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I—”
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, “I don’t mind but— Do you have a condom somewhere?”
He hesitates, then reaches for the coffee table. He opens the drawer, rummages through it quickly, and finds what he’s looking for.
“Taehyung said it was good to have them all over the house, just in case,” he feels obligated to explain to you, even while he struggles to open it and to put it on.
Well, you owe Taehyung one, you decide, but now really is not the time to discuss that, so you pull him down for quick kiss before he can lose himself in his ramble.
“Want you now,” you tell him, and it sounds like an order.
“Yes ma’am,” he mumbles, pulling you back up onto the couch.
Your panties are soon gone, and he spreads your legs open with utmost care. Even if you’re pretty sure he could just slide right in, with how wet you are, he pushes a long finger inside you, then another.
“You’re so wet for me,” he marvels. “So wet, and I haven’t even touched you.”
“Don’t flatter yourself too much yet,” you moan. “There’s still work to be done here.”
His eyes are full of love when he looks at you, taking in your body, now completely naked and offered. Just for him.
“Oh, I’ll do it. Don’t you worry about that.”
You’re about to call him out for his cockiness when he lines his cock with your entrance, tip rubbing against your folds, and you close your mouth instead, wisely choosing not to provoke him when he could so easily make you pay for it by making you wait. Except it seems he’s just as impatient as you, because he pushes himself inside you without pause.
You moan and shift to accommodate the stretch, and Seokjin goes still on top of you.
“Are you okay?” he asks. You’re satisfied with the strain in his voice, like knowing you’re not the only one to be so affected here.
“Hmm,” you hum. “Can you— move? A little?”
He pulls out a little, experimentally, and you moan louder than before. It takes you a few minutes to figure out the pace, as your hips keep moving, desperately searching for more friction, but they’re not unpleasant, filled with kisses, sweet nothings and the feeling of his warm skin against yours. In those moments, you feel like you’re discovering him all over again, and you find yourself enjoying that more than you can say.
Finally, you find yourselves, and the sound of skin against skin fills the room, along with your loud, high-pitches moans, and Seokjin’s — softer, quieter, but definitely there. You meet each of his thrusts, with one hand between the two of you to rub against your clit. When you first clench around him, he finally lets out a moan that’s as loud as yours.
“Fuck, fuck, fffuck,” he says, head falling against you, cheek pressed against your collarbone. “If you— If you do that again I’ll— Wait, please, wait, wanna— wanna cum with you—”
You arch your back, your nipples grazing against his chest, and force up the pace of your hips. Jin is moving incoherently, begging into your neck, and you want to give him exactly what he’s asking for. When you clench around him again, it’s with your orgasm. It’s all it takes to push him over the edge as well, but you barely feel his hips stutter into you, completely taken over by your own pleasure.
It takes you a little while to come back down from your high, and when you do, you meet his eyes. They’re soft and gentle, and, more than anything that’s happened until then, they make you melt.
“Hey,” he whispers, “you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, more than okay, in fact. You?”
“More than okay, too,” he says as a lazy smile spreads across his features.
“Good. That’s good.”
Pillow talk is not your forte.
“Hey,” Jin says, coming to rest his forehead against your shoulder.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
You chuckle.
“I think I’m in love with you too.”
“That’s good,” Jin says, but his voice sounds choked up, raspy, and you know he’s probably blushing. So you don’t add anything, just run your fingers over his scalp, the nape of his neck, down his back. Let him know you’re here, that you’ve got him, that you’re not going anywhere.
“Are you— are you staying the night?” he asks.
“Sure, unless you’re kicking me out.”
His arms tighten around you possessively.
“I would never.”
It takes a little longer before Jin manages to get the two of you off the couch to go get cleaned up, and then into bed, but of that night, there is not a second that you would call unnecessary or superfluous. Not one.
Every single one of them, every moment you spend with Jin on that first night, are essential, and you could not pick one of them to take back.
March 14th
The bell chimes happily when you walk into the shop, and even though Jin is busy with another customer, his eyes immediately find you. It’s something simple, yet it’s something you love about him. The way he always seems to find you, and the pleasant warmth that fills you without fail when you see him. You’ve been told that it was just the high of the first months of a relationship, not to get too used to it but you hope that, even if it dims, it won’t go away completely.
“Hey, Jin, your ears are turning really red. Why are your ears turning red?”
You laugh while your boyfriend turns to shoot a furious look at Yoongi. He’s sitting in your spot, in the back of the shop, and he’s looking smug. That comment of his has become a pretty common thing to hear whenever you walk in, or just when Jin and you are speaking. To be completely honest, you’re not too mad about it. Jin is good at acting like you have no effect on him, but the blush betrays him, and it’s been both cute and useful to see what actually gets to him, or bothers him sometimes.
“I’ll kick you out of my shop if you keep that up!” Jin shouts at him. “Don’t think I won’t!”
But Yoongi just chuckles into his mug, clearly not taking him seriously — and he’s probably right for that.
“So, do you know what today is?” Jin asks nonchalantly after he’s turned back to face you, gesturing for Jungkook take over with the other customer.
Your eyes widen in horror.
“Please don’t tell me you want us to celebrate our one month anniversary. I haven’t planned anything for that.”
Jin rolls his eyes.
“I would argue that our one-month anniversary is tomorrow, if we’re being precise, because that’s when we, um, really talked about it.”
He’s not wrong. It had been a pleasant thing, to wake up in his arms the morning after, to the sensation of his lips gently kissing your neck, and an even nicer thing to take your breakfast with him. You couldn’t pinpoint why exactly. It had just been what had absolutely and irrevocably sealed the  deal for you. You knew it hadn’t been a mistake. You wanted to be with him.
“Hmm, but there is still some sort of anniversary to be celebrated tonight then,” you say, leaning over the counter. “I’m sure I could prepare something for that.”
His ears and neck flush, and Yoongi has the delicacy of not pointing it out this time.
“That’s not— That’s not what I’m talking about! Today is the white day.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“That’s when boys are supposed to give chocolates back to the girls they like,” Jin elaborates.
“But I didn’t give you chocolates,” you say.
“No, but you’re still the one who— Yoongi, I swear to God— You know. You’re the one who took the first step.”
Despite his recent outburst, it’s obvious that he feels embarrassed and vulnerable in that moment. You’d kind of gathered that he really regretted not asking you out before Sungho had, but you had never thought that it was actually an issue.
“I’m really happy I did,” you tell him quietly. He’s not fond of PDA, but you still allow your fingers to brush against his. That feels discreet enough.
“I know,” he says, and there’s so much love in his eyes when he looks at you that it’s a real miracle that you don’t melt into a puddle right then and there. “But I still—” He sighs. “You’re really ruining my plans. This was meant to go over smoothly.”
“Sorry,” you apologize with a wide grin while he picks something up from behind the counter.
“There,” he mumbles, handing you the box.
You open it, genuinely curious. You feel the eyes of everyone else in the shop — Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook and, of course, Jin — on you, and you want to tell most of them off, but you suppose that since this is where most of your relationship development happened, they’re kind of part of the story too.
The box is filled with chocolates shaped like roses.
“I know it’s not much,” Jin is quick to say, “but I just wanted to—”
“Jin?” you interrupt him.
“I’m going to kiss you.”
His eyes go wide, and then he sighs, but he can’t force away the smile that’s forcefully making its way on his lips.
“Well, if you absolutely have to—”
But he doesn’t protest when you pull him over the counter to kiss him, hands gently closing over your shoulders. He even brings you back for a second, even briefer kiss, and there’s something fierce in his eyes then. He superbly ignores the cheers that come from your friends in the room.
“I have to warn you, you’re never getting rid of me now,” he says, and it’s light-hearted, but you know there’s a lot of truth behind those words.
“Good,” you simply reply. “I wouldn’t want that for the world.”
He looks like he wants to add something to that, but he chokes on the words, and he falls quiet instead. It’s just as good, really.
There are some things you don’t need words for.
Some things that can be expressed just as easily with a box full of rose-shaped chocolates.
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hongism · 4 years
at the end of the day - p. seonghwa 18+
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day 10 of kinktober: lovemaking - park seonghwa warnings: explicit smut, unprotected sex, soft sex, marking, creampie, fingering, tooth-rotting fluff, it’s so soft I can’t believe I wrote it, literally lovemaking, im broken after writing it wc: 1.6k genre: smut, fluff, pwp, 18+
“Hi,” you greet, tone quiet. Seonghwa steps over the threshold, and the door snaps shut without much noise. His shoulders remain slumped forward, clear evidence of his exhaustion, but he still manages a somewhat cheery greeting in response.
“Hi, baby, how was your day?” He comes closer to where you’re seated at the dining table. Papers are strewn across the wood, and Seonghwa doesn’t even need to take a glance to know that you’re still struggling with schoolwork.
“Long,” you answer even though he already understands just from your expression. Likewise, he nods in agreement, smile stretching a little less than before.
“Seems we both had tough days then.” Seonghwa leans forward and rests his hands on the back of your chair. The gaze he offers is as soft as ever. You sit up straight only to push your head back against his stomach. “I’ll take a quick shower, then we can go to bed, yeah?”
“Sounds good,” you hum. Seonghwa steps away from your chair, and you watch him disappear into the bedroom with a small sigh. The mountain of work before you still looms, but it’s the last thing on your mind at the moment. Sleep would be nice, but cuddling with Seonghwa would be even better at this point. Thus, you push away from the table and amble to the bedroom.
You can hear the soft trickles of the shower in the bathroom, and maybe on a night where you both weren’t so tired, you might be daring enough to surprise Seonghwa in there. Rather, you merely slip your pants off, crawling under the sheets to nestle in the center of the bed while you wait for Seonghwa to join you.
It doesn’t take too long for him to come out, towel around his neck, and a pair of sweats hanging loosely at his hips. You both instinctually smile at one another as soon as you make eye contact, and you huff out a laugh through your nose.
“What’s that look for?” Seonghwa inquires, bringing the towel down and dropping it on your head once he’s closer to the edge of the bed.
“Nothing, nothing,” you counter. “You’re just cute.” The towel slips down to the mattress, slightly damp from the moisture on Seonghwa’s skin, and he bends over you to press a quick kiss to your forehead.
“You’re the only cute one here, baby girl. Now scoot over and make some room for me.”
“At least put the towel up first,” you grumble, tossing it back at your boyfriend before shifting to the other side of the bed. Seonghwa feigns annoyance with a slight roll of his eyes but picks up the towel regardless. He carries it all the way back to the bathroom before returning to you, slipping into bed at last.
You greet him with a kiss; your lips press against the tip of his nose first, then two small pecks on either cheek before finally finding purchase on his plush and rosy lips. They’re soft on yours, the gentlest pressure that leaves a blossoming warmth in your chest. It isn’t needy or full of lust – merely a small signal of the love and affection you have for each other.
“I love you,” you murmur. The words linger in the air between you for a few moments, Seonghwa’s only response being the same affectionate and tired grin. Even when he does do something, it isn’t verbal. He closes the minimal distance between your lips once more. The kiss contains a bit more pressure this time, yet again it doesn’t hold any desperation. You don’t let your lips part for a second as Seonghwa tugs you closer, hand drawing around your waist, and he tugs you forward and forward until your chest is flush against his. It only takes a slight tug for him to pull you on top of him, rolling onto his back so that you can straddle his hips comfortably.
A sigh of content leaves you. It’s one that Seonghwa eats right up, and his tongue caresses your lower lips with the same amount of care and softness as every other touch he’s providing. He slips his hands lower, tracing each curve and dip of your body until he reaches your hips and dances over the bare skin there. It doesn’t take much for him to let those same fingers slide up under your shirt. They leave goosebumps in their wake, gliding and shifting until he has his thumbs looped around the band of your underwear, and it’s with an unspoken agreement that he tugs them down. You have to assist him in getting them fully off, straightening one leg after the other until the undergarments are pulled away completely. He doesn’t bother doing the same for his own – mostly because he’s not wearing underwear, but also because he just shimmies his sweatpants down enough to bare his cock to the cool air in the bedroom.
Seonghwa doesn’t move any faster than he is; he maintains the same sweet and languid pace even as he slips two fingers between your legs and presses them past your already sopping folds. You moan into his mouth at the sensation, shifting your hips so that he can have better access to your core. His tongue breaches your lips at the same moment he pushes his fingers into your tight hole, and you would moan if you weren’t midway through a gasp of surprise. You let him control the kiss, instead focusing on the feeling of his fingers inside you, but you can’t keep from reaching down to take his member in your hand. It’s his turn to groan as you move over his cock with sloppy jerks, collecting the precum gathered on his tip and guiding it over the rest of his length.
“I want you, Hwa,” you whisper after pulling back to look him in the eye. His smile returns, and he gives you a small nod before slipping his fingers out of you. His hand meets yours on his shaft, lips coming to rest on the corner of your lips. He rubs the juices of your arousal over his cock then pushes your hips back to align with your hole. When he sinks into your velvet walls, you can’t stop the whimper that falls from your lips. The stretch burns and aches deep inside you, and Seonghwa slows his movements until he barely moves at all. Folding your hands around the back of his neck, you dug yourself down to his lips and kiss him as deeply as possible. Seonghwa returns the kiss with equal passion and penetrates you until he’s buried all the way in your cunt.
“I love you,” he says, parting from your lips to speak the words. “Let me make love to you.”
“You always have permission to do that,” you reply. You release his neck to cup his cheek, and he presses his face against your palm without hesitation. “So go ahead and do it, my love.”
Seonghwa’s grip on your hips tightens, and in one swift movement, he swivels you until your back collides with the mattress. His mouth overtakes yours, tongue pushing in without hesitation, and you can only moan in response. He rocks his hips against yours. The groan that leaves his chest is nothing short of heavenly, and you’d beg just to hear that sound over and over again, but he provides it without you begging at all. Each thrust has you seeing stars; his cock rubs over your sweet spot without cease, and the pace he maintains is still as languid as before. It feels different this time, like he’s putting all his feelings into each thrust. Not chasing after his own pleasure or an orgasm – just undivided attention on you and making you feel good.
It doesn’t take long for you to lose yourself in the pleasure running through your veins. Seonghwa is right there with you, quiet moans escaping him as more time passes, but it’s evident that he’s holding out until you orgasm. His thrusts only stutter once your walls begin to tighten around him. The band holding you back from your orgasm snaps as he thrusts particularly deep, and you arch your back off the bed. White fills your vision, red hot pleasure searing your body from head to toe, and Seonghwa kisses you through it. The warmth only persists because he cums inside you a second later, painting the inside of your walls with white.
You don’t dare to move for several minutes after and just focus on Seonghwa’s weight against your body and the softly spoken praises he whispers into the shell of your ear. When he does move away from you, you throw your arms around his waist and squeeze him tight so that he can’t leave.
“Let’s just stay like this a while,” you murmur, the exhaustion clearly audible in your tone. “Please.” Seonghwa laughs lightly, then brings his lips back to your forehead.
“Okay, baby girl. Anything for you.”
a/n: not funny. i cried. this is too soft for me. expect hard shit to make up for it ;-;
link to kinktober masterlist
taglist: @noonawriter​​ @daniblogs164​​ @felixity​​ @okokokok123-45​​ @jeonartemis​​ @crescent-hwa​​ @wheresmymoniat​​ @nlost21​​ @lonely10vely​​ @atletino​​ @monbecaratstayarmy​​ @hello-its-ya-boi​​ @onyxblade01​​ @kimnamshiks​​ @poutychangbinnie​​ @toothlessshiber​​ @xxbluestrifexx​​​ @lokihoeforhyunjin​​ @ice-cold-taeyong​​ @essantial​​ @blueish-sun​​ @etaerealboy​​ @notbeforelong​​ @wideawakeficrecs​​ @adestinyuwu​​ @simpforhyunjin​​​ @naajix​​​ @lilyliline21​​ @leaz-kpop-life​​ @hyunjinsicedamerican0​​ @marigold-bebee​​ @changbinswifu​​ @xcookiemonsteer​​ @ddalgi-yong​​ @seoha​​ 
unable to be tagged: @sailing-goddess-of-ateez @gingerale-addict
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Dress Up (Ethan x MC)
Summary: On Halloween night, Ethan gets a big surprise
A/N: Okay so this was the tooth rotting fluff I was talking about earlier this week. 
A/N 2: I haven’t written something this short in years. Issa miracle
A/N 3: Happy Halloween! Enjoy!
The words on the paper in front of Ethan start to blur together the longer he stares at the page. He’s been at the hospital for nearly 18 hours and it’s finally starting to have an effect on him, the exhaustion finally creeping in.
It’s been a long shift. He put in some hours in the free clinic on top of helping with his patient for the diagnostics team, and dealt with a particularly exhausting meeting with a few other department heads. On top of the usual business, it’s Halloween, and the holiday has never bode well for the hospital. By the time midnight rolls around, the ER is typically packed with college students and other young 20-somethings that have gotten way too drunk, started fights, and injured themselves.
His cell phone rings and he reaches into his coat pocket to retrieve it. His mood instantly perks up when he sees ‘Naomi R’ flash across the screen accompanied by a picture of his wife’s smiling face.
It takes him mere seconds to answer the phone, balancing it delicately between his shoulder and ear. “Hello?”
“Hi handsome,” Naomi greets back.
The cheeriness in her voice cheers him up slightly. While it’s been less than a day, he’s missed the sound of her voice. “Hi.”
“What are you doing?”
“My job,” Ethan deadpans.
“Obviously smarty-pants. Are you working hard or hardly working?”
“I'm always working hard,” Ethan insists. “I’m trying to prepare myself for how busy the ER is going to be once the sun goes down. I hate Halloween.”
“You hate everything.”
“I hate pointless consumer holidays,” Ethan says. “Especially ones that promote candy and alcohol consumption.”
“Oh, so all the fun ones,” Naomi teases. “Where are you? Are you in the office?”
“Yes, I’m taking a break right now.”
“Perfect. Open the door.”
“Open the–” Ethan looks up, intrigued. He can’t make out any figures on the other side of the door, the frosted glass not doing him any favors. Either his lovely wife had food delivered for him, or she’s pulling some sort of Halloween trick on him. “Why?”
“It’s a surprise, so open the door.”
Deciding to play along, Ethan gets up from his huge leather chair and in a few quick strides, he’s on the other side of the room, opening the door. Looking straight ahead he doesn’t immediately see anyone standing outside. He should’ve known this was some prank of hers.
“Hi, daddy!”
The tiny voice cuts through the otherwise silent hallway. Out of the corner of his eye, Ethan sees a tiny blur practically flying towards him. The small figure collides with him with a soft thud, wrapping around him tightly.
Chuckling to himself, Ethan glances down at the 3 year old clutching his pant legs like a life raft. “You are very strong for a toddler.”
“Valentina Marie Ramsey, what have I told you about running away from me!” Naomi’s voice is what captures Ethan’s attention as she speed-walks down the hall in an effort to make it to the office.
Ethan looks her up and down, confused. She’s wearing her work clothes, a simple blouse, pencil skirt and her white coat, as well as her purse and a plastic bag from CVS hanging off of her shoulder. Naomi isn’t supposed to be working today and she never dresses this formally in their casual life outside of work. “Did you take a shift?”
“Daddy, look, we're doctors because it’s Halloween!” Valentina says, garnering her dad’s attention. 
The couple had given up on picking a costume for Valentina over a week ago, as the precocious toddler wasn’t good at picking one thing and sticking to it. In the past month, she’s wanted to be a pirate, a bear, a fairy, a princess, a princess fairy, and Baby Shark.
Ethan looks down at her and sees she has on a white coat of her own, one that is entirely too big for her which only makes her look that much more adorable. He smiles at her. “You make a very cute doctor, my darling.”
“Mommy says doctors are supposed to be very smart, not cute,” Valentina corrects, and while she’s already the spitting image of her mother, she sounds just like her too. She’s just as stubborn and argumentative.
“You’re the smartest 3 year old I know,” Ethan says honestly. As if a child born to him and Naomi would be anything but.
“You promise?”
“I pinky promise.”
“We were just coming by to show off our costumes, and to grab my doctor’s bag,” Naomi says. She leans forward and presses a soft kiss onto Ethan’s lips, one he doesn’t let end to quickly. Wrapping an arm around his wife’s waist, he pulls her in closer to deepen the kiss. 18 hours is far too long to go without her.
The kiss is broken up by Valentina aggressively wedging herself between the two of them. “No kissing.”
Naomi pulls away with an eye roll. “Okay, okay.” Leaving the doorway, Ethan moves backwards and allows them inside the office. Naomi instantly goes behind Ethan’s desk and grabs her physician’s bag. She usually doesn’t carry it unless the diagnostics team has to make a house call, and she empties it, making it easier for Valentina to carry around and use it as a candy bag. Before she hands it over, she empties the plastic bag she’s holding, a box of pink band-aids, popsicle sticks (aka tongue depressors), a roll of stickers, and a pair of small reading glasses fall onto the table.
Ethan watches as Naomi puts the final touches on Valentina’s costume. “Why the glasses?”
“Because you wear glasses,” Valentina answers as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Ethan raises an eyebrow in question, not understanding the point Valentina is trying to make. He turns to Naomi for further clarification.
“Val didn’t want to be any old doctor,” Naomi says. “She wanted to be...you.”
“Mommy said I can wear your big doctor coat!” Valentina exclaims.
And that’s when Ethan notices she is in fact wearing his spare white coat; Dr. Ethan Ramsey, M.D., F.A.C.P., stitched into it underneath Edenbrook’s logo.
While he already thought his three year old dressing up as a doctor was a sight to behold, something inside his chest warms as the thought of her wanting to be dressed up as him. Her entire world is comprised of doctors, but she wants to be a mini him.
He doesn’t realize how long he’s been silent until Valentina tugs on his hand. “Are you okay, daddy? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong,” Ethan assures her with a smile. He crouches down so they’re able to look each other eye-to-eye. “Daddy is just very happy that you want to wear my coat, that’s all.” Valentina does a spin for him, spurred on by the positive affirmation and Ethan looks up, catching Naomi’s eye. “She wants to be me, not you.”
“Whatever. She looks like me, so when people see us together, she’ll automatically assume she’s dressed up as me.”
“But you and I both know the real intent. You know, I think your costume is missing something.” Reaching around his neck, Ethan takes off his stethoscope and drapes it around her instead. “There. Now you make a perfect Ethan Ramsey.”
“So now I have to make you feel better,” Valentina says. Dramatically, she places her hand on Ethan’s forehead, as if she’s taking his temperature. “Uh-oh.”
“What’s the diagnosis, Doc?” Ethan asks.
“You have a boo-boo,” she replies matter-of-factly. “But I can make it all better.” With some help from her mother, Valentina manages to open the box of band-aids. She sticks one on her dad’s cheek, just above his mustache, and follows that up by kissing his cheek. “There! How do you feel?”
“I feel much better,” Ethan says. “Thank you for being such a good doctor.”
“You’re welcome.” She then shoves a big Hello Kitty sticker into the palm of Ethan’s hand. “And you get a sticker for being good.”
“Even better.” Ethan tugs on one of Valentina’s curls, earning a giggle.
A few more minutes pass, with Naomi and Ethan snapping as many pictures as they possibly can and Valentina putting a few more band-aids on her parents.
The door opens and Baz comes in this time, eyes downcast as he’s staring at a file. “Hey Ethan, Dr. Banerji wanted to–” he stops short, laughing as he zeroes in on the bright pink band-aids covering Ethan. “That is quite the look you got going for yourself, Ethan.”
“I’ll have you know that my lovely doctor here put these bandages on me.”
Baz’s grin turns into a wide smile as he takes in Valentina’s appearance. “Well aren’t you the cutest doctor I’ve ever seen, Teeny!”
“I’m not a cute doctor, I’m a smart doctor, Uncle Baz,” Valentina practically growls.
“I apologize for the mistake.”
Naomi glances at the large clock hanging behind Ethan’s desk. “Okay, Val, we have to go so we can get some candy before it gets too dark. Say bye-bye to daddy.”
Valentina wraps her tiny arms around Ethan’s neck, squeezing tightly. “Bye daddy. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
As Naomi gathers up all of their things, Valentina tells him all about how she can’t wait to show off her costume and get candy. It was her first time trick-or-treating, as Naomi and Ethan decided it was better to wait until she was a bit older before participating in the holiday. 
Her excitement is palpable and Ethan can’t help but to feel excited too. And while it’s true he’s no fan of Halloween, the thought of not witnessing it through his daughter’s eyes makes his chest tight. “How long do you plan on taking her around?”
“An hour,” Naomi answers. “I think that appropriate enough time for a 3 year old, don’t you?”
“Yes.” Ethan turns to Baz. “Do you think you can hold down the fort for an hour?”
Baz shrugs. “Sure. But only if you bring me back a Reese’s peanut butter cup.”
“That can be arranged.” Ethan stands up, his arms still firmly secured around Valentina. “Come on, Dr. and Dr Ramsey, we have some trick or treating to do.
Tags: @professorkingslay @nikki-2406 @maurine07 @aka-calliope @edgiestwinter @soft-for-drake @greenbean-kylie @akshara16 @bluebellot @kaavyaethanramsey @honeyandsunfl0wers @blossomanarchy @takemyopenheart @fanmantrashcan @whatchique @ao719 @x-kyne-x @colourmeshy @paulfwesley @the-pale-goddess @writinghereandthere @ramseyandrys @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramseyx @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @thatysn @bellcat2010 @theeccentricbibliophile @cecilecontrera @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @caseyvalentineramsey @desmaranj @nazario-sayeed @aestheticartsx @ruinedbypixels @mvalentine @nooruleman @rookie-ramsey
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littledrummeraussie · 3 years
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At Christmas All The Roads Lead Home | part 1
Christmas morning finds Ashton and Y/N reminiscing about their very first holiday together – with both of their flights cancelled the strangers make the hasty decision to rent a room until they can leave for their own destinations. The pair soon finds out that there’s much more than they’ve bargained for when there’s only one bed in their hotel room. story masterlist. | masterlist. word count: 4492 words tags/warnings: past: missed flights. some swearing. slow burn flirting. room sharing. “there’s only one bed”. & present: dad!Ashton. fem!mom!reader. married fluff with kids and a dog. Christmas morning cuteness. tooth rotting fluff. nostalgia.
Ashton wasn’t sure what woke him so early in the morning – it definitely wasn’t Tyler bouncing on the bed with Bailey hot on his heels, barking from the door because he knew he wasn’t allowed in the master bedroom. And it wasn’t Henry either because he would have been already up if he heard his younger son crying for one of you. He found that the house was dark and quiet, and that his back was cold even though the sheets were wrapped around his body the way he liked them. He squinted an eye at the clock on his nightstand, the green digits showing 4.38 AM, slowly ticking towards Christmas morning.
He reached backwards, fingers looking for the body that was never too far away, wanting to wrap his arm around his lover and go back to sleep. But the bed was empty, the sheets almost cold where he grasped them, and he sleepily turned around, furrowing his eyebrows. Propping himself up on his elbow Ashton looked around the room, searching for any sign where you could be, and when finding none he kicked off his blankets, reaching for his discarded shirt on the floor to look for you.
There were no sounds coming from the closet or the bathroom so he checked the guest bedroom where he usually found you curled up in bed with the boys and Bailey for an afternoon nap. A smile pulled at his lips as he saw his sons sleeping soundly in the big bed with the dog keeping them company, guarding their dreams. Ashton still remembered the day he brought home the puppy as a gift to you, just a month before finding out that you were pregnant with Tyler. For a while he wasn’t sure that keeping the dog was a good idea, especially as he grew bigger by the day and with Tyler’s due date drawing closer he needed to realize that he was scared how Bailey would react to the new addition to the family.
But Bailey was in love with his new little owner from the moment you brought him home from the hospital, and the two of them were inseparable to the point that you let go of all the previously set rules and let him climb up on the sofa to curl around the little boy while he slept. When Henry was born you let Tyler introduce his brother and the dog to each other, ready for every possible outcome, and happily finding out that Bailey loved the new baby just as much as he loved Tyler.
Ashton stepped closer, tucking the sheets back around his sons, lightly chuckling as Bailey snored next to the sleeping boys. Tyler begged you to let them all sleep together in the guest bedroom since it was Christmas and neither of you could say no to him as he hugged the dog’s neck, both of them giving you puppy eyes and an all too familiar pout that Ashton was sure was your genetics. Henry fell asleep during the first five minutes of your bedtime story, and Tyler wasn’t far behind as he clutched his favourite stuffed animal with Bailey snuggled behind him. With the boys sleeping it was time to put all the presents under the tree and stuff the stockings you hung over the fireplace, both of you giggling as you shared the cookie and milk left for Santa. You fell asleep the moment your head hit the pillow, and Ashton buried his face in your hair, mumbling one last ‘I love you’ before closing his eyes.
He made his way back to the hallway and down the stairs, ready to look for you in the living room or the kitchen. The lights were already up on the Christmas tree in the corner of the room, and another smile pulled at his lips as he finally found you snuggled up in front of the window, a big fluffy blanket wrapped around your legs with an empty mug sitting on your lap. When you heard his footsteps you looked up at Ashton, smiling back at him as he leaned closer, pressing a kiss on your cheek.
“There you are,” his voice was slightly scratchy, still heavy with sleep, and he nuzzled his nose against your skin, smearing a kiss on your lips. “Was scared Santa took you because I was a naughty boy this year.”
“I like a naughty boy,” you giggled, kissing his pouty lips, fingers tangling into the hair at the back of his head. “Just wanted a little peace and quiet before the boys wake up. I love them, but they are little firecrackers.”
“Wonder where they’ve got it from,” Ashton grinned, knocking his forehead against yours. “Can I join you?”
“Only if you bring me more hot chocolate,” you tapped a finger against your empty mug, making Ashton chuckle.
“Of course, hot mama,” he blew a raspberry on your cheek before going to the kitchen, your giggles making his heart skip a beat.
He busied himself with making hot chocolate for the both of you, his eyes meeting yours every now and then, sharing smiles and winks as he put an extra dose of marshmallows into your mug and a little more whipped cream than necessary on top of his own – after all, it was Christmas. You held onto both mugs as he settled behind you, legs bracketing you in, pulling another blanket around his shoulders as you snuggled up together. Ashton rested his chin on top of your head, taking small sips of his drink as he held you close, enjoying the quiet moment he got to spend with you.
“Remember London?” Ashton asked, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, knowing all too well that you could never forget about London.
“I kinda miss the snow, you know,” you tilted your head back onto his shoulder, looking up at him. “Makes me wish the kids could have a white Christmas.”
“I think we could take a trip next year. Maybe not London, but definitely somewhere where there is snow.”
“Yeah, I would like that,” you reached for his free hand, fingers tangling together in your lap, and you felt Ashton’s ring knock against your own, making you smile.
“I would miss a thousand flights for you,” he whispered against your temple, pressing a kiss onto your hairline while squeezing your hand.
“We both know you did not miss your flight, Ash,” you gave him a cheeky smile while tapping his nose, making him scrunch up his face in a giggle. “But I appreciate it nonetheless.”
“Thank God for snowstorms, right?”
“You’ve got to be shitting me!”
Your eyes lifted from the book you were reading, trying to kill your time while you waited for news about your delayed flight. The terminal was packed with confused and irritated people, all of them wanting to get real information why the planes weren’t landing or taking off. The guy sitting from across you mumbled another curse as he listened to the woman talking on the loudspeaker, announcing that the flight to Sydney will be delayed for another two hours or so. He ran his fingers through his hair as he tapped his phone, rapidly texting someone before pocketing it again, legs bouncing nervously. You knew the feeling all too well – your plane back to Los Angeles has been delayed three times already, and deep down you were ready to spend the night at the terminal, curled up in a plastic chair; you already knew you won’t make it back home on time.
Another 30 minutes passed before the announcements finally came – one after the other flights got cancelled because of a snowstorm hitting London. The crew worked hard to at least help the planes land, but you caught word that there won’t be any take offs for the next few days. You still held onto the little bit of hope you had that your trip back home will happen; they did not say anything about cancelling your flight yet. Your handsome stranger wasn’t so lucky – as they started listing off another set of cancelled flights he realized that the one to Sydney won’t be taking off, making him kick his chair as he scrambled for his phone again.
He paced the floor in front of you as he called one person after the other, quickly going to the front desk for more information before coming back and continuing his phone calls. You kept an eye on his things while you’ve read just to be sure he doesn’t come back to missing bags and another misfortune to deal with. A series of colourful curses caught your attention as he plopped down in a chair, pushing the button on his phone and trying to make it work, and you were sure he was seconds away from throwing it to the floor.
“You wanna borrow mine?” you found yourself asking, and his head snapped up, blinking at you. “Or if you need a charger I can give you one.”
“Uhm– yeah. A charger would be great, thanks,” he closed his fingers around the phone before standing up and stepping to you, and you reached into your bag to hand it to him. “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing,” you gave him a smile, nodding to the wall behind you. “You can plug it in here. I don’t mind.”
He mumbled another quick ‘thank you’ before plugging in his phone, and as he waited for it to switch back on he brought over his bags, settling down next to you. Another set of phone calls were made, apologies spilling out of him as he tried to let everyone know that he will be a few days late, don’t worry about him, he will figure this out, he just won’t be home for Christmas.
“Still hoping that plane will take you to Sydney?” you rested your head back against the wall when he finished yet another call. “Or are you planning on set up camp here for the next 3 days?”
“You don’t seem like someone who plans on leaving either. So where’s gonna be your tent?” he quirked an eyebrow at you, making you chuckle.
“They did not cancel my flight. Yet,” you added, knowing that it was a possibility that you have to spend the next few days here.
There was static coming from the loudspeaker again, making everyone turn quiet as the woman from before announced that unfortunately the weather was so bad that all flights got cancelled for the next few days. You looked back at your stranger who gave you a knowing look, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
“What did you say? I couldn’t hear you over all of this.”
“That my name is Y/N.”
“Ashton,” he held out his hand and you shook it, both of you holding onto the other just a little longer than it was necessary. “Should we set up camp now?”
“Whose clever idea was it to rent a room and share it?” you scooped a melted marshmallow onto your spoon, holding it up to Ashton’s mouth.
“Probably mine,” he mumbled around the sticky sweetness, licking the rest off the spoon. “Not that you objected.”
“I really didn’t want to sleep at the airport,” the confession wasn’t anything new, but still to this day it made you blush. “I just wanted a shower and a few hours of sleep.”
“And you ended up with a bed full of me,” grinning Ashton pressed a series of kisses along your cheek, nuzzling close to you and rubbing his scruffy chin against your skin, making you laugh. “Shh, don’t wake the kids!”
“Are you sure about it?”
“It’s not like planes are going to magically take off just because we’re stubborn and wait here.”
There was much less commotion now that people started to accept the fact that the snowstorm over London was no joke and that all flights were cancelled. You’ve spent another two hours sitting in your chairs with Ashton, talking about whatever came to mind as you waited for things to calm down, contemplating your options. He offered to buy you a warm drink and both of you moved to the Starbucks that was mostly empty now, your little corner secluded and quiet in the place that never seemed to stop.
He was scrolling through his phone for a long time before finally looking up at you, and you rubbed your eyes, trying to stay awake. Your plans originally included a long nap on the plane, followed by another 12 hours of rest to sleep off your jetlag. Cancelled plane rides and being stuck in London wasn’t on your list, yet here you were, drinking hot chocolate with a stranger who was just as lost as you were.
“I’ve found a hotel room nearby,” Ashton announced, pushing his foot against yours under the table. “We could split and stay until we can both travel home.”
“You don’t even know me,” you rested your chin in your hand, playing with your empty paper cup. “I don’t know you. Sharing a room sounds like a crazy idea.”
“What I know is that you’re about to fall asleep right at this table, and that I don’t plan on staying here for 3 days if I can help it. I also don’t plan on leaving you here since you were really nice to me and I could use the company,” Ashton shrugged his shoulder, a faint blush colouring his cheeks. “And… it’s Christmas. No one should be alone.”
“So you don’t think I’m a crazy fan trying to take advantage of you?” you raised an eyebrow at him, smiling and kicking your foot against his, making him huff out a laugh.
“Geez, you’re so weird,” he shook his head. “You couldn’t even remember the band’s name even after I’ve told you it five times. Five times, Y/N!”
“You’ve also told me it was 500 Years of Winter and made me listen to a song that was called Pizza.”
“That look on your face was priceless,” his smile was wide, making dimples appear on his cheeks, and you needed to remind yourself to start breathing again.
“Are you sure about it?” you stirred the conversation back to the topic, biting your bottom lip. “Do you really want to share a room with me?”
“It’s not like planes are going to magically take off just because we’re stubborn and wait here,” he took both empty cups to throw them away, holding his hand out to you in invitation. “So – are you coming?”
“You know… I could really use a shower,” you slipped your hand in his, letting him help you up.
Something caught both of your attention, eyes meeting before slowly looking up above you, finding a mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, placed perfectly over the table you’ve shared. His eyes were hazel with green and gold flecks, and you’ve realized you were staring at him for longer than you should have. Ashton’s lips were slightly parted, teeth sinking into the bottom one before quickly licking over it, another blush colouring his cheeks. A moment passed, and you both let out an awkward chuckle, stepping away from the table, mumbling about silly holiday traditions. But it was too late – the spark was already there.
“I really wanted to kiss you under the mistletoe,” Ashton wrapped both arms around you, and you burrowed against his chest, head resting over his heart.
“I wanted you to kiss me,” you pressed your lips against his throat, following the line of his shirt to the back of his neck, turning so you could straddle his thighs. “I remember getting lost in your eyes.”
Your fingers played with the short curls at the nape of his neck, foreheads knocked together as you stared into each other’s eyes. Ashton tilted his head forward, brushing his lips against yours in an almost kiss, tongue poking out to lick the corner of your mouth. You both giggled and Ashton curled his palms around your jaw, pulling you in for a real kiss, one that took both your breaths away.
“I wonder if you would have tasted like this back then,” he mumbled against your lips, voice full of longing and nostalgia.
“You’ve bought me a hot chocolate, so I would like to think so,” you pecked his nose, brushing the stray curls back from his forehead. “I wonder if you’ve looked for mistletoes after our missed chance.”
“I was ready to drag you under one for a kiss,” Ashton squeezed your hips, pulling you even closer to himself. “But I guess we didn’t need one in the end.”
“Hey, I’ve called ahead to reserve a room for two,” Ashton lightly tapped his fingers against the counter, smiling at the girl behind the desk. “Under Fletcher Irwin.”
The lobby was heavily decorated with Christmas ornaments and sparkly garlands, and you could see a tall Christmas tree behind a set of glass double doors, probably leading to the other side of the hotel and the restaurant. You felt slightly overwhelmed by the place and the fact that you’re gonna spend the next few days here with a man you barely know, but you’ve tried to tell yourself that this was an unexpected emergency case, and anything was better than sleeping at the airport. Ashton said something and the girl giggled before looking at you, a knowing smile spreading across her face as she handed the keys to him, wishing the both of you a pleasant stay at the hotel.
Ashton stepped back next to you to grab both of your heavy bags and suitcases, ushering you towards the elevator. The ride up to the 7th floor was quickly over, and you dragged your stuff to the room at the end, ready to drop for the night. Ashton opened the door for you, letting you go in first.
“They’re sending up some dinner in half an hour,” he said as he closed the door, locking it behind his back. “In case you’re hungry.”
“If I can stay up that long then I’m sure gonna appreciate it,” you nodded, giving him a small smile.
“Come, let’s settle down and then you can shower first,” he tugged off his jacket, moving behind you to help you with your own coat. “Here, let me help you.”
“You’re way too nice to me,” you chuckled, giving him a pointed look. “I’m onto you.”
“My Mom taught me manners,” he rolled his eyes with a chuckle of his own, hanging up your coats before kicking off his shoes. “It’s just who I am.”
“I’m sure she’s proud of you,” there was a bashful smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, and to take the attention off of him he nodded towards the bedroom. “Let’s check that out, shall we?”
You turned around and stepped into the dark room, fingers fumbling for the light switch. When you’ve found it you flicked it on, making the room light up. You felt a blush heat your cheeks as your eyes looked around the room, biting your lip in the process.
“Uhm– Ashton?”
“Yeah? What’s that?” he stepped next to you and you saw the moment realization hit him as well.
“There’s only one bed.”
“Do you think we were set up?” your forehead rested on his shoulder, fingers drawing over the lines on his palm, and you felt Ash push his cheek against the top of your head, humming slightly.
“You still think the girl at the front desk did it?” his other hand settled on your waist, drawing the same patterns on your skin.
“Maybe,” you chuckled, tangling your fingers together. “Maybe not. But I do remember you asking for separate beds. Twice.”
“I did tell you I was okay with sleeping on the couch,” Ashton moved so he could pull your interlocked hands to his lips, kissing over your knuckles and your ring. “More than two times.”
“I just didn’t think it would be fair, you know?” you still played with his fingers, giving him a pout. “You offered me that we could share a room, so making you sleep on the couch after that… no, I couldn’t do it.”
“Y/N…” Ashton nudged his nose against yours, tilting your chin up to press his lips to your lips, whispering against them. “Thank you for not letting me sleep on the couch.”
There were phone calls made down to the front desk, but it was clear that they couldn’t do anything about the situation – all the other rooms were full already. You pulled your legs under yourself on the couch, hugging a pillow to your chest as Ashton asked once again if they were sure, but as he finished the call you knew he did not succeed.
“Look, it’s… it’s fine,” you’ve tried to break the sudden tension between you two, not wanting to spend the next few days awkwardly stepping around each other. “The bed’s big enough, I’m sure we can figure this out.”
“No, look, I– I’ve promised you your own bed, and I’m gonna keep my promise,” Ashton ran his fingers through his hair, giving you a forced smile. “I’m just gonna sleep on the couch. I’ve done it a hundred times before, it’s nothing new.”
“I’m not sure I like this idea,” Ashton quirked an eyebrow at you, and you shrugged your shoulder. “My Mom also taught me manners and told me to share what I have with those who have less than me.”
“Trust me, it’s no trouble at all,” he shook his head, standing up when there was a knock on the door. “It’s probably our dinner, I’ll go get it.”
While you ate your food you’ve tried a few more times to make Ashton change his mind, but he brushed off your offers even though you could sense a small crack in his armour when you gave him a pout. He made a joke about how you should stop with the puppy dog eyes, and you were quickly back to teasing each other like the discussion about your sleeping arrangements didn’t happen at all.
An hour later you were out of the bathroom, freshly showered and feeling like a brand new person. Ashton was lounging on the couch, getting used to his bed for the next few days; he gave you a smile when you passed him, eyes lingering on your form just a second too long before going back to his phone. You pretended that you did not just blush under his gaze as you pulled the robe tightly around your body.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed now,” you leaned against the doorframe as he looked up at you again. “I see you’ve already taken your side of the bed to the couch.”
“I promise you I’ll be fine,” he chuckled, sitting up. “Stop worrying about me.”
“Are you really sure…?”
“I’m sure, trust me.”
“Alright,” you held his gaze for a few seconds before dropping it to the floor. “Good night, Ashton.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
You could feel his eyes on your back as you closed the door, almost turning back around to ask him one more time. You heard as he was moving around in the small living room, probably setting up his makeshift bed before going to the bathroom to shower. With the blanket pulled up to your chin you listened to Ashton’s sounds, letting them slowly lull you to sleep.
But your rest didn’t last long as you found your eyes opening in an hour or two, trying to work out where you really were. Then it all came back to you – the delayed and cancelled flights, your handsome stranger and how he bought you coffee and offered you to stay in a hotel room together. How there was only one bed and how Ashton promised you that he was absolutely okay with sleeping out on the couch. You could hear a slight bit of moving coming from the living room, quiet snores breaking the silence around you. Another moment passed and you slipped out of bed, opening the door and looking out into the next room.
Ashton was sprawled out on the couch, one arm thrown over his eyes, a leg hanging off to the side as he slept. It didn’t look comfortable at all, and without thinking twice about it you slowly moved to the couch, crouching down next to him on the floor. You felt your heart beating in your ears, your throat working around silent words as you tried to speak them. A finger brushed against his forearm, stroking over tattoos you didn’t know were there, and he moved his arm above his head, burrowing against his pillow.
“Ashton,” your voice was only a whisper, knuckles lightly running down his arm again, slowly moving to his forehead to brush the hair back from his face. He hummed in his sleep, leaning into your touch before his eyes fluttered open.
“What’s wrong?” he furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing his eyes to wake up a bit more.
“No, nothing, I just– just come to bed, please,” your hands fell into your lap, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt as Ashton propped himself up on his elbow.
“I’ve thought we were over this,” his fingers ran through his hair, a confused expression on his face.
“I know and I’m sorry, but please understand that my conscious won’t let me sleep until you’re out here on the couch,” you were well-aware of the pout on your lips, the one that seemed to work on Ashton, and he let out a sigh. “The bed is big enough for two. We can sleep on the two ends, I really don’t mind.”
“Only because my back is killing me,” he finally sat up, moving his neck and shoulders to work out some kinks in it. “Alright, lead the way.”
He pulled the blanket around his shoulders while you grabbed the pillows from the couch, shuffling back to the bedroom with Ashton following you. You moved your bedding to the far side of the bed, piling his pillows onto his side before sliding back under your sheets. Ashton climbed up next to you, quickly finding a comfortable position for himself as he buried his face in his pillow.
“Will you be able to sleep now?” he yawned, smacking his lips as he burrowed into his blankets.
“Mmhh, yeah. Good night, Ashton,” you turned so your back was facing him, and you heard him do the same.
“Night-night,” he whispered, probably already falling back to sleep, and you closed your eyes, trying to do the same. He shuffled around a bit, lightly jolting the mattress until he settled down then a moment later you heard him mumbling. “Y/N?”
“Thank you for not letting me sleep on the couch.”
» part 1 » part 2 » part 3 » part 4
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hello ☺️ would u happen to have any cute proposal fics? like it can be nsfw or not! possibly sherlock proposing to john or anything like that :) thanks 🖤
Hi Nonny!!
AHHH okay so my last proposals fic rec list is REALLY old and in my old format that is gross and ugly and hard to read, so you know what? I’m starting over, and getting a nice fresh coat of paint on these gross cute fics! <3 Hope you enjoy! <3 Promises of Forever and “fake” proposals are included on this one too! <3 I’ve probably missed a few, so check out the See Also lists just to make sure LOL <3
PROPOSALS (May 2020)
See also:
Marriage and Weddings (April 2019)
Weddings / Proposals / Husbands and Established Relationship
Established Relationship Pt 2 (June 2019) 
Sherlock and John’s Wedding
New World, Old Words by thedeafwriter (G, 641 w., 1 Ch. || Deaf Sherlock, Sherlock Whump, Pining Sherlock, Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Always John) – It was disconcerting to experience. One second, he was laying on the table, breathing in the gas that would make him sleep, the next, he was dragging his eyes open to look around the bright room, trying to wake up.
This Isn't About the Bathtub by cypress_tree (G, 1,142 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal) – John and Sherlock go to Angelo's for dinner. In both of their pockets are rings they are going to propose with, but the other has no idea. John proposes first, and Sherlock answers by pulling out his engagement ring.
Our Bodies Bend Light by lovetincture (G, 1,211 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Beekeeping, Retirement) – They got married. Of course they got married. Snapshots in a relationship. There's a jar of bees in the bookstore and a cottage in Sussex. Sherlock's not the marrying kind, and John's tried this once before, but they're Sherlock and John. Of course.
A Metaphorical Gesture by cyparissus (T, 1,578 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal, Fluff) – "Sherlock, are you--" the words die in John's throat and he has to swallow and start again, "Are you asking me to marry you?"
and yes I said yes I will Yes by Mithen (T, 1,662 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Humour, Est. Rel. Marriage Proposal) – Sherlock has deduced that John is going to propose to him, and he's ready to accept. If only John would actually get around to it...
The Marriage Proposal Negotiation by Goddess_of_the_Night (G, 2,161 w., 1 Ch. || Dev. Rel., Possessive Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Fluff, First Kiss, Post Mary) – Sherlock hasn't ever really done anything the traditional way, so of course it wouldn't bother him to propose to John even though they're not even dating. And the fact that John is already on a date with someone else when he decides to do it? Tedious.
You Know, The Old Saying by songlin (T, 2,248 w., 1 Ch. || Wedding, Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Engagement) – "Marry me. I need to have you forever." Unrepentant husbands!Johnlock fluff.
Extraordinary by genesius (G, 2,860 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal, Sherlock Plays the Violin, Established Relationship, Morse Code, Fluff, One Shot) – Sherlock's deduced that John's going to Italy to buy him a violin. Even the greatest detective alive makes a few mistakes.
The General Idea by agirlsname (T, 3,022 w., 1 Ch. || Retirement, Promise of Forever / Proposal, POV John, First Kiss, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Soft Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Crying / Emotional Sherlock, Love Confessions) – After twenty years of friendship, John is used to Sherlock acting weirdly. But the news Sherlock finally brings himself to deliver change the carefully built dynamics between them, and John realises it's time to act.
Engaged by lifeonmars (NR, 3,146 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Holmes Family, Song Fic) – Sherlock did not believe in marriage, but he wanted to be married. He found this something of a surprise. Part 2 of Damage
And as the seasons change, I love you more by Teatrolley (NR, 3,219 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff and Angst, Est. Rel., Marriage / Proposal) – A year in the lives of John and Sherlock, essentially.
Bagged & Tagged by Regency (T, 3,339 w., 1 Ch. || Drunken Confessions, Fluff and Crack, Marriage Proposal) – A very inebriated John devises a clever means of proposing marriage to Sherlock. Unfortunately he's forgotten all about it by the next morning.
Rumpled by WhimsicalEthnographies (E, 3,601 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Insecure Sherlock, Fluff, PWP, Proposal, Bottomlock) – Then, halfway through a documentary on river otters that neither of them was paying attention to--how could John, with a gangly, limp consulting detective practically purring in his lap?--Sherlock suddenly bolted upright, looked at John with a perplexed expression and a crinkle above his nose, and blurted, “Marry me.” Part 4 of Longitudinal Cohort
Bolt Holes by PostcardsfromTheoryland (T, 4,177 w., 1 Ch. || H/C, Angst, Drug Mentions, Pining Sherlock) – John asked, one evening, if Sherlock liked her. To which he grudgingly had to say yes, and John said he was glad. Because John was going to propose to her.
Unforgiven by 221b_hound (M, 4,721 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal, Victor Trevor, Jealous / Protective John, Jealous Sherlock, Sherlock’s Past) – Sherlock’s latest case is for his ex boyfriend, the brilliant and handsome Professor Victor Trevor. John is not too happy about that. But things aren’t what they seem, an old friend of John’s is involved in the case, and John has a few surprises up his sleeve. Also - a proposal! Part 16 of Unkissed
Applied Linguistics by what_alchemy (M, 4,837 w., 1 Ch. || Possessive / Anxious Sherlock, Introspection, Bed Sharing, Past John Whump, Est. Rel., Marriage Proposal, Sherlock Loves John So Much, Word Play) – “He wants to shake John by the shoulders, wants to open his mouth and swallow John whole. Wants to marry him.” Sherlock searches for the right words.
What Happens in Vegas (is legally binding in the United Kingdom) by  moonblossom (E, 5,051 w., 1 Ch. || Accidental Marriage, Friends to Husbands to Lovers, CSI Crossover, Fluff & Porn, Bathtub Sex, Hand Jobs, First Time) – When a case sends the boys to Vegas, John comes out of it with a bit more than he bargained for. Part 19 of Prompt Fills, Remixes, Works inspired by others
My First, My Only, and My Forever by vintagelilacs (E, 6,220 w., 1 Ch. || Post-ASiB, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Bum, John’s Scar, Sherlock POV, Body Worship, Fingering, Bottomlock, Promise of Forever / Proposals, Misunderstanding, First Kiss/Time, Loss of Virginity, Virginity Kink, Seduction) – Sherlock narrowed his eyes. He was missing a vital piece of data, he was sure. John had been looking at him oddly ever since they left Buckingham Palace, and the ensuing incident with Irene Adler had only exacerbated his erratic behaviour. What was it? Why would he care that Sherlock was a virgin? There was nothing reminiscent of mockery or pity in his gaze. And then it hit him. John Watson was aroused.
A Silver Sixpence by _doodle (NC-17, 16,400 w., 2 Ch. || LJ Fic || For a Case / Case Fic, Fake Relationship, Humour, Romance, Marriage Proposal, Awkward Idiots, Cuddling, Touching, Kissing, Love Confessions, Bed Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fake Until It’s Not, Schmoop and Fluff, Bottomlock) – “John, we need to get married. It’s for a case, not any romantic notions on my part pertaining to our partnership,” Sherlock said, with brutal honesty, and without even looking up.
Never-Ending Cycle by orphan_account (T, 17,211 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Est. Rel., Proposal, Fluff) – Or, four times Sherlock Holmes attempted to propose to John Watson, and the Christmas Party at which he finally did. Sherlock thinks he's a miserable failure, John is confused, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade provide some unsatisfactory advice, and Mummy is, as always, the solution. All in a lovely, fluffy holiday theme.
About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki (E, 17,426 w., 6 Ch. || Fluff, Marriage Proposal, Humour, 5+1) – Naturally, John was startled when suddenly the ultimate solution occurred to him: Marriage. This was, of course, a bit of a fundamental problem rather than an actual solution. One didn't simply use the words “Sherlock” and “marriage” within the same sentence. Not even in a hypothetical context. Five times John kind of wanted to propose to Sherlock, and one time he didn’t have to.
Permanent Fixture by vitruvianwatson (E, 18,836 w., 9 Ch || Post-S4, Parentlock, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, They’re Good Parents, Blushing Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Explicit Consent, Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Big Feelings, Crying, First Kiss, Fluff, Anxious Sherlock, Inexperienced Sherlock, Emotional Communication, Love Confessions) – Now, as Rosie sat curled up against Sherlock’s side, John watched and wondered exactly how he had ended up here. Domesticity had never suited him before, not at any point in his life. His disastrous marriage had been proof of that. But somehow, here in the warmth and safety of 221B Baker Street, here with Sherlock Holmes reading medical jargon to his daughter, Sherlock’s bony feet nudging against his leg, John couldn’t imagine anyplace that would make him happier.
The One With the Proposal by kim47 (E, 22,375 w., 3 Ch. || Fluff, Romance, Marriage Proposal) – Proposing shouldn't be this difficult.
Sonatina in G Minor by SilentAuror (E, 22,574 w., 1 Ch. || Case Fic, POV Sherlock, Angst, UST, Sherlock’s Violin, Post-S3, Romance) – John has come back to Baker Street, but Sherlock doesn't understand the strange tension between them, even after he begins teaching John to play the violin at John's request.
a good old-fashioned happy ending by darcylindbergh (E, 32,731 w., 26 Ch. || Christmas, Frottage, Comfort, Est. Rel., Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Frottage, Nightmares, Sleepy Sherlock, Marriage Proposal, Humour, Fluff, Dancing, Cooking, Happy Ending) – For Christmas this year, Sherlock wants to get John something special: something every fairytale deserves. Part 2 of things fairy tales are made of
Only To Be With You by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (M, 40,768 w., 4 Ch. || Black Mirror / Future AU || Character Death, Future Technology, Sickness/Cancer/Illness, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending, First Person POV John, Pining John, Heart-Wrenching Angst, Promise of Forever) – I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black. I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror (E, 58,887 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Couple For a Case, Bed-Sharing, First Times, Confessions, Awkwardness, Sex Trafficking, Massages, Wet T-Shirt Contest, Group Therapy, Past Loss of Child) – Sherlock and John go undercover at Ravine Valley, a therapy centre for same-sex male couples in an investigation into a possible human trafficking ring. As they pose as a couple and fake their way through the therapy sessions for the sake of the case, it quickly becomes difficult to avoid discussing their very real issues. Set roughly six nine months after series 4.
The Burning by SrebrnaFH (M, 60,658 w., 24 Ch. || Reverse Reichenbach, Suicide, Depression, Hurt Sherlock / John, Separation, BAMF John, Good Big Brother Mycroft, Angst, Implied/Referenced Torture, Fake Character Death, Rescue Mission, Reconciliation / Reunion, Hospitalization, Marriage Proposal, Illnesses, Physical Therapy, Happily Ever After) – Something went very, very wrong. John had seemed, if not happy, then reasonably content with his life. Sherlock had never predicted something like THIS might have happened. Not in his worst nightmares. He was the lousiest friend ever, apparently. At least Mycroft found him something to occupy his mind with, so that he didn't have to go back to 221B and stare at the walls and the chair, where John Watson would never sit again.
The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror (E, 64,019 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Missed Opportunities, Angst with Happy Ending, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, John POV, Jealous John, John in Denial, Travelling / Holidays, Virgin Sherlock, Wedding Proposals) – It's only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths...
The Wedding Garments by cwb (E, 105,390 w., 36 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Alternate Future AU || Alternate First Meeting, Dating / Arranged Marriages, Romance, First Kiss/Time, Heavy Petting, Cuddles, POV Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn / Falling in Love / Dev. Rel., Nervous/Anxious Sherlock, Jealous/Cranky, Hiking, Vacation Homes / Honeymoon, Sherlock’s Family, Horny John/Sherlock, Patient John, Massages, Hand Jobs, Assassination Plots, Hand Jobs / Oral Sex, Case Fic, Emotional Love Making, Bath Time Fun) – This is the story of a young consulting detective who wants nothing to do with marriage and an army doctor who wants to find true love. It's 2020 post-Brexit England and the British government is encouraging arranged marriages. Candidates meet through state-run agencies and date in hopes of finding love (and tax benefits). Sherlock doesn't need or want a spouse, at least not until John Watson shows up. Hesitant to give in to his more carnal urges because of the way they derail his mind, how will Sherlock progress toward the more intimate aspects of a relationship? The answer lies in a very special wedding gift.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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Ugly Christmas Sweaters for Dummies
Fandom: Hamilton - Miranda
Words: 1693
Additional tags: Fluff, Christmas Morning, Christmas sweaters, Christmas gifts, tooth-rotting fluff, pure fluff, Christmas shenanigans, Modern AU, Established relationship
Inspired by the wonderful @ovrarches! Give her the gift of a follow and your attention.
Hercules rummaged around in his pocket for his keys, humming a Christmassy little tune under his breath as he unlocked the door to his and Thomas’ apartment. If he had gotten this timing right, his boyfriend should still be out with James at a movie, giving him the perfect chance to hide is present before he ever knew he was gone.
He continued to hum as he stepped into the apartment, tugging off his boots and shrugging off his coat before leaving them both by the door. A smug little smile pulled at his lips as he walked to the bedroom door, reaching for the knob before someone else opened it before him.
The two stared at each other, eyes wide with shock as they processed the surprise. Hercules was about to open his mouth to say something else before the bedroom door suddenly slammed shut in his face.
He could hear Thomas’ scrambled muttering as he rushed to cover up something. Hercules could only tilt his head with a frown before the door opened again, revealing a frazzled Thomas leaning against the frame.
“So,” Hercules began with a clear of his throat, shifting as he made sure the bag was hidden behind his back. “How was the movie?”
“Oh, uhm, I don’t know,” Thomas replied with a scratch to the back of his head, still blocking the bedroom from Hercules’ view with his body. “James called in sick, so we never went.”
“That’s a bummer,” Hercules muttered, trying not to raise an eyebrow at how his boyfriend was acting. “But can I come in now? I got… stuff.”
“Oh, uh… Can you give me a second?” Thomas replied with a sheepish laugh before he closed the door again.
Hercules could only sigh this time as he waited to be given access to his own bedroom. Well, technically it was Thomas’ bedroom too, but that was besides the point.
After another moment Thomas opened the door again, offering Hercules a smile that was a little too wide as he welcomed him inside, “So… Did you do anything fun today?”
“Not really,” Hercules replied with a shrug as he opened up the closet. “Just got some errands done.”
“Were they holiday errands?” Thomas asked, earning a small laugh from Hercules.
“Even if they were, you know I wouldn’t tell you,” He replied, hoping his grin and a little kiss to Thomas’ forehead would distract him from the shopping bag he’d hidden behind the spare blankets. “You’ll just have to wait for Christmas.”
“Aww, c’mon… Not even a little hint?”
“Will you tell me what you were in such a rush to hide when I got home?”
Hercules earned a huffing pout in response from Thomas as he crossed his arms, drawing a bellowing laugh from Hercules’ chest. “That’s what I thought.”
“Okay, fine, now shoo!” Thomas insisted with a small laugh of his own, playfully pushing him back towards the door, “I got stuff that you’re not allowed to see either.”
“Alright, alright, I’m going!” Hercules joked with another laugh, though he stopped Thomas from closing the door on him again, “Can I have another kiss before you go back to your stuff?”
Thomas didn’t say anything in response, he only grinned and hopped up onto his tiptoes to give his boyfriend a peck on the lips, “Happy now?”
“Very,” Hercules replied, a smug little smile pulling at his lips again, “Now don’t freak out when come get you for dinner; it’s takeout night.”
“I won’t,” Thomas promised before Hercules finally let him close the door.
Thomas let out a sigh as he sunk to the floor, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself from the close-call he almost had with Hercules. He got up after a few moments, digging around in the junk drawer of their dresser for the mess of coloured yarn and crochet hooks he’d borrowed from Hercules’ studio.
He sat on the bed, looking between the hooks and the yarn. Hercules always made it look so easy whenever he worked, but now, Thomas realized how daunting of a task it was. Still, once he had made up his mind it was almost impossible to change.
Even if he had bitten off more than he could chew, he was going to make Hercules the best damn Christmas sweater he had ever seen.
 The thought of Christmas was both exciting and terrifying to Thomas. On one hand, he was excited to see what Hercules had gotten him and how’d he’d react to his gift. On the other hand, he needed to finish the gift in time to actually give it to Hercules.
The closer the holidays came the more time Thomas spent hidden in his bedroom, working away. With all the sneaking around he had to do to keep his project a secret, it almost felt like he was cheating. It wasn’t a nice feeling. He was just happy Hercules was there to curl up with him at the end of each day.
“Babe, are you done yet?” Hercules called from behind the closed door of their bedroom, “I’d like to be asleep before midnight, if possible.”
“I’ll be right there, hun bun, I just need to finish this,” Thomas called back as he wrestled with a roll of wrapping paper.
Thomas was really cutting it close. It was Christmas Eve, and he’d only just finished Hercules’ present that morning. Now he was trying to make it look presentable enough to fit in among the collection of gifts from friends and family under the tree.
“And finished!” He exclaimed as he slid the gift under the tree. It wasn’t his best work, and there were certainly prettier looking presents, but at least it was done.
“Does that mean we can sleep now?” Hercules called again, earning a laugh in response from Thomas.
He didn’t say anything, instead, he pushed open the bedroom door so he could join his boyfriend in bed. It was cute how grumpy Hercules could get when he was made to wait for bedtime cuddles.
“Took you long enough, now c’mere,” Hercules murmured as he pulled Thomas into bed, barely giving him enough time to get settled under the sheets before he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and help him close.
It made Thomas laugh as he turned around so he could be the little spoon, smirking a little as he began to close his eyes, “Hey, guess what?”
“It’s past midnight, so, Merry Christmas.”
“Mhm… Merr’ Christmas to you too…”
 When the morning finally came, Hercules took his sweet time making coffee and toaster pastries for breakfast as Thomas waited not-so-patiently in the living room.
He was excited and nervous all at the same time, how could he not be? He had put a lot of effort into Hercules’ gift and he wanted him to open it as soon as possible, but at the same time, he was afraid for him to open it in case he didn’t like it.
“Coffee will be done in a minute” Hercules explained breaking Thomas’ train of thought, “But in the meantime, would you like a pop tart?”
“Thanks,” Thomas murmured with a smile as he took a pastry from the plate his boyfriend was holding, smiling at the sugary distraction.
Thomas nibble on the toaster pastry for a moment, not paying much attention to his surroundings as Hercules began to look under the tree for a place to start. He picked up the one gift he didn’t recognize, shifting in between his hands as if he could figure out its contents by weight and size alone.
“I’m guessing this is the one that kept you up ‘til midnight?” He asked with a small grin, breaking Thomas’ non-concentration.
“Oh, yeah…” Thomas murmured with a small clear of his throat. “There’s a bunch of other gifts too, so, y’know.”
“Don’t tell me you're getting cold feet,” Hercules commented with a laugh, already ripping through the wrapping paper to reveal the box underneath.
“No!” Thomas tried to insist, though he couldn’t help but go quiet as his boyfriend opened the box and took its contents into his hands.
Hercules looked at the red, green, and white sweater into his hands with a tilt of his head. The garment unfolded in his hands, revealing that it was oversized even for someone of Hercules’ stature. The white lettering reading ‘Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice’ with I’s dotted with hearts was a little lopsided and awkwardly spaced in its attempt to mimic cursive handwriting.
“You made this?”
“I mean, yeah,” Thomas mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. “I had to improvise partway through, and I guess I kind of messed up. I know we can’t exactly return it, but boxing day is tomorrow so—”
Before Thomas could continue his rambling, Hercules stopped him with a kiss and a hug. “Babe, take it easy. I love it.”
“But it’s--”
“Perfect for hugs and cuddles, see?” Hercules continued as he pulled the sweater over his and Thomas’ head, “And everyone’s got to start somewhere. You think my first sweater was a masterpiece?”
“I dunno, it could’ve been,” Thomas murmured with a pout even as he slipped an arm into the empty sleeve and leaned into his boyfriend’s side.
“Aww, c’mon, it’s Christmas!” Hercules cooed, squeezing Thomas’ cheeks in an attempt to lighten the mood, “Turn that frown upside down, please? For me?”
Thomas couldn’t help but smile and laugh at how his boyfriend was acting. He only pulled away from the hand squishing his cheeks so he could nestle his nose in the crook of Hercules’ neck.
“You’re a dork,” Thomas muttered with a playful pout as he shifted to sit in his boyfriend’s lap.
“But I’m your dork,” Hercules concluded with a laugh of his own, “And you love me.”
“Don’t always know why, but I do,” Thomas replied with a little laugh, tilting his head to look his boyfriend in the eye, “Merry Christmas, you dork.”
“… Do you still want coffee? Should be done by now.”
“It can wait, cuddles are better than coffee.”
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yuexuan · 3 years
Fic Tag Guide
I’m not the most conscientious when it comes to providing warnings and basic information in my fic recs. So I thought I’ll create a guide about the common tags used for CN fiction summaries/tag systems.
Disclaimer: This is not all-encompassing and most of them are drawn from my reading of danmei novels (although tag application may extend beyond the danmei circle). I tried grouping them under similar tags, but know that these groupings are not set in stone. Feel free to let me know if I’ve missed anything!
Additionally, please check out Link 1 and Link 2 who have also done similar posts.
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古代/古风 (Gǔdài/Gǔfēng) “ancient times/ancient style” - Stories set in historical timeline or contain historical elements
武侠 (Wǔxiá) “martial heroes” - Heroic stories focus on martial arts; may or may not integrate more fantastical elements.
仙侠 (Xiānxiá) “immortal heroes” - Fics falling under the xianxia genre typically draw heavily from Chinese mythology/folklore, Taoism, Buddhism, mixed with some martial arts. The concept of ‘cultivation’ (修仙 Xiūxiān) to achieve immortality is central to this genre. Fics are usually set in historical periods.
民国 (Minguo) “Republic of China” - Fics with backgrounds set in the time period of the Republic of China/Minguo Era (~1912-1949). Stories under this category tend to include a lot of tragedies, wars, complicated politics, and anti-Japanese sentiments. I tend to avoid minguo fics, but of the few ones I read, the trope of a military officer (军官 Jūnguān) falling in love with an opera actor (sometimes derogatorily referred to as 戏子 Xìzi) is quite popular.
宫廷 (Gōngtíng) “imperial court” - Fics focused on imperial court drama.
玄幻 (Xuánhuàn) “fantasy” - Stories with elements of Chinese mythology/folklore. Note that xuanhuan novels are NOT limited to historical settings.
魔幻 (Móhuàn) “magical realism” - A genre of novels incorporating ‘magical realism’ (think Lord of the Rings). Alternatively, another term 奇幻 (Qíhuàn) is also commonly employed.
西幻 (Xī huàn) ‘Western fantasy’ - This is sometimes used interchangeably with Móhuàn, but can also refer to general stories with Western-fantasy/folklore elements (e.g. vampires/werewolves). Alternatively, the term 欧风 (Ōufēng) - ‘European style’ may be used.
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现代/都市情缘 (Xiàndài/dūshì qíngyuán) “modern day/urban love” - Fics set in the contemporary era/within urban setting.
豪门 (Háomén) “wealthy elite” - Featuring one or more characters originating from wealth. A common trope is the ‘Cinderella’-esque dynamic where a commoner gets noticed by a rich dude and is embroiled into the conflicts of the rich.
娱乐圈/演艺圈 (Yúlè quān/yǎnyì quān) “entertainment/showbiz” - Stories where the characters are actors/celebrities. A common trope is the ‘Cinderella’ dynamic where an unpopular artist (e.g. 十八线艺人 ‘18th-line artist’) gets into a relationship with a top-tier celebrity (e.g. 影帝/一线明星 ‘1st-line celebrity’)
网络/网游/网配 (Wǎngluò/wǎngyóu/wǎng pèi) “Internet/online games/online matching” - Characters in the fic develop their relationship through the web. Entails a lot of chat-speak and web memes. A common trope involves the main pairing meeting each other online and in real life, but not knowing their alternative web ego until the Big Reveal.
军文/军旅生涯 (Jūn wén/jūnlǚ shēngyá) “military adventures/life” - Characters are part of the military, usually involves power couple dynamics.
职场 (Zhíchǎng) “workplace” - Office-setting fics. A related category is 霸道总裁 (Bàdào zǒngcái) “domineering CEO”  featuring the popular trope of a possessive, rich, and popular CEO with his partner
校园 (Xiàoyuán) “campus” - Romantic slice of life stories set on campuses.
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未来世界 (Wèilái shìjiè) “future world” - Fics set in futuristic timeline
末日/末世 (Mòrì/mòshì) “doomsday” - Fics with apocalyptic-settings; usually contain survival-focused plots
丧尸 (Sàngshī) “zombies” - Usually survival-oriented fics with zombies
星际 (Xīngjì) “interstellar” - Fics set in outer space and alien planets. A common plot features the conflicts between the ‘Federation’ (i.e. 联邦 Liánbāng) vs. the ‘Empire’ (i.e. 帝国 Dìguó). May or may not include a third party: the ‘worm/insect species’ (虫族 Chóngzú).
机甲 (Jījiǎ) “mecha” - Futuristic fics where mecha with virtual personalities are prominent features.
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盗墓 (Dàomù) “tomb-raiding” - A specific genre dealing with tomb-raiding adventures and hauntings.
灵异 (Língyì) “supernatural” - Self-explanatory
悬疑推理 (Xuányí tuīlǐ) “mystery” - Suspense and mystery
探险 (Tànxiǎn) “adventure” - Self-explanatory
无限流 (Wúxiàn liú) “Infinite flow/style” - This genre of fics is all inclusive; i.e. including elements from sci-fi, history, religion, myth, game, animation etc. where characters enter into different settings. A common example is where the characters are forced into a game in which they have to pass through multiple levels/settings in order to survive. For more details on this genre and their sub-division, please see here.
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重生穿越 (Chóngshēng chuānyuè) “rebirth and transmigration” - The main protagonist died and is transmigrated either back in time or into another dimension or timeline. Alternative/related tags that you might see include:
穿书/快穿/系统  (Chuān shū/kuài chuān/xìtǒng) “book transmigration/quick transmigration/system” - System specifically refers to the transmigrator having an internal system that interacts with them in their new body. Think RPG style games lol
金手指 (Jīn shǒuzhǐ) “golden finger(s)” - A common trope in transmigration novels where the transmigrator is gifted with talents/powers that allow them to thrive in the new world.
前世今生 (Qiánshì jīnshēng) ‘past and present” - Characters continuing their relationships from their past lives.
破镜重圆 (Pòjìng chóngyuán) lit. translated as “re-rounding the broken mirror” - Fix-it reunion stories
异能 (Yì néng) “special abilities” - Characters with special abilities/superpowers/mutants
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甜文 (Tián wén) “sweet fic” - Fics that are filled with fluff and tooth-rotting sweetness.
种田 (Zhòngtián) “farming” - Piece of life, fluffy stories featuring the main couple; often takes place in rural areas (hence the whole farm image lol)
爽文 (Shuǎng wén) “satisfactory or feel-good fic” - The whole point of this type of fic is that the readers feel good after reading it. A common trope is a revenge style plot where the main protagonist regains what they lost through taking revenge on those who had wronged them.
沙雕文 (Shādiāo wén) “silly fic/crack” - Homonym for ‘傻屌’ (Shǎ diǎo; silly/stupid); these fics are not intended to be serious
美食文 (Měishí wén) “food fic” - As the tag suggest, don't read this type of fic on an empty stomach lol
虐文 (Nüè wén) “angst fic” - Self-explanatory
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ABO “alpha/beta/omega” - Self-explanatory; you can read the fanlore here
哨兵向导 (Shàobīng xiàngdǎo) “sentinel-Guides” - Based on the original Sentinel fandom (see fanlore here).
兽人 (Shòurén) “beast/anthros” - Similar to abo. Males (雄兽 Xióng shòu) are capable of transforming between an animal and a human, whereas “females” (雌兽 Cí shòu) retain the human form and can get pregnant. There may also be the beta, in this case referred to as 亚兽 (Yà shòu) who can neither transform nor get pregnant/difficult to impregnate. Usually set in some prehistoric era and entails the protagonist transmigrating into this world as a “female”. In the same vein, for the interstellar insect species, some fics developed the male, female, and sub-insects trope.
哥儿 (Gē er) - A ge er is similar to an omega, basically men who can get pregnant and are marked by a flower shaped pattern on the forehead. I’ve only come across 3-4 fics with this trope and all of them are set in the historical era where the ge er tends to be very feminine. If anyone has any more info on this trope, let me know!
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攻宠受 (Gōng chǒng shòu) “top pampering the bottom” - The top in the relationship will care very well for the bottom. The opposite would be 受宠攻 (Shòu chǒng gōng) “bottom pampering the top”. Alternatively, the writer might just mark it as 宠文 (Chǒng wén) “pampering fic” in general.
年下 (Nián xia) - Younger top and older bottom; one common phrase you might encounter describing the younger top is 小狼狗 (Xiǎo lánggǒu) or “little German Shepherd”, referring to handsome and domineering young man.
On the note of dogs, you might also see 小奶狗 (Xiǎo nǎi gǒu) “unweaned puppies) referring to cute and soft young men, and 二哈 (Èr hā) “dumb husky” referring to silly characters
年上 (Nián shàng) - Older top and younger bottom
As a warning, age gaps in these types of fics can sometimes be large depending on the context, and could overlap with more controversial, dubcon genres 
师生 (Shī shēng) “teacher-student” - Fics featuring the relationship between teacher and student
师徒 (Shī tú) “master-disciple” - Fics featuring the relationship between the master in a martial/cultivation sect and their disciple
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Pairing: FinnPoe
Anon asked: heyyyy I dunno if you are taking requests rn and it’s fine if you’re not but i figured you would write this really well... so basically had this idea for a finnpoe fic where basically someone calls Finn a stormtrooper or something and Poe loses his shit and tries to fight them (or does you choose😉) and Finn has drag him away cause poe is really trying to end this dude and then when poe calms down he confesses? I’m sorry this is all over the place but it’s my first time doin a request😅
Warnings: language, very light angst if you squint, mentions of blood, mutual pining, tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Thank you to the anon who requested!! My requests are always open, though it does take me some time. I absolutely adored this idea and loved writing it! I’m going to be editing my tag lists soon so please let me know if you would like to be tagged in anything! 《MASTERLIST 》
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“You’re an idiot.”
“Are not,” he scoffed
“And a scaredy cat.”
“No I’m not.”
“Why don’t you tell him then,” Rey smirked as her eyebrows raised, clearly enjoying this little banter.
“Because, you know...” his sentence trailed off as a hand went to rub the back of his neck.
“No I don’t know,” she smiled, a small chuckle escaping past her lips. Poe let out a long sigh before leaning against the door to his quarters. 
“I just, he’s my best friend! And he probably, more than likely, doesn’t feel the same.” He grunted, kicking at the dirt. 
“My point still stands,” he looked up, a tired yet curious expression on his face. She patted a hand on his shoulder, “You’re an idiot.” 
“You’re no help, you know that.” He chuckled, turning his head to look at her, knowing she was completely right. He’s being a fool. He should just tell Finn how he feels but doubt and fear linger in the back of  his head.
“Well, maybe all you need is a push.” She gave him one last smile as she turned around, heading to another part of the base.
He stood there, pondering over her words. What kind of push though? He groaned in frustration again before heading over to the mechanics area to work on his x-wing.
“You and Commander Dameron are close,” one of the mechanics said as she was working on a droid.
“Yeah uh, you could say that.” He chuckled nervously. 
“You like him don’t you.” She looked up, a soft gaze in her eyes. 
“I put up with him, if that counts.” He shifted on his feet, not looking directly at her. 
“Sure you do,” she clicked her tongue, looking back down at the droid. Finn’s brows furrowed; he licked his lips, curiosity filling him inside.
“And that means…” he quirked an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” she smiled sweetly at him. “It’s just,” she waved a wrench around, “you two seem like you’d make a cute couple is all,” she said nonchalantly. If Finn had water he would’ve choked. Couple? Sure he liked Poe, but being a couple never really crossed his mind.
“I uh -” A blush started creeping up his neck and to his cheeks. “I-I I mean-”
“Finn? Buddy, what are you doing here?” Poe cut him off, throwing an arm around his shoulder pulling him into a side hug. 
“Just uh, chatting,” Finn looked at Poe briefly before dropping his gaze to the ground, his blush growing more intense.
“You okay?” Poe hummed, scanning his soft brown eyes over Finn’s facial features. “You look flush.” Concern washed over Poe and in an instant he removed his arm from Finn’s shoulder and pressed the back of his hand to Finn’s forehead. “Comin down with something? Need water? Maybe you should-”
“Poe,” Finn chuckled, “I’m fine. It’s just hot in here.” He shifted on his feet. Poe’s hand dropped from his forehead to his shoulder, just by his neck.
“Probably this jacket of yours then,” Poe chuckled as he tugged on the leather material.
“Yeah, probably.” Finn smiled, looking up at him. Your jacket, echoing in the back of his mind. Their eyes locked and Finn felt his heart leap from his chest. Poe’s gaze was soft yet concern still lingered. His eyes filled with adoration and his lips curved into a gentle smile. 
Finn didn’t know it but Poe felt the exact same way. Looking into Finn’s eyes, Poe felt himself fall even more in love. Love? Poe licked his lips as he cleared his throat, his face suddenly feeling hot. 
“I uh, I gotta go work on my uh, x-wing,” Poe stuttered, eyes never wavering from Finn’s. 
“Y-yeah, I uh, got to um…” Both men chuckled nervously as they spun in a circle around each other.
“You’re going to the cantina later right?” Poe asked, a slight tremor in his voice.
“Oh, y-yeah yeah yeah. Uh, see you then Poe,” Finn waved, a goofy smile on his face. Poe nodded as he was walking backwards.
“See you later babe-BUD! Bud,” Poe flashed him a smile before turning around and started speed walking toward his x-wing. “Kriff, I hope he didn’t hear that.” he mumbled to himself.
Finn stared at Poe’s retreating form until he turned a corner and was out of sight. His face was still burning as was his shoulder where Poe had his hand. He sighed for the millionth time that day and looked at the mechanic, a huge smile plastered on her face.
“Told ya!” She winked and Finn couldn’t help but shake his head. Hands on his hips, he looked up at the ceiling, thoughts just racing around in his head, all revolving around a certain pilot. 
“We’ll see about that,” he finally decided. He started walking out when she hollered three letters that made him pause. 
“OTP!” He was definitely going to have to look that up later.
“That should do it.” Throwing the wrench with a huff, Poe wiped a hand over his forehead leaving slight greece smudges. “What do you think beebs?” The droid beeped in approval before picking up the wrench and putting it in the toolbox.
“Cantina time, right?” He clapped his hands as he grabbed his jacket. Loud concerned beeping made him stop and look at the little white and orange droid. “What do you mean I look bad?” BB-8 shook its head. 
“Buddy I’m - oh,” Poe looked down at his clothes, the white tank top and black pants were covered in oil. “Yeah I know, I need to change.” He chuckled, making his way towards his quarters, bb-8 following close to his side. “Yes, and take a shower.”
After getting ready and approval from BeeBee, Poe finally headed to the cantina. He felt his stomach churn as his heart thumped a little faster. It wasn’t a date but they were still hanging out, laughing together. Together. Oh how a word can break and mend his heart at once. 
Taking a deep breath to try and calm his nerves, Poe opened the door and was greeted with a slight crowd, everybody talking and laughing, arguing and drinking. Scanning the area, Poe couldn’t find Finn or the rest of his friends. 
“There you are!” Rose grabbed his arm, “You’ve gotta do something!” Tugging him to a different part of the cantina, Poe was filled with confusion. It wasn’t until Rose pointed to a certain area that he felt his heart hammering away in his chest. “They’ve been at for like ten minutes. We tried shutting them up but they won’t listen.”
“Where’s Rey?” 
“Said she’ll be here later.”
“What exactly happened?” Poe faced her, a serious expression on his face. 
“At first we were having fun and talking, waiting for you and Rey when those guys showed up.” She started, jutting her chin in the direction where Finn and the three other men were at. “They seemed nice at first, had a decent conversation when they started picking on Finn for being quiet. I told them to shut up but Maker, they kept on going. They had just started teasing him about being a stormtrooper when I saw you walk in.” She finished with a huff. 
Poe’s blood was boiling. Searing anger bubbling from the inside out, making him stare at the three dudes who were still teasing Finn. If looks could kill, they would be not 6ft, but 12ft under. His jaw was set, teeth clenched, and he felt his hands starting to shake. All he saw was red and he wanted to go in for the kill. Walking up to the group of four, Poe grabbed the nearest one and slammed him against the wall.
“So you think it’s funny to make fun of him huh?!” Poe’s eyes were like daggers, as his voice went deep and was void of emotion. “Think you talk shit about his past?” His fist collided with the guy’s jaw, a loud pop made the whole cantina turn to look at the scene; but Poe could care less. 
He grabbed the same guy and punched his face again and again, efficiently breaking his nose. He raised his fist to land another blow when he felt someone grab it and wrap an arm around his waist. 
“Poe stop!” Finn pleaded, trying to pull Poe off the guy.
“No, No! They each need an ass beating.” He snarled, “Or, or maybe...maybe I’ll just blast them with my x-wing a few times!” He struggled against Finn’s hold to lunge at the other two guys.
“Poe!” Finn held on tighter, like his life depended on it. Well, more like the other three guy’s. 
Poe grunted as he tried to pry Finn’s arm from his waist but Finn wouldn’t let up. Poe turned his head to look at Finn and he felt all his anger dissipate. The cold look turned warm under Finn’s gaze and he huffed, falling limp; letting go of the struggle. 
“Thank you.” Finn helped him stand, but Poe mistakenly looked at the three guys again and he felt his anger rise. Finn grabbed at his waist and shoulder before Poe could take a step.
“If I see you three ever again you’re dead.” Poe jabbed a finger in their direction before looking at Finn and giving a curt nod, silently telling him he was finished.
“I’ll clean up here, you two need to talk, now.” Rose said, pushing them towards the exit. They left and Finn guided them towards the tarmac, knowing Poe likes to look out at the stars as he cools down from a fight. 
The whole way was quiet, neither saying what they really wanted to. Poe’s eyes were trained to the floor, not daring to look at Finn. He felt guilty, but he also felt something else. Something burning in his chest. He couldn’t really put his finger on it. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt them stop. Tentatively, he lifts his gaze up, looking at Finn who is already watching him.
Finn retracts his arm from around Poe’s waist and they both feel a little empty with the loss of contact. Finn swallows thickly and sighs, still not believing what just happened. Poe literally came out of nowhere and beat a guy to a pulp. 
“Rose told me what happened, that’s why I uh, you know.” It was like he read his mind. Poe went to put his hands in his pant pockets but when the material rubbed on his right fist he felt a sharp pain shoot from his knuckles to the rest of his hand. A slight whimper escaped as he cupped it with his other hand. 
“Dammit Dameron,” Finn whispered, reaching for Poe’s injured hand. “What would possess you to beat the life out of them?” He pressed the bottom of his shirt to Poe’s lightly bleeding fast bruising knuckles. 
“You know what they said-”
“But that doesn’t mean you can kill them Poe.” Finn looked up from their hands to Poe’s face, guilt very evident across his beautiful features. 
“I-” Poe started, he felt his throat closing in on him as tears started clouding his vision. “I-You, it’s just, ugh!” He pulled his hands away and started tugging at his curls. “You! It’s you! You’re fault,” he sighed in frustration. The words wouldn’t come out the way he wanted them too.
“My fault?! How the-”
“Not the fight, the feeling - THIS feeling,” he motioned towards his heart, his hand shaking rather violently. “That feeling. Whenever I see you, Finn, my heart feels like it’s going to kriffing explode! I can be down all day and then I see you, and you care and you want to help me.” He paused trying to get air into his lungs. He didn't even feel the tears falling down until Finn reached out and pressed a hand to his cheek, the pad of his thumb gently rubbing the tears away.
“When Rose said they were making fun of how you used to be a stormtrooper, I-I thought I was going to melt on the spot of how heated I got.” He cracked a smile, trying to conceal the aggravation he felt at the thought. “Finn, w-what I’m, you know, trying to uh to to say, is uh,” he tripped over his words and Finn had to bite his lip so as to not laugh at Poe’s new state of nervousness. 
“You got it,” Finn encouraged, hand still pressed to Poe’s cheek, the other hand holding Poe’s injured one. There was a beat of silence. No one spoke, everything around them was quiet as they stared into each other's eyes, the stars above them illuminating them perfectly.
“I love you.” As soon as the words left him, Poe panicked. Scanning Finn’s face for any sign of disappointment or wariness, he was met with something completely different, something he wasn’t expecting. Finn had the brightest smile Poe’s ever seen, his eyes shone with pure awe and warmth, and the hand on his cheek moved to his neck.
“I know.” Finn winked at him and Poe felt his face get hot as his heart froze. “That’s a little taste of your own medicine you cocky bastard.” He laughed before bringing both his hands to cup Poe’s cheeks and bring him in for a long awaited kiss. 
The kiss was soft and sweet. Both of them pouring all their emotions into it, all the love they felt for each other. Poe felt fireworks go off in his belly as he drowned himself in Finn’s smell, the way their lips curved perfectly against each other. Breaking apart for air, they leaned their foreheads together, bumping noses, little laughs turned into small pecks and their hearts soared high to the skies. 
“I love you too, babe.” Finn chuckled, kissing the tip of Poe’s nose.
“So you did hear it,” Poe felt his face get hot of slight embarrassment and tucked his nose into Finn’s shoulder. 
“Everybody heard it.” The mechanic from earlier stated making them jump. Both men looked over and saw she wasn’t standing alone, but with BB-8, Rose, and Rey. BeeeBee rolls up in between them and beeps, as if scolding Poe.
“What do you mean it’s about damn time?” He questioned the droid.
“It’s got a point,” Rey said, turning to the other three ladies, gaining an eruption of laughter from the whole group. 
Poe looked at Finn who shook his head at them, a smile blossoming across his face. That laughter made his stomach do backflips and his heart throb in his chest, but now he didn’t have to hide it anymore. Their eyes met and he extended his uninjured hand, Finn gladly taking it, intertwining their fingers. 
Finn glanced at Poe’s other hand, the blood dried and the bruise was getting worse. He gave Poe a look but the other man shook his head, tugging him close and pressing a kiss to his temple. A silent way of saying we’ll handle it tomorrow. A promise they’ll handle anything together now. As they always have.
Permanent tags: @becausewhyknotme @katbtracy @imma-new-soul​ @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @theladyoffangorn @itsunclebucky @mushyjellybeans @writingforhoursonend @agentpeggybarnes @fangirl-introvert @ninjabucky @cosmicbucky @yougottakeeponkeepinon @this-kitten-is-smitten
[also tagging] @kittyofalltrades @writefightandflightclub @damerondjarin @damndamer0n @poe-damnnn-eron​ @spider-starry @kayte-wren​ @merthurians-prat-and-idiot​ [please let me know if you want me to stop tagging you or if it’s becoming annoying]
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estrangedandwayward · 4 years
fic writer interview
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @littlerockerao3
Name: gabby- oh wait we’re using fake names? Estranged_and_wayward
Fandoms: mostly game of thrones/asoiaf
Where you post: mostly ao3, though i have used other sites in the past.
Most popular one-shot: I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes. its porn. just porn. its not horrible porn, but its porn. no shame. 
Most popular multi-chapter: Getting caught in the rain, which is really old and quite poorly written. it is also basically porn with fluff and a few feelings. I dont totally hate it, but i did reread it recently and oh boy, lets just say ive improved. 
Favourite story I’ve written so far: I quite like Perfect, just because I think it came out kinda cute and simple, its super cheesy, but I've got a soft spot for cheesy romance and tooth rotting fluff. 
Fic you were nervous to post: I was kinda nervous to post Kiss the Sky, just because I hadn't posted anything in forever and kinda thought it was a nothing fic. But then people were really nice about it and I felt better about it.
How do you choose your titles: depends. They usually come from song lyrics, but other times its just something random I came up with in the process of writing it.
Do you outline: kinda. I try to but then it always end up veering away from then when I actually go to write the story. for longer stories i might make a basic breakdown of whats supposed to happen in each chapter, but honestly i dont quite have the patience for outlining anything (including in things like essays for school) 
Complete: oh dont do this to me
In progress: many things, some of which are closer to being done than others
Coming soon/not yet started: I’ve got a bunch of stuff that Ive started but not finished for the kink bingo (like five or six one shots of varying length) and Ive recently started reworking the arosticats AU I said I would write forever ago but never finished, and I swear it will be out at some point, though I cannot promise when. Ive just been very busy with lots of things. Ive got a bad habit of starting things and never finishing them... thats why I mostly do one shots ( I dont know how you long fic writers do it) 
Prompts: um, sure. I can never promise that ill actually write/ finish them, but they're fun to receive (especially when someone else gets the same/a similar one and you get to see two totally different fics. Idk its interesting to see the way people interpret things)
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: hmmm I started writing one a while ago that was just theon as a stand up comedian telling funny/embarrassing/stupid stories about himself and robb. Its fun to write because I just basically get to fuck around with it but im not sure if will come across right in written form. (And i still have to finish it ✌)
i shall tag @evax3 just because I love her writing
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crysta-cub · 5 years
List number 2 prompt 44: “Is that my shirt?” with spicyhoney, please? -mystery
Just a warning, this turns into some tooth rotting fluff in the end. I guess it’s kinda hurt/comfort. ( I reread and edited after posting cause I’m a smart person… But it is now better… I should sleep soon)(*Cough*For @mystery-fic-anon *Cough*)
“Is. That. My. Shirt?”
Stretch looked up from the pile of laundry he was busy folding, smiling up at his stunned boyfriend, freshly from his workplace in his suit and recently loosened tie. Setting his suitcase down on the couch, Edge reached out and gently took the shirt out of Stretch’s hands.
“Hey babe, welcome home.” Stretch greeted cheerfully, watching as Edge slowly unraveled the article of clothing. “I, uh, did the laundry. figured I could help out with at least a few chores.” 
Edge stayed silent, his face expressionless as his grip on the shirt tightened marginally. Stretch watch his love, waiting for some response before glancing between the shirt and the fell monster when it suddenly clicked. 
The shirt was way too small for Edge. 
“I fucked up didn’t I.” 
“It was dry clean only.” Stretch flinched at Edge’s resigned tone. Oh, he really messed this one up. 
“I’m sorry babe.” Stretch apologized, reaching out to touch Edge’s hand, stopping when he turned away. 
Edge closed his sockets and inhaled deeply followed by a slow exhale, “It’s just a shirt.” Stretch watched as Edge dropped the shirt back on the pile of unfolded clothing before turning to walk to their shared room. 
“Babe,” Stretch called out, worried that the ruin of the shirt had upset his boyfriend. 
Edge stopped at the doorway, barely glancing back, “I’m going to change and start on dinner.” The slight hint of disappointment was not missed in Edge’s tired voice. Stretch watched him disappear into the bedroom. 
Stretch let out a breath before grabbing the ruined shirt. Looking at it now, it looked like it could fit one of the Sanses now. Glancing at Edge’s pile of clothes, it was evident that other shirts may have meet the same fate.
Stretch sunk into the couch, his good deed ruined because he forgot to check the tags. Bone scrapped against bone as Stretch rubbed his hands over his face. He glanced back to the bedroom, unsure how to cheer up Edge. 
A few days past and Stretch entered the house, sipping on a chilly iced coffee he gained on his trip out to town. The shrinkage incident seemed to have already blown over, Edge waving off Stretch’s attempts to make amends. Well except for the little late night tango session.
Stretch finished locking the door, placing his keys on the cute little hooks with playful cats adorning it, decor Edge insisted on having. How could Stretch say no to that face when he found it at the thrift store. He turned around and was stopped mid-sip of his drink. 
Oh a rare sight indeed. On the couch laid Edge, chest raising and falling gently as he snoozed, one arm draped over his sockets and the smallest snore that Edge would forever deny having. The other arm rested over his midsection, holding a book open in place. One leg rested on the opposite arm rest while the other fell to the floor in the ultimate display of trust and relaxation the fell monster has ever displayed.
Additionally, ever watchful Doomfanger, was curled up on the top cushion of the couch, peaking with one eye at him before tightening her curl and falling back to sleep. 
A soft smile was brought upon Stretch’s face as he walked closer, quietly snapping a photo to be used as his next phone’s background. He walked over to an armchair, curling up as he finished his caffeinated drink. He could watch his baby love sleep for the rest of his life if he had to. 
Unfortunately, Edge didn’t slumber long, arm sliding off of his face as he blinked those sleep bleary eye-light before gazing over to Stretch. 
“Good morning love,” Stretch spoke gently, placing his empty cup on the coffee table. 
“Morning” came the sleepy yet amused reply. “Its almost creepy catching you watching me sleep.”
Stretch chuckled as he got up to walk over to the resting fell monster. “It’s not like I haven’t caught you doing it half a dozen times.” He leaned over for a kiss, grinning as he felt those strong gloved hand pulling him in. Well, if he was being asked to stay, he might as well get comfortable.
Stretch straddled Edge’s lap, carefully removing book to the safety of the coffee table as they continued a soft kiss. Doomfanger hops off the couch, done with the show of PDA in her presence as she strolls away to find a quieter spot. 
Pulling away, Stretch smiles down at Edge as he drinks in the wonder of the waking skeleton, that is until something caught his eye. A sly smirk graced his face as he pulls back and asks.
“Is that my shirt? And my pants?”
Edge returns with a small cheeky smile, a twinkle of playfulness in his eyes. “Perhaps it is. I figure if I was to be lazy, I would have to become one with the laziness. That includes dressing the part.” Edge wiggled beneath him before grabbing Stretch’s shirt front and pulling him down for a quick peck. “Besides, I’m a little short on shirts right now.”
Stretch flinched at the playful jab, yea he had that coming. “I told you I could buy you new ones.” Stretch leaned down for another peck. 
“Not the point.” Edge returned the kiss.
“I guess not. Besides you look real good in my clothes. Should ruin your clothes more often.” Stretch chuckled as Edge playfully nipped his chin. 
“You like me that way. Anyways, any thoughts on dinner? We both can’t be lazy.” Stretch rubbed his thumb over Edge’s sharp cheekbones, causing the other monster to slow blink like the cat he secretly was. 
“I’m sure the universe will survive. Was thinking about ordering in. I’m in no rush to end this.” Edge was basically purring below him. 
Stretch gave him an incredulous look. “Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend? Did Red give you some brownies? You know better than to take anything from him.”
Edge chuckled below him before shaking his head. “I’m allotted one lazy day without the world imploding. Besides, now the final piece I need is here for me to ultimately enjoy my day off.”
“Oh, and what is it you were missing?” Stretch leans back down as he feels Edge tug him closer.
“You, you numskull.” Edge kisses him slow and deeply. They both humming into the kiss before breaking apart. “Now call that Chinese place, I really want pot stickers and chow main.”
Stretch gasps in feigned shock. “Making me do all the work?” Edge only grins back at him as he pulls out his phone. “Fine, but we’re getting some honey-glazed chicken and cheesy puffs.”
Stretch finds it harder than normal to order as a pair of teasing hands began to explore his chest and legs. Its the least he could do to make up for a few ruined shirts.
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The Longest Attempt at a Proposal Ever
Pairing - Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary - Steve Rogers is a workaholic. For the past two years of dating him, you’ve known this, but now that the world has finally come to a sort of peace, you think it’s past time that he took a vacation. Little do you know that he has something else in mind for this trip. 
A/N - Surprise! I wasn’t even planning on posting this, but here we are! This story hit me while I was at the beach a couple months ago, and I thought it might be a cute little idea to make into a series. Right now it only has six parts, but that could change. I’m not going to lie, this series is going to be pretty much full fluff, so if you’re into that, give it a read! Tag list is completely open so if you want to be a part of it, just let me know. Thanks! 
Warnings - None! Tooth rotting fluff. 
I didn’t like to believe in the impossible. As a technical analyst, one of my main jobs was to make the impossible, possible, but of course, meeting and dating Steve Rogers meant that I had to deal with the impossible a lot, from aliens to other worlds, to a whole being made out of a computer. Yet, all of those impossible things seemed like nothing compared to getting Steve Rogers to take a day off work. My goal was a whole week. Was it going to happen? I sure hoped so, or else I’d wasted a lot of time, money and favors. I knew one thing for sure though. It wasn’t going to be easy, but like I said, I like making the impossible things possible. 
After the retinal scan, handprint, and vocal recognition, I was finally able to enter the Avengers compound. “Ms. Y/N, we were not expecting you today.” FRIDAY voiced. 
“I’m just here to surprise Steve. Can you tell me where he is?” 
“Certainly. Mr. Rogers is training with Mr. Barnes on the fourth floor.” 
“Of course,” I replied, shaking my head with a soft smile. “Thanks FRIDAY.” 
Watching Steve train was definitely a very nice perk of being his girlfriend. The training room had two levels, one was a track while the one beneath was covered with equipment and a sparring mat. That’s where I found Steve and Bucky. I climbed between the railings of the top half and sat down, my legs dangling over the edge while I watched. It really was something to see, his determined gaze, the precise movements of his arms and legs, the muscles rippling under his white v-neck . . . it almost had me forgetting my mission. I sat and watched for several moments before Steve finally got the drop on Bucky, pinning him. I let out a cheer, getting both of the super soldiers’ attention.
Steve grinned up at me, but Bucky used his momentary distraction to flip their positions. 
“Oops! Sorry!” I called out. 
“It’s not your fault that Steve gets distracted easily, darling.” Bucky said with a smirk as he helped his best friend up. 
“I don’t get distracted easily.” Steve argued, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. 
“Your current position says otherwise.” Bucky told him, smirking. “Can’t say I blame you though with a girl like that.” 
I rolled my eyes at his compliment. “If you’d let me set you up -” I had been trying to get the man to go out on a date with a friend of mine for ages, but he wasn’t having it. 
“I told you -”
“I know, I know!” I held up my hands in surrender. “For the record, I disagree with you and so does Steve.” 
Bucky raised his eyebrows at the man in question, crossing his arms over his chest, the vibranium reflecting speckles of light around the room. 
“You know I’m not supposed to argue with the missus. Especially when she’s right.” Steve said, shrugging his shoulders.
“You two enjoy meddling in my life far too much.” Bucky said. 
“It’s my favorite pastime.” I teased. 
“Hey now -” Steve interrupted. 
“Trust exercise!” I yelled, sliding out of the railing and into the level below, right into my waiting boyfriend’s arms. Immediately, my arms wove around his neck, my legs his waist. 
“You’ve got to stop doing that when you want to change the subject.” Steve chided me. “One day someone’s not going to catch you.” 
“That would be the purpose of the trust exercise, Steven. When they drop me, I’ll know I can’t trust them.” I told him. 
He shook his head at me, and I felt his arms tighten around me, pressing me against his warm chest. “What are you doing here anyway? I didn’t know you were coming by today.” 
“Well -”
“I’m going to leave you two to it.” Bucky said with a knowing look. “Good luck,” he said, patting my shoulder as he passed by. 
“Good luck?” Steve asked, raising his eyebrows at me. 
I smiled innocently at him. “I have a surprise for you.” 
“Other than being here? Because that’s already a really nice surprise.” 
I nodded, flushing just a little at his words. “All I ask is that you keep an open mind and don’t say no immediately.” 
“All right . . .” I could tell that Steve was a little worried. He let go of me, and I slid down his body. As soon as my feet touched the floor, he took his hands in my own, keeping me from moving too far away from him. 
“Okay, so you know my birthday is next week?” 
“Yes . . . I’ve actually talked Fury into letting me head out early -”
“About that . . . you’ve actually got the whole week off.” 
Almost immediately he started to protest, but I cut him off before he could. 
“I know, you can’t take off that long,” my voice deepened, putting on a poor imitation of his own. “I’m Captain America, I can’t afford to take time off because I never know what’s going to happen.” While my impression was horrible, it did bring a little smile to his face. “Yes, I understand, but I’ve already taken care of that.” I squeezed his hands tightly in my own. “I called in every favor I have with everyone. I’m working overtime for two weeks for Fury, taking Natasha on a shopping spree, cooking for Bucky for a week, and I even called Thor in. Thor! Do you know how hard it is to get in touch with a God who doesn’t have a cell phone or computer?” Steve chuckled a little, and I kept going. “All of them will be here to cover for you while we’re gone. Yes, you are amazing at what you do. You’re an incredible person, a selfless leader, and there’s no denying people need you, but I need you too.” 
His eyes darkened a little in sadness, “Y/N, I didn’t know -”
“I didn’t tell you this to make you feel bad, or to make you think I feel like I’m being neglected, because that is so not the case. I think we both know you spoil me far beyond what I need or deserve, and I love every second of time with you. I also love how much you care about keeping people safe. It’s such a big part of you, and I don’t mind it. Really I don’t. I couldn’t be prouder when I see you out there saving the world. I’m just telling you this so you’ll know how important this is to me. I want you to come with me somewhere I love, and honestly, I want you to take a break. Everyone needs one every once in a while. Even Captain America” 
He was silent for several moments, considering my speech. My heart pounded as I awaited his response. “Well, how can I turn down an offer like that?” 
I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Had that really worked? Was this actually happening? Maybe I should pinch myself? My grin was so wide my face hurt. “Are you serious?” 
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I said no to something you obviously want and went to so much trouble to set up?” 
I reached up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, tugging him down for an intense kiss. No matter how many times we kissed, it would never get old. The butterflies would never stop, his lips would never be uncomfortable, and my knees would never not be weak. I tried to show him just how happy I was with his decision in my kiss. I didn’t pull away until I knew my super soldier was breathless. 
“I should take days off more often.” Steve replied, our faces still only inches apart.
“I love you,” I told him, my smile soft and gentle as I nuzzled my nose against his. 
“I love you too,” he said, pressing another brief kiss against my lips. 
I trailed my hands down his chest, regretting that I would now have to leave. I always hated leaving him. It always felt so whole and right when I was with him, it made leaving miserable, but I knew I now had things to do. “Okay, I have to go finish packing, and you need to start.” I said, tapping his chest with my finger. 
“You’re leaving already?” Steve said, frowning down at me. 
I kissed it away softly. “Don’t worry Rogers. I’ll make it up to you all week at the beach.” 
“The beach, huh?” He asked with raised eyebrows.
I nodded, grabbing a hold of his shirt once again and leaning up to whisper in his ear. “Which means bikinis.” I kissed his cheek, grinning at his equally pleased and distracted expression. “I’ll be back bright and early tomorrow!” I told him happily before practically skipping away. 
Mission accomplished. 
“Bucky! What the hell?” 
“Language, Steve,” Bucky said, grinning up at his best friend. 
“You know what I was planning for her birthday and you went along with her idea?” Steve was absolutely furious with his friend. Weeks and weeks of planning had just gone down the drain, and now he was right back to square one. 
“Really, I thought you’d be happy with me.” Bucky told him.
“Why would I be happy with you?” 
“Because instead of some proposal at a baseball game that’s been done hundreds of times, you’ll get to do a super romantic one on the beach. I thought that screamed Steve Rogers.” 
Steve sat down on the couch beside Bucky, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at the strange yet colorful piece of artwork that Tony had placed on the wall. After a moment his shoulders slumped, and he sighed. “You thought my idea was bad?” 
“She likes baseball, but she likes watching you watch it more.” He pointed out, patting his best friend’s shoulder sympathetically. 
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” He asked him. 
“Because that ring has been burning a hole in your pocket for months now. I was just happy you were finally doing it.” Bucky told him. 
Steve tensed up a little bit. Had it really only been months now? It felt like longer. “I haven’t found the right -”
Bucky sighed, shaking his head at his friend. It was hard to believe sometimes that this oblivious man was the same guy who led a team of Avengers. “Steve, we picked that ring out six months ago. You haven’t found the right time in six months?” Bucky asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. 
Steve scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not wanting to answer Bucky’s question. 
“She’s not going to say no.” Bucky assured him. 
That wasn’t what had been holding Steve back. He knew she would say yes. That didn’t mean she didn’t deserve better. “She should. I wouldn’t want to marry me. Gone all the time -”
“Getting in unnecessary fights -”
“-Occasionally on the run -”
“-Waking up at an ungodly hour in the morning -”
“-Everyone I love is constantly in danger-”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Steve, I wouldn’t marry you either.” Bucky teased him with a smirk. 
Steve sighed, pulling out the small velvet box that he carried with him at all times. “She will though.” 
Bucky patted his shoulder as Steve opened up the box, revealing the ring. 
The band was rose gold, something he knew she would love, small oval diamonds surrounding half of it with one large oval diamond in the middle. It was simple, it was beautiful, and it was perfect for her. 
“You gotta ask her first, Punk.” 
Steve nodded, closing the box back up. Bucky was right. She was perfect for him. Everything that he wanted and more. For so long he had been afraid to settle down, thinking the next big disaster could be the last one, and he didn’t want anyone suffering when he didn’t come home. Now though, the world was semi at peace, and while he knew that he was always in danger, he wanted to be selfish for once. He wanted her in his life, he needed her, and he knew that she needed him. She was his safe place and he was hers. Steve didn’t want to waste another second of whatever time he had left without her by his side.“I’m going to do it. I don’t want to waste anymore time. Before we come back, I’m going to propose to her.” He said with determination. 
“Good, and then when you get back, you can break the news to Wilson that I’m your best man.” Bucky told him, grinning excitedly. 
Steve just shook his head. 
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Tagged by deku (@eegghhh) what a suprise lmao
What is your total word count on AO3? 
8,175. Not a lot but I only write for fun
How often do you write? 
Only when I get a super good idea for a fic in my head (ima keep it real with u, chief. 😤✋mostly when I'm drunk off that kiribaku love)
Do you have a routine for writing? 
Most of my ideas come from a random "hey wouldn't (insert idea here) be cool?" I'll have either right in the middle of the day or in the middle of the night. I then proceed to scream over how fucking good the idea was, and quickly write down every plot point and idea I have at the moment to make sure I don't lose the idea.
Then usually when I have free time, I'll fill in the blanks that were missing in the plot and dialogue and just fucking whip it out in a day.
(Sometimes I don't even wait past the planning stage. Started my first kiribaku fic at 3am and when I was done, there was light outside my windows and birds chirping. Holy shit that was a night).
After this, I'll usually proofread or have someone beta it depending on the size or fandom it's for. Then drop it on Ao3.
What are your favorite kinks/ tropes/ pairings? 
Haven't written smut yet because tbh I'm way too sexually inexperienced to. Just slamming that truth down rn, no shame, not gonna hide it like a coward.
My favorite tropes are definitely tooth-rotting fluff and tough characters learning it's ok to show affectionate feelings. Also marriage (the fucking drawing mmmmm!!!!!!!!), cute nicknames, comfort, and in certain cases, revenge and jealousy.
I am also a huge, gigantic slut for crossover fics and have a million bookmarked for every fucking fandom you have ever seen on this blog. It doesn't even have to be a completely crack crossover, it could be something awesome like Yu-Gi-Oh and RWBY (I really loved writing the MHA/Soul Eater a lot)
I think you can take a fucking guess at what my favorite pairing is by now, ok. I definitely wanna write something tododeku and kagehina soon, but I gotta get a good idea.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours? 
Probably a tie between Red with Envy/Seal On your Heart. I love both for different reasons though.
Your fic with the most kudos? 
Anything you don’t like about your writing? 
I guess the main problem I feel is that I'll write my own personality and feelings into the character if I feel like I can relate in their situation (Bakugo is the main victim of this). I'm scared it's makes that character look out of character or weird tbh.
Another problem I have is that some of my dialogue sometimes feel too stiff or forced. Like if its a group setting, it feels like they're all taking turns talking around in a circle???? Idk
Now something you do like (about your writing)?
Everything else rocks, bitches!!!!!!!!!!
(I honestly don't know who in my followers actually write enough to complete this, so anybody that just wants to pick this up go ahead. Just tag me)
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jestbee · 7 years
June 11: Growing Older With You
Title: Growing Older With You Tags: fluff, birthday fic, cuddling, introspection (a little bit), just tooth rotting fluff because birthday Words: 1228 Summary: It’s Dan’s birthday and he’s not over thinking it this year… much.
Prompt: Dan’s birthday. Plus I asked on here and on Twitter whether you guys wanted Fluff or Smut for the birthday fic and you guys said Fluff. (Apart from one greedy individual who asked for both… stay tuned)
So this really has no point other than being completely fluffy. I’m really enjoying all the bday fics I’ve seen today and this is not one of the good ones by a long shot so please, go read some others after you read this!!
FEDIJ Day: June 11 (Dan’s Bday)
Previous Day | Masterlist of fics so far
[AO3 Link]
At least it’s a nice day. If he has to be getting older, at the least the weather has the decency to be nice.
He turns over and shuffles into the sleeping shape of Phil at his side, melding himself into the space created by his arms and letting a soft sigh escape his lips.
“Happy Birthday,” Phil mumbles, his eyes still closed.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Dan says, trailing a hand over his waist.
“Hmm,” Phil replies, running his own arm over Dan and pulling him closer. He still doesn’t open his eyelids but instead settles his head onto the top of Dan’s. “I could hear you thinking.”
“Just cursing the sunshine for waking me up,” Dan singsongs.
“Yeah, okay.”
“I was.”
“Not thinking about how now you’re closer to thirty than you are twenty? Not thinking about your encroaching death and how time is fleeting and… well you know, all the usual stuff you get introspective about on your birthday.”
“Not this year,” Dan whispers.
Phil does open his eyes then, and squeezes Dan twice, signalling for him to lift his head at look at him.
“What’s different this year?” They both know what is different this year.
Dan shrugs, feigning nonchalance, the movement jostling both of them in their tight embrace. “Dunno. Getting older doesn’t seem so bad when I get to do it with you.”
“You sap.”
“It’s my birthday, I’ll be sappy if I want to.”
Phil ducks his head then and kisses Dan lightly, a delicate brush of his lips against Dan’s pink and parted ones. Dan sighs into Phil’s mouth and slides his legs forward, tangling them with Phil’s. He presses closer, deepening the kiss slightly, though nothing too extreme. It’s lazy and natural, moving their mouths together with no real goal in mind other than the simple enjoyment of it.
“Hmm, a happy birthday indeed,” Dan jokes as they part for air.
“Birthday breakfast?” Phil suggests, “Then presents? Then… Mario Kart? Then….” He trails off with a shrug. “Anything you want, it’s your day.”
Dan nods, but gets thoughtful look on his face. Phil reaches out to brush a stray hair from his forehead, and ends up rubbing the crease between his brows with the pad of his thumb.
“Thinking again?”
“Just…” Dan smiles, the dimple in his cheek deepening slightly. “I think I’ve already had the best gifts ever over the past few years, I can’t imagine asking for any more. We’ve done some amazing things, haven’t we?”
Phil nods eagerly. “Yes, we’ve been very lucky. The books and the tour and everything.”
Dan shakes his head slightly, “I didn’t mean that,” he clarifies, “I mean us.”
He tangles their fingers together on his chest and drops a kiss on Phil’s jaw.
“All of this, the house and… I don’t know. I guess somehow everything feels a bit more… permanent.”
Phil slides a hand to cup Dan’s face, drawing him close so that their noses brush. “It is permanent, Dan. I’m keeping you forever, okay?”
They kiss once again and it’s sweet and lingering and Dan feels his mouth curve into a smile against Phil’s.
“Even though I’m getting old?” he asks, “I’m not young and beautiful anymore.”
“You’re always going to be beautiful,” Phil corrects him, “And I’m always going to be the one to get old first so I’ll try it out for you and let you know how it feels, okay?”
“Good plan.”
“You ready for some fun today?” Phil moves away from him then, getting out of bed and searching the room for his discarded tshirt. It’s somewhere around, he’d flung it across the room at one point last night.
“Can’t we just stay here?” Dan says, rolling over defiantly and shoving his head into his pillow.
“Nope, places to go people to see.” He finds his tshirt wadded up against the foot of the bed and pulls it on over his pyjama bottoms. “Come on, up.”
“I’d rather just be with you,” Dan says, lazily moving from the bed, his pace slow and laboured.
“That’s why we went for dinner last night,” Phil insists, “Because we have plans with other people later today. We have a few hours though.”
“Fine,” Dan pretends to pout and look grumpy so that Phil will move closer and kiss him to make it stop. It works. “But after dinner we’re coming home and I get to do whatever I want. Which will be nothing.”
Phil moves away again and Dan takes a moment to pull on his own clothes, watching as Phil looks into the mirror briefly, running a hand over his hair. His glasses are askew and his tshirt is wrinkled and his actions aren’t doing much to tame a mop of bedhead currently adorning his skull, but Dan smiles fondly at him in his reflection.
“Nothing, you look cute this morning.”
“I look cute every morning,” Phil giggles, tongue poking between his lips.
“True. Still… maybe I am getting all introspective, because I was just thinking that I can’t believe I’ve known you for nearly a third of my life. I’m getting old and life is unpredictable and time is slipping away but… I have you, don’t I?”
“You have me,” Phil nods.
They gaze at each other without words for a few seconds and Dan lets the passage of the years wash over him. It’s his birthday and he’s closer to thirty than he is to twenty, and Phil is already thirty and everything feels wonderful and permanent. This is it for him. He’s had so many birthdays where all he could think of was that he felt uncertain and like he hadn’t achieved what he should and that time was his enemy, rushing forward without giving him a chance to catch up to the expectation of it all.
This year is different. Because they’ve made all of these decisions and they’ve been about them in a way that’s more personal than they’d allowed themselves to be previously. They’ve taken the leap and moved again, to a place where they only have one bedroom really, and picked colour coordinated furniture and have the floor to ceiling windows that Phil has always dreamed of. This year it feels like he’s caught up with time, like he’s finally settled and happy and confident with everything.
It’s slowly getting to the point where they might be able to share that with the world. Not yet, neither of them are really ready for that, but it isn’t an impossibility anymore. It’s gone from an if to a when in a way that Dan never really expected. They don’t talk in hypotheticals anymore, they talk in in eventualities.
“Did you say something about presents?” Dan asks, shaking himself from his thoughts.
“Yes!” Phil enthuses, taking Dan by the hand and pulling him from the room. “But first, breakfast!”
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