#technically. TECHNICALLY. also a jo.jos oc but i will not be tagging that
paintedlepard · 8 months
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So I've been listening to a lot of DnD podcasts lately while at work (specifically Just Roll With It's main riptide campaign) and of COURSE it made me think about putting my OCs into a dnd/fantasy setting
So here's my oc Ava (they/them) as a half-elf Rogue-turned-Undying-Warlock being very menacing shortly after making their deal!
Brief overview on their story in this au under the cut :)
They *used to be* a pirate with their friend Cae (any pronouns, tiefling rogue), but on their adventures they were hit with a powerful curse that almost claimed their life many many times in a short span of time. The two of them looked everywhere for a way to help Ava, but it was becoming increasingly clear that this curse was going to kill them faster than they could do anything about it, so Ava went behind Cae's back and made a deal with something that could benefit from all of Ava's near-death experiences!
This freaked Cae out so bad that the two of them got into a MASSIVE argument, leading to Ava being completely kicked off of the ship and having to fend for themself. Ava is an idiot though and treated their deal as a one-time transaction and kept searching for ways to actually *remove* the curse instead of just taking advantage of it through their patron.
On this mini-quest to study all sorts of magic they meet Shay (he/they, artificer dwarf) and Sophie (she/they, aasimar bard) and set sail again! They make their own spellbook and everything (read: take another rogue level and subclass into arcane trickster) and their patron gets Big Mad about it, so from that point forward ava is locked into their contract with their patron and doesn't do... Anything to jeopardize that relationship!
There are so many other people in the party and theres so much more that goes on to mirror the canon universe but i feel Embarrassed with three paragraphs already and will save ya'll from my rambling until i inevitably post more pts!dnd au art! :)
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