#apart from lily
sharpstake · 1 year
Bloodbound is such a weird series for me because while I can appreciate why other people like it, and accept that my tastes simply differ, there are elements I find so fucking interesting. Except they’re the paywalled backstory of Rheya/Gaius/Adrian/Kamillah etc. it’s the story asking the question of ‘how do you find humanity again when you’ve become accustomed to enacting horrific violence against your fellow sentient beings and what thought processes and cultural biases permitted you that road to begin with’. How do you even BEGIN the journey to unlearning that.
These are, of course questions that are answered to some extent behind a paywall, and I accept it’s not the story being told in bloodbound, but it’s the one I personally find far more interesting
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4remus · 1 year
every time i see someone write lily as a horrible parent or an absent one to fit some kind of a storyline i lose five years of my lifespan
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braiinwormz · 2 years
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ok so i was going back through some older stages of crk and i think it mentioned that pilgrims path/heroes gate was a right of passage for all heroes so i was thinking that the young ancients all decided to try and complete the trials for one reason or another and that’s where they all met except pv and lily who already knew each other
they don’t get get along at first but through the power of friendship and plot devices they stick together and eventually form a close bond the end
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wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
I am very much a Jeggie/Sun x Star shipper, but I see the appeal of Bartylus (Starkiller????) and I think it's valid. Just two very different types. Of ships. Jeggie feels more of a saving grace, "I don't need help, fuck you" x "But that's what I do, you can't get rid of me" vibes. Not exactly, not all the time, but. And then Bartylus gives. Insanity- Just insanity. 'cause Regulus is already insane. He's already unstable. Pair him with Barty Crouch Jr?? All hell breaks loose, it's them against the world. They'd loose their minds together to cope, release their anger and tension on each other. Comfort each other in weird ways that only work between them. The two ships are special in their own ways.
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rawk-chikk · 5 months
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Lily had the audacity, lol. Even Eve was shocked.
Suki lurking in the background. Did she seriously come back from opening the shop or whatever just to walk her girlfriend to work?
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A fun aspect of Pantherlily's and Gajeel's relationship that goes kinda unused is their respective histories.
Pantherlily's an ex-soldier. A previous man of the law who was willing to abide by secrecy to get justice and right Edolas' wrongs at the cost of himself. He's the only adult among the slayer exceeds and quite possibly might be older than Gajeel (gajeel's time travel shenanigans aside)
Gajeel's an ex not good person, a young man trying to find his feet after making some wrong choices and though Lily's not aware of the details he's aware of some inkling of Gajeel having a rough past.
So instead of just the standard slayer/exceed relationship it could skew more along the lines of a mentor relationship with Lily helping to guide Gajeel as someone who understands that circumstances can dictate how you act as well as being a stable adult (albeit cat) figure alongside being equals in battle to seamlessly work with each other.
Plus the humour that'd come with an ex-soldier and an ex-convict being partners with their respective age differences and how they go about handling things differently basically writes itself.
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Oops (Joe x Reader)
(I genuinely didn't think I started this that long ago, but I started this at the end of 2020 and it sat for a long time until I finished it last fall. Oh dear... a long time to wait for a dumb little hurt/comfort)
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Words: 1,464
Prompt: 1984, Dublin. You're part of the DL entourage that's playing some scrimmage football matches with a local band. You end up on the opposing team, causing some accidental consequences...
Disorient and a sharp, throbbing pain were the only things you could feel. While you heard other people surrounding you- urgently trying to talk to you- all you could think to do was press your hands over your right eye, writhe, moan, and wait for the pain to subside.
"Hey, hey-" Mike's voice indicated he was kneeling by you on your left, "Easy now, how bad does it hurt?"
Joe was the next voice you heard as you felt him collapse to your right, "Fuck, Y/n! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"
"Is she alright?" Mutt sounded like he was running to your location.
You were still focused on what Mike asked, and you groaned angrily at him, "Uggh- fuck...!"
"Shit!" Joe cursed again, "I'm sorry Y/n, it was an accident, I swear!"
"I knoooow-!" you growled at him. Not wanting to sound angry at him was your goal, but the sudden shock of the injury kicked your adrenaline up.
"Lemme see, can I see?" Mike tenderly touched one of your wrists. He let his other hand rest on your shoulder to keep you still.
Everyone now sounded like they were surrounding you; the rest of the band, the band's extended friend group, and even the opposite team. The game had obviously been put on pause the second you fell to the grass.
"What happened?" Phil had finally reached the scene of the action.
Joe immediately confessed, "My fuckin' elbow hit her- but I dunno how!"
You opened your healthy eye, and with a hiss, you allowed Mike to remove your stiff hold from your injured eye.
All those surrounding you hissed in return once the sight of your developing bruise was visible.
"Oh my god-" Joe's voice went higher and an intensely guilty frown piloted his facial expression.
Mutt noted, "That's only gonna get worse."
"Can you open it?" Mike asked.
"Nooo..." the whine was accompanied by you cautiously pressing a hand back to your injury, "I don't wanna try..."
Sav, who was nearby, turned on his heels and began to run towards the sidelines, "I'll grab some ice-"
"She's gonna have a shiner from that; we should probably get her to the hospital just to be safe- make sure nothin' broken," Phil was crouching down while warning them.
"I'll drive," Joe wasted no time to volunteer himself, "It's my fault she's hurt."
Mike stepped up also, "You're not going alone- someone's gotta be there in case she kills you."
"Yeah, she'll do it with one eye closed, too." Steve remarked. You wanted to laugh,  but found it hard to show anything other than pain.
"How bad is it, Y/n?" Rick was directly at your feet in front of you. He held up a few of his digits, "How many fingers?"
"Four," you grimaced.
"Well, she's not THAT bad."
"Y/n, I'm so sorry-" Joe helped you sit up with great caution- as if he were terrified of injuring you again, "I'm so sorry- I don't know how it happened! One second we were fightin' for the ball and the next-"
"Ughh just shut up, Joe!" you snapped at him, the throbbing in your head getting the better of you, "I know you didn't mean it- can't you just let it go for now?!"
"Kind of hard to not feel guilty when your eye's turnin' into a grape right in front of me-!"
You took your right hand off your swelling eye, and fumbled around to find his shoulder. Your nails dug into him almost instantly when you snarled, "Just shut up-! Help me now and I'll kill you later!"
Joe hissed when your nails broke his skin, "Alright-! That sounds like a deal..."
Mike and Joe sat next to each other in the ER waiting room some time later. Each were looking down at their hands, but Joe was looking more at the contents he held in his hands. Every flower and half-wilted flower in the bouquet he grasped nervously glared up at him, mimicking his anxiety and remorse.
"I elbowed Y/n in the eye." he declared to no one in a tone of unfortunate acceptance, "I gave my sweetest and most tender friend a black eye."
"C'mon, Joe," Mike tried to cheer him with a little sarcasm, "Do you really think she's still your friend?"
The singer looked up at him with guilty horror lacing his eyes. 
"I'm kidding!" Mike assured him with a chuckle, "But seriously, you're gonna have to get more than flowers for her if you think you can patch this up with a present or two."
Joe gazed back downwards at his bouquet like a lost puppy, "Don't rub it in. It was an accident- and I'm STILL not sure how it happened!"
"I briefly saw it, actually. You were both scramblin' for the ball, Y/n slipped, and at the same time you were 'tryna nudge her away with your elbow, you just so happened to catch her eye while she fell."
Joe let his head hang in shame. 
"It was a one in a million accident, mate" Mike patted his back, "I'm sure she understands. In fact, she does, and she already told you so. So there shouldn't be any hard feelings."
"I'll believe that when she proves it."
Just then, a nurse approached the pair of them, "Y/n said she'd like to see 'The King of Offensive Offense'?"
Joe sighed, standing up with his head still lowered, "That would be me."
The nurse opened the door, and your head lifted up to see Joe walk in with a bouquet in both hands. He was reluctant to look at you, but after a brief lingering second, he lifted his head. For an instant, you saw his guilty green puppy eyes staring up at you.
Immediately, however, he let out a short cackle and covered his mouth right away. 
You just stared at him with disappointment, arms crossed. The eyepatch on your face limited the invisible pain you wanted to send to him. 
"I'm sorry-" Joe tried to mitigate his laughter and failed, "I wasn't expecting the-"
Instead of saying anything or smacking him like you wanted to, you simply lifted up your eyepatch. That seemed to shut his happy ass up.
"...eyepatch," he gasped with his now-fallen face. He stared in horror at the large, purple, swollen mess over your eyelids. 
He watched you stare at him with intense contempt, and saw your face slowly contort as you began to cry.
"No, no-!" he panicked and rushed to your side, tossing the flowers aside in the process, "No, don't cry, Y/n!"
Taking you in a side hug, he kept sputtering off as his own voice cracked, "Please don't cry-! I didn't mean to hurt you- I swear I didn't- and I'm so fucking sorry this happened-! I'll do anything I can to make it up to you, I'll do anything to..."
Joe lost his train of thought, as he noticed something different about you; your "crying" had turned into laughter. He broke the hug and watched you cackle to yourself, black eye and all. 
"I'm sorry-" you laughed to him, "I just had to make you feel a little worse!"
He only sighed with relief and put his face in his hands, "Yeah, okay... I definitely deserved that."
"I know it was an accident, hun," you patted his shoulder, "But I'm never playing football with you again."
"You're really good, you know."
"At football?"
"No," he shook his head, "At acting. You almost had me cryin', too."
"That was the point." 
"I know, I know, I deserved it," he nervously rubbed the back of his head, "But are you okay, though? Is anything wrong with your eye?"
You gently smiled and shook your head, "No, everything's alright, miraculously. You get to live another day."
He sighed in great relief, "Oh thank god- I mean that you're alright- not that... you're not gonna murder me for this."
"Get my other eye and maybe I will."
Joe picked up the bouquet he'd carried in and handed it to you once more. You took it this time and squinted down at the blossoms in it, then squinted up at him.
"Of course you picked these flowers."
"What makes you say that?" his head innocently tilted.
You deadpanned to him, "...I'm allergic to these."
He gasped and snatched them away from you, "Fucking- are you serious!?"
You began cackling this time, "I'm kidding! I just love messin' with you. Give em here."
Joe hung his head and outstretched the bundle of flowers again, "Oh boy, I'm in for a long guilt trip, aren't I?"
Taking the flowers and holding them under your chin, you grinned from under your eyepatch, "Yes, yes you are."
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enbysiriusblack · 9 months
little snippet from chapter 10 of we are the dead:
"I am the winner!" Sirius cheered. 
"How is getting two detentions for a stupid prank winning?" Lily frowned. 
Sirius leaned over, tapping her on the nose with his jam covered hand, "How is it not winning?"
He turned to James, "You've gotta get Minnie to give you two detentions now. Make sure we have it together."
James nodded, "I'll do it during the club."
Lily wiped her nose with her napkin, as James started playing with the jam still on his plate, making a smiley face from it. And then proceeding to throw the eye of the face at Sirius who tried to catch it in his mouth.
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duckapus · 6 months
In Deep: part 2
(okay so I don't have the motivation to properly word the opening, but basically Sonata demands an explanation for why the Airship group is in her kingdom and SMG4 manages to recover enough to tell her what's going on. And for as ridiculous as the whole thing sounds from her perspective, she can't help but wonder...)
"Your majesty, you can't seriously believe this crap!?"
"Patience, Admiral." she sighs and sinks slightly in her throne, "I am not yet fully convinced, but you must admit the idea has merit. Tell me honestly, can you remember anything in detail from before the barriers rose?"
"W- well..." he thinks about it, really thinks beyond his own stubbornness and the slight pinch behind his eyes, "...no, I can't. It's all broad strokes. More like the preamble to a story than a life lived."
"Precisely my point. Our actual memories are mere days old, the same days since the event SMG4 speaks of."
"I...alright, so maybe they are telling the truth. That doesn't change the fact that their so-called "plan" falls apart in the final stretch. And you've seen the way the red and yellow ones behave. Do you really think it's wise to put the fate of our kingdom in the hands of these...these morons?"
"...You have a point. Still, there's something about them that..." she trails off, then turns to address their guests, "I've come to a decision."
The group looks up from whatever they'd been discussing in their own huddle.
"While I'm not certain that I fully believe your story, I'll admit that it makes a great deal of sense. Still, I must prioritize the safety of my subjects, and your quest stands to put us and the other regions of this "Mushroom Kingdom" in grave danger. So, I have a proposition. Your party shall face seven of my kingdom's greatest champions in the arena. Defeat them, and the seed is yours. But should you fail even once, you and the rest of your cohorts on the surface shall be banished from my kingdom."
SMG4 gulps, but quickly shakes off his nerves and nods firmly, "We accept your challenge, your majesty."
"Uh...we do?"
"Not like we have much of a choice Cubot, we need that seed."
Sonata grins brightly, which turns out to be pretty intimidating between her shark teeth, her size, and the context, "Then let the games begin."
Soon enough, the group is in a decently sized room with a few guards, the gateway to the arena before them. SMG4 turns to address the others, "Okay guys, we've got no idea who we'll be up against, and they've got home-field advantage, so be ready for anything."
There's scattered affirmations, with Meggy and the twins looking determined, Mario going walleyed again, Cubot shaking nervously, and Sig just looking bored as usual.
One of the guards swims towards them, "Alright, first up are the one in the green poncho and the yellow box thing."
"I am ready."
"Oh boy..."
The two are led to the doorway, while the other five are brought to a viewing area, and they get their first glimpse of the arena. It's about what you'd expect, big flat circle with high walls, fully packed seats, architecture that fits what they've seen so far, even another throne high up in one of the seating areas where Sonata is watching from. But Cubot notices a few...unusual details.
"Uh...is it just me, or are those speakers up on the pillars?"
"I believe so. And the front row of the queen's section appears to have a DJ table instead of seats."
As they reach the apparent starting position and the gate across from them opens, the guard that's accompanied them hands each of them something and then swims off. Marcy looks down at the microphone on her sword in confusion, then the other gate finishes opening and she looks up to see who their opponents are...and groans.
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"Oh you have got to be kidding me."
(Yeah, remember how I said in the Explanation post that the Undersea Kingdom is a musical ocean? We haven't seen much of that so far, now have we?
Anyway, tune in next time for episode 2 of the Undersea Kingdom's time in the spotlight (because why shouldn't Lily get two episodes instead of the one every other Zone is getting? Well, besides Muppetopia but that one has extenuating circumstances) "So You Think You Can Rap 2: Undersea Encore!")
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darwinquark · 11 months
not me going back to ao3 for the first time in like two months to re-read the chapter I left off on and finally dive back into tkof and it's down 😂 the universe doesn't want me to finish this fic y'all
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wildthings04 · 2 months
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Above is a transcription of Lily's theme, right?
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and above is a transcription of Junior's theme.
Look at the first bar/measure of Lily's and then the 2nd-to-last of Junior's. it's the same rhythm. The score says They're Friends, Actually!!!
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mazzy-rockstar · 5 months
drop this sunflower 🌻 into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️💙
Thank you sweetie ☺️❤️
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2003toyotaprius · 2 years
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corvidcall · 2 years
i would say my biggest problem with lilys garden rn is that i know im supposed to love luke and hate blaine but in fact i think blaine is very funny and i only tolerate luke
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queencheer-moved · 2 years
rewatched the heathers episode in river.dale for some laughs and god this was awful. what were they thinking
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