#as it is my manager texted me wanting me to close when i was Boarding A Plane I Told Her About The Week Before
paintedlepard · 8 months
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So I've been listening to a lot of DnD podcasts lately while at work (specifically Just Roll With It's main riptide campaign) and of COURSE it made me think about putting my OCs into a dnd/fantasy setting
So here's my oc Ava (they/them) as a half-elf Rogue-turned-Undying-Warlock being very menacing shortly after making their deal!
Brief overview on their story in this au under the cut :)
They *used to be* a pirate with their friend Cae (any pronouns, tiefling rogue), but on their adventures they were hit with a powerful curse that almost claimed their life many many times in a short span of time. The two of them looked everywhere for a way to help Ava, but it was becoming increasingly clear that this curse was going to kill them faster than they could do anything about it, so Ava went behind Cae's back and made a deal with something that could benefit from all of Ava's near-death experiences!
This freaked Cae out so bad that the two of them got into a MASSIVE argument, leading to Ava being completely kicked off of the ship and having to fend for themself. Ava is an idiot though and treated their deal as a one-time transaction and kept searching for ways to actually *remove* the curse instead of just taking advantage of it through their patron.
On this mini-quest to study all sorts of magic they meet Shay (he/they, artificer dwarf) and Sophie (she/they, aasimar bard) and set sail again! They make their own spellbook and everything (read: take another rogue level and subclass into arcane trickster) and their patron gets Big Mad about it, so from that point forward ava is locked into their contract with their patron and doesn't do... Anything to jeopardize that relationship!
There are so many other people in the party and theres so much more that goes on to mirror the canon universe but i feel Embarrassed with three paragraphs already and will save ya'll from my rambling until i inevitably post more pts!dnd au art! :)
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
Eddie loved flying. When the sun was out and he could watch the cars and houses get smaller while they reached altitude. When everything felt a bit lighter and his stress was under the clouds.
He did not love flying when the weather was bad.
In fact, he’d joked with the flight attendant that maybe they should delay the flight until the wind and dark clouds passed, but she just laughed and said the pilots were used to it.
Good for them. Eddie wasn’t.
He always sat in the window seat in first class, usually had some old businessman on his way to close a very important deal next to him. That wasn’t an option for this last minute flight though, so he was in the last row of the plane, leg bouncing nervously as people continued to board.
“As a courtesy to those around you, please stow your personal items under the seat in front of you as soon as you are in your seat. This allows a faster boarding process for all of us. Thank you!”
The announcement was a reminder that Eddie was flying without his usual carry-on items. His tour manager had packed him a checked bag and sent him on his way.
So he had his phone and his wallet, and eyes looking out the window next to him watching rain start to hit the tarmac below.
“Excuse me, I think that’s my seat,” a man’s voice said from the aisle.
Eddie looked over and saw a long line of men roughly his age in matching track suits, backpacks over their shoulders, and the Notre Dame logo on their jackets.
They were all tall. Well, all except the guy talking to him now. He was pretty average size.
“Uh. I don’t think so man. I’m 36F,” Eddie answered as kindly as his nerves would allow.
The guy checked his phone, brows creasing together.
“I’m 36F.”
No fucking way was Eddie giving up his window seat.
“Is there a problem?” A flight attendant asked from behind them.
“We’re both supposed to be in 36F?” The guy held his phone towards the attendant.
“May I see your boarding pass, sir?” The attendant asked Eddie.
Eddie pulled his own phone out, holding out the mobile boarding pass for her to see it.
“Sorry sir, it looks like you should be in 36E.”
Oh no.
Oh god no.
A middle seat?
There was no fucking way.
“I’m sorry, would it be at all possible for me to be in a window seat?” Eddie didn’t want to cause problems, but his chest was starting to clench and his breaths were coming in short pants.
“Unfortunately, this is a sold out flight. We wouldn’t have any available for you.”
He could feel eyes on him, quite a few of them, but none as obvious as the guy who actually belonged in 36F.
“We can just switch, man. No big deal.”
Eddie sighed with relief.
“Thank you, yeah. That’d be great.”
The attendant nodded and gestured for the guy to sit down.
Someone behind him sat on his other side and they immediately started talking as if nothing had happened.
See? Eddie had actually done them a favor! Now he could talk to his teammate for whatever sport he played and Eddie could watch their impending demise through the window.
The plane was rocking back and forth from the force of the wind blowing outside and the sky continued to grow darker despite the early afternoon hour. Eddie was considering sending a goodbye text to his band when he felt a hand on his arm.
“Hey, you okay?”
Eddie’s eyes widened as he turned to look at the guy next to him.
“Do you normally get nervous when you fly? Or is this your first time?” He continued. “Sometimes it helps to just close your eyes during takeoff.”
It was kind of him to try this, truly, but Eddie knew kindness wouldn’t save them if lightning hit them.
“I’m just not a fan of storms.”
The guy was watching him while his teammate on the other side of him talked to the guys across the aisle. Eddie was surrounded by this entire team. The irony was not lost on him that he spent so much of his youth expressing disdain for sports ball and might die among a group of sports ball players.
“Steve.” The guy nudged his shoulder against Eddie’s instead of offering his hand, an odd thing to do but the contact was grounding.
“You wanna hold my hand?”
Did they already die during takeoff? Did Eddie somehow end up in heaven?
This very attractive man, who definitely didn’t even know who Eddie was, was offering comfort in these trying times. Offering to hold his hand!
Steve smiled. “It’s okay if not, but I figured it might help you focus on something else.”
Steve held his hand out, palm up, and Eddie laced their fingers together.
“So, Eddie. Tell me where you’re off to.”
Eddie breathed in, breathed out. “My Uncle. He’s getting his appendix out so I’m trying to get there before he wakes up.”
“Oh. I had mine out when I was 10! Is he okay?” Steve seemed genuinely concerned and Eddie felt his stomach swoop.
“Yeah! Yeah, they caught it before it ruptured. But because of his age, they said his recovery might be a little rough so I’m gonna stay with him for a week to make sure he doesn’t overdo it. He’s a stubborn old man who’d probably be pulling weeds from his garden within hours if I wasn’t going so.” Eddie looked back out the window. Fingers reached under his chin, turning him away from the window.
“Eyes on me.”
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Eddie nodded and squeezed Steve’s hand.
“So, you’re close with your uncle?” Steve asked, as if he hadn’t just turned Eddie’s entire world upside down.
“Mhm. He basically raised me. More like a dad,” Eddie whispered out.
The pilot was making an announcement, but you couldn’t pay Eddie to tell you what it was for. He barely even noticed that they were backing away from the boarding zone.
“Do you visit him often?”
“As often as I can. My job keeps me busy,” Eddie shrugged, not really wanting to give it away, didn’t wanna give Steve a reason to look at him differently.
Eddie was gonna soak up this attention as long as he could.
It was actually helping distract him.
“I get that. I mean, I play basketball for Notre Dame and it basically is a full time job. We travel so much, most of my classes are online. I hardly ever get back home to visit my family,” Steve admitted with a sad smile. “Luckily, they come see me at my home games when they can. Does your uncle get to visit you sometimes?”
Just as Eddie went to answer, he caught lightning out of the corner of his eye and his entire body tensed.
“Hey.” Steve’s voice was firm, drawing his attention away from the window quickly. “Keep your eyes on me. We’re fine. Just you and me talking right now.”
They were nearly at the runway for takeoff and it was getting harder to focus on Steve’s words, the warmth of his hand in his, the fact that if it were truly dangerous, they wouldn’t even be cleared for takeoff.
As the plane sped up, Eddie whimpered.
He’d be embarrassed later if he survived.
Steve’s hand pulled from his and wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him against his side while his other hand cupped the back of his head and kept his face against his chest.
“Just breathe. I’ve got ya.”
And really, if the plane went down in flames, no one could save them. But hearing it did help, especially with arms holding him so tightly, he almost didn’t even remember he was on a plane.
But not quite.
The wind was strong enough to make the takeoff rough, shaking the plane more than usual as it left the ground.
Eddie’s hand gripped Steve’s shirt so tight, he would probably cause a tear if his nails weren’t so dull.
He stayed like that while they continued to climb above the clouds, the air pockets making the flight a bit more turbulent than Eddie was okay with.
He felt the vibrations of Steve talking, but didn’t hear him, didn’t even know if he was talking to him or the guy next to him who probably thought Eddie was an idiot.
The pilot made an announcement he didn’t hear, but he figured if he was gonna die, he could die against the chest of a nice, hot guy.
“Worst of it’s almost done, babe,” Steve said, lips against the top of Eddie’s head.
Gareth would never stop teasing him about this if he ever found out.
Being consoled by a sports ball guy during a flight he’s taken at least 30 times in the last two years.
New low? Maybe new high if he managed to get his number.
Steve’s fingers played with his hair, and he slowly felt his body relax.
His last thought before drifting asleep was how nice it was to be held like this.
“I think he’s probably a cookie guy.”
Eddie’s eyes blinked open to Steve’s voice quietly rumbling in his ear.
He’d been adjusted at some point so his head rested on Steve’s shoulder, one hand against his chest.
He couldn’t remember the last time he fell asleep on a flight. Maybe the last time they flew to London from LA right after a show?
And those had been perfect flying conditions.
He lifted his head as he rubbed at his eyes and tried not to let the butterflies take over when Steve’s hand squeezed his hip.
“Hey sleepyhead. You want cookies or pretzels?”
“Cookies always. Please.” Eddie yawned.
As he took the package of Biscoff cookies, he noticed how smooth the flight was and the sun shining through the window.
Steve’s arm stayed around him.
The entire flight.
Even after he’d gotten up to use the restroom.
Even when there was no real reason to offer him comfort anymore.
Even when they landed on the runway in Indianapolis and the seatbelt light turned off.
Even while they talked to each other the entire flight, sharing the smallest details about themselves as if it was a first date.
“Would it be okay if I get your number? I’d like to check on your uncle later if that’s okay,” Steve asked, suddenly seeming more nervous than he had the entire flight.
I’m “Yes! Yeah, please,” he quickly typed it into Steve’s phone, putting his name as Eddie M 🛫. “Uh, thanks for, ya know, helping. Kind of embarrassing.”
“No reason to be embarrassed. It was scary.”
“Yeah. I just figured I fly so much, I should be used to it.”
“You never told me what your job was,” Steve nudged him as he pocketed his phone.
“I didn’t.” Eddie almost didn’t wanna ruin this. But he’d figure it out or find out and then it’d be worse. “I’m the lead singer for Corroded Coffin.”
“Is that…a famous band?”
The guy on the other side of Steve smacked his shoulder. “Dude, one of their songs is on our locker room hype playlist. Dustin’s obsessed.”
“Shut up, Lucas. You know I have my own playlist!” Steve turned back to Eddie and rolled his eyes. “Sorry. So you’re like famous.”
“You could say that,” Eddie hated saying it though, at least in these situations. “You really didn’t know?”
“Nah. I’m more of a pop and 80s kinda guy.”
“Maybe you could send me a playlist? Ya know, when you check on my uncle later,” Eddie suggested.
“Sure. I’ve got a two and a half hour bus ride back to campus to work on one.” Steve smirked. “You gonna be alright now?”
“Yeah. Thanks again. For taking care of me.”
“Anytime. Anything you need.”
And Eddie was pretty sure he meant it.
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azzo0 · 5 months
She's the one.
Inspiration: this
Summary: You bring an umbrella and a warm drink to Bakugo while it's raining. And that's when he knows- you're the one for him.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
not proofread <3
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Katsuki left school in a hurry while his friends were still packing their bags and taking their sweet time chatting with each other. His old hag had asked him to bring some groceries on the way home. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he sighed, checking the list of groceries his mother sent over text. He could get them from the grocery store near his house. 
He put his phone back in his pocket, walking down his usual route home, when he felt a drop of water fall on his nose. He wiped it, frowning when he felt more drops of water fall on his head. He looked up to see it had started raining. He didn't have an umbrella with him. 
Meanwhile, back in class, you were helping Uraraka clean the classroom since it was your guys' turn today. You hummed to yourself, cleaning the chalkboard, the sounds of tapping on the window catching your attention. You opened the window, holding your hand out, feeling the cold drops of water fall on your palm.  
"It's raining, huh?" Uraraka said, adjusting the desks. 
"Yeah," your mind went back to your spiky-haired friend. You were aware he never had an umbrella in his locker. "Katsuki must be cold..."
"Aw, are you thinking about Bakugo?" Uraraka teased.
"Shush. I was just wondering if he has an umbrella." 
The brunette took the board eraser from your hand, giving you a smile. "You should go after him. I'll finish the rest."
"No, it's okay. Let's just finish-"
"Oh, hush, y/n. I said I'll take care of rest, right?" Uraraka handed you your bag. 
"Thank you, Ochaco." You grinned, running out of the classroom and down to the lockers. You took out your umbrella, opening it when you stepped outside the school building. It was pouring heavily now, accompanied by the cold wind. You shivered, pulling your blazer up to cover your nose. Katsuki must be soaking to the bone, you thought yourself.
And he was.
He muttered a string of curses, grimacing at the feeling of his shirt and blazer clinging to his skin. He hugged himself when the cold air hit his already wet body. This is why he hated rain. It did nothing but irritate him.
He stopped in his tracks when he heard someone call his name. He stood there, eyebrows knitted in concentration as he tried to listen through the pitter-patter of the rain. He glanced back to see a girl running towards him in the distance, calling his name. 
His chest warmed when he saw it was you. The girl he'd grown close to over the last few months. The girl who managed to drill her way into his head and make him feel butterflies just by her voice. The girl he wasn't sure he wanted to be 'just friends' with.
You stopped in front of him, almost slipping. You panted, grinning at him with your cheeks flushed from running. Bakugo gulped, his heart dancing. 
"You left without an umbrella." You said.
"So you came running here just to give me an umbrella?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow. He noticed you clutching two paper cups of something to your chest.
"Yeah, I knew you didn't have one." You said, holding out the umbrella for him to hold. Bakugo grumbled, taking the umbrella. You gave him one of the warm cups you were holding.
"What's that?"
"Hot chocolate," you replied. "I grabbed these on the way. Thought you were cold."
He took the drink from you, looking down at the cup in his hand, feeling his face heat up. "Thanks..." he mumbled.
"No problem!" You grinned. "I just came to give you these. I should get to the bus stop now."
"Wait a damn minute, you idiot." He held the cup and the umbrella in the same hand, grabbing your hand with the other before you turned to leave. "What about you?"
"Yer going to get wet."
"Oh, don't worry. The bus stop's not too far from here."
"No. My place is just a minute away. You're coming with me. Don't want you blaming my ass when you get sick 'cause I took your umbrella."
"I-is that okay?"
"Of fucking course it is." He snorted.
"Alright then." You blushed as he held the umbrella in between you two so you were both shielded from the rain. 
Bakugo glanced at you walking beside him, bringing the opening in the lid to his mouth to sip on the warm and sweet liquid. He studied your side profile, the sleeping butterflies in his stomach waking up. Warmth took over Bakugo's previously cold body. You ran all the way in the rain just to give him a warm drink and an umbrella. How could he not fall for you?
She's the one, his heart murmured. Bakugo subtly smiled to himself, shifting closer to you to relish your warmth.
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cumikering · 3 months
Neighbour Ghost x reader 2
2.1k | fluff You had many dinners with Simon (part 1) (part 3)
Simon Riley white-knuckled the vegetable peeler against the poor carrot in his other hand like it owed him money.
He’d knocked on your door that morning with the full intention of being helpful, but it was painfully difficult to hide the fact that he was beyond clueless as he stood there at the counter. He even dressed for the occasion, wearing a loose black shirt to not dirty his sleeves. It was his first time seeing you in something other than a hoodie, and he caught your momentary gaze on his tattooed arm.
Sure, he kept telling himself each time he came up with an excuse to have you over was for his mum’s company. It made him happy to see the smile on her face as she chatted with you, your laughter filling his otherwise quiet flat. But was it really for her company now, when it was just the two of you as he embarrassed himself?
Regretting what he thought was a brilliant idea, he glanced at you, absolutely horrified of being a hold up and ruining lunch.
You didn’t even look up from the pot you were stirring. “You know, I really don’t like doing the dishes. Would you like to help with that instead?”
A small sigh of relief escaped him as he dropped everything on the cutting board, thankful you spared the sliver of dignity he had left. He did most of the cleaning while he watched you. You said you weren’t the best cook, but your movements were serene, easy. You didn’t look like you were going to chop your fingers off, and to him, that made you far above decent.
Evidently, Melanie complimented the meal generously while Simon simply asked for a third helping. He beat you to the dishes after that, not allowing you to lift a finger after all the cooking you did.
At your door, you turned to him. “In case I don’t see you again before you ship out-“
“You will. I leave Thursday morning.”
“Can I have your number?”
You handed him your phone and Simon Riley called himself from it.
“I’ll see you around, Simon.” You smiled at him.
Again, he only left when you’d closed your door. When he entered his flat, his mum looked up from wiping down the dining table.
She sighed softly. “How long am staying, Si? It’s been over two weeks now.”
“As long as you want, mum. I’d rather you here.” He walked over to her. “At least I know you’ll be safe.”
“What’s going to happen to your dad?”
“You wouldn’t let me bash his face in, and he’s not my dad. Not sure he ever was,” he said gravely. “I can’t tell you what to do, but I just need to know you’re safe. That’s all I’m asking.”
She turned away, the discomfort evident in her eyes. Simon knew the look to well.
“You need to leave him, mum,” he said under his breath.
“I think I’m going to stay a few more weeks, two months tops,” she finally said. “Until things settle. I’ll look for a job meanwhile.”
“You really don’t have to.”
“I want to feel useful, Si,” she reassured. “You’ve been too kind to me.”
“Never enough.”
When's the latest you can have dinner before it's not called dinner anymore? Simon texted you Monday afternoon.
Is this the premise to a joke?
He tilted his head. On second thought, it did sound like one of his dad jokes.
No, was a genuine question actually.
9, maybe. Why?
I'll be home before 7:30. Would it be okay to wait for me for dinner until then?
Who's cooking?
Takeout chef down the street. You pick who the lucky bloke is
You smiled as he stood at your door with takeout in hand. The way you looked at him made him question his clean shaven look that day. Did he look too much like an adolescent with no scruff?
Simon didn’t like making conversation, let alone with someone as sunny as you, but he was surprised to find that he wanted to put himself in a social situation with you. Still, he wasn’t used to it. He tried saying more, he really did, but the most he managed to tell was that he was an apprentice butcher back in Manchester before he enlisted, and that he was a currently a lieutenant in the SAS.
After dinner, you sat facing each other on your small couch sipping on tea, knees almost touching each other’s.
At this point, he noticed you didn’t look away as much as you did the previous instances. Either you’d got used to his unyielding stare or his attempt to appear less scary succeeded. You didn’t ask further about his job, and he hoped it was because you thought it was mostly confidential, not because you were afraid of him. That was alright though, you were far more interesting than his work anyway. He enjoyed watching the way you lit up talking about your interests.
Perhaps it was patronising how he wondered why you could be so much like sunshine in this bleak world, walking around like no one was going to break your heart. He found your generosity reckless, even foolish. Guilt pricked his heart for having these unsavoury thoughts, yet he was still utterly and shamelessly fascinated by your smile.
Despite him not wanting to leave, he excused himself for the night before it was remotely late.
“The day at the base starts early, yeah?”
He gave you a small smile. “Same time tomorrow?”
You nodded.
“Good night, luv.”
On his way to the lift, he knocked on the door of his own flat. His mum answered, clutching her cardigan close to her chest.
“Oh, Simon. I wasn’t expecting you.” She stepped aside. “Are you staying the night? I’ll get the bed-”
“No, ’m just dropping by.” He closed the door behind him.
“Did you need something? Have you had dinner yet?”
“I did, yeah.”
A knowing smile tugged on her lips. “Was it with someone I know?”
“Wanted to say good night and make sure everything’s alright.” A blush might have crept up his neck as he stepped in for a one-armed hug.
But the next night, Simon dropped by again before going back to base.
“Why are you here every day now?” Melanie looked at her son with a teasing smile. “I’m not complaining, but I thought you said you were too busy to come home.”
“Can I not want to see my own mum?”
“Sure, Si.” She gave him a playful side eye. “Let me see what ingredient I’m missing, in case you want to run to the shops.”
He groaned. “I’m shipping out Thursday. Wanted to take you somewhere nice for dinner tomorrow. Get yourself an outfit. Use my card.”
“How nice!” She beamed. “Is she coming with?”
He looked away. “I didn’t invite her.”
“Would you like to?” When he gave her an unsure look, she reassured, “I don’t mind at all. She’s sweet and I’m happy you’re meeting new people.”
Of course it didn’t take any convincing for him to invite you to his favourite steakhouse in the city. In fact, he very much looked forward to having another excuse to see you, especially dressed up. Not like you didn’t look nice, but thinking of taking you out made him giddy. He suddenly didn’t dread the med evals, trainings and briefings he usually detested before each deployment.
When he arrived at base, your reply waited.
Thank you so much for the invite. The place sounds lovely, but I don’t want to intrude. Have a nice evening you both!
His shoulders sagged. Can I at least see you after dinner?
Mrs. Riley beamed when Simon picked her up with a rose in hand. He didn’t remember ever seeing her so dressed up, and he was glad to have given her the opportunity to. She gushed over the delicious dinner, the wine and how polite the waiters were that it brought a bittersweet smile to his lips.
He could tell how much the evening meant to her, and it broke his heart that no one had cared for her that much in a very long time. He held her hand as they walked back to his flat.
“You be safe, Simon. I’ll be waiting for you,” she hugged him tight at the door as her voice wavered, her eyes brimming with tears.
He gave her a squeeze, feeling the emotions rubbing off on him. “Will do, mum. I’ll be home as soon as I can,” he said into her hair.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek before he headed to your flat.
Simon didn’t recall feeling this heavy upon shipping out in recent memory, but as you answered the door in your loose shirt and shorts, his arms ached to wrap around you. Instead, he shoved his hands in his trousers pockets.
“Would you like to come in?”
“I can’t,” he said. Because if I did, I wouldn’t want to leave.
You looked away, seemingly a little embarrassed by his rejection.
“May I ask why you didn’t want to come earlier?”
You stepped out into the corridor, closing the door behind you. “I feel your mum would appreciate it more if it’s just the two of you, that’s all.”
“Maybe next time with you then?” he asked hopefully. “Just us?”
You nodded and a smile blossomed on his lips in return. You both lingered a few more seconds in silence.
“I’m wishing you and your unit the very best on your mission. Please take care out there.” You cast your gaze down.
He caught the wobble in your voice and the sincerity was the push he needed. You barely had time to react to him stepping in for a hug. His arms encircled your frame loosely, but tightened as soon as yours wrapped around his waist. He curled over you, inhaling your scent as your breath tickled his neck.
The lack of distance only highlighted how much he towered over you. He was sure you could feel his racing heart under his turtleneck, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to hold you.
“Let me know when you’re back,” you said when he pulled away.
Simon very much looked forward to your texts whenever he had time to himself. While he asked you about your days, he unfortunately couldn’t say much about his. Instead, he sent you photos of the sunrise, or the shit cup of tea he was having. In return, you sent photos of the Hereford sunset and your meals. He said the kind of food he ate would ruin your appetite.
You told him his mum got a job at that bakery you loved – you knew the owner. On some days if her schedule allowed, you could walk back home with her. Simon thanked you for keeping her company, knowing how much she must have appreciated it.
The two weeks seemed to roll by a litter faster than usual. You were the first to know as soon as he was scheduled to fly back. He said he’d probably get home a late, but would love to see you if you had the time.
At his first knock, rapid footsteps came from behind your door which you swung open with a grin on your face. “You’re back!”
“May I come in?”
You made way for him, and when the door closed behind you, he stepped in, arms lifted a little. With a chuckle, you closed the gap, squeezing him tight.
“Are you available for dinner tomorrow?”
You pulled away. “No, going out with friends.”
“Oh,” he muttered. “Sunday then?”
“That’ll do.” You smiled, walking backwards to the kitchen. “Come, I’ll make us a cuppa. Co-worker gave me some oolong tea.”
His eyes softened. “Sorry, can’t stay long, luv. I’m going back to base.”
“But tomorrow is Saturday. I thought you stay home on weekends.”
“Yeah, but it’s too late now. I don’t want to bother my mum.”
You gestured at the couch with a chuckle. “I’d offer you this, but it’s way too small for you.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to bother his mum - he wouldn’t. He could get in and out the place without a sound, nor was your couch a problem. He could sleep on the floor and it would still be better than some of the places he’d had the pleasure to sleep in.
He wasn’t ready yet, especially not when he just got back, with his mind still reeling 1000 miles an hour.
“That’s okay. I can head back.”
Your brow rose at him. He understood how silly it was now, driving all the way to you at this hour to not even stay 15 minutes. It was embarrassing, if he was honest, how much he was transfixed on seeing you that he didn’t even think of the logistics of the visit.
“Sorry, I’m not a late sleeper. I’m dead tired and always sleep like a log the first night back.” His eyes flicked to your lips as he swallowed. “I’ll pick you up Sunday?”
You smiled. “Where are we going?”
“The same place. I think you’re going to like it.”
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy @fruitymoonbeams-blog @ghostslittlegf @luvecarson @sparrowgalaxy @insert-weird-name @nocturnalreader106
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Girl Next Door- Pt. 2
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader
Word count: 3k
Summary: Simon finally accept your offer for dinner. Did you mention you can cook?
A/N: I was a little slow on this but the idea of them getting close was stressing me out, okay? Also my MIL was in town and I couldn't get in the groove. All the support so far is amazing, thank you guys so much! If y'all like it there will be more to come. Warning: still slow burning
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Part I
Simon sits across from you at your tiny dining table pressed against the wall of your cramped kitchen. You managed to lure him in with a fairly nice bottle of unopened scotch you found in the back of your cabinet that had potentially fallen into one of your own boxes when moving from your ex's house. 
He looks around your quaint little one bedroom apartment. It was a lot different than his own. The literal layout was the same. No extra rooms or walls but you’d done something different in here. The whole space had a cozy feeling to it. Every surface was decorated with useless gadgets and trinkets that he didn't understand the purpose of. Lots of blankets, pillows, soft things. You had music quietly playing through your TV speakers in the living room. A few lamps fill the dim room creating a subtle yellow glow that hits the high points of your face, softening your tired features.
"Do you think there's something wrong with me?" you suddenly blurt out.
"S'cuse me?" Simon asks, caught off guard by the question.
"Lately I've been feeling like there's something inside of me that attracts horrible guys. Like, is there a beacon coming out my head that says 'hey, come over here. I'm vulnerable and easy'."
Simon pauses, unsure how to respond. He watches your face closely. You're sad eyes looking to him for an answer he doesn't have. "I think you're...nice," but he has a feeling that's not what you wanted to hear.
"nice?" You let out a humorless laugh. "Maybe that's the problem. Nice must translate to doormat," You sigh and drop your head into your hands. 
Simon takes a sip of his drink. He's growing concerned this is entering too friendly territory. Then you pop your head back up.
"So, how much did you hear?"
"Not much"
"Yeah right," You toss him a coy smile. “Can I tell you what happened?”
“Alright, so” you take a sip of your own drink and a deep breath before recounting your story. "I met him at work. He was really nice and offered to pick me up a coffee on his way in one day. I haven’t made any friends at work yet so it was nice just to chat over a coffee. Then we started having lunch together. Nothing serious just in the break room but it felt good to hear about something other than notes from my editor. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, I mean I moved here to focus on myself not continue dating more crappy guys. So of course he started texting me and he was really sweet. He complimented my outfits and thought all my jokes were hilarious apparently. I really wasn’t trying to get involved with this guy though. He said something about hearing I can cook and of course I said I do. It’s part of my job, duh. He’s giving my shit about it so I invited him over for dinner. I made this creamy potato gnocchi with Italian sausage that I got from that great butcher on the corner. I even hand rolled the gnocchi. I mean, who wouldn't kill for an authentic Italian meal?"
"He's sounds like some guy"
"Not really, I was testing out a new recipe for the column so, two birds one stone. Anyways, he comes up and we have some wine and listen to some music. It was going really well so far. Then I go to bring out a nice charcuterie board for an appetizer while the pasta finishes baking. While I'm bringing it to him I can see he's on his phone, texting someone and literally giggling. I walk up behind him and he is sexting. On my couch!" you throw you hands up incredulously. "Well, I thought he was. He’s looking at a picture of some girl bent over then I realize it’s me. He took a picture of my ass, while I was making him dinner. I couldn't fucking believe it. What kind of a scumbag does that to a woman preparing a fucking meal for him? Now, this is not something I'm proud of so let the record show this is very out of character for me but these were extraordinary circumstances. So, I dropped the fig chutney on his head. Right in his stupid quaffed hair. He jumps up and he's all mad and starts yelling and I'm yelling back. He calls me a crazy bitch then I call him a perv. After that he left." you conclude with a shrug.
"Wow" Simon responds, truly taken aback by the series of events. 
"Yeah, then you know the rest from there. I don't know what came over me. I guess after my last breakup I haven't felt very good about myself and this guy made me feel, I don't know- fun? That feels silly to say. I should’ve known better from a guy that works the celebrity gossip section. I probably looked like a big baby out there, how dramatic. I'm sorry about that, again."
"You don't need to apologize."
"After I moved here I thought things would be different. I thought guys in the city were classier I guess. Turns out all guys are the same. Just take what they want and go. Do you want another drink?" You point to his now empty glass. 
"Sure." You snag his cup and stand. He watches you walk over to the counter in your silky slip dress. The sleek fabric clings to your waist. Flaring around your hips and down your thighs. The warm light reflects on the shiny material, shifting with each step you take. It tightens perfectly about your waist and cinched with a neat little bow in the back. He wonders why you would wear a dress like that for this guy.
"So, do you date?" you question in a seemingly casual tone.
"Yeah right," you laugh and look over your shoulder to see his stoney expression and your smile fades. "Oh, sorry, I just- I find that hard to believe."
"Why is that?" He tilts his head and you focus back on filling his glass. 
"It's just, you're a good looking guy. I would think you'd get plenty of female attention," You pivot back around and place the glass before him. You lean on the table with one hand and prop the other on your waist. 
"'M not interested," his gaze stays fixed on the brown liquid, grabbing it and taking another sip. He doesn't miss the way you deflated the slightest bit. 
"Maybe I should take a page out of your book, as in maybe swearing off men completely" The oven timer dings. "Oh! pasta!" You jump over and grab your oven mitts. You drop the oven door and slide out the sizzling dish. An aroma of cheese and basil fills the air. Your stomach audibly growls.
You pull down two plates from your cabinet. You serve up the steaming pasta, sprinkling parmesan and fresh chopped herbs for garnish. You proudly carry over the two dishes and place them carefully on the table. You place your hands on your hips while gazing down at the platter.
"This looks...great." Simon is truly taken aback by the incredible looking dish. 
"Wait, don't eat yet. Let me get a picture." You scamper into your living room, grabbing your phone off the coffee table and scurrying back. You hold your phone high above for a birds eye view. Simon scoots his chair back to avoid the gaze of the lens. The camera clicks with a flash. You examine the photo, seeming satisfied with the quality and finally taking a seat in your own chair. "It was okay if you were in the picture. I don't mind." 
"I do," he says simply. 
To anyone else, Simon comes off as rude or callous but you, you never seem to let his shortness affect you. You take his words and just keep going. You don't mind his lack of conversation. It seems you are totally satisfied with having someone there to listen. He was starting to think he didn't mind listening so much. 
"Oh," You shift uncomfortably in your chair. "Sorry then. Well, let me know what you think. Try to be detailed with your feelings about it if you can. You're my guinea pig and be honest. I don't want to put this out when it's garbage."
He proceeds to take a forkful in his mouth. He cannot control the groan that escapes his throat as the bold flavor hits his tongue. This is far cry from his usual take away food. He can't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal now that he thinks about it. 
"This is quite good." He grumbled between bites. Not caring to finish chewing before he's stabbing at the pasta on the plate once again. 
"Really? You don't need to be nice to spare my feelings. I don't mind criticism."
He shoves more in his mouth. "I’m serious"
"Thank you" You giggle watching him scarf down the still steaming hot meal. 
The two of you finish your respective plates without much more conversation to be had. On your last few bites you meet Simon's eyes as he reclines back in the creaky wooden chair, hands laying across his stomach. His head tips back with a satisfied grumble making a proud smile play across your lips. This may be the first time you've seen him express a true human emotion in your presence. 
"There's more if you want?"
"No, I'm stuffed." 
If you know one thing as a part time chef, food is the way to a man's heart. You knew if Simon tasted what you could make his ice exterior would melt away. You stand up and walk to the fridge. 
"Too stuffed for dessert?" you pull out a glass bowl filled with layers of custard, strawberries, cake, and whipped cream. "I made a traditional English trifle. Y'know for the holidays coming up and who doesn't love custard?" you shrug while carrying the bowl over to the table. You hurry back to the kitchen to grab two saucers and plate up the dessert.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to butter me up." he comments, intently watching as you carefully slice through the layers. "What do you know about English food?" 
"Not much, which is why this is a special occasion. I can get some insight from a genuine Englishman," you slide the saucer to him. "Everything happens for a reason, I guess you were meant to be here tonight" you don’t realize how weird that comment is until it's already left your mouth. You suppress the feeling and internally cringe. You take a seat with your own plate and try a bite. "Hey, that's not too bad. I think Gordon Ramsey would be proud"
Simon actually chuckles when you compliment yourself making you giggle in return. This whole night is very different than you expected. Not that you were complaining.
Your leg bumps his underneath the narrow table. Your bare foot brushing up the edge of his pant leg for the briefest moment. A deep blush rises to your cheeks the second you realize it's his leg instead of the table's. 
"Oh, sorry!" you quickly draw your legs underneath your chair. Simon pauses his eating and meets your gaze. 
"S'alright," he slowly slides his long leg across the distance and nudges the shin of your tucked legs with the toe of his boot. "You scared?"
"What?" you allow your legs to relax, your calves sitting on either side of his outstretched leg. It felt natural, almost domestic. "You don't scare me." you're lying paired with an anxious laugh.
"No?" As he says this his foot shifts underneath the supports of your chair and yanks it forward causing your chair to skid a few inches across the tile, pressing you further into the table as you let you a surprised yelp. Hands brace against the edge of the table. Simon maintains his calm composure. "Are you sure?" he takes another bite of the fluffy dessert. 
You weren't sure if it was the liquor going to your head or the rush of adrenaline but you felt bold. You rest your cheek on your propped up hand, offering the most innocent eyes you can muster, as you delicately slide your foot along the smooth leather of his boot. Simon swallows and gently places his fork back on the table.
"What do you think of it?" you question in a hushed tone. your foot travels further up his ankle, dipping under his pant leg to feel his hot skin underneath. 
"It's sweet," He states simply but his words roll off his tongue smooth as butter. 
"Not too sweet?" You tilt your head the slightest bit.
"Hm," he hums in contemplation. Your eyes drift down to watch his hands grasp his drink. He grips the glass in his large palm. The rolled sleeves of his long sleeve reveal the muscles in his arm shifting when he raises the glass to his mouth. For the first time you notice a faint raised scar cutting through the outer corner of his lip and stopping just shy of the edge of his nose. He takes a long swig of the brown liquid, not quite finishing the drink. As he pulls back his lips glisten in the warm light. "Not bad when it's paired with a stiff drink," his tongue is quick to swipe across, collecting the residue. 
"I'll be sure to make a note of that." you smile sweetly. "Can I get you another drink?" You look down at the last sip coating the bottom of the glass. You make sure to flutter your lashes when you look back up at him. 
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" A smirk raises the corner of his mouth.
"No," you laugh. "Why, do you want me to?" 
He releases a deep gravelly laugh that makes your stomach stir. Then he glances at his watch and your stomach drops. 
"I need to get going." He mumbles. He pulls his leg away from yours and rises out of his chair. 
"Wait," you rush to stand, almost knocking your seat over in the process. "Can I- uh- get you a bit of pasta to go? There’s plenty left" Trying to think of any excuse to keep him here a moment longer. 
"S'okay, save it. Maybe I'll come by another time." He turns and steps out of your kitchen and into the hallway leading to your front door in only a few wide strides. 
"Are you sure?" You don't intend for your voice to come out as needy as it does. You follow on his heels like a lost puppy.
"I've got an early morning." Before he reaches the door he turns, seemingly surprised by how close you are to him. He looks down at your big round eyes. 
"Okay," you smile trying not to look defeated. "Well, you're welcome over anytime. I mean it, just knock and I'll probably be home. I'm gonna try writing at home more. Try to avoid that guy." You let out a halfhearted chuckle. "Maybe, you should get my number. Y'know, in case you want to check if I'm home."
"I'm alright, I'll just knock" His hand finds the doorknob. "Thanks for dinner, it was nice" Then he turns to go. Closing the door politely behind him. 
You rush to the peephole, watching his distorted figure step out of sight followed by the sound of his own door shutting. You rest your hot forehead against the cool wood grain of your door. 
You step back in the kitchen and begin putting away the leftovers. Piling the pasta into tupperware, rinsing the plates, collecting silverware. His glass remains in place with a sliver of scotch leftover. You hold the glass up in the light and see a faint smudge on its rim. You twist the cup around so your own mouth lines up with the imprint he left. You swallow the last bit slowly, savoring the way the sharp burn eases into a smooth, smoky aftertaste. You never liked scotch, but now you are starting to understand the meaning of an acquired taste.
The low atmospheric music is abruptly interrupted by an ad loudly cutting through the calm space. You rush into the living room to find the remote, hiding among the cushions and various throw pillows. Growing frustrated you end up walking over and manually hitting the power button. The silence that replaces it isn’t much better though. You step back and let your weak legs carry you until you collapse onto the comfort of your couch. The wine followed by the glass of scotch you polished off makes your head feel light but your limbs so heavy. You turn from your back to your side, realizing the used glass is still clutched in your hand. 
You reach across the gap and set it down on the coffee table with a thud. Your hand retreats back to rest under your head. You stare at it, taking in all the imperfections left on its reflective surface. Your eyes trace the rim once again looking for the smudge. On the corner you see the shadow of an impression peeking out underneath the red lipstick mark you have smeared over it. 
Across the wall Simon falls back on his own couch. He looks around his dull apartment wondering what you have done differently to make your place look so welcoming. He never minded the minimal decorations he had. A photo frame with his team that his buddy gifted him and a couple of books always seemed like enough. After comparison though it just feels empty. 
He can hear you stomp across your floor. Footstep rushing from the kitchen until you're straight ahead. The sound of your TV turning off bathes the room in sudden silence. Only thing he can hear now is the rushing of his air conditioning unit. He considered your music annoying but now he couldn’t deny the way it added an unconscious energy to the small unit. Now sitting here, the cool tone of the overhead kitchen light illuminating into the living room he feels as though something is missing. Maybe a nice lamp would help. 
@azkza @neurolept @contractedcriteria @hidden-treasures21 @sprokat @stark-red19
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futfemfantasies · 10 months
“You are very welcome to do so” \\ vivianne miedema x reader
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Prompt #26
“I could kiss you right now” “You’re very welcome to do so”
You board the team bus with your headphones on, not wanting to break your focus. Only for that focus to be broken when your favourite Dutch player sits next to you with that toothless smile you’ve grown to love on her face. Viv grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together, helping calm your nerves you thought you are hiding well. You exhale and sit back into the seat, somewhat relaxing. You go on your phone for a moment when you receive a text in your group chat with your national teammates and best friends Steph and Caitlin.
Calvin’s mum 🐶: I see you over there getting cozy with Vivvy 👀
You: idk what ur talking about…
Foord mustang 🚗: don’t act like there’s nothing going on between you too 😳
You: she’s helping to calm my nerves, that’s all
Calvin’s mum 🐶: what ever floats your boat y/n/n…
You turn around to the two Aussies sitting together and they make kissy faces at you and you roll your eyes. Viv asks you if everything is okay and you tell her that Steph and Caitlin are just being annoying. About 40 minutes later, the bus pulls up to the airport and you all get ready to jet of to France for the last semi final. You sit down in your designated sit on the plane and start getting your book and earphones out when you feel someone sit next to you. You look up and see that it’s once again Viv.
“You just can’t seem get away from me, can you?”
“Maybe I want to be here”
That made you blush slight as Viv got out her things before putting her bag in the overhead compartment. Doing so, it causes her shirt to rise up slightly and you catch a glimpse of the strikers abs. Your cheeks redden as you bury your head in your book as Viv sits down and buckles in.
“Like what you see?” She whispers in your ear and you don’t say anything, just smile slightly.
You feel the plane start to go and you grip the arm rests so tightly, your knuckles begin to turn white. Your eyes close as you feel the plane getting faster and as you start to ascend, you feel a hand intertwine with yours. Viv gives your hand a squeeze and looks at you with that smile you’ve grown to love. You thought Viv would let go of your hand but she didn’t and you are perfectly okay with that. As the plane started to descend, Viv squeezed you’re hand again to help calm your nerves.
The team starts to leave the plane and make their way to the baggage claim area where Viv doesn’t leave your side. As you all wait for the bags, Viv decides to make a bold move and rests her head on your shoulders while her arms are loosely around your waist. You just know your group chat with Steph and Caitlin are going to be bombarded with messages. You see your bag come and Viv lets you go and gets your bag for you. She ends up getting hers as well and wheels them back over to you. You thank her and wait for the rest of the team to get their bags. You sit on your suitcase and pull out your phone to see, as expected, a bunch of messages from Steph and Caitlin.
Foord mustang 🚗: i call bullshit that there’s nothing going on with you two…
Calvin’s mum 🐶: i second that 🙋‍♀️
You: no further comments at this time 🤫
You feel a presence in front of you and see the Dutch beauty. You look up to see her hold your hand out for you. You take it and stand up before getting your bag. You all arrive at the hotel and Jonas tells everyone who their roommate is. To no one’s surprise, you and Viv are roomed together. As you both got into the room, you see one big bed in the middle of the room and you immediately panic.
“We can share right? It’s only for two nights, I’m sure we can manage” Viv says and you nod.
You lie down on one side of the bed and close your eyes at the coldness of the pillow. You feel the bed move and you peak open one eye to see Viv lying next to you, looking at you.
“What are you looking at creeper?”
“Just you” Viv tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear before flicking your eyes and lips. You begin to lean in and just as your lips are millimetres from each other when you both hear multiple bangs on your door.
“Oi lovebirds, we’re going out for a team dinner. Hurry up” You hear the lovely voice of Katie McCabe beam through the door. You yell back that you’re coming and Viv mumbles something you can’t quite hear.
After a spending the hour at dinner giving each other subtle glances and playing footises under the table, you two go back to the room not saying a word and get ready for the next day.
You wake up the next morning with a tight arm around your waist. You slowly unravel yourself and go have a shower before breakfast. Viv wakes up as she hears the bathroom door close and she pouts slightly. She quickly gets herself changed and goes to the balcony, checking her messages. Just as she’s about to reply to Leah, Viv feel hands sneak around her waist.
“Hey stranger, what are you doing out here? It’s chilly”
“Just thinking” Viv replies with a half smile on her face.
“Alright, we’re ditching the girls and going out for breakfast together this morning and you can talk to me about whatever’s going on in that pretty little head of yours okay?” Viv nods and you leave a lasting kiss on her forehead, making Viv swoon on the inside.
After a flirtatious breakfast, you two quickly head back to the hotel to get ready for the game. As usual, you two sit on the bus together and you hold Viv’s hand close to you. She turns to you a gives you a look and you shake your head before leaning it on her shoulder. Viv ends up pulling you close into her and leaves a long kiss on your forehead. Steph and Caitlin see this and decide not to tease you because it looks like something is wrong.
You get to the stadium and Viv stays by your side the entire time. You slip your earphones in and let the world of music take you away. As the team goes to look at the field, you stay behind and when Viv gets no response to the question she asked you, thinking you are next to her, she looked around her and noticed you weren’t there. She asked a few of the girls if they’ve seen you and Katie tells Viv that you stayed back in the locker room. Viv instantly runs back to the room and all the girls gossip about how hopeless you too are.
Viv runs into the locker room, catching herself as she slides around the corner and sees you sitting in your cubby with your knees up to your chest. Viv sits beside you and pulls you on her lap.
“What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself since breakfast”
“I’m just scared. What if I mess it up for everyone? Everyone will hate me” You just broke down in tears and at the same time Viv’s heart was breaking a little bit more. She heard footsteps come around the corner and she quickly shooed them all away so you two could still have alone time.
“You won’t mess it up and you know why? Because you’re you Y/N. No one will hate you if we lose, it’s a team sport. We’re all in this together”
“Thanks Vivvy. How are you not freaking out right now?”
“Because I know I’ve got you up front with me” You sit up slightly and wipe your tears.
“You are going to do so well Y/N/N, I just know it” Viv leaves a long kiss on your forehead and you move off of her lap. You start to do your pre-game traditions when the rest of the girls came in. Thankfully, none of them asked why your face is red but Caitlin and Steph did give you a look and you just nod your head.
Fast forward to the game and you are currently tied at one all and there’s 3 minutes left in extra time. You move around the Lyon back line as you try to find a an open spot and when you do, Lia passes you the ball. You weave through the defenders and sprint with the ball towards goal and when you’re close enough, shoot it to the top bin. You hear the swoosh of the net and the crowd going wild, that’s when you knew it went in. You run to your teammates who dog pile you before getting up quickly. Viv was the last person to congratulate you and she gives you a kiss on your temple. You and the rest of the Arsenal girls manage to hold off Lyon for the extra minutes and you heard the refs whistle, meaning you are through to the Champions League final. You sink on your knees and cry in your hands. You feel two hands hold your wrists and slowly peel your hands off of your face. You look and see Viv with a big smile on her face. She holds your cheeks in her hands and continues to smile wide.
“I could kiss you right now” Viv whispers.
“You are very welcome to do so”
Viv leans forward and gently puts her lips on yours. Fans all around the stadium cheering causes you two to seperate. What you don’t notice is Caitlin and Steph watching on in pride, thankful that you’ve found your person.
After the teams get back to the locker room and shower, you all go back to the bus and to no ones surprise, you and Viv sit together up the back. You lean on Viv and she pulls you into her as your eyes attempt to stay awake. Viv whispers to you to go to sleep as the bus ride will take a little while.
The next time your eyes open is when you feel someone pick you up. Viv whispers that we’re back at the hotel and we’re going up to the room. You nod and fall back to sleep until you feel something comfy underneath you. You groan before opening your eyes and notice Viv not in bed with you. You start making grabby hands and Viv caves and crawls into bed. She wraps her arms around you and your whole body relaxes.
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sebuckyverse · 2 years
for a good time, call
modern!rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
Eddie Munson is a burnt out rockstar, touring the country. When he finds a phone number written on a bathroom wall, he strikes an unusual friendship with a coffee shop barista who has no idea who he is.
warnings: 18+ cussing, eventual smut if i'm horny, steve harrington, none yet, strangers to friends to lovers &lt;3 word count: 3,4k
an: Y'ALL idk what this is but i had this idea when i woke up from a bomb ass nap! tagging my bestie @hellfirewhore because she helped me so much with this, love u bub. also @ceriseheaven because she's obsessed with me. also i apologize for the Steve Harrington girlies
chapter two ♫ masterlist
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chapter one ♫♪♩·..·
With a heavy sigh, Eddie slips into the bathroom of a restaurant, the name of which he cannot even remember. It’s barely 6pm and he’s already two drinks in, cursing himself for agreeing to this meeting at all when he could’ve just been a dick and said no, but like someone once close to him used to say, he is a people pleaser. He closes his eyes for a minute before pushing off the door and heading to the furthest stall, locking himself in and sitting down without taking his pants off. He didn’t really need to go, this was just an excuse to escape giving the answers his shitty manager is waiting for him to give.
It’s nearing the end of Corroded Coffin’s summer tour “Live from the Upside Down”. With only 7 shows left, it’s safe to say the tour was a massive success. Tickets were sold out, fans were lining the streets and Eddie couldn’t blink without a camera going off somewhere. It’s what he wanted, dreamed of ever since he was in middle school and he was proud of himself for realizing his dream, specially when in high school, he thought about quitting. The fans are already asking about a new tour or a new album - they aren’t the only ones. Management is also on board, hoarding Eddie about new songs or if they could extend the tour, it’s good business after all. That’s all it seems to be about recently - money, publicity, instagram likes. It didn’t use to be like this, it was good when they blew up and signed with their record label but thinking back, it was too good to be true.
Eddie doesn’t have an answer to anybody. He hasn’t written anything new in weeks and his relationship with the band is strained, he doesn’t remember the last time he actually enjoyed being on stage. So as he sits on the toilet rubbing his eyes, the bags under his eyes blue and purple, he’s trying to find another excuse to his manager waiting by the table to why they definitely shouldn’t jump right into another album. Once he has stretched out the minutes to a quick bathroom run as far as he could, he stands back up and stretches his legs. Eddie does a double take when before stepping out, he notices some text written on the stall door, followed by numbers.
“For lousy head, call Y/N.”
For what felt like the hundredth time today, your phone buzzed in your back pocket. Ignoring it, like you have done for the past two days, you continued packing blueberry muffins into a perfectly folded cardboard box, slapping a thank you sticker on top and pushing it to the side next to a few other to-go boxes. The clock was pushing 7pm and you were counting down the minutes until your shift was over, thankful that you had the next two days off to relax and turn off your fucking phone.
You don’t know what happened, but yesterday afternoon you started getting incredibly weird and vulgar messages and phone calls from unknown numbers. After consulting with your best friend last night, you didn’t reply to a single text and ignored the phone calls after you already answered one, where a guy asked for a blowjob.
“How did this happen?” Your best friend and co-barista Robin asked.
“You’re asking me! I have no idea!” you shrieked back at your phone, looking at her through the Facetime app.
“Have you signed up for anything weird lately?”
“Like what? You’re making it seem like I leaked my own number.”
“Well, someone clearly did.”
You chewed on your thumb as you rewinded the event of the last week. One thing did pop up, something that made your stomach churn. “You don’t think Steve would do this?”
“Uh, yeah! That guy is an asshole and the only thing bigger than his head is his ego. Didn’t you say he blocked you?”
“Yeah,” you sighed and massaged your temples where a headache was already forming “He got mad at me when I didn’t want to sleep with him on the second date.”
“Pfft- what?! Why didn’t you tell me?” Robin gawked at you, only her eyes and forehead visible now.
“It’s embarrassing! Sorry!”
“Well anyway, I bet it was him. You were too good for him anyway, by the way.”
You smiled and stuck your tongue out, “Stupid! But what am I going to do? Am I going to have to change my number now?”
“Seems so, unless you can find out how Steve leaked your number.”
After you promised to look into getting a new number the next day, you finished your call with Robin and turned off your phone. Today was super busy and you were too tired to worry about changing your number. You walked a short mile home and immediately flopped onto your bed, kicking off your shoes.
You had ignored your phone most of the day, but decided it was time to take a peek as you may have missed something important. You scrolled through numerous new text messages and deleted every single one, only sending back a quick text to Robin who had asked for any updates as she was off work today. Just as you were about to turn the device off again, a new message popped up that made you jump up the bed.
7:28pm Hello, I hope this message reaches you. I’m sorry to bother you, just wanted to let you know someone has written your number on a bathroom stall with a pretty nasty message. I scrubbed it off as much as I could. Have a good night.
It's been a few days since Eddie shot that text off and the almost instant reply he received back was still sitting unanswered at the top of his messages.
7.31pm, three days ago Hi. Thank you so much for letting me know, my phone has been going off like crazy. I appreciate what you did. If there's anything I can do to repay you, please let me know!
Eddie had no intention of asking for anything in return, that would be absurd. He was only doing what was right, it's what any decent person would have done. He's been hesitant to respond, he still remembers that one time he was a bit tipsy and made the irrational decision to give out his real number to a girl after a show. It only took three hours before his number was blasted all over the internet and he smashed his phone against a wall just to make it stop ringing.
Eddie was never this reclusive, not before all of this anyway. In high school, he had a handful of friends who he cared for and loved messing with. He was loud at times and he didn't care what anybody else thought of him, they all hated him anyway. In high school, he still had Wayne, too. Now he only has himself.
He was currently sitting on a hotel bed, after a show, his hair still dripping with water from his shower. He's scrolling Instagram, checking out the bands latest post, reading various fan comments who all appeared to love the show - which was good in theory, but it makes him feel sick. Can't they see that he's miserable? He's burned the fuck out but everybody seems blind to it. Before he can close the app though, a new text comes through, from the same number he still hasn't answered to.
02.59am ''ROb where re you- steve is here and i slapped him!! Cme find me quick''
His brows bunch together in a frown and before he can help himself, he snorts. This was clearly a text someone would send not-sober, which he has done too many times. He decides to write back, just to be.. polite.
03.00am ''Not Rob, but if Steve is the one who wrote that shit on the wall, good for you 🙂''
03.02am ''oh fuckk im so sorry'' 03.02am ''this is so embarrass sing pls ignore me'' 03.03am ''and it was steve!! he said t was him'' 03.04am ''hes such a dick im sorry i'm bothering you'' 03.04am ''ignore me, m so sorry again''
Eddie is staring at his phone with the most comical look on his face, if he felt tired before it's all gone now. He doesn't remember the last time he had a genuine laugh, but your texts are very amusing.
03.05am ''It's very hard to ignore you when you keep bombing my phone.''
It takes a couple of minutes before a new reply comes in and for some reason that he doesn't want to think about right now, it's making him anxious waiting for your reply. That's not creepy at all, he thinks.
03.08am ''IM SORRY have a kiwi on me🥝🥝''
The fresh September breeze has sneaked in through your open window, a gush of wind petting your forehead. You peel one eye open and do a quick scan of the room, noting that you're thankfully in your own apartment. With a delicious groan, you stretch your limbs and turn to your other side. The subtle thumping in your head is a stark reminder that you should've stayed home last night, but Robin refused to take no for an answer, as usual, and you two ended up at a bar downtown.
While downing a few fruity drinks might have been in your bingo cards, seeing Steve Harrington wasn't. Your eye twitched as soon as you saw the back of his head and that stupid hair of his, his arm flung around a girl you had never seen before. Robin had disappeared to the bathroom a while ago and you were left alone at the counter sipping your Cosmopolitan. Blessed with liquid courage, you set your unfinished glass on the counter and stomped your way over to him and his group of friends.
When you were in earshot, you heard one of them shout ''All hail King Steve!''. You rolled your eyes, pretty sure there was steam coming from your ears.
''Pff, King Steve? More like bitch Steve!''
The girl on his arm sputtered out her mojito and looked between you two, her wide eyes moving back and forth like she was observing a tennis match. Steve turned as well and scoffed at you, ''You need somethin'?''
You crossed your arms, needing to shield yourself and popped your hip. ''Yeah, why'd you do it?''
''Do what?''
''Don't play dumb, Steven. I know you wrote my number on some random bathroom wall. The fuck is wrong with you?''
Steve unhooked himself from his date and took a step closer to you, but you took a step back as well. Someone bumped into you from behind and spilled liquid onto your open toed shoes, but you didn't turn away, instead staring Steve right in the eyes, hoping your looks could kill.
''Aw, I thought I was doing you a favor, babe. Thought you might use the experience.''
''Fuck you,'' you spat. ''All this because I wouldn't have sex with you?''
''Nobody turns down the King, sweetheart. It's your loss anyway.''
You scoffed and broke eye contact to dig through your purse for your phone. Robin would abolish him, but she was still not back yet. ''You're such an asshole!''
Steve raised his hands and run his knuckles up and down your arm, which you jolted away immediately. ''We could still hook up if you want, you know. I'll even do you first.''
You gasped at his crummy words and before you knew it, you raised your hand and slapped his cheek. Steve's head flew to the side and your palm stinging from the harsh contact. Your chest heaved as you turned to leave, looking back at the girl and seeing honest confusion in her eyes. ''Don't bother with him babe, I heard he's only 4 inches.''
You pushed past people back to the bar and ordered yourself 3 shots of tequila, your fingers still trembling as you handed over bills. The shots were gone in the blink of an eye. You needed to find Robin and tell her what happened. You don't condone your actions but you knew she would high five you once she hears about this. You used the restroom, hoping to find her there, but she was nowhere in sight. Sighing in defeat, you pulled your phone up and swiped until you found Robin's text chain and sent off an emergency text. Your vision was already doubling, no doubt the work of 2 Cosmos and 3 shots of tequila, being the lightweight that you were.
Back in bed, you raked your hand through the bedsheets, trying to locate your phone, finding it under your ass. The clock showed 2.13pm. How the hell did I get home last night? you thought and swiftly found Robin's number and put the phone on speaker and placed it next to you on your pillow. The ringing went unanswered and you went to send her a quick text.
2.14pm - to Robin ''Hey, you ok? call me when you get this.''
Looking at your text messages, you were confused when you didn't find texts from last night. You specifically remember texting her and she even replied! Didn't she? Nausea started forming at the pit of your stomach as your fingers made quick work to look through any other messages you might have sent last night and your heart almost stopped beating when you realized who you actually messaged last night.
''Oh, dear God.''
Eddie was on the other side of the country, in the middle of soundcheck when he felt left pocket vibrate. As there were only two songs left, he ignored it until he had a few minutes to spare. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but he was maybe hoping it was you. Not in a romantic way, of course, he was just wondering what happened to you last night, if you got home safe.
They finished soundcheck and headed back to the dressing room, where they would spend the rest of the day waiting for the show to start, fitting in a few interviews where he put on his best act. Eddie fished his phone from his bucket and felt a cold shiver run down his back as he stared at the screen. It wasn't who he was expecting, it was from Wayne.
Eddie and Wayne used to be close. Wayne was like a father to him and during high school days, were people accused Eddie of being the devil himself, always had his back and looked out for him. It's how Wayne also noticed that Eddie was unhappy, even before Eddie realized it himself. Eddie would reassure Wayne that he was fine and that this was what he wanted, but Wayne could see through the bullshit. He never let Eddie stomp on him either, calling him out for lying and telling him to come home, or at least take a break. But how could he take a break when he is at the height of his career? He couldn't.
Being manipulated by his manager as well, Eddie slowly started pulling away from Wayne. He wouldn't call as often or would leave certain texts unanswered. It's at a point where they aren't really speaking anymore, only the occasional text Wayne sends to let him know he's doing good, everything is fine. Eddie can't admit it, but he needs those texts more than ever. He's thought about calling Wayne every day, now that things have gotten so bad for him. He needs his uncle, the only person he's ever looked up to, to put him straight. But like always, he is a coward and instead of replying, Eddie just locks his phone.
''Where the hell have you been?'' you scold as you hold your door open for Robin, graciously accepting the entire bag of junk food she brought. Chips, cookies, various types of candy and four cans of Coke Zero.
After you hauled up from bed and straightened yourself up, Robin called you and told you she would be coming over with hangover medicine, hence the junk food. You emptied the bag on your coffee table and popped open one of the Cokes. Robin toed off her shoes and joined you on the couch, reaching for the chips. ''I think I found the love of my life.''
''Oh great heavens, again?''
Throwing a chip at you, you pick it up and snack on it. ''Hey, she's the one who got us all home last night. I found you slumped against the wall next to the bathroom.''
''Oh, well, make sure to thank her for me then. What's she like?''
Robin proceeded to fill you in on her activities last night and you told her about your encounter with Steve, receiving a very expected high five. ''Fuck yeah! He deserved it, I hope that girl dumped his ass, too. He's a stupid idiot.''
Fidgeting in your seat, you pulled your legs closer to your chest. ''Speaking of idiots, I may have done something dumb last night, too. You remember that number that texted me about the whole thing? Who told me my number was on that stall and shit?''
''Yeaaah?'' Robin asked cautiously.
''I.. might have drunk texted him last night, thinking it was you.''
''Oh my God, what did you say? Show me your phone!''
You grabbed your phone from the coffee table and handed it to her, watching her facial expressions as she kept reading. ''Oh my GOD, this is like, sexy.''
''Sexy?! What part of this is sexy? I humiliated myself to this stranger. He could be the president for all I know.''
''Really doubt the president is allowed to text. But this is cool! You have a mysterious pen pal, or a text pal. He hasn't texted anything yet?''
''Nope,'' you say and is that disappointment you detect in your own voice? This is stupid.
''You do it then! Text him something right now.'' Robin claps her hands and scooches closer to you so she could see your screen.
''No, what the hell. And say what?''
Tonight's show was the hardest so far. The band changed the setlist a little bit and Eddie was off his game, forgetting some words to their last song. The night ended in a screaming match with his manager when Eddie spoke up about wanting a bigger break before they do another tour. Jake, his manager, accused Eddie of being lazy and not willing to work for it, whilst Eddie accused him of being a phony and only caring about money. At one point, the band had to separate the two of them so fists wouldn't go flying.
So, as he nurses his beer at another hotel room, laying on silk sheets and dried streams of tears running down his cheeks, he feels the need to talk to someone. He can't call Wayne, although subconsciously he know that should be the first option, he thinks of that stranger, somewhere out there, who has no idea how he is. He bends down to rummage through his pants until he finds what he's looking for. He's surprised when he sees that you have written to him first, the nickname he gave you staring back at him.
5.56pm - Kiwi ''Hi. I would once again like to apologize for my antics last night. Please know that I'm so humiliated!''
Without thinking much about it, Eddie quickly types a reply, hoping you still might be up.
01.13am “Don’t worry about it. You’re entertaining.”
01.15am - Kiwi “Oh, is my despair entertaining you?”
01.15am ''Yes.''
01.16am “I hope I didn't wake you.”
01.17am - Kiwi ''You didn't.'' ''What's your name, by the way?''
Eddies fingers hovered over the keyboard, seconds ticking by. He couldn't give his real name, he'd already made a similar mistake once. He didn't want to lie to you, but seeing as you didn't know who he was anyway, it made feel a little bit less guilty when he offered you a fake name.
01.20am ''It's Kirk.''
01.21am - Kiwi ''Are you from Metallica?''
Eddie smiled - he was outsmarted. Bonus points for liking, or at least knowing Metallica.
01.21am ''What would you do if I say yes?''
01.21am - Kiwi ''Nothing, probably ask you what James Hetfield smells like 😜''
01.22am ''It was nice knowing you, Kiwi girl.'
01.22 am - Kiwi ''KIWI girl?? Wait come back, Kirk's my second favorite!''
01.22am ''I'm here.''
01.23am - Kiwi ''Are we friends now?''
01.24am ''Sure. If you want to be.''
01.24am - Kiwi ''I think so.''
01.25am ''Good, me too.''
01.27am - Kiwi ''Good night, Kirk.''
01.27am ''Good night, Kiwi girl.''
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cheetahsixx · 4 months
Let the Light In (Nikki Sixx x f!reader)
genre: Angst to fluff
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You’ve heard it all from your friends, to your family, from even some of your colleagues. Don’t date a rockstar unless youre practically begging to be cheated on.
Despite this, you really liked Nikki… and wanted to give this a try
and it had been going well! you guys were about 6 months now and your love was very strong. Nikki was on tour and you really missed him…….. so you decided to surprise him.
You had called his tour manager and they agreed to help you fly out while maintaining things a secret. The day of your flight, you give Nikki a call before you board.
He picks up after a few minutes and you’re greeted with a “Hey baby” in his classic sleazy voice.
you smile to yourself “hi. you up to anything?”
“Not really, doll. Just rehearsal for tonight’s show”
“I see, well I miss you.. wanted to hear your voice”
“I miss you too-“ you hear some chatter in the back before Nikki continues “gotta go now doll, but i’ll see if I can call you later, k?”
“okay, call me when you can-“ before you can say a quick I love you the call is over and you sigh to yourself. “Plane 372 now boarding to LA…” is said over the airport speakers as you pick up your suitcase and get on the boarding line.
By the time you arrive in LA it’s pretty late and motley already had their show. You check your phone after regaining some service and you have no missed calls from Nikki. Nonetheless, you continue to remain positive and take a taxi to the hotel you were told they were staying at.
Upon arrival, their tour manager texted you Nikki’s room number and you made your way to an elevator.
You exit the elevator to the hallway with Nikki’s room with a bright smile across your face. Just then, you hear some laughter and look up.
Down the hall you can see Nikki standing in the door frame of his room and a.. girl exiting it. They’re both laughing and before she turns to leave she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek which he smiles to.
Your heart sinks and you find yourself in a state of shock. You immediately burst into tears and drop your suitcase. The sound of this makes Nikki and the girl realize your presence down the hall.
“shit-“ he yells your name as he tries to catch up to you. You run to an elevator and press the button about 20 times so it opens. Upon some miracle, just as Nikki catches up to you the doors grant you access and you rush in.
Nikki puts his hand in between the elevator doors which makes them open, he stands in between them. “it’s not what it looks like-“
you chuckle in between your tears “seriously? I can’t believe you would fucking do this to me”
Nikki sighs “I swear to god if you’ll just let me explain-“
you cut him off angrily “NO! theres nothing to explain. I CLEARLY should’ve just listened to what people warned me about-“
To this, Nikki’s face changes from seeking your forgiveness to some type of hurt. “what people warned you about?” he says quietly
I stare at him as more tears fall down my cheeks “they said you would do this to me”
“and you believed them?” he looked at you, now seeming more angry
“well look where we are right now, right?” is all you say before he shakes his head and steps away from between the elevator doors. As they begin to close all he says is “just go back home”
you close your eyes and begin to sob again as the elevator takes you down to the lobby.
You were supposed to stay with Nikki in his room, so you didn’t book another one ahead of time. You were going to be stuck on this red couch for the whole night. You start to look for some flights back home.
you hear some commotion and look up to see Tommy and some other guys. He smiles upon seeing you “no way! y/n?! what are you doing here dude?” he laughs as he walks over to you before his smile fades “woah whats wrong? you here for nikki? I can help you find-“
you cut him off as you snuffle “no thanks. I was here for Nikki but I… found him with another girl coming out of his room.”

Tommy stares at you a bit puzzled before saying “Thats a shame… he was just talking about you earlier and how you’re the best thing to ever happen to h- oh no.”
you look at Tommy “what?”
Tommy begins to snicker and you get angry considering, there was nothing funny about any of this?
“He had a meeting with a person we’re looking to make our new manager today. That’s probably who he was with. Did he tell you?” he says as you look at him stunned “Fuck.” you whisper “No… I didn’t give him a chance”
You and Tommy exchange looks and as if you had some unspoken language you knew what he was telling you to do. You get up from the couch and run to the elevator.
You knock on Nikki’s hotel room door viciously as tears are running down your cheeks again. You knock for a while until the door finally, slightly opens.
“What now, talk to someone else that told you im cheating?” he says blankly
“god Nikki no I- I’m so sorry. please just let me in to talk-“
Nikki cuts you off with a chuckle “why should I? you didn’t let me talk.”
“Nikki I know I’m sorry I really am. I made a mistake. This is all my fault I just want to make it right please…. let me in.”
He closes the door and you start to sob thinking it was all over. Then, he opens the door all the way and steps to the side. You quickly rush in.
“I’m so so so sorry. I ran into Tommy and he told me you were just meeting with someone you might hire I- is it true?”
Nikki nods not saying anything, he doesn’t make eye contact with you.
“I’m sorry. Truly, I am. I shouldn’t have assumed things too quickly. I shouldn’t have listened to what people said- and I didn’t ! I still went off to date you… but, It just all came back when I saw her leaving your room and I thought my worst nightmare was coming true-“
Theres silence for a moment, then Nikki rushes to your figure and embraces you. You lightly sob into his chest but feel more at peace now in his arms. “I would never fucking cheat on you, princess” he whispers as he continues to hold you.
you nod as more tears rush out your eyes, he pulls away from you and lifts up your chin. He smiles “you’re the most amazing little thing to walk into my life. I would never jeopardize that. I’m so happy you came.” he then leans down and kisses you.
You finally begin to smile as you kiss. It’s passionate as it was the first time you’ve felt his lips in a month. You pull away to catch your breath “well um… surprise?” Nikki chuckles and begins to kiss you again as you two naturally fall into his hotel mattress.
This was req yesterday but I answered it already so I hope anon gets to see it 😢 please boost! :)
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celestialulu · 5 months
oooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au oooooooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au soooo bad
I feel like this is gonna be hard to do as a lot of the things I thought of bounced off of your ideas lol,, sorry if i accidentally stole ur ideas... anyway heres my thoughts on a nalu kpop au (its gonna be a LONG post i have a LOT of thoughts my baddd):
Well first of all I make a pinterest board for most of the aus I think of, just for a general idea and aesthetic and heres the one i did for that !!
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(sorry it may not be that great I just needed some stuff to visualize it lol)
-Honestly i'm indecisive and cannot decide if I would personally put them in a group or if they would be soloists. I do think Lucy would suit being a soloist and it has a lot of potential if she were, reasons like her being from a prestigious family could be interesting with lucy feeling isolated and lonely a lot.
-Following the last point, maybe a lot of people in the industry might not really feel the need to talk to her much or have pre-existing assumptions about her and how she would act.
-Natsu (also a popular idol in the industry) first interacts with Lucy at some award show and he knows of her and loves her songs and performances but in that moment he doesn't really connect the dots and realize it's her, but he knows that she feels familiar for some reason.
-They talk a little and Lucy is surprised as she doesn't speak to many people that aren't staff or management and forced promotional stuff. She's a little awkward and she tends to talk a lot and rant because of that and Natsu thinks she's kinda weird (but in a nice way). They're cut off from that and don't see each other for the rest of the evening.
-Natsu realizes it was Lucy a few days later and no one believes that talked with her.
-They become close friends after being tasked to do a collab stage performance together.
-They practice a LOT, of course because they are hard workers but also because they enjoy spending time together and spending time together outside of work would cause rumors.
-The pure tension they have while practicing some of the moves for the performance.
-Natsu getting hit on the head of how attractive Lucy is after they go all out in one of their final practice sessions when shes sweaty, hair completely sticking out everywhere and wearing comfy baggy clothes which she wore for the purpose of practicing. (and also vice versa for Lucy)
-Natsu and Lucy looking hot (and cute) as fuck on a magazine cover photoshoot together.
-And alternatively, Natsu or Lucy looking hot as fuck for a solo magazine photoshoot and the other seeing it and having their own crisis.
-After the collab stage they aren't able to hang out or meet, even though Natsu has tried to on his on accord but his management has to make sure he doesn't, and although Lucy also misses hanging out with him she doesn't want any rumors to circulate and Natsu makes it his mission to try and find her at any event she might also be attending.
-They text and call a lot. Natsu often gets teased by others because of how much he smiles and laughs while texting Lucy.
-Natsu sends Lucy pictures of ANYTHING that has her on it in public. (posters, magazines, billboards etc etc)
-Natsu and Lucy start to hang out again after Lucy accidentally gets a little tipsy at some event and it's a casual event so Natsu is able to be the one to take Lucy home.
-Then starts the secret meetups, them dressing up in disguises and heavy clothing to even travel to somewhere private like each others home.
-Natsu has the most HIDEOUS disguises btw and Lucy tries to act peeved but she can't help but smile at the silly disguises.
-Lucy attends one of his tour concerts, she wears a bright ribbon in her hair she knows he's seen her wear before hoping he might see her in the audience. He texts her excitedly after the concert asking if she was really there.
-Natsu gifts Lucy matching friendship jewelry for her birthday (could be a necklace or bracelet but for this I like the idea of a necklace more) They both wear them 24/7.
-they hide it for a LONG time… like we're talking MONTHS and then they accidentally slip up and one day people find paparazzi pics of each where the matching jewelry is seen.
-Then they get CRAZY dating rumors like it is EVERYWHERE…
-Lucy is freakinggg the fuck out and Natsu just feels bad because Lucy is so anxious, he couldn't really care less about the public thinking Lucy is his gf but he does get it as rumors like this can damage a career and he knows that.
-They keep silent and carry on as though nothing happened and the rumors sort to die down after a while but theres still those odd few people who believe in it.
-Lucy doing a sexy cunty stage performance on a big big show, and Natsu is attending in the audience and someone slyly filmed his reaction where he is very visibly stunned and very confused about his feelings for her. It circulates social media a lot.
-Lucy sees this video but makes herself believe he isn't into her like that.
-Natsu acts completely indifferent to the video so people won't ask him about it.
-As much as most people would act like he doesn't know Lucy at all after the rumors, on tv shows he doesn't hesitate to sing or dance to her songs publicly.
-People notice how much Natsu and Lucy are very comfortable with each other, teasing and arguing endearingly with each other on a reality tv show.
-They start hanging out publicly without caring after this.
-Them writing lyrics about each other in songs, and Lucy is VERY angsty and poetic about it.
-Lucy getting drunk and asking Natsu "What would we be if we weren't this?"
-Natsu thinks she means career wise, and starts to think of what he would be if he wouldn't be an idol. She clarifies she meant them as in their relationship with each other. He can't answer.
-After that, it's a little awkward. Natsu doesn't know if she remembers. She does. But she doesn't dare act like she does.
-It gets a bit more crazy as they are asked to do another collab stage together after the success of the last one. They accept because, yknow, its like the best way for them to hang out privately without crazy disguises and the like.
-As if the last collab performance was bad enough without the choreography being an average dance this one is WAY WORSE. a lot more contact. a lot more closeness.
-The ending pose of the performance is Lucy laying on the floor and Natsu leaning over her.
-One day, they practice for HOURS straight trying to get it right and perfect the dance. After going all out, and in the ending pose Natsu is looking down at Lucy's messy hair and flushed face and her wide eyes. He kisses her.
-They ditch practicing for the evening and end up making out in the dance practice room for a while.
-Their new collab stage gets leaked when Lucy breaks her ankle and carries her down the street fast as FUCK where there's a really close hospital nearby. He feels bad as they have been practicing so much as an excuse to hangout with each other.
-They basically become "official" after that, but still try and keep it secret from the public. It kinda falls apart after pictures come out where Natsu clearly has a hastily wiped lipstick mark on his cheek and Lucy's neck is littered with hickeys.
-People connect the dots with Natsu and Lucy acting insufferable with each other in public, Natsu cheering his lungs out and supporting Lucy so loudly, and Lucy likewise but a little more restrained than him.
-Natsu once went viral for punching someone trying to get too close to Lucy.
-They never officially state they're together but they don't hide it as much after a while and then in the future one day it comes out that they're literally engaged.
-They have the cutest wedding pics ever and Lucy plays a song she wrote about him before they got together at their wedding.
-Then they're happily supporting each other's activities as a married couple, Natsu commenting and reposting everything Lucy posts and being very loud about her comebacks. Lucy is the same.
This is long as fuck and there's probably so many other things to say but this ended up basically being a whole as story instead of odd headcanons this probably makes ZERO sense. my bad. hope you enjoy anyway <3
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coralinnii · 1 year
Sharing news of your grades with them
feat: Silver, Kalim, Ace, Idia
genre: fluff
summary: going through your finals and sharing your results with them. 
note: established relationships for Silver, Kalim and Idia, pre-established relationship with Ace, reader is written as a first year
this was not part of my list of fics-to-do but I’m just so happy. My grades are out and I managed to pass all of my courses, even the ones I sucked at! So, this is definitely self-indulgence.  
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Silver admires your determination as he keeps you company in the library while you study for your final tests. He knew you were struggling and promises to help you however he can, both as your senior and your boyfriend. 
Or at least, he tried to. He did his darnedest to stay awake for as long as he could so he could share tips and help you out with practice quizzes, but his drowsiness always got the better of him. 
Well, you don’t mind it. With the stress and anxious thoughts building as your exams grow closer, watching Silver peacefully slumber against your shoulder was your relief from it all. His soothing heartbeat softens your stress-stiffened body and the warmth exuding from his closeness eased your mind. 
A week after your finals, you rushed out from your class, looking frantically for the light-haired student. You found him lying underneath a tree in the open courtyard, fast asleep with his furry companions resting beside him. 
You gently shooed the animals to give you space beside him as you patiently waited for him to wake. After 15 minutes or so, Silver eventually woke up sensing your giddy presence by his side. 
His first reaction upon seeing your face was to smile but it changed to a look of surprise then pride when he saw you lift a paper with your final grades. You scored extremely well in your final exams and passed all of your classes. His calming nature must have helped tremendously.
“I wanted you to be the first person I tell” you said which warmed your boyfriend’s heart even further. 
“Then you should have woken me up” he was sure he gave you permission to always wake him if needed but he put those thoughts aside to gently place a hand on your head, rubbing the crown of your head lovingly. 
“I’m so proud of you” Silver smiled as you beamed brightly at his praise. It’s always nice to have someone compliment your efforts but hearing it from Silver, who is also honest with his words and him being your boyfriend, it hits different. 
With your goals accomplished you shifted closer to him, you yawned as you laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around your sleepy man. The hours you’ve put into studying has taken its toll on your sleep and now you intend to reward yourself for your hard work. 
Already feeling the comfort of your warmth on him luring him to sleep, Silver adjusted himself for your comfort with you on top of him. He brushed a stray lock of hair away from eyes before the two of you drifted to sleep. He wants to properly celebrate your success but he can think about when you wake up.                                                                                                                     
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He wanted to help you with your studies but let’s face it, Kalim isn’t much help in the academics department. He once offered to help you with quiz reviews and it ended up with you teaching him instead. 
He does help with making sure you take breaks by dropping by with your favourite snacks and dishes (made by Jamil, of course). Kalim’s the best stress reliever and his bright personality is a miracle on your mental health. You’re always grateful for his kindness (and you send your thanks to Jamil and text him Kalim’s whereabouts, for his sanity). 
He treats your accomplishments as though it was his own, which was why he yelled out in excitement when you two went to see your results on the notice board. The other students flinched and turned in shock over the energy of this sunshine boy. 
Kalim would wrap his arms around you and spin you around in a carefree dance, forcing you to wrap your own arms around him. You can’t help but join in his infectious laughter as the two of you twirl around, oblivious to the stares from the other students as you were lost in your own world. 
“You did it! I knew you could!” He laughs as he stops to look at you with such love and admiration. and consistent with his spontaneous nature, he rushes down the hallways, pulling you in tow towards the Mirror Chamber. 
“We need to celebrate!” He exclaimed, excitedly running down the campus halls, barely missing the people occupying the space. “I’ll tell Jamil to start party preparations, this will be the biggest party ever!” 
No matter what, Kalim treats even the smallest of achievements in amazingly high regards. He would be proud of you regardless of your grades but seeing your efforts rewarded sends him a flurry of joy that he wants the whole campus, the whole WORLD, to know your accomplishments. 
Even if you choose not to have a party, he would still shower you with love and compliments, along with a mountain of presents. Expect lots of hugs and kisses while he bombards you with new jewels and clothes. 
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If he wants to keep Riddle off his back, he’s gonna be studying right there with you. With his final grades on the line, he can’t afford to goof off anymore and after the anemone head fiasco with Octavinelle, there’s no shortcut he can take. 
But Ace is always quick to boredom so his thoughts would drift elsewhere after a while of hitting the books. He would start fidgeting in his seat, twirl his pen back and forth, and sigh repeatedly over his notes. No matter how patient you were, that was starting to get annoyingly distracting. 
“How about a bet, then?” You raised your brow as Ace smirked your way. “The one who ranks higher in our year will win, and loser does what the winner wants” 
It’s somewhat childish, and you weren’t doing so well in some of your classes which worries you. But Ace knows what buttons to press with the right person, especially you with the amount of time he spends watching you (like a friend, totally right like a friend) 
He teases you, baiting you to take him up on the little fun wager. He never goes too far, just enough to feel like it’s worth the risk. 
He wins you over. And with that, Ace has the incentive to actually put in the effort. Given the right motive, Ace is a really good study buddy and he can be a good student when he tries to be. The study “dates” were time well spent (and it’s not because he gets to spend more time with you, pfft) 
But when the fateful day comes when your grades are announced, he saw your results and honestly he forgot the bet. Deep down, he was a little anxious over your reaction if you didn’t get what you wanted. He'll deny it, but he can't take it to see you sad. He knew how worried you were about your classes so when he saw your passing grades, he swung his arm around you and yelled out in a holler. 
“You see that? Way to go!” He grinned at your shocked expression before reciprocating his touch by wrapping your arms around him, a wave of relief and pride in your efforts. 
Eventually, you two will remember about the bet and you’ll figure that out. But for now, you were happy to share your happiness with the cute goofy redhead. 
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Let’s face it, Idia is a genius. Things like tests and grades are never a worry for him (excluding physical tests) and he sucks at empathizing with others that worry about such issues. If you share your worries of failing, he’s just too oblivious and would shamelessly say “then don’t fail?” 
Great Sevens, give me strength not to smack him
Still he attempts to be supportive. Giving you past quizzes and predictions on topics on the tests. He’s also not above hacking into the school’s system to peak at the test but you put a stop to that. 
Heck, he’ll even lend you his best noise-canceling headphones to give you the best studying mindset (he secretly just doesn’t want you to leave his side when he’s on his gaming marathon, he needs you). 
When results day came, he may have shrieked a little in his seat on the floor when you slammed his bedroom door open. You were excited to show him the fruits of your hard work, passing grades listed across on your records. 
“I passed, Idia! I passed everything!” You beamed so brightly that Idia had to look away from your radiant glow. Your smile should be banned, he thought. That move is way too effective. 
Noticing his silence, you began to pout. You’d think your boyfriend would be a little proud or happy for you. Sulking, you questioned his silence and after a moment of awkward silence, Idia finally muttered out. 
“It was obvious you’d pass” the tips Idia’s hair fade into a flushing pink hue. “You’re a SSR-tier person. I knew you would do great, from the start” 
Idia refuses to look at you, but his hair and balled-up posture exposes his real feelings without the need for words. He was embarrassingly honest right now. 
He flinched when he felt a sudden weight on his back. He peeked behind him and let out a yelp to see you resting your body on him, giving him a hug from behind like those cliche romantic dramas. Idia wanted to flail away from you in shock but he stiffened when you encased the flames-haired man between your arms. 
Slowly, he calmed down somewhat and nervously reciprocated your touch, wrapping his own hands around you. He may not be too fond of physical touch yet but for you, something like this isn’t too bad. He is really proud of you, after all. 
“Hey, don’t you think I should be rewarded?~” 
On that comment, Idia really did flailed out from your grasp, hair lit like a rosy bonfire. 
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luvsfootball · 7 months
wildest dreams - aurelien tchouameni.
requested by - @certainsaturn
author’s note - this is specified to an asian reader!
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you were panicking.
it was your first time travelling by aeroplane, usually depending on cars or trains. but today you couldn’t seeing as though you were going from valencia to boredeaux.
you were texting your sister who was telling you to just go and get something to eat and stop worrying. after paying, you walked off to a lounge close by where your plane was taking off from.
a boy, around your age, was sitting there, half asleep but trying to keep himself awake. he had a travel pillow wrapped around his neck and you tried to hold in your laughs at how silly he looked.
“excuse me, is this plane flying to bordeaux?”
he opened his eyes at your sudden question, confused for a moment but he nodded. “yes, it shouldn’t be too long now.”
aurelien could sense how nervous you were. “first time?”
“yes. can you tell?”
he gave you a sympathetic smile. he still remembered the first time he flew by plane, and it definitely wasn’t an experience to be remembered.
“what are you going to bordeaux for?” he wondered. “i’m a music producer. going to work with an upcoming artist over there.”
“i’m just visiting family until work starts up again,” he told you, trying to play it cool.
the noise came over the speakers to tell you that your flight was boarding. both of you stood up, and you said goodbye and wished each other a safe journey.
“i’m aurelien, by the way.”
“y/n. it was nice to meet you.”
aurelien was a couple of people behind you in the queue to board and when he got on, he was surprised to see you in the seat next to him.
“well, this is a coincidence,” he laughed, relaxing into the seat.
he figured that if you were going to be sitting together for the rest of the flight, he might as well get to know you for a bit.
“so, where are you from?”
“singapore originally, but when i got my job i work all over. i lstill live in singapore, though. what do you do for work?”
aurelien didn’t want to sound big-headed, but he was surprised you didn’t know who he was. “i’m a footballer. that’s where i’m coming back from, actually. i’m just not travelling with my teammates because i’m visiting my family.”
you raised your eyebrows, double checking him to see if you recognised him but you didn’t. “sorry, i don’t really keep up with sports or anything like that.”
“don’t worry, i don’t keep up with music producing either,” he laughed, cracking a joke to try and make you cheer up because the flight was about to take off.
things between you and aurelien were going great and you really hit it off. you both walked to the exit of the airport together, and even exchanged numbers.
“so, y/n. where are you staying?”
“oh, just some hotel. my manager said he was going to set it up for me.”
aurelien pondered on the thought for a moment. if he invited you back to his family home, you could stay there free of charge and he could at least have a friend instead of just him and his parents.
“i know we just met and everything, but do you want to stay at mine? it’s close by and free.”
you had just met aurelien, and he wondered if he was being too pushy or creepy by inviting you to stay at his.
but to be honest, you didn’t want to be alone in a hotel and if his parents were there, surely everything would be okay.
“sure, why not.”
he hailed a taxi and you both got in the back, aurelien directing him to his family home.
it was a beautiful house in the country, with a lake for fishing and even a patch for fruit and vegetables. “my mum takes pride in her house, but she’s a lovely woman. i think she’ll like you.”
his family dog immediately jumped on you when you entered and you cuddled him, leaving aurelien to let his parents know about you.
when his mum came out, she seemed like a really nice woman, rushing you off the kitchen to show you her new plants and things.
his family were extremely welcoming and loved you, constantly telling aurelien that they think you were the one for him.
but he’d push them away in private, telling them you were just a friend and nothing more.
it had been an amazing year for aurelien. you were living in madrid for a while due to work when he told you that real madrid want him to play for them.
you were aware of the football club, how could you not be?
they were one of the most decorated clubs in history and you were incredibly proud of aurelien for getting a transfer there.
he had been apartment hunting ever since he touched down in madrid, and it wasn’t going well. so you offered your home to him until he found somewhere.
but there was a problem.
aurelien was bringing back women every now and then. most of the time, you’d spend the night out somewhere to leave them be, but you couldn’t help but feel jealous.
all of the women looked different to you, and it made you upset. you cried on the phone to your sister plenty of times, confessing how you really liked him, more than a friend.
he obviously had a type, and they didn’t look like you.
“hey, is it okay if i bring eduardo over tonight? just for dinner?”
“yeah, sure.”
you didn’t mind one bit. eduardo was a likeable guy and always made you laugh and feel good about yourself.
when he got here, you pulled him in for a hug. he returned it, ignoring aurelien’s little glare and asked how you had been.
you all ordered some takeout food, eating it whilst watching a movie. that was when aurelien’s phone began ringing and he left the room to answer.
you and eduardo listened in discreetly and it was obvious he was talking to a girl. “you like him, don’t you?”
your head shout up, signalling for him to be quiet. if aurelien knew, you were scared it would ruin the friendship and leave. “please don’t tell anyone.”
“i won’t. you know he likes you too, right?”
scoffing, you shook your head and sighed, “i’m not even his type. i’m-i’m just his friend…”
eduardo chose not to touch on the subject again for the rest of the night in front of aurelien, until he said he was going out for the night.
“oh, where are you going?”
“just to see some woman i met on a dating app.”
it felt like your heart had been took out of your chest and stomped all over. you should have been used to it by now, but the thought of him with someone else was upsetting.
“i’ll walk down with you. i’ll see you soon, y/n.”
eduardo kissed your cheek as the two boys left your apartment together.
as they were in the lift, eduardo wanted to help you both in some way. and the only way he could that wasn’t nice, but it would be worth it to see his two friends happy together.
“i was um… i was thinking of asking y/n out on a date.”
aurelien stopped texting the woman, turning his phone off to look at eduardo. “are you serious?”
“yep. she’s a very beautiful woman and she’s kind to me. i think i like her.”
suddenly his date didn’t feel important to him anymore. not after eduardo had confessed that to him.
“how was your date?”
aurelien was surprised to see you still awake seeing as though you were supposed to be flying out to america tomorrow for the grammy awards.
if he was being honest, aurelien blew her off. told her some bullshit about ‘a family emergency.’
his mood had totally soured after he had left eduardo and he just walked around town for a bit before coming back.
“i didn’t go,” he confessed. you furrowed your eyebrows, standing up to go and check if he was okay. he didn’t look it.
aurelien was tearing up.
“what’s wrong? did she do something to you?”
“no, no. it’s my fault, really.”
confusion filled you. what was wrong with him?
you grabbed his hands, pulling him into you. it was something you had been doing for ages. whenever he was upset, you’d pull him in for a hug and he’d spill.
but he didn’t move.
he pulled away.
“what is it?”
you were worried. the frenchman sighed and rubbed his face with the palms of his hands.
“i was speaking to eduardo earlier. he-he said he was going to ask you on a date.”
it was news to you. eduardo hadn’t even shown an ounce of interest in you in that sense, and then it hit you. you knew exactly what he was doing.
“and what’s that got to do with your date?”
“it ruined my mood.”
you scoffed, crossing your arms, “why would eduardo asking me out ruin your mood?”
aurelien looked at you like you were stupid. how did you not know that he liked you?
“because i like you!” he burst out, moving towards you now and grabbing your own hands.
“me? you like me?”
aurelien sighed, shaking his head and whispering, “why wouldn’t i like you?”
“i thought i wasn’t your type.”
“how can you not be anyone’s type? you’re gorgeous!”
his words felt like a warm blanket being wrapped around you, sparking fireworks in your stomach that you didn’t even know was possible.
you could tell he was waiting for an answer but you were rendered speechless. never in your wildest dreams did you think aurelien would be stood there, confessing he liked you.
“you are the girl i want. none of those instagram models who love my money. you’re my best friend, and i want us to be together.”
squeezing your eyes shut, you pinched the inside of your palm to see if you were dreaming. aurelien swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down before he said, “i love you.”
“you love me?”
“i’d me crazy not to.”
you giggled and aurelien compared it to sunshine in his mind. “so will you have me?”
nodding, you smiled at him and whispered, “i’d be crazy not to.”
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freakshowtwopointoh · 3 months
All Bets Are Off
@pinkcrocss suggested this and i had to
“I don’t think the two of you could be closer to each other unless you were literally in each other's skin.” Andre teased, watching as Marie and Jordan readjusted their limbs once more.
“We’re not trying to get closer, we’re trying to get comfortable. The human body is a burden.” Jordan complained, shifting Marie’s body slightly to a better position.
“The two of you are essentially attached at the hip, I’m surprised your brains and bodies haven’t merged together.” Emma added. “You’re lucky I like you, Jordan. Considering you basically stole my best friend and roommate.” That got her a stuffed turtle thrown at her head. “Hey!”
“We’re not that clingy.” Marie protested, but it was such a boldfaced lie that the entire room burst into laughter, Marie and Jordan included.
“I don’t think you guys could manage a day without contacting each other.” Cate teased. And Jordan knew a challenge when they heard one, especially from Cate. Marie gave them a slight nod and they grinned despite the racing of their heart.
“Wanna bet?” Jordan asked, a smirk playing on their lips. And so, the bet was on. From midnight tonight to midnight next Monday, Marie and Jordan weren’t allowed to contact each other. Eye contact or brief conversation in public is permitted, but no texting or calls, and absolutely no touching. The winner takes everyone out that weekend. 
Marie and Jordan would pretend that it was no big deal, which was how the bet ended up lasting for a full week. The rest of the crew had money on who would cave first.
Place Your Bets Here (Emma, Sam, Cate, Luke, Andre)
jumanji: i dont think jor will make it past day 4
cricket: r u kidding? they wont make it past day 2. trust me, i live with marie. theyre always around
magneto: i think we’re all underestimating jordans stubbornness. i think marie will almost make it, but give in after jor does something reckless and she goes to yell at them
cricket: marie might be willing to die (or kill) for jordan but she’d never willingly lose a bet to them.
fuego: tbh i think they’re both too stubborn to give in but they will make it our problem during this week and after
jumanji: yeah id bet extra money that jor will spend at least one night this week in my dorm
kong: [liked cricket’s message]
kong: [liked cricket’s message]
It would take less than twenty four hours for both Marie and Jordan to begin to feel the struggle. For Jordan, it was like a persistent itch under their skin. They scrolled through her minimal social media constantly, or flipping through their camera roll just to see her perfect, sunshiney smile. It was marginally better when they were in the same room as her, but that tested their discipline in a whole different way. They were acutely aware of her every move. It took everything in them to keep their eyes on the board. Their notes were... non-existent. 
Marie had the opposite problem. Life was boring without Jordan, but she knew boring. She could handle boredom. But being in the same room as them and not speaking to them? Not touching them? She could barely look at them. Their eyes were always on her, piercing through her, so obviously wanting her. How was she supposed to stay away from those eyes? She barely looked at Instagram, and came close to changing her lock screen just to avoid the temptation. 
This was going to be a long week.
By the third day, Jordan had walked up to Marie’s dorm before walking away three times, and nearly called her countless times. They had also snapped five pens and three pencils while attempting to focus. 
Cate opened her door before Jordan even knocked.
“I’m surprised it took you this long. Come in.” She said lightly, a small smile on her lips.
“I’m actually going fucking insane. Like honest-to-god, I swear I hallucinated her voice in the library earlier. What has this girl done to me?” Jordan flopped back on Cate’s bed, ignoring her irritated look. 
“You’re just in love.” She said casually, finishing taking off her makeup as Jordan spoke.
“That’s worse, Cate! Don’t you see how that’s worse? I’m not prepared for this.” Their legs shortened suddenly, leaving their feet dangling off the edge of Cate’s bed as they shifted.
“Jordan Li. Did you think you could plan falling in love?” Cate admonished, looking directly into the eyes of her anxious friend.
“I thought I could plan it a bit easier than this!” They whined.
“Maybe you are insane. Do you schedule your other feelings?” She teased. 
“... Sometimes.” Cate shook her head and chuckled.
“Jor, stop fighting your feelings and feel them.” She said seriously, before deftly changing the subject.
Marie was in even deeper denial than Jordan. She refused to admit to Emma that she was coming close to losing the bet - even when it was painfully obvious.
“Marie. Marie. Maaaaaaaaarie.” Finally, she resorted to throwing a pillow at her head. “Stop daydreaming about Jordan and help me film this video for my class.”
“I don’t daydream. I’m thinking.” She retorted, but she was clearly staring at Jordan’s hoodie, which was draped over a chair.
“Yeah, sure. And I’m a math whiz. Now help me.” Emma teased, grabbing Marie’s arm and dragging her out of the chair. She would have an enjoyable evening helping Emma with her homework, but night came and she dialed Jordan’s number for the millionth time before turning her phone off and trying to sleep.
But as it turned out, no one could have predicted the outcome of this bet - the two lovebirds were so distracted trying not to think about the other that they walked directly into each other outside of Brink’s office. Fumbling over their things, handing books and papers back to each other, their fingers brushed and it was all over.
“Fuck this.” they muttered in unison. Jordan helped Marie up before sliding their hand directly into hers and dragging her back to their dorm.
"I missed you, Moreau." Jordan mumbled against Marie's lips, their hands cupping her face. She hummed contentedly, resting her hand on the nape of their neck and keeping them close to her.
They took their time with each other, relearning every curve and edge of their bodies. Marie's skin was covered in hickies and bite marks, a blossoming masterpiece that Jordan could not get enough of. She was theirs. It was addictive. They just couldn't get enough of each other. And every small gasp or moan Jordan made sent desire coursing through Marie, a reminder of the power she held over them.
But Jordan couldn't be kept from between Marie's legs for much longer. Her body was incredibly responsive, arching into every touch. They needed to taste her again, feel her come entirely undone for them. They let their tongue trace along her inner thighs, feeling their own arousal surge as she moaned softly.
"Jor, please-" She whined as their tongue teased her wet folds. They smirked, sinking their long fingers into the flesh of her ass, pulling her closer.
"Patience, princess." They said huskily, unable to keep from teasing her a little longer. But finally, their tongue brushed against her clit, causing her body to buck into their mouth. A dark, lustful laugh came from Jordan's throat before they dove in, their lips wrapping around her clit.
Jordan could honestly spend their whole life between Marie's legs, making her whimper, moan, and cry just for them, putting their mouth and tongue to work. But when she cums for the third time, that perfect, fucked out look in her eyes, they can't help themselves. They're shifting without thinking, pulling away from her center and pulling out their cock.
"Fuck, Marie, I need to feel that tight cunt wrapped around me, right now." They groaned, pushing her back fully onto the bed before they pushed themself inside of her cunt, still dripping with her most recent orgasm.
They were both screaming each other's names all night long.
They’d both say the other broke the bet first. Their friends were just glad they didn’t have to deal with the couple’s pouting for a full week.
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lucy90712 · 10 months
Gavi- Birthday surprise
After weeks of planning and what feels like millions of phone calls it's finally Pablo's birthday and everything should hopefully come together. On my birthday Pablo went all out so I wanted to do the same so that's what I am attempting to do. It has been difficult as Pablo and I are long distance while I'm in university but I think I have been trying my best to get everything sorted and exactly how I want it. As much as I've planned a lot of things the part I'm most excited about is getting to surprise him as he thinks that I won't be able to make it out to Barcelona this weekend. He was so disappointed when I said I wouldn't be there so now I can't wait to see his reaction when he comes home from training to me being at his place. 
So far everything is going to plan as when I got up to get ready for my flight I managed to order Pablo some breakfast which I know arrived just after he woke up as he text me to thank me. Just to make sure he didn't get suspicious I spent while texting him as he was getting ready as most days we do that because sometimes it's the only time we are both free to talk. Just as my flight was boarding Pablo told me he had to leave for training which was perfect timing yet again. Now that Pablo's at training and I'm on my flight things should be pretty straightforward but until I set foot in Pablo's house I can't be fully relaxed as things could still go wrong and ruin the surprises I have planned. 
My flight touched down exactly on time and I ran through the airport collecting my suitcase along the way before getting in a taxi. Pablo doesn't like me taking taxis but in this situation I don't have any other option so I made sure to give the driver a slightly differently address and I had sunglasses on so the driver couldn't see my eyes just in case he might recognise me. As I expected I made it to my destination safely and I walked a few houses down until I reached Pablo's place. When I had to move away for university Pablo gave me a key to his place so that if I ever wanted to come back home without planning a trip I didn't have to wait for him to be home. In this situation having a key is really helpful as I was able to let myself in and start decorating the place. 
Half of my suitcase was filled with decorations as I didn't want to have to buy them here in case they didn't have what I wanted as I don't have much time to waste. Because my time is limited I got started straight away by blowing up the millions of balloons I brought which I'm definitely regretting now. Once I started I got a good system going and before I knew it all turned balloons were blown up and now I just have to put everything up. I wanted to put the balloons all around so I started with hanging them around the lights which involved standing on a chair which Pablo will tell me off for later but I can cope with that. It took a while but eventually I got everything up but then I had the brilliant idea to out a few balloons on the door so that Pablo would see them when he got home and would hopefully be confused for long enough that I could really surprise him. 
By the time I was done it wasn't long until he would be home so I found my hiding spot and while I waited I put together a post for Pablo's birthday as I do it every year even though no one other than him really cares. Just as I clicked post I heard a car door close outside and all of a sudden I got super nervous because what if Pablo doesn't want to see me. I had to put that out my mind as the door opened and I saw Pablo drop his bag and put his keys down while looking around clearly confused by what I'd done to the door. Just as he was about to walk away I jumped out from my hiding spot and scared the life out of him to begin with before he realised it was me. Once he realised he came straight over and picked me up in a tight hug while leaving kisses all over my face and neck. 
"What are you doing here?" He asked 
"I'm here to surprise you" I said 
"Well I'm definitely surprised you scared the shit out of me" he laughed 
"I'm sorry but your face was funny I don't think I'll ever be able to get you that good ever again" I said 
"You better not next time I might die of a heart attack" he joked 
"Come on I have more to show you" I said dragging him into the living room 
"Oh wow how long did this take you?" He asked 
"Not too long but the stuff took up most of my suitcase so I'm probably going to need to steal some of your clothes" I said 
"I like the sound of that" he smirked 
I slapped his chest before getting him to sit down with me as I wanted to spend time together as we haven't seen each other in ages and while he was in the USA we didn't get to talk much. Within seconds we were deep in conversation about everything he did in the states and he wouldn't stop telling me how much he wanted us to go out there together so he can take me to all the places he saw. He showed me all of the pictures he took while he was out there too some of which he already sent me but I still liked seeing the selfies he took even if he needs lessons on how to take them. While he was gone all I really did was prep for going back to uni but he insisted that I tell him about every little thing I did so we talked about my work and I showed him the research I had already done. He doesn't completely understand what I'm studying but he always takes and interest and tells me I'm smart which really helps keep me going during the exam seasons. 
We spent hours cuddling and catching up before I remembered the reason I flew out here and ran off to get Pablo's presents which also took up quite a bit of space in my suitcase. I spent quite a while trying to find the perfect presents for him so I'm excited to see what he thinks as I think I did a good job. I have always loved giving gifts so as I put Pablo's presents in his lap and sat down not being able to hide the wide smile on my face. The first present was a pair of sunglasses I knew he had been looking at then I got him a few new hoodies which will eventually end up mine as much as his but he doesn't mind. I got him a few other things and then he got to the last present which I was most nervous about. He opened it and came across the scrapbook I had put together which had pictures of us from all of the important moments in our relationship and then there was loads of blank pages so we can add all our future memories to it. 
"This is so sweet I love it" he said 
"I'm glad you like it I was worried you'd think it was lame" I said 
"No I love it I can't wait to add to it in the future" he said 
"I wrote a little note at the back too" I said 
Instead of buying a card I decided to write in the back of the scrapbook as that way he can keep it forever. Neither of us are good at expressing our feelings with words and are much better at showing our feelings so it was hard for me to write the note but I did my best to try and express my true feelings. As I watched him read it my hands were sweating like crazy but when I saw his cheeks turn pink and his eyes glass over a little I calmed down again. After he read the whole thing he closed the book and just engulfed me in a hug while kissing me. Pablo really isn't one to talk too much so when he whispered in my ear how much he loved me I knew he truly meant it and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
After a while of letting him cuddle me I asked what he wanted to do because although I had a few ideas I wanted him to decide what he wanted to do for his birthday. To my surprise Pablo just wanted to stay in and cuddle which wasn’t what I thought he’d want to do but I could never say no to that request. Once I had agreed Pablo quickly laid down and pulled me on top of him which is his favourite way to cuddle as he can hold me as close as he wants to and play with my hair. Today he decided he wanted to play with my hair so he took it out of the ponytail I had put it in to travel and started running his fingers through it to get all the knots out before putting them all back in by wrapping my hair around his fingers. 
While we were playing down together I put a movie on for us to have on in the background. We both mostly ignored the movie as we were just talking to each other or just enjoying being together as soon we will both be a lot busier so we won’t get to have this time together. As the day went on we barely moved from our spot on the sofa until it started to get late and we were both getting hungry. Even though we shouldn’t because of Pablo’s diet I ordered dinner for us so that we could eat without having to leave the comfort of our spot on the sofa for more than a few minutes and because I think Pablo deserves a treat. 
After an evening of doing nothing just like most of the day Pablo carried me upstairs to bed and gave me one of his T-shirts to wear as I didn’t really have room to pack anything to sleep in. While I did my skincare he kept his arms around my waist the entire time so that the second I was done he could bring me to the bed and go back to cuddling. 
“Have you had a good birthday?” I asked 
“I’ve had the best day thank you for doing all of this for me you’re the best” he said 
“There’s not need to thank me you deserve it all and a lot more” I said
“Well I’m going to thank you anyway because you made today exactly how I wanted it to be” he smiled 
“I’m happy I could do that for you but I’m exhausted so goodnight birthday boy” I said 
“Goodnight mi amor” he whispered 
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alovesreading · 3 months
well, first of all, happy birthday Ella!!! and happy international women’s day!!!
as promised, here is a little teaser of what is Constant Repeat chapter 19 so far! it’s a bit unhinged and i’m literally rushing to post this and hiding my phone at work lolll (yes! a bitch got a job!!) but i hope you enjoy it!
thank you for being the best, so patient and understanding. love you all lots! 🤍🤍🤍
There was never a moment when Alex wasn’t on the phone to Ella during the time the band was away from tour after they got together. In the tour bus, before boarding a plane, in the greenroom before and after a show. It was a miracle to even get Alex to put down his phone for soundcheck and more often than not, it was because Breana would be the one to record videos to send Ella or FaceTime the director herself so Alex could concentrate on what he was supposed to do.
It was honestly kind of disturbing to see Alex using his phone so often. The lads had definitely been teasing him over and over for not being able to leave Ella alone—to that, Alex always rolled his eyes and actually refuted them by saying he did leave her alone when she was working and couldn’t use her phone on set.
“Melt,” Matt would say after a snort when Alex would pout at his phone screen when Ella couldn’t pick up the phone or hadn’t answered one of his texts yet.
But it was days like those when Ella couldn’t stay on her phone for most of the day due to work that she would sneak into a bathroom and send him pictures she had hidden away in her phone just for him.
Like one of the first ones he got when she had been shooting an advert and she’d managed to sneak away from her responsibilities during her very short lunch break and sent him a picture she took of herself on the mirror with one of the lacy little things she had gotten for herself when she went shopping with Katie.
Alex, who was slowly sipping his beer while lazily sitting on the corner of the lounge, choked when he got a notification from Ella and opened it to a very explicit photo of her.
His eyes were wide and he couldn’t stop coughing, and he locked his phone fairly quickly when seeing everyone’s attention on him, but the picture was burned into his retinas and he needed to leave the room—his jeans started feeling too constricted.
“You alright mate?” someone asked.
The singer didn’t even have the mind to focus on who was speaking to him, he just nodded his head as he tried to calm down. Once he got his breath back, he added, “Yes, erm…”
His trailing off was met with silence since everyone wanted an explanation for his sudden coughing fit. Nosy bunch the lot of them really.
“Yeah, fine,” Alex clarified, and without leaving room for their curiosity to continue growing, he jumped off his seat and left the room with a quick, “Excuse me.”
He ran to his bunk so quickly, almost smashing his head open when he hastily climbed into his bed and closed the curtain. Unlocking his phone and getting to see the picture again left him breathless.
Ella was sitting on the floor of her room right in front of her massive mirror, burgundy lingerie set on. He had been instantly caught by the look of her tits almost spilling out of the see-through lace bra she had on, just now he was noticing that she was using the hand she wasn’t holding her phone with to shove aside her underwear and had a finger teasing her entrance.
You’re cruel, he texted back as he fumbled to undo his belt with one hand. I’m so tempted to buy you a ticket and have you in this bunk with me right now xxxxx
Alex was teasing himself over his boxers when Ella’s response came through, Made a mess already? That’s quicker than I expected ;) xxx
Squeezing himself one last time, he shoved down the fabric of his boxers and let his cock spring out. He was already leaking at the tip, all he could think about was burying himself in her, replacing her finger in that picture and teasing her with his cock until she was drooling and begging for it.
He groaned as he ran his thumb over his slick tip, wishing it was her arousal getting his dick all wet instead.
Not yet darling, but it won’t be soon before that. Wish I could make a mess of you instead xxxx
Ella giggled inside the lonely bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror and noticing her flushed cheeks, the color going down her neck. She shifted in her spot when feeling a tingle run down her spine and settling between her legs. Fuck, she wished he could make a mess of her too—she missed the feeling of him pounding into her and then the warmth of his cum mixed with hers dripping out of her cunt.
She swallowed a moan as she replied, Wish you could make a mess all over me xxx
Alex groaned as he pictured his cum on her pretty face, tongue licking away the remnants of his seed on her swollen pink lips. In his mind flashed the fantasies of him cumming over her stomach, imagining Ella running her fingers over the mess and sucking on them to taste every last drop of him—the singer picked up the pace of his fist around his cock when he pictured himself licking it all up for her and spitting it all in her mouth, how she’d swallow gladly and pull him in for a hungry kiss.
It never took long for Alex to cum all over himself—or in a condom, if he wasn’t rushing enough to roll one down his length before getting himself off to the sight of her. And after the first time she complained about him not sharing proof of just how badly she affected him, Alex made sure to send her something back.
Ella drove back home with the biggest smirk on her face every time, knowing that she had a treat from him when she got back to hers. After a long day of work, there was nothing better than moaning his name as she used one of her toys while seeing pictures or a video of him getting himself off to the thought of her.
No one really said anything, because they all knew how badly it was to be away from their partners while on tour, but there were times when Alex and Ella were just too obnoxious for the lads to not taunt them about it.
Like the one time Alex felt careless enough to remain in his bunk when Ella called him late one night, her voice wavering and her breath staggering in a clear sign that it was one of those days she was too needy and had to hear his voice while touching herself.
His jeans becoming too tight as his cock grew heavy when she’d whine and whimper on the other side of the line, her thoughts incoherently leaving her mouth as she fucked herself with a toy that just didn’t feel as good as he did but was enough to satiate her need for him.
Alex’s whispers weren’t quiet enough, and the silent gasps he’d let out were too abrupt in the silence of the night to wake his mates and their wives up.
Ella’s fantasies ran loose as she came closer and closer to her climax, she painted the picture in detail as she continued gliding the dildo in and out of her dripping cunt, “I want you to bend me over the bathroom sink, and pound me from behind so hard I get bruises on my hips, baby. Want you to fucking spank me and pull my hair so I can see you through the mirror, and you can see me fucking drooling because your cock feels so fucking good inside me.”
“F-fuck, baby.” Alex groaned a bit too loudly, “Gonna be squeezing me so fucking tight with that sweet cunt of yours. And you’re gonna cum all over me, yeah? Gonna drench my cock, darling?”
Ella moaned louder in response and picked up her pace as she felt herself about to fall over the edge, “Yes–fuck! Yes, Alex!”
“Go on darling, give it all to me.”
His voice dropped an octave as he quickened his pace and he started thrusting upwards to fuck his own fist. He bit his lip not to moan out loud, holding his breath when Ella’s loud mewls and moans of his name came through the phone, cumming inside the condom he’d managed to put on.
Ella’s labored breaths matched his and it was all they heard as they came down from their highs, the crackling of the signal reminded them of the distance between them and suddenly the sweet remnants of release were exchanged by the longing of being skin to skin, missing how it felt to relish in how well they fit together body and soul in the aftermath of an orgasm.
“I miss you, sweetness,” Ella mumbled sadly, “Want you right here with me.”
“Me too, darling,” Alex sighed heavily, “I hate being away from you for so long. Will make it up to you, I promise.”
“Yeah?” Ella replied, a cheeky smirk growing on her face as she went to tease him, “How will you make it up to me, baby?”
“Anything you ask for darling. A thousand movies in Los Feliz, the moon and the stars, to worship you until my jaw aches and locks.” He heard her breath hitching, “Whatever you ask for, darling, it’s yours.”
She groaned loudly, “God, I fucking love you.”
He giggled like a fool, “I love you more.”
“Impossible,” she replied easily with his usual one-liner.
Alex snorted but before he could reply, someone shouted from another bunk, “Go to sleep you filthy fuckers, I’m tired.”
The silence was loud afterwards but Ella laughed loudly after a few seconds, calling Alex out for not going to the other bunk area or the back lounge like he usually did, “You just stayed in there with everyone else?”
“You kind of didn’t give me a choice, darling. I couldn’t think straight the second I picked up and heard you saying my name like that.”
Ella snorted, “Glad to know just how badly I affect you.”
Alex sighed, a loopy smile on his face as he clarified, “Oh darling, you’ve ruined me you know that.”
“Have I?” Ella countered, as if she didn’t know.
“Horrendously so.” Alex mumbled, “Ruined forever, baby.”
Ella bit her lip before going to reply, but again, someone else interrupted their conversation, “We just wanna sleep. You’re gonna see each other on the 6th. Just– please stop it, you soppy twats.”
Alex sighed in annoyance while Ella giggled. Even if he wanted to continue, he knew he’d just have to go to bed because he was sure now everyone in the bunks were awake and awaiting him to shut the fuck up.
So he sighed again before joking loudly so the nosy bunch would stop complaining, “Sorry darling, they’re just fucking jealous.”
A choir of insults and profanities were heard, making Ella laugh again. Alex joined in her giggling before actually bidding her farewell, “Love you, darling. See you soon, yeah?”
Ella sighed contentedly from hearing those words from him. She’d never get tired of hearing them nor saying them back. Biting her lip, she replied, “Love you. Sweet dreams, my love.”
“Sweet dreams baby,” he said back before she ended the call.
When Alex went to discard the condom in the bathroom, he had gotten another round of abuse from everyone else. The bullying didn’t relent for days, and every day as Alex pouted when he FaceTimed Ella, she threatened to be even worse if they wouldn’t leave her man alone.
That only triggered more bullying, but it was funny enough to hear them all creatively picking on Alex, and how his cheeks would tint pink when they’d imitate the noises he made or the things he said to her on the phone.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make them pay when y’all get over here,” Ella promised one day after the teasing went on and on.
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rosemaidenvixen · 7 days
Between Daylight and Darkness
Chapter 3
<Previous Next>
Toby gripped the edge of his desk, eyeing the door into the room uneasily.
He leaned over towards Mary keeping his gaze on the door “Were you guys able to make any…progress yesterday?”
Mary’s expression turned pinched “No.”
A lead weight dropped in Toby’s gut.
That first night they all stayed as late as they possibly could to try and help, but they’d still had no luck in prying the armor off of Jim. Eventually Jim told them to go home and sleep and try to solve this tomorrow. But the next day he texted them that he was still stuck in the armor and was going to have to skip school. Toby had an orthodontist appointment and couldn’t see him after, but the girls had gone over to his place to try and troubleshoot, only to leave in defeat. The girls had kept him updated through text, but ever since yesterday afternoon it’d been radio silence from Ji–
The door swung open and Jim, dressed in jeans and a jacket and not a trace of armor, hurried into the room and took his seat next to them.
Toby slumped back in his chair, letting out a gusty sigh. Good to see Jim was ok and not sealed up like a tin can.
“Glad you made it in,” Claire leaned forward with a whisper “But how did you finally manage to get that armor off?”
Jim groaned and dragged a hand over his face, heavy shadows under his eyes “I don’t even know. I’ve been pulling and tugging at it all night then an hour ago it randomly popped off,”
Darci blinked “Umm…you did go to sleep after we left, right?”
“Nope,” Jim said with a pop “But I should be fine. I’ve gone all night without sleep before. I can’t do it a bunch of days in a row, but if I get plenty of sleep the next few days I’ll be fine,”
“Well don’t forget,” Mary cut in “Today we’re meeting up with Ms. Janeth to try and convince her to let you work on the play but cut out early,”
Jim slumped on top of his desk and groaned “Oh man don’t remind me,”
Toby patted his shoulder “Don’t worry, we’ll convince her,”
“Either that or I’ll make a complete fool of myself and get kicked out of drama club and become the laughing stock of the whole school, again,”
“That’s it, you know what the penalty for ripping on yourself is,” Toby stretched out of his seat to lean over and reach into Jim’s bag “I get to use your good pen for the rest of…”
Toby froze, eyes going huge “What the heck Jim!?” he hissed.
Jim jerked upright “Wha?”
“You brought the magical armor summoning pocket watch to school!?”
“What? No I left it at home in my des–” Jim moved over to look into his bag, only to instantly go still when he saw the shiny silver and blue object nestled between notebooks, face draining of color.
For a few seconds none of them moved, all staring at the pocket watch in disbelief,  then the object let out a loud click, flashing blue.
“Nopenopenope,” Jim scrambled to close the bag, shoving it underneath his seat “Not doing that,”
At the front of the room Mr. Strickler stood up from his desk and moved in front of the chalk board, signaling the end of the passing period and start of the lesson. Conversations all over the room dying into silence.
Mary angled over towards Jim and risked one more soft whisper “I think going all night without sleep might be messing with your head,”
“You might be onto something there…” Jim mumbled.
Toby knew he should stay quiet, both for keeping the magic on the down low and to not risk Mr. Strickler’s wrath, but the question wouldn’t leave his head and he absolutely had to know.
“So if you were stuck in that armor for two days how did you go to the bathroom?”
“Dude you don’t want to know,”
“...so that’s what we were thinking, sound good?”
Toby fought to keep the wide grin on his face, feeling the others shifting behind him as Ms. Janeth tapped her chin thoughtfully. She had to say yes, she just had to. Sure they were bending the rules a little, more than a little, but nothing to–
“I think we should be able to make that work,”
Jim perked up instantly “Really?”
“Of course,” Ms. Janeth stood from her desk with a smile “The fine art of theater should be shared with all! And while I have limited resources at my disposal, I’m always happy to make things more accessible,”
“That’s great,” Claire said with a wide grin. The five of them glancing around smiling at each other in relief.
“Always happy to welcome new blood aboard our cast, however…” Ms. Janeth swiftly turned and picked up a clipboard from her desk “Try outs are in the auditorium in fifteen minutes. So those of you that are aiming for speaking roles had better beat me there,”
They all piped up with ‘got it’s and ‘thank you’s and ‘see you there’ as they headed out of Ms. Janeth’s room.
“Sooo…I’m not trying out for anything, but is it cool if I watch you guys try out?” Jim said hopefully.
“Well duh,” Mary flicked her eyes towards the ceiling “You’re our emotional support, very important,”
Darci snickered “Of course, can’t be reciting memorized lines with any fewer than three people in the audience cheering you on,”
“Actually…would you guys be ok if I skipped out on this one?”
Four sets of eyes turned towards Toby, who flashed a nervous grin back at them.
“I want to raid the science lab for some supplies to test Jim’s…bag,”
Claire blinked “It’s ok if you’re not there for tryouts, but what kind of…equipment do you need?”
“It’ll be easier to show you when we meet up after tryouts,” Toby stepped forward and held out a hand “How about it Jimbo? Is it cool if I borrow your…bag for a bit?”
Jim’s expression was pensive, but he slipped the messenger bag off his shoulder and held it out “Uh…ok,”
“Thanks!” Toby snagged the bag and raced away down the hall “Catch you guys later!” hey flashed them a wave with his free hand, leaving behind four nervous and uncertain faces as he rushed through the hall.
Darci followed behind the others, Jim in the lead, as they headed up the steps towards his house.
“Remeber to cover your eyes,” Jim said with a forced chuckle “Toby might have a power sander in there,”
Darci opted to keep quiet at that, mainly because she had no idea if Jim was joking or not.
Jim cracked the door and peeked inside “Hey Tobes? You doing ok in here?”
“Come in guys! I think I’ve figured out something important,” Toby sounded super excited,, and mercifully Darci didn’t hear a power sander.
They filed into the living room to see Toby kneeling in front of the coffee table with the pocket watch and what looked like a random collection of rocks, nails, and screws sitting in front of him “You guys remember Moh’s scale of hardness?”
“A little bit…” Claire said slowly.
“It’s the geological scale by which the hardness of minerals is measured on a scale of one to ten. Chalk is one, diamond is ten, and a human fingernail is two and a half,”
Toby snapped his head up, green eyes flashing, a near manic grin on his face “This thing is harder than all of them,”
Darci blinked down at him “What?”
“I tested both the metal casing and the gemstone face, not even the diamond could scratch them,”
“Hang on, did you say diamond?” Mary stepped closer, eyeing the items on the table hungrily.
“An industrial diamond, that I have to put back in Ms. Lancaster’s room before she notices it’s gone,”
Claire slowly approached, kneeling down next to Toby and looking at the pocket watch with piqued interest “Harder than diamond? That…shouldn’t be possible,”
“I know!” Toby threw his hands up in the air “I thought that maybe Ms. Lancaster got ripped off, but I tested her diamond against the rest of the stuff in her kit and my own diamond, it’s the real deal,”
“Back up,” Mary sank to her knees and shoved herself in between them “You have a diamond!?”
“An industrial diamond!”
Darci and Jim were the only two still hanging back, they shared a look and then Jim took half a step closer to her “I’m going to run up to my room to change, be back in a bit,”
“Got it, I’ll keep an eye on this,” she gestured to the three clustered around the coffee table.
Jim nodded headed up the stairs, leaving Darci to watch Toby, Mary, and Claire buzzing over the pocket watch.
“Shouldn’t it be impossible for anything to be harder than diamond?” Claire said slowly, turning the pocket watch over in her hands.
“Technically there is lonsdaleite, but that’s only really found in microscopic quantities inside meteorites, so I doubt that’s what this is. Not to mention both the metal casing and the gemstone face are clearly made of different materials. There’s a chance the face is lonsdaleite and the metal is some kind of superhard synthetic, but I’ve never heard of anything like that being manufacture,” he lifted his head to peek over at Mary sitting next to him “Unless…”
“No, my research hasn’t uncovered anything,” Mary said with a growl, glancing back and forth between her phone and the pocket watch.
Keeping the three in her line of sight, Darci quietly took a seat on the couch across from them. She debated weighing in before deciding against it. If there was something to uncover the three of them would find it.
“A reverse image search turned up absolutely nothing, I couldn’t even find anything on the writing, not even what language it’s in!”
Soft footsteps sounded behind her, Darci turned to see Jim slipping on an extra large hoodie as he descended the stairs. The two of them shared a glance as he reached the main floor, his gaze flickering to the others before he headed back towards the kitchen.
“I swear it’s like this thing just fell out of the sky!”
Toby’s eyes went huge “Do you think it could be…extraterrestrial?”
“How would we even test for that,” Claire muttered, holding the watch right up to her eye.
“That’s a question for tomorrow,” Jim stepped back into the room holding two large bowls, one full of chips the other full of aluminum cans “It’s been a long thirty six hours and I need a break from whatever that thing is,”
He set the bowls on the coffee table and plucked the watch out of Claire’s hand, striding over to the desk in the corner of the room, dropping it inside the drawer and shutting it firmly before moving back to plunk down on the couch next to Darci “Let’s just have a normal afternoon with homework and videogames and tomorrow we can go back to talking about magic and diamonds and all that,”
“Fine,” Toby said, sliding the rocks and nails back into their case “I’ll pack up the Mohs kit for tonight, Mary no pocketing my diamond,”
“Hey I’ve seen it, you can keep that ugly thing,”
They all settled in on the chairs and couches, Jim pulling the bowl of cans onto his lap while Mary grabbed the chips, Claire pulling out a binder from her backpack.
“You guys have any ideas of what to do for your book reports yet?”
Mary snorted “C-bomb that isn’t due for a month,”
“Yeah I’m not planning on thinking about that until three days before it’s due,” Toby added.
“Hey my top priority is getting a lead role in the play, and that means getting everything else out of the wa–”
An ear splitting crunch bleeding into a metallic clang shot through the room, cutting her off.
They all whipped around to see Jim sitting on the couch with a deeply uncomfortable expression on his face, the pocket watch in his hand and under his teeth.
He pried open his mouth with a wince, the pocket watch dropping down into his lap with a soft thud.
“Oww…” the sound escaped Jim as a whisper, nearly a whine.
For a moment no one spoke, Darci whipping her head back and forth between the pocket watch and the desk Jim had put it in.
“Hang on,” Toby slid closer to Jim “Did you just try to eat that thing?”
“I wasn’t trying to eat it,” Jim mumbled, rubbing his jaw, I thought it was more recycling,”
“...dude how hard are your teeth?”
Darci slowly stood off the couch “I thought you put that thing in the desk…” she made her way to the desk and opened it, finding the drawer empty.
“I…did…” Jim said, eyes going wide “None of you moved it right?”
“None of us touched that thing,” Mary said flatly.
“We all would have seen it if one of us did,” Claire added.
“Did…did this thing teleport?” Jim moved to stand up but was halted by Toby’s hands on his shoulders.
“First things first, let me check and make sure none of your teeth are cracked.
Jim rolled his eyes “Tobes–”
“As someone who’s been in orthodontic hell since 7th grade trust me on this, if you have a cracked tooth you’re gonna want to know,”
Jim huffed but opened his mouth wide, allowing Toby to reach inside and start probing at his teeth.
Darci had a brief flash of a book she’d read as a kid about a mouse crawling inside a fox’s mouth to give him dental work before shaking her head and bringing her focus back around to the object in front of them.
“So exactly what made this thing…teleport?” she said slowly. Saying it out loud felt ridiculous, but they’d seen stranger things happen.
“Let’s test it,” Claire stood from the couch “Jim can I–”
“Here,” he held out the pocket watch, Claire plucking it from his grip.
Shifting her gaze from Jim to the watch, Claire took several steps back. Continuing to retreat down the hall until she was out of sight.
“It’s…not doing anything,” she called out before walking back into the room and setting the pocket watch down on the coffee table.
“Come to think of it TP had it all afternoon,” Mary glanced over at Toby.
“Yeah,” he replied “I was running tests on it for hours and it didn’t move once,”
Jim leaned forward “So then why now did it…”
“Maybe it only teleports for you,”
All eyes in the room swiveled towards Darci, who squirmed under the scrutiny but continued “I mean…it stayed in place for Claire and Toby, but moved out of the desk when you put it in there. And you said you didn’t remember putting it in your bag this morning, so maybe…”
“Maybe…” Jim nodded slowly, picking up the watch to turn it over a few times before setting it back down “Let’s test it out,”
He stood from the couch and backed away out of the room.
The instant he was out of sight the watch popped out of sight in a blue flash, making all four of them jump.
Within seconds Jim stepped back into the room, eyes wide and face blank and pocket watch clutched in his hand.
“You guys see that too?”
“Yep,” Toby said with a pop, drumming his palms against his knees with barely concealed anxiety “We just saw that thing vanish out of existence, unless I’m hallucinating and you guys are just going along with it,”
“Nope, unless we’re all experiencing a mass hallucination that definitely just happened," Darci said, eyeing the pocket watch uneasily.
Claire stood and moved towards Jim, Mary right on her heels “Did it actually move towards you or did it, like, appear and disappear?”
“Appear and disappear…I think,” Jim stared down at the watch while turning it over in his hand “I didn’t see it moving, just one second my pocket was empty and the next this thing was in there,”
“Sounds like it doesn’t move through space, but teleports directly to you,”
Toby hopped off the couch and ran to join them, pulling Jim’s arm down to stare at the object. Not wanting to be left alone in the Darci stood and walked over as well.
“But does it dematerialize and rematerialize?” Toby leaned in until the pocket watch was only inches away from his face “Or does it move through some other plane of existence where distance and physical barriers don’t matter?”
A tiny smile formed on Claire’s face “I’ve got a few ideas on how to find out,”
“Alright Darci give me your best shot!”
She grinned, making a show of winding up her arm “Heeeeeey batter batter batter, can’t hit can’t hit can’t hit– swing!”
She threw the watch at Jim with her best overhand. Jim striking it in midair with a perfectly timed swing of the bat, the watch whizzing over her head and into the trees, zooming through the air out of sight.
“There’s the hit…” Jim stepped back, allowing Mary to move in front of him, catcher’s mitt at the ready “It’s going, going…” he reached out to gently grasp Mary’s elbow, moving her mitt up ever so slightly to cover her face. In the distance through the woods Darci heard a whistling sound getting steadily louder.
The pocket watch shot out of the trees and straight towards Mary, landing hard in the mitt making her grunt and stagger back, but still with a triumphant grin on her face.
Darci threw both arms in the air with a cheer “Homerun!”
“If you guys don’t stop butchering baseball lingo I’m going to have to come over there,”
The three of them looked back towards where Toby and Claire were setting up their supplies on the ground of the backyard.
Mary scoffed “C’mon TP we all know you just want another turn being catcher,” she waved the mitt and the watch in his direction.
“Hey two things can be true,”
“Actually I think we’re all set,” Claire stood and dusted her hands off “You ready?”
“Sure,” Jim plucked the watch out of Mary’s glove and approached. He kneeled down on the ground in front of the supplies, the rest of them gathering in to watch “So where should I start…”
Claire swiftly snagged a canvas bag off the ground and held it out towards him “First pack it in this bag with the moly,”
Jim obediently dropped the watch in the bag, dried plants crinkling as he did, and tied it shut.
“Now put it in this steel lockbox,” Toby held the box in question out towards Jim. Jim gently setting the bag inside and clicking the lock shut. 
“Now we bind the box with chains of iron and silver,” Claire handed him a length of chain and some silver jewelry, Jim dutifully winding them around the box.
“And this rosary,” 
“And these iron beads,”
“And this Saint Michael Medallion,”
But the time Jim was done the lockbox was barely visible under all the layers of chains and beads.
Toby stood “Now put the whole thing in the oak chest,” he gestured towards the wide open wooden chest with a flourish, Jim gently setting the box down inside with Claire shutting the lid after.
For a moment they all stood around watching the chest, waiting for something to happen.
Toby shifted from foot to foot “So did it…”
“Nope,” Jim reached into his hoodie and pulled out the watch “Showed up in my pocket in two seconds,”
“Well that settles it,” Darci stepped up and patted the top of the chest “When someone takes that thing away it stays away, but when Jim leaves it somewhere there is absolutely nothing that can stop it from flying or teleporting back to him,”
“Still curious about possible interdimensional travel…” Toby muttered, tapping his chin thoughtfully, only to have Claire nudge him out of his thoughts.
“Hey don’t mean to rush, but can you get my moly out?”
“Oh sure let me just grab the key…” Toby reached into his front pocket only to instantly go stiff. He quickly started going through all his other pockets before slowly turning towards Claire, face red “Ok don’t be mad…”
“You lost the key!?”
“Hey I have it…somewhere, and I’ve got a spare…I think, look I haven’t used that lockbox since I was ten!”
“Do you know how much moly costs?!”
“Ok ok ok,” Toby held up his hands placatingly “You can take the box home with you and I’ll give you the key when I find it, or I’ll find a guy who can pick locks, whichever comes first,”
Claire didn’t say anything, but narrowed her gaze at him as she kneeled down and lifted the lid of the trunk.
Or she would have if the lid of the trunk hadn’t stayed where it was with a soft thud of opposition.
Mary arched an eyebrow “Claire uh…did you lock the trunk?”
Claire’s face went blank “I uh…didn’t know it locked,”
“What!? Nana’s jewelry is still in there!”
“How was I supposed to know it locked!”
“It is your trunk…” Mary mumbled.
“I told her we were just borrowing it for some rocks and minerals homework, what am I gonna say when she wants it back!?”
“Ok guys,” Jim stepped forward and eased himself between Claire and Toby “Let’s just chill for a second. Your stuff isn’t going anywhere,” he gestured down at the chest “You guys can take a few days to look for the keys, and if you get desperate enough I’m pretty sure I can get in there with brute force,”
Both Toby and Claire huffed a bit but calmed down.
Darci cleared her throat “Well hey, we learned a lot,”
“Yeah we learned to always keep track of your keys, and that this thing can teleport back to Jim,” Mary cut in “But we still don’t know what it is or where it came from and have no idea how to find out!”
“Actually…” Jim said slowly “I think I have an idea for where we can learn more…”
He shook his head “But not right now,” he tossed the watch in Darci’s direction, her reflexively catching it.
“Right now I just want to play catch with this thing until we pass out from exhaustion, or the mothership comes back for it, whichever happens first,”
“We can make that happen,” Toby plucked the catcher's mitt from Mary’s grip while Claire grabbed the bat, all of them getting into position.
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filthforfriends · 10 months
Bonus Chapter
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Alpha!Damiano Omegaverse
Word count: 9.6k
Read the actual fic on my Masterlist!
You’d missed the first bus after school and were now running almost half an hour late. It’s not that Damiano would leave the amphitheater without you, but you texted him last minute. So last minute that he wouldn’t even get the message until after practice. Your heart only sank further when the parking lot came into view and you saw how few cars were left. He was probably hungry and bored out of his mind so you jog the rest of the way.
His car isn’t in the lot. That can’t be right, so you go the double check up close. 
Where are you?
Damiano attended these practices like clock-work. You mosey towards the field in case someone can tell you if Dami went home early and why. Star quickly walks past you, giving a tight-lipped smile and a small wave, indicating that he very much wasn’t feeling social. From inside the structure, a familiar voice you can’t place calls you over.
“Y/n, Dam is over here!” You feel sick while breaking into a run, but when you round the corner, the only people on the field are Julio and Nikolai. They’re bent over cackling at your concern, hands propped just above their knees. Immediately you see red.
“Weren’t you banned from the team?” You try to look down on them from a distance, even though they’re both taller than you.
“I’m not banned from the amphitheater. I just can’t use it when Romero has it booked for practice.” Julio spits back in venomous tones, meanwhile Nikolai is texting someone amidst snide chuckles. It’s then that you remember Damiano has his hearing with the collegiate board right now. He’s on the other side of town.
“Whatever.” You turn to leave, taking out your own phone to ask Clio for a ride.
“Oh and she gives up so easy!” Nikolai is goading you like you’re some young alpha, hell bent on proving herself. Omegas aren’t fighters. In fact, you can’t fight, and this knowledge plants a seed of fear in the pit of your stomach. Surely they didn’t plan to harm you and risk real consequences. You clutch your phone in your right hand and walk towards the exit.
“Not so invincible now, huh?”
“This is what happens when bitchy omegas don’t have their bitch-boy alphas to protect them.”
“Call me mediocre again. I fucking dare you.” The sound of Nikolia’s voice raises the hair on the back of your neck and you know you need to get out of here. When you speed up your pace, they follow, footsteps growing ever nearer as they jeer. 
“He hasn’t bred you yet, so there's still some hope of finding an alpha to put you in your place.” 
“I would give anything to see that,” yells Julio. The faster you walk, the quicker they follow, so you try to slow your pace and manage your racing heart. If you can just get to the parking lot you’ll be in plain view of houses and the skate park. Finding bystanders was a tactic embedded into your psych before primary school. You got to the cement hall that ran under the building and noticed someone coming towards you. 
In the shadows, you think you’re in luck; a bystander found you. His heavy work books click each step and then his face comes into view. It's the alpha that Damiano had to fend off three months ago. Turns out he went to Okoro Academy and hung around Romero after school, waiting for a vulnerable omega to victimize. 
“Hey, you made it!” calls Nikolai. His joy is a mockery of your fear, and you’re struggling to think straight. 
“Imagine my surprise when I found out my cousin Phoenix had been victimized by the same runt of the litter.” He grins when he says victim, enjoying the power trip and the irony. There’s no way to physically get out of this so you’re going to have to talk your way out. Fist fighting all three would be easier than making yourself demure and submissive. What do you want is too forceful, so you try to soften the sentiment.
“I don’t understand what you want me to do.” Phoenix breaks into maniacal laughter and the other two follow after a brief side eye. If they’re unsure about his actions that either means this front isn’t nearly as united as it looks or that you should be very scared.  
“I want corporal punishment so we can control upetty omegas that need to be fucking humbled and taught how to serve”
“And I don’t want mutants like Damiano to dirty the gene pool. He should be sterilized and kept away from the population.”
“How fucking dare you!?”
“Ah, there she is!” Julio says in a sing-song voice. He lunges at you, but it's a fake out, only a couple steps before he falls back, laughing cruelly. You’d tried to back up too fast and end up falling. Only one elbow was bleeding, but Julio’s eyes kept darting towards it. The contents of your book bag are strewn three feet down the hall. You crouch down while trying to clean it up, papers crumpled and haphazardly shoved inside. 
You’re so focused on looking at the ground that you don’t see Nikolai until his cleats come into view. Immediately, you straighten up like your spine is a titanium rod, eyes wide in fear at his proximity. Nikolai lunges at you too, so close you can see the storm in his irises. This time you fall hard, tripping over your bag and getting the wind knocked out of you when you land flat. At that point, all attempts at regulating go out the window while you struggle for a decent breath.
“Woah! Is she okay?” Julio is nervous and you stare at him with every ounce of panic and rage so this moment will haunt him, whatever happens to you. His eyes dart from one person to the next, but he never sustains a gaze.
“She’ll be fine. Maybe she should call her savior for help.” Nikolai cocks his head to the side and tries to put on a scowl. You still have your phone clenched in a fist and begin to type. But you stop yourself upon realizing that this was a trap. They know that Damiano will go scorched earth if your safety is on the line. Phoenix, Julio, and Nickolai probably think they can take him. Maybe they can and Damiano will destroy his body. Or, more likely he’ll destroy them. Either way Damiano will be excommunicated from society for his Alpha Dysregulation. Incriminating him was the whole point of this display of strength.
Forcing a deep breath, you bring your phone back to your side and stare at them willfully. Julio is the closest to breaking. He’s blanched and picking at his cuticles, clearly wishing he’s never volunteered to do this.
“I am not bait,” you spit, trying to back away. Their plan had failed and you were banking on them recognizing defeat. 
“Bitch,” Nikolai murmurs, spitting on your shoes and bowing his head. 
“See, I told you this wouldn’t work,” Phoenix finally speaks. His voice is monotone in a way that makes your skin crawl. It means that his friendliness three months ago was completely a mask. People who can mimic emotion so easily often lack empathy. It's all a performance for personal gain.
 You try to walk away but Pheonix blocks your path, stepping in front no matter where you divert. 
A quick glance over your shoulder shows that Julio and Nickolai are also unsure. When they notice you’re looking, both young alphas try to harden their expressions. Option one is getting past them and taking the next exit halfway down the field. Option two is avoiding Phoenix and bolting 15 feet. You decide on the second one and don’t even make it a full step before being shoved to the ground. You land on your fingers, rather than your left hand. Something pops, but not like a knuckle. At first, intense shooting pain moves all the way up your arm and then fiery throbbing pain settles in your hand. 
You’re shocked into silence, as is everyone else. When your body does register the injury, it’s trying to shut down to protect itself. To hide, to curl up, to become smaller, to become less noticeable, to limit points of vulnerability, to be silent, to survive. However, you can’t trust that Phoenix will leave you be. In fact, this act of wounding seems to stimulate him like nothing else has.   
While the text goes through, you’re trying to share your location.
“Atta’ girl!” He shouts gleefully, thrilled his prey is finally doing something amusing. Phoenix rips your phone from your hands and throws it against the cement. It breaks into three pieces, battery skidding until it hits the wall.
“NO!” you scream, trying to scramble away and find a place to conceal yourself. The sound echoes within the tunnel, deafening.
“What the fuck, dude!” Julio screams in horror. Nikolai is disturbed, but he handles it slightly better.
“This wasn’t the plan! We were supposed to scare her, without touching her. Not break her phone!” A force pulls you backward and you realize it's Phoenix's hand on your hood.
“And you’re scared aren’t you?” he snarls. It must have been a combination of the yelling, the chase, the adrenaline, the control, and the sadism, because Phoenix has gone full alpha. His charcoal eyes are souless, the place where his pupil lay a swirling black hole. The tendons on his face and neck quiver like they’re about to tear through his skin. You’re running before you can see his teeth, and this time he lets you go. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You’ve disappeared from view quickly, hiding in the bushes below the field until your assailants leave. At this point, all there is to do is ride out the overwhelming instinct to cower.
“Oh, come on,” Phoenix rolls his eyes. 
“No, you’re not supposed to do that type of shit,” insists Julio. Purposely sending omegas into flight or fawn was a major social taboo. It forces both an acute stress response and dissociation which occasionally causes tragedies. Omegas accidently darting in front of cars or hours of unnavigable panic reaching the point of mental crisis. The instict to hunker down until the episode passed left sick people without medical care and little children with traumatized parents. Originally, alphas tormented omegas endlessly because they couldn’t fight back before expectations were set up to protect their well-being.
“We should hide her stuff so they can’t trace it back to us.” Nikolai recognizes the new leader and reassembles y/n’s backpack. 
“And when she tells Damiano?”
“He’ll flip out. Mission accomplished,” Phoenix shrugs his shoulders, casually. “It’s our word against his, so you know what’ll happen if someone breaks ranks.” He glowers at Julio to make the threat clear.
  “Yeah? And in the mean time he could fucking kill me!”
“So, what? You’re afraid of him now? Phoenix taunts. Nikolai has fallen silent, holding the backpack like it's a bomb.
“Oh my – we did this because he’s dangerous! As someone who had their nose broken by Dam in a single punch, I can attest to that! He shouldn’t be in the general population, thats the fucking point.”
“What he shouldn’t be is so full of himself,” mutters Nikolai. He walks off to find a place to hide the bag with his head hung. 
“And that is the fucking point. Alphas like him are what's wrong with society. They don’t obey the natural order.
“You’re out of your fucking mind.” Julio picks up his duffel and walks away.
“We reminded an omega of her place! You should be proud of that!” Phoenix yells after him.
“We’re just thrilled to have you officially back on the team, drive safe!” The chair of the collegiate board walked the David’s out to the parking lot with a restrained, professional smile. They’d known which way the board was leaning as soon as the hearing started. Still, the end result was a huge relief. 
“Do you want to just pick up y/n on the way home?” Isabella was wearing a rare, full fledged smile.
“Yeah, I’ll call her!”
Y/n: Where are you?
[Missed call from Star]
Star: Saw y/n walk into the amphitheater so I think she forgot about the hearing. 
Y/n: Help
[Missed call from Star]
[Missed call from Athena]
Star: Call me as soon as you get this.
Star: Had a bad feeling and doubled back, but she was gone. Saw Julio get in his car. Nikolai’s car was still in the lot. Would they do something?
[Missed call from Star]
Star: I waited and saw another alpha leave. It might have just been her and them. Don’t panic.
Star: Stay calm, don’t panic.
Emmaline: Do you want help looking?
“Damiano? Honey? What’s he doing?” Matteo tried to get a good look in the mirror at his son whose breathing had doubled in pace and was shivering while sweating.
“I think he’s having a panic attack. Dami, what's going on?” Isabella turned around and took his clammy hands in her own. “Could be the adrenaline from the meeting?”
“I’m pulling over.” Matteo idled in a turn out.
“Honey, practice is over. You didn’t miss practice, you were excused. It's okay, let's go home.”  
“Do not scream at me, Damiano,” Matteo replies patiently. Dami slams his phone onto the center console. Isabella reads the notifications out loud and they’re headed to the field by the time she says ‘help.”
“She might be home already,” Isabella offers. Dami calls Clio, but he knows it isn’t true before she picks up.
“I thought she was with you.”
“So she’s not home?” Footsteps pound up the stairs two at a time. He recognizes the creak of y/n’s door.
“She’s not here,” Clio pants.
“Check –”
“I know I’m checking!” In the closet, under the bed, Clio looked in all the places y/n associated with calm or would hide as a child. If she’d been put in a state of terror, y/n would hide instinctively in order to survive. Until an omega calms down enough to think rationally, they’re an animal whose mechanisms of self defense are limited to the path of least resistance and making themselves invisible. The claustrophobia of being unable to fight back created some drastic evolutionary responses to avoid being targeted. 
Post societal collapse, omegas would likely survive to reproductive age at double the rate of alphas. However, in a first world country, it was an arcane instinct that could be manipulated to terrorize omegas. And that's what you were: absolutely terrified and alone. You needed Damiano more than you ever and every cell in his body was screaming with the unfulfilled urge to protect.
  “I don’t think she’s in the house, but let me just make sure…Dad? Thalia? Has y/n come home from school yet?” There’s a long pause and Clio is back on the line, panic in her voice.
“She’s not here. Do you know where she is, Dami? It still gets dark and cold earlier this time of year.” That's another thing you might be: hypothermic. 
“I know where to start, but you should stay there in case she comes home. So someone will understand what’s happening.”
“And what happened?” There's anger in her voice, probably suspecting y/n was only in this position because of Damiano. She was right.  
“I think she got cornered by three alphas.”
“Fuck, I’ll call my mom.” 
Before the car was even stopped, Damiano jumped out. He ran onto the field screaming your name then fell completely silent. He listened for a whimper, jogged around the perimeter trying to pick up your scent. In doing so, he saw a peak of green fabric, whose hue he recognized as your backpack. It was over the fence, hidden in an abandoned tire. Damiano scaled the fence quicker than he thought possible, taking a picture of the scene before digging through all the papers. Most had your name written in blue pen at the top.
Someone else had put them back in, crumpled and out of order. Why take everything out? If they touched this, had they touched you? He can’t suppress the pressure in his chest anymore and breaks out in loud sobs. At first they’re tearless, desperate noises, and then his face is flooded with saline and snot. Matteo makes his way over and hands Dami a tissue through the fence. 
“Wha – why, why would she leave it here? May – be be – because she’s around here. Y/n? Y/n?” For a minute, Matteo lets his son have hope. When his wife comes over they speak in hushed voices. Dami looks back at their preoccupied expressions, and wants to scream at them to search as well. Through that veiled pity, he realizes they’re not looking for y/n because they don’t think she’s here. 
“What? What is it?” he demands, wiping his nose on his sleeve like a toddler. 
“We don’t think y/n left it here, but we’ve already alerted the collegiate board and given them names.”
“Then how…” Someone hid it. Dami sinks to his knees, not wanting to think it, much less say it. In the background his mother talks about contacting parents and coaches.
“Do you think that they, that um,” a shaky hand covers Damiano’s mouth to muffle a scream. “They only care about hiding the evidence because they don’t think we’re gonna find her?” His voice loses all masculinity and courage, ending in a high pitched whimper.
“No,” Isabella states firmly. Matteo isn’t positive about that answer, but he agrees with his wife unequivocally. 
“Three high schoolers, right? Maybe they just didn’t know what to do with it,” he offers.
“Maybe they’re sadistic little shits that wanted to make the search even tougher for you.” Matteo and Dami are shocked at an ever-composed Isabella’s crass language. Yes she was an alpha, but Isabella limited the world’s perception of her as such. 
“They could have planted it there to send you in the wrong direction or terrify you. It could be as harmless as taking her backpack because they knew it’d annoy y/n. Maybe they threw it over the fence as a laugh and the little shits went on their merry way. So get back over this fence, show me her route home, and everything will be fine by dinner. Okay?” Isabella didn’t leave any room for argument.
“Her phone isn’t in there,” Damiano announced when his feet hit the turf.
“Then it's probably with her,” Matteo concluded. Feeling like an absolute dumb ass, Dami calls y/n right away. She doesn’t pick up the first or second or sixth time. Damiano sees why as he steps off the field. Somehow the whole family had missed the phone smashed against the cement. Dami drops to his hands and knees crawling around trying to gather the pieces, because maybe it wasn't yours. Sure it was the right model and color, but millions had been manufactured. 
Then Damiano finds the backing and wails with anguish. Thalia had insisted y/n decorate her phone with some volcanology stickers. The biggest one was faded where his omega rubbed her thumb in a circle absentmindedly. For a second Dami can’t take any more of this purgatory. I need her safe. I need her safe. I need her safe, I need her safe, I need her safe. IneedhersafeIneedhersafeIneedhersafeIneedher.
You hide in a wooded area a block from the amphitheater. No one would suspect, because you’d only visited once on a field trip. Phoenix might be watching, unsatisfied and yearning to inflict some real sadism. So you stay hidden until it feels safe, completely still, like a fawn. Movement can trigger predators. 
The problem is night falls before it feels safe. The woods are dark so you stumble for 50 yards, moving towards the street lights. Tripping on a log and face planting doesn’t even trigger a pain response. When you get to the treeline, you search for your assailants. There’s got to be a safe place with better lighting, but you’ll have to stay awake all night, so you can disappear into the shadows if they hunt you down. That is, unless you can get on the other side of a locked door. Then you’ll be safe. 
The darkness only worsens the fear. You can feel yourself being followed, but not see the steps that stalk you, always on your heels. Each time you whip around, Julio, Nikolai, or Pheonix manage to hide. It's an hour's walk home and this is too exposed. You’ll ever make it, might as well be waving bait in front of the predators. 
The first bus that passes, you get on. Everyone’s staring so you sit in the back. After the last stop, the bus driver tries calling out to you, but the sound blends into the idling engine. He has to physically tap on your shoulder, which makes you scream in surprise. He seems almost as jarred as you feel, scampering off the bus.
“Are you hurt? Miss? Is there someone I should call?” You run until you’re breathless, bending over and clutching your chest. Phoenix probably couldn’t keep your trail, but your body was shaking in a way you recognized as shivering. This didn’t look like home or safety.  Nothing here evoked memories. All you could do was walk until the world became familiar.
The sliver of moon cast long, distorted shadows, making mundane objects look sinister. A cat darts across the street. That makes you jump out of your skin and cower behind a bush. How long have you been walking? It could be 20 minutes, or an hour and a half. Working up the courage to continue might take even longer. Each time you scan for predators, their absence is never comforting enough to make your way back to the sidewalk. Eventually, you clench your teeth and do so anyway.
Y/n’s house has become missing person’s ground zero. Even Sandro helped search. Or rather, he kept watch while Damiano grabbed Julio by the lapels of his jacket and dragged him up a wall. The terrified alpha spilled all the details immediately, but it was more useless information. Sandro assured his little brother that this wasn’t a big deal and things like this mostly turned out alright. Damiano shoves him to the ground and the snarling accidently instills in Kevin the power behind that shiny exterior. He is much more self aware when he speaks to Damiano, reiterating that he’s confident everything will be fine. 
“She’s a fighter.”
“That's what I’m worried about. Alphas pick on omegas that challenge their power.”
“But she’s a brave girl.” One more platitude and Damiano was going to throttle Kevin.
“And that's what I’m worried about! Submission is the only way out!” Dami storms outside and paces in the backyard. It seems like the entire family is living in denial as a coping mechanism. Yes, y/n is probably fine, but the fact that he hadn’t an ounce of certainty sparked rage at all these people who could eat, sleep, read, and communicate without y/n, unharmed, in their arms. Dami could barely think, was still in disbelief that almost four hours later you hadn’t turned up. 
He heads back inside, keeping his shit together because he has to, and for no other reason. Before the squeaky door could announce his entrance, Dami overhears Thalia rattling off facts from her serial killer podcasts that make his heart stop beating.
“Statistically, the further you are from the time of abduction, the less likely you are to find the victim.”
“Bad timing Thalia.”
“But I’m not talking about missing omega statistics. Interesting enough, they do follow the same trend, but not with nearly as steep a curve. Other people aren’t what's most deadly, it’s mostly accidental and natural. Getting hit by a car or bus, accidentally injuring oneself and bleeding out, ravines, drowning.” Damiano shuts the door, pulls off his sweater, crouches down in the middle of the lawn, and screams bloody murder into the fabric until his throat hurts. Then he cries, imagining all the ways you could die, in pain and alone. 
It's a reminder that one of you has to go first. He might have to live decades, knowing you no longer exist in the world. That could be true right now, maybe you were already gone` and security would find your body by morning. Maybe you're about to fall off the edge of the earth and he can’t stop it because he doesn’t know where you are. Could fate be cruel enough to only give him four months? How many times had he said ‘I love you?’” 
“Well, there has to be something we haven’t thought of,” sighs Olivia, as he walks back into the living room.
“Friends, family, routine or preferred places,” Clio lists off. “They all know to call right away. What about that other little shit? Nikolai?”
“His parents reported he came home earlier this evening. His story matches, swears he didn’t put his hands on her. However there will be repercussions.” Isabella speaks in a calm, clinical tone, but her voice sounds strained. Anyone who looks at Damiano can see he wants revenge, not repercussions. Its torture, being unable to act on this properly, because he just got his life back. No, that’s what he wanted: torture.
“It's unfair,” he says through clenched teeth. 
“Yes, it is,” levels Matteo, putting a hand on his son’s back.
“Maybe this is an over reaction and she’s at a friend’s house! Hasn’t realized she lost her phone? I know I was that careless at 15.”
“Darling, that’s not what –”
“I found her backpack,” snapped Damiano.
“Listen, I fully believe that you think you saw her backpack, but –”
“Excuse me, what are you imply –”
“The papers had her name on them, you imbecile!” The entire room falls silent and Dami has to focus on not turning into a snarling alpha. “Excuse me,” he says tightly, stomping upstairs with his hands balled into fists. In the background, voices continue.
“Are you questioning my son’s honesty or connection to reality?” Dami pauses after turning the corner, surprised to hear his mother speak so sharply. “Because I can assure you, I saw the same thing. In fact, he has a picture on his phone if –”
“No, no, my apologies, Isabella. That won’t be necessary.” Olivia cringes, wanting to contradict her husband, but shying away from it.
“Obviously Damiano’s perspective is distorted because he’s y/n’s alpha, but I’m starting to be concerned, too. I know we’ll find her by morning, but she might have hypothermia by then and –” Dami walks into your room and closes the door behind him. If Clio is the voice of reason, we really are lost. For a second, he’s the calmest he’s been all day. That very quickly turns into devastation.
“Come home. Come back to me. Tell me where you are. Find someone with a phone. Fucking anything,” Dami babbles into your pillow. It smells like you, but it’s not enough to quell his asphyxiating anxiety. Only the real thing can do that. He’s never believed in God, or fate, or energy of the universe, but right now he’d plead his case to any higher power that would listen. They were all at a loss. You’d moved three hours north when you were nine, so all those childhood spots were on the coast. There were a few routine hangouts, then people’s houses.
It felt silly to call up everyone in y/n’s life and ask them to report your appearance. As if any decent person wouldn’t call the parents of a dissociated 15 year old who showed up at their house unannounced in the middle of the night. It all felt futile and Damiano couldn’t tell if being in your bedroom made him more or less miserable. This thought jogged a memory of your voice. I want to like – I don’t know, walk to your house, climb in your window, or something crazy.
There was no way. Damiano checked the security cameras at the front and back of his house. They hadn’t filmed anything, but if you did literally go in through the window…It was possible the motion sensor wouldn’t pick it up. Possible was more than he’d had for the last two hours. Damiano is half way down the stairs, ready to announce his great idea, when it hits him that having seven people watching may make you feel worse.
“Hey, I’m sorry about earlier. I think I just need to go home and get some sleep.” Everyone reassured that no mistakes had been made and it was all very understandable. How impressive of an alpha to have so much self reflection. Of course, Isabella would use the geotracker in Dami’s phone to make sure he wasn’t going to commit homicide. Thankfully, it couldn’t tell her how fast he drove.
“Y/n?” He took a deep breath in, while taking off his boots. Dami had started hallucinating your scent before the one hour mark, but this was definitely real. Strangely enough, it didn’t lead straight to his room.
“Y/n? Baby, where are you?” He follows it to the back door and around the perimeter of the kitchen. The David’s didn’t leave windows open habitually, but every single one was locked. They’d never bothered to lock the skylight above the reading nook after having it installed because who the hell is going to repel down from the roof? It’d been locked. There was blood and a muddy footprint on the counter. No one else who’d do that but a paranoid omega.
He breaks into a jog, then slows down before the door, expecting to be locked as well. It’s not. You hadn’t locked him out. Damiano bursts into the bedroom and drops down with his chest to the carpet. You’re here in this room, or at least you were, but there's nothing under the bed. He would have bet money you’d be here. Nothing behind the desk and the whole closet always smelled like you because he’d never washed the sheets from the first time. He always sat in here when he touched himself, but couldn’t touch you. The stains told a story that he never tired of reliving.
The reality was that with the unlocked door and empty hiding spot you probably weren’t here anymore. But if he’d gotten here faster…Damiano still had to do his due diligence which meant locating the flash light that was likely under all this mess. Trying to conjure emotional stamina, he takes a deep breath that gets caught in his throat.
“Are you okay?” The voice is barely audible, but he recognizes it. 
“Y/n? Y/n! Where the fuck are you? Love? Oh my fucking god,” his voice breaks. Dami drops to the ground, feeling around for an arm or a leg. You climb out from under the pile of laundry and pull him into the shadows, behind the closet door. Dami blindly reaches out for you, vision not adapted to darkness.
“Who’s with you? Phoenix?” He could have deceived Damiano into thinking he had information and tricked his way into the house to get at you.
“What? I’m alone. Baby, come here,” he reaches out, anxious to finally hold you after this excruciating day. “C’mere, y/n. Just…just come to me,” he pleads. Damiano doesn’t want to freak you out further by forcefully hauling you out of your hiding spot. However, not doing so is torture. The sound of his voice tugs deep in your chest, but nothing can compete with this fear response. 
“Lock the bedroom door.” It was irrational, but the only way you’d feel safe. “And turn off the ceiling light.” You peek around the corner to see if the curtains went all the way to the ground. Slats of light from under the fabric would alert any passerby that someone was inhabiting this room.
“Y/n, you’re safe now.” It was a comforting sentiment, but there was no safety with Phoenix hunting you down to finish the job. Receding away from the corner brought you within inches of Dami’s face. As soon as you make eye contact, he extends a cautious hand.
“Phoenix, he’s – I think he’s dangerous,” you hiss. Even though you saw it coming, Dami’s hand on your waist startles you.
“Shh, shh. You’re okay. You’re okay,” he whispers. The sound of his voice evokes so many memories of gentle, loving touch that they blend together. Damiano reaches his hand around your back and to the other side, so his arm is wrapped around your middle. Your first instinct is to pull away to make sure he’ll allow it, but a much stronger urge to move towards this force of anti-chaos prevails. 
“I’m dangerous,” he emphasizes, forcing your brain to recalibrate. Damiano was so doting that his increased capability for destruction slipped your mind. Phoenix was just a regular alpha, without the motivation of a mate. Hearing your breathing change, Dami extended his other hand very slowly. He loosely wrapped his thumb and pointer finger around your wrist, and pulled towards him.
“You’re my omega so I become a weapon of lethal force to anyone that threatens you. In my presence, you are always safe.” The words take a second to process, but when they do you finally feel something again. That prospect is intimidating enough that you’re reaching for Damiano, just as he hoped you would. He pulls you into his lap and hugs you too tight. Instead of squeezing and releasing, he keeps you that close, until you have to ask for air. 
“Sorry, sorry.” There are tears on his face and when he roughly wipes them away they’re replaced two-fold. “Fuck, come here,” his voice breaks. This time you try to return the hug, even as your arms feel weak. Dami splays his hands out and rubs up and down, covering as much surface area as possible. His face is pressed into your neck, hair caught between in desperation. Heaving breaths try to replenish your smell like a diver has to replenish the oxygen in their bloodstream.
“Please scent me,” he whimpers, sniffling. You go through the movements, but getting back in tune with your body isn’t instantaneous.
“Are you shivering? Your cheeks are cold.” The back of his hand presses against both sides of your face. You offer up your uninjured hand, which, admittedly you can’t feel. The concern in his expression is so adorable that you kiss Damiano without thinking. It’s just a peck and he’s too startled to kiss back. You’ve obviously interrupted his train of thought because Dami opens his mouth to speak, but the words come a second later.
“We need to call your parents and tell them.” In retrieving his phone, Dami shifts his weight and you wrap your legs over his hips. Closer feels safer.
“Hey, I found her…Yeah, in my closet, actually. Mostly, but she’s really cold. Do I take her to a hospital?” You shake your head vigorously and try to snatch his phone. “No hospital apparently!” he exclaims, dodging your attempts. “Um, I mean her lips aren’t blue at all, but she’s shivering…Yeah, okay. Okay. Mhm, bye.” As soon as he lets down his guard, you grab Dami’s phone and slide it across the room. 
“I guess, we should get up anyways,” he scoffs. To sit on the bed, is the implication. Or maybe in the dining room. Both would leave you so exposed that anyone could come in before you had the chance to hide. Damiano gets up to retrieve his phone and pull back the covers. However, when you crawl off his lap, you go back into the darkness and refuge of the closet. Instantly the shivering worsens. Your hand throbs, too, but you can’t feel why. 
Instead of arguing. Dami climbs into the closet after you. He reaches up to pull a gigantic sweater off a hanger and removes his top. Just him being shirtless, you can feel heat radiating from his body.
“C’mere,” he coaxes. Damiano pulls the sweater on, but holds out the hem, inviting your under. There isn’t a moment's hesitation before you sit between his legs and duck underneath. Your face is pressed to his bare skin and just absorbing that one sensation takes you a second. All his warmth is trapped by the sweater, which is a bit musty but Dami’s body odor is heavenly. All the anxiety had him sweating through his deodorant. Damiano grabs the extra comforter from the bottom of the closet and throws it over your legs. He pulls it chest height and wraps his arms around you. In return, you experiment with scenting again, brushing against his chest.
“Whatcha doing?” he endears, looking down through the stretched out neckline. You take a deep breath for the first time in…
“How long?”
“A little over four hours.” 
“Shit,” you wince.
“Not your fault.” The anger radiates from him just like the heat. “Julio said he and Nikolai didn’t touch you, is that true?”
“Technically, yes.” Having to go back to that mental state is not only unpleasant, but jarring. “Can we talk about this later?” you whine, hiding your face against his skin. Guilt settles in the pit of his stomach.
“Some of it, yes. Some of it I need to know now. I’m sorry love.” You nod your head and Dami continues.
“Who was there besides Nikolai and Julio? Phoenix? Bystanders?
 “No bystanders. I tried to escape so other people would see, but Pheonix got in the way.” The word escape momentarily makes Dami lose his cool and he’s glad you’re not looking at his face.
“So you went into the amphitheater and all three were waiting?” You shake your head. “Okay…” Dami takes a deep breath and applies more pressure with his hand while rubbing your back.
“I think Nikolai texted Phoenix because they’re cousins. He’s the alpha that attacked me three months ago.” 
“Right,” he replies tightly. Keep it together, or she’ll absorb your anger. You can punch something later. 
“They wanted revenge.” On me. This is my fault and they took it out on her. I’m going to slit those fuckers neck to navel and flay them like a fish. I’m gonna take everything they –
“Yes my love?” 
“I can feel you thinking about murder.”
“Sorry,” he winced, refocusing. He had to ask the hard question, the one he didn’t want an answer to.
“So did Phoenix,” deep breath, “do something to you?”
“Pushed me to the ground, broke my phone, and he, um,” your voice gets small then disappears at the memory. 
“He scared you?”
“All of them.”
“All of them tried to scare you.” 
“But he…” you’re both holding your breath. “Went into headspace. Then I ran.” Dami holds you too tight again and kisses your head. You may not know how dangerous the situation was, but he did. Retelling it was visibly distressing, so he tried to think of something to calm the anxiety. 
“Want to watch the security camera footage from tonight? It only covers about 60% of the house, but you can check the main entrances.” This sounds like a splendid idea. Dami pulls up the app on his phone and hands it to you. The idea that Phoenix and possibly Julio and Nikolai have been following you for four hours becomes less and less likely in your head. However, you’d been so damn sure and it felt unquestionably real.
“I – I feel like I’m…going insane. I can’t tell if I was actually being stalked.”
“The paranoia is normal. I’ve heard coming out of it can be a real mind fuck.” You nod, handing Damiano’s phone back to him. There was nothing on the footage except a bunny in the backyard. It’s embarrassing, the way you’d reacted, even though you couldn’t help it. 
“And everyone was freaking?”
“I was the only one freaking out.” He kisses your head again and again, drawing a heart on your scalp with his lips. Dami keeps running into dead leaves and twigs that he carefully picks out. Internally, you feel like an inflatable toy that's lost 25% of its air. 
“I called your dad an imbecile.” When you don’t laugh in response to this, Dami knows how sleepy you are. The shivering has stopped and your face has color again. Your lips part as little puffs of air hit his chest. The knowledge of how differently today could have ended up makes him nauseous. Instead of wrapped in his arms, you could be in a hospital bed with a cast, or bruised ribs, or internal bleeding. Whatever boundaries Phoenix might have set for himself would be second to his desire for violence.
Omegas have alphas because they can’t defend themselves. The only time you’d asked for his help, he’d had his phone off. Dami vows never to do that again, no matter how unprofessional it was for a call to interrupt a meeting. You needed him, so he should have been there. The volatile part of Dami fantasizes about how much he could fuck up those three alphas, given the excuse that they’d attacked his omega. How many bones could he break and still be met with understanding from the public?
The rumble of a barely audible purr wrenches Dami from his fantasies of vengeance. Your arm twitches against his chest as you fall asleep. The first thing he was gonna do when you were settled was text all his close alpha friends what had happened. Even if they didn’t have a personal stake in your life, they had their own omegas to protect, values to uphold. There were ways to make it impossible for your attackers to ever victimize someone again, both judicial and with brute force. He was fine with either.
Your soft purring continues distracting Dami everytime his thoughts take too dark a turn. The sound evokes the warmest sensation he’s ever felt in his life.
“Such a smart girl, knew you’d be safe in my den.” You nod against Damiano and yawn, nuzzling his chest. Running, walking, and hiding in a state of hypervigilance for four hours was exhausting, especially with your body attempting to compensate for how cold it was. The adrenaline spike from the attack had also taxed your endocrine system, as well.
Dami had completely forgotten that both sets of parents would be coming over until the sound of the door made you startle and cower. He whispered assurances, reminders that you knew these people, and that they were safe. Isabella and Matteo were first down the hall, since they already knew where you’d be. Olivia and Kevin followed, and it was momentarily hilarious to watch all four scan the room.
“Well that is a great hiding spot,” Isabella exclaimed. She murmurs something to Matteo who nods and slips out of the doorway.
“You said y/n was here,” Kevin states, a bit gruff. Isabella gestures to Damiano with a nearly indiscernible smile, who lifts the corner of the comforter with his foot to reveal two sets of legs.  
“Well what's she doing in your clothes?” your father interrogates, like cuddling is inherently something perverse. “Y/n?” he calls, as if you’re not within hearing range. His voice is so loud that you cringe. You can feel Damiano take a deep breath and hope he’ll call your father an imbecile again.
“She’s sleepy.” He kisses your head twice as punctuation. “And getting warm.” You look up at Dami with a pained expression, knowing you’ll have to part.
“It's a rather inventive way of sharing body heat that they’ve come up with.” Isabella is trying to model behavior for Kevin like he’s five. Floorboards creak as Matteo comes back into the room with a thermometer. He hands it to Dami, who passes it down to you.
“This is ridiculous,” Matteo whispers, to Olivia, who gives him a scorching stare.
“You have a more effective way of warming her up?” Damiano challenges. The thermometer beeps, and you pass it back up.
“96.7 so it’s a miracle she isn’t shivering. Normal is 98.6.” He resumes rubbing your back. 
“People lose a lot of heat from their scalp,” Olivia adds, surprisingly helpful. Dami tucks your head under his chin.
“One of the alphas pushed her to the cement. What can we do right now?”
“Is she okay?” exclaims Isabella.
“I don’t know yet,” Damiano answers honestly. For the first time, Kevin seems to grasp the seriousness of the situation.
“If he’s 18, we can have him arrested tonight,” states Isabella.
“Really?” you whisper. Damiano nods, and switches to pressing his cheek to your hair.
“He’s a 12th year at Okoro named Phoenix. Not on their soccer team. Blond, about six feet. I don’t know his last name, but I’ll recognize his face. He’s bothered her before.” Isabella nods while dialing, pacing to the other side of the room.
“What the hell do you mean ‘he’s bothered her before?’” blurts your dad.
“I took care of it and I will again.” Damiano’s tone is surprisingly measured, like he’s stating objective facts. Your alpha’s ability to convey power without raising his voice was infinitely more impactful. You can’t see faces through the knit, but the tension is still palatable.
“I think we need to assess y/n’s health properly, to see if she’s okay. We can’t do that while she’s in your clothes.”
“We know she isn’t okay. She was hypothermic 10 minutes ago,” Damiano snaps.
“Which is why we need to assess what else is wrong.”
“So she can be hypothermic again? That sounds productive.”
“I do not appreciate the tone you’ve been taking with me, young man.”
“What Damiano is trying to say is that a health issue is already being addressed and we can only do these things one at a time. To switch back and forth before we’ve finished addressing one health issue would ruin all progress and be detrimental to y/n’s health rather than beneficial.”
“Let’s listen to what Matteo’s saying,” implores Olivia.
“I’m her father!”
“And I’m her alpha.” Dami can’t prevent a bit of canine dialect from sneaking in. His voice has a growl to it that is definitely sub-human. The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You could hear the hypothetical idea of a pin drop. It was so quiet that if a pin had ever dropped in this room, at any point in history, you’d be able to hear that sound echo through time.
Rather than rest on Damiano’s torso, you wrap both arms around him. The sensation of your injured hand brushing against the wall makes your eyes water in pain. This whole conversation had you stress sweating and now that sweat was drying against your skin. You start shaking again, teeth chattering.
“And now we’ve stressed her out, terrific.” Damiano wraps you in a tight embrace and rocks back and forth. The trembling doesn’t stop and the lack of control of your body makes you panic. He can see it in your eyes when he checks in and whispers apologies. Kevin is trying to assert dominance through some sort of macho stare-down which makes Damiano roll his eyes. The utter disregard for the gesture is apparently unacceptable.
“Y/n! Out. Now.” The yelling was so horrible that you just obeyed.
“This is so stupid,” say’s Dami, shaking his head. It sucks. It really, really sucks. Without Damiano and without the dissociation, you can feel how cold you are, how much your feet and hips hurt from walking in bad shoes. Your elbows are sore. It feels like there's half a dozen needles poking you under your clothes. And your hand hurts like a mother fucker.
“So co-co-co-cold.” You look behind yourself for that wonderful heat source and Dami is already waiting to welcome you into his arms. He pulls the blanket up while glaring at your father.
“So glad we did this,” he bites, as Isabella comes over.
“Okay…” She absorbs the scene with uncertainty on her face, also unsure why you’d been extracted from the most effective way of raising your body temperature. “Let's put her in warm, dry clothes.” Kevin huffs in agreement, and all of them leave. Hanging in the doorway, Damiano can see his expectant expression, that the alpha would leave his omega unguarded. Like he would trust anyone else to care for you right now. It was absurd.
Kevin gestures to Olivia to go into the bedroom. At first she’s happy to help, but then sees the battle of wills between Dami and her husband.
“You’ll be alright in here?” she asks Dami.
“Yes, thank you,” he answers cordially. 
Olivia nods once, closing the door as she hisses, “I’d like to talk to you” at her husband. The Davids have graciously given them the hallway to discuss, and are making tea in the kitchen.
“What in the hell?” she whisper yells, aflame in anger.
“I know! That kid doesn’t have an ounce of respect. I say we take her home right now and deal with this ourselves.”
“Do you know why we’re here, in this house?”
“Cause y/n’s here,” he replies dumbly.
“And why is that?” she snaps. Kevin had never seen his wife with so little patience.
“Because she walked here?”
“Because when she was scared for her life and needed somewhere that felt safe, somewhere she knew she’d be cared for, she. Didn’t. Come. Home.”
“Yeah, she wanted an excuse to go hang out with her boyfriend,” he dismisses. Olivia grabs him by the chin and forces Kevin to look at her.
“An acute stress response is not a social call. If they were mated that’d be one thing, but they're not. Her brain was operating on instinct and her subconscious believed that these people would be more likely to give her the help she needs than her own parents.”
“So we’ll have them spend more time at our house.”
“Kevin she was right!” Olivia doesn’t mean to shout and immediately lowers her voice. “Who did all the reporting to the collegiate board today? Who got the thermometer? Who contacted the security force? All to protect our daughter, not their son. Think about that.”  Kevin does, in fact, have a very rare moment of self-reflection.
  “I guess even focusing on Thalia with the speech therapy and the programs and all the psychologists was…a lot. It was overwhelming. Then Clio became – she was overwhelming and I didn’t have much more in me. Y/n has always been so tough that I didn’t worry.”
“Kevin, hear me when I say, I don’t give a good god damn whether you like that boy or not. If they stay together, he is gonna get a certification from trade school while y/n is in her 12th year and he is gonna take her anywhere in the world she wants. If we don’t like it, there are two wonderful people willing to fill our shoes and our daughter doesn’t ever have to deal with us again. If you want to have more than another two summers with y/n, then so help me jesus christ, you will make friends with these people. Because I am going to have a relationship with her and this family with or without you.”
“Ugh, I just wanna cuddle and go to sleep,” you whine. 
“I know, baby.”
“But my hand hurts so fucking bad.” You scoot into the light and all the swelling and bruising makes your stomach flip. You squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head away.
“Dami, Dami, scent me.” You reach out with your good hand, opening your eyes just a crack in the opposite direction of the injury. Instantly he’s there nuzzling and holding you close, humming. The stress in your voice was palatable, but he doesn’t see the reason for a couple seconds.
“Oh my god.”
“When he pushed me I landed wrong. Distract me.” You say all in the same breath. Injuries on other people bothered you only slightly, but injuries on yourself made you feel severely ill, like combining the flu with vertigo.
“We have to –”
“I don’t care, I don’t care, distract me!” He rocks you back and forth, singing in your ear, scenting so heavily your brain went elsewhere for a couple precious seconds. You take a couple deep breaths in this refuge, and Damiano breathes with you.
“I’m sorry for yelling.” You open your eyes completely, still facing away. “Is it broken?”
“Can we go to the hospital tomorrow?”
“The bones are already healing. They could heal the wrong way and you’d have to rebreak –”
“Okay, heard!”
“Can I tell them now?” he whispers, still rocking. You shake your head.
“I want to change my clothes first, if we have to go to the hospital.”
“Baby, you can’t change your shirt, but…Wait, were you in the woods?” A full two inches of the hem of your jeans is soaked and muddy.
“Help me change my pants please.” He nods, and you’re strategizing how to get off the ground, when Damiano wraps both arms around your ribcage and brings you upright with him. Habitually, you embrace him back and moving your fingers makes you hiss in pain, then double over. Your eyes squeeze shut while reciting every swear word you know. Upon opening your eyes, the broken hand is in your periphery.
“Is that fixable?”
“Absolutely.” He sounds so damn sure that you take a deep breath. “I’ve seen a lot of bad breaks, you’re gonna be fine. Do you want your leggings or my black sweats with the paint stain?”
“Uh, both.”
“Good idea.” Damiano had accidentally given you your own drawer, or rather half of one. You pointed it out and both laughed about passing this relationship milestone without realizing. When Matteo did the laundry he’d set your little pile of clothes to the left of Damiano’s on top of the dresser. It all happened so organically.
Your wet jeans were heavy and stuck to your skin. Undoing the fly one handed while sitting down was possible, but then you realized you were getting Dami’s bed dirty. 
“Ah, shit,” you stood up and looked behind you at the forest green blanket with little embroidered flowers. The fabric was too dark to judge.
“Your underwear wet too?” he asked, pulling down your pants for you.
“Why, you got something planned?” Damiano huffed a laugh and hung his head. You’re trying to keep things light, even as you continue to shiver. Knelt down, Dami pulled off your socks too and put on a pair of his wool ones. Getting two pairs of pants on involved a little laughter and almost falling over, despite a one-handed grip on Damiano’s shoulder. When he finished pulling up the waistband of the sweatpants, you put your good hand on his cheek and waited. After a couple seconds, Dami’s focus returned to your face and you kissed him.
There’d be no chance for this at the hospital, so you take full advantage of this little, private moment. Dami is unsure at first, then very confident, falling into the familiarity of your body. You take the hand on his face and drag it down his neck, chest, into his back pocket. The new grip allows you to eliminate the space between, pulling Damiano’s hips closer to yours. He moans, gets a bit feral, then forces himself to freeze and pull away. 
Damiano busies himself changing his own clothes, but he has a tell. He blinks much slower when trying not to get aroused at an inappropriate time. Dami is doing it right now and diverting his gaze away from you, trying to distract himself. A knock on the door makes Damiano clear his throat harshly and fiddle with a hanger, back turned.
“Yep. All good. Come in,” he voice breaks at the end like he’s 14 and you snicker.
“Oh you couldn’t find a clean top?” Isabella’s question is rhetorical. She actually means why didn’t you change into a warmer shirt? You extend your hand out and someone gasps, which isn’t very reassuring. You’re trembling from the cold, still.
“My first instinct would be to ice that, but – actually let's take your temperature again.” Isabella looks up for the thermometer Matteo is already handing her. While Olivia is clutching her sternum in horror, the David’s are entirely unfazed. Having two athletic alpha sons seems to have rendered them comparatively unshakeable. 
“I know Y/n and Damiano are going to be attached at the hip till she’s feeling better.” Isabella says it amicably, but also as a statement of fact. “I’d be happy to take them to get that wrist x-rayed right now and I assume y/n will feel safest sleeping here because it's Dami’s room.” It's charitable wording, to make it about feelings, which are so much easier to trivialize than instincts. Olivia and Matteo hold eye contact, one omegan parent to the other and there's an understanding.
“I'll take them to the hospital and drop them back when we’re done. Does that work? Can I get you anything on the way back?” offers Olivia. After the Davids and your mother agree on a plan, you breathe a sigh of relief and tune it out. It doesn’t matter. Your father’s preferences don’t outweigh the other three, no matter his entitlement or the size of his ego. A minor draft from the vent or windows makes you shiver violently, teeth chatter. It reminds Dami to take your temperature, and he doesn’t like what that reveals.
“96.1 of course she's losing body heat. Warm up the car.”
Notes: So this was a sub-plot I was gonna explore, but Guardian Angel is already to overwhelmingly long. As a result, I've decided to stick with all the other plot points so I can hopefully get this thing finished in under 20 chapters since I've been working on it over well over a year. (What the fuck) Thank you for reading and encouragement .
Taglist: @bieberhoodforever @blackberryblossom @butkutee @cuzimitaliano @elvirabelle  @iamtashaquinn@icarodamiano @ilwiwbysmv @immrbrightsideeee @little-moonbeam-666 @maneslut @mortyandem  @the-chaotic-cow @wasteddoubts @weareoddlydrawn @whore4damia  @azertyhug @biancathecool@bohemianrainbow @daisy0gf @dustyinkpages @katyldamusic@obiw4n @persona1read1ng  @gr8rainbowpunk @hiraetheral @l0standn0tf0und@que--sera--sera @stardustingold@teenyweenynightghost   @softmullet @solacestyles @thegeminisgirl @slavicgoddess13 @bright-shiningstar@lizzylynch1 @hauntedpostperson@harryssshouseee @lonnybunnys
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