#astrology wall hanging tapestry
factorytapestry · 1 year
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wordsvomit101 · 3 months
Obsidian Reverie
(??? years, ??? months, ??? days after His Majesty Leviathan received his name )
Amidst the enchanting ambiance of the Midnight Masquerade, an exquisite event held under the gentle light of the pure white twin moons, reminiscent of the legendary quiet goddess, Astrea, attendees are whisked away into a realm of unparalleled opulence and mystique.
Captivated by the allure of the evening, Glasyalabolas finds himself entranced by the ethereal atmosphere. The grand ballroom, adorned with towering marble pillars intricately carved with astrological motifs, emanates an aura of timeless elegance.
Bathed in the soft, moonlit glow that spills through stained glass windows and cascades from the sky above, the palace roof has been removed for this extraordinary occasion, allowing the eerie radiance to suffuse every corner of the room.
Scenes of ancient myths and legends are depicted in the intricate carvings adorning the pillars, their stories coming to life in the flickering torchlight. It is as if the very walls of the ballroom resonate with the echoes of a bygone era, transporting guests to a realm where fantasy and reality intertwine.
Guests, draped in luxurious fabrics of silk and velvet, don ornate masks that conceal their identities, transforming them into ethereal beings of mystery and allure. Each mask is a work of art, crafted with meticulous detail and embellished with feathers, jewels, and intricate filigree, adding to the air of intrigue that permeates the evening.
The flickering glow of glowing mantas and jellyfish swimming languidly as they cast dancing waves of shadows upon the polished marble floor, creating an enchanting backdrop for the swirling movements of the dancers. Soft strains of music fill the air, a haunting melody that seems to echo from another realm, beckoning guests to lose themselves in the intoxicating rhythm of the dance.
As the night unfolds, the Midnight Masquerade becomes a tapestry of secrets and desires, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, and the true nature of its inhabitants is revealed. In this realm of darkness and enchantment, anything is possible, and the masks they wear are but a reflection of the mysteries that lie within.
Dressed in opulent attire and adorned with a mask that concealed his true visage, Glasyalabolas moved with grace and poise, his dark gazes and commanding presence drawing the attention of all who beheld him. Yet, amidst the swirling crowd of guests, his eyes were fixed upon one figure alone—The devil of Envy and sovereign of Hades.
As Glasyalabolas, the towering figure of ambition and madness, approached Leviathan with a graceful stride, his demeanor regal yet infused with a hint of a wild charm. Bowing respectfully, he addressed the beautiful being standing alone as onlookers couldn't help to let their gazes wander to him and the wave of shock could be felt as they saw the figure of the tall devil, having the courage to dare to ask for what they wish for from their king. With the utmost deference, he extended his hand with a regal flourish, and a hush fell over the assembled throng.
"Your Majesty," Glasyalabolas began, his voice carrying a tone of veneration, "might I have the honor of sharing a dance with you this evening?"
His gaze, sharp as the edge of a blade, swept across the room, a silent challenge to all who dared to meet his eye. Yet, beneath his mask of confidence, there lurked a primal fear, a knowing sense of walking straight into the gaping mouth of a monster.
Leviathan regarded him with a cold and measured gaze, his expression unreadable beneath the veil of shadows. There was a silent pause, tension hanging in the air like a taut thread.
Glasyalabolas continued, his tone soft yet insistent, "It would be a pleasure to glide across the floor with you, Your Majesty, to the haunting melody of the tango. Shall we indulge in this moment of respite amidst the chaos of our realms?"
With a distant gaze, the beautiful devil's expression was still a perfect embodiment of indifference, "Very well," he replied with a dismissive wave of his hand as if granting a trivial request to a begging peasant.
Clad in robes of darkest obsidian with hints of royal violet, Leviathan moved with predatory grace, his every step a silent promise of retribution. Around him, the air seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly aura, a palpable reminder of his status.
Undeterred by Leviathan's aloof demeanor, Glasyalabolas pressed on, seeking to provoke a reaction from his king, "I must say, Your Majesty," he continued, his voice laced with a subtle challenge, "I have always been curious about the secrets that lie hidden within the depths of your kingdom. Tell me, what is it that drives you, that fuels your ambition?", before placing a small but worshiped kiss upon the strong gloved hand of the divine devil opposite of him.
As they came together upon the polished marble floor, the haunting melody of the waltz filled the air, a mournful lament that echoed the pain of ages past. The music, a symphony of longing and despair, wrapped around them like a shroud, enveloping them in its melancholy embrace.
Leviathan's response was brief and detached, his attention only half-hearted as he allowed Glasyalabolas to take the lead in the waltz.
"Ambition is a fool's errand," he remarked coldly as if directing at the devil he allowed to lead him, his silky smooth voice tinted with arrogance before gracefully answering the question beckoned by the noble, "Stability", he continued after finishing an elegant twirl, "is the foundation upon which Hades stands. The foundation that needs to be maintained, regardless of the challenges that may arise"
Their dance began with a delicate grace, each movement a testament to their otherworldly power and elegance. Glasyalabolas's lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes glinting with hidden intent. "And what of those who would dare to challenge your authority?" he pressed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you not fear the repercussions of their defiance?"
Their movements are like a symphony of grace and aggression, Glasyalabolas' hand on Leviathan's waist and his other guiding his king to his tempo. Leviathan's long coat floats behind him and with the light from the twin moon shining upon them, makes him shimmer like a thousand stars, glides across the ethereal void with the agility of a practiced ease. His dance is a mesmerizing spectacle, each step a ripple in the fabric of reality. His long limbs extend and retract in fluid undulations, creating hypnotic patterns that draw the eye inward into a vortex of wonder.
Leviathan continued to look upon him impassively, not bothering to waste his breath, looking down at Glasyalabolas despite their height differences.
Glasyalabolas, with his silver tongue and piercing gaze, sought to ensnare Leviathan in a web of intrigue and ambition, weaving a tapestry of manipulation and desire with each graceful step. Yet, beneath his facade of confidence, there is still lingered a primal excitement, a recognition of fear before the formidable force that stood before him.
But as the tempo quickened and the music soared to dizzying heights, a shift occurred, a subtle yet undeniable change in the fabric of their dance when Glasyalabolas dared to come closer.
Glasyalabolas's inquiry sliced through the air with calculated precision, his words carrying a subtle edge of curiosity. "Your Majesty," he began, his tone deceptively mild, "forgive my impertinence, but I cannot help but wonder of what happened that day, a spectacle upon the rift of the North of Hades"
Leviathan's gaze darkened at the mention of his past, a flicker of something indefinable crossing his features before he regained his composure, ready to continue to dismiss Glasyalabolas before another audacious question was asked, a glare marred on his gorgeous visage.
"What drove you to such depths? What horrors did you endure before claiming your throne?"
Leviathan's eyes flashed with a dangerous glint, a warning simmering beneath his icy face, before an exquisitely cruel smile graced his lips, an elegant arch to his brow, with a soft inquire for a lowly devil before him, "So you seek to understand this King?"
Glasyalabolas felt a chill run down his spine as Leviathan's gaze bore into him with a steely intensity. It was as if he had crossed a line, delving into forbidden territory that should never have been breached. However, his curiosity only mounted higher, the allure of being able to know a side of Leviathan, it is both a threat and an offer that would kill him if he treks further.
But, in the pursuit of knowledge, only fools who are brave dare to venture into the darkness, for they know that it is in the depths of uncertainty that true understanding is found.
With an excited gulp, Glasyalabolas summoned his courage and approached the enchanting Leviathan, his facade of calmness strained but resolute.
"Your Majesty," he began, his voice quivering with anticipation, "forgive my audacity, but I must know... What is the answer to my question?"
Leviathan regarded him with a cool detachment, his gaze piercing through Glasyalabolas's facade with unnerving precision.
"The answer?" he echoed, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes, "Hmm, how about I let you have a taste then?"
Leviathan tightened his grip and seized the waist of the taller devil. With a steely gaze and a subtle shift in his movements, he seized control of the dance, his silent command rippling through the air like a ripple on a still pond. At that moment, Glasyalabolas realized the true extent of his folly, as the balance of power shifted inexorably in Leviathan's favor.
As Leviathan took control of the dance, Glasyalabolas couldn't shake the unsettling sensation of being ensnared in the coils of a giant serpent, his movements calculated and precise, each step a predatory strike. In his mind's eye, he was no longer the noble demon, but a mere raccoon, small and insignificant in the presence of such overwhelming power.
Leviathan's steps upon the marble floor became a haunting echo of a predator stalking its prey, a symphony of sinewy grace and raw power that left Glasyalabolas trembling in his wake. With each graceful twist and turn, he felt the weight of Leviathan's gaze bearing down upon him like the unblinking stare of a serpent tearing him down to his bone and squeezing every air he had in his organ.
And yet, amidst the chaos and the tumult, there lingered a strange kind of beauty, a twisted ballet of desire and despair that spoke to the depths of a shared agony. The echoes of their voices mingled with the haunting melody of the waltz, a cacophony of whispers and sighs that reverberated through the halls of eternity even fearing away the swimming mantas and jellyfish.
Glasyalabolas found himself swept up in the maelstrom of their dance, his senses overwhelmed by the heady rush of adrenaline and fear. It was as if he stood on the precipice of oblivion, teetering on the edge of some vast abyss that threatened to swallow him whole.
However, the final notes of the waltz echoed through the ballroom, bringing his consciousness back to reality.
As they stood locked in a silent tableau, the music singing of the two figures bound together by fate and forged in the fires of eternity. However, instead of reveling in the romance of the moment, Leviathan carelessly dipped an exhausted and scared Glasyalabolas, a stark contrast to the beginning where Glasyalabolas had led the dance.
With a benevolent grace, yet a coldness that cut through the air like a blade, Leviathan smiled down at him, his eyes betraying none of the warmth that Glasyalabolas had hoped to find.
"Know your place," he intoned softly, his voice carrying the weight of authority and power.
And yet, amidst the chaos and the terror stirring in his mind, there was a perverse thrill, a perverse ecstasy that coursed through his veins like wildfire. For in the embrace of Leviathan's dark and commanding allure, Glasyalabolas found himself trembling not just with fear, but with a hunger and admiration that burned hotter than the flames of Hell itself for the devil above him.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
I don't know what is the problem with the comment section of your post TT. I just can't ask my question/query regarding the Astrology Observation there! In your recent post u talked about 4th house and Home 🏠.
I want to ask you : I've Libra on the 4th house cusp and Venus in Leo in the 1st house, what kinda home do I want then? 🤔
Thankyou ❤︎
Hello, I don't know, sometimes it happens that you can't comment or you have the comment function turned off.
Libra in 4th house/venus- Purples, blues and pastel pinks mirror a Libra’s sensitive nature. Libra style is charming, beautiful and organized.Could be either modern or vintage. Hanging up a metal sign, 3D objects, even a tapestry alongside traditional framed art is satisfying.
Venus in 1st house- maybe also something related to you. The colors- red, orange, yellow, and pink maybe. Put pictures of stars on your walls, and add triangles everywhere. Triangles of geometric shapes look the most like a flame. Add pyramids, tetrahedrons, and prisms. Maybe a drinking bar.
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rethreadzandmore · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sun Moon Tapestry Wall Hanging Stars Space Psychedelic Black & White 51.2*59inch.
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hanacorners · 2 years
Mandala Tarot Card Tapestry Wheel of the Zodiac Astrology Chart & the Major Arcana Tarot Sun and Moon Wall Hanging Home Decor
Mandala Tarot Card Tapestry Wheel of the Zodiac Astrology Chart & the Major Arcana Tarot Sun and Moon Wall Hanging Home Decor
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figdays · 3 years
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Horoscope Wall Tapestry by PrintedDreams
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summernightsdream · 5 years
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Ig: fresh.alexis
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bleachedvi0let · 3 years
What do u think vi would hang on her wall in 2021?
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Oooh thank you for your question!! This is a good one.
I would call Vi's decorating style an eclectic mix of boho, grunge, and minimalism. On her walls, we saw framed insects, a skull poster, chalk board, and a hanging rod holding what looks to be belts or dog collars. But this was in 2011, here's what I think would be on her walls in 2021.
I think she would have a cool tapestry above her bed, something boho and a little witchy, either a mandala or something having to do with astrology. I think she'd like celestial prints. Side note, I think she'd be into tarot. Here's a tapestry I think she'd like:
She would still have the framed insects, I think she would have a big shadow box full of butterflies on the wall, and she'd arrange smaller frames with beetles and other bugs around it.
Macrame fits in with the boho vibe, and she wore a macrame vest at one point. I think she would have a pretty macrame wall hanging up, something like this:
Vi had a bubblegum machine full of doll parts and the framed insects, so it's safe to say she's into oddities. I think she would have a faux (or even real) long horn skull maybe above her dresser. It's strange but still boho.
I think she would have a band poster, maybe on the back of her door. Maybe Nirvana or Fleetwood Mac.
Lastly, I think she would still have the chalkboard. It's artsy and quirky, and Tate still needs somewhere to write "I love you."
Thank you so much for your question, please keep them coming! I would love to answer more Vi questions.
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astrolovecosmos · 4 years
For Fellow Astrologers 🌟
Aries: Red sheer curtains surround a heavy ivory table. A black astrology chart etches into the stone, customized for each reading. Later it disappears without a spec of dust & with a ting. Smell of cinnamon hangs in the air. Blood oranges & pomegranates in a sandstorm-hue bowl.
Taurus: Star charts stacked on a wooden stump. Tea leaves forgotten about. Inside a tree hollow, fairy lights dotted. Candles safely burning. Every reading comes with a snack or drink. Copper mugs, green ink, rose petals. A garden gnome outside wishes you farewell.
Gemini: Motley scarves & drapes scattered about. Palm reading posters, circle of tarot cards, flutes & hand-held harps. A skylight to crystal blue & white paint strokes. Chart readings done at a different place each time. Likes to draw them out by hand with a golden ink pen.
Cancer: In a cozy bedroom. Stormy always outside, making the pines dance. Sandalwood in the oil diffuser. Zodiac wheel tapestry. Readings done through zoom on the bed or at the handcrafted desk with few. Spells hidden away. Wool blanket over the mirror - how you enter and exit.
Leo: Golden statues of protection & blessing. Throne at the head of the room, readings recited or conversed. Orange blossoms fall from the ceiling frequently. A bejeweled quilt guest can use for comfort or a flute of champagne. Enter with an offering, even if simple or humble.
Virgo: Off the busy street. Flashing neon sign. Enter through beads, welcomed by flowery incense and succulents. There are plenty of balms and potions to look at and invest in. Traditional palm reading, astrology, tarot card set up. The back door... leads somewhere else.
Libra: Light colors paint murals on the walls. Sliding door open to a red stone patio. Inside or outside today? Plants thrive in their pots. Ambient music, dragonfly visitors, tiny fountains. Favorite charts hung or displayed on shelves. Messages come in on paper planes.
Scorpio: Waves crash against the porthole. There is distraction from the glow-in-the-dark chart being drawn and read. Crystal ball and cards off to the side. Scorpion and snake trinkets. Black tablecloth and tall melted candles of white and maroon. Loud and long silences common.
Sagittarius: Quiet but lively music in the background, purple, red, orange tints delight. Cushions to sit on the floor. Crystal ball and hand mirror in the center of the room. Readings are done with coffee stained paper. Lava lamp but little technology other than that.
Capricorn: Emerald flooring & mahogany walls, grand fireplace that flickers visions. Bat in a golden cage. Runes & sticks in a glass box. Blessed pottery. Behind the partition the reading takes place. It's all business, but sometimes sympathy requires cucumber sandwiches & tea.
Aquarius: Enter through a fog where deep blues & violets greet you. Ceiling sparkling with stars & floating UFO saucers. Your name written out in rainbows, charts always drawn a newer & better way each time. Here things are never on schedule but worth the patience & wonder.
Pisces: Meet below the wisteria flowers. Charts will be hand drawn or explored with a stick and mud. There can be fortune telling in bird baths, dream analyzation in the clouds. Seashells, charms, unicorn horns, and mermaid scales decorate a white picnic blanket.
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fidothefinch · 3 years
Stars, Hide Your Fires - Chapter 1
Reread this this morning and realized I? did not post? the first chapter here? So here it is!
Dick Grayson doesn't want to leave the circus he's called home his entire life. When he overhears Pop Haley talking to a strange man about sending Dick away for 'training,' he decides he'll do whatever he can to stop it.
Even if he has to make a deal with a demon.
- - -
Madame Emmaline Obas lived in a dim carriage full of magic.
Her room had always given Dick the heebie-jeebies, even as he had become more familiar with it. Hanging from the door was a little burlap bag full of spices that she kept for warding off demons. One wall was covered completely with astrology charts, maps of the palm, and her vast collection of crystals. Along the other was a bookshelf, lined with old tomes whose titles were almost completely worn off their spines, jars of feathers and bones, and an old bird skull whose eyes seemed to follow Dick throughout the room.
But she made the best tea, and she had the best gossip, and his parents insisted he visit her caravan at least once a week so she didn’t get ‘too lonely.’
She kept incense burning in her caravan twenty-four/seven, and it clogged the small space to the point he always sneezed when he first stepped inside. But the warm cup of chai in his hands was cutting through the cloying scent, and Dick took a deep breath of the steam.
Madame Obas was packing her ‘bag of tricks,’ so she called, in preparation for her appointments tonight. When she rolled the heavy crystal ball into her bag, Dick started to nudge the wooden case of tarot cards toward her, but hesitated before he touched. He had heard her during her appointments enough times to know not to touch them.
She saw his hand pause, and scooped the case into her bag herself. “Don’t worry about these, chouchou,” she laughed. “These are for show.”
Dick wrapped his hands tighter around his chipped teacup. “You mean you can’t really tell the future?”
She shook her head as she sat across from him. “Not with that, I can’t. The art is much more subtle, but people pay for a show.”
Dick kicked his feet under the table. His toes almost brushed the floor; he’d had a growth spurt recently. “So how do you do it? Will you teach me?”
She looked him up and down. Hummed. Sat back in her chair. “Maybe one day, when you’re older.”
“Aw, come on. Please?” He looked around the room, and his eyes landed on the books. “Can I teach myself? With those?”
She snapped her fingers in front of his face to get his attention back—she was like that. “Nah-ah.” She pointed a finger, and Dick almost went cross-eyed bringing it into focus. “Those books are very dangerous. You never touch them. Understand me?”
Dick nodded, stunned by the sudden change in tone. He set the teacup down before he could spill it on Madame’s great-grandmother’s tapestry, draped over the table like a table cloth. “I understand. No touching.”
She watched him with narrowed eyes, and when she didn’t find what she was looking for, sat back again. “Something is troubling you.”
Dick had become very good at performing, but he wasn’t good enough yet to hide his feeling from his circus family. “No?”
“It wasn’t a question.” She smiled warmly. “Drink your tea. Tell Auntie Obas what’s wrong.”
Dick wrinkled his nose; Madame Obas never told him to call her ‘Auntie’ unless she thought there was gossip to get out of him. (She had been prying about the possibility of a younger sibling, and he had been assuring her she would be the first to know besides his mom.)
Nevertheless, she looked sincere, and Dick knew he wasn’t getting out without spilling. “I wasn’t eavesdropping—”
“Ha!” She laughed. “I’m sure you weren’t, mon chouchou.”
Dick cracked a smile at the nickname. “I wasn’t! I was refilling the cooler with ice, but I overheard someone talking to Haley.” He shifted uncomfortably. When words didn’t come easily to him, he took another sip of the tea. “I think they were talking about me?”
Madame Obas stilled. Her mouth drew into a thin line. “Really?”
He took another sip of his tea before answering. “They were talking about how old I was. They said it was ‘time’. . . . It sounded like they were sending me away.”
Madame’s brow crinkled, “Why would they do that?”
Dick shrugged. “Something about training.”
Madame sighed. “Ah, yes, John and Mary had the same issue. Men from schools come, looking for new star students.” She reached across the table to smooth a hand through his hair. “You do not need to worry, dear. You’re not going anywhere.”
He was out of tea, and out of excuses not to speak. “Madame Obas, would you read my future?”
She stilled, eyebrows raised a moment. Then tilted her head to the side. Hummed again, but this time it was deeper. “Give me your hands.”
Dick immediately shifted so his hands rested on the table palms-up. She scooped his hands in hers, and her eyes closed in concentration.
“What are you—”
“Shhh,” she hissed, one eye cracking open. “I am listening.”
Her eye slipped shut again, and Dick closed his eyes, too.
It was quiet.
Then it was soundless.
The normal sounds of her caravan, the circus, and even the city beyond faded away. Blood pounded in his ears, and he could hear it speeding up. He fought not to twitch in response, afraid of disturbing the silence.
He squeezed his eyes shut tighter as it stretched on for what felt like eternity.
Something freezing cold brushed across his shoulders. It was sudden, as though someone had swiped an ice cube under his shirt. He jolted at the feeling, eyes flying open.
Madame Obas’ face was inches away, bloodshot eyes boring into his. He tried to pull back, but her hands tightened. As he watched, her skin began to pale.
Dick stared, heart jackhammering in his chest. Her hands squeezed even tighter, and it felt like she was grinding the bones of his hands together.
He gasped.
The sound was enough to break the spell, and she dropped his hands.
Dick blinked as sound filtered back into existence from outside the caravan. His head felt . . . cloudy.
Madame Obas stood abruptly. Her chair clattered to the floor behind her.
“Madame?” Dick asked, confused as she whisked away his tea cup and picked up her bag of tricks.
She started pulling on her shoes to leave, and that’s when Dick panicked and grabbed the hem of her robes. “Auntie? What did you see?”
She paused. She shut her eyes, and took a deep breath before turning to him. “You have great trials ahead, but love will save you.”
Dick let go of the robes. “Does that mean I have to leave?”
Madame ushered him out the door. “I must go to my tent, and I cannot trust you won’t wreck my room while I am gone, so yes, you must leave.”
Dick let out a frustrated huff. “Please. You know what I mean.”
She followed him out and shut the door behind her. “I cannot predict the future so precisely, chouchou. And I am late for my first appointment.”
Dick watched as she hurried away. Madame Obas had honed her skill; she had told his parents he would be a boy, and had told Pop Haley when staying in town would bring in huge crowds. She could predict when the hottest days would bring rain and when the camp’s cook would accidentally burn the food. She brought good, uplifting news to the people who visited her tent.
The only time she was vague when she knew something was wrong.
It could only mean she had seen something terrible.
And Dick would do whatever he could to stop it.
- - -
He waited until forty-five minutes to the show, when he knew everyone would be on set. Quietly, knowing he only had so much time before his parents began to look for him, he made his way back inside the carriage.
If he thought her carriage was creepy before, it was infinitely more terrifying with only the dim moonlight filtering through the windows to illuminate its interior. He sneezed, as customary, when he stepped across the threshold. The heavy wooden door swung shut behind him, and he couldn’t help feeling like he had stepped into a tomb.
He ran a hand along the wall until he found the lamp in the corner, and with a yank the warm yellow light cast eerie shadows across the walls. Dick cringed into the wall a moment. It hit him suddenly that Madame’s carriage was full of magic only she knew how to control. He eyed the bird skull on the bookshelf across from himself like he was afraid its jaw would hinge open and give him away.
But after a few seconds, nothing had moved, save the swaying chain he had used to turn on the lamp.
Dick took a deep breath and headed for the bookshelf.
He had never looked closely at the old tomes, beyond noticing many of them were written in languages he didn’t know. He set his sights on the most-worn one. It had a title in Latin.
It was cold to the touch. He pulled it from the shelf and a fine cloud of dust floated after it. He sneezed again, and set the book down on the small table in the corner.
It was thicker than the others, and the pages had dark splotches where they had been thumbed through many times before. Dick traced the gold letters embossed on the dark cover with one finger.
Madame’s warning floated through his mind.
But he didn’t want to leave.
He opened the book.
Immediately, the shadows around him shifted. Dick’s head snapped up at the movement, and he watched with growing horror as he traced the movement’s origin back to the lamp, which had begun to sway back and forth. The air got thicker, denser. Just like he had experienced with Madame Obas, the sounds from outside, and then inside, the carriage were sucked away, until Dick was left listening only to his own harsh breathing.
He jumped when some invisible force pressed his palms into the table on either side of the book. The pages continued to turn by themselves. In the flipped pages Dick caught illustrations of monsters, old chants in dead languages, what looked like a recipe written in blood. His fingers curled into fists, but he was unable to lift them.
As quickly as it all started, it stopped. The book flipped one more page and stilled. Dick stared down at the pages, unable to make sense of the language but uncomfortably aware of the painted eyes that seemed to stare back at him.
The room was plunged into darkness.
Dick’s breath was ragged in his ears. He thought, with a shudder, that he would be able to see his breath in the sudden chill of the room.
The pressure on his hands didn’t release.
Dick audibly gasped when he felt ice across his shoulders in a sensation similar to his experience earlier. Except this time, the cold reached from his fingertips to his heart, and it lingered on his skin like a burn.
And then the book started glowing.
More specifically, the eyes did.
Instead of sclera, the eyes glowed a fiery red. Dick froze in terror when they swerved down and looked directly at him. The slit pupils dilated to twice their normal size.
And then the pages around the book warped, as though they had become putty. Two points pressed against the pages from the other side, and then they broke through with a horrible loud ripping sound.
Dick shrank back from the giant horns that rose out of the pages. They framed the glowing eyes, and as they continued to rise the eyes rose with them, along with a coal-black face and body. Dick had to crane his neck to see the full height of the figure, who shook the entire caravan when it jumped down from the table. A billow of smoke rose from the pages next, making Dick’s eyes water, and they coalesced behind the figure’s back into twin bat wings.
The voice came from nowhere and everywhere, reverberating in Dick’s chest and ears. It was deep, and dark, and gravelly, as though it had been drawn up from the murky depths of some underground volcano.
Dick shivered. The pressure on his hands let up suddenly, and he stumbled backward until he landed in the rickety old chair.
The figure’s mouth stretched into what may have been a smile. Row upon row of long, sharp teeth glittered in the glow from his eyes, the only source of light in the room. “YOUNG AND FOOLISH.”
“Who—what are you?” Dick squeaked.
The figure huffed, and smoke billowed out of the place where nostrils should have been. “YOU SUMMONED ME WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING MY NAME?” It leaned forward, boxing Dick into the chair with arms that smelled like ash, its wings extended behind it to block out the rest of the caravan. When it laughed, its breath—if that was what it was—was freezing against Dick’s face.
“MY NAME IS—” he bared his teeth and a piercing tone clicked out, almost too high for Dick to hear. He clapped his hands over his ears until it stopped. “BUT MORTALS CALL ME THE BAT.”
This had not been one of Dick’s better ideas.
It was leaning into him still, and this close, he could see the sharp slope of a slightly elongated face, ending abruptly in a hole where the nostrils were supposed to be. It reminded him of the animal skull he had found in an owl pellet once.
He wetted his lips. He didn’t know what to say.
Dick bit the inside of his cheek. His hands shook, so he clamped them down on his legs. “I want. . . I want a favor.”
The Bat finally leaned back, giving Dick the room he needed to breath properly again. It chuckled darkly. “I DO NOT GIVE FAVORS TO MORTALS.”
“A deal!” Dick shouted, louder than he meant. He lowered his voice into something more confident-sounding. “A deal, then.”
The Bat paused. Crossed his arms. “WHAT IS IT YOU WISH FOR?”
Dick’s heart hammered away. This was it. “I don’t want to leave the circus.” No; he knew better. Phrasing was everything. He may want to leave one day; settle down if he met someone. “No—I don’t want to go with the people who spoke to Pop Haley.”
The Bat tilted its head to the side, the movement exaggerated by its pointed ears. “I COULD DO THAT. WHAT WILL YOU OFFER IN RETURN?”
Dick swallowed. “I—I don’t know. My soul?”
Smoke rolled out of The Bat’s mouth as he talked. “WHAT WOULD I DO WITH THAT?” He turned around, taking the light from his eyes with him. Walked toward the book again. “THANK YOU FOR FREEING ME, LITTLE ONE, BUT IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER ME, THERE IS NO DEAL.”
“Please!” Dick whispered. He reached a hand out, and it wafted through the smoke-wing. “Please, help me!” He thought of Madame Obas’s face when she didn’t tell him the bad news. He couldn’t live through that. He couldn’t think of anything worse than being ripped away from his family.
The Bat ignored him, heading toward the door.
“I’d give anything!”
The Bat stopped.
Its head twisted back around slowly, the light in its eyes shining brighter than before. It cast an eerie red hue over the interior of the caravan. “ANYTHING?”
No. Absolutely not. Dick stood up from the chair, even though his legs threatened to buckle under the weight of what he was doing. “Yes. Anything. Name the price.”
The Bat turned around fully. “SMALL ONE, YOU ARE A BRAVE FOOL. I ACCEPT.”
It beat its wings, and in a blink of an eye, cold breath and smoke billowed down Dick’s shoulder from behind. Black-tipped talons gripped his wrists, rooting him in place when he instinctively tried to jump away. That cold seeped into him where the hands touched him, following the burning path up his arms again. But this time it dug fingers into his heart, deeper than before, stealing Dick’s breath with the burn.
He choked on a scream.
The hands released, suddenly. “IT IS DONE. I WILL FIND YOU WHEN I NEED TO.”
There were tears in Dick’s eyes, but he didn’t know if they were from the pain or the smoke. He whirled around to face The Bat. “What do you—?”
The Bat flapped his wings, and disintegrated into ash and smoke.
All at once, sound and light filtered back into the caravan. Dick gasped in the suddenness of it, resulting in a lungful of dust. Coughing and gagging on the putrid taste, he staggered out the door and down the steps of the caravan.
He left the door open to let the smoke filter out. After the show, before final bows, he snuck away to put the book away and return the furniture to normal. There was no sign of anything happening.
No sign but the page missing eyes.
You can read the rest of this story (it's complete!) on AO3
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factorytapestry · 2 years
Astrology constellation, zodiac signs circle, mandala moon and sun, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces, typography, white background with stars, illustration set of phoebe phases, boho bohemian tapestry wall hanging. We offer beautiful tapestry wall art hanging home decor.
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two indiana picnics featuring my trusty blue astrology tapestry i got to hang on my wall when i was 15
takeout sushi with my baby sister (who is mostly vegan for reasons she admits are mostly ed-oriented but now she makes exceptions for fish and when she’s traveling or trying something really special - i’m really happy and proud of her for that) 🍣
backyard picnic when nina stayed for dinner and my mom made us pasta with spinach from the garden
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carloswilliamcarlos · 4 years
hello friend, hope you're well!! I adore your idea and if you are still taking requests for the favorite boy blurbs, I would like one as well :) Toby, my love, simply has my whole heart ok. I am basically a witch; I give tarot readings, collect crystals, and study astrology/spirituality as a whole. I'm an aspiring photographer/cinematographer and my favorite movie is Labyrinth! tysm for doing these
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Tobyyyyyyy omg
You and Toby sneak out late, late one night after a long day on set. You should both be exhausted, but the thrill of being near each other has you wide awake. 
You dip into the only place that’s still open, a hidden little tavern built into the side of a rocky cliff. Everything is warm and red inside, from the lanterns that dot the ceiling to the tapestries that hang on the walls to the wine in your glasses as you clink them together. 
Toby leads you out to a ledge behind the building, a romantic stone terrace that overlooks the whole of the valley below you. He takes your hand in his as he helps you to the ground, sitting across from each other on the stone. 
“Will you do a reading for me?” he flirts. You pull your deck from your bag with a smile, shuffling the cards without breaking eye contact. His stare drives into you, making your breath quicken and your fingers slip. A single card falls to the ground. 
You pick it up and let out a laugh, turning the card to him. 
“The Fool.”
He looks mildly hurt and heavily amused.
“Give me that,” he grumbles as he tries to hide a smile, grabbing the cards from you. He fake shuffles the deck, obviously looking for something specific.
“Oh!” he gasps in mock alarm when he finds it and drops it to the ground. He picks it up, looks at it, and paints a pleasantly surprised expression across his face. He turns the card slowly toward you. 
“The Lovers,” he smirks. 
You can’t help the way your lips pull up into a smile. 
“Wait! That’s it; Hold that right there,” he commands, pulling out his camera and snapping a photo of the way you’re looking at him so lovingly. “Now that… that’s beauty,” he marvels. 
He sets his camera aside, leans in, tucks a finger under your chin and pulls you into a tender kiss that is nothing short of magical.
Tell me about yourself and your favorite AD character and I’ll write your first date!
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kissmetae · 6 years
Magic shop
AU: Taehyung was your typical young lost soul until he started working in a magic shop. His job was fairly simple and with free readings from the keeper of the shop it could be quite entertaining at times. But he was regularly haunted by a reoccurring nightmare. Unknowingly the dream turned out to be a calling. A calling for someone to awaken his powers, and help guide his soul through an unknown world of evil, spells and lust.
ANGST / smut | 18.8k | x reader 
SEQUEL: Magic shop: Masked
AO3 version | m.list 
Disclaimer: This is fiction. Actions and events in these stories are often exaggerated and to a certain degree unrealistic.  Please have this in consideration when reading fiction, especially if it includes sexual content.
Rating: MATURE | sexual content, unprotected sex, occult, cursing.
A/N: All spells are in latin.
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Aged brown tapestry was decorating the walls. It was crammed and dark and the worn out dark red carpet covering the floor made it smell old, the type of old smell you had to get used to. But out in the shop it smelt strongly of a mix of incense.
Taehyung was sitting in the back room of the tiny shop he worked in, poking at the food in his lunch box. He let out a sigh, hunched over in a bad posture. Lunch break was always the worst. It was the one part of the day where he didn’t have anything to distract himself from his thoughts.
He had a dream a bit over a week ago. A vivid and erotic dream that he couldn’t let go of. Every moment of the day his mind failed to stay focused on work, he would spiral away back to the dream, his mind desperately trying to continue it, but never succeeding.
“Taehyung you seem so distant.”
“Taehyung are you ok?”
“What happened to your warmth?”
“You’re acting cold.”
“Taehyung you’re distracted.”
Taehyung this, Taehyung that…
He snapped out of his thoughts.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“No, I- sorry.” He sat up straight.
The owner of the tiny shop, an elder woman, looked down at him with a pitiful expression.
“Are you sure you don’t want a reading?”
“It’s ok, I’ll be fine.”
“Young man, you worry me, it’s not good for my health.” She said, walking out from the tiny room.
The reason being was that he didn’t want her to know about the dream, it felt embarrassing sharing it, especially for her.
Aunt Venus wasn’t her real name, but she claimed it as her title with pride. Aunt Venus was the owner of the little corner shop and her family had passed it down three generations. Aunt solar was the initial founder, who later passed it down to Aunt Mercury, who then passed it down to Aunt Venus.  As Aunt Venus grew elder and had no children of her own she decided to hire Taehyung to help her out in the shop.
Taehyung had worked in the shop a little over a year now but he still remembered the interview for the job as if it was yesterday. He had seen the advertisement for the job on the last page of a random magazine. The page that was normally clustered with advertisements for call in tarot reading or love compatibility lines. At first he rolled his eyes, but at second thought he tore the page out of the magazine and shoved it in his back pocket.
“Solar’s magic shop” Didn’t sound as intimidating as a scam hotline and Taehyung needed something to do. He was lost in the moment, not knowing what to do and everything felt out of reach. To put it simple, he was desperate for something to “attend”. The pay didn’t bother him as being paid overall felt like a bonus for him. All he wanted was something to focus on while he figured himself out.
The shop sold a bunch of various items, mainly tarot cards and crystals. Taehyung didn’t really have a wide interest or belief in crystals but he still knew what every crystal supposedly had the power to do, but of course that information was necessary for him to know as an employee.
But Aunt Venus also provided her own readings that customers could pay for. She had a handful of loyal clients that would come in sometimes multiple times a week for various readings. May it be tarot, romance or astrology, Aunt Venus offered it all.
Aunt Venus enjoyed giving readings for Taehyung. May it be for practice, Taehyung thought, but for Aunt Venus she had a need to guide Taehyung. Even if it were just a little, in some way… She wanted to help him. Her words might have not affected him deeply, yet. But she viewed him as somewhat of a project. Having no kids of her own she wanted to teach Taehyung at least something, to pass down her knowledge.
The interview was short. All Aunt Venus had said was “You have good energy, You’re hired.” And that was it.
But back to the 30 minutes still ticking away.
Taehyung put his fork down and leaned back against the wall.
Maybe he should let Aunt Venus give him a reading after all, he could hide the dream and pretend like it hadn’t happen. But he knew Aunt Venus was smarter than that… She could always sense when something was wrong.
“Fuck it.” He whispered and stood up.
Aunt Venus was sitting in her office and Taehyung knocked on the door carefully.
“I knew you’d change your mind!” She laughed. “Come in!”
Aunt Venus office was decorated in red velvet, from the chair she sat on to the tablecloth.
“Have a seat my dear.” She gestured towards the chair opposite of the table.
Taehyung sat down and Aunt Venus grabbed his hands tightly.
“What has been troubling you so much lately?”
He shook his shoulders.
“Baby Capricorn, you’re a young man. You have a big life ahead of you, don’t let your heart act as an anchor in your journey.”
He didn’t know if what he felt was his need to be understood or if he actually could relate to her words.
She let go of his hands and reached for the deck of cards that was waiting on the table. She blended the cards a few times before spreading them out in a crescent shape across the table.
“Pick six”
He let his hand hover over the cards briefly before pointing out six of them.
Aunt Venus placed the six cards in between them and got rid of the rest.
With a swift movement she flipped all the cards over.
A smile spread across her face and she shook her head.
“What does it mean?” Taehyung asked, her reaction making him nervous.
She pointed at the first card. “Fool.” She continued in order to the next cards.
“The lovers, The devil , The moon, Temperance and-“
“Death.” Taehyung knew the last card.
“Death is often seen as a loss of some sort, darkness, negativity and the unknown. But you must know that death can symbolize a new beginning and the start of something new my dear.”
/An end of the dreams? Yes please…/
“You want love, don’t you? Is this why you’ve been feeling this way?’ The lovers’ is your second card, meaning what you desire the most. My dear Capricorn, you have nothing to hide. You’re a young fool! You have a desire for physical touch!
Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up and he looked down at his fidgeting fingers in his lap.
Aunt Venus knocked on the table.
“Pay attention.”
Aunt Venus continued the reading but Taehyung’s mind was already in a deep self-reflective state.
“Oh look at the time, your shift has ended. You should make your way home before it gets too dark my dear.”
Taehyung looked at the clock, his shift wasn’t over until another two hours and it was midday.
“Now go.” She smiled, waving a shooing motion with her hand.
Taehyung lied down on his bed the second he got home.
He had kicked off his shoes but was still wearing his jacket.
A feeling of hopelessness washed over him and he let his hand hang pointlessly over the edge of the bed, as if he was hoping for a monster under his bed to reach out and grab him.
Before he left Aunt Venus had assembled a bunch of crystals for him to feel better but he didn’t trust crystals. They were still well packaged in his bag that was dumped on the floor in the hallway.
He closed his eyes and began to drift off to sleep when the familiar dream enveloped his mind again.
He was back on the floor and the pink roses were still growing wildly up the walls.
Numerous hands were reaching for him, caressing him, touching him, tickling his neck.
The touch was cold.
But suddenly a hand moved up his thigh, warm to the touch.
All other hands disappeared and Taehyung looked down to see the same woman as last time, caressing his thigh.
She didn’t have a face, it was just a blurry fog in his mind but her features were still distinct. He reached out to touch her put she slapped his hand away.
“Please” he begged.
She ignored him like if his words were mute.
He wanted so badly to touch this spirit, reach out to her and caress her, let her feel his soft touch as he displayed his affection and desire for her with the most vulnerability he had ever sacrificed.
Nothing was holding him down but he felt chained to the floor.
Her touch grew delicate and she moved her hand over the growing bulge at his crotch and making him wince. Arousal only made things worse. He wanted to be the one to touch! He bit his lip and when he looked back down he was nude. He needed to grab on to something but the hard floor gave him nothing to hold and she was out of his touch.
He was going crazy, the unseen constriction making him feel almost isolated from true pleasure.
Touch me more! Touch me more! He begged for deaf ears until he suddenly woke up.
His breathing was uneasy as he sat up in bed.
He honestly couldn’t tell if they were dreams or nightmares anymore. He looked down at his erection straining against his jeans. He quickly took off his jacket, threw it on the floor and lied back down. He lifted his hips to pull down his jeans and underwear, eventually letting them join the floor as well.
He held a tight grip around his cock and began to jerk off.
After a while he rolled over, grabbing his pillow and placing it beneath him and began to hump against it. If anything this was the closest he’d come to imagining the feel of another.
Nearing his climax he rolled over to his side again before releasing into his hand. He spread his cum over his cock and moved his hand lazily up and down to soothe himself.
Taehyung had the next day off and decided to go into town and do some clothes shopping, potentially.
You were already in town.
You were browsing around in one of your favorite stores while waiting for your friend. She had missed the bus and was therefore late, thus you trying to waste some time looking around. It was early mid-week so the town was merely empty and the atmosphere was calm.
Time passed and you ended up walking on to the next store, it too almost empty.
After scavenging the woman’s section you went to the men’s to look for any oversized shirts they might have. Not that you had a lover to shop for, but walking through the men’s section always made you feel nostalgic for a love you’d never had, but wished for.
In the corner of your eye you suddenly spotted a tall handsome man your own age, also looking at the shirts. You turned your head to get a full, quick glance at him but as you did he looked up and your eyes met.
You quickly looked away and as a savior your friend texted you, saying she had arrived and you rushed out of the store.
/Was she in a rush or something?/
Taehyung watched as the woman almost ran out of the store.
/Was it because of me?/
He scoffed and hung back the shirt he was holding.
When he walked out he saw her again, this time with her friend. They were talking excitingly outside of the store and based on their excitement it sounded like they hadn’t seen each other for long.
He stole a second glance before walking down the street.
“Did you see him?” You asked.
“Of course I did, go run after him!”
“Why not? Just ask for his number!”
“He’s a stranger! I can’t do that, it’s embarrassing. He was only eye-candy anyway, let’s go.”
“True, let’s just assume he was a dick then and live our lives in misery and loneliness forever and ever and ever...”
“You’re so negative.” You laughed.
“I’m just being realistic.”
A few days past and Aunt Venus was busy giving a reading to one her most loyal clients. Taehyung was in charge of the shop during her readings. He was seated behind the large antique cash register flipping through the pages of a book Aunt Venus had urged him to read. It was a book about the very basics of alchemy, something Taehyung didn’t know Aunt Venus was involved with but oddly, he found the book quite interesting.
The bell above the door suddenly tinged and Taehyung looked up from his book.
You had wanted a deck of tarot cards for a long time. Anything to calm you down about your future and the online readings just didn’t do it anymore and you wanted to learn more about it. A quick search online and the location for “Solar’s magic shop” had popped up. What a name…
Your heart suddenly skipped a beat as you saw the face of the boy from the clothing store the other day sit behind the cash register.
Taehyung closed the book with a soft thud sound.
“Welcome, are you looking for anything special?”
“Uh- Do you have any tarot cards?” You asked shyly, taking another step into the shop.
“Yes, they’re over there by the bookshelf.” He pointed.
The atmosphere felt intimidating.
You almost rushed towards the bookshelf and began to look through the various decks.
The old floor squeaked as Taehyung walked over to you.
“You should choose the one that speaks to you the most, they work the best then.”
You looked up at him.
“Can you teach me how to use them correctly?”
“Of course, but the owner of the shop knows more, maybe she can help you more than I can.” He smiled.  
“No, no Taehyung! You know enough, teach the girl.”
Aunt Venus’ voice made both of you jump.
“Aunt Venus, I thought you were busy.” Taehyung turned away from you.
“Busy? Oh no, my client left over 10 minutes ago you were just too emerged into your book to notice.” She chuckled.
/Taehyung? Was that his name?/
“I- I like this one.” You interrupted them, holding out a deck of cards to Taehyung shyly.
The cards were white and gold and came with a golden tin to store them in.
“Good choice my dear.” Aunt Venus nodded and walked back to her office.
Taehyung took the tin of cards from you and walked back to the cashier.
“Take a seat, I’ll show you how it’s done.” He gestured to the chair behind the cash register he was previously seated on. You took a seat and Taehyung stood on the other side. He opened the tin and placed the authenticity paper on the table.
“I didn’t know they came with authenticity certificates.” You pointed out.
“This one does.” He picked up the deck of cards out of the tin and began to shuffle the cards.
It was impressive to watch him, you had never understood how people could master shuffling cards, the only shuffle you could gracefully perform was mixing them in a giant pile and then picking them back up again, which wasn’t very efficient.
Taehyung took this time to study your face, while you were distracted watching his hands. It was something familiar about it… Had he seen you before somewhere?
“Have you ever been here before?” He asked.
He placed the cards out in front of you on the table.
“Pick six, the ones that speak to you the most.”
You made a quick selection from left to right.
Taehyung swooped the rest of the cards up in his hand and placed them back in the tin.
“First card, is how you feel about yourself.” He pointed at your first selection, card still facing down.
“Second card, desire. Third card, fears.” He continued pointing at each card one by one. “What’s going for you and against you, and finally the likely outcome.”
He placed the cards in order.
“The deck of cards comes with a manual on how to interpret the various cards, a lot of self-reflection is involved and try to focus on what you want to know while you shuffle and select.”
“I did.”
“You did? Oh, uh- do you want me to turn them around?”
“Do it.”
“I don’t haven’t learnt of all cards yet so my reading wouldn’t be-“
“I trust you, just do it.”
This didn’t feel good.
He didn’t do readings… he was just explaining how it worked.
This was out of his comfort zone and despite being somewhat of a skeptic he never dared to fool around with any of these things, especially not cards. Maybe Aunt Venus’ reading had made him become less skeptical over time, but the feelings washing over him were making him feel weird and uncomfortable.
“I shouldn’t do this.”
“Why not? It’s just cards.”
“It’s not. You- it’s better if Aunt Venus does this.”
Before Taehyung could react you flipped the first card over yourself.
The feelings intensified.
You flipped the rest of the cards over.
“Death.” Taehyung exhaled heavily. “The lovers.” He looked over the cards with a fearful expression, his hands gripping the edge of the desk tight.
“I don’t know this card I-“ His breathing became heavy.
/What’s happening!?/
A strong lingering fear was coming over him.
/Why do I feel scared!?/
“Are you crying?”
Taehyung reached up to his face and wiped a tear off his cheek.
He hadn’t realized.
“I- I don’t feel so well, I’m sorry.”
“Are you ok?” You stood up from your chair.
Taehyung looked down at the cards again. What did this mean? Were they saying something horrible? Were you dying soon?  A weird feeling washed over you as Taehyung suddenly looked back up at you and your eyes met.
You lost control of yourself.
Your mind blanked and your hands reached for the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer over the table and crashing your lips against his.
His hand reached up to cup your cheek as your lips parted.
“Y-you’re her.”
/You’re the spirit in my dream…/
“You’re really her.”
He kissed your lips.
“Where have you been all this time?”
“Looking for you.”
“She took her time, were you lost on your way here my dear?” Aunt Venus suddenly entered.
“What’s going on?”  Taehyung asked.
“She’s your familiar.”
“My familiar?”
“Oh dear, did you really think I’d hire someone who didn’t have the power of the craft?” Aunt Venus chuckled.
“The power of what?”
Was this the feelings? Was this the fear? This was the first time he ever engaged with anything in the shop like this, was this his powers awakening? Powers he never knew of? It all became too much. Who were you? Who was Aunt Venus? Was everything the shop real? He felt dizzy and sick.
“I- I think I’m going to faint.”
“You need to lay down, it’s a lot to take in dear. I didn’t want to tell you until your familiar found you.”
A flashback distracted you. A flashback of memories you didn’t know you had but you suddenly remembered. The dream and the calling, the force leading you to your destiny… blurring your future and making you desperate to find your way through the fog until you found him. You already knew of all of this, the cards, the chemistry, you already knew it all. You looked down at the cards on the table, able to read them all with ease.
You followed Aunt Venus and Taehyung into her office and Taehyung lied down on the sofa.
“Welcome dear.” Aunt Venus placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’ve been expecting you.”
“Will he be ok?” You asked, concerned.
“He’ll be just fine.” She smiled sweetly. “But he needs you.”
Taehyung’s eyes were closed and he was breathing softly. Had he fallen asleep?
“Needs me?”
“He started having the dreams my dear, you took so long.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
You felt worry, like you needed to tend to him or he would die. You caressed his cheek with the back of your hand.
“Stay with him, I have to go.”
Aunt Venus didn’t say where or how long she would be gone but she grabbed her coat and left. Before leaving she flipped the “open” sign to closed and left the two of you alone.
The dream replayed itself over and over again, but it was different.
The roses were still there and the cold hands. But your warm hand was there to set him free this time. Your face was clear and he could tell it was you and he trusted you. You were there to save him, to set him free and love him… He slept peacefully, he didn’t want to wake up in fear he would face the same loneliness as before.
You had found a blanket and placed it over him to keep him warm.
Was he falling ill?
You moved his hair out of his face and placed your palm over his forehead.
To your relief he wasn’t running a fever.
You suddenly felt his hand brush against your other hand, searching for you. You allowed him to have it and he laced his fingers with yours.
His heart belonged to you.
Taehyung opened his eyes gently.
“Am I still dreaming?” He whispered.
“No.” You giggled.
The upbeat music echoed throughout the restaurant and a waitress in a vintage uniform placed your order down on the table in front of you.
“I didn’t know we had a place like this in town.” Taehyung said in fascination.
“Me and my friends go here all the time, I love it.” You smiled and reached for your milkshake.
The place was a diner style restaurant and you had made it there on time just before closing.
A speaker disguised as an old jukebox was playing music from the mid 80’s, a bit before it’s time for the aesthetic of the restaurant perhaps, but it suited it.
A brief silence passed.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what was your dream like?”
“My dream?” Taehyung raised a brow in confusion.
“Your dream about me.”
“I- uhm…” A red tint washed over his face. “I felt trapped.”
“In what way?”
“I was chained to the ground and cold hands were touching me until one scared them all away and I knew it would save me but it never did…”
“Sounds like your typical dream longing for your familiar to set your powers free.” You giggled.
“Is that so?” He chuckled nervously.
You could already sense his emotions much clearer.
“You’re hiding something.”
Taehyung who had taken a sip of his own drink began to cough aggressively.
“Give me the details.”
“There are none.”
You scoffed and leaned back.
“You’ll learn soon enough that you can’t hide things from me Tae-Tae.”
“You can’t read my mind right?”
“Of course not! Even though I’d love to have the ability to do so.”
He rolled his eyes at you.
“Say Tae-Tae, do you feel intimidated by me?” You leaned across the table and tilted your head to the side. Could you make the feeling he felt stronger?
“I feel intimidated by myself, this might just be a vivid dream again.”
“It’s not, fortunately. You shouldn’t be experiencing that dream anymore in the future either.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m here now.” You smirked, enjoying being a tease a bit too much perhaps.
He looked down at his half-finished meal, with an almost shameful expression.
“We’ll be a good team, don’t you think?”
“It’s just- It hasn’t sunken in yet.”
You reached for Taehyung’s hand and he looked back up to meet your gaze.
“It’s ok.”
Your soothing touch comforted him.
/She really is the spirit from my dream…/
“Thank you.” He said shyly, almost like the phrase was a heavy confession.
You went to bed that night feeling relief, like you had finally found your calling. Like a hidden memory you had always carried with you only that it had to be unlocked. Your desperation to unlock it had led you right where you needed to be.
The next day you headed to Aunt Solar’s magic shop early.
Aunt Venus was already there to let you in before the opening hours. Aunt Venus lived in the apartment above the shop and invited you upstairs for some tea before Taehyung would arrive for his shift.
“He has a lot to learn, I’ve tried easing it in slowly before his power awoke but it’s now he needs to focus on mastering his powers or he could end up in danger.”
“What type of danger Aunt Venus?”
“The temptations of the dark, they can sense a newly awoken with ease. I am growing weak, so I need your help as his familiar to protect him in this time.”
“Of course, Aunt Venus.”
She placed her hand on your shoulder and smiled gratefully.
“He needs you, dear.”
Taehyung had his own keys to the shop and entered downstairs. He walked into the tiny back room and placed his bag and jacket on the bench there.
He peaked into Aunt Venus office to greet her but she wasn’t there.
“Aunt Venus?” He called out.
“We’re upstairs love!” Aunt Venus called back.
A second passed and Taehyung suddenly entered the kitchen where you and Aunt Venus were sitting.
“Would you like some tea?” Aunt Venus asked.
“I’m fine, thanks.”
Something was off.
“Did you have the dream?” You asked boldly.
Taehyung shook his head.
“Is something wrong?”  You continued to dig.
“No… I was just surprised to see you here.”
“Taehyung! That’s not how you greet your familiar!” Aunt Venus scolded.
She got up from her chair with a sigh.
“Let’s head down to the shop, we have a lot to go through.”
Aunt Venus left the kitchen and headed to the stairs leading down into the shop.
“I’m sorry I-“ Taehyung begun.
“Don’t worry about it.” You winked and followed Aunt Venus downstairs.
Acting like a tease towards Taehyung was quickly becoming an addicting hobby.
Aunt Venus had gathered a pile of books together in her office for Taehyung.
“You need to read all of these, as soon as possible.”
“How soon?”
“A week would be great but inhumane, I need you to learn not only read. This is just theoretical, we have a bunch of practice to do in a real manner. Did you finish reading the alchemy book I gave you?”
“I finished it last night.”
“Great! We have somewhere to start! Dear can you gather the herb box in the shelf?” Aunt Venus turned to you and asked.
“Of course, Aunt Venus.”
You watched with great interest as Aunt Venus tried to guide Taehyung through how to mix the most basic potions. Your knowledge of alchemy was basic, your specialty lied within the fortune telling elements more, naturally so as you were meant to guide and assist as a familiar. Taehyung on the other hand was a complete rookie, but he was learning fast.
After a while Aunt Venus left the two of you alone to tend to her scheduled clients. You gathered the herbs and various materials you were using and brought them upstairs to continue in Aunt Venus’ kitchen.
“What are you trying to create?” You asked, curiously peaking over his shoulder.
“A truth toffee.”
“A truth toffee? That sounds tasty.”
“I wouldn’t try it though. I don’t want to accidently poison you.” He chuckled.
“If you were to make a piece of toffee poisoned you must f that up really bad, if anything it would just remain an ordinary toffee if you didn’t succeed.”
The recipe was simple, a special stir of a few easy to find herbs and a basic toffee and you would have a truth toffee. Its power didn’t last long, 5 minutes at most.
Taehyung grabbed the alchemy book to read the spell over the toffee.
“I feel so dumb doing this.” He sighed.
“It’s not dumb.”
He whispered the spell over the herbs sprinkled on the toffee and after a brief second the herbs disappeared into the toffee and he sighed.
“Why the sigh?” You asked.
“It obviously didn’t work.”
“Did you expect a dramatic explosion? It’s just a toffee Tae-Tae.”
He bit his lip.
“Let’s see if it works before we sigh.” You said and quickly grabbed the toffee. “Say ah.”
“Wait what!?”
Before Taehyung could react you popped the toffee into his mouth and it immediately melted, filling his mouth with the sweet caramel flavor.
“I thought you were gonna try it!”
“Said who?”
He slapped his hand over his mouth.
“It works.” You smirked.
“How long will it last?” Taehyung asked.
“Only a few minutes, not long… Now what should I ask you though.”
“Please don’t.”
“Stop me.”
Taehyung took a step towards you and you tightened your hand into a fist, holding him in place.
“I can’t move! What are you doing?! Stop!”
“This is the little power I have over you and if you think I won’t use it to my advantage you’re wrong Tae-Tae.”
He looked down with a playful face of defeat.
“Tell me about your dream, all of it.”
“You touched me.” He looked shameful and you released your grip.
“In what way?”
“Ah- “
“There’s no use in fighting against it.”
“In a sexual way.”
“Oh, really?”
“Really.” His face was red and he was facing the floor.
“Please don’t ask more about it, it’s embarrassing.”
“Ok, I won’t … What do you think about me?”
“You’re sexy.” He slapped his hand over his mouth again and turned away from you.
It was funny because he didn’t know, but you were beginning to feel guilty for torturing him like this. A familiar wasn’t just a familiar, you were destined lovers. Normal humans would call it nonsense like “love at first sight” but no such thing exists in the world, its destined love. A witch and his familiar is the strongest duo there is, you would be nothing without each other.
“Make another toffee and I’ll eat it, you can ask me whatever you want.”
Taehyung walked back to the kitchen counter and prepared another toffee without a word.
His shame made it hard to face you.
“Sorry.” You smiled as he approached you with the new toffee.
He held it up for you and you allowed him to feed it to you.
“Tell me about me.” he ordered.
“Oh where do I start? You’re handsome, tall and an adorable dork… but there’s also something intimidatingly sexy about you.” You took a step closer and cupped his cheek.
He looked down at you with wide eyes.
“You’re powerful.”
You leaned in by his ear.
“The type to push you against a wall with no mercy and have his way.”
“Are you challenging me?”
“You think I can’t tell a truth toffee apart from an ordinary one?”
He smirked and leaned back to look at you.
“It was worth a shot.”
“You little tease.”
“You sounded pretty honest to me.” He wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You smiled and placed your arms around his neck.
He pulled you against him tight.
Your nose brushed against his.
“I’m glad it was you.” He whispered.
The sound of steps in the stairs made you back away from each other.
Aunt Venus entered the kitchen with a pile of dried roses.
“These were just delivered, can you take care of them? I need to run back to my client, they’re waiting.”
“Sure!” Taehyung grabbed the roses from Aunt Venus and placed them on the kitchen table and she quickly escaped back down the stairs.
“Where were we?” Taehyung asked.
“Remind me, I think I forgot.”
With a devilish smirk Taehyung took a step closer to you and cupped your face with his hands, he walked you backwards until your back hit the wall. You pressed your hands against his back, pulling him closer until your noses touched again.
His thumb dragged along your lower lip.
“You’re really good at distracting me.”
You grew impatient and moved your hand to the back of his head, pushing him towards you, crashing your lips into his before he got the chance to react. His hand hit the wall to give himself balance and the kiss deepened.
You allowed your hand to slide down his neck and he moved closer, squeezing you between the wall and his body.
/I thought I fell in love with you in a dream… Thank god you’re real./
You pulled at his hair playfully, making a soft groan escape into the kiss.
You pulled away out of breathe.
“We should return to your practice.”
“You’re right.” He breathed heavily.
A few weeks passed and Taehyung was incredibly dedicated to his training, in fact dedicated enough for Aunt Venus to allow him to test his magic outside of the shop, which had previously been strictly banned.
It was late evening and Aunt Venus had treated the two of you out for a dinner, to reward both of you for your hard work but also to give you and Taehyung a challenge.
Aunt Venus had booked a table at the restaurant in the biggest casino in town.
“Dress accordingly and we’ll meet outside at 8, not a minute sooner.”
You had picked Taehyung up and drove the two of you to the casino to meet up with Aunt Venus.
You were dressed in a long black coat and had a pair of black stilettos resting in the backseat. Beneath your coat was a figure hugging dress full of sequins, dark red. It ended right above your knees and had a slit up your right thigh. Taehyung was wearing a simple black suit and had a tie lazily tied around his neck.
You pulled up in front of the casino and grabbed your bag and shoes from the backseat before handing the keys to the valet.
You quickly got out of your sneakers and into your black heels and tossed the sneakers into the backseat.
“All good.” You smiled at the man for the valet.
“Enjoy your evening miss and sir.” He nodded politely.
Taehyung held out his arm for you and you hooked your arm with his.
Aunt Venus was waiting inside, dressed in a long black lace gown.
“Right on time.” She smiled.
You walked over to the wardrobe and handed in your outer wear.
Taehyung helped you take your coat off, revealing you’re the gem of a dress you were wearing.
He handed your coat to the staff member and received the number tag for you.
“Follow me children.” Aunt Venus ordered and took the lead.
You linked your arm with Taehyung again and he leaned in.
“You look amazing.” He whispered.
“Thank you.” You smirked.
The host of the restaurant led the three of you to your table.
Apparently there was going to be a performance during the dinner… A magic show of course.
This must have been why Aunt Venus was so strict with the time.
Aunt Venus was speaking her mind loudly as she read through the menu, adjusting her reading glasses between every sentence as they slipped down her nose.
Taehyung looked at you with a surprised expression as you suddenly reached for his tie.
“I’m just going to tighten it.” You smiled.
He smiled shyly and looked down at the menu in his hands.
A young wizard needs to look the part.
You ordered drinks and food and the lights in the restaurant suddenly dimmed. The curtains covering the stage in the front of the restaurant were pulled to the side.
The show was about to start.
“I’ve always loved a good magic show.” Aunt Venus said with an ironic undertone, making both of you chuckle.
The waiters were carefully making their way around all the tables to serve orders as discretely as possible.
A man suddenly walked up on stage, dressed in a smoking. The magician you assumed.
He took a spot in the center front of the stage and introduced himself into the microphone.
“My name is Seokjin. I’ll entertain you this evening. Sit back, relax, eat and enjoy the show.” He turned around dramatically and jazzy upbeat music began to play.
A waiter appeared from the shadows and quickly served your food.
The show lasted about an hour and was highly entertaining. You could bet that Seokjin probably had great reviews in the newspapers and must be renowned in the industry.
After dinner you, Taehyung and Aunt Venus headed to the casino.
“Your task today is to expose a cheater.”
“Expose a cheater?”
“This place is full of them, your familiar will help you find one in no time.”
“You can trust me.” You winked.
“But how would I expose them? Scream?”
“Fool! You use your powers, and how you do is up to you, see it as a test, I’ll be watching from the slot machines.” Aunt Venus smiled and headed to exchange coins.
“We can do this.” You ensured him.
Taehyung wrapped an arm around your waist and you followed Aunt Venus to get some tokens.
The casino was large and crowded with two levels.
Aunt Venus was happily betting away on the slot machines while you and Taehyung walked around the venue.
Eventually Taehyung took a seat at a poker table.
He had very limited knowledge of how you played the game so he placed a small insecure bet.
You walked around the room a short distance from the table to look for anyone who looked suspicious.
You made your way towards the poker table, discretely peeking over shoulders.
One man who was seated at the table had come across a large winning of tokens, but he seemed to acquire skill. The person next to him only had a few token left and was made to bet all of his remaining tokens. The skillful player increased his bet to simply rub it in when he won.
The cards were handed out and as the man destined to lose picked up his cards you could see the corner of a card in his sleeve, his emergency card to not lose it all.
You made eye contact with Taehyung across the table and looked down at the man, then walked away from the table. He got the signal.
The man coughed in his elbow, a maneuver of distraction as he slipped the card into his hand.
Taehyung had to think fast.
A spell to make him drop his cards? A spell to make him feel acutely sick? There were too many options. The cards were laid and the cheater cheerfully grabbed his pile and left the table.
Taehyung left the table and moved on.
A hand suddenly caressed his shoulder.
“Hi there handsome.” You smiled and placed a napkin in his hand. Table 16 was written on it.
“Call me”  
He smirked widely at you and watched you from behind as you walked away.
He shoved the napkin in his pocket and made his way to the game table.
The magician from the show was seated at the table.
Taehyung stood by the side and watched two games. The magician was successful, he probably had more than enough experience at this casino or he knew more tricks than he showcased…
Another game passed and he still couldn’t spot the cheater.
He was wasting time by now.
The magician laid his cards and Taehyung quickly noticed how in a mere second he had noticed the same thing as him.
A simple spell to slow down time, a snap of his fingers and he had the time to notice the double cards.
Ace of hearts appearing twice in two different hands.
The magician snapped his fingers quietly and his ace of hearts quickly turned into ace of diamond.
He wasn’t an act after all…
Using magic for your own selfish winning was against the rules.
Not only to change the color of your card but to put on a full show for money was something controversial in itself…
Taehyung snapped his fingers and the card went back to ace of hearts unnoticed.
The game leader noticed almost immediately and pointed out the double cards and called a foul on the round.
Taehyung smiled mischievously as he had completed his test.
But the magician was looking right at him with dark eyes.
You appeared behind Taehyung and wrapped your arms around him, gazing deeply into the eyes of the magician to let him know that Taehyung was protected.
The magician stood up and left the table.
“Good job.” You whispered.
Taehyung turned away from the table and grabbed your hand.
“Do you think we can leave now?”
You nodded.
Aunt Venus was waiting by the wardrobe outside of the casino.
“You did well.” She nodded.
You collected your coats and dropped Aunt Venus off at the shop before driving on to drop Taehyung off at his place.
“Can we go back to your place?” Taehyung asked.
“Don’t you want to go home and sleep?”
“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” He confessed, looking out of the window.
“Is something wrong?” You asked, turning in the direction of where you lived.
“I just want to be with you for a bit longer… alone.”
You felt your cheeks heat up slightly.
You drove a bit faster to arrive home sooner and eventually pulled up into your parking spot by the small apartment complex you lived in.
Taehyung looked around the place curiously.
“It’s cozy.”
“Thank you, I try to keep it season appropriate with my decorating.” You smiled.
He turned around to face you.
“You look really good in that dress.”
He took off his blazer and placed it over the sofa.
You placed a hand on the sofa to lean on and tilted your head to the side.
“Taehyung what are you doing here?” You shook your head.
He didn’t respond with words.
He took the few steps covering the distance between you and reached the hem of your dress, pulling it up to your hips before picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and placed your hands on his shoulders as he carried you into your bedroom. He fell on top of you on the bed and latched on to your neck with his soft lips, making you giggle at the tickling feeling.
His hand wandered up your right thigh slowly and you tangled your fingers in his hair.
A few kitten licks up the side of your neck and he shifted his attention to your earlobe and nibbled at it softly, trying to avoid your earring.
He suddenly leaned back, hovering above you with a wide grin, his hands supporting him on each side of you.
“I love you.”
You brushed your hand against his cheek softly.
“I love you too.”
Shirt, tie and belt on the floor and a sleeping soul by your side, arm around your waist, his soft breathing sent shivers down your spine against your neck.
Taehyung stayed the night.
You were wearing your pajamas and Taehyung was fast asleep still in his fitted slacks from last night.
Maybe buying a set of pajamas for him would be a good idea if this happened again. A set he could wear here. If he ever didn’t want to spend a night alone again… You hoped there’d be an again soon.
Having his arm wrapped around you throughout the night felt heavenly.
You rolled over carefully to face him.
An impure thought struck your mind as you saw his bare shoulders. The blanket pulled up to his chest made it look as if he was naked beneath. If it wasn’t for your knowledge of the fact that he wasn’t it would’ve had you worked up…
You admired his sleeping face.
You had to be at the shop soon but you didn’t want to wake him up…
A careful kiss on his forehead and a soft whisper would do the trick.
“Wake up Tae-Tae.” You brushed a hand through his hair. A soft groan escaped him and he pulled you closer, hiding his face against your chest.
“10 minutes.” He said in a sleepy voice.
“I’ll give you 9.” You said and tried to get up without luck.
“10 with you.”
He nuzzled against your chest.
You gave in and began to play with his hair.
A while later you arrived at the shop, after stopping on the way to let Taehyung change clothes at his place. You didn’t want to let Aunt Venus know that Taehyung had spent the night with you…
“Yesterday’s test was executed excellently. You even found the right guy.”
“The magician?” Taehyung asked.
“Yes, the real cheater. We don’t use magic for our own winning like that, it’s sinful to abuse a gift the way he does.” Aunt Venus shook her head. “Anyhow, upstairs with the two of you, I’ll check on you after my first reading and I want to see something grand.” Aunt Venus gestured with her hands towards the two of you.
Taehyung had moved on to more advanced levels a time ago, but why Aunt Venus was so strict about using magic outside of the shop without her supervision was beginning to seem weird at this point. If anything of the dark would be attracted to him Taehyung would be perfectly fine defending himself against them. In fact not being able to use his powers outside of shop seemed to make him insecure over his powers… over rehearsing spells isn’t good…
As his familiar you had say in this. After his “shift” you would take him out to practice outside, oh and buy pajamas.
Taehyung was concentrated making a more advanced potion.
The book showed warning of how the potion could easily be tampered with for black magic, something Aunt Venus had strongly opposed.
“No black magic, black magic is dangerous and it will easily claim you to the dark side if you tamper with it!”
Taehyung was a good witch…
Was a lie.
The question was when he would be claimed…
A bad witch wasn’t necessarily bad, but witches who practiced dark of black magic were often referred to as bad witches. Something Aunt Venus was trying hard to direct Taehyung away from. But you knew it was coming, every reading you’d done for Taehyung with your cards pointed towards it. Did Aunt Venus know?
Black magic was the most powerful, thus risky form of magic. To master black magic could put you in great danger but if mastered right, you could become one of the most powerful witches through it…
You looked up from the book in your hands and watched him as he crushed dried up rose petals into the greyish purple liquid.
“What are you making?” You asked.
“Love potion.”
“A love potion?” You closed your book and jumped off the kitchen counter where you were seated and walked over to him.
“What are you going to use it for?”
“Nothing, the person I love already loves me so it’s useless.” He placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Did you know that if you spit in it, it becomes a heartbreak potion.” He whispered.
“That’s a black magic potion Taehyung and you know it.”
“I know… but the black magic potions sound so much more intriguing…”
“That’s why they’re called black magic potions, they can be used for evil and they’re tempting but off limits.” You said in a strict tone. “And you know that the heartbreak potion has nothing to do with love… it breaks the heart literally, cardiac arrest and death… it’s dangerous.”
“I know, I know…”
Maybe taking him out to practice outside of the shop was still too soon…
After the shift you headed into town to buy the pajamas for Taehyung.
Taehyung was immediately sent home with a pile of books to study and a bunch of “homework” from Aunt Venus. Poor boy… he needed a break or he could risk actually breaking.
You left the store content with you choices, you ended up getting two.
But in the door you accidently bumped into someone heading inside.
To your surprise it was the magician from the casino…
You frowned at him.
“Hey where is the witch?”
You ignored him but he began to follow you.
You clenched your fist.
“You can’t freeze me, but cute attempt.”
“I don’t what your intentions are, but stay away him.”
“I would just simply play a trick on him… he exposed my game… or well, you did rather.” You turned around and saw him holding the napkin you had handed to Taehyung.
Seokjin clenched his fist.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to see how long it takes for him to find you. A simple prank, a simple revenge, I don’t hold grudges… but an eye for an eye you know.” Seokjin shook his shoulders.
You couldn’t tell if he was a truly bad witch or just a bitch.
This was humiliating.
He had you tied with one of those escapism chains to a chair in a storage unit, along with what appeared to be his entire supply of magic show props.
“I’ll leave the door unlocked, have fun!” He chuckled and left you, closing but not locking the door behind him.
You sighed.
The chains had a spell on them, breaking free was to no use.
3am and Taehyung woke up with his face buried in one of the books.
He sleepily rubbed his eyes and got up and moved to bed.
He reached for his pillow to hold but it just made him miss you.
This pillow would never do again after sleeping next to you…
He sighed, but sleepy as he was he managed to fall asleep anyway until his alarm rang.
A quick shower and he headed to the shop.
“You’re early today.” Aunt Venus pointed out.
“Am I?”
“Yes, your familiar hasn’t even arrived yet, we’ll get started when she arrives… meanwhile, it was long since I gave you a reading Taehyung…”
Taehyung followed Aunt Venus into her office and allowed her to give him a reading.
“A big change is coming, as expected. You’re reaching the final stages of your theoretical training Taehyung, you have a lot left to learn but some things you can only learn and master in practice.”
“Aunt Venus how long will it be till I can practice outside of the shop?”
“Not long, my dear Capricorn. Just be patient with yourself.” Aunt Venus smiled sweetly. “Now where on earth is your familiar!?” Her tone changed.
Taehyung had forgotten the time, an hour and a half had passed.
He quickly took out his phone and called you but your phone was off.
“She’s not picking up.”
“Oh dear, can she have gotten stuck on the way?”
“I need to go look for her, this doesn’t feel good.”
Taehyung reached for his coat in a hurry.
“Taehyung wait!”
Aunt Venus handed him a handful of various candies from her purse.
“In case you need them.”
“Thank you Aunt Venus.”
Taehyung shoved the candies in his pocket and ran out of the shop.
He reached for his wallet and opened it, taking out what looked like a blank un-developed polaroid.
/Sorry Aunt Venus… but I’ll never find her otherwise/
He pressed his lips against the polaroid and whispered gently.
“Circumspicio, amica mea”
The polaroid began to develop and the second the place became identifiable he shoved it in his pocket and started running.
/What is she doing by the storage units!?/
He arrived out of breathe.
He called your name, without a response and searched around the various units but you were nowhere around.
Taehyung took the polaroid out of his pocket again. If you would’ve left the place the polaroid would’ve become fully white but it still showed the storage center.
/Where are you!?/
Taehyung looked around before crouching down and placed his palm against the ground.
“Ostende mihi viam.”
A gush of wind blew past him, catching dust and leaves with it as it escaped around the corner.
He followed it and found the few leaves on the ground in a neat pile in front of one of the storages.
He tried to open the door and to his surprise it was unlocked.
You were looking at your shoes, waving them back and forth out of boredom.
At the same time as you heard the door open you saw Taehyung running towards you.
“Finally.” You sighed of relief.
“Who did this!? Are you hurt!?” Taehyung cupped your face and kissed your forehead.
“I’m fine, it was Seokjin, he just wanted revenge on us for ruining his game.”
“The magician?”
You nodded.
Taehyung tried to get the chains off of you to no use.
“He put a spell on them.”
Taehyung held out his hand “Liberie ei”
He quickly got rid of the chains and pulled you up from your chair and into his arms.
“I’m so sorry.” He sniffed.
“You have nothing to apologize for, I knew you’d find me soon enough.”
“What if I hadn’t!?”
“Are you ok?” He asked again, leaning back to examine your face.
“Tae-Tae I’m fine.” You smiled. ”But I’m starving.”
He tightened his grip around your waist.
“Alio loco movere”
“Using magic outside of the shop?”
“Wanting to find you as fast as possible and get us out of there as fast as possible are valid excuses, you could’ve been in danger.”
“Seokjin, seemed harmless in all honestly.”
“It was something about him that gave me the impression…”
“When I find him I’m going to-“
“You’re not going to do anything, he got his revenge, that’s all he wanted.”
You were at the diner, you had to have something to eat before going back to the shop again.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home and rest?”
“I’m ok.”
Taehyung shoved his hand in his pocket and scattered a bunch of candies across the table.
He quickly reached for the truth toffee and un-wrapped it.
He placed his thumb on your chin and popped the toffee into your mouth.
“Tell me what happened.”
You swallowed.
“I was going to buy you a pajamas in case you ever stayed the night with me again and I met Seokjin in the shop and he held me frozen in the spot and kidnapped me and chained me to a chair in his storage unit. You didn’t need to feed me a toffee for that Taehyung…”
“I’m sorry, I just had to make sure he didn’t hurt you…”
“He didn’t! And what are all these candies?”
“I don’t know, Aunt Venus handed them to me before I left to look for you.”
There were truth toffees, some sort of pink soft caramel and a licorice.
You picked up the pink caramel and licorice.
“Why did she give you these of all?”
“What are they?” Taehyung asked.
“These are for temporary paralysis.” You said and placed the pink in front of him. “And these… they’re… they’re love potion infused licorice…”
“Why would she give you these?”
“I think she just handed them to me at random.”
“Of course she didn’t. You think she thinks we don’t love each other?”
“We haven’t really showed affection towards each other in front of her…”
A familiar who didn’t love their witch, a witch that didn’t love their familiar…
The most shameful of all…
You took the candies from Taehyung and put them in your bag before leaving the diner.
You arrived back at the shop and Taehyung returned to his potions while you walked into Aunt Venus’ office.
You placed the pieces of licorice on the velvet cloth covering the table.
“Aunt Venus, I love Taehyung and he loves me, you don’t need to worry about us.”
“They can be used for much more than just love my dear.”
“Like what?”
“Try feeding him one and you’ll see. They’re only infused, so the effect will wear off after a few minutes.”
You sighed and grabbed one off the table.
While walking up the stairs you carefully un-wrapped it.
“Hey babe come look at thi-“ You quickly popped the licorice into his mouth without warning.
He swallowed.
“Was that one of the licorices?” Taehyung looked confused.
“Aunt Venus said they could do more than just love, she urged me to try it.”
“I don’t feel any different.”
“That’s weird… Kiss me and see if-“
He interrupted you with a quick peck.
“…if something happens.”
His eyes were wide.
“Did it do anything?”
“I… I think it lets you control me…”
“Quick give me another order.”
“Take your shirt off.”
He immediately obeyed, exposing his honey skin.
“Oh, oh, ok put it back on again.” You laughed and held out your hands.
“Isn’t this candy considered black magic?” Taehyung asked.
“You’re right…”
“Why would Aunt Venus have these, I thought she was against black magic?”
“Kiss me.”
Another peck.
“Kiss me more, I don’t want a peck.”
His hands gripped your sides and pushed you back against the nearest wall.
A blink of an eye later and his tongue was exploring your mouth.
“T-take off your shirt again.” You ordered and reached for his collar.
Strong hands gripped your wrists and pinned your hands against the wall.
“Effect wore off.” He chuckled and returned to the kiss.
Aunt Venus was carefully making her way up the stairs and peaked carefully around the corner.
“I just had to make sure…” She thought for herself and walked back downstairs again.
“I can’t take it anymore!” Taehyung screamed and tossed his pillow across the room.
The same dream had woken him up in the middle of the night, feeling pathetic and lonely…
Your phone ringing woke you up and you answered sleepily without checking who the caller was.
“I can’t take this anymore, you need to move in with me.”
“Taehyung? What time is it?”
There was a pause.
He gasped softly.
“Baby I’m so sorry, did I wake you up?”
“I’m sorry, I- I’ll hang up now. Sleep well pumpkin, I love you.” He followed up with a bunch of kissing sounds and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow.”
“Am I in trouble?”
“You will be if you don’t go to sleep.”
“Good night!”
“Good night Tae-Tae.”
You and Taehyung had the weekend off for the first time in a long while. Aunt Venus was away for a conference the entire weekend and said she would keep the shop closed over the weekend.
“You’ve earned some time off, you need to spend some prime time together and it won’t happen if I keep the two of you busy in the shop all the time. You’ve earned it!”
Taehyung knocked on your door early the next day.
You had just gotten out of the shower and were in the middle of your breakfast.
You gave him a soft peck by the door and returned to your breakfast in the living room.
Taehyung had brought a large bag with him and walked into your bedroom to drop it off and then joined you on the sofa.
“What’s in the big bag?”
“I don’t want to sleep alone… it sucks.”
“You’re more than welcome to sleep here whenever you want to.” You cupped his cheek.
You looked into his eyes deeply.
“You had the dream last night didn’t you? Is that why you called me?”
He nodded shamefully.
“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t of the time.”
“Yes?” He tilted his head to side.
“Yes, I’ll move in with you, on one condition.”
“I accept any condition.”
“YOU move in with ME, here.”
“Accept, accept, a thousand times accept!”
“Just don’t mix your potion herbs with my cooking herbs.”
“I promise.” He giggled.
For once you felt like Taehyung was just your ordinary boyfriend.
You were walking hand in hand from the cinema after a movie, a long postponed proper date.
You swung your hands back and forth between you on your way to the bus stop.
“Let’s take the quick way home.” Taehyung urged and dragged you alone to one of the alleys behind the cinema.
It was cold and snow wait faintly falling from the grey clouds above.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Alio loco movere.”
In a second you were back home in your hallway.
You took off your scarf and coat and Taehyung did the same.
When he turned around you noticed he had a nose bleed.
“Tae-Tae you’re bleeding.”
“Am I?”
He raised his hand to his nose and spotted the red stain on his hand.
“Maybe take it easy with the teleportation spells, this isn’t a good sign.”
“I feel fine though.”
“No more teleportation.”
You walked out into the kitchen to grab a tissue for him.
“I wonder what caused it…” Taehyung questioned as he attempted to stop the bleeding with the tissue.
“Maybe we should ask Aunt Venus when she returns.”
“But then she’ll know I’m using magic outside of the shop…”
“We can ask in theory, like asking for a friend you know.”
“She’ll suspect us…”
“She probably already does.”
The bleeding stopped quickly and Taehyung went to clean off.
The rest of the evening you spent snuggled up on the sofa.
A random movie on the TV had your attention and Taehyung drew lines up and down your arms with his fingers soothingly.
The main characters of the movie shared a passionate kiss.
“That could be us.” You chuckled.
The scene cut to two men shaking hands in an office environment.
“That could also be us.” Taehyung said.
The scene cut back to the main characters in bed and the scene got heated.
“That could be us too.” Taehyung whispered, making both of you giggle shyly.
“They’re too unpassionate, we’d be better.” You pointed out
Taehyung laughed out loud, his face red.
“What do you mean!?” He laughed.
“They’re not into it enough!”
“Oh my god…”
“I’d enjoy you more than she enjoys him in this scene.”
“Is that so?”
You giggled, realizing what you had just indirectly confessed.
“I dare you to prove it.” Taehyung whispered.
You shied away.
“Do we have any truth toffee left?” He suddenly asked.
“Stop me.” He teased and got up from behind you.
He walked over to your bag and grabbed two toffees, one each.
“It’ll be fun.” He smirked. “I want to hear about your dirty dreams.”
He tossed on of the toffees to you.
“I’ll go first if you’re feeling shy.”
“I’m not shy… but go ahead.”
Taehyung sat down beside you and removed the wrapper of the toffee and popped it in his mouth.
You sat up straight and he pulled you closer, resting his lips by your ear.
“In my dream… you would always touch me and I’d wake up hard…”
Your cheeks went red.
“Where?” You asked, despite being able to guess.
“Here.” He grabbed your hand and placed it on his bulge. “But in the dream I’m never wearing clothes.”
He grabbed your toffee from you and un-wrapped it before feeding it to you.
“Do you want me?” He asked in a low voice.
“What would you want me to do to you?”
“Kiss me.”
“What else?”
“Touch me.”
He chuckled.
“Can you be more specific?” He smirked.
“I want to watch you touch yourself.”
You smacked you hand over your mouth.
He pulled your hand away.
“What more?” He was eager to know.
“I want you to suck my-“
“Your what? Baby...”
“The effect wore off.” You giggled.
“Can’t you tell me anyway?” He pouted.
You reached for his hands and placed them on your breasts.
“Oh.” He smirked wider.
He grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head. You unhooked your bra and his hands traced along the straps before guiding them off your shoulders and slipping your bra off.
He pushed you down onto the sofa and crawled on top of you and leaned in by your ear.
“I have something I want you to suck too…” He teased.
His lips brushed against yours before kissing you while his left hand cupped your breast, squeezing softly.
He shifted his position, getting even closer to you. His hips were positioned between your thighs and he began to grind against you.
He placed a kiss on your jaw and trailed down your neck to your collar bone.
His thumb and index pinched your nipple gently, making it hard from his touch.
Your heartbeat increased when he placed another kiss on your breast, right above your nipple.
The anticipation was an agony in a pleasurable way.
To finally take things far… to feel like a real couple. No magic, well apart from the truth toffees but that was just fun play. All you wanted was to just fool around with your boyfriend and not focus on the constant training and reading and studying, being in the shop every day. Not only did Taehyung study hard but you had to too, what he didn’t know you HAD TO know. You were like his tutor, but studying alongside with him while Aunt Venus was your supervisor or teacher. It was stressful, but the stress had been swept under carpet by both of you, by now you had almost forgotten what a day off felt like anymore. Maybe that was why you didn’t mind sitting a few hours in peace in Seokjin’s storage unit, well you would’ve preferred sitting a few hours in a place more comfortable and it was cold… but it gave you time to think… time you needed and now you had time you needed to spend with Taehyung, to prove that he was more to you than just a destined partner.
You gasped when Taehyung suddenly nibbled at your nipple.
He placed a soft kiss to soothe the surprise and swirled his tongue around your now aching nipple.
He was gentle, so it didn’t hurt but it struck you by surprise. Your thoughts were distracting you too much. You reached down to cup Taehyung’s face with your hands and tilted his head up so you could crash your lips against his again.
When your lips parted he looked at you with wide innocent eyes.
“Is everything ok?” He asked.
“Yes, just don’t stop.”
With a quick move he suddenly picked you up and got up from the sofa.
He began walking towards your bedroom and you nuzzled his neck.
“Stop, I’ll drop you!” He giggled.
He put you down on your bed and suddenly the fluffy atmosphere was nowhere to be seen anymore.
The intriguing intimidation from his gaze made you question if this was the same man whose soft giggle you had just heard.
He stood up, looking down at you as his hands moved to the top button of his shirt.
With a tiny move of his long fingers the button got undone.
He continued all the way down, slowly, and you couldn’t divert your gaze from him even if you wanted to.
His expression was serious with a slight smirk.
He let his shirt slip off his broad shoulders and climbed on to the bed on top off you again. His hands reached for your breast and his lips made contact with your nipple right away, sucking on it gently.
You began to play with his hair and pulled at it slightly before you got the idea to push him over. You placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him towards the side, making him fall on his back beside you before you quickly straddled him.
His hands grabbed your thighs and moved up over your hips to your waist, bringing your skirt with him.
“Are you getting impatient?” He teased.
You rolled your eyes at him and moved down. You unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. He lifted his hips slightly so you could pull down his jeans and underwear, exposing him fully.
He couldn’t help but blush a little.
He was fully erect. Seemingly he was the one growing the most impatient of you.
You bite your lip and wrapped your hand tightly around the base of his cock.
Leaning down, you kitten licked the tip, making him tense up.
You continued to swirl your tongue around his head before taking him in your mouth.
You began to suck the very tip, teasing him enough to let out a whimpering sigh.
You could taste his precum and pulled him out.
With two fingers you spread the clear thickness around his tip and began to jerk him off slowly with your other hand.
It didn’t take long for his breathing to get unsteady and he reached down to grab for you.
“You’re going to make me cum too soon.”
Your hands on him were reminding him of his dream… The pleasure off finally getting to experience the dream but not on his own was turning him on even more.
You let go off him and he quickly grabbed his pants and pulled them off, kicking them and making them fall on to the floor off of the bed, leaving him completely nude.
“Take off your clothes, I can’t wait anymore.” He begged and reached for your skirt to help you.
You unzipped your skirt from the back but Taehyung was rushing, his hand moved to under your skirt and he began to slide your panties down your legs.
When all clothes were finally tossed on the floor he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down on him tightly. He rolled over and pushed your thighs apart so he could position himself.
His lips were busy at your neck, sucking and kissing you ruthlessly as his hunger for you took over.
He reached down with his hand to grab himself and began to stroke himself against you, letting the tip of his cock slide up and down you slit, coating himself with your desire for him.
He lost his patience and positioned himself by your entrance, allowing himself to slide in just slightly, causing the smallest amount of pressure against your core.
It was killing you and you moved your hips in desperation for friction. Taehyung’s hands gripped your waist, holding you still. When he finally pushed his hips closer, thrusting into you carefully you couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. His lips moved from your neck to yours, suffocating any sound of pleasure when he suddenly snapped his hips, filling you deeper and spreading you wider with his thickness.
He pulled out halfway and thrusted back in faster with a grunt.
His hands moved from your waist to your thighs, pushing them back to allow him to get even deeper.
Skin slapping against skin echoed in the silence of the room, mixed with your heavy breaths as he went faster. His lips were by your ear, moaning softly against you with each thrust as he got closer and closer to his climax, his grip tightening on your thighs and the knot in you abdomen growing tighter by each.
The tight tingly sensation grew stronger and stronger with every thrust into your wetness, going harder and desperate. He was vocal and loud, making sure you could hear how good it felt for him to fuck you with each move.
“You feel so fucking good baby.” He whispered, making you to feel even hotter than you already were inside.
“Do I feel good?” He smirked. “Do you like it?”
“Yes!” You yelled, slapping your hands against his back as your climax took over.
Your nails dug into his skin, sweat making its way down his temples and his hair was sticking to his forehead.
“Good.” He groaned.
Another hard thrust made a loud moan escape your throat.
Another and he’d push you off the edge.
He gripped your waist again, squeezing your sides tight as he buried himself deeper.
He humped you a few times before pulling out almost fully and thrusting back in, sending you off the edge. You clenched tight around him as your muscles gave out.
A sultry “Yes baby” escaped him and he repeated his move faster.
“I’m almost there.” He panted, thrusting between your aching orgasm.
“Hurry!” you begged.
The overstimulation was taking the best of you.
You were a mess beneath him, like he’d fucked all strength out of you.
His lips found yours and his tongue your tongue. He moaned against the kiss and his thrusts got slower and harder. A hum of pleasure and he smiled against your lips, chest heaving. A peck on your lips and he pulled out and fell down beside you.
He let out a small chuckle and looked over at you.
“I love you.”
You reached out to move his hair out of his eyes.
“I love you too.”
A wide grin and the fluffy atmosphere had made a sudden comeback.
He pulled you close and kissed your forehead.
You placed your hand on his chest and for a second you swore you feel his heart beat.
Aunt Venus had returned and along she had brought a bunch of new supplies for the shop.
You and Taehyung helped her carry in all the cardboard boxes from her car and into the shop.
“We need to hurry kids, we have places to be soon.” Aunt Venus urged.
“Places where?” Taehyung asked surprised.
“You’ll find out when we get there, now hurry up with the last box.”
Taehyung looked at you with a confused look and you shook your shoulders at him.
His sleeves were rolled up and he lifted the last box out of the trunk carefully, leaving you and Aunt Venus by the car.
“Where are we going?” You asked. Maybe she’d tell you…
“It seems Taehyung will need to use his powers sooner than I expected.” Was all she said.
You took a seat behind the wheel and Taehyung joined next to you.
“Go for the highway, east.” Aunt Venus directed from the backseat.
You didn’t stay on the highway for long until Aunt Venus told you to leave at the next exit. You drove on for quite some time in an unfamiliar neighborhood.
“Stop here.” Aunt Venus said and pointed towards an old house at the end of the block.
You pulled in and all three of you got out of the car.
By the entrance of the house an old wooden sign was hanging with “Book store” written on it, swinging back and forth in the wind.
You could immediately tell that this probably wasn’t a normal book store.
Aunt Venus stepped inside first followed by you and Taehyung.
Taehyung grabbed a hold of your hand as you entered.
“Venus!” The shop keeper gladly called out.
Aunt Venus went to great him and they exchanged a few words about how they were with each other.
The store was tiny but it had a numerous amount of bookshelves cramped inside.
You and Taehyung walked around, and rightfully as you guessed, all books were about magic and everything surrounding it.
There were books about different types of magic, alchemy and mythical phenomenon.
“Fascinating.” You expressed.
“Indeed, isn’t it?” The voice of the shop keeper behind you made you jump.
You let go of Taehyung’s hand and turned around to him.
“So you’re the familiar?” He shook your hand with both his hands.
You nodded.
“A pleasure to finally meet you dear, care if I show you a book?”
“Please do!” You smiled.
You followed the shop keeper to the shelves at the other side of the store. Aunt Venus was looking through a shelf in a chaotic manner.
Taehyung continued to look where he was now standing alone.
His eye suddenly caught a section of the shelf labelled with “black magic.” A spark lit inside him and as if his hand was guided he reached for one of the books.
Aunt Venus would kill him… but he wanted this book…
“Forbidden spells.” Was an intriguing title… and to look wouldn’t hurt. /It’s not like I’ll use the spells…/
He quickly shoved the book in his bag and went to join Aunt Venus who had assembled a large pile by now.
The shopkeeper checked the books out and you were about to leave when he suddenly touched Taehyung’s shoulder.
“You be careful with that.”
Taehyung only nodded. A rush of cold sweat went through him but it appeared as Aunt Venus and you hadn’t heard his words.
The shop keeper watched you from the window as you got into the car and headed back to the store.
Aunt Venus slammed the pile down on her kitchen table.
The first book was titled “Advanced alchemy.”
“I did a reading while I was away and dark times are coming and they’re on their way faster than I thought.”
“What type of dark times?” Taehyung asked.
“Dark times, Lilith is in line and it’s risky times for all of us if we don’t act with caution.”
“Is there any particular threat?” You asked.
“Witches, always witches.” Aunt Venus said. “Not all witches are good and during these times the black magic forces are stronger, it’s better that we prepare for nothing rather than be unprepared for something.”
“What something?” Taehyung asked, even more confused.
“Listen my Capricorn, some people live to be good and some live off of the pleasure of being maleficent, it’s a toxic pleasure but many witches abuse it and you need to be prepared, young witches like yourself are always a target in these times, it’s time you learn to protect yourself and your familiar.”
“When exactly is this risky time coming?” You asked.
“I can’t tell exactly, it could be tomorrow or in a month, but soon. Now, there’s a book in this pile with protection spells and I need you to focus on that book first, both of you. I need to take care of my shop so I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”
Aunt Venus left you alone in the kitchen with Taehyung.
“So, a target to be enchanted by the dark side of the craft huh?” You asked and began looking through the pile.
Taehyung was feeling anxious.
“Are you ok Tae-Tae? You look… weird.” You pointed out.
“I-I’m fine I was just thinking about something.” He shook it off.
You walked over to him and placed your hands on his shoulders.
You leaned closer and he tilted his head to lean in for a kiss but you leaned back from him again.
“You think I can’t tell when you’re lying to me?”
He sighed.
“It was a mistake ok, just don’t tell Aunt Venus.” He whispered and walked over to his bag.
He reached into his bag and pulled out the book he ‘stole’ and handed it to you.
Forbidden spells.
You opened the book and flipped through some of the pages.
These weren’t any spells or spells of simple manner… some of them involved pentagons and even sacrifices.
You slammed it closed.
“Where did you find this!?”
“In the shop… it called out to me, I had to take it! But I’ll return it.”
You looked over to Taehyung who had a guilty pout on his lips.
You walked over to him and gave him the book back.
“Just because you want to experiment… doesn’t mean you’re an evil witch.”
“What if it’s already trying to tempt me?”
You cupped his cheek.
“Honey, I know Aunt Venus tried to shine a bad light on it, but she’s just worried for you.”
“But I honestly think it’s trying to get me… I’ve felt this before and-“
“I feel drawn to the dark side… and I’ve sinned.”
“I doubt you have.”
“I stole the book!”
“It called for you, you said so yourself.”
“and lust…” He looked down at the ground.
“I don’t how to help you with that one, I’m guilty of that one too.”
He chuckled.
“Maybe we should just embrace our sins and say fuck it and be however lust filled we please to be.”
“Easier done than said with you around.” He looked back up with a cocky grin.
“I doubt the dark side will come for you… for having sex with your girlfriend.”
The rose cheeks returned.
“How long do you think she’ll be until she checks on us?” He asked.
“Long enough.”
Taehyung tossed the book at his bag and grabbed your sides, turning you around and pushed you up against the wall. His soft lips acted out of lust filled hunger and his big hands made their way under your shirt, feeling up the warm skin of your abdomen.
That night you fell asleep cuddled up on Taehyung’s chest, but Taehyung was still awake.
He had a small cloud of light he was controlling in order to see and to avoid waking you up.
In his hand was the book of forbidden spells.
He was just having a look he insisted… but the book was full of exciting spells and rituals from mind control to life and death… dangerous spells. If they went wrong, things would turn out really bad and getting them wrong was easy…
A particular page struck his attention.
It was about long distance teleportation… Taehyung only knew short distance… how could that possibly be evil? He continued to read the page and why it was forbidden suddenly became fairly obvious… the risks involved your body breaking down, organ failure and internal bleeding…
He was reminded about his sudden nose bleed… was that a warning sign?
It took a lot to teleport two people and not only yourself.
Had he already abused one of the spells without knowing?
It was easier than he thought apparently…
He was relieved by the fact that you were unharmed that time, but he should be more careful of that one… or become stronger so it can’t happen…
He closed to book and placed it on the nightstand and dissolved the cloud of light, making the room pitch black.
He moved carefully and wrapped his arm around your sleeping body.
“I’ll never let anything hurt you.” He whispered.
No more teleportation.
The next day Aunt Venus had asked you to meet her in town.
“See it as a field trip.” She said.
You and Taehyung stood outside of the old church in town where Aunt Venus had specified you should meet up.
She arrived and a minute late dressed in a long black coat.
“Inside, now.” She ordered, not saying hello.
The three of you entered and Aunt Venus was walking fast.
You and Taehyung fell behind slightly but followed her into the main hall of the church. She hurried up along the side of all the benches.
“I feel uneasy in here.” Taehyung whispered.
You tightened your grip of his hand.
“Of course you do, you’re a witch.” Aunt Venus overheard.
“Why are we here?” Taehyung asked.
“Field trip.” Aunt Venus said, again. She came to a halt by one of the old wooden doors among the sides of the church.
“Unlock it.” She ordered Taehyung.
With 6 knocks and a tap of the handle the door became unlocked.
“Well done.” Aunt Venus praised and stepped inside.
Behind the door was a staircase leading into the basement under the church.
“Only witches can open this door.” Aunt Venus said, as she walked down the stairs.
“Haven’t anyone else ever tried to open the door?” You asked.
“Of course, but then it would only lead to a storage room with cleaning supplies.”
The staircase lead to a medium sized room with walls of stone.
“This is a ritual room.” Aunt Venus explained.
She snapped her fingers and numerous candles lit up the room.
“Every church has one, but it is only in case of. See it as a safety bunker for witches, not to be abused.”
Taehyung didn’t say a word and looked around the room.
“Is it ever used for something else?” You suddenly asked.
“It shouldn’t be, but in the past when cults were a hot topic people would sometimes be able to break in to perform worshipping of sorts, but nowadays we have stronger spells to protect them. It’s also a nice place for a witch to be in peace and self-reflect.”
“I thought rituals could be performed anywhere.” Taehyung suddenly interrupted.
“They can be, but it’s always better to do it in a dedicated place. It increases the chances for your ritual to be performed correctly and without interruption.”
Aunt Venus put out the candles and the three of you headed back upstairs.
At first you had been alone in the church but on your way out you passed by a man your own age accompanied by another person dressed in a hoodie, he was facing the ground so you didn’t have the chance to identify whoever it was.
You were last out of the main hall and you turned around one last time before leaving to see the young man knock on the door to the basement.
“When you reach a certain level of skill and knowledge it’s a tradition to perform a celebratory ritual. A celebration that you are not a young witch anymore.” Aunt Venus explained. “For witches of the good of course, the ceremony can’t be performed if the person isn’t of purity.”
“What makes a witch lose their purity?” Taehyung asked.
“No need for you to worry, you should be ready for your ceremony soon.” Aunt Venus smiled.
“But what makes for the purity?”
“You’ve been a good apprentice my dear Capricorn, the only thing that would hurt your purity would be tampering with the dark arts and of course purity itself.”
“Purity itself?”
Taehyung looked at you with wide eyes.
“What would happen in that case?” You asked.
“The ritual should not be performed if so.”
“What is the point of the ritual, if I may ask?”
“It’s just to welcome a young witch’s full power. A witch’s full power can be prematurely released through experiments with the dark arts or remaining un-pure, of course any sinful behavior prior to your powers awakening does not affect your purity as a witch, but awakening full powers too early can risk in-”
“Temptations for the dark side.” Taehyung filled in.
“Exactly, the best way is to release the full powers through the ceremony. See it as being baptized!” Aunt Venus smiled. “And it’s for the best if we perform your ritual as soon as possible before the times are upon us, so back to practice!” Aunt Venus ordered and turned for the stairs to go back to her beloved shop.
/Maybe that was the reason behind the nosebleed…/
Taehyung looked at you with worry.
“I didn’t know…” You began and walked over to where Taehyung was sitting.
He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your sweater.
“By now I feel like I should just accept it.” He sighed.
“Maybe she’ll understand-“
“That’s not what I mean.” He looked up at you.
“The book and before that, I thought it was nothing babe but-“
“I’m not meant to be good.”
You knew he was right, it was a matter of time before he would realize it himself that this would never work out.
“You’re a naughty witch.”
He buried his face into the soft fabric again.
“Why do I feel such shame?” He mumbled.
“Because you’ve been convinced that what you’re naturally becoming, isn’t who you should be becoming.”
“I don’t know what to do.” He sniffed.
You placed your hand under his chin and tilted his head up to see the faint stream of tears escaping his eyes and down his flushed cheeks.
You stroked your thumb across his cheek.
“This is who you are Taehyung and you shouldn’t have to hide your powers like this.”
He sniffed again.
“Come with me.” You said and grabbed his hands.
“Where are we going?”
“Out… and bring the book.”
An unexpected excitement built up within him.
He grabbed his bag with the book in it and you ran downstairs.
Aunt Venus was in her office and you could sneak past her unnoticed with ease.
You reached for the door with your free hand, your other hand holding Taehyung’s hand tightly.
The door opened and you ran out into the snow filled winds.
“Let’s go!” You urged and Taehyung wrapped his arms around your waist and you disappeared with the wind.
This was you mission as familiar, to guide Taehyung to his true calling, no matter evil or good.
You were in the forest outside of town.
“Are we running away?” Taehyung asked, his voice empty of emotion.
You grabbed the book out of his bag and handed it to him.
“Which one intrigues you the most?”
He gulped and flipped through the first few pages until he arrived at the page of summoning.
“What do you want to summon?” You asked.
Taehyung closed the book with a slap.
“I know exactly who and you won’t be able to stop me from doing this… I’ve wanted to do this for so long...”
His eyes had a sudden darkness in them.
He was beginning to embrace his calling.
“Draw me a pentagon.” He ordered.
You obeyed and grabbed a stick and began to draw a large circle in the snow.
“Do you know what comes after greed and lust?” Taehyung suddenly asked.
You tossed the stick away and stepped out of the pattern.
“I don’t.”
He stepped into the circle and your heart began to pound hard.
Wrath, one of the seven deadly sins…
The wish for vengeance… uncontrolled feelings of hatred, rage and anger…
He held out his hands and began to recite the spell.
He had already learnt it by heart…
What had been building up within him for so long? Something that you didn’t know about? How long had this been troubling him!?
You were prepared to step in to protect him when he clapped his hands together.
A snow turned into rain.
You blinked and suddenly there were two people in the circle.
The air was briefly foggy and everything happened so fast.
The rain had made his hair and clothes soaking wet and his nose was bleeding again…
He gritted his teeth and his eyebrows were in a threatening frown when he suddenly lunged forward towards the other person.
Before you could react he punched the other person to the ground.
The fog from the spell quickly subsided and Taehyung punched a second time.
He eyes were dark of rage.
“That’s for kidnapping my girlfriend, you freak!”
It was Seokjin.
Taehyung was breathing heavily and wiped his face with his sleeve.
Seokjin stood back up, his node bleeding too.
“I wondered when you’d do this to me.” He said.
“I’ve looked forward to it.”
“If you’re done with me, I have business to get back to.” He turned around and stepped out of the circle. Taehyung smirked widely behind him.
To your surprise, he had a black eye.
That couldn’t have been Taehyung’s, they don’t appear that fast…
“What happened to your eye?” You asked as Seokjin passed you.
“Didn’t you see me in church?”
Was Seokjin the person in the hoodie?
He snorted.
“He’ll be coming for you too Taehyung, just wait.” He turned around, laughing.
He stumbled slightly. Was he drunk?
“and when he finds you, he’s going to fuck up your life.” He laughed hysterically.
“And who might that be?” Taehyung asked in a cocky tone.
“Ha! Speaking of the devil.” He laughed and pointed at one of the trees behind Taehyung.
How could you not have noticed? Had he been standing there all the time?
The young man you saw in the church was leaning against one of the trees not far away.
“Is the show already over?” He called out.
Seokjin mumbled something and suddenly vanished.
You walked over to Taehyung and focused your energy on the threat approaching you.
“That was impressive I must say.” He smirked.
“Impressive? It was revenge and you have nothing to do with it.” Taehyung said.
“Ah, that’s where you’re wrong.”
“How so?” You asked.
“We’re actually alike, I too am performing a revenge on him.” He smirked.
“For what? And who are you?”
“I’m Jimin, witch, dark side of course.” He bowed gracefully. “And for what you ask… do you not see?”
“What should I see?”
“That son of a bitch killed my familiar.”
“And a black eye is your revenge?” You asked.
“Don’t be silly… I killed his familiar too. Snapped his neck like a toothpick…” Jimin chuckled.
Taehyung held a protecting arm out in front of you.
“Oh no need to do that, we’re on the same side… Taehyung. Was that your name?”
“That’s right.”
“That’s a nice book you have too… So good side or dark side?”
“Dark.” Taehyung answered with confidence.
“Good dark or evil dark? Ah! That’s a dumb question, of course you’re evil… what good witch would perform forbidden spells… it’s not like black magic.”
Taehyung clenched his fist.
“Well, till we meet again Taehyung. Watch over her.”
Jimin turned around and vanished between the trees.
Your mind stood still a second. What just happened?
Your focus was immediately directed towards Taehyung when he suddenly stumbled. You grabbed him and looked at his face, he was cross eyed and suddenly fell towards the ground.
“Taehyung!?” You screamed.
“I feared this.” Aunt Venus sighed.
“Will he be ok?”
“He’ll be ok, but he needs to rest… maybe I pressured him too hard.”
“He needs to follow his own calling Aunt Venus, whether you like it or not. As his familiar it’s my duty to make sure he does that.”
“You’re right dear… it would’ve been better if we performed the ceremonial ritual sooner…”
“He’s impure.”
“Tell me no more, just make sure he drinks this tea when he wakes up.”
Aunt Venus stood up from where she was seated on the side of the bed next to Taehyung and handed you a blend of herbs she had assembled.
“I’ll make sure.”
“I shall return to the shop now, please don’t hesitate to let me know when he has woken up.”
“Thank you Venus.” You smiled and she returned your smile with bitter sweetness.
You placed the blend on the kitchen counter and walked back to your room to sit by Taehyung.
Aunt Venus said his strength had been drained, causing him to faint.
You brushed a few strands of hair away from his face and placed a soft kiss against his forehead.
/She was dancing in the rain… I called her name but she couldn’t hear me. I called over and over again, desperate for her to hear my voice. A force was pulling me further and further away from her… I was scared. I turned around and suddenly she was the one pulling me along the ground by my ankle. “Where are you taking me?” I asked, but it seemed like she still couldn’t hear me. There was a frozen lake and she let go of my ankle once we had crossed it half way and turned around to face me. She took her dress off, allowing the raindrops to trail down her skin. She was so beautiful… My familiar… the queen of my dreams… She crawled on top of me and I felt hot despite the ice beneath me. She leaned down to kiss me and I was ready to taste the sweet poison of her lips but the ice suddenly cracked beneath me and I fell into the dark water all alone…/
A tear made its way down his cheek when his eyelashes suddenly fluttered.
He opened his eyes and looked around sleepily.
/She’s here! Thank goodness…/
“Taehyung! Taehyung are you alright!?” You almost threw yourself over him.
“I’m fine.” He chuckled, relieved to see you.
“Are you sure? Wait here, I’ll get you some tea.”
You climbed off the bed and ran towards the kitchen to put the kettle on and prepared Aunt Venus’ tea in a cup for him.
He suddenly appeared behind you in the kitchen.
“No Taehyung, you should lie down.”
“I don’t want to, I miss you.”
“I’m right here.”
“But I miss you.” He walked over and rested his chin against your shoulder.
You shrugged him off and turned around, cupping his face with your hands.
You looked into his eyes deeply, as if to read him.
There was something…
The kettle clicked and you turned back around to reach for it to pour the hot water into the cup you had prepared.
His chin returned to your shoulder and began to nibble at your ear.
“I’m so horny…”
You almost dropped the kettle.
Jimin walked out of Aunt Venus shop with a paper bag full of herbs and new supplies. He was finally about to head home when a figure suddenly appeared around the corner in front of him.
A blink of an eye and he dropped the bag on the ground and raised his hands to surrender towards the sharp tip of the knife that was aimed at his Adam’s apple.
“Undo the spell you put on him.” You ordered.
He chuckled.
“Since you asked so nicely…” He snapped his fingers.
You withdrew the knife from him.
“Pleasure doing business with you.” Jimin smiled.
“I’ll cut it out and choke you with it if you touch him again.”
“You remind me of my familiar, he used to love to threaten me like that.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“Didn’t you enjoy my little trick just a little bit?” He asked with a smug smile
“Not at all, he needs to rest and instead he’s been begging and whimpering for me to touch him.”
“Doesn’t sound like the spell I put on him, but I guess it works differently on some then.”
“What did you cast?”
“Just a simple nightmare spell, but it’s lifted now… it would’ve only lasted a few nights”
“That reminds me… you’re dark evil right?”
Jimin nodded.
“And Seokjin?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care… You should try giving in to him by the way, it might be what he needs. Just a piece of advice though.”
You returned back home and Taehyung immediately stood up from the sofa when he heard the door unlock.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what got over me baby I…”
Jimin you lying son of a….
He walked over to you and you pulled him close.
“I’m just happy you’re back to yourself.” You nuzzled his neck.
“Did you get what you needed from the store?” He asked, looking around you.
“I didn’t go to the store.”
“huh?” He leaned back.
“Jimin was the cause of your behavior and I went out to find him so he could fix it.”
“He did what!?”
“He put a spell on you.”
“How did you convince him to fix it?”
You reached into your jacket and pulled out the sharp knife.
“I threatened him.”
Taehyung raised a brow and couldn’t help but grin.
“I bet he wished he had a familiar like you.”
“Oddly enough he said I reminded him of his.”
“Too bad you’re all mine.” He kissed your head. “Thank you.” He whispered.
“It’s nothing.” You smiled. “The spell would’ve faded after a few days but you were driving me nuts…”
“Was I being annoying?”
“No, you were being hard to resist…”
“Then why resist?” He whispered.
“You needed to rest…”
“I’ve rested plenty… I need something else now”
“So what do you need?”
His hands were tangled in his hair, head leaned back and a wide smile on his lips as he exhaled heavily.
Your hands were pushed hard against his chest to support yourself. Your thighs were aching and you had already reached your high twice but you couldn’t get enough. You slid down his thick length again, sinking your teeth into your lower lip. You allowed yourself to fall down on his chest, exhausted. His hands stroked your back before he wrapped his arms around your tightly, bent his knees and began to thrust into you roughly.
“I-I’m about to cum baby, we’re almost done... just hold on a little longer”
You didn’t mind him fucking you for a change, the pleasure only grew more immense.
“I just want to cum inside you.” He panted.
He let out a deep grunt.
“Ah fuck!”
He pulled you down tighter and released.
Your lips found his and you kissed him passionately.
Maybe it was to share energy you needed.
Didn’t evil feed on sin?
And what better sin than this…
“Evil?” Jimin snorted.
The three of you had met up in the church basement.
“Why did you invite me here?”
“I want to perform a ritual and I need your help.”
“I’m not performing anything during Lilith’s peak, don’t you know how dangerous it is if you can’t control it?” Jimin said.
“Are you not evil enough to tamper with it?”
“Dude, evil has nothing to do with abusing power, I’m maleficent, not dumb. Do it yourself!”
“I can’t!”
“And why the hell not?”
“Because I forbid him to.” You said.
“You’re lucky you have someone to protect you.” Jimin said and crossed his arms. “I’ll stay for the show, but I’m not getting involved in whatever you’re doing.”
“Then help me convince Seokjin.”
“Now we’re talking.” Jimin suddenly looked pleased. “I know a marionette spell.”
“No marionette spells.” You ordered.
“You’re no fun.” Jimin pouted and sat down on the ground. “And what if Seokjin is from the good side of the dark? He wouldn’t perform any forbidden spells.”
“We’ll have to ask him I guess.” You said.
“What spell are you even going to cast?” Jimin asked.
“I want to protect Aunt Venus’ shop during the dark time, I owe it to her.”
“Then why don’t you ask her to help you!?”
“She shunned him when she found out he joined the dark evil side.” You explained.
“It’s the least I can do for her teaching me.” Taehyung explained.
“It’s a good shop.” Jimin nodded and suddenly stood up. “I’ll summon Seokjin.”
“Or I can go speak to him.” You suggested.
“You have 30 minutes, a second more and I’ll kill him.” Taehyung threatened.
You nodded and stood in took a spot in the middle of the room.
Taehyung placed his hand on your left shoulder and Jimin placed his on your right.
They mumbled a short phrase and the next time you blinked you found yourself in the restaurant of the casino.
Seokjin was preparing props on the stage for his show.
“Seokjin!” You called out, making him jump.
He turned around to see you in front of the stage.
“I’m done with you and Taehyung ok! Tell him to leave me alone!”
“We need your help.”
He sighed and sat down on the edge of the stage.
“With what!? Banishing, Jimin?”
“We need your help to protect the magic shop.”
“What about it?”
“Lilith is at peak and bad times are coming, we need a save place, all of us.”
“I’m listening.”
“We need two to perform the ritual, the power is too strong for one to handle.”
“And you’re asking me?”
“Jimin wouldn’t do it.”
“Forget it!” He stood up.
“Seokjin please!”
“It’s Jin, and I said no.”
“Is there any way I can change your mind?”
“Become my familiar.”
“I’m already Taehyung’s…”
“Then no.”
You sighed.
“You know Jimin killed my familiar right?” Jin yelled.
“He told me you killed his too.”
“An eye for an eye, it was the only way to get even.”
“He told me you killed his first.”
“He’s lying! … You know I loved my familiar… we were like you and Taehyung… When I kidnapped you, I did it out of good intentions, so he’d raise his guard whenever Jimin came for him…”
“How did you know that Jimin would come for him?”
“Because Taehyung has power… and a familiar. He would kill you like he killed mine, he is full of jealousy! He is the embodiment of envy!”
Time was ticking away.
“Jin, are you evil or good?”
“Evil, of course, isn’t it obvious? I have a magic show for crying out loud.”
You were confused… how could Jin be evil? You were almost sure he was good.
“Listen, I don’t know if you know this but evil witches are tied with one of the seven deadly sins. In Jimin’s case its envy and in mine its pride. Jimin would kill for his own sake and I have better things to do.”
You believed him.
You knew Jimin was a liar…
“If I protect you from Jimin, will you help us?”
“Tell me what Taehyung’s sin is and I’ll help you… wrath right?”
You took a deep breath.
“Interesting…” He jumped down from the stage and walked over to you. “How long until Taehyung comes to kill me?”
“3 minutes.”
“Then we should hurry.”
He snapped his fingers and you returned to the church basement.
Jimin’s expression immediately fell at the sight of Jin.
“Control your envy Jimin.” You ordered.
“You told her didn’t you?” Jimin snorted. “Bitch witch.”
“With pride, thanks.”
Taehyung looked confused.
“He’s evil too.”
“We meet again horny boy.”
“HA!” Jimin screamed.
“What?” Taehyung looked confused.
“We evil witches are all linked to one of the deadly sins.” Jin said. “Jimin is envy, I’m pride… and I think you know what yours is.”
“What is it?” Jimin called out from the corner of the room.
Taehyung looked down at the ground shyly.
“Lust.” He whispered.
Jimin snorted.
“I must say, for being an evil witch it’s kind of odd that you want to protect something.” Jimin pointed out.
“Someone like you wouldn’t understand that.” Jin mumbled.
“Speak up!”
“You won’t say that when he summons you to beat the shit out of you next time…”
While Jimin and Jin nagged at each other you walked over to your bag and pulled out a pile of candies.
You handed one to Jin and he took it without question.
Jimin gave you an evil eye, envious of why Jin received a candy and not him.
You tossed one to him and he popped it into his mouth without second thought.
Jin un-wrapped his and popped it into his mouth too.
“Give the crying kids candy so they’ll shut up huh?” Jin asked and chuckled.
“What happened the last time you two were here?” Taehyung asked.
“I accused Jin of stealing my herbs because I lost them so I could beat him up for having a successful magic show where he uses his powers for his gluttony WHAT THE FUCK!?”
“Truth toffees, heard of them before?” You asked.
“Nice draw, familiar.” Jimin hissed.
“Jin, is it true Jimin killed you familiar, first?” You asked
“So you killed his first.”
“Then who did?” You asked.
“I did.” Jimin said.
“You killed your own familiar!?” Taehyung screamed.
“And you think I don’t feel bad about it?”
“Jin who killed your familiar?”
“Why did you bring us here?” Jimin asked.
“To find out the truth.” Taehyung said.
“What about the magic shop?” Jin asked.
“She shunned him, do you think he’d protect the shop after that? He did nothing wrong! And she can protect the shop perfectly fine herself.” You said.
Taehyung walked over to Jimin.
“If you touch her… I’ll kill you.”
Jimin rolled his eyes.
“Can I leave?” Jin asked.
You clenched your fist, freezing him on the spot.
“We’re not done with you two.”
“Sit down in the middle.” Taehyung ordered Jimin.
He did what he was told and you released your grip of Jin.
“Sit next to him.”
“What are you going to do?” Jimin asked.
“Don’t worry… it won’t hurt.” You said and clenched your fist again.
Taehyung smirked at you.
This was going to be fun…
An evil witch uses black magic for their own pleasure and convenience, but a truly evil witch forces their sin upon others for their own pleasure… and what sweeter sin to indulge in than lust?
You thought of this plan a few days ago… a way to get back at Jimin and Jin in the best way.
But this was one of the most forbidden and risky spells to perform, thus you being in the church basement.
The candles in the basement lit up brighter, revealing the pentagon drawn on the floor.
Jin and Jimin seated in the middle, frozen by your force.
Taehyung kissed your cheek softly and walked over to his bag, taking out the book of forbidden spells.
He flipped it open to the last page.
“We’re gathered here today, to unite these two beings-“
“What the fuck are you doing!?” Jimin cursed.
You tightened your fist harder, nails digging into your palm.
“Iunctus.” Taehyung repeated and placed the book down. He held his hands out over Jin and Jimin.
The pentagon began to glow and the candles were simultaneously blown out.
“Iunctus, deamonium.”
His hands were shaking.
It was heavy.
But Lilith was on your side.
“You can do it.” You encouraged.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“Iunctus, deamonium, libido!”
Unite, familiar, lust.
You released your grip.
Taehyung opened his eyes, out of breath.
Jin and Jimin both stared at the ground with empty expressions.
Taehyung wrapped and arm around your waist.
Jin turned to you both.
“Wha- what did you do?” He asked confused.
Jimin got up on his knees and turned around to face Jin who still had his back turned to him.
“Meet your new familiar.” You smirked.
Jin turned around and before he could react Jimin crashed his lips against his and tangled his hand in his hair.
“I fucking hate you.” Jimin mumbled into the kiss.
The shocked expression didn’t last long and Jin wrapped his arm around Jimin’s waist and kissed him back with full force, pulling him down on top of him on the ground, in the middle of the pentagon.
“We’re done here.” Taehyung smiled and grabbed your hand.
You picked up the book and walked around the pentagon and back upstairs.
Aunt Venus was waiting patiently in one of the church benches.
When you and Taehyung returned she stood up and handed Taehyung a black cloak.
“I’m proud of you. You passed your final exam.”
The licorice had been a clue…
Aunt Venus knew all along.
“I didn’t want to pull you to the dark side, I wanted you to find your way yourself.”
An evil witch uses magic for their own pleasure and convenience, running a magic shop and fooling mortals on their money for fortunes telling was no exception.
Aunt Venus handed another cloak to you.
“You’re the strongest familiar I’ve had the pleasure to meet my dear, I’m glad you found your way to my apprentice.”
You nodded.
Aunt Venus placed a hand on Taehyung’s shoulder.
“You’re a powerful witch Tellus.”
“Every witch needs an alias, do you think my real name is Venus?”
Taehyung nodded.
“Do you know what Tellus means?” She asked.
“Earth in Latin.” You said.
“Sun, Mercury, Venus and Tellus, thus how the order goes” Aunt Venus said. “When I pass, someone needs to inherit my shop and I trust your hands Taehyung.” She grabbed Taehyung’s hands.
“Does this mean we need to name our future kid Mars?” Taehyung chuckled.
“I wouldn’t speak too soon, Mars is also known as the god of war.” Aunt Venus warned.
“A war among witches?” You asked and put your cloak over your shoulders.
Aunt Venus simply shook her shoulders.
“We’ll have to wait and see.”
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5hining-aus · 5 years
Royal Enchanter AU (Key X Reader)(Part 1)
I’ve decided that it’s time to rescue this baby from the depths of my Drafts Folder (I don’t even want to think about how long it’s been there) I hope you enjoy it!
Tree, tree, tree. Ooh, a rock! Tree, tree, another tree, tree, tree, more trees, there is nothing but trees! Why are there so many trees in this kingd-ack!
You were very nearly flung out of your seat when the carriage began driving over a rough patch of road. Quickly righting yourself, you glanced around the carriage, hoping that nobody had noticed you brief lack of coordination. Thankfully, it didn’t appear that anybody had noticed, and you went right back to gazing out the window.
Thank the gods they didn’t see. I have a feeling I’ll need to start protecting all the dignity I have left soon.
You had recently been appointed as the Royal Enchanter for the reign of the newly crowned King Kibum and, honestly, you weren’t overjoyed. The centuries-old title of Royal Enchanter, once a title synonymous with respect and authority, now meant little more than that of a glorified court jester. You would be stuck entertaining nobles at balls and brewing sleeping draughts for however long the new King’s reign lasted, as was the tradition.
At least I’ll have authority amongst other mages, not that it matters much, you thought. And it was true, as the Royal Enchanter you would be second only to the Eternal in terms of rank within the Mage Towers.
As your journey stretched on, you found your mind wandering. You began wondering about what the capital, was it really as grand as others had said? What were the people like? What would they think of you? Opinions on magic and mages were...mixed to say the least, even amongst mages themselves:
Some feared mages, believing magic to be evil. Not entirely true, you thought, magic is only as evil as the mage wielding it. On the other side of the coin, some admired mages, seeing them as a group of people who had been given extraordinary gifts. Some mages say gift, some mages say curse. Honestly it is both. 
There were people who didn’t really have any strong opinions either way. Then there were those that see mages as lesser people. And yet, they still attempt to give themselves similar powers, even if it means grave injury, death, or insanity. 
And finally, there were the people who downright hated all things to do with magic. Cowards, you thought bitterly. Groups of adults harassing small children is just the epitome of bravery.
A sudden cough snapped you out of your slightly-enraged thoughts and suddenly you were back in the carriage. You looked over to your escort, a member of the King’s inner circle whose name escaped you. Was it Minsoo? No, that doesn’t sound right. Mingo? No, who would name their child Mingo? Is it Mango? Wait, that’s the fruit that they grow in the south of the kingdom, definitely not his name. By Xeris, what is his name?
Your thoughts were interrupted once more, this time by actual words. You would be reaching your destination soon, and your escort was going through what would be happening upon your arrival. 
Stay with him until I’m inside the palace, I can do that. I still want to remember his name. I’m sure it starts with Min. Minwoo? No. Minhee? That’s not it either. Minjun? That doesn’t sound right either. Min, Min, Min...ho? Minho? That sounds right! Finally!
Your internal celebration was quickly replaced by complete awe. You had arrived at the palace, and all the descriptions you had heard of it did not even come close to doing it justice. The palace was...magnificent. I’ll have to take a better look at another time, you decided.
As you were led into the palace, you couldn’t help but admire all the artwork adorning the foyer. Tapestries depicting the kingdom's history lined the room, with a slightly larger one bearing the Royal Family’s coat of arms hanging proudly in the center, above a door that you assumed led to the throne room. Paintings, both newly created and centuries old, were placed around the chamber, occupying the wall space not already taken by tapestries or windows. You had never seen anything even remotely like what you saw in that room.
You were led up a flight of stairs and down a hallway, eventually stopping in front of a set of ornate doors inscribed with what you recognized as the official insignia of the Royal Enchanter. Oh, this must be my chambers.
Why were you so nervous? It was as if your brain thought that the second you opened the doors you would be mauled by a rabid bear. It was foolish. 
After taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you managed to regain a sense of calmness. Everything will be fine, you will be fine, there is nothing to be afraid of. You kept repeating that mantra over and over inside your head in an effort to steel yourself. When you finally believed your thoughts, you opened the doors.
You were greeted by a large, circular room that reminded you ever so slightly of the Mage Tower you once lived in. However, this place was far more luxurious (and considerably more inviting) than any Tower you had ever seen. Large windows filled the room with ample sunlight. The furniture was upholstered with a rich  jewel blue fabric. An Alchemy station was placed to one side of the room, surrounded by storage shelves. I’ll have to go through it later, see how the stores are, you noted. You gazed up and saw a large, domed ceiling that you instantly had plans for. A simple Illusion spell should be able to make that appear like the night sky. Or perhaps an astrological chart? I’ll decide at another time.
The room was opulent, but what caught your eye the most was the multitude of books. Everywhere you looked, there was a full bookcase. Almost every free surface had some sort of tome on it. There was even an entire mezzanine floor that appeared to hold nothing but bookcases. This one room put all of the Tower libraries you had ever seen to shame and, for the first time in a long time, you felt an almost childlike sense of glee.
“I will leave you to get settled in, Your Excellency.”
You jumped. To be completely honest, you had forgotten that Minho was still there. You gave him a somewhat shaky half-nod and, with a bow, he was gone. You were all alone. You gazed around the room, wondering what you should do first. That’s when you saw it, your bed. It was possibly the biggest bed you had ever seen, with sheets and a canopy that were the same rich blue as the other fabrics around the room, and an absolute mountain of pillows. You instantly knew what had to be done.
After taking a quick glance at the doors to make sure they were closed, you proceeded to run across the room and take a flying leap onto your bed, landing in the mess of pillows. You decided then and there that you could dread your new position another time, there were better things to do at the moment.
Should I get started with that ceiling enchantment? Maybe I should take a look around the palace and figure out where everything is. Then again, I did want to go through the Alchemy stores. Oh, I should send word back to the Tower, let them know that I arrived safely. What to do, what to do.
Ultimately, you decided to peruse the bookshelves. There were a few books that you would’ve liked to have had that weren’t there (you made note of their titles and planned to see if you could send for them) but, all things considered, the selection was rather impressive. Choosing some books for a bit of “light reading” (and by light reading, you meant a stack of books that was ONLY half your height) , you strode over to a table and began reading. 
When the morning sun rose and the King came to introduce himself, he found you still sitting at the table, fast asleep, using an open book as a pillow, with a small, serene smile on your face.
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figdays · 6 years
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“Strange Fortunes” Wall Tapestry by LordofMasks
220 notes · View notes